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Shin Bet Torture Transcript Published

In Israel Torture only makes the headlines when it is a Jew who is tortured
In the wake of the murderof three out of four members of the Dawabsheh family in 2015 by settlers, who threw two petrol bombs into a house in the early hours of the morning in Duma, there was a massive world reaction. 

The Israeli state was, almost uniquely, forced to be seen to do something about what had happened.  It therefore arrested and held 3 settler youth under administrative detention. It had an informant amongst the murderers but rather than blowing his cover they preferred to extract confessions via the methods usually reserved for Palestinians.

Also uniquely the torture which is a standard method of interrogation of Palestinian prisoners was used to extract confessions from the youth.  This produced outrage in Israel and in particular amongst the settlers.  Torturing Palestinians is, of course fine, but torturing Jews is a chillul hashem. A sin that breaks the heart of God no less!  Even worse, the crime for which the flower of the Zionist youth were tortured was the killing of Arabs, which in the eyes of most Israelis is barely a crime anyway.

The decision of the Central District Court to reject the confessions of the settler youth, because they had been obtained under torture should be welcomed.  By Rejecting Confessions Under Torture, Israel Takes Step Toward the Truth. However we should be under no illusion that in Israel this ruling is unlikely to be applied to the torture of Palestinians.  Although the murderers of the Dawabshe family were undoubtedly terrorists, ‘terrorist’ is a word that is almost always applied only to Palestinians.  However where a crack is opened in the practices of the State then it should be used as part of the campaign against torture as a whole.  Clearly the first thing to demand is that allinterrogations, especially of children are filmed and that any confession obtained by an interrogation that is not filmed is automatically excluded.
The information below has been leaked as Israeli lawyers interrogated the Shin Bet torturers in court.  Although subject to a gag order, Richard Silverstein and others have ignored it.

Not only does Israel use torture routinely, with the tacit approval of the courts, but it also has an extensive system of censorship of anything the security state finds embarrassing.  Just one more reason why Israel is not a democratic state and why racist apologists for Israel such as Emily Thornberry need to be confronted.

Tony Greenstein

להורדה: קטעי הפרוטוקולים שהודלפו מתוך הדיונים החשאיים בבית המשפט על עינויי השב”כ בפרשת דומא

Israel HaYom article on the torture case
The entire settler movement is up in arms about the alleged use of torture against Amiram ben Uliel, the suspected ringleader in the infamous murder of the Dawabsheh family in an arson attack in 2015. It has secured the transcript of the alleged interrogations of the four suspects in the case and distributed 20,000 copies in synagogues throughout the Occupied Territories. The purpose is to stir up ire against the Shin Bet for its torture methods. Not, mind you torture methods used against all suspects. They support torturing Palestinian security suspects. Because they’re not as high on the evolutionary scale as Jews apparently. It’s only Jews who they object to torturing. Because Jews are, apparently God’s chosen people and created in the divine image. Frankly, I’d dispute the notion that settlers are made in God’s image. Rather, I think they’re created in Satan’s image. At least these murderers are.
When it comes to torture, Israel believes in equal opportunities - it does not discriminate on grounds of age (only nationality/religion)
It’s curious that the lead interrogator and torturer faulted during these interrogations is a Shin Bet Major General named Netzer, who I’ve mentioned here before. He’s long used his “professional” techniques to extract confessions from Palestinians. But treating Jewish terrorists similarly is a fairly new phenomenon. And man, do settlers hate it. They’re howling in rage about it. Apparently, they believe that killing Palestinians is God’s work and no one, especially no Jew has the right to deter them from their appointed rounds of making the world safe for Jews by ridding it of Palestinians.
I am translating part of the transcript here not because I support settlers. In fact, I hate these murderers. But unlike them, I believe in democracy and the rule of law for both Israeli Jews and Palestinians. I don’t believe in torture even to extract confessions from terrorists, whether Jewish or Palestinian. Other nations have found many ways to combat terrorism without it. That Israel stoops this low indicates it doesn’t belong among the ranks of western nations or democracies.
In current legal proceedings, the settler terrorists and their terror-loving legal counsel have appealed against the use of torture in obtaining confessions. Since the case presents a threat to the Shin Bet and its methods, the security apparatus has secured a gag order from a typically pliant Israeli judiciary against reporting on the appeal. While no media outlet has reported this information, the settlers have circulated it in the thousands of copies.
Cross examination of Shin Bet interrogator, Steven, confirming a specific torture technique used by the lead interrogator

The above Twitter thread offers a reminder to an Israeli reporter who notes that settlers are distributing the transcripts. The Justice ministry warns that the circulation of the transcript violates a gag order. Thank God for a country where such nonsense doesn’t prevail.

Here I will join in violating the gag order, but for far different reasons. In the following colloquy, a Shabak interrogrator using the pseudonym, Steven, responds to cross examination by the appellants’ attorney. This is from page 205 of the transcript. The hearing was held on December 15 2016:

Q: Do you remember that it [torture] began when someone covered his eyes and slapped him? Is that how it began?
A: Yes, I remember.
Q: The next step was that of bending [his head]. The one who bent him over was Netzer himself, no?
A: Correct.
Q: There are interrogators who stand next to the head, which is bent over backwards?
A: Correct.
Q: More or less this treatment proceeded on and off during the entire interrogation, a number of times?
A: Yes.
Q: The interrogators who grab the head from behind, do they take care that the head doesn’t strike the floor?
A: Yes.
Q: When you say so that it doesn’t strike the floor, that’s not in order to protect the head, but rather so that the head is already on the floor. So the element of the muscle pain, which is the entire purpose of the exercise, isn’t relevant, right?
A: This is a mixture of two different things to which you refer. First of all, so that the head isn’t damaged by the floor and the second so that these methods will be effective.
Q: I say this to you because due to the nature of this process it’s [the interrogation and torture] is a long, exhausting, difficult process. Raising the head and bending it down is done aggressively, or because the suspect resists, or in order for it to be effective. But this is done with force?
A: The return of the suspect to the bent over position requires brute force of the interrogator who raises the head by overcoming the resistance of the suspect or because of the weight. But this is not done as a show of force, but rather because force is demanded.
Hereare two other Hebrew language transcripts that were also leaked.

Labour’s Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct – Be careful of what you wish for


It’s time to go on the offensive and say it loud and clear ‘Anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism’ and it’s not anti-Semitic to criticise the Apartheid State of Israel

Labour’s newly drawn up Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct has set the cat amongst the Zionist pigeons.  It has also caused confusion amongst those who are our allies such as Jewish Voice for Labour who have given the code a fulsome welcome.
I believe the reaction of JVL and others on the Left to the new Code is mistaken and naive.  It is based on the idea that you can ignore the Code’s adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism, a definition whose sole purpose is to conflate anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism and nonetheless make a silk purse out of a sow. 
The fake anti-Semitism smear campaign was not driven by a lack of an anti-Semitism code or definition anti-Semitism. The expulsion of myself, Marc Wadsworth and Cyril Chilsom was the consequence of a political campaign by the representatives of the Israeli state inside  the Labour Party.  This code of conduct is not going to prevent the expulsion of Jackie Walker.
On the contrary, Jennie Formby, Jeremy Corbyn and Jon Lansman are going to be eager to demonstrate that even with this code Jackie is going to be expelled.  The case of Jackie Walker is going to be a litmus test as to whether this code rationalises false accusations of anti-Semitism.
Those who believe that this code marks the end of the false anti-Semitism campaign are sadly mistaken. They are guilty of wishful thinking. People are choosing to ignore the content of the Code and instead are  bowled over by vacuous phrases about ‘civility of language.’ This code deserves a much more rigorous analysis.
The fake ‘anti-Semitism’ attacks of the last 2 years have been about Israel, despite the howls of anguish whenever such a suggestion is made, this is what the leaders of British Zionism themselves say. In their Open Letter to Corbyn, the Presidents of the Board of Deputies and Jewish Leadership Council, Jonathans Arkush and Goldstein were quite open about this:
Again and again’ they wrote, ‘Jeremy Corbyn has sided with anti-Semites rather than Jews. At best, this derives from the far left's obsessive hatred of Zionism, Zionists and Israel’. 

Arkush and Goldstein framed the anti-Semitism attacks within the context of ‘the far-left’s obsessive hatred of Zionism’. Arkush subsequently accused the Jewish group Jewdas, with whom Corbyn had shared a Seder night of being a ‘source of virulent anti-Semitism’. As a parting shot Arkush, who had effusively welcomed Trump’s election together with his anti-semitic entourage, when retiring as President of the Board of Deputies accusedCorbyn of being an anti-Semite. Nonetheless Arkush had no difficulty in demandingthat ‘Corbyn must ensure Labour branches adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism, which some hard-left activists have lobbied against.’
Katie Hopkins with war criminal Mark Regev - Israel's Ambassador to the UK - apparently Regev tops Katie's list of eligible bachelors - a marriage truly made in hell
Why have the Zionists demanded that Labour adopts the 250+ word IHRA definition of anti-Semitism? Well the events of the past few weeks in Palestine supply the answer.  There is a very simple definition of anti-Semitism drawn up Dr Brian Klug, in a lecture‘Echoes of Shattering Glass’ at the Jewish Museum in Berlin in 2014. It consists of 21 words:
antisemitism is a form of hostility to Jews as Jews, where Jews are perceived as something other than what they are.
Indeed even this is somewhat wordy.  The Oxford English Dictionary definition, ‘hostility to or prejudice against Jews’  takes up just 6 words.  Why does the IHRA need 250+ words?  Because that is what you need in order to conflate anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.  Anyone who has any doubts should read the intemperate and barely literate attack on Labour’s Anti-Semitism Code by the editor of the Jewish Chronicle, Stephen Pollard
‘instead of adopting the definition as agreed by all these bodies, Labour has excised the parts which relate to Israel and how criticism of Israel can be antisemitic.’
This is the problem as far as Pollard and friends are concerned.  The new anti-Semitism code doesn’t specifically say that anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism and therefore it is not kosher.
Marie Van der Zyl, Arkush’s successor and Goldstein complained this week that “It is for Jews to determine for themselves what antisemitism is. The UK Jewish community has adopted in full the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Definition of Antisemitism.  What this means is that there is no rational or objective basis to allegations of anti-Semitism.  It is whatever Israel’s supporters say it is. So if someone is accused of anti-Semitism then we can dispense with examining such trifles as evidence and move to the sentence.  Kafkaesque or what?
So if someone suggests that the behaviour of the Israeli state in seeking to ethnically cleanse the West Bank is no different in principle from that of the Nazis then that is anti-Semitic if someone thinks it is. Of course although Van der Zyl and Goldstein say it is for Jews to determine what anti-Semitism is, there are some Jews, such as anti-racist or anti-Zionist Jews who don’t count.  They are the ‘wrong sort of Jews’.  It is the racist and chauvinist Jews who get to decide.  By allocating one single view to the whole Jewish community Goldstein and Van der Zyl are unwittingly engaging in the very anti-Semitism they decry!
Palestinian children going to the soon to be demolished school in Khan al-Amar
The reasons for this obsession with definitions of anti-Semitism are not hard to find. You don’t have to look very far. This week saw a violent attack by Israel against the Palestinian village of Khan al-Amar, an exercise in ethnic cleansing. Now that is real racism. We have only recently witnessed the murder of 120 unarmed demonstrators by Israel in a clay pigeon shoot in Gaza, an action defendedby Labour Friends of Israel.
This code is problematic because it is a continuation of the same muddled approach to what is a very simple problem, which is the weaponisation of anti-Semitism against critics of Israel and anti-Zionists.  Although in principle it concedes that anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are separate and distinct, in practice it gives hostages to fortune. People are in danger of being deceived by the Code’s vague and deceptive wording into sacrificing agreed principles.
Of course the Code has led to the predictable denunciation by the apostles of intolerance and bigotry, prime amongst them Stephen Pollard, the Editor of the Jewish Chronicle. Anything other than a statement saying that anti-Semitism equals anti-Zionism would be unacceptable to Pollard or the Board of Deputies.
Pollard, in what even for him is a remarkably illiterate, angry article, Labour's new guidelines show it is institutionally antisemitic openly compares Jeremy Corbyn to a Nazi. He says thatyou would not accept a definition of antisemitism drawn up by Nazis. Ok, so who else would be on the shortlist of the least suitable people to draw up a definition of antisemitism? Perhaps you can tell where this is heading.’Yes Stephen we do and ironically the comparison of people to Nazis is deemed anti-Semitic by the very definition he defends.
Ivor Caplin, the new Chair of the Jewish Labour Movement had a meeting with Jennie Formby and others this week, just before the announcement of the code and he was more than happy with it.  Not realising or understanding that one of the objectives of the anti-Semitism witch-hunt is that it should never end he declared himself quite happy with the Code.

One has to say of poor Mr Caplin, who got it in the neck from fellow Zionists, that he clearly doesn’t understand that the main target of the anti-Semitism smear campaign is Corbyn not anti-Semitism, which means that you can never reach agreement about anything other than the terms of surrender i.e. Corbyn’s resignation. Nothing else will suffice.

However if we were simply to take our guide from the Zionist reaction then yes, we should support the new Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct. However this would very foolish and I would summon in my support Comrade Leon Trotsky. In a ‘Friendly Suggestion to Certain Ultra Leftists’ entitled, appropriately Learn to Think’ he wrote
The policy of the proletariat is not at all automatically derived from the policy of the bourgeoisie, bearing only the opposite sign – this would make every sectarian a master strategist; no, the revolutionary party must each time orient itself independently in the internal as well as the external situation, arriving at those decisions which correspond best to the interests of the proletariat. This rule applies just as much to the war period as to the period of peace.
In other words, just because the Zionists say they oppose the new Code of Conduct, that is no reason to support it. Their argument is tactical. In fact Caplin is correct. The Zionists have got much of what they want. However it suits them to pretend that the Code is awful because in that way they can ensure that in its implementation it will be their interpretation of the Code that prevails.  We should heed Trotsky’s advice and learn to think andexamine the Code from our perspective not theirs.
The Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct
The first thing to ask is whether or not this Code is going to stop the expulsion of Jackie Walker and lead to the reinstatement of those already expelled. If not then it is useless.  The witch-hunt is not about words on a piece of paper or abstract definitions of anti-Semitism but a state-driven politically motivated attack by the supporters of imperialism and Zionism.
Naturally Katie Hopkins was a guest at the Zionist Federation's annual dinner - she must have felt at home for once
The second thing to ask is why anti-Semitism?  Why should there be a separate definition of anti-Semitism? This focus on a form of racism which is a marginal form of prejudice is itself racist.  It is the victims of the Windrush scandal, the targets of mosque bombings and racial attacks, the hounding of Roma by vicious racists like John Mann MP and the police and state racism against Black and Asian people which should be the subject of Labour Party codes.  The focus on a privileged white group which suffers not at all from state racism is in itself racist. If there was a real problem of anti-Semitism today why would the very tabloid press which employed Katie  Hopkins and Richard Littlejohn stand opposed to anti-Jewish racism?  The fact that the Sun and the Mail oppose ‘anti-Semitism’ (whilst not hesitating to attack George Soros as an alien Jewish financier) should suggest what the real agenda is.
Thirdly the Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct, instead of rejecting outright the bogus IHRA definition of Anti-Semitism takes it as its starting point.  Yes it negates its most offensive examples but the fact is that it nonetheless adopts the definition, including many examples. It is unfortunate that the JVL and others didn’t reread the Opinionof Hugh Tomlinson QC:
‘The IHRA Definition does not purport to provide a legal definition of antisemitism. It does not have the clarity which would be required from such a definition.’
As Stephen Sedley said in Defining Anti-Semitismthe IHRA ‘fails the first test of any definition: it is indefinite.’  Not only that but it is ‘protean in character and as open-ended’.
Tomlinson observed that
‘The use of language is unusual and therefore potentially confusing. The phrase “a certain perception” is vague and unclear in the context of a definition. The use of the word “may” is also confusing. If it is understood in its usual sense of “possibility” then the definition is of little value: antisemitism “may be expressed as hatred towards Jews but may also be expressed in other (unspecified) ways”. This does not work as a definition.
The apparent confining of antisemitism to an attitude which is “expressed” as a hatred of Jews seems too narrow and not to capture conduct which, though not expressed as hatred of Jews is clearly a manifestation of antisemitism. It does not, for example, include discriminatory social and institutional practices.
Tomlinson goes on to argue that because it ‘lacks clarity and comprehensiveness’ it has a
‘potential chilling effect on public bodies which, in the absence of definitional clarity, may seek to sanction or prohibit any conduct which has been labelled by third parties as antisemitic without applying any clear criterion of assessment.’
Tomlinson’s third criticism revolves around the structure of the IHRA. Because the actual definition itself speaks of ‘hatred’ all the illustrative examples ‘must be regarded as examples of activity which can properly be regarded as manifesting “hatred towards Jews”.
Analysis of the Code of Conduct
1.             The Code begins with a lie in Para. 5: Labour is an anti-racist party.’ This is not true.  For most of the time that South Africa Apartheid was in existence Labour gave support to the white settlers. Labour was historically as much a party of Empire as the Conservatives. It was in this spirit that Poale Zion, the workers of Zion, who campaigned for a Boycott of Arab Labour were affiliated to the Labour Party in 1921.  This lie is best demonstrated by the Windrush scandal. This was a consequence of the 2013 Immigration Act which all but 8 Labour MPs supported (they abstained but when an Opposition abstains that can be treated as support).  All those ‘anti-Semitism’ activists, Ruth Smeeth, Luciana Berger, John Mann, Wes Streeting – all of them sat on their haunches and supported Theresa May’s ‘hostile environment policy.’
2.             The Code says of the 38 word IHRA definition:
“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

that ‘The IHRA definition captures the idea of hostile conduct towards individuals and institutions on the ground that they are Jewish.’ This is unmitigated rubbish. A lie.  The definition doesn’t even mention ‘hostile conduct’ – it defines anti-Semitism in terms of hatred not hostility – thus raising the bar to actual anti-Semitism.
Secondly you cannot be racist against institutions.  The inclusion of ‘Jewish community institutions’ is itself absurd as well as non-Jewish individuals.
3.             Although it is welcome that Para. 7 accepts that ‘the expression of even contentious views in this area will not be treated as antisemitism unless accompanied by specific antisemitic content (such as the use of antisemitic tropes) or by other evidence of antisemitic intent.’  It begs the question as to what ‘anti-Semitic tropes’ mean in  practice since experience so far is that anything can count as an anti-Semitic trope.  One only has to remember the way Joan Ryan, Chair of Labour Friends of Israel tried to set up Jean Fitzpatrick at the Labour Party conference two years ago to realise that.
Louise Ellman MP for Liverpool Riverside and Tel Aviv South
4.             The National Constitutional Committee  took exception to my statement that Louise Ellman MP was a supporter of Israeli abuse of Palestinian children despite her having intervened three times in a debate on Palestinian child prisoners to support the Israeli military’s treatment of these children. I was guilty of ‘incivility’ a concept that lies at the heart of this code.  There are times when people rightly get angry at those who support torture and abuse of children, as I was but according to this Code of Conduct my expulsion was justified and Ellman was innocent.
5.             The Code of conduct quotes approvingly the examples that the IHRA definition gives of anti-Semitism. For example ‘Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.’ Now one cannot dispute that calling for the killing or harming of Jews is anti-Semitic.  But why add ‘in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion’?  Would it be ok if it was in the name of a conservative ideology or a mainstream view of religion?  This formulation plays into the hands of Islamaphobes who contend that Islam is a murderous religion.
You might think that the example ‘Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective’ was uncontroversial but the reference to ‘Jews as a collective’ is a reference to Israel.  Israel is a nuclear state, a regional superpower.  So referring to Israel’s military might could be termed ‘anti-Semitic’ even though it is true. There has been much talk of the Jewish vote in places like Barnet recently.  Is this anti-Semitic since it refers to Jews collectively or is it only when supporters of Palestine refer to Jewish support for Israel that it is anti-Semitic?
Likewise ‘Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.’ Why mention the Israeli state? Isn’t it enough simply to define Holocaust denial as an example of anti-Semitism? Given the way Zionists use word association, referring to the blood  that Palestinians shed is quickly likened to the medieval blood libel. Is it too much to expect that references to Israel’ s use of the Holocaust as a propaganda weapon might also come under this illustration?
Then there is the example Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel’.  Yes this is anti-Semitic but Israel calls itself a Jewish state so that is precisely what it is doing – claiming that Jews throughout the world support its war crimes.
Paragraph 12 is particularly problematic because it states that ‘the Party is clear that the Jewish people have the same right to self-determination as any other people. To deny that right is to treat the Jewish people unequally and is therefore a form of antisemitism.’ Historically the idea of a Jewish state would have been held to be anti-Semitic.
Lucien Wolf, a leading member of the Board of Deputies and the Conjoint Committee, its Foreign Secretary before the first world war, noting that  the Zionists claimed that alltheJewsasformingatthepresentmomentaseparateanddispossessed nationality’ , commented that
In short if the ‘Party is clear’  that Jewish people form a nation, which is what the right to self-determination means, then it is adopting an anti-Semitic position!  Only anti-Semites maintain that Jews are a nation apart rather than a member of the nations amongst whom they live.  Let us be charitable and assign this to political ignorance, it is nonetheless unacceptable that in a document supposedly devoted to combating anti-Semitism, at its heart lies an anti-Semitic postulate.  The whole basis of the world Jewish conspiracy theory rests on the idea that Jews are a nation apart.  Of course the Zionists agree with this because Zionism is a form of Jewish anti-Semitism.  As the founder of Political Zionism Theodor Herzl, who is buried in a grave on Mount Herzl in Israel, explained at the height of the Dreyfus Affair:
In Paris... I achieved a freer attitude towards anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognise the emptiness and futility of trying to 'combat' anti-Semitism.’
We should instead point out that far from anti-Zionism equalling anti-Semitism the exact opposite is the case.  Zionism shares with anti-Semites the belief that Jews do not belong in the diaspora.  Historically Zionism accepted most of the anti-Semitic libels against Jews, that they were asocial, absorbed in money and allied trades because they lacked a homeland.  Zionism was a movement of blood and soil nationalism.  It is a movement that never fought anti-Semitism, which is why the current crop of allegations of anti-Semitism are so comical.
It is the Zionist movement which argues that Jews should be loyal to Israel and Zionism and accuses anti-Zionists of being 'traitors' 
Paragraph 14 is politically incoherent. It states that ‘It is also wrong to accuse Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.’ In paragraph 12 Jews formed a separate nation of their own and two paragraphs later they are members ‘of their own nations.’  Furthermore it entirely reverses the dual loyalty principle. It is Zionism which holds that Jews should be more loyal to Israel than their own nations. One of the most repeated forms of abuse levelled at Jewish anti-Zionists is that they are ‘traitors’.  How can one be a traitor unless one’s first loyalty is to Israel?  It is Zionism which demands a dual loyalty.  That is why in October 2013 the American Embassy distributed to American Jews a Questionnaire asking themto indicate where their allegiance would lie if there was a crisis between the two countries.’
The Code states, quite correctly that it ‘is not permissible to use “Zionist” ... as a code word for “Jew”.  Which is true but in that case why is the Jewish Labour Movement allowed to call itself Jewish when it only represents Zionist Jews (& non-Jews)?  It is this hypocrisy and double standard that runs throughout this politically incoherent code.
Likewise the suggestion that the term ‘Zio’ ‘should have no place in Labour Party discourse’ is another concession to the Zionist narrative.  ‘Zio’ is short for Zionist. To suggest that it is anti-Semitic means that Labour is effectively saying that Zionist is equal to Jew, the very thing paragraph 15 warns against!
Paragraph 16’s statement that It is not antisemitism to criticise the conduct or policies of the Israeli state by reference to such examples unless there is evidence of antisemitic intent.’ is welcome but it is immediately contradicted by the reference to Chakrabarti’s comment that ‘Labour members should resist the use of Hitler, Nazi and Holocaust metaphors, distortions and comparisons in debates about Israel-Palestine’ because they are‘incendiary’. 
On the contrary people should feel free to make comparisons between Israel’s policy of ethnic cleansing and the Nazi practice in this regard.  If only to bring Israelis face to face with the consequence of their own policies and politics. Israeli politicians never hesitate to accuse their victims of being Nazis.  Why should we not compare e.g. the demonstration last week in Afula against the sale of a house to an Arab in a ‘Jewish city’ to when it was the policy of Nazi Germany that Jews should not live in ‘Aryan’ towns and villages?
Many on the Left will be tempted to welcome this document as being better than might be expected.  Perhaps it is, but unfortunately it goes down the road of confusing and conflating anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.  We should be stating that today the advocates of Zionism are to be found holding hands with the far-Right including anti-Semitic politicians. 
Netanyahu's closest ally in Europe, Viktor Orban, wants to rehabilitate the pro-Nazi ruler who sent 437,000 Jews to Auschwitz
It is no accident that the Israeli government has just reached an accord with the Polish government over a Holocaust law which renders it an offence to publish books on Polish complicity in the crimes of the Nazi occupiers and on occasion it was Polish nationalists who initiated the attacks on Jews as was the case in Jedwabne in 1941 when villagers herded up to 1600 Jews into a barn which they then set alight.  Netanyahu has invited over, on a state visit in the summer, Viktor Orban of Hungary who not only waged an overtly anti-Semitic campaign against George Soros, but he has describedthe pro-Nazi dictator of Hungary during the war, Admiral Horthy, who presided over the deportation of nearly half a million Jews to Auschwitz, as an ‘outstanding statesman’. When Ken Livingstone pointed to the support of the Nazis for Zionism he forgot to say that this support was reciprocated. 
Le Pen combines antisemitism with Zionism
All over Europe anti-Semitic politicians and far-Right and fascist parties combine support Zionism and Israel with Islamaphobia.  From Marine Le Pen in France to Geert Wilders of The Netherlands to Germany’s Alternatives for Germany [Loathed by Jews, Germany’s far-right AfD loves the Jewish state, Times of Israel, 24.9.17] to neo-Nazi Richard Spencer, the founder of America’s alt-Right who describes himself as a White Zionist.
The implicit assumption running throughout this Code of Conduct is that there is a thin line dividing anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism and that anti-Zionism is often a cover for anti-Semitism.  Although this does occasionally happen what is far more frequent today is the reverse – it is anti-Semites who use support for Israel and Zionism as a cover for anti-Semitism.  No better example is there than Tommy Robinson, the British fascist who combines support for Israel with befriending anti-Semites and holocaust deniers.
The Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct is not the panacea that many people are hoping it will be.  By avoiding the topic of weaponisation of anti-Semitism my prediction is that it is going to prove all but useless in the battle against the false anti-Semitism smears.
Tony Greenstein

Jewish Chronicle Editor Stephen Pollard Compares Jeremy Corbyn to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis


Comparing Israel & Zionism to the Nazis is ‘anti-Semitic’ but comparing the opponents of Israel and Zionism to the Nazis is alright!

 Earlier this week the Labour Party produced a new Code of Conduct on Anti-Semitism. [See Labour’s Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct – Be careful of what you wish for] on how it is unlikely to defuse the fake anti-Semitism campaign that has been waged against Jeremy Corbyn and pro-Palestinian Labour Party members for the past two years.
Nick Cohen's usual bile - this is from the person who predicted Corbyn would get under 100 seats at the General Election

The concern of the media over 'antisemitism' is in sharp contrast to their lack of concern over Islamaphobia and racism against Gypsies
The Code has produced an apoplectic reaction from the usual culprits.  Nick Cohen, the Guardian’s Islamaphobic columnist, writes that Labour cultism fools members, who never had a racist thought before Corbyn became leader, into believing accusations of antisemitism are Zionist “smears”.’ Sky News reports that ‘Labour's new anti-Semitism code of conduct slammed as 'toothless'.
The letter which I have sent to the Jewish Chronicle - I don't expect it to be published!
The shadowy Labour Againt Anti-Semitism group, which consists mainly of people who are actively hostile to the Labour Party and in one case an outright fascist, has described it as ‘a racists charter.’
What is the objection to the Code of Conduct?  In essence that the Labour Party has refused to adopt the complete International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism which conflates anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.
Mike Katz and Adam Langleben of the Jewish Labour Movement argue that the Labour Party should have adopted the IHRA definition in totality, despite it having been severely criticised by eminent legal scholars such as Hugh Tomlinson QC and former Jewish Court of Appeal Judge Sir Stephen Sedley (Defining Anti-Semitism). Of course Katz and Langleben had a problem in so far as their Chair, Ivor Caplin, had given his assent to the new definition!
The JLM's new Chair, Ivor Caplin, got the line wrong - he forgot that the whole purpose of the fake antisemitism attacks is not to solve the 'problem' but to continue the war until Corbyn is removed
The arguments attacking Labour’s Code of Conduct are fatuous, shallow and outright dishonest.  Langleben and  Katz argue that the IHRA should be supported because it was created by a body consisting of 31 countries, 24 of which are EU member countries.  Yes it is supported by the Polish and Hungarian governments as well as a host of far Right governments from the Czech  Republic to Slovakia, Austria and Italy.  Poland and Hungary are led by 24 carat anti-Semites. What kind of definition of anti-Semitism is it that anti-Semites support?
Katz and Langleben dishonestly argue that uniquely  ‘the party has directly contravened the practice established by the Macpherson report of allowing minorities to define the prejudice they face’.
This is of course utterly dishonest since it omits the small fact that Jews who are not Zionists disagree with the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism.  In other words there is no Jewish consensus on what constitutes anti-Jewish prejudice.
The far-Right Pollard is only interested in anti-semitism when it comes to defending Israel
Although Jews are a minority, unlike Black and Asian people they are not oppressed.  On the contrary most Jews are white and privileged and what this demand is about is using Jewish identity as a stick to beat the genuinely oppressed with. It is utterly ludicrous to compare the Jews of Hendon or Golders Green to Black youth in Brixton.  Jews are not disproportionately gaoled or victims of police violence.  Jews do not suffer state racism or economic discrimination and that is why the demand that Jews can define their 'oppression' is in reality a demand that some Jews can define those who are genuinely oppressed as their oppressors because they insist on raising things like Apartheid Israel.
 It is in any case untrue that Macpherson established any such principle.  The JLM has repeatedly distorted and bastardised the MacPherson Report of the Inquiry into the murder of Black teenager Stephen Lawrence in order to defend the Israeli state.  Not once did the Zionist led Jewish community play any part in opposing the Police racism that led to the setting up of the MacPherson Inquiry.  The Report itself simply said that where people are victims of what they perceive to be a racist attack that should be recorded.  It said nothing about ‘defining’ racism not least because racism is an extremely easy thing to define.  It is discrimination on the grounds of race, colour or nationality.  Anti-Semitism is hostility to Jews as Jews.  The problem arises because the Zionist movement amongst British Jews wants to conflate anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.
When it comes to someone who is a genuine anti-Semite Pollard is more than forgiving
However no critic has taken their criticism as far as Stephen Pollard, the far-Right editor of the Jewish Chronicle.  Pollard it was who defended Michal Kaminski, the Polish Law and Justice Party MEP who defended the ‘good name’ of the village of Jedwabne in Poland.  Jedwabne was the site of the murder of up to 1600 Jews, who were herded into a barn which was then set alight by fellow villagers in 1941.  Kaminski according to Pollard was ‘one of the greatest friends of the Jews’ because he also happened to be an ardent supporter of Israel.
According to Pollard, a member of the far-Right cold war Henry Jackson Society, it would be as ludicrous to ask Hitler or the Nazi party to define anti-Semitism as it would be to expect Jeremy Corbyn to do so. He didn’t explicitly name Corbyn as a Nazi but that was the unmistakable message.  After ruling out Hitler and the Nazi Party Pollard went on to ask ‘Ok, so who else would be on the shortlist of the least suitable people to draw up a definition of antisemitism? Perhaps you can tell where this is heading.’ 
Indeed it was quite obvious because Pollard then turned his attention to the Labour Party and Corbyn.
All this is somewhat ironic since the Zionists IHRA definition classifies comparisons between Israel’s policies and the Nazi anti-Semitic.  However it seems to be fine for Zionists to accuse their opponents of being Nazis!

At a time when the Palestinian village of Khan al Ahmar is under threat of forcible demolition with its residents being forcibly transferred to live next to a rubbish dump and after over 120 unarmed Palestinian demonstrators were gunned down in Gaza, the Zionists are more determined than ever to equate criticism of their bastard state with anti-Semitism. 

Although I have severely criticised the new Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct  because it is based on the IHRA definition, it remains to be seen whether or not Corbyn and Formby back down under the weight of the Zionist and MSM attacks.
If Corbyn and the Labour Party leadership had taken a principled position and rejected in toto the IHRA definition then it would have been easier to ward off their critics.  By adopting some of the IHRA definitions but not others they have lent credibility to the definition as a whole and have thus, once again, made a rod for their own back.
The Zionists  don’t like requiring intent to be part of the new Code of Conduct.  This is perfectly understandable.   Far from being a free pass for racism it separates out those who are opposed to Zionism and those who are opposed to Jews.  To say, as Langleben and Katz do that the requiring proof of intent ‘goes directly against the Macpherson principle, which Labour wrote into law when it passed the Equality Act.’ is another absurdity.
Where there is no intent to discriminate the chances are that there is no discrimination.  Where there is clear evidence of discrimination then intent is normally assumed.  So it is with anti-Semitism.  If someone shouts anti-Semitic abuse then they can be assumed to have intended to cause offence. 
Pollard ludicrously claimsthat ‘you can feel free to go right ahead and scream “Zio” at any random Jew you encounter’. Not true.  Zio itself is not anti-Semitic but if you were to accuse any ‘random Jew’ of being a Zionist simply because they are Jewish then yes that would be anti-Semitic and the intent would be part of the act itself.  It really is that simple but the real intent is on the part of those who want to label anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism.
Hence the shrieks and cries of Britain’s Zionist lobby amply aided by its racist media.

The 'antisemitism' witchhunt has many victims but only one target - Jeremy Corbyn


Lansman's support for Zionism & 'unconscious' antisemitism only helps Labour's Right and the supporters of Israeli Apartheid 

To download transcript of talks click here 

At the end of June I went on a speaking tour to Scotland on behalf of Labour Against the Witch-hunt. I recorded my speeches in Edinburgh and Glasgow.  At the first meeting Mick Napier from Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign spoke alongside me. Unfortunately I didn’t record Mick’s talk although I did record his response to questions.  At the second meeting I spoke with Professor Hillel Ticktin who is a retired Professor of Marxist Studies at Glasgow University. I did tape his speech.

speaking in Edinburgh - Mick Napier of Scottish PSC is on the right - Ian Drummond chaired the meeting
Hillel Ticktin’s speech was not on Palestine but on the crisis of British capitalism and I found it fascinating. We should never forget that the tragedy of the Palestinians occurs because the major imperialist i.e. capitalist powers provide support, including weaponry to Israel to enable it to continue as the world’s only active settler colonial state.  We  need to have an overall understanding of where society is heading.

The theme of my speech was the anti-Semitism witch-hunt in the Labour Party, the background to it, what it really aims to do and how it goes about justifying itself.  I predicted that the fake anti-Semitism campaign which we saw around the local elections would come back again.  
Sure enough this week, with the publication of Labour’s Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct, a weak and anodyne document the campaign began again. According to the far-Right racist editor of the Jewish Chronicle, Stephen Pollard, Labour was institutionally anti-Semitic. Pollard started off his bilious article by comparing Jeremy Corbyn to Hitler and the Nazis! His argument being that the Labour Party had no right to define anti-Semitism, that was the task of Jews (by which they mean racist and Zionist Jews not me or Jewish Voice for Labour!).
What was the Zionists real complaint? Well Pollard was a model of honesty The problem was that 
instead of adopting the definition as agreed by all these bodies, Labour has excised the parts which relate to Israel and how criticism of Israel can be antisemitic. 
Precisely.  As my speeches make clear, the only purpose in the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism is to conflate anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.  By removing two or three of the Israel illustrations Labour has defeated the whole purpose of the IHRA definition!  Of course Corbyn and Formby are utterly stupid.  The IHRA definition can’t be amended. It’s like believing you can water down a solution of cyanide and hoping you might survive.  Why would you want to dilute a poison and the IHRA is a poison.  The purpose of the definition is-to conflate Zionism and anti-Semitism, there are no half-way houses.  You either are pregnant or you are not.  You can’t be half pregnant and you can’t have a half decent IHRA.
I spent some considerable time in my speeches analysing why the IHRA is a poisonous excrescence. Corbyn should not have followed Theresa May in adopting this definition. If he hadn’t been so stupid he wouldn’t have had all of these problems. The answer to Pollard and the rest of the gutter press is to ditch the IHRA definition.  As I point out in my talks, there are much better and much simpler definitions of anti-Semitism and Lord Bracadale in his Report on Hate Crimes in Scotland made it clear that you cannot make criticism of a state a hate offence. That would be an outrageous infringement on freedom of speech. The Israeli state is not a protected characteristic!
I know this will offend people but the idiocy of Corbyn and his advisers is at least partly responsible for his political problems.  And speaking of idiots none come more readily to mind than Jon Lansman. Perhaps the most idiotic of all the statements during the recent bout of false anti-Semitism allegations concerning Corbyn’s mural was Lansman’s assertion that anti-Semitism in the Labour Party was ‘unconscious’.
Anyone who needs to resort to Freudian psychoanalysis in order to justify allegations of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party literally needs their head examining.
At a time when Black people from the Windrush generation have been deported, despite being British citizens, when Mosques are regularly firebombed, to concentrate on ‘unconscious’ anti-Semitism (i.e. it can’t be seen, heard or felt) is proof that what is involved is a spurious and fake. 
Let us be quite clear that the Jewish community in Britain, a community which is being consciously used by the Right in its battle against Corbyn and the Left, is not oppressed. Anti-Semitism today is a marginal form of prejudice. Jews are not economically discriminated against, they don’t suffer from state racism. Even fascists concentrate most of their attention on Muslims not Jews. Indeed they now proclaim that they are not anti-Semitic in their desire to be seen as the most ardent supporters of Israel.  Jews do not die in police custody nor are they in danger of being deported back to Poland or wherever they originated from.  In short the whole anti-Semitism nonsense is contrived and bogus, designed to shore up support for the genocidally racist State of Israel. And in so far as anti-Semitism of the Jew not Israel hatred variety could return, then Zionism is an obstacle to any fight against genuine anti-Semitism.
The recordings did not pick up the contributions of all the questioners so I have not transcribed any contributions (bar 1!).  However I am putting the tapes on line here in order that people can, if they desire, listen to the speeches including questions from the floor.
I have also put the transcripton line and it can be downloaded as a pdf.
Edinburgh LAW Meeting 26th June 2018
Richard Littlejohn - the most racist journalist on the British press (until Katie Hopkins came along) was a Scum journalist - he also opposes 'antisemitism' though
Even the Sun deplores 'antisemitism' in the Labour Party - the same Scum that employed Katie Hopkins and attacks asylum seekers
Chair: Ian Drummond
Talking about your trial (when Mick Napier and 4 others from Scottish PSC were prosecuted for offences of racial hatred for disrupting the Jerusalem Quartet concert) in a way you were too modest because it was directly quoted by Lord Bracadale in his recent Opinion (Review of Hate Crime Legislation in Scotland see Israel Boycott is Not Hate Crime, Scottish Government-Commissioned Report Concludes) against adopting the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism a few of us in this room supporting Labour Against the Witchhunt within Scottish Momentum had a pretty bruising debate a few months ago with a motion calling for the reinstatement of Tony and other comrades who’d been expelled and also condemning the IHRA definition, saying it should not be taken up. There’s a lot of misunderstanding out there.  Somebody referred to it as a statement by a group of Holocaust survivors.
At the time it was called the EU Monitoring Committee Working Definition of Anti-Semitism until the EUMC got subsumed within the Fundamental Rights Agency which dropped it like a hot potato. It’s never been accepted in law, it was laughed out of court by Sheriff Scott (the trial of the 5 SPSC demonstrators), by Lord Bracadale who presided over the gaoling of Tommy Sheridan and the Libya case, the man of the law had to recommend against it and now we’ve seen Nicola Sturgeon going the other way and hopefully we can be better than that in the Labour Party.
This is Israel's racism - marriage between a Jew and Arab isn't a religious offence it is treason i.e. betraying your race - and 75% of Israeli Jews oppose sharing an apartment with an Arab
I was just finishing university at the time. I was at my last NUS Conference, presided over by Wes Streeting, an MP now who was retiring as President of NUS. The guillotine was coming down on support for the EUMC motion that they’d passed a few years before. He’d already made his valedictory speech, he got up and spoke from the floor and proposed we renew this policy in his last ever statement at NUS Conference. I got up and mentioned the trial that Mick had just won and said that we should not renew it and it went from what would have been unanimous to a very tense card vote.  They still won at that time but the NUS has moved on quite a bit since. Without further ado, Tony Greenstein.
TG:     Thank you comrades.  LAW was formed in October 2017. It is the only organisation which has consistently opposed the witchhunt.  I myself was expelled in February.  Although I was expelled as part of the anti-Semitism witchhunt I wasn’t accused of anti-Semitism! Ironically all those who have been expelled aren’t actually accused of anti-Semitism because the Labour Party might face defamation proceedings. So it’s normally the catch-all charge of bringing the party into disrepute. I was also accused of abusing people like Louise Ellman MP. I called her the MP, not only for Liverpool Riverside but Tel Aviv South.  That was considered to be abusive! I said she was a supporter of the abuse of Palestinian children. I was therefore guilty of trying to shame her. [During a debateon 6 January 2016 on Palestinian child prisoners Ellman had intervened 3 times to support the abuse of the Israeli army – see Time to Deselect Louise Ellman] I argued that she had no shame and that situation was therefore not possible. Nonetheless I was convicted by what I called Labour’s National Kangaroo Court.
After the meeting a friendly meal with activists
My trials began when I was suspended in March 2016. I had a letter from John Stolliday, the unlamented former head of the Compliance Unit, saying I was suspended because of remarks I was alleged to have made. No indication was given as to the nature of the remarks and it was only 2 weeks later that I got some indication when the Daily Telegraphand The Times ran a story that I had been suspended as part of the anti-Semitism witchhunt in the Labour Party.  I got them to correct the allegation that I was anti-Semitic by giving them a legal warning. Nonetheless it was clear what the motivation for my suspension was.
Citing this article led to my suspension
This is an extract from Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem - quoting it led to my suspension
When it came to my investigation there were a number of things I was accused of. My first offence was drawing a comparison between Israel’s marriage laws, where if you are Jewish you can’t marry someone who is non-Jewish, and the Nuremburg Laws of 1935, the race laws of Nazi Germany.  This was held to be anti-Semitic until I pointed out that Hannah Arendt, the greatest Jewish political philosopher of the last century and herself a refugee from Nazi Germany, had made just such a point in the Eichmann Trial, Eichmann in Jerusalem. So they dropped that one! The next accusation was accusing the Israeli government of wanting the Holocaust survivors to die in order that they could deny them welfare benefits.  I pointed out that this allegation in fact was a quote from the front page of Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper and I assumed that they weren’t also being accused of anti-Semitism.
The Daily Mail, which also opposes Labour 'antisemitism' supported Hitler in the 1930's and ran a campaign against the admittance of Jewish refugees from Hitler
It was all a bit of a nonsense but we need to put it into context.  Why has the whole anti-Semitism witch-hunt occurred.  It really goes back to the election of Jeremy Corbyn in the summer of 2015. If you remember, even before Corbyn got elected, when people got wind of the fact that he might be elected, stories started circulating that he had associated with a holocaust denier called Paul Eisen. (Daily Mail, Jewish Chronicle). The reasons for this are quite simple.  Anti-Semitism is used as a weapon, it is instrumentalised in the Labour Party. This happens for a very specific reason, if you think about it.
The Right does not attack Corbyn because he stands against Austerity. Support for  Austerity is not particularly popular so they attack him on what they consider is his weakest position which is the so-called anti-Semitism that he has engendered.
The Sun which is so opposed to 'anti-semitism' was happy to employ Katie Hopkins who compared asylum seekers to vermin
(7.45) If you ask where this has come from, the whole nonsense about the Left and Corbyn being anti-Semitic is a  testimony to the power of the mass media and mainstream narrative. This has gained a great deal of traction even though there is no foundation to it. If you think about it who are the people who are pushing most strongly for the idea that there is anti-Semitism in the Labour Party?  It is the popular press – the Sun, the Daily Mail, the Express and all the rest of them.  These are the same papers who have employed Richard Littlejohn and Katie Hopkins, some of the vilest racists are nonetheless completely devoted to the fight against anti-Semitism!  That should give you an indication, some inkling of where this campaign has come from.
The Board of Deputies, which has always opposed demonstrations against fascists, is always willing to organise demonstrations against antiracists and anti-Zionists
This campaign has been pioneered by the representatives of the Israeli state such as the Board of Deputies of British Jews.  In the 1930’s the Board of Deputies, when Oswald Moseley and the British Union of Fascists were marching through the East End of London, told Jews not to oppose the fascists.  To stay indoors, keep their heads down and hope they go away.
However the Board of Deputies on March 26th held, for the first time in its history, an ‘anti-racist’ demonstration outside the House of Commons. Some of us, from Jewish Voice for Labour and Labour Against the Witchhunt held a counter-demonstration. If you think about it this must be the first anti-racist demonstration that Norman Tebbit has attended.  If you remember Tebbit, he told the unemployed to get on their bikes. Not only Tebbit but members of the Democratic Unionist Party in Northern Ireland, Ian Paisley and company who are well known for their sectarian anti-Catholicism. They too joined in with this so-called anti-racist demonstration. Because of course this demonstration had nothing to do with anti-racism.
When we say that the ‘anti-Semitism’ witch-hunt in the Labour Party has nothing to do with anti-Semitism and everything to do with Israel then we have this mock-horror reaction from the Zionists and their supporters in the Labour Party.  Jon Lansman, the Dictator and Owner of Momentum and all the others who say there are ‘pockets’ of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party. Even if it is ‘unconscious’ anti-Semitism, which means no one knows if it exists. Adopting the psycho-analytical techniques of Freud he is convinced that we are all suffering from this malady. I am not a great fan of psycho-analysis.
This right-wing Tory and Trump supporter accused Corbyn of 'antisemitism' i.e. support of the Palestinians
We don’t have to speculate on the motives of people like Jonathan Arkush. He is a right-wing Tory and was, until recently, President of the Board of Deputies which is a Zionist organisation which is completely unrepresentative of secular Jewry. In his final speech he said ‘Corbyn holds anti-Semitic views which could drive Jewish people to leave Britain if he becomes Prime Minister.’  Arkush is quite clear, it is Corbyn himself who is anti-Semitic.
Arkush also wrotean Open Letter with Jonathan Goldstein of the Jewish Leadership Council just before the March 26th demonostration.  He was quite clear.  ‘Again and again, Jeremy Corbyn has sided with antisemites rather than Jews. At best, this derives from the far left’s obsessive hatred of Zionism, Zionists and Israel.’ He is making it very clear that anti-Semitism is conflated with support for the Palestinians anti-Zionism.  He goes on to say that ‘ At worst, it suggests a conspiratorial worldview in which mainstream Jewish communities are believed to be a hostile entity, a class enemy.’
Jonathan Arkush seen here speaking to a crowd including 2 demonstrators from the Jewish fascist Jewish Defence League (bottom left) - Roberta Moore and her (non-Jewish) boyfriend
So it’s absolutely clear where Arkush is coming from. In case anyone has any illusions that Arkush believes that Corbyn is anti-Semitic it is also the same Jonathan Arkush who, when Donald Trump was elected sent him a message of congratulations!  This is the same Donald Trump who came to power after the most anti-Semitic campaign in recent American history.  Trump was supported wholeheartedly by the Alt-Right which was founded by the neo-Nazi Richard Spencer . You may recall the rally called shortly after Trump was elected where ‘Heil Trump’ was shouted by those giving the Hitler salute.   Spencer is not only a neo-Nazi but he declares he is a White Zionist.
The reason why the neo-Nazi Richard Spencer is a White Zionist is because he admires Israel’s hostility to Muslims, Palestinians and people who are not White. Israel as people will know has recently been trying to expel 40,000 Black African refugees a) because they are not Jewish and b) because they are not White.  To Spencer, the alt-Right and Steve Bannon, Trump’s former senior strategic adviser Israel is a model ethno-nationalist state.  Indeed if you are a racist and a neo-Nazi then I have to ask, what is there not to like about the Israeli state?  The policies of the Israeli state and its practices are precisely the ones that the White Supremacist movement, throughout Europe and America most admire.
So we have the position that we had at the local elections. If you cast your minds back to June last year Corbyn didn’t win the General Election but he did better than anyone, apart from my own blog (!), had imagined would be possible. He actually gained seats and achieved the biggest swing to Labour since 1945. This took many people by surprise. If anyone has seen the video of Stephen Kinnock, the fly-on-the-wall documentary you will remember that when the exit poll was announced he was literally speechless. The Right in the Labour Party had expected that come the General Election they would be shot of Jeremy Corbyn. They have had to recalibrate.
[15.00] The deployment of ‘anti-Semitism’ as a weapon in the last local elections. If you think about it we had a mural, long erased, six years ago, suddenly became an issue one and a half months before those local elections. This was proof that anti-Semitism existed in the Labour Party. I have to say it’s the weakness of the left in the Labour Party and also outside it that has actually bought into this nonsense.  Corbyn’s response should have been that there is no anti-Semitism in the Labour Party as a generalised phenomenon. 
A good friend of mine, Professor Moshe Machover, when he was asked about anti-Semitism in the Labour Party said yes, there are zebras in Norway.  You can go to a zoo in Norway and you will undoubtedly find zebras! But there are not many of them in Norway. It’s not their natural habitat!  You wouldn’t normally associate zebras with Norway but yes there will be one or two. If you have 600,000 members of the Labour Party then undoubtedly you will find one or two anti-Semites. There always have been anti-Semites and probably always will be but they don’t have any influence. For example I’m not aware that there has ever been a resolution passed by the Labour Party saying that Jews are somehow inferior to anyone else.
Anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is a complete none issue but it is a ruling class narrative which has been used to challenge the Palestinian narrative and to undermine the Corbyn leadership. Nothing has chilled debate on Palestine more than the allegations of anti-Semitism. Jon Lansman and others, Chakrabarti included, have said you can’t even talk about Zionism anymore because that might be interpreted as referring to Jews. Of course Zionism is the founding ideology of the Israeli state.  It is an ideology of Jewish supremacism. It is a settler colonial ideology. It explains why I can go to Israel because I’m Jewish and claim citizenship yet someone who is Palestinian, whose family came from there and who lived there for generations has no such right. Zionism explains why 93% of Israeli land is reserved for people who are Jewish whereas 3% of the land is occupied by Israeli Palestinians.
You cannot understand the structure and formation of Israel unless you understand what Zionism is. Incidentally Ken Livingstone, who was hauled over the coals for some of his comments, was correct.  In the 1930’s the Zionist attitude to the rise of the Nazis was to exploit it to use what was happening in order to build their future settler state.  Which was why, when it came to confronting Livingstone, he was accused of bringing the party into disrepute not anti-Semitism. Telling the truth cannot be anti-Semitic.
What we have though is an intimidation of people in the Labour Party. They are afraid to raise the issue of Palestine.  Nowhere more so than with someone like Emily Thornberry.  Although she condemned the Gaza massacres she also says that Israel is a democratic state. We have to bury this idea that Israel is a democratic state.  It is a Jewish state. It is democratic for Jews and Jewish for Palestinians. You can’t have a Jewish state and a democratic state if it is  inbuilt that Jews will always maintain their majority, their supremacy and their rights over the non-Jewish population.  It is therefore an oxymoron to talk about a Jewish democratic state in Israel.
According to the Zionist Board of Deputies, a Jewish group is a 'source of virulent antisemitism'
One of the main demands of the Zionists is that the Labour Party should adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance [IHRA] definition of anti-Semitism that Mick Napier spoke about.  I don’t know if people are aware of this or not but it is one of the main demands in the Open Letter from Arkush and Goldstein to Corbyn which was sent at the time of the March 26th demonstration setting out preconditions for even agreeing to meet with him.  Of course if you remember after that demonstration Corbyn went to a Passover seder with Jewdas, a Jewish group of anarchists and dissidents.  Arkush accused Jewdas, who are Jewish, of being a ‘source of virulent anti-Semitism’ which explains just about everything you need to understand about the nature of the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign.
The reaction to those comments, which were stupid even by the standards of Arkush and the Board of Deputies, meant that they had to drop their preconditions. Arkush said in his letterthat ‘Corbyn must ensure Labour branches adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism, which some hard-left activists have lobbied against.’ So I really want to concentrate my remarks on the IHRA as  it is clearly the main weapon of the Zionists.
The IHRA first saw light of day in 2003 as the EU Monitoring Committee’s Working Definition on Anti-Semitism. Then it was junked.  It disappeared in 2013 as the EUMC’s successor body, the Fundamental Rights Agency took it off its website. We thought it had died a death but like the undead in a Dracula horror movie it has miraculously come to life again.  We have to drive the stake through its heart once again! 
The IHRA starts off with what might seem to be an innocuous definition. ‘Anti-Semitism is a certain perception of Jews which may be expressed as hatred towards Jews.’  Firstly anti-Semitism isn’t just a perception.  It can be a reality, a practice, discrimination and so on.  A ‘certain perception’ doesn’t define anything.  It begs the question, what perception. It says that anti-Semitism ‘may be expressed as hatred towards Jews.’ Well the question that arises is what else it may be expressed at. The answer to that would seem to be opposition to Zionism, Israel and support for the Palestinians. I should also add that in talking about ‘hatred’ rather than ‘hostility’ is raising the bar quite high before something is considered anti-Semitic.
The definition of anti-Semitism in the Oxford English Dictionary [OED] is hostility to Jews, which is a much lower hurdle. Dr Brian Klug, in a lecture‘Echoes of Shattering Glass’ in a lectureat the Jewish Museum in Berlin in 2014 defined anti-Semitism in 21 words:
antisemitism is a form of hostility to Jews as Jews, where Jews are perceived as something other than what they are.
If you look at the IHRA definition it has 11 examples, 7 of which mention Israel. One of them is ‘drawing comparisons between contemporary Israeli policy with those of the Nazis.’ Now I’m not in favour of comparing everything that Israel does to those of the Nazis. However I think it can be quite useful on occasion.  Professor Daniel Blatman, a Holocaust researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem makes exactly those comparisons.   But there are other comparisons. For example last week there were demonstrations in the northern Israeli city of Afula. They were demonstrating against the fact that a Jewish person had sold their house to an Arab. Afula is a 100% Jewish city and in Israel this is unacceptable. In Israel most communities and towns are Jewish only.
The Knesset passed, a couple of years ago, the Admissions Committees Law which stipulates that any community of 500 or less can decide whether or not to admit someone to their community on any grounds they so choose – so if they are an Arab they will not be admitted. Incidentally if they are Black and Ethiopian Jews they also won’t be admitted.
[25.00] So the right to racially discriminate is written into Israeli law.  In Afula, which is 50,000 strong, you don’t have Admission Committees. Therefore you have an unofficial policy which is enforced through organisations like the Jewish National Fund.  Here you had someone selling their private house to someone who wasn’t Jewish and you had complete uproar, including the previous Mayor. This isn’t unique.  Three years ago in the same city there were tenders put out for people to bid for houses.  Half the people who won the bids were Arabs. So again you had demonstrations in this city against the sale of houses to Israeli Arabs. The Nazareth District Court cancelled the whole operation because the bidding process had gone wrong and it was diluting the racial composition of Afula.
I could spend an hour just detailing the racist discrimination in most areas of life in Israel.  I’ve just done a blog on how in most Israeli hospitals if you are about to give birth, if you are Jewish, then you are put into a separate ward from Arab women. But if you compare those practices to Nazi Germany where also there were signs in villages and spa resorts in particular saying ‘Jews not Welcome’ that is apparently anti-Semitic.  That is one example of ‘anti-Semitism’.
Another example of ‘anti-Semitism’ is holding Jews collectively responsible for the actions of Israel.  I happen to agree. It is anti-Semitic if you say that someone who is Jewish is responsible for what Israel does. But then Israel calls itself a Jewish state and not only a Jewish state but a state of the Jews. It is written into Israeli law, for example the new Jewish Nation State Bill that Israel represents not only its own Jewish citizens but Jews wherever they may be found in the world.  That is part of the Jerusalem Programme of the World Zionist Organisation.
There is no such thing as an Israeli nationality. There’s been two court cases George Tamarin v State of Israel in 1972 and Uzi Ornan in 2013. These were cases where Israeli Jews wanted to be classified as Israeli not Jewish nationals. The courts were quite clear. There cannot be an Israeli nationality because in Israel, there are something like 130 nationalities but only one of them matters – the Jewish nationality.  The reason why is simple. In the words of Chief Judge Agranat in Tamarinthe desire to create an Israeli nation separate from the Jewish nation is not a legitimate aspiration.’ What this means is that Israel is a state of all Jews wherever they live and it purports to represent Jews worldwide.  It’s not surprising then that some people blame Jews for what Israel does.
Then there is the wonderful illustration, this in a definition of anti-Semitism, denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination for example by claiming that the existence of the State of Israel is a racist endeavour. It’s a complete non-sequitur for a start. It is quite possible to support the right of Jews to self-determination but you will still say that Israel is racist.
On the other hand denying someone the right to self-determination isn’t in itself racist. I know I’m speaking to a Scottish audience here but it is quite possible to say that Scottish people don’t have the right to self-determination without being called a racist. That is a political position.  It has nothing to do with whether you are hostile to people because they are Scottish. This is the nonsense which has been introduced, or which they are attempting to introduce, as a definition of anti-Semitism.
The IHRA definition is 450 words long. You don’t need a definition of anti-Semitism which is 450 words. You should be able to make do with about 7 words. ‘Anti-Semitism is hostility to Jews as Jews.’  Yet the Zionist organisations – the Jewish Labour Movement, the Labour Friends of Israel etc. are pushing for this definition. The reason why is that it conflates support for the Palestinians, opposition to Zionism and anti-Semitism. That really is the fight that we have at the moment.
It’s very good that the University College Union has rejected the IHRA and Liberty, which was the National Council for Civil Liberties has rejected it on basic free speech grounds.  People like Sir Stephen Sedley, who was a judge in the Court of Appeal who is himself Jewish has come out very strongly against the IHRA in an article Defining Anti-Semitismin the London Review of Books. Sedley said that the problem with the IHRA, apart from anything else, is that it is open-ended, it’s not a definition.
But of course in the Labour Party people are intimidated. Momentum has not taken up the question of anti-Semitism. I make a prediction.  I don’t have a crystal ball but the anti-Semitism nonsense is going to be rerun again possibly at Labour Party conference and probably before the next local elections. It’s something which will run and run. The reason why is quite simple. When Corbyn was elected I imagine it induced panic, not only in the Israeli Embassy but also the American Embassy.  Someone who was anti-NATO, opposed the war in Iraq, was seen as hostile to Western imperialist interests and was likely to become leader of the second major party in America’s closes ally in Europe. I have no hesitation in saying that this campaign is driven by political interests abroad, not least in the United States. If you think about it the USA invests hundreds of millions of dollars in its intelligence agencies to destabilise countries with whose politics they disagree. They have a record of this throughout Latin America but also in Europe, Cointelpro. There was a whole programme in the post-war period to finance and subsidise Atlantacist and pro-American organisations. That is what we are seeing now.
In 20-30 years some young journalist, maybe on the Guardian, if it still exists, or a researcher will discover via a freedom of information request files in the American embassy which show quite conclusively where and how this campaign was planned. I have no doubt that it did not arise spontaneously. [32:40]
Response to Questions from the audience
TG:     The first question was about my record in the Labour Party. Well I was a member 20 odd years ago and I was suspended under the Neil Kinnock witchhunt in 1992-3. In fact the whole of Brighton Labour Party was suspended. Primarily because the Party disagreed with the councillors over things like prosecuting people who failed to pay the poll tax. They suspended the party and I was the editor of something called the Friends of Brighton Labour Party. I was hauled up before a panel, it wasn’t the National Constitutional Committee and Larry Whitty, who was then General Secretary, came down to Brighton specially to prosecute my case. There were about 30 of us so I was quite honoured. Sure enough. I was suspended for one year which was really quite a mild punishment. Others got expelled if they were in Militant. I joined the party after my one year suspension. I was living in Woodingdean, which is on the outskirts of Brighton. I got a local Labour newsletter through telling me about the campaign against the local gypsies who were occupying Happy Valley Park. I immediately wrote them a letter and told them I was resigning because I didn’t want to be part of a party that was engaging in racist attacks on Roma. Incidentally speaking of that, John Mann  MP, who is one of the main proponents of the anti-Semitism witchhunt, is himself a vehement racist when it comes to Roma and Gypsies. [see John Mann MP’s opposition to ‘anti-Semitism’ doesn’t extend to Gypsies and Travellers] These people have no objection to racism, which is why we have the right-wing tabloid press, who on the one hand demonise anyone who is Muslim or Black or refugees but on the other hand are so concerned about anti-Semitism.
The Daily Mail, which campaigned against Jewish refugees in the 1930’s is resolutely opposed to anti-Semitism today. What advice do I give?  The advice I always give. To stand and fight and not accept the narrative of our opponents that this has nothing to do with anti-Semitism.  After all those of us who fought and opposed the fascists and National Front were also accused of racism. They had a campaign for Rights for Whites. We were anti-White.  That is what the Apartheid regime in South Africa said. None of this is new but it didn’t gain any credence or traction at that time. Today ‘anti-Semitism’ is pushed even though it has nothing to do with anti-Semitism.
The third question is about responding to the media. We don’t control the media of course. I think one of the lessons from the general election last year is that despite the attacks of the media on Jeremy Corbyn we still did remarkably well. People were turned off by the vehemence of the attack. Instead of bowing down to people like Jonathan Arkush and the Jewish Labour Movement who attack Corbyn and Palestinian supporters as ‘anti-Semites’ stand up to them. Call them out.  Say that ‘you’re not really concerned about anti-Semitism, it’s about Zionism.
Zionism came about because, unlike every other Jewish current, it accepted the arguments of the anti-Semites. They said anti-Semitism was inevitable, you couldn’t fight it. That’s why their political programme was to set up a Jewish state in Palestine. As A B Yehoshua, a prominent left-Zionist novelist who holds to something called the ‘Negation of the Diaspora’. One of the founding principles of Zionism was its contempt for Jews who lived outside Palestine. They believed that Jews deserved the anti-Semitism they experienced because they had developed asocial characteristics as a result of not living on national land. It was very much blood and soil nationalism.
Yehoshua, in a lecture to the Union of Jewish Students (Jewish Chronicle 22.1.82) thought he would tell it to them straight because some of the Zionists actually do believe that we are anti-Semitic.  He said ‘‘Anti-Zionism is not the product of the non-Jews. On the contrary, the Gentiles have always encouraged Zionism, hoping that it would help rid them of the Jews in their midst. Even today, in a perverse way, a real anti-Semite must be a Zionist.’ That’s right.  If someone goes up to me in a pub and says you don’t belong here, you should go to Israel, they are either an anti-Semite or a Zionist or both.
Mick Napier: On the whole issue of BDS I have 2 passports. Palestinians usually have none. In the same week that the Canadian government passed legislation criminalising BDS dockers in Vancouver turned away an Israeli ship in support of the Palestinian call for Boycott.
The BDS call is a response to decades and decades of lobbying the authorities.  It’s because they delivered nothing that BDS is a call to take action by dockers, by campaigners of every stripe. Things are reaching such an extreme that, as Tony said, we have been forbidden from saying things which are manifestly true. Of course governments lie.  Anyone who denies that proposition is off their head but there are degrees of lying. When you see a couple of week ago snipers crumpling Palestinians to the ground, medical workers, people who already had both legs removed after a previous smash up and you hear Theresa May’s government say and by the way, the Tories since the last massacre have increased arms sales to Israel by a factor of 10. We now sell Israel sniper rifle parts to massacre people demonstrating for their rights, you hear Theresa May’s Ministers say Britain has the strongest legislative protection governing the use of arms that we sell in the whole world. It’s not possible for these sniper rifle parts to be used by snipers in Israel to kill the Palestinians. It’s manifestly nonsense, a lie and the glaring nature of the lie works in our favour.
I went to a marvellous series a couple of week ago called The World Against Apartheid. The BBC showed it. a 7 part series from the USA. You see that the struggle against Apartheid in some parts of the world, not just those who ran on the pitch in Murrayfield, you see that in some parts of the world like in New Zealand, it was semi-insurrectionary. It was a mass popular movement against that hostile government. The hostile government backed the Apartheid Rugby Tour and a massive section of the population was quite prepared to take very militant, determined action tearing down fences in order to bring that tour to a shuddering halt.
So the fact that we see a growth of reaction, we see institutions moving to a pro-Israel direction, doesn’t surprise me. The BDS movement doesn’t draw its strength from winning them over but from resisting them and learning the lessons of the anti-Apartheid struggle. I think the tremendous developments in America and elsewhere on the BDS front give great cause for hope.
The most Jewish university in America, the elite Barnard College in New York, has just had an overwhelming vote for BDS. So we are winning, we are many and they are few. They organise and we need to organise much better. In terms of the media of course we cannot control what goes into these sewer rags like the Sun and The Mail. People will be subject to those lies to a degree and to a greater degree if they are isolated and watching the TV and newspapers on their own. They will be prey to the lies. The more we are organised and come together and mutually criticise these lies then the greater the freedom and the greater we can resist the media.  We have to make our own media as well but we have to come together, organise and discuss. [46.02]
[57:30] Ian Drummond: The speaker will come back in a second. There’s just one thing I would like to say. Most of the people who’ve been kicked out of the Labour Party over this or been suspended are actually Jewish like Tony or Black like Marc Wadsworth and it’s Black or Jewish anti-racists who have been targeted by this anti-racist witchhunt.
Mick Napier: I’m old enough to have been involved in the campaign against the war in Vietnam. Three million people were killed. The Americans invaded because Eisenhower said that if they had elections Ho Chi Minh was going to win. Therefore 3 million had to die to prevent elections.  We were told at that time that Vietnam had invaded Vietnam and America was intervening to protect the Vietnamese from the Vietnamese. When you say it like that it sounds pretty mad and it is mad but that was the argument which was being carried to justify genocide. There’s never any escape from it. The arguments which will be used to crush the people of Kenya or Vietnam or Palestine will be bonkers. If you reflect on them for a moment they will not hold any water.  There’s no escaping that.  I think the strategy when you are accused of being an anti-Semite is to be bloody angry and to go on attack. To counter-attack. Not to sit down and say ‘well let’s discuss if I am an anti-Semite or not’. Tony alluded to some of the darkness of the anti-Semitism of Zionism.  Lets just take one example.  We could be here a week. The boulevard that runs around the Knesset is called Arthur Ruppin Boulevard. This is not a guy who was ranting in a pub, this was a major figure in Zionist history.  He was a romantic German blood and soil nationalist. They kicked him out but he carried all the filth with him. This is where I lower my voice in case anyone thinks this is a BNP meeting.
Arthur Ruppin was a major figure in Zionist land colonisation. He wrote and he said that the ancient Jews were Aryans.  We were corrupted by an infusion of Semitic genes that predisposed them to money lending and other degenerate behaviours and they could only overcome this Semitic genetic corruption by moving to Palestine and becoming hewers of wood and farmers and plumbers and good knows what. This racist filth saturates many strands of Zionism from the very beginning. I don’t think we should be defensive.  We should go on the attack and we should say how on earth can the apartheid structures of Israel not be the product of an ever racist ideology and that’s what Zionism is. And if we stand our ground those people who are hurling the invective with no basis whatsoever, I don’t want to say that the truth always wins, it doesn’t, but if you stand your ground it’s a hell of an asset. So let’s go on the attack. It’s a very dangerous time. I was chilled to the bone a few days ago when the new fascist Interior Minister and Deputy Prime Minister in Italy, Matteo Salvini, saidthey were going to cleanse Italy of Roma, street by street. That is Nazi talk. These are dangerous times. Italy's deputy PM Salvini called for 'mass cleansing, street by street, quarter by quarter', newly resurfaced footage reveals. These people are not always but very largely drawn to Israel as Tony pointed out earlier because they are attracted to a state which slaughters large numbers of brown-skinned people and non-Jews. So the lines are drawn, there is a major fight is coming up, the future of civilisation is hanging in there, we lost it in the 30’s and something is happening which is redrawing the lines. But when those lines are redrawn those who support human rights, those who support the Palestinian struggle for freedom and democracy will find themselves with progressive forces. Those who support Israel are going to be the like of those cleaning the streets of Italy street by street of Roma and they are dark, dark, fascist forces.  I am absolutely confident that when we do fight we are going to win.
Ian Drummond         It was Matteo Salvini who tried to lobby the Argentinian football team against their boycott of Israel.
[1.03:07]          Tony Greenstein When Mick raised the figure of Arthur Ruppin, who was a major figure in Zionist history, who was known as the Father of Land Settlement and also the Father of Israeli Sociology I thought he was going to mention the incident where he went over to Nazi Germany in the summer of 1933 and he visited Hans Güntherwho was Professor of Social Anthropology and Racial Sciences of Jenna University. He had been put in Jenna University in May 1930 by Wilhelm Frick, who was the first Nazi State Minister (of Education) in Thuringia, Germany. Gunther was the ideological mentor of Heinrich Himmler, who as Head of the SS was the personal responsible for the implementation of the Final Solution.
According to Ruppin’s diaries, they both got on famously and largely agreed in their discussions about Aryans, Jews and the racial sciences. This meeting is omitted I believe by Alex Bein from the English and Hebrew translations of the diaries but included in the German version.
The fact is that Gunther and Ruppin were at one over the Jewish Question. They both accepted that there were too many Jews in Germany. I realise that I will be accused of anti-Semitism for saying this but since the topic has come up, I should mention David Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel who was the key figure in the history of Zionism. The Zionist attitude before the world was quite simple. If the Jews were going to go anywhere, if they were to leave Germany, then they should only go to Palestine. It would be useless, worse than useless, for them to go to any other place because they would simply recreate the Jewish Question in those countries. After Krystallnacht, the Nazi pogrom against the Jews in November 1938, Britain agreed to take 10,000 children, the Kindertransport, although they wouldn’t take their parents, who mostly died in the Final Solution. But the Zionist movement was not happy about this at all. Ben Gurion, in a speech to the Central Committee of the Israeli Labour Party, Mapai, said:
Were I to know that the rescue of all German Jewish children could be achieved by their transfer to England and of only half their number by transfer to Palestine, I would opt for the latter, because our concern is not only the personal interests of these children, but the historic interests of the Jewish people." which can be found in Shabtai Teveth’s biography of Ben Gurion, The Burning Ground.
In other words, what mattered most was the building of a Jewish racial state not the actual rescue and safety of the Jewish children themselves.
You mentioned, Jonathan, how do we combat this ideology. Let me say first of all that my own experience is that for most people in Britain it is quite easy to make a distinction between hatred of Jews, i.e. anti-Semitism and hatred of what Israel does and Zionism. It’s not a difficult concept. The idea that anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are one and the same thing is a ruling class narrative. It is a narrative of the yellow press and their journalists. For most people it’s not difficult to draw that distinction. I’m not as pessimistic as most people are that we can win that debate.
Of course in the Labour Party the right-wing have adopted the ‘anti-Semitism narrative’ not because they are anti-racist, quite the contrary. Because that is the best way of supporting the alliance with the United States. The main threat to that is Jeremy Corbyn. The tragedy is that instead of Corbyn and Momentum resisting that narrative, that anti-Semitism is a phenomenon in the Labour Party, they have gone along with it.
Momentum, which is led by Jon Lansman, who is himself a Zionist and a racist, is like one of those Mountain Trolls in Harry Potter’s Philosopher’s Stone. It is an enormous creature but unfortunately it doesn’t have very much of a brain. That is like Momentum. It has 40,000 members but it has no brain. It lumbers around from crisis to crisis, led by Lansman, who is the personal owner of Momentum Ltd. It has no internal democracy and therefore cannot change its policies because there is no forum or means with which to do so.
By accepting the ‘anti-Semitism narrative’ Momentum has accepted the attack of the Labour Right on Corbyn. It’s a battle he can never win because they are going to come back time and time again on the same theme that Labour is anti-Semitic. Corbyn will plead and promise to be the most militant fighter against a non-existent anti-Semitism yet he won’t be able to deliver because it’s not possible to deliver on something that doesn’t exist.
Corbyn said Labour has ‘pockets’ of anti-Semitism. So the Zionists held up a banner in their ‘anti-racist’ demonstration saying the pocket is Jeremy Corbyn. He can’t win on this and that’s why you have to stand up and say ‘no, we don’t accept this nonsense’.
The important thing at the moment is to build Labour Against the Witchhunt in Scotland and campaign on those politics. We have to reject the allegations of anti-Semitism.  As Alex Sayle said: ‘most of the people who have been suspended from the Labour Party seem to have been Jewish.’
It’s not people who are anti-Semitic who are being expelled.  Yes of course people make clumsy or silly remarks from time to time but one of the reasons that people sometimes do indulge in what is seen as anti-Semitic rhetoric or blame Jews rather than Zionists is precisely because Zionist organisations in this country do their best to associate British Jews with the massacres and war crimes in Gaza and all the other horrors that Israel is involved in. It’s not surprising that some people are fooled by that and do blame Jews.  But that’s not anti-Semitism in the historically understood, traditional sense. It’s simply loose language that occurs as a consequence of deliberate political mystification. People are fooled into believing Israel is a Jewish state whereas there is nothing specifically Jewish about it.
Amazingly enough, most Israeli Jews and Zionists do not see a system of reserving land for Jews only as racist
How do we campaign? I think we should campaign on the real things. For example the Jewish National Fund which owns 13% and controls 93% of Israeli land. The JNF has a constitution which says that it can only lease or rent land. This came under challenge in 2000 when the High Court ruled in Kadaan, that it was no longer permissible to rent or refuse to sell land to Jews only. This led to the Jewish Chronicle in 2008 staging a debate "Is it racist to set aside Israeli land for Jews only?".I think that’s a no brainer! Clearly within the Zionist movement it isn’t.
In fact the Knesset, following Kadaan, then went on to pass legislation allowing Jews to continue discriminating against non-Jews when it came to the sale or renting of land.
I could give dozens of examples of racism, for example ‘Israel bans novel on Arab-Jewish romance in schools because it threatens Jewish identity.’A novel Borderland by Israeli novelist Dorit Rabinyan described a romance between Jewish and Arab teenagers. It was banned from the high school English syllabus because it undermined the whole idea of Jewish identity.
Mixed marriages in Israel are frowned upon. My parents were always opposed to me marrying someone who is not Jewish. That was on religious grounds but in Israel it is considered a form of national treason. So very few people in Israel marry someone of another religion and you can’t do it in Israel. That was why the book was banned. It undermined the purity of the race.
The best way to undermine this nonsense is by pointing out the hypocrisy of the racists and Zionists who support these things.  Labour Friends of Israel did itself no favours when it came out and blamed the Palestinians who were murdered in Gaza for their own deaths.                      
We also have to expose the hypocrites on the Labour left. The Labour left has become differentiated now. What was the pro-Corbyn movement has splintered between those who go along with the narrative of the Right and those like ourselves who oppose it.
We have to be quite clear that those who support the anti-Semitism attacks of the JLM/LFI are therefore supporting the Right in practice.  That is why today Momentum nationally is so politically useless. [1.13.22]
Mick Napier:
[1:26:16] I just want to point out what we haven’t talked about, viz. that there is no witchhunt inside the SNP. The SNP has been cowed into silence and they know that. They are a much more disciplined and Stalinist organisation than the Labour Party. As a Scottish Palestine solidarity campaign some of our members are in the Labour Party, I was in the Labour Party, for two days in 1964, when Harold Wilson was elected and then the rot set in then. We come to different trajectories to the same challenges we face today. We can work as a Palestine solidarity campaign, which is not aligned with any political party at all and never will be in order to work with activists inside the Labour Party and inside the SNP as well.
A few years ago I spoke to Edinburgh South CLP and at Leith CLP and the majority of the people in the room were in agreement. We are willing to have speakers come to speak to political groups in order to carry this argument against false anti-Semitism.
There is a bright new sun that has arisen that is quite small but Jews Against Zionism have made their presence felt in Scotland over the last few weeks by challenging the narrative from the Zionist leaders of the Jewish community and there are excellent speakers in Jews Against Zionism that you can invite to come and speak to your branches and party as well. They are by and large socialist and can carry the argument. But the rot has set in. We saw a terrible situation here in Scotland where the march against racism last March organised by anti-racists in Scotland and so frightened were the organisers that they allowed Israeli flags to be flown there and they allowed a virulently racist organisation The Scottish Confederation of Friends of Israel to turn up with the intention of participating in that march.  And when you spoke to the people who had organised it, they were terrified.  The phrase that crops up time and time again ‘we are afraid to be seen to be anti-Semitic.’
To use the passive voice.  Seen by whom? And I agree with Tony when you carry the argument to ordinary people it’s not difficult to win it. You can easily win it. And if anyone’s tempted by gloom look at the opinion polls. Over many many years, they haven’t even changed dramatically. Public opinion in this country and right across Europe is very hostile to the State of Israel. It tends to be very suspicious of what Israel is up to and tends to be very open to support the Palestinians.
The Jews have got it wrong. It is the Catholics who were chosen.  I was told that at school by all the teachers! But I think that every religious denomination is taught that they are chosen and the rest are all ready for eternal damnation.
Friends it’s a very dangerous time.  If we look at the situation in Palestine against the background of the carnage in the Middle East, the devastation of Iraq, the devastation of Libya, the dismantling of several states, the atrocious genocidal violence that has been visited upon the people of Yemen, with British weapon supplied to the Saudis, and when you look at Europe you see, once again the rise of the extreme Right. You have to see these things as a whole. The issue of Palestine remains a litmus test. Those people who support what is happening against the people of Palestine will tend to be the enemies of freedom, the enemies of socialism and they will align with the right-wing. It’s a contradictory process but as things develop you will find that Palestine is a litmus test. When you argue for Palestinian freedom, when you argue against the apartheid structures of the State of Israel, when you argue against the inherent virulent racism of Zionism, then you can carry a process of political education into politicala parties, Labour and I hope the SNP although that has got a much better carapace
Tony Greenstein:      The best form of defence is attack. When they accuse us of anti-Semitism we should point out a few home truths. I was at a demonsration a couple of weeks, ago, the Al Quds  demonstration, it was the day after 15,000 supporters of the Football Lads Alliance had been demonstrating in London and a few hundred of these fascists came to support the Zionist counter-demonstration to Al Quds.
There is a growing alliance between sections of the Zionist movement in this country and the far-Right. So for example Tommy Robinson, who’s been sentenced to 13 months in prison for contempt of court, they had a solidarity demonstration with him outside the British Embassy in Tel Aviv. Tommy Robinson might no like Muslims, he might not like Jews very much but he certainly loves Israel. In America where there is the second largest Jewish community in the world, which is different from the British Jewish community in that most of them are not Orthodox Jews, so there is a large cleavage between them and Israel.  Amongst the most ardent advocates for BDS in America are young Jewish students. When Donald Trump was elected he was welcomed effusively in Israel by the Zionist movement, because he has moved the US Embassy  to Jerusalem which he has recognised as Israel’s capital, he has made no secret of his hostility to the Palestinians, you had the main Jewish newspaper Forward with articles like this, The Disturbing Alliance Between Zionists and Anti-Semites by Susan Schneider or How Steve Bannon and Breitbart News can be pro-Israel and anti-Semitic at the same timeby Naomi Zeveloff. There is no doubt that the alt-Right in America is anti-Semitic. Yet the Zionist Organisation of America invited as its guests of honour not only Steve Bannon, who is anti-Semitic but someone who is even worse, Sebastian Gorka who was also an adviser to Trump.  Gorka was a member of Vitenzi Rend which is a Hungarian neo-Nazi group which was formed by Admiral Horthy in the second world war. Horthy was the pro-Nazi ruler who presided over the deportation of nearly half a million Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz   
You see this throughout Europe where you have far-Right governments which almost invariably are enthusiastic supporters of Israel. Viktor Orban, the Prime Minister of Hungary, who I don’t think anyone needs any introduction to, has erected a fortress around Hungary and now made it a criminal offence to give aid, succour or food to refugees. He’s a strong supporter of Netanyahu and vice-versa. [It has just been announcedthat Netanyahu has just invited Orban to pay a state visit to Israel in July].
Orban however doesn’t like George Soros, the former Hungarian Jewish billionaire, who he portray and attacks as a traditional Jewish financier and manipulator but then neither does Netanyahu because he financed some Israeli human rights organisations. The Polish government has just passed a law criminalising mention of Polish complicity in the Holocaust. Or the Austrian Freedom Party under Heinz Christian Strache which began life as a neo-Nazi party and still contains many such creatures and which is now in government, is also pro-Israel. Or Geert Wilders in The Netherlands, head of the Freedom Party, which is the second major party in their parliament. Wilders is ardently pro-Israel but he is a fascist and he came to London to speak at the Free Tommy Robinson rally.
The reality in the world today is that if people are anti-Semitic and fascist then they will almost certainly be pro-Zionist. There is no dichotomy at all.  You mentioned about philo-semitism which is where you are supposedly pro-Jewish. The best example was Owen Smith. You remember when he challenged Jeremy Corbyn for the leadership. When asked in a debate sponsored by the Jewish Labour Movement, what he  most admired about Jews, he saidthat Jews are very good at business. (laughter) Well this is the typical stereotype of Jews! They are good at business.  It is an anti-Semitic stereotype or trope. Philo-semitism and anti-Semitism are really two sides of the same coin – you attribute certain characteristics to Jews but you believe they are positive rather than negative.
Zionism began from an acceptance that what anti-Semites said about Jews was basically correct. That because of their asocial characteristics, which the Zionists accepted, they did not belong in non-Jewish society. That’s why you had people like Ruppin and Pinhas Rosenbluth, the first Israeli Justice Minister, who saidthat Palestine was an ‘Institute for the fumigation of Jewish vermin.’ Often when you listen to something said about Jews it could either be by an anti-Semite or a Zionist. You really wouldn’t know unless you had further information.
What is LAW doing? Well LAW will be holding a national conference in the autumn. So I hope people come to it.  And yes we are planning for at least one fringe meeting at Labour Party conference. In addition Jackie Walker is likely to be coming up for a hearing for the National Kangaroo Committee. I don’t think there is any doubt that when she does come up she will be expelled. Obviously we will be planning a speaking tour for Jackie and other events. Jackie will no doubt be wanting to come and speak to meetings in Scotland.
The witchhunt is not going to go away. This is one of the main weapons of the Right in the party.  We have to take it to the left, people in the Campaign for Socialism and Momentum and say that if you accept the witch hunt then you really are accepting the narrative of those who oppose Corbyn.  Let’s be under no doubt the election results last year were a great disappointment to the Right. The Right had looked forward to seeing the end of Corbyn. They still have not become reconciled to him. That is why it is so disastrous that Corbyn has followed an appeasement strategy approach to the Right rather than going all out to deselect as many of the bastards as possible.
I have little doubt that if Corbyn is in the position to for a government, maybe with SNP support, 50-60 of the Labour Right will probably say that they will not support him under any circumstances. People like Joan Ryan, Louise Ellman, the MP for Hove Peter Kyle, would rather see the Conservatives in power than Jeremy Corbyn. That is something that Lansman, who is particular stupid and thick, does not get. These people will not be bought off.
The only way you can win is by defeating them politically. Momentum is not doing very well in terms of selection of parliamentary candidates precisely because it’s embarked on this appeasement strategy coupled with its complete lack of internal democracy.
Finally as regards the 2 states solution which Corbyn  espouses. You are right.  2 states will never come about because Zionism does not claim sovereignty over part of Palestine. It claims sovereignty over all of Palestine. So the idea that it is going to grant Palestinian self-determination or any form of Palestinian state is for the birds. Our demand should be Palestine today is one state, a Greater Israel in which the Israeli Palestinians have limited democratic rights and the other 5 million or so have no democratic rights whatsoever and live under a permanent military occupation. So our demands are simple. One person, one vote and a state of all its citizens when Balad, the National Democratic League, which has 3 members of the Knesset, put a bill forward to that effect, they refused to even discuss it because the idea of one unitary democratic state is completely incompatible with a Jewish state. [see Jerusalem Post, 4 June 2018, [see Knesset refuses to put bill rejecting Jewish, democratic Israel to a vote].
2 States is a diversion. It plays into the hands of the Zionists. As long as you hold out the mirage of 2 states then Israel has the pretext for not granting any form of democratic rights to the 5-6 million Palestinians under occupation. That’s why Labour Friends of Israel support a 2 state solution. They know it will never come about and that’s why it’s equally wrong for Corbyn, stupid beyond measure, for him to adopt that. There should be one state, one democratic state as in South Africa. So thank you very much. [1.40.10.]
Glasgow LAW Meeting 27thJune 2018
Emeritus Professor of Marxist Studies at Glasgow University - Hillel Ticktin
Ideological developments since the war make a kind of peculiar formation. The absurdity of calling an anti-Zionist an anti-Semite even if they are Jew has to be explained. It’s so nuts to be able to say anything like that there must be some explanation as to what lies behind it. On the exact formation I’m not going to speak. I’m just trying to explain what would be both the objective and ideological background which has formed over the last 70 years, since the war. Britain is in a peculiar position even among major capitalist powers. Obviously Brexit itself shows that but it’s more than that. The fact is that Britain was the imperial overlord until the end of the second world war. The British ruling class had decided and agreed with the American ruling class in a conference in 1922/3 that would conceded to the United States. At that time in the Soviet Union they were debating as to whether there would be a war between Britain and the United States. In fact they came to terms and Britain conceded the fact that they would be inferior and would take orders from the United States. That is what it boiled down to.
And indeed after the war that is what happened. The British Empire became, in effect, a part of the American Empire. But what that also meant was as we know the British Empire in that process either went over to the American sphere of influence or it effectively disintegrated and ceased to be, as in the case of Burma which seceded completely. Now the overall effect of that was the flow of money to Britain of course was more limited in other words the British exploitation of the world overall was more limited.  Consequently the standard of living in Britain itself was less than it would have been if they had continued to have the same empire or imperial forms that had existed before.
That has been the process ever since with the disintegration of the empire. Although the colonies virtually ceased to exist by the end of the 60’s if they were there till then and the Dominions weren’t entirely self-governing. I remember how well that even in 1949 the Sterling Area where money earned by the South Africa economy had to remain in Britain.
Now that has been gradually going away and is part of the reason for the relative, not the absolute, decline of Britain itself.  But of course, at a certain point, it becomes absolute, more important. At this point we see it in that for the first time we actually have a greater outflow of rent, dividends etc. from Britain than an inflow from outside.  In other words formerly you had an inflow into Britain, now you have in effect there is more leaving than coming in.
This has only happened in the relatively recent period and is in large part the result of the overall global crisis. Let us say it has speeded up the process. It is partly a reflection also of the fact that a large proportion today of British investments is in the United States itself. We can see that in the USA the reverse is true. That is to say that today we have a peculiar position that although there is more foreign investment in the USA than US investments in other countries there is a bigger flow into the US than out of it.  In other words the United States is living off the rest of the world. [5:31}
That isn’t happening to Britain anymore. It’s in a much more difficult position than it has been for a very long time.  In one sense you could say, it goes back a 100 years or more. In other words Britain has a crisis which is additional to the overall global crisis. It’s something which is clear if you read the newspapers because they mention this sort of thing but they don’t put it in the context in which I’ve just put it.
Now the second point I’d make is what sort of policy has the bourgeoisie followed in this country. After the war they effectively conceded with the Labour Party and Conservative Party governments adopting a reformist policy. Even when the Labour Party lost in 1951 the same remained true, they had a progressive housing policy etc.  If you remember MacMillan was Prime Minister from 1957 to 1964. In the 1980’s MacMillan stood up in the House of Lords and denounced Thatcher precisely for the reasons you might say.  He said ‘for god’s sake these people fought in the War.’
The Tory was split in other words but the Thatcher element was crucial. In other words a section of the ruling class took a hard line, effectively saying ‘we’ve lost the Empire, we’re going into the EU and that’s going to help us but that’s not enough.’  We can’t continue with a policy of concessions and of nationalisation. We have to undo it. We have to reverse the entire policy. Which is what they’ve done.
The peculiarity in that was that the Labour Party accepted it.  After 1984 when Michael Foot was effectively thrown out and Kinnock became leader the Labour Party shifted almost violently to the right. When Blair came in he himself had shifted from being an assistant to Tony Benn to being somebody on the right, going even further right without any stopping him.
So the Labour Party shifted really violently to the right although it wasn’t that left-wing even under Foot. The point is if you put it in other terms whereas previous governments before Thatcher came in had adopted a Keynesian policy. Now of course Keynes wasn’t left-wing but if you read Keyne’s work you are never sure where on earth he is. He was obviously with the bourgeoisie and helped the bourgeoisie in 1945 formulate a reformist policy.
Now one of the central tenets of that policy and one that has been denounced ever since and which the Cameron government consistently denounced and the present on continues to denounce, that is there is no such thing as a magical money tree.  That sort of stuff.
[9.26] Now that statement is absolute rubbish. It’s got nothing to do with reality. What Thatcher did was to talk of Dickens and Micawber. You can only spend what you’ve got. If you spend £20.06 you are ruined. The amazing thing is that the Labour Party never denounced the Tory policy in those terms. If you listened to Miliband you couldn’t believe the way the guy was conceding. It’s simply nonsense.  It’s not a question of a kind of sudden discovery of economics, it’s an obvious point that if you have the resources and you have unemployment, a downturn, a crisis then the obvious thing to do is to pour money into it. What on earth is money there for? All that it is is a means of exchange. Obviously you can pour money, as much as you can and you won’t get any inflation, there’s no problem. You can print as much as you like to get it going.
Now that’s so obvious you would think they would pick it up and agree with it, but they don’t.  So obviously the reason they don’t doesn’t have to do with reality and it’s no fantastic invention of Keynes either as it is obviously true. So when Cameron came in and reversed in effect the Labour Party’s line under Gordon Brown, who amazingly took a line slightly to the left of his own cabinet on this, Cameron then adopted this policy of austerity and that led the world effectively into a permanent policy of austerity, which is simply a means of control.
 This has two consequences. Britain had the most right-wing government since Castlereagh. That’s when Byron and Shelley wrote
Interjection by the Chair!  I metMurder on the way, he had a mask like Castereagh’ [The Mask of Anarchy]
HT:     Exactly. I say Cameron and Castlereagh had the same policy. The policy they adopted was vicious. He didn’t have to adopt the policy. There was no fundamental reason in the Conservative rule book that you have to do it. They did it as a means of control. They knew what they were doing.  They were afraid. Now the interesting thing is that the Labour Party under Blair had more or less followed the policy without saying so.  When the crash came Brown had taken a step aside. But the Cameron government restored the actual position but under completely different circumstances making the actual position in Britain perilous.
Now I began by pointing out the troubles in the British economy itself. The crisis of course has made it very much worse. The government didn’t have to go that way. Another example of their what amounts to lying is talking about the huge government debt.  True technically the government has a debt of 85-86% of GDP but one third of it is owned to the Bank of England. Now who owns the Bank?  Is it owned by the United States? No its owned by Britain, by the government. So how can you owe yourself anything? So Britain owns 1/3 of its debt. In other words the real debt is about 50% of GDP. Which is very good compared to the position of other countries.
[14.00] That’s because of what I described before. The fact is that if you have unused resources and Britain does have a lot, a lot of  people are unemployed to put it mildly although officially that’s not true. When the crisis took place there were bricks piled up. They were ruined afterwards. If they had used them they could have built but if you leave them lying around they case to exist.  That’s more or less what’s been going on.  The policy of austerity and the policy of control has meant large scale unemployment.
First obviously and then less obviously so today they are proud of the fact that there are very low levels of unemployment. Technically that’s true but it depends on how you count it. If you are employed half the time and you want to work full-time, if you are on zero hours contracts and some 2 million people are, if you are one of the 6-7 million people who technically own their own firms and are working for very low levels of pay and are exploiting themselves, then one has to say that what one has is a real level of unemployment compared to what would happen if there were really full employment. Very high levels of unemployment. Again as the Institute of Fiscal Studies pointed out that wages will only reach the levels of 2007 in 2022. Now they always underestimate how bad it is so the position for the majority of the population is worse than it was in 2007 and there doesn’t seem to be any solution to this.
So it’s not at all surprising that people would lash out to try to find an alternative. What’s happened is that not just in Britain but particularly in Britain you’ve got this attempt to find a scapegoat somewhere or other. That has been traditionally the way in which the Right acts. I’m not saying that David Cameron was looking for a scapegoat but nonetheless he didn’t stand out against it. They automatically get a scapegoat. A section of the Right begins to operate in that manner.
They do two things under these circumstances. It allows them to continue to rule. One is to find a reason for austerity but another is to whip up support for some kind of attack on whosoever. That can take 2 forms.  One form is to find a scapegoat. You then can have a scapegoating ethos which can fall anyway and you don’t need to confine yourself to just one scapegoat.  You can have two scapegoats. There’s nothing to say that there is a quota.
The second is to go for war. Since 1914 the capitalist class has used war as a means of staying in power.  In fact, if you think about it, the world has been in a war-like atmosphere since 1914. In 1914 the war took place precisely because the capitalist system was in a crisis. It was predicted and it happened. People often say, oh well it was talked about but nobody knew whether  it would take place and there was no reason why it necessarily had to take place. Read the history of the time. Germany was preparing for war, the British ruling class knew this why was it that from the 1890’s Britain insistedon having a fleet twice the size of the next two fleets?  Obviously because of the possibility of war. War was going to come. That was obvious to many people at the time.
You will remember in 1907 that Lenin and Luxembourg moved a resolution in the Socialist International calling on the left, the trade unions to go on a General Strike in the event of war. In other words seven years before the war they were demanding they should not go to war. The point is that war-like atmosphere has been essential to capitalism in its crisis phase. That is true today. We’ve just seen Theresa May trying to invent a war with Russia.  Ok one could say that there was a reason to be critical of Russia and of course there is. The nature of that society is awful, that is absolutely true. But that doesn’t mean to say that it’s just about to attack Britain.
Russia today is not the Soviet Union. It’s a weak power, a very weak power. The only thing it does have is an atomic bomb but what on earth is it going to do. If it drops the atomic bomb anywhere else it is itself then finished. It would be a stupid act. So the idea that one has to a means of defence against Russia is just unbelievable. There is no reason not to denounce Russia but regardless to say it is a power one has to build up more and more arms for is just stupid.
[20:20] The point being that what we are witnessing is the build up of an atmosphere of mistrust, an attempt at a war-like atmosphere that seems to have failed up to now.  The final point I want to make is about ideology. The ideologies that have been involved really have been what Marxists term a false consciousness. There was no reason for war  - there was no reason even for the Cold War. Both sides wanted a Cold War but there was no real reason for it.  If you think about it the Soviet Union was a Stalinist country which didn’t want to invade any other country. When Zhkov wanted to march to the Atlantic Ocean Stalin stopped him. The Soviet Union was itself relatively weak.  They could easily done a deal with them but they didn’t want to do a deal.
So there wasn’t a reality to the Cold War which apparently they were broadcasting. It wasn’t real in that sense.  I’m not the only person saying that by the way.  Lord ??? said the same thing. It’s clearly obvious. One doesn’t have to like it to realise that it wasn’t that strong.  You could say that they were worried that the Soviet Union would cause a revolution in Britain. How could they be worried? How many members of the Communist Party were there here? A trivial number. Who really supported it?  Almost nobody. Very few people did.  It’s true that in France and Italy it was somewhat different.
But Stalin had signed a document saying they were not going to have an uprising and they didn’t.  The Italian Communist Party probably could have taken power. But they didn’t. The French party maybe also could have taken power but they didn’t. Of course the western politicians and theoreticians knew all of this. What I’m saying is that if you look at the background it was largely ideological. It was a conscious means of control. If you read the actual literature of various people who were right-wing who were sensible or honest then you will see that that is implied in what is being said.
The point I’m trying to make here is that to a large degree the propaganda or statements that are coming out from governments and for that matter from the Right as a whole have simply been untrue to a very large degree. To a large degree it is even a fantasy. So it’s not surprising that they could invent another fantasy as a means of control. That is a belief, somehow or another, that people who are anti-Zionist are automatically anti-Semites. It is a fantastic step and a complete nonsense. But that they could do it is not surprising. If you get this kind of peculiar atmosphere where black is white and white is black.  Thank you.
[24:20] Tony Greenstein:      I’m here to represent  Labour Against the Witch-hunt. I myself was expelled from the Labour Party earlier this year. I was originally suspended in March 2016 when the head of the Compliance Unit John Stolliday wrote to me and said that I was suspended because of remarks I was alleged to have made. He gave no indication as to what those remarks were. ..... When it came to an investigation meeting, which was held towards the end of May 2016 there were a whole series of what you might call ideological talking points. .....
I also said that Israel’s marriage laws bore a remarkable similarity to the Nuremburg Laws of Nazi Germany of 1935. For those who are students of history they were the race laws. They stripped German Jews of citizenship and treated them as aliens in their own country and one of the consequences of that was that a Jew could not marry a non-Jew or an Aryan. As Hannah Arendt, perhaps the greatest Jewish political philosopher of the last century wrote in her book Eichmann in Jerusalem she noted how the prosecution in the Eichmann trial in 1961, Eichmann was the person who organised and implemented the Final Solution, whereby 3 million Jews died in the extermination camps and up to another 3 million at the hands of the killing squads (Einsatzgruppen) and in other ways.  She noted the irony that the Prosecutor, Gideon Hausner, had denounced the Nuremburg Laws, this lethal instrument which led to the deprivation of all political and civil liberties and then to the deportation and murder of German Jewry. She noted the irony that he denounced the Nuremburg Laws which did not allow Jews and non-Jews to marry and yet in Israel itself it was impossible for someone who is Jewish to marry a non-Jew because in Israel there is no civil marriage.
That is a question of race not religion. Only today or yesterday the new Chair of the Jewish Agency, which is one of the main apartheid institutions in Israel, Isaac Herzog, bemoaned the terrible rate of marriage among American Jews. Over 50% of young American Jews are what they call marrying out, that is marrying someone because they love them rather than because they are of the right ethnic category. In Israel, where being Jewish is a question of whether you belong to the superior or inferior race, intermarriage is something which cannot be tolerated and is a social taboo.  I was suspended for all of these ideological reasons.
Yet when I was investigated there was no rebuttal to what I was saying. You can read the transcripton my blog. For two years I remained suspended until I was expelled in February of this year.
My expulsion is unimportant. What was important is that as a result of Labour under Ed Miliband supporting the austerity programme of the Tory/Lib-Dem Coalition there was a mass reaction after the 2015 General Election which led to the election of Jeremy Corbyn. If you remember Jeremy Corbyn couldn’t even get enough nominations within the PLP he had to go around getting members of the Right to give him a nomination in order that the Left would have a voice. No one believed he would be anything other than a token candidate and it was expected someone else could win.  Andy Burnham was the favourite.
Miraculously not only the Labour Party membership but the new Registered Supporters supported Corbyn. If you remember there was a brainwave by Ed Miliband and those around him, that they would stop the unions having a block vote in the Labour Party leadership elections, in future it would be one person one vote. Not only one person one vote but emulating the Democratic Party in America where just about anyone can vote in a primary, you could become a registered supporter. That, it was thought, would permanently dilute the influence of the left. How badly they miscalculated!
Thousands of people, including myself, became and about 7 out of 10 voted to support Corbyn. As did incidentally the existing membership of the Labour Party.  But almost as soon as Corbyn came in you suddenly found that there was an outbreak of anti-Semitism such as we’d never before seen in the Labour Party! ....... Gerald Kaufman, a Jewish MP, who strongly supported the Palestinians, he’s now dead, he was deemed anti-Semitic. There was a whole fake affair at Oxford University where the Chair, Alex Chalmers, resigned. We later found out that he was a former intern at the British Israel Communications & Research Centre (BICOM) – the main Israeli propaganda organisation in Britain.
It continued with Ken Livingstone who made the comment that Hitler had supported Zionism. It wasn’t completely accurate, we don’t know what Hitler thought as an individual, but basically it was true, that the Nazis and the Zionists collaborated and worked together. The Zionists were a political movement who wanted to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. That was their overriding goal, not the safety of existing Jewish communities. And so, when the vast majority of Jews supported the Boycott of Nazi Germany, that is you didn’t buy anything made in Germany, a Boycott which was remarkably successful in reducing German trade in the first part of 1933, it was the Zionist movement, together with the Jewish bourgeoisie, which set its face against that Boycott. The Jewish Agency concluded Ha'avara, a trade agreement with Nazi Germany.
The Board of Deputies told Jews in the 1930's NOT to oppose Sir Oswald Moseley's British Union of Fascists - they did the same with the National Front in the 1970's - but when it comes to opponents of Israel they are happy to organise demonstrations
So what Ken said was basically accurate but he was called anti-Semitic. Now Ken may have been right or wrong but he certainly wasn’t anti-Semitic. This ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign is a remarkable thing. It ebbs and it flows.  You remember the last local elections in May where we found out that Corbyn had supported a mural which was later erased, 6 years previously, a mural with 6 bankers dining on top of sweated Black labour. In my view it wasn’t anti-Semitic but the main thing was this was hauled out of the depths of some vault and made into a completely false issue as a stick with which to beat Corbyn and the Labour leadership. That was done primarily by the Board of Deputies of British Jews headed by a right-wing Tory Jonathan Arkush.... The Board of Deputies is an old and venerable institution.  It was established by George III in 1760. It is a very tame, loyal, bourgeois institution. My father was involved, like most Jews in the East End of London in the Battle Against Cable Street when the British Union of Fascists attempted to march through the East End. It was stopped Jewish and non-Jewish workers, including Catholic dockers.  The Board of Deputies advice in the Jewish Chronicle to Jews was to stay at home and off the streets.  They ignored that advice. On March 26th2018 the Board of Deputies for the first time ever they called what they said was an anti-racist demonstration. All the right-wing Labour MPs, Wes Streeting, John Mann etc. attended....  Another attendee was Norman Tebbit. Yes that’s right he had a cricket test.  He said these people who come from Pakistan and India although they are British legally the way to tell if they are really loyal to this country is to ask who do they support when it comes to the Indian team playing against Britain. If they support India it means that they are not really British....
This is not unusual. When we Donald Trump today supporting the Israeli state and moving the Israeli Embassy to Jerusalem who is his main backer in the United States? It’s not the Jewish community, which is extremely worried by Trump and his anti-Semitic backers like Steve Bannon. ....
Zionism grew up in the late 19th century in reaction to the pogroms in Czarist Russia. But it was a reaction of a very different kind to most Jewish political currents. Most Jews joined the Bund or the Communist Party. The Zionists were different. They adopted the framework of the anti-Semites. They said that they agreed that Jews do not belong in non-Jewish society. They accepted that Jews needed their own state.
The founder of Political Zionism was Theodor Herzl. He wrote a pamphlet the Jewish State. He wrote it, at the time of the Dreyfus Affair in France, when the old clericalist and monarchist elements, backed by the army were in conflict with the republicans. The Dreyfus Affair consisted of the framing of a Jewish officer, Captain Dreyfus, for treason. Herzl wrote at this time in his Diaries (page 6):
In Paris... I achieved a freer attitude towards anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognise the emptiness and futility of trying to 'combat' anti-Semitism.
You can go through Herzl’s diaries, all 4 volumes of them and there are similar comments.  He talks about anti-Semitism being the ‘divine will to good’. The idea grew up among the Zionists that if a Jewish State was the main objective then obviously anti-Semitism was of benefit because it encouraged Jews to emigrate. Without that they would stay where they were and there would be no Jewish state.
That’s why the whole anti-Semitism campaign in the Labour Party is fake and false.  The right-wing who use anti-Semitism, shout and scream when they are told that they are not really concerned about anti-Semitism it’s about something else. They say, ‘of course not, you should not accuse Jews of faking anti-Semitism’.  Of course it’s only some Jews.  Other Jews such as myself do not count of course.....
When we see the anti-Semitic witch-hunt, which is primarily using anti-Semitism as a stick to beat people. For example the other day I was contacted by a woman, Marianne Tellier who had compared the Department of Work and Pensions and their policies in respect of claimants, she said they should adopt the slogan Arbeit Macht Frei, Work Makes You Free.  If you remember the concentration camps had this slogan across the entrances. I saw it at both Auschwitz and Sachsenhausen camps when I visited them.  That is the slogan in essence of the Tories. Their justification for Universal Credit is that that puts people in work and that frees them from poverty, apparently. She has been suspended on the basis of making that comparison.
The main thing I’m saying is that the witchhunt has nothing to do with anti-Semitism. It has everything to do with destabilising, undermining and eventually removing Jeremy Corbyn. We saw that in the way that the anti-Semitism campaign burst into flame in March. Not only because of the local elections but also because of the replacement of Iain McNicol. You remember the hated General Secretary of the Labour Party was replaced by Jennie Formby and then Christine Shawcroft became Chair of the Disputes Committee. That’s when the Zionists moved into action. That’s when the anti-Semitism witchhunt started up again. I have no doubt that we will see in the months ahead, that at particular times, maybe at Labour Party conference, almost certainly the next local elections and whenever they think it is opportune, the false anti-Semitism narrative will rear its head.
Myself, Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth are just collateral damage. The target is Corbyn and the Left, whether he realises it or not.  Thank you.
Replying to Questions:
TG:     I think the first thing to say about anti-Semitism is that if the Right wanted to attack Corbyn for the real reasons, his position on the alliance with America, if you remember Hilary Benn’s speech in the House of Commons during the vote on whether to bomb Syria, they are not particularly attractive methods of attack.  Trident even. Still less austerity, so anti-Semitism seems to ally with what is perceived to be the historical anti-racist roots of the Labour Party for example its opposition to Apartheid. Israel is a Jewish state and the association of Jews with the Holocaust etc. I wrote over 20 years ago saying that anti-Semitism was the false anti-racism of the Right. That the Right has effectively used anti-Semitism and the language of anti-racism against those who attack privilege and wealth in society. In reality it is a method of defending American foreign policy in its alliance with Israel. Israel is the armed racist rottweiller of US foreign policy. It’s not totally subordinate.  Israel has its own measure of independence but nonetheless the two work very closely together.
As regards the JVL. Yes Jewish Voices for Labour and Free Speech on Israel have supported me but they are relatively weak of course. The main so-called Jewish organisation in the Labour Party is the Jewish Labour Movement, ex Poale Zion. One of the demands of Arkush was that Corbyn and the Labour Party doesn’t recognise fringe Jewish groups.
You remember when Corbyn went to the Passover seder with Jewdas. Arkush again accused them of ‘virulent anti-Semitism’.Apparently some of them aren’t even Jewish. It’s quite clear in their minds that anti-Semitism as hostility to Israel and Zionism go hand in hand.  I should say that the majority of people in the Labour Party don’t buy into the anti-Semitism narrative.  This is a ruling class narrative. If you ask most people on the street what anti-Semitism is they will tell you.  It’s someone who doesn’t like Jews very much. There’s nothing magical or mysterious about it.  That’s what all forms of racism are. Islamaphobia or anti-Muslim racism is someone who doesn’t like Muslims very much. This IHRA definition is a way of controlling speech. Clamping down on free speech. It’s about opposition to the United States and its favourite satellite in the Middle East. It’s got nothing to do with anti-racism as such.
As for Private Eye. Yes I’ve written to them and threatened them with a defamation action. Whether I go ahead or not remains to be seen. They accused me of ‘relentless harassment’ of a right-wing councillor in Brighton. Perish the thought. It’s not true and she has been forced to stand down anyway. At the moment my priority is a libel action against the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism which is a much nastier Zionist organisation which has been defaming large numbers of anti-Zionists, most of them Jewish. So there’s a limit to the number of actions I can take on! Private Eye used to be seen, in the days when I read it in the early 1970’s as a radical magazine which came out with a lot of good stories on people like John Poulson, a corrupt associate of the then Home Secretary Reginald Maudling, which had Paul Foot writing for it, today it is a right-wing rag. The person who wrote that goes by the name of rat biter, which is Nick Cohen who is a journalist on The Observer who is obsessed by Islam and who was a supporter of the Iraq war.
The third question was why does Jeremy Corbyn not take on the anti-Semitism nonsense. I think he feels very uncomfortable with it. You remember at the end of March when he was being accused of this anti-Semitism stuff he said to Arkush and the Board of Deputies  meet me and we’ll talk about it. They came back and said we won’t meet you without a series of preconditions. Then Arkush overstepped himself and accusedJewdas of being a ‘source of virulent anti-Semitism’. He was widely ridiculed for that stupid statement. He did sit down with Corbyn and one of his main demands was that for the IHRA to be adopted by Labour in full and for the witchhunt to be put in control of the Zionists.
It was  absurd. Corbyn should subcontract out to his political enemies control of the witchhunt, especially in the light of Jennie Formby’s succession. Which Corbyn didn’t agree with. The problem with Corbyn are that his instincts are in the right place but he’s not theoretical or ideological. He’s not a Marxist in any sense.  He doesn’t. The other problem is that he and John McDonnell have a strategy, which of course Jon Lansman is a part of, which is of rapprochement with and appeasement of the Right. Therefore to come out against the anti-Semitism smears means confronting the right wing in the Parliamentary Labour Party and he’s unwilling to do that because his base of support is probably 50 MPs.
Unless you are going to engage in a consistent programme of deselection and reselection of the Labour Right, which is what you should do, then you have a problem.  Unfortunately going along with the anti-Semitism nonsense is part of that strategy. That’s why he doesn’t do what is obvious to us which is that this is the political equivalent of fake news.
People like Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth are collateral damage. The main target of this witch-hunt is Jeremy Corbyn and the left. People like Luciana Berger MP are quite clear that the sooner Corbyn goes the better. They had hoped after the General Election, they’d all counted on the fact that Corbyn was going to suffer this defeat.  Nick Cohen in the Observer was withering. He saidWill there be 150, 125, 100 Labour MPs by the end of the flaying? My advice is to think of a number then halve it.’ .... Iain McNicol, so I understand, he’d actually cancelled the passes of Corbyn and his aides on election night because the coup was supposed to go into operation so they couldn’t actually get in the Labour Party headquarters in Southside. This was one of the things they got McNicol on in the end, the fact that he had tried to mount a coup against Corbyn. The Right had been prepared for the day after, when what they thought would be a repetition of Michael Foot in 1983. They thought that the Manifesto which Corbyn had stood on, which was leaked by the Right but not to much good effect, the papers made things like rail nationalisation the headlines, which most people thought was a good idea. So the Right got it absolutely wrong as they did with Owen Smith. They haven’t played their cards well.
Anti-Semitism has been one of the key, underlying narratives of the Right and that’s why people need to be vigilant. It’s not about Jews, it’s about the Palestinians. It’s about the racist, apartheid society in Israel.... So for example in the city of Safed the Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, son of the Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, had issued an edict forbidding Jews renting a flat or apartment to an Arab. Eliyahu is a state official.  If an Arab had said this then they would have been locked up. Hundreds of rabbis joined in and said they supported Eliyahu. I an continue to give you hundreds of examples of the endemic racism in Israeli society.
One of our best retorts to the Zionists is to say what you are really defending is the State of Israel.  We know why you are doing that.
Hillel Ticktin:
The question of Corbyn is somewhat more complex. If you listened to him today in Parliament supporting big business you would wonder whether he was somewhere near the right, the business right. At Prime Minister’s question time May replied to him by saying in effect, that you would be far more credible if you didn’t denounce capitalism. He’s obviously caught in this situation that if you are going to fight on Brexit you have to talk about what is here and now and you can’t talk of a socialist solution now. You then end up supporting the least worst solution, which is what he is trying to do.
Incidentally I invited Corbyn to speak a Critique conference about 20 years ago and he refused.  I also happened to walk into a conference at the same time as Tony Benn and showed him a copy of Critique and he did his best to ignore me. So I think it is pretty clear that these guys are not on the far left. Nonetheless I agree with everything that has been said. I also think that if Corbyn were elected, in other words if the Labour Party was elected with a Corbyn like Cabinet the ruling class think that would be dangerous. Not that he in himself would be dangerous but given the situation that I outlined the crisis in Britain within a global capitalist crisis he might be forced to move to the left and further left.
(audience member) it would raise expectations in the working class.
HT:     it is quite likely to happen, in other words it is entirely possible and the ruling class knows that and understands it. The ruling class isn’t stupid in all of this although the government appears to be. You notice the way the government is fighting itself.
The Financial Times had an article discussing the Foreign Minister who had this wonderful slogan ‘Fuck Business’. He actually said that. The comment in the Financial Times was ‘never was the Brexit manifesto more succinct.’ Boris Johnson’s impromptu aside. As slogans go it has everything. The point is that is the government. Theresa May is clearly not a strong leader. She also doesn’t understand what she is doing. Her role as we now see as Home Secretary was appalling. You really could compare her to some of the worst people in history the way she ran policy towards people coming to Britain.
The government is clearly split but it’s more than that. The ruling class as a whole is split. It doesn’t have a global enemy. As long as Stalinism was there it was extremely useful to the ruling class and they knew it and they used it for all they could to keep themselves together. And they did keep together. And they did have a ruling class line. And it did work and it’s not there now. They have no open enemy.
I was asked a question about what happened after 1979 effectively. There is no great difference between the policy of austerity and Margaret Thatcher’s policy. It is a continuation of the same policy but more strongly. Undoubtedly in the 1970’s, not just in Britain, but globally the ruling class was worried that it was losing power. It was. In Germany there were mass strikes. There were mass strikes here and elsewhere in the world. It did look as if they couldn’t hold the fort. Remember they had conceded in Britain. A large percentage of industry was actually nationalised. The Economist wrote an article which said it didn’t see what wasn’t nationalised. The ruling class took a clear decision that enough was enough. The concessions that they had made after 1945 had to end. They ended.
As we know, 3 million lost their jobs between the period 1979-83. Blair continued that exact policy. More people lost their jobs under Blair than under Thatcher. That’s the nature of the Labour Party which the Right in the Labour Party would continue if they could. That’s its ideology in effect.
So Corbyn is different in that respect and the ruling class is worried about him. Austerity is for control, it is. Marxist understanding of control within capitalism is given by the fetishisation of commodity production. In other words the worker has to sell his or her labour power in order to survive. The market rules in the sale of labour power. There is no alternative to that. If you nationalise firms and the conditions of work then become slightly easier with pensions and so forth you are changing those conditions. The conditions of control. It becomes easier for people to work in their jobs so they won’t necessarily obey orders in quite the same way as when they know they will be dismissed if they don’t obey orders. You can no longer control the working class in the same way.
They’ve clearly changed the relations today. In Britain today only 6 million people are actually in unions. So if you can no longer control workers in the original way as it were, if you can’t control them in the particular forms, with a memory of the war and going back to mass unemployment, depression and so forth and the possibility of maybe another war, perhaps fascism, if that is no longer there why shouldn’t they strike? Why should they obey orders?  Once you interfere with, and of course they had to interfere after the war, once they started to introduce measures to protect labour under Lloyd George in particular after 1906, they were interfering with the mode of control over labour power of the workforce. The whole point about Thatcher’s changes was to restore control by capital itself. But under Cameron, under conditions where you really had extensive unemployment  where considerable parts of the labour force were on zero hours contracts or god knows what contract, workers could not organise in the same way as before. The possibility that they had for the future was effectively doomed. It meant the control was much greater.
One can see what the effect is, even in voting as a result.  One can see what the overall effect has been there in standing where we are.  They’ve changed even Education. Gove’s reforms in Education are appalling. I have to say that when I came to this country I couldn’t believe the teaching of history. That seems to get progressively worse. I couldn’t believe when I came in 1965. Imagineit  in South Africa I was doing History. It was far more left-wing than what people were taught here. We discussed the French Revolution, the Revolution in America, discussed revolution, the meaning of it. You just don’t get it here.
When I came to the History Department in Glasgow University it was the most reactionary department in the University. Unbelievable. In Cape Town University the engineers were the most reactionary. But in History there’s an ideological control. They needed to reinforce the ideological control which is what they are trying to do. The whole point of muddling up, fetishising the budget and not telling the truth about it is as a means of control.
If people believe that there is no money, that they can’t be given higher salaries then they’ll go to work and not strike for it. They won’t have the ideological tools to fight the government. They’ve been quite successful in doing that. I’m not suggesting that everyone believes it but it’s been relatively successful. I wouldn’t have believed that they got as far as they did under Cameron.
What’s now happening is that the ruling class has recognised they’ve gone as far as they can go. It can’t continue like this even if some people believe that they should vote for the Conservative Party or that capitalism will last forever and that they must worship their superiors. Probably the majority do not.
One way out appeared to be Brexit. It was a fetishised way of trying to change things. The ruling class  understood it. That is what Johnson is saying now. Johnson obviously supports business. But what he is doing is something like fascism would have said. He is saying we’ll stand up for the small person. We’ll fight business and get you a deal kind of thing. That is where he is. He is prepared to go far in destroying part of the controls of the capitalist system. We can see that the government today is making concessions of a kind which I usually associate with the far-Right. Making concessions which appear to be left-wing but are not left-wing. It’s in those circumstances that you have a Labour Party which has to decide where it is going.
What one section of the ruling class wants is for the right-wing of the Labour Party to join with the left-wing of the Conservative Party. That is quite clear. We’ve seen the left-wing of the Conservative Party acting, it’s too the left of the right-wing of the Labour Party. Several times there’s been attempts to merge them. That’s its logic for one section. Another section is quite clearly taking a very strong line and that’s more associated with the United States. That’s where Liam Fox is. Liam Fox is associated with various right-wing groups in the United States. He seems to be a complete idiot. He’s useful to them in that position.
The third group clearly want to make concessions. There’s probably more groups than that. We have in other words a series of different groupings within the ruling class who haven’t yet worked out how they can maintain power in those conditions. What I described in the beginning was the way the economy of Britain has changed for the worse and what the alternatives would be for the ruling class itself. So it’s split in that way. It doesn’t have an enemy to unite it yet although it does see the working class acting as its enemy but it doesn’t actually see it in action.
I don’t think it’s a more intelligent wing doesn’t understand Corbyn. It understands him perfectly well. It understands that if he comes in he’s not going to do anything great for the working class. It’ll be a shift to the left up to a point. It’s only if he is forced to go further that he will go further. They understand that perfectly well, which is why they are not going to mount a revolution against him. They understand and probably think that they will control him and might control him but they are worried that they can’t control him and that’s how I understand it.
On the question of Israel, the Jews and so forth. There is a real problem in that there’s no question of the oppression of Israel over the Palestinians but there is no solution provided. The obvious statement that one has to make is that in one territory there should be equal rights for all. That’s clearly not going to happen. The only solution is in fact socialism. We cannot immediately imagine any force which is going to do anything else. That’s an enormous problem. I don’t see any way out of it. One always has to oppose the oppression of one by the other. That doesn’t end the question. The question remains all throughout. There’s no question that the Israeli government is right-wing and Zionism in itself is right-wing and the section which was an claimed to be left-wing has virtually ceased to exist. That is also true.
Tony Greenstein        It’s worse than that. The Zionist left historically were the worst racists. There was never a left-wing as we understand the term. They were never socialists.
Hillel-Ticktin              In the Warsaw Ghetto....
Tony Greenstein        In the Warsaw Ghetto they weren’t in reality Zionists.  They had abandoned Zionism, the Hashomer Hatzair. But I’m talking about the Labour Zionists in Palestine. If you read Professor Zeev Sternhell’s book (The Founding Myths of Israel) on the Zionist labour movement in Palestine. Stermhell is a Holocaust survivor who was at the Hebrew University, who was also the victim of a right-wing Zionist terrorist attack he has done the most comprehensive study of the Zionist labour movement in Palestine.
His conclusion is that it was never ever socialist. Indeed the formation of Mapai, the Israeli Labour Party, was on the basis of opposition to socialism.
Hillel Ticktin              well Mapai yes but I’m talking about Hashomer Hatzair.
Tony Greenstein        we candebate about them too! let me give you an example
Hillel Ticktin: I’m not arguing with you. I’m not supporting Zionism I’m just saying that...  Even a kibbutz isn’t left-wing. So there’s nothing there in that sense.
Tony Greenstein        Well the kibbutz came about as an institution because it was the most effective method of colonisation. It was, from the start, Jewish only. It never had an Arab member.  I think there’s been one Arab member in its whole history. It was funded by the bourgeois Zionists as the most effective method.  It was collective colonialism. But these are apart from the myths of socialist Zionism and there were many myths.
Hillel Ticktin              Okwhy did they learn  Marxism in their home countries which were not Israel?
Tony Greenstein        Well there was a divergence. The World Union of Poale Zion split in I think 1919. There was a divergence between diaspora Zionism and Palestinian Zionism. Certainly in the diaspora, this is an interesting debate. Within diaspora Zionism there was always a contradiction within socialist Zionism between the socialism, which means universalism working with non-Jews and workers like the Bund did in Poland, it was never Zionist and the idea that Jews had more in common with each other and their main goal was to establish a state in Palestine. In Poland that reached a peak when again around 1920 Poale Zion split into a left Poale Zion and a right Poale Zion. And the right Poale Zion virtually disappeared. It was useless because it didn’t relate to the Jewish working class. The main problem in Poland was anti-Semitism. It was a viciously anti-Semitic country. So left Poale Zion, which overlapped with Hashomer Hatzair certainly fought in the Warsaw Ghetto but Mordechai Anielwicz who commanded the Warsaw Ghetto Resistance said basically we wasted our time doing political Zionist work for 2-3 years when we should have been building the resistance.
Hillel-Ticktin              I agree and it is obviously, I am anti-Zionist but the point is that you have to look at it and see what was there. They were contradictory and clearly shouldn’t have had Zionism or nationalism of any kind. Clearly that is true. The problem is, though, the present day. I can’t see any solution except socialism.
Question and contributions from the audience
Hillel-Ticktin              I will sum up but I want to replyto her (Fiona). It’s very important what she said. I understand everything you said and in principle I would agree but I am a socialist and I don’t see socialism in 100 years time or even in 20 years time. I see it much quicker than that. If we take the line that you take then we are plodding on and hoping for the best. We may or may not succeed in that struggle. But it’s a fact that it’s not a lie towards the Palestinians at the present time at all. So all we’ll be doing and it may be a lot that we are doing, we’ll be bringing the attention of the world to the oppression of the Palestinians but they will continue to be oppressed. We don’t want that. We want the regime to be overthrown. I’m saying this because of the history of South Africa. I opposed the Boycott of South Africa because I knew it would lead to a government which is bourgeois democratic aligned with the West.  And the result has been a disaster. It’s a disaster today South Africa for the ordinary person. That’s the problem. We don’t want it to be worse. We want it to be a high standard of living for ordinary Palestinians. Higher than it is in Israel today. But how do we get there? What you are describing is a process, I don’t know if it will ever happen in a world that is not socialist.
Fiona              I’m a socialist but for Palestinians I don’t think it’s for us to say. Ultimately yes socialism for everyone is what we want. But I think that Palestinians would appreciate an end to the Occupation, an end to the ethnic cleansing.
Tony Greenstein        One of the main differences between South Africa, which was a settler state and Israel is that in South Africa the settler colonials exploited the indigenous labour whereas in Israel they want to exclude it from the territory altogether. That was what Labour Zionism was about so there is a qualitative difference in the political economy of the two states. However the question which was raised is how you overthrow Zionism. I don’t think it is sufficient to say socialism because that is posing socialism in the abstract. How concretely are you going to overthrow Zionism? Now it’s clear to me that the Jewish working class in Israel is not an agent for revolutionary change because it’s been bought off. It sees its identity as being bound up with Zionism, i.e. Jewish supremacy. Just as the White working class in South Africa was not a revolutionary class. The problem is that the Palestinians do not fulfil the same role as the Black working class in South Africa. So it seems clear to me that the only way that Zionism going to be overthrown is in a regional context.
Israel is there to safeguard the interests of imperialism in the Arab East.  America doesn’t give it $4-5 billion a year because it feels generous and soft-hearted. It does it because Israel forms alliances with the most reactionary Arab regimes, it destabilises those who aren’t willing to do the West’s bidding.  Its done that for the last 70 years so any struggle to overthrow Zionism inevitably means the overthrow of the Arab regimes by Arab working class. I don’t see it can possibly take place in any other context. I don’t have a crystal ball, I don’t know when that’s going to happen, I don’t think it is going to happen quickly but who knows? Revolutionary change can sometimes be very quick.
On one or two other things on the history of left of Labour Zionism I can only recommend the article I wrote recently for Weekly Worker and my blogand it’s also on the Mondoweisssite. Unfortunately I don’t have time to go into it further.
Someone mentioned Mort Klein, who is the head of the Zionist Organisation of America. I can remind for those who don’t remember When Trump came into power an invitation was extended, as it was last year, to Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka who is a neo-Nazi who was in the Trump organisation, to attend the ZOA’s annual gala dinner which is held in November every year, as distinguished guests and speakers. (see above)
People have to shed their blinkers about Israel, especially in the Labour Party. Increasingly American Jews are divorcing from Israel. I think that is a historic tendency. You will see the Jewish diaspora moving apart from the Israeli state and what is a settler nation. Zionism as the founding ideology of Israel is a form of Jewish supremacy. It is based upon the idea of racial superiority. Although it has been disguised historically that is the reality of what it stands for. Jews right or wrong.
The final think I will say is this is a meeting of Labour Against the Witchhunt. I think it is important when there is a political battle in the Labour Party and also outside it in the trade unions that LAW, which is the only organisation on the left which is fighting the witchhunt, that people do help to build it. I hope that as a result of my tour that we will see LAW branches formed and that you will also go into the universities. There is work to be done and as Fiona said, at the end of the day our support is for the Palestinians.
It is interesting that in the last few weeks, when the attacks on Gaza were happening Labour Friends of Israel came out with a statement which blamed the Palestinians for having engineered their own deaths.  There was a mass reaction in the Labour Party to that. So the Zionists don’t have the sway. People dissociated themselves from them. That is their weak point and that is when they come out with 2 states, which is a call for 2 racist, apartheid states.
Partition has always been a weapon of imperialism, it has been an imperialist solution throughout the world and that is what they argue for. I don’t think we should be downhearted.  I say that because Jackie Walker will also be coming up shortly to fight expulsion. We have a battle on and obviously there are large forces raised against us but I’m confident that in the end we will win that battle. Thank you comrades.
Hillel Ticktin              In relation to the overall question to a degree we disagree. As a revolutionary socialist, as a Marxist I don’t believe that I have to wait another lifetime. I may have myself 3-4 years or something, presumably it won’t be in my lifetime, but I would expect it to be soon. Remember the Revolution was in 1917. It has taken place. We are not living in the same epoch as before 1917. We are living in a transitional epoch.
We are not living in simple capitalism anymore. The alternative really is a continued decline of capitalism with periods which are better and some periods which are catastrophic. We can hope they will not be catastrophuic again. This is a period when we have to fight for socialism now not tomorrow.  When we are struggling for anything we are struggling first and foremost for socialism. Not socialism step by step, a view which was overthrown in 1917, that is what we stand for. And the people wherever they are in Venezuela, the Palestinian lands, or wherever else have a right to a life wherever they are, and they have a right to it now. We must struggle for socialism today. Our aim is not step by step socialism. You can’t get socialism that way. You have to overthrow the system.
The system cannot be overthrown in one country. We’ve learnt that time and time again. It has to be in the developed countries in the first instance and that will be the basis for overthrowing the forms of oppression that exist including the forms of oppression in the Palestinian lands. There is no other way that it can be done.
Of course we have totry and  alleviate the conditions of people, wherever they live, but we are not in power, it is extremely difficult. We must expect what has happened will happen again. Unfortunately we are not in power and we don’t have the arms to do it. Not that we want to take up arms in itself. What is happening in the Labour Party is part of the struggle and it may appear to be a relatively small thing but it’s not. Because what is happening in Britain is crucial for the world as a whole.
Unfortunately if the same thing happens as in South Africa it won’t have that much impact.  It will have an impact but in Britain it is one of the most crucial capitalist countries. What happens here will effect the world as a whole including the areas of the Middle East, most particularly the Middle East in fact. So we have to fight here and now and it will help people in other areas of the world. We cannot do it any other way. To have a real success it must be a success in which there is an overthrow of nationalism in general and Zionism in particular. It has to be a universal success otherwise it cannot be a success at all.  Thank you.

Sam Matthews, Labour’s Witch-finder General has found a new victim – disabled member Marianne Tellier


Marianne's offence? Comparing the Tories policy towards the disabled under Ian Duncan Smith with the Nazis

Letter from Sam Matthews suspending Marianne Tellier

Page 1 of Solicitor's letter to Sam Matthews
On 29th March 2018 Sam Matthews, whose title is Head of Disputes, wrote to Marianne Tellier, an autistic member of the Labour Party, to inform her that she was administratively suspended.  This is the same Matthews who suspended Carl Sergeant, a Labour Minister in the Welsh Government.  Shortly after being suspended, having been given no reason for his suspension despite a letter from his solicitors, Carl Sergeant took his own life.  Given the callous way that Matthews has treated victims of Labour’s witchhunt it is difficult to understand why he has not been suspended for gross misconduct.
Was IDS antisemitic for saying Work Makes You Free?
It is part of the atmosphere of fear and the intolerance of political debate in the Labour Party, to say nothing of the chilling effect of the false allegations of anti-Semitism, that any mention of the Nazis immediately brings accusations of anti-Semitism.  Especially if the person concerned is a supporter of the Palestinians.
Disability campaigner
When I grew up it was common amongst claimants to call the DHSS (Department Health & Social Security) as the DWP was then, the SS.  We didn’t literally mean that those who ran Britain’s social security system were Nazis but that their attitude to the unemployed bore a similarity to fascist ideas of the work shy.
Likewise the students in Paris in May 1968 when they were confronting the riot police chanted CRS-SS.  No doubt Matthews and his fellow witch hunters consider that too was anti-Semitic!
Disabled People Against the Cuts regularly use the phrase Arbeit Macht Frei in their campaigns against the attacks on the disabled - to call this 'antisemitic' is a product of the Labour Party's parallel universe
The phrase that someone was a ‘little Hitler’ also used to be common.  It was part of an anti-fascist culture.  Today, with Zionists defining anti-racists as anti-Semites, such comparison are considered ‘anti-Semitic’.  This of course is from people who openly support a state where ethnic cleansing is official government policy.
Marianne committed the cardinal offence of comparing the policy of the DWP under the hated Ian Duncan Smith, to that of the Nazis’ with their slogan ‘work makes you free.’ She retweeted an image of the Job Centre Plus sign replaced by Arbeit Macht Frei. This  image is common amongst disability campaigning groups but is deemed ‘anti-Semitic’by the political terrorists of the Jewish Labour Movement.
Marianne Tellier
Apart from anything else it would seem that Matthews and his fellow apparatchiks are also suffering from a sense of humour failure. They don’t seem to understand the power of irony or exaggeration when making a political point.  These humourless creatures, whose sole activity is monitoring what others say for any signs of deviance, forget that campaigning groups or political activists use all sorts of rhetorical devices when constructing an argument including analogies with the Nazis. Satire is something that is entirely beyond them.
At the entrance to Nazi concentration camps there was a sign Arbeit Macht Frei, (Work Makes You Free). The assumption of the tiny minds that run Labour’s witch-hunt is that any comparison of this slogan with anything today is anti-Semitic.  Thus the whole Nazi and fascist period is completely divorced from the circumstances in which it grew up.
Presumably Fawlty  Towers, Basil and Manuel would have been condemned as anti-Semitic for the phrase ‘Don’t mention the War.’ 
I visited Sachsenhausenconcentration camp in the early 1990’s.  It was the second concentration camp after Dachau and opened in 1936. It is situated to the north of Berlin. It didn’t house Jewish prisoners primarily but socialists, communists and other political prisoners.  It housed Pastor Martin Niemöller of the Confessing Church.
In fact IDS did say, without a trace of irony, that ‘work makes you free.’ Far-Right US academic Laurence Mead, who IDS brought over to Britain to advise him on ‘reforming’ the benefits system complained of the allusion to the Nazis.Mead whined that.
"Hitler was non-democratic, whereas work requirements claim a popular mandate. There is something wrong when because of fascism we have to solve every problem with freedom and benefits."Does getting tough on the unemployed work?
In other words although Tory and New Labour attitudes to the unemployed are similar to those of the Nazis it is unfair to make a comparison since those who persecute the unemployed might take offence. There is nothing ‘democratic’ about those who make the unemployed a scapegoat.  Whipping up hatred is no more democratic than when Hitler did it.  The fact that the unemployed aren’t sent to concentration camps (although in America they can be sent to boot camps) is irrelevant.
What this nonsense is about is the fear of Israel’s supporters and Zionist groups that people will compare Israel’s practices to those of Nazi Germany. Matthews and Labour’s regional mafia run scared of any attempt to locate the Nazis in the context of society. This fear is part of the intellectual terrorism that Zionism has successfully engaged in.
I'm not sure whether this image is anti-semitic or not - it probably is since it is clear that disabled people tend to use Hitler comparisons
The ideas behind the Work Capability Assessment that New Labour introduced and IDS refined and its implementation by private firms like ATOS does indeed bear comparison to the Nazi treatment of the disabled.  Although the disabled were not exterminated as happened in the T-4 (Euthanasia campaign) the attitudes, that they are a burden are not dissimilar.  There is also no doubt that the policies of the DWP, presided over by IDS, led to the deaths of thousands of disabled people.  The stories of cancer victims and other severely ill people being labelled as fit for work are legion. See Thousands have died after being found fit for work, DWP figures show
IDS has a history of links to racist and fascist organisations. In 1995 he was happy to meet with senior figures in the French National Front at Westminster. Le Pen’s deputy, Bruno Gollnisch MEP, later said of IDS and other Tory MPs that they were “sympathetic” to their views:
IDS was once leader of the Tory Party before MPs removed him as a liability. The  vice-president of his campaign team in Wales was  Edgar Griffin    the father of BNP leader Nick Griffin. Edgar later said the reason he was not a member of the BNP was because it was “too moderate” for him.
The ex-deputy of the British Ku Klux Klan, Bill Binding – who later joined the Tories – was also a fan of IDS. see Iain Duncan Smith’s historic links to the  far-right
Marianne Tellier
Marianne is 57 years old and a carer for her 17 year old son who is autistic.  She is herself autistic.  In other words the ideal target for Sam Matthews and his bullying henchmen. Marianne was brought up on a council estate, went to my local comprehensive school.
She was always opposed to social injustice and any form of racism which is why she supports the Palestinian people. As she wrote ‘I'm certainly not anti-Semitic in any way.” But in the present atmosphere in the Labour Party anyone who expresses support for the Palestinians is automatically suspected of ‘anti-Semitism’ whereas someone on the Right who has never lifted a finger for anti-racist causes is considered an opponent of ‘anti-Semitism’ like for example John Mann MP, who is a bigot and an anti-Roma racist.
Marianne became involved in feminism as a young mother, joined the Labour Party and supported the miner's strike. With the advent of Blair she left the Party like many of us.
She became a midwife and having had a child who was autistic she gradually realised that she was also autistic which is why she finds her suspension so difficult to deal with or come to terms with.  But for scum like Matthews, the disability of a victim of his witch-hunt is, as far as he is concerned, a bonus.
Marianne’s disparate tweets are a reflection of her personal history but she became the target of vicious trolls Zionist trolls who are the associates of ‘gnasher Jew’ and they focussed on her weaknesses. Having played the role of agent provocateurs they then reported her for things like accusing them of being supporters of Apartheid (that too is a sign of anti-Semitism!).
Marianne was attacked by Zionist trolls like @Karen_E_Leon, a friend of @GnasherJew. She called her as an apartheid denier and that's where the anti-Semitism allegations began. 
After Israel’s attack on Gaza in 2014 she became more active on Twitter. With the election to the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn she rejoined the party and became secretary of her local branch.
As she said If an individual blatantly denies the existence of apartheid in Israel then that individual is an apartheid denier. David Baddiel took issue with this and the attack on me escalated.’ David Baddiel himself is someone who has a history of making racist remarks and disparaging and mocking Black people, including Blacking up.
Marianne was criticised in particular for retweeting the image of a job centre sign with the words 'arbeit macht frei'. It is an image that has been widely used by disability campaign groups for several years.
 It is not anti-Semitic to criticize the Tory government's use of this fascist ideology whilst they preside over the needless deaths of one hundred and twenty thousand poor, vulnerable, ill and disabled human beings from cuts to benefits and unjust sanctions.”
It takes pretty sick individuals, people like arch-Zionist Luke Akehurst (who has been booted off his Oxford Labour Party Executive) to draw the conclusion that comparison between the DWP and the Nazis is anti-Semitic.
Marianne tweeted the job centre/arbeit macht frei sign on several occasions over the past year because ‘We have a government that thinks those words are worth repeating to poor & disabled people. I abhor the use of those words in that context. I used it as a response to a 'work hard-get nowhere' meme.  It is a criticism of the Protestant Work Ethic and a criticism of capitalism in general. I'd like someone to explain to me exactly what they think is anti-Semitic about my use of this image. It isn't anti-Semitic. Quite the opposite.’
It is a sign of the poverty of intellect of Sam Matthews and those around him that the comparison disabled people make between the DWP and the All Work Test and the Nazi attitude to the unemployed is considered anti-Semitic.  This at a time when the Israeli government is invitingthe anti-Semitic leader of the Hungarian government, Viktor Orban, on a state visit.
‘art belongs to it's audience. To be received & interpreted by them. I've never come across this image being used in any way other than to criticize our right wing government & capitalist ideology.  If our evil Tory government are using the words 'work sets you free' I feel that we should be shouting it from the rooftops.  No aspect of this is anti-Semitic.’
Marianne’s local councillors and her MP have been particularly unsupportive and their criticism has been completely ill informed.  Marianne was also invited to apologize by her CLP chair but she declined this since she didn’t feel that she had said anything she needed to apologize for.
As she said ‘Some of my tweets may be in 'poor taste' but surely taste is in the eye of the beholder.  She has also been told that her manner is often very direct and to the point but this betrays the middle class nature of the Labour Party apparatchiks who don’t understand that this is quite normal in working class communities.  As she says ‘I am also autistic and my communication skills are often lacking.’  Under the regime of Sam Matthews, this too is a crime.
Comrades in her constituency have been supportive. ‘My constituency comrade, Stuart Gibbins made this statement at the last constituency meeting.’
 ‘On the satirical news programme 'The Day Today' there was a sketch in which a Jeremy Paxman type TV anchor man is interviewing the foreign secretaries of Britain and Australia. To begin with it's all very amicable with the two politicians congratulating themselves on a trade agreement that's beneficial to them both. Then, the interviewer manufactures a disagreement between them and within seconds he has forced them into a corner in which there's only one logical outcome to what they've been coerced into saying, to declare war on each other.   It's war, shouts the interviewer and immediately the studio around them begins to be turned into a war studio.
I've been reminded of this sketch a lot recently with regard to the antisemitism issue in the Labour party. How disturbingly easy it is for those with power and influence to manufacture an issue, set up a few straw men and to top it all, succeed in enlisting a substantial portion of the party they are trying to undermine to do their bidding for them. 
Marianne Tellier, the branch secretary for Park and Arbourthorne, has been suspended from her role in the party pending an inquiry. Her misdemeanor? Using satire to highlight the callousness of the government towards people who are unfit to work. She RE-tweeted a picture of a job centre sign in which the words had been changed to read ' work sets you free ', the slogan on the gates of Auschwitz concentration camp. 
Set aside the question of taste here or the quality of the satire for a moment and consider who the target was? Emphatically, it was the Tory government. That much was obvious.   Which makes it utterly astounding that an unnamed senior Labour party official described the tweet as being antisemitic in EVERY sense. This was not antisemitic in ANY sense. Precisely the opposite. 
For all those who are prepared to call this antisemitic I suggest they look up the meaning of the word and think about the intention of the satire and then try, honestly, to draw even a smidgen of a correlation between the two. But the accusation has been made and as a result, a committed party worker has had her life turned upside down and must be feeling an inkling of the sense of the kind of claustrophobic, impotent dread that people must feel when they are falsely accused under totalitarian regimes
On the subject of taste you could make a legitimate point that the picture had the potential to cause distress to those whose relatives died in the holocaust. That's possible and no decent human being could waive that away as an irrelevance. It's also possible that there will be a Jewish perspective on this which accepts that the freedom to employ satire is an intrinsic aspect of living in a free society and that the basics of satire is exaggeration and that an unwritten rule is that the best satire punches upwards, not down. The job centre mock up was definitely punching up.
The difference that this indicates demonstrates the difficulty of the taste issue, which is endlessly problematic and subjective. It's not an issue on which you can easily make unequivocal statements. The arguments surrounding it are nuanced and shaded, which is an inconvenience for a world that seems to increasingly demand that all argument is reduced to a thumbs up or a thumbs down, a like, or a dislike.
In the light of all this I would like to think that in future our spokespeople will be a bit more circumspect if a similar issue crops up and resist the temptation for a knee-jerk condemnation that has so disfigured this present case.’
I couldn’t put it better myself!
email from LP Investigator Dan Hogan complaining that Ms Tellier hadn't responded to his letters.  Hogan didn't of course think that Ms Hillier's autism might have played a part in her lack of response
Below are the different tweets being used as 'evidence' against Marianne - this kind of pathetic, tawdry and grubby material, scraped from Twitter is seen as proof of 'antisemitism' by Matthew and his fellow McCarthyists

One of the many tweets used in evidence - Marianne is taunted and provoked by Zio trolls and her responses are used against her
Doris the cat, not a Jewish name, reports 'antisemitism' for being called a supporter of apartheid

sharing this is 'antisemitic'
Apparently this article from my blog is also 'antisemitic' - opposing the false antisemitism witchhunt is apparently antisemitic
It's nice to know that Sam Matthews and his scummy friends are such avid readers of my blog!
I imagine that the above posts from my blog infringed multiple rules such as don't criticise Owen Jones, don't defend the 'antisemitic' Corbyn mural
Remind people that the Board of Deputies told Jews NOT to oppose antisemites in 1936 is probably antisemitic too - but I can't quite work out why yet

sharing this is 'antisemitic'

Fabian Imperialism is alive and kicking at the New Statesman


The Staggers Support for Zionism and Apartheid is bolstered by the fake anti-Semitism narrative


Emblazoned across the New Statesman’s masthead is the slogan‘Free thinking since 1913’. Unsurprisingly it is a lie but all organisations like to wrap themselves in a comfort blanket. In the 1930’s it was best known for its support for Stalinism, the purges included. Its commitment to ‘free thinking’ did not extend to publication of George Orwell’s dispatches from the Spanish civil war, because they criticised the Stalinist attacks on the Anarchists and POUM.
The junk Zionist article that Jasper Jackson refused to allow a reply to

Born in the womb of Fabianism, the New Statesman soon abandoned even a token relationship to socialism, hence why its current editor Jason Cowley claims it is ‘celebrated for its progressive and liberal politics.’ The New Statesman does not do socialism or anti-capitalism, though a couple of its contributors would probably claim a passing attachment to socialist politics.
The New Statesman was formedin 1913 by Beatrice and Sydney Webb and it was as devoted to the British Empire as the Tories. Unlike the Tories who made no secret of their belief that they intended the Empire to last forever, a source of perpetual unearned riches, they were the moral wing of imperialism which held that colonialism was an act of self-sacrifice. The New Statesman believed that Britain was holding the colonies in trust for the natives as and until they had reached the requisite stage of civilisation.
Laurie (Red) Penney has been defanged - a lifestyle columnist
Sydney Webb was the prime representative of this wing of moral imperialism. As Lord Passfield, he was Secretary of State for the Colonies and the Dominions in the 1929-31 MacDonald government. In this capacity he issued the Passfield White Paper in response to the Report of the Hope-Simpson Report which arose out of the 1929 Arab riots. It recommended drastic reductions in Jewish immigration to Palestine. For anyone wanting to understand the background to the apartheid nature of the State of Israel today then this Report is required reading.
Crossman was the most ardent Zionist of all the New Statesman's editors

In A Nation Reborn Crossman regrets that the Zionist settlers didn't achieve their goals earlier since then they could have wiped out 'the aboriginal population'
The New Statesman has a long and inglorious record of support for Zionism. Perhaps its most openly racist editor was Richard Crossman (1970-72, though Paul Johnson runs him a close second), who served as Housing Minister in the Wilson government. In a memorial lecture to Chaim Weizmann, Israel’s first President, in 1959 Crossman regretfully noted in respect to the colonists, that “No one”, at least until the 20th century, had 

“seriously challenged their right, or indeed, their duty, to civilise these continents by physically occupying them, even at the cost of wiping out the aboriginal population”. 

If only the Zionist settlers had “achieved their majority before 1914, they would have been accepted without any compunction of any kind”.  
Owen Jones - the Guardian's tame left correspondent plies his wares at the Staggers

Crossman’s views about the rights and duties of settler colonialism fitted in with the moral debt that the civilised nations owed to their backward brothers. Settler colonialism, be it in southern Africa or the Middle East was seen as the most efficacious means by which the natives might be civilised. If that meant wiping out some of them, as a way of teaching good manners, then that was a price worth paying.
Sydney Webb/Lord Passfield the New Statesman's founder later became Colonial Secretary

Zionism was the bastard offspring of the New Statesman’s political and cultural outlook. It was seen as redressing an age old wrong, fitted in with the romantic imperialist view of the ‘restoration’ of the Jews and of course was of benefit to British imperial interests in the Middle East. 
Kingsley Martin -   The New Statesman's longest serving editor
It was only under the editorship of Bruce Page (1978-82) and his successor Hugh Stephenson (1982-86) that the Palestinians began to get more sympathetic coverage in the New Statesman, in part because of the Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 1982 when over 20,000 Lebanese were killed. 

Supporting Zionism today

Although the New Statesman carries a few articles today on particular Israeli outrages, it is a firmly Zionist publication. What the New Statesman will never do is question the reasons why Israel behaves as it does.  It will not question Zionism, the ideology and movement that  created the Jewish, i.e. Apartheid nature of Israel. It is perfectly happy to carry articles on the Gaza massacres, when Israel gunned down over 120 unarmed Palestinians, especially when pennedby the far-Right editor of the Jewish Chronicle, Stephen Pollard, but it won’t ask why there is land and education segregation in Israel.
The New Statesman really think its being clever to get the Jewish Chronicle's far-Right editor to issue a mild rebuke to Israel - the New Statesman preferred White liberals to Black spokesmen for the liberation movements in South Africa too

Pollard is well qualified to write articles on the murder of Palestinians being a member of the cold war Henry Jackson Society, former Editor of the Daily Express and someone who declaredthat Polish anti-Semite Michal Kaminski was ‘one of the greatest friends to the Jews in a town where antisemitism and a visceral loathing of Israel are rife. 
Kaminski supported the campaign to rehabilitate the name of Jedwabne, a village in Poland where, in 1941, up to 1600 Jews had been herded into a barn which was then set alight, by their fellow Poles.  As Pollard explained, although an anti-Semite Kaminski was also a strong supporter of Israel.

Supporting the Anti-Semitism Witchhunt in Labour 

It is no surprise that the New Statesman has been one of the most fervent supporters of the right-wing Labour Zionist campaign to paint the Labour Party as overrun by anti-Semitism. What is surprising is that this dedication extends to providing PR coverage for different factions within the Jewish Labour Movement, the British wing (or sister party) of the racist Israeli Labour Party.
Early last week a report appeared in the Jewish Chronicle stating that  the JLM’s war criminal Chair, Ivor Caplin (Defence Minister at the time of the Iraq War), after having met with Labour’s General Secretary, Jennie Formby, was happy with the Labour Party’s new Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct.  And so he should have been since it rested on an amended form of the fake IHRA definition of anti-Semitism.
However when news of this leaked out Caplin was subject to furious attacksby his fellow Zionists. What his opponents objected to in the new Code was best put by Pollard:

‘instead of adopting the definition as agreed by all these bodies, Labour has excised the parts which relate to Israel and how criticism of Israel can be antisemitic.’ [The Jewish Labour Movement did not approve Labour’s anti-Semitism guidelines. Here’s why]
The Staggers Corporate Editor - Jason Cowley

Caplin had clearly forgotten that the anti-Semitism witchhunt had nothing to do with anti-Semitism as opposed to Zionism and Israel. Even worse he didn’t seem to grasp that the purpose of the anti-Semitism witch-hunt was that it had to continue unti Corbyn’s resignation.
You might expect that the New Statesman would cover these things fairly and accurately.  That would be naive.  Instead it ran a PR puff on behalf of Caplin’s critics The Jewish Labour Movement did not approve Labour’s anti-Semitism guidelines. Here’s why.
The article by Katz and Langleben, the latter a councillor who had managed to wage a successful campaign to convince the electors in West Hendon that Labour was anti-Semitic.  So successful was he that they decided to oust him! Their article is a classic example of what Noam Chomsky called the manufacturing of consent. It rests on the taken for granted assumption that there is, what the authors call an ‘anti-Semitism crisis’ in the Labour Party.  The only crisis is the continuing levelling of false accusations by the Israeli states surrogates.
For the past three years the Labour Party has been the subject of a concerted campaign of false and bogus accusations of anti-Semitism.  It began with allegationsthat Corbyn had associated with a holocaust denier and its most recent manifestation was the bogus issue of Corbyn having defended an allegedly anti-Semitic mural on the grounds of free speech.
What is the role of the New Statesman?  Has it ever critically evalued the false ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign which stretches from those well known anti-racist papers, the Sun and Mail to the neo-liberal Guardian and the BBC? Is the New Statesman’s role simply to echo the ‘anti-Semitism’ drumbeat of the mass media?
There seems to be an open door in the New Statesman to any propaganda which reinforces the wall to wall media consensus that the Labour Party is overrun with anti-Semitism.
It is no surprise that in the wake of the attack and pending demolition of Khan al-Ahmar, to say nothing of Israel’s gunning down of over 120 unarmed Palestinians in Gaza, that Zionist organisations should resort to the tried and trusted tactic of alleging anti-Semitism. 
The JLM, of which Langleben and Katz are senior officers, is affiliated to the World Zionist Organisation, whose Land Settlement Division funds the settlement expansion in Palestine that dictates the demolition of Palestinian villages. Did it ever occur to the New Statesman that this might have some bearing on the PR puff that constituted Langleben/Katz’s article?  Did it ever occur to Jasper Jackson. who commissioned the article  to ask how the JLM’s affiliation to the WZO squares with their professed support for a  two state solution?
When I spoke to Jasper he didn’t seem to have a clue about the issues.  He was unable to even comprehend what the significance of the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism was and why Zionist groups were so keen on it rather than the 6 word definition in the OED.
I therefore submitted a response to the Katz/Langleben’s PR puff.  According to Jasper it was unsuitable.  Why?  Well of course he had no answer.
Tony Greenstein 

Although flawed Labour’s Anti-Semitism Code at least makes an attempt to distinguish between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism
I can quite understand why Mike Katz and Adam Langleben of the Jewish Labour Movement are busily trying to repair the damage caused by their Chair, Ivor Caplin giving his assent to Labour’s new Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct.  However the internal difficulties of the JLM are less important than the principal issues at stake such as the weaponisation of anti-Semitism in the battle against the Corbyn leadership of the Labour Party.
Anti-Semitism is remarkably easy to define. It is not a mystery. According to the Oxford English Dictionary it is ‘Hostility to or prejudice against Jews’.  According to the definition drawn up by Oxford academic Dr Brian Klug “Antisemitism is a form of hostility to Jews as Jews, where Jews are perceived as something other than what they are.” If you ask the man (or woman) on the Clapham Omnibus what is anti-Semitism they will tell you that it is someone who doesn’t like Jews and they would be right.  Anti-Semitism has nothing to do with opposition to Zionism or criticism of Israel.
Katz, Langleben and the pro-Israel Board of Deputies are insistent that the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism is the only definition that matters. Why?  It is a strange definition that is over 450 words long. As Sir Stephen Sedley, the Jewish former Court of Appeal Judge wrote, the IHRA definition ‘fails the first test of any definition: it is indefinite.’
The reason why the IHRA is so long is because it attempts to conflate anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. It is therefore not at all surprising that the Zionist movement in this country has reacted furiously to Labour’s new Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct which removes 4 of the 11 ‘illustrations’ of anti-Semitism in the IHRA.
In the wordsof Jewish Chronicle editor Stephen Pollard, the problem is thatinstead of adopting the complete definition ‘Labour has excised the parts which relate to Israel and how criticism of Israel can be antisemitic.’ For all of Katz and Langleben’s sophistry, their concerns relate to this one central point.
Katz and Langleben refer to the widespread adoption of the IHRA whilst failing to mention that the University College Union and Liberty have both rejected it because of the threat to freedom of speech that it poses.  Anti-racist and Muslim groups have also opposed it because it does nothing in the fight against racism.  The fact that the College of Policing has adopted it, given the record of police racism in this country, is not encouraging.
Yes it is true that 31 countries have adopted it, but the fact that these countries include the anti-Semitic governments of Hungary and Poland, to say nothing of the V-4 Visegrad Group should be a source of shame not pride.  What conclusions should we draw about a definition of anti-Semitism that Viktor Orban can sign up to?  This is the same Orban who believes that Admiral Horthy, the pro-Nazi ruler of Hungary during the war, who presided over the deportation of nearly half a million Jews to Auschwitz, was an ‘outstanding statement’.
The government of Poland too, which made it a criminal offence to mention the fact that thousands of Poles collaborated with the Nazi murder of Jews is also happy with the IHRA.
Perhaps Katz and Langleben would care to read Chemi Shalev’s, Menachem Begin Would Be Ashamed of Netanyahu’s Whitewash of Hungary’s anti-Semitism, Poland’s Holocaust Revisionism?  in Ha’aretz.  Shalev was referring to the recent endorsement, by the Prime Minister of Israel, of an accord with Poland’s anti-Semitic government which endorses a policy of covering up small matters like the burning alive of 1,600 members of the Jewish community of Jedwabne , who 77 years ago were herded into a barn by fellow Poles. This is the real anti-Semitism that Katz and Langleben are silent about.
I don’t hear the JLM protesting about the invitationthat Netanyahu has extended to his friend Viktor Orban, to make a state visit to Israel later this summer.  Meanwhile Jan Tomasz Gross, Anna Bikont and the other historians who uncovered what happened in Jedwabne, Radzilow and other villages in Poland face being sued in Polish courts.
Katz and Langleben’s allegation that ‘The Jewish community have clearly outlined their own definition of Jew hatred’ by which they mean the IHRA is simply untrue.  If you were to stop most Jewish people in the street and ask them what anti-Semitism was they would say hatred of Jews not criticism of Israel. What Langleben and Katz mean refer to as the Jewish community is the Zionist movement.
Nor is it true that Poale Zion/JLM have been the Labour Party’s Jewish affiliate since 1920.  It has been Labour’s Zionist affiliate. This is part of the shameful record of Labour’s support for the British Empire.  Unfortunately the Labour Party supported the colonisation by the Zionist movement of Palestine as it did many other colonial adventures.  The JLM is not a group that anti-Zionist and anti-racist Jews are able to join.  Indeed the JLM is open to non-Jews who are Zionists.
Labour’s new Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct has many flaws, not least the fact that it rests on a cut down version of the IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism.  You cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. Instead of amending the definition they should have junked it altogether. Anti-Semitism is not a mystery that needs a special definition.
At a time when the far-Right in Britain, Europe and America overwhelmingly supports the Israeli state and Zionism and when the founder of the alt-Right, neo-Nazi Richard Spencer declares himself a White Zionist the attempt of Katz and Langleben to pretend that their opposition to Labour’s new Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct has anything to do with fighting hatred of Jews is risible.
Tony Greenstein  

See also:

New Statesman Bows to Zionist Censorship as they Delete Article on Israel’s Occupation

Why are anti-Semitic regimes so attractive to Israel and the Zionist movement?


Hungary's Viktor Orban, who described pro-Nazi Horthy as an exceptionalstatesman’ , is invited to Israel whereas Jewish activist Ariel Gold is banned

No prize for guessing which 'enemy' speculates with money but our Zios prefer to turn a blind eye to this blatant anti-semitism

The relationship between Viktor Orban, Hungary’s far-Right Prime Minister and Netanyahu is almost akin to a love affair. They smile sweetly into each others’ eyes and seem to have an affection for each other that is uncommon amongst world leaders.
Of course they have a lot in common.  Netanyahu built a fence between Israel and Egypt to keep out asylum seekers from Africa (‘infiltrators’).  Orban built a wall to keep out refugees from Syria. 
Netanyahu and Orban also have a common enemy – George Soros, the Jewish billionaire.  Soros is unusual for a billionaire in that he funds human rights groups, in Israel and Hungary.
The anti-semitic poster campaign that Orban waged against George Soros and which Netanyahu approved
Orban dedicated a nasty and vicious poster campaign to attacking Soros last year, replete with all the anti-Semitic dog whistles that only he was capable of.  Hungary’s Jewish community was up in arms.  Reuters reportedthat
Israel’s ambassador to Hungary issued a statement denouncing the campaign, saying it “evokes sad memories but also sows hatred and fear”, an apparent reference to Hungary’s part in the deportation of 500,000 Jews during the Holocaust.
Netanyahu, no doubt sozzled from all the free champagne that his benefactors have bestowed on him (& which is now the subject of a corruption charges) hit the roof. He wasn’t going to have his closest ally in Europe attacked because of a little local anti-Semitism.
Horthy, the 'exceptional statesman' and friend
Hours after the Ambassador made his comments, a spokesman for Israel’s foreign ministry, issued a “clarification” saying that Soros was a legitimate target for criticism.
In no way was the statement (by the ambassador) meant to delegitimize criticism of George Soros, who continuously undermines Israel’s democratically elected governments,” said foreign ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon, adding that Soros funded organizations “that defame the Jewish state and seek to deny it the right to defend itself”. Israel backs Hungary, says financier Soros is a threat
The ‘defamation’ of the Jewish state constituted having funded Israeli human rights groups such as B’tselem. Israel doesn’t do human rights. You might ask yourself what democracy vilifies human rights groups as terrorist supporters and passes legislation to try to prevent them getting funding. On Netanyahu’s Orders: Israel's Foreign Ministry Retracts Criticism of anti-Semitism in Hungary and Slams George Soros
How Orban's racist party Fidesz sees his relationship with Netanyahu
It was, of course, extremely embarrassing to Netanyahu who was just about to pay a state visit to Hungary to have his host criticised for anti-Semitism.
Ha’aretz reportedthat Jewish community leaders had complained of their ‘great fears following Orban’s praise of Mikos Horthy’ Hungary’s war-time leader ‘who cooperated with the Nazis, as well as Orban’s campaign against Hungarian-born Jewish business magnate George Soros.’
Netanyahu falls over himself to congratulate Hungary's anti-semitic ruler
It wasn’t an easy visit to pull off as ‘Orban’s speech in praise of Horthy last month created additional tensions with Israel.’ Because Israel uses the Holocaust as a form of legitimation it is sometimes difficult to square this with cuddling up to regimes that look to their Nazi past as a source of national pride.
‘Orban told Netanyahu that Hungary was pleased to greet such a dedicated patriot, saying that patriotic governments were the most successful and that successful government will be those who do not ignore national identity and interests.’
Clearly Orban and Netanyahu had a great deal in common and they were not going to allow Orban’s nostalgia for Nazi times past to disturb the karma.
Netanyahu and Yad Vashem
Hungary’s Viktor Orban is not the only anti-Semitic regime that Netanyahu has taken a shine to.  Poland’s Law and Justice Party [L&J] government is another close ally. Again there had been a few local difficulties, but nothing that was insoluble.
How the Jewish Chronicle's editor Stephen Pollard saw Milibands criticism of the anti-semitic Kaminski

Back in 2009 the Tory Party was criticised, by David Miliband for its links with Michal Kaminski, Chair of the European Parliament’s Conservative and Reform Group and a leading member of the L&J party, which the Tories had just joined . In the same year Kaminski spoke alongside Israel’s Ambassador to the UK, Ron Prossor, at the Conservative Friends of Israel fringe meeting.
Kaminski was ardently pro-Zionist.  In the same year he was a guest speaker at the World Summit on Counter Terrorism Conferenceat Herzliya.  Kaminski also paid homage to the Holocaust dead at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Propaganda Museum in Jerusalem in April 1976. Yad Vashem has, over the years, been host to a number of anti-Semites and Nazis including John Vorster, Prime Minister of Apartheid South Africa who was interned during the war for his Nazi sympathies.

Children liberated by the Soviet forces from Auschwitz whose rescue was abandoned by the Zionist movement

Kaminski was a far- Right Polish MEP who opposed a national apology for the massacre of up to 1600 Jews by Poles at Jedwabne in July 1941. The Jews had been herded into a barn which was then set alight. The massacre was the subject of books by Polish-Jewish historians Jan Tomasz Gross and Anna Bikont [Neighbours and The Crime and the Silence]. It led to a national apology in 2001, which Kaminski opposed. Stephen Pollard, editor of the Jewish Chronicleleapt to Kaminski’s defence.
On October 1st, in a bizarre op-Ed piece ‘David Miliband's insult to Michal Kaminski is contemptiblePollard refuted the suggestion that Kaminski had said he would apologise to the Jews‘only if someone "from the Jewish side" apologises for what "the Jews" did during the Soviet occupation of eastern Poland from 1939 to 1941. Mr Kaminski flatly denies this, and no one has yet produced a shred of serious evidence to contradict him.”
Nine days later Pollard provided the evidence whilst still defending Kaminski, on the grounds that ‘there were acts of collaboration by Jewish people with the Soviet army when the Soviet army came to Poland … If you are asking the Polish nation to apologise for the crime made in Jedwabne, you would have to require the whole Jewish nation to apologise for what some Jewish communists did in Eastern Poland."Poland's Kaminski is not an antisemite: he's a friend to Jews 1.10.09. He went on to argue that Kaminski was one of the greatest friends to the Jews in a town (Brussells) where antisemitism and a visceral loathing of Israel are rife.’  In other words his support for Israel negated his anti-Semitism.
If what Kaminski said wasn’t anti-Semitic it is difficult to know what is. 90% of Poland’s Jews were exterminated yet Kaminski believed that the surviving remnant should apologise for having survived. This is the same Pollard who only last week was berating the ‘institutionally anti-Semitic’ Labour Party for refusing to adopt wholesale the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism.  Pollard complained that instead of adopting the definition as agreed by all these bodies, Labour has excised the parts which relate to Israel and how criticism of Israel can be antisemitic.’
Err yes that's precisely the point. To separate out anti-Zionism and criticism of Israel from anti-semitism.  After all the Zionists have always protested when we said the fake anti-semitism campaign was about Israel.  Now they have proved it.
 But Kaminski was not the only anti-Semite in the L&J party. Anna Zalewska,  Poland's Education Minister discounted two well-documented massacres of Jews, including Jedwabne, by calling it a matter of opinion. When far-right nationalists marched in Warsaw, brandishing slogans and signs that said “Clean Blood,” “White Europe” and “Europe Will Be White.” Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski saidthe march was fuelled by “patriotic behavior of Poles” and displays of xenophobia were “incidents” that were “of course, reprehensible.” 
If this were not enough then Antoni Macierewicz, Poland’s Defence Minister told listeners to Radio Maryja, an anti-Semitic Catholic radio station that he had read Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a Czarist forgery that purports to be a Jewish plan to control the global economy but which was an acknowledged forgery. It was the basis of the Nazis’ world Jewish conspiracy theories and were described by Norman Cohn as a ‘Warrant for Genocide’
Acknowledging that there was debate about the pamphlet’s authenticity, Macierewicztolda listener: “Experience shows that there are such groups in Jewish circles.” It is worth bearing in mind that Hitler, in Mein Kampf [p.174] wrote that ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zionare based on a forgery’, the Frankfurter Zeitung moans and screams once every week: the best proof that they are authentic.’ In other words both Macierewicz and Hitler accepted they were true, but for the former it was irrelevant whether they were authentic or not.  Polish defence minister condemned over Jewish conspiracy theory
At the end of January the Polish Sejm passed a Holocaust law whose purpose was to criminalise and silence anyone who suggested that Poles were involved in any way with the Holocaust or atrocities committed under the Nazis. Poland's Holocaust Law Is a Dangerous Threat to Free Speech
Dina Porat, Yad Vashem's chief historian signs off on Netanyahu's exoneration of Poland's holocaust revisionism law
On June 27thNetanyahu announced that an agreement had been reached with Poland to decriminalise criticism Polish complicity during the Nazi occupation of Poland. This agreement has been heavily criticised in Israel for effectively rewriting the history of the Holocaust.  The agreement equates Polish rescuers of Jews, of whom there were undoubtedly many, with those who actively collaborated. Although the agreement was criticised by Yad Vashem it is clear that their chief historian, Dina Porat, was involved in the drawing up of the agreement.
Although the threat of imprisonment and fines has now been removed those who mention Polish complicity in Nazi atrocities are still liable to be sued in the courts.

Neo-Nazi David Duke was pleased to circulate the cartoon above which attacked George Soros

Undoubtedly the actions of Poland severely embarrassed Israel’s ruling coalition but instead of cutting off relations with Poland Netanyahu sought to engineer a compromise. The legislation will remain on the statute and explosure of Polish collaboration in anti-semitic crimes will still be a civil offence.  Why does a so-called Jewish state do this?  Because the most important thing is that Poland’s far-Right anti-Semitic government is friendly to Israel.  
There are those who argue that the Zionist movement only collaborated with the Nazi state because they were relatively powerless.  How then to explain the treatment of  anti-Semitic governments  today?  Netanyahu flew half-way round the world to denounce Obama’s agreement with Iran. When it comes to an anti-Jewish government there is the gentlest of diplomacy.
Of course this has produced shock waves amongst liberal Zionists who believe that Zionism genuinely opposes anti-Semitism. For example Professor Michael Barnett writing in America’s Forwarddescribes how ‘It’s a shocking thing for the Prime Minister of the Jewish State to be accused of aiding Holocaust revisionism yet this episode is only the latest in a string of events in which the Israeli government has given comfort to anti-Semitism.’
Barnett described how Ron Dermer, Israel’s Ambassador to the US had praised Hungary for being a great friend of Israel , saying the country had a “zero tolerance policy”regarding anti-Semitism despite Orban, and many of its leading politicians having trafficked in anti-Semitism. The following could be a text book example of hidden and not so covert anti-Semitic messages.
“We are fighting an enemy that is different from us,” Orban said inan election speechin March. “Not open, but hiding; not straightforward but crafty; not honest but base; not national but international; does not believe in working but speculates with money; does not have its own homeland but feels it owns the whole world.”
Barnett asks ‘Why is the Israeli government willing to be an accessory to Holocaust revisionism and give cover and praise to anti-Semites?’ and chooses the easy way out.  It is ‘realpolitik’.  ‘Israel’s security is in constant danger, and the state’s fundamental interest must be its own security.’ Of course this is a myth.  There is no danger to Israel whatsoever and if there was Poland is unlikely to be of much help.
The uncomfortable answer that Barnett and other liberal Zionists shy away from is that Israel is a far-Right state itself whose attitude to African refugees, Palestinian refugees and anyone other than its own Jewish citizens is a model example for European nationalists, fascists and the far Right. In the wordsof neo-Nazi Richard Spencer, founder of the US’s alt-Right
“... an Israeli citizen, someone who understands your identity, who has a sense of nationhood and peoplehood, and the history and experience of the Jewish people, you should respect someone like me, who has analogous feelings about whites. You could say that I am a white Zionist – in the sense that I care about my people, I want us to have a secure homeland for us and ourselves. Just like you want a secure homeland in Israel.”
This is the uncomfortable truth that liberal Zionists choose to ignore. Israel’s use of the Holocaust as a propaganda weapon is a double edged sword.  The treatment of refugees in Israel today is similar to the West's treatment of Jewish refugees 80 years ago.  The treatment of Jews in Germany before the 1941 deportations is all too similar to the treatment of the Arab minority. 

Hence why the Zionist movement constantly wishes to treat the Holocaust as unique, above and beyond society and without any causes at all (apart from eternal anti-Semitism). It wants the Holocaust to be beyond history, without any cause other than the fact of being Jewish.  Such a pitiable travesty of historical understanding is necessary if Israel is to get away with its day to day racism, transfer, siege and murder.

All that Barnett can say of Israel’s behaviour is that ‘If the price of advancing Israel’s security is becoming an accessory to Holocaust revisionism, then so be it.’
Of course Barnett notes that ‘Israel is quite quick to denounce Holocaust denial when it comes from Tehran, but Tehran is an implacable foe. Poland can whitewash its own participation in the Holocaust, on the other hand, and it gets a pass because it is an ally.’ without asking what is the purpose of a Jewish state whose allies are to be found among anti-Semitic regimes.
When it comes to Netanyahu’s silence over the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville last year when one woman was killed and the Nazis chanted  “Jews will not replace us.” then he attributes it to ‘the logic of a sharp self-interest’.
Of course this is nonsense.  Zionism has alwaysrefused to oppose genuine anti-Semitism whilst, at the same time, smearing its anti-Zionist opponents with the brush of ‘anti-Semitism’.  From Herzl’s diary entry at the time of the Dreyfus Affair
In Paris..., I achieved a freer attitude towards anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognise the emptiness and futility of trying to 'combat' anti-Semitism.
to the trade agreement Ha’avara in 1933 with the Nazis, Zionism has always sought to utilize anti-Semitism whilst, in Herzl’s wordsunderstanding it and pardoning it.  Zionism has always seen anti-Semitism as the justified reaction of non-Jews to Jewish aliens within their midst.  Jews are held to be a separate nation, not part of the non-Jewish nations.  In the words of Zionist writer  and founder of the Encylopedia Judaica, Jacob Klatzkin,
If we do not admit the rightfulness of anti-Semitism we deny the rightfulness of our own nationalism... Instead of establishing societies for defence against the anti-Semites who want to reduce our rights, we should establish societies for defence against our friends, who desire to defend our rights. [B. Matovu, “TheZionistWish and the Nazi Deed’Issue, Winter 1966-7 cited in Uri Davies, ‘Utopia Incorporated’ p. 17.]

It also helps explain why Prime Minister Netanyahu stayed quietin response to the white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a woman was killed and neo-Nazis chanted “Jews will not replace us.” Netanyahu spoke only after President Trump had done so. While White Supremacists were chanting anti-Semitic slogans, the Israeli government took a policy of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.”
However despite Barnett’s complete failure to understand why Israel and Zionism behave as they do, the conclusions he draws are essentially correct:
The events of 2017 and 2018 suggest that what is good for Israel might not be necessarily good for diasporic Jews. If this is a reasonable possibility, then the implication is that the Diaspora Jewish community must respond appropriately. It must learn to protect itself.
Below are some important articles, including one from the Hungarian Spectrum on the background to Orban’s eulogy to Admiral Horthy and another by Chemi Shalev in Ha'aretz.
Tony Greenstein
The Forward July 5 Michael Barnett
Six months ago Poland passed a controversial law intended to criminalize and silence discussions of Poland’s role in the Holocaust. Anyone who suggested that Poland as a nation had blood on its hands for the genocide of the Jews could be charged, arrested, and imprisoned for libel.
Outraged, Holocaust survivors, scholars, public intellectuals, and governments around the world admonished the Polish government and demanded the law be revoked. In order to try and work out a diplomatic solution to the controversy, the Israeli government entered into discussions with Polish officials.
On June 27, Israeli and Polish officials announced an agreement to amend the law, decriminalizing it. Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu himself took credit for a joint declaration, boasting that he had protected the “historic truth of the Holocaust.”
But many others read the revised law, and the accompanying joint statement by Israel and Poland, as essentially giving Israel’s seal of approval to a bill that attempted to cover up the historical truth and exonerate Poland’s role in the Holocaust.
No less august an institution than Yad Vashem harshly denounced the Netanyahu government. “A thorough review by Yad Vashem historians shows that the historical assertions, presented as unchallenged facts, in the joint statement contain grave errors and deceptions,” read the press release. Furthermore, the statement gives the appearance that the Polish government-in-exile and Polish citizens were trying to rescue Jews when they were more often willing accomplices in the destruction of the Polish Jews. The joint statement harms the principle of “unimpeded research,” and potentially distorts “the historical memory of the Holocaust.”
Noted Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer agreed, accusing the Israeli government of participating in the denial of historical truth and betraying the memory of the Holocaust.
It’s a shocking thing for the Prime Minister of the Jewish State to be accused of aiding Holocaust revisionism. And yet, this episode is only the latest in a string of events in which the Israeli government has given comfort to anti-Semitism.
On June 4, Israeli Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer praised Hungary for being a great friend of Israel, saying the country had a “zero tolerance policy”regarding anti-Semitism. And yet, Hungary’s Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, and many of its leading politicians have trafficked in anti-Semitism, blaming Hungary’s ills on the Jewish philanthropist George Soros and making speeches that are laden with anti-Semitic tropes.
 “We are fighting an enemy that is different from us,” Orban said in an election speech in March rife with anti-Semitic dog-whistles. “Not open, but hiding; not straightforward but crafty; not honest but base; not national but international; does not believe in working but speculates with money; does not have its own homeland but feels it owns the whole world.”
In response, the Anti-Defamation League and other American Jewish organizations issued one denunciation after another.
And yet, Ron Dermer praised Hungary. It raises a stymying question: Why is the Israeli government willing to be an accessory to Holocaust revisionism and give cover and praise to anti-Semites?
Realpolitik provides the most straightforward explanation for Israel’s unfortunate associations. From a realpolitik point of view, Israel’s security is in constant danger, and the state’s fundamental interest must be its own security. As famously observed by Lord Palmerston, “there are no permanent friends or permanent enemies, only permanent interests.”
From this point of view, states will associate themselves with their purported values only so long as the values do not undermine their fundamental security interests. There is no room for sentimentality, ethics, and morality when it comes to the survival and security of the state. The weak who believe the promises of the strong will be disappointed, and put their own security at risk.
This realist wisdom maps reasonably well onto Israeli foreign policy. Israel lives in a rough neighborhood and knows that it can rely on no one else for its survival and security.
In addition to the defense of Israeli and Jewish security, the Israeli state also identifies with various values, such as human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. But Israel, just like all other states, will have a relationship of convenience with its values; interests will and must always trump them. Despite its rhetorical commitment to these values, Israel has worked in the past with an authoritarian Argentina and an apartheid South Africa, and currently with a genocidal Myanmar.
And Israel knows better than to put its faith in the commitments made by others to its survival. The U.S. has been a long-time friend, defender, and benefactor, but Israel’s security and defense policy operates with the premise that it must be prepared to fight on its own. In this way, it’s like all other countries.
And yet, in one critical respect, Israel is quite different: Israel claims to defend the security and survival of both the state andthe Jewish people. Its definition of the “national” interest is thus more expansive than that of other states because the Jewish nation lives not only in Israel but also in the diaspora.
This raises a huge question: What will the Israeli government do when there’s a trade-off between protecting Jewish Israelis and Diaspora Jews?
Realists tell us that Israel will probably choose the survival and security of the state over all other demands, including the needs of diasporic Jews.
And the Israeli government seems to be operating true to realist predictions.
Israel’s recent foreign policy decisions make more sense in the realpolitical context. Israel is doing what is best for Israel, not necessarily what is best for the Jews. If the price of advancing Israel’s security is becoming an accessory to Holocaust revisionism, then so be it.
Israel is quite quick to denounce Holocaust denial when it comes from Tehran, but Tehran is an implacable foe. Poland can whitewash its own participation in the Holocaust, on the other hand, and it gets a pass because it is an ally.
The logic of a sharp self-interest also helps explain why Prime Minister Netanyahu stayed quiet in response to the anti-Semitic white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a woman was killed and neo-Naizs chanted “Jews will not replace us.” Netanyahu spoke only after President Trump had done so. While White Supremacists were chanting anti-Semitic slogans, the Israeli government took a policy of “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.”
What does Israel get in return for its seal of approval for anti-Semitism? Hungary and Poland are members of the European Union, and might be able to help Israel fend off EU legislation that is critical of Israel and its policies in the occupied territories.
Because of Israel’s policies in the territories it is finding it more difficult to maintain its long-standing alliances with liberal-oriented Western European governments; consequently, it must search elsewhere.
When given the choice between defending Jewish security and survival in the United States, or maintaining access to an oval office that has aligned itself with anti-Semites, the Israeli government chose the latter.
The events of 2017 and 2018 suggest that what is good for Israel might not be necessarily good for diasporic Jews. If this is a reasonable possibility, then the implication is that the Diaspora Jewish community must respond appropriately. It must learn to protect itself.
It wont be the first time. Beginning in the 19th century and continuing through the Holocaust, Jews in London, Paris, and Berlin established various Jewish protection societies that lobbied their governments to place diplomatic pressure on those eastern European states and Russia that were persecuting their Jews. American Jews often joined their West European brethren, but they often deferred to these more established Jewish communities as they focused on the challenge of settling hundreds of thousands of Jewish immigrants.
The Holocaust, though, promoted the American Jewish community to the role of primary protector of the Jewish diaspora. How Jews organized to protect the diaspora changed again with the establishment of the State of Israel, as Israel and American Jews began to partner in the defense of Jewish people.
Israel had sovereignty, a military, and a seat at the major international organizations where it could defend Jewish interests, as well as an identity as chief representative of the Jewish nation.
American Jews were the largest Jewish community in the world, increasingly confident and politically connected, and had close ties to a U.S. government that was the world’s leading superpower.
Together, Israel and American Jewry worked jointly to defend Jewish communities around the world, free Soviet Jews, and rescue Ethiopian Jews.
Israel’s recent foreign policy behavior, though, suggests that American Jewry must be prepared to take a more robust role in the protection of Jewish life outside of Israel. To do so, it should move in the following three directions.
First, it must sharpen and assert its moral leadership. An Israel that is prepared to give cover to ant-Semitism and Holocaust denial is an Israel that has ceded considerable moral authority in the Jewish world. The declaration between Israel and Poland was just that — a declaration between two sovereign states. But it should not be interpreted as anything more than that. Israel has no moral authority to decide what kind of inquiry into the Holocaust is acceptable or not. American Jewry and other diasporic Jewish communities can make this clear by raising a dissenting voice.
Second, it should actively debate whether Israel is willing and able to defend the basic physical security or diasporic Jews. Israel has had a standard answer to diasporic Jews under threat: make Aliyah. That is one possibility, for sure, but it should not be the only one.
Diasporic Jewry must consider all possible options. And among those options must be a willingness to call out an Israeli government that seems prepared to give credibility to governments that traffic in anti-Semitism.
Third, American Jews must become a stronger voice for refugees and displaced peoples, and lobby for a just immigration policy. In many respects they already are. Because of American Jewish history — the closing of the immigration doors after World War One and refusal to accept European Jewish refugees during the Holocaust and afterwards — they have been important advocates for vulnerable populations attempting to reach American shores.
At the moment, American Jews are using their own historical experience to identify with the suffering of others. But at some point in the near future it might be Jewish lives at stake.
Consider the nightmare scenario of French Jews forced to flee because of rising anti-Semitism. It is quite possible that many of them will prefer to seek refuge in the United States, just like European and Soviet Jews of the past.
They should have that choice. But they will only have the choice if the United States creates a compassionate immigration policy. Better to push for justice now rather than ask for special favors for French Jews later.
It is painful to watch Israel, the homeland of the Jews, give comfort to anti-Semitism and to those who want to distort the history of the Holocaust. Defenders of Israel’s policies point to realpolitik and accepting the world as it is.
Regardless of whether or not this is an acceptable defense, the implication is the same: Diaspora Jews might not be able to count on Israel to defend their interests and values.
Michael Barnett is University Professor of International Affairs and Political Science at George Washington University. His most recent book is “The Star and the Stripes: A History of the Foreign Policies of American Jews” (Princeton University Press, 2016).
After landslide poll victory for Hungarian leader, PM thanks him for supporting Israel in international forums
9 April 2018, 6:44 pm
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Hungary’s newly reelected leader Viktor Orban on Monday to congratulate him on his victory in Sunday’s general elections.
Netanyahu invited his Hungarian counterpart to visit Israel, according to a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office. A Channel 10 news report said Netanyahu was the first foreign leader to congratulate Orban.
The premier also thanked Orban for “Hungary’s support for Israel in international forums,” the statement continued.
In December, Hungary was one of 35 countries that abstained on a United Nations General assembly vote condemning US President Donald Trump’s decision to relocate the United States’ embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Netanyahu met Orban during a four-day official visit to Hungary last July, and similarly praised Orban for his support for Israel.
“You’ve done that time and again,” Netanyahu said at the time. “We appreciate this stance, not only because it’s standing with Israel, but it’s also standing with the truth.”
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban (L) hold a Rubik’s Cube at the Hungary-Israel Business Forum in Budapest, Hungary, on July 19, 2017. (Haim Zach/GPO/Flash90)
Budapest is at “the forefront of the states that are opposed to this anti-Jewish policy, and I welcome it,” the prime minister added.
Orban praised Netanyahu at the time as a “dedicated patriot,” adding that this is the key to his country’s success.
There’s a lot for us to learn from Israel, ladies and gentlemen, because Israel teaches the world and us also that if you don’t fight for something, you will lose it,”he said. “Because nowadays, you have to fight for everything in the modern world.”
Orban was elected Sunday to his third consecutive term on a controversial anti-migrant platform, with his Fidesz party winning a super-majority.
Fidesz and its small ally, the Christian Democrat party, won a two-thirds majority, which is enough to make changes to the constitution.
Orban late Sunday celebrated what he called a “decisive victory.”
The far-right Jobbik party placed second with 26 seats, while a Socialist-led, left-wing coalition came in third with 20 seats.
Germany’s conservative interior minister welcomed Orban’s “very clear election victory” and warned the European Union against showing arrogance.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban greets his supporters in Budapest, Hungary, April 8, 2018. (AP Photo/Darko Vojinovic)
Horst Seehofer said he would congratulate Orban on behalf of his Christian Social Union party. As Bavaria’s governor until last month, Seehofer sparred with Chancellor Angela Merkel over her migration policy and invited Orban to gatherings of his party.
German news agency dpa reported that Seehofer warned the EU against a “policy of arrogance and paternalism” and said bilateral ties with EU countries are always important even when there are differences.
However, Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn slammed Orban’s anti-migrant stance and called on other European nations to reject it.
He was quoted Monday as telling German daily Die Welt: “Today it is Hungary and Poland, tomorrow others in eastern and central Europe, even a big founding country of the EU, could develop a taste for undermining values and scaremongering.”
He added that after the Hungarian election “it is up to Germany and France, along with all member states that aren’t counting on indifference, to weigh in unambiguously on the basis of the European treaties to neutralize this tumor of values.”

In Orbán’s opinion Miklós Horthy was an exceptional statesman

Hungarian Spectrum, 21st June 2017
Another day, another speech. Yes, Viktor Orbán delivered another speech which, with the exception of one short passage, was nothing more than his usual collection of clichés about “those people whose aim is the transformation of Europe’s cultural subsoil, which will lead to the atrophy of its root system.”
The occasion was the opening of the newly renovated, sumptuous house of Kuno Klebelsberg, minister of education between 1922 and 1931, in Pesthidegkút, today part of District XII of Budapest. Along with István Bethlen, prime minister between 1921 and 1931, Klebelsberg was his favorite politician of the interwar period. Neither of them was a champion of democracy, but they stood far above the average Hungarian politicians of the period. I devoted a post to Klebelsberg in 2011 when the government decided that the new centralized public school system would be overseen by a monstrous organization called Klebelsberg Intézményfenntartó Központ (KLIK).
As I said, there was only one passage in the whole speech that will not easily be forgotten. After describing the 1920s and 1930s as “a grave touchstone” of Hungarian history, Orbán said that the nation was able to survive thanks to “some exceptional statesmen like Governor Miklós Horthy, Prime Minister István Bethlen, and Kuno Klebelsberg.” Thanks to them, “history didn’t bury us under the weight of the lost war, the 133 days of red terror, and the Diktat of Trianon. Without the governor there is no prime minister, and without the prime minister there is no minister. Even Hungary’s dismal role in World War II cannot call into question this fact.” Jaws dropped even at the conservative Válasz, which called Horthy’s description as an exceptional statesman “a historical hornet’s nest” which will be followed by a long, far-reaching, and most likely acrimonious debate.
Source: Miniszterelnöki Kabinet / Károly Árvai
Maybe we could quibble over whether István Bethlen was a statesman, but that Miklós Horthy was not is certain, and not just because of his dismal political career. When we think of a statesman we think of a highly respected, influential politician who exhibits great ability, wisdom, and integrity. None of these fits Miklós Horthy. He was a narrow-minded man without any political experience. Why did Orbán feel it necessary to join Horthy to Bethlen and Klebelsberg as great statesmen of the interwar period, especially by employing such twisted logic? One cannot think of anything else but that he has some political reason for his “re-evaluation” of Horthy.
This interpretation is new because it wasn’t a terribly long time ago when, in the wake of the Bálint Hóman statue controversy in Székesfehérvár in December 2015, Orbán said in parliament that he couldn’t support the erection of the Hóman statue because the constitution doesn’t allow anyone to be honored who held political office after March 19, 1944, because any political activity after that date meant collaboration with the oppressors, i.e. the Germans. For that reason, he wouldn’t support a statue for Governor Miklós Horthy either. So, this is quite a leap, which may have even international consequences. Although Horthy was not officially declared to be a war criminal, historical memory has not been kind to him. I am certain that the news that Viktor Orbán embraced Miklós Horthy as one of the great Hungarian statesmen of the twentieth century will be all over the international media.
The Hungarian reaction in anti-Fidesz circles was that Orbán’s change of heart as far as Horthy is concerned has something to do with his desire to weaken Jobbik, a party which has been most fervent in its rehabilitation efforts on behalf of Miklós Horthy. Orbán has been waging a war against Jobbik for some time, and Jobbik’s very effective billboards infuriated him. He wants to destroy Vona and his party. He is vying for Jobbik votes by courting far-right Jobbik supporters who might be dissatisfied with Vona’s new, more moderate policies. Perhaps Horthy will do the trick.
As far as Horthy’s political abilities are concerned, his best years were the first ten years of his governorship when he had the good sense to let Bethlen run the affairs of state. Every time he was active in politics he made grievous mistakes or worse, be it in the years 1919 and 1920 or in the second half of the 1930s and early 1940s.
You may have noticed that Orbán talked about the red terror but didn’t mention the white terror that was conducted by Horthy’s so-called officer detachments (különítmények). They roamed the countryside and exercised summary justice against people they suspected of support for or participation in the Hungarian Soviet Republic. Horthy knew about their activities and most likely even encouraged them. The number of victims of white terror was about three times the number of those who were killed by the so-called Lenin Boys.
Horthy’s election to the position of governor was mostly due to the fact that the only military force that existed in the country in late 1919 and early 1920 was his detachments. Politicians were worried about the possibility of a military coup. Horthy expressed his impatience with the politicians several times as they tried to hammer out a coalition government the allies would accept. And his officers made it clear that it is Horthy or else. His political views at that time were identical to those of his far-right officers who later claimed that they were the first national socialists in Europe.
Horthy’s real inability as a politician came to light when the world was edging toward a new world war. Perhaps his greatest sin was Hungary’s declaration of war against the Soviet Union. He volunteered Hungary’s military assistance when Germany didn’t even press for it. He also bears an immense responsibility for the Hungarian Holocaust when, after the German occupation on March 19,1944, the government he appointed sent half a million Hungarian Jewish citizens to their death while he himself did nothing. And we know that he could have prevented it, as he was able to stop the transports later, mind you only after 450,000 Jewish citizens had already been sent to die in Auschwitz and other extermination camps.
Orbán’s decision to declare Horthy a national hero shows the true nature of his regime.

Menachem Begin Would Be Ashamed of Netanyahu’s Whitewash of Hungary’s anti-Semitism, Poland’s Holocaust Revisionism

Viktor Orban’s upcoming official visit to Israel is a blot on the prime minister’s record and a stain on Israel’s history
Chemi Shalev  Jul 03, 2018 10:29 AM
Israel’s preeminent Holocaust historian, Yehuda Bauer, has castigated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his recent joint statement with Poland, which, Bauer said, belittles the Polish role in the destruction of Polish Jewry. “This is a small achievement and a big mistake, which borders on betrayal,” Bauer said of Netanyahu’s blessing for the Polish amendment that would decriminalize claims that Poles aided and abetted the Nazis, but maintain their status as a civil offense.
It’s tempting to excuse the incident as a triumph of realpolitik over historical truth. Israel, after all, has myriad political and security interests with Poland that are arguably more important than the age-old question of the complicity of Poles in the Holocaust. Yedioth Ahronot columnist Nahum Barnea, for example, this week compared Netanyahu’s move to Ben Gurion’s willingness in the early 1950’s to recognize an “other Germany” in exchange for massive German aid. “There were those who cursed him for this; others blessed him. In hindsight, it seems like he was right.”
The comparison, of course, is problematic, and not just in scale. Israel in the early 1950’s was desperate. It suffered from extreme austerity, was strapped for cash and faced the impossible hurdle of absorbing masses of new immigrants that doubled the country’s population within the first four years of its existence. Germany’s decision to grant Israel close to $8 billion dollars in current value literally saved the Israeli economy from going bankrupt. Israel’s reliance on Poland in 2018 is negligible in comparison to say the least.
Contrary to Polish leaders, moreover, who cater to nationalist sentiments by legislating revisionist history, German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer defied them in 1952 by accepting responsibility for the Holocaust as crimes committed “on behalf of the German people.”Ironically, Netanyahu’s ideological predecessor Menachem Begin was the fiercest opponent of the so-called reparations deal with Germany, leading a popular revolt that bordered at times on mutiny.
Moreover, Netanyahu’s willingness to forgive, forget and look the other way when Holocaust revisionism and plain anti-Semitism rear their heads isn’t limited to Poland. His chummy relationship with Hungarian authoritarian Viktor Orban is another case in point. Netanyahu visited Budapest last July and extolled Orban’s leadership, despite the Hungarian prime minister’s effusive praise for Hungary’s World War II dictator Miklos Horthy, who was “complicit” in the extermination of Hungary’s Jews, according to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Netanyahu was also one of a handful of Western leaders who called Orban to congratulate him after his victory in this year’s April elections, despite the fact that the win was based on avirulent public campaign against George Soros, which Hungarian Jews and international observers described as anti-Semitic in tone and content.
This week it was announced that Orban would visit Israel on July 18-20, thus completing Netanyahu’s efforts to stamp the Hungarian leader with an Israeli kosher certificate. The Hungarian leader will be given a royal welcome, but in light of Netanyahu’s own incessant attacks on Soros, for all we know the two leaders might issue a joint statement condemning the Hungarian-born Jewish financier. This is less Ben Gurion style realpolitik and more an Israeli prime minister’s active collaboration in anti-Jewish propaganda.
The Netanyahu-Orban axis, after all, isn’t a product of tactical political expediency, but a strategic meeting of the minds. Both strive for ethnocentric illiberalism. Both share a disdain for liberal values, especially those admired and cultivated by the vast majority of American Jews. Both agitate against immigrants. Both are sworn enemies of the free press. Both feel an affinity with Russian strongman Vladimir Putin and both have tied their country’s fates to Donald Trump. Needless to say, Netanyahu has pointedly refrained from criticizing Trump for any of his questionable statements on racists and Jews, including his post-Charlottesville equation of neo-Nazis with anti-racist demonstrators.
Netanyahu’s courtship of authoritarian regimes can be explained, but not justified. Of course he revels in Trump’s revocation of the Iran nuclear deal and his anti-Palestinian policies, including the transfer of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem. And naturally Netanyahu is eager to exploit the willingness of countries such as Hungary and Poland to buck the European Union, a pet peeve of the prime minister and the U.S. President, and to undermine Europe’s criticism of Israeli policies in the occupied territories.
But such considerations cannot excuse Netanyahu’s willingness to turn a blind eye to Holocaust revisionism and anti-Semitism. They cannot serve as a pretext for turning his back on the painful legacy of Polish and Hungarian Jews or for alienating the vibrant American Jewish community. His decision to gloss over the odious Polish law against claims of Polish complicity in the Holocaust and to camouflage Hungary’s propaganda against “internationalists” like Soros are a blot on his own record and a stain on Israeli history. Netanyahu’s whitewashing of anti-Jewish regimes may not be tantamount to “selling the memory of slaughtered Jews for blood money”, as Begin said of Ben Gurion, but one thing is certain: the legendary Herut founder would be ashamed.
Marton Dunai, June 30, 2017 Budapest, HungaryGetty Images
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban long proclaimed zero tolerance of anti-Semitism but has more recently risked angering Israel and Jewish people with remarks apparently courting radical right-wing voters ahead of 2018 elections.
Orban’s language, embracing notions of “ethnic homogeneity,” appears fashioned to occupy territory on the far right abandoned by the radical nationalist opposition party Jobbik, which has moderated its message, analysts and critics said.
Orban has locked horns with European Union partners over respect for liberal democratic conventions and reluctance to take in refugees.
In a speech last week Orban recalled the rule of interwar Governor Miklos Horthy, a divisive figure who led the country for 24 years until 1944, signing several landmark laws against Jews and eventually surrendering more than 500,000 to the Nazi Holocaust.
“That history did not bury us [after World War I] is down to a few exceptional statesmen [like] Gov. Miklos Horthy,” he said. “That fact cannot be negated by Hungary’s mournful role in World War II.”
The Federation of Jewish Communities in Hungary and the World Jewish Congress said in a joint statement that they were “concerned” about the tone of such electioneering.
Israel’s ambassador to Budapest requested a clarification of Orban’s words, which Jerusalem found “troubling.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is due to pay a visit to Budapest in mid-July, the first by a sitting Israeli prime minister.
Some analysts said Orban’s new hardened tone signaled a change in his politics and could define his upcoming election campaign as he seeks reelection for a third consecutive term.
Orban’s Fidesz is a runaway favorite to win the 2018 elections, commanding about a third of the electorate with Jobbik and the Socialists at about 10 percent each.
Jobbik received about a million votes in 2014, but risks big chunks of that electorate with its new, more moderate line.
Jobbik’s move towards the center has upended the power base in the center and created a vacuum on the far right,” Zoltan Novak, analyst at the Centre for Fair Political Analysis said.
One indicator of that move is Orban’s harder line on immigration. Hundreds of thousands of migrants have entered Hungary via its southern frontier since 2015, though most have moved on westward to more prosperous parts of the EU. Budapest has erected a border fence along its southern frontier.
“It is very important to preserve our ethnic homogeneity,”Orban told a business forum February 28, repeating the phrase several times.
Political Capital analyst Peter Kreko sees Fidesz and Jobbik actually trading places, with Orban now on the far right.
“For Orban to speak about ‘ethnic homogeneity’ in eastern Europe, less than 75 years after the Holocaust or 25 years after the Balkan wars, is a complete disregard of civilized norms,” Kreko told Reuters.
This week he used a national tour rallying against European Union plans for migrant resettlement quotas to criticize Muslim migrants.
They don’t respect our culture,” he said. “They seek space for their own (culture), then suppress ours, then replace it. This is a matter of identity.”
Orban’s “ethnic homogeneity” idea has struck a nerve with a new militant right-wing political alliance, which will launch at a rally next week and may also enter the 2018 election race.
“Within decades the continent can implode demographically,” alliance leader Balazs Laszlo told the pro-Orban daily Magyar Idok. “Our ethnic homogeneity can come wholly undone… We recognize differences and defend our own race.”
A leader of the movement, Mihaly Orosz denied any cooperation with Fidesz.
“If they sense they can use our movement politically they might try but there is no intentional collusion on our part,” he said, adding their goal was to pass the 5 percent vote threshold to get into Parliament in 2018.
Kreko, the analyst, says the parallels clearly indicate a strategic squeeze: harvesting voters left behind by Jobbik from both the center of the political spectrum and the extreme right.
Fidesz also denied any cooperation.
“Fidesz rejects all kinds of anti-Semitism, and does not cooperate with these politicians,” the party said in an emailed statement.
Raphael Magarik February 9, 2018 Getty Images
On Thursday, the British tabloid “The Telegraph” ran a cover story featuring a picture of George Soros with the headline “Man who ‘broke the Bank of England’ backing secret plot to thwart Brexit.”
The outrage against the headline’s anti-Semitic portrayal of a globalist anti-patriotic Jewish banker’s secretive plot was swift and effective.
But The Telegraph’s gaffe was hardly sui generis.
Just last Sunday, Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu claimed that Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros is funding protests against Israel’s planned deportation of Sudanese and Eritrean asylum seekers. Soros promptly denied that he was involved, and Netanyahu gave no evidence for his accusation.
Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer praised Yair Netanyahu's cartoon attacking George Soros - one can only guess at the conversations in the Netanyahu household
leading US neo-Nazi David Duke, a former Grand Master of the KKK, praised Yair Netanyahu's cartoon attacking Soros
But Soros has long been a fixation for the Israeli right. In July, the Israeli foreign ministry endorsed a Hungarian ad campaign singling out Soros, despite widespread criticism (including by the Israeli ambassador to Hungary) of the campaign’s anti-Semitism. And in September, Netanyahu’s own son Yair posted a conspiratorial, anti-Semitic image to Facebook featuring Soros dangling the world before a reptilian predator.
The spectacle of the Israeli government endorsing anti-Semitic tropes is a painful and bizarre new feature of our world. But there’s an angle from which the Right’s hatred of Soros actually makes sense.
Soros embodies a Diasporic Jewish archetype that right-wing Zionism has defined itself against: the cosmopolitan financier, the wandering Jew comfortable everywhere and at home nowhere; the liberal committed to abstract principles rather than to his particular nation. He is a reminder that another model of Jewish identity and even Jewish power exists divorced from nationalism, and as such, he is a big threat to the Zionist right.
Born in Budapest, Hungary, he was educated in England and then moved to the United States (he is hated by the nationalist right in all three countries). He has made billions gambling in currency, which was once a matter of national sovereignty but, thanks to Soros and others, has become a international market.
As in the Telegraph piece, Soros has been dubbed “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England” — that is, a capitalist to whom the nation-state yields. His business led him to the conclusion that national governments are insufficient to regulate global capitalism. “Leav[ing] it to each individual state to protect its own interests will surely lead to the breakdown of the gigantic circulatory system which goes under the name of global capitalism,” Soros warned in his book.
The anti-Semitic slurs and comparisons to Rothschild basically write themselves.
In his philanthropy too, he supports financially the values of international liberal capitalism: tolerance, internationalism, and democracy. That means funding anti-Communist protests in Eastern Europe, the liberal opposition to right-wing Hungarian nationalism, and the political campaign against Bush in 2004.
He has pledged to fight against nationalism, which he calls the “dominant ideology in the world now” and supports greater European integration, hence the anti-Brexit cash.
Perhaps most offensive of all to Jewish nationalists, Soros has said of Israel: “I don’t want anything to do with it.”
A proud and confirmed globalist, Soros learned from the Holocaust not that Jews needs a nation-state, but that the world needs less nationalism.
As Mairav Zonszein wrote back in July, “Soros’s humanitarianism and universalism represent an expression of post-Holocaust Jewish identity that is anathema to the hard-line nationalism of Mr. Netanyahu’s governing coalition.” He is the Old Jew par excellence, the deracinated banker and universal alien—an embodiment of the problem Zionism set out to solve.
To be sure, Soros and Israel or Zionism are in no way fundamentally opposed. That would be absurd, since Soros currently bankrolls massive portions of the progressive, Jewish infrastructure in Israel. I am saying that Soros is anathema for right-wing Zionism, that is, a nationalism with no respect for universal rights or values — and with no respect for Diaspora Jewry
Zionism has always been ambivalent towards Diaspora Jews, as it has always been torn on the relationship between the Jewish nation and the universal world. Eliezer Schweid has shown how Zionists have long been torn between a “negation of the exile” (shlilat hagolah) that sees Diaspora as embarrassing, weak, and morally compromised, and the needs for Israelis to identify and connect with Jewish history, which has long been Diasporic.
More broadly, there have always been universalist and particularistic strains in Zionist thought, from Revisionists like Jabotinsky who place the national collective above all, to universalists like J. L. Magnes who don’t even want a politically “Jewish” state, and imagine Israel as a secular democracy shared by Jews and Palestinians.
But over the past decade, this tension has been somewhat resolved, and not for the best. A brutal, angry, and ethno-centric form of nationalism has taken over the Israeli government and society. Netanyahu, for instance, supports a “Jewish state law” on the argument that Israel has been insufficiently Jewish over the last seventy years. West Bank settlers have entered the mainstream of Israeli politics; for the first time, a settler serves on the Israeli supreme court, and another owns a major Israeli newspaper.
The right openly rejects any vision for a Palestinian state, and it is increasingly disdainful of the democratic world. The Likud wants to regulate and limit foreign NGOs (just like far-right nationalists in Hungary and elsewhere).
Within Israeli culture, open expressions of racism are growing more common. A player for the Beitar football team said openly, “I am a racist,” and studies find that Israeli teens are increasingly comfortable with outright racism. The hatred of African refugees — or as they are called in Israel today, “infiltrators” — flows directly from this angry, exclusivist nationalism. Minister of Culture Miri Regev, who is fighting a war against Israeli culture she deems insufficiently nationalist, also said, “The Sudanese are a cancer in our body.”
What’s important to recognize here is that the right’s attacks on Soros and its plan to deport Africans flow from the same source: a newly ascendant, intense and unchecked sense that Jewish Israel ought to care exclusively about itself.
American Jews have been shocked and appalled by the Israeli government’s plan to deport 60,000 poor, stateless Africans. Thank God. To deport people traumatized by war and a brutal trek through Sudan and Egypt, subjected to violence, neglect, and living in South Tel Aviv in abject poverty—that’s a scandal.
But less obviously, the plight of the African asylum seekers is not just about how we treat the Other; it is also about how Israel views us Diaspora Jews.
The Likudniks who reject beleaguered foreigners as “infiltrators” also reject American Jews as shiftless, Diasporic self-haters. It is no accident that a government indifferent to Africans is also indifferent to American Jewish concerns about religious pluralism at the Western Wall, that a state which could expel refugees could deny entry to left-wing Jews critical of the Occupation.
The Israeli right is rapidly passing beyond nationalism into an isolationism which surveys the globe and sees only enemies.
American Jews must fight this trend, because it isn’t just a rejection of the Other; it is a rejection of us.
Raphael Magarik is a doctoral candidate at the University of California at Berkeley.

Brighton Anti-Trump Demonstration


Brighton Says No to Trump

Pleased to say that the demonstration against Trump was large, good humured and boisterous tonight.  Last year when Trump became President there was possibly the largest ever demonstration in Brighton as thousands of people jam packed the streets around the town hall.  The demonstration wasn't as large tonight but it grew to about two thousand people

One Long Lie – An Open Letter from Barnet’s Young and Privileged Labour Racists supporting the IHRA


If those who complain of ‘anti-Semitism’ could spend a day in Gaza as guests of the ‘Jewish State’ they would then understand what oppression means
Rachel Barker is filmed on Newsnight describing Corbyn as a 'monster'
Izzy Lenga and Rachel Barker, signatories to the Zionist Open Letter complaining that Labour isn't prepared to allow antisemitism to be used as a weapon against the Palestinians - the slogan on their shirt was 'Shitlord' - I decided that the time is gone when Zionists lord it over people

There has been a campaign in the Tory press and the Guardian against Labour’s new Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct. [Nick Cohen, Why has Labour run the risk of alienating progressive Jews?] Their objection to the Code is that it does not embrace all of the bogus International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism. [IHRA] The real problem however is that the Code embraces any of it. [Labour’s Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct – Be careful of what you wish for]
As part of this campaign there was an open letterfrom 18 members of Young Labour in Barnet, many of whom are also members of the Jewish Labour Movement [JLM].  They complained bitterly about the new Anti-Semitism Code.  In their letter they say that We are socialists, and will always standing with our oppressed comrades in solidarity.’
For a moment I was genuinely perplexed.  How can these 18 signatories reconcile support for the JLM, which describes itself as the ‘sister party’ of the Israeli Labour Party with solidarity for ‘oppressed comrades.’ Surely they don’t mean the 40,000 Black refugees in Israel whom Netanyahu is trying to deport because they are neither Jewish nor white?  Are they unaware that the Israeli Labour Party supports Netanyahu’s efforts to deport them? [Labor Party's Support of Deportation, Imprisonment of Asylum Seekers]
Barnet Young Labour is fully signed up to Progress Labour - it must have stuck in their craw to even used the term 'comrades' in their open letter
Nor is this simply because of the new right wing leader of the ILP, Avi Gabbay.  Previous leader Isaac Herzog was also hostileto the refugees arguing that “The infiltrators took Israeli Arab jobs.” which was of course the racist lie historically used to oppose Jewish immigration into Britain (note he also called them ‘infiltrators’ which is what Palestinian refugees who had been expelled in 1948 were called when they tried to return. Thousands of these ‘infiltrators’were shot on sight by Israeli Labour governments when trying to return to Israel in the 1950’s.  This is the same ILP which expelled ¾ million Palestinians in 1948.
Herzog was also no slouch when it came to racism.  He declared that his nightmare was to wake up to find that Israel had a Palestinian Prime Minister and 61 Palestinian Members of Israel’s Knesset. [Who needs the Right when we have Isaac Herzog?] Herzog also emphasised that he wanted to dispel the false impression that the ILP were ‘Arab Lovers’ [Herzog slammed for remark about ‘Arab lovers’] It is little wonder that Naftali Bennett, leader of the semi-fascist Jewish Home party nonetheless welcomedHerzog’s appointment as Chair of the Jewish Agency, one of the main instruments of apartheid in Israel.
If our 18 ‘socialists’ who claim they are in solidarity with the oppressed don’t understand the import of this remark, then let me remind them. It was not so long ago when British fascists accused people of being ‘Jew lovers’. That these 18 signatories can be associated with the racist ILP throws their claims of solidarity with the oppressed into doubt.
Josh Newmark - one of the signatories
The collected wisdom of another signatory Josh Newmark (son of Jeremy?)  - the idiot fails to understand that most Jews in the 30's were part of the left unlike today but to be fair most British Jews are far more liberal on Israel than the signatories to this letter
The 18 signatories call themselves ‘a group of young, grassroots, enthusiastic activists in Barnet’. It would be truer to say that they are drawn, without exception, from the anti-Corbyn Right of the Labour Party.
Their primary complaint is that the Labour Party hasn’t adopted the IHRA, whose sole purpose is to conflate anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.  Anti-Semitism is not a mystery.  You can look it up in the Oxford English Dictionary - ‘Hostility to or prejudice against Jews’.  
If you ask most people what anti-Semitism is they will answer that it is someone who doesn’t like Jews and they would be right.  Anti-Semitism has nothing to do with opposition to Zionism or Israel.

It is strange how those papers which employed Katie Hopkins are so concerned about 'antisemitism' - Katie Hopkins was a guest at the annual dinner of Britain's Zionist Federation
These young Labour racists aren’t genuinely concerned with anti-Semitism. You are unlikely to find them on the demonstrations against Donald Trump today, still less protesting about the demolition of Palestinian villages by the ‘Jewish’ state or any of the other atrocities carried out by the world’s only Apartheid state (in the name of Jews). This is the same Trump who leads the most anti-Semitic Administration in  US history, which employed an open neo-Nazi Sebastian Gorka as his ‘anti-terrorism’ adviser to say nothing of other white supremacists. Dana Millbank and others noted that Anti-Semitism is no longer an undertone of Trump’s campaign. It’s the melody which didn’t stop Israeli Labor leader Herzog effusively welcomingTrump’s election.
Now if these 18 young racists were genuinely concerned about anti-Semitism then they would want to keep as wide a berth as possible from Israel since most anti-Semitism in this country occurs because some people take Israel’s claims that it is a Jewish state at face value and then unfortunately blame Jews for its actions. The IHRA itself consists of 38 words,

“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

Having proudly fought against the admission of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany the Daily Mail is well placed to oppose 'anti-semitism'
It is also backed up by 11 illustrations of ‘anti-Semitism’.  It is these 11 illustrations that most concern our Young Labour racists. The above definition is clear as mud. What is a certain perception? Is anti-Semitism just a perception? If it may be expressed as hatred towards Jews what else may it be expressed as?  Why mention of non-Jews? Why include Jewish community institutions?  What are rhetorical manifestations?
Sir Stephen Sedley, a former Court of Appeal judge who is also Jewish wrote that the IHRA definition ‘fails the first test of any definition: it is indefinite.’
The reactionary editor of the Jewish Chronicle, Stephen Pollard, also attacked the Labour Party’s Anti-Semitism Guidelines but he was at least more honest than these ‘progressive’ young racists.  His complaint was that  Labour has excised the parts which relate to Israel and how criticism of Israel can be antisemitic.’
That is the problem.  These privileged young racists aren’t in the slightest concerned about things like the demonstrations against Donald Trump. After all Trump is more popularin Israel than anywhere on Earth. [JPost Poll: Skyrocketing support for Trump among Israelis] However he is not popular amongst American Jews.[Poll: 77% of American Jews have unfavorable view of Trump]
Can you imagine?  The man who refusedto condemn the neo-Nazis and white supremacists at Charlottesville, who separates children from their parents at the border with Mexico, who intends to appoint a Supreme Court Judge who will make abortion illegal is wildly popular in Israel?
The Times of Israel informsus that ‘Of the 134 countries surveyed about approval of the US president, only four showed an uptick of 10 percentage points or more: Israel, Belarus, Macedonia and Liberia.’. Trump had a 67% approval rating among Israelis. And why not?  Israel can kill unarmed Palestinians, demolish their homes and imprison their children without a word of criticism.
The Sun is always a willing partner in the fight against 'antisemitism'
And what about the issue of antisemitism’ that these 18 Young Racists are concerned about? Is that the same ‘anti-Semitism’ that the Sun and the Mail also oppose? The same papers that employed Katie Hopkins and Richard Littlejohn are apparently concerned about anti-Semitism!
The Daily Mail reported on 18th April 2018 about ‘Women MPs who shamed Corbyn with devastating accounts of Labour anti-Semitism are accused of 'betrayal' and LIES by his supporters’. Is thisthe same Daily Mail, which on August 20, 1938 reported that ‘The way stateless Jews from Germany are pouring in from every port of this country is becoming an outrage . . . (it is) a problem to which the Daily Mail has repeatedly pointed.” Or we can go back to the beginning of the 19th century to the Jews fleeing from Russian pogroms:
‘The rest were Jews. . .They fought and jostled for the foremost places at the gangways. . .When the Relief Committee passed by they hid their gold and fawned and whined, and, in broken English, asked for money for their train fare.” Daily Mail, February 3, 1900
The ‘liberal’ Observer, which today is the Guardian’s sister paper, has also run with the bogus ‘anti-Semitism’ narrative. On 31st July 1938 it reported, a few months before Kristallnacht:

‘“A typically baffling illustration of the difficulty is the fact that Britain now has more Jews than Germany ever had. If a further accretion of, say, 100,000 of them come into the country, how could the danger be averted of an anti-Jewish feeling here?”  July 31, 1938 [See Anna Karpf’s excellent We've been here before]
The Observer dressed up its anti immigrant prejudices in a fake concern for the growth in anti-Semitism.  Not too dissimilar from Labour’s 18 Young Racists. But let us concentrate on the arguments, such as they are from these young racists:  They are apparently:
‘horrified at the victim-blaming, bigotry, and incompetence that has been all too characteristic of the approach towards dealing with antisemitism. This has been most recently expressed through the NEC’s incomprehensible decision to abandon the IHRA definition of antisemitism, which is in use throughout thousands of British institutions and across 31 countries, in favour of a watered-down definition. Under the NEC definition, the antisemitic trope of alleging that Jews, by virtue of their identity, have their loyalties primarily to the State of Israel, is being deemed acceptable.  Furthermore, the assertion that the intent of the perpetrator is most important gives a get-out-of-jail-free card to antisemites, and disregards the Macpherson principle, which Labour uses to arbitrate on allegations of prejudice towards every other group within our movement.

Jack Lubner - one of the signatories
Let us take these points in order:
The IHRA has been approved by 31 governments not countries including the anti-Semitic governments of Poland and Hungary and the far-Right governments of Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and now Austria and Italy. Today’s European far- Right is like Trump. It loves Israel and Zionism even if it doesn’t care for Jews. That is why neo-Nazi Richard Spencer, the founder of the Alt-Right, declares that he is a White Zionist. After all, if you are a racist, what is there not to like about Israel? The fact that racist states endorse a definition of anti-Semitism is hardly an argument in favour of the IHRA. In America this quandary has caused heartache amongst liberal Zionists and the Jewish Forward.See for example Naomi Zeveloff’s How Steve Bannon and Breitbart News Can Be Pro-Israel — and Anti-Semitic at the Same Time
The second argument of these 18 racists is that they are concerned that
‘Under the NEC definition the antisemitic trope of alleging that Jews, by virtue of their identity, have their loyalties primarily to the State of Israel, is being deemed acceptable.’
This isn’t true. In any event the OED definition of anti-Semitism would cope quite adequately with this ‘trope’ (Zionists love this word, possibly because it rhymes with ‘dope’). 
The JLM returning favours to Peter Kyle, Labour's Tory MP for Hove - Jeremy Newmark, who later left the JLM under a cloud is on the far left with current Chair of the JLM war criminal Ivor Caplin and Ella Rose, Director of JLM and a free transfer from the Israeli Embassy is 4th from the left
This is also their most dishonest and disingenuous argument. Jews are being accused of loyalty to Israel. At this very moment the Jewish Nation State Bill is going through the Knesset which will officially make Israel the nation state of the Jewish people and officially an apartheid state. Although Israel has always called itself a Jewish State the current bill will make all that was previously implicit explicit.  See e.g. article by Mordechai Kremnitzerin Ha’aretz ‘Nation-state Bill Heralds the End of Israel as a Jewish, Democratic State’
Kremnitzer is wrong. Israel has never been Jewish and democratic. The term is an oxymoron. It’s like being half pregnant. But now there is no doubt. Israel will officially be a state, not of its citizens but allJews, wherever they live. This Bill will remove Arabic as Israel’s second language (this was only ever theoretical). It will allow Jewish only towns and communities to be explicitly allowed (previously they existed in a legal grey zone). That is why Abed Azab writes in Ha’aretz to welcome this Act which will do away with Zionist hypocrisy. [As an Arab, I Support Israel's Jewish Nation-state Bill]
Many of the signatories of the open letterare members of the JLM. The JLM is affiliated to the World Zionist Organisation [WZO], whose official platform is the Jerusalem Programmewhich speaks of ‘The unity of the Jewish people, its bond to its historic homeland Eretz Yisrael, and the centrality of the State of Israel and Jerusalem, its capital, in the life of the nation’
In other words it claims that everyJewish person is equally a part of the same nation of which Israel is the national embodiment.  In other words British Jews are members of the same nation as Indian and French Jews and thus loyal to Israel. 

Luisa Attfield and other signatories campaign for the notoriously corrupt Joan Ryan MP
Clearly it’s not anti-Semites in the Labour Party but the WZO which claims that British Jews are responsible for the actions of Israel. You can’t be a member of 2 nations simultaneously. What it is really saying is that Jews are not members of the nations amongst whom they live. That is why historically Zionism and anti-Semitism had so much in common. It is why the Zionists in Germany welcomed the 1935 Nuremburg Laws which stripped German Jews of their citizenship. German Zionists had never accepted that Jews were part of the German nation.
In Israel there is no Israeli nationality. There is a Jewish nationality, which is the nationality of the oppressor and then there are about 130 other nationalities. It isn’t Labour anti-Semites who are questioning Jewish loyalty to Britain but the very organisation, the JLM, of which most of them are members.
That is why one of the most common forms of abuse that I and other Jewish anti-Zionists receive is being called a ‘traitor’ – because by rejecting Zionism and Israel we are not being loyal. It is Zionism not the Labour Party which demands a dual loyalty of British Jews.  Indeed it is worse than that.
Less than 5 years ago, representatives of Israel’s government distributed a survey to American Jews asking where their loyalties would lie in the event of a crisis in relations between the United States and Israel! Israel Asks U.S. Jews, Israelis: Where Do Your Loyalties Lie? If these 18 young racists are seriously worried that their loyalty to Britain is being questioned, I suggest that they resign from the JLM!
Luise Attfield - one of the signatories
In fact is even worse than that. One of the examples of the IHRA which the authors of the open letterwant adopted in full states:

Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavour
Even if we ignore that this statement is a non sequitur, because you can support the right to self-determination and still believe Israel is a racist state, what the right of the Jewish people to self-determination means is that they have a right to form a state. If Israel is the nation state of all Jews, as it claims, then of course all Jews have to take responsibility for it just as British people bear responsibility for the actions of the British state unless they disavow it.
So we have the irony that the IHRA is anti-Semitic according to its own definition, viz. ‘Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel’!
These young bigots take exception to the need to demonstrate intent.  They want to use a bastardised version of the MacPherson principle.  At the last Labour Party Conference the JLM tried to hoodwink people into supporting a motion which would allow ‘victims’ of racial incidents to determine the guilt of their supposed attackers.  In other words racism would be entirely subjective. Given that Zionists, as a matter of course accuse supporters of the Palestinians of ‘anti-Semitism’, including Jews,  then every time the JLM accuses someone of ‘anti-Semitism’ they would have to be expelled.  And Jewish anti-Zionists?  Well they are the ‘wrong sort of Jews’ so they too would have to go.

Rachel Barker
The Chakrabarti Report was very clear about this but the JLM and these young racists are determined to distort the recommendations of the MacPherson Report, which was about state racism.  It is outrageous that the death of Stephen Lawrence and the Police racism that prevented the conviction of his killers for many years is being used by the supporters of Israeli Apartheid in order to defendracism.

Before these young racists talk about the ‘McPherson principle’ (which principle?) I suggest that they actually read what Chakrabarti had to say on the matter. Her Report states:
Submissions to my Inquiry reveal a level of concern and confusion (in some quarters) about the "Macpherson" definition of a racist incident. This is of course a reference to the famous Report of 1999 into the Metropolitan Police after its appalling mishandling of Stephen Lawrence's murder. The principle that an incident should be recorded as "racist" when perceived that way by a victim may indeed have some useful application outside the policing context, and even here in the world of Labour Party discipline. However the purpose of the approach is to ensure that investigators handle a complaint with particular sensitivity towards the victim. It is to suggest the seriousness with which a complaint must be handled, but in no way to determine its outcome. If I complain to the police that I have been the victim of a racist attack on the street, I should expect my complaint to be so recorded. However investigation and due process must of course then follow and it is perfectly possible that an investigator, prosecutor or magistrate will subsequently find either that no attack took place at all, or that its motivation was something other than racism. In the present context, my complaint that I have been subject to racist or other personal abuse by a fellow Party Member should be so recorded, taken seriously and handled sensitively. However it will be for the investigation and any subsequent process to determine whether my complaint was ultimately well-founded.
Liron Velleman - a dedicated Zionist and signatory of open letter and failed council candidate
What these 18 young racists really want is for any accusation of ‘anti-Semitism’ by Zionists to automatically result in the expulsion of whoever is so accused.  My response to that is the same as that of Corporal Jones in Dad’s Army! (Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler…’)
These young racists complain that requiring intent is a ‘get out of jail free card’. Intent or ‘mens rea’ is part of British criminal law. Except for certain offences which are called strict liability (health and safety, motoring etc.) then intent is integral to the offence. There is no reason why that should not be equally applicable to racism. Obviously if someone shouts ‘dirty Jew’ then the intent will be presumed from the act itself. Equally if someone directly discriminates against someone who is Jewish then the very act of discrimination will be evidence as to the mental element involved. All this is trite law but these young racists are engaged in an act of deception.
Another signatory to the Open Letter
The intent of these young racists is clear.  It is to use ‘anti-Semitism’ as a weapon to ward off criticism of Israel. That is why they want to adopt the IRHA in its entirety. I think it is a mistake for Labour to have used it at all. As Hugh Tomlinson QC stated in an Opinion the IHRA will have a potential chilling effect on public bodies’ and thus curtail freedom of speech.
In Israel the law is indeed used to curtail the freedom of speech of Arabs. Dareen Tatour, a poet, has been charged and convictedof inciting violence for publishing a poem calling for resistance. Given that Israeli Jews who call for the death of Arabs are never charged, still less convicted this is an example of the extreme racism of Israeli society. 
We should reject the accusations of these young racists. Israel calls itself a Jewish State. It claims it is a state of all Jews and Netanyahu claimsto be the representative of world Jewry. It is therefore incumbent upon Jews in the diaspora to say ‘not in my name’.I have yet to hear any of these young racists, most of whom are Jewish, speak out. In the West Bank they are about to demolish the village of Khan al-Ahmar to make way for Jewish settlements.  It is what Apartheid South Africa did. We imposed sanctions on South Africa do these young racists support us doing the same? In Israeli hospitals there are segregated wardsfor Jewish and Arab women.  Do our young racists condemn this and similar practices in universities?
For reasons unknown I have been blocked by Izzy - you can't win them all
I have referred to the signatories of the Open Letter as racists, not as a term of abuse but because that is what they are. Jewish people in this society are White and are privileged. Jews do not suffer from fascist violence . We are not subject to Police racism, deaths in custody, deportation back to ‘where we came from’ as per the Windrush scandal nor do Jews suffer from economic discrimination. In short Jews are not victims and therefore they have no right to ‘define their oppression’ because they are not oppressed. What they really mean is that the oppressor should be allowed to define themselves as oppressed. Their Open Letter is an exercise in sophistry aimed at supporting the Apartheid State of Israel.
These young racists are not the innocents abroad that they claim.  They have a Facebook pagefrom where their racist bile is distributed. They are heavily involved in the Labour Right.
Rachel Megan Barker
Rachel Barker, the LGBT Officer of Barnet Young Labour and Hendon CLP and former council candidate is a vicious anti-Corbyn right-winger as the video of her distributing ‘Saving Labour’ leaflets demonstrates. Ms Barker helped in processing information leading to the suspension of Labour members with Joanna Baxter, when she was on Labour’s NEC.  This was when Owen Smith was challenging Corbyn for the leadership. She let people know that the horrifically right-wing Baxter was too soft on people.  She would have had suspended anyone with even a trace of a suspicion that they were voting for Corbyn.

Barker calls Jeremy Corbyn ‘horrendous’ ‘appalling’ and says of removing Corbyn ‘it’s like chopping the head off a monster’  She is known locally as Miss Eyebrows, because they are tattooed on. Her brother is Tom Barker an E.C officer on Barnet Young Labour.  Her Dad is Hendon CLP Secretary and her mother is also very active.
Dora Hirsh is the daughter of David Hirsh, a sociologist from Goldsmith College, who formed Engage in order to unsuccessfully fight the Boycott of Israeli Universities.

It is hard to disagree with this assessment of Izzy Lenga
Another signatory is Izzy Lenga who was very active as part of UJS in NUS and was Vice President from April 2017.  Fortunately she was defeatedthis year!
Nesil Caliskan
Information about Viljo Wilding the Secretary of Barnet Young Labour can be found here
Eda Caz
Another person associated with this group is Eda Cazimoğlu who is standing for Labour’s NEC. Cazimoglu is the younger sister of the leader of Enfield council Nesil Caliskan. An article Report reveals Enfield selection fiasco details the scandal around the selection of council candidates in Enfield. Joan Ryan who is Chair of Labour Friends of Israel and the local MP plays one ethnic group against another e.g. Turks against Kurds etc. The whole Cazimoglu family seem to work for Joan Ryan, I understand one of them is her PA or Secretary.
According to Guido FawkesAlev Cazimoglu, ‘close ally of expenses piggy candidate hopeful Joan Ryan, was suspended from the party’s candidates panel. Tim Leaver accusing Cazimoglu of “financial inducements or inducements in kind offered to attempt to secure support” and “interfering with or putting under duress a member in regard to how they vote.”
The allegations involved Cazimoglu and Ryan plotting to ferry an elderly resident to a selection meeting and telling her which way to vote. See  also the Morning Star’s Labour right seeking to take over in Enfield, left councillors sayon further skullduggery involving Nesil Caliskan née Cazimoglu who was seeking to becoming the new Leader of the Council through various underhand means, fair or foul (mostly the latter). Needless to say the hopelessly corrupt Joan Ryan, MP for Enfield South and Tel Aviv South was up to her neck in all of this.
Velleman with Ella Rose, Barker and others in their efforts to retain Langleben's Council seat - he came bottom of the 3 Labour candidates and lost, having convinced sufficient Jewish electors that he stood for an anti-semitic party they refused to vote for him!

Velleman with Mark Regev, Israeli Ambassador to Britain and a war criminal in his own right - Israel's Lord Haw Haw
Liron Velleman is another signatory and a former activist with the Israeli funded Union of Jewish Students. His Twitter page has a photo of his involvement in the election campaign for Peter Kyle, MP for Hove, an active member of Progress, a racist opponent of all things Palestinian and supporter of Labour Friends of Israel and all round reactionary.
Tony Greenstein
Alex Richardson, former aide to Joan Ryan MP, Chair of Labour Friends of Israel

Alex Richardson, as captured in Al Jazeera's The Lobby when Joan Ryan MP (right) discussed with Israeli agent Shai Masot that she was being given a £1 million slush fund to finance dirty tricks in the Labour Party
Barnet Young Labour is affiliated to the racist Zionist JLM - hence their letter

An Open Letter from Young Labour members in Barnet

Posted on 11th July 2018
Dear Jeremy Corbyn, Jennie Formby and members of the NEC,
We are a group of young, grassroots, enthusiastic activists in Barnet who are committed to the Labour Movement.  We first joined the Labour Party because we were, and remain, horrified at the dam​​age that the Conservative Government has wreaked on communities up and down the country with their programme of austerity. We wanted an end to the ideological and ruinous privatisations perpetrated by the Tory run Barnet Council, which has long prioritised profit over people. We know that Labour’s vision of a better world is radical and transformative, and we got involved to help bring that day about.  We want to help Labour be the best it can.
Unfortunately, this task is being made impossible by the Labour Leadership’s repeated inability to get to grips with the issue of antisemitism.  We are socialists, and will always standing with our oppressed comrades in solidarity. We joined Labour for this reason, because we know how good its record in Government is on bringing about legislative equality. But we are horrified at the victim-blaming, bigotry, and incompetence that has been all too characteristic of the approach towards dealing with antisemitism. This has been most recently expressed through the NEC’s incomprehensible decision to abandon the IHRA definition of antisemitism, which is in use throughout thousands of British institutions and across 31 countries, in favour of a watered-down definition.  Under the NEC definition, the antisemitic trope of alleging that Jews, by virtue of their identity, have their loyalties primarily to the State of Israel, is being deemed acceptable.  Furthermore, the assertion that the intent of the perpetrator is most important gives a get-out-of-jail-free card to antisemites, and disregards the Macpherson principle, which Labour uses to arbitrate on allegations of prejudice towards every other group within our movement.
We live and campaign in Barnet, a borough that has the highest concentration of Jewish residents in the country.  While we have always opposed antisemitism for the same reason that we and our comrades have opposed all prejudice – because it’s the right thing to do; the impact it is having on our election prospects in Barnet is undeniable.  Throughout the recent local elections campaign, we canvassed hundreds of households to try and convince them of the future we wanted to see, a Labour Council.  Our policies were incredibly popular on the doorstep, and indeed until the story about the antisemitic mural surfaced, our numbers predicted an unprecedented Labour majority of 4-7 seats.  Yet, as the depth of Labour’s antisemitism problem unfolded, we came across more and more voters – Labour voters – who refused to give us their support.  We met left wing Jewish residents, many of whom had been lifelong Labour voters, yet they couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Labour this time, even though they agreed with our policies.  We encountered Jewish voters crying because they agreed with our vision for Barnet, but because of the national failure to deal with antisemitism, they felt politically homeless.  We were told of Jewish members who joined in 2016 to vote for Corbyn, yet no longer felt they could remain a part of the party they loved.
Labour must regain the support of the Jewish community, not because it will win us votes, but because it would be morally abhorrent to do anything else.  We desperately want to help Labour to do that, but because of a national consistency in ignoring Jewish voices within and outside of the party, our task becomes harder and the damage becomes deeper.
We ask you, in the spirit of the solidarity, tolerance and respect that our party was founded on, to adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism as the first of many steps in tackling this evil. To do anything else would be unforgivable.
We look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
Benjamin Lorie – Chair of Barnet Young Labour
Viljo Wilding – Secretary of Barnet Young Labour, Youth Officer of Hendon CLP
Jack Lubner – Campaigns & Membership Officer of Barnet Young Labour,​ ​Diversity Officer of Finchley and Golders Green CLP
Dominic Breen – Vice Chair Treasurer of Barnet Young Labou​r
Sadiyah Akther – Vice Chair Women’s Officer of Barnet Young Labour
Luisa Attfield – Disabilities Officer of Barnet Young Labour, Women’s Officer of Finchley and Golders Green CLP
Rachel Barker – LGBT Officer of Barnet Young Labour, LGBT Officer of Hendon CLP, former Barnet council candidate
Alex Luxford – Under 19s Officer of Barnet Young Labour
Tom Barker – Hendon Officer for Barnet Young Labour
Dominic Norcliffe-Brown – Trade Union Liaison Officer of Barnet Young Labour
Liron Velleman – Youth and Students Officer at the Jewish Labour Movement, former Barnet council candidate
Dora Hirsch
Noam Solomons-Wise
Izzy Lenga
Alex Richardson
Harry Jacobs
Noa Gendler
Josh Newmark

David Collier, the Zionists’ ‘Independent Researcher’ Doesn’t Consider Palestinian Refugees as Human Beings


David Collier who was used by the media to attack Corbyn called Palestinian refugeesDripping Poison

David Collier contribution to a 'debate' on 2 States hosted by far-Right Zionist group 'Campaign for Truth'
Collier sitting alongside   Tommy Robinson supporter and devotee Brian Thomas
Collier's friend Brian  Thomas is the key Zionist supporter of Tommy Robinson - they both went round Israel together in a car
You may remember David Collier was portrayed in the media just before the local elections as an ‘independent researcher’rather than the virulent racist which he is.  Collier was a useful stick to beat Jeremy Corbyn with when he revealed that Corbyn was a member of a Facebook Group Palestine Live.  His ‘research’ into Palestine Live demonstrated, so it was claimed that the group was a veritable cesspool of antisemitism’.

Brian Thomas, close Collier friend and right-wing British Zionist who runs campaign to free British fascist Tommy Robinson in Israel

According to Melanie Phillips Collier is ‘a British Jew who devotes much of his life to chronicling the anti-Israel and anti-Jewish attitudes which have become epidemic in political and intellectual life.Of course Phillips herself is a far-Right nutcase but her comments are no different from others in the media. Jewish News describedCollier ‘a writer, researcher and activist, who goes undercover to expose online hatred and anti-Semitism.’The neo-liberal GuardiancalledCollier a ‘businessman’ rather than a Zionist activist and blogger. I showedhow Collier’s claims to be an independent researcher were accepted at face value not only by the right-wing press but by the Guardian too. 

A modicum of research would show that he is an Israeli, not a British Jew, with a far-Right racist agenda.  His claim  that his research‘is fully independent. I am not affiliated with any political group or community organisation. I believe this independence is important and adds to the integrity of the work.’ is laughable given that he attempted to brand Free Speech on Israel, a group of mainly anti-Zionist Jews inside the Labour Party, on the basis of no evidence whatsoever, as ‘a group of Jewish Palestine Live members, who created FSOI to deflect accusations of antisemitism.’

Our 'independent' researcher is here attacking the Labour Party's newly appointed legal counsel Gordon Nardell QC because he isn't a fully paid-up Zionist

Leaving aside that the media at no time scrutinised Collier’s claims about Palestine Live, which I understand were based on fake and manipulated images, I know for a fact that Free Speech on Israel had no connection with Palestine Live.  I happened to be at its inaugural meeting 3 years ago and can vouch for the fact that Palestine Live never even once entered the conversation.  Why should it have done since it is entirely separate from the group.

Collier with his far-Right Zionist friends

Likewise to claimas Collier does that FSOI was created to to deflect accusations of antisemitismdemonstrates where Collier is coming from. FSOI was created not to deflect but to oppose the weaponisation of anti-Semitism by people like Collier.

Collier’s conclusionsin his ‘Report’ that ‘A small, but highly vocal group of Jewish anti-Zionist activists is engaged in using Jewish identity as ‘a weapon’ to deflect accusations of antisemitism.’ is another way of saying that Jews who are not Zionists reject the idea that criticism of Zionism is ‘anti-Semitic’ and are happy to assert that being Jewish does not mean you have to be a Zionist.
Collier's fake statistics are completely unsupported
Collier’s second conclusion was that ‘These Jewish anti-Zionists in turn teach their compatriots to insulate themselves from the charge of antisemitism by substituting the word ‘Zionist’ for ‘Jew’. is purefantasy. Nowhere in his ‘Report’ was even the slightest evidence produced concerning these teaching seminars, because of course they don’t exist.  What Collier and his compatriots cannot stand is that some us make a clear distinction between being a Zionist, i.e. a racist and being Jewish.  It is a distinction that the Zionist movement, not least far-Right elements like Collier dislike.
Collier and the all-weather bigot Melanie Phillips
Collier associates withfar-Right Zionists in Britain who make common cause in making a hero out of the anti-Muslim fascist prisoner Tommy Robinson, such as Brian Thomas.  It is a campaign which is popular amongst the Zionist Right at the moment. [See Ha’aretz, Esther Solomon, 30.5.18. #FreeTommy: Why Israeli Fanboys Back a U.K. Far Right anti-Muslim Campaigner
In a ‘debate’with Melanie Phillips, Brian Thomas and others Collier gave a well received speech on the Palestinian refugees. In it he cannot even bring himself to acknowledge the refugees are human beings.  He repeatedly refers to them in the third person, ‘It’ as in ‘it was created’.  In other words the Palestinian refugees, rather than being a product of the forcible expulsion by the Zionists in 1948 onwards, are simply a creation by the Arab states designed to do Israel down.
The Guardian was as happy as the rightwing press to treat Collier as a neutral researcher
You can read an extract from Collier's speech below and also listen to the speech.

Transcript of Extract from David Collier's Speech on Palestinian Refugees 18th May 2016
 “The Palestinian refugee was forged as a weapon.  It was created as an artificial entity inside a paradigm of no to normalisation and it cannot exist outside of that paradigm.  It will do everything it can to stop any type of settlement and today, as demographics have changed in the West this weapon has taken up camp here too. 
Today it spearheads BDS yet another external movement that does not care about the well being of the people inside Gaza or the West Bank. (applause) So if not now then when.  You will never solve anything until you stop the dripping poison from entering the wound. 
Collier with his fascist friends including Paul Besser (in blue jacket) of Britain First
First the refugees then everything else. Unwrap this parcel from the outside in. This is not a 2 state solution it is about 2 stages. You tell those British girls that they are British. You tell the Jordanians that they are Jordanian You scrap the ridiculous definition of a Palestinian refugee you dismantle UNWRA and you tell Lebanon (applause) that after 70 years it is about time that it stopped abusing the human rights of those people born within its borders. Taking an addict and feeding his addiction and his delusion simply because everybody is too scared to tell them the truth.  It is abuse.  
Working to help or to solve or assist the situation of refugees in places like Lebanon is a humanitarian cause. Kicking the can down the road only ensures that the conflict continues and everyone remains trapped. Caught in a perpetual catch-22 with those on the outside working to permanently toxify the environment.  If you insist on permitting the artificially sustained and hate infested desires of those on the outside to dictate the terms of the discussions between the Jews of Jerusalem and the Arabs of Ramallah in a deteriorating environment with no type at all of any type of settlement.  So if I am asked will I support some empty worthless idea that rejects reality and simply wants to kick the can down the road my answer is simple.  No I will not. ‘

Zionist False Victimhood, The Hypocrisy of Adam Langleben and his silence over Israeli Child Abuse


Its fine 4 JLM President Louise Ellman MP to Defend the Abuse of Palestinian Children but Criticism of Young Zionists is a Child Protection Issue!

My question to Adam Langleben - why is the JLM silent about abuse of Palestinian children but concerned about publicising the names of JLM's young activists?  Racism? 
These two children were murdered yesterday by Israeli bombers in Gaza

I seem to have stirred up a veritable Zionist hornet's nest! 

Last Saturday, before going off to the anti-fascist demonstration in London, I posted a blogconcerning an Open Letter by 18 young Zionists, mainly members of the Jewish Labour Movement, criticising Labour’s new Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct.  Their letter repeated the criticism of other Zionist organisations. It is clear that their elders (though not betters) including JLM’s Campaigns Officer Adam Langleben inspired them.
This Open Letter was widely distributed on the net but it is a threat to under the 18s who signed it if I publicise it - 
I have previously posted about Langleben’s political dishonesty in The Chutzpah of Adam Langleben & the Jewish Labour Movement.  Langleben was a Councillor in Barnet and one of the instigators of the false anti-Semitism campaign before the last local elections. So successful was he in convincing his electorate that the Labour Party was anti-Semitic that they decided not to vote for him! Of the 3 Labour candidates Langleben came bottom which may speak volumes about his laziness as a Councillor.
The young Jews who said Kaddish for the victims of Israeli terrorism and mass murder in Gaza were the ones who were subject to intimidation and threats of violence - the JLM of course was not involved in this protest
The 18 young Zionists who signed the Open Letter spoke of the NEC’s incomprehensible decision to abandon the IHRA definition of antisemitism’  The letter urged support for the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism. [IHRA] which conflates anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. They falsely alleged that Labour’s Anti-Semitism Codedeemed acceptable ‘the antisemitic trope of alleging that Jews, by virtue of their identity, have their loyalties primarily to the State of Israel.’
As I explained in my articlethe exact reverse is the case. Although one of the IHRA’s 11 illustrations says that ‘Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel’ might be anti-Semitic, another illustration states that ‘Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.’ Leaving aside that claiming Israel is racist has no relevance to the question of self-determination.
The child abuse that the JLM justifies
The latter illustration, which our young Zionists ‘forgot’ to mention, is deeply anti-Semitic. It talks about the right of self-determination of the Jewish people. Only nations have the right to self-determination which is the right to form a state.  Jews live in many different countries, they speak many different languages, they are clearly not a nation.  What this is about is race not nationality. The idea that Jews have anything more in common than their religion is the foundation for the Nazi and anti-Semitic world Jewish conspiracy theory.  According to the latter Jews are not loyal citizens of the countries where they live but form a common international bond in which they are loyal only to themselves.  This is the theme of the famous Czarist forgery the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Works for Andrew Dismore, former Labour MP and GLA member - a collaborator who goes out on a limb to support Israel's apartheid state
What this provision is saying is that the State of Israel is national state of Jews world wide, which it does claim and therefore all Jews owe it loyalty. If this is true then of course it is not anti-Semitic to blame Jews for what Israel does because it is their Jewish, state.  Just as it isn’t racist to blame British people for what the British state does on their behalf, unless they disavow its actions.
It's a strange logic which says you can't quote people who openly post because they are under 18 - Zionist victimhood knows no limits
Langleben's concern about 'under 18s' doesn't extend to Palestinian victims of his favourite state
In other words the IHRA is, according to its own definition, anti-Semitic!  However I wouldn’t expect our young Zionists, who are not known for their critical faculties, to challenge the Zionist nostrums they were reared on.
What is remarkable is that I was immediately subject to a fierce counter attack, not about the content of my blog but because some of the authors of the Open Letter were under 18!  Langleben tweeted at 9.00, although I didn’t see it until I got back in the evening from the anti-fascist  demonstration in London which his friends in the Campaign 4 Truth attended (on the fascist side!).  Langleben wrote:
I strongly recommend you remove all images of these young people from your blog of hate immediately. Many are under 18.
My response was:
all these images r in the public domain - if people choose 2 put them up they cant complain if others use them - ur being your usual dishonest self since you have nothing to say about the message which is stop justifying Israeli apartheid thru false accusations of antisemitism
All the images I used on the blog were taken from the signatories own twitter feeds.  In other words they were all public.  Nonetheless I tweeted Langleben back that I would remove any images. A day later Langleben put out another tweet.
You have written nasty libellous stuff about me and many people but you are too insignificant to pursue. I personally don't care what you say. I do care about under 18s. I have sent you the names.
Ahed Tamimi - Israeli army video of her early morning arrest
Langleben said he was concerned about under- 18s. Which under-18s I wondered?  Was he concerned about AhedTamimi, a 16 year old girl who was put in military detention in Israel at the end of last year for slapping a heavily armed soldier who had nearly killed her cousin by shooting him in the head?  Ahed received an 8 month prison sentence, without remission.  An Israeli soldier, Elor Azaria, a Kahanist who murdered an injured Palestinian lying unconscious on the ground, firing directly at him, received served just 9 months.  In other words the penalty for killing a Palestinian was one month more than slapping a soldier.
Ahed was also subject to threatsof rape and ‘unspeakable acts’ by Israeli journalist Ben Caspit. Adam Langleben might protest that he is not responsible for what Israel does.  However the organisation of which he is a senior officer, the JLM, is affiliated to the World Zionist Organisation which is responsible for settlement in the West Bank. The JLM is by its own admission the ‘sister’ party of the Israeli Labour Party, which supports the settlements.  But even worse its own President, Louise Ellman MP has gone out on a limb to defend the practice of the Israeli military in raiding homes at night to seize children as young as 12, the practice of blindfolding them, beating, torturing(according to Amnesty International, 60%of children are tortured on arrest), sexually abusing them, shackling them and not allowing them access to parents or lawyers. All small beer compared to publicising peoples’ names.
On the 6th January 2016 the House of Commons held a debate on Child Prisoners and Detainees: Occupied Palestinian Territories. Three times Ellman intervene to support Israel’s abuse of Palestinian children. My criticism of Ellman was held by Labour’s National Constitutional Committee to have ‘shamed’ her and was one of the reasons for my expulsion.  Ellman placed the blame for Israel’s child abuse on the Palestinians.  Not once has the JLM dissociated itself from the words of their President. According to this wretch, Palestinians would love their occupiers but for ‘incitement’.
the context in which these situations occur is an organised campaign conducted by the Palestinian authorities of incitement, to try to provoke young Palestinians to carry out acts of violence towards other civilians, some of which result in death, including the death of young children?’ 
‘I note my hon. Friend’s comments that a child should not be detained, and I assume that she means in any circumstances. Suppose a child was involved in an act of violence that resulted in the deaths of other human beings. That is what has happened with young Palestinians throwing stones—people have been killed. In those circumstances, surely she thinks that there should be detention.’ 
‘Does my hon. Friend really believe that the solution to this horrendous conflict between two peoples—the Israeli and the Palestinian people—can be found by encouraging individual child Palestinians to commit acts of violence against other human beings?’ 
Sara Conway is not above using child protection issues to clamp down on free speech as she appeals to the Metropolitan Police
The best one can say about Conway is that she is an airhead who has nothing to say about anything - full of the usual trite cliches about young people
And where Langleben led, others followed.  Councillor Sara Conway was most concerned at my post but apparently not at the fact that everything in my post was online and public. She even appealed for help to the Metropolitan Police! So was Councillor Arjun Mittra who was anxious to demonstrate how even Black and Asian councillors can stand up for Israeli Apartheid in the best traditions of Raj collaboration.
If you want to find out what Jack looks like you'll have to go to his  Twitter feed
Adam messaged me with just 3 names out of the 18 who were under 18 – Jack Lubner, Sadiyah Akther and Josh Newmark.  My only mention of Sadiya was to reprint the Open Letter to which her name was attached.  Apparently it is a child protection issue if I reprint an Open Letter which she has signed!
I republished the twitter exchanges of Josh Newmark, viz. that Jeremy Corbyn was a ‘dick’.
I also republished the image of Jack Lubner which is available on his Twitter feed. For the sake of argument I blacked out his face, although anyone who is really interested in what he looks like can find it by going to his Twitter feed.
So what is all this about?  It is another exercise in Zionist False Victimhood.  It is about making out that those who support Zionism and Israeli Apartheid are the Victims, whereas the real victims, the Palestinian are the oppressor.  This is the logic of the old Westerns when John Wayne and co. were always under attack, for no obvious reason, by the native Indians.
Despite the RMT Assistant General Secretary Steve Hedley being glassed in the face, according to these fascist Zionists it was 'peaceful'
It is touching to see how the open fascists Campaign for Truth backs up Adam Langleben and the JLM
Support for the JLM from the Zionists' fascist wing - the C4T was there yesterday supporting Tommy Robinson who combines neo-Nazism with ardent support for Israel, not the copy to Katie Hopkins
The C4T just loves Katie Hopkins, who believes refugees are vermin - however they leap in to support Langleben and the JLM - as we've always said the differences between different Zionists are no more than tactical

What is sad is that the Labour Party tolerates those who justify racism like Councillors Conway, Mittra and of course the JLM leadership. What is interesting is that also joining in the attack was none other than the Zionist  Campaign for Truth.  The CfT is an open supporter of Tommy Robinson and his fascist friends.
Whilst Langleben was tweeting yesterday and the CtF was backing him up, I was joining an anti-fascist demonstration in London.  Of one thing you can be sure, those who oppose ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party are not interesting in opposing the real anti-Semites.
Tony Greenstein

London Anti-Fascist Demonstration Against Tommy Robinson 14th July 2018

Large Anti-Fascist Mobilisation in Response to Football Lads Alliance Demonstration June 9th
On June 9th the Football Lads Alliance held a demonstration in London demanding the release of anti-Muslim racist Tommy Robinson.  It is estimated that up to 15,000 attended. 

The following day hundreds of FLA supporters joined Zionists at the annual Al Quds demonstration in London joining with far-Right Zionists in an attempt to stop the march.  The pretext was 'anti-terrorism'.
Steve Hedley who was attacked by fascists
In the past few days there have been dozens of anti-Trump demonstrations all over Britain, culminating in an estimated 200,000 demonstration in London on Friday.  On Saturday the FLA held a pro-Trump, release Tommy Robinson demonstration.  I estimate there were a few thousand fascists and a similar number of anti-fascists.

There were two separate mobilisations - the anarchists at the South Bank Centre and Stand up to Racism at the old Scotland Yard HQ in Victoria Street.  Both met up at around 2pm in Whitehall.

June 9th fascist march
Below are some pictures of the demonstration and the fascists.
The Zionist Campaign for Truth describes the attack on Steve Hedley as a 'scuffle'

Reports came in later that Steve Hedley, Assistant General Secretary of the RMT trade union had been glassed by these fascist thugs and other members of the RMT attacked in the Westminster Arms pub.

Police surround a number of fascists near Portcullis House - man in green is Neil Horan, a defrocked priest and Christian Zionist and fascist

People at the rallying point at the South Bank Centre

Police seal off  Trafalgar Square

Support the Lobby for Stan Keable


Reinstate Stan Keable 

Free Speech on Palestine & Israel

Support the Lobby for Stan Keable


Reinstate Stan Keable 

Free Speech on Palestine & Israel

Picket Labour Party National Executive Committee Meeting - 17 July 2018

Reinstate All Those Expelled - End McNicol's Regime - No IHRA Definition of Antisemitism


Picket Labour Party National Executive Committee Meeting - 11.00-1.00 pm 17 July 2018 Southside

Meet Jessica Elgot - the Guardian & former Jewish Chronicle 'Journalist' Whose Articles are Regurgitated Press Releases


It's a sad commentary on the Guardian which once boasted journalists like Michael Adams and David Hirst that it employs a Zionist Presstitute  

When I read anything by Jessica Elgot I am reminded of that old saying:

You cannot hope
to bribe or twist,
thank God! the
British journalist.

But, seeing what
the man will do
unbribed, there's
no occasion to
You cannot expect every journalist to have the talents of a John Pilger or Jonathan Cook.  However you do expect a certain ethical integrity, to say nothing of intelligence.  Unfortunately Jessica Elgot possesses neither.
What used to distinguish ‘journalists’ on the tabloids from the quality press was the ability to separate fact and opinion. The latter were confined to the Editorial or Comment pages. Jessica Elgot wouldn't even understand this proposition. She is a propagandist. Every piece she writes is biased against understanding. She mistakes cliches for prose from the latest press release.
Today Labour’s National Executive Committee discussed a new Anti-Semitism Code of Conduct. Apparently it has stuck to its guns and rejected the Zionist attacks. Labour NEC defies Chief Rabbi to adopt new anti-Semitism code.
I have already made it clear, as has Labour Against the Witchhunt, which picketed the meeting today, that the new Anti-Semitism Code is weak, based as it is on the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism.
Elgot's pathetic propaganda masquerading as journalism
The Zionist movement in this country has been waging a campaign against the Code.  After crying about 'antisemitism' for the past 3 years it is afraid that Labour might take it seriously and forget to confuse it with anti-Zionism.

Their complaint is that Labour hasn't adopted the complete IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism. Instead the most egregious examples of the conflation of anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism have been either omitted or toned down.  The Zionists therefore demand that Labour adopts the whole of this Liar's Charter.
For Elgot and her Zionist compatriots this is unacceptable.  In the words of the Jewish Chronicle’s far-Right editor, Stephen Pollard, the problem with the new Code is that 
instead of adopting the definition as agreed by all these bodies, Labour has excised the parts which relate to Israel and how criticism of Israel can be antisemitic.’
Lord Bracadale's Recommendation - anti-Zionism is not a hate crime
Anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are two completely different things.  Don’t take my word for it. Retired Senior Scottish Judge Lord Bracadale has just completed an Independent Review of Hate Crime Legislation in Scotland.  In his review Lord Bracadale, an Establishment Judge par excellence, no radical he, concludes that you can’t make criticism of Israel and Zionism into a a Protected Characteristic and therefore a hate crime.  You hate people not states.  To make it a criminal offence to criticise Israel would be an outrageous attack on freedom of speech and contrary to Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights. 
In the wordsof Hugh Tomlinson QC this would have ‘a potential chilling effect’ on free speech.  Of course Zionists and Elgot aren’t in the slightest bit interested in free speech.  All they are bothered about is protecting their bastard offspring, the apartheid State of Israel.
One of the illustrations of ‘anti-Semitism’ in the IHRA is describing Israel as a 'racist endeavour'.  As Ahmed  Tibi, an Arab member of Israel’s Knesset asks in Middle East Eye,  how else do you describe a state where nearly 1,000 towns and communities are Jewish only, where a Bill is before the Knesset to legalise the segregation of communities and where attempts by Arabs to buy houses in ‘Jewish towns’ are met with demonstrations by the residents wanting to keep their towns all White Jewish.  A situation where 93% of the land is national, i.e. Jewish national land.

One wonders what Elgot and the Board of Deputies would say if, in Britain, there was a Christian National Fund which owned and controlled 93% of land and refused, on principle, to sell or lease its property to Jews or non-Christians.  Ant-semitic or merely defending Christian identity?
Israel is a state where mobs chant ‘Death to the Arabs’ without any penalty whatsoever, whereas an Arab poet, Dareen Tatour is facing a lengthy prison sentence for talking about ‘resistance’ in a poem.  Racist?  You judge. 
But to the despicable Elgot, who masquerades as a journalist, none of this matters. She like her editors is devoted to one thing only – selling Israeli Apartheid as a Western Democracy.
For reasons unknown Jessica decided to block me
It is no surprise, that in the course of researching this article, I found that Ms Elgot had blocked me on Twitter even though we have never exchanged a single word.  I can’t imagine why should want to block me but I’ll take it as a compliment that I have been blocked by a racist.
The moral of the story?  As long as the Guardian employs people like Elgot no self-respecting anti-racist or socialist should buy The Guardian.
Below is a letter I have sent to the Guardian on Elgot’s latest piece.  I don’t expect it to be published!
Letter I have sent to the Guardian concerning Elgot's fake news article

Longstanding Knesset member Ahmad Tibi urges Labour not to change its definition of anti-Semitism at its meeting on Tuesday

The British Labour Party’s recent efforts to define anti-Semitism, and to put clear water between a racist act (which is a criminal offence) and legitimate criticism of Israel, is deeply appreciated by those who strive for truth and justice.

Conversely, the push by supporters of Israel to bully and browbeat the Labour Party into adopting a distorted definition of anti-Semitism is sad and disheartening.
It is impossible to understand why Labour refuses to align itself with this universal definition,” complained the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the UK’s Jewish Leadership Council.

The definition’s controversial examples are not even accepted as such by the man who wrote it

The second half of this sentence is patently false. These groups’ desired definition, through politically slanted examples, is most definitely not a universally accepted test to decide which statements should be struck from the political discourse – and for good reason.

Five years ago, the Fundamental Rights Agency – the European Union body dedicated to combatting racism and discrimination – dropped the definition from its website.

In fact, the definition’s controversial examples are not even accepted as such by the man who wrote it.

As Kenneth Stern, the lawyer and lead author of the document explained in a 2016 op-ed in the New York Times, the text was only ever “intended for data collectors writing reports about anti-Semitism in Europe. It was never supposed to curtail speech”.

The fog of 'whataboutery'

Now on to the first claim, that it is “impossible to understand” why the UK Labour Party, or any body dedicated to human rights and opposed to racial hatred, would reject the definition or associated examples championed by pro-Israel groups.

Allow me, a Palestinian citizen of Israel and member of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, to explain why this definition of anti-Semitism is problematic in the extreme, and why it amounts to an attempt to muzzle public discourse on the rights of Palestinian people.

Anger at the Labour Party stems not from its decision to accept the broad definition of anti-Semitism written by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), but its refusal to accept four examples of anti-Semitism which relate explicitly to Israel. These are:
  • “Applying double standards by requiring of it a behaviour not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation”
  • "Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations”
  • “Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, eg, by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavour”
  • "Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis”
The first of these examples is just an eloquent ”whataboutery". Responding to reports about state racism, Israel’s defenders cry out: "What about Syria? What about Saudi Arabia? What about Iran?"

Of course, these aren’t honest appeals to discuss the alleged crimes of those other countries, but rather, efforts to derail discussion of Israel’s. No victim of racism should ever be required to compile lists of other equally reprehensible acts of racism, just to earn the right to describe their own suffering.

If other countries are guilty of similar or worse crimes, they should also be called out for those crimes. The responsibility to do so, however, falls on every single citizen, every political actor.

Any effort to burden those who would advocate Palestinian rights with the demand that they first lobby for the rights of every other aggrieved group in the world is nothing more than a strategy to silence them, and to ensure Israeli impunity.

Where are rights for Palestinians?

Another way Palestinians are being silenced is with the assertion that those who accuse the State of Israel of inherent racism, of being a “racist endeavour“, are really inciting hatred of Jews in general and wherever they happen to live. Founding the state was the common wish of Jewish people, say supporters of Israel: denying that wish amounts to anti-Semitism.

In fact, creating a state that would give preferential treatment to Jews over others, including over the indigenous Palestinian people, was a minority opinion among Jews around the world before Israel was established.

Since the state’s founding in 1948, admittedly, Jews who support a territory of their own in Palestine have grown in number and proportion.

Still, no right of self-determination could ever supercede the right to equal treatment of every other person living on the land. Why should support for Israel – even if such support was unanimous among Jewry around the world – absolve Israel of racism at its core? 

At the time of Israel’s creation, its founding fathers drove out hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, and did not permit them to return when hostilities had ended. They refuse a right of return to this day. In the seven decades that followed, there was only a single year in which Israel did not control the Palestinian masses that remained by military occupation.

Palestinians now make up a majority of the population in all the territories Israel controls, but only a quarter of those people are accorded citizenship, and even they are subject to discrimination by at least 66 state laws.

Almost 1,000 villages and towns in Israel – more than three-quarters of the total – do not permit non-Jews to live within them.

To ensure that Israel’s High Court cannot quash any of these laws that discriminate against non-Jews, the Netanyahu government is now advancing new legislation which would sanctify the superior status of Jews in Israel.
These and many more travesties of justice are not bugs of the Jewish state; they are features of it. Where then are the rights of the Palestinians to self-determination, after the State of Israel has systematically eliminated them?

The hatred against Palestinians and others

In recent years, though, the elected and appointed leaders of Israeli Jews have incited hatred against Palestinians, African refugees, non-Jews in general, even against Israeli Jews who are not sufficiently nationalist in their eyes.
It gives me no pleasure to write this, but it must be clearly stated for the record: of late, top Israeli political and religious leaders have even incited genocide against the Palestinian people. Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef ruled in March that non-Jewish people, including Palestinians, have no right to live in the country.

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked said in May 2015 that all Palestinian people, including mothers and babies, are enemies who must be destroyed.

Most worrisome, this racist rhetoric is increasingly influencing the Israeli public, shifting it further and further to the far right. What human rights horrors could this lead to, if left unchecked?

In May 2014, Israel’s most highly respected author, Amos Oz, used a variation on the N-word to describe the country’s Jewish supremacists. “We also have Hebrew neo-Nazi groups,” Oz said. “There is nothing the modern-day neo-Nazis in Europe do that those groups don’t do here.”
Baby  Ali Dawabsheh was burnt alive with his parents and his surviving brother when his home was firebombed by neo-Nazi settlers - at the trial this month of the perpetrators, his supporters turned up to taunt his grandfather 'Ali is dead, Ali is on the grill' - the Police chose not to intervene
Just weeks later, some of those neo-Nazis kidnapped Mohammad Abu Khdeir, a Palestinian teenager in Jerusalem, beat him, forced gasoline down his throat, and burned him to death from the inside out. In July 2015, another group of Hebrew neo-Nazis firebombed a Palestinian home in the West Bank, murdering the Dawabsheh family’s father, mother and one-year-old baby.

In recent weeks, I accompanied the baby’s grandfather to court to support him in his quest for justice. Meanwhile, my fellow deputy speaker of the Knesset, Bezalel Smotrich, accompanied to court the young Israeli men on trial for committing the murders.
Khan al Ahmar where Israeli soldiers are grapping with residents whose homes they are intending to demolish

Two years ago on Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day itself – the Israeli army’s deputy chief of staff, Major General Yair Golan, told a group of assembled soldiers: “If there's something that frightens me about Holocaust remembrance, it's the recognition of the revolting processes that occurred in Europe in general, and particularly in Germany, back then – 70, 80 and 90 years ago – and finding signs of them here among us today in 2016.”

Golan’s harsh observations were not divorced from reality, but rather, reflected it accurately. A Pew poll published just two months earlier found that four-fifths of Israeli Jews want the state to accord them more legal rights than Palestinian citizens of Israel, and half – half! – of Israeli Jews want to strip non-Jews of their citizenship, and to outright deport them.

Stifling free speech ensures racism continues

This state of affairs is nothing to be happy about; like other public figures, I regret to inform you of it. But I am left with no choice: unless you are made aware of these frightening facts, there is no chance that these trends can be curbed, and reversed, so that ultimately, everyone living in the land can enjoy the equal rights they are entitled to, Jew and Gentile, Israeli and Palestinian.

The Labour Party’s new statement, which slams anti-Semitism but defends criticism of Israel, is a huge improvement over the anti-Palestinian policy that preceded it, and should be praised as such.

Attempts by the Labour Party or any other body to stifle free speech about Israeli racism will only ensure that the racism continues and increases unabated.

Ahmad Tibi is the most senior Arab MK, having served since 1999. He is one of the founders of the Arab Movement for Renewal (Hatenua Ha'Aravit le Hithadshut, or Ta’al) and a member of the Joint List (Hadash, Ra'am, Balad, Ta'al). In 1993, after the signing of the Oslo Accords, Yasser Arafat, then-chairman of the Palestinian Authority, appointed Tibi as his special adviser. Since his election to the Knesset, Ahmad Tibi has managed to pass 12 laws, most of which focus on social, economic and consumer issues. In 2010, Tibi gave a speech about the Holocaust, which then-Speaker Reuven Rivlin called “the finest speech ever given in the history of the Knesset”.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye.

support the Jews for Palestinian Right of Return statement


Jews Speak Out Against the Racist Double Standards of the 'Law of Return'

There is nothing more illustrative of the racism of Israel and Zionism than the Law of Return.  As a Jew I can 'return' to a place I've no interest in living in.  But Palestinian friends have no such luxury.  They cannot return.   It is therefore excellent that there is growing Jewish opposition to Zionism despite the tants of 'self hater' (no we hate you!).  Like the anti-Nazi Germans who died under Hitler, Jews who oppose Zionism
 A Film Made About Jews Who Oppose Zionism
Despite an overemphasis on Neturei Kara, the Orthodox anti-Zionists, this is a good film that features among other things the young Israelis opposed to the occupation who refuse to serve in the Israel Occupation Forces, the Shministim, and also Gerald Kaufmann MP's excellent speech when he said that his grandmother hadn't been murdered in the ghetto she lived in by the Nazis in order that Israel could kill Palestinian grandmothers.

I am therefore very proud to be one of the founding signatories of this statement and urge all Jewish people to support it.  
Tony Greenstein
Dr. Ghada Karmi, M.D.: “An excellent statement which gets at the heart of the Palestinian cause. All people of conscience must sign it.”
To support the Jews for Palestinian Right of Return statement below, please:

**Join, invite friends to, and repost the Facebook event page 

**Repost widely on websites and blogs:

Praise for JFPROR

Ali Abunimah (Electronic Intifada): “Beautiful!”

Mezna Qato (US Palestinian Community Network): “Absolutely beautiful.”

Fatin Jarara (Al Awda-NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition): “Thank you, JFPROR, for your support of the right of return for Palestinian refugees to all of Historic Palestine and for the call for a single democratic state, a point that must never be compromised by Palestinians, first and foremost, or their allies.”

Max Blumenthal: ”I was proud to join so many outstanding people in signing.”

Stuart Bramhall (Daily Censored): “Profoundly moving.”

Kevin Ovenden (Palestine solidarity activist, London): “Well done – forwards to peace and justice, without which there can be no peace.”

Jews For Palestinian Right of Return

January 1, 2013

“For Palestinians, the right to return home and the right to live in dignity and equality in their own land are not any less important than the right to live free of military occupation.”

For more than a century, Zionists have sought to construct a “Jewish state” through forced removal of the indigenous Palestinian people.

In 1948, this state was established through the Nakba (Catastrophe): erasure and occupation of more than 500 Palestinian towns and villages, dispossession of over 750,000 Palestinians, and a terror campaign of which the massacre at Deir Yassin is but the most infamous example.

Since 1967, Israel has also occupied and colonized the remainder of historic Palestine. Today, this relentless ethnic cleansing continues — armed and financed by the U.S. and its allies — on both sides of the 1948 “Green Line.”

As a cumulative result, seventy percent of Palestinians are in exile, the world’s largest refugee population.

Nowhere is this clearer than in Gaza, where Israel inflicts particularly brutal collective punishment on 1.7 million people — most of them refugees — for defiantly resisting expulsion from their homes throughout historic Palestine.

“Pick a point, any point, along [Gaza's] 25-mile coastline,” writes Gaza City resident Lara Aburamadan, “and you’re seven or so miles — never more — from the other side. The other side is where my grandparents were born, in a village that has since become someone else’s country, off limits to me. You call it Israel. I call it the place where the bombs come from.”

To hide these crimes and shield itself from their consequences, the Zionist regime officially denies the Nakba, the ethical equivalent of Holocaust denial. It has even authorized legislation to penalize those who memorialize the Nakba — a step toward criminalizing its observance altogether.

As it is for all colonized peoples, liberation means reversing dispossession. “The Palestinian cause,” writes Dr. Haidar Eid in Gaza, “is the right of return for all refugees and nothing less.”

Return — one of the key demands of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign — is affirmed in U.N. resolution 194, but derives from the principle of universal human rights and, as such, cannot be renounced or abandoned by any body or representative; it inalienably attaches to Palestinians, both individually and collectively.

Despite this, even some who criticize Israel’s 1967 occupation claim that Palestinian return is “unrealistic.”

However, solidarity means unconditional support for the just aims of those resisting oppression. As Palestinian journalist-activist Maath Musleh explains: “If you think that [return] is not possible, then you are really not in solidarity with the Palestinian cause.”

Some also object that refugees’ return would mean an end to the “Jewish state.” But supporters of social justice must ask themselves how they can defend a state whose very existence depends on structural denial of Palestinian rights.

Recently, more than a hundred leading Palestinian activists reaffirmed their opposition “to all forms of racism and bigotry, including, but not limited to, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, Zionism, and other forms of bigotry directed at anyone, and in particular people of color and indigenous peoples everywhere.”

Such racism and bigotry is reflected precisely in Zionism’s attempt to erase the Palestinian people, a century long campaign that dishonors the memory of Jewish suffering and resistance in Europe.

The moral response is clear: “There is one geopolitical entity in historic Palestine,” writes Palestinian journalist Ali Abunimah. “Israel must not be allowed to continue to entrench its apartheid, racist and colonial rule throughout that land.”

As Jews of conscience, we call on all supporters of social justice to stand up for Palestinian Right of Return and a democratic state throughout historic Palestine — “From the River to the Sea” — with equal rights for all.

The full measure of justice, upon which the hopes of all humanity depends, requires no less.

Initial Signers


(List in formation; affiliations listed for identification only)

Max Ajl, Writer and activist; Cornell Students for Justice in Palestine

Gabriel Ash, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Switzerland

Max Blumenthal, Journalist and author

Prof. Haim Bresheeth, Filmmaker, photographer and film studies scholar

Lenni Brenner, Author and antiwar activist

Mike Cushman, Convenor, Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods (UK)

Sonia Fayman, French Jewish Union for Peace; International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network France

Sherna Berger Gluck, Founding member, U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel; Israel Divestment Campaign

Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb, Coordinator, Fellowship of Reconciliation Peacewalks, Mural Arts in Palestine and Shomer Shalom Network for Jewish Nonviolence

Hector Grad, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network Spain

Abraham Greenhouse, Blogger, Electronic Intifada

Tony Greenstein, Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods (UK)

Jeff Halper, Director, Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD)

Stanley Heller, Host of “The Struggle” TV News

Tikva Honig-Parnass, Former member of the Zionist armed forces (1948); author of False Prophets of Peace: Liberal Zionism and the Struggle for Palestine

Adam Horowitz, Co-Editor, Mondoweiss.net

Selma James, Global Women’s Strike; International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network UK

David Klein, Organizing Committee, U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel

Dennis Kortheuer, Organizing Committee, U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel; Israel Divestment Campaign; Dump Veolia LA

David Letwin, Activist and writer; Gaza Freedom March

Michael Letwin, Co-Founder, Labor for Palestine; Organizing Committee, U.S. Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel; Al-Awda NY: The Palestine Right to Return Coalition

Antony Loewenstein, Australian journalist and author

Barbara Lubin, Executive Director, Middle East Children’s Alliance

Mike Marqusee, Author of If I Am Not for Myself: Journey of an Anti-Zionist Jew

Hajo Meyer, Auschwitz survivor; International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network

Linda Milazzo, Participatory journalist and educator

Prof. Ilan Pappé, Israeli historian and socialist activist

Miko Peled, Author of The General’s Son

Karen Pomer, Granddaughter of Henri B. van Leeuwen, Dutch anti-Zionist leader and Bergen-Belsen survivor

Diana Ralph, Assistant Coordinator, Independent Jewish Voices-Canada

Dorothy Reik, Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains

Prof. Dr. Fanny-Michaela Reisin, President, International League for Human Rights (German Section FIDH); Founding member, Jewish Voice for a Just Peace – EJJP Germany

Rachel Roberts, Civil rights attorney and writer

Ilana Rossoff, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network

Carol K. Smith, Activist and civil rights attorney

Lia Tarachansky, Director, Seven Deadly Myths

Hadas Thier, Contributing author of The Struggle for Palestine; Israeli-born daughter and granddaughter of Nazi Holocaust survivors

Dr. Abraham Weizfeld, Jewish People’s Liberation Organization (Montréal)

Sherry Wolf, Author and public speaker; International Socialist Organization; Adalah-NY

Marcy Winograd, Former Congressional peace candidate; public school teacher

Dr. Roger van Zwanenberg, Non-Executive Director, Pluto Books Ltd.

Additional Signers

(Complete list atAffiliations listed for identification only.)

Stephen Aberle, Vancouver, BC, Independent Jewish Voices

Deborah Agre, Berkeley, CA, Middle East Children’s Alliance

Seymour Alexander, Slough, Jews for Justice for Palestinians UK

Ruth BaderAustralia, German-Jewish/Australian, daughter of Holocaust survivors

Adam Balsam, Independent Jewish Voices Canada

Moran Barir, Human rights activist, Jerusalem

Ronnie Barkan, Tel-Aviv, Boycott from Within

Nora Barrows-Friedman, Journalist

Dalit Baum, Israeli feminist teacher and activist

Medea Benjamin, Codirector, Codepink

Mark Berman, Playwright

Rima Berns-McGown, Toronto, Writer and Adjunct Faculty, University of Toronto at Mississauga

Elizabeth Block, Toronto, Independent Jewish Voices

Audrey Bomse, National Lawyers Guild, Free Gaza

Dennis Brasky, Professor – Political Science – Rutgers University

Estee Chandler, Founding Member, Jewish Voice for Peace, L.A. Chapter

David Comedi, Tucumán, Argentina

Prof. Roger Dittmann, CSU Fullerton

Mark Elf, Jews sans frontieres

Prof. Sam Farber, NYC

Deborah Fink, UK, Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods

Alexei Folger, Jewish Voice for Peace, Bay Area

Maxine Fookson, Portland, Oregon, Jewish Voice for Peace

Racheli Gai, Tucson Women in Black, Jewish Voice for Peace

Kamran Ghasri, Israel Divestment Campaign

Dr. Terri Ginsberg, NYC; film scholar; Committee for Open Discussion of Zionism

Neta Golan, Palestinian Territories, ISM

Nathan Goldbaum, ISO, Caucus of Rank-and-File Educators, Chicago Teachers Union

Steve Goldfield, Ph.D., Oakland, CA, Former chair, Palestine Solidarity Committee, former editor, Palestine Focus

Jean R. Goldman, Miami Beach, Women in Black

Sue Goldstein, Toronto, Women in Solidarity with Palestine

Marty Goodman, NYC, Former Executive Board member, Transport Workers Union Local 100

Heidi Grunebaum, Cape Town

Cathy Gulkin, Toronto, Independent Jewish Voices, Queers Against Israeli Apartheid

Georges Gumpel, Union Juive Française pour la Paix

Freda Guttman, Montreal, Tadamon!

Evelyn Hecht-Galinski, Author and journalist, Germany

Annette Herskovits, Berkeley, Holocaust survivor, writer, and activist

Rebecca Hom, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network-U.S.

Bec Hynek, Sydney, Australia, Socialist Alternative

Jews Opposing Zionism, Not In Our Name – NION (Canada)

Riva Joffe, London, Jews Against Zionism

Ramsey Judah, Los Angeles activist and Immigration Rights Attorney

Alex Kane, Assistant Editor, Mondoweiss.net and World editor, AlterNet

Dan Kaplan, Executive Secretary, AFT Local 1493, San Mateo, CA Community College Federation of Teachers

Asaf Kedar, Zochrot

Alice Diane Kisch, Emerryville, CA, Jewish Voice for Peace

Bud Korotzer, Brooklyn

Yael Korin, Campaign to End Israeli Apartheid, Southern California

Steve Kowit, American poet, Professor emeritus, Southwestern College

L.A. Jews for Peace

Sylvia Laale, Ottawa

Stephen Landau, Translator and publisher, White Plains, NY

David Landy, Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Melanie Lazarow, University of Melbourne

Howard Lenow, Sudbury, MA, Union Attorney, Founder American Jews For A Just Peace

Leah Levane, London, Jews for Justice for Palestinians

Daniel Levyne, France, UJFP

Brenda Lewis, Guelph, Ontario, child of Holocaust survivor

Abby Lippman, Montreal, Professor Emerita, McGill University

Jennifer Loewenstein, Madison

Henry Lowi, IDF veteran

Alex Lubin, Professor, American University of Beirut

Helga Mankovitz, Kingston, ON, Independent Jewish Voices

Eli Marcus, Occupied Palestine

Richard Marcuse, West Vancouver, BC, Independent Jewish Voices

Peter Melvyn, Critical Jewish Voice, Vienna

Waldo Mermelstein, Sao Paulo

Gail Miller, NY, Passenger, U. S. Boat to Gaza–The Audacity of Hope

Prof. Hilton Obenzinger

Akiva Orr, Matzpen

Peter Rachleff, Saint Paul, Professor of History, Macalester College

Zohar Chamberlain Regev, Dúrcal, Granada, Spain

Fanny-Michaela Reisin, Jewish Voice for a Just Peace – EJJP Germany

Ernest Rodker, Jews for Justice for Palestinians, UK

Professor Jonathan Rosenhead, Chair, British Committee for the Universities of Palestine

Martha Roth, Vancouver BC, Independent Jewish Voices

Cheyl A. Rubenberg, Boca Raton, Professor (retired)

Leslie Safran, London

Margot Salom, Brisbane Australia, Just Peace for Palestine

Christiane Schomblond, Brussels, Belgium, professor retired from University of Brussels

Ralph Schoenman, Vallejo, CA., Author: Hidden History of Zionism

Yossi Schwartz, Haifa, Internationalist Socialist League

Amanda Sebestyen, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network UK, JfJfP, JBIG, IJV

Sid Shniad, Vancouver, BC, National Steering Committee, Independent Jewish Voices

Mya Shone, Author, The Hidden History of Zionism and other works

Abba A. Solomon, Author of The Speech, and Its Context

Peter Sporn, Oak Park, Illinois, Arab Jewish Partnership for Peace and Justice in the Middle East

Marsha Steinberg, BDS LA for Justice in Palestine

Cy & Lois Swartz, Philadelphia, Grandparents for Peace in the Middle East

Prof. Barry Trachtenberg

Matthew Taylor, Berkeley, founding member, Young Jewish and Proud group within Jewish Voice for Peace

Steve Terry, Criminal defense attorney, Brooklyn

Lily van den Bergh, Documentary filmmaker & organiser, Women in Black  The Netherlands

Dominique Ventre, French Jewish Union for Peace; International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network France

Judith Weisman, Toronto, Independent Jewish Voices, Not in Our Name

Suzanne Weiss, Toronto

Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi, Founder member, Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods

Tamar Yaron, Kibbutz Hazorea, Israel, founder & moderator: Encounter-EMEM for international Israel-Palestine peace activities

Just Fancy That – Israel to Boycott Human Rights Council

Well Israel is always boasting about its unique achievements.  Here is another one.  It is the first country to boycott the toothless UN Human Rights Council.  As the Greeks once said, those whom the gods wish to destroy they first drive mad.

Tony Greenstein

The Only Democracy in the Middle East Boycotts Human Rights 

Israel expected to boycott U.N. rights scrutiny session

(Reuters) - Israel is expected to boycott a session of the U.N. Human Rights Council next week despite the United States urging its ally to show up for an examination of its record, the U.S. ambassador said on Thursday.

The Jewish state is scheduled to be in the dock of the Geneva rights forum on Tuesday, January 29 as part of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process, the council's regular scrutiny of all United Nations member states.

"They (Israeli officials) signaled that they want it postponed. It is very unlikely they will participate on the 29th,"

Israel has long complained about criticsm from UN HRC
Eileen Chamberlain Donahoe, U.S. human rights ambassador, told reporters in Geneva.
If the review goes ahead, Israel would likely face criticism for its practices in the Palestinian territories, including treatment of detainees, settlement expansion and its naval blockade of the Gaza Strip which Palestinians say is collective punishment of the enclave's 1.6 million residents.
Arab states would be expected to denounce Israel's deadly air strikes on Hamas-ruled Gaza last November, launched with the declared aim of ending rocket barrages.

Israel's last review was in December 2008, when it attended. A boycott would be unprecedented and diplomats fear other countries might follow suit to avoid scrutiny of their own human rights records.
Israel suspended relations with the council last May because of what it called an inherent bias against it, and has informally told the council's president that it wants the session postponed, a U.N. spokesman said.

"A decision will be taken in the event Israel does not show up for its UPR, the council will decide on a course of action. States are working very hard behind the scenes to come up with a solution,"council spokesman Rolando Gomez told Reuters.

The Israeli authorities refused to co-operate with a fact-finding mission investigating settlements

A team of U.N. investigators, set up by the council last year, is due to report soon on whether Jewish settlements in the Palestinian territories violate international human rights law. Washington cast the only vote against the initiative brought by the Palestinian Authority.

The Palestinians said on Wednesday they would complain about Israel to the International Criminal Court if the Jewish state proceeds with plans to build housing on land the Palestinians want for a future state.

"We see a strong bias against Israel that has not gone away," U.S. Ambassador Donahoe said.

"We have encouraged Israel to come to the UPR, to tell its story, to present its own narrative of its human rights situation. We think it is a good opportunity to do that."

(Reporting by Stephanie Nebehay; Editing by Andrew Roche and Robin Pomeroy)

Just when Labour pulls ahead of the Tories, Margaret Hodge makes false allegations of antisemitism against Corbyn

According to Margaret Hodge an anti-Semite is someone who disagrees with her!

Given her cover up of Child Abuse, Hodge should never have been an MP let alone Blair's Minister for Children
Last week it was announced that Labour had taken a 4% point lead over the Conservatives.  In jest I remarked on Twitter that it was time to bring out the anti-Semitism allegations.  Little did I know that at that very moment Margaret Hodge, whose main claim to fame was covering up child abuse when Leader of Islington Council, was preparing to accuse Jeremy Corbyn of being ‘a fucking anti-Semite.’
The purpose of Hodge, Berger and Smeeth is to damage the Labour Party and give comfort to this woman
Of course there has been total unanimity in the media that Hodge was right to attack Corbyn.  From the Sun to the Guardian, the British press has spoken with one Orwellian voice.  It is like the days of Pravda and Izvestia and on BBC24 New’s What The Papers Say both journalists sang from the same song sheet. We are witnessing what Chomsky called the ‘manufacturing of consent’.
Simon Kelner in the 'i' repeats the same hackneyed arguments of the press - without an iota of originality
The Zionist argument was summed up by Simon Kelner in the ‘i’:
‘Who is, in fact, better qualified to judge? An understandably sensitised community on one side, or an apparently disinterested party on the o ther? Does the Chief rabbi believe that if a Jewish person feels he or she has been on the receiving end of anti-Semitic behaviour, that is – by definition – anti-Semitic behaviour?’
The argument is as attractive as it’s wrong.  Surely, the argument goes, any community or group should be able to ‘define’ what their oppression is?  In fact the answer is no.  Because all sorts of groups who are anything but oppressed can decide to define political criticism of them as a form of oppression.

I had an idea that antisemitism hadn't run its course!

Many lesbians are defining their oppression in ways that many people would say is transphobic. The Paedophile Information Exchange (with which it has been alleged Hodge had connections) used to define hostility to them as a form of oppression? How about anti-abortionists and the hunting brigade? The National Front and fascist groups define opposition to racism as being nothing more than anti-white racism as did the proponents of Apartheid.
Supporters of Israel, who are the real proponents of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism, are not oppressed.  Jews in this country, many of whom identify with Israel, do not suffer from state racism.  They are not pulled over by the Police because they are Jewish, nor are there Jewish deaths in custody or deportations because they are Jewish.  The Jewish community in this country is a privileged White community. 
I had a feeling that antisemitism would rear its head
If members of the Jewish community choose to define their identity as support for Zionism and the oppression of the Palestinians then they should be criticised, called out not flattered.  If Jews in this country are racist they should be condemned not allowed to pass it off as opposition to anti-Semitism.
Hodge’s Attack on Jeremy Corbyn Demonstrates why the IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism is not fit for purpose
No group should be allowed to define its own oppression.  That is precisely the pitfalls of identity politics in which you get competing oppressions and subjective definitions which lack all objective justification. Oppression is real, it isn’t a form of words or an international agreement.  As if the anti-Semitic Hungarian government endorsing the IHRA makes it somehow kosher.  And amongst British Jews many disagree with Zionism and the IHRA definition.  Are we to be ignored because Jewish ‘community leaders’ are in bed with Benjamin Netanyahu?
It's no accident that Sajid David and Chuka Ummuna say almost exactly the same - the time has come for Ummuna to be deselected
Zionists pray in aid the MacPherson Report which recommended that the victims of racial incidents be able to define what had happened.  However that was in the context of forcing the Police to record an incident as racially motivated.  It did not mean that the allegation was necessarily true or that the person against whom an allegation was guilty.
This week Israel officially declared itself an Apartheid state.  The Knesset passed the Jewish Nation State Law.  In the wordsof Bradley Burston, a Senior Editor on Israel’s Ha’aretz newspaper, this is:
a law which effectively repealed and superseded the equality and democracy provisions of  Israel's Declaration of Independence as a guide for the future of the country. Gone is any mention of equality. In its place, directives that veer Israel towards genuine apartheid, including a downgrading of the status of the Arabic language and therefore of Arab citizens of Israel. 
This is the context of the attempts by the Zionists to impose the IHRA definition on the Labour Party.  No longer is there even any pretence that the false anti-Semitism allegations which have been made against the Labour Party for the last 3 years are about Israel.
In the Jewish Chronicle two weeks ago its editor Stephen Pollard berated the ‘institutionally anti-Semitic’ Labour Party for refusing to adopt wholesale the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism.  Pollard complained that
‘instead of adopting the definition as agreed by all these bodies, Labour has excised the parts which relate to Israel and how criticism of Israel can be antisemitic.’
This is the same Stephen Pollard who has not hesitated to defend genuine anti-Semites like Michal Kaminski because he is pro-Zionist. [see Poland's Kaminski is not an antisemite: he's a friend to Jews]
Anti-Semitism is hostility to or prejudice against Jews it is not disagreeing with the Chief Rabbi, Margaret Hodge or the Chief Rabbi

The argument that everyone has the ‘right to define’their own oppression is an absurdity.  Anti-Semitism is not a difficult thing to define.  According to the Oxford English Dictionary it is ‘Hostility to or prejudice against Jews’ all of 6 words. The IHRA definition of anti-Semitism is over 500 words.  In the words of Sir Stephen Sedley, a Jewish former Court of Appeal judge, the IHRA  ‘fails the first test of any definition: it is indefinite’.

However as I have also said Corbyn has made a rod for his own back.  His fatal mistake was in adopting the IHRA definition at all.  It isn’t about anti-Semitism but about conflating criticism of Israel and anti-Semitism. Instead of stupidly going along with Theresa May and accepting the IHRA without any debate Corbyn should have had the courage to say no.
The false anti-Semitism allegations were never aimed at expelling me or Marc Wadworth or Jackie Walker.  That is why it was stupidity itself for Corbyn to give these bogus allegations the time of day.  Zionist MPs like Luciana Berger and Ruth Smeeth are in the forefront of the attacks on Corbyn.  Appeasing these racists has not helped his situation it has made it worse.   The more you appease racism the more it grows and the Labour Zionists have felt emboldened.
Now with Hodge’s false accusations she should not be reprimanded, she should have the whip withdrawn.  The electors of Barking are entitled to have a socialist, not a New Labour millionairess represent them.  She should never have been allowed to be an MP given her record of covering up child abuse in Islington.
Last week we had people like West Streeting MP calling for sanctions on Israel for the proposed demolition of the Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmer.  This week he does his usual bowing and scraping whenever the word ‘anti-Semitism’ is mentioned.
What Streeting and others refuse to understand, to put it charitably, is that allegations of anti-Semitism are used to undermine support for the Palestinians.  If Streeting was being genuine in his outrage over Israel’s actions then he and others should not be supporting an attempt to conflate criticism of Israel and Zionism. The same people who support Israel right or wrong are those who proclaim that they are victims of ‘anti-Semitism’.  False allegations of anti-Semitism enable the real anti-Semites to get off the hook by being able to say that people are only attacking them because of their support for the Palestinians.  Zionism historically has always seen genuine anti-Semitism as a force for good, but it has also tried to redefine anti-Semitism as hostility to their political project.
With a past like hers, Margaret Hodge might show a bit more humility. Margaret Hodge is perhaps the last person to go around throwing stones.  As Matthew Norman wrotein  The Independent
In the Eighties Hodge was aware of previous child sex abuse in the care homes for which she was responsible, and did nothing about it.
Hodge was
‘A local politician who had heard the gravest imaginable allegations about the maltreatment of children, refused to examine them on budgetary grounds, smeared a victim, attacked the newspaper that did its duty by investigating, and finally – after years of running for cover – offered the dismal excuse that people knew less about child abuse back then, became the national politician with responsibility for children.’
Of course this Uncle Tom is lying.  Hodge didn't 'raise concerns about racism' she accused Corbyn of being an anti-semite
We also had other Labour right-wingers jumping on the bandwagon such as Chuka Ummuna who is politically White inside a Black skin. He made the fatuous comment that because Hodge had lost relatives in the Holocaust she was therefore right to defame Corbyn.  By that logic I should be able to accuse Chuka Ummuna of being a racist because I too have lost relatives in the Holocaust.  A Black politician who supported the Immigration Act 2014, which led to the Windrush Scandal is in no position to lecture anyone on what racism is.  Ummuna is an Uncle Tom who is playing to the racist gallery.
For the benefit of those who don’t understand what anti-Semitism is, I print the following guide to anti-Semitism.

Tony Greenstein 

17-Point Guide To Anti-Semitism And Its Abuse

 by Eli Valley Jan 30, 2013 6:15 PM EST

1. This is an Anti-Semitic image. 
Image from 'Les 100 plus belles Images de l'Affaire Dreyfus' by Raymond Bachollet
Image from 'Les 100 plus belles Images de l'Affaire Dreyfus' by Raymond Bachollet

2. This is an Anti-Semitic image.
Scan from 'The Way Jews Lived: Five Hundred Years of Printed Words and Images,' by Constance Harris

3. This is an Anti-Semitic Image.
Image from 'Les 100 plus belles Images de l'Affaire Dreyfus' by Raymond Bachollet
 4. This is an image critical of Benjamin Netanyahu’s policies in the West Bank.
Gerald Scarfe, Sunday Times
  5. This is Jewish historical trauma.
Scan from 'The Way Jews Lived: Five Hundred Years of Printed Words and Images,' by Constance Harris

6. This is an exploitation of Jewish historical trauma.

7. This image will not lead to Anti-Semitism.
Gerald Scarfe, Sunday Times

 8. This image might lead to Anti-Semitism.
Eli Valley
9. This is excruciatingly painful Jewish memory.
AP Photo
10. This is abuse of excruciatingly painful Jewish memory.
11. This is a bewildering tweet.
12. This is an Anti-Semitic tweet.
13. This is what the leader of the ADL said about the image criticizing Israeli policies in the West Bank.
Ariel Jerozolimski, modified by Eli Valley
14. This is what the leader of the ADL said about an Oscar-nominated Israeli film criticizing Israeli policies in the West Bank.
Ariel Jerozolimski, modified by Eli Valley
15. This is Jewish horror.
AP Photo
16.  This is Jewish comedy.

17.  Meanwhile, this remains.
Eli Valley
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