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From Holocaust to Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing


 Palestine – A History of Resistance & Ethnic Cleansing

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Israel’s attack on Gaza is unprecedented in scope – military attacks on hospitals, the bombing of schools, the assassination of journalists and their families. Coupled with a total blockade on food, water, electricity and fuel.

There is no civilian target that has been left untouched. Yet the United States and Western leaders, including Biden, Sunak and Starmer, have been content to give fulsome support to Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza. International law has been shown to be toothless and ineffective.

But what is Israel’s Final Solution to what it sees as its Gaza problem? Come and hear me discuss this today at 7 pm as part of a series of talks on Israel-Palestine – A History of Resistance & Oppression

Tony Greenstein

Brighton School Students Strike Against Genocide & the Murder of Children in Gaza


Young People in Brighton Protesting Against the Murder of Children in Gaza had to Put Up With an Attack by their Own Headteacher Shelly Baker 

It is remarkable how age does not confer wisdom. As Shelley Baker, Headteacher of Brighton’s Varndean School demonstrated, sometimes people immature with age.

I came down at about 10.30 to Jubilee Square in Brighton, where the Library is situated, to find  about 200 school students sitting in a square listening to speakers talking about how children, 40% of Gaza’s population, had died in their thousands because of Israel’s genocidal attack.

These youngsters had taken half a day off school to express their solidarity with their compatriots in Gaza. The strike had been organised by, amongst other groups, Parents4Palestine.

You might think that any Headteacher worth their salt would have expressed their support and admiration for the courage and integrity of these young people. Unfortunately this was not the case.

In her Welcome and School Ethos Shelly Baker explains that

Varndean School is a place where all people matter…. A school where individuality is welcomed, celebrated and shared amongst our whole school community…. Student leadership, democracy and student voice are central to the way our school works. We believe that developing leadership skills in all students will help us nurture young adults who, in turn, will become respected, trusted and kind citizens.

Unfortunately these fine words were just that – words. As Neil Young wrote they are ‘words between the lines of age’. Meaningless interruptions of thought signifying nothing as is often the case with mission statements.

In her letter addressed toVarndean families Baker paid tribute to

‘young people’s involvement in democratic processes (but) we do not support students leaving school to strike

Perhaps someone should explain to Baker that striking is part of the democratic processes she refers to!

The rest of the letter went from dismal to dire to execrable. A school students strike to protest against the genocide of children in Gaza was turned into a ‘safeguarding’ issue. Who was to be safeguarded? Jewish and Israeli school students apparently. Baker wittered on:

We have been working hard in school to educate students in being sensitive to all students and understand how this impacts Jewish and Israeli students.

Shelley Baker - Head Teacher Varndean School

This is a classic example of anti-Palestinian racism. Whenever colonial violence is mentioned or referred to then immediately ‘anti-Semitism’ is brought up. As if that is what Jews now stand for. Israel is not a fucking Jew. It is an American sponsored Rottweiler in the Middle East. As Joe Biden put it, if Israel was not there it would have had to be invented. That is why the United States supports Israel, whatever it does, through thick and thin.

Baker went on about ‘the significant rise in reported anti-Semitic incidents.’ as if there is a connection between opposing genocide of Palestinian children and anti-Semitism in Britain.

Indeed, unwittingly, Baker herself was giving an excellent demonstration of the very anti-Semitism she was purportedly opposing. Her letter assumed that opposition to the murder of Palestinian children and anti-Semitism went together. In other words that Jews support the murder of Palestinians.

If that was the case then so what? It would be tragic that those who were the victims of extermination 80 years ago had now become the supporters of genocide. But if Shelley Baker were to open her eyes she would see that thousands of Jews worldwide have expressed their opposition to what is being done in their name.

Jewish Voice for Peace in the United States has led the sit-in and demonstrations of thousands of Jews in Congress. In Britain there is a host of Jewish organisations – from Jewish Network for Peace, Jewish Voices for Labour, Jews Against Genocide etc. – who formed part of a thousand strong bloc on the last demonstration in London.

What Shelley Baker along with her New Labour/Starmerite friends is doing is repeating the racist tropes of the now discredited Suella Braverman, the most racist Home Secretary that Britain has ever had the misfortune to experience. It is of note that all the racist schemes such as the Rwanda Project and the Public Order Act 2003 were supported by Keir Starmer and his supporters.

What Baker was saying was that if you oppose racist murders then you are a racist because the racists might take offence! We should turn a blind eye for fear of offending the racists.

If there are Jewish people who support what is happening in Gaza and unfortunately there are who go by the name Zionists, then shame on them. They should not be pandered to but condemned outright. However it is not anti-Semitic to oppose genocide.

I therefore wrote a letter to Shelly Baker asking her if she ever considered that the ‘reported rise in reported anti-Semitic incidents’ might have something to do with people like her. I wrote:

Has it never occurred to you that it is the association, by people like you, between British Jews and what Israel does that is responsible for the increase in anti-Semitism which you mention in your letter?

Are you not aware that every single human rights organisation from Amnesty International to Human Rights Watch to Israel’s B’tselem have described Israel as an apartheid state? How come someone so ignorant of the world around her is head teacher of a major school in Brighton? …

Yes Israel describes itself as a Jewish State. South Africa 40 years ago described itself as a White State. Did that mean that every White person outside South Africa was implicated in the crimes of Apartheid? So why do you associate Jewish people in this country with what is a Jewish Supremacist state called Israel?

In the 1930s the pro-Zionist Daily Mail campaigned vociferously against the 'bogus' Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany - today they attack other refugees and asylum seekers

You mention the presence of Israeli students at your school. If you had had White South African students studying at the school would that have been a reason for keeping silent on apartheid? Would the presence of German students in British schools in the 1930s have been a reason for keeping quiet about the Nazis’ anti-Semitism?

Large parts of the British Establishment 90 years ago thought exactly like you do now and refused to even mention the Nazis’ policies towards Jews.  I refer to the BBC and The Times, to say nothing of the Daily Mail and Express  which campaigned against the entry of Jewish refugees from Germany.

I continued to explain that it was people like Shelly Baker who were in part responsible for any increase in anti-Semitism.

It is ironic that a letter that talks about ‘sensitivity’ towards Jewish students ends up repeating the anti-Semitic stereotype that Jews are responsible for Israeli war crimes.

I concluded my letter by saying that

instead of pouring cold water on democratic initiatives on the part of your students it might be better to welcome them as a sign of their maturity. Would that the same could be said for some of their elders.

I asked Baker to withdraw her letter and apologise. There were by all accounts very many letters, not least from parents, along similar lines.

Taken aback by these letters Shelley Baker apologised, not for what she had written but for ‘giving offence’. In so doing she compounded her original crime, writing that the letter was written in haste but

It was important to address our immediate safeguarding concerns about an event organised outside of our school

You can take a horse to water but you can’t force it to drink. There were no safeguarding concerns. Certainly not in respect of Jewish students and the insinuation that Jews were  put out by a strike against genocide was both racist, anti-Semitic and insulting.

Yet Shelley did not seem to understand, in her slow-witted, insensitive response. Instead of seeing her role as one of encouraging participation and debate, she sees herself as a controller and manager. An administrator reacting to the disruption of normal rhythms and routines by finding Jews as a peg to hang her frustrations upon.

I therefore wrote back to her tonight saying that the problem with her letter was not that it caused offence. This is the language of the enemies of freedom of speech. As Sir Stephen Sedley ruled in Redmond Bate v DPP (2000)

“Free speech includes not only the inoffensive but the irritating, the contentious, the eccentric, the heretical, the unwelcome and the provocative provided it does not tend to provoke violence. Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having”.

I pointed out to Baker that

sometimes it is necessary to give offence if justice is to be done. If Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks hadn't offended White racists in Alabama and the Deep South Black people would still be segregated in cafes and buses.

If Palestinians don't stand up to the neo-Nazis in Tel Aviv, the ones who march to the chant 'Death to the Arabs', in just the same way as my grandparents faced mobs chanting 'death to the Jews'in Poland, then the Palestinians will suffer a second Nakba… My grandparents were lucky to escape Poland in 1912 and thus avoid the Holocaust. Thousands of Palestinians are dying and have already died in Gaza and your students should be praised, not admonished, for having stood up for them.

What I take exception to is the way it is assumed that school students who have the courage and integrity to stand up against genocide taking place today in Gaza are attacked, by their head teacher no less, for posing a safeguarding threat to Jewish students. That is intolerable….

you have no business equating opposition to genocide, bombing of hospitals, medics, ambulances etc. with anti-Semitism. Are you really saying that Jews bear a responsibility for the actions of the Israeli state? 

I finished by asking Baker to withdraw her letter and apologise

‘not for the offence it caused but (for) its contents. We all live and learn and I hope that you do so too.

The demonstration was also reported in the on-line Starmerite Brighton and Hove NewsScores of children skip school to call for Gaza ceasefire. If the article was not bad enough then the comments below it were vile. Despite being organised by Parents4Palestine one commenter wrote that it was  ‘Basically grooming children into taking one side over another in a foreign religious conflict.’

Grooming children is not normally associated with their parents. An even more vile comment, by Pink Mermaid asserted that  the attack on 7 October included ‘The Israeli babies that Hamas roasted in ovens. Or the 80% of children that were tortured 80% and beheaded.’

Needless to say this comment was also deleted

All of this atrocity propaganda has been disproven not least by Israel’s own statistics. No child under 3 died. Very few under 18 died. Compare this with the thousands of Palestinian children who Israel subsequently murdered. Perhaps Palestinian babies are also Hamas ‘terrorists’? That was the opinion of the vile commenters.

The paper is edited by an ardent Starmer supporter Genocide Jo Wadsworth who has supported every American war going – from Iraq to Afghanistan to Libya and beyond. Unfortunately Brighton’s local paper The Argus doesn’t seem to cover local news anymore since it is produced mainly from Portsmouth.

I submitted a few comments all of which were removed by Genocide Jo. Clearly the only comments that are allowed are racist, bigoted and Islamaphobic ones. All in the cause of fighting ‘anti-Semitism’.

When I came to Brighton half a century ago Brighton and Hove had 3 Tory MPs and a Council controlled by the Conservatives. Today the  Tories are a rare species Two MPs are Labour (though Peter Kyle in Hove is to the right of most Tories) and the other is Britain’s only Green MP Caroline Lucas. Brighton & Hove is a liberal city which is known as Britain’s Gay Capital.

It would appear that all the racists and reactionaries that we spent time evicting have found a home in Genocide Jo’s rag.

But we should be proud of the fact that though some of their elders are crusty reactionaries, young Brightonians are carrying on the tradition of radicalism which saw a 3,000 march for Palestine a couple of weeks ago and a multiplicity of activities in support of the Palestinians and against Genocide, including a sit in at the rail station and next Tuesday a picket of the clones in the local Starmerite Labour Group who control the Council and who have so far said nothing about the ongoing genocide.

Below is a story from a child in Gaza about what is happening.

Tony Greenstein

Jo Wadsworth, Gaza, School Strike, Brighton & Hove News, Shelley Baker, Varndean School, Suella Braverman, JNP, JVL, Jews Against Genocide, Stephen Sedley, Starmer, Genocide

I wake up. I'm still alive. And I ask myself, is that a good thing?

Nowar Diab

Gaza Strip

November 16, 2023

Noar with her grandfather’s battery-operated radio. Photo provided by Noar Diab.

The windows are always open, to avoid the danger of shattered glass. Every morning I am woken by an obnoxious fly buzzing around the room. It gets louder the closer it is to my ear. Sleep is very precious because I get so little. Therefore, it is annoying to be deprived of it by an insect.

I get up and feel irritated. I wonder how I managed to sleep at all through the sound of my grandpa’s annoying radio. Every Gazan family has the same battery-powered radio. It is our source of information when there is no electricity or internet. I really hate that radio because of what it represents. It makes me feel so tense, because we only use it during times like these: when we are under attack and when people we love are dying.

I go to the bathroom. I wash my face using a Coca Cola bottle that I filled with water. Then I go to the kitchen to make coffee with the small amount of water I have left in the bottle. I sit there in the kitchen alone and drink it with feelings of guilt — because water is very scarce and some people are going days without drinking anything.

Next is the hardest part of my daily routine. I contact my friends one by one to check if they are still alive. I have to prepare myself mentally before I start messaging them. I do this out of habit, although I know it is in vain. I feel very anxious wondering whether I will ever get a response back.

I keep calling my best friend Maimana because I heard that there had been a bombardment where she is staying. I try again for the thirtieth time but her phone is still not ringing. She has no connection. I feel afraid for her safety and my heart starts pounding. I repeatedly tell myself that it will be okay and she will call me back when she has a connection.

Eventually, the rest of my family wakes up. I am no longer alone. We sit together and have our daily conversation about which neighborhoods Israel bombed last night. It is our morning ritual to catch up on what happened during those precious three hours of sleep.

There are 14 of us staying together in a relative’s house. Each of us has a chore to perform in the morning. The men go to the bakery to try and find some bread. Then they take the empty bottles and tanks to the well to fill them with water. Meanwhile, the women start doing the dishes, cleaning the floor, and preparing lunch.

Lunch depends on whether there is bread or not. Mostly there is not. Our options are limited, but at least we have options. Some aren’t so lucky and we hear about people suffering from malnutrition.

My mom calls and sounds like she has been crying. I ask if she’s okay and she tells me that she is. I know she is lying to me. My uncle takes the phone and goes into another room. I immediately know that something is wrong. My heart feels heavy for the rest of the day. I have a feeling that my family is acting weird and holding something back from me.

We receive internet connection just for limited periods throughout the day. Each time we are reconnected, I rush to text my friends, check the news online, and post on social media about what is happening to us. We are bombarded with the same questions about Hamas and the seventh of October. This shows a complete lack of understanding from the Western media about what is happening to us.

The internet is disconnected again. So like every other normal Palestinian family living through this struggle, we play cards while the stupid radio tells us what is happening via news reports.

I have the urge to ask my family if they know something that I should know about. But I hold back because I am scared that the news will break my heart. Instead, I go to the balcony so that I can listen to my favorite song. Hymn to Gentrification by Faraj Suleiman. This song feels like talking to someone who understands my agony.

My solitude is interrupted by a phone call from a friend. I pick up but it doesn’t connect so I leave it. I kept listening to the song and telling myself that everything is okay. I know that is a lie. I have a dreadful feeling in my stomach.

Maimana and Noar. Photo provided by Noar Diab.

My phone rings again. It is the same friend. I pick up and this time we are connected. “Is it true that Maimana and her family have been killed?” My heart falls and shatters into a million little pieces. “No, no. Who said that?” I reply, while tears fill my eyes. “Everyone,” he said back to me. I scream and the tears start falling from my eyes.

She was my very best friend. I loved no one like I loved her. At that moment I feel like I have lost everything. It hurts how you can be talking to someone and they get killed the next day. The memories we shared start playing back in my mind. I can hear her laugh. I remember singing in the car with her mum. It is all too much, and I break down.

This is the second time in as many weeks that I get the news about losing a loved one. The first time was my dear friend Abraham. He was unlike anyone else: funny, clever and with such a big heart. I can’t describe the feeling when you get this type of news. It’s shattering – like when you drop a plate and it breaks into many pieces.

It always gets worse at nighttime. That is when the horror begins. We all sleep together in the same room, because it feels safer. I try to sleep through the noises of heavy bombing sounds and news reports on the radio. My eyes get heavier and heavier. And then my mind eventually gives up and I drift off to sleep.

The next morning I wake up. But this time there is no annoying buzzing around the room. The fly had been scared away by the bombing overnight. And I get up to face another day of heartache and listening to my grandfather’s radio.

Correspondence Below


The Metropolitan Police Have Taken it Upon Themselves to Decide What We Can & Can’t Read as Books are Seized & Those Selling It Are Arrested


 It Must Have Been Something I Said! Jo Wadsworth of the Anti-Palestinian Brighton and Hove News Threatens to Report Me to the Police!

The Met arrest stall holders selling a book with a Swastika and Zionist Star of David Intertwined - Who the Hell are These Thick Bastards to Decide What We Can and Cannot Read?

All I did was to send Jo Wadsworth of Brighton and Hove News an email giving a link to my blog. True I headed it ‘ENJOY RACIST SCUMBAG’ but that was no reason to respond in the way she did:

Oh no, Tony "notorious antisemite" Greenstein has called me a bad name. How will I ever recover?

To which I responded that this was a good question.  I suggested that the answer lay in Wadsworth ‘Probably (by) gorging on the blood of the children in Gaza.  I should think that would be good recipe for you to try’.

 She had after all been perfectly happy with a multitude of comments defending Israel’s bombardment of hospitals, ambulances, homes and schools, its food, water and fuel  blockade and the murder of over 6,000 children and thousands of adults. In other words collective punishment, a flagrant breach of international law.

Orthodox anti-Zionist Jews in Jerusalem's Mea Sharim Display the Palestinian Flag - If they had been Palestinians the Police would have opened fire

It appears however that Ms Wadsworth is a more sensitive soul than I had given her credit for. She didn’t seem to take my comment that she was wallowing in the blood of thousands of children at all well.

Okay Tony I usually find your insults entertaining in a pathetic kind of way. But that's crossed a line. I'm now asking you not to contact me again and if you persist I will report you to the police.

It seems to have become the latest fashion amongst Zionists to report anything I say to the police. In fact I’m thinking of saving them the trouble and time by designing a handy form which they can email to the Police explaining why they have problems with freedom of speech.

First there was Heidi Bachram and now Jo Wadsworth. Who will be next?

At the same time the Metropolitan Police have decided that they have the right to decide what literature can be openly sold on Zionism at today’s demonstration and what posters can be displayed. According to the Met:

Images were shared on social media showing literature being distributed which featured a swastika inside a Star of David. Officers later spotted the same literature at a stall in Whitehall and arrested four people on suspicion of distributing material likely to stir up racial hatred.

The people they arrested were from the Communist Party of Great Britain Marxist Leninist  [@cpgbml]

I wasn’t aware that intertwining a Swastika and a Zionist Star of David graphically was a criminal offence. As I wrote in my book, Zionism During the Holocaust:

In the spring of 1933, Baron Leopold von Mildenstein, a member of the SS, and Kurt Tuchler of the ZVfD [German Zionist] Executive and their wives, boarded a train at Berlin to travel to Palestine. Tuchler had tried to persuade Mildenstein to write ‘something positive’ about Palestine in the Nazi press. Mildenstein agreed, provided that he was able to visit Palestine first. He stayed for six months and was clearly impressed by the “new Jew.

On his return, Mildenstein published a series of 12 articles in Joseph Goebbels’ paper, Der Angriff, from 26 September to 9 October 1934 under the by-line von Lim’ [Jacob Boas, ‘A Nazi Travels to Palestine’]. This trip was the subject of an article in the eminently respectable History TodayofJanuary 1980. Mildenstein served as head of Abteilung 112/II,the Jewish department (Judenreferat) of the Sicherheitsdienst, [SD] from the summer of 1935 to August 1936. Indeed so pleased were the Nazis with the trip that they struck a medal to commemorate the trip.

It is perfectly legitimate to argue that Zionist ideology and Nazi ideology share a lot in common. The Zionists admitted this themselves. On 21 June 1933, the German Zionist Federation wrote a letter to Hitler in which they explained that:

Zionism has no illusion about the difficulty of the Jewish condition which consists above all in an abnormal occupational pattern and in the fault of an intellectual and moral posture not rooted in one’s own tradition… an answer to the Jewish question truly satisfying to the national state can be brought about only with the collaboration of the Jewish movement that aims at a social, cultural and moral renewal of Jewry… On the foundation of the new state, which has established the principle of race... fruitful activity for the fatherland is possible. Our acknowledgement of Jewish nationality provides for a clear and sincere relationship to the German people and its national and racial realities. Precisely because we don’t wish to falsify these fundamentals, because we too are against mixed marriages and are for maintaining the purity of the Jewish group… The realisation of Zionism could only be hurt by resentment of Jews abroad against the German development. Boycott propaganda… is in essence fundamentally unZionist, because Zionism wants not to do battle but to convince and to build.’

The full letter can be found in Lucy Dawidowicz, A Holocaust Reader, pp. 150-153.  Who the hell are the Metropolitan Police to decide we can and cannot read? Of course it will give offence to Zionists to be reminded of the times when they had close fraternal relations with the Nazi State. However this is part of the historical record and only in Police States do thick coppers decide what people can and cannot read and see.

Stop the Genocide Stop the Ethnic Cleansing


Brighton & Hove Trades Council Demonstration Against the Silence of Brighton & Hove Council in the face of Israel’s Nazi style murder campaign 

The Genocidal  'Friendship Song' which Calls to Annihilate Everyone in Gaza

Two weeks ago, Brighton and Hove Trades Council held a demonstration outside Hove Town Hall against the Council’s silence over the ongoing genocide in Gaza.

So far 15,000 Palestinians including more than 6,000 children have been murdered in Gaza. Another 23,000 at least have been injured. This does not include those who are buried under the rubble. This is equivalent to one and a quarter million if it were Britain. 

Not to be missed - Max Blumenthall Interview on Going Underground– What Really Happened on October 7

The Guilty Ones - Not one of these 38 Labour Councillors Has Condemned Israel's Genocidal Attack on Gaza or its Ethnic Cleansing - You Can Contact Them By Email

In response the Labour Group issued a mealy mouthed statement calling for a ‘humanitarian’ as opposed to a permanent ceasefire. Whilst condemning the Palestinian attack on October 7th the statement had nothing to say about Israel’s genocide in Gaza or the open declaration of its leaders that the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza was its objective.

This is in contrast to the over 600 Labour Councillors nationally who had written to Starmer demanding that he call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

If anyone was in doubt about this then the article by Gila Gamliel, Israel’s Intelligence Minister in the Jerusalem Post on 19 November, Victory is an opportunity for Israel in the midst of crisis, should have laid any doubts to rest.

The statement had nothing to say about the calls for extermination of Palestinians in Gaza such as the video on Israel’s main broadcaster Kan by Israeli school girls that called for the annihilation of all Palestinians in Gaza which included a host of Nazi themes such as love sanctified by blood. There was Netanyahu’s comparison of Palestinians with Amalek who god commanded should be wiped out to the last child.

Despite the fact that large numbers of the Israelis killed on October 7th were killed by their own military – see here, here and here– under the Hannibal Directive, Israel has called the 1,200 Israelis killed as the largest massacre since the Holocaust.

This deliberate weaponisation of the holocaust in the service of ethnic cleansing defiles the memory of Jews who died in the holocaust, not because they were ethnic cleansers or oppressed anyone but because they were Jews.

Israelis who were the target of Hamas on October were attacked because Israel has been in occupation of Gaza for 57 years and has laid siege to the territory for 17 years.

It is also not true that October 7 was the biggest death toll of Jews since the holocaust. 6,000 Israelis died in the 1948 War of Independence or Nakba and more died in 1973 in the Yom Kippur War. The holocaust has been weaponised in order to justify genocide.

Labour leader Keir Starmer has refused to condemn the genocide, quite the contrary, he supported the blockade of food, water and fuel in his notorious interview with LBC.

This is why Brighton and Hove Trades Council are organising a demonstration outside a full meeting of Brighton and Hove City Council on Tuesday 28 November at 4 pm.

Tony Greenstein

Open Letter to Jewish Voice for Labour – Palestinian Resistance Is Not Criminal Nor Is the Taking of Israeli Captives


What is Criminal is the Incarceration of Thousands of Palestinians and the Hannibal Directive Under Which the Israel Army Killed Hundreds of its Own Citizens

Prison Breakout October 7

Dear JVL,

I am not, nor have I ever been, a member of Jewish Voice for Labour. Nonetheless I consider myself a critical supporter. It is in that spirit that I view with dismay the motion that JVL’s Executive has proposed on the ‘Gaza War’ at your AGM this weekend.

I know that it is a minor point but it is important to point out that in the language we use we don’t unwittingly lend support to the Zionist narrative. There is no war between the people of Gaza and the Zionist state. What has been taking place since October 7 is a one-sided slaughter in which thousands of non-combatants, including children, have been slaughtered in a campaign that has defied every tenet of international law.

Socialists have always supported unconditionally the right of people under occupation to resist their occupiers. That does not mean that that that support is uncritical but any criticism which we make is premised on our support.

Contrary to the lies of the mass media that babies had been beheaded, no baby died on October 7th, unlike the incubator babies that Israel killed in Al Shifa Hospital

I was therefore astounded that JVL’s Executive sought to characterise the attack on October as ‘criminal’. According to whose law? Israeli law? Of course the colonial occupier characterises resistance to its occupation as criminal but I am surprised that JVL should join them.

The right to resist is recognised in numerous resolutions of the UN General Assembly as well as the Additional Protocol 1 to the Geneva Conventions (1977). Article 1(4), classifies conflicts in which peoples are fighting against alien occupation and racist regimes as armed conflicts in which individuals engaging in such “fighting,” if captured, should be afforded the status of prisoners of war.

Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says

It is not necessary however to resort to international law to understand that just as the French and Czech people had the right to resist the Nazis, just as the American colonists had the right to resist the British and the African slaves had the right to resist their overseers, so the Palestinians too have a right to resist Israel’s Apartheid regime.

Between 1791 and 1804 slaves in Haiti and Santo Domingo overthrew slavery, in the course of which they slaughtered every single French white person. I would hope that if the JVL Executive had been around at the time that you would have supported the slave uprising even if you had deplored much of the killing that resulted. The same is true of October 7 when the Palestinians of Gaza broke out of their prison.

As you are well aware Gaza has been occupied for over half a century. For the past 16 years Israel has imposed a starvation blockade and bombed the territory regularly (‘mowing the lawn’) causing thousands of deaths. What right have we to call an uprising of Gaza’s people ‘criminal’?

In 2018 when Palestinians in Gaza took part in the peaceful Great Return March over 300 were mowed down by Israeli snipers and thousands more were disabled by illegal Israeli ammunition. We all remember Razan al-Najjar, the 21 year old medic gunned down by Israel as she was tending to the wounded.

Great Return March

Israel holds approximately 8,000 Palestinian prisoners, 3,000 of whom have not even had the luxury of a ‘trial’ in a military court where the conviction rate is over 99%. By what feat of intellectual gymnastics are Palestinians forbidden to take Israelis prisoner when so many of them are imprisoned? This sounds very much like Jewish Exceptionalism. We support the Palestinians whilst they are nobly suffering but the moment they fight back we call them criminals.

The motion from the JVL Executive, which talks of ‘Hamas’s killing of up to 1,200 Israeli residents, mostly civilians’ is simply wrong. According to the Times of Israel approximately one-third of those killed were either soldiers or police.

It is an open question as to how many of the remaining 800 civilians were killed by Israel itself as part of the infamous Hannibal Directive which decrees that it is better to kill an Israeli captive than have them taken prisoner and later swapped for Palestinian prisoners.


Israelis in Tel Aviv 26 7 2014 There's no school tomorrow,there's no children l

We know for a fact that at Kibbutz Be’eri tanks were brought in to shell the houses where Israelis were being held captive with the result that those held hostage died along with their captors.

There is also considerable evidence that Apache helicopters strafed concert goers and cars indiscriminately. How then can the motion ascribe the deaths on October 7 solely to Hamas when Israel acknowledges it bombed its own bases when they fell under Hamas control?


Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says (Full with subtitles)

I also find the sentence ‘Israel’s military onslaught is no surgical operation targeting the militants responsible for October 7’ (my emphasis) very strange. It implies that if Israel had launched a surgical as opposed to a genocidal attack on Gaza then JVL would have supported it!

In the list of demands in the bullet points at the end of the resolution JVL calls for the release of the (Israeli) ‘hostages’ but refers to Palestinian ‘detainees’. Why the difference? Are you implying that Palestinian prisoners are lawfully detained? That they are not  hostages?

It is to be hoped that this resolution falls or is withdrawn. Israel’s siege and occupation of Gaza are unlawful and it is therefore the right of Hamas and any resistance group to resist that occupation.


Tony Greenstein

See Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says

What really happened on 7th October?

Starmer’s Double Standards

Emergency motion on the Gaza War

This AGM rejects attempts by Israel and its Western backers to portray the death toll inflicted on Gazans since October 7 as justified by Israel’s claimed “right to defend itself”. Hamas’s killing of up to 1,200 Israeli residents, mostly civilians, and the taking of more than 200 hostages were criminal acts. But Israel’s military onslaught is no surgical operation targeting the militants responsible for October 7. It is a vengeful retaliation by a government openly bent on the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

This ongoing catastrophe stems directly from the consistent policies of the Israeli settler-colonial state for decade after decade. It has stolen Palestinians’ land and their water. It has demolished their homes. It has imprisoned, tortured and murdered them and attempted to obliterate their culture. It has created a vast open-air prison in Gaza and now turned it into an open-air grave. Israel wants Palestinian land without Palestinians.  In closing off all forms of non-violent resistance to their apartheid policies the Israeli state has set the conditions for the current disaster.

We deplore the proliferating attempts to silence Palestinians and those who stand in solidarity with them by accusations that they are motivated by antisemitism. It is Israel, a state, not the Jewish people worldwide, that is carrying out the shamefully indiscriminate butchery in Gaza.

We reject the hypocritical arguments from politicians, Tory and Labour, who talk of international law while ignoring obvious war crimes, and who propose only temporary interruptions, so-called “humanitarian pauses”, in the genocide. We welcome the negotiated release of some hostages and detainees and any easing of the blockade. But only a permanent ceasefire can open the way for an end to decades of injustice. A lasting peace, bringing security, dignity, equality, justice and freedom for both to Palestinians and Israelis, requires: (Bold is my emphasis)

·          an end to the Israeli bombardment and siege of Gaza

·          release of the hostages

·          release of Palestinian detainees in Israeli gaols, many held without charge or trial

·          an end to Occupation and Apartheid

·          the right of return for Palestinian refugees.

Moved JVL Executive Committee 

Israel’s Institutional Sadism – Beatings and Food Deprivation are the lot of Palestinian Prisoners


Compare this with the Gentle Treatment of Israeli Prisoners By Hamas

Ex-Prisoners Recall Time In Israeli Detention

As Israel resumes its genocidal war against the Palestinians of Gaza it is worth bearing in mind the contrast between Hamas’s treatment of Israeli captives and Israel’s treatment of Palestinian prisoners. According to groups like the misnamed Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, Hamas is both genocidal and anti-Semitic.

You would therefore expect that when Hamas captured over 200 Israeli hostages they would feel the full brunt of this anti-Semitism. One would expect those who were Jewish to testify to being beaten, possibly tortured and certainly subject to vile anti-Semitic comments.

In addition one might expect them to be deprived of food, medical treatment and subject to all manner of psychological torments designed to break them down.

Release of Israeli Hostages

Israel's President Herzog Holds all Palestinians Guilty

Yet the exact opposite was the case. What happened was that Hamas treated the Israeli hostages very differently to the sadistic brutes that constitute the Israeli Prison Service. At the very beginning of his reign as Israel’s neo-Nazi National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir sought to worsen the conditions of Palestinian prisoners. He stipulated that they could have a shower for only a maximum of 4 minutes. He ordered that they were no longer allowed to bake their own pittas.

As a result of their treatment the Israeli hostages displayed affection and warmth for their Hamas captors which posed a problem for Israeli propagandists. How to reconcile their racist portrayal of Hamas as sub-human anti-Semites and the reality of what happened?

Palestinians not allowed to celebrate their release in E Jerusalem

This was the context for the wheeling out of the Stockholm Syndrome, so-called because in 1973, after a failed bank robbery, when the robbers took 4 bank employees hostage, the hostages refused to testify against their kidnappers. Shivani Chauhan wrote about how

The recent release of Israeli hostages captured by Hamas, the Palestinian militia in Gaza, has unearthed a new dimension in the ongoing conflict. This event took a perplexing turn when hostages were seen warmly waving to the Hamas militants at the time of release, with one even writing a letter to his captor. Such behaviors have sparked discussions about the potential role of Stockholm Syndrome, a psychological condition where victims develop an affinity towards their captors.

There is just one flaw in this argument. No Palestinian detainee seems to have suffered from this psychological condition. They all speak of beatings, degradation, torture and food deprivation. They show no affection for their captors. Why is it that only Israeli hostages feel warmth for their captors?

Maya Lecker, a political analyst, wrote in Haaretz complaining about people ‘applauding Hamas gunmen for giving high-fives to their captives on camera’ and that ‘pro-Palestinian influencers and social media users’ were finding the nightly hand-overs of hostages ‘heart-warming public displays of humanity and morality by Hamas militants.’

Another political analyst, Yaniv Peleg, said in an article for the right-wing Israel Hayom newspaper that broadcasting the footage on television is detrimental to Israel. How one might wonder is showing the release of the hostages live on TV ‘detrimental to Israel’? Peleg even complained of the professionalism of Hamas footage! Is he admitting that the truth is detrimental to Israel’s narrative?

These are not human beings - Israeli soldier

Would it have been better not to release them? In fact this is what large parts of Israel’s neo-Nazi government, people like Bezalel Smotrich and Ben Gvir would have preferred. Smotrich is on record as saying that Israel should “not take the matter of the captives into significant consideration”.

What the Israeli state feared was of course the contrast between the propaganda image of Hamas as ‘human animals’ and the actuality. That is why the Israeli State and the Zionists were angryover footage depicting Hamas's treatment of released Israeli hostages because it did not accord with their propaganda.

Freed Palestinians Say They Were Tortured, Beaten and Starved in Israeli Prisons

Peleg complained that every detail was captured to portray the humanity of the perpetrators, Hamas, to the world. When you have spent years portraying Hamas as an evil group, whose sole intent was the destruction of every Jew, it might come as a surprise to know that they didn’t hate people simply because they were Jews.

That is why the Israeli state has strained every sinew to prevent the released hostages talking to the media. If their treatment had lived up to standard Israeli portrayals of Hamas militants and Netanyahu’s equation of Hamas as equal to ISIS, then one would have expected released hostages to have been paraded before the cameras. In fact they have been hidden away.

The absurdity of the comparison with ISIS is also evident. ISIS beheaded their captives and tortured them. Hamas did no such thing.

Alon Ben David: "Hamas treated the Israeli hostages well"

The military correspondent for Israel’s Channel 13, Alon Ben David, said that he had spoken with some of the released captives. All said that the Hamas fighters “have gathered the members of each kibbutz together, which gave them a greater sense of comfort.”

They were not subjected to any violence or insult, and Hamas members tried to provide them with food, painkillers, and their regular medications as much as possible, under dangerous and harsh security conditions underground and inside the tunnels.

They were sitting and talking to each other, he added, doing their usual activities, and using YouTube. “This gave them a boost to persevere.” How strange that the CAA’s genocidal anti-Semites had taken the trouble to gather members of each kibbutz together.

Another speaker on the same show said that they should all feel “ashamed” of themselves, because the testimonies given by the recently released Israeli captives are exactly the same as the testimony given by Lifshitz.

“She was telling the truth exactly as those [captives] said. I sat with them and heard the exact same story from them,”

Israeli Channel 13reported, that the released Israeli hostages said they did not experience mistreatment and were not subjected to torture. The food was scarce, which was not surprising since Israel has imposed a total water and food blockade on Gaza.

The brutal treatment of Palestinian prisoners by Israel

Tel Aviv kept the released Israeli hostages away from the media and allowed only relatives and friends to meet them. The released hostages were forced into media silence as Israel tightened its control on interviews.

A report from Israeli news channel Channel 12 noted that Israeli authorities had arranged a special media process for the hostages’ post-release, in order to ensure they remain in control of the narrative.

Note the contrast in condition - Israeli prisoner on left, Hamas prisoner on right

It said that medical officials will first assess whether the released hostages were fit enough to be questioned about their ordeal by Israel’s security police, Shin Bet. The children who were taken hostage will also undergo questioning by special child investigators.

The Channel 12 report noted that Israeli authorities had sought to control the narrative following criticism by Israeli commentators for what they said was a careless handling of Lifshitz’s press conference.

It said media interviews will not be banned for abductees, but closely supervised.

Despite the anger after Yochaved Lifshitz's press conference upon her release, this time too there will be no ban on media interviews of the abductees.

What do the videos of released Hamas captives tell us | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Despite pretending to be unconcerned Israeli authorities were outraged at the fact that Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv had facilitated Yocheved Lifshitz’s interview. As a result hospital employee Avi Shoshan has been suspended and summoned to a pre-dismissal hearing. For enabling a hostage to tell the truth someone is being threatened with dismissal. That’s not something the BBC or the prostitute press will report but that is what happens when Israel’s narrative is questioned.

Shoshan was summoned to a pre-dismissal hearing after the hospital held a press conference with 85-year-old Lifshitz, an abductee who was released by Hamas last month.

Yocheved Lifshitz press conference

Time Magazine reported 85-year-old Yocheved Lipschitz as saying that her captors “told us they are people who believe in the Quran and wouldn’t hurt us.”

Lifshitz said captives were treated well and received medical care, including medication. The guards kept conditions clean, she said. Hostages were given one meal a day of cheese, cucumber and pita, she said, adding that her captors ate the same.

Hamas prisoners - unlike Israel's prisoners there is no sign of beating or torture

A family member of Ruth Munder, an elderly woman who was released, told the Jerusalem Post that Munder did not experience any harm during her captivity. In a section ‘How did Hamas Treat the Hostages’ the Jerusalem Post reported that

Initially, there weren't many people with them, but at some point, more individuals were added. They had access to a radio and television, where they heard news from Israel. Ruth heard on the radio that her son [Roi Munder] had been killed… The conditions were far from ideal; 80-year-old men and women lied down on plastic benches similar to those in a hospital, without mattresses.

"Fortunately, they did not endure any unpleasant experiences during their captivity; they were treated in a humane manner," continued the family member.

"Contrary to our fears, they did not encounter the horrifying stories we had imagined. They described the initial moments of their kidnapping when the terrorists were agitated and threatened to harm them, but once they were on motorcycles, they did not harm them."

After 85-year-old captive Yochaved Lifshitz told the media she was treated "with care" and was filmed shaking hands in a peace gesture with a Hamas soldier, the Israeli authorities have been eager to regain the narrative.

Lifshitz told the press how she received daily visits from a doctor during her captivity, and that they ate the same food as the guards. Lifshitz’s daughter also said that her mother was cared for by a paramedic during her captivity.

On October 24, Lifshitz told the press that she was treated well while in Hamas captivity after she was driven into the Gaza Strip while being beaten by Hamas terrorists. Her statements caused an uproar in Israel, with some government and diplomatic figures accusing the conference organizers of damaging the country's advocacy efforts by portraying a positive image of Hamas.

In other words the organisers of the press conference had allowed doubt to be cast upon government lies about Hamas and that is unforgiveable. Ha’aretz reported how Lifshitz started the press conference by recounting the details of the October 7 kidnapping: "Masses mobbed our homes. They beat people, took some hostage." She described it as "very painful.”

It was the statements that followed, however, that drew controversy in Israel. She said that the kidnappers brought a doctor that gave them medical treatment, that the hostages were treated well and the kidnappers were friendly. "We lay on mattresses, they made sure everything was sanitary," she said. "They made sure we wouldn't get sick, and we had a doctor with us every two or three days.”

Ha’aretz reported the story as ‘The problem is you, not Hamas' : Hostages' families lash out at Israeli government.

"They were very friendly to us," Lifshitz said, "they treated us gently and looked after us." Clearly this dedemonising of Hamas and the portray of its members as human beings could not be allowed again.

Israel’s Channel 12 reported that Israel’s released hostages ‘are expected to receive close supervision, and they will be instructed on what to tell the media and what not."

What this shows is that Israel as a settler-colonial state consciously seeks to portray those who oppose it as less than human, brutal animal savages whereas in fact if anyone conforms to this image it is the Zionists themselves.

Tony Greenstein

News from the Frontline in Gaza


 Video Footage from Hamas Fighters Against the Genocidaires

Footage from the Resistance in Gaza.  If this is taken down by Youtube you can access it here

It’s very strange.  Israel has been engaged in a ground war for over a month in Gaza and yet we aren’t receiving any reports of their successes there. Which suggests that things aren’t exactly going to plan.

The video below suggests that they are meeting stiff resistance. Of course when it comes to bombing from the air, knowing that Gaza doesn’t have an air defence system, Israel is very good at carpet bombing. Better it must be said than even Nazi Germany was when it bombed Guernica and Belgrade, to name but two.

Israel is especially good at killing civilians, especially children, who consist of 40% of Gaza’s population. Israel is also excellent at attacking hospitals, all of whom are naturally Hamas bases.

Attacking doctors, nurses and medical personnel are their speciality. No war crime is horrendous enough for Israel’s  brave soldiers.

Leaving babies to die when the incubators are turned off is a speciality. Unlike the Gulf War when Iraq was accused, falsely as it turned out, of having taken the babies out of incubators, Israel actually did kill the babies of Al Shifa hospital.

Indeed when it came to attacking the Indonesia hospital Israel didn’t even bother to pretend it was a Hamas base. They knew from previous experience that whatever said, whatever lie they told, Biden & Blinken would cover for them.

After all the United States has itself specialised in war crimes from Iraq to Afghanistan to Syria and beyond. Why then should Israel be afraid to parade its credentials in the war crime industry?

In the fight against ‘terrorism’ just about anything goes and in the case of Israel anything did go.

You may wonder why we have had no footage from the ground war which Israel has launched. All seems quiet on the Western front yet by all accounts Israel has not had it all its own way. By its own admission it has lost 60 dead but if this video from Richard Medhurst and reports from the Palestine Chronicle are anything to go business then Israel is meeting serious resistance.

The Guardian/Observer Opposes a Ceasefire in Gaza Using the Holocaust as an Excuse for Genocide - Never Again’ Has Become a License to Massacre and Ethnically Cleanse


According to Howard Jacobson’s Twisted Logic It is Anti-Semitic To Accuse Israel Of Genocide Since It’s a Jewish State!

Stage Time is Stage Time – Speech from Jewish Comedian Matt Lieb at anti-war protest Los Angeles

On 2 March 1988 Yehuda Elkana, the former President and Rector of the Central European University in Budapest and a child survivor of Auschwitz, wrote an article, The Need to Forget. In it he argued that what had happened in Germany could happen anywhere, and to any people, describing how the ‘majority of Israelis are consumed by a profound hatred of the Arabs’. Elkana talked of:

a profound existential Angst fed by a particular interpretation of the lessons of the holocaust … that we are the eternal victim. In this ancient belief… I see the tragic and paradoxical victory of Hitler. Two nations, metaphorically speaking, emerged from the ashes of Auschwitz: a minority who assert, this must never happen again, and a frightened and haunted majority who assert, this must never happen to us again.

If there is one lesson we can draw from the Holocaust it is that any people, given the right set of circumstances, are capable of genocide and extermination. Jews are not exempt from this as Israel is proving today.

Last Sunday the Observer ran an article by Zionist novelist Howard Jacobson whose argument was that to accuse Israel of committing genocide in Gaza was either to deny the Holocaust or to accuse Jews of being

perpetrators of the very crime that killed them in their millions, as a consequence of which that crime is abrogated.

Are Cambodians, Armenians, Rwandan Tsutsis or Afro-Caribbeans also immune from becoming perpetrators of genocide? Does past victimhood prevent people from becoming a perpetrator of genocide?

Are some people biologically and racially programmed by past victimhood from becoming genocidaires? Common sense tells us that this is absurd. Genocide is the product of society not some genetical inheritance yet the Observer had no qualms in printing this rubbish in its determination to justify Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza.

Jacobson and the ‘liberal’ Observer were giving Israel a licence to massacre in the name of the 6 million Jews who died and to question that right is to be guilty of a sophisticated version of holocaust denial.

Implicit in everything Jacobson wrote was the idea that Israel was the collective Jew. That Israel spoke for all Jews, everywhere, including dead Jews. No one gave Israel that right, least of all those who died in Hitler’s gas chamber, most of whom detested the idea of a ‘Jewish’ state founded on the same racial principles as those of their persecutors.

To accuse Jacobson and those who employ his mediocre talents of being tone deaf would be to do him a disservice. He is blind to all reasoned argument. His only talent is as a scriptwriter for Israel’s racist barbarians.

Malcolm X on Palestine

Leave aside the fact that it is today’s anti-Semites, from Orban and Trump to the Christian Zionists, who are the most avid supporters of the war. That the pre-war pro-Hitler Daily Mail and Express are the most full throated supporters of Israel’s genocidal bombing campaign.

Jacobson and those he represents, resent the accusation that they are weaponising the Holocaust. Such a charge would mean that Israel (or Jews as he calls the murderers)

claim exemption from the obligations that constrain everyone else. And that which you seek to profit by, you lose the right to.

 Perish the thought that Israel might lose the right to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing in the name of the Holocaust. The Holocaust mortgage might even be settled as Walter Goldsmith once suggested.

The Guardian is not a left-wing paper. It is and always has been a liberal imperialist paper which backed the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. I fail to understand why some people are fooled into giving their pennies and pounds to support the exorbitant salaries of the Guardian’s war whores.

Zionism hates the idea that the Holocaust contains universal lessons for humanity about racism and imperialism. Zionism considers that the only lesson of the Holocaust is its entitlement to create a Jewish Supremacist state based on the principles of the Nazi Nuremburg laws.

Separation of the races, opposition to miscegenation and mixed marriages are the principles on which the ‘Jewish’ state was founded. It is not for nothing that the German Zionists were the only ones to welcome Hitler’s race laws, although this is kept quiet today.

The other victims of the Holocaust, such as the Disabled and Roma, are forgotten. The Holocaust for Zionism was unique. It has no universal lessons. The Nazis waged a ‘War Against the Jews in the words of Lucy Dawidowicz.

The ‘eternal Jew’ in the anti-Semites eyes was replaced with an eternal anti-Semitism by the Zionists. They held there was something about the Jews that marked them out for persecution. Anti-Semitism was inherent in the non-Jew and therefore anything was justified to maintain Jewish supremacy.

That is why October 7 was such a shock. It was the first time in 75 years that the Palestinians had fought back, overrunning the military bases that had lain siege to the Gaza Strip, before attacking the nearby Kibbutzim.

There is nothing new in this. When the first slave uprisings took place, the slave owners were equally shocked. And they reacted in similarly brutal ways to the Zionists.

There was the Revolt of Nat Turner in Virginia in August 1831 when 55 white people – women, men and children – were killed. In response an equivalent number of Black people were killed and executed.

The Morant Bay Rebellion in Jamaica in October 1865 resulted in a protest by nominally free Black people being savagely put down by Governor Eyre. Although only 25 people were killed in the initial rebellion some 800 or so people were killed or hanged.

This is the context for the October 7 rebellion. Israel has done its best to portray it as a savage act of violence on the part of Hamas. There was no reason for it other than the fact that they were attacking Jews.

The Mass Rape of Jewish Women by Hamas that Wasn’t

Israeli propagandists have worked hard to provide a multiplicity of lurid stories – of 40 beheaded babies, a baby roasted alive in an oven (Daily Mail) and in the latest installment the mass rape of Jewish women. As each story is discredited another one pops up.

May Golan was appointed to head an Israeli ‘Commission of Inquiry’ into the allegations of rape. Her commission did not though take any testimony from witnesses. Golan was nominated by Netanyahu as Israel’s Consul General in New York before the outraged reaction from American Jews resulted in her nomination being withdrawn. She was described by Ha'aretz as the Minister for Rolling Back the Status of Women and is fiercely anti-feminist.

Scottsboro Boy Framed for Rape

The current rape allegations surrounding October 7 is eerily similar to the use of allegations of rape and sexual assault against indigenous people. Such allegations were routinely made against Black men in the Deep South as a pretext for lynching. See e.g. the case of the Scottsboro Boys, 9 Black teenagers who were accused of raping two white women in Alabama in 1931. They came within an inch of being executed.

Fear of the sexuality of Black or Palestinian men is an integral part of the politics of racially supremacist societies which believe that ‘their’ women should be protected and racial purity maintained. Zionism is no different in this respect to its counterparts in Southern Africa.

Kedar, a Colonel in the IDF, was invited to address a meeting of Sussex Friends of Israel in December 2014

As Ze’eva Levina Chasen wrote in an Open Letter to Burlington Vermont’s Jewish Community regarding the allegations of sexual assault and rape by Hamas fighters:

condemnation of Hamas over them does not support women and girls, Israeli or otherwise, but it does help support the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians including women and girls. Do you really trust a government that forces birth control on Ethiopian Jews, that heavily restricts women’s access to divorce, has anti-miscegenation laws on the books,… If you do, I’ve got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

Furthermore, one cannot truthfully claim to fight for the rights of women and girls if they don’t fight for the rights of women and girls everywhere. Anyone claiming to stand for Israeli women and girls must also denounce the violence committed by the Israeli occupation against Palestinians of every gender and age. Failure to do so is hypocritical to the extreme and should make anyone call into question the accuser’s motives. In addition to that, Eyal Karim, Chief Rabbi of the IDF, has (not only) said that men in combat were allowed to “satisfy the evil inclination by lying with attractive Gentile women against their will”,

Chasen was referring to the appointment of Eyal Karim as the IDF Chief Rabbi despite having said that Jewish law permits ‘raping 'attractive Gentile women' as a way to keep up morale’. Is it seriously suggested that a government which appointed a supporter of raping Palestinian girls and women and which has revelled in its homophobic and anti-feminist politics is now seriously concerned about rape on October 7?

The real sexual abuse is of Palestinian women and girl prisoners. 64% of Palestinian children arrested were found to be abused in 2017, an increase of 4% since a similar report by UNICEF four years previously. A UN Report in 2019 spoke of how Palestinian women prisoners ‘are subjected to a wide range of violence, most notably sexual harassment and rape’. The BBC spoke to six released prisoners 7 days ago, all of whom said they were beaten before leaving jail.

May Golan revealed her real motives when she accused Israeli feminists of being silent when Jewish women are raped and murdered. Rape per se does not concern her.

Plea from British Doctor About Israel’s War Crimes in Gaza

The real horrors, the murder of premature babies and children, have been committed by Israeli soldiers across Gaza. Israel’s invasion of Al Shifa hospital on the pretext it was a Hamas base, its murder of 500+ people at Al Ahli hospital and the murder of over 60 journalists.

The Worst Massacre of Jews Since the Holocaust?

According to the Times of Israel October 7 was ‘the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust’.  Except it wasn’t. As a simple matter of statistics Israel’s War of Independence (the Nakba) resulted in over 6,000 deaths and 15,000 wounded. 2,656 died in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

But this is a false comparison. Jews died in the Holocaust because they were Jews. Israelis , including non-Jews, died on October 7 because they were occupiers and oppressors. To compare the two is to defile the memory of the Jews who died in the Holocaust. There is no similarity at all between the two and only cheap propagandists like Netanyahu make such a comparison.

A letter replying to the Board of Deputies in the Guardian before the letters column had beene Freedlandised

In fact the largest massacre of Jews since the holocaust occurred, not in Palestine but in Argentina. A neo-Nazi Junta took power on March 24 1976 with a version of the International Jewish Conspiracy Theory (the Andinia Plan) based around a troika of Jews – Marx, Einstein and Freud.

The Junta proceeded to round up and torture to death socialists and trade unionists. They particularly targeted left-wing Jews according to Juan Pablo Jaroslavsky of the Barcelona-based Commission of Solidarity with Relatives of the Disappeared.

"Jews represented more than 12 per cent of the victims of the military regime while constituting under 1 per cent of Argentina's population,"

Some 30,000 people are believed to have died under torture or from being thrown from planes over the sea. 3,000 Jews, possibly more, died in what was called the ‘dirty war’ between 1976 and 1983.

One might have expected the ‘Jewish State’ to have strongly attacked the Argentine military’s anti-Semitism. However you would be wrong. Israel was part of the anti-communist Operation Condor in Latin America with Argentina, Chile and other death squad regimes. Israel had a very lucrative arms trade with the regime, especially when Congress put an end to selling arms to the Junta.

Israel is using White Phosphorous in Gaza

I have a chapter in my book on this sordid episode. Indeed the subtitle, ‘The Weaponisation of Memory in the Service of State & Nation’ could have been written with the current crisis in mind.

Ethnic Cleansing – The Real Purpose of the War

The pretext for Israel’s war on Gaza is to eradicate Hamas. This is a lie. Israel has been waging war against the people of Gaza, including its children. The one group that has not been affected is Hamas who are in the tunnels fighting.

It is becoming ever more clear that both the United States and Israel have agreed that the Palestinians of Gaza should be transferred to Egypt and other countries. Although the White House issued a denial:

“The vice president reiterated that under no circumstances will the United States permit the forced relocation of Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank,”

the key word is ‘forced’. If Israel bombs every school, hospital and home in Gaza and Palestinians are forced to go to Rafah to escape and then seek to cross the border that will be voluntary. Such is the trickery of those war criminals Biden and Kamala Harris.

Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) urged Congress to reject a supplementary funding bill that proposes funding humanitarian aid to Palestinians who have been displaced from Gaza to neighboring countries. Israeli actions and statements for example the article in the Jerusalem Post of 19 November from Israel’s Intelligence Minister, Gila Gamliel, make it crystal clear that Israel’s intention is to enact a second Nakba. A leaked policy document from Israel’s Intelligence Ministry recommends the permanent forced transfer of Palestinians to the Sinai.

"The Biden administration isn't just giving a green light for ethnic cleansing—it's bankrolling it," said Sarah Leah Whitson of DAWN.

"Gaslighting Americans into facilitating long-held Israeli plans to depopulate Gaza under the cover of 'humanitarian aid' is a cruel and grotesque hoax." 

It is precisely now that The Guardian/Observer, which initiated the false ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn decided to gaslight supporters of the Palestinians, including Jews, by running an article by Zionist propagandist Howard JacobsonCharging Jews with genocide is to declare them guilty of precisely what was done to them.’

Editor-in-chief Kath Viner and the Zionist Gatekeeper, Jonathan Freedland, spent 5 years telling us that without the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism it would be impossible to fight anti-Semitism.

The IHRA says that ‘Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel’ is anti-Semitic, yet when it comes to protecting Israel’s right to commit genocide, Viner and Freedland, are happy to conflate Israel’s actions with Jews. Such is the hypocrisy of these police-state liberals.

Let this sink in. Alleging that Israel, not Jews, because Israel is a State not a Jew, is committing genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza, means accusing all Jews of perpetrating a Holocaust. It is difficult to imagine a more overt act of anti-Semitism by these righteous hypocrites.

The IHRA also outlaws ‘Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.’ However there was always a secret provision in the IHRA which said that if Zionists made these comparisons they were not anti-Semitic!

Jacobson, a lightweight intellectual and minor novelist makes a virtue of his stupidity, denying that Israel is committing genocide because it leafleted the population it bombed beforehand! Presumably it was a suicidal inclination on the part of the 6,000+ children Israel murdered that led them to stay put. Or perhaps the Israeli generals are as big a liars as Jacobson. Freedland is also a columnist on the Jewish Chronicle which has given full-throated support to Israel’s genocide.

Biden Staffers Are Turning Against His Israel Support. We Spoke to a Dissenter

The Genocide Convention 1948, drawn up in the wake of the Holocaust, was clear that an intention ‘to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group’ by means such as killing members of the group or ‘Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction’ is genocide.

The deliberate bombing of Gaza’s hospitals, the murder of premature babies, leaving their decomposing bodies to be eaten by wild animals, may be acceptable in the polite salons that Jacobson and Freedland frequent but no civilized member of society should be seen shaking the bloodied hands of these creatures.

Tony Greenstein

Below is the Diary Entry of Hudia, a Refugee in Rafah on Her Daily Existence as a Consequence of Israel’s War Crimes – It Speaks Volumes to Howard Jacobson’s Use of the Holocaust to Excuse Israel’s Collective Punishment of Gaza’s Palestinians

DECEMBER 5, 2023

I don't know if my message will reach you today. They cut off communications and Internet from Gaza. The situation here is now even more terrifying since they started operations in the south.

The bombing doesn’t stop for a second. The firing of missiles & rockets happens around the clock. The artillery shelling is endless, too. Its sound is horrific. Where we are in Rafah is close to the eastern border of Gaza. We do not sleep because of the intensity of the bombing. The bombing of homes over the heads of those who live in them has become Israel’s preferred method of killing. Fear for the lives of everyone has crept into me. It haunts all my waking moments.

They ask people to leave so they die on the way to displacement, and if they manage to arrive, they die in the areas they reach. Rafah has now become overwhelmed with displaced people from Khan Yunis as well as the north. There is no place for them in shelter centers. People sleep in the streets. Literally, there is nothing here except the pervasive smell of death. I do not know how we will end up. 

No. I know.

We can't find anything anymore. There is nothing left in the markets. I can no longer find my blood pressure medication in pharmacies. In fact, there is nothing in pharmacies, markets, or supermarkets. Life has become difficult beyond description. Here, my brother Hisham was able, after a great effort, to find a medication similar to what I take which, I hope, is better than nothing at all.

Honestly, though, cutting off communications and the Internet hurts me more than the war itself. I cannot check on my family or friends. I remain tense every time I hear the sound of bombing. I do not know if they are alive or dead. I feel like I will lose my balance and collapse at any moment. The situation is unbelievable. 

No one would believe we are supposed to be living here. It is a slaughter house; a last stop on the train taking us to our deaths. Let them kill us all at once! This would be merciful now. 

We are tired. We are tired of losing more and more people every day, hour, and minute. Walk around Rafah and you see huge bomb craters filled with human debris. Is this really my home? Endless destruction and seeing children in pieces. It is unspeakable. 

There is nothing left in north Gaza: homes, people, or life.

Diseases have begun to spread among children, including gastroenteritis owing to air pollution, undrinkable water, and a collapsed sewage system because there is no fuel. You don’t want to imagine what this means in real terms here, and for two million people. The lines, the filth, the sadness, and yes - the smell.

The children have yellow faces - full of sickness and fear. They cry into their mothers’ laps during the bombings. They look thin and sickly from terror and trauma. By destroying the healthcare system Israel has destroyed any return to a semblance of real life. 

A sad joke is going around. After the occupation’s aggression against Gaza, when a violent earthquake strikes a place, reporters will say: “It is as if an Israeli bombing struck the place.”

Director of UNRWA Operations in Gaza:

Even in Rafah, where people are forced to flee, the sounds of air strikes punctuate the day. People are crying for help to get a safe place. We have nothing to say to them.

War Criminals All

DECEMBER 6, 2023

Gaza City and northern Gaza are completely annihilated, with only rare media coverage. The central part of the Gaza Strip is now annihilated by hunger, & high prices; its supplies of vegetables and goods were cut off after the south was separated from the central governorate. 

In addition, it is being bombarded relentlessly day and night. Khan Yunis - the southern section of Gaza - is also being destroyed by displacement and continuous bombing. Rafah is bombed around the clock (I’m counting 8-12 seconds between bombs) and has received newly displaced people from Khan Yunis, but where are they supposed to go? 

People sleep in tents and in the streets or in the shadows of shuttered businesses. The sounds of artillery, air and sea bombardment, and tank shells echo across the Gaza Strip from Rafah to Beit Hanoun. It’s a constant rush in your ears. There is no escape.

This situation requires no political, military, or strategic analysts. No sermon about steadfastness from leaders and media are going to help us right now. Gaza is absolutely no longer fit for life and it makes sense because I don’t think we are alive. We are ghosts and we should go and haunt the world revealing what has happened to us.

Whole families have been tossed grieving along the streets. Shelter centers and schools are overflowing with broken, displaced people. Most stores have shut their doors because they’re empty of any supplies. What remains is small and non-essential. Prices are astronomical and crazy. 

Lines from wherever there are any goods at all - long, long lines where you are stuck waiting for half the day. 

Exhausted refugees are wearing filthy clothing (where can we wash dirty laundry?) Most of the women are in their prayer dresses. Wood burning stoves fill the main streets. Everything is cooked on wood fires now and they fill the air with smoke.  The ground around them is blackened and peoples faces are blackened. This is a preview of the apocalypse: yes, right here in Gaza you can witness what the end of the world will look like.

As you walk, you pass faces of those who used to be proud and generous but are now humiliated and betrayed. They half-whisper, brokenly, in your ear: “I swear, I am not a beggar. But I was displaced from my home here and here. My family and children have nothing to eat. If you give me five shekels...”

This is only part of the picture, which is getting darker, more unbearable, and more painful every day with the siege and death. I do not know if death is worse than what people are experiencing now. What new, unthinkable circumstance will be thrown our way tomorrow? It’s too horrible to contemplate. I want to run away…

Open Letter to Jonathan Freedland – Why are you Publishing Fake Atrocity Propaganda when Israel is Committing Very Real Atrocities?


Your Weaponisation of Hamas ‘Rape’ is No Different to how White Supremacists Behaved or the Nazi Portrayal of Jews as Sexual Predators

Instead of the Holocaust Being A Warning as to Where Racism Leads You’ve Turned it into a Justification for Genocide

My Plea to Guardian Readers – Don't Subsidise this pro-Imperialist War Paper

Debunking Israel's "mass rapes" atrocity propaganda - Electronic Intifada

Dear Jonathan,

I received a message from a teacher at the Al Tafawk Children’s Centre in Jenin a day ago. Hamas does not rule in Jenin.

We are not safe .. just now i could hold the phone..Things are horrible, and they beat us and asked us to sing for their country! We are outside side in the cold for more than 14 hours ! I have no news about the center. i heard that 30 solders bombed the doors of it and they were shouting inside ..... 

Tony Tony u are our family, all the world are lying to us 

I dont know about the injured children all of us women and children sitting in rain and they eat and drink infront of us and make video ....I hope i wont be arrested after this email ....but that is enough they treat their dogs better than us 

We are just animals

This is your ‘Jewish’ State Jonathan and this is the purpose of the atrocity propaganda that you are publishing in the Guardian. The ‘monsters’ that you write about are not Hamas but the Generals of the Israeli Army with whom you are so friendly.

Footage shows bodies piled up after Israeli attack on Gaza school - presumably the women, children and babies who were executed were the ‘monsters’ that Jonathan Freedland said Israel was fighting in Gaza

This is from a harrowing account published by Al Jazeera, reposted by Richard Silverstein, of the torture of Palestinian men and even children. 

Inside one of the rooms of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, Mahmoud Zindah stays close to his father, Nader, the horrors of the past week etched on both of their faces. Their eyes are wide, darting around.

The 14-year-old and his father were among hundreds of Palestinians rounded up on December 5 by Israeli forces…who endured five days of torture and degradation before they were released – without any explanation.

…The men and teenage boys were taken to a warehouse where they sat on a bare floor…There they were beaten, interrogated and verbally abused…

Mohammed Odeh, 14… and his family were stuck in their homes for five days, starving…Two of the neighbourhood boys who left to look for water were killed on the street by Israeli snipers…. The soldiers dragged the men and teenagers out, slapping, punching and hitting them with their guns.

“There was no reasoning with them,” Mohammed recalls. “They kept saying, ‘You are all Hamas.They wrote numbers on our arms. My number was 56.” When he stretches his arms out, the red marker is still visible on his skin.

Owen Jones on how Israeli Army Videos do not show rape or abuse 

Let that sink in: Israeli soldiers not only tortured Palestinian men and children in a cold, dark chamber they inscribed numbers on their arms.  Jewish prisoners in Auschwitz also had numbers tattooed on their arms.

 “They hit me in the back where my kidneys are and my legs. They took my family, and I don’t know where they are,” he says, his voice breaking.

Before they were forced inside the warehouse, Israeli female soldiers came and spat on the men, Mohammed recalls.

In the warehouse, it was common for groups of five soldiers to suddenly enter and beat one person while the others were forced to listen to his screams of pain. If any of the men and teenagers nodded off from exhaustion, the soldiers poured cold water on them.

…“Some people didn’t return from the torture sessions,” Nader says darkly. “We would hear their screams and then nothing.”

At one point, Mahmoud told his father that his wrists were bleeding from the handcuffs. A soldier overheard, asked where it hurt and then proceeded to press down on the spot. Nader tried to shield his son… When Mahmoud resisted, he was kicked in the face

“My dad kept shouting at them that I’m a child and threw himself on top of me,” he says….

Blindfolded and handcuffed, the men and boys endured hours of beatings.  Every time you tried to talk, asking to use the bathroom or a drink of water, they would come and beat us up, using the butts of their M16 rifles.”

The soldiers accused the Palestinians of stealing their army jeeps and raping Israeli women. When they asked Mahmoud where he was on October 7 and he answered that he was sleeping at home, the soldiers hit him, he says.

“They have this unbelievable racism. They really hate us,” Nader says. “This isn’t about Hamas. This is about a genocide, signed off by Biden.”

…The men were given only a few drops of water and some scraps of bread to eat. Some were forced to relieve themselves on the spot while others were handed a foul-smelling bucket.

On the fifth day, Saturday, Nader, Mahmoud, and 10 other men were released.

Interview with woman prisoner about the beatings and torture of prisoners 

By providing justification for Israel’s genocide in Gaza by making false rape allegations you are as much a war criminal as the Generals in their Tel Aviv war rooms who decide which family to erase from history.

You and your fellow ‘journalists’ help to create the climate in which the murder of over 10,000 Palestinian children is acceptable.

You have less of a moral compass than a 12 year old school student striking in protest at Israel’s genocide. As Dylan Thomas wrote, ‘the hand that signed the paper felled a city.’

In the article you cite as proof of mass rape you mention the work of a UN Commission of Inquiry into possible war crimes on October 7, yet it transpires that it

‘is likely to be hampered by the fact that Israel has not cooperated with the commission, which it accuses of having an anti-Israel bias.

Israel has a long history of refusing to co-operate with independent inquiries. It prefers that people take what it says on trust despite the long record of lying and cover ups by the Israeli army. The assassination of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu-Akleh stands out.

Your article cites another article, ‘Israel women’s groups warn of failure to keep evidence of sexual violence in Hamas attacks’ . It cites Tal Hochman, a government spokesperson, as saying that ‘the victims were buried and the forensic evidence buried too. No samples were taken.’  An article in Yedioth Aharanot stated that much of the evidence ‘had not been properly photographed, preserved or forensically examined before bodies were buried’

Yet you still state that ‘The bodies of dead Israeli women and girls told a clear, consistent and harrowing story.’ This is simply untrue.

The response of Israel’s Minister of Justice was that Yediot’s article was ‘irresponsible’ which suggests that truth isnt’ their main concern. Your article cites a survivor of the attack on the Supernova rave witnessing a gang-rape. Except that noone can trace Yoni Saadon who was quoted in The Times as being the source of the claim. Nonetheless you assert that:

A police interviewwith a woman known as Witness S… includes details that are too appalling to be repeated here: suffice to say she describes a frenzy of sexual torture and mutilation that makes the soul sink.

It is true that there was a photograph on the Israeli government website of a women who was raped and whose body was defiled but it turned out that she was a Kurdish female fighter killed in May 2023!

Your article is long on rhetoric and short on facts. It ignores the context, a consistent pattern of Israeli atrocity propaganda. What happened to the 40 babies who were beheaded? Joe Biden claimed to have seen them before the State Department walked it back?

You suggest that what lies behind the carpet bombing of refugee camps,  homes and hospitals is ‘The centrality of sexual violence’.  In so doing you purposely omit the real reason for the ongoing genocide. The desire to ethnically cleanse Gaza of Palestinians.

table of abuse of children military court watch

The sexual violence that does occur is perpetrated by the IDF against Palestinian children, as a Save the Children Report of July 2023 found. But as these victims aren’t Israeli, in your eyes they don’t count.

Palestinian children in the Israel military detention system face physical and emotional abuse, with four out of five (86%) of them being beaten, and 69% strip-searched… Nearly half (42%) are injured at the point of arrest, including gunshot wounds and broken bones. Some report violence of a sexual nature and some are transferred to court or between detention centres in small cages, the child rights organisation said. 

The real motive for Israel’s genocide and ethnic cleaning is an article by Gila Gamliel, Israel’s Intelligence Minister ‘Victory is an opportunity for Israel in the midst of crisis’.

The assertion that the motive behind the bombing is rape and sexual assault by Hamas fighters is risible. Was that why every single hospital in the north of Gaza was attacked by the Israeli army using planted evidence as its justification? Even the BBC found it unconvincing.

The Town of Guernica, which was the first to be bombed by Nazi Germany, stands in solidarity with Gaza 

Once again ‘liberal’ Zionists are providing a cover for right-wing Zionists and the neo-Nazis in Israel’s cabinet, Gvir and Smotrich.

Their concern is not sexual assault, but racial purity. Even Moshe Yalon, former Likud  Defence Minister, called Gvir ‘Mein Kampf in reverse’.

The False Comparisons Between October 7 & the Holocaust

Israel is fond of describing the October 7 attack as the biggest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. In fact the biggest massacre was by Israel’s friends, the Argentinian Junta between 1976 and 1983, some 3,000 Jews.

I have another comparison. The death toll is already 20,000. If we count those buried under the rubble, the number of dead in Gaza is likely to have already exceeded the 34,000 Jews murdered at Babi Yar, the largest single Nazi massacre by bullets during the Holocaust.

Last week the Guardian carried an article by Howard Jacobson which argued that the Holocaust gave Israel immunity from the charge of genocide. Like all good anti-Semites, Jacobson equated the actions of Israel with all Jews. The time has come to end Israel’s use of the Holocaust as a free pass to kill Palestinians.

If there is one lesson that can be drawn from the Holocaust it is that any group of people, given the right set of circumstances, can commit genocide. There is no Jewish exception to this. Being a victim doesn’t prevent you becoming a perpetrator. Do the Armenians, Cambodians and Rwandans have similar immunity?

When Israel launched its attack on Gaza, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant announced that Israel was

imposing a complete siege on Gaza. There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything will be closed. We are fighting human animals and we act accordingly.

On October 4 1943 Himmler called Jews ‘human animals’ when justifying the Final Solution. Don’t you find it strange how Zionism gets its inspiration from the Nazis whilst accusing others of anti-Semitism?

The UN has warned that half Gaza’s population is starving thanks to Israel’s food and water blockade. The use of starvation against a civilian law is expressly prohibited by international law. However, as we know, Israel observes international law in the breach.

The Nazis intentionally used starvation and hunger as a weapon of war. Raul Hilberg estimated that half a million Jews died in the Polish ghettoes because of starvation. Your Zionist friends have learnt the lessons of the Holocaust well.

Perhaps you can explain why the alleged rapes and atrocities on October 7 justified bombing Al Ahli hospital killing over 500 people? Or invading Al Shifa hospital, beating up doctors and allowing babies in incubators to die for lack of oxygen, their bodies decomposing, eaten by wild animals? Or do war crimes only extend to Israeli Jews?

Footage shows bodies piled up after Israeli attack on Gaza school

And now we learn that dozens of Palestinians were executed at point blank range in a school in Jabalia. Are there no lengths to which you won’t go Jonathan to justify genocide and war crimes?

October 7 was undoubtedly a terrible shock to those who have spent over half a century bombing and killing Gaza’s Palestinians. Hamas has been demonised in precisely the same way as the PLO, President Nasser and Yasir Arafat. These are the ways of colonialism. The British did it with Ghandi and the Mau Mau. Then too there were journalists prepared to turn a blind eye to colonial atrocities.

Whether you like or not Hamas is a Palestinian resistance organisation in just the same way as the Jewish Fighting Organisation [ZOB] in the Warsaw Ghetto was a resistance organisation.

In 2002 no less than Marek Edelman, the last Commander of ZOB, addressed a letter to the Palestinian resistance whom he compared to Warsaw’s Jewish fighters. This caused outrage in Israel where the dominant narrative is that the Zionists led the resistance to the Nazis.

As Paul Foot, who was a genuine journalist, wrote

its tone infuriated the Israeli government and its press. He wrote in a spirit of solidarity from a fellow resistance fighter, … not dissimilar in desperation to the Palestinian uprising in the occupied territories. He addressed his letter to "commanders of the Palestinian military, paramilitary and partisan operations - to all the soldiers of the Palestinian fighting organisations".

It was no surprise that the funeral of Edelman, who died in 2009, was boycotted by Israel. Not even the lowliest clerk from Israel’s Embassy attended Edelman’s state funeral, at which the President of Poland gave a tribute as well as there being a 15 gun salute.

We should remind ourselves of Israel’s reaction when Israeli hostage, 85 year old Yocheved Lifshitz gave a press conference at Ichilov hospital. The Israeli government was furious that it had been allowed to go ahead.

The Times of Israel reportedLifshitz press conference panned as disastrous for Israel, PR win for Hamas’. The article told how ‘Criticism is pouring in after freed hostage Yocheved Lifshitz appeared to praise her Hamas captors and criticize Israel’’

Ha'aretz described how Lifshitz’s remarks were ‘Seen by Government Officials as Damaging to Israeli Interests’ and that her statement that she was 'given access to medical care' and 'treated well while in captivity' worried officials.

Israel’s Channel 12 reporter Dana Weiss called the press conference a “disaster,” noting the lack of state intervention in managing her appearances. Israeli journalists are, like you, mouthpieces of the state! Why such vehement criticism for telling the truth? The answer is that Israel is not interested in the truth. All that counts is the propaganda war.

So angry were the Israeli authorities that the spokesperson for the hospital, Avi Shushan, was suspended and summoned to a pre-dismissal hearing on 13 November. Eight days later he was forced out. This is the State whose integrity you rest your allegations of rape on Jonathan.

What worried Israel’s government was that Lifshitz’s portrayal of  Hamas fighters as human beings might undermine their plans for genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Danielle Aloni, one of Israel’s captives, wroteto the ‘Generals of Hamas’ praising them for their kind behaviour to her daughter Emillia

in spite of the difficult situation you faced I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your extraordinary humanity shown towards my daughter, Emilia."

Maya Lecker, a political analyst, wrote in Haaretz complaining about people ‘applauding Hamas gunmen for giving high-fives to their captives on camera’ and that ‘pro-Palestinian influencers and social media users’ were finding the nightly hand-overs of hostages ‘heart-warming public displays of humanity and morality by Hamas militants.’

Prison guards take part in an Israel Prison Service drill at Gilboa Prison,

The Israeli government went to great lengths to ensure that all hostage releases after Lifshitz were not accompanied by press conferences in case the contrast between Hamas’s civilised treatment of hostages and Israel’s treatment of Palestinian prisoners became too obvious.

The military correspondent for Israel’s Channel 13, Alon Ben David, said that he had spoken with some of the released captives. All said that the Hamas fighters “have gathered the members of each kibbutz together, which gave them a greater sense of comfort.”

This is strange behaviour from the monster next door’ that you refer to in your articleThis is why people like you have been wheeled out to repeat the discredited ‘rape’ propaganda.

For example in the specially prepared video by the Israeli army for selected journalists there was no concrete evidence of rape or sexual assault. Everything was inference. We know that because even Owen Jones, who was one of those journalists, stated afterwards that “If there was rape and sexual violence committed, we don’t see that on camera.” See I Watched The Hamas Massacre Film. Here Are My Thoughts.

Your concern over the ‘Hamas rapes’ is about supporting a narrative that justifies Israel’s war. You admit this when you ask:

Why is the fighting still going on, even now, more than two months after the 7 October massacre of 1,200 Israelis by Hamas? As those demanding an immediate ceasefire might put it, surely Israel has hit back hard enough now? Surely it has made its point?

In searching for an answer, a helpful place to start might be the area that is among the most painful. For many weeks, campaigners have urged the UN and others to pay attention to the now extensively documented evidence of sexual violence perpetrated by the men of Hamas on 7 October….

Leave aside that there is no documentation for the reasons I have given. The idea that Israel, which armed General Pinochet,  which supplies the Myanamar military with weapons and which even trained and armed the Argentinian Junta that killed Jews, as well as helping the Guatemalan army perpetrate the  genocide of 200,000 Mayan Indians, is concerned about  sexual violence, is fanciful. These regimes all indulged in the most abominable sexual tortures. Yet you proclaim that

This is one reason why Israel is still fighting Hamas … indeed a direct reason in one specific sense. Last week, a series of rolling truces came to an end. Both sides blame each other, but Israel insists that Hamas refused to go through with the promised release of 10 female Israeli hostages. Both the US and Israeli governments suspect that a factor in that refusal was Hamas’s fear that the women would testify to sexual abuse at the hands of their captors. 

There is of course a much simpler explanation. The fascist right in Israel’s government – Ben Gvir et al. – have made it clear that if the war ends so does their alliance with Netanyahu. But even to mention the neo-Nazis and their influence on Israel’s government is for you taboo.

The contrast between how Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners have been treated could not have been starker. ‘It would’ve been better if they shot us’: Palestinians recount prison abuse upon her release.

Ahed Tamimi talked about the dozens of female detainees still in Israeli prisons who are “getting mistreated every day.”Ahed talked about the dire conditions that Israeli prison authorities are forcing Palestinians to live under.

There’s no food, no water, nothing at all, no clothes. They sleep on the floor,”

Her father, Bassem Tamimi, is held under administrative detention.

“As I was leaving [the prison], they threatened me by invoking my father. They said we’ve got your father in prison, and if you say a word, we’ll kill your father in prison.”

See Released Palestinians reveal horrors in Israeli prisons

According to human rights NGO HaMoked, among the more that 7,600 “security” inmates that Israel is currently holding in prisons across Israel and the occupied West Bank are at least 260 Palestinians that it defines as “unlawful combatants,” including those who participated in the attacks of October 7.

their constant screams can be heard alongside the barking of dogs. Israel is concealing the names and detention conditions of many of the detainees from Gaza and is preventing lawyers and the Red Cross from visiting them.

Unlike the false allegations of torture on October 7, these allegations are very real and confirmed. Amjad a-Najjar from the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society, described how

“Ben Gvir has declared war against the prisoners,” he said. “The tools of communication are batons and beatings. Death hovers over the prisons, awaiting a decision from the guards to strike any of the detainees.”

Prison guards take part in an Israel Prison Service drill at Gilboa Prison, northern Israel, December 5, 2022. (Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

Mahmoud Katnani, one of the prisoners released in the exchange deal between Israel and Hamas, was in the same prison cell where Abu Assab was held.

On Nov. 18, at 6 p.m. during the security count, the forces [from the IPS’s rapid response unit, Keter] began to break into the room. There were 10 prisoners in the room, and we sat as usual: kneeling with our hands over our heads and heads down. Suddenly, the forces attacked us for no apparent reason, beating us with batons and kicking us.

The beating continued violently. They slammed the prisoner Thaer Abu Assab on the floor and dragged him to a corner near the bathroom, beating him on his head and body for several minutes. Then they exited the room, leaving Thaer covered in blood flowing heavily from his head. We approached him [and realized that] his heart had stopped beating. We pulled him to the middle of the room; he had died. 

Strangely enough Jonathan  these atrocities don’t warrant your attention even though they are well documented.

‘I will ask them to rape you right here’

Lama Khater, a journalist and writer from Hebron and a mother of five children, was arrested on Oct. 26 at her home in Loza area, west of Hebron. “I could not have imagined the severity of the situation,” she said, describing how the soldiers trashed the contents of her home.


I was taken to a military vehicle where I was forced to lie down on the floor, handcuffed and blindfolded. Soldiers sat next to me until we reached a location unknown to me. 

I was brought into a room. I could see with limited visibility beneath the blindfold. I asked to go to the toilet and drink water, but the female soldier refused. They claimed not to understand Arabic; I tried English, but to no avail. After an hour of detention, I was allowed to use the restroom and drank water from the tap there. The female soldier refused to allow me to close the toilet door completely.

After that, Khater was taken by a female soldier to an interrogation room, still handcuffed and blindfolded. She was seated in a chair and played an audio recording of somebody speaking about the atrocities committed by Hamas in the Israeli communities near the Gaza fence. 

The interrogator “asked me my opinion about the rape of a 10-year-old [Israeli] girl,” she recalled.

I stated that I didn’t know anything about this. The interrogator yelled at me and insulted me using offensive language. He then said: ‘You should know that there are 20 soldiers in this room — I will ask them to rape you right here.

One can only assume that because these witnesses aren’t Jewish you are prepared to discount their testimony. According to Khater, the interrogator’s threats went on.

“He said: ‘The girl who was raped looks like your daughter Yaman, and we could bring Yaman there and be raped, and I could go to your house and burn your children down while they sleep. Here there are no laws or rights. You are a prisoner of war, and I hope that a government will come that will allow us to do what we want with you [Palestinians].’” 

Khater was then taken to HaSharon Prison in central Israel. “Another female detainee and I underwent a strip search,” she recounted.

In front of the cell where we were about to enter, the guards brought out a [non-security] prisoner whose face was marked with bumps and blisters, wrapping his body in a blanket. The guards were talking among themselves, as if he had a serious infectious disease. 

Nasralla al-A’war, a 17-year-old from Silwan, who was released with Dawabsheh on Nov. 26, said that the prison guards “unleashed the dogs on us without muzzles. We were beaten and they did not stop cursing and humiliating us, and there was very little food.”  

 “I saw blood on the floors of the solitary confinement cells,” he continued.

“Some faced violent assaults for not cursing Hamas. Guards would step on detainees’ heads with their shoes. Detainees were beaten on their heads with belts, and hot and ice water was poured on their bodies. Guards beat detainees on sensitive areas of their bodies while telling them, ‘We will deprive you of being a dad.’” Al-Hethnawi concluded his account in tears, saying: “Had they shot us and killed us, it would have been better than this torture.”

Of course this did not start today.  In June of this year as the pogroms were getting going on the West Bank 2 year gold Muhammad Tamimi was fatally shot by an Israeli soldier. As Gideon Levy wrote in Ha'aretz

The military released the results of its internal investigation and ruled it was a case of “misidentification.” The snipers were using telescopic scopes, but got the target wrong. Were their state-of-the-art scopes insufficient for them to see that they were shooting a baby’s head?

The Israeli army has long had absolute impunity from prosecution if they kill Palestinians, even the smallest child. In contrast a child is locked up indefinitely for throwing a stone at a tank.

As these war crimes are committed against Palestinians Jonathan Freedland, you are silent. It is only when Palestinians fought back on October 7 that you found your voice. See A wail of pain pierced the silence. Mohammed, 2½, was fatally shot. To Israel’s army, it’s just a mistake

Tony Greenstein

Is Israel Losing the Ground War in Gaza? Why is Israel covering up its Casualty Figures?


The IDF are Very Good at Killing Children but Not So Good at Fighting Armed Palestinian Fighters

Palestinian Resistance Actions in Gaza

Youtube has Blocked This Video Please Try This Link

When it comes to killing civilians the Israeli Defence Force cannot be faulted. It is particularly good at killing children, at least 8,000 of whom have died.

Israel is also brilliant at bombing and invading hospitals, having put out of action ¾ of Gaza’s hospitals with the remainder barely functioning.

Israel also excels at killing journalists, doctors and other health workers and UN workers. It is brilliant at attacking ambulances, all of which have been put out of action in the north of Gaza.

As for dropping 1 ton bombs on peoples’ homes Israel is second to none. Netanyahu, Gantz and Yoav Gallant can really take credit for all the aforementioned.

Israel even murdered 3 of its own hostages yet the prostitute media all say it was ‘accidental’ despite them waving a White Flag and being shirtless. This was no accident. The IDF are trained to kill on sight regardless and they didn’t realise these weren’t Palestinians. It is ironic that the hostages would have been safer with Hamas!!

However when it comes to fighting an urban guerrilla war against armed Palestinian fighters Israeli soldiers are not so good. Years of shooting children and terrorising the population of the West Bank seem to have taken their toll.

It is far easier to strip unarmed Palestinian men and boys of their clothes and then take them to secret locations and torture them than it is to fight armed combatants who know the territory like the back of their hand.

Why is the Israeli Army Covering Up Its Casualty Figures? 

Making racist videos humiliating their civilian captives is much easier than fighting armed militants at close quarters. Setting fire to food in order to emphasise the cruelty of a food and water blockade is so much easier to do than entering a tunnel or dark building.

Blowing up mosques is no problem whereas finding and killing Hamas fighters seems to pose all sorts of problems, even with the full support of the United States and Britain.

In the above videos we see two things that the British media – from the BBC to the Guardian – refuse to show. Firstly ground operations in Gaza and secondly the way that Israel has consistently hidden and covered up its true casualty figures.

Slowly but surely the true casualty figures are emerging. Ha’aretz last week decided to contact Israeli hospitals directly and found that the official figures for Israeli wounded, which were only released under pressure, bear no comparison to the figures of wounded that the hospitals have treated.

Whether Israel succeeds in defeating the Palestinian armed groups remains to be seen. No one should underestimate the difficulties facing the Palestinian fighters in terms of restocking, gaining access to food and water etc. whereas Israel faces no such problems.

However we gain an inkling of Israel’s difficulties from the publicity that has been given to the Israeli threat to flood the tunnels. It is highly unlikely that this will prove a game changer as it is likely that they were built with drainage systems, although the damage done to Gaza’s water table could be immense.

If an attempt to flood the tunnels does go ahead it means that Israel has decided to kill rather than save its hostages. This is likely to cause political problems in Israel so I suspect that this plan will be shelved, however no one should under estimate the insanity of Israel’s leaders.

Supporters of the Palestinians will take heart from the fact that those committing genocide in Gaza are meeting with resistance. That the cowards who murder women and children, who as my last blog showed even go so far as to torture children in front of their parents, are getting their come uppance.

Tony Greenstein

Unite General Secretary Sharon Graham Refused to Allow Executive Members To Take the Union Banner on the last London Palestine Demonstration


Since Issuing a Pathetically Weak Statement on  Israel’s Genocide in Gaza, Graham Has Done Precisely Nothing Since

If You Are a Unite Member Please Sign this Open Letter to Sharon Graham


After having resisted calls for an immediate ceasefire for the first 4 weeks of Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza, Sharon Graham eventually gave way and issued a pathetically weak statementthat didn’t even mention Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza.See

VICTORY - Sharon Graham Does What She Said Was Impossible A Week Ago and Calls for an Immediate Ceasefire

The best thing about the statement was the headline ‘Unite calls for an immediate ceasefire’. Graham, who was happy to prance around with the Ukrainian flag and back NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine, which has armed a variety of neo-Nazi militias, has done absolutely  nothing to give support to the Palestinians.

Graham supported dockers at Dungeness and Ellesmere Port who refused to load and unload Russian ships. She has done nothing to prevent British arms supplies to Israel.

Not only has Graham not been seen anywhere near a Palestinian flag but Executive members who were on the last demonstration in London reported that they were told that they could not take Unite’s national banner with them according to reports.

Despite Unite having good policy on Boycotting Israel and opposing Israeli Apartheid Graham has repeatedly appeased the Israel lobby in this country. The far-right Campaign Against Anti-Semitism claimed that Graham had been in correspondence with them before a ban was issued preventing Jeremy Corbyn – The Big lie being shown on Unite premises.

On 23 July the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism alleged that

Following correspondence with Campaign Against Antisemitism, the Unite union has cancelled the screening of a propaganda film about the antisemitic former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn that was due to be shown alongside a book signing and talk from Asa Winstanley.

I immediately wrote to Graham about this, given that the CAA, a far right, Islamaphobic ‘charity’ had weaponised anti-Semitism in the fight to remove Jeremy Corbyn.

On 30 August Gail Cartmail, Graham’s dogsbody, emailed me writing that

' Unite as a union is outstanding in both our commitment to anti-racism and solidarity with the Palestinian cause, actions speak louder than words.'

 I agree. Actions speak louder than words and Graham has done fuck all to support the Palestinians. She is a British nationalist and a Zionist. She went overboard to support Ukrainian nationalists despite their neo-Nazi militias being integrated into the state and their hero worship of Stepan Bandera, who had the blood of hundreds of thousands of Jews and Poles on his hands, but when it comes to the Palestinians she has said and done precisely nothing.

Israel in its latest raid has imprisoned the Director of the Freedom Theatre in Jenin -   this is cultural genocide

Racism runs through Sharon Graham like the lettering through a stick of Brighton rock. Graham is an utter disgrace to Unite and the trade union movement and the sooner she goes the better.

I have therefore drafted an Open Letter ‘Our Response to Unite Statement Calling for a Ceasefire in Gaza’ and over a hundred people have signed it already. If you are a Unite member I would ask you to sign it here.


On Wednesday 7 am I was arrested by the Sussex Stasi for a Tweet in Support of the Palestinian Resistance to Genocide


Orwell’s Prediction that Freedom of Speech & Association Would Be Attacked by the State in the name of ‘Fighting Terrorism’ is Coming True

I had only just gone to bed, having finished a blog criticising Unite’s racist General Secretary Sharon Graham when I heard my front door bell ringing. Curious as to who was calling this early in the morning I hurriedly dressed and answered the door only to find the filth had decided on an early morning raid.

Areopagitica is Milton's famous essay that passionately defends freedom of speech and expression - perhaps Sunak and Starmer might care to read it?

A plain clothes cop dressed in an ill-fitting, crumpled grey suit announced that they had come to arrest me on ‘suspicion’ of having committed an offence under s.12 (1A) of the Terrorism Act 2000.

At the behest of the Zionists & apologists for Genocide Sussex Police Arrested Tony Greenstein on suspicions of 'terrorism

My offence was having tweeted, in response to a Zionist, that:

‘I support the Palestinians that is enough and I support Hamas against the Israeli army

After having detained me in a police van the Police then proceeded to steal my laptop, desktop computer, two external hard drives and two mobile devices. Why you might ask did they need to remove all my electronic equipment?

William Tyndale was another martyr in the cause of free speech - he was executed by strangulation and then burned at the stake at Vilvoorde in 1536

If they were so confident of the flimsy case against me what need was there for my computers and phones? After all I wasn’t being arrested for having engaged in terrorism or planting bombs etc. My ‘crime’ was that I was alleged to have given my support to a proscribed organisation, Hamas. An allegation that I deny incidentally.

John Lilburne, leader of the Levellers, imprisoned by Cromwell. The Levellers appealed to reason against arguments drawn from precedent or biblical authority 

The real reason for the Police thefts is that they are engaged on a fishing expedition and are using a solitary tweet as an excuse for an intelligence gathering exercise. There is nothing on my computers that will enable them to press further charges that they can’t obtain from the 3,000+ blogs that I have done in 15 years.

What is on my computers is confidential medical information on my autistic son and myself. As well as phone numbers/contacts of people on the left and in the Palestine solidarity movement.

The Index Librorum Prohibitorum, (Index of Forbidden Books) was first published in 1559. Publication continued till 1966 and it contained thousands of heretical books

This is not the action of a police force in a democratic state. They are sending out a warning that they are perfectly prepared to abuse the enormous powers that this Government has given them and which Starmer, the leader of the so-called Opposition would give them, in order to gather intelligence on their enemies on the Left and in the Palestine solidarity movement.

Those who are deemed to be the leadership of the radical section of the Palestine solidarity movement are particularly at risk. It is no accident that at almost the same time my comrade and friend Mick Napier, founder of Scottish PSC, was also arrested on very similar charges and given even more stringent conditions for his bail.

But they are wrong.  The movement has far outgrown Mick and myself. It is led by thousands of people who are appalled by Israel’s genocide in Gaza and the complicity of the West’s leaders, not least Sunak and Starmer.

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman was the counterpart to Thomas Paine's 'Rights of Man' - a supporter of the French Revolution

The Legal Basis for the Stasis’s Early Morning Raid

The whole basis of the early morning raid on my home is fraudulent. The Terrorism Act 2000 was enacted in order to prevent acts of terrorism such as the bombing of the Manchester Arena, for which we have to thank MI5 who employed the bomber as its agent.

George Orwell

It is now being used, along with Prevent, not to prevent terrorism but to label political opposition to the foreign policy of the British Government as ‘terrorism’. As Orwell wrote so perceptively:

political speech and writing are largely the defence of the indefensible. Things like the continuance of British rule in India, the Russian purges and deportations, the dropping of the atom bombs on Japan, can indeed be defended, but only by arguments which are too brutal for most people to face, and which do not square with the professed aims of political parties. Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism, question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness. Defenceless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification. Millions of peasants are robbed of their farms and sent trudging along the roads with no more than they can carry: this is called transfer of population or rectification of frontiers. People are imprisoned for years without trial, or shot in the back of the neck or sent to die of scurvy in Arctic lumber camps: this is called elimination of unreliable elements. Such phraseology is needed if one wants to name things without calling up mental pictures of them.

Peterloo Massacre of demonstrators in Manchester by the army - the local magistrates had summoned in the yeomanry to prevent a mass meeting

Clause 1A of Section 12 of the Terrorism Act was inserted in April 2019 by the  Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019. It is the kind of provision that Generals Franco and Pinochet would have been proud of. What it does is criminalise the expression of opinion. It creates what Orwell would have called a ‘thought crime’. It reads:

A person commits an offence if the person—

(a)    expresses an opinion or belief that is supportive of a proscribed organisation, and

(b)   in doing so is reckless as to whether a person to whom the expression is directed will be encouraged to support a proscribed organisation.

Note the weasel wording. The first part doesn’t say you support a proscribed organisation. What you say merely has to be ‘supportive’ of such an organisation.

William Tyndale

The second part of this clause is even more slippery. You don’t have to have an intent to encourage others to support a proscribed organisation. You merely have to be ‘reckless’ as to whether or not someone will be encouraged to give their support.

And how can you just whether someone is reckless? It is entirely subjective and its only effect can be to intimidate people into silence for fear of saying the wrong thing. It is a dictator’s dream.

The list of proscribed groups can be found here. A group can be proscribed under section 3 of the Act on the basis of a decision by one person – the Home Secretary. There is no requirement that the decision be objectively justified.  It is a nakedly political decision.

What is the justification for proscribing Hamas? There are 3 paragraphs. The first gives a potted history of Hamas. Prior to 2021 only the military wing of Hamas was proscribed but under Israeli pressure the government agreed to proscribe its political wing too.

This is justified by saying that

The government now assess that the approach of distinguishing between the various parts of Hamas is artificial. Hamas is a complex but single terrorist organisation.

We are not told what has changed between 2001 and 2021 which justified this decision for the simple reason that nothing had changed. The decision was political not factual. It follows that any prosecution under this section must also be political.

The second  paragraph attempts to justify Sajid  Javid’s decision in 2021 to proscribe Hamas’s political wing saying:

Hamas commits and participates in terrorism. Hamas has used indiscriminate rocket or mortar attacks, and raids against Israeli targets. During the May 2021 conflict, over 4,000 rockets were fired indiscriminately into Israel. Civilians, including 2 Israeli children, were killed as a result. Palestinian militant groups, including Hamas, frequently use incendiary balloons to launch attacks from Gaza into southern Israel. There was a spate of incendiary balloon attacks from Gaza during June and July 2021, causing fires in communities in southern Israel that resulted in serious damage to property.

This is a truly pathetic justification. It was Israel which broke the ceasefire in May 2021 as it has done on all previous occasions. There is no mention of Israel dropping 2000 lb bombs on peoples’ homes killing scores of children. Even prior to the current genocide some 551 children were killed in Operation Protective Edgein 2014.

According to this definition Israel is a terrorist state but Israel has not been proscribed. Quite the contrary. The British government is not only supplying it with weapons but it has members of the armed forces operating in Gaza.

The dishonesty is obvious. The number of children killed by Israel is greater than those killed by Hamas by a factor of thousands. Over 8,000 children have been murdered so far in Operation Iron Swords. The case for designating Israel as a terrorist entity is overwhelming. As Lord Carrington, Thatcher’s Foreign Secretary once observed ‘one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist.’

The arrest of not just me, but Mick Napier of Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Haneen Barghouti– a Palestinian student at Sussex University – and others that I am aware of, is strongly suggestive of the fact that the State, knowing that Israel’s genocidal war on the Palestinians is very unpopular, has decided to brand critics of the war and in particular supporters of the right of Palestinians to resist, as supporters of ‘terrorism’.

The right of an oppressed people under occupation to resist the occupation and engage in wars of national liberation is a right recognised under international law, specifically in the Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1949, as a protected and essential right of occupied people everywhere.

The Terrorism Act 2000, if it had been in operation at the time, could just as easily have been used to proscribe the French and Czech resistance to the Nazis. It would certainly have been used to proscribe the African National Congress in South Africa which was classified by the United States as a terrorist organisation.

In August 1988 the ANC was classed by the State Department as a terrorist organisation and until 2008 both the ANC and Nelson Mandela remained on the US terrorism watch lists.

That is why the proscription of Hamas is entirely political. It has no objective basis. What I and the others are being arrested and charged for is not support for terrorism but support for the right of the oppressed to resist their oppressors. The law under which people are being charged is both political and dishonest.

It is indisputable that the arrest and charging of activists is about freedom of speech on Palestine. It is an attempt to prevent us speaking out about genocide. This is made clear in the third of my bail conditions where it says that I am:

Not to post on X (formerly Twitter) in regards to the ongoing conflict in Gaza or the prescribed (sic) organisation Hamas

Eleanor Roosevelt with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - which Western Governments are Busy Ignoring or even seeking to Abolish

This is a clearly unlawful attempt to prevent me speaking out on Gaza’s ongoing genocide. Article 10.1 of the European Convention of Human Rights states:

Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers

Although there are restrictions in 10.2 they do not cover the expression of pure political opinions.

You might think that Britain’s Palestine Solidarity Campaign would be the first to protest at this misuse of the Terrorism Act. Unfortunately the cowardice of PSC’s leadership of PSC is infinite.

Electronic Intifada’s Asa Winstanley reports that when:

Asked about both Napier and Greenstein, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign headquartered in London – a separate organization from the Scottish PSC – declined to comment.

“No one is available to comment,” a spokesperson said on Friday.

The Socialist Action leaders of PSC have made political cowardice into a fine art.

Do I Support Hamas?

I should make it clear that politically I don’t and never have supported Hamas as an Islamist organisation (see here and here). However I also recognise that it is a Palestinian resistance organisation and as such it is entitled, indeed duty bound, to defend Palestinians against the ethnic cleansing and genocidal actions of the                                                   Israeli state. Ironically Hamas owes its creation to the actions of the Israeli state which in the late 1980s saw Hamas as a way of undermining secular Palestinian nationalism.

Like the United States sponsorship of the Taliban and Mojahedeen in Afghanistan the Zionist outcry against Hamas is completely hypocritical.

Please donate to our Crowdfunder

Unfortunately this attack on Palestine solidarity activists is also financially expensive. For example, although I was legally aided at the Police Station, once on bail I am not eligible for legal aid until charged but I need to retain a solicitor.

Other people who have been arrested are, for different reasons, ineligible for legal aid.

I have set up a Crowdfunder with Just Giving specifically to support people who are arrested under the Terrorism Act 2000 in connection with Palestine solidarity. Please give generously whatever you can afford.

Tony Greenstein


Exclusive: police try to gag Greenstein, invade privacy through bail conditions

Exclusive: Greenstein arrested by anti-terror cops – for one tweet

Festive Greetings to My Readers but Spare a Thought for the People of Gaza Who Face a Bleak Xmas & New Year Because of Israeli & US War Criminals


Thank you for the Solidarity you have Shown to Mick Napier and Myself as Britain’s Police Try to Criminalise Palestinian Solidarity

If the Rotten & Corrupt Arab Regimes Followed the Example of the Houthis in Yemen & Cut Off the Oil then Israel’s Genocide Would Be Stopped Instantly

One thing is for sure. Nothing will ever be the same after the October 7th break-out from Gaza Concentration camp. ‘Normalisation’ by Saudi Arabia is off the agenda.

The venom attached to the death of 1,200 (but probably lower) number of Israeli deaths is in marked contrast to the indifference if not delight at the genocidal murder of Palestinians in Gaza.

There has been an adamant refusal by the mass media to publish the fact that one-third of the casualties were Israeli soldiers whom it was perfectly reasonable for Hamas to attack. International law recognises the right of an oppressed people to wage war on their oppressor.

Nor has there been an inkling of recognition that, as Israeli survivors like Jasmine Porat have testified, a majority of the remaining civilian deaths were caused by Israeli firepower.

One of the main purveyors of false stories of rape is ex-IDF spokesperson Cochav Elkayam-Levy whom the BBC naturally took to their bosom

Instead we have had fake stories of rape and torture of Israelis and 40 beheaded babies spread far and wide. The death of premature babies in Al Shifa hospital, directly caused by Israel, hasn’t merited so much as a response.

Israeli Anger Over the Truth of How Hamas Treats Its Prisoners Led to the Dismissal of the Hospital Employee Who Facilitated a Press Conference that Yochev Lifshitz Spoke At

The fact is that numerous Israeli hostages testified to their humane treatment by Hamas in marked contrast to the reports of summary execution of civilians by Israel and widespread torture of prisoners.

As Peter Oborne so rightly says, if Jesus was alive today his days would be numbered at the hands of the Zionist military. Gaza has definitively  proved that the ‘human rights’ concerns of Western leaders when it comes to the Uighars of China and women in Iran are utter hypocrisy.

Every abomination from attacks on residential homes to the murder of over 100 journalists to mass torture, murder of doctors and the bombing of ambulances and schools has been applauded by Genocide Joe Biden and his pet puppets Sunak & Starmer.

The outpouring of rage over Russia’s sorely provoked invasion of Ukraine stands in marked contrast to the silence of western leaders over the slaughter of 10,000+ Palestinian children.

If there is one conclusion that cannot be avoided now it is that the ‘Jewish’ State of Israel, as an apartheid, genocidal state has got to go. Reform is impossible. Racism and murder is part of Israel’s DNA.

This should have been obvious all along. A Jewish ethno-nationalist state is, like all ethno-nationalist states, inherently racist. Zionism with its goal of a Greater Israel was never going to be content to stay within the 1948 Armistice Lines.

What is also clear is that the different wings of Zionism, from ‘left’ to ‘right’ are artificial. From Meretz to Otzmah Yehudit there is a consensus that the Arabs are outsiders in Israel.  Ben Gvir wants ‘radical’ solutions such as expulsion but that was also the recipe of the Labour Zionists in 1948.

The difference this time around is that the whole world is watching. After 1948 the Zionists concocted a fiction that the Palestinian refugees left voluntarily because of the orders of Arab rulers despite being begged to stay. This time there can be no pretence as the United States and European powers turn a blind eye to Zionist desires to rid Gaza of its population.

The war against the Palestinians of Gaza has also brought into being a mass movement in support of the Palestinians. Despite the best attempts of the state to repress the movement and ban its marches, it has succeeded in mobilising over a million people in Britain.

We have to capitalise on this and ensure that the movement in support of the Palestinians and in opposition to Zionism grows in the coming months. Just as the struggle against Apartheid in South Africa 30 years ago created a mass movement so must the struggle against Zionism in Israel.

What is also clear is that we must create a national solidarity movement. Palestine Solidarity Campaign is not fit for purpose. It has jettisoned anti-Zionism and tried to appeal to the ‘mainstream’ of British politics. In that it has been wholly unsuccessful. Its refusal to say what it stands for, its failure to condemn the discredited two-state solution has mean that it has nothing to say on the ‘right to exist’ of the Israeli state. PSC has also refused to condemn the Vichy-style Palestinian Authority that the West supports.

PSC’s failure to call-out the fake anti-Semitism smear campaign has meant that its affiliated trade unions have faced two-ways. Supporting the Palestinians whilst also support Israel’s ‘right to exist.’

As you know Mick Napier and I have been arrested on ‘suspicion’ of supporting Hamas, which is proscribed as a ‘terrorist’ organisation on the say so of one man, Home Secretary Sajid David in 2021. We have since learnt of other arrests for the same ‘crime’.

So I want to make my position crystal clear. Although I don’t and never have supported Hamas politically, I support their and all Palestinians’ right to resist the Israeli military occupation and I hope that as many Israeli soldiers in Gaza are killed as possible.

I also reject the designation of Hamas as a ‘terrorist’ group. It is nothing of the sort. This designation is political and is not based on anything so much as factual evidence.

The Nazification of Israel proceeds apace. Gaza today is little more than a death camp where 2 million people are being subject to slow starvation, where water is not allowed in and where all civilian infrastructure is being destroyed on the presence that it contains Hamas headquarters.

A few days ago Israel even invaded a Christian church killing two worshippers, meriting a rare rebuke from the Pope.

Israel today has learnt the lessons of the Holocaust well. Exterminating people is not wrong per se as long as it’s not Jews who are dying. The level of racism in Israeli society today is far, far higher than in Nazi Germany where anti-Semitism was always confined to a minority, certainly before 1933.

Happy Yuletide and New Year

Tony Greenstein 

An Open Letter to Stephen Fry whose 'Alternative' Xmas Message on 'Antisemitism' Flew in the Face of Everything He Once Stood For


Fry's Message Was an Embrace of the British Establishment’s Support for Genocide in Gaza under the Pretext of Opposition to Antisemitism

Stephen Fry’s Xmas Message on Behalf of the British Establishment

Dear Stephen,

As you are all too aware, ‘anti-Semitism’ is the standard defence, the only defence, that Israel has for its genocide and sadism in Gaza today. ‘Anti-Semitism’ is the stock response to torture, imprisonment and abuse of Palestinian children and the creation of a state which Netanyahu boasts is a state, not for all its citizens but only those who are Jewish.

When I refer to sadism I mean things like Israel’s removal of anaesthetics from aid lorries resulting in over 1,000 Palestinian children having to undergo amputations without anaesthetic. This is what your ‘Alternative’ Xmas Message was condoning.

Fortunately we were privileged to have a genuine Alternative to the Establishment’s Xmas that you delivered and it was by a fellow Jewish comedian, Alexei Sayle.

 Alexei had a few choice words for you and it is this that I am pleased to publish. As an aside you mentioned how, as a Gay man attitudes in Britain, especially amongst those you hang out with, have improved immeasurably in the past 25 years. I wonder whether the radicalism that was engendered all those years ago led you to support the Palestinians whereas acceptance by the Establishment of your sexuality has resulted in you turning your back on the oppressed.

Alexei Sayle’s Xmas Message

There has been a trend in recent years for elderly Jewish comedians to bloviate without going through any artistic process on various topics....

Now the other elderly Jewish comedians follow the line that entirely plays into the establishment ruling class narrative. They are an alternative to nothing. ..

One of the elderly Jewish comedians has urged us to stand with the Jewish people. Well fair enough.

The Jews I’m going to stand with are those of the Jewish bloc who I’ve marched with on all the pro-Palestine demonstrations. Over 1000 Jews and we’ve always been greeted with love, kindness and support. ...

We were marching with thousands of people – Muslim, Christian, Atheist, Black, white, brown, gay, straight, trans you name it. Everyone was marching together wanting an end to war and slaughter. In their leaflet the young Jews said ‘instead of looking to Israel to make Jews safe, we look instead to solidarity, freedom, justice and equality for Palestinians and Jews everywhere’...

If you see anybody advocating for Israel on the TV or radio. One of their repellent spokespeople say, then they will be lying because that’s what they do.  They lie and they lie and they lie.... So let’s keep Palestine in our hearts and minds this Xmas.

As Caitline Johnson writesconcerning the ‘anti-Semitism’ smear against those who oppose Israeli war crimes:

If I saw someone murdering a child, there are many things I might say and do, but the very last thing that would ever occur to me would be to wonder what religion he is. It’s the silliest, most nonsensical narrative in mainstream politics and media today.

Your ‘new’ anti-Semitism has nothing to do with traditional anti-Semitism. Its sole concern is about defending Israel – right or wrong.

Anti-Semitism historically was hostility, prejudice or discrimination against Jews. In 2005 a campaign was launched by Israeli and Zionist academics to redefine anti-Semitism as anti-Zionism and criticism of Israel. The resulting was the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism, a definition which anti-Semites like Victor Orban of Hungary supports.

When Stephen Fry was an Anti-Racist

In February 2007 you signed the Founding Statement of Independent Jewish Voices. You were number 217 on the list of signatories, I was number 259. A total of 735 Jews signed the declaration which said:

1.Human rights are universal and indivisible and should be upheld without exception. This is as applicable in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories as it is elsewhere....

5.The battle against anti-Semitism is vital and is undermined whenever opposition to Israeli government policies is automatically branded as anti-Semitic.

Instead of standing up for Palestinians who are being massacred in Gaza, you have chosen to support their killers. This is shameful. You are famous as a comedian but what you have done is no joke. By propagating a false narrative of increasing ‘anti-Semitism’ you have sought to distract attention from the 21,000 who have been murdered, including 9,000+ children, on to British Jews whose idea of discrimination is not getting a good seat in a restaurant.


You’ve held hands with those who torture children, bomb hospitals & ambulances& murder church worshippers. It wasn’t always like this:

In April 2008 you signed a letter with 104 other Jews, including me, headed We're not celebrating Israel's anniversary. The letter said:

We cannot celebrate the birthday of a state founded on terrorism, massacres and the dispossession of another people from their land. We cannot celebrate the birthday of a state that even now engages in ethnic cleansing, that violates international law, that is inflicting a monstrous collective punishment on the civilian population of Gaza and that continues to deny to Palestinians their human rights and national aspirations.

We will celebrate when Arab and Jew live as equals in a peaceful Middle East.

How is it that in the intervening years you have parted company with anti-racist Jews in favour of racist Jews (Zionists)? Why do you think that neo-Nazi Tommy Robinson, ex-member of the holocaust denying BNP wanted to join the Zionist march against anti-Semitism recently? He says he is a Zionist. I think we can believe that.

Zionism’s Anti-Semitic Supporters

Have you ever wondered why neo-Nazis and White Supremacists admire Zionism and Israel? Anders Breivik, who murdered 77 young members of Norway’s Labour Party in 2011 was an ardentZionist.

Or neo-Nazi Richard Spencer, founder of the alt-Right, who organised the ‘Jews Will Not Replace Us’ march at Charlottesville. That hasn’t stopped him claiming that he is a White Zionist. 

What is it that attracts racists and anti-Semites from Trump and Bannon to Bolsonaro and Orban, to the Israeli state if not its ethno-nationalism and Islamaphobia? Why is it that the fascist Geert Wilders, who has just won the election in Netherlands, sees Israel as the last defence of civilisation?

By supporting the Zionists’ false accusation of ‘anti-Semitism’ you have also joined hands with Zionism’s anti-Semitic supporters. You have become, not everyone’s favourite uncle but an aged bigot.

The International Court of Justice at The Hague

False Accusations of Anti-Semitism

If you have any doubt Stephen about the weaponisation of anti-Semitism then the Times of Israel article ‘Blood libel’: Israel slams South Africa for filing ICJ genocide motion over Gaza war’ should convince even the most obtuse Zionist. It might even convince you.

South Africa’s crime? Filing a claim at the International Court of Justice against Israel. Zionism is once again using Jewish victims of anti-Semitism past in order to justify present day war crimes. This illustrates just how cynical Zionism is towards actual anti-Semitism.

The Blood Libel was the false accusation made against the Jews of Medieval Europe that they baked matzot, unleavened bread, with the blood of Christian children.

There is nothing false or imagined about Israel’s war crimes in Gaza. If referring to Israel’s war crimes in Gaza is a ‘blood libel’ then that can only mean that the accusations against Jews in times gone by were also true. This is Zionist anti-Semitism and this is what your Christmas message amounted to.

Stephen Fry’s Failure to Understand Anti-Semitism

Despite saying that you consider yourself Jewish you clearly weren’t brought up as one.  I noticed in your Xmas Monologue that you said that as a child you were almost unbearably fascinated by Xmas trivia.

In my Orthodox Jewish family Xmas was not celebrated. My rabbi father used to spit on the ground every time Jesus name was mentioned. Jesus was the ultimate heretic.

You are an atheist which implies that your reason for claiming to be Jewish is political or racial. In practice you have become a Jewish nationalist. It is no surprise that you claim that you are racially or genetically Jewish. 52% Ashkenazi no less!

It seems that Fry's Zionism has gone hand in hand with toleration of child abuse

You began your Xmas message by recalling how you grew up as gay and saw a ‘long and lonely’ life ‘exclusion, exile and disgrace’ ahead because of the homophobia of the time.

Yet, as you observe, during your ‘short lifetime’ society has ‘moved towards an understanding and acceptance’ of those who are gay. Yet when it comes to anti-Semitism, which was widespread in the 1940s and 50s you refuse to accept that attitudes have changed.

You begin your rant by asserting that anti-Semitism is a ‘light sleeper’ and you go on to say that it has now ‘woken up’. But has it? Anti-Semitism is not a person but a political phenomenon. Racism never sleeps but it does change and anti-Semitism has changed.

In the 1930s there was a large anti-Semitic fascist party, the British Union of Fascists, led by a member of the aristocracy Sir Oswald Moseley, which was supported by many other members of that class.

The British Establishment then was riddled with anti-Semitism. In October 1936 the BUF decided to stage a march through the Jewish East End and the Metropolitan Police, which contained many fascist sympathisers, tried to baton their way through the 200,000+ Jewish and non-Jewish working class demonstrators.

This became known as the Battle of Cable Street. However your friends in the Board of Deputies and the Jewish Chronicle, were strongly opposed to Jews taking part in counter-demonstrations to fascism. They advised Jews to ignore the fascists and stay at home. Moseley’s Blackshirts were genuine anti-Semites not today’s fake variety.

Your Support for Israel’s Genocide

You refer in your tirade to ‘the horrendous events’ of October 7, and ‘the Israeli response.’ Let us stop there. The latest casualty figures for October 7 are 1,147 and of those one-third were soldiers and the majority of the civilians were, it seems, killed by the Israeli military when tanks fired shells at kibbutz houses in order to prevent anyone being taken prisoner and swapped for Palestinian prisoners in Israel.

Whilst you condemn the events of October 7 as ‘horrendous’ you say nothing about the murder of over 20,000 people, 9,000+ of whom were children. These deaths and the massive number wounded do not seem to trouble you in the slightest. It seems that you have become a Jewish exceptionalist and racist.

You assert that October 7 and Israel’s attack on Gaza (the word ‘genocide’ never passes your lips) has led to a rise, according to the Metropolitan Police, of 1350%.

If this is true, then it is clear that strenuous efforts must be made not to associate British Jews with what Israel does. The advent of a ‘Jewish’ state has been a disaster for Jews everywhere.

But the Board of Deputies has gone out of its way to support the attacks of the Israeli state on Palestinians. Since the Board claims to represent British Jews is it any wonder that some people take them at their word and attack Jews because of what Israel does?

In 2018 when Israeli snipers murdered over 300 unarmed Palestinians in Gaza the Board chose to criticise Hamas not the killers. A subsequent statement placed all the blame on the victims.

An Open Letter by over 100 Jews made our position crystal clear:

We are appalled that the Board of Deputies (BoD) which claims to be “the voice of British Jews,” has once again attempted to justify the massacre of unarmed Palestinian people by the Israeli military. 

Is Anti-Semitism On the Increase in Britain?

There are good reasons for doubting that there has been a massive increase in anti-Semitism. By its own admission, the Metropolitan Police are using the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism. As such its statistics are worthless.

If someone is attacked because they support Israeli genocide is that an anti-Semitic attack? Obviously not. The person has been attacked for their politics not their religion or race. I don’t condone attacking anyone, not even Zionists, but any such attacks are not anti-Semitic.

If however someone is attacked for no other reason than that they are Jewish, on the assumption that they support Israel’s genocide, then the attack is anti-Semitic. The blame for the attack lies equally with your Zionist friends as with the attackers because they gave people the idea that all Jews support war crimes against Palestinians.

We should ask ourselves why the Met are so eager to inflate the number of anti-Semitic incidents when in the 30s they operated as an adjunct to the BUF? Have they changed? All the evidence is that the Met are as racist now as they were 90 years ago. The only difference now is that their racism is directed at Muslim and Black people.

The Black Widow!

There are many other differences. Suella Braverman, the most racist Home Secretary Britain has ever had was vociferous in her opposition to anti-Semitism (in fact anti-Zionism).



In 1936 Home Secretary Sir John Simon, insisted on the fascists being allowed to march on the Jewish East End. In March 2023 Braverman was the guest of honour at the Annual Dinner of the CST, a Mossad Project that compiles statistics of anti-Semitic incidents. The CST work closely with the Met. Their statistics are, in the immortal phrase of Disraeli, ‘lies, damned lies and statistics’.

You paint a picture of anti-Semitism today that bears no relation to reality: swastikas daubed on buildings, shop windows smashed, Jewish schools forced to close. It seems as if Nazi Germany is around the corner. ‘There is real fear stalking the neighbourhoods of Britain’.

You say of your Jewish grandparents that:

I’m glad they aren’t alive now to read newspaper stories that would have reminded them of the 1930s Europe that they left. 

I am reminded of what Anshel Pffefer wrote in Ha’aretz during the height of Labour’s ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign. This was when the Campaign Against Antisemitism was claiming that polls showed more than half of British Jews felt that anti-Semitism echoed that of the 1930s. Pfeffer observed that if the CAA and British Jews

actually believe that, then it’s hard to take anything they say about contemporary anti-Semitism in their home country seriously.”

Pfeffer added that such a belief showed

a disconnect bordering on hysteria … not only are they woefully ignorant of recent Jewish history but have little concept of what real anti-Semitism is.” 

Twice in recent years you have signed letters for Israeli lobby group CCFP/Stand with Us. As Black rap artist, Lowkey, asked:

Can Stephen Fry be an authority on racism if he puts his name on the letters of a lobby group which functions as a proxy of a racist regime, exacting a genocidal war on the Palestinians?

The statement that you signed in 2007, began:

We come together in the belief that the broad spectrum of opinion among the Jewish population of this country is not reflected by those institutions which claim authority to represent the Jewish community as a whole. We further believe that individuals and groups within all communities should feel free to express their views on any issue of public concern without incurring accusations of disloyalty.

The Producers of Your video were involved in recruiting and training members of the Israeli Defence Force

What makes your behaviour even worse Stephen is that your video was produced by Fulwell73 Productions, which was founded by 4 members of B'nei Akiva, which runs pre-military programmes to enrol members in Israel’s occupation forces. They have also spoken at events for Israel lobby group, the Jewish Leadership Council.

When I was a child, I was a member of Bnei Akiva, which was then the youth group of the National Religious Party which was in coalition with the Israeli Labor Party. After 1967 and the occupation of the West Bank the NRP moved steadily to the settler right and was part of the Greater Israel Movement.

Bnei Akiva functions as an adjunct to the far-right neo-Nazi settler movement in Israel. This is who produced your Alternative Christmas Message and this Stephen is who you have allied with.

Channel 4 should hang its head in shame for allowing fascists to produce their ‘alternative’ Christmas message. Perhaps next year they will invite the KKK to say what White Xmas means to them?


At least some people have retained their integrity in this sordid affair. Tamara Abood, a former Channel 4 commissioning editor, who is now a psychotherapist working with people in the entertainment industry, criticised Channel 4’s decision to screen the message.

She was also critical of Fulwell 73, the production company that made the programme:

“The asymmetry of the conflict was not remotely reflected in what Stephen Fry had to say. It was carefully worded lip service.”

Ms Abood added that Channel 4’s broadcast about anti-Semitism “demonstrates where the power lies”. Her LinkedIn post was ‘liked’ by Deborah Williams, the head of Creative Diversity Network, a diversity and inclusion charity to the Zionists chagrin.

In response to criticism by racist former colleagues Abood observed that “Historically the spectre of anti-Semitism has been used to silence debate and I see a lot of that on here.”

If British Jews were treated even a hundredth as badly as Palestinians by Israel then you would have good reason Stephen to complain of anti-Semitism. As it is you should shut your mouth and keep it shut.

Just imagine that you were told that the British state only belonged to its Christian citizens and that Jews were considered a fifth column. You would be the first to complain. Yet your ‘alternative’ Xmas message had but one purpose – to reinforce the false ‘anti-Semitism’ message that criticism of what Israel does equals hatred of Jews. In making that claim it is you, not Israel’s critics, who is anti-Semitic .


Stephen. You were once considered a national treasure. Today you are a national disgrace mouthing the same platitudes as Braverman whose concern over ‘anti-Semitism’ was in inverse proportion to her racism against everyone else.

Braverman’s demonization of refugees crossing the Channel was a genuine example of racism. Your invocation of anti-Semitism was fake and contrived. Your Xmas message a mixture of maudlin, lachrymose sentiment totally at odds with the experience of Jews in Britain today

Tony Greenstein

The Death of the Greatest Film Journalist that the British Media Rejected - John Pilger 1939-2023


True to form – the Guardian’s Obituary Fails to Mention Pilger’s  Searing Criticisms of their Treachery Over Julian Assange

John Pilger In His Own Words: The Late Great Journalist In A Never Before Released Interview

I’m not sure if he was trying to send a message, asking me to pick up the baton, but John Pilger died on my birthday! I can’t think of anyone today who even approaches Pilger’s record of campaigning journalism.

I had a premonition that John Pilger was not long for this world when someone mentioned that during the genocide in Gaza his voice had not been heard. It’s not hard to imagine what Pilger would have made of the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the pretence that it is all about destroying Hamas.

Pilger would have instantly seen through the lies of the war criminals who rule us, Blinken, Biden, Sunak and Starmer, and his invective would have been all the sharper for that. We live in a world of lies where there is a pretence that Israeli genocide and its attacks on ambulances, hospitals, homes and children, are all about Hamas rather than the ethnic cleansing that Israeli politicians openly proclaim.

Pilger was a staunch supporter of the Palestinians. Not for him the vile and fabricated accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ against anyone who criticises this wretched apartheid state.

The Zionist lobby reacted with their usual cries of ‘anti-Semitism’ when he produced Palestine is Still the Issue for ITV in 2002.

Palestine is Still the Issue (2002) - John Pilger

In Why my film is under fire Pilger described how

The pro-Israel lobby intimidates journalists to ensure that most coverage remains biased in its favour.

Does anyone imagine that Pilger’s article would get past its Zionist gatekeeper, Jonathan Freedland, today? Freedland and Guardian Editor Kath Viner would argue that accusing the ‘victims’ of ‘anti-Semitism’ of making false allegations was itself anti-Semitic, even if those ‘victims’ were rich and powerful supporters of genocide. To Freedland Palestinians are never victims. Only Jews merit that title.

Pilger described how Michael Green, Chairman of Carlton TV, attacked his 2002 film Palestine is Still the Issuein the Jewish Chronicle. Green was rebuked for that by Carlton’s Factual Department.

John Pilger's Legendary Career Praised by Fellow Journalists

Pilger was recruited by the Mirror in 1963 and became chief foreign correspondent before he was sacked at the behest of the Zionist spy and thief who owned the Mirror, Robert Maxwell, at the end of 1985. He briefly returned when Piers Morgan was editor. None of this was mentioned in the Mirror’s obituary. He was also their war correspondent in Vietnam, Cambodia, Bangladesh and Biafra

Pilger also wrote for the New Statesman, where he had a column from 1991 to 2014, and the Independent. His last piece for the Statesman was in 2014. As it moved to the right his message became uncomfortable to its Blairite Editor, Jason Cowley.

The Mirror was not the only paper which was selective in what it said. The Guardian ran the most dishonest obituary. It described Pilger’s journalistic history thus:

He left the Mirror in 1985 and wrote for other papers, including the Guardian. He was a supporter of the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

And that was it. No explanation as to why he hadn’t had an article published in The Guardian since 2019.  For that we have to turn to his interview with KPFA in 2018 where he described how his

last appearance was in the Guardian which 3 years ago got rid of people like me in what was pretty much a purge of those who were really saying things the Guardian no longer says anymore. That has happened right across the liberal media.

The War on Democracy – Latin America

Pilger was an anti-imperialist and his obituary writers found that hard to deal with. That meant he opposed US foreign policy and the devastation that it has wrought. Not a subject for The Guardian!

In The War on Democracy- Latin America Pilger described how serial US intervention, overt and covert, had toppled a series of governments in the Latin American region since the 1950s. The democratically elected Chilean government of Salvador Allende, for example, was ousted by a US backed coup in 1973 and replaced by the military dictatorship of General Pinochet. Guatemala, Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador have all been invaded by the US. Pilger said of the film that it was “about the struggle of people to free themselves from a modern form of slavery". These people

describe a world not as American presidents like to see it as useful or expendable, they describe the power of courage and humanity among people with next to nothing. They reclaim noble words like democracy, freedom, liberation, justice, and in doing so they are defending the most basic human rights of all of us in a war being waged against all of us.

The Quiet Mutiny - World in Action (1970)

The Vietnam War was instrumental in disillusioning many of us who had grown up on American rhetoric of freedom and democracy. His first film The Quiet Mutiny, was made by Granada TV’s World in Action (1970).

The film broke the story of insurrection by drafted troops in Vietnam. In The First Casualty, Phillip Knightley described Pilger's revelations as among the most important reporting from Vietnam. The soldiers' revolt – including the killing of US in Indo-China.

Vietnam: The Last Battle - John Pilger (1995) - Vietnam War Documentary

In Vietnam: The Last Battle Pilger returned to Vietnam 20 years after the US had left only to find ilosing many of the gains it had fought for as it was drawn into the globalised market economy while imperialist control exerted itself through the World Bank, the IMF and other global institutions. It is called ‘market socialism’.

John Pilger: Paying the Price Killing the Children of Iraq 2000

Pilger campaigned against the Iraq War and what led up to it in his film Paying the Price Killing the Children of Iraq 2000. Pilger described the bombing of Iraq and sanctions as ‘a war against the children of Iraq’. The US sanctions killed half a million children but when asked about it US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright replied: "This is a very hard choice, but we think the price is worth it." When Pilger questioned her spokesman James Rubin about this, he claimed Albright's words were taken out of context.

Year Zero: The Silent Death Of Cambodia

Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodiaalerted the world to the horrors wrought by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. The film was originally broadcast on commercial TV in Britain and Australia without advertising, which was unprecedented. The British Film Institute listed it as one of the 10 most important documentaries of the 20th century.

Pilger revealed that as many as 2m people out of a population of 7m were killed or starved by the Khmer Rouge. ‘The genocide of Pol Pot was begun by Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger.’ US bombing of Cambodia from 1969 to 1973 caused such turmoil that the rise of the Khmer Rouge to power in 1975 was made inevitable. Pilger says

‘The new rulers of Cambodia called 1975 Year Zero, the dawn of an age in which there would be no families, no sentiment, no expressions of love or grief, no medicines, no hospitals, no schools, no books, no learning, no holidays, no music, no song, no post, no money; only work and death... For me, coming here has been like stumbling into something I could never imagine and what follows is the first complete film report by Westerners from the ashes of a gentle land.’

 ‘Nothing had prepared us,’ he said.

There was no power, no drinking water, no shops, no services of any kind. At the railway station, trains stood empty at various stages of interrupted departure. Personal belongings and pieces of clothing fluttered on the platforms, as they fluttered on the mass graves beyond.

At Tuol Sleng extermination centre, where men, women and children were tortured and killed, black-and-white photographs of the victims stare out of the screen. Outside, deserted streets are interrupted by the lone figure of an infant – his parents almost certainly dead or missing – weaving his way down the middle of the road.

Pilger's spontaneous, vivid reporting of the power politics that caused such suffering is a model of anger suppressed. He described how, as a means of punishing the Vietnamese, whose army had liberated Cambodia the US and its allies declared a blockade on stricken Cambodia. Unicef’s representative, Jacques Beaumont, said,

‘In one of the very poor barracks with practically nothing, there was already 54 children dying. One of them was sitting in the corner of the room with swollen legs because he was starving. He did not have the strength to look at me or to anybody. He was just waiting to die. Ten days later, four of these children were dead and I will always remember that, saying: “I did not do anything for these children, because we had nothing.”’

The Red Cross representative, François Bugnion, took Pilger aside and asked him if he could contact ‘someone in the Australian government who can arrange for an aircraft to fly in a truck, food and drugs to save thousands of lives while the politics are being ironed out’. The Australian ambassador in Bangkok didn’t respond.

Near the end of the film, he refers to a starving boy whose screams can be heard rising and falling in agony. ‘Of course,’ he says directly to the camera, ‘if you're in Geneva or New York or London, you can’t hear the screams of [this] little boy.’

Year Zero’s broadcast in Britain had a phenomenal public response. 40 sacks of post arrived at the ATV studios in Birmingham, with £1m in the first few days. ‘This is for Cambodia,’ wrote an anonymous Bristol bus driver, enclosing his week’s wage. An elderly woman sent her pension for two months. A single parent sent her savings of £50.

Frontline News described how Pilger won an International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences award for his 1979 film Year Zero: The Silent Death Of Cambodia, which revealed the extent of the Khmer Rouge’s atrocities.

Screened in 50 countries and seen by 150 million viewers, Year Zero was credited with raising more than $45 million in unsolicited aid for Cambodia, which helped rescue normal life: it restored a clean water supply in Phnom Penh, stocked hospitals and schools, supported orphanages and reopened a desperately needed clothing factory, allowing people to discard the black uniforms the Khmer Rouge had forced them to wear.

Year Zero won many awards. Pilger himself won the 1980 United Nations Media Peace Prize for ‘having done so much to ease the suffering of the Cambodian people’.

Pilger made a total of five documentaries on Cambodia. Their later films reported on the American and British governments' back-door support for the exiled Khmer Rouge. In 2008, the former SAS soldier Chris Ryan, then a bestselling author, lamented in a newspaper interview that

when John Pilger, the foreign correspondent, discovered we were training the Khmer Rouge in the Far East [we] were sent home.  [Year Zero: The Silent Death of Cambodia]

John Pilger - Stealing A Nation - Diego Garcia (Chago´s Island) [HD]

Pilger opposed the hypocrisy and deceit of US and British imperialism. No more obvious a case was there than the islanders of Diego Garcia. In Stealing A Nation - Diego Garcia (Chago´s Island) in 2000 Pilger described  how

‘there are times when one tragedy one crime tells us how a whole system works behind its democratic facade and helps us understand how much of the world is run for the benefit of the powerful and how governments often justify their actions with lies.’ 

Pilger described how a government that called itself civilised

‘tricked and expelled its most vulnerable citizens so that it could give their homeland to a foreign power for a military base.’

Pilger was referring to how Chagos Island was handed over the United States behind the backs of the islanders.

‘In Death of a Nation: The East Timor Conspiracy’

One of Pilger’s most important films in terms of the impact it had was his 1994 film ‘In Death of a Nation: The East Timor Conspiracy’. Portugal decolonised in 1974. Independence was declared by Fretilin on 28 November 1975 and the Indonesian military invaded East Timor on 7 December 1975 and did not leave till 1999.

The Indonesian government subjected the people of East Timor to routine and systematic torture, sexual slavery, extrajudicial executions, massacres, and deliberate starvation

In 1996 the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to two men from East Timor, Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo and José Ramos-Horta, for their ongoing efforts to end the occupation. In 1999 a referendum resulted in an overwhelming majority in favour of independence.

Indonesia’s invasion had been supported by the US and Australia. Once again the US, whilst preaching freedom support dictatorship. Australia has as is clear with the Aukus Pact, been the US’s main ally in the Pacific and a local imperialist power in its own right.

The First Australians Fight Back - John Pilger - The Secret Country – 1985

It isn’t surprising, given that Pilger was Australian, that he was particularly concerned with the question of the Aboriginal people.

The First Australians Fight Back Pilger described how

As children, we were given to understand that we were merely innocent bystanders to the slow and natural death of an ancient people, the First Australians, rather than the inheritors of a history every bit as rapacious as that of the United States, Latin America, Africa.

John Pilger - The Last Dream - Secrets 1988

In the Last Dream Pilger returned to Australia to make a special, three-part documentary, The Last Dream, screened at the time of the country’s bicentenary in 1988. Reflecting on 200 years of White Australia, it is an antidote to the celebrations that followed.

Gough Whitlam - Australian Prime Minister Overthrown in a CIA/British Coup

Secrets was the second of the trilogy and Pilger focused on the treatment of the Aborigines. Pilger remarks that:

This film is about another Australia, an Australia behind the beer-can images and well-worn stereotypes, a place of secrets. The story of my country has been, and remains, an epic cover-up.

Highlighting Aboriginal deaths in police custody, he noted that Australia has the highest rate of imprisonment for black people in the world and likens film of the funeral of a black who died from head injuries while being held by police to scenes in the South African township of Soweto.

Breaking the Silence : Truth and Lies in the War on Terror (2003) - John Pilger

In his 2003 film Breaking the Silence : Truth and Lies in the War on Terror  Pilger describes the lies and falsehoods that preceded the invasion of Afghanistan. Tony Blair promised that:

To the Afghan people, we make this commitment. We will not walk away... If the Taliban regime changes, we will work with you to make sure its successor is one that is broadbased, that unites all ethnic groups and offers some way out of the poverty that is your miserable existence.

 George Bush had said a few days earlier:

The oppressed people of Afghanistan will know the generosity of America and its allies. As we strike military targets, we will also drop food, medicine and supplies to the starving and suffering men and women and children of Afghanistan. The US is a friend of the Afghan people.

Almost every word they spoke was a lie as we can see with Biden’s scuttle from Afghanistan but they prepared the way for the conquest of both Afghanistan and Iraq. It was also the start of the ‘War on Terror’ which was a war against Muslims at home and state sponsored terrorism abroad. Pilger described Kabul as

a glimpse of Dresden post-1945, with contours of rubble rather than streets, where people live in collapsed buildings, like earthquake victims waiting for rescue. They have no light and heat; their apocalyptic fires burn through the night. Hardly a wall stands that does not bear the pock-marks of almost every calibre of weapon. Cars lie upended at roundabouts. Power poles built for a modern fleet of trolley buses are twisted like paperclips. The buses are stacked on top of each other, reminiscent of the pyramids of machines erected by the Khmer Rouge to mark Year Zero.

It could be Gaza today that Pilger was describing.

John Pilger Documentary - The Coming War on China

The Coming War on China was completed in the month Trump was elected President. The film investigated the manufacture of a ‘threat’ and the beckoning of a nuclear confrontation and tells how when the US decided that China was a threat to its imperial dominance, two-thirds of US naval forces were transferred to Asia and the Pacific. This was the ‘pivot to Asia', announced by Obama in 2011.

Seldom referred to in the Western media, 400 American bases surround China with ships, missiles and troops, in an arc that extends from Australia north through the Pacific to Japan, Korea and across Eurasia to Afghanistan and India.

Chapter 1 is set in the Marshall Islands in the Pacific, which the US took over as a UN ‘trust territory’ in 1945 with an obligation to ‘protect the population’s health and wellbeing’. From 1946 to 1958, the US exploded the equivalent of one Hiroshima bomb every day in the islands, contaminating its people and environment.

Filmed on irradiated Bikini Atoll, which cannot be safely inhabited today, perhaps ever, Pilger described the testing in 1954 of the world's first hydrogen bomb, codenamed Bravo, which vaporised an entire island. The inhabitants had been moved to a nearby atoll, Rongelap, where the ‘unexpected’ fallout endowed them with multiple cancers.

The film is a portrayal of US imperialism in all its ugliness. An ugliness that the BBC is dedicated to hiding.

Julian Assange in conversation with John Pilger

When Julian Assange and WikiLeaks could win readers and prizes for the Guardian, the NYT and other 'papers of record', he was celebrated.

When the dark state objected and demanded the destruction of hard drives and the assassination of Julian's character, he was made a public enemy. Vice President Biden called him a 'hi-tech terrorist'. Hillary Clinton asked, 'Can't we just drone this guy?'

The ensuing campaign of abuse and vilification against Assange - the UN Rapporteur on Torture called it 'mobbing' -- brought the liberal press to its lowest ebb. Pilger called them Vichy journalists.

This was a 68-minute interview with Julian Assange, recorded during the filming of John Pilger’s THE WAR YOU DON’T SEE. We owe it to Pilger to ensure that Assange is freed from Belmarsh prison.

Governments and Media roles in War Propaganda | THE WAR YOU DON'T SEE |

In The War You Don't See, Pilger returned to the subject of war reporting and its role in the making of wars. This ‘drum beat’ was the theme of Pilger's 1983 documentary, a history of war journalism from the Crimea in the 19th century (‘the last British war without censorship’) to Margaret Thatcher's Falklands War in 1982.

The War You Don’t See analyses propaganda as a weapon in Iraq and Afghanistan. The title refers to censorship by omission – ‘the most virulent form of censorship,’ and the collusion of journalists in nominally free societies such as Britain and the United States.

The film begins with shocking footage from Iraq in 2007. A US Apache gunship opens fire on a Baghdad street, killing in cold blood two Reuter journalists, along with civilians. There is no provocation – the victims are unarmed. One of the Apache crew comments ‘Nice’ as he murders people at a safe distance. Titled ‘Collateral Murder’, the video was leaked to WikiLeaks by Chelsea Manning.

‘Selling’ the 2003 invasion of Iraq is the centrepiece of Pilger's film. The news media is exposed as a source of illusions, such as a non-existent link between Saddam Hussein and the attacks of 9/11. A CIA witness says the primary aim of intelligence supplied by the Pentagon is to manipulate public opinion.

The New Rulers of the World (2001)

In The New Rulers of the Worldin July 2001 Pilger explained that

“A small group of powerful individuals are now richer than most of the population of Africa. Just 200 giant corporations dominate a quarter of the world’s economic activity... The famous brands of almost everything from running shoes to baby clothes are now made in very poor countries with cheap labour, at times bordering on a form of slave labour.”

Globalisation had become a topical subject by the time The New Rulers of the World was screened. More than a million people opposed to the increasing gap between rich and poor had staged a series of anti-capitalist demonstrations.

John Pilger’s documentary brought together several themes that run throughout his work – the way in which superpowers use small countries as pawns in their global strategies, the courting of dictators by the West to open the doors to valuable resources and the exploitation of workers to provide riches in which they do not share.

The film puts the story of multinationals’ global domination into a political context and demonstrates how the West has increased its stranglehold on poor countries by using the might of the IMF, World Bank and World Trade Organisation to control their economies.


Utopia was Pilger’s fourth film about the Aborigines. Released in 2013 Utopia broke what amounted to a national silence about the brutalising of Indigenous people.

New footage is juxtaposed with that of his earlier films. The point was made that little has changed for many of those excluded from white Australia's wealth, regardless of an official apology for 'wrongs past and present'.

The material comfort of Whites contrasted with the First Australians who died from Dickensian diseases in their 40s and were imprisoned at a rate six times that of blacks in apartheid South Africa. Western Australia, the richest state had the highest incarceration rate of juveniles, mainly Indigenous, in the world.

Pilger takes a journey from million-dollar properties in Sydney and Canberra to the ironically named Northern Territory region of Utopia, where communities are without basic services, such as fresh running water. In Darwin, he shows shocking footage of police routinely mistreating a seriously ill Aboriginal man who is left to die in a cell, his cries for help unheeded.

A former prisons minister describes 'racking and stacking' Aboriginal prisoners. A shadow Labor Party minister becomes abusive when Pilger asks him why, after 30 years in Parliament, he has not alleviated the poverty of his black constituents. Utopia also revealed a new ‘stolen generation’ of children taken from their mothers.

Thalidomide 1974; The 98 We Forgot

Thalidomide: The Ninety-Eight We Forgot, his 1974 programme for ITV, helped win compensation for children who suffered birth defects when expectant mothers took the drug. He went on to have his own half-hour documentary series on ITV from 1974 until 1977.

‘This is a war of propaganda’: John Pilger on Ukraine and Assange |

In Silencing the Lambs — How Propaganda Works Pilger told how in the 1970s he met Leni Riefenstahl, whose films glorified the Nazis. She told him that the “patriotic messages” of her films were dependent not on “orders from above” but on what she called the “submissive void” of the German public.

Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie? he asked.  “Yes, especially them,” she said. Pilger noted that ‘I think of this as I look around at the propaganda now consuming Western societies.’

Pilger described  how in his lifetime, the USA has overthrown or attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments. It has interfered in democratic elections in 30 countries. It has dropped bombs on the people of 30 countries, most of them poor and defenceless. It has attempted to murder the leaders of 50 countries.  It has fought to suppress liberation movements in 20 countries.

The extent and scale of this carnage is largely unreported and those responsible continue to dominate Anglo-American political life.

Pilger described how his friend, Harold Pinter, a Jewish anti-Zionist, in the years before he died in 2008, made two extraordinary speeches, which broke a silence. “U.S. foreign policy,” he said, is “best defined as follows: kiss my arse or I’ll kick your head in.’

In accepting the Nobel Prize for Literature, Pinter said:

“The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.”

Pilger described how he asked Pinter if the “hypnosis” he referred to was the “submissive void” described by Leni Riefenstahl.

It’s the same.It means the brainwashing is so thorough we are programmed to swallow a pack of lies. If we don’t recognise propaganda, we may accept it as normal and believe it. That’s the submissive void.”

Pilger described the news from the war in Ukraine as not news, but a one-sided litany of jingoism, distortion, omission. Pilger described how he had never known such blanket propaganda.

In February 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine as a response to almost eight years of killing and destruction in the Russian-speaking region of Donbass on their border.

In 2014, the United States had sponsored a coup in Kiev that got rid of Ukraine’s democratically elected, Russian-friendly president and installed a successor whom the Americans made clear was their man.

In recent years US “defender” missiles have been installed in eastern Europe, Poland, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, accompanied by false assurances by James Baker’s to Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in February 1990 that NATO would never expand beyond Germany.

NATO on Hitler’s Borderline

Ukraine is the frontline. NATO has reached the borderland through which Hitler’s army stormed in 1941, leaving more than 23m dead in the Soviet Union. Last December, Russia proposed a far-reaching security plan for Europe. This was dismissed, derided or suppressed in the Western media. Who read its step-by-step proposals?

The history, the lies, the peace proposals, the solemn agreements on Donbass at Minsk counted for nothing.

ITV Report on Hostility of Mariupul’s population to the Ukrainian Army

Pilger asked when will writers stand up, as they did against the rise of fascism in the 1930s? When will film-makers stand up, as they did against the Cold War in the 1940s? When will satirists stand up, as they did a generation ago? (This is taken from an edited version of an address to the Trondheim World Festival, Norway, 6.9.22.)

The Guardian and Julian Assange

It is no surprise that the Guardian passed over its relationship with Assange in one sentence. Pilger had been a bitter critic of the paper. Pilger wrote about how it had been open season on Assange for more than a decade.

‘In 2011, The Guardian exploited Julian's work as if it was its own, collected journalism prizes and Hollywood deals, then turned on its source.

In a Guardian book by David Leigh and Luke Harding, Assange is quoted as saying during a dinner in a London restaurant that he didn't care if informants named in the leaks were harmed.

Neither Harding nor Leigh were at the dinner. John Goetz, an investigations reporter with Der Spiegel, actually was at the dinner and testified that Assange said nothing of the kind.

Lecturing a group of City University students, David Leigh mocked the very idea that "Julian Assange will end up in an orange jumpsuit". His fears were an exaggeration, it was paranoia he sneered. Edward Snowden later revealed that Assange was on a "manhunt timeline".

Another despicable Guardian journalist was James Ball who wrote

‘The only barrier to Julian Assange leaving Ecuador’s embassy is pride. The WikiLeaks founder is unlikely to face prosecution in the US...’

Luke Harding was outside the Ecuadorean embassy on the evening Julian sought asylum. Standing with a police line he gloated "Scotland Yard may well have the last laugh."

The campaign was relentless. Guardian columnists scraped the barrel. "He really is the most massive turd," wrote Suzanne Moore of a man she had never met. Suzanne Moore, a right-wing feminist commented in the New Statesman after the arrest:

‘O frabjous day! We are all bored out of our minds with Brexit when a demented looking gnome is pulled out of the Ecuadorian embassy by the secret police of the deep state. Or “the met” as normal people call them.’

Pilger wrote that Julian Assange’s only crime was revealing government crimes and lies and so performed one of the great public services of his lifetime. Pilger wrote in 2020 how a decade previously

the Guardian exploited Assange's work, claimed its profit and prizes as well as a lucrative Hollywood deal, then turned on him with venom. Throughout the Old Bailey trial, two names have been cited by the prosecution, the Guardian's David Leigh, now retired as 'investigations editor' and Luke Harding, the Russiaphobe and author of a fictional Guardian 'scoop' that claimed Trump adviser Paul Manafort and a group of Russians visited Assange in the Ecuadorean embassy. This never happened, and the Guardian has yet to apologise.

Pilger spoke of

the Judases on the Guardian who flirted with Julian, exploited his landmark work, made their pile then betrayed him, have nothing to fear. They are safe because they are needed. (my emphasis)

Pilger, in JULIAN ASSANGE MUST BE FREED, NOT BETRAYED told how in 2011, David Leigh told journalism students at City University that Assange was "quite deranged". When a student asked why, Leigh replied, "Because he doesn't understand the parameters of conventional journalism".

Pilger commented that it was

precisely because he did understand that the "parameters" of the media often shielded vested and political interests and had nothing to do with transparency that the idea of WikiLeaks was so appealing to many people, especially the young, rightly cynical about the so-called "mainstream".

A Guardian editorial on Assange’s extradition said

It is not a question of how wise Mr. Assange is, still less how likable. It's not about his character, nor his judgement. It's a matter of press freedom and the public's right to know.


what the Guardian is trying to do is separate Assange from his landmark achievements, which have both profited the Guardian and exposed its own vulnerability, along with its propensity to suck up to rapacious power and smear those who reveal its double standards.

Kevin Lygo, managing director of media and entertainment at ITV described Pilger as “a giant of campaigning journalism” who offered viewers a level of analysis and opinion that was rare in mainstream television.

He had a clear, distinctive editorial voice which he used to great effect throughout his distinguished filmmaking career. His documentaries were engaging, challenging, and always very watchable.

He eschewed comfortable consensus and instead offered a radical, alternative approach on current affairs and a platform for dissenting voices over 50 years,” he added.

Tony Greenstein

The Zelensky Regime and the Ukrainian Secret Police Have Murdered Gonzalo Lira in its Torture Chambers


Gonzalo Lira -  Another Victim of American Wars for Democracy

On 18 April 2022 I wrote a blog after Gonazalo Lira a Chilean/American citizen disappeared from his home in Kharkov. Because of the threats that had preceded his disappearance and the gloating of the Azov Battalion and other fascist groups over his demise, I feared that he had murdered.

In fact he resurfaced and at first it would appear that he had been detained by the Secret Police (SBU) who are well versed in the arts of torture. After having been bailed he tried to make a run for it and cross to Hungary. It now appears from his twitter feed (see below) that he may have crossed the border and then been extradited back to Ukraine.

Either way he seems to have foolishly advertised what he was doing on Twitter whilst doing it.

If he was extradited back to Ukraine by Hungary this would be ironic as Gonzalo was a supporter of Orban. Indeed he was a strange creature politically. He was a Trump supporter, prone to making rash predictions, though getting it right on the essentials of the conflict in Ukraine.

Gonzalo was no progressive on social or areas of sexuality. One of his tweets read:

Gonzalo had imbibed all the prejudices and bigotry that you would come to expect from a Trump supporter.

Nonetheless Gonazalo's murder by the Zelensky's secret police thugs is an outrage and a condemnation of the morality of Western 'democratic' governments. Gonzalo rightly believed that Biden's Princess of Darkness, Victoria Nuland, an Assistant Secretary of State at the State Department and the go to person in Biden's Administration if you want to organise a coup or destabilise a government, harboured a hatred of him because he was an American who had spoken out against US foreign policy.

The US State Department, which could easily have secured his release, preferred to see him murdered. When confirming his murder the State Department had the gall to offer their sincerest condolences to the family on their loss." Throughout his detention and illness the US Embassy had done absolutely nothing to help him.

Gonzalo’s original arrest for what he had blogged was due to the Daily Beast which had gone as far as contacting the Ukrainian authorities seeking his arrest. Such is the yellow press in Britain and the United States.

It is unfortunate that Gonzalo believed the nonsense written about Orban's opposition to US imperialism. Orban's regime is an authoritarian and racist one. It is an ardent supporter of Netanyahu and his bombardment of Gaza.

Today the US authorities issued a statement that he had died from pneumonia. His father has claimed he died from torture and neglect.

Tony Greenstein

See the Greyzone’s American citizen Gonzalo Lira dies from neglect in Ukrainian prisonand


Zionism – During & After the Holocaust - How Zionism Fought to Prevent Jews Being Rescued During the Holocaust


 Israel has Weaponised the Nazi Genocide of Jews to Justify its Genocide of Palestinians

 Zionism – During & After the Holocaust

Thursday 18 January 7.00 p.m.


Tony Greenstein & Tom Suarez

Register here: 


Hin & Ajam - Two Israeli Captives Who Said They Were Treated Like Queens - Compare that to Palestinian Prisoners Who Speak of Beatings and Torture 

Almost immediately after the October 7 breakout of the Palestinian resistance from Gaza and the death of 1,139 Israelis [695 civilians, 373 military and 71 foreigners], we were told that October 7 was the biggest loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust. This was wrong on two levels.

Factually it was wrong. It was the cold-blooded murder of up to 3,000 Argentinian Jews under a neo-Nazi Junta (1976-83) that was the largest loss of Jewish life. However mentioning this would be inconvenient since Israel had a close relationship with the Junta, supplying it with weapons and training whilst ignoring the plight of Argentina’s Jews.

But secondly it is wrong because Israelis died on October 7, not because they were Jews but because they were occupiers. There is therefore not only no comparison but to even make the comparison trivialises and minimizes the Holocaust itself.

It was in Argentina that Jews died because they were Jews but about this Israel was remarkably unconcerned, refusing point blank to condemn the Junta’s anti-Semitism even to the extent of turning away Jews trying to escape to Israel (so much for Israel as a Jewish refuge from anti-Semitism)

None of this should come as any surprise to those acquainted with Zionism and the Holocaust. When I brought out my bookZionism During the Holocaust – The Weaponisation of Memory in the Service of State and Nation a year ago little did I know that Israel would launch a genocidal attack on Gaza using the Holocaust as its pretext.

Tomorrow I will give a talk alongside Tom Suarez, author of Palestine Hijackedand A State of Terroron Zionism and the Holocaust.  Whereas 99% of Jews saw the rise of Hitler as an unmitigated disaster and immediately launched a Boycott of Nazi Germany, the Zionist leaders saw events in Germany as a manifold blessing and were determined to get the most out of it. The first thing they did was to conclude, in August 1933, a trade agreement, Ha’avara with the Nazis

Noah Lucas, a perceptive Zionist historian noted in his book The Modern History of Israel (pp. 187-8) that:

‘As the European holocaust erupted, Ben-Gurion saw it as a decisive opportunity for Zionism... In conditions of peace,… Zionism could not move the masses of world Jewry. The forces unleashed by Hitler in all their horror must be harnessed to the advantage of Zionism. ... By the end of 1942… the struggle for a Jewish state became the primary concern of the movement.’ 

According to Yechiam Weitz, an Israeli historian, in the eyes of  David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister, the war was ‘a rare opportunity to achieve the “Zionist solution”... to the problem of the Jewish people.’ [Jewish Refugees and Zionist Policy during the Holocaust, p. 355].

This meant for example that in Hungary the leader of the Zionist movement, Rudolph Kasztner, chose to suppress the Auschwitz Protocols, a document that proved that the deportation trains were not going to a fictitious resettlement area, Kenyermeze but to an extermination  camp Auschwitz.

This later became the subject of a libel trial in Israel when Kasztner sued someone who accused him of collaboration, losing badly. In the words of Attorney-General Chaim Cohen, who was also Kasztner’s lawyer:

If in Kasztner’s opinion, rightly or wrongly, he believed that one million Jews were hopelessly doomed, he was allowed not to inform them of their fate; and to concentrate on the saving of the few. He was entitled to make a deal with the Nazis for the saving of a few hundred and entitled not to warn the millions ... that was his duty… It has always been our Zionist tradition to select the few out of many in arranging the immigration to Palestine ... Are we to be called traitors? [Ben Hecht, Perfidy, p.159]

Eichmann, the chief exterminator, knew that the Jews would be peaceful and not resist if he allowed the Prominents to be saved, that the Train of the Prominents was organized on Eichmann’s orders to facilitate the extermination of the whole people. … if all the Jews of Hungary are to be sent to their death he is entitled to organize a rescue train for 600 people. He is not only entitled to it but is also bound to act accordingly.

Throughout the world, attempts at rescue met with obstruction by Zionist leaders who would cry ‘what about Palestine’ knowing full well that the British were barring Jews from entering Palestine. To the Zionists the Jewish refugees from Hitler were a battering ram to open the gates of Palestine to Jewish settlers.

According to their ‘logic’ if Jews could find an escape somewhere else, what was the point of a Jewish state. As a pro-Zionist historian Christopher Sykes, son of Sir Mark Sykes of the Sykes-Picot treaty wrote ‘from the very beginning of the Nazi disaster, the Zionist leadership determined to wrest political advantage from the tragedy.’ (Crossroads to Israel p.137).

In July 1938 President Roosevelt called a conference at Evian to discuss the Jewish refugee question. It was more a face saving operation by Western leaders than a serious attempt to find a solution to the danger that Germany’s remaining Jews were in. But the Zionists were afraid that the conference might find a solution. Sykes wrote:

Sykes wrote:

From the start they regarded the whole enterprise with hostile indifference... If the 31 nations had done their duty and shown hospitality to those in dire need then the pressure on the National Home and the heightened enthusiasm of Jews with Palestine would both have been relaxed. This was the last thing that the Zionist leaders wished for…. Even in the more terrible days ahead they made no secret of the fact, even when talking to Gentiles, that they did not want Jewish settlements outside Palestine to be successful... The Zionists wanted to do something more for Jews than merely help them to escape danger…. that such was the basic Zionist idea is not a matter of opinion but a fact abundantly provable by evidence...[ Crossroads to Israel, pp. 188-9. [my emphasis]

From Jewish State or Israeli Nation, Boaz Evron

A meeting of the Jewish Agency Executive on June 26, 1938 decided to:

belittle the [Evian] Conference as far as possible and to cause it to decide nothing…. We are particularly worried that it would move Jewish organizations to collect large sums of money for aid to Jewish refugees, and these collections could interfere with our collection efforts.

Boas Evron, Jewish State or Israeli Nation, fn 3, p. 260 quoting letter by Georg Landauer to Stephen Wise, 13.2.38. This shocking letter was written at the behest of Chaim Weizmann, the Zionist Organisation and Israel’s first President.

Ben-Gurion pulled no punches at the meeting:

‘No rationalizations can turn the conference from a harmful to a useful one. What can and should be done is to limit the damage as far as possible.' 

Menachem Ussishkin of the Zionist Executive at the same meeting cited the fears of the future Chairman of the JA Rescue Committee, Yitzhak Gruenbaum:

He hoped to hear in Evian that Eretz Israel remains the main venue for Jewish emigration. All other emigration countries do not interest him… The greatest danger is that attempts will be made to find other territories for Jewish emigration. (my emphasis)

The JA was worried that Evian might succeed. ‘Its wish was for the conference to fail abysmally.’[Shabtai Beit Zvi, p.166, Post Ugandan Zionism on Trial] In a letter to Stephen Wise of 13 June 1938, George Landauer, later Director of the JA’s Central Bureau for the Settlement of German Jews, wrote of his concern that:

Even if the Conference will not place countries other than Palestine in the front for Jewish immigration, there will certainly be public appeals which will tend to overshadow the importance of Palestine.... it may bind Jewish organizations to collect large sums of money for assisting Jewish refugees, and these collections are likely to interfere with our own campaigns.

Yet despite having done its best to obstruct rescue of Jewish refugees during the war, the Zionist movement hasn’t hesitated to   exploit the holocaust since then for the purpose of creating a racial supremacist state based on the same principles as Nazi Germany. That is why I stated four years ago, to the Jewish Chronicle’s fury, that Israel was Hitler’s bastard offspring.

In a long letter to the Jewish Chronicle of 5 February 1993, Marcus Retter, a close associate of Rabbi Dr Solomon Schonfeld, who was Chair of the Chief Rabbi’s Rescue Committee, described the ‘tireless efforts’ of Selig Brodetsky, President of the Board of Deputies and Lavy Bakstansky, General Secretary of the Zionist Federation of Britain, to sabotage   Dr Schonfeld’s rescue efforts.

Dr Schonfeld, in a letter to the Jewish Chronicle of 29 January 1943 described how his efforts to mobilize MPs, Peers and Bishops were met by the ‘persistent attempt on the part of Professor Brodetsky and some of his colleagues to sabotage the entire move.’ 

The next week Brodetsky replied. Far from denying Schonfeld’s allegations Brodestsky justified them because

The intervention of an unauthorizedindividual, however well intentioned, in a situation of this sort, naturally brings confusion and may have damaging effects…’

What these damaging effects were Brodetsky didn‘t informthe JC's readers but we can guess.

It is no surprise that those who scabbed on the Jewish Holocaust should now draw the conclusion that one holocaust justifies another.

See you tomorrow at 7 pm.


Tony Greenstein

The Nazification of Israel – When Israelis Talk about Extermination and Annihilation It’s Easy to Understand Why the German State Supports Them


Holocaust Memorial Day Meeting

Saturday 27 January 7 pm

Register here


Never Again means Never Again for Everyone 

Palestinians Included

Yeshayahu Leibowitz

Yad Vashem is Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Museum. Its is devoted to using the Holocaust, not as a way of warning the world of the dangers of fascism and racism but as a means of creating a particular Zionist narrative of the Holocaust as a means of legitimising the Israeli state.

As I show in my book, Zionism During the Holocaust, Yad Vashem distorts and manipulates the historical record in order to magnify Zionist resistance during the Holocaust whilst at the same time erasing the much larger role that anti-Zionist Jews (the vast majority of European Jews) played.

In particular Zionism has glossed over and condoned the collaboration of Zionist leaders with the Nazis. It has rehabilitated the most notorious of their collaborators, Rudolf Kasztner, the leader of Hungarian Zionism and the representative of the Jewish Agency in Hungary.

After the war Kasztner went to Nuremberg to testify in favour of several Nazi war criminals including Hermann Krumey, Eichmann’s second in command in Hungary who was in charge of the mechanics of the deportation process. Some 437,000 Hungarian Jews were deported to Auschwitz. Nearly all died in its gas chambers.

Yeshayahu Leibowitz was an Orthodox Jews, he turned down the Israel Prize and Professor at the Hebrew University Jerusalem - he was a polymath and had doctorates in medicine and philosophy. President Ezer Weizman described him as the 'spiritual conscience of Israel.' He called the settlers of the West Bank 'Judeo-Nazis'

Earlier this year 50 leading holocaust researchers in Israel wrote to Dani Dayan, Yad Vashem Chairman, asking him to speak out against those in Israel, including the Prime Minister himself, who were openly calling for genocide in Gaza.

Dayan himself is no slouch when it comes to racism. Former Chair of the Yesha Settlers Council he stood for the Knesset for the racist Tehiya settler party and then for Jewish Home. That a racist such as this could be Chairman of Israel’s Holocaust Memorial Museum is in itself proof of the poison at the heart of Israel’s abuse of the memory of the Holocaust.

You might think that it was a no-brainer for the Chair of Israel’s holocaust memorial centre to condemn calls for the extermination and murder of Palestinians. It’s like asking the Pope to condemn abortion. But no, you would be wrong. In Israel you can shed tears over the extermination of the Jews (but not the Disabled, Gypsies or Gays) but you can also be, at one and the same time, an out and out racist towards every other victim.

Dayan claimed that those calling for genocide in Israel were marginal, despite them including the President and Prime Minister. He doubled down on this: 

the State of Israel does a lot within the constraints Hamas imposes on us to comply with the proper moral standards and the laws of war.

He then let slip the real reason that Yad Vashem won’t be condemning a genocide that has already claimed over 30,000 lives, notwithstanding those dying of hunger and disease.

"Our area of concern is the Holocaust, and only the Holocaust,"

And there you have it. As far as Zionism and the Israeli state is concerned, there are no lessons to be learnt from the Holocaust other than that Jews are perpetual victims of anti-Semitism, even when genocide is being carried out in their name.

South Africa and the International Court

We should therefore be grateful to South Africa for doing what none of the corrupt Arab regimes (except for the Houthis) are doing. Despite the howls of Genocide Joe and his poodles Sunak and Starmer that their claims were ‘meritless’ it has put Israel, and with it the United States and the West on trial.

The South African Application Instituting Proceedings is meticulous and well worth reading. The meat of South Africa’s case can be found in paragraphs 100-109 on pages 59-70.

To take but a few examples Netanyahu, in the Knesset on 16 October 2023 described Israel’s attack on Gaza as

“a struggle between the children of light and the children of darkness, between humanity and the law of the jungle”

On 28 October 2023, as Israeli forces were preparing the ground invasion of Gaza, Netanyahu told Israelis that:

“you must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. And we do remember”.

Netanyahu again referred to Amalek in a letter  of 3 November 2023 to Israeli soldiers. The relevant biblical passage reads:

Now go, attack Amalek, and proscribe all that belongs to him. Spare no one, but kill alike men and women, infants and sucklings, oxen and sheep, camels and asses”

The message could not be clearer.

Israeli Labor Party President Yitzhak Herzog was explicit. Israel should not distinguish between fighters and civilians, referring to Palestinians in Gaza, over one million of whom are children, as:

an entire nation out there that is responsible. It’s not true this rhetoric about civilians not aware not involved. It’s absolutely not true. … and we will fight until we break their backbone.


On 9 October 2023, War Minister Yoav Gallant stated that Israel was imposing a complete siege on Gaza.

No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals

In referring to ‘human animals’ Gallant was repeating, word for word, Himmler’s description of the Jews. Himmler said, in a speech in Posen/Posnan on October 4 1943 that:

We Germans, who are the only people in the world who have a decent attitude towards animals, will also assume a decent attitude towards these human animals.

It is not known whether Gallant was aware of this but the very fact that he used the same words as the man responsible for implementing the Final Solution is sufficient in itself.

On 10 November the Kahanist Minister of Police and Security, Itamar ben Gvir, clarified that:

when we say that Hamas should be destroyed, it also means those who celebrate, those who support, and those who hand out candy — they’re all terrorists, and they should also be destroyed.

There are many more such statements from Israeli leaders.

Nor was it a case of politicians engaging in rhetorical outbursts. On the ground in the Gaza Strip soldiers were assimilating these messages and acting accordingly.

Videos from the field of soldiers dancing and singingWipe out the seed of Amalek,” or saying, “With God's help,” Gaza City's Shujaiyeh neighborhood “will be the late Shujaiyeh” or “We've taken down 30 houses. Wonderful."

Israeli liberals, in the form of Ha’aretz newspaper complained that ‘Israel Is Paying the Price for Its Bigmouths’.

Ha’aretz liberals would rather that the ‘bigmouths’ kept quiet and let the soldiers get on with genocide. Instead the far-right (which today means most Israelis) boasts of their intentions knowing full well that the western media can be relied on to say nothing or brush it off.

Ha’aretz complained that South Africa’s Genocide Case at the ICJ had an Unwitting Ally: Israeli Politicians and asked its readers:

Can you imagine a defendant presenting the court with an amicus curiae to assist it and the prosecution in their case against him? That's what the Israeli government is unwittingly doing.

Israel has a very impressive gallery of utterly unimpressive politicians. It also parades a messianic collection of fools for ministers who just can't keep their mouths shut and are proud of their verbose gibberish.

Incitement to Genocide

On 3 January, well before the launch of the ICJ proceedings a group of prominent Israelis accused the country’s judicial authorities of ignoring

“extensive and blatant” incitement to genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza by influential public figures.’

In a letter to the attorney general and state prosecutors, they demanded action to stop the normalisation of language that breaks both Israeli and international law.

“For the first time that we can remember, the explicit calls to commit atrocious crimes, as stated, against millions of civilians have turned into a legitimate and regular part of Israeli discourse. Today, calls of these types are an everyday matter in Israel.”

The letter quoted Ben Gvir and Yitzhak Kroizer, MK for Otzma Yehudit, who in a radio interview explained that:

“The Gaza Strip should be flattened, and for all of them there is but one sentence, and that is death.”

Tally Gotliv of Likud demanded the use of a nuclear bomb on Gaza for “strategic deterrence before we consider inserting ground troops, doomsday weapon.”

Boaz Bismuth

Likud MP, Boaz Bismuth evoked the mythical biblical massacre of the Amalek nation saying: “It is forbidden to take mercy on the cruel, there’s no place for any humanitarian gestures,” adding that “The memory of Amalek must be erased.”

Among other commenters cited is journalist Zvi Yehezkeli, who said on Channel 13:

“[We] should have killed many times 20,000 people, [we] should have begun with a blow of 100,000.”

Palestinian Israelis who expressed sympathy for the people of Gaza have been routinely arrested. Michael Sfard said

I never could have imagined that I would need to write such a letter. The fact that this type of talk has completely left the far, unimportant fringes and came into the mainstream in such a massive way, for me it’s incomprehensible.

 Sfard is naive. Such language has long entered the mainstream. It wasn’t long ago that Ben Gvir and Otzma Yehudit were considered beyond the pale. Today they are outflanked by many in Likud.

In 1984 when Rabbi Meir Kahane, whom Gvir venerates, was elected to the Knesset he was shunned – by all parties. In 1988 his party, Kach, was banned altogether yet today the Religious Zionism bloc is the third largest group in the Knesset.

Israeli Genocide is NOT the result of October 7

We should not fall into the trap of believing that Israeli genocide in Gaza is simply a reaction to the breakout on October 7.

October 7 provided the opportunity for Israeli leaders to fulfill their life’s ambition of ethnically cleansing Gaza. Up to then the intention had been to concentrate first on the Palestinians of the West Bank but to Israeli leaders it was a once in a lifetime’s opportunity and they took it with both hands.

As the Misgav Instituteexplained in a position paper

There is at the moment a unique and rare opportunity to evacuate the whole Gaza Strip in coordination with the Egyptian government.

The Holocaust has been harnessed to Israeli settler colonialism and October 7 compared several times to the Holocaust itself. It is claimed that this was the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust itself. I have dealt with this lie previously. It assumes that Hamas attacked Israelis because they were Jews and not because they were occupiers.

That Israel was intent of using October 7 for political purposes is clear from their attempt to rewrite what happened that day. They deliberately concocted fables about 40 beheaded babies, a baked baby, a baby hung from a clothes line and most importantly the mass rape of Israeli women. Jonathan Cook has shown how this false narrative, peddled by the New York Times and The Guardian, has no basis in fact.

The Guardian rested its story on a whole series of improbable events and in particular the Zaka volunteers, a group of Jewish religious extremist men who previously had invented the story of the beheaded babies, which is still doing the rounds.

Ha’aretz of 4 December 2023 described a number of examples of Zaka volunteers inventing atrocities. One volunteer described how a 6 or 7 year-old boy was found shot in the safe room. He also described how, in House 426 on Kibbutz Beria he had found a woman whose abdomen had been split open and a foetus cut out. Nir Hasson and Liza Rozovsky commented that

no children 6 or 7 or near those ages were killed on Be'eri. House 426 is in the Ashelim neighborhood, which largely houses kibbutz veterans – older people. House 426 is also a two-family house where elderly families lived;

The Guardian however had no problem relying on these lying messianic nuts. Zaka has been plagued by allegations of wrongdoing for years.

Its founder Yehuda Meshi-Zahav and the main figurehead for more than 30 years was forced to resign after multiple accusations surfaced of his having committed sexual assaults against women, girls and boys over several decades. All with the knowledge of others in Zaka.

The same is true of the New York Times. On December 28 the NYT published a report on gender-based violence committed by Palestinians during the October 7 attack. The story concluded that Hamas fighters engaged in systematic rape and sexual violence against Israeli women.

The story repeated October 7 testimonies that had already been discredited. The Times investigation hinged predominantly on alleged rape of “Gal Abdush,” who was described by as “The Woman in the Black Dress.” The only problem was that the Abdush family themselves said that there was no proof that their daughter was raped, and that Times reporters interviewed them under false pretenses.

The allegations that Hamas fighters took time out to serially rape a woman at the Nova festival, cut off her breast and play football with it defies logic. The purpose of the attack was to capture Israelis in order to exchange them with Palestinians in Israeli prisons. They were in a hurry to capture the hostages as quickly as possible before the arrival of the Israeli army.

What the Guardian and NYT did was indulge in the familiar depiction of indigenous people as violent sexual predators which was how Jews were portrayed in Nazi Germany and Black people in the Deep South.

It is highly unlikely that Hamas, with its strict moral codes, would indulge in such behaviour. This is not speculation. Hin and Ajam, captive mother and daughter, testified they were treated with kindness and respect and in their own words like Queens. If there were any truth in these allegations, then both women would have come back to Israel to tell a tale of rape and torture, yet they did the exact opposite.

Yocheved Lifshitz told how she had been treated humanely. So angry were the Israeli authorities at her testimony that the person who arranged her press conference at Ichilov hospital was sacked.

Chen Goldstein-Almog told how the main danger came from Israeli air strikes: "Our guards, our captors ... were on top of us, protecting us with their bodies from the strikes," Chen said. "We were very valuable to them," she added.

The Israeli woman recalled asking her captors if they were going to kill them "and they would tell us: We will die before you."

If It’s Not the Holocaust Then Why Israel’s Hysterical Genocidal Reaction to October 7?

In my view the Holocaust is a red herring, a means of winning sympathy. The reaction of Israelis to October 7 was the typical reaction of settler colonials to the nightmare scenario of the natives, who they’ve mistreated for so long, getting their revenge. Exactly this same horrific nightmare was common to whites in southern Africa. Having trodden on Black people for so long they expected them to exact their revenge.

And sometimes this nightmare comes true. One only has to think of the revolt of Black slaves in Santo Domingo/Haiti in August 1791 who killed every single White French person.

The Holocaust is merely the prism through which these fears are refracted. It is one more attempt to portray the Zionist settlers as the victim.

Those who condemn October 7 and I certainly don’t, should note the thousands of Palestinians who have been slaughtered since 1948.  That the death of a few hundred Israelis by comparison evokes such condemnation in the West merely indicates the hypocritical racism of the imperialist media – the BBC, NYT and all the other White journalists and pundits.

What Did Happen on October 7, 2023?

Slowly but surely the truth is coming out about what happened on October 7. It is almost certain that apart from the near 400 military deaths, many of whom were also victims of ‘friendly’ fire, that the majority of civilians were killed by Israel and its Hannibal Directive which decrees it is better to shoot one of your own citizens than to let them be taken hostage.

As Israel’s Y-Net put it, the order went out to prevent ‘terrorists from returning to Gaza "at all costs", even if they have hostages with them.’ In other words kill both hostages and captives.

The Times of Israelreported that families of 13 people killed at Kibbutz Be’eri have demanded an investigation

due to the likelihood that at least some of the civilians were killed by army fire, including tank fire, at the house where they were being held hostage by terrorists.

None of these facts, the murder of its own civilians, is mentioned either by the BBC or Guardian even though it’s common knowledge in Israel.

General Barak Haram told the NYT that he gave orders to a tank commander to “break in, even at the cost of civilian casualties.” As result a tank fired shells at a house,

only one person emerged alive from the carnage — Hadas Dagan. The remains of 13 hostages and dozens of terrorists were ultimately recovered and identified.

See Families of Israelis Killed in Be'eri Home Hit by IDF Tank on October 7 Demand Probe.

Germany and Its Support for Israel at the ICJ

The lesson that Israel drew from the Holocaust was not an anti-racist one but its opposite. Zionism was a racial preservation project whose aim was to preserve and ‘purify’ the Jewish ‘race’. It is little wonder that the German state loves Israel.

The lessons Germany drew from the Holocaust were also not anti-racist ones. How could it be otherwise when the German state was not deNazified after the war? Hans Globke was Chancellor Konrad Adenaeur’s closes advisor. To the German state Israel was the living embodiment of the Jewish holocaust dead because Israel was an ally of imperialism. Noone of course had asked whether those who died in the Holocaust were in agreement with this, because most European Jews at the time hated Zionism.

Globke was a senior civil servant in the Reich Ministry of Interior. According to Daniel Rogers Globke was involved in drafting legislation that required Jews to add either "Israel" or "Sara" to their legal names in order to brand them publicly. He was heavily involved in drafting legal ordinances allowing the confiscation of the property of Jews and the removal of their citizenship, an essential precondition to extermination.

In a sordid deal between David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister and Adenaeur, ‘extraordinary precautions’ were taken to keep  Globke’s name out of the Eichmann trial, according to Ian Lustick’s The Holocaust in Israeli Political Culture. This was part of the deal by which Germany paid Israel reparations and supplied it with weaponry.

It is often thought that Germany’s support for Israel is simply because of its guilt over the holocaust but Germany has no guilt over the Roma. Nor does it have any guilt over the presence in the German parliament of Alternative for Germany which is riddled with neo-Nazis and holocaust deniers. A party whose leading members have advocated shooting refugees. The AfD is also the most pro-Zionist party in Germany!

The Nazification of Israel

What the war on Gaza has done is accelerate the move to the right in Israeli politics. The Zionist left has all but disappeared. Democratic freedoms, even for Jews, are now being eroded.

When the Joint List’s only Jewish MK Ofer Casif supported Germany’s application to the ICJ a petition was immediately signed by 70 members of the Knesset calling for his expulsion.

Whereas Israeli Jews are free to incite hate against Israel’s Palestinian minority, the slightest protest or indication of opposition to Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza can result in arrest. Dozens of Palestinian citizens of Israel are estimated to have been arrested for speech-related offenses. One woman was reportedly charged with inciting terrorism over her WhatsApp status, which read, “may God grant them victory and protect them.

According to Aida Touma-Sliman, a Hadash MK, what is taking place is ‘an attack on the entire Arab population.”

Israeli Palestinians have no freedom of speech. Palestinians living in annexed East Jerusalem are residents not citizens of Israel and two-thirds of those who apply for citizenship are rejected. For example a Palestinian woman who applied for citizenship was told by Varda Cohen, head of the Population Authority's Registration and Status Team that:

"the ministry is considering refusing the application in question, in light of the content you post and share on social media. The posts show a clear nationalist consciousness that is inconsistent with the application to receive Israeli citizenship, recognition of the state's goals, and declaring allegiance to its flag."

It is welcome that hundreds of Israelis have signed a petition organized by Anat Matar supporting the application by South Africa to the ICJ. However they represent a tiny minority of Israeli Jews, less than 1% and mostly from academia.

It is also welcome that a group called the "pro-human camp coalition" published a letter signed by public figures, artists and academics, declaring their commitment to fight the dehumanization of Gazans, Palestinians and Muslims:

Signatories include one of Israel’s top scientists, the Royal Society member Prof David Harel, alongside other academics, former diplomats and , former members of the Knesset, journalists and activists.

Represented by the human rights lawyer Michael Sfard, their 11-page letter contains multiple examples of “the discourse of annihilation, expulsion and revenge”.

The letter contrasts the lack of action on even “the gravest and most dangerous instances of incitement against residents of Gaza” with an intense campaign against incitement “whose potential victims are Israeli Jews”.

Huge resources have been devoted to tracking down people over speech that authorities interpreted as supporting Hamas, the letter notes. By late November, 269 investigations had been opened and 86 indictments filed.

It is quite amazing the number of criminal investigations, when it comes to Palestinian citizens of Israel, most of them completely anonymous, many of them almost with no audience,” Sfard said. “The gap between that and the freedom and impunity for those who advocate all kinds of things – ethnic cleansing, killing civilians, bombarding civilian areas, and even genocide – doesn’t square up, and that’s something for the authorities to explain.

The language of genocide risks influencing how Israel wages war, the letter says.

Normalised discourse which calls for annihilation, erasure, devastation and the like is liable to impact the manner by which soldiers conduct themselves.

The letter was sent before South Africa filed a case at the international court of justice accusing Israel of genocide and of failing to stop incitement to genocide.

Come to the meeting on 27th January. We are determined to reclaim the memory of the Holocaust from the Zionists whose only objection to what happened is that Jews were the victims.

Tony Greenstein

Open Letter to the BBC's Director General - Tim Davie - Why I Shall Not Be Paying My TV Licence & Why You Should Not Pay Yours


 What the BBC Means By Impartiality is NOT Broadcasting South Africa’s Case for Genocide But instead Broadcasting Israel’s Defence!

Pilger on BBC


Dear Mr Davie,

On 11 January the International Court of Justice heard South Africa’s application that

‘acts and omissions by Israel . . . are genocidal in character, as they are committed with the requisite specific intent . . . to destroy Palestinians in Gaza as a part of the broader Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group”

and that this was in clear contravention of the United Nation’s Convention on Genocide.

Paragraphs 101-107 of the Application gave numerous examples of the Genocidal Intent of Israeli military leaders, senior politicians and also their effect amongst Israel’s soldiers.

For example Israeli Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant’s declaration of 9 October that

International Court of Justice at The Hague

I have ordered a complete siege on the Gaza Strip. There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly,”

Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu implored his listeners:

you must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible." with reference to I Samuel 15:1-34

"Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass"

Viewers saw Irish KC Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh's powerful closing speech in South Africa case. All independent observers are agreed that South Africa’s case was overwhelming.

3 Israeli hostages die because Israeli used banned chemical weapons, poison gas, to try and kill Hamas militants

As Nimer Sultany wrote in The Guardian:

The powerful case brought by South Africa against Israel at the international court of justice under the genocide convention is a wake-up call for many western governments and media outlets that uncritically supported Israel’s savage war.

I say viewers, but of course not those who watch BBC because you took a decision, in the interests of ‘balance’, not to broadcast the case that South Africa  was presenting. Instead you decided, in line with previous practice, only to broadcast Israel’s defence the next day.

ICJ: Blinne Ní Ghrálaigh's powerful closing statement in South Africa case against Israel

BBC’s viewers were therefore unable to judge for themselves the case that Israel was responding to, which is exactly what you intended, because in your view the people of Gaza have no case.

The murder of 15,000+ children, 120 journalists, innumerable doctors and health workers, the attacks on all of Gaza’s hospitals – all on the pretext that Hamas was using them as their military bases counted for nothing because the BBC is nothing if not a spokesperson for British and US foreign policy. Their view and yours is that however many civilians are murdered, South Africa’s case is ‘meritless’.

If this was China or Russia then it would be a different story. If Russia had said that the Ukrainian resistance was hiding behind civilians or using hospitals as bases then the BBC would be the first to call this out for what it was. But as a failed Conservative candidate you know where your loyalties lie.

Those who wanted to listen to South Africa’s charges had to turn to Al Jazeera. The BBC decided that the injustice that Post Office managers have experienced was more important.

Israel’s ‘defence’ consisted primarily of accusations that South Africa was perpetrating a ‘blood libel’, i.e. ‘anti-Semitism’.

If the BBC was going to broadcast Israel’s defence then you were under a duty to broadcast the South Africa’s allegations of genocide. This is so elementary that it hardly needs stating.

The BBC's Lucy Williamson shows viewers the destruction in Kibbutz Be'eri but she never thinks to ask how Hamas caused it given they had no heavy weaponry

October 7 Breakout from Prison Gaza

The BBC has acted as the Voice of Israel. News coverage repeatedly goes back to the events of October 7 whilst carefully omitting the fact that Israeli tanks fired on houses in Kibbutz Be’eri killing both Israeli hostages and their Hamas captors.

The same is true of the Nova festival and the firing on cars escaping from the festival by Apache helicopters. All of this is ignored by the BBC which prefers to accept the Israeli version of what happened that day.

There is plenty of information on how Israel’s military took the decision to implement the Hannibal Directive and kill its own hostages, rather than allow them to be taken captive and exchanged for the Palestinian hostages that Israel holds.

See for example The Cradles’ How Israeli forces trapped and killed ravers at the Nova Festival, Ha’aretz’s Families of Israelis Killed in Be'eri Home Hit by IDF Tank on October 7 Demand Probe, Electronic Intifada’s Israeli child “burned completely” by Israeli tank fire at kibbutz.

Electronic Intifada and others published the interview with Yasmine Porat, a survivor of Kibbutz Be’eri but the BBC have never even referred to it or similar interviews.

Electronic Intifada’s article on how Israeli HQ ordered troops to shoot Israeli captives on 7 October,the Times of Israel’s IDF officer recounts ordering tank fire on Be’eri home during hostage standoff on Oct. 7 likewise made no impression on BBC coverage of Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza’s Palestinians.

Interview with Yasmine Porat on Kan's Haboker Hazeh radio program on 15 October 2023

Whilst information on how many if not most civilian deaths on October 7 is easily available, not least from the Israeli press, including interviews with the hostages, the BBC has done nothing to question the Zionist narrative that Israeli deaths on October 7 were solely the work of Hamas.

An Open Letter from Israelis to fellow Israelis demanding the truth about October 7th at the end of October demanding an inquiry into the events of October 7 was ignored. They wrote:

Israel’s domestic and international rhetoric now contains something much more akin to Nazi extermination propaganda. 

We know what the purpose of this propaganda is. More than 8,500 indigenous Palestinian children, women, and men have been exterminated – and the number rises as we write. Many are trapped under the rubble of their homes, dying slowly. Others are facing thirst, starvation, and infectious diseases. At the same time, senior Israeli figures, even our president, keep howling that there are ‘no innocent civilians’ in Gaza. 

Make no mistake, what Israel is doing in Gaza now will haunt Israelis for decades. Now is the time to make sure all Israelis understand this. And this understanding should start with full disclosure about the events of October 7, 2023.

Not one word has left the lips of BBC interviewers about the Hannibal Directive despite widespread discussion in the Israeli press such as for example Ha’aretz’s 'Unlawful, Unethical, Horrifying': IDF Ethics Code Author on Alleged Use of 'Hannibal Directive' During Hamas Attack’. In this article Asa Kasher, the philosopher who wrote the Israeli Military’s Code of Conduct, told how ‘allegations that the infamous operational order may have been used on October 7 must be investigated immediately’. The BBC is simply not interested in such facts.

I did a google search on the Hannibal Directive and BBC. I came up with nothing. I went to the BBC’s own site and searched on ‘Hannibal Directive’. The nearest I came up with was a story Hannibal Mejbri: Manchester United midfielder joins Sevilla on loan!

These omissions are not accidental but deliberate policy decisions by BBC News, under your direction. You are deliberately distorting and slanting the news in such a direction as to support Israel’s narrative that October 7 was an unprovoked attack as Hamas sought to indulge in murder and rape. Your claim of ‘balance’ is nothing but a lie.

As Jonathan Cook, a former Guardian journalist wrote in What the BBC fails to tell you about October 7:

It is journalistic malpractice for the media to still be repeating so credulously the Israeli military’s account….

Simply repeating that narrative without any caveats has by now reached the level of journalistic malpractice. And yet that is precisely what the BBC does night after night.

Just a cursory look at the wreckage in the various kibbutz communities that were attacked that day should raise questions in the mind of any good reporter. Were Palestinian militants in a position to actually inflict physical damage to that degree and extent with the kind of light weapons they carried?

And if not, who else was in a position to wreak such havoc other than Israel?

The BBC has repeated every lie that Israel’s propagandists have conjured up in order to excuse Israel’s genocidal orgy in Gaza. Instead youpreferred to faithfully follow the Israeli narrative on October 7. See for example Israel Gaza: Hamas raped and mutilated women on 7 October, BBC hears and Hamas planned sexual violence as weapon of war - Israeli campaigner.

A counter-narrative such as that from Mondoweiss’s article Despite lack of evidence, allegations of Hamas ‘mass rape’ are fueling Israeli genocide in Gaza has made no impression on the BBC’s coverage.

We should be grateful that the Palestinian armed resistance in Gaza is taking such a toll of the Zionist SS militias that have wreaked such havoc. Like the German SS, their Israeli equivalent are more at home killing children and doctors than confronting armed guerrillas which is why they are having to cover up their real casualties, something which the BBC has also not reported on. The BBC has totally failed to cover the actions of the Palestinian resistance so the increasing number of Israeli casualties must come as something of a surprise.

The BBC has repeated the Israeli lie that Hamas operates from the hospitals of Gaza. There was just one exception to this – Ros Atkins BBC Fact Investigation into Israel’s justification for its attack on Al Shifa Hospital.

The BBC has always been the Voice of the British Establishment since the days when it refused to allow the Archbishop of Canterbury to broadcast during the 1926 General Strike because he favoured compromise. The Catholic Archbishop of Westminster was though allowed to broadcast because he held the strike to be sinful.

What the BBC fails to tell you about October 7:

It is journalistic malpractice for the media to still be repeating so credulously the Israeli military’s account of that day. My latest: https://t.co/EJKNpYYzUM pic.twitter.com/lp6DoBrZWG

— Jonathan Cook (@Jonathan_K_Cook) November 2, 2023

As the BBC’s own history admits:

During the strike Reith vetted almost all the bulletins, while also dealing with the political aspects. He decided to refuse the Archbishop of Canterbury's request to appeal for an end to the strike; but allowed reporting of TUC statements. He helped Baldwin write a speech to the nation, which was delivered from Reith's home in Westminster.

Lord Reith’s own diary recalls a cabinet meeting on 11 May which took the view that the government should be able to say

that they did not commandeer [the BBC], but they know that they can trust us not to be really impartial”.

And this remains the situation today. Through control of the license fee and appointments such as yours, the government can maintain a pretence that the BBC is independent.

When the Miners were confronting the government its Director-General was writing the Prime Minister’s speech! And nothing had changed when it came to the Miner’s strike of 1984-5. During the Orgreave clashes it reversed footage of police attacks on the miners to show the miners attacking first. In 1991 the BBC apologised for having ‘inadvertently reversed’ the footage.

This was about as inadvertent as the editing out of laughter at Boris Johnson when he responded to a question about the importance of politicians telling the truth.

We have come to expect that the BBC will faithfully follow the establishment narrative whether it is on Israel, strikes or any other issue involving a challenge to the rich and powerful.

However what the BBC is not entitled to do is to expect us to pay for what is an Establishment propaganda station.

As the late, great John Pilger, who was banned from appearing on the BBC in his later years, said

the BBC is and has been the most refined propaganda service in the world.’

In his 2010 documentary, The War You Don’t See, John confronted Fran Unsworth, head of newsgathering at BBC News and ITV News editor in chief, David Mannion, on the failure of their reporters to challenge the lies that had come from government and intelligence sources without which the Iraq war could never have been prosecuted.

It was the collusion of the corporate media in refusing to challenge the misinformation from the Foreign Office and US State Department that led to the death of over a million Iraqis.

The same is true today. Israel could not get away with genocide in Gaza if the BBC and the corporate media did not give credence to their lies and excuses. It is as if you would have both sided Hitler’s claim that the invasion of Poland was a reaction to Poland’s attack on Germany.

BBC News, by giving credence to Israel’s absurd lies and cavorting with its propagandists, have blood on their hands. What you call ‘balance’ is neutrality between right and wrong and you always manage to come out on the wrong side.

In the Russia/Ukraine war you have had no difficulty taking sides, erasing the history of NATO’s provocations and its expansion into Eastern Europe in the process. This despite the promises made to Gorbachev that there would be no expansion.

But when it comes to Palestine you adopt a fake neutrality which in practice means you treat Israel’s occupation of Gaza and the West Bank as if it was a normal state of affairs. You never refer, unlike Al Jazeera, to the West Bank and East Jerusalem as occupied. You treat Israel’s racist colonial police force as if it was Dixon of Dock Green. 

As Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the great hero of the South Africa struggle against Apartheid, which the BBC did nothing to help when it continued to broadcast South Africa’s all-white cricket team, said:

“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”

Tony Greenstein

EXCLUSIVE – Professor Justin Stebbing of Imperial College, London Sent Me An Email Saying How Much He Hates Jews and Why They Should All Be Gassed


When Challenged Stebbing Claimed That His Emails Were ‘Pure Irony’

I have become used to receiving racist and anti-Semitic emails and posts. Often my first task is to work out whether they come from neo-Nazis or Zionists (or both). But on this occasion it seemed clear that it was the former.

At 15.36 on Sunday I received an email from Stebbing thanking me for having made him hate Jews. Since I’d never even heard of him I assumed that this was just another racist crank with time on his hands.  Possibly it was a neo-Nazi who took my criticism of Zionism and Israel to mean that I was anti-Jewish.

After all Zionists claim that to be Jewish is to be a supporter of Israel so maybe Stebbing or whatever his real name was, had taken them at their word. Maybe it was one of those Trump supporters who stormed Capitol Hill wearing ‘camp Auschwitz sweat shirts.’

My immediate reaction was to make a complaint to the Police who quickly issued me with a crime number. I then circulated it amongst friends, one of whom googled the name and told me that there was a professor at Imperial College, London with the same name.

Stebbing then emailed me a second time with a link to a New York Times article, which has since been discredited, alleging that Hamas had weaponised sexual violence. I informed the Police and thought nothing of it.

I also circulated it to members of Brighton & Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign one of whom suggested that I should contact Professor Stebbing to inform him that someone was distributing anti-Semitic emails in his name.

I therefore emailed Stebbing at 18.52 on the 22 January to inform him that

You will not know me though I am a well known anti-Zionist Jewish activist. I won't even begin to (go) into the mentality of Zionists who do this kind of thing but it is not, by any means, unique.

I have been sent the following emails in your name. I assume that this is not you but someone impersonating you. Nonetheless they are vile and I have reported them to the Police in Sussex.

The two emails I had previously circulated had come from a gmail account but the email I received back from Professor Stebbing was from his Imperial College email address.

You could have knocked me down with a feather when Stebbing replied that the emails were from him and it was no impersonation.

My e mail was pure irony, but as always here the response to the crime is blamed. I have zero doubt that in WW2, you would have been thrilled to gas all Jews. That was the point I was making.

I have no doubt you understood this.

Israel gassed its own captives

Stebbing’s emails were apparently ‘pure irony’. There was nothing at all in the first email to suggest irony. As far as I was concerned it was mere assertion. His second email referring to the NYT article arrived over 5 hours later.

What he was saying was that when he said he supported gassing Jews, what he really meant was that I did. Except that I don’t. It is Israel which at this present time is pumping poison gas into tunnels and killing Jewish captives in the process.

But even when the second email arrived there was no reason why I should assume that his first email was ironic. Perhaps whoever sent the email had read the NYT article alleging that Hamas raped his victims and approved of what had allegedly happened. The email was headed ‘friends’.

Having falsely said that I had contacted him previously, Stebbing then accused me of being the most anti-semitic person I have ever encountered in my life.’ But he hadn’t encountered me before. I had the feeling that maybe Stebbing had mental health problems in that he assumed that other people understood his disconnected thought processes. Or maybe the illness he was suffering from was an extreme form of Zionism.

A further email from Stebbing claimed that

you know i don't think jews should be gassed but you do - that was my ironic point you miss, repeatedly but suspect you know this

Again there was an assumption that I knew what he thought despite not knowing who had sent the emails. Why should I know anything about someone I had never met? All I knew was what he had sent me. His claim that I believe Jews should be gassed is a typical evidence-free Zionist libel.

Finally I told Stebbing that I assumed he was not Jewish because no one who was Jewish would make a ‘joke’ about those who were exterminated in the death camps. Like most Jews I had relatives who had been murdered by the Nazis.

However I was wrong. Stebbing is not only Jewish but a Zionist and for most Zionists the Holocaust is something to be weaponised. That is what is happening now with the genocide in Gaza. As I have written previously, during the Holocaust the Zionist movement was focused on one thing and one thing only – creating a ‘Jewish’ state. All else, including rescue of Jewish refugees, was put to one side. It was a distraction.

At this point I emailed Imperial College authorities informing them of Stebbing’s emails and suggesting that he was not fit to teach students given his deep racism and anti-Semitism, itself not uncommon among Zionists.

Anders Breivik, Norway's Mass Murderer

The following morning I received an acknowledgement from Joanna Ivison, Secretary to the President of Imperial College, Hugh Brady. I have heard nothing since. I assume that Imperial College has policy on racism, including anti-Semitism albeit that Imperial has adopted the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism which doesn’t cover genuine, far-right anti-Semitism of the Breivik/Trump kind. However if Imperial don’t suspend Stebbing and proceed to remove him altogether then they will have a lot of questions to answer.

People then started to find out more about Stebbing. In December 2021 he was suspended for 9 months and nearly struck off the medical register.

Stebbing had admitted adopting a “cavalier” approach in the way he treated some patients and having sent ‘inappropriate’ emails to a dying patient he nicknamed LMT (Little Miss Trouble). Stebbing had treated patients at the end of their life with aggressive treatments and had raised false hopes. Stebbing himself has since admitted, “I should not have treated any of these individuals; they were too sick to be treated.” An article detailing the nature of the case for his suspension is on the British Medical Journal blogs.

Sharon Beattie, QC for the GMC argued that Stebbing should be  struck off because he posed an 'ongoing risk' to patient safety and that he'd embarked on a 'persistent course of conduct' and 'persistent dishonesty' which he'd attempted to cover-up. Shades of his behaviour today.

However these are medical matters though it is interesting that the Daily Mail leapt to his defence.

What isn’t in doubt though is that he sent a virulently anti-Semitic email to me, that he made assertions about me that are not based in fact and that he doubled down on them. Furthermore all his emails subsequent to the first two were sent from an Imperial College email address thus bringing Imperial College into disrepute.

Tony Greenstein

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