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Born Black, Politically White – Why Class Negates Race in the Identity Stakes


Chuka Ummuna prefers to fight ‘anti-Semitism’ - the new anti-communism - rather than the Windrush Scandal

Even Labour MP Keith Vaz has joined Clive Lewis in opposing Marc Wadsworth’s racist expulsion. Even Vaz can see the naked racism that was evidenced in the lynch mob when 20+ White Labour MPs accompanying Ruth Smeeth to Marc’s disciplinary hearing.  Even Keith Vaz, who has long been on the right of the Labour Party has been sufficiently angered by the blatant racism of Maggi Cosins and the National Kangaroo Court.  But not Chuka Ummuna, Progress's ever faithful lap dog.
Last Monday, two days before the beginning of Marc’s hearing, the Independent carried an articleby Chuka Ummuna on Labour’s false anti-Semitism campaign. Chuka is too modest or rather dishonest to acknowledge that, as a loyal Blairite, he failed to vote against the 2014 Immigration Act, which led to the Windrush Affair. Let us remind ourselves that this Act, whose purpose was to create a ‘hostile environment’ to ‘illegal immigrants’, set a new low in British racism by effectively removing citizenship from those who had previously been granted it automatically by virtue of section 1(1) of the 1948 British Nationality Act.  Only Israel removes citizenship en masse from its (Arab) citizens.
First the Tories destroyed thousands of landing cards which were the proof of the right to citizenship of Black people from the West Indies under the 1948 Act. The 2014 Act then shifted the burden of proof from the State to the individual to prove they were citizens. In effect if you are Black it was assumed that you weren’t a citizen unless you could prove otherwise. Those without passports or who hadn’t formally acquired citizenship, had to prove that they were British citizens which meant proving when they entered Britain.  They also had to prove that they were in this country for every year since their arrival and to do that they had to supply 4 sets of documents for each year.  An almost impossible task.
Chuka however is not interested in the Windrush scandal.  It is beneath him. Racism against Black people bores him.  He is an honorary White.  Black people have described him to me as a coconut.  I pass no judgement.  Thus he has set himself up as an expert on ‘anti-Semitism’, the false anti-racism of the Right.  All of Chuka’s parliamentary career demonstrates that he is not in the slightest concerned about  state racism against Black people. 
The idea that ‘money whitens’ used to be applied to the Brazilian and other slave economies of South America in the 19thcentury and to Mulattos in particular. It is equally applicable to Chuka’s politics and his support of Israel, the world’s only apartheid state.

A response to Chuka’s Labour can't talk with credibility about racism until we tackle the antisemitism in our ranks 

Chuka Ummuna tells us that we can’t attack the racism that ‘may’ (not must) lie behind the ‘mistreatment’ (that’s the mildest term he can think of) of the Windrush generation until we tackle ‘anti-Semitism’.  Why not? Note how Chuka excuses the racism behind Theresa May’s immigration policy by promoting ‘anti-Semitism’ into an equivalent form of racism.
How is it that on 30th January, when the 2014 Immigration Act which brought in these hostile measures was voted on in the House of Commons, Chuka abstained alongside all those others who are also concerned about Labour’s ‘anti-Semitism’ such as John Mann, Smeeth and Ian Austin?
Home Affairs Select Committee
It is worth reminding ourselves that those who voted against the 2014 Act included Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell and Diane Abbot.  Isn’t it strange that those who are apparently responsible for ignoring anti-Semitism in the Labour Party today were the only ones who opposed what was happening to Black people in 2014?  According to Ummuna's 'logic' being an opponent of 'antisemitism' he should also have voted against the 2014 Act.
As Marlene Ellis from Momentum Black Connexions observed, Chuka may have been born Black but politically he was part of the racist White Establishment.
Ummuna’s support for May’s ‘climate of hostility’ is not unrelated to his views on his own constituents, Black or White.  Ummuna seems to have forgotten what he said on an elite social networking site when he asked how he could avoid meeting ‘trash’, i.e. the people who are unfortunate to have elected him.  Labour's Chuka Umunna under fire for labelling people 'trash' on elite social network
George Orwell's Animal Farm
Ummuna quoted from the Report of the House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee,  which was published in October 2016, of which he was a member. This was not however a neutral report.  Its primary purpose was to denigrate and attack Jeremy Corbyn, Shami Chakrabarti and others in the Zionist firing line such as Jackie Walker and NUS President Malia Bouattia.
David Plank, a former specialist adviser to the House of Commons Social Services Committee, made a devastating critique of this Report in Open Democracy.  David said that ‘the Committee’s Report was not worth the paper it was written on’ firstly because ‘A Select Committee must be clear about what it intends to do, which is why clear terms of reference for inquiries are essential.’ It had no terms of reference.
David also criticised the methodology of the report which was ‘to invite certain bodies to give evidence to them which came from a particular strand of British Jewish hues of opinion which happened to be heavily identified with a pro-Israel perspective’ and ignore others.
David asked why those criticised in the Report, Jackie Walker and NUS President Malia Bouattia were not called to give evidence.  ‘I would expect as a basic that the Committee would call for evidence. But I see no sign of such a call for this enquiry. Why not? I find that stunning’.  David states that ‘there are pages of criticism in the Committee Report in relation to the NUS President, and she was not given any opportunity to read the draft and comment upon it. That is disgraceful.’ Likewise Jackie Walker ‘offer(ed) to give evidence and her offer was declined... (she is) traduced in the report. She is readily identifiable: her name appears in one place, and it is assumed that she is guilty.’
Racist cartoon from the Campaign Against Antisemitism
In short Chuka Ummuna and his Tory friends, the same friends who were behind the racism of the Windrush scandal, who were engaged in what is colloquially known as a ‘stitch up’. In David Plank’s words it is not worth the paper it is written on.
Chuka states that ‘when talking about antisemitism, it is important to define the term.’ I agree.  There is however a very simple definition used by most dictionaries.  For example the OED states that anti-Semitism is ‘Hostility to or prejudice against Jews.’  Or perhaps the de luxe definition by Dr Brian Klug of Oxford University, an expert on anti-Semitism: 
Antisemitism is a form of hostility to Jews as Jews, where Jews are perceived as something other than what they are”
The IHRA definition of anti-Semitism which Ummuna and his Select Committee pushed for consists of some 450 words not the above 21 words. Why?  Because it comes with 11 ‘examples’ of anti-Semitism, 7 of which related to opposition to Zionism and Israel.  The Select Committee Report said, echoing the IHRA, that it is not antisemitic to hold the Israeli Government to the same standards as other liberal democracies. 
The problem with this is, as Sir Stephen Sedley, a Jewish former Court of Appeal Judge said in Defining Anti-Semitism that this assumes that Israelis a country like any other’which it isn’t and thus the IHRA ‘places the historical, political, military and humanitarian uniqueness of Israel’s occupation and colonisation of Palestine beyond permissible criticism.’ Sedley goes on to state that ‘the official adoption of the definition, while not a source of law, gives respectability and encouragement to forms of intolerance which are themselves contrary to law...’
The current wave of suspensions and expulsions in the Labour Party are evidence of this.  Not only was I, a Jewish anti-fascist and anti-Zionist expelled recently, but Jackie Walker, another Jewish anti-racist has been suspended and been targeted for expulsion.  Marc Wadsworth, a Black anti-racist activist who was interviewed for the 3 part BBC documentary ‘The Murder that Changed a Nation’on the murder of Stephen Lawrence, has also just been expelled for having dared to criticise Labour’s racist drama queen, Ruth Smeeth MP.
Chuka referred to his late father, who always supported the Labour Party because Labour ‘historically have always been anti-hate and anti-racist.’  This is however untrue.  Labour was traditionally as supportive of the British Empire and colonialism as the Tory Party.  It was Labour that presided over the horrors of the Malayan counter insurgency which began in 1948. When the Tory Party turned Kenya into a concentration camp and perpetrated the most horrific tortures and abuse on those deemed to be members of the Mau Mau in the 1950’s, the Labour Party (with the exception of Barbara Castle and ironically Enoch Powell) was silent.
 Indeed Labour historically combined both avid support for Zionism with anti-Semitism. For example Lord Passfield, Colonial Secretary in the 1929-31 Labour government exclaimed that ‘there are no Jews in the British Labour Party” and that whereas “French, German, Russian Socialism is Jew-ridden. We, thank heaven are free”, something he put down to there being “no money in it”.  The Labour Party, anti-Semitism and Zionism
 The examples Ummuna gave of ‘anti-Semitism’ were no such thing.  If someone accuses you of being ‘in the pockets of ‘The Lobby’.”  why is that anti-Semitic?  It is self-evident that there is a pro-Israel and Zionist lobby in Britain.  Joan Ryan, Chair of the Labour Friends of Israel was secretly recordedaccepting £1m from the Israeli agent Shai Masot on its behalf.
The accusation that Ummuna and friends are “a bunch of embittered Zionists who are intent on smearing” Jeremy Corbyn is a statement of fact.  Chuka seems to have a problem in distinguishing between a political ideology, Zionism and Jews.  Not all Jews are Zionists and not all Zionists are Jews as Chuka demonstrates.
Another example of ‘anti-Semitism’ which Chuka gave was that of Peter Kirker, a member of the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy executive who wrote in the Morning Star under the headline “Enough already with this Zionist frenzy”, that “the noise around anti-Jewish racism has been engineered from within the murky right-wing world of British Zionism.” What is anti-Semitic about this?
Chuka seems to have forgotten the evidence of Sir Mick Davies, former Chairman of the Jewish Leadership Council  to his own Select Committee (para 27) that ‘criticising Zionism is the same as antisemitism, because Zionism is so totally identified with how the Jew thinks of himself.’  
If you believe this is true then opposition to Zionism is clearly anti-Semitic and anti-Semitism is therefore rife within the Labour Party.  But this is a verbal conjuring trick because if Sir Mick is correct then 95% of pre-war German and Polish Jews were also anti-Semitic!  It means that all anti-Zionist Jews are anti-Semitic today. That is the kind of argument we expect from white racists like Donald Trump. It is clear that Chuka Ummuna has become an honorary White racist.
It is somewhat unfortunate that someone who helped produce a Report on Anti-Semitism is so ignorant of the differences between Zionism and Anti-Semitism.
Chuka also suggested that concerns about ‘anti-Semitism’have been met with an ‘avalanche of “whataboutery”’ such as ‘what about Gaza?’ Isn’t it strange that Ummuna is so concerned about non-existent ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party but has nothing whatsoever to say about the shooting dead of 41 unarmed Palestinians, so far, in Gaza. 
The Board of Deputies, from whom Chuka takes his lead and which is so concerned about ‘anti-Semitism’ issued a statement justifying the actions of the Israeli government. 
Chuka asked “Why should any Jewish person vote Labour?” to which there is a simple answer.  Because British Jews also have an interest in fighting racism, anti-Semitism included.  There is no Jewish interest in supporting Israel and Zionism.  Chuka claims to have experienced racism.  Unfortunately the conclusions Chuka has drawn are that now he has made his escape racism can be ignored.  That is why he refused to vote against the 2014 Immigration Act.  Chuka should hang his head in shame that he is supporting a State that has been described by anti-Apartheid activists in South Africa, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, as worse than Apartheid.’
However it is de rigeur among the Labour Right not to criticise Israel’s slide into a form of clerical fascism.  That is why Chuka is silent about Israel’s proposed deportation of 40,000 Black African refugees.  He is one of those Black reactionaries who are only concerned about ‘anti-Semitism’ when Israel is up for discussion
The only question in my mind is why Labour members of Streatham Labour Party haven’t deselected this honorary white racist.
Tony Greenstein 

Israel’s Fascist Right is on the march


The Mainstreaming of Israel's Alt-Right

This is an interesting articleby Newsweek of all publications.  To listen to the nonsense coming out of racist Labour politicians like Emily Thornberry, Joan Ryan et al, you would think that Israel was the embodiment of western democratic values in the Middle East.  The 'villa in the jungle' to borrow the racist phrase of the last Labour Prime Minister, Ehud Barak.
Yair Lapid is leader of Yesh Atid, a centrist party tipped to be the second largest party in the next Knesset
The reality is that Israel is the most right-wing, racist society on the planet.  It is a society where hatred of Arabs, Africans and non-Jews is visceral.  What is worse is that this hatred is encouraged by a far-Right government which includes a 'Justice Minister' Ayelet Shaked who has advocated genocide.  

This is the consequence of Israel being an ethno-nationalist society, a society based on only part of its population.  A society obsessed with racial purity, because being Jewish in Israel is a national/racial not a religious category.  In Israel race is defined on the basis of religion, something which often confuses people.  To make matters worse the Israeli Jewish population is itself divided between those who define themselves as Israeli first or Jewish first with a majority saying Jewish first.  Not that this matters to Israel's Palestinians because they are excluded from the tent and confined to the margins.
Although the article is well worth reading on the growing influence of Israel’s neo-Nazi far Right although it doesn’t deal with the reason why Israel’s alt-Right is growing so fast.  When Lehava calls for preventing Arab-Jewish relationships they are going with the grain of society.  There is broad consensus in the whole of society that Jewish-Arab relationships are a danger to society, because a Jewish state cannot tolerate large numbers of mixed couples.  That is the nature of the racism of Israeli society.  Mixed relationships, mishlinge, were also a problem for the Nazi state and this one topic consumed most of the time at the Wannsee Conference in 1942 which was devoted to planning the Final Solution.

Lapid is a Zionist consensus, from 'left' to 'right'.  So Yair  Lapid, of the secular centrist Yesh Atid declared that It bothers me, I admit. I say that if tomorrow my son came to me and said, ‘Dad, I want you to meet Rona, not Rina, and she’s Russian Orthodox or Catholic and we’re getting married and the kids won’t be Jewish’ — would that bother me? It would bother me greatly.'

Israel is a Jewish state, or more accurately a State of the Jews and the Jews are defined as a Jewish Nation.  What that means is that Israel consideres itself a state, not just of its own Jewish citizens but all Jews, wherever they live.  One of the central tasks of Zionism is the 'ingathering of the exiles'

What Israel is not is a state of all of its citizens.  That is why it’s an apartheid state.  Non-Jewish citizens do not have equal right with Jewish citizens.  That is why there is no Israeli nationality but a central Jewish nationality and over 130 other nationalities.

Because a Jewish state means a permanent Jewish majority, the idea of  mixed marriages and a dilution of the primary race is seen as a threat to the state itself.  That is why Lehava thugs patrol areas of Jerusalem unmolested by the Police attacking Arab males who are seen as likely to establish social or personal relations with Jewish women.
The suggestion that Israel can do nothing about Lehava, as the article states, is for the birds.  The article quotes Israeli authorities as saying that ‘there is little they can do to stop Gopstein—that he is protected by free speech.’  Utter nonsense. Israel's Palestinians are closely monitored on social media and any threats they make result in instant arrest.  Of course Jewish abuse is not punished.

For example Dareen Tatour, a Palestinian Israeli poet, was imprisonedand is now under house arrest, because she mentioned ‘resistance’ in an online poem.  The reason Gopstein has not been prosecuted and gaoled is because he is Jewish.  Even when he threatened to burn down churches and mosques he was not arrested. See for example VATICAN CALLS ON A-G TO INDICT EXTREMIST JEWISH LEADER FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENT OF BURNING CHURCHES

Raed Salah, leader of the Northern Muslim League, was convicted of racial hatred and gaoledfor 9 months because it was held he made a comparison between Israel’s behaviour and the Jewish blood libel, a comparison which incidentally he disputed.

Nonetheless, despite its weaknesses this article should be read by people as it outlines very well where Israel is now heading.

I also attach an older article beneath it from the Jerusalem Post, when Tzipi Hotovely, who is now acting Foreign Minister of Israel, invited Benzi Gopstein into the Knesset to address a Committee on the 'problem' of combating inter-marriage.  Racism in Israel starts from the top down.

Tony Greenstein
By Yardena Schwartz On 3/7/18 at 9:50 AM
American-born rabbi Meir Kahane, founder of the Jewish Defense League, in Jerusalem, where he was known for his extreme views, such as expulsion of all Palestinians on the West Bank. He was assassinated in New York City. David H. Wells/Corbis via Getty
Updated | On November 5, 1990, at a Marriott Hotel on Manhattan’s East Side, Rabbi Meir Kahane had just taken his seat at a Zionist conference when El Sayyid Nosair, a 34-year-old Egyptian-American, shot him in the neck. Hours later, the Brooklyn-born rabbi—known as the most racist politician in Israeli history—was pronounced dead.

Most Israelis didn’t mourn. Two years before, the Israeli government had banned his political party, Kach, for its anti-Arab platform. Kahane had called for the forced expulsion of the millions of Arabs living in Israel, whom he often referred to as “dogs.” As the Israeli writer Yossi Klein Halevi puts it, “Kahane turned his political agenda into a kind of Jewish jihad with an explicitly religious, apocalyptic message.”
Yet 27 years after Kahane’s murder, on another November evening, hundreds of Israelis gathered in West Jerusalem to commemorate the anniversary of his death. It was one of 25 such events held throughout Israel that week. At the podium, Jewish extremists took turns praising the rabbi, calling him a righteous prophet whose politics were ahead of his time.
Among those in attendance: Kahane’s prodigy and successor, Ben Zion “Bentzi” Gopstein. In 2005, he established Lehava, a nonprofit whose Hebrew name translates to “preventing assimilation in the Holy Land.” Gopstein’s group sends patrols of young men to “defend” Jewish women from Arabs. It also runs a hotline for people to report Jews having interfaith relationships, or renting or selling apartments to Israeli Arabs. Lehava has grown into the largest radical right-wing organization in Israel, with chapters in every city and more than 10,000 registered members—most of them young adults and teenagers. The group spreads its message and recruits members in schools, city streets and community centers.
Though Gopstein operates under the guise of fighting assimilation—a cause familiar to many American Jews—his critics argue that mission is just a front. Lehava, they say, is as dangerous as Kach. And like Kahane before him, Gopstein is rallying people around the goal of expelling Palestinians from Israel and the West Bank.
Benzi Gopstein, Israeli leader of the extreme right-wing movement Lehava, poses on August 11, 2015, in Jerusalem. Israel police had questioned him after he condoned torching churches amid an uproar over hate crimes, including the deadly firebombing of a Palestinian home. MENAHEM KAHANA/AFP/Getty
But unlike Kahane’s views, which stood on the margins of Israeli society, Gopstein’s perspective has become mainstream—a shift, analysts say, that reflects Israelis’ dwindling faith in the prospect of peace with the Palestinians.
Critics argue that Israeli lawmakers have also enabled Lehava, even as they’ve demonized left-leaning human rights groups. Yet Israeli authorities say there is little they can do to stop Gopstein—that he is protected by free speech, and because his group is a nongovernmental organization, it has avoided the legal restrictions placed on Kahane’s political party. “Lehava is doing this very smartly,” says Tehilla Shwartz-Altshuler, a law professor at Hebrew University and a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute, a Jerusalem-based think tank.
But the group’s critics aren’t giving up. Last fall, the state attorney’s office announced its intention to indict Gopstein on charges of incitement to violence, racism and terrorism, along with obstruction of justice, pending a prehearing. (The charges all relate to statements he’s made in recent years. Among them: that Palestinian men who flirt with Jewish women deserve to be beaten.) Gopstein is still awaiting his prehearing. In the meantime, to the dismay of his distractors, he is a free man, with a large and growing following.
"The Israeli army, the Shin Bet and Mossad, they know how to deal with Muslim terror,” says Gadi Gvaryahu, the chairman of Tag Meir, one of the organizations battling Lehava. “Yet the state of Israel doesn’t know how to deal with right-wing extremists. People like Bentzi Gopstein are more dangerous to Israel than Muslim terror.”
 ‘You Can’t Coexist With Cancer’
Several months ago, I met Gopstein in the lobby of a Jerusalem hotel, and he appeared giddy. A Jewish teenager had just left her Arab lover. Gopstein had been calling her for months, urging her to do so. Now, she finally had—because she was pregnant with his child. Gopstein says this was important because now the baby would be raised Jewish instead of Muslim.
Since founding Lehava, he says, he has “rescued” at least 1,000 girls like her. And in Jerusalem, Lehava activists are known for harassing—and sometimes beating—Palestinian men. Gopstein’s work has sometimes gotten him into trouble. Weeks earlier, police detained him, along with 14 members of Lehava, for threatening Arabs who were dating Jewish women. “Every time they arrest me, more people join my cause,” he says, smiling. In 2016, he was questioned by police after calling Christians bloodsucking vampires who should be expelled from the country. In 2014, he was detained after Lehava members set fire to a joint Jewish and Arab school in Jerusalem. The group also sprayed graffiti on the school’s walls. "You can't coexist with cancer,” it read.
In each of those cases, Gopstein was released the same day. He has never been indicted either. The last time Israeli authorities put him behind bars was in 1994, when the government banned Kahane’s political party. (The ban was in response to a massacre committed by another Kahane prodigy, Baruch Goldstein, who opened fire in Hebron’s Cave of the Patriarchs, killing 29 Muslim worshippers and wounding 125 others.)
The Justice Ministry refused to comment on Gopstein’s case while the investigation is underway. “He’s always been found not guilty because they have nothing,” says Gopstein’s attorney, Itamar Ben Gvir. “They don’t even have one example of Bentzi telling people to commit an attack. Praising Baruch Goldstein [which Gopstein has done] isn’t illegal. You can think it’s an awful thing to say. You can think it’s a wonderful thing to say. That’s a democracy.”
Yet Gopstein’s actions, critics say, speak to his real agenda: anti-Palestinian hatred. “Gopstein wants us to believe that he’s just worried about the future of the Jewish religion, but he’s not,” says Gvaryahu. “We never heard him fight against assimilation in the United States, and here the intermarriage rate is really insignificant.” Indeed, just 2 percent of Jewish Israelis have a non-Jewish spouse, compared with 44 percent in the U.S.
The Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security agency, has a unit for Jewish terrorism, but a spokesman tells me it’s the police’s responsibility to deal with Lehava. Israel Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld says the local cops have been trying to prevent and respond to violence committed by Gopstein’s activists, but there is only so much they can do. “Police operations take place all year round in connection with Lehava,” Rosenfeld says, speaking in October, shortly after Gopstein’s latest detention. “Those suspects were released after significant evidence was presented against them. The police recommendation was to continue holding them. But at the end of the day, the decision made by the court, unfortunately, is what it is.”
Gopstein’s critics argue that Israel should treat him the same way it treats his Palestinian counterparts. But Israel has a long history of handling Jewish radicals differently. In 1984, the authorities determined that a Jewish militant group was plotting to blow up the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, one of Islam’s holiest shrines. A court convicted 25 Jewish settlers of waging an underground campaign of violence against Arabs in the West Bank and the Golan Heights. All were soon released, except for three who were convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison—but they wound up serving less than seven years. Jewish settlers cheered their return home. And they weren’t the only ones. Many of the Jewish extremists arrested in the 1980s and 1990s quickly re-entered Israeli society, becoming settlement leaders and political activists.
Israeli supporters of Lehava chant slogans outside the wedding hall where an Arab-Israeli man and a Jewish woman got married on August 17, 2014, in the Israeli coastal city of Rishon Letzion. GALI TIBBON/AFP/Getty
More recently, in 2005, a Jewish extremist went to prison for stabbing marchers at Jerusalem’s gay pride parade. In 2015, three weeks after his release, he stabbed a 16-year-old Israeli girl to death at the same event. Gopstein and Lehava activists protested against that parade, calling it an “abomination,” and have continued to protest it every year since. “Israel should put much more into fighting Bentzi,” argues Gvaryahu. “It’s about time.”
Yet Gopstein’s supporters believe the state has treated him too harshly, protecting free speech for Arabs and not for Jews. “What they’re accusing Bentzi of, you can say the same about the Arabs,” says Ben Gvir, Gopstein’s attorney. “Thousands of Arabs praise Palestinian terrorists, and no one is indicting them.”
Human rights groups call that argument absurd. Israel has imprisoned 470 Palestinians for social media incitement since 2015. Among them: the Arab-Israeli poet Dareen Tatour, who was arrested in October 2015, jailed for three months and remains under house arrest for publishing a poem and two Facebook status updates, which her attorneys claim Israeli authorities translated improperly. Tatour was indicted for incitement to violence and support of a terrorist organization.
Some, such as Shwartz-Altshuler, say this disparity is not caused by racism or bias but by outcomes: Because Arabs commit more terrorist attacks against Jews than the other way around, they’re more likely to be convicted of incitement. “The fear is that those incitements on Facebook in Arabic will make someone who sees them take a knife and go stab someone,” says the law professor. “On the other hand, Israeli authorities are well aware of the dangers that movements like Lehava pose to Israeli society”—and yet perhaps less concerned they’ll lead to deadly violence.
But are they doing enough to contain that danger? Jewish extremists have committed some of the most horrific crimes in Israeli history—from Goldstein’s massacre to the murder of Yitzhak Rabin, the prime minister who championed peace with the Palestinians. His assassination—by Yigal Amir, a Jewish radical—came after months of right-wing Jewish incitement against Rabin and his peace efforts. It remains the only assassination of an Israeli head of state in the country’s history.
This poster is indicative of the racism in Israeli elections - a government party promises to campaign against inter-racial sex and relationships
“The fact that Kach was considered a terror organization means that any group stemming from it is essentially also a terrorist group,” argues Fady Khoury, an attorney at Adalah, the Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel.
Unlike the U.S., Israel has no constitution—and so no fundamental right to free speech. Instead, Israeli courts protect this freedom on a case-by-case basis. “The courts are very careful when it comes to pressing criminal charges against people over speech,” says Shwartz-Altshuler. And when it comes to people like Gopstein, the professor claims, “the Supreme Court is more afraid of government censorship than of what Lehava is saying to Israeli society.”
Ultimately, Israel may not have the power to stop Gopstein, since he is not a politician and has not committed any known attacks. “Kahane was not banned from speaking outside the Knesset,” notes Halevi, a senior fellow at the Shalom Hartman Institute and a former member of Kahane’s Jewish Defense League in New York. “A democracy, especially a democracy under siege from constant war and terror, needs to walk a fine line between allowing freedom of speech and ensuring that freedom of speech doesn’t result in violence. Lehava needs to be reined in when it crosses the line. And it has repeatedly crossed the line. At the same time, Lehava’s ideas cannot be banned.”
Hard-Right Turn
In recent years, there have been political efforts to derail Gopstein, but they have largely failed. In 2015, former Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon tried to designate Lehava as a terrorist group. A year later, he was forced out of the government and replaced by Avigdor Lieberman, a hawkish figure who once said that disloyal Arab citizens of Israel should be beheaded. “Extremist and dangerous forces, Ya’alon warned as he resigned, “have taken over Israel.”
Since Kahane’s days, Israel has moved far to the right. Today, according to a recent Pew Research Center poll, 48 percent of Jewish Israelis believe that Israel should expel its Arab citizens, who constitute nearly 20 percent of its population. Twenty years ago, 32 percent of Israelis considered themselves left-wing. Today, that figure is 19 percent, according to the IDI, the Jerusalem-based think tank. A November report by IDI found that 51.5 percent of Jewish Israelis feel that to preserve Israel's Jewish identity, Arabs and Jews should live separately, and 58 percent say that people who aren’t willing to say Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people should have their citizenship revoked. Today, the government is even considering legislation that some observers say would make Israel’s status as a Jewish-majority state more important than its democratic values. This would be the first step, some observers claim, toward establishing the country Kahane envisioned.
Part of this hard-right shift, analysts say, has to do with the trauma of the violent second intifada, or uprising. Between 2000 and 2005, Israelis lived through a long series of almost daily suicide bombings in cities such as Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. It also reflects a loss of faith in the peace process. After Israel and the Palestinians signed the historic Oslo Accords in 1993, many had hoped the bloody, decades-long conflict would end. Instead, both sides are locked in a stalemate, and Israel has fought two wars with Hamas, the Islamist group that controls Gaza.
Arab-Israeli Muslim groom, Mahmoud Mansour, and his Israeli bride Morel Malcha sit in Mansour's family home in Tel Aviv on August 17, 2014, ahead of their wedding ceremony. Their union was met with extreme protests from Lehava, which militates against the "Jewish assimilation and intermarriage." Daniel Bar-On/AFP/Getty

Gopstein says he’s merely expressing what most Israelis believe, which he insists isn’t racist. "Arabs who accept this state as a Jewish state can stay here. Those who don’t need to leave,” he tells me. “We don’t want to kill Arabs just because they’re Arabs. That’s racism. But Arabs who want to take our country from us? God gave Israel to the Jewish people, and people who don’t believe that shouldn’t be here. ”
A resident of Kiryat Arba, the radical Jewish settlement inside the mostly Palestinian city of Hebron, Gopstein rejects the claim that he encourages or even inspires his followers to commit violence. “I’m against doing illegal things,” he insists. “The solution is not to burn the Arab-Jewish schools; the solution is to close them.” And yet he doesn’t condemn those illegal acts and even defends Goldstein’s Hebron massacre. “I don’t think that what Goldstein did was bad. I just wouldn’t do it myself. He saw Arabs killing his friends and family, and he saw them being happy about their deaths. So he took revenge.”
Gopstein claims to have no interest in following Kahane’s footsteps into politics. Yet his influence is felt, even without him serving in the Israeli parliament. Members of the country’s ruling party have invited him multiple times to speak in the Knesset. The Jerusalem municipality allowed Lehava to post billboards in November, advertising the Kahane memorial and thanking Gopstein for his work. In 2015, the Education Ministry banned an award-winning novel about an Arab-Jewish romance from the national high school curriculum, after Gopstein launched a campaign against it.
Like Kahane, Gopstein’s ultimate dream is an Israel that operates according to Jewish law, or Halacha, where the only Arabs who live there are those loyal to a Jewish theocracy. “At this rate,” he says of Palestinian citizens of Israel, “it’s either us or them.”
This story has updated the titles of Tehilla Shwartz-Altshuler and Fady Khoury​


Likud MK Hotovely hosts hearing on marriages between Jewish women, Arab men in honor of Jewish Identity Day in the Knesset

By Rebecca Anna Stoil

Jerusalem Post, February 11, 2011 01:31
Tzipi Hotovely 311. (photo credit: Ariel Jerozolimski)
Marriages between Jewish women and Arab men took center stage at a meeting of the Knesset Committee for the Advancement of Women this week, when committee chairwoman Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) hosted a hearing on the subject in honor of Jewish Identity Day in the Knesset.

“We must confront the fact that the country has not valued education, which is the only way to prevent Jewish women from forging life connections with non-Jews,”Hotovely said.

The struggle against assimilation only reaches headlines through stories about Jewish women marrying Muslim men, but it is important to remember that the phenomenon is much wider – 92,000 mixed families live in the State of Israel. There is a need to create a curriculum for girls in high schools that deals with Jewish identity. The fact that girls reach a state of intermarriage testifies to the fact that the education system was absent.”

Jewish Identity Day in the Knesset on Tuesday was sponsored by the Tzohar organization and by MK Zevulun Orlev (Habayit Hayehudi), and featured a number of committee meetings, all focusing on aspects of Jewish identity in Israel. But not all the lawmakers thought that the subject was appropriate material for a committee hearing.

“There cannot be a hearing that seeks to determine with whom it is permissible to be married. It is a personal issue – there are things that the state should not be involved with,” complained MK Taleb a-Sanaa (United Arab List-Ta’al). “This hearing gives legitimacy to an anti-democratic and very dangerous situation in which the Knesset is expected to back up Halacha – the concept of Jewish identity does not need to make racism kosher.”

Sanaa elicited a chuckle from fellow MKs when he cited the Bible as proof of his argument.

“Ruth the Moabite wasn’t Jewish, but her descendant was King David,” he said. “I’d like to see what would happen if in France they held a hearing about what happens when Christians marry Jews.”

Yad L’Achim’s Zehava Drori said her organization took care of women who “are affiliated with all kinds of minorities.
The scale of the problem is very wide – we feel that there is a constant silencing of the phenomenon,” she said.

Yad L’Achim representatives said there was a growing phenomenon of “girls who are converted to Islam without even being aware of the significance of what is happening to them. The sheikh comes to their house, and converts them.”

Under Israeli law, mixed-religion couples cannot be married in Israel, and thus the women are converted to Islam. But the women, said organization representatives, do not understand that their children, though Jews according to Halacha, will be registered as Muslim.

Yad L’Achim says it is currently working with approximately 1,000 women, while in 2008, it only had about 500. Most of the women, it says, came from backgrounds of severe economic or emotional distress.

“It is not racist to oppose intermarriage – marriages between Jewish women and Muslim men are like water and oil,” said Sarit, a Jewish woman who had been married to an Arab man. “It is not racist because they are not bad, but there are differences in mentalities that are impossible to deny.”

Ben-Zion Gopstein of the Lehava organization said that “there are a number of organizations that work with these girls after they ask for help, but we need to reach them before they get to the [Arab] villages.

“This is Lehava’s goal. We go to schools and to entertainment areas and explain to girls what it means to be a Jewish woman. There are those who date and marry Arabs – including those from religious schools, and haredi girls.”

Gopstein said that in one religious girls’ school he had visited in Bat Yam, 20 percent of the girls at the age of 14 were dating Arabs. “The problem is the legitimacy that is given today to intermarriage,” he said.

“The Jewish Agency invests millions in the war against assimilation overseas, but here in Israel, every girl wants to be Bar Refaeli,” he continued, referring to the Israeli supermodel who is dating non-Jewish film star Leonardo DiCaprio.

Gopstein noted that “in this very Knesset, there is an MK who is married to a German man,” a reference to Labor MK Einat Wilf. But, he complained, “it is not politically correct to speak out about it. We don’t discuss this as being unacceptable.”

Gideon Levy on Israeli denial: ‘Anyone who raises a question is demolished’


There are 2 religions in Israel - Zionism and Security

Gideon Levy is a prophetic voice in Israel.  One of the main columnists on Ha'aretz and a legend in his own time.  Together with Amira Hass he provides the main opposition in Israel to the march of hysterical racism and Apartheid.  During the  2014 attack on Gaza he needed a bodyguard to travel around Israel.

Gideon's address was not a sophisticated analysis of Zionism so much as an empirical description of what Zionism has done to Israel.  He describes, correctly, Zionism as a totalitarian ideology.

Perhaps what comes across most clearly is the conviction of Gideon Levy that Israel is a racist, totalitarian society that cannot change of its own accord.  Israeli Jews are too comfortable, they don't or care about the Occupation 10 miles away and they are proof of Martin Luther King's conviction in Letter from a Birmingham Gaol is that the privileged will never change of their own accord.

Tony Greenstein

A week ago Gideon Levy spoke to the Israel lobby conference in Washington. Many people have shared the video of the Haaretz columnist, so I’m providing a transcript below of key passages.
Outside pressure is all that will change Israel. BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) is the only game in town. The Jewish lobby in the U.S. is the most important force in supporting Israel. The shameful Israeli propaganda over the attacks on the Tamimi family, the protesters in Nabi Saleh, shows how desperate Israel is, and maybe that offers hope.

Zionism is a totalitarian ideology that brooks no dissent. Everyone kept saying, Israeli soldiers could change things by talking about the occupation, but when Breaking the Silencecame forward it was crushed. “Anyone who raises a question is immediately erased, demolished.” And the media play right along with the propagandists.

The two-state solution is over, the embassy decision proves it, and international friends should be pushing for equal rights for the two peoples between the river and the sea.

On the importance of American pressure to counter the Israel lobby:

Maybe you are holding the key for any kind of change, any kind of hope. Because the hope for change within Israeli society is so limited, it’s non-existent. People like you can really be a game-changer. Some of my ex-best friends are on their way now to the real thing, to the AIPAC conference, which will start on this weekend, politicians, journalists, to what I call as the annual drug dealers conference. They will discuss how many more drugs will they send to the Israel occupation-addicted state. How much more friendship will they express, and how much more money and weapons will they supply. And I can tell you in the United States, as an Israeli, we don’t have a bigger enemy than the Jewish lobby, we don’t have a bigger enemy for justice, for peace, for equality than those who think that if you supply the drug addict with more drugs, you are his friend. That if you support him blindly and automatically whatever he does, you are a friend.

No my friend, those are not friends, those are enemies, and I can’t tell you how happy and proud I am to be here today and not there tomorrow.

The totalitarian nature of Zionism inside Israeli society:

Zionism is one of the two religions of Israel. And as any religion, you can’t question it. The second religion is obviously the religion of security. Anyone in Israel who dares to raise any kind of question marks is immediately perceived as some kind of traitor.

We are getting it with the milk of our mothers… It’s very hard to understand from the outside, how an ideology became part of the DNA. How an ideology became something that must be taken for granted. [Growing up] I know what I thought about those very very few who claimed they were not Zionists or god forbid, anti-Zionists. They were the Satans, even though they were Jews and Israelis.
I don’t recall one example on earth where an ideology is so totalitarian, is so saint, is so holy, that you have no right to put any kind of doubts, question marks, nothing, not about the past, not about the future, not about the present. Nothing. It’s unbelievable when you live in a state that where if you declare you don’t accept this ideology, you are not part of the place, you are not part of the society. You have no place there. “Go to Gaza, go to Damascus. Don’t stay here.”

When it comes to Zionism, there is no difference in Israel between left and right. When it comes to occupation, which is part and parcel of Zionism, there is no meaningful difference between left and right…. The difference is only by rhetorics.

Israel will not change if Benjamin Netanyahu is removed as prime minister. There is no light around the corner.

By the end of the day when you judge the real policy, not the rhetorics, yes Labor and the left are having much more sympathetic rhetorics… Shimon Peres… didn’t stop talking about putting an end to the occupation… He didn’t stop talking about it’s not democratic and it’s not justice that one people governs another people, beautiful beautiful ideas that Benjamin Netanyahu and those rightwingers would have never said. But Nobel prize winner Shimon Peres is the founding father of the settlements project. So what do we get out of this nice rhetorics except showing a nice face of Israel and doing the very very very same crimes.

When it comes to the basic, Israel is really united…

Occupation is off the table in Israel. Nobody talks about it, nobody discusses it, nobody is concerned about the occupation…  It’s like the rain, like the sun.. Some like it, some like it less. But nobody thinks that anything can be done about it. It doesn’t bother us so much, that’s the truth. It’s only a half hour from our homes, but who hears about it and who cares about it. And the crimes are on a daily basis.

The Israeli media are in the tank on Israeli propaganda about the Tamimi family.

The media hardly covers them, and if they cover them, it will always be according to the Zionist narrative. A terrorist of 12. A girl of 14 with scissors in her hands as an existential threat to the state of Israel. A girl who is slapping a soldier as someone who deserves life sentence. Not less than this! A girl that one hour before her cousin was shot in the head 50 meters from her home. So now the Israeli army claims that this was fabricated. I mean, even the Israeli propaganda lost its shame.

The Israeli claims about the Tamimi familyshow that the propaganda has never been so desperate:
When Israel dares, dares to claims that this child Mohammed Tamimi whom I met a few days after he was injured, he lost half of his brain, that he fabricated his injury, then you see that Israel is really desperate. If Israel needs this kind of level of propaganda, if Israel is getting so low, in denying shooting in the head of a child of 15– and claiming that he falls from his bicycle– then you know that things are getting worse. Maybe it’s a  hope for a new beginning, but right now look how low does it get there.
No society lives in as much denial as Israel

It’s totalitarian– no society lives in as much denial as Israel.

And all those are passing Israeli society as if nothing is happening. No question marks. Very little moral doubts if at all. A coverup. Living in denial like never before. I cannot think about one society that lives in such denial like the Israeli society, and again it includes left and right. Except of the very devoted extreme left, activists, let’s remember them. But they are really small figures and totally totally delegitimized…. The occupation must go on, Ahed Tamimi must stay in jail forever, and the crimes must continue because we have no other choice.

There are three core values of Israeli culture that enforce the totalitarian discourse.

The first value: we are the chosen people. Secular and religious will claim it. Even if they don’t admit it they feel it. If we are the chosen people, who are you to tell us what to do.

The second very deeply rooted value: we are the victims, not only the biggest victims, but the only victims around…. I don’t recall one occupation in which the occupier present himself as the victim. Not only the victim– the only victim….

There is a third very deep rooted value. This is the very deep belief again everyone will deny it but if you scratch under the skin of almost any Israeli you will find it there, the Palestinians are not equal human beings like us. They don’t love their children like us. They don’t love life like us. They were born to kill, they are cruel, they are sadists, they have no values, no manners… This is very, very deep rooted in Israeli society.

And maybe that’s the key issue. As long as this continues, nothing will move. We are so much better than them, so much more developed than them, more human than them.

All our dreams will never become true so long as this core conviction will not change.

Breaking the Silence should have been an “earthquake” in Israeli society. But it was crushed.
Anyone who raises a question is immediately erased, demolished. Look at the Jewish lobby so called in Israel, and Breaking the Silence. For years we were dreaming of the day that  soldiers would stand up and tell the truth. Not Gideon Levy the liar the traitor… no, soldiers who have committed those crimes will just come and testify about what they had been doing.

And here it came. Over 1000 testimonies, of soldiers who in a very brave way gave their testimonies about what they have been doing in the occupied territories thoughout the years. This should have been an earthquake in any healthy society. It’s our sons. But what happened? Nothing. Breaking the Silence was immediately delegitimized by the establishment with the typical collaboration of the Israeli media. I’m afraid to say that Breaking the Silence is crushed today. And this was just one example.

Israeli society has a very clear intention to crush any type of criticism, from within or outside.

The occupation is not temporary.

It was never meant to be temporary… There was never a statesman in an influential position, prime minister or so, who really meant to put an end to the occupation. None of them. Some of them wanted to gain time in order to strengthen the occupation… Some others wanted to be perceived by the world, to be hugged by the world, as people of peace. But none of them had the intention to put an end to the occupation. How do I know it? Israel has never stopped building settlements. And anyone who builds one house in the occupied territories has no intention whatsoever to put an end to the occupation.

Israelis have it too good to even think about occupation. And the brainwashing is too deep for the facts to get through.

I am very very skeptical about change from within Israel because life in Israel is far too good, and brainwash system is far too efficient. To have a dialogue today with most Israelis citizens is even for me an impossible job…. Brainwash is so deep and the denial is so deep and the ignorance. They know nothing. Anyone in this hall knows so much more about the occupation than any average Israeli, including those who served there in the army… So to expect a change from within this society, when restaurants are packed, when life is beautiful, when there is hardly terror in Israel… The only violent attacks are mainly now in the occupied territories… Tel Aviv is living a very, very peaceful secure life. To expect this society to stand up and say, No more– out of what? What incentive? The hopes for change from within Israeli society are really very, very minimal…. People like me, my only hope is from people like you.

Trump’s move of the embassy to Jerusalem is good news in the end, for it removes any illusions about the U.S. role.

It means that the United States has declared officially the death of the two state solution… The United States has declared officially what we have known for many years, the United States is not and cannot be a fair mediator…. United States is officially a friend of the occupation and only of the occupation… For the long run I see it as an achievement, end of the masquerade, end of the lip services. And I’m very grateful, you’ll be surprised, to Donald Trump, who brought us there.

Activists should fight the Zionist project on three fronts. First, stand up for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against efforts to criminalize it.

One must be is to fight this unbelievable process of criminalization of criticizing Israel. This must stop and we shouldn’t give up… When they call you anti-Semites– they get paralyzed. If you call someone an anti-Semite in Europe he is paralyzed, and they take advantage of it in a very manipulative way. Don’t let them! You should be proud in raising your voice. BDS right now is the only game in town. BDS is a legitimate tool. Israel is using it, by calling the world to boycott Hamas, to boycott Iran. You have the full right not to buy products from sweat shops in South Asia…. What does it mean that you should apologize for boycotting something that deserves boycott?

We have one  proof why BDS is the right thing to do. Look how Israel gets nervous about BDS, and if they get so nervous about it you can know that is the right way… Those sentences very soon will become a violation of Israeli law. You are not allowed to call people to boycott Israel, but let’s challenge them.

Two and three– counter Israeli propaganda.

The second challenge is to try and tear especially in this country the lie that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. We need it desperately… It’s all about telling people the truth. A state that possesses one of the most brutal tyrannies on earth cannot be called a democracy, period.
The last lie I suggest to you to fight is the lie that all this is temporary…. ’48 never stopped. Let’s remember it. It’s the same policy, those are the same methods. Same brainwash, some explanations and excuses. As long as this continues, no one can claim that this is temporary. The occupation is there to stay.

The two state solution is over, and we must struggle for equal rights, between river and sea.

For many years I was a great supporter of the two state solution…. I thought the two state solution is a reasonable and achievable solution. Total justice will never be achieved in this part of the world, and I thought that this would be a relatively fair, just solution…

The very dramatic fact, today between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean, there are exactly 50/50: Six million Palestinians and six milli
on Jews… It is roughly half and half, two peoples equal right now. If someone thinks that one people can dominate another people, and let’s get back to Zionism… the basic of Zionism is that there is one people which is privileged over the other. That is the core. This cannot go on. And if it goes on, it has only one name… apartheid.

Even if it sounds now like a utopia, even if it sounds now like something unthinkable, it’s time for us now to change the discourse, it’s time for us to talk about equal rights, about one person one vote. Let’s challenge Israel. Israel will say no, then we can officially declare Israel as an apartheid state.
We shouldn’t give up… I truly believe that Palestinians and Israelis, Palestinian Jews, can live together. We tried it in the past. It is being tried today in all kinds of small frameworks. We can really live together, believe me, I’d rather have a Palestinian prime minister than Yair Lapid or Benjamin Netanyahu.

In the question period, Levy said that the occupation would not last even for a few months without American support. And that Israel would change if it is truly isolated by Europe, so that Israelis face travel restrictions. Yes, outside pressure will at first unite Israel, but that will soon change.

I can assure you after the first rhetorics of, we are all united against the world, they hate us, then rationality will come into the picture.

When Israelis will be prevented from going to Macy’s for their shopping, or to Galeries Lafayette in Paris for their shopping, this is the day that the occupation will be over.

Jewdas or Judas? - Who’s Betraying Whom?


Keeping it in the family - Jewdas Rebellion Doesn't Extend to Palestine or 'Anti-semitism'

To Jonathan Arkush of the Board of Deputies (or Bored of Deputies) Jewdas are a ‘source of virulent anti-Semitism’. Arkush and his fellow Zionists cannot be considered politically as of sound mind if they really believe this.  Zionism does terrible things to otherwise normal people.  It is nationalist mind rot.
This one tweet demonstrates that Jewdas really don't get it when it comes to the use of 'anti-semitism' as a weapon against the Left
Anyone who falls over backwards to welcome Donald Trump to power, given his anti-Semitic election campaign and at the same time has the audacity to call other Jews ‘anti-Semitic’ is beyond redemption.  It is unfortunate that Corbyn has treated Arkush as if he was bona fide and genuinely concerned about anti-Semitism.  Corbyn has completely failed to understand where this right-wing Tory is coming from. 
One thing Arkush and the Board cannot be accused of is a sense of humour.  These narrow minded petty Jewish nationalists, bigots and small-time businessmen don’t find the antics of Jewdas amusing in the slightest. 
All they can see is that Jewdas don’t sign up to 100% support of Israel and Zionism.  That is the only standard by which they measure people.  Zionism uber alles. Hence they dismiss Jewdas as just another group of ‘Jewish self haters’– since to Arkush and company only fully fledged racists are mensches.  
Although Jewdas may be seen as outrageous by present day standards they are pretty tame and conservative by the standards of Jews yesterday. They are middle class dilettantes.
For example in the period before the first World War Jewish socialists and anarchists invaded the Great Synagogue in protest at the refusal of the Chief Rabbi to support Jewish workers’ strikes and the unemployed. 
William Fishman describes how on the 26th January 1894 some 500-600 unemployed entered the Great Synagogue seeking an audience with ‘the long suffering Chief Rabbi’.  They were forced to disperse by police armed with truncheons.  ‘The Evening News, among other dailies waxed indignant at the antics of this  mob of foreigners’ in creating a riot.’  ‘It is a natural result of our previous humane treatment of the Jewish immigrant... It is bad enough to have these people coming over to undersell our workers...’(p.209)
Now where did we hear that one?  Oh yes, the Tory press has always concerned about the wages of British workers being undercut by foreigners.  The same Tory press that hates trade unions that strike for higher wages!
In 1904 Jewish anarchists ‘marched in column to the Spitafields Great Synagogue in Brick Lane, smoking or brandishing ham sandwiches, as a gesture of defiance and rejection of their creed.’  (p.259)  It provoked a full scale riot!  Also mentioned is how the socialists (Bundists) ‘pelted a Synagogue which stands adjacent to their club and that they had arranged a concert for the day of fasting... invitations which they had sent to the principal Rabbis!’ (pp. 259-260, East End Jewish Radicals 1875-1914, William Fishman).
Note how Jewish anarchists and socialists expressed their hatred of the Jewish bourgeoisie led by Chief Rabbi Hermann Adler, by openly brandishing their rejection of the rituals of the Jewish religion. Yom Kippur is a day of fasting and mourning and they had arranged a concert!  They marched eating ham sandwiches and smoking (also strictly forbidden).
Contrast that with Jewdas whose act of rebellion was to hold an ‘alternative’ Seder at which Corbyn brought the horseradish for the bitter herbs.  I have to confess when I was young those of us who rejected the Orthodox did much the same as the anarchists and defied not aped the rabbinical traditions.  These middle class rebels of Jewdas are indeed tame boys and girls in comparison!
I’m not condemning them they are in their milieu Jewish pranksters with an irreverence that is itself a Jewish tradition.   I myself had a fleeting relationship with Jewdas some years ago in so far as I penned a few articles for their website (which seem to have  disappeared).
I confess to having a sneaking admiration for some of Jewdas’s activities, their anti-racism and Birthwrong but they are middle class rebels on a day trip to the Left. They are defying their parents during the day only to return home in the evening.  It is all a rebellion with the Jewish family. 
Jewdas never once bothers to put this ‘anti-Semitism’ nonsense in the context of  how Zionism uses it as a political weapon against their adversaries (including themselves) nor relating this to the privileged existence of British Jews.  Nor do they ask how it is that Arkush and co. can be so worked up about the ‘anti-Semitism’ of anti-Zionists and the Left and so remarkably unconcerned about the real Jew hatred of Israel’s friends like Hungary’s Viktor Orban, or the Polish Law & Justice Party to say nothing of the anti-Semitic attacks against George Soros as the archetypal Jewish financier.
The privileged nature of British Jewry, which is concentrated in the middle class suburbs of London is taken for granted.  Not once is the class position of British Jewry today related to this concern over ‘anti-Semitism’ and what the latter might actually mean.  Anti-Semitism is a signifier for other things yet there is a poverty of ideas in Jewdas.
The reality is, despite the schmaltzy looking back to the days of Jewish radicalism which they and other Jewish groups engage in, there is no going back.  The large Jewish working class of the East End, in which a multiplicity of radical, socialist and anarchist groups thrived, where there were unemployed groups, 30 Jewish trade unions, anti-fascists, rent strikes and communists cannot now be recreated. The Jewish working class has died and with it the tradition of Jewish radicalism.  All that is left are faint echoes of which Jewdas, is a remnant. 
In days of old Poale Zion was a fragment that mainly existed amongst middle class Jewry.  Its successor calls itself the Jewish Labour Movement at a time when there is no Jewish labour movement.  They consist either of right-wing non-Jews in Progress or anti-socialist Jews who have decided that the Labour Party is too important to leave it to the supporters of Palestine. When there was a Jewish labour movement it was decidedly anti-Zionist.  Todays JLM is a living insult to the memory and traditions of the Jewish working class. When the JLM voted by 92-4% for Owen Smith against Jeremy Corbyn in 2016 I wondered how it was that Corbyn had gained 4%.
Idiot Labour MP Angela Smith can't even spell the word Seder
Like most people I enjoyed the discomfiture of the Board of Deputies over the Jewdas Passover (Seder) meal with Jeremy Corbyn in attendance.  The frothing at the mouth reaction of firstly Guido Fawkes, the Tory Blogger and then Arkush was an added treat, to say nothing of idiot MP Angela Smith who condemned Jeremy Corbyn for attending a ‘Seber’!
Jewdas are not even the equivalent of IfNotNow, a radical Jewish groupin the USA. IfNotNow it was whose picket of the Zionist Organisation of America in 2016 persuaded Steve Bannon, Trump’s fascist friend to stay away.  IFNotNow has undertaken a whole series of pickets and events aimed at targeting American Jewish politicians’ support for Israel over Gaza.  Seven were arrestedinvading Senator Charles Schumer’s office and 9 were arrestedobstructing the entrance to Senator Dianne Feinstein’s office. Jewdas has done nothing comparable at all.
That was why I was outraged when on Twitter Geoffrey Cohen @geoffreyJewdas extended ‘solidarity and respect to @lucianaberger @ruthsmeeth and @johnmannMP who shared their personal experiences of anti-Semitism in the House of Commons today.  It’s not easy and they must not be dismissed.’
This was in reaction to a tweet from Luciana Berger praising her own ‘bravery’.  This debate, staged by the Tories in order to enable the Labour Right to attack Corbyn and the Labour leadership was a reactionary racist pageant.  We had the obscene spectacle of Tories applauding Labour traitors and ‘anti-Semitism’ was the means by which these racists did it.  Those who had deported and removed citizenship from the Windrush children were now overcome with tears at the ‘anti-Semitism’ that Smeeth and Berger had experienced. 
This debate and the nauseating speeches of Luciana Berger, Ruth Smeeth and John Mann led directly to the expulsion of Black anti-racist activist Mark Wadsworth.
I messaged Geoff twice but he was too arrogant to respond, hence this post.  Jewdas clearly have no sense or understanding of how ‘anti-Semitism’ has been used, not least against Jews like myself and Jackie Walker.  Indeed Jewdas have attacked Jackie Walker, a Black-Jewish socialist in terms not dissimilar to the vile racist abuse she has suffered at the hands of the JLM and their supporters.   They have also attacked Ken Livingstone for speaking the truth to power.
Smeeth and Berger are despicable racists. The emails they have received have largely been abusive not anti-Semitic.  This has been a consequence of their own support for Israel’s murderous behaviour.  I am more concerned about the 40+ deaths of unarmed Palestinians in the West Bank or the incarceration for 8 months of a 16 year old girl Ahed Tamimi than Smeeth being told she is a racist scumbag.
Judging by the 10 messages Smeeth read out only one was explicitly anti-Semitic.  Whilst I don’t condone the use of anti-Semitic language, the real crime is her support for Israel’s apartheid policies not the abuse she has received. Smeeth was a paid worker with BICOM, the Israeli propaganda group.  She is a Zionist shill not a victim of anti-Semitism.
Jewdas’s comments fit squarely with Jewish privilege and exceptionalism.  What matters is not Palestinians under the heel of a state which calls itself ‘Jewish’ and which the British Jewish leadership helps to support but ‘anti-Semitism’.   Pass the sick bag Alice.
As for praising John Mann (who is not Jewish) that must obviously be one of those parodies for which Jewdas is justly famous.  Mann is perhaps the most odious of all Labour’s MPs and he has stiff competition.  I copy below the experiences of Amira Hass at Angela Smith’s ‘seber’.
Tony Greenstein
The organizers define themselves as anti-Zionist Jews, or non-Zionist, or just Jews; most of them didn't know that Corbyn was invited and when he came he didn't act like the leader nor they like the led

Amira Hass (Hackney, London)
Apr 06, 2018 9:33 AM
The Labour Party's Jeremy Corbyn attending an alternative Passover seder held by the radical Jewish group Jewdas in Hackney, London. Guido Fawkes
HACKNEY, LONDON  On Tuesday morning, at 7:30 A.M. Gaza time or 5:30 A.M. in London, I awoke to a headline on the popular Israeli news site Ynet: “Britain: Corbyn attends event of group that called for Israel’s destruction.” Given that I had left that very event seven and a half hours earlier, I can say wholeheartedly that the headline should have read: “Corbyn brings the bitter herbs to alternative seder in London.”
Jeremy Corbyn grows horseradish in his garden allotment. Slivers of the pungent root he brought were added to the maror, the bitter herbs, waiting in white plastic cups on round tables in the hall below St. Peter’s Church de Beauvoir, Hackney. These bitter herbs, a glass of whiskey before (begging pardon from my Muslim friends and Jewish friends who keep kosher) and songs in my father’s tongue, Yiddish, destroyed the flu germs that had ruined part of my vacation.
I lost the chance to publish the breaking news about the Labour leader’s healing horseradish because the organizers of the event explicitly asked the 100 participants not to tweet, report in real time on social media, or take photos. Last Monday’s was a private event, and nobody wanted paparazzi to pop up. Even so, somebody was evidently taking photos surreptitiously. Since the photos reached a right-wing British blogger, of all people, who immediately uploaded them to the internet with his distorted interpretation, one would assume that the unknown photographer was a mole planted in advance with a contrarian agenda. In the coming hours, the inaccurate, selective information that the blogger disseminated drove headlines hostile to Corbyn, in social and formal media, occupying more cyberspace than had been devoted to the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza a few days earlier.
The blog claimed that Corbyn had contributed beet roots to the seder; a simple journalistic inquiry would have shown the roots’ color to be very different. The blogger also said he had a recording of people present at the meal booing when the names of two leaders on the Board of Deputies of British Jews were mentioned (or, as the seder participants put it, “Bored of Deputies”). It is true that there were catcalls, but it’s only partially true. There was much longer booing when Ken Livingstone’s name came up – a former mayor of London and Labourite who had been suspended from the party after saying that Hitler supported Zionism.
The people behind the catcalls and the organizers of the seder define themselves as anti-Zionist Jews, or non-Zionist, or just Jews. They belong to the Jewdas Group – Radical Voices for an Alternative Diaspora, founded in 2005 by young people seeking to reflect socialist-minded Judaism in independent ways, and seeing the Bund as a model.
They seek to free themselves of the identification of Jews with Israel, without conceding their right to criticize Israel’s policy against the Palestinians. They spell the organization’s name Jewdas to remove any doubt that they are Jews, but it’s pronounced like Judas, the ultimate symbol of betrayal in Christian tradition. That symbol nourished 2,000 years of Christian anti-Semitism.
The choice of a name that sounds like the most hated symbol in the eyes of the group’s non-Jewish environment suffices to grasp Jewdas’ nature – provocative, delighting in tongue-in-cheek statements and in needling history and mythology and religion. Its members, atheist and observant and all that’s in between, hang around in radical leftist and pro-Palestinian circles and flaunt their Judaism proudly, including by wearing yarmulkes and Stars of David.
In 2014, Jewdas published a guide for how to criticize Israel while also being aware that anti-Semitism exists and avoiding the trap of anti-Semitic stereotypes and prejudices. In September 2016, it published a Facebook post urging that Livingstone be sent into space “for his own good and everybody else’s, because he won’t shut up, so we are sending him to space where nobody will hear him.” This was interpreted by non-Jews as a call to oust him from the party.
Jewdas members participate in demonstrations against the extreme right and neo-Nazis, Islamophobia and economic austerity. They party a lot, because being Jewish is fun, and have taken trips to former centers of Diaspora Jewry like Andalusia and Marseilles in what they call “Birthwrong” – as a counter to the Zionist “Birthright” trips to Israel.
Most of the people at the alternative seder were young; many belonged to the LGBT community. Some wouldn’t be considered Jews under traditional Jewish law. Two – a man and a woman – are studying for the rabbinate. Some work as cantors despite not having been formally trained. One couple, who looked Indian, saw the gathering as they walked by and were invited to join, since the Haggadah says, “Let all who are hungry come and eat.”
The seder included a prayer for the release of prisoners and the return of refugees. Participants sang a Yiddish hymn whose author, Shmerke Kaczerginski, dedicated it to the young fighters of the Vilna Ghetto; one elderly participant reminded all that the Warsaw Ghetto revolt began on Pesach eve. The Jewdas Haggadah also included Bella Ciao, an Italian partisan song in Yiddish translation. Also included was Rachel Bloom’s poem “remember that we suffered,” and its immortal words: “have we mentioned hitler?” In addition, they sang “The Internationale” in English and Hebrew. Corbyn joined in, or at least lip-synched.
They enacted a neoliberal dialogue in English between Pharaoh and his CEO over how to increase Egypt’s profits. The answer: Stop paying the workers. Corbyn laughed with everybody else. Each table was asked to propose ways of fighting Pharaoh. One table parodied a purist, isolationist left. Corbyn laughed in open delight. Others said humor alone wouldn’t topple capitalism; the slaves had to form a union that would declare a general strike in Egypt.
There were good jokes and bad ones, including what seemed (at least to older participants) like excessive and infantile use of the word “fuck.” The price was five British pounds per person, not including wine, grape juice or matzah, which everyone was supposed to bring for themselves. The church was paid 230 pounds for use of its hall. One member worked for three days to prepare vegan food for everyone, using Persian recipes she learned at home.
Most participants, including several organizers, didn’t know that one member of the group had invited Corbyn; they were surprised when he arrived with his wife Laura. He didn’t act like the leader and they didn’t act like the led.
Corbyn said the blessing over Elijah’s Cup, as written in the Jewdas Haggadah: “Legend has it that the prophet Elijah will come at some point to announce the coming of the messiah. We fill up the cup and open the door just in case Eli is outside waiting. As radical Jews, we understand ‘the Messiah’ as ‘the messianic age’ or ‘redemption’ or ‘revolution.’ So let’s fill this cup with the hope that socialism and revolution will be upon us soon.”
The seder table also had a Miriam’s Cup, “to remind ourselves of the women whose stories are often hidden from the seder, and everyone who is oppressed in a patriarchal society.” And there was a Geoffrey’s Cup – named for the group’s imaginary spokesman “Geoffrey Cohen” – “as a symbol of our struggle with the Jewish establishment.”
Last year’s Haggadah included a “prayer against the state of Israel” by “Geoffrey,” which urged, “Please god smash the state of Israel. Smash it in the abundance of your love and judge it.” Jewdas members believe this is what led the blogger to assert that it called for Israel’s destruction, and thus to suggest that Corbyn’s participation in the seder was evidence of either anti-Semitism or blindness to it.
According to the British media, however, the blogger based himself on a December 2017 tweet which said, “Israel is a steaming pile of sewage which needs to be properly disposed of.” Of this quote, one Jewdas member said, “That was surely some nonsense that somebody tweeted in anger.”
Tuesday morning, Corbyn’s participation in this non-Zionist Jewish seder was indeed depicted as further evidence of his insensitivity to anti-Semitism. As evidence it was mentioned that this dissident Jewish group even dared to claim that the recent organized protest against anti-Semitism in Labour stemmed less from a desire to fight anti-Semitism than from a desire to oust Labour’s elected leader because he’s a socialist and supports Palestinian rights.
But later in the day, the tone changed, as people stopped relying on the blogger and instead investigated the details for themselves and studied Jewdas’ history. The organization received additional donations, and one person wrote on its Facebook page, “I had never heard of Jewdas before Monday but now  I think I’ve found my people.”

Stan Keable - Suspended for Expressing his Opinion on Zionism - Welcome to Stephen Cowan's Thought Police in Hammersmith & Fulham Council

How Equalities Policies are Used to Deny Free Speech & Human Rights

On March 26th, as part of the wholly contrived campaign against Jeremy Corbyn, which blew up around a long erased, allegedly anti-Semitic, mural various Zionist organisations organised their first ‘anti-racist’ demonstration outside Parliament.  It is worth noting that over 2 years ago the Jewish Chronicle was far more tentative, describing the mural as having ‘anti-Semitic undertones.’  Fast forward to today and the same Jewish Chronicle was clear that ‘its intent was obvious’.

This must have been the first anti-racist demonstration that the bigots of the anti-Catholic DUP had attended. We even had our old friend Norman Tebbit there.  Tebbit was previously known for devising the ‘cricket test’ to ascertain whether Pakistani and Indian immigrants were really British, according to which, if someone supported the Indian or Pakistani cricket team then they weren’t really British.

A counter-demonstration was also called by Jewish Voice for Labour and about 200 people, including supporters of Labour Against the Witchhunt rallied to the banner of Jews who believed that the fake anti-Semitism campaign was more about defending Israel and getting rid of Corbyn than anti-Semitism.
Lucy Dawidowic's War Against the Jews - the SS consciously favoured the Zionists
Lucy Dawidowic's War Against the Jews - the SS consciously favoured the Zionists
One of the demonstrators was Stan Keable, the Secretary of LAW. As Stan went around handing out leaflets he got into a conversation with some Zionist supporters and into a conversation about the Holocaust and anti-Semitism. During this conversation Stan made his views clear that the Holocaust wasn’t only caused by anti-Semitism (obvious it wasn’t – anti-Semitism has existed since time immemorial), that the basis of Zionism was that Jews didn’t belong in the countries of their birth and further that the Zionist movement had collaborated with the Nazi in the period leading up to the Holocaust.
David Grossman - BBC Newsnight's Skunk of a Journalist
This is the distortion that one comes to expect from a BBC 'journalist' - from the school of Tory Kuensberg
Unknown to Stan BBC Newsnight editor David Grossman had secretly recorded the conversation and it wasn’t long before it was in the public domain and on social media.  The result of this quite innocuous conversation was big headlines in papers like The Standardand Jewish Chronicle, articles in that well-known anti-racist paper the Daily Mail on-line.  The next day local Tory MP, Greg Hands sent a tweet out demanding action against Stan and he followed this up with a letter to Steve Cowan, leader of Hammersmith and Fulham Council, Stan’s employer, demanding action.
Note how Greg Hands has elided comments made in Parliament Square to 'anti-semitism' at Hammersmith - Stephen Cowan could and should have told him to get lost 
Greg Hands ties in the 'antisemitism' crisis (what crisis?) with Momentum
It has to be said that the BBC’s David Grossman behaviour is akin to a syphilitic ulcer. Utterly reprehensible behaviour by this skunk of a human being.  It’s just a pity that there are no more job opportunities left as a Stasi informer.

How Equality Policies are used to clamp down on democratic debate and the free exchange of opinions - everything is 'offensive'
Stan has been suspended for the past month for making ‘offensive comments’ likely to be in breach of the Equality Act 2010.   And of course these comments ‘have the potential to bring the Council into disrepute.’  Because you always need a catch-all charge, plumbed from the depths of McCarthyism if you don’t have anything substantive.

Freedom of Speech

You don’t have to be a follower of Voltaire or Socrates or to have read John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty to understand that inherent in freedom of speech is the right to offend or shock. That one cannot discuss one’s opinions with one’s fellows in a public space without a servile member of the BBC Newsnight’s Thought Police recording you, only to denounce your opinions with all the fervour of a moser, is in itself shocking. 
Steven Cowan - Reactionary Leader of Hammersmith/Fulham Council
It is no surprise that Stephen Cowan, the Leader of Hammersmith & Fulham Council, being a paid up member of Labour’s Right, should seek to excommunicate and dismiss Stan Keable for daring to voice a dissenting opinion.

After all it is received wisdom amongst our rulers (but precious few others) that Zionism is a good thing, Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East and that kosher pigs fly.  In that order.  To dare to voice an opinion on Zionism that runs counter to the accepted narrative risks incurring the wrath of robotic council bureaucrats and mindless pen pushers with the claque of equal opportunist hangers on trailing behind.

As Jodie Ginsberg wrotein the wake of the Charlie Hebdo shootings and the murder of a Danish filmmaker by jihadists, ‘the right to free speech means nothing without the right to offend.  If all you have the right to do is to utter platitudes then free speech is meaningless.’

If Corbyn should be hauled over the coals, it is not for failing to tackle a non-existent ‘anti-Semitism’ but in his failure to stand up for his friend Ken Livingstone.  When Livingstone said that Hitler ‘supported Zionism’ then he was doing no more than speaking an uncomfortable truth about an ideology and movement that has led to millions of refugees, thousands of deaths and a series of never ending wars and that is just in Palestine.  It is a fact that during the War the Zionist was opposed to the rescue of Jews if the destination was not Palestine.
Lucy Dawidowicz on the Haavara agreement between the Nazis and Zionists
The fact that Livingstone was essentially correct is almost irrelevant.  It is an indisputable fact that on 10th August 1933 the German Zionist  Federation and the Palestinian Jewish Agency signed an economic trade agreement, Ha'avara, with the Nazi state, that helped destroy the Jewish led international boycott of Nazi Germany.

It is also a fact, as Zionist historian Lucy Dawidowic wrote, that on 28th January 1935 Reinhardt Heydrich issued a directive stating: ‘the activity of the Zionist-oriented youth organizations that are engaged in the occupational restructuring of the Jews for agriculture and manual trades prior to their emigration to Palestine lies in the interest of the National Socialist state’s leadership.’ These organisations therefore ‘are not to be treated with that strictness that it is necessary to apply to the members of the so-called German-Jewish organizations (assimilationists)’. [Lucy Dawidowicz, War Against the Jews, pp.118, and Francis Nicosia, Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, p.119]  It is also a fact that another Zionist historian, David Cesarani, in his book The Final Solution noted that ‘the efforts of the Gestapo are oriented to promoting Zionism as much as possible and lending support to its efforts to further emigration.’
How do you 'discredit' a Council anymore than it is already discredited?
Stan was also accused of breaching the Equality Act because he said that according to Zionism Jews are not acceptable here

Perhaps Alexander and Claude Montefiore, Presidents respectively of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and of the Anglo-Jewish Association, were also anti-Semitic (because that is what is really being alleged) when on 24th May 1917 they wrote a letter to the Times protesting against political Zionism which said that the:

“…establishment of a Jewish nationality in Palestine, founded on the theory of Jewish homelessness, must have the effect throughout the world of stamping the Jews as strangers in their native lands and of undermining their hard-won positions as citizens and nationals of those lands.

It might be true but it is 'offensive'
Likewise LucienWolf,a leadingmemberoftheConjointForeignCommitteeofBritishJews,wroteaworriedlettertoJamesdeRothschild,datedAugust31 1916 concerning the efforts to form an alliance between British imperialism and the Zionist movement: Wolf declared that:

‘theZionistsdonotmerelyproposetoformandestablishaJewishnationalityinPalestine,butthattheyclaimalltheJewsasformingatthepresentmomentaseparateanddispossessed nationality, forwhichitisnecessarytofind anorganicpoliticalcentre,becausetheyareandmustalwaysbealiensinthelandsinwhichtheynowdwelland,moreespecially,becauseitis‘anabsoluteselfdelusion’tobelievethatanyJewcanbeatonce‘EnglishbynationalityandJewishbyfaith.  Ihavespentmostofmylifeincombatingtheseverydoctrines,whenpresentedtomeintheformofanti-Semitism,andIcanonlyregardthemasthemoredangerouswhentheycometomeintheguiseofZionism.’

When Stan Keable was repeating the above he was no more breaching the Equalities Act than someone who exercises their right to free speech at Speakers Corner.  The temerity and cowardice of the sycophants and petty bureaucrats of Hammersmith Council is a wonder to behold.

Did Stan Keable Breach the Equality Act 2010

If anyone deserves to be dismissed for gross misconduct it is the idiot(s) who were responsible for the Disciplinary Investigation Into Allegations Against Stan Keable.  It is difficult to believe that trained HR Professionals can come up with such utter nonsense.  One wonders whether it ever passed the eye of a lawyer in Hammersmith and Fulham Council.  If Steve Cowan were to spend less time plotting to appease Greg Hands and more on the Council he is leader of then he might ensure that their HR Department was fit for purpose.

The suggestion that debating an issue such as Zionism is a breach of the Equality Act is for the birds.  The Introduction to the Act, which sets out its purpose is quite clear.  It is an Act whose purpose is

‘to reform and harmonise equality law...  to enable certain employers to be required to publish information about the differences in pay between male and female employees; to prohibit victimisation in certain circumstances; to require the exercise of certain functions to be with regard to the need to eliminate discrimination and other prohibited conduct... to increase equality of opportunity; to amend the law relating to rights and responsibilities in family relationships; and for connected purposes.’

There is nothing in the Act about restricting freedom of speech or disciplining people who make comments unpopular with Britain’s yellow press or its obsequious journalists. The key paragraph in the charges against Stan are contained in Paragraph 5.2 which states:
This is the level of idiocy - the allegation about Zionist collaboration with the Nazis has nothing to do with whether or not Zionism is 'at the centre' of Judaism - which incidentally breaches the IHRA definition of antisemitism that you can't blame Jews for Israel!
The idiot who wrote this never once thought to ask whether challenging someone's belief, not discriminating on the basis of that belief, is a breach of the Equalities Act
Whoever wrote this clearly does not understand what a Protected Characteristic is - it doesn't imply protection from criticism but discrimination
The question as to whether or not Stan Keable’s comments breach the Equalities Act may hinge on an interpretation of what constitutes ‘belief’ under the terms of the Act... One of these [protected] characteristics is “religion and belief”. Zionism is not a religion, although it is closely related to Judaism, but it is a belief in the right of the Jewish people to have a nation state in the ‘Holy Land’, their original homeland. Legal advice, obtained as part of this investigation, states that case law has established that the definition of belief can extend to political beliefs. If Zionism constitutes a ‘belief’ under the terms of the Equality Act then the statements by Stan Keable that the Zionist movement collaborated with the Nazis and that it accepted that “Jews are not acceptable here” might be deemed to have breached the Equality Act.

Leave aside the nonsense about Zionism being ‘closely related to Judaism’ or that Israel/Palestine is the ‘original homeland’ of the Jews (a popular anti-Semitic misconception of the Evangelical Christians who wanted to send the Jews back) there is a fundamental flaw in the above passage which any child of above average intelligence should be able to spot. 
Equality Act Section 13
Zionism probably is a philosophical belief under s.10 of the Equality Act. But then so is anti-Zionism. However it is not the protected characteristics of Zionism’s believers which is at stake but those of Stan. Protected characteristics are not a free floating cause of action but they are tied to specific acts such as discrimination, harassment and victimisation. The Act is quite specific. Section 13(1) says for example that

(1)             A person (A) discriminates against another (B) if, because of a protected characteristic, A treats B less favourably than A treats or would treat others.

It should be obvious to any fool, though clearly not to those trying to persecute Stan Keable that debating a topic in the open air or in a pub does not infringe your adversaries rights or treat him less favourably. By saying that the Nazis and Zionists collaborated at certain times, no one is being discriminated against.  Stan was not in any contractual or employment relationship with his adversaries.

BUT in suspending and seeking to dismiss Stan, it is Hammersmith Council which is guilty of breaching the Equality Act because it is Stan who they are discriminating against on the grounds of his Religion or Belief.  The failure to understand this simple but obvious point is quite staggering.

There is no single definition of what constitutes a religious or philosophical belief but the case of Grainger plc & others v Nicholson set out some guidelines. There must be:
  • A genuinely held belief.
  • A belief and not an opinion
  • A belief as to a weight and substantial aspect of human life and behaviour
  • The belief must have a certain level of cogency, seriousness, coherency, and importance
  • The belief must be worthy of respect in a democratic society, not be incompatible with human dignity, and not conflict with the fundamental rights of others
If Stan Keable were to be dismissed then almost certainly he would have been directly dismissed because of his philosophical belief, i.e. anti-Zionism.  In addition to being unfairly dismissed he would also have suffered a detriment.

The fool who complied the Council’s Report states (Para. 5.6) that

in attending the counter demonstration at Westminster on 26th March and in making the comments that subsequently appeared on social media, Mr Keable has failed to avoid any conduct outside of work which may discredit himself and the Council.’
The only conclusion from this piece of idiocy is that Council employees must not take part in protests, demonstrations or any other political activity
Under recommendations (Paragraph 7.1) we have this little gem, the product of the kind of bureaucratic mind that diligently produced ID cards that were nigh impossible to forge in Nazi Occupied Netherlands (thus condemning thousands of Jews to death): 

That, in attending a counter demonstration outside the Houses of Parliament on the 26th March 2018, Stan Keable knowingly increased the possibility of being challenged about his views and subsequently proceeded to express views that were in breach of the Council’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and the Council’s Code of Conduct (‘Working with integrity’ and ‘Working with the media’).
Have you ever heard such a pathetic, cringing, ingratiating formulation?  That in attending a demonstration Stan ‘knowingly increased the possibility of being challenged about his views...’

What kind of pathetic wretch of a human being is capable of formulating this nonsense?  Whoever wrote this drivel should be sent on an extended course on basic civil liberties, the Human Rights Act, the Equality Act and for good measure a civics course explaining why protest is legitimate in a democracy.

We should be under no illusions that the product of the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign of groups like Labour Friends of Israel and the Jewish Labour Movement, where people are made to feel guilty about saying a word out of place, at the very same time that unarmed Palestinians in Gaza are being gunned down in cold blood, is to make people afraid that they might say something ‘anti-Semitic’. The McCarthyist campaign of Israel’s shills and propagandist organisations – such as Luke Akehurst’s We Believe in Israel, is to exert a chilling effect on democratic debate. 

If this Report is accepted by Hammersmith Council and Stan is dismissed, then mere attendance at a demonstration will be a potential breach of one’s employment contract. Because of course there is always likely to be press coverage of a demonstration and, horror of horrors, one might even feature in that coverage.

Clearly the fawning fools who drew up the Report are also unaware of Schedule 1 of the 1998 Human Rights Act which incorporates the European Convention on Human Rights into British law. 

Article 10 Freedom of Expression states:
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers.
Article 11 Freedom of Assembly and Associationbegins:
Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
Closely allied to these is Article 9 on Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion.  If it is disappointing that a Labour Council is prepared to trample over the most basic human rights in order to appease the Israel lobby, then the reaction of UNISON and its London Organiser, Steve Terry, have been no better.  He has been obstructive, incapable of acknowledging the issues at stake and has suggested that if Stan didn’t apologise (for what?) then he would sit in on the disciplinary as a ‘silent representative’.  The poverty of intellect of a union bureaucrat is nearly equal to that of their council counterparts. Clearly Steve doesn’t understand that UNISON officials are paid to represent and support their members.
I have no doubt, having considerable experience of both Employment Tribunals and the Employment Appeal Tribunal, that in the event of Stan being dismissed he will win any subsequently case because not even the most conformist and timid Tribunal will accept that going on a demonstration and airing one’s views in public constitute a breach of the Equality Act or one’s contract.  What is truly pathetic is that Steve Cowan and the Labour Council don’t understand this.

Why the Head of the SS's Jewish Desk, Baron von Mildenstein and top German Zionist official Kurt Tuchler went visited and stayed in Palestine together


When the Zionist Movement was eager to work with the Nazis

My eye was caught by this interesting article that appeared on Ynet, the on-line version of Israel’s largest newspaper, Yediot Aharanot, on 21stJanuary 2018.

When History Today published, in January 1980 a front page article, ‘A Nazi Travels to Palestine’ there was uproar from the Zionists in Britain.  The last thing these people wanted was a reminder of the days when Zionists and Nazis were the best of friends.

This particular episode concerns the visit that the head of the Jewish desk at the SS, Baron von Mildenstein paid to Jewish Palestine in the company of Kurt Tuchler of the German Zionist Federation together with their wives.

After the ascent of Hitler to power the Zionist Federation of Germany [ZVfD] had focussed on winning over the Nazis to the Zionist cause.

On 21st June 1933 the ZfVD sent a memo to Hitler explaining that there was an ideological congruity between Nazi and Zionist ideology.  Although they don’t like to admit it now, the fact is that there was little disagreement between the Nazis who argued that Jews were not part of the German Volk (people) and the Zionists who agreed that the Jews formed a separate people.
This headline of the Daily Express, was quoted by the Nazis to portray the Jews 'declaring war' on the Nazis rather than the other way around.  It is reminiscent of Israeli propaganda which portrays attacks on the Palestinians as being a question of Israeli 'self-defence'
 In their memorandum the ZVfD wrote: 
On the foundation of the new state, which has established the principle of race, we wish so to fit our community into the total structure so that for us too, in the sphere assigned to us, fruitful activity for the Fatherland is possible... Our acknowledgement of Jewish nationality provides for a clear and sincere relationship to the German people and its national and racial realities. Precisely because we do not wish to falsify these fundamentals, because we, too, are against mixed marriage and are for maintaining the purity of the Jewish group... 
Cartoon in the Zionist Press concerning Ha’avara — ‘don’t worry Hitler, the Jews of Palestine are helping you.’

. . . fidelity to their own kind and their own culture gives Jews the inner strength that prevents insult to the respect for the national sentiments and the imponderables of German nationality; and rootedness in one's own spirituality protects the Jew from becoming the rootless critic of the national foundations of German essence. The national distancing which the state desires would thus be brought about easily as the result of an organic development.
Thus, a self-conscious Jewry here described, in whose name we speak, can find a place in the structure of the German state, because it is inwardly unembarrassed, free from the resentment which assimilated Jews must feel at the determination that they belong to Jewry, to the Jewish race and past. We believe in the possibility of an honest relationship of loyalty between a group - conscious Jewry and the German state... 
John Mann the boorish MP who hectored Ken Livingstone for mentioning Nazi support for the Zionists

The Nazi state and the Zionist Jewish Agency struck a deal to destroy the Jewish boycott of Nazi Germany - when Ken Livingstone referred to this he was called an antisemite
 For its practical aims, Zionism hopes to be able to win the collaboration even of a government fundamentally hostile to Jews, because in dealing with the Jewish question no sentimentalities are involved but a real problem whose solution interests all peoples, and at the present moment especially the German people. 
The realisation of Zionism could only be hurt by resentment of Jews abroad against the German development. Boycott propaganda —such as is currently being carried on against Germany in many ways-- is in essence un-Zionist, because Zionism wants not to do battle but to convince and to build... Our observations, presented herewith, rest on the conviction that, in solving the Jewish problem according to its own lights, the German Government will have full understanding for a candid and clear Jewish posture that harmonizes with the interests of the state.’
The full memo can be found in Lucy Dawidowicz’s Holocaust Reader pp. 150-153.

Rabbi Prinz, one of the leaders of the German Zionists, wrote a book Wir Juden in 1934 when he explained their attitude when Hitler came to power.  At the time the vast majority of Jews reacted wit horror to the rise to power of the Nazis.  Almost immediately an international Jewish boycott of Nazi Germany took hold and began to be organised.  The main element in the Jewish community opposed to this boycott, apart from the bourgeois Jewish leaders, were the Zionists.  They wanted to make deals with Nazi Germany not fight it which is why at the Zionist Congress of 1933 in Prague there was no resolution condemning the Nazis.  Prinz wrote:
‘(The Jews) have been drawn out of the last recesses of christening and mixed marriages. We are not unhappy about it... The theory of assimilation has collapsed. We are no longer hidden in secret recesses. We want to replace assimilation by something new: the declaration of belonging to the Jewish nation and the Jewish race. A state, built according to the principles of purity of the nation and race can only be honoured and respected by a Jew who declares his belonging to his own kind.’

Prinz admitted that:

“It was morally disturbing to seem to be considered as the favoured children of the Nazi Government, particularly when it dissolved the anti-Zionist youth groups, and seemed in other ways to prefer the Zionists. The Nazis asked for a 'more Zionist behaviour.” [Joachim Prinz, Zionism under the Nazi Government, Young Zionist (London, November 1937), p.18]

Berl Katznelson, a founder of Mapai and editor of its paper Davar second only to Ben Gurion, saw the rise of Hitler as “an opportunity to build and flourish like none we have ever had or ever will have”. [Francis Nicosia, Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, p.91. Tom Segev, The 7th Million p.18 attributes this quote to a report by Moshe Beilinson, a cofounder of Davar, to Katznelson.

The attitude to the Nazis by the Zionists was businesslike throughout the war.  In particular the Zionists opposed any place of safety for German Jews if that place was not Palestine.  Ben Gurion summed up this attitude after Krystalnacht, when the British offered 10,000 places for German Jewish children in what becamse known as the Kindertransport.  The Zionists were opposed to this.  Why can’t they be taken to Palestine was their cry, knowing full well that the Arabs were opposed to the horrors in Germany being used as a pretext for building up the Zionist settlement in Palestine.
David Ben-Gurion, Chair of the Jewish Agency and first Prime Minister of Israel - placed the 'history of the People of Israel' above the rescue of Jewish children from the Holocaust

In a speech to Mapai’s Central Committee on 9th December 1938, Ben Gurion said:

‘If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England, and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Yisrael, then I would opt for the second alternative. For we must weigh not only the life of these children, but also the history of the People of Israel.’ [Yoav Gelber, Zionist policy and the fate of European Jewry 1939-42, Yad Vashem Studies, Vol. 12.] 
Anti-semitic cartoon in Goebbel's Der Angriff which accompanied the articles by Mildenstein
 Baron von Mildenstein was particularly favourable to Zionism, seeing it as the solution to the ‘Jewish problem.’  The consequence of the visit and the favourable impression he had gained of these nationalist Jews was that he penned a series of 12 articles in Goebbel’s paper, Der Angriff in 1934.  The Nazis were so pleased by the visit that they struck a coin to commemorate the visit with a Star of David on one side and a swastika on the other.

The unique, juxtaposing coin, sold in a recent Israeli auction, contains the remarkable story about an unlikely friendship between two Germans—a Jew and a Nazi—and about the forgotten moment in history when it might have still been possible to save the Jews of Europe from extermination.

Itay Ilnai, 21 January 2018 

The auction organized by Israeli collectors’ house CollecTodo several days ago was unusual. On the occasion of the 10th of Tevet fast day, which was selected by the Chief Rabbinate as the general Kaddish day in memory of the victims of the Holocaust, a number of historic relics from that period were offered for sale.
They included an oil painting created at the Theresienstadt concentration camp, a prayer for the Jews of Europe composed by then-Chief Rabbi Isaac Herzog, and documents related to the murder of Rudolf Israel Kastner.

The most unique item, however, was a small brass coin—just 3.5 centimeters in diameter. One side of the coin features a Star of David surrounded by a caption in German. The other side is engraved with a swastika, the Nazi party’s symbol.
The coin the Nazis struck One side features a Star of David, the other side is engraved with a swastika
At the end of a bidding battle, the unique coin was sold for $850 to a Jewish American collector, whose identity was kept secret.

 “The people who competed for the medallion didn’t do it for financial reasons,” says Anat Katz-Harari, the owner of the collectors’ house, who organized the online auction. “But they did seem very insistent, unwilling to give up, and kept raising the price. In my opinion, it’s completely emotional. They wanted the medallion because they feel connected to its story.”

The news about the coin with the spine-tingling combination between a Star of David and a swastika stirred a row in certain circles. Jewish American blogger Richard Silverstein, for example, implied on Facebook that the coin was proof of the cooperation between Zionism and Nazism, which he said was being silenced and denied. Others saw it as blasphemy.

The real story behind this unbelievable collector’s item, however, seems to be a reflection of a forgotten moment in history when it might have still been possible to save the Jews of Europe from extermination. It’s also a story about a government mouthpiece, which was backed by one of the most successful propagandists in history, Joseph Goebbels. Above all, it’s a story about a brave friendship between two Germans—a Jew and a Nazi.

In a car from Germany to Palestine

It may be slightly difficult to understand today, but in the beginning of the Nazi rule in Germany, way before anyone could have imagined the horrors that would be committed by the German people, there were some Zionist Jews who saw Hitler’s political doctrine as an advantage. The Nazis didn’t conceal their desire to get rid of Germany’s Jews, and some Zionists saw it as an opportunity to boost the rate of Jewish immigration from Germany to the British Mandate of Palestine. One of them was Dr. Kurt Tuchler, a German Jewish judge and an active member of the Zionist Federation of Germany.

Even before Adolf Hitler was named Chancellor, the Federation decided to contact Nazi Party officials who they thought might support the Zionist goal. Tuchler turned to Leopold von Mildenstein, who was in charge of the Jewish Desk at the in the security service of the SS and was known for his journalistic writing.

 “In those years, Mildenstein became famous for his travel stories,” says filmmaker Arnon Goldfinger, Tuchler’s grandson.
Joseph Goebbels, the Reich's minister of propaganda (Photo: Getty Images)

Tuchler sought to join Mildenstein on a trip to the Land of Israel, which was still under British rule at the time, in a bid to suggest the place as an attractive destination for Jews. “He wanted to keep him company and influence him to write his travel story from a Zionist perspective,” Goldfinger explains. “He saw it as a mission.”

And so in the spring of 1933, Tuchler and Mildenstein got in a car with their wives (who were both called Gerda) and embarked on a journey from Germany to the Land of Israel.

Mildenstein returned from Palestine excited by what he saw. In his writings, he described how Jews were working the land, drying up swamps and fulfilling the Zionist idea, and praised Zionism for benefiting both the Jews and the world.
The Reich’s minister of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, was also very keen about the narrative presented by Mildenstein. As horrible and unbelievable as it may seem from our perspective, the story Mildenstein brought from Palestine matched not only the Zionist stance but also the Nazi one. The bottom line of his articles was clear: Zionism is a way of solving Germany’s “Jewish problem.”
Goebbels used Nazi mouthpiece Der Angriff ("The Attack" in English), which he had set up in 1927, to convey this insight to the Germans. In 1934, the newspaper published a series of 12 articles by Mildenstein titled “A Nazi travels to Palestine.” Goebbels likely saw the series as his newspaper’s flagship project, using it as a means of advertising.

As part of the project, the Nazi Party produced a series of small brass coins. One side of the coins featured a Star of David with the caption “A Nazi travels to Palestine,” and the other side featured a swastika with the newspaper’s name, Angriff. These coins, used to promote the “Zionist” articles from the Land of Israel, were given as a free gift to anyone who purchased a subscription for the mouthpiece. “A sort of sales promotion,” Goldfinger explains.
Image from Arnon Goldfinger's film 'The Flat.' A Nazi newspaper in grandmother's house
It’s unclear how many of these coins were produced, but today we know that only few of them survived. Goldfinger himself, who dealt with the Tuchler-Mildenstein story in his award-winning feature documentary film “The Flat,” has one of the coins. The film was born after Goldfinger’s grandmother, Greda Tuchler, died and her family was surprised to find a Nazi newspaper in her apartment—the same newspaper that had published Mildenstein’s articles. Gildfinger’s research revealed that his grandparents had kept in touch with the Mildensteins, even after the Holocaust.

A missed opportunity

“It’s very hard for us to understand, because we know history,” Goldfinger explains. “But my grandfather and Mildenstein were both Germans from a pretty close socioeconomic class, they were both open minded, and after their journey together they became good friends. They developed a shared language, largely thanks to their wives, and remained good friends.'

Goldfinger is one of the few people in the world who owns the “A Nazi travels to Palestine” coin. “I was shocked by the existence of such a medallion, and then I ended up buying one myself in an online auction,” he says, refusing to reveal how much he paid for it.
Prof. Shaul Ladany. ‘The Nazis wanted to encourage the Jews to leave Germany’ (Photo ;Tal Shahar)

Another person who owns one of these coins is Professor Shaul Ladany, a Holocaust survivor, racewalker and two-time Olympian who survived the Munich massacre. Ladany, a passionate collector of medallions related to the Land of Israel, says he searched for years for the specific medallion combining a Star of David and a swastika.
“It’s a very rare medallion. For years, I used to visit Germany on different occasions, walk into stores for coin and medal collectors and inquire about this medallion. Everyone was surprised to learn that such a medallion even existed. None of the merchants had heard about it. I searched for it in Canada, Australia and the United States too.” 
Ladany believes the coin represents a missed opportunity. “Mildenstein’s series of articles described the Jewish Yishuv in bright colors. He wrote about the establishment of Jewish life here, about the institutions being built, etc. The Nazis wanted to encourage the Jews to leave Germany. In the beginning, they didn’t necessarily want to get rid of the Jews through extermination, as they did later on. Today we know that if more Jews had immigrated from Germany at the time, the majority of German Jews may have survived.”

Over 5,000 people Sign a Petition saying the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism should not be a charity


It’s time for the Charity Commission to Deregister a Political Rottweiler which libels, smears and destroys individuals who oppose Zionism and support the Palestinians

Some 5,680 people have signed a petition calling on the Charity Commission to deregister the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism.  It brings the whole charity sector into disrepue. There is no discernible public benefit arising from its operation.  It is widely suspected to be funded by the Israeli state as part of its anti-BDS dirty tricks operations.
Extract from JNF lease
In reaction to the Israeli Supreme Court decision that they couldn't refuse to rent to non-Jews the JNF responded saying that 80% of Israeli Jews prefer a Jewish to a democratic state.  The Knesset overturned the ruling in Kadan.
The CAA is chaired by Gideon Falter, who is a Director of JNF UK. The JNF is committed by its constitution to managing land on behalf of Jews only.  It owns and controls 93% of Israeli land.  It is one of the main instruments of apartheid in the State of Israel. It is an openly racist organisation and it is no surprise that Falter is a Director.
The CAA specialises in targeting and bullying vulnerable individuals, smearing and discrediting critics of Zionism, especially Jewish opponents, by taking out of context, distorting and manipulating what they say.  Lies come easily to them. 
Malaka Shwaik Mohammed, a 26 year old Ph. D. Student at Exeter University was an ideal target. Malaka comes from Gaza. She was understandably traumatised by Israel’s blitzkrieg in 2014, Operation Protective Edge, when 66 of her own family and friends were murdered.
The CAA harvested tweets and social media posts by Malakha, in particular one where she said ‘If terrorism means protecting and defending my land, I am so proud to be called terrorist. What an honour for the Palestinians!’ This was enough for Malaka to be described as ‘a terrorist-supporting antisemite.’
Although I wasn’t party to this conversation I imagine that Malakha was accused by a Zionist opponent of being a ‘terrorist’and she replied that if support for things like the Right of Return and the creation of a democratic rather than a Jewish state meant that she was a terrorist then so be it. That wasn’t an admission that she was either a terrorist or an anti-Semite it was merely a ways of saying that if being a Palestinian meant she was defined as a terrorist then so be it.
Likewise Malakah said that “The shadow of the Holocaust continues to fall over us from the continuous Israeli occupation of Palestine to the election of Trump”.  If Israel claims its foundation was the consequence of the Holocaust then it can hardly complain that its actions are seen as the legacy of the Holocaust.  One would think this would be an uncontroversial statement. 
The CAA falsely claimedthat ‘According to the International Definition of Antisemitism, “Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis” is anti-Semitic.’  This is an example of the CAA’s brazen dishonesty.
What they term the ‘International Definition’ of anti-Semitism is the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition, which specifically states that it is ‘non legally binding.’
The actual definition, which is 38 words long, says nothing about drawing comparisons with the Nazis.  The IHRA definition is accompanied by 11 examples of behaviour which it says ‘may serve as illustrations’ of anti-Semitism.  Note the word may.  One of these examples speaks of ‘Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.’
The introduction to the 11 examples of ‘anti-Semitism’ states Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:’  and then it gives a list of the 11 examples, 7 of which refer to Israel.
In other words the CAA, by stating that comparisons, regardless of context, between Israel and the Nazis are automatically anti-Semitic are simply lying.  Israelis make comparisons between their opponents and the Nazis regularly. Daniel Blatman, a Holocaust researcher at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, makes just such a comparison between Israel and Nazi Germany in Heading Toward an Israeli Apartheid State .
None of this stopped the CAA smearing and libelling Malaka as an anti-Semite, despite her involvement in anti-fascist and anti-racist mobilisations at Exeter University.  When the Exeter Guild of Undergraduates investigated the CAA’s allegations they were found wanting and she was cleared.  The Daily Express, Mail and other media outlets apologisedfor taking up the CAA smears. The full story is told here.
The CAA accused Jackie Walker of Holocaust denial before realising that she had only been quoting Israel's fist Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion - the post has since been taken down!
The 'anti-semitic' text that according to the CAA were holocaust denial thus proving Jackie Walker was anti-semitic.  In fact they came from David Ben Gurion!
Possibly the most ludicrous of their vile nasty attacks on individuals came when they accusedJackie Walker of posting texts asking whether Hitler can be blamed for the Holocaust!  On 7th February 2017 the CAA posted that Jackie Walker has now posted a text on Facebook which asks whether Hitler can be blamed for the the (sic!) Holocaust, and leaves open the possibility that he was justified.
What you may ask did Jackie Walker say? What anti-Semitic inquity?  Well it was a quote from Nahum Goldman, the former President of the World Jewish Congress and the  Zionist Organisation asking why the Arabs should make peace when they were expected to pay the price for Hitler and Auschwitz. It takes a quite malevolent and insidious mind to twist such a quotation into Holocaust denial.  However, given them their due, the CAA has a limitless talent for invention and creative writing.  What made matters worse was that Goldman, in his autobiography A Jewish Paradox was quoting from David Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel! Needless to say the CAA quickly pulled the post when they realised their error but it is indicative of their methodology.
The CAA's viciously racist image of a 'typical' Muslim - substitute 'Jew' for 'Muslim' if you have difficulty seeing it
The CAA has dedicated itself to stirring up trouble and conflict between Jews and Muslims.  The CAA is a viciously Islamaphobic organisation.  In the Forward to a pamphlet British Muslims and Anti-Semitism the CAA write:
On every single count, British Muslims were more likely by far than the general British population to hold deeply antisemitic views. It is clear that many British Muslims reserve a special hatred for British Jews, rating Jews much less favourably than people of other religions or no religion, yet astonishingly British Muslims largely do not recognise antisemitism as a major problem.
The CAA also posted a racist image of the archetypal Muslim man, reminiscent of similar cartoons depicting Jews in years gone by.  If someone posted a similar cartoon about a typical Jewish male there would be universal outrage.

If you go to the CAA site there are no less than 200 articles attacking Corbyn.  In a piece entitled J’Accuse,an absurd parody of the anti-racist article that helped ensure the pardon of Alfred Dreyfuss, a Jewish officer in the French army, Gideon Falter wrote explaining why they were calling a demonstration outside the Labour Party HQ.
 “Under Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Party has been seized by racists. Jeremy Corbyn is at home amongst them, having spent his political career seeking out and giving his backing to Holocaust deniers, genocidal antisemitic terrorist groups, wild antisemitic conspiracy theorists and a litany of Jew-haters. This is the point of no return: Britain must stand up for its Jewish community against the racists in control of the Labour Party.
Bob Blackman MP - an Islamaphobic CAA patron
The ranting hysteria, the hyperbole and the outright lies would be appear odd if it came from Britain’s fascist fringe.  Even Nick Griffin at his worst would find it difficult to emulate Falter. The suggestion that Corbyn has ‘given his backing to holocaust deniers’ is a lie without a shred of evidence to support it, yet this is a charity with a list of Zionist patrons such as the IslamaphobeBob Blackman MP. 
I have previously written about how the CAA fiddle and manipulate surveys they commission and how they draw tendentious conclusions such as that nearly half of Britain’s Jews are about to take the boat to Israel.  They have even come under heavy criticism from sections of the British Jewish establishment with their sloppy and unscientific methods with the intent of deliberately stoking up perceptions of anti-Semitism in order to create an atmosphere of fear and tension. 
In the Charity Commission’s Guidance Campaigning and political activity by charities at a glance, there are a number of bullet points that the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism are in breach of.  In particular there is a legal requirement that
political campaigning, or political activity... must be undertaken by a charity only in the context of supporting the delivery of its charitable purposes. Unlike other forms of campaigning, it must not be the continuing and sole activity of the charity’.
The Charity Commission stipulates that
‘in the political arena, a charity must stress its independence and ensure that any involvement it has with political parties is balanced.’
The Charity Commission has, until recently, been Chaired by the Islamaphobe and right-wing bigot William Shawcross. Shawcross was an ex-Director of the cold war Henry Jackson Society and he was reported in the Guardian as having saidin 2012 that ‘Europe and Islam is one of the greatest, most terrifying problems of our future”.  The CAA, in response to a petition calling on the Charity Commission to deregister them triedto intimidate Change.org into taking the petition down (they failed!).
The CAA politely ticks of the anti-semitic press for their coverage of George Soros - no hysterical attacks on antisemites or genocidal killers
These newspaper headlines about George Soros the 'puppet master' merited no criticism from the CAA
This has however got to be the beginning of the campaign to remove this political cancer. The CAA needs to be treated as any other racist and fascist organisation. It’s actions against genuinely anti-Semitic individuals are a mask for its real purpose. It pursues individuals like Alison Chabloz, a complete nonentity with severe personality and mental health problems, whilst refraining from criticising any anti-Semitic organisation that is pro-Israel. When the Tory newspapers launched a campaign against George Soros, using the traditional anti-Semitic meme that he was an international Jewish financier who was trying to ensure that Britain remained subject to the control of ‘global interests’, the CAA exonerated them.  It’s headline was: ‘Today’s article in the Daily Telegraph about George Soros’ intervention in British politics is not antisemitic, but editors chose their headline poorly. Yes quite. And its reaction to the Sun’s ‘Puppet Masters’ headline?  There wasn’t one!
What you can do – share this post as widely as possible on social media.  The CAA is at the heart of the false anti-Semitism campaign.  It works closely despite being on the far-Right, with the so-called Jewish Labour Movement. We may need to take legal action to force the Charity Commission to act so people need to know what is at stake. Below is my letter to the Charity Commission.  Please email Ms Grenfell and the Charity Commission at the email addresses below to let them know what you think of their inactivity to date
I have also posted a considerable number of posts on the CAA see!
Tony Greenstein
Thursday, 03 May 2018

Jane Grenfell,

Senior Technical Case Manager,
Regulatory Compliance
Charity Commission 

8thMay 2017
20180226 - FAO Mr Greenstein -Campaign Against anti-Semitism CRM:0050736
Dear Ms Grenfell,
Fifteen months ago I submitted a complaint to the Charity Commission concerning the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism [CAA], Charity No. 1163790.  I asked you to launch an investigation into this bogus charity and to derecognise it. To date you have done nothing.
I am therefore writing to you again asking you to deregister this bogus charity.  It’s behaviour has become even more outrageous and it is openly running a campaign to slander and remove the Leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn MP.  I enclose a Petitionof over five and a half thousand people who are making the same request.
My complaint is a very simple one. The CAA is an overtly political organisation whose principal concern is to label as anti-Semitic supporters of the Palestinians or the opponents of Zionism.  The CAA has not hesitated to smear Jewish anti-Zionists as anti-Semitic whilst turning a blind eye to anti-Semitic supporters of the Israeli state.
There is, for example, not one mention of Tommy Robinson, the anti-Semiticfounder of the English Defence League. Robinson is a died in the wool racist who is also a supporter of Zionism.  Contrast this with veteran Israeli anti-Zionist, Professor Moshe Machover who is the target of 7 articles such as the absurd CAA lodges complaints over professor’s support for genocidal antisemitic terrorists.
A cursory look at their website demonstrates where the CAA’s concerns lie.  180 articles attacking Jeremy Corbyn compared to 20 articles supportive. of Theresa May, for example CAA congratulates Theresa May.
Because the CAA is only interested in the ‘anti-Semitism’ of opponents of Zionism there are just 2 posts concerning the British National Party and nothing at all about the English Defence League.
The CAA has however take umbrage at the formation of Jewish Voice for Labour calling it a sham.  Why should the JVL arouse its ire?  Because it isn’t a Zionist organisation.
An example of how the CAA deliberately distorts the message of its opponents is its blatantly false article Jeremy Corbyn’s friend Marc Wadsworth expelled from the Labour Party for accusing Jewish MP of orchestrating media conspiracy. Marc didn’t even know that the MP in question, Ruth Smeeth, was Jewish.  He didn’t accuse her of orchestrating anything. 
The CAA followed up this series of lies with CAA calls for Chris Williamson MP to have the whip withdrawn after he backs expelled activist Marc Wadsworth .  What possible charitable purpose is served by this non-stop diet of personal and polemical attacks on Black and Jewish anti-racists by this so-called charity?
On Sunday 8th April the CAA called a protest demonstration outside the Labour Party headquarters.  Gideon Falter, the Chair of the CAA was quotedas saying:
“Under Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Party has been seized by racists. Jeremy Corbyn is at home amongst them, having spent his political career seeking out and giving his backing to Holocaust deniers, genocidal antisemitic terrorist groups, wild antisemitic conspiracy theorists and a litany of Jew-haters. This is the point of no return: Britain must stand up for its Jewish community against the racists in control of the Labour Party.
How can the Charity Commission possibly accept these continual attacks on the Leader of Britain’s second major party?  To accuse Corbyn of backing holocaust deniers, genocidal anti-Semitic terrorist groups etc. is reminiscent of Nazi propaganda. There isn’t a single word of truth in these vicious lies yet the Charity Commission is like the 3 wise monkeys -it neither sees, says or hears anything. 
If this kind of attack on the Labour Party is allowed to continue then you may as well tear up your Campaigning and political activity guidance for charities (CC9) which states that ‘in the political arena, a charity must stress its independence and ensure that any involvement it has with political parties is balanced.’ 
This kind of demonization owes more to Goebbels than a British charity.  It is unacceptable and I am asking you to revoke their charity registration without further delay.
If the CAA’s charity registration is allowed to continue then virtually any political campaigning organisation, as long as it’s not standing for elections, should be eligible to register as a charity.  The CAA demonstrates its political balance by repeatedly using the phrase ‘racist labour’.  Not once has it applied such a pejorative term to the Conservative Party despite its history of racism from Enoch Powell to the present Windrush scandal.  The CAA has never commented on the Conservative Party’s linkswith anti-Semitic parties such as Poland’s Law & Justice Party in the European Parliament.  Why?  Because these parties may not like Jews but they love Israel.
The primary purpose of the CAA is not to oppose anti-Semitism per se but to tarnish and smear supporters of the Palestinians and opponents of Zionism as ‘anti-Semitic’. 
In addition to those who have signed the Petition calling on the Charity Commission to deregister the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism I also enclose nearly 1,000 comments which have also been made by the signatories. I look forward to an early and positive response.  In the words of one of the signatories, David Reece of Exeter:
Anti-Semitism is abominable. Using false accusations of anti-Semitism to silence legitimate political disagreement is despicable, and should not be tax-exempt.’
It’s a message I expect you and the Charity Commission to take to heart and quickly. You have had enough time.
Yours sincerely,

Tony Greenstein 

Labour’s Shameful Record of Support for British Imperialism in Palestine


The Labour Party, anti-Semitism and Zionism
British soldiers running through Jerusalem - the Zionists were only able to build their state 
This is an excellent article by John Newsinger.  It appears in the January edition of the Magazine International Socialism. It shows how the Labour Party’s support for Zionist settler colonialism was part and parcel of its support for British Empire as a whole.  It also shows how Labour’s support for Zionism was accompanied by the most virulent anti-Semitism.  Those who supported Zionism did so as a means of being rid of the Jews who were coming here.

We should bear this in mind when confronted with the fake anti-Semitism campaign of the Labour Right and their Zionist appendages today.  When anti-Semitism was a form of state racism then Labour leaders, from the very top, were imbued with anti-Semitic sentiments.  Today, when anti-Semitism barely exists, every charlatan including of course the execrable Chuka Ummuna wants to be seen to oppose it.
Labour’s formal adherence in its 1917 War Aims Memorandum to the abandonment of ‘every form of imperialism’ was honoured in the breach.  The only commitment that was kept was the commitment to support Zionism.  Sydney Webb, who before becoming Minister for the Colonies in the 1929 government of Ramsay MacDonald, as Lord Passfield, combined ardent support for Zionism with anti-Semitism. Webb remarked that whereas ‘French, German, Russian Socialism is Jew-ridden. We, thank heaven are free”.  This was because there was ‘“no money in it!  Ramsay MacDonald too  was anti-Semitic in his contrasting of the healthy Zionist pioneers with the ‘rich plutocratic Jews’ who subverted all governments.
Checking ID in 1945
Labour politicians ‘enthusiastically embraced what they believed to be a progressive settler colonialism, swallowing whole Zionist propaganda that their settlement was actually benefiting the Palestinians and that Palestinian opposition was the work of a clique of reactionary landlords misleading an ignorant peasantry.’  Arab opposition to Zionism derived not from their own grievances but because their feudal leaders misled them.
 How did they know this?  Because the Zionist settlers told them.  There is no evidence that British Labour leaders ever questioned the Jewish only nature of the kibbutzim or that they opposed the boycott of Arab labour (i.e. economic apartheid).
Newsinger quotes Labour MP Josiah Wedgewood as saying that Labour should ‘immigrate the Jews until the higher civilisation is numerous and wise enough to make democracy safe for all” and then the new Dominion would “be of real political and commercial service to the Empire, for Palestine is the Clapham Junction of the Commonwealth’.  Wedgewood interesting enough in July 1942 co-authored a pamphlet with the representative in England of the anti-Zionist Polish Bund, Shmuel Ziegelbojm, who later committed suicide.  The Zionists were remarkably indifferent at the time to the Holocaust, which they even denied was happening.
The only obvious mistake in the essay is where Newsinger says the riots of August 1929 left 133 settlers dead.  In fact and this was the tragedy of what happened, the Arab mob who had been incensed by the provocations of the Zionists took their vengeance out not on the settlers but on the largely Orthodox anti-Zionist Jews in Palestine’s 4 holy cities of Jerusalem, Tiberias, Hebron and Safed, thus driving them into the arms of the Zionists.
The result of these riots was that Passfield issued a White Paper restricting Jewish immigration to Palestine, land sales and also proposing the introduction of a Legislative Council.  This was a red rag to the Zionists who were able to exert enough pressure on the government for MacDonald in the famous MacDonald White Paper to abandon these proposals.
Herbert Morrison - Deputy Labour Leader, racist homophobe who as Home Secretary refused to reprieve a woman from the gallows because she was a lesbian
Herbert Morrison was one of a number of Labour leaders who made a visit to Palestine as the guest of the Zionist movement.  None of them bothered to inquire into how the Arabs felt.  Morrison told how ‘The New Jew to be found in Palestine was a revelation to me.’ He praised the Zionist settlements whose work was “typical of the finest of British colonisers in the history of our Empire. You cannot sneer at this kind of thing”. We should bear this in mind when Zionist propagandists of today describe Zionism as ‘Jewish self-determination’ as opposed to colonisation.  Talk of the ‘new Jew’ was quite common then.  In fact it was a thoroughly anti-Semitic concept, because it was being contrasted with the ‘old Jew’ of the diaspora.
Lord Rothermere, owner of the Daily Mail, with a friend
These visits to Palestine by Labour politicians, for whom the Arabs were invisible, were like the visit of Viscount Rothermere of the Daily Mail to Germany in 1933.  In the Australian Daily News of 4.9.33 he described how. 
 ‘I urge all British young men and women to study closely the progress of this Nazi regime in Germany. They must not be misled by the misrepresentations of its opponents.  They have started a clamorous campaign of denunciation against what they call 'Nazi atrocities,' which, as anyone who visits Germany quickly discovers for himself, consists merely of a few isolated acts of violence.
The ability of politicians and journalists to visit countries and see only what they wanted to see is not a modern phenomenon.  Newsinger remarks that ‘These accounts are reminiscent of those provided by the visitors who were given conducted tours of Stalin’s Russia in the 1930s and returned home singing its praises.’ 
The British agreed in 1935 to provide some form of representative institutions to buy off the Arabs.  As Newsinger remarks ‘What is remarkable is that the opposition to establishing representative institutions in a British colony was led by the Labour Party. Understandably, the episode is pretty much written out of Labour Party history.’ On 26 February 1936, the Labour leader in the Lords, Lord Snell, proposed a motion opposing any measure of self-government for Palestine.  Together with the arch-imperialist Tories in the Commons – Winston Churchill and Leopold Amery – Labour helped defeat self-government for the Palestinian Arabs.
Detail of Allenby Entering Jerusalem
Eventually the increase in Jewish immigration and their exclusion from the land which the Zionists bought up drove the Arabs to launch a strike in 1936 and a rebellion which lasted till 1939.  From 1936-39 some 5,000 Arabs were killed, whole villages demolished and over one hunded Palestinians at least were hanged. Palestinian villages were bombed from the air but ‘at a time when Labour MPs loudly condemned fascist aerial bombing of civilian targets in Spain, they were completely silent about British bombing of civilian targets in Palestine.’ Indeed in October 1938 Josiah Wedgewood urged “the exemplary destruction of the Arab town of Jaffa”.
Ernest Bevin - Labour's Post-war Foreign Secretary
The British were forced, in the 1939 White Paper to make concessions to the Arabs such as restricting Jewish immigration to 75,000 over 5 years, as they could no longer hold down the Palestinians and at the same time fight Germany.  The Zionists of course were outraged. 
Newsinger describes how, when the fight against fascism in Britain was at its height, Herbert Morrison speaking at a Labour Party conference on the day of the Battle of Cable Street in October 1936 denounced the fascists and the communists in equal measure for the violence and proposed a Public Order Act which was used primarily against the Left not the fascists.  Labour’s contribution to the fight against Oswald Moseley and the British Union of Fascists was to close down those sections of the Labour Party such as the Labour League of Youth which had taken part in the anti-fascist fight.
War-time Home Secretary Herbert Morrison set his face against the admission of Jewish refugees during the war “unless in some quite rare and exceptional cases it can be shown that the admission of the refugees will be directly advantageous to our war effort’.  The excuse given was that this would stir up anti-Semitism.  Labour Ministers gave full support to the government policy of refusing to admit Jewish refugees. As Tory Colonial Secretary Oliver Stanley admitted, if more Jewish refugees were allowed into Britain or Palestine then this might lead “certain Axis countries, notably Rumania, to extrude Jews from their territories, as an alternative to the policy of extermination”.
When one hears Tory MPs and Theresa May bleat today about ‘anti-Semitism’ one should remember that the Tory Colonial Secretary of the day feared that the Rumanians would stop exterminating their Jews and send them to Britain instead.
Clement Attlee  was an ardent cold war warrior and imperialist
The excuse that admitting Jewish refugees might stir up anti-Semitism was a pathetic excuse to which Attlee and Morrisson wholly subscribed.  Some 78% of people polled supported admitting Jews who could escape from Nazi occupied Europe.   But if Morrison and the Labour Ministers were opposed to the admission of Jewish refugees they were quite prepared to release, in November 1943, the fascist leader Sir Oswald Moseley and his wife from prison despite overwhelming popular opposition.
After the war the Labour government refused to admit Jewish refugees in Displaced Persons camps into Britain despite admitting thousands of Nazi collaborators, including a complete 8,000 Ukrainian Waffen SS unit. 
The International Post-War Settlement” issued in the spring of 1944 stated that a future Labour government had “to let Jews, if they wish, enter this tiny land in such numbers as to become a majority” and that there was a necessity “for transfer of population. Let the Arabs be encouraged to move out, as the Jews move in”
After the war the Labour government, in the interests of Empire, quickly dumped all this nonsense.  This in turn provoked a war with the Zionist terror militias which culminated in Britain handing back the Palestine Mandate to the UN in September 1947.  Newsinger shows how anti-Semitism ran through the veins of the leading Labour politicians.  Hugh Dalton, Chancellor the Exchequer until he inadvertently leaked the details of his budget in 1947 ‘persistently referred to his fellow socialist Laski as the ‘under-sized Semite’ while also ridiculing his far-left ‘yideology’”.
Richard Crossman was the most ardent of all Labour Zionists - he regretted that the Zionists hadn't been able to slaughter the Palestinians as they settled the land too late
But even though Attlee and Bevin came into conflict, for imperial reasons, after 1945 with the Zionist settlers, the Left of the Labour Party under Bevan and Foot retained their support for the Zionists.  People like the future Prime Minister Harold Wilson were ardent pro-Zionists.  Indeed it was a feature of Labour politics until 1982 that the Left in the Labour Party was pro-Zionist and the Right, people like Christopher Mayhew, Andrew Faulds and David Watkins were pro-Arab.  Worst of all in this respect was Richard Crossman, who became Minister of Housing under Wilson.  He was what today might be called the ‘soft left’.  In a memorial Weizmann lecture in 1959 he noted of the imperialists that “No one”, at least until the 20th century, had “seriously challenged their right, or indeed, their duty, to civilise these continents by physically occupying them, even at the cost of wiping out the aboriginal population”. If only the Zionist settlers had “achieved their majority before 1914, they would have been accepted without any compunction of any kind”.  This is the kind of imperialist sewer that the Labour left worked in.
As Newsinger notes ‘even the Labour left saw the world through a British imperial lens.’  Despite the conflict with the Zionists in the immediate post-war period, the Labour government soon began to enthusiastically support the Israeli state because this was an integral part of its relationship with the United States.
When the USA condemned Israel’s invasion of Egypt in 1956 and its complicity with Britain and France in the Suez War, the Labour Party under Gaitskell and Bevan joined in the condemnation.  Labour was at times more attuned to the needs of British imperialism than the Tories.  Nonetheless under Harold Wilson Labour took an ardently pro-Israeli position supporting its attack on the neighbouring Arab states in 1967.  In 1973 at the time of the Yom Kippur war, Ted Heath, the Tory Prime Minister cut off arms supplies to Israel.  It was Wilson who moved a parliamentary motion to condemn this but, for the first time, Labour  MPs rebelled against Labour’s pro-Zionist policy, 15 voting to keep the embargo and 70 abstaining.  David Watkins MP described this as ‘historic’.
In 1982 with the invasion of Lebanon, support for Zionism further decreased in the Labour Party and with the advent of Tony Blair the circle was squared.  Now it was the Right of the Labour Party who supported Israel and Zionism and it was the Left who were pro-Palestinian.  Newsinger brings us up to date with the current false anti-Semitism campaign whose target is the left leadership of the party under Jeremy Corbyn.
Tony Greenstein 
Harold Wilson - Labour's most pro-Zionist Prime Minister until Blair came along

International Socialism, Issue: 153, Posted on 3rd January 2017
John Newsinger
In June and July 1917, the then secretary of the Labour Party Arthur Henderson visited revolutionary Russia on behalf of Lloyd George’s coalition government. He returned extremely disturbed by what he had seen. The radicalism of the Russian working class appalled him and he recognised the danger that the revolutionary contagion could spread. The growing unrest in Britain and the possibility that it might become infected with the spirit of Bolshevism required that the Labour Party move to the left, that it reorganise itself, adopt a reformist socialist programme for the first time and make clear its war aims. The party had to reposition itself if revolution was to be avoided in Britain.

The leading Fabian Sidney Webb was brought in to help draw up Labour’s new prospectus which included a “Memorandum on the Issues of the War”.1 The first draft was discussed at the Labour Party conference on 10 August 1917. Section xii of the document proclaimed the party’s support for Zionism: Palestine was to become “a Free State under international guarantee”.2 This was nearly three months before the coalition government issued the Balfour Declaration.
Webb’s Statement of War Aims was formally adopted as party policy at a joint conference of the Labour Party and the TUC on 28 December 1917. It proclaimed that the war was being fought so that “the world may henceforth be made safe for democracy” and went on to call for “the complete democratisation of all countries”, for “the frank abandonment of every form of imperialism”, for “the suppression of secret diplomacy”, for “the universal abolition of compulsory military service in all countries” and for “the entire abolition of profit-making armaments firms”. The statement explicitly rejected “the imperialist aims of governments and capitalists” in the Middle East. And Section F of the document, “The Jews and Palestine”, once again committed the party to support the establishment of a free state in Palestine “to which such of the Jewish people as desire to do so may return and may work out their salvation, free from interference by those of alien race and religion”.3
What is interesting, of course, is that of all the pious sentiments expressed in the “Statement of War Aims”, the only one that the Labour Party has actually adhered to over the years has been its Zionist commitment. Far from abandoning every form of imperialism, successive Labour governments have ruthlessly pursued the imperial interests of British capital and to this end have abandoned “democratisation”, conducted “secret diplomacy”, supported “compulsory military service”, embraced “profit-making armaments firms” and pursued “imperialist aims” in the Middle East. Indeed, the statement provides a pretty much perfect mirror image of Labour’s actual policies when in power, excepting its Zionist commitment. The only times this commitment has been compromised is when it was seen to conflict with British interests in the Middle East during the term of the 1945-51 Labour government. And even then the Labour left, as we shall see, vigorously campaigned against the government and moreover positively celebrated the Zionists’ eventual triumph. Wholehearted reconciliation between Labour and the Zionists soon followed.
This was how Britain maintained 'order' in Palestine
Why did Labour embrace Zionism in 1917? The principle motive seems to have been the belief that the commitment would assist the British war effort by engaging the sympathy of the Jewish community in the United States and more particularly that of the Jewish community in Russia who were seen as an important force in the revolutionary movement in that country. More generally, there was also the belief that a Zionist settlement in Palestine that was under British protection would be a strategic asset that would help bolster British power and influence in the region. Certainly, Webb himself had no sympathy for Zionism beyond its usefulness to the British war effort and the British Empire. In the words of Leonard Woolf, he was, for all the empty rhetoric of the Statement of War Aims “a common or garden imperialist conservative” as far as the British Empire was concerned.4
And, moreover, Webb was on occasion quite capable of giving voice to anti-Semitic prejudice. He once remarked on how glad he was that there were “no Jews in the British Labour Party” and that whereas “French, German, Russian Socialism is Jew-ridden. We, thank heaven are free”, something he put down to there being “no money in it”.5 The predominant view in the Labour Party at this time was that the British Empire was a force for good in the world, that any abuses could be reformed and that the “native” populations positively benefited from colonial rule, including from white settlement. From this point of view, Zionist settlement in Palestine was to be supported as something that would benefit the Arab population, a belief strongly encouraged by the Zionists themselves. Nevertheless, the essential underpinning of the Labour Party’s commitment to Zionism was, from the beginning and continues to be today, its usefulness first to the British Empire and, since the 1950s, to the British State’s “special relationship” with US imperialism.
Just as today people go to visit Israel and see nothing amiss so Lord Rothermere visited Nazi Germany and was pleased with what he saw
The 1920s
In The Chariot of Israel, published in 1981, Harold Wilson, the former Labour prime minister and himself a staunch Zionist, celebrated the fact that it was impossible “for a political party to be more committed to a national home for the Jews in Palestine than was Labour”. As he pointed out, “since 1917…this theme had been incorporated in Labour’s statement of war aims” and “had been reiterated eleven times from then to May 1945”.6 In 1920, for example, the Labour Party conference voted unanimously in favour of a resolution, “Palestine for the Jews”. It was proposed by J Pomeranz, the secretary of Paole Zion (the “Jewish Socialist Labour Party”), that had affiliated to the Labour Party that year. The following year, a similar resolution, proposed, once again, by a Paole Zion delegate, was carried unanimously. And when Labour first took office in 1924, the colonial secretary, J H Thomas, a completely unapologetic imperialist, told the commons that the government had determined “after careful consideration of all circumstances to adhere to the policy of giving effect to the Balfour Declaration”. Labour supported the League of Nations’ Mandate that gave Britain control of Palestine and was wholeheartedly committed to the establishment of “a Jewish autonomous Commonwealth” in the country.7 The wishes of the Arab population, both Muslim and Christian, counted for nothing. There was to be no self-determination for the Palestinian people.
This support for Zionism was reinforced by the visits that various leading party members made to Palestine between the World Wars. James Ramsay MacDonald himself visited the country in 1921 and was very favourably impressed by the Zionist settlers he met, “Israelites returning to Zion”. His A Socialist in Palestine was published by Paole Zion the following year. Here, he described how the settlers were building a “dwelling place” in “the home of their fathers…in socialist fashion and upon the foundations of communal idealism”.“They were”, he wrote, “a happy fraternal company of men and women, brown of face and sturdy of limb, everyone engaged in hard manual labour”. They had come together “to rebuild Palestine and fence it against capitalism”. As for the “Muslim” opposition to Zionist settlement, the Palestinian people were being misled by their leaders, “who wish for strife and to engage in riots and pogroms”. Nevertheless, MacDonald convinced himself that the Zionist settlement would benefit the Arabs and that already “the Jewish worker is helping the Arab to raise his standards”. His acceptance of the proposition that the Arab population would benefit from the Zionist settlement was something that he was very much persuaded of by the settlers he met because there is no evidence of his discussing the situation with any Arabs.
One remarkable passage in A Socialist in Palestine shows that while MacDonald embraced the Zionist project with some enthusiasm, he was still gripped by the most vicious anti-Semitic stereotypes. He contrasted the settlers with “the rich plutocratic Jews”who were quite likely to “make one anti-Semitic”. The Jewish plutocrat, the future Labour prime minister seriously argued, in terms redolent of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, “is behind every evil that governments do, and his political authority, always exercised in the dark, is greater than that of parliamentary majorities”.8 This belief that the Jewish capitalist was somehow worse than the non-Jewish capitalist dated back to the Boer War, which sections of the British left did indeed blame on Jewish financiers. MacDonald had still not escaped this prejudice 20 years later, the evidence of the First World War notwithstanding.9
The Labour MP who took up the Zionist cause with the greatest enthusiasm and determination between the World Wars was Josiah Wedgwood (the great-great-grandson of the famous potter of the same name). He claimed to have been one of the instigators of the Balfour Declaration and made clear in his memoirs that he became convinced of the efficacy of Zionism when he saw the “political and strategic virtue in a buffer state between a German Turkey and a British Egypt and Africa”. During the winter months of 1926-27, he and his wife toured Palestine where “the whole Zionist organisation entertained us from Dan to Beersheba”. Here he encountered “the best Jews in the whole world”.10 This experience prompted him to write The Seventh Dominion which was published in 1928. Here he urged an end to the Mandate and the formal incorporation of a Jewish Palestine into the British Empire as the seventh self-governing Dominion along with Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland and Newfoundland. He wrote: “They will say…that I am an imperialist…if it be imperialism to be convinced that the race that spread from…these islands is the finest on Earth and in history, then I am an imperialist.” As far as Palestine was concerned the task was to “immigrate the Jews until the higher civilisation is numerous and wise enough to make democracy safe for all” and then the new Dominion would “be of real political and commercial service to the Empire, for Palestine is the Clapham Junction of the Commonwealth”. With the port at Haifa secure, “the British fleet can look after the Near East in comfort and security”.11
Wedgwood’s enthusiasm for the Zionist cause was such that he saw Palestine as but the first step in the Zionist settlement of the Middle East. On one occasion, speaking to a Zionist audience in the United States, he compared the settlement of Palestine with the white settlement of Massachusetts, observing that beyond that initial foothold “spreads the illimitable land…Irak is crying out for cultivation”. Was it ever possible, he wondered, to set a limit to the expansion of “a successful colonising western race”?12 And as for the Palestinians, Wedgwood was often not even prepared to maintain the pretence that the Zionist settlement would benefit the Palestinian people. As he told the House of Commons: “every change in cultivation or in civilisation does injure some people, and these wandering Bedouin have suffered and must suffer as civilisation advances”.13
Wedgwood’s advocacy of Zionism was too extreme for the mainstream Zionist movement which preferred to proceed more cautiously, disguising rather than proclaiming its objectives. But it was taken up by the breakaway right wing of the movement, the fascist-influenced Revisionists, led by Vladimir Jabotinsky. In February 1929, Wedgwood launched a pro-Zionist pressure group, the cross-party Seventh Dominion League, in London with the intention of establishing branches throughout the Empire. A Jerusalem branch was set up in May 1928 with Jabotinsky elected chair. Wedgwood was to maintain close relations with the Revisionists into the Second World War.
Imperial concerns
For the British, support for Zionism was predicated on it being of strategic benefit to the Empire. As the 1920s unfolded a number of factors began to call this into question. First of all, the Zionist project itself had stalled with the number of settlers arriving throughout the 1920s making it extremely unlikely that they would ever achieve a numerical supremacy over the Palestinian population. Indeed, in 1926 more settlers left Palestine than arrived. Secondly, the settlement was nevertheless generating increasing unrest among the Arab population, not only in Palestine, but in neighbouring countries as well. The dispossession of the Palestinian peasantry was creating hostility, not just towards the Zionists, but towards the British as well. Far from strengthening the British position in the Middle East, the Zionist settlement was weakening it. This was the situation when the second Labour government, a government without an overall parliamentary majority, took office in 1929.
The new colonial secretary, Sidney Webb, now Lord Passfield, was regarded as a friend by the Zionists for his role in Labour’s 1917 commitment to their cause. In fact, his support was absolutely conditional on their usefulness to the Empire and this he no longer felt was the case. In August 1929, the Revisionists had deliberately provoked confrontation with the Arabs, leading to clashes that left 133 settlers dead, and sent shock waves through the British administration. Passfield began to pull back from the Zionist commitment. His wife, Beatrice Webb, gives a good insight into his thinking in her diaries. She wrote that “expediency” as well as “justice” demanded that the government had to protect the interests of the Arab population. Unless Britain was “prepared to keep an army of occupation in Palestine indefinitely” to defend the settlers against Arab attacks then measures would have to be taken for the “protection of the Arab”, to prevent them from being “gradually extruded by economic pressure” with all the consequences that would inevitably follow. And the government also had “to consider the feelings of the Mohammedans of India, not to mention Egypt”. Indeed, she considered that “responsibility for this debacle lies with the fatuous promise of a Palestine Jewish Home” and thought that future governments would be grateful that Sidney had forced the “Jews…to be more considerate and reasonable”.14
One of the things that Passfield objected to was the Zionists’ Jewish labour only policy, driving out and excluding Arab workers from employment wherever they could. On one occasion, he asked a group of Zionists how they would feel “if we said no Jews can be employed in certain sections of England”, but he nevertheless admitted that there was nothing the government could do to “prevent the Jews from excluding Arab labour”.15
Passfield’s proposals were embodied in a White Paper published on 21 October 1930 and provoked what has been described as “the first open political confrontation between the Zionist movement and the British Government”.16 In the White Paper he proposed restrictions on Zionist land acquisition and on Jewish immigration. Even more threatening were the proposals for a legislative council with its inevitable Arab majority. What he proposed did, in his own words, “negate the idea of a Jewish state”. He found himself at the centre of what he described as a “Jewish hurricane” that mobilised the Zionist movement throughout the world against the Labour government.17
Zionist supporters from all parties in the Commons accused the government of having repudiated the Balfour Declaration with the Conservative front bench joining the attack. On top of this the government faced a by-election in Whitechapel, a constituency with a large number of Jewish voters. The Liberal candidate was Barnett Janner, a staunch Zionist (he later defected to Labour). On 27 October, the Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann spoke at a public meeting attended by over 4,000 people condemning the government, and there was a real fear that, despite a majority of over 7,000, the seat might be lost. The local Labour Party was controlled by the Transport and General Workers’ Union with both the deceased MP, Harry Gosling, and the new Labour candidate, James Hall, being officials of that union. To ensure that the seat was not lost, the TGWU general secretary, Ernest Bevin, declared against the White Paper and made clear that he would instruct all Labour MPs sponsored by the union to oppose it. He was at this time and for some years afterwards regarded as a close ally by the Zionists. Despite this the Labour majority was still reduced to just over 1,000.
In the face of this onslaught the government retreated. Prime minister Ramsay MacDonald repudiated Passfield’s White Paper and submitted to terms effectively dictated by Weizmann. On 13 February 1931 a letter from MacDonald to Weizmann was read into Hansard, reversing government policy, and as Weizmann later jubilantly put it, enabling “us to make the magnificent gains of the ensuing years. It was under MacDonald’s letter that Jewish immigration into Palestine was permitted to reach figures like forty thousand for 1934 and sixty-two thousand for 1935, figures undreamed of in 1930”. This episode was “a severe test” of the Zionist movement which nevertheless “emerged triumphant”.18
The 1930s
With the humiliating defeat of Passfield’s White Paper, Labour reverted to its staunch support for Zionism. Once again this was reinforced by Zionist-sponsored visits. In 1935 Herbert Morrison, who was very much on the right of the party, a staunch Zionist and imperialist, was particularly impressed. He remarked that he knew “the London Jew very well”and that the settlers he had met were “not obviously Jews at all”. Indeed, “The New Jew to be found in Palestine was a revelation to me. Go to see him if the chance comes in your way”.19 His visit was “one of the most inspiring experiences I have ever had” and what he saw was “socialism on the highest level”. The following year, he told the Commons that when he had returned from Palestine he had felt “that I should like to give up this business of the House of Commons and join them in the clean, healthy life that they are leading”. The Zionist settlement was “one of the most wonderful manifestations in the world”. What they were about “is work typical of the finest of British colonisers in the history of our Empire. You cannot sneer at this kind of thing”.20
Even more impressed was Susan Lawrence, who came from the left of the party. She had been a Poplar councillor, imprisoned along with George Lansbury in 1921, she went on to become a Labour MP, and although she lost her seat in 1931, was still on the National Executive Committee. Lawrence reported back on her visit in the most fulsome terms: “I cannot tell you with what an uplift of spirit I saw our old Utopia in News from Nowhereactually practised. It seemed so beautiful, it seemed so impossible, but there it was”. It was, she wrote, “a fine thing to have set one’s foot in Utopia.” On her return, she confided that on her retirement she planned to return to Palestine and live out her days in a hut on a kibbutz. She never did, of course.21
These accounts are reminiscent of those provided by the visitors who were given conducted tours of Stalin’s Russia in the 1930s and returned home singing its praises. The tourists who visited Palestine as the guests of the Zionists came home apparently completely unaware of the growing unrest among the Palestinians, dispossessed and discriminated against, denied even the limited concessions that were being made to the “native” populations in other colonies. The Jewish labour only policy left these tourists unmoved. Instead they enthusiastically embraced what they believed to be a progressive settler colonialism, swallowing whole Zionist propaganda that their settlement was actually benefiting the Palestinians and that Palestinian opposition was the work of a clique of reactionary landlords misleading an ignorant peasantry. As Paul Kelemen puts it, as far as the Labour Party was concerned, Zionism was “a benign form of colonialism”.22
This enthusiasm was given official standing when on 14 November 1935, in the run up to the general election, the Labour leader, Clement Attlee, issued a statement endorsing Zionism:
The British Labour Party recalls with pride that in the dark days of the Great War they associated themselves with the ideal of a National Home in Palestine for the Jewish People, and that ever since, the annual Conferences of the Party have repeatedly reaffirmed their enthusiastic support of the effort towards its realisation.
They have never faltered, and will never falter, in their active and sympathetic co-operation with the work of the political and economic reconstruction now going forward in Palestine.23
The Great Revolt
While Labour renewed its commitment to Zionism, the Tory-dominated National Government found itself having to grapple with the problems that Zionism was causing for the British Empire. The rise of anti-Semitism in Germany and Eastern Europe in the 1930s revitalised the Zionist movement. The Nazi regime’s policy of forced emigration, in particular, dramatically increased the number of Jewish immigrants into Palestine, up from 12,553 in 1932 to 33,337 in 1933, 45,267 in 1934 and 66,472 in 1935. What drove these numbers up was not just the Nazi policy of driving German Jews out of the country, but also the anti-Semitic exclusionary policies followed by Britain and the United States with the intention of keeping Jewish refugees out. For the Palestinians, the rise in Jewish immigration created a crisis whereby an eventual Zionist takeover of the whole country began to look increasingly likely if nothing was done.
Confronted with this situation, the National Government decided that concessions had to be made to the Palestinians if an explosion was to be avoided. Proposals for a Legislative Assembly were revived, and were once again regarded as a potential disaster by the Zionists: the Palestinians would never voluntarily agree to the takeover of their country and so had to be denied effective representation until there was a Zionist majority. What is remarkable is that the opposition to establishing representative institutions in a British colony was led by the Labour Party. Understandably, the episode is pretty much written out of Labour Party history.
On 25 November 1935, a Palestinian delegation, led by the Mufti of Jerusalem, met with the High Commissioner for Palestine, Arthur Wauchope, to demand self-government. Weizmann hoped to defeat the move by back-room pressure, but the Labour opposition, very much against his wishes, raised it in parliament. On 26 February 1936, the Labour leader in the Lords, Lord Snell, proposed a motion opposing any measure of self-government for Palestine, a motion that was supported by every speaker except the government spokesman. The debate was a humiliating setback, constituting “an expression of no confidence in the government”. Having succeeded in the Lords, Labour decided to attack the government in the Commons once again, very much against Weizmann’s wishes. This was “a striking illustration of how the Gentile Zionists often outpaced the Zionist leadership”.24 On 16 March, Labour initiated a debate in the Commons where the attack was orchestrated by Josiah Wedgwood. He enlisted the support of a number of senior Conservatives, Winston Churchill, Leo Amery and Austen Chamberlain, and the government was once again comprehensively humiliated. The proposals for a Legislative Assembly were dropped. Wedgwood boasted of how he had “slain the Palestine Constitution” and had reduced the Colonial Secretary, J H Thomas, to “tears”.25 It was this Labour victory that provoked the Great Revolt—the great Palestinian rebellion that began with the proclamation of a general strike on 20 April 1936—once again something that is generally written out of Labour Party history.
This is not the place for a history of the revolt.26 The struggle continued into 1939 with at least 5,000 Palestinians killed. Eventually a large proportion of the British Army’s fighting strength had to be deployed effectively to reconquer the country, a task that was carried out with considerable violence and great brutality. The use of torture and summary execution was widespread, collective punishment of Palestinian towns and villages was routine, with houses wrecked or demolished altogether leaving thousands homeless and destitute, and thousands of Palestinians were interned without trial in appalling conditions. The RAF bombed and machine-gunned defenceless Palestinian villages. As George Antonius put it at the time, British repression had turned Palestine “into a shambles”.27 And the Zionist settlers gave the British campaign their full support, providing strike-breakers and taking the opportunity to extend the Jewish labour only policy, volunteering as police and providing armed patrols, the Special Night Squads, that were themselves involved in torture and summary executions. The Revisionists actually launched a terrorist campaign against the Palestinians in 1938, exploding bombs in crowded markets without any warning and causing dozens of fatalities.
How did the Labour Party respond to this brutal colonial war? At a time when Labour MPs loudly condemned fascist aerial bombing of civilian targets in Spain, they were completely silent about British bombing of civilian targets in Palestine. Indeed, far from opposing or even criticising the repression, Labour urged the government on. Herbert Morrison, for example, could not understand why “the ringleaders of the strike and the murders” had not been rounded up. He was outraged by the “brutal murders and shootings” that were threatening “one of the finest moral efforts in the history of mankind”, and claimed that the whole thing was got up by “the agents of Herr Hitler and Signor Mussolini”. Indeed, rather than any concessions to the Arabs being necessary, Morrison went on to recommend that Transjordan (today’s Jordan), be opened up for Zionist settlement.28 Inevitably the most extreme stance was taken by Wedgwood, who in October 1938 urged “the exemplary destruction of the Arab town of Jaffa”. This would have a wholly beneficial effect throughout the Middle East:
The awful fate of Jaffa will be advertised throughout the East by thousands of refugees; the chain-gangs will advertise it in Palestine. Respect for the angry Englishmen would restore our prestige; Baghdad, Alexandria and Beyrout would fear a like fate; and Palestine would coo like a sucking dove. In a world which respects only Hitlers, we must show that we too can if necessary behave in the same way.29
There were hardly any voices raised on behalf of the Palestinians within the Labour Party. When George Mansur of the Arab Labour Federation complained to the Labour Party’s Imperial Advisory Committee about the conduct of British troops and police, including the rape of a 12-year-old girl by soldiers, he was ignored. There was no investigation of his allegations and no evidence that he even received a reply.30 The coverage of the Great Revolt in the Daily Herald was written by a Zionist, A L Easterman, who went on to become political director of the World Jewish Congress. He told the paper’s readers that the Palestinian struggle was the work of feudal landlords and fascist agents and that the Palestinian people had no genuine grievances but were being misled.31 This was the way the Great Revolt was presented at the time. As the pacificist writer Reg Reynolds wrote, in words with a somewhat contemporary ring to them, all this was accompanied by “the hysterical denunciations of all opponents of Zionism as ‘fascists’”, including those like himself “who had done what we could to help Jewish refugees”.32
“A capitulation to violence”
With the danger of European war approaching, the government felt the need to make concessions to the Palestinians. The troops garrisoning the country might soon be needed elsewhere so in May 1939 the Neville Chamberlain government issued a White Paper that effectively repudiated the Balfour Declaration. For the next five years Jewish immigration was limited to 75,000 and thereafter would only be resumed with Palestinian agreement. Once again the strategic needs of the Empire prevailed.
This turn was bitterly opposed by the Labour Party. At the May-June 1939 Party conference a resolution, with only two delegates against, was carried condemning the White Paper as “a further surrender to aggression” that placed “a premium on violence and terror” and was “a setback to the progressive forces among both Arabs and Jews”. The resolution stated that “considerable benefits have accrued to the Arab masses as a result of Jewish immigration and settlement”. A succession of speeches condemned the government for capitulating to “fascist” terror in Palestine. Arthur Creech Jones, a future colonial secretary, for example, complained that the Revolt was the work of “fascist imperialism”, that there was “no clash between the Arab and Jewish interests”, but that “the ignorance of the Arabs” was being exploited. The Zionists were being “asked to end their experiment because our own government is unable to secure good order, is unable to restrain the fascists, is unable to check the bandits who come in from outside”. The White Paper was “a capitulation to violence”.33 This was the overwhelmingly dominant view inside the Labour Party.
This stance continued into the war. In 1940 the Labour Party published a volume, Labour’s Aims in War and Peace. While it contains contributions by Attlee, Morrison, Arthur Greenwood, Leonard Woolf, Harold Laski, Hugh Dalton and others, what stands out here is the section on “The British Labour Party and the Jewish Problem” with its condemnation of the 1939 White Paper and its declaration of support for the Balfour Declaration and for “the continued growth of the Jewish national home in Palestine by immigration and settlement”.34
Labour and the fight against anti-Semitism
British society was permeated by anti-Semitic prejudice between the World Wars. While never as virulent as anti-black racism, it was nevertheless widespread, infecting sections of the left as well as the Conservative right. In the 1920s, for example, George Orwell sometimes made use of vicious anti-Semitic stereotypes in his writing, a practice that he only abandoned with the rise of Nazism.35 And there is the liberal economist Maynard Keynes who, after a visit to Berlin in 1926, could write: “if I lived there, I felt I might turn anti-Semite… It is not agreeable to see civilisation so under the ugly thumbs of its impure Jews who have all the money and the power and the brains”.36
While Keynes never abandoned his anti-Semitic prejudices, the realities of Nazi rule saw him become a champion of the cause of Jewish refugees.37 It is important to emphasise here that the most virulent anti-Semitism existed on the right and, as Josiah Wedgwood insisted, in the 1930s, the Conservative Party had grafted onto itself “a degree of anti-Semitism which would have been inconceivable in Britain before 1919”. Moreover, when Oswald Mosley and the British Union of Fascists made their attempt to build a mass fascist movement founded on a violent exclusionary anti-Semitism in Britain, it was the left that opposed him and defeated him. What part though did the Labour Party play in the fight against the BUF?
Without any doubt, thousands of rank and file Labour Party members and supporters took an active part in opposing and defeating the BUF, but this was expressly against the wishes of the Party leadership. When the BUF held a rally in Hyde Park on 9 September 1934, the 3,000 fascists were confronted by a counter-demonstration 120,000 strong. The Labour leadership had urged people to stay away. John Strachey condemned Labour’s tactics at the rally: “stay away from the fascist demonstration; ignore fascism; it will all blow over. I believe it true to say that the Labour Party have not yet issued a single leaflet or pamphlet on the subject, and definitely tried to prevent all members of the Labour Party from taking part in a demonstration of this sort”.38 The Labour leadership took the same line when the BUF attempted to march through the East End and were stopped at Cable Street on 4 October 1936. Perhaps as many as 300,000 people took to the streets to stop the march, putting up barricades and fighting the police, many of whom made no secret of their fascist sympathies. This was a great working class victory.
The Labour Party conference was meeting at the same time as the Battle of Cable Street was taking place. Herbert Morrison, speaking on behalf of the leadership, condemned the violence which he blamed equally on the Communists and the BUF and called for new public order legislation to strengthen police powers. That was the Labour leadership’s solution. When the National Government introduced its Public Order Act Labour supported it, even though many people warned it would be used against the left; indeed the first prosecutions resulted in the imprisonment of Durham miners fighting for union recognition. Even Morrison’s over-sympathetic biographers admit that his stance resulted in him being “hated by many active in the Labour movement”and his advocacy of “lectures and leaflets” to fight the fascists was regarded as “laughable” by those “in the thick of the disturbances”.39 This is not to say that the Labour leadership did nothing. It initiated steps to close down those party organisations that had actively participated in the fight against the BUF. The left-wing Socialist League was disaffiliated and the Party’s youth organisation, the League of Youth, was purged.
Less well known is the Labour Party’s acquiescence in the Tories’ determination to keep Jewish refugees out of Britain during the Second World War. Labour was a party to one of the most shameful wartime episodes: the refusal of the British government to attempt any rescue of European Jews. Indeed, both Attlee and Morrison were full partners in this as senior members of Winston Churchill’s wartime coalition government. This is not to argue that a majority of European Jews could have been rescued, indeed, given the ferocity of the Nazis this is quite unlikely. But rather that the British government set its face against anyrescue attempt, involving even small numbers. As Pamela Shatzkes puts it: “The annihilation of European Jewry was a central German war aim; preventing it was not an Allied war aim”.40 Indeed, rescue was seen as a positive hindrance by the Churchill government.
It is worth, at this point, making clear what the socialist position would have been at this time: an unrelenting and uncompromising fight against anti-Semitism in all its manifestations and a welcoming open door policy to refugees from Nazi rule. If this had been the approach of the British and US governments then hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of European Jews would have been saved. Instead, only “several thousands” found refuge in Britain during the war, and this was “despite rather than because of government policy”.41 The Nazis did not prohibit emigration from the territories they had occupied until August 1941 or from Germany itself until October 1941. The problem was, as Bernard Wasserstein puts it, less the Nazis than “the extreme reluctance of all countries to admit them”. There can be little doubt that as far as Britain was concerned, the government’s policy with regard to refugees was anti-Semitic. While every effort was made to deny entry to Jewish refugees, in the spring of 1940 the government was ready to receive as many as 300,000 refugees, who never materialised, from Holland and Belgium.42
The rescue of the Jews
Growing awareness of the policy of genocide that the Nazis adopted after the invasion of the Soviet Union actually led to increasing pressure on the Churchill government to make some sort of response. On 25 June 1942, the Daily Telegraph reported that over 700,000 Jewish men, women and children had been killed “in the greatest massacre in the world’s history”. Five days later on 30 June it carried the headline, “More Than 1,000,000 Jews Killed in Europe” and informed its readers that it was the Nazi’s intention “to wipe the race from the European continent”. That same day similar reports were carried in “most British newspapers”.43
Soon after, the government came under pressure to offer sanctuary to refugee Jewish children and old people living in Vichy France. On 2 September, Morrison, by now Home Secretary, spoke at a Labour Party rally in London where he condemned “the infamous cruelties practised upon the men, women and children of Europe” and on the 23 September in a Home Office memorandum he made clear that his policy was “not to admit during the war additional refugees…unless in some quite rare and exceptional cases it can be shown that the admission of the refugees will be directly advantageous to our war effort”.44 As for the Vichy refugees, the government decided not to admit the elderly and imposed conditions of entry that reduced the number of children eligible to between 300 and 350, and then to only 20, even though the Jewish Refugee Committee promised to meet the costs of their upkeep. As Morrison explained to his Cabinet colleagues, letting them in would “stir up an unpleasant degree of anti-Semitism”.45 Government prevarication saw this even limited opportunity for rescue pass when the Germans occupied Vichy in November 1942.
Pressure continued to build up, with Labour MP Sydney Silverman warning the government that if something was not done, “the Jewish East End would explode with anger and frustration”.46 Ministers realised they had to be at least seen to be doing something. On 17 December 1942, the foreign secretary, Anthony Eden, responded in the Commons to a prepared question from Silverman with a statement condemning the unfolding Holocaust and promising retribution against those involved. As Shatzkes points out, however, this statement was “issued in the hope that a rhetorical flourish without direct commitment to action would serve to fob off the pressure groups’ agitation. Unfortunately from Eden’s point of view, ‘it had a far greater dramatic effect than I intended’”.47 He complained that his statement’s “main effect…had been to stimulate complaints that the government was not doing enough to help the victims of the Nazi regime”.48
In an attempt to head off the pressure the government established a Cabinet committee, the Committee on the Reception and Accommodation of Jewish Refugees, chaired by Attlee (effectively deputy prime minister), who was joined by Morrison, Eden and the Tory colonial secretary, Oliver Stanley. Its job was to defend “the British policy of inaction”.49 At the first meeting on 31 December 1942, Morrison made clear that Britain would only “take a limited number of refugees, say from 1,000 to 2,000 but certainly not more” and they would be held on the Isle of Man “as long as he thought necessary”.50
When the committee met for a second time on 7 January 1943, it had a new concern. Stanley is actually minuted as warning that if more Jewish refugees were allowed into Britain or Palestine then this might lead “certain Axis countries, notably Rumania, to extrude Jews from their territories, as an alternative to the policy of extermination”. Consequently, it was absolutely vital that the policy of accepting “only the limited number of Jewish children with a small number of accompanying women from Eastern Europe should be firmly adhered to”. This prompted a telegram to the British ambassador in Washington, Lord Halifax, warning him of the danger that the Nazis might change “from a policy of extermination to one of extrusion” with the intention of embarrassing the Allies “by flooding them with alien immigrants”.
Soon after Attlee told the Commons (19 January 1943) that there would be no change in the exclusionary policy because the government believed that “the only real remedy for the consistent Nazi policy of racial and religious persecution lies in an Allied victory”. In his account of this episode, the late Martin Gilbert, very much an Establishment historian, nevertheless could not keep his incredulity and outrage out of his prose. As Gilbert sarcastically points out, Attlee made no mention of the fear that the Nazis and their allies might “‘extrude’ their Jews instead of killing them” in his statement.51 Needless to say the Committee’s deliberations do not figure in any of the biographies of Clement Attlee.
The Committee faced serious problems, however. Over the Christmas of 1942, Victor Gollancz, the left-wing publisher and founder of the Left Book Club, wrote a pamphlet, LET MY PEOPLE GO: Some practical proposals for dealing with Hitler’s MASSACRE OF THE JEWS and an appeal to THE BRITISH PUBLIC, a tremendous indictment of Nazi crimes and British government inaction. He rushed it into print before the end of the year.52 This 32-page pamphlet, which cost 3d (about 59p today), sold an astonishing 250,000 copies in three months, prompting “hundreds of petitions and letters offering money, accommodation and food”. The flood of letters was so great that the government took the unprecedented decision to stop replying to them. In March 1943 the National Committee for Rescue from Nazi Terror (NCRNT) was formed by Eleanor Rathbone MP, Gollancz, William Beveridge, Francis Meynall and others to campaign for rescue. Under Meynall’s prompting the NCRNT commissioned a Gallup poll which found strong support for rescue: 78 percent of those questioned supported allowing refugees into the country, 68 percent temporarily and 10 percent on a permanent basis.53
Even the Oxford Union debating society came out in favour of rescue: when Gollancz proposed a motion “that a more energetic and practical policy be pursued by the government towards the rescue of Jews in Europe” early in 1943, the opposing speakers unprecedentedly crossed the floor to vote with him, and the resolution passed with an overwhelming majority.54
The Churchill government successfully resisted this massive pressure for rescue, appearing to promise action but with every intention of doing as little as possible. One other point worth making here concerns Morrison’s repeated claims that allowing Jewish refugees into the country would stoke up anti-Semitism. This almost certainly reflected his own prejudices as much as any real fear, because although a strong Zionist who enthusiastically supported Jewish emigration to Palestine, he certainly did not want European Jews coming to settle in Britain.55 What he argued was that in effect capitulation to anti-Semitism was the best way to fight it.
But this was compounded by the government’s decision to do nothing whatsoever to fight anti-Semitism on the Home Front. As Tony Kushner observes, the government would not “allow any official discussion or attacks on anti-Semitism. The subject was banned from the popular Brains Trust and efforts to air the subject on other BBC programmes were constantly thwarted”.56 The Home Office even refused to do anything to curb the publication of anti-Semitic propaganda during the War. Morrison, for example, refused to take any action against the Scottish ultra-Protestant Nazi sympathiser Alexander Ratcliffe when, in 1943, he brought out what was probably the first British Holocaust denial publication, The Truth about the Jews. Attempts to revive British fascism in the form of the British National Party and the British People’s Party were allowed by the government despite protests.
Under intense Tory pressure, including from Churchill himself, Morrison released Oswald Mosley from prison on 20 November 1943, despite a tremendous wave of protest. According to Angus Calder, “nine people out of ten felt that Mosley should not have been released, and a wave of angry demonstrations followed the announcement”.57 At factory meetings across the country resolutions demanding Mosley be re-imprisoned were overwhelmingly passed. When Morrison made his announcement of Mosley’s release in the Commons, delegations from over 300 factories demonstrated outside, chanting “Mosley In, Morrison Out”.In the Commons, the Communist MP Willie Gallacher asked why Mosley had been released while Gandhi was still imprisoned.58
Not only was the Labour Party wholeheartedly involved in the Churchill government’s policy towards Jewish refugees and the question of rescue, but it continued aspects of this policy once it came to power in 1945. Once again this is something that has been pretty much written out of Labour Party history, but the 1945-51 Labour government refused to let Holocaust survivors into Britain. This was at the same time as the government brought over 200,000 Eastern European workers, Poles, Latvians, Lithuanians, Estonians and Ukrainians, into Britain to remedy a shortage of labour. As David Cesarani pointed out, “it is all but impossible to avoid the conclusion that racism was at work”. Even more disgraceful, however, was the fact that among those allowed into the country were many former members of the Waffen SS from the Baltic states and, absolutely incredibly, an entire surrendered Ukrainian Waffen SS Division, over 8,000 strong. This was not an accident but, as Cesarani shows, deliberate policy. The problem involved in putting Latvian SS men down the mines was actually the subject of official discussions because of concern at the response of British miners to their “Waffen SS blood-group tattoos” which the British miners would see when they were showering. The Home Office reluctantly went along with barring men with SS tattoos from mining, but they were considered suitable “for other occupations in Britain for which they were not obliged to remove their outer clothing”.59 The decision to bring the Ukrainian Waffen SS Division into the country had, a Home Office minute notes, been made “with the Prime Minister’s approval”.60
There were protests at the time with a number of newspapers objecting, but let us leave the last word on this with a letter to his MP from M L Hyams of Coventry that was passed to the Foreign office in June 1947:
While denying asylum to thousands of displaced persons and having no compassion on these poor, homeless, starving creatures, the British government brought into the country 8,000 bloodthirsty cut-throats, part of a German force which was guilty of the most brutal atrocities against defenceless people during the war. One can’t help feeling there is something wrong with the mentality of a government, especially a socialist government which on the one hand refuses to give succour to so many helpless creatures whose only crime was they were either Jews or defied the Nazi hordes, and on the other hand opens the door of this country to scoundrels whose entry is an insult.
The Foreign Office “scurried to find a reply… Several versions were drafted, each of them evasive and confusing”.61 The one thing that is clear from this sorry narrative is that despite the support of thousands of its members for the fight against anti-Semitism, the Labour Party was and is not a reliable participant in that fight.
Putting the Empire first
Labour remained committed to the Zionist cause in Palestine throughout the war, although the 1939 White Paper was never withdrawn by the Churchill Coalition government. This commitment was decisively reaffirmed in a party statement on “The International Post-War Settlement”, drawn up by Hugh Dalton, and issued in the spring of 1944. The section on Palestine stated quite bluntly that a future Labour government had “to let Jews, if they wish, enter this tiny land in such numbers as to become a majority”. There was a necessity in Palestine “for transfer of population. Let the Arabs be encouraged to move out, as the Jews move in”. They should be “compensated handsomely for their land” and their “settlement elsewhere…generously financed”. Indeed, “we should re-examine also the possibility of extending the present Palestinian boundaries by agreement with Egypt, Syria or Transjordan”. Dalton decided to leave out a recommendation for “throwing open Libya or Eritrea to Jewish settlement as satellites or colonies to Palestine”.62
The whole document was adopted as policy at the December 1944 Labour Party conference. According to Weizmann, in this statement “the British Labourites, in their pro-Zionist enthusiasm, went beyond our intentions”.63 Not even the Revisionists had “advocated so extreme a political solution”.64 The Tory Oliver Stanley warned him that the policy was “Zionism plus plus” and risked “encouraging the Jews to believe that the next British Government…will do everything for them”.65 At its May 1945 conference Labour restated its commitment yet again with Dalton looking forward to “a happy, free and prosperous Jewish state in Palestine”.66 The commitment was Labour Party policy during the 1945 general election and was included in the party’s 1945 Speaker’s Handbook where it was stated once again that Zionist settlers should be allowed into Palestine “in such numbers as to become a majority” and that “the Arabs be encouraged to move out as the Jews move in”.67
It was abandoned immediately the party took office. The interests of the Empire took priority over any commitment to the Zionist cause. Ministers were made aware that any attempt to implement this commitment would seriously, perhaps fatally, undermine the British position throughout the Middle East which required Arab collaboration. For Weizmann, the Churchill government had “already failed us” by its refusal to scrap the 1939 White Paper, but:
If ever a political party had gone unequivocally on the record with regard to a problem, it was the British Labour Party with regard to the Jewish National Home; [but] within three months of taking office, the British Labour Government repudiated the pledge so often and clearly—even vehemently—repeated to the Jewish people.68
This precipitated an armed Zionist revolt against British rule in Palestine, a revolt supported by both the Soviet Union and the United States, as a way of weakening the British position in the Middle East; it was to end with the British effectively forced out of the country.69
At the time and subsequently, the claim was made that the Labour government’s Palestine policy was dictated by Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin’s anti-Semitism. For Labour MP Ian Mikardo, for example, it went as far back as the Whitechapel by-election when Bevin blamed the Jews for Labour’s reduced vote. Mikardo goes on to write of Bevin’s “fanatical hatred…for the Jews in Palestine”.70 It is certainly true that Bevin responded to the Zionists’ defiance of the British Empire in anti-Semitic language and on other occasions gave voice to vicious anti-Semitic prejudices. But this was not the mainspring of the policy he followed. Indeed throughout the 1930s and into the 1940s, he had been regarded as one of Zionism’s most reliable supporters inside the Labour Party. Now the interests of the British Empire came first.
And his use of anti-Semitic abuse was not unique among the labour leadership. In their biography of Harold Laski, Isaac Kramnick and Barry Sheerman refer to him having to put up with not just “the bullying anti-Semitism of Ernest Bevin”, but also “the more cultivated sarcasm of the economics don Hugh Dalton, who…persistently referred to his fellow socialist Laski as the ‘under-sized Semite’ while also ridiculing his far-left ‘yideology’”.71 Dalton was, as we have seen, an extreme Zionist. He also routinely referred to Africans as “niggers” and Arabs as “wogs”. The prime minister Clement Attlee was himself not free of anti-Semitic prejudice. On one occasion in March 1951, when he was considering a number of junior appointments to the government, he rejected Ian Mikardo and Austen Albu even though they were both highly recommended because they were Jews: “they both belonged to the chosen people, and he didn’t think he wanted any more of them”.72
While the Labour government had reneged on the Party’s Zionist commitment, the Labour left rallied to the cause. Inside the government, Aneurin Bevan continued urging a pro-Zionist stance and actually considered resigning over the issue early in 1947. He argued in Cabinet that “it was not necessarily true that we must avoid estranging Arab states. A friendly Jewish state would be a safer military base than any we should find in any Arab state”.73 This, needless to say, was not an anti-imperialist position, but rather a different understanding of what was the best policy for British imperialism. For Bevan and the so-called Tribunite left, the alliance with Zionism, complete with British military bases, remained the best way to sustain Britain’s strategic position in the Middle East. Outside the government, Richard Crossman, Michael Foot, Ian Mikardo, Woodrow Wyatt, Sidney Silverman and others maintained a hostile opposition to government policy both in the Commons and outside. In 1946, Foot and Crossman co-authored a pamphlet, A Palestine Munich?, savagely attacking the government for its betrayal of Zionism (there was a third unacknowledged co-author: Arthur Koestler, who received 25 percent of the royalties, and was a supporter of the right-wing terrorist Stern group at the time).74 It was published in time for the Labour Party conference. The pamphlet emphasised Labour’s longstanding commitment to Zionism, condemned the government’s betrayal, apologised for Zionist terrorism and argued that a “Judean state” would ally with Britain and “leave in British hands the port of Haifa and such airfields and installations as we require”.75 At the same time, Tribune maintained a constant pro-Zionist critique. On 8 August 1947, it solemnly proclaimed that the truth had to be told: “the Palestine tragedy represents a breakdown of social democracy. For the British forces operating against the Palestine Jews are under the orders of a British Labour Government”.76
The most determined advocate of Zionism on the Labour left was Richard Crossman MP and it is worth briefly considering his views for the light they throw on the Labour left’s thinking at the time and after. As far as Crossman was concerned, Zionism was “an important part of the Socialist creed”. Even though he was a supporter of the removal of the Palestinians, he still acknowledged that what was involved was a choice of evils. He convinced himself that the injustice done to the Palestinians was the lesser evil because the fact was “that no western colonist in any other country had done so little harm, or disturbed so little the life of the indigenous people”. Indeed, the Zionists were bringing “social progress” to the Middle East, “which, in the long run, would benefit the Arab”. He wrote this in 1947.77 His fury against the government’s Palestine policy was extreme to say the least. As far as he was concerned Attlee and Bevin were “murderers” who had “plotted to destroy the Jews in Palestine, and then encouraged the Arabs to murder the lot”. He could never “forgive them for genocide”. This was written in 1954.78
Looking back on these events in 1959, when he delivered that year’s Chaim Weizmann Memorial Lectures at the Weizmann Institute in Israel, Crossman pondered what he considered the great Zionist misfortune: their colonising effort came too late to be respectable. In the 19th century and before it had been “assumed that civilisation would be spread by the white man settling overseas”. In South America, North America and South Africa, white settlers had brought civilisation. “No one”, he writes, at least until the 20th century, had “seriously challenged their right, or indeed, their duty, to civilise these continents by physically occupying them, even at the cost of wiping out the aboriginal population”. If only the Zionist settlers had “achieved their majority before 1914, they would have been accepted without any compunction of any kind”. Instead, “they had the misfortune to come after Woodrow Wilson and Lenin had proclaimed self-determination a principle”. He actually complained, quite unfairly, about Attlee and Bevin having had a “prejudice in favour of the native and against the white settler”.79
Crossman, it is worth remembering, passed as a serious intellectual both inside and outside the Labour Party. “No one” objected to the civilising of countries by wiping out their aboriginal populations! The principle of self-determination was to be regretted! This reactionary nonsense was written by a senior Labour MP, still on the left of the Party, who was to go on to be Minister of Housing, Leader of the Commons, Minister of Health and then editor of the New Statesman. Obviously the objections of the subjected or even wiped out populations counted for nothing in his intellectual universe.
Crossman had been converted to Zionism by Weizmann himself who persuaded him that all gentiles carried the anti-Semitic bacillus and that while it might lie dormant for years, there were conditions in which it would inevitably become active. Weizmann told him that anti-Semitism became virulent when “the number of Jews should rise beyond the safety level for that particular nation”. The only cure for anti-Semitism was “the creation of the Jewish State”.80 Coming from anyone other than a Zionist, this argument would, of course, be considered viciously anti-Semitic. Crossman accepted it completely: anti-Semitism was caused by there being too many Jews and the answer was for them to be resettled in Palestine. Weizmann went out of his way to cultivate Crossman, telling him he was the British Émile Zola,81 something that Crossman tried to live up to with his attack on Bevin’s policy: “I Accuse Bevin”, which appeared on the front page of the Sunday Pictorial newspaper on 14 February 1949, a week after the Israelis had shot down five British aircraft.82 For Crossman, Zionism remained his ­political touchstone: he cried when Weizmann, his “spiritual father” died and in 1972 started to write Weizmann’s biography, something he never completed.83
The British defeat in Palestine and the subsequent establishment of the state of Israel were enthusiastically celebrated by the Labour left. The expulsion of 800,000 Palestinians from their homeland, referred to by Palestinians as the Nakba or catastrophe, was either ignored or played down in exactly the same way that the brutal repression of the Great Revolt had been ignored in the late 1930s. Indeed, far from driving the Palestinians out, according to Sydney Silverman, the Zionists “did their utmost to persuade them to stay”. Similarly, Crossman argued that they were never driven out but left on the orders of their leaders who he accused of unjustified scaremongering. And anyway, as he told the Commons, their homes were “only mud huts…terribly bad villages full of vermin”.84 The Palestinians were disregarded as a non-people, whose fate was of no account whatsoever, compared with the establishment of Israel, “a country which was both socialist and freedom-loving”.85 Alongside this rhetoric though, left spokesmen also argued that an alliance with Israel was the best way to sustain British influence in the Middle East.
In 1950, Woodrow Wyatt visited Israel where he saw “democratic socialism”, inspired, he believed, by “the achievements of British socialism”. He also regretted Bevin’s “prejudice against Zionism”, because “Israel might easily have been a member state of the British Commonwealth” and, if it had been, “action might have been taken in time to prevent the loss of Abadan oil”.86 By action, he meant military intervention. Even the Labour left saw the world through a British imperial lens.
Labour reconciled with Zionism
The Labour government’s reconciliation with Zionism was quickly accomplished. By January 1950, Morrison was publicly proclaiming that Israel was “one of the greatest experiments in the modern world”. And in March 1950, the Labour government formally recognised the state of Israel. As June Edmunds argues, it was the concern to maintain “a strong alliance” with the United States that produced this turnaround with Bevin himself telling the Israelis “that his Palestine policy had been a failure”.87 This concern with the “special relationship” with the US continues to underpin Labour’s attachment to Israel today; the more the US came to regard Israel as strategically important, so the more pro-Zionist became the Labour leadership.
There were still difficulties. In 1956, the Labour opposition condemned British collusion in the Israeli attack on Egypt and the subsequent Anglo-French Suez invasion. Labour’s opposition was not motivated by any principled objection to invasion, but rather to an invasion that was not supported by the United States. Both the then Labour leader, Hugh Gaitskell and the shadow foreign secretary, Aneurin Bevan, were strong Zionists, but whereas it was once the interests of British imperialism that came first, now it was the interests of US imperialism. Even so, when Edward Short MP proposed an Early Day Motion supporting Israel, 81 Labour MPs signed it. The likes of Morrison described Israeli military success as “wonderful” while a drunken Dalton celebrated it by “cursing the wogs”.88 The year after the Suez invasion, the Labour Friends of Israel was established, as a demonstration that the party’s condemnation of the British and French governments did not extend to Israel. And with the succession of Harold Wilson to the Labour leadership in 1963, the party now had one of its most committed Zionists ever at the helm, a man who in retirement was to write a history of Zionism and modern Israel, The Chariot of Israel!
There was overwhelming support for Israel within Labour ranks during the 1967 Israeli-Arab War with the left-wing Labour MP Eric Heffer urging the Israelis to hold on to their conquests. As one of the handful of opponents of Zionism within the Parliamentary Labour Party Christopher Mayhew later observed the strength of the Zionist commitment at this time led “to a uniquely close friendship with a foreign government which was occupying large areas of its neighbours’ territory, was exercising, through measures of military government, colonial rule over a million subjects, and was openly practising racial discrimination in its immigration and housing policies”.89
Actions that Labour would have condemned if carried out by any other government were either condoned, supported or ignored. At the same time, those within the party who tried to raise concerns about the plight of the Palestinians were subject to what one of their number, David Watkins MP, described as a “fascist-like reaction”. They were effectively prevented from speaking in the Commons by constant barracking from their own side. One particular left MP, Margaret McKay, a former Communist, union organiser and from 1951 to 1962, the TUC’s chief women’s officer, had a replica Palestinian refugee camp erected in Parliament Square. The Party leadership was outraged. For her pains, she was inundated with “obscene hate mail…which included packets of excreta”. Far from taking steps to protect her, the party allowed her opponents within her constituency party, who ran a “scurrilous campaign” against her (she was inevitably accused of anti-Semitism), to begin a de-selection process. She stood down as an MP in disgust in the run up to the 1970 general election.90
While the Labour leadership’s commitment to Israel became stronger and stronger, after 1967 there was a growing realisation among many members and supporters that far from being a socialist enclave surrounded by menacing fascist Arabs, Israel was a powerful, militarily aggressive state, intent on the further conquest of Arab land and either the removal of the Arab population or their reduction to colonial status. By the time of the 1973 “Yom Kippur” War, there was enough dissatisfaction with Labour’s continued support for Israel to provoke a significant revolt. David Watkins, one of the rebel leaders in the Commons, describes it as “a major turning point…epoch-making”.91 When the fighting broke out, the Heath government imposed an arms embargo on the combatants. Wilson demanded that arms supplies to Israel should be continued, to show British support for both Israel and the United States. According to Wilson:
As soon as news of the invasion became known I telephoned the Israeli Ambassador…Michael Comay, and made an immediate appointment to see him and be briefed. Thereafter I was in contact with him every day to hear of developments. The first thing he told me was that Mr Heath’s government had placed an embargo on the shipment of spares and ammunition to Israel for the Centurion tanks Britain had supplied when Labour had been in power.92
Wilson proposed attacking the embargo on Israel with a three-line whip in operation. But it soon became clear that there was too much opposition for this to be carried off; in the event 15 Labour MPs voted to support the embargo and more than 70 abstained. Somewhat over-optimistically, Watkins describes “that historic vote on 18 October 1973” as having ended “50 years of Zionist domination of Labour attitudes… Nothing would ever be the same again”.93 The coming to power in Israel of the Likud Party in 1977 continued the disenchantment that more and more Labour members, including a number of MPs, felt.
The 1982 invasion of Lebanon with the massacres at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps was a further blow. Even Wilson was to describe Ariel Sharon as “the most evil man I have come across in Israeli politics”.94 When the then Labour leader Neil Kinnock visited Israel in 1988 during the Intifada, he condemned one of the refugee camps he visited as “a vast slum. It is hell”. He publicly complained about the shooting of young Palestinians, many of them “when they are going in the opposite direction”, ie, running away. Nevertheless, according to his biographer, the Israelis “knew that Kinnock had consistently defended them” in the past and an empty joint statement calling for reconciliation was issued with the leaders of the Israeli Labour Party.95 Even this limited criticism of Israeli brutality was to be abandoned when Tony Blair became Labour leader.
Blair and beyond
Under Blair the party leadership’s support for the US and for Israel became once again unquestioning and total regardless of the complexion of the Israeli government. Indeed, according to one recent study, it became commonplace for the Labour Friends of Israel “to be chaired by rising Blairite backbench MPs…on their way into ministerial ranks…Kim Howells, Jim Murphy, Jane Kennedy, Stephen Twigg, James Purnell”. The Labour Friends of Israel reception at party conferences “became one of the largest and most well-attended events”.96 There was still more criticism of Israel than would have been conceivable in the 1950s and 1960s, and, of course, Blair’s eventual downfall was to be triggered by his uncritical support for Israel’s attack on Lebanon in 2006. However, this episode provides a distorted picture of the strength of opposition to Israel; many of Gordon Brown’s supporters, themselves members of the Labour Friends of Israel, joined in calling for Blair to go over this issue, even though their concerns were factional rather than critical of Israel. Even so, while the Labour right has remained wholly committed to Zionism, the voices on the left that oppose it have been strengthened by the great movement that was provoked by the Iraq invasion. The growth of anti-imperialism as a force in British politics contributed massively to the radical critique of Zionism. The contemporary Labour left has to be seen as, at least in part, a product of that anti-imperialist movement.
How have the Zionists responded to increased criticism of Israel? Over the years we have seen a determined effort made to label anti-Zionism as anti-Semitic. While this is nothing new in itself—such abuse has a long history—the scale and intensity of the attack has dramatically increased in recent years. And even more recently it has become bound up with the campaign the Labour right has waged against Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters. There has been a sustained attempt made to discredit the Corbynites by alleging that they are somehow responsible for the Labour Party having a serious problem with anti-Semitism, that the Labour left and the left outside the Labour Party is, in fact, anti-Semitic. Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are being deliberately conflated. The most recent example of this is David Rich’s truly appalling book, The Left’s Jewish Problem: Jeremy Corbyn, Israel and Anti-Semitism.97 The title says it all. That a work of such profound intellectual dishonesty has been so widely welcomed shows the determination with which this particular smear is being propagated. The smear has to be fought.
There are two points worth making here: first that the allegations are politically motivated smears, perpetrated by people completely without shame, and second that they do considerable damage to the real fight against anti-Semitism. For socialists the fight against anti-Semitism is of vital importance both because of the crimes against Jewish people that it has been responsible for but also because it has been anti-Semitism that has legitimised Zionism and that made possible the dispossession of the Palestinian people. The left in the broadest sense, certainly not the Labour right, has always been the mainstay of the fight against anti-Semitism in Britain. At a time when there are powerful right-wing campaigns underway in Britain, Europe and the United States to mobilise prejudice, racism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, the attempt to label the British left as anti-Semitic is a shameful travesty that can only help the forces of reaction.

John Newsinger is a member of Brighton SWP. He is joint editor, with Richard Lance Keeble, of the George Orwell Studies journal.

1        Cliff and Gluckstein, 1996, pp70-71. As Webb himself put it: “The best safeguard against ‘Bolshevism’ is a strong Labour Party in Parliament.”
2        Kelemen, 2012, p11.
3       Stansky, 1969, pp318-322.
4       Woolf, 1968, p236. Woolf was for many years Secretary of the Labour Party’s Advisory Committee on Imperial Questions.
5       Kelemen, 2012, p20.
6       Wilson, 1981, p123.
7       Levenberg, 1945, pp207, 215-216. Paole Zion became the Jewish Labour Movement in 2004 and is still affiliated to the Labour Party.
8       MacDonald, 1922, pp2, 6, 11 and 19.
9       Brustein and Roberts, 2015, p158. They argue convincingly that “left-wing anti-Semitism in Britain reached what might be considered its height during the Boer War”. Although they refer to the left, in fact the anti-Semitism within both the Labour Party and the Social Democratic Federation was vigorously opposed by the left in those organisations.
10     Wedgwood, 1941, pp132 and 194.
11     Rose, 1973, p74.
12     Stein, 1992, p37.
13     Keleman, 2000, p147.
14     MacKenzie and Mackenzie, 1985, pp230-231.
15     Kelemen, 2012, p24.
16     Gorny, 1983, p88.
17     Radice, 1984, pp280-281.
18     Weizmann, 1949, pp335-336.
19     Gorny, 1983, p125. Gorny writes of Morrison displaying “a tinge of prejudice” here which, as we shall see, is something of an understatement.
20     Donoughue and Jones, 2001, p256.
21     Gorny, 1983, pp125, 128.
22     Kelemen, 2012, p31.
23     Levenberg, 1945, p209.
24     Rose, 1973, p62.
25     Wedgwood, 1951, p191.
26     See Newsinger, 2010, pp140-149.
27     Boyle, 2001, p225.
28     Levenberg, 1945, pp279, 281, 295; Kelemen, 2012, p91.
29     Mulvey, 2010, p187. In a letter urging the Zionist settlers to greater militancy that he allowed to be made public, he opposed the settlers carrying out “reprisals in the form of murdering innocent Arabs”, but was all in favour of “lynch law”. He even endorsed the use of violence against the British authorities when they tried to interfere with illegal immigration—Wedgwood, 1951, p192.
30     Collette, 2000, p81.
31     According to Francis Nicosia, “German arms were never provided to Arab insurgents in Palestine”—see Nicosia, 1985, p181. As for the Italians, while they undoubtedly encouraged Arab revolt against their British rivals, even providing small quantities of arms, at the same time they also made approaches to the Zionists, urging them to switch their allegiance to Italy, a country that “was not afraid of the Arabs and knew how to deal with them”. The Italian government also offered the Zionists the Gajjam area in recently conquered Abyssinia as a subsidiary settlement—Rose, 1973, p105. And, of course, the Zionist leadership in Palestine was well aware that it was confronting a mass popular revolt; indeed David Ben Gurion actually remarked that if he was an Arab, he “would rise up against an immigration liable some time in the future to hand the country and all of its Arab inhabitants over to Jewish rule. What Arab cannot do his math”—see Teveth, 1985, pp167-168.
32      Reynolds, 1956, p165.
33     Levenberg, 1945, pp229, 234-235.
34     Attlee, 1940, p94.
35     See Newsinger, 2007.
36     Hession, 1984, p226.
37     According to one of his biographers, as late as December 1945, Keynes gave expression to his hostility to the Labour government by veering off “into his facile anti-Semitism as aroused by its ‘socialist advisors…who like so many Jews are either Nazi or Communist at least’”—Felix, 1999, p288.
38     Copsey, 2010, p61.
39     Donoughue and Jones, 2001, p225.
40     Shatzkes, 2002, p5.
41     Kushner, 1989, p152.
42     Wasserstein, 1999, pp41 and 118.
43     Bolchover, 2003, pp8-9.
44     London, 2000, p200.
45     Kushner, 1989, p77.
46     Cesarani, 2016, p577.
47     Shatzkes, 2002, p117.
48     Bolchover, 2003, pxxv.
49     London, 2000, p206.
50     Gilbert, 2001, p109.
51     Gilbert, 2001, pp110-112.
52     Gollancz, 1942. At the back of the pamphlet Gollancz urged readers to pass it on when they had read it so the likelihood is that its readership was substantially higher than 250,000.
53     Wasserstein, 1999, p117.
54     Dudley Edwards, 1987, pp375-376.
55     Certainly as far as Eleanor Rathbone was concerned, in her dealings with Morrison, he showed a “barely concealed dislike of Jews and open hostility towards refugees”—Cohen, 2010, p169.
56     Kushner, 1989, p139.
57     Calder, 1979, p636.
58     Srebrnik, 1990, p86.
59     Cesarani, 1992, pp80-81 and 99-100. As Cesarani points out, the Labour government also expedited the removal from the country of black and Asian soldiers and workers recruited in the Caribbean for war work at the same time.
60     Khromeychuk, 2013, p119.
61     Littman, 2003, p133.
62     Pimlott, 1985, pp389-390.
63     Weizmann, 1949, p436.
64     Gorny, 1983, p179.
65     Dalton, 1986a, p739.
66     Penkower, 2002, p348.
67     Labour Party, 1945, p189.
68     Weizmann, 1949, p439.
69     See Newsinger, 2015, pp5-32.
70     Mikardo, 1988, pp98-99.
71     Kramnick and Sheerman, 1993, pp206-207. They also tell of an occasion in 1944 when Bevin was asked to meet with three members of Labour’s NEC, who happened to be Jewish, to discuss post-war reconstruction with them (Laski was one of the them). He supposedly responded that “he could spend his time better than in discussing Britain’s future with three yids” (p552).
72     Dalton, 1986b, p508. Dalton records himself as responding: “Don’t touch either of them”.
73     Wilson, 1981, p187.
74     Koestler’s relations with the Stern group are explored in Scammell, 2009, pp252, 255, 276, 280-281, 328, 333.
75     Crossman and Foot, 1946, p31.
76     Vaughan, 2013, p9.
77     Crossman, 1947, pp61 and 176.
78     Crossman, 1981, p326.
79     Crossman, 1960, pp58, 59, 67.
80     Crossman, 1960, pp21-22.
81     Zola had played a major role in the defence of Alfred Dreyfus.
82     Howard, 1991, p146. Crossman was staying with Weizmann in Palestine when news of the shooting down of the RAF planes was given to him and assured him on his own testimony that it was “good news”—Crossman, 1960, p72.
83     Dalyell, 1989, p68.
84     Kelemen, 2012, pp128 and 132.
85     Martin, 1953, p219.
86     Wyatt, 1952, pp167 and 177. For the Labour government and the Abadan crisis see Newsinger, 2015, pp174-177.
87     Edmunds, 2000, pp38 and 39.
88     Edmunds, 2000, p48; Adams, 2011, p125.
89     Mayhew and Adams, 1975, p27.
90     Watkins, 1996, pp114-115. Margaret McKay had earlier published an autobiography as Margaret McCarthy, Generation in Revolt (1953), that is still well worth reading. It covers her experiences as a Communist and her reasons for breaking with the Communist Party.
91     Watkins, 1996, p118. The book was published before Blair became Prime Minister.
92     Wilson, 1981, p365.
93     Watkins, 1996, p119.
94     Kelemen, 2012, p174.
95     Westlake, 2001, p463.
96     Greene, 2013, p49.
97     See Rich, 2016.

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Kramnick, Isaac, and Barry Sheerman, 1993, Harold Laski: A Life On The Left(Hamish Hamilton).
Kushner, Tony, 1989, The Persistence of Prejudice: Anti-Semitism in British Society during the Second World War (Manchester University Press).
Labour Party, 1945, Speaker’s Handbook.
Levenberg, Schneier, 1945, The Jews and Palestine: A Study in Labour Zionism (Paole Zion).
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MacKenzie, Norman and Jeanne Mackenzie, 1985, The Diary of Beatrice Webb, volume 4: 1924-1943: The Wheel of Life (Virag0).
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The Forward March of Corbyn Halted - The Right's Attack on Corbyn in the Local Election CampaignW was Partially Successful


Confronted with the False Anti-Semitism Campaign Momentum was Paralysed like a Rabbit in the Headlights of a Car

When the General Election was called last year I was one of the few people to predict that Corbyn could either win or achieve a hung parliament.  This was at a time when the Tories were ahead by up to 24% in the polls. On 20th April I posted a blog Labour Can Win if Corbyn is Bold – the Key Issue is Poverty and the Transfer of Wealth.  On 3rd June I wrote Is Labour on the threshold of victory? the subtitle of which read ‘No one has been more disappointed with the success of Labour’s campaign than the Labour Right and Zionist Jewish Labour Movement.’

I even went into a betting shop for the first time in my life and placed a £20 bet that Labour would win between 250 and 275 seats! This was at a time when that sage Nick Cohen wrote ‘Will there be 150, 125, 100 Labour MPs by the end of the flaying? My advice is to think of a number then halve it.’  Don’t tell me you weren’t warned about Corbyn
I will therefore make another prediction.  What we have seen in the past 6 weeks, the revitalised ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign is just the beginning. It is a weapon that is continually being refashioned.  As long as Corbyn accepts that there is ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party, and by that I don’t mean that the occasional individual makes a dodgy remark but that there is a systemic problem, his ‘pockets of anti-Semitism’ then he will be at the perpetual mercy of those whose real object is his removal.

Jewish Labour Movement Councillor Adam Langlaben, an arch Zionist, was knocked out by his own 'antisemitism' campaign and went down to defeat in West Hendon
Chuka Ummuna and the Labour Right did their best to damage Labour's prospects in the local elections.  There is no doubt that they had some success, not least in London. It is understandable that people want to spin the local election results and put them in the best possible light but we should be honest and admit that they weren't as good as they should have been.

Ironically the Labour Right's greatest success in Barnet, where Labour was prevented from taking control of the Council, knocked out Labour's Zionist councillors in the form of the Jewish Labour Movement's Adam Langlabe  and friends in West Hendon.  In a classic display of Chutpzh Langlabe complained that voters were seeing Labour as anti-semitic oblivious of his own role in such a perception.

Unless Corbyn begins fighting back against the Zionist lobby he will never become Prime Minister.  It is worse than useless, when supporters of Israel say that Labour is riddled with anti-Semitism to say that he is a militant opponent of it. They are talking about two different things. Corbyn means hatred of Jews when he talks about anti-Semitism.  Jonathan Arkush and the Zionists mean hatred of Israeli Apartheid and Zionism. That is why, after their recent talks, Arkush expressed his dissatisfaction because Corbyn couldn’t agree to his simple requests.
The false antisemitism campaign is succeeding in stopping support for the Palestinians
The Zionists wanted‘a swift resolution of party disciplinary cases such as that of Ken Livingstone and Labour adopting the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism.’  Livingstone stated that Hitler supported Zionism.  Whether he was right or wrong is immaterial.  The fact is that he spoke about Zionism not Jews or Judaism.  Unless you believe that Jews and Zionism are synonymous then the attack on Ken makes no sense and if you do believe that Jews and Zionism are the same thing then of course anti-Semitism equals anti-Zionism. It is also an anti-Semitic statement!

This simple piece of logic entirely has entirely escaped Corbyn or his advisers.  Likewise the demand that Jackie Walker be expelled is so obviously on account of her anti-Zionism.  Even stranger is their demand for the full IHRA definition of anti-Semitism when there is a very simple 21 word definition of anti-Semitism from Dr Brian Klug:

antisemitism is a form of hostility to Jews as Jews, where Jews are perceived as something other than what they are.

The full IHRA definition, including 11 examples, comes to 450 words.  Why?  Because it spends most of its time conflating anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.  Thus anyone who says the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign isn’t about Israel and Zionism is either a liar or a fool or both. 

As Sir Stephen Sedley, a Jewish former Court of Appeal Judge wrote‘the IHRA definition offers encouragement to pro-Israel militants whose targets for abuse and disruption in London have recently included the leading American scholar and critic of Israel Richard Falk’ and described how the definition ‘gives respectability and encouragement to forms of intolerance which are themselves contrary to law, and higher education institutions in particular need to be aware of this.’

The greatest historian of the post-war era was a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany, Eric Hobsbawm, who was also the Communist Party’s main historian.  Works such as Industry and Empire, The Age of Revolution andThe Age of Capital are classics. In 1978 Hobsbawm wrote an essay The Forward March of Labour Halted’which was the ideological underpinning first of Eurocommunism and then the Blair era. 
The demonstration in the summer of 2016 called by Momentum to defend Corbyn against an attempted coup this time Momentum or rather Lansman chose to be absent
The Zionist Demonstration - Harry Markham, a Jewish fascist is in the bottom right with the hat
It posited the idea that the class struggle was outdated and counter-productive and that the working class itself had all but disappeared.  Critiques include that by Ralph Miliband and Carlin & Ian Birchall [Kinnock’s favourite Marxist - Eric Hobsbawm and the working class].
To Hobbsbawm 1978, the fag end of the Callaghan government, was a crucial time just before the onset of Thatcherism.  Likewise the local elections which we have just had are also a crucial time in the Corbyn movement.  If we don’t learn the lessons of what happened in the past 6 weeks then we should not be surprised at the consequences, Corbyn’s removal included.

Ever since Corbyn was elected as Labour leader in September 2015, the Right has made it clear that he is unacceptable at any price and in any form.  This should not be a surprise.  The United States spends hundreds of millions on the CIA and its Intelligence agencies.   Their purpose is to keep the world safe for US interests.  You can imagine their shock when one of Britain’s leading left-wing politicians, anti-NATO, anti-Triden, anti-US interference in the Middle East was elected as leader of Britain’s second largest party. 
The idea that the CIA and Defence Intelligence Agency and other spooks, in co‑ordination with their Israeli allies would seek to do something about it, seems eminently reasonable to me.  After all the CIA are not paid good money for nothing. Our own MI6 have a Domestic Subversion section, they and the Special Branch and other special units sent people into environmental and other radical groups why not interfere in the Labour Party?

I have no doubt that the sudden upsurge in propaganda about ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party was a state sponsored campaign, placed in friendly newspapers like the Daily Mailand of course the Jewish Chronicle.  We know for a fact that Ruth Smeeth is a US asset because Wikileaksgot hold of US cables.
Ruth Smeeth - an agent of influence
At first the Labour Right, who were entrusted to run this campaign, were inclined to challenge him head on.  There was Hilary Benn’s treachery with the staged resignations from the Shadow Cabinet in Summer 2016 and the head to head challenge from first Angela Eagle and then Owen Smith.  Momentum rose to the occasion, with a demonstration on College Green outside the House of Commons as 172 Labour MPs, treated to the soaring rhetoric of the Welsh Windbag (Neil Kinnock) tried, in Dianne Abbot’s words, to ‘break the man’.  I went up with my son Tom, a young Corbynite and the atmosphere was heady.
Contrast this with today and the reactionary ‘Enough is enough’ demonstration under the auspices of the Board of Deputies. This is an openly Zionist organisation led by right-wing Tory Jonathan Arkush who welcomedDonald Trump and the anti-Semitic alt-Right to power in America.
At the Battle of Cable Street as Jewish workers confronted the fascists the Zionists and the Board of Deputies told Jews to stay indoors and keep their heads down
This was billed as an ‘anti-racist’ demonstration but if it was then it is the first time that the sectarian homophobic bigots of the DUP have attended such a demonstration!  Not only the DUP but that well known anti-racist Norman Tebbit, Margaret Thatcher’s ‘semi-trained polecat’ was also in attendance.  It is fortunate that didn’t devise a Jewish version of his notorious ‘cricket test’.  Indeed it was the first anti-racist demonstration that the Board has organised.  In 1936 when the fascists tried to march through Jewish East End of London, the Board was vociferously opposed to any counter demonstration.  Stay inside they advised and ignore the fash.  Thousands of Jewish demonstrators ignored them and successfully stopped the fascists in conjunction with non-Jewish dockers in the Battle of Cable Street.
Friend of the fascists Jonathan Hoffman is also against 'antisemitism'

Jonathan Hoffman (left) with Paul Besser, former Intelligence Officer of Britain Firs
The main chant at the Zionist demonstration, which included openly fascist Zionists such as Harry Markham and Jonathan Hoffman – was ‘Jeremy is a racist’.  The demonstration was also attended by numerous other Tory and Labour Right MPs.  Yet where was Momentum this time?  Completely absent.  Jon Lansman’s refusal to mobilise any opposition to this anti-Corbyn demonstration was nothing less than an act of treachery.

This demonstration was a reaction to the synthetic furoreover a 6 year old mural, long erased, which Corbyn had defended on free speech grounds. It was claimed that it was anti-Semitic but on any objective viewing it depicted bankers not Jews, dining on the back of Black sweated labour. It was anti-banker not anti-Jewish and only two of the six bankers were Jewish.

This was the pretext for the insertion into the election campaign of the false ‘anti-Semitism’ narrative. Remember that this weapon has been wielded even before Corbyn was elected in the summer of 2015 when it was alleged he associated with a holocaust denier, Paul Eisen.  It was false but rumours have a habit of sticking. The most dedicated anti-racist Labour MP, a man who was arrestedoutside the South Africa  High Commission in Trafalgar Square in the days of Apartheid was now being called a racist.
Jess Phillips - one of the lynch mob that accompanied liar Ruth Smeeth MP to Marc Wadsworth's hearing
In the 2½  years since we have had a non-stop diet of ‘anti-Semitism’. Labour Against Anti-Semitism and other right-wing trolls, many not even in Labour, have run with malicious and false allegations against Labour members. Meanwhile coincidentally nearly all the victims have been people who have been Jewish, Black and anti-racist – Tony Greenstein, Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth, Cyril Chilson.  It is obvious to anyone who isn’t brain dead that the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign is not about anti-Semitism.
Jackie Walker was secretly taped at a ‘training event’ run by the Jewish Labour Movement.  Shortly after she was suspended for saying that groups other than Jews should be included in Holocaust Memorial Day and that she hadn’t come across a definition of anti-Semitism that she could work with.  This was the cue for Lansman to have Jackie removed as Momentum Vice-Chair. Shortly afterwards Jackie was suspended. Cyril, Marc and I have since been expelled.  When I remarked that having the JLM take a training session on antiracism was like Nick Griffin of the BNP lecturing on multi-culturalism the JLM complained!
The Jewish Labour Movement by its own admission is the ‘sister party’ of the Israeli Labour Party, an openly racist party that supportsNetanyahu’s attempts to deport 40,000 Black African refugees from the country because they are Black and not Jewish.  [See The violent roots of Israel's Labor party]

The Zionists react angrily to any suggestion that their concerns about ‘anti-Semitism’ have anything to do with Israel.  It’s all about Jew hatred but when you read what they say it is clear that they are congenital liars incapable of differentiating between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.  In their Open Letter to Corbyn, Arkush and Goldstein stated that:

“Again and again, Jeremy Corbyn has sided with anti-Semites rather than Jews. At best, this derives from the far left’s obsessive hatred of Zionism, Zionists and Israel. At worst, it suggests a conspiratorial worldview in which mainstream Jewish communities are believed to be a hostile entity, a class enemy.”

They couldn’t help themselves.  ‘Anti-Semitism’  was about the ‘far left’s obsessive hatred of Zionism, Zionists and Israel.’ If there were any doubt then Arkush put it to bed when he described Jewdas, a group of Jewish anarchists, as a ‘source of virulent anti-Semitism’.

That is why the decision of Corbyn to accept that Labour has ‘pockets of anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party is so stupid.  It accepts the false anti-Semitism allegations of Israel’s supporters as genuine. When the whole of the right-wing press, the same press that attacks George Soros as a ‘puppet master’, an anti-Semitic stereotype if any were, is going full on with the ‘anti-Semitism’ narrative then it is absurd for Labour to throwaway its defences.
Lucianer Berger ex of Israeli dirty tricks
The fact is that the Labour Party is not full of anti-Semites.  What occasionally happens is that someone tweets something which proceeds from the basis that Jews are responsible for the plight and oppression of the Palestinians.  This is not surprising given that Israel calls itself a Jewish state.  This is not racial anti-Semitism but mistaken language.

What we saw in the election was a determined campaign by right-wing MPs to use the anti-Semitism weapon to attack Corbyn and in the process damage Labour’s chances in the local elections.  When the Tories staged their debate on anti-Semitism it gave the chance to Labour’s right-wing traitors – Smeeth, Luciana Berger and John Mann – to attack their own leader.  The fact is that these creatures would prefer Labour to lose to the Tories because their main goal is to be rid of Corbyn and if means getting the Tories to help then so be it.
Chuka Ummuna has been waging a one man war against Corbyn over the anti-Semitism.  Here is an MP, who is nominally Black who has next to nothing to say about the Windrush scandal.  It is incredible.  Anti-Semitism is not a form of state racism, anti-Black and Muslim racism is.

Jewish people aren’t being hauled out of their beds and put on the next plane out of the country. Jews aren’t being denied hospital treatment or benefits or facing Home Office vans telling them to go home. Jews don’t face deaths in custody or synagogues being firebombed or worshippers run over outside the synagogue. These are the experience of Black and Muslim people. 
Anti-Semitism is largely confined to social media. No one has died from a tweet or a Facebook post yet Chuka Ummuna has virtually nothing to say about Windrush.  In the Independentless than two weeks before the elections, he writes an article attacking Labour over ‘anti-Semitism’ whilst at the same time playing down the vicious state racism of the Windrush Affair which has seen Black citizens in this country for 70 years deported. 
Ummuna wrote that ‘We can’t attack the racism that may lie behind the Tories’ mistreatment of the Windrush generation when we don’t get our own house in order on hate’.  Note that  ‘racism may lie behind the Tories’ mistreatment’.  He isn’t even certain whether the ‘hostile environment’ policy of the Tories is racist and he describes denying cancer treatment to someone as ‘mistreatment’ rather than say racist abuse. You couldn get much gentler but then Chuka Ummuna was among those Labour MPs who abstained, i.e. supported the Government’s 2014 Immigration Act.
John Mann- rent a mouth MP demonstrates that he is a  racist bigot whose concerns about antisemitism are entirely bogus
John Mann, the rent-a-mouth MP for Bassetlaw should also be called out over his attacks on Corbyn.  In his speech in the Tories ‘anti-Semitism’ debate he allegedthat Momentum had something to do with his wife being sent a dead bird in 2012, three years before it was even formed!  This is an MP who produced a legal guide to Anti-Social Behaviour which has sections on the various forms of ASB including ‘‘loitering by youths’, ‘graffiti’, ‘neighbours from hell’, ‘alcohol’ – and ‘travellers’.

In the section on ‘Travellers’, there is a big, bold strapline “the Police have powers to remove any gypsies and travellers” (sic).  In other words Mann’s concern with anti-Semitism contrasts with his being a racist bigot when it comes to the Roma who were also the victims of the Holocaust.
Lansman's Momentum is similar to the Mountain troll in Harry Potter's The Sorcerer's Stone - brawn without brain
Momentum resembles nothing so much as the Mountain Troll in Harry Potter’s The Sorcerer’s Stone.  It is 40,000 strong and yet politically it is almost completely ineffective and inarticulate.  In its statementon anti-Semitism, after having maintained radio silence for two weeks, it spoke of the
numerous cases of antisemitism in the Labour Party and the Party’s failure to date to deal with them in a sufficiently decisive, swift and transparent manner’ and that ‘accusations of antisemitism should not and cannot be dismissed simply as right wing smears nor as the result of conspiracies.

When the main, apparently left-wing pro-Corbyn group accepts the bogus narrative of ‘anti-Semitism’ then it is clear that politically the pro-Corbyn movement is weak.  Whereas the Right are weak numerically they are politically coherent and also have the advantage of having the most MPs and councillors.

Momentum rode the crest of a wave at the last general election but this time it was different.  The Right controlled the narrative and Corbyn was unable to break out of the enclosure.  So when Momentum pushed hundreds of people into for example Wandsworth they didn’t get the massive swings they expected.  Indeed they may have been counter-productive. Momentum has been seduced by the myths of its own achievements last June just as New Labour believed that its ability to spin would enable it to perform magic too. 
Roma child in the hands of a Nazi soldier
It doesn't matter whether Momentum is 40,000 or 100,000 strong if politically it is at the mercy of Lansman's whims.  Its lack of any democracy is crippling it.  It is incapable of responding to the attacks of the Right in any co-ordinated and sophisticated way.  Lansman's Zionist leanings are crippling it.  

For example we face a situation where 60+ Labour MPs, led by John Mann and Chuka Ummuna, Smeeth and Berger are making it crystal clear that they will not, under any circumstances support  Corbyn for Prime Minister if he were in a position to form a government.  One way or another these Labour-Tory rats have to be removed.  The easiest way would be through the removal of the whip, however if Corbyn is ever to be Prime Minister they have to go.

There is a need not only to reject the false anti-Semitism narrative but to reject a witchhunt which is increasing and which is focusing on opponents of Zionism not anti-Semites but to build Labour Against the Witchhunt and similar initiatives.  At the moment the ‘anti-Semitism’ narrative is also ensuring that people are afraid to come out openly in support of the Palestinians and against Zionism.  The false anti-Semitism campaign is important Israeli ‘democracy’ into the Labour Party.

Above all we need to say that the days of the Labour Friends of Israel and JLM are over.  What other party allows a foreign party to affiliate to it.  We didn’t have a Labour Friends of South Africa during the days of Apartheid and we don’t need a Labour Friends of Israeli Apartheid either.

Tony Greenstein

Israel’s is Using Internationally Outlawed Explosive ‘Dum Dum’ Bullets Against Civilians in Gaza


Israel’s Policy of Deliberately Maiming and Crippling the Maximum Number of Unarmed Demonstrators is Met with Silence by the West 

Below is an Open Letter to Boris Johnson by retired Jewish psychiatrist, Dr Brian Robinson.  It is self-explanatory in its description of the horrors of what Israel is doing in Gaza, with the open complicity of Western leaders.
Nothing more exposes the racism of people like Theresa May and Chuka Ummuna and the rest of the Zionist chorus than their hypocritical condemnation of non-existent ‘anti-Semitism’ whilst at the same time they remain silent when it comes to Israel’s deliberate slaughter in Gaza.
Israeli soldiers on the West Bank celebrate after having scored a hit
Gaza is an open air prison camp.  Israel’s ‘withdrawal’ in 2005 was always a sham, designed for Western consumption.  All that happened was that the prison warders moved from inside the prison walls to outside.  The same repressive apparatus was maintained.  Contact was forbidden by air, sea or land.  Fishing boats were and are fired upon.  A hermetic blockade was imposed in 2007 when Hamas fought off a western backed coup by Fatah loyalists.
The conditions in Gaza, where there is electricity for no more than 3-4 hours a day, water that is undrinkable, mass hunger and a health service which is massively under-equipped are well known.  The residents of Gaza, most of whom were ethnically cleansed from what is now Israel decided to stage mass Return marches leading up to the official beginning of Naqba day.  These were peaceful and unarmed but to Israel, the idea of Palestinians returning to their stolen lands and thus challenging the racist Jewish nature of the Israeli state was unthinkable.
That is why 100 snipers armed with powerful rifles were stationed outside the perimeter of Gaza and anyone coming even close to the fence, indeed anyone who got in the way of the  snipers was killed or injured.  At the time of writing the number killed stands at 45 but well over a thousand have been injured.
However that was not sufficient for Israel’s sadistic and brutal leaders.  Their rifles are using internationally banned bullets which expand when they hit the body.  Thus the exit wounds from these bullets is the size of a fist.  They are doing enormous damage to the bodies of those they injure and the medical services, as the articles below from The Lancet and The British Medical Journal testify.  This outrage has gone unremarked by western newspapers who are more concerned with non-existent ‘anti-Semitism’. 
In the Labour Party we have seen the deployment of ‘anti-Semitism’ as a weapon against supporters of the Palestinians. Those like Momentum’s Jon Lansman who prefer to concentrate on ‘anti-Semitism’ against White British people rather than the victims of Zionism and British arms sales should be known by one description – they are racists in a long tradition of British colonialism and imperialism.
Today there is a battle in the West between the supporters and opponents of Zionism and the Israeli state and it is in that context that false accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ are made.  Anyone who fails to recognise that is complicit.
It is to his discredit that Jeremy Corbyn has largely been silent despite his previous involvement in Palestine solidarity work. Apart from a short statement to the demonstration a few weeks ago he has said nothing, preferring to be known as a ‘militant opponent’ of non-existent anti-Semitism.
Israeli forces early started to target the assemblies, which were fully peaceful, inflicting dozens of casualties.
It thus falls to us to demand the end of British arms sales to Israel (and Saudi Arabia) amongst other countries.  Meanwhile we should expose Israel’s use of this lethal ordinance as a demonstration of the type of regime that pertains in Israel.  It is noticeable that the Israeli Labour Party, whose extension the Jewish Labour Movement operates inside the Labour Party, has said nothing about this.
Tony Greenstein

Open Letter to Boris Johnson

 The Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
Dear Mr Johnson,
In a recent report in the correspondence section of the Lancet, a doctor, Khamis Elessi, from the Research & Evidence-Based Medicine Unit at Islamic University Gaza City, in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, drew attention to the extent and nature of injuries sustained by peaceful, non-violent Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza. (You can read here about Dr Elessi's 2017 MSc student award for community engagement and academic excellence.)
The demonstrators had begun a 6-week non-violent commemoration of what is known as Land Day, when in 1976 Israeli forces shot dead six Israeli Arabs protesting over the expropriation of Arab-owned land in northern Israel to build Jewish communities: some 100 others were wounded and hundreds more subsequently arrested.
Since Dr Elessi's report, more evidence has been produced as to the nature of the ordnance used by the Israeli military and the casualties resulting from it.
Médecins Sans Frontières report (April 19th) state that “Medical staff report receiving patients with devastating injuries of an unusual severity, which are extremely complex to treat. The injuries sustained by patients will leave most with serious, long-term physical disabilities. … The huge majority of patients – mainly young men, but also some women and children – have unusually severe wounds to the lower extremities. MSF medical teams note the injuries include an extreme level of destruction to bones and soft tissue, and large exit wounds that can be the size of a fist.'
The MSF teams were working alongside Palestinian colleagues in Al Shifa and Al Aqsa Hospitals.
I stress again that the demonstrators were deliberately focused on non-violent methods, were not armed and none constituted any threat to the soldiers hundreds of yards away behind their own barrier.
There is now substantial evidence that expanding bullets were used by Israeli army snipers equipped with telescopic gun sights. According to Wikipedia, “Expanding bullets, also known as dumdum bullets, are projectiles designed to expand on impact, increasing in diameter to limit penetration and/or produce a larger diameter wound for faster incapacitation.”
Wikipedia further notes that “The Hague Convention of 1899, Declaration III prohibits the use of expanding bullets in international warfare”, predating the Geneva Conventions. “… Customary international law [which along with general principles of law and treaties is considered among the primary sources of international law] now prohibits their use in any armed conflicts”.
How much less legal then may their use be deemed in confrontations between well protected army snipers and unarmed, non-violent members of a public: we don't need to be lawyers to answer.
It is now clear that these Palestinians, demonstrating peacefully as is their legal right against Israeli occupation, were targeted by snipers using rifles equipped with powerful telescopic sights such that accurate hits at 200 – 300 metres can easily be achieved, at no risk whatever to the sniper but whose consequences to the victim may, if not immediately fatal, result in a lifetime of handicap, chronic illness and chronic pain, numerous surgical operations, endless physiotherapy, not to emphasise potentially endless psychotherapy, and inability to work. And all that in a strip of land so long under siege that the polluted water is a serious health hazard, medical facilities are dangerously under-resourced, there's a near constant fear of further Israeli bombardment. If anyone wanted to add to their existing  definition of heroism, they need look no further than the commitment, courage, skill and sacrifice offered by the medical teams, Palestinian and foreign.
These bullets open up on impact, inside the victim's flesh and bones, thus causing maximum damage. Videos taken by Israeli soldiers through the telescopic sights are known to be greatly celebrated within Israel and not only amongst members of the IDF, whose blatantly racist and dehumanising exultations at the carnage can be heard online.
We have heard much in the last couple of years or so about alleged cases of antisemitism. A tiny proportion of cases are genuinely so, and they have been widely publicised, but the overwhelming majority of cases have quite simply been bogus and used for nakedly opportunistic political purposes. What we've heard all too little of, if indeed anything at all, from politicians, media, and not least, spokespersons from within the Jewish community, concerns the continuous and escalating human rights violations by the Israeli authorities, all for the supposed need of security. But it isn't about security at all: security doesn't require the deliberate, premeditated firing of dumdum bullets through telescopic sights at unarmed men, women and children.
Israel has always claimed to operate “the most moral army in the world”.  Morally bankrupt, is the phrase that rather comes most readily to mind.
As the Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT) put it, “The UK has consistently sold arms to Israel. Details of the export licences issued since 2008 can be found here. During and since the start of the military action against Gaza in July 2014, with the ensuing deaths of over 2,000 Palestinians and the destruction of homes and vital infrastructure, there have been many calls for an arms embargo.” That report is dated Sept 2015.
And still the UK sells arms to Israel. And what, apropos, does “small arms ammunition” include? (Amongst the linked items, 2nd CAAT link above.)
When is a UK government going to stop helping Israel murder Palestinians? When is it even going to begin to hold Israel to account for its crimes? And if not now, when?
Yours sincerely
Brian Robinson
Dr Brian Robinson (Retired NHS psychiatrist)

 Rebuilding health services in Gaza won’t be possible while Israel maintains blockade, says report

BMJ2014; 349doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.g6644(Published 04 November 2014)Cite this as: BMJ2014;349:g6644
The Maiming Fields of Gaza
Since 30 March 2018, Palestinians civilians living as refugees and exiles in Gaza ever since they were driven out from Palestine have been gathering in mass, unarmed demonstration about their right of return to the homeland they lost in 1948. Confronted by the Israeli army, including 100 snipers, the toll of dead and wounded Palestinian civilians is mounting at a shocking rate as we write.
There is a background to this. Firstly, there is the ongoing impact of the 12 year long Israeli blockade of Gaza on the care and health of her people, and the degrading of its health services. The violence and destruction inflicted by Israeli military action in Operation Protective Edge in 2014 and Operation Cast Lead in 2008-9 marked a distinct turning point in the pauperization of Gaza, against a backdrop of an ever tightening blockade since 2006.That assault in 2014 killed over 2,200 civilians, a quarter of whom were children, wounded 11.000, destroyed 15 hospitals, 45 clinics and 80,000 homes.(1)
Since 2014 Israel has further tightened the passage of essential medicines and equipment into Gaza, and of the entry of doctors and experts from abroad who offer technical expertise not available locally. Gazan hospitals have been depleted of antibiotics, anaesthetic agents, painkillers, other essential drugs, disposables, and fuel to run surgical theatres. (2) Patients die while waiting for permission to go for specialist treatment outside Gaza. All elective surgery has been cancelled since last January 2018, and 3 hospitals have closed because of medication, equipment and fuel shortages (3). Medical personnel have been working on reduced salaries. Gazan health professionals find it almost impossible to get Israeli permission to travel abroad to further their training. The regular episodic military assaults on Gaza and the current targeting of unarmed demonstrators are part of a pattern of periodically induced emergencies arising from Israeli policy. The cumulative effects of the impact on healthcare provision for the general population have been documented in multiple reports by NGOs, UN agencies and the WHO. (4).This appears to be a strategy for the de-development of health and social services impinging on all the population of Gaza.
The current systematic use of excessive force towards unarmed civilians, including children and journalists, is provoking a further crisis for the people of Gaza. Since 30 March 2018, snipers firing military grade ammunition have caused crippling wounds to unarmed demonstrators.(5) As of 23 April 2018,5511 Palestinians, including at least 454 children, have been injured by Israeli forces, including 1,739 from live ammunition according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza. As of April 27, the death toll has reached 48 and additional hundreds wounded.

Even the BBC has shown films of the deliberate shooting of people who were standing harmlessly or running away, including children and journalists (6). The sniper-fire is mostly not to the head, with most of the wounds to the lower torso and legs. Dozens have needed emergency amputation of either one or both legs, and a further 1,300 required immediate external fixations which will entail an estimated 7,800 hours of subsequent complex reconstructive surgery if the limbs are to be saved. This is calculated maiming. More may die or incur life-long disability because of the degraded state of health services and the prohibition by Israel of the transfer for the seriously wounded (7). How is Gaza to survive this situation? And meanwhile, the many that have lost non-emergency healthcare because of the ongoing lack of medicines and energy will be joined by many more now that all scarce resources are going to life and limb saving efforts.
Whilst various UN and WHO agencies have condemned Israeli actions, Western governments have not uttered a murmur and thus bolster the impunity Israel seems always to have enjoyed in its treatment of Palestinian society. Others who seek to document and to draw attention to events like this, including in medical journals, are often subject to vilifying ad hominem attacks, as have journal editors (8). These are matters of international shame.
Derek Summerfield, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King's College, University of London.
David Halpin, Retired orthopaedic and trauma surgeon. Member - British Orthopaedic Association.
Swee Ang, Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon ,Barts Health, London
Andrea Balduzzi, Researcher, University of Genoa, Italy
Franco Camandona, MD, OspedaliGaliera, Genoa, Italy
Gianni Tognoni, Mario Negri Institute, Milan, Italy,
Ireo Bono, MD, Onncologist, Savon, Italy
Marina Rui, PhD Università di Genoa, Italy
Vittorio Agnoletto, MD, University of Milan, Former MEP, Italy

(4)         -Unnecessary loss of life

The Palestinian Day of Return: from a short day of commemoration to a long day of mourning

Khamis Elessi
On Friday, March 30, 2018, marking the 42nd anniversary of Land Day—when Israeli forces killed six Palestinians during protests against land confiscation in 1976—Palestinians in the Gaza Strip marched to the eastern border with Israel beginning a six-week protest—what they termed the Great March of Return. It was the bloodiest day in Gaza since the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict.1
Thousands of Palestinian civilians including women and children participated in the protest, mostly staying 500–700 m from the perimeter fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip in five places—eastern Jabalia, eastern Gaza, eastern Bureij, eastern Khanyounis, and eastern Rafah.2 The precise conduct of some participants in the march is disputed, but it is indisputable that the Israeli army responded with live ammunition from snipers, tank fire, plastic coated steel bullets, rubber bullets, and tear gas grenades launched from armoured military vehicles.3
I have reviewed the latest official statistics and reports from the Ministry of Health in Gaza,4 official reports from the WHO office in Gaza,5 the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR),6 and the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)7 to collate this report on the number and type of injuries sustained by marchers. I have also followed up the patients who were admitted to hospitals by contacting hospital directors and the official spokesman for the Palestinian Ministry of Health (MOH) and comparing the numbers with official reports released by the Palestinian Health Information center at the MOH Gaza office. During our follow-up, we checked on the numbers of those patients who subsequently died, were kept in hospital, or who were discharged after hospital treatment.
Fifteen deaths (aged between 19 and 42 years) and 1479 injuries were documented on March 30 through official admission reports or death certificates released by MOH. Of the 1479 injuries, 1074 cases were initially recorded as being admitted to hospitals. However, this list was later found to contain 39 duplicates, which was caused by patients being transferred between hospitals and being registered at both hospitals, making the exact number admitted during that day 1035 patients. Most deaths occurred at eastern Jabalia (five deaths, 296 injuries) followed by eastern Gaza (four deaths, 368 injuries), eastern Bureij (two deaths, 212 injuries), Khanyounis (three deaths, 357 injuries), and Rafah (one death, 246 injuries). Two men died subsequently in hospital.4 The table lists the fatalities including the location, type of weapon, and type of injury. At least one killed person was documented by many reporters and television stations to have been hit in the back of the head.3 Many protestors were hit in the chest, back, or leg and some injuries were captured live on camera as victims tried to escape the gunfire.1
Deaths based on data from the Gaza Ministry of Health official report4 and the Palestinian Center for Human Rights6

Deaths based on data from the Gaza Ministry of Health official report 4 and the Palestinian Center for Human Rights 6
Of the 1074 hospital episodes involving 1035 people, 1039 were labelled as moderate to severe, whereas 35 were categorised as very severe, meaning they needed intensive care according to the MOH triage system followed in Gaza. This is a system to do initial categorisation of all injuries that is followed by different MOH emergency departments. Once patients are admitted to a different department according to the type of injury they acquired, the severity of their injuries is either upgraded to a more severe or downgraded to a less severe category according to the final diagnosis and extent of injury. Of the 1074 moderate to very severe recorded injuries, 878 (82%) involved adults aged 18 years and over, 196 (18%) involved children aged under 18, 1017 (95%) were in male patients, and 57 (5·3%) were in female patients. For 774 (72%) of the recorded moderate injuries, patients were discharged from MOH hospitals after initial treatment. For example, one patient who was thought to have a simple gunshot wound was later found to have multiple internal organ damage due to the explosive nature of some bullets used or due to subsequent deterioration. On April 2, 2018, 300 (28%) cases were still in hospitals, and of these 35 were in a very severe condition and still in intensive care.
Most of the 1074 recorded injuries that were assessed by medical staff in a hospital were caused by ordinary and explosive bullets (805 [75%] individuals). 154 (14%) of the injured were hit with rubber bullets and 20 (1·8%) patients experienced severe breathing problems due to tear gas. Another 95 (8·8%) were other physical injuries (such as skin cuts and lacerations). The 1074 injuries were recorded in different hospitals in Gaza, namely, Beit Hanoun Hospital (two dead, seven injured); Indonesian Hospital (three dead, 151 injured); Al-shifa Hospital (four dead, 299 injured); Al-Aqsa Hospital (two dead, 181 injured); Nasser Hospital (138 injured); European Gaza Hospital (three dead, 119 injured); Al-najjar Hospital (one dead, 92 injured); Kamal Edwan Hospital (22 injured); and Al-awda Hospital (65 injured).
Among the 1035 patients, most bullet wounds affected the lower body (n=738, 71%), followed by injuries to the upper body (n=97, 9·3%). Among injuries to the upper body, 50 (4·8%) involved bullet wounds to the head or neck (the very severe cases requiring intensive care) and 24 (2·3%) involved the back or chest. In addition, 38 (3·7%) injuries involved the abdomen or pelvis, and the injuries of 15 (1·4%) cases involved more than one body part. The site of injury was not documented in 73 (7·1%) cases.
405 less serious cases, including those with cut-wounds and tear gas-induced inhalational injuries to the respiratory tract, eyes, and mucous membranes, were treated at five field clinics.
The exact size of the march is not clear but march organisers put the numbers between 15 000 and 30 000 Palestinians. The estimate of the Israeli army is that 17 000 Palestinians took part. The estimated number of injuries that were sustained, therefore, is between 5% and 10% of those participating. The number of injuries sustained in 12 hours exceeded by 6–fold to 7–fold the average injury rate of the conflict in 2014, which lasted 51 days and caused 2251 deaths and more than 11 231 injuries.8 The lower proportion of fatalities on this occasion reflects the targeted nature of rifle fire compared with intense missile attacks during the 2014 attacks.
Compared with 15 deaths on March 30, 2018, there were 20 times that number admitted to hospital with injuries to the head, neck, chest, and abdomen; and 50 times that number with injuries to their lower limbs, creating a huge burden on already stretched and resource-depleted hospitals. Doctors and surgeons at different hospitals have reported 15–20 cases of knee injury with major implications for long-term disability and independence. Some will be wheelchair-bound for the rest of their lives. A spokesman for the MOH in Gaza stated that one survivor had already undergone amputation of the lower leg due to the severity of his injury.
Gaza's hospitals are experiencing an acute shortage of lower limb fixation and other devices needed to treat severe lower limb injuries. There are also major shortages of drugs, anaesthetics and antibiotics. In March, 2018, the WHO Director General stated that more than 40% of essential drugs are depleted in Gaza's Central Drug Store, including drugs used in emergency departments and other critical care units.9 Electricity fluctuations and limited fuel for backup generators have also led to services in hospitals and clinics being severely reduced. Electricity fluctuations have damaged sensitive medical equipment.
Israel claimed that some of those killed and injured were militants from Palestinian factions such as Hamas, a claim which is denied by the injured and the families of those killed. Before the march, Israeli planes dropped leaflets on Gaza to deter people from joining the peaceful rallies and warning anyone from approaching the border fence. No breaches of the border took place on the day of the march.
The deaths and injuries arising from the Israeli army action against civilian demonstrators are beyond what might be expected from mere efforts at crowd control. They raise serious concerns regarding the risks of escalation as the demonstrations continue until May 15, 2018. Already, the health and trauma facilities of Gaza have been overwhelmed in taking care of those severely injured on March 30, 2018. The people of Gaza are under heavy economic and social pressure from the blockade and the ongoing siege, dating from 2006. These demonstrations, conceived as non-violent, were designed to show the world that Gazans still have the spirit to resist what they see as their oppression, and that they continue to call for lifting the siege on the Gaza Strip, and the resolution of the Palestine Question.
Getty Images/Said Khatib/Contributor
I declare no competing interests.
6.    Palestinian Center for Human Rights. Israeli forces directly target peaceful demonstrations in Gaza Strip, March 30, 2018
7.    Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Multiple Palestinian casualties during demonstrations at the perimeter fence surrounding the Gaza Strip.
8.    Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). Key figures on the 2014 hostilities.

African Refugees Get No Reprieve from Israel’s Racist Rage


Another brilliant article from the indefatigable Israeli-Canadian campaigner, David Sheen whose videos on Youtube are brilliant. See e.g. War on Africans 
Nothing better demonstrates the vicious racism of the Israeli state and what Zionism has led to than its treatment of the African refugees from Eritrea and Sudan.  Their crime is two fold - they are not Jewish and they are Black - an unforgivable combination.
They are called ‘infiltrators’ in a conscious echo of the term that was used to describe Palestinian refugees trying to return to their lands after 1948.  Thousands were murdered in cold blood as the Israeli Labour founders of Israel sought to ensure that Israel was as Jewish as possible.
Challenging the racist Zionist description of Black African refugees
Why 'infiltrators'?  Because they are non-Jews infiltrating a Jewish state and thereby making it less Jewish.
Today Africans fleeing from the vicious police state in Eritrea and the genocide in Sudan are refused en masse the right to stay in Israel.  Like the Jews of Russia and Poland in the last century they have  been subject to vicious pogroms led by the Israeli government.
Those with illusions in the Israeli Labour Party should note that the ILP has given full support to Netanyahu. 

The fortunes of the African refugee community targeted by the Israeli government for deportation have swung wildly in recent days

April 23, 2018 David Sheen The Electronic Intifada
African asylum seekers protest against Israel’s deportation plan, South Tel Aviv, 25 February. , Oren Ziv ActiveStills
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu first announced a United Nations-backed deal to resettle some of them in the West, but then quickly retracted the plan after right-wing Israelis complained that the deal was too generous to asylum seekers.“I listened closely to many comments about the agreement. As a result, after reevaluating the advantages and disadvantages, I decided to cancel the deal,”Netanyahu wrote on his Facebook page.
“Despite the growing legal and international limitations, we will continue to act with determination to exhaust all possibilities at our disposal to remove the infiltrators,” he added.

African refugees walk out of Holot
In November, it was reported that the Netanyahu government secured agreements with unnamed African nations for the latter to take in many of the approximately 40,000 refugees remaining in Israel, ostensibly in exchange for a fee of $5,000 per head.
But Netanyahu’s plans for expedited deportation were quashed after protests by refugee rights activists in Israel and abroad shamed those countries, now known to be Rwanda and Uganda, into disclaiming the scheme.
Unable to deliver on his promise to quickly expel all the Africans, Netanyahu grudgingly agreed to a plan brokered by the UN refugee agency UNHCR which, if carried out, would have seen thousands of the refugees resettled in Western nations in the coming years.
Eritreans mourn the victim of lynch mob 
But Germany and Italy, two of the countries cited by Netanyahu as committed to take in asylum seekers from Israel, quickly denied having ever agreed to accept refugees under the scheme.
Opposition to expulsion
Abandoned on all sides within hours of announcing the agreement, Netanyahu walked back the deal, first in part, then in whole, suspending it, and then canceling it altogether.
Although the deal would have provided political cover for Netanyahu’s planned expulsion of the refugees, his political camp vigorously opposed it because it also committed Israel to allowing around 20,000 Africans – mainly women and children – to remain in Israel for another five years and to help them move to parts of the country other than South Tel Aviv, where most of the community is concentrated.
Although a January poll showed that 66 percent of Israeli Jews support Netanyahu’s efforts to expel the refugees to Africa, a recent survey found that positions are reversed in those very areas where residents were more likely to actually encounter any of them.
A March poll revealed that in the greater Tel Aviv area, opposition to the expulsion reached 68 percent, and in the long-neglected neighborhoods of South Tel Aviv with the largest African populations, it hit 71 percent.
refugees at detention centre Holot
On 24 February and again on 24 March, some 20,000 people gathered in Tel Aviv to demonstrate in solidarity with the refugee community and demand that the Israeli government cancel plans to deport them, and instead work to improve the lives of all residents of the city’s delapidated southern district.
Protesters have criticized the Israeli government for having one of the lowest refugee acceptance rates in the world – less than 0.5 percent.
But Netanyahu has claimed that the non-Jewish refugees – about half Christian and half Muslim – pose a threat to Israel’s “national identity.”
In that sense Israel regards them similarly to how it has viewed indigenous Palestinians since its founding, when it expelled 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and barred them from returning because they are not Jews.
And local racists have long labored to shore up support for Netanyahu’s anti-African policies, and to demand that even crueler measures be taken against them.
“Mortal threat”
Shlomo Maslawi, representing Netanyahu’s ruling Likud Party on the Tel Aviv city council, told Israeli TV that he would oppose Netanyahu’s now retracted plan, even though it included promises to invest in the overburdened neighborhoods of South Tel Aviv, until “the Eritreans are gone, down to the last Eritrean – only then will there be rehabilitation.”
In recent weeks, as refugee rights advocates across the country and around the world stepped up their protests, forcing the African governments conspiring with Israel to deny their involvement, Netanyahu lashed out at the refugees, smearing them as a mortal threat.
If he had not built a high-tech fence on Israel’s southern border five years ago, Netanyahu told an audience in March, the number of Africans in the country would be significantly higher, a condition he deemed “much worse” than “severe attacks by Sinai terrorists.”
Coming under rare criticism from some of Israel’s staunchest American defenders, other government officials also doubled down to defend the mass deportations to African states.
Interior minister Aryeh Deritold Israeli army radio that to take these asylum seekers, mainly from Eritrea and Sudan, and expel them to Rwanda and Uganda, would merely mean returning them “to their natural place.”
Avraham Neguise, currently Israel’s only Black legislator, a Jew of Ethiopian origin, also spoke out in support of the deportation to Rwanda and Uganda, telling Israel’s i24 TV, “Well, they came from Africa, and they’re going back to Africa.”
Yitzhak Yosef, one of Israel’s two national chief rabbis, also heaped scorn on the Africans in a sermon last month, in which he called Black people “monkeys” and the Hebrew equivalent of the N-word.
His fellow chief rabbi, Yisrael Lau, had already used that Hebrew version of the N-world to describe Black people, on his very first day in office.
Vigilante violence
These and many other incidents of anti-African incitement have ramped up racism against the refugees. The rage against asylum seekers has grown into a political force capable even of pressuring Netanyahu to cancel Israel’s international agreements.
But the most frightening effects of increased anti-Black sentiment are reserved for the refugees themselves.
Vigilante violence against African refugees has become increasingly common in recent years.
In 2012, an Israeli firebombed a daycare for the young children of African refugees, and in 2014, an Israeli man was indicted for stabbing an Eritrean baby in the head.

Israel's Labour 'Opposition' is as racist as Likud
According to prosecutors, the man later stated: “I attacked Black terrorists, there was a Black baby, they said that a Black baby, Blacks in general, are terrorists.”
The firebomber received only community service, while the stabber was sent for psychiatric treatment.
Since that time, in separate incidents, two refugees – Haftom Zarhum from Eritrea and Babikir Ali Adham-Uvdo from Sudan – were beaten to death in public places by Israeli mobs.
The charges against Adham-Uvdo’s killers were reduced from murder.
One of the killers is a minor whose sentence for “intentional injury” to Adham-Uvdo is yet to be determined. The adult assailant received a maximum jail sentence of 10 years for manslaughter in a plea bargain, although he will probably be released in just a few years.
An Israeli court is currently offering Zarhum’s killers community service.
Coerced to self-deport
This anti-African incitement, coupled with the news that African refugees, including some recently expelled from Israel, have experienced torture, extortion and detention in Libya, where open-air slave markets have been documented, is taking a toll not only on adults, but on Israeli youth, as well.
In February, one refugee confessed that a group of Israeli schoolchildren had approached him on a public bus and asked him, “How much can we sell you for?”
With the Rwanda-Uganda deal shelved in shame, and the UN deal for resettlement in the West now derailed by Netanyahu himself, the fate of the 40,000 African refugees left in Israel is once again unclear.
In lieu of the UN deal, Netanyahu is now reportedly pressuring coalition partners to reopen the Holot internment camp that it closed down only last month in anticipation of the planned expulsions.
Starting in December 2013, Israel rounded up thousands of African men into this detention center, in order to pressure them to self-deport.
By Netanyahu’s count, the government was able to coerce more than 20,000 to leave Israel in this way – a third of the African refugee community.
When the Israeli high court forbade the government from keeping those men incarcerated there for more than a year, the latter banned the refugees who it was compelled to release from moving back to Tel Aviv or Eilat, the two Israeli cities with the largest asylum-seeker communities at the time.
As Israel released Holot’s remaining inmates in March, it informed them that the list of cities they were now forbidden from living or working in had mushroomed from two to seven, adding to the list Petah Tikva, Bnei Brak, Ashdod, Netanya and Jerusalem.
Now Netanyahu’s coalition partners say they may now pass an even harsher version of the so-called Anti-Infiltration Law which they have used to criminalize refugees.
The new bill would build in measures to insulate it from being overturned by the high court.
If they follow through on their threat to neuter the court’s powers, there would no longer be any legal impediment to jailing the African refugees indefinitely in Holot until they agree to self-deport to whatever destination Israel coerces them to go to.
David Sheen is an independent writer and filmmaker. Born in Toronto, Canada, Sheen now lives in Dimona. His website is www.davidsheen.com and he can be followed on Twitter: @davidsheen.

The Campaign Against ‘Anti-Semitism’ Assemble a Representative Section of Racists & Reactionaries

Widely suspected to be funded by Israel's Ministry of Strategic Affairs, as part of a dirty tricks campaign to take out (their words) the campaign for Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions, the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism have consistently attacked Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party as racist and anti-Semitic.
On April 9th they called a tiny demonstration of hard-line racists and fascists outside Labour’s headquarters as part of their long standing campaign against Jeremy Corbyn because of his support for the Palestinian.  No less than 182 articles on their web site attack Corbyn. Their Chair, Falter stated that 
“Under Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Party has been seized by racists. Jeremy Corbyn is at home amongst them, having spent his political career seeking out and giving his backing to Holocaust deniers, genocidal antisemitic terrorist groups, wild antisemitic conspiracy theorists and a litany of Jew-haters. This is the point of no return: Britain must stand up for its Jewish community against the racists in control of the Labour Party.
Falter, is a Director of the openly racist Jewish National Fund, which owns and controls 93% of land in Israel yet refuses to lease or rent any of that land to Israeli Arabs. 
 Over 5,000 people have signed a petition calling on the Charity Commission to deregister this racist charity.  The article below takes a look at the CAA’s patrons.  It is a very interesting article and shows how these political reactionaries are united in their Islamaphobia and racism.
The CAA's rogues gallery of patrons
 On April 9th they called a tiny demonstration of hard-line racists and fascists outside Labour’s headquarters as part of their long standing campaign against Jeremy Corbyn because of his support for the Palestinian.  No less than 182 articles on their web site attack Corbyn. Their Chair, Falter stated that 

“Under Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Party has been seized by racists. Jeremy Corbyn is at home amongst them, having spent his political career seeking out and giving his backing to Holocaust deniers, genocidal antisemitic terrorist groups, wild antisemitic conspiracy theorists and a litany of Jew-haters. This is the point of no return: Britain must stand up for its Jewish community against the racists in control of the Labour Party.
 Falter, is a Director of the openly racist Jewish National Fund, which owns and controls 93% of land in Israel yet refuses to lease or rent any of that land to Israeli Arabs. 
 Over 5,000 people have signed a petition calling on the Charity Commission to deregister this racist charity.  The article below takes a look at the CAA’s patrons.  It is a very interesting article and shows how these political reactionaries are united in their Islamaphobia and racism.

The Campaign Against Antisemitism has issued what it grandly calls a “J’Accuse” against the Labour Party, and in particular its leader Jeremy Corbyn. Chairman Gideon Falter has claimed “Under Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Party has been seized by racists. Jeremy Corbyn is at home amongst them, having spent his political career seeking out and giving his backing to Holocaust deniers, genocidal antisemitic terrorist groups, wild antisemitic conspiracy theorists and a litany of Jew-haters”. The CAA says Labour is a racist party.

Moreover, they have warned “The complaint will be vigorously pursued by Campaign Against Antisemitism, and our lawyers if necessary”. Well, one hates to rain on this particular parade, but I have to tell the CAA that when it comes to harbouring racism, they might just be standing in an extremely draughty glasshouse.
This post was withdrawn when they realised the holocaust justification that  was blamed on Jackie Walker actually came a quotation by Jackie from David Ben Gurion, Israel's first Prime Minister
A perusal of the CAA’s list of Honorary Patrons shows why this might be: it includes at least six individuals who have either exhibited racist behaviour, used racism for their own ends, or been singularly unwise in their choice of language in areas concerning race.

Merely unfortunate in his choice of words is George Carey, former Archbishop of Canterbury. Back in 2004, the by now retired Carey found himself in hot water, as the Guardian reported: “Muslim groups yesterday reacted with dismay to a speech in Rome by George Carey, the former archbishop of Canterbury, in which he attacked Islamic culture, criticised the religion's leaders for not speaking out strongly enough about terrorism, and said it was a faith associated with violence around the world”.
Malaka Shwaik Mohammed, a 26 year old Ph. D. Student at Exeter University was demonised by the CAA 
On he droned: “Mohammed, acknowledged by all in spite of his religious greatness to be an illiterate man, is said to have received God's word direct ... from angels, and scribes recorded them later ... During the past 500 years, critical scholarship has declined, leading to strong resistance to modernity”. Carey was foolish. But the CAA has no problem there.
The litany of shame continues with the presence of one Eric Pickles, whose manipulation of racism for his own benefit is well known to anyone who observed his political rise as a Councillor at Bradford Metropolitan District Council in the 1970s and 1980s. Pickles had been a progressive Conservative in his early days, anti-racist, consensual and small-L liberal. This changed when Ray Honeyford came along.

Honeyford was appointed headmaster of Drummond Middle School in Bradford, located in an area which had a racially diverse population. While in that job, he wrote an article for the Salisbury Review, which at the time was “pro-repatriation”. Very few people read the piece, as the Salisbury Review enjoyed a very small circulation. But then someone at the right-leaning Yorkshire Post had it reprinted in that publication, and all hell broke loose.

One look at the title of Honeyford’s article tells you why: “Education and Race - an alternative view”. The contents were little short of incendiary. The local education authority decided Honeyford had to go. But Tory high command, which included then PM Margaret Thatcher, decided otherwise. In this, she was backed up forcefully by the Daily Mail, even then a force for vicious, reactionary, and borderline racist views.
The CAA have 182 articles on their web site, all of them bitterly hostile to Corbyn
Pickles abandoned his previous principled stance and became a populist. He kept his council seat, and became favourably regarded by Mrs T., by backing Honeyford - a racist, and one who was forever unrepentant. This now supposedly distinguished Tory elder statesman manipulated race issues for his own benefit.

He is not alone in the list of CAA Honorary Patrons. A veritable triumvirate of them participated in a shameless exploitation of racism in order to garner votes last year, as Zelo Street noted at the time. When the National Council of Hindu Temples launched what it called Operation Dharmic Vote last year, in the run-up to the General Election, this was noting less than the importing of Indian sub-continent racism to the UK.

They told “Say No to Caste Law … Why this should concern you … For the GE17 election, the Dharmic community needs to vote in large numbers and strategically. Political Party alliances and affiliations need to be set aside. Labour, LibDems, Greens and all the nationalist parties have supported caste legislation bar the odd MP in these parties. As you will see ALL the Prospective Parliamentary Candidates who have signed up are Conservative”. And what was this “Caste Law”, perchance?

The Wembley Matters blog quoted a local resident: “Caste discrimination is endemic within parts of the Hindu and Sikh communities in the UK - there have been instances of doctors refusing to give medical treatment to Dalits and others where Dalit couples have been refused venues for weddings. It is a discrimination which remains largely hidden to wider society”. Dalits are still referred to on occasion as Untouchables.
The Three CAA Honorary Patrons who backed Operation Dharmic Vote - thus attempting to benefit from racism to enhance their General Election returns - were Bob Blackman (Harrow East), Matthew Offord (Hendon), and Mike Freer (Finchley and Golders Green). All three participated willingly in racist politics. And, for Blackman, there was more.

The Harrow East MP hosted a meeting in Committee Room 12 of the House of Commons last October which was addressed by Tapan Ghosh, whose Twitter bio states “Uncompromising Hindu activist of Bengal. Determined to fight against Islamic aggression and expansion”. Ghosh is an Islamophobic and also anti-Christian bigot. He is a hate preacher. He has endorsed the likes of Geert Wilders.
Ghosh dressed up his bigotry in his talk “Tolerating the intolerant” as “800 years of defending human rights”. And that is not all: this talk not only took aim at “800 years of Arabic Islamic aggression” (Muslims in Bengal are not Arabs), but also “200 years of European Christian aggression”. Tapan Ghosh is as anti-Christian as he is anti-Islam. He claimed that the Rohingya refugees who have fled Myanmar in their hundreds of thousands are “violent”. But Blackman is welcomed by the CAA.
And finally, also welcomed by the CAA as an Honorary Patron is Richard Kemp. That’s the same Richard Kemp who attacked Sayeeda Warsi in a Jewish News column, an act that triggered a libel action and a front page apology. That apology bears close scrutiny.

In a column written by Colonel Richard Kemp published in the Jewish News and jewishnews.co.uk on 6 April 2017, it was suggested that Baroness Sayeeda Warsi has sought to excuse the appalling conduct of the barbaric Islamic State terror group

 … The column also suggested that Baroness Warsi has objected to action being taken against British Muslims who murder and rape for Islamic State. We wish to make absolutely clear that these allegations were wholly untrue and should never have been published”.

Sayeeda Warsi had her costs paid, plus damages of £20,000. And this was not an isolated incident: Kemp approvingly cites organisations like the Gatestone Institute, and more disturbingly, Breitbart, an Islamophobic organisation which has also promoted white supremacists. He is a nailed-on bigot of the crudest and most blatant kind.

Yet here is Richard Kemp, proudly presented as an Honorary Patron of an organisation that is today calling “racist” on others.

Small wonder the Campaign Against Antisemitism knows all about racism. Perhaps Gideon Falter might also find it useful to consult the dictionary definition of hypocrisy.

Article 0


What Kind of State Gaols and Prosecutes a Poet for Incitement?  A Police State

The myth of Israel as a democratic state is widespread.  In the words of Emily Thornberry, Labour’s racist Shadow Foreign Secretary, Modern Israel is a beacon of freedom, equality and democracy.”
Dareen Tatour
Labour's racist Shadow Foreign Secretary, Emily Thornberry
As Ahmed Tibi quipped, Israel is a democratic state for Jews and a Jewish state for Arabs. 
In practice even for Jews, Israel is becoming less and less democratic.  The term ‘leftist’ is today a term of abuse in Israel. Israeli human rights NGO’s – even liberal Zionist ones like B’tselem and Breaking the Silence - are under increasing pressure from legislation such as the NGO Law that forced them to highlight their funding prominently when over half of it comes from overseas whereas right-wing NGO’s, which typically receive their money from private individuals are exempt.  The idea being to portray them as in hock to foreign interests and therefore traitors.

After having been gaoled and held under house arrested for 2½ years, this month Palestinian Israeli poet Dareen Tatour was, predictably, convicted by an Israeli magistrate of incitement to violence and support for terrorism.  As Jonathan Cook observed, Dareen had endured two and a half years of jail and harsh house arrest – denied access to computers and phones. Now she is at risk of a sentence of up to eight additional years in prison.
Emily Thornberry - Labour's Racist  Shadow Foreign Secretary
Poetry invariably exploits complexities of language and ambiguities of meaning but over the protests of scholars of the Arabic language, the court relied on translations of Tatour’s poetry by an Israeli policeman who translated the Arabic word “shaheed”, which for Palestinians refers to any victim of Israeli oppression, to “terrorist”.
 It is not a trial, it is a theatrical play,” Tatour said of the legal proceedings.
A handful of Israeli literary figures, including the author A B Yehoshua, protested at the unprecedented move to jail a poet, something they noted that even the most repressive regimes usually avoid doing.

Israeli Jewish incitement against Arabs never merits any attention from the State

A Hebrew literature professor, Nissim Calderon, warned: “What begins by undermining the freedom of a Palestinian poet will surely continue by undermining the freedom of Israeli poets.”
Yet the real incitement is against Israel’s Arab citizens. The lie about Palestinians being ‘incited’ to oppose the Israeli occupation (because they would otherwise love it!) hides the fact that there is an ongoing campaign of harassment and threats from Israeli posters to social media.  Without exception Israeli incitement against Palestinians goes unpunished.  But if a poet makes a reference to resistance then the full force of the law descends on her.

Israeli Jewish incitement against Arabs never merits attention from the State
However in the two years, between November 2015 and October 2017 some 280 Palestinians were arrestedfor posts on Facebook.
A Reportfrom 7amleh, the Arab Centre for the Advancement of Social Media shows what the reality of incitement on social media really consists of.
·         Every 71 seconds there is an inciting post uploaded against Palestinians
·         A total of 445,000 calls for violence, hate speech posts and curses against Palestinians
·         One out of nine posts about Palestinians contains a call for violence or a curse
·         50,000 Israeli social media users wrote at least one inciting post against Palestinians

May 4, 2018 By Richard Silverstein
Dareen Tatour, the poet as terrorist-criminal
Young Palestinian poet, Dareen Tatour, wrote a poem in the midst of the Knife Intifada three years ago. Entitled, Resist, the poem called for resistance against Israeli Occupation, and steadfastness in the face of oppression. Standard poetic themes in the face of injustice. There are literally thousands of similar poems, including memorable ones written by Israel’s first national poet, Haim Nachman Bialik.
But in Israel, writing such a poem and using Facebook and YouTube to disseminate it will get you branded a terrorist. Dareen was arrested three years ago. Her trial was postponed for that entire period and she was placed under strict house arrest. She was only permitted to leave her home once per weekend, and then only with police minders.
Israeli Jewish incitement against Arabs never merits any attention from the State
Yesterday, the court finally made a decision in her case: guilty. No surprise since Israeli courts convict 98% of Palestinian security defendants of their “crimes.” Dareen was found guilty of “incitement” and belonging to a terror group. It makes no difference that she doesn’t belong to any terrorist group. Expressing sympathy with the goals of the Palestinian national movement is enough to be deemed a terrorist.
Here is an eyewitness account of the shameful spectacle presided over by Judge Adi Bambilia, a judge so ashamed of her verdict that she mumbled her way through it so it would be that much harder for the assembled world media to know the result and report it:
The judge came in only after the media was allowed to take pictures in the courtroom. She sat on her high bench, said that the verdict is long, and that she would read only some of it. She read in a low voice and people complained that they can’t hear. She usually uses a mike – but not today. The guards wanted to throw out of the court the people that complained – but the judge requested them not to do it.
It all took hardly a few minutes, The only sentence that could be heard clearly was when the judge cited some old court ruling about the importance of the freedom of expression. Soon she concluded: “I decided to convict…” Then she went on in a very low voice to name the articles of conviction by their technical numbers, without any explanation, and soon disappeared through the back-door to her chamber.
Just one item indicating the ludicrousness of the Israeli State’s case against Dareen. It presented as an expert witness, a “translator” who grievously mistranslated her poem to claim it called for violence. The prosecution called the witness an “expert” in both spoken and literary Arabic, when he couldn’t even translate her poem properly. You remember Bibi’s dog and pony show headlined by the charge: “Iran Lied.” Well, forget that. Israel lied, “big time,” as both Trump and Netanyahu would say.
Dareen’s plight might have amounted to little amidst the sea of suffering and injustice perpetrated on Palestinians regularly by the Israeli military-intelligence apparatus, but her cause was taken up by an international human rights campaign supported by, among others, the literary freedom NGO, PEN. Its director visited Dareen under house arrest and took a picture with her to show the international artistic world’s solidarity.
While Israel may deem a terrorist, I honor her here by publishing her original video including her poem and its Hebrew and English translations. Keep in mind that Israel considers all of us accessories to terrorism by merely reading this. By the way, YouTube has restricted the video warning viewers that it contains inappropriate content. You have to click through the warning before you can view it. Thanks YouTube for standing for artistic freedom in the face of Israeli censoriousness!
Here is a statement Dareen’s lawyer, Gaby Lasky, published on Facebook yesterday. I’ve translated it:
English translation:
Resist, My People, Resist Them
In Jerusalem, I dressed my wounds and breathed my sorrows
And carried the soul in my palm
For an Arab Palestine.
I will not succumb to the “peaceful solution,”
Never lower my flags
Until I evict them from my land.
I cast them aside for a coming time.
Resist, my people, resist them.
Resist the settler’s robbery
And follow the caravan of martyrs.
Shred the disgraceful constitution
Which imposed degradation and humiliation
And deterred us from restoring justice.
They burned blameless children;
As for Hadil, the sniper shot her in public,
Killed her in broad daylight.
Resist, my people, resist them.
Resist the colonialist’s onslaught.
Pay no mind to his agents among us
Who chain us with the peaceful illusion.
Do not fear doubtful tongues;
The truth in your heart is stronger,
As long as you resist in a land
That has lived through raids and victory.
So Ali called from his grave:
Resist, my rebellious people.
Write me as prose on the agarwood;
My remains have you as a response.
Resist, my people, resist them.
Hebrew translation (actually done by Israelis who know Arabic!):
'What’s more surprising is that there are still people in Israel who expect a fair trial for Palestinians ... as if Israel were still a democracy'
 May 06, 2018 9:15 PM

Poet Dareen Tatour at the Nazareth Magistrate's Court on May 3, 2018 Credit Gil Eliahu
Israeli literary figures lambasted Thursday’s conviction of Arab poet Dareen Tatour on charges of incitement to violence and support for a terrorist organization.
The Nazareth Magistrate’s Court convicted Tatour, 36, on account of three posts published on social media, including a poem titled, “Resist, my people, resist them.” According to a translation of the Arabic-language poem that appeared in the indictment, it included the lines, “I won’t agree to a peaceful solution / I’ll never lower my flag / until I remove them from my homeland.”
Tatour, an Israeli Arab who lives in Reineh, near Nazareth in the country’s north, said after the verdict that she didn’t regret anything and planned to appeal the ruling.
“I wasn’t surprised by the verdict, given everything that’s been happening here,”said Ilana Hammerman, an editor, translator and writer. “The Israeli justice system has been taking this attitude for many years already. What’s more surprising is that there are still people in Israel who expect a fair trial for Palestinians and opponents of Israeli policy ... as if Israel were still a democracy. Anyone who’s surprised is someone who’s sitting with his eyes closed. This is the general direction in which Israel is heading.”
Bottom of Form
It’s impossible to know whether this government attributes such importance to poetic imagery that it pounces like this on a Palestinian poet, or whether its compete lack of understanding of poetry causes it to treat every word like a drawn knife,” said author A.B. Yehoshua, an Israel Prize laureate. “The time has come for judges to read more Hebrew poetry throughout the generations and see the imagery and language it contains.”
Nissim Calderon, a Hebrew literature professor at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev who served as a witness in the trial, said, “The verdict is a blow to one of the deepest traditions of Hebrew poetry – the poet’s freedom from being put on trial over his words. This was upheld under British rule toward Hebrew poets who called for the use of violence, and it’s of value to Israelis themselves even before being an obligation toward the occupied Palestinians. What begins by undermining the freedom of a Palestinian poet will surely continue by undermining the freedom of Israeli poets.”
Navit Barel, a poet and editor, said, “This isn’t an issue related to literary taste or editorial choice. It’s an issue of freedom and justice. This is a sad and frightening day for Israeli democracy. The court was asked to rule on the interpretation of a poem in a language the judge doesn’t read, and it decided this poem was dangerous.”
Barel noted that she has heard demonstrators at a protest shouting, “Rabin is looking for a friend” – a reference to assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin – at the army’s chief of staff. “Which of them was sentenced as an inciter?” she asked, adding, “I’ve heard a Hebrew refrain on the radio in which a singer sang that leftists are killing their brothers, handing them over to foreigners. The law clearly laid down rules on the question of what constitutes incitement. Would an Israeli Jew who said or wrote much worse things than the poem in question be brought to trial?”
Tatour was arrested in October 2015, when Palestinians were carrying out stabbing attacks against Jews almost daily. The indictment accused her of publishing posts on Facebook and YouTube “which contained calls to commit acts of violence or terror and for praising and identifying with acts of violence or terrorism.”
One video clip she posted showed masked men throwing stones and firebombs at Israeli security forces with a voiceover of her reading her poem. By the time the indictment was filed, the prosecution said, the clip had been watched more than 200 times and received several favorable responses.
“The content, its exposure and the circumstances of its publication created a real possibility that acts of violence or terrorism will be committed,”the indictment said.
Aside from the “Resist” poem, Tatour was charged over two other posts. In one, she wrote, “Allah Akbar and praise God, Islamic Jihad has decreed a continuation of the intifada throughout the West Bank and its expansion to all of Palestine. We must begin within the Green Line,” meaning inside Israel. That post received 35 likes.
The second post contained a picture of Asra’a Abed, a Nazareth resident who was shot and wounded after pulling out a knife in Afula’s central bus station, along with the caption “I’m the next martyr.”

See Sharing Rhymes, Hundreds Support Arrested Palestinian Poet Dareen Tatour in Jaffa

'People shouldn’t go to jail in Israel because of poetry' says one attendee of a Jaffa event rallying for poet who has been under house arrest since October 2015
Janan Bsoul
Aug 31, 2017 6:03 PM
Full house for the solidarity event supporting Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour in Jaffa, August 30, 2017. Daniel Tchetchik

There was only room to stand in the Arab-Hebrew Theater of Jaffa on Wednesday night as hundreds showed their support for Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour, who was arrested in October 2015 after posting a poem on YouTube and Facebook.
Tatour, who was charged with incitement, has now been under house arrest in her parents’ home in the Galilee village of Reineh, near Nazareth, for almost two years.
The auditorium was so full that organizers had to place additional seats in the foyer for attendees.
“She’s been under arrest for two years because of a poem denouncing the murderers of Mohammed Abu Khdeir and the Dawabsheh family,” said Tatour’s father, Tawfik, who opened the event. He was referring to the July 2014 killing of a East Jerusalem teenager and the deaths of three members of a Palestinian family during an arson attack in the West Bank the following year.

“Despite the great injustice that was done to Dareen, we can and must live together in peace,” her father stated. “Regrettably, the ministers and prime minister use every chance they get to incite – not only against Arabs but against anyone who doesn’t agree with them; against anyone who wants to live in a world without occupation and racism,” he added.
Actors Leora Rivlin and Doron Tavori reading transcripts from Dareen Tatour's trial, August 30, 2017. Daniel Tchetchik

“In October 2015, the police stormed the house of poet Dareen Tatour,” said journalist Orly Noy, hosting the evening. “Only during the third time they interrogated her did they show her the poem for which they arrested her, and for which she has been under arrest for two years."
There’s a tendency to persecute Arab Israelis who see themselves as Palestinians, express their opinion on the occupation and object to Israel’s policy,” Noy added. “Today, we cry out: ‘Dareen Tatour is not alone!’”
“Dareen is undergoing a Kafkaesque trial,” said Tatour’s lawyer, Gaby Lasky. “The indictment says ‘The State of Israel against Dareen Tatour.’ It should be Dareen’s indictment against Israeli society, which reads poetry by a poet who says ‘I’m the next victim’ and then persecutes her. This is a society that accuses the victim. A poet must be protected. People shouldn’t go to jail in Israel because of poetry.”
Palestinian rap artist Tamer Nafar performed “Spoken Word,” while poets Tal Nitzan and Mahmoud Abu Arisha recited some of their poems. Actors Doron Tavori and Leora Rivlin read some of Tatour’s trial transcripts. Writer Sheikha Haliwa and poet Rachel Peretz read poems penned by Tatour. Haliwa read them in Arabic and Peretz read their Hebrew translation.
“Tatour may not be a great poet,” said one of the audience members, “but arresting her is a stupid, dangerous act. People’s freedom of expression must not be limited, regardless of their work’s quality or disagreements about it.”
Attendees at the evening in support of poet Dareen Tatour in Jaffa, August 30, 2017. Daniel Tchetchik
A short film was screened in which Tatour read one of her poems, “Resist, My People, Resist Them,”accompanied by dramatic music and images of riots between soldiers and Palestinians. The audience applauded.
7amleh Centre recently conducted a research to measure the extent of Israeli incitement against Palestinians on social media for the year 2017, which has been published today. The main key findings were as follows:
·         Every 71 seconds there is an inciting post uploaded against Palestinians
·         A total of 445,000 calls for violence, hate speech posts and curses against Palestinians
·         One out of nine posts about Palestinians contains a call for violence or a curse
·         50,000 Israeli social media users wrote at least one inciting post against Palestinians

Whilst Facebook intensifies its efforts to suspend, delete and ban Palestinian accounts and pages under the pretext of “incitement”, the social media giant expanded its platform for Israeli incitement, 82% of which takes place on Facebook, according to a recent study conducted by 7amleh. 2017 witnessed a rapid upsurge of right wing Israeli Facebook groups and pages that incite against Palestinians, some of which include The Shadow (an extreme right-wing Israeli singer), Roaring for the Right, Against Extreme Leftist Media, Reclaiming Jewish Nationality, Fighting for the Land of Israel and The Lies of the Leftists (all translated from Hebrew) in addition to the rising incitement perpetrated on Facebook pages of mainstream Israeli media.
This index was developed by monitoring violent and inciting rhetoric according to a list of 100 keywords of expressions, names and personalities in Hebrew with the aim of measuring the level of violent rhetoric and hate speech at the hands of Israeli social media users. Interestingly, the results indicate that the level of Israeli violence on social media has decreased from 2016 but increased from 2015.
Jerusalem was the main focal point for online violence against Palestinians and the research illustrates that 50,000 inciting posts against Arabs were uploaded in July 2017 alone in light of the events at Al Aqsa mosque and Israel’s attempt to install electronic gates. This online violence was mainly directed towards Palestinian politicians, such as Ahmad Tibi and Haneen Zoabi.
Nadim Nashif, the Executive Director of 7amleh has expressed grave concern at the results of the research, which exposes Facebook’s complicity in perpetuating the double standards of the Israeli government of silencing and shutting down Palestinian content whilst allowing for the spread of Israeli incitement. Furthermore, the Israeli government fails to hold any Israeli accountable for online violence while at the same time it jails hundreds of Palestinians based on this unfounded claim of incitement.
7amleh is the only Palestinian non-governmental organization dedicated to utilizing online resources to empower marginalized Palestinian communities and enhance their capacities in advocacy and raising social awareness. Our values are based on the unwavering belief of freedom of speech, we work to protect the digital rights and freedom of speech for Palestinians. 7amleh, through its dynamic and community-based approach, works in response to the subjugation of Palestinian voices and aims to build a Palestinian society that is able to breach geo-political boundaries and use digital platforms en masse to advance the community’s rights and well-being, 7amleh conducted this research in cooperation with Vigo Social Intelligence and Berl Katznelson Foundation.

Marc Wadsworth Tour Begins Next Tuesday


Late last month Marc Wadsworth, the long-time Black anti-racist activist was expelled for having criticised Ruth Smeeth, the right-wing Labour MP at the Chakrabarti press conference.  Despite not even knowing that she was Jewish, Marc was held to have engaged in one of these 'anti-semitic Tropes'.  Having mentioned some who was Jewish in the same breath as a media this immediately became an anti-Jewish media conspiracy allegations!
Marc entering Labour's Kangaroo Court
 The Jewish comedian and stand-up artist and author Alexei Sayle will be introducing Marc at the meeting which is jointly hosted by Grassroots Black Left, Labour Against the Witchhunt and Jewish Voice for Labour.  It is the start of a national tour.

 Marc, whose anti-racist activism goes back decades, was a fighter against the National Front, the BNP and assorted fascists.  His accusers from the Jewish Labour Movement and Labour Friends of Israel have never fought anti-Semitism or fascism.  Their only interest is in defending the Apartheid State of Israel.
 Come along and give your support to Marc, next Tuesday May 15th.

The Crucifixion of Marc Wadsworth Nailed bythe Lies of Ruth Smeeth - Black anti-racism activist is on Trial for Antiracism

Ruth Smeeth - according to Wikileaks a Protected US Asset

An Open Letter to John McDonnell – You Need Weep No More Over ‘Anti-Semitism’

The Chutzpah of Adam Langleben & the Jewish Labour Movement

Dear John,

 According to an old Yiddish joke an example of chutzpahis when a man who, having killed his father and mother, asks the court for mercy because he is now an orphan. This perfectly describes the behaviour of former Labour Zionist Councillor Adam Langleben.

It is a chutzpah because no one did more to instil in peoples’ minds the idea that the Labour Party is riddled with antisemitism than Langleben and the Jewish Labour Movement. Langleben’s electors believed him and therefore refused to vote for him. Some would call that poetic justice.
Not only did the Israeli Labour Party leader Herzog welcome Trump's election victory but they have even adopted the same language
In the wake of his defeat Langleben did a tour of TV and radio studios seeking to blame his defeat on everyone bar himself. I am however surprised that when Langleben first started whinging about ‘alt-Left’ conspiracy sites, i.e. Canary and Skwawkbox, that you rushed to appease him.  Not once have you met with Jewish members of the Labour Party who are socialists and don’t make false allegations of anti-Semitism.

In his conspiratorial rant of a video, besides getting all his facts wrong, Langleben called for the shutting down of what he termed the ‘Alt-left’ media sites.  Perhaps he thought he was in Israel where censorship is alive and kicking.  Langleben is not the first person to use the term ‘Alt-left’. This was how Donald Trump described the anti-fascist opponents of his neo-Nazi friends at Charlottesville.
Adam Langleben's rant on the 'Alt-left' media
Langleben is a member of the JLM, which describes the Israeli Labour Party as it ‘sister’ party. The ILP is not only historically a party of ethnic cleansing but to this day it is racist to the core. If the Labour Party bore any resemblance to the racism of the ILP then there would be just cause for complaint.  As one of its leaders, David HaCohen explained:

‘I had to fight my friends on the issue of Jewish socialism, to defend the fact that I would not accept Arabs in my Trade Union, the Histadrut; to defend preaching to housewives that they should not buy at Arab stores; to defend the fact that we stood guard at orchards to prevent Arab workers from getting jobs there... to pour kerosene on Arab tomatoes; to attack Jewish housewives in the markets and smash Arab eggs they had bought... to buy dozens of dunums from an Arab is permitted but to sell God forbid one Jewish dunum to an Arab is prohibited; to take Rothschild the incarnation of capitalismas a socialist and to name him the ‘benefactor’ – to do all that was not easy.’ (Ha’aretz, 15.11.69.)

The ILP’s last leader Isaac Herzogdeclaredthat his nightmare was waking up to find that Israel had an Arab Prime Minister and 61 Arab Members of Israel’s Knesset. Herzog also declaredthat he wanted to dispel the impression that the ILP were ‘Arab Lovers.’  Imagine that someone had denied that Labour was a ‘Jew lovers party.’

Herzog’s successor Avi Gabbay is even worse.  He declared that he would not join a coalition with members of the Joint List, parties representing the Arab citizens of Israel. He raised no objections however to a coalition with the nakedly anti-Arab far-right parties Yisrael Beteinu and Habayit Hayehudi.

Gabbay followed updeclaring that “the Arabs have to be afraid of us” and that Israel need never evacuate any of its settlements built on occupied Palestinian land.  According to Gabbay ‘Settlements represent the ‘beautiful face of Zionism’.

In May 2012, Herzog wrote challengingarguments by human rights groups that Eritreans in Israel deserved protection as refugees. Today the ILP under Gabbay supportsNetanyahu’s attempt to deport 40,000 Black African refugees.  Yet despite this Gabbay recently wrote to Jeremy Corbyn cutting his links with him on the spurious grounds of ‘anti-Semitism’.
The more McDonnell buys into the narrative of Labour 'antisemitism' the more he undermines Corbyn's leadership

As someone with a background of support for the Irish Republican movement you cannot be unaware of the fact that Protestant Supremacists in Northern Ireland identify with Zionism just as Republicans support the Palestinian struggle.  The recent ‘anti-racist’ Zionist demonstration outside Parliament included members of the DUP (& Norman Tebbit)!

In the words of Sir Ronald Storres, the British Military Governor of Jerusalem (1920-25) the Zionist project would be ‘one that blessed him that gave as well as him that took by forming for England “a little loyal Jewish Ulster in a sea of hostile Arabism.’ [Orientations, Nicholson & Watson, London 1943, p.345] 

Report by Daily Mail journalist Dan Hodges to divert attention from an award winning documentary

You declared last year that you could weep' over Labour anti-Semitism row.  I can only suggest that you save your tears John.  If ‘anti-Semitism’ were really a problem in the Labour Party do you really think that Marc Wadsworth and myself would have been expelled?  That Jackie Walker and Ken Livingstone would be facing expulsion? Why do you think Black and Jewish anti-racists are the ones being disciplined?

The JLM protest of course that the ‘anti-Semitism’ smears have nothing to do with Israel but if that is so why do they push the 450 word IHRA definition of ‘anti-Semitism when anti-Semitism can be summed up in a few words i.e. ‘hatred of Jews as Jews’?  If Labour was indeed consumed with anti-Semitism do you really think that the Sun, Mail and Express press would be so concerned?
Rushing to appease Labour's Zionists is like digging your own grave
As long as you and Jeremy try to appease those who accuse the Labour Party of anti-Semitism, the more you will endanger your own position.  This fake campaign has but one target.  It is not to rid Labour of ‘anti-Semitism’ but to remove you and Jeremy from the leadership.  Marc, Jackie, Ken and myself are the collateral damage.

Adam Langleben’s JLM voted by 92% to 4% to support Owen Smith in the leadership election.  They are on Labour’s far-Right.  What you and Jeremy should be asking is why do we allow to operate, inside the Labour Party, the Labour Friends of Israeli Apartheid?
Langleben secretly videod Jackie Walker at a JLM 'training event' - she was suspended shortly after
The JLM does not represent all or even most Jews in the Labour Party.  Jews opposed to Zionism and the Israeli state are no different from Whites in South Africa who opposed Apartheid.  Would Labour then have identified with the Nationalists?

When Jonathan Arkush of the Board of Deputies attacked Jewdas, the Jewish group that Jeremy spent seder night with, he accused them of being ‘a source of virulent anti-Semitism.’  When Zionists talk of ‘anti-Semitism’ what they normally mean is anti-Zionism.  If you really want to be the first left-wing Chancellor of the Exchequer since Sir Stafford Cripps, you have to stand up to these racists not sing from the same song sheet.

In solidarity,

Tony Greenstein

Langleben thinks that everyone but him is responsible for him losing his seat - when he was the author of his own misfortune

Some serving councillors lost their seats in last Thursday’s local elections. Many of those losing were from UKIP, and some were Tories. But although Labour gained ground, some of their councillors were among those losing. One of those was Adam Langleben, who had served on the council in the London Borough of Barnet.

The problem for Langleben is that he has been unable to accept defeat without blaming others, to the extent of making allegations which he will have significant trouble standing up. These have been made in a video he has posted. Here are some of the claims.

After saying “we just lost Barnet”, when Labour didn’t hold the council in the first place, he continues “we have conspiratorial anti-Semitism”, and then asserts “Right now, as I’m filming this, an alternative left-wing news website called Skwawkbox is going through all of the Tweets attacking me, as a Jewish Labour Party member … that accuses me of being a Mossad agent, that accuses me of trying to undermine the leadership”.
There was more. A lot more. “Accuses me of all sorts of things, and it is … propagating Labour anti-Semitism. Now, the Labour leadership can do something very simple and easy. It should say that these alternative fake news websites do not speak for them. Skwawkbox, The Canary … they are propagating conspiracy theory in the Labour Party. They allow it to fester. They spread the message”. And he wasn’t done yet.

 “Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell, both have close links to these groups, to people who run these websites. They should say loudly and clearly that any conspiracy theory that these websites spread are false. They should be shut down. They do not have the support of the Labour leadership. And it’s a very very simple thing to do. John McDonnell, Jeremy Corbyn, come and speak out about these fake news websites”.

While it is entirely understandable that Langleben is unhappy about losing his seat, he has a problem here: much of what he claims is not merely untrue, but actionably so.

Consider the two New Left Media outlets he has accused.

The Canary has never mentioned Adam Langleben.

Skwawkbox has never mentioned Adam Langleben.

Neither Skwawkbox, nor The Canary, has linked Langleben to the Mossad, or of undermining the Labour leadership (as they haven’t mentioned him at all).

The only Twitter interaction between Skwawkbox and Adam Langleben is one reply from the former to the latter, inviting him to DM them.

There is no evidence whatever to support the claim that Skwawkbox is “going through all of the Tweets attacking me”. Indeed, that is itself a conspiracy theory.

As to the “close links” that Jezza and McDonnell are alleged to have to those sites, let me restate what Zelo Streethad to say to the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines and his rabble at the Guido Fawkes blog when they tried to make that accusation last year.

 “Skwawkbox has NEVER had any contact with Jeremy Corbyn’s office. There is NO contact between Evolve Politics and Corbyn’s office … The Canary has NO contact with Corbyn’s office.” Got that? No contact. At all.

And as to the idea that sites which displease Adam Langleben, or indeed anyone else, “should be shut down”, the sinister overtones are simply breathtaking. That’s the kind of behaviour that gives totalitarian dictatorships a bad name.

Not surprisingly, Skwawkbox has already registered its displeasure at Langleben’s totally untrue claims. The Canary may be following along shortly. There has been talk of legal action, and understandably so. But there is a straightforward solution here.

And that is for Adam Langleben to stop, think, realise he is wrong, and say sorry. Skwawkbox did not lose him his council seat. Nor did The Canary. Nor did any other New Left Media site. The only person who lost that seat is Adam Langleben. That is all.

Remembering the Nakba 70 Years on – Brighton Picket of Israeli Film


This weekend was a busy one in Brighton.  On Saturday there was a commemoration of the Naqba, the Catastrophe for Palestinians in 1947-8 when over ¾ million were expelled from what became Israel in order that Israel could become a ‘Jewish’ state without officially becoming what it is now, an Apartheid state. 

There was a stall at the Old Steine and then a march and a 70 Years Naqba sign placed on the beach.  On the Sunday night there was a picket of the Israeli Seret Film Festival which took place at the Brighton Komedia Centre.  This included a number of people who went in and disrupted the beginning.  The performance itself was only half full and that included a number of Zionists from Sussex Friends of Israel who had bought tickets.
 There is another performance this Thursday and there will also be another picket at 17.30.  It is not known if there will be any Palestinian supporters who will be going to watch!!
The history of what has happened has been told in many books and articles such as Ilan Pappe’s Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine and Benny Morris’s The Birth of the Palestinian Problem Revisited.  When I grew up as a Zionist we were fed the story of how the Palestinians were instructed to abandon their homes and villages in 1948 in order to allow the Arab armies to invade Israel.  In fact over half the Palestinian refugees had already been expelled by May 15th when Israel declared its independence.

We were also told how the Zionists begged the Palestinians to stay and in particular how the Mayor of Haifa had pleaded with the Palestinians to stay. What we hadn’t been told was how the Palestinians in Haifa had been shelled and mortared by the Zionist terror militias and how the main such militia, the Labour Zionist Haganah had used loudspeakers to warn of a terrible massacre if any Arabs stayed.  Such was the panic that many Palestinians drowned in the sea at Haifa Port when boarding the boats to take them to safety.
Of course  it would have been impossible to form a racial Jewish  state if there had been an Arab majority in it.  In 1961 two researchers, quite independently of each other, Walid Khalidi and Erskine Childers conducted research which involved transcribing the CIA and BBC reports and tapes of the Arab radio stations of the period.  What they found was that these stations instructed the Arabs of Palestine to stay and indeed threatened them if they left.  There was no evidence of an instruction to stay contrary to the Zionist mythology.
Tony Greenstein

The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) calls on all participants to withdraw from the Israeli government-sponsored SERET Film and TV Festival taking place in London, Brighton and Edinburgh, from May 6 – 17.

Israel’s decades-old regime of military occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid desperately needs such propaganda festivals to art-wash its egregious crimes against the Palestinian people. Israeli army snipers are implementing a deliberate shoot-to-kill-or-maim policy in Gaza, killing dozens and maiming thousands of peaceful Palestinian protesters — including children, journalists, women and young men praying — who are demanding nothing more than their UN-sanctioned rights. The International Criminal Court Prosecutor has warned that these murders may constitute war crimes.
Israel continues to demolish Palestinian homes, ethnically cleanse whole Palestinian communities, especially in Jerusalem and the Naqab (Negev), and lock up Palestinian children.
In response to Israel’s “atrocities” in Gaza, the Oscar-winning star, Natalie Portman, has boycotted a ceremony in Israel that would have honored her.
The SERET festival tries to falsely project Israel as “a melting pot of cultures, religions and social backgrounds,” rather than as an apartheid and colonial regime that has more than 65 racist laws discriminating against its indigenous Palestinian citizens.
Rozanski (left) and Simon Cobbs with the camera
This is straight out of apartheid South Africa’s propaganda playbook and illustrates the way in which Israel uses the arts in the explicit attempt to deflect growing condemnations of its violations of international law and Palestinian human rights.
One of the vilest racists - Shaiki Rozanski, an Israeli security specialist
In addition to Israeli ministries and diplomatic missions, the festival is also sponsored by racist, anti-Palestinian, Israeli government-backed agencies, including the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency. Both play a pivotal role in the strategic and operational planning of racist Jewish-only settlements at the heart of Israel’s illegal land grabs in the occupied Palestinian territory, and by Leumi Bank and Mizrahi Tefahot Bank, both of which finance Israel’s settlement expansion. 
Cobbs of SFI - playing with his 
Thankfully, people of conscience and supporters of social justice worldwide are seeing through the smokescreen. As Israel’s popularity continued to dip worldwide, thousands of artists, including filmmakers Mira Nair, Ken Loach, John GreysonThe Yes Men and Mike Leigh, have heeded the Palestinian call, refusing to allow their art to be used to conceal Israel’s crimes against the Palestinian people.
Last year, a wave of cancellations and boycotts hit Tel Aviv’s LGBT film festival over Israeli government sponsorship, with a total of fourteen filmmakers, actors and other artists withdrawing or, if unable to do so, declaring support for the boycott.
By not performing or exhibiting their work in Israel and by refusing to take part in Israeli government-sponsored events, artists send Israel a clear message that as long as it continues to deny Palestinian human rights, the cultural community won’t engage in business-as-usual relations with its regime.
PACBI, as part of the growing Nobel Prize-nominated Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, calls on filmmakers participating in SERET to withdraw from this blatant propaganda festival and urges people of conscience to boycott it in its entirety.
Help us pull back the curtain on Israel’s crimes and end the impunity that has allowed it to carry on its oppressive and criminal policies for decades. As a first step, refuse to take part in whitewashing them.
The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) was initiated in 2004 to contribute to the struggle for Palestinian freedom, justice and equality. PACBI advocates for the boycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions, given their deep and persistent complicity in Israel’s denial of Palestinian rights as stipulated in international law. Visit PACBI at https://bdsmovement.net/pacbi and follow us on Twitter @PACBI

GAZA – Israel murders over 50 unarmed Palestinians and injures over a thousand yet Labour Friends of Israel blames the victims


Either Emily Thornberry Resigns from Labour Friends of Israel or she must be sacked from the Shadow Cabinet

‘Modern Israel stands out as a beacon of freedom, equality and democracy’ – 
Emily Thornberry



The hypocrisy of Thornberry who praises Israel's 'democracy' - Israel's murderous actions were supported by the Israeli Labour Party

On the day of the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem, something that the United State’s arch bigot-in-chief Donald Trump had ordained, Israel’s rulers celebrated by murdering in cold blood 58 Palestinians (according to the latest count) and at least 1,200 maybe more unarmed Palestinians.

It is no surprise that Labour Friends of Israel could not bring themselves to condemn Israel’s outrageous murder of unarmed Palestinian demonstrators.  Instead they blamed the victims and in the normal conspiracy style of Israeli propaganda said it was all Hamas’s fault.  Apparently Hamas are able to make thousands of Palestinians risk their life just like that.  Because in the eyes of the Zionist rulers of Israel the Palestinians are no more than animals and sub-humans. See Rabbi Dahan - Israel's New Deputy Defence Minister - Jews have Higher Souls than Non-Jews
83% of Israeli Jews support the 'shoot to murder' policy - including 47% of the 'left-wing' Zionist Meretz
Murder accompanied the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem - according to Trump it heralded a new era of peace

The truth is of course that conditions in Gaza are appalling and unbearable which is why people are demonstrating at the border fence.  It is a lie to say that Hamas are making people risk their lives.  These demonstrations began against the wishes of Hamas.  To deny ordinary people agency is no different from the Jewish conspiracy theories that LFI purport to condemn.

 Israel didn’t just injure, according to some reports, over 2,000 people, children included.  They have crippled them for life because the bullets they are using are internationally outlawed dum dum bullets that crush the bones and have an exit wound the size of a fist.  Israel’s is Using Internationally Outlawed Explosive ‘Dum Dum’ Bullets Against Civilians in Gaza

What is outrageous is that Labour’s Shadow Foreign Secretary, who never fails to pay tribute to Israel’s Jewish ‘democracy’, is a paid up member of Labour Friends of Israel. 

The lie that the Zionists spread was that this was an ‘invasion’ of sovereign Israeli territory.  Israel is the occupier of Gaza.   Gaza is an open air prison which is virtually unliveable in, having been blockaded for 11 years by air, land and sea.  The water is undrinkable, food is in short supply, medical supplies are lacking, houses remain unbuilt from the last bombing campaign.  That is why Palestinians in Gaza want to return to the lands from which they were expelled 70 years ago, in Israel.

Israel welcomes any Jew who wants to immigrate but it cannot find room for Palestinians who were born there and their families. Why?  Because they are not Jewish.  If that is not racism what is?

Palestinians from Gaza are not welcome because they pose a threat to the demographic majority.  It is because of this threat to the racial purity of the ‘Jewish’ state of Israel that they were gunned down like animals.

And while the slaughter in Gaza continued, the Zionists were celebrating the move of the Israeli Embassy to occupied Jerusalem.  It is ironic that Baptist Pastor Robert Jeffress conducted the opening prayers at the ceremony.  Not only is he a racist bigot for whom Islam (& Mormonism) are heresies ‘from the pit of hell’ but according to him ‘you can’t be saved by being a Jew’ either. 

The American Jewish group If Not Now protesting Israel's mass murder in Gaza

It is entirely fitting that a racist bigot and anti-Semite was invited to conduct the opening ceremony of the US Embassy because anti-Semites have always been the strongest supporters of Israel.  If you don’t want Jews in the lands where they live where better to send them to than Israel?

Tony Greenstein

Israeli Brown-Shirts “Celebrate” Jerusalem Day

Jerusalem is one of the strangest cities in the world.  Let's leave aside all the tourist promotion about "Jerusalem of Gold" and "a city holy to three religions."  And the Israeli claim that it is "Israel's capital, eternal and undivided."  All that is window dressing for what Jerusalem really is.  A city which has been fought over for thousands of years by scores of armies fighting on behalf of scores of religions and nations.  It's possible that over time more blood has been shed over the city than any other in the history of the world.
Frankly, I'm not sure it's worth it.  In David's day it was a small city inhabited by Jebusites, who were eventually exterminated.
I question the ultimate point of all this suffering over this city as someone who's lived in Jerusalem, studied at its universities, worshiped at the Western Wall, shopped in its markets, walked its streets, davened at its shuls, spoken its language, celebrated its holidays.  Nevertheless, I come back to my oft-repeated response to this veneration of the Holy City.  Jews were never much for worshipping stones and ruins.  Jews, especially those in the Diaspora, were far more taken up with finding modes of survival outside Israel.
Yes, of course our Prophets mourned the destruction of Jerusalem and the prayer-book offered meditations on the eternal role of the city in the heart of every Jew.  But unlike Christians, until the early 20th century, there were no mass movements of return.  That is why I've decided that the 21st century version of Jerusalem worship is a form of Judean pagan idolatry.  This idol-worship divorces us as Jews from the values which enabled us to survive for so many centuries outside of Israel.
Judean idolators stage Nuremberg like rally

All of this is an introduction to the latest insanity griping Jerusalem.  In the course of a few days, Israel celebrated Jerusalem Day, a holiday in which thousands of settlers march like Brown Shirts through Palestinian neighborhoods in the city, bellowing provocative racist chants and waving thousands of Israeli flags.  It's something like what a bad dog owner would do to train a dog not to take a dump on the rug: you rub their nose in it, as if that will somehow teach them you're boss and must be obeyed.
T-shirt sold during Jerusalem Day pogroms: "Sometimes you've got to take off your cap."
Among the lyrics these pagans chant: "Avenge but one of my two eyes upon Palestine, may their name be wiped out."  I also feature a photo of a t-shirt sold to these marchers.  It features a few brave settler lads toppling the Dome of the Rock, with a caption: "Sometimes, you've got to take your kippah ['cap' or 'dome'] off."
Such provocation doesn't cow the Palestinians.  Just the reverse, it spurs the next suicide bomber or knife attacker.  The next time you hear of an Israeli soldier or settler killed or wounded, remember these videos, images and slogans.  They are precisely why the cycle of violence never ends.
American Jews reject the moving of the US Embassy
Adding the final insult to injury is the opening of the "new" U.S. embassy in Jerusalem.  The embassy isn't new and isn't really even an embassy at present.  It's the U.S. consulate and it's actually not even built within the Green Line.  It's built on disputed territory, what was considered No Man's Land after 1948.  It was conquered in 1967, when Israel ousted the Jordanians and took control of the city.  But Israel refuses to recognize a formal border between Israel and Palestine.  So, ironically, we've built our new embassy on territory that is at best disputed, and at 'worst' Palestinian land.  But that shouldn't surprise, because almost the entirety of the Israeli settler movement is based on such theft and usurpation of Palestine. One can even argue that Israel's founding in 1948 based, as it was on the expulsion of 1-million Palestinians and the destruction of 400 of their villages, is the original usurpation.  So why should the U.S. presence there be any different??
The opening prayer will be delivered on Monday by Dallas evangelical preacher, Robert Jeffress.  He was invited because, of course, he's a mainstay of FoxNews.  There he rails against every major religion except his own:
Labour Friends of Israel's Tweet Blaming the Palestinians for their own Murder
[Jeffress] has referred to both Islam and Mormonism as “a heresy from the pit of hell.” He believes Islam, Mormonism, Hinduism, and Buddhism are all cults, and that Catholicism represents the “genius of Satan.” Jews, he believes, are going to hell. “You can’t be saved by being a Jew,” he’s said. Islam, he said, “is a religion that promotes pedophelia, sex with children.” And in a statement sure to please the Israelis, he has compared the treatment of Christians in the United States to the Nazi’s treatment of Jews right before they launched the Final Solution program to exterminate them.
You can't make this up.  What's astonishing is that Israel is welcoming to its midst a Christian evangelical anti-Semite; and doing so with open arms.  If anyone questions the final morphing of Zionism into a movement that offers nothing but hate for Judaism, at least Diaspora Judaism, this should affirm the claim.
Israel has lit a powder keg of provocation and deliberately so.  No Israeli leader has any appreciation of one of Newton's laws: "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."  Palestinians certainly will respond.  Perhaps even Muslims around the world will respond.  They will be outraged.  They will hate Israel.  They will probably hate Jews, because these settler Brown Shirts are marching less as Israelis and more as Jews, who seek to conflate the two statuses.
Last year, there was a Knife Intifada in which over 200 Palestinians were killed, many murdered by Israeli vigilantes and police.  That commenced when Israel restricted Muslim worship at the Haram al Sharif.  What do you think will happen now?  That Palestinians will break out their picnic baskets and invite their Israeli friends to join them?  No, of course there will be mayhem.  There will be revenge.
An interesting side note regarding the [in]famous song, Jerusalem of Gold, by Israeli singer, Nomi Shemer.  It takes its name from lyrics which implicitly refer to the Dome of the Rock, which shines like gold in virtually every tourist photo of the city.  Ironically, this is the very gold dome which these heathen pogromists wish to destroy.  Oops, no more Jerusalem of Gold.  Instead, we'll have Black Jerusalem, a city draped in sackcloth and ashes for the devastation committed in the name of God and religion.  But that too, alas, is foretold in Biblical books like Lamentations.
The Preacher from Hell – Who is Better Suited than to Offer Prayers at the Opening of the US Embassy?
Dallas-based Baptist Pastor Robert Jeffress has called Islam ‘a heresy from the pit of hell,’ while also attacking Mormons and the ‘perversion’ of homosexuality
Ha’aretz Amir Tibon and Noa Landau (Washington) 14.05.2018

WASHINGTON - One of the speakers at Monday’s ceremony marking the relocation of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem will be a Christian leader with a history of hateful comments against Muslims, Mormons, gay people and Jews.
Dallas-based Robert Jeffress, a Baptist pastor with a large following in Texas, told Fox News that he would be leading a prayer during the ceremony. Jeffress serves as an informal advisor to Trump on faith-based issues of U.S. President Donald Trump, and is also known for his support for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.
As Mother Jones reported, during a 2010 lecture, Jeffress claimed, "God sends good people to Hell. Not only do religions like Mormonism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism--not only do they lead people away from from God, they lead people to an eternity of separation from God in Hell."
Robert Jeffress says “you can’t be saved by being a Jew,“ and “Mormonism is a heresy from the pit of hell.” He’s said the same about Islam. Such a religious bigot should not be giving the prayer that opens the United States Embassy in Jerusalem.
— Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) 2:42 AM - May 14, 2018
 Jeffress once said that “the dark dirty secret of Islam” is that “it is a religion that promotes pedophilia,” and that Islam is “a heresy from the pit of hell.”
Mitt Romney, a former Republican presidential candidate, called on Monday to remove Jeffress from his participation in the embassy opening ceremony. Romney, one of the most prominent Mormon politicians in the United States, said Jeffress was a "religious fanatic" and accused him of incitement against religious minorities. "Such a person should not lead the service at the opening of the embassy in Jerusalem," added Romney, who is currently running for an open Senate seat from Utah despite his clear identification with the Republican Party. He is considered one of President Trump's critics in the party.
At the same time, the Texas Baptist pastor hit back in response to criticism of his views on Muslims, Mormons, gay people and Jews.
Around 20 percent of Israeli citizens and around 40 percent of Jerusalem residents are Muslims, and the new embassy, according to U.S. officials, will also provide services to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.
Jeffress has also called homosexuality “a perversion,” saying gay people engage in “the most detestable acts you can imagine.”
The Mormons have also felt Jeffress’ wrath; he has called them a “cult” not truly part of Christianity. In one speech, after bashing Islam and Mormonism, Jeffress warned that all Jews will go to hell, saying that “you can’t be saved by being a Jew.”
In an interview on Fox News Monday morning, Jeffress both dismissed and defended his controversial remarks. "These were comments ripped out of context from years ago," he said. "Historic Christianity, for 2000 years, has taught that salvation is faith in Christ alone, and the fact that I, and millions of evangelical Christians still believe that, is not bigoted and not newsworthy." 
Jeffress has praised Trump for his decision last December to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, equating it with President Harry Truman’s decision in 1948 to recognize Israel as a state.
“Jerusalem has been the object of the affection of both Jews and Christians down through history and the touchstone of prophecy,” Jeffress said at the time, “but most importantly, God gave Jerusalem — and the rest of the Holy Land — to the Jewish people.”
As he put it, “President Trump is a modern-day profile in courage, accomplishing what no other president has been willing to do.”
Allison Sommer Kaplan contributed to this report.

The Mask of Deceit Slips from the Face of Chakrabarti as She Supports Livingstone’s Expulsion


Chakrabarti Demonstrates the flaws in her Report as she capitulates to Zionist Apartheid

When the Chakrabarti Inquiry was first set up I was extremely sceptical as to the outcome.  I wrote that Chakrabarti will be a rubber stamp for the Zionist Labour Movement & ProgressAfter having given evidence to the Inquiry, as the only Jewish person suspended for ‘anti-Semitism’, I was to some degree reassured. 
Zionist Royall, as I termed Lady Jan Royall, the author of the Report into the fake anti-Semitism allegations at Oxford University Labour Club, who had clearly written her report before she even set foot in Oxford would not, as one of the wing members of the Chakrabarti Inquiry, have any say in the final Report. She would simply be there to advise. Chakrabarti had emphasized to me that the Report was hers and hers alone.  #
In what was an astounding remark on the Jewish Labour Movement site, Royall statedthat
‘I know that you will share my disappointment and frustration that the main headline coming out of my inquiry is that there is no institutional Antisemitism in Oxford University Labour Club.’ 

The Chair of the Labour Club, Alex Chalmers had resigned claiming it was a cesspit of anti-Semitism.  His reason for resigning was that the club had endorsed Israeli Apartheid Week.  Chalmers soon left the Labour Party altogether, having been exposed as a former intern for BICOM, the disgusting Israeli propaganda unit that Luciana Berger headed. Asa Winstanley’sHow Israel lobby manufactured UK Labour Party’s anti-Semitism crisisdescribed the origins of Labour’s media manufactured anti-Semitism affair.
On the day when I gave my evidence Chakrabarti had such a stinking cold that I wasn’t sure how much she took in. Naomi Wimborne-Iddrissi from Free Speech on Israel accompanied me. Yet I remembered that she asked me about the publicity and press leaks that had accompanied my suspension and sure enough her condemnation of leaks by the Compliance Unit figured prominently in the Report. 
Nonetheless, almost uniquely on the left, I was not overwhelmed by the Chakrabarti Report.  Like many others I was pleased at her recommendations over the disciplinary process and her emphasis on due process and natural justice.  I was also happy at the way she dealt with the attempt of the Jewish Labour Movement and the Zionists to distort the recommendations of the MacPherson Report into Stephen Lawrence, which had proposed that where someone complained of a racial attack it was the Police’s duty to record the attack as a racial incident. 
The Zionists, who had never once been part of the Stephen Lawrence campaign used this recommendation to say that when someone said they had been the victim of a racial incident they were to be believed without further question or investigation. The subjective viewpoint of the ‘victim’ was all that was necessary. 
So according to this ‘logic’ where a woman complains of rape the man is automatically guilty.  Where someone complains of being the victim of a racial attack they are to be believed automatically.  Court hearings, cross-examination and evidence would become redundant.  Such a system sounds more like Israel’s policy of ‘administrative detention’ or internment without trial.  Suffice to say, any manner of racists, Zionists especially, could claim to be the ‘victim’.  Chakrabarti dispensed with this nonsense quite thoroughly.
Yet I was not happy with the sections on Zionism and racism. My blog post Chakrabarti – A Missed Opportunity to Develop an Anti-Racist Policy for Labourdid not prove popular.  I can remember giving a talk on the Chakrabarti Report to the London Communist Forum and Professor Jonathan Rosenhead of the LSE and FSOI came along to critique my contribution. As did others.  In some ways this led to a parting of the ways politically with FSOI. Yes Chakrabarti’s Report had been good in some areas but its belief that Zionism was merely a rich strand of Jewish identity and its belief that comparisons between Zionism and Nazism were ‘incendiary’ and its description of the term ‘zio’ as racist I believed were fundamentally mistaken. Chakrabarti had no concept or understanding of what Zionism meant.
At the Chakrabarti press conference Marc Wadsworth was the subject of a vicious attack by Ruth Smeeth MP who falsely claimed she had been been subject to an antisemitic attack - Chakrabarti  apologised to Smeeth without ever speaking to Marc
I also said that Chakrabarti was no radical.  She has always been a conservative defender of civil liberties. She is a former Director of Liberty (formerly the National Council for Civil Liberties) which has a record of people like Harriet Harman, Patricia Hewitt and others jack knifing to the illiberal right.  Chakrabarti seemed no different.
Her appearance on the BBC’s Sunday Politics show has proven me correct. Chakrabarti launched into a vicious attack on Ken Livingstone. Ken had learnt nothing from his behaviour.  He had been given a very lenient sentence and had then repeated the same ‘offence’.  He had brought the Labour Party into disrepute.  His mentioning of Zionist collaboration with the Nazis was an attack on all those Jews trying to escape Germany and so she went on.
What Chakrabarti revealed is that she is a petty minded, illiberal ignoramus who knows nothing about Zionism, the Jewish supremacist ideology of the Israeli state. Perhaps this gullible fool might take to heart the lessons of the past few days when Israel has murdered 60 Palestinians for the crime of trying to cross the fence that separates the concentration camp of Gaza from the Israeli state.  A fence that divides a land of plenty from a land of hunger, dirty water, poverty and no electricity or medicine.  Over 2,000 people were injured and many of them will die in the next few days and weeks because the health facilities of Gaza are overwhelmed, they don’t have the medicines and the ordinance that the Israeli troops use are explosive bullets deliberately designed to cripple and maim for life.
Despite this no less than 83% of Israelis support this gunning down of unarmed Palestinians.  Every survey of Israeli Jewish opinion shows that a majority of Israelis are deeply racist in not wanting to live next to Arabs, wanting their physical expulsion from Israel and a large majority even wanting to deprive them of the vote.
The main fear of Israelis is not ‘terrorism’, because these are unarmed civilians but the nightmare that refugees who were expelled from Israel in 1948 are seeking to Return.  This naked and raw racism is an integral part of Zionism.  Zionism isn’t some cuddly form of identity politics it is the belief that Jews have superior rights over non-Jews.  It means a permanent Jewish majority in Israel and state policies aimed at ensuring that as few Palestinians or non-Jews live in the country. It is also Zionism which dictates that the 40,000 Black African refugees in Israel have to leave. They are a threat to the Jewish racial majority. 
What Livingstone said was simply a matter of fact.  It is incontestable that the Nazis supported Zionism in Germany. It has nothing to do with an attack on Germany’s Jews not least because Zionism represented 5% at most of German Jews before the advent of Hitler. Many Zionists welcomed the rise of the Nazis to power because they saw it as a golden opportunity to prosper.  For years the Zionist movement alone in Germany had propagated the belief that Jews were a separate people who did not belong in Germany at all.  They were an alien people.  As Noah Lucas, a Zionist historian wrote:
 ‘As the European Holocaust erupted, Ben Gurion saw it as a decisive opportunity for Zionism... Ben Gurion above all others sensed the tremendous possibilities inherent in the dynamic of the chaos and carnage in Europe... In conditions of peace,… Zionism could not move the masses of world Jewry. The forces unleashed by Hitler in all their horror must be harnessed to the advantage of Zionism. ... By the end of 1942… the struggle for a Jewish state became the primary concern of the movement.’ [Lucas, The Modern History of Israel pp.187/8].
This is not even controversial.  Other Zionist historians – Saul Friedlander, Shabtai Teveth, David Cesarani – also come to the same conclusion. Of course this is embarrassing to Zionism’s merchants of false ‘anti-Semitism’. How can they accuse others of anti-Semitism if they themselves subscribe to a movement which is a Jewish version of anti-Semitism?  Hence the cries and the squawks of Zionism’s apologists.
What Chakrabarti is really saying is that because Livingstone insists on expressing his viewpoint, even though he is right, he has to be expelled.  Like the illiberal tyke that she is, Chakrabarti doesn’t attack Livingstone’s views instead she attacks his right to express them.  Hence why she frames her criticism in terms of ‘bringing the party into disrepute’ the standard McCarthyist charge of those who wish to demonise someone whilst avoiding challenging their argument. Chakrabarti talks about a ‘lenient’ sentence, because Livingstone was not expelled the first time round for speaking his mind thus assuming that there has been any offence committed.
Let us remember that this hypocrite was Director of a group allegedly dedicated to protecting peoples’ civil liberties.  Here she is directly attacking someone’s right to express their views about a matter of history without being penalized. Instead of repeating what he said Ken should have shut up.  This is no academic matter. I am defending Stan Keable who is in danger of losing his job at Hammersmith & Fulham Council because he dared to express his view that the Nazis and the Zionists collaborated.
Instead of defending the right to freedom of speech within the Labour Party Chakrabarti talks about Livingstone’s ‘offence’ as if criticising Zionism’s record during the Holocaust is some kind of thought crime.
This pathetic little echo of dictators past went on to say that it would be ‘very difficult for any rational decision maker’ to allow Ken to stay in the Labour Party. Of course this execrable woman has no problem in allowing the defenders of Israel’s shoot to kill policy in Gaza, the stalwarts of Labour Friends of Israel such as Joan Ryan MP, to remain in the Labour Party. Chakrabarti has no problem with Louise Ellman and her defence of the imprisonment, torture and sexual abuse of Palestinian children to  remain in the party because, like Chuka Ummuna Chakrabarti too has nothing to say about the politics of race.  She too is an accepted part of the White establishment, Black outside White inside.  There have been no expressions of support for either Marc Wadsworth or Jackie Walker.  Support for Israel is a sine qua non of being accepted in the British Establishment.
In her final flourish this establishment muppet talks of ‘incendiary’ remarks.  Presumably anything which upsets the supporters of Apartheid Israel is incendiary i.e. controversial.  As for equating Jews with the Nazis Chakrabarti merely demonstrates her own ignorance of what Zionism is.  Livingstone criticised the Zionist movement not the Jewish victims of Nazism.  The fact that she doesn’t understand this is a good reason why she should shut up and learn something about the period in question.  Instead this police state democrat calls for the expulsion of Livingstone for daring to dissent.
Tony Greenstein

Alexei Sayle Kicks off Successful Defend Marc Wadsworth Meeting in London


Packed Labour Against the Witchhunt Meeting Sends Clear Message to the Witchhunters

Alexei Sayle -  Jewish standup comedian spoke in support of Marc
Last night at the Indian YMCA centre in Fitzroy Square a room packed to the rafters heard from a range of speakers who helped kick off Marc Wadsworth’s nationwide tour.

Moshe Machover, the veteran Israeli anti-Zionist founder of Matzpen, the President of LAW and who himself was first expelled then reinstated, was the first speaker. Then Alexei Sayle made a brilliant contribution followed by Marc himself.  Other speakers included Mike Cushman from Jewish Voice for Labour, Nana Asante, Jackie Walker and Glenroy Watson from RMT’s London Regional Council.  The meeting was chaired by Debbie Hobson of Grassroots Black Labour.
Mike Cushman of Jewish Voice for Labour
27 people joined LAW and it is clear that this meeting, over 120 attended, is indicative of how LAW has taken off in the past 6 months as the witchhunt has taken on an added vigour.  Those of us who had hoped that Jennie Formy, the new Labour Party General Secretary would usher in a new era have been sadly disappointed.  She is following in the footsteps of the hated Iain McNicol as the Zionists renewed smear campaign took its toll.  If Corbyn had had the courage of his convictions and stood out against this wholly bogus exercise and had exercised an independent judgement then the Zionist apologists for murder in Gaza this week could have been sent packing with a flea in their ears.
Glenroy Watson of the RMT
Instead the relaunch of the false anti-Semitism campaign before the local elections panicked Corbyn to issuing instructions to step up the witchhunt.  We saw what this really meant in practice this week when those who called for the expulsion of anti-Zionists and socialists justified Israel’s mass murder of unarmed civilians in Gaza.  It is not Marc, Jackie or myself who should be expelled – it is Luke Akehurst’s open justification of murder and Joan Ryan of Labour Friends of Israel.
If Corbyn had a backbone and for once stood up to the right-wing traitors and scabs like Wes Streeting and Louise Ellman then he wouldn’t have had half the problems he has had.  By appeasing these false proponents of ‘anti-Semitism’ he has made a rod for his own back.
Marc sets off for a host of meetings taking in Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Chester, Sheffield and Swansea. We have to ensure that the expulsion of Black and Jewish socialists is not allowed to go unhindered.  Time was when Jeremy Corbyn was the Convenor of Labour Against the Witchhunt today he is an appeaser.  He is literally digging his own political graveyard.
Tony Greenstein 

Why does the Labour Party expel anti-racists whilst Zionist supporters of Israel’s war crimes remain members?


It’s time to expel Luke Akehurst and break the links with Labour Friends of Israel 

Palestinian supporters and anti-Zionists are suspended from the Labour Party at a drop of a hat. They are guilty of what the head of Momentum Jon Lansman calls ‘unconscious anti-Semitism’.
Luke Akehurst has been untiring in his efforts to defend Zionist war crimes 
Yet absolutely nothing is done when supporters of Israel openly justify and support Israel’s murder of over 60 unarmed Palestinian demonstrators this week, injuring over 2,000.  Many of those injured will be permanently crippled because Israel is deliberately using dum dum bullets which expand inside the body.
Labour Friends of Israel's tweets excusing the slaughter in Gaza

We should reflect for a moment that Labour Friends of Israel, Louise Ellman, Joan Ryan and Luke Akehurst are justifying the deliberate and premeditated opening of fire against unarmed demonstrators. It is the kind of thing that fascists usually do yet these racists continue to be members of the Labour Party. 
Of course Israel can do this with impunity because it has the support of Donald Trump and the alt-Right in the United States.  What is outrageous is that supporters of Israeli war crimes have a free pass under the regime of new General Secretary Jennie Formby.

Formby has started where the hated Iain McNicol left off. Mention Israel and a Labour MP and you are likely to be put under investigation. She and Corbyn are running scared from the false ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations made by the Board of Deputies which has this week justifiedthe slaughter in Gaza.
Criticism of Israel and its ideology, Zionism is verboten. But if you engage in any amount of anti-Arab racism then you can be sure that no action will be taken against you.  The continued presence of Luke Akehurst in the Labour Party is indefensible.  Labour might as well admit Nick Griffin of the BNP to membership.  At least Griffin is an honest racist and fascist. 
People should email the Labour Party demanding that action is taken against Luke Akehurst and for the Labour Party to cut off links with Labour Friends of Israel. The far-Right leader of the Israeli Labour Party Avi Gabbay announced he had cut all links with Jeremy Corbyn for ‘anti-Semitism’.  Perhaps Corbyn will have the courage to return the favour? 

Email  complaints@labour.org.ukwith copies to jennie_formby@labour.org.uk, corbynj@parliament.ukand leader@labour.org.uk
Only the idiots of Labour's leadership treat the unelected Board of Deputies as representing British Jews
Akehurst, a former member of Labour’s NEC, Director of We Believe in Israel and a prominent member of Labour First has openly defended Israel’s deliberate murder of unarmed Palestinian civilians demonstrating against the terrible conditions in which they have been confined. Akehurst has blamed the Palestinians for their own deaths yet nothing has happened to this racist wretch of a human being. Israel’s murder of Palestinians in Gaza these past few weeks now totals 111, exceeding the 69 who were murdered in the Sharpeville Massacre in South Africa in 1960, which marked the beginning of the world wide anti-apartheid movement. 
We need to ask why it is that anti-racists such as Mark Wadsworth and myself have been expelled whereas the supporters of Israel’s war crimes have been granted immunity? Part of the problem is that Momentum is led by a racist Zionist Jon Lansman. The other reason is that Corbyn has effectively surrendered to the Right and the Zionist lobby over ‘anti-Semitism’.
An old man is shot
80 Labour MPs are sponsorsof Labour Friends of Israel. They are a roll call of the Right – Chuka Ummuna, Jess Phillips, Mike Gapes, Emily Thornberry et al.  When Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, it marked the break between Zionism and the Labour Left.  Both Tony Benn and Eric Heffer immediately resigned. Today under the baleful influence of Momentum’s dictator, most of the parliamentary left has become infatuated with an Israel which has moved yet further to the racist right. 
When you have the Defence Minister of Israel, Avigdor Lieberman, talking about cutting off the heads of Palestinians and wanting to drown Palestinian prisoners in the Dead Sea and when his deputy, Eli Dahan, describes Palestinians as ‘animals’and sub-humans one has to ask why it is that people like Labour’s Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry continue to give cover to a state every bit as racist as White South Africa.
The attack on Gaza city in 2014
Even by Israel’s abysmal standards of murder and child abuse, this week’s events were horrific.  Amongst those murdered were children and an 8 month old ‘terrorist’ baby.
The thoughts of Israel’s apologists in the Labour Party were with the murderers and Israeli ‘democracy’. It was all the fault of Hamas thus denying any agency to those who died.  Those who died were merely puppets.  Zionism’s ventriloquists are fond of talking about conspiracy theories but there is no greater conspiracy theory than the idea that Hamas were able to gather thousands of people near the fence with Israel knowing full well they could be killed.
Hamas is a conservative Islamic organisation, elected by the Palestinians. Despite being vilified as a genocidal, anti-Semitic, terrorist organisation, it is none of these things. The history of the Israeli state is a history of a succession of enemies who have been demonised. From the ‘new Hitler’ Nasser in the 1950’s to that other ‘Hitler’ Yasser Arafat. 
What the Akehursts and the Israeli propagandist will never tell you is that Hamas was the creationof Israel in an attempt to undermine the secular nationalists of the PLO.
Other lies include the allegation that the Palestinians were seeking to break through the ‘borders’ of Israel.  It is a lie because Israel is unique in having never defined borders.  It is an expansionist settler state whose ideology, the biblical land of Israel extends far beyond Israel’s current borders.
Israel’s real fear is the return of the refugees which would upset the demographic majority of Jews in the ‘Jewish’ state. The fiction of Israel as a democratic state can only be preserved by preventing those in Gaza and the West Bank being Israeli citizens and having a vote.  That is the role of the fiction of a ‘peace process’.
Israel is in occupation of Gaza and its people have every right to want to return to Israel from where they were expelled, especially since Israel’s blockade has made Gaza virtually unliveable in with the water toxic and undrinkaeble.  It is also in accord with UN Resolution 194.
An injured woman
You can read Akehurst’s despicable justifications for what happened in these articles, Update on Gaza border crisis and Please email your MP about Hamas and the Gaza border
Below is an excellent article by Leon Rossellson, the famous Jewish socialist folk singer.
 “I don’t believe in liberation — I believe in ending the apartheid system in Israel, like the end of the apartheid system in South Africa, and we all live in one democratic state.”
 Ahmed Abu Artema, organiser of the Great March of Return, as reported in the Guardian 6 April 2018.
In 2007, I wrote a song called The Third Intifada. It’s been eerie in the last few weeks watching something very like the scenario in my song, albeit in a different context, being enacted on Gaza’s border with Israel. But the reality has been more horrific than anything I envisaged. In Gaza the slaughter was premeditated and calculated. The snipers were primed to kill. They had their orders. They used the protesters, men women, children, for target practice. According to the latest reports, 109 Palestinians — including children, one an 8 month old baby — have been killed and over 6,000 wounded, including nearly 1000 children. The wounds were particularly debilitating because Israeli soldiers used dumdum bullets which expand when they enter the body. 

The bullets used are causing injuries local medics say they have not seen since 2014. The entrance wound is small.The exit wound is devastating, causing gross comminution of bone and destruction of soft tissue.
The UN has stressed that “lethal force may only be used as a measure of last — not first — resort, and only when there is an immediate threat to life or serious injury. An attempt to approach or crossing or damaging the fence do not amount to a threat to life or serious injury and are not sufficient grounds for the use of live ammunition.”
What has been the response of the Israeli authorities to the charge that their soldiers have committed war crimes? Predictably they lied. They lied shamelessly and with the confidence born from years of practice. Yes, these protesters, led by Hamas, yes, even the children and the 8 month old baby, were on the verge of tearing down the fence and swarming into Israel, overrunning the Israeli army and massacring untold thousands of Israelis, yes, and all with their bare hands.
Protester near Gaza border

“The mere fact of approaching a fence is not a lethal, life-threatening act, so that does not warrant being shot. It seems that anyone is liable to be shot dead.” (Rupert Colville, spokesman for the UN high commissioner for human rights).
And here is the Israeli Ambassador, Mark Regev, formerly Israel’s propaganda chief and long-time apologist for Israel’s crimes, explaining to the BBC: We use live fire only in a very measured way, in a very surgical way and only when there is no alternative.
6,000 wounded? 106 dead? Measured? As for the BBC itself, that model of fair and balanced reporting, I rarely listen nowadays but did catch Jeremy Bowen talking about the ‘violence’ on the Gaza border. No mention of how many Palestinians had been killed. No mention of Palestinians being killed and wounded at all. Just ‘violence’.
And what about the collection of ghouls who proudly dub themselves Labour Friends of Israel? How have they managed to defend this latest atrocity?
How pathetic. They didn’t even have the imagination to concoct their own lie but simply swallowed the steaming pile emanating from the bowels of the Israeli Embassy and regurgitated it.
How can anybody be a friend of a state that turns its sons into murderers?  (continued go to original)
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