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Israeli Holocaust Survivors Protest Against the Visit of Hungary's Antisemitic Prime Minister to its Holocaust Propaganda Museum, Yad Vashem


As soon as Labour Takes a 4% Lead the ‘Anti-Semitism’ Campaign Returns - If Corbyn Doesn’t Grow a Backbone and Fight Back the ‘Anti-Semitism’ Smears will devour him

In the very week that Israel passed the Jewish Nation State Law which ‘constitutionally enshrined discrimination against its Palestinian population’, making Israel an officially apartheid state, the false ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign returned. 
The Jewish Nation State Lawdefines Israel as a state, not of its own citizens, but of Jews wherever they may live in the world. I have more rights, as a Jewish person living in Britain than a Palestinian citizen of Israel. If that is not racism then the word has lost all meaning. According to Bradley Burston, a senior editor of Ha’aretz,
In the dead of night early Thursday,  Netanyahu led the government in passing the Nation-State Bill, a law which effectively repealed and superseded the equality and democracy provisions of  Israel's Declaration of Independence as a guide for the future of the country. Gone is any mention of equality. In its place, directives that veer Israel towards genuine apartheid, including a downgrading of the status of the Arabic language and therefore of Arab citizens of Israel.’
Orban's election campaign consisted of anti-Soros posters
Arabic is no longer an official language. Although a clause explicitly allowing the creation of Jewish only communities was replaced with one supporting Jewish settlement in Arab areas this was just a matter of words. What it meant was a continuation of the policy of Judaisation of areas like the Galilee or the Negev, i.e. the creation of Jewish only settlements in places where there are too many Arabs.
But also this week we had the visit of Viktor Orban, the anti-Semitic Prime Minister of Hungary. Eva Balogh describesin Hungarian Spectrum how ‘In the last eight years the Hungarian government has made a serious effort to rewrite the history of the Holocaust and many other aspects of Hungarian-Jewish history.’ The form this takes is Orban’s rehabilitation of Admiral Horthy, Hungary’s wartime ruler who formed a pact with Nazi Germany and who presided over the deportation of nearly ½ million Jews to Auschwitz.
Israelis demonstrate in June in Afula, a northern Israeli city against the sale of a house to an Arab - according to the IHRA definition of  antisemitism, to call this racist is antisemitic
It is strange that in all the attacks on Jeremy Corbyn, Margaret Hodge and the other Zionist rubbish in the Labour Party don’t criticise the visit of a Holocaust revisionist, Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary, to Israel despite Philip Stephen’s observationthat Orban described Horthy as amongst Hungary’s exceptional statesmen”.
Orban arrives to a hero's reception in Israel
Orban waged an anti-Semitic election campaign against Jewish billionaire George Soros employing all the old anti-Jewish stereotypes. The silence of the Jewish Labour Movement and the Hodges has been deafening. This was a campaign not only approved by Netanyahu but the subject of an anti-Semitic cartoon by his son Yair, a cartoon which neo-Nazis like David Duke openly praised. In an election speech in March Orban declared:
“We are fighting an enemy that is different from us.Not open, but hiding; not straightforward but crafty; not honest but base; not national but international; does not believe in working but speculates with money; does not have its own homeland but feels it owns the whole world.”
Both the antisemitic Orban and the fascist Netanyahu agree on hatred of Soros
This includes virtually every anti-Semitic dog whistle you can think of.  Speculation, usury, doesn’t believe in working, crafty, dishonest, doesn’t have a homeland i.e. no loyalty and yet Yad Vashem Zionism’s Holocaust propaganda museum laid down the red carpet to welcome this man.
Today we learnthat ‘Dozens of demonstrators, including Holocaust survivors and descendants of survivors, block Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s convoy outside Israeli Holocaust museum. ‘He is a danger to humanity.’ Attorney Eitay Mack, one of the organisers of the protest was quoted as saying that:
The useless IHRA publicises statements against 'antisemitism by the antisemitic Hungarian government
“Every dictator, every murderer who wants to buy weapons from Israel must come and lay a wreath at Yad Vashem. We saw the head of the junta in Myanmar come here for a visit, only to carry out a genocidal campaign months later. We saw the prime minister of Kenya, who is suspected of crimes against humanity. Yad Vashem has turned into an institution that whitewashes the crimes of these regimes — as long as they do business with Israel.”
Yael Weiss-Reind, whose family was murdered in Hungary during the Holocaust, said that Yad Vashem was granting legitimacy to these regimes when it accepts leaders who carry out policies and ideologies that are very similar to what we saw decades ago.”
“My family is from Hungary,” she says, “my grandfather was murdered in Auschwitz, and the prime minister of Hungary, who is being welcomed here with respect, has previously expressed his admiration for the leader who helped carry out the annihilation of 564,000 Jews. I am disgusted by the fact that the State of Israel is hosting him.”
The dark side
According to the Zionist ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism, Yael Weiss-Reind, despite being a Holocaust survivor, and Attorney Mack are both anti-Semites.  They dared to compare the actions of Israel to those of the Nazis. 
When Ken Livingstone mentioned the fact that the Nazis supported Zionism all hell broke loose even though it was factually true. When Netanyahu praises and invites as an honoured guest a man who is rehabilitating Horthy, who dispatched Jews to Auschwitz, Hodge, Berger, Smeeth and the rest of the cacophonous ‘anti-Semitism’ brigade remain silent. Such is the hypocrisy of the Zionists.
What is tragic though is that Corbyn, McDonnell and their supporters don’t call this hypocrisy out.  The Zionists latest complaint is that the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism hasn’t been adopted lock, stock and barrel by the NEC. All 500+ words of it. 
Yair Netanyahu's antisemitic cartoon - widely admired by neo-Nazis like David Duke ex-KKK
There have been numerous critiques of this bogus definition of anti-Semitism, a definition that 31 states including Hungary’s anti-Semitic government have happily signed up to. Critiques such as that of the Jewish former Court of Appeal judge Sir Stephen Sedley in ‘Defining Anti-Semitism’, Hugh Tomlison QC’s Opinionand Anthony Lerman’s Why turning to Jewish exceptionalism to fight antisemitism is a failing project.
The IHRA, whose only purpose is to conflate anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is intellectually threadbare. It consists of a 38 word definition and then 11 ‘illustrations’ of anti-Semitism, 7 of which refer to Israel. For example it holds that criticism of Israel as a ‘racist endeavour’ is anti-Semitic which is absurd.  If it is true that Israel is racist how can that be anti-Semitic?
The IHRA holds that ‘Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination  e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor’ is anti-Semitic.  In other words Israel is the product of Jewish self-determination, i.e. it is, as it claims, a Jewish nation state. But that is an anti-Semitic concept because it implies that Jews aren’t nationals of the states they live in. 
Another illustration says that Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.’ is anti-Semitic!  Well if Israel is the product of Jewish self-determination then it is right to hold them responsible for Israel’s actions. In other words the IHRA, by its own definition, is anti-Semitic!
Yet instead of making these simple arguments and rebutting the allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ Corbyn and his advisers continues to act as if their accusers were acting in good faith.  It should be abundantly clear that Hodge, Pollard, Smeeth and co. have all the attributes of a hungry pirhana fish.  They are vultures hovering over their prey. Lansman’s Momentum is paralysed because its owner, Jon Lansman is a Zionist.
It is time for supporters of Corbyn to fight back because there is one overriding reason for this anti-Semitism campaign – it isn’t to get rid of Tony Greenstein, Ken Livingstone, Marc Wadsworth or Jackie Walker.  The target is Jeremy Corbyn and until Corbyn is removed then the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign will continue unabated. That is a good reason why people should join Labour Against the Witchhunt and our Facebook page.
I also recommend watching this short Interview with Moshe Machover on the new Labour Anti-Semitism Code

Two White Racists Discuss Their Anti-Semitism and Contemplate their Navels as the Jewish Chronicle Declares War


To Jon Lansman and Owen Jones racism exists in your head – it has nothing to do with politics, society or power relations

The arrogant and narcissistic Lansman is the real author of the Jewish Chronicle heading - he has consistently failed to stand up to the false anti-semitism campaign

The Jewish Chronicle, which is a Zionist propaganda tract edited by the far-Right Steven Pollard, has declared war. In a front page Leader, over a picture of Jeremy Corbyn are the words ‘Anti-Semitic and a racist.’ Only  Momentum’s idiot fuhrer, Jon Lansman, still pretends that the anti-Semitic smear campaign is about anti-Semitism. To everyone with eyes to see and a brain to think it is obvious that the artificial anti-Semitism crisis of the past 3 years has but one target – Jeremy Corbyn. Anti-Semitism is a cynical weapon. According to the JC:
Moshe Machover Interviewed on Real News Network on Labour's New Antisemitism Code of Conduct
Dame Margaret Hodge’s confrontation of Jeremy Corbyn in a corridor of the House of Commons, calling him an “antisemite and a racist”, seems to have burst a dam.... there has been an understandable reluctance in some quarters to confront the appalling reality that the leader of the party, and our nation’s most likely next prime minister, is indeed as Dame Margaret describes him.

Jackie Walker has been one of the principal victims of the anti-semitism witchhunt
It gives me no pleasure to say that I was right. I have repeatedly argued that the real target of the witch-hunt is not Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth or myself but Jeremy Corbyn. On my Scottish tour last month in Scotland I had but one message. I have repeatedly emphasisedthat ‘Myself, Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth are just collateral damage. The target is Corbyn and the Left, whether he realises it or not.”
This time around there isn’t even the pretext of a long-forgotten mural, or a Facebook post. It is about removing Corbyn. The ostensible reason is the refusal to adopt wholesale, undigested, the bogus IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism which Hungary’s anti-Semitic leader Viktor Orban is quite comfortable with.
Right-wing Labour MP, Margaret Hodge, who was accused by Alan Johnson, the Blairite Cabinet Minister of echoing BNP propaganda and who, when leader of Islington Council deliberately covered up the rape and abuse of children in care, accused Corbyn of being ‘a fucking anti-Semite, a racist.’ 
If all you read or heard was the press or BBC you would get the impression that Labour’s failure to adopt the IHRA meant that Labour supports anti-Semitism. It is implied that the IHRA is a universally accepted definition of anti-Semitism which only the political equivalent of flat earthers or anti-Semites reject. All opposition to a ‘definition’ whose sole purpose is to conflate anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism is simply erased.
This is anti-semitism - Netanyahu joining in the anti-semitic attacks on George Soros
Supporters of Israel don’t even pretend that this is not their object. Stephen Pollard, the Jewish Chronicle editor, accusedLabour of being ‘institutionally anti-Semitic’ because it had failed to adopt the entire IHRA definition of anti-Semitism. 
‘instead of adopting the definition as agreed by all these bodies, Labour has excised the parts which relate to Israel and how criticism of Israel can be antisemitic.’
Zionists throw up their hands in horror when you suggest that the ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations are about Israel! Oh no these liars argue, it is about anti-Semitism but then, at the first opportunity, they revert to Israel and Zionism like dogs returning to their vomit.
Jon Lansman, the unelected dictator and owner of Momentum is perfectly well aware of the racist nature of the Israeli state.  In an article Labour’s antisemitism code is the gold standard for political parties he made it clear he spoke of Israel’s ‘racist state policies, not just in relation to the occupation and settlements, but also within Israel itself – the segregation of housing, education, employment, and systematic economic disadvantage.’  
This is real racism - hundreds of Israeli Jews demonstrate against an Arab having a house in the all-Jewish city of Afula
Lansman has a very good understanding of Israel but he is a Zionist, a Jewish supremacist. Lansman is fully aware of the demonstrations in the northern city of Afula where hundreds of Israeli Jews took to the streets to protest against the sale of a house to an Israeli Arab, yet he is incapable of drawing the conclusion that it is Zionism, the imperative for a Jewish state, that is responsible. 
Israel is the equivalent of Apartheid South Africa or the Deep South at the time of Jim Crow. If there was any political depth or integrity, to either Lansman or Owen Jones, then they would question Israel’s claim that it is a democracy. A state which demolishes Arab villages in order to replace them with Jewish settlements and towns, is an ethnocracy. Yet the whole of the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, is predicated on the idea that Israel is a liberal democracy.
Nowhere has Lansman or Owen Jones, mentioned that the IHRA is based on the idea that criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.’ How can criticism of Israel mirror that applied to liberal democracy when Israel is a Jewish supremacist state? Which other European state shoots down unarmed demonstrators or maintains a starvation siege of 2 million people?
In his recent Guardian article Lansman accepts that one of the IHRA illustrations of anti-Semitism, ‘Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavour’ can only be an attack on freedom of speech, given that Israel is undoubtedly a racist state.  Lansman even has a dig at the Zionist Board of Deputies:
I don’t think these organisations, many of which failed to come out against the Blackshirts marching through Cable Street, or those that welcomed the presidency of Donald Trump have the credibility to criticise a political party’s robust, thorough and far-reaching code of conduct. 
However the article as a whole was dire.  Instead of pointing out that the IHRA ‘definition of anti-Semitism’ is more concerned about Israel than anti-Semitism, Lansman bent over backwards to argue that Labour’s new Anti-Semitism Code incorporates all bar one of the IHRA illustrations.
Lansman never bothers to ask what kind of definition is it that requires 11 arbitrarrily drawn up, barely literate illustrations? Corbyn’s fatal mistake was in ever adopting the IHRA. Corbyn should have rejected it out of hand. The Right have adopted it because it is a stick to attack the Left with and Lansman thinks he’s being clever in joining in. Former Court of Appeal judge Sir Stephen Sedley, who is himself Jewish made the obvious point that the IHRA ‘fails the first test of any definition: it is indefinite.’
Lansman and Owen Jones seems incapable of making the connection between Israel’s racist policies and the allegations of anti-Semitism. They seem to believe that the latter are genuine despite the fact that there has been no credible evidence for them. Those making the accusations, such as Jonathan Arkush, the Trump supporting Tory who headed the Board of Deputies, even accused Jewdas, a Jewish group, of being a source ofvirulent anti-Semitism’.
There is a simple question that puts matters into perspective which is: ‘If Jews in Britain experienced the racism that  Palestinians undergo would they have genuine grounds to complain about anti-Semitism’.
People like Jonathan Freedland suggest that because most Jews identify with Israel (Freedland quoted 93% but he ignored the Yachad survey The Attitudes of British Jews to Israel that show 31% of Jews declare they are not Zionists and that only 59% of British Jews define themselves so). Labour and the left have an antisemitism problem
But even if a majority of British Jews identify with Israel so what? Challenging an identity is not racist. What if a majority of Muslims in this country had identified with Ayatollah Khomeini’s fatwa against Salman Rushdie? Would that have meant you were anti-Muslim to oppose it? Or if a majority of Africans were to identify with FGM? Would it be racist to oppose FGM? If British Jews support Israel then that is reactionary and racist.  Opposing Jews as Jews is anti-Semitic but not opposing the ideas that Jews hold.
Owen Jones - The Guardian's token leftist  and a complete airhead
Below is an extract from an interviewthat Owen Jones conducted with Lansman. It concedes everything and accepts that ‘anti-Semitism’ is a problem.  Not once do these airheads consider that when you are defending Apartheid, the best form of defence is to malign your opponents.  Not once do they ask why, if the real concern is about anti-Semitism, that Israel has the closest relations with anti-Semitic regimes such as Hungary and Poland (the Visigrad 4). 
Since the purpose of Momentum is to defend Jeremy Corbyn, it is an outrage that Lansman, as its Chair, is legitimising the anti-Semitism attack on Corbyn.
Below is the transcript of Jones interview with Lansman. Jones makes cheesiness into an art form and sycophancy into a badge of honour. He doesn’t try to probe Lansman’s clichés. 
Jones starts off by asserting that anti-Semitism is a ‘big problem’ on the Left and this is an assumption throughout. The problem is the repeated assertions by the Zionist, Labour’s Right and the mass media of this problem.  Evidence of anti-Semitism is thin.
Lansman says that people are in denial about anti-Semitism. Why is this strange? Should they admit to something that doesn’t exist?  He says anti-Semitism is different from other forms of discrimination whilst never saying how it is different. He then defines anti-Semitism as something people ‘have within them.’
This is the liberal explanation of racism. Racism is not something that arises from the psyche. Peoples’ prejudices arise from the society they live in. Racism is the justification for imperialism and colonialism. Refugees come here as a result of what we have done in their countries and then racism rears its head in opposition to immigration. This racism does not affect Jews who are White in this society. Anti-Semitism has all but died out.
It is sickening that at a time when Black British citizens have been deported to the West Indies, after 50+ years living here, that people like Lansman go on about an almost non-existent form of racism, a prejudice at worst.  This blindness to real racism, against Black and Asian people, Roma and Gypsies, is itself racist.  It is ironic that only 8 Labour MPs voted against the 2014 Immigration Act which created a ‘hostile environment’ that led to Windrush scandal. When Uncle Tom Chuka Ummuna goes on about ‘anti-Semitism’ we should remember that he supported the 2014 Immigration Act.
It is no accident that the right-wing press, the Sun and the Mail who employed Katie Hopkins as she compared refugees to vermin, are full of headlines attacking ‘Labour anti-Semitism’.
Let us be clear. Jews do not suffer deaths in custody, stop and search, deportations, economic discrimination etc. This is an exercise in false victimhood. The right-wing assertion that anti-Semitism is a major problem when it is not is in itself a form of racism. The false anti-Semitism campaign is about false victimhood.
Jones is particular facile when comparing male feminists who deny they are sexist to those who deny they are anti-Semitic. The relationship of men to women is not comparable to the relationship of Jews to non-Jews. Sexism exists both on a personal and societal level. Men have relationships with women in an entirely different way from that between Jews and non-Jews. Jones and Lansman also omit non/ anti-Zionist Jews who have been the target of the false anti-Semitism allegations and who have borne the brunt of the witch-hunt.
Lansman says anti-Semitism is a prejudice in ourselves’. If that is all it is then it’s not much. Elsewhere he describes it as ‘unconscious’. If you aren’t even conscious of it then it doesn’t exist.
Jones suggests the problem is education which gives Lansman the excuse to suggest that supporting the Palestinians leads people to believe that Jews are ‘bad people’. This is an example of how Lansman can’t distinguish between Israel, Zionism and Jews. Support for the Palestinians has nothing to with hostility to Jews anymore than opposition to Apartheid in South Africa was about hating Whites. This statement demonstrates that Lansman is an entrenched Zionist. If people need education it isn’t about anti-Semitism but about Britain’s colonial and imperial past, including Zionism.
Lansman gives two examples of anti-Semitism. Someone accused him of being a member of the chosen race. Lansman is a Zionist, he believes that Israel was recompense for the Holocaust and he has justifiedIsrael’s ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians in 1948 to create a Jewish state. Clearly he accepts the Zionist notion of a chosen people or a master race which is entitled to dispossess the natives.
Lansman’s second example of anti-Semitism is even more absurd. Someone said to him that they hate Israel for pretending to speak for all Jews. It is obvious that that person referred to the Israeli state and Zionism. Israel says it is a Jewish state, it has just passedthe Jewish Nation State Law which means that it speaks not only for its Jewish citizens but for all Jews. When Netanyahu spoke to the US Congress he claimed to speak as the Prime Minister not just of Israel but the whole Jewish people. This is the basis of the Jerusalem Programme of the World Zionist Organisation. Why is this anti-Semitic?
Lansman also stated that there was a remarkable level of agreement’ on the NEC about anti-Semitism. If so that is extremely worrying. It means that virtually the entire left of the NEC, bar Peter Willsman, has been fooled into accepting the right-wing narrative that Labour is an anti-Semitic party. Their failure to understand that anti-Semitism is being weaponised is pathetic. This is testament to the remarkably low level of political consciousness of Momentum NEC members.
Finally the reason why I describe Lansman and Owen Jones as racists is that according to their own self-indulgent and transparently superficial conversation, they are both racists since they themselves hold that everyone is infected with racism.
Racial prejudice reflects society and when society changes people change. Zionism however treats anti-Semitism, in the words of Leo Pinsker’s Autoemancipation,as an inherited disease, a pathology. In so far as Lansman and Jones are Zionists they are racists.
Part of the problem is that both Lansman and Jones, because they reject any Marxist understanding of class and racism in favour of a petty bourgeois idealism and empiricism, are both susceptible to Zionist identity politics which portrays the supporters of Israel as victims. That is the depths to which these two have sunk. They are playing into the hands of Generation and Identity, Europe’s new fascists.  They too claim they are victims, of migrants. Zionists and Jewish supporters of Zionism are not victims.  That is why Trump and Breitbart, Bannon and Richard Spencer all support them.
What is remarkable about these two is despite their own self belief, how crude and simplistic their understanding of racism really is.
OJ:   How big a problem is anti-Semitism because it does exist on the Left and it strikes me that there is a broader pool of people on the Left who are in total denial?

JL:     I think it is a problem that people are in denial of it. I think that is very different from other forms of racism and other forms of discrimination, sexism, homophobia etc. which people recognise that they have within them, they  have to overcome. Why is it that people recognise those things in themselves but do not recognise the possibility even of anti-Semitism?
I also think an overglossy portrait of the Labour Party is painted by people who say that the Labour Party has always been an anti-racist party.  Well yes it has always been anti-racist for the most part but there have always been problems, there have always been examples of racism within the labour movement.
OJ:    Do you think one of the problems is for example you’ll come across the type of man who will go I’m a feminist so I can’t possibly be sexist. In the same way you get people who are left-wing who say I can’t possibly have any bigotry or racism because I’m left-wing so they then don’t interrogate their own prejudices.
JL:     Every single one of us has grown up in a society which is racist, which is sexist, which is homophobic and every one of us is bound to have some of that within us. There is no one free of that and we should all be looking for signs of those things in ourselves in order to ensure that we do not act on the basis of. Our anti-racism has to involve searching for examples of anti-Semitic prejudice in ourselves at this moment, in the Labour Party, when we have clearly lost the support of the Jewish community.
OJ:    Socialism has been very weak as a mass political force certainly in this country for so long and what happened in 2015 is that it dramatically changed very very quickly and hundreds of thousands of people got involved interested in politics, often for the first time or certainly for a very very long time in many cases but there wasn’t the political education there. There’s a crisis of political education on the left of the labour movement. How was that addressed and do you think that Momentum is part of that?
JL:     I think it is a systemic problem. If you come into politics for the first time and you haven’t got a framework into which to put issues of racism or anti-Semitism then you are likely to think of people as good people or bad people and thinking of some people as bad people or in the context of the Arab-Israeli conflict might lead you, if you support Palestinian rights, to thinking of Jews as bad people. And that becomes a problem. So we do have a lot of education to do. I think we need to do direct education about the roots of anti-Semitism and other forms of racism and discrimination but specifically in the short term anti-Semitism.
OJ:    There are some who argue that the Labour leadership has just failed to grasp the nettle on anti-Semitism what do you say to that and what do you think they have to do now?
JL:     I think we’ve all failed to act sufficiently quickly, deeply and the problem is bigger than I used to think. I’ve seen it. It appears on my own Facebook feed.
OJ:    Can you give examples?
JL:     There’s been the more overt things like someone the other day who said ‘I suppose you think you are a member of the chosen race’ which is overtly anti-Semitic. But there are other people who’ve said things like ‘I hate Israel for pretending to speak for all Jews.’ And I thought you are saying Israel the State says that or the Israeli government? Or do you mean all Jews?  Hate Israel?  That’s something you hate Jews for or Israelis for?  It seems to me that’s an overreaction.
It may well be that Israeli politicians don’t speak for us. They don’t speak for me. I’m a British person they don’t speak for British Jews actually.  Not on matters of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They might speak for Jews in Britain if they were making statements about the oppression of Jews in another country. In Hungary for example. Then they might speak for other Jews but they don’t speak for me on all matters. Of course I have strong disagreements with all Israeli governments over at least the last 2 or 3 decades.
And yet someone says this who appears to be a socialist who’s hating people or a country for that reason. That can only be seen I’m afraid as anti-Semitic. Inadvertent or not.
OJ:    There was this story about leaked minutes from the National Executive Committee suggesting you and others actually hadn’t, in some cases had suggested actually these aren’t anti-Semitic or whatever. That had caused divisions and that had been leaked.  What do you say about that?
JL:     Well I haven’t actually had the benefit of seeing these leaked minutes and I am a member of the National Executive so I can’t really comment on what I haven’t seen. But I do remember the meeting pretty well and it wasn’t like that at all. Actually on anti-Semitism there was a remarkable level of agreement. I proposed because of the problems that we have been experiencing that we review the whole process by which we consider cases of anti-Semitism that are brought to our attention. From the point that the charges are brought to what the rules say through how they are investigated to how they are brought to the NEC, if they are passed on to the National Constitutional Committee which is the final court if you like, how that handles them. And has taken much too long to process them up to now. So that was a fantastic level of unity.
OJ:    What is your message then to people who say about the NEC of the Labour Party which is now a majority of people on the Left that it isn’t going to deal with anti-Semitism properly.
JL:     There isn’t one single person on that NEC who doesn’t want to deal thoroughly with anti-Semitism. And not only that we are more united on anti-Semitism than we are on pretty much anything else in the Party in wanting to eradicate it. I can assure you that Left and Right and everything in between, on the National Executive will deal with this issue. 
We note with dismay and outrage the front-page headline in today’s Jewish Chronicle, which uncritically quotes Labour MP Margaret Hodge’s description of Jeremy Corbyn as ‘antisemitic and a racist’. This is a deeply offensive and very likely libellous statement. It is extraordinary that these accusations are being hurled at a time when, contrary to much public reporting, the Labour Party is in fact engaging very carefully and sensitively with the issue of antisemitism, on which it has accepted the core IHRA definition.
This inflammatory and insulting rhetoric, seemingly supported by many leading Anglo-Jewish institutions and voices, risks bringing our community as a whole into disrepute, and consequently fuelling real antisemitism. We strongly urge all Jews in Britain, whatever their political allegiances and views, to join us in repudiating the misuse of this very serious allegation, which imperils the norms of reasonable and civil discourse that we must all uphold.

Labour’s War Against Wankers! Discussion of Masturbation is a forbidden topic but is it anti-Semitic?


Lee Rock has been told by Labour’s Disputes Committee that he's under investigation for discussing masturbation on Facebook!

You couldn’t make it up. Fresh from the moral panic that is Labour’s false anti-Semitism campaign, we now have the po-faced Acting Head of Disputes Committee, Nareser Osei, (does that mean the execrable Sam Matthews has gone?) writing to Lee Rock, a well known trade unionist and member of Sheffield Labour Party informing him that he has, apparently, breached Labour Party rules.

I have to confess a personal interest in this.  When I was young I was solemnly informed by my father, a Jewish rabbi, that masturbation was not only a sin (naturally) but would also make me blind.  As far as I know I still have my sight!

‘These allegations relate to your participation in an extended debate on a Facebook group in which you argued in favour of mastburbation in workplaces.’
Is there, I wondered, a Labour Party rule against wanking? Or maybe just one against wanking at work?  Is there a code of conduct? And then I wondered.  Perhaps it is anti-Semitic to talk about wanking? No it’s not as strange as you think. Have you never read Portnoy’s Complaint by Philip Roth, a book which outraged polite society? 
Gershom Scholem, Israel’s Professor of Mysticism describedPortnoy’s Complaint as “the book for which all anti-Semites have been praying”. So you see, if the anti-Semites love this book it must be because it is anti-Semitic. Ipso facto masturbation must be anti-Semitic!!
It is also about the joys of masturbation so it really is quite reasonable to assume that wankers are anti-Semites and even more so those who advocate it (or tolerate it) at work.
Philip Roth's book that outraged decent society, Zionists included
I was thinking of asking Margaret Hodge for her opinion, but given her record in supporting child sex abuse I thought better of it.
I am surprised that the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism hasn’t include masturbation as an illustration of anti-Semitism e.g. 'Accusing Jews of being wankers’.  It’s more reasonable than the rest of the illustrations. 
Enough of this. In the Left Unity Members, Supporters and Friends Facebook Group over 3 years ago, before Lee was even a member of the Labour Party, he participated in a discussion on wanking at work. One might have hoped that the Chakrabarti recommendations for a 2 year moratorium on social media commens to be observed.
On the Labour Against the Witchhunt website there is a good article by Carla Roberts entitled Has the Labour witch-hunt climaxed? (I think that’s a pun but I better err on the side of caution given Margaret Hodge is active these days).
The background to the Facebook debate was the ex-MP Simon Danczuk MP having been caught out accessing hard-core porn sites. He openly had to admit that he watches porn and of course the media feigned outrage.
Owen Jones, who as Carla points out was then “still almost relevant”, wrote an article, in which he asked, “Why should we care?” He pointed out that we are all “flawed human beings” and that we should criticise Danczuk’s rightwing politics not his personal habits.
This however really upset some radical feminists (who are now called Terfs – trans-exclusionary radical feminists). All Mothers Work, published an article attacking Owen Jones’ description of Danczuk’s behaviour as “normal”. It described people who access porn at work as “unstable perverts” presumably as opposed to stable perverts!
I have to confess, being somewhat naive. I didn’t know that 30% of the population admit to wanking at work which another questionnaire put it at 39%.  I must confess it has never appealed to me but if you're bored...
Somebody posted the article in a Facebook group and Lee argued that what people do in private in a toilet cubicle is their business. The result was a long debate with over 150 comments – which is still online.  It has even produced its own satirical blog post. The exchange is also available on the Labour Party Marxists website.
Lee’s view can be summed up as: “If the person next to me at work goes to the loo, I really don’t care if they have a shit or a wank.” Lee Rock did not positively “argue in favourof masturbating in workplaces”, as Ms Osei claims in her letter.

Morality police?

The point however is a serious one. Lee is under investigation not for committing any offence, but for arguing that what one does in the privacy of a toilet cubicle should not be viewed as a criminal offence– especially not one that would lead to the ‘perpetrator’ being “removed from society”, as the terfs’ article demanded.
This reminds me of the bad old days when the Police would hang around public toilets in plain clothes trying to entice gay men into committing an offence of gross indecency. It seems the prudish Osei, who is a Newham councillor, belongs to that tradition. That feminist morality guardians would be outraged is one thing but that the Labour Party should launch an investigation over this issue is mind-boggling.
We note that masturbating at work is, of course, not illegal. It might be a sackable offence, but only if (a) you have been caught in the act (lock the door?) and (b) your employer thinks you’ve broken one of their rules – for example, by taking too much time over it!
You may have difficulty fighting a claim for unfair dismissal but unless you’ve done something crassly indecent, there would be plenty of mitigating circumstances: stress levels at work, family risk of prostate cancer (which, according to medical advice, can be reduced by masturbating a few times a day) etc. Some psychologists and doctors even argue that employees should be positively encouraged to engage in auto-eroticism at work, as it can be a very effective form of stress-relief that also increases production levels.
Like tens of thousands of others, Lee Rock only joined Labour in July 2016, in order to support Jeremy Corbyn. In other words, his comments were written 15 months before he even joined. On what possible basis is this ‘investigation’ being conducted?
It is difficult to take this case seriously but given the current climate we should not assume that it will simply be dismissed. Yes, Jennie Formby and Gordon Nardell are way to the left of those rightwing scumbags Iain McNicol, Stolliday and co. but the witch-hunt is not over. Unfortunately Corbyn and his allies are still trying to appease the right, despite all the evidence showing that it does not work (Margaret Hodge’s attackon Corbyn for being a “fucking anti-Semite and racist” on July 16 being a case in point).
The letter to Lee states that “the general secretary has appointed Charlotte Walker, investigating officer, to arrange conduct of the party’s own investigation”. We cannot be sure if Formby is aware of idiot Osei’s letter or has read the whole thread on Facebook. If she has then shame on her for wasting members’ money  launching this nonsense investigation. If she has not read it, then shame on her for not putting more effort into preventing such ludicrous allegations being made. Not all idiotic allegations which are made are followed up by an investigation. Some are dismissed at an early stage as this one should have been.
Lee  Rock is only the latest case in a long list of leftwing activists targeted by the Labour Right. Somebody must have put in a considerable amount of time and effort to find this particular online thread. Did they read all of Lee’s posts from the last three years and if so why? If Labour’s disciplinary process was governed by natural justice Lee would have been told who his accuser is. It seems there is still no real change in the disciplinary process

Left target

What is the real reason that Lee Rock has been targeted? I can only assume that it is because he has played an important role in organising the left across Sheffield and made plenty of enemies in the process. Together with former Labour NEC member, Unite’s Martin Mayer, he has set up Sheffield Labour Left List, which organises the left across all six local CLPs (this has become even more important since Momentum Sheffield has been taken over by the Lansman right). He was also a key figure campaigning for Jared O’Mara, the first Labour MP ever elected in Sheffield Hallam, transforming the local CLP in the process, which is now firmly in the hands of the left. More recently, he helped to stop the planned transformation of the district Labour Party into a mere cheerleading club for local councillors.
Now that Jared O’Mara has resigned from the party, potential candidates from the left and right are falling over each other to replace him as parliamentary candidate, with numerous rightwingers joining Momentum to look like they are pro-Corbyn (ironically O’Mara was also subject to discipline for inappropriate comments made on social media more than a decade ago, when he was in his early 20s). Maybe somebody, somewhere feared that comrade Rock might throw his hat in the ring – at least among local leftwing Labour Party members, he would be a popular choice.
This is happening all over the country. False accusations of bullying and harassment are launched just in time to stop somebody becoming a candidate or to prevent members from voting at a crucial meeting. It is old-style machine politics. For the individual concerned, however, it is deeply unpleasant and often traumatic with their personal reputation publicly tarnished or even destroyed. They might be cleared afterwards, but suspicions often remain.
We presume that Lee’s accuser is hoping that the NEC will find that he has “brought the party into disrepute”, in order that he can be expelled. This is how the Right got rid of Tony Greenstein and Marc Wadsworth, after all it’s a beautiful catch-all phrase that can cover a multitude of sins.
Nevertheless, Lee has been told that he is not suspended from membership. A change from the past and maybe a sign that Formby and Nardell are reforming the disciplinary process. However, this small step forward is almost entirely cancelled out by the very fact that there is an investigation. It clearly needs to be shut down, now, accompanied by a public apology and action taken against those who have made this vexatious complaint. Wanking at work

Sacha Baron Cohen Demonstrates that when it comes to Israel there is no limit to the gullibility of US Republicans


Sacha Baron Cohen duped Republicans into endorsing a fictious Israel programme which would have armed infants!

I can’t say that Sacha Baron Cohen is my favourite comedian or actor.  He is for one thing a Zionist and much of his humour is thinly disguised racism.  However I have to say that his stunt in fooling a Republican congressman and a gun lobbyist, the appropriately named Larry Pratt is genuinely funny.
I’m really really not loving this game where @sachabaroncohen repeatedly takes advantage of people’s affection and respect for the State of Israel to deceive and humiliate them.

 Tony Greenstein
Allison Deger July 16, 2018

Screen shot of Sacha Baron Cohen (L) in costume as "Gen. Erran Morad" interviews gun lobbyist Larry Pratt.
Sacha Baron Cohen duped leading Republicans into reciting absurd endorsements of a fake program to arm toddlers in his premier of Showtime’s “Who is America?” last night. One angle that seems to have baited Republicans into participating was no-holds-barred support for Israel.
Like in his “Da Ali G Show,” Cohen wearing a disguise met with senior politicians under the premise of filming an unknown foreign news show. But where his infamous Borat and Bruno played off of stereotypes that punched down, in this series he impostures hardline characters whose influence has increased under the Trump administration, namely a right wing blogger and a terrorism expert.
Cohen’s most memorable segment is a 10-minute bit in which he is dressed as an Israeli Defense Forces general and seeks to launch “Kinderguardians,” a program to train children from as young as 3 to handle guns and light mortars. With Israel already running these programs in schools, says Cohen, costumed as Gen. Erran Morad, his goal is to expand in the U.S. market with the help of Second Amendment enthusiasts. “The NRA wants to arm the teachers, this is crazy! They should arm the children,” Cohen declares. 
The look is a smart parody—realistic enough but anyone familiar with Israel would be able to spot him as a fake. Cohen’s head is shaved, he has a scar in one eyebrow, but the giveaway is the logo on his shirt. It resembles a self-made army unit t-shirts that are popular with soldiers, except the Hebrew letters are written backwards (Cohen is Jewish and speaks Hebrew fluently, oft employing the language in his ruses.) If the text is flipped it reads a banal “The school for fighting terrorism,” yet anyone familiar with Israeli gun laws knows there are no classroom gun programs for small children and Israel has stricter gun laws than the U.S. Bullets are also limited.  
Logo on Sacha Baron Cohen’s character IDF Gen. Erran Morad. The Hebrew script is written backwards.
“Gen. Morad” meets with lobbyist Larry Pratt who laughs a little too eagerly at Cohen’s locker room talk that “it’s not rape it’s your wife” and during the retelling of an apparent hate-crime murder of a Muslim gardener. Pratt insists the faux-victim should have prayed “in secret” to avoid being killed. He is also gullible enough to recite an endorsement clearly written by Cohen’s team that lauds toddlers for their sharpshooter skills because of their so-called biological advantage of the “Blink-182” pheromone and vascular “Cardi B.”
A number of Republican officials followed suit, stating for the camera without a hint of irony, that the way to “stop a bad guy” is to arm a “good boy.” Trent Lott, Joe Wilson and Joe Walsh make cameos with Walsh giving a particularly earnest sounding plug to the fake program: “In less than a month a first grader can become a first grenade-or,” he said.
Hours after the program aired Walsh responded to criticism over social media with a mea culpa. (Others have threatened lawsuits). His explanation gave insight into how Cohen was able to get more than a handful of politicians to back a gun education camp for kindergarteners. Namely, Walsh said he did not support instructing American children to respond to school shooters with deadly fire. Rather he said he was reading off a teleprompter—describing what he thought was an existing class in Israel, as part of a larger interview on Israel’s achievements.
“I was reading from a TelePrompTer, promoting various Israeli innovation. I read a story about a child in Israel who stopped a terrorist. I then read about Israel training children on firearms. I thought it was extreme, but often Israel must be extreme. The story was a lie.”
He added, “If he had asked me about arming 5yr olds, I would have said hell no.”
Later in the season views will see Cohen create a fake pro-Israel award and give one to Walsh celebrating his commitment to the Jewish state. This event is one at which Cohen conned Sarah Palin and Roy Moore–yes that Roy Moore of Alabama pedophilia fame was also invited to Washington DC to receive a plaque.
In a statement posted to Facebook last week where Moore threatened a defamation suit, the disgraced former candidate for Senate accused Cohen of “trickery, deception, and dishonesty.”
Because Alabama has always been at the forefront of support of Israel and because I share a strong belief in God as the Creator and Sustainer of all life, as does Israel, I eventually accepted the invitation. Expenses were paid, and I received no private remuneration for my time or participation,” Moore’s statement said. 
David Frum, a former George W. Bush aide, expressed anger that the episode has exposed the degree of reflexive support for Israel in the US.
I’m really really not loving this game where @sachabaroncohen repeatedly takes advantage of people’s affection and respect for the State of Israel to deceive and humiliate them.
 About Allison Deger
Allison Deger is the Assistant Editor of Mondoweiss.net. Follow her on twitter at @allissoncd

Israel Solves the Problem of Human Rights Abuses – Stop People Filming Them!

Congratulations are in order to the Middle East’s only democracy for its ingenious solution to the problem of human rights - make filming them a crime!

Credit Yesh Din https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUZXCtH7NXU
Under the proposed legislatioin the person filming these soldiers could be gaoled for undermining the morale of the animals who fired at this couple

It’s not often that I congratulate the Israeli government but their latest proposal, to ban journalists from photographing soldiers who are engaged in abuses of human rights, beating people up, shooting a few demonstrators etc. has the touch of genius.  After all, if you stop people filming the abuses then they won’t exist, never happened, are just allegations without any supporting evidence.
At a stroke we get rid of the embarrassment of people being caught in flagrante.  Now I know that organisations like the BBC can be relied on to look the other way, but even they, on occasion, find it impossible to cover everything up, no matter how hard they try.  How much easier it will be when the BBC can turn round and say that unfortunately they were unable to capture any photographs because ‘the only democracy in the Middle East’ has made it a crime.
Who knows?  Perhaps if German soldiers hadn’t filmed the execution of Jews on the steppes of White Russia all those years ago then the Nazis too could have maintained what is now called plausible deniability.  But I forgot. Comparisons with the Nazis are ‘anti-Semitic’ which means I guess that it would have been wrong for the Nazis but  not wrong for the ‘democratic’ Jewish state.
Either way I really do believe that congratulations to Netanyahu and Lieberman are in order and only anti-Semites full of nothing but sour grapes will complain.
Tony Greenstein
Maan News Agency 05/27/2018
Israeli soldiers confront a Palestinian journalist
BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — The Palestinian Journalist Syndicate (PCJ) released a statement on Saturday condemning the proposal of a new bill in the Israeli Knesset that would criminalize the photographing or recording of Israeli soldiers while on duty.
The bill was proposed on Thursday with the support of right-wing Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, and if passed, those found in violation of the law could face a prison sentence of up to five years.
The PCJ called the proposed bill “racist,” saying that it “severely attacks the profession of the press and legitimizes the criminal practices committed by the Israeli occupation army against the Palestinian people.”
The group said the law would “grant legitimacy to the Israeli occupation to commit more crimes,” and is an attempt by the Israeli government to “escape punishment and international justice.”
“The core of the law is to mislead justice and provide a formal cover for further crimes,” the group said.
In the statement, the group called on the United Nations (UN) and other international institutions “concerned with the freedom of press work to express their opinion and exert pressure on the occupying entity to comply with its laws in accordance with international laws and conventions, and to protect the freedom of press work and the role of fundamental journalists in uncovering and documenting the truth.”
June 17, 2018 / 5:03 PM / 7 days ago

FILE PHOTO: An Israeli soldier shouts as he aims his weapon during clashes with Palestinian demonstrators at a protest against U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in the West Bank city of Hebron December 15, 2017. REUTERS/Mussa Qawasma/File Photo 

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Israel moved on Sunday to snap the lens shut on rights groups that film its troops’ interactions with Palestinians by introducing a bill that would make it a criminal offense.
Rights groups frequently film Israeli soldiers on duty in the occupied West Bank, documentation the organizations say is necessary to expose abuse by the military.
A video filmed by Israeli rights group B’Tselem in 2016 showing an Israeli soldier shoot dead an incapacitated Palestinian assailant drew international condemnation and led to the soldier’s conviction for manslaughter in a highly divisive trial.
The proposed law, formulated by the ultranationalist Yisrael Beitenu party in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s governing coalition, would make filming or publishing footage “with intent to harm the morale of Israel’s soldiers or its inhabitants”punishable by up to five years in prison.
The term would be raised to 10 years if the intention was to damage “national security”.
A ministerial committee which oversees legislation voted to approve the bill on Sunday. It will now go to parliament for a vote that could take place this week and if ratified, will be scrutinized and amended before three more parliamentary votes needed for it to pass into law.
Yisrael Beitenu leader and Defence Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, praised the committee and said: “Israeli soldiers are under constant attack by Israel haters and supporters of terrorism who look constantly to degrade and sully them. We will put an end to this.”
Despite Avichai Mendelblit's reservations for constitutional reasons, ministerial panel okays bill but demands other changes before Knesset vote.
The proposed Israeli law that would ban the filming of soldiers carrying out their duties is problematic from a constitutional standpoint which may prevent its enactment, says Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit.
Despite the attorney general's reservations, on Sunday, the Ministerial Committee for Legislation approved the bill, but demanded significant changes in its wording and further discussion in the committee, in advance of the preliminary vote on it in the Knesset plenum.
The parliament is expected to vote in favor of the proposed law, sponsored by MK Robert Ilatov (Yisrael Beiteinu), once it is revised substantially.
A senior member of the coalition told Haaretz that an agreement had been reached with Ilatov whereby the proposed law will call for a ban on interfering with Israel Defense Forces soldiers in the line of duty, but there will not be a total prohibition on filming and documenting such activities. 
The final wording of the bill has yet to be agreed upon but coalition MKs say it would call for a prison sentence of up to three years for preventing a soldier from carrying out his duties.
The version of the law approved by the Ministerial Committee for Legislation calls for a five-year prison term for anyone filming or distributing footage on social media that documents confrontations between Israeli soldiers and Palestinians, with the intent to “break the spirit of Israeli soldiers and inhabitants.”
Anyone who documents such activities and disseminates the information with an intent to harm national security could face up to 10 years in prison.
“For many years," according to explanatory information appended to the text of the bill, "Israel has witnessed a worrisome phenomenon in which IDF soldiers are being documented."
"Via video, stills and audio recordings by anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian groups such as B’Tselem, the women of Machsom Watch, Breaking the Silence and various BDS groups. In many instances, these organizations spend entire days near IDF soldiers waiting with baited breath for some action they can document in a biased way in order to slander the IDF,"according to the addendum.
"Such documentation generally interferes with ongoing and operational IDF duties, sometimes accompanied by accusations and insults being hurled in their faces.”
Defense Minister Lieberman hailed the bill in a tweet. “I congratulate the Ministerial Committee for Legislation for approving the Yisrael Beiteinu bill that bans taking pictures of of our security forces with the purpose of delegitimizing them,” he wrote.
“Israeli soldiers are under attack from groups of people who want to destroy Israel and support terror who want to discredit, humiliate and harm them. Let’s put an end to this!,” he concluded. 

Turning a Pumpkin into a Cinderella – How Margaret Hodge Became a Hero of the Yellow Press


From Margaret Hodge’s foul hypocrisy into a paragon of virtue

The make over of Margaret Hodge has been a wonder to behold. This was the woman who was excoriated by Matthew Norman in The Independent and by most other decent people for her role in the Islington Child Abuse Scandal, when she not only deliberately covered up what had been happening in Islington’s children’s home but she also attacked the victims.  She labelled Demetrius as ‘seriously disturbed’ an action that cost her £10,000.

In the same  year the Jewish Chronicle’s Editor, Stephen Pollard, wrote a front page article in the Express, Margaret Hodge’s foul hypocrisy just beggars belief says STEPHENPOLLARDon Hodge’s hypocrisy in criticising tax dodgers in her role as Chair of Public Accounts Committee whilst, at the same time, doing exactly the same via family trusts in Liechtenstein and Panama.
According to Chuka Ummuna's logic, having relatives who died in the Holocaust gives you a free pass to be a racist
We have also had the repetition of the absurd meme by Chuka Ummuna and Sajid David (is there any difference between these rogues?) that because she had relatives die in the Holocaust what she said when attacking Jeremy Corbyn is part of the Holy Gospels.  If this dishonest argument were to apply more widely then virtually ever British Jew should be an oracle since very few Jews didn’t have relatives die in the Holocaust.  It is a totally nonsensical guilt tripping argument of the kind one might expect from someone like Chuka Ummuna, who has been lambasted by Black anti-racists activists for being Black on the outside but White inside.
I therefore reprint the two articles by Pollard and Norman in the public interest, because this scoundrel should be widely exposed.
Tony Greenstein

Margaret Hodge’s foul hypocrisy just beggars belief says STEPHEN POLLARD

It’s impossible to know just how many people will have voted by the time the polls close next Thursday.

PUBLISHED: 00:01, Fri, May 1, 2015 | UPDATED: 13:32, Fri, May 1, 2015
 In recent elections the turnout has been low: 65.1 per cent in 2010, and as bad as 59.4 per cent in 2001. The buzzword is disengagement - that voters are disenchanted with, and have no interest in, politics. 

So they don’t vote. We’ve all heard it - and thought it: “They’re all the same. A bunch of hypocrites”. Here’s my confession: I like politics. I even admire politicians who change things for the better. I think politics matters, and that not voting is an insult to the memory of older generations who gave their lives so we could be free. 

But, by God, sometimes I have to throw my head into my hands in despair at how difficult some politicians make it to treat politics with anything but contempt. And this week there’s been a real corker. 

It’s difficult to imagine a more blatant, shameful and utterly contemptible piece of two-faced hypocrisy than the behaviour of Margaret Hodge that has been revealed this week. Mrs Hodge, you may recall, was chair of the Public Accounts Committee in the last parliament, when she was Labour MP for Barking. 

In that role, she developed a big public profile haranguing the often hapless representatives of businesses such as Amazon, Starbucks and Google which used off-shore arrangements to minimise their tax bills. 
Hodge has always played with racism
She would haul them before her committee and denounce them, with guilt already predetermined, as if she was in charge of a show trial
So great was her profile - and the popularity that she developed in some quarters for her attacks on business - that she has been widely touted as the Labour candidate to be Mayor of London in the 2016 vote. 

But in one of the most jawdropping pieces of personal and political hypocrisy you will ever see, Mrs Hodge turns out to be herself a beneficiary of precisely that form of off-shore tax avoidance that she so regularly lambasts when used by businesses. 

To the tune of a cool £1.5 million. The details are that in 2011 she was a beneficiary of the closure of a trust based in Lichtenstein, a principality regularly used for tax avoidance because of its very low tax rates. This trust held shares in Stemcor, a steel trading company set up by her father. Mrs Hodge was given 96,000 shares. 

A scheme known as the Lichtenstein Disclosure Facility allowed Mrs Hodge’s shares to be transferred to the UK on specially favourable terms. That’s the same Liechtenstein tax haven that Mrs Hodge, in her role as chair of the Public Accounts Committee, denounced just weeks ago. As her report put it: “We are concerned that the current system still causes the odds to be stacked in favour of tax evaders using offshore accounts.” 
Attacking Corbyn made Hodge an instant hero with the Tory press

The hypocrisy is so startling that’s it’s almost impossible to believe. Almost. Because it doesn’t end there. It has also emerged that around three quarters of the shares in the trust from which Mrs Hodge benefitted had previously been held in Panama. Which is interesting, to say the least, because Mrs Hodge has also spoken recently about Panama. 

In March, she attacked it as “one of the most secretive jurisdictions” with “the least protection anywhere in the world against money laundering”. Truly, you have to wipe your eyes in disbelief at the sheer blatancy of her hypocrisy. It is as if Mrs Hodge is so suffused with her own righteousness that she thinks she is somehow above the standards she would impose on mere mortals. 

But it gets better. Confronted with all this, Mrs Hodge has protested that she has done nothing wrong and paid all the tax that is due. Every penny of it. But that’s the whole point! She has, of course, done nothing in any way illegal and, yes, paid everything she owes in tax. Which is also true of all the businesses she is so happy to lambast, and whose reputations she is so keen to destroy. 
One more repetitious article in a sea of plenty in the mass media - all repeating the same theme
They too have done nothing illegal, and have also paid every penny of the tax they owe. They have simply taken advantage, in exactly the same way as Mrs Hodge, of financial arrangements permitted - one might even say encouraged - by the law. And they have been savaged by Mrs Hodge for it. 

When businesses structure their affairs - legally and above board - to avoid paying more tax than they need, she screams blue murder. But when she does it, she says there’s nothing to see, move along, no story here. What foul hypocrisy. 

Her behaviour drags the entire political system into disrepute, and she would now be well advised to withdraw from public life. Not that she will, if her previous behaviour is anything to go by. Because this is far from the first scandal that Mrs Hodge has been involved in
Last April, she apologised for what she called her “shameful naivety” when, as leader of Islington Council, she dismissively brushed aside the victims of paedophiles who preyed on children in council care. One victim, Demetrious Panton, who was abused by the former head of an Islington children’s home in the late 1970s, was dismissed by Mrs Hodge in a letter to the BBC as “extremely disturbed”. 
It was almost beyond parody when she was then appointed Children’s Minister by Tony Blair. Mrs Hodge is not the first and will not be last politician to say one thing and do another. But the sheer grubbiness of her brand of hypocrisy leaves a stench that makes others look almost admirable.

With a past like hers, Margaret Hodge might show a bit more humility

In the Eighties Hodge was aware of previous child sex abuse in the care homes for which she was responsible, and did nothing about it
Has there ever been a more spectacular political reinvention than that of Margaret Hodge? The sun never sets on her Indian summer as headline-pillaging chair of the Commons Public Accounts Committee. Watching her reprise the Torquemada act on Monday, with Rona Fairhead of HSBC and the BBC Trust on her rack, I caught myself reflecting on this metamorphosis and the staggering chutzpah that was its catalyst.

If anyone cheering Hodge on as she chirpily eviscerates tax-dodging CEOs, obfuscating civil servants and the persecutors of whistleblowers has forgotten her distant past, they are in splendid company. Hodge apparently remembers nothing of it herself.

When calling on Fairhead to resign from the BBC Trust for failures of oversight over HSBC’s enabling and encouragement of tax evasion, she fashioned the Morton’s Fork that sits beside the plate at feeding frenzies of the kind with practised ease. “Either you were incompetent, completely and utterly incompetent, in your oversight,” she told her, “or you knew about it.”

These words would apply equally to an earlier scandal in British public life. As leader of Islington Council, a post she held from 1982-92, Hodge was aware of previous, horrendous child sex abuse in the care homes for which she was responsible, and did nothing about it. This was not an either/or. She was incompetent, completely and utterly incompetent, and she knew about it.

She was guilty of rather more than a casual failure of oversight. She dismissed the detailed, accurate reporting of the London Evening Standard – whose editor, Stewart Steven, battled with typical ferocity to hold her to account – as “a sensationalist piece of gutter journalism”. Not content with shutting her eyes to his front pages, our latter-day champion of the whistleblower closed her ears to the courageous whistle-blowing of a social worker, Liz Davies. In an open letter to the BBC after it investigated a range of monstrous abuse (child prostitution, torture, alleged murders), Hodge libelled one of its victims as “seriously disturbed”.

Years later, in 2003, she was forced to pay Demetrius Panton £10,000 in damages for that, though understandably he was not assuaged by her apology. In a prescient echo of her words to Fairhead on Monday, he called on Hodge to resign. By then, her friend and neighbour Mr Tony Blair had seen fit to promote her to – what else? – minister for children.

Her transformation from Islington’s Enver Hodgea (the Red Flag was raised over the town hall and a bust of Lenin imported on her first day as council leader) to relentlessly on-message New Labour parrot was complete. Blair gave her his unconditional support, and unlike the generic football club chairman, he meant it. She did not resign.

Reflecting on that appointment, the visceral shock bubbles up anew. A local politician who had heard the gravest imaginable allegations about the maltreatment of children, refused to examine them on budgetary grounds, smeared a victim, attacked the newspaper that did its duty by investigating, and finally – after years of running for cover – offered the dismal excuse that people knew less about child abuse back then, became the national politician with responsibility for children.

As the starting stalls open for the History’s Satirical Historic Public Appointments Stakes, we find children’s minister Hodge going off as the 2-5 favourite, with Middle East Peace Envoy Blair at 7-1, and Caligula’s horse the rag of the field at 66-1.

On one level, albeit of a depth almost too cynical to plumb, you doff the cap to her ungodly resilience. Surviving a scandal like that requires a core of reinforced concrete. If most of us were exposed for a failure of oversight on that epic scale, I suspect that we would crawl away wounded from public life, and perhaps devote the rest of our days to charitable atonement on the John Profumo template. With an absolute confidence in her own rectitude that is either admirable or a symptom of a psychiatric disorder, Margaret Hodge brazened it out.

Now we find her reborn once again, at 70, as a folksy folk hero, you-guys-ing the tax-shy guys from “Don’t Be Evil” Google as she tells them that they do evil, proselytising the whistleblowers to whom she cocked a deaf ’un when they blew a screeching whistle on evil of an altogether different order, and lecturing others about the need for 20-20 oversight where once she was wilfully blind.

Never does Hodge let her personal history temper her contempt for those whose failures seem so trivial compared with her own, or permit a shard of self-awareness to put the tiniest puncture hole in her titanium shell of righteous indignation. It is as if she regards the Hodge of Islington (if she ever existed at all) as an entirely different Hodge from the PAC’s gushing font of moral authority.

You have to say it’s magnificent, the turn the grandstanding Queen of Mean performs at the committee as she dismisses the likes of Rona Fairhead as the weakest link. But publicity-grabbing condemnation without a scintilla of responsibility is the prerogative of the meretricious political opportunist down the ages. So she is hereby reminded that she does have a history of exercising power, that it is anything but flawless, and that she should delve into it from time to time and allow it to inform her present. Even generally decent and well-meaning people can be prey to arrogance, incompetence and – she will forgive the Hodgean bluntness – stupendous hypocrisy. Recognising this with a hint of humility might be an idea for Margaret Hodge, even at the expense of the occasional headline.

All Animals Are Equal but some are More Equal than Others -


Cartoonist Fired by the Jerusalem Post for Comparing Netanyahu and Likud MKs to Pigs - the Pigs Bitterly Complained!

Mocking celebration of nation-state law, cartoonist Avi Katz depicted Netanyahu as a pig in homage to Orwell's 'Animal Farm' published by the Jerusalem Post-owned magazine Jerusalem Report

All Animals Are Equal but  some are More Equal than Others
It seems that the false anti-semitismnonsense is now infecting the Israeli body politic too.  After the brilliant cartoon of Avi Katz depicting the Likud group of MKs, taking selfies, as a group of pigs, he was sacked after complaints of ‘anti-Semitism.’ Presumably the message of all animals being equal but some being more equal than others wasn’t appreciated by the knee-jerk racist ignoramuses who edit the Jerusalem Post.
The hypocrisy of all this is mind boggling.  The occasion of this cartoon was the passage of the Jewish Nation State Law which officially confirmed, not that confirmation was necessary, that Arabs live in an Apartheid State where they aren’t even second class citizens.  A law which confirmed support for Jewish only settlements (although the wording was toned down the message was clear), removing Arabic as an officially recognised language and failed to make any mention of the dreaded word ‘equality.
Naturally a cartoonist who poked fun at this, especially using the metaphor of Orwell’s pigs, deserves to be sacked.  And they call Israel the ‘only democracy in the Middle East’?Pass the sick-bucket before turning the lights out.
Tony Greenstein 

An inspiration to us all

Swedish Student  Refuses to Sit Down on a Plane While an Afghan Refugee is Being Deported

The Lie of Labour Anti-Semitism - Whilst Hungary’s Anti-Semitic Prime Minister Orban is Welcomed by Netanyahu 3 Zionist Papers Jointly Attack Corbyn as ‘Anti-Semitic’


YOU CAN’T APPEASE ZIONISM It's time McDonnell & Corbyn STOPPED started fighting back We Are Witnessing a Slow Motion Coup


Open Letter to Stephen Pollard, Editor of the Jewish Chronicle
It's true - the idiocy and malevolence of the front pages are 'unprecedented' whether they should boast about it is another matter
All three Zionist newspapers - the Jewish Chronicle, Jewish News and Jewish Telegraph - have printed the same anti-Labour, anti-Corbyn front page. They call it unprecedented and they are right. 
The adoption of the big lie technique that Hitler pioneered when he argued in Mein Kampf that the benefit of telling a "colossal" lie was that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously"is indeed unprecedented. Never before have papers that call themselves Jewish done so much to stir up anti-Semitism.
If their campaign succeeds in overthrowing Corbyn, which is its purpose, then many people will indeed blame 'the Jews'.  Stephen Pollard and his fellow reactionaries are playing with fire.
The purpose of this campaign is not to fight anti-Semitism but to remove Corbyn. That is why John McDonnell particularly is behaving in a cowardly and stupid fashion. Quotingan unnamed Labour MP, the Jewish Chronicle’s Lee Harpin wrote: “John McDonnell wants power at any cost. If this means making the Labour antisemitism row go away for the time being then so be it. Jeremy isn’t quite so malleable — and neither are those who work alongside him at the top.”

Every reactionary Tory paper is concerned about 'antisemitism'
At any cost means accepting a definition of ‘anti-Semitism’ which renders support for the Palestinians and opposition to Zionism racist. It means abandoning any form of international solidarity.  It means turning a blind eye to Israeli Apartheid for the sake of a temporary peace.
McDonnell’s ‘strategy’ is not only unprincipled but stupid. This latest attack on Corbyn is not about the IHRA, still less anti-Semitism.  It is the beginning of an attempt to remove the Corbyn leadership entirely. As the Tories face their Waterloo over Brexit, the Establishment in this country are panicking at the prospect of a Corbyn government.
If McDonnell loses his nerve now, then we can be sure he will be putty in the hands of the City of London were he were to become Chancellor.  Cowardice today will mean treachery tomorrow.
According to the joint editorials Labour’s refusal to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism in full means that the use of the phrases “Dirty Jew” and “Zionist bitch” is now acceptable in the Labour Party. This is a lie worthy of Goebbels himself. It is a measure of the desperation of the Express’s former editor, Stephen Pollard, that he resorts to such nonsense.
Zionist bitch’ may be sexist and offensive, even when used against Margaret Hodge, but it is less offensive than calling Jeremy Corbyn a ‘fucking anti-Semite’. And it is far less offensive than attacking the victims of child abuse, as Hodge did when Islington Council leader.
Now this foul woman is a Jewish Chronicle hero
For 3 years the Zionist lobby, including the Labour Right, the Israeli Embassy, Jewish Chronicle and Britain’s yellow press, have poured cold water on any suggestion that their concerns about Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ were motivated by Israel and Zionism. They were only concerned with Jew hatred they told us yet even a cursory reading of their whinging makes it clear that Israel is at the centre of their concerns.
Leaving aside the hysterical nonsense about an ‘existential threat to Jewish life in this countrythat would be posed by a Corbyn -led government’ what concerns them is the ‘deleting and amending four key examples of antisemitism relating to Israel.’
Only two weeks ago Pollard called the Labour Party ‘institutionally anti-Semitic’.  Why? Because ‘instead of adopting the [IHRA] definition... Labour has excised the parts which relate to Israel and how criticism of Israel can be antisemitic.’ Precisely and what are these parts?
i.                       Calling Israel ‘a racist endeavour’.  Only last week Israel passed the Jewish Nation State Law, which even liberal Zionists acknowledge is an Apartheid Law. It removed Arabic as an official language, supports Jewish –only settlements and deliberately omitted any reference to equality.  Is calling this racist anti-Semitic?
If Arabs paraded through the streets of Tel Aviv with this banner the Police would arrest them, beat them up and they would receive at least a couple of years in prison - Jews however have complete immunity 
ii.                    Comparing Israel to Nazi Germany is also anti-Semitic.  Why?  When mobs demonstrate with banners proclaiming ‘kill them all’ whilst chanting ‘death to the Arabs’ is that not reminiscent of a certain European state in the 1930’s?  Recently hundreds of Jews demonstrated in Afula protesting against the sale of a house to an Arab. Is that not similar to signs in German towns saying ‘Jews not welcome’?
iii.                 Another of their concerns is ‘Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination’. But the idea that Jews form a separate nation with the right to self-determination is an anti-Semitic idea.  It rests on the belief that Jews don’t belong in the states where they live. It follows therefore that Jews owe their loyalty to Israel, the self-proclaimed ‘Jewish state’ than to the country they live in. But the IHRA says this is also anti-Semitic! 
The IHRA is so contradictory that by its own definition it is anti-Semitic! Sir Stephen Sedley, the Jewish former Court of Appeal Judge criticised it as not a definition. David Feldman, the Director of the Sears Institute for Studying Anti-Semitism defined it as ‘bewilderingly imprecise.’
The IHRA Definition is NOT the Issue
The latest Zionist attack is NOT about the IHRA definition of Anti-Semitism or anti-Semitism. It is about removing the Corbyn leadership, which is why people like John McDonnell and Rebecca Long-Bailey, who believe that if they retreat on this all will be well, are digging their own political graves.
Brian Klug is right when he says Labour’s new Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct has adopted the IHRA in all fundamental respects.  What Klug fails to understand is that this alleged non-adoption of the IHRA by Labour is just a pretext, a fig leaf. 
For the past 3 years I and others have argued that the anti-Semitism witchhunt is not about anti-Semitism. Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth, Ken Livingstone and Tony Greenstein have just been collateral damage. It is about Jeremy Corbyn. We were just useful scapegoats. It is to Jeremy and even more so John McDonnell’s shame that they have betrayed comrades in order to appease racists.
One of the lessons of the fight against fascism is that appeasement simply encourages your enemy. Of course the British ruling class weren’t really appeasing fascism. Chamberlain and the Tory Party supported Hitler's destruction of the German working class organisations. They wanted Hitler to attack the Soviet Union. It was only when Hitler attacked British interests in Europe that they had second thoughts.
However much Corbyn and McDonnell appeased them the Zionists came back for more. McDonnell in particular doesn’t seem to understand that their real agenda was never ‘anti-Semitism’. There was no anti-Semitism. It was always about defending Israel and removing Corbyn, in no particular order.
The time has now come for Corbyn and Momentum, with or without Lansman, to call a halt to this policy of appeasing Israel's supporters. To use the Zionist slogan of March 26th, Enough is Enough.  NO MORE CONCESSIONS TO ZIONISM AND ITS RACIST AGENDA.
A touching photo of the racist Orban and Netanyahu couples
This was the week that Hungary’s anti-Semitic Prime Minister paid a visit to Israel and paid homage at Israel’s Holocaust propaganda museum, Yad Vashem. A group of Israelis, mainly Holocaust survivors, held a protest at the visit of a man who has sought to rehabilitate Hungary’s pro-Nazi war time leader, Admiral Horthy. Horthy presided over the deportation of nearly ½m  Hungary Jews to Auschwitz, yet Orban called him an exceptional statesman’
Veronika Cohen, one of the demonstrators and a Hungarian Holocaust survivor explained‘I don’t think that you have to be a Holocaust survivor or a Hungarian to be here to say that Orban has no business coming here,”.
Yael Weiss-Reind, whose family was murdered in Hungary during the Holocaust, saidthat Yad Vashem was granting legitimacy to these regimes when it accepts leaders who carry out policies and ideologies that are very similar to what we saw decades ago.”
Zionism has never had any compunction in working with genuine anti-Semites. Zionism is and always has been a Jewish form of anti-Semitism. As the founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl wrote in his Diaries, in reaction to the Dreyfus Affair: ‘In Paris... I achieved a freer attitude toward anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognized the emptiness and futility of trying to "combat" anti-Semitism.’
Zionism has created in Israel an ethno -nationalist state that is a mirror image of similar states that existed in 1930’s Europe.  Zionism shares with anti-Semitism contempt for Diaspora Jewry. It believes the place of Jews is in Israel not Europe. It is fundamental to Zionist ideology that Jews don’t belong in the lands of their birth but in their own racial state.  Zionism believes that Jews form a nation apart from those they live amongst, which is also what anti-Semites believe. It is also why the Zionist attack on Corbyn and the Labour Party is hypocritical. 
There are some antisemites that Stephen Pollard doesn't object to
There is no greater hypocrite than Stephen Pollard, the Editor of the Jewish Chronicle.Pollard is the man who defended the anti-Semitic Polish MEP Michal Kaminski, who was an MP for Jedwabne, a village in which, in 1941, fellow Poles herded up to 1600 Jews into a barn which they then set alight. Kaminski supported the Committee to Maintain the Good Name of Jedwabne yet Pollard went out of his way to defend Kaminski. Why? Because Kaminski was also a strong supporter of Israel! Pollard exclaimedthat: Far from being an antisemite, Mr Kaminski is about as pro-Israeli an MEP as exists.”
What has really prompted this attack on Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party is the fear that someone known for his opposition to US imperialism and Israel’s racism might become Prime Minister because of the precarious nature of May’s administration.
This hysterical attack betrays their weakness not strength. However much nonsense fills the pages of the newspapers and the TV screens most people do not accept the nonsense that Labour is overrun with anti-Semitism. That is why the treachery of Lansman in refusing to mobilise Momentum against these attacks is politically criminal. Momentum is losing its very reason for existence.
We need to tell the racists who wrote the joint editorials to get lost and take their Jewish only roads and towns with them. Israel is a racist endeavour. These are the same people who, when Trump came to power, fell over themselves to welcome him and his Administration to power, including anti-Semites like Steve Bannon, despite Trump having mounted the most anti-Semitic election campaign in history.
We need to ask why is it that Corbyn and McDonnell have stillfailed to hold a meeting with Jewish Voice for Labour, Free Speech on Israel and Labour Against the Witchhunt?  Instead of talking to their enemies, Corbyn and McDonnell should start talking to their Jewish friends.
Above is an Open Letter to Stephen Pollard, the Editor of the Jewish Chronicle.
Tony Greenstein

Dear Stephen,

You described the joint front pages of 3 Zionist papers this week as ‘unprecedented’. I agree. It is difficult to recollect when even the Jewish Chronicle saw deceiving its readers as its prime purpose. An article that suggests ‘dirty Jew’ and ‘Zionist bitch’ will now be ‘fair game’ in the Labour Party does not deserve to be taken seriously.

For the past three years, during the whole contrived ‘anti-Semitism’ crisis you failed to point to any actual anti-Semitism. That was why Jews such as Jackie Walker, Cyril Chilsom and myself were the most prominent targets. The only people who made anti-Semitic comments, calling Jews ‘self-haters’,traitors’ or ‘kapos’ were Zionists.

It is noticeable that not once have you or your co-conspirators raised the Conservative Party’s membership of the ECR Group in the European Parliament, despite it containing two anti-Semitic parties – Poland’s Law & Justice and the Latvian LNNK.
I was also surprised that your article was so fulsome in its praise of Margaret Hodge. Is this the same Hodge of whom you once said that her ‘foul hypocrisy just beggars belief’. That was just the headline! You also wrote: It’s difficult to imagine a more blatant, shameful and utterly contemptible piece of two-faced hypocrisy than the behaviour of Margaret Hodge.’’ I couldn’t have put it better myself.  You also wrote:

Her behaviour drags the entire political system into disrepute, and she would now be well advised to withdraw from public life....
Last April, she apologised for what she called her “shameful naivety” when, as leader of Islington Council, she dismissively brushed aside the victims of paedophiles who preyed on children in council care. One victim, Demetrious Panton, who was abused by the former head of an Islington children’s home in the late 1970s, was dismissed by Mrs Hodge in a letter to the BBC as “extremely disturbed”. 

It was almost beyond parody when she was then appointed Children’s Minister by Tony Blair. ... the sheer grubbiness of her brand of hypocrisy leaves a stench that makes others look almost admirable.’

Matthew Norman wrote: ‘With a past like hers, Margaret Hodge might show a bit more humility.’ It would appear that a dose of Zionism is the best political disinfectant for getting rid of the ‘stench that makes others look almost admirable.’

The blessed Margaret was not the only one who was giving off a stench. Your concern about ‘anti-Semitism’ was not in evidence when Polish MEP Michal Kaminski was invited to speak to Conservative Friends of Israel. Kaminski was MP for Jedwabne, a village in which, in 1941, up to 1600 Jews had been herded by fellow Poles into a barn which was then set alight. When the truth of what occurred was revealed by two Polish Jewish historians Poland’s President Aleksander Kwasniewski agreed to make an apology, for which he was criticised by Kaminski.

Your response was to write an article Poland's Kaminski is not an antisemite: he's a friend to Jews in whichyou described him as ‘one of the greatest friends to the Jews in a town where antisemitism and a visceral loathing of Israel are rife.’ After all ‘ Mr Kaminski is about as pro-Israel an MEP as exists.’  Not only did Kaminski oppose an apology but he argued that those few who survived the Holocaust, should apologise to the Poles! It seems that there are some anti-Semites that you have no objections to.
Jeremy Corbyn’s crime is not that he hates Jews but he doesn’t support the Israeli state. You wroteinstead of adopting the (IHRA) definition ... Labour has excised the parts which relate to Israel and how criticism of Israel can be antisemitic.’

It is clear that your agenda is not anti-Semitism but Israel. If the Labour Party was anti-Semitic you would have no objection as long as it was pro-Zionist. Genuine anti-Semites in the Trump Administration, such as Steve Bannon, who objected to his children going to school with whiny Jewish brats’have never merited an ‘unprecedented’joint front page article despite an election campaign which Dana Millbank described thus: Anti-Semitism is no longer an undertone of Trump’s campaign. It’s the melody. This did not prevent your fellow ‘anti-Semitism’ campaigner Jonathan Arkush from giving Trump a warm welcome.

Trump of course is pro-Israel whereas Corbyn is not, which is why Trump’s praise for the ‘fine people’ i.e. neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, who chanted ‘the Jews will not replace us’ seems to have made him the most popular President ever in Israel.
When you talked about the threat to Jewish life in this country what really concerned you was support for the world’s only Apartheid state. A state where hundreds of Jews can demonstrate in Afula against the sale of a house to an Arab.

If Jews in this country experienced what Palestinians in Israel undergo then your complaints of anti-Semitism would have some merit. Your gripes about non-existent anti-Semitism should be treated with contempt.

The time has come when Corbyn needs to get a backbone and tell you and your fellow creative writers where to go. The truth is, Stephen Pollard, you would not recognise anti-Semitism if it bit you on your ample backside. 

Best wishes,
Tony Greenstein 

Why Does Jonathan Freedland Feel the Need to Lie to The Guardian's Readers?


The Guardian's 'Antisemitism' Campaign Against Corbyn Continues Unabated

The latest Freedland anti-semitism nonsense

I’ve long since lost count of the number of anti-Corbyn articles concerning ‘anti-Semitism’ that the Guardian has run in the past 3 years. Five filters have done a remarkable job in collating some of the more tedious attacks by Guardian columnists on Jeremy Corbyn. I have added a couple more on the ‘anti-Semitism’ nonsense. The Guardian and Jonathan Freedland's tedious Campaign against Corbyn. Prominent amongst Jeremy’s critics has been Jonathan Freedland, the Guardian’s Zionist gatekeeper and a senior Guardian editor
Freedland’s latest effort is Yes, Jews are angry – because Labour hasn’t listened or shown any empathy.  You might have thought in the year of the Windrush scandal, when at least 70 Black people who came to this country 70 years ago, who the moment they landed were citizens of the UK and Colonies.  Despite this at least 70 people were deported to the West Indies.

Some of Jonathan Freedland's anti-Corbyn articles

Jonathan Freedland and a few of his articles on Corbyn and the Labour left and antisemitism

Contrast that with Britain’s Jewish community.  Not one of them have been deported.  They are on average considerably better off than the average white person, there is no police violence against Jews or economic discrimination. The only section of the Jewish community that has suffered racist attacks is the Orthodox Jewish community who are visibly different. Physical attacks on Jews as Jews are extremely rare compared to Muslims and Black people  In short there is no evidence of institutionalised anti-Semitism in Britain compared to the endemic racism against Black and Asian people.  Yet the media is deluged with rubbish articles, of which Freedland’s is one, about anti-Semitism.  You would be hard put to find a Freedland article on Windrush or anti-Roma prejudice.
It is because Jews in Britain today are a comfortably off sub-section of the White population that Britain’s racist tabloids, two of whom employed the poisonous Katie Hopkins, are so concerned about ‘anti-Semitism’.  The very same papers who demonise asylum seekers.
Freedland’s article yesterday fits into this.  Erroneous, self-centred, dishonest.  You name it then Freedland has managed it. The only Opinion piece in The Guardian which has a balance of contributors is here.

Tony Greenstein 

Nigel Wilmott
Letters Editor
The Guardian
Kings Place,
90 York Way
London N1 9GU,
This is just a few of the Guardian and Jonathan Freedland's attacks on Corbyn

Jonathan Freedland speaking at Chatham House, where the great and the good meet to discuss foreign policy on a non-attributable basis

Dear Nigel,
I realise that this letter, a response to Jonathan Freedland’s latest propaganda blast, is over the normal word limit for a letter, but as the saying goes, a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.  If you feel that it is too long it can always be referred to the Comment Editor or is that Mr Freedland?
We seem to be in the midst of a full spectrum, all guns blazing, PR offensive on behalf of the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism. This week all three Zionist papers carried the same hysterical front page that even Freedland labels ‘over the top’. [Yes, Jews are angry – because Labour hasn’t listened or shown any empathy]
What I find surprising is that Jonathan Freedland, a senior Guardian Editor, whose views on Israel are allowed to dominate the Opinion pages without let or hindrance, feels the need to emulate the principle that if you repeat a lie long enough it is likely to be believed. To deal with a few of Freedland’s points.
i.                   Yes Zion is an integral part of the Jewish religion. However it has never had, until the late colonial period, any political significance. That was why when Zionism arose in the late 19thCentury its fiercest opponents were Orthodox Jews.
ii.                If the idea of Israel/Zion had more than a spiritual significance why was it when the great emigration of two and a half million Jews from Czarist Russia occurred from the mid 19th century to 1914, barely one percent went to Palestine?  There were no borders stopping them. The religious significance of Zion is not and never has been a justification for the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.  Palestine was not a land without a people for a people without a land.  That is a colonial myth.
iii.             Jews in Britain are not an ethnic minority, they are a religious minority and part of white British society.  They are not in any way an oppressed group.
iv.             Nowhere does Freedland explain why the Oxford English Dictionary definition of anti-Semitism, ‘hostility to or prejudice against Jews’ is not sufficient to deal with genuine 24 carat anti-Semites. This six word definition is more than adequate to deal with those who talk about a ‘hook-nosed, bloodthirsty Jew’. There is also the definition drawn up by Brian Klug of Oxford University, in his lecture ‘What Do We Mean When We Say ‘Antisemitsm’? Echoes of shattering glass at the Jewish Museum in Berlin on the anniversary of Kristallnacht.  Klug’s defined anti-Semitism as ‘a form of hostility to Jews as Jews, where Jews are perceived as something other than what they are.’  Is 21 words.
v.                Nowhere does Freedland explain why the IHRA definition, 500+ words, including 11 ‘examples’ of anti-Semitism, 7 related to Israel, is necessary.
vi.             Freedland says that the IHRA definition is near universally accepted’. This is untrue. The IHRA definition is rejected by anti-racist, Muslim, Palestinian and civil society groups such as Liberty and the University College Union. It is though universally accepted by state bodies and governments, including the anti-Semitic governments of Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Austria. Yes, anti-Semites have no problems with a definition of anti-Semitism that is based on support for Israel. Today the favourite refrain of anti-Semites and neo-Nazis such as the founder of the Alt-Right Richard Spencer, who defines himself as a White Zionist, is that however much they dislike Jews they love Israel.
vii.          Surely Freedland cannot be unaware that the Trump administration, which combines anti-Semitism and ultra-Zionism, also supports the IHRA?  An administration that contained anti-Semites such as Steve Bannon, who objected to his children attending school with whiny Jewish brats’ and Sebastian Gorka with his membership of the neo-Nazi Vitezi Rend?
viii.       Even leaving the aforementioned aside, why does Freedland feels the need to insult the intelligence of Guardian’s readers?  Does Freedland really have such contempt for their intelligence that he treats them like the Daily Mail treats their readership? Leaving aside Freedland’s cheap reference to Thereisienstadtconcentration camp or the gauche picture of the Warsaw Ghetto, although we know that comparisons with Nazi Germany, when made by Israel’s critics, even if they are Jewish, are ‘anti-Semitic’ according to the IHRA.
ix.             Freedland states that ‘the IHRA text explicitly says that if you criticise Israel the way you criticise other countries, it “cannot be regarded as antisemitic”. Most readers will not check the IHRA’s wording and will trust that what Freedland says is accurate. After all senior editors of the Guardian don’t lie, or do they?
x.                In fact the IHRA contains two references to criticism of Israel. The first states that ‘criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic’. The only problem is that Israel is a unique ethno nationalist state which is a state of the ‘Jewish people’ wherever they may reside but not of its own citizens. This is entrenched in the Jewish Nation State Bill.
xi.             The second reference states that anti-Semitism consists of ‘Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.’ I fail to understand why, even if someone did expect higher standards of Israel (e.g. because it claims the Holocaust as its moral legacy) that that would be anti-Semitic. Racism is about people not states.
In which other liberal democracy would you have demonstrations against minority ethnic groups buying a house in an ethnically pure city
xii.          Israel is not a democratic nation, indeed it is not a nation. There is no Israeli nationality. It maintains a military dictatorship over 5+ million Palestinians and when they protest it guns them down. Israel is a state that uses torture, imprisons and abuses young children and locks people up without trial. Arabs are effectively tolerated guests not even second class citizens of Israel. A situation where Arab Israelis do not have access to 93% of the land, where Israeli Jews demonstrate against an Arab family moving into the Jewish city of Afula is not a democracy. 
Saying Israel is a racist endeavour is antisemitic
xiii.        The IHRA has, according to Hugh Tomlinson QC, a ‘potential chilling effect’on freedom of speech . No less a person that Kenneth Stern, the author of the IHRA, in a written deposition to the House of Representatives in November 2017 described how the IHRA had been used to ‘restrict academic freedom and punish political speech’ and that it had ‘chilled pro-Palestinian expression.’How strange that Freedland omitted the above in is heart wrenching tale of Jewish suburbia.
Once again Freedland abuses his editorial position in order to wage a propaganda war against opponents of Zionism and Palestine solidarity campaigners. Not once has the Guardian granted a right of reply to Freedland’s critics.
Freedland repeatedly suggests that the IHRA is the only safeguard against anti-Semitism. He knows that this is a lie but he still repeats it in an article high on verbal flatulence. You don’t need a definition of anti-Semitism to recognise the beast. Kenneth Stern describedhow a group of Jewish students were subject to anti-Semitic harassment on a US campus which included verbal abuse, chants of “Heil Hitler” and being kicked on a “Kick a Jew Day.” Action was happily taken against the perpetrators. Stern notes that ‘there was no need to consult a definition to make this determination.’
Where someone is attacked because they are Jewish there is no need to study a 500 word definition before taking action. Jonathan Freedland knows this very well yet he continues to treat the Guardian’s readers as if they were idiots. The IHRA is about curtailing free speech.
Hundreds dmonstrate in Afula recently against the sale of a house to an Arab in a town which is wholly Jewish
If Jonathan Freedland were to come clean for once he would confirm that this is not about anti-Semitism. It is about removing Jeremy Corbyn. That has been the Guardian’s aim for the past 3 years. See The Guardian and Jonathan Freedland's tedious Campaign against Corbyn
Like all too many of his fellows, Jonathan Freedland no longer understands the difference between journalism and political propaganda and mendacious prse. We know that diplomats are sent to lie abroad for their country but does that have to be of Guardian journalists?
Tony Greenstein
Yes, Jews are angry – because Labour hasn’t listened or shown any empathy | Jonathan Freedland
Jonathan FreedlandFri 27 Jul 2018 17.37 BST
The row over how to define antisemitism is not just about nuances of phrasing. Failure to consult Jewish opinion has destroyed all goodwill
This week I was in a house of mourning for an evening of prayers for the dead, part of what Jews call a shiva. We were there to remember a woman who had come to this country as a child refugee, having survived the Nazi concentration camp at Terezín, in what is now the Czech Republic. But I was struck by the words of the ancient prayers themselves, wondering what an outsider might make of them. For certain words kept recurring, as the holy texts invoked “the people of Israel” and asked that those grieving be comforted “among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem”.
I found myself thinking that it would be useful for those following the ongoing, apparently neverending row about antisemitism and the Labourparty to see what I was seeing. For they would have learned two relevant things. First, that if Jews are hyper-alert to threats, with a radar acutely sensitive to the early signs of danger, that is partly because the Holocaust, the murder of 6 million Jews, is, for us, a very recent memory: part of our own lived experience, barely one generation away. Second, that while so many may wish to draw a clear, bright line between Jews and Israel so that you can hate the latter while showing no hostility to the former, it is a bit fuzzier than that. Because the idea of Israel – not the concrete reality, but the idea of Israel and Zion and Jerusalem – is so deeply woven into Jewish tradition and culture that it’s there in the very words we utter at the most intimate moments of our lives.
The other thing they’d have heard if they had been at that shiva is a room full of Labour-supporting Jews sharing their fears about the party they, their parents and grandparents once called home. It’s the same conversation that Jews are now used to hearing, around synagogues and sabbath dinner tables, and which found expression in recent days in both Margaret Hodge’s outburst against Jeremy Corbyn, in which she called the party leader an antisemite to his face, and in an unprecedented shared front-page editorial published in three leading British Jewish newspapers, declaring that a Corbyn-led government would pose “an existential threat to Jewish life in this country”.
How on earth has it come to this? How have we sunk to the point where the mainstream Jewish community sees Labour this way, and when a longtime anti-racist like Billy Bragg finds himself telling an ethnic minority that they have “work to do” if they are to win back Labour’s trust? Can it really be solely about Labour’s failure to adopt the full text of the near universally accepted International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, including all its illustrative examples, so that this is an argument about sub-clauses and paragraphs? Is that all this is about?
No. The definition row is the eruption, but the volcano itself goes much deeper. Churning inside are deep incomprehension and distrust, brewed over many years, if not decades.
Start with the incomprehension. Part of the problem is that, for many, all this has seemed rather abstract: people keep referring to antisemitism on the left, but are rarely shown what it actually looks like. For them, the IHRA definition must seem like a weapon to be used against a hypothetical threat. But some of us see daily the tweets and Facebook posts, whether it’s the caricature of a hook-nosed, bloodthirsty Jew posted by a Labour councillor in Derbyshire, the overt Holocaust denial – “Holo-brainwashing”, in the words of a former Labour council candidate in Kent – or the endless talk of Rothschilds, Jewish control of the media, money and all the old tunes played against Jews for centuries. We see it; we get used to it. But it’s not abstract.
The second level of incomprehension relates to Israel. Defenders of Labour’s code of conduct say it was necessary because the IHRA version conflates legitimate criticism of Israel with antisemitism. This makes plenty of Jews want to slam their heads on their desks in frustration, partly because the IHRA text explicitly says that if you criticise Israel the way you criticise other countries, it “cannot be regarded as antisemitic”, and partly because these Jews criticise Israel all the time themselves – never more so than in the week after Israel passed an appalling nation-state law which, in effect, officially confirms Arab-Israelis as second-class citizens.
Bragg worries that the IHRA will silence the pro-Palestinian voice. But the only pro-Palestinian who needs to fear the IHRA is the one who wants to say Jews are disloyal to their own countries, that Jews are Nazis and that the very idea of Jews having a homeland of their own is “a racist endeavour”. You can say all of those things more easily under Labour’s new code – the age-old accusation of disloyalty, for example, is no longer classified as antisemitic – which is one reason why the vast bulk of the Jewish community opposes it.
But the IHRA itself, properly applied, allows plenty of scope. You can, if you want, say everything the state of Israel has done since its birth has been racist. All it prohibits is branding as a racist endeavour “a state of Israel” – the principle that Jews, like every other people on Earth, should have a home and refuge of their own. And if you want to make a serious analogy with the historic past, you can do that too, because the IHRA allows for context. Given all that, when Jews hear that the IHRA is not good enough, so that Labour had to draw up a code of its own, they wonder: what exactly is it that Labour wants to say about us?
Still, as I say, this is not really about clauses and paragraphs. If there had been goodwill and trust, Labour could have sat down with the Jewish community and ironed out any wrinkles, perhaps by adopting the IHRA’s definition in full and then adding a couple of caveats explicitly protecting free speech. The trouble is, there is no such trust, and Labour attempted no such thing. Instead it drew up its code of conduct itself, without consulting the organised Jewish community at all.
This, not any particular form of words, is what doomed Labour’s code. It’s as if Labour unilaterally decided to rewrite a widely accepted set of guidelines on sexual harassment, in defiance of opposition from every women’s organisation and without consulting them, and delegating the task to a majority male sub-committee, and then expected women to applaud the new document. Every leftist, every Corbynite, would howl at the absurdity of the party thinking it knew best. (They’d keep howling even if a handful of women intellectuals sympathetic to the party leadership, but out of step with majority female opinion, insisted on talking up the new code as an improvement.)
Yet, when Jews express their disquiet, they are not greeted with empathy and solidarity from the army of self-described anti-racists. Instead, they face an online horde shouting in their faces, accusing them of dishonesty, of smears, of ulterior motives and hidden agendas, of shilling for an Israeli government many of them oppose. And it ends in the dispiriting sight of a good man like Bragg – no antisemite – taking up a position antagonistic to Jews, telling them they need to behave, just to defend the party and the leader.
So yes, maybe that editorial printed in the Jewish newspapers was over the top. But you know what? It reflects the anxiety that many, if not most, in the Jewish community feel. And given our history and the hyper-vigilance it has left us with, it might be an idea to stop wagging a finger and telling Jews, yet again, that they’re wrong – and just listen.

Israeli Justice – 16 yr old Ahed Tamimi served 8 months for slapping a soldier


Eloz Azaria served 9 months for murdering an unconscious prisoner

We should of course rejoice that Ahed Tamimi, who was only 16 when she slappedan armed soldier who invaded the grounds of her house, after shooting her cousin in the head at point blank range, has been released.  But we should never forget that the Kahanist soldier Elor Azaria, an army medic no less, served just 9 months in prison. 
Elor Azaria, a supporter of the Israeli far-Right was treated as a hero by Israel's public
Sentenced to 18 months Azaria had his sentence successively reduced to just one month more than Ahed’s.  If it wasn’t for the cameras distributed by B’tselem then he would not have served any time as his crime was not reported by fellow soldiers.
When Ahed applied in June for parole this was refusedbecause she was a ‘danger’ to the Zionist occupiers.  Yes she is a danger but not a physical danger but a political danger. If anyone is in danger of reprisals it is Ahed.
It's difficult to believe this idiot is not only an Israeli government minister but was Israeli Ambassador to the UN
She was subject to vicious attacks and threats by the Zionists, some ludicrous some sinister.  She was accused of not being part of a real family by former Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Michael Oren, because he alleged her parents dressed her up in Western clothes and because he couldn’t handle her white complexion. Apparently an investigation had been conducted into the Tamimi family two years before based on these racist stereotypes of what Palestinian families should look like.
Ben Caspit, a well known journalist encouragedsexual attacks and rape against her when he wrote in an article (Hebrew)  that “In the case of the girls, we should exact a price at some other opportunity, in the dark, without witnesses and cameras”,
Ahed’s case should be used to publicise the plight of ALL Palestinian children in captivity in Israel.
Tony Greenstein

Ahed Tamimi and her mother Nariman are released after eight months behind bars for slapping an Israeli soldier.

By Oren Ziv, +972 Magazine

Ahed Tamimi, who spent eight months in an Israeli prison for slapping an Israeli soldier, is seen upon her release in her home village of Nabi Saleh, July 29, 2018. (Oren Ziv/Activestills.org)
Ahed Tamimi, the Palestinian teenager who was arrested after being filmed for slapping an IDF soldier in her family’s yard, was released from Israeli prison Sunday morning, along with her mother Nariman, after eight months behind bars.
Upon their release, the two were greeted by Ahed’s father, Bassem Tamimi, as well as other family members. Also present were MK Aida Touma-Sleiman, Palestinian, Israeli, and international activists, along with news crews that spent the morning traveling back and forth between Jabara checkpoint and Rantis checkpoint in the early hours of the morning, after the army repeatedly changed the location of Ahed and Nariman’s release.
poster at the entrance to Nabil Saleh
The two were eventually driven in an army jeep to the entrance of their village, Nabi Saleh, where they were released. There, Ahed briefly thanked her supporters and immediately went in the direction of the home of Izz a-Din Tamimi, who was killed a month and a half ago during a raid on the village. As she left the house, Ahed said “the popular struggle continues from the prisons and until the home of the martyr.”
Ahed, 17, was arrested in December 2017 after a video of her slapping an Israeli soldier during a protest in Nabi Saleh went viral. The incident took place a few hours after soldiers shot Ahed’s cousin, Muhammad Tamimi, in the head with a rubber bullet. Shortly thereafter, soldiers showed up in the Tamimi family’s home; Ahed and her cousin Nur confronted the armed soldiers, demanding they leave, after which Ahed slapped one of the soldiers, while her mother filmed the incident. The soldiers, who seemed unfazed, left the home without making any arrests. Only after footage of the confrontation went viral did IDF soldiers return to the Tamimi home in the early hours of the morning to arrest Ahed. Nariman and Nur were also arrested.
Ahed Tamimi, Bassem Tamimi, and Nariman Tamimi give a short statement to media outlets and supporters after the release of Ahed and Nariman from Israeli prison, Nabi Saleh, West Bank, July 29, 2018. (Oren Ziv/Activestills.org)

Ahed and Nariman’s trial, which took place at Ofer Military Court near Ramallah, turned into a media sensation. After a number of hearings, the court decided to kick out journalists and diplomats, ostensibly to protect Ahed’s interests as a minor. In March, Ahed, Nariman, and Nur signed a plea bargain according to which she would serve eight months in prison, including three months time served.
Ahed and Nariman are expected to visit the Muqata’a, the Palestinian Authority headquarters, in Ramallah on Sunday, where they will stop by Yasser Arafat’s grave and meet top PA officials. From there they will celebrate privately with family members before returning to Nabi Saleh. In the days after her release, Ahed will give interviews every day for one hour to all media outlets. Nabi Saleh will hold a large ceremony to celebrate her release this coming weekend. In the coming week she is expected to visit the Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar, which is at risk of demolition by the Israeli authorities.

Israeli Professor Moshe Machover is the target of a Renewed Attempt at Expulsion by the Zionist Community Security Trust


The Zionist lobby demonstrates that the primary purpose of the IHRA is to witch-hunt of Jewish critics of Israel

For some strange reason there was no publicity given to this excellent news about the decline in violent incidents against Jews!!
After the 2017 Labour Party Conference, the overwhelming majority of delegates made it clear that their sympathies lay with the Palestinians not the Apartheid State of Israel. The Jewish Labour Movement and Labour Friends of Israel left the Conference with their racist tails between their legs, determined on revenge. They soon alighted on an article by Professor Moshe Machover distributed by Labour Party Marxists entitled ‘Anti-Zionism does not equal Anti-Semitism’. A section on Nazi Collaboration covered certain embarrassing episodes, such as the welcome leading Zionists gave to Hitler, who they saw as vindicating everything they had argued for about the need for Jews and Germans to separate. Moshe mentioned the order of Reinhard Heydrich, Deputy Leader of the SS, stating that the Zionist organisations were to be given preferable treatment. All this and more can be found in e.g. Lucy Dawidowicz’s War Against the Jews.
Moshe also referred to the Zionist welcome for the Nuremburg Laws, “the most murderous legislative instrument known to European history”[Gerald Reitlinger]. The Zionist view that Jews were a separate nation and therefore not part of the German Volk (people) accorded with Nazi beliefs. To most German Jews, the Nuremburg Laws, which stripped them of German citizenship, meant that they were aliens in the country they were born in. 

Although today's Zionists don't like to be reminded of the history of the Zionist movement in the 1930's, it is helpful in explaining the racist ideology of the Israeli state.  On June 21 1933 the German Zionist Federation (ZVfD) sent a memorandum to Hitler.  It read:

On the foundation of the new state, which has established the principle of race... fruitful activity for the fatherland is possible. Our acknowledgement of Jewish nationality provides for a clear and sincere relationship to the German people and its national and racial realities. Precisely because we don’t wish to falsify these fundamentals, because we too are against mixed marriages and are for maintaining the purity of the Jewish group… The realisation of Zionism could only be hurt by resentment of Jews abroad against the German development. Boycott propaganda… is in essence fundamentally unZionist, because Zionism wants not to do battle but to convince and to build.’

 Zionism has come full circle with the passage last week of the Jewish Nation State Law which officially confirmed that Arabs do not have national rights within Israel.  
The CST's predecessor, the Community Security Organisation was heavily criticised by Liberty for barring left-wing Jews from Jewish communal events
Unsurprisingly the JLM saw red (for the first time in its history?!).  At the beginning of October Moshe received a letter from Sam Matthews, notifying him that he had been expelled under Rule 2.1.4.B. for either belonging to or supporting the Communist Party of Great Britain and Labour Party Marxists, which wasn't true. However Matthews had bitten off more than he could chew. Machover is an internationally renowned academic, a Professor of Mathematical Logic, as well as being an Israeli anti-Zionist and founder of the Israeli Socialist Organisation Matzpen.
The CST is known to have extremely close links to Israel's Mossad and is part of Israel's control of the 'antisemitism industry' worldwide
The Labour Party was deluged with protests by branches and CLPs and it was clear that Matthews had bitten off more than he could chew. Within 3 weeks Moshe’s expulsion had been rescinded. However Zionists, like elephants, have long memories. If they lose the first time then they sooner or later come back for a second bite.
Moshe Machover interview on the Real News provoked the CST  into a bout of infantile 'antisemitism' posturing
Earlier this month Moshe gave an interviewwith the United State’s Real News Network. In response to a question asking why Zionists insist that anti-Semitism is not a form of racism, Moshe responded (about 6’28”) that the Zionist view was that:
Mark Gardner of the CST sharing concerns over 'antisemitism' with Richard Littlejohn, Britain's most racist journalist before Katie Hopkins appeared
anti-Semitism is something sui generis, it is not like anything other form of racism, just as they like to claim that the Holocaust, the genocide of the Jews under the Nazi regime in Europe, is not a genocide, it cannot be compared or discussed with other cases of genocide but it is just something on its own, it is an object outside general history, it shouldn’t be discussed in conjunction with any other genocide. It is in effect to make Israel something special and Israel supporters something special. This is part of their ideology.”
CST is heavily involved in trying to discredit anti-Zionist Jews
You might think that Moshe, like all academics, was offering his opinion on a matter of wide public interest.  But you'd be wrong. Zionism is a totalitarian ideology and the CST's slimy snoops, who are part of the Zionist Inquisition, pore over peoples' pronouncements for any sign of heresy. These little Torquemadas go out of their way to be offended. 

The Zionist ‘charity’ Community Security Trust immediately accused Moshe of a ‘disgusting slur’ by suggesting that the pro-Israel lobby “was exploiting the legacy of the Holocaust to try to silence criticism of the country.  Furthermore Moshe claimed that Gilad Erdan, Israeli Interior Minister and his Ministry of Strategic Affairs was behind the campaign  against Labour’s new guidelines on anti-Semitism. How shameful, you might think, to draw attention to the elephant in the room.
Exploiting the legacy of the Holocaust
On my reading Moshe didn’t say what the CST alleged. But he would have been completely entitled to have said that the Zionist movement exploits and always has exploited the Holocaust. There are innumerable examples. Defenders of Israel always, without exception, point to the creation of Israel as compensation to the Jewish people for the Holocaust. Holocaust analogies are to Israel what butter is to bread!
Was it not Israeli Labour Foreign Minister Abba Eban who described the Green Line separating Israel from the Occupied Territories as the 'Auschwitz Borders'? Or Menachem Begin who described Yassir Arafat under siege in Beirut as Hitler in his bunker in Berlin? Or how about Matan Vilnai, the Deputy Defence Minister, who threatened a 'bigger Shoah' (Holocaust) against the Palestinians of Gaza? Or Netanyahu who stated that 'it is 1938 and Iran is Germany.' The examples of legion. 

For the CST to suggest that saying Israel uses the holocaust is antisemitic, I can only assume that even as I write their collective noses are growing.  And no, before I am accused of an antisemitic joke I'm referring to Pinnochio's nose not the stereotype of Jewish noses!
No opportunity is lost to cast the Palestinians as continuing Hitler’s campaign of extermination. At Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Propaganda Museum in Jerusalem, there is a picture of the Mufti of Jerusalem on the wall sieg heiling a group of SS Stormtroopers. As Tom Segev, an Israeli historian and journalist wrote, its purpose is to ‘conclude that there is much in common between the Nazis’ plan to destroy the Jews and the Arabs’ enmity to Israel.’(The Seventh Million p.425).  

Israeli Professor of History, Edit Zertal noted there hasn’t been a war involving Israel ‘that has not been perceived, defined, and conceptualized in terms of the Holocaust.’ Israel has mobilised the Holocaust ‘in the service of Israeli politics.’ Israel’s Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood.  
Just last week we saw a particularly sickening example of just how Israel and the Zionist movement use the Holocaust as a political prop. Hungary’s anti-Semitic Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, visited Israel and, as is the case with all official visitors to Israel, Orban stopped off to shed a few tears at Yad Vashem. 

Outside a group of Israelis, including Holocaust survivors, held a protest at the visit of a man who has sought to rehabilitate Hungary’s pro-Nazi war time leader, Admiral Horthy. Horthy presided over the deportation of nearly ½m  Hungary Jews to Auschwitz. There is little doubt that he could have put an end to the deportation of the Jews at any time between May 15 and July 7th 1944 if he had not chosen to disbelieve reports of their extermination. Indeed there is little doubt that Horthy was aware what the fate of the provincial Jews of Hungary would be. Yet Orban called him an exceptional statesman’ and is waging a campaign in Hungary for his rehabilitation. This is the man Netanyahu calls his friend. 

At no time and on no occasion have British Zionists - from the Board to Labour Friends of Israel or the Jewish Labour Movement even raised a murmur.
Veronika Cohen, one of the demonstrators and a Hungarian Holocaust survivor explained‘I don’t think that you have to be a Holocaust survivor or a Hungarian to be here to say that Orban has no business coming here,”. Yael Weiss-Reind, whose family was murdered in Hungary during the Holocaust, said that Yad Vashem was granting legitimacy to these regimes when it accepts leaders who carry out policies and ideologies that are very similar to what we saw decades ago.”
According to the CST’s interpretation of the IHRA both Veronika Cohen and Yael Weiss-Reind are anti-Semites.
In Israel comparisons with the Nazis are run of the mill. Assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was dressed up by his opponents in SS uniform. Professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz, who won the Israel prize, described the Jewish settlers on the West Bank as Judeo Nazis. Menachem Begin compared Yassir Arafat in the Beirut siege to Hitler in his final days in a Berlin bunker.
Israeli Professor Ofer Cassif compares Israel to Nazi Germany - shock horror!
Hebrew University Professor Ofer Cassif comparedIsrael to Nazi Germany as did another Hebrew university academic, Daniel Blatman, a Holocaust researcher, who compared Israel to both South Africa and Nazi Germany.
The CST's accounts aren't actually signed, but squiggled
The Community Security Trust are an overtly Zionist charity. Most of their work is taken up collating statistics on anti-Semitism and in providing protection for Jewish schools and premises. They are lavishly funded through Home Office grants. Two thirds of their income, £20 million came from government grants last year. Their latest accounts show that have over £16m in assets. Although the Charity Commission does not list their trustees it is known that Gerald Ronson, the owner of the Heron group, gaoled during the Guinness Trial, is Chair of the Trustees.
The background to the CST’s operations is what Tony Lerman, former Director of the Institute of Jewish Affairs and the Institute of Jewish Policy Research, described as ‘Israeli hegemony over the monitoring and combating of anti-Semitism.’  Lerman describes how, as the principal Editor of the Anti-Semitism World Report, he was put under pressure by London’s Mossad (MI6) representative either to cease publication or merge it with the Project for the Study of Anti-Semitism at Tel Aviv University under Professor Dina Porat, which was partly financed by Mossad.  Porat is now the head of Yad Vashem and a dedicated Zionist Holocaust historian.  
Lerman describes how, with the Mossad pressurising individual Jewish communities world-wide his World Report ceased publication in 1999. This was a time when Israel was fashioning the ‘new anti-Semitism’ into a potent weapon that Israel could use. It fed into the prevailing idea that Islam was the main source of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism was increasingly defined in terms of Muslims not fascists or genuine anti-Semites. [See Tony Lerman, Anti-Semitism Redefinedin ‘On Anti-Semitism’, Jewish Voice for Peace, Haymarket Books, 2017].
Netanyahu attempted to redefine anti-Semitism in terms of the Palestinians at the 2015 World Zionist Congress when he assertedthat but for the Mufti of Jerusalem 6 million Jews would not have been exterminated.
Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, “If you expel them, they’ll all come here.” “So what should I do with them?” he asked. He said, “Burn them.” [See Rewriting the Holocaust]
Netanyahu’s speech was a prime example of how Zionism distorts the Holocaust to fit in with the Zionist narrative, however I don’t recall any protests from the CST’s Dave Rich or Mark Gardener, both of whom reserve their venom for Jewish critics of Zionism.
The CST is in the business of distorting and manipulating popular perceptions of anti-Semitism in the service of the Israeli state. The whole basis of Zionism is aliyah, the emigration of Jews to Israel.  The only problem is that most diaspora Jews don’t want to live in Israel. Even when, as with France a few years ago, there was an upsurge of anti-Semitism and the murder of 4 Jews in the kosher supermarket, French Jews refused to come. Many of those who did come left again because their situation in France is so much better.
One of the ways to persuade Jews to emigrate to Israel is to instil in them the perception of anti-Semitism and to create an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty whereby anti-Semitism is perceived as everywhere, all around us. A good example is the false anti-Semitism crisis in the Labour Party. Most members know that anti-Semitism is non-existent in the Labour Party but if you looked at the headlines in the Jewish Chronicle then you’d think that the SS dragnet was about to close on every Jewish member of the Party.
The CST Incidents Report for the first 6 months of 2018 show a decline in incidents, especially violent ones - this disappointing news meant the CST gave it no publicity
This is the role of the CST which produces every 6 months an Anti-Semitic Incidents Report.  The latest Report was not accompanied by the usual publicity and scare stories in the news papers. Why? Because the number of ‘anti-Semitic incidents’ in the first half of 2018 fell from 767 in the equivalent period in 2017 to 727 , that is a fall of 8% . Even worse from the Zionist perspective, the number of violent incidents fell by a massive 26% from 80 to 59 in the same period. For the third year none of these violent incidents were classed as ‘extreme’ which means they didn’t involve serious or indeed any injury. 
I have commented beforeon how the small relationship of violent incidents to overall hate /incidents against Jews suggests that there is something dodgy in the latter figures. Usually there is a much larger proportion of assaults as part of overall hate incidents. In the case of religious attacks around 30% going up to 45% in the case of disability.  Yet this year the proportion of violent attacks on Jews compared to overall hate incidents is just 8.1%, down from 10% last year. The only conclusion that can be drawn is that the number of hate incidents in inflated by things like social media trivia and comments about Israel which are interpreted under the IHRA definition as anti-Semitism.
You might expect the CST to get the champagne out and celebrate the fall in violent incidents and how safe life is for Jewish people in Britain today. This is clear evidence of a decline in anti-Semitism from what were already small numbers. Not a bit of it. It is all sackcloth and ashes because from a Zionist point of view such statistics are extremely disappointing. Zionism’s core belief is that Jews do not belong where they live. If you are a good Jew you should abandon Britain and head for Israel. For the first time in years there was no publicity around these stats. 
Sheikh Raed Salah - the target of racist witchhunts in Israel and in the UK by the CST and Home Office
The CST has a long pedigree of Zionist politics and hostility to the Palestinians.  I have written about the CST’s well paid gravy train and their racist animus to Raed Saleh, leader of Israel’s Northern Islamic Leagues which the Israeli state banned without good cause. [see Lawrence Rubin of the Brookings Institution, Why Israel outlawed the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement] The reasons for suppressing a mass movement of Israel’s Arab population were political not security related. This at a time when Israeli groups like Lehava, whose leader Benzi Gopstein has advocated the arson of mosques and churches, are left untouched.
When the leader of the Northern Islamic League, Sheikh Raed Salah visited Britain in 2011 he was made subject to an Exclusion Order by Theresa May as Home Secretary and put in custody. However May forgot to inform either the Sheikh or Britain’s immigration officers! It was only after 3 days that he was arrested on the basis of information supplied by the CST. The only problem was that it was inaccurate. The CST’s evidence citedracist Hebrew University Professor Raphael Israeli who denounced Sheikh Raed Salah.
Raphael Israeli was quoted in the Sydney Morning Herald, 16.2.07.  [Limit Muslim migration, Australia warned] as saying that ‘When the Muslim population gets to a critical mass you have problems. That is a general rule’ Asa Winstanley of Electronic Intifada in The secret CST documents that smeared anti-Zionist Jews as extremists  showed how the CST was responsible for feeding the Home Office with false information about the ‘anti-Semitism’ of Raed Salah, including a deliberately false translation of a poem of Salah via the Jerusalem Post. 

The CST’s hostility to an Israeli Arab leader contrasts with the blind eye it has turned to EDL and far-Right presence on Zionist demonstrations’. As David Hearst wrote:
The CST's confidential advice to the home secretary was accompanied by a well-orchestrated and poisonous campaign against Salah in the media, who so swiftly and conclusively condemned him as a "hate preacher". Theresa May's haste to ban Raed Salah will be repented at leisure
The result of the CST feeding the Home Office false information was that Mr Justice Ockleton in the Upper Tier Immigration Tribunal quashed Theresa May's Order and freed Raed Salah to continue with his tour.

The CST acts as an arm of Israel’s Mossad. It is also a charity and therefore benefits financially from its charity status. Allegedly set up to defend the Jewish community, the CST has never ever participated in anti-fascist mobilisation. What is surprising is that the CST, whose nose has been put out of joint in recent years by the more strident Campaign Against Anti-Semitism should have adopted their tactics in their attack on Moshe Machover. For further articles on the CST see:

Community Security Trust Supplies False Information to Deport Sheikh Raed Salah

The Community Security Trust - Policeman of the Jewish Community

How the Zionist Community Security Trust and Theresa May Colluded at the Behest of Racists to Deport Raed Salah & Prevent Free Speech

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism hypes up fears of ‘anti-Semitism’ as part of the Zionist campaign to ‘persuade’ British Jews that Israel is their real home

Tony Greenstein

More Fake Anti-Semitism – The Latest Victim is Labour’s Pete Willsman


Meanwhile Barnett’s Fascist Councillor Brian Gordon Proposes Banning Organisations Supporting a Boycott of Israel – Naturally!

Hardly a day goes by without another sacrificial lamb being offered up to the Zionist lobby in the Labour Party. Today it was Pete Willsman, a veteran socialist. Peter had made an angry speech at Labour’s National Executive Committee asking members where was this anti-Semitism that everyone speaks about, a reasonable question, and this was enough for that Israel’s main operative in the Labour Party, Luciana Berger, Chair of the racist Jewish Labour Movement to demand his expulsion.

If you had any doubts about what Pete Willsman said then this should dispel them

And sure enough, Jon Lansman and his friends in Momentum, always speaking anonymously of course, immediately dissociated themselves from Pete and threatened to take him off the left slate (though that may be too late unless they want to let a right-winger get elected). The Guardian reportedthat ‘Momentum activists also suggested Willsman should be removed from their leftwing slate’, which would effectively destroy his chances of being voted back on to the NEC.
A spineless and shallow entity
Naturally Owen Jones, who has every quality of a dog except loyalty, was first off the starting block:
‘“I’ll proudly vote for the other eight excellent Labour left candidates. I won’t vote for someone who undermines the struggle against the disgusting disease of anti-Semitism.”
The idea that anti-Semitism is a ‘disease’ is itself a racist concept. It implies that anti-Jewish racism isn’t caused by the society we live in but is a racial pathology.  It is on a par with the rest of this vacuum head’s outpourings.
Owen Jones defence is that other nonentities like himself support the removal of Willsman
Having listened to what Pete said there is nothingin it that is remotely anti-Semitic. He said ‘some of these people in the Jewish community support Trump.’  What is anti-Semitic about that?  What he should have said is that the arch-witchhunters in the right-wing Board of Deputies, including its former President Jonathan Arkush welcomed the election of Trump.  Marie van der Zyle, the current President, who is to the right of Arkush, was amongst those defending Arkush.
The Jewish Chronicle reportedthat on the Board of Deputies website Arkush said that I would like to congratulate Donald Trump on his victory.” I can’t remember the detestable Luciana, or the Blessed Margaret Hodge or Liar Smeeth protesting. After all they were chasing ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party. Arkush continued:
“After a divisive campaign, I hope that Mr Trump will move to build bridges and ensure that America’s standing as a beacon of progress, tolerance and free-thinking remains strong.”  
Trump came to power after the most anti-Semitic Presidential election campaign in history where anti-semitic messages and dog whistles became the norm.  But none of this upset our Zionists for whom the only anti-Semitism that counts is opposition to Zionism.
Zionists support Trump because his white supremacism chimes with Zionism - hence why is 100% pro Zionist
And of course not only the President of the Board of Deputies but the Leader of the Israeli Labour Party, which is the sister party of the Jewish Labour Movement also welcomed the election of Trump.  Isaac Herzog issued a statement “Warm congratulations to the president of the most powerful nation in the world: Donald J Trump!” Israeli Labour Party leader Isaac Herzog, wrote on his Facebook.’ Herzog to Trump: Your win shows elites are thing of past.
So Pete Willsman was absolutely correct. Berger and the rest of Labour’s racist Zionist MPs have nothing to say about Apartheid Israel because their whole purpose is a defence of the US’s racist Rottweiler in the Middle East.

Lest anyone forget the real target of the false antisemitism campaign is Corbyn himself - those who promote it like Owen Jones are helping the campaign to get rid of Corbyn

Willsman also said that ‘we should ask the 70 rabbis where is your evidence of severe and widespread anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party.  Of course they have none but and here’s the trick.  In asking for evidence, indeed even referring to the fact that there is none, Pete Willsman is guilty of, wait for it, ‘anti-Semitism’.  Because anti-Semitism is anything that displeases Berger, Smeeth and Hodge who are all ‘victims’ by their own reckoning. These privileged daughters of Zionism, who spend their waking time defending Israel, don’t hesitate to accuse anyone who doubts the existence of anti-Semitism of being anti-Semitic. Willsman compounded his offence by asking ‘How many people in this room have seen anti-Semitism?’  Apparently two did!  But surely Pete must know that saying that the Emperor has no clothes is in itself an act of Lèse majesté?
The phrase 'dustbin of the world' suggests immigrants are rubbish - Gordon is a member of the Zionist Herut group
Meanwhile a genuine 24 carat racist, Councillor Brian Gordon of Barnet Council has also got into the act.  He is proposing a motion to the Council which would ban premises to any organisation that supporters a Boycott of Israel.  As we have been saying all along, the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism is a threat to free speech and the right to dissent.
At least Brian Gordon is consistent.  A member of Herut he was a member of the far-Right Tory Monday Club which proposed the repatriation of British Blacks. When he lost a seat to Labour many years ago he bemoanedthe fact that the racist vote was split between the Conservatives and the National Front and suggested that in the future the nationalist parties should combine.
This racist clown blacking up in traditional style
However no can deny that this far-Right loon has a sense of humour.  When Purim came around he dressed up as Nelson Mandela, to the extent of blacking himself up in the tradition of the Black and White Minstrel show that many of us grew up with.  A good article Gordon Bennet, he's your councillor? by the late Charley Pottins describes this racist clown.
I also seem to remember that after this election defeat, which must have been in the 1970’s, Gordon was caught at election night in a huddle with the NF candidate.
So it is really no surprise that Brian Gordon is proposing a motion effectively outlawing organisations that support Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel. The motion cites the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism as a justification. The IHRA as people will know is a definition of ‘anti-Semitism’ that conflates anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.
This is of course  entirely understandable. Gordon, who was a supporter of Apartheid in South Africa and an opponent of a Boycott of that country when White Supremacy ruled is hardly likely to support a Boycott of Israel given that it is a state of Jewish supremacy.   See What’s the matter with Barnet?

Auschwitz and Gaza Comparisons - Are there any limits to Corbyn’s ritual self-humiliation? Being a Leader means standing up to your opponents not appeasing them


There is NOTHING wrong in comparing Israel to Nazi Germany – Israelis do it all the time.

Is John McDonnell preparing to become Brutus to Corbyn’s Caesar?

First it was a 6 year old mural. Today it is an 8 year old meeting on Holocaust Memorial Day at which Hajo Meyer, a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz spoke. Tomorrow it will be another meeting because clearly there are scores of people researching everything Corbyn attended in the hope of a new scandal.
The outrage of the Yellow Press and the Zionists is utterly synthetic.  Where is their outrage about the Saudi atrocities in Yemen or Israel's continuous murder of Palestinians living under occupation? That Corbyn does not call out this hypocrisy demonstrates just how weak the man has become.
Corbyn did nothing wrong 8 years ago in chairing a meeting pointing out the hypocrisy of Israel using the slogan ‘Never Again’ whilst massacring Palestinians. Corbyn should stop apologising to a bunch of racists.
It is baffling that Corbyn still does not understand the nature of the campaign against him? It is blindingly obvious that the Right are out to get him for everything he did in the past. Instead of forever hoisting the white flag Corbyn should have the political courage to stand up and defend what he once believed in.
I was at the meeting in Portcullis House when Hajo Meyer spoke, as did the representatives of other groups who suffered holocausts such as the Roma. The Guardian reportsthat Corbyn has said that he appeared with people “whose views I completely reject” when he hosted a Holocaust Memorial Day event in 2010, while he was a backbench MP.
This is a stupid lie. I remember very clearly the warm words Corbyn and others had for Hajo. Corbyn was right then and wrong now.  Hajo knew about Auschwitz and anti-Semitism first hand, unlike Corbyn’s malevolent detractors in the Tory press. He had every right to compare what Israel was doing in Gaza to the Nazis.
Note the word compare’. Hajo didn’t say that Israel and Nazi Germany were the same he compared the actions of a state, which imprisons people in what David Cameron called a concentration camp, and then bombards them with high tech missiles and explosives, to Germany’s attacks on civilians.
There are numerous examples of Israelis comparing their own state to Nazi Germany just as there are numerous examples of Israel comparing the Palestinians to the Nazis. Two years ago Israel’s own Deputy Chief of Staff, Yair Golan comparedIsrael to pre-Holocaust Nazi Germany. Hebrew University lecturer Dr. Ofer Cassif describedJustice Minister Ayelet Shaked as ‘Neo-Nazi scum’ and said that “I think it’s fair to compare Israel to Germany in the 1930s, and not to the years of genocide.
The system of racial separation in Israel, the barring of Arabs from nearly a thousand Jewish villages and communities is no different to the barring of Jews from German towns and villages.  If the comparison hurts racist Zionists then so much the better.
It is the defenders of Israel who describe the creation of Israel as compensation to the Jewish people for the Holocaust. Holocaust analogies are to Israel what butter is to bread!

Israeli Labour Foreign Minister Abba Eban described the Green Line separating Israel from the Occupied Territories as the 'Auschwitz Borders'? Prime MinisterMenachem Begin described Yassir Arafat under siege in Beirut as Hitler in his Berlin bunker. Deputy Defence Minister Matan Vilnai threatened a 'bigger Shoah' (Holocaust) against the Palestinians of Gaza and Netanyahu stated that 'it is 1938 and Iran is Germany.'Arab leaders like Egypt’s Nasser were routinely talked about as the ‘Hitler on the Nile’.
There are also many right-wing Israelis who see their actions as comparable to the Nazis. One group of soldiers comparedthemselves to Dr Mengele, the notorious SS doctor in Auschwitz. Religious philosopher Yeshayahu Leibowitz, the winner of the Israel Prize, calledthe settlers on the West Bank ‘Judeo-Nazis.’:
Tom Segev, an Israeli historian and journalist wroteconcerning the picture of a Palestinian, the Mufti of Jerusalem at Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel that its purpose was to ‘‘conclude that there is much in common between the Nazis’ plan to destroy the Jews and the Arabs’ enmity to Israel.’ (The Seventh Million p.425). 
Israeli Professor of History, Edit Zertal noted there hasn’t been a war involving Israel ‘that has not been perceived, defined, and conceptualized in terms of the Holocaust.’ Israel has mobilised the Holocaust ‘in the service of Israeli politics.’ Israel’s Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood.  
Just last week Hungary’s anti-Semitic Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, visited Israel and, as is the case with all official visitors to Israel, Orban stopped off to shed a few tears at Yad Vashem. Outside a group of Israelis, including Holocaust survivors, held a protest at the visit of a man who has sought to rehabilitate Hungary’s pro-Nazi war time leader, Admiral Horthy. Orban called him an exceptional statesman’and is waging a campaign in Hungary for his rehabilitation. This is the man Netanyahu calls his friend.
Veronika Cohen, one of the demonstrators and a Holocaust survivor explained‘I don’t think that you have to be a Holocaust survivor or a Hungarian to be here to say that Orban has no business coming here,”. Yael Weiss-Reind, whose family was murdered in Hungary during the Holocaust, said that Yad Vashem was granting legitimacy to these regimes when it accepts leaders who carry out policies and ideologies that are very similar to what we saw decades ago.”

Perhaps Veronika Cohen and Yael Weiss-Reind are also anti-Semites according to the vipers of the British press, John Mann MP and all the other anti-intellectuals who believe that any attempt to draw parallels between Israel today and Nazi Germany is ‘anti-Semitic’.

In Israel comparisons with the Nazis are run of the mill. Assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was dressed up by his opponents in SS uniform. Professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz, who won the Israel prize, described the Jewish settlers on the West Bank as Judeo Nazis. Menachem Begin compared Yassir Arafat in the Beirut siege to Hitler in his final days in a Berlin bunker.

Hebrew University Professor Ofer Cassif comparedIsrael to Nazi Germany as did another Hebrew university academic, Daniel Blatman, a Holocaust researcher, who comparedIsrael to both South Africa and Nazi Germany.

At the meeting 8 years ago, entitled ‘Never Again for Anyone – Auschwitz to Gaza’Hajo Meyer comparedIsrael’s actions in Gaza to the killing of Jewish people in the Holocaust. Corbyn response: “‘Views were expressed at the meeting which I do not accept or condone.’ is truly pathetic. 
Corbyn warmly supported Hajo at the time and was visibly moved that a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz should compare what he underwent with what Gaza’s population were suffering. Nor was Hajo the only Jewish victim of the Nazis who has made such a comparison.  The leader of the Warsaw ghetto resistance, Marek Edelman, also comparedhis own resistance in 1943 to that of the Palestinian resistance.
Instead of retreating and cowering before the vicious pygmies of the British press whose aim is to demonise any attempt at understanding the situation in Palestine, people whose ability to distort and traduce match the skills of Goebbels, Corbyn should have come out fighting and said that yes, mass murder is always comparable.
Is it seriously suggested that because Israel only kills in the thousands and Hitler killed in the millions that comparisons are not in order? We are not comparing quantities but a similar mindset.
When Israeli rabbis use the Torah to argue that it is allowed to murder even children and infants in time of war is not a comparison with the Nazis permissible? In 2009 a book Torat HaMelech by two prominent rabbis, Yitzhak Shapir and Yosef Elitzur was written which gave a Jewish Orthodox guide to killing non-Jews. It arguedthat “the life of a Jew is worth more than the life of a non-Jew, and permited the killing of innocent people including children.”
Or perhaps the statementof Rabbi Dov Lior, the Chief Rabbi of the West Bank settlers that
“There is no such thing as enemy civilians in war time. The law of our Torah is to have mercy on our soldiers and to save them … A thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew’s fingernail.”
Is this not worthy of a Nazi?
Let us be quite clear why comparisons between Israel and the Nazis are valid. The Holocaust didn’t come out of nowhere. It came out of the existing society. When proposing, in Mein Kampf that the disabled be eliminated, Hitler took as his model the American programme of Eugenics. How American Racism Influenced Hitler. In Mein Kampf Hitler wrote:
I have studied with interest the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock."
Is it wrong therefore to compare America’s eugenics programme with that in Nazi Germany?
There is nothing whatsoever offensive about comparing what happened in Nazi Germany to Israel today. It is precisely because Israel uses what happened in Germany as its moral foundation stone that it is right to ask why it treats Palestinians as racially inferior. How is the separation of Jews from Aryans different from Palestinians from Israeli Jews? The Jewish Nation State Bill has been rightly compared to the Nazis’ Nuremburg Laws.
Corbyn’s apology is not only wrong and unnecessary but it drives another nail in his coffin. The reason for these attacks is not genuine outrage but to make Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party untenable. It is an attempt to sanitise Britain’s murderous foreign policy and its uncritical support for Israel. Corbyn is his own worst enemy.
As for John McDonnell, his vapid utterances about how he could weepover what is happening, displays suggest he still doesn’t have a clue about the nature of the attack on Corbyn.  It suggests that if he ever becomes Chancellor he will be putty in the hands of the City.  He is quoted in The Independent as saying that: ‘the Labour Party has failed to get to grips with antisemitism among some of its members and vowed to “get this sorted out”.
For someone who supported the Republicans in Ireland this is truly pathetic.  McDonnell has abandoned any form of anti-imperialism under the weight of the Zionists’ ‘anti-Semitism’ attack. The suggestions that he is positioning himself to replace Corbyn are interesting as he clearly is trying to woo the Labour Right.  Clearly McDonnell sees himself as Labour’s new Stafford Cripps.
Tony Greenstein
See my tribute to Hajo Meyer on his death in 2015

Are there any limits to Corbyn’s ritual self-humiliation? Being a Leader means standing up to your opponents not appeasing them


Hajo Meyer, a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz compared Israel to the Nazis - Corbyn should have applauded him not appeased his critics

Is John McDonnell preparing to become Brutus to Corbyn’s Caesar?

First it was a 6 year old mural. Today it is an 8 year old meeting on Holocaust Memorial Day at which Hajo Meyer, a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz spoke. Tomorrow it will be another meeting because clearly there are scores of people researching everything Corbyn attended in the hope of a new scandal.
The outrage of the Yellow Press and the Zionists is utterly synthetic.  Where is their outrage about the Saudi atrocities in Yemen or Israel's continuous murder of Palestinians living under occupation? That Corbyn does not call out this hypocrisy demonstrates just how weak the man has become.
Corbyn did nothing wrong 8 years ago in chairing a meeting pointing out the hypocrisy of Israel using the slogan ‘Never Again’ whilst massacring Palestinians. Corbyn should stop apologising to a bunch of racists.
It is baffling that Corbyn still does not understand the nature of the campaign against him? It is blindingly obvious that the Right are out to get him for everything he did in the past. Instead of forever hoisting the white flag Corbyn should have the political courage to stand up and defend what he once believed in.
I was at the meeting in Portcullis House when Hajo Meyer spoke, as did the representatives of other groups who suffered holocausts such as the Roma. The Guardianreports that Corbyn has said that he appeared with people “whose views I completely reject” when he hosted a Holocaust Memorial Day event in 2010, while he was a backbench MP.
This is a stupid lie. I remember very clearly the warm words Corbyn and others had for Hajo. Corbyn was right then andwrong now.  Hajo knew about Auschwitz and anti-Semitism first hand, unlike Corbyn’s malevolent detractors in the Tory press. He had every right to compare what Israel was doing in Gaza to the Nazis.
Note the word compare’. Hajo didn’t say that Israel and Nazi Germany were the same he compared the actions of a state, which imprisons people in what David Cameron called a concentration camp, and then bombards them with high tech missiles and explosives, to Germany’s attacks on civilians.
There are numerous examples of Israelis comparing their own state to Nazi Germany just as there are numerous examples of Israel comparing the Palestinians to the Nazis. Two years ago Israel’s own Deputy Chief of Staff, Yair Golan compared Israel to pre-Holocaust Nazi Germany. Hebrew University lecturer Dr. Ofer Cassif described Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked as ‘Neo-Nazi scum’ and said that “I think it’s fair to compare Israel to Germany in the 1930s, and not to the years of genocide.
The system of racial separation in Israel, the barring of Arabs from nearly a thousand Jewish villages and communities is no different to the barring of Jews from German towns and villages.  If the comparison hurts racist Zionists then so much the better.
It is the defenders of Israel who describe the creation of Israel as compensation to the Jewish people for the Holocaust. Holocaust analogies are to Israel what butter is to bread!

Israeli Labour Foreign Minister Abba Eban described the Green Line separating Israel from the Occupied Territories as the 'Auschwitz Borders'? Prime Minister Menachem Begin described Yassir Arafat under siege in Beirut as Hitler in his Berlin bunker. Deputy Defence Minister Matan Vilnaithreatened a 'bigger Shoah' (Holocaust) against the Palestinians of Gaza and Netanyahu stated that 'it is 1938 and Iran is Germany.' Arab leaders like Egypt’s Nasser were routinely talked about as the ‘Hitler on the Nile’.
There are also many right-wing Israelis who see their actions as comparable to the Nazis. One group of soldierscompared themselves to Dr Mengele, the notorious SS doctor in Auschwitz. Religious philosopher Yeshayahu Leibowitz, the winner of the Israel Prize, called the settlers on the West Bank ‘Judeo-Nazis.’:
Tom Segev, an Israeli historian and journalist wroteconcerning the picture of a Palestinian, the Mufti of Jerusalem at Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Israel that its purpose was to ‘‘conclude that there is much in common between the Nazis’ plan to destroy the Jews and the Arabs’ enmity to Israel.’ (The Seventh Million p.425). 
Israeli Professor of History, Edit Zertal noted there hasn’t been a war involving Israel ‘that has not been perceived, defined, and conceptualized in terms of the Holocaust.’ Israel has mobilised the Holocaust ‘in the service of Israeli politics.’ Israel’s Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood.  
Just last week Hungary’s anti-Semitic Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, visited Israel and, as is the case with all official visitors to Israel, Orban stopped off to shed a few tears at Yad Vashem. Outside a group of Israelis, including Holocaust survivors, held a protest at the visit of a man who has sought to rehabilitate Hungary’s pro-Nazi war time leader, Admiral Horthy. Orban called him an exceptional statesman’ and is waging a campaign in Hungary for his rehabilitation. This is the man Netanyahu calls his friend.
Veronika Cohen, one of the demonstrators and a Holocaust survivor explained ‘I don’t think that you have to be a Holocaust survivor or a Hungarian to be here to say that Orban has no business coming here,”Yael Weiss-Reind, whose family was murdered in Hungary during the Holocaust, said that Yad Vashem was granting legitimacy to these regimes when it “accepts leaders who carry out policies and ideologies that are very similar to what we saw decades ago.”

Perhaps Veronika Cohen and Yael Weiss-Reind are also anti-Semites according to the vipers of the British press, John Mann MP and all the other anti-intellectuals who believe that any attempt to draw parallels between Israel today and Nazi Germany is ‘anti-Semitic’.

In Israel comparisons with the Nazis are run of the mill. Assassinated Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin wasdressed up by his opponents in SS uniform. Professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz, who won the Israel prize, described the Jewish settlers on the West Bank as Judeo Nazis.Menachem Begin compared Yassir Arafat in the Beirut siege to Hitler in his final days in a Berlin bunker.

Hebrew University Professor Ofer Cassif compared Israel to Nazi Germany as did another Hebrew university academic, Daniel Blatman, a Holocaust researcher, who comparedIsrael to both South Africa and Nazi Germany.

At the meeting 8 years ago, entitled ‘Never Again for Anyone – Auschwitz to Gaza’ Hajo Meyer compared Israel’s actions in Gaza to the killing of Jewish people in the Holocaust. Corbyn response: “ ‘Views were expressed at the meeting which I do not accept or condone.’ is truly pathetic. 
Corbyn warmly supported Hajo at the time and was visibly moved that a Jewish survivor of Auschwitz should compare what he underwent with what Gaza’s population were suffering. Nor was Hajo the only Jewish victim of the Nazis who has made such a comparison.  The leader of the Warsaw ghetto resistance, Marek Edelman, also comparedhis own resistance in 1943 to that of the Palestinian resistance.
Instead of retreating and cowering before the vicious pygmies of the British press whose aim is to demonise any attempt at understanding the situation in Palestine, people whose ability to distort and traduce match the skills of Goebbels, Corbyn should have come out fighting and said that yes, mass murder is always comparable.
Is it seriously suggested that because Israel only kills in the thousands and Hitler killed in the millions that comparisons are not in order? We are not comparing quantities but a similar mindset.
When Israeli rabbis use the Torah to argue that it is allowed to murder even children and infants in time of war is not a comparison with the Nazis permissible? In 2009 a book Torat HaMelech by two prominent rabbis, Yitzhak Shapir and Yosef Elitzur was written which gave a Jewish Orthodox guide to killing non-Jews. It argued that “the life of a Jew is worth more than the life of a non-Jew, and permited the killing of innocent people including children.”
Or perhaps the statement of Rabbi Dov Lior, the Chief Rabbi of the West Bank settlers that
“There is no such thing as enemy civilians in war time. The law of our Torah is to have mercy on our soldiers and to save them … A thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew’s fingernail.”
Is this not worthy of a Nazi?
Let us be quite clear why comparisons between Israel and the Nazis are valid. The Holocaust didn’t come out of nowhere. It came out of the existing society. When proposing, in Mein Kampf that the disabled be eliminated, Hitler took as his model the American programme of Eugenics. How American Racism Influenced Hitler. In Mein Kampf Hitler wrote:
I have studied with interest the laws of several American states concerning prevention of reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or be injurious to the racial stock."
Is it wrong therefore to compare America’s eugenics programme with that in Nazi Germany?
There is nothing whatsoever offensive about comparing what happened in Nazi Germany to Israel today. It is precisely because Israel uses what happened in Germany as its moral foundation stone that it is right to ask why it treats Palestinians as racially inferior. How is the separation of Jews from Aryans different from Palestinians from Israeli Jews? The Jewish Nation State Bill has been rightly compared to the Nazis’ Nuremburg Laws.
Corbyn’s apology is not only wrong and unnecessary but it drives another nail in his coffin. The reason for these attacks is not genuine outrage but to make Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party untenable. It is an attempt to sanitise Britain’s murderous foreign policy and its uncritical support for Israel. Corbyn is his own worst enemy.
As for John McDonnell, his vapid utterances about how he could weep over what is happening, displays suggest he still doesn’t have a clue about the nature of the attack on Corbyn.  It suggests that if he ever becomes Chancellor he will be putty in the hands of the City.  He is quoted in The Independent as saying that: ‘the Labour Party has failed to get to grips with antisemitism among some of its members and vowed to “get this sorted out”.
For someone who supported the Republicans in Ireland this is truly pathetic.  McDonnell has abandoned any form of anti-imperialism under the weight of the Zionists’ ‘anti-Semitism’ attack. The suggestions that he is positioning himself to replace Corbyn are interesting as he clearly is trying to woo the Labour Right.  Clearly McDonnell sees himself as Labour’s new Stafford Cripps.
Tony Greenstein
See my tribute to Hajo Meyer on his death in 2015

EXCLUSIVE: More Revelations about Zionism’s Fascist Wing


Who are Tommy Robinson’s Zionist Supporters? 

At a time when supporters of Israel and Britain's Zionist foreign policy are waging a war over 'Labour antisemitism', it is perhaps apt to look at the growing ranks of Zionist supporters of Tommy Robinson and British fascism. As the video above shows, many of these people are quite happy with being called Jewish Nazis.  
Prime amongst these activists is Jonathan Hoffman, who can best be described as politically autistic.  He is pictured with white paint on his face in the photograph above in the bottom left.  Hoffman has pioneered joint Zionist-fascist activity, with both the English Defence League and Britain First activists.  Hoffman isn't a marginal figure having been Vice-Chair of the Zionist Federation.  Yet not a peep or squeak comes out from Marie van der Zyl, the President of the Board of Deputies or her predecessor Jonathan Arkush about the real anti-semites in the British Jewish community.
The Sun quotes the same Hoffman uncritically when attacking Jeremy Corbyn over the Holocaust Memorial Day meeting 8 years ago when Hajo Meyer, a Dutch anti-Zionist survivor of Auschwitz, spoke. [SHAMELESS LEFTIES, Inside ‘vile’ Jeremy Corbyn rally that branded Israel as NAZIS and ‘ejected protesters’ amid Labour anti-Semitism row]

Why is this?  Essentially because the Board of Deputies has never fought genuine antisemitism. In the 1930's it told Jews not to fight Moseley's British Union of Fascism, a  trick they repeated with the National Front in the 1970's.  It comes as no surprise that they have nothing to say about an alignment with the far-Right that extends from Herut to the Jewish Defence League.  One should bear in mind that the senior officers of the Zionist Federation are all in or sympathetic to Herut including Aryeh Miller, the Executive Director of the Zionist Federation, who spoke at the inaugural meeting of Herut and the Chair, Paul Charney.
This is the latest look at the fascist and neo-Nazi wing of the British Zionist movement and the characters involved.  It doesn’t claim to be comprehensive as the characters involved change continuously.  It is often difficult to follow the internal strife and battles among those who wish to be crowned the Jewish Fuhrer and their petty animosities.
My first article EXCLUSIVE – We Name the Gang of 31 Zionists Whose Purpose is to Disrupt Palestinian Events in London caused quite a stir amongst those who were named.  A number of them entered into conversation with me, some polite and some not so polite (Mark Haringman!). I refused Haringman’s request to delete his name because he said it was stopping him get a job.  I told him if he stopped disrupting the political activities of his opponents then and only then would I delete it.  Where there were errors I was happy to correct them and one person (Thor Halland) threatened to sue me for libel concerning his escapades in Thailand. Being soft-hearted (& because I couldn't prove the allegations!) I acceded to his demands.

My second article focused on David Collier who is the 'intellectual' wing of the far right in the British Zionist movement (which is not difficult!).  His ‘expose’ of the Palestine Live Facebook group, of which Jeremy Corbyn is a member, featured heavily in the attacks on the Labour Party in the run up to the local elections. EXCLUSIVE: David Collier – the ‘Independent Researcher’ who accused Corbyn of anti-Semitism keeps company with White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis and Islamophobes. It contains without doubt images that were not from the Palestine Live FB group but from peoples' time lines. His 'research' has not, of course, been peer reviewed and as such should be treated as political junk.
Jonathan Arkush is seen here speaking to an audience including 2 members of the neo-Nazi Jewish Defence League of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane - Roberta Moore and her boyfriend de Jonge bottom left.
My third article was written in the wake of the Al Quds demonstration on June 10thwhich the Zionists have been demonising for some time now as a gathering of terrorists etc.  This followed a large demonstration the day before. Some estimates put it as many as 15,000 supporters of the Football Lads Alliance. What is clear is that there is now a clear link-up between the Zionists and the FLA in support of Tommy Robinson and in support of the racist anti-Muslim politics of these Zionists..  The Zionist – Fascist Alliance was Consummated at the Al Quds Demonstration
What is clear is that the activities of the far-Right  and fascist Zionists are tolerated and even approved by the more respectable, establishment Zionists, Mick Davies' criticisms notwithstanding.  Jonathan Arkush, the previous President of the Board of Deputies was a right-wing Tory and Trump supporter who was pictured speaking to a crowd of Zionists including those displaying the logos of the neo-Nazi Jewish Defence League. (see above)  No attempt was made to remove them. The new President of the Board, Marie van der Zyl is equally as right-wing as Arkush and equally at home with the fascist wing of the Zionist movement.  This makes their bleating about 'antisemitism' even more stomach churning.
Those named didn’t, by and large, like the publicity.  Some, like Joseph Cohen and Thor Halland, claimed it was inaccurate.  Others like South African Sharon Klaff chose a different tack. 
One of those named in my original article, Jason Silver committed suicide. The reasons for this had nothing to do with what I wrote but nonetheless there was a nasty campaign to suggest his death was a consequence of my article, spearheaded by Hoffman and Klaff. Although there was no evidence to support their allegations a lie doesn’t need evidence.  
This week there is a report in the JC of the Inquest into Silver’s suicide which makes it clear that he had been unwell for many years. It quotes his widow, Claire Silver, as having told the inquest that Silver:
"had abused cocaine for a number of years. She learned after his death that he had stopped taking medication for “about seven months”....
“He became increasingly interested in politics – but it was very specific. He was very pro-Israel, and very anti-Palestine. But that was a recent thing. He had never been like that before.
“He just became obsessed with it. It’s all he would talk about all the time – to his patients, to everybody.”
 What didn't help was that people like Klaff and Hoffman fed his obsession and paranoia and he was encouraged to make a series of false complaints against firstly the organisers of Palestine Expo for ejecting him, which he held was antisemitic despite the fact that large numbers of Jewish people attended and spoke at this event.

Despite the Jewish Lawyers Association telling him he didn't have a case, when the Police refused to prosecute for a hate crime he was encouraged to make false complaints against the Metropolitan Police themselves and became frustrated when they went nowhere. 
None of this of course deterred Ms Klaff, who has gone from supporting Apartheid in her native South Africa to supporting it in Israel, from penning a blog article for The Times of Israel holding me responsible.  The articlehas now been taken down. What is despicable is Klaff and Hoffman are trying to exploit Jason Silver's death for their own political advantage. 
Sharon Klaff’s lying article which was taken down by the The Times of Israel  
It is clear that we are seeing an alliance between the Zionist right, including the supporters of Herut such as Mandy Blumenthal and solicitor Mark Lewis (who is the subject of proceedings so I understand by the Solicitors Regulation Authority) and the fascist supporters of Tommy Robinson and the FLA.
Both Jayme Cohen and Melanie “Gharial” Graham were handing out leaflets on the June 9th FLA demonstration exhorting the assorted fascists and neo-Nazis to stay over for the Al Quds demonstration.  This was organised by Yochi Davies. Last year Darren Osborne who ploughed his minibus into worshippers at the Finsbury Park mosque, killing one person and injuring others, had first attempted to drive into marchers on the Al Quds demonstration. Only police security around the march prevented a much more bloody ISIS style massacre.  This year as I’ve writtena large number of the FLA came to the Al Quds demonstration intent on trying to attack the demonstration.  In essence we saw a united front between the Zionist far-Right and the fascist and neo-Nazi Right.
It was therefore interesting that Sir Mick Davis, one of the most influential members of the Jewish community, Treasurer of the Conservative Party and former Chair of the Jewish Leadership Council wrote a piece on divisions within the Jewish community, not least the Zionist far-Right. OPINION – Sir Mick Davis: We’re at war with ourselves in the battle for Zionism
This video shows a group of Jewish people saying the prayer for the dead, Kaddish, for the then 60, now over 130, unarmed Palestinians who were murdered by Israeli snipers. This video, produced by Joseph Cohen's Israel Advocacy Movement, entitles it 'Kaddish for Hamas'.  There is no evidence that most of the dead were anything other than innocent civilians, although Hamas -  like many political groups - tried to take the credit.  However it is irrelevant.  Hamas is a conservative political group which many Palestinians support.  The idea that someone who is a member of it should be executed or forfeit their life is obscene
The occasion of Davis’s article was the Kaddish (prayer for the dead) which was said for the murdered Palestinians in Gaza who were mown down like turkeys in a shoot.  Of course these fascists described them as ‘terrorists’because they have to deny agency to the Palestinians. Those who resists the Occupation or takes part in any action to resist it, however peaceful, is a terrorist.  However most people, even the right-wing former leader of the Tory Party, Michael Howard (who asked Netanyahu ‘why did you need to kill them’) understand that there was no justification for Israel’s response. ‘Terrorism’ which these fascists claim as their justification is just a catch-all term of abuse for those who refuse to live quietly under the Israel’s occupation.
In his article Davis tries to frame the discussion as ‘Some far-left Jews’ saying kaddish versus far-right Jews who ‘responded to this provocative act with abusive language, use of terms like “kapo”, issuing death threats and seeking to hound kaddish participants from their jobs. Weeks later, the controversy still rages.’

Although a useful rhetorical device, it is fundamentally dishonest. The Jews involved in saying Kaddish were not ‘far-left’ but liberal Jews.  It is a measure of how right-wing the Zionist community is that anyone left of centre is classified as ‘far-left.’  However Davis is correct in terms of the violent response to those saying prayers.  It is a measure of how degenerate these fascists are that even in their death, unarmed Palestinians are considered as unworthy of prayer. One wonders what kind of God that Martin Hiser prays to. Of course what Israel feared was that the protest was for the right of the Palestinians to ‘Return’ because it symbolises the refusal to accept the theft of their land and homes in 1948.
Davis is no doubt expressing the views of a section of the British Jewish establishment when he says that
On the right, some activists have proved to have no boundaries at all. For them, expressing the most basic empathy for the Palestinians is taboo while expressing empathy for imprisoned former EDL leader Tommy Robinson is acceptable. And like so many forms of populism, this emergent British Jewish far-right wallows in perceived victimhood at the hands of “an elite” – in this case the “Jewish establishment”. 
Far from victimising this right-wing fringe, however, we’ve indulged and humoured it, viewing it as oafish and shrill but no great threat to the community’s consensus values.’
This is an updated list as of Summer 2018  of  most of the members of the extreme Zionist groups who frequently attend and disrupt events connected with Palestine. These include meetings in Parliament, debates in Universities, Palestine cultural events and pro-Palestine demonstrations/activities.  
Photos show individuals at various events and their links to other members of the group. For brevity and clarity only a small sample is shown but many more examples are available.
1.Laurent Kachauda
Low IQ fantasist Kachauda works as a shop assistant for the French supermarket group Carrefour but likes to think he is a hard man. However, on 29 Sept 2017 this boastful fantasist was sentenced to 6 months in prison in Paris for a violent and unprovoked attack on a lone French Jewish woman . This cowardly Zionist thug made sure he had 3 accomplices for the vicious assault, all members of the French JDL.
Kachauda works with Martin Hizer and James Goddard of the Football  Lads Alliance as well as Jonathan Hoffman.
Sheridan, English, Besser and Kachauda in main picture. Kachauda  on the right top pic. Neal B Cohen on left. This is not  the Neil Cohen of 2 kitchens restaurant. Bottom pic l-r- Ghalial, Klaff, Blumenthal, Kachauda, Besser
29 septembre 2017
The Court of Appeal of Paris confirmed Friday the convictions of four fascists of the Jewish Defense League for violence against Olivia Zémor. Laurent Kachauda was sentenced to 6 months in prison..

Procès de la LDJ : confirmation des peines en appel

La Cour d’appel de Paris a confirmé vendredi les condamnations de quatre fascistes de la Ligue de Défense Juive pour violences en réunion sur Olivia Zémor, présidente d’EuroPalestine, Houria Bouteldja, porte-parole du Parti des Indigènes (PIR), et le « juif antisioniste » Jacob Cohen.
Les faits remontaient à 2012, mais le jugement en première instance n’est intervenu que quatre ans après, en mai 2016.
Joseph Ayache, qui faisait figure de chef de bande dans cette série d’attaques au moyen d’une peinture très toxique, avait écopé d’un an de prison ferme. Mais l’individu, déjà condamné à plusieurs reprises sans avoir passé un seul jour en prison pour ses agressions, s’est opportunément envolé vers Israël, sa base de repli.
Le deuxième prévenu, Daniel Benassaya, qui se présentait à la fois comme enseignant dans une école religieuse juive et webmaster de la LDJ, était de son côté condamné à 6 mois de prison avec sursis pour sa participation effective aux attaques.
Même peine pour son comparse Laurent Kachauda, tandis que Steve Bismuth, lui aussi déjà condamné au titre de sa participation aux exactions de la LDJ s’en tirait le mieux, avec une simple amende de 1.000 €.
La Cour d’appel, qui avait tenu audience au printemps dernier, a donc rendu son arrêt vendredi : les peines sont confirmées, le tribunal rejetant en outre une demande des accusés de restitution des matériels ayant servi à l’infraction et placés sous scellés : ordinateurs, caméra notamment.
Enfin, la bande est condamnée à verser plus de 15.000 € de dommages et intérêts et frais de justice aux deux victimes s’étant constituées parties civiles, Olivia Zémor, qui avait pour avocate M° Cochain, et Houria Bouteldja.
2.Gemma Sheridan (aka Sally Wisemann on FB).
Gemma Sheridan, who Joseph Cohen tells us posts as Sally Wisemann on Facebook,  is pictured here with convicted criminal  LAURENT KHACHAUDA, a French shop assistant who works for the Carrefour supermarket chain.  Khachauda is a two-bit Zionist thug who was sentenced to 6 months in prison in France for a vicious assault on a defenceless French Jewish woman. The cowardly spiv Khachauda carried out the assault in the company of 3 other French Zionist thugs. Khachauda now has links with this bunch of criminal and social misfit accomplices of Jonathan Hoffman and Joseph Cohen. With a very low IQ Khachauda has not yet learned how to spell his own name even and sometimes spells it Kachauda.
Sheridan, who Joseph Cohen informs us is Sally Wisemann on FB  with “vulnerable” Michael English, Besser and Carrefour Paris shop assistant Laurent Kachauda.
I also understand that Herut under Yochi Davis are trying to separate themselves off from the openly fascist and Judeo-Nazi wing of Zionism, i.e. the JDL.  However given that Yochi Davis was integrally involved in securing the participation of the FLA at the Al Quds demonstration it is quite clear that Herut has no principled objections to working with overt fascists and anti-Semites.  They just don’t want to be seen openly working with members of the Jewish Nazi JDL and people like Gemma Sheridan.  Speaking of whom, Sheridan was apparently not allowed at Jason Silvers funeral earlier this year
The JDL lot are Sheridan/Wisemann, her mother (Jenny Guttmann on FB), Paul Besser and Michael English who is Sheridans boyfriend.  Perhaps because he’s brain dead he isn’t seen as any threat and seems to get on with most people. He has a strange habit of going around without a shirt which make him persona non Grata in polite Zionist society! 
Online they are joined by Neil B Cohen and some of the French JDL supporters.
The JDL are trying to infiltrate Herut/UK but Herut members ( Yochi Davis etc) are not happy about this, not least because of the JDL’s homophobia.  Neil Cohen is a Herut supporter and his daughter Jayme is a Herut LGBT activist and is closely supported by Harry Markham.  Neil and Harry are both from the East End. Jayme has I understand been abused because of her sexuality.  JDL of course, in line with Benny Gopstein and Lehava consider being gay an ‘abomination’ and in Israel  2 years ago a religious supporter stabbed 5 people on the Jerusalem Gay Pride march, one of whom – 16 year old Shira Banki – died.  Nice people.
JDl have also attacked Joseph Cohen  because he is a convert and are racist towards Yahgozie who is a black Jew from Biafra. 
See more details of vicious feud between Sheridan, English and Joseph Cohen under no. 14 Mike Davidsohn below.
Gemma Sheridan aka Sally Wisemann threatening Joseph Cohen with violence from the easily manipulated Michael English – the Zionist far Right scene are a nest of vipers
Sheridan at ZF/BOD  demo July 2016  wearing terrorist KAHANE  shirt. Believed to be a single mother with links to Camden Town - may have had problems with Camden Council re Rent/housing. Has been told she is not welcome at Jewish events.
Sheridan at PALEXPO 2017 with l-r: PAUL BESSER (Britain First), Ambrosine Shitrit and Sharon Klaff ( both of  racist Eyeonantisemitism, Campaign4truth, Hippodrome), Yonatan Scoffman .
The creepy Benjamins, Gary & son Mitchell (both to right of Hoffman) at PSC march 4 November. Also present at SOAS with Hoffman and Halland.
Gary Benjamin & son Mitchell disrupting PSC march 4 Nov. with short-tempered Halland being restrained by Police once again.

Benjamin with foul-mouthed Cabby Martin Hizer,  “Vulnerable” Michael English and Mad Mel Ghalial Graham.
4. Yochi DAVIS. (Yochevet Nachuma Davis)
Yochi Davies, loudmouth  Israeli settler now living in Loughton, Essex seen frequently harassing  Palestinians at events with Hoffman, Gemma Sheridan and “Vulnerable”Michael English  

55 yr.old Yochi DAVIS  (Yochevet Nachuma)  one of the organisers of the illegal march 0n Al Quds Day June‘17. in Cavendish Sq. Also shows l-r Ian Wilson, braggart brother of extremist settler Kay Wilson who hosted Tommy Robinson  EDL in Israel, Millett and Cohen of IAM.
Racist Solicitor Mark Lewis about to speak at Herut meeting
Davis hosted the relaunch of the racist Herut party at her place in Loughton, Essex.  Blumenthal, Gabler and the 2-kitchen Cohens  were amongst the 70 odd –very odd- racist nutters present.   However none are too nutty for David Collier to address.   Also addressing the meeting was far-Right solicitor Mark Lewis, who is facing a disciplinary hearing before the Solicitor Regulatory Authority.
The South African Mouthy Midget. 68yr.old  retired electrician Galber from Gants Hill can be seen at most anti-Palestine events as here with Shitrit, Besser and foul-mouthed  Mad Mel Ghalial/Graham
6.  THOR HALLAND (aka Philip MacKenzie HOLLAND).
Under arrest in Thailand and trying to hide handcuffs - charged with extortion, robbery, blackmail. Spent many months in Ladyboy-notorious Pattaya prison but jumped bail. (on right) attempting to disrupt pro-Palestine march in London with Gorgeous Gemma Sheridan . (Thanks to Joseph Cohen of IAM who tells us Sheridan posts on Facebook as Sally Wisemann).
Halland now lives in Walthamstow under yet another name – Thor Fenrir Pallson HALLAND is active in local Conservative politics and ran for councillor for Grove Green ward where he received just 200 votes.
Here you can watch to Halland’s delightful chant regarding Israel’s murder of 50 (130 now) unarmed Palestinians in Gaza. I understand that this ‘song’ was in fact the old Parachute Regiment song celebrating the 14 Catholics who were murdered in Bloody Sunday.  Halland, who served in the British army, has clearly embraced its murderous ethics and of course he is quite right to compare the British Army’s murder of innocent Catholics to the murder of innocent Palestinians.
Halland, despite appearances to the contrary is very bright.  We understand that when he was at university, Birkbeck, he was part of their University Challenge team.  The question is why does Halland hang around with these deadbeats, losers and pond life?

Halland (top right) with Hoffman November 2017 disrupting PSC march. Bottom right is South African RICHARD GALBER also often involved in disruptions  with Hoffman, Halland.

Halland on 4 Nov. 2017 with JOSEPH COHEN  of ISRAEL ADVOCACY MOVEMENT. On left holding flag witless loudmouth RACHEL WILLIAMS.
A very aggressive Halland being restrained by police at PSC march on 4 Nov. With camera on right is MANDY BLUMENTHAL of Herut (who was evicted from House of Commons along with Hoffman and Millett).On left  GARY BENJAMIN and his son MITCHELL - with Hoffman & Halland at SOAS. Benjamins  live in Westcliff-on-Sea.

Paul Besser monitored! Say no more- or maybe say OCS. Besser uses this Britain First phrase  OCS -“Onward Christian Soldiers” in his exchanges with Paul Golding etc]. Hoffman went with Besser and Halland to Trafalgar Sq. to harass and taunt a small group of Palestinians over Christmas break 2017. Besser was photographer and “observer” according to Halland above.
Loudmouth poserboy Markham with Roger Hizass- real name Nigel Goodrich, Scottish Friends of Israel.  Nigel sometimes likes to use the name.....wait for it...... ROGER HIZASS!!!
Often at anti-Palestine events. Runs Tuscany/Two Kitchens Restaurant 167 High Road, LOUGHTON, Essex. Was mouthing off at fascist Herut UK launch run by Loughton neighbour Yochi Davis.
NEIL COHEN  at SOAS -Millet in white.

NEIL COHEN - on left holding flag during disruption at SOAS with 3 of the disturbingly grotesque Benjamin family, Gary, Aimee, Mitchell. Halland on right trying to look intelligent.
9.   JONATHAN HOFFMAN aka Yonatan Scoffman
For those interested in a satirical profile of Hoffman, You can’t put lipstick on a pig, which was published in Jewish News before Scoffman had it taken down, click here
When I saw this video of Hoffman screaming 'you're a liar' at the InMinds Protesters who successfully disrupted an Israeli Tourism Stunt involving free ice creams at Bloomsbury Square I realised that he is mentally ill.  Mental illness doesn't excuse Hoffman's racism but it helps us understand his actions. If Hoffman had any self awareness he would recognise that anyone watching him would have been put off by his actions - as I understand was indeed the case with members of the public. Hoffman is a one man illustration of all that is wrong with the Zionist state. Yet he continued, as if slights against Israel were a matter of life and death.  
Yonatan Scoffman pictured in the ‘photoshopped’ photograph that led to him making a grovelling apology to his namesake. In the background in army fatigues are members of the Croydon division of the EDL.  It is so lovely to see fascist unity in action although the Ahava shop still had to close!
Having failed once again to get elected to the BOD Hoffman totters in from Totteridge to link with the likes of Michael English  to try and disrupt yet another peaceful pro-Palestine event. Hoffman, an economist, left his job at the GLA (Greater London Authority) some time after he faced disciplinary measures for extensively using his work computer and time at work for Hasbara  while there. It is suspected the complaints and files on his abuse of taxpayers money came  from his enemies on the BOD who submitted online records of his obsessive posting showing he was doing very little work. He now runs his own failing consultancy as it appears nobody wants his advice. 
Jonathan Hoffman companies have all been wound up by him.  He is on a ‘career’ break i.e. he is unemployable

Hoffman has long-term far-right links – left pic many years ago with EDL boss Kevin Carroll, a cousin of Tommy Robinson.  And on right at ZF-BOD anti-Palestine demo 2016 with convicted fraudster ROBERTA MOORE  & ROBERT De JONG  -bosses of JDL and Jewish Division wearing KAHANE Shirts. JDL claimed at the time event was jointly organised  by JDL with ZF/BOD.

Jonathan Hoffman at Al Quds counter-demo on 10 June 2018 with Michael English. English at same event with Laurent Kachauda, an extremist French Zionist thug sentenced to 6 months in prison in France in 2017 for assaulting an elderly French Jewish woman. Also in pic is close Hoffman associate Paul Besser, onetime “intelligence officer” at neo-Nazi Britain First and the JDL’s Gemma Sheridan

Michael English and Hoffman and (right) Hoffman at Al Quds demonstration 2018
29 septembre 2017.  La Cour d’appel de Paris a confirmé vendredi les condamnations de quatre fascistes de la Ligue de Défense Juive pour violences en réunion sur Olivia Zémor. The Court of Appeal of Paris confirmed Friday the convictions of four fascists of the Jewish Defense League for violence against Olivia Zémor. Laurent Kachauda was sentenced to 6 months in prison.
Jonathan Hoffman’s war with Mick Davies
Sir Mick Davies, Zionist big-wig, capitalist, former Chair of Jewish Leadership Council and now Treasurer of Tory Party – Hoffman poking his tongue at Al Quds demonstration
Sir Mick Davies - Tory Party Chairman on the left and Hoffman sticking his tongue at him
Jonathan Hoffman has not had an easy relationship with Mick Davis, the former owner of the now almost bankrupt mining company Xtrata and founder of the Jewish Leadership Council  (JLC). 7 years ago Hoffie was Vice Chair of the Zionist Federation and Davies was Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, a Zionist fundraising organisation.  In that position Hoffie launched a petition accusing Davis of believing that Israel would become an Apartheid state if there wasn’t a 2 state solution.
Mick Davis who is a loyal Zionist, but possesses a brain, saw red and threatened to sue. 
This was almost a carbon copy repetition of what happened in 2010 after a demonstration against Ahava, an Israeli shop in Covent Garden that sold stolen ‘beauty’ products from the West Bank.  We succeeded in closing it down but this was where Hoffman, Garfield and friends first established their friendship with Britain’s far Right. The Croydon division of the fascist English Defence League came to help the Zionists out and members of the Jewish neo-Nazi Jewish Defence League also participated in defending the right of an Israeli shop to sell stolen goods.
In the course of the demonstration a photograph was taken of Hoffie dancing down Monmouth Street with Roberta Moore of the JDL with members of the EDL in fatigues in the background.  When I published this photograph on my blog as proof of the link up between a section of the Zionist movement in this country and anti-Semites there was an instant reaction from Hoffie.  Denial! The photo was photoshopped.  I was a liar.
The only problem was that this photo had been taken by a professional photographer, one David Hoffman (no relation).  This was a very serious allegation and he threatened to sue Hoffie.  Cue for another , even more humiliating apology:
‘On my Jewish Chronicle blog I described a photograph taken on 14 August 2010 at the pro-Ahava demonstration as "fraudulent". I also wrote "That photo was 'Photoshopped' -- and it is bloody obvious that it was 'Photoshopped' I do not discuss but I do identify lies and fraudulent Photoshopped photos."
These statements were entirely without foundation and I had made no attempt to check their accuracy. I accept that the photo was absolutely genuine and had not been tampered with in any way. The photographer, David Hoffman, is a well known and respected photojournalist and I apologise to him unreservedly for my hasty and unfounded comments and for the distress and embarrassment caused.
Hoffman, Sheridan (JDL) and Paul Besser (Britain First)

Although not a member of the Labour Party Hoffman is part of Labour Against Anti-Semitism and in that capacity he has been doing his best to try and ‘prove’ that Jeremy Corbyn is anti-Semitic
Besser with Hoffman and Neil Horan, an open admirer of Hitler! All holding a picket against the anti-Semitism of Palestine Expo! According to Wikipedia Horan ‘told The Kingdom he would carry posters declaring "Adolf Hitler was a good leader who was following the word of Christ", give the Hitler salute and light a candle for Hitler at the Gestapo headquarters.’ The alliance against anti-Semitism today includes a wide spectrum of anti-Semites!

BESSER films families attending PALEXPO 2017 with Hoffman, Shitrit, Sheridan, Klaff

(l to r) Besser, Shitrit, Klaff and Hoffman, 

Hoffman, Besser, Shitrit, Sheridan and Klaff  

Shitrit, Besser, Klaff and Hoffman

Rabbi-Leah-leading-kaddish for some of the 130 unarmed Palestinians mown down by Israeli sniper fire in Gaza

Martin Hiser threatening and abusing Jews saying Kaddish for murdered Palestinians in Gaza
Mick  Davis, has written an interesting article for the Jewish News about the fascist wing of the Zionist movement.  Davis spoke about ‘far-left Jews (who) said Kaddish in Parliament Square for Palestinians killed near the border fence, including those from terrorist organisations.’ In fact these were not far-left Jews but liberal Zionists.  Davis, who is Chairman of the  Conservative Party and no liberal himself spoke of ‘Far-right Jews’ responding to what he called ‘this provocative act with abusive language, use of terms like “kapo”, issuing death threats and seeking to hound Kaddish participants from their jobs. Weeks later, the controversy still rages...’

Tommy Robinson -  the anti-Islamic bigot and fascist who is a hero to the Zionist far-Right
The idea that saying the prayer for the dead for 60 unarmed Palestinian demonstrators who had been mown down by sniper fire was held to be ‘provocative’ shows how far to the right internal Zionist discourse is.
Naturally Hoffman and friends know nothing else but abusive language.  This is their idea of peaceful co-existence.  Davis described how
On the right, some activists have proved to have no boundaries at all. For them, expressing the most basic empathy for the Palestinians is taboo while expressing empathy for imprisoned former EDL leader Tommy Robinson is acceptable. And like so many forms of populism, this emergent British Jewish far-right wallows in perceived victimhood at the hands of “an elite” – in this case the “Jewish establishment”.
Far from victimising this right-wing fringe, however, we’ve indulged and humoured it, viewing it as oafish and shrill but no great threat to the community’s consensus values”.
Davis was no doubt  expressing his frustration at the criticism he and his fellow bourgeois Zionists receive at the hands of the people featured in this article.  However the demonstration of 15,000 supporters of the Football Lads Alliance was not populism but a display of racism and fascism.
Jonathan Hoffman being evicted from yet another Palestine event, with Sharon Klaff, an associate of Anne-Marie Waters who founded  Pegida UK with Tommy Robinson of EDL.
Jonathan Hoffman has left the building! Here he whinges about being photographed online.
 Hoffman has been involved in a long-running feud with Davis, who was responsible for his removal as Vice Chair of the Zionist Federation. Hoffman replied in an online blog in the Times of Israel.

Since he (Davis) has never been elected to any position in the Jewish Community and no longer chairs the JLC, one wonders why the Jewish News has given him space. Especially for a piece that draws false equivalence between a ‘far Left’ in the Jewish Community and a ‘far Right’, in the process deploying enough straw men to form an army. He tells us that ‘far-right’ Jews responded to Kaddish For Hamas in Parliament Square “with abusive language, use of terms like “kapo”, issuing death threats and seeking to hound kaddish participants from their jobs.’ He doesn’t name these people or provide evidence of his accusations – because he can’t – they don’t exist.
So who could Davis have been referring to then – could it have been Hoffman himself and his associates. We shall have a look at some of Hoffman’s associates, including his three long-time associates – Martin Hiser, Yochi Davis and Joseph Cohen - who confronted the young Jews saying Kaddish outside Parliament. Hoffman claims they “don’t exist” but he  knows them very well and has been seen frequently with them at anti-Palestine events over the years.
ZF Chair PAUL CHARNEY addressing rally in Grosvenor Sq. where JDL were openly welcomed by ZF/BOD/CST/JLC inc. Steve Winston of ZF also in pic.

MARIE VAN DER ZYL elected President of BOD in May 2018. Seen here at July '16 BOD rally with Roberta Moore of JDL-UK/Jewish Division EDL (on left). Hillel Neuer of UNWatch speaking.
10.                 RICHARD MILLETT.
Millett is a sad social inadequate who spends much of his life disrupting Palestine events & harassing strangers.

Oddball lonerMillettstarts to run excitedly towards the Met riot police in their leather gear at Al Quds2018. This seems to be his only excitement from his boring day job running some small property companies in Edgeware -MILLETTS PROPERTIES LIMITED (11228905)

Richard Millett

Millett with PAUL BESSER of Britain First at Al Quds 2017 and at Al Quds 2018.
Millett  boasts of his participation in attempts to prevent any pro-Palestine discourse in the UK even though increasingly substantial amounts of Police resources have to be deployed, as was the case again on 10 June. Hardly a model citizen.
11.                     MIKE DAVIDSOHN (Loves poodles! Hates Uber!).
“Your poodles may be cute and fluffy but you are a cold-hearted bigot”  Cohen IAM.

Mike Davidsohn with Kiragleon Pippa and Cleo. Note how their hair styling  lovingly done by Mike is so much smarter than the shoddy unkempt  coiffures of Kiragleon Gemma, Roberta  and Solly, below.

Davidsohn runs Kiragleon Poodles near Elstree, more here.
Dogging Mike Davidsohn is a bit of an armchair warrior these days and does not go to all the demos. But most weekends he can still be found dogging with Pippa and Cleo. In this he does not participate so much either as in the best traditions of dogging he likes to watch. Actually  a cabby who pretends he is a journalist Mike can be found in his spare time attending to his other obsession – lurking outside Brent Cross shopping centre trying to catch Uber drivers parking on taxi-stands.
Davidsohn has had long and bitter feuds with the BBC, BOD, Dogging Today, Kennel Club, International Poodle Club  amongst others. When he had a feud with the well-known dogging magazine  Dogs Today it was alleged he used to go around newsagents  in disguise wearing a plastic mac and pink sunglasses  and hiding the magazine so it could not be seen.

Recently Davidsohn, Gemma, Solly Sheridan and Michael English have been involved in yet another bitter feud, this time with Joseph Cohen of the Israel Advocacy Movement. English even threatened to go to Cohen’s house and tear his head off. Cohen warned English he was concerned for his  family’s safety and was considering calling the Police. (Thanks to our good friend within this group for this latest information-rest assured your i/d is safe with us).

Below are screenshots of the feud and threats/infighting on the Zionist far-Right. They eventually agreed amongst themselves to take them down as they were damaging to their cause- However we managed to save them before they were taken down . They will not be happy to see them in the public domain as it shows them for the lowlife they are.

12.                 JOSEPH & CHLOE COHEN (Cloe Lee Carson).
Joseph and Chloe Cohen bring the ugliness and race hatred of the settler Hillside Youth to the streets of London.  Just like the Hillside Youth they deny the Palestinians’ very humanity.  Cohen attempts to disrupt and prevent lawful Palestine events while his wife Chloe Lee Carson does the filming. Chloe thinks she is so clever filming –so very Hilltop Youth. He also likes to pretend he is an independent journalist but gloats about his part in disrupting Palestine events. Pictured is a stock photo of the hilltop youth, who were responsible for the petrol bombing of the Dawbsheh family in Duma which resulted in a baby and his parents being burnt to death.  Here they are harassing a Palestinian woman.  These are the people the Cohens identify with.

Joseph Cohen and Chloe

Chloe runs her own pseudo-ethnic jewellery business flogging junk trinkets 
Joseph Cohen often conspires with Kemp and other thugs to prevent lawful pro-Palestine gatherings.  
Cohen has recently visited Israel in the company of Simon Cobbs and Collier, funded apparently by the Zionist Federation.
Michael English threatening people

more threats from English

13.                 Ambrosine Shitrit &C Sharon Klaff.
Both spoke at PEGIDA-UK  front rally with Anne-Maria Waters who founded PEGIDA-UK  with Tommy Robinson
The Campaign for Truth
Campaign for Truth – far right Zionist Debate on 2 states

Steve Hedley of the RMT who was glassed by fascists at Free Tommy Rally - the rally was 'totally peaceful' according to the CFT below

CFT & Katie Hopkins - Israel is her natural home

The Campaign for Truth is one of the meeting points for fascist Zionism in Britain today.  Its fake intellectual air can be judged by the platform for its ‘debate’ on 2 states:  the line up included David Collier, the far-Right ‘researcher’, Dr Brian Thomas – Tommy Robinson’s main supporter in Israel and the person who accompanied Robinson on his tour there, Mad ‘Mel P’ Phillips, the former Observer journalist now of the Daily Hate Mail and the Moral Maze, an Jordanian-Palestinian collaborator
Mudar Zahran who is not considered credible by the opposition in Jordan and David Hirsh.  Hirsh is supposed to be a left Zionist, makes great play of his progressive credentials, he founded Engage which was dedicated to combating BDS in the University College Union and funded by Israel.  It is interesting that Hirsh spoke on this far-Right platform with open supporters of the EDL and Tommy Robinson. James Sorene the CEO of BICOM, the main Israeli propaganda organisation in Britain moderated the ‘debate’.
South Afrikan Sharon Klaff  (a) addressing PEGIDA-UK front rally and (b) once more not understanding why the British police do not arrest every non-white she orders them to. She sometimes forgets that she is not back in Apartheid Pretoria.
14.                 DAVID COLLIER

COLLIER  with others trying to disrupt peaceful pro-Palestine rally on Al Quds Day 2017  and with Besser again in 2018.

Collier with Hoffman, Sheridan, Klaff & Besser of Britain First outside PALEXPO July '17.

Collier with South African Sharon Klaff -aka Sharon KKKlaff! And with (Sc)Hoffman looking for more "antisemites".
15.                PAUL BESSER (ex ‘Head of Intelligence!’ Britain First).

See Far-right Britain First fosters ties with Zionist movementELECTRONIC INTIFADA- Asa Winstanley Aug ’17.

Besser works as a security guard, and runs a small business, London Security Patrol. On his social media he says he is a Security Industry Authority trainer – the government’s regulator for private security guards, an Arab collaborator, James Sorene the CEO of BICOM, the main Israeli propaganda organisation in Britain.

A listing for his company also claims that Besser previously worked for London’s Metropolitan Police. There is no record of police employment

 “We would not employ anyone whose known activities may contradict the duty to promote race equality,” a spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police told The Electronic Intifada, citing the ban on police officers joining the British National Party. The spokesperson said that the force’s ban on the BNP covers Britain First, since it was founded as a BNP “splinter.”
She said this vetting is also applied to external contractors and trainers, and that there was no known record of a former or current Metropolitan Police employee or contractor named Paul Besser.
A spokesperson for the Security Industry Authority said: “We are not responsible for registering trainers” but could revoke licenses to train security guards. The spokesperson said the body could not comment on whether Besser was currently SIA licensed.
Neither Britain First nor Paul Besser answered requests for comment. But the group’s own videos and photos confirm Besser’s involvement.
Sheridan, English and Besser with Laurent Khachauda , a shop assistant from Paris who was sentenced to 6 months in prison in France for a vicious and cowardly assault on a defenceless French Jewish woman with 3 other French Zionist JDL gangsters.

BESSER, former “Head of Intelligence” at Britain First films families attending PALEXPO 2017 with Hoffman, Shitrit, Sheridan, Klaff

Besser was still “Intelligence ! officer” in the neo-Nazi Britain First in 2016. Here wearing his BF insignia with Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen, both recently in prison for serious racially-aggravated offences - note the cross these 'Christians' carry
Ex- Britain First “Intelligence” Officer Besser with Hoffman & Sheridan July 2017
 Besser is persona non grata to large sections, even amongst the Zionist fascists above. Even those who work with the EDL draw a line at Britain First, an openly neo-Nazi Holocaust denying organisation led by Paul Golding previously of the BNP.

As can be seen in the photograph above they carry a large cross with them and follow in the tradition of European Christian fascism and anti-Semitism. Christian fascist movements in Europe during and before the war – including Romania’s Iron Guard, Hungary’s Arrow Cross, Croatia’s Ustashe and the Slovakian Hlinka Guard – often put the Nazis to shame. When Codrineau’s Iron Guard staged a coup in Romania in January 1941 against Marshall Antonescue they murdered 120 Jews, hanging them from butchers’ hooks.
16.                 Melanie Gharial Graham.
Whatever else she is endowed with, brains are not amongst them. The foul-mouthed Mad Mel is impossible to miss at Zionist anti-Palestine demos. Mad Mel once appeared, so I understand, as a page 3 girl in the Sun.  She is very proud of this 'achievement'!  NOT a nice Jewish girl.
No doubt she is equally proud of handing out leaflets from Herut at the Football Lads Alliance demonstration in London on March 9th in the company of Jayme Cohen. They were urging the supporters of Tommy Robinson to turn up to help the Zionists attack the Al Quds march. This was organised by Yochi Davis who is the ‘brains’ behind this.
Mad Mel’s is now begging online – her latest ploy is to use Go Fund Me to get fools to pay for her outings to London from her home in Canterbury. She has raised £60 towards her £150 target. A modest girl with much to be modest about!
A good example in its own way of how the holocaust dead, even a child, are mobilised in the service of the same kind of racist state that murdered them

Hi everyone, as most of you know I try to be very pro-active when it comes to Israel advocacy and anti-semitism as it is important to me and I believe it makes a difference.
Unfortunately, I live in Kent and 99% of the demonstrations are in London. I don't drive and train fares are £30 each time, sometimes more if i'm travelling at peak times, although I try and travel by coach as much as possible.
Next week I will travelling into London to attend 3 demonstrations, possibly more and there will be many more to attend in the coming months so i've set up this page for people to give whatever they can to support me.
Thank you x
Galber with Ghalial at Al Quds 2017

intelligent conversation about smashing up meetings between English and Mad Mel

17.                 Martin “Amisraelchai” Hizer.
Hiser’s Facebook page

The trials and troubles of Michael English

Hizer is the foul-mouthed bullying cabby who is seen verbally assaulting young Jews at the Kaddish event with foul language and threatening gestures. 

Hizer, along with Herut extremist Yochi Davis was filmed by his accomplice Joseph Cohen in a clearly premeditated intimidatory stunt. 

This year, Joseph Cohen, who claims credit for disrupting the Al Quds march in previous years, participated in the disruption of Al Quds this year by filming knowing full well that the likes of “vulnerable” i.e. mad Michael English, Hizer and Haringman  would be there as pre-arranged.

"James Goddard clearly enjoying being ridden by Australian Zionist loudmouth Avi Yemini. Melanie Gharial supplied the flag but the two "lads" had eyes only for each other"

Cohen, Hizer and Davis were all complicit in attempting to disrupt the Al Quds march again this year and can be seen at many anti-Palestine events together with the likes of Hoffman  and Besser.

James Goddard on day of Al Quds march holding the EDL flag

Hizer/Cohen also associated with the fascist supporters of Tommy Robinson before the 2 marches. 

Pic below shows Hizer on the day of far-right Free Tommy Robinson march on Sat 9 June with James Goddard. Goddard was the main speaker at the rally alongside Dutch fascist MP Geert Wilders and he spent most of his time appealing to the crowd to join in the anti-Palestine demo the next day. Second pic shows Goddard (on left holding EDL flag) at counter-demo on Sun.10 July.

18.                     MARK HARINGMAN aka “Handcuffs” Haringman.
Haringman on Al Quds demonstration – trying to get in the face of Tony Greenstein for refusing to take his name down on a previous post Zionist fascists
HARINGMAN  in handcuffs and under arrest being taken to Holborn Police Station from Palestine demo in Downing Street in Summer 2018 and with Paul Besser, former “Head of Intelligence” at the neo-Nazi  Britain First.
Originally from Dublin, now Golders Green, Haringman likes to think he is smarter than Hoffman, Besser and English. He runs his Facebook page as Mick McMurphy. Haringman, like Shitrit and Klaff is another embittered close associate of Roberta Moore and Robert De Jong of the Jewish Defence League/Jewish Division EDL.  Most of this extremist group are shunned by the mainstream Community but can be heard loudly spouting their vile racist anti-Palestine and anti-British rants at Cafe Florentin in Golders Green.
19.                 MANDY BLUMENTHAL
Cafe Florentin where the Zionist fascists hang out

Mandy Blumenthall and Stephen Silverman of the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism and Jewish Human Rights Watch - (Silverman says he was there as an observer - but Blumenthal has worked for CAA as office manager
Barely literate Mad Mandy Blumenthal has strong links with solicitor MARK LEWIS and SILVERMAN, CAA, JHRW. She was evicted by Met Police from House of Commons along with Hoffman and Millett Summer 2017. Keeps saying she hates England now and is going to emigrate to Israel but never does. With her racist UKIP brother Alan  also involved in brawling at event where Haneen Zoabi was trying to speak.
Racist solicitor Mark Lewis speaking at founding meeting of Herut
Blumenthal with Hoffman Al Quds 18 June '17
Blumenthal with AMBROSINE SHITRIT - Palexpo 8 July '17

Appeasing Your Enemies and Repeatedly Apologising is not a Strategy for Survival

If Corbyn is to survive he needs to FIGHT BACK – and get a BACKBONE 
There was NO REASON to apologise for chairing a meeting at which  Auschwitz survivor, Hajo Meyer Compared Israel to Nazi Germany
Corbyn's speech 8 years ago condemning the siege and Israel's attack on Gaza is now being used to attack him - Corbyn's past is being used to attack the present - that is why he must defend his past not apologise or run away from it

For the first time in over two years I fear for Jeremy Corbyn's leadership of the Labour Party.  As Theresa May's hold over the Tory Party and her problems with Brexit mount, the desperation of our ruling class to place the Labour Party in 'safe' hands grows.  That is the clue to the Zionist attacks on Labour over non-existent 'antisemitism'.
Walter Wolfgang, former NEC member and refugee from Nazi Germany, gives his full support to Pete Willsman unlike the Scab Leader of Momentum, Jon Lansman

What possible reason could there be for the entirely artificial story that surfaced this week about a meeting Corbyn chaired eight years ago? It is clear that there is a systematic campaign, fronted by Zionist and pro-Israel organisations, supported by our yellow press and the BBC, to oust Corbyn.
For over two years I have traversed the country speaking at public meetings. One point above all I have stressed is that it is not me, Jackie Walker or Ken Livingstone who were the main targets of the anti-Semitism witchhunt.  We were collateral damage. The real target was and is Jeremy Corbyn.
Lansman  plays the role of a 5th columnist, a scab
These past few weeks have borne this out. It is Corbyn himselfwho is in their line of fire.  Margaret Hodge’s calling Corbyn a ‘fucking anti-Semite and a racist’ was not a sudden rush to the head. It was premeditated and coordinated .  It gave the cue to the Jewish Chronicle to launch an all out attack last week on Corbyn, in consort with two other Zionist papers.
Jon Lansman continues to play a treacherous role. Momentum's lack of any democratic structures means it is incapable of stopping him. Momentum’s National Co-ordinating Group is unable to restrain him.  Having removed Pete Willsman from the JC9 slate, without any consultation, Lansman now defends Margaret Hodge. 
Lansman would prefer to have Labour First's arch-Zionist Luke Akehurst elected to the NEC instead.  Akehurst, Director of We Believe in Israel, supported Israel's murder of 130 unarmed demonstrators in Gaza recently.  Lansman's scabbing behaviour is shameful.  The time is soon coming when Lansman, and  Owen Jones will call for Corbyn to resign. Momentum is rapidly losing its raison d'être.
This week marked a new low in the Zionist campaign to remove Corbyn.  Israel’s black propagandists alighted on a public meeting held at Parliament’s Portcullis House 8 years ago by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network.  Before the local elections the excuse was a long erased mural. This week the Jewish Chronicle, no doubt fearing that Corbyn may not be around this week, sought out dirt about John McDonnell.  Revealed: John McDonnell signed Early Day Motion welcoming launch of extreme anti-Zionist group in the form of an Early Day Motion he had signed welcoming the formation of the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network. The only problem with this ‘revelation’ is that 26 other MPs signed it, including one Tory! Naturally The Guardian reprinted this story about McDonnell's EDM welcoming the formation of IJAN. It also published a speech by Corbyn 8 years ago comparing Israel's siege and attack on Gaza to Leningrad.  
The principal speaker at the meeting 8 years ago was the late Hajo Meyer, a Dutch Jew who survived Auschwitz. For Hajo Never Again meant never again for anyone, not just Jews. Corbyn’s suggestion that he was chairing a meeting where the speakers were people he strongly disagreed with is about as believable as Trump’s ‘misstatement’ at the press conference with Putin. It lacks all credibility.
The Jewish Chronicle launches the latest attempt to launch a coup against Corbyn
This meeting has been public knowledge for years but now anything and everything is being dredged up in order to attack Corbyn. You don’t have to be a member of MENSA to work out that those who are behind this latest ‘revelation’ are not interested in anti-Semitism.  Their only concern is removing Corbyn.

Until Corbyn develops a backbone and starts standing up for what he believed then he will continue to be rocked by these accusations. There is plenty more of this stuff for the media to  dig up.  It is now crystal clear that this 'antisemitism' nonsense is about Israel and Zionism.  

I don’t know whether Seamus Milne, who is Corbyn’s adviser has taken leave of his senses but the best indeed the only way of dealing with this was to stand firm, not apologise and say that Hajo Meyer had every right to make a comparison. Note a comparison is not the same thing as saying Israel and Nazi Germany are identical.
Comparisons with Nazi Germany are two a penny. They are not in the least anti-Semitic. Seymour Hersh, who broke the story of My Lai, the village in Vietnam where the Americans murdered over 200 villagers, rememberedthat one of the soldiers who took part began his story by saying It was a Nazi-type thing.” Comparisons  with the Nazis are normal when evaluating particularly horrendous deeds. Nazi Germany didn't spring from nowhere.  It was a consequence of West European capitalism, including its colonial empires and the racial sciences that developed, including eugenicism.
Benny Morris, an Israeli historian, in Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited describes how, in November 1948, Eliezer Peri of the leftist Mapam, received a letter describing a massacre at al-Dawayima. There were ‘hundreds’ of dead. Agriculture Minister, Aharon Cisling referred to a letter he had received about the atrocities declared: ‘I couldn’t sleep all night ... This is something that determines the character of the nation ... Jews too have committed Nazi acts.’ ‘The children they killed by breaking their heads with sticks. There was not a house without dead’, wrote Eliezer Kaplan, the Jewish Agency Treasurer and later Minister of Finance. Perhaps this too was anti-Semitic?
As I showed in a recent articlethere are hundreds of comparisons that Israelis themselves make between their actions and those of the Nazis.  There is nothing in the slightest anti-Semitic about this.  It merely reflects the fact that Israel, because it claims its lineage from the Holocaust and what the Nazis did, has a special duty not to emulate them.  It is a means by which this racist settler state can be held to at least some human norms.
What is so depressing is that Corbyn isn’t able to figure this out for himself.  Whether it is just stupidity or political cowardice I leave it to others to discern.  Today Corbyn has an article in The Guardian I will root antisemites out of Labour – they do not speak for me. It repeats all Corbyn’s previous errors and more, not least in accepting that there is an anti-Semitic problem in the Labour Party. A political friend, Brian Robinson was impressed by the article.  I wasn’t.  I reproduce the exchange below:
Corbyn's article in The Guardian 
Dear Brian

thank you for sending me a copy of your response to Jeremy Corbyn's article in the Guardian.

I do not agree that it is a 'very powerful and well thought out statement.'  Quite the contrary it is pathetically weak and will do nothing to stem the present attacks which I assume is its purpose.

It rests on a fallacy, namely that there is widespread anti-semitism in the Labour Party. There isn't.  One idiot who believes that Hitler was much misunderstood does not mean that the party is antisemitic. Every party is entitled to its quota of idiots. The Parliamentary Labour Party is full of them. The 'antisemitism' campaign was got up even before JC became leader.  It will only end when Jeremy resigns and the Right resume what they see as their rightful place at the helm.  Those who believe otherwise are fooling themselves.

I should though add that the campaign against JC, although it is waged in the interests of Israel and our alliance with the United States, is being waged in the name of 'the Jewish community.'  If Jeremy is toppled as leader then many people are going to blame Jews for what has happened.  The campaign of the Zionists to remove Jeremy as leader, because that is what it is, can only stir up anti-Semitism, which I suspect is the intention of many of them. 

Historically Zionism has never had any problem with genuine anti-Semites. Their great benefactor Lord Arthus Balfour was a prime example.  As Prime Minister in 1905 he was responsible for introducing the Aliens Act preventing the immigration of Jewish refugees from Czarist Russia. He was personally antisemitic. However he was also an ardent Zionist. That is why today Israel is best friends with the antisemitic regimes in Hungary, Poland and the Vizigrad 4.  It is also why the alt-Right in the United States can combine anti-Semitism with ardent support for Zionism. Its neo-Nazi founder Richard Spencer even describes himself as a White Zionist.  Much like Tommy Robinson and his fans!  After all, if you are a fascist or anti-semite what is there not to like about Israel?

Jeremy forgot to mention such minor matters as the recent visit by Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban to Israel. Orban even paid homage to the holocaust dead in Israel's Yad Vashem propaganda museum, in a sickening display of piety and hypocrisy. This despite trying to rehabilitate Admiral Horthy whom he described as an 'outstanding statesman'. Horthy was the pro-Nazi leader of Hungary who dispatched 1/2 million Jews to Auschwitz.  But at least Netanyahu and Orban can agree that they both hate that archetypal Jewish financier, George Soros.  Why Netanyahu's son, Yair, even drew a cartoon of Soros - widely praised by the Daily Stormerand David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the KKK.

The attack of the 3 Zionist papers on Jeremy as an 'existentialist threat' to the Jewish community was part of a wider campaign to remove him from the leadership.  The far-Right editor of the Jewish Chronicle, Stephen Pollard called Jeremy an anti-semite as did the departing President of the Board of Deputies, Jonathan Arkush.  If Jeremy wasn't so busy trying to appease his accusers he might work out why he too is now being accused of being antisemitic.

For a long time the Board of Deputies and the various Zionist groups pretended that the campaign against 'antisemitism' in the Labour Party had nothing to do with Israel and Zionism.  Yet what other purpose is there in their desire to adopt unadulterated the IHRA 'definition' of antisemitismother than to conflate anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism? That is why 7 of the 11 examples relate to Israel.  The Oxford English dictionary definitionof antisemitism, 'Hostility to or prejudice against Jews' consists of 6 words.  What possible reason is there to adopt a 500+ word 'definition'? As the distinguished former Court of Appeal Judge, Sir Stephen Sedley, who is himself Jewish, observed the IHRA 'fails the first test of any definition: it is indefinite.

Why did Jeremy Corbyn follow Theresa May in adopting this definition which  Professor David Feldman, who was part of the Chakrbarti Inquiry and Director of the Sears Institute for the Study of Antisemitism has described as 'bewilderingly imprecise?' Does JC really believe Theresa May is interested in a 'definition' of antisemitism that Viktor Orban and the Polish regime can sign up to?  It is this kind of idiocy by Corbyn that is responsible for his current problems.

A number of us have been expelled or suspended because of the false anti-semitism campaign.  It is no coincidence that it is Jewish and Black anti-racists who were the main target of this campaign. As I have repeatedly said in the past 2 years, this campaign was not about me or Jackie Walker or Ken Livingstone.  The real target was Jeremy.  Yet despite this he decided to keep silent as the Compliance Unit went about their witchhunting work.

Of course if some people hold to the idea that being an anti-Zionist is a form of anti-semitism it all makes sense, which is why Corbyn's appalling apology for a meeting 8 years ago, when a holocaust survivor, Hajo Meyer, drew comparisons between Israel and Nazi Germany, was so absurd.  How long is Jeremy going to go around apologising for his past instead of having the backbone to stand up to his accusers and defend his actions?  Of course Jeremy didn't dissociate himself from what Hajo said at the time. I was at the meeting. Hajo a survivor of Auschwitz was in a very good position to understand that just as the Nazi state first separated the the Jews and then murdered them, so Israel is also segregating and separating its Palestinian citizens.  The fact that they are not also murdering them, or at least not on the scale of Nazi Germany, should not be a cause for celebration.

Corbyn is wrong to say that Zionism is not a form of racism.  What else can a settler colonial movement and ideology be that sought to displace the indigenous population?  'A land without a people for a people without a land'is not an expression of comradely solidarity.  Zionism in alliance with British colonialism established a militarised settler state in Palestine.  It discriminated from the beginning in evicting the Palestinians first from the economy and then from the country altogether.  What do you think the Jewish National Fund was?  A benevolent society? Its whole existence was based around the idea that it would only redeem land for the benefit of Jews. If you want to know more then I refer you to the Government's Hope-Simpson Report in 1930 into the riots the previous year in Palestine.

My worry is that by continually appeasing his accusers Jeremy is discrediting himself.  Instead of appeasing and apologising he should stand up to those whose real agenda is defence of the Apartheid State in Israel.  Jeremy mentions the Jewish Nation State Law, Israel's equivalent of the Nuremburg Laws, but he draws no conclusions about the inherent nature of racism in Zionist Israel.  In Germany the Jews were stripped of their German citizenship and thus nationality.  In Israel there is only a Jewish nationality and the Jewish Nation State Law makes it clear that only Jews in Israel have national rights which means that the individual rights of Israeli Arabs are less than those of Israeli Jews.  Because Israel is the nation state of Jews, all Jews, wherever they live, Arab citizens are thus the equivalent of resident aliens.

Unfortunately during all his time in the Palestine solidarity movement, Jeremy seems to have understood nothing about the cause of Palestinian dispossession and the permanent military regime that they face. That is what Zionism is about. Jeremy's bleating about a two state solution is pathetic.  Two states is not going to happen and never was going to happen and today it is clear to all with eyes to see that it cannot happen.  In the words  of Tzipi Hotoveli, Israel's Deputy Foreign Minister 'this land is ours. All of it is ours.'  What part of this does Corbyn not understand? Who or what does he think is going to be the agency for this two states?  Does not Jeremy understand the significance of Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital? Two states is a pretext to perpetuate the present military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, an occupation that is now 51 years old. That is why Labour Friends of Apartheid Israel supports 2 states.

No Brian the article is terrible.


Congratulations, Jeremy, on that very powerful and well-thought-out statement being your article in the Guardian.   An extremely difficult and highly fraught moment, as you don't need me to tell you, but you've got the balance right.

I'm not a Labour party member but I vote Labour and hope to do so in the next election whenever it comes and like many other Jews I have been deeply upset, and quite frightened, by the wholly unmerited abuse and misrepresentation to which you, and the party, have been subjected.  I'm sure some of my fellow-Jews are sincere in their expressions of anxieties even though I believe those anxieties to be unwarrented and no doubt based on all-too-true history;  however I'm equally sure that the majority of those who are Zionists are opportunistically exploiting accusations of bogus antisemitism, and cynically at that, partly as apologists for Israel and partly in attempts to rescue the Tory party and prop up the present, and failing, socio-economic system.

The various bodies that claim to speak so loudly (dare I say noisily) on behalf of some supposed homogeneous entity, "the Jewish community" are not in fact so speaking.  They do not for example represent me, nor my friends and comrades in such groups as Jews for Justice for Palestinians, Free Speech on Israel, the Jewish Socialist Group, Jewish Voice for Labour, Independent Jewish Voices, and others.

You have right on your side, so keep strong!

With good wishes and in solidarity

Brian Robinson

Dr Brian Robinson (Retired NHS psychiatrist)
For more information contact:
Michael Kalmanovitz tel: 07722 926562  email: UK@IJAN.org
IJAN is an international network of Jewish people opposed to imperialism, militarism, apartheid and genocide. We support the liberation of the Palestinian people, and the right of return for those driven from their homes and their land by Israeli occupation and ethnic cleansing. IJAN has active chapters in Argentina, Canada, France, Spain, the UK and the US.
In 2010, IJAN and the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign organised the Never Again – For Anyone speaking tour with 85 year-old Jewish Auschwitz survivor Dr Hajo Meyer, this included the meeting in the House of Commons on Holocaust Memorial Day, 27 January.
Dr Meyer spoke on “The Misuse of the Holocaust for Political Purposes”, and Dr Haidar Eid, who participated in the meeting from Gaza via speakerphone, on the situation in Palestine.  They compared the dehumanisation of Jewish people in Hitler’s Germany pre-1941 and the dehumanisation of Palestinian people in current day Israel and occupied Palestine.  Throughout the tour, Dr Meyer received standing ovations – many hearing for the first time important truths about Israel’s occupation of Palestine.
The meeting Never Again – For Anyone was a coming together of many communities which have faced dehumanisation, racism and genocide. Speakers were Armenian, Bangladeshi, Irish, Native American, Roma, Rwandan, Tamil, as well as people with disabilities, and a speaker on the Slave Trade from Africa to the Americas and the revolution which ended slavery in Haiti.
Dr Meyer said:
‘My great lesson from Auschwitz is: whoever wants to dehumanise any other, must first be dehumanised himself. The oppressors are no longer really human whatever uniform they wear.
The event attracted leading Zionist figures Louise Ellman MP [then and now, Vice Chair of Labour Friends of Israel], Jerry Lewis [then Vice President, Board of Deputies] and Jonathan Hoffman [then Co-Vice Chair of the Zionist Federation], and Christian Friends of Israel.
Most of them had clearly not come to listen. They barracked both Dr Meyer and Dr Eid, and one of them, Martin Sugarman, had to be escorted out by the Commons security; on his way out he stunned everyone by giving the Nazi salute and shouting "Sieg Heil".
Following the deaths of more than 2,000 Palestinians in Gaza in July 2014, a letter from survivors of the Nazi genocide and hundreds of their descendants, called for “a full economic, cultural and academic boycott of Israel”.  The letter reads:
“Genocide begins with the silence of the world . . . We must raise our collective voices and use our collective power to bring about an end to all forms of racism, including the ongoing genocide of Palestinian people.”
“Never again” must mean NEVER AGAIN FOR ANYONE!”  Dr Hajo Meyer was the first to sign on.  The letter was published in the New York Times on 24 August 2014, the morning after he died.
Following this year’s Israeli massacre of Palestinians during their Great March of Return, our members recently initiated and circulated a statement calling for an arms embargo, and an open letter to the Board of Deputies of British Jews, signed by over 100 Jewish people, many of them distinguished, including Prof Moshe Machover, Michael Rosen and Sir Stephen Sedley, condemning BoD’s support for the massacre and refuting its claim to speak for all Jewish people in Britain.
We welcome the letter from distinguished Palestinians defending their “inalienable rights” and refusing “attempts to silence public discussion” (Guardian 31 July), and the comment from Jewish former Appeal Judge, Rt. Hon. Sir Stephen Sedley (Guardian 27 July):
“. . . both Jews and non-Jews in the UK are entitled, without being stigmatised as antisemites, to contend that a state that by law denies Palestinians any right of self-determination is a racist state, or to ask whether there is some moral equivalence between shooting down defenceless Jews in eastern Europe and unarmed Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza.”
For a more detailed report of the Never Again tour, see Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign’s statement here.

There is also an article in the latest issue of Labour Briefing NEC slate: vote for Peter Willsman which includes a statement from Walter Wolfgang, a former member of Labour's National Executive Committee, who people were remember was physically assaulted at a Labour Party conference for heckling Jack Straw.  Walter came to Britain as a refugee from Nazi Germany and, unlike Jon Lansman or Luciana Berger (because there is very little difference between the two) is able to discern what is and is not anti-semitism.
Under Tony Blair the stewards act like fascist thugs as they removed "Walter Wolfgang, a refugee from Nazi Germany, for quietly heckling war criminal Jack Straw
I came to Britain as a refugee from Nazi Germany, with a strong and continuing commitment to Judaism, and still attend my synagogue regularly.  I have been a member of the Labour Party for 70 years. As a former member of Labour’s National Executive Committee myself, I have served with Pete Willsman and know him to be a committed anti-racist and a strong supporter of Jeremy Corbyn. I am dismayed that Pete is under attack at the very time when the ballot for the NEC is taking place, and despite his deep and public apology. Pete Willsman is a staunch champion of party democracy. I will be voting for him, and urge Labour Party members to do likewise.

Torture and Piracy on the High Seas – A Deterrent Against Future Freedom Flotillas to Gaza


 Israel’s addiction to violence is symptomatic of the sick society that Zionism created 

Brighton PSC was privileged when, at the beginning of June, we metand hosted the crew of one of the flotilla’s ships, Freedom, when it docked in Brighton. It was a wrench when we had to say goodbye after 3 days to these wonderful people.

Freedom had sailed from the Norwegian port of Bergen and we met it at Shoreham.  It was only here for 3 days but we got to appreciate the kind of people who would put their lives on hold and risk the hazards of Israel’s military in order to try and relieve the suffering of others.

Although under no illusion as to what would happen when they tried to deliver medicines to Gaza, the crew of Freedomwere determined to try and break Israel’s Nazi-style blockade of Gaza, a blockade which is turning Gaza into an uninhabitable stretch of land, a place where Israel lets in only enough food to keep people from actually starving and restricts even such basic things as medicine, whilst pretending that Gaza is no longer under occupation.
The Farewell Party for the Crew of the Freedom on the night before they left - Labour MP for Brighton Kemptown Lloyd Russell-Moyle joined us
The Freedom and before that Al-Awda were apprehended this week in international waters.  Their boarding was completely illegal according to international law and was an act of piracy.  But since international law has no enforcement mechanisms and the USA backs it to the hilt, Israel doesn’t pay a blind bit of attention to it.
Disturbing reports soon came in of unprovoked violence against the crew of Al Awda, including the use of tasers, against people who were completely defenceless, unarmed and offering no resistance.  They were humanitarian workers, aiming to relieve the distress of those in Gaza. Their only crime the delivery of medicines.  Israel was under no illusion as to what kind of cargo they were carrying and made no effort to inspect the cargo.  The only point in boarding the ships was to enforce the starvation siege of Gaza.
The silence of our government is deafening.  Whilst the Labour Party is engaged in a nauseous bout of ‘anti-Semitism’ navel gazing in the real world real people are suffering, but of course the ‘anti-Semitism’ nonsense in the Labour Party is intended to protect Israel from criticism.  That is its only purpose.
Below are some accounts of the outrageous attack on the first ship Al Awda.  We await to see if Israel uses the same violence on the crew of the second ship, Freedom.  Unsurprisingly Israel isn’t even bothering to go through any investigation into the allegations against it.
I have also included the tape recording of the doctor with the group, Dr Swee Ang.
Tony Greenstein
Freedom Flotilla is Met by Israeli Piracy and Violence on the High Seas
See statement (below) re events a few days ago, when a ship Al Awda attempting to break the siege of Gaza, carrying medical supplies etc, was violently intercepted in international waters by Israeli warships. Hooded men took over the ship, beat up and tasered (to unconsciousness) the captain and second mate, assaulted other passengers, stole their phones and money (in most cases, not returned), and diverted the ship to an Israeli port and all on board to prison and later expulsion. This account is by Dr Swee Ang, consultant orthopaedic surgeon at the Royal London Hospital. Swee is 5 foot tall at most and weighs less than 40 kg. She is left with substantial bruising and possible fractured ribs.
And Israel can do all this with impunity!  
Derek Summerfield
Larry Commodore
Statement of Dr Swee Ang
Events from 29 July when the Israeli Navy stormed the Freedom Flotilla al-Awda hijacked and diverted it from its intended course to Gaza to Israel.
By Dr Swee Ang, medical doctor on board the al-Awda, 4 August 2018

The last leg of the journey of al-Awda (the boat of return) was scheduled to reach Gaza on 29 July 2018. We were on target to reach Gaza that evening. There are 22 on board including crew with USD 15,000 of antibiotics and bandages for Gaza. At 12.31 pm we received a missed call from a number beginning with +81... Mikkel was steering the boat at that time. The phone rang again with the message that we were trespassing into Israeli waters. Mikkel replied that we were in International waters and had right of innocent passage according to maritime laws. The accusation of trespassing was repeated again and again with Mikkel repeating the message that we were sailing in international waters. This carried on for about half an hour, while Awda was 42 nautical miles from the coast of Gaza.
Prior to the beginning of this last leg, we had spent 2 days learning non-violent actions and had prepared ourselves in anticipation of Israeli invasion of our boat. Vulnerable individuals especially those with medical conditions were to sit at the rear of the top deck with their hands on the deck table. The leader of this group was Gerd, a 75 year old elite Norwegian athlete and she had the help of Lucia a Spanish nurse in her group.
The people who were to provide non-violent barrier to the Israelis coming on deck and taking over the boat formed 3 rows – two rows of threes and the third row of 2 persons blocking the wheel house door to protect the wheel house for as long as possible. There were runners between the wheel house and the rear of the deck. The leader of the boat Zohar and I were at the two ends of the toilets corridor where we looked out at the horizon and inform all of any sightings of armed boats. I laughed at Zohar and said we are the Toilet Brigade, but I think Zohar did not find it very funny. It was probably bad taste under the circumstances. I also would be able to help as a runner and will have accessibility to all parts of the deck in view of being the doctor on board.
The Freedom coming into Shoreham
Soon we saw at least three large Israeli warships on the horizon with 5 or more speed boats (zodiacs) zooming towards us. As the Zodiacs approached I saw that they carried soldiers with machine guns and there was on board the boats large machine guns mounted on a stand pointing at our boat. From my lookout point the first Israeli soldier climbed on board to the cabin level and climbed up the boat ladder to the top deck. His face was masked with a white cloth and following him were many others, all masked. They were all armed with machine guns and small cameras on their chests.
They immediately made to the wheel house overcoming the first row by twisting the arms of the participants, lifting Sarah up and throwing her away.  Joergen the chef was large to be manhandled so he was tasered before being lifted up. They attacked the second row by picking on Emelia the Spanish nurse and removed her thus breaking the line. They then approach the door of the wheel house and tasered Charlie the first mate and Mike Treen who were obstructing their entry to the wheel house. Charlie was beaten up as well. Mike did not give way with being tasered in his lower limbs so he was tasered in his neck and face. Later on I saw bleeding on the left side of Mike’s face. He was semi-conscious when I examined him.
Greeting the arrival of The Freedom in Brighton
They broke into the wheel house by cutting the lock, forced the engine to be switched off and took down the Palestine flag before taking down the Norwegian flag and trampling on it.
They then cleared all people from the front half of the boat around the wheel house and moved them by force and coercion, throwing them to the rear of the deck. All were forced to sit on the floor at the back, except Gerd, Lucy and the vulnerable people who were seated around the table on wooden benches around her. Israeli soldiers then formed a line sealing off people from the back and preventing them from coming to the front of the boat again.
As we entered the back of the deck we were all body searched and ordered to surrender our mobile phones or else they will take it by force. This part of search and confiscation was under the command of a woman soldier. Apart from mobile phones - medicines and wallets were also removed. No one as of today (4 August 2018) got our mobile phones back.
I went to examine Mike and Charlie. Charlie had recovered consciousness and his wrists were tied together with plastic cable ties. Mike was bleeding from the side of his face, still not fully conscious. His hands were very tightly tied together with cable ties and the circulation to his fingers was cut off and his fingers and palm were beginning to swell. At this stage the entire people seated on the floor shouted demanding that the cable ties be cut. It was about half an hour later before the ties were finally cut off from both of them.
Around this time Charlie the first mate received the Norwegian flag. He was visibly upset telling all of us that the Norwegian flag had been trampled on. Charlie reacted more to the trampling of the Norwegian flag than to his own being beaten and tasered.
The soldiers then started asking for the captain of the boat. The boys then started to reply that they were all the captain. Eventually the Israelis figured out that Herman was the captain and demanded to take him to the wheel house. Herman asked for someone to come with him, and I offered to do so. But as we approached the wheel house, I was pushed away and Herman forced into the wheel house on his own. Divina, the well known Swedish singer, had meanwhile broken free from the back and went to the front to look through the window of the wheel house. She started to shout and cry “Stop –stop they are beating Herman, they are hurting him”.  We could not see what Divina saw, but knew that it was something very disturbing. Later on, when Divina and I were sharing a prison cell, she told me they were throwing Herman against the wall of the wheel house and punching his chest. Divina was forcibly removed and her neck was twisted by the soldiers who took her back to the rear of the deck.
I was pushed back to the rear of the boat again. After a while the boat engine started. I was told later by Gerd who was able to hear Herman tell the story to the Norwegian Consul in prison that the Israelis wanted Herman to start the engine, and threatened to kill him if he would not do so. But what they did not understand was that with this boat, once the engine stopped it can only be restarted manually in the engine room in the cabin level below. Arne the engineer refused to restart the engine, so the Israelis brought Herman down and hit him in front of Arne making it clear that they will continue to hit Herman if Arne would not start the engine. Arne is 70 years old, and when he saw Herman’s face went ash colour, he gave in and started the engine manually. Gerd broke into tears when she was narrating this part of the story. The Israelis then took charge of the boat and drove it to Ashdod.
Once the boat was on course, the Israeli soldiers brought Herman to the medical desk. I looked at Herman and saw that he was in great pain, silent but conscious, breathing spontaneously but shallow breathing. The Israeli Army doctor was trying to persuade Herman to take some medicine for pain. Herman was refusing the medicine. The Israeli doctor explained to me that what he was offering Herman was not army medicine but his personal medicine. He gave me the medicine from his hand so that I could check it. It was a small brown glass bottle and I figured that it was some kind of liquid morphine preparation probably the equivalent of oromorph or fentanyl. I asked Herman to take it and the doctor asked him to take 12 drops after which Herman was carried off and slumped on a mattress at the back of the deck. He was watched over by people around him and fell asleep. From my station I saw he was breathing better.
With Herman settled I concentrated on Larry Commodore, the Native American leader and an environmental activist. He had been voted Chief of his tribe twice. Larry has labile asthma and with the stress all around my fear was that he might get a nasty attack, and needed adrenaline injection. I was taking Larry through deep breathing exercises. However Larry was not heading for an asthmatic attack, but was engaging an Israeli who covered his face with a black cloth in conversation. This man was obviously in charge.
I asked for the Israeli man with black mask his name and he called himself Field Marshall Ro.....Larry misheard him and jumped to conclusion that he called himself Field Marshall Rommel and shouted how can he an Israeli take a Nazi name. Field Marshall objected and introduced himself as Field Marshall ? Ronan. As I spelt out Ronan he quickly corrected me that his name is Ronen, and he Field Marshall Ronen was in charge.
The Israeli soldiers all wore body cameras and were filming us all the time. A box of sandwiches and pears were brought on deck for us. None of us took any of their food as we had decided we do not accept Israeli hypocrisy and charity. Our chef Joergen had already prepared high calorie high protein delicious brownie with nuts and chocolate, wrapped up in tin foil to be consume when captured, as we know it was going to be a long day and night. Joergen called it food for the journey. Unfortunately when I needed it most, the Israelis took away my food and threw it away. They just told me ”It is forbidden” I had nothing to eat for 24 hours, refusing Israeli Army food and had no food of my own.
As we sailed towards Israel we could see the coast of Gaza in total darkness. There were 3 oil /gas rigs in the northern sea of Gaza. The brightly burning oil flames contrasted with the total darkness the owners of the fuel were forced to live in. Just off the shore of Gaza are the largest deposit of natural gas ever discovered and the natural gas belonging to the Palestinians were already being siphoned off by Israel.
As we approached Israel, Zohar our boat leader suggested that we should start saying goodbye to each other. We were probably 2-3 hours from Ashdod. We thanked our boat leader, our Captain, the crew, our dear chef, and encouraged each other that we will continue to do all we can to free Gaza and also bring justice to Palestine. Herman our Captain, who managed to sit up now, gave a most moving talk and some of us were in tears.
We knew that in Ashdod there will be the Israeli media and film crews. We will not enter Ashdod as a people who had lost hope as we were taken captive. So we came off the boat chanting “Free Free Palestine” all the way as we came off. Mike Treen the union man had by then recovered from his heavy tasering and led the chanting with his mega-voice and we filled the night sky of Israel with Free Free Palestine as we approached. We did this the whole way down the boat into Ashdod.
We came directly into a closed military zone in Ashdod. It was a sealed off area with many stations. It was specially prepared for the 22 of us. It began with a security x-ray area. I did not realise they retained my money belt as I came out of the x-ray station. The next station was strip search, and it was when I was gathering up my belongings after being stripped when I realised my money belt was no longer with me. I knew I had about a couple hundred Euros and they were trying to steal it. I demanded its return and refused to leave the station until it was produced. I was shouting for the first time. I was glad I did that as some other people were parted from their cash. The journalist from Al Jazeera Abdul had all his credit cards and USD 1,800 taken from him, as well as his watch, satellite phone, his personal mobile, his ID. He thought his possessions were kept with his passport but when he was released for deportation he learnt bitterly that he only got his passport back. All cash and valuables were never found. They simply vanished.
We were passed from station to station in this closed military zone, stripped searched several times, possessions taken away until in the end all we had was the clothes we were wearing with nothing else except a wrist band with a number on it.  All shoe laces were removed as well. Some of us were given receipts for items taken away, but I had no receipts for anything. We were photographed several times and saw two doctors. At this point I learnt that Larry was pushed down the gangway and injured his foot and sent off to Israeli hospital for check-up. His blood was on the floor.
I was cold and hungry, wearing only one teeshirt and pants by the time they were through with me. My food was taken away; water was taken away, all belongings including reading glasses taken away. My bladder was about to explode but I am not allowed to go to the toilet. In this state I was brought out to two vehicles – Black Maria painted gray. On the ground next to it were a great heap of ruqsacks and suit cases. I found mine and was horrified that they had broken into my baggage and took almost everything from it – all clothes clean and dirty, my camera, my second mobile, my books, my Bible, all the medicines I brought for the participants and myself, my toiletries. The suitcase was partially broken. My ruqsack was completely empty too. I got back two empty cases except for two dirty large man size teeshirts which obviously belonged to someone else. They also left my Freedom Flotilla teeshirt. I figured out that they did not steal the Flotilla teeshirt as they thought no Israeli would want to wear that teeshirt in Israel. They had not met Zohar and Yonatan who were proudly wearing theirs. That was a shock as I was not expecting the Israeli Army to be petty thieves as well. So what had become the glorious Israeli Army of the Six Day War which the world so admired?
I was still not allowed to go to the toilet, but was pushed into the Maria van, joined by Lucia the Spanish nurse and after some wait taken to Givon Prison. I could feel myself shivering uncontrollably on the journey.
The first thing our guards did in Givon Prison was to order me to go to the toilet to relieve myself. It was interesting to see that they knew I needed to go desperately but had prevented me for hours to! By the time we were re-x-rayed and searched again it must be about 5 – 6 am. Lucia and I were then put in a cell where Gerd, Divina, Sarah and Emelia were already asleep. There were three double decker bunk beds – all rusty and dusty.
Divina did not get the proper dose of her medicines; Lucia was refused her own medicine and given an Israeli substitute which she refused to take. Divina and Emelia went straight on to hunger strike. The jailors were very hostile using simple things like refusal of toilet paper and constant slamming of the prison iron door, keeping the light of the cell permanently on, and forcing us to drink rusty water from the tap, screaming and shouting at us constantly to vent their anger at us.
The guards addressed me as “China” and treated me with utter contempt. On the morning of 30 July 2018, the British Vice Consul visited me. Some kind person had called them about my whereabouts. That was a blessing as after that I was called “England” and there was a massive improvement in the way England was treated compared to the way China was treated. It crossed my mind that “Palestine” would be trampled over, and probably killed.
At 6.30am 31 July 2018, we heard Larry yelling from the men’s cell across the corridor that he needed a doctor. He was obviously in great pain and crying. We women responded by asking the wardens to allow me to go across to see Larry as I might be able to help. We shouted “We have a doctor” and used our metal spoons to hit the iron cell gate get their attention. They lied and said their doctor will be over in an hour. We did not believe them and started again. The doctor actually turned up at 4 pm, about 10 hours later and Larry was sent straight to hospital.
Meanwhile to punish the women for supporting Larry’s demand, they brought hand cuffs for Sarah and took Divina and me to another cell to separate us from the rest. We were told we were not going to be allowed out for our 30 minutes fresh air break and a drink of clean water in the yard. I heard Gerd saying “Big deal”
Suddenly Divina was taken out with me to the courtyard and Divina given 4 cigarettes at which point she broke down and cried. Divina had worked long hours at the wheel house steering the boat. She had seen what happened to Herman. The prison had refused to give her one of her medicines and given her only half the dose of the other. She was still on hunger strike to protest our kidnapping in international waters. It was heart-breaking to see Divina cry. One of the wardens who called himself Michael started talking to us about how he will have to protect his family against those who want to drive the Israelis out. And how the Palestinians did not want to live in peace...and it was not Israel’s fault. But things suddenly changed with the arrival of an Israeli Judge and we were all treated with some decency even though he only saw a few of us personally. His job was to tell us that a Tribunal will be convened the following day and each prisoner had been allocated a time to appear, and we must have our lawyer with us when we appear.
Divina by the end of the day became very giddy and very unwell so I persuaded her to come out of hunger strike, and also she agreed to sign a deportation order. Shortly after that possibly at 6 pm since we had no watches and mobile phones, we were told Lucia, Joergen, Herman, Arne, Abdul from Al Jazeera and I would be deported within 24 hours and we would be taken to be imprisoned in the deportation prison in Ramle near Ben Gurion airport immediately to wait there. It was going to be the same Ramle Prison from which I was deported in 2014. I saw the same five strong old palm trees still standing up proud and tall. They are the only survivors of the Palestinian village destroyed in 1948.
When we arrived at Ramle prison Abdul found to his horror that he his money, his credit cards, his watch, his satellite phone, his own mobile phone, his  ID card were all missing – he was entirely destitute. We had a whip round and raised around a hundred Euros as a contribution towards his taxi fare from the airport to home. How can the Israeli Army be so corrupt and heartless to rob someone of everything?
We, the six women on board al-Awda had learnt that they tried to completely humiliate and dehumanise us in every way possible. We were also shocked at the behaviour of the Israeli Army especially petty theft and their treatment of international women prisoners. Men jailors regularly entered the women’s cell without giving us decent notice to put our clothes on.
They also tried to remind us of our vulnerability at every stage. We know they would have preferred to kill us but of course the publicity incurred in so doing might be unfavourable to the international image of Israel.
As to international waters, it looks as though there is no such thing for the Israeli Navy. They can hijack and abduct boats and persons in international water and get away with it. They acted as though they own the Mediterranean Sea. They can abduct any boat and kidnap any passengers, put them in prison and criminalise them.
If we were Palestinians it would be much worse with physical assaults and probably loss of lives. The situation is therefore dire for the Palestinians.
As to international waters, it looks as though there is no such thing for the Israeli Navy. They can hijack and abduct boats and persons in international water and get away with it. They acted as though they own the Mediterranean Sea. They can abduct any boat and kidnap any passengers, put them in prison and criminalise them.
We cannot accept this. We have to speak up, stand up against this lawlessness, oppression and brutality. We were completely unarmed. Our only crime according to them is we are friends of the Palestinians and wanted to bring medical aid to them. We wanted to brave the military blockade to do this. This is not a crime. In the week we were sailing to Gaza, they had shot dead 7 Palestinians and wounded more than 90 with life bullets in Gaza. They had further shut down fuel and food to Gaza. Two million Palestinians in Gaza live without clean water, with only 2-4 hours of electricity, in homes destroyed by Israeli bombs, in a prison blockaded by land, air and sea for 12 years. The hospitals of Gaza since the 30 March had treated more than 9,071 wounded persons, 4,348 shot by machine guns from a hundred Israeli snipers while they were mounting peaceful demonstrations inside the borders of Gaza on their own land. Most of the gun-shot wounds were to the lower limbs and with depleted treatment facilities the limbs will suffer amputation. In this period more than 165 Palestinians had been shot dead by the same snipers, including medics and journalists, children and women. The chronic military blockade of Gaza has depleted the hospitals of all surgical and medical supplies. This massive attack on an unarmed Freedom Flotilla bringing friends and some medical relief is an attempt to crush all hope for Gaza. As I write I learnt that our sister Flotilla, Freedom, has also been kidnapped by the Israeli Navy while in international waters.
BUT we will not stop, we must continue to be strong to bring hope and justice to the Palestinians and be prepared to pay the price, and to be worthy of the Palestinians. As long as I survive I will exist to resist.  To do less will be a crime.
Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 4 August, 2018 00:05am CEST

At 20:06 (CEST) we lost contact with the yacht Freedom, sailing under a Swedish flag, which is on a mission to break the illegal Israeli blockade of the Palestinian people of Gaza. James Godfrey, a spokesperson for the Freedom Flotilla Coalition, said: “We have reason to presume that the Israeli Occupation Forces has now begun to attack it and that it has been surrounded in International Waters. The latest reported position was approximately 40 nautical miles from the coast of Gaza. Based on what happened on Sunday, we anticipate that the Israeli Occupation Forces has now cut all communications with Freedom, so it can begin an undocumented attack.”
Freedom is a gift for the Palestinian fishers of Gaza and is carrying a cargo of medical supplies , including #Gauze4Gaza. On board are 10 participants and two journalists from five countries. Details of all of the participants are here. The last news that we had from Freedom was that she was maintaining her course towards Gaza and the 'conscience of humanity'.
James Godfrey, a spokesperson for the Freedom Flotilla Coalition, said: “The Israeli Occupation Forces claims that our civilian boats - including our 100% wind-powered boat - are breaking international law and threatens that they will use 'any measures necessary' to stop us. We assert the right of 'innocent passage' guaranteed under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 and call upon international authorities to protect our small yacht. The only 'necessary measures' are to end the illegal blockade of Gaza and to restore freedom of movement for all Palestinians.”
Last Sunday, the Israeli Occupation Forces cut all communications and then violently attacked our lead boat ('Al Awda) in international waters, pulled down its Norwegian flag and trampled upon it. According to many testimonies that we have, including Yonatan Shapira, a former Israeli Air Force officer who was a participant aboard 'Al Awda', they then beat up and tasered several people and stole most of the participants' property.
Four boats left Scandinavia in mid-May and have since stopped in 28 ports building support for a ‘Just Future for Palestine’. We demand that Israel ends its ongoing breaches of international law, including the collective punishment of a twelve-year blockade of Gaza, thereby enabling the only closed port in the Mediterranean to open and that people have their universal right to freedom of movement.
"The Freedom Flotilla Coalition calls on the Swedish Government, the national governments of those aboard Freedom, other national governments, and relevant international organizations to act immediately.” said Dror Feiler of Ship to Gaza Sweden, part of the Freedom Flotilla Coalition. “We demand that the Israeli Occupation Forces not interfere with our unarmed yacht, as we continue our voyage to Gaza to deliver our gift of much-needed medical supplies”.
More information about the ‘Right to a Just Future for Palestine’ flotilla and the FFC: Web: https://jfp.freedomflotilla.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FreedomFlotillaCoalition Twitter: @gazafflotilla
To arrange an interview or for more information, contact: jfp.freedomflotilla.org/media-room-2

Swedish activists Charlie Andreasson and Divana Levrini, who were detained by the Israeli authorities on Monday while trying to break the blockade on Gaza, returned to their country on Friday.
Dror Feiller, a Swedish-Jewish activist, greeted them both with roses upon their arrival.
Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Levrini, who was detained after the ship in which she was travelling was intercepted by the Israeli navy, recalled her experiences in Israeli custody.
Noting that they had departed from Norway and Sweden on 15 May in a four-ship flotilla, she said: “While we were in international waters, we were approached several times by Israeli military vessels.”
“Even though we repeatedly told them that we were part of an international flotilla, they [Israeli military personnel] still intercepted us and boarded our ship,” she recalled.
“They struck my colleague Charlie in the head and back. Another activist’s neck was bleeding. They threw some of the passengers from the upper to the lower deck,” Levrini said.
After being taken into Israeli custody, she continued, they were then subjected to several days of mistreatment.
“They didn’t let us sleep. Every hour, a guard would come and force us to stand up before subjecting us to psychological abuse,” she added.
“I wasn’t allowed access to medication after having been struck in the head when they seized the ship,” she recounted.
Andreasson, for his part, said his personal belongings were stolen by Israeli soldiers who also threatened him with death.
“They took many of our possessions, including our credit cards and phones. When we told our jailers that our things had been stolen, we were put in cells with our hands and legs bound,” he said.
Nevertheless, Andreasson says he has no regrets.
Even though our flotilla failed to reach the Palestinians [in Gaza], we nevertheless made their voices heard,” he said.
“We now plan to bring this case to court and maintain our support for the Palestinians once the judicial process has started,” he added.
Feiller, for his part, says the activists plan to redouble their efforts to break Israel’s illegal blockade on Gaza.
“Gazans have lived in an open-air prison for the last 11 years,” he said. “And we will not falter in our efforts to help them.”

SHORTS - Picket of the BBC Tuesday 1pm – Ahed Tamimi Video - Who Pays 4 Tom Watson? Divina Levrini on how Israel treated crew members of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla

The BBC Is the Most Refined Propaganda Service in the World - John Pilger

The coverage by the BBC and the media of the attacks on Jeremy Corbyn have been appalling but not unexpected. All discussions and debates are framed in such a way that the false allegations of 'antisemitism' are assumed to be true.  Not once has the BBC ever scrutinised the claims of the Zionist Board of Deputies.  The accusations against Corbyn are highlighted not the dishonest attempt to use the IHRA to conflate anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.  There has not been any attempt to examine the IHRA objectively or to examine racism, including anti-Semitism, in the Tory Party.  This bias has been led by the BBC’s Political Correspondent Tory Laura Kuensberg, from a well known tax-dodging Tory family.
Below is a video from Ahed Tamimi after her release and a description by Divina Levrini, a Swedish activist on board the Freedom ship (she transferred in Spain to the Al-Awda ship) which docked in Brighton for 3 days of the treatment by the Israelis of crew members.  It is particularly painful to know that someone you became close to was hurt in this way but Divina is a brave and courageous activist and how the Israelis behaved towards her and the other people on the boats is symptomatic of the sad, sick, violent society that is the ‘Jewish state’.
Let us remember that all the allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party are really about defending the bastard State of Israel.  So when Tom Watson, bloated with Zionist funds, talks about Labour’s shame we can be sure that the only shame Labour has is that it has as its Deputy Leader an obnoxious, racist toad like him.
Below is a copy of the Electoral Commission information on Watson.  For reasons that I am not privy to, Tom Watson has seen fit to block me on Twitter!
Tony Greenstein
Swedish activist Divina Levrini
August 6, 2018

Divinia Levrini’s description of Israel’s treatment of the freedom flotilla activists includes withholding of medication and medical treatment, beatings, psychological mistreatment, strip searching, theft, and death threats – but she reflects that this is nothing compared to Palestinian suffering.

Swedish solidarity activist, Divina Levrini, one of the many international activists, who were attacked and detained by Israeli naval forces aboard the Freedom Flotilla ship last week, talked to Ma’an regarding the Israeli treatment of international activists inside the Israeli Givon (al-Ramla) prisons.
The international activists were deported to their national countries following two days of detention.
Levrini told Ma’an that when the ship was on 42 nautical miles in international waters, the ship was boarded by the Israeli navy, and “they had talked to our radio operator, who repeatedly told them that we were in international waters and had no intention to cross the border to Israel. That it is a right according to international law to travel in international waters.”

“They tasered many of the peace activists. Some got tasered in both head and neck, which could be deadly,” Levrini said.

“Our captain received a death threat and I witnessed him get brutally beaten by an Israeli soldier. Many, including myself got beaten. Some were thrown down a ramp and could have broken their necks. One got injured on his foot and there was a lot of blood. He was also punched in his stomach and chest.”

Following their detention, the activists were taken to the Ashdod military camp, where they were interrogated on the pretext of “trying to illegally enter Israel.”

Levrini said that the activists refused to say anything before speaking to their lawyers.

“We were strip searched several times and all of our belongings were stolen,” Levrini told Ma’an.

“After a while, they pushed me outside and I found all of our clothes, bags and stuff on the ground. Clothes were torn out from the bags and everything was mixed up. I was pushed by a soldier while others stood by and laughed as I was yelled at to collect my belongings and I had 20 seconds to take what was mine. I found two empty bags and my guitar, some t-shirt or other clothing I don’t remember because I am still traumatized about it all.”

Levrini added that activists were “tortured” in various ways while at the Givon prison; “we were six women in one dirty cell with a hole in the ground.”

The Swedish activist said that Israeli prison guards “would come in and yell every one to two hours” and bang on the walls with batons.

“The mind games were really awful. They would give me cigarettes but no lighter. They said that I can use the payphones outside whenever I want but would not give me my money to use them.”

Levrini said that activists were separated from each other at some point, after they protested when one of the activists, identified as Larry, asked for a doctor as he was injured in the foot.

“One thing was sure, and that was that when they said something, 9 times of 10 they were lying.”

Levrini said that Israeli forces hit one of the female activists, 75, who had a hip replacement surgery four months ago.

“They did not really beat us any time before or after that in jail so we thought that they are so used to beating Palestinians that they forgot our embassies were ready to act if something like that would happen.

The activists requested a doctor afterwards to check on the woman, the Israelis then had “certain conditions” which activists refused and were then told that they could not see the doctor if they do not agree to the conditions.

She added that they were able to see the doctor several hours later but were put in a “small outdoor cell in the scorching heat and hard benched where she couldn’t sit.”

Levrini said that after waiting for hours before finally seeing the doctor, the doctor told them “in perfect English” that he does not understand English. The 75-year-old female activist “had to Explain in Hebrew, she got no help.”

Levrini was deprived of her prescribed medications for 36 hours. She then received half a dose of her only one “important” medicine after the Swedish embassy intervened. “The embassy yelled at a guard to give me my medicines and he said that I would get an appointment with the doctor, but he told me in perfect English that he doesn’t understand English and I have to speak in Arabic,” she said.  

Israeli forces confiscated the activists’ driving licenses, medicines, phones, money and credit cards; “most of our luggage is gone. I came home with only a small bag with random clothes I found. I was at sea for two-and-a-half months, so I had much more with me.”  

Levrini along with several other activists, who were detained by Israeli naval forces, commenced a hunger strike inside the Israeli prison until they received information that other activists, who were deported earlier than them, had safely arrived to their countries.

Levrini said that most of the peace activists did not know that they were being deported until minutes before they were.

Levrini said that the activists’ message to the world is that their mission was never about us or the treatment received by the Israeli government; “what the Palestinians go through is much worse.”
She pointed out that Israeli forces also confiscated a cargo full of medical supplies and the four ships they were aboard, which were meant to be a gift for Gazans; “of course there are two million souls living in Gaza and we only had four ships, but the symbolic act is important because the fishermen are shot in their own waters and the much needed medical supplies never reaches Gaza.”

“There is a genocide going on by an apartheid regime and the world must act, even if it happens in small acts like these.”

Levrini concluded that “it was and has always been about raising awareness, making politicians act and making sure that the Palestinians know that we will never forget them. The ships will continue to sail until Gaza is free.”

Blocked for some reason by  Tom Watson

Picket of the BBC– End the Bias Against Jeremy Corbyn – If You’re Concerned About ‘Anti-Semitism’ Stop Giving a Platform to Tommy Robinson’s Fascist Supporters


A Simple Message to Jeremy Corbyn – Stop Apologising for non-existent anti-Semitism You have nothing to apologise for

Picket of the BBC by JVL and LAW
Called at short notice by Jewish Voice for Labourand supported by Labour Against the Witchhunt, Brent Momentum and at least two union branches, we had an excellent picket of the Biased Broadcasting Corporation today otherwise known as the Voice of Israel.

Tony Greenstein speaking at the BBC picket

The BBC has been one of the main proponents of the fake anti-Semitism campaign, picking up on every neo-con allegation it can find against Corbyn. It has portrayed the execrable Margaret Hodge as a latter day saint, despite her despicable role as Council leader in Islington in covering up child abuse (not a word of which passes the BBC’s corporate lips).
I spoke almost as soon as I arrived on behalf of LAW and my message was that if the BBC wanted to focus on genuine anti-Semitism then why has it refused to cover the alliance between the Conservative Party and anti-Semitic parties in the European Parliament?  Since 2009 the Tories have been part of the European Conservative and Reform group which contains the anti-Semitic Polish Law & Justice Party, which has just passed a Holocaust law making it an offence to refer to Polish complicity in the Holocaust. 
Events such as the burning alive of up to 1600 Jews in Jedwabne in 1941 by nationalist Poles were made a criminal offence, despite the fact that in 2001 Poland’s President Aleksander Kwasniewski  apologised on behalf of the Polish nation for this massacre. A statue erected in Jedwabne in memory of those who died has been repeatedly daubed with swastikas and anti-Semitic slogans.
Today's picket of the BBC
None of this prevented the far-Right Editor of the Jewish Chronicle, Stephen Pollard from defending Michal Kaminski, MEP for the L&J party and member of the Polish Sejm for Jedwabne, who defended and exonerated those who committed this crime. Poland's Kaminski is not an antisemite: he's a friend to JewsAs Pollardnoted Kaminski was ‘one of the greatest friends to the Jews in a town where antisemitism and a visceral loathing of Israel are rife.’ Support for Israel and Zionism meant he couldn’t be an anti-Semite. Which exonerates nearly all the world’s anti-Semites! More recently Pollard has been accusedby David Rosenberg of the Jewish Socialist Group of endangering his family under threat from fascists.  This is the level of hypocrisy we are dealing with.
Also members of the ECR Group are the Latvian National Alliance (LNNK/Freedom and Fatherland) party with one MEP Robert Zile.  Zile spends a Saturday every March demonstrating in Riga with veterans of the Latvian Waffen SS.  Not a word of any of this passes the lying lips of the BBC and their tame reporters. For more details of Tory Party tolerance of anti-Semitism in Latvia and Eastern Europe see Monkia Lowenberg’s Riga, Capital of European Culture: Waffen SS, Stags and Silence?None of this, genuine anti-Semitism, has ever been reported by the BBC or our yellow press.  They are far more interested in fake anti-Semitism in the Labour Party.  Thus we are in an Orwellian situation where Black = White and anti-racism = anti-Semitism. I also had a message to Jeremy Corbyn.
For f*** sake stop apologising for your past.  Do you really think that apologising will stop the attacks on you?  The more you apologise the more they will step up the bogus allegations.  Is Seamus Milne’s head filled with sawdust these days?
Your enemies are going to dig up all sorts of stuff.  Stand your ground.  If they attack you for speaking with Hamas/Hezbollah say what you used to say. They are not terrorists, they are representatives of the oppressed.  Hamas and Hezbollah were both elected and you had the right to speak alongside them.  Indeed but for Israel neither organisation would even exist.
Yes their military wings are designated as terrorists but so is the Kurdish PKK.  That is an outrageous political decision which has no regard to their actual activities.  It is the Israeli army who are the real terrorists. Israel helped create Hamas and if they hadn’t murdered 20,000 people and injured about 100,000 in their invasion of Lebanon in 1982 there would have been no Hezbollah.  Hezbollah’s main offence was being the only Arab army to stand up to Israel and win in 2006.
Thatcher shakes hands with the man she called a terrorist
Hamas and Hezbollah don’t drop bombs on or shoot guided missiles at peoples’ homes, schools or hospitals.  The ANC too were designated terrorists by Reagan and Thatcher and until recently the US had them on a terrorist watch list.
Stop apologising for the fact that a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust. Hajo Mayer, at a meeting you chaired, compared Israel to the Nazis.  It was the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army, General Yair Golan, who saidthree years ago that:
“If there is something that frightens me about the memories of the Holocaust, it is the knowledge of the awful processes which happened in Europe in general, and in Germany in particular, 70, 80, 90 years ago, and finding traces of them here in our midst, today, in 2016
This is what veteran peacenick, Uri Avnery, himself a Zionist wrote:
The discrimination against the Palestinians in practically all spheres of life can be compared to the treatment of the Jews in the first phase of Nazi Germany. (The oppression of the Palestinians in the occupied territories resembles more the treatment of the Czechs in the “protectorate” after the Munich betrayal.)
The rain of racist Bills in the Knesset, those already adopted and those in the works, strongly resembles the laws adopted by the Reichstag in the early days of the Nazi regime. Some rabbis call for a boycott of Arab shops. Like then. The call “Death to the Arabs” (“Judah verrecke”?) is regularly heard at soccer matches.
A member of parliament has called for the separation between Jewish and Arab newborns in hospital. A chief rabbi has declared that Goyim (non-Jews) were created by God to serve the Jews.
Our ministers for education and culture are busy subduing the schools, theatre and arts to the extreme rightist line, something known in German as Gleichschaltung. The supreme court, the pride of Israel, is being relentlessly attacked by the minister of justice. The Gaza Strip is a huge ghetto.
Of course, no one in their right mind would even remotely compare Netanyahu to Hitler, but there are political parties here which do emit a strong fascist smell. The political riffraff peopling the present Netanyahu government could easily have found their place in the first Nazi government.
One of the main slogans of our present government is to replace the “old elite”, considered too liberal, with a new one. One of the main Nazi slogans was to replace “das System”.
Army rule
By the way, when the Nazis came to power, almost all high-ranking officers of the German army were staunch anti-Nazis. They were even considering a putsch against Hitler. Their political leader was summarily executed a year later, when Hitler liquidated his opponents in his own party.
We are told that Golan is now protected by a personal bodyguard, something that has never happened to a general in the annals of Israel.  I strongly recommend people read the whole article. Uri Avnery: Israeli politics bears comparison with end of Weimar Germany and rise of fascism, Irish Times, 25.5.16.

This relates to one of the ‘illustrations’ in the IHRA ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism.  Corbyn made yet another rod for his own back by following meekly in the footsteps of Theresa May and adopting this dishonest and disingenuous script whose only purpose is to equate supporters of the Palestinians and opponents of Zionism with the Nazis. Corbyn is an ‘anti-Semite’ to those the BBC regularly interviews because he is reluctant to adopt the whole of the IHRA.
Today we had a lively demonstration and made our views clear to the BBC, which John Pilger describedas the most effective propaganda organisation in the world.
We live in times which are Orwellian.  Anti-racists are racists and anti-Semites whereas Tories, whose party was founded on racism and Empire are now anti-racists!  A party which fought against the admission of Jewish refugees to Britain and under Lord Balfour introduced the anti-Semitic 1905 Aliens Bill is now apparently opposed to anti-Semitism. 
There is no more eloquent opponent of ‘anti-Semitism’ than Boris Johnson.  The same man who describedBlack people as ‘picanninies’ with ‘watermelon smiles’ and who only yesterday described Muslim women as looking like letter boxes.  This piece of filth is also a sincere opponent of ‘anti-Semitism’.
The reality is that ‘anti-Semitism’ is the false anti-racism of the Right.  It is a cover for real racism Islamaphobia.  It is no wonder that one of the main proponents of the false anti-Semitism campaign, John Mann MP, is a bigoted racist when it comes to the Roma who he considers a social pest, much as the Nazis did.
We need to turn the heat up on the BBC and all the other liars in the mainstream press.  When we can have the racist press, the Sun and Mail, being in the forefront of the campaign against ‘anti-Semitism’ we can be sure that the ‘problem’ in the Labour Party is utterly contrived.  That is why Corbyn has to be saved from his own stupidity. If he doesn’t start fighting back he is doomed.  And the person who bears most responsibility is the scab leader of Momentum, Jon Lansman, a Zionist for whom defence of Israel is more important than a socialist Labour Party.  Already there are reports of secret meetings of his MPs.  CORBYN'S CURTAIN CALL: Furious MPs vow to 'COLLAPSE’ leadership at SECRET MEETINGS
We know who these MPs are and in the event Corbyn manages to win a working majority at the next election we can expect these scabs to refuse to support him as Prime Minister. 
We have to deselect Labour’s Tory MPs now.  If their bluff isn’t called then they will, when the time is ripe, act as a Tory/Liberal 5th column.
MPs such as Joan Ryan, Chris Leslie, Hilary Benn, John Mann, Wes Streeting, Louise Ellman, Luciana Berger, Ruth Smeeth, Ian Austin, Margaret Hodge et al should be ‘encouraged’ to join a more suitable party. 
Today’s picket should be the first of many such actions and well done to Jewish Voice for Labour for calling it.
Tony Greenstein 
Inminds Demonstration Last Friday Outside the BBC

Inminds Demonstration Last Friday Outside the BBC

Inminds Demonstration Last Friday Outside the BBC
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