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Letter to Shami Chakrabarti – Anger is not a substitute for ignorance

Helping the Noble Baroness understand the Connection between Labour Friends of Israel’s support for War Crimes in Gaza and its advocacy of Livingstone’s expulsion  

A few days ago I did a postThe Mask of Deceit Slips from the Face of Chakrabarti as She Supports Livingstone’s Expulsion. Naturally I sent a copy to the noble Baroness.  Unfortunately it would seem that good manners amongst noble members of the Upper House are not what they were as I haven’t yet received a reply. Or perhaps these life peers simply don't have the breeding of their hereditary colleagues.

Alternatively Shami Chakrabarti may have felt she had nothing to say . This too would not be too surprising since in her vacuous and fake angry interview (after all she had nothing to be angry about) what she did have to say was completely wrong.
Labour's lightweight Shadow Attorney General attacks the very civil liberties she once defended
This new member of Labour's legal establishment travels with very little ideological baggage, still less any commitment to socialism.  It is noticeable that she has not been able to generate any similar emotions when it came to the cold and calculated gunning down of unarmed civilians, including children, medics and journalists in Gaza by Israeli snipers positioned behind earthworks for the task.  

Despite Chakrabarti's previous record on civil liberties it would seem that they don't extend beyond the borders of Britain.  International solidarity is not a concept with which the noble Baroness is familiar.  Clearly the 'antisemitism' of words is more important than live bullets and pulverised bones.
I thought I should share my letter with you my dear reader as Shami Chakrabarti is one more addition to the travelling Right show who use ‘anti-Semitism’ in order to disguise not only their direction of travel politically but their own political shallowness.

Tony Greenstein

Dear Ms Chakrabarti,
You may recall that, as a Jewish member of the Labour Party who was suspended, because of the false anti-semitism campaign, I gave evidence to you as part of your Inquiry into racism and anti-semitism.
I am extremely disappointed that on BBC’s Sunday Politics show you saw fit to make an unwarranted attack on Ken Livingstone.  You described his opinion on Nazi support for the Zionist movement as 'incendiary'.  Perhaps but it was also true. Maybe you found it incendiary because you didn't understand it?
Your assertion that Ken's opinions were an attack on German Jews simply demonstrates your own ignorance. The German Zionist movement represented less than 5% of German Jews.  It was a political movement which openly sought to collaborate with the Nazis and to suggest that people should keep quiet about that now is to advocate political censorship. It is but a short step from that to book burning.
Ken Livingstone’s expulsion has been a high priority for both Labour Friends of Israel and the Jewish Labour Movement, both of whom assert that Ken was being anti-Semitic.  This is the same LFI who, only this week, justified the murder of over 60 unarmed Palestinians in Gaza including an 8 month old baby who exercised the right to demonstrate.
I do not remember you generating any synthetic anger over this on television.  Perhaps, as Aneurin Bevan once said, it's all a question of political priorities.
It is clear that you know nothing about Zionism and its sordid, bloody history.  Could I suggest that when you have nothing to say it is a good idea to say nothing? Verbal flatulence is not attractive.
Zionism is a movement which relegates the non-Jew and Palestinians in particular to the status of the untermenschen or in Zionism's racial hierarchy the lower races.  It finds its expression in the Apartheid structure of today’s Israeli state.
If you care to obtain a copy of Lucy Dawidowicz's Holocaust Reader (pp. 150-153) from Parliament's library (which I understand is very good) you will read a letter to Hitler from the German Zionist Federation of 21 June 1933.  It reads:
… an answer to the Jewish question truly satisfying to the national state can be brought about only with the collaboration of the Jewish movement that aims at a social, cultural and moral renewal of Jewry…On the foundation of the new state, which has established the principle of race... fruitful activity for the fatherland is possible.... Our acknowledgement of Jewish nationality provides for a clear and sincere relationship to the German people and its national and racial realities. Precisely because we don’t wish to falsify these fundamentals, because we too are against mixed marriages and are for maintaining the purity of the Jewish group… The realisation of Zionism could only be hurt by resentment of Jews abroad against the German development. (my emphasis)
The late Lucy Dawidowicz was a Zionist Holocaust historian. The letter above was the basis for collaboration between Zionism and Nazism. 
The suggestion that Ken Livingstone's remarks were an attack on all Jews presupposes that Jews and Zionists are both the same.  If you believe that then you are no different from those anti-semites who also maintain that there is no difference.
There is a history of former Directors and senior officers of Liberty (NCCL) veering to the illiberal right when they have left office. Patricia Hewitt and Harriet Harman are but two examples. In supporting the expulsion of Ken Livingstone for having expressed his opinions about Zionism you would appear to be following in their footsteps.

It is noticeable that you have had nothing to say about the real racism scandal in recent months, that of Windrush.  Unlike you Ken Livingstone has a proud and active record in fighting racism.  Your suggestion that the truth can be anti-Semitic is absurd.

It is your support of Zionism, the ideology of Israeli Apartheid which is, if anything, incompatible with a party that calls itself socialist.  The real question though is whether you even consider yourself a socialist?
Tony Greenstein

Open Letter to Jennie Formby, General Secretary of the Labour Party

Why the fuck have you not suspended Luke Akehurst and cut all links between Labour and Labour Friends of Israel?

Please write to complaints@labour.org.uk and jennie_formby@labour.org.uk

Dear Jenny,

Most of us have never understood why there is a Labour Friends of Israel.  We never had a Labour Friends of Apartheid South Africa or Labour Friends of Pinochet’s Chile still less is there a Labour Friends of Burma’s Junta today. Why then is there a Labour Friends of a state founded on the ethnic cleansing of ¾ million Palestinians? 
Israel is a state that has been in permanent occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip as well as Syria’s Golan Heights for over 50 years. It hasn’t the slightest intention to give these territories up however it cannot afford to grant their inhabitants any form of democratic rights without making Israel an officially apartheid state.  Hence why illusions in the ‘peace process’ continue to be propagated.
Luke Akehurst - Israel's shill has worked overtime in support of Israeli war crimes
Labour Friends of Israel calls on the Palestinians to 'accept responsibility' for their own deaths
Israel is an apartheid state in all but name. Yes Israel calls itself a Jewish state but only in the sense that South Africa called itself a White Christian state.
Israel is a state which calls itself Jewish. There isn’t even an Israeli nationality (there is a Jewish nationality and 130 other nationalities but only the Jewish nationality means anything).
The Board of Deputies, which has been assiduous in accusing the Labour Party of 'antisemitism' didn't hesitate to support Israel and blame those who died for their own deaths
Israel may not have petty apartheid, no signs saying ‘Jews only’ but the reality is the same.  In Education there is complete segregation between Jews and Arabs.  93% of the land is reserved for Jews.  Hundreds of Jewish communities have a legal right to exclude Arabs and just two days ago it was revealed that Israeli hospitals routinely separate Arab and Jewish women giving birth. In Israeli Maternity Wards, Jewish and Arab Segregation Is the Default
There are, of course, no signs in the hospitals saying Jewish women only on the doors of wards just as you won’t see a sign in a Jewish town saying ‘No Arabs wanted here’.  Nor will you see in the West Bank, any road signs saying ‘No Palestinians’.  However if a Palestinian should attempt to drive on a highway the army will quickly disabuse them of the notion.
It is because Israel is an Apartheid State that its supporters in the Labour Party accuse opponents, including Jewish opponents, of ‘anti-Semitism’.  That is why I was expelled three months ago. 
War Crimes in Gaza
Last week Palestinians in Gaza held the Great March of Return demonstrations. They hoped to cross into Israel where most of them came from. Even before they got anywhere near the fence they were mowed down by live fire.  Israeli snipers, mounted on earthworks, killed over 60 of them and wounded over 2,000.  The ammunition that was used, as Medecins Sans Frontieres have confirmed, consisted of illegal explosive bullets designed to expand inside the body.  The intention of Israel’s military was to cause as horrendous casualties as possible.
This is a war crime yet Labour Friends of Israel put out a tweet stating that ‘Hamas must accept responsibility for these events.’  Luke Akehurst, a former NEC member, went one step further. As Director of We Believe in Israel he called for people to give ‘full support’ to Israel’s murdering army.
My question to you Jennie is a simple one.  Why the fuck have you not suspended Luke Akehurst and issued a directive breaking off all contact between the Labour Party and LFI?
this is what Luke Akehurst and Labour Friends of Israel support
Only this week a friend of mine has been notified that they are under investigation for having sent out 2 tweets. The first condemns the expulsion of Marc Wadsworth.  They wrote that Marc had been expelled ‘on the evidence of an MP with clear ties to the racist Apartheid State of Israel.’  The second tweet notes that the JLM is claiming that Louise Ellman MP is being criticised because she is Jewish rather than a supporter of the racist State of Israel.  What possible grounds are the above for investigation?
Another member, Marianne Tellier, has been suspended for tweeting an image of a Job Centre sign with the words ‘arbeit macht frei'. As Marianne says, this image has been widely used by disability campaign groups for several years. Perhaps the idiots who made these decisions are unaware that the first victims of the Holocaust weren’t Jewish, they were the physically and mentally handicapped?
A disabled man was shot dead by Israeli snipers - with the full support of Luke Akehurst and Labour Friends of Israel
Since when it is anti-Semitic to make comparisons with the Nazi regime?  Are your employees so ignorant that they don’t understand that campaigners against Tory attacks on welfare have made similar criticisms for years without in any way being anti-Semitic? Perhaps the French students in 1968 who chanted ‘CRS-SS’ in reference to the French riot police were also anti-Semitic?  Comparisons between their opponents and the Nazis are the staple fare of Israeli propaganda?
Are you are so intimidated by the fake anti-Semitism campaign of the Zionists, which at one stage suggested that you were anti-Semitic, that you are now running scared and allowing staff  appointed by Iain McNicol to trample over the rights of ordinary Labour Party members?
The slogan ‘arbeit macht frei' (Work Makes You Free) best describes the policy of Ian Duncan Smith and Universal Credit.  Comparing the Tory’s policy to the Nazis is perfectly acceptable. If your staff weren’t so thick they would know that this slogan, which was at the entrance to all Nazi concentration camps, did not just affect Jews but all victims of the Nazis.  It was first displayed at Dachau concentration camp and then Sachsenhausen north of Berlin. The inmates of these camps were largely trade unionists, socialists and communists, not Jews. 
Labour Friends of Israel and its anti-Corbyn Chair Joan Ryan MP
If your ignorant and bigoted staff knew anything of the history of Nazi Germany they might understand such simple facts. Making comparisons with Nazi Germany is perfectly correct when trying to prevent further evils. The fact that the Zionists don’t like comparisons between what they do in Israel and the Nazis is even more reason to make them.
The Gaza Ghetto
Let us be clear.  Palestinians in Gaza were not murdered earlier this week because they were trying to cross Israel’s border.  There is no border with Gaza. Israel is unique in not having any borders since a decision was taken on independence that it did not want to fix its borders when it intended in future years to expand them.
What the Palestinians of Gaza were doing was what Jews in the Warsaw and other Nazi ghettos did. Trying to break out. Gaza has been under siege for 11 years. Gaza has become unliveable in.  97% of the water is undrinkable. For anyone, least of all a member of the Labour Party, to openly support Israeli troops murdering peaceful demonstrators as if they were ducks on a shooting gallery is outrageous.
Luke Akehurst's We Believe in Israel has worked overtime to support Israeli war crimes
I demand that Marianne Tellier is reinstated immediately and that the execrable Luke Akehurst is immediately suspended, pending expulsion.  I am sure that he would be welcomed with open arms by Britain First or Tommy Robinson’ Pegida.  What is clear is that he is no socialist and has no place in the Labour Party.
I suggest you read and get your staff to read the following article by Ian Lustick, an Israeli Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania - Israel’s Massacre of Palestinian Civilians Should Spark Horror—and Action
Tony Greenstein  

Ken Livingstone - Forced by racists and Zionists to resign from the Labour Party


Corbyn's Shameful Abandonment of Livingstone will come back to haunt him

In happier times - Livingstone, Gerry Adams and Jeremy Corbyn
No one will be happier with the resignation of Ken Livingstone than the racists and the Zionists.  No doubt the Luke Akehursts, John Manns and Wes Streetings, who applauded the Israeli army snipers as they slaughtered unarmed Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza last week will savour their moment of victory.  But if it has been a victory for the Right it has been because of the abject cowardice of much of the Left, Momentum’s Jon Lansman in particular.

After two years of persecution Ken Livingstone has succumbed to the pressure believing, wrongly in my opinion, that the pressure would be lifted on Jeremy Corbyn.  On the contrary the Zionists will feel emboldened to go for new victims, of whom Jackie Walker will be the next target.  And after that Chris Williamson MP and anyone else who sticks their head above the parapet in order to denounce the world’s only apartheid state.
Like vultures waiting for their victim to die, the scum of the Jewish Labour Movement hung around outside Livingstone's hearing b4 the National Kangaroo Committee only to be sorely disappointed - including from second right Jeremy Newmark, exposed as a crook and second left, thuglet Ella Rose, a direct transfer from the Israeli Embassy
No doubt Lansman and his Momentum sycophants will be prepared to sacrifice more socialists to the Zionist movement – the Jewish Labour Movement and Labour Friends of Israel - as part of what they believe is the price of eventual victory.   They are likely to be sorely disappointed. The more you feed these animals the more they will want until they devour their final victim, Corbyn himself.
In the last act of the malevolent Iain McNicol, Livingstone’s suspension was made indefinite. In an abject act of cowardice Corbyn rewarded this detestable man, who tried to keep him off the ballot paper two years ago in the leadership election and who locked Corbyn and his staff out of Labour’s HQ on election night last year (believing that the election would be a disaster) with a peerage.  Corbyn rewarded this crook with a peerage and in return he will suffer further treachery.

Ken Livingstone pioneered anti-racism in local government.  He supported the Republican movement in Ireland and advocated speaking to Sinn Fein when it was unpopular.  He was unflinching in his support of the Palestinians and in his opposition to Zionism.  Those who remember the Greater London Council remember one of the few genuinely radical local authorities in Britain which supported the miners, taunted Thatcher with its banner figures of unemployment and established lasting links with Britain’s Black community.  As a two-term Mayor Livingstone was equally successful.
Livingstone has been forced out of Labour precisely because he is an anti-racist who stood up to Jewish racists and Zionist chauvinists and their non-Jewish sponsors.  It is to the eternal shame of Corbyn and McDonnell that instead resisting they allowed John Mann to set the agenda.
It was appropriate that Lansman should see fit to quote from the notorious racist politician Enoch Powell
Corbyn and McDonnell threw Livingstone to the Zionist wolves without realising that Livingstone was only the hors d'oeuvres. Of course they were not the only ones to abandon Ken. Lansman quotedappropriately from Enoch Powell, when informing Ken that ‘all political lives end in failure.’ 
Lies take on a life of their own in the yellow press.  Livingstone was repeatedly accused of saying that ‘Hitler was a Zionist’ which would have been an idiotic thing to say.  However the transcript of what he did say is easily available. The Independent publishedthe transcript on 28th April 2016.  Defending Naz Shah MP, who had herself had been suspended for a satirical joke about transplanting Israel to the United States he said:

“It’s completely over the top but it’s not antisemitism. Let’s remember when Hitler won his election in 1932, his policy then was that Jews should be moved to Israel. He was supporting Zionism– this before he went mad and ended up killing six million Jews.

After two years idiot journalist Deborah Orr could not get a simple thing such as what Livingstone actually said correct
None of this stopped idiot journalists like Deborah Orr of the ‘I’ calling Livingstone a ‘fool’ only last week whilst repeating the ‘Hitler was a Zionist’ lie.  Lazy unprincipled journalists like Orr can’t be bothered to move out from under the Westminster bubble.  It is easier just to recycle other pundits lies.  Orr wrote:
Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour has been riven for many months now by unquenchable accusations of anti-semitism. Hardly surprising, when such fools as Ken Livingstone find it acceptable to declare that “Hitler was a Zionist”, seemingly unaware of the grotesque inversion of the truth that his sophistry entails.
Last week we had the unelected political lightweight, Shami Chakrabarti, declaring that Livingstone should be expelled from the Labour Party. Chakrabarti who has not been a member for two years yet took it upon herself to declare that Livingstone should be expelled for having given ‘offence’ albeit that he spoke the truth. [Anger is not a substitute for ignorance]

Livingstone has issued a dignified statement rebutting the lies that have surrounded him for these past two years and a shorter statement for the press.
Ken vigorously rebuts the libel that he is in anyway anti-Semitic and reaffirms that what he spoke was true.   In particular he defended his statement, which so irked the Zionists, that Hitler supported Zionism:

I was also told I caused offence using the word ‘support’ when I said Hitler supported Zionism. However, the respected professor of Holocaust studies, Francis Nicosia, in his book Zionism and Antisemitism in Nazi Germany, said ‘there was almost unanimous support in German government and Nazi party circles for promoting Zionism among German Jews.’ Nicosia detailed that support in his December 1978 article ‘Zionism in National Socialist Jewish Policy in Germany, 1933-39’ (University of Chicago, Journal of Modern History).
Exactly the same conclusion was drawn by Zionist historians such as Lucy Dawidowicz in her War Against the Jews and David Cesarani’s The Final Solution.  It is of course offensive to Zionists to be reminded that their movement, Zionism, despite its accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ today, was a movement of collaboration.

By throwing Livingstone overboard, Corbyn and McDonnell have not made it easier for themselves.  Livingstone was one of the few heavyweights of the Left on the National Executive Committee until his suspension.  With the departure of Christine Shawcroft, who was personally told by Corbyn to resign, there is no serious socialist left on the NEC. 

Compare the left on the NEC today to the left in a previous generation – people like Tony Benn, Eric Heffer, Norman Atkinson, Joan Maynard.  Today we have Momentum lightweights whose main preoccupation is advancing their career, with barely an idea between them.

Lansman and the leadership of Momentum, whilst voting with Corbyn have effectively abandoned any strategy that involves confrontation with the Right. 

From now on the game will be to increasingly appease the Right.  A Right that may, in the event of electoral victory (which is becoming increasingly unlikely) is likely to refuse to support Corbyn as Prime Minister.  The lesson from the 1930’s was that appeasing Hitler led to more and greater demands.  Likewise having sacrificed Livingstone, Corbyn will find that their opponent’s appetites will be whetted still further until there is only one sacrifice left – and that will be Corbyn himself.

Tony Greenstein

Israel/Palestine is already one state –the only people who talk of 2 States are Zionists


The Death of the 2 State Illusion

Those Who Support 2 States

Support an Apartheid Solution

Another brilliant article from Israel’s premier journalist, Gideon Levy.  It can only be a matter of time, perhaps when Netanyahu has finally silenced the few remaining NGO’s and human rights organisations that attention will be turned to Levy and Amira Hass and the other journalists who aren’t prepared to play ball with Zionism.
There are some gullible fools and political cowards unfortunately in the Palestine solidarity movement, who still call for a 2 State solution  These naive souls, amongst which one must count the Executive of the Palestine Solidarity  Campaign, who sincerely believe that the Israeli government is going to agree to a separate Palestinian state.
It is difficult to know whether these people actually believe this, because it is always hard to get inside someone’s head.  The fact that Netanyahu stated at the last election that there would be no  2 state solution, the fact that there is no member of his ruling coalition who calls for a Palestinian state is irrelevant.  When Tzipi Hotoveli, Israel’s religious nut of a Deputy Foreign Minister and a member of Likud states that “We need to return to the basic truth of our rights to this country,” she said. “This land is ours. All of it is ours. We did not come here to apologise for that.” what part of that I wonder do these people not understand?
The Israeli Labour Party also doesn’t believe in a 2 state solution.  Sure they pay lip service to it but the position as outlined by their leader Avi Gabbay is opposition to the dismantlement of the settlements.  The settlements have been so constructed as to prevent a 2 state solution and without their being dismantled any Palestinian state would have more holes in it than a Swiss cheese.
The Times of Israel of 2nd November 2017 summed up the situation perfectly: After pro-settlement comments, Gabbay reiterates support for two-state solution
Of course I would be less than honest if I didn’t confess to opposing 2 states on principle.  The root cause of the problem in Palestine is not two peoples fighting over one piece of land as liberal Zionists pretend but a settler colonial movement which displaced an indigenous population and erected a racial supremacists state as in South Africa.  A 2 state solution, even were it feasible, would be a monstrosity.  Israel would be even more racist and aggressive.  The Palestinian state, which would be a Bantustan in practice, would be a horrific police state whose main job was to police its own subjects in order to keep Israel satisfied, because there would be a massive power imbalance between them.  Indeed the Palestinian ‘state’ would be something like the quisling entity that the Palestinian Authority operates at the moment.
That is why I opposed, in 1993, the Oslo Accords between Israel and the PLO.  At the time I resigned from PSC over the issue when, at an emergency conference, two-thirds of the meeting agreed to support them. My views on them are best represented in a debate with Julia Bard of the Jewish Socialists Group in the pages of National Labour Briefing, A Mess of Potage in October 1993.
In the article I said that:
The Accord divides the Palestinian nation in two. It excludes not only _ those Palestinians living inside pre-1967 Israel, but the two million Palestinians who were exiled in 1948 and 1967. It explicitly rules out the right of return. Israel continues to control the Allenby bridge to Jordan.

Under the Accord Israel will retain control over land, water and resources. The Palestinians will collect their own garbage, control education and health and police themselves. In effect, the prison guards will be removed from inside to outside the prison walls.
Zionism was not founded in order to establish a state in half the Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael).  It claims the whole land.  Indeed the biblical Land of Israel extends up to the Litani river in Lebanon and down to the Nile in Egypt and across to the Euphrates in Iraq, so there is quite a way to go.  The idea of stopping half way and handing over 22% of the territory of Mandate Palestine is absurd.
Of course there are some people who talk about 2 states who know full well that it will never be achieved.  Firstly Zionist organisations in this country, in particular Labour Friends of Israel and the Jewish Labour Movement but also the Board of Deputies of British Jews support 2 states.  However these same organisations support all Israel’s repressive actions in the Territories.  They all support the Occupation wholeheartedly.  Yet unless there is sufficient opposition to the military occupation, there is no chance that Israel will unilaterally hand over part of the West Bank for a state. 
We saw that last week when the Board of Deputies and Labour Friends of Israel rushed to support the Israeli army's gunning down of 60 unarmed Palestinian demonstrators whilst blaming the violence, not on those who did the shooting but on the victims (for which Hamas is the all-purpose address).
It should therefore clear that these organisations are hypocritical liars.  They know that there will never be a 2 state solution as does the pro-Zionist Alliance for Workers Liberty, an allegedly Trotskyist organisation.  So why do they support 2 states?  Because that is the best way to undermine calls for the only possible solution to Israeli Apartheid, a democratic, secular state in the whole of Palestine.  Support for 2 States is also a way of opposing the call for equal rights for all those under Israeli rule, i.e. an end to the present Apartheid situation.
There are of course a second group, such as Jeremy Corbyn, who have no analysis worthy of the name and simply oppose Israeli repression and call for a 2 State Solution because they fondly imagine that the ‘international community’ will put pressure on Israel to conform.  However it should be obvious even to these people that the United States, which is in essence the ‘international community’ has no intention whatsoever of pressurising Israel to agree to a 2 state solution.

Emily Thornberry, Labour’s Shadow Foreign Secretary also calls for 2 States.  I have no doubt whatsoever that she does not believe it is possible.  She is an ardent Zionist and a member of Labour Friends of Israel.  As such her posturing on the issue is entirely cynical.  She is above all a supporter of the Atlantic Alliance and the special relationship with the USA.  Israel is integral to that.
The reality today is that there is already one state.  As Gideon Levy says, there is no border between pre-1967 Israel and today’s Greater Israel.  The only question therefore is whether or not all those living under Israeli rule should be granted equal rights.  Those who oppose this are supporters of the present Apartheid situation.  Of course this will mean that there will no longer be a Jewish State.   That is not such a loss.  What is a Jewish state?  Does a state pray to god or put on tefillin (phylacteries)?  A Jewish state simply means a state where Jews have more rights than non-Jews.  It is a Jewish supremacist state and no one who calls themselves a socialist should have anything to do with such a concept.
Tony Greenstein 
A debate on the Oslo Accords in Labour Briefing in October 1993 with the Jewish Socialist's Julia Bard
Calling Israel a democracy when less than half its subjects live in freedom is a propaganda trick that has worked better than one would have thought
Gideon Levy  Apr 15, 2018 
FILE PHOTO: Arrests at the Gaza border, 2007AP
With the approach this week of celebrations marking Israel’s 70th birthday, 12 million people live in the country. Some of them are citizens, some are residents, some are detainees, and all are subjects. Everyone’s fate has been determined by the country’s governing institutions.

On this Independence Day, we have to acknowledge that the country’s genuine borders are the Mediterranean Sea to the west and the Jordan River to the east, including not only the West Bank but also the Gaza Strip. Israel controls all this territory and everyone who lives there through various and sundry means, even if from a legal standpoint there’s no mention of this.

Forget the law. Israel long ago abandoned it. In practice it rules Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In the case of Gaza, it suffices with control from the outside, which is more convenient. On Israel’s 70th birthday, the time has come to recognize that the occupation of the territories in 1967 is not temporary. It was never meant to be and never will be. The 1967 border has been erased. The distinction between 1948 and 1967 doesn’t exist.
It was only in the state’s first 19 years, a blink of an eye from a historical perspective, that the country existed without the territories. For the balance of its history, the occupation has been an inseparable part of it, its character, its government, its essence, its DNA. What existed here for a brief time and is gone will not be coming back.

It’s critical that we rip the cover off the alleged transience of the occupation, which for some Israelis has been a sweet delusion and for others a dangerous threat. There is an abyss dividing a temporary occupation and a permanent one.

In its early years, Israel was small in area and population, but its youth, like everyone’s youth, quickly passed. For most of its existence, Israel hasn’t resembled the girl we remember. Its days as a small country with a Jewish majority have passed and the clock can’t be turned back. It’s no longer the small woman of our dreams. It’s the big woman of our nightmares.

On Israel’s 70th birthday, the time has come to recognize that Israel is a binational state under whose control two peoples live, equal in size. It maintains separate governing systems for them: a democratic one for Jews, discrimination for Israeli Arabs, and dictatorship for Palestinians. It’s not an equal democracy for all its subjects, meaning, of course, that it’s not a democracy.

There’s no such democracy where what’s allowed for one people isn’t for another. Therefore, on its 70th anniversary, Israel being called a democracy when fewer than half its subjects live in freedom is nothing but a propaganda trick that has worked to a greater extent than one would have thought.

It’s not only Israelis who deny and repress this reality. It’s more convenient for the Western world, too, to look at Israel’s more enlightened side, to ignore its dark side and continue to call it a democracy. After all, in the West, what country hasn’t also had such a colonialist back yard? And who could really confront Israel, a country that rose from the ashes?

Israel is therefore the darling of the West, despite the hollow lip service to the Palestinians, and so the West too has embraced the excuse of the occupation’s temporary nature: “Just wait, wait a little longer for the ‘peace process’ and the Israelis will be pulling out of the territories.” So it’s important that the lie of the transience of the occupation be exposed.

If the occupation isn’t temporary, it would be clear that Israel isn’t a democracy but rather an apartheid state par excellence. Two peoples and two systems of rights. That’s was apartheid looks like, even if it hides behind excuses ranging from temporariness to security grounds, from the right to the land to the concept of the chosen people, including the divine promise and messianic redemption.

These excuses don’t change the picture. In South Africa, no doubt an apartheid state, the regime invoked similar excuses to justify its existence. No one bought them. But with Israel there actually are buyers. One difference between South Africa and Israel is that Israel is stronger, more sophisticated and better connected to the world. And it has done a better job obscuring its apartheid.

It’s big, strong and nondemocratic. Israel oppresses the Palestinians through various means with one result: There isn’t a single free Palestinian in the West Bank or Gaza Strip. Their fate is determined by the Israeli government in Jerusalem and the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv, and they have no rights at either one. Is this not apartheid? Is it democracy?

And now on to the showy and proud Independence Day ceremonies planned by Culture Minister Miri Regev. Let’s not rain on her parade.                

Israeli Democracy in Action - Israeli Police Thugs Attack Haifa anti-war demonstration


21 Israeli Palestinians arrested as Police break the leg of Jafar Farah, a Human Rights Worker

In the wordsof Ahmed Tibi, a member of Ta’al and the Joint List in the Knesset, Israel is a democratic state for Jews but a Jewish state for Arabs.  Perhaps this should be corrected to acknowledge that for Jewish opponents of Zionism Israel is also becoming less democratic.

Last Friday 18th May, in response to Israel’s premeditated murder of over 60 Palestinians in Gaza, Israeli Palestinians held a small demonstration in the city of Haifa.
Instead of protecting the demonstration from the usual right-wing thugs, Israeli police launched a savage attack on it and the democratic rights of Arab citizens of Israel, thus demonstrating that equality between Jew and Arab in Israel is purely theoretical.
The Times of Israel report Activists say police broke knee of Arab-Israeli arrested at protest in Haifa quotes Ayman Odeh condemning not only the “brutal dispersal” of the demonstration but the police conduct during a demonstration of some 200 people on Monday against the move of the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. A number of MKs from the Joint List took part, including Odeh. 
“The wild attack on us by police in Jerusalem and the attack and arrest of the demonstrators in Haifa, over claims that raising the Palestinian flag constitutes incitement, is untrue and also illegal.” 
According to reports in the Hebrew-language media, Odeh confronted police officers on Saturday outside the Bnai Zion Medical Center where Farah was being treated, calling one of them a “zero.”

Zionist Union MK Merav Michaeli also condemned the Friday incident, calling Farah “a partner in the struggle for equality and peace.” In a tweet, the opposition lawmaker said his treatment at the hands of police was “frightening,” and vowed she would demand an explanation from Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan next week.
19 demonstrators were arrested and one, Jafah Farah, had his knee broken by the Police in custody. There can be no doubt about this since he was filmed walking when being arrested. Jafah is the CEO of the Mossawa Advocacy Center For Arab Citizens In Israel.
The UN Human Rights Council last Friday also called for an Inquiry into the shootings, which Israel rejected calling the Council biased etc.  No doubt they were also anti-Semitic.  The EU also made a mild call for an investigation into the arrests in Haifa, a call instantly rejected by Gilad Erdan, the Public Security Minister and an arch hawk.  Erdan it was who described Yaqoub Abu al-Qiyan , a maths teacher who was murderedin January 2017 by Police, in the Bedouin village of Umm al Hiran in the Negev, as a ‘terrorist’.  Police had been protecting bulldozers which had been sent in to demolish the village to make way for a new Jewish town when they opened fire on his car, which then rolled into the police line killing one member. Even the subsequent Shin Bet inquiry couldn’t substantiate the false claim of Erdan and the Police.
Jafar Farah being led away under arrest - he had no difficulty walking whilst under arrest
The EU also called on Israel to cancel the deportation order on the Director of Human Rights Watch in Israel, Omar Shakir.  His ‘crime’ was having supported BDS as a student. Only in the ‘democratic’ State of Israel do people get deported because of their ideological views. As representative of HRW stated“Compiling dossiers on and deporting human rights defenders is a page out of the Russian or Egyptian security services’ playbook.”
None of this stopped Israel’s fascist Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman of Yisrael Beteinu, from attacking the head of the Joint List in the Knesset, the third largest bloc, which represents Israeli Arabs.  Every day that Ayman Odeh is not in prison is a failure of law enforcement,”  Apparently Odeh, who the Police fired a rubber bullet at during the demolition of Umm al-Hiran in January 2017, had cursed the Police watching over Jafar in the hospital.  In the minds of this racist thug (only in Israel can someone found guilty of assaulting a child – a Jewish child no less in the settlements - become a senior government minister) beating someone up and breaking their leg in custody is far less serious than cursing the police who carried out this act.
The greater significance of what happened in Haifa is that it shows that Israeli ‘democracy’ for its Arab citizens is non-existent. Israel is a security state and when military actions are undertaken against the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, there is a consensus from the Zionist right to left, Likud to Yesh Atid and the Israeli Labour Party that you don’t query the Israeli military. Anyone who disturbs that consensus can expect to be violently dealt with. Gilad Erdan proclaimed, of course that Israel was ‘"the only democracy in the Middle East (and) does not need moralistic warning calls from a biased and obsessive body like the EU."
In a democracy of course the Police do not violently attack demonstrations, beating up the participants and then breaking their legs, to say nothing of keeping those detained in handcuffs over night.  However Israel is a democracy of a special kind.
Tony Greenstein

21 Israeli Arabs Arrested During Haifa Protest Against Gaza Killings

Dozens participated in the protest, in which many were carrying Palestinian flags; head of NGO advocating for Arab citizens' rights claims police attacked him while detained
Police gather for an attack
Noa Shpigel and Jack Khoury, May 19, 2018 7:42 PM
Twenty-one Israeli Arabs protesting the killing of Gazans were arrested Friday in the northern Israeli city of Haifa. Dozens participated in a demonstration in the city's lower commercial area. Police said those arrested were suspected of public disorder offenses. Protesters held up Palestinian flags, according to reports.
The organizers of the demonstration, a group of young activists, decided to hold it without a permit. The call to protest was spread across social networks, and its exact location was given two hours before it started. Some activists were warned prior to the protest not to participate in it, according to the organizers. One of the activists was interrogated last week after a similar protest and was sent home for a three-day house arrest.
Police said it will let the demonstration "continue and allow the public to fulfill the right to protest and free speech, in accordance to the caveats and instructions of the law, but will prevent any attempt to disrupt the public order and endanger the safety and security of the public."
One of the activists who was detained during the protest is the CEO of the Mossawa Advocacy Center For Arab Citizens In Israel, Jafar Farah. Farah's relatives and Adalah, The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, accused the police Saturday of breaking his leg while he was under arrest. The police said they cannot provide details about his medical condition, but that the case will be looked into.
In a video from the scene, Farah can be seen being escorted away from the protest by policemen. On Saturday, he was hospitalized in Haifa. Police said that "one of the detainees was taken to a checkup at the hospital after he claimed he was injured in his leg," and the Bnei Zion hospital in the city confirmed that Jafar was hospitalized but said that due to medical immunity, more details regarding his condition could not be disclosed.
Chairman of the Joint List, Ayman Odeh, who met the detainees at the police station said
"police forces brutally oppressed the protest without any explanation. Netanyahu's government wants to silence any voice of resistance and dissent coming from here, to silence any voice that embarrasses it and its actions. I am full of appreciation for the protesters tonight and the immense sacrifice of the detainees. No police brutality will succeed in silencing us."
MK Aida Touma-Suleiman (a member of Hadash, one of the parties making up the Joint List) also spoke up against the arrests of participants in Friday's demonstration, saying that "the attempts to scare and silence people will fail again!"
"The violence exerted on protesters was unchecked. Interrogators continued to beat up the detainees after they were arrested without any explanation or justification. As a result, some of them were injured. Jafar Farah's leg was broken. All this happened while they postponed the detainees' meeting with a lawyer and withheld medical care from them, all in order to prevent the documentation of the recklessness with which the police behaved," she said.
MK Touma-Suleiman also called for the opening of an investigative committee that would look into the police's conduct in those arrests.
Jafar Farah getting arrested at a Haifa protestHaaretz/ YouTube
In a statement released in response to the arrests, Adalah said the police dealt with the demonstration “like a war.”Adalah accused the police of closing in on the demonstrators, beating and arresting those who attempted to escape, and denying detainees from meeting with lawyers for over an hour after their arrest.
“All the detainees were handcuffed for the entire night and kept sitting on the police station floor. Many of them experienced serious bruising to their wrists. Adalah considers these arrests to be illegal, as the police violence in Haifa was unprecedented and unprovoked,” the group wrote, calling for the release of the detainees.
Around 1,000 Gazans gathered Friday around the Israel-Gaza border for the eighth weekly protest in the "March of Return." Dozens got close to the fence, burning tires and threw rocks. Israel Defense Forces responded with tear gas and occasional gunfire. 56 were wounded in the protest, 25 of which by live gunfire, the Gaza Health Ministry reported.
The UN Human Rights Council on Friday called for an international inquiry into the state of human rights in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza. Jerusalem blasted the decision and the council as being biased against Israel.

Israeli Minister Blasts 'Biased and Obsessive EU Over Calls to investigate Police Brutality

European Union calls on Israel to investigate violence against Arab activist, urges Jerusalem to revoke deportation of local Human Rights Watch representative

Noa Landau
  May 22, 2018 12:49 PM
The European Union condemned the Israeli police's crackdown on Israeli Arab protesters in Haifa after they demonstrated against the high death toll at the border with Gaza on the day of the dedication of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. The demand prompted the anger of Israel's police minister.
As many as 21 activists were detained by police following the march in Haifa, including the head of the Mossawa Advocacy Center Jafar Farah, who was allegedly injured after being arrested by police.
In the statement, the EU also said it was important Israel conducts "a swift investigation into circumstances surrounding events last week in Haifa which appeared to result in serious injury of Jafar Farah, Director of the NGO Mossawa, the Advocacy Centre for Arab Citizens in Israel".
Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan responded to the EU's demand, saying that "Israel, as the only democracy in the Middle East, does not need moralistic warning calls from a biased and obsessive body like the EU."
Erdan also called out what he called the "hypocritical campaign of persecution against Israel and the attempt to stain its good name. I suggest the EU not get involved in Israel's internal matters."
In the meantime, the police have questioned under caution the police officer involved in the arrest.
"The European Union continues to stand for an open and conducive environment for civil society, within Europe, in Israel, the occupied Palestinian territory and around the world," the statement said.
The EU called on Israel to reverse its decision to revoke the work visa of Mr Omar Shakir, the local director of Human Rights Watch who was accused of anti-Israel activities and involvement in the BDS movement.
In a mildly worded statement issued on Tuesday, the EU says it "expects the Israeli authorities to reverse their decision, as otherwise Israel would join a very short list of countries which have barred entry to, or expelled, Human Rights Watch staff".
Omar Shakir, a U.S. citizen who previously worked for the New York-based rights group in Egypt and Syria, was given two weeks to leave the country when he was notified of the revocation of his visa on May 7. Fifteen Israeli human rights organizations immediately condemned the move at the time.
Criticizing the decision of Israel's Interior Ministry, Human Rights Watch quoted a representative of the organization as saying that “Compiling dossiers on and deporting human rights defenders is a page out of the Russian or Egyptian security services’ playbook.”
Interior Minister Arye Dery said the decision was based on a recommendation from the Strategic Affairs Ministry, which had collected information about Omar Shakir.
In March 2017, Israel passed an amendment to its Entry into Israel law, empowering the authorities to refuse entrance to those they claim to be activists in the BDS movement. Shakir, however, would be the first one to be deported rather than being denied entry to the country on the backdrop of the law.

Every Day That Lieberman Is Defense Minister

With their anti-Arab incitement, Avigdor Lieberman and his cabinet colleagues are helping to march Israel confidently into a Judeo-nationalist future

Haaretz Editorial  May 22, 2018 1:18 AM
 “Every day that Ayman Odeh is not in prison is a failure of law enforcement,” Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said of the chairman of the Joint List, the third largest bloc in the Knesset. Interior Minister Gilad Erdan — who lost no haste in pronouncing Yakub Abu al-Kian, who was shot dead by police in Umm al-Hiran, a terrorist — quickly joined in. He announced that he would ask the attorney general to launch a criminal investigation against Odeh, who cursed out a police officer at the hospital where Jafar Farah, the director of Mossawa Center, the Advocacy Center for Arab Citizens in Israel, was being treated while under arrest in connection to a protest in Haifa.
Lieberman — whose ongoing public career is the real failure of law enforcement — and Erdan — whose right-wing street cred has suffered as a result of what has been seen as his inadequate support for Benjamin Netanyahu during the investigations of the prime minister — illustrate just how grave the situation has become in Israel, which is marching confidently into a Judeo-nationalist future. These cynical politicians know that in today’s Israel, the easiest and safest way to drum up public support is through racist incitement, which has no place in a democratic country. That is how they chose to respond to a small demonstration of Arab citizens protesting the killing at the border of the Gaza Strip.
Erdan and Lieberman simply learned a lesson in dangerous cynicism from their leader. One of Netanyahu’s great successes is in persuading the majority of Israeli Jews that the country’s Arab citizens — who account for around 20 percent of the population — are a fifth column that must not under any circumstances express solidarity with their Palestinian brethren or criticize the government.
The frequent assertions according to which the Joint List’s lawmakers should limit themselves to civil matters, such as “infrastructure and education,” constitute political suppression and outright racism couched as rationalist argument. Citizens in a democratic state may and should engage with their national identity and are permitted to criticize the government and to demonstrate against it. Israel has a duty to find ways to contain the complex relationship of Israel’s Arab citizens to the state and it must demonstrate sensitivity, particularly during moments of escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The claims regarding the behavior of Odeh, who was prevented from visiting Farah, who was injured at the demonstration, fall into that category of racism and distortion of the truth. Given the brutal suppression by police of a demonstration by minority members, focusing on Odeh’s curses creates a false symmetry in the equation of violence. Odeh and the Arabs are the victims of the state, not the other way around.
Any citizen who seeks to live in a democracy should be disturbed by the wanton, racist incitement by Israel’s leadership against the Arabs.

Yad Vashem – Israel’s Holocaust Propaganda Museum Refuses to Speak Out Against Deportation Threat to Refugees


Yad Vashem’s Loud Silence Amid Israel's Deportations of Asylum Seekers

Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust museum was established by lawin 1953. From the start it was intended to be integral to Israel’s propagandistic use of the Holocaust in its war against the Palestinians and as justification for the State’s existence. Even the title ‘Martyrs' and Heroes Remembrance (Yad Vashem) Law’ is evidence of a determination to rewrite the history of the Holocaust from a Zionist perspective. The Holocaust became Israel’s foundational myth.
John Vorster, Prime Minister of Apartheid South Africa, who was interned for Nazi sympathies in war, lays wreath to the Holocaust dead in Yad Vashem

Those who died were victims of fascism and genocidal racism. They were neither heroes nor martyrs and they would not have seen themselves as such. They were innocents who were murdered as a consequence of an ideology that became a material force of its own, a state that was based on racial supremacy and a murderous eugenics.  To portray those who died as martyrs and heroes in the battle for the Israeli state, which is what this law says, is to co-opt the Holocaust dead posthumously into the Zionist movement.  Given that Zionism was a minority movement in every Jewish community in Europe, this is to show contempt and disdain for those whose memories are being harnessed to a state which is based on the very same principles that led to their murder.
If anyone is doubtful as to the above then they need only look at section 1.8 of the law which stipulates that Yad Vashem should commemorate ‘the unceasing efforts of the besieged to reach Eretz Israel in spite of all obstacles, and the devotion and heroism of their brothers who went forth to liberate and rescue the survivors.’  This is called rewriting Holocaust history and it is no different from those who deny the Holocaust outright. It is Zionism's foundational Holocaust myth.  It uses the Holocaust as a weapon in the Zionist armoury.
Michael Kaminski of Poland's Law & Justice Party is in Yad Vashem's Hall of Names - Kaminski was also a founder of the Committee to Establish the Good Name of Jedwabne, a village in Eastern Poland where 1600 Jews were herded into a barn by fellow Poles, which was then set alight
Those who tried to escape from the Nazis tried to escape to any destination which would have them.  Palestine was neither the first nor the only destination.  Some 60,000 Jews out of a total of 446,000 Jews who escaped from the Reich territories between May 1933 and December 31 1939 went to Palestine, i.e. less than one in seven. [American Jewish Yearbook 1940-1] What the YV Law doesn’t say is that the Zionist movement did all in its power, including lobbying the Gestapo, in order to ensure that Jewish refugees only went to Palestine. [see for example Francis Nicosia, Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, p. 168]
In the words of Israeli historian and journalist Tom Segev, Yad Vashem is a ‘bizarre cult of memory, death and kitsch’. [Segev, The Seventh Million, p.11] a ‘macabre worship of death.’ [Amos Elon, The Israelis – Founders and Sons, p. 208]
As Professor Idith Zertal of the Hebrew and Bael Universities wrote in Israel’s Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood (p.100):
‘The transference of the Holocaust situation on to the Middle East reality… not only created a false sense of the imminent danger of mass destruction. It also immensely distorted the image of the Holocaust, dwarfed the magnitude of the atrocities committed by the Nazis, trivializing the unique agony of the victims and the survivors, and utterly demonizing the Arabs and their leaders.’
You might therefore think that the first organisation in Israel to speak out against Netanyahu’s attempt to deport 40,000 Black Africa refugees to death and torture would be Yad Vashem.  After all what is the point of Holocaust memorial museum unless it seeks to draw conclusions about what happened during the Holocaust for humanity's behaviour today? Perhaps the most obvious of all lessons of the Holocaust was that if the Western countries, in particular the United States, had open their doors, far fewer Jews would have died.
The Kindertransport - 10,000 Jewish children from Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia arrive in London - the Zionists opposed their entry
Even as devoted an Israel apologist like Alan Dershowitz in commentsto ILTV Daily agreed that “The whiff of racism can’t be avoided when you have a situation where 40,000 people of color are the ones who are being deported en masse, without being individualized and every single case considered on its merits,”
Yet Yad Vashem has remained silent.  It has refused to openly oppose Netanyahu’s racist plans.  It has issued a few meal mouthed platitudes whilst reminding people that the Holocaust must not be compared with anything, in other words it has no lessons to draw from the genocide of the Jews.
Yad Vashem is on the itinerary of all foreign dignitaries to Israel, including fascists and neo-Nazis. In April 1976 Yad Vashem welcomed John Vorster, Prime Minister of South Africa, who was interned during the war for Nazi sympathies. It has played host to a variety of far-Right and anti-Semitic politicians, from Heinz Strache of Austria to Michal Kaminsky of Poland’s Law & Justice Party and Robert Ziles of Latvia’s LNNK. Israel Shahak, a survivor of the Warsaw Ghetto and Belsen-Bergen concentration camp wrote, 
Of the Yad Vashem… theatre, I do not wish to speak, at all. It, and its vile exploiting, such as honouring South Africa collaborators with the Nazis are truly beneath contempt.[Kol Hair, 19 May 1998, Jerusalem].
The real purpose of Holocaust awareness ‘is not at an understanding of the past, but a manipulation of the future’.[Boaz Evron, (1983) “Holocaust: The Uses of Disaster’, Radical America 17, No. 4]. No other group is allowed to claim a share of the “credit”. At the centre of this manipulation stands Yad Vashem.
Holocaust awareness and ‘the culture of victimization’ allowed a Jewish victim identity to become dominant at the same time as anti-Semitism was disappearing. [The Holocaust in American Life, Peter Novick, Houghton Mifflin, 1999, New York, p.190. See Review: Deconstructing Holocaust Consciousness, Joseph Massad, JPS, Vol. 32 No. 1 p.82].  In its place the ‘new anti-Semitism’ i.e. anti-Zionism emerged as a substitute.

Even though Yad Vashem has rejected any comparison between the distress of the refugees in Israel and persecuted Jews in Europe during the Holocaust, they also found it appropriate to make a limp statement about asylum seekers here

Alon Harel, Uriel Procaccia , Ha’aretz
FILE PHOTO: Asylum seekers protest against deportation in Tel Aviv, Israel, February 24, 2018.Meged Gozani
On June 26, 1941, the German army entered Vilnius, accompanied by Reinhard Heydrich’s Einsatzkommando killing squads, elite units of sorts that were in charge of exterminating Jews, Roma Gypsies, homosexuals and Communists.

The broad range of those destined for extermination symbolized the Nazis’ commitment to Aryan racial purity, in their readiness to rid themselves not only of the lower strata of the human race but also of leftists and of those whose sexual orientation didn’t find favor among high-ranking officials of the regime.
Miron Abeliovich, the grandfather of one of this piece’s two authors, Uriel, was among those murdered, eliminated along with all of the other members of his household in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Many members of Alon’s family lived in the Free City of Danzig, whose conquest by the Nazis served as a springboard for the Hitler regime’s goal of cleansing the city of Catholic believers and more generally to subjugate the Slavic peoples to the superior race. The murder of Alon’s family following the occupation of Danzig, with the outbreak of World War II, was no more than a footnote in the larger Nazi plan for the city.
Between 1939 and 1945, the United States gave asylum on its territory to only about 250,000 Jewish refugees, roughly a thousandth of the American population at the time. Other Western countries were not more forthcoming. So, for example, when the details regarding the anti-Semitic wave of destruction on Kristallnacht in November 1938 became known, a plan was developed to allow for the settlement of 15,000 persecuted Jews in Australia over the course of three years, but the gates of the country remained closed to any additional Jewish refugees. Those refused admission to all of those countries remained in or returned to the European inferno, and many of them were killed in the Holocaust.
The above paragraphs describe episodes of Holocaust history that are seemingly unrelated to each other, but there is a common thread that runs through them. The first few paragraphs demonstrate the obvious, that human evil can be directed not only against our own people but against anyone whom the regime wishes to deprive of their rights. The fifth paragraph, regarding restrictions on immigration at the time, show that the evil and cruelty of passive actors sometimes are no better than those of active players.
Yad Vashem, the World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem, the central institution entrusted with the sacred memory of the Holocaust and the lessons that should be forever drawn from it, acknowledges some of these lessons on its website.
In its section on the Righteous Among the Nations, non-Jews who saved Jews during the Holocaust, Yad Vashem quotes the moving remarks of Elie Wiesel, who wrote, “Let us remember: What hurts the victim most is not the cruelty of the oppressor but the silence of the bystander. Let us not forget, after all, there is always a moment when moral choice is made. And so we must remember these good people who helped Jews during the Holocaust.”
And yet, when we face a similar reality of asylum seekers in Israel who are begging for their lives and, who, based on most accounts, can expect torture, theft, rape and even death in the countries where they are due to be sent, Yad Vashem issued a statement declaring that it is inappropriate and dangerous to compare the situation of the Jews during the Holocaust with Israel’s policy regarding those seeking residency status in the country now.
Indeed, how can they be compared? During the Holocaust, those being persecuted were our own people, whereas at the present time, they are only those of African background “seeking residency.”
FILE PHOTO: World leaders gather in the Hall of Names in Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, March 16, 2005.AP
During the Holocaust, the gates of Switzerland, Britain and other countries were shut, while now it is the gates of our own country. But despite the fact that the leaders of Yad Vashem have rejected any comparison between the distress of the refugees in Israel and persecuted Jews in Europe during the Holocaust, they also found it appropriate to make a limp statement about asylum seekers here, saying that their situation involves a “national and international challenge that requires empathy, compassion and mercy.”
“The experience of the Jewish people over generations heightens this obligation,” the statement continued. “The authorities in Israel must make every effort so that there is no person who arrived in Israel with a sword over his neck that did not receive refugee status.”
More than a month ago, while the controversy was seething, we approached the administration of Yad Vashem and asked for an interpretation and clarification regarding the call for “compassion.”
We asked what the leaders of the institution believed was or was not possible to do in the concrete case of asylum seekers at the present time.
We also asked what Yad Vashem’s position was regarding the masses of asylum seekers, which is nearly all of them, who have not received refugee status.
Does Yad Vashem believe that they should be given such status? Is it prepared not to be “a bystander” in the face of the government’s policy not to grant refugee status to almost any of these large numbers of persecuted people?
We have implored Yad Vashem to fulfill its moral and historic mission and to raise a hue and cry that the honorable interior minister would have difficulty ignoring. It is in fact easy for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to ignore demands for justice from those whom it deems “Jew haters,” and it probably even derives sweet pleasure from that as well.
On the other hand, ignoring a strong demand by an institution that is a symbol of the catastrophe that befell our people and that also has, it must be admitted, material value in our relations with the nations of the world, is much more difficult.
We have warned the good people at Yad Vashem, who drag every dignitary to visit the institution, who rub shoulders with them and curry their sympathies. And we have explained that if Yad Vashem refrains from dealing with this urgent issue, it could, in one fell swoop, lose its legitimacy as a universal moral beacon and instead be perceived in the eyes of the world as an ethnocentric faction whose only interest is the Jewish people and its ability to engender feelings of guilt among non-Jews.
To date, we have not managed to obtain a response to our inquiry.
Alon Harel is a professor of law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Uriel Procaccia a professor of law at Tel Aviv University.

Understanding the Enemies Tactics - Above all be Emotional – Stress Identity – and don’t deal with the Specifics


Zionist Talking Points – How to Divide, Confuse and Intimidate

Zionists will do almost anything to avoid debating the one and only issue.  The behaviour of and the nature of the Israeli state. It is of course easier to accuse someone of 'antisemitism' than to defend gunning down children or bombing clinics.   The pity is that some people believe them.

Being emotional, using the holocaust is a favourite tactic of course.   Who can forget that young Jewish girl who wept crocodile tears when confronting Norman Finkelstein.  Finkelstein called her fakery out for what it is, which he was able to do so as he knows something about it.

For example with the recent gunning down of 62 Palestinians in Gaza Israel’s only defence is that most of them are members of Hamas.  Well so what if they were?  Would they therefore accept that the gunning down of 62  members of Likud was acceptable if they were not in military fatigues?
The other argument, which is not taken seriously, is that if they had broken through the border (i.e. the walls of the prison) then their very presence in Israel would have been threatening.  Leaving aside that Israel is unique in the world in having no borders just how would unarmed Palestinians pose any sort of physical threat?

Of course they did pose what Israel says is an ‘existentialist’ threat – the very idea of a Return to Israel of the Palestinians is one of the 7 horrors of the world!

I’m reprinting this because it is useful for  those times, like student meetings, when people do get into debate with Zionists.  I have often spoke at for example student union general meetings as a guest speaker.  Apart from the fact that there were usually attempts to prevent me speaking (all of which failed) on grounds of anti-Semitism, I cannot remember a single time when I lost the debate.  Why?  Because when it comes down to it the Zionists don’t have an argument.

That is why the stress is on being emotional, on asking people not to take ‘sides’ (as if the Palestinian ‘side’ is equivalent to the Israeli ‘side’) bring in the bogy of ‘anti-Semitism’ etc.

In other words it is a model guide on how to deceive people

Tony Greenstein

 Anti-divestment talking points: Avoid the facts and claim victimhood
Adam HorowitzApril 15, 2010
The following talking points were distributed on UC Berkeley’s campus in the days leading up to last night’s debate over divestment. Several sources on Berkeley’s campus have confirmed that they had seen them on campus, and that they were adhered to closely by anti-divestment advocates during the debate itself. 

Anti-Divestment Bill: Unifying Strategies for Our Jewish Community

The message: The bill is an attack on our Jewish community. It silences our voices.
DO include in your speech

**End your speech with "Don’t Silence Me" This will have a powerful, unifying impact.**

Keep it very short, about a minute

Unfairly choosing a side, under false pretense, is to shut down a productive and meaningful discussion. This can only cause more tensions and conflict. It takes away OUR voice.

Make it personal, include personal experiences and emphasize feelings of personal attack.

BE EMOTIONAL. Don’t be afraid to show how you feel (angry, sad, etc.)
There will always be dissenters; they don’t represent the voice of the Jewish community.

WE are the voice of the Jewish community at Cal (can refer to all the Jewish student groups that are against the bill – which collectively represent over 500 Jewish students on our campus).

If the issue is so clear, why is it so divisive? This may be one of those occasions when it’s not appropriate for you (the ASUC senators) to decide something for everyone on campus.

The Bill is out of context and based on questionable sources (no need to go into detail). Thus, the bill is in fact an attack on the JEWISH COMMUNITY.
An unjustified attack on Israel is an attack on my Jewish identity. It is attacking ME.

The ASUC and our university have been hijacked by an extremist agenda, through this bill.

A small group of partisans are trying to leverage the reputation of UC Berkeley for their own narrow political purposes. These partisans have NO concern for the bitter divisiveness they have caused on campus.

The voices of the general student body are telling you (through thousands of emails, etc.) – loud and clear – that there is no student consensus outside of these partisan supporters for this bill. The supporters of the bill are demanding that you choose between them and the other 99% of the students you (the ASUC senators) represent.
The ASUC Senators didn’t campaign on this issue so they cannot claim to have an electoral mandate, and every source of data (news stories and opinion pieces in the paper and associated comments, the e-mails they have received, the high-pitched debates) attests to the fact that they cannot claim to be representing a campus consensus or majority.

DO NOT include in your speech

DON’T mention that Israel is being singled out (don’t mention crimes committed by other countries). Don’t suggest divesting from other countries. It is a weak argument and implies that Israel has committed war crimes.

DON’T try to deconstruct the bill. DON’T focus on addressing the fallacies/specifics of the bill.

Instead, focus on how it is an attack on the Jewish community.

AVOID a debate on the Middle East. Supporters of the bill would like to argue on this platform.

The Strange Case of Philip Cross – Wikipedia’s Mystery Editor and its anti-left, pro Israeli, fake neo-con entries


The Vicious Vendettas of Oliver Kamm – Times Leaderwriter, erstwhile journalist and Cyberstalker

I am combining two stories – what is being termed the Philip Cross Affair and the Vicious Vendettas of one of the most unpleasant people in British journalism, Oliver Kamm.  They intertwine and it may be that Philip Cross is a composite person, whose persona includes that of Kamm.

If we are to believe that “Philip Cross” is a genuine person then he is an amazing person.  He has not had one single day off from editing Wikipedia in almost five years. “He” has edited every single day from 29 August 2013 to 14 May 2018. Including five Christmas Days. That’s 1,721 consecutive days of editing. 
Below is a fascinating article by Craig Murray, who was the British Ambassador to Uzbekistan before he was sacked by Jack Straw.  What was Murray’s offence?  Criticising the regime in Uzbekistan headed by Islam Karimov for its quaint use of torture, in particular the boiling alive of victims.  This criticism was deemed a sackable offence.  It is a measure of the depravity to which New Labour sank, that under Blair and Straw we had extraordinary rendition for torture in Libya and other places and the sacking of Craig Murray for speaking out.

Omer Benjacob in Israel’s Ha'aretz immediately jumps to the defence of Cross, labeling his critics as Kremlin stooges – 

Why Are Russia, WikiLeaks and the British Far Left Out to Get This 'pro-Israel' Wikipedia Editor?

Beneath this article is another, equally fascinating article on the vendettas and stalking of Oliver Kamm.  Kamm’s lack of any discernible talent is only matched by his ego.  I first encountered him 30+ years ago when I gave a talk on Palestine to Oxford University Labour Club.  A fairly right-wing bunch it must be admitted.  Kamm’s contribution, which he later denied, was to ask me how Zionism could be racist when Jews weren’t a race. My response was to suggest that if that were true then the Nazis too weren’t racists since the Jews weren’t a race.  Kamm’s own recollections of my addressing the Club are in an article The fight’s gone out of me in the Jewish Chronicle announcing his overdue resignation from the Labour Party.

A good article describing the dishonesty of Kamm and his method of argumentation is by the Socialist Unity editorial team Oliver Kamm: Smearing Himself…In Person which talks about Kamm’s ‘accidental misrepresentations, inadvertent omissions of fact and what on first sight looks like outright manipulation?’  It is one way of putting it. 
Kramm’s views on our interactions can be gauged from his Harry’s Place article Oliver Kamm, Tony Greenstein, the IRA and musicians
Kamm was an enthusiastic support of Blair and the war in Iraq, supported extraordinary rendition, loves Israel, describes the struggle of oppressed people as ‘terrorism’, was a member of the far-Right cold war and Islamaphobic Henry Jackson Society.  A leader writer on The Times he still says he is ‘left wing’!  He is also a banker and when once I called him a ‘wanker banker’ he accused me of homophobia!  I’m still working it out.
The article by Neil Clark is disturbing because it suggests that he isn’t just a reactionary and narcissistic freak but a genuinely disturbed person who engaged in persistent stalking over a number of years because a  book of his had, in his opinion, not been given a fair review.

The Philip Cross Affair  

Craig Murray
Philip Cross's tweets

UPDATE “Philip Cross” has not had onesingle day off from editing Wikipedia in almost five years. “He” has edited every single day from 29 August 2013 to 14 May 2018. Including five Christmas Days. That’s 1,721 consecutive days of editing.
133,612 edits to Wikpedia have been made in the name of “Philip Cross” over 14 years. That’s over 30 edits per day, seven days a week. And I do not use that figuratively: Wikipedia edits are timed, and if you plot them, the timecard for “Philip Cross’s” Wikipedia activity is astonishing is astonishing if it is one individual:
The operation runs like clockwork, seven days a week, every waking hour, without significant variation. If Philip Cross genuinely is an individual, there is no denying he is morbidly obsessed. I am no psychiatrist, but to my entirely inexpert eyes this looks like the behaviour of a deranged psychotic with no regular social activities outside the home, no job (or an incredibly tolerant boss), living his life through a screen. I run what is arguably the most widely read single person political blog in the UK, and I do not spend nearly as much time on the internet as “Philip Cross”. My “timecard” would show where I watch football on Saturdays, go drinking on Fridays, go to the supermarket and for a walk or out with the family on Sundays, and generally relax much more and read books in the evenings. Cross does not have the patterns of activity of a normal and properly rounded human being.
There are three options here. “Philip Cross” is either a very strange person indeed, or is a false persona disguising a paid operation to control wikipedia content, or is a real front person for such an operation in his name.
Why does this – to take the official explanation – sad obsessive no friends nutter, matter?
Because the purpose of the “Philip Cross” operation is systematically to attack and undermine the reputations of those who are prominent in challenging the dominant corporate and state media narrative. particularly in foreign affairs. “Philip Cross” also systematically seeks to burnish the reputations of mainstream media journalists and other figures who are particularly prominent in pushing neo-con propaganda and in promoting the interests of Israel.
This matters because, an ordinary reader who comes across an article questioning (say) the official narrative on the Skripals, is very likely to turn to Wikipedia to get information on the author of the article. Simply put, the purpose of the “Philip Cross” operation is to make certain that if that reader looks up an anti-war person such as John Pilger, they will conclude they are thoroughly unreliable and untrustworthy, whereas if they look up a right wing MSM journalist, they will conclude they are a paragon of virtue and entirely to be trusted.
The “Philip Cross” treatment is meted out not just to left wingers, but to all sceptical of neo-conservatism and who oppose “wars of intervention”. A list of Cross’s victims includes Alex Salmond, Peter Oborne, John Pilger, Owen Jones, Jeremy Corbyn, Tim Hayward, Diane Abbott, Neil Clark, Lindsey German, Vanessa Beeley, and George Galloway. As you would expect “Philip Cross” is particularly active in making amendments to the Wikipedia articles of alternative media, and of MSM critique sites. “Philip Cross” has made 36 edits to the Wikipedia entry of The Canaryand, staggeringly, over 800 edits on Media Lens. George Galloway remains the “Philip Cross” operation’s favourite target with a quite incredible 1,800 edits.

See also War on the left: Targets of relentless Wikipedia editor Philip Cross report intriguing patterns

I'm launching a crowd-funded legal action for libel and harassment against Oliver Kamm, The Times newspaper and Rupert Murdoch. Here's why: 
 Oliver Kamm-  cyberstalker.
Neil Clark
The author of a-pro Iraq war book sees it critically reviewed in a national newspaper. He then spends over ten years stalking, attacking, hounding and defaming the anti-war author of the review. He even tweets the Minutes of the reviewer’s local parish council meetings in an attempt to discredit his ‘enemy’. He attacks articles written by the wife of the reviewer on the rare occasions she ventures into print. He boasts about his efforts in ‘destroying’ the reviewer’s career in a blog post. 
He tweets obsessively about the 'obscure' reviewer and when the reviewers’ work is cited or praised by someone with a high profile on Twitter, he intervenes to warn them off with  claims that the reviewer is a ‘fake’, a ’fraud’,  a ‘crank’ and a ‘genocide denier‘.
Then, after he is finally questioned under caution of arrest by the police in relation to stalking/harassment activities, the author accuses the person he has been relentlessly persecuting of harassing him- and  falsely claims that his victim has been ordered by the police not to contact him, his family and his employers!
Sounds like pretty disturbing behaviour, don’t you think? I certainly would agree, but as I’ve found out over the past decade,  waging vicious vendettas - and telling lies in an attempt to destroy the reputation of his ‘enemies’ is par for the course for Mr Oliver Kamm, ‘former banker, Leader Writer and Columnist, The Times’ and author of Anti-Totalitarianism-The Left Wing Case for a NeoConservative Foreign Policy’. 
Kamm’s behaviour is a scandal, but even more shocking has been how powerful individuals in the British neocon Establishment have not only protected the Internet stalker, but promoted him.  
My review of Kamm’s book was published by the Daily Telegraph on New Years Eve 2005. It was critical, but as reviews go, not particularly harsh- and certainly nowhere near as harsh as the bile-dripping book reviews that Kamm himself writes for The Times. What I did not know, when I filed copy, was that the book’s author was an incredibly malicious and vindictive individual with a history of cyber-stalking and online persecution of people whose views he disagreed with.
The day after the review appeared, Kamm attacked meon his blog- and accused me of not reading his book. The first of over twenty-five posts devoted to attacking/denigrating me (or my wife) over the next two years, was no mindless rant, but was clearly designed to discredit me with newspapers who commissioned my work. 
In subsequent blog posts that month Kamm made further allegations against me which I responded to on my own blog. I had said that the source for one of my claims in the review was The Institute of Strategic Studies Organisation. I had meant The International Strategic Studies Association. Kamm attempted to build this up into a heinous offence, writing that ‘a reasonable person might readily take this as a reference to the well known International Institute of Strategic Studies’. I think ‘a reasonable person’ would think Kamm was making a mountain out of a molehill in a deliberate attempt to discredit the reviewer of his book.
Kamm’s initial attempts to discredit me didn’t work, but then there was a more sinister development. A poison-pen style email, from a  ‘George Courtenay’ was sent to Tom Switzer, the opinion editor of The Australian newspaper, who regularly commissioned me. The email read: 
 ‘I see you have published an opinion article by Neil Clark today. That's all good to print a range of views but you may be interested that Oliver Kamm of the London Times has been investigating Mr. Clark's use of sources. Mr.Clark doesn't say the same thing in his new article but as he's lied to other editors I'm bringing it to your attention'. 
G. Courtenay

Naomi Wolf and anti-semitism’s mystification


Anti-Semitism in the eye of the beholder – using 'anti-semitism to silence cartoonists

This cartoon in a German paper was deemed 'anti-semitic'
From the Der Sturmer stable
This is a cartoon in the Nazi paper Der Sturmer - I'll leave it to you to work out the similarities, if any, with the above cartoon
Another  obviously antisemitic cartoon from Der Sturmer
 Jonathan Cook is one of the best and most thought provoking writers around.  An award winning former Guardian journalist he lives in Nazareth.

The issue he writes about, the mystification of anti-Semitism, is an important one.  If people are confused about the differences between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism then it is doubly difficult when it comes to works of art, especially cartoons.
Let me offer a guide.  Anti-Semitic cartoons have an intent behind them – which is to depict the Jew as the devil, the lecherer, the controller.  Pictures of  Netanyahu tend to depict someone who is willing to kill ever increasing numbers of Palestinians.  The context and intent is entirely different.
Yair Netanyahu's cartoon above had all the right anti-Semitic ingredients
Ironically last year, there was a campaign both in Hungary and in Israel against George Soros, the archetypal Jewish financier.  The campaign in Hungary, led by its Prime Minister Viktor Orban was undoubtedly anti-Semitic.  That in Israel was much the same.  Soros’s crime being to have financed some Israeli human rights groups.  He was portrayed in an anti-Semitic cartoon by none other than the son of Benjamin, Yair Netanyahu in a cartoon that had every ingredient of anti-Semitic caricature.  Little wonder that it was praised by David Duke former Grand Wizard of the KKK and Andrew Anglin, editor of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer.  However the usual culprits didn’t jump up and down about anti-Semitism.
Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin just loved Yair Netanyahu's cartoon
It is clear, beyond any doubt, that ‘anti-Semitism’ has become the principal weapon of the Zionist movement and Israel’s defenders.  It should be said at once that it has not won over the vast majority of ordinary people but it has befuddled and confused important  layers of people politically, not least in the Labour Party, where it has had a chilling effect on peoples’ willingness to discuss let alone motivate criticism of Israel.  Given the nature of the witchhunt, where anything anti-Zionist is called anti-Semitic by the witchhunters, this is not surprising.
In his eagerness to please the Zionists  Murdoch engaged in one of those well-known anti-semitic caricatures - the 'Jewish owned press'

A cartoon on Netanyahu not deemed anti-semitic by the Board would be so anodyne that it wouldn't be worth drawing
Five years ago there was one of these artificial Zionist controversies over the a cartoon by Gerald Scarfe in the Sunday Times.  It portrayed a bloody Netanyahu cementing a wall with the bodies and heads of Palestinians.  For some unearthly reason it was considered anti-Semitic by those who make it their business to ensure that any portrayal of the Zionist state is channelled into accusations of Jew hatred.  Of course on any objective basis there was nothing anti-Semitic about Scarfe’s cartoon.  If it had been a portrayal of the US President or George Bush or Trump today then no one would have batted an eyelid.
As Jonathan Cook describes, a similar controversy has blow up over a German cartoon.  Like the Scarfe controversy there seems little doubt that this is a false accusation by the supporters of Israel.  It is noticeable that when it comes to cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad then anything goes but if you depict Netanyahu as the murdering bastard he is then you risk the heavens falling in.
No doubt depicting the Apartheid wall was also anti-semitic
Similarly with the nonsense about the long erased mural that Jeremy Corbyn had supported on grounds of free speech.  Corbyn was forced to backtrack by the ‘anti-Semitism’ storm in late March and accept that he hadn’t noticed its anti-Semitism.  Fake leftists like Richard Seymour and Owen Jones joined in the hue and cry but those of us who are more familiar with anti-Semitic cartoons of the Der Sturmer variety could not detect any anti-Semitic content.  Conspiratorial perhaps.  Anti-banker yes but anyone saying that all bankers are Jews is, well, anti-Semitic!
Unfortunately these days Corbyn, whose support for the Palestinians was never based on any theoretical understanding of why Zionism and Israel are racist, backed down once again and in so doing made a rod for his own back.  If just for once he stood up to his accusers he would find life far easier.
Tony Greenstein 

Naomi Wolf and anti-semitism’s mystification
24 May 2018
My previous post was about the firing of a cartoonist, Dieter Hanitzsch, by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung after its editor became concerned – though, it seems, far from sure – that a cartoon he had published of Benjamin Netanyahu might be anti-semitic. Here is the image again.

As I argued then, the meaning seems pretty clear and uncoloured by any traditional notion of anti-semitism. It shows the danger that Israel, a highly militarised state, will use its win at the Eurovision song contest, and its hosting of next year’s competition in occupied Jerusalem, to whitewash the sort of war crimes it just committed in Gaza, where it has massacred large numbers of unarmed Palestinians.
In fact, the cartoonist is far from alone in highlighting such concerns. The New York Times has reported delight among Israelis at the prospect of what they regard as a “diplomatic victory” as much as musical one. And, according to the Haaretz newspaper, the Eurovision contest organisers have already expressed concern to Israeli broadcasters about likely attempts by Israel to “politicise” the competition.
Among those responding on Twitter to my post was Naomi Wolf, a US Jewish intellectual and feminist scholar whose body of work I admire. She disagreed with my blog post, arguing that the cartoon was, in her words, “kind of anti-semitic”.
In our subsequent exchange she also noted that she was uncomfortable with the fact that the cartoonist was German. (For those interested, the complete exchange can be found here.)
In the end, and admittedly under some pressure from me for clarification, she offered an illustration of why she thought the cartoon was “kind of anti-semitic”. She sent a link to the image below, stating that she thought Hanitzsch’s cartoon of Netanyahu had echoes of this Nazi image of “the Jew” alongside an Aryan German woman.
Frankly, I was astounded by the comparison.
Nazi propaganda
Cartoons in Nazi propaganda sheets like Der Sturmer were anti-semitic because they emphasised specific themes to “otherise” Jews, presenting them as a collective menace to Germany or the world. Those themes included the threat of plague and disease, with Jews often represented as rats; or secret Jewish control over key institutions, illustrated, for example, by the tentacles of an octopus spanning the globe; or the disloyalty of Jews, selling out their country, as they hungered for money.
As Wolf notes, anti-semitic cartoonists would give the portrayed “Jew” grotesque or sinister facial features to alienate readers from him and convey the threat he posed. These features famously included a large or hooked nose, voracious lips, and a bulbous or disfigured head.
So how did the cartoon of Netanyahu qualify on any of these grounds? There is no implication that Netanyahu represents “Jews”, or even Israelis. He is illustrated straightforwardly as the leader of a country, Israel. There is no sense of disease, world control or money associated with Netanyahu’s depiction. Just his well-known hawkishness and Israel’s well-documented status as a highly militarised state.
And there is nothing “grotesque” or “other” about Netanyahu. This is a typical caricature, certainly by European standards, of a world leader. It’s no more offensive than common depictions of Barack Obama, George Bush, Tony Blair, or Donald Trump.
So how exactly is this Netanyahu cartoon “kind of anti-semitic”?
Limiting political debate
What follows is not meant as an attack on Wolf. In fact, I greatly appreciate the fact that she was prepared to engage sincerely and openly with me on Twitter. And I acknowledge her point that judgments about what is anti-semitic are subjective.
But at the same time ideas about anti-semitism have become far vaguer, more all-encompassing, than ever before. In fact, I would go so far as to say the idea of anti-semitism has been metamorphosing before our eyes in ways extremely damaging to the health of our political conversations. It is the current mystification of anti-semitism – or what we might term its transformation into a “kind of antisemitism” – that has allowed it to be weaponised, limiting all sorts of vital debates we need to be having.
It is precisely the promotion of a “kind of anti-semitism”, as opposed to real anti-semitism, that has just forced Ken Livingstone to resign from the Labour party; that empowered Labour’s Blairite bureaucracy to publicly lynch a well-known black anti-racism activist, Marc Wadsworth; that persuaded a dissident comedian and supporter of the Palestinian cause, Frankie Boyle, to use his TV show to prioritise an attack on a supposedly “anti-semitic” Labour party over support for Gaza; that is being used to vilify grassroots movements campaigning against “global elites” and the “1 per cent”; and that may yet finish off Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, currently the only credible political force for progressive change in the UK.
None of this is, of course, to suggest that Wolf would herself want any of these outcomes or that she is trying to misuse anti-semitism. I fully acccept that she has been a strong Jewish critic of Israel and doubtless paid a price for it with friends and colleagues.
But unlike Wolf, those who do consciously and cynically weaponise anti-semitism gain their power from our inability to stand back and think critically about what they are doing, and why it matters. There is an intellectual and cultural blindspot that has been created and is being readily exploited by those who want to prevent discussions not only about Israel’s actions but about the wider political culture we desperately need to change.
Israel and Jews
In fact, the mystification of anti-semitism is not new, though it is rapidly intensifying. It began the moment Israel was created. That was why a Nazi cartoon – drawn before Israel’s establishment in 1948 – could never have been described as “kind of anti-semitic”. It simply was anti-semitic. It attributed menacing or subversive qualities to Jews because they were Jews.
To understand how the current mystification works we need briefly to consider Israel’s character as a state – something very few people are prepared to do in the “mainstream”, because it is likely to result in  allegations of … anti-semitism! As I observed in my previous post, this has provided the perfect get-out-jail-free card for Israel and its supporters.
Israel was created as the national homeland of all Jewish people – not of those who became citizens (which included a significant number of Palestinians), or even of those Jews who ended up living there. Israel declared that it represented all Jewish people around the world, including Wolf.
This idea is central to Zionism, and is embodied in its Declaration of Independence; its constitutional-like Basic Laws; its immigration legislation, the Law of Return; its land laws; and the integration into Israel’s state structures of extra-territorial Zionist organisations like the Jewish National Fund, the World Zionist Organisation and the Jewish Agency.
A dangerous confusion
It is also why the rationale for Israel is premised on anti-semitism: Israel was created as a sanctuary for all Jews because, according to Zionists, Jews can never be truly safe anywhere outside Israel. Without anti-semitism, Israel would be superfluous. It also why Israel has a reason to inflate the threat of anti-semitism – or, if we are cynical about the lengths states will go to promote their interests, to help generate anti-semitism to justify the existence of a Jewish state and encourage Jews to immigrate.
So from the moment of its birth, the ideas of “Israel” and “anti-semitism” became disturbingly enmeshed – and in ways almost impossible to disentangle.
For most of Israel’s history, that fact could be obscured in the west because western governments and media were little more than cheerleaders for Israel. Criticism of Israel was rarely allowed into the mainstream, and when it did appear it was invariably limited to condemnations of the occupation. Even then, there was rarely any implication of systematic wrongdoing on Israel’s part.
That changed only when the exclusive grip of the western corporate media over information dissemination weakened, first with the emergence of the internet and satellite channels like Al Jazeera, and more recently and decisively with social media. Criticism of Israel’s occupation has increasingly broadened into suspicions about its enduring bad faith. Among more knowledgeable sections of the progressive left, there is a mounting sense that Israel’s unwillingness to end the occupation is rooted in its character as a Jewish state, and maybe its intimate ideological relationship with anti-semitism.
These are vital conversations to be having about Israel, and they are all the more pressing now that Israel has shown that it is fully prepared to gun down in public unarmed Palestinians engaging in civil disobedience. Many, many more Palestinians are going to have their lives taken from them unless we aggressively pursue and resolve these conversations in ways that Israel is determined to prevent.
And this is why the “kind of anti-semitic” confusion – a confusion that Israel precisely needs and encourages – is so dangerous. Because it justifies – without evidence – shutting down those conversations before they can achieve anything.
The Livingstone problem
In 2016 Ken Livingstone tried to initiate a conversationabout Zionism and its symbiotic relationship with anti-semites, in this case with the early Nazi leadership. We can’t understand what Israel is, why the vast majority of Jews once abhorred Zionism, why Israel is so beloved of modern anti-semites like the alt-right and hardcore Christian evangelicals, why Israel cannot concede a Palestinian state, and why it won’t abandon the occupation without overwhelming penalties from the international community, unless we finish the conversation Livingstone started.
Which is why that conversation was shut down instantly with the accusation that it was “anti-semitic”. But Livingstone’s crime is one no mainstream commentator wants to address or explain. If pressed to do so, they will tell you it is because his comments were perceived to be “offensive” or “hurtful”, or because they were “unnecessary” and “foolish”, or because they brought the Labour party “into disrepute” (Labour’s version of “kind of anti-semitic”). No one will tell you what was substantively anti-semitic about his remark.
Similarly, when pressed to explain how Hanitzsch’s cartoon of Netanyahu was anti-semitic, Wolf digressed to the entirely irrelevant issue of his nationality.
This is the power and the danger of this “kind of anti-semitic” logic, and why it needs to be confronted and exposed for the hollow shell it is.
A mural becomes anti-semitic
The next stage in the evolution of the “kind of anti-semitic” argument is already discernible, as I have warned before. It is so powerful that it has forced Corbyn to concede, against all evidence, that Labour has an anti-semitism problem and to castigate himself, again against all evidence, for indulging in anti-semitic thinking.
Corbyn has been on the defensive since a “controversy” erupted in March over his expression back in 2012 of support for street art and opposition to censorship amid a row over a London mural that was about to be painted over.
Is this antisemitic or anti-masonic?

After he was elected Labour leader in 2015, the first efforts were made to weaponise the mural issue to damage him. The deeply anti-Corbyn Jewish Chronicle newspaper was – like Hanitzsch’s boss at the Süddeutsche Zeitung – initially unsure whether the mural was actually anti-semitic. Then the newspaper simply highlighted concerns that it might have “anti-semitic undertones”. By spring 2018, when the row resurfaced, the status of the mural had been transformed. Every mainstream British commentator was convinced it was “clearly” and “obviously” anti-semitic – and by implication, Corbyn had been unmasked as an anti-semite for supporting it.
Again, no one wanted to debate how it was anti-semitic. The artist has said it was an image of historical bankers, most of whom were not Jewish, closely associated with the capitalist class’s war on the rest of us. There is nothing in the mural to suggest he is lying about his intention or the mural’s meaning. And yet everyone in the “mainstream” is now confident that the mural is anti-semitic, even though none of them wants to specify what exactly is anti-semitic about it.
The 1 per cent off-limits
Much else is rapidly becoming “anti-semitic”. It is an indication of how quickly this slippage is occuring that repeating now a slogan of the Occupy Movement from only seven years ago – that we are ruled by a “global elite”, or the “1 per cent” – is cited as proof of anti-semitism. The liberal New Statesman recently ran an article dedicated to proving that the articulation of basic socialist principles – including ideas of class war and the 1 per cent – was evidence of anti-semitism.
On Frankie Boyle’s popular TV show last week, comedian David Baddiel was allowed to misrepresent– unchallenged – an opinion poll that found 28 per cent of Corbyn supporters agreed with the statement “the world is controlled by a secretive elite”. Baddiel asserted, without any evidence, that when they spoke of a global elite the respondents were referring to Jews. What was this assumption based on? A hunch? A sense that such a statement must be “kind of anti-semitic”?
Lots of young people who support Corbyn have never heard of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and have little idea about Der Sturmer or Nazi propaganda. More likely when they think of a secretive global elite, they imagine not a cabal of Jews but faceless global corporations they feel powerless to influence and a military industrial complex raking in endless profits by engineering endless wars.
The mystification of anti-semitism is so dangerous because it can be exploited for any end those who dominate the public square care to put it to – whether it be sacking a cartoonist, justifying Israel’s slaughter of Palestinians, destroying a progressive party leader, or preventing any criticism of a turbo-charged neoliberal capitalism destroying our planet.
No one pays me to write these blog posts. If you appreciated it, or any of the others, please consider hitting the donate button to the right. 

Im Tirzu – the Fascist organisation that is spearheading the Israeli State’s attack on human rights organisations

In Israel human rights activists are considered traitors, foreign agents and terrorist supporters

One of the signs that Israel is on the road to becoming an authoritarian state is the fact that even the herrenvolkJews who are human rights supporters or anti-war activists, are attacked as traitors, spies, foreign agents and enemies of the State.  Even the liberal New Israel Fund [NIF] is considered a hostile organisation. 
Im Tirtzu video targeting New Israel Fund for allegedly persecuting Israeli soldiers

One particular object of attack is George Soros, the billionaire Jewish philanthropist, who has funded the NIF and Israeli human rights organisations.  The Zionist attack on Soros is no different from the attacks of anti-semites.  Indeed Netanyahu joined hands with the far-Right Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in the latter's attack on Soros.

Yair Netanyahu's cartoon which drew praise from neo-Nazis
Last year Netanyahu's son, Yair, drew a cartoon of Soros which received plaudits from David Duke of the KKK and Andrew Anglin of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer.

The Jerusalem Post quoted Zehava Gal-On, former head of Meretz as saying that 'this won’t be the last time that neo-Nazis quote Netanyahu,” accusing him of “supporting world antisemitism” after the Foreign Ministry released a statement legitimizing criticism of Hungarian- American billionaire George Soros.  William Echikson in Politico echoed this:
'During his campaign, Orbán blamed his country’s problems on a Jewish financier, George Soros — and won, big time. After his victory, Orbán spokesman, Zoltán Kovács, said the attacks on Soros “could not possibly be anti-Semitic, since they were echoed by Netanyahu.”
Don't let Soros have the last laugh, in a  mocking echo of Hitler's prophecy speech when he talked about having the last laugh over the Jews who had derided him

Anti-semites claiming that their support for Zionism means they can't possibly be antisemitic has become a regular theme.  When people say that anti-semites disguise or hide their anti-semitism by professing support for the Palestinians, the opposite is usually true.  Most anti-semites today assert that they couldn't possibly be anti-semitic since they support Israel and Zionism.  People such as Richard Spencer, the founder of the alt-Right who declares himself a 'White Zionist'.

Viktor Orban has launched a campaign to rehabilitate Hungary's pro-Nazi war time ruler, Admiral Horthy, who presided over the deportation of nearly 1/2 million Jews to Auschwitz.  This however has not stopped Netanyahu from striking up an alliance with Orban.

Im Tirzu, is part of the far-Right scene in Israel.  It is a fascist pressure group which see it as its mission to demonise Israeli human rights organisations, cultural figures of the left and indeed any opposition to the right-wing nationalist demagogy that passes for debate in Israel. Even the Jerusalem District Court said it was legitimate to call Im Tirzu a fascist group.

Im Tirzu is not a marginal organisation.  It is actively supported by the government of Benjamin Netanyahu but not only him.  The ‘opposition’ of Yesh Atid, a supposedly centrist party under Yair Lapid and the Israeli Labour Party under its new right-wing leader Avi Gabbay, also support the demonization of human rights groups.

On its 10thanniversary Netanyahu posted a video congratulating Im Tirzu on its fine work

The latest Im Tirzu video attacks the NIF which funds human rights organisations such as Bt’selem as traitors who attack ‘our’ soldiers as they go about their thankless work murdering Palestinians.  It is the kind of propaganda stuff you would expect of a fascist organisation for whom the fatherland is uber alles.

You see the same adoration for the forces of the state that existed in Nazi Germany.  Im Tirzu specialises in attacking dissident culture and even prominent left-Zionist cultural figures. The Nazi party also attacked avante garde culture.  In the words of Herman Goering, ‘when I hear the words culture, I reach for my revolver.’

See The Cultural Axis, Robert O. Paxton in the October 26, 2017 Issue of The New Yorker, a review of Benjamin Martin’s The Nazi-Fascist New Order for European Culturehttps://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=thneyoreofbo-20&l=as2&o=1&a=0674545745.

This is where Zionism and its racial supremacist, ethno-nationalist state are now heading.  A state where the very term ‘leftist’ is now a term of abuse.

Jonathan Offir’s article is a timely reminder that far from being a democratic state, Israel is rapidly removing democratic rights even from Jews.

Tony Greenstein

Jonathan Ofir on May 2, 2018

The rightwing Israeli Jewish group “Im Tirtzu” has published an incitement video, featuring Adi Shosberger, who has recently called soldiers near the Gaza fence ‘terrrorists,’ and an activist from ‘Machsom Watch’ (‘Checkpoint watch’) who tells an Israeli soldier “you are a disgrace”.
The video frames these actions as a conspiracy of the progressive New Israel Fund. New Israel Fund, a global organization based in the U.S., has supported Machsom Watch, but it has no connection to Shosberger. “I have no connection to the New Israel Fund,” Shosberger writes, in Hebrew. 
The Im Tirtzu video satirically promotes a video game, where one plays a soldier confronting leftist activists:
“Do you want to experience what IDF soldiers feel when they are persecuted by New Israel Fund organizations?”, the narrator says.
In the game, the soldier confronts activists and ‘terrorists’ yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’. The narrator says:
“What are you waiting for? Join the fight against the foreign agents.” 
In the actual video game, the soldier can kill the Palestinians, but has to jump over the Israeli activists.
Shosberger, who was protesting the manifestly illegal policy of shooting unarmed protesters, has also been trashed by a mainstream radio host who has publicly fantasized about her rape and murder, calling her “stupid”, “filth” and “little bitch”.
The Israeli organization “Im Tirzu“ calls itself “the largest grassroots Zionist movement in Israel,” but has been widely labelled “fascist”. A Jerusalem court judge has even ruled that this is a legitimate charge. 
woman reading out statement from Breaking the Silence
Its call to fight the “foreign agents” arose 2-1/2 years ago, when Im Tirtzu published a video which incited against four NGO’s: B’Tselem, the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel, Breaking the Silence, and HaMoked: Center for the Defense of the Individual. Staffers were personally named and framed as “foreign agents”.
“While we fight terror, they fight us,” the narrator said
That video coincided with the push from Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked, herself arguably a fascist, of the “Transparency bill” nearly two years ago, which forced organizations that receive more than half their funding from institutions abroad (including from European governments), to disclose it prominently in official reports. The law does not specifically refer to leftwing organizations, but applies to about 25 NGOs. Rightwing NGOs, such as those supporting Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, tend to rely on private donations, which the law does not cover. 
The recent video is a further incitement against those who criticize Israeli policy, and it is making a blanket judgement of any dissent to be a national treason by “foreign agents”.
Im Tirtzu is ostensibly calling for this treatment of “foreign agents” to be implemented in law. But the incitement there is so virulent, that it’s not difficult to see how someone might get the idea that they should take the law into their own hands, and ‘teach these foreign agents a lesson’ – as an act of patriotism, of course.
One might be inclined to see this merely as a ‘game’, as the video suggests it is. But it is not a game. It is dead serious. It’s as serious as when the mentioned mainstream radio host Shai Goldstein says he “feels like killing that woman” (Adi Shosberger). But many Israelis don’t seem to get this. It passes as mere ‘outrage’, justified by the notion that the “most moral army in the world” cannot possibly be carrying out acts of terrorism, or even acting in ways which are a “disgrace”.
Militarism is a religion in Israel, like Zionism, and people are being sacrificed by it in many ways. Mostly, it’s Palestinians – but it’s also those who show solidarity with them. Then you’re a “foreign agent”.
About Jonathan Ofir
Israeli musician, conductor and blogger / writer based in Denmark.

Im Tirtzu Admits Mistake in Campaign Against 'Left-wing'Israeli Cultural Figures

The right-wing group's director tells Haaretz, however, that the public has the right to know about cultural figures' left-wing affiliations.
The latest Im Tirtzu campaign, which targets left-wing artists. Pictured (from left): Sha'anan Street, Amos Oz, Joshua Sobol and Gila Almagor. From the Facebook page of Im Tirtzu
The right wing Im Tirtzu group, which last month stirred controversy over its video targeting figures from left-wing organizations as foreign "moles," acknowledged that it had erred in a new poster that purports to expose some of Israel's leading cultural figures as left-wing.
The acknowledgment of the mistake with regard to the poster, in which authors Amos Oz, David Grossman and A.B. Yehoshua, actress Gila Almagor and singer Chava Alberstein among others were labeled "moles in culture" was posted on the organization's Facebook page over the signature of its director general, Matan Peleg. The poster, which was put on the group's Facebook page on Wednesday, disclosed what Im Tirtzu claimed was  the cultural figures' association with left-wing groups.
Despite the admission of error, in a conversation with Haaretz, Peleg defended the poster and said the public has the right to know about the political activities of those featured in it. The poster prompted widespread condemnation from politicians on the right as well as the left, including condemnation from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Among those criticizing it were Education Minister Naftali Bennett, the leader of the right-of-center Habayit Hayehudi party, who called the material "embarrassing, unnecessary and humiliating."His party colleague, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked added that artists identified with the left should not be placed out of bounds. For his part, Likud Knesset member Benny Begin called the outing of purported traitors "a longstanding ugly and dangerous fascist trait."
In its Facebook post on Friday, Im Tirtzu did not provide detail regarding what it viewed as mistaken in the poster, and did not remove it from its website or remove the list of artists and intellectuals that accompanied it. In a separate statement, Im Tirtzu reaffirmed that it was proud of its initial "moles" campaign directed at figures associated with Israeli human rights groups and left-wing organizations receiving foreign government funding, saying that the mistake that it was acknowledging only related to the poster featuring the cultural figures.
Friday's Facebook post over Peleg's name contained the following admission regarding the poster: "We made a mistake. We put up a mistaken post on a very important and substantial subject and therefore we need to be much more careful."Saying that the poster didn't constitute a campaign and that the organization wasn't calling anyone a traitor, despite media allegations to that effect, the statement in Peleg's name added: "We take full responsibility and promise to continue to work with great faith on behalf of the people of Israel and the soldiers of the IDF," the Israel Defense Forces.
"We will continue to convey pointed criticism of organizations that present IDF soldiers as war criminals and against those calling for a boycott of the country. Many thanks to all those who have supported us over the past two days and thank-you also to those who set us straight over our mistake," the statement added.
Later Im Tirtzu issued a clarification that the acknowledgement of the error related only to Wednesday's post of the poster and not the earlier campaign "which exposed those who harm IDF soldiers, [a campaign] over which we are proud and will continue [to publicize]."
In his conversation with Haaretz, however, Peleg defended his group's publication of the list of cultural figures, information that he said was already available elsewhere on the Internet. "The major advantage of the media storm that erupted is that now many in Israeli society know that when they say 300 cultural figures have signed a petition of one kind or another, they know they can check it name by name, and it's possible that they will see some of the names on the public boards of outside organizations," he explained.
When asked about his group's future direction, he replied: "The DNA of Im Tirtzu is to work against organizations that harm IDF soldiers, and that won't change."He explained that the Facebook post with the poster on cultural figures was not removed because the group viewed the material posted on Facebook as an ongoing feed, meaning that, with the posting of additional material, the poster appears lower down.
"If you assume responsibility, you assume responsibility," he said. "Now that we have written what is mistaken in it, we will certainly leave it so anyone who wants to form an impression will do so. We are not evading responsibility. We wrote in the post what we view as a mistake and we are moving forward."

Jerusalem Court: Okay to call Im Tirtzu a 'fascist group'

By Noam Sheizaf

|Published September 8, 2013
A verdict by the Jerusalem District Court finds that recognizing ‘certain lines of resemblance’ to fascism in the ideology or activities of the right-wing movement can be seen as ‘truthful.’ The verdict is a major blow to Im Tirtzu’s efforts to portray itself as a mainstream, grassroots movement.
The extreme-right group Im Tirtzulost a court case against a group of leftist activists who opened a Facebook page called “Im Tirtzu – A Fascist Movement.” Judge Raphael Ya’akobi of the Jerusalem District Court determined that some of Im Tirtzu’s attributes bear certain similarities to fascism – thus allowing the activists to use both a freedom of speech defense, as well as “spoken truth” defense.
Ya’akobi ruled against Im Tirtzu in all claims of the lawsuit, except for a post on the group’s page which drew similarities between Im Tirzu and Nazi ideology.
Im Tirtzu has become known over the past several years for their attacks on left-wing academics and organizations. Following the Goldstone Report on 2008-09’s Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, Im Tirtzu accusedthe New Israel Fund of aiding, through the various organizations it supports, the UN fact finding mission. A personal campaign against the head of the NIF, Naomi Chazan, bore anti-Semitic features [disclaimer: +972 Magazine is on the New Israel Fund’s donor-advised list].
Later, Im Tirtzu members campaigned against academics who taught courses about the Palestinian narrative of 1948, and led the campaign to shut down the political science department in Ben Gurion University, which was considered too “lefty.” Last year, the department was put under a long review process by the Israeli universities’ budgeting committee. Im Tirtzu was also behind the attempt to scare the Eretz Yisrael Museum from hosting the annual ‘Return Conference,’an event put on by the non-profit Zochrot, which works to promote awareness of the Nakba in Israeli society.
Im Tirtzu’s leadership enjoys strong ties within the Likudparty. Interior Minter Gideon Sa’ar (Likud Yisrael Beiteinu), a favorite of the group, spoke at their annual conference.
Ad by Im Tirzu blaming the head of NIF Naomi Hazan in the creation of the Goldstone report

Three-and-a-half years ago, Im Tirtzu filed lawsuit against the creators of the Facebook page “Im Tirtzu – a Fascist Movement,” demanding NIS 2.6 million ($720,000 US) in compensation and the removal of the page. During the procedures, the defendants had Professor Zeev Sternhell, a world expert on fascism, testify on the resemblance between Im Tirtzu’s activities and those of the European extreme right in the first half of the twentieth century. Sternhell himself was a victim of a pipe-bomb attack by Jewish terrorist Ya’akov “Jack” Teitel.
Furthermore, Ya’akobi ruled that in all cases but one, the name of the Facebook page and the specific posts that were brought before him fall under the right to free opinion. Thus, a slanderous motive cannot be attributed to them.
Here is a link to the full verdict [Hebrew].
Although the court could have stopped there, Ya’akobi also accepted the defense of “a truthful publication,” that the critique of Im Tirtzu as part of the political debate was in the public’s interest. In other words, the court is not stating the Im Tirtzu is a fascist movement (or that it isn’t, for that matter), but that because there exist “certain lines of resemblance” to fascism, calling them as such cannot be considered slanderous.
This is a major blow to Im Tirtzu’s attempts to position themselves as a mainstream grassroots movement. In the past, group members threatened a lawsuitagainst Wikipedia Israel for calling it “a right-wing movement” on its entry.
Im Tirtzu has been sponsored by John Hagee’s Christians United for Israel. According to the movement’s report, in recent years most of the support to Im Tirtzu comes from the Central Fund of Israel, which sponsors various religious, right-wing and settler causes.
The Jerusalem court did not call for compensation regarding the single claim in which it ruled in favor of Im Tirtzu, since the case is likely to end up in the Supreme Court.

What is UNISON for if it doesn't defend its own members? Stan Keable - abandoned by Steve Terry, the union’s London Regional Officer


For criticising Terry, right-wing Labour Councillor for Walthamstow, I am facing disciplinary action and expulsion

Cllr Steve Terry - London Regional Organiser & Progress supporter

I am informed of Steve Terry's complaint that I publicised his abysmal failure to support a member

The real question of course is why Terry is not being disciplined for refusing to support Stan Keable, a member sacked for going on a demonstration and expressing his views about Zionism. 
Terry's Advice to Stan Keable beg for forgiveness
No one is asking Steve Terry to be an anti-Zionist. All he has to do is support the right of UNISON members to freedom of speech and the right of assembly without being victimised.  Not only are these basic to any concept of workers’ rights they happen to be enshrined in Articles 10 and 11 of the European Convention of Human Rights.  Yet it would appear that this document is too radical for Terry and it would seem UNISON too. 
Following his dismissal Stan wrote again to UNISON, making a complaint against Terry and asking for a legal opinion as to his situation and for representation by another officer.  In return Beth Bickerstaffe, Director of the Executive Office replied thus:
On 29 May 2018, at 12:04, Bickerstaffe, Beth wrote:

Dear Mr Keable,

As mentioned in my previous correspondence I have passed your complaint about Mr Terry to the Regional Secretary in accordance with the union’s complaints procedure.

You were provided with advice and offered representation by UNISON but you did not agree with the advice, decided not to accept it and appointed a different representative to Mr Terry. This is a choice that you are free to make.  However, the union’s rules are clear that in those circumstances it will withdraw from acting for you. This was made clear to you when Mr Terry wrote to you.

The union does not generally seek legal advice from solicitors in relation to disciplinary matters because Regional Organisers use their knowledge and experience to advise our members about the best way to deal with disciplinary issues. 

Given that you decided both to take a different route from the one advised and appointed an external representative the union has made it clear to you that it is unable to act for you and it will not therefore be seeking legal advice about your dismissal.

Yours sincerely,


Beth Bickerstaffe
Director of the Executive Office

It is true that in response to being charged with attending a demonstration and giving ‘offence’ to Zionists, Terry offered his ‘advice’, which was to plead guilty and fall on the mercy of the Council officers.  Terry, who is also a right-wing Labour Councillor for Walthamstow, even offered to be a ‘silent representative’ thus signalling to the disciplinary panel that UNISON did not support him.
If Stan had taken Terry’s advice then any application to an Employment Tribunal would have been sunk by accepting he was in the wrong. Unsurprisingly Stan rejected Terry's advice and asked me to represent him.
The message from the Zionist 'anti-racist' demonstration was clear - Corbyn was anti-semitic
Stan Keable, who is Secretary of Labour Against the Witchhunt and an employee of Hammersmith & Fulham Council, went on the Jewish Voice for Labour demonstration on March 26thoutside Parliament.  The demonstration was in opposition to the racist anti-Corbyn demonstration called by various Zionist groups which included Sajid Javid, Chuka Ummuna, various right-wing Labour MPs, Norman Tebbit and the anti-abortion anti-Catholic homophobes of the DUP. It was a demonstration whose main slogan was ‘Jeremy Corbyn is a racist’.
David Grossman - BBC Newsnight's skunk of a journalist
Stan got into a discussion with a Zionist demonstrator and expressed the view that the Zionists and the Nazis collaborated in Germany.  This was picked up by a BBC David Grossman, a yellow journalist who wouldn’t have been out of place informing for the Stasi.  What was a private conversation was tweeted and hey presto, after a letter from Tory Minister Greg Hands, Stan was suspended.  The details can be found hereand here.
The charges against Stan Keable
The charges Stan has been dismissed for are a threat to the rights and civil liberties of every Council employee.  Ludicrous though they are Stan was accused of committing an offence because by attending a demonstration he ‘knowingly increased the possibility of being challenged about your views’  Even worse he ‘subsequently proceeded to express views that were in breach of the Council’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and the Council’s Code of Conduct (‘Working with integrity’ and ‘Working with the media’).’
The latter charge is a load of nonsense and is based on the idea that anti-Zionism is in conflict with the Council’s Equality Policy.
Fortunately a position has come up that Stan can apply 4 - Parliamentary Assistant to Luciana Berger MP
Terry clearly faced a conflict of interest between his UNISON role and his right-wing political views. clear that Terry is on the right of the Labour movement as evidenced by the fact that he is on Progress's speaking list! Instead of standing aside and letting someone else in UNISON take over, Terry deliberately proved obstructive.For example he instructed the Secretary of the local UNISON branch to have nothing to do with me.
One might have thought Stan was arguing for the racial inferiority of Black people judging by the references to the Council’s Equality policy.  The second charge followed on from the first.  Stan ‘made inappropriate comments which were subsequently circulated on social media which are deemed to be insensitive’.
Although Terry is probably too dim to understand this, the right to be offensive is an integral part of free speech as I'm demonstrating right now!  
I therefore criticised Terry on my blog and subsequently in an article in Weekly Worker, No criticism permitted.  The result is that Terry has made a complaint against me and I am facing a disciplinary panel next week.  It is clear from the correspondence so far that their main, indeed only concern is the rights of full-time officials.  The rights of members comes a distant second.
Why have I spoken out despite being told that the matter is ‘confidential’?  Because if it is confidential it is personal to me but I do not accept that.  Making sure the union supports its members is relevant to all UNISON members.
The duty of all UNISON officers is, or should be, to their members.  Ideally they should be elected as was the case in the old AUEW engineering union.  In UNISON regional officials act like union barons who think that the members owe them a living.  There is therefore no accountability and that is why unions like UNISON repeatedly sell out their members pay and conditions.  As local government cuts have taken their toll over the past decade, UNISON has stood by immobile, refusing to do anything.  When there have been strikes Dave Prentis and the union bureaucracy have exerted themselves to have the actions called off as soon as possible. The Tories have been able to take the axe to local government knowing that UNISON would do no more than put up a verbal protest.
As JLM Councillor Adam Langleben was complaining abut the defeat that he himself had brought about, with the false accusations of 'antisemitism' Dave Prentis tweeted his support for his false allegations
On Palestine UNISON has good policy. I should know as I spoke in favour of the successful BDS motion as the delegate from Brighton and Hove in 2007 and 2008.  Unfortunately it doesn’t do a great deal about that policy.  Worse still, it has no understanding of Zionism, the motivating ideology and movement behind the racism of the Israeli state. This is why UNISON representatives on Labour’s NEC have acted on the basis that there is some substance in the allegations of Labour anti-Semitism.  For example when Adam Langleben of the Jewish Labour Movement lost his seat in Hendon West because he had been so successful in spreading the lie that Labour is anti-Semitic, Dave Prentice offered him his support in his defeat.
This case is really about the belief that the views of Stan, just like those of Ken Livingstone, that Zionism collaborated with the Nazis, is anti-Semitic.  UNISON is therefore aiding the false ‘anti-Semitism’ witch-hunt whose purpose is the removal of Jeremy Corbyn.
I will face an investigation next Monday and I have no doubt that I will be found guilty of having broken the rules by upsetting and offending Steve Terry, by challenging his refusal to do what he is paid to do, that is support a member under attack.  I can’t say that I feel particularly repentant!
Tony Greenstein
Original Letter of Complaint

From: Stan Keable [mailto:keablestan@icloud.com] 
 23 May 2018 18:50
 Bickerstaffe, Beth
 Unison Case Number 0132153 - Complaint, Legal opinion, Representation

Unison Case Number 0132153 - Complaint, Legal opinion, Representation

Wed May 23rd 2018

Beth Bickerstaffe, 
Unison, Director of the Executive Office

Dear Ms Bickerstaffe,
Unison Case Number 0132153: (a) Complaint and (b) Request for a legal opinion                 and (c) Request for representation
(a) Complaint against London Regional Organiser, Steve Terry
I am writing to make a formal complaint against Steve Terry for failing to support me in my recent disciplinary procedure, and in particular for failing to obtain a legal opinion on my case prior to my May 10 disciplinary hearing, which I requested urgently in my May 1st email to him. 

In my May 1st email, I noted the gravity of the case for all Unison members, because Hammersmith & Fulham Council’s proposal to dismiss me for “attending a political demonstration and expressing my anti-Zionist political views” would be “discrimination” [under the Equality Act 2010], would not only infringe my rights, but would also “deny the human rights of all Unison members to engage in demonstrations and political campaigning”. 

At my case meeting with Steve Terry on April 27th, he made it clear that he did not support my case: that I should plead guilty as charged; that I should not have attended the March 26 demonstration; that I should apologise for the political views I expressed; and that I should promise not to attend controversial demonstrations and should avoid expressing my political views in future. 

He also gave me an ultimatum if I did not follow his bad advice: either Unison support would be withdrawn forthwith, or he was willing to attend my disciplinary hearing as asilent Unison rep while I presented my own case - which obviously would have shown the employer that Unison did not support my case. In my May 1st email, I requested an alternative Unison full-time official to support me in the hearing, a request which Steve Terry ignored. 

Later that day, May 1st, I received notice of my formal disciplinary hearing on May 10th. In the absence of legal advice and support from Unison London Region, I quickly obtained support from Unison rep Tony Greenstein (Brighton & Hove branch), who subsequently presented my case very ably at the May 10th hearing. On May 8th Steve Terry wrote me confirming his bad advice and confirming the withdrawal of advice and/or assistance. 

(b) Request for a legal opinion - URGENT
Yesterday (May 22nd) H&F Council informed me by email of the outcome of the disciplinary hearing: I am dismissed for “gross misconduct” from May 21st with salary in lieu of notice. I now intend to appeal, if that is possible, and then to take the case to an emplyment tribunal. This is particularly important for Unison becuase the outcome threatens the rights of all Unison members, indeed all employees, to freedom of assembly and freedom of speech. 

I am therefore asking again for an urgent legal opinion on the case, which involves both human rights legislation - concerning free speech, the right to demonstrate and the duty of public authorities to foster an environment in which political opinions which may irritate or offend the public may be legitimately expressed - and the interpretation of the Equality Act 2010, which should prohibit discrimination, but is being misused by H&F Council to restrict freedom of assembly and expression.   

(c) Request for representation
I also wish to renew my request for advice and support by a Unison full-time official other than Steve Terry, one who recognises the importance of defending free speech, not just for me but for all Unison members and for employees at large. 

Hoping for your ugent support - the H&F deadline for lodging an appeal is 10 working days from notification of the disciplinary decision.  

Kind regards, 
Stan Keable
07817 379568

Pure Evil –Israeli Sniper Murders Razan Najjar, a 21 Year Old Medic in Gaza


May These Nazis Burn in Hell! 

Razan Najjar, a 21 year old Palestinian nurse in Gaza was  shot in the middle of her chest yesterday by an Israeli sniper as she was running towards the wounded.  Israel’s army has promised an investigation.  No one will be holding their breath after all previous ‘investigations’ have explained away small matters like the murder in 2014 of 4 young children playing on the beach.  If all else fails, the IDF will say that it was a ‘tragic accident.’

Perhaps Israel will find some ‘evidence’ to ‘explain’ why Razan was a terrorist threat.   Maybe she was even a supporter of Hamas, who knows. Norman Finkelstein’s tweet sums it up 

May These Nazis Burn in Hell!

This is one more reason why the Labour Friends of Israel and its supporters such as its Chair Joan Ryan and Peter Kyle MP should be put in quarantine by all decent people.  Those MPs who support the LFI should be deselected.  Condemnation of Israel’s barbarities is not enough.  Their political apologists should be rooted out of a party that lays claim to be a socialist.

But the blame is not only with Israel but its supporter in the United States and its allies in the Middle East.  Whilst Israel has a de facto alliance with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Arab regimes it can act with impunity.  The lesson is clear.  The road to liberation lies through the overthrow of the regimes in Cairo, Riyadh, Baghdad and Amman

Tony Greenstein

Authorities in Gaza: Slain Medic's Teams' Hands Were Raised as They Approached Israeli Border

A New York Times interview with Razan Najjar. New York Times
Head of Gaza's health services says tear gas grenade hit a colleague of medic Razan Najjar. A friend says they returned to treat wounded when they came under fire
The medical team that included Palestinian medic who was shot dead on Friday had approached the Gaza border fence with their arms raised shortly before the shooting, authorities in Gaza said Saturday. Authorities in Gaza released a video that it said showed the team, wearing white, walking towards the fence before Razan Najjar, 21, was shot.

mass funeral processions
Dr. Yossef Abu Arrish, the head of Gaza's health services, said that "the paramedics approached the border with raised hands and while they were in their white uniforms and still the army fired tear gas grenades at them."
He said that one of the grenades hit one of the medic's legs. A friend of Najjar said the team returned to the border to take care of the wounded – including their fellow medics – when they came under fire. It was at this point, they claim, that Najjar was critically wounded from a gunshot wound to the chest.

In a video released by the health ministry and allegedly recorded minutes before Najjar was shot, the team of paramedics can be seen approaching the border in white coats and with their hands in the air. Najjar was also photographed wearing a white coat during attempts to resuscitate her.
Najjar gave an interview in which she took pride in the aid she was providing for the wounded, Palestinian officials said.
An interview with Razan Najjar on Palestinian satellite channel Al-Quds TV.
Earlier, the Israel Defense Forcessaid that it would probe her death, saying in a statement that "cases in which there are claims that a civilian was killed by IDF fire we investigate thoroughly and that is what will be done in regards to these claims." The army said it would use the same "operational probe" used in previous cases.
Also Saturday, the UN envoy for the Middle East, Nickolay Mladenov, said in a tweet that "Medical workers are #NotATarget!" and that "Israel needs to calibrate its use of force and Hamas need to prevent incidents at the fence."
Tweet by Nickolay Mladenov. Twitter
Thousands of Palestinians attended Najjar's funeral in a cemetery in Khan Yunis.
Speaking at a convention in Wadi Ara on Saturday, Israeli-Arab lawmaker Ahmad Tibi (Joint List) called Najjar's killing "a heinous war crime," adding that the U.S. and its envoy to the UN, Nikki Haley, who vetoed the Security Council resolution for "international protection" for the Palestinians, bear responsibility for Najjar's death.

Another 40 people were reported wounded during Friday's protest along the Gaza border.  Since the confrontations along the border of May 14, the number of participants has fallen dramatically, and Hamas and other Palestinian factions have set June 5 as the date for a march by tens of thousands to mark 51 years since the Six-Day War, known as Nakba Day by the Palestinians.

The Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza has updated its figures and says 118 people have died in the marches, after a 23-year-old Gaza resident succumbed Thursday to the gunshot wounds he suffered on May 14.

Gaza medic killed by Israel was shot in the back

Ali AbunimahRights and Accountability2 June 2018
A photo taken on 1 April shows Palestinian medic Razan al-Najjar treating injured persons at an emergency medical tent during protests in Gaza near the boundary with Israel. Al-Najjar was fatally shot by an Israeli sniper as she was helping injured protesters near Khan Younis on 1 June. Ashraf Amra APA images
Israeli occupation forces shot dead a volunteer medic and injured dozens of people as they continued their indiscriminate attacks on Palestinians taking part in Great March of Return protests in Gaza for the 10th consecutive Friday.
Razan Ashraf Abdul Qadir al-Najjar, 21, was helping treat and evacuate wounded protesters east of Khan Younis when she was fatally shot on Friday evening.
Funeral Procession
She was about 100 meters away from the boundary fence with Israel at the moment she was shot and was wearing clothing clearly identifying her as a medic, the human rights group Al Mezan stated, citing eyewitnesses and its investigations. Al Mezan stated that al-Najjar was shot in the back.
Al-Najjar had become known for her bravery and insistence on carrying out her medical rescue work despite the obvious danger.
She had previously been injured by tear gas inhalation, and on 13 April broke her wrist while running to attend to a wounded person. But al-Najjar refused to go to the hospital that day and continued working in the field.
“It’s my duty and responsibility to be there and aid those injured,” she told Al Jazeera.
She also bore witness to the final moments of some of those fatally wounded before her.
Razan's family's reaction
“It breaks my heart that some of the young men who were injured or killed made their wills in front of me,” she told Al Jazeera. “Some even gave me their accessories [as gifts] before they died.”
Al-Najjar spoke about her work in an earlier TV interview that was shared widely on social media following the news of her death:
Many Twitter users, especially from Gaza, paid tribute to al-Najjar:
Palestinian media shared images of al-Najjar’s family and colleagues mourning her death:
Dr. Ashraf al-Qedra, the spokesperson for Gaza’s health ministry, paid tribute to al-Najjar as a dedicated humanitarian volunteer who did not leave her post until she “gave herself as a martyr.”

Hands in the air

The medical vest al-Najjar was wearing, displayed by her mother in this video, shows a hole in the back of the garment:
A statementreleased by the health ministry in Gaza on Saturday said that al-Najjar was part of a team of paramedics who “went to evacuate the wounded, raising both hands, as an affirmation of not posing any danger to the heavily armed occupation forces.”
“The Israeli occupation forces fired live bullets directly at Razan’s chest and wounded several other paramedics,” the health ministry added.
Razan at work
It is unclear from the health ministry statement how many times al-Najjar was hit or exactly where on her upper body. The ministry also released a video it said showed al-Najjar and colleagues walking towards the boundary fence with their hands in the air shortly before al-Najjar was shot:
On Saturday the UN special representative for the Middle East peace process, Nickolay Mladenov, tweeted that “medical workers are not a target. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family of Razan al-Najjar.”
However Mladenov failed to condemn Israel’s actions, calling on it instead to “calibrate its use of force.”
On Saturday, thousands marched in al-Najjar’s funeral, as colleagues carried her body, draped with the Palestinian flag and the blood-drenched medical vest she was wearing when she was shot:

Attacks on medics

Al-Najjar is the second rescue worker to be killed by Israeli forces since the Great March of Return protests began on 30 March. According to the health ministry in Gaza, more than 200 others have been injured and 37 ambulances have been damaged.
Two weeks ago, Israeli snipers fatally shot paramedic Mousa Jaber Abu Hassanein.
About an hour before he was shot, Abu Hassanein had helped rescue one of his colleagues, the Canadian doctor Tarek Loubani who had been injured by an Israeli bullet.
Loubani later told The Electronic Intifada Podcast how he was shot in the leg when everything was quiet around him: “No burning tires, no smoke, no tear gas, nobody messing around in front of the buffer zone. Just a clearly marked medical team well away from everybody else.”

War surgeons

This Friday, as they have every week, Israeli forces fired live ammunition, rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas at Palestinians along Gaza’s eastern boundary, injuring almost 100 people, more than 30 of them with live bullets, according to Al Mezan.
“Protesters presented no danger or threat to the safety of the soldiers, which confirms that the violations committed by these forces are grave and systematic and amount to war crimes,” the human rights group stated.
Since the end of March, Israeli forces have killed 129 people in Gaza including 15 children, 98 of them during protests, according to Al Mezan.
As Israel continued to add to the staggering toll on Friday, the health system in Gaza was already beyond coping with the accumulation of people injured by the apparent use of fragmenting ammunition that causes horrifyinginjuriesrequiring intensive and complex treatment and often leaving victims with permanent disabilities.
More than 13,000 people have been injured since the start of the protests, including those who suffered due to tear gas inhalation. Of the more than 7,000 people who suffered injuries other than by tear gas, more than half were shot with live ammunition.
On Thursday, the International Committee of the Red Cross announced it was dispatching two teams of war surgeons and medical supplies to Gaza to shore up a healthcare system it said was on the “brink of collapse.”
The ICRC saidthe priority for its six-month mission will be to treat gunshot wound victims, among them about 1,350 patients who will need three to five operations each.
“Such a caseload would overwhelm any health system,” the ICRC stated. “In Gaza, the situation is worsened by chronic shortages of drugs, equipment and electricity.”

“Toxic slum”

The sustained protests in Gaza are to call for the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and lands now in Israel, and to demand an end to Israel’s more than decade-long siege of the territory.
Gaza’s two million residents are being “caged in a toxic slum from birth to death,” United Nations human rights chief Zeid Ra’ad al-Husseintolda special session of the UN Human Rights Council on Friday.
Zeid also told the council that there is “little evidence” that Israel is doing anything to minimize casualties.
He confirmed that protesters’ “actions alone do not appear to constitute the imminent threat to life or deadly injury which could justify the use of lethal force.”
Zeid spoke to the council as it was considering a draft resolution on sending an international war crimes probe to Gaza.
Last week, the Human Rights Council voted by 29-2 to establish an independent inquiry into the violence in Gaza.
Only the United States and Australia voted against an inquiry, but several European Union governments including the UK and Germany were among the 14 that abstained.
Medical Aid for Palestinians, a charity that has been providing emergency assistance amid the growing calamity, and a dozen other organizations, have criticizedthe British government’s refusal to support an inquiry “to assess violations of international law in the context of large-scale civilian protests in Gaza.”
But attempts to hold Israel accountable continue amid the intransigent opposition of Israel’s backers.
On Friday evening, the UN Security Council votedon a draft resolution put forward by Kuwait, deploring “excessive, disproportionate and indiscriminate force by the Israeli forces” and calling for “measures to guarantee the safety and protection” of Palestinian civilians.
It also called for an end to the blockade of Gaza and deplored “the firing of rockets from the Gaza Strip against Israeli civilian areas.”
Ten countries, including permanent members Russia and France, voted in favor. Four, including Britain, abstained.
Despite having enough votes to pass, the resolution was killed by US ambassador Nikki Haley, who – as she had promisedto do – cast her country’s veto.
Haley then put forward her own draft resolution absolving Israel of any responsibility for the violence in Gaza and laying all blame for the situation on Hamas.
The United States was the only country to vote in favor.

Helping the New York Times Out with Its Shitty Headline

It's funny how the corporate media get even the simplest things wrong - imagine if it had been an Israeli Jewish nurse who had been killed by Palestinians - what do you think the headline would have been?  terrorism would have featured and so would murder and more
 Tony Greenstein

Brighton and Hove welcomes the Gaza Freedom Flotilla


Breaking the Blockade 11 Years On

Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign and supporters gave an enthusiastic welcome to one of the ships in the Gaza Freedom Flotilla that had set out from Bergen in Norway. It is due to set off for Gaza at the end of June from Spain but meanwhile it is spending a few days in Brighton.

Other photos here are from our regular monthly picket of HSBC ‘the world’s bank’ for funding Israeli arms sales in addition to its regular funding of the narcotics trade in Central America.  There are also photos from our successful pickets of the Israeli film showings at Brighton festival and some of the goons from the CST on the Zionist side!

Tony Greenstein

The Lie of a Jewish Nation


'Birthright' founder Michael Steinhardt giving anti-Birthright demonstrators the finger in New York, April 16, 2018. Posted by If Not Now on twitter.
Central to Zionist ideology, the idea of Jewish ‘homelessness’ and the concept of a ‘right of return’ is the myth of a Jewish nation.   Below is an article from Jonathan Offir explaining why this myth is central to Zionist ideology and the Zionist project.
This Zionist idea that Jews do not belong in the lands of their birth is really just a reflection of the anti-Semitic idea that Jews do not belong.  Zionism is not original.  Its most important ideas are borrowed, not from the Bible but from the enemies of the Jews.  Zionism is, above all, not the product of a 2,000 year yearning for a Jewish state, as the Zionists would have you believe but the desire of anti-Semites that Jews pack up and go.  It is because Zionism does not accept that Jews have any right to live anywhere outside Palestine that the fight against anti-Semitism is not a priority for it.  Historically Zionism never fought anti-Semitism because it was deemed 'futile' in the words of Political Zionism's founder, Theodor Herzl.  When individual Zionists have fought fascism or antisemitism they have done so despite not because of their Zionism.  Integral to Zionism  is the idea that anti-Semitism cannot be cured or even fought because it is inherent in the non-Jew, the Gentile.
Jonathan Offir - the author of the article below
When Zionism today purports to oppose anti-Semitism in reality it is redefining anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism.  Because Zionism calls its opponents, including Jewish opponents, ‘anti-Semitic’ people often forget that Zionism is not only indifferent to anti-Semitism but on occasion positively welcomes it.  

We can see, with the effusive welcome given to Donald Trump and the alt-Right in the USA by not only Netanyahu and the American Zionists but by the whole of the Zionist movement, including the Israeli Labour Party.  We can see this in the friendly relations between the anti-Semitic far-Right governments of Poland and Hungary and Israel.  Even today Zionism and anti-Semitism are like Siamese twins.
Sir Edwin Montagu - was not only the only member of Lloyd George's war cabinet to oppose the Balfour Declaration but he was also its only Jewish member
The quote from Sir Edwin Montagu below is from a much longer memorandumby him to his colleagues in the Lloyd George War Cabinet in August 1917.  Its title was ‘Memorandum of Edwin Montagu on the Anti-Semitism of the Present (British) Government’ and its opening paragraph stated:
I have chosen the above title for this memorandum, not in any hostile sense, not by any means as quarrelling with an anti-Semitic view which may be held by my colleagues, not with a desire to deny that anti-Semitism can be held by rational men, not even with a view to suggesting that the Government is deliberately anti-Semitic; but I wish to place on record my view that the policy of His Majesty's Government is anti-Semitic in result will prove a rallying ground for Anti-Semites in every country in the world.
How prescient this was.

When the Zionist Organisation of America held its last Annual Gala Dinner it invited Steve Bannon, formerly Donald Trump's Strategic Advisor and someone who is on record for antisemitic comments [Steve Bannon Didn’t Want Children Going to School With ‘Whiny’ Jewsaccording to his former wife, but also Sebastian Gorka, a member of a neo-Nazi Hungarian order , Vitezi Rend.
Tony Greenstein
Jonathan Ofir April 18, 2018
Some people are probably wondering how it could be possible, if Israel declared its independence on the even of May 14th that this year it is celebrating its independence on the eve of the 18th April. The answer is, that Israel celebrates the event as if it was a Jewish holiday, according to the moon calendar, which most often does not coincide with the Latin, sun-based calendar.
This is only one aspect in how Israel seeks to apply itself as a “Jewish State”. But I am going to speak about an even more essential ideological aspect that sits at the heart of Zionism. It is not the notion of the Jewish state as such, but the notion of the Jewish nation.
Sir Edwin Montagu
First, let’s jump back 100 years and look once again at the words of the British (and notably Jewish) Secretary of State for India Edwin Montagu, in his critique of His Majesty’s Government’s intentions to endorse a ‘Jewish national home” in Palestine in 1917:
“I assert that there is not a Jewish nation. The members of my family, for instance, who have been in this country for generations, have no sort or kind of community of view or of desire with any Jewish family in any other country beyond the fact that they profess to a greater or less degree the same religion. It is no more true to say that a Jewish Englishman and a Jewish Moor are of the same nation than it is to say that a Christian Englishman and a Christian Frenchman are of the same nation: of the same race, perhaps, traced back through the centuries – through centuries of the history of a peculiarly adaptable race”.
But Montagu’s logic did not win the day. Zionism did. And nowadays, many Jews around the world are relating to Israel’s Independence Day as if it was a religious holiday. Last Friday I had a conversation in Copenhagen with a man I hardly knew, we both merely knew we were Jewish:
“Will you be celebrating Yom Haatzmaut [Israeli Independence Day]?”, he asked.
“You betcha I won’t!” I answered.
The man responded with a predictable expression of bewilderment.
“I’d rather be commemorating the Nakba”, I said.
“Nakba? What’s that?” He wondered.
“It’s Arabic for ‘catastrophe'”, I explained, “when the vast majority of Palestinians was expelled”.
Oh”, he said.
After a short pause, he went:
But I love holidays like for example Pesach [Passover]”, he said.
“Alright, but that’s a religious holiday. Independence Day is not a religious holiday, unless you consider nationalism to be religious”, I said.
That was that conversation. Yesterday I was invited by another Jew to celebrate Israeli Independence Day – at the Copenhagen synagogue (as the very issue of Independence Day as a Jewish holiday was discussed):
“If you really are in any doubt about it being a Jewish holiday you can go to the Synagogue in Copenhagen tomorrow night as well as most other synagogues where there are special services and there are prayers on Thursday that you only say on Holidays (Hallel) and of course it is a day off and therefore a holiday in the Jewish state”, he wrote.
So you see, this notion of an extra-territorial, Jewish ‘nation’ has been subscribed to by very many Jews around the world – and makes the Israel case a mixture of religion and nationalism – but not nationalism in the sense that we normally attribute to the term.
The Jewish ‘nationalism’, as embodied by the State of Israel, literally means that there are no Israeli nationals, and that there cannot be. It may sound surreal (and should) to those who are not yet familiar with this bizarre concept – but even more bluntly put, Israelis don’t exist in the national sense – only as citizens. “Jewish” is defined as a “nationality” (alongside some 130 other recognized ‘nationalities’), and the purpose of this construct is simple: Since Israel defines itself as The Jewish State, and wishes to cement that concept fully as the Nation State of the Jewish People, the only ones who actually enjoy national rights, as opposed to merely citizenship rights, are the Jews. And yes when I say ‘the Jews’, I’m not accidentally generalizing – this is a generalization that Israel itself makes, an extra-territorial generalization, which entails that any Jew from anywhere can ‘return’, ‘ascend’ and receive automatic citizenship and a subsidy welcome package from the Jewish State. This even includes people who are not Jewish by Israeli orthodox law, merely by third generation paternal affiliation.
These are fantastic terms for Jews all over the world – I mean, why wouldn’t you want such an ‘insurance policy’?
It is this ‘insurance policy’ that makes it possible for Prime Minister Netanyahu to call on Jews to immigrate to Israel in the wake of terror, like he did in the wake of the Paris 2015 attacks:
“To all the Jews of France, all the Jews of Europe, Israel is not just the place in whose direction you pray, the state of Israel is your home”, he tweeted.
Some Jews were concerned about what such proclamations and ‘insurance policies’ can mean. The Director of the European Jewish Association, Rabbi Menachem Margolin, said at the time:
“Israel must cease this Pavlovian reaction every time Jews in Europe are attacked. Every such Israeli campaign severely weakens and damages the Jewish communities that have the right to live securely wherever they are.”
This is essentially the point that the mentioned Edwin Montagu was also making, back in 1917:
“When the Jews are told that Palestine is their national home, every country will immediately desire to get rid of its Jewish citizens, and you will find a population in Palestine driving out its present inhabitants”.
How insightful. Montagu elucidates not only the Judeo-centric concern – but the Palestinian one. And with all the Jewish concerns, it is the Palestinians who have had to pay most dearly for this Jewish ‘insurance policy’. The “Jewish nation” has for them meant dispossession, and it is a continuing matter. Jews around the world insist on their “birthright” to Israel, while those who were actually born there and have ancestry from time immemorial, are dispossessed. And when some Jews protest this, they even get the finger (see above how ‘Birthright’ founder Michael Steinhart reacted to Jewish protesters calling for boycott of the free trip to Israel for young Jews). But giving the finger to Jews is the least of it. That finger has been given to Palestinians all the way through, that’s what it’s all about. The Jewish ‘nation’ idea is about them being dispossessed and stripped of any national affiliation with their homeland, for Jews to ‘return’.
That’s what Israel’s ‘independence’ is about. It means ‘we don’t need Palestinians’. Because we already have a ‘nation’ – the Jewish one.
This is the central myth that needs to be dismantled – that of the ‘Jewish nation’. It is the absolute core of Zionism. Everything that Israel does stems from this notion, of the “Jewish nation”.
For Judaism to actually survive this horror and become a mere religion or societal tradition within modern constructs of ‘nations’, the myth of the ‘Jewish nation’ must be deconstructed. The archaic concept of a religious-conditioned ‘nation’ must give way to the modern, enlightened version, wherein the term basically defines those who happen live in a given territory in a given time, providing them with justice, freedom and equality. Dispossessing the vast majority of those under the pretext that there’s a ‘nation’ waiting to take their place cannot be the solution. 

The Guardian’s Pathetic Editor @kathviner censors Steve Bell Cartoon on the murder of Razan al-Najjar


In the eyes of the Guardian’s racist editor Katherine Viner, a fireplace becomes an oven becomes the Holocaust 

It’s not often that words fail me, but the decision of the Guardian’s  editor, @kathviner literally leaves me speechless.
A 21 year old girl, Razan al-Najjar, was murdered in cold blood by an Israeli sniper in Gaza.  She had her hands up whilst running to help the wounded.  What is the reaction of the Guardian’s gutless corporate editor, Kath Viner?  To censor the cartoon of the Guardian’s brilliant socialist cartoonist, Steve Bell, which features Netanyahu and Theresa May at Downing Street with Razan in the fireplace.
In the twisted, racist mind of @KathViner, the fireplace has become an oven.  And as we all know ovens are only used for burning Jews.  No one in Britain has an oven unless it is for cremating dead Jews who have been gassed.  
Such is the absurdity of the fake and false anti-semitism campaign that has hit the Labour Party.  And in what passes for Viner's malevolent mind a fireplace = Holocaust.  Steve Bell’s cartoon becomes an anti-Semitic trope.
Viner once helped produce a play on the murdered International Solidarity Movement activist Rachel Corrie, bulldozed to death by the Israeli military.  Viner has since become the Guardian’s editor and whatever principles this apology for a human being had have long been discarded.
Yet another reason why any socialist or supporter of human rights should boycott the alt-Right Guardian, whose ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign against Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party has shown it up in its true colours.
As I never tire of saying, I was brought upon a Guardian which had fearless Middle East correspondents like Michael Adams and David Hirst.  Now it has as its chief censor Jonathan Freedland and the paper is simply another part of the corporate media, using ‘anti-Semitism’ to counteract any criticism of Zionism and Israel.
Meanwhile the Israeli army ‘investigation’ into the murder of Razan has taken its normal course.  It is an attempt to justify their cold blooded murder of Razan.  Its agenda from the start has been to blacken the name of Razan and justify what happened.  After all, given that the army employed 100 snipers to mow down unarmed protestors what else can we expect?
I know the Zionists won't like it but asking the Israeli army to investigate itself is like asking the Nazis to conduct an investigation into the murder of Jews.  It didn't happen and it ain't gonna happen.
That is why Netanyahu has opposed any idea of an independent inquiry.  The last time the UN held an independent inquiry under Judge Goldstone it found Israel had committed human rights crimes and Goldstein, despite being Jewish was accused of, well you know, ‘anti-Semitism’.
Apparently Razan wanted to shield the wounded and, horror of horror, she apparently threw a smoke bomb.  Well that justifies her murder if anything does.  Of course she was murdered with her hands held up but who cares, Hamas put her up to it and they bear the responsibility. The poor innocent sniper couldn’t possibly have murdered her.  It must have been a ricochet or possibly he or she missed and killed her instead of someone else.
Israeli ‘investigations’ start from the premise that Israel is innocent. They are an exercise in allocating guilt to the Palestinians. And if they can’t find an excuse, as they couldn’t during Operation Protective Edge when 4 Palestinian children were murdered by an Israeli plane machine gunning them, then it is all a ‘tragic accident’.  Of course when Palestinians kill Israelis, then it is never an accident although it is always tragic.
Such is the narrative of the racist and colonist.  But what is worse is when racist journalists like the Guardian’s @kathviner act to protect Israel’s murderers with the bogus excuse of ‘anti-Semitism’.
Please tweet  @kathviner to let her know what you feel about the Guardian’s racism and email the Guardian letters page 
guardian.letters@theguardian.com to let these racists know what you feel.  Because western papers covering for Israel’s foul murder of innocent civilians and even medics with the bogus ‘anti-Semitism’ smokescreen are every bit as despicable as those who commit these foul murders.
Israeli murderers couldn’t get away with their foul deeds unless journalists in this country covered for them.  In many ways it is the Kath Viners of the British press who bear as much culpability as the person who pulled the trigger on Razan.
Tony Greenstein

A top IDF general and spokesperson on Thursday said the Palestinian medic shot dead during clashes along the Gaza border last week was “no angel of mercy,” as the army released a video purportedly showing the woman lobbing a smoke grenade toward Israeli forces.
“Razan al-Najjar is not the angel of mercy Hamas propaganda is making her out to be,” IDF Arabic spokesman Avichay Adraee tweeted.
The video was released two days after the army said an internal review had determined Najjar was not intentionally targeted by snipers, following international outcry over her death.
Adraee accompanied his tweet with a short video compilation allegedly showing Najjar on several occasions during the recent Gaza border clashes.
The video, and Adraee’s comment that she was “no angel of mercy,” seemed designed to raise doubts about the volunteer medic’s innocence during the clashes, though the army did not indicate that it considered Najjar to be a legitimate target, raising questions among some commentators about its overall intentions with the campaign.
In one part of the clip, Najjar is seen giving an interview to an Arabic news outlet, saying that she wanted to serve as “a human shield” for protesters.
“I’m here on the line being a protective human shield saving the injured,” Najjar, 21, said in the interview.
The IDF clip cut her statement after “human shield.”
Another part of the clip shows a Palestinian woman, whom the military claimed was Najjar, hurling a smoking canister. The army said the smoke grenade was thrown toward Israeli forces.
“By her own admission, she was a human shield for the rioters and saboteurs, demonstrating how Hamas exploits all of Gazan society for its own purposes as well as Iran’s,” said the IDF general.
“Do medics in other countries throw bombs and participate in riots and refer to themselves as human shields?”
Palestinians and human rights groups have accused the Israeli military of using excessive force against protesters during the weeks of Hamas-led protests along the Israeli border. Najjar’s death sharpened the criticism, with UN officials saying that witness reports indicated she wore clothing that clearly identified her as a health worker.
In two months of mass protests at the Gaza border, some 110 Palestinians were killed and thousands wounded by Israeli military fire. Dozens of the fatalities were members of terror groups, Hamas and Islamic Jihad acknowledged.
Earlier this week, the IDF said an initial investigation into Najjar’s death revealed that while troops did fire at protesters near the fence east of Khan Younis where she was working, the volunteer medic was not intentionally targeted.
This appeared to indicate that Najjar was hit either by a mis-aimed shot or a ricochet as she tended to an injured man, while wearing a white coat clearly marking her as a medical professional.
The Palestinian Medical Relief Society and eyewitnesses at the scene said Najjar was less than 100 meters from the border fence, treating a man who been struck by a tear gas canister, when she was shot.
IDF Spokesman in Arabic, Avichay Adraee at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem on September 6, 2017. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)
After the incident, the UN’s envoy for the Middle East, Nickolay Mladenov, said in a tweet that “Medical workers are #NotATarget!” and that “Israel needs to calibrate its use of force and Hamas need to prevent incidents at the fence.”
On Tuesday, the army said the official investigation into Najjar’s death, which is led by the Southern Command, was ongoing. The IDF said that the General Staff also launched its own probe into the incident, the findings of which will be presented to the Military Advocate General to determine if criminal proceedings are necessary.
Israel faces weekly attacks by violent protesters at the border. Israel says its forces have opened fire to stop attempts to harm soldiers, damage the fence, infiltrate Israel, and attempt to carry out attacks. Israel accuses the Hamas terrorist group, with which it has fought three wars since 2008, of seeking to use the protests as cover to carry out violence.

Saying Goodbye to the Brave Sailors on Freedom – the Boat to Gaza


Gaza's Starvation Blockade Exposes the Hypocrisy of the West’s Leaders


It has been a wonderful and quite unique week for Brighton PSC and activists.  On Tuesday we met the yacht Freedom as it sailed passed Brighton Marina and then on to Shoreham harbour where it docked.  Groups of us rushed from the Marina in a convoy of cars to the Kingston beach in Shoreham to see what seemed a tiny little yacht, which was nonetheless too big to dock at the  Marina.

On the following two days we had stalls in the centre of town with members of the Crewe.  On Wednesday night we had a jam packed meeting at the Friends Meeting House in Ship Street.  Arriving late I had to go into public gallery upstairs as all the seats had been taken downstairs.  Some 130 people crammed in to pay tribute to an international crew for the boat which had come from Bergen in Norway and Gottenberg in Sweden.
Perhaps one question above all summed up what people felt.  ‘Aren’t you afraid’ asked someone in the audience.  Here they were, human rights volunteers soon to be pitted against the might of the world’s armed bully par excellence.  A state armed to the teeth and proclaiming its ‘right to self defence’.  The West’s racist Rottweiler, its teeth permanently bared.
social at the Verdict opposite the law courts in Brighton - Lloyd Russell-Moyle is 4th from the left in the back row
Kingstone beach with the lighthouse at the back
For 11 long years a hermetic siege has been maintained for the crime of having elected the wrong government in Gaza.  Hamas, a conservative Islamic group has been demonised as genocidal killers, ironically enough by genocidal killers who make Hamas seem like a Sunday school picnic.
The question summed up our fears that these brave men and women would experience rough treatment at the hands of a military that does not hesitate to murder in cold blood children and medics, as they fulfil the rulings of rabbis who say that Palestinians, however young or old, are a legitimate target.
At the meeting a variety of solidarity messages were read out including from local MPs Caroline Lucas, the Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, Lloyd Russell-Moyle, Labour MP for Brighton Kemptown and Keith Taylor, the Green MEP for the South-East who posted a video message.  There was only one MP missing and that was the racist Progress ‘Labour’ MP for Hove, Peter Kyle.
On Thursday we had a wonderful social with food and drink at the Verdict jazz club opposite the law courts.  Thanks to Roxanne and all who helped make it such a success. It was also good to see Lloyd drop in. 
On Friday at 8.00 a.m. about 60 of us gathered to bid farewell to the crewe as they left Shoreham for the last time for Spain.  At the end of July, in company with 3 other boats, Freedom will attempt to break the blockade of Gaza.  It is ironic that Israel attacks BDS for being hateful and of course ‘anti-Semitic’ but their enforced blockade is perfectly ok, even if they kill human rights volunteers as happened with the Marvi Marmara some years ago.
Below are a few pictures
Tony Greenstein

If Corbyn Doesn’t Slay the ‘Anti-Semitism’ Dragon It Will Slay Him


By refusing to confront the Israeli State's representatives in Labour, Corbyn is Building his own Funeral Pyre

"What started organically, therefore, morphed into a planned campaign to create a coalition of mostly Jewish activist academics, pro-Israel and national representative bodies in the Jewish Diaspora, and the aforementioned major American Jewish organizations to take the discussions in an increasingly political and ideological direction, linking anti-zionism and antisemitism ever more closely. A key player in and growing influence on this campaign was the Israeli government, pursuing a new policy since the late 1980s, through its then-recently-established Monitoring Forum on Antisemitism. The policy aimed at establishing Israeli hegemony over the monitoring and combatting of antisemitism by Jewish groups world wide. This was coordinated and mostly implemented by Mossad representatives working out of Israeli embassies"

Tony Lerman was the founder of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research before he was forced out by people like Stanley Kalms, Tory Party Treasurer, Zionist and Director of IJPR.

It sometimes seems as if Corbyn has a death wish. Not only does he ignore the evidence that the anti-Semitism campaign has been manufactured to order, faked with the sole purpose of removing him, but he is doing his best to keep it alive. Personally ordering his supporters, Ken Livingstone and Christine Shawcroft, to resign in order to satisfy the Zionist and Labour Right witchhunters is madness. Corbyn's performance is indicative of someone who with a death wish, intent on building up his own funeral pyre.

Jonathan Arkush, the outgoing President of the Board of Deputies, which has been to the fore in making false allegations of anti-Semitism, is not only a right-wing Tory but a stupid one.  Arkush’s concerns about ‘anti-Semitism’ did not prevent him from welcoming Donald Trump and the anti-Semitic alt-Right to power in America. This despite the fact that Trump’s campaign openly employed anti-Semitic stereotypes and themes. [Anti-Semitism is no longer an undertone of Trump’s campaign. It’s the melody].
Donald Trump and his administration combine ardent Zionism with anti-Semitism.  Their campaign employed a variety of subtle and not so subtle anti-semitic messages such as the advert above - Crooked Hilary with the slogan 'most corrupt candidate ever!'inside a Star of David.  It couldn't be more blatant yet the Zionists didn't utter a peep.  Ha'aretz's headline said it all: Trump's Win, the Greatest Victory for anti-Semitism in America Since 1941 
Arkush though had no hesitation in welcoming Trump to power despite the fact that his administration included open fascists like Sebastian Gorka, who is a member of a group called the Vitézi Rend (Order of Vitéz), a far-right nationalist group in Hungary originally founded by Miklós Horthy, Hungary's pro-Nazi war-time dictator who presided over the deportation of nearly half a million Jews to Auschwitz.
The 'enough is enough' demonstration that the Zionists called on March 26th was the first 'antiracist' demonstration that the Board has ever called.  In the 1930's and 1970's they told the Jewish community to stay indoors and ignore the fascists - prominent amongst those attending were those well known anti-racists Norman Tebbit and Ian Paisley's DUP!!
Arkush doesn’t even bother to hide his views or disguise them in any way.  He doesn't do subtlety yet still Corbyn and McDonnell don’t get the message.
In his final speech before retiring as President of the Board of Deputies, Arkush said of Corbyn that “he has views which are antisemitic, and he has problematic views”
In the Guardian of 30thMay Arkush was quite explicit as to what he meant by ‘anti-Semitism’.  The problem was Corbyn's attitude to Israel:
“Delegitimising the state of Israel is antisemitic,” Arkush told the newspaper. “He was a chairman of Stop the War, which is responsible for some of the worst anti-Israel discourse.
“If he shares the prevalent discourse about Israel, then that view is unquestionably antisemitic.”
Chakrabarti, who was never a radical or a socialist, joined the ranks of the witchhunters in forcing Livingstone out
In other words anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are one and the same thing, yet the Right in the Labour Party throw a fit when people say the ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations are really about Israel.  They accuse us of believing in conspiracy theories, refusing to face reality, yet here is the leader of British Zionism confirming what we have been saying all along, that the fake anti-Semitism campaign is about Israel and the Palestinians.
To her credit, Rhea Wolfson, a Jewish member of Labour’s National Executive Committee defendedCorbyn describing him as ‘one of the most principled people in politics’. Rhea was also correct to say that
Arkush’s claims are entirely without foundation. The evidence he cites? Jeremy’s criticisms of the actions of the Israeli government.  Criticising the actions of the Israeli government is not antisemitic.
Corbyn betrays his friends in order to appease his enemies
The problem though is that Rhea Wolfson remains a member of the Jewish Labour Movement, a group that has done more than most to spread the false anti-Semitism narrative. The JLM calls the Israeli Labour Party its ‘sister’ party. The leader of this racist party, Avi Gabbay, has just cut links with Corbyn because of
‘the hostility that you have shown to the Jewish community and the antisemitic statements and actions you have allowed”
Labour Friends of Israel tweet - blaming the murder of what is now over 115 Palestinians on the Palestinians.  In blaming Hamas, these racists denied Palestinians any agency.  Not one word of condemnation of Israeli snipers
If Rhea Wolfson means what she says then logically she should also cut links with the JLM, a group which, as the Al Jazeera under-cover programme The Lobby made clear, is in bed with the Israeli Embassy and its Ambassador Mark Regev. 
The JLM is the overseas wing of the Israeli Labour Party which operates inside the British Labour Party. The Israeli Labour Party is not a left-wing party, it is a racist and nationalist party. It has never made a claim to be socialist or indeed anti-racist.  It openly says that Jews and Arabs can't live together.  It believes that the Arab birthrate in Israel is a 'problem'.
Gabbay supportedthe the deportation of 40,000 Black African refugees back to Eritrea and Sudan because they were neither White nor Jewish. Party leader Gabbay forces Zionist Union to back expulsion of migrants The ILP also supports the mass murder of unarmed demonstrators in Gaza in the past 4 weeks.
This little fascist Harry Saul Markham has a picture of Menachem Begin on his teeshirt - Begin was condemned by Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt and 20 other Jews in a letter to the New York Times in December 1948 for founding Herut 'a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties'
And yet despite all of this, when some of us have pointed out that the ‘anti-Semitism’ attacks have really been about Israel, Arkush and company complainthat ‘we are accused of “smearing”Corbyn’.  Perish the thought!

Arkush and his side-kick, Jonathan Goldstein of the Jewish Leadership Council wrote an Open Letter to Corbyn in which they made it crystal clear that the ‘anti-Semitism’ they were talking about was anti-Zionism:

‘“Again and again, Jeremy Corbyn has sided with antisemites rather than Jews. At best, this derives from the far left’s obsessive hatred of Zionism, Zionists and Israel. At worst, it suggests a conspiratorial worldview in which mainstream Jewish communities are believed to be a hostile entity, a class enemy,”

If final proof were needed about the bogus nature of the ‘anti-Semitism’ claims, then Arkush gave the game away when he calledthe Jewish group that Corbyn visited to spend Seder with, Jewdas, a‘ source of virulent anti-Semitism.’.  Adding for good measure, horror of horrors, that not all of them were Jewish!
Labour Friends of Israel represents the Israeli Embassy inside the Labour Party - it talks of a 'cycle of violence' as if there were gang warfare in Gaza rather than an 11 year siege by Israel - not one word of condemnation of the deliberate shooting of unarmed demonstrators by Israel
Of course it does not need a genius to work out what the 'antisemitism' smears are about. The latest anti-Semitism furore, was sparked of by Luciana Berger MP, who produced a 6 year old, long erased mural, whose destruction Corbyn had opposed on free speech grounds.  This was such an obvious pretext that you would need an IQ of under 60 not to get it.

It had been pulled out of a hat, like a rabbit at a party, in time for the local elections.  The purpose was obvious.  To try and do as much damage as possible to Labour's local election results.  I have no doubt that at this very moment similar pretexts are being dusted down for use in the future.

I will therefore make a prediction.  Just as last year I was almost alone in predicting that Corbyn would come out of the General Election in a better shape than when he went into the election [see hereand here] so I predict that unless Corbyn faces down the false anti-Semitism allegations he will fail to become Prime Minister.  The purpose of the anti-Semitism witch-hunt was not to remove me or Marc Wadsworth or Ken Livingstone.  It is to remove Jeremy Corbyn.  We are just collateral damage.  If Corbyn cannot see that then he does not deserve to become Prime Minister.

Corbyn has behave utterly stupidly and cowardly in betraying his friends to appease his enemies.  Telling Christine Shawcroft to resign from the NEC was the sign of some who was in panic mode.  To tell Livingstone he had to go, and there is absolutely no doubt that Jeremy Corbyn was personally involved, was even more stupid.  Livingstone was a strong and capable supporter.  Appeasing John Mann by sacrificing your closest political ally is shameful.
Corbyn's idiotic comment about 'pockets of anti-semitism' was used against him at the Zionists''antiracist' demonstration

The depths of Corbyn’s idiocy was betrayed in his comment that there are ‘pockets’of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party.  In giving sustenance to the idea that anti-Semitism is a living phenomenon in the Labour Party Corbyn was also giving sustenance to his enemies.  When we turn around and point out the bogus nature of the ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations the Right point to Corbyn and say that even he agrees with them. Corbyn is thus giving substance to a campaign whose purpose is to remove him.

Likewise Momentum’s owner and dictator, Jon Lansman, with his crass comments that Labour’s anti-Semitism was ‘unconscious’.  If antisemitism is unconscious then it isn't be much of a problem.  If only the Windrush victims had faced ‘unconscious’ racism they would be laughing.  

The fact is that Jews in Britain don’t experience state racism, deportation, police violence, discrimination in the jobs market, false imprisonment etc.  Anti-Semitism exists at the margins.   Indeed most of what is called ‘anti-Semitism’ is simply a reaction to the war crimes Israel perpetrates in the name of Jews.

In Britain today it is hard to call antisemitism a form of racism.  It is more a form of prejudice.  It has no relationship to the nexus of power in this country.  Jews are White NOT Black.  Jews are not an ethnic minority or an oppressed group.  They suffer at worst marginal prejudice.  Indeed most prejudice results from the actions of Israel as a self-declared Jewish state.

The ‘anti-racism’ demonstration of March 26th called by the Board of Deputies was the first such demonstration that the Board had ever called.  When it came to opposing Sir Oswald Moseley’s British Union of Fascists in the 1930’s or the mass mobilisation of the Anti Nazi League in the 1970’s the Board preached complete pacifity.  Jews were recommended to stay at home.  When it comes to Israel’s defence then the Board is all in favour of demonstrating.  In other words when it comes to defend Jews against real anti-Semitism, the Board lies down and whimpers.  when it comes to defending Israel the Board comes out with guns a blazing.

Let me however make another prediction. Although the ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations have died down now that the local government elections are out of the way the embers are still glowing.  Come the Labour Party conference in the autumn or the local elections next year or possibly a general election if Brexit blows up in May’s face, then ‘anti-Semitism will resurface.
Why?  Because ‘anti-Semitism’ is a potent weapon in the hands of the Right.  It is difficult to attack Corbyn over rail nationalisation or austerity or the other popular elements of Labour’s programme. However anti-Semitism is the Achilles heel of the Labour left.  It gives the Right, especially the Labour Right, a sense of righteousness that defending poverty and cuts doesn’t give them.

Of course any idiot should be able to see that if the Sun, Daily Mail, Express and all the rest of the yellow press are so opposed to ‘anti-Semitism’ in Labour at the same time as they attack or demonise Black people, then there must be a catch. How can one oppose ‘anti-Semitism’ and support all other forms of racism unless of course, ‘anti-Semitism’ is a code word for supporting the Establishment, Capitalism and the politics of Imperialism.  'Antisemitism' is really about foreign policy.

That is why when John McDonnell says he could weep’over Labour’s ‘anti-Semitism’ one wonders what he’s going to do when faced with the determined resistance of the financial and industrial capitalists when he tries to nationalise the utilities. The attack on Labour for ‘anti-Semitism’ is so patently transparent that one wonders what kind of idiot it is that doesn’t see it.  McDonnell is now coming under attackfrom The Telegraph for failing to dissociate himself from the Labour Representation Committee, of which he is honorary President, because of the LRC’s support for the victims of the anti-Semitism witchhunt like Jackie Walker.

Perhaps McDonnell will weep and resign from the LRC proclaiming that he didn't know that they opposed the witchhunt of socialists?

‘Anti-Semitism’ is the gift that keeps giving. It is the only thing that the Labour Right have going for them.  It is what puts a left sheen on racists like Keir Starmer and John Mann. If Corbyn cannot slay the ‘anti-Semitism’ dragon it will slay him. It cannot be avoided because the Right, which means the BBC and the Tory tabloids, The Guardian included, won’t let it die down.

If Corbyn had faced down the false anti-Semitism narrative two years ago when he was accused of consortingwith holocaust deniers then he wouldn’t be facing these never ending attacks now.  The time has come to put this beast to sleep alongside those who insist on breathing life into what has become the equivalent of the political undead.

Tony Greenstein

The Zionist – Fascist Alliance was Consummated at the Al Quds Demonstration


The Supporters of Tommy Robinson (Steve Yaxley Lennon) Joined Forces with the Board of Deputies Demonstration Against the Palestinians

For the past couple of years British Zionists have been trying to ban the annual Al Quds demonstration in London, which met yesterday at the Saudi Embassy. The pretext for trying to ban a demonstration in support of the Palestinians, which is organised by the Islamic Human Rights Commission, was that the yellow flag of Hezbollah was being flown.
It is of course no surprise that London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan has joined in on the side of Jewish supremacists and racists.  This disgusting Uncle Tom never hesitates to try and appease the supporters of Israeli Apartheid and Zionism. Not once did he speak out about the slaughter of unarmed Palestinian demonstrators earlier this month in Gaza.

The bourgeois Zionists joined forces with the boneheads in a common anti-Islamic cause 

What makes it worse is that last year Darren Osborne, who was convicted of murdering an elderly worshipper at the Finsbury Park mosque, had attempted to drive his van into the marchers.  The Police presence prevented this but it would seem that the Zionist Board of Deputies wants to complete what the fascist Osborne attempted. Mark Rowley, the UK’s most senior counter-terror officer said it was clear that Osborne had been motivated to attack Muslims by reading what Tommy Robinson had written about Muslims. Finsbury Park attacker turned violent by far-right posts from Tommy Robinson and Britain First, police say
Present yesterday were many of the same fascist thugs who the previous day had held a demonstration calling for the freeing from a 13 month prison sentence of Tommy Robinson (Steve Yaxley Lennon).  
Bonehead looking lost
Gormless personified
On Saturday an estimated 15,000 members of the Football Lads Alliance had gathered in London. Like the EDL which Robinson founded, these fascists are ardent supporters of Zionism and Israel. Of course they don’t love Jews anymore and it was noticeable that supporters of Robinson were giving Hitler salutes.  This is the company that the Board of Deputies and the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, which also campaigned against yesterday’s demonstration, keep.
It is a feature of the far-Right today that their hatred of Muslims has led to ardent support for Israel and Zionism.  The fascist rally was addressed by the leader of the Dutch Freedom party Geert Wilders, for whom 'Israel Is West's First Line of Defense'
A lonely fash
Hoffman whitened up seemed out of sorts
Hundreds of these fascist thugs stayed over to the Sunday in order to try and attack the Al Quds demonstration and they linked up with a group of Zionist fascists who I have previously featured hereand here.
Amongst the Zionist fascists was Mark Harringman, who emailed me asking me to take his profile down because it stopped him getting a job.  Harringman tried to stick a camera in my face as a means of revenge!
Hoffman wasn't his normal ebullient self - perhaps he's having a late mid life crisis
When I went for a coffee I had to go through a group of these Zionists who seemed besides themselves, jeering and crowing.  I lost count of  how many times I was accused of being a ‘traitor’– to whom I’m not sure.  I thought accusing Jews of dual loyalty was anti-Semitic! The appropriately named Amanda Shitrit was particularly put out as she screamed and howled.
 The CAA 'charity' rejoices in the unlawful attempt to block the progress of the march - it classifies a group of fascists as 'anti-terrorism activists'
My old friend Jonathan Hoffman’s face was plastered in white.  Is White supremacy getting to him?  His alter ego Thor Halland seems to have been absent altogether. Another missing face was Joseph Cohen. As I remarked to a friend who came with me, I just love their hate.  It must really hurt them to come up against anti-racist and anti-Zionist Jews as they hang out with a bunch of boneheads and assorted thugs.
Still as the American alt-Right proves, with its founder neo-Nazi Richard Spencer declaring he is a White Zionist and other neo-Nazis like Sebastian Gorka falling over themselves to declare their love for Zionism and Israel, the political dividing lines have now been drawn.  After all what is there not to like about Israel if you are a neo-Nazi or White Supremacist?  Israel is the ideal ethno-nationalist state which deports anyone who is Black who seeks asylum there.  It is a state at the forefront of hostility to Muslims. 
He reminds me of an old slogan of ours 'Thick and dumb, Nazi scum'
The Zionist pretext for banning Hezbollah is that it is a ‘terrorist’ organisation. The real reason is that Hezbollah is the only Arab organisation to have successfully resisted Israeli aggression. It was the determination of Hezbollah that forced Israel to withdraw from Lebanon in 2000 and when Israel invaded and bombed Lebanon in 2006 Hezbollah inflicted a heavy defeat on the Zionist forces.
All the nonsense about Hezbollah being a ‘genocidally, anti-Semitic’organisation should be treated with a very large pinch of salt.  Hezbollah isn’t a leftist organisation politically but nor are its opponents.  However it is a lie to say that it is hostile to Jews as Jews. Many Jews such as Norman Finkelstein have met with its leaders. This is, once again, an attempt to transplant European anti-Semitism to the Arab world. Anti-Semitism was not a phenomenon in the Arab world and even today anti-Jewish expressions are the consequence of imperialism and the Zionist colonisation not because of an adherence to racial doctrines.
Mark Harrigman - in your face
Nor is Hezbollah a ‘terrorist’ organisation. Apart from the fact that the definition of a ‘terrorist’ organisation is that it lacks a mass base and therefore substitutes violence for political activity, Hizbollah has never planted bombs in the cities of Europe or any other country. It has fought in Syria at the invitation of the Syrian government, a mistake in my view, but it is no more a terrorist than any other group or state fighting in Syria such as the Russians or the Americans.
Hezbollah (and Hamas) are often painted by Zionist propagandists as the equivalent of Al Nusra/Al Quaeda (which Israel supports in Syria) or ISIS (which they are strongly suspected of supporting).  However both groups have come into conflict with these Jihadist groups, in particular ISIS.  It is noticeable that when an offshoot of the Yemen Al Qaeda group carried out the Charlie Hebdo murders in France and then followed up with the murder of 4 French Jews in Paris, that both Hamas and Hezbollah condemned these killings.
A slightly intellectual looking fascist -  anyone know his name?
Hezbollah’s rhetoric about wiping Israel off the face of the earth is crude but what they really mean is eliminating Zionism and the Israeli state not the people who live in Israel. Hezbollah came into existence as a result of Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 1982 when over 20,000 people were killed and 100,000 were injured as Israel bombed and devastated Lebanon’s cities.  This is the real terrorism. The reality is that behind the rhetoric is a pragmatic approach which has seen a 12 year ceasefire on the Lebanon border, which Israel has not for once broken because Hizbollah’s rockets undoubtedly act as a deterrent.
Mark Harrigman - not exactly one of the Zionist intellectual elite
As Metropolitan Police Commander Jane Conners wrotein a letter to that disgusting supporterof Israeli child abuse, Louise Ellman, MP for Tel Aviv South and Liverpool Riverside: “Purely holding a flag does not necessarily incite religious or racial hatred.” It’s obvious really.  Hezbollah, which is a Lebanese national liberation movement has both a political and a military wing, just as in Ireland the IRA was the military wing and Sinn Fein was the political wing.  Kurdish groups do likewise.
This one was giving out 'free  Tommy Robinson' flyers
Nonetheless, I think the organisers of the march (which because it was so delayed I couldn’t stay for) need to consider the wisdom of having the Hezbollah flag flying when the march is about Palestine.  Tactically it may be better to just have Palestinian flags flying. The question of Hizbollah flags is a pretext however what is essential is that it isn't used as an excuse to ban the demonstration as a whole.
Nonetheless the idea that the demonstration, which has been held for over 30 years, should be banned is an outrage.  Even more so when the people who are calling for a ban are the very same ones who are happy to go on demonstrations with real fascists and Muslim hating anti-Semites.
Melanie - a picture of stupidity - whenever she sees me she calls out but is reluctant to engage in conversation - a former model I believe
A real charmer
If anyone is genocidal it is the representatives of Israel, such as its rabbis who regularly compare the Palestinians to the Biblical Amalek.  For example the Chief Rabbi of Safed, Shmuel Eliyahu, saidin 2007 that Israel “must kill 100,000, even a million” people in Gaza if that was necessary to stop Palestinian resistance fighters from firing rockets into Israel by way of retaliation.  Eliyahu also justified rape by Israeli soldiers in war because otherwise they would lose their motivation to fight! [Rabbi who urged Gaza genocide excused rape by soldiers] Or Israel’s fascist Defence Minister Lieberman who recently said that ‘there are 'no innocent people' in Gaza as 30 Palestinians martyred. 
It seems as if it was away day for the fascist OAPs
Lieberman has previously told of how he dreams of being able to drownthousands of Palestinian prisoners and cut off the heads of Arab Israelis.  This is a man who can actually put his threats into action.  The wilder statements of Hizbollah are just empty rhetoric.
That is why the hypocrisy of ‘Labour Zionists’ such as the Jewish Labour Movement is so nauseating. Today there is no excuse for anyone pretending to be a socialist and a Zionist.  That is why the removal of the JLM and Labour Friends of Israel from the Labour Party is an absolute priority.
Mandy Blumenthall and a group of Zionists making friends with Tommy Robinson's supporters
Is that Mark Lewis in the wheelchair?
looks as if he's seen better days
This lot didn't seem to like being photographed

Neil Horan –Deranged and Hitler-loving Priest Entertained Israel’s Supporters Outside the Philharmonic


Neil Horan – Jailed for 2 Months in Germany For Wanting to Light a Candle in Hitler’s Memory at the Gestapo HQ

A Guest Post by Bruce Levy

The Israeli counter-protesters and concert-goers were graced with the unexpected appearance of Neil Horan, the de-frocked Catholic priest, nicknamed "The Dancing Priest" or "The Grand Prix Priest", who achieved notoriety when on 20th July 2003 he ran out onto the 200 mph Hangar Straight in the middle of the British Grand Prix at Siverstone and ran up the middle of the track straight towards the oncoming racecars whilst waving a placard which read "Read the Bible. The Bible is always right", for which he was arrested and imprisoned for two months.

Defrocked by the Vatican in 2005 from his parish in Nunhead for his bizarre obsession and conviction that the World is just about to end - and for his inappropriate sermonising on the subject - Horan was spotted and rugby-tackled to the ground by police on June 5th 2004 at the Epsom Derby just as he was clambering over a fence trying to get onto the track to run into the path of the horses, and he finally achieved worldwide notoriety when on August 29th 2004 at the Athens Olympics, whilst carrying a placard which said "The Grand Prix priest. Israel fulfillment of prophecy says the Bible, the second coming is near", Horan ran out onto the road at the 38Km point of the Men's Marathon Event and hurled himself at marathon front-runner Vanderlei de Lima, costing him the gold medal.

For this bizarre action Horan was fined €3,000 and given a 12 month suspended sentence by the Greek court. Horan's brother Dan Horan later apologised for his brother's actions, and argued that he should have been jailed.

Undeterred by his narrow escape from a possible five year sentence in Greece, Horan then spent two months in a German prison after the 2006 World Cup. He had written to chancellor Angela Merckel to inform her that it was his intention to dance a peace jig outside the stadium in Berlin before the World Cup final. Innocuous enough, one would think, but he also announced that he would be carrying posters declaring that "Adolf Hitler was a good leader who was following the word of Christ", was going to give the Hitler salute, and light a candle for Hitler at the Gestapo Headquarters!

In a pre-emptive strike on 13 April 2007 Horan was served with an Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) banning him from entering any of the London boroughs that the London Marathon cuts through. Since then he has not disrupted any major public sporting events, however he managed to pull a further surprise out of his little green hat when he appeared on the nation's television sets during the auditions for series 3 of "Britain's Got Talent ", where he did his hallmark (albeit terrible) Irish Jig and wearing his version of a traditional Irish costume, but with a kilt so short you can almost see his epididymis.

Receiving a standing ovation from the audience who thought he was an ironic comedy act, Horan got through to the next stage and was then booted off.

Horan is frequently seen at public events pulling his battery-powered Karaoke machine strapped onto a shopping trolley, wearing the Jewish Star of David prominently on the front of his costume. According to Horan, in the Second Coming of Christ, Jesus will rule the world from Jerusalem and there will be two classes of people - immortal saints - who will rule a world government for a millennium from the religious city, and mortal citizens who will become "adopted Jews" and live for 900 years. He doesn't say which category he thinks he's going to be in.

All of this probably explains why Neil Horan - who was tried (though acquitted) at Woolwich Crown Court on September 2nd 2004 for child abuse - arrived at the Albert Hall to make us all marvel at his bizarre hopping and jumping around!

By: Eve Kelliher

DEFROCKED Kerry priest Neil Horan has confirmed he plans to travel to the World Cup final at the weekend to perform a peace dance outside the venue for the big match.

He also intends carrying posters declaring that Adolf Hitler was a good leader who was following the word of Christ.

The Scartaglin native has previously hit the headlines for his infamous demonstrations at major sporting events. He dashed out in front of Formula One cars during the British Grand Prix at Silver-stone in 2003 and the following year he was given a 12-month suspended sentence and fined €3,000 for pouncing on the leader of the men’s marathon at the Olympic Games in Athens.

Now he says he will dance a jig outside the stadium in Berlin before the World Cup final kicks-off on Sunday.

He told The Kingdom he plans to board a flight to Germany on Saturday and he will carry placards in five different languages to spread the word of God - as he sees it.

“I will stand just in front of the main entrance. I will give the Hitler salute, do my peace dance and read a verse,” said Horan who has written toThe Kingdom to confirm his intentions. He said he also intends to visit the Gestapo headquarters to light a candle in memory of Hitler.

The Scartaglin native said he is confident that the authorities in Germany will not attempt to prevent him from entering the country given the nation’s reputation for democracy.

He said he has written to German prime minister, Angela Merkel, and the German police chief to inform them of his travel plans and to assure them his demonstration will be entirely peaceful.

“I agree that what I plan to do is very controversial and I agree that it is a minority view but the mark of a free-dom-loving democracy is that it allows full freedom of speech and expression,” Horan told The Kingdom.

The second eldest of 13 children, Horan is a native of Knockeenahone, Scartaglin. He said he has long established ties with German people as, in his youth in Killarney, he worked as a kitchen porter at the German-owned Dunloe Castle Hotel.

He was ordained to the priesthood by Bishop Eamonn Casey in 1973 but on 20 January, 2005, Horan was formally defrocked by the Catholic Church.

He has consistently refused to accept the ruling made by the Archbishop of Southwark in London.

“I completely reject this decision. I appeal to the much higher court of heaven and the court of Jesus Christ,” he said.

See also and Israel Philharmonic Orchestra Demonstration as BBC is forced off air.
Anti-Zionists picket Israel Philharmonic Orchestra at BBC Proms
Pro-Israeli counter protest against boycott at BBC Proms – London
Trouble at the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra concert in Albert Hall

You can't make this stuff up!

Bruce Levy
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