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Resisting the Censors - Electronic Intifada Podcast – Interviews with Tony Greenstein and Abby Martin


Tony Greenstein Interview with Redline – New Zealand Marxist Blog on Zionism and latest developments in Palestine

Both of these interview, one with a relatively unknown Marxist blog in New Zealand and the other, an interviewwith Asa Winstanley and Nora Barrows-Friedman of the Palestinian web site Electronic Intifada.
Both these interviews concern the attacks on freedom of speech on Palestine. Abby Martin, a well known photo journalist was interviewed first. Abby was invited to speak, on an unrelated subject, to Georgia Southern University. Before being allowed to do so she was told she had to sign a contract to get paid and part of this contract was a provision in   she had to undertake not to support or advocate for BDS.  Abby refused and is now suing the state of Georgia under Amendment 1 of the American constitution.
Asa’s interview with me was wide ranging, concerning the attacks on free speech in the Labour Party and related subjects. The witchhunt, and the concentration on Jewish targets in the Labour Party, ironically given its supposed to be about ‘anti-Semitism’.

On episode 15 of The Electronic Intifada Podcast, filmmaker and journalist Abby Martin discusses her recent free speech lawsuit against the state of Georgia and its anti-BDS law.
Later in the episode, activist and writer Tony Greenstein explains the state of anti-Zionist politics following the struggle over false allegations of anti-Semitism in the UK Labour Party.
Abby was invited to be the keynote speaker at a conference at Georgia Southern University. But officials demanded she sign a contract which stated: “You certify that you are not currently engaged in, and agree for the duration of this agreement not to engage in, a boycott of Israel.”
Abby refused to sign the Israel loyalty oath and her keynote was canceled, as was the entire conference.
Georgia is one of 28 US states to pass a draconian anti-boycott measure. Most recently, South Dakota’s governor signed an anti-BDS measure into law by executive order in mid-January.
These laws aren’t “even necessarily meant to be implemented,” Abby tells The Electronic Intifada Podcast. “It’s meant to censor and control political speech and scare people into not participating in the BDS movement, to not participate in divestment campaigns, and to not participate in, let’s just say, street actions.”
Abby is joined by her lawyer Gadeir Abbas, who is part of a team of civil rights attorneys behind the lawsuit.
Later on in the episode, veteran left-wing Palestine solidarity activist and Jewish anti-Zionist Tony Greenstein joins us to discuss the state of the UK Labour Party.
Tony is the author of a fascinating and excoriating blog.
He tells us, “Yes, Jews are undoubtedly disproportionately represented amongst those who have been victimized” in the Labour Party witch hunt over anti-Semitism.
Articles we discussed
Production assistance by Sharif Zakout
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My Encounter with Dr Rosena Allin Khan MP – another Palestinian Zionist – she runs with the foxes & hunts with the hounds!


You can no more support Palestinians & Zionism than you could support Black Africans & Apartheid or the Jews & the Nazis! @drrosena finds this ‘disgusting’
I guess my encounter with Dr Rosena Allin Khan MP must have been her lucky break.  She has garnered more publicity from meeting me than anything else she has done during her campaign for leadership.
Dr who you may ask?  She is running to become Deputy Leader of the Labour Party. As Lyndon Johnson, US President once observed, Vice President isn’t worth a bucket of warm spit.
At the Brighton Kemptown nomination meeting 2 weeks ago she was the only candidate to turn up.  She needed the nomination desperately because no union and virtually no CLPs had nominated her. Knowing fully well that Brighton Kemptown was a left-wing CLP she was determined to put on a left face. What she didn't mention was that the organisers of her campaign are Tom Watson and former Labour General Secretary 'crooked' Iain McNicoll.

Still not sure what twitter love is?  is it as real as fake antisemitism? either way she stuttered and mumbled
I was giving out leaflets for Rebecca Long-Bailey (v. reluctantly) and Richard Burgon. She saw my Palestinian badge and came over and congratulated me on wearing it. Clearly she was eager to please.
Rosena did have some support on Twitter even if it wasn't of the highest intellectual calibre
Dr Rosena introduced herself to me and no doubt expected I would be bowled over and flattered. I wasn’t.  I knew who she was and wasn’t impressed after I’d already heard about her opposition to ‘anti-Semitism’ i.e. anti-racism in Labour. I responded that if she supported the Palestinians why then did she sign up to the Board of Deputies 10 Commandments. 
She stuttered and mumbled and failed to give any coherent reply, as a bundle of witnesses will confirm. She quickly moved on!  I thought that it might be a good idea to give some publicity to this hypocrite who runs with the foxes and hunts with the hounds. So I sent out a tweet on Twitter, prompting a response from Rosena.
Unfortunately apart from the usual trolls, Dr Rosena didn't garner much sympathy on Twitter hence why she ran for comfort to the Zionist press
Now she was full of righteous thunder.  People shouldn't associate with expelled members (as the Board has instructed). Perhaps they/she thinks they will catch something contagious (like fresh ideas?). Quarantining ideas is a particularly fascist concept that it should not be necessary for me to elaborate. Dr Rosena seemed oblivious to the fact that she had approached me!  
I couldn't possibly comment!

Dr Rosena is not unique.  In fact she is extremely commonplace.  Hypocrites who pretend to support you and suggest they are on the left are two a penny in the Labour Party. Dr R did not of course berate me that night because she needed the nomination (which foolishly the CLP gave her out of a mixture of kindness and pity).
Both the Jewish News and the Jewish Chronicle have seen to publicise our encounter. I can only assume that in the wake of their massive loss in the libel courts that the Jewish Chronicle is eager for any news that is cheap at the price.
But at least the Jewish News's Jack Mendel, with whom I have clashed before, had the decency to send me an email querying the facts, print much of my response and check that what I had said was on the record.
It is a long time since the Jewish Chronicle has followed what is good journalistic practice and actually contacted the person they are writing about. I remember when the Jewish Chronicle was a decent paper that Bernard Joseph or Martin Brighton or whoever would ring me up before going to print. Propaganda newssheets don’t need to check their facts.
After all, if the JC’s Political Correspondent, 'Liar' Lee Harpin were to contact his targets he wouldn't be able to lie so frequently. But then again the Jewish Chronicle would not have to pay out so many libel damages either!
As for Dr Rosena?  I harbour no grudge against her.  She needs all the publicity she gets.  That she is a lightweight politically is obvious. Scoring points off her is like taking candy from a kid.  And as anyone with a sense of decency will tell you, that is unsporting.
Tony Greenstein

Victories in Canada and New Zealand Shows that the IHRA CAN be Defeated - JVL's defeatism is counter-productive

It is because the IHRA is indefensible that the Government is threatening Universities which don’t adopt it with Financial Sanctions

Tommy Robinson explains why he is a Zionist in identical terms to the 3 Labour Party leadership candidates - because Jews have a right to a homeland!
The IHRA is a weapon fashioned to defend the Israeli state and western imperialist interests and targeted at the Palestine solidarity movement. That is its only purpose.  It is irrelevant to a fight against anti-Semitism not least because some of its formulations are in themselves anti-Semitic. That is why its principal supporters lie in the British Establishment.
Why is a definition useful in the fight against anti-Semitism?  Noone seems to have asked this question.  Perhaps because it is so obvious. When my father, like thousands of other working class Jews, opposed Oswald Moseley’s British Union of Fascists march at Cable Street in 1936, the Board of Deputies told Jews to hide indoors, he didn’t need a definition of anti-Semitism to know what the beast is. Amongst its critics are:
Sir Stephen Sedley, a Jewish former Court of Appeal Judge who said of the IHRA that it ‘fails the first test of any definition: it is indefinite. He described it as
placing the historical, political, military and humanitarian uniqueness of Israel’s occupation and colonisation of Palestine beyond permissible criticism.’
David Feldman, Director of the Pears Institute for the Study of Anti-Semitism described it as ‘bewilderingly imprecise” Hugh Tomlinson QC said the IHRA ‘lacks clarity and comprehensiveness’ and that it hasa potential chilling effect on public bodies’
Geoffrey Robertson QC stated that it would ‘chill free speech’ and was  not fit for purpose’  Even Kenneth Stern, the person who drafted it, in testimony to Congress, said:
‘“The definition was not drafted, and was never intended, as a tool to target or chill speech on a college campus.,”. “It was never supposed to curtail speech on campus.”
Stern wrotein respect of the United States and Trump, a man who is clearly anti-Semitic that:
It was never intended to be a campus hate speech code, but that’s what Donald Trump’s executive order accomplished this week. This order is an attack on academic freedom and free speech, and will harm not only pro-Palestinian advocates, but also Jewish students and faculty, and the academy itself.
There is of course a very simple definition of 'anti-semitism' for anyone who is in need of one. It can be found in the Oxford Englishand Miriam Webster dictionaries. It comprises all of 6 words –‘hostility to or discrimination against Jews.’
Even Professor Geoffrey Alderman, a right-wing Zionist and the historian of Britain’s Jewish community, as well as a former Jewish Chronicle columnist, describedthe IHRA as a ‘a flawed and faulty definition of anti-Semitism.’
Despite this the IHRA has gained traction because of its utility to the political establishment as an effective way of defending Britain’s support for and trading links with Israel.
You might be forgiven for thinking that Britain's Palestine Solidarity Campaign would be eager to drive a nail into the IHRA’s coffin.  Not a bit of it.  It has given up the fight and it has been joined in this by Jewish Voice for Labour.
We were told at the recent PSC AGM by JVL's Professor Jonathan Rosenhead that it was impossible to fight back against the IHRA. We should accept defeat and move on. A message that was music to the ears of PSC’s Socialist Action leadership.
Events, however, as Harold MacMillan once observed, have a habit of upsetting the most austere of political predictions and contradicting even the most noble of Cassandras. Canada and New Zealand illustrate that it is perfectly possible, given the will, to fight the IHRA.
One of the problems with the Palestine solidarity movement is that unlike the Zionists we don’t have think tanks or discuss strategy together. Strategy is made on the hoof and tactics often become a substitute for strategy. Partly this is a consequence of the massive disparity in resources available to us and the Zionists.
However supporters of Palestine and anti-Zionists have one advantage, public support.  Even in countries with the most avid pro-Zionist leaderships such as Germany and the United States, the populace is coming towards our way of thinking.  Although we should be under no doubt that the consequence of the last 4.5 years of relentless ‘anti-Semitism’ barrage in Britain has been to strip off the soft periphery of support for Palestine.
Instead it is left to a few individuals such as Jonathan Cook, Asa Winstanley, Richard Silverstein and myself – writing for different blogs and web sites to act as a substitute. PSC, which should be a haven of fresh and innovative thinking to back up solidarity activists is instead an ideas free desert.
This presents a problem as activists turn away from the politics of what they are doing and why they are doing it and instead make a virtue out of the act in itself. Every occupation, protest, arrest and acquittal is a victory in itself. Like anarchists the deed becomes everything.

Tommy Robinson explains why he is a Zionist - note he is wearing a 'I am a Zionist' badge
It is therefore to be welcomed that there have been significant victories against the IHRA in New Zealand and Canada in particular. It would have been outrageous if Wellington Council had adopted the IHRA, after the murder of 50 Muslims in last year’s shooting. Israel, which the IHRA seeks to protect, is admired by White Supremacists such as Tommy Robinson and Geert Wilders. Israel is their model of a state because of its hostility to Muslims and its ethno nationalism. The IHRA is a definition of ‘anti-Semitism’ that even anti-Semites can support!
New Zealand
The Wellington Jewish Council had requested Wellington to adopt the IHRA. But the Jewish Council's request upset some members of the Wellington Progressive Synagogue, who noted the definition had the potential to conflate antisemitism with anti-Zionism (opposition to the state of Israel), as it had already done overseas.
At the Jewish council's request, the topic was removed from the city council's agenda on Tuesday. It was due to be discussed at a city council meeting on Wednesday.
In an opinion piece published in The Dominion Post on Tuesday, Progressive Synagogue members Marilyn Garson and Fred Albert argued the controversial definition could render criticism of Israel's occupation of Palestine antisemitic.
City councillor Iona Pannett said she supported the decision to have the item removed.
"We want a peaceful and safe way of discussing it, away from the public glare."
She had received correspondence from some members of the Jewish community who did not agree with the wording of the definition.
The proposal would also have been nothing more than "virtue-signalling"because the council did not have a plan on how to implement it, Pannett said.
In Ontario activists have been fighting against the introduction of Bill 168 by the legislature. On February 27 the Bill passed by 55-0 and has been sent into Committee. The Bill calls on the government to be “guided” by the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism to “protect Ontarians from discrimination and hate amounting to anti-Semitism.”
Two days before the debate members of Independent Jewish Voices of Canada (IJV) held a press conference to urge MPPs to reject the “flawed” bill.
IJV charged that the bill “conflates” anti-Semitism with legitimate criticism of Israel, and that as a law, it would be used to silence dissent on Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.
The following day, the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) announced its support for the IJV position on the bill, which “infringes on both freedom of expression and academic freedom on post-secondary education campuses.”
The CFS, which represents 530,000 students across Canada. argued that the bill “threatens to criminalize activists fighting for Palestinian rights as well as critical analysis on Israel and Zionism,”
In arguments reminiscent of those used in Britain, Daniel Koren, executive director of Hasbara Fellowships Canada, said, “It is incredibly offensive that the CFS believes it can dictate what constitutes anti-Semitism and speak on behalf of Canada’s Jewish community, which overwhelmingly supports adopting the IHRA definition.”
Notice Koren doesn’t actually defend the IHRA, because in its own terms it is indefensible. Instead he makes the dishonest Zionist argument that it is ‘incredibly offensive’ for anyone but Zionists to define what is and isn’t anti-Semitism. The fact is that the IHRA frames support for Palestine solidarity and opposition to Zionism as ‘anti-Semitism’. No group, however powerful or prestigious has the right to define their ‘oppression’ in terms of another group which is oppressed.
More than 350 Canadian academics signed an open letter denouncing the IHRA definition, calling it an “imposition” that would “imperil the pursuit of truth and the legitimate expression of dissent.”
Protest in Calgary
Last month, Montreal joinedCalgaryand Vancouverin rejecting a motion to adopt the IHRA’s “working definition” of anti-Semitism.
On 18 November 2019 Calgary City Councillors Diane Colley-Urquhart and Jeromy Farkas amended their motion on Antisemitism to exclude the controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism.
Calgary would have been the second Canadian city to vote on the IHRA re-definition following its adoptionby the Liberal government as part of its “Anti-racism strategy” in June. Vancouver City Council voted on the definition early this year, but the motion failed, sending it to committee for the development of a comprehensive anti-racism position.
Independent Jewish Voices is not alone in speaking out against the adoption of the IHRA re-definition. It has also been strongly criticized by prominent civil liberties groups–including the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association and the American Civil Liberties Union–as well as by more than 40 Jewish organizations, who signed a 2018 open letter. The Federal NDP has likewise expressed concern that it could “be a threat for people who legitimately denounce grave human rights abuses by the government of Israel against Palestinians.”
Calgary, 18 November 2019–Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) applauds Calgary City Councillors Diane Colley-Urquhart and Jeromy Farkas for amending their motion on Antisemitism to exclude the controversial International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism.
Montreal has withdrawn proposals for the IHRA to be adopted
Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) applauds the Montreal City Council for abandoning a motion to adopt the controversialInternational Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitismtoday.
The motion to adopt the definition was withdrawn this morning by opposition leader Lionel Perez after the administration of Mayor Valérie Plante decided to send the motion to La Commission de la présidence du conseil (“The Commission of the Presidency of the Council”) for further study.
Montreal is the third Canadian city council to consider adopting the IHRA definition after similar attempts failed last year in both Vancouverand Calgary. IJV rallied significant grassroots opposition to all three motions. Over 300 IJV members and supporters sent letters to Montreal city councillors regarding today’s motion, and several spoke last night at City Hall renouncing it. 
“This is another major victory for all who oppose antisemitism andsupport Palestinian human rights,” said Corey Balsam, IJV’s National Coordinator. “We strongly believe that our safety as Jews is intimately tied with the safety and well-being of other communities targeted by hate and bigotry, and that includes the Palestinian people. We congratulate the City of Montreal for its decision to abandon the IHRA’s problematic definition and strongly encourage other cities and provinces in Canada to follow suit.”
Opposition to the IHRA definition has become increasingly widespread around the world, including in Quebec and throughout the rest of Canada. In Quebec, major trade unions such as the FTQ, CSN, FNEEQ, as well as the Ligue des Droits et Libertés have all expressed their support for dropping the IHRA definition.
IJV’s objections to the IHRA re-definition are detailed in its recentreport, in which it deconstructs the definition line by line and warns of the dangerous consequences of its adoption both for the fight against antisemitism and the movement for Palestinian human rights.
“The IHRA definition sadly betrays the post-Holocaust ethos of “never again”, instrumentalizing the important fight against antisemitism to silence those who advocate for Palestinian human rights, including Jews themselves,” affirms Balsam. “IJV will continue to challenge the definition at every level of government and at any other institutional body to which it is proposed.” 
Currently there is a private member’s bill before the Ontario legislature that would implement the IHRA definition in that province, and IJV will mobilize opposition to that as well.
For more information, please seewww.noihra.ca.
January 28, 2020 IJV Canada

Jo Bird - The Candidate that Lansman and Formby Suspended - is Speaking This Saturday in Brighton


Please show your support for Jo Bird, who is standing for Labour’s National Executive Committee. There have already been attempts to stop the meeting by the Church-run Brighthelm Community Centre which refused to accept the booking.

These Christian reactionaries, who previously cancelled meetings with Jackie Walker and Chris Williamson, find freedom of speech a difficult concept to understand.
This is the march that racist Chief Rabbi Mirvis took part in

Even under the man we called 'crooked' McNicol, Labour's former General Secretary, there was never an attempt to stop someone standing for office by suspending them.

Even McNicol never intervened in an election to help his favoured candidates by suspending their socialist opponents. This is what Lansman and Formby are now doing.

Jo Bird has now been suspended twice. Once for making an innocuous joke about 'Jew process' (far less offensive than the anti-Semitic Zionist 'joke' about the 'Many not the Jew' which implies all Jewish people are part of the few i.e. rich, speculators etc.
This is the march that racist Chief Rabbi Mirvis took part in
Graham Durham was suspended for calling Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis a Tory -The Truth under Jennie Formby’s Orwellian Regime is now Anti-semitic!
Suspensions include:

Ø    Graham Durham for correctly calling the Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, a Tory. He could also have called him a racist settler rabbi who took part in the 2017 March for Flags as part of Jerusalem Day when thousands of settler youth storm into the Arab Quarter chanting 'Death to the Arabs' and other homilies.  Mirvis and his predecessor as Chief Rabbi, Jonathan Sacks, refused appeals by more liberal Zionists not to take part.
Ø    NEC BAME candidate Keith Hussein is also, we understand, under administrative suspension.
Ø    Possibly the most pernicious case is that of West Ham’s Mehmood Mizra, who has by far the greatest number of CLP nominations for the BAME seat at 75, as well as backing from the transport union TSSA.
The suspensions of 1 Jewish and 2 Black candidates demonstrates that Jennie Formby and Jon Lansman are participating in a racist and anti-Semitic witch-hunt.

Israel’s General Election: Despite Indictments for Corruption Netanyahu Comes Out a Clear Victor


Israel's Election Marks the Decline of Secular Zionism and the Death agonies of Labour Zionism
Aymen Odeh of the Joint List meets leftist Jewish voters in a Tel Aviv cafe

Israel’s third general election in a year has shown a decisive shift to the Zionist Right but whether it will be sufficient to enable Netanyahu to cobble together a coalition is doubtful. According to the latest count Likud are predictedto gain 37 seats however the bloc with the religious parties – United Torah Judaism, Shas and the religious settler party Yamina – will fall 2 short of an overall majority.
These results are however provisional until the final tally next Tuesday and a Likud bloc may with the votes of soldiers increase their seats by one whilst still falling tantalisingly short.
Aymen Odeh - leader of the Joint List - the only party bar Likud to gain more seats in the election - however Arab parties aren't allowed to take part in Israel's government
If early exit polls are correct then Netanyahu, even if he doesn’t get his get-out-of-jail free card in the form of immunity from prosecution, has faced down the challenge of the Generals Party in Blue and White (Kahal Lavan), led by former Chief of Staff, Benny Gantz.
Unless Likud and Blue and White form a grand alliance then Israel is stuck in a political quagmire. However appearances can be deceptive. What is clear is the political direction of wind is towards Zionist religious orthodoxy and against secularism which is what Blue and White represents.
A Palestinian Arab voting in Israel's election
This election not only marks the final death of two states, as both Likud and Blue and White are committed to annexing the settlement blocs, but both parties campaigned on who was most hostile to the Arabs.  From the perspective of the Palestinians there isn’t a piece of paper that can be put between Gantz and Netanyahu.
Historically Zionism saw itself as a secular movement and indeed it was a political reaction to anti-Semitism, albeit of a special kind. The early Zionist leaders were atheists however secular  Zionism with its focus on Palestine as the land of colonisation (although Theodor Herzl had suggested Argentina as an alternative) had its Achilles heel. These atheistic Zionists, Ben Gurion, Golda Meir and Moshe Sharrett, all based their claim to Palestine on the biblical claim that god had given the land to the Jews. In other words they based their right to colonise Palestine on the god whose existence they denied!
It is a contradiction that has woven a thread through all the lies and dissimulation of Zionism’s propagandists about the Jewish ‘right of return’ to Palestine. To them the Old Testament was not so much a religious tract as a historical document. The myth of the Jewish ‘return’ to Palestinian served as Zionism’s land deeds. To the religious however the Bible was much more than mere myth but the guide to the how a Jewish state might be constructed.
Labour Zionism from its very beginning had struck up a faustian pact with its religious counterparts.  Israel today is paying the price in the growth of Jewish messianism, the ideology that underpins settlement on the West Bank.
Likud's racist base celebrates
With the capture of the Occupied Territories Jewish Messianism became a major political factor in Israeli and Zionist politics, the ideology of the settler right together with the movement to rebuild the third temple, animal sacrifices and all.  Zionism contains within it the seeds of its own destruction. To Zionists of all parties, right or left, the Palestinians are a problem to be overcome, preferably by transfer out of the ‘Jewish’ state.
Ben Gurion was fond of quoting the Bible as providing a mandate for his desire to conquer the whole of Palestine. He was fond of referring to places by their Biblical names. In 1967 it was the militarist wing of Labour Zionism which gave support to Gush Emunim, the Bloc of the Faithful, which pressed the case for settling the occupied territories and creating a Greater Israel. Yitzhak Tabenkin, Yisrael Galili and Labour deputy Prime Minister Yigal Allon all supported the settlement of the Occupied Territories.
Today we are seeing the unfolding of this historic tendency.  There is no difference worthy of the name between Blue and White and Likud in terms of their attitude to the Palestinians.  Gantz, who was responsible, as Chief of Staff, for the bombing of Gaza in 2014, is a major war criminal in his own right. Moshe Yalon, one of its leaders, is a former Likud Defence Minister. He promised to bomb Lebanon back into the stone age and spokeof the Palestinians as a ‘cancerous manifestation.” Gabi Ashkenazi was the Chief of Staff before Gantz. The fourth leader is former TV presenter Yair Lapid, leader of the ‘centrist’ (in Israeli terms) Yesh Atid.
During the April 2019 election campaign Gantz distributed a campaign video which boastedthat “parts of Gaza were sent back to the Stone Age” a reference to “Black Friday” in 2014 when Rafah, following the capture of the body of Lt. Hadar Goldin, the IDF implemented the “Hannibal protocol” in which it simply razed to the ground whole districts.
What Blue and White represents is that section of Israeli Jews which considers itself secular, i.e. it doesn’t want to be told that it can’t shop or travel by public transport on Saturday or that women should sit separate from men on a bus. They have no problem with the Occupation or discrimination against Israel’s own Palestinians but resent religious interference with their own lives. To secular Israelis being Jewish is a national/racial affiliation not a question of religion.
The problem for Israel’s secular racists is that if a Jewish state is to mean anything then someone has to define who is part of the settler population, the herrenvolk, and who is part of the colonised, the untermenschen. For this purpose you need a rabbinical caste to give their hescher, their kosher stamp of approval. To have a Jewish state you have to be sure of who is a Jew and only the rabbis can guarantee that the state remains racially and ethnically pure. Historically this has mean all ‘personal’ matters, i.e. who is Jewish has been left to the Israeli rabbinate.
The question of who constitutes the herrenvolkis a problem for all racially supremacist societies.  Nazi Germany agonised over who is a Jew. It had a ‘mixed-race’ category of Mischlinge, half and quarter Jews  which caused it all sorts of agonies. To the end it could not decide what to do with them (in the end most survived). South Africa also had similar problems in deciding who was and was not White.
The rule of the rabbis has presented a dilemma for Yisrael Beteinu, the party that represents the 1 million Russian Jews who came to Israel in the 1980’s. Hundreds of thousands of them are of dubious Jewish origin. They did not practice Judaism in Russia and many of them married non-Jews. Although they qualify as Jewish when it came to immigration, where the definition of being a Jew includes the partner of a Jew or their siblings, the criteria set by the rabbis as to who is a Jew is much stricter.  Your mother has to be Jewish. Converts, other than Orthodox converts, are not recognised as Jews which is why Israel has a large ‘mixed-race’ category of half Jews. Without the approval of the rabbis you cannot get married in Israel or be buried in consecrated ground.  For most of the time these things don’t matter but when it comes to getting married or whether one’s children are considered Jewish then the question ‘who is a Jew’ surfaces and causes much agony.
This is what lies behind the refusal of Avigdor Lieberman, a far-right settler thug and former Defence Minister, who is leader of Yisrael Beteinu, to form an alliance with Netanyahu and the religious parties. Portrayed as a conflict of personalities between Lieberman and Netanyahu what is really at stake is a secular Jewish population which doesn’t wish to see Israel turned into a theocracy.  They are at one with the religious Zionists in seeing the Arabs as the enemy however. Lieberman is an ardent racist who has spoken of drowningthousands of Palestinians in the Dead Sea and who considers Israel’s Arab population a fifth column.
The major victor from the current election is the Joint List consisting of the Communist Party Hadash, the nationalist Balad and Taal and the United Arab List. In April 2019 they split in two but has since reunited and today they have gone from 13 to 15 seats (projected) and possibly even 16. The Joint List will be the 3rd largest bloc in the Knesset. However whether they gain 15 or 25 seats is immaterial. Both major Zionist parties have made it clear that they will not form an alliance with the Joint List or Arab parties.
It has been an unwritten rule of Zionist politics since Israel’s foundations that no government should rest on Arab support.  Indeed it was the fatal mistake of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1992, the last time that the Israeli Labor Party came near to an outright victory, to rely on the votes of Arab parties to form an administration.
There are those who proclaim that Israel is a democratic state based on the fact that it has nominally free and fair elections.  This is an illusion. Leave aside Likud and Netanyahu’s attempts at Arab voter suppression.
Bedouin voters on a bus taking them to the polls - the Right has done their best to suppress the Arab vote in the Negev
In 2019 Likud joined the fascist NGO Im Tirzu in obtaining an injunction from the Central Elections Committee preventing Zazim from busing 15,000 Arabs from the Negev to polling stations. Half the Arab villages in the Negev are ‘unrecognised’ which means there are no polling stations in them even though their residents are Israeli citizens (theoretically anyway). 
Any half-democratic state would say that polling stations are situated where people live, regardless of the ‘legality’ of their abode. But Hanan Melcer, the Judge heading the CEC was happy to issue an injunction preventing the Arabs of the Negev from being able to vote.
The ostensible reason for the injunction is a 2017 V15 lawpreventing foreign interference in an election. Because Zazim is heavily funded by the US based  New Jewish Agenda this counted as ‘interference’.  Thus the racism of Zionism permeates its election system in keeping Arab votes as low as possible. The idea that all Arab voters should be able to vote was probably considered a heresy by Melcer.
Israel is an ethno-nationalist state and therefore most Jews vote for Jewish/Zionist parties although an increasing number of Israeli Jews, 40,000 at the last elections are voting for the Joint List. The vote is divided on ethnic not class lines.  Class politics play little or no part in Israeli elections.  Nor does the occupation. The main card of Netanyahu’s Likud was to portray  his opponents as needing to rely on Arab votes to form a government. The unsubtle message being of course that Gantz could not be trusted not to sell the Jews out to the Arabs.
The major loser in the election is Labour Zionism.  Prior to April 2019 the Israeli Labor Party, in alliance with Tzipi Livni’s Hatnuah, had 24 seats in the Knesset.  Within the space of a year they have gone down to 7 (possibly 6 depending on final returns). From 1949-1977 the ILP formed every government in Israel. In 1949 the ILP and Mapam gained 65 out of the 120 seats, though Ben Gurion preferred the religious Zionists as partners in government rather than a party that had illusions in the Soviet Union..
The last time that the ILP came close to an outright majority was in 1992 when they obtained 44 seats together with Meretz’s 12 seats.
Gabbay with his equally right-wing predecessor Isaac Herzog, who is now Chair of the Apartheid Jewish Agency
In 2017 the ILP elected Avi Gabbay who had been a Minister from 2015-2016 under Netanyahu.  His previous job had been as CEO of Israel’s Bezeq Telecommunications monopoly. Gabbay declared that the settlement blocks would not be moved under a Labor government. He  and he also supported Netanyahu’s attempt to forcibly deport all Black African refugees from Israel for the ‘crime’ of not being Jewish.
Gabbay rejected any idea of joining a coalition with the Joint List: “We have nothing in common with them.’, As Israel’s +972 Magazine reported, this ‘absolute rejection of partnering with Arab parties ruffled feathers even within his own party.’
When Labour’s only Arab MK Zuheir Bahlul announced he would not attend the Knesset’s celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration, Gabby threatenedthat Bahlul “won’t sit in the next Knesset session,” He kept his promise but lost 18 seats in the process!
As Ha’aretz declaredregarding his hostility to African refugees:
Avi Gabbay's odious attempts to include non-traditional Labor voters alienate him from the values that justify a legitimate opposition in the first place.
Gabbay, with Livni looking on, announced that the partnership with Hatnuah was at an end. It didn't however save him.
It was to prove prophetic. Gabbay then proceeded to break up the alliance with Tzipi Livni, leader of the Hatnuah faction of the Zionist Union, who was sitting besides him, on prime time television. He hadn’t even bothered to tell her beforehand.
Come the elections in April 2019 and the ILP crashed to just 6 seats. To prove that this was no fluke the same result was achieved last September.  Gabbay had stripped away any reason for progressive Israelis to vote Labor.  If all you wanted to do is to remove Netanyahu then you may as well vote for Blue and White.
Meretz was also going through its own travails.  Formed in 1992 out of Mapam, Ratz (a civil rights party) and the centrist Shinui, it has declined from 12 seats at its peak to just 4 seats in the April 2019 elections. Even worse, but for the votes of some 40,000Arabs, Meretz would have failed to enter the Knesset. 
In Kfar Kassem, a large town in The Triangle area, where MK Esawi Freige lived, Meretz obtained39% of the vote in April 2019, higher than any other party. In September when Freige was lower down on Meretz’s list and didn’t make it into the Knesset, the Democratic Union into which Meretz had merged obtained 26%.  In the latest elections, the new ILP-Gesher-Meretz merger obtained just 7% of the vote.
In order to keep the Arab parties out of the Knesset Avigdor Lieberman proposedraising the threshold for entering the Knesset from 2% to 3.25%.  Meretz barely made it. For the September 2019 elections Meretz formeda wholly opportunistic alliance, the Democratic Front, with Ehud Barak, the former Israeli Prime Minister in the hope of gaining more right-wing Jewish votes and not having to rely on Arabs. This gained it just 5 seats. For this election, to be on the safe side, they merged again, this time with the ILP and Gesher. The result is that they appear to have gained just 7 seats (possibly 6 when all results are in), a loss of 4 seats for Labour Zionism in 6 months.
Yamina MK and Deputy Speaker, the overtly racist Bezalel Smotrich surrounded by Baruch Marzel, Itamir Gvir and Michael Ben Ari (l-r) of the neo-Nazi Otzma Yehudit party, followers of the late Meir Kahane
As Anshel Pffefer caustically observesin Ha’aretz  the last time the Israeli Labor Party (previously called Mapai) united with Mapam, the major faction of Meretz, it was in January 1969 to form the Israeli Labor Alignment. For the only time in Israeli history one party had an absolute majority in the Knesset (63 seats). In the October 1969 election under Golda Meir it fell back to 56 seats, more than enough to form a coalition government. Today it has a pitiful 7 (6?) seats. Quite simply Labour Zionism has no role other than propagandists for Netanyahu abroad.
Labour Zionism today is an anachronism. Once the Labour Zionist economy, companies owned by ‘trade union’ Histadrut were the second largest employers after the state itself. Today there is no Labour Zionist economy as Histadrut’s companies were privatised in the early 1990’s. The health service Kupat Holim was taken out of their hands and Israel is now one of the most unequal societies in the world. The lip-service paid to social equality has long been dispensed with and the term ‘leftist’ is an insult in Israel. As the ILP has moved further and further to the right it has all but ensured its own extinction. This election marks one more stage in the decline and disappearance of Labour Zionism.
The Orthodox Jewish parties Shas and United Torah Judaism have retained the same number of seats (16) and the far-right settler party Yamina has declined from 7 to 6. All these results are, however provisional, until the final declaration on Thursday.
What is however most noticeable about this election is who didn’t vote.  5 million Palestinians under occupation have no say whatsoever about who governs them, whilst the all-Jewish settlements, established on stolen Palestinian land, and which sit cheek by jowl with them, take part in the elections. The practice of separating the indigenous population from the settlers and only according political rights to the latter was what was called  Apartheid in South Africa.  However to racist Labour politicians such as Emily Thornberry this is classed as ‘Jewish self-determination’.
But then you can hardly have a Jewish state if the majority of its citizens aren’t even Jews. Just as an Aryan state was difficult to achieve with the presence of non-Aryans!
Tony Greenstein  
See this important article

The Zionist Left Has Paved the Way to the Rise of the Extreme Right

Jan 26, 2020 2:38 AM
An Israeli settler walks past a Star of David graffiti on the door of a closed Palestinian shop in the Jewish settlement area of the divided West Bank city of Hebron on January 8, 2010 HAZEM BADER/ AFP
I was born in Haifa in 1944. I was four when my father returned home one day with a soft cloth doll in his hand and deep shame in his heart. He took it from an Arab house, he told my mother. His Hebrew wouldn’t have been good enough yet to have used the more accurate term and say he “plundered” it. A while later I heard him mention the doll again and say that others stole much more: decorative objects, appliances, carpets. And he took only a small doll, and still he felt ashamed. Really? I didn’t care. The shooting and explosions and later the bombardments we heard from the lower city instilled in me a huge fear of the Arabs. I just wanted them to leave and to have quiet.
This fear stayed with me for many years. During the 1956 war, I fled in terror from our apartment balcony on the top floor, because I saw a face in a red kaffiyeh looking back at me from the roof. I can still remember it. Maybe it was just an Arab worker fixing the elevator motor, or maybe it was the face from my nightmares that suddenly appeared to me. At any rate, as a child and a teen, in the mixed city where I was born I never met an Arab in regular social circumstances, not as a classmate or in the youth movement. In middle school, when it was time for me to choose a second language to study, I chose French and not Arabic. Our “French” group stood out in the schoolyard and taunted the smaller group that chose Arabic. Most of them probably went on to serve in intelligence.
Even though my parents were left-wingers and sent me to Hashomer Hatzair youth movement, like the vast majority of my generation, I was a victim of such thorough and profound emotional and ideological deception that when my eyes were finally opened, it was too late. New and fateful facts in the field had already been established.
Our Israeli world was built on three foundations: the cult of the Holocaust, a false narrative and ignorance. And it was the Zionist left that ruled in Israel then, without Herut and without Maki (the Israeli Communist Party).
The cult of the Holocaust: From preschool on, I learned to sanctify the Shoah, to nurture it as a national asset and to worship it in annual ceremonies. The very use of the biblical-mythological term “Shoah” and the attaching of a saintly aura to the victims – all this banished to another planet the things that occurred in the heart of Europe. I didn’t learn to recognize the growth of fascism and national-socialism that developed in its wake as a political-ideological chapter in European history. I didn’t learn about the murder of hundreds of thousands of Gypsiesand millions of Poles and Russians who were also considered members of inferior races. I didn’t learn to despise racism in all its forms. Unknowingly, I was trained from the time I was small to be an Israeli-Jewish racist: I learned that there was never another genocide like the murder of European Jewry; that there was never any hatred like Jew hatred; and that the only answer to our haters, who rise up to destroy us everywhere and in every generation, is the State of Israel and its military strength.
False narrative: I learned about the one and only narrative about our political-national existence in this area – We Jews returned to our historic homeland after 2,000 years of exile. The Arabs did not recognize our right to establish a national home here, they wanted and still want to destroy us. In 1948 they were defeated in a war that they declared, and in wake of their defeat they fled from their communities of their own and their leaders’ volition, and so became refugees, and these refugees became a political pawn in the hands of the Arab states. This is what we were taught.
I only learned for the first time, with genuine shock, about acts of expulsion and massacres and the Jewish leadership’s expansion plans from Benny Morris’ 1988 book “The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem.” I was 44 then. The fact that I came from a political leftist family had not shielded me from the brainwashing of the Israeli education system when the Zionist left was in power.
Today I know that many archives are still closed and that even those that were opened are being closed again to cover up plans and acts of expulsion and expansion that most of us know nothing about. When people talk about the “stage plan,” they’re referring to an Arab plan to wipe out Israel and not to what David Ben-Gurion wrote to his son Amos in 1937: “My assumption is – and for this reason I am a keen adherent of the state even if it entails partition now – because a partial Jewish state is not the end, but the beginning… The founding of the state – even partially – is a maximal boost of strength at this time. And it will serve as a very powerful lever in our historic efforts to redeem the entire land” (Benny Morris, “Correcting a Mistake,” 2000). Ignorance: Due to the circumstances in Europe, I came into the world in an Arab Muslim area that was completely foreign to my parents and most of their contemporaries. One would think that the founding generation of the Jewish state should have worked to get to know this area and develop a closeness with it. But just the opposite happened. Those of my generation were brought up to look toward Western civilization and turn our backs on Arab civilization, on its language – a sister language of Hebrew – and on its cultural heritage. We were brought up to feel alienated from the Arabs who live in this same land with us and to feel hostility towards them and their lives. The founders’ generation also systematically suppressed this heritage among the hundreds of thousands of Jews who came here from Arab lands. They, too, were not my classmates or my companions outside of school, but for me, Israeli Arabs might as well have lived on a distant planet. Their villages were subject to martial law under a military authority and I never set foot in one. And it was the Zionist left that was in power then.
As an adult, after the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, again I was a citizen of a country that keeps Arabs trapped – millions of Arabs – with regulations and military injunctions, in closed-off enclaves, behind fences and closures, with curfews and arrests. But now my eyes were opened to see the Zionist “stages plan” rapidly coming to pass throughout the occupied territories.
It was patently clear: A fateful decision had been made to annex to Jerusalem areas several times larger than it, with their villages and Palestinian inhabitants, and to build upon them ever-widening circles of huge Jewish neighborhoods. To the south they practically touch on Bethlehem now, and to the north, almost as far as Ramallah – a situation that thwarts any possibility of a peaceful solution. The seal of approval was given to the thuggish settlement in the Old City of Hebron, which under the protection of the army has become a fascist Jewish fortified community in the heart of an Arab city; Kiryat Arba, Beit El, Ofra, Elon Moreh and Ariel were established; Jewish communities were built in the Gaza Strip, and the list goes on and on. And all this, while the Zionist left was in power.
The disappearance of Labor and Meretz would mean the elimination of the only alternative on the left side of the political map,” writes my contemporary Uzi Baram (“Don’t be so quick to toss out the Zionist left,” Haaretz, January 20). And I ask him: Where were you and your friends during all those years when your camp held power in the country and paved the way for the extreme right that holds power today? They are only continuing the path you began, and doing so openly and also openly saying: “Truly the Lord has delivered all the land into our hands; and moreover all the inhabitants of the land are fainthearted because of us.” But you did and you lied, you did and you deceived.

Socialist Fight Drops Its Support for Ian Donovan’s Anti-Semitic Theories about a pan-national Jewish-Zionist Bourgeoisie – or does it?


Gerry Downing and SF Have Yet to Admit that Labour Against the Witchhunt was right in 2018 to Exclude Them


As Jesus remarked:

there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away!

We should welcome the fact that Gerry Downing [GD] has repented of his association with Ian Donovan [ID] and his anti-Semitic theories.  However repentance, at least for socialists, is not enough. GD needs to come to terms with why he maintained an alliance with ID for at least 5 years.
In last week’s Weekly Worker, GD announced the expulsion of ID and the Trotskyist Faction [TF] from Socialist Fight [SF]. In this week’s paper ID denies that he has been expelled since it is his comrades who are in the majority. The expulsion is therefore ‘dead in the water’.
Gilad Atzmon
Where the truth lies is irrelevant since, with or without ID, SF is politically dead. GD’s letter says that for the past 5 years SF has harboured within it a key individual, ID, who is ‘in lockstep’ with Gilad Atzmon [GA] whom he describes as a ‘left Mussolini-Strasserite fascist.’ What kind of Trotskyist or Marxist organisation is it which has harboured within it a neo-Nazi and one whom, until very recently, GD himself gave uncritical support to?
ID’s defence, if that is the right word, is that GD has become a Zionist because he doesn’t support expelling all Zionists from the Labour Party. Neither do I. I am in favour of disaffiliating or proscribing Zionist organisations such as Labour Friends of Israel and Jewish Labour Movement not individuals per se, although clearly Zionist apparatchiks and propagandists should be shown the door.
ID’s letter also constitutes an appalling apologia for GA’s anti-Semitism, including his comments questioning the Holocaust.
What is important however are the political issues that this falling out between ID and GD involves and not who expelled whom.
When Labour Against the Witchhunt [LAW] was formed at the end of 2017, it faced an immediate problem. Set up to fight the Zionists’ fake anti-Semitism smear campaign and the ensuing suspensions and expulsions, it faced a problem. Two of those present at the inaugural meetings, ID and GD were espousing anti-Semitic politics.

The Israel Lobby at Work
Unsurprisingly LAW’s officers decided that they had no alternative but to exclude supporters of SF. We were called witchhunters and accused of hypocrisy since we were set up to protest the expulsion of Labour Party members for ‘anti-Semitism’ and yet here were we expelling SF for anti-Semitism!
The difference of course was that the target of the ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations in the Labour Party were innocent. Their real ‘crime’ was being anti-Zionists. SF was guilty. The bourgeois and Zionist press however weren’t interested in such nuances.
The Independent’sGroup set up to protest against Labour's expulsion of members accused of antisemitism expels members for alleged antisemitism’ reported that ‘Gerry Downing, who was excluded from Labour Against the Witchhunt (LAW), has accused the group of conducting its own witch hunt against him.’
In the lead up to the LAW meeting on January 6th 2018 SF appealed to its supporters to come to the all-members meeting where the question of their exclusion would be decided.  They wrote:
No one can point to a single act or political stance that is in any way racist or anti-Semitic except in the minds of those who want to appease the Labour party bureaucracy of Ian McNicol.

Our actions were compared to a ‘throwback to the Great Purges in the USSR in the 1930s and 1940s’.

Gerry went even further arguingthat

‘Today, he [TG] and his bed mate Jack Conrad are in a bloc with the same Iain McNichol who is framing him up for anti-Semitism. This is class treachery at its most pathetic.’

Two months later I was expelled by my bedmate! You can imagine my surprise when GD’s letter appeared in last week’s Weekly Worker informing us that ‘Socialist Fight has expelled Ian Donovan and his ‘Trotskyist Faction’ by a unanimous vote.

This is to be welcomed but clearly it is not enough. You cannot wipe away the past 5 years through bureaucratic means. It is incumbent on Gerry to admit that we were right to exclude SF from LAW and to accept that we were not ‘witchhunters’ but anti-racists.

Gilad Atzmon - blowing his own trumpet
Gerry informs us that ID and the TF were expelled for ‘anti-Semitism and support for the racist, anti-Semitic and left Mussolini-Strasserite fascist, Gilad Atzmon.’
GD quotes from GA’s 2006 essay ‘On Anti-Semitism’: “... we must begin to take the accusation that the Jewish people are trying to control the world very seriously’. GA goes on to say that whether the infamous Czarist forgery, the Protocols of the elder of Zion, are genuine or a forgery is irrelevant since “American Jews do try to control the world, by proxy.” Hitler’s take on the Protocols in Mein Kampf was that they must be genuine because they were true!
Quoting from GA’s most recent book Being in Time that ‘“Fascism, I believe, more than any other ideology, deserves our attention, as it was an attempt to integrate left and right.’ GD concludes that GA is a fascist. Furthermore, since ID has ‘developed a full-blown ideological outlook in lockstep with Atzmon’, citing Donovan’s defence of GA’s admiration for ex-KKK neo-Nazi David Duke, he alleges that ID too is now a fascist.
GD also cites ID’s defence of Atzmon groupie Devon Nola that ‘“Bolshevism was a Jewish-led form of government.’
It is to be welcomed that Gerry now repudiates use of the term, ‘the world ‘Jewish-Zionist bourgeoisie’’ and the whole notion of a Jewish-Zionist imperialist vanguard as anti-Semitic tropes.’ The idea that there is a Jewish sub-set of the ruling class, still less a pan national Jewish bourgeoisie is deeply anti-Semitic and reminiscent of Nazi  world Jewish conspiracy theories. They have no place in a socialist let alone Marxist group.
However GD also has to explain why he ever went along with this nonsense. At the very least it must show some serious deficiency in his own understanding of capitalism and imperialism and leave open the question, ‘what is Socialist Fight for’?
It is equally welcome that GD now believes it is inappropriate to refer to Jews such as Kissinger and Milton Friedman as examples of Jews being
“overrepresented among the most strident spokespeople for capitalist reaction” without openly recognising that they are doing so primarily as representatives of the interests of imperialist capitalism, as in the Pinochet coup in Chile against Allende in 1973, and not as any separate Jewish influence or conspiracy.

However if this rejection of ID’s pretentiously titled ‘Draft Theses on the Jews and Modern Imperialism is sincere then he must explain why SF up till now didn’t realise that they had an anti-Semitic cuckoo in their nest.

ID’s Theses argued that what is distinctive about Israel is that unlike other settler colonial states ‘Israel has no ‘mother country’ because it was populated by part of the Jewish population from several countries.’ This is one of GA’s key argument as to why Israel’s character owes nothing to its being a settler colonial state but to the fact that it is a Jewish state. And it is the Jewishness that most interests GA.
It is of course a bogus argument. South Africa’s Boers had no mother country either. Nor did the American colonists once they had rebelled. Palestine had British imperialism as its sponsor.  What distinguishes settler colonialism is not who sponsors it but what the settlers do.  It is the political economy of settler colonialism which matters.  Do the settlers depend on exploitation of the indigenous labour or do they want to exclude it?
The next best thing to the tablets of stone that Moses carried down Mount Sinai
ID explains support for Israel by the West as being on account of ‘Jewish overrepresentation in the US and other ruling classes.’ In other words Jews form an ethnic lobby. Although ID doesn’t realise it, this is what the Zionists themselves say! When arguing in support of Israel the Zionists claim to represent the whole Jewish community (apart from a few Jews of the ‘wrong sort’). No. 8 of the Board of Deputies 10 Commandments, which Labour leadership candidates were expected to endorse proclaims that
‘labour must engage with the Jewish community via its main representative groups, and not through fringe organisations and individuals.’ #
It is Zionist advocates who argue that only Jews have the right to define what is anti-Semitic. In the words of Jonathan Freedland
black people are usually allowed to define what’s racism; women can define sexism; Muslims are trusted to define Islamophobia. But when Jews call out something as antisemitic, leftist non-Jews feel curiously entitled to tell Jews they’re wrong,
Freedland was talking nonsense. There is no homogenous women’s view as to what sexism is nor is there a Black monopoly on the definition of racism whereas the Zionist movement insists that everybody accept a definition of anti-Semitism whose sole purpose is defence of Israel. And further they also insist that they, and only they, represent British Jews.

In order to understand the background to GD’s letter it is instructive to have a look at what SF said at the time we were ‘witchhunting’ them. ID’s Third-Camp Stalinoids bring Witchhunt into ‘Labour Against the Witchhunt’ spoke about ‘the role of Jewish bourgeois in the diaspora.’ This ‘Jewish component within the ruling classes of Western countries that exceeds by many times over the proportion of Jews in the general population’ turns a ‘normal relationship’ between states ‘into a servile relationship where states like the USA give barely critical support to Israeli atrocities against Palestinians.’

Socialist Fight accusedthe CPGB of having engaged in the ‘indulgence of Jewish sensibilities” as if all Jews have the same sensibilities. It is a statement which could have been taken from an overtly anti-Semitic publication. SF also defended GA’s belief that the Bolshevik Revolution was Jewish dominated describing his views as ‘confused and paranoid’ rather than calling their fascist lineage out.
ID defendedGA and attacked the campaign that Jewish anti-Zionists waged against him and the SWP’s toleration of him. Ours was
a reactionary campaign, contrary to working class democracy, and in reality constituted an anti-left witch-hunt which the SWP unfortunately capitulated to.’
Not only that but
Atzmon manages to poke holes in key aspects of Zionist ideology, and expose some of the capitulations to Zionism and Jewish communalism of some of those on the left who claim to oppose Zionism. He is a savage critic, albeit from an idealist standpoint, of Jewish identity politics, which... is the identity politics of an oppressor people, and thereby Atzmon’s critique, along with those of others such as Shlomo Sand, is essential for Marxists to engage with.
In Defend Marxism and Labour Movement democracy against capitulators to ZionismDonovan wrote that Jews are a ‘people, who, insofar as they act in a collective manner under a quasi-nationalist leadership today, act as oppressors of another people, namely Arabs’.
The Jewish Question was confined to the feudal era and the transition to capitalism, not modern day capitalism
Yet during the debate on whether or not LAW should exclude SF ID denied that they had described the Jews as an ‘oppressor people’ which suggests that his ‘materialist’ analysis of what he calls ‘the Jewish Question’ is indefensible.
Atzmon’s ‘critique’ of Zionism includes drawing a straight line between the ‘Judaic god’ of Moses and Israel’s behaviour today. In ‘The Wandering Who’ (p.120) Atzmon writes that:
The Judaic God, as portrayed by Moses... is an evil deity, who leads his people to plunder, robbery and theft. ...  Israel, the Jewish State, has been following Moses’ call. The ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people in 1948, and the constant and total abuse of the Palestinian people since then, makes Deuteronomy 6:10–12 look like a prophecy fulfilled.
Atzmon’s statementin his essay Truth, History and Integrityquestioning Auschwitz has nothing in common with Arab or third world Holocaust denial. Yes because Zionism uses the Holocaust as a weapon many Arabs therefore query the weapon itself rather than the use made of it. But Atzmon comes from the oppressor people. His ideas are from European neo-Nazis. When GA wrote
I am left puzzled here, if the Nazis ran a death factory in Auschwitz-Birkenau, why would the Jewish prisoners join them at the end of the war? Why didn’t the Jews wait for their Red liberators? I think that 65 years after the liberation of Auschwitz, we must be entitled to start to ask the necessary questions. We should ask for some conclusive historical evidence and arguments rather than follow a religious narrative that is sustained by political pressure and laws. (my emphasis)
ID merely says that
His sometimes-sceptical remarks about the Holocaust have an Israeli origin, and are a confused reaction to the abuse of the Holocaust to justify hideous Israeli crimes.’
The first two sentences of the above quotation are omitted from the chapter ‘Truth, History and Integrity’in his book. Clearly GA recognised that they were problematic even if ID didn’t!
GA also went on to justify the persecution of Jews under the Nazis by conflating the Jews of Europe with Israeli Jews today. In essence he was justifying the anti-Semitism that led to Auschwitz.
65 years after the liberation of Auschwitz we should be able to ask why? Why were the Jews hated? Why did European people stand up against their neighbours? Why are the Jews hated in the Middle East (pp. 175-176 The Wandering Who)

For anyone interested in a Report of the meeting of January 6th2018, including a comprehensive analysis of how SF adopted the politics of anti-Semitism, as a means of explaining Zionism, you can go here.

GD has written a mea culpaof sorts, explaining that when he formed an alliance with ID ‘I did not examine too closely the politics of Ian’s Draft Theses on the Jews and Modern Imperialism’. This is, to say the least, hard to take.
In an interview with GA Gerry wrote that ‘I do not agree he is either racist or anti-Semitic.’ Gerry’s explanation for his alliance with ID was that he had just lost two comrades and that
‘I desperate needed someone who understood the history of the Marxism-Leninism-Trotskyism, at least to a certain level and so made that alliance with Ian, which I now recognise as opportunist.’
Opportunism is probably the least of it! The anti-Semitism inherent in what ID wrote was staring GD in the face. Even if GD didn’t have a great grasp of the history of Zionism he must have been acquainted with the nuts and bolts of Marxism and a class analysis.
In Why Marxists must address the Jewish Question concretely today ID wrote that ‘Zionism is a Jewish nationalist-communalist project’ which is not true. It became an ethno-nationalist movement in Palestine/Israel but originally it was a separatist reaction to anti-Semitism. After all Poalei Zion in Russia joined the Bolsheviks. ID describes the outcome of WWII as having led to
‘an emerging understanding that the Jewish bourgeoisie was an important reserve for the survival of capitalism itself, particularly in its ability to see beyond narrow national horizons and look out for the interests of the bourgeois class on a broader basis.
In other words the ‘Jewish bourgeoisie’ were the guardians of the rest of the capitalist class! ID went on to state
‘If Socialist Fight is right on Zionism’s special relationship to global finance capital what programmatic implications does this have?’
and asked
‘Does it mean that we specifically target Jewish capital?’ Answer: Not all Jewish capital. But we do want to expose that a specific part of Jewish capital has an ethnocentric interest in the dispossession of Palestinians.
Targeting Jewish capitalists was the anti-capitalism of the Brownshirts. It was what the Nazis and anti-Semitic movements in Europe did. I find it difficult to understand how Gerry could seriously accept this garbage.
ID has respondedto his expulsion by saying that they have ‘taken on the mantle’ of Socialist Fight.’ Gerry Downing needs to ask some serious questions such as what is the purpose of a group that went down this road. Does it serve any purpose?
GD describes GA as a ‘left Mussolini-Strasserite fascist’ and by implication ID too since  he has ‘developed a full-blown ideological outlook in lockstep with Atzmon’.
I disagree. Fascism is a specific political movement aimed at not only destroying working class organisations and the left but all democratic rights. It is the last resort of capitalism against the workers’ movement. GA certainly flirts with fascists and anti-Semites, neo-Nazis included but he has also flirted with the Left, including the SWP. He is, if anything, politically promiscuous. He reminds me of Christopher Hitchens, a contrarian who would argue positions for the outrage they would cause.
I’m sure that GA, an accomplished jazz player, is well aware that jazz was considered Jewish inspired ‘nigger music’ in Nazi Germany. Listening to jazz was considered an act of rebellion by rebellious youth chafing at the boring monotone culture of the Nazis. GA also works happily with Jews, converses with them and has no personal antagonism to Jews as Jews. In other words whilst his ideas are without doubt anti-Semitic, on a personal level he is not an anti-Semite. Nor is there any reason to believe that he has given his support to, still less become a member of, a fascist organisation.
Likewise ID, engaged in the hopeless task of proving that Marx and Trotsky would have approved of his batty notions that Jewish capital is responsible for the direction of US foreign policy today. Despite his many sins Ian looks to the left not the right. It would be wrong to categorise him as a fascist, if only through guilt by association.
Tony Greenstein

Zionists Openly Admit to trying to Disrupt Public Meetings on Palestine as the Attempt to Prevent Haneen Zoabi Speaking at SOAS Fails

Jonathan Hoffman and his Zionist thugs tell a Jewish Holocaust Survivor that she is a ‘disgrace’ for opposing racism and Zionism

On Friday evening there was an attempt by a group of fascist Zionists, led by the notorious Jonathan Hoffman, who was convicted of various public order offences last summer in connection with an assault on a Palestinian woman at a demonstration outside Puma. This time Hoffman’s mission was to attempt to disrupt and prevent the brave former member of Israel’s Knesset, Haneen Zoabi from speaking.
Hoffman is well-known for working with Fascists and Anti-Semites - Just So Long as They Support Zionism and Israel
Jonathan Hoffman with Gemma Sheridan of the JDL in the middle and Paul Besser in the blue cap of Britain First on the right - they were protesting about 'antisemitism'!

Hoffman with Harvey Garfield (left) and Roberta Moore (middle) of the Jewish Defence League - The EDL are in military fatigues to the rear - 'protecting' the Ahava shop from Palestinian demonstrators - we nonetheless succeeded in closing it down!
Hoffman should know that Haneen has faced far more serious attempts by the Zionist regime and its military to stop Haneen speaking and organising. Zionism’s pale imitations of Oswald Moseley were nothing more than a mild nuisance. What is interesting though is the rationale and ‘logic’ behind Hoffman and friends.
Hoffman and fellow fascists openly boast that 'we disrupted this vile meeting'  

According to Hoffman’s blog, laughingly titled Thrown out at SOAS for telling the truth, he is entitled to disrupt or prevent any meeting that he classifies as ‘anti-Semitic’. What was the truth he told? That it was all ‘lies’. That was his sole rationale.
Anti-Semitism according to Hoffie is anyone who supports the Palestinians or who opposes Zionism, because in his world view, anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism.  Thus he callsSOAS, a multi-national institution, the pride of London University, an ‘anti-Semitic sewer.’ According to Hoffman ‘Calling Israel an Apartheid State is anti-semitic.’ Which logically means that telling the truth is anti-Semitic. In which case the anti-Semites are right after all! This is how Zionism ends up justifying and supporting anti-Semitism.
The Failure by SOAS Centre for Palestine Studies to Take Security Precautions is Totally Unacceptable
Haneen Zoabi was the most reviled and detested Arab member of the Knesset. She has, as you can see in these FB posts, been called a 'terrorist' on innumerable occasions. It is quite possible for some deranged lunatic like Hoffman to make an attempt of her life.

The failure to provide strict security is lamentable and I shall be writing to them. It is utterly unacceptable.

I have carefully documented the activities of these people, including providing names and photographs. Hoffman and co. have complained bitterly, including trying to hold me responsible for the suicide of one of their number! I have shown how Hoffman has continually and regularly consorted with a variety of fascists from the EDL to Britain First and Tommy Robinson. I have shown how the Board of Deputies has been happy to demonstrate alongside the Jewish Nazi Jewish Defence League and Tommy Robinson supporters.

Where this information has been used, Hoffman and friends have been left kicking their heels outside the meetings they hoped to disrupt. It is therefore extremely disappointing that the Centre for Palestine Studies at SOAS did not avail themselves of this information. Despite saying that ID was required there was no attempt to do this on the night. The lack of security was not only depressing but it gives encouragement to these thugs.  I hope that SOAS’s Centre for Palestine Studies takes note because you are making things difficult for other meetings and organisations. Your decision to have no security on the night was highly irresponsible.
Hoffman effortlessly gives his far-Right connections away when he tells us that Haneen Zoabi ‘is not even supported by many Arabs in Israel.’ He quotes Arab Israeli journalist Khaled Abu Toameh who wrote an articleIsrael's Arabs: A Tale of Betrayalwhich informs readers that
‘some of the Israeli Arab community's elected representatives and leaders have worked harder for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip than for their own Israeli constituents.’
Divide and Rule is an old trick of racists and imperialists. Who is Khaled Abu Toameh? A writer for the right-wing Zionist Jerusalem Post. And where did the article appear? On the web siteof the Gatestone Institute where he is styled as a ‘Distinguished Senior Fellow’.
And what, you may ask, is the Gatestone Institute?  A respected academic institution or think tank? Well if you go to Wikipedia you will learn that:
Gatestone Institute is a far-right think tankknown for publishing anti-Muslim articles. It was founded in 2008 by Nina Rosenwald, who serves as its president. Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and former national security advisor, John R. Bolton, was its chairman from 2013 to March 2018. Its current chairman is Amir Taheri.’ Taheri himself
‘has been the subject of many controversies involving fabrications in his writings, most notable of which was the 2006 Iranian sumptuary law controversy.’
One of its board members is billionaire Rebeka Mercer, who also happens to fund the far-Right Breitbart which Steve Bannon edited before he fell out with Trump. Breitbart combines racism, hostility to feminism, gay rights and anti-Semitism. A quite heady brew.
Below the Fascists Debate Their Attempted Disruption of a Lawful Meeting
It should be noted that Roslyn Pine was suspended for 6 years by the Board of Deputies after having described Palestinians as the 'vilest of animals' - it is unclear whether the sentence was lifted on appeal
According to Wikipedia, Gatestone
‘regularly publishes false reports to stoke anti-Muslim fears and has published false stories pertaining to Muslims and Islam. Gatestone frequently warns of a looming "jihadist takeover" and "Islamization" of Europe, leading to a "Great White Death". 
Just the kind of publication that you would expect Hoffman to quote from!
Hoffman tells us that
‘The disorder then increased. Cries of ‘Israel is a democracy’ were met with a sinister chorus from the mob of Zionists Out”, chillingly redolent of the cries of “Juden Raus” on Kristallnacht in 1938 in Nazi Germany.’

Jewish Chronicle report of 12.7.18.
This is how Zionism cynically exploits the Holocaust, whilst keeping Holocaust survivors in povertyin Israel. The Holocaust to Zionists is no more than a means to defend the world’s most racist state. How does ‘Zionists out’ equate to ‘Juden Raus’?  Zionism is a political not an ethnic ideology. It’s like saying that ‘fascists out’ is a threat to all British people  Nonsensical as well as dishonest. Hoffman then recallshow:
An elderly woman dressed in pink in the front row announced herself as a ‘Holocaust Survivor’ (video here). The truth is that she was born in Budapest in 1944 so knew nothing about the Holocaust. She’s a charlatan, she was never in a death camp. But to call herself a ‘survivor’ adds to her cachet among the antisemites when she maligns Israel...’
The IHRA is giving fascists and Zionists a pretext to ban meetings they don't like - under the guise of 'antisemitism'
Because it is Israel uber alles Hoffman will even traduce someone born in Nazi occupied Europe in order to defend his racist rat hole. This common and garden racist, who demonstrates side by side with Britain First members, attacks a Holocaust survivor who unlike Hoffman is able to relate her own experiences to the suffering of the Palestinians.
Board of Deputies only acts against Roslyn Pine after years of her racism - in this case calling Arabs 'the vilest of animals'- but what Pine says openly is in the throat of many other racists in the Board of Deputies
If Hoffman knew anything about the Holocaust, he would not doubt that the woman in question was a Holocaust survivor. The definition of which is being born under Nazi occupation not being in a death camp or a concentration camp.
In 1944 nearly half a million Hungarian Jews were deported to Auschwitz whilst the leader of Hungarian Zionism,  Rudolph Kasztnerwas reaching an agreement with Adolf Eichmann to secure a train out of Hungary containing the Zionist leadership.
Jonathan deciding to boycott Israel
Kasztner deliberately kept information on Auschwitz from Hungarian Jews. As Elie Wiesel, an ardent Zionist wrote:
‘We were taken just two weeks before D-Day, and we did not know that Auschwitz existed… everyone knew except the victims.’ Wiesel asked ‘Why didn’t we know? To this day I try to understand what happened. If ever there was a tragedy that could have been prevented, it was that one.’
Wiesel was also quoted in the LA Times 23.5.93. as saying that:
Jewish leaders of Palestine never made the rescue of European Jews into an overwhelming national priority. We know that Zionist leader Itzhak Gruenbaum... considered creating new settlements more urgent than saving Jews from being sent to Treblinka and Birkenau.’ 
In 1944 the Jews of Budapest survived the deportations because of massive world pressure which forced Hungary’s pro-Nazi leader Admiral Horthy to call a halt to the deportations on July 7th 1944. However the Nazi Arrow Cross government that the Nazis installed on October 15th terrorised the Jews of Budapest and some 50,000 out of 200,000 were murdered by their militia.
The woman in pink at the meeting is, in every sense, a Holocaust survivor. The fact that Hoffman, in his desperation to defend an Israeli state, should query this indicates how despicable and contemptible this wretched apology for a human being is.
There is not one redeeming feature about Jonathan Hoffman, a disgusting apologist for Israeli apartheid.  When his death comes it will be hard to find even 1 good word to say about him. As Malcolm noted in MacBeth about the execution of Thane of Cawdor, ‘nothing in his life became him so much as his leaving it.’ We can only hope that Hoffman will not have too long to wait.  Let’s hope God is a Zionist because he will have a shock if he isn’t!
There can be no doubt today that Israel is an apartheid state. It is, by its own definition a state only of its Jewish citizens. A state which passes a law (Reception Committee Law 2011) allowing Jewish only communities to bar Arabs on ‘suitability’ grounds.
Hoffman, in his manic ramble tells us that ‘SOAS is virtually a Jew-free university.’ Having studied at SOAS as part of my own MA I can say, without fear of contradiction, that I never experienced any anti-Semitism at SOAS.  But then my definition of anti-Semitism is hostility to Jews, not hatred of a racist ideology called Zionism!
What is though disturbing is that Hoffman and his fellows openly boast of organising to disrupt meetings.  If a group of left-wingers were to do the same then the Police would no doubt be interested. Pressure should be put on the Metropolitan Police to consider pursuing charges against Hoffman and his fellows.
There is no limit to Hoffman's self-deception
And let it be remembered that Hoffman is someone who has no hesitation in working with the Holocaust denial Britain First, the English Defence League, Tommy Robinson supporters and of course he quotes from the openly Islamaphobic Gatestone Institute.

Hoffman and company don't even bother to hide the fact that they think they have the right to disrupt meetings they disagree with under the rubric 'antisemitism'
The attack on Palestine and anti-Zionist meetings is at one with the Tory attempt to impose the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism on universities whose sole purpose is, in the words of the person who drafted it, Kenneth Stern, to ‘chill’free speech.
Hoffman has also attackedSOAS academic Dr Dina Matar who chaired the meeting. Hoffman‘reveals’ that Dina agreed that ex-Israeli Professor Haim Bresheeth, of Jewish Network for Palestine, could book a room for a meeting! But then, according to Hoffman, JNP is ‘hate-infested political group set up explicitly to attack mainstream British Jewry  As a member I can assure Hoffman that its remit has nothing to do with an attack on Jews. Zionism is our only target. According to the demented Hoffman anyone who is not a signed up Zionist is an anti-Semite because the definition of ‘anti-Semitism’ to the Zionists has nothing to do with Jews and everything to do with Israel.
For more see Hoffman’s FB page

The Truth That Labour Dare Not Speak - Zionism has always worked with anti-Semites - From the Czarist Regime to the Nazis, the Argentinian Junta to Trump and Orban

Zionism and anti-Semitism -Siamese Twins – Joined at the Hip

Stanley Heller 'Zionist betrayal of Jews, from Herzl to Netanyahu' self-published, 2019, pp147. Available from Middle East Crisis Committee, Box 3626, Woodbridge CT, 06525, USA, for a donation of $10 or more.

Why is it that when world Jewry were boycotting everything made in Germany the Zionists struck up a trading agreement (Ha'avara) with them? 
Why did Ben Gurion say, after Kristallacht and the agreement by Britain to accept 10,000 German Jewish children that:
‘If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England, and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Yisrael, then I would opt for the second alternative. For we must weigh not only the life of these children, but also the history of the People of Israel.’[i]
Why did Ben Gurion’s official biographer, Shabtai Teveth write that:
‘As the European Holocaust erupted, Ben Gurion saw it as a decisive opportunity for Zionism... Ben Gurion above all others sensed the tremendous possibilities inherent in the dynamic of the chaos and carnage in Europe... In conditions of peace,… Zionism could not move the masses of world Jewry. The forces unleashed by Hitler in all their horror must be harnessed to the advantage of Zionism. ... By the end of 1942… the struggle for a Jewish state became the primary concern of the movement.’
When the Holocaust was taking place, Zionism's attention was focussed on achieving statehood not on rescuing refugees
Why in a memo to the Zionist Executive did Ben Gurion write that:
‘if the Jews are faced with a choice between the refugee problem and rescuing Jews from concentration camps on the one hand, and aid for the national museum in Palestine on the other, the Jewish sense of pity will prevail and our people's entire strength will be directed at aid for the refugees in the various countries. Zionism will vanish from the agenda and indeed not only world public opinion in England and America but also from Jewish public opinion. We are risking Zionism's very existence if we allow the refugee problem to be separated from the Palestine problem.’[ii]
The answers and more are in this short book by Stanley Heller. This review was printed in Weekly Worker
Review by Tony Greenstein
This book is really just a sampler with a fairly arbitrary selection of topics about Zionism’s relationship with its Siamese twin, anti-Semitism. Without anti-Semitism there would have been no Zionism and that is why the Zionist movement has always considered anti-Semitism as a kind of ‘distant relative’.
The founder of political Zionism, Theodor Herzl, in his pamphlet The Jewish state, compared the Zionist use of anti-Semitism to the use of steam as a source of power. Zionism sought not to fight anti-Semitism, but to harness it.
There are, however, large gaps in Heller’s brief account and his selection of topics is somewhat arbitrary. Why choose the visit of the Nazis, Adolf Eichmann and Leopold von Mildenstein, to Palestine as guests of the Labour Zionists, when there are so many worse examples of Nazi-Zionist collaboration? Why omit completely the story of Kasztner and the collaboration of Hungarian Zionism with the Nazis, which cost thousands of lives?
Yet these are minor points. Heller has done us a service with this book in reminding us, in the days when Zionist accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ are rife, that, when it comes to genuine anti-Semitism, you will not see the Zionist movement for dust.
One of the most remarkable things about the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign waged against Jeremy Corbyn for the past four years - what Justin Schlosberg has called a “disinformation paradigm1- is the absence of evidence: hence why such a high percentage of those suspended and expelled have been Jewish anti-Zionists.
Herzl made it clear that opposition to anti-Semitism was “futile”, before going on to “pardon” it.2He believed anti-Semitism contained a “divine will to good”.3One of the most remarkable aspects of the false anti-Semitism campaign is that even the truth can be anti-Semitic!
By ‘anti-Semitism’ I mean what the man on the Clapham Omnibus understands by it, which the Oxford English Dictionary defines as “hostility to or prejudice against Jews”. Because Zionism has no interest in opposing genuine anti-Semitism it has tried to foist the IHRA definition of it onto public bodies. Anti-Semitism has been redefined as hostility to Israel and Zionism.
It was Ken Livingstone’s propensity for blurting out the truth - namely that the Nazis ‘supported’ Zionism - which was responsible for the vitriolic attacks on him. A little known fact is that Labour’s disciplinary process excluded, from the start, any examination of the truth of what Livingstone had said. What mattered was that he had said it. The sole concern of Labour’s witch-hunters was that Ken had ‘given offence’ to the ‘Jewish community’.
In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo murders in France, The Guardian and others supported freedom of speech. An op ed in The Guardian by Jodie Ginsburg thundered: “The right to free speech means nothing without the right to offend.”4Perhaps she should have added: ‘except if they are Zionist Jews or their non-Jewish supporters’.
Not one British newspaper, not even The Guardian or The Independentsupported Livingstone’s freedom of speech. They demanded his expulsion from Labour. He was sacked by LBC radio, which was happy to employ neo-Nazi Katie Hopkins and the far-right Nigel Farage.
But targeting Muslims, as Charlie Hebdo did, was acceptable. One front page called the Koran“shit”, because anti-Muslim racism is consistent with imperialist discourse. However, speaking the truth about the record of Zionism during the Nazi era is not covered by freedom of speech. Zionism is the ideology that gave birth to and governs the Israeli state. What is at stake is not a quibble about the truth, but very real political, strategic and economic interests. Jews have been summoned as the first line of defence of western strategic and economic interests. Jews are the shield for western imperialism.
Heller’s description of how Zionism has betrayed the Jews, from the days of its founder, Theodor Herzl to Netanyahu is a gripping one. One theme runs through the book: Zionism sought to utilise, never to oppose, anti-Semitism. When a conflict arose between the needs of Jews and building the ‘Jewish’ state, then the latter always won out.

Heller builds on Lenni Brenner’s books, Zionism in the age of the dictators and 51 Documents - Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis, which exposed some of the sordid details of the Zionist movement’s relationships with fascism. This despite serious problems with Brenner’s understanding of events and analysis.5It would though have been useful to have provided, if not an index, at least a contents page!
Heller begins his journey with Herzl - “the Jewish man who thought that anti-Semitism was natural”. The belief that anti-Semitism was a natural phenomenon was common to all Zionists. Chaim Weizmann, president of the Zionist Organisation and first president of Israel (his name does not appear in the book once) wrote in his autobiography:
Whenever the quantity of Jews in any country reaches saturation point, that country reacts against them ... The determining factor in this matter is not the solubility of the Jews, but the solvent power of the country.6
Heller rightly points out that Herzl’s conversion to Zionism occurred not as a result of the Dreyfus affair, but the election of Karl Lueger as mayor of Vienna in 1897. Lueger’s election was a shock to both the Jews and emperor Franz Joseph, who only confirmed him in office after the fifth election. The last thing Joseph wanted was anti-Semitism in his multi-national empire.
Hitler at Nuremberg
Whilst Hitler praised Lueger as his inspiration, he was no Hitler himself. Lueger was an opportunist, who realised that without the spice of anti-Semitism he could not win over the artisan vote in Vienna. He was more in the tradition of ‘municipal socialism’. Lueger also had many Jewish friends and, when reproached about this, famously declared: “I decide who is a Jew.
What Heller does not mention is that Herzl created a myth, claiming that it was the Dreyfus affair that had been the cause of his conversion to Zionism. Any objective examination shows that Herzl was not interested in Dreyfus and almost certainly believed in his guilt. This was why Herzl and Bernard Lazare, the earliest campaigner for Dreyfus, parted company in 1899.
Heller describes how early Zionists were willing to work with the worst anti-Semites. Herzl met with Vyacheslav von Plehve, the Russian interior minister responsible for the pogrom at Kishinev in 1903. In return for the legalisation of the Zionist movement, he agreed not to criticise the Russian government. Vladimir Jabotinsky, the founder of revisionist Zionism, reached an agreement with the White Russian leader, Symon Petliura, who had the deaths of up to 50,000 Jews to his credit. But that did not stop Jabotinsky holding hands with him.
Heller looks at the Zionist sabotage of the Jewish boycott of Nazi Germany through its negotiation of a trade agreement, Ha’avara, with the Nazis. The Zionists saw the rise of the Nazis as an opportunity: “The last thing they considered was mobilising world opinion against the brownshirt menace.”
Israel supplied weaponry to Guatemala under Rios Montt when the USA stopped shipments. The Guatemalan Junta butchered 200,000 Mayan Indians thanks to Israeli arms and training.
The Zionists broke the boycott, even though it held out the only possibility of leading to the overthrow of Hitler. In practice they were writing off German Jewry. Today the Zionists claim that Ha’avara was about saving Jews, but this is a lie. It was about saving German Jewish wealth: 60% of capital investment in Jewish Palestine between 1933 and 1939 came from Nazi Germany.7According to Edwin Black, a rightwing Zionist and author of The transfer agreement, “the Nazi party and the Zionist Organisation shared a common stake in the recovery of Germany. If the Hitler economy fell, both sides would be ruined.”8
An article on the Jewish Telegraph Agency site is headed ‘Reich on verge of collapse’.9This was on account of the Jewish boycott. The sabotage of the anti-Nazi boycott by Zionism was an example of prioritising the interests of the ‘Jewish state’ over the lives of living Jews. Although the Zionists claimed that no-one in 1933 could predict the extermination of the Jews, this is untrue. Samuel Untermayer, organiser of the boycott, did just that.
As Edwin Black pointed out, the boycott forced Hitler to restrain anti-Jewish attacks. It denied Germany foreign exchange and the ability to “acquire the raw materials needed to rebuild its war machine”. None of this mattered to the Zionists.
Heller rightly concentrates on the situation in Poland, where after the death of Józef Piłsudski in 1935, the level of anti-Semitism soared. Jewish benches were introduced in the universities. Attacks on Jews massively increased and the government introduced anti-Semitic legislation, such as forcing businesses to carry the name of the owner on their sign (thus making it clear which shops were Jewish).
Jabotinsky’s supporters, who were strong in Poland, collaborated first with the Piłsudski regime and then the colonels’ government. They believed that Poland could take over the Palestine mandate from the British. They also had cordial relations with Mussolini’s fascists, training at the Italian naval station of Civitavecchia. In 1938 Mussolini introduced anti-Semitic racial laws and started persecuting Italian Jews. In 1943 during the Salo republic, Italian fascists collaborated in the deportation of 8,000 Italian Jews to Auschwitz.
It was in this situation of increasing anti-Semitism that Polish Jews turned to the Bund, an anti-Zionist socialist organisation. As Shmuel Merlin, a revisionist leader in Warsaw, told Lenni Brenner,
It was absolutely correct to say that only the Bund waged an organised fight against the anti-Semites. We did not consider that we had to fight in Poland. We believed the way to ease the situation was to take the Jews out of Poland. We had no spirit of animosity.
Heller quotes the notorious speech of Ben Gurion of December 9 1938 to the central committee of Mapai, the centre-left party (in response to the Krystallnacht, the British had offered to admit 10,000 unaccompanied Jewish children from Germany):
If I knew that it was possible to save all the children in Germany by transporting them to England, or only half by transporting them to Palestine, I would choose the second, because we face not only the reckoning of those children, but the historical reckoning of the Jewish people.
If Jews were to be rescued, according to their twisted logic, it had to be to Palestine. Otherwise what purpose was there to this “national museum”, as Ben Gurion described it?
Whereas world Jewry viewed the rise of Hitler with foreboding, to the Zionist leaders Hitler’s rise presented “unprecedented historical opportunities”. Heller quotes Tom Segev’s Seventh million as claiming that for Ben Gurion the extermination of the Jews was “above all else a crime against Zionism”.
Heller’s short section on ‘rescue plans’ skirts over three that were abortive - the rescue of 70,000 Jews from Transnistria in Romania, the delayed deportation of Jews from Slovakia and the ‘Blood for Trucks’ proposal to the allies from Adolf Eichmann in May 1944. Heller does justice to none of these proposals.
He follows in Brenner’s footsteps in seeing the offer of a million Jews in exchange for 100,000 winterised trucks as genuine. That the Zionists took it seriously, when it was obviously designed to split the Allies, is entirely to their discredit - especially as they refused to publicise the plight of Hungarian Jews, who Eichmann had already started deporting from Hungary on May 15, two days before this so-called offer had been made.
Heller also makes the mistake of attributing the stopping of the deportation of 30,000 Jews from Slovakia in October 1942 as due to a bribe. Slovakia was the first country in Europe whose Jews were deported. In fact it was Vatican pressure on the puppet leader, Josef Tiso, a Catholic priest, which was responsible for the calling off of the deportations.
Heller quotes Tom Segev as saying, “Only a few survivors owed their lives to the efforts of the Zionist movement.” Not only is this true, but thousands more lost their lives because of the Zionist movement’s campaign against rescue to anywhere but Palestine.
The author quotes Segev as saying that “the Jewish leaders of Palestine never made the rescue of European Jews into an overwhelming national priority”. This was an understatement. The Zionist leaders focussed almost exclusively on building their state, to the exclusion of the holocaust. But this did not stop Zionism from using the holocaust as a propaganda weapon. Heller mentions the 32 members of Haganah, the Jewish paramilitary group in Palestine, who were parachuted into Europe in 1944 and accepts the story that they were sent to fight the Nazis. He writes: “All praise must be given to these heroes.”
But this is not true. According to the memoirs of Yoel Palgi, the only Hungarian parachutist to survive, the aim was “to reconstruct the crumbling Zionist youth movements there after the war”. Yechiam Weitz wrote: “While the parachutists outwardly defined theirs as a rescue mission, ... their primary goal was in effect to influence the survivors to choose Palestine as their ultimate destination.”10
Heller mentions the Livingstone affair, when Ken stated that Hitler supported Zionism. Heller says that “Livingstone’s wording was regrettable” and that “Hitler certainly didn’t believe in Zionism: his agents only worked with Zionists in the 30s to get Jews out of Germany.” Livingstone, who has been repeatedly misquoted by the bourgeois press, is misquoted again here. He said that Hitler ‘supported’, not ‘believed in’, Zionism.
And it is not true that Nazi agents only worked with the Zionists in order to get rid of Germany’s Jews. There was also an ideological congruity, which was expressed in the Ha’avara agreement. The collaboration was wider. The Zionist leaders welcomed Hitler and the Nazis to power, believing that they would benefit. This was what became known as ‘cruel Zionism’.
Zionism never hesitates to mention the collaboration of the mufti of Jerusalem, but omits to mention the “loathsome offer to collaborate with Hitler” of the Stern Gang - one of whose leaders, Yitzhak Shamir, twice became Israel’s prime minister. The Stern Gang “under Stern’s inspiration praised the Nazis extravagantly for locking the Polish Jews into the ghettos, contrasting this favourably with the conditions of Jewish life in Poland before the Nazi invasion”. Was there any greater example of the madness of the Zionist fringe?
Heller gives us a taste of a number of subjects that require much greater in-depth study. He describes how the leadership of American Jewry betrayed the Jews of Europe. In the section, ‘Arthur Goldberg whitewashes the passivity of the Jewish elite’, Heller tells the story of the bad conscience of the leadership of American Jewry.
In the 1980s “the American Jewish Commission on the Holocaust” was set up, chaired by Arthur Goldberg. It was initially financed by Jack Eisner, a former Warsaw ghetto fighter. Part of its draft, which was leaked to the New York Times, stated:
In retrospect, one incontrovertible fact stands out above all others: In the face of Hitler’s total war of extermination against the Jews of Europe, the Jewish leadership in America at no stage decided to proclaim total mobilisation for rescue.
It said that the Zionists’ “exclusive concentration on Palestine as a solution” made them unable to work for any other alternative.
Heller cites the dissident revisionist, Peter Bergson, who told Stephen Wise, the leader of American Zionists: 
If you were inside a burning house, would you want the people outside to scream, ‘Save them’, or to scream, ‘Save them by taking them to the Waldorf Astoria’?”
The Zionists literally sabotaged rescue to anywhere but Palestine. Not content with this, they spearheaded a campaign against those who did want to do something - notably the Emergency Committee to Rescue Europe’s Jews. Stephen Wise and Nahum Goldman advised the Roosevelt administration to deport the committee’s two leaders, describing them as “worse than Hitler”.
Not surprisingly, the Zionists did not like the draft report of the Commission and it never saw the light of day. Eisner withdrew his financial backing when he saw that the vested interests would not allow the truth to emerge. Nahum Goldman, who was president of the Zionist Organisation, admitted that he and Wise received a telegram from Jewish Resistance in Europe exhorting “12 top American Jews to go and sit night and day on the steps outside the White House until the Allies are moved to bomb Auschwitz and Treblinka”.
The US airforce had the capacity to bomb Auschwitz, because it was already bombing Buna/Auschwitz III, where the rubber factories were based. Indeed they bombed one of the gas chambers by accident. Yet the American leaders refused to do anything other than make polite requests. As Heller notes, on June 11 1944, the Jewish Agency executive committee refused to call for the bombing of Auschwitz.
Israel’s Nazis
In chapter 5, Heller focuses on ‘Israel - employing German Nazis’. This is the remarkable story of how the Israeli state employed leading Nazis after the war as agents. The most notorious was Walter Rauff, who had personally designed the ‘Black Raven’ mobile gas chambers that were first used between 1939 and 1941 to murder up to 100,000 handicapped Germans. These same gas trucks made their way to Poland, where they formed the first extermination camp at Chełmno at the beginning of December 1941. Thousands of Jews and gypsies from Łódź - the second major ghetto in Poland - were murdered there.
Rauff’s New York Times obituary states: “Nazi hunters and governments that sought his extradition, however, estimated that as many as 250,000 people - most of them east European Jews - died in the vans.” However, this did not deter the Israeli government from employing him. Israel not only paid Rauff, but also arranged for an Italian visa. Rauff and his family sailed from Genoa to South America courtesy of the Israeli state.
Another agent was the swashbuckling Otto Skorzeny. He was responsible for helping install the Nazi Arrow Cross regime in Hungary. Heller states that the result of this for Hungarian Jews was the resumption of the deportations, with the loss of 100,000 lives. I disagree. About 50,000 Jews were murdered, primarily as a result of gang attacks by Arrow Cross thugs and in the forced march of Jews to Vienna on November 8 1944.
It is untrue that deportations were resumed. I have seen no evidence of this. A report on the deportation of Hungarian Jews to Austria by Eleonore Lappin confirms this. After the overthrow of regent Miklós Horthy and prime minister Géza Lakatos on October 15, Eichmann returned two days later to Budapest:
However, by this juncture in mid-October, the machinery of annihilation in Auschwitz had already been disrupted and shut down. On October 7 1944, prisoners in the Sonderkommando had destroyed at least one of the gas chambers. A short time later, gassings were halted and Himmler gave the order to tear down the gas chambers and crematoria. This was carried out in November and December 1944.
This is why, when SS Brigadeführer Hugo Blaschke, mayor of Vienna, begged for labour to help build anti-tank fortifications, Jews were forced to travel by foot until Arrow Cross leader Ferenc Szálasi halted the march. The rail network had all but collapsed.
Skorzeny had kidnapped Horthy’s son, rolling him up in a carpet and threatening to execute him if Horthy did not resign. Skorzeny bore a major responsibility for the murder of Jews which followed, but this did not stop Israel from recruiting him as a spy. Although Israel made great play of its capture of Adolf Eichmann in Argentina in 1960, Heller shows how it was not interested in the capture of any other Nazis, such as Josef Mengele, the notorious SS doctor in Auschwitz.
Israel and anti-Semites
The final three chapters bring us up to date, beginning with chapter 6: ‘Selling guns to Nazi-admiring juntas’. The Bolivian junta under Hugo Banzer was hiding Klaus Barbie, head of the Gestapo in Lyons:
In August 1973, Israeli foreign minister Abba Eban visited Bolivia and was asked at a press conference whether he had spoken to its dictatorial leader, Hugo Banzer, about Barbie. Eban responded that it was an internal matter of the Bolivian legal system, and that it would be up to Bolivia to decide whether or not to extradite Barbie to France.
What kind of ‘Jewish’ state refuses to call for the extradition of a Nazi responsible for the murder of at least 4,000 Jews?
When Luis García Meza seized power in Bolivia in 1980, aiming to create a Pinochet-style government, US president Jimmy Carter refused to recognise his regime. Israel, however, had no such scruples. As Heller observes, “The Carter administration applied sanctions against Meza. In contrast Israel gave Meza economic and military aid.”
John Brown in Ha’aretz described how
Israel also armed Bolivia’s military regimes, knowing that Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie was part of the regime. Legal documents used to convict the head of the junta also showed that Barbie’s death squads used Israeli Uzis [submachine guns].
What was Israel’s motive? A few million in arms sales! As Israel Shahak, the Israeli human rights activist and holocaust survivor said in 1984, it was “beyond shame”. He added: “During this time the Israel of prime ministers Rabin and Begin did nothing - actually less than nothing - as they aided the fascist regime.”
People should bear this in mind when they consider the ‘anti-Semitism’ attacks on Jeremy Corbyn. Heller describes Israeli relationships with Paraguay under the dictatorship of Alfredo Stroessner, an open Nazi admirer. Paraguay played host to Mengele. When the Israeli ambassador, Benjamin Varon was asked about Mengele, his standard answer was: “The Israel government is not searching for Dr Mengele - the Federal Republic of Germany is.”
The seventh chapter, ‘Modern-day collaboration with Jew-haters’, includes Viktor Orbán, prime minister of Hungary, who is intent on rehabilitating admiral Horthy, the pro-Nazi leader of Hungary during the war, whom he described as an “exceptional statesman”.
Heller says that Horthy set up the ‘labour service system’ for men considered ‘unworthy’ of being in the military, such as Jews. Heller says that 45,000 Jews served in it. My own understanding is that the figure was double this and that half of them survived. Ironically the labour service became a source of refuge and rescue.
Heller describes how in 2019 Netanyahu gave a warm welcome to the premier of Lithuania, Saulius Skvernelis. A year earlier Netanyahu had praised Skvernelis for fighting anti-Semitism despite the fact that Lithuanian schools make into heroes the anti-Soviet nationalists who were involved in the mass killing of Jews. 95% of Lithuanian Jews were exterminated - the highest proportion in Europe.
Israel has cultivated warm relationships with a whole series of racist regimes and figures, such as Austria’s neo-Nazi leader, Heinz Christian Strache, and India’s Hindu nationalist leader, Narendra Modi. Israel even supplies weapons to Ukraine’s neo-Nazi militia, the Azov Battalion .
The final chapter is on ‘Trump, Netanyahu and the eruption of US anti-Semitism’. Trump is an ideal example of how an anti-Semite can, at the same time, be the most ardent Zionist. The man for whom neo-Nazis at Charlottesville were “fine people” invited the anti-Semitic pastor, John Hagee, who believes that Hitler was a “half-breed Jew”, to preside at the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem.
In short, when Zionists talk about ‘anti-Semitism’, it is a camouflage to hide their own collaboration with genuine anti-Semites.
Heller has done us a great service in writing this all too short book. I can heartily recommend it as an hors d’oeuvres. However it is only a taster. The full story of Zionist collaboration with anti-Semites, the Nazis included, will take up a much larger volume.
Tony Greenstein

  1. . J Schlosberg Labour, anti-Semitism and the news: a disinformation paradigm: www.mediareform.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Labour-antisemitism-and-the-news-FINAL-PROOFED.pdf.
  2. . www.marxists.org/history/etol/document/mideast/toi/chap3-11.html. In his diaries (p6) he wrote: “In Paris, as I have said, I achieved a freer attitude towards anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognised the emptiness and futility of trying to ‘combat’ anti-Semitism.”
  3. . T Herzl The complete diaries of Theodor Herzl New York 1960, p231.
  4. . The Guardian February 16 2015.
  5. . See my article, ‘Zionist-Nazi collaboration and the holocaust - a historical aberration? Lenni Brenner revisited’ Journal of Holy Land Studies November 2014’.
  6. . C Weizmann Trial and error pp90-91.
  7. . D Rosenthal, ‘Chaim Arlosoroff, 65 years after his assassination’ Jewish Frontier May-June 1998. In 1937 over 31 million Deutsche Mark were transferred (FR Nicosia The Third Reich and the Palestine question London 2000, p213).
  8. . E Black The transfer agreement Washington 2009, p253.
  9. . http://pdfs.jta.org/1935/1935-12-10_105.pdf
  10. . Y Weitz, ‘Jewish refugees and Zionist policy during the holocaust’ Middle Eastern Studies Vol 30, No2, April 1994, p359. Lenni Brenner in Zionism in the age of the dictators (1983) made the same mistake.

[i]           Zionism and the Holocaust, http://www.cpgb.org.uk/home/weekly-worker/631/zionism-and-the-holocaust Yoav Gelber, ‘Zionist policy, p.199, Segev, p.28.  Ben-Gurion at the Mapai CC, 7.12.38, Labour Party Archives, Bet Berl Tsofit., 22/38, Teveth, p.855, Piterberg, p.99. 
[ii]          Memo of 17.12.38 to Zionist Executive cited by Machover-Offenburg Khamsin 6, p. 58, Arie Bober, The Other Israel, p.171 https://tinyurl.com/y692ngan, John Quigley, The Case for Palestine: An International Law Perspective, pp. 26-27, Duke University Press, 2005. See also New Premises for a False Conclusion ‒ Moshe Machover, Matzpen, 10.5.67., https://tinyurl.com/y6rtdzsw for a longer quotation by Yigal Elam in “New Premises for the Same Zionism” in Ot, No. 2 Winter 1967, which puts this in perspective.

Stanley Heller, Zionism, anti-Semitism, Herzl, Netanyahu, Guatemala, Argentinian Junta, Nazi-Zionist Collaboration, Ben Gurion, Kristallacht, Kasztner, Ha'avara, Shabtai Teveth Adolf Eichmann, Mildenstein, Hungary, Justin Schlosberg, Jeremy Corbyn, Ken Livingstone, Katie Hopkins, Nigel Farage, IHRA, Charlie Hebdo, Lenni Brenner, Chaim Weizmann, Karl Lueger, Dreyfuss, Bernard Lazare, von Plehve, Jabotinsky, Petliura, Józef Piłsudski, Edwin Black, Mussolini, Civitavecchia, Republic, Warsaw, Shmuel Merlin,, Auschwitz, Bund, Salo Republic, Mapai, Bund, Poland, Palestine, Tom Segev, Transnistria, Romania, Slovakia, Blood for Trucks, Josef Tiso, Haganah, Livingstone, Yoel Palgi, Yechiam Weitz, Stern Gang, Israel Shamir, Arthur Goldberg, Jack Eisner, New York Times, Peter Bergson, Nahum Goldman, Stephen Wise, Roosevelt, Walter Rauff, Otto Skorzeny, Arrow Cross, Chelmno, Lodz, Latakos, Horthy, Hugo Blaschke, Vienna, Eichmann, Mengele, Ferenc Szálasi, Bolivia, Hugo Banzer, Klaus Barbie, Abba Eban, Luis García Meza, Jimmy Carter, Paraguay, Israel Shahak, Alfredo Stroessner, Viktor Orbán, Admiral Horthy, Saulius Skvernelis, Lithuania, Azov Battalion, Ukraine, Heinz Christian Strache, Narendra Modi, Trump

Israel is systematically poisoning one million Palestinian children yet Labour's Lansman, Formby and Owen Jones say that such an accusation is 'antisemitic'


For Six Months, 6 Palestinian Villages Had Running Water. Israel’s Army, ‘the most moral in the world’ Put a Stop to It

If you want to know what the IHRA and Labour’s ‘anti-Semitism’ witch-hunt is about, then you could do worse than read the 3 articles below. Human life is not possible without water and that is why Israel is making it as hard as possible for Palestinians to have direct access to clean, running water.  The intent behind their poisoning of Palestinian water sources, the theft of their aquifer water and the destruction of water pipes that enable the transmission of water is simple - transfer.
Israel's hostility to Palestinian obtaining water, such that they are forced to pay for their own water, is ethnic cleansing. But if you dare to say this then Jon Lansman, Owen Jones and Jennie Formby will call you an 'anti-Semite'. It is what is called a 'trope'.
The IHRA misdefinition of 'antisemitism' gives as an illustration of 'antisemitism':
Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
Gaza moonscape after Israeli bombardment
One such 'stereotypical myth' about Jews is that in medieval times they poisoned the wells of non-Jews. According to Wikipedia it 'was one of the three gravest antisemiticaccusations made against Jews during this period.'
There is no doubt that the allegations made against Jews in the Middle Ages were without substance. It was the product of superstition, Christian anti-Semitism and the need for a scapegoat to explain e.g. the Black Death.

Palestinian accusations of water theft and poisoning are treated as 'antisemitic' by Israel's right-wing Jerusalem Post because of false accusations against Jews in the Middle Ages

However Israel is not a Jew.  It is a settler-colonial state, 'Jewish' only in so far as Jews are privileged. It is also a documented fact that Israel does poison Palestinian wells, water and farmland

In February 2015 the Board of Deputies' then Treasurer, Laurence Brass saw a rusty car that settlers had pushed into a Palestinian well. According to the IHRA Laurence Brass is anti-Semitic, for reporting what he saw!

Brass, who had gone on a trip to the West Bank, saw things that shocked him. Yet he was viciously and bitterly criticised for having spoken out. 

Brass is a liberal Zionist, a member of Yachad with a house in Israel. He is no left-winger yet what he described should have prompted the Board, if they had any sense of ethics and values, as opposed to seeing their role as an Israeli Solidarity Society, to protest. Instead Brass was forced to resign.

As Laurance Brass Demonstrated You Cannot Oppose Israel's Racist Treatment of Palestinians and remain an Officer of the Board of Deputies

Mr Brass described to the Jewish Chronicle in an article, Board of Deputies treasurer ‘shocked’ by visit to West Bank his experience Susiya:

“The village spokesman told us that he was very worried at the prospect of local Palestinian children being attacked by settlers on their way to school.

"Just 48 hours after we left, a six-year-old girl from the neighbouring village of Atuwani was admitted to hospital with head wounds after being stoned on her way to school, just as we had been warned might occur.
I was shocked that this type of behaviour goes unchecked by the IDF.”
Mr Brass added that the abiding memory of his visit would be “the sight of an old rusty car being dumped down the village well, thus preventing the locals from having fresh water.
“I had also not known previously that, on the majority of the road signs in the area, the Arabic words have been deliberately obliterated. I had also not previously appreciated the ever increasing number of settler outposts which have sprung up all over Area C, which, although illegal, no one appears willing to prevent.”
Mr Brass said:
“The miserable existence of the Palestinian villagers we met will stay with me for a long time. It was difficult to reconcile that we were celebrating the festival of freedom, while these villagers were surviving in such squalid surroundings. I returned very depressed.”
Yet the Israel lobby, people who, like Luke Akehurst, are paid large salaries, defend this behaviour. Their argument is that it is 'illegal' to build water pipes. Strange no Jewish settlers aren't prosecuted.  Even stranger the Israeli army has never entered a settlement and destroyed their water pipes!

Zionist propagandists like Gerald Steinberg of the semi-fascist NGO Monitor and ex-Labour MP Eric Moonman attacked Brass for speaking out.

But if you dare to mention ‘Israel Lobby’ Jennie Formby, Lansman and their faithful mouthpiece Owen Jones, will accuse you of ‘anti-Semitism’ as will Nareser Osei (nareser.osei@newham.gov.uk) the despicable woman who is the leading witch-hunter of socialists and Palestinian supporters at Labour HQ at Southside.

 On resigning Brass said that:
‘There have been countless occasions over the last six years when I’ve been bursting to criticise the Israeli administration, but I’ve restrained myself.
“I want to be released from the chains of office to contribute to the wider debate on the Middle East, as well as on the critical political issues that I consider to be important here at home.”

We reach the absurd situation, as a result of the fake anti-semitism campaign, that something might be antisemitic even if it's true! The idea that  antisemitism is based on the truth is itself anti-Semitic but that is the situation that the adoption of the IHRA has led the Labour Party into.
Israeli bulldozer sets about destroying water infrastructure - this is why Israel's army is 'the most moral in the world'
Destruction of Palestinian Water Infrastructure
What possible reason could there be for Israeli forces to arrive in force, with excavating equipment, at the village of Tuwani in the South Hebron Hills, to dig up European Union funded pipes that had been laid to supply water to six villages and over a thousand people.
If you want to know why Israel is an apartheid state then all you need to do is to contrast the settlements, with their unlimited supply of (stolen) water with the water shortage that Palestinian communities experience.
This is what the Board of Deputies ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign is really about. After all, section 3 (d) of the Board’s Constitution under Aims, Purposes and Power contains the following clause:
Take such appropriate action as lies within its power to advance Israel's security, welfare and standing.
The Board of Deputies’s ‘concern’ about anti-Semitism is in reality a concern or defending Israel right or wrong.  The Board has never criticised racism in Israel still less the Zionist ideology that justifies it.
Palestinian children fill plastic gallons with drinking water from a vendor in Khan Younis. (AP)
There is only question one needs to ask.
What kind of state would uproot and destroy pipes carrying clean water to a Palestinian village?
It is a measure of the toothlessness of the European Union that instead of taking the cost of the equipment they destroyed from grants they give Israel, they continue to defend Israel as a 'democracy'.
However we should remember that it’s not just Palestinians in the Occupied Territories who suffer from water shortage.  Half of Israel’s Arab villages are ‘unrecognised’ and that means they have neither sewage or any other sort of facility, including electricity and running water.  Could this happen to a Jewish community?  Of course not. Israel is a Jewish state and therefore ALL Jewish communities are automatically recognised.
This is the kind of visceral racism that the Labour Party is defending today in its fight against ‘anti-Semitism’
Tony Greenstein

For Six Months, These Palestinian Villages Had Running Water. Israel Put a Stop to It

For six months, Palestinian villagers living on West Bank land that Israel deems a closed firing range saw their dream of running water come true. Then the Civil Administration put an end to it 

On February 13, 2019, Israeli forces arrived near the village of a-Tuwani in the South Hebron Hills. The forces used excavating equipment to unearth and destroy stretch of pipe, which was laid just months ago and supplied water to over 1,000 Palestinians. Residents say that without the system, “water has become every family’s largest expense.”

by Amira Hass, Ha’aretz Feb 22 2019

The dream that came true, in the form of a two-inch water line, was too good to be true. For about six months, 12 Palestinian West Bank villages in the South Hebron Hills enjoyed clean running water. That was until February 13, when staff from the Israeli Civil Administration, accompanied by soldiers and Border Police and a couple of bulldozers, arrived.
The troops dug up the pipes, cut and sawed them apart and watched the jets of water that spurted out. About 350 cubic meters of water were wasted. Of a 20 kilometer long (12 mile) network, the Civil Administration confiscated remnants and sections of a total of about 6 kilometers of piping. They loaded them on four garbage trucks emblazoned with the name of the Tel Aviv suburb of Ramat Gan on them.
The demolition work lasted six and a half hours. Construction of the water line network had taken about four months. It had been a clear act of civil rebellion in the spirit of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King against one of the most brutal bans that Israel imposes on Palestinian communities in Area C, the portion of the West Bank under full Israeli control. It bars Palestinians from hooking into existing water infrastructure.

A little background

The residential caves in the Masafer Yatta village region south of Hebron and the ancient cisterns used for collecting rainwater confirm the local residents’ claim that their villages have existed for decades, long before the founding of the State of Israel. In the 1970s, Israel declared some 30,000 dunams (7,500 acres) in the area Firing Range 918.
In 1999, under the auspices of the negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the army expelled the residents of the villages and demolished their structures and water cisterns. The government claimed that the residents were trespassing on the firing range, even though these were their lands and they have lived in the area long before the West Bank was captured by Israel.
When the matter was brought to the High Court of Justice, the court approved a partial return to the villages but did not allow construction or hookups to utility infrastructure. Mediation attempts failed, because the state was demanding that the residents leave their villages and live in the West Bank town of Yatta and come to graze their flocks and work their land only on a few specific days per year.
But the residents continued to live in their homes, risking military raids and demolition action — including the demolition of public facilities such as schools, medical clinics and even toilets. They give up a lot to maintain their way of life as shepherds, but could not forgo water.
“The rainy season has grown much shorter in recent years, to only about 45 days a year,” explained Nidal Younes, the chairman of the Masafer Yatta council of villages. “In the past, we didn’t immediately fill the cisterns with rainwater, allowing them to be washed and cleaned first. Since the amount of rain has decreased, people stored water right away. It turns out the dirty water harmed the sheep and the people.”

The Big Missing Piece of the Kushner Plan: Water

One reason the Palestinians swiftly rejected the flawed U.S. peace plan was that it does nothing to address their claims for water rights.

Keith Johnson February 4, 2020, 1:02 PM
Among many otherproblematic aspects of the Trump administration’s peace plan for the Middle East, one glaring fault is its lack of any serious attention to the contentious question of how to divide up precious water resources between the Israelis and Palestinians.
One of the many reasons that the Palestinian leadership dismissed the proposal out of hand was that it included a demand for Palestinians to cede the water-rich West Bank and the entire Jordan Valley to Israel.
 “What struck me when I looked at the plan is how devoid it was of a historical context. There was no recognition of the past agreements that dealt with water, or recognition of the steps that had been put into place to allow for water sharing, or recognition of water rights,”
said Erika Weinthal, an expert on water politics and conflict at Duke University.
Access to water has for decades been at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and many regional tensions more broadly. The arid region has limited supplies of water that are increasingly in demand for agriculture, and what water exists is largely shared across national boundaries, including the Jordan River and the critical underground aquifers in the West Bank and near the Gaza Strip.
That geology and geography helps explain why water conflicts have been behind a lot of the region’s sharpest clashes for centuries and even millennia, going back to when the biblical Isaac and the Philistines fought over access to water wells. More recently, former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon blamed water for ultimately sparking the Six-Day War in 1967.
Since 1967, water has remained a big irritant in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in part because Israel made control of access to water a cornerstone of its approach to the Palestinians. Water access for Palestinians in the West Bank is limited enough, with catastrophic impacts on farmers, whose rain-watered fields yield smaller and less valuable harvests than the lush fields of their water-rich neighbors. In the Gaza Strip, the situation is genuinely dire: More than 90 percent of the water is unfit for human consumption, and the sole aquifer is being invaded by seawater.
 “Water is always mentioned as one of the core issues in the conflict—not as high as Jerusalem or the question of refugees, but it’s always been one of the core issues,”
said Clive Lipchin, the director of the Center for Transboundary Water Management at the Arava Institute for Environmental Studies in Israel.
Hence it is odd that there is no real discussion about how to share water resources between Israel and the Palestinians in the plan proposed last month by U.S. President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner. (Although, since Kushner deliberately refused to discuss any of the region’s history while working on the plan, it may not be that surprising.) Water was the third of seven major pillars in the 1994 peace agreement between Israel and Jordan, and water was a central part of the 1995 Oslo Accords, the closest the two sides have come to finalizing a deal that would eventually see the creation of a Palestinian state.
In contrast, water was allotted a single paragraph in Kushner’s blueprint, just after plans for building a tourist resort on the Dead Sea. Decades of bitter fights over who should get access to how much water, and years of Israel’s use of water as a tool to bolster the viability of its West Bank settlements while strangling Palestinian farmers, was dismissed thus in the White House plan:“The parties will work together in good faith to manage the details with respect to water and wastewater treatment issues.”
The remnants of deals related to water rights and water allocation in the Oslo Accords remain in effect to this day. But water is still a hot-button issue between the Israelis and Palestinians for two big reasons.
First, the Oslo commitments on paper regarding Palestinians’ access to water were never ultimately consummated in the hoped-for final agreement. That has left Israel in ultimate control of Palestinians’ access to water, whether from the Jordan Valley or the plentiful Mountain Aquifer. New Palestinian wells, for example, or irrigation systems or wastewater plants all require Israeli signoff, which almost never comes, leaving Palestinians’ water infrastructure woefully underdeveloped compared to that of their settler neighbors. By some estimates, Israelis use more than 80 percent of the water in the West Bank, leaving only a fraction for Palestinians. [in other words settlers, who make up 20% of the population use 80% of the water - TG]
Second, the water crunch has only grown more acute in the 25 years since the Oslo accords were signed. The Palestinian population has grown and with it demand for water, while Israeli allocations of water rights agreed to in the 1990s have hardly changed, Lipchin noted.
That’s why the Trump administration’s proposal, which talks a lot about supercharging the Palestinian economy through international investment and the creation of high-tech manufacturing zones, is jarring to many experts. It doesn’t take into account the fundamental requirements that Palestinians in Gaza need simply to find clean water to drink and bathe, or that West Bank farmers need to irrigate crops that could provide a livelihood.
If some version of the Trump proposal were implemented, including Israel’s now-greenlighted annexation of the entire Jordan River Valley, those water inequities would only grow. Weinthal has written previously of the securitization of water, where Israel controls access to the vital resource to bolster its own security and weaken Palestinian communities.
 “This is a plan that continues to ignore any form of effective diplomacy, holding water and infrastructure hostage to the conflict, rather than prioritizing the basic human needs of the Palestinian population,” she said. “At the end of the day, water is a basic human need and a basic human right that should not be held hostage to the conflict or that makes one party acquiesce.”
Could technology come to the rescue and end the ages-old fight over wells and water? In recent years, Israel has made huge strides in bolstering its own water security thanks to big investments in desalination plants, which turn Mediterranean seawater into another source of freshwater. The Trump plan, too, speaks of new big investments by both parties in desalination plants that could provide ample supplies of water, with an eye, perhaps, to sidestepping the fight over precious groundwater resources and removing one of the roadblocks to a final agreement.
The Arava Institute’s Lipchin doesn’t buy it.
 “Desalination will never take away water as a source of conflict,
he said.
While it’s a fact that Israel is much more water secure because of technologies including desalination, Israel will never relinquish its rights to the natural resources—those are always going to be the preferred source of water, and always going to be looked at and managed as a buffer in any crisis that may arise.”
The plan’s vision of a booming, peaceful, prosperous Palestine—even one under Israeli security tutelage and with little access to the outside world—is hard to square with a future state that will be still be wholly dependent on its neighbor for access to water to which it has a legitimate claim, Lipchin said. Water, as much as control over borders and airspace that are also lacking in the Trump plan, is the stuff sovereignty is made of.
 “If you’re talking about a viable and independent state, obviously you need to have control over your natural resources,” he said. “What kind of state is this going to be?”

Keith Johnson is a senior staff writer at Foreign Policy. Twitter: @KFJ_FP

Israel is systematically poisoning one million Palestinian children

Palestinian medical workers tend to wounded children, members of a family where six were killed in an Israeli airstrike in central Gaza Strip on November 14, 2019. (Photo by AFP)

Gaza has become “uninhabitable,” not because of ecological disaster or Palestinian poor stewardship of the land, but because Israel chooses to destroy it by every means – poisoning, starvation, disease, poverty, medical neglect, and invasion – while the world stands silent. (Read this for examples of atrocities)
by Robert Inlakesh,

We have now entered 2020, the year in which experts at the United Nations (UN) once predicted Gaza would become unliveable. But the sad reality is not only that those same experts said that Gaza was already unliveable in 2017, but that now the population of 2 million residing in Gaza are under the real threat of genocide.
Sara Roy of Harvard University’s Centre for Middle Eastern studies, who is considered the leading scholar on Gaza’s economy, has written that “innocent human beings, most of them young, are slowly being poisoned in Gaza by the water they drink and likely by the soil in which they plant.” So let us break down that statement, based upon the data available to us.
Facts on the ground
The population of the Gaza Strip is over 2 million strong, more than 50% of which are children (18 and under). Ninety-seven percent of Gaza’s water is undrinkable with only the upper 10% of Gaza’s population having access to clean water according to the UN. If we take these statistics and we look at them critically that would mean that according to conservative estimates only 40% of Gaza’s children are consuming water that is fit for human consumption. This means that parents in the Gaza Strip are forced to make the decision to allow their children to drink contaminated water in order for them to survive.

Gaza humanitarian crisis: A Palestinian woman gives water to her son in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip December 19, 2018. (REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa - RC1E7E1A8CD

Israel, which has enforced its illegal blockade of Gaza since 2006 – although Zionist propagandists claim it started in June of 2007, which is incorrect – is under international law required to provide Gaza with the ability to sustain itself. Gaza is not a State; it is not a sovereign territory in of itself. According to the UN Gaza constitutes part of what is called the Palestinian occupied territories, with the focus here being on the word “occupied.”
According to the 4th Geneva Convention, Israel is required under International Law to provide the ability for Gaza and the West Bank to sustain an environment of liveability. Israel will argue, however, that Gaza specifically is not occupied; that it withdrew in 2005. However Israel still controls the population registry, the entries and exits, all imports and exports, the electromagnetic sphere, the armistice lines (what Israel calls the border), the territorial waters, airspace as well as having a monopoly on the electricity in Gaza. Israel controls Gaza through and through; meaning that if Israel does not declare an occupation, it is a de facto annexation of the territory.
Shocking realities
In excess of 108,000 cubic meters of untreated sewage water flows into the Mediterranean Sea from Gaza. This is due to a lack of power for Gaza’s desalination plant and the lack of building material required to expand, both of which are due to Israel’s policies towards the besieged coastal enclave. The situation is so bad that not only is Gaza’s sea water heavily contaminated, leading to deaths as recently as last year, but also Israel’s Askalan (Ashkelon) based desalination plant periodically halts operations due to the pollution, showing that Israel is willing to put the purification of 20% of its own water at jeopardy in order to punish the Gaza Strip.
Arising from the problem of water contamination is also disease. Gideon Grumberg, the founder and director of Israel’s ‘Ecopeace’, told the Jerusalem Post in 2016 that Gaza is a ticking time bomb for cholera and typhoid epidemics. Since then there have been repeated calls for a change to be made to Gaza’s lack of clean water by various experts. If a change is not made in 2020 then Gaza could become a hotbed for disease the way that Yemen has, again due to an illegally imposed blockade.
Beyond the water problem are also numerous other issues plaguing Gaza, all of which are again due to Israel’s illegally imposed – for nearly 15 years now – siege. Upwards of 80% of Gaza’s population are reliant upon international food aid in order to survive, with Israel enforcing a policy of “putting the people of Gaza on a diet,” entailing that Israel counts the minimum caloric intake for the Gazan population to stay alive. Israel of course controls the food aid coming into the Gaza Strip and even makes a profit off of it. The restrictions Israel applies to food coming into Gaza is also used as a political tool in order to punish the Palestinians for their acts of resistance against Israel.
The conservative estimates, according to the United Nations, also indicate that Gaza’s youth unemployment rate is close to hitting 70% with an overall unemployment rate recorded to be at around 50%. Israel also has repeatedly blocked Palestinian cancer patients from entering Israel in order to receive life-saving treatment. Not only this, but due to the lack of power in Gaza, cardiac monitors and X-ray machines become unreliable. In the first half of 2019, the Gaza Health Ministry, which has a regular budget of $40 million a year, had only 10 million dollars worth of supplies available to them and in July (2019) declared a warning of an unprecedented shortage of medicine and medical supplies. According to the World Health Organization 39% of Gaza applications for cancer patients to exit the blockaded Strip were “unsuccessful” in 2018.

A Palestinian man and boy navigate the streets of Gaza City, which are flooded with sewage. (Mohammed Salem/Reuters)

Gaza’s population is subjected to sewage regularly flooding, after rainfall, into the streets and causing sickness, especially amongst the poorer population. Even the more well-off, financially, of Gaza’s population, some of which reside in areas such as Gaza City (North East Gaza), are losing their wealth. Specifically the residents of the al-Rimal area, who are viewed by many as living in an area of prestige are having to flee to places like Istanbul, or become refugees abroad and are losing their families assets due to an absence of income.
Gaza currently survives on a few hours of electricity per day, this is due to the fact that Israel put a cap on the amount of electricity it allows into Gaza, as well as the fact that Israel has bombarded and destroyed Gaza’s electrical grid and power plants, on various occasions. The sole, partially destroyed by bombardment, power plant in Gaza is also in a semi-operational state due to the cutting of diesel fuel from the Strip in early 2018, after the Palestinian Authority stopped paying for the fuel.
As of February 2018, the Gaza Strip has been in a “state of emergency.” Enduring, since the beginning of the siege, eight large-scale military offensive massacres by Israel, with hundreds of smaller bombardments coming in between.
A 17 year old in Gaza would have experienced Israeli internal occupation, a 15 year long ever tightening siege, 8 large scale massacres, hundreds of other attacks, three wars, the constant buzzing of drones, the deaths of friends and family, temporary or permanent displacement and the list goes on and on.
To top this all off, when the people of Gaza rose up in their hundreds of thousands non-violently, beginning on the 30th March (2018), they were ignored by the world which has done nothing to stop Israel for its murder of 330+ unarmed demonstrators and the injuring of approximately 40,000. Until now, the demonstrations are still ongoing on a weekly basis and no Israeli soldiers have been killed or sustained any serious injuries.
Resistance is a right
According to International Law, the people of Gaza have every right to use armed force in order to struggle for self determination and to end the siege. Israel has no claim to a “right of self defence”, just as a rapist would have no claim to a right of self defence against their rape victim, and the next time we hear of Israel’s “right” in anyway to use force, we must know that whoever repeats this is contradicting the Fourth Geneva Convention.

File photo: A street scene looking down the street into a Bedouin community in Gaza.

Aviv Kochavi said recently in a speech pertaining to a future war against Gaza, that Israel will target electrical, agricultural and other structural components, which according to Israel contribute to keeping Hamas – Gaza’s governing Party – afloat. This means that if Israel does begin a new massacre (war) against Gaza – or Hamas as they will claim – then it will mean that all the statistics listed off above will accelerate to unprecedented numbers and that Gaza will become even more uninhabitable.
The only questions now left to be answered are, what will stop Israel from completely genociding the people of Gaza? and how will the world’s future generations look at us today for allowing this holocaust to occur against the people of Palestine. One million Palestinian children are being systematically poisoned by Israel and there is nothing but deafening silence.

Robert Inlakesh is a journalist, writer and political analyst, who has lived in and reported from the occupied Palestinian West Bank. He has written for publications such as Mint Press, Mondoweiss, MEMO, and various other outlets. He specializes in analysis of the Middle East, in particular Palestine-Israel. He also works for Press TV as a European correspondent.

Palestinians filling bottles and jerricans with drinking water at the Al-Shati refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip, March 22, 2017. Hosam Salem / NurPhoto

Zafrir Rinat
21 Jan 2018
Gazans are forced to buy water at six times the standard rate from private enterprises
Almost all of the drinking water in the Gaza Strip is impotable because of sewage pollution or high salinity levels, according to data presented last week by a hydrologist who advises the Palestinian Water Authority.

#RacistTwitter Suspends Tony Greenstein for Responding to Abusive Zionist– Please Bombard Twitter Protesting Their Censorship of Anti-Zionists - Ask them if their ‘rules’ includes not responding to Racist Bullies?

When a Zionist tweeted that I should have died in the Holocaust #RacistTwitter said there was no breach of ‘the rules’ – but when I responded to racist @lukey_stanger that WAS a Breach
In the Kafkaesque world of #RacistTwitter appealing a suspension means 'evading permanent suspension'
These were the tweets that #RacistTwitter objected to

To #RacistTwitter this tweet is perfectly acceptable and NOT against the Rules

You may have wondered why I have not posted on Twitter recently. The reason is that the racists who ‘moderate’ Twitter decided to suspend me on Monday for having responded to Luke Stanger, a notorious racist bully who is himself suspendedfrom the Labour Party for saying that Gypsies and Roma are a 'nasty blight on society'  as well as for sexual harassment of numerous women, especially Black women.
This is the message that #RacistTwitter sent back to their racist @Lukey_Stanger
This is the racist that #RacistTwitter is in bed with

Stanger gets his kicks in the only way he knows - abusing women
Nicki Brennan is the latest victim of Stanger's abuse
This is not the first time this type of thing has happened.  Jewish News ‘so-called journalist’ (his words not mine) Jack Mendel @mendelpol did likewise when I pointed out that when Nazi Germany invaded Poland it did so under the pretext that, like Israel, that it was responding to aggression.
This is what I'm asking you to do - embarrass #RacistTwitter
I logged into my Twitter account on Monday to be greeted with the message that my account had been suspended for a week after a complaint from suspended racist @lukey_stanger. Jennie Formby had taken time out from suspending and expelling anti-racists and anti-Zionists to suspend Stanger.
Its true that this misfit has a mental disability but he thinks he can use that as an excuse to abuse others, in particular Black women.  Being a sociopath isn't a pathological disorder but a choice.
Stanger and Simon Cobbs of Sussex Friends of Israel - who even the Jewish Chronicle once mistook for the EDL
Unfortunately Jennie Formby, by allowing his membership to continue without expelling him, as she could has done to dozens of people under the fast track procedure, has given this scumbag a belief that his vitriolic racism is acceptable in today's Labour Party.
For some reason Stanger believes that he is entitled to accuse Black people of racism and Jews of ‘anti-Semitism’. This is where the witchhunt of socialists and anti-Zionists has ended up in the Labour Party. Non-Jewish racists accuse Jews of ‘anti-Semitism’ and Black people of ‘racism’.
Twitter Gives a Helping Hand to Holocaust deniers and Justifiers
#RacistTwitter previously suspended me until I deleted a picture of a child being abused by an Israeli soldier - Zios hate seeing the truth so they resort to trusty old censors like Twitter
None of this excuses the behaviour of Twitter. They locked my account previously because a Zionist objected to a photograph of Ahed Tamimi, the young heroine who was imprisoned for 8 months for slapping an Israeli soldier, having her arm twisted by an Israeli soldier when she was a young girl. It was on my Twitter feed. When Zios have no response to their abusive racist behaviour they get powerful corporations like Twitter and Facebook to exercise censorship. It’s a Police State Corporate Censorship that the Zionists employ.
As you can see from the graphics, I was responding to Stanger and also calling out the Labour Party for the death of Pauline Hammerton, an 80 year old activist in Manchester who died a week after receiving an expulsion letter from Jennie Formby’s minions.
In the past Twitter’s behaviour has been even more atrocious. In April 2016 a Zionist George Yousaf sent me a Tweet 
shame you family survived world can do without cunts line (sic) you.’
You might assume that this tweet, sent to some who is Jewish, telling them they should have died in the Holocaust, would trigger just about every rule that Twitter has had a wet dream about. Not a bit of it.  Twitter responded on 20 April:
Thank you for letting us know about your issue. We've investigated the account and reported Tweets for violent threats and abusive behavior, and have found that it's currently not violating the Twitter.
I appealed against the racist zombie who had made this decision (or maybe it was a Zionist Zombie?)  No luck.  Back came the decision an hour later:
‘We have reviewed the account again, taking into consideration the information you provided, and determined the account is not in violation of the Twitter Rules   
This is one of a number of complaints of abuse that I have submitted over the years.  One idiot, a fascist by the name of Mark Haringman accused me, amongst other sins of being a
‘liar, thief, abuser of children. Socialist, fraudster, anti-semite, ex-labour member and alleged child abuser’.
Well I plead guilty to being a socialist! And I’m also an ex-Labour member however the rest of the allegations contain about as much truth as Mein Kampf. Unsurprisingly my complaint was rejected as have all my complaints. Zionists can accuse you of 'antisemitism' but respond at your peril.
Enjoy the intellectual delights of Haringman, with fellow fascist Jonathan Hoffman
Although on Monday I was suspended for 7 days initially, when I appealed this absurd decision the penalty was changed to a permanent suspension. Why? Well I received the Orwellian accusation of ‘Violating our rules against evading permanent suspension’ (presumably daring to appeal the decision). I was told the account would not be reinstated. This too has happened before.

Here are a few examples of the abuse I receive that Twitter is unconcerned about

This is where you come in. 
Twitter will not listen to logic or reason. These cowardly bastards don’t even put their name to their decisions. They hide behind anonymity. If people make enough noise, use the hashtag #RacistTwitter and hold these faceless bureaucrats to account then they will no doubt reverse their decision whilst pretending of course that nothing has happened.
I would also ask you to post on social media my post from nearly a year ago Luke Stanger – Why has this racist & misogynist not yet been expelled from the Labour Party? This racist rat is still threatening activists with the malicious allegation of ‘anti-Semitism’ all the while defending his comments about Gypsies (‘a nasty blight’_
Here you can read most of my rejected Twitter complaints.
Twitter is a Zionist Corporation - Free Speech to it and Facebook is Just Another Commodity
It is necessary to put this into perspective.  Twitter, like Facebook, works closely with the Israeli state.  It acts as a platform for Donald Trump’s racist abuse. Indeed it revels in the fact that the United States’s White Supremacist President chooses their platform for his racism and misogyny.
Twitter has closed the Palestinian newspaper Al Quds’ accounts and that of numerous Palestinian activists as well as that of Hezbollah, a Lebanese government party that has repelled Israel’s army 14 years ago and other Arab groups.
In short we can’t expect a great deal from Twitter because it supports the Apartheid government in Israel.  However we should give the bastards hell until they come up with a credible lie (‘explanation’) as to why they ban anti-racists and bend over backwards to appease racists and Zionists.
Tony Greenstein
Sad psycho Stanger off on one

Stanger in a tweet Caroline 'Poison' Penn, who was forced to resign as a councillor because she had abused people, attacks Black Council candidate Alex Braithwaite
This is in response to my outrageously unwarranted suspension at the behest of a supporter of the far Right.
Case# 0145454704: Appealing an account suspension - @TonyGreenstein [ ref:_00DA0K0A8._5004A1u9ttS:ref ]
I have been repeatedly subject to abuse by @Luke_Stanger. I am one of many people subject to abuse by him such as repeatedly being called 'antisemitic' despite my being Jewish and him not being Jewish.
Even his tweet celebrating my suspension calls me a racist and compares me to neo-Nazi  Tommy Robinson.  By resorting to suspension b4 asking for my response FIRST you have encouraged a racist, misogynist bully to continue behaving in the same manner.
Examples of abuse from Luke Stanger include being called someone's 'racist chum'https://twitter.com/lukey_stanger/status/1236591249030856704
or this one which accuses 3 of us, including 2 women, of being 'renowned antisemites'
I suggest you search under @lukey_stanger @tonygreenstein for more examples.  
This has fucking nothing to do with the rules but your own corporate racism.  I have repeatedly complained about being called 'antisemite' by people like this and YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING WHATEVER
and yet you suspend me because this racist bully didn't like the same treatment he has meted out to dozens of people, especially women
He is   currently suspended from the Labour Party for racist abuse of Gypsies and sexual harassment of women and yet you act as his patsy
I want not only immediate reinstatement but the suspension of Stanger for repeated abuse of innumerable people. E.g. a Black women Alex Braithwaite.  It would appear that Twitter is run by white racists who are in love with the State of Israel - just like Donald Trump whose hateful tweets you have never once censored
Utterly disgusted at you racist creeps
Dear Twitter
When I complained against someone who wished that I and my family had died at Auschwitz you decided that this didn't breach your rules.

When someone calls me, a Jewish anti-racist an 'antisemite' because I don't support Apartheid Israel there is no breach of your rules.

But when a well known supporter of the far-Right, currently suspended for racism and misogyny from the Labour Party cries foul when I respond to his abuse you have the gall to suspend me.

You are nothing but corporate racists and fucking hypocrites

If you had any decency you would investigate first, ask for someone's response FIRST and then, if necessary suspend.

But you racists have adopted the rules of procedure of Hitler's Peoples Courts.  Convict first and then ask for a response.

Disgusted and don't fucking tell me that you have neutral house rules.  It's how they are interpreted and you interpret them in a way to benefit racists

tony greenstein

Tony Greenstein

On Sun, 8 Mar 2020 at 05:28, Twitter <notify@twitter.com> wrote:

Case# 0145454704: Appealing an account suspension - @TonyGreenstein [ ref:_00DA0K0A8._5004A1u9ttS:ref ]

My account was suspended yesterday and I was told today that

'Your account has been suspended and will not be restored because it was found to be violating the Twitter Terms of Service, specifically the Twitter Rules against managing multiple Twitter accounts for abusive purposes.'

I appealed against a 7 suspension and I have been told that the account won't be restored?  Why?  Because I am 'managing multiple Twitter accounts for abusive purposes.'

This is a total lie.  My twitter account is used for links to my blog and for nothing else.  I have repeatedly protested against the abuse  and bullying I have  experienced AND WITHOUT EXCEPTION you have turned those reports down.


If that were so then the rules wouldn't be worth a candle however the real issue is you continual misinterpretation of the rules as in the current case.  I and others have been repeatedly accused of being racists and antisemites by @lukey_stanger and you have comprehensively ignored that. 

What you are doing is rewarding the bully and targeting the victim.  Is that what you mean by your rules?

As Phyllis Stein wrote today:

'Phyllis Stein @Born_2_Kvetch
Replying to @Born_2_Kvetch @Rachel_Cohen135  and 4 others
Why would @twitter  @TwitterSupport  take notice of @lukey_stanger
 a man who has continually baited and goaded  @tonygreenstein
 on @twitter even when he's been travelling abroad?

I demand that you reinstate my account immediately and apologise for your outrageous decision.  Rewarding bullies and racists and punishing their victims.

And when next you contact me perhaps the person could identify themselves and EXPLAIN rather than ASSERT why they think I am abusive but @lukey_stanger who repeatedly accuses me of racism/antisemitism - despite being non-Jewish is a tame tabby cat

Case# 0145454704: Appealing an account suspension - @TonyGreenstein [ ref:_00DA0K0A8._5004A1u9ttS:ref ]

23.28. 9.3.20

Dear Twitter

Further to my response today.

This is the third suspension in a year.  Both of the previous suspensions were successfully appealed.  The complainants were malicious.  This third complaint is equally malicious.  I was once again RESPONDING to abuse and if you were to both to conduct an examination of @lukey_stanger’s twitter feed you would see that it contains little else apart from abuse for example.

What kind of complaints process is it which penalises victims of abuse and bullying and rewards the bully.  That is what @twittersupport has done with this decision.

To give but one example of @lukey_stanger’s abuse take this tweet of 5.1.20. to  Black anti-racist Alex Braithwaite @labourblackrose which mentions me:
I see the antisemites & racist, expelled chums of
@TonyGreenstein in @hovelabour are backing  @IanLaveryMP for Leader. This includes Nazi apologist
@labourblackrose . I note this with interest.
 This decision of yours isn’t simply backing a racist bully and misogynist but is racist in itself.  You are continually targeting anti-racists and anti-Zionists who dare to respond to those who taunt them.

I demand immediate reinstatement

Tony Greenstein

I see the antisemites & racist, expelled chums of @TonyGreenstein
in @hovelabourare backing @IanLaveryMPfor Leader. This includes Nazi apologist @labourblackrose
I note this with interest.

Is that the same Mr Rogers that called for the immediate reinstatement of @TonyGreenstein’s chum @labourblackrosefollowing revelations about her vile racism? Shocking that he remains a CLP Chair. @EuanPhilipps


why is suspended member @lukey_stangernot expelled? He constantly uses antisemitic language against Jews, he is an out and out racist, homophobic and anti traveller who has abused and harassed woman for over 4 yrs, thus breaching code of conduct.

I hope @TonyGreenstein’s racist chums that make up @momentumbh’s splinter group @LabLeftAlliance are amongst these expelled antisemites. They include @GregHadfield@mitchcjam&  @labourblackroseall of whom have well documented racist online histories.

Thanks Tony but sometimes it is best to ignore haters like Stanger who will eventually end up hoisted by his own petard. His reputation for stalking women is well known and documented, which is why he is suspended, as is his accusations against all those on the left.
Suspended Labour member
is best ignored. He is not well and has been harassing female members in Brighton & Hove for over 4yrs. Hopefully he will get some help soon but it could take a while. He's also an extreme right wing who associates with racists.

Revolution Breeze #IamvotingLabour
 · Dec 5, 2019
Replying to @lukey_stanger
I think you'll find that she supports a 2 state solution. AS for 'obsession'. given the current climate, it's inevitable people will discuss it. Bullying them won't stop that

Several woman have had to resort to going to the police about this individual who thinks he is immune to discipline because he has a disability, yet several of these woman also have a disability. Having a disability does not excuse his misogynistic behaviour. Enough is enough.

St Mungo’s Strikers Need Your Support in their Battle against a Dickensian Employer


What Kind of Homeless Charity is it which Works with the Home Office to Deport Homeless Migrants? Step Forward Howard Sinclair – their £160,000 union busting CEO

Today saw the first of a 3 day strike by Unite workers at St Mungo’s, Britain’s largest homelessness charity. Workers in Brighton, Bristol and London joined the strike after an 83.7%yes vote in a strike ballot.
4 of the 6 pickets allowed
In my experience, as a former UNISON Convenor for the Voluntary Sector I can testify that some of the worst employers are in the charitable and voluntary sector. They are some of the most devious and dishonest employers. Both my major whistleblowing cases were against charities and housing associations.
Union busting boss of St Mungo's -  Howard Sinclair on £160,000 - he currently has coronavirus - one can only hope he does as his staff do and take time off sick as holiday pay
Despite playing on the fact that they don’t make a profit (instead they just have highly paid Executives like St. Mungo’s Sinclair) they hae the same managerial attitudes in addition to preying on workers’ sense of loyalty and service obligation in order to extract unpaid work and service.
Strikes in the voluntary sector are very rare and the fact that St. Mungo’s staff voted by some 6-1 to strike testifies to the behaviour of their management. Not that you have guessed this from the lyingdefenceof St. Mungo’s management.
Braving Coronavirus I joined the early morning picket of St. Mungo’s at Isetta Square in Brighton. There I met a large group of young, mainly female strikers with strike teeshirts bearing slogans such as
Val Mainstone from Defend NHS speaking at the rally
‘Punished for being Sick’‘We Support Not Deport’‘St. Mungo’s – Stop the Race to the Bottom’.
When setting out I looked online for reports on the strike and I alighted on the Torygraph,a paper not usually known for its sympathy for the homeless, the unemployed or anyone else down on their luck. Today however was different. Their headline pulled no punches.  They were moved to tears by the plight of the homeless. It was all the fault of ‘hard left’ Len McLuskey: ‘Homelesses charity accuses Len McCluskey of putting lives at risk with strike’.
It reminded me of all those ‘newspapers’which wept crocodile tears over ‘anti-Semitism’ whilst employing neo-NaziKatie Hopkins, spewing her venomabout refugees being cockroaches.
Who would have thought that the Telegraph, which has supported benefit cuts and sanctions, council house sales and the abolition of rent controls whilst championing Thatcher’s scrapping of security of tenure for tenants, could suddenly be overcome with concern for the homeless? It was the equivalent of Paul being blinded by the light on the road to Damascus.
‘Britain’s biggest homelesses charity has accused the hard left union boss Len McCluskey of putting vulnerable lives at risk by pressing ahead with a strike during the coronavirus pandemic.’
As is normal with the Telegraph there was no attempt to put the strikers’ case, so you won’t be surprised.
The Guardian’s coverage was more sympathetic although its sub-head ‘UK’s biggest homeless charity criticises timing of three-day protest during pandemic’ bore shades of its anti-Corbyn alliance with the Tory press. But at least it covered the scandalous use of St. Mungo’s outreach workers in passing on information about homeless migrantsto the Home Office. Indeed immigration enforcement staff actually accompanied some outreach workers in London before the High Court ruledthe policy of deporting homeless migrants unlawful.
Tony Greenstein and Liz holding the Trades Council banner

Matt Webb of the Trades Council speaking
At first St. Mungo’s simply liedand denied everything. It was only after had been found out that it was forced to apologise.  Notwithstanding this the practice still continued. As the Public Interest Law Centre stated:
“This apology is long overdue. The findings of St Mungo’s internal review have vindicated the work of migrants and homeless rights campaigners who have spent years trying to hold the charity to account for collaborating with immigration enforcement in the detention and deportation of homeless people,”
“St Mungo’s has admitted misleading the press, campaigners and, most importantly, rough sleepers about the way they worked with the Home Office. The damage done in terms of trust may well be irreparable

If CEO Howard Sinclair had any integrity he would have offered his resignation for the lies and deception. Instead St. Mungo’s PR prefers to ignore uncomfortable truths by simply not mentioning that they operated in the best of Gestapo and Stasi traditions. Howard’s £160,000 salary clearly outweighs trivia like ethics. 
You won’t be surprised that a racist charity which informs on those it is supposed to be helping is also vehemently anti-union. St. Mungo’s threatened to go to court to obtain an injunction against Unite for a leaflet which invites people to join the strike picket. Legislation limits the numbers to 6 and by inviting other people to join it they are therefore acting unlawfully. You would have thought that a homeless charity had better things to do with its funds.
Sinclair is not only a reactionary boss but an incompetent one too. He accidentally sent an email to a Unite official, as well as the employees of BLJ London, a PR consultancy, in which he wrote:
No need to change tac (sic). Our strategy should be to…stop more people joining and erode support.’ 
Demonstration of workers at St Mungo's is forced to stand on the opposite of the road to avoid breaking anti-union legislation on having 6 pickets as a maximum
Sinclair was running a union busting operation. This however didn’t find its way into the Telegraph or Guardian. Despite this St Mungo’s have the audacity to claim that 'We actively encourage our staff to join the union of their choice' -

Unite held two ballots. The first failed by 1 vote to reach the 50% threshold that anti-union legislation demands. After the revelations of union busting the second ballot easily reached the threshold and there was a massive 83.7% vote in favour.

Other issues in the strike include Junior Staff Capping and Sick Pay.  St Mungo’s is trying to reduce the number of experienced, higher paid staff in favour of junior staff who are less well paid. In order to do this they have torn up previous agreements. What employer wants to sack employees with experience other than one for whom providing a service to clients means less than cutting costs.
Staff told me of the ‘reign of terror’, their words not mine, in which people are afraid to go off sick because there is a very rapid escalation from Stage 1 to 3 in which people who get sick get dismissed. So when they get sick they book it in as leave. You won’t learn that from St. Mungo’s Press Releases
UCU speaker
At the rally today at the Clock Tower in Brighton’s centre there was a good turnout with representatives from UCU, who themselves have been on strike recently, CWU, also balloting for strike action against Royal Mail, UNISON, Unite and the Trades Council.  It was unfortunate that despite being advertised as speaking Kemptown Labour MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle wasn’t there and nor was Caroline Lucas, the Pavilion Green MP.  No one of course would have expected Peter Kyle, ‘Labour’ MP for Hove to attend since he is to the right of most Tory MPs.
CWU speaker
Anti-union legislation must be broken
What is clear is that the problems that have faced the CWU postal workers and now St. Mungo’s workers are the Thatcherite anti-union legislation which ties the workers hands behind their backs. Bosses can do whatever they want but workers have their hands tied behind their backs if they want to respond. Strike ballots have to reach a threshold. If they walk out on unofficial strike they can be legally dismissed. The strike mandate only lasts 6 months. As the CWU’s recent ballot, which achieved a 97% yes vote showed, the Courts will step in to prevent the democratic will of workers on the most absurd of legal technicalities. The High Court used an obscure provision in the legislation to rule that ballots can’t be filled in at work.
Tomorrow and Wednesday are further strike days for St Mungo’s. People will be gathering at Brighton’s Clock Tower at 11 am. 
Please be there!
Below is an article from Counterfire on  what led up to the strike.

Workers at St Mungo's are beginning strike action after management continues to prioritise cost-efficiency over services or working conditions

There is now a complete breakdown of trust between executive team, and the frontline workers in particular, many of whom are on low pay, and have felt they have been left with no choice other than too withdraw their labour at significant personal cost. To have their collective voice ignored and minimised in the way it has been, with the board undermining and attempting to discredit the union membership, has been the ultimate insult in a series of insults.
Since the last strikes in 2014, which were over an attempt at cutting pay for frontline staff whilst at the same time increasing pay for senior management, the contrast between the ethics of the organisation's leadership and the workers has grown ever more pronounced. This decay was epitomised by the sharing of information with the Home Office which ultimately led to the unlawful deportation of rough sleepers. St. Mungo’s executives were repeatedly warned about this unethical practice by their staff via Unite, however, they denied sharing any data. The leadership team have since been forced to admit they had misled the press, campaigners and rough sleepers about having collaborated with the Home Office, proving themselves to be the absolute antithesis to those working on the ground.
Controversies such as this and the squandering of £42,000 of charity money on a communications company in an attempt to discredit the union have contributed to a general distrust of the motives and decisions being made by the executive team. Within this context, the material issues that have driven this dispute - a harsh disciplinary procedure that has disproportionately affected BAME workers; a punitive sickness policy and attempts to change the junior staffing cap - have left staff concerned for their jobs, their terms and conditions and importantly for the quality of service provision for vulnerable people.
Britain’s biggest homelesses charity has accused the hard left union boss Len McCluskey of putting vulnerable lives at risk by pressing ahead with a strike during the coronavirus pandemic.
The email states that there is “no need to change tac (sic)”. It adds:  “Our strategy should be to…stop more people joining and erode support”.
The union has accused Sinclair of discouraging staff from joining the union and anti trade union tactics. The charity said staff are actively encouraged to join the union of their choice. 
Recently St Mungo’s has faced a number of controversies, including issues surrounding the charity’s outreach teams sharing information with the Home Office. Delay by the executive team at St Mungo’s meant that one of the charity's outreach teams failed to cease sharing data with the Home Office without consent, an internal review by the charity revealed.

As China reports no new cases, Coronavirus Illustrates all the Flaws and Failures of Free Market Capitalism and our broken NHS


Too Little Too Late - The Delay and Failure of Boris Johnson to Deal with the Coronavirus and its Consequences Could Kill Thousands

It has just been announced that there are no new cases of COVID-19 in China. Whatever the failings and flaws of the Chinese political and economic system, China has illustrated that a determined campaign to eradicate this infectious disease is perfectly possible. We don’t have to wait 18 months for a vaccine.
What is holding us back is the political and economic system we live under. The  prioritisation of profit and the needs of capital over  human beings has resulted in a failure to close workplaces, universities, schools, pubs and recreational centres.
I have to confess that I have more than a personal interest in this! In addition to being over 60 I had a liver transplant 5 years ago and therefore take immune-suppressive medication. In the event of contracting COVID-19 it is likely that I will become one more statistic.
Only a week ago Boris Johnson announced the Government’s ‘strategy’ to deal with Coronavirus, if one can dignify it with that description. In essence it consisted of a series of platitudes such as stay at home. Given the 3 options outlined by researchers at Imperial College of suppression, mitigation or do nothing, Johnson chose the latter.
It is only now that schools are to be closed and still no news about pubs, swimming pools and gyms, cafés etc.
Although the mainstream media was uncritical of Johnson’s ‘strategy’ many people, especially those in the medical world, realised what he was up to.  Johnson's main concern was about business profitability not people.
As Massachussett’s Institute of Technology Review explained
Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that his country would adopt a different coronavirus strategyfrom the ones its European neighbors have followed. Most governments have sought to suppress the spread of the virus by reducing mass gatherings, imposing quarantine restrictions, and encouraging social distancing. But Johnson said the country would forgo such measures
No doubt this was part of this poundshop nationalist’s Brexit agenda, showing that we have now regained control from Europe. The only problem is that, like Climate Change, Coronavirus is no respecter of borders and national boundaries. Coronavirus has no nationality, which is why Trump’s reference to a ‘China Virus’ is so absurd. Even if it did come from China and that is still not certain, it hasn’t stayed there. No amount of immigration barriers or Mexican walls is going to prevent it spreading.
The Tory strategy was indeed different from our European neighbours. It meant letting 60% of the population get ill and thus allow ‘herd immunity’ to set in.  There was just one problem with that. It was going to cause a massive number of deaths.
The World Health Organisation estimated that 3.4% of those who contract it will die. 60% of Britain’s population is about 36 million.  In other words we are talking about over a million people. Even if we assume that with the NHS the figures could be kept to 1% that would still be some 360,000 deaths. As Anthony Costello, Professor of Global Health at UCL wrote:
The stated government policy is to allow 40 million people to become infected. This could mean 6 million hospital admissions, 2 million requiring special or intensive care, and 402,000 deaths if the chief medical officer Prof Chris Whitty’s 1% estimate of mortality is correct.
A statement from over 500 scientists in Britain caused Johnson to realise that proudly proclaiming that we are British and therefore different is not enough. Even if nationalism is irrational, science isn’t. We live in a globalised world and the vain boast of the idiot in the White House that border control has prevented Coronavirus in the USA is just one more of his empty boasts (having first denounced it as a hoax). They wrote to express their:
concern about the course of action announced by the Government on 12th March 2020 we are deeply preoccupied by the timeline of the proposed plan, which aims at delaying social distancing measures even further…. Under unconstrained growth, this outbreak will affect millions of people in the next few weeks. This will most probably put the NHS at serious risk of not being able to cope with the flow of patients needing intensive care… Going for “herd immunity” at this point does not seem a viable option, as this will put NHS at an even stronger level of stress, risking many more lives than necessary. By putting in place social distancing measures now, the growth can be slowed down dramatically, and thousands of lives can be spared. We consider the social distancing measures taken as of today as insufficient.
An open etter from Italy made the same point:
‘The beginning of the outbreak had the exact same number of infections in China, Italy, and other countries. The difference is that China strongly and quickly locked down Wuhan and all of the Hubei region 8 days before Italy [3].
The letter went on to say that just 8 days of delay would result in an ‘enormous increase in the number of total deaths in Italy with respect to China.’ Italy has now had more deaths than China. Whereas China has got the spread of Coronavirus under control, Johnson and the Tories have helped spread it. By delaying the closure of schools and other public institutions, the Tories embarked on a cull of the elderly and vulnerable.
The death rate varies by age. 7.5% of the over 70s who get the virus will die and this increases to 14% of the over 80s. Given that 67% of the over 70’s voted in the General Election for the Tories compared to just 14% for Labour, it’s a strange way for Johnson to express his gratitude for their stupidity.  But then Johnson and the Tories main concern have more pressing concerns - the interests of big business and capital.  Killing off the elderly and vulnerable will also have the 'benefit' of saving countless millions in care costs and social security.
Johnson, front row and Cameron next to him
Johnson, who wrote a ‘flawed and self-serving’ biography of Churchill, imagines that he is a second Winston rather than a vain and boastful Bullingdon boy born with a silver spoon in his gullet. He should take some lessons from his hero.
Until 1940 Churchill was a failed politician.  In 1931 he had resigned from the Shadow Cabinet over the Tories support for Dominion Status, i.e. self-government for India. In 1925 he had returned Britain to the Gold Standard thus ensuring deflation and economic crisis even before the 1929 Wall Street crash. What made Churchill’s reputation was the War and  his role as a national leader. Johnson’s first crisis has shown that he is an inept puffball, a buffoon without an ounce of originality but someone who understands where his class interests lie.
Boris Johnson is no Churchill
For the past 10 years, beginning with the Tory/Lib-Dem coalition, the NHS has been starved of funds and facilities in order to achieve their aim, after the 2008-9 financial crash, of redistributing wealth from the poor to the rich. The result is that we are more unprepared for the virus than virtually all other western countries bar the USA. We have such a massive shortage of nurses because Theresa May decided that student nurses didn't need bursaries. 
Whereas Germany has 29.2 critical care beds per 100,000 of the population, the UK has just 6.6 beds. We are 24th out of 31 European countries. No doubt this is something that Brexit supporters are especially proud of, though it remains to be seen if they will maintain their pride if they succumb to the infection.
This may also help explain why Britain has one of the highest mortality rates (4.4%) and Germany has the lowest (0.2%), although many of these figures are provisional.
Above all this infection is highly political. We can only deal with the outbreak together and in co-operation whereas the spirit of capitalism was seen at 6.00 a.m. in my local Asda when there was a rush to grasp the limited supplies of toilet paper (which had run out by 7.00 a.m.).
Capitalism is both amoral, as George Soros said and also inefficient since it has only one term of reference – profit. It is a system which ensures that a tiny elite accumulates more and more wealth as the rest of us get poorer. How can an economic and political system built on impoverishment be efficient, still less just!

Even worse capitalism distorts what should be produced, hence why such a vast proportion of GDP is used to produce weapons, which we are then told is essential to ‘peace keeping’. We now need ventilators in a hurry but if production had been geared to such essential equipment in the first place there wouldn’t be the present panic. And lacking any control over industry we cannot simply order firms to diversify production.
Of course when COVID-19 threatens business then demands are made for Corporate Welfare, the only kind of welfare the Tories like. Chancellor Riki Sunak has pledged£330 billions to help industry. Undoubtedly there need to be loans to small and struggling businesses but it would be an outrage if one penny of this went into the pockets of corporate fat cats like Richard Branson. If much of the airline industry collapses it’s a good thing. It will reduce the world’s carbon footprint enormously. There is no excuse in the days of Skype and Zoom for someone flying to a meeting in New York.
The formation of hundreds of mutual aid groups shows that there is an alternative to the dog-eat-dog ideology of free market capitalism. Self-isolation will be particularly devastating for the old and frail, many of whom will be unable to obtain help easily, go shopping etc.
We live in a fragile ecosphere and Coronavirus is one more example of the damage we are doing to the world. Once again we have an example of a pathogen jumping from animals to humans because of poor hygiene and food practices
What We Should Be Demanding
There is a Petition Calling for the Labour Party, which has so far been almost silent on the crisis, to adopt an emergency action plan. There is also a good statement by West Ham Labour Party.
It is crazy that sick pay is £98.25, the second lowest in Europe. It should be around £300 per week. There is a need for a moratoriumon all evictions of tenants and mortgagees for failure to make payments. Landlordism has always been parasitical on the real economy. Empty buildings need to be requisitioned and open immediately for the homeless.  There should be a moratorium on utility bills for people self-isolated.
No one should ever be on the street, especially now. There is no better way to spread the infection than people having to live on the street. But this means challenging the idea that private property rights are more important than human need. Since there is £330 billions available it should go to the people who need it not for corporations  to pay it to their shareholders.
There needs to be an emergency injection of £50 billions into the NHS. If China could create emergency hospitals in one week in order to successfully contain COVID-19 why can British capitalism not emulate it?  Whatever the many faults of the Chinese system – a hybrid of centrally directed capitalism and collectivism – one thing is certain. They have shown that it is possible, by acting quickly, to contain the virus.
In contrast Boris Johnson has wasted weeks in dithering. In the United States health care is an integral part of the free market and it there that the chickens have come home to roost. It is the most expensive health system in the world. In 2014 it spent $2.8 trillion and wasted £750 billions in things like administration, competition, fraud, insurance profits and much more expensive drugs. 40 million Americans are uninsured and over 50 million under insured.
People can’t afford to seek help or not work in a society where there is no welfare state and thus no safety net. Which is why the infection is rapidly spreading in the USA. If the Democrats stood for a unified health system free at the point of delivery then they would have a guaranteed victory in the November elections. Instead, in Jo Biden, they are putting forward another corrupt corporation in human form.
If you can't afford to be treated and can't afford to be tested then it is impossible to measure the extent of the crisis.  Add to which without sick pay people who are sick will continue to go to work, thus spreading the virus.
The free market is completely incapable of dealing with this crisis.  In 1940 Churchill and the coalition government adopted measures that Johnson would denounce as ‘communist’ today. Nothing could be produced without the say so of the state. Exchange controls and rationing were taken for granted. The state took over distribution of resources. Imagine that instead of the unseemly rush at the supermarket at 6.00 a.m. that toilet paper, potatoes and Paracetemol (another shortage commodity) were rationed on the basis of need?
The NHS is so successful as a model precisely because it is an example of socialism. You contribute what you can afford from taxation and take what you need.  It is their ideological hostility to the NHS and what it stands for that has led to its stealth privatisation over the past decade.
What we need today is the requisitioning of all beds and facilities in the private sector, a sector that has been parasitic on the NHS for far too long.
As Jonathan Cook wrote:
there is nothing unique about the coronavirus crisis. It is simply a heightened version of the less visible crisis we are now permanently mired in. As Britain sinks under floods each winter, as Australia burns each summer, as the southern states of the US are wrecked by hurricanes and its great plains become dustbowls, as the climate emergency becomes ever more tangible, we will learn this truth slowly and painfully
We have the scandal that the crisis in Iran will be far worse because of sanctions. The pretext for this, that Iran was developing a nuclear weapon or that it sponsored terrorism, is shocking.  If nuclear weapons were the problem then Israel too should be under sanctions. If terrorism were the problem then not only Israel, but Saudi Arabia for its war in Yemen and the Gulf Sheikdoms would be sanctioned, to say nothing of the United States itself. But of course they are the West’s allies and the West doesn’t do terrorism.
What this means concretely is that Iran’s people will die in their thousands to satisfy the appetite of Trump and Netanyahu. Apart from basic humanitarianism, this is utterly counter-productive.  People who travel to Iran and then get infected will simply pass on the infection.
As the World Health Organisation has made clear it is important to test, test, test.
As of Wednesday there were 2,626 cases and 104 deaths in Britain. These are likely to be gross underestimates. Given that only those already seriously ill are being tested we may already have over 100,000 cases of infection. Many deaths may be attributed to different causes as well.
It is clear that now infections have reached over 100 that the infection is spreading fast. There needs to be a massive testing programme put in place now coupled with quarantining of those infected. If you are not even testing people until they fall ill how can you possibly know the extent of the problem? Everyone should be tested.
The decision to close schools is welcome but far too late.  Likewise a decision should have been taken to close pubs, bars, clubs and other communal spaces. But it is not enough. As the WHO spokesman said:
The most effective way to prevent infections and save lives is breaking the chains of transmission and to do that you must test and isolate . You cannot fight a fire blindfolded and we cannot fight this pandemic if we don’t know who is infected.
Because of its almost instant reaction, China's mortality rate from COVID-19 has been 0.4-0.7% - a fraction of what European countries are now experiencing and which Britain, thanks to the murderous incompetence of Boris Johnson’s regime is also experiencing. China has been using a drug developed in Cuba, Interferon Alpha-2B which inhibits lethal complications in those who become infected with the virus.  Although it is licensed in the UK the government has been silent about its use. Why?
This is really important since there is no guarantee that a vaccine will work. There is no vaccine for HIV or the common cold, both viral infections. It may well be that the same route as that of HIV, mitigation and alleviation, will be the best route. It is also somewhat ironic that despite its economic size Cuba, because it isn’t a free market economy, has a health service that is superior to the United States. For example infant mortality in Cuba is less (4.4%) than that of its big neighbour (5.8%). Hence why Cuba was willing to take in a British cruiser with nearly 700 passengers on board that the Barbados, the Bahamas and the United States rejected. See Tory inaction is leading Britain into unnecessary Coronavirus catastrophe
The failure to deal effectively with Coronavirus, which can be considered another other man-made natural disaster, is not because of the scientific problems but the systemic problems of a political and economic system that prioritises private profit and greed over human need. If disaster strikes in over populated Gaza, subject to Israel’s brutal siege for over a decade, with an almost collapsed health service then the responsibility for what happens will be that of the West which encouraged Israeli oppression by opposing the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement. 97% of Gaza’s water is polluted, its population ‘kept on a diet’ by the brutal Israeli occupation regime which calculates how many calories are allowed into the territory (much as the Nazis calculated the calorific intake of the Warsaw Ghetto.
Coronavirus Bill and the Attack on Civil Liberties
The government has just released proposed legislation. In the words of ITV’s political correspondent, Robert Peston:
There has never in my lifetime been a law that so encroached on our civil liberties and basic rights as the Coronavirus Bill, scheduled to become law by end of month. It is all aimed at keeping us safe. But the transfer of unchallengeable power to the state for two years ishuge. It covers everything from burials, to holding those who threaten national security for longer, to closing borders, to detaining those with mental health issues, to empowering the police to quarantine those with the virus, and much more. This is...wartime stuff.
In particular the Bill:
·       Allows health professionals and the Police  to detain someone suspected of being affected
·        Allow just one doctor to section (detain) someone against their will under the Mental Health Act. This is a massive power for just one doctor who may for example have a personal grudge against that person.
·       Instead of being detained for a  maximum of 6 months before a review, that detention will now be indefinite.
·       The NHS will now no longer have to provide care and treatment plans for those leaving hospitals.
·       Reductions in standard of social care for the elderly, disabled and others.
·       Deaths to Coronavirus will not be subject to being heard by an inquest jury.
The law will last 2 years and be passed as secondary legislation, i.e. without any scrutiny. Even more worrying Labour, which is supposed to be the Opposition, has said it won’t oppose the Bill.
Emergencies such as Coronavirus are the ideal opportunity for the government to get away with a massive attack on civil liberties under the guise of dealing with the emergency. Reductions in the rights of mentally handicapped people have nothing whatever to do with fighting the virus. For more information see The Tories just revealed the most terrifying part of their coronavirus plan
Economic Impact
Coronavirus is going to have a massive economic impact. The leisure industry could be devastated.  Rail and bus will see far fewer travelers. Many workplaces will be shut down and consumption ie demand will also fall away. Coupled with Brexit Britain is certainly heading into a recession. The only question is whether it becomes a depression.
Reading up on the Virus
Here is a list of what to do compiled from various sites by Spotlight and here is a useful interview with a doctor.
Tony Greenstein

Lift Israel’s Blockade of Gaza and Free Palestinian Children NOW - this is a massacre in the making

Gaza is on the Brink of Disaster as Israel’s Genocidal Blockade Threatens to Kill Thousands
Palestinian workers wearing protective masks as they prepare the quarantine zone to test returning passengers for coronavirus, at Rafah border crossing in the Gaza Strip, February 16, 2020. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)
What we are facing with self-isolation is nothing compared to the calamity which may strike Gaza. Gaza with 2 million people in an area about 10 square miles is the most overcrowded territory in the world.
Gaza has been under an Israeli siege for the past 14 years as a response to the election of a Hamas administration. Its people are undernourished, its health system lacks medicines and equipment and social distancing is not possible because of the overcrowding.
In addition to all these catastrophes most people are undernourished (or in Israel’s Nazi style language, they are being ‘put on a diet’)  because of the blockade.

The blockade must be lifted now otherwise thousands of people could die. Israel’s blockade has become a genocidal blockade and those who claim legitimacy from the Holocaust are, it would seem, prepared to perpetrate another genocide.
Copied below is an article from Israel’s +972 magazine which has had very good coverage of the crisis. 
Release all Palestinian Child Detainees Now – Israel is Jeopardising the lives of Palestinian Children as Young as 12
We should also demand that Israeli authorities take immediate action to release all Palestinian child detainees in Israeli prisons amid the COVID-19 virus pandemic.

TAKE ACTION: Demand Israel release all Palestinian child prisoners

Palestinian children imprisoned by Israeli authorities live in close proximity to each other, often in compromised sanitary conditions, with limited access to resources to maintain minimum hygiene routines.
COVID-19’s impact is exacerbated by these conditions, making Palestinian children in Israeli prisons and detention centers increasingly vulnerable.
There is simply no way Israeli prison authorities can ensure the health and well-being of Palestinian child detainees.
Four Palestinian prisoners detained at Israel’s Megiddo prison were placed in isolation after they were in contact with a COVID-19 positive Israeli officer.
Megiddo prison is one of several detention facilities located inside Israel where Palestinian child “security prisoners” are held.
Israeli authorities must take immediate action to release all Palestinian child detainees in Israeli prisons and detention centers due to the increasing vulnerability created due to the rapid global spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Israeli authorities must take action to safeguard Palestinian children’s rights to life, survival, development, and health in accordance with international law.
Please bombard your MP with demands that they raise these issues now with the government.
ALSO Please donate to Medical Aid for Palestine who are on the front line and please email your MP asking that the British government demands an end to the Zionist blockade.
Potential Covid-19 catastrophe in Gaza – Your help is needed
Please support MedicalAidfor Palestinians’ current COVID-19 crisis appeal
After 13 years of brutal siege by Israel and Egypt, the healthcare infrastructure in Gaza has all but collapsed. Little equipment and few supplies make their way in, and health professionals are really struggling at the best of times. But if the Coronavirus breaks out in Gaza it could lead to an unimaginable catastrophe for such a densely populated space with so few medical resources.
The news today is what we most feared: the first two confirmed cases of the virus in Gaza. Reports here and here.
This follows several weeks of virtually total lockdown of the West Bank, with especially high rates of infection in Bethlehem.
The easiest way for you to donate is via the Facebook page for MAP’s current COVID-19 crisis appeal.

Israel’s caging of Gaza is a recipe for coronavirus disaster

The pandemic's arrival threatens to make Gaza even more unlivable under Israeli siege. Humanitarian aid is not enough — Palestinians need freedom.

By Jehad AbusalimMarch 22, 2020
Palestinian Health workers spray disinfectant as a precaution against the new coronavirus in the Al-Omari Mosque in Gaza City. March 15, 2020. (Ail Ahmed/Flash90)

The Palestinian Health Ministry today reported its first two cases of the novel coronavirus in the Gaza Strip. For weeks the Hamas-led authority, which has ruled the blockaded territory since 2007, undertook serious measures to preempt the arrival of the virus to the strip. Up until its decision to seal off its sides of the Rafah crossing with Egypt and the Erez checkpoint with Israel, hundreds of Palestinians who entered the strip were immediately quarantined to ensure they had no symptoms of the disease.
These actions, however, are of very little comfort.
It is no exaggeration to say that the prospect of COVID-19 spreading in the Gaza Strip is terrifying. This year, 2020, is the year in which the United Nations and other international agencies predicted that Gaza would become “uninhabitable.” If Israel’s 13-year blockade and isolation of the strip continued, they warned, Gaza’s most basic services and its capacity to sustain itself would collapse.
As the specter of the coronavirus haunts the strip’s 2 million Palestinian residents, half of whom are children, the world needs to face an urgent truth: Gaza, which has long been unlivableunder its current conditions, will be even more so now that the virus has reached its people.
For years, international NGOs, and even some Israeli officials, have warned that Gaza’s health system is on the verge of collapse, incapacitated by decades of systematic de-development, impoverishment, and siege. All the problems of the Israeli blockade are entangled and heightened in Gaza’s health sector: a severe water crisis, an extreme power shortage, high rates of unemployment, and crumbling infrastructure.
As such, Gaza’s healthcare system is not equipped for a COVID-19 breakout. It has a total number of 2,895 hospital beds, or 1.3 beds per thousand people. It has just 50 to 60 ventilators for adults. According to the head of the WHO’s sub-office in Gaza, Abdelnasser Soboh, Gaza is only prepared to handle the first hundred cases of the virus; “After that, it will need further support.”
The health system is further aggravated by the emigration of many Palestinian health professionals due to Gaza’s economic crisis. More than 35,000 Palestinians have left the strip since 2018 alone, among them dozens of doctors and nurses. A Health Ministry official declared they would need at least 300 to 400 more doctors just to close the gap and meet the population’s minimum needs.
Another feature of Gaza’s existence could fuel a mass spread of the virus: population density. According to scientists, “crowded conditions can increase the likelihood of people transmitting infectious diseases” — and with an average of 6,028 persons per square kilometer, Gaza has one of the highest population densities in the world. Its over-crowdedness is only surpassed by a few places, such as Hong Kong; but while people can freely move in and out of Hong Kong, the majority of Palestinians in Gaza are caged there against their will.
Gaza’s eight refugee camps have even higher population densities than the territory’s average. Take Jabalia, where more than 140,000 Palestinian refugees live in an area of 1.4 square kilometers, or about 82,000 persons per square kilometer. The camp has access to just three health clinics and one public hospital. On the land just on the other side of the fence within present-day Israel — where many of the Palestinian refugees are from — the density ranges from zero to 500 persons per square kilometer.
In the shadow of the global pandemic, these conditions in Gaza are a recipe for a disaster. Yet they are not the result of some unfortunate accident; they are a deliberate product of decades of Israeli state policy, consciously designed and maintained to achieve Gaza’s disintegration.
General view of Palestinian homes and buildings in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, February 9, 2020. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)
Most of the 2 million Palestinians living in the tiny strip today are descendants of 200,000 refugees who fled or were expelled during the 1948 war that created the State of Israel, joining around 80,000 to 100,000 Palestinians who resided in the area at the time.
These refugees believed that their stay in Gaza would be temporary, but Israel quickly built militarized fences to confine the Palestinians, and enacted laws to make their displacement permanent. These included the 1954 Prevention of Infiltration Law, which deemed any attempt by Palestinians to return to their land, homes, and property as illegal. Many Palestinians who tried to do so were shot and killed by Israeli forces.
When Israel conquered the strip in 1967, it enabled Jewish settlers to take over 25 percent of the already-small territory, comprising about 40 percent of its arable land. Until Israel’s “disengagement” in 2005, four decades of Jewish settlement worsened Gaza’s over-crowdedness and prevented Palestinians from building and expanding within the strip. Since then, repeated Israeli military offensives decimated Palestinian homes and further displaced tens of thousands of families.
Put bluntly, the Gaza Strip is in its current shape because of the logic of Israeli expansionism: the state’s relentless drive to maintain a Jewish majority at the direct expense of the Palestinians. Two million Palestinians are trapped in Gaza not because they chose this life, but because it was forced upon them.
The threat of COVID-19 looming over Gaza is perhaps a last opportunity to say what many refuse to hear: Gaza’s problem is not a lack of humanitarian aid, as urgent as it may be. It is territorial, demographic, and political. It is about who, between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, is privileged and who is not; who gets to live and thrive on the land, and who does not.
Palestinian students walk past a UN distribution center in the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip on April 6, 2013. (Wissam Nassar/FLASH90)

Right now, while Israel’s Jewish citizens enjoy the land and its resources, Palestinians are denied that same right and barred from returning to their homeland. And while the international community largely focuses on the threat of Israeli “annexation” of its illegal settlements in the West Bank, many do not care about the unnatural reality experienced by the people in Gaza.
In this time of pandemic and concern for the health of communities worldwide, it is time to address the full consequences of the unjust partition of historic Palestine — and that includes Gaza.
Indeed, Gaza encapsulates many of our world’s problems: war, poverty, displacement, and racism. But it also offers glimmers of hope, through its humanity, resilience, and resistance.
In this moment — when people in more privileged countries can just slightly relate to a life in confinement, separated from loved ones, uncertain about basic needs, and worrying about our collective future — it is imperative to think of places like Gaza, where people have suffered much worse for decades, and are at the risk of a far more devastating blow now that the pandemic has reached their shores.
I write this while thinking about my family in Gaza, who, like many others, may soon be at the mercy of COVID-19. Although this is the time to think about survival, it is also the time to ask big questions, about how we as human beings have failed to prepare for this moment. If this is not the time to end the blockade of Gaza and the occupation of Palestine, and if this is not the time to address the injustices that have rendered Palestinian life to suffering and pain, then when?
Jehad Abusalim is a scholar and policy analyst from Gaza. He is a Palestine Activism Program Associate at the American Friends Service Committee, and is currently studying at New York University.

Doctors Warn of Gaza Strip’s Collapse After First Coronavirus Cases Surface

Medical and human rights organizations call on Israel to lift its blockade of the Strip to boost supplies of medical equipment and protective gear

Open Letter to Jennie Formby – Who Would Have Imagined that You Would Prove to be Worse than Iain McNicol?

Disqualifying Candidates to Prevent them being Elected is not exactly new –this is how the Tyrant of Egypt, ‘President’ Sisi, was ‘Elected’

Dear Jennie,
I realise that you are unlikely to be General Secretary for much longer. However, given that you are doing your best to prepare the ground for a renewed and intensified witch-hunt of socialists, all under the pretext of combating a non-existent ‘anti-Semitism’ for which there is no evidence, I thought I might be of some help, since you appear to be suffering from a touch of the Lansmans.
When we held a demonstration outside Labour Party Conference in 2017 calling for Iain McNicol to go, little did we imagine that one day we might recall the bumbling old rogue with something approaching affection.
Even Israel's claim to be a 'Jewish democracy' is a lie
Even though machiavellian McNicol did his best to prevent Corbyn standing for leader, even he didn’t try to prevent candidates winning an election once they were nominated, by the ruse of suspending them for the ‘crime’ of standing. That really is an innovation.
Jennie Formby's model of an election candidate - Egypt's President Sisi who presides over a regime where torture and disappearances are the norm - 
You are not however the first to have thought of it. Egyptian dictator Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who overthrew the democratically elected President of Egypt Mohamed Morsi, beat you to it. In the 2018 elections Sisi managed to intimidate, harass, deport and disqualify 6 candidates for President before eventually choosing his opponent. Unsurprisingly Sisi obtained a 97% vote.
Although you also suspended 6 candidates you were forced to reinstate Jo Bird. No doubt the allegation was ‘anti-Semitism’, because in Labour’s Alice-in-Wonderland, Jews are the worst anti-Semites.
At the risk of being accused of ‘anti-Semitism’ I must point out that even Hitler didn’t disqualify candidates in the March 1933 elections.
Comparisons with Nazis - Can Something Be True & anti-semitic?
I realise that comparisons with the Nazis are ‘anti-Semitic’ even if they are true. I also understand why Zionists don’t like to be reminded of their past history but what I find difficult to accept is that something can be true and anti-Semitic.
I realise that you weren’t appointed for your intellectual prowess but surely even you should understand that whole point about anti-Semitism was that it wasn’t true. Yet by saying ‘anti-Semitism’ is what offends Jews (i.e. they mean Zionists of course) rather than what is untrue about Jews you are legitimising anti-Semitism?  This is where the fake ‘anti-Semitism’  campaign and the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism has ended up.
If something offends Jews it is now held to be anti-Semitic, regardless of whether it is true (Jews always mean Jewish Zionists). Is something that offends Muslims also Islamaphobic? So those of us who opposed the fatwa on Salman Rushdie and Satanic Verses were, according to your ‘logic’, Islamaphobic?
According to the venerable Chakrabarti Report
it is always incendiaryto compare the actions of Jewish people or institutions anywhere in the world to those of Hitler or the Nazis
Perhaps you could tell me whether or not Professor Ze’ev Sternhell is anti-Semitic for writing about a ‘Growing Fascism and a Racism Akin to Early Nazism’ in Israel?
Sternhell incidentally was a child survivor of a Nazi ghetto in Poland as well as being a world authority on fascism. But why should that stop him from being an anti-Semite? Was Dr Ofer Cassif, a lecturer at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University and a member of the Knesset also anti-Semitic when he said that"those who refuse to see the similarities between what is happening in Israel, specifically in the past two years, and Germany in the 1930s, has a problem...’
Certainly Professor Daniel Blatman, the Chief Historian at the Warsaw Ghetto Museum and a researcher into the Holocaust is anti-Semitic. He described Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust Propaganda Museum as having
functioned as a hard-working laundromat, striving to bleach out the sins of every anti-Semitic, fascist, racist or simply murderously thuggish leader or politician like Hungary’s Viktor Orban, the Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte and Italy’s Matteo Salvini.
Blatman was referring to Hitler worshippers like Duterte.
Unfortunately neither Blatman, Casif or Sternhell are members of the Labour Party so you can’t expel them! They are however amongst a minority of Israelis prepared to speak out against the vitriolic racism of a country whose own Prime Minister openly states that it is a state of its Jewish citizens not all its people.
When Israelis speak out about Israel's Nazi-style racism e.g. official opposition to miscegenation, what does that say about the abject cowardice of people like yourself who bow their head to Britain’s Zionist lobbies?
Amongst those you have suspended is Mehmood Mirza, the leading candidate for the BAME position on the NEC with 75 nominations. His ‘offence’according to the Daily Telegraph was
sharing a cartoon which “depicted a sticker with the words “anti-Semitism” being placed across the mouth of a man who has a “free Palestine” band around his head….”
In the light of the vicious campaign by the Board of Deputies and Jewish Labour Movement against Show Racism the Red Cardto destroy its funding if it continued to have Ken Loach and Mike Rosen as judges in a competition, your decision demonstrates that your decision is both racist and based on a lie.
That Zionist groups could threaten the existence of an anti-racist charity in order to attack critics of Israel shows exactly what their agenda is. Neither the Board or the JLM has ever shown the slightest interest in opposing Tommy Robinson or fascist groups in Britain.
Since you are not the sharpest tool in the box let me put it more bluntly. There isn’t a single Palestine solidarity activist in this country who hasn’t been accused of anti-Semitism. ‘Anti-Semitism’ is the first resort of those who find it difficult to defend torturing children.
Even mention of the Israel lobby is now anti-Semitic! One of the most active members of that lobby is Luke Akehurst, Director of We believe in Israel’, an offshoot of another Israel lobby group BICOM.
I’ve asked you this before and I understand your reticence to provide an answer. Why, when Akehurst justifiedthe murder of unarmed Palestinian demonstrators, including over 70 children, has he not been expelled?  
Why when Labour Friends of Israel justified Israel mowing down children and medics were they allowed to book a stall at Labour's conference?
If someone had justified the murder of 70 Jewish children would they still be in the Labour Party?  Why the double standards?

And speaking of double standards why has Luke Stanger, who is suspended, not part of the fast-track expulsions? Apart from his habitual harassment of women he posted a tweet describing Travellers as a 'nasty blight'. What if 'Jews'  had been so described?
The Chilsons
Dr Tali and Cyril Chilson are an ex-Israeli couple, academics in Oxford. Both their parents were in Nazi concentration camps. Both are anti-Zionist, as were the majority of those who died in the Holocaust. Only in your Orwellian world can they be accused of anti-Semitism/
Tali resigned after 11 years membership of the Labour Party after accusations of anti-Semitism by your moronic minions. Tali wrote:
I am not clear as to how the daughter of a Jewish family who was born and raised in Israel, can be at all ‘Anti-Semitic’. The Labour Party is bringing itself into disrepute by persecuting its most loyal members.
The accusations were based on 7 year old tweets. I thought Chakrabarti had outlawed this behaviour? Tali, who specialises in Jewish studies, went on to say that
‘I am certainly better placed than my anonymous accusers to recognise authentic Antisemitism wherever it raises its ugly head.
Labour’s McCarthyists aren’t interested in genuine anti-Semitism but in defending Israel, the worlds most racist state.  That was why Lansman and friends pushed for the IHRAwhich at a stroke redefined anti-racism as ‘anti-Semitism’ whilst exonerating genuine anti-Semites.
I don’t know whether you’ve ever felt shame but anyone who calls themselves a socialist, should be ashamed reading Tali’s letter and the fact that she has been forced into resigning by your racist underlings.
Graham Durham and the Chief Rabbi
One of the candidates you suspended, Graham Durham, wrote:
I began fighting racism and fascism on the streets of Manningham in Bradford, Corby, and Leeds in the 1970s when the National Front could mobilise thousands. I travelled overnight several times to support Jayaben Desai and the Grunwick strike. I have campaigned for justice for Stephen Lawrence and against excessive police force against Black people, particularly the shooting of Mark Duggan. Most recently, I attended and spoke at a local rally near my home alongside rabbis when antisemitic daubing was smeared on local bus stops. I have visited both Israel and Palestine, twice meeting elected Israeli Jewish politicians as well as Palestinians. I have also visited Auschwitz and Jewish remembrance events in Berlin and Jerusalem.
Tuvia Tenenom - during a sickening lecture when he described Palestinians as overfed and living in luxury - Formby bases Pete Willsman's suspension on his sting operation
This is similar to my own political biography yet, like so many other anti-racists, Durham was suspended in order to appease the Trump supporting Tories of the Board of Deputies. Speaking of which, isn’t it about time you reinstated Pete Willsman who was subject to a sting operation by a Zionist ‘journalist’ Tuvia Tenenbom. I suggest you watch the videoof this disgusting fascist in which he says that the only suffering Palestinians experience is having too much to eat.
Graham’s offence was calling Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, a Tory! I’m not sure why this is anti-Semitic even were it untrue. Mirvis, who became a Zionist in apartheid South Africa, trained as a rabbi at Har Etzion yeshivah in the settlement of Alon Shvut, built on stolen land. Mirvis took part on Jerusalem Day 2017 in the March of the Flags in which thousands of settler youth rampage through the Arab quarter chanting ‘Death to the Arabs’ and similar slogans. 
George Wilmers was fingered for having declared that the “JLM were a front for Israel.” I suggest you visit their website where you will read that the JLM ‘organise within the World Zionist Organisation alongside our sister party ... the Israeli Labor Party.’ Once again it seems that something can be true and anti-Semitic. It is also affiliated to the WZO, which has a ‘Department for Land Theft’.
Guatemala's genocidal dictator, Rios Montt, who was responsible for the murder of 200,000 Indians - all with Israel's help and training
How is it that anti-racists and anti-fascists are being suspended and expelled at the behest of supporters of a state that was best friends of Apartheid South Africa, supplied weapons to Pinochet, trained and equippedthe Guatemalan Junta whilst it committed genocide, murdering 200,000 Mayan Indians. Today is best friends to Hungary’s Orban and Brazil’s Bolsonaro and is armingthe Burmese Junta? To mention nothing of its supportfor India’s Narendra Modi. These are the people you are defending.
Imagine that supporters of South Africa in the 1970’s had been able to expel opponents of Apartheid? That is the situation in the Labour Party today. 
Apparently it is ‘anti-Semitic’ to call Israel and its foundation ‘racist’ but the evidence that it is is overwhelming. When the Knesset approved legislation that made it legal to bar Israeli Palestinians access to 93% of Israel’s ‘Jewish’ land, Ha’aretz’s editorial was A racist Jewish state. Presumably Israel’s Ha’aretz is also anti-Semitic?
The Knesset passed the Reception Committees Bill which allows Jewish communities to bar Arabs from living amongst them. Imagine the British parliament giving non-Jews the right not to have to live with Jews. Anti-Semitic? Not according to you and your racist friends.

The sad fact is that if British Jews experienced one-tenth of the racism that Palestinians experience then the accusation of anti-Semitism would indeed be justified.
Pauline Hammerton
I realise this is a sensitive subject for you but the death of Pauline Hammerton, Chair of Manchester Socialist Health Association, an 80 year old activist cannot be ignored or brushed under the carpet. Pauline was suspended on 4thFebruary. She was dead by the 14th February. In her last tweet she wrote, in shock and anguish, that
I’ve been expelled from the Labour Party for retweeeting tweets critical of Israel and supportive of Palestinians and reposting similar FB posts. I can’t appeal for 5 years by which time I’ll probably be dead.’
Mike Sivier wrote
It seems she had been unaware that the party had been planning to expel her, and was left distraught by the decision... It is believed that the shock triggered a haemorrhage that killed her. 
Despite her long service to the Labour movement Pauline was one of 25 people expelled in one day under the fast track procedures. Procedures which Labour Party conference was told would only be used in exceptional circumstances.
Your treatment of Pauline was shocking. At no time did your witch hunters attempt to personally contact her. Instead the letter of suspension contains a phone number which isn't even staffed by the Labour Party. At the behest of the Israeli state your functionaries were party to causing distress to an elderly woman whose only crime was supporting the Palestinians.
It is a reasonable assumption that the shock of being expelled caused or contributed to her death. You and your staff are personally responsible for the distress that Pauline suffered and the tragedy that occurred however much you might try to wriggle.
The Election
The idea that the press and the BBC are concerned with ‘anti-Semitism’ is a fantasy yet you have continually appeased the Tory press who are apparently upset about  anti-Jewish racism. It was your attempt to appease them which led to Labour’s election defeat.
You and Seamus Milne didn’t even bother to brief Jeremy Corbyn when he was interviewed by Andrew Neil. When Neil challenged Corbyn to apologise for Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ all he needed to have said was that he had nothing to apologise for.
Corbyn could then have told Neil he wasn’t going to take lectures on anti-Semitism from someone who hired David Irving, a holocaust denier, to examine the Goebbels Diaries when he was Sunday Times Editor. If pressed he could have mentioned that the Spectator, whose Board Neil chairs, has employed Panagiotis Theodoracopulos, an open anti-Semite who subscribesto the blood libel myth. Instead Corbyn was led like a lamb to slaughter.
One of the ironies of the ‘anti-Semitism’ witch-hunt is that denial of the accusation is proof of one’s guilt! Just as during the Salem Witchhunt, denial of being a witch was proofthat you were a witch. In the empty words of Rebecca Long Bailey, if accused of anti-Semitism
The only acceptable response to any accusation of racist prejudice is self-scrutiny, self-criticism and self-improvement”
Far-right Zionist organisation, the Simon Wiesenthall Centre in Los Angeles, named Corbyn the No. 1 'antisemite' - presumably there are no neo-Nazis left in the world!
Presumably since Jeremy Corbyn has been named as the world’s No. 1 anti-Semite by a Zionist organisation then it is ‘anti-Semitic’ if Corbyn denies the allegation?!! Such is the absurdity of the position that you have got into.
The fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign is  based on the idea that all Jews are Zionists, itself anti-Semitic. The BOD who demanded the heads of Labour’s Palestinian supporters are the same people who held hands with anti-Semites such as Steve Bannon, Trump’s former advisor, who didn’t want his kids going to school with ‘whiny’ Jewish brats. Which didn’t stop him being the guest of honour at the Zionist Organisation of America’s gala dinner.
Or we could mention the neo-Nazi founder of America’s alt-Right Richard Spencer, who declares himself a White Zionist. Another admirerof Zionism, is India’s Prime Minister, who as Chief Minister of Gujarat, instigatedpogroms estimated to have killed over 2,000 Muslims. Israel is the model ethno-nationalist state for White Supremacists the world over – from Tommy Robinson to Donald Trump. 
Ever since its formation Zionism and Anti-Semitism have been Siamese twins. Both agree that Jews don’t belong in non-Jewish society. When you retire in a few months you will be able to look back and see how you have paved the way for the Right. You devoted your time as General Secretary of the Labour Party to attacking anti-racists.
Let me quote the great Black American novelist, poet and activist, James Baldwin:
“But the state of Israel was not created for the salvation of the Jews; it was created for the salvation of the Western interests.
Israel is no more Jewish than the Ulster statelet is Protestant. It is Jewish only in so far as Jews are racially privileged.
I have not mentioned the racists that you have covered for Jennie. John Mann, who wrote a pamphlet on Anti-Social Behaviour that labelled Gypsies, just as the Nazis did, as an asocial element.

Or Tom Watson who ‘lost sleep’ thinking about ‘poor Phil’ Woolas, the racist Labour MP who the High Court removed from Parliament after having run an election campaign based on ‘making the White folk angry.’ Or Margaret Hodge, who covered for child abuse as Leader of Islington Council and then libelled one of the victims.
I leave you with an excellent letter from Natalie Strecker, a Palestine solidarity activist who referred herself to your witch-hunting friends, as she is obviously guilty according to your medieval theology.
Yours as ever,
Tony Greenstein

Even Tommy Robinson praises Trevor Phillips, ex-Chair of the EHRC, and his anti-Muslim bigotry

According to Phillips, Muslims see the world differently from the rest of us”– why has he not yet been expelled from the Labour Party?

Imagine that someone had said that the genocidal actions of Israel can be traced to the fact that it is a Jewish as opposed to a Christian state and it is because of the ‘ideology’ of the Jewish religion? Who can doubt that this would be anti-Semitic? Yet this is what Trevor Phillips has been getting away with for years in regard to Muslims.
I think there's little doubt that it's the extremist adherence of one particular faith - Islam - who have created a major fault line in this country”.
When I was a student activist I knew Trevor Phillips. Not personally but politically! Apart from being a delegate to National Union of Students Conferences between 1975 and 1981 I was also a member of NUS’s Polytechnic’s Committee for 2 years (all the Polytechnics converted to universities from 1992 onwards) so I frequently came into contact with him.
I had a number of battles with Phillips since the Polytechnics were considered to be a bastion of the far-left unlike the right-wing universities. I was also at the time Vice-President of Brighton Polytechnic.
My impression of Phillips was that he had no fixed principles other than self-advancement. It was clear that he was using the fact of being Black for career purposes even though he never had anything positive to say about fighting racism.
Phillips was a member of the ruling Broad Left/Left Alliance which included such ‘socialists’ such as David Aaronovitch of the Communist  Party, (yes it is true!), Charles Clarke, the Bunterish President who at the time was strong on the civil liberties such as supporting the defendants in the ABC trial concerning breaches of the Official Secrets Act. When Clarke became Home Secretary under Blair he was one of the most illiberal people to occupy that office. And of course Jack Straw, the first ‘left’ President of NUS who as Foreign Secretary presided over the extraordinary rendition of people who were kidnapped for a spot of torture in places such as Libya and Morocco.
Phillips impressed me most because of his complete indifference to the fight against racism and fascism. Most younger people don’t realise the battles we had against the resurgence of fascist parties in the 1970s and 1980s.
Anti-fascists opposing the National Front demonstration in The Battle of Wood Green in April 1977 - Phillips and people like Sue Slipman opposed physical confrontations with the fascists
One issue dominated NUS during the 1970’s. It was a time when the National Front was kicking its way into the headlines. They achieved 16% in the West Bromwich by-election in 1973 with Martin Webster, their neo-Nazi leader, as candidate. In 1977 in the Birmingham Stechford by-election Andrew Brons, another neo-Nazi (later to become a BNP MEP) beat the Liberals into 4th place.
For the first time since the war a neo-Nazi holocaust denying party was talked of as a legitimate political party. It was a time of mass anti-fascist activity.
Leon Trotsky's advice to anti-fascists was to acquaint the heads of the fash with the pavement
We remembered the adviceof Leon Trotsky that ‘If you cannot convince a Fascist, acquaint his head with the pavement."  In other words we had to operate a No Platform for Racists and Fascists policy, to drive them from the streets. Not because we were opposed to freedom of speech because we recognised that allowing fascist groups to control the streets threatened the freedom of Black, Jewish and other minorities to walk down those streets.
It was also a time when the Establishment Jewish Board of Deputies launched an attack on the Anti-Nazi League, formed in 1977, because it was set up by anti-Zionists. The Board had never participated in any anti-fascist activity or been interested in combating racism or fascism.
The Board of Deputies posted this in the Jewish Chronicle to Jews to keep indoors and NOT oppose the fascists
In the 1930’s the BOD had opposedJewish participation in anti-fascist activity and in particular the mobilisation to stop Moseley’s British Union of Fascists marching through the East End in the Battle of Cable Street in October 1936. Instead they posted a notice in the Jewish Chronicle telling Jews to stay at home.
The Police were frustrated in their desire to force the fascists through the Jewish East End in October 1936
The ANL, which was a mass anti-fascist movement, together with Rock Against Racism helped destroy the NF with their mass rallies and concerts. The Editor of the anti-fascist magazine Searchlight, Maurice Ludmer, which was not unsympathetic to Zionism wrote:
"In the face of mounting attacks against the Jewish community both ideologically and physically, we have the amazing sight of the Jewish Board of Deputies launching an attack on the Anti Nazi League with all the fervour of Kamikaze pilots... It was as though they were watching a time capsule rerun of the 1930's, in the form of a flickering old movie, with a grim determination to repeat every mistake of that era. "(Issue 41, November 1978)
Anti-fascists built street barricades at the Battle of Cable Street in 1936 to stop Oswald Moseley's fascists marching through the Jewish East End - the Board of Deputies opposed Jews taking part in a genuine fight against anti-Semitism
The key debate in NUS was over No Platform for Fascists & Racists. The National Organisation of Labour Students (NOLS), which was dominated by Stalinists including the SNP’s Tommy Shepherd MP, had just decided, after heated debates to support No Platform. What was Phillips reaction? He told NUS Conference that he was so disgusted that he would never join the Labour Party!  Unfortunately this was one more promise he broke.
Uncle Tom Phillip signed this letter to the Guardian alongside Tories like Maajid Nawaz, Frederick Forsyth, Fay Weldon and other Islamaphobes
Phillip’s Suspension
According to the Jewish Chronicle
“the former head of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission has suggested his shock suspension from Labour Islamophobia allegations are linked to him speaking out about “leadership’s failure to tackle antisemitism in the party.”
In other words poor Uncle Tom Phillips has been penalised, not for anti-Muslim bigotry but his commitment to fighting ‘anti-Semitism’, which as we know is about Zionism and the Palestinians.
Just imagine, dear reader, that someone had said about Jews that ‘they see the world differently’ from non-Jews. I’ll take a bet with anyone that they would have been fast-tracked out of the Labour Party.
As Sayeeda Warsi notedamongst the things that Phillips has said are that Muslims are not like us”; that Muslims “see the world differently from the rest of us”; and that British Muslims are “becoming a nation within a nation”. It is little wonder that he has received the stamp of approval from Tommy Robinson no less.
One of Phillip's supporters is Tommy Robinson - says everything there needs to be said
According to Richard Littlejohn, who has the accolade of the most racist journalist in Britain today (I don’t consider Katie Hopkins a journalist), Trevor Phillips only agreed to Chair the EHRC in order to close it down! Given he neutered its legal and campaigning work there is much truth in this.
For these tweets, about Israel or the privileging of 'anti-Semitism' a Labour Party member was expelled under the fast track procedures, i.e. without a hearing, 
Not surprisingly those who campaign so vociferously against anti-Zionism by labelling it ‘anti-Semitism’, have leapt to Phillip’s rescue.
John Ware revealed that Uncle Tom Phillips wanted to destroy the EHRC - which he nearly did!
John Ware, another Islamaphobic bigot who sees much merit and rationalityin Islamaphobia, presented the propaganda Panorama programme ‘Is Labour Anti-Semitic?’ leapt to his defence in an article Cancelling Trevor Phillips. Is Labour Anti-Semitic? was the most dishonest programme I have ever seen. It deliberately refrained from interviewing anti-Zionist Jews and hid the identity and affiliations of all those Jews who did complain of ‘anti-Semitism’ (they were all officers of the Zionist JLM).
The anti-Roma bigot and ‘anti-Semitism Czar’ Lord John Mann describedPhillip’s suspension as Orwellian’. The reaction of the media and those who were involved in allegations of Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ to Phillip’s suspension demonstrates conclusivelythat the ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign was not about anti-Semitism or racism.
Below is an excellent and well researched article from Koser Saeed of SpotlightMagazine.  I have lightly edited it and my additions are in bold but the original is here. It is well worth subscribingto at £5 a month to keep these valuable alternative news channels available.
Tony Greenstein

Earlier this week, the Mirror reported that the Labour Party took the decision to suspend Trevor Phillips (former head of the Commission for Racial Equality and chair of the Human Rights Commission [EHRC] over allegations of Islamophobia.
Phillips has been suspended over remarks about Pakistani Muslim men sexually abusing children in northern British towns and for saying that Muslims “see the world differently from the rest of us”.
He’s also been reported for boasting about being nominated as “Islamophobe of the year” by a UN body, while chairing a controversial event at the Tory party conference last year entitled “Challenging Islamophobia” The event disintegrated into a farce when attendees shifted the entire debate toward how to deal with extremists and why they should avoid defining Islamophobia, just in case it 'restricts free speech' and so it can't be 'weaponised' against them. The Mirror printed the full transcript of the event.
At times, attendees and even Trevor Phillips were blaming Muslims for the attacks on Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand (which resulted in the killing of 51 Muslim worshippers) and Finsbury Park (resulting in the death of one man with 10 others seriously injured). Rather than condemning the attacks, they were arguing that these attacks were a natural response to 'the Muslim threat.'
Phillips was challenged by BBC Radio 4's Today programme and accused of hypocrisy when he appeared to be happy to make generalisations about Muslims while, at the same time, condemning Labour's supposed failure to properly tackle anti-Semitism, accusing Jeremy Corbyn of “embracing anti-Semites as comrades” and declaring that he could no longer vote Labour. Phillips defiantly held to his opinions and argued that Muslims are part of a group with “a particular set of values”
The Guardian reported that former Tory Party chair, Sayeeda Warsi said, of Phillips, that his
understanding of race, racism and the barriers to integration has sadly been flawed for many years... Phillips cannot treat Muslims as a homogenised group when it suits him, then later deny they are racialized
Naz Shah MP, the Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities and Vice Chair of the all-party parliamentary group on British Muslims, pointed out that “Some of the things he has said on public record would not be acceptable to any minority community,”
How does a man who claims to be a champion for marginalised communities and who has held prominent positions such as Head of the Commission for Racial Equality and Chair of the EHRC align himself with overtly Islamophobic and racist views against Muslims and even find it humorous to ridicule Muslims?
Phillips was very proud of his nomination as Islamaphobe of the year by the Islamic Human Rights Commission
What does it say about the EHRC that it was headed by a racist and Islamaphobe?
Phillip'sCV : Phillips was also chairman of the Runnymede Trust (a race equality think tank) from 1993 to 1998 and currently Phillips is the Deputy Chairman of the board of the National Equality Standard (NES). NES sets clear Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) criteria by which companies are assessed.
Phillips is a close personal friend of Peter Mandelson and was best man at his first wedding. He signed up to the 'New Labour' agenda and became friendly with Tony Blair. Blair honoured Phillips with an OBE.
In May 2000, after Ken Livingstone won the Mayoral contest the Labour Party put Phillips forward as a 'top-up' candidate for the London Assembly. Phillips served as Chairman of the Assembly until February 2003. The primary role of the London Assembly is to scrutinise the activities of the Mayor of London. Suffice to say there were a number of clashes between Livingstone and Phillips during this time. One of the key reasons for their disagreements was down to Phillips' rejection of multiculturalism. Phillips opposition to multiculturalism colour much of his attitude and opinions.
In April 2004, Phillips called for the government to reject multiculturalism. He claimed it legitimised “separateness” and proposed that the government should “assert a core of Britishness” instead.
In Sept 2006, Livingstone accused Phillips of “pandering to the right” and said that he had “an absolutely disgraceful record” at the Commission for Racial Equality. He accused Phillips of turning the CRE into “a vast press department” and claimed that under Phillips stewardship, the CRE “wound down all the legal work.”
Six EHRC commissioners resigned citing concerns over Phillips' leadership and probity during his tenure as Chair of the EHRC, leading to a breakdown of trust and confidence in the chair.
In July 2009, two former commissioners accused Phillips of “divisive leadership” Kay Hampton said his leadership style was “better suited to a political organisation rather than a human rights one”. Sir Bert Massie asked “How do you manage to alienate that number of people?...it's quite a skill. These are not people who are rebels for the sake of it.” Massie, a leading disability rights campaigner who had sat on government bodies and committees for 30 years, went on to explain how he and his fellow commissioners often learned of policy announcements through press releases.
Days later, Ben Summerskill (of the gay rights group Stonewall), also resigned as commissioner. Summerskill said that Phillips' style of leadership had “unnerved” many commissioners. Summerskill seemed to imply that Phillips' personal ambition or agenda was taking precedence over the important work that the commission should be doing in trying to help victims of prejudice.
Following a spate of resignations, the Joint Committee on Human Rights (JCHR) decided to investigate the EHRC. Fearing the JCHR report would paint him in a bad light, Phillips contacted three of the Peers involved in the investigation, allegedly in the hope of discussing the draft report. The JCHR then raised concerns that Phillips was attempting to influence the views of some of the committee members, prior to the publication of the report. However, the Lords Privileges Committee who subsequently investigated Phillips conduct concluded that Phillips was not in contempt of Parliament and that it was merely inappropriate and ill-advised of him to have contacted three members of the JCHR committee and ask for some of the evidence to be redacted and to express his unhappiness over the fact that the JCHR report was critical of his conduct.
In March 2015, Channel 4 aired an opinion piece produced by Phillips called 'Things we wont say about race that are true'It was packaged as a documentary peppered with a few broad statistics, some anecdotal data and selected remarks made by a few prominent individuals. In this piece, Phillips tried to argue that racial profiling is justified but instead of inviting a broad debate or investigating causality, Phillips produced a self-indulgent monologue expressing 'his' opinion. For example, in Phillips world, there are disproportionally more black people in prison because they have a higher propensity for a type of criminal behaviour. No consideration is given to racial profiling by the police or the fact that black kids frequently get tougher sentencing than their white counterparts.
Phillips argues that because black kids are more likely to be killed and typically their killers are more likely to be black then this too has to be black criminal behaviour. He completely side steps the socio-economic factors that push kids from deprived neighbourhoods (who tend to be predominantly black kids) into criminal behaviour. Phillips openly argues that isolated or segregated Muslim communities were a hot bed for “an ugly perversion of Islam” that bred terrorism and that most communities, left to themselves, actually prefer segregation.
Phillips gives absolutely zero consideration to the lack of equal opportunity, lower paid jobs, racism and racial abuse and physical attacks if you move to a white area or the fact that white people are more likely to be able to afford to move out to more affluent, usually white, areas.
Phillips also tries to make the case that segregation stokes terrorist behaviour - not deprivation, not persecution, not racial abuse, not foreign policy etc. By making this argument, Phillips implies that segregated communities express deviant behaviour but then he shies away from including segregated white communities in this assessment.
Phillips further bolsters his argument of deviant behaviour in segregated Muslim communities by talking about Asian grooming gangs as if grooming or deviant sexual behaviour was somehow predominantly perpetrated by Pakistani Muslim men. He fires off a few statistics: Between 1997 and 2010, there were 17 court cases linked to street grooming gangs with over 200 victims. 56 men were convicted but only 3 were white and 40 were Pakistani heritage Muslims. Phillips concludes from this that there has to be a cultural factor to this behaviour (another disguised attack on multiculturalism).
Phillips conveniently side steps facts like how the vast majority of sexual grooming of young children is done online by white men. A Home Office Report on Cyber Crime, published in October 2013 revealed that between 2004 and 2013, the number of sexual grooming offences recorded by police in England and Wales was 2,778.
It also quoted several studies on the characteristics of offenders. In one study of 633 UK males convicted of IIOC offences (Indecent Images of Children) it found that their average age was around 39 years, over 80% were either single or divorced and 93 per cent were convicted of making as well as consuming images. Another study covering 97 cases of offenders who committed IIOC and contact sex offences against 246 children between them found that most offenders were white unemployed males, aged between 19 and 45 years and that those who were employed predominantly worked in schools or care work and over a half lived with children.
Another study hoping to compare traits of online against offline offenders also concluded that online offenders were “broadly younger than offline offenders; more likely to be White, and have greater victim empathy and sexual deviancy than offline offenders.” ...
So, can Phillips identify the cultural factor that explains why the vast majority of online IIOC offenders and groomers are white and how does this fact support his argument for eradicating multiculturalism?
In April 2016, Phillips produced another documentary for Channel 4 called “What British Muslims really think”. The program opens with Phillips painting a picture of large swathes of Muslim men as terrorist who leave the UK to go and fight abroad and who, he says, “may return to take up arms here”. He then goes on to make an explicitly racist statement.. “I think there's little doubt that it's the extremist adherence of one particular faith - Islam - who have created a major fault line in this country”.
Once again, using a subjective monologue, rather than a formal investigation or a broad debate, Phillips attempts to paint a picture of a community of people as 'other', 'abnormal' even 'savage' - a community Phillips knows next to nothing about. Phillips argues that extremist views within Muslim communities are the norm and not the exception. The program is largely Phillip's interpretation of an ICM Survey on Muslims, commissioned for Channel 4. ICM undertook face to face interviews with 1,081 Muslims, over the age of 18, between 25 April and 31 May 2015 and compared it to 'a nationally-representative control group' of 1,008 adults, over the age of 18+ who they interviewed by telephone between the 5 and 7 June 2015. The full report is no longer available on the ICM website so it's impossible to check what questions were asked or how they were phrased but there are references to it in the 'review of survey research on Muslims in Britain', which was carried out by Ipsos MORI in February 2018
Despite the sample size being just 1,081 people, Phillips starts his argument by claiming that the methodology employed by ICM was meant to produce data representative of half of all British Muslims. The reconstruction video used for dramatization purposes shows a young Muslim woman interviewing an angry looking Muslim man.
One of the questions posed in the survey was to ask if it was acceptable to use suicide bombing as a way to fight injustice. According to the results of the ICM survey, 4% of the Muslim group agreed it was acceptable, compared to 1% of the control group who supposedly represented the wider population. The ICM spokesperson then extrapolates that to the British Muslim community at large and claims that this represents just over 100,000 British Muslims. He neglects to mention that 1% of the wider population extrapolates to approximately 678,860 non-Muslims.
It's also unclear if there was any context to the question that might have directed a certain response. For example suicide bombing in London is a clear act of terrorism whereas a suicide bombing in Israel is clearly part of an ongoing struggle against the colonisers.In Israel it has to be placed in the context of the repeated bombing and attacks on civilians and Palestinian homes.
Cross referencing the Ipsos review we discover that the question posed was “To what extent do you sympathise with or condemn people who commit terrorist actions as a form of political protest”
Which begs the question, ‘What is terrorism?’. Who defines ‘terrorism’. Was for example the IRA terrorist? Catholics never accepted Partition or the Ulster statelet would say ‘no’ in large numbers. During ‘the Troubles’ Sinn Fein, the IRA’s political wing, elected MPs and captured seats like West Belfast.
The response showed only 1% of Muslims completely sympathised. Another 1% said they partially sympathised and 3% said they didn't sympathise but didn't condemn either.
So, in truth, only 2% of Muslims showed any sympathy at all with terrorism, however defined. This was not all that much different to the wider population. The Ipsos review also pointed out that another survey on non-Muslims, undertaken by YouGov, showed that a higher percentage of ordinary British people believed terrorism would be justified under occupation (54%), or if you were fighting an oppressive regime (52%), or if you were fighting for independence (42%). Which is the position of the Palestinians.However, Phillips chooses to take the data exclusively from the ICM survey and then deliberately frames it in a way to imply that Muslims have a higher propensity for terrorist behaviour.
Phillips then goes on to express an unqualified personal opinion suggesting that there aren't enough “liberal and reforming British Muslim voices” to counter, what 'he' perceives to be, the Muslim propensity for terrorist behaviour. Phillips effectively manufactures a problem with Islam, provokes fear of Muslims, implies Muslims are incapable (or perhaps unwilling) to deal with 'the problem' and sets up the argument for government or police intervention. It is a straw man argument.
The program also repeatedly dips back into the ongoing theme - the perils of multiculturalism - arguing that British Muslims do not wish to integrate. He acknowledges that they are happy to socialise with and work alongside non-Muslims but they rarely make the effort to visit a non-Muslim house, although the program does acknowledge that community segregation plays a big part in this as white and non-Muslims communities are equally unlikely to make the effort to integrate.
Anyone with any sense of history will know that all communities under attack from racists self-segregate for their own protection. That is exactly what happened with Jewish immigrants to Britain. They congregated in the East End and racists like Phillips then complained that they weren’t integrating!
Phillips goes on to express another unqualified personal opinion. He shockingly claims that there's a  clear cultural gap between a significant section of Britain's Muslims and the wider population”. As Phillips himself frequently likes to point out, Islam is a religion, not a race or ethnicity and therefore not a cultural identity. Muslims are as diverse in their cultural heritage as Christians. You wouldn't assume that the majority of white British Christians with historical roots in the UK would have much in common culturally with Christians in India or South America, for example.
Phillips' objective appears to be to set Muslims aside as 'other' to every other religious, racial and cultural group in the UK. If that wasn't bad enough, he assigns traits. According to Phillips, Muslims do not value “equality of women, social tolerance, freedom of expression” and they do not “embrace same sex marriage”. He implies by this that other religions value women's equality and freedom of expression and approve of social tolerance and same sex marriage - despite data showing quite the contrary.
It's worth pointing out also that the ICM Survey did not compare Muslim attitudes with those of members of other religious groups - it compared Muslim attitudes with those of the wider mixed population which would have included people of many religious backgrounds and of none. We can therefore only speculate as to how Muslim attitudes might have compared with Catholic or Jewish Groups.
It would be interesting to see if Phillips can find an Orthodox Jewish Synagogue prepared to marry two gay men. I suspect he will be looking for a long time! The Church of England refuses to ordain gay men, still less marry them. Nor has the Catholic Church changed its position on gays or abortion. Organised religion has always been backward socially. Islam is no exception.
At one point, Phillips touches on British Muslims attitude towards Jews. No data was provided on Jewish attitudes towards Muslims or societies attitude towards Muslims in general or any of the reasons why some Muslims might harbour negative attitudes towards Jews, Zionism and Israel. I have no doubt that if a survey of Jewish attitudes were undertaken, then the results would show a high degree of both anti-Muslim and anti-Arab bias.
The Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR) recently undertook a wider study on Antisemitism in Great Britain, which also revealed that British people held more negative views about Muslims than they did about any other religious group.
One suspects that Phillips wouldn't be in the least bit interested in doing a documentary about rampant Islamophobia in wider British society. JPR also revealed that 28% of the British population agreed with at least 1 Antisemitic statement. [health warning – not all of the statements are anti-Semitic]
It also found that 24% believed that Israel is committing mass murder in Palestine and 21% believe Israel is an apartheid state.
At some point, the program made a conscious decision to deviate away from investigating “What British Muslims really think” and decides instead to investigate Islam's treatment of women. It focus's particular attention on an Islamic tenet that a wife should obey her husband and that polygamy is tolerated under certain circumstances. Phillip attempted to argue that subservience to husbands is a purely Muslim attitude and yet in Christianity there are clear instructions on how  women should be subservient to their husbands....
Ephesians 5: “Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.  23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.  24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.”
Colossians 3: “Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.”
I Peter 3: “Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives... ... They were submissive to their own husbands, 6 like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her master.”
It has clearly escaped Phillips' mind that traditional Christian marriage vows for women include the words “Love, honour and obey” and Phillips also missed the bit in Colossians 3 that instructs slaves to obey their masters “with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord”.
Most religions share many of the same backward values and do not sit well with contemporary attitudes. It is worth noting too that Polygamy is not forbidden in the Old Testament and Judaism. The Lutheran Church and the Anglican Communion also tolerate it under certain circumstances. So too does Mormonism which only very reluctantly was forced to abandon it in the United States. In Hinduism, the Rig Veda states that a man could have more than one wife and the Dharmashastras allow men to marry women of lower castes provided that the first wife was of equal caste. Common people (i.e. lower castes) were only allowed a second marriage if the first wife could not bear a son. In Judaism, the Torah states
“If he take another wife for himself; her food, her clothing, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish” and that
“a man must award the inheritance due to a first-born son to the son who was actually born first, even if he hates that son's mother and likes another wife more”.
Clearly, many popular religions tolerated Polygamy so why make the case that this is somehow exclusively Islamic?
Phillips introduces a statement by Elham Manea, an Associate Professor of Political Science at Zurich University, who has been researching the treatment of Muslim wives in Britain. Manea identifies the attitudes of some Muslim men towards their wives...
·                   Threatening their wives that they would leave them and get another woman if they don't do what's expected of them.
·                   Threatening to get another women if he can't have children with the first wife
·                   Expecting the wife to fulfil his sexual needs even if she doesn't want to - refusing to recognise rape within marriage.
Of course if we were to undertake a study of non-Muslim men in British society or, better still, ask non-Muslim British women, one wonders how many of them might reveal that their husbands have threatened to beat them up or leave them if they don't do what's expected of them and how many of their husbands demand sex as a marital right? Anyone who has worked in domestic violence services would be able to give you a pretty good picture. To imply that these are exclusively Muslim traits is simply outrageous.
Phillips tries to argue that many British Muslims generally don't want to change and refuse to adopt some of the behaviours of wider society. Phillips again redirects the debate towards multiculturalism being a bad thing and that integration can only be achieved through migrants losing their cultural and/or religious identity and being assimilated. He then attempts to present the opinions of a small number of Muslims who do hold extremist views about introducing Sharia Law into the UK as if it were mainstream opinion amongst British Muslims. In fact, Islam actually instructs Muslims to obey the law of the authority they live under (which is exactly the same as Jewish law!).
In other words, any adherence to Sharia instruction cannot conflict with the law of the land. Sharia courts are notoriously unfavourable towards the rights of women (as any court founded in religious doctrine might be) but that does not mean that they are allowed to enforce a ruling and they certainly do not have the power or the right to challenge British law.
Phillips then makes another wild claim. He asserts that the ICM survey for Channel 4 revealed that Muslim communities who “hankered over a separate life” (i.e. those who live in segregated communities) were more sympathetic towards violence and extremism. He alleges that when asked what action they would take if they knew someone who was supporting terrorism in Syria, only 34% said they would report it to the police. Phillips then claims that this could be because the majority of Muslims might be sympathetic to the cause of would-be jihadists. The ICM representative does however explain that the question posed was framed in a way to ask if they had any “sympathy” for them, rather than specifically asking if they were 'supportive' of the actions.
Phillips rephrases the question and manipulates the data in order to conjur up a frightening image of British Muslims. By contrast, the Ipsos MORI review of survey research on British Muslims reveals that 71% of Muslims said they have no sympathy with young Muslims who leave the UK to join fighters in Syria and they also point out that “sympathy” is an ambiguous term so it's not clear how the respondents might have interpreted the question. It's possible that they were expressing sympathy for “young Muslims” in general, rather than sympathy for their motives.
The Ipsos review also found that 94% of Muslims say they “would report it to the police if they knew someone in the local community was planning an act of violence”
Shockingly, even though Phillips is forced to admit that the ICM report shows only a small minority of Muslims actually 'sympathise' with violent acts abroad, he still insists on trying to find links between minority extremist sympathies and wider community behaviour. The ICM researcher then responds to this question by attempting to argue that respondents who expressed feelings of “lack of social capital” or a desire not to integrate or an aspiration to follow (what he terms as) a more “fundamentalist Islamic lifestyle” or to follow “Sharia Law” are somehow proving there is a correlation between mainstream attitudes and more extreme views.
Not only does Phillips make a complete leap interpreting the information, he wrongly implies that the desire not to integrate, and the aspiration to follow a so-called “fundamentalist Islamic lifestyle” is mainstream thinking for British Muslims. Phillips then adds that those Muslims who have expressed some sympathy for violence are twice as likely not to want to integrate into wider society.
Phillips concludes that, in his opinion, Britain's 'Live and let live culture' provides fertile ground for extremist thinking to flourish and creating “a nation within a nation”, proving once again, that Phillips is happy to draw wholly unfounded conclusions and stoke up fear of 'the other' all in the name of eradicating multiculturalism.
Not content with pretending to be interested in “What British Muslims Really think”, he then poses a new question.. “What are we going to do about it?” In other words, What New Racist Measures Should We Introduce?
There's a nasty whiff of Nazi ideology permeating through this argument. Where there once was a 'Jewish problem' that needed 'a solution' now there's a 'Muslim problem' and Phillips asks the viewer 'what should be done about it'? He calls on Britain's to turn away from tolerance and reject our 'Live and let Live' ideals and he claims that this is somehow a 'liberal' viewpoint?
Phillips then makes the case for creating a set of policies that promote integration and produce a number of clear red lines that his version of Utopia will not compromise on and that all Muslims must abide by and he demands that we support liberal trends in all parts of society (although it's hard to imagine what Phillips means by Liberal trends when he's already written off the fundamental liberal trend of Live and Let Live).
Phillips proposes legislating to force schools to have targets for admitting children of different ethnic backgrounds in order to encourage greater integration. Of course schools tend to serve catchment areas and if a catchment area is predominantly white and Christian then meeting quotas of ethnic or other religious groupings is going to be almost impossible - unless you adjust the quota according to the local catchment area (which rather defeats the object).
Phillips cites an example of a new school that was built specifically for the purpose of integrating two catchment areas - one predominantly white the other predominantly Asian which, the program notes had some success at encouraging integration between the groups. However, it's wrong to assume that simply mixing in schools or at work or even when socialising is actually going to break ground and solve the problem of integration between communities.
Phillips also proposes looking at the ethnic mix in social housing and setting quotas to encourage mixing. It's interesting why Phillips specifically mentions social housing because it demonstrates that he recognises that Muslim communities have largely been ghettoised and deprived. After all, you don't have many Muslims families who are able to afford to live in wealthier neighbourhood. Perhaps, if Phillips is genuine about encouraging integration, he might have chosen to focus more of the program on how factors such as deprivation, inequality, lack of opportunity, racism and Islamophobia create segregation and alienate an entire community and how all these factors might contribute to the reason why some Muslims hold some of the opinions that they do?
In 2016 Civitas publishedRace and Faith: the Deafening Silence” by Trevor Phillips in which he tries to argue that ethnic and cultural difference pose a danger to society and makes the case for “active integration” as opposed to “organic integration”. He starts by painting a vivid picture of an Islamist threat with “Islamist terrorism” apparently “firmly camped on European shores” and criticises European elites for not wanting to debate the “consequences” of “ethnocultural diversity”. Phillips seems to argue that the only way to mitigate the 'dangers'of ethnic diversity is to attack multiculturalism and force migrants to turn away from their cultural roots and instead be forcibly 'integrated' (i.e. assimilated) into 'British culture'.
Phillips deliberately chooses not to recognise that Islam and Judaism are religions and not cultural identities or, more importantly, that British culture is a mixture of cultures - the food we eat, the music we listen to, the clothes we wear, the words we use... (colonialism has a lot to answer for).
In this book, Phillips argues that multiculturalism is responsible for all the strife between communities and for sexist aggression – implying that ethnic minorities introduced sexism and aggression towards women into British society. Phillips imagines a world where white British women had equal opportunities and had never been beaten or deprived of opportunities or raped, a world before migrants landed on British shores. He further claims that if we choose not to address the pink elephant flying around his padded cell, then we're suppressing 'his' freedom of expression (and those like him) and we're risking reversing hard-won civil liberties.
Over the years, Phillips has repeatedly argued for his own freedom of expression and has called for society to conform to what he considers to be 'liberal values', while at the same time denying anyone else's freedom of expression and discarding, bastardising and ridiculing the values of other community groups. Smells of fascism to me?

The Trevor Phillips suspension is exposing the British media for the shyster it is

The Labour Party has suspendedTrevor Phillips over allegations of Islamophobia. The response from British media outlets and figures is a sight to behold. Because it’s a far cry from their coverage of alleged antisemitism in the party.
The Times first reported on Phillips’s suspension, describinghim as a “pioneering anti-racism campaigner”. The ex-head of the UK’s equality watchdog has a checkered past when it comes to comments on Muslims, to say the least. One Telegraph headline in 2016, for example, read:
British Muslims becoming a nation within a nation, Trevor Phillips warns
That same year, the Daily Mailreported that Phillips said Muslims are ‘not like us’. Who exactly Phillips was referring to in his amorphous ‘us’ is unclear.
Meanwhile, the Timesreported:
Comments by Mr Phillips about the failure by some Muslims to wear poppies for Remembrance Sunday and the sympathy shown by a substantial proportion in an opinion poll towards the “motives” of the Charlie Hebdo killers also form part of the complaint.
Phillips has been energetically talking upthe differences between ethnic groups for a long while now, though. That’s made him somewhat of a favouriteamong Britain’s right-wing press. Because highlighting the differences between people along ethnic lines – rather than what unites them – is a pet topic for these rags, of course.
Same thing
On the other hand, these same right-wing rags – along with the rest of the mainstream media – have spent the last four years rallying against these sorts of views in relation to another religious group: Jewish people.
So why are they giving Phillips ample airspace to defend his views, while criticisinghis suspension?
There are a number of reasons. Firstly, as already mentioned, racism isn’t hard to find in the British press. Islamophobia in particular is a regular featurein content. Indeed, it’s very prevalent in politics too, particularlyin the Conservative Party. So it’s unsurprising that figures in Britain’s largely Tory-supporting press are keen to brand Phillips’s views as unproblematic. Conceding they are would be like holding up a mirror to their own faces.
Furthermore, Phillips has publicly criticisedJeremy Corbyn over alleged antisemitism in the party. He was a signatory to a letter that accused the Labour leader of being “steeped in association” with the prejudice. So condemning Phillips won’t reflect badly on Corbyn; it can’t be used as a stick to beat the Labour leader with. Although one Daily Mailcolumnist did try to turn the suspension into an argument against Corbyn’s leadership:
In short, Phillips’s suspension has exposed Britain’s media for the shyster it is. Not all prejudices are equal in its world. And the ones which get short-shrift are the ones the media can’t use to attack political foes.

UNBELIEVABLE: Israel’s Military Demolish an Emergency Coronavirus Clinic for Palestinians - Is This What the Holocaust taught Israelis?

The Spread of Coronavirus and the Lack of Equipment is a National Scandal
Richard Horton – Editor The Lancet

A Heartbreaking Video from a New York Hospital - this is what happens to public hospitals when the private sector is in charge

An Israeli bulldozer enters Gaza to grab the body of a man they've murdered - treating his corpse as if he were an animal

Whilst the rest of the world is doing its best to contain and fight the Coronavirus pandemic, Israel’s military occupation forces have other priorities. Forcing the Palestinians out of Area C in the West Bank and pursuing ethnic cleansing is their highest priority. Israel’s so-called Civil Administration (which is the military under another name) entered the village of Khirbet Ibziq last Thursday morning in order to demolish a community clinic and emergency housing.

Btselem said the villagers were building a first-aid community initiative to deal with the Covid-19 crisis which has paralyzed large parts of the southern West Bank.
The ruins left behind in 'Ein a-Duyuk 
What kind of a regime is it that uses a crisis such as Coronavirus to pursue its desire to ethnically cleanse the indigenous population?  Can there be any doubt that the Israeli state harbours racism within its very DNA?
Yet we had a fake and confected ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign in the Labour Party for the past 4 years which holds that anyone criticising Israel as a racist state is themselves racist under the infamous IHRA ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism. This is the Alice-in-Wonderland politics that we have been subjected to, courtesy of ‘journalists’ like Jonathan Freedland.
What is truly shameful is that large sections of the Left in the Labour Party, John McDonnell, Jeremy Corbyn and leadership candidate, the truly pathetic Rebecca Long-Bailey, have gone along with the idea that calling Israel racist is itself racist.  Truly Orwellian.
Eli Dahan - former Deputy Defence Minister - Palestinians are animals
Indeed one should go further. The late Yeshayahu Leibowitz, an Orthodox religious scholar and Professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem who described the settlers and their military backers as Judeo-Nazis and who said they had a Nazi mentality was absolutely correct.
Anyone who could demolish a clinic can only hold the view that the Palestinians are not human, animals in the wordsof former Deputy Defence Minister Eli Dahan. This is quintessential biological racism of the Nazi variety.

During the Coronavirus crisis, Israel confiscates tents designated for clinic in the Northern West Bank

Bt’selem Press Release 26 March 2020
This morning, Thursday, 26 March 2020, at around 7:30 am, officials from Israel’s Civil Administration in the West Bank arrived with a military jeep escort, a bulldozer and two flatbed trucks with cranes at the Palestinian community of Khirbet Ibziq in the northern Jordan Valley. They confiscated poles and sheeting that were meant to form eight tents, two for a field clinic, and four for emergency housing for residents evacuated from their homes, and two as makeshift mosques. The force also confiscated a tin shack in place for more than two years, as well as a power generator and sacks of sand and cement. Four pallets of cinder blocks intended for the tent floors were taken away and four others demolished.
The confiscated building blocks. Photo by 'Aref Daraghmeh, B'Tselem, 26 March 2020
As the whole world battles an unprecedented and paralyzing healthcare crisis, Israel’s military is devoting time and resources to harassing the most vulnerable Palestinian communities in the West Bank, that Israel has attempted to drive out of the area for decades. Shutting down a first-aid community initiative during a health crisis is an especially cruel example of the regular abuse inflicted on these communities, and it goes against basic human and humanitarian principles during an emergency. Unlike Israel’s policies, this pandemic does not discriminate based on nationality, ethnicity or religion. It is high time the government and military acknowledged that now, of all times, Israel is responsible for the health and wellbeing of the five million Palestinians who live under its control in the Occupied Territories.
Israeli forces on Thursday entered a Palestinian village in the northern Jordan Valley to confiscate materials designated to build a clinic to deal with the novel coronavirus outbreak.
In addition to the shocking destruction of the clinic under construction, the Civil Administration is continuing its demolition routine. Today, it demolished three seasonal homes of farmers who are residents of Jerusalem, in the village of ‘Ein a-Duyuk a-Tahta west of Jericho.
Background on Palestinian communities facing expulsion:
Scores of farming-shepherding communities, home to thousands of Palestinians, dot the 60% of the West Bank designated as Area C. For decades, Israeli authorities have pursued a policy aimed at driving out these communities by making living conditions intolerable in an attempt to get residents to leave, ostensibly of their own volition. This unlawful conduct is motivated by the political ambition, publicly stated by various officials, to establish facts on the ground and take over these areas in a de-facto annexation that would facilitate actual annexation to Israel as part of a final status arrangement.
Professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz who famously described the Israeli army and settlers as 'Judeo Nazis'
JORDAN VALLEY, Wednesday, March 25, 2020 (WAFA) – The Israeli military authorities today ordered residents of the Jordan Valley to stop installing solar panels in their village, according to a local official.

Mutaz Bisharat, from the Tubas governorate, said soldiers raided Khirbet al-Dir in the northern Jordan Valley and handed residents an order to stop work on installing solar panels gift of the Italian humanitarian aid and development group GVC.

He also said that the soldiers banned a resident from installing a caravan for farming purposes on his land in the same village.

'For Lack of Choice,' Israel to Treat Asylum Seekers as Citizens in Coronavirus Crisis

Because of the CV crisis asylum seekers will be treated the same as Israeli citizens.  Except, as the report makes clear, this is not true. They will be able to access some unspecified help but they will be expected to pay for health insurance at the cost of hundreds of shekels a month.
It is very kind of the Israeli government to allow asylum seekers to withdraw their own money to pay for this! Under another racist law, asylum seekers in Israel ‘illegally’ (nearly all asylum seekers in Israel are illegal since they are not Jewish) have had 20% of their wages deducted and paid into a fund which they will receive if they leave Israel. This is the ‘help’ they will be given it would seem. Ha’aretz reports:
Unlike citizens, the 30,000 Eritrean and Sudanese asylum seekers in Israel are not covered by national public health insurance and depend on private insurance, if they are employed.
And if they can’t find work they don’t receive medical treatment. This is the reality of the ‘Jewish values’ that Israel espouses.  To most people these will seem to be the values of the anti-Semitic regimes that Jews used to suffer under.
The article does not explain what, if any additional measures will be taken to support asylum seekers though even Israel’s racist authorities realise that CV knows neither race nor nationality and if asylum seekers are not given some form of social protection they will simply infect the Aryan I mean Jewish residents of the Israeli state.
Other reports on Israel’s racist measures include:
27 Mar by Ali Salam — Israeli forces, on Thursday, demolished a farming shed and a water well in Deir Ballut town, west of Salfitcity, according to a local official. Governor of Salfit, Abdallah Kmeil Israeli forces escorted a bulldozer into Wadi Sarida area, where heavy machinery tore down a farming shed and a water well belonging to a villager. Kmeil noted that Israeli forces were exploiting the coronavirus lockdown enforced on the occupied territories to secure the implementation of the seizure of more Palestinian land.
27 Mar by Ali Salam — Israeli forces, on Thursday, demolished three Palestinian-owned homes in the village of al-Diyouk, west of the occupied West Bank city of Jericho, under the pretext they were built without permits, local sources said. Israeli soldiers and police accompanied bulldozers as they invaded the village in the early morning, and proceeded to demolish the three houses. Israel uses the pretext of a missing building permit to destroy Palestinian homes, while at the same time denying Palestinians the permission to build. [Palestinians rarely receive building permits in Area C – TG]
HEBRON, Tuesday, March 24, 2020 (WAFA) – Israeli soldiers in control of the old town of the divided southern West Bank city of Hebron today barred Palestinian volunteers from disinfecting the neighborhoods and educating the local population on the coronavirus pandemic, according to a local activist. Muhannad Jabari the soldiers prevented the volunteers trained by the health ministry from spraying the Palestinian neighborhoods with disinfectants and educating the residents on the deadly disease. He said the soldiers forced the volunteers to leave the area without completing their mission. Jabari said the volunteers wanted to help the local population living under Israeli military rule in that part of the city on how to deal with the disease and how to avoid it when they were forced to leave the area.
The only conclusion one can draw from this action, in the West Bank’s largest city is that Israel wants Coronavirus to spread amongst the Palestinian population. This is Nazi like behaviour.
Half of the Arab villages in Israel itself are what is called ‘unrecognised’. There is no Jewish community in Israel which is unrecognised.  Most of the villages are in the Negev/Naqab and when Israel decides, it issues demolition orders as happened to the village of Umm al-Hiran when the authorities decided to demolish itin order to make way for a Jewish only town of Hiran. The failure to provide medical services because communities are ‘unrecognised’ despite formally being Israeli citizens is usually known as Apartheid.
Tony Greenstein
HAIFA, Tuesday, March 24, 2020 (WAFA) – Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel sent an urgent letter on 22 March to Israeli authorities demanding access to essential medical services for more than 70,000 Bedouin citizens of Israel residing in unrecognized villages in the Naqab (Negev) region in southern Israel. These citizens are not receiving urgent care from Israel’s national emergency medical service.
Israeli Health Ministry guidelines prohibit patients with fever and respiratory symptoms from leaving the home, except in medical emergencies. After the symptoms associated with coronavirus develop, Israel’s Magen David Adom national emergency medical service (MDA), under the guidance of the district physician, is supposed to reach out to the patient for an at-home examination and – if necessary – evacuation to hospital. However, residents of unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Naqab lack access to MDA urgent care services, said Adalah…
Palestine Chronicle 27 Mar — Jewish settlers today [Friday] attacked Palestinian herders and other civilians in the village of Al-Tuwani, south of Hebron (Al-Khalil). According to a local activist. Fo’ad Amour, Jewish settlers, along with attack dogs, assaulted herders in the village and injured one of them in his abdomen and hand. The man was moved to a nearby hospital for medical treatment. Illegal Jewish settlers are notorious for their attacks on Palestinians, but assaults on Palestinian farmers and herders have been frequent over the past few months. Armed settlers and soldiers often prevent Palestinian shepherds from herding in the open pastures of the occupied West Bank in order to force them to abandon the area.
IMEMC 24 Mar — Several fanatic illegal Israeli colonists attacked, on Monday evening, a Palestinian shepherd in Ein al-Hilwa area, in the West Bank’s Northern Plains, and attacked many homes in Madama village, south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus. Palestinian human rights activist, Aref Daraghma, said several colonists assaulted a young shepherd while herding his cows in Ein al-Hilwa. Daraghma added that the young man, Moheeb Fathi Daraghma, suffered several minor cuts and bruises. Also on Monday evening, a group of colonists attacked homes in the southern area of Madama village, south of Nablus. Ghassan Daghlas, a Palestinian Authority official who monitors Israel’s illegal colonialist activities in northern West Bank, said the assailants came from Yitzhar colony, which was built on Palestinian lands south of Nablus, and added that the locals intercepted them, and forced them away.
Israeli settlers attack Palestinian motorist in north of West Bank
JENIN, Monday, March 23, 2020 (WAFA0 – Israeli settlers today attacked with stones a Palestinian motorist in the north of the West Bank, causing damage but no injuries. A resident of Silat al-Dahr village, south of the northern West Bank city of Jenin, told WAFA that settlers threw stones at his car near his village breaking its windows and hijacking the car after he and his family were able to get out of it and run away. He said he filed a complaint with the Palestinian police, who contacted their Israeli counterparts and got the car back.
It’s not true that Iran has been offered help by the United States.  On the contrary Trump has used the crisis to step up sanctions.
Tony Greenstein
WASHINGTON, Saturday, 28 March 2020 (WAFA) – Eight United States senators urged the US Administration to provide assistance to the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza to help them overcome the coronavirus pandemic.
President Trump recently offered assistance to other countries fighting the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) global pandemic, including North Korea and Iran. This principle of providing humanitarian aid to those in need should also apply to the Palestinian people,” said the senators in their letter to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
We write to urge the Administration to take every reasonable step to provide medicine, medical equipment, and other necessary assistance to the West Bank and Gaza Strip (Palestinian Territories) to prevent a humanitarian disaster.”
The letter was signed by Senators Elizabeth Warren, Chris Van Hollen, Patrick Leahy, Tom Udall, Thomas R. Carper, Bernard Sanders, Jeffrey A. Merkley, Thomas R. Carper and Sherrod Brown.
Unlike the case in Israel, migrants in Portugal will be treated as residents with full access to public health and welfare services. Although Portugal has a racist policy towards migrants, this isn’t based on racial supremacy and the desire to preserve ethnic purity. In Israel racial purity trumps every other necessity and when some protection for asylum seekers is introduced, it is only in order to protect the native Jewish community.
FILE PHOTO: A man wearing a protective mask as a preventive measure against coronavirus disease (COVID-19) walks at Augusta street in downtown Lisbon, Portugal March 20, 2020. REUTERS/Rafael Marchante
LISBON (Reuters) - All foreigners in Portugal with pending applications will be treated as permanent residents from Monday until at least July 1, authorities said on Saturday, to ensure migrants have access to public services during the coronavirus outbreak.
Applicants including asylum seekers need only provide evidence of an ongoing request to qualify - granting them access to the national health service, welfare benefits, bank accounts, and work and rental contracts.

Exclusive: Ministers were warned that the NHS could not cope with a pandemic three years ago but 'terrifying' results were kept secret

Telegraph       28 March 2020
This is shocking. An article in The Telegraph of all papers tells us that
Ministers were informed three years ago that Britain would be quickly overwhelmed by a severe outbreak’.
The modelling for the fictional pandemic was supplied by Imperial College London, the same group of academics now tracking Covid-19 Credit: Peter Summers/Getty Images
The NHS failed a test of its ability to handle a severe pandemic but the “terrifying” results were kept secret from the public.
Ministers were informed that Britain would be quickly overwhelmed by a severe outbreak amid a shortage of critical care beds, morgue capacity and personal protective equipment.
The report on Cygnus’s findings were deemed too sensitive by Whitehall officials to be made public. It found:
·         The NHS lacked adequate “surge capacity” and would require thousands more critical care beds to cope with a severe pandemic
·         Health bosses would need to “switch off” large parts of the NHS to cope with demand
·         Medics would need to adopt a “battlefield” mentality, with frail patients denied critical care
·         Mortuaries would be quickly overwhelmed 
·         Potential failings in the supply of PPE to doctors and nurses
·         Officials even discussed preventing midwives from delivering newborn babies so they could be sent to care for the critically ill
The Telegraph reported that
Despite the failings exposed by Cygnus, the government never changed its strategic roadmap for a future pandemic, with the last update carried out in 2014. 
The findings of Exercise Cygnus remain classified because of “biosecurity concerns”.
“There has been a reluctance to put Cygnus out in the public domain because frankly it would terrify people,” one senior official added.
The modelling for the fictional pandemic was supplied by Imperial College London, the same group of academics now tracking Covid-19.
The verdict was clear - a pandemic of that scale would quickly overwhelm the NHS due to major shortages of intensive care beds equipped with lifesaving ventilators. Morgues would swiftly run out of space with a dearth of doctors to certify causes of death. Problems were also identified in delivering protective masks and gowns to medical workers on the frontline, senior sources said.
Despite the damning verdict, Cygnus was largely kept quiet with only a passing reference made during the NHS England board meeting in March 2017.

NEVER AGAIN: After the Coronavirus Pandemic is over, we will see Austerity on Stereoids as the poor will be expected to pay the bills for rescuing Branson and co.

Just a day ago, I wrote in paper for the Labour Left Alliance that after the Coronvirus crisis is over, we would see ‘austerity on stereoids’. The £330 billion rescue package of the government would have to be paid and of one thing you can be sure, the price will be paid by the working class and poor unless we fight back.

The Idiots of the North, as I call them, the ones who voted for Boris Johnson because he is ‘just like us’ in the words of a Grimsby fish market worker, will be the first to be forced to pay for the Tories self-inflicted crisis.  As the Report in The Telegraph above makes clear, the Tories knew that the NHS would be unable to cope in an emergency and yet they deliberately decided to run down services.
Our slogan needs to be NEVER AGAIN. Never again must the NHS be run down. Never again must it be privatised. The Health & Social Care Act 2012, a joint effort of the Tories and Lib Dems, which allowed a massive intrusion of the profit seeking private sector into the New Statesman must be repealed.
If the Tories want to reclaim the extra money spent then they should seize the untaxed unearned income of the wealthy in British offshore tax havens like Jersey, the Isle of Man, the Bermuda islands etc.
The trade unions and labour movement have to stand up and say that the working class refuse to pay for the crisis of capitalism.   I am therefore pleased that Craig Murray, our former Ambassador in Uzbekistan, who Jack Straw sacked when he was Foreign Minister for revealing the horrific torture that the Uzbek regime engaged in (including boiling people alive) agrees with my analysis and you should read his take on what will happen if we allow it.
Tony Greenstein

It’s Not Socialism. It’s Another Mega Wealth Transfer.

It is fashionable to write articles at the moment stating the Government has discovered the value of socialist intervention. I suspect history will show that nothing could be further from the truth. ‘austerity will soon be back but with bells on this time.’
The taxpayer will ultimately pick up the tab through what may prove to be another decade of austerity imposed as a result of another transfer of wealth from us to banks, financial institutions and big companies. The small and medium companies which will go to the wall – and a great many will – are going to provide rich pickings in a few months time for the vultures of the hedge funds and other disaster capitalists.

The Masters of War and Corbyn's Failure to deal with ‘anti-Semitism’ and the poison of the Ruth Smeeths

The Self-Pitying Whine of the Jewish Chronicle’s Stephen Pollard is in contrast to his contempt for others
 Wednesday April 1st
The Editor,
The Jewish Chronicle
28 St. Albans Lane
London NW11 7QE

Dear Editor,
Strange as it may seem, I just want to say how much I agree with Ruth Smeeth, the former MP for Stoke-on-Trent North whose voters wisely booted her out on December 12th.[Jeremy Corbyn's failure on antisemitism will tarnish his time as Labour leader, March 30]. This was one of the few welcome moments of an otherwise dismal night.
If only Jeremy had called out this viperous shrew when she had the gall to attack Marc Wadsworth, an anti-racist whose boots she isn’t even fit to lick, then this whole sad and sorry farce could have been nipped in the bud.
If only Jeremy had had a bit of backbone then he would have told this former Israel lobbyist (BICOM) and US assetto fuck off and get a life. So much trouble could have been avoided. Instead this diva was pampered, flattered and made to feel important rather than treated as the overgrown schoolgirl she is.

All Smeeth’s bogus allegations against Marc, who wasn’t even aware she was Jewish and cared even less, were abandoned when the videoof what happened at the Chakrabarti press conference was examined. Marc was expelled, not for anti-Semitism, but for ‘bringing the Labour Party into disrepute’ - the same catch all charge used against all of us.
If Corbyn had stood up to the Zionist Lobby, rejected the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism and said that instead of Zionists crying ‘anti-Semitism’ whenever Israel was criticised they might instead deal with the real problem – Israeli apartheid, he might be Prime Minister. That instead of attacking the messenger Zionists should try and deal with the message, difficult though that might be.
All racists together - Tom Watson (left) Isaac Herzog leader of the fast disappearing Israeli Labor Party and Smeeth (2nd right)
Don't get me wrong, I understand your problem deeply.  How can one possibly defend destroying water pipes, solar panels and now even Palestinian clinics dealing with Coronavirus ? Of course it's easier to cry ‘anti-Semitism’ but you need to practice holding your breath and counting to 150.
Unfortunately Jeremy, who is a very trusting soul, thought that when someone mentioned ‘anti-Semitism’ that they were referring to hatred of Jews rather than hatred of racism, Zionism and Israel fanatics such as your editor, the loathsome Stephen Pollard.
Speaking of Pollard I was amused to read his latest piece in the Daily Hate Mail where he revealed that he had cancer and asked us to'Spare a thought for those of us who are at high risk'. I wonder how many thoughts Pollard spared for Palestinian demonstrators mowed down by sniper fire at Gaza’s fence?

I like to think that I am pretty generous in my feelings for others but there is one person who will definitely not be on the receiving end of my sympathy and that is your vile editor.
In July 2010 I emailed Pollard and asked why the Jewish Chronicle did not carry the truth about what Israel was really like. I gave as an example the shocking incident involving a young American Jewish student, an Israeli citizen too, Emily Honchowicz, who had gone along to a regular picket at the Qualandiya checkpoint near Jerusalem. As is the custom, a soldier had fired a teargas canister which hit her face blinding her in one eye.  Instead of apologising and compensating her her family were billed for the hospital fees as the Israeli army refused to pay them.
What was the response of the foul creature that edits your newspaper? He wrote back to me ‘Thank you for your email, which will make a fine addition to my 'delete' folder.’  The cynicism in such a comment betrays the truth of what the Jewish Chronicle stands for. That all the noise and commotion about ‘anti-Semitism’ was just for the gallery.
Listening to Pollard’s self-pitying whine about how vulnerable he is I’m reminded of the final stanzaof Bob Dylan’s Masters of War, one of his finest and yet underrated songs:

And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand over your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead

OOr as Malcolm said in Macbeth:
‘Nothing in his life became him like his leaving of it’. 
I realise that you won’t be printing this fine letter but even the writing of it was cathartic in these strained times.

Yours faithfully,

Tony Greenstein

At a time when Israel is using Coronavirus to pursue Ethnic Cleansing Please Help to Keep Jenin's Al Tawfawk Centre Open


Let’s Keep Palestinian Children Safe – Since Israel is Doing Its Best to Endanger Them - Please Donate Generously


With Coronavirus Raging in the West Bank I am asking you to support the Children of Jenin and Donate to the Al Tafawk Children’s Centre which this blog has adopted.
Jenin was the subject of a massacre in 2002 when Israel used military bulldozers to demolish homes with their inhabitants still inside them. The effects are still felt today.
In the past year many schools have closed in Jenin as a result of Trump having cut US funding to UNWRA. The Al Tafawk Centre is the only one left standing.
As Israel is doing its best to increase the spread of the pandemic amongst the Palestinians of the West Bank, to the extent of destroying clinics that Palestinians have set up, along with water pipes and solar panels, we ask you to dig deep and help keep the Al Tafawk Centre in Jenin open. The Nazi type mentality behind this kind of behaviour beggars belief. I was told yesterday by one Zionist troll on Facebook that destroying clinics was about Israel’s ‘security’.
The situation of the Palestinians in the West Bank is desperate. Their health systems are unable to take the strain. Independent initiatives to set up isolation tents and clinics have been met with the Israeli bulldozer. 
It is not ‘permitted’ to set up a clinic in the Jordan Valley but it is permitted to build settlements, attack farmers and steal Palestinian water. Israel's goal is ethnic cleansing.
The situation in Jenin’s refugee camp is very bad. There's no work and a serious lack of medical facilities. William, one of their trustees told me that
'A lot of people in the camp don't realize the gravity of this pandemic. They still go out and meet up with others. Children still playing outside. That's why Mona, the Co-ordinator of the Al Tafawk Centre decided to keep the center open. She cooks food for them as well but she will soon be out of funding.’
Mona who is the Co-ordinator at the Centre and a teacher has written this message:
Dear all, 
A few weeks ago the life that we knew, changed. COVID-19 hit the world. As hard as this pandemic is on us, it is disastrous in any refugee camp. 

The ALTafawk center is a place where the youngest residents of the refugee camp in Jenin (north of the Westbank) can escape for a little while from their harsh reality of their very young life. Our main focus is to help them in building a better future for themselves by giving them a proper education, but also, given the poor living conditions in the camp, to provide the children with at least one healthy meal each day. The majority of these children come from families that are really struggling to survive in desperate circumstances, meaning that sometimes their parents are incapable to give their children basic necessities. 

We want to continue to give our children at least one meal a day for them to keep their immune systems as strong as possible, but we also want to be able to give the medical support when the pandemic will reach the refugee camp. More than ever we need your generous support."
I know I have asked you for support in the past but I’m asking you again. It is the poor and dispossessed who will suffer most from this pandemic. However badly off we are as a result of the murderous incompetence of Boris Johnson and his ‘herd immunity’ the Palestinians of the camps are in an even worse situation.

Please give generously and as much as you can afford.
Many thanks

We will pay the costs of transmission via Western Union as the Palestinian Authority Bank are a bunch of crooks who cannot be relied on. For more information about the Centre see their Facebook page.
Please Donate to:
Account Name:          The Brighton Trust
Account Number:       91420311
Sort Code:                   09-01-28
Or alternatively please donate via our crowdfunder Go Fund Me
Thank you

Tony Greenstein

Even the Tory Press are turning against the Downing Street Clown and his Criminally Negligent Government


Let’s hope that the Idiots of the North who voted for Boris Johnson are happy that they have now gained control of their lives whilst all around lose theirs

It is difficult to understand how anyone, let alone working class people, could seriously believe that the NHS would be safe in the hands of an Old Etonian and Bullingdon boy. The collapse of the Red Wall in the last election is a testimony to the depoliticisation of much of the working class.
As 569 more people lose their lives in Britain to Coronavirus, the Idiots of the North should be pleased that we have now become sufficiently independent to reject taking part in a collective European bid for ventilators. The official excuse was that the government ‘lost’ an email but anyone buying that really should write a letter to Santa Claus.
Today we are paying the price for 10 years of austerity. Just 2,000 NHS staff, out of half a million, have been tested for COVID-19.  The Health Secretary, Matt Hancock, promises that 100,000 will be tested per day by the end of the month. By then there may be another 15,000-20,000 dead.  Even if this is achieved, which is by no means certain given the history of broken promises, it will mean that it would take one and a half years to test everybody.
The key statistic is the number of intensive or critical care beds.  Britain hasjust 6.6 per 100,000 people compared to 29.2 for Germany and 34.7 for the United States.
The situation for hospital beds is even worse. The number of beds per 1000 people today is 2.54 in the UK, 35thout of 41 countries.  Since 2013 the number has steadily declined from 2.76 to 2.54.  Compare this to Germany with 8 beds per 1000.
Or to put it in perspective the number of hospital beds in the UK has declinedsince 2000. In 2000, there were over 241,000 beds in the UK, by 2017 this figure was approximately 167,600. This means over this sixteen-year period there were over 70 thousand fewer hospital beds in the UK. The decline did not start in 2010 but in 2000 under New Labour. Indeed the steepest decline was under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown for those who believe austerity began with the Tory/Liberal coalition. 

But even the worm turns eventually. Yesterday’s Times ‘Cornavirus testing plans in chaos’ and even more surprisingly The Telegraph, which is virtually the Tory party’s in-house magazine, ran a front pageHealth officials ignored offers of coronavirus testing help as anger mounts at Government's failure to ramp up capacity’ which disclosed that 
Some of the Idiots of the North at Grimsby Fish Market Who Believed that Johnson was 'one of us'
‘officials have repeatedly ignored offers of help from many of the country’s leading scientific institutions. Meanwhile, senior health sources warned that the moment for this country to launch a successful mass community testing programme may already have been lost.’
Britain’s 3,000 deaths is testimony to how the NHS has been run down for the past 20 years, under New Labour and the Tories/Lib Dems. All those people, and the thousands of deaths to come will have been in vain if, at the end of the crisis, we go back to more austerity and more cuts.
And yet we are committed to spending 2% of Gross Domestic Product on the armed forces, defending us against a non-existent threat.
All the signs are that there is a determined effort to keep politics out of the Coronavirus crisis, as if COVID-19 was an act of god and as if the utter shambles of the government’s response is also just a natural disaster.
Johnson’s bonhomie and clownish behaviour are no longer funny when people cannot even see off their loved ones, when funerals can only be attended by a maximum of 10 people with no wake afterwards. The Tories lied when they told us that all they were making was 'efficiency' savings. What they were doing was cutting into the bone whilst at the same time spending hundreds of millions of pounds on 'competition managers' and other useless bureaucrats whose sole task was creating a false 'internal market' in the NHS so that Johnson's pals could make a killing out of lower wages and poor standards.
The state of the NHS is a tribute to a political ideology that prefers tax cuts for the rich to more hospital beds and ventilators. 
Who would have believed that doctors now have to choose who will live and who will die?  Who will benefit most from a ventilator and who is least likely to benefit?
Any working class person who voted for the Tories last December, because the Mail and the Express told them that Corbyn was their enemy and the Old Etonian was their friend can have no complaints if they succumb as a result of the crisis in the NHS.  
But Labour too bears a great deal of the blame for not dealing decisively with those who portrayed it as ‘anti-Semitic’ and hostile to Jews.  The failure of Corbyn, McDonnell and their acolytes to rebut these smears is seen in the pathetically weak candidature of Rebecca Long Bailey.
Boris Johnson’s trademark has been that of a buffoonish character, which has helped to disguise his far-Right and racist views. Anyone who is poor who believes that Johnson is ‘on our side’ really does need a lobotomy.

Johnson is a believer in eugenics, the ‘science’ that social attributes like intelligence, wealth, personal success are inherited and part of one’s genetic make-up. It was no accident that he hired Andrew Sabisky, an open believer in eugenics and the racial sciences, as an adviser. This and the previous Tory government has had a habit of appointing racists
Toby Young and his admirer
There was Toby Young who wrote an article for the Spectator which talked of ‘progressive eugenics’, in addition to plain homophobia and misogyny.  He said of Michael Gove’s desire to bring back O levels that if he is serious about this then
‘the government will have to repeal the Equalities Act because any exam that isn’t ‘accessible’ to a functionally illiterate troglodyte with a mental age of six will be judged to be ‘elitist’ and therefore forbidden by Harman’s Law.”

This didn’t prevent Johnson criticising the “ridiculous outcry” at calls for his dismissal, saying Young would “bring independence, rigour and caustic wit” to the OfS. We also had the late and unlamented fascist Roger Scruton, former editor of the Monday Club's Salisbury Review, who the government was forced to sack, after a series of racist outbursts.
Johnson’s book 72 Virgins was a tribute to the racism that percolates in Tory and Brexit circles. It made reference to 'Islamic headcases' and 'Islamic nutcases'. Arabs were noted to have 'hook noses' (an old anti-Semitic caricature) and 'slanty eyes'; a mixed-race Briton is called 'coffee-coloured'; and use of the term 'pikeys' and 'half-caste'."[6] 
Johnson described Barlow, believed to be himself, having a jaunty vaudeville act beneath which there are no real core ideals, values or beliefs." Which is probably a fair description of himself.
The book also depicted Jews as "controlling the media" and being able to "fiddle" elections. Strangely enough the Board of Deputies wasn’t interested in its anti-Semitism but that might be because the ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign was never about anti-Semitism but anti-Zionism.
Eugenics used to be all the fashion and the Nazis took it one step further by exterminating the disabled in the belief that the ‘race’ would grow more healthy.

This Saturday will, unless there is an upset, demonstrate that the Labour Party has moved to the Right and Keir Starmer, who has all the charisma of a dead pony, will assume the leadership.  No one should assume that as he purges the left, that Labour will assume power at the next election. The decline of social democracy throughout Europe is a phenomenon that isn’t confined to Britain.
Meanwhile for the Idiots of the North who still believe in Brexit, despite the cost of not co-operating with Europe over the current crisis, they have the prospect of coming under Trump’s thumb. After all, having gained control now of our affairs we could even emulate the US health care system where not only do 20 million people  have no insurance but the majority of American people are underinsured, which means that even if the insurer pays some health bills, you are expected to pay the rest.  
It is this, more than anything, which is responsible for the fact that more people go bankrupt because of an inability to pay medical bills than anything else.
The Guardian reportedthat one out of every six Americans has an unpaid medical bill on their credit report, amounting to $81bn in debt nationwide, while about one in 12 Americans went without any medical insurance throughout 2018. Even as many Americans struggle to afford health insurance coverage in the first place, those that have it are not insulated from facing massive debt due to medical bills
And we should be under no doubt that if you are a free marketeer then the NHS is anathema, based as it is on the good old socialist principle of ‘from each according to their ability to each according to their needs.’
Let no one be in any doubt that if Johnson and his fellow Brexiteers, such as Rees Mogg, could get their way then they would move to an insurance model.  Instead they have decided to privatise the NHS by stealth.  New Labour and Starmer, because the two are interchangeable, support private involvement in the NHS.
Meanwhile, under this shambolic government thousands are going to die for lack of NHS staff, lack of equipment and lack of testing.
You have been warned and it is up to us to ensure that after this crisis we say NEVER AGAIN to those who say there isn't enough money for a decent NHS.
Tony Greenstein

Mogadon Man Assumes the Leadership of the Labour Party as Lansman’s candidate is crushed


The Fight against the Right begins – Inside and Outside the Labour Party – as COVID-19 Demonstrates Why Capitalism has outlived its stay

If anyone had any doubts about who and what (Sir) Keir Starmer represents, his Shadow Cabinet appointments today should lay them to rest.  Starmer represents a return of the Blairite Right. Even Barry Gardiner, a supporter of Labour Friends of Israel and easily the most articulate member of Corbyn’s shadow cabinet has been sacked, as has Ian Lavery, former President of the NUM and one of the few working class members in the PLP as well as Jon Trickett.
Unity candidate Keir Starmer sacks the Shadow Cabinet's most articulate exponent
According to Momentum the election of Starmer is a victory - the capacity lying to their members is unlimited - as is the stupidity of anyone who remains in Momentum

Momentum sent out a ludicrous statement to members today suggesting that Starmer’s election is some kind of victory.  However even the most stupid and servile member of Jon Lansman’s fan club cannot disguise the extent of the Left’s defeat. Lansman writes that:
We are proud too that, in four and a half years, Jeremy Corbyn and the movement that supported him has changed our party for the better and given voice to the hopes of millions who felt unrepresented in politics.
We didn’t win – and that failure is ours collectively – but we have transformed politics for the better. ..This is our victory. And we should be proud.
In Labour, the dark days when our party cheered on privatisation, pursued illegal wars, talked about scroungers and demonised migrants are long gone.’
Jon Lansman went into bat for the world's only Apartheid state Israel and in the process destroyed Corbyn - this scab should be banished from socialist circles

Momentum’s capacity for self-delusion seems to be endless.  However socialists in the Labour Party are resigning by the thousand. No-one is fooled by this kind of bravado.
Lansman is not alone.  The socialist left in the Labour Party – the LRC, Jewish Voice for Labour and Labour Left Alliance are equally culpable in their own way. They misunderstood the nature of the attack on the Left, they failed to confront the anti-Semitism smear campaign effectively .
Debate on Labour Left Alliance Facebook page on whether to stay in the Labour Party - the LLA refuses to take on board the fact that the situation has changed
I shall devote a separate article to the question of where the Left goes from here but if the LLA is anything to go by then there is a steely determination to repeat the same mistakes of the past four years and ignore the fact that we are in changed circumstances. In the words of one contributor on the LLA’s main Facebook Group the Left in the Labour Party either adapts or dies.
As the Jerusalem Post gloated 
New British Labour Party leader Keir Starmer tackled antisemitism immediately upon election Saturday, as he promised to root out that scourge from the party that in the past has been charged with fostering hatred toward Jews.’
‘Anti-Semitism’ is a code word for the Left.  It plays the same role in the attacks on the Left as 'Communist' did in the days of Joe McCarthy.
Lee Rock, LLA's National Organiser asks what has changed!  Oh nothing much, just Keir Starmer has become the new right-wing leader of the Labour Party

Lee Rock, the LLA's National Organiser is adept at putting his fingers in his ears 
What Starmer is promising is a witchhunt of the Left and anti-Zionists. Opposition to the Israeli state is ‘anti-Semitism’ in the eyes of the Labour Right.  To call Israel ‘racist’ is itself anti-Semitic.  But the responsibility for that lies with Lansman and Corbyn. When they accepted the IHRA ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism they accepted the terms of debate as the Right defined them.
The fact that these accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ had no foundation was irrelevant. The fact that Israel is a racist state unlike any other was also irrelevant.  
Israeli bulldozers demolish Palestinian buildings aimed at isolating people suspected of having Coronavirus - ethnic cleansing comes first
To give but one example. Half of Israel’s Arab population live in what are called ‘unrecognised’ villages, mainly in the desert south, the Negev. The Israeli state lays claim to the lands on which they are built for Jewish settlement. These villages, some of which are demolished periodically, receive no services from the state – running water, sewage, electricity or even, despite the fact that their inhabitants are nominally Israeli citizens, no polling booths are stationed in them during elections.
You might think that during the Coronavirus pandemic this might change.  If so you are wrong.  They will get no help whatsoever from the state to combat COVID-19. The Israeli state is completely unconcerned if large numbers die as a result.  Indeed Netanyahu probably secretly welcomes such a possibility. Such is the visceral nature of racism in Israel’s Apartheid society.  But according to Starmer if you call this racism then you are ‘anti-Semitic’.
According to Ha'aretz, even in recognised Israeli Arab towns and villages Israel's Magen David Adom is refusing to conduct tests for Covid-19. Israel's Health Ministry set up an emergency team to deal with the crisis but naturally it did not include any Arabs. If this is not racism then the word has lost all meaning. 
If Starmer denies that Israel's practices are indeed racist then that is because he is a racist.  What this member of the British Establishment, complete with his knighthood, is saying is that British support for the Israeli state, a vital part of the ‘western alliance’ is more important than the subjugation of the Palestinians.
According to the Zionists''logic' if you opposed Ayatollah's fatwa on Salman Rushdie you were an Islamaphobe
The excuse offered by Starmer and Labour’s Right is that support for Israel is part of British Jews identity. That may be true for the majority of Britain’s Jews but so what? Supporting Ayatollah Khomeini’s fatwa against Salman Rushdie 30 years ago over Satanic Verses was part of the identity of many British Muslims. Would anyone seriously argue that support for Rushdie was therefore racism against Muslims?
If 99% of British Jews supported Zionism, which they don’t, that would still make Israel a racist and illegitimate state. It would simply prove that most British Jews have moved to the Right and instead of being victims of racism are now racists themselves.
You can judge Keir Starmer by who supports him - he is the poisonous legacy of the Zionists fake antisemitism campaign
In fact, according to the most recent 2015 survey of British Jews’ attitudes towards Israel, 59% identified as Zionists, down 13% since the previous survey five years previously.  31% said they weren’t Zionists and 10% didn’t know.  So what Lansman, Rebecca Long-Bailey and other Labour Zionists are really saying is that they support the most reactionary and racist section of British Jewry. That is what the Board of Deputies 10 Commandments were about.  That was why Commandment no. 8 said Labour must not engage with ‘fringe organisations and individuals’.  In other words anti-racist Jews.
I don’t want to say ‘I told you so’ but I have been warning against Corbyn’s appeasement strategy for 4 years. It could only end in defeat. The Right never accepted Corbyn’s leadership and it was tragic that this message didn’t get over to Corbyn or his abysmal advisers, notably Seamus Milne.
My blog 4 years ago - if only Corbyn had listened to me and not the useless Seamus Milne
In the wake of Corbyn’s victory against Owen Smith in 2016 I wrote that this was ‘The Calm Before The Storm – As Corbyn Wins the Right Intensifies Its Destabilisation Strategy’. The sub-headline was that  It’s not an Olive Branch but the Sword of Deselection that Labour’s Right Requires’. 
If Corbyn had listened to me and not Lansman he might be Prime Minister now!
Corbyn’s Appeasement of the Right coupled with his inability to stand up to the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign sealed his fate. 
Corbyn seemed to have Stockholm Syndrome - he embraced  his enemies and repelled his friends
It also wasn’t obvious to Corbyn’s pitiful advisers, not least Seamus Milne, who must take a heavy share of the responsibility for the general election defeat.
Two years ago Corbyn rejectedclaims by close ally Len McCluskey that "Corbyn-hater" Labour MPs were using an anti-Semitism row to "smear" him.’ That is why I said that Corbyn was like a victimof Stockholm Syndrome.  If he could not see how ‘anti-Semitism’ was being used as a stick to beat him then he really was beyond saving.
Margaret Hodge should have been expelled years ago for covering up child abuse in Islington as Council leader - instead she was made Childrens' Minister by Blair
There were a number of milestones on the road to the defeat of the most hopeful left-wing movement in recent history. There was Corbyn’s rejection of Open Selection at the 2018 Labour Party Conference which meant that Corbyn willingly became a prisoner of the Right. The second mistake was not to act with a determined ruthlessness against those determined to destroy him.  When Margaret Hodge, whose only claim to fame is covering up child abuse as leader of Islington Council and then defamingone of the victims of that abuse, called him a ‘fucking anti-Semite’ she should have been fast-tracked out of the Labour Party. To show weakness in such circumstances was a recipe for disaster.
Corbyn’s other major failings included throwing his friends overboard as if they were ballast. First Ken Livingstone and then Marc Wadsworth and Chris Williamson.  When Chris was suspended, just over a year ago, I wrote a blog which asked, Are these the Dying Days of Corbyn’s Leadership? In it I observed that ‘Appeasement of the Right, Sacrificing Political Allies and Political Indecisiveness Will be Corbyn’s Legacy.’ The past year to me has seemed like a slow motion car crash with the left looking on like rabbits frozen in the eyes of a car’s headlights.
Corbyn had been involved in Palestine solidarity work ever since I knew him in 1982 in the Labour Committee on Palestine. He was a conscientious supporter of the Palestinians but he had never taken the time or trouble to work out why it was that Israel was racist.  He never understood what Zionism was. So he supported the Palestinians whilst, at the same time, supporting the Israeli state as part of a 2 state solution. Corbyn was theoretically lazy.
Even in his early hustings with the 3 other candidates at the JW3 Centre he didn’t criticise Israeli apartheid. The same was true of the rerunof this debate with Owen Smith a year later. When the candidates were asked what they liked about Israel, instead of saying ‘nothing’ or ‘the weather’ Corbyn wittered on about the separation of state and the independence of the Israeli judiciary.   The same judges who have presided over the confiscation of land from Arabs, not only on the West Bank but in Israel itself. Judges have repeatedly disregarded the 4th Geneva Convention on the occupying power not colonising the area they conquer.
Corbyn was never the brightest of MPs or even intellectually curious. He held positions without ever working them out.  His instincts were right but this was not enough. Of course Corbyn faced many obstacles, not least the media. The Guardian, with its relentless anti-Corbyn coverage showed its true colours and this should not be forgotten or forgiven. We should boycott Freedland's rag until hell freezes over.
Corbyn’s own supporters also bear a share of the blame. Many is the time I posted an article critical of Corbyn on a Corbyn Facebook group only to be met with hostility of the ‘why are you attacking our beloved leader’ kind?
Uncritical support was worse than the hostility of his enemies because it allowed Corbyn’s mistakes to go unchallenged. I had a post taken down from the Jewish Socialists Group because it criticised another JSG member, Jon Lansman! This was the attitude of the JSG leader, David Rosenberg.  He held that we should not criticise Corbyn whereas my take was that it was only by criticising him that we could counter the pressure from the Right. Eventually I got removed from the JSG FB group when I posted a blog asking why the JSG didn't support Jackie Walker, who was then suspended.
The last Labour Party conference merely compounded Corbyn’s failures. His inability to understand what lay behind the false anti-Semitism campaign has been his single biggest error of judgement. It has sapped his strength and drained his leadership of direction and purpose. Corbyn comprehensively lost control of the narrative.
Corbyn never seemed to understand that the more you apologise, the more you try to please, the more they will come for you.  The Zionist movement is not like a parent to whom a child apologises and all is forgiven.  They take an apology as proof that they were right. When I complained to the BBC about the Panorama programme Is Labour Anti-Semitic?(why it was a question when they thought they already had the answer is one of life’s mysteries) the Executive Complaints Unit came back and said that even Corbyn admitted Labour had an anti-Semitism problem.  How do you deal with that level of idiocy?
It is obvious that only a handful of Labour members are anti-Semitic in the sense of the Oxford English dictionary definition. How is it that in the midst of the Windrush Scandal, caused by the ‘hostile environment’ policy which New Labour was responsible for initiating under Blair’s Home Secretary Alan Johnson, that anti-Semitism could be seen as Labour’s biggest failing?
But if any one individual bears the blame for what happened it isn’t Corbyn but the owner of Momentum, property millionaire Jon Lansman. His coup in 2017 destroying democracy in Momentum and imposing a constitution that took power into his own hands was an early warning of troubles ahead.
Without democracy a movement is impotent.  Momentum was not a movement in any real sense.  It was a control and command organisation. When the omens were favourable in 2017 it believed that it was responsible for the election gains. In 2019 they learnt that pushing hundreds of young campaigners into constituencies only alienates voters.
No one did more to legitimise the fake 'antisemitism' smears than McDonnell who thought he was very clever appeasing the Right and inviting Alistair Campbell back into the party

And who supported Lansman’s coup but John McDonnell, who also bears a heavy responsibility for giving legitimacy to the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign. A BBC report quoteshim as saying that the ‘anti-Semitism’crisis had shaken us to the core." And when the Zionists dug up the comments of Hajo Meyer, a survivor of Auschwitz, comparingIsraeli policy to the Nazi regime before 1939, as many Holocaust survivors and Israelis have done, Corbyn apologised.  Corbyn said that he "completely rejects" the views of some of those he had shared platforms with in the past. This was not serious. No one believed him anyway and it simply helped to discredit him.

Instead of defending the right of Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer to compare Israeli racism with Nazi Germany Corbyn apologised - yet again
I therefore thought it right that I should write to my old friend Lansman giving him some helpful advice. I say this despite the fact that Lansman had me expelled from Momentum and then accused me of being ‘probably the rudest man I know in politics.’ Indeed I had to threaten to sue him for libel for using the weasel word ‘probably’, which suggests that I may not be the rudest man in politics!
Jon Lansman did more to undermine Corbyn by supporting the fake 'antisemitism' smears than Tom Watson 
A Letter to an Old Friend Jon Lansman
 Dear Jon,
As always at times like these my thoughts are with you.  Please allow me to offer an old friend my warmest congratulations on your achievement. The defeat of Jeremy Corbyn and the installation of Mogadon Man aka Sir Keir Starmer was a master stroke.
What David Cameron and Theresa May could not achieve you have managed single handed. Of course officially you supported the pathetic Long-Bailey, whose only comment of note during the campaign was that she was prepared to use nuclear weapons. RBL is as she has often reminded people, the working class girl who was born to the sound of the Stretford End, despite Man City playing away in Wolverhampton the day she was born.  No doubt she was born with acute hearing too.
The question that puzzles many people is why the campaign manager for Tony Benn’s leadership bid should turn into the exact opposite of everything that Benn stood for?  Why should you destroy democracy in Momentum, join the witch hunt and became an apostle of the world’s only apartheid state? Of course some believe that you were an agent of Israel or Mossad but I think the truth is simpler. It is summed up in that old sayingof Humbert Wolfe that
you cannot hope to bribe or twist
(thank God!) the British journalist.
But, seeing what the man will do
unbribed, there’s no occasion to.

Clearly you had an Epiphany, if that’s not anti-Semitic, and decided that your Jewish identity meant that you had to become a Zionist i.e. a racist. You kept company with the Jewish Labour Movement, the overseas wing of the Israeli Labor Party, which has virtually disappeared today. 
It is, like you, irrelevant now that the open racists are in charge of Israel rather than those who professed workers’ solidarity and practiced segregation. The ILP is now down to 3 seats in the Knesset where once it could command an overall majority.  ‘Socialist’ Zionism has died because Zionism rejected workers’ unity in favour of Jewish unity and collaboration with imperialism.
I realise that you are a fixer rather than an intellectual but presumably it must have occurred to you that there is a reason why racist and anti-Semitic figures, from Orban to Trump, Duterte to Bolsonaro love Israel? Clue, it isn’t because of Jews that the neo-Nazi founder of the alt-Right, Richard Spencer calls himself a ‘White Zionist’.
According to the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism that you pushed through the Labour Party, it is ‘anti-Semitic’ to state that Israel is a racist state. When the rest of the world is fighting Coronavirus, what is Israel doing? Destroyingtents Palestinians have erected to isolate those infected.  Only in Israel could ethnic cleansing take priority over fighting the pandemic. And yet you support Israel and an Israeli Labor Party that has just got into bed with Netanyahu.
To call you a racist Jon would be an understatement. You have pioneered racism in the Labour Party. Not because you are another Alf Garnett but because your goal was providing support for Israel’s project in the West.
Your destruction of democracy in Momentum, your opposition to Open Selection and now putting up candidates against socialists like Jo Bird, has meant the triumph of the Right. So once again congratulations are in order.  I cannot but help wondering what the purpose of Momentum is though, apart from filling your coffers.
I don’t know why it is Jon, but you keep reminding me of a poemby Jack London, Ode to a Scab. 
The only part of the poem that I disagree is the bit about you carrying a tumour of ‘rotten principles.’  Jon, I really don’t think you have any principles, fresh or rotten. 
One wonders what Jack London would have made of the multi-millionaire property dealer who almost single handedly brought down the Corbyn Project?
Your only true friend (i.e. the only one who tells you the truth)
As ever
The fight for socialism goes on but we can have no doubt that the Right have won a significant victory. Nothing could be more futile than to spend the next 5 years in a war of attrition with the Right, knowing full well that they control the party machine. It was bad enough when Corbyn and Formby were there.  Groups like Labour Left Alliance, whose recent travails I will cover in more detail in another blog, are for standing still as members stream out of the Labour Party.
You can imagine what it will be like when a female version of Iain McNicoll is chosen. I am told that an old witchhunter, Emily Oldknow, who featured in my SAR when I was suspended, and who like most of McNicoll’s team went to work for corrupt Dave Prentis’s UNISON, is tipped to take Formby’s place.
It is time for fresh thinking on the left.  Whether the existing groups are up for it is another question.
Tony Greenstein
The full results of the leadership contest were:
·         Keir Starmer 275,780 (56.2%)
·         Rebecca Long-Bailey 135,218 (27.6%)
·         Lisa Nandy 79,597 (16.2%)

·         Angela Rayner 228,944 (52.6%)
·         Rosena Allin-Khan 113,858 (26.1%)
·         Richard Burgon 92,643 (21.3%)
·         Ian Murray Knocked out in second round with 14.3%
·         Dawn Butler Knocked out in first round with 10.9%

Full results for CLP reps:
JOSAN, Gurinder Singh – 57,361 – ELECTED

BAXTER, Johanna – 57,181 – ELECTED
TOWNSEND, Lauren – 56,929
BIRD, Jo – 46,150
DRENNAN, Leigh – 30,021
WRIGHT, Cecile – 25,008
SHERRIFF, Paula – 21,088
WILLIAMS, Trish – 10,826
APPS, Peter – 10,071
HOBSON, Deborah – 8,974
WEBB, Chris – 8,413
DENT, Fiona – 7,420
ELLISON, Adam – 6,322
COLLINS, Alexa – 5,669
MIDDLETON, Rick – 4,582
SUTTON, Ray – 4,248
JOHNSTON, Mick – 3,947
OWLADI, Peyman – 2,459

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