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How the Right are Redefining Antisemitism to Mean Anything Socialist or Left-Wing


According to Zionist Logic, the Victims of the Holocaust Were Also Anti-Semitic

In an excellent article on how the Right is making the term ‘anti-Semitism’ synonymous with anything left-wing, Jonathan Cook makes extensive reference to my libel case. I reprint an extract from his essay below.

Jonathan is right.  What he could of course have gone on to say is that according to the ‘logic’ of fools like Rachel Riley and politicians such as Lord Pickles and Tom Watson, most of the Jews who died in the Holocaust were in fact ‘anti-Semites’!
This is in particular true of the 3 million Polish Jews, who constituted half of all the Jews who were exterminated in the Holocaust. Poland's Jews voted overwhelmingly for the left-wing Bund, the General Jewish Workers Union, who were anti-Zionist.
In the last free elections in Poland in 1938 for local authorities, in Warsaw the Bund won 61.7% of the Jewish vote and gained 17 out of 20 Jewish Council seats.  In the city with the second largest number of Jews, Lodz, they won 57.4% and 11 out of 17 Jewish seats.
The problem was explained by Isaac Deutscher in his essay 'The Non-Jewish Jew and Other Essays':

‘to the Jewish workers anti-Semitism seemed to triumph in Zionism, which recognised the legitimacy and the validity of the old cry ‘Jews get out!' The Zionists were agreeing to get out.’

So now we have it. In fact when Hitler murdered European Jewry because, in his view they were the germ seeds of Bolshevism, he got it right.  Most of Hitler’s victims were anti-Semites! Netanyahu explained at the 2015 World Zionist Congress that Hitler only got the idea of the Final Solution from the Palestinian Mufti! See Rewriting the Holocaust and Netanyahu: Hitler Didn't Want to Exterminate the Jews
 It’s little wonder that notorious racist and former Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, Ovadia Yosef, blamed the victims of the Holocaust for their own deaths.  According to this wretch
“The six million Holocaust victims were reincarnations of the souls of sinners, people who transgressed and did all sorts of things which should not be done. They had been reincarnated in order to atone.”
The time will come when Zionists will begin to ‘understand’ why the Holocaust was perpetrated.  This is not so far fetched as it might seem.
When Robert Bowers murdered 11 Jews in Pittsburgh recently, sections of the Israeli Right and Likud blamed the victims and ‘understood’ the murderer.
Yoav Eliasi, aka The Shadow, a prominent Israeli hate rapper and Likud Party member in good standing with hundreds of thousands of followers social media followers,  portrayed the massacre as a legitimate response to the Jews of Pittsburgh’s support for refugees:
According to Eliasi, Bowers “was a man fed up with subversive progressive Jewish leftists injecting their sick agendas” into his country. Explicitly echoing the neo-Nazi’s manifesto, Eliasi added that “HIAS brings in infiltrators that destroy every country. The murderer was fed up with people like you. Jews like you brought the holocaust and now you’re causing antisemitism. Stop bringing in hate money from Soros.”Israel’s Far Right Blame “Leftist” Victims of Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre
Max Blumenthallwroteabout how
Hours after the massacre in Pittsburgh, a Likud Party email listserv pumped out talking points addressed to “ambassadors of the Likud” that claimed the anti-Jewish shooter “drew inspiration from a left-wing Jewish group that promoted immigration to the U.S. & worked against Trump.”
Within moments, Likud party activists like @guyshapira took to Twitter to repeat the talking points word for word.
This is where the Zionist libel that it is the Left not the Right is anti-Semitic ends up.  Zionism has always justified the anti-Semitism of the Right as being the fault of the Jews for not having emigrated to Israel. By continuing to live in ‘other peoples’ countries’ and opposing racism there, Jews are held to have brought on themselves their own misfortunes. Zionism itself has only ever existed with the support of the most reactionary and racist sections of society.
What a tangled web we weave.
Tony Greenstein
Weaponising anti-semitism – Jonathan Cook
In fact, these anti-semitism “watchdogs” no longer even bother to conceal the fact that their accusations of anti-semitism are intended as smears rather than as serious assessments of a rising tide of bigotry.
Tony Greenstein, an anti-Zionist Jew expelled by Labour party bureaucrats after a concerted campaign to character-assassinate him as an anti-semite, took one of his accusers to court, the grossly misnamed “charity” the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, in a libel action.
The CAA had claimed that Greenstein was a “notorious anti-semite”. “Notorious”, let us remember, means “famous or well-known”. So it should have proved a doddle for a well-funded charity that deals in little else but tackling anti-semitism to support its claim.
Strangely, however, when given a chance to produce the evidence before the UK High Court, the CAA declined to do so. In fact, rather than use the standard defence against libel, claiming their remarks were a “statement of fact” – or what used to be termed “justification” – the CAA resorted to the much weaker defence of “honest opinion”.
Traditionally in libel cases against media outlets, reporters have had to show they had a factual basis for their reporting, while opinion-writers could duck out under claims of “fair comment”, which allowed for muckraking and provocative viewpoints.
“Honest opinion” allows you to state falsehoods, and puts responsibility on your victim to prove the near-impossible: that you did so maliciously.  In short, you can defame as long as you can claim you did so in good faith.
What the CAA has indicated is that when it describes someone as an anti-semite, it does not need to base its accusation on evidence (such as a clear statement of prejudice against Jews) but rather root it in hearsay or its own hunches. In other words, the CAA is consciously playing fast and loose with the definition at the heart of its mandate. It is hollowing out the meaning of anti-semitism to politicise it.
The CAA’s legal manoeuvres confirm that the charge of anti-semitism has indeed been weaponised to silence political dissidents – just as critics, myself included, have long been claiming.
Right kind of Jew
Of course, the CAA is far from alone in pursuing this strategy. It is precisely the reason all those anti-semitism claims are being thrown around recklessly to silence anyone who wishes to disrupt the status quo – the constant warmongering, the neoliberal rape of the planet, and the entrenchment of a carbon-based economy that threatens imminent collapse of a climate conducive to most life.
Lots of rightwingers would like to use the anti-semitism smear to win political arguments in the more unruly, less predictable political environment we currently inhabit. But sadly for them, it only sounds credible when status-quo-loving centrist and rightwing Jews use it. Which is why we hear them using it so much.
It was why TV gameshow assistant Rachel Riley was taken seriously rather than ridiculed as she suggested to her hundreds of thousands of Twitter followers that Owen Jones, a diehard soft Zionist and fairweather Corbyn supporter, and Noam Chomsky (or Chomski, as Riley misspelt his name), a dissident Jewish intellectual, were anti-semites.
Both were characterised by her as “far left”, which is now treated as synonymous with “anti-semitic” in the rightwingers’ playbook.
Astoundingly, Riley was liberally spraying around the anti-semitism smear even as she made a series of anti-semitic statements during a TV interview that unusually failed to register on the radar of the usually vigilant anti-semitism “watchdogs”.
She observed that she didn’t look like a “typical Jew” (no hooked nose, Rachel?) and argued that her previous use of the expression “Bloody Jews again” wasn’t anti-semitic. She also implied that criticism of Israel shouldn’t be allowed because it was offensive to Jews (thereby conflating Jewish people with Israel, as well as denying anti-Zionist Jews a voice).
But then again, Rachel Riley can’t be anti-semitic because she, unlike Tony Greenstein, is the “right kind of Jew”. She’s on the right.

Why is Stand Up To Racism and the SWP Welcoming Racist Zionist Groups onto an anti-racist march?


A simple message to the SWP/SUTR You cannot Oppose Racism & Allow Racists on an anti-Racist march

Update - Scottish Muslim Council for Britain has decided to Boycott the SUTR March

You couldn't make it up. The Socialist Workers Party and their SUTR front group are holding a march against racism and they are allowing overtly racist groups, Glasgow Friends of Israel and Confederation of Friends of Israel Scotland to participate.

40 years ago when the neo-Nazi National Front was kicking its way into the headlines and threatening to become Britain’s fourth major party, the Anti-Nazi League and the anti-fascist movement invited Jewish organisations which were also Zionists, to work with them. They refused and the Board of Deputies of British Jews and their allies launched a vicious attack on the ANL alleging it that it was more dangerous than the fascists.

I described what happened in Return No. 5, December 1990, in REDEFINING ANTI-SEMITISM - The False Anti-Racism of the Right,
         ‘the anti-Zionism of the SWP and Peter Hain, who formed part of the leadership of the Anti-Nazi League was treated as more important than the growth of a fascist party. Zionists who did participate, like Miriam Karlin, faced extreme hostility: "I'm branded a leftist extremist for being on the steering committee of the ANL, which seems to be the only group standing up against racism.. It really hurts when people I thought knew better accuse me of disloyalty. '  [Jewish Chronicle 14.8.81.] 

      When the ANL was formed, almost immediately a right-wing Zionist Labour MP, Maurice Orbach withdrew as a sponsor. Orbach "felt that the appointment of Mr Peter Hain as Press Officer of the League was questionable in view of Mr Hain's known support for the Palestinians and anti-Zionist causes. "[JC 18.11.77.] And in reply to a letter from Hain, the SWP's Paul Holborow and Neil Kinnock MP (!) argued for the overriding importance of anti-fascist unity, [JC 25.11.77.] Orbach wrote that "/ still believe that the blackest day since Hitler was the appearance at the UN of Yassir Arafat. "[JC 2.12.77.]  Searchlight anti-fascist magazine, observed that "In the face of mounting attacks against the Jewish community both ideologically and physically, we have the amazing sight of the Jewish Board of Deputies launching an attack on the Anti Nazi League with all the fervour of Kamikaze pilots... It was as though they were watching a time capsule rerun of the 1930's, in the form of a flickering old movie, with a grim determination to repeat every mistake of that era. "Searchlight 41, November 1978.

The racists of GFoI, fresh from working with open holocaust deniers and fascists are 'looking forward' to working with SUTR - you couldn't make it up
The disgrace of SUTR and SWP that open racists boast that it 'was nice to chat'
     Searchlight, then edited by Maurice Ludmer and the widely accepted journal of the anti-fascist movement, attacked the Board of Deputies in no uncertain terms.  Unfortunately Ludmer died prematurely and it was taken over by Gerry Gable, an overt Zionist.
in the film above NW Friends of Israel openly works with the fascist English Defence League when Palestinian supporters picketed the Israeli Kedem shop
Today however the situation is entirely different. The Zionist movement is unashamedly on the far-Right. Zionist organisations, especially those who call themselves ‘Friends of Israel Groups’ work with fascist groups and individuals, e.g. Manchester Friends of Israel has worked openlywith the EDL. Sussex Friends of Israel demonstrate with far-Right Christian Zionists and work with the Jewish Defence League (it was the EDL's Jewish wing). 

People like Jonathan Hoffman, former Deputy Chair of the Zionist Federation openly work with fascists to the extent that we saw him standing side by side, outside Palestine Expo 2017 with the former Intelligence Officer of Britain First, Paul Besser.
Paul Besser (with flat cap) with Jonathan Hoffman to this left and Gemma Sheridan of the neo-Nazi JDL stuck in between
The Politics of Genocide on GFOI FB page
Todays Zionists do not bother to hide their far-Right affiliations and open racism. On the front of their Facebook Page SFOI have a photo starkly saying ‘There is no such thing as the Palestinians.’ This is the politics of genocide. First you deny that there is a people then if you wipe them out they never existed in the first place.
Zionism today represents the most visceral and atavistic racism. Yet the SWP, for whom nothing changes and which claims, at least on paper, to be anti-Zionist, are totally unable to make the connection between the racism of Zionism in Israel and the racism of Zionism in Britain. Anti-racism at home and abroad just never meet up.  The racist of Empire doesn't seem to have any connection with racism in Britain. It was said of the late President Ford of the United States that he couldn't chew gum and walk at the same time.  The SWP also find it difficult integrating more than one campaign into their overall analysis.
An uncomfortable conversation between Matisyahu Berlow of Glasgow FOI and Hope not Hate about the fascists and antisemites that they attract to their stall 
One of the reasons for this is that the SWP believe that that all but a handful of British Jews are Zionists and therefore to connect with British Jews one must work with Zionist organisations. Instead of working with those Jews who are anti-Zionist the SWP believes that something is to be gained by working with bourgeois Zionist groups. The actions of the SWP, because that is what Stand up to Racism really is, is thus to reinforce the claim of Zionism to speak on behalf of all Jews and that anti-Zionism is therefore a form of anti-Semitism.
Donald Trump has cut off aid to UNWRA which helped feed the Palestinian refugees - GFOI openly applaud this and call it 'terrorism' and the refugees 'fake' - this is what the SWP's support for Palestine amounts to. In essence the SWP are capitulating to social chauvinism and imperialism
40 years ago was a time when many people were not clued up about Zionism and when the Zionists themselves were often on the Left (for example MPs  Tony Benn, Eric Heffer, Ian Mikado and Jo Richardson were members of Labour Friends of Israel). Those days have gone.  Today the Zionists are openly racist, open supporters of the Israeli Right and far-Right and in the Labour Party they are almost exclusively to be found in opposition to Corbyn.
The instances of open collaboration between the Zionist movement in Britain, the fascist Right and supporters of Tommy Robinson are legion, as this blog has repeatedly documented.
That is why Palestine solidarity supporters everywhere condemnedthe SWP and Scottish SUTR when last year they refusedto bar the Confederation of Friends of Israel in Scotland (COFIS) from taking part in their annual anti-racism march virtually welcoming them. Unfortunately for the SWP/SUTR Scottish anti-racists refused to accept the dictat of the SWP’s Central Committee and they ensured that COFIS were unableto march.   
The SWP were widely condemned for their behaviour by the Left in the labour movement, for example by the Morning Star.
Max Dunbar ex-BNP (left) and Sammy Stein Chair of Glasgow Friends of Israel harass Scottish PSC stall
Sammy Stein, Chair of Glasgow Friends of Israel, made an appearance at the Scottish PSC stall in Glasgow in January together with Max Dunbar, ex-Treasurer of the British National Party in Glasgow and now Treasurer of Brittanica.
It is only when Scottish PSC pointed out who their fascist friends were that GFOI dissociated themselves from the fascists - the real question is why the Zionists and GFOI are so attractive to fascists and anti-semites in the first place
Sammy Stein, who defends every Israeli massacre and Israeli Army abuse of Palestinian children, came to an SPSC stall on Buchanan Street to lounge with his camera pointed at the stall. Dunbar had earlier sidled up to the SPSC stall to request a leaflet, then walked away saying "I am pro-Israel". As Mick Napier said

it is ‘time for SUTR to repudiate the repeated declarationsby the degenerate Glasgow Friends of Israel of their alliance with SUTR. Silence in the face of a public claim will be widely understood to be acceptance of that claim.

According to Hope not Hate Dunbar was Treasurer of Glasgow BNP and is now Treasurer of Britannica, a tiny new far-right party, first registered in August 2011. They comprise ex-members of Glasgow BNP. The party is essentially the core of the BNP Glasgow branch under a new name. According to their Leader, Charlie Baillie, “the recent decade of mass immigration…..damaged the identity and integrity of the British”. He objected to “persons who come from Africa” and claimed that “..the term racist is a meaningless word”. Dunbar has stood as a BNP candidate on many occasions over the years within the Glasgow area also attending English Defence League demonstrations. Hope not Hate on Dunbar and Glasgow Friends of Israel

This was reported by the Ferret as ‘Pro-Israel group ‘disassociates’ itself from former BNP member Jan 24 2019.’ The National reported that ‘Former BNP member infiltrates Glasgow Friends of Israel group’. Dunbar is also a regular at events organised by A Force For Good, run by Alistair McConnachie, a former Ukip candidate who believes there is no evidence the Nazis used gas chambers to murder Jewish people.’
Scottish PSC sent an Open Letter to SUTR about what had been happening but all the indications are that the SWP, just as over the rape crisis affair in their organisation four years ago, are once again intent on ignoring the views of everyone but themselves.
Racist filth Friends of Israel are Importing into SUTR
Last year Glasgow Friends of Israel (GFI) and Confederation of Friends of Israel Scotland (COFIS) joined the Stand Up To Racism organised march in Glasgow. This demonstrates incredible audacity considering their sole purpose is to support and promote an apartheid state (Israel) that has more than 40 racist discriminatory laws on its statute. Many individuals and organisations made their opposition to GFI/COFIS participation known to you. You state that it was not your policy to invite or authorise the participation of specific unaffiliated groups and you stated that you were not in dialogue with these groups. This year (2019) according to GFI they are in dialogue directly with you. GFI have stated “we would like to thank members of the SUTR committee for once again confirming our participation”.
Maybe you are unaware of the nature of the material that this organisation publishes and how they demonise certain ethnicities and belittle the plight of refugees. Sometimes they claim to be a secular organisation and at other times they imply that they are being targeted because they are a Jewish organisation. How strange then that they should publish a vile anti-Semitic tweet about the ex Labour leader Ed Miliband.
Katie  Hopkins, was a guest at the last Zionist Federation dinner. The Zionists seem all over her like a rash

Your organisation has enjoyed long standing support from the labour leadership especially the current leader Jeremy Corbyn. Maybe you are unaware of the relentless and libellous abusive campaigning that GFI have carried out online against Jeremy Corbyn. Here are a few examples of their online abuse:

Are you really welcoming an organisation which promotes Katie Hopkins?
[The term 'Pally' for Palestinian is the equivalent of 'Paki' and Nigger.  It is a vile racist term and the fact that the SWP/SUTR work with these virulent racists is or should be a source of shame - TG].

In June 2018 a tragedy unfolded in Gaza when a young 21 year old nurse called Razan al-Najjar was shot dead by Israeli soldiers as she attended to the wounded on the Great March of Return in support of Gaza refugees right of return.
SUTR and its supporters are well known for their humanity and compassion for the rights of refugees. Below we see how the organisation you are now linked with dismissed the death of this young woman as somehow fake news.
Glasgow Friends of Israel’s next tactic on this proved to be much more vile and sordid. They pinned a tweet suggesting that the young girl Razan was raped and coerced into being at the Great March of Return for refugees.
If you think this coverage of the death of civilians is morally corrupt, GFI decided to plumb the depths even further by injecting humour into their coverage of the deaths of Palestinians. ‘Pallywood’ is the concept invented by Israel supporters to suggest that the journalistic coverage of human rights abuses carried out by Israel on Palestinians is all fake.

Social media was ‘set alight’ when the young Palestinian girl Ahed Tamimi was arrested for slapping an Israeli soldier who was on her family property. She was sentenced to jail by the world’s only military court for children (non-Jewish children) in the occupied West Bank. Again the GFI went to work in order to de-humanise this young girl by portraying her as a terrorist. Here they make a slap into a terrorist offence, juxtaposed to their jokey off-hand dismissal of the killing of civilian Palestinians.
When a group of young Jewish people were threatened by a thug and abused for holding a religious ceremony outside the House of Commons for people killed in Gaza, the GFI thought the assault was hilarious.
GFI have an ongoing smear campaign against ordinary folk who campaign for the plight of the Palestinian people. Dismissing them as benefit scroungers, mental health patients, racists and Jew haters.
Here we see an example of what they think of campaigners against the arms trade.
As for the plight of refugees GFI are campaigning in support of Donald Trump’s racist policies to end UN support for Palestinian refugees.

In light of these examples from GFI and COFIS does SUTR really think that they are suitable organisations to be working with on an anti-racist march. Organisations that exhibit anti-Semitism, trash the image of a young Muslim nurse killed by soldiers, dismiss refugees as fake and who think that the killing of Palestinians is “funny” will surely de-legitimise the anti-racist movement in Scotland and the UK.
Gerry Coutts
5th February 2019

It might be understandable that a Jewish organisation which whose main concern is for example Holocaust remembrance but is nonetheless a liberal Zionist group might be welcome on an anti-racist demonstration. For example we would not object to the Jews who said Kaddish, the prayer for the dead for the victims of Israel’s murder of Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza and who were roundly abused for so doing. They are politically misguided but they aren’t fascists or open racists.
COFIS/Glasgow Friends of Israel however have absolutely nothing to do with anti-racism.  Their sole reason for existenceis to support Israeli and Zionist racism of the most vile concern.
COFIS/GFOI are thoroughly reactionary organisations which make the most vile accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ against Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party.  What twisted form of 'Marxist' politics are the SWP engaging in that they think that an alliance with these racist vultures has anything to do with fighting racism in Britain?
If SUTR again give the green light to COFIS/GFI to march this year, people from England and Wales should join our comrades in Glasgow to ensure that once again the Zionists are kept away from the march.  NO PASARAN
I also urge members of SUTR and anti-racists in England to make it plain that the decision of Scottish SUTR, backed as it is by the SWP nationally, is condemned as being unacceptable.

See also Who are Friends of Israel by Richard Haley of Scotland Against Criminalising Communities

Tony Greenstein


The SWP are obviously finding the criticism hard to take because Scottish SWP have put up on their Facebook page a long and pathetic justification entitled '**Building the anti-racist movement in Scotland**

I therefore submitted a reply in the normal comradely traditions of debate, the SWP immediately took it down.  I have therefore got a friend to repost it - no doubt the SWP will take it down again because they are unable to respond to the points I make so what other course of action is open to them but censorship?

Chuka Ummuna’s 7 Dwarfs Represent a Cancer That Must be Cut Out


Luciana Berger’s Resignation Proves that Wavertree CLP Was Right – Tom Watson Must Go For His Attack on Ordinary Members

We should welcome the fact that Seven Political Pygmies have resigned from the Labour Party.  They will not be missed and hopefully they will not be the last. Their concern about anti-Semitism was demonstrated to be the hypocritical cant it is by the performance of one particularly obnoxious member of the group – pro-privatisation Angela Smith – who spoke about Black people having a ‘funny tinge’.
No one should be surprised. I have been criticised by a few people for calling Chuka Ummuna an Uncle Tom. Some people have even suggested that it is racist.  The dictionary definition is ‘A black person who is overeager to win the approval of whites (as by obsequious behavior or uncritical acceptance of white values and goals) or ‘a person who is overly subservient to or cooperative with authority.’

It is difficult to think of a more apt description of the lugubrious Chuka. Far from being racist, it is a term used by Black anti-racists for collaborators within their own ranks. Chuka Ummuna’s concern about ‘anti-Semitism’ is in marked contrast to his attitude to racism against Black people.  In the Independentlast year he wrote:
We can’t attack the racism that maylie behind the Tories’ mistreatment of the Windrush generation when we don’t get our own house in order on hate (my emphasis)
Windrush and ‘hostile environment’ was the quintessential example of British racism – the deportation of Black British citizens happened because and only because they were Black but to Chuka the Tories may be guilty of racism. Chuka and the rest of the 7 abstained (i.e. supported) Theresa May’s 2014 Immigration Act which led directly to the Windrush scandal. The idea that this gaggle of misfits are anti-racist is for the birds.
But we should also be clear that this resignation is, if handled correctly, likely to fizzle out. For one thing the 7 individuals are nonentities without exception. Bill Rodgers, one of the remaining members of the SDP Gang of 4 may have come out in supportof the 7 political midgets but that is where the resemblance ends. The resignation of the Gang of 4 in 1981 represented a significant section of the Labour Party.  David Owen was a former Foreign Secretary, Roy Jenkins was a former Deputy Leader and Home Secretary, Shirley Williams was a former Education Minister.  The current crop represent nothing.  They entirely lack any gravitas or base.  
Their most prominent member, Chuka Ummuna was caught out in 2013 on an elite social networking club ASmallWorld complaining that
Most of the West End haunts seem to be full of trash and C-list wannabes, while other places that should know better opt for the cheesy vibe. The millionaire former lawyer then called for recommendations for "a trash-free, decent night".
This antisemitic cartoon attacking George Soros was created by Yair Netanyahu
Trash is an apt description, not only for Chuka Ummuna but the whole group. They represent the interests of capital within Labour. It can do nothing but good that these vipers have voluntarily quit. However for every snake that left, there are plenty that remain – Joan Ryan, Ian Austin, Wes Streeting, Margaret Hodge, Ruth Smeeth, Peter Kyle, Gareth Snell, John Mann, Keith Starmer, Hilary Benn – the list is almost endless.
We should consider the 7 Dwarfs as merely a down payment. There are plenty more who will do their utmost to sabotage Labour’s chances at the General Election unless they are removed now.
However Corbyn and his advisers, Seamus Milne in particular, bear a lot of the blame. They have allowed the anti-Semitism smear campaign and the nonsense that the Labour Party is an institutionally anti-Semitic party to take hold.
Their continued silence as these attacks mount is demoralising and counter-productive.  The campaign won’t go away.  Those who thought by adopting the IHRA that they had bought peace were, as we said, mistaken. The purpose of the anti-Semitism smears is the removal of Corbyn and it is only his own sullen stupidity that fails to recognise what it is really about.
It isn’t too late, even now, to take this bull by the horns and say loud and clear that the Labour Party is not overrun by anti-Semitism and that the idea that Labour is institutionally anti-Semitic is an utter nonsense, nothing more than a crude attempt by racists to acts as parasites on the recommendations of the MacPherson Inquiry. It is about Israel, opposition to Zionism as the insistence by Zionist groups on the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism proves.
Anti-Semitism in Britain is not institutionalised.  There is no Jewish equivalent to Windrush, young Jews are not languishing in gaols, Jews are not the victims of police violence, stop and search or threats of deportation.  Jews are not economically discriminated against. Anti-Semitism in Britain is a marginal prejudice and the most prejudiced are Tory papers who featured Ed Miliband, the Jewish leader of the Labour Party’s inability to eat a bacon sandwich or who indulge in anti-Semitic attacks on George Soros.
Anti-Semitism has been weaponised internationally.  Those who are observant will have noticed that Trump devoted 17 minutes of his State of the Union address to demonising refugees as criminal and drug dealers and yet, he also condemned anti-Semitism despite being an anti-Semite.  For example Trump’s final campaign ad flashed images of three prominent Jewish financial figures: Lloyd Bankfein, Janet Yellen and George Soros accompanied by allusions to those pulling the levers of financial power.
Why else have the Tories and the Tory press embraced the ‘anti-Semitism’ narrative? If anti-Semitism was really a strong force would the Daily Mail and Sun really oppose it?  Why would papers that employed Katie Hopkins whose viewson refugees were that they were vermin suddenly take umbrage about anti-Semitism?
The real disappointment about the resignation of Chuka Ummuna, Luciana Berger et al is that so few have gone. If Corbyn had not been such an idiot and believed that he could appease the majority of the PLP he would have embraced Open Selection at the last Labour Party conference.  As it is flocks of the rats are still in the PLP. Unfortunately Corbyn bottled it and Len McLuskey betrayed his union mandate to oppose Open Selection.
However there is one villain who is still trying to make capital out of what has happened.  Tom Watson it was who wanted Wavertree Labour Party to be suspended because Luciana Berger was the subject of a no-confidence motion. Those who had no confidence in her have been utterly vindicated.  Tom Watson, who has every quality of a dog except loyalty, should be given the boot.  There is a pressing need for Corbyn to have a loyal Deputy and for someone from the Left, like Clive Lewis, Richard Burgon or the excellent Chris Williamson from standing for Deputy Leader at the next Labour Party conference.  Watson pledged loyalty to Corbyn when he was elected. He has demonstrated that he has all the grace of a viper.
Events are proving that Corbyn’s strategy of appeasing the Right is disintegrating.  The Blairite Right were never appeasable because they are loyal to capitalism and the British state’s alliance with the United States. That is what the opposition to ‘anti-Semitism’ means.  It is about Israel and British support for the United States’s rabid guard dog in the Middle East.  It is about support for the world’s only apartheid state and NATO. 
At this very moment Israel is holding a general election.  Over 5 million Palestinians, who have lived under occupation for over half a century will have no vote.  They live under a police state, subject to a different legal regime, military law, from Jewish settlers who occupy the same area.  How can anyone pretend that such a situation is not apartheid? And the situation in Israel pre-1948 is little better for the Palestinians, many of whom have been deprived of the vote.
The idea that this crisis is about ‘anti-Semitism’ is demonstrable nonsense. The Tory Party is in alliance with genuinely anti-Semitic parties, the Swedish Democrats, Poland’s Law and Justice Party and Latvia’s Fatherland and Freedom Party in the European Parliament. Yet we hear not a bleat about this and it is testimony to the uselessness of Seamus Milne and Corbyn’s advisers that they say absolutely nothing about this just as they never sought to challenge the false anti-Semitism campaign.  Instead they allow this nonsense to wash over them and flattered the Zionist leaders of Britain’s Jewish community rather than calling them out for the reactionaries they are.
It also has to be said that Corbyn has not exactly triumphed over Brexit.  It should be clear that Brexit is welcomed, above all, by the far-Right in Europe and the United States.  It is a project of neo-fascists, nationalists and chauvinists including of course Trump and the alt-Right.  Rather than ‘respect’ the referendum Labour should be committed to overturning it with a new referendum.  This would have the added advantage of removing one prop of Chuka and friends. No one voted to make themselves poorer but that will be and already is the result of Brexit.  Instead of Diane Abbott mouthing nonsense about respecting the referendum vote Labour should be talking about reversing the decision to leave the EU.
All in all unless Corbyn rises to the challenge and gives a firm indication that he is capable, in Lord Salisbury’s words, of the ‘smack of firm government’his time as leader is limited. There is no message coming out from the Leader of the Labour Party. Corbyn needs to go on the offensive and bury the false ‘anti-Semitism’ narrative and put forward now a bold programme on housing, nationalisation and Europe. Otherwise Theresa May will succeed if only because of Corbyn’s lethargy and inactivity.  Above all he should stop apologising for what he hasn’t done.
Meanwhile we should encourage more right-wingers to resign and thus ensure that we get deselection by default.  One good piece of news is that the poisonous Campaigns Officer of the Jewish Labour Movement Adam Langleben has resigned. Clearly every cloud has a silver lining.
Tony Greenstein

Joan Ryan Resigns from Labour – Xmas Comes Early for Corbyn


Goodbye to a Symbol of Parliamentary Corruption – Say Hello to the New Politics

YesterdayI put Joan Ryan at the top of my list of MPs who I hoped would join their fellow rats. Today she has done more in one day than she has done in the rest of her miserable, soon to be terminated, parliamentary career.
However it would be wrong and churlish of me not to look back at some of the highlights of Ms Ryan’s career.  But before I do, it is well to remember that she is the Chair of Labour Friends of Apartheid I mean Israel. There is no act of savagery or barbarity that Ryan couldn’t be counted on to support.  It is with a great sense of relief that we can look forward to this corrupt and obnoxious woman soon having to seek gainful employment.
Expenses Scandal
Joan Ryan is part of the Progress faction.  She was an MP until 2010 when she was defeated at the General Election.  Unfortunately she came back in 2015 Her entry in Wikipediais extremely revealing.
The Evening Standardreportedthat in 2005/6 she made the second highest expense claim of any MP.  In 2006/7 she did even better, achieving first place with a total of £173, 691.
Ryan was by all accounts delighted to have won the coveted ‘Snout in the Trough Award of the Year.’ It was no wonder that her electors rejected her in 2010. Unfortunately her CLP was stupid enough to allow her back in 2015.
In May 2009 Ryan claimed more than £4,500 under the Additional Costs Allowance for work on a house she had designated as her second home.[Telegraph 17.5.09.] In February 2010 Ryan was asked to repay £5,121 mortgage interest which she had corruptly claimed.  [Evening Standard 4.2.10.]
Not surprisingly Ryan found her greed somewhat embarrassing and unhelpful when she was trying to get back into Parliament. The Independent of 9th March 2012 reported that:
"[a]t least 10 attempts have been made from computers in Parliament to remove information about [Ryan's] expenses claims and a further 20 efforts to delete the information, some from her constituency of Enfield North, have also been recorded in Wikipedia's logs."
The Telegraph reportedthat:
The entire section about expenses on Joan Ryan’s page was deleted. Ms Ryan spent thousands on repairs and decorations at her Enfield home before ‘flipping’ it to another property.
Ryan’s Wikipedia entry reports that to this present day ‘similar edits to hide Ryan's record continue to be made.'[Telegraph 26.5.15]
The efforts were successful and all mention of expenses claims were removed and instead replaced with a paragraph about edits to Wikipedia.
During the 2015 general election, The Daily Telegraph returned to this issue. In Ryan's case, the entire expenses section was deleted, including information on repairs and decorations on her home paid for out of her MP's expenses; the edits were made while Ryan was not an MP, and according to the Telegraph she denied involvement, though it’s difficult to think who, apart from her Zionist friends, would be interested in cleaning up her record.
Joan Ryan is a devoted servant of the Israeli state.
Not Israel whose troops opened fire but those who were killed ('Hamas') 'must accept responsibility'
Last summer Israel began firing on unarmed demonstrators in Gaza, the worlds largest open air prison, who were part of the Great Return march.  The demonstrators were entirely peaceful and were deliberately mowed down.  Over 300 have been murdered and thousands have been injured by explosive bullets designed to cause maximum casualties.

This despicable woman is still Chair of Labour Friends of Israel which put out a tweet supportingIsrael’s callous murderers.  And when that was greeted by a storm of protest, they substituted an almost equally offensive tweet.  Why?  Because LFI are just a front group for the Israeli Embassy.

Ryan is, by any measure, one of the most self-seeking and greedy MPs. However this all pales into comparison compared to the £1 million slush fund that the Israeli Embassy agent Shai Masot arranged to be paid for her and which was captured in the Al Jazeera programme
Ryan was also caught on camera making a false allegation of anti-Semitism against a Labour Party member, Jean Fitzpatrick, at the 2016 Labour Party Conference.
 When put under pressure to explain exactly what Labour Friends of Israel were doing to achieve their supposed objective of a 2 state solution Ryan preferred to concoct an allegation of anti-Semitism.
In August 2016 Richard Burgon MP, the Shadow Justice Minister, described Zionism as an enemy of peace. Ryan leapt into action to defend the world’s only apartheid state. In response I penned an Open Letter.
When Kate Osamor MP, who is both a member of the Shadow Cabinet and a member of Labour’s National Executive Committee tweeted her support for the campaign for Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Ryan once again issued an Open Letter.
We should bring out the champagne and drink a toast at the departure of Joan Ryan and let us hope that Ian Austen and Tom Watson also do the decent thing by the time the night is out.
Tony Greenstein

More Fake Anti-Semitism as MPs stage ‘debate’


Once again no evidence of anti-Semitism is provided as Barry Gardiner makes a humiliating and grovelling apology to the Apartheid State's apologists

In the Commons today there was a debateon Anti-Semitism in Modern Society. All the main culprits spoke. The Tories facilitated the debate because ‘anti-Semitism’ is a useful weapon in their attempts to destroy the Corbyn leadership. Labour MPs, including the new ‘Independent’ Group, queued up to lend their support.  
Barry Gardiner - Racist Supporter of Labour Friends of Israel 
Barry Gardiner made a grovelling and humiliating apology for an anti-Semitism that simply doesn’t exist.  It is a fiction, dreamt up by supporters of Israel. What is interesting is that Gardiner just happens to be a supproter of Labour Friends of Israel. In other words he supports the racist ‘Jewish’ state that allows Arabs to be sacked for not being Jews.  This is the vile racism that bigots like Gardiner are willing to cover for. Imagine if, in Britain, Jews were sacked for being Jewish.  Now that would be anti-Semitic.
When the IHRA was adopted last September, thanks to Jon Lansman and Momentum nationally, it was said that this would put the anti-Semitism smears to bed.  Labour Against the Witchhunt argued that the opposite would happen and once again we have been proved to be correct. 
In the debatethere were no specific allegations made about this all-embracing anti-Semitism in the Labour Party. It was merely accepted as a self-evident truth.  That however didn’t stop Joan Ryan, Ruth Smeeth, John Mann et al from waxing lyrical on how emotionally draining this all was.
Councillor Anne Meadows - Labour turned Tory - sacked because she was lazy and useless
Of interest to those in Brighton and Hove is the statement of Lewes MP Maria Caulfield who asked:

Will the Prime Minister join me welcoming Councillor Anne Meadows, who has today left the Labour party in Brighton and Hove City Council, crossing the floor to join the Conservatives, who are now the largest group on the council? Councillor Meadows left the Labour party because of the rise of antisemitism and bullying that she and her colleagues have experienced from Momentum activists—so much so that only seven of the 23 councillors will be standing again in May. Does the Prime Minister agree that antisemitism is rife throughout the whole Labour party?
Ms Meadows was deselected as a Councillor for Moulsecoomb because she was useless and lazy. She has crossed the floor and the Tories may end up running the Council.  That is called democracy.
The fact that Meadows joined the Tories demonstrates how right we were to deselect her
Matthew Offord – racist MP for Hendon
Matthew Offord, an otherwise undistinguished bigot and MP for Hendon let the cat out of the bag when stated that:
The antisemitism of recent years has taken the form of criticism of Zionism and of the actions and policies of the Government of Israel, which has often manifested itself in direct action, such as the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. However, the new line of attack is different from traditional antisemitism, meaning the hatred of Jews, claims that Jews are inferior to others or a belief in a worldwide Jewish conspiracy or the Jewish control of capitalism. The new antisemitism differs in the political voices from which it comes. Previously antisemitism was perceived as coming from the political right, but the new antisemites are primarily on the left and, indeed, the far left.
This is the big lie that the mass media, from the Guardian to the Sun espouses.  Anti-Zionism is the new form of anti-Semitism.  If you criticise the Israeli state, not just the government but the racist state itself, then you are anti-Semitic. Let us examine this with the following story from this week’s news.
In The Times of Israel last Saturday there was a story Settlement fires school’s Israeli Arab cleaning staff after threats from parents.The parents of the children in a school objected to the Israeli Palestinian workers who were the cleaners. These workers are Israeli citizens. The Times of Israel reported that ‘Parents in the settlement of Karnei Shomron appealed last week to the head of the local council, Yigal Lahav, and threatened to shutter the school until all Arab cleaners were removed.  One parent wrote:
Karnei Shomrin settlement in the West Bank

‘“Yes, we are racists. The lives of our children come first, we are racists and we love the Jewish race.”
Imagine that Jewish workers in Britain were sacked because they were Jewish by those proclaiming they loved the Christian Anglo-Saxon race?  Now that would be anti-Semitic.
This is the situation in Israel. Naked Jewish racial supremacy that MPs Gardiner, Offord, Hodge, Berger and Smeeth defend calling criticism ‘anti-Semitism’. What happened in Karnei Shomron is not unique. 
More Israeli Jews supportthe deportation of Israel’s Arab citizens than oppose it and 79% believe Jews should be treated preferentially.  That is what a Jewish state really means.
And this is what the debate was about.  It is unfortunate that Jeremy Corbyn and the ‘left-wing’ of the PLP are too politically feeble and spineless to stand up and point out to those who argue that anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are one and the same that they are supporting the parents of Karnei Shomron. Opposition to Zionism is not equivalent to anti-Semitism.  It is Zionism, with its belief in the superiority of the ‘Jewish race’ which owes most to anti-Semitism.
The local council of this settlement, which was reluctant to dispense with the Arab cleaners (no doubt because they are vastly underpaid and overworked) stated that:
‘“The atmosphere in the community led to inappropriate behavior toward the cleaning women, and even harassment and threats to some members of the parents’ committee,” 
This included threats from their Nazi like children to the cleaners, because yes this behaviour is Nazi like. Yet this is the kind of behaviour that the Jewish Nation State Law passed last summer gives a green light to.
And what were the anti-Semitic statements that the Blessed Margaret Hodge highlighted, the only examples given in the whole of the debate?
1.    “He needs to check out the love fest between the Zionists and the Nazis.’ Whether this is right or wrong it isn’t anti-Semitic. As the incident in Karnei Shomron demonstrates there is a close affinity between Nazi and Zionist belief in racial superiority.
2.    ‘People are finding out how much power Jews have. They seem to have a lot of power over the main opposition party. Might they rebel if…the reason they didn’t get a job or a home was because a Jew got it.’
Yes this is anti-Semitic though we don’t know if it was a Labour Party member who said this. However Zionism speaks in the name of Jews and unfortunately some people draw the wrong conclusion that the Zionists speak the truth when they boast of their influence.
3.    You are paid by Israel to destabilise UK Labour.’ Joan Ryan demonstrated this when she was gifted a £1 million slush fund, as captured on the Al Jazeera film The Lobby. There is no doubt that some MPs are in receipt of funding from the Israel lobby.  Did Joan Ryan declare the £1m?
4.    ‘A Zionist plot to oust Jeremy Corbyn.’ How is this anti-Semitic? Zionist organisations have done little else than attack Corbyn for the past 3 years.
5.    A swastika is appropriate as Israel is a fascist state.” It may not be strictly true that Israel is a fascist state but saying that the Swastika is appropriate for a state based on racial supremacy is not anti-Semitic.
So out of 5 statements, just one is anti-Semitic.  Par for the course and let us not forget that the first statement is just that, a form of words that harms no one whereas sacking low paid cleaners because they are Arabs and physically harassing them is far far worse but that is what Offord, Berger, Smeeth and Mann devote their political lives to supporting.
Tony Greenstein

Netanyahu Invites the neo-Nazi Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) to help him form a new Coalition government


As Labour MPs indulge in attacks on fake ‘anti-Semitism’ Israel moves to the ultra-Right

In 1984 Rabbi Meir Kahane of Kach (Thus) entered the Knesset with over 25,000 votes.  Kach stood on a programme which, as The Times of Israel’sMichael Aarenau notedeven members of Likud likened to the Nazis’ 1935 Nuremberg Race Laws.
Smotrich, Netanyahu and Itamar Gvir - the difference between them is one of semantics
In 1988, when polls suggested that Kach could get between 4 and 12 seats, Kahane was banned from standing by the Supreme Court. The reason that Kach was banned had nothing to do with opposition to racism but a fear that the image of Israel would be damaged. In the four years that Kahane was a Knesset member, when he spoke all the other 119 members would walk out.
But yesterday what was trefa (unclean) has now become kosher. What used to be Zionism’s forbidden fruits have now become its delicacies. But even in 1984, what Kahane said openly the other Zionist parties muttered behind closed doors.
Fearing defeat by the Centrist Right bloc of Benny Gantz’s Resilienceand Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid partiesNetanyahu openly pressurized the far-Right Jewish Home-National Unionreligious settlers’ parties to unite with Otzma Yehudit, the direct descendants of Kahane’s Kach.
One can get an idea of Otzma Yehudit’s politics from its leader Michael Ben Ari, who was a member of the 18th Knesset for the National Union between 2009 and 2013. Apart from instigating a pogrom against Black African refugees in South Tel Aviv Ari is famous for tearing up a copy of the New Testament that a missionary sent him and putting it in a trash bin.
In September 2010 in response to being told that for every Israeli killed, six Palestinians had died, he remarked that "For every one dead on our side, we need to kill 500 and not six." This was five times the number of hostages that the Nazis murdered in Yugoslavia for every German soldier killed. Ben-Ari holds left-wing Jews and human rights organisations in particular contempt, referring to them as “germs” that need to be eradicated. During the 2012 Operation Pillar of Defence he stated that “there are no innocents in Gaza…mow them down! Kill the Gazans without thought or mercy!” This is who Netanyahu has gone out of his way to ensure will be a member of the next Knesset.
Netanyahu - it would seem there is no one on the Right with whom he won't get into bed with
It would be wrong however to simply concentrate on Otzma Yehudit. Habayit Hayehudi (Jewish Home), which had 6 members, including the Education and Justice Ministers in the last government, is no slouch when it comes to racism and bigotry.  Bezalel Smotrich, who described himself as a ‘proud homophobe’ distinguished himself by advocating separate maternity wards for Jewish and Arab women on the grounds that his wife didn’t want to give birth next to a woman whose child might become a ‘terrorist’. However, despite the outrage these comments provoked, it is a fact that 5 of Israel’s 7 major hospitals allow Jewish women to give birth in Arab free wards.
Habayit Hayehudi members vote to unite with Otzma Yehudit
In 2013, the Deputy Defence Minister Rabbi Eli Dahan openly statedof Palestinians that ‘To me, they are like animals, they aren’t human.’ Despite considering gays an abomination he held that “A Jew always has a much higher soul than a gentile, even if he is a homosexual.”
Whereas Menachem Begin, the first Likud Prime Minister would have nothing to do with Kahane and his brand of Jewish messianic fascism, there are no waters too polluted for Netanyahu to fish in.
The reasons for Netanyahu’s decision to invited Otzma Yehudit into the Knesset and the governing coalition were that the far-Right in Israel today commands at least 250,000 votes. The problem is that they are split between at least 4 parties meaning that these votes could be wasted. When Kahane was elected in 1984 Israel’s proportional representation system meant a party which gained 25,000 votes (1%) was guaranteed a seat but in the 2013 Knesset the threshold was increased from 2% to 3.25%.  The idea behind this was to exclude the Arab parties but instead the Arabs parties united to form the Joint List, becoming the third largest party in the Knesset with 13 seats.
In the words of YNet ‘A dynasty of racism and provocation is on its way to the Israeli parliament’. Yet Israel’s Arab population will ask what is new? Whether it was Labour or Likud governments they suffered ongoing violence and institutional discrimination. What we are seeing today is Zionist ideology and practice catching up with each other.  Whereas Israeli Labour governments spoke the language of collectivism and social democracy, they practised ethnic cleansing and exclusion. The new, openly fascist Right has taken the hypocrisy out of Zionism and in the process left Labour Zionism high and dry.
When Meir Kahane preached that Israel could be a Jewish state or a Democratic state he was stating a truth that generations of ‘left’ Zionists preferred to ignore. Labour Zionism spoke of a Jewish democratic state which was always an oxymoron. What happens if the Arabs’ higher birth-rate meant they become the majority?  Would the Zionist parties acquiesce in a non-Jewish state or would there be a new round of ethnic cleansing like in 1948?
In other words which is more important, a democratic or a Jewish state? For Zionism a Jewish state was always the most important goal. which was why a majority was gerrymandered by the new Israeli state in 1948 through the expulsion of 90% of the Arabs. In the wordsof one of the key organisations of Israeli Apartheid, the Jewish National Fund, over 70% of the Jewish population in Israel opposes allocating KKL-JNF land to non-Jews, while over 80% prefer the definition of Israel as a Jewish state, rather than as the state of all its citizens.’
Members of Otzma Yehudit Baruch Marzel and Michael Ben Ari in a protest in Jerusalem, July 22, 20018. טס שפלן / ג'יני
Successive Zionist governments, beginning with the Israeli Labour governments of 1949-1977 were opposed to mixed marriages and sexual/ personal relationships between Jews and Arabs. That was why marriage between a Jew and a non-Jew was made impossible. As Hannah Arendt noted at the time of the Eichmann trial in 1961:
‘Israeli citizens, religious and non-religious seem agreed upon the desirability of having a law which prohibits intermarriage… there certainly was something breathtaking in the naiveté with which the prosecution denounced the infamous Nuremberg Laws of 1935, which had prohibited intermarriage and sexual intercourse between Jews and Germans.
But what Labour and Likud whispered under their breath Kahane and the thugs of Lehava openly practiced. During his four year stint in the Knesset Kahane proposed a series of laws which outlined what a Jewish theocratic state would look like: As Bradley Burston noted in Ha'aretz this included:
- Revocation of non-Jewish citizenship.
- Expulsion of non-Jews from Jerusalem and eventually Israel.
- The eventual imposition of slavery on Arabs and other non-Jews.
- Prohibition of contact between Jews and Arabs, including sexual relations.
- Segregated beaches.
- Prohibition of non-Jews living in Jewish neighborhoods.
- Forced dissolution of all intermarriages.

Not only did much of this come straight from the 1935 Nazi Nuremburg Lawbut much of it merely codified existing practice.
For example the prohibition of non-Jews living in Jewish neighbourhoods is already existing practice.  Hundreds of Jewish communities in Israel are Jewish only. That was the purpose of the 2011 Admissions Committees Law, to keep out Arabs (and also Black and Sephardi Jews). This was reinforced by the Jewish Nation State Law 2018 which advocated Jewish Settlement as a ‘national value’. The JNF has been practicing Jewish only settlement since the early 20th century but Israel’s far-Right wishes to make explicit that which was always implicit. What was previously normal but not written down in law is now becoming codified and rigid.
If the idea of Arabs as slaves seems far-fetched we should remember that the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, Ovadia Yosef ruled that non-Jews would be expelled from Israel apart from a few who will be allowed to remain in the land and fulfil roles reserved for gentiles in the service of Jews.’ That role was made clear in a sermon in 2010.  Goyim (non-Jews) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,”
What Kahane represented was the face that Zionism itself could not bear to see.  However even though Kahane died at the hands of an assassin in 1990 his ideas have lived on. The present Israeli elections are likely to see the demise of Labour Zionism.  Meretz, which as the ‘Marxist’ Zionist Mapam was the second largest party in the 1949 Knesset, may be wiped out entirely. The Israeli Labour Party which until 1977 formed every single government is presently forecast to gain less than 10 seats (down from 24 in the present Knesset).
Otzma Yehudit Marzel and Michael ben Ari
Naturally this is causing apoplexy among Zionism’s liberal supporters. Batya Ungar-SargonTheForward wrote that Netanyahu Just Invited Israel’s Equivalent Of The KKK To Join The Government. Ungar-Sargon, who has just finished targetingCongresswoman Ilhan Omar for tweeting that AIPAC is in the business of buying political support for Israel wrote that:
‘These are the David Dukes and the Richard Spencers of the Jewish State, people who believe that Jewish sovereignty depends on the oppression, ethnic cleansing and even murder of Israel’s Arab population.’

To listen to Ungar-Sargon you would imagine that ethnic cleansing, murder and oppression are novelties for the Palestinians.

American Jews, who have been shaken by the recent murder of 11 of their compatriots at Pittsburgh, are the most liberal part of America’s white population. They are especially sensitive since the Trump Administration combines white supremacy, demonisation of refugees and a not-too-hidden anti-Semitism with ardent support for Israel and Zionism. They are looking aghast as Israel moves off the political radar.

The American Jewish establishment is also shaken, not by the open association of with fascists and racists but by Netanyahu’s brazenness. For decades these leaders have turned a blind eye to all sorts of racist atrocities and provided cover for Israel’s repeated massacres. But what they cannot stand is that Israel no longer seems to care what others think of it. They know Trump will support them regardless. As Susie Gelman, a major Zionist philanthropist asksIs there any line of decency and morality that he (Netanyahu) will not cross?” complaining that “Netanyahu’s actions are feeding the estrangement of young American Jews from Israel’ which is her real concern before assuring her interlocutors that ‘I still feel committed to the Israeli people’ making a fatuous distinction ‘between the Israeli government and the people of Israel.” Perhaps it has not occurred to Ms Gelman that the reason why Netanyahu can get away with what he does is that the Israeli people support and vote for him?
As Ha'aretz notes the main concern of America’s Jewish Establishment is not the fact of Israeli racism and ethnic cleansing but that ‘Netanyahu's move will hurt Israel's image and create rift with Jewish Americans.’
It is hard to stifle a smile when the CEO of the Anti-Defamation League Jonathan Greenblatt whines that "There should be no room for racism & no accommodation for intolerance in Israel or any democracy," Where, one wonders, was Jonathan when the Chief Rabbi of Safed Shmuel Elihayu issued an edict in 2011 that Jews were forbidden to rent rooms and apartments to Arabs? When criticized Eliyahu was backed by hundreds of Israeli rabbis. To this day Eliyahu is a paid Israeli state official.
Zionism is coming full circle. The old hypocrisies have become redundant. Ideology and practice are coming into line. The logic of a Jewish state, like all ethno-nationalist states is that non-Jews do not belong. Just as Jews were not welcome in similar states in the Europe of the 1930’s.
Today there are large elements in Israel, in particular amongst the religious Zionists for whom the Palestinians represent the ancient foe of the Hebrews, the Amalekites. In Exodus 17:14, God told Moses that ‘I will utterly blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven.’ Yeah every man, woman, child and infant was to die. For those who are aware of the biblical story of Esther, Netanyahu is indeed the Jewish Haman.
Tony Greenstein  
Meir Kahane addresses a gathering at the Silver Springs Jewish Center in Maryland, October 27, 1988. (AP Photo/Doug Mills)
"Without unity the left will win." Page 4 and 5 of Israel Haiom newspaper, on Tuesday 19,019.Israel Haiom screengrab
Meir Kahane in 1984Daniel Rosenblum
See below for articles about Netanyahu’s invitation to Kahane’s students:

The Last Chance of Freedom for Mumia Abu-Jamal, the United States' Mandela – Framed for Killing a Racist Cop


Alice Walker once said of Mummia abu-Jamal that "He reminds me of Nelson Mandela.". 
Mumia Abu-Jamal was the victim of a frame-up 37 years ago on charges of killing a cop.  He is one of the last Black Panther prisoners and having caught Hepatitis C in prison, he now has cirrhosis of the liver. He was only cured of Hep C after a legal fight because the prison authorities did not want to spend the money on a cure. One assumes that given the nature of the US medical system the only cure for cirrhosis, a liver transplant, is out of the question.
Mumia’s long and determined fight against a system that for many years kept him on death row is a testament to his political will and consciousness. It is to be hoped that the decision to give him the chance of appeal won’t be appealed by the current Pennsylvanian authorities who pose as being more progressive.

Tony Greenstein 

A Court decision in Philadelphia will allow Mumia Abu-Jamal to reargue his case. Mumia has spent 37 years in prison after being falsely convicted of killing a Philadelphia police officer in 1981.

Mumia Abu-Jamal, a former Black Panther and renowned writer and activist of 64 years, who has spent 37 years behind bars for a crime he did not commit, has been allowed to reargue his case before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. A judge in Philadelphia delivered the decision on December 27 on the grounds that the Chief Justice at the time of sentencing, Ronald Castille, refused to recuse himself from the case despite his earlier role as a district attorney during Abu-Jamal’s appeal.
Activists across the world celebrated the decision by the court that could mean that freedom for the 64 year old revolutionary is within reach.
Let is not be thought that the poison of Rupert Murdoch is only confined to the Sun - here the radio equivalent Fox News demonstrates its faux outrage at the idea that an innocent person might be granted an appeal
Abu-Jamal was arrested in 1981 on charges of killing a white police officer, Daniel Faulkner. In 1982, he was convicted and sentenced to death in a trial that was filled with violations and irregularities, including witnesses changing their testimonies several times, court clerks stating that they wanted to convict him and concrete proof of evidence tampering, among others.
The sentence was condemned by activists and human rights organizations across the globe and since then, there has been a fierce campaign demanding his release. In 2011, after strong pressure and campaigns, Mumia was sentenced to life without parole and was moved off the death row.
After he was moved off death row, Mumia talked to Democracy Now in a rare live interview in 2013 about what it felt like: “Well, I could, but I’d be lying, because I call this “slow death row.” “Life” in Pennsylvania means life. Pennsylvania has one of the largest “life” populations of any State in the United States. It has the distinction of having the absolute highest number of juvenile lifers of any state in the United States—indeed, of any jurisdiction in the world. So, that should give you some sense.”
A couple years ago, activists had to fight a sustained struggle in order for Mumia to have access to proper health care when his life was at risk. After Mumia fell ill in prison, it was discovered that he was suffering from hepatitis C. The Pennsylvania prison system refused to treat Mumia or the other 7,000 prisoners suffering from hepatitis C, as the treatment cost would be around $100,000. His legal team filed a suit and won and guaranteed treatment for Mumia, a decision which not only affected him but set a precedent for other incarcerated people to have access to treatment.
Though these victories are important, the objective for activists has always been and will always be Mumia’s complete freedom, (and that of all political prisoners).
The latest verdict represents a new possibility in the struggle for Mumia’s freedom. In the appeal, Mumia’s defense team may have the opportunity to present all of the violations that have occurred throughout the legal process, information that unequivocally points to bias by the judiciary to seal his sentence. However, like all of the victories that have been achieved thus far in Mumia’s case, and in the cases of many other political prisoners, a victory in the courtroom now will only be possible if if there is accompaniment and solidarity from activists and movements across the world.
The best known of all incarcerated black radicals speaks out in a two-year email correspondence with Ed Pilkington on the ‘continuum’ of the Black Panthers to Black Lives Matter

‘Intoxicating freedom, gripping fear’: Mumia Abu-Jamal on life as a Black Panther

Mon 30 Jul 2018
Former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal. Photograph: April Saul/Philadelphia Inquirer

The letter was dated 30 August 2016. Written in black ink in spidery, meticulous handwriting, it proclaimed at the top of the page: “On a Move!”, the mantra of the Move group of black liberationists from Philadelphia who clashed violently with the city’s police force 40 years ago, sending nine of them to prison for decades.
The author was Mumia Abu-Jamal, who is the closest thing that exists today to an imprisoned Black Panther celebrity. He joined the Black Panther party in the 1960s when he was just 14, and later became a prominent advocate for the Move organization.
For the past 36 years he has been incarcerated in Pennsylvania prisons, including two decades spent on death row, having been convicted of murdering a police officer at a Philadelphia street corner in 1981. His case has reverberated around the world, inspiring admiration and opprobrium in equal measure, in what has become a global cause-celebre.
As such, he could be regarded as the figurehead of the cadre of imprisoned African-American militants who are still behind bars today. Collectively they amount to the unfinished business of the 1970s black liberation struggle, as they languish still in prison in some cases almost half a century after they went in.
By the Guardian’s count, there are 19 of them, two women included. That headcount is very slowly being diminished, as the debate around whether they have earned their freedom grows more intense with every passing year.
Last week one of Abu-Jamal’s peers, Robert Seth Hayes, was released from a New York maximum security prison on parole having served 45 years for the murder of a city transit officer.
I had sent that initial letter to Abu-Jamal to ask his views about Albert Woodfox, a former Black Panther from Louisiana who had been held in solitary confinement in a 6ft by 9ft concrete box for 43 years until his release a few months earlier.
In my opening letter to Abu-Jamal, I’d mentioned that the warden of Angola penitentiary in the 1990s, Burl Cain, had tried to justify keeping Woodfox in total isolation for four decades because of the prisoner’s commitment to “Black Pantherism”.
Abu-Jamal, 64, found that expression very diverting, judging by his response. Until Woodfox’s “illegal and unjust imprisonment,” he wrote back, “I had never heard nor read of the so-called crime of ‘Black Pantherism’! Leave it to the prisoncrats of Angola to actually coin the term!”

A supporter of inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal outside City Hall in Philadelphia, in 2006. Photograph: Jeff Fusco/Getty Images

Then Abu-Jamal did something that was to become familiar to me over the ensuing months. He took that one comment of a Louisiana prison warden and riffed off it to create an entire social theory of modern American society.
“As we see from the obscene and unprecedented mass incarceration of Black people,” he wrote, “‘Black Pantherism’ is but a synonym for Blackness itself. For in a society deeply imbued with white supremacy, Blackness is itself a crime.”
Abu-Jamal spent 20 years on death row and during that time concerns about the fairness of his death sentence drew international attention. Amnesty International took up his cause, the New York Times crowned him the “world’s best known death-row inmate” and a Paris street was named after him. Among the movie stars, writers and intellectuals who protested on his behalf were Paul Newman, Alice Walker, Salman Rushdie and Noam Chomsky.
As impressive as the high-profile support he attracted over the years was the vitriol he inspired in detractors. Philadelphia police unions worked tirelessly to keep him on death row and since he was moved to the general prison population in 2012 they have continued to work equally tirelessly to prevent him going free.
Maureen Faulkner, the widow of Daniel Faulkner, the police officer Abu-Jamal was convicted of murdering, has been equally consistent. Earlier this year she wrote a column in the Philadelphia Inquirer in which she said the real political prisoners in this story were her family. “We committed no crime, yet we received life sentences with no possibility of parole or reprieve.”
In April, when Abu-Jamal’s case came up before a Philadelphia judge in a legal dispute over the handling of his appeals, Maureen Faulkner appeared on the steps of the court and proclaimed to local TV cameras: “Mumia Abu-Jamal will not – not ever – be free, and I will make sure of that.”
My initial letter to Abu-Jamal in August 2016 developed into a correspondence that continues two years later. Over time it mushroomed into a larger project in which I reached out to several of his peers – black radicals incarcerated like him for decades – in an attempt to understand how they came to be given such lengthy sentences and how they cope with their enduring punishment today.
At a time when America is still grappling with the racial legacy of slavery and segregation, when the issue of police brutality has welled up again through Black Lives Matter, when at least one in four black males born today can expect to end up in prison, and when inequality shows no sign of abating for African Americans, there is renewed interest in the perspective of the Black Panthers. Just ask Beyoncé, who injected a Black Panther homage into the 2016 Super Bowl.
Black Pantherism’ is but a synonym for Blackness itself. For in a society deeply imbued with white supremacy, Blackness is itself a crime
And so Abu-Jamal and I began to correspond. We would contact each other through a closed email network set up by the Pennsylvania prison system.
With each email I would try and probe a little deeper, trying to get under the skin of what it was to be a black radical for whom, in some sense, time had stood still through long years of incarceration. Sometimes he would answer in short staccato emails, as though his mind were elsewhere; sometimes he would be thoughtful and expansive.
Sometimes he didn’t reply for weeks. It’s remarkable how busy a man locked up around the clock can be. “I’ve been meaning to write to you,” he said in November 2017, “but my projects (I just finished my booklet last nite) have eaten my time – oops, I’m about to get on the phone…”
In our exchanges he reflected on how he had become involved as a teenage boy in the black resistance struggle of the late 1960s, and why decades later so many black militants remain behind bars. He talked also about how his militancy as a former Panther relates to the critical movements of today, notably Black Lives Matter, which controversially he called a “continuum” of the Black Panthers.
Early on, I asked him why he thought the judicial system had borne down on him singularly harshly by giving him the death penalty. He replied in an email on 23 September 2016: “I think we posed an existential challenge to the very legitimacy of the System – and it unleashed unprecedented fury from the State. That’s why they used any means, even illegal, to extinguish what they saw as a Threat.”
He added: “The State reserves its harshest treatment for those it sees as revolutionaries.”
Construction workers at a rally in 2001 near the Criminal Justice Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, calling for Mumia Abu-Jamal’s execution. Photograph: Tom Mihalek/AFP/Getty Images

Mumia Abu-Jamal was born Wesley Cook and brought up in a low-income African American neighborhood of Philadelphia. He was given the name Mumia by a high school teacher as part of a class on African culture and he later changed his last name to Abu-Jamal (“father of Jamal”) when his son was born in 1971.
In 1968, when he was 14, a friend introduced him to a copy of the Black Panther party’s newspaper, and he was instantly transfixed. “A sister gave me a copy of The Black Panther newspaper and I was dazzled,” he wrote to me in an email. “I made up my mind to become one of them.”
Three years of head-spinning activity ensued as a Black Panther in Philadelphia. The party, though relatively small in numbers, quickly began to make an impact with its revolutionary talk, its audacious opposition to police brutality in black neighborhoods, and its social programs that quickly expanded to include food and clothing banks for low-income communities and even Black Panther elementary schools.
The city at that time, he told me, was a place of “intoxicating freedom, and gripping fear. The freedom? To be active in a part of a vast Black Freedom Movement was Living, Breathing, Being Freedom. We spoke and acted in the world in ways our parents never dreamed possible.”
The fear? “Every Panther knew, in her/his heart, that the State was willing to kill a Panther in his/her bed.”
He was alluding to the death of Black Panther leader Fred Hampton in a police raid on a Panther house in Chicago in December 1969. Hampton was shot and killed while asleep in bed. A subsequent federal investigation into the killing found that in the shoot-out the Panthers had fired one bullet, while the police fired up to 99.
“I was one of several Panthers sent to Chicago,” Abu-Jamal wrote in an email. “We entered the apartment. We saw the bullet holes which raked the walls. We saw the mattress, swollen with Fred’s blood. I was 15.”
The death of Hampton was just one of several bloody shootouts that erupted as confrontations between law enforcement and the Panthers became more frequent. Many years later it was revealed that the FBI had put several prominent members of the movement – the teenage Abu-Jamal included – under a vast web of surveillance.
The State reserves its harshest treatment for those it sees as revolutionaries
The FBI’s director J Edgar Hoover had come to see the Panthers, with their links to revolutionary parties around the world and growing popularity in black inner cities, as a major threat to national security. He instructed his agents to redirect the secret domestic surveillance operation, known as “Cointelpro”, specifically onto black radicals.
Abu-Jamal recalled the naivety that existed within the Panther party about the governmental forces targeted at them.
“We didn’t know about Cointelpro. When people raised questions, we’d laugh at them and tell them: ‘Stop being paranoid!’ The very idea the government would read your mail, or listen to your phone calls, was crazy! We never believed we were important enough.”
The FBI certainly did think them important enough. It made sure the party was thoroughly infiltrated with informers, leaders were rounded up and imprisoned, internal dissent fomented. By 1970 open warfare had started to break out between west coast and east coast factions of the party, leading to threats, expulsions and internecine violence.
An exodus of Panthers began, among them Abu-Jamal who quit the party towards the end of 1970. From then, he turned his hand to journalism, becoming a prominent reporter on Philadelphia race relations as well as a vocal supporter of Move.
It was not until 1982 that the Black Panther party formally disbanded. By then Abu-Jamal was already in captivity and facing murder charges relating to the death of Officer Faulkner.
The events of the early hours of 9 December 1981 have been the subject of reams of analysis and conjecture over the past almost four decades. Faulkner carried out a traffic stop at an intersection in Philadelphia, pulling over William Cook, Abu-Jamal’s younger brother.

Demonstrators supporting Mumia Abu-Jamal in Los Angeles, California, in 2000. Photograph: Roberto Schmidt/AFP/Getty Images

Abu-Jamal at that time was working as a taxi driver to supplement his journalism income. He happened to be driving past when he spotted the altercation between Faulkner and his brother.
A shootout occurred. Faulkner died at the scene from gunshot wounds. Abu-Jamal was shot once in the stomach. In June 1982 he was put on trial, found guilty and sentenced to death.
Since then he has consistently professed his innocence of the charges leveled against him, though he has declined to discuss what actually did happen that night. I wrote to Abu-Jamal in June asking him whether he’d talk to me about Faulkner’s death. I said: “So what did happen? What do you recollect of the incident? Who shot Officer Faulkner?”
Earlier this month he replied to me. He began the email by saying that he’d just returned from the eye doctor who in order to inspect his inner eye had dilated his pupils. “My vision is so impaired that I can’t read the newspaper so this won’t be long, I haffa be quite brief.”
He did address his case, in general terms. “The question arises, how can you getta fair result with an unjust, unfair process? Due process. A judge who wuzza life member of the FOP [Fraternal Order of Police] said at one of my hearings: ‘Justice is just an emotional feeling’.”
Abu-Jamal did not address in the email my questions about the specifics of his own case.
While doubts persist about the nature of the crime, what is not in doubt is that Abu-Jamal’s prosecution, as he remarked, was riddled with flaws. Amnesty International investigated it in 2000 and concluded that though they could not pronounce on his guilt or innocence, “numerous aspects of this case clearly failed to meet minimum international standards”.
A long struggle to fend off execution followed, sending reverberations around the globe. Twice he had a death warrant issued that would have sent him to the death chamber; twice it was averted in the courts.
Every Panther knew, in her/his heart, that the State was willing to kill a Panther in his/her bed
It took two decades of almost constant appeals to overturn his death sentence in a federal court. Since moving off death row, he has more privileges but he’s less in the limelight now, less of an international figure, as he alluded to when I asked him how much mail he receives. “I probably get 6-10 pieces a day or 30 to 50 pieces a week (which is nothing like I used to get).”
He has slowed down in recent years in other ways too. “I used to read 2-3 books a week. Now? 2 per month. It’s a different environment. I leave the cell often here: not so on death row.”
As he gets older, health becomes more of an issue. He fought a tough legal battle after the Pennsylvania department of corrections denied him treatment for Hepatitis C, winning a federal court ruling that has set a precedent that will help thousands of other prisoners across the country defeat the virus.
He complains though that the prison authorities are still denying treatment to many inmates on grounds they aren’t sick enough. “People are dying from their denials and delays. Literally. $$$ over life.”
Despite health issues, he keeps closely engaged with political currents. In March I asked him what he thought were the similarities and contrasts between the Black Panthers in the 1970s and Black Lives Matter today. I was curious to see whether he was critical of BLM in an echo of the criticism the Panthers directed in the 1970s at the civil rights movement ­– that it’s a reformist compromise rather than the black power revolution that’s needed.
He replied that in his view the Panthers and BLM are “part of a continuum. The BPP was born in an age of global revolution. Black Lives Matter came into being during an era of sociopolitical conservatism, and rightist ideological ascendance. What is possible is subject to the zeitgeist of the period.”
He went on: “I am reminded of [Frantz] Fanon’s adage: ‘Every generation must, out of relative obscurity, find its destiny, and fulfill it or betray it.’ I think both movements have done so, if only in their own ways.”
He also keenly follows his fellow imprisoned black radicals’ efforts to gain their freedom, decades after they were arrested. In one email, sent in May, he commented on the release of Herman Bell, a former Black Panther and member of its clandestine wing the Black Liberation Army, who had secured his own parole a couple of months before partly by denouncing his involvement in the struggle. There was “nothing political” in the double police killing that he was involved in, Bell told the parole board, “it was murder and horribly wrong”.
Abu-Jamal told me that in his view Bell’s release was the exception that proves the rule. “If a man is only truly parole-eligible if he renounces his political ideas, how could those who aren’t ‘eligible’ because they aren’t renunciators be seen as anything but political prisoners?”
What I always find interesting is how profoundly different the American systems of ‘justice’ are from those that exist abroad
There are many who will disagree with the argument that the 19 imprisoned Black Panthers and Move members are political prisoners. For the police unions and the families of victims, they are “cop killers”, pure and simple.
Yet no one could accuse Abu-Jamal of being a “renunciator”. Since coming off death row he has been resentenced and put onto life without parole. That means that he has no chance of ever persuading a parole board to release him, which in turn, paradoxically, has given him his own kind of freedom – to speak his mind.
“Parole is a political tool,” he wrote. “It’s especially used against radicals to punish them for their political beliefs. I think it should be abolished. Period.”
One of the most evocative emails he sent me was composed on New Year’s Eve last year. Maybe the end of the year had put him in a reflective mood, or maybe the calendar means nothing to a man who has lived for 37 years in a cell.
In any case, he started riffing again, this time about the US justice system. He talked about how parole appeared to be a pipe-dream for black radicals in particular.
He referenced the Move 9 again, the group from his home town of Philadelphia, six of whom will next week mark the 40th anniversary of their incarceration. He spoke too of other former Black Panthers who had in recent years been granted release orders only to have them overturned by the higher courts.
Then he switched, in his own rather professorial way, to a more personal point. “What I always find interesting is how profoundly different the American systems of ‘justice’ are from those that exist abroad,” he wrote. “Under Pennsylvania law, life means life, with no parole eligibility for anybody.”
For “anybody”, read Mumia Abu-Jamal. He went on to spell out for my benefit his probable fate.
Legal scholars and activists in Pennsylvania have a name for it, he said: “Death by incarceration”.


February 19, 2019
The event at Yale organizing the REBLAW conference, happened on Friday and Saturday February 15th and 16th and was a great success.  Mumia called in on Friday night.  Confrontations of Krasner wherever he speaks are continuing and educating many audiences. 
 On December 27, Judge Leon Tucker, surprised and pleased Mumia supporters by ruling that Mumia was entitled to a new appeal of his case.  His position was very clear:  Ronald Castille, who ultimately became Chief of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, after having worked in the District Attorney’s Office prior to becoming a Pennsylvania Supreme Court Judge, should have recused himself from the case when it came before him at the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.  Though Tucker did not conclude direct involvement of Castille in Mumia’s case, he ruled that Castille’s well known and well publicized support for the death penalty, close relationship  with the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), and the high profile of Mumia’s case all led to the appearance of bias on the part of Castille, and that that appearance of bias was not acceptable.   
Mumia was thus granted an opportunity for a review of his post-conviction review before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, that is, the opportunity to present all the material previously rejected on the Castille court, all over again.  This was a major breakthrough in opening up the possibility of Mumia’s release.  Regardless of this very significant and unusual ruling, Mumia should have of course been released long ago, in fact, should never even have been arrested since he was and is an innocent political prisoner.  He was clearly framed by the police (the Fraternal Order of Police playing a major role), the prosecutors, and the judiciary, with the cooperation of other significant players in the Government and even additional sectors because of his effectiveness as a political activist and well-known writer and journalist. 
To the disappointment of some, who had expected “progressive District Attorney” Krasner to play a positive role in this case, as he had promised during his campaign to address all cases of prevous miscarriage of “justice”, Krasner appealed the very positive judge’s ruling, thus closing off the possibility of a quick process potentially leading to Mumia’s release.
As word, and organizing to pressure Krasner to change his position, spread, a group of students at Yale Law School took a dramatic position in “disinviting” Krasner as a keynote speaker at a conference at Yale on “rebellious lawyers”.  See letter below where the students ask Krasner to withdraw his appeal of Judge Tucker’s ruling if he wishes to speak at the conference.  Mumia Abu-Jamal was immediately scheduled to replace Krasner as a key speaker at the conference.
Additionally, on December 28, Krasner announced that he found six boxes of Mumia materials marked with Mumia’s name, that had not been discovered before and were therefore not reviewed in the court proceedings of the past two years!  He passed that information on to Judge Tucker on January 3, 2019 and released it to the public on January 9th, 2019.  On January 25, 2019 District Attorney Krasner gave notice of his appeal of Judge Tucker’s ruling! 

Israel’s Racist Election - The main debate is ‘Who Has Killed the Most Palestinians?’


As the Zionist ‘Left’ Disappear will the Generals’ Blue & White Party Replace Netanyahu?

In most Western countries, parties compete over issues such as taxation, nationalisation/privatisation, poverty, Brexit, refugees, global warming in general elections. Political parties in most European countries, with the exception of avowedly racist parties of the far-Right, are inclusive of ethnic minorities and supporters of different religions and faiths. It is unknown in Europe, with the exception of fascist parties, for parties to frame their arguments in terms of maintaining a demographic majority of a certain section of the population.
In Israel, the self-styled ‘only democracy in the Middle East’, politics are entirely different. You have Jewish parties and Arab parties. Only the Communist Party, Hadash, and to a less extent the left-Zionist party Meretz, has a mixed membership.
Leaders of the Blue & White 'General's Party (l to r)
Moshe Yalon, Benny Gantz, Yair Lapid, Gabi Ashmenazi
The other feature of Israeli politics is its political instability.  Parties come and go virtually every election. So Tzipi Livni’s Hatnuah, which was the offshoot of Kadimah and in 2009 the largest party in the Knesset, latterly in alliance with the Israeli Labour Party, will disappear.
There have been a plethora of 'centrist' parties in Israel, from the old General Zionists, to Shinui to Yesh Atid, each more right-wing than its predecessor.

Springing up out of nowhere is the Blue and White Party an alliance of the right-centrist (though in the Israeli context labels like left, right and centre are largely meaningless) Yesh Atid and Resilience, a new party formed by former Chief of Staff Benny Gantz together with two other former Chiefs of Staff Moshe Yalon and Gabi Ashkenzi. Not for nothing is it known as the General’s Party.
As Elizabeth Tsurkov of the liberal Zionist ForwardobservedCampaign ads seem to be competing over which candidate has killed the most Palestinians.’ This is what British politicians such as Emily Thornberry and Barry Gardiner call a ‘beacon of democracy’. Presumably Jews getting to have a vote on which party can kill most Arabs is an example of democracy at its best!
Likud’s Avi Dichter, a former Director of Shin Bet, Israel’s equivalent of MI5, put out a video which ends with A thousand mothers of terrorists will cry and my mother won’t.” In the minds of most Israelis every Palestinian is a terrorist. Gantz put out an ad boasting of how many Palestinian militants had been killed in Gaza in 2014. Tsurkov wrote that these campaign ads ‘demonize, ridicule and belittle Palestinians, who are presented as a people without history, pathological liars and terrorists.’ This is Israel today.
A primaries campaign video put out by Likud’s Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotoveli shows her speaking in the Knesset where she presented a book filled with empty pages. According to Hotovely, that book represents the history of the Palestinian people. She proclaimed that: “You have no Kings, no heritage sites” in Israel. An adproduced by Culture Minister Miri Regev, a self-proclaimed fascist, refers to Palestinian citizens of Israel as a “trojan horse,” and the Joint List uniting several Arab parties as a “fifth column.” Those with a sense of history will remember that accusations of being a fifth column were a favouritein the days of McCarthyism. It is a rerun of the Nazi theme of the 'stab in the back'.
Gantz boasted of sending Gaza back into ‘the stone age’ during Operation Protective Edge in 2014.  A boast not without foundation.  Netanyahu who is playing the Arab card for all its worth accused Gantz and his party of being ‘leftists’ which in Israel today is an insult.
Yair Lapid has led Yesh Atid since 2012.  In 2013 it obtained the second largest number of seats, 19, and entered into coalition with Netanyahu. In the 2015 election it fell back to 11 seats. It had been engaged in protracted negotiations with Benny Gantz regarding an electoral coalition until Netanyahu made what could be a fatal mistake in pressurisingthe far-Right Jewish Home party into allying with the neo-Nazi Otzma Yehudit. This resulted in the formation of the Blue and White Party. See Ultra-nationalists join forces ahead of Israeli elections as liberal and Palestinian blocs splinter
Last week Jewish Home’s Central Committee agreed to an electoral pact with Otzma Yehudit which will receive the 5th and 8th seats on the list making it all but certain that one of their members will be elected.
Even the worm, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, turns
Otzma Yehuditis led by an open supporter of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, former MK Michael ben Ari. The actions of Netanyahu in seeking to unify the ultra-Right with Otzma Yehudit has led to an unprecedented backlash amongst diaspora Zionist organisations.  Even the American Israel Public Affairs Committee has condemnedthis alliance as hasthe American Jewish Committee though this hasn't stopped AIPAC from inviting Netanyahu to its conference in March. Netanyahu’s opportunism however may backfire on him judging by the reaction amongst even loyal Zionists abroad. As Phillip Weiss and Yossi Gurvitz note
The outrage at Netanyahu over the move has been unprecedented, for rehabilitating the “David Dukes” of the Israeli political scene, heirs to Meir Kahane who advocate for transfer of Palestinians to other countries.’
Israel Hayom, an Israeli free-sheet which is owned by Sheldon Adelson, one of the largest donors to Trump’s election campaign, had a screaming headline calling AIPAC ‘irresponsible’ for getting involved in domestic politics.
Netanyahu’s rationale was that Otzma Yehudit might, as in the 2013 and 2015 elections ‘waste’ votes by standing and thus imperil the election of a Likud government. His solution was for Jewish Home to form an electoral pact with Otzma Yehudit because a party now needs 3.25% to enter the Knesset.
The Jewish Home Party is already in an electoral alliance with Bezalel Smotrich MK’s Tkumaparty. Smotrich describes himself as a ‘proud homophobe’ and openly supports the segregation of Israel’s Arab citizens. He has defended the practice of Israeli hospitals which separate Jewish and Arab women in maternity wards.
Israel’s General Election is impossible to call at the moment because there are a number of variables, not least the impact if Netanyahu is indicted for corruption. In most countries this would be a death sentence for a candidate but Israel is not most countries.
According to polling from Israel’s Channel 12 in Israel (tweeted by Lahav Harkov) the following is how the parties fare:
Blue and White 36
Likud 30
Labor 8
UTJ (religious party) 7
New Right 6 (Shaked/Bennett)
Ta’al Hadash (Tibi/Odeh) 6
Joint List 6
Shas (religious Mizrahi party) 5
Yisrael Beytenu 4
Bayit Yehudi (including Jewish Power) 4
Meretz 4
Kulanu 4

It is clear that the Israeli Labour Party is heading for disaster.  The ILP formed every single government from 1948 to 1977 as well as the 1992 and 1999 governments. It was last in a coalition government in 2011. Since then Netanyahu has formed every government. In 2015 under Isaac Herzog the ILP ran on a joint electoral list with Tzipi Livni’s Hatnuah and gained 24 seats. 
In 2017 the ILP elected a new leader, Avi Gabbay, a former Minister in Netanyahu’s government, who immediately decided to move the ILP several degrees further to the Right.  Among his policy innovations were to supportNetanyahu’s attempt to deport Israel’s 40,000 Black African refugees on the grounds that they were neither White nor Jewish. He also supportedthe retention of the settlements. Gabbay, who was Chief Executive of Israel’s largest company, Bezeq International, a telecommunications giant, from 2007-2014 echoed Netanyahu when he declaredthat:
"In 1997, Bibi [Benjamin Netanyahu] said that 'the left has forgotten what it means to be Jewish.' Do you know what the left did in response? Forgot [how] to be Jews,"
This is the pathetic level of the ideology of the Israeli Labour Party. It is a sign of desperation of a party which has no purpose and it would seem no social base in Israel.

Gabbay at the beginning of the election campaign, in front of the TV cameras, publicly humiliated Tzipi Livni by announcing that their electoral pact was over. Livni, although a horrendous racist and a war criminal in her own right, is nonetheless seen as on the left in Israel, which is an indication of just how far right-wing Israeli politics are today. But if Gabbay thought that he would receive an electoral boost from this he was soon to be disappointed. The ILP ‘strategy’ of moving further and further to the Right simply alienates those Israelis still on the Left without appeasing those on the Right. Gabbay is yet to learn that however fast and far he moves to the Right Netanyahu can move even faster, even to the extent of taking genuine neo-Nazis on board.
At the moment although Blue and White is estimated to gain 36 seats to the Likud’s 30, Netanyahu still has the greatest chance of forming a government coalition. Gantz’s B&W, even if it receives the support of Meretz, the ILP and Kulanu will still only have 52 seats. Given their refusal to contemplate a coalition with Arabs, Netanyahu is likely to be able to form a coalition with the religious parties (12) and the far-Right parties (15) making a total of 57.

If current projections are correct then the Jewish Orthodox parties will go down from 13 to 12 seats, Kulanu - a Likud offshoot - will decline from 10 to four - and the far-Right will increase from 11 to 14.
Netanyahu and Mendelbit in happier times
However this is to miss out one factor. The Police long ago recommended that Netanyahu should be indicted for corruption and it is likelythat before the election campaign finishes Attorney General Avichai Mendelbit will charge Netanyahu.  In most states purporting to be democratic and a few which are not, that would spell the death knell of a candidate.  However in Israel nothing is guaranteed.  There has been a systematic campaign of intimidation against Mendelbit including the desecration of his father’s grave.  Such is the nature of Israeli politics.
Meretz, which originates in Ratz, the Civil Rights Party and Mapam, the United Workers Party, had 12 seats in 1992.  Today they have five seats and are hovering on the brink of extinction with a predicted 4 seats. If Meretz do fail to get candidates elected to the Knesset it will be the end of a long tradition of left-Zionism, the most hypocritical face of Zionism. They talked socialism but practised segregation. Mapam talked about co-existence but their Kibbutzim were not only Jewish only but were established on the ruins of destroyed Arab villages.
In March 2018 Tamar Zandberg replaced Zehava Gal On as leader of Meretz. Tamar Zandberg was elected after having hireda right-wing election fixer Moshe Klughaft as an adviser to her campaign. Klughaft was previously a strategist for Jewish Home and had targeted left-wing activists and NGO’s.  

Under Zandberg Meretz has focussed mainly on peripheral topics such as the environment, cannabis legalisation, civil and gay marriage to the exclusion of the major issue in Israel which is the Occupation of the Territories and the racism and discrimination against Israel’s Palestinian citizens.

Avi  Gabbay (Israeli Labor Party) and Tamar Zandberg (Meretz)

Zandberg is on record as stating that she would join a government coalition with Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beteinu. Lieberman is an open advocate of the transfer of Israel’s Arab population out of Israel and the imposition of a loyalty oath on Israel’s non-Jewish population. Galon called this ‘flushing ideology down the toilet” though to be fair Meretz has long ago dispensed with anything in the way of ideology.

Zandberg also called on the Israeli Labour Party to form a joint party or electoral pact, which would save Meretz from extinction but Gabbay rejectedthis out of hand.

The other major development is the splitting of the Joint Arab-Jewish List into two. Previously the Arab parties have run separately but in 2014, on the proposal of Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s fascist Defence Minister, the threshold for election to the Knesset was raised from 2% to 3.25%. The purpose was to eliminate the Arab parties from the Knesset but what happened was that they unified in one Joint List.  Ironically Lieberman’s Yisrael Beteinu nearly didn’t qualify!

Ahmad Tibi (Ta'al) and Aymen Odeh (Haddash)

However this time around the Joint list has split into two separate electoral alliances. Ahmad Tibi’s Ta'al has combined with Haddash (Communist) and Balad (National Democratic Union) has united with the United Arab List (Ra’am). Tibi, a veteran member of the Knesset, believedthat his group, was underrepresented in the Knesset.

According to the Channel 12 poll above both alliances are scheduled to get 6 seats each though according to Channel 13’s poll, as reported in The Times of Israel, the Hadash-Ta'al group will get 10 seats and Balad and Ra’am will get 4 seats, which if true would be an improvement of one over the present situation.

I hesitate from this distance to make any predictions about Israel’s General Election.  My hunch is that Likud will be rocked by Netanyahu’s indictment and that this may propel the General’s party into power. What isn’t in much doubt is that the Zionist ‘left’, if it can be called that, is going to be heavily defeated. It is quite possible that Meretz, whose raison d’être has long since vanished will disappear and the Israeli Labour Party will pay a heavy price for trying to imitated Likud.

On the Israeli Palestinian front it is regrettable that the Joint Arab List split. It is entirely possible that Balad and Ra’am will also fail to make the minimum of 4 seats and thus be eliminated from the Knesset. It is a great pity that firstly Ahmad Tibi put the interests of his own party above Arab unity and secondly that Hadash and the more nationalist parties were unable to unite.

Hadash has always had a Jewish member of the Knesset even though it receives very few Jewish votes. The days have long since gone when Israel’s Jewish voters would elect communists to the Knesset.  However the replacement for Dov Kheinin, Dr Ofer Cassif, a lecturer at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University is a far more dynamic character. He has had no hesitation in describing Israel today as politically similar to Nazi Germany in the 1930’s.

In a lecture to his students, which was secretly recorded he statedthat

‘"those who refuse to see the similarities between what is happening in Israel, specifically in the past two years, and Germany in the 1930s, has a problem and will be responsible for the potential situation of the state."

Dr Ofer Casif, Hadash's Jewish candidate and lecturer at Hebrew University

Cassif also calledAyelet Shaked, Israel’s ‘Justice Minister’ and a member of Jewish Home (now the United Right) Party a ‘filthy neo-Nazi’Which is about right. Shaked has previously declared that Israel should abandon universal values of human rights in favour of ‘Jewish values’ and that the Torah and halachah should form part of the jurisprudence of the Israeli legal system. Shaked also calledfor the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza in a (now deleted) Facebook post where she wrote, quoting Uri Elitzur, a settler leader, speechwriterand close advisor to Netanyahu, who had died a few months previously that:

‘What’s so horrifying about understanding that the entire Palestinian people is the enemy? Every war is between two peoples, and in every war the people who started the war, that whole people, is the enemy....

They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there....

There is nothing more just, and probably nothing more efficient. Every suicide attacker should know that he takes with him also his parents and his house and some of the neighbors. Every brave Um-Jihad who sends her son to hell should know she’s going with him, along with the house and everything inside it.”

No doubt if Dr Casif was a member of the Labour Party he would have been suspended for ‘anti-Semitism’ for having dared to compare Israel to Nazi Germany!

Tony Greenstein

The Suspension of Chris Williamson MP is Shameful – This May Be the End of the Corbyn Project


It is Tom Watson Who Should Have Been Suspended for Racism and Disloyalty  

 The suspension of Chris Williamson is shameful. If there has been one MP who has steadfastly opposed the false anti-Semitism campaign that has been waged for the past 3½ years it is Chris Williamson.
Shamefully Betrayed by Corbyn's Cowardice
Nothing that Chris Williamson has said is anti-Semitic. Chris Williamson is first and foremost an anti-racist MP who has defended Marc Wadsworth and Jackie Walker throughout the racist attacks by the Zionists on them. It is Chris’s accusers who have fed the anti-Semitic trolls by deliberately associating Israel’s war crimes with Jewish people.  That was the meaning of the adoption of the IHRA definition of ‘anti-Semitism’.
Does Corbyn really think that the Zionists are going to let up on him if he throws his friends to the wolves?
It is obvious that having achieved the expulsion of Marc Wadsworth and Tony Greenstein and the removal of Ken Livingstone and Jackie Walker’s suspension that the racists and Zionists who support the world’s only apartheid state, Israel, would turn on the only principled MP in the Parliamentary Labour Party.
The Guardian and its Zionist leader writer Jonathan Freedland have waged an incessant war against Corbyn and those who support him
What has happened today will not appease the Israel Lobby.  On the contrary they will renew their efforts to obtain the head of Corbyn.  The Zionist lobby has repeatedly called Corbyn an anti-Semite.  They will not give up now but will  renew their efforts until Corbyn is deposed. 
Corbyn is a fool for having succumbed to the demands for Chris Williamson’s head.  Jennie Formby may have formally suspended him but it was Corbyn who who gave his assent.
Tom Watson is reliant on large and regular donations from the supporters of Labour Friends of Israel
It is ironic that the Jewish Labour Movement, which boasts that it is the ‘sister party’ of the Israeli Labour Party, has said absolutely nothing about the ILP’s support for the attempt of Netanyahu to deport 40,000 Black African refugees.  The ILP is a party that openly advocates segregationof Jews and Palestinians.   It is a thoroughly racist party, which organised the original ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.  These racist scumbags are still affiliated to the Labour Party whilst good socialists like Chris Williamson are subject to a racist witch-hunt.
This is the kind of vitriol and bile that the Zionists have thrown around and Corbyn has, once again, demonstrated he has no backbone
Only last July the Jewish Chronicle and two other Zionist papers printed a joint editorial United We Stand which  spoke of ‘the existential threat to Jewish life in this country that would be posed by a Jeremy Corbyn-led government.’ Corbyn was deemed a threat to the very existence of the Jewish community in Britain.  In other words he was anti-Semitic. Accusations that Chris Williamson was a Jew Baiter’have been the staple of Zionist propaganda.  Once again Corbyn has demonstrated that he lacks a backbone.
Corbyn has once again bowed to this disloyal and treacherous rat
Corbyn’s lack of loyalty to his friend and comrade are shameful.  He must know that in throwing Williamson overboard he has dramatically increased his own chances of being deposed.
Where are all those ‘left’ Labour MPs who apparently support the Corbyn Project?  Laura Pidcott, Cat Smith, Dan Carden, Dennis Skinner, Lloyd Rusell-Moyle? Their silence has been deafening.
It is no surprise that Owen Jones has, once again, scabbed on socialists and sided with racists
It was to be expected that fair-weather turncoat and former socialist, Owen Jones, would support the suspension of Chris Williamson.  Jones has become the left face of the witchhunt. He is a racist who has long made his peace with the Jewish Labour Movement and the Zionist movement.
It will be interesting to see what position Jon Lansman adopts given that the vast majority of Momentum members support Chris Williamson.  Still as unelected Chair he will not be in fear of being deselected.  I have organised a petition.  Please support it.
Support my PetitionCalling for Chris Williamson to be Reinstated and Tom Watson to be Suspended

Murder in Gaza – UN film of Israeli War Crimes that were applauded by Labour Friends of Israel and Luke Akehurst


Why has Chris Williamson been suspended whilst Luke Akehurst is a full member? Is support 4 war crimes not a disciplinary offence?

This is a film which was shown at the UN Human Rights Council, a body which Israel, not surprisingly boycotts (there are some boycotts that Israel does support). We can clearly see that young people who pose no conceivable threat to Israel’s racist fear of Arabs crossing the fence (there is no border between Israel and Gaza), who were participating in a lively but peaceful demonstration, who were orchestrated and controlled by no one, were shot down as they protested against the intolerable and inhuman conditions in Gaza where 95% of the water is unfit to drink, where unemployment is 60% and which has been subject to an 11 year long blockade by Israel for the ‘crime’ of voting for the wrong party, Hamas instead of Fatah. 
The Board of Deputies of British Jews, a wholly Zionist organisation, which has been in the forefront of the fake 'anti-Semitism' campaign here defending Israeli war crimes 
Most British Jews opposed Israeli war crimes in Gaza but not the Israeli Embassy's front group, Labour Friends of Israel
What is intolerable is that whilst Chris Williamson MP has been suspended because of the blackmail threats issued by Tom Watson MP, namely that more right-wing Labour MPs will resign (to which most of us would respond, bring it on) Luke Akehurst and members of Labour Friends of Israel, including Ruth Smeeth and Louise Ellman, SUPPORTEDIsrael’s murder of innocent civilians.  As did the Board of Deputies of British Jews, which has been prominent in the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ attacks on Corbyn.
Labour Friends of Israel support mass murder in Gaza
Why is it that support for war crimes is not an offence under Labour’s disciplinary code but opposition to the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign of people like John Mann and Wes Streeting is an offence?
The same tabloid press that is so concerned about Labour's 'anti-Semitism' employs Katie Hopkins, a vile racist
Instead of John McDonnell, the rapidly moving rightwards Shadow Chancellor expressing his ‘despair’at ‘anti-Semitism’ and acceptingthat these allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ are genuine, he might take time out to question the bona fides of the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign. He might ask himself why is it that the press isn’t interested in the Tories alliance with anti-Semites in the European Parliament but is interested in demonising Chris Williamson?  Or why the racist tabloid press that employed Katie Hopkins, who described migrants as cockroaches’is so concerned about ‘anti-Semitism’? Or why it is that the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign only startedwhen Jeremy Corbyn was seen as likely to win the Labour leadership?  The answers are not hard to find but McDonnell, Lansman and the other turncoats don’t seem to have figured it out.
There is no greater admirer of Israel than Katie Hopkins (& Tommy Robinson)
Being a Zionist and a Racist go hand in hand
And why has Corbyn and McDonnell, to say nothing of Momentum nationally, not called for the expulsion of the execrable Luke Akehurst and those associated with Labour Friends of Israel?  Cowardice? Or just plain stupidity? Corbyn and McDonnell should learn some lessons from the 1930’s.  When you appease your political enemies, because that is what the Labour Right is, they only increase their demands. Paying danegeld to the Dane is never a good idea!
Tony Greenstein

Israel’s Army, ‘the Most Moral Army in the World’ Beats Up and Hospitalises a Blind Palestinian


This is what Tom Watson, Owen Jones, Lansman, Luciana Berger & the JLM Defend When They Cry ‘Anti-Semitism’

Can you think of anything more despicable or disgusting than deliberately beating up someone who is blind, suffers from diabetes and undergoes kidney dialysis?  Yet this is what Israeli troops did to Munzer Mizhar.  All with utter impunity. Israeli troops are a law unto themselves. The chances that they will serve time or the family will be given compensation is zero.  Palestinians in the West Bank live under a military dictatorship and in an apartheid society.
Jeremy Corbyn has always supported Palestinian human rights even if he was fuzzy about Zionism, the movement for Jewish supremacy in Palestine which caused those human rights to be abused.  That is the sole reason why he has been attacked as ‘anti-Semitic’. Nothing he has ever said is remotely anti-Semitic.
All those – from Tom Watson, Jon Lansman, Owen Jones, Louise Ellman, Luciana Berger and Adam Langleben and of course Labour Friends of Israel and Jewish Labour Movement who cry ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party are equally as guilty as the soldiers who used brass knuckle dusters to hurt and injure a totally defenceless man.
It is because Israel’s supporters cannot defend its actions that they cry ‘anti-Semitism’. Most people understand this very well. The ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign is a ruling class campaign.  Most ordinary people are left completely unmoved by it.
Tom Watson, who has sungthe settlers’ song Am Yisrael Chai (the people of Israel live which means the Palestinians die) has run with ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations.  To him they are a means of attacking the Left.
Unfortunately much of the Left has been too cowardly to call this out for what it is.  Whether it is Jon Lansman, for whom a harmless nutcase like David Icke and his lizards are more important than the Tommy Robinson or the so-called Alliance for Workers Liberty whose open letter to Jeremy Corbyn is nothing less than a signal that the AWL is in bed with the Labour Right.
But not only Lansman.  Owen Jones is equally guilty.  Jones has consorted with and spoken on the platforms of the Jewish Labour Movement, the British wing of the Israeli Labor Party. The ILP has supported every single Israeli war and even supportedthe deportation of Israel’s 40,000 African refugees because they are Black and not Jewish.
We know what Tom Watson and Diva Luciana Berger are about.  Anti-Semitism to them is merely a weapon to attack supporters of the Palestinians with but how to explain people like John McDonnell who should know better?
The beating up of a blind man by Israeli troops is not an aberration.  It is the product of a process of dehumanisation but this is the Israel of the JLM and LFI, Tom Watson, Owen Jones and Jon Lansman.
The purported concern of Watson and the Labour Right about racism is one long lie. Not once has Tom Watson, Berger or Ellman explained their support in 2014 for an Immigration Act which led to the deportation of hundreds of Black British people, the Windrush generation, back to the West Indies.
John Mann, describes Gypsies as a 'social problem' in his helpful booklet
Genuine racism is something that the Labour Right, obsessed with fake ‘anti-Semitism’ doesn’t even mention because they are up to their necks in it. In 2011 Labour MP Phil Woolas, a former Labour Immigration Minister, defended to the hilt by John Mann, was convicted of electoral fraud because he had lied about his Liberal Democrat opponent supporting Muslim immigrants.  His campaign was found to have deliberately tried to stir up ‘white anger’. When it comes to real genuine racism the Labour Right are past masters at inciting racial hatred.
Phil Woolas's racist leaflet
Even by the standards of Israel’s military this attack on a blind man is disgusting.  But when you think of cancer patients being turned back at the Gaza fence, Israel’s bombing of water purification plants, the invasion of hospitals, the bombing of UN schools with white phosphorous and of course the attaching of electrodes to the genitals of young children then there is quite a menu to choose from. All of it invisible to Tom Watson and his friends.
Racist Phil Woolas received support from John Mann and other fighters against 'antisemitism'
Yet this is what Lansman, Owen Jones, Watson and Berger are all signed up to.  Because according to the above named if you criticise Zionism, the ideology that created the Israeli state as an ethno-nationalist Jewish state then you are ‘anti-Semitic’.
Tony Greenstein
Gideon Levy
Israeli soldiers invaded the home of a Palestinian family at night, and battered a man in the face in front of his wife and children. He’s 47, blind and on dialysis, and his toes have been amputated because of diabetes

Feb 28, 2019 10:51 PM

He’s lying on the living room sofa, next to the gas stove, trying to warm his broken body. When we visited him this week, he had just returned from the hospital and was worn out from the dialysis treatment he has been undergoing three times a week for the 11 years since his kidneys stopped functioning, as a consequence of severe diabetes.
Before that, 15 years ago, he started to lose his sight, and for the past few years he has been completely blind. Also, over the course of the last six years, he has gradually had to have toes amputated, operation after operation. His face is sallow from the dialysis.
Theresa May - the author of the hostile environment policy which led to the deportation of Black Britons
Physically shattered, he lies there, barely able to move. He needs help getting up; he’s incapable of doing anything on his own. Every few months, he travels to Jordan for the catheterization of the blood vessels in his legs, which are becoming blocked.
So yes, Munzer Mizhar, 47, is a very sick man. Still, last week, that didn’t stop Israeli soldiers from pummeling him mercilessly, even after the neighbors had warned them that he was sick. Nor was his wife, an eyewitness to the attack, able to prevent the abuse of her husband despite her shouts that he was blind, too.
Momentum's racist dictator Jon Lansman has fought the trivial trope about the Rothschilds whilst ignoring state racism that New Labour sponsored
Nothing helped. The fists landed on his face – the blue marks are still visible, particularly below his dead eyes, now blood-red. He also has wounds on his shoulders and both hands – from his attempts to ward off the brutal assault.
It all happened while he was in his bed after 4 A.M. on February 20.
A medical technician, Mizhar was employed in a laboratory belonging to the Palestinian Authority but had to take early retirement because of his deteriorating health. He speaks good English. He and his wife Iman have four sons, the oldest 18 and triplets of 16. Iman, who is 45, has cancer, for which she’s treated at Augusta Victoria Hospital in East Jerusalem, and in Jordan.
Her condition is good. She joined the conversation in their house this week but grew pale as it proceeded and had to lie down several times, eyes closed, tears welling up. The trauma of her husband’s beating is still vivid, painful and hard for her to bear, perhaps even more than for him. Family members say she cowers in fright whenever the horrors of that night are recalled. They live in a well-kept home in the town of Dawha near Bethlehem.
That Wednesday, Munzer was awakened at about 4:45 A.M. by the sound of footsteps in the house. He woke his wife. He thought that maybe his sons were wandering about in the dark.
His wife opened her eyes and screamed. He didn’t understand what was going on. At first they thought burglars had broken in. But Iman saw shadowy figures who had entered their room, while red laser beams sliced through the darkness toward their bed.
The specters moved without sound. Later it would emerge that the troops had silently broken down the door. After an instant, Iman realized that the intruders were soldiers. They were masked, five or six of them in the bedroom, aiming their rifles at the couple. More troops waited outside.
Iman got out of the bed, her hair exposed to the eyes of the men who had invaded her room – a very sensitive matter for them, which Munzer refers to with pain. One soldier approached the bed and without a word punched Munzer in the face. Munzer is convinced that the assailant wore brass knuckles. His face began to bleed, with a lot of blood streaming from his nose, as well as from the wounds on his hands, which ultimately failed to protect his face. He saw nothing, of course.
The West Bank town of Dawha, near Bethlehem. Alex Levac

Iman, standing next to the bed, went on shouting, but the soldiers blocked her from defending her husband. She tried to explain that he was blind and sick, but it was useless. Probably none of the soldiers understood Arabic. The soldier held Munzer’s head with one hand and hit him relentlessly with the other, she says. The others just stood there. The beating went on for at least five minutes.
A light in the bathroom scattered a little light into the room. Outside it was still dark, and the soldiers didn’t turn on the lights inside. Maybe that’s why they didn’t notice that the person being abused was helpless, blind and sick. Munzer asked the soldiers who they were. He got no reply. Iman told them she wanted to talk with the officer in charge. No one responded. Finally the blows ceased.
Iman sat Munzer up in the bed. He asked her where the children were. Then she helped him get up and led him toward a chair in the room. At first the soldiers wouldn’t allow Munzer, his face streaked with blood, to sit down. They didn’t ask him to identify himself and didn’t say who they were looking for.
Before this his eldest son, Talal, had awoken and heard his parents shouting that there were burglars in the house. Then, from the doorway, he saw his father bleeding. His brothers also woke up. The soldiers refused to let them enter their parents’ room and ordered them to raise their hands. One of the sons was overcome with dizziness and fell to the floor.
The soldiers were in the house for about 20 minutes. They didn’t search for anything. None of them thought to offer the wounded Munzer medical attention. Munzer says the worst thing is that a blind person doesn’t know when the next blow is coming.
Why did they hit him?
“You don’t know why?” his sister Maysoun, a bitter smile on her lips, asks us. “I’m afraid to talk because you’re Jews. They beat us all. The occupation beats us all. We are under occupation. This isn’t the first time they beat someone for no reason, and it’s not the last. What’s new about it is that this time they beat a blind person.”
One of the boys suggests a different explanation: Maybe they struck his father because he has a beard? True, not a full beard, but still a small beard that raises suspicion.
Munzer Mizhar with his wife, Iman, and his sister, at home in the West Bank town of Dawha. Alex Levac

Maysoun is concerned that now her brother won’t be allowed to travel to Jordan in June for his regular medical treatments. We tried to reassure her – after all, he didn’t do anything.
In any case, back on that Wednesday morning, the soldiers ordered the four boys to get on their knees, faces pressed to the floor, and not to move. Then they left the house.
Munzer was taken to Hussein Hospital in Beit Jala. Since the event, he has suffered from pains in his jaw and has difficulty eating solid food. To see him lying on the sofa totally helpless, trying to find a comfortable position, the remnants of his feet bandaged, occasionally closing his eyes, is to understand what the soldiers wrought.
The next day the family learned that the soldiers had been looking for Fadi Hilweh, 20, who’s wanted by the army and the Shin Bet security service, though it’s not clear why. He lives on the floor above. The soldiers went there first, and when they didn’t find him, a Shin Bet agent known as “Capt. Nidal” ordered Hilweh’s mother to contact him and have him come home.
In the meantime, the soldiers went downstairs to the Mizhars. The neighbors say that they too warned the soldiers that Munzer was blind and sick, but no one was interested. Munzer wants to know why they didn’t knock on the door instead of invading the house. He would have opened the door and they could have seen for themselves that Hilweh wasn’t there.
Hilweh eventually came home and was arrested. Did the soldiers think that Munzer was the wanted person, so they beat him? Even in the dark, no one could mistake a sick, blind man of 47 for a 20-year-old. “Maybe they thought [the wanted man] was Munzer, and maybe they’re just violent criminals,” Maysoun says. Musa Abu Hashhash, a field researcher for the B’Tselem human rights group, says quietly, “This is the most shocking case I’ve ever documented.”
The IDF Spokesman’s Office made the following statement to Haaretz: “During an operation to apprehend a wanted individual in Bethlehem, information was received that the wanted person was inside a particular building, and a search was undertaken there. During the search, a Palestinian woman tried to prevent one of the fighters from reaching a Palestinian man in the room that the fighter wanted to inspect. The fighter tried to check the Palestinian man, who reacted by grabbing at his body and his weapon, and shouted and acted disruptively. The fighter pushed the Palestinian aggressively, trying to get him under control, and as a result the man was injured. At this stage the fighter realized that the man was blind, and was not the wanted person, and tried to calm him down while allowing the man’s wife to attend to him immediately. The incident was investigated and appropriate conclusions were drawn.”
Iman has been in a state of depression and constant fear since that night. The boys ask whether the soldiers will come back. The family has added an extra lock to the front door. Munzer can only focus on his illness and his pain. He wakes up each every night imagining that he hears footsteps in the dark. He’s certain that the soldiers are returning to give him another thrashing.

John McDonnell Has Become Tom Watson’s Useful Idiot as Watson Openly Defies Corbyn and Prepares a Coup


McDonnell’s Pathetic Acceptance of the Right's Fake ‘Anti-Semitism’ Campaign is akin to flying the White Flag of Surrender

Sunday Times 3 March 2019

I know it is difficult for Labour politicians to absorb, but for a decade the Tories have been in alliancewith a host of genuinely anti-Semitic parties in the European parliament. Parties like Poland’s Law & Justice Party or Latvia’s LNNK, whose MEP Robert Zile goes on a walk each March with veterans of Latvia’s Waffen SS who did their duty helping out with the Holocaust. What is it that prevents them mentioning this every time someone accuses the Labour Party of ‘anti-Semitism’?  Stupidity? Cowardice? Take your pick. Labour's antisemitism fantasists don’t even refer to Boris Johnson and his racistcomments.
Of course these anti-Semitic parties are also devotedsupporters of Israel so perhaps this is not something worth mentioning?  It is a little difficult for McDonnell and Labour’s pathetic politicians to get their heads round the fact that genuine anti-Semites, like Richard Spencer, neo-Nazi founder of the alt-Right, support Israel and even declare that they are ‘white Zionists’. That is why allegations of Nazi-Zionist collaboration were no aberration. Zionism has always worked with genuine anti-Semites.
What is unforgivable is that McDonnell, Corbyn, Formby and the rest seem incapable of doing anything but retreating in the face of the Zionist and right-wing ideological onslaught.  Of course it’s not helped by the fact that Jon Lansman, Momentum’s dictator, is a paid up supporter of Israel and Zionism.
Perhaps the most abject moment in John McDonnell’s interview with Sky was when he said how much he regretted the resignation of Joan Ryan, Chair of Labour Friends of Israel.  Ryan was the person who deliberately invented false allegations of anti-Semitism against Jean Fitzpatrick, a delegate to the 2016 Labour Party Conference who had the effrontery to challenge her over LFI’s claim to support the Palestinians. Ryan was also filmed discussing a £1m contribution by Israeli agent Shai Masot to her slush fund.
Ryan has consistently been the front person for the Israeli state. Ryan it was who claimed that Jean had mentioned Jews and bankers in the same breath when criticising LFI. Fortunately the whole incident was secretly recorded by Al Jazeera’s The Lobby. Ryan, who is not even Jewish, has been assiduous in spreading the myth that the Labour Party is ‘institutionally anti-Semitic’. Far from regretting  Ryan’s departure it is one of the few good things to have happened lately. The pity is that more of the racist rats have not departed.
McDonnell is allowing this man to set the pace
Although McDonnell rebutted the suggestion that the Labour Party is ‘institutionally anti-Semitic’ he accepted that anti-Semitism was a major problem in the Labour Party.  It was only two weeks ago at the Labour Representation Committee, of which he is honorary President, that McDonnell gave his support to Jackie Walker, the Black Jewish activist who is currently suspended and facing expulsion on March 26th. He also gave support to Rebecca Gordon-Nesbitt whose candidature in Thanet South was rejected by the NEC Panel.
McDonnell has no problem in acknowledging the fact that the Witchhunt has predominantly netted anti-Zionist Jews and Black anti-racists but he seems unable to put two and two together and work out exactly why there never seems to be any evidence of ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party. There are just assertions.
It was good that Jennie Formby wrote a stiff letter to Tom Watson calling him out over his vague parallel complaints monitoring system.  Unfortunately she also went and appointed an ‘independent’ overseer to the complaints system, Lord Falconer, Blair’s former flat mate and ex- Attorney General. It’s called shooting yourself in the foot.
It is difficult to know whether McDonnell is simply stupid or disingenuous.  My preference is for the latter but it is a close run thing.
It is should be clear with anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear that the anti-Semitism campaign is a fake and that anti-Semitism has been weaponised by the Right. On LBC, in responseto a caller who said that he was ‘killing Labour’ Tom Watson said that he won’t rest until he drives every last anti-Semite from the Labour Party. 
Leaving aside the absurdity of thinking that a mass party can simply purify itself 100% of any bigotry or prejudice (does the same apply to homophobes, Islamaphobes and any other form of prejudice?) it is a fact that Watson is extremely unconcerned when it comes to racism against Black people and Muslims. He went along with all New Labour’s anti-terrorism and Prevent measures. 
Tom Watson also abstained on Theresa May’s 2014 Immigration Act (ie. supported it) which introduced the ‘hostile environment policy’ which led to the deportation of hundreds of Black people.  If Watson is into expelling every last anti-Semite then presumably he is in favour of expelling himself as an incorrigible racist?  And given the way Ed Miliband pandered throughout his miserable leadership to racists, with those Labour Immigration Control mugs, presumably we can start by purging the Parliamentary Labour Party?
Of course this won’t happen. Anti-Semitism is the most marginal form of racism in Britain today.  The fact that the Labour Party is alleged to be overrun by it is testimony to how a ruling class, narrative, Orwellian in the way Black has become White has come to dominate the media.
It was therefore pretty sickening to hear McDonnell fawning over Momentum’s latest videoattacking the Rothschild’s meme (basically that the Rothchilds finance Israel etc.) At a time when the Home Office is chartering planes to take Black people to the West Indies as part of their hostile environment policy Momentum under Lansman is obsessed by ‘anti-Semitism’, the most marginal of all forms of racism.
Rothschild’s conspiracy theories are believed by nutcases like David Icke. They have no popular purchase and are essentially harmless. For Momentum to concentrate on nonsense like this when there is real state racism, when Tommy Robinson’s thugs are active and when Apartheid Israel is continuing to use snipers to murder unarmed demonstrators is sick.
No one seriously thinks anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is a problem. It barely exists outside of the Daily Mail’s headlines.  Luciana Berger and Louise Ellman faced reselection problems not because they were Jews but because they are obnoxious right-wingers.
What is appalling is the way that so called left-wingers and socialists like McDonnell feel unable to stand up and call it out.
Jews in Britain are not being deported back to where their ancestors came from. They don’t die in police custody. They are not disproportionately gaoled. They do not fear (with the exception of the visually distinctive Ultra Orthodox) attacks on the street and the Ultra Orthodox have distanced themselves from the mainstream Zionist Board of Deputies attacks on Jeremy Corbyn, although the media deliberately didn’t report a letter from 29 rabbis last year distancing themselves from the Zionist attacks on Corbyn. Jews are not  economically deprived nor do they live in the inner cities.  Jews have long moved out of the East End into the suburbs of London.
It is an easily verifiable fact that the false anti-Semitism campaign was launched as soon as a Jeremy Corbyn leadership became apparent.
A month before Corbyn was elected the Daily Mail was accusingCorbyn of associating with a holocaust denier, Paul Eisen. The attention of the Zionists then turned to Jewish MP Gerald Kaufman before the incident of ‘anti-Semitism’ at Oxford University Labour Club.  All of these were fake and manufactured incidents as Asa Winstanley documented. The Chair of Oxford University Labour Club, Alex Chalmers, just happened to have worked as an intern for the main Israeli propaganda group in Britain, BICOM.
The witchhunters then moved on.  I was suspended in March 2016 and Jackie Walker was suspended two months later. Around the same time Ken Livingstone was demonised for having said that the Nazis supported Zionism during the 1930’s, something clearly a matter of historical record.
If McDonnell ever got anywhere near power the Zionists would turn on him and dig up every 'skeleton' from the IRA to the PLO
Only last July the Jewish Chronicle and two other Zionist papers printed a joint editorial United We Stand which spoke of ‘the existential threat to Jewish life in this country that would be posed by a Jeremy Corbyn-led government.’ Corbyn was deemed a threat to the very existence of the Jewish community in Britain.  In other words he was anti-Semitic. Accusations that Chris Williamson was a Jew Baiter’have been the staple of Zionist propaganda. 
Yet instead of calling these false anti-Semitism attacks out, McDonnell beats his breast about ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party and how we must engage in a purge.  McDonnell is Tom Watson’s useful idiot. Anyone with the slightest guts would call out Watson and the Labour Right for their abysmal record on racism in Britain against Black and Asian people.
The real problem is that Corbyn and McDonnell believe that the road to power is via appeasing the majority of Labour MPs.  They are sadly wrong. It will not happen.  Last September Corbyn opposed Open Selection, the only device that would have allowed the composition of the PLP to change. He is now paying the price.
They said that adoption of the IHRA would put the anti-Semitism nonsense to bed.  A ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism which conflates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism and which defines hostility to Israel as hostility to Jews.
When last year it was seen as possible that Corbyn wouldn’t survive and McDonnell was seen a possible successor the Jewish Chronicle and the Zionists immediately began digging into their files for evidence of McDonnell’s ‘anti-Semitism’.
McDonnell’s embrace of this false narrative, which is counter to the experience of all Labour Party members, is like drinking poison. It is utterly suicidal. It is clear that Watson is involved in preparations for a coup, whether it is a breakaway inside the PLP as the Sunday Times speculates or simply forcing Corbyn to resign. McDonnell’s behaviour is akin to treachery and it is no accident that he and Lansman are thick as thieves.
What McDonnell and the Labour Left, which today is difficult to discern in the PLP, should do is to call out the Labour supporters of Apartheid in Israel, i.e. Tom Watson and company.  When edicts are issued in Israel by Chief Rabbis against even Israeli Arabs renting rooms or flats in cities like Safed and members of the Labour Party like Luke Akehurst justifyIsrael’s use of snipers to mow down peaceful and unarmed demonstrators it is clear that McDonnell and other ‘lefts’ have lost the plot.
Yes there should be a purge but of the racist Right in the Labour Party not the anti-Zionist left.
Tony Greenstein

Open Letter to John McDonnell - Stand up to Tom Watson and Get a Backbone

When Tom Watson Says he wants to remove every last anti-Semite from Labour what he means is he wants to remove Jeremy Corbyn

I sent a link to my blog post to John McDonnell and then thought I’d summarise how I felt to him.  I have turned this into an Open Letter.
I have just seen your appalling interview with Sky TV.
What does it take to get it into your head that the whole 'antisemitism' attacks are not about antisemitism but about deposing Corbyn and yourself?  Why do you think the Tory tabloids, have nothing to say about the Tory Party cuddling up up to Viktor Orban and antisemitic parties in Europe yet are frothing at the mouth about Labour 'antisemitism'.  Why do you think the Zionist Board of Deputies, which represents a minority of British Jews says nothing about the Tories links with genuine antisemites?
Sometimes I think you have taken leave of your brain, but I guess it is political cowardice which motivates you. Yes there are a few antisemites in the Labour Party and there are also a few giraffes in Norway but no one says Norway has a problem with giraffes.
Don't you realise that when Tom Watson says he won't rest until the last antisemite is kicked out of the Labour Party what he means is he won't rest until Corbyn and you are gone?  Why is that so difficult to work out?  Watson and co. don't say this about every homophobe, Islamaphobe, racist against Black people, so why Jews, the least oppressed minority of all in Britain today?
Stop fucking appeasing Watson.  He is not interested in antisemitism.  If this racist bastard was so upset by antisemtism why does he not apply it to other forms of racism? Watson was part of the overwhelming majority of the PLP that supported the 2014 Immigration Act that led to Windrush.  You remember, the hostile environment policy that the miserable little Ed Miliband supported.  You were after all only one of 6 Labour MPs to oppose this Act.
If you cannot stand up to Tom Watson and his coup in the making you will never stand up to the City of London and the IMF. 

Tom Watson is engaged in a coup against Corbyn and McDonnell is facilitating it with Lansman
To put it bluntly you are a real disappointment.  You are a retread of Stafford Cripps.  Indeed you are worse than Stafford Cripps because he had a backbone.
We want the old John McDonnell back not the pale shadow that he has become.  And the suspension of Chris Williamson is a disgrace.  See my blog for an expansion on the above.
Comradely greetings
Tony Greenstein

Manipulating Antisemitism Statistics - the CST and CAA

The Community Security Trust – Israel’s Vigilantes on the Streets of London

Seven Jewish Children - The CST have branded this play antisemitic, watch it and judge for yourself.
Caryl Churchill's brilliant 7 Jewish Children - which the CST branded as 'antisemitic' 
This is an old post by Angus Geddes updated . As Tony Lerman documented in his essay Antisemitism Redefined[Haymarket Book, Jewish Voice for Peace, 2017], in the 1990’s the Israeli state moved to take over the monitoring of statistics on anti-Semitism:

I had close personal experience of the role the Mossad played in establishing Israeli hegemony over the monitoring and combating of antisemitism. While I was director of the Institute of Jewish Affairs (IJA) and its successor, the 'Institute for Jewish Policy Research OPR) in the 1990s, I founded and was principal editor of the annual Antisemitism World Report, the first objective, independent , country-by-country survey of anti semitism worldwide. The London Mossad representative dealing with antisemitism made it clear to me that they were very unhappy about our independent operation and then tried to pressure us into either ceasing publication or merging our report with one that the then new Project for the Study of Antisemitism at Tel Aviv University, headed by Professor Dina Porat and part-financed by the Mossad, was beginning to produce. [On Anti-Semitism, p.12].

What you ask is Mossad, Israel’s equivalent of MI6 or the CIA doing in charge of monitoring statistics about anti-Semitism amongst the Jewish diaspora?  What relationship does an intelligence service have to a question of racism unless it is engaged in Black Ops?
The CST operate under the aegis of the Board of Deputies, a thoroughly Zionist organisation
The only logical explanation for why Israel muscled in to take over something that clearly has nothing to do with them is because the inexorable ‘rise of anti-Semitism’ has become a Zionist theme whose counterpart is that only the ‘Jewish State’ is safe for Jews.  Further anti-Semitism is and has become a weapon in the fight against anti-Zionism, BDS and support for the Palestinians. Indeed the irony of the current ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign is that Jews should do what the anti-Semites want – which is get the hell out of the countries they live in. There is no other explanation.
It is the prominence of ‘anti-Semitism’ that explains the sudden appearance from nowhere of groups like the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism. The CAA arose amid Operation Protective Edge, Israel’s genocidal attack on the Gaza Strip.
When it comes to genuine anti-Semitism the misnamed Campaign Against Anti-Semitism is reluctant to call out its right-wing allies
The CSThas had the responsibility of compiling statistics of anti-Semitism in Britain. They have been careful not to overplay their hand. That is why they reject many complaints of anti-Semitism. This has ironically meant rejecting in practice the IHRA definition because this would make it too obvious that they are engaging in statistical fraud. This despite their support for the IHRA politically, as befits a Zionist organisation. They have done this because they know that once their statistics match the IHRA definition, i.e. that any manifestation of anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism their statistics would lose all credibility.
Nonetheless the CST has massaged the figures, highlighting social media anti-Semitism (which could be infinite since a single individual can post thousands of ‘anti-Semitic incidents) as well as providing an elastic and fuzzy definition of what constitutes anti-Semitism.

It would be more honest to say 'protecting Israel and Zionism'
The CST’s figures show an almost inexorable statistical increase year on year, thus feeding into the myth of increasing anti-Semitism. They depend on self-reporting and thus the perception of the ‘victim’. There is no way of judging whether the reports are true or false since the vast majority never result in prosecution or conviction. There has also been a continual and marked divergence between their statistics and those of the Police.
Of course the CST are not in the same league as the CAA whose venture into the field of anti-Semitism statistics bear a distinct resemblance to the adventures of Inspector Clouseauminus the humour. This is documented Eve Tyktyn’s ‘Exposing the Vigilantes’ in The Anti-Semitism Wars, 2018, Skyscraper Publications, pp. 115‑138).
Tyktyn documents how the CAA’s 2016 grandiosely titled ‘Anti-Semitism Audit’ (which was anything but) managed to produce a 14.9% increase in ‘anti-Semitic crimes’ yet at the same time, buried at page 6 of a 73 page document, it reveals that there was a 44.7% drop in violent anti-Semitic attacks. Their only explanation is that ‘It seems that the drop in 2016 might be a correction to the spike in 2015 and not part of a trend Unfortunately or fortunately this is not true. The drop in violent anti-Semitic attacks continued to drop into 2017. The CAA of course ruled out the most obvious explanation, which is that there was no increase in anti-Semitic incidents and that their report was, to put it bluntly, a load of crap.
The CAA, since it doesn’t have access to each Police force’s statistics and since there are no national records ‘solved’ this problem by asking each force to conduct a key word search in their files using ‘Jew’! Northumbria force, which described the whole exercise as a ‘fishing expedition’ warned the CAA that not ever mention of ‘Jew’ or ‘Jewish’ is in connection with an anti-Semitic incident but the CAA ploughed on regardless. The result is an ‘audit’ which has no statistical or methodological credibility.
So in Derbyshire there was a rise of 1050% in anti-Semitic incidents. Tykytyn asks whether a pogrom occurred in Derbyshire that year.  In fact the number of such incidents increased from 2 to 23 and as the Police explained, the change was due to a difference in how they record incidents.  Not that this stopped the CAA from including these flawed statistics. The same level of increase was true for Hertfordshire and West Yorkshire.
Wiltshire’s 514 Jews seem to have endured almost Nazi levels of persecution. There was a 13,900% increase in anti-Semitic incidents! Even the CAA realised that something was amiss and decided exclude Wiltshire entirely from their ‘audit’!
However although the CST’s use of statistics isn’t as obviously slapstick as the CAA’s it is still deeply suspect. For example their Anti-Semitic Incidents Report 2018 show an increase of 16% from 2017, 1,652 as opposed to 1,420 incidents last year.  An increase of 232.  But 23% of these (384) were social media posts, an increase of 59% (249) over last year. In other words 135 of the 232 increased incidents were from social media.
This is completely absurd.  I’ve probably come across 100 incidents alone of social media anti-Semitism or Holocaust denial.  How can you possibly measure social media anti-Semitism and more to the point is it really comparable to face to face verbal and physical anti-Semitism? No one has ever died from a tweet or a Facebook post. Anti-Semitism used to be being hit over the head or stabbed with a knife.  Now it is being offended by some idiot’s Twitter meanderings.
If CST had any self-respect they would strip out social media anti-Semitism entirely but that would not serve its purposes.
Like the CAA, hidden away in their statistics is the admission that ‘CST recorded a 17 per cent decrease in the number of violent antisemitic assaults, from 149 in 2017 to 123 in 2018. One of these violent incidents was classified by CST as ‘Extreme Violence’, which means it involved potential grievous bodily harm (GBH) or a threat to life.’ Yes that’s right – a 17% decrease in violence.  Now verbal abuse, however defined is not pleasant, although it is also subjective (was it about Israel?) but the anti-Semitism that really counts is when someone hits you over the head with a cosh.  For the previous two years there have been NO extreme acts of violence. This year there is one, which I guess means that statistically there has been an infinite increase! Or to put it another way, at a time when stabbings and killings of Asian and Muslim people are only too common, just one Jewish person in 3 years has been the subject of a violent anti-Semitic attack. 
What is interesting is that of the 1652 alleged anti-Semitic incidents, just 123 i.e. 7.44% were violent. For other ethnic minorities violence usually forms from between a quarter and one-third of all racial incidents yet in the case of Jews it would seem that the number of violent attacks is shrinking as a percentage of overall incidents, down from 10.5% last year to 7.44% this year.  It would seem that the CST is extremely good at documenting false and padded out statistics but there is one area that they cannot fake the stats and that is where there is actual violence.
The CST also betray their Zionist politics when they say that:
Also in April and May, several Palestinians were killed and many injured in violence connected to protests at the border between Israel and Gaza.’ This is an outrageously racist statement.  Some 300 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli snipers in Gaza.  Not at the ‘border’ because there is no border between Israel and Gaza but at the fence which separates Prison Camp Gaza from Israel. A fence designed to keep the untermenschen from polluting Israel proper. Thousands have been severely injured by explosive bullets but the Zionist CST talk about violence without ever once mentioning where the violence comes from. One wonders if 300 Jewish people had been killed whether the CST would talk about it in such a dismissive way,
I have done a number of posts on the CST in the past such as:

The Community Security Trust - Policeman of the Jewish Community

Proof that the Community Security Trust's statistics of 'anti-Semitism' are subject to Political Manipulation

CST Gets Too Big for its Boots as Jewish Critics Multiply

Zionist Community Security Trust in Dilemma over Islamaphobic Conference

The Community Security Trust cites the racist Hebrew University Professor Raphael Israeli to denounce the ‘anti-Semitism’ of Sheikh Raed Salah.

Community Security Trust Supplies False Information to Deport Sheikh Raed Salah

Israeli Professor Moshe Machover is the target of a Renewed Attempt at Expulsion by the Zionist Community Security Trust

CST Thugs Violently Eject 2 Jewish People from Zionist ‘Environmental‘Meeting

How the Zionist Community Security Trust and Theresa May Colluded at the Behest of Racists to Deport Raed Salah & Prevent Free Speech

Article From the CST's Racist Professor Raphael Israeli

24 April 2010

For the second year running the government is to fund the CST - Community Security Trust, a Zionist vigilante group often referred to as the the private militia of the Board of Deputies of British Jews[14], to the tune of £48,869[11], last year it was also given £54,354[8], the money apparently comes from the Hate Crime Victims' Fund!

The man in the foreground might look and act like a police officer but he's not part of the police force, he belongs to a private police force - the CST, which takes its orders not from the British government,  but from Israels lobby in the UK - the Board of Deputies of British Jews

According to the charity commission[12], the CST has an annual income of just under £6 million (2009), and has assets of over £10 million.
CST founder and chairman Gerald Ronson, also founder and Chief Executive of Heron International Plc ('one of Europe’s leading property investment and development companies'[4]), has donated nearly £400,000 over the past three years to the CST through his foundation[5] (other recipients of the foundation include the Jewish National Fund, United Jewish Israel Appeal, New Israel Fund, Women`s International Zionist Organization and a charity to help Israeli war veterans[7]).
CST chairman and convicted fraudster Gerald Ronson with Home Secretary Jacqui Smith (May 2008)
Gerald Ronson is a convicted fraudster (Guinness share-trading fraud). Interestingly the Jewish Telegraph reports that whilst Gerald Ronson was in prison, Israel's Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir was "desperate to speak to him in prison"[3]. Now out of prison it reports he dines with "Britain's top police chiefs".
Private Militia
The CST is essentially, on one level, a private security contractor called upon to provide security at all pro-Israel activities from demos, conferences, fund-raisers, and to protecting the odd visiting Israeli war criminal. It has three offices and employees 69 people with an additional 3,000 trained CST troops ('volunteers') on call. Apparently the CST 'mainly consists of ex-Israeli security personnel'[19]. The CST also give combat training (self-defence) to 12,000 Jewish youth a year(2008).
The CST has a special relationship with the Metropolitan police, it receives its training from them and is granted special privileges during the policing of demos, etc. Whilst stewards and legal observers from the pro-Palestine side of a demo are not allowed to cross the police lines to approach Zionist side, the CST which stewards the Zionist side are free to cross the police line and approach the pro-Palestinian side to intimidate, take photos, etc.
CST are given free reign to cross the police line and walk behind the police line separating the two demos, on the other side the stewards and even the legal observers were not permitted to cross the police line and had to stay on their side of the police line with threats of arrest if they approached the line! (photo from pro-Israel rally Jan 2009)
The CST has a particularly brutish reputation, especially in dealing with anti-Israel protesters at pro-Israel events. Their special relationship with the MET means they have not been brought to book for their thuggery.
The Board of Deputies of British Jews claims to be "the voice of British Jewry" - in reality its the voice of Israel in the UK
In January 2009, during the Israeli slaughter of children in Gaza, the Board of Deputies of British Jews who claim to be "the voice of British Jewry" - in reality the voice of Israel in the UK, held a rally in Trafalgar Square in support of Israel, essentially a celebration of genocide. The CST provided the security for the event. One brave young Jewish man, Dovid Von Neumann, interrupted the Chief Rabbi Sacks pro-Israel rant with a Jewish children's song, highlighting how Israel has perverted a line from a Jewish children's poem about a spinning top which were traditionally cast in lead to name their military operation "Cast Lead" which murders Palestinian children. He was pushed into the frozen fountain and stoned him with lumps of ice, then the CST thugs smashed his megaphone and dragged him out of the fountain throwing him on to the pavement. The police did nothing to arrest his assailants - the CST, instead they incredulously detained the victim for several hours before they were forced to release him without charge[9].
CST thugs in action silencing dissent in the Jewish community. The young Jewish man, for interrupting the Chief Rabbi's speech, was pushed into the frozen fountain and stoned with lumps of ice, then the CST thugs dragged him out of the fountain, smashed his megaphone, throwing him on to the pavement. (Jan 2009)
In December 2009 when the CST was providing security to a JNF conference, the Israeli ambassadors speech was interrupted by two protesters. The Jewish Chronicle reported the protesters were "punched and kicked" and dragged out of the conference[10], again the assailants went scot-free.
On February 9th 2010 the CST provided the security for the "Israel: Blue White and Green" seminar at the Institute of Education (IoE). The seminar attempted to 'greenwash' the occupation, its key note speaker David Bellamy didn't turn up after receiving many letters urging him to boycott the 'greenwash'. During the questions session a Jewish member of the audience asked a critical question about Israel's role in depleting Palestinian water resources, he was prevented from finishing the question and was "carried out bodily by members of the CST and denied re-entry". When another member of the audience, a woman this time, wished to put a question on Israels denial of water to Palestinians as outlined in the Amnesty 2009 report she was "physically dragged out of the meeting by members of the CST. “I was frog-marched up the stairs”, she said afterwards. She later telephoned the Institute of Education to complain about the treatment she and her fellow activist had received, and received an apology. “From the reports the IoE have received from their own staff, they seem to feel that the level of restraint used by the CST was inappropriate for the situation", she said. The two ejected activists are considering taking legal advice."[18]
It seems after every massacre the Zionists hold a celebration, like the celebration after Gaza in 2009, in 2002 after Jenin the Israel Solidarity Committee organised a celebration 'Stand Up For Israel'. Funded by the United Jewish Israel Appeal(UJIA)[32], the celebration was held in Trafalgar Square with the CST in charge of security. It was a particularly ugly event with an elderly anti-Zionist Rabbi in the counter-demo being punched in the face whilst police officers two metres away stood by and did nothing. After the rally Zionist gangs roved the streets attacking Muslims with impunity, easy visible targets being women with hijab - several were attacked. Even the Saudi ambassadors son was attacked by a Zionist mob. Both the MET and the CST were castigated for their roles.
CST checking Press IDs in Trafalgar Square. The CST had issued its own Press passes, without it journalists were prevented from filming in Trafalgar Square even though they had NUJ Press passes which the police are supposed to recognise. (6 May 2002)
The IHRC report on the 'partisan' policing of the rally with eyewitness statements is particularly damming[29]. It reveals that whilst the police prevented Muslims from approaching the Zionist rally and even helped the CST eject any Muslims found in Trafalgar Square, they at the same time allowed free movement for the CST and other Zionists to approach, even walk through the counter demo draped in Israeli flags, and ultimately attack its speaker, Rabbi Grohman, whilst he was addressing the counter-demo. The thug was simply allowed to walk through two police lines unchallenged to carry out his assault.
The Jewish Chronicle reports that the Muslim Lawyers Committee complaints against the police included charges against the CST, one, the police's 'failure to prevent assaults against Muslims by CST officials' and two, 'the intimidation of Muslim women by CST officials'[30][31]. The latter may be a reference to an incident where some Muslim women in hijab were enjoying a friendly conversation with some Arab Jews from Iraq in Trafalgar Square when suddenly they were surrounded by 'blue caps' - CSTs, who forcefully separated the Muslims from the Jews and with police help removed the Muslims from the Square despite protests from the Iraqi Jews.

Eyewitness - CST 'policing' of Israel's 60th Anniversary Parade and Rally
In June 2008 when Zionists celebrated 60 years of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, over 500 CST were mobilised on to the streets of London. The CST were providing security for a parade of floats starting on Piccadilly, down Haymarket to culminate in a rally in Trafalgar Square.

This cameraman, having succeeded in circumventing the checkpoints and enter Trafalgar Square was then hounded by CST 'minders' for the whole duration of his stay in Trafalgar Square. On two occasions they called on the police to remove the cameraman but this time the police were reluctant to enter the Square and drag someone out for no reason. They would however, on CST request, prevent someone from entering the Square. So the CST told the cameraman that the police officers wanted a word, if he would follow them to the checkpoint where the officers were. The cameraman declined, if the officers wanted to talk they should come to him.
He later found out that another cameraman had been forcibly removed from the Square, near a checkpoint, by the police and 'stopped and searched' because he was 'caught' photographing the CST, which apparently was reason enough for the police to act.
Next the CST tried a different tactic, they coaxed an elderly Jewish woman to block the camera lens of the cameraman every time he went to use it, in the hope of eliciting a response which could be used as pretext by the police to remove him. The old woman was so clumsy she ended up annoying the other pro-Israelis in the crowd, nearly poking one persons eye out, hitting another's head with her flag pole, and pushing a child dangerously from behind. After people got upset with her the CST had to call her off.
Even after the event, when the cameraman had left the Square to go home, the CST still continued hounding him - pointing him out to the police officers requesting they stop and search him. By this stage even the police had had enough and refused.
A major part of the stated work of the CST is to collect, analyse and publish statistics relating to antisemitic figures. Its annual Antisemitic Incidents Reports are used by the media, academic bodies, law enforcement and the government as the basis for policy making. According to the CSTs Director of Communications, Mark Gardner, their figures on antisemitism are "acknowledged by police and government as being more accurate than the police’s own figures."[22] Yet experts on antisemitism in the Jewish community, like Antony Lerman who headed the Institute for Jewish Policy Research for nine years and served on the Runnymede Trust's Commission on Antisemitism, and interfaith activist Rabbi Herschel Gluck, have themselves attacked the CSTs figures suggesting the CST "bumps up" the figures on anti-Semitic attacks thereby stoking up paranoia within the community[20][21].
Is this placard antisemitic?
Cynics suggest that such paranoia helps generate revenue for the CST, an organisation whose raison d'etre is antisemitism, which for a charity is remarkably well funded with an annual income of around £6 million, affording to pay its top half dozen employees over £60,000 each, with the top spot getting over double that, up to £150,000 in 2008[34].
Apart from the CST being "disingenuous in the presentation of data"[21] Antony Lerman has also critised what the CST classifies as being antisemitic. Lerman points out that the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia(EUMC) working definition of antisemitism which the CST uses to determine what is antisemitism "contains highly contentious examples of when critical discourse on Israel is antisemitic. This is one of the unfortunate consequences of the mistaken but commonly-held notion that anti-Zionism is the 'new antisemitism'."[23] According to the EUMC working definition of antisemitism "claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor" or "drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis" can be regarded as manifestations of antisemitism![24]
So according to the CSTs warped definition of antisemitism this placard from a recent demo could be regarded as antisemitic on several levels. Firstly equating Zionism with racism suggests that the "existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor" hence antisemitic, secondly showing a photograph of Jewish Defense League (JDL) graffiti "GAS THE ARABS!" sprayed on a Palestinian home in Hebron could be construed as "drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis"hence antisemitic. Interestingly the graffiti itself, calling for the gassing of a semitic people would not fall foul of CSTs definition of antisemitism (because its Arabs not Jews who are to be gassed), but to show the photo of it - to show Zionist racism is a problem because of its similarity to Nazi racism! Calling for a boycott of Israel is also, according to the CST, problematic as it "leads to antisemitism".
The CST, under the cloak of fighting racism i.e. anti-Semitism, also forms a formidable lobby for Israel and is wheeled out whenever Israel is criticised. For example, the CST have attacked award-winning principled journalist John Pilger for what they refer to as his "feverish rhetoric against Jews"[1], thereby painting him as an anti-Semite, and they attacked the new Statesman for publishing Pilgers articles, pressuring it to censor him, or as they put it "moderate or edit his rhetoric". Their claims against him are of course utter nonsense[2] - their reasoning goes Zionism shouldn't be attacked because "large numbers of Jews" choose to be Zionists (their word is "self-define") so "if Zionism is depicted in exclusively hateful terms, then all Zionists will be hated" hence Pilger must be an anti-Semite!
When the Channel 4 Dispatches programme did an expose on the Israeli Lobby funding of the Conservative Party, the CST was again wheeled out to condemn it, saying the programme was "playing up to antisemitic stereotypes"[6].
Caryl Churchill's 2009 acclaimed play 'Seven Jewish Children' upset the Zionist establishment. The 10 minute play consisted of seven short scenes marking seven moments in Israeli history from the Holocaust via the first intifada to the present day. Having been written during Israels attack on Gaza the play is critical of Israel, this was unacceptable. So once again the guns of the CST were brought out. Two of its most senior employees, Dave Rich and Mark Gardner branded the play antisemitic in a Guardian comment piece titled "The blood libel brought up to date", saying the play 'resonates' with antisemitism[25]. In case people didn't get the message, the Zionist anti-boycott lobby 'Engage' within hours ran a piece titled "When the CST say 'Seven Jewish Children' is antisemitic, it is time to take the charge seriously"[26]. The fact that a Hebrew production of the play ,performed in Rabin Square in Tel Aviv to audiences of hundreds of Israelis, received positive responses didn't matter[27]. Antony Lerman, who served on the Runnymede Trust's Commission on Antisemitism, ridiculed the CST charge as "utterly unconvincing" and stated that "the fight against antisemitism gains nothing from trying to turn the play into an antisemitic incident. All that's achieved is a further slide down the slippery slope towards rendering the word antisemitism meaningless."[28]

At a CST fundraising dinner on 4th March 2008 David Cameron alluded to another disturbing function of the CST
"This dinner has a very clear purpose: to ensure that the CST can carry on protecting the people and events that we know are potential targets. Carry on monitoring those who would harm this community."
He went on to describe those people who would harm the community, those who he labeled as having an "extremist mindset":
"During protests against the conflict in Lebanon, we witnessed the nauseating sight of well-scrubbed, middle class English people marching through central London holding placards that read 'We are all Hizbollah'. That is the extremist mindset in action. These are the same people who urge a boycott of Israeli goods and academics.. ..while saying nothing about China, Iran or Zimbabwe."
In the past activists have requested the CST, under the Data Protection Act, to release the files it holds on them[17]. The CST has rebuffed them by insisting they provide personal details like their home address, which would compromise their family's security, before considering the release of the files. This contrasts sharply with CST's own practice of hiding the names of its trustees. The Charity Commission confirms "this charity has been given a dispensation by the Charity Commission from publishing the names of its trustees"[15], this is highly irregular for a charity.
According to the Jewish Chronicle, in a BBC interview in 2005, CST head Mike Whine went further than Cameron by not denying that the CST has "undercover intelligence agents". “You didn’t say you didn’t have undercover agents,” pressed BBC reporter-presenter Gerry Northam. “That’s right,” Mr Whine responded. “I didn’t.”[21]
In July 2002 former Home Secretary David Blunkett affirmed that the CST and security services engage in 'intelligence sharing'[33].
Demonising Muslims
The Islamic Human Rights Commission in May 2009 published a damming report outlining how CST publications demonise Islam and Muslims[16]. The report is available here.
So rather than fight racism, which the CST claim they are doing, the report shows they are actually contributing to the racism against the Muslim community, and ironically the government are funding it through the 'victims of hate crime fund' for the second year running.
[1]        http://thecst.org.uk/blog/?p=1271
[2]        http://thecst.org.uk/blog/?p=1242
[3]        http://www.jewishtelegraph.com/prof_8.html
[4]        http://www.heroninternational.co.uk/about-heron
             2007 £175,000
2008 £106,620
2009 £102,500
[6]        http://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/22054/dispatches-israel-lobby-%EF%AC%81lm-the-reaction
[7]        http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/ScannedAccounts/Ends28%5C0001111728_ac_20070331_e_c.pdf
[8]        http://thecst.org.uk/blog/?p=534
[9]        http://www.inminds.co.uk/counterdemo.2009.01.11.php
[10]     http://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/25187/screaming-protesters-disrupt-jnf-meeting
[11]     http://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/30500/%C2%A350k-cash-boost-cst
[12]     http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/SHOWCHARITY/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=1042391&SubsidiaryNumber=0
[13]     http://www.conservatives.com/tile.do?def=news.story.page&obj_id=142782
[14]     If the Evening Standard is to be believed, even the Mayor of London Ken Livingstone, in 1984, referred to the CST as "paramilitary groups which resemble fascist organisations", put together by the Board of Deputies of British Jews.
[15]     http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/SHOWCHARITY/RegisterOfCharities/ContactAndTrustees.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=1042391&SubsidiaryNumber=0
[16]     http://www.ihrc.org.uk/publications/briefings/9183-ihrcs-briefing-concerns-regarding-demonisation-of-islam-and-muslims-by-community-security-trust-publications-and-the-various-cst-and-ihrc-responses
[17]     http://www.ihrc.org.uk/attachments/9183_IHRC_CST.pdf (p23)
[18]     http://www.bricup.org.uk/documents/archive/BRICUPNewsletter26.pdf
[19]     http://www.jewdas.org/2009/11/anti-semitism-in-the-service-of-war-crimes
From an article by Tony Greenstein, it gives right of reply to CST spokesperson Mark Gardener. In Mark Gardener's reply he raises other issues in the article but does not challenge this assertion that the CST "mainly consisting of ex-Israeli security personnel".
[20]     http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/awaragainstprejudice/pip/6zvws/
[21]     http://website.thejc.com/home.aspx?AId=39748&ATypeId=1&search=true2&srchstr=+%2BCST+&srchtxt=0&srchhead=1&srchauthor=0&srchsandp=0&scsrch=0
[22]     http://www.european-forum-on-antisemitism.org/documents/speech-by-mark-gardner/
[23]     http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/feb/13/israelandthepalestinians
[24]     http://www.european-forum-on-antisemitism.org/working-definition-of-antisemitism/english/
[25]     http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/may/01/carylchurchill-theatre
[26]     http://engageonline.wordpress.com/2009/05/01/cst/
[27]     http://www.guardian.co.uk/stage/2009/jun/12/caryl-churchill-seven-jewish-children-tel-aviv
[28]     http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2009/may/04/caryl-churchill-antisemitism-play
[29]     http://www.ihrc.org.uk/attachments/7529_02Aug22_Muslim%20Profiling.pdf
[31]     http://www.muslimnews.co.uk/index/press.php?pr=148
[32]     The Jewish Chronicle 19th April 2002 stated that UJIA (United Jewish Israel Appeal) was the main funder of the event.
[33]     London Jewish News (26 July 2002)
[34]     http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/ScannedAccounts/Ends91\\0001042391_ac_20081231_e_c.pdf
Number of employees whose annual emoluments were £60,000 or more in 2008:
£60,001 - £70,000 : 3
£70,001 - £80,000 : 1
£80,001 - £90,000 : -
£90,001 - £100,000 : 1
£120,001 - £150,000 : 1

The Alliance for Workers Liberty’s Alliance with Tom Watson and Labour’s Right

Support for Zionism and racism abroad has led to support for the Witchhunt at home

The AWL’s guru and founder, Sean Matgamna, has just penned an Open Letter to Jeremy Corbyn which marks the final break of the AWL with the Left. In it Matgamna both justifies and supports the Labour Party’s Witchhunt. He openly calls for the expulsion of anti-Zionists. If there are any socialists left in the AWL then they should get out. Matgamna has aligned the AWL with Tom Watson, Jon Lansman and Jonathan Freedland, to say nothing of the Tory press
More Jews want to expel Israel's Arabs than Oppose it - this is the reality of Israel today
Matgamna declares that anti-Zionism, including support for the Right of Return of Palestinian refugees ‘should not be tolerated in a healthy labour movement’ and should be made ‘incompatible with membership of the Labour Party’. Only a died-in-the-wool racist could suggest that advocating a multi-racial society should be an offence. This is the politics of Enoch Powell not Karl Marx.
AWL campaign against BDS
Matgamna attacks the Corbyn left as anti-Semitic. He states that the Corbyn surge was also an antisemitic purge.’ This is the language of the Daily Mail.
Matgamna describes the hundreds of thousands who joined the Labour Party in the wake of Corbyn’s victory as having brought their political baggage’ i.e. anti-Semitism with them. Most of those who joined Labour in the wake of Corbyn’s victry had never belonged to any political party and were motivated above all by disgust at the re-election of the Tories and the austerity politics of New Labour. Matgamna displays utter contempt for the movement that brought Corbyn to victory in the leadership elections of 2015 and 2016.
Praise for Matgamna by JLM's Adam Langleben - a vehemently opponent of Corbyn who secretly recorded Jackie Walker - he resigned from the Labour Party with TIG
Matgamna begins with an innocent question: ‘How has the crisis that grips the new, new Labour Party on antisemitism come about? How has it come to be the major scandal it is now?’
The answer is of course obvious. Even before Corbyn was elected he was accused of anti-Semitism. False allegations were made in the Daily Mail and Jewish Chronicle that Corbyn was an associate of a holocaust denier, Paul Eisen. Attacking Corbyn for ‘anti-Semitism’ was somewhat easier than denouncing him for opposing privatisation of the NHS, but that is amongst the real reasons.
One crook supporting another
The reasons for the vicious and never ending campaign against Corbyn and the Left are not difficult to understand. Corbyn was seen as a threat to the political and economic interests of the Establishment. He was anti-nuclear, anti-NATO, pro-Palestinian and anti- imperialist. He was an ally of workers in struggle. To have him as the leader of the second major party of the US’s closest ally in Europe was unacceptable – not only to the Israeli but to the US and British states. The ‘anti-Semitism’ smears were their answer.
AWL's all-White delegation to Israel
For over 30 years, the AWL (Socialist Organiser) was unique for its theory of ‘left anti-Semitism’. AWL refused to accept the most obvious reason for socialists’ hostility to the Israeli state, namely that most people don’t like Apartheid.
You don’t have to be a socialist to understand that anti-Zionism is not about antagonism to Jews but opposition to racism and colonialism. Israel is a state where a pluralityof Israeli Jews support the deportation of Israeli Arabs and where 79% believethat Jews should be given preferential treatment over Arabs. Israel is a state where the Right marches to the drumbeat of Death to the Arabs’ and where Arab villages are demolished in order to make way for Jewish towns.
This is the reality of the Jewish supremacist nature of the Israeli state
Israel is the only state in the world where Donald Trump is popular. A recent  survey by the Pew Research Center found that 94% of Jewish Israelis have a favourable view of the US in general (83% overall).
The AWL’s obsessions with Israel have been humoured by the rest of the Left, treated much as one treats a dotty aunt. However what in previous times was a quaint oddity has become unacceptable. Where once the AWL’s support for imperialism was passed over in awkward silence today we have to call a spade a spade and say that the AWL has become a scab organisation in the service of the Right. It is not the first group to have taken this path, e.g. the Revolutionary Communist Party.
anti-Corbyn member from Hove Tom Gray  can't praise Matgamna's racist article enough
The AWL's politics have come full circle. What were reactionary politics externally have infected its domestic politics. Marxism teaches that in time theory and practice align with each other. Nowhere was this truer than with the socialist Zionists who, when they began the colonisation of Palestine, abandoned their socialism as it was incompatible with their day to day relations with the natives. Instead they chose ‘constructivism’, the building up of the proto Jewish state with the capital of the Jewish bourgeoisie.
In the words of David Ha’Cohen, an important figure in Labour Zionism:
‘I had to fight my friends on the issue of Jewish socialism, to defend the fact that I would not accept Arabs in my Trade Union, the Histadrut; to defend preaching to housewives that they should not buy at Arab stores; to defend the fact that we stood guard at orchards to prevent Arab workers from getting jobs there... to pour kerosene on Arab tomatoes; to attack Jewish housewives in the markets and smash Arab eggs they had bought... to buy dozens of dunums from an Arab is permitted but to sell God forbid one Jewish dunum to an Arab is prohibited; to take Rothschild the incarnation of capitalismas a socialist and to name him the ‘benefactor’ – to do all that was not easy.’ [David Hirst, The Gun and the Olive Branch, p.185, Faber, 2003 citing Ha’aretz 15.11.69.
The Histadrut’s policy of Jewish Labour, Kibbush Ha’avodah meant a Boycott of Arab Labour. Labour Zionism opposed solidarity between Arab and Jewish workers in favour of unity with Jewish employers.
Those socialist Zionists who chose socialism over Zionism were a minority. Those who prioritised work with the Arab working class formed the Palestine Communist Party MOPSIand became anti-Zionists. This resulted in them coming into conflict with both the British colonial forces, who deported many of them with the active connivance of Histadrut and the Zionist leadership.
So it is with the AWL. Over 30 years ago they abandoned anti-Zionism and support for a democratic, secular state in Palestine in favour of a two state solution. This meant giving positive support to Israel as a Jewish state. AWL became a Zionist organisation yet for reason of nostalgia still called itself Trotskyist despite its support for the occupation of Iraq, the CIA backed Mojahedeen and America’s war in Afghanistan and Partition in Ireland. [See Hoist By Their Own Petard - The Zionist Alliance for Workers Liberty and Siding with Labour right
The AWL has consistently opposed any solidarity with the Palestinians.  In the trade unions they vehemently opposed BDS in UNISON and the UCU amongst other unions.
Life has not been easy for the AWL ever since Corbyn was elected as Leader. On the one hand they could hardly be seen to oppose him or the movement that brought him to power but on the other hand they found support for the Palestinians and opposition to Zionism galling. This led to an uneasy tension. In Momentum the AWL supportedJon Lansman’s removal of Jackie Walker, an anti-Zionist, as Vice-Chair only for Lansman to then turn on them.
The AWL also found itself the target of the witchhunt under Iain McNicol. This reached farcical proportions in 2016 when Owen Smith denouncedthe AWL’s ‘anti-Semitism’! Quite understandably the AWL were furious. After having done their best to ingratiate themselves with the Right over Zionism they had become a victim of the ‘anti-Semitism’ attacks on the crude basis that Left=Anti-Semitic!
Soon after Corbyn’s victory against Smith I debatedwith Daniel Randall of the Alliance for Workers Liberty. Randall had himself just been expelled for ‘anti-Semitism’. Randall conceded that
it is undeniably the case that the issue of anti-Semitism has been instrumentalised and manipulated by some on the Labour Right and their supporters in the press in order to undermine Corbyn and the Left.... Owen Smith accused us of anti-Semitism on national television, so it is very clear that there is a certain process going on there, a certain instrumentalisation and manipulation of an issue for cynical factional ends. ‘
Israel – an oasis of democracy
To the AWL Israel is synonymous with being Jewish. They have a fantasy of Israel as a democratic oasis, an island of toleration and civilisation in a barbarous Middle East. It is Reagan’s City on the Hilltransplanted to Tel Aviv. The AWL are engaged in a love-in with a mythical Israel.
Of course there is another Israel. It is the Israel of Geoff Halper’s War Against the Peoplea militarised state that trained the Guatemalan army of Rios Montt as it  murderedup to 200,000 Mayan Indians. It is the Israel which today is supplyingweapons to the genocidal army of Myanamar in its war against the Rohinga people. It is the state which was the closest ally of Apartheid South Africa and the death squad regimes of Central and South America. This is the AWL’s golden state. As Dr Verwoerd, the South African Premier acknowledged,
"The Jews took Israel from the Arabs after the Arabs had lived there for a thousand years. Israel, like South Africa, is an apartheid state,"
None of this penetrates the minds of the AWL. Matgamna isn’t ignorant he is indifferent. Like the colonists that Ahad Ha'am warned against in The Truth from the Land of Israel (1891) Matgamna cannot see the Palestinians. They are invisible, caricature Muslims and Islamic fanatics (he ignores Palestinian Christians). Matgamna offers instead a sop: ‘There is an element of supporting the Palestinians, championing their rights which Israel often tramples on...’
Palestinian oppression is merely incidental to the AWL. What matters is the survival of the Israeli state. Matgamna concedes that ‘There is a lot to criticise and condemn in Israeli policy’ but his only example is Israel’s ‘opposition to a Palestinian state’. Israel’s racist treatment of the Palestinians is irrelevant.
Israel is historical recompense for the Nazi genocide. No matter that Zionist colonisation predated the Holocaust and that it was the Nazis not the Palestinians who were responsible for the Holocaust .
Matgamna calls himself a socialist and he is probably sincere after all Ramsey MacDonald also believed he was a socialist What is clear is that Matgamna is Islamaphobic since the only alternative he can contemplate to a two state solution is an Arab Islamic state. Arabs being incapable of democratic politics, that is reserved for Europeans. The AWL is in a long line of pro-imperialist ‘socialist’ groups.
A Jewish State is a Racist State
The French Revolution of 1789 marked a break from the ethno-religious state. The French revolution held that the nation state consisted of all of those who lived in it. Henceforth religion and state were separate. Religion was irrelevant to one’s civil and political rights. In the wordsof Clermont Tonnerre, a Deputy in the Constituent Assembly ‘To the Jews as a nation nothing, to the Jews as individuals everything.’ France was the first state to grant Jewish Emancipation. Zionism began from a hatred of Emancipation for whom it signalled assimilation. It took Britain a further 69 years before Jewish Emancipation allowed Lionel de Rothschilds to take his seat in Parliament.
Israel is a throwback to the Europe of the 1930’s. The objection to the Israeli state is not this or that act of discrimination but to a state, not of its own citizens but of Jews wherever they live in the world. That is why there is no Israeli nationality. As the recently passed Jewish Nation State Law makes clear only Jews have national rights in Israel. Its non-Jewish inhabitants are resident aliens. Even within Israel Arabs are tolerated guests which is why half the Arab villages are unrecognised i.e. liable to be demolished at any time.
Because Israel is a Jewish state the Chief  Rabbi of Safed, a paid state official, can issue an edictforbidding the renting of apartments to Arabs and be backed up by dozens of rabbis. It is why hundreds of Jewish residents of Afula can demonstratefor days in protest at the sale of a single home to an Arab. In Israel there are hundreds of Jewish communities where Arabs are barred and the Admissions Committee Lawgives them the right to keep Arabs out.
Yet to Matgamna Israel as a Jewish state is entitled to treat non-Jews as aliens. He has no complaint about discrimination against Arabs. His only concern is with what he calls ‘absolute anti-Zionism’ which is ‘barely distinguishable from antisemitism.’ I confess I was absolutely opposed to Apartheid in South Africa but that didn’t make me anti-White.
Matgamna doesn’t pretend that ‘anti-Semitism’ is not about Israel. During the past 3 years the Labour Right has run with false ‘anti-Semitism’ and if you questioned their claims then that was proof of your ‘anti-Semitism’. An Orwellian Catch-22.
AWL support a definition of antisemitism that equates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism
When the Zionists and the Labour Right demanded that the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism be accepted (promising that this would mean an end to the false anti-Semitism campaign) they conceded that ‘anti-Semitism’ meant opposition to Israel, the ‘racist endeavour.’ 
Luciana Berger MP’s Constituency Labour Party wanted to deselect her. She was a Blairite parachuted into a working class Liverpool seat. It had nothing to do with her being Jewish. Tom Watson called it ‘worst day of shame in party’s 120-year history’ presumably more shameful than the war in Iraq, the deportation of asylum seekers, the 1968 Kenyan Asian Immigration Act etc. Matgamna agreed:
Nobody who watched and listened to Luciana Berger's speech explaining why she left the Labour Party will doubt the sincerity of her account of the antisemitism that has driven her and the others, or most of them, out of the Party.’
Matgamna and the AWL’s parroting of Watson’s lies is shameful. There isn’t the slightest evidence that Berger was the subject of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party. The AWL’s theory of ‘left anti-Semitism’ has led it into supporting the Blairite Right.
The person who has been the recipient of most racial abuse is not Luciana Berger but Dianne Abbot. Yet whereas 6 people have been charged for abusing Luciana no one has ever been arrested for abusing Dianne. Yes there is institutional racism but it is in the Metropolitan Police not the Labour Party.
Matgamna’s ‘solution’, a two state solution is both reactionary and impossible. In the wordsof Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotoveli “This land is ours. All of it is ours. We did not come here to apologise for that.”
Matgamna’s articlerests entirely on assertion. It consists of windy rhetoric, bile and frothing at the mouth. A Marxist or class analysis it is not.  Evidence is conspicuous by its absence. Matgamna asserts:
There is a long tradition in much of the Jewish community of support and involvement with the Labour Party. To the leaders of the Jewish community, and many Jews... the "left" in the Party, or some of it, must appear as possible future anti-Jewish pogromists, as has much of the would-be "revolutionary" left for a long time now.
Anyone who considers themselves a socialist would ask which sections of the Jewish community is Matgamna referring to? Matgamna treats the whole Jewish community as one.
The scurrilous allegation of socialists being ‘future anti-Jewish pogromists’ is the product of Matgamna’s fetid imagination. It is venom masquerading as an antidote. Any Marxist worth their salt would ask why the ‘long tradition’ of Jewish involvement in the labour movement, has come to an end and when. They would ask what are the sociological changes in British Jewry.
Matgamna inability to make a serious case comes from a tradition of ‘left’ denunciations that has more to do with Stalinism and the Workers Revolutionary Party.  which regularly denounced their opponents as spies and agents.
Any serious analysis would begin by asking when the decline in Jewish support for the Labour Party began. As far back as 2014 the Telegraph ran with a storyabout Ed Miliband ‘losing the Jewish vote.’ The class composition of the Jewish community had changed and so had its involvement in the labour movement. A Marxist would ask what political effect has the growing socio-economic prosperity of the Jewish population had on its political allegiances? Matgamna is the poor man’s Nick Cohen.
Before the 1960’s the majority of the Jewish population in London lived in the East End. I remember as a child going for a meal in Blooms, a popular kosher restaurant and waiting in a long queue. In 1996 the restaurant closed. Why? Becausefrom the 1960s onwards, Whitechapel’s Jewish population declined as people made their money and moved out to the suburbs of Golders Green and Ilford.’
William Rubinstein, a past President of the Jewish Historical Society, wrote [The Right, Left and the Jews, p. 51, 1982]:
the rise of Western Jewry to unparalleled affluence and high status has led to the near disappearance of a Jewish proletariat of any size: indeed the Jews may become the first ethnic group in history without a working class of any size. .. it has made Marxism, and other radical doctrines, irrelevant to the socio-economic bases of Western Jewry, and increasingly unattractive to most Jews.
Dr Geoffrey Alderman, a Jewish academic wrote that
By 1961, over 40% of Anglo-Jewry was located in the upper 2 social classes, whereas these categories accounted for less than 20% of the general population.[Jewish Community in British Politics, p. 137]
Alderman charted the political shift in British Jewry. In 1945 Phil Piratin became the only Communist MP ever elected in England from the heavily Jewish constituency of Mile End. By the 1960’s Jews were becoming strong supporters of the Conservative Party. Class not Israel explained the shift in Jewish voting patterns.

Matgamna refers to the ‘Jewish leaders’. As Audrey Gillan noted

The Jewish Board of Deputies advised Jews to stay away. The Jewish Chronicle warned: "Jews are urgently warned to keep away from the route of the Blackshirt march and from their meetings."

 These self-same leaders in the Board of Deputies are though happy to fight the ‘anti-Semitism’ i.e. anti-Zionism of the Left.

Magamna asserts that anti-Zionism derives from Stalinist anti-Semitism. On the contrary it derived from the new Left’s rejection of Stalinism in the wake of support for the Vietnam War and wars of liberation.
As part of his racist demonisation of the Palestinians Matgamna echoes Zionist propaganda that ‘Only a small fraction of those six million are refugees.’ Matgamna joins hands with Trump and Netanyahu in denying the existence of the Palestinian refugees.
Matgamna justifies the Nakba, the expulsion of the Palestinians by comparing them with ethnic German refugees expelled from Eastern Europe at the end of the war. There is no comparison. The Palestinian refugees were the victims of Zionist settler colonialism which sought to create a racially exclusive Jewish majority state.
The Sudeten Germans acted as a fifth column for the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1938. In 1935 the pro-Nazi Sudeten German Party won over 60% of the vote. The expulsion of ethnic Germans from Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia was understandable given the role a majority of these communities had played in the Nazi occupation and in the Volksbund militias which worked with the Nazi occupation forces in helping deport the Jews and fight the resistance. Nonetheless socialists would have opposed the deportation of Germans en masse.
Matgamna claims that ‘The Jewish nation that won independence in 1948 was built up around Jews indigenous to the area.’ In other words he subscribes to the racial myth that Jewish settlers are ‘returning’ to Israel rather than dispossessing the indigenous population. Jews constituted a fraction of the original population of Palestine. It is true that in Jerusalem by the mid-19th century there were a majority of ultra-Orthodox Jews from Eastern Europe. However these Jews were anti-Zionist. They were known as the Old Yishuv. Chaim Weizmann, Israel’s first President wrote disparagingly about them in his autobiography Trial and Error (pp. 225-9)
As part of his justification for the Nakba, Matgamna refers to the myth that the Arabs aimed to "Drive the Jews into the sea". As Ilan Pappe documentedthe only people thrown into the sea were the Palestinians of Haifa in their panic to flee the shelling.
What marks the writings of Matgamna concerning Palestine is his sheer ignorance. AWL’s support for Israel and Zionism relies on nothing more than Israeli hasbarah (propaganda). Matgamna caricatures supporters of Palestine, saying that ‘Arab and Islamic states that want to put it out of existence should be supported.’ The reality is that Israel is surrounded by a belt of reactionary Arab states – from Egypt to Saudi Arabia -  with which it has friendly relations. Just as opponents of Apartheid in South Africa had no illusions in the surrounding Black states, so no supporter of the Palestinians seriously believes that Zionism will end as a result of the Arab armies. The corrupt pro-American Arab states are also a product of imperialism.
Referring to the Ken Livingstone affair Matgamna mentions ‘the nonsense.... about Zionist-Nazi affinity’ What he doesn’t do is explain why. Zionist historian David Cesarani cites how ‘The efforts of the Gestapo are oriented to promoting Zionism as much as possible.... Zionists saw the [Nazi] pressure towards segregation as the fulfilment of their assertion that the Jews were a separate nation with no place in Germany.’ [Final Solution, pp. 96, 102, 2016]
AWL’s rhetoric about a progressive imperialism disguises its superficial understanding of Zionism and Israel. Nothing Matgamna writes contributes to our understanding of neo-colonialism and imperialism today. Matgamna is no Frantz Fanon.
Israel is a Jewish state  representing the ‘Jewish nation’ both inside and outside Israel. Matgamna can only see the liberation of Palestine as leading to the creation of an Arab- Islamic state. This is part of his racist Orientalist perspective in which the Arabs are backward and infested with religion unlike a ‘Jewish’ state which alone amongst western nations forbids civil marriage.
Today the AWL’s domestic politics have caught up with their imperialist politics and the result is that they have joined hands with Tom Watson and Luciana Berger. We should recognise them as such and shun them as we would other members of the Labour Right.
Tony Greenstein

Divina Levrini – A Star that will forever burn brightly in our memories


Fearless and brave – the tortured activist on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla whose only thought was for others

When I read yesterday an announcement that Divina Levrini, a Swedish activist who I had met in June had died, it didn’t sink in at first. How could Divina, a beautiful, young, talented musician, caring and kind, a brave and fearless activist die so young?
Although I’m not any good judging age I guess she was in her late 20s or early 30s.  I’ve since learnt that she has two young children and came from Sweden’s third largest city, Malmo.
How was this possible? I still don’t know and can only hope that what she went through when in the ‘care’ of Israel was not responsible.
We first met when The Freedom, part of the Gaza Freedom flotilla, which had set out from Sweden, docked at Shoreham Harbour near Brighton on Tuesday 5th June. The ship first sailed by Brighton Marina where we gathered but it was unable to dock because the boat was too big. It went on to Shoreham harbour about 7 miles away where it found a berth. We rushed over by car, overshooting an obscure beach before turning back in time to see The Freedom come sailing in.
On the last night in Brighton Divina entertained us at the Verdict
Over the next two days we had a number of street activities and stalls together culminating in a party at The Verdictin Edward Street on the Thursday night. The local MP, Lloyd Russell-Moyle came along to show his solidarity as did other Labour activists.  Divina spoke and played on guitar and sang and we ate and drank.
In Brighton's Old Steine
On Friday we got up early to see The Freedom and the crew off on the next stage in Spain where it received a rapturous welcome. I kept in touch with Divina by email and envied the difference between the relatively small reception in Brighton and what appeared to be half the town turning out in Spain.
A stall at the  Old Steine in Brighton
Divina reassured me that we had nothing to be ashamed about.  We kept up intermittent contact until we heard that the first boat Al-Awda had been intercepted by the Zionist navy in international waters, some 42 miles off Gaza. Divina had transferred to the Al-Awda after Palermo and they had been extremely roughly treated, beaten and tasered.
Flying the flag
I learnt that Divina, who was taking medicines for an unknown condition, had been prevented from taking half her medication and the Swedish Embassy had intervened with the animals that call themselves Israeli guards.
These are 3 replies from Divina to emails we exchanged after The Freedom left Brighton
Divina’s last tweetwas on 10th October last year so it would appear that something had happened since which led to yesterday’s sad news. The second to last tweet of hers was a retweet of Brighton PSC’s stall in solidarity with the threatened village of Khan al Ahmar.
Below are some of the blogs I did and a link to another story by Divina and also a tribute. Below that is the description that Divina sent me of her experiences when Israel illegally and violently boarded the Al Awda.
Tony Greenstein

See also The World has lost a Beautiful Soul

Divina's Account of Her Experiences When She was Kidnapped by Israel

We were 42 nautical miles on international waters when we got boarded by the Israeli navy. They had talked to our radio operator, who repeatedly told them that we were on international water and had no intention to cross the border to Israel. That it is a right according to international law to travel on international waters.

They had masks and guns and tasered many of the peace activists. Some got tasered in both face, head and neck, wich could be deadly. Our captain got a death threat, they told him that they were going to take him somewhere to execute him. I witnessed him get brutally beaten up by a soldier. Many, including myself got beaten. Some were thrown down a ramp and could have broken their necks. One got injured on his foot and there was a lot of blood. He also was beaten on his chest and stomach and last time I saw him he carried a catheter in his hands. 
The welcome party at Shoreham Harbour

We were taken to Ashdod, a closed military camp, and got interrogated by military about why we were illegally trying to go to Israel. We of course answered that we wanted to speak to our lawyer and would not answer anything they asked us. We were strip searched several times and all of our belongings were stolen. After a while they pushed me outside and I found all our clothes, bags and stuff on the ground. Clothes were torn out from the bags and everything mixed up. I was pushed by a soldier while others stood by and laughed as I was yelled at to collect my belongings and I got 20 seconds to take what was mine. I found two empty bags and my guitar, maybe some t-shirt or other clothing I don't remember because I am still traumatised about it all. 
We were taken to Givon prison where we were tortured in different kind of ways. The women were sleep deprived more than the men. We were six women in one dirty cell with a hole in the ground. The guards would come in and yell every one or two hours (it's hard to know how often because we had no watches. Only the clothes we had on us.) They beat at the walls and lockers and made us stand up in the middle of the night, sometimes they just came in and counted the beds with a loud voice or came in with a huge stick and beat the walls. Sometimes they had gloves and handcuffs they showed but never used. 
Welcoming The Freedom

The mind games were really awful. They could give me cigarettes but no lighter. They said that I can use the payphones outside when ever I want but would not give me my money to use them. 

Many of those kind of things happened all the time. One thing was sure, and that was that when they said something, 9 times of 10 they were lying. Suddenly they separated us for a while and me and Dr. Swee were put in another cell. I think that it happened because we rioted when we heard that our friend Larry, who got hurt in the foot asked for a doctor. Since I was on hunger strike they maybe got scared about my embassy to react if I got ill, but still wanted to punish us, they thought that it was a good idea to have me together with a doctor. No one knows. 
Inside The Verdict last June

They hit my friend, a 75 year old woman who four months before got a hip replacement surgery. They did not really beat us anytime before or after that in jail so we thought that they are so used to beat Palestinians so they forgot that our embassies were ready to act if something like that would happen. We asked for a doctor and when they came to let us visit him they had certain conditions I don't want to go in to. We refused so we were told that we would not get to see him. After several hours me and the woman got to see him, but were put in a small cell outdoor in gassing hot sun and hard benches so she couldn't sit. We waited for hours there and when we finally got in the doctor told her in perfect English that he does not understand English so she had to explain in hebrew. She got no help. 

I was depraved of my important medicines for 36 hours. After that my embassy complained, but I got just the half dose of the most important one, none of the other medicines. The embassy yelled at a guard to give me my medicines and he said that I would get an appointment with the doctor. But he told me in perfect English that he doesn't understand English and I have to speak Arabic. 

Later the embassy and our Swedish state department sent a doctor to the airport to immediately meet me after my flight home. 

We were stolen of our driving licenses, medicines, phones, money and creditcards. Most of our luggage is gone. I came home with only a small bag with random clothes I found. I was 2,5 months at sea, so I had much more with me. 
Outside the Verdict in Edward Street - Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP is in the middle

They said that we tried to enter Israel illegally, which was laughable. We were kidnapped in international waters.

 I was on hunger strike until I knew that my friends would come home safely. Of course some of us, the last ones went at the same time. We were the last ones. Amy was on hunger strike as well, but she didn't do a big deal out of it. She is a strong women, like the rest of my friends.

Even though I wanted to stay to make a legal process in Israel about theft, kidnapping and torture, because I know they wanted to deport us as soon as possible my country made sure that we would come home as soon as possible. They were worried about the depravation of my medicins and hunger strike. We were two swedes onboard on Al Awda. Charlie Andreasson and myself. Charlie has been on every attempt to break the blockade besides the "Womens ship to Gaza". Our foreign minister Margot Wallström said earlier that she supports Ship to Gaza. 
The Freedom comes in

Most of the peace activists knew nothing about them getting deported before five minutes before, but I had an extra meeting with the head of the embassy in Tel Aviv because of my medical condition so they told me the time in advance the day before.
Our mission was never about us or the treatment we recieved by the government in Israel. What the Palestinians go through is much worse. There is a genocide going on by an apartheid regime and the world must act, even if it happens in small acts like these. We had a cargo full of medical supplies with us and the four ships were supposed to be a gift to the Palestinians of Gaza. Of course there are two million souls living in Gaza and we had only four ships, but the symbolic act is important anyway because the fishermen are shot in their own waters and medical supplies much needed does never reach Gaza. It was and has always been about raising awareness, making politicians to act and make sure that the Palestinians knows that we never will forget them. The ships will continue to sail until Gaza is free. 

The Freedom Flotilla Coalition is deeply saddened by the death of Divina Levrini in Sweden a few days ago. She was a good friend and shipmate to many of us who sailed with her on the vessels  Freedomand Al Awda in 2018 or met her in different ports. Divina was a passionate advocate for justice, a talented musician and gifted communicator who touched many lives. We mourn her early loss and extend our heartfelt condolences to her family and friends.

Crew and participants on Freedom in Portugal. Freedom crew and participants in Naples

Participants in Messina prior to departure: Chris Graham, Divina Levrini, Lucía Mazarrasa, Mike Treen, Larry Commodore, MohdAfandi Salleh. Al Awda (The Return): final leg participants, July 2018.

George Soros – the Spider at the Centre of World Jewish Conspiracy

Despite accusing their enemies of ‘anti‑Semitism’ both Zionists and the Alt-Right share a common foe in the ‘Puppet Master’

For some years now George Soros, the billionaire speculator and liberal philanthropist who bet against the Pound and forced it out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism on Black Wednesday, has occupied a position akin to the all-knowing, all–controlling Jewish leaders of the Czarist’ forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Soros is, in the eyes of these conspiracists, the Jewish spider at the centre of an extensive web of liberal and globalist organisations.
Soros’s crime has been not to be a run of the mill, off the wall, right-wing billionaire in the mould of Breitbart’s funders, the Mercersor the Jewish billionaires Sheldon Adelson, supporter of Netanyahu and Trump or Haim Saban a Clinton supporter.
Soros founded the Open Society Foundation which operated in Eastern Europe in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Soros has fundeda variety of liberal causes, including human rights organisations in Israel such as B’Tselem and Breaking the Silence. This incurred the wrath of the Israeli Right and Netanyahu.
Netanyahu and Shimon Peres, who he beat for the post of Prime Minister in 1996
Soros became the symbolic target for all those who sought to cover their anti-Semitism with support for Israel. A good example of this phenomenon was Steve Bannon, Trump’s former Special Advisor and ex-editor of Breitbart. In his book Fire & Fury Michael Wolf notes that Jared Kushner came to the conclusion that Bannon was an anti- Semite.’Why?
‘Because one of Bannon’s accusations against Kushner, the administration’s point person on the Middle East, was that he was not nearly tough enough in his defense of Israel.

Soros's puppets
There is a certain irony that anti-Semites attack Jews for not being pro-Israel enough but the anti-Semites love of Israel has nothing to do with love of Jews and everything to do with support for Israeli hatred of Arabs. Bannon himself had objectedto his children going to school with ‘whiny Jewish brats.’
The same was true of Glenn Beck, a Fox News presenter. Beck devotedhis entire show to a conspiracy theory about bankers, including the Rothschilds and he hosted  G. Edward Griffin, a conspiracy theorist who believes that the Protocols “accurately describes much of what is happening in our world today.”
Beck was eventually sackedfrom his job at Fox because of his increasingly crazy anti-Semitic conspiracy theories but not however before he had broadcast two programmes about Soros the puppet master’.
Soros's tentacles extend right round the globe 
On the June 4 Glenn Beck Program, Beck praised Elizabeth Dilling whose 1936 book, The Red Network: A “Who’s Who” and Handbook of Radicalism for Patriots, declared that ‘the problem of the large number of revolutionary Russian Jews in Germany doubtless contributed toward making Fascist Germany anti-Semitic.”Her belief that ‘Talmudic Judaism is the progenitor of modem Communism and Marxist collectivism’ is a classic Nazi theme. Dilling’s third book, The Octopus, published in 1940, emphasized the Jewish-communist conspiracy, the key component of the Nazi world outlook.
Dilling, spokeof “Ike the kike” and Kennedy’s New Frontier as the “Jew Frontier.” None of this prevented Beck being given the rare privilege of being invited to address Israel’s Knesset. Beck’s reception was akin to a “rock concert.” MK Michael ben-Ari, a Kahanist (who had previously torn up a copy of the New Testament) said, after Beck had addressed the Knesset, “I think Glenn Beck should take my seat in the Knesset.”  Like most anti-Semites Beck combined support for Zionism and Israel with hatred of Jews.
The Puppet Master
Puppet-master is a phrasethat the Sun –on-line, also from the Murdoch stable, used to describe Soros before it was taken down. Even Daniel Sugarman, a journalist on the Zionist Jewish Chronicle managed to figure out that this was a ‘disgusting anti-Semitic trope’emboding the traditional stereotype of the all-controlling Jewish financier.
Soros as the Devil
One of the most disgusting allegations was that Soros, a child hood survivor of the Hungarian Holocaust, helped send fellow Jews to the gas chambers. In fact Soros was just 14 and hiding out under an assumed name in Budapest, masquerading as a Christian. See George Soros wasn't a Nazi, he was a 14-year-old Jew who hid from them There were Jewish collaborators in Hungary such as the leader of Hungarian Zionism, Rudolf Kasztner, who was later declared by Judge Benjamin HaLevi the Jerusalem District Court as ‘having sold his soul to the devil.’ Soros was not amongst them.
Soros has managed to achieve the feat of alienating both the Zionists and the far-Right which, when you think of it, is not such a difficult task. His liberal politics are anathema to both.
Poster of Soros with Dirty Jews scrawled on it
Posters attacking George Soros in 2018
In Hungary in June 2017 Soros became the focusof a government poster campaign whose slogan was ‘"Don't let Soros have the last laugh’. The instigator of this campaign was Prime Minister Viktor Orban."
When the Israeli Ambassador to Hungary, Yossi Amrani, in response to protests from the local Jewish community, criticisedan anti-Semitic poster campaign targeting Soros, because of his support for asylum seekers and refugees, he was overruled by Netanyahu who also doubles as Israel’s Foreign Minister. Instead Israel’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement attacking Soros!
The triumph of Dreyfus - antisemitic cartoon on the acquittal of Dreyfus
“Israel deplores any expression of anti-Semitism in any country and stands with Jewish communities everywhere in confronting this hatred. This was the sole purpose of the statement issued by Israel’s ambassador to Hungary,”
the statement went on.
“In no way was the statement meant to delegitimize criticism of George Soros, who continuously undermines Israel’s democratically elected governments by funding organizations that defame the Jewish state and seek to deny it the right to defend itself.”
In other words, because Soros had funded Israeli human rights organisation Orban’s anti-Semitic campaign was legitimate!
Shortly after this poster campaign ended, in July 2017, Netanyahu visitedHungary on a state visit. It was an ‘illiberal bromance’ As Ha’aretz noted there were many parallels between Netanyahu and Orban:
Both men first came to power in the 1990s... Both lost an election after only one term in office and then spent nearly a decade in opposition. Both subsequently returned to the Prime Minister’s Office and have since won three consecutive elections using xenophobia, a siege mentality and the weakness of their liberal-left rivals to perpetuate and deepen their hold on power.
The following year Orban paid a state visit to Israel.  The visit was marked by the statutory visit to Yad Vashem, the Zionist Holocaust propaganda museum. The visit was picketedby survivors of the Holocaust.
If Yad Vashem had any integrity they would have closed their doors to a man who described Admiral Horthy, the  pro-Nazi wartime leader of Hungary as an exceptional statesman’. Horthy presided over the deportation to Auschwitz of nearly ½ a million Hungarian Jews. There is little doubt that he could have prevented these deaths if he had wanted to. On July 7th he finally ordered an end to the deportations after massive world pressure on him to do so following a heavy US bombing raid on Budapest five days previously.
In April 2018 there was a General Election which Orban’s party, Fidesz easily won. The campaign had been an anti-Semitic one throughout, summed up by Orban’s descriptionof his enemies:
“They are not national, but international; they do not believe in work, but speculate with money; they have no homeland, but feel that the whole world is theirs,”
It doesn’t take a great deal of imagination to work out who this was aimed at. Yet the anti-Semitism of Orban and his Fidesz party has not deterred Netanyahu or most Israelis. To Netanyahu and the Israeli government Soros represents ‘the wrong sort of Jew’ and although he is an anti-Semite Orban is the right sort, who loves Israel even if he isn’t over fond of Jews. There is little doubt that Netanyahu’s hatred of Soros is as great if not greater than that of Orban.
In a curious incident Netanyahu’s son, Yair, posted an anti-Semitic cartoon online depicting Soros as the puppet master, complete with the lizardsthat are David Icke’s motif. The neo-Nazi Daily Stormer promptly applauded declaringitself the ‘The World’s #1 Yair Netanyahu fansite’. David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the KKK also extended his appreciation. One can assume that Yair’s hatred of Soros derives from his family’s table talk.
When it was revealed that Soros was funding the anti-Brexiteers then the papers who had been waxing lyrical about Labour’s ‘anti-Semitism’ didn’t hesitate to mount genuinely anti-Semitic attacks against Soros. The Sun attacked him as a ‘Puppet Master’ The Telegraph was little better with a headline George Soros, the man who 'broke the Bank of England', backing secret plot to thwart Brexit.
You might have thought that the misnamed Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, which has devoted literally hundreds of articles to Jeremy Corbyn’s ‘anti-Semitism’ and which can sniff out anti-Semitism in the same way that police dogs can detect explosives was uncharitably kind. Today’s article in the Daily Telegraph about George Soros’ intervention in British politics is not antisemitic, but editors chose their headline poorly. The CAA went on to describe the article as ‘innocuous’ .
Of course if The Telegraph had been known as a supporter of the Palestinians you can be sure that the CAA would waxed lyrical about its anti-Semitism.  But as they say‘hypocrisy is the compliment that vice pays to virtue.’
Below is an interesting article from Buzzfeed News about the source of the attacks on Soros and the work of an Israeli political consultant George Birnbaum in creating the campaign against Soros and beneath that an articleon the history of theories of Jews as puppet masters.
Tony Greenstein
How two Jewish American political consultants helped create the world’s largest anti-Semitic conspiracy theory.
Hannes GrasseggerPosted on January 20, 2019, at 9:57 a.m. ET
The glass tower that houses George Soros’s office in Manhattan is overflowing with numbers on screens, tracking and predicting the directions of markets around the world. But there’s one that’s particularly hard to figure out — a basic orange chart on a screen analyzing sentiment on social media.
The data, updated regularly since 2017, projects the reactions on the internet to the name George Soros. He gets tens of thousands of mentions per week — almost always negative, some of it obviously driven by networks of bots. Soros is pure evil. A drug smuggler. Profiteer. Extremist. Conspiracist. Nazi. Jew. It’s a display of pure hate.
The demonization of Soros is one of the defining features of contemporary global politics, and it is, with a couple of exceptions, a pack of lies. Soros is indeed Jewish. He was an aggressive currency trader. He has backed Democrats in the US and Karl Popper’s notion of an “open society” in the former communist bloc. But the many wild and proliferating theories, which include the suggestion that he helped bring down the Soviet Union in order to clear a path to Europe for Africans and Arabs, are so crazy as to be laughable — if they weren’t so virulent.
Soros and his aides have spent long hours wondering: Where did this all come from?
Only a handful of people know the answer.
On a sunny morning last summer, one of them could be found standing in front of the huge buffet in the Westin Grand Hotel in Berlin. George Birnbaum is built like a marathon runner — tall and slender, his head and face shaved clean. Elegant horn-rimmed glasses frame his piercing blue eyes.
Birnbaum — a political consultant who has worked in the US, Israel, Hungary, and across the Balkans — had agreed to talk for the first time about his role in the creation of the Soros bogeyman, which ended up unleashing a global wave of anti-Semitic attacks on the billionaire investor. But he also wanted to defend his work, and that of his former mentor and friend, Arthur Finkelstein.
George Eli Birnbaum was born in 1970 in Los Angeles, where his family moved after fleeing Nazi Germany. His grandfather was shot by the Nazis in front of his son, Birnbaum’s father, who later survived Auschwitz. Anti-Semitism followed the family as they moved to Atlanta, where Birnbaum grew up, and where the Jewish school he attended was often defaced with anti-Semitic slurs. It left a mark.
In an era when many American Jews drifted away from their specific identity, Birnbaum wasn’t allowed to forget it. Every weekend his father handed him the Jerusalem Post.
 First you learn what’s going on with the Jewish people in the world, then you can worry about the rest of the world,” Birnbaum remembered his father saying. He grew up believing that only a strong nation, the state of Israel, could protect the Jews from a second Holocaust.
All of which makes it bizarre that Birnbaum and Finkelstein’s ideas spawned a new wave of anti-Semitism, and that they did so in the service of an authoritarian leader, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, reviled around the world for his far-right views. The two men took all the arguments against Soros, from East and West, from left and right, and fused them together. Two American Jews, one a towering figure in US politics, helped create a monster.
Birnbaum doesn’t appreciate the irony, but there is little doubt he played a crucial role in the weaponizing of anti-Semitism.
And he did it by putting Soros on the chopping block.
Starting in 2008, Birnbaum and Finkelstein worked in secret to get Orbán elected. Their victory in Hungary — away from the intense political scrutiny of Western Europe — showed that constructing an external enemy could bring electoral success in the modern era. It allowed Hungary to give birth to “Trump before Trump,” as Steve Bannon said.
Birnbaum and Finkelstein’s work has provided a new model for attack politics in this era of global division. They designed a master plan for exploiting these divisions that has worked in many different countries and contexts, and helped create a Jewish enemy that the far right has exploited to devastating effect. In 2016, when Trump ran his final TV ad ahead of the election, it came as no surprise that Soros was featured as a member of “global special interests” who don’t have “your good in mind.”
Fox News / Via youtube.com  George Birnbaum in a 2015 appearance on Fox News.

To understand Birnbaum, you have to look backward, through the brutal Israeli politics of the 1990s to Washington, DC, in the 1970s, where a new profession known as political consultancy was devising a fresh set of tools for bringing people to power. There you find Birnbaum’s spiritual father, Finkelstein.
Starting in the late 1960s, Finkelstein was one of a handful of men reinventing the industry of political consulting in New York. He would go on to help presidents and senators, to pioneer a slashing style of television advertising, and to build a generation of protégés.
Finkelstein isn’t as famous as his contemporary Roger Ailes, but he is a hidden link that runs through the contemporary Republican Party, leading from the libertarian icon Ayn Rand to the cynicism of Richard Nixon and finally on to Trump. Finkelstein was a New York City kid. The son of a cab driver, he met Rand while he was a student at Columbia University in the early 1960s. He went on to work briefly as a computer programmer on Wall Street before becoming an early exponent of the art of polling toward the end of the decade.
From left: Paul Curran, a one-time Republican candidate for governor of New York, Whitney North Seymour, the former US attorney for the Southern District in New York, and Arthur Finkelstein, June 8, 1983. Chester Higgins Jr. for the New York Times
It was back then that Finkelstein started developing a political method that now reads like a how-to guide for modern right-wing populism. Finkelstein’s premise was simple: Every election is decided before it even begins. Most people know who they will vote for, what they support, and what they oppose. It’s very difficult to convince them otherwise, Finkelstein believed. It’s a lot easier to demoralize people than to motivate them. And the best way to win is to demoralize your opponent’s supporters. That’s what Trump did to great effect against Hillary Clinton, and what he meant when, after the election, he thanked black Americans for not voting.
Finkelstein had long been studying the big political trends, and he settled on simple issues that could do the most damage. In the end, he noticed, it usually comes down to the same concerns: drugs, crime, and race. These are the issues that create the most political division, he wrote in a memo to the Nixon White House in 1970.
Finkelstein’s goal was to polarize the electorate as much as possible, to pitch each side against the other. The fuel: fear. “The danger has to be presented as coming from the Left,” a 25-year-old Finkelstein advised Nixon.
Whoever doesn’t attack first will be beaten, he argued. And Finkelstein made things personal. Every campaign needs an enemy to defeat. He developed negative campaigning into a technique he called “rejectionist voting” — to demonize the enemy so much that even the laziest of voters would want to get out and vote, just to reject them.
Finkelstein would also advise his clients not to talk about themselves, but instead to focus their campaigning on destroying their opponents. He became notorious for turning “liberal” into a dirty word. In TV campaigns that no 1990s American could avoid, opponents were branded as “ultra liberal,” “crazy liberal,” “embarrassingly liberal,” or “too liberal for too long.” Campaigners named his ideology “Finkel-Think.” It was simple but effective. Friends of Finkelstein have often claimed that nobody got more politicians elected than he did.
Controversy occasionally surrounded his work. In the 1980s, while working for a Republican candidate, he was criticized for polling voters to see what they thought of the Jewish identity of his Democrat opponent.
By the time of his death in 2017, Finkelstein had left an indelible mark on national politics, having worked for Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan. While working as a central campaign member for Reagan in 1980, a strangely gloomy advertisement appeared: “Let’s make America great again.”
He reportedly did some work for the Trump Organization in the mid-2000s — and later spoke of the “mind-boggling” power of Trump’s personality. When Trump finally ran for president, his campaign was stuffed with “Arthur’s kids” and friends: Larry Weitzner, Tony Fabrizio, and his old buddy Roger Stone.
Birnbaum was one of Arthur’s kids. After graduating from Florida Tech in the early ’90s, he first came into Finkelstein’s orbit in DC when the latter was working at the National Republican Senatorial Committee. It was Birnbaum’s job to bring Finkelstein the latest polling numbers each morning. Everything Finkelstein did was based on analysis of his polls, Birnbaum remembered, who said no one could see the patterns like Finkelstein.
Birnbaum was blown away by Finkelstein’s brain, and his insights. But he also discovered the other Arthur.
To the outside world, Finkelstein was an enigma, the strategist who worked for the right. But in private he was a friendly, fun, brilliant, and yet unpretentious man, full of anecdotes from the innermost circles of power. Raised in a Jewish family in Queens, he made jokes about kosher rules. He was a nerd with the chest pocket of his blue button-down shirt full of pens and notes.
In the otherwise stuffy world of politics, Finkelstein kept his tie loose and could often be seen walking around the office in his socks. He could do that because he was seen as the right half of the right’s brain. Finkelstein once told a friend that Reagan’s chief of staff thanked him in writing for “keeping your shoes on most of the time”while in the Oval Office. Finkelstein’s passion was elections. Politics reminded him, he told students in Prague, of “waves on a beach that look alike, but over time are always different.” His love, however, was for his two daughters — and for a man. Finkelstein, who helped get radical Republican gay-haters elected, was gay. He married his partner of more than 40 years in 2004, and they were together until Finkelstein’s death.
A year after Birnbaum first met Finkelstein, he bumped into him again in an anonymous hallway of the NRSC. He told him that he wanted to work for him, to do polling for him. And he spoke Hebrew, too, if he would ever have a project in Israel.
Right-wing Likud opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres, May 26, 1996, in Tel Aviv.  Afp / AFP / Getty Images
The assassination of the Israeli prime minister, Yitzhak Rabin, on Nov. 4, 1995, was a turning point for the country — and for Finkelstein and Birnbaum.
When elections for his successor were hastily arranged, a newcomer threw his hat into the ring. Benjamin Netanyahu, a right-wing former corporate consultant, was given no chance. He was running against Shimon Peres, a legendary figure, a Social Democrat from the founding generation of Israel who wanted to continue Rabin’s peace process, which most people hoped would succeed.
Israelis initially sneered at Netanyahu’s ambitions, and polls put him 20% behind. But seemingly out of nowhere, Netanyahu’s Likud party started carpeting the country with sinister ads. “Peres will divide Jerusalem” went the slogan, even though Peres had no such intention. Similar attacks targeting Peres appeared on TV, on the radio, and in the press.
In the final TV debate, Peres stepped into the trap laid by Finkelstein. The first thing he did was to try to clarify that he had no desire to divide Jerusalem — the exact topic Finkelstein wanted him to raise. Netanyahu owned the debate.
On Election Day, the race between Peres and Netanyahu looked too close to call. Around 10 p.m. the TV stations reported a very close win for Peres, based on early projections. According to a biography of Netanyahu, he grabbed the phone and called “Arthur” — his secret campaign manager. Finkelstein was in New York, but answered immediately, and told Netanyahu he shouldn’t be worried. “I always win the close ones.”
When the final count came in, Netanyahu was the new prime minister: 50.49% to 49.51%.
Netanyahu’s win made Finkelstein a star. He “changed campaigning forever,” according to the Haaretz newspaper. He had learned too that his formula could work outside North America. Finkelstein’s expertise became much sought after.
In 1998 Birnbaum received a call. It was Finkelstein, asking whether he would like to work for the Likud party in Israel, a dream come true for Birnbaum. It was here that the two became a team, with Finkelstein as captain and Birnbaum his first mate. While Finkelstein traveled between New York and Israel, Birnbaum kept watch in Israel, where he became the chief of staff for Netanyahu, organizing his appearances, representing him in front of the press, and sometimes even babysitting his kids.
The triumph in Israel marked the beginning of a new era. It was then that Finkelstein turned to Europe, and an even closer collaboration with Birnbaum. From 2003 onward, the two men worked together as global political consultants, applying Finkelstein’s formula to Eastern Europe and the Balkans, starting with successful election campaigns in Romania and Bulgaria.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán shakes hands with Netanyahu, July 19, 2018.  Debbie Hill / AFP / Getty Images
Finkelstein and Birnbaum’s electoral masterpiece was created in Hungary, and would have implications around the world.
It began in 2008, when Orbán decided to seek reelection. His old friend Bibi — as Netanyahu is known — introduced him to the two people who would guide his success. Before long, Finkelstein and Birnbaum were applying their formula to Orbán’s election campaign — and then turbocharging it.
Enemies were easy to find in Hungary. The country was an economic basket case and had to be bailed out in 2008. Austerity measures were demanded by their creditors at the World Bank, the EU, and the IMF. Finkelstein and Birnbaum told Orbán to target “the bureaucrats” and “foreign capital.”
Orbán won the 2010 election with a two-thirds majority as the country shifted to the right. Birnbaum is still amazed today how easy it was: “We blew the Socialist party off the table even before the election.”
Birnbaum and Finkelstein, now part of Orbán’s inner circle, found themselves with a problem. While the satisfied winner of the election started rewriting the constitution, they were now lacking an opponent. “There was no real political enemy … there was no one to have a fight with,” Birnbaum remembered. The ultra-right Jobbik party and the Socialist party were beaten, the rest in splinters. “We had had an incumbent with a historic majority, something that had never happened in Hungary before.” To maintain that, they needed a “high energy level,”said Birnbaum. “You need to keep the base energized, make sure that on Election Day they have a reason to go out and vote,” he said. They needed something powerful, like Trump’s “Build the Wall!”
“It always helps rally the troops and rally a population” when the enemy has a face, Birnbaum explained. “Arthur always said that you did not fight against the Nazis but against Adolf Hitler. Not against al-Qaeda, but against Osama bin Laden.” Who could become that enemy in Hungary now that Orbán was in power — and wanted to stay there?
Orbán was busy creating a new, more dramatic story of the nation. Hungary, which had collaborated with the Nazis, was painted as a victim, surrounded by external enemies, under perpetual siege, first from the Ottomans, then the Nazis, and later the Communists. Hungary’s mission was clear: to defend against its enemies, and to preserve Christianity against encroaching Islam and secular forces.
Against this backdrop, Finkelstein had an epiphany. What if the veil of the conspiracy were to be lifted and a shadowy figure appear, controlling everything? The puppet master. Someone who not only controlled the “big capital” but embodied it. A real person. A Hungarian. Strange, yet familiar.
That person was Soros, Finkelstein told Birnbaum.
Birnbaum was mesmerized: Soros was the perfect enemy.
At the beginning, it almost didn’t make sense. Why campaign against a nonpolitician? Although he was born in Hungary, Soros hadn’t lived there in years. He was an old man, known all over the country as a patron of civil society. He had supported the opposition against the Communists before the fall of the Iron Curtain, and financed school meals for kids afterward. In Budapest, he had built one of the best universities in Eastern Europe.
George Soros Olivier Hoslet / AFP / Getty Images
Orbán had even received money from Soros: During his time in the opposition, his small underground foundation Századvég published critical newspapers, created on a copy machine that was paid for by Soros. Orbán was also one of the more than 15,000 students who received scholarships from Soros’s Open Society Foundations. Thanks to Soros, Orbán studied philosophy in Oxford. The two men only met once: when Soros came to Hungary in 2010 after a toxic spill to provide $1 million in emergency funds.
There didn’t really seem to be a reason to turn against him in Hungary.
But Finkelstein and Birnbaum saw something in Soros that would make him the perfect enemy. There’s a long history of criticism of Soros, dating back to 1992, when Soros earned $1 billion overnight betting against the British pound. For many on the left, Soros was a vulture. But Soros used his sudden prominence to push for liberal ideas. He supported everything the right was against: climate protection, equality, the Clintons. He opposed the second Iraq War in 2003, even comparing George W. Bush to the Nazis, and became a major donor for the Democrats. He was soon a hate figure for the Republicans.
But there was more. Finkelstein and Birnbaum had expanded their work into exactly those countries where the Open Society Foundations was trying to build liberal local elites and civil rights movements: Ukraine, Romania, the Czech Republic, Macedonia, Albania. Birnbaum believed Soros stood for “a socialism that is wrong for these areas.” According to Birnbaum, Finkelstein was more practical about his opposition to Soros, whom he saw as simply a means to an end: “It wasn’t an emotional thing.”
It didn’t take much for the two consultants to convince Orbán to take on Soros — the Hungarian prime minister had “an enormous amount of trust in Arthur’s intellect,” said Birnbaum. The anti-Soros campaign was useful for Orbán — and not just domestically. Externally, it would please his Russian neighbors. Putin was afraid of the so-called color revolutions like the one in Ukraine, and the Arab Spring, and had begun attacking Soros and his support for liberal causes.
The two men’s work for Orbán is now part of Hungary’s political legend. Finkelstein is an almost mythical figure, not least because Orbán has barely mentionedhis role in public. His spokespeople did not reply to requests for comment about Finkelstein and Birnbaum.
Birnbaum was similarly unforthcoming about the exact details of the work they did for Orbán. He didn’t want to discuss whether they had drafted slogans or just simple concepts, nor would he say how much control they had over the campaign itself.
The public campaign against Soros began in earnest on Aug. 14, 2013, around nine months ahead of the next election. It started relatively quietly, with an article in the government-aligned newspaper Heti Válasz attacking NGOs that were said to be controlled by Soros.
Next, the Hungarian government went after the allegedly Soros-controlled environmental organization Ökotárs, which received Norwegian and Swiss funding. Police stormed their offices and confiscated computers, while the government opened an investigation into their activities. The Hungarian investigators would eventually come up empty — but not before they had succeeded in spreading the image of a shadowy network of foreign NGOs run by Soros.
Orbán and his team didn’t stop there. By 2015, the European refugee crisis, in part stimulated by the war in Syria, had emboldened nationalists across the continent. So when Soros argued that the EU needed to develop a “common plan” for the treatment of refugees, and prepare for a million asylum-seekers per year, he became a welcome target once more for Orbán’s team. On Oct. 30, 2015, Orbán made a speech in which he claimed Soros wanted to weaken the country and flood it with refugees.
The attacks came thick and fast after that. Any organization that had ever received money from the Open Society Foundations was painted as “Soros controlled.” Employees of the NGOs were described by government press as “mercenaries,” financed by foreign powers. All of that was done through a series of sensational articles and official responses from members of government.
A crescendo was reached in July 2017, when the whole country was plastered with ads showing Soros’s face and the slogan “Don’t let George Soros have the last laugh!”
The slogan “Stop Soros” was repeated endlessly, everywhere. Manipulated photos showed him walking hand in hand with allies through a fence: Orbán’s fence, constructed to stop refugees crossing into Hungary. Orbán claimed Soros maintained a mafia network.
In the fall of 2017 the administration conducted a “national consultation.” Millions of citizens received questionnaires, in which they could choose whether or not they supported the “Soros plan” to allow a million people from Africa and the Middle East to enter Europe per year.
It worked. A huge part of the country turned against Soros. Orbán won in 2014 and 2018, both times with an overwhelming majority.
Soros was trapped. “The perfect enemy is one that you can punch again and again and he won't punch back,”said Birnbaum. If Soros had struck back, it would have just played into their hands, confirming that he had power and influence, said Birnbaum. Soros and the Open Society Foundations have tried to counter accusations and attacks, and have even sued the Hungarian government in the European Court of Human Rights, but they couldn’t enter the political arena. It would be unthinkable for the 87-year-old Soros to run against Orbán. “Mr. Soros is not a politician,” said his assistant Michael Vachon.
Despite everything that followed, Birnbaum is proud of the campaign against Soros: “Soros was a perfect enemy. It was so obvious. It was the simplest of all products, you just had to pack it and market it.”
The product was so good, it sold itself and went global. In 2017, Italians started talking about Soros-financed immigrant boats arriving on the shores. In the US, some people suspected Soros was behind the migrant caravan entering from Central America. A Polish member of parliament called Soros the “most dangerous man in the world.” Putin referred dismissively to Soros during a press conference with Trump in Helsinki. Trump even claimed that the demonstrations against Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh were sponsored by Soros.
Today Finkelstein and Birnbaum’s work in Hungary has echoes everywhere. Birnbaum denied the suggestion that he had run anti-Soros campaigns outside of Hungary. But perhaps he didn’t have to. Anyone could pick up the ideas and run with them. Finkelstein and Birnbaum had turned Soros into a meme. Right-wing sites like Breitbart, or the Kremlin-controlled Russia Today, could simply adopt the Hungarian campaign, translate it into other languages, and feed it with local arguments.
If right-wing movements want to campaign today, they can source Soros material from the internet. Anti-Soros material is a globalized, freely available, and adaptable open-source weapon. Birnbaum said it was the common denominator of the nationalist movement.
Soros was a target of demonstrators in Macedonia in 2017, when the country was debating whether Albanian should become an official language. Robert Atanasovski / AFP / Getty Images
Orbán’s campaign against Soros never actually used the word Jew, but it was often implicit. Orbán told his people they would have to fight against an “enemy” who was “different,” who didn’t have a “home.” It was common to see anti-Semitic graffiti on the “Stop Soros” ads — voters knew what they were being told.
Finkelstein and Birnbaum created a Frankenstein monster that found a new life on the internet. In that stew are the resentments for his assault on communism, and allegations that he’s a communist; anti-Jewish slurs and charges he’s a Nazi; and above all the old mix of European anti-Semitism.
If you search today for Soros, you will immediately find images of his head with octopus tentacles, another classic anti-Semitic motif. Even Netanyahu’s son Yair posted an anti-Semitic meme in 2017 showing Soros and reptilians controlling the world.
Members of the Jewish community in Hungary began to protest the Stop Soros campaign in 2017. The Israeli ambassador condemned it. When Zoltan Radnoti, a prominent Hungarian rabbi, learned that the campaign was led by two members of the Jewish community, he was shocked.
The anti-Semitism that sprang out of the Soros campaign might not be too surprising, even if Finkelstein and Birnbaum did not intend it. They imported ancient themes and modern grievances into 21st-century communications technology. What was new: They had turned Soros into their central political enemy.
The allegation that he was responsible for anti-Semitism pains Birnbaum. He just doesn’t see it. He decided to speak primarily because he wants to refute it. He is, after all, an observant Jew and member of many pro-Israeli charities.
“When we planned the campaign,” he said, “we didn’t think a second about Soros being a Jew.” Birnbaum claimed he didn’t even know it back then, and that he never worked with anti-Semites.
Before working with Orbán, he checked in with informed circles in Israel to see how Orbán felt about Jews. He didn’t hear anything that would put him off — on the contrary, he said, Orbán had fought against anti-Semitism and had even given his first daughter the Jewish name “Rahel.”
After all, “can I not attack someone because he is a Jew?” Birnbaum asked.
Whatever their intention, the anti-Soros invective has only increased, sometimes with deadly consequences. In October 2018, a Trump supporter sent a parcel bomb to Soros. Five days later a gunman entered a synagogue in Pittsburgh, killing 11 people. The attacker saw himself as part of a fight against a Jewish conspiracy, which he believed was funding mass migration, and talked about the caravan and Soros on social media.
When asked if the Soros campaign in Hungary had stoked this anti-Semitism, Birnbaum admitted that with the benefit of hindsight, “it looks really bad,” but at the time it was the right decision to target Soros, he said.
Some months after the meeting in Berlin, Birnbaum went to the Trump hotel in DC, where a friend, Trump’s former campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, was presenting his new book, Trump’s Enemies. Kellyanne Conway dropped by. Caviar was being sold, $100 per ounce. Birnbaum chatted with the other guests and ordered a Moscow mule.
Had he changed his mind about the Soros campaign? Any regrets?
“Anti-Semitism is something eternal, indelible,” said Birnbaum. “Our campaign did not make anyone anti-Semitic who wasn’t before. Maybe we were just drawing a new target, not more. I would do it again.” ●
The chart that measures social media reactions to George Soros is in his office in Manhattan, not the office of the Open Society Foundations.
Hannes Grassegger is a Swiss economist and expert in Information Warfare. Best known for starting the Cambridge Analytica discussion. He is a technology reporter for Das Magazin, Zürich.

The centuries-old history of Jewish “puppet master” conspiracy theories

The alleged Pittsburgh synagogue shooter thought George Soros was controlling the world economy. Here’s the anti-Semitic history of that far-right narrative.

Jewish tombstones vandalized In Verano Cemetery in Rome, Italy, in 2017. Stefano Montesi/Corbis via Getty Images
The Pittsburgh synagogue shooter had a conspiracy theory.
The suspected killer of 11 Jewish people in a mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue frequently posted snippets of his political ideology on far-right social networking sites like Gab. He posited that George Soros, the Jewish billionaire known for contributing to liberal causes, was secretly controlling the Honduran migrant caravan, a dwindling group of about 4,000 people heading on foot to the US-Mexico border to seek political refuge from instability and gang violence as part of a wider scheme to destabilize Western democracy.
HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people,” the suspected gunman allegedly wrote on Gab hours before the attack, referring to a Jewish nonprofit that advocates for refugees, before adding, “I can’t stand by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics. I’m going in.”
Hours later, 11 people were dead.
As Media Matters researcher Talia Lavin told Vox earlier this week, the narrative of “white genocide”— the destabilization and marginalization of white people in Europe — is historically inextricable from the conspiracy narrative of the Jew as “puppet master.” This figure is supposedly both secretly, insidiously in charge of the economic and political world order, and deeply committed ideologically to destabilizing ethnic and national identities.
Soros is an incredibly wealthy Jewish man who has made no secret of his liberal political affiliations. He’s become a convenient symbol for anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. But he’s far from the first one — and unlikely to be the last.
The conspiracy theories against Soros, and the insidious idea of the “Jewish puppet master” more generally, are part of a much broader rhetoric of hate, one that has fomented amid populist anxieties about urbanization, industrialization, and capitalism for centuries.
It’s a pernicious trope, but far from a new one, dating back to the European Enlightenment, an umbrella term for a number of rationalist, largely secular, philosophical schools of thought that flourished in the 18th century.
Since the late 18th century — and the political changes that followed the European Enlightenment — Jews have been treated as a scapegoat for populist anger, unfairly blamed for wider cultural anxieties about capitalism, industrialization, and an increasingly diverse and cosmopolitan social landscape.

Anti-Semitism today is rooted in narratives that have been around since the 1780s

Historical hatred of Jews has taken very particular forms over the past two millennia. There was religious anti-Semitism based loosely on the idea that the Jews were (allegedly) responsible for the killing of Christ, or for refusing him as Messiah. There was also straightforward racial animosity, which led to sickeningly regular genocidal violence throughout Medieval Europe.
But the anti-Semitic narratives around George Soros, which seem to have motivated the suspected Pittsburgh shooter, are rooted in a relatively more recent anti-Semitism that has been around since the late 18th century: a toxic conflation of anti-Semitism and “populism” that portrays Jews as mysterious, mustache-twirling puppet masters of the global order.
In an excellent 2017 piece inJacobin, Harrison Fluss and Landon Frim look at how this form of anti-Semitism came to be.
They trace the origins of this modern “populist” narrative of anti-Semitism — the idea that Jews are out to subvert a Christian, ethnically unified society — to the political and economic upheavals that defined the late 1700s. The French Revolution, in particular, dispensed with absolutist monarchy in France and plunged all of Europe into a time of political instability. One Revolution-era document they highlight lays out what it meant to be part of this new, post-monarchical France.
That 1789 document, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen, laid out a radically new way of understanding what it meant to be French — or, at least, French in a newly democratic, post-monarchical society. It presented a vision of citizenship as distinct from bloodline or heritage, grounded instead in the democratic process and in “universal reason and equality.” A vision of citizenship that, Fluss and Frum write, explicitly emancipated Jews.
The ways in which Jews became citizens, Fluss and Frum argue, highlighted a fundamental difference in the way identity was understood between the ancien régimeof monarchial France and the post-Revolutionary, increasingly capitalist, world order.
“Belonging” became not an issue of ethnicity or birthright but of political participation. “Citizenship,” by contrast, became a unifying foundational concept — one that allowed for a society based, in theory, on a coherence of ideas rather than a confluence of bloodlines.
The 18th-century debate over “human rights” was inextricably tied to the practical question of the place of Jews in society. If all citizens of a nation were equal by virtue of their civic participation, then Jews were “one of us.” If, however, identity were more fixed — based on natural and biological factors — then Jews could neverbe “one of us.” They would always be outsiders at best, impostors at worst.
This debate over “citizenship,” and what it meant to belongto a place, came at a time of immense social upheaval more broadly. The 19th century in Western Europe was a time of rapid industrialization, urbanization, and the increasing dominance of an urban, capitalist economic order. For some, this meant the possibility of prosperity — throughout Europe, the 19th century saw the dawning of a larger, richer middle class.
But for others, the new, liberal, capitalist world order did not live up to its promise. And those left behind, socially or financially, by that new order sought someone to blame. And so, as Fluss and Frim write, "the Counter-Enlightenment belonged to the Right, quite often of the romantic, völkisch [or nationalist], and anti-Semitic Right.”
Opponents of Enlightenment values more broadly bought into ideas that prioritized fixed identity — based on blood, language, or faith — over nebulous definitions of “citizenship” or “human rights” (definitions that would, in turn, legitimize Jews as full members of society).
The 19th century saw a dawning of nationalist ideology across Europe, including a fascination with imagined, primordial pasts defined by national myths. The composer Richard Wagner, whose anti-Semitic legacy has long been debated, created staggering operas, based on Old Norse mythology, that doubled as paeans to an imagined German past. The Brothers Grimm started their project of collecting German folklore and fairytales — like Wagner, hoping to create a vision of a unified, purer Germanic past.
This reactionary Counter-Enlightenment treated Jews (alongside other “undesirables”) as responsible for the evil of uncontrolled capitalism, another social factor that had come to shape the industrial 19th century. In their minds, the emancipation of Jews went hand in hand with all the flaws of the new “liberal” world order that the Enlightenment — and, after it, the French Revolution — had wrought.
It was this conflation of populist, anti-capitalist sentiment and anti-Semitism that led German sociologist August Bebel to term anti-Semitism “the socialism of fools.
For example, from an 1845 text by Alphonse Toussenel:
Protestants and Jews, thanks to emancipation after 1787 and 1791, have controlled public opinion in order to favour trafficking and rigging the market, blocked every defence of royalty and of the people, put the producer and the consumer at their mercy so that in France the Jew reigns and governs.
These attitudes weren’t just limited to verbal discourse. Anti-Semitic pamphlets and imagery throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries visually portrayed the Jew as something between a corporate fat cat and a shadowy overlord; someone “cosmopolitan,” urbane (and urban), and dangerous.
This rhetoric reveals the extent to which Jews were seen as scapegoats, responsible for somehow manipulating the current world order in order to destabilize white Christian identity. It’s the exact same story we see today in narratives around Soros: that of the scheming Jewish billionaire, without any real(i.e., blood)loyalty to the country that allows him to be a citizen, actively seeking to undermine white Christian unity.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion set the blueprint for future anti-Semitism

Perhaps the most noxious and notorious example of this brand of anti-Semitism is The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a 1903 Russian hoax document. It was a “handbook” on Jewish rule “proving” that a shadowy cabal of Jews was running the government, the media, and actively plotting to suppress nationalism and religion.
It’s unclear who wrote the document, or when — although parts of it are plagiarized from unrelated, earlier French and German satirical texts — but it seems clear that the document was intended to stoke anti-Semitic sentiments among ordinary Russians. But, even more disturbingly, it managed to conflate the Jewish people both with a threat to national and religious identity, and with a kind of dangerous secular capitalism.
These straw-man fictitious Jews, depicted in the document for example, announce that:
“It is indispensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear out of the mind of the "goyim" the very principle of god-head and the spirit, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs”
The Protocols were used by the Nazis as propaganda and are still distributed and presented as fact by organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah, and remain in common use among extremist right-wing groups. In 2012, for example, a representative of Greece’s ultra-right Golden Dawn party read a portion of the text aloud in the Greek parliament.
Serbian anti-Semitic poster depicting Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin as puppets of a Jewish man. Swim Ink 2/Corbis via Getty Images

The populist anger at the heart of modern anti-Semitism may not be new. But that doesn’t make it any less dangerous. Last weekend’s attacks on the Tree of Life synagogue — the deadliest ever attack on Jews on American soil according to the Anti-Defamation League — reveal just how noxious the “Jewish puppet master” trope can be, and just how long it can survive.
But historical memory is as short as history itself is cyclical. The mantra of “never again” — repeated so often after the horrors of the Holocaust — all too easily dissolves into “until next time.”

Chakrabarti has been abandoned - Jenny Formby is Flying the White Flag as Labour heads back to the days of Iain McNicol


Asa Winstanley is suspended for calling the JLM an Israeli Embassy proxy and Kinnock Calls for Darren Williams' Head 
Are these the last days of Jeremy Corbyn?

The latest victim of the growing witchhunt inside the Labour Party is Asa Winstanley, a journalist with Electronic Intifada. Asa learnt of his suspension, not from the Labour Party but from the Jewish Chronicle to whom it was leaked. His offence was to callthe Jewish Labour Movement a ‘proxy for the Israeli Embassy.’
Telling the truth about the JLM relationship with the Israeli Embassy is apparently 'antisemitic'& a suspension offence
Once again the Compliance Unit has leaked personal information and details of Labour’s disciplinary process to the press before the person themselves has been notified. This is in clear violation of the GDPR.  This used to be regular practice under Iain McNicol. It has now resurfaced.
It would appear that nothing has changed since the days of Iain McNicoll. After writing one strong letter to Tom Watson, Jennie Formby has now surrendered. Instead of questioning suspensions for expressing one's opinions about the witch-hunt (how is that anti-Semitic?) she has given the Compliance Unit a green light to purge the Left. The pace of suspensions is thus increasing and once again we have the situation of old tweets being microscopically examined for any signs of dissidence.
It isn’t anti-Semites who are being suspended it is journalists, activists, socialists.  Due process has gone out of the window.
The suspension of Asa Winstanley is an attack on freedom of speech. Asa has written many well researched articles proving how the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign in the Labour Party has been manufactured by Israeli state front groups such as the Jewish Labour Movement. Articles such as How Israel lobby manufactured UK Labour Party’s anti-Semitism crisis and Jewish Labour Movement was refounded to fight Corbyn. Asa has shown how e.g. at Oxford University Labour Club the allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ were manufactured by a former intern for Israeli propaganda group, BICOM.
The JLM is a scab organisation inviting the State to interfere in the Labour Party 
Asa’s last article, showing how the JLM had almost ceased to exist until the Israeli Embassy revived it in 2015 and injected money into it, with the express purpose of waging a war against Jeremy Corbyn, caused them particular grief. The JLM was until recently chaired by fraud and crook Jeremy Newmark who, despite being exposed in the Jewish Chronicle and being subject to a Police investigation is still a Labour councillor.
In Israel they murder journalists they don't like
I am not surprised that the Zionist movement has targeted Asa Winstanley. He should count himself lucky. In Israel they shootdisagreeable journalists!
The suspension of Asa Winstanley takes place hot on the heels of the suspensionof Sean McCallum, the Mayoral candidate in Mansfield on the basis of two tweets posted two years ago.
One member of Mansfield CLP describes what happened:
‘We had already elected a prospective candidate who then withdrew, so we went through the process again. After the new candidate was chosen, someone with too much time on their hands and an axe to grind went through his social media posts and found 2 posts from 2 years ago, complained, and Sean McCallum was immediately suspended. This man is NOT anti-semitic or racist in any way, he was devastated and has resigned from the Labour party with immediate effect, he says that once his term as a councillor comes to an end he will walk away from politics.’
Sean, who is a firefighter and who served in Iraq, spelt out his feelings in a letter to members of Mansfield CLP:
‘The first, was an online article which explained the origins of an illustration used by Labour MP Naz Shah in a tweet for which she was suspended and later apologised. The article explains that the creator of the illustration was an eminent Jewish Professor Norman Finklestein, an analyst and expert in the Israeli/Palestine conflict, whose parents survived the holocaust. My comments on this article are correct, there is no evidence of anti-Semitism within it. I do not accept that this indicates that I am of an anti-Semitic disposition".
Regarding the other post he says: "I was (poorly) attempting to express my anger and frustration towards the government of Israel, and its political and military policies regarding Palestine. This does not make me an anti-Semite –it makes me someone who cares deeply about the loss of life on both sides of that conflict".
"I have no faith at all that a fair and equitable process would indeed take place-there is a battle raging within the Labour Party which has nothing to do with racism, and everything to do with power and control.
Whilst it is absolutely vital that the importance of tackling anti-Semitism is not minimised, and that my poor choice of words is acknowledged, it is also apparent to many observers and Labour Party members that the issue is also being weaponised, as factions within struggle for control and ultimately power. This in itself is cynical, and  in my view dilutes the seriousness of fighting racism in all forms."
We have to call a halt now to the suspension of people for whom anti-Semitism is a pretext. As an unnamed member of Mansfield CLP wrote:
So the Labour party has lost another good councillor and dedicated member and we are the poorer for it, because of this nonsense. We also have no mayoral candidate and we desperately need to remove the "Independent" mayor (basically a Tory) who seems to be able to veto everything that the council wants and control everything in a way that seems totally undemocratic.
I know he doesn’t want to challenge the Labour party on this, but I am letting you know because I really feel that it is a witch hunt, anyone who wants to discredit someone for any reason only seems to have to utter the words “anti-semitism” and that person is suspended regardless of whether they are or not. I have no idea what we can do to stop this nonsense but in the mean time, good people are being victimised and driven out of the party/politics and the real racists are still out there causing problems. In my opinion someone independent and with common sense should look at complaints like this and others such as Jo Bird and Chris Williamson and simply throw out complaints where there is no anti-semitism rather than automatic suspensions for everyone (especially the left wing members). I have no idea how we can achieve a fairer system but it can’t go on like this.
Idiot Jennie Formby has brought in Blair's right hand man Charlie 
What is even more unforgivable is that Formby has called in Blair’s flat mate, friend and former Lord Chancellor Charlie Falconer, someone who went along with all Blair’s wars and privatisations and who is a deadly enemy to the Corbyn Project.  No wonder that he is now calling for an investigationinto Corbyn’s own advisers. The net is closing in and the witch-hunters are getting closer to Corbyn himself .
Coming in the wake of the suspensionof Jo Bird, a Jewish councillor in the Wirral and the suspension of Chris Williamson MP we are facing a full witchhunt of anyone who dares speak out about the McCarthyist madness that is gripping the Labour Party.
None of the above have been disciplined for anything remotely anti-Semitic.  It has now become an offence merely to question the assertion that there is widespread anti-Semitism. This is Orwellian and resembles Israeli democracy.
Israeli democracy - you can vote for any party that accepts Israel is a Jewish state not a state of all its citizens
What this really is about of course is Israel.  At the moment a General Election is taking place in Israel where the main battle is between two Zionist parties – Likud and Blue & White where the main debate is as to who has killed the most Arabs. It is an election in which 2 Arab parties and a Jewish member of the Communist  Party have been banned, a decision currently under appeal to the High Court. That is what happens in an ethno-nationalist state. Israel is the most racist state in the world and this is what Labour’s ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign is about, defending the West’s armed watchdog in the Middle East.
Scab MP Stephen Kinnock calls for Darren Williams to be Suspended

Darren Williams  is the latest target of son of scab Stephen Kinnock
Jewish Labour Movement MPs such as Louise Ellman have defended through thick and thin the Israeli army’s occupation of the West Bank.  This MP, who I have called the MP for Tel Aviv South, has even defended in a debatein Parliament on Palestinian child prisoners Israeli army practices such as kidnapping them in the early hours of the morning and blindfolding and beating them. 
This is what it's really about - Zionism and racism in Israel
Only yesterday Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu respondingto the suggestion that Israel is a country of all its citizen, wrote to actress, Rotem Sela:
"Dear Rotem, an important correction: Israel is not a state of all its citizens. According to the Nation-State Law that we passed, Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish People - and them alone.
This is the racism that Labour’s current witchhunt is designed to defend.  We stand in full solidarity with Asa Winstanley, Jo Bird, Sean McCallum, Jackie Walker and Chris Williamson.
The leaking of peoples’ details to the press is a blatantly illegal and we demand that the Compliance Unit is closed down.  It is not fit for purpose. 
This is what Jennie Formby’s craven cowardice and bending the knee to Tom Watson is about.  As the local elections get nearer so the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign will grow louder.  The latest potential victim is Darren Williams who is on Labour's NEC. But, as I have said repeatedly in the past, the real target is not me nor Chris Williamson or any of the people in t his post, it is Jeremy Corbyn.  Unfortunately the fool does not realise it and appointing Blair’s buddy to reinvestigate cases will only lasten the day that Corbyn is overthrown by a coup of his own  MPs.
Tony Greenstein

I have just filed an Appeal with the Court of Appeal in my Libel Case Against the misnamed Campaign Against Antisemitism


Please help me fight the misnamed Campaign Against Antisemitism Israel’s ‘Antisemitism’ Attack Dog 

please share

On February 2018 I began proceedings against the CAA for defamation, calling me a 'notorious antisemite' See e.g. 

On February 15th 2019 at a Preliminary Issues Hearing to determine the meaning of what the CAA said, Judge Nicklin ruled that calling someone an 'antisemite' is a matter of opinion not fact!  Nicklin chose to ignore the fact that the misnamed 'Campaign Against Antisemitism' called me, 5 times, a 'notorious antisemite'

Calling people 'antisemites' is the go to insult of those who spend their lives defending the world's most racist state. A state whose Prime Minister admitted last Sunday is not a state of its own citizens but only of its Jewish citizens.
As we know Chris Williamson and countless other people in the Labour Party, all of them anti-racists have been accused by Zionists of 'antisemitism'.  Yet when these people are asked to justify their accusations they are unable to do so and instead say that that is their opinion!
Last Friday I filed an application to the Court of Appeal for permission to appeal Nicklin's decision. This is costing money as British courts are not cheap. My opponents, the Campaign Against the Truth have access to unlimited finance from the Israeli state. I am dependent on yours and others generosity. If you can afford it please contribute.  If you can’t please share this as widely as possible.
This is not for my benefit but for all those libelled and defamed by the Zionists as a means of protecting the world's most racist state. If I fail I will be made bankrupt as the other sides costs are already over £50,000.  I have taken this on because we have to stand up to those who use the sufferings of Jewish people IN THE PAST as a justification for the suffering of Palestinians TODAY.
ALSO - please share this appeal as widely as possible on social media.
You can donate in a number of ways:
i.  By going to my Go Fund Me page
2.  Paying via Paypal to tonygreenstein111@gmail.com (be careful not to say you are paying for something - it is a personal donation)
3.  Via BACS to 'BUWC' please specifiy libel donation
Sort Code 09-01-50 Account No:  04094107
4.  Or post a cheque made out to BUWC at PO Box 173, Rottingdean, Brighton BN51 9EZ

Tony Greenstein

Israeli Soldiers Receive 6 Months from Military Court for Beating Up Prisoners


Compare this with the 8 months that 16 year old Ahed Tamimi received for slapping heavily armed soldiers who nearly killed her cousin

It is of course extremely rare that Israeli soldiers are punished for any offence against the Palestinian population.  Normally there is no crime that they commit which is punished.  I don’t know the exact circumstances that led to this group of soldiers being punished but consider that they beat prisoners, tied up and blindfolded.  There was a ‘party’ atmosphere.

Contrast to the 8 month prison sentence that a 16 year old girl Ahed Tamimi received for slapping a soldier, barely an hour after her cousin was nearly killed when a plastic bullet took off part of his face.
The military court in Jaffa cleared for publication on Tuesday a video showing Israeli soldiers hitting two Palestinian prisoners in the head after their arrest in the West Bank in January.
Four of the five soldiers documented, all from the Netzah Yehuda infantry battalion, were convicted of aggravated abuse on Sunday and are expected to serve a six-month prison term. The fifth soldier, whose part in the incident has been dubbed "relatively minor," was convicted of abuse and sentenced to two months in prison.
The video, filmed by another soldier, shows soldiers landing blows on the heads of two bound Palestinian prisoners with covered eyes. The soldiers can be heard saying "it's your party," and "say hello."
The faces of both the soldiers and the prisoners are pixelated in the version of the video made public.
According to the indictments filed against the soldiers in January, the Palestinians, a father and son, were detained on January 8 on suspicion of aiding a Palestinian who committed a shooting attack at the intersection near the West Bank outpost of Givat Assaf a month earlier. It turned out that the pair had not been directly involved in planning or carrying out the attack in which two soldiers from the Netzah Yehuda battalion, who were friends of the defendants, were killed.
Netzah Yehuda is an all-male ultra-Orthodox unit of the Israel Defense Forces that allows soldiers to serve in the army while strictly observing religious customs. It is part of the Kfir infantry brigade.
After the arrest of the father and son, on their way to the army base near the settlement of Beit El, the soldiers punched and kicked the two, who were handcuffed and blindfolded, and hit them with their weapons, causing serious injuries.
One detainee’s injuries were so severe that investigators could not question him immediately following the incident. The two Palestinians were taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, where one of them remained in hospital for three days.
The soldiers’ commander, a lieutenant, was also indicted last month for not preventing the violence. The officer was charged with failure to prevent a crime, negligently causing injury and conduct unbecoming an officer.
”The commander noticed his soldiers enacting harsh violence against the Palestinian detainees, while they were handcuffed and blindfolded, and despite this did not prevent them from continuing to beat them,” said the indictment. The officer was suspended from his duties as a result of the incident.
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