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Israel's Denial That It Bombed Al Ahli Hospital Is As Credible As Its Denial That It Murdered Shireen Abu Akleh


After Killing 500 More Palestinians It's Time We Accepted that Israel is a Genocidal, Ethnic Cleansing, Failed Apartheid  State - We Need a Democratic not a Jewish State

Israel’s bombing of Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza

Israeli Ghoul & Liar-in-Chief  

How the Media Converted Lies Into Truth & Truth Into Lies

This was published in the Western Mail 31.7.14. in the midst of Israel's last major blitzkrieg in Gaza. See how accurate are its predictions?

The BBC and the Prostitute Media are going into overdrive to convince us that the Palestinians bombed their own hospital. They are lying through their teeth. If you want to read about the mendacity and dishonesty of the establishment press see Media Lens's The ‘Absolute Right’ To Commit War Crimes? Gaza, Israel And Labour ‘Opposition’.  

Whilst Israeli right-wingers are boasting about Israel's bombing of the hospital, its leaders are pretending that it was an own goal. Israel did exactly the same a year ago when it put out a fake video claiming that the Palestinians had killed Shireen Abu Akleh. It was only research by CNN, the NYT, Forensic Architecture, B'tselem and Bellingcat among others that forced Israel to admit that its soldiers had murdered Shireen.

Jonathan Cook, an award winning former Guardian journalist, hit the nail on the head when he said that we are in another WMD situation. We are being gaslighted. Cook declared:

It's not just unlikely that a Palestinian rocket hit the Gaza hospital. It's impossible. The media know this, they just don't dare say it 

Max Blumenthall of Grayzone in Judgment Day - The Grayzone live   methodically examines the footage of the missile hitting the hospital. This was no misfired rocket dropping from the air at a slow velocity but a high explosive supersonic missile.  But Biden and the United States will buy into any lie to exonerate its guard dog in the Middle East.

Max Blumenthall of Grayzone Examines the footage of the missile strike on Al Ahli Hospital and finds Israel's explanation woefully lacking

The BBC and Sky are happy to run with these lies because they serve the British State's interests. These are the same media outlets who tried to convince us in September 2022 that Russia bombed its own Nordstream 2 oil pipeline. They then 'forgot' to mention that Biden had declared only 7 months previously that the US would not allow the pipeline to operate.

Israel has once again resorted to putting out videos 'proving' it was a failed rocket. At least one of them is of 2022 vintage. 

Israel’s military and political echelons have developed a culture of lying. 20 years ago, Israelis expressed skepticism about official statements. Quoting from Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom:

[R]espected Israeli commentators have grown skeptical of Israeli government sources. “The state authorities, including the defense establishment and its branches,” Uzi Benziman observed in Haaretz, “have acquired for themselves a shady reputation when it comes to their credibility.” The “official communiqués published by the IDF have progressively liberated themselves from the constraints of truth,” B. Michael wrote in Yediot Ahronot, and the “heart of the power structure”—that is, the police, army, and intelligence—has been infected by a “culture of lying.” 

Sources: Uzi Benziman, “Until Proved Otherwise,” Haaretz (18 June 2006); B. Michael, “Of Liars and Hunters,” Yediot Ahronot (3 September 2005); B. Michael, “Stop the Lying!,” Yediot Ahronot (5 September 2008).  


It is obvious to anyone with a brain cell that Hamas and Islamic Jihad do not possess a rocket with the capability of completely destroying a hospital. If they had such a capacity then they would have caused mass casualties in Ashkelon, Tel Aviv and elsewhere. This was not a rocket that fell from the sky having misfired but a high explosive missile that hit the hospital at supersonic speed.

The fact that Biden, who recently falsely claimed to have seen photos of the severed head of Israeli babies, is prepared to lie so blatantly demonstrates that the West is willing to turn a blind eye to any and every Israeli war crime. But why shouldn't Biden approve of Israel's bombing of a hospital? He is seeking the extradition of Julian Assange for revealing American war crimes in Iraq.

The fake news story of 40 babies who had been decapitated is atrocity propaganda whose purpose is to provide the justification for very real atrocities, such as are currently happening. And if false news stories don't work then don't worry. Israel's Communications Minister, Shlomo Karhi, is proposing draft regulationstitled “Limiting Aid to the Enemy through Communication.”  Karhi has openly declared that their purpose is to stop Al Jazeera reporting from Israel. Karhi fully understands that the BBC and the western media can be trusted not to report the truth. 

Israel’s bombing of Al Ahli hospital in Gaza was predictable. Contrary to the lies of Mark Regev that Israel doesn’t target medical facilities, this is exactly what Israel has been doing. 

Hananya Naftali, a staffer to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu boasted of Israel’s attack on the hospital before he realised that that was not the official line. See Israel claims Hamas blew up hospital – but Netanyahu staffer boasted Israel did it.

Israel’s Operation Barbarossa

Just 3 days ago Seymour Hersh, the Pulitzer prize winning journalist who exposed the My Lai massacre in Vietnam and the US blowing up of Russia’s Nordstream 2 pipeline, wrote about The Plan To Wipe Out Hamas.

Hersh had been told by an Israeli official that Israel has been trying to convince Qatar to fund a tent city for the million Palestinian refugees waiting across the border.

The key issue for Israel’s war planners was their reluctance, despite mobilising more than 300,000 reservists, to engage in a door-to-door street battle with Hamas in Gaza City. One veteran of the IDF told Hersch that half of the Israeli Army has been engaged in the protection of the West Bank settlements. 

“The Israeli planners don’t trust their infantry…. (because of) a disastrous lack of combat experience.”

Israel's soldiers are very good when it comes to killing women, children and the elderly but they're not so great when it comes to fighting hardened guerilla fighters.

another child killed

Israel’s operational plan calls for the Air Force to destroy the remaining structures in Gaza City and elsewhere in the north. Gaza City will be no more. Israel will then begin dropping American-made 5,000-pound bombs known as “bunker busters,” or JDAMs, in the flattened areas where Hamas fighters are known to live and manufacture their missiles and other weapons underground.

The Israeli plan to raze Gaza City to the ground is not one whit different from Hitler’s intention in Operation Barbarossa to raze Moscow and Leningrad to the ground. 

The plans of Israeli strategists are, like their Nazi predecessors, also likely to meet with failure. The bombing of the Al Ahli hospital will make it more difficult for Israel’s planners to achieve their objectives given the worldwide repugnance felt to Israel's proposed carnage. The Palestinian refugees too don’t want to leave and Egypt’s regime doesn’t want them.

However the plans of Netanyahu’s war mongers, the deliberate bombing of a hospital and the open rejoicing of Israelis at the murder of 500+ Palestinians raise questions that cannot be avoided.

The Israeli state began its life with the massacre of thousands of Palestinians and the expulsion of three-quarters of a million refugees in what became known as the Nakba. Throughout the 1950s there were smaller expulsions and then the 1956 Suez War in which Israel attacked Egypt before being forced to retreat by President Eisenhower. In 1967 Israel launched another war and this time captured the Sinai, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Former Israeli Labor Party Deputy Prime Minister and Supporter of the Greater Israel Movement, Yigal Allon

From the occupation of the West Bank there grew the messianic settler and religious nationalist movement which continued the old Labour Zionist project of settlement, theft of Palestinian land and now open pogroms against the indigenous Palestinians. The founders of the Greater Israel Movement were not right-wing Zionists but some of the most revered members of the Labour Zionist movement like Yisrael Galili, Yitzhak Tabenkin and Yigal Allon, the former Deputy Prime Minister.

The goal of these settlers, as with their Labour Zionist predecessors, was to make Palestine as Jewish as possible with as few Arabs as possible. In the words of Yair Lapid, leader of Israel’s centrist Yesh Atid,

My principle says maximum Jews on maximum land with maximum security and with minimum Palestinians.

Zionism and the Israeli state has always been a racial preservation project. Only stupid westerners fell for the oxymoronic Jewish Democratic State formula. As Rabbi Meir Kahane, the leader of the neo-Nazi Kach Party, who Ben Gvir, Israel’s Police Minister reveres to this day, explained Israel could either be a Jewish or a Democratic state but it could not be both. If Israel was democratic then Palestinian Israelis, some 20% of the population could grow into a majority and Israel would no longer be a Jewish state.

Israel is an ethno- religious state. It is a throwback to the feudal era whereby the State was identified with a particular religion. Those not of that religion were persecuted. This was the major achievement of the 1789 French Revolution which separated religion from the state.

The Christian ethno-nationalist states of Eastern Europe in the 1930s and 1940s - Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia - were also the most anti-Semitic states whose savagery outdid that of the Nazis themselves. An ethno-religious state is inherently a racist and apartheid state.

There are a number of states that call themselves religious states – from Iran to Britain, which is nominally a Christian country. But in Iran Muslims are not privileged over Jews. If anything it is Muslims who are the most oppressed. Islam is used to justify their oppression. In Britain Jews and Muslims don’t have inferior political and civil rights to Christians. No one argues that Jews or Muslims should not be allowed to buy ‘Christian’ land.

Israel blocks humanitarian aid

But in Israel 93% of the land is in the hands of the state. Non-Jews are barred from that land, which is controlled by the Jewish National Fund and the Israeli Land Authority. As the Jewish Nation State Law  makes clear the State belongs to the Jews and no one else. Hence State land is Jewish land.

Citizenship in Israel is almost meaningless since the criteria for belonging to the national collective is not citizenship but nationality. Only Jewish nationality counts. You can be an Arab, Druze, Muslim or a hundred other nationalities but none of them carry with them any entitlements.

Massive Demonstration in Karachi

As a British Jew I have more rights under Israel’s Law of Return than Palestinians who were born there. I have the automatic right to be an Israeli citizen if I emigrate to Israel whereas Palestinian refugees have no such right. That is why Gaza’s refugees do not want to exit Gaza for Egypt because they know very well that if they do cross into Egypt they will not be returning as Israel settles the Strip with Jews.

Those who argue for Egypt to take in Gaza’s residents, for ‘humanitarian’ reasons, to escape Israel’s bombing, are encouraging the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. There is only one response to Israel’s blitzkrieg and that is to demand an immediate ceasefire.

As long as Israel is a ‘Jewish’ State it will be an apartheid state and a genocidal state. Massacres of Arabs at Israel’s hands are nothing new. In 1982 Israel murdered more than 20,000 Lebanese civilians when it invaded Lebanon. It has killed thousands of Palestinians since its founding but worse than that, as a militarised state Israel has become the weapons supplier of choice to other genocidal regimes.

Demonstrators Attack UN Building in Beirut

In Guatemala Israeli supplies of arms and training military helped the regime kill up to 200,000 Mayan Indians. In Chile Israel was to the fore in arming Pinochet. In Argentina Israel helped to arm and train the regime’s torturers and military despite them having killed up to 3,000 Argentinian Jews. As Ben Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister explained, when there is a choice between Jews and the Jewish state, then the latter comes first.

In a speech to the Central Committee of Mapai, Israel’s Labour Party, in December 1938, after Britain agreed to admit 10,000 Jewish children from Germany Ben Gurion said:

If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England, and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Yisrael, then I would opt for the second alternative. For we must weigh not only the life of these children, but also the history of the People of Israel.

The policy of the Zionist movement throughout the Holocaust was to oppose the rescue of Jews to any country bar Palestine. The Zionist movement preferred dead Jews in Europe to rescuing Jews in countries other than Palestine.

Those who believe that Israel can become a normal western democracy are either fools or knaves. Israel can no more become a democracy than a dog can become a cat. Israel is an artificial state. In the words of Akiva Orr, Israel is an unJewish State. There is nothing Jewish about Israel except racially. Israel is the antithesis of ethical Judaism. Racial Judaism and Zionism is the mirror image of the Nazis' racial creed.

Israel is also irreformable. You would have a greater chance of getting a fox to befriend, rather than eat, a chicken than getting Israel to become a democracy. War and ethnic cleansing is part of its DNA. It has always rejected any peace initiative. Netanyahu made his name through his virulent opposition to the Oslo Accords and he helped incite those who killed Yitzhak Rabin. Whenever the Palestinians or Arabs wished to negotiate, an Israeli leader, be it Ehud Barak or Netanyahu would say that they have no partner for peace.

And if Israel is irreformable then there is only one answer left. The State of Israel has to be dismantled and destroyed. I emphasise the state. Unlike fascists I distinguish between a state and those living in it. In the same way as the Nazi and South African Apartheid states were destroyed. The people of Israel, be they Jewish, Christian, Muslim or of no religion have the absolute right to live there, but as equals not with any group being racially superior.

Of course the messianic Zionists won't accept living in peace and will either emigrate or die out, but it is time that the Palestinian solidarity movement moved on from 2 states to accept that Israel as a Jewish state has to go.

Israel Posts a 2022 Video to Prove That It Didn't Bomb the Al Ahli Hospital!

Extermination & Murder Are Part of the Zionist DNA

Although Israel officially denies that they targeted the Al Ahli hospital, supporters of its government aren’t denying it. Quite the contrary these human rodents are celebrating it. Dan Cohen, an Israeli journalist, in a series of tweets quotes one member of an Israeli Telegram channel with 87,000 followers exclaiming at the sight of the dead and mutilated: ‘Great picture, although I’m missing some ketchup and corpses.” Let no-one be under any doubt that these Judeo-Nazi sentiments aren’t just those of the 87,000 lunatics but they represent the private positions  of the majority of Israel’s coalition. This is Zionism red in tooth and claw.

Today I was sent an article The Most Horrifying of Times - And What Can We Still Do? by veteran Israeli peace campaigner, Adam Keller. Keller is one of the few genuine anti-racists who supports a two state solution. I disagree with him but he is at least sincere unlike liars like Labour Friends of Israel.

Keller writes how genocide is now an appropriate term to use about Israel’s actions. He describes how the word ‘extermination’ with all its resonance of Auschwitz has now entered the language of Israeli politics in the so-called liberal oasis of Tel Aviv.

For many years, when I saw the word "Genocide" in the statements of radical groups in Israel and abroad, I would approach the writers and comment that - however appropriate the condemnation of Israeli acts of oppression - Genocide is not among these acts. But this week Roy Sharon, a "respectable" radio and TV commentator on the main Israeli broadcasting corporation, spoke very explicitly of his desire to see “a million dead bodies in Gaza”.

And the streets of Tel Aviv are flooded with red stickers reading "Exterminate Gaza!". Not "Destroy!", not "Flatten!"– but clearly and explicitly "Exterminate Gaza!". "Le-Ha-Sh-Mid!" - "Exterminate!" Every Hebrew-speaking Jewish Israeli knows from a young age exactly what this word means. ….

There is no escaping the horrifying statement - the idea of Genocide has now entered the public agenda in the State of Israel, and there is every justification to use this terrible word and to beat all the drums and raise all the possible alarms. ….

Almost immediately with the beginning of the war, demonstrations began demanding an exchange of prisoners, which persisted even when they encountered blatant violence by the right-wing people, in some cases joined by equally violent police. The demand for an exchange of captives and prisoners, for the return of the Israelis captured by Hamas and taken to Gaza, is an important and vital humanitarian demand in itself. But it is also the best way to still try to put a brake on the escalation towards a destructive and bloody ground invasion of Gaza.

An invasion in which the army would invade and crush Gaza with all its might would most likely lead to the killing of the Israeli abductees, among all the many others who would be killed. This was expressed with characteristic bluntness and ruthlessness by the extreme right Minister Smotritz: "We need to be cruel, not to think too much of the captives". Negotiating with Hamas for a prisoner exchange deal is not compatible with a total war whose goal is to completely destroy Hamas. This was explicitly stated by Tzachi Hanegbi, head of Israel's National Security Council. The State of Israel has a choice between two courses that in practice rule out each other - either an effort to bring back the captives and abductees from Gaza, or a ground invasion that will multiply the killing and destruction already caused in the week of bombings.

The Lie that Israel Doesn't Target Medical & Health Facilities

Al Jazeera reported six days ago how Talal Taha and his team at al-Shifa, Gaza City’s largest hospital, received an emergency call and leapt into action.

Three vehicles headed to a location in the vicinity of the city’s eastern cemetery on Saturday 7 October. The team followed the sound of cries for help as the city was enveloped in darkness.

 “All of a sudden we were targeted [by an air attack] and we ran for safety,” Taha, a paramedic, told how the emergency team jumped into their cars on Salah al-Din Road and the vehicles proceeded a few metres before another air strike hit. Three of his colleagues were killed and Taha was lightly injured. “Our mission is humanitarian, we provide humanitarian service only, and we were targeted without any reason, without any excuse,” he said.

Health authorities and medical organisations in the Gaza Strip have accused Israel of deliberately bombing ambulances and health facilities in the Gaza, despite it being a war crime.

Protests in Lebanon Against Bombing

The Palestine Red Crescent Society condemned

"the intentional targeting of medical teams”, which killed “four paramedics in less than half an hour today, despite prior coordination. Targeting medical personnel is a grave breach to international humanitarian law and to humanity, PRCS demands accountability for this war crime, urging immediate investigation and justice for the victims."

Fifteen ambulances and nine health institutions have been hit, including the Ministry of Health building, the Rimal Clinic and the International Eye Center. Doctors Without Borders, (Medecins sans Frontieres) said it had counted 16 medical personnel killed since Saturday 7 October, 18 ambulances destroyed and eight medical facilities damaged either totally or partially.

Sohaib Safi, medical coordinator for MSF in Gaza, said the scale of the damage was “very clear evidence” that medical aid in the enclave was being intentionally attacked by Israeli forces. Safi told Al Jazeera

“When ambulances are trying to reach areas under fire, they are targeted as a message that no one should get inside to evacuate injured or stuck people,”.

effect of Israel’s bombing of Gaza Hospital

At al-Shifa Hospital, it is not just patients and their families seeking help. Frightened Gaza City residents, too, have found shelter at the hospital, in the hope that it will not be attacked.

But already, the neonatal unit has been partly damaged due to bombardments around the facility. Mahmoud Shalabi, senior programme manager for Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) expressed concern that this may be ‘the worst humanitarian catastrophe that Palestinians have seen since 1948.”

But instead of calling out Regev, the BBC entertains this liar and doesn’t even bother to grill him over his egregious lies. This despite the Israeli army's admitted lying about these things in the past.

The BBC also had to issue a ‘correction’ not an apology, for having branded the Palestine solidarity demonstrations at the weekend as ‘pro-Hamas’ an outrageous lie but yet more proof of its Zionist bias.

Bombing of Al Ahli Hospital

During the attacks on Gaza Israel has been absolutely clear that nothing will stand in the way of its objectives – to ethnically cleanse Gaza of its Palestinians.

What other meaning can one derive from a total blockade of food, water and fuel? This is a war of genocide and yet our political leaders, from Biden to Sunak, Starmer and Emily Thornberry gave their approval for these Nazi tactics.

At the Nuremberg trials of the major Nazi war criminals in 1946-7 and subsequent trials, 10 Nazis who were responsible for war crimes were hanged. Although the International Criminal Court doesn’t have the power to execute anyone, Biden et al should be charged with aiding and abetting Israeli war crimes and together with Netanyahu and Gantz, the two Israeli leaders most responsible, should be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.

The Hannibal and Dahiya Doctrines

Israel is employing both the ‘Hannibal’ and ‘Dahiya’ doctrines. The first allows for massive attacks on civilian targets in order to prevent the capture of Israeli soldiers by enemy forces. It was introduced in 1986, after a number of abductions of IDF soldiers in Lebanon and until 2003 Israeli military censorship forbade any discussion of the subject in the press. Its basis is that " kidnapping must be stopped by all means, even at the price of striking and harming our own forces."

In other words Israel is prepared to sacrifice the lives of the 250 hostages in Gaza rather than allow them to be exchanged for Palestinian hostages in Israel’s prisons. Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a ‘proud homophobe’ who is also Gauleiter of the West Bank had previously said“there is no such thing as a Palestinian nation.” Smotrich urged the Israeli army to “hit Hamas brutally and not take the matter of the captives into significant consideration”.

Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says

Yasmin Porat, a 44-year-old mother of three, told how

They eliminated everyone, including the hostages. There was very, very heavy crossfire” and even tank shelling.

Porat said that prior to this she and the other civilians had been held by the Palestinians for several hours and treated “humanely.” She had fled the nearby “Nova” rave. A recording of her interview, from the radio program Haboker Hazeh hosted by Aryeh Golan on state broadcaster Kan, was reported by Electronic Intifada

Porat, who is from Kabri, a settlement near the Lebanese border, undoubtedly experienced terrible things and saw many noncombatants killed. Her own partner, Tal Katz, is among the dead.

However, her account undermines Israel’s official story of deliberate, wanton murder by the Palestinian fighters. Although it no longer appears on the Kan website, there can be little doubt about the recording’s authenticity.

At least one Hebrew-language account posted part of the interview on Twitter and accused Kan, the Israeli broadcaster, of functioning as “media in the service of Hamas.”

In other words if you tell the truth you are a ‘terrorist’.

Israel, the ‘Jewish’ State would prefer to murder its own captives rather than exchange them for Palestinians. This gives the lie to the idea that Israel cares a fig for the lives of  its own Jewish citizens. Israel is a racial preservation project not a humanitarian endeavour as its politicians pretend.

The Dahiya directive, named after a Beirut suburb that was bombarded, was explained by Israeli General Gadi Eisenkot

We will wield disproportionate power against every village from which shots are fired on Israel, and cause immense damage and destruction. From our perspective, these are military bases. This isn't a suggestion. This is a plan that has already been authorized.

Both doctrines are based on committing war crimes. Attacking civilian targets to protect the military is not new. That was what the Nazis did when they invaded countries, especially in Eastern Europe.

Barnaby Raine shows up Novara Media's Michael Walker for the pompous ass and opportunist he is as he gives him a lesson in racism & colonialism

Let no one think that Israel will stop at the bombing of a hospital. ‘Defence’ Minister Yoav Gallant promised that it will be a long war. Israel gets away with this because of the support it gets, not only from the United States but the entire West. It is not just Gallant and Netanyahu who are war criminals – it is the entirety of Western politicians from Biden to Sunak to Starmer, Macron and Olaf Scholtz.

Let no one be fooled that this is about Israel’s ‘right to defend itself’. For 17 years Gaza has been under a suffocating siege. Hamas, as early as 2007, repeatedly offered Israel the opportunity of a de facto peace settlement only to be rebuffed. Israel has long wanted to clear the Gaza Strip of Palestinians and has been looking for an opportunity. Unfortunately the attack on October 7 provided them with just such an opportunity.

The silence of the British Labour Movement is deafening. Sharon Graham, the General Secretary of my own union, Unite, has been conspicuous by her deafening silence.

Skwawkbox reported that the London and Eastern branch of Unite has written to Graham deploring her and the union's lack of support for Palestinian victims of Israeli war crimes, despite support for the Palestinians being union policy.

The London and Eastern regional secretary demanded immediate action to ensure the union is fully represented at next week’s pro-Palestinian demonstration and that Graham personally write to every branch of the union urging them to participate. See Unite London/Eastern slams Graham’s silence and union’s inaction over Israeli war crimes

Graham’s silence is in stark contrast to her clenched-fist posturing in front of a Ukrainian flag and she has also been exposed using proxies to order a senior union official to try and cancel a pro-Palestinian event at Labour's conference fringe last week.

Starmer is also facing a backlash over his and Evans attempt to prevent support for the Palestinians. Councillors were warned only a week ago that they may be expelled for attending Palestine solidarity demonstrations. Today Walsall Labour councillors publicly denounced Starmer’s support for war crimes.

According to Labour NEC member Luke Akehurst, Bombing Hospitals is Perfectly Acceptable 

Starmer is facing mass resignations of councillors over his support for Israeli war crimes. Starmer and his sidekick Luke Akehurst should be prime candidates for prosecution for aiding and abetting war crimes.

Can the Socialist Campaign Group of MPs Sink Any Lower?

It is difficult to know why the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs even exists given their deafening silence over Israel's genocidal attack on Gaza. John McDonnell, Richard Burgon, Dianne Abbot, Bell Ribeiro Addy,  Lloyd Russell Moyle, Apsana Begum, Zarah Sultana et al. have been conspicuous  by their deafening silence. Not a peep out of these cowards.

They tabled on 17 October EDM 1685 Protecting civilians in Gaza and Israel which is about as weak as you can get. Firstly it equates civilians in Gaza and Israel when 2 million Gazans have had food, water, electricity cut off and thousands have died. Israeli civilians have suffered no such deprivations.

It fails to recognise the difference between the oppressor and the oppressed.  Instead it 'utterly condemns the massacre of Israeli civilians and taking of hostages by Hamas' yet can only manage to express 'its deep alarm at the Israeli military bombardment'. Condemnation is reserved for the Palestinians, who have been under a 17 year starvation siege, not Israelis who sat by and voted for those who kept Palestinians in the world's largest open air prison.

The only member of the SCG who has expressed solidarity with the Palestinians has been Andy McDonald. The rest of them have behaved like racist liberals genuflecting to 'Zionist without qualification'Starmer. If ever there was a reason for socialists to get out of the Labour Party this is it  

The Metropolitan Police Have Been Busy - Apart from Harassing a Doctor's Family they have Closed Down a Book Fair on Palestine 

Israel’s war crimes did not however stop the Metropolitan Police, following orders from Home Secretary Braverman, harassing the family of a doctor who went out to Gaza to help treat the victims of Israeli war crimes. These are the values of the police in London today.

This follows the suspension of a Sussex University student earlier this week. Now a student from SOAS, a college with a formerly progressive administration, has been suspended and several members of the Palestine Society warned as to their conduct for having organised a demonstration in support of the Palestinians.



Those of us in Brighton and Hove have a local MP Peter Kyle, who is on Labour’s front bench as well as being Vice-Chair of Labour Friends of Israel. You might want to email this apologist for Israeli war crimes at peter.kyle.mp@parliament.uk.

 All over the Arab world there are mass demonstrations against the killings. In Lebanon the American Embassy has been besieged. In Jordan police fired tear gas to disperse crowds intent on attacking the Israeli Embassy. ‘Normalisation’ has, at least temporarily been halted.

Israel Tells Gazans to Leave the North & Then Bombs a Convoy of Civilian

Everywhere in the Arab world the corrupt and rotten regimes are fighting back against demands to cut off relations with Israel. It was the big mistake of the PLO that instead of calling for the overthrow of these regimes they tried to get into bed with them.

The PLO’s ambition was to become just another corrupt Arab regime. Unfortunately for it Israel had no intention of playing ball.

Today in Ramallah the Palestinian Authority is all that is left of the Oslo Accords of 1993. Mahmoud Abbas, the self-styled President of the PA is derided by Israel as the Mayor of Ramallah. He is hated by Palestinians for having become a sub-contractor to the Israeli army.

When protests broke out against the slaughter of 500+ people in Al Ahli hospital their chants quickly turned to calls for Abbas to step down. Abbas’s security forces began shooting at the protesters. The liberation of Palestine will begin with the overthrow of Abbas and his corrupt cronies. It is to the  shame of Palestine Solidarity Campaign that it refuses to even utter even one word of criticism against this Quisling regime that Israel imposed on the Palestinians.

Tony Greenstein

Sharon Graham & Gary Smith – Zionists and Imperialists Stand in Solidarity with Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis As the Slaughter Continues


  The TUC Decision to Support NATO’s Proxy War in the Ukraine is Shameful but Not Surprising Given Its Record of Subservience to the British State

It is no surprise that Gary Smith of the institutionally sexist and racist GMB and an avid Zionist, has backed NATO's neo-Nazi allies in Ukraine. The fact that Zelensky has approved laws stripping workers of their rights and banning left-wing parties, including Platform for Life, which has 44 seats in the 450-seat Ukrainian parliament, has been no deterrent to Smith, since he also does his best to suppress workers’ struggles.

What is more remarkable is that Sharon Graham, who has a reputation for supporting strikes but declared herself ‘non political’ when she was elected General Secretary, has also got into bed with the Zionists. In particular taking advice from the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, an organisation set up and funded by the Israeli state and the Jewish National Fund, about banning Jeremy Corbyn – The Big Lie. Graham also has given her support to NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine.

One can only hope that the Socialist Workers Party and the Socialist Party, who have both up till now supported Graham, see the error of their ways and reconsider their support for this British chauvinist.

The TUC motion, which was opposed by only two unions – the FBU and Bakers Union with the RMT and NEU abstaining – called for more weapons to be supplied to Ukraine. These reactionary union bureaucrats, fools all, should bear in mind that a large percentage of the arms already supplied have found their way onto the private market. Ukraine is Europe’s most corrupt state.

Azov Demonstration 2014

The United States and Britain have been directly supplying neo-Nazi forces in Ukraine since 2014, despite a Congressional motion cutting aid to Azov in 2018. We face the prospect of a new Libya in Europe with private militias and an ongoing civil war.

There have already been credible threats that if Ukraine doesn’t receive enough weaponry then they will resort to terrorism in Europe. What does NATO think is going to happen when the war ends? Do they think the fascists will disarm? We could see an outbreak of terrorism in Europe which will make ISIS seem like a tea party.

flag of the Ukrainian NPGU mining union courtesy of Skwawkbox

Azov symbol bears remarkable similarity to that of the NPGU mining union

The sonnenrad or sunwheel is one of a number of ancient European symbols appropriated by the Nazis. It bears a remarkable similarity to that of the NPGU mining union which was on display at the TUC Congress

Mark Serwotka of PCS, who has previously been considered on the left, joined the warmongers in offering “unequivocal support for those currently suffering occupation by a brutal Russian invasion”. Serwotka said that ‘We are with the Ukrainian people and for Russia out, only the people of Ukraine should decide what the outcome looks like.”  For Serwotka the activities of open neo-Nazis and the attacks on Russian speaking Ukrainians since 2014 count for nothing.

Paul Massaro is a senior US governmentpolicy advisor for counter-corruption and sanctions

Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary of State in the Biden administration admitted that the US had funded, to the tune of over $5 billion, the overthrow of the elected President Yanukovych in 2014. Fascists were heavily armed when they outgunned the police.

“Our solidarity must know no borders,” said GMB President Barbara Plant. Not a word that the GMB is used to using when it comes to workers nearer home. Unite backed the motion despite its Executive having issued a statement saying that “wars are never in the interest of working people”. One wonders whether Sharon Graham even realises that opposing war and supplying more weapons to Ukraine is a contradiction.

The GMB has never extended solidarity to anyone outside Britain. It has consistently supported Israel’s ethnic cleansing and has repeatedly sided with the Jewish Labour Movement, the British wing of Israel’s racist Israeli Labor Party. At the moment it is trying to expel a former International Officer Bert Schounberg for moving a motion at his branch calling for the disaffiliation of the JLM.

Last year a GMB resolution supported by Unite under its war mongering General Secretary, Sharon Graham, called for increased arms spending. Unbelievably it called on the TUC to back an increase in arms spending to 3 per cent of GDP. This at a time when the NHS and schools are being starved of money. As Chris Nineham of Stop the War Coalition wrote

‘It actually put the TUC to the right of the Tory government which even now only dares to push for 2.5 per cent arms spending.

John McDonnell has thrown in his lot with Ukraine's neo-Nazi infested armed forces

Andrew Murray wrote

Last year GMB general secretary Gary Smith persuaded the TUC Congress to vote, shamefully if narrowly, to campaign for increased military spending.

At a time of austerity and a cost-of-living crisis, that decision prioritised the arms industry over the vital interests of millions of working people, not least the tens of thousands of GMB members in the beleaguered public services.

It also revealed that Smith believes that the British government can be trusted with more weapons, despite overwhelming evidence that they are used either for wars of aggression or for sale to despotic regimes.

Given Smith’s support for Apartheid Israel, it is no surprise that this appalling reactionary should demand that the Tories divert yet more money from the NHS and their own workers in the health service to feed America’s war industry. It is a shameful comment on the British trade union movement that this motion was passed.

The neo-Nazi credentials of the Azov battalion, which has been integrated into the army and now promoted to brigade status, is well documented. That did not stop Arsen Avakov, Ukraine’s Interior Minister, a man personally responsible for integrating far-right groups into the state from defending them to the online newspaper Ukrayinska Pravda in 2019.

“The shameful information campaign about the alleged spread of Nazi ideology (among Azov members) is a deliberate attempt to discredit the ‘Azov’ unit and the National Guard of Ukraine,”

As even NBC had to admit

even though Putin is engaging in propaganda, it’s also true that Ukraine has a genuine Nazi problem… important as it is to defend the yellow-and-blue flag against the Kremlin’s brutal aggression, it would be a dangerous oversight to deny Ukraine’s antisemitic history and collaboration with Hitler’s Nazis, as well as the latter-day embrace of neo-Nazi factions in some quarters.

NBC went on to remind us that

On the eve of World War II, Ukraine was home to one the largest Jewish communities in Europe, with estimates as high as 2.7 million, a remarkable number considering the territory’s long record of antisemitism and pogroms. By the end, more than half would perish. When German troops took control of Kyiv in 1941, they were welcomed by “Heil Hitler” banners. Soon after, nearly 34,000 Jews — along with Roma and other “undesirables” — were rounded up and marched to fields outside the city on the pretext of resettlement only to be massacred in what became known as the “Holocaust by bullets.”

The Babyn Yar ravine continued to fill up as a mass grave for two years. With as many as 100,000 murdered there, it became one of the largest single killing sites of the Holocaust outside of Auschwitz and other death camps. Researchers have noted the key role locals played in fulfilling Nazi kill orders at the site.

Those locals were led by Stepan Bandera’s Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and its armed wing the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). Ukraine is the only country in the world to have a national holiday in memory of a Nazi collaborator, Stepan Bandera. The Times of Israel described how Hundreds of Ukrainian nationalists march in honor of Nazi collaborator.

Today the British press plays down the threat of the neo-Nazis in Ukraine. However at the time of the Maiden coup in 2014 they were singing a different song. The Guardian described how Azov fighters were both Ukraine's greatest weapon and its greatest threat.

They quoted Dimitary, a member of the Azov group as saying that

"I have nothing against Russian nationalists, or a great Russia, but Putin's not even a Russian. Putin's a Jew."

You might think that Zionist groups like America’s Anti-Defamation League would be prominent in denouncing these neo-Nazis and anti-Semites. After all they are usually able to spot ‘anti-Semites’ before they have time to unfurl the Palestinian flaga. But strangely enough they have kept remarkable quiet. Even worse they have been excusing and justifying them.

In 2019 – before it became politically necessary to whitewash them – the ADL itself warned that an “extremist group called the Azov Battalion has ties to neo-Nazis and white supremacists” and issued a report on how the Ukrainian militia was trying to “connect with like-minded extremists from the US.”

Ali Abunimah described how the ADL has been turning a blind eye to Hitler’s accomplices in Ukraine and even justifying their record. As Abunimah observed ‘So when Washington goes to war, the lobby will often lend its propaganda services to the cause.’

This shows that the Zionist lobby, of which the ADL is the most prominent, are first and foremost supporters of US imperialism. So now it is rehabilitating the Ukrainian collaborators who helped Hitler exterminate Jews and Poles.

This Holocaust revisionism is motivated by the need to whitewash the present-day, far-right Ukrainian nationalists and neo-Nazis.

The reason the US, NATO and the European Union gives for sending weapons and mercenaries to Ukraine is that they are helping a fellow democracy defend its independence and sovereignty against an illegal invasion by an expansionist, megalomaniacal madman.

Anrdrii Melnyk is currently Ukraine's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

It is therefore very awkward from a Western perspective that the Ukrainian regime is underpinned by hard-right fascists and neo-Nazis.

Acknowledging this fact, Western war propagandists fear, would legitimize Putin’s claim that the Russian invasion – which has been overwhelmingly condemned by the UN General Assembly – is justified by a need to “de-Nazify” and demilitarize Ukraine.

The dilemma is summed up in an NBC News headline: “Ukraine’s Nazi problem is real, even if Putin’s ‘denazification’ claim isn’t.”

But most Western media will no longer even go as far as NBC News in acknowledging this reality.

The current war can be traced directly to the 2014 coup in Ukraine, during which the US and its allies supported far-right and neo-Nazi elements. The goal was to install a US-friendly regime that would bring Ukraine into NATO. Moscow has long seen NATO expansion as an existential threat.

Key actors in the US-supported coup were neo-Nazi groups like Right Sector, the Azov Battalion and C14. They are part of a broader Ukrainian nationalist movement that venerates Bandera, the leader of the OUN, which collaborated with Hitler during World War II.

In an interview with Andrew Srulevitch, ADL Director of European Affairs, Professor David Fishman exonerated the UPA and Bandera, who were responsible for the slaughter of 300,000 Jews and Poles. Asked about torchlit marches in Kyiv with red and black flags, Fishman had this to say:

“For Ukrainian nationalists, UPA and Bandera are symbols of the Ukrainian fight for Ukrainian independence. The UPA allied with Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union for tactical – not ideological – reasons.... When Ukrainian nationalists and Jews look at those red and black flags, we see two different things.’

In fact UPA attacks on Jews were so ferocious that Jews sought the protection of the Germans.

The Banderite bands and the local nationalists raided every night, decimating the Jews

a survivor testified in 1948.

Jews sheltered in the camps where Germans were stationed, fearing an attack by Banderites. Some German soldiers were brought to protect the camps and thereby also the Jews.

ADL, which purports to oppose anti-Semitism, carried the interview with Fishman on its website and in its newsletter. Zionist organisations, which are usually so concerned about ‘anti-Semitism’, simply echoed NATO propaganda. As Abunimah observed:

Fishman’s excuse that Bandera and other Nazi collaborators are “symbols” of the “fight for Ukrainian independence” mirrors the claims from American white supremacists that their display of the Confederate battle flag is merely to honor their “heritage” and not to celebrate a regime that went to war to protect its “right” to enslave people from Africa.

Dozens of Ukrainian streets are named after Bandera and in a particularly nice touch Bandera’s street runs right up to the site of Babi Yar.

Daniel Lazare, in a review of Grzegorz Rossoliński-Liebe’s Stepan Bandera: The Life and Afterlife of a Ukrainian Nationalist wrote:

Although Bandera and his followers would later try to paint the alliance with the Third Reich as no more than “tactical,” an attempt to pit one totalitarian state against another, it was in fact deep-rooted and ideological. Bandera envisioned the Ukraine as a classic one-party state with himself in the role of führer, or providnyk, and expected that a new Ukraine would take its place under the Nazi umbrella, much as Jozef Tiso’s new fascist regime had in Slovakia or Ante Pavelić’s in Croatia.

What we are seeing is a cynical attempt to rewrite history in order to portray Bandera and the OUN/UPA as mere Ukrainian nationalists. Why? Because NATO’s Ukrainian friends identify with Bandera’s alliance with Nazi Germany. Bandera saw things differently explaining that Ukrainian nationalism had taken shape “in a spirit similar to the National Socialist ideas”.

That the BBC and the yellow press is engaged in trying to prettify the Azov Battalion and assorted neo-Nazis is one thing (see Ros Atkin’s apologia What untruths is Russia spreading about Nazis in Ukraine?) but for a Zionist organisation which purports to oppose anti-Semitism to do the same is something else.

As Jimmy Dore observed, there are now good Nazis as well as bad Nazis. The good ones are pro-Western and publicly, at least, play down their anti-Semitism.

An example of Azov’s handiwork was the body of a woman found in the basement of Azov’s HQ in Mariupol. She had been tortured and a swastika was scratched into her chest. For which Western media blamed Russians.

Oleksiy Kuzmenko’s Far-Right Group Made Its Home in Ukraine’s Major Western Military Training Hub [George Washington University, September 2021] makes for sombre reading. Kuzmenko wrote that:

...  since 2018, the National Army Academy (NAA), Ukraine’s premier military education institution and a major hub for Western military assistance to the country, has been home to Centuria, a self-described order of “European traditionalist” military officers that has the stated goals of reshaping the country’s military along right-wing ideological lines and defending the “cultural and ethnic identity” of European peoples against “Brussels’ politicos and bureaucrats.” The group envisions a future where “European right forces are consolidated and national traditionalism is established as the disciplining ideological basis for the European peoples.”

The group, led by individuals with ties to Ukraine’s ...  Azov movement, has attracted multiple members, including current and former officer cadets of the NAA now serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Apparent members have appeared in photos giving Nazi salutes and made seemingly extremist statements online.

The group has been able to proselytize Ukraine’s future military elite inside the NAA. Members have also gained access to Western military education and training Institutions.

The presence of the far right within the NAA is alarming because that institution is central to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Western support for that country, and Western military presence there. Foreign military instructors routinely engage with the Academy’s cadets at both the Academy proper and the International Peacekeeping and Security Center it oversees....

Azov figures and groups linked to Azov also heaped praise on Centuria and shared its messages online. In January 2019, for example, Eduard Yurchenko, an ideologue of the Azov movement, praised the group on Telegram, where he now has more than 1,100 subscribers. “You should know that this is our legendary future growing,” Yurchenko wrote of Centuria, emphasizing that the group was holding events within the NAA. ...

Galician Youth, a group that is linked to the Azov movement and operates in the Western part of Ukraine, similarly shared Centuria propaganda on Telegram in 2019.

In May 2021, the United Jewish Community of Ukraine... accused Galician Youth of spreading anti-Semitic posters in Lviv. The group denied having any connection to anti-Semitic posters and stated that it condemned anti-Semitism and xenophobia. Belying these statements, however, Galician Youth events, patches, etc., feature white nationalist symbols.

The evidence is overwhelming that the AFU is being penetrated at all levels by neo-Nazi groups.

Hope not Hate, which never lost an opportunity to attack anti-racists like Chris Williamson for ‘anti-Semitism’, went out of its way to downplay genuine anti-Semitism in Ukraine. HnH withdrew an award to Joe Solo for having supported Chris, though it ended up with egg on their faces writing that:

Ukraine's contemporary Jewish community, while facing antisemitism that all Jewish populations sadly receive, has, in the post-communist era, become a thriving community in the country with freedoms and protections written in law.

Eduard Dolinsky, the leader of Ukraine’s Jewish community clearly disagreed:

Our government encourages nationalistic groups. Our government encourages glorification of Nazi collaborator mass murderers and murderers of Jews.

Literally there are hundreds of monuments, streets named after killers of Jews. You can’t imagine in the West... a monument to a policeman who was escorting Jews to Nazi death camps.... We have anti-Semitic incidents every day – vandalism on Holocaust mass graves, vandalism on Jewish monuments. ... No one was ever convicted. They always deny the issue.

Zelensky’s Alliance with Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis

Western propaganda uses the fact that Zelenskyy is Jewish to legitimise Ukraine’s Nazis. This is not strange however. Zelensky is a rabid Zionist and Zionism historically has always koshered anti-Semitism. It did so with Nazi Germany.

Less than 3 weeks ago the Israeli  Ambassador to Romania, together with settler leader Yossi Dagan, met with the leader of the far-right Alliance for the Unity of Romanians party. This is a party that openly denies the holocaust and is descended from the Iron Guard who in 1941 staged a pogrom in Bucharest and hung the bodies of Jews from meat hooks in butcher shops. As Ha’aretz observed in its editorial ‘Shared Values’: Netanyahu’s Israel Cements Another Grim Alliance With Europe’s Far Right

Zelensky is a puppet of Ukraine’s fascists who came to power thanks to patronage from Ukrainian oligarch, Ihor Kolomoisky. Kolomoisky funded  Zelensky’s election campaign whilst also funding the Azov Battalion and other far-right militias.

In 2019 Zelensky met with a range of fascist groups telling reporters “I met with veterans yesterday. Everyone was there – the National Corps, Azov, and everyone else.” A few seats away from Zelensky was Yehven Karas, leader of the neo-Nazi C14 gang.

In 2019, Zelensky defended Ukrainian footballer Roman Zolzulya against Spanish fans taunting him as a “Nazi.” Zolzulya had posed beside photos of Bandera and openly supported the AB. Zelensky, described Zolzulya as “not only a cool football player but a true patriot.”

In April 2021 Zelensky tried to appoint the neo-Nazi former head of the Right Sector in Odessa, Serhiy Sternenko as head of Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU). As the former head of the neo-Nazi Right Sector in Odessa, Sternenko was directly implicated in the 2014 Trade Unions House massacre in Odessa, when 46 trade unionists were burnt alive or shot whilst attempting to flee the burning building. It is a massacre that Smith and Graham are remarkably unconcerned or ignorant about.

In November 2021 Dmytro Yarosh, announced that he had been appointed as an advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the AFU. Yarosh led the Right Sector from 2013-2015, vowing to lead the “de-Russification” of Ukraine.

A month later, as war with Russia drew closer, Zelensky awarded Right Sector commander Dmytro Kotsyubaylo the “Hero of Ukraine” commendation. Kosyubaylo keeps a pet wolf in his frontline base, and likes to joke to visiting reporters that his fighters “feed it the bones of Russian-speaking children.”

On March 1, Zelensky replaced the regional administrator of Odessa with Maksym Marchenko, a former commander of the extreme right Aidar Battalion, which has been accused of an array of war crimes in the Donbas.

Zelensky’s visit to Greece in April 2022 backfired dramatically in a country which was occupied during WWII. Zelensky’s address cut away to broadcast two members of the AB. Both said that they were of Greek heritage. It caused outrage. “Nazis Return to Parliament — Thanks to Mitsotakis” ran one headline referring to the fact that only recently had Greece managed to drive out its own neo-nazis.

The decision of the TUC to give blanket support to NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine, knowing full well that neo-Nazi groups are integrated armed forces is or should be a matter of shame. Clearly Gary Smith and Sharon Graham have no shame.

Tony Greenstein

Israel’s Denial That It Bombed Al Ahli Hospital Is As Credible As Its Denial That It Murdered Shireen Abu Akleh



 Today Google took down my last blog on Israel's bombing of Al Ahli Hospital 

However it is up here on my shadow blog. I shall soon be moving to substack as I am not going to let Google, which provides its technology to the Israeli Defence Forces, to censor what I write.

war criminals.jpg

Israel's Denial That It Bombed Al Ahli Hospital Is As Credible As Its Denial That It Murdered Shireen Abu Akleh

After Killing 500 More Palestinians It's Time We Accepted that Israel is a Genocidal, Ethnic Cleansing, Failed Apartheid State - We Need a Democratic not a Jewish State

Israel's Denial That It Bombed Al Ahli Hospital Is As Credible As Its Denial That It Murdered Shireen Abu Akleh


 After Killing 500 More Palestinians It's Time We Accepted that Israel is a Genocidal, Ethnic Cleansing, Failed Apartheid  State - We Need a Democratic not a Jewish State

Israel’s bombing of Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza

Israeli Ghoul & Liar-in-Chief  

How the Media Converted Lies Into Truth & Truth Into Lies

This was published in the Western Mail 31.7.14. in the midst of Israel's last major blitzkrieg in Gaza. See how accurate are its predictions?

The BBC and the Prostitute Media are going into overdrive to convince us that the Palestinians bombed their own hospital. They are lying through their teeth. If you want to read about the mendacity and dishonesty of the establishment press see Media Lens's The ‘Absolute Right’ To Commit War Crimes? Gaza, Israel And Labour ‘Opposition’.   

Whilst Israeli right-wingers are boasting about Israel's bombing of the hospital, its leaders are pretending that it was an own goal. Israel did exactly the same a year ago when it put out a fake video claiming that the Palestinians had killed Shireen Abu Akleh. It was only research by CNN, the NYT, Forensic Architecture, B'tselem and Bellingcat among others that forced Israel to admit that its soldiers had murdered Shireen.

Jonathan Cook, an award winning former Guardian journalist, hit the nail on the head when he said that we are in another WMD situation. We are being gaslighted. Cook declared:

It's not just unlikely that a Palestinian rocket hit the Gaza hospital. It's impossible. The media know this, they just don't dare say it 

Max Blumenthall of Grayzone in Judgment Day - The Grayzone live   methodically examines the footage of the missile hitting the hospital. This was no misfired rocket dropping from the air at a slow velocity but a high explosive supersonic missile.  But Biden and the United States will buy into any lie to exonerate its guard dog in the Middle East.

Max Blumenthall of Grayzone Examines the footage of the missile strike on Al Ahli Hospital and finds Israel's explanation woefully lacking

The BBC and Sky are happy to run with these lies because they serve the British State's interests. These are the same media outlets who tried to convince us in September 2022 that Russia bombed its own Nordstream 2 oil pipeline. They then 'forgot' to mention that Biden had declared only 7 months previously that the US would not allow the pipeline to operate.

Israel has once again resorted to putting out videos 'proving' it was a failed rocket. At least one of them is of 2022 vintage. 

Israel’s military and political echelons have developed a culture of lying. 20 years ago, Israelis expressed skepticism about official statements. Quoting from Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom:

[R]espected Israeli commentators have grown skeptical of Israeli government sources. “The state authorities, including the defense establishment and its branches,” Uzi Benziman observed in Haaretz“have acquired for themselves a shady reputation when it comes to their credibility.” The “official communiqués published by the IDF have progressively liberated themselves from the constraints of truth,” B. Michael wrote in Yediot Ahronot, and the “heart of the power structure”—that is, the police, army, and intelligence—has been infected by a “culture of lying.” 

Sources: Uzi Benziman, “Until Proved Otherwise,” Haaretz (18 June 2006); B. Michael, “Of Liars and Hunters,” Yediot Ahronot (3 September 2005); B. Michael, “Stop the Lying!,” Yediot Ahronot (5 September 2008).  


It is obvious to anyone with a brain cell that Hamas and Islamic Jihad do not possess a rocket with the capability of completely destroying a hospital. If they had such a capacity then they would have caused mass casualties in Ashkelon, Tel Aviv and elsewhere. This was not a rocket that fell from the sky having misfired but a high explosive missile that hit the hospital at supersonic speed.

The fact that Biden, who recently falsely claimed to have seen photos of the severed head of Israeli babies, is prepared to lie so blatantly demonstrates that the West is willing to turn a blind eye to any and every Israeli war crime. But why shouldn't Biden approve of Israel's bombing of a hospital? He is seeking the extradition of Julian Assange for revealing American war crimes in Iraq.

The fake news story of 40 babies who had been decapitated is atrocity propaganda whose purpose is to provide the justification for very real atrocities, such as are currently happening. And if false news stories don't work then don't worry. Israel's Communications Minister, Shlomo Karhi, is proposing draft regulations titled “Limiting Aid to the Enemy through Communication.”  Karhi has openly declared that their purpose is to stop Al Jazeera reporting from Israel. Karhi fully understands that the BBC and the western media can be trusted not to report the truth. 

Israel’s bombing of Al Ahli hospital in Gaza was predictable. Contrary to the lies of Mark Regev that Israel doesn’t target medical facilities, this is exactly what Israel has been doing. 

Hananya Naftali, a staffer to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu boasted of Israel’s attack on the hospital before he realised that that was not the official line. See Israel claims Hamas blew up hospital – but Netanyahu staffer boasted Israel did it.

Israel’s Operation Barbarossa

Just 3 days ago Seymour Hersh, the Pulitzer prize winning journalist who exposed the My Lai massacre in Vietnam and the US blowing up of Russia’s Nordstream 2 pipeline, wrote about The Plan To Wipe Out Hamas.

Hersh had been told by an Israeli official that Israel has been trying to convince Qatar to fund a tent city for the million Palestinian refugees waiting across the border.

The key issue for Israel’s war planners was their reluctance, despite mobilising more than 300,000 reservists, to engage in a door-to-door street battle with Hamas in Gaza City. One veteran of the IDF told Hersch that half of the Israeli Army has been engaged in the protection of the West Bank settlements. 

“The Israeli planners don’t trust their infantry…. (because of) a disastrous lack of combat experience.”

Israel's soldiers are very good when it comes to killing women, children and the elderly but they're not so great when it comes to fighting hardened guerilla fighters.

another child killed

Israel’s operational plan calls for the Air Force to destroy the remaining structures in Gaza City and elsewhere in the north. Gaza City will be no more. Israel will then begin dropping American-made 5,000-pound bombs known as “bunker busters,” or JDAMs, in the flattened areas where Hamas fighters are known to live and manufacture their missiles and other weapons underground.

The Israeli plan to raze Gaza City to the ground is not one whit different from Hitler’s intention in Operation Barbarossa to raze Moscow and Leningrad to the ground. 

The plans of Israeli strategists are, like their Nazi predecessors, also likely to meet with failure. The bombing of the Al Ahli hospital will make it more difficult for Israel’s planners to achieve their objectives given the worldwide repugnance felt to Israel's proposed carnage. The Palestinian refugees too don’t want to leave and Egypt’s regime doesn’t want them.

However the plans of Netanyahu’s war mongers, the deliberate bombing of a hospital and the open rejoicing of Israelis at the murder of 500+ Palestinians raise questions that cannot be avoided.

The Israeli state began its life with the massacre of thousands of Palestinians and the expulsion of three-quarters of a million refugees in what became known as the Nakba. Throughout the 1950s there were smaller expulsions and then the 1956 Suez War in which Israel attacked Egypt before being forced to retreat by President Eisenhower. In 1967 Israel launched another war and this time captured the Sinai, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Former Israeli Labor Party Deputy Prime Minister and Supporter of the Greater Israel Movement, Yigal Allon

From the occupation of the West Bank there grew the messianic settler and religious nationalist movement which continued the old Labour Zionist project of settlement, theft of Palestinian land and now open pogroms against the indigenous Palestinians. The founders of the Greater Israel Movement were not right-wing Zionists but some of the most revered members of the Labour Zionist movement like Yisrael GaliliYitzhak Tabenkin and Yigal Allon, the former Deputy Prime Minister.

The goal of these settlers, as with their Labour Zionist predecessors, was to make Palestine as Jewish as possible with as few Arabs as possible. In the words of Yair Lapid, leader of Israel’s centrist Yesh Atid,

My principle says maximum Jews on maximum land with maximum security and with minimum Palestinians.

Zionism and the Israeli state has always been a racial preservation project. Only stupid westerners fell for the oxymoronic Jewish Democratic State formula. As Rabbi Meir Kahane, the leader of the neo-Nazi Kach Party, who Ben Gvir, Israel’s Police Minister reveres to this day, explained Israel could either be a Jewish or a Democratic state but it could not be both. If Israel was democratic then Palestinian Israelis, some 20% of the population could grow into a majority and Israel would no longer be a Jewish state.

Israel is an ethno- religious state. It is a throwback to the feudal era whereby the State was identified with a particular religion. Those not of that religion were persecuted. This was the major achievement of the 1789 French Revolution which separated religion from the state.

The Christian ethno-nationalist states of Eastern Europe in the 1930s and 1940s - Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia - were also the most anti-Semitic states whose savagery outdid that of the Nazis themselves. An ethno-religious state is inherently a racist and apartheid state.

There are a number of states that call themselves religious states – from Iran to Britain, which is nominally a Christian country. But in Iran Muslims are not privileged over Jews. If anything it is Muslims who are the most oppressed. Islam is used to justify their oppression. In Britain Jews and Muslims don’t have inferior political and civil rights to Christians. No one argues that Jews or Muslims should not be allowed to buy ‘Christian’ land.

Israel blocks humanitarian aid

But in Israel 93% of the land is in the hands of the state. Non-Jews are barred from that land, which is controlled by the Jewish National Fund and the Israeli Land Authority. As the Jewish Nation State Law  makes clear the State belongs to the Jews and no one else. Hence State land is Jewish land.

Citizenship in Israel is almost meaningless since the criteria for belonging to the national collective is not citizenship but nationality. Only Jewish nationality counts. You can be an Arab, Druze, Muslim or a hundred other nationalities but none of them carry with them any entitlements.

Massive Demonstration in Karachi

As a British Jew I have more rights under Israel’s Law of Return than Palestinians who were born there. I have the automatic right to be an Israeli citizen if I emigrate to Israel whereas Palestinian refugees have no such right. That is why Gaza’s refugees do not want to exit Gaza for Egypt because they know very well that if they do cross into Egypt they will not be returning as Israel settles the Strip with Jews.

Those who argue for Egypt to take in Gaza’s residents, for ‘humanitarian’ reasons, to escape Israel’s bombing, are encouraging the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. There is only one response to Israel’s blitzkrieg and that is to demand an immediate ceasefire.

As long as Israel is a ‘Jewish’ State it will be an apartheid state and a genocidal state. Massacres of Arabs at Israel’s hands are nothing new. In 1982 Israel murdered more than 20,000 Lebanese civilians when it invaded Lebanon. It has killed thousands of Palestinians since its founding but worse than that, as a militarised state Israel has become the weapons supplier of choice to other genocidal regimes.

Demonstrators Attack UN Building in Beirut

In Guatemala Israeli supplies of arms and training military helped the regime kill up to 200,000 Mayan Indians. In Chile Israel was to the fore in arming Pinochet. In Argentina Israel helped to arm and train the regime’s torturers and military despite them having killed up to 3,000 Argentinian Jews. As Ben Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister explained, when there is a choice between Jews and the Jewish state, then the latter comes first.

In a speech to the Central Committee of Mapai, Israel’s Labour Party, in December 1938, after Britain agreed to admit 10,000 Jewish children from Germany Ben Gurion said:

If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England, and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Yisrael, then I would opt for the second alternative. For we must weigh not only the life of these children, but also the history of the People of Israel.

The policy of the Zionist movement throughout the Holocaust was to oppose the rescue of Jews to any country bar Palestine. The Zionist movement preferred dead Jews in Europe to rescuing Jews in countries other than Palestine.

Those who believe that Israel can become a normal western democracy are either fools or knaves. Israel can no more become a democracy than a dog can become a cat. Israel is an artificial state. In the words of Akiva Orr, Israel is an unJewish State. There is nothing Jewish about Israel except racially. Israel is the antithesis of ethical Judaism. Racial Judaism and Zionism is the mirror image of the Nazis' racial creed.

Israel is also irreformable. You would have a greater chance of getting a fox to befriend, rather than eat, a chicken than getting Israel to become a democracy. War and ethnic cleansing is part of its DNA. It has always rejected any peace initiative. Netanyahu made his name through his virulent opposition to the Oslo Accords and he helped incite those who killed Yitzhak Rabin. Whenever the Palestinians or Arabs wished to negotiate, an Israeli leader, be it Ehud Barak or Netanyahu would say that they have no partner for peace.

And if Israel is irreformable then there is only one answer left. The State of Israel has to be dismantled and destroyed. I emphasise the state. Unlike fascists I distinguish between a state and those living in it. In the same way as the Nazi and South African Apartheid states were destroyed. The people of Israel, be they Jewish, Christian, Muslim or of no religion have the absolute right to live there, but as equals not with any group being racially superior.

Of course the messianic Zionists won't accept living in peace and will either emigrate or die out, but it is time that the Palestinian solidarity movement moved on from 2 states to accept that Israel as a Jewish state has to go.

Israel Posts a 2022 Video to Prove That It Didn't Bomb the Al Ahli Hospital!

Extermination & Murder Are Part of the Zionist DNA

Although Israel officially denies that they targeted the Al Ahli hospital, supporters of its government aren’t denying it. Quite the contrary these human rodents are celebrating it. Dan Cohen, an Israeli journalist, in a series of tweets quotes one member of an Israeli Telegram channel with 87,000 followers exclaiming at the sight of the dead and mutilated: ‘Great picture, although I’m missing some ketchup and corpses.” Let no-one be under any doubt that these Judeo-Nazi sentiments aren’t just those of the 87,000 lunatics but they represent the private positions  of the majority of Israel’s coalition. This is Zionism red in tooth and claw.

Today I was sent an article The Most Horrifying of Times - And What Can We Still Do? by veteran Israeli peace campaigner, Adam Keller. Keller is one of the few genuine anti-racists who supports a two state solution. I disagree with him but he is at least sincere unlike liars like Labour Friends of Israel.

Keller writes how genocide is now an appropriate term to use about Israel’s actions. He describes how the word ‘extermination’ with all its resonance of Auschwitz has now entered the language of Israeli politics in the so-called liberal oasis of Tel Aviv.

For many years, when I saw the word "Genocide" in the statements of radical groups in Israel and abroad, I would approach the writers and comment that - however appropriate the condemnation of Israeli acts of oppression - Genocide is not among these acts. But this week Roy Sharon, a "respectable" radio and TV commentator on the main Israeli broadcasting corporation, spoke very explicitly of his desire to see “a million dead bodies in Gaza”.

And the streets of Tel Aviv are flooded with red stickers reading "Exterminate Gaza!". Not "Destroy!", not "Flatten!"– but clearly and explicitly "Exterminate Gaza!". "Le-Ha-Sh-Mid!" - "Exterminate!" Every Hebrew-speaking Jewish Israeli knows from a young age exactly what this word means. ….

There is no escaping the horrifying statement - the idea of Genocide has now entered the public agenda in the State of Israel, and there is every justification to use this terrible word and to beat all the drums and raise all the possible alarms. ….

Almost immediately with the beginning of the war, demonstrations began demanding an exchange of prisoners, which persisted even when they encountered blatant violence by the right-wing people, in some cases joined by equally violent police. The demand for an exchange of captives and prisoners, for the return of the Israelis captured by Hamas and taken to Gaza, is an important and vital humanitarian demand in itself. But it is also the best way to still try to put a brake on the escalation towards a destructive and bloody ground invasion of Gaza.

An invasion in which the army would invade and crush Gaza with all its might would most likely lead to the killing of the Israeli abductees, among all the many others who would be killed. This was expressed with characteristic bluntness and ruthlessness by the extreme right Minister Smotritz: "We need to be cruel, not to think too much of the captives". Negotiating with Hamas for a prisoner exchange deal is not compatible with a total war whose goal is to completely destroy Hamas. This was explicitly stated by Tzachi Hanegbi, head of Israel's National Security Council. The State of Israel has a choice between two courses that in practice rule out each other - either an effort to bring back the captives and abductees from Gaza, or a ground invasion that will multiply the killing and destruction already caused in the week of bombings.

The Lie that Israel Doesn't Target Medical & Health Facilities

Al Jazeera reported six days ago how Talal Taha and his team at al-Shifa, Gaza City’s largest hospital, received an emergency call and leapt into action.

Three vehicles headed to a location in the vicinity of the city’s eastern cemetery on Saturday 7 October. The team followed the sound of cries for help as the city was enveloped in darkness.

 “All of a sudden we were targeted [by an air attack] and we ran for safety,” Taha, a paramedic, told how the emergency team jumped into their cars on Salah al-Din Road and the vehicles proceeded a few metres before another air strike hit. Three of his colleagues were killed and Taha was lightly injured. “Our mission is humanitarian, we provide humanitarian service only, and we were targeted without any reason, without any excuse,” he said.

Health authorities and medical organisations in the Gaza Strip have accused Israel of deliberately bombing ambulances and health facilities in the Gaza, despite it being a war crime.

Protests in Lebanon Against Bombing

The Palestine Red Crescent Society condemned

"the intentional targeting of medical teams”, which killed “four paramedics in less than half an hour today, despite prior coordination. Targeting medical personnel is a grave breach to international humanitarian law and to humanity, PRCS demands accountability for this war crime, urging immediate investigation and justice for the victims."

Fifteen ambulances and nine health institutions have been hit, including the Ministry of Health building, the Rimal Clinic and the International Eye Center. Doctors Without Borders, (Medecins sans Frontieres) said it had counted 16 medical personnel killed since Saturday 7 October, 18 ambulances destroyed and eight medical facilities damaged either totally or partially.

Sohaib Safi, medical coordinator for MSF in Gaza, said the scale of the damage was “very clear evidence” that medical aid in the enclave was being intentionally attacked by Israeli forces. Safi told Al Jazeera

“When ambulances are trying to reach areas under fire, they are targeted as a message that no one should get inside to evacuate injured or stuck people,”.

effect of Israel’s bombing of Gaza Hospital

At al-Shifa Hospital, it is not just patients and their families seeking help. Frightened Gaza City residents, too, have found shelter at the hospital, in the hope that it will not be attacked.

But already, the neonatal unit has been partly damaged due to bombardments around the facility. Mahmoud Shalabi, senior programme manager for Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) expressed concern that this may be ‘the worst humanitarian catastrophe that Palestinians have seen since 1948.”

But instead of calling out Regev, the BBC entertains this liar and doesn’t even bother to grill him over his egregious lies. This despite the Israeli army's admitted lying about these things in the past.

The BBC also had to issue a ‘correction’ not an apology, for having branded the Palestine solidarity demonstrations at the weekend as ‘pro-Hamas’ an outrageous lie but yet more proof of its Zionist bias.

Bombing of Al Ahli Hospital

During the attacks on Gaza Israel has been absolutely clear that nothing will stand in the way of its objectives – to ethnically cleanse Gaza of its Palestinians.

What other meaning can one derive from a total blockade of food, water and fuel? This is a war of genocide and yet our political leaders, from Biden to Sunak, Starmer and Emily Thornberry gave their approval for these Nazi tactics.

At the Nuremberg trials of the major Nazi war criminals in 1946-7 and subsequent trials, 10 Nazis who were responsible for war crimes were hanged. Although the International Criminal Court doesn’t have the power to execute anyone, Biden et al should be charged with aiding and abetting Israeli war crimes and together with Netanyahu and Gantz, the two Israeli leaders most responsible, should be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.

The Hannibal and Dahiya Doctrines

Israel is employing both the ‘Hannibal’ and ‘Dahiya’ doctrines. The first allows for massive attacks on civilian targets in order to prevent the capture of Israeli soldiers by enemy forces. It was introduced in 1986, after a number of abductions of IDF soldiers in Lebanon and until 2003 Israeli military censorship forbade any discussion of the subject in the press. Its basis is that " kidnapping must be stopped by all means, even at the price of striking and harming our own forces."

In other words Israel is prepared to sacrifice the lives of the 250 hostages in Gaza rather than allow them to be exchanged for Palestinian hostages in Israel’s prisons. Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, a ‘proud homophobe’ who is also Gauleiter of the West Bank had previously said “there is no such thing as a Palestinian nation.” Smotrich urged the Israeli army to “hit Hamas brutally and not take the matter of the captives into significant consideration”.

Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says

Yasmin Porat, a 44-year-old mother of three, told how

They eliminated everyone, including the hostages. There was very, very heavy crossfire” and even tank shelling.

Porat said that prior to this she and the other civilians had been held by the Palestinians for several hours and treated “humanely.” She had fled the nearby “Nova” rave. A recording of her interview, from the radio program Haboker Hazeh hosted by Aryeh Golan on state broadcaster Kan, was reported by Electronic Intifada

Porat, who is from Kabri, a settlement near the Lebanese border, undoubtedly experienced terrible things and saw many noncombatants killed. Her own partner, Tal Katz, is among the dead.

However, her account undermines Israel’s official story of deliberate, wanton murder by the Palestinian fighters. Although it no longer appears on the Kan website, there can be little doubt about the recording’s authenticity.

At least one Hebrew-language account posted part of the interview on Twitter and accused Kan, the Israeli broadcaster, of functioning as “media in the service of Hamas.”

In other words if you tell the truth you are a ‘terrorist’.

Israel, the ‘Jewish’ State would prefer to murder its own captives rather than exchange them for Palestinians. This gives the lie to the idea that Israel cares a fig for the lives of  its own Jewish citizens. Israel is a racial preservation project not a humanitarian endeavour as its politicians pretend.

The Dahiya directive, named after a Beirut suburb that was bombarded, was explained by Israeli General Gadi Eisenkot

We will wield disproportionate power against every village from which shots are fired on Israel, and cause immense damage and destruction. From our perspective, these are military bases. This isn't a suggestion. This is a plan that has already been authorized.

Both doctrines are based on committing war crimes. Attacking civilian targets to protect the military is not new. That was what the Nazis did when they invaded countries, especially in Eastern Europe.

Barnaby Raine shows up Novara Media's Michael Walker for the pompous ass and opportunist he is as he gives him a lesson in racism & colonialism

Let no one think that Israel will stop at the bombing of a hospital. ‘Defence’ Minister Yoav Gallant promised that it will be a long war. Israel gets away with this because of the support it gets, not only from the United States but the entire West. It is not just Gallant and Netanyahu who are war criminals – it is the entirety of Western politicians from Biden to Sunak to Starmer, Macron and Olaf Scholtz.

Let no one be fooled that this is about Israel’s ‘right to defend itself’. For 17 years Gaza has been under a suffocating siege. Hamas, as early as 2007, repeatedly offered Israel the opportunity of a de facto peace settlement only to be rebuffed. Israel has long wanted to clear the Gaza Strip of Palestinians and has been looking for an opportunity. Unfortunately the attack on October 7 provided them with just such an opportunity.

The silence of the British Labour Movement is deafening. Sharon Graham, the General Secretary of my own union, Unite, has been conspicuous by her deafening silence.

Skwawkbox reported that the London and Eastern branch of Unite has written to Graham deploring her and the union's lack of support for Palestinian victims of Israeli war crimes, despite support for the Palestinians being union policy.

The London and Eastern regional secretary demanded immediate action to ensure the union is fully represented at next week’s pro-Palestinian demonstration and that Graham personally write to every branch of the union urging them to participate. See Unite London/Eastern slams Graham’s silence and union’s inaction over Israeli war crimes

Graham’s silence is in stark contrast to her clenched-fist posturing in front of a Ukrainian flag and she has also been exposed using proxies to order a senior union official to try and cancel a pro-Palestinian event at Labour's conference fringe last week.

Starmer is also facing a backlash over his and Evans attempt to prevent support for the Palestinians. Councillors were warned only a week ago that they may be expelled for attending Palestine solidarity demonstrations. Today Walsall Labour councillors publicly denounced Starmer’s support for war crimes.

According to Labour NEC member Luke Akehurst, Bombing Hospitals is Perfectly Acceptable 

Starmer is facing mass resignations of councillors over his support for Israeli war crimes. Starmer and his sidekick Luke Akehurst should be prime candidates for prosecution for aiding and abetting war crimes.

Can the Socialist Campaign Group of MPs Sink Any Lower?

It is difficult to know why the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs even exists given their deafening silence over Israel's genocidal attack on Gaza. John McDonnell, Richard Burgon, Dianne Abbot, Bell Ribeiro Addy,  Lloyd Russell Moyle, Apsana Begum, Zarah Sultana et al. have been conspicuous  by their deafening silence. Not a peep out of these cowards.

They tabled on 17 October EDM 1685 Protecting civilians in Gaza and Israel which is about as weak as you can get. Firstly it equates civilians in Gaza and Israel when 2 million Gazans have had food, water, electricity cut off and thousands have died. Israeli civilians have suffered no such deprivations.

It fails to recognise the difference between the oppressor and the oppressed.  Instead it 'utterly condemns the massacre of Israeli civilians and taking of hostages by Hamas' yet can only manage to express 'its deep alarm at the Israeli military bombardment'. Condemnation is reserved for the Palestinians, who have been under a 17 year starvation siege, not Israelis who sat by and voted for those who kept Palestinians in the world's largest open air prison.

The only member of the SCG who has expressed solidarity with the Palestinians has been Andy McDonald. The rest of them have behaved like racist liberals genuflecting to 'Zionist without qualification' Starmer. If ever there was a reason for socialists to get out of the Labour Party this is it  

The Metropolitan Police Have Been Busy - Apart from Harassing a Doctor's Family they have Closed Down a Book Fair on Palestine 

Israel’s war crimes did not however stop the Metropolitan Police, following orders from Home Secretary Braverman, harassing the family of a doctor who went out to Gaza to help treat the victims of Israeli war crimes. These are the values of the police in London today.

This follows the suspension of a Sussex University student earlier this week. Now a student from SOAS, a college with a formerly progressive administration, has been suspended and several members of the Palestine Society warned as to their conduct for having organised a demonstration in support of the Palestinians.



Those of us in Brighton and Hove have a local MP Peter Kyle, who is on Labour’s front bench as well as being Vice-Chair of Labour Friends of Israel. You might want to email this apologist for Israeli war crimes at peter.kyle.mp@parliament.uk.

 All over the Arab world there are mass demonstrations against the killings. In Lebanon the American Embassy has been besieged. In Jordan police fired tear gas to disperse crowds intent on attacking the Israeli Embassy. ‘Normalisation’ has, at least temporarily been halted.

Israel Tells Gazans to Leave the North & Then Bombs a Convoy of Civilian

Everywhere in the Arab world the corrupt and rotten regimes are fighting back against demands to cut off relations with Israel. It was the big mistake of the PLO that instead of calling for the overthrow of these regimes they tried to get into bed with them.

The PLO’s ambition was to become just another corrupt Arab regime. Unfortunately for it Israel had no intention of playing ball.

Today in Ramallah the Palestinian Authority is all that is left of the Oslo Accords of 1993. Mahmoud Abbas, the self-styled President of the PA is derided by Israel as the Mayor of Ramallah. He is hated by Palestinians for having become a sub-contractor to the Israeli army.

When protests broke out against the slaughter of 500+ people in Al Ahli hospital their chants quickly turned to calls for Abbas to step down. Abbas’s security forces began shooting at the protesters. The liberation of Palestine will begin with the overthrow of Abbas and his corrupt cronies. It is to the  shame of Palestine Solidarity Campaign that it refuses to even utter even one word of criticism against this Quisling regime that Israel imposed on the Palestinians.

Tony Greenstein

Israeli Lies About the Bombing of Al Ahli Hospital Unravelling as Al Jazeera and Channel 4 Investigations Expose Israeli Propaganda as Lies


 The Conversation Between 2 Hamas Members that Israel Posted are Fake & Digitally Manipulated – the Missile Came From the East not West

Al Jazeera Investigation in Israel's Bombing of the Al Ahli Hospital

Was the Gaza hospital attack caused by a failed rocket launch? | Bird’s Eye View

Channel 4 News tonight broadcast the first scientific analysis by Forensic Architecture based at London University that Israel’s ‘evidence’ that Islamic Jihad carried out the horrific bombing the Al-Ahli hospital is as genuine as a 9 bob note.

Israel's Crude Forgery of a Conversation Between 2 Hamas Operatives

Firstly the missile came from the opposite direction to that which Israel alleged – East not South West. Secondly that the ‘conversation’ between two Hamas operatives had been digitally manipulated and consisted of two separate conversations, clearly by two Israeli actors.

Now why should Israel do this if its conscience is clean? If in fact it was a misfiring by Islamic Jihad that caused the explosion that killed 500 people what possible reason is there to employ actors to narrate a fictional conversation?

The Missile that destroyed the Al Ahli Hospital came from the East not the South-West as Israel alleged

Of course the Americans and the BBC are eager to accept the Israeli denial that it deliberately targeted a hospital because they wish to portray the Israeli attack on Gaza as what they say it is, highly selective rather than it being an indiscriminate attack on the civilian population of Gaza. 

Why should Israel behave in this way? Because it has ordered Palestinians to vacate northern Gaza and therefore wanted all hospitals to close and not to shelter Palestinian civilians. This is genocide pure and simple.

Channel 4 Investigation of Attack on Al Hilwa Hospital

In a press conference, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, Hosam Naoum, said the al-Ahli al-Arabi Baptist Hospital in Gaza was warned on Saturday, Sunday and Monday by the Israeli army to evacuate. It was then bombed on Tuesday. Clearly the Israelis were becoming impatient with the hospital still functioning and decided to take it out.

Three days before the fatal missile strike the hospital had already been hit. However it is understandable that Israel wants to reassure its gullible Zionist supporters abroad that it was not the culprit and sure enough the BBC and Sky News go to town on Israel’s lies, endorsed by the senile American President Biden and his puppet Sunak.

If there was any doubt about whether Israel has lied then the Al Jazeera investigation tonight lays that doubt to rest. There was only one rocket launched from Gaza that night and it was intercepted. The only party who could have launched the missile on the hospital was Israel and of course they know that.

It comes hot on the heels of Israel’s attack on the Greek Orthodox Church of St Porphyrius, the oldest church in Gaza, some 1600 years old. Once again Palestinian civilians were sheltering in the church assuming that although Israel bombs mosques without qualms it would draw the line at Christian churches.

The reality is that Israel has no red lines when it comes to attacking civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza – be it hospitals, schools, churches or mosques. These are multiple war crimes yet Biden, Sunak, Starmer et al. have no hesitation in backing Israel. We are led by war criminals.

Hotoveli – all Palestinians are Nazis and we should kill 600,000 of them

The cat however was let out of the bag by Israel’s far-right religious nut and Ambassador Tzipi Hotoveli who described all Palestinians as Nazis and compared what Israel was doing now to the British bombing of Dresden and Hamburg. She alleged that 600,000 were killed in those bombings and then used them to justify murdering a similar number of Palestinians.

Of course if we were to call the Zionists and Israelis Nazis that would be anti-Semitic but if the Zionists call Palestinians ‘Nazis’ then that is fine because the Holocaust narrative is Israeli property, to twist and distort as they will. Instead of being an object in why racism and fascism is a wrong, the Zionists use the Holocaust as a justification for whatever evils they perpetrate.

According to Hotoveli there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza and in any case Palestinians are Nazis so who cares. There is no acknowledgment of the starvation siege of Gaza for 17 years or any admission of any culpability whatsoever.

Adam Keller, a veteran Israeli peace activist in an article on the Gush Shalom site, The Most Horrifying of Times - And What Can We Still Do? writes about how genocide is now an appropriate term to use about Israel’s actions. Keller describes how the word ‘extermination’ with all its resonance of Auschwitz has now entered the language of Israeli politics in the so-called liberal oasis of Tel Aviv.

This week Roy Sharon, a "respectable" radio and TV commentator on the main Israeli broadcasting corporation, spoke very explicitly of his desire to see “a million dead bodies in Gaza”.

And the streets of Tel Aviv are flooded with red stickers reading "Exterminate Gaza!". Not "Destroy!", not "Flatten!"– but clearly and explicitly "Exterminate Gaza!". "Le-Ha-Sh-Mid!" - "Exterminate!" Every Jewish Israeli knows from a young age exactly what this word means. ….

the idea of Genocide has now entered the public agenda in the State of Israel, and there is every justification to use this terrible word and to beat all the drums and raise all the possible alarms. ….

An invasion in which the army would invade and crush Gaza with all its might would most likely lead to the killing of the Israeli abductees, among all the many others who would be killed. This was expressed with characteristic bluntness and ruthlessness by the extreme right Minister Smotritz: "We need to be cruel, not to think too much of the captives". Negotiating with Hamas for a prisoner exchange deal is not compatible with a total war whose goal is to completely destroy Hamas. This was explicitly stated by Tzachi Hanegbi, head of Israel's National Security Council. The State of Israel has a choice between two courses that in practice rule out each other - either an effort to bring back the captives and abductees from Gaza, or a ground invasion that will multiply the killing and destruction already caused in the week of bombings.

None of this is broadcast by fake media outlets like the BBC and Sky. They are instead happy to buy into Israel’s lies, the BBC especially, because they are funded by the British government through the TV license.

Meanwhile in ‘the only democracy in the Middle East’ there has been a crackdown on Arab citizens who express any sympathy with the people of Gaza.

NBC’s reported from Ashdod in Israel that one studentis facing suspension for posting a picture on social media celebrating her sister’s engagement. Others have been targeted for expressing solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. All are suffering from what some schools and the Adalah egal advocacy group is calling an Israeli crackdown on free speech.

Police, schools and employers are targeting people for seemingly innocuous social media posts including quotes from the Quran according to Adi Mansour, a lawyer with Adalah — The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, told NBC News on Wednesday.

Mansour said Adalah has received at least 80 reports from students at colleges and universities of being suspended, expelled or even arrested for their online musings.

Some social media users threatened “to kill them, to rape them, threats to go to their house,” Mansour said. Others had been doxxed, meaning their personal information was posted online.

In a strongly worded letter to Israeli Education Minister Yoav Kisch on Wednesday, nine schools complained that they were coming under pressure to investigate their students and report their handling of the cases to The Council for Higher Education in Israel, which they said risked “creating an atmosphere of McCarthyism and mutual informing on every campus.”

Honestly, it’s terrifying what’s happening,” Mansour said.

Doxxing and disciplinary action

All of the students targeted identified themselves as being Palestinian or Arab. One student at Tel Aviv University, who asked not to be named because of security fears, said the addresses and pictures of homes of Arab students had been published on social media.

As I write Israel is continuing its bombing of Gaza with one aim. To ethnically cleanse Gaza of its Palestinians in order that Israeli Jews can ‘return’ and fulfil their messianic destiny. The least people can do is to attend the demonstration in London tomorrow, assemble 12 .00 at Marble Arch. Then go on to picket and lobby every MP until pressure is put on Israel to desist and for Britain not to supply weapons of murder to Israel’s killers.

ALSO:  Google censors have deleted my previous postIsrael’s Denial That It Bombed Al Ahli Hospital Is As Credible As Its Denial That It Murdered Shireen Abu Akleh 

In an articleHow Google and Amazon help Israel sustain its apartheid Ramzy Baround describes how the words, “We are anonymous because we fear retaliation,” were part of a letter signed by 500 Google employees in October 2020, when they decried their company’s direct support for the Israeli government and military. In their letter, the signatories protested a $1.2 billion contract between Google, Amazon Web Services and Tel Aviv that provides cloud services for the Israeli military and government that allow

“for further surveillance of and unlawful data collection on Palestinians, and facilitates expansion of Israel’s illegal settlements on Palestinian land.”

Google gave no explanation for its decision other than that it breached its 'community guidelines'as if Google Censors have a community. However it has firmed up by decision to go on Substack where anonymous censors don't interfere with free expression.

However you can still access my article on my shadow blog, see

Israel’s Denial That It Bombed Al Ahli Hospital Is As Credible As Its Denial That It Murdered Shireen Abu Akleh

Tony Greenstein

Britain’s Largest Ever Palestine Solidarity Demonstration Says No to Britain’s War Criminal Government That Supports Israel’s Food and Water Blockade of Gaza


 At least a 1/4 million people took part in a demonstration against Israel’s war crimes, genocide and ethnic cleansing in Palestine

When I took the tube from Oxford Street to Marble Arch we were told to get out at Bond Street because Marble Arch was too crowded. So was Bond Street as the crowds inched forward to the demonstration.

Despite the unanimity of the Lying Press and BBC that 100,000 took part in the Palestine solidarity demonstration in London today it is clear that far larger numbers marched than last week.

I have been on more demonstrations than most people have had hot dinners and my own feeling was that between a quarter and half a million took part. Palestine Solidarity Campaign claimed 300,000 and that seems a reasonable estimate.

Despite the pressure from Britain’s racist Home Secretary Cruella Braverman for people who chanted ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free’ there was no attempt by the surly police from the Met to intervene.

Even the Police, thick as they are, would have difficulty construing a slogan in favour of a free Palestine as meaning the genocide of Jews as Braverman claims.

The march was not in support of Hamas or any other faction of the Palestinian resistance but in support of a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to Israel’s genocidal bombing campaign that this government of war criminals and of course the pathetic Kid Starver supports.

Of course most people support resistance against Israel’s 17 year long siege of Gaza and the Apartheid State.  Hamas and Islamic Jihad have been declared ‘terrorists’ by this government despite the government’s support for the terrorist Israeli state.

It is clear that the Terrorism Act 2000, which was brought in to combat actual terrorism on the streets of Britain, is now being used to silence political debate. It is a total abuse of the legislation but Starmer, the ‘human rights lawyer’ is happy with that.

The demonstration would have been even bigger if some of Britain's trade unions had told their members of the demonstration and campaigned for it. In particular the racist pro-imperialist General Secretary of Unite, Sharon Graham, refused to publicise the demonstration.

My own branch and also the London & Eastern Region of Unite wrote to Graham protesting at her pro-Zionist, pro-imperialist attitude, see Skwawbox Exclusive: Unite members tell Graham ‘Follow union policy and start opposing murder of Palestinians’, Exclusive: Unite London/Eastern slams Graham’s silence and union’s inaction over Israeli war crimes and Video: huge crowd marches for justice for Palestinians

Below are some photographs and video which I took

Tony Greenstein

The Israeli State Is Hitler’s Bastard Offspring and Gaza is Israel’s Warsaw Ghetto


 From Ethnic Cleansing to Genocide There Can Be No Solution Until Zionism and the Israeli State are Eradicated From the Face of the Earth

Let me clear before the Zionist howls become deafening. I want the Israeli state to disappear, just like the Nazi and Apartheid State of South Africa disappeared. The Jewish inhabitants of Israel have every right to stay, but no right to stay in a Jewish Supremacist State.

When I attended Palestine Expo in July 2019 I spoke at a workshop. For some reason the Jewish Chronicle singled out my contribution at this two day event when I said that:

Nazi Germany in a sense built the state of Israel at a crucial time and you can actually say that the state of Israel today is Hitler’s bastard offspring because the ideology that permeates Israel, Jewish racial supremacy, originated in the fascist states of Europe.

The Jewish Chronicle reported that I asked:

What is Zionism? Zionism is a movement for Jewish racial supremacy. It counterposes the needs of a Jewish racial state to the needs of Jews and that was what Haavara [Agreement] was about.”

Could anyone say today, as we witness the onslaught on Gaza, that Israel has not fully lived up to my description?

Clare Daly speaking in the European Parliament

To paraphrase what Marx wrote, people make history but not of their own time or choosing. It is difficult in any historical period to gauge where we are and where we’re going. The situation in Palestine today is difficult to read but what is clear is that Zionism is reaching the end of the road. Even without the Palestinians the state is doomed.

What does it mean to be a Jewish state – is being Jewish a nationality or a religion? Israelis are hopelessly divided on who they are. According to the Pew survey Israel’s Religiously Divided Society 46% of all Israeli Jews see themselves as Jewish first and only 35% as Israelis first. It is this cleavage which we have been witnessing all year in the massive demonstrations in Israel. Although they have gone away for now, the fault line among the settlers has not gone away. It is a Jewish state in which there is no agreement on what it means to be Jewish.

But for the Palestinians Israel would long ago have witnessed a civil war between its religious and secular components. What adds to this mixture is the rise of the messianic religious right whose deity is the land that god apparently gave them. Their religiosity is secondary to their nationalism, hence the occasional divisions between them and the traditional Haredi Orthodox.

It is hatred of the Palestinians which keeps Israeli Jews together but most Israelis, like all colonists are too stupid to understand that.

Gaza is revealing that Zionism and the Israeli State project has shed the ‘democratic’ façade which it cloaked itself with for 70 years. When you have a Minister, of the Police no less, Itamar ben-Gvir who has chantedDeath to the Arabs’ a Kahanist who believes all Israeli Arabs should be expelled, then we are entering new waters.

When I grew up Israel was cited as the only living example of socialism. It was the time of Labour Zionist governments which, if nothing else, excelled at hasbara (propaganda). When I became a socialist and questioned how socialism was compatible with Zionism I was told to go and live on a kibbutz, which was seen as a microcosm of socialism despite being Jewish only and established on the land of destroyed Arab villages.

Today no one hears of kibbutz socialism because the kibbutzim are just another form of Jewish only settlement. Labour Zionism in Israel is all but dead. It survives only in the Jewish diaspora. In Britain it played a major part, via the Jewish Labour Movement, in overthrowing Jeremy Corbyn. Its sole remaining task today is to defame critics of Israel’s openly genocidal Zionism.

A Mad Israeli for whom the Palestinians are substitute Nazis

Exploiting the Holocaust & Jewish Victimhood

The Zionist movement, which did nothing to help save the Jewish victims of the holocaust and which was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Jews by blocking their escape routes and suppressing news of the Holocaust itself, has nonetheless inherited the memory of the six million who died. The Holocaust dead have become part of a western imperialist narrative that justifies any manner of brutality.

Not only has Israel inherited the memory of the Jewish holocaust dead but it has exploited that memory in the most shameless manner possible. Not only Israel but the German state too. The German state, which was so reluctant to prosecute Nazis war criminals post-war has rehabilitated itself by its support for a state that was founded on the very same principles as Nazi Germany - racial exclusivity.

Indeed it was Germany’s sordid alliance with Israel, supplying it with military technology and financial reparations, which paved the way for the inclusion of West Germany in the NATO cold-war alliance. The reparations went to the military and it is now proposed that the outstanding debt be used to purchase German submarines.

Israel stole the reparations from the holocaust survivors whilst at the same time the holocaust survivors were forced to live in poverty. Today Israel is waiting for the remaining holocaust survivors to die so that they can use the money elsewhere. Whilst holocaust survivors are starved the West Bank settlements are awash with cash.

The ‘guiding principle’ in Israel is that they must remember the Holocaust. But for what? To prevent another holocaust? To combat racism? No. To justify all the terrible crimes that Israel perpetrates against the Palestinians. There can be no greater affront to the memory of the Jewish dead than to use their memory to legitimise the very same racism that caused them to die.

Israel has set up a holocaust memorial museum, Yad Vashem, which is dedicated to doing nothing else but exploiting their memory. Yad Vashem has refrained, throughout its history, from drawing any universal conclusions from the holocaust. Indeed it has fought hard against anyone who might link racism and genocide against other people with the extermination of the Jews of Europe.

Israelis really do believe that a 17 year siege was not a provocation

When UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres said that the breakout from the Gaza concentration camp on October 7 and the killing of Israelis ‘didn’t happen in vacuum,’ that it took place in the context of a 17 year siege  of Gaza, all hell broke loose.

Victoria Derbyshire: You do have to acknowledge the barbarity of the attack on Israelis.. before this can move forward

The idea that Palestinians living under Israeli bombing and facing pogroms and terror in the West Bank daily might have a grievance is anathema to the distorters of history at the Yad Vashem Propaganda Museum. Its Chair Dani Dayan pontificated that

“The slaughter of Jews by Hamas on October 7th was genocidal in its intents and immeasurably brutal in its form. …

 “Those who seek to ‘understand,’ look for a justifying context, do not condemn the perpetrators, and do not call for the unconditional and immediate release of the abducted – fail the test.”

Not once has Yad Vashem condemned Israeli racism or the incarceration of thousands of Palestinians, many without even the charade of a military trial. When Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich called for the ‘wiping out’ of a Palestinian town Huwara Yad Vashem remained silent. Israeli racism gets a free pass from Yad Vashem.

Yad Vashem is situated a few hundred metres from the site of Deir Yassin, a village where a massacre of Palestinians took place in 1948 when over a hundred Palestinian civilians were butchered in cold blood by Zionist terror groups. When a guide, Itamar Shapira, referred to this in a talk to visitors to YV, he was sacked.

How to commit a genocide in the dark in Gaza in four easy steps:

The Holocaust has imbued Israel with the belief not only that it can do no wrong but that it is the perpetual and eternal victim. Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir said that 'We Can Never Forgive the Arabs for Making Us Kill Children'. Israel was forced, by those wicked Arabs, to kill them. Even in their death the Arabs are to blame. Golda Meir, a particularly vicious racist from the Israeli Labor Party also said that ‘Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”

Israel has always been at war with the Palestinians

Meir blamed the Palestinians for forcing Israel’s soldiers to kill their children! She put this down to the fact that they don’t love them like Israeli parents. This is part and parcel of settler colonial racism. The colonised don’t have the same human feelings as the coloniser and therefore what we may consider brutal is acceptable when dealing with them. There is nothing new in this. It was used to justify slavery and all manner of barbarism in the British and colonial empires.

Being less than human the Arabs are quite happy to sacrifice their children for the sake of killing Jews. And this gutter racism is imbibed by the average Israeli with their mother’s milk.

The Holocaust has given Israelis a sense of righteousness, a form of Manifest Destiny, that is impervious to reason or rational thought. This is not new. Even as it was exploiting India mercilessly Rudyard Kipling could write about the Empire as ‘the white man’s burden.’ Every conqueror in history has pillaged and murdered in the name of God. Did not Britain colonise India, not to plunder or exploit, but to eradicate the Hindu practice of Sati (burning the widow on her husband’s funeral pyre).

In March 1988 Yehuda Elkana, a child survivor of Auschwitz and former President and rector of the Central European University in Budapest spoke of:

a profound existential Angst fed by a particular interpretation of the lessons of the holocaust … that we are the eternal victim. In this ancient belief… I see the tragic and paradoxical victory of Hitler. Two nations, metaphorically speaking, emerged from the ashes of Auschwitz: a minority who assert, this must never happen again, and a frightened and haunted majority who assert, this must never happen to us again.

Citing Thomas Jefferson’s maxim that democracy and worship of the past are incompatible, Elkana argued that ‘The very existence of democracy is endangered when the memory of the dead participates actively in the democratic process.’ For Zionism the Holocaust was inexplicable, beyond history. It was a ‘sacred and essentially incomprehensible event.’ (Elie Wiesel)

Gideon Levy on Israeli Victimhood

There is the belief that the Jews are entitled to a state of their own because of the Holocaust. This idea is itself racist, implying that Jews, uniquely, will not do what all other ethno-religious states have done historically, which is turn against their religious/national minorities, often exterminating them as happened with the Armenians in Turkey and Jews in Eastern Europe. It is rooted in imperialist politics.

The idea of Israel as compensation for the Holocaust assumes that creating a state based on the same principles of race as Nazi Germany will be recompense for the losses suffered at the hands of Hitler. It presupposes that Jews will always be the eternal victim of anti-Semitism unless they voluntarily separate themselves off from non-Jews. This very idea of ‘Jewish losses’ in the holocaust assumes that there is such a thing as a Jewish race that must be built up again.

This is why Zionism hates ‘assimilation’ and intermarriage above all. As Donald Niewyk wrote

The Zionist critique of assimilation… rested on a certain conviction that all efforts to blend with non-Jews must lead unswervingly to deformed Jewish lives.

The comparison of assimilation, marrying out or having relationships with non-Jews, to the Holocaust is a common Zionist theme. Avraham Greenbaum of Bar-Ilan University, expressed concern that ‘Jewry’s losses through assimilation were greater than the losses sustained in the Holocaust’. Because the Zionist conception of Jews is as a nation race, the Holocaust – the deliberate extermination of millions of Jews – is compared to the free choice of individuals to take a non-Jewish partner and abandon their religion.

A survivor of October 7 speaks

The Zionist perception of humanity is that human beings are divided into races which retain their distinctive attributes. Zionism is a racial not a religious doctrine. Hence in Israel Jews can be registered as having no religion but they are Jewish as a nationality.

Zionism is based on the myth of Jewish nationhood, a transparent nonsense since Jews live in most countries of the world and speak the native language. Zionism is the mirror image of anti-Semitism since the anti-Semites too believe that Jews are aliens, members of another nation/race.

A ‘Jewish’ state based on an ethno-religious nationalism could not help but be a racist state. That is why the question that has bedevilled Israel throughout its 75 years is ‘Who is a Jew’. This was the same ‘problem’ that German race scientists had to grapple with.

This question is a matter of some importance in a state based on Jewish racial supremacy. If anyone was allowed to convert to Judaism then everyone could join the master race including the Palestinians, the untermenschen. That is why the Israeli Conversion Authority automaticallybars Palestinians from converting to Judaism. There is no religious reason for this, it is entirely racial. Nothing in Judaism excludes a whole ethnic group from converting to Judaism but with a state based on race where being Jewish comes with privileges it is a paramount necessity.

To those of us with a universalist outlook the State of Israel proves one thing and one thing only. It is that any group of people, given the right set of circumstances can become genocidal maniacs and racial supremacists. Hitler didn’t invent eugenics or racial supremacy nor did it die with him.

Without the Nazis it is doubtful whether the Zionist project in Palestine would ever have gained that critical mass of Jews necessary in order to found a state. That is why the Zionist movement, alone amongst Jews in the 1930s, welcomed the Nazis to power. When Jews boycotted Nazi Germany the Zionists rushed to agree a trade pact, Ha'avara, with them.

Berl Katznelson, a founder of Mapai and editor of Davar as well as Ben-Gurion’s effective deputy, saw the rise of Hitler as ‘an opportunity to build and flourish like none we have ever had or ever will have.’Ben-Gurion was even more optimistic. ‘The Nazis’ victory would become “a fertile force for Zionism.”’

Although Zionists today will deny it their record during the holocaust was shocking. Dr Noah Lucas, a critical Zionist historian wrote:

‘As the European holocaust erupted, Ben-Gurion saw it as a decisive opportunity for Zionism... In conditions of peace,… Zionism could not move the masses of world Jewry. The forces unleashed by Hitler in all their horror must be harnessed to the advantage of Zionism. ... By the end of 1942… the struggle for a Jewish state became the primary concern of the movement.’  (Modern History of Israel)

It is also the conclusion of the official biographer of Ben Gurion, Shabtai Teveth. Indeed the Zionist movement opposed rescuing Jews where the destination wasn’t Palestine on the grounds that if they went anywhere else they would simply recreate anti-Semitism.

The Zionist movement sought to create the ‘new Jew’ in Palestine and they treated the diaspora Jew with contempt. Joachim Doron described how:

rather than take up arms against the enemies of the Jews, Zionism attacked the ‘enemy within’, the Diaspora Jew  himself and subjected him to a hail of criticism…. Indeed a perusal of Zionist sources reveals criticism so scathing that the generation that witnessed Auschwitz has difficulty comprehending them. (Classic Zionism, JIH No. 8)

It is little wonder that Zionist anti-Semitism morphed into contempt and hatred for non-Jewish Palestinians. This despite the fact that Ben-Gurion and Yitzhak Ben Zvi, Israel's first Prime Minister and second President respectively, suggested in a 1918 book The Land of Israel in the Past and the Present, that the Palestinian peasants were descended from ancient Jewish and Samaritan farmers,

Hitler’s gift to humanity is a State that ‘mows the lawn’ periodically in Gaza by bombing it. The Palestinians are weeds to be eliminated. The very term ‘mowing the lawn’, Israel’s periodic attacks on Gaza, demonstrates the genocidal intent of the Israeli state. It is a term which could have been penned by Nazi politicians. It reduces Palestinians to a pestilential nuisance.

Israel has serviced the most repressive states in the world. Israel aided the genocide in Guatemala where up to 200,000 Mayan Indians were slaughtered. It supported the death squad regime in El Salvador. Shipped weapons to the Nicaraguan Contras and supported Pinochet in Chile. It armed the neo-Nazi Junta of Argentina between 1976-1983 when it murdered up to 3,000 Jews and it has armed the Myanmar regime as it commits genocide. Israel was also the main arms supplier to the Apartheid regime in South Africa

When Israel’s Defence Minister Yoav Gallant announced the beginning of a genocidal siege of Gaza, no water, food or fuel, he described its inhabitants as human animals. The comparisons between Palestinians and animals did not begin with Gallant. Menachem Begin described Palestinians as beasts on two legs. Chief of Staff Raful Eitan referred to them as drugged cockroaches. Deputy Defence Minister Eli Dahan said that “To me, they are like animals, they aren’t human.”

The attack on October 7th, of which we still know very little, was the catalyst not the cause of what is happening now in Gaza. The pent up frustrations of an exterminationist mindset has found expression in the ceaseless and remorseless bombing of Gaza, a tiny strip of land which has no air defences, no Iron Dome or protection.

That Biden, Sunak and Starmer can echo each other in speaking of ‘Israel’s right to defend itself’ in a situation where there has been a 17 year siege of Gaza and the death of thousands of Palestinians, testifies to two things. Firstly Israel’s rulers haven’t lost their sense of humour even if it is of the morbid kind. Secondly that Orwell was right to say that political language is designed to obfuscate and cloud thinking and are largely the defence of the indefensible.

Iyad Hallak, an autistic man was gunned down by the Border Police because his phone was mistaken for a gun - despite his carer screaming for them to stop - the pig who did it was acquitted by Jerusalem District Court

The German press, which 90 years ago welcomed Hitler to power now welcomes his successors bombardment of Gaza with equal enthusiasm. Where once crowds marched to the chant of ‘Death to the Jews’ or ‘Jews to Palestine’ they now sport blue and white flags instead of the red and black of the swastika. The chant of Death to the Jews has been replaced with ‘Death to the Arabs.’

The omens have been there for some time. In 2018 Israel entrenched into its constitution Jewish racial supremacy. What had previously been an unwritten code was now formalised into law. That the Jewish Nation State Law is accepted by all wings of Zionism is proven by the fact that the ‘change’ government of Israel under Bennett and Lapid did nothing to alter this piece of racist legislation.

The mass demonstrations against Netanyahu this year were designed to defend Jewish democracy, under threat as it is from a far-right settler/Jewish Orthodox coalition.

What had previously been seen as beyond the pale, open Jewish Supremacy, has been legalised and sanitised in less than 5 years. When Rabbi Meir Kahane of Kach won a seat in the Knesset in 1984 all Zionist parties, including Likud, boycotted Kahane with his views that Arabs must be expelled from Israel. When Kahane spoke in the Knesset the other members walked out.

Kach was openly called a Nazi party and outlawed. Kahane was banned from running again for the Knesset, although opinion polls at the time had him getting up to 9 seats if he had stood. Slowly but surely in the past decade the Jewish far-right has gained in strength as the messianic nationalists in the West Bank, in tandem with an openly corrupt religious orthodoxy (led by Aryeh Derri – gaoled for corruption) has gained a political stranglehold on Israeli politics.

It was Netanyahu who brought open Jewish supremacists into his coalition. Even 5 years ago it was unimaginable that someone convicted for racial incitement (in Israel it is unheard of for a Jew to be convicted of racism) could become Police and Security Minister.

What was unthinkable has become acceptable. Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) is the largest part of the Religious Zionism bloc, the third largest party in the Knesset. Meretz (formerly Ratz/Mapam) has disappeared and the Israeli Labor Party is set to follow it.

Ben Gvir put a picture of mass murderer Baruch Goldstein, who murdered 29 worshippers in the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron, on his living room wall. Gvir has defended Jewish murderers of Arabs as a career. Now he is the Police Minister.

Israel's Quisling Collaborator on the West Bank Shoots Protestors Against Israeli Genocide

Some indication of what Israeli politics is now like is the fact that when settlers invaded the Palestinian village of Burqa in August and shot one man dead, who had confronted them, unarmed, Gvir praised the killer and demanded that he be freed. This is the ‘democratic’ Israeli state today which the Western leaders and media fawn over.

The fact that Western politicians repeat clichés about Israeli democracy and ignore the growing neo-Nazi racism that is coursing through the veins of Israeli politics like an overdose of heroin, testifies to the corruption of the Western media who refuse even mention the fact that those committed to mass murder of Palestinians are now in the Israeli government in key positions.

As far as the prostitute press in the West is concerned, the Palestinian fighters who attacked Israel and the settlements near Gaza on October 7th did so without provocation. It came out of the blue. It had no causes and therefore Israeli democracy has every right to exterminate the population of Gaza.

You may think that I am exaggerating when I use the term ‘exterminate’, which is usually associated with Hitler and the Jews but I’m not. What is happening in Gaza today is extermination and the Western states nod their heads in approval.

Extermination is in the air. Adam Keller, a veteran Israeli peace activist wrote about how genocide is now an appropriate term to use about Israel’s actions. Keller describes how the word ‘extermination’ with all its resonance of Auschwitz has now entered the language of Israeli politics in the so-called liberal oasis of Tel Aviv.

This week Roy Sharon, a "respectable" radio and TV commentator on the main Israeli broadcasting corporation, spoke very explicitly of his desire to see “a million dead bodies in Gaza”.

And the streets of Tel Aviv are flooded with red stickers reading "Exterminate Gaza!". Not "Destroy!", not "Flatten!"– but clearly and explicitly "Exterminate Gaza!". "Le-Ha-Sh-Mid!" - "Exterminate!" Every Jewish Israeli knows from a young age exactly what this word means. ….

An invasion in which the army would invade and crush Gaza with all its might would most likely lead to the killing of the Israeli abductees, among all the many others who would be killed. This was expressed with characteristic bluntness and ruthlessness by the extreme right Minister Smotritz: "We need to be cruel, not to think too much of the captives". Negotiating with Hamas for a prisoner exchange deal is not compatible with a total war whose goal is to completely destroy Hamas. This was explicitly stated by Tzachi Hanegbi, head of Israel's National Security Council. The State of Israel has a choice between two courses that in practice rule out each other - either an effort to bring back the captives and abductees from Gaza, or a ground invasion that will multiply the killing and destruction already caused in the week of bombings.

None of this is broadcast by the BBC and Sky. They are happy to buy into Israel’s lies, the BBC especially, because they are funded by the British government through the TV license.

Avichai Buaron who called for death camps for Palestinians

Amongst the new Likud MKs this year is Avichai Buaron. A decade ago Buaron penned an editorial (original story reported by Udi Aloni in Ynet) in his newsletter, Ma’ayney HaYeshuah [“Wells of Salvation”], in which he criticised rabbis who refused to involve themselves in secular politics.  The article is accessible on page 4 of the newsletter pdf via the Wayback Machine).

Buaron, editor of Ma’ayney HaYeshua

Buaron wrote that if the rabbis refrained from entering politics, it would be impossible to create “extermination camps” for “Amalekites.”  ‘Amalekites’ is a code for “Palestinians,” referring to the ancient tribe of the Biblical era which, according to the Bible God commanded the Israelites to wipe out completely. See New Israeli MK Advocated Death Camps for Palestinians

Tzipi Hotoveli looks forward to 600,000 dead Palestinians

Earlier this week Israeli Ambassador Tzipi Hotoveli openly compared Britain’s killing of 600,000 German civilians in Dresden and Hamburg with Israel’s operations in Gaza. Was it worth it to defeat the Nazis she asked and answering her own question she said ‘yes’. Not once did Piers Morgan intervene to point out that if anyone bore a resemblance to the Nazis it was the Israelis.

The Nazis let it not be forgotten were the foremost military and industrial power in Europe. The Jews were powerless as are the Palestinians. Never could there be a more sick comparison between Palestinians and Nazis but to the Zionists Palestinian opposition to Israel is not on account of what they have suffered and are suffering but merely because their persecutors happen to be Jewish.

Seymour Hersh in THE MYSTERIES OF OCTOBER 7  asks the questions that our own fake media avoids. Information indicates that when the Israeli military reached Kibbutz Be’eri they shot the civilian hostages rather than allow them to be captured. See Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says

Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says (Full with subtitles)

Israel has become a vicious police state, not only for Israeli Palestinians but even for dissident Israelis. Orthodox Jewish journalist Israel Frey was attacked by a mob outside his house because he expressed solidarity with Gaza. The police refused to protect him.

Israel Frey

The Disinformation War

Former Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid has just gone on record as saying that "If the international media is objective, it serves Hamas." He is admitting that the truth hurts Israel! Not that our media would notice as lying comes second nature to the prostitute press–from the Sun to the Guardian. Which is why Israelis have been in uproar about the press conference that Yocheved Lifshitz gave which praised the humane treatment that she had received from Hamas. Israeli hospitals are refusing to treat Hamas attackers thus revealing Israeli doctors no better than SS doctors.

‘Lifshitz press conference panned as disastrous for Israel, PR win for Hamas’ screamed the headline in the Times of Israel. “There’s no doubt that Lifshitz’s statement could have been managed better,” tweeted Channel 12 reporter Daphna Liel. Dana Weiss calls the press conference a “disaster,” noting the lack of state intervention in managing her appearances. These  so-called journalists are admitting that Israeli PR is just one long lie. Instead of being the demons that Israeli hasbara makes them out to be Hamas operatives are human beings. A blow admittedly to the Israeli psyche.

Israel’s bombing of Al Ahli hospital should have been an open and shut case. Think of it. Israel has openly declared it wants northern Gaza to be a free fire zone. It has told Palestinians to leave for the South and conducted an unremitting bombing campaign to ‘encourage’ them. Israel has bombed at least 19 medical and health facilities as well as UNWRA schools, churches and mosques.

So when an Israeli missile caused 500+ deaths at a hospital it should have been an obvious example of mass murder by the Zionists. Yet because of the backlash Israel had to lie. First they said it was a failed rocket that fell to earth but it was obvious from the video that this was a subsonic rocket that only Israel possesses. Then Israel faked a conversation between 2 Hamas operatives that has been found by Forensic Architecture to be digitally knitted together. Israel has repeatedlyfaked and tamped with evidence.

Weapons expert debunks Israel’s denial of Gaza hospital strike

Has the BBC seriously investigated yet another Israeli lie?  Have they pointed to the Israeli Army’s history of lies from the murder of Shireen Abu Akleh last year to the 4 children murdered playing hide and seek on Gaza’s beach in 2014. Not a bit of it. So I want to quote from Norman Finkelstein’s article quoting Noam Chomsky's FATEFUL TRIANGLE on Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon.  

Israel has a history of bombing hospitals and clinics. Israel is a terrorist state backed by Western leaders who approve of such terrorism as long as it is their allies who are doing it. Bombing medical facilities for Israel is the equivalent of Mother and Apple Pie for Americans.

Repeatedly, Israel blocked international relief efforts and prevented food and medical supplies from reaching victims. Israeli military forces also appear to have gone out of their way to destroy medical facilities—at least, if one wants to believe Israeli government claims about “pinpoint accuracy” in bombardment. “International agencies agree that the civilian death toll would have been considerably higher had it not been for the medical facilities that the Palestine Liberation Organization provides for its own people”—and, in fact, for many poor Lebanese—so it is not surprising that these were a particular target of attack.

In the first bombing in June, a children’s hospital in the Sabra refugee camp was hit, Lebanese television reported, and a cameraman said he saw “many children” lying dead inside the Bourj al Barajneh camp in Beirut, while “fires were burning out of control at dozens of apartment buildings” and the Gaza Hospital near the camps was reported hit… On June 12, four bombs fell on a hospital in Aley, severely damaging it. “There is nothing unusual” in the story told by an operating room assistant who had lost two hands in the attack; “That the target of the air strike was a hospital, whether by design or accident, is not unique either,” William Branigan reports, noting that other hospitals were even more badly damaged. Fragments of cluster bombs were found on the grounds of an Armenian sanitarium south of Beirut that was also “heavily damaged during the Israeli drive.” A neurosurgeon at the Gaza hospital in Beirut “insists that Israeli gunners deliberately shelled his hospital,” it was reported at the same time. A few days later, Richard Ben Cramer reported that the Acre Hospital in Beirut was hit by Israeli shells, and that the hospitals in the camps had again been hit. “Israeli guns never seem to stop here,” he reported from the Sabra camp, later to be the scene of a major massacre: “After two weeks of this random thunder, Sabra is only a place to run through.”…

The Red Cross reported that by August 6, “there were 130 beds available in west Beirut out of a total of about 1,400.” The American University Hospital was admitting only “those who look salvageable” on bad days, the staff reported. The Berbir hospital was “just an underground dormitory with generators churning away to give the few patients air.” At the Hotel Bristol, hit by an Israeli phosphorus shell, the Red Cross had set up an underground hospital. “The majority of the doctors and nurses working in the city have fled.” “Even the Red Cross delegation has been shelled twice. …

Palestinian academic Shahd Abusalama, who the Zionists attacked as 'antisemitic' at Sheffield Hallam University has had her whole family wiped out by Starmer's Zionist friends

An American nurse working in Beirut, who was appalled by the “watered-down descriptions in American newspapers,” reported that Israel “dropped bombs on everything, including hospitals, orphanages and, in one case, a school bus carrying 35 young schoolgirls who were traveling on an open road”; she cared for the survivors. The U.S. Navy Lieut. Commander in charge of removing unexploded ordnance in Beirut reports that “we found five bombs in an orphanage with about 45 cluster bombs in the front yard. We were called there after five children were injured and four killed.” About 3-5% of the shells and bombs failed to go off and are considered highly dangerous, he said. This particular orphanage, then, must have been heavily bombed.

Not only hospitals, but also medical personnel seemed to evoke particular fury. One eyewitness saw a Palestinian doctor, unconscious, “his hands and neck tied to a post, his face bloodied and covered with flies.” Palestinian hospitals were closed down, their staffs arrested, removed to prison camps, and brutalized.

In Sidon, the Israeli army closed down the Palestinian Red Crescent Hospital. A Dutch nurse working there told a reporter: “I was in Holland during World War II. I know what fascists are like. It’s terrible that all these women and children are being killed. Tell that to the world.” On the same day, the New York Times reported a Jerusalem news conference in which Imri Ron, a Mapam Knesset member (from Kibbutz Mishmar Haemek) and paratroop major, “spoke from a combination of political and military authority” about the “clean fight” the Israeli army had fought, “taking extraordinary precautions to save civilians.”

A Belgian doctor at the closed Sidon hospital, who “struggled to cope with wounded men, women and children” (victims of this “clean fight”), stated that “We had a good operation here. We were doing surgery and everything” before almost the entire staff was arrested by the Israeli army. Shipler reported the same events in the New York Times. He quotes the Israeli Major who is military governor of Sidon and who closed the hospital because, he said, “It’s obvious it’s not a good hospital.” Therefore, “At 11A.M. today I had all the patients moved out to a good private hospital, the Labib Medical Center,” not tainted by a Palestinian connection. … A Canadian and Norwegian doctor, along with Palestinian doctors, will be taken to Israel for interrogation and possible imprisonment, the Major added. Shipler visited the “good private hospital,” where no one seemed “pressed for time” and the director angrily refused to take patients from the closed hospital, explaining to his guests that “The first case I got from there, she had gangrene all over her body.” He will take only “good cases.” Meanwhile one Belgian doctor remained in the closed Palestinian hospital to take care of 58 patients, some badly wounded, amidst “a stench of filth and rotting flesh.” The director of the “good private hospital” is, incidentally, the son of a millionaire orange grove owner, who was quite pleased to be liberated by the Israeli army.


In his congressional testimony, [the Canadian surgeon Chris] Giannou reported that he was “a witness to four prisoners who were beaten to death” (reduced to two by the Times)….  He saw “the entire male staff’ of the hospitals being taken into custody, leaving patients unattended, and “savage and indiscriminate beatings” of prisoners with fists, sticks, ropes with nuts and bolts tied to them. He saw a Palestinian doctor hung by his hands from a tree and beaten and an Iraqi surgeon “beaten by several guards viciously, and left to lie in the sun with his face buried in the sand,” all in the presence of an Israeli Colonel who did nothing about it. He watched prisoners “being rehearsed by an Israeli officer to shout ‘Long Live Begin’,” others sitting bound in “stifling heat” with “food and water in short supply.” He was forced to evacuate his hospital and bring the patients down to the seafront. The Norwegians confirmed his story and said that they had seen at least 10 people beaten to death, including an old man who was crazed by the lack of water and intense heat as the prisoners were forced to sit for hours in the sun; he was beaten by four or five soldiers who then tied him with his wrists to his ankles and let him lie in the sun until he died.


The Norwegian doctor and social worker told the story of their captivity in a report issued by the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs. Under Israeli captivity, they were forced to sit, hands tied, for 36 hours without permission to move, while they heard “screams of pain” from nearby. In an Israeli prison, they were forced to lie for 48 hours, blindfolded and handcuffed, on the interrogation ground….. One of the most sadistic Israeli guards told them he was from a kibbutz where an Austrian girl had been killed by rocket fire. Prisoners were tied with tight plastic straps with sharp edges, “causing pain.” The Norwegians were given “preferential treatment.” Arab prisoners were subjected to constant brutality and degradation.

Dr. Shafiqul-Islam from Bangladesh, who was on the staff of the Palestinian hospital in Sidon, reports that he was arrested by the IDF while operating on a 12-year-old Palestinian boy with severe internal shrapnel injuries. He was not permitted to complete the operation, but was arrested, beaten mercilessly, forbidden to ask for food or water for 4 days, denied drugs or dressings for other prisoners on the grounds that they were “all terrorists,” and so on.

This is the context to Israel’s bombing of Al Ahli hospital and the lies that Israel tells which western ‘experts’ are happy to back up.

Tony Greenstein 

This is What Passes for Light Entertainment Among Israel’s Neo-Nazi ‘Civilians’


 Anyone who buys into Israel’s Narrative that they are Fighting Nazis Needs Their Head Examining

This Jewish Nazi Finds it Amusing To Have the Destruction of Palestinian Homes As A Backdrop

Just imagine what joy there must be among Israel’s neo-Nazis, a large section of Israeli society today, at the sight of thousands of Palestinians being killed, hospitals bombed, journalists murdered and taken off the air and schools hit with White Phosphorous.

Genocide is in the air and of course Israel’s racist youth must have their fun. Meanwhile Israeli Palestinians are experiencing a wave of settler attacks and violence. This is the Israel that Sunak, Starmer and Biden are going into bat for.

Meta (Facebook) Does Its Best in Israel to Censor Anything Pro-Palestinian

Gilad Erdan Calls Hamas ‘Modern Day Nazis’

At the UN General Assembly today Israel’s representative, Gilad Erdan proclaimed:

This is not a war with the Palestinians. Israel is at war with the genocidal jihadist Hamas terror organization only. It is the law-abiding democracy of Israel against modern-day Nazis

Making fun of Palestinians living in a dog kennel

Erdan added that Hamas has only one goal, which is to murder every single Jew. This lie has been repeated by countless Israeli representatives – they are fighting the new Nazis. However anyone with any understanding of history knows that it is not Hamas, a reactionary Islamist organisation to be sure, but Israel itself which is behaving like the Nazis.

Yocheved Lifshitz, the freed Jewish hostage, proved that when she praised the humane treatment that she had received from Hamas. It is Israeli hospitals who are refusing to treat Hamas attackers thus revealing that Israeli doctors are no better than SS counterparts.

Palestinians lacking fuel and electricity is highly amusing to this Zionist bitch

The Times of Israel complained that ‘Lifshitz press conference panned as disastrous for Israel, PR win for Hamas’. Why? Because it gave the lie to the assertion that Hamas’s goal was the extermination of Jews. Hamas has made it very clear that it distinguishes between Jews and Zionists.

Mimicking Palestinian children, or those Israel hasn't yet killed, without food or water must be highly amusing to these morons

Adam Keller, an Israeli peace activist wrote describing how the word ‘extermination’ with all its resonance of Auschwitz has entered the language of Israeli politics.

Israel's Hitler Tots Play Their Part in the Racist Fun

This week Roy Sharon, a "respectable" radio and TV commentator on the main Israeli broadcasting corporation, spoke very explicitly of his desire to see “a million dead bodies in Gaza”.

And the streets of Tel Aviv are flooded with red stickers reading "Exterminate Gaza!". Not "Destroy!", not "Flatten!"– but clearly and explicitly "Exterminate Gaza!". "Le-Ha-Sh-Mid!" - "Exterminate!" Every Jewish Israeli knows from a young age exactly what this word means. …. 

Nazi Germany was the military, industrial and economic power house of Europe in the 1930s, just as Israel is in the Middle East today. The Jews of Europe were as powerless as the Palestinians are today. It is not Hamas which espouses racial supremacism but the Zionist leaders who are engaging in genocide in Gaza.

Zionism deliberately depoliticises Nazism. For Zionism Nazism was not fascist, it was simply anti-Jewish. That is why Israeli Ministers who openly proclaim that they are fascist, like Bezalel Smotrich and Miri Regev, nonetheless proclaim that they are fighting ‘the Nazis’ i.e. the Palestinians. Of course they are doing no such thing.

Some Zionists in Israel actually identify with the Nazis. The only difference between Israel’s Jewish Supremacists and the Nazis is that so far the former haven’t yet embarked on a program of mass extermination although the genocide we are witnessing in Gaza is beginning to take on the appearance of extermination. Where once Jews were the victims of murderous racism today they are the murderous racists.

Ethnic cleansing of Jews from Germany was the program of the Nazi party from the minute they gained power in Germany in January 1933 to 1939. Ethnic cleansing is the unwritten program of Netanyahu’s far-right government. Bezalel Smotrich, Finance Minister and Gauleiter of the West Bank was explicit about this when he told Aymen Odeh, leader of the Arab-Jewish Joint list in the Knesset, that

“You are here by mistake – because Ben-Gurion didn’t finish the job and throw you out in 1948.”

Gaza's Water Shortage is Even More Amusing to Zionism's Hitler Youth

Yet despite Israel’s turn to the far-right, Britain’s second largest trade union, Unite, has under its British nationalist General Secretary Sharon Graham, openly embraced support for Israel and Zionism.

Tonight Unite’s Executive Committee emergency meeting broke up without being able to reach a decision on supporting the Palestinians and calling for a ceasefire. It would seem that Sharon Graham has gone into bat for genocide and ethnic cleansing in flagrant violation of Unite policy that Israel is an Apartheid State.

Not one of our politicians has got the guts of Matt Carthy of Sinn Fein to call out Israel’s war crimes for what they are.

Meanwhile there has been a wave of murder of Palestinians in the West Bank and Jenin is once again being invaded. No doubt more Palestinians will be murdered by ‘the most moral army in the world’.

Jewish Currents posted 2 days ago an article The Settlers Can Do Whatever They Want With Us by an employee of the Palestinian Authority testifying to a brutal attack at the hands of Israeli settlers in the West Bank. Whilst the world’s eyes are on Gaza over 100 innocent Palestinians have been murdered by settler pogromists, aided and protected by the Israeli army.

Since Hamas’s attacks and Israel’s declaration of war on October 7th, the already-brutal settler violence against Palestinians living in the West Bank has escalated significantly. The Israeli army and police already often allowed settler violence to proceed unchecked; now, as the groups increasingly collude outright—with, for example, Israel’s far-right government explicitly arming settlers—any pretense of Israel trying to defend Palestinians from such attacks has all but vanished. “Since the war started, if you call the police or army to report a settler attack, they mostly don’t respond,” a resident of the South Hebron Hills explained to Jewish Currents last week. “We used to film [settler violence]; now, if they see you doing that, they will shoot you. The settlers and soldiers shoot at people on the highway and injure people in the villages. No one is safe.”

In the past two-and-a-half weeks, eight entire Palestinian communities have been forced to abandon their homes, as settlers and the army attack residents and scramble to grab the land. One such community is the Bedouin village of Wadi al-Siq. In February, the settler activist Neriya Ben Pazi founded a nearby outpost—part of a network of outposts he has been building since 2019, which has provided the infrastructure for expelling Palestinian shepherds from hundreds of acres of land. In an attempt to stave off this fate in Wadi al-Siq—and to protect its residents—Mohammad Matar, known as Abu Hassan, an employee of the Palestinian Authority’s Ramallah-based Commission to Resist the Wall and Settlements, has been coordinating Israeli and Palestinian volunteers to support the community. On October 12th, following an attack on the village the previous evening, settlers rounded up Abu Hassan along with two other Palestinians, beating them for hours and subjecting them to abuse that Abu Hassan compared to American soldiers’ torture of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison, as described in an article published in Haaretz. … Encountering Abu Hassan at length in his own words testifies to the collaborations between the army, civil administrators, and settlers in exacting violence on Palestinian residents and solidarity volunteers, and makes vivid the bewildering terror of facing settlers wearing army uniforms to conduct their attacks.

Channel 13 journalist Zvi Yehezkeli admits Israel purposefully and premeditatedly murdered the family of Al Jazeera Gaza bureau chief Wael Dahdouh: “Generally we know the target. For example, today there was a target: the family of an Al Jazeera reporter. In general, we know.” https://t.co/sOJk8uNMMc

According to Richard Silverstein, a blogger with unparalleled access to Israeli intelligence sources

Israel has furthered ratcheted up its scorched earth policy toward Gaza. Not content with murdering 7,000, including over 2,000 children, destroying 42% of the homes, making 1.4-million homeless refugees, and forcing one-third of the medical facilities to shut down–it’s commanded the Shin Bet and IDF to assassinate six key leaders of Hamas AND their families.  That was my report yesterday based on an informed security source.

Today, the same source told me that the murder of the family of Al Jazeera bureau chief, Wael Dadouh, was a deliberate assassination intended specifically to render him a widower and childless. His wife, daughter, son and grandson died in the attack.  The source added: “Dahdouh got his punishment following the secret Amalek order.” It is a war crime to murder journalists and an even worse crime to murder innocents because of their relation to them.

Al Jazeera says family of chief journalist killed in Israeli airstrike in Gaza


Wael Dadouh carries the lifeless body of his son

Dadouh told the media:

“They take revenge on us in our children?” he said, kneeling over his son’s bloodied body, still wearing his protective press vest from that day’s work.

Clearly, the “Amalek directive” I described in yesterday’s post not only calls for eliminating political figures, but journalists and their families.  When asked what specific act had caused Israel to kill his family, the source refused to answer because that information was “classified.”

These are the people that Kid Starver, Sharon Graham and her accomplices on Unite’s Executive have gone in to bat for. There is good news however. A new poll shows a drop of 66% in potential Muslim Labour votes, from 71% to just 5% and in the case of the Tories from 9% to 0.6%. Clearly Muslims don’t see any difference between Starmer and Sunak and they are right. You couldn’t put a piece of paper between one group of racists and another.

It is up to the left to capitalise on this and extend this disenchantment with Kid Starver into the white working class which Starver Labour is also promising to betray.

Tony Greenstein

Half a million people in London demonstration Calls for Ceasefire Now


 End the Genocide – End the Ethnic Cleansing – Palestine shall be free from the river to the sea

Clips from the demonstration today

Today was the largest of the 3 demonstrations on Palestine to date. The main slogans called for a ceasefire now as Israel deliberately bombs Gaza with the intention of destroying all civilian life. Hospitals, clinics, schools, mosques, churches – nothing is  sacrosanct for Israel’s American supplied weaponry. Even the world’s third oldest church, St. Porphyrius was bombed.

Corbyn, Diane Abbot, Zara Sultana, Mick Lynch & UNISON Speakers

‘Palestine Must be Free from the River to the Sea’ was a popular chant too. The Zionists claim that this means genocide of Jews which in itself betrays their racist mentality. The slogan simply means that an apartheid Jewish Supremacist state must be replaced by a democratic state of all its citizens.

Aerial Views of Demonstration

Of course a Jewish state, just like a Christian ethno-nationalist state is inherently racist and has to go.  A state where Jews receive preferential treatment by virtue of their racial classification owes more to Nazi Germany and Apartheid in South Africa than a genuine democracy.

As Netanyahu made clear at the time of the passing of the Jewish Nation State Law Israel is not a state of its citizens but its Jewish citizens only.

Unite Executive Refuses to Call for a Ceasefire as Sharon Graham Proves Her Loyalty to Keir Starmer


No Genocide – No Ethnic Cleansing- Unite Members Send A Message to Sharon Graham

A large picket called on short notice when war criminal Starmer explained to the assembled at Chatham House why the road to peace lies in  killing more children - a position Unite's leadership full supports

As Israel was preparing to follow its achievement in killing 500 people in Al Ahli hospital by threatening the same at Al Quds Hospital, Unite’s Executive Committee held an emergency meeting last Thursday on Palestine. They might as well have saved their energy and stayed at home.

Factional disputes between Sharon Graham’s supporters, the SWP included, and the United Left group resulted in nothing being decided. Graham’s bright idea was to use the useless TUC Statement on Palestine as a template to be amended instead of issuing a call for an immediate ceasefire and an end to the genocidal siege of Gaza by Israel.

It needs to be stressed that there was nothing preventing Sharon Graham issuing a statement from day one calling for a ceasefire

The emergency meeting was only held because of the growing outrage amongst members at the fact that Unite has done absolutely nothing about Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza.

Akiko Hart of Liberty on Newsnight Criticising Suella Braverman’s Description of the Palestinian Marches as ‘Hate marches’ - in the New World of Tory/Labour Doublethink Marches Against Genocide are being describe as hateful and anti-Semitic despite the presence of thousand of Jews, the wrong type of course, on them

The London and Eastern Region wrote a letter on 17 October to General Secretary, Sharon Graham asking why no Unite banner or speaker had attended the demonstration and why Unite had done nothing to advertise the demonstration on its web site. 

This is the reality of Israel for its Palestinian citizens - a pogrom-like atmosphere

Regional Secretary Peter Kavanagh asked that this be rectified immediately and that Graham should write to all branches urging that members attend the demonstration and that resources be made available to ensure that members could attend.

What was the response? Absolutely nothing. At the subsequent demonstration on October 21 there was only one Unite banner present, that of London and Eastern. At last week’s demonstration I was unable to spot any Unite banners. Nor were there were any Unite speakers at the end. There were however plenty of banners from UCU, Unison, the NEU and other union organisations.

Gaza Destruction from the Air

It is a disgrace that the Unite Executive refused to call for an immediate ceasefire and broke up in disarray agreeing to call a further meeting without even bothering to set a date.

Can anyone imagine previous General Secretaries such as Ron Todd or Len McLuskey sitting on their hands in a situation where genocide in Palestine is happening in real time?

Graham is happy to support NATO's proxy war & Ukraine's resistance but not the Palestinian resistance

Graham was happy to be photographed at TUC Conference in a clenched fist posture with a Ukrainian flag supporting NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine but when it comes to Palestine she and her puppet, Gail Cartmail, preferred to repeat Zionist talking points about ‘anti-Semitism’.

Last  Friday Gail Cartmail sent me an email stating that

The General Secretary has been actively promoting that the union should put out a statement calling for a ceasefire. She spoke about this at a national BAEM event this week, and in other meetings.  She is also clear that the Unite position must be that we do not stoke division through anti-semitism and anti-Muslim racism, and she was at the forefront of bringing the union movement together to agree the TUC statement.

Not a word about the previous night’s Executive Committee meeting. Instead she repeated the anti-Semitic trope that support for the Palestinians would ‘stoke division through anti-semitism’

Even the Zionist IHRA says that Jews should not be held responsible for what Israel does. Israel does not represent British Jews despite its claims. It follows that any decisions to support the Palestinians should be taken without regard to British Jews. They are irrelevant. This has nothing to do with British Jews.

If Graham or Cartmail had bothered to attend the demonstrations they would have seen how welcome Jewish people were made to be. There was no anti-Semitism whatsoever.

Brighton Vigil for Gaza 28 October 2023

Brighton Vigil for Gaza 28 October 2023

At the previous week’s demonstration I witnessed Muslim women chanting ‘Judaism Yes, Zionism No.’ Given the heavy involvement of Jewish members in the Palestine solidarity movement the backward, openly Zionist and anti-Semitic positions of Graham are intolerable.

The Big Lie pervading what is called a war between Israel and Hamas, which in fact is simply a slaughter of the innocents, is that Israel is intent on destroying Hamas.

Gaza School Year Cancelled as There’s No Children

If you want to know just how much of a sick, racist society Israel is and how far it is away from the ‘only democracy in the Middle East’ nonsense of Starmer and the despicable Emily Thornberry then watch this video of Israelis in Tel Aviv in 2014, during the Israel’s last major attack on Gaza, Operation Protective Edge. They chantedthere’s no school in Gaza, there’s no more kids left’.

A genocidal intent has already been there in Israel, today it is being given full effect with the blessing of Biden, Sunak, Starmer, Macron, Schultz and all the West’s ‘democratic’ leaders.

As the document leaked at the weekend from Israel’s Ministry of Intelligence revealed, not that it has ever been a secret, Israel’s plan is ethnic cleansing on a grand scale .

The document lays out a blueprint for ethnically cleansing Gaza of Palestinians and shoving them into the Sinai Desert. This is a Nazi plan. Ethnic cleansing of Jews from Germany was the first stage of the Final Solution. It was only when this became impossible owing to war that the next step was extermination.

Sisters Uncut Take Over Liverpool Street Station

If Israel’s purpose was to wipe out Hamas then bombing hospitals and murdering 4,000 children, to say nothing of the thousands buried under the rubble, is a strange way of achieving it.

The BBC and the mass media rely on peoples’ short memory and lack of understanding of the historical context to Israel’s previous bloody actions, so a few reminders are in order.

Brighton Vigil 28 October 2023

It will come as a surprise to many people that in the late 1980’s Israel helped to create Hamas as a counterweight to secular Palestinian nationalism. See HAMAS - When Israel & Netanyahu Sang from a Different Songsheet

Not content with mass murder at Al Ahli Israel followed up with a threat to bomb Al Quds hospital if it did not evacuate which it refused to do as it is impossible to evacuate all its patients. No doubt if another missile hits the hospital Israel will claim it was another misfired Palestinian rocket. Meanwhile their strategy is to bomb on the outskirts of the hospital in order to make conditions inside the hospital even more intolerable. Israel has also told Gaza’s main hospital Al Shifa to leave.

Sharon Graham and Unite’s Executive have difficulty understanding that despite Unite policy describing Israel as an apartheid state, that Israel is the oppressor and the Palestinians are an oppressed people who have been ethnically cleansed once and are in danger of suffering another Nakba. Their position is shameful.

I therefore organised at the weekend a letter, which 135 Unite members signed, to Graham demanding that they call for an immediate ceasefire. (see below)

Unite is led by a right-wing British nationalist as General Secretary. The sooner this racist is removed from office the better. She is unfit to lead a scout troupe. She calls herself apolitical but in practice she has been doing her best to cosy up to Keir Starmer as she donates up to £2 million a year to a party that is both reactionary and anti-working class.

The responsibility for this lamentable state of affairs belongs to Palestine Solidarity Campaign which throughout the anti-Semitism smear campaign against the left under Jeremy Corbyn did absolutely nothing to counter this poisonous narrative. PSC held that support for the Palestinians was enough. You didn’t need a fightback against the anti-Semitism smear campaign whose  purpose was to remove Labour’s first pro-Palestinian leader.

PSC allowed the political initiative on ‘anti-Semitism’ to take root and not surprisingly this narrative has now seeped into the unions as a means of undermining support for the Palestinians.

Unite members and branches should bombard Graham, regional organisations and Executive members with a demand that they call for an Immediate Ceasefire, No Ethnic Cleansing and an End to Genocide.

Tony Greenstein

 How Israel Helped Create Hamas

New York Times Reporter David Shipler cited the Israeli military governor of Gaza as boasting that Israel expressly financed the fundamentalists against the PLO:

“Politically speaking, Islamic fundamentalists were sometimes regarded as useful to Israel, because they had conflicts with the secular supporters of the PLO.  Violence between the two groups erupted occasionally on West Bank university campuses. Israeli military governor of the Gaza Strip, Brigadier General Yitzhak Segev, once told me how he had financed the Islamic movement as a counterweight to the PLO and the Communists.

‘The Israeli Government gave me a budget and the military government gives to the mosques,’ he said.”

Mr. Segev arranged for the cleric to be taken to Israel for hospital treatment. "We had no problems with him," he says.

According to Robert Dreyfuss, author of Devil’s Game: How the United States Helped Unleash Fundamentalist Islam

“during the 1980s, the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza and the West Bank did not support resistance to the Israeli occupation.  Most of its energy went to fighting the PLO, especially its more left-wing factions, on university campuses.”

In Gaza between 1967 and 1987, when Hamas was founded, the number of mosques tripled from 200 to 600. Dreyfuss continued that

There’s plenty of evidence that the Israeli intelligence services, especially Shin Bet and the military occupation authorities, encouraged the growth of the Muslim Brotherhood and the founding of Hamas [in Palestinian territories].

According to former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Charles Freeman, Shin Bet—the Israeli counter-intelligence and internal security service—knowingly created Hamas: “Israel started Hamas. It was a project of Shin Bet, which had a feeling that they could use it to hem in the PLO.”

"Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation,"says retired Israeli official Avner Cohen, a Tunisian-born Jew who worked in Gaza for more than two decades. Responsible for religious affairs in the region until 1994, Mr. Cohen watched the Islamist movement take shape, and muscle aside secular Palestinian rivals.

Instead of trying to curb Gaza's Islamists from the outset, says Mr. Cohen, Israel for years tolerated and, in some cases, encouraged them as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and Yasser Arafat's Fatah.

"When I look back at the chain of events I think we made a mistake,"said David Hacham, who worked in Gaza in the late 1980s and early '90s as an Arab-affairs expert in the Israeli military. "But at the time nobody thought about the possible results."

According to Zeev Sternell, a historian at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, "Israel thought that it was a smart ploy to push the Islamists against the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO)". The cleric and Israel had a shared enemy: secular Palestinian activists.

Roni Shaked, a former officer of Shin Bet, Israel's internal security service and a military Arab affairs expert, remembers taking one of Hamas's founders, Mahmoud Zahar, to meet Israel's then defense minister, Yitzhak Rabin, as part of regular consultations between Israeli officials and Palestinians not linked to the PLO.  See Making Enemies How Israel helped to create Hamas by Brendan O’Neill

These are the lies on which Israel’s current genocidal offensive in  Gaza are based.

Tony Greenstein

Letter from 135 Members of Unite Condemning  Sharon Graham & Unite Executive's Failure to Call for a Ceasefire in Gaza

VICTORY - Sharon Graham Does What She Said Was Impossible A Week Ago and Calls for an Immediate Ceasefire


Unite’s Statement on Palestine is Weak – It Does Not Mention Genocide or Ethnic Cleansing – It Equates the Coloniser with the Colonised

After having resisted calls for an immediate ceasefire for the last 4 weeks and after 10,000 deaths in Gaza, including 4,000 children Sharon Graham capitulated and issued a statement calling for an immediate ceasefire.


Without the effort that went into gathering support for a letter calling for Graham to act and the pressure branches and activists put on her and the Executive this statement would still not have been issued.

On Sunday night I sent an initial statement with 80+ signatures to Graham and got no response. Because I was deluged with so many people asking to sign it I sent a second statement last night with 135 signatures on it.

The point we made, that there was nothing stopping Unite from issuing an immediate call for a ceasefire had at last sunk in despite the email I got from Graham’s flunkey Gail Cartmail on 27 October.

The whole episode has been a damning indictment of Graham’s leadership. Graham waited nearly a month before deciding that she could no longer stick with Starmer's policy of waiting upon Joe Biden. However this statement is not enough.

Pro-Palestine Jews Smeared As Antisemites

Ø   We expect Unite to publicise the national demonstration on November 11th in London. 

Ø   We expect Unite to make resources available for members to attend. 

Ø   We don't want to hear any anti-Semitic, Zionist or racist propaganda that support for human rights, international law and opposition to genocide are an affront to Jewish people.  Zionists support genocide and Unite should stand with anti-Zionist not Zionist Jews.

Ø   We expect Unite to put pressure on Unite sponsored MPs to demand that  Starmer stops playing follow my leader with Biden. That both Labour and Unite adopt an anti-imperialist policy

Ø   That instructions be given to Unite workers not to handle deliveries of arms to Israel, as Belgian dockers have done.

Ø   Genocide is against international law and since is supporting genocide in Gaza, then the Union should be demanding that he goes.

Apart from the call for an immediate ceasefire, the statement is pathetically weak. The best thing about it is the headline ‘Unite calls for an immediate ceasefire’.

Its both sidism is appalling.  It calls on ‘all parties to respect international law’. It may be a surprise to Graham but it isn’t Hamas which is bombing Gaza day and night but Israel. This is like calling on the French Resistance and the Nazis to abide by international law.  Hamas doesn’t have an air force, Israel does.

This is what Unite should be pushing for

The statement demands that ‘all hostages are released unharmed’. I would like to think that this includes the 10,000 Palestinian hostages that Israel holds, half of whom have been arrested since October 7.  Palestinian prisoners have been convicted in Colonial Military Courts that have a 99.74% conviction rate. Two Palestinian prisoners died last week from beatings.

Israel holds over a thousand Palestinians, including children, as Administrative Detainees, that is without even the formality of a trial in a military court. They are imprisoned indefinitely.

The detention of Palestinian prisoners was the main reason for the breakout from Prison Camp Gaza on October 7. It is an issue which will not go away yet Graham and Unite’s leadership have no understanding that Israel is a settler colonial state.

Here’s a clue that even Sharon Graham should understand. When Israel declared war on the Palestinians of Gaza, yes all of them, civilians included, Defence Minister Yoav Gallant declared that ‘we are fighting human animals and will act accordingly’

Yoav Gallant declaration of war

And here we see how Zionism expresses itself in the same way as the Nazis. In a speech in Poznań (Posen)  on 4 October 1943, Heinrich Himmler, who presided over the Final Solution, praised the Nazis as ‘the only people in the world who have a decent attitude toward animals’ and who ‘will also take a decent towards these human animals’ referring to the Jews. [A Holocaust Reader, Lucy Dawidowicz, p.131]

Himmler saw Jews as Human Animals, Israel's Defence Minister Yoav Gallant sees Palestinians as Human Animals

That a senior Israeli government minister could describe the Palestinians of Gaza in this way, without any form of reprimand or uproar in Israel, about people who have been under siege for 17 years, shows the depths of racist depravity that Zionism has sunk to.

Yet not a word of acknowledgment of Palestinian suffering crossed the lips of Graham or Gail Cartmail.

Yasmin Porat Interview Israeli TV

Yasmin Porat – Electronic Intifada

Survivor: Israeli forces shot their own civilians

The statement equates Hamas and the Israeli government. To equate a resistance movement, however backward its politics, with the Apartheid Israeli government is itself an outrage. More and more evidence is coming to light that the heavy casualties on October 7 were caused by a deliberate decision of the Israeli military to invoke the Hannibal Directive.

This directive states that Israeli captives must not, at any cost fall into enemy hands and if necessary they too should be killed. Testimony from Yasmine Porat and others in Israel make it clear that when Israeli forces surrounded Kibbutz Be’eri, instead of negotiating they opened fire with heavy weapons killing everyone in the houses.

See October 7 testimonies reveal Israel’s military ‘shelling’ Israeli citizens with tanks, missiles,

Survivor Speaks: Israeli forces shot their own civilians

Israeli journalist Nir Hasson interviewed a local resident named Tuval in Kibbutz Be’eri, who was away from the kibbutz at the time of the attack but whose partner was killed. In Hasson’s October 20 Haaretz article, he reports:

This horrific photograph was used by Israel as proof of a Hamas atrocity - in fact it could only have been done by Israeli war planes

“His voice trembles when his partner, who was besieged in her home shelter at the time, comes to mind. According to him, only on Monday night and only after the commanders in the field made difficult decisions — including shelling houses with all their occupants inside in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages — did the IDF complete the takeover of  the kibbutz. The price was terrible: at least 112 Be’eri people were killed. Others were kidnapped. Yesterday, 11 days after the massacre, the bodies of a mother and her son were discovered in one of the destroyed houses. It is believed that more bodies are still lying in the rubble.”

Freed Israeli captive counters Israel's narrative

Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says

A growing number of reports indicate Israeli forces responsible for Israeli civilian and military deaths following October 7 attack

Did Israel choose to kill Hamas and the hostages indiscriminately?

Instead of an SAS style Iranian Embassy rescue the Israeli military brought up tanks and fired shells into the kibbutz houses causing them to collapse and fall on their occupants. When gullible western journalists and the BBC are shown the terrible damage that resulted, their Israeli escorts say that the damage was caused by Hamas when it should be clear that the Hamas guerillas did not have heavy weapons.

When the Erez crossing from North Gaza into Israel was captured by Hamas instead of  trying to retake it the Israeli airforce bombed it from the air killing everyone inside including many Israeli soldiers.

The same happened at other military installations that Hamas captured that day. Instead of trying to capture them or accepting that Hamas had taken prisoners which would later be exchanged for Palestinian prisoners, as has happened before, Israel bombed its own military bases killing its own soldiers.

The trigger happy Israeli airforce fired randomly at any moving car, knowing full well that those heading to Gaza probably contained captives. How many Israeli hostages were killed by Israel that day is not known.  What is known is that a considerable number of Israeli hostages have already been killed by Israel’s bombing of Gaza.

The statement says that ‘it is essential that humanitarian corridors are opened’ which conflicts with the call for an immediate ceasefire.  As long as Israel is bombing and shelling there will be no such thing as a humanitarian corridor.

The statement flogs that dead horse the two state solution which was always a smokescreen for continuing theft of Palestinian land and the colonisation of the West Bank. Those who drafted the statement clearly know nothing about the reign of terror in the West Bank.

This is the goodbye present that the Israeli military left when they  raided the Al Tafawk Children's Centre in Jenin

The charity I am a trustee of, The Brighton Trust helps fund The Al Tafawk Children’s Centre in the middle of the Jenin Refugee Camp. In 2021 Israeli soldiers, on the pretext of searching for weapons raided it. They found nothing but that didn’t stop them wrecking everything inside. They even tore up children’s books on the grounds that the children wouldn’t live long anyway. See

Israel’s Reign of Terror in Jenin

This July as part of the big offensive in Jenin, when 12 Palestinians were killed the  Al Tafawk Children’s Centre was raided again. This time Israel’s military not only wrecked the interior they severely damaged the exterior,  punching holes in the exterior walls.

Since then there have been constant raids and incursions into Jenin killing many people. Jenin is a city under occupation yet the West, which is quick to praise Ukrainian resistance supports Israel’s  occupation of the West Bank. Indeed it doesn’t even describe it as an occupation. The double standards are obvious.

This is what a teacher at the Centre wrote:

14 October

The world needs to know what is going on here. Literally we are dying each day from the inside as from the outside. It started from July in the Jenin camp. We did not have one peaceful night since then. Most of the people and children, who live in the camp, can’t sleep in their homes. Because they have been bombed and nothing has been repaired yet. The mosques are filled with a lot of children to sleep. Each night, the helicopters fly around us to bomb our homes. Our hospitals are full of injured people, mostly children. As a consequence, every child in the camp has mental health issues. When the attacks on the Gaza Strip started, the attacks on the camp became even worse. The restrictions and pressures in the west bank, especially Jenin got huge. Life got so hard, that it feels like we can’t breathe.

We can’t even go from city to city. Not only because of the restrictions, but also because we know that we would get killed by settlers or by one of the angry soldiers in the many checkpoints. The soldiers are threatening us that they will do the same to us in Jenin, as they are doing in the Gaza Strip. They actually already started doing it, but the world is too busy with their news. Showing only the Israëli side of the story. We all have only one wish today. To have just one peaceful night, without waking up with the news that a family member or an entire family got killed. Because of the restrictions we have almost no water, no food, no medications, no gas… All that is left has got more expensive. Making it almost impossible for us to buy.

Honestly, nothing here is ok. Last night our home got attacked for no reason. Just because they wanted to capture somebody from the area. They locked us up for 3 hours in the bathroom. Even my brother’s baby, who is only 15 days old,  was not allowed to get milk. These things start to feel normal here, but all the children are dying from inside. They don’t understand why this is happening.

This is too much. I wish the world would just see the reality. We are screaming, but no one hears us.

Marching and calling for a ceasefire and peace so that more innocent children don’t get killed is not really the definition of a hate march. https://t.co/qLyIqZKhwt

27 October 23
I am writing my words while we are underfire waiting our turn(s)! My voice is not just mine, it is the voice of each child, each woman and each family who are giving up.

What is happening here are more crimes, more than disaster. We don’t really know where at least we can sleep at schools or mosques or in hospitals?

I am so sorry if I am so messy in my writing!  I have a huge trauma.

Each night we lost people, children. We buried lots, but because they die after the attack the news never mentions them! Even our cemetery was bombed in Jenin camp.

Our center is in the middle of camp the only lovely place for children. It is now very dangerous to reach but the hopeless children find it the only place that can keep them safe and I can’t tell them we are really in danger!

We used to sleep understairs each night or in hospital and schools.

 2 days ago at 1:30am we felt the earth quake. All people are shouting in the streets. We didn’t understand they bombed the cemetery. In this moment I felt we all would be dying!  I knew that about 50 of our children sleep with their families in the area around the hospital but in such an emergency they have to stay all their night in the streets. While 80 jeeps were coming some of children got lost and it was so risky for us to find them, hiding inside garbage so scary .......

We slept in school this night. Things are horrible. We feel hopeless but need to shout. And this night they destroyed the main resources of water for the camp.

 There is no recognition in the statement of the Occupation of the West Bank and Gaza or the constant violence of the Israeli army. This is the context for October 7 but the ‘even handed’ statement refuses to recognise who is the oppressor and who is the oppressed.

The statement descends into absurdity when it says Unite will ‘combat the anti-muslim racism, antisemitism and racism against Palestinians and Arabs.’ Anti-Semitism affects only Jews. Today there are very few Arab Jews because Zionism destabilised their position in the Arab countries.  


This ill-thought out paragraph suggests that the statement was drafted very hurriedly. The main cause of anti-Semitism today is the actions of Zionist groups like the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism and Jewish Labour Movement who repeatedly suggest that British Jews support Israeli war crimes. Israel is the main cause of anti-Semitism in this country. Those who associate British Jews with Israel’s crimes invite anti-Semitism.

What is important is not the wording of the statement but whether Graham and the bureaucracy start mobilising for the national demonstration on November 11 and whether they campaign actively for a ceasefire, putting pressure on Unite sponsored MPs.

Unite should also be calling for Keir Starmer, whose only policy on Israel is to follow what Joe Biden says, to go. Starmer describes himself as a Zionist, a racist, ‘without qualification’.  Would Labour have tolerated a leader who supported Apartheid in South Africa without qualification? Starmer and the rest of his neo-liberal friends should be shown the door. Instead Sharon Graham cosies up to them.

Tony Greenstein

Below is a statement from The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions issued on November 2, 2023.

Urgent international action is needed to end Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people

The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions calls on the international community – the UN, governments and peoples – to hold Israel accountable for its decades of genocidal colonization.

The term “genocide” was formulated by the Jewish-Polish lawyer Raphael Lemkin against the backdrop of the Holocaust. It was codified as a crime under international law in the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (the Genocide Convention). The definition of genocide, as set out in Article 2 of the Convention, is simple and straightforward, its first three elements clearly reflecting Israeli policies and actions towards the Palestinian people since initiating its process of systematic genocide in 1947:

Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: 

(a) Killing members of the group

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; 

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction 

in whole or in part.

By itself the ongoing destruction of Gaza and its people is a war crime, far too disproportionate to qualify as mere retaliation for the Hamas attack on Israeli civilians, far too costly in civilian life and property to justify the scale of Israel’s militarily action against Hamas. 

Genocide is often not a single event, but rather a series of deliberate events and processes over time whose ultimate intent is to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. The Indian Wars in America lasted three centuries. If we step back from the war crime that is Israel’s current assault on Gaza to the concerted effort since Israel’s establishment to erase the country of Palestine and its Arab heritage, the picture that emerges is one of genocide, cultural as well as physical. Zionism’s and later Israel’s necessarily violent project to displace the country’s Palestinian population, take its land and replace it with a Jewish one constitutes deliberate destruction of the Palestinian people in part or in whole.

Three events have prompted ICAHD’s call to for urgent international action to end Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people: the indiscriminate bombing of the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza on October 31, 2023, in which hundreds of innocent people – refugees from Israel’s campaign of expulsion in 1948 – were slaughtered in order to assassinate a single Hamas commander; the brutal attacks happening now against Palestinians in the West Bank in which Israeli settlers and soldiers are terrorizing families and emptying whole towns and villages – forced displacement, a crime under the Fourth Geneva Convention; and the statements of genocidal intent emanating from the highest Israeli government and military officials, whether towards the people of Gaza or directed at Palestinians (“the Arabs”) in general, statements that lead us to fear heightened colonization and further genocide if the international community allows Israel free reign to erase the Palestinian people politically, culturally and if need be physically. 

The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) calls on the international community – the UN, governments and peoples – to hold Israel accountable for its decades of genocidal colonization. Most urgently we call for isolating and sanctioning Israel until its destruction of Gaza and its people ends, and the violent displacement of Palestinians from their lands and communities by Israeli settlers and soldiers cease.  

We call on the International Criminal Court to bring to trial for war crimes the responsible Israeli political and military leaders.

We call on the United Nations to enforce Article 3(e) of the Geneva Convention punishing for “complicity in genocide” the United States, Canada, Europe and other countries – including Arab and Muslim governments pursuing normalization with Israel.




Women’s Place UK : Whitewashing Zionism


Radical feminism gives cover to Israel’s brutal colonial oppression

Guest post by Anita Patel 


This is a guest post by Anita Patel. It describes the inability of British and Western Feminism to come to terms with imperialist violence and Israeli settler colonialism. Western feminism has been co-opted into supporting imperialism and Islamaphobia in particular. Radical feminism ignores the fact that some women willingly adopt the role of the oppressor and are complicit in the subjugation and oppression of other women.

Zionist feminists were active in undermining opposition to Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 1982. Nothing angered them more  than the statement by Aliza Khan, the Israeli woman in Women Speak Out Against Zionism in Spare Rib 121 of August 1982 than her assertion that

 ‘if a woman calls herself feminist she should consciously call herself anti-Zionist.’

See How Identity Politics Turned the Victims of Sabra & Chatilla into the Antisemitic Oppressors of Zionist Feminists - A Reply to Erica Burman.

Erica Burman - the protagonist of Zionist feminism, now an academic at Manchester University

In Israel the main demand of Jewish women is their equal right to participate in the oppression of the Palestinians. They have no quarrel with the racism of Zionism and its othering of Palestinians. Their only disagreements are on their subordinate role in the oppression of the Palestinians. They demand the right to serve in combat troops.

Unfortunately many Jewish women in the British women’s movement, in particular the Jewish Feminist Group, waged in 1982 a battle against Spare Rib which had dared to print articles by Palestinian, Lebanese and Jewish anti-Zionist women opposed to Israel’s brutal invasion of Lebanon.

During the battles at Spare Rib over Zionism, Outwrite, a paper produced by Women of Colour appeared

The mythical ‘anti-Semitism’ that Jewish women in Britain said they faced was counterposed to support for the Palestinians against the genocidal violence of Israel. Unfortunately the role of A Womans Place UK today in being ‘even handed’ between the Israeli settler colonial state and Palestinians demonstrates that the heritage of racism and imperialism within the British women’s movement is not dead.

As Jenny Bourne wrote in Jewish Feminism and Identity Politics:

feminism allowed us to: conflate the political and the personal, the objective and the subjective, the material and the metaphysical; and escape into Identity Politics. And the New Marxism gave'it refuge. (p.4)

The personal was held to be political rather than the political being personal. What this meant was that every woman’s personal experience was equally valid. They could be fascist women, Zionist women or just very rich, they were still women, despite the fact that they participated in the oppression of Black and third world women.

The Zioness Zionist feminist group just could not help their racism - the Black woman left (who had nothing to with them) was included in the poster (right) and was 'whitened' to fit in

There was no understanding of how women’s oppression is magnified by class and race. The real enemy for middle class feminists was patriarchy, which men had created, an overarching ideological framework which subsumed race and class. The answer of western feminists was an all-encompassing sisterhood. What this left out was the fact that women can also be the exploiters and oppressors of other women. Issues such as race and class were seen as divisive, a threat to women’s unity. 

I am therefore pleased to carry this article by Anita Patel.

radical feminism gives cover to Israel’s brutal colonial oppression

Women’s Place UK (WPUK) put out a statement on 28th October titled “Israel & Palestine – Peace, Equality, Freedom, Justice”.  The statement came out the day after Israel had begun the ground attack on Gaza, had heightened its relentless bombing of the previous three weeks, and had inflicted an extended communications black-out to cover its tracks.

The statement does make a welcome call for all governments and parties “to do all they can to bring about [..] an immediate ceasefire”.  However, in all other respects the statement is an evasive and impossible fudge, between advocates of apartheid, ethnic cleansing and genocide on the one hand, and a people who are fighting for their survival on the other.  The statement frames the attack on Gaza as a conflict between two equivalent hostile parties, failing to distinguish the oppressor and the oppressed, and making the same demands of both those parties, on the grounds that all the women involved share the same experience of war.  It is as though Israeli women were not part of the oppressor and Palestinian women were not part of the oppressed people.  In fudging this fundamental distinction, the statement effectively betrays the people of Palestine and lends credence to the Zionist onslaught. 

WPUK’s statement does say that they are horrified by the Palestinian deaths, but in order not to take sides it fails to acknowledge that these deaths were the result of relentless bombing of people held in what is effectively a concentration camp.  A camp that has been violently besieged by Israel for 17 years.  No mention that in a 75-year-long colonial occupation, Palestinians have been persecuted, ethnically cleansed and expelled from their land.  Nor any mention of the massive disparity in capabilities between the Israeli armed forces and the Palestinian resistance movement.

These omissions enable the statement to avoid condemning Israel. Instead, it just calls on all parties to abide by international law.

As a result, the statement is something of a whitewash for Zionism, manipulating pseudo-feminist language to this end.  An abstract allusion to how “war disproportionately affects women” becomes a sleight of hand to distract from the reality that Israel’s siege and bombardment of Gaza is not a war between two states, let alone between two equals.  In reality, this so called ‘war’ disproportionately affects Palestinian women, and many Israeli women are active proponents and participants in their state’s oppression of those Palestinian women.

The statement continues that “feminists in the UK hold a range of diverse and opposing views,” demands that all “must have the right to respectfully express opinions [..] without fear of misrepresentation or reprisal,” and calls somewhat pompously for “respectful and evidence-based discussion.  We have to ask what this really means, when the space for expression of views is constantly provided to one side, whilst denied to the other, by a highly partisan media and by powerful politicians.

Have WPUK not watched Tzipi Hotovely (the Israeli ambassador) on TV & social media over the last week: a woman who has been given wall-to-wall mainstream media coverage to openly and unashamedly urge support for the genocide? It was Hotovely who cited the figure of 600,000 Germans allegedly killed by British bombing of Dresden and other German cities to imply that it would be acceptable to kill 600,000 Palestinians, in the process branding all Palestinians as Nazis.

Hotovely has consistently fought any and all calls for a ceasefire, for humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza and to restore the supply of water and electricity.  Her colleagues in Israel, including Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, have made statementsthat Palestinians (including women) are “human animals”. She and her government are backed by the might of Western imperialism, and she speaks for women in Israel just as much as she speaks for Israeli men.

This was a week in which social media was flooded with heart-breaking scenes of death and of traumatised survivors in Gaza, including countless grieving women. A week in which the Al Ahli hospital was deliberately targeted by the Israeli bombers. A week in which young ‘influencers’ in Israel were putting out posts on social media celebrating the killing of Palestinian women and children, and mocking the women in Gaza struggling without water and electricity.

The statement glosses over such vitriol against Palestinians but again simply makes an abstract call for all sides to engage in “respectful and evidence-based discussion.”  This can only be read as another pseudo-feminist sleight of hand to cast the pro-Palestine mobilisations as disrespectful and irrational. Is the statement implying that calling for an end to apartheid is disrespectful, or the call for Palestine to be free?  Suella Braverman is denouncing all mobilisations for a ceasefire as “hate marches”, and attacking those of us making a stand against genocide for being “anti-semitic”. This is the reality of what’s going on.  WPUK’s statement, with its exaggerated avoidance of the issue, is effectively legitimising the weaponization of anti-semitism.  To be clear, anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism.

Any feminist who has participated in the mobilisations across the UK would feel compelled to celebrate such a massive coming together of women – hundreds of thousands of young and old, of mums, grannies, aunties, and sisters from all ethnic backgrounds (including a large Jewish contingent) out on the streets, taking a stand against genocide. It is clear that WPUK have put out their statement without any “evidence-based discussion” of their own.

WPUK’s statement says that “in every conflict, it is women who have most successfully led peace and conflict resolution movements and it is vital that these voices are heard now.”  That is precisely what the millions of women marching across the world in solidarity with Palestine have been doing!  They have come together on the side of the oppressed against a brutal occupation, for peace, freedom, equality and justice.  We have seen millions of working class women speaking for themselves.  They do not deserve lectures on how to conduct discussions, and they deserve more than two-side-ism from a women’s organisation.  This is a statement that fails to identify where the power lies in this conflict.  Nor does it address the determination of Western imperialism to weaponise anti-semitism by conflating it with anti-Zionism.  The minimum that we can expect of a women’s organisation is to have the courage to speak truth to power.

There is a long and dishonourable history of liberal women in imperialist countries giving feminist cover to colonial oppression.

Monster Brighton and Hove Palestine Demonstration Demands ‘Stop Bombing Gaza’ and ‘Ceasefire Now’


Not One Brighton and Hove Labour Councillor nor Hove MP Peter Kyle Will Call for a Halt to the Genocide

Brighton & Hove Palestine Demonstration - Excerpts

Yesterday the largest ever Palestine Solidarity Demonstration took place in Brighton and Hove.   Over 3,000 people marched to a warm reception from passing cars and locals. You can hear on the video above the honking of car horns.

It was fitting that the march was led by children in memory of the 5,000+ children that the Israeli state has deliberately murdered in Gaza as it bombs homes, hospitals, schools and refugee camps.

Yet NOT ONE Labour Councillor nor the despicable MP  for Hove, Peter Kyle, who doubles up as Shadow Science Minister and Vice-Chair of Labour Friends of Israel has called for an end to genocide in Gaza.

At the next election we must call on people to vote no to having a war criminal as MP for Hove. His predecessor, Ivor Caplin, former Chair of the Jewish Labour Movement was also a war criminal, being a junior Defence Minister in Blair’s government at the time of the Iraq  War.

Yesterday I wrote to all 38 Labour Councillors asking why they had not supported the demand for a ceasefire in Gaza. As of yet none of them have replied.

In my letter I included two images – one was a sticker, thousands of which are circulating in Israel with the message ‘Exterminate Gaza’. Extermination is what the Nazis did and now Israel, in the name of fighting Nazis has adopted exactly the same terminology.

Not for nothing did Primo Levi, the Italian Jewish survivor of Auschwitz describe the Palestinians as the Jews of the Middle East. Although Israelis may imagine they are fighting the Nazis in reality they are the heirs of the Nazis.

Echoing Hitler's Deputy Heinrich Himmler, Israel's War Minister Yoav Gallant Calls the Palestinians 'human animals'

When Yoav Gallant, Israel’s War Minister launched the current attacks on Gaza he declared that ‘We are fighting human animals and we will act accordingly.’  When Hitler’s Deputy Heinrich Himmler sought to justify the extermination of the Jews in a speech in Poznań on 4 October 1943, he described the Nazis as ‘the only people in the world who have a decent attitude toward animals’ and who ‘will also take a decent towards these human animals’ referring to the Jews. [A Holocaust Reader, Lucy Dawidowicz, p.131]

Israeli PM Netanyahu Describes the Palestinians as Amalek whom god commanded the Israelites to wipe out to the last infant - as Israel is doing now in Gaza

If anyone doubts that genocide is in the hearts and minds of the present Israeli government then one only has to listen to Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel and read his Letter to Soldiers and Commanders: 'Remember what Amalek did to you.'

In the Bible God commands King Saul in the first Book of Samuel to kill every person in Amalek, a mythical tribe. The prophet Samuel tells Saul to

‘attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’

This can be found in Deuteronomy 25:17 or the first Book of Samuel 15:2. It has been the standard interpretation of Amalek by those in Israel who advocate the extermination of the Palestinians when they chant ‘Death to the Arabs’ to equate the Palestinians with Amalek. Now the Israeli Prime Minister has done so we should be under no illusions.

The fact that Biden, Sunak, Starmer, Macron, Scholz and the other Western leaders are nonetheless willing, despite knowledge of this, to support Israel unequivocally to the extent of supplying and resupplying Israel’s missiles and bombs make them equally culpable  in the Israeli state’s war crimes. In short we are led by war criminals.

Tony Greenstein

this was the Zionist counter-demonstration in support of genocide - there were more police than Zios

The Zionist demonstration in support of Genocide

Stop The Genocide – Stop The Ethnic Cleansing – Stop The Weaponisation Of The Holocaust


Israelis May Fool Themselves Into Thinking They are Fighting Nazis But What They Are Really Fighting is the Victims of Today’s Nazis

Please register


Nothing was more obscene than the declaration of Tzipi Hotovely, Israel’s London Ambassador, that ‘we are fighting the Nazis’. She declared that 600,000 Germans died when Britain bombed Dresden and Hamburg implying that Israel would commit a similar atrocity.

It clearly escaped Hotovely’s notice that bombing civilians was a Nazi speciality starting with the bombing of Guernica in Spain in 1937. Although she didn’t realise it what she was in effect saying was that the Nazis were the victims in WW2.

Rabbi Dov Lior, an out and out fascist, along with 80 other rabbis urge the bombing of Gaza's main hospital Al Shifa

Hotoveli is a racist religious nut who when Chair of the Knesset Women’s Committee invited the fascist, anti-miscegenation group Lehava to speak to the Knesset, explaining, “It is important to me to check systems to prevent mixed marriages, and Lehava are the most suitable for this.” Lehava’s methods mainly involve attacking Arab men who are thought to be after Jewish women.

Hotovely is not the only genocider. When Yoav Gallant, Israel’s War Minister, announced the beginning of Israel’s genocidal bombing, with its food, water and fuel blockade, he declared that “We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly.”

Hitler was also fond of talking about human animals. In Mein Kampf he described Jews as ‘human cattle’. Heinrich Himmler, who was in charge of the SS and the implementation the Final Solution, declared in a speech in Poznań on 4 October 1943, that the Nazis were ‘the only people in the world’ to have taken a ‘decent attitude’ toward animals. They would be equally decent towards ‘human animals’. This was recorded and played at the Nuremberg trials. This can be found on p.131 of Dawidowicz, A Holocaust Reader.

What we are seeing is Israel’s inversion of the holocaust whereby Israel is the victim and the Palestinians are the Nazis. Israel has long claimed to represent the memory of the Jewish holocaust victims despite the fact that during the holocaust the Zionist movement was indifferent to the fate of Europe’s Jews.

Destruction in Gaza

By identifying itself with Europe’s dead Jews Israel, even as it subjugates and ethnically cleanses the Palestinians, imagines that it is the victim. Not only Israel. The German state, despite its own post-war record of reintegrating Nazis into top positions, has adopted the claim that Israel is the successor to those that it murdered.

There is nothing unusual in this. The American settlers believed they were the victim of the Indians and South Africa Whites similarly believed they were victims, a victimhood nournished by their experience in British concentration camps in the Boer War.

As Yehuda Elkana pointed out, when a false memory of the past participates in the political process, democracy itself is endangered. The weaponisation of the Holocaust has led to the marginalisation and dispossession of the Palestinians. It has made the oppressor into the oppressed.

The BBC in particular has ignored Palestinian child deaths in favour of White Israeli Children despite the disparity in numbers of those killed

Elkana, a child survivor of Auschwitz and former President and rector of the Central European University in Budapest, (before Israel’s friend, the anti-Semitic Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban forced it out as part of his campaign against George Soros) wrote a profound article The Need to Forget in Ha'aretz on 2 March 1988. Elkana argued that what happened in Germany could happen anywhere, and to any people, describing how the ‘majority of Israelis are consumed by a profound hatred of the Arabs’. Elkana described:

a profound existential Angst fed by a particular interpretation of the lessons of the holocaust … that we are the eternal victim. In this ancient belief… I see the tragic and paradoxical victory of Hitler. Two nations, metaphorically speaking, emerged from the ashes of Auschwitz: a minority who assert, this must never happen again, and a frightened and haunted majority who assert, this must never happen to us again.

Today we are seeing this angst play out in Israel. To most people the idea that Gaza’s refugees, ethnically cleansed by Israel once already, are the Nazis and their killers are anti-fascists would seem absurd yet  Zionists, so consumed as they are by their own righteous arrogance sincerely believe they are the victim.

When I described Israel as Hitler’s Bastard Offspring four years ago the Zionists went crazy but that is exactly what has happened. Israel has imbibed the values of Hitler’s Germany but inverted them. Now they are the herrenvolk and the Palestinians are the untermenschen.

It is no wonder that people like neo-Nazis like Tommy Robinson and Richard Spencer find so much in common with the Israeli ethno-nationalist state. Israel is their ideal state.

Israeli Doctors for Genocide

Palestinian doctors in Gaza in a message to Israeli doctors:

When I put a petition up asking members of Unite to sign calling for the union to support an immediate ceasefire Doctors in Unite were particularly well represented. Yet in Israel the exact opposite is the case. Doctors are war mongers and genociders.

Blood on an ambulance that Israel bombed - Israeli doctors would have approved

Over 90 Israeli doctors calling themselves “Doctors for the Rights of IDF Soldiers” urged the bombing of any and every hospital in Gaza. They argued that due to suspicion of “terrorist activity,” the hospitals are “a legitimate target for annihilation.” They claim that “ambulances that are evacuating patients to the south in order to be treated elsewhere are at their disposal.

What kind of doctor you might ask urges that hospitals of a people without an airforce or capability of striking back be bombed? Even if Hamas militants were in the ambulances it is still a war crime to bomb them. These Israeli doctors are not one jot different from the SS doctors who presided over the selection of who should live and who should die at Auschwitz, such as Dr Mengele. See Israeli doctors urge the bombing of Gaza hospitals

But the chief war criminal in Israel is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In a speech on 28 October he declared that the enemy that Israel was fighting was Amalek, the mythical tribe that attacked the Israelites as they made their way from Egypt to the Sinai desert.

Netanyahu Evokes Amalek

Netanyahu read his Letter to Soldiers and Commanders exorting his listners to understand that

The current fight against the murderers of 'Hamas' is another chapter in the generations-long story of our national resilience.

'Remember what Amalek did to you.'

We will always remember the horrific scenes of the massacre on Shabbat Simchat Torah, 7 October 2023. We see our murdered brothers and sisters, the wounded, the hostages, and the fallen of the IDF and the security services.

In their name and on their behalf, we have gone to war, the purpose of which is to destroy the brutal and murderous Hamas-ISIS enemy, bring back our hostages and restore the security to our country, our citizens and our children.

In the first Book of Samuel God commands King Saul in the to kill every person in Amalek. The prophet Samuel tells Saul to

‘attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’ (Deuteronomy 25:17, Book of Samuel I  15:2).

It has been the standard interpretation of Amalek by those in Israel who advocate the extermination of the Palestinians to equate the Palestinians with Amalek. Now Netanyahu has just confirmed that.

Dr MengeleAmalek,Craig Mokhiber, Director of the New York Office of the UN High Commissioner of Human Rights, in his letter of resignation stripped away any pretence that what was happening in Gaza was not genocide when he wrote to Volker Turk, the High Commissioner for Human Rights about what is happening in Gaza that:

This is a text-book case of genocide. The European, ethno-nationalist, settler colonial project in Palestine has entered its final phase, toward the expedited destruction of the last remnants of indigenous Palestinian life in Palestine. What’s more, the governments of the United States, the United Kingdom, and much of Europe, are wholly complicit in the horrific assault. Not only are these governments refusing to meet their treaty obligations “to ensure respect” for the Geneva Conventions, but they are in fact actively arming the assault, providing economic and intelligence support, and giving political and diplomatic cover for Israel’s atrocities.

But amid the death and destruction and the murder of 5,000+ children in Gaza we should take hope that Israel is, despite the best efforts of groups like the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, who, alongside Britain’s racist Home Secretary Cruella Braverman, are becoming hysterical in their desperation to prevent the massive demonstrations each Saturday against genocide in Gaza.

They say they are concerned that Jews in London will feel afraid to come into London! Well given the thousands of Jews who took part in the half million march on October 28th it is clear that anti-racist Jews have no problem joining in. There has been no hostility whatsoever to Jews marching alongside their Muslim brothers and sisters.

Of course racist Jews and non-Jews may not wish to encounter an anti-racist demonstration but it’s not because their physical safety is at risk but because the sight of Jews and non-Jews marching side by side is an alien sight to those who believe that humanity is divided into competing races. The kind of ideas that Cruella Braverman believes in with her repetitive use of the anti-Semitic term ‘cultural Marxism.’

New York’s Grand Central Station was completely taken over by thousands of Jewish human rights defenders standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people and demanding an end to Israeli tyranny. In doing so, they stripped away in an instant the Israeli hasbara propaganda point (and antisemitic trope) that Israel somehow represents the Jewish people. It does not. SeeIsraeli War on Gaza Sparks ‘Largest Mass Mobilization of Jews in American History’

Israel is solely responsible for its crimes. It bears repeating, in spite of Israel lobby smears to the contrary, that criticism of Israel’s human rights violations is not antisemitic, any more than criticism of Saudi violations is Islamophobic, criticism of Myanmar violations is anti-Buddhist, or criticism of Indian violations is anti-Hindu.

In an article, Israel's Settlement Enterprise Celebrates a Great Victory, Israeli journalist Amira Hass describes the reign of terror in the West Bank as the settlers, under the racist Gauleiter of the West Bank, Bezalel Smotrich, seek to ‘cleanse’ Area C of Palestinians. In much the same way the Nazis sought to ‘cleanse’ the Warthegau, the annexed part of Poland of Jews and Poles.

That is why I compare Israel to Nazi Germany. Not only their goals but even their methods bear comparison. Never has it been clearer as to what Zionism is about. Yet the leader of the Labour Party, Keir Starmer, is determined to stay in lockstep with the United States in  his fulsome backing of Israel’s genocide in real time.

This has resulted in 330 councillors writing to Starmer demanding that he call for an immediate ceasefire. According to Starmer, if Israel stops its bombing that might lead to more violence whereas continued bombing of hospitals, schools, ambulances and homes is the way to peace. 250 Muslim councillors have also written to Labour’s toxic leader demanding that he change his position.

Meanwhile in Israel itself there has been a wave of intimidation against Israel’s Palestinian citizens who are considered a fifth column.  Samah Salaime wrote in +972 Magazine that

Last Saturday evening, the scenario that every Palestinian citizen of Israel has spent the past three weeks fearing began to materialize: a mob of hundreds of belligerent Jewish Israelis attempted to break into the dormitories at Netanya Academic College, where some 50 Arab students were trapped inside, fearing for their lives. For a while, the Israeli police did not intervene as the mob shouted “Death to Arabs” and “Go back to Gaza,” and tried to force their way in. Eventually, the students were rescued with the help of volunteers and under police protection. 

In the wake of these scenes, I am confident that every Arab mother who, like me, has a child studying in Israeli academic institutions, will be having trouble sleeping at night out of fear that her son or daughter will be the victim of a lynching. 

Ha’aretz described how

Videos of the riot showed the angry crowd storming the campus, waving Israeli flags, chanting “Death to Arabs” and attempting to break down the gates. The rioting crowd even attempted to break in and remove them forcibly.

There has been a wave of incitement against Israel’s Palestinian citizens yet not one Israeli Jew has been detained. Social media has been swamped with anti-Arab rhetoric and hate yet all those arrested have been Arabs such as Abd Elhadi. Best known for her role in the 2013 film “World War Z,” as well as several Israeli TV shows, the actor was detained after sharing images on Instagram of Yaffa Adar, 85, being taken hostage by Hamas, along with laughing emojis.

Abd Elhadi shared an image of Hamas forces breaching Israel’s security border, with a caption reading “Let’s go, Berlin style,” in an apparent reference to the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. It is of course understandable that after all the propaganda about the invincibility of Israel’s finest and the humiliations they have had to suffer that Israel’s Palestinian citizens should have felt elation at how easily Hamas fighters breached the security fence surrounding Gaza.

Adar’s remarks immediately prompted the Interior minister to ask if actor could be stripped of her citizenship for allegedly cheering Hamas assault. There is no instance of an Israeli being stripped of their citizenship, no matter now outrageous their racism. Imagine if those chanting ‘death to the Arabs’ were to lose their citizenship. There would be barely anyone left in Israel today. They’d have to start with the Police Minister Itamar Ben Gvir. See  Palestinian actress Maisa Abd Elhadi charged by Israel over Gaza post. The Israeli police have also threatened to expel any Palestinian Israeli who shows solidarity with the Palestinian Uprising of October 7  to Gaza.

Amira Hass refers to the Hamas attack being a pogrom. It wasn’t. It was the breakout from an open air prison of people who had suffered from a 17 year siege. We still don’t know the full story of what happened on 7 October. Undoubtedly there were atrocities committed by Hamas, in particular the firing on unarmed young people at the rave. But it is also clear that the Israeli military deliberately killed Israelis in order to prevent them being taken captive.

Given the alternative of swapping the 5,000 Palestinian hostages in Israel’s prisons or murdering their own citizens, the army preferred the latter option. It’s called the Hannibal Directive in which, faced with the possibility of an Israeli being taken hostage, the military should simply kill them and anything else in the vicinity.

Watch the video about 7 October YouTube would rather you didn't see

This Friday 6.30 the SLN will be holding a Zoom meeting with 5 speakers including a Jewish Holocaust Survivor, Stephen Kapos and noted journalist Asa Winstanley, author of weaponising anti-Semitism, and three other speakers including myself.

Please register and come alone.

Million Person March in London Against Genocide in Gaza


 How Cruella Braverman, Britain’s Racist Home Secretary, Summoned the Far Right to London, to Counter the Palestinian March

Million Person Palestinian March

Life is full of ironies for our ham-fisted, serially obnoxious, racist Home Secretary, Cruella Braverman. Earlier in the week she and the Idiot-in-Chief Sunak, sought to have the million strong Palestinian march cancelled in order to protect the Remembrance Day Commemoration.

Since the Palestinian demonstration took place an hour after the Remembrance Day service and well away from it this was always a dishonest attempt to have a demonstration that they don’t like cancelled.

Aerial Footage

In the weeks before the march Braverman had attacked previous demonstrations as ‘hate mobs’ and ‘anti-Semitic’. Braverman combines Zionism, racism and anti-Semitism in about equal  measure. And she uses Jews a political football and pawns for her racist politics.

Braverman is a bigot for all seasons. In September she told the American Enterprise Institute that persecution for being gay or discrimination as a woman shouldn’t be grounds for claiming asylum. These are the Zionists' friends.

Channel Four Report on Cruella Summoning the Far Right to London

Braverman has described refugees arriving in Britain as an ‘invasion’, accused people crossing the Channel of having values at odds with the UK and “heightened levels of criminality”, for which there is no evidence whatsoever, as well as saying that grooming gang members were predominantly British-Pakistani men who “hold cultural values totally at odds with British values” when the Home Office’s own statistics contradict this.


Because the Metropolitan Police Chief Sir Mark Rowley refused, for once, to adhere to her instructions, Braverman bitterly complained in The Times that the Police were discriminating against her fascist friends on the far-Right in favour of Palestinians! Something that didn’t go down too well even with fellow Tory MPs.

Clare Daly MEP on Israel’s Genocidal Attack on Gaza

Since Braverman didn’t bother submitting the article for  No. 10 approval loud are the calls for her to be sacked and Sunak is rumoured to be thinking of sacking the bigot in the next reshuffle despite sharing most of her racist views.

Despite opposing the Palestinian marches because they are ‘anti-Semitic’ Braverman has no difficulty using the term ‘cultural Marxism’  which involves a  conspiracy theory whereby the Marxist adherents of the mainly Jewish Frankfurt School conspired to undermine Western civilisation from within by taking over the commanding heights of culture and politics.


Andrei Brevik, who massacred over 70 young members of the Norwegian social democrats, cited Cultural Marxism in the manifesto he released. None of this has prevented Cruella using them despite its clear and obvious role in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, not least with the Nazis who forced members of the Frankfurt school to leave Germany.

BBC Gaza Diaries

Once again we see how anti-Semitism and Zionism go hand in hand. None of this, incidentally, prevented the Community Security Trust, a project of Mossad, Israel’s MI6, inviting her to their annual dinner.

There were lots of trade union banners but very few from Unite owing to its racist General Secretary Sharon Graham refusing to do anything as Gaza burns

The march against genocide in Gaza was perhaps the largest march I have ever attended. Certainly it rivals the April 2003 march against the forthcoming Iraq War. It was certainly the biggest ever march on Palestine that we have seen in Britain and possibly anywhere.


Channel Four Report on Cruella Summoning the Far Right to London

Contrary to the lying suggestions of Sunak that the Palestinian demonstrators were ‘singing antisemitic chants and brandishing pro-Hamas signs and clothing’ the march was concerned with genocide in Gaza, which Sunak has given his approval to. ‘Palestine Will Be Free From the River to the Sea’ is of course not in the least anti-Semitic but envisages a free Palestine rather than the present Israeli police state for Palestinians.

It is true that a ‘Jewish’ racial state and freedom for Palestinians is incompatible which is why Zionism and a ‘Jewish’ state, just like Apartheid in South Africa and the Nazi state before it, must go. However a secular democratic state in Israel/Palestine is not anti-Semitic but simply a genocide prevention measure.

As people can see from the aerial footage of the march the Police estimates of 300,000 demonstrators are wildly low. My own estimate is that it was at least a million. I know the train from Brighton, one of a number, was packed full with Palestine demonstrators.

Although genocide doesn’t disturb the robotic leader of the Labour Party, Keir Starmer, Sunak or Biden, most ordinary decent people take exception to seeing hospitals bombed, patients killed, babies on incubators murdered and a civilian population deprived of fuel, water and food.  It says something about our leaders that war crimes committed in the name of Zionism simply get them to repeat like a stuck tape-recorder the allegation of anti-Semitism.

The suggestion that it is anti-Semitic to oppose genocide in Gaza is itself anti-Semitic. It assumes that all Jewish people are blood thirsty savages. Of course our war criminal leaders, regardless of religion, have no principled objection to killing people in the global South. After all that’s where the biggest profits are to be made.

What was encouraging was how young the demonstration was and also how many White people took part, exploding the myth that this is only of concern to Muslims. Keir Starmer may though have done permanent damage to Labour’s vote amongst Black and Muslim people by his racist politics and support for genocide.

Tony Greenstein

In the ‘Fight Against Terrorism’ the Israeli Army Once Again Attacks Jenin's Al Tafawk Children’s Centre


 Israel’s Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing Reminds Germans of how the Nazis dealt with ‘terrorism’ - that is why Germany's neo-Nazis love Israel

Ursula von der Leyen, Germany’s far-right President of the European Commission Openly Supports Israeli Genocide

American Nurse from Doctors Without Borders

Last Thursday Israel once again attacked Jenin refugee camp causing massive damage and dislocation.  It killed 14 Palestinians and injured dozens. As all eyes are on genocide in Gaza the Israeli army has stepped up its violence and repression in the West Bank.

There wasn't one word of truth in these reports of babies being beheaded - no child under 3 died in the October 7 attack - but 39 babies in danger of dying in Al Shifa hospital?  No lurid headlines in the prostitute press in the UK

Although Biden and Europe pay lip service to Israel’s responsibility to reign in the settler attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank they have taken no steps to force them to do so. On the contrary Israel has had the green light to do whatever it wants. There will be no comeback, no arms embargos, no meaningful pressure of any sort.

Western support for the right of a civilian population to resist its attackers is strictly limited to Ukraine.  In Palestine it is called ‘terrorism’.


Jenin Under Attack

The Attack on the Al Tafawk Centre

Since 2018, the Brighton Trust, a charity that I am a trustee for, has funded the Al Tafawk Children’s Centre in the camp. It is a place where children can go to learn, play and socialise. In recent weeks, many have sought refuge from Israeli bombing in the Centre, and have been sleeping there because their homes have been destroyed.

Like every corner of the overpopulated camp, the Al Tafawk Centre is under attack. In fact, it has been under attack for a long time.

Women Speak Out on Palestine 

A family wiped out 

After the July attacks children eventually returned to the Centre, but it was clear that they were not safe there. The Israeli military was determined not to allow Palestinians in Jenin to have peace and quiet, even at a centre for children. And things got significantly worse since Israel responded to Hamas’s October 7 attack with a genocidal bombing campaign in Gaza and increasingly aggressive and deadly military operations across the West Bank.

Yet it serves our rulers to pretend that what is happening in the West Bank and Jenin in particular is normal and not part of an occupation that should have ended long ago. Israel does not recognise Palestinian right to the land and talk of a two state solution is nothing more than a cover for continual settler theft of the land.

If there was any truth in Israel’s claim that it is only concerned about ‘terrorism’ then why is it that the IDF has repeatedly targeted the Al Tafawk  Children’s Centre in the middle of Jenin refugee camp? Twice, in May 2021 and again in July this year its military has raided, occupied and destroyed the interior of the Centre, wrecking its water and electricity facilities and even ripping up children’s books.

This year they went one further and punched gaping holes in the exterior of the building. All this to combat child terrorists? Of course not. Any Palestinian civil society organisation, be it Al Tafawk or the  Jenin Freedom Theatre is a threat to Israel’s desire to ethnically cleanse the Palestinians from the West Bank. That is their goal and western leaders in their pious homilies know this well.

If Biden and Ursula von der Leyen, Germany’s far-right President of the European Commission were sincere in condemning settler violence (they never mention Israeli army violence) they could turn the tap off instantly and put the screws on their pet rotweiller. The fact is that the imperialist countries don’t want to kick their favourite watchdog too much in case it loses its bite.

Jenin under military attack November 9th

I have had a number of messages from teachers at the Al Tafawk Centre. In mid October one teacher wrote that:

We did not have one peaceful night since [July]… When the attacks on the Gaza Strip started, the attacks on the camp became even worse. Life got so hard that it feels like we can’t breathe. The soldiers are threatening that they will do the same to us in Jenin, as they are doing to people in Gaza. Actually, they have already started doing it, but the world is too busy elsewhere, showing only the Israeli side of the story. We have only one wish today. To have just one peaceful night, without waking up with the news that a family member or an entire family got killed.”

She went on to write about the night soldiers entered her home and detained her family for hours as they tried to capture someone in the area.

They locked us up for three hours in the bathroom. Even my brother’s baby, who is only 15 days old, was not allowed to get milk. These things start to feel normal here, but all the children are dying from inside. They don’t understand why this is happening. We are screaming, but no one hears us.

A teacher wrote to me on October 27.

“Each night we lose people, children. We buried lots, but because they die after the attack, the news never mentions them! Even our cemetery was bombed.”

“Our Centre is in the middle of camp. It is now very dangerous to reach, but the children find it the only place that can help them survive. I can’t tell them we are really in danger [at the centre]!”

On 9th November there was yet another attack on Jenin, the most serious yet. 14 Palestinians were murdered, mostly by drones. The Al Tafawk Centre was teargassed with the children still inside it and according to some reports live ammunition was used. Most of the children were evacuated but about 20, owing to the inhalation of gas were unable to. Later the same day, taking her life in her hands, the teacher went back into the Centre. Some of the children had been rendered unconscious.

On 10 November I received this message:

We are still in danger we are staying in this time in the hospital. Everything is awful and really your help came in time we can survive with food and water and meds. This video i am attaching After being hiding from the morning till late in the evening at the center yesterday, while outside heavy attacks were going on, me and the  children and teachers went outside. To go anywhere is dangerous in these circumstances. I took the risk on my own. 

It beggars belief how a children’s centre has become the object of a military attack unless the goal is to destroy all Palestinian civil society organisations. On 13 November I received another message of a similar nature. The teacher’s father had been arrested and beaten. The Centre is barely operating because of the attacks of the Israeli army. People have no food and many of the children don’t know what has happened to their families.

I am so sorry that i can’t answer. They arrested my father. He was coming to the center but they arrested him and beat all his body for 2 days without any reason! We are alive just, we try to survive. All the camp is homeless allllllllllllllll the camp Tony all the children .. many don’t know what happened to their families some lost them some dying from hunger ! I am falling ill. I swear we can’t take any more.

You can contribute to the continuation of the Al Tafawk Centre by donating to its Crowdfunder here.


A rally in solidarity with Israel at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany

Germany admires Israel because it can’t openly praise its own past

Despite Israel’s attack on Jenin and other Palestinian cities, Germany and France in particular have gone out of their way to suppress support for the Palestinians. All in the guise of opposing anti-Semitism.  Israel for them is the living Jew, the imperialist Jew as opposed to the old trouble-making Jew of left wing heritage. Israel is the acceptable Jew unlike those who take to the streets to protest.

Rapprochment with Israel in the 1950s by Germany meant the supply of submarines, weaponry and reparations. It was the means by which West Germany became integrated into the cold war alliance. In return, as Ian Lustick wrote, Israel took ‘extraordinary precautions’ to keep the name of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and his closest advisor, Hans Globke, the Nazi who drafted the Nuremberg Laws and much else, out of the Eichmann Trial. [The Holocaust in Israeli Political Culture, p.150] Germany avoided de-Nazification, with Israel’s approval.

German Jewish anti-Zionists

But expiation of its guilt over the Holocaust doesn’t explain everything about Germany’s unwavering support for Israel. After all why should Alternative for Germany, the anti-immigrant party that is riding at about 20% of polls at the moment, support Israel given that it is overridden with neo-Nazis and holocaust deniers?

Like neo-Nazis worldwide such as Andrei Breivik, Richard Spencer, Tommy Robinson, for the AfD and many on the German right, Israel is not seen as a Jew at all or if it is it is the racial Jew, renewing his roots on national soil unlike the wandering cosmopolitan Jew.

When Germans and not only neo-Nazis, look at the rubble of Gaza City they are reminded wistfully of how Germany was pilloried for reducing to cities like Warsaw to rubble. In a very real sense Israel is to them Hitler’s final triumph. That is why there is a crackdown, not just on pro-Palestinian protests but anti-Zionist Jewish protests in particular. For the German Right and that includes the Greens and the Social Democrats, Israel represents the acceptable Jew, the imperialist Jew.

It is often forgotten that the Nazis, throughout the period 1933-39 treated the German Zionists favourably in comparison with the rest of the Jewish population. The German Zionists alone among German Jews had welcomed the Nuremberg Laws for its prevention of mixed marriages and relationships between Aryan and  Jew.

Although the Zionists don’t like being reminded of the past on 28 January 1935 Reinhard Heydrich, the ‘engineer of the final solution’ issued a directive stating that: 

the activity of the Zionist-oriented youth organisations that are engaged in the occupational restructuring of the Jews … lies in the interest of the National Socialist state’s leadership…. (they are) not to be treated with that strictness that it is necessary to apply to the members of the so-called German-Jewish organisations (assimilationists).

The activities of Zionist groups were supervised with ‘more benevolence’ than comparable activities by non-Zionist groups. The Gestapo and the SD ‘place(d) no restrictions on Zionist organisations.’ In May 1935 Schwarze Korps, paper of the SS, wrote that:

the Zionists adhere to a strict racial position and by emigrating to Palestine they are helping to build their own Jewish state.... The assimilation-minded Jews deny their race and insist on their loyalty to Germany or claim to be Christians because they have been baptised in order to subvert National Socialist principles. [Lucy Dawidowicz, War Against the Jews, p.118]

In other words the pro-Zionist orientation of the German establishment today is a continuation of the pre-war attitude of the Nazis.

Brighton and Hove Trades Council Demonstration Against Labour Councillors Support for Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza


Today we will see if what's left of the Labour Left has the Courage to Defy Starmer and Support the SNP Call for an Immediate Ceasefire

For over a month Brighton and Hove Labour Group, which controls the Council and was hand selected by a special National Executive panel, (Labour members could not be trusted to select their own candidates) kept its silence whilst Israel perpetrated a horrific massacre of Palestinians in Gaza.

Nearly two weeks ago I wrote to them asking why, when over 600 Labour Councillors nationally had written to Starmer calling on him to call for an immediate ceasefire, many of them resigning because of Labour’s support for genocide in Palestine, not one member of the Labour group had felt able to add their name. In contrast 7 Labour councillors in nearby Worthing had added their names to a petition.

Brighton & Hove Trades Council Demonstration at The Level

The statement that the Labour Group issued is, as my Open Letter states, pathetically weak in every respect. It recognises the ‘right’ of Israel to bomb and maim Palestinians in Gaza but asks it to take care it doesn’t overdo it. It recognises Israel’s ‘right to self defence’ but accords no similar right to the Palestinians. Thus it condemns the October 7 breakout from the world’s largest open air prison but has nothing to say about  17 year suffocating siege.

During Israel's attack on Gaza, Israeli Palestinians are being subjected to Police attacks and racist attacks on them as a fifth column

This is why Brighton and Hove Trades Council is calling the demonstration. The Labour Group includes a number of openly racist Zionist supporters including Julie Cattell, a member of Sussex Friends of Israel and Emma Daniel, who managed Starmer’s leadership campaign in Brighton.

Labour Councillors Pretend that the Conflict Began on October 7th 

There was a time, though it now seems in the distant past, when councillors like Francis Tonks, who is now in his 90s, could be relied on to support all manner of anti-imperialist and progressive causes.  No longer. The Labour Group is consistently reactionary in every respect.  It is made in the image of Labour’s robotic leader Starmer.

Devastation in Gaza

The Labour Group statement calls for the moribund and defunct apartheid two state solution. The same formula that has acted as a cover for the continual expansion of settlements on the West Bank. There is not a cat in hell’s chance of such a solution being adopted by an Israeli cabinet dominated by those who want to transfer the Palestinians out of Palestine altogether.

Perhaps Hamas was operating from the world's third oldest church too?

But even if Israel’s politicians were to adopt the two state solution then I would oppose it. A Jewish state is an anachronism. It is a Jewish racial state, granting supremacy to Jews over non-Jews.

There was a time in Europe when there were also Christian ethno-religious states – Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Croatia. They were without exception the most anti-Semitic states which eagerly participated in the Jewish holocaust.

Israel has done its best to distort what happened on October 7 when the majority of civilians were killed by the Israeli military

Croatia was the only state to have its own extermination camp, Jasenovac, which was mainly for Serbs but still murdered thousands of Jews. Slovakia was the first state to deport its Jews. Romania’s treatment of its 600,000 Jews, half of  whom it murdered, was so bad that Hans Frank, the Nazi governor of Poland remarked that the Nazis practiced surgery not butchery. Hungary saw, thanks to Zionist collaboration in the form of the Labour Zionist leader Rudolf Kasztner, the extermination of 400, 000 of its Jews at the wars end.

Israeli doctors play the same role as the Nazis' SS Doctors played - advocating the bombing of Gaza's hospitals

When Zionists proclaim that there is only one Jewish state in the world my reply is that this is one too many. Religious ethnic states are a throwback to medieval Europe. It was one of the achievements of the French Revolution in 1789, that it granted emancipation and equality to its Jewish citizens. Zionism was founded on a rejection of Jewish Emancipation.

Rabbi Dov Lior, Police Minister Ben Gvir's spiritual mentor, one said that a Jewish fingernail was worth more than a thousand non-Jewish lives - 

Ignoring Jewish genocidal racism in Israel is essential if one is going to support a ‘Jewish’ state. The fact is, as I point out in the letter, that half of Israel’s Jewish population want to expel the Arab minority. 93% of Israeli land is off-limits to Israel’s Palestinian citizens but this and much else is simply ignored as is the fact that the favourite chant of the Israeli Right today is ‘Death to the Arabs’ a variation on the old Polish/Nazi chant of ‘Death to the Jews’.

Tomorrow Labour MPs have the chance to defy Starmer and vote for the SNP amendment calling for an immediate ceasefire. I suspect that most of what is called the Socialist Campaign Group will meekly troop into the lobbies behind Starmer’s amendment calling for humanitarian pauses. Unfortunately most of the SCG lack what most normal people have – a backbone.

Blood on the ambulance from Israeli bombing

What Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza has highlighted is how Starmer is signed up to the imperialist agenda. International law has gone out of the window. Yesterday 23 International Law academics wrote to Starmer pointing out that Labour policy tramples over international law concerning collective punishment. That Starmer is supposedly a human rights lawyer merely compounds this.

Tomorrow at 6 pm we will gather outside Hove Town Hall in protest at the Labour group’s support for Israel’s genocidal attack on the Palestinians.

Tony Greenstein

Emergency Appeal – Jewish Chronicle is Facing A Financial Crisis - Please Dig Deep for the Sake of Genocide Jake’s Salary


 Revisiting the case of Emily Honchowicz, the young American Jew blinded in one eye by Israeli Police Thugs

Emily Honcowich - Democracy Now

It’s not every day that the CEO of the Jewish Chronicle, Jo Bucci, writes to me begging for a handout. Jo informed me that:

In the weeks since the war broke out in Israel, our journalists have been working non-stop to bring you the latest news from the front lines as well as closer to home.

Our coverage, which has been read by millions since October 7, has shone a light on the conflict and given our readers stories that matter to them in these difficult times.

I'm writing to you today to ask if you'd consider being a donor to the Jewish Chronicle.

The Jewish Chronicle is the world’s oldest Jewish newspaper, founded in 1841. It has always been the paper of the Jewish Establishment.

Now you will understand dear reader that I am in a dilemma when it comes to giving to good causes. Should I donate my hard earned cash to those ‘anti-Semites’ at Medical Aid for the Palestinians, who will only spend my cash on things like bandages and medicines for Palestinian children in Gaza or should I hand it over to the Jewish Chronicle in order that it can continue to shamelessly lie in the cause of Jewish Supremacy?

Well of course I would like to give a helping hand to the non-Jewish racist who currently edits the JC, one Jake Wallis-Simons but needs must. It’s not that I don’t understand Jo Bucci’s plight. I really do.

Bernard Joseph, unlike 'liar' Lee Harpin and Marcus Dysch, was able to write a fair and balanced article

According to Wikipedia from a high of 55,000 in 1941, former editor Stephen Pollard managed to reduce this from 30,000 when he was appointed in 2009 to 20,141 in 2018 and over a third of those were free copies.

But in August 2010 things were so different. Pollard, who should be called the gravedigger of the JC, was telling readers

I am thrilled to be able to report that the JC's year-on-year ABC circulation figures (30/6/09-30/6/10) are up 3.67%. In June 2009, circulation was 30,436; this June it reached 31,556 – an increase of 1,120.

In other words the obsessive, dishonest anti-Corbyn campaign of Pollard between 2015 and 2019 turned off one-third of its readers.

But if you thought that things couldn’t get worse you are wrong. According to ABC, the auditor for the media industry, circulation has fallen to 12,420 in May-June 2023 and of those nearly half are given away. In other words just 6,371 people are prepared to fork out to buy a copy of the rag.

When Oswald Moseley's British Union of Fascists tried to march through London's East End the JC, the Board of Deputies and the Zionists urged Jews to keep indoors. Jewish and non-Jewish workers ignored the Jewish Establishment and taught Moseley a lesson he would remember

Clearly the JC is in big trouble and its not difficult to understand why. It’s boring, unreadable and a propaganda rag that is at odds with youth culture and political awareness amongst the young. Zionism is irrelevant to all but a handful of zealots. Most Jewish kids know that things are wrong in Israel but according to the JC it is as if the election of neo-Nazis like Ben Gvir and Smotrich  to Israel’s government never happened.

The JC was an early adherent of the Zionist movement or rather they bought it out but in the early days it could be very critical of Zionism. During the Hitler period when the Zionists were looking to take advantage of the Nazi state in order to build their Jewish state, the JC was very critical of the policies of the Zionist movement, and in particular of Ha'avara, the trading agreement between the Nazis and the Zionist movement. Today it is an anti-Palestinian propaganda rag.

In an editorial of 27 December 1935 the JC railed against Ha'avara. It accused the World Zionist Organisation of

aiding and comforting one of the most savage oppressions even in Jewish history. It dishonours and defiles us. It shame us in our own eyes and un-mans us. It is a blow to our pride and a shock to our morale and self-respect at a time when we are most direly in need of the strengthening of these qualities. It also disheartens us, for it breaks the united Jewish boycott front, a front, let it not be forgotten, with which Gentile sympathisers are also aligned.

… The boycott offered Jews the first real weapon they-have ever had, thanks to the modern development of international trade. The Haavarah dashes that weapon from their hands. The Haavarah has actually exerted itself, if our information be correct, to promote an increase of the purchase of German products in Palestine…

But, at least, let not our critics try to fool us with the argument- that if the Ha'avarah helps Jewish national reconstruction it does not transgress against Jewish national dignity. Building the new Judea on an “unclean " transaction is not our idea of preserving Jewish dignity!’

Today the ‘JC' is a ‘newspaper’ that Goebbels would have given his eye teeth for. Its mission is to keep British Jews in ignorance of the reality of what is happening in Israel and Palestine and line them up in support of genocide. Strangely enough many Jews are not happy with being fodder for a ‘Jewish’ state that seems to be anything but Jewish.

The reality is that the Jewish Chronicle, whilst purporting to be horror stricken at the alleged increase in anti-Semitism does its best to increase anti-Semitism by constantly associating Jews, all Jews, with the war crimes of the Israeli state.

Although one should resolutely oppose attacks on Jews because of what Israel does, at the same time one should recognise that people are justifiably angered by the scenes of carnage and war crimes from Gaza. When the JC goes out of its way to stress Jewish support for Israeli war crimes is it any wonder that some people take them at their word and attack Jews as a result?

One of my favourite headlines in the JC

The JC is unrepresentative of British Jews

The JC is also increasingly unrepresentative of the Jewish community. In the last authoritative survey of the British Jewish community in 2015 The Attitudes of British Jews Towards Israel it was found that the number of Jews who identified as Zionists had dropped from 72% in 2010. A quarter of Jews supported sanctions against Israel and to the question do Palestinians have no legitimate claim to the land, as right-wing Zionists argue, just 14% supported this proposition as opposed to 72% who were opposed.

Yet the JC has consistently supported the right and far-right of the Zionist movement. It brooks no criticism of Israel and as I show below actively censors anything tending to put it in a different light. In short the JC has become increasingly unrepresentative of British Jews and more of a shrill Zionist voice lecturing and hectoring. The appointment of another far-right editor, Jake Wallis-Simons, formerly of the Telegraph merely accentuates this trend.

The exclusion of non-Zionist and anti-Zionist voices from the JC has contributed to its irrelevance. Most young Jews today come into contact with Palestinians and Jews who are not Zionists yet this reality has never entered the JC's ecosphere. The pretence that the West Bank is a haven of tranquility punctured only by anti-Semitic Palestinians is simply at odds with what people learn from other sources. They know that Israel is now considered by most people as an apartheid state in which messianic Jews rule the roost.

The growth of non and anti-Zionist Jewish groups has passed the JC by. Na’amod, Jews Against Genocide, Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods, Jewish Voices for Labour, Jewish Network for Palestine, Jews for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, have sprung up yet the JC relates to the shrill loudmouths and far-right Zionists such as Jonathan Hoffman with his coterie of Tommy Robinson supporters.

My own experience of the Jewish Chronicle

I have been in conflict with the JC for most of my political life. I am the only person to have successfully taken the JC to the Press Council, the forerunner of today’s Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). When PSC organised a Conference on Anti-Arab Racism in 1985, with funding from the then Greater London Council, the JC attacked the conference implying that PSC was anti-Semitic. When I wrote to them on behalf of PSC, the JC refused me a right of reply. The Press Council upheld my complaint that I should have had a right of reply.

One of a number of letters the JC printed from me

Although its editor the late Geoffrey D Paul and I never saw eye to eye, he nonetheless invariably allowed me access to the letters columns of the paper although of course there was usually in reply a deluge of angry Zionists.

My letter to the Guardian challenging Chaim Bermant's Obituary

Geoffrey Paul allowed, by Zionist standards anyway, a wide range of debate in the paper. He repeatedly defended the maverick columnist Chaim Bermant who supported negotiations with the PLO, something that was considered beyond the pale in polite circles at that time.

Bernard Joseph did not set out to distort or twist the truth unlike JC 'journalists' today

This was a time when the JC employed journalists as opposed to Zionist political hacks like David Rose. For example when I spoke at the 2007 UNISON Conference in support of BDS, the only Jewish person to do so, I took apart the usual Zionist accusations that supporters of Palestine were anti-Semitic supporters of Hamas. I got a rousing reception from the delegates and the motion passed overwhelmingly. The first person who came up to congratulate me on my speech was Bernard Josephs, the JC reporter. Bernard was an old school Zionist and certainly not a supporter of BDS but he appreciated the way I had dealt with the accusations of anti-Semitism.

Fast forward 13 years and under Stephen Pollard all was different. Professor Geoffrey Alderman, a Zionist who had written for the JC for nearly 46 years, being a weekly columnist for 14 years, criticised the IHRA because its 11 examples ‘embed numerous internal contradictions’. This was during the anti-Corbyn smear campaign which the JC was leading, with the IHRA as its main weapon. Such criticism was considered by Pollard as nothing less than sabotage.

Alderman then went on to blot his copybook even further when he wrote an article for The Spectator Is Jeremy Corbyn really anti-Semitic? reaching the conclusion that far from being anti-Semitic ‘The fact of the matter is that Corbyn has an impressive record of supporting Jewish communal initiatives.’

Under Geoffrey Paul Alderman would have been defended. Pollard however was incandescent with rage. Zionist ideologues such as Pollard don’t do debate. He was running a campaign of hate and the last thing he wanted was a cool, analytical look at Corbyn’s actual record in relation to Jews. What did Pollard do? He sent a curt email at the end of January 2020 to Alderman saying ‘“as editor I no longer wish to have you in the paper.”

Pollard adamantly refused, in a telephone call, to give his reasons for the decision but they are not hard to discern. Pollard, a hard-right Zionist and founder of the Islamaphobic Henry Jackson Society, would brook no dissent. It was an iron rule as far as he was concerned that Corbyn was anti-Semitic.

Pollard was perhaps one of the most dishonest figures to grace public life in Britain in the last 20 years. He was also a disaster as JC Editor taking the circulation from over 30,000 to under 20,000 and bankrupting the paper in the process. It was only because the JC was seen as too valuable to go under during the anti-Corbyn witchhunt that the JC was rescued, amongst others by John Ware, who produced the serially dishonest Panorama programmeIs Labour Anti-Semitic?

But I have another reason for detesting Pollard. So much so that when he announced that he had cancer I thought that there might be divine justice after all.

The Case of Emily Honochowicz

On 3 July 2010 I wrote to Pollard about the case of an American Jewish art student, Emily Honochowicz. Emily had gone to study in Jerusalem for one year as part of her art degree. There she had met anti-occupation activists from the International Solidarity Movement and she had been particularly moved by the terrible things that the Palestinians were experiencing in the West Bank.

On hearing of Israel’s murder of 9 activists on the Mavi Marmara and Gaza Freedom Flotilla she and others had gone to stage a protest at the main gateway from Jerusalem to the West Bank, the Qalandiya checkpoint.  This was being policed by the Border Guard, a notoriously violent Israeli police unit. All of a sudden one of them shot, in breach of all regulations, a tear gas cannister directly at Emily with the result that she was blinded in one eye.

Emily was rushed, first to a hospital in Ramallah and then to Jerusalem’s Hadassah hospital where doctors were unable to save her eye. I was particularly moved by how a young Jewish girl had taken part in the kind of protest which is normal in any country calling itself a democracy and she had lost an eye as a result. How could this be in a state that calls itself Jewish?  Where were its Jewish values?

I wrote an articleThe Day an American Jewish Art Student Emily Henochowicz Lost an Eye and it occurred to me that perhaps the JC would consider this newsworthy. I knew that the evils perpetrated against Palestinians never made the JC columns, especially under Pollard, because it was an iron rule that British Jews should be kept in ignorance of what was happening in the occupied territories.

Much fun was had when we were stewarding the TUC Conference in Brighton - after everyone had gone home we dumped the Zionist propaganda in the nearest bin!

But Emily wasn’t a Palestinian. She was a Jewish girl. Surely this story merited a place in the JC? I had read an article in Ha’aretz Israel Refuses to Pay Medical Bills for American-Jewish Protester Who Lost Eye and found it outrageous. The Pig who had blinded Emily in one eye had broken all regulations and yet the Israeli government, which can spend thousands of pounds on takeaway meals for Prime Minister Netanyahu and his corrupt wife, didn’t have the decency to at least pay for the medical bills caused by its thuggish police force.

I wrote that

Emily, the daughter of an Israeli born father and granddaughter of holocaust survivors has learnt the hard way that Israel is an oppressive and racist regime.

The final insult of course is that Israel refuses to pay the medical bills for her treatment in hospital. Literally they want their pound of flesh.

The latter being a reference to Shylock and the Merchant of Venice.

I sent an email to Pollard suggesting that he might want to run this story, noting that

Instead of being an echo chamber to Jonathan Hoffman isn't it about time you actually started reporting the more uncomfortable facts? When people look back this period of the Jewish Chronicle it will come to be seen as one of its darkest and least glorious chapters.

Pollard immediately responded

‘Thank you for your email, which will make a fine addition to my 'delete' folder.’

In other words nothing that could upset the myth of Israel as the Middle East’s Only Democracy would be allowed to grace the pages of the Jewish Chronicle, even if it was someone who was Jewish who had experienced violence or discrimination.

I wrote a blogJewish Chronicle Editor, Stephen Pollard says the blinding in one eye, by Israeli Border Guards of Emily Honchowicz, "will make a fine addition to my 'delete' folder." and to this day I consider Pollard, who learnt his trade under the pornographer and one-time owner of the Daily Express, Richard Desmond, as the human equivalent of dog waste. A man without a single redeeming feature.

Emily, in a fascinating interview with Democracy Now, described how she was cared for and looked after by Palestinians, despite their many worries, exploding the myth that Palestinians are gripped by a fatalistic and obsessive anti-Semitism. (see above)

In the pre-Pollard era the letters columns were relatively open

Emily came across in the interview as a wonderful and likeable girl who was trying to put her experiences behind her whilst displaying empathy and understanding for the Palestinians of Nabi Saleh

Pollard, who looks every bit as detestable as he is, proved that when it comes to the Zionist press in this country, lies and deceit always trump honesty and truth. The tragedy is that too many Jews are too blind to see that they being conned by a narrow Jewish nationalism that at the current time is  perpetrating genocide in Gaza.

Instead many Jews whine about a non-existent ‘anti-Semitism’, whilst keeping company with vile racists like Suella Braverman and then wonder why it is that some people assume that Jews and Genocide go together.

So no, I shall not be contributing to the Jewish Chronicle anytime soon. The sooner it dies the better for everyone but especially Britain’s Jews.

As for Stephen Pollard, I am reminded of the last stanza of Bob Dylan’s masterpiece, Masters of War:

And I hope that you die
And your death'll come soon
I will follow your casket
In the pale afternoon
And I'll watch while you're lowered
Down to your deathbed
And I'll stand over your grave
'Til I'm sure that you're dead

Tony Greenstein

Angelic Israeli Schoolgirls Sing a Song of Annihilation on Israeli TV - How the Memory of the Holocaust is Being Used to Justify Genocide


The Zionists have Reported My Speech to the Demonstration to the Police – There’s Nothing They Would Like Than For Britain to Become Another Israel

Heidi Bachram is a 'journalist'on the Jewish Chronicle & an informer who monitors what we are saying in the hope that the Police will shut us down and criminalise us - she can be contacted on @heidibachram if you want to let her know what you think of her. Informing on people used to be a sin ( lashon hara) because informers led to the deaths of thousands of Jews during the Holocaust and in Spain - Zionism however encourages what is called 'evil talk'

Tony Greenstein Speaks to Demonstration Outside Brighton & Hove Council

Last Wednesday at short notice, Brighton & Hove Trades Council held a picket of Hove Town Hall. The purpose was to get Labour’s silent Councillors to emulate their colleagues in other towns and cities and make a clear statement in support of an immediate ceasefire.

For a month Labour councillors had kept silent, saying nothing about the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza. I had written previously to all 38 Labour Councillors asking why they didn’t have the honesty or courage to speak out like over 600 of their colleagues nationally. I received no response.

Israeli children sing: "We will annihilate everyone" in Gaza

Hove Town Hall picket

In response to the forthcoming demonstration these cowards, led by Bella Sankey, finally issued a statement. They would have done well to save their breath. No mention of genocide, no mention of ethnic cleansing, no mention of the bombing of hospitals, instead these political vermin talked about Israel having ‘the right to take targeted action’ against the Palestinians, oblivious to the already 10,000 dead.

UN Human Rights Rapporteur Albanese destroys Kirsty Wark

Bella Sankey, Leader of Brighton & Hove Council, is one in a long line of Labour racists who prefer to avert their eyes when genocide is taking place

Not one councillor attended the demonstration. This is a far cry from the days when councillors were selected by members of the Labour Party. Today what we have is handpicked Starmer clones who hide behind empty phrases. They called for a ‘humanitarian ceasefire’ which is a meaningless phrase. Either there is an unconditional ceasefire or not.

Must Watch Video First Shown on Andrew Marr Show - Shot from Khan Younis

There was no recognition of the starvation siege of Gaza for 17 years, the stifling suffocation of the world’s largest open air prison camp (David Cameron) or indeed the international law right of a people under occupation to resist their occupiers. No doubt these councillor clones would queue up to support the right of Ukrainian people to resist the Russians but of course in that case it’s a NATO proxy war.

ITV - schools bombed in Gaza City

Israeli forces strike Al-Fakhoora School in northern Gaza

Also last week Killer Keir and his genocidal friend Peter Kyle, the Hove MP, abstained in parliament on an SNP amendment calling for an immediate ceasefire. But Palestine and genocide in Gaza produced the largest rebellion of Labour MPs to date, some 56, against Starmer’s support for genocide.

Woman on the genocide that Starmer supports

Labour's War Criminal Leader Doesn't Seem Eager to Engage with Critics

Starmer himself is incapable of defending a position that say that the way to peace is to continue to bomb hospitals, homes, journalists etc. Instead he resorted to a meaningless soundbite:

I wanted to be clear about where I stood, and where I will stand. Leadership is about doing the right thing. That is the least the public deserves.

If leadership is about doing the right thing then Killer Keir would resign.

Israel's fake evidence for its attach on Gaza's Main Hospital Al Shifa

Soldiers surround Al Shifa Hospital

Since last week Israel has invaded Gaza’s largest hospital Al Shifa claiming that it was a Hamas command and control centre. They found nothing other than what they had brought with them. That didn’t stop the news organisations treating Israel’s claims seriously.

BBC Ros Atkins questions Al Shifa as a control centre

Israel’s military even produced a Hamas Laptop but forgot to change the Hebrew language keyboard!! See IDF’s accidental unblurred video ‘shows laptop is their own’ On it was a photo of a hostage that Israel had previously distributed.

But that didn’t stop the IDF forcing people to strip naked, beating and firing at people inside a hospital. To call Israeli soldiers animals would be an insult to a rabid dog.

The demonstration was well attended. Over 300 demonstrators and members of RMT, Unite, UCU and other unions attended. There were a range of speakers and I spoke as a representative of Jewish Network for Palestine.

It would appear that amongst the crowd was the Jewish Chronicle’s racist correspondent Heidi Bachram who has reported me to the Police! Free speech and Zionism don’t go together as we can see from the persecution of those in Israel who oppose its genocidal war.

The Zionists know that most British people don’t support genocide or the murder of school children. Hence the desperation of groups like the misnamed ‘charity’, the Campaign Against Anti-SemitismcryingEnough is enough. The police must act.’ The Zionists know that they would be lucky to get 1% of our numbers on a demonstration.

Starmer's Double Standards - Some War Crimes Can Be Called Out - But Not Israeli Ones That's Antisemitic

The CAA is an Israel government front organisation. It was set up at the instigation of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs in July 2014 during the last major Israeli Blitzkrieg on Gaza as a way of undermining solidarity action through accusations of 'antisemitism'.

Its anguished crying now is a demonstration that the effect of solidarity action in the West is being felt in Tel Aviv. Because let's face it, if the eyes of the world were not on Israel they wouldn't even be attempting to pretend that Al Shifa is a Hamas base. The Zionist savages would have gone in and slaughtered everyone. 

Sky News Interview with Palestinian Journalist

The Zionist Belief in Free Speech! Bull and Bachram forget that Britain isn't (yet) quite in the same league as Israel when it comes to free speech

If we think 10,000 or 12,000 dead is bad just imagine what the situation would be if we weren't monitoring their every move? That is why the Zionist army has targeted journalists, in particular those of Al Mayden and Al Jazeera.  It's no accident that BBC and Western journalists haven't been targeted in the same way because the Israelis no they can rely on the BBC to lie for them. Not so with Al Jazeera and Al Mayden. Even the families of their journalists have been targeted whilst the yellow journalists in the West say, see and hear nothing.

Picket of  Hove Town Hall Against the Silence of Brighton & Hove Councillors

That is why the Israelis are so keen to get rid of Al Jazeera having already banned Al Mayden. They know they can rely on the BBC, CBS and Sky but not on the more independent Arab broadcasting stations.  This is ironic given that the West is fond of lecturing Arabs and third world peoples about democracy!

As for Jews being scared of entering London well 1,000 Jews not only made up the Jewish block on the demonstration but were also made very welcome!! There were thousands of Jews, albeit anti-racist Jews, on the march. The CAA became so hysterical that they wrote to Suella Braverman saying she should bring in the army. Clearly the CAA forgot that this is England not Israel! Mad and Bad as Braverman was she was not that mad.

The attack on Palestinian medical facilities and hospitals in Gaza is in flagrant breach of the Geneva Convention but when it suits them Western powers simply ignore international law. The leadership of the American Medical Association, which called for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine refused to take a similar resolution on Gaza. Such is the complicity of Western doctors.

Israel has been running a propaganda war to back its genocidal war but occasionally things go wrong. One such instance was when 85 year old hostage Yocheved Lifschitz was released by Hamas. She shook their hands as she left and later said how humanely she had been treated by them. A marked contrast to how Israel has stripped people of their clothes and beaten them.

What was the government’s response? Fury that their message that Hamas are monsters had been undermined. According to Ha’aretz:

"They were very friendly to us," Lifshitz said, "they treated us gently and looked after us."

These statements sparked furty, with some accusing her of damaging the Israeli war effort by portraying Hamas in a generous light. An Israeli government source said that “Lifshitz’s statements about the humane treatment of the hostages at the hands of the Hamas terrorists harmed Israeli hasbara."


Heidi's video of Tony Greenstein speaking

Heidi Bachram is one of those Jews who prostitute for Israel - no babies were killed by Israel's own statistics but telling the truth is 'hate' 

And there you have it.  Israel’s genocidal war is also accompanied by systematic lying. Ha’aretz reported that

While many criticized Lifshitz and her family for her statements, the lions share of the criticism was directed at the spokesperson of Ilichov Hospital, Avi Shoshan, for facilitating the press conference in the first place.

The hapless Shoshan is being made to pay the price for not realising that the truth was the last thing the Zionist leaders wanted to hear.

Senator Chris Coons Didn't Like Being Questioned on Why He Is a War Criminal - It was Bad Manners

A Wave of Repression Inside Israel Against Dissidents

But it’s not only in the Occupied Territories that there is a wave of terror. It is also taking place in what Zionists like to describe as ‘the only democracy in the Middle East’.

Israelis with a conscience like Dr Meir Baruchin are being locked up and persecuted under Israel's 'democratic' regime

Dr. Meir Baruchin, a civics and history teacher, in a Petah Tikva high school was not only fired by the local authority but spent 5 days in prison for “indicating a decision to commit treason.” And what was his treasonous behaviour? Spying for Hamas? Nothing so glamorous.

In a leading article Arresting Arabs and Left-wingers: How Israel Intends to Crack Down on Domestic Dissent Over Gaza WarHa’aretzexplained that the pretext for Baruchin’s arrest was a

posts in which he objected to Israel’s military operation in the Gaza Strip and discussed the deaths of Gazan civilians. ... The posts included photographs of dead Palestinians, including young children, frequently accompanied by the statement “this doesn’t interest the Jews.” And with a few exceptions, he’s right. Even during peacetime, Israeli public opinion has almost no interest in innocent Palestinian victims. During wartime, the prevailing view is that there is no such thing.

In another post, on October 8, Baruchin listed the names and ages of six Palestinians killed in the West Bank, aged 14 to 24. “They were born under occupation and lived under it all their lives,” he wrote. “They never knew a single day of true freedom ... They were executed by our wonderful boys.” Judge Oren Silverman justified keeping him in detention for another four days due to such statements. According to Silverman, they sufficed “to establish a reasonable suspicion.”…

Baruchin isn’t alone. Over the last month, dozens of Arab Israelis have been arrested over alleged incitement. Both the police and the prosecution are party to this move, which significantly curtails freedom of expression in Israel. Even if some of these statements are uncomfortable for Israelis to hear, they should be permitted as long as they don’t constitute genuine incitement.

Just as in South Africa the attack on the rights of Black people led to restrictions on the rights of Whites too. The neo-Nazis who have taken over the ‘Jewish’ state are also attacking left-wing Jews.

We are seeing a second Nakba in the making and the Zionist lobbyists are working overtime to justify it and explain it away

What is happening in Gaza is the fufilment of far-right Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich’s Decisive Plan. As Orly Noy explains Palestinians have a choice – emigration or annihilation.

Official Israeli Statistics Give the Lie to the Allegation of Decapitated Babies  No Babies Died

Tales of Hamas Barbarities on October 7th

Most of us will be familiar with the tales of Hamas barbarities in Al Aqsa Flood. Decapitated babies, raped women and so on. This is atrocity propaganda. Joe Biden, the corrupt and senile liar who is nominally President of the United States, first alleged that he had seen photographs of beheaded babies. This was a lie and later the White House was forced to ‘walk back’this allegation.

From The Times to the tabloids they screamed about murdered Israeli babies - yet this was a lie - NO baby was murdered - at least by Palestinians.  Thousands of Palestinian children including babies have been murdered by Israel yet THERE ARE NO HEADLINES CONDEMNING THIS - This is the Colonial Racism that the British Press Used to Justify Barbarities in previous centuries

Likewise there is no credible evidence of rape or naked Israeli women being paraded in Gaza City. There is a long history of the uprisings of colonial people being portrayed as the work of savages. Britain portrayed the Mau Mau rising in Kenya in this fashion. This is how racism operates in justifying colonialism.

But now Israel has released partial figures there is a different story. No babies were killed. 7 children between 4 and 9 and 10 between 10 and 17 were killed. These were 17 too many but they pale in comparison with Israel’s barbarism in Gaza. More than twice as many Palestinian children have been killed in the West Bank alone this year compared to last year.

 NAZI statements such as those of Rabbi Maroz above are common in Israel yet the IHRA definition of antisemitism has been forced on us to prevent comparisons between yesterdays and todays murderers

Of course to racists like Haidi Bachram no amount of Palestinian blood is enough. As Netanyahu explained a few weeks ago, the Palestinians are Amalek and the good Lord has commanded the Israelites to wipe them out to every last child. This is the genocidal mentality that is in play today even though Starmer, Sunak and the media pretend that Israel is just another western democracy.

Gradually a picture is being built up of what really happened on October 7. It was a daring and well planned raid aimed at destroying Israel’s Gaza Division. Its second objective was capturing hostages in order to exchange them for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli gaols. Both are quite legitimate war time objectives.

But when Hamas fighters went into Kibbutz Be’eri to capture hostages, the Israeli army took the decision that instead of allowing a future prisoner exchange they would kill all the potential hostages along with their captives.

Picket of  Hove Town Hall Against the Silence of Brighton & Hove Councillors

Ha’aretz reporter Nir Hasson interviewed Tuval, a resident of Kibbutz Be’eri, who happened to be away that day and this is his description

“His voice trembles when his partner, who was besieged in her home shelter at the time, comes to mind. According to him, only on Monday night and only after the commanders in the field made difficult decisions — including shelling houses with all their occupants inside in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages — did the IDF complete the takeover of  the kibbutz. The price was terrible: at least 112 Be’eri people were killed. Others were kidnapped. Yesterday, 11 days after the massacre, the bodies of a mother and her son were discovered in one of the destroyed houses. It is believed that more bodies are still lying in the rubble.”

It is clear that Israeli troops, whose only previous fighting experience is killing civilians in the West Bank resorted to overwhelming firepower according to the Dariya Doctrine that Israel espouses. In order to prevent the taking of hostages they simply killed the captured Israeli hostages. See also Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says. And October 7 testimonies reveal Israel’s military ‘shelling’ Israeli citizens with tanks, missiles

Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says

Contrast this Israeli cowardice with the Iranian Embassy siege in London in 1980 where the SAS stormed the building and rescued all but one of the 23 hostages. Israel simply resorts to overwhelming firepower even if it kills its own citizens in the process.

Picket of  Hove Town Hall Against the Silence of Brighton & Hove Councillors

Israeli soldiers are most adept at the abuse of Palestinian civilians including openly torturing them (& putting the videos on social media). See Cigarette Burns, Beatings, Attempted Sexual Assault: Settlers and Soldiers Abused Palestinians


As Israel targets hospitals, schools, mosques and churches, Labour leaders like Starmer and Nandy refuse to call for an immediate ceasefire. They are accomplices to genocide and should be treated as such. 

Picket of  Hove Town Hall Against the Silence of Brighton & Hove Councillors

On Saturday Israeli air raids killed and injured hundreds of Palestinians at two UNRWA schools, Al Fakhoura and Tall az-Zaatar in the Jabalia refugee camp. At least 50 people were killed in the attack on Al Fakhoura, the Palestinian Ministry of Health said.

How anyone can claim that Israel is not embarked on genocide and ethnic cleansing after these atrocities defies explanation. After having told Palestinians to move south they are now being told to move to the West of Gaza. It is crystal clear what Israel’s plan is. The forcible eviction of Palestinians from Gaza. Ethnic cleansing is the strategy and western leaders are complicit in this including that execrable dummy Keir Starmer.

Key Developments

Ø   Israeli forces ordered the immediate evacuation of Al-Shifa’ hospital on Saturday morning — leaving only 120 patients in critical state and five doctors on the premises.

Ø   Civilians flee Al-Shifa’ carrying people in wheelchairs and gurneys, amid reports that Israeli forces barred men from entering southern Gaza.

Ø   Israeli forces reportedly took the bodies of 18 Palestinians from Al-Shifa’, with no information on their whereabouts.

Ø   An Israeli airstrike on al-Fakhura school in Jabalia refugee camp on Saturday has killed at least 50 people.

Ø   Scores of deadly Israeli airstrikes pummel Gaza schools, mosques, and homes, killing at least 26 in the southern town of Khan Younis.

Ø   The WHO says Gaza’s health system is “on its knees”.

Ø   Fighting continues between Palestinian resistance groups and Israeli ground forces in northern Gaza and Gaza City.

Ø   In the West Bank, Israeli forces bombed the Fatah party headquarters in Balata refugee camp, killing five.

Ø   At least two other Palestinians die in the West Bank after being shot by Israeli forces, while armed confrontations continue in several areas of the occupied territory.

Ø   Palestinians raise the alarm about growing Israeli settler threat of takeover of Palestinian homes in the Old City’s Armenian Quarter in occupied East Jerusalem.

Ø   The International Criminal Court said on Friday that five countries had sent referrals requesting it investigate whether Israel’s actions in the wake of October 7 constituted crimes.

Key Developments

Ø   In hospital raid, Israeli forces took captive dozens of displaced people, relatives of patients and the injured inside Al-Shifa, after stripping them of their clothes, blindfolding them, and taking them to “unknown” locations.

Ø   The buildings of the nephrology and the internal medicine departments at Al-Shifa Hospital were the first to be stormed by Israeli forces. Israeli forces also detonated a medicine storehouse at the hospital.

Ø   Genocide Joe Biden backs Israeli accusations of a Hamas command underneath Al-Shifa Hospital, which Hamas denied. Hospital staff have called on independent, third-party investigators to come to the hospital and investigate the claim, which they also say is false.

Ø   Hamas: White House adoption of false claims of command center under Al-Shifa is a “green light to the [Israeli]  occupation force to commit more massacres against civilians.”

Ø   Health official: Israeli forces shot at Palestinians who left the Al-Shifa complex through the “safe corridor” which they set up.

Palestinian Voices in European Parliament

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining

However as the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining. It is an ill-wind that blows no good. So it would appear is the case in Israel’s ground war.

After having pummelled Gaza from the air for 3 weeks Israel’s ground troops went in. We must bear in mind that these troops are more used to fighting women and children in the West Bank than armed guerillas. Shooting an unarmed civilian is not the same as confronting a well armed guerilla.

The war cabinet has lost the north” was a short tweet on Saturday by former Israeli Foreign Minister, the fascist Avigdor Lieberman. According to the Palestine Chronicle:

The Israeli military has been unable to establish permanent and defensible military bases inside Gaza. Countless Israeli tanks have been blown up or damaged in direct hits, especially using Yassin 105 anti-artillery missiles, along with other improvised RPGs.

Picket of  Hove Town Hall Against the Silence of Brighton & Hove Councillors

It is noticeable that there has been very little coverage of how the ground war is going from the Zionist side. According to satellite images analyzed by Al-Jazeera, 383 military vehicles entered Gaza at the start of the ground operation on October 27.

According to the Al-Jazeera analysis unit, 88 of these military vehicles had ‘disappeared’ between November 1 to 10. On November 8, Abu Obeida had announced that 136 military vehicles had been destroyed fully or partially. But the spokesman of the Resistance was referring to the entirety of the Gaza Strip, not just the northern parts. Since then, dozens more armored vehicles were also destroyed. See Military analysis unraveling the mystery of disappearance 88 Israeli vehicles in Gaza

On November 12, Abu Obeida declared that the number of vehicles destroyed fully or partially by the Palestinian Resistance since the beginning of the ground operation amounted to more than 160. In addition to the 62, declared on November 17, Al-Qassam said that it had destroyed 17 additional military vehicles on Saturday, November 18, alone.

Indonesia Hospital is the latest hospital to come under attack from Tel Aviv's war criminals

If true this would mean that 239 of the original 383 military vehicles which entered Gaza according to satellite images remain. It is impossible to verify these figures but it is clear that there has been no easy or quick progress by Israel’s troops and equally true that they are taking heavy casualties.

Even Israel admits to over 60 soldiers killed which means that about 200 have been injured.

It has also been announced that there will be 4 day ceasefire whilst hostages are exchanged. The question is whether or not this will be extended.

Tony Greenstein

Israel tortures its victims in the open now - this is from soldier's social media accounts

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