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RIP Yasser Samman 5.12.50.- March 2020 – a Tireless Fighter for Palestine


Yasser was unforgettable - one of the most dedicated and longest standing activists in the Brighton Palestine Solidarity Movement

Yasser Samman, 69 died last week in the Martlett’s Hospice in Hove from cancer. He had been ill since the end of last year. 
I knew Yasser on and off since the beginning of PSC in 1982. I won’t pretend that Yasser was an easy person to get on with at times, but he was a product of the dispossession and ethnic cleansing that Palestinians have suffered from. 
Yasser was a proud Palestinian and had no time for the collaborators and quislings of the Palestinian Authority.  He was the product of the racism and cruelty of the Zionist colonisation of Palestine and its apartheid practices. Gruff and dedicated, Yasser would go out of his way to oppose Sussex Friends of Israel when they showed their racist faces. 
Yasser had his demons but he was subjected to appalling racist abuse on our successful picket of Sodastream’s shop in Brighton by Fiona Sharpe, of the so-called Labour Against Anti-Semitism. Sharpe gave perjured evidence at an all day trial in April 2015 in which she alleged that Yassir had come over to her and another woman, called them Nazis and wagged his finger in their face. 
Unfortunately for Sharpe and her fellow perjurer there was video evidence which showed conclusively that it was Fiona Sharpe who had been guilty of threatening behaviour.  The magistrates acquitted Yasser of all charges. 
Despite her abuse of Yasser and others, Fiona Sharpe is feted by Labour’s racist Councillor Daniel Yates. 
Yasser was no Muslim fundamentalist as Palestinians are often characterised.  He smoked dope and drank profusely!
Below is a message from the son of a BHPSC activist who knew Yasser well.
Tony Greenstein 
‘I first met Yassir in the Spring of 2006. I was an 18-year-old deracinated Palestinian who, at that time, had very little contact with his Palestinian family. Yassir took an interest in me and was warm and generous - gentle, almost - in his encouragement. My engagements with Yassir thereafter were episodic, often the result of chance encounters in and around Brighton.  
An episode I’m particularly fond of has my best friend and I feeling sorry for ourselves after a weekend festival in the late summer of 2007. We chose the Pavilion Gardens to mope in. Yassir spotted us and came over to join, following which the three of us sat in the same spot for several hours, discussing everything from philosophy to love. On the latter, Yassir explained that “those memories will keep you alive through difficult times”, and his eyes left little doubt that he knew whereof he spoke.  
Yassir, as I’m sure others will have referenced, wasn’t a straightforward individual, and it would be a rank betrayal of his memory to pretend he was. Throughout the years, we had some fractious exchanges, and he - perhaps more than anyone - was the beneficiary of an uncharacteristic forbearance in me. All the same, Yassir hadn’t led a straightforward life. His was one personification and expression of the Palestinian tragedy. One thing we can all take comfort in is that the demons instilled in him by Israeli occupation and brutality are no more. Beyond that, I, personally, will cherish the fragmented episodes recounted here.

Rest in Power, Yassir. 
Fatih writes:
Condolences to all the group and Yassir's family. It sad news, he will be missed greatly in Brighton. He was an independent minded wherever he went. Many found that hard sometimes. Like many Palestinians their lives has been haunted by Zionist apartheid Israel and it supporters. Yasser was part of the peace movement in Brighton. I met him for the first time at Glastonbury festival walking around with Palestinian flag... rest in peace Yassir.
The Secretary of Brighton PSC writes: 
A Palestinian of great principle. Troubled and provocative, to be sure. If and when the history of Palestine Solidarity in Brighton is written, Yasser will undoubtedly occupy a significant place. The distinctive character of our local campaign will be very different without him.
Clearly it will not be possible to have any kind of public funeral and/or memorial event at the present time, but we’ll definitely give some thought to how we might mark Yasser’s passing, and collectively salute his life, when some kind of normality resumes.
(on behalf of the BHPSC Committee)

Open Letter to Keir Starmer from a newly resigned member of the Labour Party


Please don’t thank us for putting our trust in you We don’t trust you!

I was sent this letter out of the blue from Bronagh Wilson, who lives in the north of Ireland. Ireland, like Palestine and India, was the victim of British colonialism and its favourite 'solution' - Partition.In the words of Ronald Storrs, “the first military governor of Palestine since Pontius Pilate” (his words) a Jewish state would be a“little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism”.
British troops searching Palestinians under the Mandate
What I like about this letter is that it sets racism in its proper context.  Maybe that is not surprising. The Irish, like the Palestinians, know all about the racism that accompanies settler colonialism. The Northern Ireland statelet was, for 50 years, an apartheid state like Israel. Sectarianism was part of its DNA. In the words of Ulster Prime Minister, Lord Craigavon, 'All I boast of is that we are a Protestant Parliament and a Protestant State'.
“What the Holocaust teaches us is that anybody, given the right set of circumstances can become a victim or perpetrator”
There is no racial or religious monopoly on victim status. Racism is a product of society not biology or religion.The Zionist fable that Jews are the eternal victims of anti-Semitism is merely the mirror image of the anti-Semitic belief in the 'eternal Jew' and the Nazi film of the same name.
For the past 4 years Jews have been the weapon of choice in the arsenal of the Labour Right and the British Establishment as they fought to be rid of Corbyn. Who would have guessed that the Sun and the Mail would become ardent opponents of ‘anti-Semitism’? The same newspapers which employedKatie Hopkins as a columnist!
Jews provided a moral ballast and a sense of righteousness in the battle against Corbyn that supporting cuts and austerity lacked. Just as when the British went to India they did it to fight Suttee, the practice of burning Hindu women on the funeral pyres of their husbands, not because they wanted to exploit the Indian peasant. At least according to imperial mythology.
Starmer's Act of Surrender to Zionism and the Israel Lobby is pathetic in its subservience of the party of labour to racism and reaction
The 'anti-Semitism' campaign was based on the idea that Jews are an oppressed group despite being twice as likely to be in social classes A and B as their non-Jewish counterparts. [Geoffrey Alderman, The Jewish Community in British Politics p.137].  This is the poisonous legacy of identity politics, in which the oppressor and oppressed are treated as equal.
This is who Keir Starmer is climbing into bed with
Jews were treated as one homogenous ‘minority’. In the wordsof Jonathan Freedland, who excludes anti-racist and anti-Zionist Jews from his strictures:
black people are usually allowed to define what’s racism; women can define sexism; Muslims are trusted to define Islamophobia. But when Jews call out something as antisemitic, leftist non-Jews feel curiously entitled to tell Jews they’re wrong,
Sir Oswald Moseley, Britain's wannabee Hitler

Freedland forgot that Black people don't need to define racism. It is what they experience. Jews when they experienced state or fascist anti-Semitism didn't need a 500+ word IHRAdefinition. My father didn't need a definition of anti-Semitism in order to combat Sir Oswald Moseley's British Union of Fascists when he took part in the 1936 Battle of CableStreet.
And strangely enough the Board of Deputies, which is so opposed to ‘anti-Semitism’ today opposedanti-fascist mobilisations against Moseley, the Battle of Cable Street in the 1930’s and the Anti-Nazi League campaign against the National Front in the 1970’s.
But if you are using Jewish identity in order to stigmatise criticism of Israel, then a definition of 'anti-Semitism' that incorporates Zionism and Israel is essential. This is the nonsense of identity politics.  Even the most reactionary forms of identity are equally valid.  A supporter of apartheid, if they can claim an ‘ethnic’ identity status is equally valid as those living under the lash.
No-one has a ‘right’ to define racism to the exclusion of anyone else.  Especially when your self-definition involves the oppression and exclusion of others or a denial of their rights to their own land. Racism is a function of class, the division of labour and colonialism.  Being a minority doesn’t make you oppressed or Britain’s billionaires would be the most oppressed of all minorities. Not only are British Jews not oppressed most of them identify with the oppressor.

The Jews of the East End who in 1945 contributed half of Phil Piratin’s vote, the first Communist to be elected to Parliament in England, for the constituency of Mile End, are not the Jews of today’s Golders Green.
A lot has been said about how few Jews voted Labour under Corbyn. But even under Ed Miliband, Labour’s only Jewish leader, just 14% voted Labour. As Robert Philpot wrote in The Spectator (18.4.15.)
“Community activists believe Miliband’s position on Israel has become such a sticking point that many Jews who traditionally vote Labour can’t bring themselves to do so.”
If you didn’t know better you might imagine that British Jews were huddled up in their East End ghetto, living in fear of the Corbyn hordes.
Defining criticism of Israel and anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism means making Zionism an inherent part of Jewish identity and excluding anti-Zionist Jews. It means identifying British Jews with everything Israel does, which is anti-Semitic, even according to the IHRA!
It also means that Palestinians are defined as ‘anti-Semitic’ for opposing Zionist settler colonialism. According to the IHRA Palestinians protesting the demolition of their homes are being anti-Semitic if they accuse Israel of racism! Identity politics in practice amounts to a form of White racism.
If 30 years ago there had been a substantial White South African population in Britain who identified with Apartheid, it would then have been racist to oppose Apartheid according to the 'forensic mind' of Keir Starmer.

Israel proves that any group of people can become victims or perpetrators. No better example could be provided than the settlement of Liberia, of which this is the 200th anniversary. This was a form of Black Zionism and those who colonised Liberia became its ruling elite dominating Liberian society and excluding its indigenous population from power. As Angela Thompsell writesin this month’s History Today:
members of the Liberian senate
For slave owners, free black populations were a direct threat: their existence undermined the justifications for slavery and owners feared a slave uprising. Many white people who were ambivalent about, or even opposed to, slavery also feared the growing number of free black people who they saw, in the words of ACS co-founder Clay, as ‘useless and pernicious’, a threat to the security, prosperity and culture of the US. Some saw the prospect of a large, free black population as one of the chief obstacles to emancipation.

Just as Zionism and Jewish colonialism was seen as the antidote to Jewish participation in revolutionary movements, so the settlement of Liberia was seen as the solution to the ‘problem’ of free American Blacks. These schemes of colonisation were overwhelmingly opposed by American Blacks.
‘Just three weeks after the ACS was founded, black activists organised a protest in Philadelphia, which drew 3,000 people, and only 138 northern free blacks chose to emigrate to Liberia between 1820 and 1830.’

In Britain Arthur the Zionist hero 'Bloody' Balfour began his infamous career with the shooting of 3 demonstrators in Mitchelstown, County Cork. As Prime Minister he introduced the 1905 Aliens Act, which aimed at keeping Jewish refugees out of Britain. In 1917 he sponsored Zionist settlement in Palestine with his infamous Balfour Declaration.
In so far as British Jews identify with Zionism and the Israeli state it is a reactionary identity. Opposition to that identity is, by definition, anti-racist. It is no accident that ‘Sir’ Keir  identifies with the most reactionary and racist section of British Jews.

This is at one with the naked class collaborationist politics of Starmer. When he saidthat

“Whether we voted for this government or not, we all rely on it to get this right. That’s why in the national interest the Labour party will play its full part.”

There is no national interest. The interests of the poor and working class are diametrically opposed to that of Boris Johnson and the Tories.  Starmer is just another Tony Blair, minus the personality.
Below is Bronagh Wilson's letter to Starmer:
Bronagh Wilson with Chris Williamson
Letter to Sir Keir from a newly resigned member of the Labour Party
Dear Sir Keir (don’t fret, I’m genuflecting as I type) and Angela,
you have absolutely no need to thank me for “putting my trust in you” as nothing could be further from the truth and, in fact, I cancelled my DD within 10 minutes of learning the result.   
I must say that it has been an extraordinary and enlightening few years.  I have now learnt that the two things you are not allowed to be in a “democratic socialist party” are democratic or socialist.  War criminal or friend to Russian oligarchs and paedophile pimps, no problem.  
Furthermore, I have learnt that anti-racism is not something to be lauded or promoted but something to be cynically employed by racists to destroy anti racists.  
Equally, I have learnt that the bulk of the PLP are vile, self-serving, self-entitled vacuous nonentities who would shame a convention of professional fraudsters.  At last, and to my great relief, I don’t have to sacrifice my own integrity by having any connection whatsoever with the likes of Tom Watson, Wes Streeting, Ian Austin (God help us all), Margaret Hodge, John Mann, Louise Ellman, Joan Ryan, Jess Phillips (giving Hazel Blears a run for her money in the most objectionable female ever to sully the Party in the unspeakable futility and vacuity stakes).  
I could go on at great length but I’m sure you get the picture. The Labour Party had one chance and one chance only to save itself from the terminal death spiral it was determined to pursue.  And for nothing other than the very narrow self interest of the utterly useless but pernicious degenerates who mainly populate the Labour benches, you have eschewed that chance and destroyed the hopes of the majority who you pretend to represent.  The Labour Party is now an embodiment of ignominy and a rancid, noisome, rotting, corpse that needs burying, for the sake of human decency, as soon as possible.
 Believe me when I state that I would far rather not be in a position to say “told you so” but your collective lack of imagination and integrity and inability to learn anything from experience means that that is an inevitability.  We are now expected to return to the merry go round of blue Tory, red Tory and be content with that?  
The year 1997 is long gone and is not coming back.  The world is careering towards a dystopian nightmare, the like of which has rarely if ever been seen, and what do the likes of you and your colleagues have to offer as a solution?  Do you really believe that cretins of the calibre of those mentioned above (and many others beside) have the slightest idea how the coming storms can be negotiated or ameliorated?  Do you really?
One of my earliest politically informative experiences, one that motivated me to be a socialist, was learning about the Holocaust.  The most crucial lesson I took from that awareness was that the completely irrational nature of that horrific stain on humanity’s history meant that any of us, in the right circumstances, could similarly be victimised.  And, equally importantly, any of us could be the victimisers.  
The fact, for example, that in the instance of the Holocaust, Jews were the primary (but not only) victims does not for one moment mean that Jewish communities could not themselves harbour racists in their midst.  And your “friends” in the BoD, the JLM and the LFoI, in their unswerving promotion and support for the definitive racism that is Zionism, seem to be determined to prove the second point.  
The Holocaust wasn’t deplorable because it was Jews who were victims it was deplorable because they were human beings.  It may have been the greatest crime in history but it has some stiff competition for that accolade.  Or perhaps you have never troubled yourselves to look into the reality of black African slavery in the Americas.  An obscenity, beyond adequate description, that lasted for hundreds of years.  Try visiting the Slavery Museum in Liverpool and see how long you can last without retching with disgust.  All racism is equally repugnant and wrong, both morally and factually.  But to promote a hierarchy of racism is nothing more than an act of racism in itself.
For the record: Jews, scattered around the world as they are, do not have the right to self determination in Palestine, or any other country in which they are not already residing.  The only people who have the right to self-determination in Palestine are the Palestinians, whether they be Jewish, Christian or Muslim.  Jews from Europe, North Africa or elsewhere arriving in Palestine, and ethnically cleansing the existing population because they covet their land, are not exercising their self-determination they are exercising colonialism.  It may have been unfortunate for the ethno-nationalists of the Zionist movement that they only succeeded at the same time as colonialism had become anathema, but that is tough luck.  
Colonialism always was, and still is, an abhorrence, which is quite rightly now spurned as completely unacceptable.  Using the argument that Jews are uniquely singled out to be denied the same right to exercise their self-determination as other people is an offensive absurdity when their “self-determination” depends upon the ethnic cleansing of the long existing population.  To pretend that objections to the Zionist takeover of Palestine must solely be motivated by antisemitism is offensive in the extreme.  Or, to further the analogy, which black or brown people would you deem to be acceptable targets for ethnic cleansing in order to provide for the self-determination of Gypsies, Roma or Jehovah’s Witnesses?  All of whom were also targeted by the Nazis and still endure widespread discrimination and persecution.
I don’t really believe that you Sir Keir (genuflecting while typing), with your “forensic” mind, need to have explained to you why two wrongs don’t make a right.  So I can only conclude that your shameful grovelling to the racist Board of Deputies is an acute demonstration of your utter bad faith.  But why talk of shame where there is no conscience?
I have to admit that the apparatchiks and core of the PLP are certainly on trend with their adoption and promotion of the black is white, up is down, war is peace narratives that are so de rigueur these days.  The two of you may not have been the most prominent culprits in the obsessive and deranged campaign to destroy the most decent man in political life, for a generation at least, to endlessly accuse a lifelong campaigner against racism of embodying the most egregious racism, to attack good, Jewish, socialists for being antisemites (risible if it weren’t so serious) but I think it safe to say that your low profile on the issues was motivated more by an eye on the main chance rather than a matter of any principle.  
Principle, in this context?  Don’t be ridiculous.  The world is in an extremely precarious state, the future will not be pretty if we continue with this current trajectory.  What we definitely do not need is the likes of you two, David Miliband, Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson and all their cronies who infest the Party (in particular its machine and the bulk of the PLP) with their arrogant, self-entitled, mendacious inversion of the truth, to assume control of the political discourse at the expense of truth and social justice.
I really am perplexed as to where you think you’ll be going with this.  You will never win back Scotland, “northern heartlands” – forget it.  You’re obviously banking on once again being allowed to be the Tory B team while the real article regroups and refreshes for its next assault on society.  In this triumphally Goebbelian era, it is actually you who are the racists, you who are utterly indifferent to the truth.  Faux outrage about racism is just a tool that can be used to smear socialists into silence and oblivion.  
I think you Sir, knight of the realm, forensically minded Keir (genuflecting etc) must be delighted with the hearty endorsement of George Osborne; what an accolade.  He certainly believes that the preservation of the status quo is firmly secured.  And who could argue with that? The Labour Party is now dead, it has ceased to be, it is bereft of life.  You and your fellow travellers disgust me and it is time you PASOKed right off!.  Put my trust in you”?  You certainly have a warped sense of humour, I’ll grant you that much!
Bronagh Wilson
former Labour Party Member, Armagh

John Prine RIP – With the Death of One of the Greatest American Singer Song Writers I Feel that a Part of Me Has Also Died


‘The Peabody Coal Company dug for their coal till the land was forsaken, Then they wrote it all down as the progress of man.’ 

There is more than one way of critiquing capitalism. You can do it by shouting slogans and adhering to dogmas or you can describe the ‘progress’ that is the destruction of the environment in language that people understand. 
John Prine, the former mail man from Kentucky, preferred the latter as he described the effects of modern capitalism upon the individual, from the junkie ex-Vietnam vet to the elderly living out their lives alone.
In the above we can see how ‘modernisation’, to use a New Labour soundbite, heralded nothing other than a return to the poverty and squalor of the past, the destruction of human intimacies and the abundance of wealth for a tiny minority.
The death of John Prine proves one thing for certain. There cannot be a god. How could s/he take someone so gifted instead of the Saudi arms dealer currently ensconced in St. Thomas’ Hospital? The Coronavirus has taken its most talented victim and in the cruellest manner.  John Prine was not lucky. As a heavy smoker he twice suffered from cancer, of the neck and lung and twice he escaped.  Unfortunately it was not third time lucky.
It is one of life’s ironies that America can produce talents such as Prine, Dylan and Steinbeck and yet regularly elect barbarians and sociopaths to Congress and President. The United States has such a rich musical tradition, having pioneered so many musical forms and yet it is more culpable than any other country for threatening the very existence of humanity with its wars and environmental destruction.
As an aficionado of Bob Dylan I was hooked on Prine ever since I heard his first album in my teenage years. It was the self-named John Prine. Prine was a true radical bringing poignancy to the smallest and most insignificant details of life. I bought John Prine in a second hand record shop in Liverpool circa 1972. It was a great hits compilation in itself. There isn’t a duff track on it.
It contains the immortal song Hello in There’about the sadness of old age and the loneliness that often accompanies it. 
old trees just grow stronger,
And old rivers grow wilder ev'ry day.
Old people just grow lonesome
Waiting for someone to say, "Hello in there, hello.

So if you're walking down the street sometime
And spot some hollow ancient eyes,
Please don't just pass 'em by and stare
As if you didn't care, say, "Hello in there, hello."

Who else could describe the pain and sadness of old age in such a direct and personal way? The song’s theme is similar to Paul Simon’s Bookends
‘I have a photograph, Preserve your memories, They're all that's left you’.
Prine excelled in illuminating the human condition in a way no writer, Dylan included, could do. Unlike Dylan there was no mystery about what he was saying. It was down to earth but in a magically poetic way and yet immediate way. That is the secret of a brilliant song writer.
Along with Dylan, Lennon, Leonard Cohen, Paul Simon and Gordon Lightfoot, Prine was amongst the greatest ever singer-song writers.  Quite possibly the greatest ever bar Dylan of whom he saidthat Prine was “pure Proustian existentialism – midwestern mind-trips to the nth degree”. Which was one way of putting it!
If I had a favourite song it has to be Paradise, about how the Peabody Coal Company had destroyed his home town.
And daddy won't you take me back to Muhlenberg County
Down by the Green River where Paradise lay
Well, I'm sorry my son, but you're too late in asking
Mister Peabody's coal train has hauled it away

It is little wonder that this strip mining company, which epitomised the slash and burn of capitalism, the imperative to destroy in order to create value, went to the Federal courts to strike out the lyrics from a lawsuit! And lost.
Sam Stone which is also on the first album was about a Vietnam veteran who, like many of the shattered bodies that came back from a war fought for American capitalism, turned to heroin. It containsthe memorable line
There's a hole in daddy's arm where all the money goes,
Jesus Christ died for nothin I suppose.
Johnny Cash changed the line about Jesus as it was too near the bone!
Prine also had a wicked sense of humour. In All the Best, a song with an infectious melody there is both optimism and heartbreak. Again it is written in the wake of a breakup in a relationship. He implores his former lover not to ‘do like I do And never fall in love with someone like you.’ It is reminiscent of the line in Dylan’s Positively 4th Street
Yes, I wish that for just one time
You could stand inside my shoes
You’d know what a drag it is
To see you

All the Bestis a passionate cynical song about love, which he compares to the life of a Xmas tree, whilst proclaiming that he walks with love in his heart. It is a song of bitterness and forgiveness.
I guess that love - is like a Christmas card
You decorate a tree - you throw it in the yard
It decays and dies - and the snowmen melt
Well, I once knew love - I knew how love felt
Yeah I knew love - love knew me
And when I walked - love walked with me
And I got no hate - and I got no pride
Well, I got so much love that I cannot hide

I wish you love - I wish you happiness
I guess I wish - you all the best

I love his duo with Iris Dement, the title song of the album ‘In Spite of Ourselves’. Dement is a talented folk and protest singer in her own right. The songis about a couple still madly in love with each other but alive to each others' faults.
He ain't got laid in a month of Sundays
I caught him once and he was sniffin' my undies
He ain't too sharp but he gets things done
Drinks his beer like it's oxygen
He's my baby
And I'm his honey
Never gonna let him go

In spite of ourselves
We'll end up a sittin' on a rainbow
Against all odds
Honey, we're the big door prize
We're gonna spite our noses
Right off of our faces
There won't be nothin' but big old hearts
Dancin' in our eyes.

He's got more balls than a big brass monkey
He's a whacked out weirdo and a lovebug junkie
Sly as a fox and crazy as a loon
Payday comes and he's howlin' at the moon
He's my baby I don't mean maybe
Never gonna let him go

When choosing Prine songs one is spoilt for choice.  My favourite love song is The Speed Of The Sound Of Loneliness written in the wake of the break-up of his second marriage.
How can a love that'll last forever
Get left so far behind...

Well, how can you ask about tomorrow
We ain't got one word to say
Prine sings it with a remarkable female American folk-singer, Nancy Griffiths. Nancy Griffith's cover of Bob Dylan’s Boots of Spanish Leather is magic. Nancy also does a wonderful version of  Speed of Sound of Loneliness. Prine gathered a host of other musicians, especially female, around him.

Prine has Dylan’s knack for a memorable phrase.  In Far From Mealso from his first album he asks ain't it funny how an old broken bottle looks just like a diamond ring.’  Who would think of such a comparison?

It is the attention to the tiniest detail and his ability to transform it into an illustration of something in life with a message of its own that marks out Prine’s greatness.
I just love his song Souvenirs from his second album Diamonds in Rough and his duo with Steve Goodman, who died at the age of 36 from leukemia.  It is simply the perfect song with an infectious harmony and lyrics to match. A poignant song about childhood and other memories.
All the snow has turned to water
Christmas days have come and gone
Broken toys and faded colors
Are all that's left to linger on
I hate graveyards and old pawn shops
For they always bring me tears
I can't forgive the way they rob me
Of my childhood souvenirs

Memories they can't be boughten
They can't be won at carnivals for free
Well it took me years
To get those souvenirs
And I don't know how they slipped away from me

Broken hearts and dirty windows
Make life difficult to see
That's why last night and this mornin'
Always look the same to me

I hate reading old love letters
For they always bring me tears
I can't forgive the way they rob me
Of my sweetheart's souvenirs

As Ralph McTell once wrote,
‘there is beauty in pain. And a sadness in joy,’
John Prine had the ability to bring a tear even to those with hearts of stone. I will miss him. Fortunately he has bequeathed an exceptional legacy to humanity.
Below the Rolling Stone obituaryis well worth reading and if you haven’t come across John Prine before I suggest you to go to Rolling Stone’s 25 best John Prine Songs.  I warn you that you won’t be disappointed!
Rest in peace John.  You deserve it.
Tony Greenstein
With Roger Waters
John Prine, the Grammy-winning singer who combined literary genius with a common touch, has died at 73 from coronavirus complications.
John Prine, who for five decades wrote rich, plain-spoken songs that chronicled the struggles and stories of everyday working people and changed the face of modern American roots music, died Tuesday at Nashville’s Vanderbilt University Medical Center. He was 73. The cause was complications related to COVID-19, his family confirmed to Rolling Stone.
Prine, who left behind an extraordinary body of folk-country classics, was hospitalized last month after the sudden onset of COVID-19 symptoms, and was placed in intensive care for 13 days. Prine’s wife and manager, Fiona, announced on March 17th that she had tested positive for the virus after they had returned from a European tour.
As a songwriter, Prine was admired by Bob Dylan, Kris Kristofferson, and others, known for his ability to mine seemingly ordinary experiences  — he wrote many of his classics as a mailman in Maywood, Illinois — for revelatory songs that covered the full spectrum of the human experience. There’s “Hello in There,” about the devastating loneliness of an elderly couple; “Sam Stone,” a portrait of a drug-addicted Vietnam soldier suffering from PTSD; and “Paradise,” an ode to his parents’ strip-mined hometown of Paradise, Kentucky, which became an environmental anthem. Prine tackled these subjects with empathy and humor, with an eye for “the in-between spaces,” the moments people don’t talk about, he told Rolling Stone in 2017. “Prine’s stuff is pure Proustian existentialism,” Dylan said in 2009. “Midwestern mind-trips to the nth degree.”


The Last Word: John Prine on Fatherhood, Johnny Cash, Why Happiness Isn't Good for Songwriting
Prine was also an author, actor, record-label owner, two-time Grammy winner, a member of the Songwriters Hall of Fame, the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame, and the recipient of the 2016 PEN New England Song Lyrics of Literary Excellence Award, a honor previously given to Leonard Cohen and Chuck Berry. Prine helped shape the Americana genre that has gained popularity in recent years, with the success of Prine fans such as Jason Isbell, Amanda Shires, Brandi Carilie, to name a few. His music was covered by Bonnie Raitt (who popularized “Angel From Montgomery,” his soulful ballad about a woman stuck in a hopeless marriage), George Strait, Carly Simon, Johnny Cash, Don Williams, Maura O’Connell, the Everly Brothers, Joan Baez, Todd Snider, Carl Perkins, Bette Midler, Gail Davies, and dozens of others.
Though he was an underground singer-songwriter for most of his career, Prine had a remarkable final act. In 2018, he released TheTree of Forgiveness, his first album of original material in 13 years. The album went to Number Five on the Billboard 200, the highest debut of his career, and he played some of his biggest shows ever, including a sold-out tour kickoff at New York’s Radio City Music Hall. The album was released on Oh Boy Records, the independent label Prine started with his longtime manager, business partner, and friend Al Bunetta. In recent years, Prine, his wife, and son Jody ran the label out of a small Nashville home office.
Prine’s string of acclaimed solo albums began with his self-titled 1971 debut on Atlantic Records, featuring a tracklist that reads like a greatest-hits compilation: “Illegal Smile,” “Spanish Pipedream,” “Hello in There,” “Sam Stone,” “Paradise,” “Donald and Lydia,” “Your Flag Decal Won’t Get You Into Heaven Anymore,” and “Angel From Montgomery” among them. Throughout his career, Prine explored a wide variety of musical styles, from hard country to rockabilly to bluegrass; he liked to say that he tried to live in a space somewhere between his heroes Johnny Cash and Dylan.
Prine was born in the Chicago suburb of Maywood, Illinois. His father was a tool and die maker and the president of the local steelworkers union, and raised John and his three brothers on the music of Jimmie Rodgers, the Carter Family, Hank Williams, and other heroes of Nashville’s Grand Ole Opry. Though he was a poor student, Prine was a natural songwriter; two songs he wrote when he was 14, “Sour Grapes” and “The Frying Pan,” ended up on his LP Diamonds in the Rough, more than 10 years later. Prine had a restless imagination — “I would go to class and just stare at something like a button on the teacher’s shirt,” he said — but he excelled at hobbies he focused on, like gymnastics, which he was inspired to take up by his older brother, Doug. “Here was something I had no natural ability in, and I could do it well,” Prine said.
After graduating high school in 1964, Prine took the advice of his oldest brother, Dave, and became a mailman. Wandering around the Chicago suburbs, Prine wrote many of his classic early songs. During his postman years, he wrote “Donald and Lydia,” about a couple who “make love from 10 miles away,” and “Your Flag Decal Won’t Get You Into Heaven Anymore,” a humorous indictment of misguided patriotism, after he noticed that locals were posting American flag decals that were included in an issue of Reader’s Digest around the neighborhood.
Prine was forced to take a hiatus from his postal career when he was drafted into the Army in late 1966, just as the Vietnam War was heating up. But instead of being sent to Vietnam, Prine lucked out and was sent to Stuttgart, West Germany, where he worked as a mechanical engineer. Prine played down his military service, describing his contribution as “drinking beer and pretending to fix trucks,” as he told Rolling Stone. But the experience did bring him to write maybe his greatest song: “Sam Stone.” The ballad is about a soldier who comes home from the war mentally shattered, turning to morphine to ease the pain. “There’s a hole in daddy’s arm where all the money goes,” Prine sings in the chorus, “Jesus Christ died for nothin’, I suppose.”
“I was trying to say something about our soldiers who’d go over to Vietnam, killing people and not knowing why you were there,” Prine told Rolling Stone in 2018.

“And then a lot of soldiers came home and got hooked on drugs and never could get off of it. I was just trying to think of something as hopeless as that. My mind went right to ‘Jesus Christ died for nothin’, I suppose.’ I said, ‘That’s pretty hopeless.’ ” When Johnny Cash covered the song, he rewrote the chorus, changing “Jesus Christ died for nothin’, I suppose,” to “Daddy must have hurt a lot back then, I suppose.” (“If it hadn’t have been Johnny Cash,” Prine said, “I would’ve said, ‘Are you nuts?’”)
When Johnny Cash covered the song, he rewrote the chorus, changing “Jesus Christ died for nothin’, I suppose,” to “Daddy must have hurt a lot back then, I suppose.” (“If it hadn’t have been Johnny Cash,” Prine said, “I would’ve said, ‘Are you nuts?’”)
Prine became an immediate sensation on the Chicago folk scene. On the day before his 24th birthday, he was performing at Chicago’s Fifth Peg when the now-iconic Chicago Sun-Times film critic Roger Ebert walked in. Ebert’s headline, ‘Singing Mailman Delivers a Powerful Message in a Few Words,’ led to sold-out rooms. Soon, Prine’s friend and musical partner Steve Goodman convinced Kris Kristofferson and Paul Anka to drop by to see Prine play at the Earl of Old Town in the summer of 1971.
“It was too damned late, and we had an early wake-up ahead of us, and by the time we got there, Old Town was nothing but empty streets and dark windows,” Kristofferson later wrote in the liner notes for Prine’s first album. “And the club was closing. But the owner let us come in, pulled some chairs off a couple of tables, and John unpacked his guitar and got back up to sing. … By the end of the first line we knew we were hearing something else. It must’ve been like stumbling onto Dylan when he first busted onto the Village scene.”
Kristofferson invited Prine onstage at New York’s legendary Bitter End. The next day, Atlantic Records President Jerry Wexler offered Prine a $25,000 deal with the label. With Anka serving as his manager, Prine cut the majority of his self-titled album at American Sound in Memphis, with the studio’s house band, the Memphis Boys, famed for their work with Elvis Presley, Dusty Springfield, Bobby Womack, and others. Though Prine lamented how nervous he sounded on the recording, and it did not make a major dent on the charts, it is now considered a classic, a touchstone for everyone from Bonnie Raitt to Steve Earle to Sturgill Simpson. In January 1973, Prine was nominated for a Grammy as Best New Artist, and Bette Midler included “Hello in There” on her debut LP, The Divine Miss M. Midler recently called Prine “one of the loveliest people I was ever lucky enough to know. He is a genius and a huge soul.”
“He was incredibly endearing and witty,” Raitt told Rolling Stone in 2016. She met Prine in the early Seventies and first covered “Angel From Montgomery” in 1974.
“The combination of being that tender and that wise and that astute, mixed with his homespun sense of humor — it was probably the closest thing for those of us that didn’t get the blessing of seeing Mark Twain in person.”
While Prine may have been signed to Atlantic Records, he did not conform to pop music’s rules. His follow-up to his self-titled album, 1972’s Diamonds in the Rough, was a stripped-down acoustic album that paid homage to his Appalachian bluegrass roots, which he recorded with his brother Dave for around “$7,200 including beer.” Prine likened the major-label system to a bank 
“for high-finance loans. You could go to a bank and do the same thing for less money and put a loan behind your career instead of a major label throwing parties for you and charging you, and giving you the ticket and not asking what you want to eat.”
Feeling that the label could have done more to promote the hard-edged 1975 album Common Sense, he asked co-founder Ahmet Ertegun to let him out of his contract. Ertegun agreed, and Prine moved to David Geffen’s smaller Asylum label for 1978’s excellent Bruised Orange, which was produced by Goodman, with classics like “That’s the Way That the World Goes Round” (later covered by Miranda Lambert) and the heartbreaking “Sabu Visits the Twin Cities Alone,” a meditation on loneliness from the point of view of 1930s film star Sabu Dastagir. “When I wrote that one and ‘Jesus the Missing Years,’ ” Prine recently told Rolling Stone
“I was afraid to sing them for somebody else. I thought they were going to look at me and say, ‘You’ve done it. You’ve crossed the line. You need the straitjacket.’ But if I let it sit for a couple weeks and it still affects me, it’s something I would like to hear somebody say, then I figure, my instinct is as good as a normal person. I would like to hear that somebody do that, so I just go ahead and jump into it.”
Prine’s offbeat odyssey continued with Pink Cadillac, a rockabilly album he made with Sam Phillips and Phillips’ sons Jerry and Knox. By 1982, Prine decided to follow the path of his friend Goodman and start his own label, Oh Boy Records, with Bunetta. Following a Christmas single, “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus”/”Silver Bells,” Prine’s first LP release was 1984’s Aimless Love. The business model, with fans sending in checks by mail, was a success, and early proof that singer-songwriters could survive without the support of a major label. “He created the job I have,” said songwriter Todd Snider, who released his early albums on Oh Boy. 
“Especially when he went to his own label, and started doing it with his own family and team. Before him, there was nothing for someone like Jason Isbell to aspire to, besides maybe Springsteen.”
In 1989, Sony offered to buy Oh Boy, an offer Prine turned down. Two years later, he scored one of the biggest successes of his career with 1991’s The Missing Years. Produced by Howie Epstein of Tom Petty’s Heartbreakers, it featured guest appearances by Petty, Springsteen, and Raitt. The title track, “Jesus the Missing Years” is one of Prine’s most ambitious songs, attempting to fill in the 18-year gap (from age 12 to 29) in Jesus Christ’s life unaccounted for in the Bible. It won a Grammy for Best Contemporary Folk Album.
Prine was married three times. He married his high school sweetheart, Ann Carole, in 1966, and they stayed together until the late Seventies. He wed songwriter and bassist Rachel Peer, who he met at Cowboy Jack Clement’s Nashville studio, in 1984. In 1988, Prine was in Ireland when he met Fiona Whelan, a Dublin recording-studio business manager. She soon moved to Nashville and they married in April 1996. By then, she had given birth to their two sons, Jack and Tommy. “It brought me right down to earth,” Prine said. “I was a dreamer. I learned real fast I don’t know anything except songwriting.” Prine also adopted Jody Whelan, Fiona’s son from a previous relationship. Jody and Fiona would eventually become Prine’s co-managers, overseeing the most commercially successful moment in his career.
This idyllic chapter of Prine’s life was complicated in 1997 when, during the sessions for InSpite of Ourselves — a successful duets album with women, including Iris DeMent, Emmylou Harris, Lucinda Williams, Patty Loveless — Prine discovered a cancerous growth on his neck. It was stage 4 cancer. “I felt fine,” Prine said later. 
“It doesn’t hit you until you pull up to the hospital and you see ‘cancer’ in big letters, and you’re the patient. Then it all kind of comes home.”
In January 1998, doctors removed a small tumor, taking a portion of the singer’s neck with it, altering his physical appearance. Prine thought he might never sing again. However, after a year and a half, he returned to performing, with a small show in Bristol, Tennessee. 
“The crowd was with me. Boy, were they with me,” he said. “And I think I shook everybody’s hand afterward. I knew right then and there that I could do it.”
The next decade brought Prine another Grammy for 2005’s Fair & Square. That year, Prine joined Ted Kooser, 13th Poet Laureate of the United States, becoming the first artist to read and play at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. Prine saw his already formidable influence reach another generation of artists, including Jason Isbell, Sturgill Simpson, Margo Price, and Kacey Musgraves.
In 2013, Prine was again sidelined briefly, diagnosed with a spot on his left lung. Six months after the cancer was removed, he was back on the road. Following Buntta’s 2015 death, Prine became sole owner and president of Oh Boy Records, which has also been home to recordings by Snider, Dan Reeder, R.B. Morris, and Heather Eatman, among others.
His last studio album, The Tree of Forgiveness, was released in April 2018, just six months after he was named the Americana Music Association’s Artist of the Year. Rolling Stonesaidthe album had “all the qualities that have defined him as one of America’s greatest songwriters.”
Prine attended the Grammys in January, where he received a Lifetime Achievement Award. The singer could be seen on television with his family, grinning and wearing sunglasses, as Bonnie Raitt sang “Angel From Montgomery.” Last year, Prine was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame. Onstage, he summed up why he chose a life as a songwriter: “I gotta say, there’s no better feeling than having a killer song in your pocket, and you’re the only one in the world who’s heard it.
See also

John Prine, One of America’s Greatest Songwriters, Dead at 73

After Corbyn What Next for the Left – Should Socialists Stay In the Labour Party?

The Labour Left Alliance Seems Determined to Repeat Every Mistake of the British Left in a Flickering Replay of the Past 50 Years I have been ‘Suspended’ for Dissent
Meeting at the Free Speech Centre at the Rialto during Labour's conference last September

The victory of Keir Starmer represents a massive political defeat for the Left. Anyone who believes it is just a passing episode or that we can bed down and live with him is fooling themselves. Starmer is a class enemy as surely is Boris Johnson.
Starmer is no ‘unity’ candidate. He is the candidate of a hard Right out for blood. When they say ‘anti-Semitism’ what they mean is what Joe McCarthy meant when he said ‘communism’. ‘Anti-Semitism is the new Communism’. Except there is no one around to do what Joseph Welch, the army prosecutor did, when he asked McCarthy ‘Do you have you left no sense of decency?"
Starmer is first out of the box to welcome my expulsion
Starmer is the man who prosecuted Julian Assange. He is the man who prosecutedwomen for making false allegations when their assailants were acquitted of rape, thus putting them through a second trauma. He is the man who protected Metropolitan Police officers who killed Ian Tomlinson. He is the man who was first to welcomemy own expulsion. His membershipof the shadowy Trilateral Commission, alongside war criminal Henry Kissinger and the late Jeffrey Epstein says all you need to know.
There will be a new and far more extensive witchhunt. According to Siobhan McDonagh anti-capitalism is anti-Semitic, presumably because being a Jew and a capitalist are synonymous! As the Zionist leaders stated3 days ago:
Keir Starmer has already achieved in four days more than his predecessor in four years in addressing antisemitism within the Labour Party.
The clear and obvious question that poses itself is this: 
One good effect of Coronavirus is that the poisonous Jewish Chronicle has gone bust!
Is there a place inside the Labour Party for socialists?
There is no easy answer to this. One of the most remarkable things about the Corbyn phenomenon is how little it is understood by the Marxist left. This was why it came as much of a shock to the Left as the Right when Corbyn nearly won the 2017 General Election. My blog was one of the very few to have predictedit.
As the election campaign wore on I became convinced we would lose. My final article for Weekly Worker, Expect the Worst, Hope for the Best summed up my mood.  On the eve of poll, in Open Letter to Seamus Milne, I wrote that we were heading for ‘disaster’. 
Ed Miliband and friend
The Corbyn Phenomenon represented a mass upsurge against both the legacy of New Labour and the effects of 5 years of austerity. Ed Miliband’s austerity-lite policies offered no alternative. Anyone who remembers the Edstone and the mugs with Immigration Controls on them knew that he was no socialist. Yet he was still too left for Blair who spokeof how a “traditional left-wing party competes with a traditional right-wing party, with the traditional result”.

Despite trying to suppress the debate, the LLA's Facebook pages are filled with people saying they are going to resign from the Labour Party
Cameron won a small majority in the 2015 election due to the collapse in the Lib Dem vote, which allowed the Tories to gain a small majority with just 36.9% of the vote. This produced a popular reaction and wave of disillusionment which led to Corbyn’s election.
New Labour had become convinced that the way to permanently defeat the left was to open the leadership vote to every single member rather than having the trade union barons fix things.
Their solution was an American-style primary system whereby anyone, on payment of a fee, could vote. Blair and his acolytes had always wanted Labour to become another party of  capitalism like the American Democrats. Their assumption was that the Left would always be unpopular.
But the best laid plans of men and mice can go awry. Corbyn needed to gain 15% of the parliamentary Party, about 35 nominations. Many MPs, including the self-style ‘moron’ Margaret Beckett, ‘lent’ him their nomination in order that it could be shown that it was a genuine contest rather than a beauty contest between Corbyn and his opponents who all represented a continuation of New Labour. 
My own son, then aged 13 and thousands of others bombarded Labour MPs on social media with the demand that they lend Corbyn their nomination. The rest is history.  From 200-1 outsider Corbyn won by 60%.
When it became clear that Corbyn would win the flack began. At first there was a demand to stop the contest! We were told there were thousands of Trotskyist infiltrators. British Trotskyism would have difficulty filling a modest sized church hall. The whole point of having registered supporters was in order to allow non-Labour Party members to vote. It seems that they were the wrong kind!
Then began the attacks. John Mann accusedCorbyn of having ignored child abuse in Islington care homes as MP. In fact the Leader of the Council at the time was Margaret Hodge who was a party to a deliberate cover up by the Council.
The ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign began with an articlein August 2015 in the Daily Mail accusing Corbyn of having consorted with a holocaust denier, Paul Eisen. Soon after the now bankrupt Jewish Chronicle took over with a series of questions to Corbyn. Of course it didn’t want answers.
The LLA's refusal to discuss what is on the mind of its supporters is the height of unreality

We had the spectacle of the right-wing press and their Labour collaborators suddenly becoming interested in the fight against anti-Semitism. Of course all other forms of racism were kosher. The Sun and Mail even hiredKatie Hopkins (‘refugees are cockroaches’).

Despite numerous warnings and articles by not only me but Asa Winstanley in Electronic Intifada (How Israel lobby manufactured UK Labour Party’s anti-Semitism crisis) and Jonathan Cook (Anti-Semitism. Orchestrated Offensive against Jeremy Corbyn in the UK) Corbyn was determined to appease his accusers. He even  accepted that to deny you are anti-Semitic is in itself anti-Semitic! Forgetting that he too had been so accused. Even when Jews were the victims of the anti-Semitism witchhunt he did not question it. The rest is history.
Daniel Platts of the SC seeks to exclude Chris Williamson from playing any part in relation to the LLA
Last February Chris Williamson MP was suspended after the vilest distortion of what he had said:
“The party that has done more to stand up to racism is now being demonised as a racist, bigoted party. I have got to say, I think our party’s response has been partly responsible for that because in my opinion… we’ve backed off far too much, we have given too much ground, we’ve been too apologetic… We’ve done more to address the scourge of anti-Semitism than any other party.”
Yet what did the ‘i’ and other papers do? They omittedany reference to the ‘scourge’ of anti-Semitism. In order to prove ‘anti-Semitism’ the mass media and the Zionists had to twist and distort everthing we said.
Alan Pearson of the OG supports my suspension
According to the Alan Pearson of the Organisation Committee, the Labour Party 'is a byword for antisemitism' - it is no accident that Pearson strongly supports my suspension

It was at this point, the very last stop on the journey, that Jeremy Corbyn should have spoken up and declared, unequivocally, that Chris was no anti-Semite.  And when a Labour Party Panel ruled that he should be reinstated Tom Watson raised a petition of right-wing Lords and MPs demanding resuspension, which was later ruled unlawfulby the High Court.
This was literally last chance saloon yet Corbyn remained silent, throwing Williamson under the bus. In so doing he ensured that he would never become Prime Minister. Arguably the point of no return had occurred at the 2018 Labour Party conference when he was responsible for the defeat of Open Selection.
In response I wrote that this was the end of the Corbyn Project. Are these the Dying Days of Corbyn’s Leadership? And so it proved. The question is where we go from here.
Chris Williamson in Brighton at the meeting that the Zionists pulled out all the stops to prevent happening
Labour Left Alliance – Can It Fill the Gap
Around July last year, the Labour Left Alliance was launched by Labour Against the Witchhunt, the LRC and Red Labour with a statement which has now been signed by over 2,000 supporters. The conference took place in the context of a campaign by the Zionists to ban any all opposition.  ‘Israeli democracy’ had come to Britain.
In Brighton in the preceding summer the Zionists had made fevered attempts to stop Chris Williamson speaking. 3 venues were harassed or abused before we held a large open air meetingin Regency Square. You will note that the local Argus report pictures the dozen Zionists as being larger than over 150 people! For a full report see here.
Our reaction in Brighton LLA was to organise a Free Speech Centre in Brighton’s Rialto to ensure that the Zionists could not ban us.
For 2 days we put on a variety of events. There was Jackie Walker’s The Witchhunt, Chris Williamson, the LRC and even a book launch for Pluto’sBad News for Labour which Waterstones cancelled at the last minute after receiving a volley of abuse and threats from the very people that Keir Starmer has got into bed with. As one of the 5 distinguished academics, Birkbeck’s Justin Schlosberg said this was book burning.  As Heinrich Heine predicted, they first burn books and then they burn people.

In the wake of this successful defiance of the Zionists the LLA held a meeting on the final day of the conference. I spoke at what was clearly a polarised meeting. It was clear that there were differences between LAW and the LRC as to where the LLA were going. The LRC and Red Labour later pulled out. I made two points. 
Firstly the LLA had very little time to get organised. It was clear an election was round the corner. Secondly knowing that Labour stood little chance of victory, the LLA must become an organisational bridge between the Left inside and outside the Labour Party.
Phil Pope fending off criticism
Chair Phil Pope equates political criticism with 'he did seem to be attacking the SC'
At the beginning of February 2020 I became the Brighton and Hove delegate to the LLA’s Organisation Committee nationally. My first proposal was that Chris Williamson MP should be invited to speak to the Conference on 22nd February. I made the proposal twice. When I first raised it on 9th February Lee Rock, the National Organiser opposed it. No one else commented and there was just 1 ‘like’. I raised it again on 12th February. No one either supported or opposed it. A decision was taken not to invite Chris as ‘punishment’ for his standing at the election as a Socialist Independent. I still don’t know how or when this was decided.
Secretary Tina Werkmann defends my suspension by reference to LAW where I proposed the expulsion of Pete Gregson and Socialist Fight - she conveniently 'forgets' that the decision to expel was taken by All Members Meeting - not an unelected Steering Committee - Gregson defended linking up to a holocaust denier - a slightly different offence

I went to the AGM in Sheffield on February 22nd. About 130 supporters attended, however it was extremely badly organised. On the surface it seemed fine but the decisions it took and the way debate was structured were disastrous. The morning was devoted to motions and general discussion. We had the absurdity of a pro-Brexit resolution being passed with one speaker for and one against. This is not serious politics. Instead of prioritising 2-3 issues and debating them fully we had a whole series of policies approved on the nod.
The afternoon was devoted to the Constitution. This was even worse. I moved an amendmenton behalf of BH arguing that the LLA
needs to be a bridge between socialists inside and outside the Labour Party. It is essential that the LLA abandons the sectarian traditions of the Left which has contributed to the ongoing weakness of the socialist left.
The Conference Arrangements Committee instead of giving delegates a clear choice between different proposals decided instead to salami slice every proposal and stage the debate in sections. It meant no one had any idea of what the final constitution looked like, which was a dog’s dinner. 
For example whilst the Constitution included policies that should be debated separately, it also said nothing about the powers of the different bodies (such as the power to open a bank account or spend money) and did not specify who was sovereign.

The Constitution does not have any provision for disciplinary action (somewhat important in view of my suspension!).  And for an organisation which is claiming to be socialist it has no mention of socialism (or even capitalism) anywhere!

One member of the Organising Committee comparing their actions to Jon Lansman
On 21st March I submitted a discussion discussion paper to the Organisation Committee [OG]. It began:
The history of the Left in Britain is a history of failure. Our past is littered with failed organisations and the husks of what were once considered bright ideas...
There needs to be a debate on the left as a whole as to our relationship to the Labour Party, what is possible for socialists within it and how best we build the Left.
I warned at the end that ‘To fail to reconsider sacred nostrums is the characteristic of a sect and sects have a habit of dying off.’
Reaction to my suspension from one member of the OG
The reaction of another member of the OG compares the situation unfavourably to Momentum!

Being naive I had hoped to stir up some discussion of where the LLA was going. Instead it went down like a lead balloon.  Lee Rock, the National Organiser, respondedalleging various mistakes and calling me dishonest no less than 4 times. I respondedto Lee’s paper two days later and Lee this time replied with an 11 page paper.
For those who are interested I have supplied the links. I followed this up, not with another response to Lee but a series of 9 proposals as Lee had repeatedly asked me to do.  I proposedthat
1.     The LLA becomes a membership organisation as well as a federal organisation of affiliated branches....
2.     That the LLA has as its perspective both organising the socialist left inside the Labour Party and acting as a bridging organisation to those members who have resigned or been expelled.
Despite urging me to make concrete proposals my paper seemed to produce a personal crisis in Lee. He exploded, resigning and sending abusive messages. It was as if I was threatening his whole personality.
The dead cat strategy of the Tories has been adopted by the Steering Committee to avoid discussion
The Steering Committee which met on April 1stdecided, with no warning, to suspend me as a way of persuading Lee to retract his resignation, which he appears to have done (the membership not being informed of these things I can’t be certain). I responded alleging that Lee’s ‘resignation’ had been contrived with Tina, the Secretary. In order to forestall proper discussion of my proposals they had engage in a ‘dead cat strategy’ with Lee’s resignation.
Instead of deciding to discuss my proposals the SC referred them to the next conference which is in 6+ months time, if ever.
Lee Rock asks what has changed since February 22.  Err, Coronavirus lockdown. Election of Keir Starmer.  What more is needed?
The obvious point to make is we can’t wait. Thousands of people are resigning from the Labour Party now.  Any organisation worth its salt would be dealing with the problem NOW not in the distant future. If the LLA refuses to deal with what is the most serious issue facing us now then it is irrelevant. 
I respondedto the SC on 4th April but the main points were that:
1.     The SC had no power to suspended anyone, least of all a member of the body that appointed it (OG). That is such an obvious point that it really needs no explanation.
2.     The OG itself, being a network or federation, cannot suspend anyone. All they can do is ask the group they represent to send someone else.
3.     Since there is no membership, everyone is a supporter by virtue of signing the original statement, how can anyone be suspended or expelled anyway?
The nominal Chair, Phil Pope has responded by denying that suspension is a disciplinary action! Despite which I have been removed from not only the OG Facebook and WhatsApp groups but ALSO the LLA’s own Organisation and Discussion Facebook Groups by Daniel Platts, even though admission to these is by virtue of signing the statement not membership of the OG. 
In short the very constitution that these mini-dictators have been swearing loyalty to has been jettisoned at a moment’s notice!
It is clear that the LLA has nowhere to go and no strategy. While Starmer gets his act together do we just sit passively by whilst thousands of people exit the Labour Party or do we try to organise them? We seem to be saying, because of an ideological fetish, that if you aren’t in the Labour Party then you are irrelevant.
It is clear that the LLA has nowhere to go and no strategy for getting there. While Starmer gets his act together do we sit passively by whilst thousands of people exit the Labour Party or do we try to include them? We seem to be saying, because of an ideological fetish, that if you aren’t in the Labour Party then you are irrelevant and not wanted. 

The LLA is now a place where members feel free to tell other members that they don't belong - its called 'comradeship'
What though is the underlying problem? How has it come about that submitting a discussion document ends up with my being suspended on trumped-up charges? Why is it that an organisation, whose founding statementstates it ‘organises democratically and transparently’ and which ‘campaigns for a disciplinary process in the Labour Party which is wholly based on natural justice and due process’ suspends someone without them being either present or informed of what is happening and which simply disregards its own constitution? Is democracy only for the Labour Party?
In the internal correspondence following my submission of the document, I sent an email to Lee Rock of 23rd March in which I wrote that the way the Committee was operating was the antithesis of a healthy democratic culture.’ Another member Peter B made the same point writing that the LLA ‘requires a culture of open discussion and debate, which as ever should be conducted in a comradely manner.’
On the socialist left there is a long history of a  Command and Control Culture, going under the name of ‘democratic centralism’ which in practice is anything but democratic though it is certainly centralist.
One member of the OG, Peter Flack confessed to have being a full-time organiser for the Socialist Labour League/WRP, perhaps the most revolting organisation on the left, if it can even be called left. It was an organisation headed by one Gerry Healey, which engaged in systematic abuse of members, including rape and violence against members. Corin Redgrave, brother of Vanessa, infamously statedre Healey’s ‘accomplishments’ that “If this is the work of a rapist, let’s recruit more rapists.
The SWP was also convulsedwhen the organisation tried to cover up allegations of rape and abuse by former Secretary Martin Smith. Although it was not on the scale of the WRP it was symptomatic of an underlying culture that had developed in the two largest so-called revolutionary organisations. A daughter of a friend, who worked at the SWP HQ, was summarily dismissed when she expressed her support for the women who had been raped. An article on the Socialist Unity websitemakes disturbing reading.
I am sure that Peter did not support Healey’s activities and probably was unaware of them. However he was a full-timer in an organisation which more resembled the mafia than a socialist organisation. It is no coincidence that Peter has been to the fore in opposing discussion and supporting summary justice.
Why do I raise this?  Because what was common to both the WRP and SWP was a lack of any democratic culture or accountability. What the behaviour of the majority on the OG represents is a continuation of this tradition and a total disregard not only for its own (inadequate) constitution but for the most basic of democratic norms.
Tony Greenstein 

Unprincipled to the Last – Israeli Voters Administers the Last Rites to Labour Zionism

The Zionist ‘Left’ has always preferred Colonisation to Class Struggle, Segregation to Solidarity, Racism to Workers’ Unity
In Israel’s first Election in 1949, the two Labour Zionist parties – Mapai and Mapam achieved a majority of seats (65/120) and vote (50.4%). With minor changes, this situation pertained until 1973.
There were numerous splits and combinations and name changes such as Zionist Union in 2015 or when Mapai joined with Ahdut and Rafi to form the Israeli Labor Party in 1968 and merged with Mapam in 1969, a merger which lasted till 1988.

As the charts show there has been a cataclysmic decline in their share of the vote and seats.  Mapam (Meretz) was theoretically to the left of Mapai and in 1949 and 1951 David Ben Gurion, leader of Mapai, preferred to form a coalition government with the religious parties rather than Mapam.
In July 2017 Labor members had the bright idea that if they voted for a leader as right-wing as Netanyahu then voters might vote for them. Avi Gabbay, a former Minister in Netanyahu’s government was elected leader.  He declared that all settlements in the West Bank were sacrosanct and gave fulsome support to Netanyahu’s attempt to deport 40,000 Black African asylum seekers for the crime of not being Jewish (or White).
Not unsurprisingly Israeli electors preferred the genuine article and voted for Likud. In the April 2019 elections, having dispensed with Tsipi Livni’s Hatnuah live on television, the ILP went from 18 to 6 seats. Mapam’s decline has also been precipitous and in 1992 it merged with Shinui and Ratz, to form Meretz.
Orly Levy-Abekasis holds hands with Labour leader Amir Peretz
It was because of the threat that they would not be represented in the Knesset at all that the two parties united to fight the 2020 election. They stood with Orly Levy-Abekasis of Gesherwho had been a Knesset member for the far-Right Yisrael Beteinu, led by the far-Right thug, former Defence Minister Avigdor Liebermann.
No sooner had Abekasis regained her old seat than she refused to support a government dependent on the Arab Joint List! It is an unwritten Zionist rule that no government should include Arab parties or rest on their support. As Justice Minister Amir Ohana explained: “The Arab voice is equal to a Jew’s when it comes to the Knesset elections, but not the government.” This is what a Jewish Democratic state means.
Aymen Odeh - leader of the Joint List
As Jonathan Offir noted when Netanyahu commented on the election bloc results, he didn’t even count the Joint List. “The nation’s decision is clear58 mandates to the Zionist-right camp and 47 mandates to the Zionist-leftist camp” The Arabs are outside the national camp. This is the society that calls itself‘the only democracy in the Middle East.’
Former Meretz leader Tamar Zandberg complained: “Orly Levy’s attitude toward the elected representatives of the Arab public is shameful and racist.’ Which is true but it was Meretz which welcomed Abekasis into its electoral alliance! As one right-wing activist declared, a government dependent on the support of Arabs ‘was the end of Zionism.’
Miriam Maikin, one of a growing number of Israeli Jews voting for the Jewish-Arab Joint List
Aviv Hochbaum is one of an estimated 20,000 Israeli Jews who voted for the Joint List at the last elections
One welcome result of this is that a small, but growing proportion of Israel’s Jewish population, now vote for the Joint List, which contains one Jewish MK, Offer Kassif. It is estimated that 20,000 ‘refugees from the Zionist left’ voted for the Joint List in February 2020, up from 9,000 in the previous election, accounting for over half a seat. In Klil, a Western Galilee Jewish community, the Joint List received12.21%.
Benny Gantz, the leader of Blue and White has reached a tentative agreement with Netanyahu about forming a coalition. The ILP demonstrated that its differences with Likud were not so great as to prevent its leader, Amir Peretz, agreeing to join Netanyahu in government. This caused Meretz with 3 seats to split off, taking one ILP member, Merav Michaeli, with them. It is therefore a distinct possibility that Labour Zionism could cease to exist entirely at the next elections.

Labour Zionist Prime Ministers Ben Gurion and Golda Meir

Why has Labour Zionism declined to almost nothing?
Zionism is based on the creation of an exclusivist Jewish state. This meant not only the expulsion of ¾ million Palestinians in 1947-8 it meant the creation of a state whose guiding principle is a permanent Jewish majority. There are professors of demographics, such as Sergio Della Pergola whose job is to warn of a population ‘time bomb’ ticking underneath them, namely the Arab birthrate.
As Labour’s former leader, Isaac Hertzog explained, in a speech to the 15th Herzliya National Security Conferencein June 2015:
In about a decade, the Arabs between the Jordan and the Mediterranean will be a majority and the Jews a minority.... We will be again, for the first time since 1948, a Jewish minority in an Arab state. I want to separate from the Palestinians. I want to keep a Jewish state with a Jewish majority. I don’t want 61 Palestinian MKs in Israel’s Knesset. I don’t want a Palestinian prime minister in Israel. I don’t want them to change my flag and my national anthem. (my emphasis)
All smiles - Nitan Horowitz of Meretz, Amir Peretz of Israeli Labor and Abekasis of Gesher
The desire for segregation and ethnic purity has been enshrined in the Jewish Nation State Law, a constitutional law. Both the Zionist ‘left’ and right support an ethno-nationalist Jewish state. One of the main reasons for the Zionist left supporting 2 states, in practice a Bantustan, has been a fear of an Arab majority. Likud however propose to take all the land and still deny the Palestinians a state.
This racist mentality inevitably leads to segregation between Arabs and Jews in Israel itself. For example in 2011 the Knesset passed the Admissions Committee Lawwhich allows hundreds of Jewish communities to bar Arabs from membership.
Tamar Zanderberg - former leader of Meretz
Separation is fundamental to all wings of Zionism. The Kibbutzim were all-Jewish institutions.  Arabs could not become members.
It was the all-Jewish Histadrut, ‘a great colonising agencyaccording to Golda Meir, that campaigned in the 1920s and 1930s for Jewish Labour i.e. a Boycott of Arab Labour.
Labour Zionism always rejected socialism. As  Israel’s second President, Yitzhak ben Zvi explained,
‘whenever we come across a contradiction between national and socialist principles, the contradiction should be resolved by relinquishing the socialist principle in favour of the national activity.
Zionism, which in the West is seen as an expression of Jewish identity, is an ideology of Jewish supremacy. That is why when Israeli politicians advocate racist laws they appeal to the ideals of Zionism.
When Netanyahu sought to deport Israel’s Black African refugees he phrased it in Zionist terms warning that "illegal infiltrators flooding the country" were threatening the security and identity of Israel:
"If we don't stop their entry, the problem that currently stands at 60,000 could grow to 600,000, and that threatens our existence as a Jewish and democratic state,"
Why has Labour Zionism Become an Endangered Species?
The Labour Zionist economy which dominated Israel up to the 1990s has been dismantled. In 1985 Shimon Peres implemented the free market Economic Stabilisation Programmein response to hyper inflation and a massive budged deficit. No longer would bankrupt Histadrut enterprises be bailed out. Over the next 6 years the Histadrut economy was privatised.
Yair Lapid, the racist head of the 'centrist' i.e. right-wing Yesh Atid
When the colonisation of Palestine began it was carried out collectively out of necessity. This was the context in which Labour Zionism became the main political force in Jewish Palestine. In its initial phases colonisation is not profitable. The development of the land, security against the indigenous population and building the infrastructure are costly.
It was in this context that Labour Zionism and its institutions such as Histadrut and the Kibbutzim came into existence. As Arthur Ruppin, Director of the Palestine Office from 1907 onwards explained at the 11th Zionist Congress in Vienna, September 1913:
‘those enterprises in Palestine which are most profit bearing for the businessman are almost the least profitable for the national effort and per contra many enterprises, which are least profitable for the businessman are of high national value.’ [Ruppin; Building Israel, September 1965]
All settler-colonial societies in their initial phases are collective efforts. As Noah Lucas noted, the Kvutzah (Kibbutzim) were
‘an alliance between the embryonic labour movement and the Zionist financial institutions.. the pragmatism of the more radical socialists among the pioneers was revealed in their readiness to enter such an alliance with the Jewish bourgeoisie abroad.... the Kvutzah did not originate as a deliberate social experiment. Its forms were elaborated by accretion in the school of circumstances. [A Modern History of Israel]
Ruppin, who supported the institutions of Labour Zionism was no socialist. On the contrary he was a believer in the racial sciences and eugenics. He held friendly talks with Himmler’s ideological mentor, the racial scientist, Professor Hans Guenther in 1933.
Labour Zionism dominated the institutions of the Yishuv, the pre-state community in Palestine. Ben Gurion coined the slogan ‘From Class to Nation’. The class politics of socialism were transformed into the national struggle – against the Arabs. Matt Plen wrote
“From class to nation,” saw the interests of workers and the Jewish people as a whole as the same. The role of the Histadrut, as he saw it, was to build a Jewish economy under the leadership of the Jewish working class.
Today Labour Zionism has outlived its usefulness. Moshe Ben Atar observed that ‘its glorious victories of the past became its errors of the future.’ Israel has one of the most unequal economies in the Western world. The collectivist economy has gone. Histadrut’s health service Kupat Holim, which attracted most of Histadrut’s members, has been taken over by the state. Labour Zionism is a relic of an age gone by. As Chemi Shalev noted, having gained 6 seats in the most recent elections, ‘The next and last stop is six feet under.’
There was a time when the Kibbutzim provided the majority of senior officers in the armed forces.  Today it is the settlements in the West Bank who have taken over that function.
Because Israel is a settler-colonial state, its politics are aggressively nationalist and where even the word ‘leftist’ is a term of abuse. Ideology and practice have come into alignment. For its first 30 years Israel was a racist, expansionist society with a collectivist ideology. The racism remains, the collectivism has gone.
The result is the virtual disappearance of Labour Zionism. It has no role to play inside Israel. In Britain, the Jewish Labour Movement is  proud to proclaim that the ILP is its sister party. The main burden of defending Netanyahu’s Israel abroad today falls on Labour Zionism! When the JLM attack its opponents as ‘anti-Semites’ we should remember on whose behalf they are operating.
Tony Greenstein

Time Eton Boy Was Gone - Boris Johnson holidayed while Corona Virus spread – this Government has the death of Thousands on its hands

Have We Ever Had a More Pathetic Leader of the Labour Party than Keir Starmer? He has been the Tories first line of defence
It’s not often that I repost an article from the Tory Times.  In fact it is the first time ever!  Clearly the Tory press has decided that given that Keir Starmer is completely useless, since he believes it is not in the ‘national interest’ to criticise the Tories bloody failures over COVID-19, they will take over the role of the Opposition. Presumably 25,000+ deaths (if one includes care homes) is not enough for Keir.
The article below is a forensic analysis of Boris Johnson’s failures and they are many. The only thing wrong with it is the headline. It wasn’t ‘Britain’ that sleepwalked into disaster but this malevolent incompetent government which decided that for the sake of the economy, thousands of mainly elderly people had to die.

Johnson joins a lunar new year dragon eyes ritual on the day of a Cobra meeting about the virus in January BEN STANSALL/AFP
The original plan, in the words of Dominic Cummings, was ‘herd immunity, protect the economy, and if that means some pensioners die, too bad.” Our playboy Prime Minister was sunning himself in Mustique when Coronavirus gained momentum.
The government’s strategy, if you could call it that, was to treat Coronavirus as it would a flu pandemic and just let it spread.
For 5 weeks the government did nothing. The results are all around us. They consoled us that stocks of PPE and ventilators were more than adequate when there were dire shortages. Indeed we had sent them to China at the very time they were needed!
Plans for a pandemic had been mothballed. In the words of one adviser “pandemic planning became a casualty of the austerity years when there were more pressing needs.”
A 2016 exercise Sygnus warned of the collapse of the health services if a pandemic struck.  But it was ignored. Preparations for a no-deal Brexit “sucked all the blood out of pandemic planning”.
Brexit has undoubtedly made things worse and led to the refusal to participate in a European project to source ventilators. Boris’s own personal vanity project was allowed to trump the needs of NHS front-line workers. The official excuse was that they ‘lost’ an email, a lie that Brussels rubbished. The obvious reason was Brexit and pride at not having to rely on the Europeans. The result is that thousands of people, in particular the elderly, the very ones who foolishly voted overwhelmingly for him have paid the ultimate price. The fools who voted for the Tories instead of Corbyn have paid with the lives of their loved ones.
The failure to heed the WHO’s advice to ‘test, test, test’ meant that the pandemic was bound to spread as it was impossible to detect who was carrying the virus.
Johnson’s fellow buffoon, Donald Trump, has gone one step further and taken the occasion of a world wide pandemic, in which the United States has been particularly hard, as the best time to withdraw funding from the World Health Organisation. You couldn’t make it up.  Because they offended Trump’s vanity, he is going to sentence thousands more, including his own people, to death.
Having failed to replenish stocks of PPE, gowns and masks, the government relied instead on ‘just in time’ contracts with China! Unfortunately these Chinese factories were dealing with their own pandemic. As the article says, “It was a massive spider’s web of failing, every domino has fallen,”
Such was the complacency that in the middle of February Johnson took a 12 day holiday at the Prime Minister’s country retreat – officially it was a ‘working holiday’.

Dominic Cummings - the death of a few thousand old people, the same fools who voted for the Tories, was a price worth paying
By February 26th the Government was warned that there may be 400,000 deaths.  However Boris, who returned a day earlier had more pressing priorities. The Tory Party Winter Ball.  I just hope that the Idiots from the North and the Elderly are pleased with their decision to heed the warnings from the BBC and Tory Party not to vote for Corbyn.
We now have the news that the delivery of 3-4 days of PPE from Turkey has not arrived. The government has advised medical staff to reuse PPE, going against all safety practice.  It really is amazing. It’s Heath Robinson.
What is the response from Steer Calmer the pathetic new right-wing leader of the Labour Party?  Absolutely nothing. If there is a ‘national interest’ it is in getting rid of Boris immediately. What Starmer should be doing is demanding the head of this useless buffoon who goes by the name of Prime Minister. Instead he does nothing. The sooner the Labour Party gets rid of Starmer and his collection of right-wing left-overs, Jess Phillips included the better.
Just as the right-wing waged an unceasing war against Corbyn we have to wage war against Starmer. He is the class enemy.  What they call a Red Tory, except that Pink is probably more appropriate.
Tony Greenstein
Boris Johnson skipped five Cobra meetings on the virus, calls to order protective gear were ignored and scientists’ warnings fell on deaf ears. Failings in February may have cost thousands of lives

Saturday April 18 2020, 6.00pm, The Sunday Times
On the third Friday of January a silent and stealthy killer was creeping across the world. Passing from person to person and borne on ships and planes, the coronavirus was already leaving a trail of bodies.
The virus had spread from China to six countries and was almost certainly in many others. Sensing the coming danger, the British government briefly went into wartime mode that day, holding a meeting of Cobra, its national crisis committee.
But it took just an hour that January 24 lunchtime to brush aside the coronavirus threat. Matt Hancock, the health secretary, bounced out of Whitehall after chairing the meeting and breezily told reporters the risk to the UK public was “low”.
This was despite the publication that day of an alarming study by Chinese doctors in the medical journal, The Lancet. It assessed the lethal potential of the virus, for the first time suggesting it was comparable to the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, which killed up to 50 million people.
Unusually, Boris Johnson had been absent from Cobra. The committee — which includes ministers, intelligence chiefs and military generals — gathers at moments of great peril such as terrorist attacks, natural disasters and other threats to the nation and is normally chaired by the prime minister.
Johnson had found time that day, however, to join in a lunar new year dragon eyes ritual as part of Downing Street’s reception for the Chinese community, led by the country’s ambassador.
It was a big day for Johnson and there was a triumphal mood in Downing Street because the withdrawal treaty from the European Union was being signed in the late afternoon. It could have been the defining moment of his premiership — but that was before the world changed.
That afternoon his spokesman played down the looming threat from the east and reassured the nation that we were “well prepared for any new diseases”. The confident, almost nonchalant, attitude displayed that day in January would continue for more than a month.
Johnson went on to miss four further Cobra meetings on the virus. As Britain was hit by unprecedented flooding, he completed the EU withdrawal, reshuffled his cabinet and then went away to the grace-and-favour country retreat at Chevening where he spent most of the two weeks over half-term with his pregnant fiancée, Carrie Symonds.
Johnson with Symonds in a selfie posted on social media in February
It would not be until March 2 — another five weeks — that Johnson would attend a Cobra meeting about the coronavirus. But by then it was almost certainly too late. The virus had sneaked into our airports, our trains, our workplaces and our homes. Britain was on course for one of the worst infections of the most deadly virus to have hit the world in more than a century.
Last week, a senior adviser to Downing Street broke ranks and blamed the weeks of complacency on a failure of leadership in cabinet. In particular, the prime minister was singled out.
“There’s no way you’re at war if your PM isn’t there,” the adviser said.
“And what you learn about Boris was he didn’t chair any meetings. He liked his country breaks. He didn’t work weekends. It was like working for an old-fashioned chief executive in a local authority 20 years ago. There was a real sense that he didn’t do urgent crisis planning. It was exactly like people feared he would be.”
Inquiry ‘inevitable’
One day there will inevitably be an inquiry into the lack of preparations during those “lost” five weeks from January 24. There will be questions about when politicians understood the severity of the threat, what the scientists told them and why so little was done to equip the National Health Service for the coming crisis. It will be the politicians who will face the most intense scrutiny.
Among the key points likely to be explored will be why it took so long to recognise an urgent need for a massive boost in supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE) for health workers; ventilators to treat acute respiratory symptoms; and tests to detect the infection.
Any inquiry may also ask whether the government’s failure to get to grips with the scale of the crisis in those early days had the knock-on effect of the national lockdown being introduced days or even weeks too late, causing many thousands more unnecessary deaths.
An investigation has talked to scientists, academics, doctors, emergency planners, public officials and politicians about the root of the crisis and whether the government should have known sooner and acted more swiftly to kick-start the Whitehall machine and put the NHS onto a war footing.
They told us that, contrary to the official line, Britain was in a poor state of readiness for a pandemic. Emergency stockpiles of PPE had severely dwindled and gone out of date after becoming a low priority in the years of austerity cuts. The training to prepare key workers for a pandemic had been put on hold for two years while contingency planning was diverted to deal with a possible no-deal Brexit.
This made it doubly important that the government hit the ground running in late January and early February. Scientists said the threat from the coming storm was clear. Indeed, one of the government’s key advisory committees was given a dire warning a month earlier than has previously been admitted about the prospect of having to deal with mass casualties.
It was a message repeated throughout February but the warnings appear to have fallen on deaf ears. The need, for example, to boost emergency supplies of protective masks and gowns for health workers was pressing, but little progress was made in obtaining the items from the manufacturers, mainly in China.
Instead, the government sent supplies the other way — shipping 279,000 items of its depleted stockpile of protective equipment to China during this period, following a request for help from the authorities there.
Impending danger
The prime minister had been sunning himself with his girlfriend in the millionaires’ Caribbean resort of Mustique when China first alerted the World Health Organisation (WHO) on December 31 that several cases of an unusual pneumonia had been recorded in Wuhan, a city of 11 million people in Hubei province.
In the days that followed China initially claimed the virus could not be transmitted from human to human, which should have been reassuring. But this did not ring true to Britain’s public health academics and epidemiologists who were texting each other, eager for more information, in early January.
Devi Sridhar, professor of global public health at Edinburgh University, had predicted in a talk two years earlier that a virus might jump species from an animal in China and spread quickly to become a human pandemic. So the news from Wuhan set her on high alert.
“In early January a lot of my global health colleagues and I were kind of discussing ‘What’s going on?’” she recalled.
“China still hadn’t confirmed the virus was human-to-human. A lot of us were suspecting it was because it was a respiratory pathogen and you wouldn’t see the numbers of cases that we were seeing out of China if it was not human-to-human. So that was disturbing.”
By as early as January 16 the professor was on Twitter calling for swift action to prepare for the virus. “Been asked by journalists how serious #WuhanPneumonia outbreak is,” she wrote.
“My answer: take it seriously because of cross-border spread (planes means bugs travel far & fast), likely human-to-human transmission and previous outbreaks have taught overresponding is better than delaying action.”
Events were now moving fast. Four hundred miles away in London, from its campus next to the Royal Albert Hall, a team at Imperial College’s School of Public Health led by Professor Neil Ferguson produced its first modelling assessment of the likely impact of the virus. On Friday, January 17, its report noted the “worrying” news that three cases of the virus had been discovered outside China — two in Thailand and one in Japan. While acknowledging many unknowns, researchers calculated that there could already be as many as 4,000 cases. The report warned:
“The magnitude of these numbers suggests substantial human-to-human transmission cannot be ruled out. Heightened surveillance, prompt information-sharing and enhanced preparedness are recommended.”
By now the mystery bug had been identified as a type of coronavirus — a large family of viruses that can cause infections ranging from the common cold to severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars). There had been two reported deaths from the virus and 41 patients had been taken ill.
The following Wednesday, January 22, the government convened its first meeting of its scientific advisory group for emergencies (Sage) to discuss the virus. Its membership is secret but it is usually chaired by the government’s chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, and chief medical adviser, Professor Chris Whitty. Downing Street advisers are also present.
There were new findings that day with Chinese scientists warning that the virus had an unusually high infectivity rate of up to 3.0, which meant each person with the virus would typically infect up to three more people.
One of those present was Imperial’s Ferguson, who was already working on his own estimate — putting infectivity at 2.6 and possibly as high as 3.5 — which he sent to ministers and officials in a report on the day of the Cobra meeting on January 24. The Spanish flu had an estimated infectivity rate of between 2.0 and 3.0, so Ferguson’s finding was shocking.
The professor’s other bombshell in the same report was that there needed to be a 60% cut in the transmission rate — which meant stopping contact between people. In layman’s terms it meant a lockdown, a move that would paralyse an economy already facing a battering from Brexit. At the time such a suggestion was unthinkable in the government and belonged to the world of post-apocalypse movies.
The growing alarm among scientists appears not to have been heard or heeded by policy-makers. After the January 25 Cobra meeting, the chorus of reassurance was not just from Hancock and the prime minister’s spokesman: Whitty was confident too.

In early February Hancock proudly told the Commons the UK was one of the first countries to develop a new test for the virus STEFAN ROUSSEAU/PA

“Cobra met today to discuss the situation in Wuhan, China,” said Whitty.
“We have global experts monitoring the situation around the clock and have a strong track record of managing new forms of infectious disease . . . there are no confirmed cases in the UK to date.”
However, by then there had been 1,000 cases worldwide and 41 deaths, mostly in Wuhan. A Lancet report that day presented a study of 41 coronavirus patients admitted to hospital in Wuhan which found that more than half had severe breathing problems, a third required intensive care and six had died.
And there was now little doubt that the UK would be hit by the virus. A study by Southampton University has shown that 190,000 people flew into the UK from Wuhan and other high-risk Chinese cities between January and March. The researchers estimated that up to 1,900 of these passengers would have been infected with the coronavirus — almost guaranteeing the UK would become a centre of the subsequent pandemic.
Sure enough, five days later on Wednesday, January 29, the first coronavirus cases on British soil were found when two Chinese nationals from the same family fell ill at a hotel in York. The next day, the government raised the threat level from low to moderate.
The pandemic plan
On January 31 — or Brexit day as it had become known — there was a rousing 11pm speech by the prime minister promising that the withdrawal from the European Union would be the dawn of a new era unleashing the British people who would “grow in confidence” month by month.
By this time, there was good reason for the government’s top scientific advisers to feel creeping unease about the virus. The WHO had declared the coronavirus a global emergency just the day before and scientists at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine had confirmed to Whitty in a private meeting of the Nervtag advisory committee on respiratory illness that the virus’s infectivity could be as bad as Ferguson’s worst estimate several days earlier.
The official scientific advisers were willing to concede in public that there might be several cases of the coronavirus in the UK. But they had faith that the country’s plans for a pandemic would prove robust.
This was probably a big mistake. An adviser to Downing Street — speaking off the record — says their confidence in “the plan” was misplaced. While a possible pandemic had been listed as the No 1 threat to the nation for many years, the source says that in reality it had long since stopped being treated as such.
Several emergency planners and scientists said that the plans to protect the UK in a pandemic had once been a top priority and had been well-funded for a decade following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001. But then austerity cuts struck. “We were the envy of the world,” the source said, “but pandemic planning became a casualty of the austerity years when there were more pressing needs.”
The last rehearsal for a pandemic was a 2016 exercise codenamed Cygnus which predicted the health service would collapse and highlighted a long list of shortcomings — including, presciently, a lack of PPE and intensive care ventilators.
But an equally lengthy list of recommendations to address the deficiencies was never implemented. The source said preparations for a no-deal Brexit “sucked all the blood out of pandemic planning” in the following years.
In the year leading up to the coronavirus outbreak key government committee meetings on pandemic planning were repeatedly “bumped” off the diary to make way for discussions about more pressing issues such as the beds crisis in the NHS. Training for NHS staff with protective equipment and respirators was also neglected, the source alleges.
Members of the government advisory group on pandemics are said to have felt powerless.
“They would joke between themselves, ‘Haha let’s hope we don’t get a pandemic,’ because there wasn’t a single area of practice that was being nurtured in order for us to meet basic requirements for pandemic, never mind do it well,”
said the source.
“If you were with senior NHS managers at all during the last two years, you were aware that their biggest fear, their sweatiest nightmare, was a pandemic because they weren’t prepared for it.”
It meant that the government had much catching up to do when it was becoming clear that this “nightmare” was becoming a distinct possibility in February. But the source says there was little urgency.
“Almost every plan we had was not activated in February. Almost every government department has failed to properly implement their own pandemic plans,”
 the source said.
One deviation from the plan, for example, was a failure to give an early warning to firms that there might be a lockdown so they could start contingency planning. “There was a duty to get them to start thinking about their cashflow and their business continuity arrangements,” the source said.
A central part of any pandemic plan is to identify anyone who becomes ill, vigorously pursue all their recent contacts and put them into quarantine. That involves testing and the UK initially seemed to be ahead of the game. In early February Hancock proudly told the Commons the UK was one of the first countries to develop a new test for the coronavirus. “Testing worldwide is being done on equipment designed in Oxford,” he said.
So when Steve Walsh, a 53-year-old businessman from Hove, East Sussex, was identified as the source of the second UK outbreak on February 6 all his contacts were followed up with tests. Walsh’s case was a warning of the rampant infectivity of the virus as he is believed to have passed it to five people in the UK after returning from a conference in Singapore as well as six overseas.
But Public Health England failed to take advantage of our early breakthroughs with tests and lost early opportunities to step up production to the levels that would later be needed.
This was in part because the government was planning for the virus using its blueprint for fighting the flu. Once a flu pandemic has found its way into the population and there is no vaccine, then the virus is allowed to take its course until “herd immunity” is acquired. Such a plan does not require mass testing.
A senior politician told this newspaper: “I had conversations with Chris Whitty at the end of January and they were absolutely focused on herd immunity.’ The reason is that with flu, herd immunity is the right response if you haven’t got a vaccine.
“All of our planning was for pandemic flu. There has basically been a divide between scientists in Asia who saw this as a horrible, deadly disease on the lines of Sars, which requires immediate lockdown, and those in the West, particularly in the US and UK, who saw this as flu.”
The prime minister’s special adviser Dominic Cummings is said to have had initial enthusiasm for the herd immunity concept, which may have played a part in the government’s early approach to managing the virus. The Department of Health firmly denies that “herd immunity” was ever its aim and rejects suggestions that Whitty supported it. Cummings also denies backing the concept.
The failure to obtain large amounts of testing equipment was another big error of judgment, according to the Downing Street source. It would later be one of the big scandals of the coronavirus crisis that the considerable capacity of Britain’s private laboratories to mass-produce tests was not harnessed during those crucial weeks of February.
“We should have communicated with every commercial testing laboratory that might volunteer to become part of the government’s testing regime but that didn’t happen,”
said the source.
The lack of action was confirmed by Doris-Ann Williams, chief executive of the British In Vitro Diagnostics Association, which represents 110 companies that make up most of the UK’s testing sector. Amazingly, she says her organisation did not receive a meaningful approach from the government asking for help until April 1 — the night before Hancock bowed to pressure and announced a belated and ambitious target of 100,000 tests a day by the end of this month.
There was also a failure to replenish supplies of gowns and masks for health and care workers in the early weeks of February — despite NHS England declaring the virus its first “level four critical incident” at the end of January.
It was a key part of the pandemic plan — the NHS’s Operating Framework for Managing the Response to Pandemic Influenza dated December 2017 — that the NHS would be able to draw on “just in case” stockpiles of PPE.
But many of the “just in case” stockpiles had dwindled, and equipment was out of date. As not enough money was being spent on replenishing stockpiles, this shortfall was supposed to be filled by activating “just in time” contracts which had been arranged with equipment suppliers in recent years to deal with an emergency. The first order for equipment under the “just in time” protocol was made on January 30.
However, the source said that attempts to call in these “just in time” contracts immediately ran into difficulties in February because they were mostly with Chinese manufacturers who were facing unprecedented demand from the country’s own health service and elsewhere.
This was another nail in the coffin for the pandemic plan. “It was a massive spider’s web of failing, every domino has fallen,”said the source.
The NHS could have contacted UK-based suppliers. The British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA) was ready to help supply PPE in February — and throughout March — but it was only on April 1 that its offer of help was accepted. Dr Simon Festing, the organisation’s chief executive, said: “Orders undoubtedly went overseas instead of to the NHS because of the missed opportunities in the procurement process.”
Downing Street admitted on February 24 — just five days before NHS chiefs warned a lack of PPE left the health service facing a “nightmare” — that the UK government had supplied 1,800 pairs of goggles and 43,000 disposable gloves, 194,000 sanitising wipes, 37,500 medical gowns and 2,500 face masks to China.
A senior department of health insider described the sense of drift witnessed during those crucial weeks in February:
“We missed the boat on testing and PPE . . . I remember being called into some of the meetings about this in February and thinking, ‘Well it’s a good thing this isn’t the big one.’
“I had watched Wuhan but I assumed we must have not been worried because we did nothing. We just watched. A pandemic was always at the top of our national risk register — always — but when it came we just slowly watched. We could have been Germany but instead we were doomed by our incompetence, our hubris and our austerity.”
In the Far East the threat was being treated more seriously in the early weeks of February. Martin Hibberd, a professor of emerging infectious diseases at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, was in a unique position to compare the UK’s response with Singapore, where he had advised in the past.
“Singapore realised, as soon as Wuhan reported it, that cases were going to turn up in Singapore. And so they prepared for that. I looked at the UK and I can see a different strategy and approach.
“The interesting thing for me is, I’ve worked with Singapore in 2003 and 2009 and basically they copied the UK pandemic preparedness plan. But the difference is they actually implemented it.”
Working holiday
Towards the end of the second week of February, the prime minister was demob happy. After sacking five cabinet ministers and saying everyone “should be confident and calm” about Britain’s response to the virus, Johnson vacated Downing Street after the half-term recess began on February 13.
He headed to the country for a “working” holiday at Chevening with Symonds and would be out of the public eye for 12 days. His aides were thankful for the rest, as they had been working flat out since the summer as the Brexit power struggle had played out.
The Sunday newspapers that weekend would not have made comfortable reading. The Sunday Times reported on a briefing from a risk specialist which said that Public Health England would be overrun during a pandemic as it could test only 1,000 people a day.
Johnson may well have been distracted by matters in his personal life during his stay in the countryside. Aides were told to keep their briefing papers short and cut the number of memos in his red box if they wanted them to be read.
His family needed to be prepared for the announcement that Symonds, who turned 32 in March, was pregnant and that they had been secretly engaged for some time. Relations with his children had been fraught since his separation from his estranged wife Marina Wheeler and the rift deepened when she had been diagnosed with cancer last year.
The divorce also had to be finalised. Midway through the break it was announced in the High Court that the couple had reached a settlement, leaving Wheeler free to apply for divorce.
There were murmurings of frustration from some ministers and their aides at the time that Johnson was not taking more of a lead. But Johnson’s aides are understood to have felt relaxed: he was getting updates and they claim the scientists were saying everything was under control.
400,000 deaths
By the time Johnson departed for the countryside, however, there was mounting unease among scientists about the exceptional nature of the threat. Sir Jeremy Farrar, an infectious disease specialist who is a key government adviser, made this clear in a recent BBC interview.
“I think from the early days in February, if not in late January, it was obvious this infection was going to be very serious and it was going to affect more than just the region of Asia ,”
he said.
“I think it was very clear that this was going to be an unprecedented event.”
By February 21, the virus had already infected 76,000 people, had caused 2,300 deaths in China and was taking a foothold in Europe with Italy recording 51 cases and two deaths the following day. Nonetheless Nervtag, one of the key government advisory committees, decided to keep the threat level at “moderate”.
Its members may well regret that decision with hindsight and it was certainly not unanimous. John Edmunds, one of the country’s top infectious disease modellers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, was participating in the meeting by video link but his technology failed him at the crucial moment.
Edmunds wanted the threat level to be increased to high but could not make his view known as the link was glitchy. He sent an email later making his view clear.
“JE believes that the risk to the UK population [in the PHE risk assessment] should be high, as there is evidence of ongoing transmission in Korea, Japan and Singapore, as well as in China,”
the meeting’s minutes state. But the decision had already been taken.
Peter Openshaw, professor of experimental medicine at Imperial College, was in America at the time of the meeting but would also have recommended increasing the threat to high. Three days earlier he had given an address to a seminar in which he estimated that 60% of the world’s population would probably become infected if no action was taken and 400,000 people would die in the UK.
By February 26, there were 13 known cases in the UK. That day — almost four weeks before a full lockdown would be announced — ministers were warned through another advisory committee that the country was facing a catastrophic loss of life unless drastic action was taken. Having been thwarted from sounding the alarm, Edmunds and his team presented their latest “worst scenario” predictions to the scientific pandemic influenza group on modelling (SPI-M) which directly advises the country’s scientific decision-makers on Sage.
It warned that 27 million people could be infected and 220,000 intensive care beds would be needed if no action were taken to reduce infection rates. The predicted death toll was 380,000. Edmunds’s colleague Nick Davies, who led the research, says the report emphasised the urgent need for a lockdown almost four weeks before it was imposed.
The team modelled the effects of a 12-week lockdown involving school and work closures, shielding the elderly, social distancing and self-isolation. It estimated this would delay the impact of the pandemic but there still might be 280,000 deaths over the year.
Johnson returns
The previous night Johnson had returned to London for the Conservatives’ big fundraising ball, the Winter Party, at which one donor pledged £60,000 for the privilege of playing a game of tennis with him.
By this time the prime minister had missed five Cobra meetings on the preparations to combat the looming pandemic, which he left to be chaired by Hancock. Johnson was an easy target for the opposition when he returned to the Commons the following day with the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, labelling him a “part-time” prime minister for his failure to lead on the virus crisis or visit the areas of the UK badly hit by floods.
By Friday, February 28, the virus had taken root in the UK with reported cases rising to 19 and the stock markets were plunging. It was finally time for Johnson to act. He summoned a TV reporter into Downing Street to say he was on top of the coronavirus crisis.
The issue of coronavirus is something that is now the government’s top priority,” he said.
“I have just had a meeting with the chief medical officer and secretary of state for health talking about the preparations that we need to make.”
It was finally announced that he would be attending a meeting of Cobra — after a weekend at Chequers with Symonds where the couple would publicly release news of the engagement and their baby.
On the Sunday, there was a meeting between Sage committee members and officials from the Department of Health and NHS which was a game changer, according to a Whitehall source. The meeting was shown fresh modelling based on figures from Italy suggesting that 8% of infected people might need hospital treatment in a worst-case scenario. The previous estimate had been 4%-5%.
“The risk to the NHS had effectively doubled in an instant. It set alarm bells ringing across government,” said the Whitehall source. “I think that meeting focused minds. You realise it’s time to pull the trigger on the starting gun.”
Many NHS workers have been left without proper protection
At the Cobra meeting the next day with Johnson in the chair a full “battle plan” was finally signed off to contain, delay and mitigate the spread of the virus. This was on March 2 — five weeks after the first Cobra meeting on the virus.
The new push would have some positive benefits such as the creation of new Nightingale hospitals, which greatly increased the number of intensive care beds. But there was a further delay that month of nine days in introducing the lockdown as Johnson and his senior advisers debated what measures were required. Later the government would be left rudderless again after Johnson himself contracted the virus.
As the number of infections grew daily, some things were impossible to retrieve. There was a worldwide shortage of PPE and the prime minister would have to personally ring manufacturers of ventilators and testing kits in a desperate effort to boost supplies.
The result was that the NHS and care home workers would be left without proper protection and insufficient numbers of tests to find out whether they had been infected. To date 50 doctors, nurses and NHS workers have died. More than 100,000 people have been confirmed as infected in Britain and 15,000 have died.
This weekend, sources close to Hancock said that from late January he instituted a “prepare for the worst” approach to the virus, held daily meetings and started work on PPE supplies.
A Downing Street spokesman said:
“Our response has ensured that the NHS has been given all the support it needs to ensure everyone requiring treatment has received it, as well as providing protection to businesses and reassurance to workers. The prime minister has been at the helm of the response to this, providing leadership during this hugely challenging period for the whole nation.”

Part 1 - Labour's Leaked Report & Starmer’s Search for a Whistleblower Raises the Question WHY is he so eager to protect those who sabotaged Labour’s 2017 Election Campaign?

The Moral Turpitude, Racism & Corrupt Vendettas of Iain McNicol’s aides didn’t stop them Fraudulently Living off Members’ Subscriptions Whilst ‘Going Slow’

*          Numbers in (xx) round brackets indicate page numbers in the Leaked Report
**        You can also download a précis of the report.

Dramatis Personae
Iain McNicol (General Secretary)
Tracey Allen (Manager, General Secretary’s Office - GSO)
Julie Lawrence (Director, GSO)
Emilie Oldknow (Executive Director - Governance, Membership and Party Services)
Patrick Heneghan (Executive Director - Elections, Campaigns and Organisation)
Simon Mills (Executive Director - Finance).
John Stolliday (Director, Governance and Legal Unit - GLU)
Mike Creighton (Director of Audit, Risk and Property)
Claire-Frances Fuller (Head of Internal Governance)
Simon Jackson (Director of Policy, Research and Messaging, Briefing and Rebuttal)
Fiona Stanton (Regional Director, Labour North)
Neil Fleming (Acting Head of Press and Broadcasting)
Carol Linforth (Director of Conference and Events)
Sarah Mulholland (PLP Secretary)
Holly Snyman (Director - Human Resources)
Greg Cook (Head of Political Strategy)
Anna Hutchinson (Regional Director, Labour North West)
Tom Geldard (Director of Digital).
Jo Greening, (Head of International Affairs)
Karie Murphy (Chief of Staff, LOTO)
Seumas Milne (Executive Director - Strategy and Communication)

This is the first of a 2 part article on Labour’s leaked report. The Report demonstrates in all its sordid details the amorality of Labour’s senior officials up to an including General Secretary ‘crooked’ Iain McNicol. They say that a fish rots from the head down. It is clear, with the 56% vote for Keir Starmer, that the rot has spread to much of the rest of Labour’s body.
This Report is not some neutral investigation of the misdeeds of Labour’s senior officials.  It is a highly politicised and factional document. The fault line running through this Report is its acceptance that the false and malicious anti-Semitism campaign waged against Corbyn’s supporters, anti-Zionists and the ‘wrong sort of Jews’, was genuinely concerned with anti-Jewish racism.
This Report is based on the assumption that this ‘disinformation paradigm’ had some basis in fact and was genuinely concerned with rooting out racism. The Report rejects the suggestion that this campaign, waged for four years by the BBC and establishment journalists, from the Guardian to the Sun, was a cynical weapon deployed by opponents of Jeremy Corbyn.
This is the first of a two-part analysis of the Report. This is a Report in 2 parts – one good and one bad. It is a report that contains a unique window into what Labour’s senior officials were thinking and what they were up to and. At the same time it is both mistaken and dishonest.
This Report also highlights the real tragedy of Corbyn’s leadership. The fact that he and his supporters in Momentum came to believe that if they embraced the weapon of their adversaries that they could turn it against them and thus defeat anti-Semitism which had been directed against them. Instead they signed their own death warrant.
It doesn’t seem to have occurred to Corbyn and McDonnell that the more socialists, Black and Jewish anti-racists they expelled the more imperilled their own position became. They never sought to ask why it was that the Labour Right, which had introduced the ‘hostile environment’ policy, and the Tories who introduced the 2014 Immigration Act, were so concerned about anti-Semitism.
I will begin with the good part. This is a Report which resembles George Elliot’s Daniel Deronda, which was a book in 2 parts –brilliant novel and awkward Zionist sub-plot.
Who Was The Report Commissioned By?
This Report was almost certainly commissioned by Jennie Formby or those close to her. Its aim was to pin the blame for the failure to investigate ‘anti-Semitism’ on McNicol, Stolliday and above all Sam Matthews. Presumably the intention was to submit it to the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s Inquiry into Labour ‘anti-Semitism’.
Bogus allegations of breaches of the GDPR regulationson data protection and confidentiality are being used by the Party leadership to try and suppress this Report. I’ve taken a brief look at the Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR Regs. Section 15 of the DPA 2018 makes provisions for exemption from the scope of the GDPR, e.g. Article 6 1(e) refers to the public interest. Articles 6(3) and 23(1) of the GDPR provide for exemption from its provisions.
There are a number of excellent articles on the Report which I’ve listed at the end of this article.
Craig Murray’s Reportraises the importance of storing the mass of data involved in compiling this report, the thousands of Whatsapp and email messages, of which this Report is only a selection.
Asa Winstanley’s excellent article identifies the author of the report as Harry Hayball, a senior officer in the GLU and Patrick Smith, a former organiser for the Alliance for Workers Liberty, a former  Trotskyist Zionist group that provided the ideological basis to the witch-hunt, in particular the concept of ‘left anti-Semitism’.
Why is Starmer so intent on suppressing the leaked report and avoiding any discussion of the issues raised in it?
Before retiring I used to be the legal advisor to a charity. I specialised in Employment Law and represented workers at Employment Tribunals and the Employment Appeal Tribunal. I specialised in Whistleblowing see e.g. Lucas –v- Chichester Diocesan Housing Association which set a precedent on ‘good faith’.
In every single Whistleblowing case I fought, the employer, instead of dealing with the Protected Disclosure (such as dangerous conditions in a private hospital, fraud etc.) targeted the Whistleblower. Why? Because they were complicit in the wrongdoing and they were seeking to cover it up.
The Zionists are furious at the 'flagrant' Labour Party Data Breach - strangely enough they weren't outraged when the Compliance Unit leaked details of its victims
It is widely accepted that employers should notto try and identify the whistleblower because that acts as a deterrent to whistleblowing. In some situations anonymity is guaranteed. For example in the Administration of the United States. The first thing that Donald Trump did during his impeachment hearings was to try and find out who blew the whistle on him so that he could be victimised.
Keir Starmer was involved in the PLP coup against Corbyn in 2016. There is no doubt that McNicol and others were in touch with the coup leaders and Tom Watson. Starmer’s reaction and his instructions to Formby to act as his lapdog have but one explanation – he was fully aware of what was going on at Labour Party HQ in Southside.
McNicol - the Spider at the Centre of Labour's Corrupt Web 
Reading through the Report the overwhelming impression was that Labour’s senior staff, Matthews, McNicol, Oldknow etc. simply had no code of ethics or moral compass.  They were both personally and politically corrupt. It is also clear that they should never have been employed as they are as far from socialism and the fight for a better society as it is possible to be. It is no surprise that such was the hostility of Labour’s staff to socialist activists, who they contemptuously referred to as ‘Trots’, a term embracing anyone from Marxists to left-Social Democrats and indeed anyone who is a democrat, that they would have felt comfortable working at Tory Party HQ. The pity is that they weren’t.
Supporting Anybody but Labour
Simon Jackson, the Acting Director of Policy and Political Research said about Iain Duncan-Smith that he was ‘better than most of our shadow cabinet”(42) This is the man responsiblefor the deaths of thousands of disabled people through his benefit cuts.
Lisa Forsyth believed that Corbyn had nothing to do with the victory in the Oldham by-election in December 2015 and hoped that Theresa May would give him ‘the boot’ at the local elections in May 2016:
It's in spite of him tho. Hopfullly May will be the boot (62)
Simon Jackson, had previously suggested to Anouska Gregorek, Head of Policy Development, that he would not vote for Labour in a general election when led by Jeremy Corbyn. (88)
 ‘Ultimately though, who votes for JC? If it's a choice btwn him & TMay how do WE vote for him?? I mean we're not fucking mad.’(42)
People have been expelled for previous membership or support of the Green Party or sharing tweets in support of George Galloway yet opposition to Labour was rife amongst Labour’s senior officers. To oppose your own party and yet live off its members’ subscriptions is the epitome of personal corruption.
This principle of not supporting another party did not extend to the Right of the party, still less Labour Party staff themselves, one of whom remarked that ‘with a bit of luck this speech will show a clear polling decline.’ (96)
Senior staff in “SMT Group” spoke openly with one another about hoping that the Liberal Democrats “can do it” in the Manchester Gorton by-election: (63)
Jo Greening hoped that ‘with a bit of luck this speech will show a clear polling decline.’(57)
John Bigham – being the admin of a  Conservative Party Facebook Group is not enough to suspend
In January 2017 Rob Reddan complained about Bigham, attaching screenshots in which Bigham wrote that he did not support the Labour Party:
I will always be a member but i will never get behind the party [while] Corbyn is leader”
“I will never allow Trotskyite and Marxist scum to drive me out of the party”
Reddan’s complaint was forwarded from “Legal Queries” to “Disputes”. The complaint was not logged anywhere, and no action appears to have been taken. (537)
In March 2017 another staff member flagged Bigham to Louise Withers-Green, attaching screenshots of him attacking Corbyn and numerous members of the shadow cabinet. Withers-Green responded “This, although not nice isn’t bad enough for us to do anything about”.(538)
Further complaints were received about Bigham on 18 and 21 December 2017, concerning posts in which he called Corbyn a terrorist sympathiser and, about Diane Abbott, wrote:
It’s about time she got put in a box with the lid fastened firmly
On 21 December 2017, “Skwawkbox” publishedan article on Bigham’s comment about Abbott, noting that:
Andy Bigham is a well-known poster to members of political discussion groups on Facebook. He posts anti-Labour comments and articles so frequently that members of non-Labour groups often assume he is a Tory.
Julie Lawrence emailed the Head of Internal Governance Claire-Frances Fuller:
Hi CF, can you take a look and advise on action we should take? Fuller replied to Lawrence
I don’t think this would be considered a death threat by the police or would warrant a suspension.,, Unless there is any further evidence of addition posts/comments (539)
At 11.28am, Fuller emailed saying “Cancel that. We can suspend.” Oldknow messaged in “SKEI”:
[22/12/2017, 11:28:44] Emilie Oldknow: We’re suspending this character. It will go out later today. Please don’t brief until he has been told
Bigham was then suspended on the basis of his post about Abbott.
When Disputes Officer Megan McCann followed up in February 2018, however, she noted that “a warning seems to me most appropriate”. A series of questions about the post were then sent to Bigham, including:
Are you intending you stir up violence towards Diane Abbott?
How do you think you would feel if someone posted a comment like this concerning you? (539)
McCann then lifted his suspension and two days later Reddan submitted further evidence about Bigham, with screenshots of over 100 posts showing Bigham
·       saying he had voted Conservative
·       supported Conservative Party policies
·       and posting a racist image that listed “Islamisation of the UK”, “Back the IRA & Muslim terrorists” and “open borders to ‘refugees’” as “Jeremy Corbyn’s 10 pledges to rebuild and transform britain”.
No action was taken. Further evidence was also sent to “Disputes” that Bigham supported Conservative Party posts encouraging people to join the Conservative Party. On 19 April 2018 Reddan submitted another complaint but Martha Robinson in Complaints replied that it did not warrant action. Reddan responded that:
People were suspended for 'liking' or sharing green party tweets, or agreeing with other parties tweets on twitter in the run up to the 2nd leadership election.
This individual has openly stated that he voted conservative at the last election... posted an offensive article about Diane Abbott, is forever praising conservative policies on social media... accusing anyone who voted for Corbyn of being as good as anti-Semitic and stating that anyone who speaks out against the state of Israel is also anti-Semitic and yet is happy to support his wife making remarks about Muslim immigrants as if it is ok to target Muslims and still nothing is done.
Reddan did not receive a reply. No action was taken. (541)
After a complaint was emailed to Jennie Formby, she forwarded it to Sophie Goodyear, Head of Safeguarding and Complaints who argued that being an admin of a Conservative Party Facebook group was not sufficient grounds for an auto-exclusion, but his statement that he supported the Conservative Party and had voted for them was. Finally on 11 June 2018, Bigham was auto-excluded from the party (541-542)
Labour Party headquarters where the plotting of the Blairite sabotagers took place
Emily Benn
The GLU declined to act on complaints about Emily Benn, who had retweeted and posted on Facebook a tweet saying that
“Anyone disappointed by Corbyn's male dominated line-up should consider joining the Women's Equality Party [WEP]”  (204/5)
On 6 November 2015, as criticism mounted, Oldknow wrote:
We are going to have to get some specifics on the Emily Benn tweet and quick.
We need to put to bed this in relation to not suspending her.(205)
Stolliday maintained that the post may have been from “some over-enthusiastic local volunteer running [the account] on her behalf”, and suggested that “next week we write to Emily asking her to clarify that point.” He added that he thought the cases were “entirely different”. Oldknow agreed arguing that “we aren't dealing with sane people here” although complaints had come from numerous Labour members, and members of Labour’s governing NEC.
Oldknow dismissed the complaints on the grounds that those making the complaints were insane.  Such a comment by a member would, in itself, be grounds for investigation or suspension.
On 12 November, Iain McNicol wrote to Benn about her tweets.:
“In order to help me consider whether a formal investigation is required in this matter I would be grateful if you could answer the following questions
No one else was sent questions from the General Secretary prior to a suspension or investigation. I certainly wasn’t. (206)
Owen Smith Challenges Corbyn in the Summer of 2016 – McNicol Did His Best To Stop him Standing
In July 2016 Owen Smith challengedJeremy Corbyn for the leadership. To do this he needed the nomination of 20% of the combined total of MPs and MEPs. The Right argued that Corbyn also needed to be nominated by the same number of MPs.
Solicitor's letter to Crooked McNicol reminding him of his responsibilities
Prior to the NEC meeting of 12th July McNicol did all he could to stop Corbyn standing, necessitating a letter being sentfrom solicitors acting for Jim Kennedy of Unite to McNicol telling him he had a duty to act in good faith. It was like asking a fox to become a vegetarian.
McNicol sought advice from James Goudie QC, whose opinion was that Corbyn needed to be nominated. Mark Henderson QC advised to the contrary.  Goudie proved that lawyers, like prostitutes, could always be bought if the price were right. Rule 2.Bii stated that:
‘where there is no vacancy, nominations may be sought by potential challengers each year prior to the annual session of conference. In this case nominations must be supported by 20% of the combined Commons members of the PLP and members of the EPLP. Nominations not attracting this threshold shall be null and void.
The rule was crystal clear. There was no vacancy as Corbyn was the incumbent not the challenger. Crooked McNicol invitedGoudie not Henderson to the NEC meeting. Notwithstanding this the NEC voted 18-14 to allow Corbyn to stand. A subsequent legal challenge by a rabid Zionist, Michael Foster, failedand Corbyn went on to win.
On 15 July 2016, the Director of GLU, Stolliday, who was responsible for overseeing the Party’s legal defence, said he was “praying we lose in court”. (119) McNicol said "this is the first time the unions have actually chosen to f*** the party rather than support it".
Judge Foskett took the unusual step of allowing Corbyn to have his own legal representation separate from the party. This was because Corbyn suspected McNicol might concede the case. The High Court acknowledged that Corbyn could not trust the party apparatus and McNicol to represent his interests fairly.
The staff got to work purging as many Corbyn supporters as possible. Staff boasted privately about creating a “new stasi system”, the scale of the operation was initially hidden from the NEC, with one staff member admitting “we don't want the NEC to have much of an idea how many there are to review (we're worried they'll get scared)”.(119)

One way of purging the left was to draw up a list of 68 MPs and their twitter handles. A list of banned words was drawn up for example. ‘traitor’ and anyone using these words to attack the MP was suspended. However no MPs from the party’s left was included so any attacks on them were deemed fair game. There was just one Asian MP and no black MPs on McNicol’s list. Despite high levels of online abuse directed at Corbyn, who in the 2017 general election received more abuse on Twitter than any other politician, he was not included in the list of MPs. (130/131) Right-wing abuse was acceptable.
The same day, Richard Shakespeare, Labour’s lead developer, suggested that Labour reject membership applications from anyone who came to the join the Labour Party via Momentum:
The appropriately named Councillor John Ferret, leader of Portsmouth Labour Group, was reported by numerous people for a string of abusive comments, including referring to Unite as “Stasi”; saying he would “rather vote Tory” than for “any… Trot outfit aligned to Momentum”; calling Corbyn a “terrorist(138/9)
John McTernan, a former Blair adviser, whom Jon Lansman welcomedinto Momentum, whilst expelling me, was reported from 25 July onwards for abusive language on Twitter including describing Labour MPs who nominated Corbyn as “morons”; tweeting twice that Corbyn was a “traitor”; describing “Corbynistas” as racist; telling an SNP MP that he should “Come down to Peckham and try saying that, mate”; and writing in the Daily Telegraph that Corbyn’s supporters were “online trolls”.
McTernan actually attackedthe Tory government for not ‘crushing the rail unions’ in that well known Labour supporting newspaper, The Telegraph on 10th August 2016.
No action was taken against him and the staff decision was “No action - removed at referral”. On 18 August, however, Dan Hogan did report a member of McTernan’s CLP, Omar Baggili, who - in response to an article by McTernan in “The Telegraph” urging the Conservative government to “crush the rail unions once and for all” - tweeted at him
“seriously John why haven’t you got yourself a Tory membership card. They’re anti unions & pro privatisation like you.”
Baggili though was suspended for “abuse”. (140)
Jeremy Corbyn greeting people after the 2017 election
General Election – Protecting only Right-wing MPs
Protecting Tom Watson during the 2017 election was a high priority.  £50,000 of members’ money was conjured up whereas Labour candidates in Tory marginals were denied any help whatsoever because McNicol and Labour’s staff worked on the assumption that Corbyn woud lead the Labour Party to disaster.
On 22 April Patrick Heneghandeclared that ‘we need to throw cash at Tom's seat, Even if just 50k for that. We can't let him lose for want of money’  to which McNicol responded: ‘Am off to bed. But obviously protect toms seat.’ (87)
Operation Cake – Launching a Coup Against Corbyn
Julie Lawrence, a former NALGO official in the South-East set in train what they hoped would be a new coup. Two parliamentary by-elections were coming up in Copeland and Stoke-on-Trent and the staff were praying that Labour would lose.
Julie Lawrence, Director, GSO described Corbyn as ‘a proud and selfish man with a team to match.’ (so selfish that Corbyn was one of the few MPs not caught up in the expenses scandal) She hoped that if Labour lost the elections ‘we could have another leadership election.’ This was ‘Operation Cupcake’.(85)
However Labour held Stoke-on-Trent North though it lost Copeland. To Katy Dillon, a Press Officer and later Broadcast Officer ‘ the result on thursday was bittersweet’. She would much have preferred if the Tories had won both seats.(62)
It is clear that Tom Watson was kept informed about developments and was part of the planning for Operation Cupcake. McNicol told Oldknow told to ‘pull together. Operation Cupcake’. Oldknow told Lawrence and Heneghan that ‘Iain told TW to prepare for being interim leader.’ (85)
June 2017 General Election Campaign
The people have spoken. Bastards’ (103)
The General Election was a difficult time for Labour’s witchhunters. Most of them were desperate to see the back of Corbyn and if that meant supporting the Tories then so be it.  You can imagine their reaction when Corbyn achieved the largest swing since 1945 and gained about 30 seats.
Even worse everyone else at Southside was celebrating. Labour’s witchhunters could hardly turn up looking as if they were in mourning (which is what some staff did when Corbyn first won the leadership). Fortunately Julie Lawrence was on hand to offer ‘some safe space time’ to these sensitive souls before they had to go and pretend to share the joy. (102)
However Iain McNicol made it clear that ‘I'm not in smiling and mixing and doing the 2nd floor.... It’s going to be a long night’. Tracey Allen spoke for everyone when she declared that
We will have to suck this up. The people have spoken. Bastards’. (103)
Teddy Ryan, a Regional Organiser was extremely unhappy now that Corbyn was back. He poured out his heart to Kat Buckingham:
I don't like living in a world where I'm not allowed to go round threatening people as I see fit (108)
You can see this point. Even worse they had to reinstate Christine Shawcroft, a left-wing NEC member who had been suspended for supporting the Independent Muslim Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lotfhur Rahman, whom the High Court, in an openly racist decision, basing itself on anti-Irish laws a century ago, had removed. (106/107)
In May 2017 Labour HQ assigned staff to a “secret key seats team”, based in a separate building, Ergon House - “all secret to LOTO”.(92)
Hundreds cram into Momentum meeting before Brighton Labour Party's AGM
The Suspension of Brighton and Hove Labour Party
On July 9th 2016 at a packed AGM of Brighton & Hove District Labour Party, over 600 members voted for a new left Executive by a 2-1 majority.  Momentum, which was then on the left, had held a monster meeting at Brighthelm Community Centre. I have never seen so many people at a meeting there. The large hall was packed, so was the cafe behind it and still people could not get in.
Warren Morgan, Progress Leader of the Council coordinated the making of false allegations of spitting against an innocent party member 

Another member of Labour's right-wing mafia, Sue  Teddern, was prepared to lie and frame an innocent member, Matt Tully - the staff member denied that he was spat at and the CCTV confirmed that 
As soon as the AGM was over Council leader Warren Morgan and former Councillor Emma Daniels liedabout a spitting incident that never happened. They were backed up by Morgan’s successor, Daniel Yates. The allegations were bare-faced lies, invented to defeat the democratic will of the largest meeting in the history of the local Labour Party. Brighton City College where it was held had CCTV which proved that there was no spitting incident. The investigator, Karen Buckingham, who had made up her mind before even leaving her office, refused to look at the video of the incident because that would have put her in a difficult position. Her excuse was that looking at it would have been a breach of the Data Protection Act!  Today ‘Confidentiality’ is the go to pretext for official liars.
Nonetheless the party was suspended courtesy of Ann Black, the then Head of Disputes.  I have covered this in depth hereand here. Three days later Stolliday discussed overturning the result with Katherine Buckingham who was sent down to Brighton by Anne Black to ‘investigate’ what happened. The only problem was that she had already made up her mind.
Morgan even called for the innocent victim of his lying allegations to be expelled - there were no depths to which he wouldn't sink
The lies and deception of Labour’s senior officials beggar belief. Warren Morgan asked in mock horror whether he was being accused of engaging in a conspiracy. The answer is a resounding ‘yes’. Stolliday discussed overturning the result without even a cursory thought as to such minor questions as the morality of overturning the democratic will of 600+ Labour Party members. These people had the mentality of General Pinochet staging a coup d’etat against Allende.
The allegation that the ‘SWP and Trots’ marched to the meeting and stuffed the ballot box is an absurd lie. Membership cards were carefully checked.  The meeting was so big that it had to be held in 3 separate sittings. Lloyd Russell-Moyle, who is now an MP, chaired the meeting. Stolliday wanted to overturn the AGM. Buckingham wanted to 'act now and worry about the rules and legalities later.
Buckingham going through the motions of holding an Inquiry when she had already decided that the Left was at fault
The Labour Right engaged in a war against democracy with the support of Iain McNicol and the Labour Party apparatus including the local right-wing Council leadership under Warren Morgan.  Corbyn and McDonnell didn’t speak out once. Their silence was deafening.
Anne Black, the Head of the Disputes Committee, agreed to suspend Brighton and Hove Labour Party on the say so of unelected officials.  She paid the price when she was lost her place on the NEC. I have written to her to ask whether she now has any regrets.
Wallasey CLP was also Stitched Up
Wallasey CLP was also suspended in July 2016. A year later, 7 July 2017, Oldknow emailed Sam Matthews and Stolliday listed a number of allegations of “people selling socialist worker” then participating in a CLP meeting which was an absurd lie. Oldknow noted that the local MP Angela Eagle felt that, if the CLP’s suspension was lifted in the coming months, this would “not give her time to organise etc.”(114)
The SWP was a phantom.  It doesn’t operate in the Labour Party. The SWP was mentioned in order to frighten the children. This lie was equivalent to the myth of the ‘stab in the back’ so beloved of German revanchists after WWI.
The allegations included bullying, homophobia and a broken window!  The BBC swallowed the lies. Unsurprisingly it’s not reporting on the contents of the leaked Report. Once again Corbyn failed to speak up.

Sam Matthews
This was an open discussion between senior GLU and GSO staff and Labour Party Executive Directors about ensuring that Angela Eagle and her allies were able to win the AGM and other votes at the CLP. They discussed how they had been “giv[ing] Angela “time” to “organise” to win those votes against the local Labour left.’ (114)
In theory the job of officials is to take orders from elected officials and the party membership but in practice the officials saw their job as policing the membership and protecting the Right.
Sam Matthews had ‘every sympathy for the fact that Angela is still in a difficult situation’. His worry was that ‘based on track record, no matter how much time we give Angela’ she would be unable to turn the party around. She was so unpopular that no amount of time could change the desire of her party to be rid of her. (114)
‘Crooked Iain McNicol’ – I was expelled for telling the truth!
The Report exonerates me of the charge of abuse made at my expulsion hearing in February 2018
My references to ‘Crooked McNicol’ had clearly annoyed the Compliance Unit. But it wasn’t abuse. It was blindingly obvious to me that when a purge of Corbyn supporters began in the summer of 2015 and again the following year, that the intention was to deprive Corbyn of a majority. This was so clearly a crooked act I wondered why others were unable to see it. Their behaviour was no different from Republicans in the United States who engage in voter suppression, seeking to keep Black people off the voters’ roll.

Part of the skeleton argument of Labour's barrister - it seems they didn't like my comments about McNicol's underlings!
Over 4,000 voters including me, voted in 2015 for Corbyn and we had our votes fished out of the electronic ballot box. If anyone engaged in a similar exercise in local or national elections they would be arrested for electoral fraud and be doing time at Her Majesty’s pleasure.
With hindsight it is clear that my assessment of Crooked McNicol was spot on. On those grounds alone I shall be submitting an appeal against my expulsion. My only ‘crime’ was to say what was blindingly obvious when others preferred to turn a blind eye.
All the allegations of 'abuse' happened to be true!
Part (4) of the Second Charge against me, paras. 64-66 in Labour Party barrister Thomas Ogg’s skeleton argument was devoted to 'Crooked McNicol'(21 February 2017 [121] The charges were based on a blog of 21st February 2017, Crooked Iain McNicol, Labour's General Secretary, Rides Again.
Ogg complained that I had ‘used the word "crook" or "crooked" to describe Mr lain McNicol no less than 17 times’. (para 64). Ogg explained that ‘A crook is a dishonest or criminal person. Mr Greenstein uses the work to abuse.’ I have never disputed the meaning of the word ‘crook’ but it wasn’t to abuse. Can anyone now seriously dispute that McNicol was crooked?  Ogg described the word as ‘insulting and abusive.’ Maybe, but it was also true.
Ogg also complained that I had insulted Tom Watson ‘by saying that his behaviour reminds him of the comment that he has "every quality of a dog except loyalty". Can anyone dispute this? It is clear that he knew of the activities of the staff and was in close contact with them, to the extent of having them leak confidential Labour Party documents. Watson, contrary to the promise he made to Corbyn when elected, was seriously dishonest. It is clear that I was the victim of a miscarriage of justice.
Corruption and Nepotism
On 22nd September 2015 Stolliday, who resigned shortly after McNicol, openly incited Jo Green, the Head of Broadcasting, to come to work and do nothing in order to qualify for redundancy.
You'll be entitled to a decent chunk. Worth staying for it even if it means coming into the office & doing nothing for a few months’.
Staff discussed jobs being “stitched up” for fellow right-wingers. In January 2016 Sam Matthews, was encouraged to apply for a job by a staff member, but Matthews expressed concern that
I’m mediocre (at best) at copywriting  and got rejected from that job the last time I went for it”.
However Matthews was reminded that the team “know you” and
all of the other people who apply will probably be internal Labour hacks with not that much legit copywriting experience outside of producing campaign materials or stuff for Labour students.’
Matthews asked ‘Won’t it be a stitch up for a Labour Student though?’ The response was: “Maybe under the Sarah regime, but now we’re under Tom management”. Matthews said he would apply for a role, but added:
As an aside, could you give me a heads up if it does end up being a stitch up for someone? I’ll probably go through with it anyway to pop back up on their radar that I want back in, but it would be useful to know.’
Mike Creighton - his incompetence was legendary, as I found out when I took the Labour Party to court over a data protection breach - I was sent 2 responses to an SAR because he had kept no records when he left!
Sam Matthews, because of his worries that he was “mediocre” and didn’t “have the skills on paper” arranged in February 2016 to meet Mike Creighton, the Director of Audit, Risk and Property, for a coffee. He needn’t have worried. The corrupt nexus at Southside would look after him. After chatting with Creighton he applied for the new role of “Compliance Officer - Investigations”.
The only problem was that there was another more highly qualified applicant, Max Lansman, who had scored higher than Matthews on the pre-interview scoring matrix.
Lansman was a qualified barrister with an MA in “Legal and Political Theory”, with a wide range of compliance and legal experience. Lansman, a barrister with “specialisms including employment, family, housing, landlord and tenant, and civil law” might have been thought a shoe-in. However he was on the left of the party, notwithstanding his father Jon Lansman.  On 21 March 2016, Creighton messaged Oldknow:  Going to offer the job to Sam Matthews’, (115-116) So much for equal opportunities and anti-discrimination policies.
Another Labour refugee who has been inducted by Prentis’s corrupt regime at UNISON was Emily Oldknow. In a conversation with Emma Meehan she said: ‘Sarah tells me that your sister is looking for a job?’ Emma responded ‘Yeah she is’. Oldknow informed her that
‘We have an admin role coming up in the compliance unit.. but it gets her in the door and gives her some experience? On being informed that she would be interested Oldknow comments That means she will be completely maleable....’
Caption from Panorama programme when Withers Green and others lied to the BBC and other enemies of Labour
On 13 February 2017 Louise Withers-Green started as Disputes administrator. Formerly active in Labour Students, Withers-Green had, like Matthews, been a “Field Organiser” for “Britain Stronger In Europe” and he had then recruited her as a “Validation Assistant” during the 2016 leadership election. She had previously been an intern at Amnesty International and a self-employed English tutor.
 Other candidates had worked for law firms, the police and other organisations, in roles that included administration of complaints and case management systems. However, Stolliday noted in advance of interviews that “there is one applicant who Sam would be more than happy to recruit for Disputes administrator”.
On 1 May 2017, Labour HQ press staff, including Head of Press Neil Fleming, established a chat to
“communicate through… so we arent on our phones all the time” - “And yes, tap tap tapping away will make us look v busy”. (193)
When it came to appoint a Head of the Governance and Legal Unit John Stolliday applied. He too had no skills or legal knowledge. His only expertise was in ‘political fixing’. But he too needn’t have worried. As Stolliday reported on 29 July, GLU staff were “actively helping me with my interview”. The requirements for legal knowledge, including of the Equalities Act, made him “gulp”. (113)
Before his interview in September 2015, Stolliday commented that the appointment was a “Bit of an Emilie stitch up”. Discussing how to bond with Stolliday in December 2016, staff noted that he “doesnt like trots”. (113)
Ben Jameson, the Safeguarding Manager, was assigned to be Jeremy’s Police liaison. He was given an explicit threat by Sophie Goodyear, his Head.    
We’ll know if you tell them what we do, you’ll be out. They’ll be gone soon. I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t tell you this.” I believe Sophie was referring to her work on complaints and the work of the disputes team and she was making an explicit threat that I would lose my job
Going Slow
“tap tap tapping away will make us look v busy” (30,57, 88)
Staff also considered “go slow” tactics, making the election more difficult to win. On 21 April 2017, Labour staff joked about “working hard or hardly working”.
Sam Matthews – Asked to be paid more backdated
After the general election, Matthews asked to be back-paid at a higher pay rate, reflecting - although his “new role did not have a formal title” - Sophie Goodyear suggested it “might be worth mentioning the level of budget management”, but Matthews responded that he did not want to put the scale of budget in writing. He did note, though, that the party could “afford this”, and “I left 100k in that budget”
Helping Tom Watson leak confidential Party documents
Senior staff also spoke of facilitating Deputy Leader Tom Watson leaking confidential Party documents: (65)
Trot hunting and Comparing Corbyn to Hitler
As it became clear that Corbyn might win in 2015, it became necessary to ‘validate’ applications for membership and registered supporters. “priority right now is trot hunting” (70)
Labour staff resorted to the all-purpose insult ‘Trot’because these apparatchiks had nothing to say. It demonstrates their poverty of imagination and thought. On being appointed on 27 June 2016 Matthews first major task was to organise a second round of “Trot hunting” for the 2016 leadership election. (116)
Senior staff employed the very abusive language that was used to suspend Labour members during the 2016 leadership election. The hypocrisy is breathtaking. After retiring in March 2017, Mike Creighton, the Director of Audit, Risk and Propertytweeted that antisemitism in Labour was a
Direct consequence of [Ed Miliband’s] decision to allow the Labour Leader to be selected by Tories and Trots’ (48)
Factionalism - Fixing and Annulling Elections
On 22 June 2016, Sarah Mulholland and Stephen Donnelly discussed organising NEC Youth Representative elections on a one-year cycle to ensure that a left-wing candidate would not win - which Mike Creighton was “happy with” - and making sure they had time to find a “decent person” to stand (109)
Dan Hogan lied to a willingly gullible BBC Panorama about his concern over 'antisemitism'
Dan Hogan, who presented the expulsion case against Cyril Chilson, both of whose parents were survivors of Nazi concentration camps, told Maggi Cosins and the NCC that the fact that Cyril had asked me to be his legal representative should be held against him. In any judicial proceedings such a comment, about a Defendant’s choice of legal representative would have been ruled out of order but in Labour’s Kangaroo Court anything went.
Hogan had first started in Labour Students before becoming a Disputes officer in late 2016. His factional behaviour, including recruiting people to “Labour First” in staff time and saying that a staff member who cheered Corbyn’s speech should be “shot”. (116)
In December 2016 Fraser Welsh, Deputy General Secretary for Wales, explained that part of his work as involving “not conceding CLPs to Corbynite bullies”. (68)
On 22 July 2015, Stolliday told Claire-Frances Lennon, a Press Officer and later Head of Internal Governance that he was leaving press for GLU, describing his new role as “political fixing”, selections and “legal stuff”, and noting that they needed “to completely overhaul selections to stop the useless trots getting selected”.(112)
This wasn’t a joke. 
These people represented the undemocratic core at the heart of Blairism. Their job was to make Labour safe for capitalism. The tragedy is that the Left did not rise to meet the challenge and instead got diverted into fighting the ghost of ‘anti-Semitism’.

UNISON's Corrupt General Secretary Dave Prentis recruited the corrupt Stolliday and Oldknow to key unelected positions
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who was the most corrupt of them all – UNISON’s Emily Oldknow
In the competition to find the most corrupt witchhunter one is spoilt for choice. If a fish rots from the head down then that was certainly true of the Labour Party.
Imagine the highest official of a political party feeling down and depressed at their party’s magnificent performance in the 2017 election?  A man who consciously engaged in deceiving his own leader, set up a secret seats team and refused to put money or resources into Tory marginals. McNicol is a very strong candidate but it would be too easy to lay all the blame at his feet.
It was the Defence of Nazi War Criminals at Nuremburg that they were only obeying orders. But this was untrue. Ordinary Nazis set about their tasks with relish and enthusiasm. And so the International Military Court ruled when Streicher, Keitel, Rosenberg and others were hanged in 1946. The Final Solution was not all Hitler’s doing.

Emily Oldknow - her ability to fabricate a case against members must have appealed to UNISON's Dave Prentis
McNicol too cannot take all the blame. He was served by enthusiastic underlings. Undoubtedly the mediocre Matthews, who told such a compelling story to BBC Panorama, that he had considered suicide, was culpable. John Stolliday, who has since become Head of UNISON’s Members Relations Unit, is also a strong candidate but in my opinion it is Emily Oldknow, UNISON’s unelected Assistant General Secretary, who wins first prize.
UNISON is a union from which I was suspended for criticising Steve Terry, London Regional Organiser, for failing to support the unfair dismissal of Stan Keable. It has a ‘corrupt political culture’. Stolliday must feel at home working for UNISON since that is exactly the description of the atmosphere in Southside, the Labour Party’s HQ.
On 14 December 2016 Ben Westerman told Sam Matthews that Emilie Oldknow was ‘going for people that she doesn't like/her friends don't like and expecting us to be able to fabricate a case because politics which is ludicrous’
Oldknow was in a class of her own and despite strong competition she is the worthy winner of the most corrupt of the Labour Party’s staff.
Sexist Abuse and Comments About Other Staff
On 29 July 2015, staff said there would be “rampaging trots” at Labour annual conference, and “stewards [will] need pepper spray” or “body armour”.(48)
On 22nd November 2016 Tracey Allen described Karie Murphy as ‘pube head’ before Oldknow, who is now UNISON’s Assistant General Secretary described her as a ‘Smelly cow’ before saying that ‘Karie is actually fat too’ ‘There's a good old roll in that photo .’ (55)
On 9 March 2017 Sarah Mulholland, Julie Lawrence and Tracey Allan made lewd comments on a WhatsApp chat about the clothing of women Political Advisors, naming individual staff and mocking their appearance: (53-54, 93/4)
UNISON is a union has plenty policy on discrimination and opposition to sexism yet it has a bigot as its second most senior official. 20 members of UNISON National Executive and hundreds of members have writtento General Secretary Dave Prentis demanding an Inquiry. Prentis is standing by Oldknow as opposition to discrimination has always been tokenistic in UNISON.
On 18th April 2017 Patrick Heneghan, Executive Director (Elections, Campaigns and Organisation) pulled no punches over what he thought of Karie Murphy, Director of LOTO (Corbyn’s office).
Fuck u karie u silly cow (86)

During the same conversation Oldknow, Julie Lawrence and Tracey Allen shared abusive messages regarding LOTO chief of staff Karie Murphy. Allen called Murphy “Medusa”, Lawrence called her “crazy” and said her face “would make a good dartboard”:
On 21st May 2017 Oldknow and Allen made sexist and derogatory comments about Laura Murray, a member of staff in LOTO, following a negative story about her in the media: (53/54) According to Teddy Ryan, ‘clive lewis is the biggest cunt out of the lot’.(53)
Simon Danczuk was the MP for Rochdale who had sexted a teenage woman under 18 who had applied for a job. As he was in a position of trust this was a criminal offence. He had also offered to spank her. Danczuk had a long history of violence against women.  But Danczuk was on the right of the party so he was acceptable.
Danczuk had been suspended by the party but on 18th April Tracey Allen informed people that:
‘I am expecting a call from Simon Danczuk in person to confirm he is restanding. Once I have it from 'horses mouth' will be handled by Governance.’(111)
As long as someone wasn’t on the left it didn’t matter to these sociopaths if they were a rapist, a wife beater or a serial abuser. 
Ian McKenzie
On 20 May 2018 a Twitter storm arose after the comments of Ian McKenzie, the Secretary of Lewisham East CLP and an activist with “Labour First”, were revealed.
“Emily Thornberry is too old for ISIS. They won’t make a sex slave of her. They’ll behead her and dump her in a mass grave.”
“Maybe she’d agree sex slavery to one man only, provided he didn’t sell her on or insist on gang rape.”
“Islam/Islamism learned the trick from Israel: to criticise Israel is anti-semitic. No, religion is propositional. (158)
Matthews however opposed suspending him:
“I don’t think that two tweets, both from over two years ago would ordinarily warrant an administrative suspension (159)
Hogan did not declare a conflict of interest arising from his familiarity with and favourable views of McKenzie, which he had expressed in 2016 or his activism in “Labour First”, and he did not recuse himself from the case.  Nareiser Osei told Hogan that “you need to be objective”. Hogan was not amused:
I do not need to be told to be objective or look at both sides of a case – I have been an Investigations Officer for longer than Nareser has. I reacted with muted anger and told Nareser that ‘I’m a professional, thanks. (161)
I am told that there are regimes in the world where torturers also consider themselves ‘professionals’.
The problem was the widespread support for Labour First amongst the investigative staff. In April 2016 Francis Grove-White, Labour International Policy Officer, met Luke Akehurst from “Labour First”, and commented to Greening that it was “very encouraging to hear how organised they are regarding conference.” (62)
Ignoring Islamaphobia and Homophobia
Islamaphobia was of no concern to the witch-hunters. In August 2017 a member emailed racist abuse about Naz Shah MP:
“Sack the Muslim MP Shah… get her out! She has no place in the country let alone the LP”.
This was forwarded to Sam Matthews who did nothing. Naz Shah was seen as on the left of the Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP).
In October 2017, a CLP Executive Committee reported a member for threatening and bullying behaviour. This was submitted to Disputes. In December 2017 further complaints were made to John Stolliday, the Head of the Compliance Unit, about Islamophobic posts such as:
 “What do you call a man in his 50s who has sex with a 9-year-old girl? 1.6 billion people call him the Prophet of Islam”
Again, no action was taken. (301)
In November 2017 a member was reported for homophobic comments such as saying that Labour “look like the Gay party”. The complaint was forwarded to Dan Hogan who did nothing. In March 2018 Megan McCann, sent the member a Notice of Investigation (NOI). The case disappeared when she left in mid-2018. (302)
The number of virulent Islamaphobes was far higher than the number of anti-Semites yet, almost without exception, they were ignored. In the case of Manjit Panesar & Syed Siddiqi (see below) it was the victim of Islamaphobic abuse who was suspended.
Sarah Mulholland and Dianne Abbot
Sarah Mulholland was the main liaison between MPs and the Labour Party. She believed that ‘Death by fire is too kind for LOTO.’ (91)
In February 2017 she said Diane Abbott “literally makes me sick”. Senior staff discussed Abbott crying in the toilets and telling Michael Crick, a Channel 4 reporter, where she was: (43)
Victimising the victims of racism Manjit Panesar & Syed Siddiqi

“We have spoken about this one before but could you update me in writing please so I have it on record? Has any action been taken against Manjit Panesar?” 
Head of Complaints Sophie Goodyear to Dan Hogan, the day before he stopped working for the party”
Syed Siddiqi received a racist and abusive call from Manjit Panesar, saying “You need to restore me to that group chat, or you and me are going to have a fucking big fucking battleground here”.Panesar threatened Siddiqi and engaged in Islamophobic abuse –
“you and me, it’s war now” and “You cannot give me this fucking Islamic bullshit… Islamic fundamentalist lunatic”. (164)
All investigative attention however was focussed on Siddiqi, with Dan Hogan proactively collecting and investigating even minor complaints against him. It was Siddiqi who was suspended, not Panesar, meaning he could not restand for the Council.
Eventually the NEC suspended Panesar and referred his case to the NCC, at which point he resigned. However the victim of racist abuse Siddiqi remains suspended.
James McBride – a vicious anti-Muslim racist
On 24 May 2017, after the Westminster Bridge attack, James McBride, who was in Labour’s Policy Unit, shared a clip of Douglas Murray, who was appearing on BBC Daily Politics, saying that all political parties were refusing to confront the reality that terrorism “comes from the religion” of Islam. McBride commented “find it difficult to disagree with this”: (46)
we can't ignore the fact that while one might be more typically 'terrorist' behaviour they still derive from the same ideology. And western liberal idelogy is reluctant to take it on And expose its roots. Which innevitabely involve hard questions- even for so-called moderate islam (46)
Douglas Murray, an Associate Director of the Henry Jackson Society in a 2006 speech demanded that “conditions for Muslims in Europe must be made harder across the board.”: He authored a book ‘The Strange Death of Europe’ whose message was that Europe is dying — being murdered- by hordes of Muslim immigrants, aided in their task by craven liberal politicians. It is part of fascist and neo-Nazi discourse, the so-called replacement theory.
The fact that Labour staff found someone like Murray appealing speaks volumes. Even the Tory front bench under David Cameron cut links with Murray.
Alec Henstock
In February 2016 the party received a bundle of “about 150 pages” of Facebook posts by a Labour councillor, Alec Henstock. They were summarised by Regional staff as “posts by Britain First and UKIP, and posts which could be considered racist, sexist and not consistent with Labour Party values”. They included a range of openly racist, Islamophobic and anti-immigrant content, including a meme from far right group Pegida saying Britain should “BAN the burqa on security grounds” and an image of a train overflowing with BAME people, described as the Eurostar arriving at St Pancras, with the text “Don’t blame me, I voted UKIP!” (207) Stolliday responded:
It's horrific, nasty stuff & not in any way acceptable. However don't we treat "sharing" content on Facebook in the same way as a retweet on Twitter? (cf Emily Benn) If so I'd think it's hard to suspend, unless within the greater bundle there are actual comments or posts from this person, rather than sharing other people's content.
If we can make the argument that this is different to a retweet for X reason, and that therefore we should suspend, then great.
Stolliday did not seem to distinguish between retweeting and sharing an item expressing support for another political party, and sharing twenty pieces of Islamophobic, racist and sexist content. According to Stolliday sharing racist posts did not merit suspension.
Informed that Region had interviewed Henstock, and he had refused to apologise, Creighton asked: ‘What does the region want us to do?’
I would be happy to suspend given he has endorsed the stuff, but I think we can take advice from region on this one. (208)
This discussion of a “potential suspension” ended there and no further action was taken and it appears that the case, which existed as an email exchange alone, was not logged anywhere and was forgotten about.
Henstock remained a full member until autumn 2018, when he was auto-excluded for supporting an “independent (ex UKIP)” candidate against Labour. (208)
Rod Liddle
Rod Liddle, a ‘journalist’ at the Sunday Times, was a notorious  Islamaphobe. He suggestedin The Spectator that elections should be held on days that Muslims couldn’t vote.
An ardent Zionist, Liddle suggestedin his column that suicide bombers should blow themselves up in Tower Hamlets, which he described as being a “decent distance from where the rest of us live”.
In May 2016, Rod Liddle wrote in The Spectator that antisemitism was “absolutely endemic” among “Muslims”.
For many Muslims the anti-Semitism is visceral, an ingrained part of their unpleasant ideology… [based] as much upon envy - at Jewish success, worldwide and in Israel - as anything else. If you handed over Israel to the Palestinians they would turn it into Somalia before you could say Yom Kippur.
Only after 3 May did Stolliday recommend his suspension. But even then Oldknow sent this recommendation to LOTO chief of staff Simon Fletcher as Liddle was a journalist:
It is my intention to agree with John on this one. He would be suspended under “bringing in the party in to disrepute”.(186/187)
However on 6 May 2016, Stolliday emailed Oldknow:
Apparently Rod Liddle is chummy with Ian Austin & by extension TW [Tom Watson]. I still want to do this but we’re not under pressure to do it – so may just sit on it for now  (173, 184)
Oldknow replied: “Ok. I will speak to Ian”, presumably a reference to Ian Austin.
Liddle was suspended a week later, on 12 May 2016. In September 2016 he resigned. (187)
The Racism of Senior Labour Party Staff
This Report demonstrates that the concern about anti-Semitism had nothing to do with racism and everything to do with Israel and Zionism. Hence why they redefinedanti-Semitism. That should have been obvious to anyone with a few brain cells, even Jon Lansman!
If it was really about racism then why would the Tories, who presided over the ‘hostile environment’ policy and the Windrush Scandal, to say nothing of Britain’s racist tabloids, be so concerned by Labour ‘anti-Semitism’. Why were tabloids such as the Sun and Mail, who had employedKatie Hopkins, who describedrefugees as cockroaches, so disturbed about ‘anti-Semitism’?
Why indeed were the Tories so exercised about ‘anti-Semitism’ when they sat in the European Parliament, in the ECR group alongside people like Roberts Zile who took part in demonstrations every March with veterans of Latvia’s Waffen SS?
Why indeed was Tom Watson, who had ‘lost sleep’ over the decision of the High Court to removeracist Labour MP Phil Woolas from Parliament, after an election campaign in 2010 that was based on making the White folk angry’determined to remove every last ‘anti-Semite’ from the Labour Party? All but 6 Labour MPs had abstainedon the 2014 Immigration Bill which introduced the ‘hostile environment’ policy. Indeed it was the Blairite Home Secretary Alan Johnson who first introduced the ‘hostile environment’ policy.
Why were Zionist groups such as the Board of Deputies, which have never fought the anti-Semitism of the Right, and which defend every abomination of apartheid Israel, concerned about anti-Semitism? Zionism arose from the belief that anti-Semitism could not be fought?
Using Disablist & Hateful Language
Stolliday described Corbyn’s adviser Seumas Milne as a “total mentalist” and “nutter” who he had previously told to “cock off”. Simon Jackson referred to new Labour members who supported Jeremy Corbyn as “nutters” who had “Invaded” the Party, while Head of Policy Development Anouska Gregorek joked about them getting “F U JC” - “Fuck you Jeremy Corbyn” - tattoed on their foreheads.(55)
On 10 April 2017, Tracey Allen, the Manager of the General Secretary’s Office described people who were joining the Party at the time as ‘Mentalists’.(53)
Senior staff including Mike Creighton said of a Young Labour member and Corbyn supporter who was suffering from mental health problems that they would like to see him “die in a fire” or “wouldn’t piss on him to put him out”:(55)and Sarah Mulholland wished there was a petrol can emoji (56)

General Abuse 
On 15 June 2015, Head of Press and Broadcasting Jo Green suggested to Simon Jackson that “anyone who nominates corbyn'to widen the debate'deserves to be taken out and shot”. Jackson agreed: “quite.” On 15 September 2015 Dan Hogan said that a staff member who had “whooped” during Corbyn’s speech “should be shot”. (51)
On 13 August 2015 Ali Moussavi, Economic Advisor in the Leader’s Office and Sarah Brown (Press Officer) discussed “hanging and burning” Jeremy Corbyn: (52)
On 15 September 2015, Greg Cook sent Jo Greening a spoof video of Jeremy Corbyn as Hitler. “Love this”, Greening responded.(39) Other staff, such as Dan Hogan were also watching and sharing the video (51) Yet if you had compared Tom Watson to Hitler then you would have been expelled for ‘anti-Semitism’.
On 17 September 2015, shortly after Corbyn had been elected Leader, Anna Wright, a Labour Press Officer and Stolliday discussed saying “cunt more in the last 48hrs than you have in your life up until that point”. Wright noted that “yesterday I called the Leader of the Labour Party a sexist cunt”. She remarked that this may have been “uncomradely” but Stolliday assured her “It's not your job to be comradely to the leader”:
Steve Howell
Soon after, Corbyn appointed Steve Howell to work on strategy and communications in the 2017 election. Campaign staff were derisive of Howell, describing him as an “amateur” and suggesting it was a good thing he remained on the second floor of the office, where a plumbing problem had caused a smell of sewage to spread: (89)
At the final rally of the campaign in Islington staff joked about potential violence against Labour members and supporters and the use of “water cannons” and “truncheons” to “knock some trots”: (102)
Jeremy Corbyn appointed Steve Howell to work on communications and strategy in the 2017 election campaign. Staff at Labour HQ were immediately derisive of Howell suggesting it was a good thing he remained on the second floor of the office, where a plumbing problem had caused a smell of sewage to spread: (88)
28/04/2017, 12:24 - Carol Linforth: I am told 'steve' has moved upstairs already because of the smell .......
28/04/2017, 12:37 - Simon Jackson Mobile: Can we make the smell worse? 90
28/04/2017, 12:38 - Simon Jackson Mobile: Urgent action points: don't empty 2nd floor bins; buy Simon nose pegs.  (89/90)
The Contempt of Labour’s Staff for Socialism
Staff hatred of what they term ‘trots’ i.e. socialism, is evidenced by their adoption of Tory economics:  They opposed increasing Corporation Tax, Rail Nationalisation and higher taxes. As
 “All [public ownership of rail] looks like is trots doing what trots do”.
Dan Hogan 11:42:
brace yourself. McDonnell just called for corporation tax to go up
Amy Fowler 11:42:
you're kidding me
On 27 April 2016, Collete Collins-Walsh, Education Policy Officer, and James McBride, who led on economy and business policy, discussed a Conservative Party critique of left-wing economics. Collette was of the opinion that ‘the UK is actually becoming more equal.’ To which McBride replied ‘very true.’(44)
What is staggering is that these people were in charge of developing Labour policy. 44% of the UK’s wealth is ownedby just 10% of the population, five times the total wealth held by the poorest half.
During the 2017 General election, General Secretary Iain McNicol responded to the announcement of a policy of free school meals with ridicule. (45) Senior staff also wrote how they could not understand Corbyn’s decision to oppose the widely-panned “dementia tax.” (45) which goes to show what a waste of space and money these officials were since the demolition of the Tory’s policy on social care marked their and Theresa May’s downfall.
Catherine Bramwell, Communications Officer for South East Region, said “i hate the trots, i hate the trots, i hate them x a million”, and claimed that the idea of rail nationalisation was not popular in South East England - “all it looks like is trots doing what trots do”.
Labour’s senior officials waged war on Corbyn from the moment he was elected. Corbyn’s appeasement of his enemies with his ‘kinder politics’ began from the moment he declined McNicol’s offer to resign immediately after his election in September 2015. Instead of appeasing his officials and his treacherous deputy Tom Watson he should have waged war on a Right that never accepted the legitimacy of his leadership. 
Instead of accepting the false ‘anti-Semitism’ narrative he ended up adopting it and the harder he tried to appease his Zionist critics the higher he built his own funeral pyre.
It is no surprise that the Right and Keir Starmer are desperately trying to avoid discussing the contents of the Report. Instead they are trying to scare people with bogus threats that they will be prosecuted if they circulate or discuss the contents of the Report.  
It is therefore disappointing that John McDonnell still does not get it. He writes in Tuesday's Guardian that not only should the Report not have been made public without redactions but that 
'I fully support Keir Starmer’s decision to launch an investigation– one which, he has been clear, must be independent and swift.
McDonnell also declares that 'attempts to root out antisemitism in the party were also undermined' by the Compliance/Disputes staff. He still does not seem to understand that the Fake Anti-Semitism Campaign was not, and never was about combating anti-Semitism. It was always about getting rid of him and Corbyn.
Starmer has made it clear that his main priority is discovering the circumstances of it having been leaked.  He has not displayed the slightest concern over its contents.
Anyone on the Left with a backbone will face this blackmail down and treat it with the contempt that it deserves. The officials named in the report do not deserve confidentiality.  They conspired against the party and if Labour was a socialist party they would have been shown the door.
It is a sign of how much Jennie Formby has capitulated to the Right that she is leading the charge against discussing or distributing the Report instead of standing up for members of the Labour Party. It is the duty of the left to face down the Right’s attempt to close down debate on their treachery.
Part 2 of this article will follow shortly and concentrate on 'anti-Semitism'. It will be far more critical of the leaked Report and the motives of those who wrote it.
Tony Greenstein
Below are Other Reports that I Highly Recommend
Leaks show how Labour sabotaged Corbyn Asa Winstanley, Electronic Intifada
You can download the Word file of this blog here

Israeli Treatment of the Palestinians During Coronavirus Demonstrates Why It is an Apartheid State


Israel’s attack on Palestinian health facilities demonstrates that ethnic cleansing comes first

As I wroteat the end of March, Israel’s contribution to preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the Occupied Territories was limited to demolishing a Quarrantine Tent that Palestinians had set up in the Jordan Valley. Even at a time of national emergency, ethnic cleansing and house demolition must take priority. The tent didn’t have a permit and as we know Palestinians don’t receive permits.
Below I have summarised information from a number of different reports and articles. Some information may be duplicated or at variance with each other.
No Communication about COVID-19 in Arabic
Up until the middle of March the official website, Facebook page, and messenger group of Israel’s Health Ministry barely contained a single word in Arabic on the outbreak of the novel coronavirus across the country. MK Sami Abu Shehadeh (Joint List) sent a letter to Health Minister Yaakov Litzman on March 8, demanding that all information on the outbreak be made readily available to Israel’s Arab citizens.
Abu Shehadeh said that Arab leaders worked with Adalah, a Haifa-based legal center that focuses on the rights of Palestinian citizens, to send letters to all the ministries and began the process of petitioning the High Court of Justice.
Aiah Haj Odeh from Adalah said she was surprised that it took only two days for every single ministry to respond to her urgent letters. “The websites of the ministries had no option for Arabic — only French or English,” she said. “I wondered how many French speakers there are in Israel while Arabic is the mother-tongue of 21 percent of the population.’
Odeh attributes the speed of the response to the government’s fear of legal action.
“This epidemic does not differentiate between an Arab and Jew, everyone can get sick. Failure to provide the information will cost [the ministries] dearly in human life. ”

When Israel first began to take measures to protect its own population from COVID-19 it ‘forgot’ to translate its health warnings into Arabic. Because its own people, being a Jewish state are Jewish. And why should it?  The Jewish Nation State Law removed the obligation to inform Arabs as Arabic is no longer an official language.

Ever since the early days of this crisis, many officials, from the prime minister himself to the mostly lowly bureaucrat, have avoided addressing the Arab community in Israel directly.
Little was published in Arabic. At the same time, the majority of coronavirus tests were given to the Jewish public. This led to uproar, among the Arab population. After all, most Arab citizens wanted to protect themselves from the virus. The problem was that they were never told how. It was as if they simply didn’t exist.
It was only when it dawned on the Zionist functionaries that Coronavirus has no nationality and respects no religion and if Israel’s Palestinian population became infected so too would Israelis that the protection of Israel’s Arab population began to be taken seriously.
Umm al Fahm
Out of almost 9,000 cases in Israel on April 7 just 200 were in predominantly Arab localities. Yet Arabs constitute 20% of Israel’s total population. This wasn’t because of some natural immunity that Arabs possess but because there had been virtually no testing in Arab areas. Knesset member Yousef Jabareen (Joint List) said that
“It is incredible that as Knesset members, we had to pressure the Health Ministry to get what any Jewish citizen can take for granted in Israel.”
According to Jabareen, it took enormous effort and pressure by Joint List leaders and the heads of Arab local authorities to set up two drive-thru testing facilities, at Wadi Ara, in the north, and in Arara, in the south. The two stations helped increase the number of tests performed in Arab communities to around 10,000.
Magen David Adom, Israel’s national emergency service, doesn’t even have an Arabic-language copy of the questionnaire at their call centre with which to conduct coronavirus testing. Finding solutions to such problems has been driven by local organizing. Dr. Zahi Said, a Health Ministry spokesman to the Arab population,said
That is why we launched an intense information campaign in traditional and social media, and we added Arabic-speaking staff to the Magen David Adom call center. The biggest change, however, came from the health insurance providers. This was the result of a decision to provide family physicians with the option of deciding on their own whether a coronavirus test was necessary and to provide these tests at their clinics, instead of referring patients to Magen David Adom.’
The High Follow-Up Committee for Arab Citizens of Israel, the heads of Arab local authorities, and Knesset members from the Joint List moved to create emergency teams and a control centre of sorts to work in conjunction with neighborhood committees.
The most deprived area of all is in the Negev/Naqab where most unrecognised Arab villages are. Half all Israel’s Arab villages are unrecognised which means that public services are not provided to these villages as their residents have no legal right to live there. In essence their citizenship is meaningless.
Adham Amarna, a resident of the Bedouin village of Segev Shalom, describedhow
‘The state ignores us entirely. While Netanyahu and the Ministries of Health, Internal Security and Defense approached the effort to stop the spread of the virus in Jewish localities as if preparing for war, they have abandoned Arab towns and villages.’
Despite there not being enough tests for the Arab population the rate of infection in the Arab community is believed to be lower than among Israeli Jews. By April 7, not one of the 65 people who died were Arab. Reasons include the Purim celebrations in Israel.
The level of compliance in Arab society with Health Ministry instructions is high. As of April 8, there were about 250 cases of coronavirus among the Arab population, after some 10,000 tests were given [about 2.5%]. Furthermore, there are no cases in living facilities for the elderly in the Arab public. This contrasts sharply with the situation in the Jewish public.”
Compliance with the Health Ministry’s directives is especially visible in the various houses of worship in the Arab public. Mosques, churches, and khalwats (Druze houses of worship) stand empty. Nevertheless, there are still fears of a very high incidence of the virus in Israeli Arab society. The reason for this is the lifestyle and high population density in Arab towns and villages. The culture and lifestyle of the Arab community often revolves around social gatherings, with people meeting for coffee or to smoke a hookah.
In Jewish Orthodox areas such as the city of Bnei Brak there has been a widespread ignoring of preventative measures resulting in a high incidence of the virus. This has resulted in the army moving in to enforce restrictions.
One-fifth of all doctors in Israel are Arab and one-quarter of all nurses are Arabs, and half of all pharmacists live in Arab localities, not to mention a significant percentage of hospital administrators. But when they come home they can transmit the virus to others.  According to Jabareen, there has been an increase in the number of nurses infected with the coronavirus, apparently at their workplaces — hospitals. [Israeli Arabs left to rely on 'self-help' for coronavirus testing and In Israel, Arabs feel sidelined in struggle against coronavirus
A Palestinian man walks in al-Fari'ah refugee camp
Under Occupation things are Still Worse
In the West Bank and Jerusalem, the Occupation and Military repression continue unabated by the pandemic. Coronavirus provides the authorities with an additional pretext. Israel refuses to recognise its responsibility as the Occupying Power under the Fourth Geneva Convention on the basis that there is no occupation since god gave the land to the Zionists. Aftr all they can’t occupy their own property! The fact that the army is stationed all over the West Bank, that the settlers are armed and the normal house demolitions, searches, curfews etc. continue is irrelevant in this make believe world.
At nearly 18% officially, and probably higher, the prevalence of diabetes among Palestinian refugees in the West Bank is one of the highest in the world. The official rate in Gaza is 16%. Among adult citizens of Israel, it’s 7.2%. The disease suppresses the immune system, among other complications, and can spiral dangerously out of control when combined with an infection, such as Covid-19. Diabetic patients with Covid-19 in China had a 1 in 14 chance of dying, more than triple that of the general population.
Israeli occupying forces have confiscated building materials for a Palestinian field clinic, shut down a Covid-19 testing facility in East Jerusalem, and intensified the military securitisation of the West Bank, including the complete blockading of Bethlehem following a Covid-19 outbreak in early March.
Palestinians in camps have therefore resorted to community-based responses to protect themselves. Popular Committees and local organisations have taken the lead
Community is politically marginalised but makes up one-fifth of doctors and a quarter of nurses
Dr Jameel Mohsen, head of infectious diseases at the Hillel Yeffe Medical Center, is one of many Israeli Arabs leading the fight against coronavirus
 Zahi Said was driving to the medical clinic he runs in Haifa when his phone rang —Netanyahu wanted to see him. He had just watched him on television discussing how the government needed to reach out to Arab Israelis and wanted some advice. 
Mr Said, who advises one of Israel’s largest healthcare providers on Arab issues, turned his car round and drove straight to Netanyahu’s official residence. When he was asked if the Arab community in Israel could expect to receive equal access to coronavirus care as the Jewish majority, Mr Said gave a diplomatic answer.
“We know it’s not a secret that the resources in this country are not equally distributed, but I have to look at the glass as half-full,”
he toldthe Financial Times.”
Netanyahu has denigrated Arab politicians as supporters of terrorism, stripped Arabic of its status as an official language and passed a law that gave Jews alone the right to self-determination in the state of Israel. Now, in the battle against Covid-19, he needs their help.
Some of the nation’s largest hospitals have Arab doctors heading major departments, and the country’s leading virologist is Arab.
Ultraorthodox Jews wearing masks watch as funeral workers prepare the body of former Sephardic chief rabbi of Israel Eliahu Bakshi-Doron © Ahmad Gharabli/AFP/Getty
Arabs are disproportionately represented in the medical community because attaining professional qualifications has been one way to push back against political marginalisation. Indeed they behave much as Jews in the Diaspora did faced with oppression. Their capital is in their skills. It was not for nothing that Auschwitz survivor, Primo Levi said that ‘Today the Palestinians are the Jews of the Israelis.’
“The Polish [Jewish] mother used to want her son to be a doctor, but now she wants him to get a tech job,” Mr Said joked. “The Arab mother still wants her children to be in medicine.”
Jameel Mohsen, the head of infectious diseases at the Hillel Yeffe Medical Center, was more critical. “As an Arab, other jobs are closed off to us, so we became doctors,” he said.
Israel has a way of celebrating good Arab doctors, while discriminating against all other Arabs Osama Tanous, a 34-year-old Arab paediatrician
Despite claims from Netanyahu and his political allies that Arabs were ignoring health directives, none of the Arab majority cities, even the densely populated neighbourhoods of East Jerusalem, have had major outbreaks.
But for Osama Tanous, a 34-year-old paediatrician who cites the Indian leftist Arundhati Roy as an inspiration, the sudden elevation of Arab doctors to national saviours will not usher in new equality for Arab communities.
Israel has a way of celebrating good Arab doctors, while discriminating against all other Arabs, so that doctors become the ambassadors of this beautiful Israeli system of coexistence,” he said, referring to a flurry of recent articles in Israeli newspapers praising Arab medics.
“It makes it appear that now that you have Arab doctors saving Jewish lives, and helping Israel at a time of national crisis, therefore it is time to stop being racist against them — this is a very slippery and dangerous notion.”
It is the equivalent of philo-Semitism that Jews experienced, the other side of the anti-Semitic coin.
For Mr Tanous, interactions between Arabs and Israelis are always political. “It’s just another level of us having to prove ourselves,”
 “Prove that we can get into medical school, prove that we can be a part of this national effort to fight the epidemic, just so that we can be granted equality by our occupiers.
The work of Arab medics so far has certainly not brought their communities any immediate benefits, said Hani Daoud, the head of a pharmacist’s association that represents almost 300 pharmacies in Israel’s predominantly Arab north. His colleagues were the first defenders against the virus as people rushed to pharmacies to stock up on medicine, masks and hand sanitiser.
Naftali Bennett, far-Right Israeli Minister in mask

COVID-19 in Israeli prisons and detention facilities

At the end of January 2020, 183Palestinian children were detained in Israeli prisons, according to the Israel Prison Service.
While international law demands that children only be detained as a measure of last resort, pre-trial detention is the norm for Palestinian children detained by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank.
Four Palestinian prisoners detained at Israel’s Megiddo prison, located inside Israel northwest of the occupied West Bank city of Jenin, were placed in isolation after they were in contact with a COVID-19 positive Israeli officer, according to Ha’aretz.
Megiddo prison is one of several detention facilities located inside Israel where Palestinian child “security prisoners” are held.
One Palestinian adult detainee in Ofer prison, located in the occupied West Bank between Jerusalem and Ramallah, tested positive for coronavirus in the adult section closest to the juvenile block where over 50 Palestinian child detainees are held.
While staff reportedly clean and disinfect the shared prison yard on a daily basis, prison cells and rooms are not being disinfected. Detainees at Ofer prison, including child detainees, are not provided with hygiene products.
As of April 13, 11,235 people in Israel had tested positive for the COVID-19 and 110 had died according to Ha’aretz. In the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip there were 272 confirmed cases of persons infected with COVID-19. The PA declared a state of emergency across the Palestinian Territories on March 5 and on April 3, it was extended for an additional 30-days.

According to Ha’aretz of 31 March the director general of Magen David Adom announced that there will be no more testing for the coronavirus in the Arab community if the criteria aren’t changed.
At that time not a single drive-through station for coronavirus tests has been set up in Arab communities. The original plan for the drive-through points included seven Jewish communities, and not a single Arab one. Therefore, information about the drive-through plan was published only in Hebrew. Due to the distance and information delay, only a small number of Arabs asked to be tested in the Jewish communities. The paucity of requests led to a decision not to establish drive-through points in Arab communities. Only after the intervention of Arab members of Knesset was a promise made to set them up.
Clalit Medical Services, to which more than half of the Arabs who are insured belong, prepared only one clinic, compared to 45 in Jewish communities. After the first coronavirus patient was discovered, in February, an emergency team was set up to plan the national emergency program, including steps for diagnosing and treating patients whose condition worsens. It didn’t include one Arab. 
Hamas security at Rafah
On April 12,  Haaretz reported about new negotiations between Israel and Hamas concerning steps toward prisoners’ exchanges. The Palestinians implied that part of the deal is that Israel will supply to the Gaza strip an unspecified number of ventilators to treat corona patients. What is significant is that, according to the same report, Israeli sources denied (out of all the reported details about the planned deal) that ventilators would be allowed into Gaza!
The Mossad soon boasted of bringing in 100,000 virus tests from an unspecified source, only to be rebuked by a Ministry of Health official who commented that these were not the tests that were needed. After the remark was published the official hurried to apologize, and the Mossad promised to check again what is needed and continue the hunt.
It is not surprising that the Mossad, [Israel’s MI6] which specializes in assassinations, espionage and all sorts of under-cover activities, will resort to illegal means in its new role. Israel is used to being above international law for all its war crimes, so why should it fear stealing medical equipment from around the world?
It is also indicative of the nature of the Israeli state that Mossad is playing any role. It’s like having MI6 take over the provision of PPE!

On the receiving end of Shabak

In Israel itself Shin Bet was assigned the task of identifying the routes of people infected by the Corona virus and instructing those who were in their proximity to be in self-isolation. For the first time it became public knowledge that Shabak can follow (now it is officially doing so) the whereabouts of each person, at least as long as people are moving around with their smartphones.
For the Palestinians, both in the West Bank and inside the green line, constant inspection by Shabak is nothing new. Even in Haifa, one of the few mixed cities under Israeli Apartheid, any Palestinian youth may be invited to a “conversation” with Shabak officers for no reason at all. For political activists the military governor (yes, there are military governors on both sides of the green line) may issue an administrative detention order, based on Shabak secret “evidence”
As soon as Shabak started to target Jewish Israelis, admittedly not sending them to prison, only to self-isolation, suddenly the press was full of reportsabout its errors.
One woman arranged for her husband to be in self isolation in their home after he came from abroad, and stayed with her parents so she could continue to work. But after she passed in the street near her house to wave hello to her husband, who stayed on the balcony at a safe distance, she was sent to self-isolate also. Another women prepared a cake for a neighbor under isolation and left it for him near a closed door. She also fell in the Shabak net.
Palestinian woman being tested
People whose lives were suddenly disrupted for no reason called the Ministry of Health and were answered that they don’t know a thing about it, it is Shabak’s work. They were told that “Shabak never makes mistakes”. Some tried to call the Shabak directly and found that there is no way to reach the secretive organization and no way to appeal its decrees.
One case that was reported in detailis that of a medical doctor who was tested for corona. The test returned negative but apparently the result that was typed into the system was wrong. Soon his relatives, neighbors and medics that worked with him were ordered by SMS to isolate themselves. Only after the media exposed the absurdity of the situation did the MOH admitted the error.
For Israel’s regular police force the declaration of country-wide lockdown was another opportunity to abuse Palestinians.
According to the Jerusalem Post of 4 April settler and Jewish extremist violence against West Bank Palestinians spiked by 78% between March 17 and 30 compared to the rest of the year, the United Nations has reported.
There was a severe attack on Palestinians in Jaffa, which was annexed by Tel Aviv, and is now under intense pressure for “Judaization/Gentrification”, between April 1 and 2.
As the lockdown was declared the Tel Aviv police found an opportunity to make a show of force in Jaffa in a way that wasn’t practiced in any other neighborhood. It provoked two days of widespread clashes that continued late into the night.
On the first day, in what was supposed to be enforcement of the lockdown, police started arresting local youth. What provoked the residents most was the fact that the police themselves didn’t show any intention of following the anti-infection instructions. They moved in dense groups, without masks, and beat people with their bare hands. A woman who tried to protect her son was thrown to the ground, her head hit the pavement and she started bleeding. People all over the neighborhood erupted in anger, not ready to take it anymore.
On the second evening activists initiated a vigil against police violence, trying to keep the social distancing standards. Even though the lockdown order specifically allows demonstrations, the police demanded that the protesters to disperse and soon attacked them.

 [SeeApartheid in the time of corona, Mondoweiss, Yoav Haifawi April 13, 2020]

See alsoIf the Coronavirus Devastates Gaza, Israel Will Be to Blame, Jonathan Cook

A few notes from a Zoom meeting held by Palestine Solidarity Campaign on the situation in Jerusalem.

2 weeks after the Coronavirus situation there were no precautions taken in East Jerusalem by the authorities - no quarantine, no tests and no cleaning. In response to this the Jerusalem Alliance of different Palestinian civil society organisations was formed to do what the occupying power should have been doing. The Palestinians of Jerusalem are in a legal no mans land. They are legal residents of the city, not Israeli citizens. This status can be and has been withdrawn forcing people into exile or to living in the West Bank.
Jerusalem is very dense – the number infected could be very high. Palestinians themselves set up quarantine in hotel. The Health Ministry said it was best in Israel.
Palestinian shops are not allowed to open but Israeli shops are being allowed to. Palestinian workers are not allowed to return to the West Bank. The employer is supposed to provide facilities instead. The WHO and UN did not help. There is no PPE for children. Israel recognizes no responsibility
It would also seem that the Israeli authorities are taking advantage of the situation to pursue its project of ethnic cleansing. A Palestinian who had been in the United States for only 1 month was deported on the same plane that he arriving in. 4 Palestinians coming from Russia and 2 from the Golan Heights were prevented from boarding a plane in Russia despite having ID cards and documentation. They were told that they didn’t have a permit. Palestinians are not sure yet whether this heralds a new policy or was simply a mistake.
Tony Greenstein

Demonstration Outside Brighton Hospital in Protest at the Lack of Personal Protective Equipment and Intimidation of Hospital Workers by the Management

The GMB says members working at  the Sussex County Hospital were told to get back to work after expressing concerns about a lack of PPE
Has there ever been such a useless Labour leader?

Yesterday was Workers’ Memorial Day although you would be forgiven for not realising it since the trade union movement did little to publicise it.
Only the BBC could have a headlineCoronavirus: Boris Johnson's return to work 'a boost for the country'. This pathetic sub-Churchillian rhetoric from the BBC is what we have come to expect. The idea that this bunterish character will boos anyone is an absurdity. 
It is only slightly mitigated by Monday's Panoramaon the Government's failing to order or stock PPE and ventillators. As the death toll is revised upwards to nearly 25,000 what is surprising is the complete uselessness of the new ‘leader’ of the Labour Party, Sir Keir Starmer. He has literally said nothing and it is the Tory press who have held the government to account.

Ian Duncan-Smith, when he was the short-lived leader of the Tory Party was known as the ‘Quiet Man’. Starmer’s name should be the Invisible Man. We have a government whose policies have literally killed thousands of people yet the Labour Right demonstrate their utter uselessness. They have nothing to say.
A few of the health workers who have paid for the Government's cuts to the NHS with their life
The Opposition to the Tory Government is no longer on the Labour front bench it resides in the Sunday Timesand even Panorama. The government has responded to criticism by banningthe Sunday Times from asking questions at its briefings and asking the Observer to rewrite an unfavourable headline!
The demonstration we held is particularly relevant at this time given the huge number of workers who have died from Coronavirus whilst working to help others.  Over a week ago the Guardian reportedthat 100 NHS workers had died. Sky News now reportsthat thanks to the murderous incompetence and criminal negligence of this government, Dozens more deaths are reported to have taken place, but have not yet been confirmed.’
This is in addition to over 20 Transport for London workers reported to have died two weeks ago. There are no doubt hundreds of care workers who have also paid the price of Boris Johnson’s ‘herd immunity’ (or culling of the elderly) strategy.
This was why a group of us in Brighton and Hove Trades Union Council decided to hold a demonstration, whilst socially distancing, outside Brighton’s Royal Sussex County Hospital.
Despite there only being 6 of us the reception from both workers and medical staff at the hospital, as well as bus drivers and others passing by was extremely warm. The lies and deceptions of this government are clear for all to see.
When challenged by workers at the hospital’s Acute Admissions Unit and the infection control team, the response of the management included:
“You can acquire Covid anywhere besides our workplace, like the supermarket for instance, and let’s face it, most of us will get it anyway, so get on with it or ask your manager to be re-deployed.”
© Rachael House.
GMB regional organiser Gary Palmer said:
“I really struggle with understanding this blatant disregard of the safety of those staff at the coal face of the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Our members are told to re-use disposable visors and even hand over them to the next shift. Staff are told that even single use surgical masks must be used or worn for the whole day unless they get wet.
“The Trust has a duty as an employer to keep all their staff safe and protected, and not be the sole arbiter of who gets to go home from work safely and who does not.  In this, they are clearly failing.
“GMB members within the assessment unit and other clinical areas are telling us that lots of the staff are in self-isolation, having tested positive for Covid-19.  Some have even been admitted to hospital and unfortunately a number of frontline NHS staff have even ended up in intensive care, being intubated.
“I’m sure the Trust would never risk a patient’s life by administering out of date medicines, yet they are happy to put frontline staff at risk by fobbing them off with five-year-old, out-of-date, substandard equipment that had been forgotten about in a cupboard somewhere!
“Staff are very deliberately being made to feel guilty for raising concerns over safety and asking for better PPE, by a management team who are telling them that it will be their fault if the Trust runs out of higher-spec PPE in areas that need it the most, like ITU.
 “BSUH must stop risking the most valuable resource we have in the fight against Covid-19.”
This attitude to workers’ safety is as unacceptable as it is predictable. The government has miserably failed in its duty to ensure that there were adequate stocks of PPE and ventilaors in reserve in case of a pandemic. It was not as if they didn’t know. In 2016 there was a mock exercise Cygnus in case there was a pandemic. The shortages were noted then and recommendations made. What happened? The Report was buried. Austerity trumped safety concerns with the results all around us.
Even now we are exportingmillions of items of PPE at the very same time that there is a massive shortage in hospitals, care homes. Yet the reaction of the official labour movement has been worse than pathetic.
Post-Corbyn the Labour leadership is frightened to be seen to be anti-Tory even though the public mood is changing fast. Labour's 'moderates' have proved themselves to be no better than the Tories.
The TUC statement is equally pathetic. Instead of calling for a work stoppage on Workers Memorial Day it tells members that ‘The initiative is supported by the government, and reps may wish to request employers mark it, by asking the workforce to cease work for one minute at 11am.’ Request? This should be a demand not a request. 
The forelock tugging, cap doffing knights of the TUC have long ago given up ideas such as class struggle. It is time they and Labour’s invisible leader were reminded that trade unions didn’t develop by asking the bosses permission.
Tony Greenstein

Pt: 2 – Labour’s Leaked Report – the Sad, Sorry Story of how Lansman's Supporters and Corbyn’s Office Urged the Compliance Unit to Increase the Rate of Expulsions


Jeremy Corbyn never understood that the false ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign was designed to remove him not genuine anti-Semites

            Numbers in round brackets indicate page numbers in the Leaked Report
**        You can also download a précis of the report.
Dramatis Personae

Iain McNicol (General Secretary)
Tracey Allen (Manager, General Secretary’s Office - GSO)
Julie Lawrence (Director, GSO)
Emilie Oldknow (Executive Director - Governance, Membership and Party Services)
Patrick Heneghan (Executive Director - Elections, Campaigns and Organisation)
Simon Mills (Executive Director - Finance).
John Stolliday (Director, Governance and Legal Unit - GLU)
Mike Creighton (Director of Audit, Risk and Property)
Claire-Frances Fuller (Head of Internal Governance)
Simon Jackson (Director of Policy, Research and Messaging, Briefing and Rebuttal)
Fiona Stanton (Regional Director, Labour North)
Neil Fleming (Acting Head of Press and Broadcasting)
Carol Linforth (Director of Conference and Events)
Sarah Mulholland (PLP Secretary)
Holly Snyman (Director - Human Resources)
Greg Cook (Head of Political Strategy)
Anna Hutchinson (Regional Director, Labour North West)
Tom Geldard (Director of Digital).
Jo Greening, (Head of International Affairs)
Karie Murphy (Chief of Staff, LOTO)
Seumas Milne (Executive Director - Strategy and Communication)
In the firstof 2 articles on Labour’s leaked report, I detailed the vile abuse and racism of Labour’s senior officials, including Iain McNicol. If Corbyn had adopted the advice of Tony Benn, that the first thing a Labour Minister must do was to gain control of his own civil servants, then things might have worked out differently. Instead Labour’s senior staff were working for a Labour defeat.
If Part I dealt with the good part then Part II is about the decidedly bad part of the Report. It details how Corbyn’s Office, led by the nose by Lansman, bought into the ‘anti-Semitism’ narrative. Not once did they ask where it had come from or why.
Not once in its 851 pages did they question the basis of a moral panic designed by racists and targeted on anti-racists’
The Report was written by those who took it for granted that the Labour Party was riddled with anti-Semites and anti-Semitism. Not once in its 851 pages did they question the basis of a moral panic designed by racists and targeted on anti-racists.
Despite all the brilliant Oxbridge brains of his advisers, James Schneider, Seamus Milne et al., no one worked out what the anti-Semitism attacks were really about. Not once did the Report’s author(s) question why, if the Labour Party really was overrun with ‘anti-Semitism’, it had only occurred when Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader. Was this disinformation paradigm really spontaneous?
That Andrew Neil Interview and David Irving
Not once did Schneider, Milne and Carrie Murphy ask themselves why, if the ‘anti-Semitism’ offensive was genuine, that it was the Right who were its most ardent advocates? One of its most fervent supporters was BBC broadcaster Andrew Neil. Neil crucified Corbyn in an election interview in November 2019 when he asked whether Corbyn would apologise to the Jewish community for Labour anti-Semitism.
It was a predictable question and there was a simple response. ‘I have nothing to apologise for’. Corbyn could then have gone on to condemn Labour’s genuine racism, against Black people:
 ‘I do however wish to apologise to Britain’s Black community for Labour’s previous support for the ‘hostile environment’ policy and the Windrush scandal. Our decision not to oppose the 2014 Immigration Act was scandalous.’
When Neil responded, listing examples of Labour ‘anti-Semitism’, such as the attempts to deselect Louise Ellman and Zionist diva Luciana Berger, there was a very simple response.
Corbyn could have told Neil that he had no intention of taking lessons on anti-Semitism from someone who, as Editor of the Sunday Times had hireda holocaust denier, David Irving, to examine the Goebbels Diaries which had just been discovered in a Moscow archive! As Jewish historian David Cesarani commented: ‘David Irving denies the gas chambers. Anyone who deals with him is tainted with that.’
Boris Johnson deliberately hired and supported anti-Semitic and racist columnists when he edited the Spectator
And whilst Neil was spluttering Corbyn could have mentioned the fact that when Boris Johnson was Editor of The Spectator he hiredTaki, the owner of Takis magazine for whom David Duke of the KKK wrote. Taki himself was no slouch when it came to anti-Semitism.  As his biography records:
‘He (Boris) could have dispensed with Taki... but consistently chose not to, despite entreaties from many critics, including his own father-in-law Charles Wheeler. It is down to Boris that Taki was able to run columns on ‘bongo bongo land’, West Indians ‘multiplying like flies’ and one on the world Jewish conspiracy, in which he described himself as a ‘soi-disant anti-Semite’.
Even the right-wing owner of the Spectator Conrad Black, asked Boris to dismiss Taki after he had criticised Black for marrying a Jewish woman. Boris refused. Taki wrote for the Spectator for as long as Boris was editor. And who was Chairman of the Board of Press Holdings Media Group which owns The Spectator? Andrew Neil!
Of course, having accepted the ‘anti-Semitism’ narrative, Corbyn had no response. Not once did he point out the hypocrisy of Britain’s racist tabloids and the BBC for having ignored the Windrush Scandal, in which Black British citizens were deported to their death, instead concentrating on Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ which didn’t hurt a single Jewish person.

Jeremy Corbyn Stabbing himself in the back
The purpose of the Report’s authors was to pin the blame for the failure to deal with ‘anti-Semites’ on the Compliance Unit. It was all the fault of  Sam Matthews and the rest of the Southside criminals.
We have the absurdity of Corbyn’s office (LOTO) urging the Compliance Unit on to more expulsions and pressurising them into expediting the expulsion of Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth, Ken Livingstone and myself. It is a shocking tale of treachery not made any better by the fact that the person Corbyn was really betraying was himself.
It was my fate to be the first of the ‘big four’ cases to be heard. Suspended in March 2016 I was expelled in February 2018.  I would have been expelled in December 2017 but for the fact that I obtained a High Court injunction preventing the hearing going ahead.
When I was suspended I went on a speaking tour to Liverpool, Manchester and Leeds. You can read the speech I intended to deliver here. I had fallen ill shortly before the tour and prepared a speech if I had to cancel my talk.
However the antibiotics kicked in and I was able to speak in person! The one theme I pursued throughout all the meetings I addressed was that the false ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign was not about anti-Semitism. Although Jackie, Marc, Ken and I may be expelled we were collateral damage. The real target was Jeremy Corbyn. 
It is one of the real tragedies of the whole affair that Corbyn never understood this. He didn’t link the accusations against myself and others to the attacks on him. Yet the Zionists are quite open about their belief that anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are one and the same. There isn’t a Palestine solidarity activist in Britain who hasn’t been accused of anti-Semitism.
Corbyn and his advisers never understood that Zionist accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ are the only defence they have to Israel’s incarceration of children, theft of land and demolition of homes. It’s much easier to attack Zionism’s critics as ‘anti-Semites’.
Corbyn seriously believed that relations with the Board of Deputies could be repaired by throwing his comrades under the bus.
All the publicity surrounding the Report has concentrated on the revelations about McNicol’s band of criminals. What people have not done is to concentrate on the fact that Corbyn and his advisers supported the very witchhunt whose purpose was to remove him. Corbyn was adept at sticking a knife in his own back.
It is clear that Matthews and co. were totally incompetent as well as serial liars. What is so amusing is that Matthews owned up to the fact that he had no skills apart from the ability to lie convincingly on TV for the benefit of John Ware and BBC Panorama.
What is also clear is that Matthews and his gang weren’t interested in genuine anti-Semites, of whom there were very few. Their sole interest was in pinning the label of ‘anti-Semitism’ on anti-Zionists, supporters of the Palestinians and others on the Left. 
Zionism has never fought anti-Semitism just anti-Zionism 
One thing missing from any discussion of the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign is that Zionism has no interest in opposing anti-Semitism.
 Maybe there was some kind of fiddling of the figures by the oligarchs who ran the TV stations (and who were mainly, as some lost no time in pointing out, of Jewish origin)
The above quote is from Boris Johnson’s book 72 Virginspublished in 2004. As The Independent notes itdepicted Jews as controlling the media, amidst a torrent of racial slurs and stereotypes. Yet the Board of Deputies and the Zionists said nothing. If their real concerns were about anti-Semitism then they would surely have said something?

Indeed when  Boris Johnson became Prime Minister  they fell over themselves to congratulate him. Johnson’s previous record as a racist, anti-Semitism included, was ignored. He was, after all, a strong supporter of Israel.
Imagine if Corbyn had penned such a book? Corbyn was criticisedby the Zionists for not mentioning anti-Semitism when reviewing Imperialism by John Hobson, a standard academic textbook, because he didn’t mention that a few lines out of 334 pages were anti-Semitic. The hypocrisy of the anti-Semitism mongers is breathtaking but the authors of the Report never seemed to notice these double standards.

When Theodor Herzl, the founder of Political Zionism, wanted to hold the First Zionist Congress in 1897 his choice of venue was Munich. The Jewish population promptly rose up in protest and accused the authorities of anti-Semitism. Why? Because the Zionist proposition that Jews formed a separate nation from other Germans meant that they were therefore aliens. This wasexactly what the anti-Semites were saying.
Alfred Rosenberg, Minister for Ostland and the Nazi Party’s main theoretician, who was hanged at Nuremburg in 1946, wrote that
 ‘Zionism must be vigorously supported in order to encourage a significant number of German Jews to leave for Palestine or other destinations.’[Francis Nicosia, Third Reich and the Palestine Question, p.25]
As author Francis Nicosia noted, Rosenberg
‘intended to use Zionism as a legal justification for depriving German Jews of their civil rights’ and he ‘sanctioned the use of the Zionist movement in the future drive to eliminate Jewish rights, Jewish influence and eventually the Jewish presence in Germany.’ [TRPQ, pp. 25-26]
Francis Nicosia, the Raul Hilberg Professor of Holocaust Studies at Vermont University and himself a Zionist wrote that:
whereas today non-Jewish criticism of Zionism or the State of Israel are often dismissed as motivated by a deeper anti-Semitism, in Herzl’s day an opposite non-Jewish reaction, one of support for the Zionist idea, might have resulted in a similar reaction.[Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany p.7]
When Herzl sought the support of the Grand Duke of Baden, the uncle of Kaiser Wilhelm II, for Zionism the Duke’s
‘chief misgiving was that if he supported the [Zionist] cause, people would misinterpret this as anti-Semitism on his part.’ (Diaries of Herzl]
Captain Dreyfuss - the Zionist movement was indifferent to the fight to clear his name which was why Bernard Lazarre resigned from the Zionist Actions Committee
Zionism was unique as a movement amongst Jews because it accepted that anti-Semitism was the natural biological reaction of non-Jews to the Jews in their midst. As Herzl wrote in his Diaries:
“In Paris... I achieved a freer attitude towards anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognized the emptiness and futility of trying to ‘combat’ anti-Semitism.” [The Diaries of Theodor Herzl, London: Gollancz, 1958, p.6]
This was in the middle of the Dreyfus Affair which culminated in the triumph of Emile Zola and the Republicans and a defeat for the clerical and military caste that wanted to restore the monarchy.
This cartoon was attacked as 'antisemitic' until it was pointed out that it was an old WW1 anti-war cartoon - not every rich person is Jewish as the Zios suggest!
It was the Zionist acceptance of anti-Semitism as something that was natural, which could not be fought and only utilised, that was the basis of the collaboration between the Nazis and the Zionists. When German Jews and world Jewry were aghast at the assumption of power by the Nazis in January 1933 and instituted a boycott, the Zionists only saw a golden opportunity. David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister saw Hitler’s rise as:
a rare opportunity to achieve the “Zionist solution”, the only true solution to the problem of the Jewish people.’ [Yechiam Weitz, Jewish Refugees and Zionist Policy during the Holocaust, p.355, Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Volume 30, 1994 - Issue 2]
Dr Noah Lucas, a critical Zionist historian wrote that:
 ‘As the European Holocaust erupted, Ben Gurion saw it as a decisive opportunity for Zionism... Ben Gurion above all others sensed the tremendous possibilities inherent in the dynamic of the chaos and carnage in Europe... In conditions of peace,… Zionism could not move the masses of world Jewry. The forces unleashed by Hitler in all their horror must be harnessed to the advantage of Zionism. ... (The Modern History of Israel, pp. 187/8)
Ben Gurion’s deputy, Berl Katznelson was even more explicit. The rise of Hitler was
an opportunity to build and flourish like none we have ever had or ever will have [Nicosia, ZANG, p.91]
Nor was this attitude to anti-Semitism confined to the pre-State days. When there arose in Argentina in 1976 a neo-Nazi Junta, the first in the post-war era, it targeted Jews. The most famous victim was Jacobo Timmerman, Editor of La Opinion. He was released and deported to Israel after having been savagely tortured. With the advent of the Lebanon War, Timmerman fell out of love with Israel.
The Argentina Junta murdered up to 3,000 Jews. According to Juan Pablo Jaroslavsky of the Barcelona-based Commission of Solidarity with Relatives of the Disappeared
"Jews represented more than 12 per cent of the victims of the military regime while constituting under 1 per cent of Argentina's population," See Jews targeted in Argentina's dirty war,
What was Israel’s reaction? There wasn’t one. Instead it took the opportunity of the United States’s decision to cut off arms sales to this vile regime to increase its own arms sales. During the Falklands/ Malvinas war Israel became the Junta’s main arms supplier.
retired Argentine pilots and military figures who testified that in 1982 they secretly flew to Israel, where they met with representatives from the military and defense manufacturers and returned with their plane loaded with light arms, mortars, air-to-air missiles and anti-tank weapons.
Not once did Israel condemn the anti-Semitism of the Junta. Zionist organisations in the United States instead defended the Junta, minimising its atrocities. The Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires refused to help or grant visas to Jews that the Junta declared were subversives. The Knesset refused to discuss what was happening in Argentina during the 7 year life of the Junta.
An article in Ha’aretz, Argentine-Israelis Urge Israel to Disclose Past Junta Tiesdescribes how Wanda Clara and Marcus Weinstein appealed to Israel concerning the arrest and disappearance of their son Mauricio. Weinstein said he felt the Israeli diplomatic representatives
“cared little interest about the disappeared Jews, including his son and a second Israeli citizen.”
This is the bastard ‘Jewish’ state that Lansman and the Momentum authors of this Report defend with the sterile accusation of ‘anti-Semitism’.
Were there anti-Semites in the Labour Party?
In a party of half a million it would be a surprise if there weren’t. There have always been anti-Semites in the Labour Party but up till Corbyn’s leadership there was no campaign against this miniscule fringe. There are also paedophiles in the Labour Party too. No one however suggests that the Labour Party is ‘overrun’ with paedophiles. As Daniel Finn wrote (Corbyn Under Fire)
A narrative can still be false even if it contains truthful elements: in fact, there are very few that don’t.’  
Yes there were anti-Semites in the Labour Party but that was not what this campaign was about.
For example Sydney Webb, founder of the Fabians, New Statesman and Minister for the Colonies in Ramsay MacDonald’s 1929-1931 Labour Government was pleased that there were “no Jews in the British Labour Party” whereas “French, German, Russian Socialism is Jew-ridden. We, thank heaven are free”. The reason for this happy state of affairs? There was “no money in it”.
The worst example of Labour anti-Semitism was that of Herbert Morrison, the wartime Home Secretary. After the Allies had issued a declaration on December 17 1942 that the Nazis were exterminating Europe’s Jews public support for admitting Jewish refugees rose to 80%. Morrison’s reaction was to set his face against the admission of any more than a token number of Jews. The Zionists who by then controlled the Board of Deputies made no complaint because they too opposed the admission of Jewish refugees.
If there was a genuine problem with Labour anti-Semitism there would have been no need to redefine anti-Semitism. The Oxford English Dictionary gives a very simple definition of anti-Semitism: ‘hostility to or discrimination against Jews.’ This wasn’t acceptable to those who wanted to conflate anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.
But why this obsession with a definition of anti-Semitism? When my father took part in the Battle of Cable Streetagainst Oswald Moseley’s fascists on October 4 1936 he didn’t need a definition of anti-Semitism. The only reason that the Zionists fought for Labour to adopt the IHRA ‘Definition’ of Anti-Semitism was that they wished to define criticism of Israel and Zionism as anti-Semitic.
Israel defines itself as a Jewish State and claims that it represents all Jews wherever they live. Netanyahu even described himself as the Prime Minister of the Jewish people. It is not surprising therefore that many people associate Jews with Israel. The responsibility for this lies firmly with Zionism. This is not anti-Semitism as it’s historically understood. They are not ascribing to Jews the blame for the ills of capitalism or engaging in a world Jewish conspiracy theory or as an alien racial element. People draw what are quite reasonable conclusions from Zionism’s own propaganda.

The Rothschilds
One of the most common features of much of Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ is reference to the Rothschilds. It is true that historically the Rothschilds played a major part in the pantheon of Jewish villains. They were at the epicentre of a conspiracy to benefit from the Napoleonic wars. The Nazis even made a film The Rothschilds.
However most people who refer to The Rothschilds know nothing of this. Some people don’t even know the Rothschilds are Jewish still less their role in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories!
It is also true that at the beginning of the Israeli state the Rothschilds were heavily involved in for example financing the building of the Supreme Court building in Jerusalem. It is also the case that the Balfour Declaration pledging the land of Palestine to the Zionists was written to James Rothschilds.
The use of the Rothschilds meme is a consequence of the false anti-Semitism campaign which has prevented a debate on the origins of Zionism and political education as to why Israel came into existence and why it is an Apartheid state. People who raise the issue of Zionism are accused of ‘anti-Semitism’. It is almost a banned word. Is it any wonder that such people search for simple explanations?
The invocation of the Rothschilds can be anti-Semitic if it also betrays a hostile intention to Jews. But if it is simply at the level of poor political understanding of the roots of Zionism and Israel’s foundation it is not anti-Semitic.
The Israeli State
The existence of an armed settler state in the Middle East, a bastion of opposition to revolutionary movements, is in the interests of Western imperialism. As Reagan’s Secretary of State Alexander Haig once declared, Israel is America’s largest unsinkable aircraft carrier.
Israel’s alliance with Saudi Arabia against Iran demonstrates the role Israel plays in supporting reactionary Arab regimes. Zionism is the cutting edge of Western imperialism. As Daniel Finn wrote:
‘Israel’s supporters are not an external force that has bent the British ruling class to its will. They are the outriders of that class.
Jews are the ruling class’s moral alibi, at least for the moment.
The Leaked Report Does NOT Challenge the ‘Anti-Semitism’ Campaign – It merely Attempts to Shift the Blame from Formby and Corbyn to McNicol
In the Executive  Summary the Report states that ‘anti-Semitism’
has caused great pain to the Jewish community in this country, including Jewish members of the Labour Party. The Party must take all possible steps to repair this damage, and apologise for failing to take the necessary action to tackle the problem sooner. (11)
It goes on to say that
This report thoroughly disproves any suggestion that antisemitism is not a problem in the Party, or that it is all a “smear” or a “witch-hunt
This is one of many lies. What it does show is that whilst anti-Zionists, especially if they were Jewish, were targeted, genuine anti-Semites were left alone. All with the complicity of the JLM who were unconcerned about genuine anti-Semitism.
David Collier - a fascist and a Zionist - but no one is too right-wing for Lansman's cronies 
Glynn Secker
The Governance & Legal Unit [GLU] used David Collier’s dossieron the Palestine Live FB group to target Labour members. Both the witch-hunters and the Report’s authors have ignored the fact that Collier is a far-Right Zionist who works with fascists and supporters of Tommy Robinson. However he is kosher both for the Zionists and the Report’s authors. In a debatewith Melanie Phillips he deniedthat the Palestinian refugees existed, referring to them as ‘it’, as if they weren’t human beings. This is what colonisers have always done, denying the humanity of their victims and the authors of this Report have endorsed this.
Of all the examples of ‘anti-Semites’, the GLU preferred to single out Jewish candidates such as Glyn Secker, the Secretary of JVL. Even Collier’s report did not allege any antisemitic comments by Secker.
GLU found posts on Secker’s social media and used these to justify his suspension, even though the posts weren’t even anti-Semitic, not even by the distorted IHRA definition. Normally  they would not normally result an investigation, let alone suspension.
There are also suspicions that the ‘evidence’ in Collier’s Report has been doctored, cut and pasted from other sites. As the Report observes:
Of all the examples of extreme antisemitism in the report, GLU picked Glyn Secker, even though the report did not contain allegations of antisemitic comments by Secker and the report stated “Glyn Secker has had minimal interaction on the site”. GLU listed Secker as “not in breach” of the rules. (428)
Quite laughably, one of the pieces of ‘evidence’ GLU used was Secker sharing an article from “Forward”, the main journal of American Jews! It demonstrated ‘GLU's complete lack of understanding about what constitutes antisemitism’. Unfortunately this is equally true of those who wrote this report. (440)
The only person who came out of this with any credit in Corbyn’s Office was Andrew Murray, who wrote:
I've looked at it and really there is no way it stands up a remote case of anti-Semitism... It is so offensive for Jewish socialists to be accused of anti-Semitism.

Corbyn was like the 3 wise monkeys– he said, saw and heard nothing. Indeed it was Corbyn who first adopted the 38 word IHRA definition in order to play catch-up with Theresa May.
There are repeated instances of the Report confusing anti-Semitism  and pro-Palestinian/anti-Zionist comments. For example one Labour Party member, Terry Flanagan, comments about “Israeli Mossad… orchestrating the attack on… Jeremy Corbyn” or Alex Allardyce writing about “THE ZIONIST CONTROLLED USA”, and calling Bill Clinton a “ZIONIST BASTARD”. [259]
One is left wondering what it is about the above comments that is anti-Semitic? They may be right or possibly wrong but anti-Semitic? AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee) boasts of how powerful it is and claimsthat its mission is
to strengthen, protect and promote the U.S.-Israel relationship in ways that enhance the security of the United States and Israel.
That seems to be very much the description of a lobby! Wikipedia definesAIPAC as a:
lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies to the Congress and Executive Branch[3] of the United States.
It goes on to describe AIPAC activities as including removal of political candidates from office:
AIPAC scored two major victories in the early 1980s that established its image among political candidates as an organization "not to be trifled with" and set the pace for "a staunchly pro-Israel" Congress over the next three decades
Wikipedia was referring to the defeat of Democrat Congressman Paul Findlay and Republican Senator Charles Percy for not towing the Zionist line. As Mehdi Hassan wrotein the New Statesman (before that rag became a Zionist house journal):
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac) that brags on its website about being “the most important organisation affecting America’s relationship with Israel” - has a financial stranglehold on both main parties. According to William Quandt, a former adviser on the Middle East to the Nixon and Carter administrations, “70 per cent to 80 per cent of all members of Congress will go along with whatever they think Aipac wants”.
Notwithstanding the above the Report complains that
‘between 1 November 2016 and 19 February 2018 GLU staff initiated just 10 suspensions, 24 NOIs for antisemitism and 2 General Secretary membership rejections for antisemitism.’ (282)
It goes on to complain that
‘all of these actions were before April 2017. From 1 April 2017 to 19 February 2018 there was not a single antisemitism case that received action (a suspension’ , NOI or membership rejection).’ (285)
Corbyn and Marc Wadsworth at the Chakrabarti press conference
What the Report doesn’t say is that of the 10  suspensions 5 of those, at least, were anti-racists (Jackie Walker, Ken Livingstone, Charley Allen, Marc Wadsworth, Tony Greenstein), 3 of whom were Jewish and two Black. I suspect all of the 10 were anti-racists.
Despite expelling anti-Zionists, especially Jewish anti-Zionists, for ‘anti-Semitism’ the irony is that both racist and anti-Semitic abuse was quite acceptable in the GLU. Those named in the Report, all senior managers in the Labour Party, indulged in vitriolic racist and sexist abuse whilst suspending and expelling members for ‘abuse’.
In a leak from Skwawkbox(which has disappeared from their site, I assume for legal reasons) John Stolliday and Julie Lawrence freely make anti-Semitic comments. This article is a gold mine of information!
Lawrence describes Jon Lansman as a ‘rat’. Portraying Jews as vermin was common in Nazi propaganda. Stolliday referred to Ed Miliband as ‘beaker’, a reference to his nose and as the ‘runt of the litter.’ It says everything about the corrupt political culture in UNISON that neither Stolliday nor Oldknow have been suspended.
Stolliday and Lawrence’s comments are further evidence of the hypocrisy that accompanied the ‘anti-Semitism’ witchhunt. Genuine anti-Semitism was acceptable. It is no surprise that the Jewish Labour Movement and Starmer have been making threats against those publishing the leaked report.
Corbyn and his Office (LOTO) Threw Their Supporters Under the Bus in order to ‘rebuild trust’ with the ‘Jewish Community’ and appease the Zionist/Israel Lobby
You might have thought that Corbyn would have understood, given his long association with the Palestine solidarity movement, that the first resort of Zionists is to accuse their opponents of ‘anti-Semitism’.
Corbyn never seemed to understand that the Zionists’ ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign was about getting rid of him. It didn’t occur to his ‘strategic advisor’ Seamus Milne that the more anti-Zionists they expelled for ‘anti-Semitism’ the more they were confirming the false narrative that Labour was overrun by ‘anti-Semites’. (306)
Despite doing everything the Jewish Chronicle and the Board of Deputies required of them, Corbyn was met by increasing accusations of being an anti-Semite personally. The leader of this Goebbels-style campaign was the far-Right Editor of the now-bankrupt JC, Stephen Pollard, who wrotein a letter to his readers on 31 October 2019:
Over the next 6 weeks we will discover whether the British people are prepared to put an anti-Semite into Number 10.
Jonathan Arkush, past President of the Board of Deputies made similar accusations of anti-Semitism against Corbyn personally.
Instead Corbyn treated former friends and activists as ballast to be jettisoned. Instead of opposing the attack on Black and Jewish anti-racists and anti-Zionists, Corbyn urged the witchhunters on. The Report makes pitiful reading. His ‘kinder gentler’ politics were reserved for his right-wing opponents. The Report tells us that:
Jeremy Corbyn himself and members of his staff team requested to GLU that particular antisemitism cases be dealt with. In 2017 LOTO staff chased for action on high-profile antisemitism cases Ken Livingstone, Tony Greenstein, Jackie Walker and Marc Wadsworth, stressing that these cases were of great concern to Jewish stakeholders and that resolving them was essential to “rebuilding trust between the Labour Party and the Jewish community”. (306)
... LOTO (Leader of the Opposition’s Office) was unhappy with the NCC panel’s decision to suspend Ken Livingstone for another year rather than expel him.
Well Greenstein, Walker and Wadsworth were expelled and Livingstone resigned. Did this ‘rebuild trust’ between Labour and the ‘Jewish community’ i.e. the Zionist Lobby?  Like hell it did. It simply whetted their appetite. And what was their thanks for Corbyn prostrating himself? At the General Election they savaged Corbyn as an ‘anti-Semite’ with the Chief Rabbi leading the charge.
The Report details how (333), on 17 October 2017 Laura Murray, LOTO Stakeholder Manager (Blairite language) responsible for relations with the ‘Jewish community’, emailed Stolliday asking
could we have an update on the current status of the cases of Ken Livingstone, Jacqui [sic] Walker, Tony Greenstein and Marc Wadsworth and a clear timetable of when they will all be heard by the NCC and when a final decision will be made on them. The Jewish Labour Movement expressed frustration that these cases have taken such a long time to be heard, as they feel that it is difficult to begin the process of rebuilding trust between the Labour Party and the Jewish community whilst we have still not dealt with these cases.
Prior to the JLM’s 2019 AGM, the JLM had threatened to disaffiliate from the Labour Party. What was Corbyn’s reaction? To welcome the prospect? To open a bottle of champagne? No he begged these racists to stay and they thanked him by passinga motion of no confidence in him and refusingto support the Labour Party in the General Election.
Laura Murray, a Lansman protégé noticeable for having nothing between her ears, remarked that Corbyn and Jeremy Newmark, Chair of the JLM “both are really keen that we deal with all these outstanding issues as soon as possible”. (333) After the meeting Newmark emphasised that we do not have the luxury of another year to wait for all of this to move forward’.(344)
Newmark refoundedthe JLM in 2015 with the specific purpose of overthrowing Corbyn yet here was Allende sitting down with his Pinochet and giving him everything he demanded. The results of Corbyn fawning obeisance were predictable.
Were the Zionist) ‘stakeholders’ appeased? Was trust restored? Did they thank Corbyn? On the contrary they stepped up their attacks on Corbyn and used these very cases as ammunition against him.
Rather than showing gratitude for his betrayal of his friends, the JLM’s Luciana Berger dug out a mural of 6 years vintage and then held a demonstration, with Norman Tebbit and the DUP, to protest against ‘anti-Semitism’. The purpose was to destroy Labour’s local elections prospects. Before long they were openly callingCorbyn an anti-Semite. Far from ‘rebuilding trust’ Corbyn’s actions simply confirmed that their allegations were true.
Yet this pitiful Report doesn’t, even once, stop to reflect on the futility of Corbyn humiliating himself in front of these racists and Zionists. Karie Murphy, the Manager of LOTO was even telling Shadow Cabinet members that Tom Watson had got his people onto the Livingstone panel ‘to make a soft decisionin order to embarrass JC'.  Talk about conspiracy theories!
When Ken Livingstone repeated what the Report describes as ‘offensive comments’ after his hearing in April 2017, Corbyn called for a new investigation and reassured Newmark, who said:
When I spoke to Jeremy Corbyn on Wednesday afternoon he told me that new complaints based upon Mr Livingstone’s comments... would be taken forward by the NEC. (307, 344)

These are just a few of the racist attacks on Jackie Walker that her suspension triggered off - not only did the Labour Party and JLM not condemn their supporters behaviour - the Labour Party included more racist material in their file of evidence
Jackie Walker case
In May 2016 Jackie Walker was suspended following a private conversation on Facebook which was broken into by the far-Right Israel Advocacy Movement which has the endearing habit of working alongside Tommy Robinson supporters in the fight against ‘anti-Semitism’.  In an informal conversation with a friend, Jackie said:
My ancestors were involved in both – on all sides… millions more Africans were killed in the African holocaust and their oppression continues to this day on a global scale in a way it doesn’t for Jews and many Jews, my ancestors too, were [AMONG] the chief financiers of the sugar and slave trade… so who are the victims and what does it mean .  We are victims and perpetrators, to some extent by choice.  And having been a victim does not give you a right to be a perpetrator.
As is often the case when discussing things informally Jackie missed out one word which I’ve highlighted above. On the basis of one wordJackie has been vilified and castigated as a racist, sent racist abuse calling for her to be lynched and burned. Instead of defending Jackie and calling out her accusers and abusers Corbyn and Milne took the cowards way out. See The lynching of Jackie Walker
The Report describes how, following an interview on 27 May 2016, Harry Gregson, SE Regional Organiser, emailed Stolliday and Creighton recommending that Jackie’s suspension was lifted. What does the Report say?
This typifies the handling of antisemitism disciplinary cases ... The investigations were left to regional staff to conduct ... with no guidance on antisemitic discourse given to staff conducting the interview and the outcome of almost all interviews was a recommendation to lift suspension... No explanation was given as to why Walker’s comments would not breach Labour’s rules. (362)
There is no explanation as to why Jackie’s private conversation breached Labour’s rules. The scribe(s) who wrote this Report are seeking to police peoples’ thoughts on behalf of the world’s most racist state. The Report states that
Crucially, on 19 May 2016, Dave Rich from the Community Security Trust (CST) had emailed Iain McNicol with his expert opinion on Walker’s comments (363)
The CST is a Zionist charity with strong links to the Israeli Embassy and Mossad. Dave Rich openly believes that the anti-Zionism of the left is anti-Semitism. (363) His expert opinion was based on something that Jackie hadn’t said.
Even Tracey Allen, Manager of the GSO commented: ‘I can't believe Momentum and its supporters are throwing her to the wolves.’(366) We couldn’t believe it either. The dishonesty and treachery of Lansman was indeed unbelievable.
When the JLM secretly recorded and distorted Jackie Walker’s comments at the 2016 Labour Conference, the Head of Press asked “Is she being suspended? LOTO briefing she's going to be...sigh...”.
In other words Corbyn’s office were trying to bounce the witch-hunters into suspending her. After Jackie’s suspension, LOTO and Formby chased for updates on her NCC hearing date. It probably never occurred to Formby and Corbyn to offer Jackie some solidarity when under attack by racists.
This behaviour is indicative of the political collapse of Corbyn. He had adopted wholesale the narrative of his enemies. Not once did he question the motives of Israel’s supporters or where they were coming from, still less devise anything approaching a strategy.
Here you see how disastrous was the approach of Jewish Voices for Labour which believed that all it needed to do was to provide ‘Jewish cover’ for Corbyn and hold secret, unpublicised talks with his office. David Rosenberg of the Jewish Socialists Group in particular symptomised this approach criticising anyone who so much as whispered any criticism of Corbyn.  What this meant is that there was no corrective to Corbyn’s strategic political mistakes.
It was only with difficulty that I and others eventually ‘bounced’ Rosenberg and the JSG into supporting Jackie. See The Strange Silence of the Jewish Socialists Group
Other Cases
The Report details how ‘GLU staff had intentionally delayed Walker’s case to establish precedent through other high-profile cases’. Jennie Formby complained that Sam Matthews decision was ‘a delay for which Jeremy has of course had to bear the blame.’‘(306-308) McDonnell was even worse:
McDonnell said he favoured life-time bans over antisemitism - “Out, out, out. If people express these views, full stop they’re out” - rejecting the suggestion that antisemitism issues were being used as a “convenient stick” to beat the leadership: (330)
 Moshe Machover was a rare example of LOTO directly raising concerns about a specific case in this period’. (371) In every other case where false allegations of anti-Semitism were made the victims of the Zionist attacks were cast asunder.
Throughout the Report the authors conflate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. For example David Roger who ‘Compares Israel to Nazi Germany’ is one of the cases submitted by Labour Against Anti-Semitism. His case was considered under the rubric of anti-Semitism.(422) I know David.  He is no anti-Semite. Comparing Israeli policies to Nazi Germany is not anti-Semitic.
When mobs in Israel chant ‘Death to the Arabs’how is that different from mobs in pre-war Germany and Poland shouting ‘Death to the Jews’? What is the difference between banning inter-racial marriages between ‘Aryans’ and Jews under the Nuremburg Laws and banning inter-racial marriages between Jew and Arab in Israel? 
Presumably the authors would have suspended Professor Ze’ev' Sternhell, a child survivor of the Nazi Ghetto of Przemyślfor writing an articleIn Israel, Growing Fascism and a Racism Akin to Early Nazism’ There are many valid comparisons that can be made and it is the Zionists who make them. It would appear, according to the authors’ Zionist ‘logic’ that something can be anti-Semitic and true.
There were some, very few, anti-Semites but it most ‘anti-Semitism’ derived from Israel’s behaviour towards the Palestinians. Israel claims to be a Jewish state so it’s not surprising that people who were not anti-Semitic made ostensibly anti-Semitic comments.
Given the chilling effect of the Zionists’ ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign on any debate on Zionism and Palestine, the only effect of the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign was to make some people into anti-Semites! The best way to deconstruct Rothschild’s conspiracy theories is through debate not chilling free speech. Mark Conway wrote that
"speaking for myself i despise Jews i think they are vermin and the scum of the earth but only those Evil Jews who think its acceptabble to steal palestinian land and persecute them and so to those jews i would say fuck you you (422)
It is clear that his anti-Semitism derives from his horror at ‘Evil Jews’ i.e. Zionists who engage in the colonisation of Palestine.
There was nothing antisemitic about this cartoon - Corbyn called on the Police to remove it and thus bought in to the narrative designed to remove him
Having never fought anti-Semitism Zionism is now one of its main causes, something it then uses to prove that they are right! It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. The Report boasts of how, at the 2019 Labour Party Conference, Corbyn tweeted that:
I'm disgusted that this banner was displayed near our #Lab19 conference centre. We asked the police to remove it and I'm glad they did.
There was nothing even remotely anti-Semitic about the banner, which contained a Latuff cartoon with a man representing the Israel Lobby attacking Corbyn with missiles whilst proclaiming ‘anti-Semite, anti-Semite’.
Imagine if you had a debate in Britain 'is it racist to set aside land for non-Jews only?  This should demonstrate the racism inherent in Zionism
The Report is both deceptive and dishonest. It claims thatAnti-Zionism is not the same thing as antisemitism.’(602) Not only does the Report fail to explain how anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are different but in practice the Report conflates the two. That is why the authors of this report support the IHRA misdefinition of ‘anti-Semitism’
The suggestion that ‘‘antisemitism is often cloaked in rhetoric about Zionism’’ is untrue. It is very rare for anti-Semitism to be disguised as anti-Zionism. What is far more common is for anti-Semitism to be disguised by support for Zionism. There is a long history of anti-Semites supporting Zionism. After all if you dont’ want Jews in your country then Zionism, wanting them to live in Israel, makes sense.
Steve Bannon's anti-Semitism didn't stop the Zionist Organisation of America from inviting him as a guest speaker
From Edouard Drumont, the leader of the Anti-Dreyfussards in France, to Arthur Balfour, who introduced the Aliens Act in Britain in 1905 to keep out Jewish refugees out, anti-Semites have been the most ardent Zionists. From Alfred Rosenberg to Steve Bannon, Trump’s former advisor and a self-declared Christian Zionist, people have combined anti-Semitism and Zionism. Bannon told his wife that ‘he doesn’t like the way they raise their kids to be ‘whiny brats’ and that he didn’t want the girls going to school with Jews.” 
The 8th Commandment - Candidates will not speak to any 'fringe' dissident Jewish groups, i.e. those supporting the rights of Palestinians. This 'pledge' was supported by Lansman and his candidate Rebecca Long-Bailey

The section Homogenising Jewish communities states that
Jewish communities in Britain are incredibly diverse, but Jewish organisations are often homogenised and reduced simply to “the Israel lobby” or “Zionist lobby”. (603)
This is what is called Chutzpah. It is the Zionists who deny Jewish diversity and who demand that only the Zionist Board of Deputies represents Britain’s Jews. Those who wrote the Report might care to recall the 8th of the Board of Deputies 10 Commandments which it demanded leadership candidates accept. This stated that:
‘Thou shall not speak to any ‘fringe’ Jews or Jewish organisations other than the Board of Deputies and Zionist ‘representative’ groups.’
The JLM made it clear that their loyalty is to Zionism and Israel not the Labour Party
The Report goes on to say that
Even Labour’s own Jewish affiliate, the Jewish Labour Movement, have been labelled supporters of Netanyahu, despite their explicit criticisms of his government.’
It’s a good job that the Report doesn’t detail what these ‘explicit’ criticisms of Netanyahu are because they are very hard to find! The JLM declares that the Israeli Labor Party is its ‘sister’ party. Just this week their ‘sister’ party and its 3 Knesset members (down from 56 in 1969!) have gone into coalition with Netanyahu. Part of the coalition agreement is that the ILP will vote for the annexation of the settlements.  So much for their much vaunted support for 2 states. I have yet to hear any criticisms of the ILP – implicit or explicit.

The Israeli Labor Party have long been supporters of Netanyahu’s military occupation of the West Bank, the siege of Gaza and his deportation of Black African refugees. In other words they are supporters of Zionism, the ideology of a Jewish Apartheid state. Where they differ with Netanyahu it is over tactics.
The Israeli Labor Party, which the JLM considers its 'sister party' has just joined a coalition with Netanyahu
The Report is Dishonest and Self-Serving
The Report states that Sir Stephen Sedley, a Jewish former Court of Appeal Judge and Geoffrey Robertson QC both endorse the IHRA if it includes the Home Affairs Select Committee caveats. This is a lie. Neither of them endorse the IHRA. What Sedley did say in an articlewas that:
freedom of expression is at the centre of this debate. While the IHRA “definition” is not part of our law,... the right of free expression is.
Sedley went on to say that:
whatever criticism the IHRA’s “examples” may seek to suppress, both Jews and non-Jews in the UK are entitled, without being stigmatised as antisemites, to contend that a state that by law denies Palestinians any right of self-determination is a racist state, or to ask whether there is some moral equivalence between shooting down defenceless Jews in eastern Europe and unarmed Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza.
Sedley pointed out that Theresa May had disregarded even the free speech caveats that the Home Affairs Selection Committee Report into Anti-Semitism of 2016 said should accompany the IHRA.
Sedley also said, in an article Defining Anti-Semitismthat
‘the official adoption of the definition...  gives respectability and encouragement to forms of intolerance which are themselves contrary to law.... (the IHRA) also fails the first test of any definition: it is indefinite...  it bristles with contentious assumptions about the racial identity of Jews, assumptions contested by many diaspora Jews but on which both Zionism and anti-Semitism fasten, and about Israel as the embodiment of a collective right of Jews to self-determination.’
Geoffrey Robertson described the IHRA as being ‘unfit for purpose’
“it is likely in practice to chill free speech, by raising expectations of pro-Israeli groups that they can successfully object to legitimate criticism of Israel and correspondingly arouse fears in NGO’s and student bodies that they will have events banned.’
Robertson advised that Universities
would be well advised not to adopt this confusing and litigation-prone definition, and – if they need one – to use the Oxford Dictionary’.
The fact that this Report felt it necessary to distort what two eminent jurists had to say, because it is politically inconvenient to admit that the IHRA has no legal, intellectual or moral justification says everything one needs to know about Labour’s fake ‘anti-Semitism’. The only conclusion one can draw from the Report’s sleight of hand is that nothing it says can be taken on trust. These McCarthyists find it impossible to admit that the IHRA, which is being used to witchhunt Palestinian supporters, has no legal or academic credibility.
The Report Boasts of how Jennie Formby increased the number of Expulsions and Suspensions
The Report reaches a new sycophantic low when it boasts about how efficient Formby is as a witchhunter compared to McNicol: (629)
In 2017, there were just 10 suspensions and 22 NOIs (totalling 32 such actions). In 2018, this rose to 98 and 185 respectively (totalling 283), and in 2019 it rose again to 296 suspensions and 283 NOIs (579 in total).
What its authors don’t say is that this subservience to the Zionist agenda made not 1 jot of difference. Come the General Election and the Zionist press and its tame rabbis attackedCorbyn as an anti-Semite with added vigour. Accepting that the allegations of anti-Semitism were bona fide led to an unmitigated disaster.
As Len McLuskey putit Jewish Community Leaders Are Refusing To Take 'Yes' For An Answer’. Of course they were.The only thing they were interested in was the destruction of Corbyn.
The Report has a section on Denialism, a fake word to match the fake anti-Semitism. If you deny that Labour has an anti-Semitism problem and accuse the Right of weaponising antisemitism then that is proof that you too are anti-Semitic! The Report quotes Corbyn as saying
‘denying that there is a problem of antisemitism within the Party contributes to, and is part of, the problem. (775)
Which is like saying that Defendants who plead not guilty are contributing to an increase in crime. It is illogical. Evidence that Corbyn was politically not up to being leader. Presumably when Corbyn denied he was an anti-Semite he too was part of the problem?
Corbyn and his Momentum buddies were incapable of engaging in critical thought still less understanding or challenging the narrative framework of the Zionists’ attacks.
Simple economistic demands for better conditions, more money for te NHS etc. were all that the Corbyn leadership was capable of. They were  not capable of an alternative political narrative which is why te Tories won. Unfortunately Corbyn’s opponents weren’t as stupid.
Those who felt threatened by Corbyn’s attack on their privilege and power did not defend austerity in its own terms. Rather they chose a topic, anti-Semitism, which would be much more difficult terrain on which to fight. Unfortunately wrapped up in identity politics Corbyn and Momentum were incapable of challenging the argument that Jews in Britain, although a minority were are not an oppressed minority.
The Report says that:
One area that has, from 2016 onwards, been particularly challenging for GLU to determine the appropriate course of action for, has been “denialism”.  (774)
But why should this be a concern? Denying that anti-Semitism is a problem in the Labour Party is a point of view which is held by a majority of members. A YouGov poll of Labour Party members in March 2018 found that 77% of respondents agreed that reports of antisemitism had been “exaggerated” or “hyped up” to undermine the Corbyn and prevent criticism of Israel. 30% denied that there was any problem at all.
If Lansman and the authors of this Report believe that disciplinary measures are a valid response to what they term ‘denialism’ then it demonstrates that they have contempt for free speech and don’t even believe their own propaganda since they are unable to defend it.
The logic of ‘denialism’ is the ‘logic’ of the 17th Century Salem Witchhunt when women and men were hanged for witchcraft in Massachusetts. As Elizabeth Purdy wrote:
Those who publicly questioned the guilt of a defendant were likely to be accused of witchcraft themselves.
This is the ‘logic’ of this Report.
Margaret Tyson
Among the many bogus accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ that the Report endorses is that of Margaret Tyson.  Her offence? She posted
‘an offensive picture of Watson next to the Israeli ambassador with words overlaid stating:“I represent a foreign power, not my constituents.”
This was fair comment. Watson’s office was funded by some of Britain’s main Israel lobbyists, Sir Trevor Chinn and Sir David Garrard.  Watson has combined visceral anti-Black racism, supportingthe racist Labour MP Phil Woolas and demonisingasylum seekers, with slavish devotion to the Zionist cause. Tyson had commented
“Watson, what a complete and utter badturd. Judas, sold out for 30 pieces of silver.”
Tyson’s only crime was her reference to 30 pieces of silver. Watson’s price was far higher. He received£90,000 from Chinn and Garrard for his private office though, as Bob Pitt points out, he also received over half a million pounds from Max Moseley, an open racist and supporter of his fascist and anti-Semitic father Sir Oswald. Nonetheless Tyson is not wrong to draw a connection between the donations from Garrard and Chinn and his pro-Zionist politics.
Asa Winstanley and Free Speech
Perhaps the most disgusting aspect of the Report is its defence of the party’s suspension of Asa Winstanley in March 2019 following complaints about tweets accusing JLM of being an “Israeli embassy proxy”. One can only assume that telling the truth is now an offence. The JLM’s Director Ella Rose came directly from the Embassy.
Former Chair Jeremy Newmark
claimed it would be “rather odd” to suggest that JLM should not have contacts with the embassy.
Israel undoubtedly funds the organisation. The Report says that Asa was ‘suggesting that JLM displays dual loyalty’. In other words you can’t say something, even if it is true, because racists may take offence The JLM is not only affiliated to the Labour Party but to the World Zionist Organisation whose Jerusalem Program, speaks of:
The unity of the Jewish people, its bond to its historic homeland Eretz Yisrael, and the centrality of the State of Israel and Jerusalem, its capital, in the life of the nation;
The Jerusalem Program is stating that the Israeli State is central in the life of ‘the (Jewish) nation.’  What is this if not dual loyalty? Zionism is based on the assertion that Jews owe their prime loyalty, not to where they live but to Israel. That is why Jewish anti-Zionists are accused of being ‘traitors’.
I realise that those wrote this report are not the brightest sparks but if you are saying that something can be true andanti-Semitic then that is anti-Semitic. The whole point about anti-Semitism is that it is not true and that it is a false portrayal of Jews.
Zionism, which argues that Jews form a separate nation to those among whom they live, is based on the concept of dual loyalty. However it is unfair to accuse the JLM of dual loyalty. I’ve seen no evidence to suggest that they are loyal to anything but Israel!
According to the Report, Asa’s other crime was saying that Livingstone’s comments about Hitler and Zionism were “stating a historic fact”. So debating history is now anti-Semitic in the eyes of these pathetic McCarthyists. This is political book burning.
Asa is quite correct. Zionist collaboration with the Nazis is a historical fact. Whereas most Jews were boycotting German goods the Zionists were negotiating a trade pact with Hitler. The German Zionist Federation comprised only 2% of German Jews, the most right-wing part.
What this Report is saying is that free speech on Zionism is anti-Semitic and a disciplinary offence. This is where the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign has led. What Lansman and Momentum have done is to introduce Israeli notions of free speech and censorship into the Labour Party. This is the democracy of Lansman’s and his cronies.
The Report defends the denial of a press pass to Asa for the Labour Party conference which was taken up by the NUJ. This factional Report ends up supporting a denial of basic press freedoms.
Chris Williamson
In the case of Chris Williamson the Report is even worse. It endorses Jennie Formby’s comment that it was ‘“completely inappropriate”: to show the film Witchhuntin the House of Commons. Why? Jeremy Corbyn was Secretary of Labour Against the Witchhunt in the 1990’s. His legacy is a witchhunt far worse than that of Neil Kinnock.
The film isn’t anti-Semitic but it constructs an alternative narrative to that of the Zionists. Formby’s actions and the approval of the authors demonstrates the contempt their contempt for freedom of speech. Lansman and Momentum have become miserable McCarthyists. They are no different from McNicol’s henchmen.  (825)
The Report resorts to lies about Chris Williamson, saying that the reason for his suspension was that
Williamson had told a Sheffield Momentum meeting that the Party had been “too apologetic” about antisemitism.’ 
What Chris actually said was:
“I have got to say I think our party's response has been partly responsible for that because in my opinion… we've backed off far too much, we have given too much ground, we've been too apologetic...
“We've done more to actually address the scourge of anti-semitism than any other political party.... And yet we are being traduced.”
Asa’s other ‘crime’ according to this Report was saying
“the way the @peoplesmomentum twitter account has been pushing the “Labour antisemitism crisis” smear campaign recently, it may as we’ll rename itself to “Momentum Friends of Israel”.
The question people should ask is whythe authors of this Report need to lie so brazenly?
This Report is correct to highlight the laziness and incompetence of McNicol, Oldknow and the other criminals. When faced with genuine anti-Semitism Sam Matthews was not bothered. It was only when the accused persons were on the left that they were suspended. In other words their targets weren’t anti-Semites but anti-Zionists.
Deliberately Equating Anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism
In May and July 2017 complaints were submitted about Brian Lovett-White. He had previously been suspended after suggesting that “Coke [was] clouding [Matthews’] thinking.” It is a reasonable suggestion given Matthews’ record. It is difficult to understand why this was a disciplinary offence.
On 19 July 2017 Withers-Green forwarded evidence of ‘anti-Semitism’ to Matthews, which included Lovett-White saying “Zionism IS antisemitism” and alleging Zionist-Nazi collaboration. (259, 273/274)
The allegation that Zionism is a form of Jewish anti-Semitism was the position of most Jews pre-WWII. To brand it as ‘anti-Semitic’ is indicative of the intellectual bankruptcy of Lansman’s cronies. Having nothing substantive to say they simply label anything they disagree with as ‘anti-Semitic’.
Lucien Wolfe, Secretary of the Conjoint Foreign Committee in 1917, effectively British Jewry’s Foreign Secretary, wrote that the Zionist suggestion that British Jews were part of a separate nation:
 ‘I have spent most of my life in combating these very doctrines, when presented to me in the form of anti-Semitism, and I can only regard them as the more dangerous when they come to me in the guise of Zionism. They constitute a capitulation to our enemies.’
This was the main accusation of Zionism’s Jewish critics. According to the intellectually bankrupt ciphers who wrote this Report, most of the Jews who died in the Holocaust were anti-Semites!
The original shared post - Alan insists that he also included a comment making clear his own opposition to holocaust denial
The Case of Alan Bull and ISIS
Alan Bull was a candidate in the local elections in Peterborough. He was suspended in 2018 preventing him from standing. His case is undoubtedly a difficult one as he is erratic, not always truthful and prone to conspiracy theories. Unfortunately the Report is inaccurate.

On 24th March 2018 I wrote a blog ‘MORE FAKE ANTISEMITISM Alan Bull, Labour candidate in Peterborough suspended as a result of malicious allegations of anti-Semitism’. When I received further information concerning Bull I posted an Update: 

In the light of further information I have since received I cannot continue to support Alan’s campaign although I do not accept the description of him as a holocaust denier

Alan has vehemently denied that he is anti-Semitic, i.e. he hates or dislikes Jews as Jews or that he is a holocaust denier. I believe him but it is understandable why others have reached opposite conclusions. He not only misled me and others as to what he had posted but he clearly has a very poor understanding of what Zionism is.  Unfortunately that is equally true of the authors of the Report.

The leaked Report refers to complaints about posts from Bull which ‘alleged links between ISIS and included offensive comments about “Zionists” (461) What is anti-Semitic alleging links between Israel and ISIS? True or untrue it’s not anti-Semitic. Israel calls itself a Jewish state just as Apartheid South Africa called itself Christian.

Israel isn’t a Jew so why is criticising its founding ideology anti-Semitic? The Report doesn’t explain. Zionism is a movement of racial supremacy and settler colonialism.
Criticism of Israel/Zionism can only be anti-Semitic if it is seen as being synonymous with all Jews. If that is what the authors of the Report believe then they are breaching the IHRA’s:Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel’ If Israel represents all Jews then clearly Jews are responsible for its actions just as British people are responsible for the actions of the British state. In other words the authors of the Report are anti-Semitic!
There are strong reasons to believe that Israel did have links to ISIS and it’s also reasonable to suppose that these links were both financial and material, including the supply of arms and the purchase of oil.
An articlein the Israeli financial journal Globesis headed ‘Israel buys most oil smuggled from ISIS territory’. An article How ISIS Oil Reaches IsraelinOil Price reported that ‘the oil flows to Europe and Asia... implicates allies of the United States like Turkey and Israel.’
‘It seems that what the authors of the report don’t understand they bracket under the heading ‘anti-Semitism’
I have concentrated on Bull’s allegation of ISIS-Israel links because the Report says that this is anti-Semitic, true or not. What the authors of the report don’t understand they bracket as ‘anti-Semitism’.
It is no secret that the Israeli military opposed the West’s attack on ISIS which it saw as part of the ‘Sunni axis’. Israel supported Saudi Arabia against the ‘Shi’ite alliance’ of Syria and Iran. Saudi Arabia had both armed and funded ISIS as US Intelligence acknowledged.
Those who compiled this Report have no understanding of the intricacy of political and strategic relationships in the Middle East. All these pathetic Zionist apologists can only do is to cry ‘anti-Semitism’ as a cover for their own intellectual inadequacy.
Ha’aretz’s West Making Big Mistake in Fighting ISIS, Says Senior Israeli Officerexplained how an ‘IDF Northern Command officer’ i.e. the Head of Israel’s Northern Command, wanted to let it be known that ‘the U.S.-led coalition intervened too early against the Sunni militants, and 'not necessarily in the right direction.'
There is no disputing that Israel supported Al Qaeda against Hezbollah and the Iranians. Israel’s Shin Bet (secret police) arrested a Golani Druze Sedki al-Maket because he photographed the handover of weapons to Jabhat al-Nusra, Al Qaeda’s franchise in Syria and then passed this information to UN observers. See Israel Secretly Arrests Golani Druze, Accusing Him of Exposing Rebel-IDF Collaboration 
The Report also says that ‘Holocaust denial evidence was received’ concerning Bullbut provides no evidence. I have only seen one Facebook post to that effect.(462) Alan’s main offence is one of stupidity. He shared Holocaust denial posts in an internal Facebook discussion group although making it clear that he wasn’t a holocaust denier. He wanted to promote discussion.
Context is everything. If Bull associated himself with what he distributed or if he failed to make it clear that he disagreed with it, then clearly his motives are open to question. However the proposition that no one should ever share Holocaust denial material is absurd. How is one to counter Holocaust denial material if you cannot read it?
The greatest Holocaust historian, Raul Hilberg, argued that we should read Holocaust denial material because they force us to rethink and question aspects of the Holocaust.
The Report alleges that complaints were made that Bull had ‘allegedly’ made antisemitic comments at a birthday party in April 2017 and a defence of Hitler’s actions at a pub in June 2017. Not only are we not told what these anti-Semitic comments or defence of Hitler consist of but they are flatly denied. (464)
The Report alleges that
‘three times Matthews had determined not to suspend him, ‘despite sharing Holocaust denial, his alleged in-person antisemitic conduct’. (465)
Alan Bull is not the man in the front row
It is also alleged that
other Twitter users highlighted Facebook posts by Bull such as photos of him protesting outside the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC, in March 2017.’
The problem is that Bull says he has never visited the United States! The photoof the demonstration does not include Bull. In any case a picket of Washington’s Holocaust Museum is not anti-Semitic.(465)
Matthew’s defence for not suspending Bull was that ‘The NEC last year agreed that suspensions should be used exceptionally sparingly’. The authors of this Report are effectively arguing that suspensions should have been more widespread! This is the logic of the scabbing role that Momentum & Lansman played. They end up supporting a campaign whose sole purpose was to destroy Corbyn.
‘this case proves that the claim LOTO staff interfered to prevent action on antisemitism is entirely untrue. On the contrary, when LOTO was involved swift suspensions were finally imposed.’ (467)
This is not something to be proud of although it does, of course, contradict Matthews lying testimony to the BBC’s pet racist, John Ware in last year’s Panorama.
Genuine Anti-Semitism as Opposed to anti-Zionism
4.4.3.vii. Nasreen Khan
On 2 November 2017 a complaint was received about Nasreen Khan, reported to be a council candidate in Bradford, for allegations including antisemitism. The screenshots included her writing in 2012 that schools were
“brainwashing us and our children into thinking the bad guy was Hitler. What have the Jews done good in this world??”,
and that “Jews have repeated the rewards of playing victims, enough is enough!”. On 2 November 2017, Matthews advised that
“I think given the length of time that has passed since the evidence, it would not be correct to administratively suspend at this moment.”(542)
The obvious response is not expulsion but a history lesson in fascism. Clearly Israel’s use of the Holocaust as a propaganda shield has played a part in her abysmally ignorant comments.
4.4.3.ix. The Case of Christopher Crookes (277-281, 488, 546-547)
What did the ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign net in 4.5 years? One genuine holocaust denier, Christopher Crookes, a member of Labour International. In August 2016 he was reported by a fellow member of LI and this was followed up in September. The complaints were forwarded to Sam Matthews who did precisely nothing. 
On 30 November 2016 Lorraine Hardy, Secretary of LI complained to Ann Black who forwarded the complaint to McNicol and Julie Lawrence. Lawrence forwarded it to Sam Matthews, who continued to do nothing. Hardy also complained that 15 members of LI were still suspended as part of the pro-Corbyn purge.
Stolliday, UNISON’s new Gauleiter, queried whether this was the same person. Despite further reminders Matthews still did nothing. On 11 October 2017, Matthews promised that a Notice of Investigation (Note: not a suspension) would be sent that day and a Report produced by the end of the month.  Still he did nothing!
When Black contacted Matthews on 29 October he told her that the investigation report had not been completed as they were awaiting answers from Crookes. This was a lie. Nothing had been sent.
In February 2018 280 members of LI signed a petition demanding action and it was not until 26 March that Matthews finally initiated a case. Between August 2016 and February 2018 the case of Chris Crookes was raised directly with Matthews 12 times, with Stolliday 4 times and with other GLU staff 4 times, as well as McNicol twice.  
My letter of suspension - I was being suspended for 'comments you are alleged to have made'
All this was understandable. In February 2018 Matthews was busy attending the expulsion hearing of Jewish anti-Zionist, Tony Greenstein. Clearly he was far too busy to deal with a neo-Nazi. It was only on 26 March 2018 that Matthews finally proposed a suspension “given the nature of the [conduct]”.(547)
Fleur Dunbar
In April 2016 a CLP Secretary contacted Region regarding Fleur Dunbar, who the CLP Executive believed should be expelled. Dunbar had recently been elected CLP Political Education officer. Attached were screenshots of 40 Facebook posts displaying a range of Islamophobic, antisemitic and far right content, including:
Ø   a “Britain First” meme saying that Britain should “BAN the burqa on security grounds”.
Ø   claims that “Rothschilds” were behind the killing of Gaddafi.
Øa meme saying ISIS was “created to protect the Zionist entity”.
Regional Director Fiona Stanton forwarded this to Creighton recommending suspension. Creighton, however, advised that CLPs should deal with these issues themselves, despite Stanton asking “Is it not a clear cut suspension’? Oldknow’s response was:
It is a tricky one.... I think the bigger issue is what she has said about Jewish people and pork but I am not sure we can suspend over this (209)
On 3 May 2016 the CLP contacted Stanton again. Dunbar’s Facebook account now carried two recent posts of overt Holocaust denial and rebuttal of “Lies about Hitler”: which asserted that:
Ø   The Holocaust did not happen and 6 million Jews were “all… well fed”.
Ø   Hitler put Jews in camps “because they stabbed Germany in the back”.
Ø   It was Jews, not Nazis, who believed they were a superior race.
Stolliday responded:
This is horrid. I don’t like acting on material that is just “shared” as it doesn’t necessarily imply endorsement.
Stolliday suggested she be asked to apologise. It was only when she refused to apologise that Stolliday agreed to suspend her.
Merely holding an opinion hostile to the world's most racist state is enough to get you expelled under Corbyn
However if you mention the existence of the‘Israel lobby’, as Anne Mitchell of Hove CLP did, then it is all but guaranteed that you will be expelled without even a hearing. The fact that Israel finances a range of lobby group from AIPAC to Labour Friends of Israel is irrelevant.  Telling the truth is now no defence. [See A Grave Miscarriage of Justice: the case of Anne Mitchell]
The expulsion of socialists who have dedicated their life to the labour movement and the Labour Party is having a serious detrimental effect on their health. Pauline Hammerton diedof a brain haemorrhage a week after receiving her expulsion letter. Clearly the Labour Party’s treatment of her contributed to her death. However such matters are of no concern to the author(s) of this Report. Their only concern is factional, rebutting the suggestion that they were not equally as active in expelling socialists and anti-racists as McNicol and Matthews.
Tony Greenstein

Open Letter from Jackie Walker and Tony Greenstein to Diane Abbot and Bell Ribeiro-Addy – Don’t Retreat or Apologise to Israel’s racist supporters – follow the examples of Paul Robeson and Angela Davies

The New McCarthyism - the Zionist Board of Deputies ‘Expects’ Starmer to Suspend 2 Black MPs for having spoken in a meeting with 2 Black and Jewish anti-racists!

You really could not make it up! The Board of Deputies which has support of Israel hardwired into its constitution, demanded that Keir Starmer suspend 2 Black female MPs for the crime of having spoke in a meeting at which 2 Jewish anti-Zionists, Jackie Walker and Tony Greenstein, spoke.
Both Jackie and I were were expelled as a result of Israel’s fake anti-Semitism campaign. However neither Jackie nor myself were expelled for anti-Semitism, contrary to the lies of the Jewish Chronicle, Daily Mail and the New Statesman.
Last Wednesday I tuned into the meeting of Don’t Leave, Organise. The meeting started at 7 p.m. and I came in about 20 minutes late as I’d been out for my daily walk. Little did I realise that I was about to be at the centre of another manufactured storm about ‘anti-Semitism’.
Think about it. Even if Jackie and I were confirmed anti-Semites how are Diane Abbot and Bell Reibeiro responsible for the fact that we spoke from the audience after they had finished speaking? And what is this to do with anti-Semitism?
But of course we are not anti-Semites. Both of us, unlike the Board of Deputies, have fought our whole lives against racism and fascism, anti-Semitism included.
The Board of Deputies, which has never fought the anti-Semitism of the Fascist Right, told Jews to stay indoors and not confront Sir Oswald Moseley’s British Union of Fascists in the 1930’s. These petty bourgeois nobodies feared for their place in the Establishment pecking order if they could not control the Jewish working class. But that was a time when there was a strong Jewish working class.
This is the same Board of Deputies which gave unstinting support to Israeli army’s snipers as they picked off children, teenagers, medics and other unarmed demonstrators who got too near the Gaza fence.
It is also the same Board of Deputies whose President, Jonathan Arkush, gave a warm and effusive welcome to Donald Trump when he became President of the United States. The most anti-Semitic (and pro-Zionist) President there has ever been.
As Audrey Gillan wrote,
Mosley planned to send columns of thousands of goose-stepping men throughout the impoverished East End dressed in uniforms that mimicked those of Hitler's Nazis. His target was the large Jewish community.
The Jewish Board of Deputies advised Jews to stay away. The Jewish Chronicle warned: "Jews are urgently warned to keep away from the route of the Blackshirt march and from their meetings.
Blair minus the personality
The Board of Deputies did the same in the 1970’s when the fight against the National Front was at its height. Instead of attacking the NF it attacked the Anti-Nazi League set up to fight the NF.  As the late Maurice Ludmer, Editor of the Anti-fascist Magazine Searchlight wrote:
"In the face of mounting attacks against the Jewish community both ideologically and physically, we have the amazing sight of the Jewish Board of Deputies launching an attack on the Anti Nazi League with all the fervour of Kamikaze pilots... It was as though they were watching a time capsule rerun of the 1930's, in the form of a flickering old movie, with a grim determination to repeat every mistake of that era. "(Issue 41, November 1978)
The then Secretary of the ANL, Paul Holborrow wrote: ‘We were constantly under attack from the Jewish Board of Deputies’.

So of one thing you can be certain. If indeed Jackie and I were anti-Semites the Board of Deputies wouldn’t be in the slightest bit interested in us. Indeed if we were racist supporters of the Israeli state like Katie Hopkins we would be given special invitation to the Zionist annual dinner and be introduced to the Israeli Ambassador, war criminal Mark Regev.
The Board’s objection is solely to do with their undying devotion to Israel, a state whose army is busy demolishingisolation tents and clinics for Palestinians suffering from COVID-19 in the West Bank. Bt’selem, described how on Thursday, 26 March at around 7:30 am,
‘officials from Israel’s Civil Administration in the West Bank arrived with a military jeep escort, a bulldozer and two flatbed trucks with cranes at the Palestinian community of Khirbet Ibziq in the northern Jordan Valley.
They confiscated poles and sheeting that were meant to form eight tents, two for a field clinic, and four for emergency housing for residents evacuated from their homes, and two as makeshift mosques.
The force also confiscated a tin shack in place for more than two years, as well as a power generator and sacks of sand and cement. Four pallets of cinder blocks intended for the tent floors were taken away and four others demolished.
Israel is a state that the Labour Party says it is ‘anti-Semitic’ to call racist, because of the. Israel is apparently the personification of a Jew and an attack on Israel is an attack on Jews. By that twisted ‘logic’ Jews must therefore responsible for the actions of the ‘Jewish’ state.
What has Diane Abbot and Bell Ribeiro-Addy speaking with Jackie and myself got to do with Karen Pollock's Zionist Holocaust Trust?
The attack by the Board of Deputies on Diane Abbot and Bell Ribeiro-Addy is nothing if not an act of pure undiluted racism. In pursuit of their McCarthyist agenda, the Board is going for the few Black Labour MPs that there are.  And why?  To support the world’s only apartheid state.
Diane Abbot and Bell Ribeiro-Addy should take a lesson from Paul Robeson and not give way so easily
We are not however uncritical of Abbot and Ribeiro-Addy. They had a responsibility to stand up to this attack, not only on them but on those, Jewish people included, who were expelled for standing up for the Palestinians and opposing Zionism. The statement that they issued was disappointing, to put it mildly. Instead of coming out fighting they chose to surrender:
“The MPs were not aware that any suspended or expelled former members of the Labour Party might contribute as audience members.
"They did not and would not share a platform with them.
"Both MPs are long-standing anti-racist campaigners and are known for standing up to all forms of bigotry.”
Jackie Walker and myself have issued an Open Letterto both MPs. In it we talk of the pressure on Paul Robeson, one of the great heroes of the Black struggle. A committed Communist when Robeson refused to testify that he was not a communist, during an application for a passport, he was hauled before McCarthy’s House of UnAmerican Activities.
During the hearing Robeson refused to testify. When asked if he was a member of the Communist  Party he responded: ‘Would you like to come to the ballot box when I vote and take out the ballot and see?’
When Angela Davies, another Black American hero, was given the Shuttlesworth Human Rights Award in February 2019 by the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, the Alabama version of the Board of Deputies protested.  Because Angela Davies supported the Palestinians and opposed Zionism she was accused of ‘anti-Semitism’. Even worse she supported BDS, the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel.
The difference between Angela Davies and Diane Abbot/ Bell Ribeiro-Addy was that Angela didn’t back down.  On the contrary Angela Davies and her supporters went on the offensive.  Such was the outrage over the Museum’s decision that its Directors resigned and a new Board reinstated the award and apologised for their racism.
CNN reportedthat:
‘One Jewish outlet, Southern Jewish Life, posted a story about the upcoming award in December, saying, "For some in the community, there might be some indigestion at the dinner over this year's honoree."
"Something not included in the Institute's publicity for the event is that Davis has also been an outspoken voice in the boycott Israel movement, and advocates extensively on college campuses for the isolation of the Jewish state, saying Israel engages in ethnic cleansing and is connected to police violence against African-Americans in the United States,"
Paul Robeson during the HUAC hearings
In other words their objection was to the fact that Angela Davies insited on telling the truth. However, because of the refusal of Angela Davies and her supporters to submit to the Zionist blackmail, it was the Zionists who had a severe bout of indigestion. They ended up pleading that they hadn’t really wanted to stop Angela getting an awared. It’s just that they felt ‘offended’ like our British Zionists at the idea that a Black anti-Zionist might not pay tribute to their shitty little Jim Crow state.
There is a lesson here. If you are sincerely committed to anti-racism you can’t give ground to the supporters of Israel when they cry ‘anti-Semitism’. The reaction of the Labour Party to the Zionist protests was deeply racist and offensive.  Starmer’s spokesperson saidthat:
"The previous comments made by some of the individuals on this call are completely unacceptable.
"These are not people who support the values of the Labour Party.
"This is being made clear to the Labour MPs who attended the call in the strongest possible terms and they are being reminded of their responsibilities and obligations.”
What this affair has shown is that the Board of Deputies use of ‘anti-Semitism’ has to be fought and resisted.  The Board has only one concern, the defence of Israel.  If that means attacking Jewish people like Jackie and myself then it is more than prepared to do so.
People should be aware that when it comes to associating with anti-Semites there are some that the Board has no such scruples.  Not only does it contain outright supporters of Tommy Robinson amongst its Deputies, like Robert Festenstein, who appeared in a Rebel Media video with him but its own President and Vice President, Jonathan Arkush and Marie van der Zyl spoke at a meeting with members of the Jewish Defence League in the audience sporting JDL shirts. 
JDL is a Jewish neo-Nazi organisation banned as a terrorist group in the United States. Its forerunner Kach, led by Rabbi Meir Kahane, was even banned in Israel.  But the Board of Deputies is more than happy to associate with Roberta Moore of the JDL, which was the Jewish section of the English Defence League.
And not only the Board of Deputies.  Keir Starmer is reportedby Canary to have started to cosy up to the Hindu Nationalist government of India led by Narendra Modi of the far-Right BJP. Starmer has backed off supporting an independent Kashmir which was Labour policy. Modi is an admirerof Israel and wants to make India into a second Israel. He wants to abandon a secular India for an Hindu India. There have been pogroms against Muslims in Delhi recently as a result of nakedly racist legislation that excludes Muslims from applying for refugee status in India. Modi, as Chief Minister of Gujarat presided over the death of over 2,000 people in anti-Muslim pogroms.
These are Starmer’s new friends. Diane Abbot and Bell Ribeiro-Addy should withdraw their apology and stand up to the New McCarthyism that is taking hold in Britain today. 
Instead of accusing people of being Communists as the McCarthyite used to do, the accusation now is of ‘Anti-Semitism’. It is time for anti-racists, socialists and those who consider themselves democrats to stand up confront this wave of hysteria.
Tony Greenstein

Open Letter to Diane Abbot MP and Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP
We Must Stand Up to the New McCarthyism

Dear Diane and Bell,
First we send solidarity to you. We are black and Jewish. Like you we are anti-racist and anti-fascist activists of long standing and have first-hand experience of the effect and purpose of attempts to publicly shame. We know this campaign of monitoring your words and deeds will not cease.  
We were among the audience of over 600 at the ‘Don’t Leave, Organise’ meeting held last Wednesday at which both of you spoke from the panel. As people who had been mentioned, and smeared, by the leaked Labour report, we both made short contributions, as was our right and our responsibility as Left anti-racist activists who have been unfairly expelled.
As a result the Board of Deputies of British Jews, a small pressure group representing the most right-wing 30% of British Jewry, which has support for the Israeli state enshrined in its constitution, called on Keir Starmer to suspend you both.
The recently leaked Labour Party report makes clear, the Corbyn Project was in part destroyed by false and malicious accusations of anti-Semitism made against socialists in the Labour Party. If it were not for the Orwellian atmosphere surrounding the question of ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party and the wholesale attack on freedom of speech, then the fact that the Board had objected to two Jews speaking at a meeting on grounds of anti-Semitism would have been held up to justifiable ridicule.
The Board’s current demands are a continuation of their campaign to politically castrate the Left. Their aim as ever is not to promote anti-racism but to prevent criticism of Israel and Zionism. It has nothing whatsoever to do with opposing anti-Semitism.
The response by the Labour leadership does have a precedent. In 1939 Aneurin Bevan and Stafford Cripps were expelled from the Labour Party. Their crime? To support the Popular Front against fascism alongside the Communist Party and to have spoken on the same platform as communists. The Labour Party at that time opposed all anti-fascist activity for example, the Battle of Cable Street in 1936.
Let us be blunt.  Today’s ‘anti-Semitism’ is the new Communism, and protecting Zionism is the premise for the new McCarthyism. That is the context in which the Board’s actions should be judged.

There are many lessons from history for activists too. When Black communist Paul Robeson was summoned, in June 1956, by the House Committee on Un-American Activities he refused, despite enormous pressure and intimidation, to testify. His passport was confiscated, he was sentenced to one year’s imprisonment and his career all but destroyed. Nonetheless he stood firm on his principles. His struggles against injustice fed the movement which he saw himself as part of.
We understand the pressures that you are under but we also know that with the privileges of power and leadership comes responsibility to those you seek to represent. That is why we are disappointed that you did not feel able to withstand those who called upon you to dissociate yourself from those who were erroneously expelled for being anti-racists and Internationalists, opposing discrimination and injustice, in particular for us as Jews, the racism of the Israeli state.The way to oppose racists is, as we all know, never appeasement, whatever the short term benefits.  
The lessons of history go on.  The new Israeli government of Netanyahu, of which the Israeli Labor Party is a member, is committed to the annexation of large parts of the West Bank. The Palestinians who live in the West Bank, despite being ruled by the Israeli state, have no democratic rights. After all, to give the Palestinians a vote would imperil Israel’s Jewish demographic majority. This was the same argument used in South Africa to deny Black people a vote. The reason that veterans of the fight against Apartheid in South Africa, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Ronnie Kassrils and Mandla Mandela condemn Israel as an apartheid state is because of its similarities with the regime that used operate in Pretoria.
We hope that in future you will feel able to speak truth to power. We hope the time will come when the swell of support from the grassroots, from oppressed minorities and from those who stand in solidarity with them will empower you to speak with the clarity, truth and passion we know is yours. We need your voice so we can raise ours to a pitch that cannot be ignored. This is the time to speak out because, as Rabbi Hillel said ‘if not now when?’
Kind regards and solidarity
Tony Greenstein

Jackie Walker

RIP Dennis Goldberg – A True Jewish Hero of the Anti-Apartheid struggle who was mourned by millions and hated by the Zionists

Sentenced life imprisonment alongside Mandela at the 1963-4 Rivonia to Trial, Goldberg’s death passed unnoticed in Israel where opposition to racism and Apartheid is not a popular cause
Dennis Goldberg and Nelson Mandela

When Marek Edelman, Commander of the Warsaw Ghetto Resistance died in 2009, Moshe Arens, Likud’s former Foreign Minister wrotethat:
 ‘He had received Poland's highest honor, and at the 65th commemoration of the Warsaw ghetto uprising he was awarded the French Legion of He died not having received the recognition from Israel that he so richly deserved.’
In my own commemorationI wrote that:
The President of Poland spoke at his funeral, held in the old Jewish cemetery of Warsaw. Two thousand people attended the grave-side ceremony. But no one from the Israeli government attended - though Israel's former ambassador to Poland, Shevach Weiss, attended in a personal capacity. No official representative of any international Jewish organization attended either: not even from the Holocaust memorialization organizations. As far as I can tell, neither the Jerusalem Post nor Ha'aretz ran a story when Edelman died, nor any sort of eulogy.
Marek Edelman was probably fortunate not to have had a hypocritical tribute by a state founded on the same principles as the European fascists of the 1930s.
The same is true of Dennis Goldberg, who died of cancer on April 29th aged 87, a Jewish veteran of the anti-Apartheid struggle. Israel calls itself a ‘Jewish’ state but it doesn’t care to celebrate Jewish heroes of the fight against racism. Indeed it barely acknowledges the contribution of anti-Zionist Jews to Jewish history. They are written out of Zionist history. This is probably a good thing as there could be no greater dishonour than to be praised by the apartheid regime in Tel Aviv and its sycophants.
Only a couple of months ago I had the privilege of attending a packed meeting at Sussex University, which was addressed by Albie Sachs, another Jewish veteran of the anti-Apartheid struggle. Sachs was blinded in one eye and lost an arm when opening a letter bomb from South Africa’s secret police, BOSS.
Last year I attended a meeting at SOAS with Ronnie Kassrill’s, the former ANC security minister and commander of Umkhonto we Sizwe, the ANC’s military wing. Ronnie told us how, under the IHRA misdefinition of ‘anti-Semitism’ his meeting in support of the Palestinians was banned by Vienna’s local authority from Council property. The decision had been unanimous.  The Green Party, the SPD and Austria’s neo-Nazi Freedom Party had all voted together to ban a Jewish veteran of the anti-apartheid struggle. Such are the alliances that have been formed in defence of the world’s only apartheid state.
Denis Goldberg was born on April 11 1933 in Cape Town to Annie and Sam, communist working-class Jewish immigrants from Britain who would die when their son was in prison.  His mother later spent time in prison for her anti-apartheid activism. His parents were the children of Jewish immigrants from Lithuania. He recalled that his opposition to racism began at the age of six when he and his parents would give food to striking workers.
Goldberg grew up reading about Nazi atrocities during the Second World War. After leaving the Observatory Boys School he studied civil engineering at the University of Cape Town because, he said, he wanted to “build roads and bridges, dams and pipelines for people”. Why did he get involved in the anti-Apartheid struggle? He told a 2019 interviewer with the University of Cape Town.
Dennis Goldberg with fellow Rivonia defendants
“I understood that what was happening in South Africa with its racism was like the racism of Nazi Germany in Europe that we were supposed to be fighting against,”
 “You have to be involved one way or another. That’s what I grew up with. I come from a generation who were prepared to put our lives on the line for freedom
Just as Dennis Goldberg was inspired to oppose Apartheid by what the Nazis had done to the Jews so many Jews today oppose Israel, the so-called Jewish state for the same reasons.  Hatred of racism is a universal principle or it is nothing.
Dennis's Art Collection
It was at Cape Town University that he met Esme Bodenstein, a physiotherapist and fellow activist whom he married in 1954. They had two children, Hilary, who ran a nursery in London and predeceased him, and David, who went into finance, working in foreign exchange in the City.
In 1957 Goldberg joined the banned Communist Party and his first run-in with the law came in 1960, during protests following the Sharpeville massacre when 69 unarmed protestors were shot dead by South African police. During the state of emergency imposed after the Sharpeville massacre of 1960 he was imprisoned for four months as the regime cracked down on activists. He again lost his job, this time with a construction company building a power station. Following his release from custody, he joined the military wing of the African National Congress (ANC), uMkhonto we Sizwe.
In 1962 Mandela set up Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) and Goldberg, now notorious as “the most dangerous white man in South Africa”, went underground to set up a training camp near Cape Town for a campaign of sabotage directed at government buildings and infrastructure, the first such camp inside South Africa.
After being arrested Goldberg was sentenced to life imprisonment alongside Nelson Mandela and nine others in the 1964 Rivonia trial in which he was found guilty of sabotage. He was the only white man to be convicted and, at 31, he was the youngest of the defendants. The Defendants had expected to be sentenced to death and it was almost certainly international pressure which averted this.
After their life sentences were handed down, Goldberg’s mother, who was hard of hearing, called down from the public gallery: “Denis, what is it?” He shouted back: “It’s life, and life is wonderful!”. In the documentary, Life is Wonderful, Goldberg emerged as its gentle, self-deprecating but steely star.
When his father died Goldberg did not seek permission to attend his funeral because “I wasn’t going to give them the pleasure of refusing me”.
In prison in Pretoria Goldberg took degrees in Public Administration, History, Geography and Library Science, taught himself German and was half way through a law degree when he was released from prison in 1985 as international pressure forced the apartheid regime into making concessions.
My posting on the South Africa Board of Deputies Facebook Page
On release he was allowed a visit to his father’s grave in a Jewish cemetery in Johannesburg then put on a plane to Tel Aviv. His daughter was working on Kibbutz Ma’ayanei HaYeshu where he stayed for a short period with his family before living in exile in London, where he continued to take part in the anti-Apartheid movement. Though Israel had helped to secure his release, Goldberg denounced its close ties to South Africa’s apartheid regime.
Israel and Zionism
Goldberg recalled that some people questioned his description of Israel as an apartheid state, when Israel, for example, has a number of Palestinian members of parliament and Israeli Palestinians can vote. His response was clear and simple:
Well I say you don’t need to be like South Africa to be an apartheid state; there is a definition in international law through the UNESCO declaration on apartheid.”
Apartheid exists, he said, in states that enforce laws and policies that discriminate between people on the basis of race or religion, and this holds true in Israel proper as well as in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. He was one of a panel of anti-apartheid activists discussing the lessons that struggle holds for the Palestinian cause.
Like so many of his colleagues in the anti-apartheid movement, Goldberg became a vocal critic of Israel and a stalwart supporter of the Palestinian cause.
Goldberg told an Israel Apartheid Week meeting at Johannesburg University in 2015 that
"There is no doubt in my mind that Israel is an apartheid state. Having lived through apartheid in South Africa, I cannot allow in my name the same kind of oppression to go on."
“It’s simple: the dominant group excludes the indigenous people from their equal rights within the borders of Israel itself and in the occupied territories, in breach of international law,
In a video urging people not to go on propaganda trips to Israel, Denis Goldberg said that,
“Going on free trips to Israel causes harm to the Palestinian people just as people who visited South Africa and broke the cultural and academic boycott against white South Africa, did harm to our movement.”
He also described the “enormous” lies propagated to defend Israel. “I’ve lived through South African apartheid and I saw it there as well.”
Goldberg added that not a single settlement is built by Israel that is not erected on the ruins of Palestinians homes, their livelihood and the livelihood of their children for generations to come. “This is outrageous, I cannot possibly support them.”
Goldberg said he had a responsibility as a human being to uphold justice, truth and righteousness, “just as I did as a first-generation white South African” who opposed apartheid.
Goldberg also said that the situation in Israel is not as complicated as the Zionist lobby tries to make it seem.
“It’s simple: the dominant group excludes the indigenous people from their equal rights within the borders of Israel itself and in the occupied territories, in breach of international law,”
He said these actions showed an attitude that Palestinians were considered lesser people, which is similar to what happened in South Africa during the apartheid era when blacks were barred from voting.
"I have to be an opponent of the exclusionist policies of Zionism, but let me say straight away that I have to be opposed to the exclusionary policies of the feudal Arab states of the Middle East as well."
When apartheid eventually began to crumble, and Mandela was freed in 1990, he wanted to return to South Africa but his wife was reluctant and Britain was by that time home for his children
He returned to attend Mandela’s inauguration after South Africa’s first free elections in 1994. The following day Elias Motsoaledi, a fellow Rivonia defendant, died. At his wake in Soweto Goldberg received a hero’s welcome.
During a subsequent visit to South Africa that November Goldberg resolved to help rebuild his native country and destroy apartheid’s legacy. He founded a UK-based charity, Community Heart, to help raise standards of health and education for black South Africans.
With his new wife, Goldberg, aged 69, returned to South Africa after 18 years in Britain to work as an adviser to Ronnie Kasrils, then minister of water affairs, in Pretoria, the city of his previous imprisonment. “I have the desire to go home. The time is right and I need a breather,” he said.
He retired in 2006, and the man who had spent so long staring at walls moved to a house he had built on a hilltop near Cape Town with a spectacular view across Hout Bay. Later that year his second wife died of cancer.
Goldberg never lost faith in the ANC, though he was dismayed by the corruption that engulfed the party during Jacob Zuma’s presidency. Its members needed to “renew the leadership from top to bottom”, he said.
In 2016 he returned to Britain after being invited by David Cameron – along with fellow Rivonia veterans Kathrada and Mlangeni and their surviving lawyers – to a ceremony at Number 10 to honour them and recognise their contribution to the ending of apartheid.
There was a certain irony in having a Tory Prime Minister entertaining those who had been called ‘terrorists’ by Margaret Thatcher two decades before. This shows that ‘terrorism’ is what you call your enemies and if you are the victor then you are no longer a terrorist!
The same year Goldberg published a memoir, A Life for Freedom: The Mission to End Racial Injustice in South Africa.
In 2017, despite having received a diagnosis of lung cancer, Goldberg undertook a campaign to build a centre for the arts, House of Hope, in his hometown of Hout Bay, near Cape Town.
In 2009 he was awarded South Africa’s Order of Luthuli (silver). “A luta continua,” he told a university audience in 2012, repeating a Portuguese anti-colonial rallying cry while urging South Africans to continue the struggle for justice. “Let it continue. . . . I don’t want to see what we fought for collapse.”
Below there are a number of links to obituaries and articles on Dennis Goldberg. I am also republishing a wonderful tribute by Gideon Levy, Israel’s bravest journalist, in tribute to Dennis Goldberg.
Denis Goldberg, anti-apartheid activist, was born on April 11, 1933. He died of cancer on April 29, 2020, aged 87

Pioneer Jewish South African Freedom Fighter Calls Israel 'Apartheid State'

Veteran South African activist Denis Goldberg: Israel 'an apartheid state'

Denis Goldberg, anti-apartheid activist who spent 22 years in prison, dies at 87

Tributes pour in for veteran anti-apartheid campaigner Denis Goldberg 

Tributes to South African anti-Apartheid activist Denis Goldberg, who dies at 87


Dennis Goldberg

A Tribute to a South African Jewish Hero and Freedom Fighter

Gideon Levy
May 03, 2020 4:25 AM
A Jewish hero died on Independence Day, with his death unmarked here. Denis Goldberg died in Cape Town, the city he was born in, at the age of 87. He was the epitome of struggle, sacrifice, courage and solidarity, all the qualities so lacking in Israel’s left. If he’d immigrated to Israel, he’d be considered a traitor and terrorist here. But Israel never had Jews such as him, willing to sacrifice everything in the struggle for the freedom of the Palestinians.
In South Africa he wasn’t the only Jew who sacrificed all for the struggle for freedom of blacks. Ruth First was killed by a parcel bomb addressed to her, Albie Sachs lost an arm and an eye, later becoming a judge on the Constitutional Court of South Africa. There aren’t many Jewish communities that gave rise to such heroes. In Israel, obviously, no one tells their stories.
Goldberg wasn’t an esteemed Jew like Sheldon Adelson or an influential one like Israeli media personality Sivan Rahav Meir, but he and his friends were the heroes history will remember. They didn’t fight for their nation, they fought for others. It’s hard to think of loftier or more courageous conduct. If there is a reason for Jewish pride, it is these Jews who crossed the lines in South Africa, not falling in line with position taken by Jewish leaders in their country and the Jewish Board of Deputies, the biggest collaborator with the apartheid regime and its inveterate ally, the state of Israel.
Goldberg was arrested along with Nelson Mandela on July 11, 1963, at the farm of Arthur Goldreich, another Jewish hero. Of the 17 members of the African National Congress who were arrested that day at Liliesleaf Farm, five were Jewish. At the Rivonia Trial, Goldberg was sentenced, along with Mandela, to four life sentences, for 200 acts of terror. These arch-terrorists are now considered national and international heroes, more food for thought in Israel.
In a heated debate in the literature section of Haaretz over the weekend, Professors Hannan Hever and Dan Miron discussed the courage of author S. Yizhar [one of the first writers to write about and issue a moral outcry related to the events of 1948]. Goldberg could have served as an example bolstering Hever’s position, since he believed in an armed struggle. He spent 22 years in prison until his release, owed in part to Herut Lapid, an Israeli activist who brought about the release of many prisoners.
Goldberg was flown to Israel, where he spent a brief time in his daughter’s kibbutz before hurrying to depart. Like his partners to the struggle, he detested what was happening here. He told historian Tom Segev that Israel was the Middle East’s South Africa and that the solution in both places should be identical: one state with equal rights for all. His vision was realized in his own country and Goldberg returned there, crowned in glory.
Over the weekend, Mandela’s grandson, Chief Zwelivelile Mandela, wrote on WhatsApp: “we salute a great man and a leader of our struggle…he belonged to a special generation of people who chose a life of struggle over one of convenience, unafraid of the brutality of the apartheid state.” Mandela ended his words with the Hebrew words commemorating a person’s memory. Shivers and Jewish pride. He added a photo of himself with Goldberg, when the latter was already in a wheelchair.
I didn’t know him, but I did meet two of his partners to the struggle, Ronnie Kasrils, who was the Minister for Intelligence Services under Mandela, and Ben Turok, a member of parliament on behalf of the African National Congress, both of them Jewish. There aren’t many Jews as sharply critical of Israel as these two were. One can’t be a freedom fighter like they were and think otherwise. In the eyes of people like them, who know a thing or two about human rights, equality and struggle, Israel is an apartheid state just like their country was.
But no one here wants to know about Goldberg and his associates. The residence of South Africa’s ambassador in Ramat Gan has been vacant for months, a protest against the occupation and apartheid. In an ironic coincidence, Goldberg died on Israel’s Independence Day. Let us light a symbolic memorial candle in his honor.


39 years ago Bobby Sands, the Member of Parliament for Fermanagh & South Tyrone, died on hunger strike

The Stupidity of Thatcher and the British Government in Refusing Political Status for Republican Prisoners led to the growth of Sinn Fein North and South

Bobby Sands wasn’t the first Irish hunger striker nor was he the last to die. Terence MacSwiney, the elected Sinn Fein Mayor of Cork, died in Brixton prison in October 1920 after 74 days on hunger strike. He had been arrested by the British government on a charge of sedition, a clearly political ‘crime’. 10 hunger strikersdied in 1981.
Roy Mason, Labour's Northern Ireland Secretary, behaved like a typical British Colonial Secretary 
Their demands were for the  return of political status which had been removed on March 1 1976 by Merlyn Rees, Labour’s Northern Ireland Minister. He was succeeded by the hated Roy Mason who was worse than any Tory imperialist ruler.
At first the reaction to the removal of political status was the blanket and dirty protest where faeces were spread on the walls.  Eventually that led to the hunger strikes. The behaviour of Roy Mason in provoking what became the hunger strikes led to the defeat of the Labour government when Frank MacGuire, the Independent Republican MP for Fermanagh and South Tyrone abstained in person.
The refusal to wear clothes preceded the hunger strike
Of course there are racists and imperialist dupes who chime up that the IRA were ‘men of violence’ and ‘terrorists’. The same people have no problem in supporting the ‘men of violence’ when it comes to the invasion of Iraq, the bombing of Libya, Israel’s war against the Palestinian people and any other imperial adventures. But when people fight back against colonialism and imperialism it is terrorism.  The same is true in Palestine.  The only ‘terrorists’ are the Palestinians, never the Israeli state.
The 10 Hunger Strikers Who Died
During the 16thand 17th centuries Ireland and in particular Ulster was subject to the Plantation, the colonisation of Ireland by thousands of settlers from Britain, Scotland in particular. This was enabled through the confiscation, i.e. theft of land from the indigenous population. This Protestant population was then used as a foil by the British state in order to undermine and subvert Irish unity.
The same happened in Palestine with the settlement of Jews from Europe and it is what the Indian government today is intending to do in Kashmir.
Bobby Sands funeral cortege accompanied by 6 IRA men
I was a member of the Troops Out Movement and I arrived on a fact finding/solidarity tour on 8thAugust 1981 as the 9th hunger striker, Thomas McElweedied.  I’ll never forget the scene on the Falls Road, the main road through the Catholic ghetto of West Belfast, with hundreds of women banging dustbin lids on the road to announce the death.
Here was a working class community basically in insurrection. I had never seen anything like this and wasn’t to see anything like it until I stayed during the miners’ strike in the South Yorkshire village of Armthorpe in December 1984.  Armthorpe had been subject to a siege by the corrupt and murderous South Yorkshire Police.

Although he died, it was Bobby Sands who won out against Thatcher

The British strategy in Northern Ireland was criminalisation. According to this fiction the IRA and INLA were merely common criminals like any bank robber. This has always been the reaction of the British to colonial uprisings. Whether it was the Indian Mutinyor the Mau Mau Uprisingin Kenya the only reason that people rebelled against British rule was for base criminal reasons. There was nothing political about it. This was the self-deception that the British comforted themselves with. It was an illusion and a lie.
The 5 Demands
The fact is that the Catholic population of Northern Ireland had never accepted the constitutional set up.  In 1918 Sinn Fein won the all-Ireland general election winning 73 out of 105 seats. The Liberal government under Asquith refused to implement the Home Rule Act of 1914 as a consequence of the Curragh Mutinyby army officers in 1914.
There was a civil war in the Free State in Southern Ireland between 1918 and 1920. The British had threatened war and destruction unless the Irish accepted Partition. Partition, the favourite solution of imperialism to its divide and rule tactics in settler colonies, was imposed on the Irish people. The nationalist population of the north of Ireland had never accepted Partition and the IRA was the consequence.
Some of the thousands of mourners at Bobby Sands funeral
Partition has had disastrous consequences wherever it has been imposed in the world, be it Cyprus or India or indeed Palestine. As James Connolly predicted, Partition
would mean a carnival of reaction both North and South, would set back the wheels of progress, would destroy the oncoming unity of the Irish Labour movement and paralyse all advanced movements whilst it endured.
The Northern Ireland police statelet was created in 1921 and until 1969 there was what was called a Protestant state for a Protestant people with gerrymandering widespread. For example in Derry, there was a perpetual Unionist council even though Catholics formed the majority of the population by the simple device of making Catholic wards larger.
There grew up a civil rights movement in northern Ireland. In 1967 the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association was formed. It was a completely peaceful movement but it was met with state and unionist violence.
On 4 January 1969 a People's Democracy march from Belfastto Derrywas violently attacked at Burntollet Bridge. This was the beginning of the Troubles in Northern Ireland.
The march had been called in defiance of an appeal by Northern Ireland Prime Minister Terence O'Neill for an end to protest. The Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association and some Derry nationalistshad advised against it. Supporters of Ian Paisley, led by MajorRonald Bunting , denounced the march and mounted counter-demonstrations along the route.
At Burntollet an Ulster loyalist crowd numbering in the region of 300, including 100 off-duty members of the Ulster Special Constabulary (USC), attacked the civil rights marchers with stones as well as iron bars and sticks spiked with nails. Nearby members of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) did nothing to prevent the violence.
In the Battle of the Bogside, from 12-14 August the B-Specials, an all-Protestant paramilitary force and Unionists tried to invade what became Free Derry. It was repelled by a civil insurrection and barricades were thrown up. It was a colonial rebellion by the Catholics of the north. It was euphemistically called ‘The Troubles’.
At that time there was no IRA.  The IRA was reformed and split into the Officials ‘stickies’ and Provisionals.  The former claimed to be Marxist but ended up as the right-wing Workers Party in Southern Ireland. In 1969 the IRA stood for ‘I Ran Away’.
In 1981 the Hunger Strike began on March 1st with Bobby Sands, the officer commanding the IRA in Long Kesh refusing his breakfast. On March 5th the sitting nationalist MP Frank MacGuire died.  Bobby Sands was nominated in the by-electionthat followed and he defeated the sole Unionist candidate, Harry West by some 1,400 votes. Sands never took his seat.  He died 26 days later.
This was the context in which the hunger strikes took place and the sacrifice of Bobby Sands and the other 9 men.  Eventually the relatives of the hunger strikers insisted that the strike was called off but the demands were effectively won by then. In any event the British government had lost politically and northern Ireland would never be the same again.
The hunger strike led to the rise of Sinn Fein and in 1983 Gerry Adams was elected as the MP for West Belfast defeating the sitting MP, Gerry ‘the Brit’ Fitt. The continual accusation by supporters of Britain’s occupation was that the IRA didn’t have the support of the Catholic population. The election of Bobby Sands by the voters of Fermanagh and South Tyrone and then the victory of Gerry Adams proved once and for all that the IRA had the passive, if not active, support of the working class Catholic population of Northern Ireland.
In the succeeding years the right-wing Social Democratic and Labour Party, the ‘moderate’ nationalist party, was eclipsed and Sinn Fein became the majority party of the Catholic population.
British colonialism has always been led by stupid and arrogant imperialists and none was more stupid than Thatcher who believed that her attempts to criminalise the Republican struggle would somehow stop the march of history.
With the Good Friday Agreement under Blair in 1998 the violence in Northern Ireland stopped, at least for the time being but as long as Ireland is partitioned, there will never be peace.
Below is an excellent article from Canary.
Tony Greenstein
Peter Bolton
5th May 2020
Today marks the 39thanniversaryof the death of Bobby Sands inside the H-blocks of Long Kesh internment camp. On 5 May 1981, Sands laid down his life for his and his comrades’ right for recognition as political prisoners. On this day, we should remember the sacrifice he made for the cause of Irish freedom. But his struggle does not just provide an example that all anti-imperialists should follow. It also serves as an important reminder of the ruthless brutality of the British government in Ireland under the leadership of then-prime minister Margaret Thatcher. And that is equally something that we should never forget.
‘Criminalisation’ leads to ‘blanket protest’
On 1 March, 1976, the British government announcedan end to ‘Special Category’ status for members of paramilitary organisations imprisoned for offences related to the conflict in Ireland. This formed part of a multi-pronged propaganda strategy to falsely portray the republican insurrection against British rule as some kind of aggravated crime wave.
In response, republican prisoners begana series of protests to regain the lost privileges, as well as the symbolic importance of prisoner of war status. This included the right to wear one’s own clothes, free association and exemption from prison work. IRA volunteer Kieran Nugent beganthe ‘blanket protest’ when he refused to wear a prison uniform. Thrown into his cell naked, he draped himself in the only thing available – a grey, prison-issue blanket.
The ‘dirty protest’ and the 1980 hunger strike
After sufferingbeatings from prison officers on their way to the shower areas, republican prisoners beganthe ‘no wash protest’, in which they refused to bathe, cut their hair or shave. When prison officers refusedto empty their chamber pots, republican prisoners were forced to smear their own excrement on the walls, which marked the beginningof the ‘dirty protest’.
In 1979, their prospects became even bleaker with the electionof the right-winggovernment of Margaret Thatcher in Britain. When it became clearthat Thatcher wouldn’t grant even the most modest of concessions, republican prisoners begana hunger strike in 1980. It endedwithout any deaths when her government appeared to concede some of the strikers’ demands. But the document containing the terms of the agreement turned out to be vague and open to interpretation, and the prison regime was quickly returned to a situation little better than how it was before.
A second hunger strike, and this time to the death
Determined not to be double-crossed again, the new Officer Commanding (OC) of the republican prisoners, 27-year-old Bobby Sands, launcheda second hunger strike with a crucial difference from the last. The strikers would staggertheir joining of the fast one-by-one and two weeks apart so that each would near death one at a time. As OC, Sands volunteeredto go first, making him the most likely to die. On 1 March, 1981, Sands refusedhis prison food, beginning the second hunger strike in Long Kesh just over two months afterthe end of the first.
On 5 March, less than a week into Sands’ fast, Frank Maguire, the independent nationalist member of parliament for Fermanagh and South Tyrone, died suddenly and unexpectedly, leaving his seat in Westminster vacant. The republican leadership on the outside hatched a plan. They were forever getting dismissed by political opponents for not having a mandate, but if they stood Sands as a candidate in the resultant by-electionand won, they could demonstrateto the British government and the wider world that the hunger strikers’ demands had popular support in the community.
A bittersweet victory
On 9 April 1981, Bobby Sands wonthe election with over30,000 votes – almost 10,000 more than Thatcher had won in her home constituency of Finchley in the 1979 UK general election. The victory provided the republican movement with a powerful morale boost and demolished the British government’s argument that they had no support.
But in spite of Sands’ victory, along with international pressure from the Irish diaspora abroad and others around the world, Thatcher refusedto budge. On May 5, 1981, Bobby Sands diedof starvation 66 days into his fast at 27 years of age. Over 100,000 mourners lined his cortege in one of the largestpolitical funerals in Irish history.
International outcry
Sands’ death led to international outcryat the treatment of the prisoners and Thatcher’s intransigence in meeting their demands. Critics pointed out that as members of a guerrilla army operating in contested territory, republican prisoners were entitledunder the Geneva Convention to be recognised as prisoners of war. One letter, sent from one Bernard Sanders (then-mayor of Burlington, Vermont in the US), stated:
We are deeply disturbed by your government’s unwillingness to stop the abuse, humiliation and degrading treatment of the Irish prisoners now on strike in Northern Ireland…
We ask you to end your intransigent policy towards the prisoners before the reputation of the English people for fair play and simple decency is further damaged in the eyes of the people of Vermont and the United States.
In October 1981, the British government eventually concededmost of the prisoners’ demands; but not before nine more republican hunger strikers had followedSands to the grave.
This episode perhaps shows more than any other the utter depravity, brutality, ruthlessness and lack of humanity that lurked within the twisted soul of Margaret Thatcher. All but one of the men were under 30 years old and left behind grieving mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and, in some cases, children– all for the ‘crime’ of fighting back against foreign oppression and discrimination in their own country.
Sands’ brave sacrifice stands as an example that all anti-imperialists and advocates of justice can aspire to. But it also serves as a reminder of Thatcher’s sordid legacy of death and destruction in Ireland.

Bobby Sands MP – Died 5 May 1981 on hunger strike in the H-Blocks of Long Kesh

The Day the State of Israel Tried to Murder the Leader of the Arab Opposition

Aymen Odeh was shot at point blank range and Yaqub Abu al-Qi’an was murdered by Israeli Police in Umm al-Hiran
Joint List Chairman Ayman Odeh at the Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran in southern Israel, after being hit in the head with a sponge-tipped bullet on January 18, 2017. (Hadas Parush/Flash90)

Film 1

On January 18th 2017 hundreds of Israeli police invaded the peaceful Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran in Israel’s Negev. Umm al-Hiran, despite the villagers having lived there for over 60 years, was’unrecognised’. Half the Arab villages in Israel are unrecognised. No Jewish settlements are unrecognised. The Bedouin were living on State land and that was not permissible.  Because in the 'Jewish' State, state land can only be occupied by Jews. 

What does it mean to be ‘unrecognised’?  That you will have no running water, electricity or utilities, garbage collection, schooling or even polling booths in elections. This is quite deliberate as Israeli election authorities actively seek to keep Arab voting to a minimum. Indeed a charity that was seeking to provide buses to transport voters to the nearest polling booth was in last year's September elections served with an order forbidding it to take Arab voters to the polling booth by the Chair of the Elections Committee, Supreme Court Judge Hannan Melcer.
When the time comes Israel will seek to demolish your village just as they did with Umm al Hiran and as they have done and are doing to many Arab villages in the largely empty desert south of Israel. Why?  In order to increase Jewish settlement and to concentrate the Negev’s Bedouin residents in shanty towns, a pool of surplus labour deprived of access to their traditional pastoral farming.
It is reminiscent of what South Africa did when they destroyed African villages and herded their inhabitants into townships. Yet Labour's racists like Emily Thornberry and Keir Starmer and the Zionist Board of Deputies continue to call Israel a ‘democratic state’. 
On the fateful day the Israeli police murdered Yaqub Abu al-Qi’an, a school teacher who had just started his car.  He was driving slowly away from his house, with his headlights turned on (contrary to Police allegations) and he was then subject to police fire.
His car then sped out of control and it killed a policeman, which you may think is natural justice.  Israel’s Security Minister, Gilad Erdan, the one who coordinates opposition to BDS, promptly labelled Yaqub an ISIS terrorist without a sliver of evidence.
Israeli Police with Sponge Bullets
In addition the Israeli Police fired from point blank range a sponge tipped bullet at Aymen Odeh, the leader of the Joint List in Israel’s Knesset,  wounding him in the head.  It was clearly an assassination attempt on the leader of the Arab opposition in Israel but to this day no one has been held to account. Arab life, including its elected representatives, is cheap in Israel.
Below are 2 articles from the Israeli press.  One from Israel’s +972 Magazine describes how the Israeli Police investigation deliberately refused to look at evidence that showed that the Police were not only guilty of shooting Yaqub Abu al-Qi’an without cause or reason but that they deliberately left him to bleed to death. What happened could only happen in an Apartheid State where Arabs are treated as sub-human.
The other article is from the Zionist Times of Israel Written 3 months after the +972 article it describes how the Israeli state is resisting any attempt to reopen the investigation despite its lamentable failures, indeed the refusal of the Police Internal Investigations Department to look at relevant material. Israel’s Internal Security Police, Shin Bet, concluded within 48 hours that the incident was not terrorism related yet Gilad Erdan continued to make such allegations. The PIID simply refused to look at the Shin Bet report.
Let us not forget this when the Board of Deputies tries to get 2 Black MPs suspended for the ‘crime’ of being in the same meeting as 2 Jewish anti-Zionists. This is the state which Keir Starmer and most Labour MPs believe is 'the only democracy in the Middle East.'

Tony Greenstein 

Police botched investigation into shooting of Arab MK, report finds

By Oren Ziv October 25, 2019
Human rights group demands Israel Police reopen its case into the 2017 shooting of Joint List Chairman Ayman Odeh in the head with a sponge-tipped bullet after finding the initial investigation was ‘negligent.’
The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel is appealing Israel Police’s investigation of its officers’ conduct during a home demolition in the unrecognized Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran in January 2017, and requesting that they reopen the case. The appeal is based on a new report by an expert criminologist who found that police did not interrogate all officers who were carrying sponge-tipped bullets on site, and failed to thoroughly review their own footage of MK Ayman Odeh’s shooting.
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In its letter to the Police Internal Investigations Department, the committee claims that the previous investigation was “a blunder.” It writes that police deliberately targeted the Joint List chairman, and therefore his shooting should be investigated “as a serious criminal offense.”
Raba Abu al-Kiyan, widow
The 50-page document is based on materials that the Police Internal Investigations Department itself had collected, in addition to other publicly available evidence that police failed to look at. In one video, for example, a green dot appears on Odeh’s forehead — likely a laser beam used when aiming firearms at a target — moments before officers fired at him with a sponge-tipped bullet.
Odeh suffered minor wounds in his head and back as a result. He filed a complaint with the Police Internal Investigations Department, accusing the police of aggravated assault and unlawful use of a weapon, but the case was closed in September 2018. According to the police report: “Even with the assumption that the object that hit [Odeh] was fired by police, it could not be determined who of the officers had done so.”
In March, through the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel, Odeh appealed the closing of the case. Last month, after the committee received additional evidence, it filed their detailed investigative report as a supplement to the appeal.
There are so many materials that the [police] didn’t use or check their relevance to the investigation, this is a serious problem,” said Dr. Ariel Livneh, the criminology expert who reviewed the case for the Public Committee Against Torture. “It’s akin to overlooking fingerprints on a knife at a murder scene. It’s such a gaffe, which itself requires reopening the case.”
In response to a request for comment, the Police Internal Investigations Department said: “An appeal was made in this case and is currently being processed. A response will be provided to the petitioners when a decision is made regarding the appeal.

Israeli policemen stand guard in front of the car of Yaqoub Abu Al-Qi’an, who was shot dead by Israeli police in the unrecognized Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran, in the Negev desert, January 18, 2017. (Faiz Abu Rmeleh/Activestills.org)
In the early morning hours of Jan. 18, 2017, hundreds of police officers raided the unrecognized village of Umm al-Hiran in the Negev. During the raid, the officers shot and killed Yaqub Abu al-Qi’an, a Bedouin resident who had just started his car at the time. He subsequently careened into Israeli police officer Erez Levy, killing him. Moments after shooting Abu al-Qi’an, police fired tear gas, stun grenades and sponge-tipped bullets at Odeh and other activists who tried to get closer to the fatally-wounded resident.
Police immediately labeled the event as an ISIS-inspired “terror attack,” but the evidence contradicts this version of events. Days after the incident, Local Call and +972 Magazine published a preliminary investigation by the London-based Forensic Architecture research center, analyzing footage filmed by Activestills photographer Keren Manor and a police drone.
According to the investigation, Abu al-Qi’an lost control of his vehicle only after police shot him. Further claims made by the police, including that Abu al-Qi’ans headlights were off and that he accelerated as he hit the policemen, were also debunked.
second Forensic Architecture report released in June included an investigation into Odeh’s shooting. The report by the Public Committee Against Torture coupled with Dr. Livneh’s assessment expose significant failures in Israel Police’s investigation of the case.
Film 2

“It is reasonable to assume that police didn’t arbitrarily fire a sponge-tipped bullet at the crowd, but deliberately aimed at MK Ayman Odeh’s head,”

says the Public Committee Against Torture report. They add that if aiming at Odeh’s head was indeed intentional, it could have ended with his murder, which “turns the case into one that requires a serious criminal investigation.”
“The way the investigation was handled and the closing of the case are proof that the police treats Arabs as enemies, not as citizens. This was no less than an assassination attempt. We will fight the systemic cover-up efforts by police for the Arab community and every citizen of the state,”
said Odeh.
According to Dr. Livneh’s report, eight photographers — three with the police force, and five civilians — documented various parts of Odeh’s shooting. When Manor went to submit her video to police as evidence, in November 2017, they refused to accept it, claiming they had already seen similar footage. Manor said she was not asked to testify as to what she saw, heard and documented that night.
Umm al Hiran residents look at remains of homes
The police also ignored video evidence by activist Ya’ala Ra’nan, who filmed officers firing tear gas from close range at her, MK Odeh and others on her mobile phone. The video clearly shows the faces of the officers who were involved, as well as those standing nearby who could have fired the sponge-tipped bullet at Odeh seconds after. Ra’nan filed her video with police in February 2017, but Livneh could find no evidence in the police report that they actually watched the clip.
A 1:49-minute long video shot by an Al Jazeera reporter was also submitted to police. Based on police reports, the investigators stopped the video 20 seconds before it ends. By Dr. Livneh’s account, it is in those final seconds that Odeh is seen reacting to the hit by a sponge-tipped bullet.
In another police report from July 2017, investigators comment on two videos filmed by police, stating that most of the clips were filmed in dark conditions, and that they proceeded to analyze only the segments that included some lighting.
“Every child knows that, using a media player, one can increase the brightness and improve the visibility of a video, this is not something that requires exceptional resources,” said Dr. Livneh. “This conduct repeats itself. If I’m capable of increasing the visibility in these videos, so can police investigators,” he added.
Dr. Livneh concludes the report by saying he could not find an explanation for why the officers fired sponge-tipped bullets. He also could not find details regarding the firing incident or the shooters involved. According to police regulations, an officer who uses a firearm must fill out a report. Dr. Livneh could only find three such reports in the police investigation, by officers who were nowhere near Odeh’s shooting. In a separate incident, six residents and activists were hit by sponge-tipped bullets.
However, Dr. Livneh determines that police could still find the officer who shot Odeh. In another video, for example, two officers are seen within Odeh’s vicinity: one of whom was holding what looks like a firearm in a loading or unloading position, and another who was not interrogated by police. In the video that Manor filed, which police refused to examine, the same two officers, joined by another, are seen escaping the shooting scene. Dr. Livneh believes they could be the officers who shot Odeh, who then tried to escape quickly after wounding him.
Israel Police officers armed with black sponge-tipped bullets at evacuation of Bedouin village Umm al-Hiran (Keren Manor/Activestills)
In Dr. Livneh’s review of the police investigation, he found that there were no less than 10 officers carrying sponge-tipped bullets on site that day. Police had only brought three of those officers for questioning in Odeh’s case. He also writes that had Odeh and the activists been allowed to approach a fatally-wounded Abu al-Qi’an, he may have still been alive.
Dr. Livneh’s report implores police to check whether the decision to close the case “is compatible with the evidence handed to it,” and whether they have indeed run out of leads. He concludes by saying: 

“They are overlooking the materials that they themselves invested so much time and effort in collecting. It is unclear why they did not analyze all these materials. The conclusions I’ve arrived at are based on their own evidence. This is not a complicated case requiring special attention, all they have to do is read and watch the materials they themselves have gathered.”
Attorney Noa Levy, with the Public Committee Against Torture, said:
 “The Police Internal Investigations Department led a negligent investigation that is typical of it; it refrained from questioning the relevant officers, did not collect all available evidence, and did not analyze them as sufficiently as it could have.” 
She added: 

“We demand that police reopen the case and prosecute the officers responsible for the fatal shooting, for firing stun grenades and tear gas toward a governing member of parliament.”

Probe shows Bedouin man was shot by police in 2017 for no reason, left to die

Details from investigation into incident in Umm al-Hiran in which Yaqoub Abu Al-Qia’an and policeman Erez Levi were killed show multiple failures by forces at the scene

23 February 2020, 11:28 am 1

Israeli police stand next to a vehicle that rammed into police officers in the Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran in the Negev desert, January 18, 2017. (Israel Police)

Newly published evidence from the investigation of a deadly January 2017 incident in the Bedouin town of Umm al-Hiran allegedly shows that a local man was unlawfully shot and then left to bleed to death, as police mistakenly accused him of committing a car-ramming attack.
The State Attorney’s Office in 2018 closed an investigation into the incident, saying it could not determine whether Yaqoub Mousa Abu Al-Qia’an had committed an act of terrorism, after reviewing the entire investigation material. The investigation, led by State Prosecutor Shai Nitzan, had determined at the time that officers who shot Abu Al-Qia’an moments before his car ran into officer Erez Levi were not suspected of a criminal offense, and had acted legally when they opened fire.
However, the Shin Bet was reported the following month to have ruled out terrorism in the incident.
Both Abu Al-Qia’an and Levi died in the incident.
Yaqoub Mousa Abu al-Qia’an (Courtesy)

The new details were published Saturday night by several Israeli news outlets, and appeared to be based on an examination by physicist and biologist Dr. Ariel Livne of investigation material provided by the Shin Bet and the Police Internal Investigations Department (PIID).
The conclusions are being used by two rights groups that are legally representing Abu Al-Qia’an’s family, Adalah and the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI), as the basis for a petition they say they will be filing this week to the High Court of Justice.
The organizations said in a statement Saturday that they will demand that a criminal investigation be reopened into the conduct of the police officers and medics at the scene, and that Abu-Al Qia’an be formally cleared of the “terrorist” branding.
The incident occurred when police arrived to oversee the demolition of homes in Umm al-Hiran, an unrecognized village that the state had been removing in order to clear the way for a new Jewish town.
As officers converged on the town on January 18, 2017, Al-Qia’an, a 47-year-old teacher and father of 12, packed a few belongings into his SUV and drove from his house, saying he could not bear to watch it be razed. Soon afterward, Abu Al-Qia’an was shot by police and the vehicle his was driving then accelerated downhill and rammed into a group of officers.
Activists and others said police had used excessive force in Umm al-Hiran, pointing to what they claimed was institutional racism against Arabs, including Bedouin.
On Saturday, three simultaneous reports were published by the Kan public Broadcaster and the Haaretz and Sicha Mekomit news websites, each not citing sources for most of the information but featuring very similar details of the investigation and quoting a reaction by PCATI.
Police officer 1st Sgt. Erez Levi, 34, who was killed in an alleged car-ramming attack at Umm al-Hiran, January 18, 2017. (Courtesy)
The reports included hitherto unseen footage taken by officers at the scene, as well as transcripts from the questioning — initially by the Shin Bet and later by the PIID — of police officers and medics who were there. The material, banded together, indicates multiple failures that led to Abu Al-Qia’an’s unnecessary death.
The Shin Bet was said to have concluded within 48 hours that the incident hadn’t been a premeditated attack on police, ending its investigation and handing it over to the PIID.
When it came out, the Shin Bet document caused turmoil among police brass, the Shin Bet and the Justice Ministry, prompting the reopening of the investigation after an internal police probe had cleared the officers of any criminal wrongdoing in August 2017.
Nitzan ordered the fresh investigation after investigators with the Police Internal Investigations Department were accused by then-Israel Police Commissioner Roni Alsheich of burying the Shin Bet document.
State Prosecutor Shai Nitzan speaks at the annual Justice Conference in Airport City, outside Tel Aviv on September 3, 2019. (Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

The PIID, which is under the jurisdiction of the Justice Ministry and not the police, reopened its investigation and re-questioned the officers who were at the scene, submitting its revised findings — apparently contradicting the Shin Bet document — to Nitzan in December 2017. Nitzan closed the case in May 2018.
New footage from the minutes after Abu-Al-Qia’an was shot show him lying bleeding next to his car for dozens of minutes, changing positions — indicating he had been alive — with police officers and medics standing several meters from him and not providing medical treatment. Some later said they assumed him to be an assailant who intentionally ran over Levi.
In one clip, an officer walks past Abu Al-Qia’an and shouts: “You son of a bitch.”
Immediately after the incident, Alsheich and Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan asserted that Abu Al-Qia’an was an Islamic State-inspired terrorist who was shot because he accelerated his vehicle toward a group of police officers, killing Levi.
But video footage that emerged in the hours after the incident showed the officers opened fire before Abu Al-Qia’an sped up, and that his car’s lights were on during the predawn incident, contrary to earlier police assertions. A Channel 10 report at the time said Abu Al-Qia’an’s autopsy further revealed that a police bullet hit him in the right knee, shattering it, and possibly causing the car to accelerate.
Police Chief Roni Alsheich (left), Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) and Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan at a welcoming ceremony held in Alsheich’s honour, at Prime Minister’s office in Jerusalem, on December 3, 2015. (Miriam Alster/FLASH90)

In the months following the attack, police doubled down on the claim that Abu Al-Qia’an had deliberately run over and killed the officer.
Alsheich said at the time that there were indications he was involved with the Islamic State terror group.
However, the new details revealed Saturday show that those claims were based only on the presence of standard religious Muslim textbooks in Abu Al-Qia’an’s home, along with three copies of that morning’s Israel Hayom newspaper — the country’s most widely circulating daily — with the headline in Hebrew: “Islamic State bomb downs a plane.”
PIID investigators found no incriminating evidence in Abu Al-Qia’an’s computers, and learned that police had had no early indications of a potential attack during the planned evacuation.
Shin Bet investigators spoke with Abu Al-Qia’an’s father, son and nephew, who all said Yaqoub had told them to refrain from violence and let the forces demolish the home, and that there was nothing to be done against the government’s plans.
That led to a Shin Bet conclusion that Abu Al-Qia’an had no connection to terror groups, and that he had accepted that his home was going to be demolished.
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According to the reports, the police officer who shot Abu Al-Qia’an — named only by the first Hebrew-language letter of his first name, “Shin” — told a Shin Bet investigator named Taher shortly after the incident that he had not felt in danger when he fired the shots. Later, he changed his testimony, saying he had felt immediate danger and was forced to shoot.
“The driver turned on the car’s lights and started to slowly drive toward the fighters,” Shin told Taher. 
“I raised my weapon and fired precise shots toward the tires to stop the vehicle. At that stage I hadn’t felt immediate danger to my life or my friends’ lives, because in that case I would have shot to kill. I fired the shots because the driver did not listen to our orders to stop and I feared he would hurt fighters.”
Taher remarked that “Shin claimed the jeep driver could have rammed them while they made their way uphill, but didn’t do that for his own reasons.”
Another Shin Bet investigator, named Ziad, wrote, “I was told by the officer Shin that he had fired toward the tires and later toward the driver.”
According to the investigation, the police medics at the scene first attempted to treat officer Levi but pronounced him dead within a few minutes. They then treated another officer who suffered mild injuries, but for 50 minutes — until they left the scene — never approached Abu Al-Qia’an.
Dr. Maya Forman, who heads the National Institute of Forensic Medicine, determined the cause of death to be “failure to receive medical treatment.” The autopsy report said: “Bleeding from the blood vessels that were damaged in this case does not cause immediate death, and could cause death within dozens of minutes.
Dr. Raphael Walden, deputy director of Sheba Medical Center, said he was “shocked” when he saw the report. “A simple dressing of the wound could have saved his life. This was external bleeding, not internal.”
Film 4
The police doctor told PIID investigators that she had not seen Abu Al-Qia’an or been aware that there was another wounded person at the scene, only learning that hours later.
“I didn’t see him, I am 100 percent sure,” she said in her testimony. When asked how she didn’t see him when she was so close to him, the doctor added: “It was very dark, there were no lights. There was a whole commotion because our forces thought there had been a terror attack. I didn’t see, I was busy treating the officers.”
Contradicting her, another medic at the scene said that he and the doctor had in fact both noticed Abu Al-Qia’an 15 minutes after they were done treating the policemen, believing him to be dead.
“I didn’t treat him and didn’t see any medic approaching him,” he testified. “I work by orders, and the doctor didn’t tell me to treat him. Looking at him I thought he was dead. I can say with certainty that the doctor saw his body, I think the cause of death was gunfire.”
The PIID investigator then told him: 
“He didn’t die from gunfire. The guy died of blood loss over dozens of minutes. That means that had you been aware and done your jobs, he wouldn’t have died. Do you understand the ramifications?”
The medic replied: “Sad. It’s easy to talk now, but at the scene it was believed to be a terror attack.”
The car used in an alleged car ramming attack, killing an Israeli policeman, during clashes and protests against demolition of homes in the Bedouin village of Umm al-Hiran in the Negev desert, southern Israel, January 18, 2017. (Hadas Parush/Flash90)
Also according to the testimony, the medic initially said he had learned it was a suspected car-ramming attack only when he was back at the police station, but later changed his testimony and said he had “remembered” that he had already known that at the scene.
“The reason I didn’t approach the dead civilian was because there had been a car-ramming, therefore since he is a ‘terrorist’ police safety protocol is not to treat the terrorist since his body could be booby-trapped,” he said.
Another medic claimed he hadn’t seen Abu-Al Qia’an, despite being filmed near him over several minutes.
A Magen David Adom paramedic testified that he was told by the doctor at the scene that there were two bodies, one of a policeman and one of a car-rammer — again contradicting the doctor’s testimony.
“Umm Al-Hiran is an open, bleeding wound in the relationship between the citizens and police in Israel,” the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel said in a statement Saturday. “A civilian and a policeman were killed unnecessarily, and the PIID investigation was closed without a criminal investigation. The police commissioner and the public security minister claimed publicly that this was a terror attack, in spite of all the evidence.'
“This affair… is a watershed in the relationship between the police and the Bedouin population in particular and the Israel public in general. In order to begin to repair this fraught relationship, we must first of all return to Umm al-Hiran, bring the policemen to justice, and provide the families of the victims with redress.”
The police force commented that “this is an unfortunate incident, during which a police officer was rammed to death and another officer was injured and additionally the ramming driver was killed after being neutralized by the officers — all during an operation that was being carried out legally at the place.
“The PIID probe unequivocally concluded that there was no suspicion of criminal offenses committed by any of the police officer who were operating in the field under complex conditions,” it added.

Without Comment - The Hypocrisy of All This NHS Applause - Let's See What the Clappers Say to Wage Increases for Doctors & Nurses and a Haircut for Bankers and Speculators and Landlords

If Labour Wants to Win the Next Election then it needs to Dump Starmer fast


COVID-19 Demonstrates why Sir Keir is so useless – He has Nothing to Say

If Labour had elected a Stuffed Dummy as its Leader it could not have done worse than with Starmer. Starmer’s performance during the current crisis has been dire. Someone should have whispered in his lug hole that the purpose of an Opposition is to oppose.

Take Johnson’s broadcast last Sunday ‘actively encouraging’ people to go back to work and effectively ending the lockdown. This is at a time when daily deaths are over 600 (and those are only the official figures).

The risk of a second wave or more accurately an extension of the first wave is extremely high.  If people are squeezed together on tubes, rail and work, then there could be a massive increase in deaths. Yet it was left to Jeremy Corbyn, to make these points from the backbenches.

What was the response of Starmer?  He has called forclear directions” from the government and in his own broadcast Monday night he said “What we needed from the Prime Minister last night was clarity and reassurance.”

Starmer is incapable of criticising the Tory government on their culpability for the death of 30,000+ - it's not in the 'national interest'

What, one wonders, does Starmer not understand?  Johnson and his cabinet are desperate to restore the fortunes of British capitalism even at the risk of thousands more people dying. Starmer’s refusal or inability to spell this out marks him out as unfit to lead a minor league football team let alone a major political party.

The Tory Press has been doing a better job than staid Starmer

When askedby LBC whether he’d support a trade union with safety concerns Sir Keir said that the party would “have to look at it”. How much more pathetic can it get? The answer should have been a simple ‘yes’. Writer Raphael Dogg wrote:

“So, when asked on LBC if he’d support a trade union telling workers to leave an unsafe workplace, Starmer said he’d have to think on that. An unsafe workplace. And he’d have to think about it. #StarmerMustGo.”

Starmer stated that “We needed to hear that nobody would be asked to go to work or send their children to school without it being safe to do so.” Any Opposition leader worth their salt would not need ‘clarification’. They would be demanding that no-one should go back to work unless safety can be guaranteed.

Of course that can’t be done until everyone who needs it is tested. Instead the Tories set a target of 100,000 tests a day and then fiddle the figures in their normal manner. If testing isn’t systematic and comprehensive then what is likely to occur is reinfection, especially as having COVID-19 once doesn’t guarantee immunity.

Corbyn got it right when he accused Johnson of waging class war.  Unfortunately Starmer is of the same class as Johnson.  He talks about the ‘national interest’ as if all our interests are the same.  Owners of capital seeking to restore their profits and get production going do not have the same interests as the workers who put their lives on the line travelling on crowded public transport to get to work.  This is the ABC of socialism. The problem is that Starmer is no socialist.

COVID-19 has demonstrated not just the lethal incompetence of Boris Johnson’s Administration but the deadly legacy of Austerity. No PPE, no testing, late to a lockdown, too few ICU and hospital beds, too few NHS staff, too few ventilators, no plan for a pandemic. The failures have been obvious.  Add in the lack of quarantining of air travellers, the indifference to those living in care homes, the impoverishment of millions claiming a wholly inadequate Universal Credit and it has been a disaster.

Starmer hasn't even been able to lay a glove on the hapless Hancock

Add to that the refusal to take part in an EU scheme to purchase PPE and you have a total, self-inflicted shambles. But of course to Johnson that was ‘taking back control’.  One can only hope those who voted for Brexit and are now infected appreciate the irony.

Official figures show that over 32,000 people have died but according to the Office for National Statistics the excess numbers of deaths during the pandemic is 50,914 and rising.

Exercise Cygnus

I said that there was no plan for a pandemic but that is not strictly true.  In 2016 Exercise Cygnus, a dry-run for a pandemic was conducted. According to The Telegraph:

There was not enough personal protective equipment (PPE) for the nation's doctors and nurses. The NHS was about to “fall over” due to a shortage of ventilators and critical care beds. Morgues were set to overflow, and it had become terrifyingly evident that the government’s emergency messaging was not getting traction with the public.

Yet what was the response? To bury the Report and to do absolutely nothing. The result is that Britain has the world’s second highest number of deaths. Couple this with the Government’s delayed reaction to the pandemic forcing schools to close of their own accord.

Yet what has been Sir Keir’s reaction?  Absolutely nothing. He has made no impact. Is it any surprise that the pollsare still showing a lead of around 20%?

So dire has Starmer been that the main opposition to the government has been from the Tory press, Piers Morgan and even BBC Panorama! Starmer’s ‘forensic’ questioning to Boris Johnson has amounted to a pathetic nothing. You could replace Starmer with a speaking clock and the effect would be the same.

On 19th April the Sunday Times led with Coronavirus: 38 days when Britain sleepwalked into disasterwhich revealed

Boris Johnson skipped five Cobra meetings on the virus, calls to order protective gear were ignored and scientists’ warnings fell on deaf ears. Failings in February may have cost thousands of lives’.

 In the five lost weeks from January 24th, Johnson spent 12 days on holiday in his grace and favour retreat in Chevening. Even Panorama got into the act when it reportedthat ‘There were no gowns, visors, swabs or body bags in the government's pandemic stockpile when Covid-19 reached the UK.’ Yet what was Starmer’s reaction? Silence.

Piers Morgan has done a better job at holding the Tories to account than Keir Starmer

In response to Dominic Raab’s observation that people coming into Britain could bring COVID-19 with them, Morgan’s responsewas

Really? Really? You’ve just realised that there’s a risk of people bringing the virus into this country, Dominic Raab?…

The government insists that people need visas and passports to enter the country but if you have COVID-19 you are welcomed with open arms. 90% of the world’s countries took precautions at airports – including lockdown, quarantine and testing. Guess who was in the 10%?’  Yet Starmer is incapable of making such obvious points.

Indian military repression in Kashmir

But it’s not only on Coronavirus that Starmer has been a failure. The last Labour Party conference unanimously passed a resolution supporting the self-determination of Kashmir.  Following its victory in the Indian general election, on August 5th 2019 Narendra Modi, another of Netanyahu’s good friends, signeda decree abolishing Article 370 of the Constitution, thus stripping Kashmir of its autonomous status.

In December 2019 Modi passed a law preventing Muslims refugees from applying for citizenship. Modi is a memberof the RSS an organisation that Nehru calleda Nazi style organisation. It was foundedby open admirers of Hitler. Its second chief, Guru Golwalkar, wrote in 1939 that Nazi Germany had manifested "race pride at its highest" by purging itself of the "Semitic races".Its nationalism included abstaining from Congress’s Quit India movement. Opposition to colonialism was not part of the fascist agenda.

In a letter to Starmer the Muslim Association of Britain outlined a series of 12 points detailing the human rights abuses in Kashmir. India’s military occupation is granted legal exemption from any prosecution for killings, torture etc. The first point detailshow:

Security forces in Indian-administered Kashmir have been accused of carrying out beatings and torture.The BBC reported [29thAugust 2019]] that several villagers stated that they were beaten with sticks and cables,and given electric shocks1

The bland response of Starmer merely makes a commitment to uphold human rights and the rule of law. In the face of the imposition of military law over a civilian population any Labour leader with pretensions to be on the left would have condemned the atrocities of the Indian army and its occupation of Kashmir.

Starmer’s justificationfor changing policy was that

‘I am committed to working closely with Labour Friends of India to rebuild trust with the community. We must not allow issues of the subcontinent to divide communities here.’

Here you see the same weasel words that have justified Israel’s racism. ‘Jewish’ i.e. Zionist opposition to criticism of Israel’s ethnic cleansing and human rights abuses have been used to negate solidarity with the Palestinians. The same is now true of India as well. All in the name of ‘diversity’ and the poison of identity politics.

It is fortunate that there isn’t a large Burmese community here otherwise Labour would be silent over the genocide of the Rohinga. This isn’t an ethical foreign policy. It is naked opportunism and an abandonment of any principle.

The support of some Indians for India’s occupation of Kashmir is used as an excuse to support the military occupation of Kashmir.  Who cares if some Indians are offended?  What does it matter if some Jews support Israeli repression? One wonders what the reaction of British Jews would be if they experienced the same treatment as Palestinians in Israel? One suspects they might call it anti-Semitism?

The real reason for Starmer’s policy change was made clear:

"A Labour government under my leadership will be determined to build even stronger business links with India "

It is unfortunately true that the backtracking began under Corbyn with Ian Lavery sendinga letter ‘insisting it[Kashmir] is a bilateral matter between India and Pakistan in which Labour will not interfere.’

When Starmer met with Labour Friends of India instead of upholding the principle of self-determination he jettisoned Labour Party policy saying that the occupation of Kashmir should be settled on a ‘bilateral’ basis between the Indian and Pakistan governments.

‘"Any constitutional issues in India are a matter for the Indian Parliament, and Kashmir is a bilateral issue for India and Pakistan to resolve peacefully. Labour is an internationalist party and stands for the defence of human rights everywhere,"

Even Neville Chamberlain didn’t declare that the question of the Sudetenland was a ‘bilateral issue’ between Nazi Germany and the Czechoslovak government. 

Just as the far-Right support the Israeli state, which they see as anti-Muslim, they also supportthe BJP’s anti-Muslim policies. When he was Chief Minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi presided over pogroms against Muslims that led to more than 2,000 deaths.  Until his election as Prime Minister he was barred from the United States. Narendra Modi, then Chief Minister of Gujarat was accusedof initiating and condoning the violence, as were police and government officials who directed the rioters and gave lists of Muslim-owned properties to them.

Electoral Politics and the Red Wall – Brexit is the Symptom NOT the Cause

The Labour Right is nothing if not stupid.  It has nothing to say or offer apart from opposition to the Left. In this it is no different from right-wing European social democratic parties. Everywhere in Europe they are on the retreat before the forces of the right.

Unfortunately the Left is not exempt from the same criticism. Just as there is little understanding of the surge that led to the election of Corbyn in 2015 and then the election result of 2017 there is little understanding of why Labour lost the 2019 election.

For the sake of the Idiots of the North and those whose comprehension of things is one-dimensional or believe it was Brexit or the question of Corbyn’s leadership that lost the election, let us have look at the constituency of Bolsover, home of the Beast of Bolsover Dennis Skinner.

Bolsover is an ideal constituency because it was situated between the scab miners of Nottingham and the striking miners of Yorkshire.  Bolsover pit itself was on strike throughout 1984/5. No greater supporter of the miners was there than Dennis Skinner.

Throughout the 1950’s Labour’s vote hovered around 80%. The same was true in the 1960’s. In the 1970’s it declined to 66% which is still very healthy. In the 1980’s, the decade of the Miners’ strike it declined to 56% and in the 1990’s it recovered reaching 74% in 1997.

During the years of New Labour it went back down to around 2/3 of the vote in 2001 and 2005 and then in 2010 there was a precipitous decline to 50%. There it remained until 2019 when there was a 16% slippage to 35.9%.

It is absolutely clear that Brexit had nothing whatever to do with the decline in the vote of someone who was a Labour institution. It is, or should be clear, that it is the demoralisation and defeat of the working class and its atomisation, reflected in the decline of strikes and class consciousness that has resulted in Labour’s vote between 1950 and 2019 declining by more than half.

Or take the General Election results in Mansfield, a former mining constituency in Nottinghamshire. In 2019the Tories had 64% of the vote and a majority of over 16,000 votes. Yet even in the disastrous General Election of 1931, when Labour held just 52 seats, Mansfield was won with 56% of the vote. In 1945Labour gained 75% of the vote.  Until October 1974 no Labour candidate got less than 60% of the vote. Then there was a steady decline until in 1987 the Labour candidate Alan Meale won by just 0.1% of the vote, 37.5%. Although Meale recovered gaining 64% of the vote in 1997 there was a steady decline during the New Labour years. In 2017 Meale lost.

Sir Keir Starmer is a member of the Trilateral Commission, an invitation only club of the international ruling class. Membershipinclude Carl Bildt, Henry Kissinger and Michael Bloomberg. One wonders what it was about Starmer that led to the invitation?

Possibly the fact that he was a rich QC, former Director of Public Prosecutions, an avowed Zionist and imperialist. What is certain is that Starmer will be incapable of winning back the Red Wall. His appeal will be next to zero because he has nothing to say that addresses their concerns.

Anyone imagining that the reason that Labour lost the Red Wall constituencies was because of Corbyn mistakes form for substance.  Yes people gave Corbyn as the reason for not voting in 2017 but why was that?  Did they know him?  It was the pathetic inability of Corbyn to stand up to the attacks on him, to lay down an agenda and most importantly to fight the Right in the Labour Party which led to him being seen as weak. A fatal flaw for a politician.

Starmer has been unlucky and he is not currently in a strong position. Which is why the Left in the party should be attacking him, not giving him the benefit of an extended honeymoon.

Starmer had hoped by now to embark on a witchhunt of the Left. Coronavirus has intervened.  And the one good thing that Jennie Formby did during her tenure, commissioning a report into the functioning of the Disputes Team has been like a delayed action bomb.  Starmer’s first instincts was to go for those who leaked it and ignore what it said.  But that has proven impossible.  Instead he has appointed a Whitewash Committee to bury it.

In an article in the Jewish Chronicle of April 7th Starmer wrote that:

Tackling antisemitism within the Labour Party must be a priority and I want to set out the steps I am taking to begin restoring trust with the Jewish community....

we must fully cooperate with the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s inquiry into antisemitism....

And once the coronavirus pandemic is over and members of staff can return to work, I will be closing the Labour Party’s offices for a day and inviting representatives of the Jewish community to come in and facilitate a day’s training on antisemitism.

 And who is likely to be ‘training’ Labour Party staff in ‘anti-Semitism’?  Why the Jewish Labour Movement of course.  The same JLM which callsthe Israeli Labor Party its ‘sister party’. The same ILP which is in a coalition with Netanyahu and which has agreed to vote for the annexation of West Bank settlements but not the Palestinians of the West Bank. The ILP is an openly racist  and segregationist party.

The JLM is also affiliated to the World Zionist Organisation, which has what Ha’aretz callsa Land Theft Division. The JLM is quite clearly a suitable group to train people into learning about racism. Possibly Starmer might also consider enlisting the services of Tommy Robinson and Nick Griffin or even better David Duke of the KKK.

Reports say that Russell Lloyd-Moyle attempted to bring in right-wingers to oust Richard Burgon (sitting to his left) as Secretary of the Campaign Group

However the revelations that Labour’s senior staff were actively working for a Tory win in 2017 will not go away. Whether or not the Left is prepared to campaign for Starmer’s early removal remains to be seen.  Given the abysmal record of the Socialist Campaign Group of MPs, with turncoats like Rebecca Long Bailey and its share of opportunists such as Brighton’s Russell Lloyd-Moyle is doubtful. If the Socialist Campaign Group was what it says it is it would have a policy of refusing to serve in Starmer’s shadow cabinet which only gives credence to the idea that he is a ‘unity’ candidate.

When Starmer says I support Zionism without qualification” we should take him at his word and treat him as the racist he so clearly is.

Tony Greenstein


‘Crooked’ Iain McNicol, the suspension of Brighton & Hove Labour Party and the Conspiracy Against Democracy


How Brighton’s ‘Argus’ became a conduit for Every Lie that Brighton Council Leader Warren Morgan Fed It


Greg Hadfield has done the Left a great service by publishing his painstaking account REVEALED: The Labour Party activists behind the “anti-semitism” smearsof the political and moral corruption of the scoundrels who ran the Labour Party and who conspired to subvert the democratic will of the majority of Labour Party members. These are the same fraudulent individuals upon whose every word BBC Panorama’s Is Labour Anti-Semitic?and its presenter John Ware hung last summer.
To recap.  On a bright summer day July 9 2016 Brighton & Hove District Labour Party held its AGM. Instead of the usual few turning up 609 members came. Unfortunately the hall at Brighton City College could only hold 250 people. Obviously that was a problem but it was solved by holding 3 separate meetings and aggregating the votes.
A desperate last minute red-baiting email from Warren Morgan
Prior to the meeting there had been a monster meeting called by Brighton and Hove Momentum at the local Brighthelm Community Centre.  I’ve never seen a meeting there so packed.  The large hall was crowded out and people backfilled the adjacent cafe and still people were waiting outside.  Change was in the air and there were forces, led by Council Leader and Progress supporter Warren Morgan who were determined that, however badly the Right fared, the result would be annulled. In this they were aided by the local Argus.
Councillors Daniel Yates, Emma Daniels and Julie Cattell, (the latter two voted out of office in May 2019) were determined to lie, lie and lie again about what happened that day. Because of the painstaking work of Greg Hadfield, a former Fleet Street journalist, their lies began to unravel almost as soon as they tweeted them.
Matt Tulley - Daniels and Morgan falsely accused him of spitting at a caretaker at City College
The main lie, spread by Warren Morgan, was that a confrontation had taken place at the entrance to City College when an innocent Labour Party member, Matt Tully, was accused of spitting at a college worker. There was no such incident and the CCTV of the incident proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt.
The lie that led to the suspension of Brighton & Hove Labour Party
What we didn’t know was what was happening at the other end of the conspiracy in Labour Party headquarters in London. Despite disqualifying thousands of Corbyn supporters from voting the previous autumn, there was a naive belief that full-time Labour Party staff would behave, if not with honesty at least with a measure of integrity. Unfortunately this was not to be the case. The right-wing of the labour movement has always been inherently corrupt and dishonest as witnessed in the recent resignation of GMB General Secretary Tim Roache surrounded by allegations of rape.

When it came to it Warren Morgan and the other liars weren't so keen on seeing the CCTV footage

As the leaked Labour Party Report demonstrates, Labour’s senior staff were even more corrupt and dishonest than their local counterparts. It was a case of one gang of crooks ‘investigating’ another group of crooks with the aim of subverting local Labour democracy.
It is noteworthy that Keir Starmer’s first reactions to the leaked Report was not outrage over Labour’s General Secretary and senior staff campaigning for a Tory victory in the 2017 General Election. What annoyed him was the fact that the Report had been leaked. Hence why he has decided to cover up what happened with a whitewash ‘Inquiry’ which includes Baroness Wilcox, a Progress supporter. 
The NEC rejectedby 18-16 the suggestion that Alf Dubbs should be on the panel.  Starmer voted against. Dubbs is Jewish and a Kindertransport survivor. Instead there are 3 right-wingers including former Labour General Secretary, Lord Whitty, who came down personally to Brighton 28 years ago to prosecute me when I got suspended for editing the Friends of Brighton Labour Party newsletter!
It has to be said that Whitty is not on the hard right and when he’s off the drink he can be quite an amiable and reasonable person and is not on the hard Right. Nonetheless the Inquiry, staffed by Progress supporters and all Lords, is intended to cover up what happened. It should give a very clear indication of where Starmer stands on this. He very clearly has no problem with the behaviour of Labour staff.  His only concern is that details of how they behaved was leaked. Like any rogue employer he is more interested in the whistleblower than what they revealed.
Brighton and Hove District Labour Party was suspended by the Chair of the Disputes Committee, Ann Black, the elections annulled and the old Executive Committee, which had been voted out of office, were reinstated. I have written to Ann Black to ask whether she now regrets her decision to suspend Brighton Labour Party but she has chosen not to respond.  Perhaps readers may have more success if they contact Ms Black at annblack2001@gmail.com, annblack50@btinternet.com
Excerpt from leaked report
Kat Buckingham - Labour's lying witchhunter
A fake inquiry was instituted and Kat Buckingham conducted it. The Report details John Stolliday, Head of the Compliance Unit describingthe AGM, which he hadn’t attended, thus:
‘overturn AGM, deal with individuals. Shows what we’re up against – a bunch of SWP & Trots marching straight from a rally to invade a CLP meeting and stuff handfuls of ballot papers in boxes even when they’re not members of the Party.
To which Buckingham replied saying:
I say act now and worry about [rules and legal issues] later, so long as we don’t do something that’ll end up fucking everything else up.
JLM member Emma Daniel (who isn't Jewish!) is certain that a security guard was spat at as is Daniel Yates who plays a gormless idiot with Matt Tully
Even Warren Morgan, Emma Daniels and their fellow liars didn’t go so far as to suggest that non-Labour Party members had invaded the meeting, stuffed votes into the ballot box and hidden their SWP cards!
Kat Buckingham's refusal to look at evidence that proves Warren Morgan and Emma Daniels were liars
You can see here Greg Hadfield’s submission to the ‘inquiry’ held by Buckingham.  Naturally it was a waste of time. The ‘investigation’ by Kat Buckingham makes the investigations by the Wehrmacht into itself seem a model of integrity by comparison.
Greg obtained the CCTV footage for Buckingham’s inquiry.  Strange as it may seem, she refused to watch it as it might breach data protection and peoples’ confidentiality! An utterly absurd pretext but of course she didn’t want to be compromised into having to accept that the complainants were liars. What kind of investigator refuses to look at video of the incidents she is investigating? The corruption of the Labour Right stank to high heaven.
Naturally the overturning of a democratic vote was painted not as what it was, the defiance of the democratic will of Labour members, but as concern for the ‘safety’ of those who attended. In this they could count on the local paper, the Brighton Argus, to frame what had happened as a matter of Health & Safety rather than what it was, a conspiracy against democracy.
The Argus article duly appeared under the headline ‘Safety concerns force suspension of Brighton and Hove Labour Party’. The report told readers that ‘THE city’s Labour party has been suspended by its national bosses over safety concerns for its members in the wake of last week's executive elections.
Although the article did report that a complaint had been made against Warren Morgan and that ‘Successful candidates voted on to the party’s executive slammed the move as an “undemocratic intervention” in response to “malevolent and unsubstantiated rumours and smears”. it is clear that the editorial judgement of the Argus that this was just us left-wingers whinging about having been caught out.
The article reportedthat
‘The Argus understands the complaint against Cllr Morgan was filed by a party member accused of spitting at a City College Brighton and Hove staff member during the AGM.’
The letter the Argus refused to print pointing out how they had enabled the lies of 4 years ago to take hold
Whilst the article itself was balanced, the headline was deliberately and it was this that most people would have read. It was with this in mind that 19 members and former members of the Labour Party wrote to the Argus on April 25 in respect of an Argus Reportof April 14 on Labour’s leaked report.
We wrote that the article didn’t mention
‘the lies and deception used to overturn the results of the Annual General Meeting of Brighton and Hove Labour Party in July 2016.’
You might think that the Argus itself would have something to say. Unfortunately it has always had a close relationship with Warren Morgan and carried his lies about ‘anti-Semitism’. Editor (or more accurately Chief Reporter Arron Hendy, (since the Argus is effectively run from Portsmouth now) decided not to print the letter.
You might have thought that Hendy was keen to see the record put straight. Not so. The Argus has consistently amplified the accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ that Morgan and Yates have made whilst silencing the voice of those who have said that it was merely a smokescreen to cover their support for the murderous actions of the Israeli state.
For example when Chanukah celebrations were planned at a Council meeting in December 2017, the Argus carried an entirely bogus story of how councillors and the press were told by council officers there was a protest planned by pro-Palestinian campaigners outside the meeting.’ There was no truth in this report or their updated story Jewish candle-lighting held behind closed doors over security concerns
The idea that Palestine activists would picket a purely Jewish festival is a malicious invention of Sussex Friends of Israel, Fiona Sharpe and Labour Against Anti-Semitism. The Argus fell for this story and failed to print letters pointing out their stupid and malicious stupidity. It was part of their campaign to portray supporters of the Palestinians as anti-Semitic.
This was the abuse that Waterstones was subjected to - Bad News for Labour was a detailed academic study on the antisemitism witchhunt - the last thing the Zionists wanted was factual evidence to undermine their malicious 'antisemitism' campaign 

Last September during Labour Party Conference, Waterstones was scheduled to hold a book launch for Bad News for Labourby 5 distinguished academics. Because of a volley of abusive tweets, threatening phone calls, false allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’, the venue was forced by their Head Office to cancel the book launch.  Local staff were extremely angry and their CEO later admitted, after the event, that they had been wrong to succumb to pressure after angry customers had rung them up to complain about censorship.
As one of the authors, Justin Schlosberg, a senior academic and himself Jewish said, what the Zionists had achieved with their fake allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ was the equivalent of book burning.
Arron Hendy, the Argus's Editor spiked the story by his reporter on the forced cancellation of a book launch
You might think that the Argus or indeed any newspaper that had even a passing commitment to freedom of speech, would cover the story.  And indeed one of their reporters, Jody Doherty-Cove, did write an article covering what happened, including the fact that a group of local activists had hired the Rialto Theatre as a Free Speech Centre for 2 days determined that the Zionists would not be able to destroy free speech over Israel and Palestine in Brighton and Hove just as they do in Israel. Arron Hendy was not happy with an article which portrayed his racist friends in an unfavourable light. 
This is the Argus's idea of Balance - 12 people, half of whom were from outside Brighton, are equivalent to 200 people
The Argus’s attitude had been made clear the previous August when after 3 successful Zionist attempts to intimidate different venues, we nonetheless succeededin holding a meeting with Chris Williamson in Brighton’s Regency Square. Some 200 people gathered at almost no notice, as the Friends Meeting House had cancelled the same day.  By way of contrast the Zionists, who claim to speak on behalf of Brighton and Hove’s Jewish community of 2,000 held a ‘demonstration’ of a dozen people outside Brighton town hall. The Argus decided to print a picture equating 12 people with 200 people.  That is bourgeois balance for you!
The reason for the Argus’s slanted coverage is that it has always been in bed with the corrupt right-wing of Labour locally and before that the Tories when they ran Brighton prior to the 1990’s.
Greg’s article is a must read because it describes, often in excruciating detail, all that happened. It covers the injustice of his first suspension from the Labour Party when the complainant, Malcolm Powers, Labour’s Southern Organiser made a false complaint of harassment against Greg. And who was delegated to investigate the complaint?  Why Malcolm Powers!
Greg describes how the candidate selection for the Council elections, was fixed in Moulsecoomb, which had all of 14 members but was a safe seat, so that Dan Yates could stand.  He also describes how in a meeting of 10 people there were two recounts which produced remarkably different results.  It seems even over things like counting a result when only the Right is standing Warren Morgan’s supporters would fiddle the result. These people simply can’t be trusted since they have contempt for ordinary people. Again it’s not something that the Argus will report.
In the second election to find a candidate in Mouilsecoomb there were just 2 electors, one of whom abstained.  So Daniel Yates was the only person who voted for Daniel Yates but that was enough!
Greg describes an abusive “Twitter storm” against Caroline Lucas, the Green MP for Brighton Pavilion and her husband, Richard Savage. It was alleged that Richard had been abusive when challenging Labour canvassers. Of course nothing of the sort happened but it was typical of the behaviour of people like then Councillor Julie Cattell, whose period as a councillor was marked by a heavy defeat last May when she demonstrated that she had no personal vote in Preston ward which she represented.
Grand Central pub in Brighton - smiling at the front is anti-Roma racist Luke Stanger - in the Lesbians 4 Labour shirt is Nicky Easton, who resigned from the Labour Party after assaulting another women and next to her is Julie Cattle
Caroline 'Poison' Penn
On the evening of the Labour Party AGM on July 9th there was a nasty incident in Brighton’s Grand Central Pub when two speakers at the Momentum meeting, Seema Chandwani and Michael Calderbank were abused and threatened by thugs whilst Labour Councillors like Julie Cattell were sitting by. The actual culprit was Harris Fitch, a BNP supporter and flat mate of Councillor Caroline ‘Poison’ Penn, who was forced to resign from the Council for abusing electors.
The person who instigated the abuse was Lukey Stanger, who has appeared in this blog on several occasions. He is currently suspended for racism and abuse of women but he is  ‘protected’ by the Labour Right. See Luke Stanger – Why has this racist & misogynist not yet been expelled from the Labour Party?
A much beloved comrade, Riad al-Taher, expelled after war criminal Ivor Caplin fingered him
Greg covers the outrageous expulsion of the late Riad al Taher. Riad was an Iraqi exile who was elected to the Hove Labour Party Executive. Riad had been gaoled in 2011 for 10 months for breaking sanctions on Iraq. Sanctions that are estimated to have killed half a million people. Riad was a long-time campaigner against the invasion of his country and was accompanied to Iraq on one visit by Tam Dalyell MP and Tony Benn MP.
Even The Times could see the injustice of the sentence imposed on him.  See Outcry over jailing of engineer who broke Iraq sanctions ‘to help West’. Not so Iain McNicol.  Riad was summarily expelled. Riad died 18 months ago of cancer and his outrageous expulsion was not reversed by McNicol’s useless successor, Jennie Formby.  You can visit Riad al Taher’s FB page and see his obituary here. The person who motivated the attack on Riad was the poisonous former MP for Hove and Defence Minister at the time of the Iraqi invasion, Ivor Caplin, who became Chair of the Jewish Labour Movement until they got rid of him.
Other episodes that Greg covers includes the attack on Becky Massey, another member of the Hove Executive. She too was fingered by Caplin who supplied a story to the far-Right Campaign Against Anti-Semitism.  The result of this was, as was the Argus reported, the Hove AGM on Sunday Feb 3 2017 was cancelled. 
Zionist community centre has no objection to advocates of rape of Palestinian women but 'antisemitism' i.e. anti-Zionism is not kosher
The Jewish community centre, Ralli Hall objected to Becky’s ‘anti-Semitism’.  It is strange that the same hall had no objection to the same hall being used for a meeting by Sussex Friends of Israel at which Mordechai Kedar spoke.  Kedar, a former colonel in the Israeli army and now a lecturer at the religious university of Bar Ilan, advocated the rape of Palestinian women in war.  However the Jewish racists who run Ralli Hall have no concerns about Palestinians just their own fake victimhood. See Why Does Hove Jewish Centre, Ralli Hall Allow an Advocate of Rape to Speak but ban an Anti-Racist Critic of Israel
Hove CLP accounts - the Gowlett fund in 2016 creeps in
Greg goes into some detail to describe the financial shenanigan’s surrounding the Ben Gowlett ‘Trust’ which was administered in secret by Councillor Leslie Hamilton.
27 years ago property and money, about £100,000 was left to the Portslade Labour Party.  The money was never declared to the Electoral Commission or otherwise accounted for until Greg began his investigation. Greg writes about
‘how a small group of senior party figures — including Labour councillors and officers, past and present — deliberately kept control of the funds to prevent them being “hijacked” by grassroots members exercising their democratic rights “through perfectly legitimate means”.
Through intrepid investigation Greg has uncovered the Ben Gowlett Will. Greg asks ‘How did the City Party account for the Ben Gowlett legacy? The answer is: It didn’t.’
He describes how Edward Crask, a prominent right-wing Hove Labour member
‘who likes to tell anyone and everyone that he was a Labour Party organiser for 20 years’ - was the treasurer responsible for the 2016 accounts, submitted on April 28 2017. The “total current assets” for the whole of the City Party is given as only £64,206; net assets are given as £60,531, less than the £61,000 that Cllr Hamilton now says remains of the Ben Gowlett legacy.’
Greg poses 10 Questions to Les Hamilton. Suffice to say there have been no answers! Greg says that there was no personal corruption involved and I understand his reluctance to get involved in legal action.  However there is no proof that there was no personal corruption by Leslie Hamilton or others in the Labour Party since there is no accounting whatsoever of what happened to the money.  Until Hamilton answers the questions posed to him then one has to assume that there may well be personal corruption, both on his and others’ behalf.
Greg describes how, on Tuesday, June 6 2017 there had been a huge get-out-the-vote rally with Barry Gardiner in the Synergy Centre, Brighton from which Greg had been refused entry on the grounds that he was suspended. I remember the meeting which I attended despite also being suspended. I went for a drink with Greg afterwards.  He was despondent about Labour’s election chances whereas I was of the contrary opinion.  After our drink I went to put a bet on at Ladbrokes that Labour would get more than 250 seats! It was the first time I went into a betting shop!
Greg describes more chicanery when he describes how on Wednesday, September 4an email from Jennie Formby invited applications for candidates for Brighton Pavilion constituency. It gave applicants less than 48 hours to meet a deadline of 5pm on Friday, September 6;
At 9.51am an anti-Corbyn troll tweeted “It won’t be you,”. At 12.25pm, @BuxtonFletcher1 tweeted again “Come and celebrate @greghadfield not getting selected, with a host of Labour members who all love Jeremy Corbyn so much they for @CarolineLucas”.
Adam Imanpour, Labour's PPC in Brighton Pavilion
Clearly someone with close contact with Labour Party officials had leaked the news. Greg’s suspicions were confirmed the next day when at 5.01pm on Thursday, November 7, Luke Stanger  ‘a vile Hove-based anti-Corbyn troll who had been suspended for alleged racism and bullying of women’ named the successful candidate as Adam Imanpour.
Anyone who has been active in Brighton and Hove Labour Party for the past 5 years should find this a riveting read.  But it is also of interest to the wider Labour Party membership. Brighton and Hove was one of two Labour parties, the other was Wallasey, suspended by the national Labour Party as a means of protecting the right-wing minority in those parties. In the case of Wallasey the purpose was also to protect sitting MP Angela Eagle who is and was vastly unpopular.
What Greg’s account proves beyond doubt is that the right-wing of the Labour Party has no morals, honesty or integrity.  They have all the cunning of a fox and behave like a syphilitic rat. Until the Left realise the nature of their adversary and are prepared to react accordingly they will always come out the loser.  There can never be unity with the Labour Right except on their terms. It is a mistake that generations of socialists have paid dearly for.
What the Labour Party in Brighton and Hove should have done was to refuse to accept being suspended without a fight, as we did in 1992 when we set up a shadow Labour Party, the Friends of Brighton Labour Party. We also held ward meetings in defiance of the national party.
The national and regional officials are corrupt and undemocratic.  Until Labour Party members are prepared to defy them and their local surrogates they will always lose out.
I have the distinction of being the only person to have been suspended in the Kinnock witchhunt of 1992 and to have been suspended under Corbyn in Brighton.  The difference is that Kinnock was of the Right whereas Corbyn was supposed to be on the Left.  Unfortunately Corbyn didn’t speak out once against the suspensions of Wallasey and Brighton and Hove. And therein lies the problem.  Corbyn’s ‘nicer kinder’ politics meant turning the other cheek to the Right and expelling the Left.
If lessons aren’t learn then the experience of the Left being outmanoeuvred by the Right will continue.
Do read Greg’s account of what happened in Brighton and Hove in the past 4 years.REVEALED: The Labour Party activists behind the “anti-semitism” smears

Why does the ‘only democratic state in the Middle East’ (Israel) sends Defence Ministry Agents to Archives in order to brow-beat them into hiding historical documents?


For nearly 20 years Israeli Arabs lived under military rule – not because they were a Fifth Column but to prevent them returning to the land that had stolen been from them

Haganah terrorists expelling Palestinian refugees from Haifa
Israel is a state that has been built on myths – whether it is that ‘god’ gave the settlers the land of the Palestinians or the fiction that in 1948, the Palestinians miraculously ran away on the orders of the Arab states in order that a Jewish state could be created. As Ilan Pappe, Benny Morris and other historians have demonstrated, the Palestinians left because they were forced to do so.

I have previously covered the topic of the desperate efforts of the Israeli state to prevent the truth emerging. This has taken the form of reclassifying documents that have been released to historians, presumably on the assumption that they were not copied and therefore any one quoting from them can’t prove that what they said is true.
At the end of this article in Ha’aretz, Adam Raz quotes the cynical comments of Yehiel Horev, the former director of the Malmab, the secretive Defence Ministry unit which is dedicated to rewriting the history of the Israeli military’s deeds. In an interview he made his purposes crystal clear:
“When the state imposes confidentiality, the published work is weakened… If someone writes that the horse is black, if the horse isn’t outside the barn, you can’t prove that it’s really black.”
Of course all nations based their identity on myths such as the tales of King Arthur and his knights. Israel’s national myths are not just about ancient tales of kings but about recent events where the evidence is crystal clear.  Myths that are national lies with the sole purpose of legitimising the theft of land.
Before and after - the Palestinian Al Hambra cinema in 1937 and today a Church of Scientology centre

From 1949 to 1966 Israel’s Arab population was kept under military government. They could not leave their villages without permission. As is the case with everything in Israel the excuse was that the Arabs were a fifth column, a security threat.
We now know, as the article by Adam Raz explains, that this was never true and was not believed by the military establishment either. The purpose of military rule was in order to prevent Israel’s Arabs, who had often been displaced by the fighting from their villages, from returning to their land.
A law, the Absentee Property Law was passed in 1950 with the specific purpose of defining the property of persons who were expelled, fled or left the country after 29 November 1947 as well as their property (land, houses, bank accounts etc.), as “absentees”.
Property belonging to absentees was placed under the control of the Custodian for Absentees’ Property. The Absentees’ Property Law 1950 was the main legal instrument used by Israel to take possession of the land belonging to the internal and external Palestinian refugees.
Zionists loot a sofa from a Palestinian house (left) and today (right)

An Orwellian category Present-Absentees was created. You could be present in Israel, having not been expelled, and still be absent.  Even if you left your house in 1948 because of the fighting or you were forced out by the Haganah you are still counted as an Internally Displaced Person. Of course Israeli Jews who were forced to leave their homes face no such prohibition.
It is estimated today that 1 in 4 Israeli Palestinians are Internally Displaced Persons. That lies at the root of inequality in Israel, an inequality emphasised by the Jewish Nation State Law that made ‘Jewish settlement’ into a national virtue.
IDPs are not permittedto live in the homes they formerly lived in, even if they were in the same area, the property still exists, and they can show that they own it. [Tom Segev, 1949: The First Israelis, pp. 68-91].
However it was one thing to pass a racist law but it was another thing to implement that law. Israeli Palestinians desired nothing more than to return to where they were living but for Zionism, all wings of the Zionist movement including the ‘left’ Mapam, it was an article of faith that no Palestinian should ever return to their home even if they only moved a mile away for safety.
Thus it was that military rule was instituted over Israel’s Palestinian population.  By forbidding them to leave their villages without permission it made it that much easier to prevent unauthorised access to their previous homes. This was necessary because although Zionist settlers moved into their former villages this took time, not least because at that time there weren’t enough Zionist settlers.
Thus Israel was born in a fit of ethnic cleansing and today the job of Malmad and the Ministry of Defence is to keep documents of the time secret and hidden and to perpetuate the myth that the Palestinian refugees left of their own accord.
Tony Greenstein
A document unsealed after 60 years reveals the Israeli government’s secret intentions behind the imposition of a military government on the country’s Arab citizens in 1948: not to enhance security but to ensure Jewish control of the land
Jan 31, 2020 11:50 AM

Arabs awaiting a security check in Kfar Qasem, during the War of Independence.GPO

Israel’s defense establishment has for years endeavored to conceal historical documentation in various archives around the country, as was revealed in an article in Haaretz last July.
That article, which followed up on a study by the Akevot Institute for Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Research, noted that for closed to 20 years, the staff at Malmab – the Defense Ministry’s secretive security department (the name is a Hebrew acronym for “director of security of the defense establishment”) – had been visiting public and private archives and forcing their directors to mothball documents relating to Israeli history, with special emphasis on the Arab-Israeli conflict. This was done without legal authority. The article sparked a furor, and dozens of researchers and historians urged the defense minister at the time, Benjamin Netanyahu, to halt the clandestine illegal activity. Their appeal received no response.
When the state imposes confidentiality, the published work is weakened… If someone writes that the horse is black, if the horse isn’t outside the barn, you can’t prove that it’s really black.
What sort of documents did Malmab order the directors to hide away in their archives’ safes? The many and varied examples include: thick files kept by the military government under which Israel’s Arab citizens lived for 18 years; testimony about the looting and destruction of Arab villages during the Independence War; cabinet ministers’ comments on the Arab refugee situation, following that war; evidence of acts of expulsion and testimony about camps set up for captives; information about Israel’s nuclear project; documents relating to various foreign policy issues; and even a letter sent by the poet and Holocaust survivor Abba Kovner about his own anti-Arab sentiments.
It’s not clear whether Malmab has reduced its activity in the archives since the article was published. However, it can be said that during the past six months, files earlier ordered closed by Malmab have been reopened, adding to our knowledge of the history of the two peoples who share this land. Though none are earth-shattering in historical significance, these are important documents that shed light on significant aspects of various events.
One such document is a secret codicil to a report drawn up by the government-appointed Ratner Committee in early 1956. The document, restored from oblivion in a safe at the Yad Yaari Research and Documentation Center at Givat Haviva, is titled, “Security Settlement and the Land Question.”
The importance of the information included in the codicil can be seen within the context of the history of the military government imposed on Israel’s Arabs in 1948, just months after independence, and abolished only in 1966. There were about 156,000 Arabs in Israel at the war’s end. Following the armistice agreement with Jordan (April 1949) and the annexation of the Triangle – a concentration of Arab locales in central Israel – 27 villages, from Kafr Qasem in the south to Umm al-Fahm in the north, also fell under the jurisdiction of the military government.
Administratively, the latter was divided into three regions: north, center (Triangle) and Negev. Sixty percent of Israel’s Arab citizens lived in Galilee, 20 percent in the Triangle and the rest in the Negev and in various so-called mixed cities, such as Haifa and Acre. In practice, about 85 percent of all Arab citizens were under the rule of the military government, subject to night-time curfews and regulations requiring them to obtain a travel permit before leaving their area of residence.
Related Articles
The military government was based on the Defense (Emergency) Regulations, promulgated in 1945 by British mandatory authorities, and invoked by Israel to facilitate supervision of the movement and settlement of its Arab citizens, and to prevent their return to the areas captured by Jewish forces in the Independence War. The Jewish public was told that the purpose of the military government was to deter hostile actions against the state by its Arab citizens. In practice, however, it only exacerbated the enmity between the two peoples.
The secret addendum. Described the military government as a tool in the struggle against Arab "trespassers.

The military government, an ugly episode in Israeli history, was the subject of severe criticism at the time, not least by certain members of the Jewish community. Various parties on both the left and the right – Ahdut Ha’avodah, Mapam, the Communist Party and Herut (precursor of Likud) – objected, each for its own reasons, to its imposition. One reason for the opposition was that, as early as the early 1950s, the Shin Bet security service had concluded that the country’s Arab citizens did not pose any sort of security risk.
Opinion was also divided in Mapai, the ruling party (precursor of Labor). The state committee that was headed by Prof. Yohanan Ratner, a retired general and architect, was the second body appointed to consider whether the military government was necessary. The first, convened by Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, in 1949, had decided to leave the status quo in place. In February 1956, the three members of the Ratner Committee reached the unanimous conclusion that
“the military government has been reduced as much as it can be, and there is no place for a further reduction.”
That this was probably a foregone conclusion is attested to by a remark made in public by a member of that panel, Daniel Auster (mayor of Jerusalem until 1950):
“Of 200,000 Arabs and other minorities now residing in Israel, we did not find one who is loyal to the state.”
Secret action
A few years later, in the early 1960s, when pressure mounted to abolish the military government, Ben-Gurion explained that it was still essential in order to prevent an insurrection by the country’s Arabs. The state’s existence depends on the presence of the military government, he maintained, although he did not mention the opposition to it of the security establishment. However, it gradually became clear that what truly interested the advocates of the government was not security but control over land. That had been facilitated by Article 125 of the Defense (Emergency) Regulations (1945), under which a military commander can issue an order to close “any area or place.”
In a closed meeting of the Mapai leadership, in 1962, Ben-Gurion stated that without article 125, “we would not have been able to do what we did” in the Negev and Galilee. “Northern Galilee is Judenrein [empty of Jews],” he warned.
“We will find ourselves in that situation for many years if we do not prevent – by means of Article 125, by administrative force and military force – entry into forbidden areas. And in the eyes of the Arabs these forbidden areas are theirs. Because the land of Ayalon [Valley] is Arab land.”
Despite the inherent logic of this argument, few testimonies exist about the military government’s latent nationalist motivations. For one thing, there was a tacit understanding, rarely violated, that this was not a subject for public discussion. The secret appendix to the Ratner Committee’s report, found in the Yaari Archives and in the State Archives, and being published here for the first time, is highly illuminating about the true motives that guided the country’s leaders.
According to the panel, the army alone could not safeguard state lands: only Jewish settlement – “security settlement,” as it was called – could do that in the long run. It was thus essential to establish Jewish settlements in the three geographical zones overseen by the military government. Such a process, however, would be lengthy, the committee members agreed, and in the meantime Arab citizens uprooted in the war wanted to return to their homes – something that could not be prevented through legislation. In the view of the codicil’s framers,
 “The laxness [by the Arabs] in seizing these areas is due mainly to the fact these areas were closed by the military government or under its supervision.”
They added that only
“the vigilance of the military government’s representatives largely prevented more serious lawlessness in regard to land seizure.”
In other words, it was that government that prevented the Arabs from returning to their lands.
The report’s authors also objected to a decision made by Pinhas Lavon, a senior Mapai figure who opposed the military government and who replaced Ben-Gurion as defence minister in early 1954 (but resigned a year later during the so-called Lavon affair, which involved a covert operation in Egypt that went wrong). Lavon cancelled the prior decision to divide Galilee into 46 separate, closed areas in which Arabs needed a permit to move from one to another. A division into three or four zones would be enough, to his mind, and would ease life for Arab citizens. The committee members were adamantly against this, arguing that it had led to excessively free movement by the Arabs, because of which “the takeover of the state’s lands increased.”
The Ratner Committee exceeded the official mandate it received upon its appointment in late 1955. Its secret codicil also includes detailed recommendations for amending property laws, particularly an Ottoman statute from 1858. The latter stipulated that anyone, Jew or Arab, who resided on land for 10 years consecutively, was entitled to retain it permanently. Now, eight years after Israel’s founding, the committee was worried that within two years, much land would be lost and transferred to Arab citizens. Its recommendation, then, was to abolish the time frame in regard to remaining on these lands.
The text of the secret codicil shows unequivocally that a major task of the military government was to act as a means to control the state’s lands until their permanent status could be regularised and until, with state support, Jewish settlement could begin in formerly Arab areas. Hence, one of the committee’s conclusions:
“Until the stabilisation of security settlement in the few reserve areas that can still be settled, it is essential to maintain the military government in these places and to strengthen its apparatus… so that the military government can ensure, directly and indirectly, that the lands are not lost to the state.”
The panel described the military government as a tool in the struggle against Arab “trespassers,” and added that without the military government, “many more areas are liable to be lost to the state.” In a reprimand to the state, the committee noted that the military government was suffering from “known laxness… as a result of the criticism being levelled at it.”
Published in part at the time (without the secret section), the Ratner Committee’s recommendations provoked considerable public and governmental criticism. Ben-Gurion, who received a copy of the report in February 1956, blocked discussion of it for months because of disagreements within the government. The Sinai War, which erupted in October 1956, meant that it stayed off the agenda for an even longer period. Ultimately, the report was never submitted to the government for approval, but nevertheless served as the basis for policy in the coming years. In 1958, another committee, headed by Justice Minister Pinhas Rosen, suggested far-reaching changes in the military government, effectively proposing its almost total abolition. Not surprisingly, the cabinet held lengthy discussions in 1959 about whether to publish the recommendations of the Rosen committee.
Why did the state continue to conceal a report that was written more than six decades ago? The explanation might lie in a cabinet session in July 1959, in which Education Minister Zalman Aranne stated that “among the conclusions are some that are political.” In other words, security had nothing to do with it. He added,
 “The thing must be done, but not revealed, such as Judaizing Galilee, for example.”
Perhaps it’s appropriate here to recall the words of Yehiel Horev, the former director of the Malmab, who admitted in an interview to Haaretz last July that the defense establishment is simply trying to hamper historians.
“When the state imposes confidentiality, the published work is weakened… If someone writes that the horse is black, if the horse isn’t outside the barn, you can’t prove that it’s really black.”
Adam Raz, a historian, is a researcher at the Akevot Institute for Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Research and author of the book “Kafr Qasem Massacre: A Political Biography,” published in both Hebrew and Arabic.

Public Webinar - Socialism amidst Covid-19 - May 20, 2020 07:00 pm (GMT)


What Should Be Our Response as Labour and the Tories Urge Us to Return to Work?

Prof Dave Hill (LLA) will introduce the meeting speaking on Coronavirus, Capitalism and Socialism.

Dr Bob Gill will speak on the state of the NHS prior to Covid19; how the government has handled the crisis; the future impact of the pandemic on patients and the NHS.

Janet Sang from Sussex Defend the NHS will speak on Fighting for the NHS - the local issues.

We’ll also have the viewpoint of two frontline workers, one from the NHS and a housing worker, on what’s happening on the ground.

Following which questions will be welcomed.

Jacob de Haan, the first victim of a Zionist Political Assassination was a Gay anti-Zionist Jew, the representative of Jerusalem's Orthodox Haredi Jews

The murder was ordered by Yitzhak ben Zvi, who became Israel’s second President – Zionism has always feared Jewish anti-Zionistsbecause we are the living proof of their lies 

When the Board of Deputies issued their 10 Commandments to candidates in the Labour leadership elections they were careful to ensure that the candidates pledged that they would not meet with dissident Jewish groups that the Zionist Board didn’t approve.  Anti-Zionist Jews have always been one of the principal targets of the Zionists because we are living proof that their claim to represent Jewish interests is a lie.
I am indebted to Richard Silverstein, whose article I copy below, for writing this article about someone who has been long and undeservedly forgotten. Jacob de Haan was openly gay before it was fashionable to come out.
Board of Deputies' Commandment No. 8 - do not mix with 'fringe' Jewish groups and individuals
But whereas the Zionist leaders in 1924 had Jacob de Haan assassinated by the Haganah terrorist group, today their chosen weapon is ‘anti-Semitism’. When I happen to meet up with Zionists you can see the hatred burning in their eyes as they call us ‘traitors’ ‘self-haters’ and so on. If you are not loyal to your ‘nation’ and its bastard offspring, Israel, then you are worse even than an Arab.
So it was that Jacob de Haan, the representative of the ultra-Orthodox haredi in Palestine was felled by an assassin’s bullet. De Haan wasn’t the only victim of a Zionist assassination.  Count Folk Bernadotte, the UN mediator, was also assassinatedin November 1948 in Jerusalem.  Bernadotte, who was personally responsible for the rescue of thousands of Jews from the concentration camps, wanted the UN to take responsibility for Jerusalem as an international city.  However this is for another day.
Poem by Haan in Amsterdam
Jacob de Haan was open about being gay and today he is remembered by a poem etched on a memorial in central Amsterdam. Ido Liven describeshow one stone pillar standing in central Amsterdam is anything but a tourist attraction, certainly nothing like the Rembrandt House Museum just across the street. Rather, it is a memorial dedicated to Jacob Israël de Haan, who was murdered 90 years ago today.
The modest monument dedicated to him, located at what used to be Amsterdam’s Jewish quarter, bears a quote from one of his poems that was published the same year he was assassinated:
Who in Amsterdam often said ‘Jerusalem’
And finds himself driven to Jerusalem
Whispers in a wistful voice
‘Amsterdam, Amsterdam’

And yet, in 2001 it was The Netherlands that became the world’s first nation to legalize same-sex marriage. In fact, in January 2012, Amsterdam’s Jewish community suspendedits chief rabbi after he had written that homosexuality is an incurable disease.
Also, mixed couples – married or not – are also a non-issue in The Netherlands.
In Israel none of that is possible. Sadly, in a society that sees itself as open and liberal, both same-sex and inter-religious (or simply civil) marriage are considered a red rag. In fact, had he lived today, De Haan would probably have been as much of an outcast today as he was before being assassinated in 1924.
Ha’aretz’s David Green describedhow, in 1922, the same year that Jacob de Haan defended Agudath Israel, the Haredi political movement, in a trial over its refusal to pay a new excise tax levied by Zionist authorities on matzot before Passover, he also met with Lord Northcliffe, founder of the Daily Mail newspaper in London, when the latter visited the region. He shared his anti-Zionist views with Northcliffe and those views were reported back in the United Kingdom. Soon, de Haan was offered work as a correspondent for the Daily Express. De Haan also met with Hashemite leader Hussein bin Ali, the King of Hejaz, to discuss the establishment of a Palestinian state.
These were the days when the Tory press, The Daily Express and Mail, were vehemently opposed to the Palestine Mandate which they saw as a waste of imperial treasure and serving no useful purpose except antagonising the Arabs.  Probably not a stance that they want reminding of today.
De Haan became persona non grata among Zionists, including his law students. One anecdote has him walking with a Dutch visitor, who observed that as people passed them into the street, they were spitting on the sidewalk. The visitor thought this was a sign of disrespect, to which de Haan responded, according to Dutch historian Ludy Giebels: “"Oh no, they spit on the street out of respect for you, your presence. Otherwise they would have spit in my face."
It was only in the 1980s that his assassin,  Avraham Tehomi, told two Israeli journalists, Shlomo Nakdimon and Shaul Mayzlish, that he had been acting on orders of the Haganah, specifically Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, an officer in the militia and a political activist:
“I have done what the Haganah decided had to be done. And nothing was done without the order of Yitzhak Ben-Zvi ... I have no regrets because he [de Haan] wanted to destroy our whole idea of Zionism.”
He has been described as a Jewish Lawrence of Arabia
Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, spiritual leader of Israel’s Haredi Jews
May 13, 2020 by Richard Silverstein

There are a number of figures who played major roles in the pre-State era who have unjustly faded into oblivion. Jacob De Haanis one of these.  He packed more life into his short 43 years than others could pack in several lifetimes.  He was a teacher, poet, journalist, lawyer and a close confidant of one of Israel’s leading religious figures of the first decades of the 20th century, Rabbi Chaim Sonnenfeld. At various times in his life he was a socialist, an atheist who married a non-Jew, an ultra-Orthodox Jew, a Zionist, and an anti-Zionist. He was also gay and publicly identified himself as such.
De Haan was born in a small northern Dutch village, one of sixteen children, born to a father who was a cantor, melamed (religious teacher) and ritual shochet (slaughterer).   He himself earned his teaching certification and became a teacher, later moving to Amsterdam.  There he taught in the city schools and became a socialist.  He lost his religious faith and married a non-Jewish doctor ten years his senior, who later supported him in his legal studies.
He became editor of the children’s page of the socialist party’s newspaper.  At the same time, he began frequenting the city’s gay underworld and wrote an explicitly homoerotic novel, Pijpelijntjes (“Pipelines”).  The novel recounts his relationship with a prominent married medical doctor who pioneered the field of criminal anthropologist, Arnold Aletrino.  The book is dedicated to him.  As it became popular, Aletrino became scandalized by the notoriety and he, together with De Haan’s then-fiance, traveled throughout the city to buy up every copy they could find.  A second edition removed the dedication to Aletrino and changed the main characters’ names in order to distance them from their real-life originals.
The book’s focus on the gay demi-monde and the characters’ flirtations with young boys and portrayal of sadomasochistic behavior ended his career as a children’s journalist and his teaching career as well. But De Haan was undeterred and continued to write homosexual novels and poetry.
His contemporaries noted he was what Ludi Geibels calls (p. 110) “a figure of striking personality.”  The death of his mother, who played an outsize role in life, brought on a severe mental breakdown.  In his poetry, he gives voice to flights of ecstatic spiritual rapture alternating with a celebration of carnal lust.  His novels portray his obsession with sadomasochism sex play. The existence of such dichotomies in the same soul seems one of the most striking characteristics of his personality.
This tortured attempt to integrate one’s sexuality in the context of society and its expectation is a trait commonly seen in the lives of many gay individuals, though attempting to bridge homosexuality and the life of an ultra-Orthodox Jew seems one of the most extreme examples of such integration.
The British governor of Jerusalem, Sir Ronald Storrs, who De Haanadmired, portrayed him as “facially an intellectual version of Vincent Van Gogh, whose dreadful glare of an unknown terror sometimes blazed in his eyes.” Today, undoubtedly he might have received a diagnosis of manic-depressive disorder.  Given his massive struggle with his sexual identity, it’s astonishing how productive and ambitious were his political achievements in the few years he lived in Palestine before his murder.
De Haan’s older sister, Carry van Bruggen, was also a distinguished writer known for her literary innovation and rebelliousness.  She suffered from depression her entire life and committed suicide at the age of 51.
Back in the Netherlands, De Haan had already enrolled in the law school and earned his law degree, where he made his mark as a legal theoretician.  He pioneered the field of semiotics in the law, which “demonstrated that legal writing often contained (and obscured) hidden agendas, and altered power relations in ways not explicitly expressed.”  He specialized in criminal law and became interested in the plight of the Jews of eastern Europe and Russia who faced pogroms and massive waves of anti-Semitism.  Common at the time was the notion that Jews were identified with criminality, a notion prevalent in European criminal law, which De Haan disputed.
After his socialist comrades abandoned him, De Haan turned to an altogether different political movement, Zionism.  The suffering of the Jews in Russia moved him and he came to see Zionism as a means of providing safe haven for such communities.
He combined his scholarly and Zionist interests with a two-year-long trip to Russia where he conducted research on the Czarist prisons.  In particular, he focussed on the Jewish inmates often accused of sympathy for the Bolsheviks.   He described his trip as “two full years of unremitting work in Russia on behalf of his suffering Jews.”
Trip to Czarist Russia and Turn to Orthodox Judaism
Sometime during his Russia travels he returned to the faith of his ancestors and resumed Orthodox Jewish practices.  On his return, he joined the Orthodox Zionist party, the Mizrahi.  At this point he began to consider making aliyah to Palestine, a calling heard in the recitations from the daily prayer book.  If he could not make his mark in Holland, he would set out on a new adventure as the first Dutch Jew to emigrate to the Holy Land.  At the suggestion of a leading Zionist, Israel Zangwill, De Haan wrote to Chaim Weizmann, offering himself as a leading Dutch Jewish poet of his generation eager to do his part on behalf of his people.
Weizmann was not impressed. The Zionist movement in 1919, when he arrived, did not need poets.  It needed clerks, teachers, mechanics, farmers, guards and ideologues.  He didn’t receive the rapturous welcome he expected when he arrived in Jerusalem.  But he did take up a teaching position in the British Mandate’s new College of Law.  He joined Vladimir Jabotinsky as a co-founder of the law program.
When the latter was arrested by the British for organized an armed militia to defend Jews during the Palestinian riots, De Haan joined his legal defense, where he provided flamboyant and effective counsel.
Increasingly, De Haan found himself at odds with the Yishuv Zionist leadership in its approach toward both the Orthodox and Palestinian communities.  Dishonest land deals negotiated by Zionist financiers, which deprived Palestinian peasants of land and livelihood distressed him in particular.  He gravitated toward the ultra-Orthodox movement which, through the Agudat Yisrael organization, represented a significant percentage of the Jewish population of Palestine, especially in communities like Hebron, Tiberias, Jerusalem, and Safed.
Unlike the secular or Orthodox Zionists, the Agudah championed both Ashkenazi and Sefardi Jews in Palestine, marking a major break from the Yishuv’s focus largely on the Eastern European Ashkenazi (a bias that continued for decades even after the establishment of the State).
Disciple of Rabbi Sonnenfeld
In this period, De Haan met and became a disciple of the leader of the Haredi community, Rabbi Sonnenfeld.  Originally from Austro-Hungary, Sonnenfeld was not a typical holy man.  He was learned in both secular and religious fields and open to the world outside Judaism in ways that many of his disciples were not.  He was also quite astute politically and understood that De Haan’s legal training and sharp political mind was something lacking amidst the Agudah’s fold. Michael Berkowitz quotes Sonnenfeld:
He knew that he required “a loyal and well-versed lawyer to plead in the courts, advise delegates to conferences, draft petitions and memoranda, study proposals and precendents and explain the general situation in answer to sympathetic inquiries.”
This suited De Haan to a ‘T,’ and they took an immediate liking to each other with the Dutchman becoming one of the rabbi’s most trusted advisors.  He became something akin to a foreign minister for the Haredim: its representative to the outside non-Jewish world.  He spoke up to the British Mandatory authorities not only on behalf of the interests of the Haredim, but also in opposition to the prevailing Zionist movement.  De Haanalso became a powerful journalist-advocate who wrote columns for Dutch and English newspapers which advanced ideas in direct contradiction of those of the Zionist movement. He was handsomely remunerated for his journalistic reportage, which afforded him financial independence from Palestinian society.
De Haan’s homosexuality was well-known and Sonnenfeld understood that his protege’s skills in advancing the Haredi cause were more important than the sin represented by his sexual identity.  It is a remarkably progressive (or perhaps cynical) view, considering the absolute taboo against homosexuality inscribed in Jewish religious law.
Ultra-Orthodoxy, Anti-Zionism and Political Threat
The Haredim opposed national sovereignty and creation of a State for religious reasons (awaiting the Messiah who would restore the Davidic monarchy).  They preferred to remain under British colonial control, believing that the Empire would afford Jews security in their homeland.  But they did not ignore the Palestinians living in their midst.  They understood that they shared the land with them and sought ways to co-exist peacefully.  This was one of the reasons Haredim opposed shoddy land deals negotiated between Ottoman absentee landlords and Zionist purchasers.  De Haanalso roiled the Zionists when he pursued independent diplomacy, meeting with Arab monarchs who exercised authority (or sought to do so) in Palestine.
At the same time, De Haan, the cultivated and learned European Jew, enjoyed a prominent role in Jewish society frequenting soirees at the home of a prominent Jewish socialite which brought together literary, cultural and civic figures including British officials.  He used such an entree to impress the British with his sophistication and erudition, becoming a favored interlocutor among both the Jewish and British elite class.
This too rankled the Zionists, who sprang from the Eastern Europe working class and prided themselves on forming a socialist laboring class that would create the new state they envisioned.  They had very little in common with the British Christian ruling elite, which hailed from aristocratic families.
Despite De Haan’s radical ideas in the Yishuv context, he was an avowed Orientalist.  He viewed Arabs as the Exotic Other, the tantalizing and desired.  In his poetry, he waxed rhapsodic about these people of the mysterious east.  It was a poetic version of Gaugin’s paintings of voluptuous Tahitian maidens, and a common European motif. It was also reminiscent of the medieval Spanish Hebrew poetry of Yehuda HaLevi: “My heart is in the east, but I am at the far reaches of the west.”
But unlike the typical Orientalist of the period, De Haan did not so much seek to foist western values on the east.  Rather, he sought to elevate the east to an equal, and integrate it with the civilization of the west.  His vision was not unlike that of Lawrence of Arabia in seeking to create a united Arab nation out of the disparate tribes of the region. But in at least one sense, DeHaan’s vision was even more radical: he sought to unite two separate religious and ethnic groups into one united political entity that would advance the interests of both.
De Haan, unlike the Zionists, he did not wish to conquer or expel the Palestinians.  He sought to unite with them, or at least respectfully co-exist with them.
One of the major goals of the Agudah was to roll back the Balfour Declaration which, in 1917, had declared the goal of the British Empire to establish a “national home” for the Jewish people. De Haan’s vision was altogether different: he saw the Jews of Palestine living together with their Palestinian neighbors in relative harmony.  Even if the British eventually ended the Mandate, the Haredi leader believed that he could negotiate a similarly stable, productive relationship with King Abdullah of Transjordan.
Yitzhak Ben Tzvi, architect of De Haan’s murder, at Tel Hai shrine (1934)

Given that the Yishuv leadership’s ultimate goal was to drive the British out of the region and establish a nation-state for the Jewish people, De Haan was a powerful, effective and dangerous opponent.  The conflict came to a head when he announced that he planned a voyage to Britain, where he expected to conduct high-level diplomacy with leading officials responsible for Mandatory affairs.  The possibility that he could unravel years of progress made by the Zionist movement toward its goal of national sovereignty was too serious to ignore.
Who Gave the Order?
A recent Haaretz article recountsthe discovery of the previously-unknown journal of the then-chief of the Zionist militia, the Haganah, Yosef Hecht.  It was he who gave the order to murder De Haan.  Though Hecht does not clarify whether he received explicit approval from the leader of the Yishuv, Yitzhak Ben Tzvi (later to become the country’s second president), the assassin whom Hecht charged with the mission, did claim in a 1985 interview that Ben Tzvi directly approved it: :
“I have done what the Haganah decided had to be done. And nothing was done without the order of Yitzhak Ben-Zvi. I have no regrets because he [de Haan] wanted to destroy our whole idea of Zionism.”

Avraham Tehomi, assassin of De Haan, later first commander of Jewish terror organization, Etzel

The murderers did try beforehand to warn De Haan that he was a marked man.  They urged him to leave the country.  But he was not one to be deterred.  In fact, he saw himself as a visionary, a pioneer, and possibly even a martyr.  He was almost philosophical about his own death.  He certainly would not let his enemies change his course.
Thus, on the evening of June 30, 1924, the day before he was to set sail for England, De Haan left the synagogue of Shaarey Tzedek Hospital after evening prayers.  He was accosted by Avraham Tehomi, who drew out a pistol and shot him three times.  He died soon after.
Though there was outrage both in the Haredi community and the world outside Palestine at his murder, no one was ever arrested.  The Yishuv, in order to deflect blame from itself, spread the calumnious rumor that one of De Haan’s Arab lovers had murdered him in a fit of jealous rage. As a deflection, it had a bit of genius to it, as it served to reinforce the Arabophobia of the Jewish population: this is what happens when a Jew betrays his tribe and consorts with Arabs.  This is his reward for his sympathy for them.
Tom Segev, whose majesterial biography of Ben Gurion, A State at Any Cost, was published last year, wrote this account of the assassination for Haaretz in 2010:
…Zman Yerushalayim, came out with a five-page article, centering around an interview with a 74-year-old man named Yosef Meshi, who proudly claims: “My father was the murderer.”
The father, Ze’ev Meshi, was a member of a fanatic Zionist underground group called Hamifal. According to Yosef, his father told him that de Haan’s activity was a threat to the Zionist enterprise, and therefore the group decided to murder him. They sat in the granary on Moshav Nahalal and drew straws to decide who would carry out the act. The responsibility fell to Ze’ev Meshi and a man named Avraham Tehomi.
…According to Meshi: His father stood guard in the alley and made sure nobody approached, and Tehomi fired.
…Based also on testimony found in the Haganah archive…de Haan was murdered by order of that organization [the Haganah], and the decision to kill him was taken according to a formal, organized process. Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, who would later become Israel’s second president, was among the planners of the murder, as may have been the country’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion.
In the Ben Gurion biography, he adds more details about the Zionist leader’s views on the murder:
The Zionist establishment condemned him as an anti-Semitic rogue; nearly everyone agreed he was insane. Ben Gurion accused him of “betrayal and deception, talebearing and slander.”
…Ben Gurion went to watch the funeral. He estimated there were…about 200 people in attendance. “I did not see among the mourners any profound anger. Apparently, most of the Jews accepted it without getting much exercised about it.”
The question of whather Ben Gurion had been involved in the murder would soon arise; in other words, the question Ben Zvi would have taken upon himself to approve such a deed without informing Ben Gurion. Perhaps he would have…There is no reason to belive that Ben Gurion saw any need to liquidate De Haan.
De Haan’s death left Ben Gurion unmoved, but he likely saw the assassination as just one more in the series of subversive acts carried out [by the Haganah] without the authority of the Histadrut [Ben Gurion’s fiefdom], and that was intolerable.
Tehomi, the assassin, was later expelled from the Haganah and became the first commander of the Jewish terror organization, Etzel.  Hecht, who authorized the assassination, was eventually deposed as Haganah chief and disappeared into the back pages of Zionist history.  Ben Gurion found the murder of fellow Jews distasteful.  It’s not clear whether he held this view for purely pragmatic reasons because it made the Zionist movement look bad; or because the murder of fellow Jews made the Zionist movement look like it lacked discipline and self-control.  He clearly had no moral compunctions about the murder.  At any rate, after Hecht later conducted a drumhead court-martial in 1930 Ben Gurion sacked him:
The trial was held…before a panel of three commanders, none of whom had a legal background, and in the absence of the accused himself…He was charged with providing information about the Haganah to a senior officer in the Mandatory police…and was ordered to kill himself.
After the trial, two of the judges broke into the condemned man’s home…bombarded him with accusations, forced him to sign a confession of treason and, on their way out, left him with a loaded pistol with which he carried out the sentence.
Hecht’s role in the formation of the precursor of the national army receded and he was largely forgotten until his notebooks were discovered and reported in Haaretz.
Assassination as a Tool of Political Domination
Sonnenfeld and the Haredi religious movement never mounted a similar challenge to the Zionists after De Haan’s murder. They were cowed and accepted dominance of the secular Zionists in political affairs. Henceforth, ultra-Orthodoxy retreated from the political area (at least as a potential rival to Zionism) and largely reverted to a purely religious movement.  In this sense, the assassination succeeded in suppressing a movement that threatened Zionist hegemony.
Assassinations serve many purposes for those who commit them: some are acts of desperation and protest like the murders of Nazi diplomat, Ernst Von Rath by Herschel Grynszpan (which led to Kristallnacht); or the assassination of Rudolf Heydrich by the Czech resistance. Others like the assassination of Lord LeMoyne by Lehi seek to lay down a marker warning the colonial enemy that terror will lead to their eventual defeat. But the assassination of De Haanwas an expression of dominance by the Zionist leadership–that it would brook no competition or threat to its power and control of the Yishuv’s political future.
De Haan as Victim of Zionist Homophobia
There was a second, less obvious element in the murder plot. Though De Haanwas viewed primarily as a political enemy of the Yishuv, he was also despised as a sexual deviant by Zionist Jews. He was known to groom young Palestinian boys and had such a male servant with whom he was suspected of conducting a homosexual relationship.
Though today, Brand Israel uses pink-washing to paint Israel as a paradise for the global LGBT community, De Haan’s murder has explicit homophobic elements.  The official historian of the Haganah, Prof. Yehuda Slutsky, wrote this of the murder victim:
…He of the dangerous pathological background, tainted with homosexuality and with the lust of his perverse acts of love with the Arab shabab [youth].”
It is no accident that the first Zionist political assassination of a fellow Jew incorporated raging homophobia as well.  It’s important to note that such hate continues to simmer in Israeli society to this day with the Bar Noar (unsolved) and Jerusalem Pride murder.
Zionism and its adherents can readily understand hatred against the Palestinian Arab enemy.  Such violence is almost inbred in the struggle between these two peoples. But it much more troubling to accept that inherent in Zionism is a murderous urge to eliminate Jewish dissidents as well.  That’s certainly why this particular tragedy has receded to the periphery of Zionist consciousness.
But it is important to understand that Zionism was not a visionary, altruistic enterprise solely seeking the good and happiness of the Jewish people. It was a ruthless movement which viewed itself as part of an existential struggle to ensure the continuity of the Jewish people in the face of centuries of Jew-hatred.
Nor were such assassinations a one-off phenomenon.  Seventy years later, in 1995, another murderer fueled by Judean settler rage and blessed by their rabbis assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.  His “crime” was to sign the Oslo Accords and threaten the demise of the Greater Land of Israel, and the messianic vision of Gush Emunim to resettle the entire Biblical Land of Israel and thus hasten the coming of the Messiah.
As was true of De Haan, the settlers who plotted the murder knew they could not defeat Rabin at the ballot box.  Their only recourse was through a gun barrel. Yigal Amir’s murder did precisely that. Though Rabin’s successor, Simon Peres, promised to continue the martyr’s legacy, he squandered whatever political capital the killing offered. The Labor Party lost power and Bibi Netanyahu assumed the leadership during his first term as prime minister.  Oslo was dead and interred in its grave. The Labor Party went into a gradual decline that has continued, to the point where today it stands on the brink of oblivion.
So the Rabin assassination, similar to that of Jacob De Haanensured the dominance of Likudist ultra-nationalism and rejectionism as the path for the Israeli state for decades to come.
See also
Assassinated for his opposition to Zionism, de Haan’s life was a succession of scandals, from sex with young Arabs to radical diplomacy
October 01, 2014
It was late afternoon on Friday, June 30, 1924, and the shopkeepers along Jaffa Road were rolling down the thin screens of corrugated metal and shutting down for Shabbat, shouting greetings at each other and slamming doors. The din didn’t seem to bother Jacob de Haan: Walking out of the makeshift synagogue in the back yard of the Sha’are Tzedek hospital, he stopped in front of the building’s imposing façade, lost in thought.
He had much on mind: The new book he had just published was scandalous, its 900 short poems much more candid than de Haan had ever been in print about his love for young Arab boys. And there was the upcoming trip to London, to convince the government there that not all of the Jews in Palestine were hell-bent on independence; the Zionists, incensed, had threatened de Haan more than once, but he didn’t care. His convictions, like his poems, were deeply felt. He started marching down the street.
A tall man, all dressed in white, approached him and asked him for the time. De Haan reached into his pocket and tugged on a thin gold chain, removing an ornate watch and straining to read its hands. The tall man reached for his own pocket and pulled out a long revolver. Just as de Haan looked back up at the tall man’s translucent blue eyes and his shock of black hair, three shots rang out, clearly audible even amid the noise. The tall man ran into a nearby backyard, his loose white shirt flapping in the breeze like a ghost. De Haan fell on the sidewalk, grasping his chest, bleeding. A few minutes later, he was dead.
Growing up, I often heard the story of de Haan’s assassination: He was the confidante and the right-hand man of my grandmother’s grandfather, the great Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, the leader of the anti-Zionist haredicommunity in pre-state Jerusalem. I’ve been to the spot where he was struck—the building now houses the state-run broadcasting authority—and tried to imagine him lying there, his magnificent and unending forehead against the cool pavement, looking up at the trees and the limestone walls, his vitality flickering, his breast wet and warm with blood.
But while I knew much about how Jacob de Haan died, I knew very little about how he had lived. When I finally bothered asking—reading old newspaper accounts and transcripts of interviews, sifting through my ancestor’s multi-volume biography, and perusing the surprising number of online tributes to a largely forgotten man now dead for ninety years—I understood why: a former communist, a contrarian, an Orthodox Jew, a secular intellectual, a terrific writer, a one-time ardent Zionist, a homosexual, a fan of the local Arab community—whatever fault lines divided Israel in the early years of its struggle to be born, de Haan seemed to embody them all. Somehow, it seems just right that he would be the victim of the Jewish community’s first-ever political assassination: To both the men who killed him and to those who supported him in life, some of whom were my relatives, de Haan was more convenient as a martyr than as a living friend or adversary. But in the snippets of his diary accounts that survived in archives, in his poems, and in the printed recollections of those who knew and cherished him, de Haan remains every bit as vibrant, as vital, and as impossible as he’d been in life.
Jacob de Haan was born in 1881 in a small Dutch town named Smilde. His mother came from a well-to-do family, but suffered from depression, delusions, and a host of other mental afflictions. His father was a foul-tempered cantor, butcher, and teacher who moved his family to Zaandam in the north when Jacob was young. As a boy, Jacob was sent to a heder and raised religious, but when he reached his teenage years he enrolled in a teachers’ college in Haarlem and cultivated his adolescent rebellion with a ferocity matched by few. He denounced his faith, moved to Amsterdam, joined the Social Democratic Party, and married Johanna van Maarseveen, a non-Jewish physician a decade his senior. Even more important, he fell in with a pride of bohemian psychiatrists who, as their colleague Freud was writing his ideas in Vienna, went much further in their assertions on the nature of the human psyche.
Frederik van Eeden, for example, his eyes intense and his mustache trapezoid, infused his writings with concepts he borrowed from the Hindus, believing we are all in possession of a manifestation of a universal soul, collective and eternal and glorious. Moved also by Thoreau, he established a commune called Walden, and lived there in squalor, helping for free anyone who sought him and writing convincingly about “lucid dreams,” a term he had coined. Another friend, Arnold Aletrino, found another path to controversy, becoming among the first physicians of the period to assert that homosexuality was not deviant but a wholly normal condition. Both van Eeden and Aletrino wrote irreverent novels and poetry, both of them preferring the bleak and the realistic over the prettily artificial: van Eeden’s famous work was The Deeps of Deliverance, a description of a woman succumbing in body and mind to the terrors of morphine addiction.
This frank discussion of vice made de Haan giddy. He had long noticed in himself what he considered abnormal tendencies. Working as a tutor, for example, he admitted that whenever he meted out punishment, he took a touch of pleasure from watching his young charges cry. He was soon writing as well, and was quickly acknowledged as a capable enough poet to merit a job writing for the Social Democrats’ newspaper. He published scores of poems, mainly for kids, about inspirational topics like the railway workers’ strike. But it wasn’t enough; de Haan needed to get personal.
Entitled Pijpelijntjes, or Pipelines, de Haan’s first book, published in 1904, was a sweet love story. “Give me a kiss,” says one of its protagonists in a typical passage, to which the other replies, “No and no. If you want it, you’ll come and take it.” The first protagonist smiles, saying, “We’re not doing anything bad; it’s just that I love you.” The protagonists, Joop and Sam, were both men, making the book Holland’s first published tale of homosexual love. If that wasn’t scandalous enough, Joop was a popular nickname for Jacob, and the book was dedicated to Aletrino, champion of same-sex desire. Soon, a rumor was spread that Pijpelijntjes was the autobiographical account of de Haan and Aletrino’s love.
Distraught, Aletrino alerted de Haan’s wife, and together they bought most of the book’s existing copies. When its publisher insisted on a second edition, Aletrino had the dedication removed and the characters’ names changed. But the damage was already done: Even in tolerant Amsterdam, the author of an explicitly gay novel could not hold any prominent position, and de Haan was fired.
He spent the next decade erring in the wilderness, sometimes mentally and sometimes literally. An impassioned crusader by disposition, he travelled to Russia and wrote a fiery book about the abysmal condition of its prisons. He went back to school, and received his law degree shortly after his 28th birthday. He dabbled as an attorney, and wrote two other books, Pathologiesand Nervous Stories, both dense with homosexual affairs, sadomasochism, and other titillating stuff. His soul, however, was never at rest; it was missing, he felt, some great calling.
The Bitter Edge agreed. A biblical demon who first appeared to de Haan when the poet turned 30, The Bitter Edge would, de Haan wrote in his journal, “torture me, confuse my soul and my senses.”Above all, the demon wanted de Haan to find his way back into the fold, inundating the young man with messages of piety and teshuva, or repentance. One evening in May of 1913, strolling through an Amsterdam park at dusk, de Haan heard a childlike voice that he had never heard before. He stopped strolling and listened. “Return, oh Israel, to the Lord your God!” the voice said. “Return to me for I have redeemed you!”
It was all the convincing de Haan, already profoundly moved by his visions, needed. Before too long, and with the same fullness of spirit common to all of his pursuits, he once again became a religious Jew. In 1915, he published his new collection of poems; it was entitled The Jewish Songand contained none of the psychosexual provocations of his earlier work.
Thrilled with a talented writer so outwardly passionate about his faith, the Jewish community in Amsterdam embraced de Haan as a luminary. He was thrilled, but quickly realized that being married to a non-Jewish woman was a liability for his new round of reinvention. He asked Johanna to convert, but she refused; a proud agnostic, she saw all religions as fraudulent, and refused to affiliate herself with any. De Haan was furious. Frequently, he would humiliate Johanna, often in public. She forgave him every time.
Merely being a famed Jewish poet, even in a community as large and as vibrant as Amsterdam’s, was not quite enough for de Haan’s metaphysical appetites. He wanted more. He craved the tremors of a colossal drama, and was fortunate enough to find it with the Balfour Declaration, the 1917 letter from Great Britain’s Foreign Secretary to the Baron Rothschild confirming the British government’s commitment to establishing “a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine”: if a Jewish homeland was rising from the ashes of history, then de Haan needed to be there and play a part. In 1919, he wrote a letter to Chaim Weizmann, the declaration’s key facilitator, and announced that he was ready to join the struggle. He was, he wrote, “anxious to work at rebuilding Land, People and Language.” Lest Weizmann think that his correspondent was just another provincial laggard, de Haan took pains to describe his situation as plainly—and as grandiosely—as he could: “I am not leaving Holland to improve my condition,” he wrote. “Neither materially, nor intellectually will life in Palestine be equal to my life here. I am one of the best poets of my Generation, and the only important Jewish national poet Holland has ever had. It is difficult to give up all this.”
Cloaked in the thin veil of self-sacrifice, then, de Haan prepared for his departure. Johanna, it was clear, would stay behind, and her husband would make a living by writing the occasional dispatch for the Dutch papers, an assignment for which he was handsomely paid. He didn’t care much, however: as soon as he got to Jerusalem, he was sure, all he had to do was present himself to the leadership there and he would immediately become the fledgling community’s mightiest literary lion. On the day of his departure, thousands of fans crowded Amsterdam’s train station, waving frantically and singing “Hatikvah.” At least one chronicler of the occasion joked that many present just wanted to make sure that he’d really gone.
De Haan arrived in Jerusalem in February 1919, on a bitterly cold day. He had sent a telegram to several senior Zionist leaders, and expected a delegation of dignitaries to greet him at the station. None appeared. Under heavy rain, he found his way to the Hotel Amdursky.
Situated right across from the Tower of David, the Amdursky has long attracted a certain brand of mystic seeking revelations in the Old City. Staying there in 1857, Herman Melville described it as a “chamber low and scored by time, / Masonry old, late washed with lime / Much like a tomb new-cut in stone.” De Haan took his place in this tomb and waited for the rain to subside and for the Zionists to come calling. Neither happened, and a few days later, feeling wronged, de Haan presented himself at the Jewish Agency’s headquarters.
I, the poet of The Jewish Song, place myself and my great capacity at your service, to build the homeland,” he told the junior clerk who finally showed up and agreed to meet him. The clerk sneered. “We’ll take care of the building,” he told de Haan. “You just make sure there’s cash in our drawers.”
Offended and disheartened, de Haan nonetheless resolved to remain in Jerusalem and work his way into the Zionist movement’s inner circles. The Zionists, however, were impervious to his charms: bespectacled, quick-witted, and excitable, with a receding hairline and a jumpy manner that reminded more than one observer of a frog, de Haan was far from the New Jew the men who populated the upper echelons of the Yishuv’s leadership had in mind. Two years after the Balfour Declaration, the Yishuv, the Jewish community in Palestine, needed farmers and soldiers, not self-aggrandizing poets who cracked jokes and spoke in foreign tongues.
While the Zionists rejected him, however, the British officers entrusted with the Mandate found him charming. He was playful, and had a manner of winning over, by sheer persistence, even those who did not like him. De Haan, one acquaintance sighed, just grew on you; as outrageous as he could be, he was impossible not to like. Not that the British probably needed much incentive to feel amicable: in a Jewish community thick with men and women busy being reborn as tanned and terse redeemers of the land, De Haan was, to the British, a more familiar creature, brainy and wordy and well-mannered. Soon, he was invited to all of Jerusalem’s parties. And no party was more socially essential than the annual Hannukah reception of Annie Edith Landau.
Miss Landau—no one ever seemed to call her anything else—was the closest thing the small and sun-bitten town had to a grand dame. She ran the legendary Evelina de Rothschild school for girls, which she transformed from a finishing school to a first-rate academic institution by reforming the curriculum, which had included only religion, sewing, and arts and crafts when she arrived, to which she added math, history, geography, and science. Eventually appointed an M.B.E. by King George V, she also ran her own salon, which drew representatives of all of Palestine’s warring circles. She was just as respected by the Orthodox Jews, whose faith she shared, as she was by the British administrators, her fellow aristocrats, and the Arabs, who saw in her a figure of dedication and grace. All three groups were heavily represented at Miss Landau’s annual Hannukah shindig, and De Haan managed to shock them all with a few cutting sentences.
Two people can’t sit on the same chair,” he was said to have bellowed to no one in particular. “This land was given to us, and you”—he was now addressing a notable sheikh—“should take your wives and your children, load up your camels, and go away. The Arab lands are large, but here there’s no more room for you.”
So, at least, went the rumor that began circulating while the custodians were still piling up the dirty glasses and stacking up the chairs. Soon, it reached all corners of Palestine, making de Haan the small country’s enfant terrible. Which sounded strange to the man himself: De Haan had no recollection of ever speaking such lines, and didn’t precisely share the sentiments know so vociferously attributed to him. He set out to defend his good name, but discovered quickly that his version had few takers. The British authorities, pressured to show evenhandedness toward Palestine’s Jews and Arabs alike, launched an official inquiry.
De Haan, flustered, appealed to the Zionists to support him in his denial; not wishing to be aligned with the voluble and mercurial Dutchman, the Yishuv’s leadership refused, distancing itself from de Haan. It was a blow from which he would never recover. “Here,” he wrote in a dispatch at the time, “everything is wilderness and emptiness. Control lies in the hands of professional and materialist Zionists.”
Unable to forgo the strong romantic currents that had brought him to Jerusalem, however, he sought another object of infatuation, and found the city’s Arabs. The old pattern resurfaced: the Arab cause was now his obsession. Ever the polyglot, he quickly studied Arabic, and took great pleasure in upsetting the Zionists he’d meet by demanding that they speak to him in Arabic, an official language according to the British bylaws. He developed a similar passion for Arab politics, and sharply distanced himself from the Zionist cause.
The deepest expression of his newfound passions, however, was carnal. Arab men—very young men in particular—became his obsession. He wrote poems about men like Mahmoud the stable boy, being explicit about his lust. As always, he saw his stirrings in metaphysical terms. In one poem, entitled “Doubt,” he wrote: “The year sneaks in in God’s capital city / Near the Western Wall / Tonight, what is it that I long for? / The sanctity of Israel, or an Arab male prostitute?”
Taking residence with a well-heeled Jerusalem family, de Haan demanded that the family’s Jewish maid be barred from his quarters—she stole from him, he argued angrily—and hired instead a handsome young Arab man as his valet. Each afternoon, de Haan and his friend would lock themselves in the room. No one in Jerusalem had much doubt as to what the two were doing behind closed doors.
Last week, I had a sort of adventure,” the future Nobel laureate S.Y. Agnon wrote to his wife.
I was looking for an apartment, and was handed from one Arab to another until I made the acquaintance of one Arab who spoke fluent Ashkenazi… When I told Mr. Greenhaut the man’s name etc., I was informed that the man was the good friend of de Haan, curse him, meaning his wife, darned devil.”
De Haan didn’t care much; he was no stranger to the wagging tongues of detractors. But, as always, he sought to align himself with a higher cause, and when Zionism failed him, he turned again to religion. O, more accurately, he turned to Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, my great-great grandfather and the leader of Jerusalem’s haredi community.
Brilliant, ascetic, temperamental, and immensely charismatic, Sonnenfeld was as well-versed in the intricacies of world affairs as he was in the mysteries of the Talmud. When, for example, Tomas Masaryk, Czechoslovakia’s philosopher president, visited Jerusalem late in his career, he made a point of consulting with the hunched-over, robed sage.
Like de Haan, Sonnenfeld was a man of intricate extremes. He’d emigrated to Jerusalem from Slovakia, and was so moved by seeing Eretz HaKodesh, the sacred land, that he climbed on board the ship’s mast, vying for a better view. Once in Palestine, however, he became a fierce opponent of Zionism, which he saw as utmost heresy, believing, like most religious Jews, that it was strictly forbidden to try and “hasten the end” and that a Jewish homeland was only possible once the messiah arrived. It was a subtle contradiction: Sonnenfeld opposed Zionism with all his might, but would only do so once firmly ensconced in Zion.
Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Kook had different ideas. Sonnenfeld’s close friend and main rival, Kook believed that Zionism’s stirrings may very well be the beginning of redemption, and that the muscular and secular pioneers in the kibbutzim were the unconscious heralds of salvation. In 1913, the two rabbis, accompanied by a few of their colleagues, rode mules to Palestine’s north to meet the young Zionists in person. Elated, Kook joined the tanned youth in dance; Sonnenfeld, distraught, wept. Upon their return to Jerusalem, Kook wrote enthusiastically in support of the Zionist ethos, even celebrating calisthenics as a mystical exercise that not only makes the body stronger but prepares the soul, too, for the holy task of building the Holy Land. Sonnenfeld, furious, published an essay accusing Kook of “praising the wicked.”
The two rabbis maintained a mutual admiration, but the stage was set for a fissure. Kook, naturally, was embraced by the emerging Zionist leadership, if not always unproblematically, and appointed Jerusalem’s chief rabbi. Sonnenfeld, sensing that his war was being lost, sought an ally with a gift for politics. De Haan was a natural fit.
When he first met Sonnenfeld, in May of 1919, de Haan wrote in his journal that the rabbi stood in stark contrast to the petty Zionist leaders who ruled the roost in Jerusalem, and that Sonnenfeld was as holy and devoted as the secular bureaucrats were narrow-minded and uninspiring. But even such deep admiration was not enough for de Haan; before too long, he was writing poems about his new shepherd, Sonnenfeld. “Above all, the Torah is his treasure,” went one of them.
“From morning until evening, he desires nothing else.
Even though he is impoverished, his life is happy and secure
More than the lives of all those who revel and rejoice.”
Sonnenfeld was quick to make it clear that the admiration was mutual, admitting the Dutchman into his inner circle and appointing him his right-hand man. The confidence moved de Haan greatly: Here, for the first time in his life, was a man in a position of authority who recognized his genius and sought to reward him for it, with no caveats or reservations. In March 1920, de Haan was elected to the 70-member City Council for the Ashkenazi Community, the haredicommunity’s governing body, with the expectation that he would lead it into battle against the Zionists.
After a botched attempt at a coalition with the religious Zionists against the secularists, de Haan finally had a strategy in mind. The British, he knew, categorized the people under their rule according to their religious affiliation; as far as the Mandatory government was concerned, all of Palestine’s Jews belonged to the same ethnic and religious group, which, for convenience’s sake, was represented by the Zionist leadership, the best-organized Jewish group around. For His Majesty’s administrators, then, Jews were synonymous with Zionists. It was that assertion that de Haan sought to challenge.
Like a man possessed, he set out to convince the Brahmins in London that there was another Jewish community in Palestine, one that abhorred the idea of independence, one that was ready to make common cause with the Arabs, one that welcomed the crown’s continued sovereignty. He wrote long and eloquent letters to Winston Churchill, then Secretary of State for the Colonies, as well as to the Foreign Secretary, Arthur Balfour himself.
All that, however, transpired in private, and politics, de Haan knew, was one part procedure and three parts spectacle. He needed his big coup de theatre, and he got it with the visit of Alfred Harmsworth, the First Viscount Northcliffe, in February 1922. Publisher of The Times, The Daily Mail, and other newspapers, Lord Northcliffe was among the most influential shapers of the United Kingdom’s public opinion. So great was his renown that, during the Great War, the German Navy, exasperated by his tireless anti-German propaganda, sent a warship to shell his country home in Kent, killing his gardener’s wife. Northcliffe, it was known, was a man of great passions, fond of fast boats and car racing and women—he fathered his first child when he was seventeen, the mother being a sixteen-year-old maidservant in his family’s employ. A man like that needed to be engaged not with politics but with poetry.
The poet, de Haan, had the perfect plot in mind. He purchased a round-trip ticket on the train to Alexandria, the one he knew would carry Lord Northcliffe from Egypt to Jerusalem. Dressed in his finest, he boarded the train and paced around until he spotted his target. Then, as if by serendipity, he befriended the influential aristocrat, reciting some of his verse and, more important, regaling his new friend with tales of how terrible and cruel those dastardly Zionists really were.
When the train pulled into the station in Jerusalem, a committee consisting of the Zionist leadership’s brightest lights was there to welcome him. Banners were prepared, and the mood was festive. Then, however, the train’s doors opened and down walked Northcliffe, arm-in-arm with de Haan, shooting the Zionists a disdainful glance and walking right past their receiving line. It was a major blow.
Immediately, and with rarely paralleled vitriol, conspiracy theories started swirling. De Haan, went a popular one, had managed to convince his new friend Northcliffe to press Balfour into retracting his famous declaration in support of a Jewish homeland. “Traitors and provocateurs in the guise of Orthodox Jews,” wrote one Zionist newspaper, “are severing their nation with their tongues, teaming up with the Arab delegation in an effort to extinguish Israel’s last hope.” Other publications were not so subtle: a popular weekly magazine ran a poem about de Haan that left little room for interpretation. “The man is insane,”it ran, “and his villainy without end / And no one throws stones at him / And no one bashes him with a bat.” These last lines were not so much a statement of fact as a lament: to most Zionists, de Haan was despicable enough to merit a swift and violent end.
This burning hatred delighted its recipient. The same bureaucrats who failed to genuflect when he’d first arrived and offered his services were now in awe of his powers. He took pleasure in being Jerusalem’s most hated man. One day, showing a Dutch visitor around, de Haan encountered a group of people who, at the very sight of him, spat on the ground in contempt. De Haan’s visitor was stunned by the crude gesture. “They’re not doing this out of respect for you,” he noted. “No,” de Haan said gleefully, “they’re spitting on the floor out of respect for you! If I was by myself, they would have spat in my face.”
While some spat, however, others took more extreme measures. “I hereby inform you that unless you leave our country by the 24th of this month, you will be shot like a rabid dog,”read a note de Haan received in May of 1923. It was signed “The Black Hand.”
De Haan filed a complaint with the police, but he greeted the death threat with his signature gusto. Whenever making appointments now, he’d smile and add, “that is, if I’m not murdered beforehand.” On the May 25, the day after the ultimatum had expired, he wrote in his journal: “how innocent is the 25th when one is not assassinated on the 24th.” But with every day that went by, de Haan grew more convinced that the threats against him were idle, and that the Zionists hadn’t the guts to gun him down. It was time for his next act.
Early in 1924, King Hussein visited his son, Abdallah, in Amman, Jordan, eager to form a united Arab federation that would include all of Palestine. Recognizing Hussein as a powerful regional actor, the Zionist leadership dispatched a delegation to Amman to meet with the king and impress him with the necessity of Jewish sovereignty. De Haan put together a delegation of his own; to the Zionists’ great chagrin, Hussein received it with great fanfare. De Haan’s message, the Zionists knew, was one that the king was likely to endorse: the real Jews, went de Haan’s main talking point, had no patience for all that talk of independence, and would be His Majesty’s most loyal subject should he establish his kingdom and oversee the Promised Land. The Zionists tried to convince de Haan—desperately, angrily—not to meet with the king, but de Haan refused. He left his meeting with Hussein with a royal promise to take the haredipoint of view into account, as well as with a sizeable financial contribution to a number of haredi institutions in Jerusalem. Even worse, de Haan returned to Amman a few months later, and convinced Hussein to sign a statement denouncing “the anti-religious Zionist movement as unjust towards Muslims, Christians, and Orthodox Jews.”
And now he was about to travel to London, the Zionists knew, to meet with God-knows-who and ask for God-knows-what. Reading reports about de Haan in the papers, Avraham Tehomi, a senior member of the Hagannah, the pre-state underground army, was livid. “I saw that we, too, had traitors,” he said in a later interview. “And not Communists, who, by their very nature, are traitors to their country, but a Jew organizing a crusade against Zionism.”
Tehomi was born in Odessa and emigrated to Palestine as a young man. Legend had it that upon his arrival, he walked from the port Haifa to Jerusalem, and then set up a tent in the holy city and lived in it for months. Even if not true, the story was believable: Tehomi was a tough Jew with a penchant for action, whose shock of black hair and burning blue eyes made just as much of an impression as his decisive demeanor. Soon, he found his way to the top ranks of the Hagannah, and, later in life, to the Irgun, the Revisionist movement’s military group.
As a senior Hagannah officer in Jerusalem, Tehomi began circulating the idea that de Haan should be shot. Among those he consulted were Yitzhak Ben Tzvi, the Zionist leader who’d eventually become the State of Israel’s second president. And while the precise details of just who had ordered the assassination are still, even after all these decades, unclear, there’s little doubt that many in the senior Zionist leadership in Jerusalem knew about the proposal to kill de Haan—and that none objected. And there is no doubt that Tehomi was put in charge of the operation.
In later interviews, Tehomi recalled that reading about de Haan’s travels to Amman, he was so livid that for days he could think of nothing else. But once he was entrusted with the operation against the Dutchman, he grew calm and focused. Meticulous in his work, Tehomi began following de Haan, studying his daily routine and mapping his usual routes. Before too long, he was ready. But the assassination of a fellow Jew was a tall and terrible order, and Tehomi felt he needed to allow de Haan one more chance to repent. He followed him to the Sha’are Tzedek hospital one afternoon, and sneaked into the pew directly behind de Haan’s.
There’s a lot of bitterness towards you in the public,” he whispered mid-prayer.
“We don’t understand what you’re trying to do. We came here from Russia after pogroms that killed many Jews. We came here to save our souls, and here comes a Jew like you and destroys our last place of refuge. What are you doing to us?”
Stop doing what you’re doing, Tehomi concluded his hushed message, “or it won’t end well.” De Haan, however, was in no mood for a conversation. “Epikores!” he yelled at Tehomi, a word that connotes a Jew who’d abandoned his faith. Tehomi got up and, with de Haan still shouting, quickly left the synagogue.
The encounter left de Haan shaken. In typical fashion, he saw his poetry, his politics, and his persona as one indistinguishable drama. One of his friends recalled seeing him lost in thought; suddenly, de Haan looked up, speaking of himself in the third person, and said dreamily, “In a few days you will hear that Dr. de Haan was murdered.” He injected the same anxiety into his art. A new poem, called “Betrayal,” took the bullet as its central metaphor: “As a tender chick flies / So flies my poem / Until the gun / Shoots my heart.”
Sonnenfeld and other colleagues begged him to take precautions, but de Haan refused. He was sick, he told them, of living in fear. “I’m afraid of the past, because I can’t forget it,” he wrote shortly before his death. “I’m afraid of the future, because I can’t prevent it. And this is how I live in the present, like a tightrope walker. It must end in disaster.”
It did. On June 30, 1924, as he was walking out of the synagogue late on a Friday afternoon, a man in white walked up to him, asked him for the time, and shot him three times at close range. That man, most likely, was Tehomi. Asked repeatedly throughout his life if he was the shooter, Tehomi neither confirmed nor denied. Even before de Haan’s body was interred, however, the identity of the shooter became the subject of wild speculation. Who one believed had shot de Haan said everything about one’s politics: was it one of his Arab lovers? Was it a fellow haredi, outraged after having discovered de Haan’s homosexuality? Was it the Zionists?
Paranoia ran deep: senior Zionist leaders, including David Ben Gurion, blamed each other for the bloodshed, escalating their rhetoric, threatening more violence. The haredi community, too, was gearing for a fight. Hundreds attended de Haan’s funeral. “This murder,” Rabbi Sonnenfeld thundered at de Haan’s graveside,
“was committed by the descendants of Jacob who acted with Esau’s sword and Esau’s craft in order to silence Jacob and Israel … Look at the abyss into which the heads of the Zionist leadership had tumbled and shout out loudly that you wish to be no part of this evil congregation.”
After the funeral concluded, the throngs headed to the city’s center to confront the Zionists. The police just barely curbed the violence.
The storm, however, died down within a matter of weeks. Maybe it was the shock and the shame inevitable in a small, close community having suffering its first political assassination. Maybe it was the Fourth Aliya—the largest wave of migration the small Jewish community in Palestine had known—thickening the ranks of the Yishuv by more than 80,000 people and making the community larger, more diverse, and less apt to care about the arabesques of political infighting. And maybe it was de Haan’s new book, published very shortly after his death and rich with poems about his affairs with young Arab men, candid revelations that made him, in the eyes of many of his pious friends, a less-than-ideal martyr. Whatever the reason, the memory of de Haan soon faded away, his assassination a curiosity and the circumstances of his life largely forgotten.
Perhaps it’s only right. In a century of passionate and purist ideologies, de Haan straddled too many fault lines, embodied too many possibilities and potentials, and refused—even in his most fervent phases—to ossify into something dead and hard. He was alive in a way that the affairs of men could never really contain. And he knew it. In his final collection of poems, one poem accurately charts the course of de Haan’s life and afterlife: “I have fled God in the paths of lust / To where? To God, only to Him. / I wish to return to my Godless life / And God, and only he, will secure my return.”

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