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The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism is an Israeli Funded Political Group Whose Mission Is to Defame anti-Zionists and Palestine Solidarity Supporters as ‘Anti-Semitic’


On Monday the CAA Will Attempt to Have My Libel Action Thrown Out – Their Defence?  That Their Accusations are ‘Honest Opinions’! 

One of the most remarkable things about the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign against Corbyn and the Left is that it has been evidence free. All the main targets – Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth, Chris Williamson, Ken Livingstone and myself, were suspended and then expelled – not for anti-Semitism but for catch-all charges such as bringing the Party into disrepute.

The most vicious Zionist organisation behind this campaign was the misnamed Campaign Against Anti-Semitism. The CAA was formed in the summer of 2014 during the height of Operation Protective Edge. Its mission was to target opponents of Israel’s genocidal attacks, which killed2,200 civilians including 551 children, as ‘anti-Semitic’.

The CAA was one of the 2 complainants to the Equality and Human Rights Commission. The other organisation, the Jewish Labour Movement, ‘the sister party’ of the racist Israeli Labor Party was also reinventedin 2015.

On 6th February 2017 I made a formal complaintto the Charity Commission about the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism complaining that it was a political organisation masquerading as a charity. On 10th February I followed this up with a more substantial complaint. I also put a petitionup on Change.org asking people to support my call for the CAA to be deregistered by the CC.

The CAA claimed in its plea to Change.org that its purpose was to promote racial harmony! At least they have a sense of humour

The CAA' racist profile of an average male Muslim

Almost immediately, the CAA had made a panic stricken formal complaint to Change.org, saying that

‘We do not libel opponents of Israel, we factually report the activities of antisemites. Claiming otherwise is severely damaging to our reputation.

The CAA probably forgot they were no longer in Israel. But since every opponent of Zionism or Israeli Apartheid is by the CAA’s definition an anti-Semite, the two amount to the same.

Change.org. emailed me on 9th February 2017 giving me 4 days notice to respond, otherwise they would take the petition down. I spent a very long night writing a 5,000 word response! 8 days later Change.org informed me that they had rejectedthe CAA’s complaint.

Pleasebeassuredthatwewillnotremoveyourpetition unless we are legally compelled to do so.

Change.org's robust defence of freedom of speech is what British universities should do when these McCarthyists approach them - the CAA shut up and its legal threats vanished

Israel's Ministry of Strategic Affairs is setting up groups like the CAA in the USA and Europe with a $50m budget

Nothing further was heard from the CAA. Their legal threats had been a bluff. The last thing they wanted was for their lies to be tested in court. The behaviour of change.orgstands in marked contrast to 38 degrees who took down a petition criticising the BBC’s Laura ‘Tory’ Kuensberg, which is why I’ll have nothing to do with 38 degrees.

I did a blogon what happened. To date the petitionhas gathered more than 8,200 signatures (You can still sign!).

Nothing illustrates better the fake and confected nature of what has been called the anti-Semitism ‘disinformation paradigm’ than the activities of the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism. Despite calling anyone who is a critic of Israel an ‘anti-Semite’ the CAA turns a blind eye to anti-Semitism when it comes from the far-Right.  On one condition.  That these anti-Semites also support Israel. 

Hence why there are over 700 posts on the CAA’s website condemning Jeremy Corbyn and not one with anything to say about Tommy Robinson. Robinson came from the holocaust denying British National Party [BNP]. Today Robinson keeps company with the same Polish neo-Nazis that the CAA purports to oppose. Robinson however is also an ardent Zionist. As was the case with the Nazis, Zionism is more than happy to do business with anti-Semites just as long as they support their project to remove Jews from the diaspora.

It's no surprise that the CAA's go to paper is the Daily Mail which campaigned against the admission of Jewish refugees from the Nazis in the 1930's

The Revenge of the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism

The CAA’s revenge was not long in coming. On 26th February 2017 the first of 5 articles appeared with the snappy title ‘TONY GREENSTEIN’S ATTEMPT TO SHUT DOWN CAMPAIGN AGAINST ANTISEMITISM SHOWCASES THE SIMILARITIES BETWEEN FAR-LEFT AND FAR-RIGHT”. It accused me of being a ‘notorious anti-Semite’.

The CAA love capital letters, probably because they believe shouting works best. It is one more thing that they have in common with Trump. In an attempt to discredit a letter that I and 61 others had published in the Guardian (before the letters page was Freedlandised) they referred to 30+ year old minor convictions of mine.

The CAA expressed how ‘extremely grateful they were to 3 Tory  MPs and one Tory Peer including the notorious Islamaphobes Bob Blackman MP and Lady Deech, ‘all of whom rushed to defend our work’. The Daily Mail, a paper  campaigned against the admission of Jewish refugees from Hitler published a supportive article.

When I brought out a book on Fighting Fascism in Brighton it was picketed by the Zionists friends in the EDL, complete with Israeli flag! Presumably they didn't realise that I was an anti-Semite!

Why I Initiated a Libel Action

On 13th February 2018, just before the one year limitation period was due to run out, I began legal proceedings for defamation. At the same time I launched a crowd funding appeal to pay for it, first with Justgiving and then Go Fund Me. I found the latter deducts less! Without the generosity of hundreds of people who were outraged at the behaviour of the CAA my action would have been short-lived. I am extremely grateful for the sacrifices people have made to fund this action. For tactical reasons I can’t yet divulge just how much I have received but I have spent just over £26,000 on legal advice and representation over the past 2½ years. Compare this with the CAA’s costs of £44,000 for this one hearing alone. Their total costs are over £100,000.

After having obtained initial advice from barrister Jonathan Price from Doughty Street Chambers on a pro bono basis I went on to instruct Jonathan to prepare the Claim Form and Particulars of Claim.

Secretive funding of dirty tricks groups like the CAA is standard practice for Israel's MSA

There then followed a Defence from the CAA and I then responded with a Reply. The first major hearing was on 14th February 2019, a year after the claim was first initiated. I now instructed David Mitchell of Ely Chambers, now 39 Essex Chambers. Its purpose was to decide on meaning, except that Judge Nicklin, a conservative judge, didn’t rule on what anti-Semitism meant!

However his decision was adverse.  Under the Defamation Act 2013 there are two main defences.  One is section 2, The Truth, under which it is a defence if the Defendant is able to ‘show that the imputation conveyed by the statement complained of is substantially true.’You might have thought the Zionists would have grasped the opportunity to defend the case on the grounds that it was substantially true.  Not a bit of it.

Instead they preferred Section 3 ‘Honest Opinion’ under which a Defendant is not guilty of libeling someone if the allegation that was made is shown to be their honest opinion even if isn’t true!

In other words the choice is between fact and opinion. Quite bizzarely Nicklin decided that if you call someone an anti-Semite then that is a matter of opinion. Nicklin is a good example of the blinkered judge. If you are a food critic and go to a restaurant and your review says that the food was lousy then that is clearly a matter of opinion. If you call someone a racist or anti-Semite then that is a factual matter. However Nicklin decided otherwise.

The parties then had to go through the whole process again, submitting an amended claim and particulars, defence and reply.

After the Defence badgered me with Part 18 and 31 Requests for documents and information, they decided in April that they would go for summary judgement under Part 24, of the Civil Procedure Rules which state that judgment should be given if the ‘claimant has no real prospect of succeeding on the claim or issue’. That is what the hearing this Monday 26th October at the Royal Courts of Justice is about.  It starts at 11.15 a.m. I don’t know if people will be admitted to the court because of COVID-19 or have a separate room. However the make or break hearing is at last here, two and a half years later.

Why the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism and Honest Opinion are Strangers

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism alleged in their Amended Defence that I was, in their ‘honest opinion’ an anti-Semite because:

i.              I lied, with 61 other people, when the Guardian printed a letteralleging that the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism prevents criticism of Israel. The only problem is we didn’t say that! What we did say was that the IHRA is ‘designed to silence public debate on Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians. 

ii.           I lied when I told the Charity Commission ‘that the CAA was a rightwing political Zionist organisation that is not concerned with fascist groups who were anti-Semitic Holocaust deniers.’ In fact I didn’t say that either (see below). But what’s one lie amongst so many?

iii.        Almost all my tweets are about Jews and Israel which are ‘unremittingly hostile towards, and abusive about, Jews, Israel and supporters of Israel. None of them ever say anything positive about Israel or Jews.’ The lies are tiresome. None of my articles are hostile or negative towards Jews. I am also extremely supportive of Israelis who refuse to serve in the Occupied Territories or who have the courage and integrity to oppose Israel’s many war crimes. The problem is that there are so few!

iv.        My blog is

‘unremittingly and aggressively antagonistic towards, the world’s only Jewish state and its supporters, and who gladly throws around anti-Semitic tropes such as comparisons between ‘Zionists’ and the Nazis. He regularly uses the word ‘Zio.

The CAA, like all good racists, is pathologically incapable of distinguishing between Jews and Zionists. Yes Israel is the only Jewish state. Nazi Germany was the only Aryan state and South Africa the only White Christian state. The question is what kind of state Israel is not what flag it flies under.

v.           There is a whole lot of trivia concerning my tweets which it would be tedious to go through, so I shall just take a few examples: The CAA inanely claims that a forged tweet from a member of Nazi Germany Labour Against Anti-Semitism, Emma Picken was mine : It read:

did you treat a few Jew boys as well? Try to curb your Zionist racism – although settlers are Hitler’s children.

This is such a pathetic forgery, an indication what fevered Zionist minds imagine we think that its barely worth commenting on. However the CAA alleged that

‘The Claimant has falsely and dishonestly claimed that this tweet was a forgery.’. Quite why it’s dishonest to deny a forgery the CAA never explain.

The CAA has nothing to say about Zionist antisemitism


Jew boy’ is a virulently anti-Semitic term. Out of all the millions of words I have written in the past 3 decades I defy anyone to produce a single example where I have used this term. Whereas ‘Jew boy’ is a favourite term of abuse by Zionists. Aviv Bushinsky, a former advisor to Netanyahu, calledthe US Ambassador Dan Shapiro ‘a little Jew boy’ when he issued some mild criticisms of Israel. The CAA weren’t interested.

The CAA consistently 'forget' that Raed Salah's deportation was overturned in the British courts - perhaps they think they are in Israel where people are detained without trial for years

vi.        The CAA accused me of anti-Semitism for supporting Raed Salah, a Palestinian Israeli cleric. It was claimed Salah ‘has been excluded from the United Kingdom by the government over concerns about his virulent anti-Semitism.’ What the CAA ‘forgot’ to mention was that the Upper Immigration Tribunal had overturnedRaed Salah’s deportation because it was based on a lie, a deliberate mistranslation of a poem of Salahs. But why allow a lie to be disturbed by the truth?

The CAA had nothing to say about Zionist antisemitism such as Netanyahu's son Yair    classic anti-Semitic cartoon above attacking George Soros

vii.     The CAA alleged that my statement ‘(a) Belief that Jews were responsible for the Holocaust is common to orthodox Jews’ was anti-Semitic. ‘As the Claimant well knows, virtually no Jews, orthodox or otherwise, consider that Jews are responsible for the Holocaust.’ Presumably the late Ovadia Yosef, Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel statementthat the holocaust was a punishment for past Jewish sins never happened. It is true his statement was widely condemned but amongst the orthodox it is widely accepted. Why?  Because if you are religious you believe god is responsible for everything.

Gideon Falter accuses me of anti-Semitism for revealing to non-Jews that most Orthodox Jews hold that the Holocaust was God's punishment for past sins

Daniel Lasker of Ben Gurion University wrote, in Reflection: The Holocaust as Retributive Justice’that

In the 50 years since the end of the holocaust, theologians of every persuasion have tried to make sense of that terrible event. One explanation, popular especially among the right-wing of Judaism (known as Haredim in Hebrew or ‘Ultra Orthodox’ in English) contends that the Holocaust was visited on the Jewish people as a punishment for their sins. While there is no unanimity as to what the sin was, there is general agreement that ultimately God was the author of the Holocaust, just as He is the author of all history.’ It can be found in a Special Edition of Shofar Vol. 15, No. 3.

I won’t accuse Gideon Falter [GF], Chair of the CAA, of lying. Like most Zionist zealots he knows little or nothing of Jewish or even Zionist history let alone religious debates.

viii.  I was held to be anti-Semitic for saying that

when they came to Israel thousands of Yemeni and other Jews had their babies stolen from them in hospitals.’

The CAA stated that this allegation ‘has been demonstrated to be untrue by 3 independent inquiries in 1967, 1988 and 2001.’ Here you see that the CAA is not only racist towards Palestinians but towards Arab Jews in Israel too.

According to the CAA all mention of the scandal of the theft of Yemenite babies for adoption by White Ashkenazis is 'antisemitic'

In the CAA’s ‘honest opinion’ there must be a hell of a lot of anti-Semites around, including even at the BBC. There were 3 inquiries in Israel and all of them were whitewashes.It is an ongoing scandal in Israel. [FT, 13.10.16. What happened to the lost Yemenite children of Israel?  Presumably YNet , an Israeli online version of the daily Yediot Aharnotand TheTimes of Israel  are also anti-Semitic for reporting the same allegations.  As the Guardian reported in January 2018:

Families and activists believe that several thousand children, mostly from poor Yemeni Jewish communities, were systematically abducted by childless Jewish families of east European descent. Other Arab and Balkan Jews have also claimed infants were taken after they arrived in Israel.

Despite being an 'anti-Semite' I was targeted by neo-Nazis (perhaps they didn't realise that I was a closet sympathiser)

ix.        I am alleged to be anti-Semitic for supporting Ken Livingstone’s comment that Hitler supported Zionism. Presumably Zionist historian David Cesarani was also an anti-Semite when he wrote in his book Final Solution (p.96) that

‘The efforts of the Gestapo are oriented to promoting Zionism as much as possible and lending support to its efforts to promote emigration.’

x.           In Para. 9.7. the CAA lies when it claims that I allege that ‘Jews or Zionists were responsible not only for anti-semitism but for the Holocaust.’ I claim neither and of course having made a vague unsubstantiated allegation the CAA provides no proof.

xi.        In para. 9.8 the CAA claims that my blog

is unremittingly hostile towards Jews, Israel and supporters of Israel and is aggressive and offensive in its tone and language. Almost all the posts are on the subject of Israel. None of them ever say anything positive about Israel or Jews.

This is what their ‘honest opinion’ defence amounts to. And the crème de la crème? I am accused of anti-Semitism because:

‘The Claimant attacks Jewish MPs as ‘the MP[s] for Tel Aviv’ including Louise Ellman and Luciana Berger. An honest person could have held the opinion that the Claimant was anti-Semitic from the fact that he accuses Jewish MPs of serving Israel rather than their own constituencies.

I also allegedthat Joan Ryan, the non-Jewish Chair of Labour Friends of Israel was the MP for Jerusalem Central. During the years of South Africa Apartheid the MP for Luton North John Carlisle was calledthe MP for Bloemfontein West.My allegations have nothing to do with the MP’s religion but their political affiliations.

I won’t bore you with the rest but I shall make it available at a later date in order that you have a lesson in lies, deception and evasion.

My Defence

I produced a lengthy witness statement which I shall only precis.

1.             GF alleged in his witness statement ‘Mr Greenstein is seeking to shut down the CAA’. Although I would not shed tears at the CAA’s demise I have never sought to shut them down. I merely wish to give it the same rights as any other political organisation, including the opportunity to pay its taxes. It is fraudulent to hide behind a charity’s tax shield when you are a political group.

2.             Joe Glasman, D’s Head of Political Investigations made a video boasting: ‘The Beast is Slain’ ‘Corbyn has been slaughtered.’ The nice Mr Glasman also tweeted at Sadiq Khan ‘why you nominated an odious antisemite to be leader of the Labour Party’.

3.             The CAA consistently ignores right-wing anti-Semitism. Its only genuine concern is that from the anti-Zionist left. It ignored Boris Johnson’s anti-Semitic comments about Russian Jewish media moguls in his novel ’72 Virgins’.

GF said nothing about Joe Glasman, Sadiq Khan Jacob Rees-Mogg’s retweet of Alice Weidel, the Leader of Germany’s far-Right AfD. AfD’s former leader Frauke Petry’s call for refugee boats to be sunk led to its expulsion from the European Conservative & Reform Group in the European Parliament. The AfD also marchedalongside neo-Nazis last year, leading to some of its members being put under formal state surveillance. There is just one mention of Mogg on the CAA’s web site and that is in an article attacking Ken Livingstone! The AfD is a party full of holocaust deniers and neo-Nazis but it also ardently pro-Israel.

GF failed to comment on what Professor Michael Berkowitz, described as ‘an expressly antisemitic sentiment’, again by Mogg, who described 2 Jewish Tories, Oliver Letwin and John Bercow as  Illuminati who are taking the powers to themselves.” The Illuminati are at the centre of many anti-Semitic theories. The CAA is silent concerning Tory anti-Semitism.

When Tory MEP’s voted to support Viktor Orban, the far-Right anti-Semitic Prime Minister of Hungary, who has waged a campaign against George Soros and praised Admiral Horthy, the pro-Nazi war-time leader of Hungary as an ‘exceptional statesman’ the CAA issued a mild reprimand: 

Conservative Party allegedly seeks to cover up its MEPs’ Attempt to Thwart Censure of Hungarian Government...

Contrast this with the Guardian’sTory MEPs voted to protect Orban the authoritarian. This is a stain on Britain.

4.             GF alleged that my decision to join a counter-demonstration, organised by Jewish Voice for Labour [JVL], to a rally organised by the Board of Deputies [BOD] on March 18th2018 was motivated by anti-Semitism. GF is therefore saying that JVL, a 1,000 strong Jewish organisation, is also anti-Semitic and effectively defining all anti-Zionist Jews as anti-Semitic. Which is what one would expect of an Israeli government organisation.

The Board of Deputies demonstration was called in support of the contention that the Labour Party was anti-Semitic. Not once in its history, not even during the fight against Oswald Mosley’s Blackshirts, did the BOD organise a demonstration against fascism or racism. In October 1936 the BOD advised Jews to stay away from confronting the fascists. The only demonstrations that they have ever organised have been in support of Israel.

Attendees at the BOD demonstration included Ian Paisley MP of the anti-Catholic DUP. Another first time attendee at an ‘anti-racist’ demonstration was Norman Tebbit, previously famous for his ‘cricket test’ which saidto Britain’s Asian population that they didn’t belong here. If a similar test was applied to British Jews who support Israeli sports teams CAA would presumably consider that anti-Semitic. Or would it?  Many of the demonstrators carried an anti-Semitic posterFor the many not the Jew’. I couldn’t possibly have joined such a racist demonstration.

Is opposing Jewish ‘self-determination’ and Comparing Zionism to Nazis anti-Semitic?

5.             GF alleged that I am guilty of ‘Holocaust inversion’ ‘by calling Jews Nazis’ and denying ‘the right of self-determination to Jewish people.’  Of course it is a lie that I call Jews ‘Nazis’. Zionism, being a form of exclusivist ethno-nationalism, is not dissimilar ideologically to Nazism. That is why the obsessionover Israel’s ‘demographic problem’, too many Arabs, is common to Zionist political parties.

6.             Even if Jews form a single nation why is it anti-Semitic to oppose self-determination in the form of a state? Is it racist to oppose Scottish or Catalan independence? 

7.             It is a fact that some Jews are neo-Nazis. Professor Yeshayahu Leibowitz, of the Hebrew University described the Jewish settlers as Judeo Nazis. The Nazis dehumanised their victims and it was this that led to their extermination. Zionism also dehumanises the Palestinians and indeed all non-Jews. For example:

a.       Rabbi Dov Lior, the Chief Rabbi of the Yesha Settlers’ Council, said that ‘a Jewish fingernail is worth more than a thousand non-Jewish lives.’

b.       Rabbi Yaacov Perrin went one better and said that a Jewish fingernail was worth more than a million non-Jewish lives.

c.        Eli Dahan, Deputy Defence Minister saidof the Palestinians that ‘To me, they are like animals, they aren’t human.’ Dahan explained that ‘“A Jew always has a much higher soul than a gentile, even if he is a homosexual,”

d.       In 2016 an Israeli soldier Elor Azaria shot a captive prisoner dead. Because it was filmed he was arrested and served 9 months in prison. A demonstration in his support was held in Tel Aviv where a crowd of thousands chanted‘Death to the Arabs’. A banner ‘Kill them all’ was held high amongst the demonstrators. Another banner proclaimedMy honour is my loyalty’, the slogan of the Nazi SS.

e.             Israeli rabbis have repeatedly compared the Palestinians to the Jews biblical enemies Amalek and the Philistines. As former Israeli Education Minister, Shulamit Aloni wrote, ‘in the settlements the Palestinians are called "Amalek," and the intention is obvious to everyone’ which is to wipe them out, even the youngest infant.

f.         Military Chief Rabbi Rontzki in 2008 gave soldiers preparing to enter Gaza a booklet implying that all Palestinians are their mortal enemies and that cruelty is sometimes a “good attribute".

g.        Rabbis Kastiel and Radler, who teach at the Eli pre-military academy told their students that ‘Hitler was right’ although ‘he was on the wrong side, meaning against the Jews’.[1] Radler also stated that ‘the Holocaust was a divine punishment designed to make the Jewish people leave the diaspora...’ 

GF stated that it is ‘profoundly offensive and historically inaccurate (it is) to invoke the Holocaust and to compare Israeli policy’ to that of the Nazis. But Israeli politicians repeatedly invoke the Holocaust. Menachem Begin, Prime Minister of Israel, described Yasser Arafat of the PLO, during the siege of Beirut in 1982, as ‘Hitler in his bunker.’ Matan Vilnai, a former Deputy Defence Minister, declared that the people of Gaza ‘will bring upon themselves a bigger Shoah...’

If I had said that what Israel was doing was the same as the Nazis then that would clearly be wrong but not anti-Semitic. Until Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of Russia, in June 1941, the Nazi policy towards the Jews had been expulsion not genocide. That is Israeli policy towards the Palestinians.[2]

Professor Zeev Sternhell, a child survivor of a Nazi ghetto, wroteIn Israel, Growing Fascism and a Racism Akin to Early Nazism’.  Yair Golan, Deputy Chief of Staff, made the same comparison and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak endorsed his comments.  Daniel Blatman, a Professor of Holocaust Studies compared Israel’s deportation of Black refugees to the West’s refusal to admit Jewish refugees during the Nazi era and developments in Israel to those which led to the Nuremberg Laws. Supreme Court President Esther Hayut invoked the Nazi period while Dr Ofer Cassif, a Hebrew University politics professor compared Israel to Nazi Germany and called the Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked a ‘a filthy neo-Nazi.’ Clearly there are a lot of ‘anti-Semites’ around and most of them appear to be Jewish!

Gideon Falter’s Contempt 4 Academic Freedom

8.             GF’s uses the charge of anti-Semitism to target academics in particular. This is political terrorism. It recalls the riposte of the US Army’s Counsel, Joseph Welch to Joe McCarthy. ‘"Have you no decency, sir?" GF, like McCarthy, is cruel, vindictive and demagogic. Particularly outrageous is the call for universities to dismiss lecturers who defy their dictates.

GF describes as anti-Semitic my statementthat:

‘denying the Holocaust is usually anti-Semitic. It is also, especially in the Arab and underdeveloped world a reaction to Israel’s claim that the Holocaust provides it with its legitimation. In other words there is a functional and instrumental Holocaust denial which isn’t motivated by anti-Semitism.

I attempted to explain the causes of the growth in Holocaust denial and its different forms. GF isn’t interested in why Holocaust denial is increasing but in its exploitation. 30 years ago the only people who denied the Holocaust were neo-Nazis. Today there are millions of people who deny the Holocaust because Israel has weaponised it.  Gilbert Achcar, a Jewish lecturer at the School of African and Oriental Studies asked

‘Are all forms of Holocaust denial the same? Should such denial, when it comes from oppressors not be distinguished from denial in the mouths of the oppressed., as the racism of ruling whites is distinguished from that of subjugated blacks.’ [3]

Presumably GF will be writing to SOAS demanding that Achcar be sacked. What Achcar has written pales in comparison with what Israeli historians have written.

The transference of the Holocaust situation on to the Middle East reality… not only created a false sense of the imminent danger of mass destruction.  It also immensely distorted the image of the Holocaust, dwarfing the magnitude of the atrocities committed by the Nazis, trivializing the unique agony of the victims and the survivors and utterly demonizing the Arabs and their leaders.[4] 

Fortunately Professor Zertal is beyond the reach of D. It is ideological book burning.

Charity Commission

9.             GF alleged that I lied when I made a complaint to the Charity Commission. He claimed that:

On a date unknown, the Claimant told the Charity Commission that the CAA was not concerned with fascist groups who were Holocaust deniers.

10.         I said no such thing. What I did saywas more nuanced:

The CAA might be expected to concentrate on the far-Right and holocaust deniers if it was genuinely concerned about anti--Semitism. Instead it focuses almost solely on the Labour Party and to a lesser extent on the Lib Dems (my emphasis)

11.         I followed this up with a longer submission of 10th February:

the CAA is not a charitable organisation. It is a political group masquerading as a charity, whose primary purpose is to libel and label critics of Israel and Zionism as anti-Semitic. It devotes most of its time to making false and damaging accusations against anyone who is supportive of the Palestinians and opposed to Zionism. Its web site is dominatedby articles and allegations to this effect....

12.         What I was saying was that the D’s concern with the far-Right and Holocaust deniers was minimal not that it had no concerns.

The CAA, Tommy Robinson and the Far-Right   

13.         Not only the leading fascist figure in Britain today, Tommy Robinson, merits just one article on D’s website, and that in passing but that the BNP and Britain First are also only mentioned in passing by CAA but there is nothingon the groups themselves.  The reasonfor this is because they are pro-Israel.

14.         Other far-Right Zionists who the CAA works with are who was Intelligence Officer for the neo-Nazi Britain First, Paul Besser, Sharon Klaff, a Tommy Robinson supporter who describes herself as a national socialist and Amanda Shitrit, both of whom are supporters of Pegida, a  fascist group originating in Germany.

15.         When in 2017 PSC held a demonstration on the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration it was disrupted by these activists and EDL supporters. In its Report CAA notedgleefully:

‘the marchers did not have the streets to themselves. As they continued through the heart of London, their path was blocked by pro-Israel demonstrators waving Israeli flags and singing Israeli songs, bringing the march to a standstill for a time.’

16.         CAA admitted that ‘Volunteers from our Demonstration and Event Monitoring Unit went into the thick of the protesters to gather evidence.’ CAA worked hand in glove with the counter-demonstrators including Jonathan Hoffman, ex-Vice Chair of the Zionist Federation, who was convicted of public order offences last year. Hoffman works openly works with fascist groups, including the EDL and Tommy Robinson’s supporters.

Mel Gharial (left) and the CAA's Stephen Silverman (right)

Steve Silverman (left with back turned) with Britain First's Paul Besser (with hat)

17.         At the 2019 Al Quds demonstration which CAA tried to ban, supporters of CAA including their Investigations Officer Steven Silverman, were observed by me and others working closely with far-Right Zionists and supporters of Tommy Robinson. Silverman was photographed in the company of Daniel Thomas, Tommy Robinson’s bodyguard who served 2 years in prison for an attempted kidnapping and Mel Gharial, the link person between far-Right Zionists and Robinson’s supporters such as James Goddard, convicted for harassment of Anna Soubry MP seen with another far-right Zionist Martin Hiser.

18.         The CAA, by its own admission, works closely with far-Right Zionist David Collier who denieseven the existence of the Palestinian refugees.

Gideon Falter speaks at Hindu far-Right meeting promising support for their opposition to making caste discrimination unlawful

 Gideon Falter’s links with the Hindu far-right

19.         The CAA has been consistently Islamaphobic since its inception. A Hindu Nationalist meeting called at the House of Commons in 2018 by Bob Blackman MP, a patron of the CAA, was part of a campaignagainst making caste discrimination unlawful under the 2010 Equality Act.[5]There has been strong resistance by Hindu racists to even acknowledging caste discrimination. GF was an invited speaker. He was reported as

‘assuring the meeting that he and his supporters would do all they could to help eradicate the ‘duty’ on the government to make Caste an aspect of race’.[6] Blackman called for people  to learn from the way CAA had got the IHRA passed in the Labour Party.

20.         What Blackman meant was that ‘Hinduphobia’ should be used against opponents of Hindu racism and India’s BJP government in the same way as ‘anti-Semitism’ has been weaponised against opponents of Israeli racism. India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, was bannedfrom entering the US until 2014 because of his role in the 2002 anti-Muslim pogroms in Gujarat, where 2,000 Muslims died.

Some of Gideon Falter’s Targets

21.         GF tells how he heard Mr Rowan Laxton, who is currently British High Commissioner to Cameroon, shouting ‘fucking Jews’ at a television monitor in a gym. As a result of this false allegation Mr Laxton was convicted at first instance but cleared at Southwark Crown Court.

Malakha Shwaik

22.         On the basis of allegations against Malakha Shwaik, a student at Exeter University. a number of papers and media, both locally and nationally ran with the CAA’s false allegations.

23.         On 20 February 2017 CAA published a demonic article headlined Expel Malaka Shwaik’. All the black arts were used to portray Malaka as the devil incarnate. CAA accused Shwaik of being ‘a terrorist-supporting antisemite’. There wasn’t a shred of evidence to support such vile abuse.

24.         To most people Malaka speaking at a demonstration called in protest at a spate of anti-Semitic incidents on campus would demonstrate that D’s allegation were false. Instead D, mocked Exeter students ‘They did naturally what comes to them...’  

25.         D acknowledged that Malaka was cleared after an investigation by the Students’ Guild of Exeter University but despite this dishonestly pretended not to know what the allegations were.

26.         Whilst the Daily Mail, Daily Express and Devon Live accepted the findings of the Guild investigation, apologised and retracted their allegations, CAA refused to do so.

27.         The Guild investigation found that none of Malaka’s alleged statements, had been made in comments to her as part of an interview, were anti-Semitic.

‘Zionism ideology is no different than that of Hitler’s.’ To a Palestinian dispossessed from their land this is a reasonable statement. Historian Jacob Boas wrote that

The Zionist ideal had its roots in the same romantic notions of Volk and soil which had proven so enthralling to German society long before Hitler came to power.[7]

Francis Nicosia, Professor of Holocaust Studies at Vermont University, wrote

Zionism was a volkisch Jewish ideology and movement that started from the same philosophical premises as German nationalism…’[8]

Donald Niewyk wrote that the German Zionists were known asvolkish Jews.’ [9] If CAA is correct all 3 of these historians are anti-Semitic.

28.         Malaka was also alleged to have said:

“If terrorism means protecting and defending my land, I am so proud to be called terrorist. What an honour for the Palestinians!”

The French Resistance were called terrorists by the Nazis. As Lord Carrington, a former Foreign Secretary, observed ‘one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter’. This comment, which was made to Malaka, is obviously not anti-Semitic.

29.         If Britain was occupied would it be an act of terrorism to resist the occupation?  Being a racist GF is incapable of understanding the Palestinian perspective.

Rachel Gould

30.         In 2011 Bristol University Professor Rachel Gould wrote Beyond Anti-Semitism’ an article about how the ‘the specter of anti-Semitism’ prevented discussion about the Occupation and how the Holocaust had become ‘an instrument of ideology rather than a means of connecting with the past.’

31.         GF stated that CAA merely made ‘a disciplinary complaint’ to Gould’s employer. In fact they did rather more than that. CAA demandedthat Gould be dismissed.

32.         This is not merely chilling it is Orwellian.

33.         GF took exception to Gould’s statement ‘Claiming the Holocaust as a holy event sanctifies the state of Israel and whitewashes its crimes.’ GF claims that ‘Dr Gould’s language fell foul of the IHRA Definition.’ thus proving that the IHRA does indeed restrict public debate and discussion.

34.         There was nothing that Gould wrote that Israeli historians, such as Tom Segev and Idith Zertal haven’t already said. By making a complaint to her employer CAA was attempting to make academics fearful even to discuss certain subjects.

35.         As a letter from Bindmans made clear, D’s complaint about anti-Semitism fails to distinguish between Holocaust denial and ‘criticism of the impropermanipulation of the Holocaust’ by the Israeli state.

36.         When Kenneth Stern, the principal drafter of the IHRA, testified to Congress about how the IHRA definition had been abused, he referred to specifically to Gould as perhaps the ‘most egregious’ case where

an off-campus group citing the definition called on a university to conduct an inquiry of a professor ... for antisemitism, based on an article she had written years before. The university then conducted the inquiry. And while it ultimately found no basis to discipline the professor, the exercise itself was chilling and McCarthy-like.

37.         The ‘off-campus group’ was the CAA yet despite this GF stated

I do not know who the supposed drafter of the EUMCXR Definition is, or whether they did truly made such comment, or whether it related to CAA’s actions or some other use of the EUMCXR Definition or IHRA Definition.

38.         This is one more lie from GF. On 16th July 2019 RPC the CAA’s solicitors wrote asking me for copies of Stern's testimony which I sent.It beggars belief that Falter, who has created his own bastardised version of the IHRA doesn’t know who drafted it or who Stern was referring to.

Jackie Walker – Inventing Holocaust Denial

39.         On 7 February 2017 the CAA published ‘Jackie Walker posts text asking whether Hitler can really be blamed for the Holocaust.’ It speculated that Walker’s post ‘leaves open the possibility that he was justified.’ Walker’s post also left out the possibility that the Sun revolves round the Earth! The implication was clear. Ms Walker is a holocaust denier.

40.         The CAA based the above post on a quotation from Nahum Goldmann’s ‘A Jewish Paradox’. Unknown to GF who is a typically ignorant Zionist, Goldmann was quoting from Israel’s first Prime Minister David Ben Gurion.

“If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true G-d promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our G-d is not theirs. There has been antisemitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?”

41.         The quotation said nothing about Hitler’s responsibility for the Holocaust still less anything to suggest that the Holocaust was justified. That was a malicious invention.

Highlighted is the paragraph in Nahum Goldman's autobiography Jackie Walker was quoting from

42.         GF claimednot to have seen any evidence that Ben Gurion said the above. That is irrelevant. The fact is that Goldman believed he did.

43.         GF admits to a ‘mistake’ whilst claiming to be ‘careful to be factual.’ This was no mistake. It is evidence of D’s methodology, which is to take what someone says, distort it and put the most malevolent interpretation on it in order to label it ‘anti-Semitic’. It is noteworthy that CAA did not apologise for their ‘mistake’.

44.         Despite remembering that it was ‘corrected within minutes”GF could not recall who wrote the post. CAA clearly suffers from a selective memory.

45.         Ben Gurion, despite presiding over the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians was capable of understanding the position of the Arabs. He understood that their opposition to the Israeli state did not stem from anti-Semitism but from the same reasons that indigenous people have always resisted settler-colonialism.

Jack Mendel of Jewish News is another who hasn't apologised to Jackie Walker

a.       GF alleged that the ‘only person publicising it was Ms Walker herself’, thus blaming the victim. The Canadian Zionist Group ‘Never Again’ shared the post directly from D’s website. Not only was there an extensive discussion underneath but there were 17 shares.

b.       Jack Mendel, Political Correspondent for the Jewish News shared the post from someone else, who also took it directly from the CAA’s site. CAA undoubtedly sent it to their thousands of subscribers too.

46.         GF has perfected the art of labelling anything it dislikes as ‘anti-Semitic’.

The Dishonest Use of the IHRA

47.         GF’s allegations of anti-Semitism are based on his own version of the IHRA which deliberately omits everything before the 11 illustrations. This is dishonest.

48.         GF suggests that if I fall foul of any of their examples of anti-Semitism they meet the test in s.3(4) of the Defamation Act. However honesty is indivisible. All the CAA’s allegations against me are based on a dishonest use of the IHRA.

49.         If the hypothetical reasonable person were to be asked ‘what is anti-Semitism’ their response wouldn’t be the IHRA. It would be something like ‘a person who dislikes or hates Jews’.

50.         The IHRA has no legal standing. The introduction to the IHRA describes it as a ‘non-legally binding definition of antisemitism’ CAA always fails to mention this.

51.         At an international conference on the Working Definition of Anti-Semitism in 2011, Simone Veil described the it as:

a practical guide for identifying incidents, collecting data, and supporting the implementation and enforcement of legislation dealing with antisemitism.

52.         At no stage was it suggested that the WDA should be used to label people as anti-Semites. Kenneth Stern, was clear about this:

(I) worry that some Jewish organizations... are doing so in an inappropriate way, which bastardizes what it was intended to do.... (it) was never meant to provide a framework for eviscerating free speech or academic freedom, let alone labeling anyone an antisemite.[10]

53.         GF purports not to have heard of Stern whom he describes as ‘one of the numerous drafters of the predecessor to the IHRA Definition’. This is disingenuous. Stern is universally acknowledged as the person responsible for drafting the IHRA.

54.         GF goes to considerable effort to avoid mentioning Stern’s name.

55.         D’s misuse of the IHRA, which was described by Stern as ‘chilling and McCarthy-like’. goes to the question of honesty

56.         I emailed Stern on 21 August 2020 and asked ‘were you just one of many drafters of the IHRA or the principal drafter? His responsewas:

I was the "lead drafter" of the definition. Many others had a hand, but I drafted the bulk of it and coordinated the process.

57.         I also asked if he agreed that the use of the IHRA to target individuals as anti-Semitic was an abuse? Stern referred me to an extract from his bookThe Conflict within the conflict.’

The purpose of the definition, of course, was not to label anyone an antisemite but rather to guide data collectors... For example, what should be counted as an antisemitic hate crime? The definition wanted to avoid asking the data collector to look into the actor’s mind, to see if he/she really hated Jews.

58.         Stern wrote in The Guardian of Trump’s Executive Order that

‘The ‘working definition of antisemitism’ was never intended to silence speech, but that’s what Trump’s executive order accomplished… This order is an attack on academic freedom and free speech, and will harm not only pro-Palestinian advocates, but also Jewish students and faculty, and the academy itself.’

59.         In testimony to Congress’s Judiciary Committee on November 7 2017 Stern warned that ‘The definition was not drafted, and was never intended, as a tool to target or chill speech on a college campus.’ Yet this is what CAA has strived to achieve. 

60.         By excluding the actual 38 word definition and the clause saying it is ‘non legally binding’ CAA has created its own definition of ‘anti-Semitism’.

The CAA naturally attacks the mild Palestine Solidarity Campaign as 'riddled with bigotry'- a term better applied to the CAA

A Question of Honesty

61.         No right-minded person, especially after the Holocaust, wants to be called an anti-Semite. The accusation of anti-Semitism is designed to intimidate people and make them afraid to speak out against Israel’s human rights abuses and ethnic cleansing.

D has dishonestlyignoredthe following qualifications before the 11 illustrations:

a.   “To guide IHRA in its work, the following examples mayserve as illustrations”

b.       “Manifestations might include…”

c.        “Contemporary examples of antisemitism… could, taking into account the overall context, include…”

62.         The illustrations are not part of the definition. As the IHRA Secretariat has confirmed, the IHRA is only the first 38 words.

This is Zionism - Jews should not live with non-Jews

The Defendant’s hypocrisy over racism

63.         If CAA was genuinely concerned about anti-Semitism it would be at the forefront of opposing other forms of racism. Instead CAA has been prominent in attacking Black Lives Matter [BLM] for ‘anti-Semitism’. CAA claimed the credit for a BBC instruction to staff not to wear BLM symbols. It also boasted of‘a considerable withdrawal of support from the movement by mainstream society and celebrities...’

64.         If the CAA were antiracist one would expect it to also criticise the racism that is the everyday experience of Arabs in Israel. Yet CAA has never once criticised Israeli racism. Indeed the very mention of such racism is deemed anti-Semitic. Yet if the treatment that Israeli Arabs experienced was meted out to British Jews, CAA would cry ‘anti-Semitism’.

Jewish homes for Jewish people - what if Britain operated a similar scheme and cities refused to rent to Jews - would that be anti-Semitic - Falter has avoided this question

65.         For example in Afula hundreds of Israeli Jews demonstrated against the sale of a single house to an Arab.[11]In Safed Chief Rabbi, Shmuel Eliyahu, issued an edict that Jews must not let property to Arabs. Dozens of other rabbis supported him. Arabs are barred from hundreds of Jewish only communities in Israel. All of this CAA supports.

The Defendant’s Fear Mongering

66.         In 2015 CAA produced a Report which concluded that 45% of British people hold anti-Semitic views.The Institute of Jewish Policy Research [IJPR] said of D’s claim that the majority of British Jews considered antisemitism today an echo of the 1930s that it “verges into irresponsible territory – it is an incendiary finding..’ It also claimedthat Report was littered with flaws”. Anshel Pfeffer in Ha’aretz was even blunter.

Jews are represented in Britain in numbers that are many times their proportion of the population in both Houses of Parliament, on the Sunday Times Rich List, in media, academia, professions.... To compare today’s Britain, for all its faults, with the Jews’ situation in 1930s exhibits a disconnect from reality which borders on hysteria.

67.         The Jewish Chronicle’s Survation pollpoured scorn on D’s ‘findings’ that over half the British Jewish population were thinking of leaving. Some 88% of British Jews stated that they had no intention of emigrating.

The Defendant’s Anti-Muslim Racism

68.         In 2016 CAA brought out a Report‘British Muslims and Anti-Semitism’.[12] It spoke of how:

the gradual build up of understanding and friendship between Britain’s Jews and Muslims has been utterly eclipsed by growing antisemitism amongst British Muslims. On every single count, British Muslims were more likely by far than the general British population to hold deeply antisemitic views. It is clear that many British Muslims reserve a special hatred for British Jews...’

69.          This claim is not only a racist generalisation but a deliberate attempt to stir up divisions between Jews and Muslims. As even Dave Rich of the Zionist Community Security Trust observed

This latest poll showed something else that is interesting, and is not specific to Muslims: that people who believe antisemitic things about Jews rarely think of themselves as antisemitic... simply pointing out that somebody has said, written or tweeted something antisemitic is not always a guide to how they consciously feel about Jews.

Such subtlety of analysis is beyond GF. The CAA’s purpose lies in magnifying the level of anti-Semitism as part of the Zionist goal of getting Jews to move to their ‘real home’.[13]

70.         On the cover of the CAA’s Report was a picture of a Black person holding a poster with the slogan ‘Free Gaza – Hitler You Were Right’. I have never seen anything remotely similar on a demonstration. This photograph can only have been intended to infer that such views are the norm amongst Muslims.

71.         Equally racist is the CAA’s ‘Profile of British Muslim Anti-Semitism’. If a graphic of a typical Jewish male had been printed then CAA would cry ‘anti-Semitism’. 4 years later and CAA is still using the same ‘Hitler’ poster:

72.         The CAA is fraudulently manipulating statistical surveys of public opinion, all of which have found that anti-Semitism is greater on the Right than the Left. The IJPR reported:

The political left... appears in these surveys as a more Jewish-friendly, or neutral, segment of the population.... the absence of clear signs of negativity towards Jews on the political left in these surveys appears particularly curious in the current context.

73.         In 2017 even CAA observed that ‘Labour Party supporters are less likely to be antisemitic than other voters’. This ran counter to CAA’s narrative. CAA ‘solved’ this problem in when D’s Antisemitism Barometer 2019found that

‘Antisemitism on the far-left now exceeds antisemitism on the far-right. The leader of the once fiercely anti-racist Labour Party is now the candidate of choice for anti-Jewish racists’.

74.         How was this stunning turnaround achieved? CAA achieved this by the simple device of changing the questions! Now there were 5 new questions, all about Israel, such as ‘Israel and its supporters are a bad influence on our democracy’

75.         D’s attitude to opinion polls is akin to reverse engineering. You start with the result you want and then devise the questions. D’s methodology is fundamentally dishonest.[14]

D Specialises in Targeting Jewish anti-Zionists

76.         It is not impossible for a Jewish person to be anti-Semitic. Historically most Jewish people saw Zionism as a form of Jewish anti-Semitism. As Francis Nicosia, wrote:

    whereas today non-Jewish criticism of Zionism or the State of Israel are often dismissed as motivated by a deeper anti-Semitism, in Herzl’s day an opposite non-Jewish reaction, one of support for the Zionist idea, might have resulted in a similar reaction.[15]

77.         When Lloyd George’s War Cabinet adopted the Balfour Declaration in 1917 its sole opponent was its only Jewish member, Sir Edwin Montagu who issued a memotitled ‘on the Anti-Semitismof the Present (British) Government’.

It is no more true to say that a Jewish Englishman and a Jewish Moor are of the same nation than it is to say that a Christian Englishman and a Christian Frenchman are of the same nation.

78.         D finds Jewish ‘anti-Semites’ everywhere. Coincidentally all of them are anti-Zionists. Virtually all prominent anti-Zionist Jews have been targeted. Not one Zionist Jew, despite the overlap between the Zionist Right and far-Right, has been named.

a.            Naomi Wimborne-Iddrissi, a senior member of Jewish Voices for Labour [JVL] – CAA has no less than eight articles attackingher as anti-Semitic.

b.           Glyn Secker, the Secretary of JVL has 9 articles attackinghim as anti-Semitic.

c.            Moshe Machover, an Israeli Professor at Kings College has 10 articles devoted to him. After Machover spoke at Queen Mary College CAA wroteto the College

to ascertain why Professor Machover was allowed to speak and lodge a complaint, and have additionally written to King’s College London and the London School of Economics to ascertain his employment status, and request that disciplinary proceedings be instigated.

d.           The lateGerald Kaufman MP was Father of the House of Commons. He was an MP for 47 years until his death in 2017. He was Chair of the Culture Committee and Shadow Foreign Secretary. Although a Zionist Kaufman was appalledat the treatment of the Palestinians. It was this that made him anathema for extreme Zionists like the CAA.

Before Kaufman’s death CAA made a series of vicious attacks on him. On his death the CAA posted Sir Gerald Kaufman MP’s words have left a rotting stain on our institutions. The sheer nastiness and viciousness of this article says everything that needs to be said about CAA. The death of a Jewish MP who had contributed so much to public life in Britain meant nothing to CAA.

e.            Mike Cushman, Secretary of Free Speech on Israel has only one article attacking him. Clearly he must do better.

f.             Jenny Manson, Chair of JVL has four articles devoted to her including one whose title makes it clear what the D’s agenda is: ‘Why the so-called Jewish Voice for Labour is a sham’

79.         If the CAA were genuinely committed to combating anti-Semitism then it would reach out to all Jews including anti-Zionists. Because D’s purpose is fighting anti-Zionism it can’t do that. That is why it tries to silence even Jewish speakers.

Gideon Falter is Vice-Chair of the JNF which only rents or leases land to Jews - which explains the activities of the CAA

Gideon Falter is Vice-Chair of the Ethnic Cleansing Jewish National Fund 

80.         GF is listedas a trustee and Vice Chair of the Jewish National Fund Charitable Trust registration no. 225910 otherwise known as JNF UK.

81.         The JNF was foundedin 1901 to buy and develop land for Zionist settlements. Once purchased no Arabs could work or live on that land again.

82.         The JNF’s land discrimination policies led to the 1929 riots in Palestine. The Report of a Royal Commission into their causes, chaired by Sir John Hope-Simpson found that.

the result of the purchase of land in Palestine by the Jewish National Fund has been that land has been extra-territorialised. It ceases to be land from which the Arab can gain any advantage either now or at any time in the future.... Not only can he never hope to lease or to cultivate it, but, by the stringent provisions of the lease of the JNF, he is deprived for ever from employment on that land....

83.         With the establishment of the Israeli State the JNF was incorporated by the 1953 JNF Law and nearly 2 million dunums of confiscated Arab land was given or sold cheaply to it.

84.         The JNF owns 13% of Israel’s land and controls a further 80%. Israeli Arabs are excluded by the JNF from its land. In 2000 in Ka’adan v Israeli Land Administration the High Court ruledthat a state body could not refuse to sell JNF land to a non-Jew. The JNF’s reaction was to quote a surveythat it had commissioned:

over 70% of the Jewish population in Israel opposes allocating KKL-JNF land to non-Jews, while over 80% prefer the definition of Israel as a Jewish state, rather than as the state of all its citizens

The JNF’s desire for a Jewish rather than a democratic state was enacted into law with the Jewish Nation State Law. Nothing could be clearer. The JNF is an agency of Apartheid and GF is its willing servant.

85.         The Objectsof JNF UK on 22 May 2010 were:

The relief of poverty, and the furtherance of any other purposes which are charitable according to English law, within the State of Israel as... Benefit persons of Jewish religion, race or origin.

Kadancaused a major debate. The Jewish Chronicle ran a debatetitled ‘Is it racist to set aside Israeli land for Jews only?’ Imagine if a British Christian National Fund controlling 93% of land refused to allow Jews access to it. Wouldn’t that be anti-Semitic?

[1]          Rabbis say ‘Hitler was right, pluralism the true Holocaust’, https://tinyurl.com/y3a3dql4

[2]          The Origins of Nazi Genocide, Henry Feingold, University of North Carolina Press, 1995.

[3]          Achchar, The Arabs and the Holocaust, p. 261.

[4]          Israel’s Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood, Cambridge 2005, p.100.

[5]          UK Government will repeal caste law, https://dsnuk.org/2018/08/13/public-consultation-results/

[6]          Milli Gazette,

[7]          Jacob Boas, German Jewry’s Search for Renewal in the Hitler Era, D1017.

[8]              Nicosia, Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany [ZANG], p. 2.

[9]          Niewyk, Jews in Weimar Germany, p.139.

[10]         https://tinyurl.com/yxgewrfw Kenneth Stern, The Working Definition of Antisemitism – A Reappraisal

[11]         Independent 14.6.18. https://tinyurl.com/yccjn7fr Israeli town residents take to streets in hundreds to protest sale of house to Arabs

[12]         CAA issues report on British Muslims and antisemitism, https://tinyurl.com/yxqgzqn3   The full report has disappeared from D’s site but a copy can be found here https://tinyurl.com/yymp8bod

[13]         When 11 Jews were killed in the Pittsburgh synagogue killings, the leader of the Israeli Labor Party, Avi Gabbay told American Jews to ‘come home’ to their ‘real home’. https://tinyurl.com/y8y867dg

[14]         My thanks to Alan Maddison and Jamie Stern-Weiner, Brief Response to an ‘Antisemitism’ Hoax, https://jamiesternweiner.wordpress.com/2019/12/03/fake-campaign-against-antisemitism/

[15]         Nicosia, Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, p.7. Cambridge University Press 2008.

The Hidden Cruelty of Trump’s Executions


Not only is Trump a Narcissist, a Zionist, a Clown and a Rapist but he is a Sadist too

In this article in The Intercept we learn that one more achievement of the, hopefully, one-term President Trump, is to restart Federal executions. In the United States not only individual states but the Federal Government carries out executions. Except that until now there had not been an execution in 17 years.

The last person was executed in 2003 under George Bush’s administration and before that under Clinton. It was Bill Clinton’s crime bill in 1994 and his 1996 Effective Death Penalty Act which mandated the disregarding of errors in the courts below, such as the exclusion of Black jurors. Clinton himself had won the Presidency on the back of executing 3 men in his native Arkansas. This is the man whom Tony Blair found so congenial.

The death penalty in civil society is an act of barbarism, designed to instil terror in the poor and working class. It is almost unheard of for rich white men to be executed in America. It and the prison system is the only place where Black men are overrepresented. That is why the death penalty is not just a humanitarian issue but a class issue.  Giving the state the power to deliberately kill people is to give power to the ruling class.

A view of the Terre Haute prison in Indiana where Federal executions are carried out

I don’t need to rehearse the arguments about the death penalty, such as the danger of killing someone who is innocent. In the United States, because of poor representation of Black and poor White people, a remarkably large percentage of those convicted of murder are innocent.  This is a testimony to a racist and corrupt police force. There are other arguments, prime amongst which are the fact that the death penalty demeans a civilised society. It reduces society to the level of the murderer. Far from bringing closure to the relatives of the victim, it simply fills them with the desire for vengeance.

Politically the death penalty is racist, a legacy of slavery and lynchings, inhumane in that it involves the slow and deliberate killing of an individual. 

You are 17 times more likely to be executed for killing a White person than a Black person in the United States. In 1987 in McCleskey v. Kemp the Supreme Court voted by 5-to-4 that even solid statistical evidence of race discrimination in the capital justice system did not offend the Constitution. In 1991, after he retired, Justice Lewis F. Powell Jr., the author of the majority opinion, was asked whether there was any vote he would like to change. “Yes,” he told his biographer. “McCleskey v. Kemp.”  As one of the dissenters in the case, Justice John Paul Stevens, wrote after his retirement in 2010.

“That the murder of Black victims is treated as less culpable than the murder of white victims provides a haunting reminder of once-prevalent Southern lynchings,”

he wrote that yearin The New York Review of Books. Opponents of the death penalty have been deeply critical of the decision, comparing it to the Dred Scott case, the Supreme Court’s 1857 ruling that enslaved Black people were property and not citizens.

“McCleskey is the Dred Scott decision of our time,”Anthony G. Amsterdam, a law professor at New York University, said in a 2007 speech.

“It is a declaration that African-American life has no value which white men are bound to respect. It is a decision for which our children’s children will reproach our generation and abhor the legal legacy we leave them.”

The argument that the death penalty is a deterrent is an obvious logical fallacy. I figured that one out as a child. I remember the last hangings, of 2 men in Liverpool and Manchester in 1964. In my childish innocence I wondererd why, if the death penalty was such a great deterrent why, did they ever have to use it?

There is only one exception where the use of the death penalty is justified and that is the case of war crimes against civilians.  Those who order or are responsible for genocide, the mass murder of people for no other reason than who they are or are not, are making political decisions that whole categories of people are no longer fit to live. Those tempted to make such decisions should be in no doubt that they will pay the ultimate price. 

They are not suffering from mental illness, temporary madness, blind love or even greed.  Nor are they psychopaths.  They took decisions for political decisions and should be accountable for those decisions. The military in Burma should be accountable for its crimes against the Rohinga. ISIS for its genocide of the Yazidis. 

It is the Bill Clintons, George Bushs and Tony Blairs of this world who deserve the ultimate penalty.  Why?  Because that is how society makes it clear that war crimes are literally beyond the pale. Hence I would defend the decision of the Nuremberg courts to execute the Nazi defendants. But war crimes apart, the use of the death penalty is indefensible.

In other words it is those who are most in favour of the death penalty who are most deserving of it.

It is no accident that at a time when the death penalty in the United States is decreasing and even the Republican state of Nebraska abolished it (only to reverse its decision) that Trump has decided to reintroduce it on the federal level.

It is also no coincidence that those who describe themselves as ‘pro-life’ i.e. anti-abortion in the United States are the most vociferous supporters of the death penalty.  It is the Christian Bible Belt which uses the death penalty most, led by Texas. We can assume that Amy Coney Bennett would have no compunction in supporting the conservative majority on the Supreme Court in favour of the death penalty.  Despite being a rigid Catholic she voted in favour of the execution of Daniel Lewis Lee, the first person executed on a federal level since 2003. Coney is a good example of the hypocrisy of pro-lifers.

Of course we should not be surprised at the actions of Trump. In 1989 he took out full page ads in 4 New York newspapers calling for the execution of 5 Black teenagers who were convicted of raping and killing a young woman. In 2002  DNA tests proved they were innocent and the actual culprit confessed.  Trump has still refused to apologise to those whose death he demanded. It says something about the United States and the American people that he is in contention for the post of President when he is unfit to be a dog catcher.

Below is an excellent article from The Intercept and links to a series of similar articles.

Tony Greenstein

Less than a week after executing Christopher Vialva in front of his mother and aunt, the DOJ announced it will kill Orlando Hall next.

October 17 2020, 12:00 p.m.

 On the morning she buried her son Christopher Vialva, Lisa Brown arrived at Affordable Burial and Cremation Service, a small funeral home in a strip mall in Killeen, Texas. Her older sister was waiting, along with the funeral director, who wore a suit and a mask. The last time Brown had seen her son, he was lying under a blanket on a gurney in Terre Haute, Indiana, where a federal official had declared his time of death. Now he lay in a casket in a blue pinstripe suit, a prayer shawl, and a kippah he crocheted himself.

“I walked over to the casket and put my hand on his chest,” Brown recalled. It was the first time she had touched her son in more than 20 years. Looking down, she saw something she’d noticed inside the execution chamber. “The whole back of his hand was bruised,” she said. The funeral director said it was probably where they had inserted his IV. “And I said, ‘I know it was.’”

Brown moved her hands to Vialva’s hands and face. She touched him all over, so eagerly, the funeral director “probably thought I was mauling my son,” she chuckled. “I was thankful that he said he was an understanding man.” Brown’s sister did the same thing. “She was hugging on him and she was touching his chest. She kissed him on the forehead.”

A portrait of Stacie and Todd Bagley on the tombstone of Stacie Bagley’s grave in Dyersburg, Tenn., on Sept. 18, 2020 - Photo: Liliana Segura/The Intercept

Vialva had been executed one week earlier, on September 24, for the carjacking and murder of two youth ministers from Iowa in 1999. He was 19 years old when he shot Stacie and Todd Bagley on the grounds of Fort Hood, not far from the funeral home. Vialva’s co-defendant, Brandon Bernard, was only 18 at the time. Both were sentenced to death. After the Trump administration restarted federal executions following a 17-year pause, Vialva became the seventh man killed in the Terre Haute death chamber since July.

Even to those paying close attention, the loved ones of the condemned had remained largely invisible in Terre Haute. Although the Bureau of Prisons books travel and accommodations for the families of the victims — and arranges for them to address reporters following the executions — no such help is given to relatives of those facing execution. Until Vialva, none of the condemned had arranged for family to attend.

Brown was disturbed by the lack of communication from prison officials. After confirming that she would be in attendance, they did not speak to her until the day before he was to die. Brown was on an elevator leaving the prison after her last visit with her son when Vialva’s case manager told her that the Crisis Support Team was waiting to brief her. Answering her questions in the lobby, they were courteous, almost overly polite. “They almost seemed nervous. You know, like it was a new thing for them. Which it probably was.”

By the time she woke up on the morning of her son’s death, Brown had done as much as she could to prepare herself. She had even read the filings in a lawsuit over lethal injection, which warned that autopsies from executions carried out using pentobarbital showed clear evidence that the condemned had experienced pulmonary edema: the filling of their lungs with fluid. “For me, knowledge is power,” Brown said. “The more I’m aware of what can go wrong, the more comfortable I am.” Still, it wasn’t easy to read that Vialva might suffer a sensation akin to being waterboarded — “that same panic, suffocating, drowning feeling.”

Ron Kaz of Charleston, S.C., helps organize the Abolitionist Action Committee’s annual protest and hunger strike against the death penalty outside the U.S. Supreme Court on July 1, 2019, in Washington, D.C. Photo: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

A Well-Oiled Death Machine

Amid a global pandemic, national protests, and the impending presidential election, news of the federal executions had been largely eclipsed since they began this summer. Vialva had been dismayed by the lack of national media attention as the men around him went to their deaths. After the execution of Lezmond Mitchell on August 26, he wrote to a friend that they had mentioned him on the CNN crawl, but that was it. “A man’s life is taken by the government but not even a segment to talk about it,” he said.

They are a well-oiled death machine now,” he went on. “It was sad watching them walk Mitchell right past me so they could drive him to the death house. Everything was so clinical.”

Vialva’s execution was a painful blow to those who knew and worshipped with him on death row. “I just want everyone to know that Chris was the real deal when it came to his faith and being sorry for all he had done,”one neighbor wrote to his own supporters in late September. As with every round of executions, a wave of anxiety spread across the Special Confinement Unit after Vialva died. “We don’t know when they will pick someone else, but we believe it will be 3-5 more people in the coming months.”

On September 30, the Department of Justice announced the next execution date. Orlando Hall, 49, is scheduled to die on November 19. He would be the second Black man killed in the federal execution chamber this year. In a media release, his lawyers noted that Hall was sentenced to death by an all-white jury, one of myriad ways in which the federal death penalty mirrors the same flaws and inequities of state systems. On October 16, the DOJ announced execution dates for two more people. One is Lisa Montgomery, the only woman on federal death row. The other is Vialva’s co-defendant, Brandon Bernard.

Politicians on both sides have remained almost completely silent about the federal executions. Although it was the Trump administration that was preparing to take his life, Vialva was particularly critical of the Democrats before he died. The party has enshrined opposition to the death penalty as part of its platform, yet ignored the issue during the Democratic National Convention. Presidential candidate Joe Biden, who was instrumental in the expansion of federal death row but now claims to disavow capital punishment, has said nothing about the executions. Neither has vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris, despite touting her opposition to the death penalty.

Two days before Vialva’s execution, as the DOJ prepared to kill William LeCroy on September 22, activists with Death Penalty Action gathered for a press conference in front of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. Faith leaders were present from different religious denominations. They spoke out against the executions and called out Attorney General Bill Barr, who was scheduled to be honored the next day during the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast.

The event featured New York Rep. Adriano Espaillat, the sponsor of a bill to abolish the federal death penalty introduced last summer. A parallel bill was brought forward by Rep. Ayanna Pressley, who last year called for an investigation into the federal government’s lethal injection plans.

“We’ve gotta be louder about this,” Espaillat said. He echoed a new report by the Death Penalty Information Center, linking the death penalty to the legacy of slavery and lynching in the United States. Not only are Black people overrepresented on death row today, he said, “defendants convicted of killing white victims are executed at a rate 17 times greater than those convicted of killing Black victims.” Indeed, of the seven men executed in Terre Haute, almost all of their victims were white.

Activist and attorney Ashley Kincaid Eve leads a vigil across from the federal penitentiary in Terre Haute, Ind., moments before the execution of Christopher Vialva on Sept. 24, 2020. Photo: Liliana Segura/The Intercept

Later that day, activists under the banner of the Terre Haute Death Penalty Resistance returned to the grassy field next to the Dollar General on Route 63, directly across from the federal penitentiary. Ashley Kincaid Eve, a lawyer and activist from Indianapolis, was leading the protests that week, although she still harbored hope that Vialva’s execution would not go forward. Eve had developed a close friendship with Vialva after he saw her on the news and wrote to thank her for caring enough to protest the executions. “We are here because people decided that we are trash to be thrown in the dumpster,” he said in his first letter. But over the years, 

I have listened to men sing the praises of their children, mourn the loss of their loved ones, talk about their ambitions while knowing they will not come to fruition, discuss their spiritual journey, and lament the decisions that put them here.”

Eve had previously spearheaded a successful lawsuit against the Indiana State Police, who barred the activists from the area across from the prison during the first round of executions in July. It was one of many ways in which authorities tried to tightly control what the public was able to see. In a nod to the First Amendment, the BOP had designated two spots in the fields along Route 63 for protesters on either side of the issue, but required participants to be transported by government buses hours in advance. No phones or electronic devices would be allowed. In the briefings for press before each execution, BOP spokespersons have repeatedly told reporters that no one has shown up to protest the executions.

While in prison Vialva crocheted a number of stuffed animals and blankets for his mother, Lisa Brown, which she keeps at her home in Killeen, Texas - 16.9.20.

BOP officials have been tight-lipped with journalists. For media witnesses, who have waited long hours on prison grounds to carry out their assignments, there are few explanations or updates. In contrast to death penalty states where prison officials routinely provide detailed descriptions about the last meals of the condemned, the BOP refuses to disclose even such trivial information. But Vialva had told Eve about LeCroy’s last meal. He had asked for KFC but his request had been rejected, she told me. The bones in the chicken presented a security risk, he was told. So, like Vialva, he requested Pizza Hut instead.

Photographs of Lisa Brown, now 61, and her son Christopher Vialva, now 41, when Christopher played football at Ellison High School, photographed at her home in Killeen, Texas, on Sept. 16, 2020. Photo: Matthew Busch for The InterceptAdd caption

Victims on Both Sides

LeCroy’s execution went later than planned. Although it was scheduled for 6 p.m., he was not declared dead until after 9 p.m. LeCroy had been sentenced to death for the brutal killing of a nurse practitioner named Joann Lee Tiesler. Court records showed that LeCroy, who had a history of mental illness, said he had killed her in the mistaken belief that she was a former babysitter who had molested him when he was a child. In a clemency application for LeCroy, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, his attorneys pointed out that LeCroy’s own family had lost his brother, a Georgia state trooper, to murder in 2010. “The pain and sorrow felt by the LeCroy family at potentially losing two of their sons is unimaginable,” they wrote.

Lisa Brown visiting her son Christopher Vialva on federal death row in August 2020. Photo: Courtesy of Lisa Brown

Tiesler was engaged to be married when she was murdered; her fiancé witnessed LeCroy’s execution, as did her father, Tom Tiesler. In a written statement, Tom Tiesler thanked Trump and Barr for restarting federal executions. LeCroy “died a peaceful death in contrast to the stark horror he imposed on my daughter Joann,” he wrote. 

“He was allowed to live nineteen years longer than Joann, with us taxpayers paying for his food, shelter and medical care. I am unaware that he ever showed any remorse for his evil actions, his life of crime, or the horrific burden he caused Joann’s loved ones.”

LeCroy had prepared a lengthy statement of his own, which he mailed to Sister Barbara Battista, a Catholic nun who served as his spiritual adviser, to read at his execution. But it did not arrive on time. Two days later, on the morning of Vialva’s execution, Battista brought the letter to a press conference outside the Dollar General. It began with a quote from the poet W. H. Auden. “‘Those to whom evil is done do evil in return,’” it read. This was not an excuse, he said.

“Yet it describes many of us human beings in our primitive emotional states as children. It is a fact that some abuse — physical, emotional, and/or sexual — can stunt emotional growth. … We feel that we are what happened to us, that we cannot be that which we desire to become. And we lash out in anger. … We did things that we were unable to take back, harmed another human being, ourselves, and so many who loved us.”

Activists stood behind Battista as she read the letter, holding signs and wearing masks. They were joined by Lisa Brown. In a purple mask, a black headscarf, and a gold Star of David pendant, she came forward after Battista was done, to say a few words about her son. “This is really hard,”she said, her voice breaking. “This is the first venue that I’ve had in which I could say to Todd and Stacie’s family, I am so sorry for your loss. I’ve never been able to tell you that because I was told I could not have access to you.”

Lisa Brown addresses reporters on the morning of her son’s execution. Christopher Vialva was executed on Sept. 24, 2020, at the federal penitentiary in Terre Haute, Ind. He was the seventh person executed by the Trump administration. Photo: Liliana Segura/The Intercept

Brown emphasized that her son was remorseful for his crime. But she also shared a story she told me the first time we spoke. Like LeCroy’s family, she had experienced the legal system from both sides of the courtroom. “In 2009, my daughter’s ex-husband attempted to murder her,” she said. 

“He bludgeoned her in the head with a hammer, poured gasoline over her and set her on fire. She survived with second and third degree burns over 80 percent of her body. And she forgave her attacker shortly after it happened. … And she taught me that I had to forgive. And it changed my life from being in a perpetual state of victimhood to a life that I can put that behind me, and see that there is peace in that.”

Later that day, as Brown reported to the parking lot of the Vigo County Sheriff’s Office, Eve returned to the same spot at the Dollar General to set up for the protest against Vialva’s execution. She had said goodbye to Vialva on the phone the night before, hoping to convince him to let her file a last-minute challenge to his execution. But he asked her not to. Everyone on death row had seen what happened to Daniel Lewis Lee, the first man to be executed in Terre Haute this year: Lee was lying on the gurney for four hours before the government took his life, as lawyers fought over his fate. Vialva did not want that to happen to him.

“He’s lost faith in our courts and I don’t blame him,” Eve said. “I’ve lost faith in our justice system. But I haven’t lost faith in humanity.” In the last several weeks, she had heard from people all over the world who were moved by his story.

It was just after 6 p.m. when Eve introduced the final speaker, a woman named Katie, who had traveled to Terre Haute from Minnesota. “I don’t know Chris personally,” Katie said. But she knew Vialva’s younger sister, Audrey. The two had met at a retreat for survivors of domestic violence, where Audrey had shared the story of how her ex-husband tried to kill her. “I am at risk of being a murder victim,” Katie said. Before going to prison for violating a restraining order, her own abuser beat, choked, and sexually assaulted her, she said. He is no longer incarcerated — and he could still kill her one day, she said. But she does not want his life.

Katie pointed to the penitentiary complex behind her. “Do you think that what’s going on behind us right now is going to save my life?”she asked. “Do you think he knows that this is happening and it’s going to deter him from anything he wants to do? It’s not.”

At 6:48 p.m., a BOP spokesperson sent out an email to reporters. “Please report back to the Media Center at this time if you choose to,” he wrote. The execution had been carried out. At the media center, officials handed out a statement from the mother of Todd Bagley. She said she was “hurt and disappointed” by the coverage of the case that morning, which focused on Vialva and how he had changed. Todd and Stacie also touched many lives, she wrote. “We will never know how many people they could have influenced for good if they had been given the chance.” She was heartened by the fact that they were in Heaven, she said. “I know without a doubt we will have a glorious reunion with them one day!”

Lisa Brown with her son Christopher Vialva and his younger sister, Audrey, in 1988. Photo: Courtesy of Lisa Brown

The Ultimate Price

On October 1, a few dozen guests gathered at the Killeen City Cemetery for Vialva’s funeral. His gray casket was covered in white lilies and chrysanthemums. His mother and sister sat in the front row. Eve, who drove down from Indianapolis, sat behind them under the tent.

Vialva’s 11-year-old nephew read a tribute from Vialva’s best friend on death row. Then Vialva’s sister Audrey delivered his eulogy. She shared childhood memories: how they would break the rules and ride their bikes to Walmart; how he would tickle her, play freeze tag with her, and have water balloon fights with her every summer. As he got older, she said, Vialva started spending more time playing video games and listening to music with his friends. But she remembered the time they stayed up all night memorizing the lyrics to the 1994 song “Funkdafied” by Da Brat. “He kept hanging his head off the top bunk asking why it was taking so many playbacks for me to get it,” she said. “His memory was always better than mine.”

Brown read the letter Vialva had written for his funeral. He was no longer the angry 19-year-old he had been, he wrote.

“If you have written me a thousand letters or only just sat and thought about me from time to time, I appreciate it. If you came to visit me once a year or just saw my mother in passing and told her to tell me hello, I appreciate it. … If anyone here feels they could have done more, don’t. You did what you could and that is all that matters. So, thank you for those mercies and for your attendance today.”

The funeral director, Robert Falcon, was moved by the service. It was not the first time he had presided over the burial of a man executed by the state. Often times, he told me, such families “want to arrange something very private, something very, very quiet,” he said.

“I’ve had services where nobody shows up. … There may be a representative from the family, a minister, and the funeral director. And that’s it. And Christopher’s situation was quite unique in that there was about 40 people present. And I’ve never seen that.”

Falcon did not minimize the pain of the victims in cases like Vialva’s. In his decades helping families bury their loved ones, he had seen his share of murder victims. He knew that their families continued to hurt after an execution, he said. But “sometimes we forget that the person has now paid the ultimate price for their crime, and now that family is left to hurt.”

Five days after her son’s funeral, Brown spoke to the mother of Orlando Hall, the next man in line to die in Terre Haute. She learned that he has six children and a number of grandchildren. Hall’s mother is in poor health and was not sure whether she will attend the execution, Brown said. “I told her, I want to be able to help facilitate their peaceful transition through this process,” Brown said. “And she said, ‘Oh thank you, Jesus.’ She says, ‘You just made my day, Miss Lisa.’ That blessed me.”

Brown has not yet spoken to the mother of Brandon Bernard. But she feels called upon to support other families as their loved ones get execution dates. “There are so many more like me,” she said. It is also what her son would have wanted. Over the phone, she read from a card that was waiting in the mail when she returned from Terre Haute. “I know this is hard for you,” he had written. “I would even go so far as to say that it’s harder on you than me. … I just want you to stay strong. I need you to do that for me. If they do take me away, then you can let them know how much it hurts. Maybe one day your love will change things.”


See also

Trump’s Execution Spree Continues at Federal Killing Ground in Indiana - More federal executions have been carried out in 2020 than in the past 57 years combined.

Blood in the Water - Disregarding the Virus and Victims’ Families, Trump Rushes to Execute as Many People as Possible

The Life and Death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s Executioner-Turned-Abolitionist - After killing 62 people in the death chamber, Givens became an activist against the death penalty. Then Covid-19 took his life.

The Life and Death of Jerry Givens, Virginia’s Executioner-Turned-Abolitionist

Executions Are On Hold, but States Are Still Pushing for Death Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

The Abolitionists- A Push to Repeal the Death Penalty Gains Ground Across the Western United States

Trump Prepares to Execute Christopher Vialva for a Crime He Committed as a Teenager

Starmer Declares War on the Left – Its About Time to Declare War on Him - We Demand the Reinstatement of Jeremy Corbyn


The EHRC Report Should Be Rejected along with the Myth of Labour Anti-Semitism

Jeremy Corbyn was absolutely right in the comments that got him suspended: "One antisemite is one too many, but the scale of the problem was also dramatically overstated for political reasons by our opponents".

It is a real shame that he did not say so when he could have made a real difference to the civil war in the Labour Party. Unfortunately, it was the Corbyn leadership’s silence and complicity in the witch-hunt that made his suspension possible in the first place. Hundreds of socialists and Corbyn supporters have been suspended and expelled for comments that often do not amount to much more than what Corbyn said.

We need to understand that the campaign by the right inside and outside the party was never about fighting antisemitism. It was always a campaign designed to get rid of Corbyn and make sure that the Labour Party becomes once again a safe “second eleven” that could run Britain on behalf of capitalism, and follow the US into any new military adventure.

Sadly, it appears as if Corbyn and his allies still do not understand this basic reality. The six candidates supported by the Centre-Left Grassroots Alliance in the current NEC elections have made sure not to mention the word ‘witch-hunt’, or propose any actions on how to stop it.

In a tweet following his suspension,Corbyn writes that, “I’ve made absolutely clear those who deny there has been an antisemitism problem in the Labour Party are wrong. I will continue to support a zero tolerance policy towards all forms of racism.”

Corbyn himself has now become a victim of this “zero tolerance” approach he champions. The fight for socialism is intrinsically linked to a culture of free speech and open debate on all issues – including, importantly, the question of Israel/Palestine. 

Please click here to sign and share the excellent petition/open letter by the LLA

Anyone who believes that Jeremy Corbyn was suspended on the basis of what he actually said today needs their head examining. It was planned long ago. Back in July there were rumours emanating from Starmer’s office that Corbyn would be suspended when the EHRC Report was released.

The Canary reportedon 22nd July that

‘According to a few Labour sources this morning, it's "very possible" and "highly likely" that Jeremy Corbyn will have the whip removed very soon, as a result of some of the recommendations in the EHRC report.’ #LabourAntisemitism.

Starmer is using the recommendations of the EHRC in order to purge the Left by removing the presence of a former leader. The question is whether or not the Left responds by declaring war on Sturmer or, like Momentum makes a pathetic plea for unity with those trying to destroy it. Some of thought that when Lansman's cronies were defeated earlier this year by Momentum Forward that its politics might change. 

Unfortunately Momentum Forward has continued where Lansman left off. Yesterday they put out an appalling statement in reaction to Corbyn’s suspension in which they protested that “This suspension risks politicisingLabour's response to antisemitism.” Perhaps someone should tell Scatterbrain that anti-Semitism has been weaponised for over 5 years now. Sturmer wants to destroy the left not unite with it!

McDonnell symbolises the political weakness of the Labour Left and Momentum - he defends Corbyn in the name of the fight against 'antisemitism' - the very thing used to get rid of Corbyn

Who do Momentum think Margaret Hodge, Tom Watson, Lucian Berger et al represent?  The anti-racist left? Momentum pathetically plead that the suspension ‘should be immediately lifted in the interests of party unity.’

Where have these dunderheads been living?  Starmer isn’t interested in party unity.  He’s interested in  driving out the left from the Labour Party. If Momentum don’t recognise this it’s because they are wedded to the same reformist illusions as Lansman.

Momentum’s co-chairs then go on to describe the EHRC Report in completely uncritical terms. Scatterbrain says that:

for many it will make for difficult reading. It concludes that the Labour Party complaints process for antisemitism is inadequate, and expresses concern that the current process does not ensure fair and transparent sanctioning of antisemitism complaints. It also finds unlawful acts to have been committed by former Labour Party agents. 

It is clear that whatever this year’s Momentum elections were about they were not about politics. The EHRC is not an anti-racist body. Its Commissioners are taken from the corporate and banking world with the odd lawyer thrown in. It is an organisation of the liberal Establishment that has been mobilised to drive a wedge into the Labour Party using identity politics to disguise its purpose.

David Isaac - the EHRC's Zionist Chair

It is a body that has said next to nothing about the Windrush scandal, done nothing about the ‘hostile environment’ policy of the Tories, it has said nothing about stop and search, refugees or institutional racism. Why?  Because it is itself an institutionally racist body.

As Simon Woolley, a former Commissioner wrotethe EHRC doesn’t have one single Black or Muslim Commissioner.  It is stuffed with liberal and corporate do gooders. Woolley wrote

‘I’ve been particularly stuck by the huge gulf between the EHRC and the new generation of young Black Lives Matter activists’.

The EHRC is utterly irrelevant to the victims of racism in Britain today. It is a body whose sole purpose is in incorporating and blunting the anti-racist message. It is as much our enemy as Boris Johnson.

Whilst we must oppose Corbyn’s suspension he is the author of his own misfortune. When the EHRC first proposed its investigation it should have been vigorously opposed as an intrusion by a State body into a democratic political party. What has happened is the kind of tactic used in police states. The State has effectively sought to neutralise a radical political party.

Boris Johnson - a genuine racist whom the EHRC is dependent on for its funding

According to a Yougov poll for Hope not Hate, nearly half of Tory Party members oppose having a Muslim Prime Minister and more than two-thirds of Tory members believe the myth that parts of the UK are under Sharia law. 45% think some areas are not safe for non-Muslims. And if that is not enough nearly two-thirds of Tory members believe that Islam is a threat to western civilisation. Yet the EHRC has fought shy of doing anything about an openly racist party led by someone who believes that Black people are 'picanninies' with 'water melon smiles.'

Unlike ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party Islamaphobia in the Tory Party is part of its DNA.  Yet this useless body has kept its mouth shut for fear of losing what’s left of its grant.  Corbyn, whose stupidity is beyond doubt, said nothing when what he should have done was to refuse all co-operation.

When 2 openly Zionist organisations, both of which are effectively extensions of the Israeli state – the Jewish Labour Movement and the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism– made their complaints to the EHRC, Corbyn should have launched legal action to stop it in its tracks. This is state interference in a legal party and a breach of Article 11 of the European Convention of Human Rights on freedom of association.

Jon Lansman, the former owner of Momentum and his replacement, Andrew Scattergood and Gaya Sriskanthan

Realising that its previous statement was hopelessly inadequate Momentum issued another statement after a meeting tonight. The statement was equally useless.  It read:

The suspension of Jeremy Corbyn by the Labour Party leadership is a factional attack on the left that inevitably undermines the fight against anti-semitism and makes a mockery of Keir Starmer’s pledge to unite the Party. Tonight our Party is more divided than ever.’ 

This perfectly reasonable meme was part of the Notice of Investigation which led to the expulsion of Simon Hindmarsh - it made a political point that all the world's worst atrocities were legal - in the eyes of Labour's witchhunters it was 'antisemitic' - go figure

When will the Scatterbrain and Sriskanthan get it into their heads that there has never been a fight against ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party? It has always been an attack on anti-Zionism and the Palestinians. Every Letter of Investigation I have seen accuses people of anti-Semitism based on their comments about Israel, the world’s only apartheid state.

Phil Woolas, Labour MP for Oldham & Saddleworth ran a nakedly anti-Muslim campaign trying to stir up the racist White vote - and Tom Watson 'lost sleep' over the injustice of the High Court removing this racist

Does Scatterbrain really think that Tom Watson, Hodge and co. were really interested in fighting anti-Semitism?  The same Hodge who was praisedby the BNP for her housing policies?  Or the same Tom Watson who ‘lost sleep’ thinking about the injustice of the High Court removing racist Labour MP Phil Woolas from the Parliament after running a campaign that aimed to 'make the White folk angry'?

The ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign waged for the past 5 years was not about anti-Semitism. If it was then isn’t it strange that so many Jewish members have been expelled or suspended. And why should Labour MPs who votedto legalise torture be concerned about anti-Semitism anyway?

We know Starmer’s attitude to racism.  Black Lives Matter is just a moment whose time has gone. He believes in more funding for the racist Metropolitan Police. At a time of Black Lives Matter, stop and search, Windrush etc.  the only form of racism that matters is 'antisemitism'. Jews in Britain are a privileged White community.  To prioritise ‘anti-Semitism’ over racism against Black and Muslim people is itself racist.

Sure there is some antisemitic prejudice if you look hard enough but as the EHRC Report concedes most of it is in social media.  No one has ever died from a tweet but plenty of Black youth have died in Police custody yet Starmer has nothing but praise for the Police.

Growing up as a Jewish person in non-Jewish communities I never had to fear being attacked in the street. I didn't have to hide from the deportation squads. My father wasn't stopped when driving for being Jewish and handcuffed.  Jews in Britain are not oppressed. They are, for the most part, a prosperous middle class community. The days of working class Jewish communities are gone. The Jews of the East End have moved to London's suburbs. My favourite restaurant, Blooms in Whitechapel closed years ago. In short Jews do not experience state racism. They are the kept pets of Britain’s ruling class for whom it is a safe form of anti-racism.

The 'antisemitism' campaign was always about attacking Corbyn. Yet Momentum’s Scattergood/Sriskanthan  believes that a campaign which only arose when Corbyn became leader is somehow being jeopardized by Corbyn’s suspension! Momentum Forward and Lansman’s Momentum Renewal are peas in a pod.

If you want to read a decent statement on the suspension of Jeremy Corbyn then you can do worse than read the Morning Star’s Jeremy Corbyn's suspension is a declaration of war. And you don't win a war by asking someone trying to kill you to hold your hand!

What Can We Do?

This Saturday Labour Against the Witchhunt is organising a public meeting with Ken Livingstone, Chris Williamson, Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth and Tony Greenstein speaking.

The following Saturday there is a similar line-up being organised with Asa Winstanley, Chris Williamson and Tony Greenstein speaking, chaired by Miko Peled, the ‘wrong sort of Israeli Jew’ chairing.

On Friday Brighton & Hove LLA will be organising a local anti-witchhunt meeting. Starmer’s suspension of his predecessor is unprecedented. We should be clear about why we oppose it and where it came from. 

Corbyn himself laid the basis for what has happened.  His opposition to Open Selection at the 2018 Labour Party Conference and then his decision at the 2019 Party Conference to support ‘fast track’ expulsions which we were assured were only for ‘egregious’ cases but which have since been used in EVERY ‘anti-Semitism’ case laid the basis for his own suspension.  Corbyn has literally fashioned his own noose. However just because someone is an idiot or a coward doesn’t mean one should not support them!

The Labour Left Alliance have launched an Open Letter: Reinstate Jeremy Corbyn please sign it.

 Labour Against the Witchhunt has also issued a statementReinstate Jeremy Corbyn’ as well as a modelmotion Reinstate Jeremy Corbyn! Stop the witch-hunt!

The gloves are off and anyone who thinks that by conceding to the lie that there was an ‘anti-Semitism’ problem in Labour that they are then going to  gain a tactical advantage is seriously mistaken.  ‘Anti-Semitism’ was the Right's chosen weapon. It was never about anti-Jewish racism, hence why the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism was foisted upon the Labour Party.

In fact I am incorrect. It was Corbyn himself at the end of 2016 who unilaterally adopted the 38 word IHRA. Having spent his whole political life supporting the Palestinians, having been called an 'antisemite' countless times, he voluntarily adopted a definition whose only purpose was to conflate anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism and define him as an anti-Semite.

Anti-Semitism was chosen as the method of attack precisely because it was not a form of racism but a means of denigrating opposition to the Israeli state and giving the Right some moral stature.  It fitted in well to the Left's addiction to Identity Politics rather than Class Politics. Those like Momentum’s Scatterbrain and the rest of the NCG who think they can gain Corbyn’s reinstatement on the basis of adhering to the EHRC Report are fooling themselves and no one else.

Free Speech has been Abolished By Sturmer's New General Secretary David Evans

As part of the new democratic order David Evans, Labour's General Secretary has issued another warning to local parties not to discuss the EHRC Report. It is clear that far from being a democratic party, the Labour Party has now become a tyranny.  It is of prime importance to democrats in the party that Evans is defied and told where to go.

It is crucial that local parties defy Evans and go ahead and condemn the report and Sturmer with it.  That is what Momentum should be calling for not unity with the devil.

The EHRC Report– A Brief Summation

I spent two weeks compiling a 2 part summary of the 851 page Leaked Labour Report. The EHRC Report is an insubstantial tract. At 130 pages is remarkable for the fact that it is shallow and superficial, lacking in substance. Its main focus is the alleged failure of Labour’s disciplinary and complaints processes. Whereas it took me 3 days to read Labour’s Leaked Report on Anti-Semitism the EHRC Report was a breeze. There is nothing in it apart from procedure. The EHRC has produced a mouse and yet Starmer willed it on as a means of attacking the Left.  Its failures are manifest to anyone who isn’t cerebrally challenged.  Below are some points:

1.           Quite amazingly for a report on anti-Semitism it doesn’t once try to define what it means by anti-Semitism. The EHRC know better than to define anti-Semitism concretely as hostility to or prejudice or discrimination against Jews.  Instead they rely on things that are 'offensive' to Jews, regardless of whether they are true.  It is an old trick.

Avi Gabbay, former leader of the almost extinct racist Israeli Labour Party of which the JLM is the British wing

2.           There is no attempt to ask who the 2 complainants, the Jewish Labour Movement and the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism actually are. The fact that the JLM describes itself as the ‘sister party of the almost extinct Israeli Labour Party is not even mentioned. Ha'aretz, Israel’s liberal daily  describesits former leader Avi Gabbay as a Likudnik. It is a party that supported Netanyahu's attempt to deport Israel's 40,000 Black African refugees because, in Netanyahu's words, they threatened Israel's racial 'Jewish identity.' 

This delightful figure illustrated the CAA's 'Muslims and Antisemitism' Report

3.           The CAA is a virulently Islamaphobic organisation, racist to its root, which works with Zionist supporters of Tommy Robinson. In other words the complainants to the EHRC are themselves deeply racist. It published a coloured graphic of the typical Muslim male as part of an attack on Muslims. If a similar graphic on Jews had been produced we would have never heard the end of it.

The Jewish Labour Movement's 'sister party' in Israel supported Netanyahu's racist policy of deporting Black refugees because they are neither Jewish nor White - the JLM has never once condemned their  racist sisters

4.           Not once did the EHRC entertain the idea that accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ have been the staple of Zionist attacks on critics of Israel for decades.  No less than the French President Macron has declaredthat anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are one and the same. So if one opposes the Jewish nature of the Israeli state then that is anti-Semitic. Today Ha'aretz published an article about how Israel is seeking to expand the boundaries of the Jewish town of Harish because Arabs, at 44% are already nearly a majority.  It wants to expand it to dilute the Arab presence.  Yet to call this what it is is ‘anti-Semitism'. Since when was it anti-Semitic to oppose racism?

5.           The Report singles out two people in particular, Ken Livingstone, who pioneered anti-racism in local government and Pam Bromley, a councillor in Rossendale. The attack on Livingstone is particularly egregious but what the Report doesn’t mention is that it also singled out Chris Williamson.  However Chris immediately instructed solicitors and the EHRC backed off.  You won’t read that in the Report!

6.           There was no mention of the fact, and it is a fact, that the anti-Semitism campaign began as a completely confected campaign led by that well known opponent of racism, the Daily Mail, which allegedthat Corbyn had links with Holocaust deniers Paul Eisen. Not once does it ask why the racist tabloids suddenly became so concerned with ‘anti-Semitism’.  In short the Report completely decontextualises the allegations whilst insinuating that anyone denying that there was an anti-Semitism problem was themselves anti-Semitic!  This is called ‘denialism’ which is the logic of the Salem Witchhunt when women and men were hanged for witchcraft in Massachusetts. As Elizabeth Purdy wrote:

Those who publicly questioned the guilt of a defendant were likely to be accused of witchcraft themselves.

7.           The logic of ‘denialism’ is the ‘logic’ of the 17th Century witch-hunters yet Corbyn in his idiocy gave his backing to this nonsense. The idea that denying a crime is to admit it is the stuff of Kafka.

8.           The Report talks of ‘zero tolerance’ of anti-Semitism yet the EHRC has indulged the racism of the Tory Party without even the slightest comment. It has done nothing about the hostile environment policy or Windrush where Black British citizens were illegally deported. The idea that the EHRC is an anti-racist body is for the birds.

9.           Strangely enough for a report concerned with procedural irregularities it has nothing to say about Labour’s fast track expulsions where the accused are denied a hearing.

10.      There is repeated talk of ‘Jewish community stakeholders’. It never once explains who these might be but we can assume it means the Trump Tory supporting Board of Deputies.  A body which cheered onthe Israeli army as they mowed down unarmed Palestinian protesters in Gaza. They blamed the death of medics and children on the victims and they then profess to be concerned about anti-Semitism.

11.      Nearly all their examples of ‘anti-Semitism’ consist of social media posts. This simply trivializes anti-Semitism. Racism is about what people do not what they post on Twitter. Noone has ever died from a tweet but plenty have died from Israeli bullets.

12.      Despite saying that they took evidence from Jewish Voices for Labour there is no evidence of this.  The EHRC comprehensively disregarded the voice of anti-Zionist and non-Zionist Jews.

13.      I wrote to the EHRC’s Investigation repeatedly offering to give evidence.  They were not interested.  When I pointed out their disinterest in Conservative Party racism they responded.

With reference to your submission of 13 July 2019 and your specific observation relating to the Conservative Party, we can confirm that we are actively considering what, if any, action we may take in relation to the handling of Islamophobia and other discrimination within the Conservative Party. Further, we have made the following statementin relation to Windrush and the Government’s hostile environment policies.

14.       And that was it. After having ‘actively considered’ my submissions they decided to do absolutely nothing!

15.      Clearly there were some Jews who were more important than others.  I told them that as the first Jewish person to be expelled I might have a different perspective on the fake anti-Semitism affair.  They made it clear that they weren’t interested.

15.      The EHRC said they launched their ‘investigation’ because of ‘serious public concern about allegations of anti-Semitism’. It is strange that serious public concern about Police stop and search, the Windrush deportations and other acts of state racism merited no such concern. In fact there was no public concern about Labour anti-Semitism.  It was a narrative of the Tory press and the Labour right-wing.

16.      Its main obsession was ‘political interference in the handling of anti-Semitism complaints.’ (p.7) Perhaps that was because the complaints themselves were politically motivated.

17.      It talks of ‘anti-Semitic conduct’ but never mentions what that conduct is.  Everything is inferred.

18.      It mentions (p.17) that ‘over 20 elected representatives (including MPs, peers and councillors) resigned from the Party in 2018 and 2019 citing a failure to tackle anti-Semitism in their reasons.’ It was of course no coincidence that these people were all on the anti-Corbyn wing of the Labour Party and people who had never objected to for example New Labour’s hostile environment policy towards ‘illegal’ immigrants i.e. refugees.

19.      The Report quotes uncritically the Community Security Trust reports on anti-Semitic incidents but these are not value free. The CST is another pro-Zionist organisation. 

20.      The legal basis of its inquiry, that the Labour Party was an association under the Equality Act 2010 omits the fact that it is a political party and allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ were weaponised, e.g. the allegations at Oxford University which had been made by Alex Chalmers, a former intern of the Israel Lobby organisation BICOM. See How Israel lobby manufactured UK Labour Party’s anti-Semitism crisis. By definition a political party is not a sports club or other voluntary association. The EHRC is an organ of the state. It had no right to interfere and in essence take sides in a political dispute inside the Labour Party. It was Corbyn and Formby’s stupidity which prevented them telling the EHRC to mind their own business. Corbyn has literally dug his own grave.

21.      The Report suggests as an example of indirect discrimination that a party that holds its meetings on the Sabbath is discriminating against Jewish members.  Bollocks.  The Labour Party is a secular not a religious body. It is under no obligation to take into account superstitious religious beliefs. The only time that this could possibly be relevant is if the Labour Party held meetings on Saturday but had a rule stipulating that it should not hold meetings on Fridays or Sundays.  Secularism is perfectly legal. (p.22)

22.      The Report hangs its argument on the basis that councillors, MPs and NEC members are ‘agents’ of the party.  This is extremely dubious.  They are elected representatives not agents. A political party is a free association of its members based on shared beliefs.  It is no business of the State to interfere in its running as long as it abides by its own constitution.

23.      Quite outrageously the Report describes ‘allegations that complaints of anti-Semitism are fake or smears.’ as themselves anti-Semitic (p. 28) yet this is a regular practice of Zionists who even call Jews who are not Zionists ‘self haters’ ‘traitors’ ‘kapos’ etc. It is a fact that Zionists, Jewish or other do, as a regular practice allege anti-Semitism where there is none.  The CAA, one of the complainants is a regular practitioner in making false allegations of anti-Semitism. It particularly targets Jews. Even the person who drafted the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, Kenneth Stern gave testimonyto the US Congress about the ‘egregious’ behaviour of the CAA in targeting a University Professor Rachel Gould as anti-Semitic for having written an article on the use of the holocaust to protect Israel. He also wrotean article ‘I drafted the definition of antisemitism. Rightwing Jews are weaponizing it’. The Report deliberately ignored the context which is that racist regimes allege racism against their opponents as a matter of course.

24.      To give but one example in Israel there are hundreds of Jewish only communities.  In one city Afula, when houses under construction were due to be sold to Arabs hundreds of Jews took to the streets in protest. But if you allege Israel is a racist state then this is anti-Semitic.  This Report is a racist report and it is a disgrace that Momentum refuses to call it out for what it is.

25.      The Report makes the insinuation that Ken Livingstone’s defence of Naz Shah MP’s meme about relocating Israel inside the United States was anti-Semitic and that his references to the Israel Lobby were anti-Semitic. Perhaps these dishonest scribes would care to look at Wikipedia’s entry Israel lobby in the United States. (p.29) AIPAC, the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee openly proclaims it is a lobby group. What the EHRC is saying is that the truth is now anti-Semitic.  This is anti-Semitic.

26.      Absurdly it described Pam Bromley’s comment ‘looks like fake accusations of anti-Semitism to undermine Labour aren’t working, so let’s have Chris Williamson reinstated.’ That is a statement of fact but even facts can be anti-Semitic apparently!

27.      Ken Livingstone’s comments about Nazi support for the Zionists in Germany, which is a fact documented by Zionist historians such as David Cesarani and Francis Nicosia ‘caused shock and anger among Jewish Labour Party members.’  Well it didn’t shock Steven Kapos, a survivor of the Hungarian holocaust who I met because he understood the treacherous role of the Zionist organisation in Hungary.  Even the Jerusalem District Court in 1955 found that Kasztner had collaborated with the Nazis.  No doubt this would cause great shock too for these naïve racist Zionists.  So what?  The truth often offends.  (p.30)

28.      Even more ludicrously ‘Pam Bromley’s conduct… contributed to a hostile environment in the Labour Party for Jewish and non Jewish members.’ Well in that case everyone on the Right was offended.  How is that anti-Semitic? (p.30)

29.      Among the examples of ‘anti-Semitism’ were people who:

·       Compared Israelis to Hitler or the Nazis

·       Described a ‘witchhunt’ in the Labour Party or said that complaints had been manufactured by the ‘Israel lobby’. (why the scare quotes?)

·       Blamed Jewish people for the ‘anti-Semitism crisis in the Labour Party’ (clearly the Report couldn’t distinguish between Jews and Zionists, which is itself anti-Semitic)

·       Blamed Jewish people generally for the actions of the State of Israel. (where could people have got this idea?  Could it be that Israel describes itself as a Jewish state?)

·       Used ‘zio’ as an anti-Semitic term. ‘zio’ is short for ‘Zionist’. If you think all Zionists are Jews then you are anti-Semitic.

·       Accused British Jews of greater loyalty to Israel than Britain. I have been called a traitor many times by Zionists who demand that Jews are loyal to Israel first and foremost.  The Israeli Absorption Ministry even conducted a poll in the United States to find out what Jews would do if there was a crisis in relations between the USA and Israel!  Now why would that be?! (p.31)

30.      The Report makes great play of ‘interference’ by the Leader of the Opposition’s office in disciplinary matters.  Why should it not have interfered given the racist bias of the Disputes Team under John Stolliday and Sam Matthews? (p.45)

31.      Because of legal action the Report was forced to concede that the only unlawful interference in disciplinary processes was  Tom Watson’s petition calling for Chris Williamson’s resuspension.  Jennie Formby and Corbyn disgracefully acceded to this pressure. Corbyn has been hoist by his own petard.

32.      Even if LOTO should not have interfered in the disciplinary process what business is it of the EHRC?

33.      A good example of the circular logic of the geniuses who wrote the report was the statement that ‘Jewish members are proportionately more likely than non-Jewish members to make a complaint about anti-Semitism.’ Err yes!! Consequently the practice of interference in anti-Semitism complaints put Jewish members at a particular disadvantage compared to non-Jewish members.  This is absolute nonsense.  Obviously more Jews than non-Jews make complaints about anti-Semitism. It is an absurd comparison. How can it put Jews at a particular disadvantage when non-Jews don't complain of anti-Semitism? (p.55) There is no comparator. The authors of the report don't even understand the concept of indirect discrimination!

34.      The Report also mentions that I was suspended yet given no details of the allegations against me, despite requesting information on several occasions. It reports that I successfully obtained an injunction. However what the report does not do is mention that I am Jewish (it didn’t mention me by name).

35.      Even more relevant is the fact that the Labour Party expelled and suspended Jewish members regularly.  What has this to do with anti-Semitism?  The Report doesn’t mention this because it would have been inconvenient to its narrative. (p.63)

36.      Some of the Report’s observations such as that the NEC and NCC do not give reasons for their decisions are true, but what business is it of the EHRC?

37.      The Report says that Jennie Formby suggests that ‘these systemic issues affected all complaints of all kinds, not just anti-Semitism complaints’ and it then comments that ‘If correct, this means that an even wider pool of members was treated very poorly by their political party.’ Possibly true but what business is it of the EHRC?  Have they investigated how the Tories treat their members? (p. 73)

38.      The Report notes that the Labour Party ‘has recently introduced reforms that improve the ability of the National Executive Committee (NEC) and the NCC to decide cases and to expel members when appropriate.’ What they fail to mention is the inherent unfairness of people being expelled on the whim of a staff member without even a hearing.

39.      The Report refers to the ‘outcry from CAA, Board of Deputies and Labour MPs and peers’ when Chris Williamson was  reinstated.  Yet strangely there is no censure by the EHRC for this interference with the disciplinary process. Strange that!

40.      Another example of ‘anti-Semitism’ was that ‘a member shared a meme in March 2018, which expressed that ‘an anti-Semite is now someone Jews hate.’ Here you have stupidity mixed with malevolence. The person who coined this meme was Hajo Meyer, an anti-Zionist survivor of the Auschwitz death camp. His actual quote was that ‘it used to be the case that an anti-Semite was someone who hated Jews, now it’s someone who the Jews hate’. An amusing observation. Jeremy Corbyn chaired a meeting at the House of Commons with Hajo in 2010  and when the Zionists publicised it the idiot apologised.  Is it any wonder that Corbyn lost credibility?  The more you apologise the more they go for you.  Why the hell did Corbyn apologise for chairing a meeting addressed by a holocaust survivor? The BBC reported that Labour's Jeremy Corbyn apologised for appearing on platforms with people whose views he "completely rejects". (p.86) 

41.      There are repeated complaints that ‘anti-Semitism’ was not given the same priority that sexual harassment allegations were. (p.93) Perhaps that was because sexual harassment claims tend to be genuine!

42.      Apparently the Labour Party committed unlawful harassment because its conduct ‘included suggesting that complaints of anti-Semitism were fake or smears’.  But I was accused of anti-Semitism and I’m Jewish.  Who am I harassing by denying this nonsense?  Utterly absurd.

43.      It was suggested that Ken Livingstone’s comments that Zionist Jews were acting on behalf of a foreign power were ‘clearly anti-Semitic’. But the definition of a Zionist is that their loyalty is to Israel.  How is that anti-Semitic? (p. 106)

44.      The moron(s) who wrote this Report therefore find ‘agent Ken Livingstone’ caused the Labour Party to indulge in harassment. It is no wonder that Keir Sturmer bought off Labour’s racist former staff.

45.      The Report found that the comments by Naz Shah ‘went beyond legitimate criticism of the Israeli government’ and that Ken Livingstone’s support for these comments  and his suggestion that scrutiny of them was part of a smear campaign are not protected by Article 10 of the ECHR.  Absolute rubbish and unsurprisingly the Report doesn’t explain why this is so. ( p. 108) The EHRC is simply wrong on this.  Of course Ken's comments are protected, despite the Zionists wishing to clamp down on free speech as they do in Israel.

46.      Likewise Pam Bromley’s comment that a ‘huge sigh of relief’ went up when an Israeli spacecraft crashed on the moon. This is garbage. If someone shouted ‘hurray’ when the Chinese spacecraft crashed would that also be racist?

47.      The fools who wrote this hatchet job concluded that ‘Pam Bromley’s comments were unwanted conduct related to Jewish ethnicity.’ Except that she didn’t mention Jews!  That was the anti-Semitic inference of the authors of this report. (110)

48.      The Report finds that the unwanted conduct it identified was contrary to the Equality Act but equally breached the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism. Again that proves that its conclusions are junk.

The only fitting place for this shoddy report is in a wastepaper basket.  Indeed that would be a good place to deposit Labour’s racist leader, Sir Keir Sturmer.

Tony Greenstein

Racist Violence is what a Jewish state means in practice - Settler Reign of Terror During Palestinian Olive Harvest Courtesy of Israeli Security Forces


Israel’s Bar Ilan University warns Jewish students they will have to share dorms with Palestinian students

There really is little need to comment on this headlinebecause it speaks for itself. It is based on a reportin Hebrew. It used to be the case that Bar Ilan, a religious university in Tel Aviv used to have separate dorms for Arab and Jewish students. However after the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin by a student of Bar Ilan, Yigal Amir, there had to be some changes.

Jewish students in most Israeli universities are given the option of whether or not to share their accommodation with Palestinian Israeli students.  After all isn’t that what a Jewish State is about? 

When Keir Starmer told the Times of Israel

‘I said it loud and clear — and meant it — that I support Zionism without qualification.”

what he meant was that he supported segregation and Jewish supremacy, because that is what Zionism means. And if you said that the Zionist idea of separating Jews and Palestinians was racist, I’m sure that Starmer would say that you were being ‘anti-Semitic’. Because an anti-Semite these days is now being redefined as an anti-racist.  Bizarre isn’t it whilst actual racists like Steve Bannon and Richard Spencer are ‘supporters of the Jewish people’ and not anti-Semitic. That is what is mean by newspeak.

Is it racist to allow and permit segregation in education?  Perish the thought. This is self-determination!

In another example of what a Jewish state means I have copied 3 stories below about the reign of terror against Palestinian farmers in the West Bank, especially during the olive growing season.

The articlebelow describes the reign of terror that the illegal settlement of Yizhar wages against neighbouring Palestinian villages.  Not only does the Israeli army not protect the Palestinians but it actively protects the attackers and fires tear gas grenades into the homes of those under attack.

This aiding and abetting Israeli settler terrorists is exactly what used to happen when Jews in Russia came under attack from pogromists.  The Russian police only intervened when the Jews began to fight back against the anti-Semites.  So it is with Israel today.  Yet this is the situation that the execrable Starmer, fully backed by the pathetic Momentum and the even more pathetic John McDonnell supports when they classify anti-Zionism as ‘anti-Semitism’. Because that is what the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign and now the EHRC Report is about.

The second article is a Ha'aretz leading article on the wave of terror directed at Palestinian farmers. It excoriates the Israeli Police for deliberately turning a blind eye to settler violence. Just 9% of cases result in any form of police prosecution or action.

The third articledescribes the attack on an elderly Palestinian farmer, aged 73.  He had a large rock thrown at his head by 4 Jewish terrorists.  The Zionist Police of course did nothing.  This is the state of affairs in the ‘only democracy in the Middle East’.

Tony Greenstein

At the Foothills of an Israeli Settlement, Palestinians Are Used to Weekends of Terror

Five people wounded – that was the bloody toll of two assaults last weekend by settlers from Yitzhar and its neighboring outposts on Palestinian villagers in the West Bank. Guess which of the sides gets army protection

Mohammed Zaben and his father Imad, in a neck brace. “In the name of God, don’t throw stones at us,” they pleaded with the settlers, who kept up their barrage.

Gideon Levy
Alex Levac

Published on 30.10.2020

The last row of houses in the village of Asira al-Qibliya, near Nablus in the West Bank, looks like a sort of fortress. Eight residential dwellings whose windows are protected with bars, courtesy of a European aid organization, their yards covered with a smattering of stones that have been thrown at them, encompassed by a fence, doors shuttered. The violent mountaintop settlement of Yitzhar next door has the people of this outlying region – not to say war zone – cringing with terror. The mobile homes of Shalhevet, one of nine unauthorized outposts that Yitzhar has spawned, are visible from the yard of the last house in Asira, looming ominously on a hilltop above the rest of the Palestinian village.

Across the way is an Israel Defense Forces base whose soldiers almost always show up together with the settler-ruffians, protecting them and sometimes also joining in the attacks on their Palestinian victims, firing live rounds into the air as well as stun grenades and tear gas. Next to Shalhevet’s trailers stands a round green structure. When there’s a light on inside, villagers say, they’re calm, but when it’s dark it’s a sign that yet another “price tag” action – some sort of retaliatory act – can be expected. Hence their name for the structure: the “price tag building.”

Occupants of that last row of homes in Asira know the drill: gather the children into one room, especially on weekends – “Friday-Saturday” is synonymous here with settler assaults – and turn up the volume of the television when they approach, so the frightened children won’t hear the barrage of stones the settlers let loose at their homes or the sounds of the soldiers’ stun grenades and shooting. Every night of the week a man from a different family stays awake to guard and to warn others if something is happening. That’s been the routine for almost 20 years. Last weekend, too.

Abd al-Basath Ahmed is a hardscrabble construction worker of 50 and the father of seven children, one of them with special needs. Last Saturday, he was at home with his wife Maisa and the family while the neighbors, some of them his relatives, went out to harvest olives in their groves nearby. Ahmed’s house and that of one of his sons are the last two houses in Asira; a simple metal fence separates them from a valley below and the hill on the other side where Yitzhar is perched. The fence was torn this week, following the latest attack by the settlers.

At about 3:30 P.M. on Saturday, he told us when we visited this week, Ahmed’s nephew, who lives in the house behind his, called to say that he could see settlers descending from the mountain. Ahmed immediately looked outside. This time they were coming from the northeast, from the direction of Shalhevet. Ahmed spotted a group of 18 to 20 settler men, dressed in white – they always wear white, in honor of the Sabbath – marching down the slope of the hill toward the village. When they drew closer they put on masks, as they always do. They carried stones. Big ones, some of them folded up in their shirts. Ahmed’s impression was that they were an organized group, all apparently in their 20s.

Quickly he hustled the children and grandchildren into his house and went up to the roof with Maisa to see what lay in store. The raiders were busy breaching the metal fence outside his yard. Ahmed decided to go down to try to stop them, a stick in his hand. His fear was that the group would break into his house, and he was the only adult male left in the area; all the others were helping in the olive harvest.

The settlers tore open the fence, and one of them entered the yard. A hail of stones was unleashed by the others. Ahmed had nowhere to escape and no way of protecting himself. One stone struck his skull, another his left shoulder and a third slammed into his thigh, smashing the mobile phone in his pocket. The settlers didn’t utter a word, he recalled, only threw stones.

Israel's Illegitimate 'Demographic Balance'

Abd al-Basath Ahmed next to the breached fence in Asira al-Qibliya.Credit: Alex Levac

Settlers Hurled Rocks at the Palestinian Farmer's Head. His Age Didn't Deter Them

Ahmed is wearing stained work clothes, his face etched with weariness, as he talks to us. As blood streamed from his head, he says, the settlers retreated: They had had enough. But by then, the army had arrived from the hill across the way, from the all-seeing base overlooking the entire area. As usual, the mission of the soldiers, six in number this time, was to protect the assailants. They aimed stun grenades at Ahmed’s house, while acting as a buffer between it and the settlers and firing live ammunition in the air. The empty casings remained in his yard. Material evidence.

The soldiers were relatively restrained this time, Ahmed relates: Breaking with custom, they didn’t fire tear gas into the house. He terms this a “gesture.” He has a permanent kit to be used against tear gas, at home: rags soaked in a solution of baking soda. It helps, he says. They also have a fire extinguisher, for any contingency.

The settlers actually renewed their stone throwing when the soldiers showed up. Hiding behind the troops, they apparently felt safer, more protected. The soldiers didn’t lift a finger to stop them – they never do, Ahmed says. They ordered him to hide until a Palestinian ambulance arrived to take him for treatment. He sat in a corner of the yard, blood oozing from his head; Maisa tried to stanch the bleeding with a piece of cloth. In the meantime, seven more settlers showed up to join their friends. Ahmed waited an hour for the ambulance to arrive; the soldiers made no effort to assist or evacuate him.

The IDF Spokesperson’s Office issued the following response on Wednesday to Haaretz:

“Last Saturday, there was friction between Israelis and Palestinians in the village of Asira al-Qibliya, which involved the throwing of stones by both sides. An IDF force was dispatched to the scene to serve as a barrier between those disturbing the peace, in order to put an end to the incident, among other ways by means of crowd dispersal. As opposed to what has been claimed, the stun grenades that were in use were not directed at the house in the village.”

Ahmed was taken to Rafadiya Hospital in Nablus, where he received six stitches in his head and then was released.

Asira al-Qibliya.Credit: Alex Levac

A few months ago, when the Israeli Civil Administration removed a mobile home, deemed illegal in Yitzhar, the settlers’ attacks intensified, taking place daily over the course of a week. That was the outlet for their anger.

This situation has continued unabated since 2002. In some cases the settlers raid the village at night and damage residents’ cars – as they did in 2012, setting some vehicles on fire – but for the most part they attack the houses at the edge of the village stones, and don’t dare enter it.

In April, Ahmed’s brother planted a fig tree in the area between his house and the hill across the valley. Yitzhar’s security officer arrived immediately and ordered him to uproot the tree. He refused. The next morning he found the tree had been set on fire.

Two years ago, the same brother tried to file a complaint with the police after settlers torched his taxi. Following a humiliating wait of hours, he was told by the police that he hadn’t paid an old traffic ticket, and that unless he did so they would not accept his complaint. Since then, the family has stopped making complaints to the police about the attacks on them.

In some instances the settlers arrive only to provoke or frighten the villagers. They take up positions next to the metal fence near the houses and dance and sing. One way or another, there isn’t a quiet Saturday.

“And now another Shabbat is coming,” Ahmed told us with a bitter smile before we parted.

One of Imad Zaben's sons, who asked his name not be used, his hand in a cast. Credit: Alex Levac

The yard of a house in another village, Burin, on the other side of Yitzhar. Imad Zaben, a blacksmith of 59, sits surrounded by his wife and children, wearing a neck brace following the spinal surgery he underwent three weeks ago.

Last Friday, the day before the attack on Asira al-Qibliya, wearing his brace, Zaben and his family – his wife, his brother and some children and grandchildren – were harvesting olives in the family grove about three kilometers from Yitzhar, in the valley below. Never had they encountered problems during the harvest; this time, too, the day began quietly.

But after a few uneventful hours, at around 12:30, stones began to rain down on them from above. Zaben’s son, Mohammed, 32, suffered a skull fracture when he was struck by a stone. Another son, 28 (who asked that his name not be used), suffered a broken arm; a stone fractured the arm of Zaben’s brother, Bashir, 64; and his nephew, Ahmed, 34, Bashir’s son, was also struck in the arm. All told, four members of one family were injured. Zaben, who was careful and very worried because of his back surgery, managed to emerge unscathed; his sons protected him bodily.

The rain of stones surprised them: Because the settlers throwing them were situated above them, just meters away, on the hill, initially, the Zaben family didn’t see them.

“In the name of God, don’t throw stones at us,” they pleaded with the settlers, who didn’t utter a word but kept up their barrage – as in Asira the following day.

Despite his head injury Mohammed rode off on the horse he had brought to the site, and the settlers started to flee, though not before throwing a few more stones. Other members of the family quickly got into their cars and hurried home. Mohammed was taken by ambulance to Rafadiya Hospital and from there was transferred to the intensive care unit in Istishari Hospital in Ramallah. He was discharged after three days.

The Zaben family won’t be returning to their grove this harvest season.

Mohammed Zaben and his father Imad, in a neck brace. “In the name of God, don’t throw stones at us,” they pleaded with the settlers, who kept up their barrage.

Editorial |

Settler Violence Against Palestinian Farmers Only Grows During Harvest Time

Destroyed olive tree in the village of Mreir, West Bank, January 24, 2019.Credit: Alex Levac

Not even the coronavirus pandemic, which has derailed the entire world, managed to stop the seasonal outbreak of settler violence during the olive harvest, or the odor of collaboration by Israeli law enforcement agencies that always accompanies it.

On the contrary, according to one of the leaders of the Palestinian activist organization Faz3a, which sends volunteers to the orchards to help Palestinian farmers, this year has seen a rise in the number of violent incidents and in the level of settler aggression. The Israeli organization Yesh Din: Volunteers for Human Rights has documented 25 incidents related to the harvest since the harvest season began. These range from stealing olives to burning or chopping down trees to violent assaults on the harvesters. To date, more than 400 trees have been cut down and around 50 have been torched.

The economic fallout from the pandemic has not spared the occupied territories. As a result, the olive harvest has become a primary source of income for many families. The lawless settlers who steal the olives and uproot the trees aren’t only vandalizing Palestinian property; they are also sabotaging the livelihoods of entire families at a very difficult time.

Ohad Hemo of Channel 12 Television News reported on settler violence during the harvest last week. A moment before he and his crew were attacked by criminals from the settlements, he filmed a masked settler telling a landowner from the Palestinian village of Burqa, “God gave us this land. I’m the son of Allah and you are his slave.” This ugly arrogance captures perfectly the sick mood that has been spreading through the settlements. The Jews are the lords of the land and the Palestinians are slaves, even when the Palestinians are the legal owners of that land.

Israeli Police Investigating Uprooting of Olive Trees in West Bank Village

Palestinian Farmers Lose Hundreds of Olive, Fig Trees to West Bank Vandals

Hundreds of Trees Destroyed in West Bank Palestinian Villages, Israeli Rights Groups Report

But the settlers would not be so successful in their oppression and theft were it not for the inaction of Israeli law enforcement agencies, which do almost nothing to bring criminals from the hilltop outposts to justice. According to Yesh Din’s figures, only nine percent of investigations into cases in which Israelis assaulted Palestinians or damaged their property in the West Bank from 2005 to 2019 ended in charges being filed against the suspects. Fully 82 percent of these cases were closed for reasons that attest to the police’s failure to investigate. And when it comes to investigations into vandalizing trees, the percentage of cases in which anyone is indicted is even lower.

These pogroms are taking place in the name of Israel as a whole, and Israel as a whole bears responsibility for them. The law enforcement agencies, and especially the Judea and Samaria District police, treat Palestinian complainants with abysmal contempt and fail to prosecute violent settlers even when their actions and their identities have been fully documented. In effect, the state is telling the lawbreakers that they can continue to commit crimes without let or hindrance. Israel has thereby revealed its great and hidden goal – pushing the Palestinians out of the occupied territories.

Settlers Hurled Rocks at the Palestinian Farmer's Head. His Age Didn't Deter Them

Settlers stoned and injured a 73-year-old Palestinian in his grove, others vandalized another farmer's 200 trees. A journey during the season of harvest – which is also clearly the season of settler violence

At home on the outskirts of the West Bank village of Na’alin, an elderly farmer, Khalil Amira, is nursing a head wound he suffered when settlers stoned him while he harvested olives in his grove – in front of his daughter and grandchildren. About an hour’s drive south, in the village of Jab’a, two other aged farmers are lamenting the damage wrought to their olive trees by other thugs. And these are only three recent examples of the dozens of Palestinian harvesters who are being assaulted on their lands on an almost daily basis.

It’s autumn, with its clouds and its howling wind, as the old Israeli song goes, and it’s also the season of the olive harvest – and with it settlers who go on a rampage every year at this time, across the West Bank. It’s not autumn if there’s no olive harvest, and there’s no olive harvest without settler rampages. And the start of this season bodes ill.

Several weeks into the harvest, which began this year on October 5, the Yesh Din – Volunteers for Human Rights NGO has already documented 25 violent incidents, and no one apparently intends to put a stop to them. The police accept complaints and take down testimonies, but that seems to be the extent of their activity.

According to Yesh Din, between 2005 and 2019, only 9 percent of the complaints filed by Palestinians over Israelis’ violence against them ended with the alleged perpetrators being brought to trial. Fully 82 percent of the cases were closed, including nearly all of the complaints about the destruction of olive trees.

Amira is surrounded by family in his fine house in Na’alin, west of Ramallah. His head is bandaged, concealing 15 stitches; his family envelops him with concern and warmth. Since being wounded last week by a stone thrown at him by settlers, he’s returned to the hospital twice, because of possible intracranial bleeding. A working man of 73, Amira was employed for 20 years as a welder in the predominantly ultra-Orthodox city of Bnei Brak, in Israel; he also worked for years at Elco, an industrial conglomerate. His father left him, his two sisters and his six brothers 100 dunams (25 acres) of olive trees, which he has been cultivating since his retirement, after becoming ill with a heart ailment. He speaks Hebrew fluently, and he and his family are gracious hosts.

Khalil Amira at his home. Credit: Alex Levac

Amira’s access to his land was cut off in 2008 by the construction of the West Bank separation barrier – a fate that befell many Palestinian farmers. Part of his property was also expropriated for the establishment of a settlement called Hashmona’im, which is on the other side of the barrier, yet another annexation-type stunt. Recently, settlers ruined the two wells that were his on land adjacent to Hashmona’im. They would descend into one of the wells with a ladder and wash themselves in it, contaminating the water. The settlers also made a breach in the fence that encircles Hashmona’im and dumped garbage and construction debris on another part of his land – the evidence is still there. Amira filed a complaint with the Binyamin District police, and the dumping stopped for a time, but it resumed last February. It was clear that the perpetrators of the recent assault on him also set out from Hashmona’im, even if they were not necessarily residents of the settlement.

For 11 years, the farmer was unable to visit the land he owns, adjacent to the fence surrounding Hashmona’im – others were able to work it for him – until last fall, when he was able to harvest his olives with no interference. He wanted to do the same this year. The Israel Defense Forces allow him four days to pick olives – with advance coordination. Amira was supposed to start picking Monday last week, but because of a doctor’s appointment, he didn’t arrive until the following day.

They set out early in the morning: Amira, his son Raad, 47, his daughter Halda, 35, and three young grandchildren. The IDF does not permit them to arrive at their lands by vehicle, so they had to walk about a kilometer from the gate in the separation fence. By about midday they had collected enough olives to fill a large sack. Raad hoisted a bag with half of the olives onto his shoulder and carried it to the gate, and then returned for the other half. Seeing that Raad was tired, his father told him he didn’t have to come back again.

At 2:30 P.M., Amira hid the tools he had used in the grove, before his departure. When he returned from the hiding place, he saw that his daughter and grandchildren had already left. On his way to the gate he saw his grandson’s knapsack on the ground. He picked it up and continued to walk, when suddenly he heard shouts.

In a nearby grove, he saw four masked young people throwing rocks at his nephew, Abd al-Haq, and his son, Yusuf, who were working there separately. Spotting Amira, the masked men began hurling rocks at him as well. The fact that he was elderly apparently made no impression on them. According to Amira, they had large rocks that they had brought with them. Otherwise, they were not armed and did not wield clubs. He tried to evade the onslaught but could not escape. At one point, he was struck on the left side of his head, and he collapsed to the ground. He doesn’t know how long he lay there, nor does he remember any more about the person who threw the rock that hit looked like.

 “They didn’t look like people to me, but devils,” he tells us now.

Soldiers appeared out of nowhere and administered first aid. His wife and the three grandchildren, also arrived, and were distraught. Blood streamed from his head, and an army paramedic stanched the wound. The soldiers summoned an Israeli ambulance to meet them at Hashmona’im. Amira managed to walk with the aid of the soldiers, but the Druze guard at the settlement’s gate refused to allow any of them to enter.

“Your dogs attacked me and you guard them and don’t let me in?” Amira said to him angrily, in Arabic.

Mohammed Abu Subheiya.Credit: Alex Levac

An IDF jeep arrived and took him to the Nili checkpoint, where he was transferred to a Palestinian ambulance and taken to the Ramallah Governmental Hospital. There Amira was stitched up and held for three days to check for possible intracranial bleeding. After he was released at the end of the week, however, he started to suffer from headaches and vomiting. He returned to the hospital this past Sunday, was checked and released again. He was still experiencing headaches and continuing to throw up this week when we visited.

Amira tells us that he feels even more determined than he did before the incident. Of course he will return to his land, there’s no question, he asserts. It’s his property, no one is going to stop him. He has already filed a complaint with the police, and handed over an Israeli ID card that his nephew found at the site of the attack. It belongs to a Y.C., born in 2003, resident of Ganei Modi’in, a neighborhood in the ultra-Orthodox settlement of Modi’in Ilit.


Trees that were cut down in Mohammed Abu Subheiya's grove. Credit: Alex Levac

Mohammed Abu Subheiya, 63, a father of eight, is waiting next to his house in Jaba, north of Hebron. For 24 years he worked in Ashdod for Ashtrom, an Israeli construction company. Lately he’s been working in construction in Israel with other employers.

In 1990, Abu Subheiya’s father planted 22 dunams of olive trees, which Abu Subheiya tends in his spare time.

We walk with him down a precipitous, rock-strewn trail to his plot of land, which lies in the valley that runs between Jaba and the settlement of Bat Ayin, which gained notoriety in 2002 when a terrorist underground was uncovered there. Some of the settlers there are newly religious, including some from the Bratslav Hasidic sect. Bat Ayin is where the assailants of the Jaba groves come from.

Abu Subheiya hadn’t visited his grove since early March, because of the coronavirus crisis, which forced him to remain in Israel and not go back and forth to the West Bank. At the beginning of October, the International Red Cross informed him that days had been set for him to harvest the trees in his grove, which lies in a danger zone because of the Bat Ayin settlers. Arriving there on October 4, he was stunned to see that only about half of the 48 trees he has here were still intact. The assailants had gone from tree to tree and sawed off the branches or uprooted the trunks completely. It will take five years for the damaged trees to recover and bear fruit again, he tells us.

We walk from one tree to the next, examining their battered branches, and reflect on the malice of people who are capable of wreaking such destruction upon the fruit of the earth and upon those who work the land. An aroma of sage wafts from bushes along the edges of the grove. Across the way, the mobile homes of Bat Ayin are perched on the slope of a hill. Abu Subheiya says that when the settlers approach his land he flees in fear. After the incident early this month, he too filed a complaint with the police, at the station in the ultra-Orthodox settlement of Betar Ilit; some officers even came to see his grove, but since then he has heard nothing from them. Nor will he. Five years ago, settlers spread a chemical substance on the ground that poisoned 13 of his oldest trees, whose jagged trunks still stand as a silent monument in the grove.

“They work very slowly,” he says of his attackers. “That’s their politics. To destroy slowly, every time somewhere else, so we will remain without olives.”

We descend the hill on the other side of the village, opposite Betar Ilit. The road leading to the olive groves was demolished by the Israeli Civil Administration six years ago, because this is Area C (under full Israeli control). Access now is possible only in a 4x4 vehicle.

Khaled Mashalla at the improvised parking lot.Credit: Alex Levac

“Why does a road bother anyone,” asks Abu Subheiya. “You want to take our land – take it. But why does a road bother anyone? We paved an asphalt road. They came and smashed it to bits.”

We are now making our way on foot to the grove belonging to Khaled Mashalla, 69, on the lower slope of the steep valley. The remains of the ruined road are still evident under the dirt. Only the section near the village was demolished, the rest was left paved as it was.

Last week, assailants came here, too, and uprooted dozens of trees; trunks and broken branches are strewn along the way. Mashalla estimates that he lost 220 trees. He’s an amiable, colorful man who works in the improvised parking lot at the Gevaot checkpoint for Palestinian laborers who cross into Israel, Together with his business partner, he takes 7 shekels ($2) protection money per car per day to guard it against theft. Plump and gleeful, he wears a tattered felt hat that he removes in a theatrical gesture to reveal his bald head. He and his brothers own 400 dunams of olive trees in the area.

The vandalism occurred on the night between Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. The Bedouin who live on the edge of the village called Mashalla to say that they saw headlights in his grove that night. The next afternoon, when he got there after working at the checkpoint, he couldn’t believe his eyes. Dozens of branches had been sawed off. When we visit, we see that the younger trees were spared. They had been wrapped in plastic tubing, to protect them from the gazelles.

ZIONISM - What it is and Why it is Important? Zoom Meeting with Moshe Machover and Tony Greenstein


 Was it inevitable that Zionism would create an Apartheid monstrosity in Palestine?

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On Wednesday November 4th Moshe Machover, one of the founders of Matzpen, the Socialist Organisation in Israel, and myself will try and answer the question, ‘What is Zionism’.

Why is Zionism important? Why not just focus on Palestine solidarity? In her Report on racism Shami Chakrabarti asked:

Moshe Machover

‘surely it is better to use the modern universal language of human rights, be it of dispossession, discrimination, segregation, occupation or persecution and to leave Hitler, the Nazis and the Holocaust out of it?

This is an attractive argument but it is also a false one and speaks to nothing more than Chakrabarti’s own abysmal ignorance.

Let us imagine if, in Apartheid South Africa, someone had said that it’s better to concentrate on human rights, discrimination, particular instances of dispossession and exploitation when someone raised the question of Apartheid. They would have been laughed out of court if not branded as an apologist for racism. 

Matzpen - Socialist Organisation in Israel

Why then the distinction between Israel and South Africa?  It is clear that because Israel calls itself a Jewish State that people, bearing in mind the holocaust, are wary of accusing it of behaving as the anti-Semites behaved towards the Jews. Imagine if 200,000 South Africa expatriates had lived in Britain during the apartheid erea and when people campaigned against Apartheid they protested that this was anti-Afrikaaner racism and that Apartheid was part of their identity.

Yet when people oppose Zionism they are told that it is anti-Semitic because the majority of British Jews identify with Israel. Of course British Jews are not expatriates but according to Zionist ideology they are aliens. Israel is the ‘real home’ of Jews. Indeed it is one of the unspoken aims of Zionism to alienate Jews from their surroundings.  Zionism has always had as one of its foundational aims the winding up of the accursed Galut (exile), their name for the Jewish diaspora. This was called the Afrikaaner British Jews Galut ‘negation of the diaspora’.

To the Zionists anti-Zionism=anti-Semitism

According to David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister:

‘[Zionism] means taking masses of uprooted, impoverished, sterile Jewish masses, living parasitically off the body of an alien, economic body and dependent on others – and introducing them to productive and creative life.’  [Shlomo Avineiri, The Making of Modern Zionism, p.200]

Lucien Wolfe

Lucien Wolfe, the Secretary of the Board of Deputies Conjoint Foreign Committee described how:

I have spent most of my life in combating these very doctrines, when presented to me in the form of anti-Semitism, and I can only regard them as the more dangerous when they come to me in the guise of Zionism. They constitute a capitulation to our enemies.’ [B Destani (ed) The Zionist movement and the foundation of Israel 1839-1972 Cambridge 2004, Vol 1, p727].

Moshe Lillienblum, an early Zionist, believed that ‘aliens we are and aliens we shall remain, even if we become full to the brim with culture…’ [Lillienblum, Let Us Not Confuse the Issues, Hertzberg p. 170].

Heinrich Class of the Pan German League

The anti-Semites were grateful for the Zionist acknowledgement that what they said about Jews was true. Heinrich Class, President of the 100,000 strong Pan German League, who was made an honorary member of the Reichstag on Hitler's assumption of power, wrote that:

“... among the Jews themselves the nationalist movement called Zionism is gaining more and more adherents ... They also declare openly that a true assimilation of the Jewish aliens to the host nations would be impossible... the Zionists confirm what the enemies of the Jews... have always asserted...”  [If I Were the Kaiser:  Daniel Frymman (pseudonym).

When it comes to Israel Zionism, the racist movement and ideology that is responsible for the plight of the Palestinians, is treated as if it’s a badge of ethnic identity. There is a deliberate conflation by Zionist of the categories of Jew and Zionist.

Chakrabarti is a good example of the muddled headed thinking of social democratic apologists for Israel and Zionism: She boasts that

Notwithstanding a vibrant Palestinian solidarity tradition, of all British political parties the Labour Party has the longest and most consistent record of support for Zionism, and the Labour Government quickly moved to recognise the new state of Israel upon its formation in 1948.

The Labour Party has indeed a long and shameful record of supporting Zionism going back to the War Aims Memorandum of August 1917. Why, one might ask, should the Labour Party support Zionism in 1917 when it was a minority cult within the Jewish community and had almost no working class adherents? Zionism then was a middle class affair.  Jewish socialists shunned it as a movement of class collaboration. Poalei Zion had just a few hundred members, most of them middle-class Fabian types.

Alec, a fictional character in Simon Blumenfeld’s novel Jew Boy remarked,

I don’t see why I should change one set of exploiters for another because they are Jewish.’  [Brian Klug, Anti-Zionism in London’s Jewish East End, 1890-1948, p.6].

Why did the Labour Party support them? The reason was because Labour was as much a party of the British Empire as the Tories. They particularly supported settler colonialism, which they saw as progressive and not exploitative despite the fact that Zionism was in alliance with the British Empire. The Labour Party sought out the most right-wing Jews and turned its back on the militant Jewish working class of the East  End and later the anti-fascist struggle.

The socialist movement has become infected with the politics of identity. So instead of looking critically at the British Jewish community and how it has become embourgeoisified, they are accorded equal status to oppressed Palestinian because in the language of identity politics British Jews too are a minority community and suffer the same of Black people.

Being a ‘minority’ is in itself a virtue according to the Guardian’s Jonathan Freedland.  So taking this to its logical absurdity a minority of exploiters or bankers or billionaires suddenly take on a progressive hue. The fact that Jewish identification with Israel is reactionary and that British Jews would be the first to protest if they were subject to even a fraction of the discrimination that the Palestinians experience, is considered irrelevant. Class politics have gone out of the window with much of the Left, including the Corbyn left.

Jews in Britain are White. They are privileged socio-economically and the majority define themselves in opposition to the Palestinians, although not as large a majority as the Zionist pretend.  According to the survey The Attitude of British Jews Towards Israel 59% of British Jews identify as Zionists and 31%.

The IHRA definition of ‘anti-Semitism’ is based on the supposition that Israel represents Jews collectively. This means accepting that Jews are an alienated part of British society. It is why the definition is anti-Semitic ! If your only method of understanding society is in terms of identity not class politics you have no means of differentiating between persecuting and persecuted minorities, the exploited and the exploiting.

Identity Politics nonsense from Chakrabarti - of course Jews could define themselves as Martians but that doesn't mean one has to accept the self definition!

This is why Chakrabarti wittered on about having heard a

‘rich range of self-descriptions of both Jewishness or Zionism, even within the Labour Party.

Not only did Chakrabarti equate Jews with  Zionists but she treated Zionism, not as an ideology of Jewish supremacy but as one of many choices in a take away menu. Chakrabarti advised people

Chakrabarti knew nothing about Zionism otherwise she would know that it's Zionists who use Zionism as a euphemism for Jew

to use the term "Zionist" advisedly, carefully and never euphemistically or as part of personal abuse.

What this meant was that one should not call someone a Zionist in a derogatory fashion.  Those arguing this, the Jewish Labour Movement believed the term ‘Zionism’ was something to be worn with pride rather than as a badge of shame.

So why is Zionism important?

The reason is simple. If you don’t understand the ideology that led to the creation of the Israeli state and its functioning today you won’t understand why it is an inherently racist and expansionist state.

Zionism is based on the idea that the Jews form a nation, a nation separated by 2,000 years from its birthplace in Palestine. It is a convenient myth but that is all it is. European Jews have no attachment, other than religious, to Palestine. The direct descendants of the Hebrews who lived there at the time of Christ converted first to Christianity and then Islam. If anyone can claim a direct line of descent from the ancient Hebrews it is the Palestinians, as both David Ben Gurion and Yitzhak ben Zvi admitted.

The aim of Zionism has always been to ‘redeem’ the land, that is to alienate it from the indigenous population.

The best description of this process was in the report of the Hope Simpson Inquiry of October 1930 into the causes of bloody riots the preceding year.  Chaired by Sir John Simpson it went out to Palestine to investigate for itself and it was appalled by Zionist behaviour.

Chapter 5 ss. (iii) The Effect of the Jewish Settlement on the Arab is still relevant. After describing how leases for property from the Jewish National Fund stipulated that hired labour on land bought from absentee Arab landlords must be Jewish only, the Report said that

‘Attempts are constantly being made to establish the advantage which Jewish settlement has brought to the Arab. The most lofty sentiments are ventilated at public meetings and in Zionist propaganda. At the time of the Zionist Congress in 1921 a resolution was passed which '' solemnly declared the desire of the Jewish people to live with the Arab people in relations of friendship and mutual respect’ … This resolution is frequently quoted in proof of the excellent sentiments which Zionism cherishes towards the people of Palestine.

The Report goes on to note that their actions in dispossessing the natives ‘are not compatible with those sentiments.’ It concludes that:

The effect of the Zionist colonisation policy on the Arab.— Actually the result of the purchase of land in Palestine by the Jewish National Fund has been that land has been extraterritorialised. It ceases to be land from which the Arab can gain any advantage either now or at any time in the future. Not only can he never hope to lease or to cultivate it, but, by the stringent provisions of the lease of the Jewish National Fund, he is deprived for ever from employment on that land. Nor can anyone help him by purchasing the land and restoring it to common use. The land is in mortmain and inalienable. It is for this reason that Arabs discount the professions of friendship and good will on the part of the Zionists in view of the policy which the Zionist Organisation deliberately adopted.

When it asked the Zionist ‘trade union’ Histadrut for the reasons why Arab labour was the subject of a Boycott they were frank:

‘They pointed out that the Jewish colonies were founded and established by Jewish capital, and that the subscriptions of which this capital is composed were given with the intention that Jews should emigrate to Palestine and be settled there—that these subscriptions would never have been given had it been thought that they would be employed to support Arab labourers.’

In other words the Zionists operated a colour bar just as damaging as the colonists did in South Africa except that in this case they objected to any reemployment of Arab labour. The Arabs could go starve.

Why then is Zionism important? Well if the PLO had had an understanding of the nature of Zionism, that the Zionist settlers did not come to Palestine to share the land with the indigenous population but to expel them then they wouldn’t have agreed to the Oslo Accords, the biggest disaster for the Palestinians since the Nakba. If the PLO had understood Zionism then they would have understood that Israel could never voluntarily agree to relinquish its claim to any part of the Occupied Territories.  As the new Ambassador to Britain, religious nut Tzipi Hotoveli, then Deputy Foreign Minister, stated:

“We need to return to the basic truth of our rights to this country,” she said. “This land is ours. All of it is ours. We did not come here to apologise for that.”

Various left intellectuals have, as a result of the anti-Semitism campaign, which has become an Establishment narrative, beaten a retreat. Professor David Feldman of the Pears Institute of Anti-Semitism has reversed his position from opposition to the IHRA to supporting the Weaponisation of anti-Semitism.

See Failing to see the Wood for the Trees – A Response to Brian Klug’s The Left And The Jews and How David Feldman of Birkbeck and the Pears Institute Changed His Views to Accommodate Zionist McCarthyism

Another academic is Brian Klug. Brian too has bent with the wind. His attempt to rehabilitate Zionism began with a talk he gave to the SWP in July 2017. Klug based his critique on a misreading of an article by Aurora Levins Morales, a Puerto Rican feminist in On Antisemitism produced by Jewish Voice for Peace. Aurora referred to “a three-cornered argument” between the Orthodox, Zionists and socialists/communists in her grandmother’s shtetl about the solution to the pogroms. Brian uses this to suggest that Zionism is Janus faced, an ideology of emancipation as well as oppression.

Klug is wrong and tries to rationalise post hoc Zionist colonisation by reaching back in time to a period when it was a sigh of despair of the Jewish petit bourgeoisie when faced with anti-Semitism on the one hand and socialist revolutionaries on the other. Zionism is not ‘Janus faced.’  Zionism is consistent but of course it changed during the flight from the Russian Pale of Settlement to Palestine.

When Zionism first arose it expressed the desire of Jewish intellectuals and the petit-bourgeosie for their own Promised Land, a safe haven where Jews would be free to exploit each other without the interference of the goy. The prayer ‘Next year in Jerusalem’, which is recited each day by the Orthodox, in essence meant, as Bernard Lazare observed, no more than an expression of hope that next year we will be free. The Jewish masses had no more intention of emigrating to Palestine than American Jews do today and of the 2 ½ million Jews who fled the Pale, just 1% went to Palestine.  America was their Promised Land.

If Zionism had simply remained a messianic movement like so many before it, it could have been dismissed as a sigh of the oppressed. In much the same way as Marcus Garvey’s Back to Africa movement represented Black reaction, not least in its alliance with the KKK, Zionism would have been a reactionary Jewish separatist movement. Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association also preached racial segregation and racial pride.

Zionism wasn’t just a backward reaction to anti-Semitism. Its aimed to seek an alliance with imperialism and Theodor Herzl, the founder of Political Zionism, spent his whole life seeking out the various rulers of Europe, from the Ottoman Sultan to the German Kaiser.

Zionism as it developed can only be understood in the context of its alliance with British imperialism, consolidated in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and all that flowed from that. Zionism was a junior partner of British imperialism from 1917 to 1945. From 1945 onwards, indeed earlier in the case of the Irgun, Zionism fought the British in just the same way as the Boers had done. It sought independence from its imperialist sponsor.

Hungarian neo-Nazi Sebastian Gorka - invited guest at the Zionist Organisation of America gala dinner

Hitler of course gave the Zionist project a massive boost and that was why, when the vast majority of Jews instinctively wanted to Boycott Hitler and the Nazis the Zionists fought so strongly against Boycott. Zionism never once fought anti-Semitism although today it seeks to brand everyone and everything who disagree with it as anti-Semitic .

That is one of the ironies of the present day fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign. In the United States the Zionists have allied with Trump who fought an openly anti-Semitic campaign in 2016. His final advert in that campaign featured images of prominent Jews: financier George Soros (accompanying the words “those who control the levers of power”), Fed Chair Janet Yellen (with the words “global special interests”) and Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein (following the “global power structure” quote). It showed Hillary Clinton saying she partnered “with these people who don’t have your good in mind.”. He has made repeated anti-Semitic comments since such as telling American Jews that their ‘real home’ is in Israel not the USA.

This didn’t stop the Zionist Organisation of America inviting Steve Bannon, Trump’s anti-Semitic Strategic Director and the neo-Nazi Sebastian Gorka, another Trump adviser, as guests of honour at the ZOA’s 2016 and 2017 annual gala dinners.

Just as it doesn’t stop the Israeli state today supplying the Ukrainian neo-Nazi Azov Battalion with weaponry just as it did with the neo-Nazi Argentinian Junta in the 1970s and 1980s.

Zionism was unique among the very many Jewish movements that sprang up in reaction to Czarist anti-Semitism.  It accepted that Jews were aliens and therefore incapable of living amongst non-Jews. Indeed it was their very estrangement, living in an alien society that had caused the anti-social behaviour in the first place, which had resulted in anti-Semitism. The anti-Semites told the Jews that they were different and could not expect equal rights. The Zionists agreed.

Many of the things that Zionists said about the Jewish diaspora could have come from the Nazis or anti-Semites. For example Israel’s first Justice Minister, Pinhas Rosenbluth described Palestine as ‘an institute for the fumigation of Jewish vermin’. [Joachim Doron, Classic Zionism and modern anti-Semitism: parallels and influences’, Journal of Israeli Affairs p.169 

Jacob Klatzkin, editor of Die Welt and co-founder of Encyclopedia Judaica held that Jews were:

‘a people disfigured in both body and soul – in a word, of a horror… some sort of outlandish creature… in any case, not a pure national type... some sort of oddity among the peoples going by the name of Jew.’ [Arthur Hertzberg, the Zionist Idea, pp. 322/323]

Hitler and Rosenberg, a supporter of Zionism

Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi Party’s theoretician and head of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories, wrote in 1919 that

‘Zionism must be vigorously supported in order to encourage a significant number of German Jews to leave for Palestine or other destinations [Francis Nicosia, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question, p.25].

Rosenberg ‘intended to use Zionism as a legal justification for depriving German Jews of their civil rights’. He ‘sanctioned the use of the Zionist movement in the future drive to eliminate Jewish rights, Jewish influence and eventually the Jewish presence in Germany.  (Francis Nicosia, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question, pp. 25-26]. Rosenberg who presided over a regime of terror and mass murder in captured Soviet territories was executed as a war criminal at the Nuremburg trials in 1946. 

Sir Samuel Montagu anti-Zionist Jewish MP for Whitechapel

Sir Samuel Montagu, the MP for Whitechapel (1885-1900) asked:

 ‘Is it not... a suspicious fact that those who have no love for the Jews, and those who are pronounced anti-Semites, all seem to  welcome the Zionist proposals and aspiration.?’[Sir Samuel Montagu, The Dangers of Zionism]

Not only did the anti-Semites welcome Zionism but Zionism welcomed them. That was why, in the middle of the Dreyfus Affair Herzl could write in his diaries that

In Paris... I achieved a freer attitude towards anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognise the emptiness and futility of trying to 'combat' anti-Semitism.

Today Zionism calls itself a ‘national liberation movement’. Colonialism is no longer in fashion or part of the zeitgeist. But when it was fashionable to be a colonialist then Zionists were open colonists. Herzl wrote on January 

Extract from Herzl's Diaries - Letter from Herzl to Cecil Rhodes

11th 1902, to Cecil Rhodes, the Prime Minister of Cape Colony from 1890-1896 and after whom Rhodesia was named, saying:

“You are being invited to help make history...it doesn’t involve Africa, but a piece of Asia Minor; not Englishmen but Jews… How, then, do I happen to turn to you since this is an out-of-the-way matter for you? How indeed? Because it is something colonial… I want you ... to put the stamp of your authority on the Zionist plan and to make the following declaration to a few people who swear by you: I, Rhodes have examined this plan and found it correct and practicable. It is a plan full of culture, excellent for the group of people for whom it is directly designed, and quite good for England, for Greater Britain…."

Chakrabarti asked why raise the holocaust and the Nazis. One reason is because Zionism cynically and deliberately exploits the memory of the holocaust in the service of their bloody racist enterprise. It is useful to see what Zionism was actually doing whilst the holocaust was taking place. The comparison by 9 holocaust survivors of Zionist policies with that of Nazi Germany is invaluable.

Rudolf Vrba - Escaped from Auschwitz - anti-Zionist who condemned Zionist collaboration with the Nazis

Rudolph Vrba, one of only 4 Jewish escapees from Auschwitz, wrote that

“The Zionist movement of Europe played a very important role in the mass extermination of Jews. Indeed, I believe that without the cooperation of Zionists it would have been a much more difficult task….

Vrba with Alfred Wetzler escaped from Auschwitz on April 10 1944 with the intention of warning Hungarian Jewry that they were next in line for extermination. Their report, the Auschwitz Protocols was delivered to the Zionist leader from Hungary, Rudolph Kasztner, who promptly suppressed it in order that he could negotiated a separate agreement with the Nazis allowing 1,646, mainly Zionist and bourgeois Jewish leaders to escape from Hungary in a special train. In exchange Kasztner kept secret where the deportation trains were actually heading. Kasztner was accused by survivors of the Hungarian holocaust of complicity in the extermination of Jews in the Kasztner Trial in Israel from 1954-1958.  Judge Benjamin Halevi of the Jerusalem District Court ruled in 1955 that Kasztner had sold his soul to the devil. The Israeli government of Moshe Sharrett promptly collapsed because they had defended Kasztner, a member of the Israeli Labor Party Mapai.

Another reason for comparing Zionism and the Nazi is because the blood and soil ideology of Zionism bears a distinct similarity to that of the Nazis.  Both were what one might call volkish. Of course Zionism hasn’t exterminated the Palestinians though there are many Zionists now who would like to do so if it were politically feasible. But the genocidal outlook of many Israelis, over half of whom support the expulsion even of Israeli Palestinians from Israel suggests that Zionism’s belief in a Jewish state is no different from the belief of the Nazis in an Aryan ethno nationalist state.  Being Jewish has been transformed from a religious into a racial category.

All criticism of Israel is written off as ‘anti-Semitism’. But how else to explain the fact that Israel today arms and equips some of the most right-wing, racist and genocidal regimes like Myanamar.

People should not feel afraid of hurting the feelings of Zionists by making such comparisons.  If that is the only way to help them escape their indoctrination then it is all to the good!

Come and hear Moshe and myself on ‘What is Zionism’ and hopefully we can have a good debate afterwards.

Tony Greenstein

Reinstate Jeremy Corbyn – Stop the ‘Anti-Semitism’ Witchhunt


 Socialism Will Not Be Silenced by Starmer and his Neo-Liberal Friends

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UPDATE:  Chris Williamson is replacing Howard Beckett who had to pull out

If there was one message that I emphasised in the past 5 years it was that when they expelled Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth and myself it wasn’t us they were interested in.  We were collateral damage. The real target was Jeremy Corbyn. Unfortunately Corbyn chose not to listen and now he has become the victim of his and Jennie Formby’s own witchhunt.

On 22ndJuly Canary reported that Adam Cailler of the Jewish Telegraph had tweeted, based on ‘a few Labour sources’ that Starmer would suspend Jeremy Corbyn. This was picked up by David Collier, one of the Zionist ghouls behind the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign.

Assuming that Cailler hadn’t recently come into possession of a crystal ball then it is a fair bet that this was leaked by Starmer’s office to test the water.

This appeared 3 months ago - it is clear Corbyn's suspension was planned months ago

The statement that Corbyn issued after the release of the EHRC Report had nothing to do with his suspension. It was merely a pretext, just as Rebecca Long-Bailey’s retweet of Maxine Peake ‘anti-Semitic conspiracy theories’ was also a pretext for her dismissal.

If Starmer had long planned the suspension of Corbyn then we can be sure that this was done with a view to his expulsion not reinstatement. The beliefof some like Jon Trickett that he will be reinstated is just wishful thinking. Starmer’s promise to unify the party and carry on with Corbyn’s manifesto pledges was always worthless. He was brought in to purge the Left not unite with it. Expelling those who disagree with you whilst putting hard right-wingers like Rachel Reeves at the heart of his shadow cabinet.

This was posted 3 months ago

Momentum and the ‘Socialist’ Campaign Group are clinging to their illusions whilst Ian Lavery tells fellow MPs to keep their heads down. Momentum first issued statement which protested that “This suspension risks politicising Labour's response to antisemitism.”

After 5 years Momentum’s co-chairs, Scattergood and Sriskanthan, are still no wiser as to what the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign of the Right was about. They still think that the Labour Right, which has never once in its long history displayed any concern over racism against Black and Muslim people, is genuinely concerned about anti-Semitism. The same creatures who supported the ‘hostile environment’ policy which resulted in the deportation of hundreds of Black British citizens have somehow developed an acute sensitivity to anti-Semitism.  And not only them but the whole of the gutter press, from the Sun and Mail to the Guardian.

I have yet to hear a credible explanation or indeed any explanation as to why the Sun and the Mail, which employedKatie Hopkins who believesrefugees are ‘cockroaches’ are so concerned about anti-Semitism. Perhaps it’s because ‘anti-Semitism’ is a weapon against the left instead of being a genuine phenomenon?

The Conclusions of the EHRC's Report were reached in advance of its writing - they were forced to delete critical comments on Chris Williamson

Who do Momentum think that Margaret Hodge, Tom Watson, Luciana Berger, all of whom drove the ‘anti-Semitism’ witchhunt, represent? Why should Tom Watson, who supported to the bitter end racist Labour MP Phil Woolas when the High Court forced him out of Parliament, be concerned about anti-Semitism? Watson confessedto having ‘lost sleep’ thinking about ‘poor Phil’.

Instead Momentum pathetically plead that the suspension ‘should be immediately lifted in the interests of party unity.’

Where have these blockheads been living?  Starmer’s only interest is in driving out the left from the Labour Party. If Momentum don’t recognise this it’s because they are wedded to the same reformist illusions as Lansman.

Momentum’s co-chairs describe the EHRC Report in completely uncritical terms as if the EHRC was a neutral, anti-racist body and not the Tory plaything it is currently. Scatterbrain says that:

for many it will make for difficult reading. It concludes that the Labour Party complaints process for antisemitism is inadequate, and expresses concern that the current process does not ensure fair and transparent sanctioning of antisemitism complaints. It also finds unlawful acts to have been committed by former Labour Party agents. 

Realising that this statement was hopeless Momentum’s leaders then issued a second statement which was even worse.

‘The suspension of Jeremy Corbyn by the Labour Party leadership is a factional attack on the left that inevitably undermines the fight against anti-semitism and makes a mockery of Keir Starmer’s pledge to unite the Party. Tonight our Party is more divided than ever.’ (my emphasis)

As if to underline that a ruthless purge is underway, London Regional Staff pulled the plug literally on the Zoom software on a London Regional Meeting which was about to discuss a motion condemning the suspension of Corbyn.

The reactionof Mick Moore, a London representative of Momentum was that ‘unity within Labour is “being systematically undermined by a culture of control-freakery and forced silence”. Wake up to reality Mick.  And what are you going to do about it with your 25,000 members?

New Momentum Chairs Scatterbrain and Sriskanthan are no different from Jon Lansman whose supporters they replaced

The new Momentum Forward leadership barely differs politically from Lansman’s Momentum. They still don’t get it that the ‘fight against anti-Semitism’ was a fight against the Palestinians. That is why, despite his concern over ‘anti-Semitism’ Starmer has refused even to meet with Palestinian representatives.  His declarationto the Times of Israel:

‘I said it loud and clear — and meant it — that I support Zionism without qualification.”

demonstrates that Starmer is a fully paid up racist when it comes to the victims of Zionism and the sooner people recognise this the better.

Momentum's 'solidarity' rally with Corbyn hauled up the white flag as they all pledge to 'fight antisemitism' still not realising that the 'antisemitism' weapon was devised to remove Corbyn

Momentum held a rallylast Friday.  Below is a report which was posted by Tina Werkman of Labour Left Alliance:

 ‘In last night’s shockingly tame Momentum rally, speaker after speaker repeated the lie that the Labour Party has a huge problem with anti-Semitism (culminating in John McDonnell’s renewed apology). Deborah Herrmans from Momentum said that, “the priority for the party must be who we improve how we tackle antisemitism”.

Not a word was said in solidarity with the thousands of other victims of the campaign of the right. Nobody dared to say the word ‘witch-hunt’. Richard Burgon welcomed a Labour government under Keir Starmer. Diane Abbott and every single Momentum speaker called for the full implementation of the EHRC report, which includes the setting up of an “independent” disciplinary process with the help of “Jewish stakeholders” (and they don’t mean Jewish Voice for Labour).

This is clearly inadequate – in effect, the mainstream Labour Left has given up. There is little point in staying in Starmer’s Labour Party if you are not prepared to fight!


Brighton and Hove Labour Left Alliance and many Labour members, including those who have been unjustly suspended or expelled in the latest purge, aren’t willing to accept that they should be sacrificial lambs for Zionism. The mass expulsions which are now taking place, have nothing to do with anti-Semitism and everything to do with Zionism and Israel. 

That was why Labour came under severe pressure from the Zionists to adopt the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism which deliberately conflates genuine anti-Semitism, hostility and hatred of Jews, to anti-Zionism and support for the Palestinians.

Independent Socialist Councillor Kate Knight

We have four speakers including Howard Beckett, the Assistant General Secretary of UNITE and Nicki Brennan, Councillor for East Brighton, who was ‘investigated’ by Starmer’s witchhunters and decided to quit Labour at the same time as another Labour councillor, Kate Knight. Greg Hadfield, who was removed as the elected Secretary of the District Labour Party and myself, the first Jewish expellee from the party, are also speaking.

What is being called 'bitchgate' - Carmen Appich is the real face of Starmer's Labour

Kate Knight, who earlier this year quitthe Labour Party, has recently been the recipient of the kinder, gentle politics of Starmer’s clones on Brighton and Hove Council.  The Chair of the Equalities Committee no less, Carmen Appich, called Kate a ‘bitch’ when she joined a meeting of the 70 strong housing management panel being held on Zoom. Fortunately she had not bothered to mute herself so her comments resounded around the meeting and everyone could know what an unpleasant individual she is as well as a hypocrite. Appich later apologised for what she called a ‘horrible mistake’but it’s difficult to know how a comment such as that can be a mistake.  The mistake was in not muting herself.

No one bears a greater responsibility on the Left for the suspension and pending expulsion of Corbyn than John McDonnell, who leapt to the defence of Margaret Hodge who should have been expelled - McDonnell scabbed throughout

If Corbyn is now be expelled by the same fast track procedures that Corbyn himself introduced then it will be a sort of justice.  He will understand just what injustices were done to hundreds of ordinary members. He is a fool who built the scaffold that may be used to hang him with.  Nonetheless we should support him because his proposed expulsion is a dagger aimed at the heart of the left. What is need is a vigorous campaign of non-compliance with David Evan’s dictats within the Labour Party.

What will but utterly useless is to think that mild pressure on Starmer will persuade him against expelling Corbyn.

All socialists welcome to attend.  Joining details below:

Tony Greenstein

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Passcode: 630177

Tony Greenstein –v- Campaign Against Anti-Semitism – A Battle is Lost but the War Goes On Against the Fake Anti-Semitism Campaign


High Court Judgment exonerating the McCarthyist Campaign Against Anti-Semitism is based on Judge Nicklin’s racist decision that anti-Semitism is a matter of opinion not fact

In the summer of 2014 Israel launched an attack on Gaza. According to the UN Office for Humanitarian Affairs 2,251 people, the vast majority civilians, were killed. US fighter jets were used to strafe and bomb refugee camps and peoples’ homes. The ‘terrorists’ that Israel was fighting included 551 dead children. The war was supportedby 95% of Israel’s Jewish population (rising at one stage to 97%). In Tel Aviv mobs took to the streets chantingThere's no school tomorrow,there's no children left in Gaza! Oleh!’

The reaction of people in Britain and the West was overwhelmingly hostile to a ‘war’ that was so one-sided and disproportionate. The Israelis lost about 70 killed, nearly all of whom were military personnel. A demonstration of 150,000 took to the streets in London.

The Board of Deputies tried to hold a national demonstration in support of the slaughter in Gaza but managed to attract only 4,000 people according to police estimates. Most Jews in Britain weren’t keen on being seen to side with genocidal massacres.

This was the context in which the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism came on the scene. In August 2014, whilst the slaughter of Palestinians was still going on, the CAA held a demonstrationagainst ‘anti-Semitism’. What was this ‘anti-Semitism’? Opposition to Israel’s campaign of mass murder.

With the election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party the CAA began focusing on attacking Corbyn and and the left leadership of the Labour Party. One of its first targets was the Jewish MP, himself a Zionist, Gerald Kaufman. During a previous Israeli attack on Gaza, Cast Lead, in 2008-9 Kaufman had famously compared the Israeli blitzkrieg to the Nazi attacks on Jews. He declared, in a speech in Parliament

"My grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza.

"The present Israeli government ruthlessly and cynically exploits the continuing guilt from gentiles over the slaughter of Jews in the Holocaust as justification for their murder of Palestinians."

When Kaufman made a comment about ‘Jewish money’ from Conservative Friends of Israel being responsible for the Tories’ unflinching support of Israel, the CAA targeted him with no less than 32 articles. They waged a nasty spiteful campaign and when Kaufman died they printed a vindictive and malicious obituary Sir Gerald Kaufman MP’s words have left a rotting stain on our institutions.  ‘Have They No Shame?’ I wrote. ‘Whilst his body is still warm – Fake ‘Anti-Semitism’ Charity Continues to Defame Gerald Kaufmann's Memory’.

My words were reminiscent of the fateful words of US Army Attorney Joseph Welch to Joseph McCarthy at the Senate Permanent Sub-Committee on Investigations. ‘Have you no sense of decency.’ The same can be said of the CAA.

As I became aware of the nefarious activities of this McCarthyist organisation I investigated further and in April 2016 I wrote ‘EXCLUSIVE - Lifting the Lid on the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism’.  On February 6 2017 I submitted a complaint to the Charity Commission that the CAA was a bogus charity and should be deregistered. Shortly after I launched a petition on Change.org asking people to support my campaign to deregister the CAA. The CAA was clearly a political organisation and by pretending to be a charity it was defrauding the taxpayer.  I wanted to make an honest person of it!

The CAA reacted by threateningChange.org with the possibility of legal action if they didn’t take the petition down. Since Change.org was based in the United States this was highly unlikely.  I submitted a lengthy response to the CAA and Change.org refused to take the petition down. See VICTORY as the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism Fails to Intimidate Change.org into Taking Down Petition.  To date the petitionhas over 8,500 signatures (please sign if you haven’t already).

Almost immediately after this, the CAA responded by calling me a ‘notorious anti-Semite’and referring to minor convictions, 30+ years old. In February 2018, just before the one year time limit was due to expire, I launched an action in the High Court for defamation. A year later, on February 15 2019 Nicklin J decided, at an interim hearing, that the statements (there were 5 articles) that I was a notorious anti-Semite, was a statement of opinion not fact.

Under the Defamation Act 2013 there are two principal defences to libel – truth or honest opinion. You can either claim that what you said was true (under section 2) or that it was a statement of ‘honest opinion’ (section 3).  You might imagine that the CAA were confident enough in their belief that I was a ‘notorious anti-Semite’ to defend their articles on the basis that it was true.

However you would be wrong.  They chose instead the ‘honest opinion’ defence because it didn’t matter whether what they said was true, all that was necessary was to show that they were honest persons. Or rather it was up to me to prove that they were dishonest and malicious. In other words the burden of proof was reversed.

You might find this surprising given the welter of accusations in recent times of ‘anti-Semitism’ Surely given the flood of accusations, the Zionists would have no difficulty in proving that us anti-Zionists were anti-Semitic?  Not a bit of it. When push comes to shove Zionists are extremely reluctant to prove the truth of their allegations.

In fact they are a bit like Donald Trump with his allegations of ballot rigging and fraud. The more allegations he makes the less evidence there is. So too with the fake 'antisemitism' campaign.

In the Labour Party where these allegations are made regularly one of the most remarkable features of the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign is that there are no victims.  Given that British Jews are said to have been terrorised by this campaign you might imagine that the broken victims of anti-Semitism might be everywhere.  In fact they are nowhere. There are no victims, which is another reason why it is possible to say that there is no such phenomenon as Labour anti-Semitism.

In the initial stages I sought help to launch the action from the Bar Pro Bono Unit, which is now called Advocate. I also launched a crowd funding appeal without which it would have been impossible to continue the litigation. I estimate that nearly a thousand people have contribute to my appeal and for that I am extremely grateful.

At the end of October, in a ghostly, almost deserted Royal Courts of Justice because of the coronavirus pandemic, Justice Tipples heard an application by the CAA to strike out my claim because, under Part 24 of what is called the Civil Procedure Rules, my application had no prospects of success. Last Friday the judgement was issued upholding the CAA’s application.

What follows is an analysis of Tipples judgement and my own comments on it. It is based on my witness statement.

Why the High Court’s Decision to Strike-Out My Claim Against the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism was itself a part of the Fake Antisemitism Campaign

The decisionof Tipples J to strike out my libel claim against the Campaign Against Anti-Semitismwas based on the ruling of Nicklin J last year that anti-Semitism is a matter of opinion not fact. This ruling, if nothing else, proves that the judiciary is institutionally racist. 

It represents a trivialisation and dismissal of racism. Racism is objective not subjective, a fact not an opinion, a reality not an illusion. Tell anyone who is the victim of a racist attack or racial harassment that what they experienced is subjective. Of course to a conservative judiciary racism probably is just a matter of opinion.

The CAA, a Zionist organisation masquerading as a charity, claimed that their avoidance of a full trial was ‘humiliating’ to me. I feel anger not humiliation that the High Court gives carte blanche to an organisation whose only purpose is closing down free speech. The CAA was established with one purpose and one purpose only. To paint supporters of the Palestinians and anti-Zionists as anti-Semitic. It has no other purpose. My only regret is that I have let down the hundreds of anti-racists who funded my action.

Despite being limited by Nicklin’s judgment, which was entirely devoid of any reasoning, Tipples decision was nonetheless a text-book lesson in how the judiciary can twist, distort and simply ignore any evidence that runs contrary to their own Establishment prejudices.  In particular Tipples determination to ignore similar fact evidence’  unfavourable to the CAA.

Shrine to mass murderer Baruch Goldstein in Kiryat Arba settlement

i.              I stated that the chant by far-Right settlers,‘Am Yisrael Chai’ (long live Israel) is equivalent to ‘heil Hitler’. Tipples equated this (para. 26) with comparing all Israelis to Nazis. What I actually said was in the context of Israeli settlers supporting Baruch Goldstein, a fellow settler who murdered 29 Palestinians and injured 125 who were worshipping in the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron. Tipples said that the context or the additional facts that the claimant wishes to rely on are irrelevant in relation to honest opinion defence.’According to this batty decision any evidence demonstrating that honesty is not something one normally associates with the CAA, was ruled out a priori.

As a matter of logic if I had said all Israelis are comparable to Nazis then that is not anti-Semitic.  It’s wrong but being wrong is not the same as anti-Semitism, a point her ladyship clearly didn’t understand.

ii.           Another example of evidence that Tipples ignored related to Jackie Walker, who the CAA has attacked 132 times on its web site. In one post, which they deleted when they realised their mistake, the CAA attacked Jackie for saying that Hitler wasn’t responsible for the Holocaust and that the Holocaust might be justified. What Jackie had actually done was to repeat a quotefrom David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister:

Why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country.... There has been antisemitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that?

The CAA were unaware that this quote was from Ben Gurion not Walker. This quotation first appeared in a book by Nahum Goldman, The Jewish Paradox. Despite being a former President of the World Jewish Congress and the World Zionist Organisation, it is clear that the CAA had never heard of Goldman. And why should they? Most Zionists are completely ignorant of the history of their own movement. The only thing they know about is the latest Israeli hasbara (propaganda).

The CAA saw the words Hitler and Auschwitz, and using their bastardised version of the IHRAput 2 and 2 together and got 6. Clearly if the CAA could twist a quote of Ben Gurion into that of a holocaust denier they are capable of distorting and twisting anything, which is exactly what they have been doing throughout their miserable existence. But the blinkered Tipples preferred to turn a blind eye. In her judgment no mention was made of this example of how the CAA can turn the most innocuous statement into anti-Semitism.

It demonstrated that the CAA deliberately smears and lies about anyone who is critical of Zionism or Israel. Tipples refused to accept anything that was probative of the CAA or questioned their honesty.

iii.        Another example was when Tipples found (para 41), in respect of a letterto the Guardian, in which I was the lead signatory, that

an honest person clearly could express the opinion on 26 February 2017... that the claimant had lied when he claimed in The Guardian newspaper that the IDA definition prevents criticism of Israel.’

Firstly there is no such thing as the IDA (International Definition of Anti-Semitism ). Bad as it is, the IHRA has two preceding paragraphs preceding the 11 illustrations of ‘anti-Semitism’, 7 of which define anti-Semitism in terms of Israel. They read:

The CAA has nothing to say about tabloid antisemitism attacking George Soros

Manifestations (of anti-Semitism) might include the targeting of the state of Israel.... However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic....Contemporary examples of antisemitism... could, taking into account the overall context, include... 

The CAA when branding someone as an anti-Semite deliberately strips out any context and takes any superficial breach of the 11 illustrations as proof of 'anti-Semitism'. Professor Ze’ev Sternhell for example, who was a child survivor of the holocaust, wrote an articlein Ha’aretz titled In Israel, Growing Fascism and a Racism Akin to Early Nazism. To the Zionist McCarthyists of the CAA, even a holocaust survivor is anti-Semitic yet the blinkered Tipples saw nothing wrong in this.  

Nor did our letter to the Guardian claim that the IHRA definition prevented criticism of Israel. What we said was that the IHRA was ‘designed to silence public debate on Israel’s crimes against the Palestinians.’ Clearly the distinction between the 2 statements above was too subtle for Tipples.

This letterwas signed by 62 people including 3 Jewish Professors. Over half the signatories were Jewish. Presumably they too were liars.

The IHRA states that it is anti-Semitic to ‘require of Israel behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.’ But Israel is not democratic. It is an ethno-nationalist Jewish state. In the West Bank there are 2 systems of law – one for Jews and military law for Palestinians. That is normally known as Apartheid.

Palestinians living in Israel are tolerated guests in a state that says they have no national rights. In the words of Benjamin Netanyahu

‘Israel is not a state of all its citizens. According to the basic nationality law we passed, Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people – and only it.

That is why Israel actively pursues a policy of ‘Judaisation’ of the Galilee, Jerusalem and the Negev, i.e. reducing the concentration of Arabs in the Galilee, Jerusalem and the Negev and surrounding them with Jewish communities (most Israelis live in Jewish only communities).

What we said in the letter was no different to what numerous people have said. Is the idiot Judge Tipples saying that an honest person could brand all of them anti-Semitic?

People such as the renowned human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson QC who describedhow the

looseness of the definition is liable to chill legitimate criticisms of the state of Israel and coverage of human rights abuses’.

Or Hugh Tomlinson QC who stated that the IHRA has ‘a potential chilling effect on public bodies’.

Not forgetting the Jewish former Court of Appeal judge, Sir Stephen Sedley.  According to Tipples he too must be a liar for stating, in an articleabout the IHRA that

Endeavours to conflate the two [anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism] by characterising everything other than anodyne criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic are not new.’

Even the person who drafted the IHRA, Kenneth Stern, claimed in testimony to the US Congress, that the CAA’s targeting of a Jewish lecturer, Rachel Gould, for writing an articleBeyond Anti-Semitism’ was 'egregious'. The CAA called on Bristol University to dismiss her. Stern described their behaviour as chilling and McCarthy-like’. Clearly Tipples believes that targeting academics for writing articles that fail their contrived ‘anti-Semitism’ test are the actions of honest people. Tipples has a strange definition of honesty.

iv.        Gideon Falter, Chairman of the CAA stated, in his witness statement, that Mr Greenstein is seeking to shut down the CAA’ in reference to my complaint to the Charity Commission. This was a clear and obvious lie. In my own witness statement I said that:

I merely wish to give it the same rights as any other political organisation, including the opportunity to pay its taxes. It is fraudulent to hide behind a charity’s tax shield when you are a political group.

Clearly Tipples thinks nothing of tax avoidance, despite it being, theoretically at least, a crime.

v.           Gideon Falter alleged that I lied in my complaint to the Charity Commission claiming:

On a date unknown, the Claimant told the Charity Commission that the CAA was not concerned with fascist groups who were Holocaust deniers.

I said no such thing. What I did say was that:

The CAA might be expected to concentrate on the far-Right and holocaust deniers if it was genuinely concerned about anti--Semitism. Instead it focuses almost solely on the Labour Party and to a lesser extent on the Lib Dems (my emphasis)

I followed this up on 10th February writing:

the CAA is not a charitable organisation. It is a political group masquerading as a charity, whose primary purpose is to libel and label critics of Israel and Zionism as anti-Semitic. It devotes most of its time to making false and damaging accusations against anyone who is supportive of the Palestinians and opposed to Zionism. Its web site is dominatedby articles and allegations to this effect.... 

vi.        The CAA waged a war against Corbyn contrary to Charity Commission rules about Charities remaining party politically independent, for example their call on July 22nd for Corbyn’s suspension (which Starmer has been only too happy to grant). 

vii.     I described how the CAA is not interested in calling out the anti-Semitism of supporters of Israel or Zionism giving Boris Johnson and his novel 72 Virgins as a specific example. Johnson claimedthat it is a ‘Jewish cabal who run the American media complex’ and that Jewish media moguls in Russia ran the TV stations and were engaged in ‘some kind of fiddling of the (election) figures.’ 

       There are numerous other examples. For example they not only say nothing about Zionist figures like Jonathan Hoffman who openly work with fascists and racists, as long as they support Israel, but they themselves work with these elements.  The CAA have nothing on their website which even mentions Tommy Robinson. I also provided as exhibits, photographs of the CAA’s Investigative Officer Steven Silverman in the company of Daniel Thomas, Robinson’s bodyguard.

The CAA said nothing about Jacob Rees-Mogg’s retweet of Alice Weidel, the Leader of Germany’s far-Right AfD whose former leader Frauke Petry’s call for refugee boats to be sunk led to its expulsion from the European Conservative & Reform Group in the European Parliament. AfD members also march regularly alongside neo-Nazis. There is just one mention of Rees-Mogg on D’s web site and that is in an article attacking Ken Livingstone! It is a party full of holocaust deniers and neo-Nazis but it also ardently pro-Israel. 

Even the Jewish Chronicle had an articleJacob Rees-Mogg faces fury over 'disgraceful' promotion of 'antisemitic' German party. The CAA also failed to mention what Michael Berkowitz, Professor of Modern Jewish History at UCL, described as ‘an expressly antisemitic sentiment’, again by Rees-Mogg, who described two Jewish Conservatives, Oliver Letwin and John Bercow as  “Illuminati who are taking the powers to themselves.” The Illuminati are at the centre of many anti-Semitic theories.

viii.  Tipples found that calling or comparing Jews or Zionists to Nazis anti-Semitic despite my giving a host of examples as to why this is not so.  She chose not to refer at any stage to my rebuttal and accepted, on the basis of blatant misquoting, the CAA’s assertions. For example

a.                      Rabbi Dov Lior, the settlers Chief Rabbi said that ‘a Jewish fingernail is worth more than a thousand non-Jewish lives.’

b.                     Eli Dahan, Israel’s former Deputy Defence Minister said of the Palestinians that ‘To me, they are like animals, they aren’t human.explainingthat ‘“A Jew always has a much higher soul than a gentile, even if he is a homosexual,”

c.                      In 2016 an Israeli soldier Elor Azaria shot a captive prisoner dead. A demonstration in his support was held in Tel Aviv where a crowd of thousands chanted‘Death to the Arabs’. A banner ‘Kill them all’ was held high amongst the demonstrators. Another banner proclaimedMy honour is my loyalty’, the slogan of the Nazi SS.

d.                     Military Chief Rabbi Rontzki in 2008 gave soldiers preparing to enter Gaza a booklet implying that all Palestinians are their mortal enemies and that cruelty is sometimes a “good attribute".

e.                      Rabbis Kastiel and Radler, who teach at the Eli pre-military academy told their students that ‘Hitler was right’ although ‘he was on the wrong side, meaning against the Jews’. Radler also stated that ‘the Holocaust was a divine punishment designed to make the Jewish people leave the diaspora...’

f.                       When Israeli mobs chant ‘Death to the Arabs’ how is that different from the chant ‘Death to the Jews’ in pre-war Germany?

g.                      Israeli politicians repeatedly invoke the Holocaust. For example Menachem Begin, Prime Minister of Israel, described Yasser Arafat of the PLO, during the siege of Beirut in 1982, as ‘Hitler in his bunker.’ Matan Vilnai, a former Deputy Defence Minister, declared that the people of Gaza ‘will bring upon themselves a bigger Shoah...’

                     If I had said that what Israel was doing was the same as the Nazis then that would clearly be wrong but not anti-Semitic.

h.                        Until Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of Russia, in June 1941, the Nazi policy towards the Jews had been expulsion not genocide. That is certainly comparable to Israeli policy.

i.                        Yair Golan, Deputy Chief of Staff, compared Israel today to Nazi Germany pre-1939 and former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak endorsed his comments.

j.                     Daniel Blatman, a Professor of Holocaust Studies compared Israel’s deportation of Black refugees to the West’s refusal to admit Jewish refugees during the Nazi era and developments in Israel to those which led to the Nuremberg Laws. Supreme Court President Esther Hayut invoked the Nazi period while Dr Ofer Cassif, a Hebrew University politics professor compared Israel to Nazi Germany and called the Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked a ‘a filthy neo-Nazi.’ Are all of these anti-Semites?

k.                The CAA suggested that my description of Louise Ellman and Luciana Berger as ‘MPs for Tel Aviv’ is ‘a naked anti-Semitic trope.’ Perhaps I was being anti-Semitic when I accusedthe non-Jewish Joan Ryan of being the MP for Jerusalem Central? Was it racist for people to describeJohn Carlisle, Conservative MP for Luton North and a supporter of South African Apartheid as the MP for Bloemfontein West, Jerusalem?

Bob Blackman MP - a Bigot for all Seasons

l.                   I also provided evidence that in 2018 Falter had attended a Hindu nationalist meeting at the House of Commons called by Tory MP Bob Blackman, a well known Islamaphobe. Falter was reported as ‘assuring the meeting that he and his supporters would do all they could to help eradicate the duty’ on the government to make Caste an aspect of race’. There is a certain logic in a racist Zionist supporting racist Hindus in India as represented by the BJP Government of Narendra Modi. Taking a leaf out of the Zionist book, Hindu chauvinists in this country have coined the term 'Hinduphobia'. Opponents of India's military rule in Kashmir are really motivated by hate of Hindus just a opponents of Israel are motivated by 'antisemitism'.  It having nothing to do with torture, administrative detention, land theft etc.

m.                 Falter described the comments of a Zionist, George Yusuf on Twitter saying ‘shame your family survived world can do without cunts line (sic) you’. as an ‘unseemly exchange’. thus demonstrating that Zionist anti-Semitism is of no concern to the CAA.

n.                 Gideon Falter has form when it comes to making false allegations. He reported Rowan Laxton, a senior civil servant, to the Police for shouting at a TV screen ‘fucking Jews’. Laxton was convicted at first instance but cleared on appeal at Southwark Crown Court. Laxton is currently British High Commissioner to Cameroon.

o.                     On 20 February 2017 D published an article headlined Expel Malaka Shwaik’. All the black arts were used to portray Malaka, a student at Exeter University from Gaza, as a she-devil. The CAA accused Shwaik of being ‘a terrorist-supporting antisemite’. It was of course a lie.

p.                     Malaka spoke at a demonstration called in protest at a spate of anti-Semitic incidents on campus suggesting that D’s allegation were false. The CAA used the opportunity to  mock Exeter students ‘They did naturally what comes to them...’ 

q.                  These allegations against Malaka were widely reported. She was cleared after an investigation of the CAA’s allegations by the Students’ Guild at Exeter University.

r.                       Whilst the Daily Mail, Daily Express and Devon Liveaccepted the findings of the Guild investigation, apologised and retracted their allegations, D brazened it out.

s.                    The CAA has engaged in a deliberate policy of fear mongering amongst British Jews. In 2015 D produced a Report which concluded that 45% of British people hold anti-Semitic views. The Institute of Jewish Policy Research said of D’s claim that the majority of British Jews considered antisemitism today an echo of the 1930s that it “verges into irresponsible territory – it is an incendiary finding, and there is simply no way to ascertain whether or not it is accurate.’ It also claimed that Report was ‘littered with flaws”.  Anshel Pfeffer in Ha’aretz was even blunter.

Jews are represented in Britain in numbers that are many times their proportion of the population in both Houses of Parliament, on the Sunday Times Rich List, in media, academia, professions.... To compare today’s Britain, for all its faults, with the Jews’ situation in 1930s exhibits a disconnect from reality which borders on hysteria.

Ardent Zionist ex-Chair Conservative Friends of Israel Lord Pickles - defended Tory link up with fascist and antisemitic groups in European parliament

t.                     The Jewish Chronicle’s Survation poll poured scorn on D’s ‘findings’ that over half the British Jewish population were thinking of leaving. Some 88% of British Jews stated that they had no intention of emigrating.

u.                     The CAA is also a deeply Islamaphobic organisation which sheds light on its claim to honesty. In 2016 D brought out a Report‘British Muslims and Anti-Semitism’. It spoke of how:

the gradual build up of understanding and friendship between Britain’s Jews and Muslims has been utterly eclipsed by growing antisemitism amongst British Muslims. On every single count, British Muslims were more likely by far than the general British population to hold deeply antisemitic views. It is clear that many British Muslims reserve a special hatred for British Jews...’ 

v.                    This claim is not only a racist generalisation but a deliberate attempt to stir up divisions between Jews and Muslims.

w.                     On the cover of D’s Report was a picture of a Black person holding a poster with the slogan ‘Free Gaza – Hitler You Were Right’. I have been on dozens of Palestine solidarity demonstrations and have never seen anything remotely similar. This photograph can only have been intended to infer that such views are the norm amongst Muslims.

x.                     The CAA produced a graphic ‘Profile of British Muslim Anti-Semitism’. If a similar drawing of a typical Jewish male had been printed by Muslims then Falter  would be the first to cry ‘anti-Semitism’. 4 years on and the CAA is still using the same ‘Hitler’ poster:

y.                      Perhaps most remarkable of all.  It seems that most of Britain’s anti-Semites are Jewish! In my witness statement I listed just a few of the CAA’s targets such as Moshe Machover, Naomi Wimborne-Iddrissi, Rachel Gould, Mike Cushman, Gerald Kaufman, Glynn Secker and Jenny Manson. This is a phenomenon that has never been known before.  Only cynics however would claim that it had anything to do with the fact that the above are Jewish anti-Zionists!

z.                  But when it comes to racism there is no better example than Gideon Falter. He is Vice Chairman of the Jewish National Fund, a body which owns and controls 93% of the land of Israel.  This is land which bars non-Jews from accessing it.  Not only that but Jews who lease land from the JNF are forbidden, on penalty of a fine and eventual termination of the lease, from employing non-Jews?  Just imagine that a lease in Britain made the same stipulation concerning Jews.  Then the CAA could, for once, rightly claim anti-Semitism.

All of this and more the myopic Tipples preferred not to see.  In her opinion the CAA in the form of Gideon Falter, was an honest person. 

I gave multiple examples of the deep racism of the CAA and Pickles deliberately chose to ignore them.  One can only assume that she thinks that being a racist and an honest person are perfectly compatible. This in itself demonstrates that the judgment of Tipples, like that of Nicklin, is also fundamentally racist and Zionist.

The question, of which today's US Supreme Court is an example, is who judges the judges?

I will be applying for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal. We shall see if they are willing to upset Tipples. Below are some of my previous posts concerning the CAA.

Tony Greenstein

EXCLUSIVE: The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism Accuses Jackie Walker of Holocaust Denial

5,000 people have called on the Charity Commission to Deregister the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism – let’s make it 10,000 by next week

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism is a Campaign of Political Terrorism

The Triumph of the Big Lie - The Campaign Against Antisemitism’s Joe Glasman Claims Credit for the Defeat of Jeremy Corbyn

Over 5,000 people Sign a Petition saying the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism should not be a charity

Fake Zionist ‘charity’ Campaign Against Anti-Semitism targets female Palestinian student from Gaza

The Racist 'Campaign Against Anti-Semitism' Fails in its Attempt to cancel Palestine Expo 17

Stirring up hatred – CAA exonerates the far-Right and blames Anti-Zionists and Muslims for anti-Semitism

Fake Charity ‘Campaign Against “AntiSemitism” ’ Attacks Tony Greenstein - Author of Petition to Charity Commission

Bogus Zionist ‘Charity’ Attacks Labour Candidates as ‘Anti-Semitic’

The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism Smears Veteran Israeli Anti-Zionist Professor Moshe Machover

Libel Crowdfunding Appeal to Stop the Campaign Against Antisemitism's Defamatory Attacks Reaches 20%

A Crowdfunding Appeal to sue the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism for Defamation

Fake Charity 'Campaign Against Anti-Semitism' Runs Scared that it will lose its 'Charitable' Tax Advantages

The Campaign Against ‘Anti-Semitism’ Assemble a Representative Section of Racists & Reactionaries

Campaign Against Antisemitism is a campaign against Palestinians

I have just filed an Appeal with the Court of Appeal in my Libel Case Against the misnamed Campaign Against Antisemitism 

Educating Ourselves about Zionism and its Subversion of a Democratic Political Party - 4 Videos


It’s been a busy couple of weeks –well attended Zoom meetings and the usual Zionist Campaigns Against Free Speech

Reinstate Jeremy Corbyn! End the witch hunt! Saturday October 31 2020

What is Zionism  -Tony Greenstein and Moshe Machover -  Monday November 5th

Brighton & Hove LLA Meeting Reinstate Corbyn Friday 6 11 20

The Campaign to Topple Jeremy Corbyn: A webinar hosted by Miko Peled Monday November 9th 2020

Labour anti-Zionist Moshe Machover says he is ‘proud’ to share platform with those accused of antisemitism - Jewish Chronicle 9th November 2020

See below Open letter to the Labour leader, Labour Disputes and Labour Legal Queries

One of the few good things about the lockdown is the number of meetings that have sprung up on-line with large audiences. Even better the Zionist lobby can do nothing about them.

I have taken part in four meetings in the past 2 weeks, beginning with a Brighton and Hove LAW meetingon 31st October calling for an End to the Suspension of Jeremy Corbyn and the Witchhunt.  Speakers including Chris Williamson, the former MP for Derby North and 3 of the most prominent victims of the witchhunt – Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth and myself.

This was followed by What is Zionism, with Moshe Machover and myself explaining the background to this reactionary movement of Jewish supremacy so beloved of anti-Semites. Chris Williamson chaired the discussion with Tina Werkman. 

Moshe threw out a challenge, which the Jewish Chronicle reported. In an Open Letter in Weekly Worker Machover reminded Keir Starmer, that in October 2017 he was expelled from the Labour Party and reinstated less than a month later, after a deluge of protests. Machover pointed to the fact that he denies that there is an anti-Semitism problem in the Labour Party and asked Starmer what he is going to do about it and whether his views are incompatible with membership of the Labour Party since he is classed as a ‘denialist’!  

‘Denialism’ which Corbyn repeated like a hypnotised parrott, holds that if you deny that there is a problem of Labour anti-Semitism then you are also anti-Semitic! Which is like saying if you plead not guilty in court then that is proof of your guilt?

‘Denialism’ is what those who conducted the witch trials in Salem, New England in the 17thCentury subscribed to. As Elizabeth Reis wrote:

“During examinations, accused women were damned if they did and damned if they did not. If they confessed to witchcraft charges, their admissions would prove the cases against them; if they denied the charges, their very intractability, construed as the refusal to admit to sin more generally, might mark them as sinners and hence allies of the devil.”

The only women who were hanged at Salem were those who denied their guilt. This is the pathetic nonsense that Corbyn and Formby signed up to. Just as Corbyn pushed through the fast track expulsion procedures that has meant that hundreds of people expelled haven’t even had a hearing. Now Corbyn himself may fall victim to it.

On Friday 6th November Brighton & Hove Labour Left Alliance organised a local meeting against the suspension of Jeremy Corbyn. Howard Beckett, Assistant Secretary-General of UNITE and an opponent of Corbyn’s suspension was due to speak. Unfortunately after the Zionists objected to him speaking alongside myself, as an expelled person, he pulled out. 

Like so many on the Labour left who oppose Corbyn’s suspension Beckett doesn’t seem to realise that bowing to the McCarthyist dictats of the Zionists and Board of Deputies also means also subscribing to the rationale for Corbyn’s suspension and probable expulsion. The fake anti-Semitism campaign, which was devised with the purpose of overthrowing Corbyn, needs to be called out not heeded. Giving comfort to its authors simply legitimates the campaign.

On November 9th I was pleased to take part in a round table discussion hosted by Israeli Jewish anti-Zionist Miko Peled with Chris Williamson and Asa Winstanley, the London-based journalist with Electronic Intifada. We had an excellent discussion on the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign with a large audience in attendance, both on Zoom, Youtube and Facebook.

All of these meetings were well attended and subject to the usual Zionist attentions. Unfortunately for the Zionists, as they were taking place on the Internet they couldn’t engage in their usual trick, which is phoning up venues to get the meetings cancelled because of ‘anti-Semitism’ and if that doesn’t work getting people to ring them up and abuse them.

Tony Greenstein

Dear comrades

I am a member of the Labour Party, Hampstead and Kilburn CLP.

In early October 2017 I received a letter (dated October 3) from Sam Matthews, then the party’s Head of Disputes, expelling me from the party. The letter contained an insinuation that I had published an “anti-Semitic article”. This smear was not only false, but entirely gratuitous, as the reason given for my expulsion had nothing to do with the content of the article in question. That reason, however, was found to be ineffectual, and my expulsion was rescinded in a letter from the said Sam Matthews, dated October 26 2017.

I have since then demanded several times an apology for the ‘anti-Semitism’ smear; but my demands were ignored.

I now have pleasure in drawing your attention to my article, ‘An immoral dilemma: The trap of Zionist propaganda’ (Journal of Palestine Studies Vol XLVII, No4, summer 2018), attached herewith; to my article ‘Messianic Zionism: the ass and the red heifer’ (Monthly ReviewFebruary 2020); and to my article, ‘Weaponising “anti-Semitism”’ (Weekly Worker April 23 2020).

Please advise me whether, in your considered opinion, public expression of the views put forward in these articles is compatible with my membership of the Labour Party. If it is not, I would respectfully ask you to point out specifically which of these views are incompatible with membership. I wish to add that I am determined to continue advocating these views.

I am writing this as an open letter, because the issues that it involves are not private, but of concern to members and supporters of the party, and indeed to the general public.


Moshé Machover


RIP Robert Fisk – the Most Brilliant and Fearless Middle East Reporter of his generation


Robert Fisk – The Death Of A ‘Controversial’ Journalist Who Didn’t Hesitate to Challenge the ‘Competing Narratives’ of War

10th November 2020 Alerts

Robert Fisk - by Lara Marlowe

Robert Fisk (12 July 1946 – 30 October 2020) was without doubt the greatest Middle East correspondent of our age and probably of all time. It was the Independent’s good fortune to have the two finest Middle East correspondents, Robert Fisk and Patrick Cockburn, amongst the British press. This in itself speaks volumes about the rest of the press.

I had the good fortune to listen to Fisk speak, shortly after the outbreak of the Iraq war, at my almer mater, St. Mary’s College, Strawberry Hill, which I attended from 1980-81 when Brighton Polytechnic and Sussex University, blacklisted me.

A teacher training college, its Deputy Principal was an outstanding Roman Catholic priest, Father Michael Prior who was passionate about the plight of the Palestinians and went on to found Living Stones. I happened to be the only Jewish student there but never felt disadvantaged because of that although being a PGCE student much of my time was spent out of the college.

In or around 2004 Robert Fisk had been invited to talk about the attack on Iraq by the United States and Britain and a riveting talk it was. I particularly remember his description of the ‘War on Terror’ as a war against an abstract noun. That particular phrase captured the absurdity of believing that through overwhelming military might one could overcome ‘terrorism’ without dealing with its causes.

Robert Fisk saw service in most of the world’s hotspots beginning with Ireland and covering the Balkans, the Middle East and Afghanistan.  He was originally employed by The Times but it was impossible for any fearless journalist to survive for long in Rupert Murdoch’s Empire. When an Iranian passenger airliner was shot down by the USS Vincennes over the Gulf in 1988 the Times spiked his explanation as to what had happened. 

The US had been harassing civilian aircraft in the Gulf for some time but The Times chose to carry the United States lying and exculpatory propaganda that the pilot of the airliner had been intent on a suicide mission to sink the USS Vincennes rather than the fact that it was deliberately shot down whilst posing no threat to the US ship.

What is striking is how, in the most military and politically fraught area in the world, the Middle East, the site of US imperialism’s constant wars for oil and strategic domination and its attacks on the basic rights of the people of the area, via its Saudi and Israeli protégés, coverage by the rest of the press is so appalling.

I don’t even know if the Guardian has a Middle East correspondent anymore. The paper’s coverage has been Freedlandised or as they used to say Bowdlerized. Yet in the past the Guardian too has produced brilliant Middle East correspondents. Michael Adams was the first Western reporter to break with the pro-Zionist hegemony of the press, despite being hindered at the time by his editor Alistair Hetherington, who spiked his coverage of Israel’s demolition of 3 villages in the West Bank, including the Biblical village of Emmaus, [see The Road to Emmaus: the papers of Michael Adams (1920-2005) following the 1967 War. David Hirst followed in the same tradition and Ian Black, despite disagreeing with much of his analysis, was certainly aware of the history of Zionism and what it had done to the Palestinians.

Today despite being the location of almost permanent warfare and destabilisation, from Syria to Libya to Yemen, coverage of the politics of the area and the motivation of its western actors is poor to non-existent. This was Robert Fisk’s strength.  He took the time to know the area.  He lived in Beirut for a long period. He didn’t employ stringers, local journalists who would find out the information for him and he didn’t rely on briefings from the US or Israeli military.

The most pertinent and acute article on the death of Robert Fisk, which I produce below, is that of Media Lens.which points out that almost all obituaries and tributes have used the weasel word ‘controversial’ It asks why an anti-war correspondent, someone who treated the explanations and justifications of the imperial war mongers with skepticism and disbelief, should be considered ‘controversial’ when Zionist ‘journalists’ like Jonathan Freedland are considered uncontroversial.

Well we all know the answer to that question or we should do. Freedland represents vested interests, Chatham House, the British and US Establishment. He and his ilk are simply the mouthpieces for imperialism. The Guardian and most of the press simply reflect the opinions and interests of the military-industrial complex and for that reason will never be considered controversial because they are by definition mainstream. I never tired of quoting Marx’s observation in the German Ideology that the ruling ideas in any society are those of its ruling class.

Hence why the horrific toll in the Yemen war gets so little mention and why, despite the demonisation of Saddam Hussein no one comments on the horrific human rights record of the current Iraq regime which is almost certainly worse than Saddam Hussein. Likewise why the Egyptian tyrant Sisi with his heavy toll of executions isn’t even mentioned whereas the clampdown by China in Hong Kong is all the rage. No one points out Blair’s hypocritical justification for regime change was Saddam’s appalling human rights record. Of course it was appalling but so is that of the Saudis.

The Guardian unsurprisingly has used the same description as the rest of the press, informingits readers that Fisk ‘was a controversial figure, known for his criticism of the US.’ This is a form of newspeak, ‘Controversial’ for the Guardian means challenging the United States’ hegemonic narrative. For the Guardian these days that is indeed controversial. After Biden’s  election they informedus that Joe Biden ‘will have to reassert America’s role as the global problem-solver.’

I have to confess that I find it difficult to recall one problem that the United States has solved. It is a problem creator from Vietnam to Central/Latin America to Indonesia to the Balkans. However I accept that when your record includes supporting the Iraq War then myopia is an inevitable disability.

Fisk was bold and fearless and had nothing but contempt for the kind of ‘hotel journalism’ that most of the press indulged in during the Iraq War when reporters wrote their stories confined to their hotel rooms. He had equal contempt for ‘embedded journalists’who did their reporting whilst accompanying the military. Their perspective could not be other than from the point of view of the invaders.

The Guardian foundFisk especially ‘controversial’ because he‘tended to absolve the Assad regime of some of the worst crimes credited to it, provoked a backlash, even among his anti-imperialist acolytes’ What the Guardian really means is as Media Lens commented

Whistleblowing revelations relating to OPCW and the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria, while almost completely ignored by the ‘mainstream’, have overwhelmingly vindicated Fisk and made a nonsense of official claims. See Chomsky: OPCW cover-up of Syria probe is ‘shocking’ and here..

This was the alleged attack which caused Donald Trump to order a cruise missile attack on Syrian forces. It has now been shown to be entirely fake, as many of us suspected at the time.

The real beef that the Guardian and the rest of the Prostitute Press had with Fisk was that he was a genuine journalist and one who operated within the ambit of anti-imperialism, i.e. opposition to the West. This is, quite understandably baffling to the war makers.

Fisk was the same journalist who, alone, had revealedthe horrific massacre by Hafez al-Assad, the Syrian President’s father, in Hama when Syrian troops put down a rebellion by the Muslim Brotherhood with an estimated 20,000 civilian deaths. They simply razed whole neighbourhoods Israeli fashion. But this was a massacre of which the West approved and so there was little publicity given to what happened. There was no self-criticism by the Guardian or any other of the press prostitutes as to why they had not covered it at the time.

Fisk lived in Beirut during the civil war and the hostage crisis that led to the long imprisonment of Terry Waite and the death of others. Fisk had what most war reporters today don’t have and that is personal courage and commitment. He also insisted in talking to the people of the areas ravaged by imperialism rather than talking to other talking heads. These were unforgivable crimes in the eyes of those reporters who never ventured outside their hotel in the Green Zone in Baghdad, unless in the company of US military.

It is no surprise that that other great war reporter, Seymour Hirsh, who uncovered the My Lai massacre, has also been silencedover the question of false claims of Syrian use of chemical weapons. See for example New exposé by Seymour Hersh: Turkey staged gas attack to provoke US war on Syria

Robert Fisk was almost alone today in challenging the way that Western reporters have, with their use of language, become propagandists for war and imperial conquest.  Instead of talking about justice and injustice they use the term ‘competing narratives’. As if what is at stake is a different historical perspective. The occupied territories of Palestine become ‘disputed territories’.  Imagine a burglar entering your home and telling the police that he disputes the ownership of what he has stolen because his ancestors lived there a couple of thousand years ago.  Yet this is the rationale behind the theft of Palestinian land today.

Just imagine that the British press had described the demonisation of Jews in Nazi Germany, since Hitler is everyone’s enemy, as a ‘competing narrative’.  Yet that is what the Daily Mail and others in the British press did.  They doubted the severity of the persecution of the Jews and ‘understood’ that the Germans resented the domination by Jews of sections of the German economy.  But all this is forgotten now. The press also has rather a large memory hole for the things it prefers that we should forget.

So when the Americans describe their actions in the Middle East as being a war for democracy rather than a war for domination of the oil and resources, there is no pushback either by the BBC or The Guardian.

Fisk’s awareness of how language is used to sanitise violence and oppression marks him out as following in the tradition of Orwell, with his concepts of Newspeak and Double Think and it was fitting that he was awarded the Orwell Prize. A prize that has been brought into disgrace by being awarded to war propagandists such as David Aaronovitch and Suzanna Moore.

The very fact that Fisk was hated and despised by our rulers and treated with the kind of contempt with which the Guardian in particular specialises, is in itself a testimony to his achievement as a journalist. He spoke truth to power rather than defending their propaganda.

Below is the article I mentioned in Media Lens on how the fake news outlets could not let go of these resentments and envy over the reputation of one of the last genuine journalists in the employ of the British press.

Tony Greenstein

Robert Fisk – Death Of A ‘Controversial’ Journalist

Robert Fisk, the Independent’s Middle East correspondent, died on 30 October aged 74. In reviewing his life and career, the newspaper for which he worked for more than two decades wrote of their star reporter:

‘Much of what Fisk wrote was controversial…’

As John Pilger noted, in describing Fisk’s journalism as ‘controversial’ the Independent was using a ‘weasel word’.

The Washington Post published a piece titled:

‘Robert Fisk, daring but controversial British war correspondent and author, dies at 74’

Al Jazeera’s piece was subtitled:

‘The Independent newspaper confirms its acclaimed and controversial journalist died following a short illness.’

A piece in Le Monde was titled:

‘La mort de Robert Fisk, grand reporter au Moyen-Orient et personnage controversé’ (Christophe Ayad, Le Monde, 4 November 2020)

The trend is clear. When The Times subjected Fisk to one of its full-on hit pieces in April 2018, it wrote: ‘Fisk is no stranger to controversy.’

So why do‘mainstream’ commentators feel obliged to red-flag Fisk’s journalism with ‘controversial’in this way, and why is it a ‘weasel word’?

Andrew Marr - the BBC's execrable Tory war monger

Consider that the likes of the BBC’s Andrew Marr, the Guardian’s Martin Chulov and The Times’ David Aaronovitch, and numerous others, will never be described as ‘controversial’, despite their highly controversial, in fact outrageous, warmongering bias.

Marr is not labelled ‘controversial’ for supporting a ground invasion of Serbia in 1999:

‘I want to put the Macbeth option: which is that we’re so steeped in blood we should go further. If we really believe Milosevic is this bad, dangerous and destabilising figure we must ratchet this up much further. We should now be saying that we intend to put in ground troops.’ (Marr, ‘Do we give war a chance?’, The Observer, 18 April 1999)

Was that ‘controversial’? How about this?

Was it ‘controversial’ for the Guardian to write this of the country that has relentlessly waged war and supported tyranny around the world since 1945:

‘Joe Biden looks to have done enough to win the White House… He will have to reassert America’s role as the global problem-solver.’(Our emphasis)?

Was it ‘controversial’ for the supposedly impartial global news agency, Associated Press, to write this of the United States:

‘For decades, the U.S. has been an advocate for democracy abroad, using diplomatic pressure and even direct military intervention in the name of spreading the principles of a pluralistic system with a free and fair vote for political leaders’?

An awesome level of gullibility is required to believe that the direct military ‘interventions’ (wars) in oil-rich Iraq and Libya were about spreading pluralistic principles. Whether or not Iraqis have had ‘a free and fair vote’ since 2003 is a matter of complete indifference to Western politics and journalism.

It turns out that the term ‘controversial’ is only applied in corporate media to political writers and leaders deemed ‘controversial’ by elite interests.

This was unwittingly made clear by the big brains at the BBC who noted that Fisk ‘drew controversy for his sharp criticism of the US and Israel, and of Western foreign policy’. If Fisk had drawn ‘controversy’ from China, Iran or North Korea, the ‘weasel word’ would not have appeared in the Beeb’s analysis.

A second piece in the Independent also allowed us to read between the letters that make up ‘controversial’:

‘Often writing and speaking of his pity for the people he saw being killed at the same time as becoming a forthright critic of the US and Israel. His writing could be controversial – such as his later reporting on Syria…’ (Our emphasis)

Fisk is not alone, of course. The BBC controversially echoed numerous other media in describing Hugo Chavez as ‘Venezuela’s… controversial president’.

If Chavez was ‘controversial’, which national leader is not? Should they all be described as ‘controversial’? By the way, Biden very controversially described Chavez’ successor Nicolas Maduro as a ‘tyrant’, adding:

‘I was among the first Democratic foreign policy voices to recognize Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s legitimate leader and to call for Maduro to resign.’ (See here for more on Biden’s grim record.)

As we have discussed, these were deeply embarrassing propaganda claims in pursuit of regime change. Even the BBC was eventually forced to give up the pretence that Guaidó was ‘interim leader’, reverting to the title ‘opposition leader’.

Although Obama bombed seven Muslim countries from 2009 to 2017, all but destroying Libya, the BBC would, of course, never refer to ‘America’s controversial president, Barack Obama’, or even to ‘America’s controversial president, George W. Bush’. Specific Bush policies might be described as ‘controversial’, but the term would never be applied as a broad brush description of who he is.

In corporate media newspeak, ‘controversial’can actually be translated as ‘offensive to power’. The term is intended as a scare word to warn readers that the labelled person is ‘dodgy’, ‘suspect’: ‘Handle with care!’ The journalist is also signalling to his or her editors and other colleagues: ‘I’m not one of “them”!’

The same effect can be achieved by praising establishment figures. Peter Oborne did not cover himself in glory by tweeting:

‘Tony Blair has emerged as probably the most authoritative and persuasive voice during the Covid crisis.’

As we noted:

‘If it was some other leader of some other country who had waged an illegal war of aggression killing one million people, Oborne might not have sent this.’

Journalists and leaders who serve power, including ‘Teflon Tony’, somehow retain fundamental ‘respectability’, are welcomed by elite media and the powers that be. (For completists interested in this subliminal misuse of language, the same use is made of the term ‘narcissist’: Julian Assange, Russell Brand, George Galloway, Glenn Greenwald, Seumas Milne, John Pilger, Edward Snowden, Hugo Chavez, and – alas! – us at Media Lens, have all been repeatedly accused of ‘narcissism’. Recently, Andrew Rawnsley wrote of the almost comically humble and selfless Jeremy Corbyn:

‘Many things have been said about his character over the years, but one thing has not been said enough: he is a narcissist.’

An unwitting, backhanded compliment from the Observer’s great warmonger. (See our book ‘Propaganda Blitz’ for more discussion on ‘narcissism’, Pluto Press, 2018, pp.54-55)

How Do They Get Away With These Lies?

In 2004, at a time when all of US-UK journalism was celebrating the ‘transfer of sovereignty’ from the forces still occupying Iraq and stealing its oil, Fisk was a rare voice mocking the charade:

‘Alice in Wonderland could not have improved on this. The looking-glass reflects all the way from Baghdad to Washington… Those of us who put quotation marks around “liberation” in 2003 should now put quotation marks around “sovereignty”.’ (Fisk, ‘The handover: Restoration of Iraqi sovereignty – or Alice in Wonderland?’ The Independent, 29 June 2004)

In 2014, after Tony Blair made one of his frequent attempts to exonerate himself in relation to Iraq while calling for more violence to bomb Syria better, the Guardian editors performed painful contortions in declaring Blair’s analysis ‘thoughtful’ if ‘wrong-headed’. Fisk’s response to Blair was different:

‘How do they get away with these lies?’

Fisk was also a virtual lone ‘mainstream’ voice contesting the US-UK’s audacious, well-funded attempts to re-run their Iraq ‘weapons of mass destruction’ scam in Syria:

‘Washington’s excuse for its new Middle East adventure – that it must arm Assad’s enemies because the Damascus regime has used sarin gas against them – convinces no-one in the Middle East. Final proof of the use of gas by either side in Syria remains almost as nebulous as President George W. Bush’s claim that Saddam’s Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.’

For this, as the obituaries make unsubtly clear, Fisk was never forgiven.

An obituary in The Times commented on Fisk:

‘While he was an outstandingly poetic writer, he developed an emotional obsession with the plight of the Palestinian people and a visceral dislike of the Israeli government and its allies, especially America. In the jargon of news reporting he “went native”, unable to provide a dispassionate account of events and their context.’ (‘Robert Fisk: Obituaries – Trenchant yet lyrical foreign correspondent who interviewed Osama bin Laden three times and was often accused of “going native”‘, The Times, 3 Nov 2020)

Given the appalling racism and ethnic cleansing faced by the Palestinian people, the reference to Fisk ‘going native’ was a grotesque observation.

The Times noted, of course, that Fisk ‘remained no stranger to controversy’. It asked us to believe that ‘critics poured cold water on Fisk’s writing’, although ‘awards committees did not’. In translation: Fisk was subjected to exactly the kind of ugly propaganda smears from ‘critics’ contained in The Times’ obituary.

The comments are no great surprise, given the honesty with which Fisk described his departure from The Times to join the Independent in 1989:

‘The end came for me when I flew to Dubai in 1988 after the USS Vincennes [a US Navy guided missile cruiser] had shot down an Iranian passenger airliner over the Gulf. Within 24 hours, I had spoken to the British air traffic controllers at Dubai, discovered that US ships had routinely been threatening British Airways airliners, and that the crew of the Vincennes appeared to have panicked. The foreign desk told me the report was up for the page-one splash. I warned them that American “leaks” that the IranAir pilot was trying to suicide-crash his aircraft on to the Vincennes were rubbish. They agreed.

‘Next day, my report appeared with all criticism of the Americans deleted, with all my sources ignored. The Times even carried an editorial suggesting the pilot was indeed a suicider. A subsequent US official report and accounts by US naval officers subsequently proved my dispatch correct. Except that Times readers were not allowed to see it.’

Fisk said that he believed Murdoch did not personally intervene. However:

‘He didn’t need to. He had turned The Times into a tame, pro-Tory, pro-Israeli paper shorn of all editorial independence.’

Echoing virtually every other obituary, the Guardian commented that Fisk ‘tended to absolve the Assad regime of some of the worst crimes credited to it’, which had ‘provoked a backlash, even among his anti-imperialist acolytes’.

It is ironic that the Guardian should highlight Fisk’s supposed tendency to ‘absolve’ Syria of ‘the worst crimes credited to it’. Whistleblowing revelations relating to OPCW and the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria, while almost completely ignored by the ‘mainstream’, have overwhelmingly vindicated Fisk and made a nonsense of official claims. See recent comments here from Noam Chomsky, and excellent in-depth analysis here.

The Guardian naturally deployed the ‘weasel word’ in noting‘all the controversy generated by his later commentary on the evils of western, and specifically US, involvement in the Middle East’. This was followed by a distorted version of ‘balance’:

‘Some of Fisk’s most ardent admirers have suggested that to describe his journalism as controversial is a vulgar slight.’

Some people might think so, but only ‘ardent admirers’, ‘acolytes’ – themselves controversial narcissists.

Who knows where this unsubtle red-flagging of Fisk’s journalism as ‘controversial’ would have ended? The intent behind ‘mainstream’ propaganda, particularly on Fisk’s Syria reporting, has increasingly been to suggest that Fisk was morally tainted; that he got it badly, shamefully wrong. Flitting like barely-glimpsed bats at the back of the readers mind are supposed to be terms like ‘Assad apologist’, ‘genocide denial’. Not Holocaust denial exactly, but a shameful mutation of the same moral blindness.

Another rare, excellent ‘mainstream’ journalist, Patrick Cockburn, dispensed with the herdthink, copycat smears, and captured the truth of a journalist who was

‘a meticulous and highly-informed reporter, one who responded sceptically – and rigorously investigated – the partisan claims of all parties, be they gunmen, army officers or government officials’.

Cockburn added:

‘He took nothing for granted and was often openly contemptuous of those who did. He did not invent the old journalist saying “never believe anything until it is officially denied” but he was inclined to agree with its sceptical message. He was suspicious of journalists who cultivated diplomats and “official sources” that could not be named and whose veracity we are invited to take on trust.’

This explains exactly why Fisk was and is viewed as ‘controversial’; a word that did not appear in Cockburn’s summing up.

The Invisible Tweets

A storm had been made to brew around Fisk’s reputation in recent years. But it had not yet reached the Category 5 propaganda hurricane that engulfed Jeremy Corbyn who, like Fisk, ‘drew controversy for his sharp criticism of the US and Israel, and of Western foreign policy’.

Corbyn was not just accused of anti-semitism and Holocaust denial; he was accused of being a de facto Nazi who ‘wants to reopen Auschwitz’. These claims were baseless and insane, but not ‘controversial’.

By contrast, we discovered what is deemed ‘controversial’ on Twitter on November 3. That day, we tried three times to tweet a link to a Red Pepper article by Lynne Segal as she ‘looks back on her experience of 40 years as a party member in [Corbyn’s] constituency’. We tweeted a screenshot of this important passage from Segal’s excellent piece:

‘Right now, along with the many other Jewish activists I know in Islington North, I am simply devastated that this process has climaxed in the suspension of our cherished MP, and former leader. It’s so hard to accept that I must repeat again what every Jewish member I know in Islington North has frequently confirmed and it is we who actually know and regularly meet with Jeremy Corbyn – unlike most of critics. What we can confirm is that as Jews in North Islington we have always felt more than safe, more than welcome, unfailingly supported, in everything we do in the borough, and the Party. As it happens, we often feel this all the more strongly as Jews, knowing that ­– unlike Corbyn – so many who choose to speak in our name completely disrespect our commitment to antisemitism and racism of all kinds in struggles for a better world, including the vital struggle for Palestinian rights.’

We also tweeted a screenshot of this passage:

‘So, let me provide a few pertinent facts. Over the years, Corbyn has had mutually supportive relations with the practising Jewish community in Islington, attending Shabbat dinners with the orthodox Chabad Rabbi, Mendy Korer, and attending numerous other official Jewish events in North London. Against some local resistance, Corbyn promoted the installation of a plaque on a demolished synagogue site in 2015 to celebrate Jewish life in the borough. Unlike most of his critics in Westminster, Corbyn unfailingly turned up to vote for motions addressing anti-Semitism in Parliament, just as he worked tirelessly against racism on every front.’

This is extremely powerful, credible evidence exposing the claims against Corbyn, not just as a sham, but as a monstrous reversal of the truth.

We know what our readers like and we know how they will likely react to our tweets, so we were surprised that the two tweeted screenshots did not immediately pick up a few likes and retweets. In fact, after four hours, they had not been liked or retweeted by anyone. We tried tweeting the screenshots again, and again they received no likes or retweets. We checked with friends and it became clear that while these tweets were visible to us, they had been secretly rendered invisible to everyone else by Twitter without us knowing. Unlike the smears unleashed on Corbyn for five years, our words had been banished because they were deemed ‘controversial’ by a giant, profit-maximising tech corporation. And we are not alone; we discovered that independent journalist Glenn Greenwald had earlier tweeted:

‘I posted this tweet 3 times and all 3 times it just won’t appear in my time-line, allowing nobody to see it. Genuinely confused. Is anyone else experiencing this problem?’

No surprise, Greenwald is also ‘controversial’, having, like Fisk, Corbyn and us, attracted ‘controversy’ ‘for his sharp criticism of the US and Israel, and of Western foreign policy’.

On Twitter, in response to corporate media censoring Donald Trump, science writer Marcus Chown commented:

‘This is what we DESPERATELY need in the UK. We need our media to interrupt speeches by Johnson and others and point out to viewers their lies. Retweet if you would like to seee [sic] this happen.’

If giant, profit-maximising, advertiser-dependent corporate media decide it is their job and right to censor political leaders like Trump and Johnson, they will have no qualms at all about censoring you, us, and everyone else. Is that what we want? What on earth qualifies Big Business as an arbiter of Truth?


The Mideast reporting giant Robert Fisk covered Israel/Palestine with courage and passion

By James NorthNovember 2, 2020Mondoweiss

Robert Fisk was the best known English-language Middle East correspondent of a generation, and his death over the weekend at the age of 74 has prompted an outpouring of praise — along with some criticism.

The obituaries are citing his decades of work, mainly for the British Independent, and his two gigantic books: Pity the Nation (1990) and The Great War for Civilisation (2005), which are based on first-hand reporting from nearly every flashpoint in the Mideast since the mid-1970s. Fisk was there during the civil war in Lebanon, the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88, the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, and much more. He did unforgettable on-the-spot dispatches after the Sabra and Shatila massacres in Beirut in 1982, when the Israeli army stood by as Lebanese Christian militiamen slaughtered somewhere between 460 and 3,500 Palestinian refugees.

Robert Fisk’s decades of reporting on Israel/Palestine were especially valuable, contrasted with most mainstream U.S. media. Much of this coverage can be found in The Great War for Civilisation. He raised doubts about the 1993 Oslo “peace agreement” right from the start, asking ordinary skeptical Palestinians for their opinion instead of relying exclusively on high-level diplomats. He went to Israeli Jewish “settlements” in the West Bank, and did not cover up the hard, anti-Palestinian views he found there.

Fisk also interviewed the kind of Israelis who doappear in the U.S. mainstream, but he warned they aren’t representative:

. . . Dedi Zucker, a liberal member of the Knesset and leader of the Civil Rights Movement is very much in a minority; he is the sort of man — broad-minded, bespectacled, academic in appearance — whom visitors to Israel seek out to hear what they want to hear.

Robert Fisk also dissected the chronic bias, in language and interpretation, that has become so much a part of the mainstream reporting from Israel/Palestine that we often no longer even notice it:

When Palestinians murder Israelis, we regard them as evil men. When Israelis slaughter Palestinians, America and other Western nations find it expedient to regard these crimes as tragedies, misunderstandings or the work of individual madmen. Palestinians — in the generic, all-embracing sense of the word — are held to account for these deeds. Israel is not.

Fisk’s reporting in other parts of the Mideast has raised some doubts about his accuracy. Hugh Pope, also a distinguished Mideast journalist who is now with the International Crisis Group, a decade ago briefly listed some of Fisk’s distortions. Pope, in his own fascinating memoir Dining With Al Qaeda, says that other reporters had a word for it: “Fiskery.” Pope explained:

. . . the essential thrust of the story, and the political message behind it, might well be true, or, from the author’s point of view, illustrate a higher truth. But the details, quotes, witnesses, and even whole battles could be embellished to make the story fly, preferably onto the front page.

Pope suggests there may be extenuating circumstances that explain Fisk’s exaggerations. Western reporting that follows narrow mainstream conventions is dry, clinical — and in the end, arguably inaccurate in its own way. Pope continued:

Fisk’s writing, more than almost anyone else’s, manages to step around the cautious conventions of Middle Eastern reporting and drive home at an emotional level the injustices of the dictators and the cruel side of U.S. policies.

Huge Pope’s complicated view continues after Fisk’s death. The Twitter timeline is reproducing Pope’s skeptical view of Fisk’s accuracy. To which Pope responds:

What you say about a fact deficit is true. But Fisk excelled at communicating the injustice of Western policies, the horror of war and the pain felt by its victims.

Journalism and ‘the words of power’

Al Jazeera, 25 May 2010

The relationship between power and the media is about semantics, Robert Fisk told The Al Jazeera Forum in 2010.

25 May 2010

Editor’s Note: Robert Fisk, veteran Middle East correspondent of The Independent, died on Friday at the age of 74. During his decades-long career, he covered key international events including the Lebanese civil war, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Iranian revolution, Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait, conflicts in the Balkans and the Arab Spring.

As a regular contributor to Al Jazeera, he addressed the fifth annual Al Jazeera Forum on May 23, 2010 with a keynote speech in which he argued that journalists have become prisoners of the language of power.

Power and the media are not just about cosy relationships between journalists and political leaders, between editors and presidents. They are not just about the parasitic-osmotic relationship between supposedly honourable reporters and the nexus of power that runs between White House and state department and Pentagon, between Downing Street and the foreign office and the ministry of defence. In the western context, power and the media is about words – and the use of words.

It is about semantics.

It is about the employment of phrases and clauses and their origins. And it is about the misuse of history; and about our ignorance of history.

More and more today, we journalists have become prisoners of the language of power.

Is this because we no longer care about linguistics? Is this because lap-tops ‘correct’  our spelling, ‘trim’ our grammar so that our sentences so often turn out to be identical to those of our rulers? Is this why newspaper editorials today often sound like political speeches?

Let me show you what I mean.

For two decades now, the US and British – and Israeli and Palestinian – leaderships have used the words ‘peace process’ to define the hopeless, inadequate, dishonourable agreement that allowed the US and Israel to dominate whatever slivers of land would be given to an occupied people.

I first queried this expression, and its provenance, at the time of Oslo – although how easily we forget that the secret surrenders at Oslo were themselves a conspiracy without any legal basis. Poor old Oslo, I always think! What did Oslo ever do to deserve this? It was the White House agreement that sealed this preposterous and dubious treaty – in which refugees, borders, Israeli colonies – even timetables – were to be delayed until they could no longer be negotiated.

And how easily we forget the White House lawn – though, yes, we remember the images – upon which it was Clinton who quoted from the Qur’an, and Arafat who chose to say: “Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mr. President.” And what did we call this nonsense afterwards? Yes, it was ‘a moment of history’! Was it? Was it so?

Do you remember what Arafat called it? “The peace of the brave.” But I don’t remember any of us pointing out that “the peace of the brave” was used originally by General de Gaulle about the end of the Algerian war. The French lost the war in Algeria. We did not spot this extraordinary irony.

Same again today. We western journalists – used yet again by our masters – have been reporting our jolly generals in Afghanistan as saying that their war can only be won with a “hearts and minds” campaign. No-one asked them the obvious question:  Wasn’t this the very same phrase used about Vietnamese civilians in the Vietnam war? And didn’t we – didn’t the West – lose the war in Vietnam?

Yet now we western journalists are actually using – about Afghanistan – the phrase ‘hearts and minds’ in our reports as if it is a new dictionary definition rather than a symbol of defeat for the second time in four decades, in some cases used by the very same soldiers who peddled this nonsense – at a younger age – in Vietnam.

Just look at the individual words which we have recently co-opted from the US military.

When we westerners find that ‘our’ enemies – al-Qaeda, for example, or the Taliban -have set off more bombs and staged more attacks than usual, we call it ‘a spike in violence’. Ah yes, a ‘spike’!

A ‘spike’ in violence, ladies and gentlemen is a word first used, according to my files, by a brigadier general in the Baghdad Green Zone in 2004. Yet now we use that phrase, we extemporise on it, we relay it on the air as our phrase. We are using, quite literally, an expression created for us by the Pentagon. A spike, of course, goes sharply up, then sharply downwards. A ‘spike’ therefore avoids the ominous use of the words ‘increase in violence’ – for an increase, ladies and gentlemen, might not go down again afterwards.

Now again, when US generals refer to a sudden increase in their forces for an assault on Fallujah or central Baghdad or Kandahar – a mass movement of soldiers brought into Muslim countries by the tens of thousands – they call this a ‘surge’. And a surge, like a tsunami, or any other natural phenomena, can be devastating in its effects.  What these ‘surges’ really are – to use the real words of serious journalism – are reinforcements. And reinforcements are sent to wars when armies are losing those wars. But our television and newspaper boys and girls are still talking about ‘surges’ without any attribution at all! The Pentagon wins again.

Meanwhile the ‘peace process’ collapsed. Therefore our leaders – or ‘key players’ as we like to call them – tried to make it work again. Therefore the process had to be put ‘back on track’. It was a railway train, you see. The carriages had come off the line. So the train had to be put ‘back on track’. The Clinton administration first used this phrase, then the Israelis, then the BBC.

But there was a problem when the ‘peace process’ had been put ‘back on track’ – and still came off the line. So we produced a ‘road map’– run by a Quartet and led by our old Friend of God, Tony Blair, who – in an obscenity of history – we now refer to as a ‘peace envoy’.

But the ‘road map’ isn’t working. And now, I notice, the old ‘peace process’ is back in our newspapers and on our television screens. And two days ago, on CNN, one of those boring old fogies that the TV boys and girls call ‘experts’– I’ll come back to them in a moment – told us again that the ‘peace process’ was being put ‘back on track’ because of the opening of ‘indirect talks’ between Israelis and Palestinians.

Ladies and gentlemen, this isn’t just about clichés – this is preposterous journalism. There is no battle between power and the media. Through language, we have become them.

Maybe one problem is that we no longer think for ourselves because we no longer read books. The Arabs still read books – I’m not talking here about Arab illiteracy rates – but I’m not sure that we in the West still read books. I often dictate messages over the phone and find I have to spend ten minutes to repeat to someone’s secretary a mere hundred words. They don’t know how to spell.

I was on a plane the other day, from Paris to Beirut – the flying time is about three hours and 45 minutes – and the woman next to me was reading a French book about the history of the Second World War. And she was turning the page every few seconds. She had finished the book before we reached Beirut! And I suddenly realised she wasn’t reading the book – she was surfing the pages! She had lost the ability to what I call ‘deep read’. Is this one of our problems as journalists, I wonder, that we no longer ‘deep read’? We merely use the first words that come to hand …

Let me show you another piece of media cowardice that makes my 63-year-old teeth grind together after 34 years of eating humus and tahina in the Middle East.

We are told, in so many analysis features, that what we have to deal with in the Middle East are ‘competing narratives’. How very cosy. There’s no justice, no injustice, just a couple of people who tell different history stories. ‘Competing narratives’ now regularly pop up in the British press. The phrase is a species – or sub-species – of the false language of anthropology. It deletes the possibility that one group of people – in the Middle East, for example – are occupied, while another group of people are doing the occupying. Again, no justice, no injustice, no oppression or oppressing, just some friendly ‘competing narratives’, a football match, if you like, a level playing field because the two sides are – are they not – ‘in competition’. It’s two sides in a football match. And two sides have to be given equal time in every story.

So an ‘occupation’ can become a ‘dispute’. Thus a ‘wall’ becomes a ‘fence’ or a ‘security barrier’. Thus Israeli colonisation of Arab land contrary to all international law becomes ‘settlements’ or ‘outposts’ or ‘Jewish neighbourhoods’.

You will not be surprised to know that it was Colin Powell, in his starring, powerless appearance as secretary of state to George W. Bush, who told US diplomats in the Middle East to refer to occupied Palestinian land as ‘disputed land’ – and that was good enough for most of the American media.

So watch out for ‘competing narratives’, ladies and gentlemen. There are no ‘competing narratives’, of course, between the US military and the Taliban. When there are, however, you’ll know the West has lost.

But I’ll give you a lovely, personal example of how ‘competing narratives’ come undone. Last month, I gave a lecture in Toronto to mark the 95th anniversary of the 1915 Armenian genocide, the deliberate mass murder of one and a half million Armenian Christians by the Ottoman Turkish army and militia. Before my talk, I was interviewed on Canadian Television, CTV, which also owns the TorontoGlobeandMail newspaper. And from the start, I could see that the interviewer had a problem. Canada has a large Armenian community. But Toronto also has a large Turkish community. And the Turks, as the Globe and Mail always tell us, “hotly dispute” that this was a genocide. So the interviewer called the genocide “deadly massacres”.

Of course, I spotted her specific problem straight away. She could not call the massacres a ‘genocide’, because the Turkish community would be outraged. But equally, she sensed that ‘massacres’ on its own – especially with the gruesome studio background photographs of dead Armenians – was not quite up to defining a million and a half murdered human beings. Hence the ‘deadly massacres’. How odd!!! If there are ‘deadly’ massacres, are there some massacres which are not ‘deadly’, from which the victims walk away alive? It was a ludicrous tautology.

In the end, I told this little tale of journalistic cowardice to my Armenian audience, among whom were sitting CTV executives. Within an hour of my ending, my Armenian host received an SMS about me from a CTV reporter. “Shitting on CTV was way out of line,” the reporter complained. I doubted, personally, if the word ‘shitting’ would find its way onto CTV. But then, neither does ‘genocide’. I’m afraid ‘competing narratives’ had just exploded.

Yet the use of the language of power – of its beacon-words and its beacon-phrases -goes on among us still. How many times have I heard western reporters talking about ‘foreign fighters’ in Afghanistan? They are referring, of course, to the various Arab groups supposedly helping the Taliban. We heard the same story from Iraq.  Saudis, Jordanians, Palestinian, Chechen fighters, of course. The generals called them ‘foreign fighters’. And then immediately we western reporters did the same. Calling them ‘foreign fighters’ meant they were an invading force. But not once – ever – have I heard a mainstream western television station refer to the fact that there are at least 150,000 ‘foreign fighters’ in Afghanistan. And that most of them, ladies and gentlemen, are in American or other Nato uniforms!

Similarly, the pernicious phrase ‘Af-Pak’ – as racist as it is politically dishonest – is now used by reporters when it originally was a creation of the US state department, on the day that Richard Holbrooke was appointed special US representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan. But the phrase avoided the use of the word ‘India’ whose influence in Afghanistan and whose presence in Afghanistan, is a vital part of the story. Furthermore, ‘Af-Pak’ – by deleting India – effectively deleted the whole Kashmir crisis from the conflict in south-east Asia. It thus deprived Pakistan of any say in US local policy on Kashmir – after all, Holbrooke was made the ‘Af-Pak’ envoy, specifically forbidden from discussing Kashmir. Thus the phrase ‘Af-Pak’, which totally deletes the tragedy of Kashmir – too many ‘competing narratives’, perhaps? – means that when we journalists use the same phrase, ‘Af-Pak’, which was surely created for us journalists, we are doing the state department’s work.

Now let’s look at history. Our leaders love history. Most of all, they love the Second World War. In 2003, George W. Bush thought he was Churchill as well as George W. Bush. True, Bush had spent the Vietnam war protecting the skies of Texas from the Vietcong. But now, in 2003, he was standing up to the ‘appeasers’ who did not want a war with Saddam who was, of course, ‘the Hitler of the Tigris’. The appeasers were the British who did not want to fight Nazi Germany in 1938. Blair, of course, also tried on Churchill’s waistcoat and jacket for size. No ‘appeaser’ he. America was Britain’s oldest ally, he proclaimed – and both Bush and Blair reminded journalists that the US had stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Britain in her hour of need in 1940.

But none of this was true.

Britain’s old ally was not the United States. It was Portugal, a neutral fascist state during World War Two. Only my own newspaper, The Independent, picked this up.

Nor did America fight alongside Britain in her hour of need in 1940, when Hitler threatened invasion and the German air force blitzed London. No, in 1940 America was enjoying a very profitable period of neutrality – and did not join Britain in the war until Japan attacked the US naval base at Pearl Harbour in December of 1941.


Back in 1956, I read the other day, Eden called Nasser the ‘Mussolini of the Nile’. A bad mistake. Nasser was loved by the Arabs, not hated as Mussolini was by the majority of Africans, especially the Arab Libyans. The Mussolini parallel was not challenged or questioned by the British press. And we all know what happened at Suez in 1956.

Yes, when it comes to history, we journalists really do let the presidents and prime ministers take us for a ride.

Today, as foreigners try to take food and fuel by sea to the hungry Palestinians of Gaza, we journalists should be reminding our viewers and listeners of a long-ago day when America and Britain went to the aid of a surrounded people, bringing food and fuel – our own servicemen dying as they did so – to help a starving population. That population had been surrounded by a fence erected by a brutal army which wished to starve the people into submission. The army was Russian. The city was Berlin. The wall was to come later. The people had been our enemies only three years earlier. Yet we flew the Berlin airlift to save them. Now look at Gaza today. Which western journalist – and we love historical parallels – has even mentioned 1948 Berlin in the context of Gaza?

Look at more recent times. Saddam had ‘weapons of mass destruction’– you can fit ‘WMD’ into a headline – but of course, he didn’t, and the American press went through embarrassing bouts of self-condemnation afterwards. How could it have been so misled, the New York Times asked itself? It had not, the paper concluded, challenged the Bush administration enough.

And now the very same paper is softly – very softly – banging the drums for war in Iran. Iran is working on WMD. And after the war, if there is a war, more self-condemnation, no doubt, if there are no nuclear weapons projects.

Yet the most dangerous side of our new semantic war, our use of the words of power – though it is not a war since we have largely surrendered – is that it isolates us from our viewers and readers. They are not stupid. They understand words, in many cases – I fear – better than we do. History, too. They know that we are drowning our vocabulary with the language of generals and presidents, from the so-called elites, from the arrogance of the Brookings Institute experts, or those of the Rand Corporation or what I call the ‘TINK THANKS’. Thus we have become part of this language.

Here, for example, are some of the danger words:











· CHANGE AGENTS (whatever these sinister creatures are).

I am not a regular critic of Al Jazeera. It gives me the freedom to speak on air. Only a few years ago, when Wadah Khanfar (now Director General of Al Jazeera) was Al Jazeera’s man in Baghdad, the US military began a slanderous campaign against Wadah’s bureau, claiming – untruthfully – that Al Jazeera was in league with al-Qaeda because they were receiving videotapes of attacks on US forces. I went to Fallujah to check this out. Wadah was 100 per cent correct. Al-Qaeda was handing in their ambush footage without any warning, pushing it through office letter-boxes. The Americans were lying.

Wadah is, of course, wondering what is coming next.

Well, I have to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that all those ‘danger words’ I have just read out to you – from KEY PLAYERS to NARRATIVES to PEACE PROCESS to AF-PAK – all occur in the nine-page Al Jazeera programme for this very forum.

I’m not condemning Al Jazeera for this, ladies and gentlemen. Because this vocabulary is not adopted through political connivance. It is an infection that we all suffer from – I’ve used ‘peace process’ a few times myself, though with quotation marks which you can’t use on television – but yes, it’s a contagion.

And when we use these words, we become one with the power and the elites which rule our world without fear of challenge from the media. Al Jazeera has done more than any television network I know to challenge authority, both in the Middle East and in the West. (And I am not using ‘challenge’ in the sense of ‘problem’, as in ‘”I face many challenges,” says General McCrystal.’)

How do we escape this disease? Watch out for the spell-checkers in our lap-tops, the sub-editor’s dreams of one-syllable words, stop using Wikipedia. And read books – real books, with paper pages, which means deep reading. History books, especially.

Al Jazeera is giving good coverage to the flotilla – the convoy of boats setting off for Gaza. I don’t think they are a bunch of anti-Israelis. I think the international convoy is on its way because people aboard these ships – from all over the world – are trying to do what our supposedly humanitarian leaders have failed to do. They are bringing food and fuel and hospital equipment to those who suffer. In any other context, the Obamas and the Sarkozys and the Camerons would be competing to land US Marines and the Royal Navy and French forces with humanitarian aid – as Clinton did in Somalia. Didn’t the God-like Blair believe in humanitarian ‘intervention’ in Kosovo and Sierra Leone?

In normal circumstances, Blair might even have put a foot over the border.

But no. We dare not offend the Israelis. And so ordinary people are trying to do what their leaders have culpably failed to do. Their leaders have failed them.

Have the media? Are we showing documentary footage of the Berlin airlift today? Or of Clinton’s attempt to rescue the starving people of Somalia, of Blair’s humanitarian ‘intervention’ in the Balkans, just to remind our viewers and readers – and the people on those boats – that this is about hypocrisy on a massive scale?

The hell we are! We prefer ‘competing narratives’. Few politicians want the Gaza voyage to reach its destination – be its end successful, farcical or tragic. We believe in the ‘peace process’, the ‘road map’. Keep the ‘fence’ around the Palestinians. Let the ‘key players’ sort it out.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am not your ‘key speaker’ this morning.

I am your guest, and I thank you for your patience in listening to me.

Source : Al Jazeera

Robert Fisk wasn’t only a magnificent journalist, but a ‘historian of the present’ who illuminated the world

My friend did not invent the old journalistic saying ‘never believe anything until it is officially denied’ but he was highly sceptical of government sources, writes Patrick Cockburn

Independent, Tuesday 03 November 2020 11:54

I first met Robert in Belfast in 1972 at the height of the Troubles when he was the correspondent for The Times and I was writing a PhD on Irish history at Queen’s University.

I was also taking my first tentative steps as a journalist, while he was swiftly establishing a reputation as a meticulous and highly-informed reporter, one who responded sceptically – and rigorously investigated - the partisan claims of all parties, be they gunmen, army officers or government officials.

Our careers moved in parallel directions because we were interested in the same sort of stories. We both went to Beirut in the mid-1970s to write about the Lebanese Civil War and the Israeli invasions. We often reported the same grim events, such as the Sabra and Shatila massacre of Palestinians by Israeli-backed Christian militiamen in 1982, but we did not usually travel together because, aside from the fact that Robert usually liked to work alone, we wrote for competing newspapers.

When we did travel together during the wars, I was always impressed by Robert’s willingness to take risks, but to do so without bravado, making sure we had the right driver and the car had petrol that had not been watered down. One reason he had so many journalistic scoops - such as finding out about the massacre of 20,000 people in Hama by Hafez al-Assad in Syria in 1982 - was that he was an untiring traveller. One friend recalls that:

“He was the only person I’ll ever know who could, almost effortlessly, make up limericks about the south Lebanese villages, while he was driving through them.”

Yet there was a deadly serious reason why he was visiting those villages. When I was a correspondent in Jerusalem in the 1990s, they were the repeated target for Israeli airstrikes, which the Israeli military would declare were solely directed at “terrorists” and, if there were any dead and wounded, they were invariably described as gunmen who deserved their fate. Almost nobody checked if this was true - except Robert, who would drive to these same shattered villages and report in graphic detail about the dead bodies of men, women and children, and interview the survivors.  

Robert was suited to Beirut with its free and somewhat anarchic atmosphere, a place always on edge and with people - Lebanese, Palestinian, exiles of all sorts - who were born survivors, though sometimes the odds against them were too great. Robert had a natural sympathy for their sufferings and a rage against those who inflicted them. His sympathy was not confined to present-day victims: for decades he wrote about the Armenian genocide, carried out by the Ottoman Turks during the First World War. He would publicise diaries and documents about the mass slaughter of the Armenians, stories which other correspondents felt it could be better left to the historians.

But Robert was more than a journalist cataloguing present-day developments and woes. He was a historian as well as a reporter who wrote, among many other books, The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East. I never finished my PhD in Belfast because the violence became too intense for academic work, but Robert did get his doctorate from Trinity college for his thesis on Irish neutrality in the Second World War. My point is that Robert was more than a person who covered “the news”, since his journalism – for all his scoops and revelations – had such depth because he was, in many respects, “a historian of the present”.

He was also, of course, a magnificent reporter who bubbled with nervous energy, often shifting his weight from one foot to the other, notebook in his hand, as he questioned people and probed into what had really occurred. He took nothing for granted and was often openly contemptuous of those who did. He did not invent the old journalist saying “never believe anything until it is officially denied” but he was inclined to agree with its sceptical message. He was suspicious of journalists who cultivated diplomats and “official sources” that could not be named and whose veracity we are invited to take on trust.

Some have responded to his criticism with baffled resentment: during the US-led counter-invasion of Kuwait in 1991, one embedded American journalist complained that Robert was unfairly reporting on events, knowledge of which should have been confined to an officially sanctioned “pool” of correspondents. Another American journalist based in London in the early 1980s once said to me that Robert was a magnificent writer and reporter, but the American had been struck by the number of his colleagues who grimaced at Robert’s name. “I have thought about this,” he told me, “and I think that 80 per cent of the reason for this is pure envy on their part.”

We saw more of each other after we both joined The Independent, Robert in 1989 and myself in 1990, on the eve of the first Gulf War. I was mostly in Iraqduring the fighting and Robert was in Kuwait. Twelve years later we met in Baghdad after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein and drove out together over land across the desert to Jordan. I recall that we were stopped for a long time on the Jordanian side of the border because Robert had secured, from the wreckage of some police station, in Basra in southern Iraq, a file of laudatory poems written to Saddam’s ferocious police chief in the city by his underlings on the occasion of his birthday. Some of the Jordanian officials thought that these craven offerings were hilarious, but others found the documents mysterious and kept us waiting for hours at the bleak border post while they waited for official permission to let us cross.

As we grew older, we grew closer. We had similar doubts about the beneficial outcome of the so-called Arab Spring in 2011, having seen similar optimism about the invasion of Iraq in 2003 produce a paroxysm of violence. Neither of us believed that Bashar al-Assad and his regime was going to fall, at a time when this was conventional wisdom among politicians and in the media. To suggest anything to the contrary got one immediately targeted as a supporter of Assad. The sensible course was to ignore these diatribes and Robert and I used to counsel each other not to overreact and thereby give legs to some crudely mendacious tales.

Over the last 15 years we talked almost once a week about everything from the state of the world to the state of ourselves, supplementing phone calls with periodic emails. A life spent describing crises and wars made him more philosophical about the coronavirus pandemic than those with less direct experience of calamities. In one of the last emails I received from him, he wrote that

“Covid-19, unless it suddenly turns into a tiger, will be seen as just another risk to human life – like car crashes, cancer, war, etc. Human’s don’t necessarily fight disease, injustice and sorrow. They just survive and bash on regardless.”

Journalist was reportedly admitted to hospital after suffering a suspected strokeGuardian 1.11.20.

Robert Fisk, veteran Middle East correspondent, dies aged 74

Robert Fisk doubts Syria sanctions will work

 Robert Fisk remembers ‘Hama massacre’

Fisk: New world in Middle East

Highly regarded, controversial foreign correspondent had long relationship with Ireland Irish Times 1 November 2020

Riad El-Taher, The Life & Times of an Oil Engineer, Anti-Imperialist, Anti-Zionist Peace Activist, and Comrade


Book Review –

O Daughter of Babylon – Journey of an Iraqi Patriot and What Chilcot  Didn’t Say

Two years ago Riad el-Taher died from cancer. In March 2017 Riad was expelled from the Labour Party, not for ‘anti-Semitism’, but because he had been imprisoned for having breached the West’s genocidal sanctions on Iraq which had killed half a million Iraq children. Riad was fingered to Labour’s crooked General Secretary, Iain McNicol by the corrupt former New Labour MP, Jewish Labour Movement member, Zionist and war criminal, Ivor Caplin.

Many of the victims of Labour’s witchhunt are well known, but Riad was one of the less well-known ones. Riad had come to Britain as a young man in order to train as a skilled engineer in the oil industry. When the West embarked on hostilities with Iraq Riad threw himself into campaigning first against the West’s murderous sanctions on Iraq and then into the anti-war movement.

Tam Dalyell - immaculate in the summer heat in Iraq

Riad worked closely with three Labour MPs – Tony Benn, George Galloway and Tam Dalyell - in Friendship Across Frontiers, (FAF) the organisation he set up. Jeremy Corbyn too was part of the campaign and must have known Riad yet he didn’t, as leader, lift a finger to help Riad.

In the interests of appeasing reactionary creatures like Caplin, who were busy stabbing him in the back, Riad was thrown under the bus by Corbyn. In any other circumstances the suspension of Corbyn by Keir Starmer might seem like poetic justice.

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Shortly before he died, with the help of friends and comrades, some of whom were in Brighton & Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign, an autobiography covering the life of Riad, from prosperous oil engineer and businessman to anti-war activist, prisoner, peace campaigner and Labour Party member was published, edited by Francis Clarke-Lowes.

The book has an introduction by the late Tam Dalyell, who was MP for Linlithgow (formerly West Lothian), an old Etonian, fierce anti-imperialist and idiosyncratic member of the Campaign Group. He was the first Father of the House, serving for 43 years, to be ordered to withdraw from the House of Commons by the right-wing Glaswegian Speaker Michael Martin (who would become an early casualty of the Parliamentary expenses scandal).

In his introduction Dalyell records the puzzlement of Tariq Aziz, Iraq’s Christian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister: We were dining you; you were dining us. How did all this [the First Gulf War and the sanctions] happen?’

It is a familiar story of regimes that do the bidding of US imperialism and bask in their approval only to be undermined and overthrown when they get too big for their boots. Libya’s Colonel Ghadaffi and Syria’s Bashar al-Assad received similar treatment. The only government in the Middle East that hasn’t received this treatment, because of its special relationship with the United States, is Israel. To a lesser extent this is also true of Saudi Arabia.

Donald Rumsfeld - the United States arms salesman to Saddam

In the wake of the Iranian Revolution and the hostage crisis, the West encouraged Saddam Hussein to wage war on Iran. We supplied him with the weaponry he needed and Donald Rumsfield played the role of the West’s arms salesman. Germany was the major supplier of the chemical weapons used to repulse the Iranian  military with the US coming in second. Later these weapons were used to murder 5,000 Kurds at Halabja. The fact that these same chemical weapons, which had long been destroyed by 2002/3, provided the pretext for the invasion of Iraq by Britain and the United States in 2003 demonstrates the rank hypocrisy of western imperialism.

The US Ambassador in Baghdad, April Glaspie, gave the green light to Saddam to invade Kuwait in August 1990, promising that there would be retaliation and that the US had no opinion on their dispute with Kuwait. A week later Saddam attacked and the rest is history.

Although Tariq Aziz was puzzled, the question is not a difficult one to answer. Having used Iraq to subdue Iran, whose clerical regime had overthrown the Shah, the US then turned on the Iraqi regime which was also too independent for their liking. Iraq, just like Iran today, was seen as a threat to the US and Israel’s hegemony.

Riad at his farm near the Euphrates

Aziz’s words to Dalyell were to prove prophetic:

People in the West may think that Saddam and I are awful – but if you get rid of us, what will follow will be far, far worse.

And so it has proved. ‘Regime change’ was always justified in terms of how terrible a regime was. MPs like war monger Anne Clwyd bought into the idea of Saddam as a unique monster amongst angels. But it was all a bloody hypocritical charade. Certainly Saddam’s Iraq was a vicious and repressive, anti-communist police state but the West has never objected to such regimes on principle, as we can see with the Saudi Arabia and Egypt today.

The real reason for the attack on Iraq, as Riad repeatedly pointed out, was that despite attacking Iran with the blessing of the West, the Baathist regime still maintained its independence from the United States. Unlike the Gulf regimes and Saudi Arabia it wasn’t a client regime. Saddam Hussein’s fatal mistake was to believe that in exchange for acting as the West’s mercenary he would be allowed free reign to attack Kuwait, a client regime that the West had created through lines drawn in the sand.

Two years ago Riad was laid to rest in a Sussex graveyard near Hassocks

It has to be emphasised that Kuwait was an artificial creation of British imperialism. The very name means ‘small human settlement.’ It was a small village on the Persian Gulf, a district of Basra in the Ottoman Empire. It was created as a separate entity in 1921/22 by the British with the sole purpose of denying Iraq access to the Persian Gulf. In 1920 the Iraq Petroleum Company had been created, with 95% of the shares going to Britain, France and the United States.

When the Kuwaiti Sheikh was forced to agree, in 1938, to a Legislative Council, they promptly voted unanimously to demand unification with Iraq. In March 1939 there was a popular uprising of Kuwaiti youth, the Free Kuwaiti movement, demanding unity with Iraq. It was savagely put down by the Kuwaiti Sheikh with the military support of the British. [see Mechanisms of Western Domination: A Short History of Iraq and Kuwait, David Klein]
The Iraqi state under Saddam Hussein provided a comprehensive free health care service for Iraqis and services such as water and electricity were efficient. The state was certainly repressive but it was also efficient in delivering services such as education. All of this was destroyed by the imperialist invasion which targeted and destroyed water treatment plants and power stations. When the US invaded its troops
protected the oil industry and permitted the national museum, containing priceless artifacts dating back thousands of years, to be looted and destroyed.

Despite its propaganda about the invasion in 2003 being a ‘war for democracy’ it was always about one thing only, control of Iraq’s oil resources. As soon as the United States installed itself, it set about reversing the nationalilsation of the oil industry.

The title of this book is taken from Psalm 137 in which the Jewish exiles, after the destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, lament their plight and promise vengeance: ‘By the waters of Babylon, there we sat down and wept when we remembered Zion’ ending with

‘Oh daughter of Babylon, doomed to be destroyed, blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock!’

The Iraqi Jewish community became one of the largest, richest and most cultured communities in the Middle East as well as the world’s oldest Jewish community. There are two versions of the Talmud, the source of halakah, the rabbinical interpretation of the Bible – the Jerusalem and the Babylonian Talmud. It is the latter which is the authoritative version.

Two giants of the Labour movement - Tony Benn and Tam Dalyell - Corbyn unfortunately was never up to it

When the State of Israel was established the Zionists set about destroying this Jewish community. They were needed because Israel required a Jewish working class to service the Ashkenazi Zionist ruling class. Zionist agents, who had served in the British army and Haganah in Iraq during the war had accumulated considerable amounts of arms which they stored in places such as synagogues. During 1950 and 1951 bombs were thrown outside places which Jews frequented such as coffee shops, cultural meeting places and even a synagogue, Masuda Shemtov. The Zionists sought to simulate anti-Semitism in order to ‘encourage’ Jewish emigration from Iraq. [See The Zionist Destruction of the Iraqi Jewish Community and Prophets in Babylon, Marion Woolfson] The result was that by the end of 1951 just 5,000 out of Iraq’s 120,000 Jews remained in the country.

Riad was born in Basra in southern Iraq between 1939 and 1941, his actual birthday is unknown. In 1956 he came to England to study for a diploma in engineering at Southend Technical College. Shortly afterwards he attended a demonstration in London against the Suez invasion at which Aneurin Bevan and Tony Benn spoke. In 1959 Riad came to Brighton to study for a higher diploma in engineering. After graduating in 1961 Riad went to the Central Electricity Engineering Board for his post-graduate studies and in 1962 he got married to Doreen Saunders, a fellow student in Southend.

On returning to Iraq, Riad obtained work at a new Russian built power station in Basra as an engineer.  He was to spend his next 8 years working for the Iraqi Petroleum Company. Despite his qualifications he came up repeatedly against British expatriates whose main interest was in preserving an all White European monopoly on skilled jobs. One aspect of maintaining neo-colonial control of the oil industry in the Middle East was maintaining an unofficial colour bar.

Riad describes how the IPC had a vested interest in producing the minimum amount of oil in order to keep the Iraqi government poor and weak. That way the role of foreign oil companies in running Iraq’s oil production could be maintained.

Following the nationalist coup in 1958 and the ousting of the British puppet Suez Aneurin Bevan Central Electricity Engineering Board for his post-graduate studies and in 1962 he got married to Doreen Saunders Nuri e-Said and King Faisal, the drive was on for the Iraqisation of the oil industry. Riad describes how he ‘experienced considerable hardship, abuse and discrimination at the hands of the British staff.’ (16) His wife was allowed to join the British club in Basra, he was not.

Riad described one incident in which his British supervisor insisted that he was irreplaceable. It was only when his request for annual leave was rejected because he could not be replaced that Riad was promoted!  At that point he was granted 3 months leave only to find, when he came back, that it was Riad who was in charge!

In 1963 the Baathists came to power in a CIA-backed coup and their protégé was none other than Saddam Hussein! In Revealed: how the West set Saddam on the bloody road to power Patrick Cockburn wrote that

The death lists were drawn up in CIA stations across the Middle East with the help of Iraqi exiles. In Egypt the agency was helped by an Egyptian intelligence officer who got much of his information from Saddam Hussein living in exile in Cairo... 

As the CIA lists reached Baghdad the result was a massacre of extraordinary ferocity. Pregnant women and old men were killed, some tortured to death in front of their children. Mr Aburish says: “Saddam Hussein, who had rushed back to Iraq from exile in Cairo to join the victors, was personally involved in the torture of leftists in the separate detention centres for the fellaheen [peasants] and the muthaqafeen, or educated class.”

In 1970 Riad illegally emigrated from the country. After starting work for Shell he was sent to Kuwait where expatriate Britons were in charge. Kuwait had no equivalent to Iraqisation and he met the same problem of racism during work.

As a skilled engineer with many contacts it wasn’t long before Riad set himself up as a consultant and prosperous businessman before moving to the New Forest in 1984 to set up a poultry farm.

This was the time of the Iran-Iraq war, ‘the biggest mistake it, or indeed Iran, ever made. This pointless conflict was financed and encouraged by the Western world, Russia and China.’

The Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on 2nd August 1990 ‘marked a crucial turning point in my life.’ Thus began the institution of crippling sanctions which marked Riad’s entrance into British politics.

Riad described the atrocity propaganda which accompanied the West’s campaign against Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait.  One particularly famous incident was the appearance on US TV of a distraught Kuwaiti woman who claimed to have seen Kuwaiti babies being thrown out of their incubators by Iraq’s military. It was only months later that two New Forest Philipino nurses who had worked at the hospital revealed that no babies were thrown out of interviewers and that the distressed Kuwaiti ‘nurse’ had never worked there.  She was in fact a member of the Kuwaiti ruling family!

Throughout the book Riad calls Israel ‘the Zionist entity’. Riad was a fierce anti-Zionist who refused to recognise its legitimacy. At times though he ascribes too much power to Israel. E.g. in the first Gulf War, in order to cement its alliance with the Arab states, Israel was told, notwithstanding Iraqi missile attacks, not to take any action that would imperil the imperialist alliance with the Arab countries.

Riad was accused by the New Forest Philipino Blairites and people like Ann Clywd as being a Saddam apologist. This is untrue. He was an Iraqi nationalist and fiercely resented the devastation of his country. His story is an antidote to the imperialist narrative which portrayed Saddam Hussein as a one-dimensional monster. That Saddam Hussein was a brutal and repressive dictator is not in doubt but he was the creation of the CIA.

Riad makes a number of criticisms of Saddam Hussein, not least the persecution of Iraqis of Iranian origin. (p. 305) However it would be fair to say that Riad is guilty of overlooking the persecution of the workers’ movement and the destruction of democratic parties, as well as the use of torture and murder by the ruthless Baathist regime. Riad tended only to see the regime’s achievements without seeing the cost. As Riad put it:

‘I had no illusions about the President; he was a man who ruled with an iron hand. So, however was Stalin, but Churchill didn’t shy away from a friendly relationship with him.’ (p.305)

Riad described how Iraq was the only oil-producing country where technology transfer occurred in the area of engineering design and how, after nationalisation in 1972 Iraq’s Ministry of Oil made strenuous efforts to promote engineering design. It was this economic nationalism, the desire to achieve economic independence and not WMD which were behind western sanctions and the 2003 invasion.

Riad had no hesitation in branding Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait as an unbridled mistake.

‘Saddam deluded himself that he was the supreme leader who could challenge and win against the regional power Iran. He was duped by the US into attacking this neighbouring country and the Iraqi people paid for the most stupid mistake of his life with eight years of carnage and impoverishment.’ (53)

Riad threw himself into the campaign against sanctions on Iraq. He approached Tam Dalyell MP and persuaded him to come to Iraq to see for himself the devastation that had been wrought. As a columnist for New Scientist Dalyell was already aware of the plight of Iraqi children from a report by Harvard’s Medical School which described how

‘a country famous for its medicine… had been reduced to a chronic shortage of drugs and sanction were hitting the vulnerable, young and old.’

Because of his contacts with Saddam and the ruling circles in Iraq from his days in the oil industry, Riad was able to arrange the visit of Tam Dalyell, George Galloway and Tim Llewellyn, an ex-BBC Middle East reporter, to Iraq to see for themselves the devastation wrought by sanctions. It was not an easy trip as there were no flights to Baghdad. Instead they had to fly to Amman and from there make an arduous journey by car through the desert to Baghdad.

Riad organised a number of such delegations to Iraq. One such was with the late Sue Lloyd-Roberts, a BBC journalist, Tam Dalyell and Albert Reynolds, the ex-Taoiseach of Ireland.

In 1993 Riad set up Friendship Across Frontiers, at Tam’s suggestion, to campaign against sanctions. It was supported by 32 MPs, including 22 Labour and 5 Tories. In 1997 Labour was elected to power and Riad described how

‘I had high hopes that a Labour government, with its internationalist and anti-imperial traditions, augured well for Iraq.’

He was to be disappointed. Blair ‘soon revealed himself to be an ardent supporter of US policy and also of the Zionist entity.’

As part of the run-up to the invasion the US Congress passed in 1998 the Iraq Liberation Act. The Blair government were their willing collaborators. Foremost amongst the supporters of the sanctions was former firebrand and Anti-Apartheid activist Peter Hain, by now a Foreign Office minister. During a debate on Iraq Hain stated that

‘The recent documentary produced by John Pilger tried to show that sanctions are responsible for the suffering of the Iraqi people…. It is a lie propagated by Saddam Hussein and his apologists.’  

Hain was referring to ‘Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq’.

Because he knew various members of the government from his oil industry days he was introduced to Saddam Hussein about whom he remarked that ‘those whom the gods wish to destroy they first drive mad’.  And western policy had certainly driven Saddam mad.

Riad’s assessment of Saddam and Baathist rule was undoubtedly optimistic and favourable however it is not true that Riad was a Saddam stooge. He wrote:

‘Yes Saddam and his political party did a lot of harm but equally they contributed to many popular measures… the loyalty of ministers and officials went right to the top. Following Saddam’s example they were accountable to themselves and to the people. Corruption was largely eliminated.’

Riad undoubtedly turned a blind eye to Saddam’s ruthless elimination of opponents and fierce repression of the workers’ movement, because of the imperialist attack on his country. However given the one-sided and hypocritical imperialist press that left no  stone unturned in its damnation of Saddam, its former favourite, this is not surprising.

A similar thing happened in 1983 with the invasion of the Falklands/ Malvinas by the Argentinian Junta. An anti-communist regime which, like Pinochet in Chile Thatcher had unequivocally supported, suddenly became a fascist monster! British newspapers which had never uttered a word of criticism about its murder of 30,000 leftists and the torture of thousands more, suddenly woke up to the Junta’s human rights abuses.

Riad was of the opinion that

‘Saddam’s support for the Palestinians was, unlike that of other Arab leaders, consistent and generous  and inspired admiration across the Arab and Muslim world.’

Unfortunately Riad didn’t see that Saddam’s ‘support’ for the Palestinians was not quite as generous as he made out. Saddam saw support for the Palestinians as a means of gaining the support of the Arab masses in his battle against the United States and Britain.

Riad forgot that Saddam’s ‘support’ including his sheltering of rogue PLO official Abu Nadel, whose attempted assassination of Israeli Ambassador Shlomo Argov in London in 1982 provided the pretext for the invasion of Lebanon. Saddam, like the Syrian regime, maintained its own faction within the PLO, in this case the Arab Liberation Front.

In the run-up to the invasion the West castigated Saddam for the mass murder of 5,000 Kurds at Halabjain 1988. However, at the time, the CIA blamed it on Iran. I can remember the BBC at the time describing it as an ‘alleged’ attack by Iraq.

After the first Gulf War in 1990 the UN imposed crippling sanctions on Iraq which devastated the country. It wasn’t the regime which was most affected but children and poor people. The purpose of the sanctions was to degrade the economy and turn the people against the regime.

When Madeline Albright, the US Secretary of State was interviewed by Leslie Stahl on 60 Minutes, Stahl put it to her that:

‘We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?’

To which Albright replied:

‘I think this is a very hard choice, but the price – we think the price is worth it.’ (6.12.96.) page 303.

The purpose of the sanctions wasn’t to ensure that Iraq conformed to international law and rid itself of the weapons of mass destruction that the West had supplied but a means of waging war by other means. They were the softening up process that laid the basis for the invasion.

By Resolution 687 of 3rd April 1991, the UN Security Council established the terms and conditions for a formal cease-fire between Iraq and the UN. On 18 April 1991 there was established by the Security Council the United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) and the weapon inspectors. From the start, as the UN later admitted, UNSCOM directly facilitated the creation of an intelligence system for the United States in violation of its mandate.

Realising that if the inspectors took their job too seriously it would weaken the case for war, neo-con Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz charged the CIA to investigate Han Blix, the head of the Inspection Commission.

It was into this scenario that Riad entered. Riad, because of his previous connections, became involved in the UN’s Oil For Sanctions programme. He argued that he did this, not for the money he earned but because he wished to help his fellow countrymen.

The regime soon imposed a ‘surcharge’ on each barrel of oil ‘lifted’ as a way of earning foreign currency though they later dropped it as it was more profitable directing its exports via Jordan whose economy would have collapsed if sanctions had prevented it trading.

As Riad observed, one of the consequences of the build up to the war was the ‘working alliance’ between the ‘Great Satan’ the USA and a member of the ‘axis of evil’ Iran. The US’s attack on the Baathist regime could not help but be of assistance to Iran strategically. It also ensured that Iran, which armed and equipped the Badr Brigades and other sectarian militia, confessionalised the struggle against the USA.

Riad described a meeting in the summer of 2002 with Ahmad Chalabi, a right-wing Iraqi exile and US protégé and an Iranian Ayatollah Abdul-Azis al-Hakim and Donald Rumsfeld with Dick Cheney, the Vice-President joining them via video conferencing.

Riad saw the evil influence of Israel everywhere. However although it gave nominal support to the attack on Iraq, Israel was more concerned about the strengthening of Iran. I have seen no evidence that Israel played any part in the decision of the United States to invade. Riad was right to say that the primary motivation was the US’s determination to regain control of Iraq’s oil but he was wrong to suggest that protection of the ‘Zionist entity’ figured prominently.

Those who paid surcharges for oil lifts including Riad, were acting illegally but this was in the context of a sanctions regime which was deliberately killing thousands of Iraqis. However this intention killing was not illegal. In addition the British and the Americans were turning a blind eye to those paying the surcharge and in the end only Riad was singled out for prosecution by the Serious Fraud Office. The judge at Riad’s trial maintained that his primary motive for breaking UN sanctions had been private gain but this was a lie. Even The Times raisedthe unfair prosecution of Riad and it was probably the general unease at the prosecution which led to the Court of Appeal’s reduction by 2 months of his 10 months sentence.

Riad takes us into the labyrinthine methods of Blair’s drive to war, including what became known as the ‘dodgy dossier’, which had been ‘borrowed’ from a graduate student in California to justify making war on Iraq. Robin Cook described it as ‘the most extraordinary failure of British intelligence.’

Riad describes the establishment of the Stop the War Coalition on 21stSeptember 2001, which FAF was involved with. As well as being an anti-war activist Riad functioned as an unofficial liaison between the Iraqi regime and the anti-war movement. He helped facilitate Tony Benn’s visit to Iraq shortly prior to the invasion.

An estimated 30,000 Iraqi combatants and 7,000 civilians died in the 2003 invasion compared to 196 of the coalition. Riad describes in all its gory details the catastrophe that was the Occupation. In particular the disaster that was ‘de-Baathification.’ It was modeled on de-Nazification in Germany except that Baathism wasn’t the equivalent of Nazism ideologically or politically.

This fateful decision, which caused the removal within a month of America’s first plenipotentiary, Jay Garner, and his replacement by Paul Bremer, rebounded on the Americans. It meant the complete disbandment of the Iraq army. Thousands of Sunni soldiers and technicians were rendered unemployed together with their weaponry. It was a recipe for sectarianism as the Shi’ite majority were played off against the formerly Sunni administrators. It was this decision that led to the creation of Al Qaeda in Iraq which morphed into ISIS.

There had been no post-occupation planning. De-baathification had been the brain child of 2 neo-cons – Douglas Feith and Ahmed Chalabi, an exile puppet of the Americans who had no base of support in Iraq. Together with Wolfowitz, Cheney and Richard Perle, a former head of the CIA, they set the seal on the bloodshed that followed.

The CIA station chief in Baghdad warned Bremer that firing the technicians who operated the electric, transportation and water infrastructure of the country would drive up to 50,000 Baathists underground and that in 6 months they would regret this decision. As a result of the ensuing violence, by early 2006 the Lancet estimated that ‘excess deaths’ in Iraq were 654,965 compared to less than 5,000 coalition deaths.

One result of America’s divide and rule policy was that Iraq’s religious minorities – Christians, Sabians and Turkomans - became targets for the sectarian militia. Riad described how the American occupation regime’s policies amounted to an intellectual cleansing of the country. ‘The vacuum created by the purging of Sunnis in high positions was filled by Shias loyal to Iran.’ (227)

FAF which had been originally founded to campaign against the sanctions now faced the occupation of Iraq. Tam Dalyell, its main supporter, retired from parliament in 2005. Fortunately Harry Cohen, an anti-Zionist Jewish MP, agreed to become a second patron of FAF. Riad was living proof that the Zionist accusation of ‘anti-Semitism’ against its opponents was a lie.

Riad described how the Americans lost no time in drafting a new oil law for Iraq. It allowed production share agreements with foreign oil companies. A poll showed that 63% of Iraqis opposed this law, but American democracy did not include matters of the economy.

David Whyte in the British Journal of Criminology, wrote that:

The scale and intensity of the appropriation of Iraqi oil revenue makes the 2003 invasion one of the most audacious and spectacular crimes of theft in modern history. The institutionalization of corporate corruption that followed the invasion can only be understood within the context of the coalition forces’ contempt for universal principles of international law enshrined in the Hague and Geneva treaties.’ (p.212)

As Riad remarked of Saddam:

we live in a hypocritical world in which extreme violence is condemned with great moral self-righteousness by the very people who initiate yet greater violence and destruction, and all in the name of democracy and human rights.

Riad was particular moved by the capture and sentencing to death in 2010 of Tariq Aziz, who was not part of the regime’s apparatus of terror. He was a Christian and a suave diplomat rather than someone with real power. Because of international pressure Aziz was not executed but allowed to die of cancer.

Riad describes what he called a tale of two trials.  Firstly that of Blair before the Chilcott Inquiry and then himself at Southwark Crown Court. Unfortunately the wrong person was sent to prison.

The Chilcott Inquiry took some 7 years to report and there is no doubt that when it did finally report with its over 2 million largely unread words, the steam had gone out of the anti-war campaign.

Riad heavily criticised the unreality of Chilcott for arguing that oil and Palestine didn’t fit within his remit. It was abundantly clear that oil and strategic hubris were the main reasons for the invasion.

The second trial was of Riad himself. Riad was singled out amongst the thousands who breached the UN sanctions regime, itself a breach of international law, for punishment because of his anti-war activities.

On 7th August 2008 Riad and his wife, Christine, were woken by more than 20 police officers early in the morning. Between March 2010 and the end of the year Riad was tried. As he remarked

If what I did was considered worthy of prosecution, then the charge should have been applied to all those who lifted oil under the oil-for-food programme during the period between 2000 and 2002, not to me and my co-Defendant alone. After all, the SFO had only to look at the Volcker Report to know who the main culprits were.

When Deputy First Secretary at the British mission in New York, Carne Ross, was cross-examined, he confirmed that the government had turned a blind-eye to the payment of a surcharge. Riad’s legal team however agreed to his trial being linked to that of a Pakistani oil-trader, Aftab Hussein. ‘Unlike his position, mine was one of principle and patriotism’.

Hussein was in it for the money, unlike Riad, so it was a particularly stupid decision of his legal team. As a result Riad was coerced into pleading guilty. The Judge let it be known that if he did not plead guilty and was convicted he could get up to 7 years in prison. That is British justice.

Not only did Riad serve a few months in prison, mainly Wandsworth but also Ford in West Sussex but he was ordered to pay £500,000 ‘compensation’.

The final injustice was being expelled on a trumped up pretext from the Labour Party. The recent EHRC Report complains that Corbyn’s team interfered in some of the disciplinary proceedings. The real complaint should be that Corbyn, in his terminal stupidity, refused to intervene in cases like that of Riad and instead allowed crooked McNicol, the General Secretary, to harass his supporters.

Riad had only recently been elected to the General Committee of Hove Labour Party and as someone on the left was seen by Caplin as a threat to his erstwhile boyfriend, the current MP Peter Kyle. Caplin, a crook who had figured prominently in the parliamentary expenses scandal, refused to pay back the £18,000 that he owed. This however was not deemed worthy of expulsion.

Ivor Caplin - the corrupt Zionist and former Hove MP who fingered Riad

Caplin had been a junior Defence Minister in 2003 at the time of the Iraq War. I can remember him cowering in his office at Portslade Town Hall whilst we were outside protesting. Riad had fought and taken risks, including serving a prison sentence, in order to undo the damage caused by Caplin and New Labour. The failure of Corbyn and the Momentum left to squash McNicol’s tawdry expulsion, without anything like a hearing, is a testament to how bankrupt they were.

Riad was a fervent opponent of Zionism but his analysis of the Israeli state often attributed to it powers it didn’t have. Riad called the Arab Spring ‘the Arab disaster’, which it did indeed turn out to be, but that was because of the fierce counter-reaction and in particular the efforts of the Saudis and the Gulf regimes to confessionalise the struggle of the Syrian people. However he was wrong to attribute the fall of Egypt’s President Mubarak to the belief by Israel that he was a ‘spent force’. Israel’s leaders, including the Zionist ‘dove’ Shimon Peres expressed their anguish at Mubarak’s ousting and no doubt played a part in the overthrow of the Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi.

Peter Kyle - the racist MP for Hove and Vice Chair of Labour Friends of Israel

Riad ends the book with a poem by Karen Audin, his yoga teacher and lover, which gave him comfort while in prison:


They may have taken away my liberty

But there is a peaceful place

That I can see

So when at times it seems too much

I know I can just get in touch

With that stillness that resides in me

The place where I am always free.

Despite his ordeals Riad found friendship and comradeship amongst fellow party members in Brighton and in Brighton & Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign.  There will always be a place in our hearts for our steadfast comrade Riad el-Taher.

Tony Greenstein

Riad’s book can be ordered from New Generation Publishing, 2018, ISBN 978-1-78955-323-9 (hardback) & ISBN 978-1-78955-3122-2 (paperback).

Prices on Amazon are £23.99 hardback and £17.99 paperback. However you can also order it from Francis Clarke Lowes at the following prices if you email fclarklowes@gmail.com

Hardback without pictures: £10 + £3 p&p (online link to pictures)

Paperback without pictures £6 + £3 p&p (online link to pictures)

Paperback with pictures £12 + £3 p&p

You Can’t Unite With A Rattlesnake - the Left Will Never Defeat Starmer as long as it accepts his ‘Anti-Semitism’ Narrative


Starmer Promised to ‘tear the poison of anti-Semitism out of Labour’ – what he meant was expelling supporters of the Palestinians from the Labour Party

Important Update

This article should be read in conjunction with Asa Winstanley's recent articlein Electronic Intifada which proves conclusively that Starmer’s witch-hunt is being driven by the Israel Lobby and the Board of Deputies

Revealed: the Israel lobby’s Labour hit list

When Starmer suspended Jeremy Corbyn 2 weeks ago I predicted that his expulsion was inevitable. Starmer’s reaction when an NEC panel voted to reinstate him demonstrates that expulsion was his original intention.  Starmer then did the next best thing. He expelled Corbyn from the Parliamentary Labour Party.

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When Starmer was elected in April I wrotethat ‘Mogadon Man Assumes the Leadership of the Labour Party… The Fight against the Right begins.Craig Murray wrote

Sadly, Sir Keir Starmer has all the captivating exuberance of a stagnant pond, with the murky secrets of his dubious past polluting the fetid waters.

In the circumstances that was rather mild! I followed this up, on May 13, warning that

If Labour Wants to Win the Next Election then it needs to Dump Starmer fast - COVID-19 Demonstrates why Sir Keir is so useless – He has Nothing to Say’.

The Campaign Group - A complete failure to understand the 'antisemitism' campaign

Unfortunately Momentum and the Campaign Group ignored my advice. Many people are inclined to call them the ‘soft left’. I prefer the term STUPID LEFT. As Einstein is said to have remarked, the definition of insanity is repeating something over and over again and expecting a different result. For the past 5 years, Momentum and Corbyn have repeatedly tried appeasing the Labour Right and the Zionist Jewish Labour Movement. The more they gave them the more they demanded. The more they apologised, the more ground they conceded.

Jon Lansman, Who Singlehandedly Did More to Damage Corbyn than anyone else, Believed that the Election of Sturmer was a Victory for the Left 

These fools even got it into their heads that Starmer was going to preserve Corbyn’s manifesto pledges and that he was a ‘unity’ candidate. Anyone acquainted with Starmer’s record would have known that that was a lie. Starmer is and always has been from Labour’s hard right.


As Director of Public ProsecutionsStarmer prosecutedJulian Assange and to this day refuses to speak out about his incarceration for being an investigative journalist. Starmer prosecutedwomen for making false allegations of rape whilst trying to cover for the Police who murdered Ian Tomlinson. Starmer is the only MP who is a member of the international ruling class body, the Trilateral Commission.

Not the least of Starmer’s crimeswas the fact that he was first person to welcomemy expulsion. This always struck me as curious.  Why, if someone is sincere in their opposition to anti-Semitism should they welcome the expulsion of a Jewish anti-racist?

Starmer however, unlike Corbyn and the Campaign Group/ Momentum is not stupid. Cunning, deceitful, dishonest but not stupid. From the beginning of his leadership he has repeated his promise to ‘tear the poison of anti-Semitism out of Labour by the roots’. That was what justified the sacking of Rebecca Long-Bailey and Lloyd Russell-Moyle and the dressing down of Stephen Kinnock. Not once has any member of the stupid left challenged his narrative.

Starmer went out of his way, from the start, to ensure that the EHRC Report was as damning as possible. That was why he paid off the racist liars and frauds among Labour’s senior staff who had campaigned againstthe Labour Party in 2017. This despitebeing told that Labour had a winning case. That way their version of events, that they had been prevented by Corbyn in tackling ‘anti-Semitism’ could not be contradicted without legal consequences.

The Cowardice of Lloyd Russell-Moyle Prevented Him Signing a Petition in Support of Corbyn

Starmer wanted the EHRC Report to be as bad as possible in order that he could wield it as a weapon. As it turned out the EHRC Report was insubstantial and evasive. Despite ignoring the evidence of Jewish Voices for Labour and my own offer, as the first Jewish person to be expelled, to give testimony its Report was a botched political stitch up. The suggestion that Ken Livingstone and Pam Bromley had been guilty of harassment is not worth the paper it is written on. Political speech and denying that there is an anti-Semitism problem is not harassment. It would be laughed out court. That is why Starmer and his glove puppet, David Evans, have been so concerned to preventlocal Labour parties discussing the Report.

Hence Starmer’s reaction to Labour’s Leaked Report was to attack those who leaked the Report whilst rewarding Labour’s racist and misogynist former staff. The last thing Starmer could afford was any undermining of McNicol’s lies.

John McDonnell with his slavish support for Starmer hauls up the White Flag of surrender

It is or should be obvious that Starmer isn’t the least concerned about racism. ‘Anti-Semitism’ to him is what ‘Communism’ was to Joe McCarthy. It is a means of denouncing his critics and smearing the Left. Back in April I wrotethat

If anyone had any doubts about who and what (Sir) Keir Starmer represents, his Shadow Cabinet appointments today should lay them to rest.  Starmer represents a return of the Blairite Right. Even Barry Gardiner, a supporter of Labour Friends of Israel and easily the most articulate member of Corbyn’s shadow cabinet has been sacked, as has Ian Lavery, former President of the NUM and one of the few working class members in the PLP as well as Jon Trickett.

It is not as if Starmer didn’t give a clear warning of his intentions. It is the cowardice and pathetic reformism of the Labour Left (if one can even call it such) that meant they didn’t heed the warnings. The signs of what Starmer’s real intentions were many:

i.              Starmer’s ‘constructive opposition’ in the ‘national interest’ to Boris Johnson’s disastrous COVID-19 strategy as the government presided over the highest death rate in Europe. The official death toll is 50,000 but the real death toll is far higher. The failure of the Tories is directly linked to the privatization of the NHS and the outsourcing of PPE and Test and Trace. Far from being ‘efficient’ the private sector is only efficient at maximizing its own profits. Channel 4 Dispatches has just shown how a private lab (they used to be in-house) treated test results cavalierly, allowing cross infection and leaking test tubes. Starmer’s failure to call out the health dangers of privatisation should have been taken seriously.

ii.           Starmer reversedLabour’s policy to support Kashmiri independence. Why?  Because Hindu chauvinists, supporters of the far-Right BJP government, accused supporters of Kashmiri independence and opponents of discrimination against the Untouchables of ‘Hinduphobia’.  The ‘Anti-Semitism’ scam is winning widespread admiration amongst racists.

The new leaders of Momentum (right) are no different from Lansman (left)

Just as opponents of Israeli Apartheid and Zionism are called ‘anti-Semites’ so Hindu bigots are calling opponents of caste discrimination ‘Hinduphobes’.  And who turned up at a House of Commons meeting to pledge his support for their campaign to keep caste discrimination legal?  Gideon Falter of the CAA! Starmer is very sensitive to the feelings of racists and chauvinists.

iii.        Starmer followed this up by sacking the weak and insipid Rebecca Long-Bailey, the Momentum candidate in the leadership elections. She had retweetedMaxine Peak’s statement that US Police learnt the neck hold from Israeli Police. Given that hundreds of thousands of US cops have been trainedby the Israeli Police, it was a reasonable assumption, yet Starmer called this an ‘anti-Semitic conspiracy theory’.

iv.        Starmer may be concerned with ‘anti-Semitism’ and the feelings of fellow Zionists but when it came to Black Lives Matter he had no hesitation in declaring that it was a ‘moment’ that had passed. Concern about genuine racism against Black people, the Windrush scandal and ‘hostile environment’ hasn’t even left his lips.

Yet what was the response of Momentum to the suspension of Corbyn? Was it to call for Starmer to go? Was there a call for defiance of David Evans declaration that discussion of the suspension was not ‘competent business’ for Labour parties? Andrew Scattergood, Momentum’s Co-Chair issued a statementthat This suspension risks politicising Labour's response to antisemitism.’ Where have they been? The ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign has been political from the start. It has been the means by which the Right has progressively undermined Corbyn.

Even Scatterbrain realised that this statement was hopelessly inadequate and Momentum therefore issued another statement, which was even worse.  It read:

The suspension of Jeremy Corbyn by the Labour Party leadership is a factional attack on the left that inevitably undermines the fight against anti-semitism and makes a mockery of Keir Starmer’s pledge to unite the Party. Tonight our Party is more divided than ever.’ 

There was a similar statementon Youtube and in an interviewwith LBC.

False Allegations of ‘Anti-Semitism’ Are Destroying the Labour Left

It is the inability of the Labour Left to come to grips with the Zionists’ anti-semitism hoax which sealed Corbyn’s fate and is now consigning the Labour Left to oblivion. It is a consequence of their acceptance of pro-imperialist politics in combination with identity politics.

Jews may be a minority in Britain but they are not an oppressed minority. Today Jews are a privileged white group which has voted Tory for the past 50 years (except for the initial Blair years). Only 14% voted for Ed Miliband, Labour’s first Jewish leader, in 2015. Jewish support for the Tories has nothing to do with Labour anti-Semitism and everything to do with their class position in society.

The Tory Party has historicallybeen a racist party, including an anti-Semitic one. It wasn’t in the Labour Party that an MP was told

''If I had my way people like you wouldn't be allowed in this place.''

'And I said: ''Sorry, when you say people like me, do you mean lower-class or Jewish?'' 

'To which he replied: ''Both.'''

It was the Tory Party and the MP was former Speaker, John Bercow. In the same interview Bercow, when asked about Corbyn and anti-Semitism saidabout Corbyn that ‘I've never detected so much as a whiff of anti-Semitism’.

When anti-Semitism was a form of state racism in Britain, when the Metropolitan Police supported the British Union of Fascists and attacked Jewish workers was the time when Jews voted overwhelmingly for the Left.  Not just the Labour Party. In 1945 Phil Piratin, was elected for Mile End as a Communist with an estimated 50% of his vote coming from Jews in London’s East End.

This was the meme that was part of the evidence that got Simon Hindmarsh expelled - and Corbyn just nodded this through

Jews today no longer live in the East End. They have migrated to London’s middle class suburbs of Golders Green, Edgware and Redbridge. Britain’s Jews have changed as society has changed. Jews aren’t victims of racist murders, police harassment or Stop and Search. There is no Jewish Windrush or ‘hostile environment’. Jews aren’t deported because they are Jews. Yet the identity politics of much of the Left prevents them from relating racism to class.

Racism isn’t the same as prejudice. It is a form of class oppression but only more so. It is an attack on the most exploited and vulnerable sections of society. Jews are no longer in that position. They are no longer society’s scapegoats.

Even the Sun can see what Scatterbrain and McDonnell can't

When Momentum’s Scatterbrain declared that Corbyn’s suspension ‘undermines the fight against anti-Semitism’ he is demonstrating that there are no limits to the stupidity of Momentum which, under Lansman, did more than Boris Johnson to lose the 2019 election.

Why does Scatterbrain imagine that the Daily Mail and the Tory press are so concerned about ‘anti-Semitism’ when no other form of racism disturb them in the slightest? It should be clear that the ‘anti-Semitism campaign had, but one target, and that was Jeremy Corbyn.

Since March 2016 when I was suspended I have repeatedly emphasised that Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth, Ken Livingstone, Tony Greenstein, Peter Willsman and finally Chris Williamson were not the real targets. We were just collateral damage. The real target was alwaysCorbyn even if he didn’t realise it.

Corbyn was a victim of what has come to be known as the Stockholm Syndrome. The more the Zionists attacked him the more he understood them and apologised. I’ve lost count of the number of friends that Corbyn threw under the bus in the vain hope that he would satisfy his enemies. Len McLuskey put his finger on it when he saidthat

Corbyn Has Answered Concerns On Anti-Semitism, But Jewish Community Leaders Are Refusing To Take 'Yes' For An Answer’.

Unfortunately McLuskey refused to face up to the logic of his own statement. He was correct. Whatever Corbyn did not satisfy the Zionist leaders of the Board of Deputies. McLuskey admitted

I am at a loss to understand the motives of the leadership of the Jewish community – the Board of Deputies, the Jewish Leadership Council and the Jewish Labour Movement.’

The answer was, as Bob Dylan once wrote, ‘blowing in the wind’. The reason why the ‘Jewish leaders’ i.e. Zionists at the Board of Deputies refused to take yes for an answer was that there was nothing that Corbyn could have done to satisfy them. The Zionists weren’t genuinely interested in anti-Semitism. They had but one goal – the removal of Corbyn. That was why the JLM was refoundedin 2015.

It was clear to me from the very start that what was happening was an orchestrated campaign which had been tested in Latin America, in particular Nicaraguaand Venezuela, where ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations had been leveled by Zionist groups and US Administrations at radical regimes. ‘Anti-Semitism’ has been patented and used as a weapon of the Right for over 30 years.

Contrast this with Argentina under a neo-Nazi Junta between 1976-1983. They tortured to death up to 3,000 Jews as part of their slaughter of 30,000 Argentinians.  Yet the Zionists and Israel remained silent.  Genuine anti-Semitism has never bothered Israel or the Zionist movement. From the Czarist regime at the turn of the 20th century to Hitler the Zionists have remained indifferent to genuine anti-Semitism.

We see this today. Who are Israel’s best friends in the world? The anti-Semitic Hungarian regime, the far-Right anti-Semitic Polish government and the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion in Ukraine to whom Israel supplies weapons. Not forgetting of course Trump who has repeatedly told American Jews that Israel is their ‘real home’. Which is what the Zionists also believe. When a White Supremacist gunman murdered 11 Jews in a Pittsburgh synagogue, Israeli Labor Party leader Avi Gabbay told them that they should emigrate and come to their ‘real home’.  Which is what the anti-Semites also say.

Clues for the Stupid Left – Scatterbrain and the Campaign Group – that the ‘Anti-Semitism’ Campaign was about Zionism/Israel not Jew hatred

On a personal level I have no sympathy for Corbyn. I consider him a disloyal, treacherous fool who had it within his power to become Prime Minister and he threw it all away by throwing his own supporters to the wolves. Corbyn knew, more than most, that the ritual accusation of ‘anti-Semitism’ is levelled at all Palestine solidarity supporters.

There are many reasons why the anti-Semitism campaign was a confected hoax, orchestrated by the Israeli, British and US governments. Here are some of those reasons:

1.           It is curious that despite being told repeatedly that Labour is overrun with anti-Semitism, which according to Sturmer, is a ‘stain’on the Labour Party no one has actually produced any Jewish victims of this ‘anti-Semitism’. All they can point to are opinion polls that say British Jews were living in fear. If true this is testimony to the ability of Zionist leaders, coupled with the British press, to instil fear in some British Jews by false and lying propaganda. I’ll wager a bet that if researchers had asked these idiots why they feared the Labour Party they would either have no answer or they would reply ‘Israel’.

2.           Accusations of Anti-Semitism were seen as far more likely to divide the Left than say hostility to Corbyn because of his opposition to Austerity. That is a product of the infatuation of much of the left with identity politics.

According to the Guardian the BNP congratulated Margaret Hodge on her racist housing policies - this creature is now Chair of the JLM's Parliamentary Group

3.           If concern over ‘anti-Semitism’ was serious why was it that the Labour Right – Tom Watson, Margaret Hodge etc. – didn’t display any concern over other forms of racism? Hodge had even been sent a bunch of flowers by the BNP because they approved of her Whites Only housing policy for Barking.

Tom Watson demonisedasylum seekers in the Hodge Hill by-election in 2004 with the slogan ‘Labour is on your side, the Lib Dems are on the side of failed asylum seekers.’ Watson also supportedthe racist Labour MP Phil Woolas in 2010 when the High Court removed him from Parliament, for a campaign which involved trying to ‘make the white folks angry’.

4.           The Board of Deputies has never opposed anti-Semitism in its history. In 1936 it told Jews not to oppose the British Union of Fascists and Oswald Moseley. In the 1970s it repeated that with the National Front.

5.           If the Zionist Board of Deputies was so concerned about anti-Semitism why did it have nothing to say about the Tory alliancewith fascists and anti-Semites in the European Parliament from 2009-2020?

6.           Why did the Board of Deputies say nothing about the Tories alliancewith anti-Semites in the European Council? Boris Johnson even sacked Lord Richard Balfe, a former Tory MEP, for objecting to sitting down with parties like the Swedish Democrats whose members parade with swastikas.

7.           Why is it that the only ‘anti-racist’ demonstration that the Board has ever held was in March 2018 against Labour just before the local elections?  How is it that racists like Ian Paisley Jnr and Norman Tebbit attendedan ‘anti-racist’ demonstration. The Board has never called demonstrations against the National Front or British Union of Fascists.

When Israel began using snipers to murder unarmed demonstrators in Gaza, the Board of Deputies blamed the Palestinians for their death

8.           The Board of Deputies is hardwired by its constitutioninto supporting Israel right or wrong. When Israel began using snipers to shoot unarmed demonstrators in Gaza the Board of Deputies supportedthem.

9.           Why, if the concern over anti-Semitism was genuine, was the same concern not extended to other forms of racism?  Luke Akehurst, who has just been elected to Labour’s NEC openly supportsIsrael’s snipers. Are the lives of Palestinians worth less than Jewish lives? Over 70 Palestinian children have been shot dead by these snipers yet Formby and Corbyn, despite my complaining to them, did absolutely nothing. Even The Telegraph carried a UN Report that said that Israel deliberately targeted children. Naturally Starmer or his Blairite choice as General Secretary aren’t going to expel Akehurst but it was Corbyn and Formby who did nothing.

10.      Why if the concern about anti-Semitism is genuine are anti-Zionist and non-Zionist Jews being suspended and expelled? Its a funny type of campaign which targets anti-racist Jews whilst ignoring Zionists.

11.      If the concern was really about anti-Semitism why did the Zionists clamour for Labour to adopt, in September 2018, the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism. A definition which has been panned by former Jewish Court of Appeal Judge Stephen Sedley (Defining Anti-Semitism), Hugh Tomlinson QC, Geoffrey Robinson QC, Sir Geoffrey Bindman and even David Feldman of the Pears Institute.  The IHRA is a definition of ‘anti-Semitism’ which conflates anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. Its a definition of ‘anti-Semitism’ that anti-Semites are quite happy with!

12.      If the campaign was really about anti-Semitism, then why has the newly elected NEC member, Gemma Bolton, been made the subject of an investigation for saying that Israel was an Apartheid State. [See Labour probes new NEC member following 'Israel apartheid state' posts]

13.      Why is it that all those who are now targeted for expulsion under the fast track procedures that Formby and Corbyn introduced questioned about their attitudes to Israel not Jews?

On any objective analysis the campaign against ‘anti-Semitism’ was always about Israel and Zionism. In December of 2016 Corbyn voluntarily proposed the adoption of the IHRA’s 38 word definition of anti-Semitism? The idiocy of Corbyn beggars belief.

If you call Israel what it is, a racist apartheid state that is now 'antisemitic' according to Herr Sturmer

Not only did Corbyn make a rod for his own back by introducing the concept of ‘denialism’whereby if you argue that the Labour Party doesn’t have an ‘anti-Semitism’ problem then you are ‘part of the problem’. This is the same kind of ‘logic’ that led to women and men in the Salem Witchhunt being hanged. As Elizabeth Purdy wrote:

Those who publicly questioned the guilt of a defendant were likely to be accused of witchcraft themselves.

To compound his idiocy and cowardice Corbyn opposedOpen Selection at the 2018 Labour Conference. Once again he appeased his enemies. They have repaid him handsomely by threatening to resign from the Labour Party if Corbyn resumes the Labour Whip.

And if this was not enough at the 2019 Conference Corbyn and Formby lied by arguing that the proposed ‘fast track’ expulsion procedures, whereby you have no hearing and the NCC is bypassed, would only be used for ‘egregious’ cases. This has been used to expel hundreds of socialists and anti-racists.

Corbyn was the author of his own misfortune but he wasn’t the only one. McDonnell, who had previously traded on his far-left credentials was even worse than Corbyn.  He intervened when even Corbyn and his office wanted to discipline Margaret Hodge. McDonnell played the role of a scab throughout telling us to listen to the Tory Board. He said that he was ‘tearing his hair out’ about ‘anti-Semitism’. McDonnell constantly was the appeaser-in-chief.

What can we do now?

I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that the fight against the Right in the Labour Party is becoming hopeless, not least because of the capitulation of most of the formerly Corbyn left. A campaign of Open Defiance of David Evans is needed, a refusal by local parties to accept Evan’s dictats. Suspensions and expulsions without a fair hearing should not be recognised.

Campaign Group MPs would, if they even knew what the word solidarity meant, resign the whip in sympathy with Corbyn. As it is these cowards and opportunists rush like gadarene swine to distance themselves from Corbyn. When a petition in support of Corbyn was circulated only 22 Campaign Group MPs signed it. Careerists like Russell Lloyd-Moyle refused to sign it because it was ‘political’ as if the suspension of Corbyn was a humanitarian venture.

The latest letter from 28 Campaign Group MPs has not been signed by Momentum front benchers like Sam Tarry. This is disgraceful.  So-called ‘left’ MPs and Tarry is a full-on Lansmanite, are prioritising their own personal careers over the fate of Corbyn and the left.

Corbyn himself should declare that he is sitting as an independent socialist MP and will stand again at the next election. Indeed it would be a good idea if he resigned and stood for re-election in a by-election. Starmer’s decision to suspend him would blow up in his face if, as is likely, Corbyn won the re-election. At that point Corbyn and those socialists left in the Campaign Group should announce that they are leaving Labour to set up a Socialist Party.

Victory can still be salvaged from defeat but unfortunately the Campaign Group and Corbyn himself is so lacking in any Marxist or class politics that they are blown hither and thither in the gusts of capitalist reaction. Of one thing we should be clear. The Labour Party has been captured by Zionist and imperialist supporters who are as dedicated supporters of neo-liberal capitalism as Boris Johnson.

Tony Greenstein


Obituary - The Death of an Establishment Bigot – Rabbi Dr Jonathan Sacks (8 March 1948-7 November 2020)


For all his pretentious and affected learning Sacks was a racist, a homophobe and a supporter of Judeo-Nazi Settlers

Of one thing you can be certain. When the press sings in unison you can be sure that they are wrong. And sure enough they fell over themselves to sing the praises of Saint Sacks. It is most unfortunate that the Jewish religion doesn’t have saints, though it does have tzadiks. (righteous persons). 

Sacks was described by NPR as a ‘Towering Intellect Of Judaism’  which probably says more about the state of modern Judaism than it does about Sacks.

The Times spokeof the ‘

Charismatic Chief Rabbi who was an eloquent, powerful advocate for the importance of all faiths and ‘made his listeners feel clever’

The New York Times explained how

In writings and media appearances, he took a universalist view of religion in a multicultural world — a stance that could get him in hot water with conservatives.

Sacks good friend was a fellow religious bigot

The Church Times describedhow Sacks was

prodigiously talented in two areas that only rarely come together. He had a trained and sharply honed philosophical mind, and he combined this with superb powers of storytelling and popular communication

There was a particular bond with George Carey, because of their shared support for Arsenal….

Carey it should be remembered covered upchild abuse in the Church of England leading to him being bannedfrom officiating at services. He was also a fellow Islamaphobe.

The Independent recalledhow Sacks visited the United States to visit his family and how he visited the Brooklyn-based leader of the racist Lubavitch hasidic movement, Menachem Schneerson

We can get a flavour of Sack’s political orientation from the fact that in 2018 Sacks helped Mike Pence, the US Vice President, write a speech to be delivered in the Knesset in which he announced the date of Trump’s decision to move the American Embassy to Jerusalem. Sacks thus demonstrated that when it comes to the Occupied Territories, of which Jerusalem is a part, that he was signed up to a Greater Israel. Pence saw Sack’s contribution as a “hugely critical element in crafting the speech”.

Pence is an evangelical Christian and a reactionary on all social issues from gay rights and abortion to demandingthat public funds for HIV/Aids be redirected to “conversion therapy” for LGBT people. Sacks had no problem in working with such a vile creature.

However Sacks was anything but righteous. He was a pretentious windbag who wrote over 20 books without saying anything worthwhile. Sacks flattered to deceive and created an aura of profundity.  He was also apparently a philosopher.  

I must confess that I treat philosophy as a way of saying the same thing in different ways but maybe I’m being unfair. The greatest philosopher of the past century is acknowledged to be Martin Heidegger, the author of Being and Time which gave rise to existentialism and Sartre, phenomenology and Derrida’s notion of deconstruction.

Although I don’t believe that you can simply write off art because it is produced by the politically obnoxious or backward, an obvious example being Salvador Dalli, when it comes to Philosophy we are dealing with political thought and ideas. Philosophy is a study of life itself, our understanding of reality and the meaning of one’s existence. If the greatest philosophical work in the last century was produced by someone who went on to become a Nazi, what does it say about his work? Or are we to accept that his personal political choices were separate from the ideas that he sponsored? Even when given the chance, after the war Heidegger refused to renounce his previous support for the Nazis.

The same is true of Sacks. You can best judge his verbal and written output by the stance he took on the various questions that confronted him and the choices he made. The Vatican and Catholic theologians produced millions of words yet that didn’t prevent the Vatican threatening to torture Galileo if he didn’t recant his bizarre ideas about the planets revolving round the Sun! 

It was Marx who put his finger on the dilemma of  philosophy in his Theses on Feurbach, which was the  precursor of The German Ideology in which he said that “Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.”

It is therefore worthwhile pointing out the contrast between the erudite and learned Sacks from the common and garden bigot he was in practice.

Sacks wasn't the only Chief Rabbi who was a reactionary

Jonathan Sacks as Homophobe

Jonathan Sacks was a homophobe, an anti-gay bigot. When the Home Office put out for consultation its proposals on gay marriage the Beth Din, (a Jewish religious court) which Sacks presided over, urged the government to reject any proposals to legalise gay marriage. See Once, the chief rabbi represented all British Jewry. No longer, by dissident Zionist Professor Geoffrey Alderman (13.7.13). The Beth Din declared that

"Our understanding of marriage from time immemorial has been that of a union between a man and a woman. Any attempt to redefine this sacred institution would be to undermine the concept of marriage."

Marriage has in fact not been an institution ‘from time immemorial’. Marriage as we know it now is of recent origin and has changed fundamentally over time as has the family itself. It is a common fault to read back from today into ‘time immemorial’.

The Guardian, before it was Freedlandised, was somewhat more critical of Sacks than before the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign was underway. In Lord Sacks: the two sides of the chief rabbi (25.8.13.) it wrote that ‘

Lord Sacks's mellifluous voice may have charmed millions. But he was unable convincingly to explain why the dignity of difference does not also mean the dignity of diversity.

In 1992 Sacks excluded the Jewish Lesbian and Gay Helpline from a communal charity walkabout in Hyde Park which he had organised. According to a spokesman for his office the helpline

“presented an alternative lifestyle which we don’t accept. We know that some people feel that they are inclined that way but we draw the line at institutionalising it.”

'Words mean what I want them to mean'

Jonathan Sacks and Universalism

In his Wiki entry Sacks is described as ‘paradoxically one of the most universalizing voices within contemporary Judaism.’ I sometimes feel like Humpty Dumpty who remarked that words mean what you want them to mean. The only question being who is the master. To Sacks words lost any independent existence. They were merely weapons of war.

Universalism means that ideas, ethics and behaviour towards others have universal application. Sacks Zionism stood for the complete opposite. What is good for the Jews is its first question. Zionism is dedicated to creating and sustaining a Jewish state that is as ethnically pure as is possible

Sacks was a vehement Zionist and opposed to anything remotely approaching a universalist outlook. He used his academic background in philosophy in order to legitimise Jewish chauvinism and particularism. His academic learning was employed to defend Jewish exceptionalism, muddying it with a commitment to interfaith ‘dialogue’.

When it comes to bourgeois philosophy, terms such as ‘universalism’ mean anything you want them to mean. What his flatterers meant was that he spoke the language of ‘interfaith’ whilst subscribing to the idea that only the Jewish religion enables an acquaintanceship with god. The getting together of Christians and Jewish religious leaders to pat each other on the back, what is called interfaith ‘dialogue’, in practice meant Christian clerics giving unstinting support to Israeli ethnic cleansing and its barbaric occupation.

It says a lot about the intellectual poverty of the organised, synagogue going British Jewish community around the United Synagogue, that someone like Sacks was treated with veneration. Sacks was an intellectual fraud posing as someone with deep insight into the human condition.

When it came to the victims of Zionism, the Palestinians, Sacks was anything but a universalist. He held his arms out to the most murderous and racist settlers of all. Sacks was a bigot who dressed up his prejudices in flowery language, sophistry and semantics. What mattered was not how many philosophy books he wrote but how he interpreted them.

When in his 2002 book The Dignity of Difference, Sacks wrote

“God has spoken to mankind in many languages: through Judaism to the Jews, Christianity to Christians, Islam to Muslims. ... God is the god of all humanity, but no single faith is or should be the faith of all humanity.”

he sparked a backlash amongst the ultra-Orthodox. What was Sack’s reaction? Did he stand his ground? No, he amended his book so that it read

"As Jews, we believe that God has made a covenant with a singular people, but that does not exclude the possibility of other peoples, cultures, and faiths finding their own relationship with God."

Corbyn and the British irony meeting

Sacks, Corbyn and Hypocrisy

Sacks’ hypocrisy was on full display when he took advantage of the media chorus, fawning tabloid headlines and vacuous pundits, to launch a vicious personal attack on Jeremy Corbyn. In a New Statesmaninterview, if you can call it that, Sacks accusing Corbyn of having made the most racist speech since Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech. Here was the ‘deep thinker’ Sacks playing to a gallery of sycophants and reactionary press clowns, offering a cheap quote in return for even cheaper applause. Sacks demonstrated not only his own hypocrisy but his willingness to indulge in cheap demagogy.

That well known anti-racist paper the Daily Mail, which in 1968 gushed over Powell's 'rivers of blood' speech

Corbyn you will remember accused two Zionist thugs, Jonathan Hoffman and Richard Millett, who have a history of disrupting meetings that they disagree with, of failing to understand British irony. Corbyn’s comparison was with the Palestinian Ambassador Manuel Hassassian whose meeting they had tried to disrupt. Corbyn’s accusation was made against 2 particularly obnoxious Zionists, not Jews, although the media tripe treated ‘Zionist’ as equalling ‘Jew’. The contrast was between 2 individuals who were born in Britain but who lacked any sense of irony with the Palestinian Ambassador who wasn’t born in Britain. It was the exact opposite of Powellism. See You were never my Chief Rabbi, bruv

If Sacks had possessed any integrity, still less irony, he might have kept his rabbinical trap firmly shut. However people like Sacks tend to verbal incontinence. When asked to name his favourite book for 2017, Sacks volunteered Douglas Murray’s ‘Strange Death of Europe’! It is a book that not only praisesEnoch Powell but it is the bible of the far-Right identitarian movement with its replacement theory which argues that mass Muslim immigration is part of a conspiracy to replace and eradicate White European identity.

Below is one of Murray’s tributes to his hero, Enoch Powell:

“among the things most striking when reading his [Powell’s] speech – and the reactions to it – today are the portions for which he was lambasted that now seem almost understated… if anyone had suggested to Powell in 1968 that he should use his Birmingham speech to predict that within the lifespan of most people listening those who identified as ‘white British’ would be in a minority in their capital city, he would have dismissed such an advisor as a maniac…even the most famous prophet of immigration doom in fact underestimated and understated the case.'….”

Enoch Powell - praised by Douglas Murray who was in turn praised by Sacks

To criticise Corbyn, the opponent of White Supremacy and Apartheid, for being a latter-day Enoch Powell when his own views dovetailed with racists like Douglas Murray was the height of hypocrisy

Indeed the full blown version of identitarianism has Jews as the masterminds of this immigration, financed of course by the ubiquitous George Soros. So not only was Sacks signing up to a racist far-Right ideology but he was giving sustenance to the very anti-Semitism that he accused Corbyn of!

What is also clear is that Sacks himself didn’t understand British (or any other) form of irony. On learning of Sacks death Murray paidhim a heart felt tribute: We have lost one of our kindest, deepest, most thoughtful minds. A terrible loss.’

Heidegger was a far greater philosopher than Sacks whose legacy consists of a few pious homilies. Nonetheless, for all his erudition Heidegger joined the Nazi Party in 1933 becoming Rector of Freiburg University. He distanced himself from fellow Jewish academics including his mentor Edmond Husserl, a ‘Christian’ Jew. Heidegger signed the dismissal letters of Jewish faculty, including Husserl. Even his lover Hannah Arendt accused him of effectively killing Husserl. Some might suggest that there is a dichotomy between a philosophy that critiques society and our place in it and a philosophy which ends up in Nazi dictatorship and biological racism. The same is equally true with Sacks. For all his fine, measured words, he lent his weight to the sanitizing of bigotry and racism.

Jonathan Sacks, with his affected profundity and learning, was an Establishment courier, flattering those with privilege and power but with nothing to say to the dispossessed. He was a man with little in the way of original thought. He simply repackaged the mundane.

Sacks, Israel and Zionism

Jonathan Sacks in a speech at a Solidarity Rally for Israel on 23rd July 2006, during Israel’s attack on Lebanon, including its slaughter of its civilian population, said that

“Today we stand in solidarity with Israel, and rarely have I felt so proud of Anglo-Jewry as I have done these past few days. Especially of our young people. Last week 1300 of them, from youth groups right across the religious spectrum, went out to Israel. Every one of them, or their families, might have said, ‘No, not now. It is too dangerous.’ Yet almost none of them did. I want to say to every one of those young people: Kol hakavod. You make us proud … And today I want a message to go forth from us to Israel to say: Israel, you make us proud …” 

Israel’s bombing of Lebanon’s civilian population, including Western Beirut made Sacks proud. To compound just how deceitful and treacherous he was. he proclaimed how he ‘wept’ for the people of Lebanon even as the Israel he supported was bombing them! He was ‘proud’ of the murderers yet expressed sympathy with the murdered.

This is the Israel which committed the Qana massacre in Lebanon 10 years earlier, killing over 100 of the 800 refugees who had gathered there. Sacks said:

Does any of us, God forbid, take satisfaction at the devastation of Lebanon? Is that who we are? Let me be clear and unambiguous. We weep not just for Israel but for the people of Lebanon also …”

But of course all this ‘devastation’ was justified:

“And if we, if Israel, if Europe, if America do not take a stand against terror, if we ignore it as the world ignored it for so long, then it will leave a stain on the human future that no tears, no regrets, will ever remove.

Presumably it didn’t occur to this great philosopher and scholar that the terror the world was ignoring was that committed by Israel. However Hezbollah ensured that Israel was driven out of Lebanon in 2006. Its first defeat at the hands of an Arab army since 1948. Israel has since, together with the United States, branded Hezbollah a ‘terrorist’ group rather than a national liberation movement.

In 2012 during Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense in Gaza in November 2012, in which 174 Palestinians were killed and many hundreds wounded by Israeli bombing, Sacks was askedby presenter Evan Davis, after giving his usual homilies on Thought for the Day, if he had ‘any thoughts on what’s going on over in Israel and Gaza at the moment?’ Sacks sighed and said ‘I think it’s got to do with Iran actually.’ Co‑presenter Sarah Montague quickly whispered ‘we’re live.’ Sacks immediately reverted to his normal pious tone offering a ‘continued prayer for peace, not only in Gaza but the whole region.’” Sacks was brought up in the tradition of the ‘left’ Zionists of ‘shooting and crying’. You weep, not for your victims but because they forced you to kill them.

Israel's annual pogrom that Sacks supported

Supporting Israel’s Judeo-Nazi Settlers’ Pogrom

Every June Israeli Jews celebrate Jerusalem Day, marking the 1967 War when the city was captured. As part of the celebrations, thousands of settlers take part in the “March of the Flags”.

This march includes a walk through Arab East Jerusalem by young settlers who chant slogans such as ‘Death to the Arabs’ whilst banging on the shuttered Arab shops. All under the gaze of the Israeli Police.

In 2017 Sacks extended a “personal invitation” to Diaspora Jews to join him on a trip to Israel which included “leading” the March of the Flags and “dancing with our brave IDF soldiers” in the far-Right settler enclave inside Hebron.

Ha’aretz’s correspondent Bradley Burston askedRabbi Sacks, Why Are You Cheerleading for anti-Palestinian Provocateurs?’ Burston never received a reply. Burston described it as

“an annual, gender-segregated extreme-right, pro-occupation religious carnival of hatred, marking the anniversary of Israel’s capture of Jerusalem by humiliating the city’s Palestinian Muslims”, in which marchers have “vandalized shops in Jerusalem’s Muslim Quarter, chanted ‘Death to Arabs’ and ‘The (Jewish) Temple Will Be Built, the (Al Aqsa) Mosque will be Burned Down,’ shattered windows and door locks, and poured glue into the locks of shops forced to close for fear of further damage.”

Ha’aretz’sAnna Roiser pleadedwith Sacks not to attend, saying,

“one of the world’s most respected rabbis sends a message of normalization and acceptance of the occupation by the mainstream Jewish community. Many Jews in the Diaspora work hard to emphasize that being Jewish is not synonymous with supporting the Israeli government, and that supporting Israel’s right to exist is not synonymous with supporting the occupation. Rabbi Sacks’ actions risk undermining these messages.”

Not only did Sacks ignore all such requests but he marched together with Ephraim Mirvis, another anti-Corbyn bigot. Like Sacks, Mirvis found it difficult to oppose any other form of racism bar ‘anti-Semitism’. See Chief Rabbi and Lord Sacks should not back this march

Now if Jeremy Corbyn or members of the Labour Party were to shout ‘Death to the Jews’ as they did in pre-war Poland and Germany, then Mirvis might have something to complain about. I sent an unpublished letter to the Guardian in the wake of Mirvis’s outburst in The Times.

Dear Sir/Madam,

If there is one thing guaranteed to increase anti-Semitism in this country it is the sight of Jewish leaders attacking a Labour Party that represents the only hope for millions of British people. Britain’s Chief Rabbis have a habit of supporting the Conservative Party dating back to Immanuel Jakobovitz’s support for Margaret Thatcher but none have been this blatant.

Ephraim Mirvis’s attack on Corbyn has absolutely nothing to do with racism or anti-Semitism. This is the same person who was singing the praise of Norman Tebbit’s cricket test not so long ago.

Nor is Mirvis’s instruction to Jews not to vote Labour about despair. ['It reflects the despair': chief rabbi's criticism of Labour strikes a chord] It is part of a well co-ordinated campaign to use ‘anti-Semitism’ as a means to damage and destroy Labour’s electoral prospects.

This is the same Ephraim Mirvis who joined his predecessor Rabbi Jonathan Sacks and thousands of far-Right settlers on the 2017 Jerusalem Day ‘March of Flags’. The favourite chant of the settlers on these marches is ‘Death to the Jews.’ Mirvis had no hesitation in joining those who desire nothing more than the expulsion of the Palestinians.

It is because Jeremy Corbyn bought into the myth that anti-Semitism was a problem in the Labour Party that he is now facing such problems. It is however curious that in the thousands of stories on Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ there is a marked absence of evidence.

Yours faithfully,

Tony Greenstein

Sacks ignored all entreaties. Together with Ephraim Mirvis, who was trainedin the West Bank yeshivah Har Etzion in the settlement of Alon Shvut, Sacks helped lead the March of the Flags.

In a videotaken of the march several youths spoke to Electronic Intifada’s Charlotte Silver. One said that they had come to celebrate the “liberation of Jerusalem from the Palestinians,” others chimed in with “may their memory be erased.”

May they all die today, all together,” another interjected. A child asserted repeatedly that Jerusalem was “liberated” from “the donkeys.”

The curse calling for someone’s name or memory to be erased was traditionally used for enemies of the Jews as hated as Adolf Hitler or Haman. Its use by Jewish youths against Palestinians indicates the level of genocidal hatred with which they are brought up.

Members of the fascist anti-miscengenation group Lehava shouted “Arab beware – my sister is not abandoned goods” They also chanted, “Girls of Israel, for the Nation of Israel [Jews].”Israeli women are seen as the exclusive property of Israeli Jewish men. As in Nazi Germany, where Rassenchande (racial pollution) meant Jewish men having sexual relations with German women, not the other way around, there were no equivalent slogans telling Arab women to beware of mixing with Jewish men. See Israeli mobs celebrate “Jerusalem Day” with anti-Palestinian rampage in Old City

None of this prevented the Guardian’s Jenni Frazer describingSacks as

a much admired figure in both the Jewish and non-Jewish world…. Sacks won high praise and was generally acknowledged as one of the most brilliant intellects of his generation. He was particularly lauded for his ability to explain Jewish philosophy to the wider community, which he did with great frequency on BBC Radio 4’s Thought for the Day lecturing in moral philosophy at Middlesex Polytechnic, or as a visiting professor at Essex University.

Rabbi Hugo Gryn

Sacks and the Funeral of Auschwitz Survivor Hugo Gryn

As Chief Rabbi of the United Synagogue Sacks refused to attend the funeral of Hugo Gryn in 1996. Gryn was a rabbi for 32 years at the West London synagogue – one of the largest Reform congregations in Europe. Gryn was a fellow panellist on The Moral Maze.

Gryn was also an Auschwitz survivor from Berehevo, which was then in Czechoslovakia, today in Ukraine. His family arrived in Auschwitz in 1944 when he was 14-year-old. His 10-year-old brother was gassed on arrival. He and his mother survived. His father died a few days after liberation.

A massive row erupted after the Jewish Chronicle published a leaked letter which Sacks had written which described Gryn as part of a “false grouping” which was “among those who destroy the faith”. Sacks’ subsequent decision to attend a memorial service for Gryn did not appease communal anger.

I know it’s not the done thing to speak ill of the dead but that is no reason to lie about them either.

Tony Greenstein

See John Spencer’s An existential threat?

Starmer Promised to ‘tear the poison of anti-Semitism out by its roots’ – so why did he appoint an anti-Semite as General Secretary?


David Evans email stating that Jews feel unsafe when faced with robust debate is about as anti-Semitic as it gets

Stop Press:  Angela Rayner Threatensto Suspend ‘thousands and thousands’ of members. Thus breaking the EHRC Report’s stipulation that Labour leaders should not interfere in the disciplinary process

It should be a statement of the obvious that the Labour Right has never been interested in opposing racism. That is why, if there was no other reason, their concern with ‘anti-Semitism’ is a brazen lie.

It was New Labour that demonised asylum seekers and used Islamaphobia to discipline Britain’s Muslim communities. It is why you never hear anything from them  today about the Windrush Scandal, the continuing deportation of Black people to the Caribbean or Grenfell Tower. As we all know, Black Lives Matter was only a 'moment'.

Nadia Whittome, a member of the Campaign Group of MPs and the Alliance for Workers Liberty is a scab

The ‘anti-Semitism’ the Right constantly talk about is always at the level of the metaphysical. It has no concrete manifestations. Black people are subject to Stop and Search, Windrush deportations, Police violence and disproportionate imprisonment, coupled with economic discrimination. Which of these applies to British Jews? None is the answer.

All the leading lights in the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign are themselves racists. Take Tom Watson who declared that he wouldn’t rest until the last ‘anti-Semite’ was expelled from the Labour Party. This is the same Tom Watson who issued a leaflet as Campaign Manager in the Hodge Hill by-election of 2004, which declared that "Labour is on your side – the Lib Dems are on the side of failed asylum seekers".

Watson gave unflinching support to Phil Woolas, who fought the 2010 General Election on a platform of Islamaphobia. He painted his Lib-Dem opponent as a supporter of violent Jihadism. So outrageous were Woolas’s lies that the High Court removed him from Parliament. Woolas fought the campaign on the basis of ‘making the White folk angry.’

John Mann, the ‘anti-Semitism Czar’ was also very concerned about ‘anti-Semitism’ but this didn’t stop him demonising Gypsies and Roma. In 2007 he brought out the Bassetlaw anti-social behaviour handbook which listed Travellers alongside Alcohol, Fireworks, Rubbish, Neighbours from Hell, Noisy Neighbours and Alcohol as a problem of anti-social behaviour.

Support for the Israeli state and Zionism is strongest amongst neo-Nazis and the far-Right.  Strange that. In the German Bundestag the most pro-Zionist party is the far-Right AfD, which contains a large number of neo-Nazis. From Tommy Robinson to the neo-Nazi founder of the alt-Right Richard Spencer (a ‘white Zionist’) today's neo-Nazis are the foremost supporters of Zionism and Israel’s ethno-religious nationalism. No better example of this phenomenon is Donald Trump himself. Trump has no hesitation in indulging the anti-Semitism of his followers yet he is also the most pro-Zionist President there has ever been.

For some unfathomable reason Momentum and the Campaign Group want to get into bed with Herr Sturmer 

The answer to this conundrum is simplicity itself. Fascists and anti-Semites admire Israel because the ‘Jewish’ state is the kind of state they aspire to create. It is an ethno-nationalist state that has complete disregard for minorities within its borders and maintains a violent racist occupation over the West Bank which makes Apartheid South Africa seem a children’s playground in comparison.

When I was interviewedafter being suspended by the Labour Party as part of the 'anti-Semitism' witchhunt I was asked about a post in which I said that Israel is waiting for the holocaust survivors to die in order that it can save on welfare benefits.  I was asked nothing about anti-Semitism.

This kind of criticism of Israel, which draws on the holocaust, is anti-Semitic according to the IHRA definition of ‘anti-Semitism’.  The only problem was that I was quoting from the headlineof an article in the Israeli paper Ha'aretz! Perhaps they too are anti-Semitic?  Idiot Harry Gregson who interviewed me, before jumping ship to the Independent Group certainly thought so.

The Zionist movement, which fought against the rescue of Jews from Hitler’s clutches during the ongoing holocaust, actively seeking to prevent Jews seeking refuge in countries other than Palestine, has exploited the holocaust as a means of warding off criticism. The holocaust has been very profitable to Israel.  It enabled Israel to build its submarine fleet courtesy of West Germany as well as obtain monetary reparations. In return Israel gave West Germany a kosher certificate that enabled it to be accepted as a key member of NATO.

The symbol of Israel’s exploitation was the creation of Yad Vashem, a holocaust propaganda museum, which sought to portray Arab opposition to Zionism as being an extension of Nazi hatred of the Jews. Yad Vashem was built almost next door to the village of Deir Yassin (Givat Shaul) which was subject to a terrible massacre in April 1948 when over 100 Arabs – men, women and children – were slaughtered with knives and grendades by the Irgun terror militia. Yet when a guide to Yad Vashem, Itamar Shapira pointed this out he was instantly dismissed for ‘politicising’ the holocaust.

Nadia Whittome - scab MP and supporter of the Zionist Alliance for Workers Liberty

If pointing out the comparisons between the Jewish and Palestinian tragedy is unacceptable to Yad Vashem then what is acceptable is the invitation it extends to neo-Nazis and Hitler worshippers. This first began under the Israeli Labour Government of Yitzhak Rabin when John Vorster, the Prime Minister of South Africa was invited to Israel in 1976. As is always the case with state visitors they are taken to Yad Vashem so that they are made aware of the fact that Israel derives its legitimacy from the tragedy of European Jews. The fact that Vorster had been interned during the war as a Nazi supporter made no difference.

Since then a whole flock of neo-Nazi and far-Right visitors have made the compulsory pilgrimage to Yad Vashem. These include two leaders who have openly praised Hitler! Brazil’s Bolsonaroand Philippines Duterte. Then there was Austria’s Jorg Haider leader of the Freedom Party, which was founded by a former member of the SS. Not leaving out the world’s premier anti-Semitic ruler, Viktor Orban of Hungary. Orban praisedHungary’s pro-Nazi leader Admiral Horthy who presided over the deportation of nearly half a million Jews to Auschwitz, as an ‘exceptional statesman’. Orban’s visit provoked protestsoutside by holocaust survivors but that doesn't stop Netanyahu being best friends with Orban.

One of the lessons of the holocaust is that no refugee or asylum seeker should be turned away like Jewish refugees were. Israel refuses to grant asylum to any non-Jewish refugees. Not only Netanyahu but the whole political spectrum of Zionist opinion, including the Israeli Labour Party, has supported attempts to deport Israel’s 40,000 Black African Jews because they are not Jewish.

It should therefore not be a surprise that a Knesset committee has just proposed Effi Eitam, a right-wing hawk and an avowed racist, to become the next Chair of Yad Vashem. It really is a fitting appointment and I only hope that no one impedes his appointment. In 2006 Eitam made these comments:

We will have to do three things: expel most of the Arabs of Judea and Samaria [West Bank] from here. It is impossible with all these Arabs and it is impossible to give up the territory, because we have already seen what they are doing there. Some may be able to stay under certain conditions, but most will have to go. We will have to make another decision, and that is to kick out the Israeli Arabs from the political system. Here, too, things are clear as day: we have created a fifth column, a group of first-degree traitors, so we cannot continue to allow such a hostile and large presence in Israel’s political system. Third, in the face of the Iranian threat, we will have to act differently from everything we have done until today. These are three things that will require a change in our ethics of warfare.

Those with a sense of history will understand that the legend of the ‘stab in the back’ and a ‘fifth column’ were integral to the German nationalist myths that circulated in the wake of Germany's defeat in the first World War that Germany had lost, not because of any military failure but because of the treacherous Jews. Eitam is indeed an appropriate appointment.

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Why do I mention this?  Because if Jeremy Corbyn had indeed introduced anti-Semitism to the Labour Party, if anti-Semitism was indeed a problem in the Labour Party then the Jewish Labour Movement and the Zionist lobby would not have been in the slightest bit interested. Zionism has never fought anti-Semitism. The Board of Deputies has never called an anti-racist demonstration in its history.

Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary and a notorious anti-Semite as well as Netanyahu's close political friend

In 1936 the Board told Jews not to oppose Moseley’s Blackshirts at the Battle of Cable Street.  In the 1970s it spent most of its time attacking the Anti-Nazi League not the National Front. Hence its demonstration in March 2018, purportedly against Corbyn’s ‘anti-Semitism’ attracted people like Norman Tebbit and Ian Paisley Jnr.. If the Board had been in the slightest concerned about anti-Semitism it would have pulled up Boris Johnson about the anti-Semitic comments about Jewish media moguls fixing election results in Russia in his 2004 novel 72 Virgins.

The Board was no more interested in 2004 about Johnson’s anti-Semitism than it was in Jacob Rees Mogg’s anti-Semitic commentsabout the Illuminati. What you haven’t heard about Mogg’s comments? Well of course you haven’t because the press wasn’t interested. Now if Corbyn had made the comments it would have been front page news.

If there is one truth that people should assimilate it is that the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign against Corbyn had nothing whatever to do with anti-Semitism. It is because of Corbyn’s political cowardice and inability to understand Zionism that instead of facing it down he accepted the allegations and then tried to run with them. The faster Corbyn and Formby expelled people the more they proved that the accusations of the Board of Deputies were true and the greater the demands made upon them.

The graphic below is taken from Labour's leaked Report.  Corbyn and his office (LOTO) pressurised the Compliance Unit into expelling me, Jackie Walker, Ken Livingstone and Marc Wadsworth.  Why?  To 'reestablish trust' with the Jewish community. Well we were expelled but did the Zionists shut up?  Of course not.  They simply upped their demands and then stabbed Corbyn in the back.

That is why the statementof Andrew Scatterbrain, Chair of Momentum, that Corbyn’s suspension imperiled the ‘fight against anti-Semitism’ was so pathetic. The ‘fight against anti-Semitism’ has never been anything other than a fight against Corbynism and socialism. The idea that Starmer and his glove puppet David Evans were seriously concerned about racism against Jews or any other group should be left for children’s bed time stories.

Extract from p.306, Labour's Leaked Report -  Jeremy Corbyn Dug his Own Grave - was trust rebuilt when Jackie, Ken, Marc and myself were expelled?  Of course not.  The Zionists demanded more.

When Evans sent out an email ordering constituencies not to pass resolutions supporting Corbyn who did he use as his political stage props?  Jews of course.  Not actual Jews. Most Jews in the Labour Party are not Zionists. He was referring to Jews in the Jewish Labour Movement who have largely entered Labour with the purpose of opposing Corbyn. Most would be equally at home in the Tory Party. The JLM was refoundedin 2015 to oppose Corbyn. The JLM, like its ‘sister party’ the ILP is as hostile to socialism and anti-racism as Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party.

I have therefore submitted a complaint to Labour’s Complaint Unit.  The email Evans sent to CLPs and MPs saying Jews would be made uncomfortable by motions supporting Corbyn contains at least 3 anti-Semitic tropes.

i.                   It rests on the anti-Semitic stereotype of the weak and sensitive Jew unable to withstand vigorous argument or debate.

ii.                It proceeds on the assumption that all Jews are supporters of the Labour Right and Starmer.

iii.             It uses Jews as pawns in Starmer’s war with the left. 

Meanwhile I hope people enjoy the latest cartoon of Steve Bell to be censoredby the Guardian’s despicable editor, Kath Viner. I’ve been asked why someone who put on My Name is Rachel Corrie should at the same time become the Guardian’s most Zionist editor in 50 years.  I guess that a £350,000 salary has its temptations.

Below is my complaint to Labour's Complaints Unit.  I have every confidence that Evans will be looking for new employment!

Tony Greenstein

National Complaints Team, The Labour Party, Southside, 

105 Victoria Street LONDON SW1E 6QT

Email to complaints@labour.org.uk and Submitted via Complaints Form

Dear Complaints Unit,

Re:    A Complaint Against David Evans for Anti-Semitism

I wish to make a complaint against the Labour Party’s General Secretary, David Evans. When Keir Starmer was elected as leader of the Labour Party he pledgedto “tear out this poison (anti-Semitism) by its roots”. Unfortunately when Jennie Formby was forced to resign Starmer appointed an anti-Semite in her place.

On 30thOctober Starmer suspendedJeremy Corbyn for statingthat

the scale of the problem was also dramatically overstated for political reasons by our opponents inside and outside the party, as well as by much of the media.’

What Corbyn said was self-evidently true. The mere fact that the allegations of anti-Semitism were supported by the racist Tory tabloids and politicians such as Boris Johnson makes it clear that anti-Semitism did not spontaneously spring up the moment Corbyn became leader. The fact that anti-Zionist Jews as well as Black and Muslim anti-racists were suspended or expelled is proof of this.

What is remarkable is that Labour’s right-wing MPs, who were complicit in the Windrush Scandal, were so troubled by ‘anti-Semitism’. Just 6 Labour MPs, amongst whom was Jeremy Corbyn, voted against the Immigration Act 2014 which introduced the ‘hostile environment.’

Tom Watson who proclaimed that he wouldn’t rest until the last anti-Semite was expelled was the same Tom Watson who, as campaign manager in the Hodge Hill by-election, issued a leaflet proclaiming that "Labour is on your side – the Lib Dems are on the side of failed asylum seekers". 

Watson is the same person who defended Phil Woolas MP when the High Court removed him from Parliament in 2010 as a consequence of a campaign based onmaking the white folk angry’. Tom Watson had ‘lost sleep over poor Phil’.

There was also the ‘anti-Semitism Czar’, Labour MP John Mann who issuedthe Bassetlaw Anti-social Behaviour Handbook which categorized a whole ethnic group, Gypsies and Roma, as an example of anti-social behaviour. This is exactly what the Nazis did. Mann was subsequently interviewedby Police.

However I digress. The focus of my complaint is not yesterday’s men but the current General Secretary, David Evans. Labour List reportedthat in an email to local party secretaries and chairs Evans warned local parties againstconsidering motions on disciplinary cases that expressed solidarity with Jeremy Corbyn. Because such motions would provide

“a flashpoint for the expression of views that undermine the Labour Party’s ability to provide a safe and welcoming space for all members, in particular our Jewish members”. 

This is clearly and unambiguously anti-Semitic for at least 3 reasons. Nothing less than Evans immediate suspension will suffice if Starmer’s promise to root anti-Semitism ‘by its root’ is to be kept. When a fish rots it does so from its head down. That is equally true of the Labour Party. If you fail to take action against this unrepentant anti-Semite then Starmer’s words will ring hollow.

The anti-Semitic stereotype of the vulnerable, effeminate, fragile and cowardly Jew is a familiar one. As Rachel Byrne wrotethe aims of Zionism were to ‘re-embody and re-masculinize’ Jewish men. Anti-Semites often “likened women to Jews in their supposed adaptability, forwardness, and absence of reason”

Likewise G.K. Chesterton, the famous writer and philosopher, the ‘prince of paradox’, whose brother A.K. Chesterton was a member of Oswald Moseley’s British Union of Fascists and a founder member of the National Front , arguedthat bravery and patriotism were foreign to the Jewish makeup.’

If Evans is really arguing that Jews in the Labour Party are too sensitive to be able to debate a motion of solidarity with Jeremy Corbyn then it is clear that he is in the wrong job.

Even if we were to give Evans the benefit of what is a very large doubt and accept that he wasn’t being intentionally anti-Semitic when he ascribed weakness and cowardice to Jews, it is impossible to accept that he wasn’t aware of the anti-Semitic implications of his statement.

There is an irresistible inference to be drawn from the suggestion that debating a motion of solidarity with Corbyn would make Jewish members of the Labour Party feel unsafe. What Evans is saying is that most if not all Jewish members of the Labour Party are in agreement with Corbyn’s suspension. Treating Jews as one homogenous group is clearly anti-Semitic.

Evan’s statement is also not true. All the evidence suggests that most Jewish Labour Party members oppose Corbyn’s suspension. See for example the letter from Jewish members of Corbyn’s own constituency of Islington North. It is the basis of the world Jewish conspiracy theory that Jews think and act together.

Jews like any other group in the Labour Party have a diverse range of opinions. The idea that they will feel uncomfortable and afraid to debate the issue is to other them. To single out Jews in the Labour Party from all other Labour Party members is to stigmatise them. That  is clearly anti-Semitic.

It is extremely regrettable that in his desire to eradicate anti-Semitism, Keir Starmer has chosen to appoint an anti-Semite as General Secretary. Nothing less than Evans immediate suspension will prove that Starmer was being sincere in  his original pledge.

It is also clear that Evans was deliberately using Jewish members of the Labour Party as a political football. That too is reprehensible and anti-Semitic.

I look forward to hearing from you and I wish you good luck in your search for a replacement General Secretary.

Comradely greetings.

Tony Greenstein

Why it’s anti-racist NOT anti-Semitic to compare Israel to pre-holocaust Nazi Germany


Why Today’s Israel Reminds Me of Nazi Germany – Uri Avnery

As people will be aware, the Zionist movement is in the forefront of the attack on free speech in this country and elsewhere. It provides the Right in the Labour Party with the ideal  moral justification for an attack on free speech – ‘anti-Semitism’.  So much so that plenty of Jewish people are now being suspended and expelled! Zionism is the cutting edge of the attack on democratic rights in the West.

The latest Jewish member to be suspended is Professor Moshe Machover.  Moshe was expelledperemptorily three years ago on the false charge that he was a member of the Communist Party of Great Britain.  So fierce was the backlash to that particular expulsion that the witchhunters were forced to backtrack and reinstateMoshe.

As I told Moshe when I heard the news, he has since been living on borrowed time. The Zionists have been eager to see the back of him and his Open Letter in Weekly Worker daring Starmer and the Zionists to do their worse, after he had appeared on a platform with Chris Williamson and myself, was probably a red rag to a bull (or a snake).

I however can’t be expelled (unless they readmit me in order that they can repeat the exercise!). So I can say virtually anything about Herr Sturmer and his anti-Semitic friend, David Evans.

Uri Avnery considered himself a Zionist to his dying days but unlike 99% of Zionists when he talked about peace with the Palestinians he meant it. Uri fought in Israel’s War of Independence (or Nakba) and was severely wounded.  He was also a former member of the Irgun terror group, which is why it was all the more remarkable that he courted arrest several times to meet the PLO, which then was the representative of the Palestinians including memorably Yasser Arafat in a  Beirut under siege.

There are indeed many comparisons between the Nazi state before 1939 and the Israeli state and many survivors of the holocaust, including those who were survivors of the concentration camps, such as Ze’ev Sternhell and Hajo Meyer saw those comparisons.

The key comparison is that for the Nazis the Jews were not part of the national collective, hence why in 1935 the Nuremberg Laws removed Jewish citizenship.  Henceforth they became subjects.

In Israel citizenship was begrudgingly given in the early 1950’s to the Palestinians but it was a degraded form of citizenship.  For the first 18 years of the state they lived under military rule.  Since then they have lived, not even as second class citizens but as tolerated guests, the majority of their lands stolen from them and hemmedinto the 2% that they are allowed by Jewish settlements.

The Jewish Nation State Law passed in 2018 makes what was always implicit explicit. In its original, explicitly racist form it legalised the formation of Jewish only settlements, hundreds of which already exist.

Making Israel’s racism explicit caused an uproar among liberal Zionists because in Israel Zionism has perfected the art of not making its racist intentions explicit, bar the Israeli Law of Return. Instead para state organisations, such as the Jewish National Fund and Jewish Agency undertake the dirty work of discrimination. Regulations, policies and practices do the rest.

The broken window of a Jewish shop in Kristallnacht

For example there has been a longstanding policy of Judaising the Galilee, Jerusalem and Negev. This is no different to the Nazi policy of ‘deJewification’. Except that no laws were necessary. The Koenig Memorandumand the Prawer Planensured that policies would enact what the Knesset desired but did not legislate for.

Indeed it would be possible to say that being a settler colonial state, which Germany of course was not, has meant that racism in Israel is far higher than in Nazi Germany.  It may surprise people but even in the Nazi Party itself, the majority of members were not vehement anti-Semites. It was among the hard core of ‘old fighters’, those who had seen action in the Freikorps, the counter-revolutionary squads employed by the Social Democrats against the German Revolution, that genocidal anti-Semitism flourished.

There is a large section of Zionism which would not blanche at the extermination of the Palestinians.  Religious Zionists in particular have often expressed genocidal sentiments as have their rabbis such as Dov Lior, who is the settlers’ Chief Rabbi.  Dov Lior famously saidthat a Jewish fingernail was worth more than a thousand non-Jewish lives. Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, giving the funeral oration for Baruch Goldstein, who had murdered 29 unarmed worshippers in the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron and wounded another hundred, increased this to a million lives.

Nonetheless it is not extermination but expulsion/transfer which is what the Palestinians face in the medium to long-term. Comparisons between Nazi Germany post 1939 and Israel are far-fetched to say the least.  With the onset of war Nazi Germany turned from expulsion to extermination. It first began with the wholesale murder of the disabled, in particular the Jewish disabled, from 1939-1941 until Catholic Bishop Galen spoke out against it (although a wild ‘euthenasia’ persisted in the concentration camps).

However even the most absurd comparisons, such as describing the Palestinian experience as a ‘holocaust’ are not anti-Semitic. Hyperbole is not racism. It is a measure of the fact that the Palestinian struggle is an anti-racist one that the Nazis are seen as the ultimate evil.

However the Zionists are in no position to deprecate comparisons between Zionism and Nazism given their appalling record before and during the holocaust.  Ben Gurion made clear his attitude to the endangered Jews in Germany being sent to Britain in a speechto the Israeli Labor Party’s central Committee on 9th December 1938, just a month after Kristalnacht.

The reaction of the world to this state sponsored pogrom was one of revulsion. The British Government acceded to the request of the Board of Deputies (which had not yet been captured by the Zionists) to admit ten thousand children. The Zionists were outraged and the reaction of David Ben Gurion, the Chairman of the Jewish Agency (which was the Zionists’ government-in-waiting) and later first Prime Minister of Israel was telling.

‘If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England, and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Yisrael, then I would opt for the second alternative. For we must weigh not only the life of these children, but also the history of the People of Israel.’[i]

This was the attitude of the Zionists throughout the war as they consciously sought to block all avenues of escape for Jewish refugees unless the destination was Palestine.  Their warped thinking being that if Jewish Palestine could not provide a solution to the refugee question, then what was the point of this ‘national museum’ as Ben Gurion also called it.

It was called ‘cruel Zionism’. Although Zionism was to be immensely cruel to the Palestinians we should never forget that it was cruel to the Jews first.

Read and enjoy!

Tony Greenstein

Israeli activist and author Uri Avnery draws on his personal experience of Hitler’s Germany on the eve of the Nazi party’s victory, and during the early years of Nazism, to show that similar processes of creeping Nazism are underway in Israel today

Why Today’s Israel Reminds Me of Nazi Germany – Uri Avnery

 “Please don’t write about Ya’ir Golan!” a friend begged me, “Anything a leftist like you writes will only harm him!”

So, I abstained for some weeks. But I can’t keep quiet any longer.

General Ya’ir Golan, the deputy chief of staff of the Israeli army, made a speech on Holocaust Memorial Day. Wearing his uniform, he read a prepared, well-considered text that triggered an uproar which has not yet died down.

Dozens of articles have been published in its wake, some condemning him, some lauding him. It seems that nobody could stay indifferent.

Uri Avnery protesting in Jerusalem

Traces of Nazism

The main sentence was this:

If there is something that frightens me about the memories of the Holocaust, it is the knowledge of the awful processes which happened in Europe in general, and in Germany in particular, 70, 80, 90 years ago, and finding traces of them here in our midst, today, in 2016.

All hell broke loose. What! Traces of Nazism in Israel? A resemblance between what the Nazis did to us with what we are doing to the Palestinians?

Ninety years ago was 1926, one of the last years of the German republic. Eighty years ago was 1936, three years after the Nazis came to power. Seventy years ago was 1946, on the morrow of Hitler’s suicide and the end of the Nazi Reich.

I feel compelled to write about the general’s speech after all, because I was there.

As a child I was an eyewitness to the last years of the Weimar Republic (so called because its constitution was shaped in Weimar, the town of Goethe and Schiller). As a politically alert boy I witnessed the Nazi Machtergreifung (“taking power”) and the first half a year of Nazi rule.

I know what Golan was speaking about. Though we belong to two different generations, we share the same background. Both our families come from small towns in Western Germany. His father and I must have had a lot in common.

There is a strict moral commandment in Israel: nothing can be compared to the holocaust. The holocaust is unique. It happened to us, the Jews, because we are unique. (Religious Jews would add: “Because God has chosen us.”)

I have broken this commandment. Just before Golan was born, I published (in Hebrew) a book called The Swastika, in which I recounted my childhood memories and tried to draw conclusions from them. It was on the eve of the Eichmann trial, and I was shocked by the lack of knowledge about the Nazi era among young Israelis then.

My book did not deal with the holocaust, which took place when I was already living in Palestine, but with a question which troubled me throughout the years, and even today: how could it happen that Germany, perhaps the most cultured nation on earth at the time, the homeland of Goethe, Beethoven and Kant, could democratically elect a raving psychopath like Adolf Hitler as its leader?

The last chapter of the book was entitled “It Can Happen Here!” The title was drawn from a book by the American novelist Sinclair Lewis, called ironically “It Can’t Happen Here”, in which he described a Nazi take-over of the United States.

In this chapter I discussed the possibility of a Jewish Nazi-like party coming to power in Israel. My conclusion was that a Nazi party can come to power in any country on earth, if the conditions are right. Yes, in Israel, too.

The book was largely ignored by the Israeli public, which at the time was overwhelmed by the storm of emotions evoked by the terrible disclosures of the Eichmann trial.

The truthful general

Now comes General Golan, an esteemed professional soldier, and says the same thing.

And not as an improvised remark, but on an official occasion, wearing his general’s uniform, reading from a prepared, well-thought-out text.

The storm broke out, and has not passed yet.

Israelis have a self-protective habit: when confronted with inconvenient truths, they evade its essence and deal with a secondary, unimportant aspect. Of all the dozens and dozens of reactions in the written press, on TV and on political platforms, almost none confronted the general’s painful contention.

… Golan has sacrificed his further advancement in order to utter his warning and giving it the widest possible resonance.

No, the furious debate that broke out concerns the questions: Is a senior army officer allowed to voice an opinion about matters that concern the civilian establishment? And do so in army uniform? On an official occasion?

Should an army officer keep quiet about his political convictions? Or voice them only in closed sessions – “in relevant forums”, as a furious Binyamin Netanyahu phrased it?

General Golan enjoys a very high degree of respect in the army. As deputy chief of staff he was until now almost certainly a candidate for chief of staff, when the incumbent leaves the office after the customary four years.

The fulfilment of this dream shared by every General Staff officer is now very remote. In practice, Golan has sacrificed his further advancement in order to utter his warning and giving it the widest possible resonance.

One can only respect such courage. I have never met General Golan, I believe, and I don’t know his political views. But I admire his act.

(Somehow I recall an article published by the British magazine Punch before World War I, when a group of junior army officers issued a statement opposing the government’s policy in Ireland. The magazine said that while it disapproves of the opinion expressed by the mutinous officers, it took pride in the fact that such youthful officers were ready to sacrifice their careers for their convictions.)

The Nazi march to power started in 1929, when a terrible worldwide economic crisis hit Germany. A tiny, ridiculous far-right party suddenly became a political force to be reckoned with. From there it took them four years to become the largest party in the country and to take over power (though it still needed a coalition).

Israeli settlers shout slogans as they march in the streets.

Add caption

I was there when it happened, a boy in a family in which politics became the main topic at the dinner table. I saw how the republic broke down, gradually, slowly, step by step. I saw our family friends hoisting the swastika flag. I saw my high-school teacher raising his arm when entering the class and saying “Heil Hitler” for the first time (and then reassuring me in private that nothing had changed.)

I was the only Jew in the entire high school. When the hundreds of boys – all taller than me – raised their arms to sing the Nazi anthem, and I did not, they threatened to break my bones if it happened again. A few days later we left Germany for good.

Corrosive victories

General Golan was accused of comparing Israel to Nazi Germany. Nothing of the sort. A careful reading of his text shows that he compared developments in Israel to the events that led to the disintegration of the Weimar Republic. And that is a valid comparison.

Things happening in Israel, especially since the last election, bear a frightening similarity to those events. True, the process is quite different. German fascism arose from the humiliation of surrender in World War I, the occupation of the Ruhr by France and Belgium from 1923 to 1925, the terrible economic crisis of 1929, the misery of millions of unemployed. Israel is victorious in its frequent military actions, we live comfortable lives. The dangers threatening us are of a quite different nature. They stem from our victories, not from our defeats.

Indeed, the differences between Israel today and Germany then are far greater than the similarities. But those similarities do exist, and the general was right to point them out.

Racism and discrimination

The discrimination against the Palestinians in practically all spheres of life can be compared to the treatment of the Jews in the first phase of Nazi Germany. (The oppression of the Palestinians in the occupied territories resembles more the treatment of the Czechs in the “protectorate” after the Munich betrayal.)

The political riffraff peopling the present Netanyahu government could easily have found their place in the first Nazi government.

The rain of racist bills in the Knesset, those already adopted and those in the works, strongly resembles the laws adopted by the Reichstag in the early days of the Nazi regime. Some rabbis call for a boycott of Arab shops. Like then. The call “Death to the Arabs” (Judah verrecke?) is regularly heard at soccer matches. A member of parliament has called for the separation between Jewish and Arab newborns in hospital. A chief rabbi has declared that goyim (non-Jews) were created by God to serve the Jews. Our ministers of education and culture are busy subduing the schools, theatre and arts to the extreme rightist line, something known in German as Gleichschaltung. The Supreme Court, the pride of Israel, is being relentlessly attacked by the minister of justice. The Gaza Strip is a huge ghetto.

Of course, no one in their right mind would even remotely compare Netanyahu to the Fuehrer, but there are political parties here which do emit a strong fascist smell. The political riffraff peopling the present Netanyahu government could easily have found their place in the first Nazi government.

One of the main slogans of our present government is to replace the “old elite”, considered too liberal, with a new one. One of the main Nazi slogans was to replace das System.

By the way, when the Nazis came to power, almost all senior officers of the German army were staunch anti-Nazis. They were even considering a putsch against Hitler . Their political leader was summarily executed a year later, when Hitler liquidated his opponents in his own party. We are told that General Golan is now protected by a personal bodyguard, something that has never happened to a general in the annals of Israel.

The general did not mention the occupation and the settlements, which are under army rule. But he did mention the episode which occurred shortly before he gave this speech, and which is still shaking Israel now: in occupied Hebron, under army rule, a soldier saw a seriously wounded Palestinian lying helplessly on the ground, approached him and killed him with a shot to the head. The victim had tried to attack some soldiers with a knife, but did not constitute a threat to anyone any more. This was a clear contravention of army standing orders, and the soldier has been hauled before a court martial.

A cry went up around the country: the soldier is a hero! He should be decorated! Netanyahu called his father to assure him of his support. Avigdor Lieberman entered the crowded courtroom in order to express his solidarity with the soldier. A few days later Netanyahu appointed Lieberman as minister of defence, the second most important office in Israel.

Before that, General Golan received robust support both from the minister of defense, Moshe Ya’alon, and the chief of staff, Gadi Eisenkot. Probably this was the immediate reason for the kicking out of Ya’alon and the appointment of Lieberman in his place. It resembled a putsch.

It seems that Golan is not only a courageous officer, but a prophet, too. The inclusion of Lieberman’s party in the government coalition confirms Golan’s blackest fears. This is another fatal blow to the Israeli democracy.

Am I condemned to witness the same process for the second time in my life?

[i]        Yoav Gelber, ‘Zionist policy and the Fate of European Jewry, Yad Vashem Studies, Vol. XIII, p. 199 Labour Party Archives, Bet Berl Tsofit., 22/38,   see also Segev, p.28.  Teveth, p.855, Piterberg, p.99. 



Yair Golan, Uri Avnery, Nazi,

Alasdair Henderson, who led the EHRC Investigation into Labour ‘Anti-Semitism’, Liked Tweets Defending Anti-Semitic Bigot Roger Scruton!


The EHRC Report Should be Rejected - it is not fit for purpose – That's why Starmer has forbidden all discussion of this Flawed Report

In the 1970s Martin Webster, National Organiser of the neo-Nazi National Front wrote that the most important factor in the building of self-confidence among racists and fascists was the publication in 1969 of the views of Arthur Jensen, a psychologist at Harvard University. Jensen had written an article in the Harvard Educational Review that suggested that 80% of intelligence was hereditary and that Black people had a lower IQ than whites.

Sir Cyril Burt - racist and scientific fraud

In the UK, the belief that intelligence is hereditary was debunked in the 1980s when its major proponent, Sir Cyril Burt, an educational psychologist and principal mover behind the introduction of the 11 plus, was shown to have manipulated the data in his research into hereditary intelligence, based on the study of identical twins.

Alasdair Henderson expressed his support for Scruton

In 1992, Robert Joynson wrote a defence of Burt in the Salisbury Review, a magazine edited byRoger Scruton, a far-Right philosopher and academic who was its first editor.

A book by Charles Murray and Professor Richard Hernstein, The Bell Curve, Intelligence and class Structure in American Life argued that African Americans do badly in tests because they are less intelligent than whites, and that average American IQ was falling because of “dysgenic forces” including immigration by non-European stock and the relatively high fertility rates of the white and black underclass. They suggested that welfare payments which encouraged low IQ women to have babies should be stopped.

As the Editorial in CARF No. 23 stated, all that IQ tests measure is the ability to sit IQ tests! They are culturally biased.

Roger Scruton, who Theresa May appointedas Chair of the government's Building Better Building Beautiful Commissionwas fired for calling Chinese people "robots" and claiming Islamaphobia was "invented by the Muslim Brotherhood”. Scruton also accused Hungarian Jews of being part of a “Soros empire”.

In 2005 he gave a talk in the United States in which he claimed that there is “no such crime” as date rape. He told his audience that:

When a woman cries date rape what she means is the whole thing went too quickly.

In 2007 Scruton wrote a piece for theTelegraph which stated that "although homosexuality has been normalised, it is not normal". His article argued that gay couples should not be allowed to adopt on the grounds it was an injustice to children.

In a 2014 speech published on his website, Scruton said the Jewish “intelligentsia” in Budapest “form part of the extensive networks around the Soros empire” thus echoing the anti-Semitic propaganda of Prime Minister Viktor Orban who won the 2018 General Election on the back of attacks on George Soros, a child survivor of the Hungarian holocaust.

In 2019 in an interview Scruton saidthat“Anybody who doesn’t think that there’s a Soros empire in Hungary has not observed the facts,”. Soros has for years been portrayed by the far-Right as a Jewish puppet-master. It was this interview that cost him his Government job but it speaks volumes about the Tories opposition to genuine anti-Semitism as opposed to anti-Zionism that he was ever appointed. Scruton was known to be a racist and fascist.

Henderson 'liked' this tweet

Scruton’s views were summed up in an election speech by Orban, which contained every element of what makes up the Jewish Conspiracy Theory:

“We are fighting an enemy that is different from us. Not open, but hiding; not straightforward but crafty; not honest but base; not national but international; does not believe in working but speculates with money; does not have its own homeland but feels it owns the whole world,”[1]

One of the anti-Semitic election posters using  Soros as a Jewish scapegoat for Hungary's ills - that doesn't stop Netanyahu being Orban's good friend

None of this however prevented Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forging a close friendship and alliance with Orban. Netanyahu too hated Soros for having funded Israeli human rights organisations such as B'tselem. Genuine anti-Semitism has never disturbed Zionists.

Scruton edited the Salisbury Review - a bridge between the Tory far-Right and fascist groups

Scruton was the editor of the Salisbury Reviewfrom 1982-2001. It formed a bridge between the politics of the Tory Right around the Monday Club, which advocated the repatriation of Black people from Britain and openly neo-Nazi groups such as the NF and BNP.

The very first issue publisheda talk by John Casey on the politics of race. The presence of “West Indian communities”, he claimed

 “offends… a sense of what English life should be like…(only the) “repatriation of a proportion of the immigrant and immigrant-descended population” could forestall “the possible destruction of civilised life in the centres of the big cities”.

Gay sex was another concern of the Salisbury Review under Scruton. “A concern with social order,” Scruton wrote in an editorial, “prompts us to view… homosexuality as intrinsically threatening.”

You might think that anyone associated with the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, whose duty it is to ensure compliance with the Equalities Act 2010 wouldn’t go within a mile of Roger Scruton. In particular anyone who is one of their Commissioners.

Alasdair Henderson - the EHRC's racist Commissioner

However you would be wrong. It would seem that the Commissioners are a repository of bigotry and racism. None more so than Alasdair Henderson, the barristercharged with investigating and producing a reporton Labour Party ‘anti-Semitism’.

According to the Guardianand other papers, Henderson was an avid fan of Scruton and an all round bigot. Indeed one might call Henderson a mini-me Scruton.

Earlier in the year Henderson likeda tweet attacking ‘offence-taking zealots’who accused Roger Scruton of antisemitism, Islamophobia and homophobia. He also liked another tweet by Douglas Murray, who once called for Muslim immigration to Europe to be banned.  Murray is author of the ‘Strange Death of Europe’which argued that Muslim immigration is literally murdering Europe as we know it. Murray’s book is the basis of the far-Right Identitarian Replacement Theory.

On 3 September, Henderson liked a tweet which read:

It’s amazing to me that Tory ministers still flounder and flub when some media moron incants the magic words ‘misogynist’ and ‘homophobe’, as if those are empirical statements about reality, not highly ideological propaganda terms.”

On 24 June, Henderson liked a tweet by Douglas Murray in which, responding to a statement by Cambridge University defending the right of academic staff to hold personal and controversial views, Murray said:

Nope. Nobody believes that. We remember the cases of Noah Carl and Jordan Peterson. Your institution dropped them in 2 secs once the mob came for them. But it’s interesting you’re standing up for someone who actually is a race-baiter this time.”

In 2006, Murray made a speech in the Dutch parliament, saying “all immigration into Europe from Muslim countries must stop” and “conditions for Muslims in Europe must be made harder across the board”. Noah Carl was sacked from a Cambridge University collegeafter a panel found he had collaborated with far-right extremists in his writings linking intelligence to race.

As if this wasn’t sufficient Henderson made clear his hatred for Black Lives Matter. Henderson liked a tweet thread that included:

“The Met are clearly treating the (illegal under the Covid regs) BLM protests much more indulgently than they have treated other protests and gatherings. This is poison to an open society, but no-one seems to care.”

Of course to be fair to Henderson, and I always try to be fair to those I criticise, he is not alone amongst the Commissioners. Newly appointed Commissioner David Goodhart has praisedthe government’s “hostile environment” policy while Jessica Butcher urged women who have been discriminated against at work not to “go cry to someone” but to “take the onus to circumvent the situation”. She has also criticised the #metoo movement.

For good measure the EHRC foundthat the BBC isn’t discriminating against women when it comes to pay, despite copious evidence to the contrary. It is little wonder that the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee ‘slammed’the record of the EHRC.

But it is Henderson I want to focus on because this bigot was in charge of the ‘anti-Semitism’ investigation which foundthat the Labour Party had ignored ‘likes’ on Facebook. They found that:

This was at clear odds with the Labour Party’s commitment to zero tolerance of antisemitism. It meant that repeated sharing of antisemitic material could have escaped investigation

The report concludedthat

As a result of its policy, the Labour Party failed to investigate antisemitism complaints based on likes, retweets and shares on social media. This policy contradicted the Labour Party’s commitment to zero tolerance of antisemitism.

One can only hope that the EHRC will now adopt its own recommendations and give this prize racist and bigot the boot.  Meanwhile the fact that the ‘anti-Semitism’ Report was produced under the watch of a racist and bigot clearly discredits it. The Labour Party should now seek to set aside the Report’s conclusions as legally unfounded. What it should have done under the hapless Corbyn was to seek a judicial review of its decision to investigate the Labour Party in the first place.

I do not expect Starmer to resile from the Report he has invested so much political capital in because it is such an important weapon in his armoury in the fight against the Left. However since Starmer has describedhimself as a ‘Zionist without qualification’ his own racism is also beyond dispute.

A Short Analysis of the Deficiencies of theEHRC Report into Anti-Semitism

I have read the EHRC Report twice and what leaps out is how weak and insubstantial it is.  It is difficult to believe that it has been produced under the aegis of someone who is an employment barrister since its conclusions on harassment are simply at odds with the law. I get the impression that Henderson must have burnt the candle thinking up how to shoehorn ‘harassment’ into the Report’s conclusions.

Above all the Report is transparently shallow and insubstantial. I get the overriding impression that it is what you might call political reverse engineering. Henderson first reached his conclusions and then set about finding the evidence.

I know that groups like Jewish Voice for Labour have invested a lot of energy into producing an analysis of the Report. Indeed far too much energy. My advice to them is not to over analyse it.

The Report is, above all, a political report.  By its own admission it decided that it was not ‘proportionate’ to ask for the evidence behind Labour’s Leaked Report. Given the evidence of racism, misogyny and abuse by Labour staff and their cynical manipulation of the issue of ‘anti-Semitism’ this decision is astounding. Since when is it proportionate to ignore evidence?

The other astounding feature of a report into anti-Semitism is that nowhere does it even attempt to define the ‘anti-Semitism’ it is investigating though it does say that its findings were in accord with the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism.

The Campaign Against Antisemitism's Racist Profile of Muslims

This Report came about as a result of complaints by two Zionist organisations. One the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism is a far-Right, Islamaphobic organisation.  Nowhere does the Report even question the motivation or bona fides of the complainants.

The CAA is widely believed to be funded, directly or indirectly, by the Israeli state.  It produced a Report 'Britsh Muslims and Anti-Semitism'. Although the full Report has been deleted from the CAA's website, a stub remains including a picture of a (presumably) Muslim person holding a ‘Hitler you were right’ poster.  

The clear and obvious implication is that many if not most Muslims are Hitler supporters. The stub contains the sentence that ‘On every single count, British Muslims were more likely by far than the general British population to hold deeply antisemitic views.’ This obnoxious and racist statement was accompanied by a full colour silhouette of the typical Muslim male. This has now disappeared.  If anyone were to post a similar meme of the typical Jew there would be uproar yet the EHRC did no due diligence into their complainants.

The second organisation is the Jewish Labour Movement, the British wing of the Israeli Labour Party which it calls its ‘sister party’. The CAA is widely believed to be funded, directly or indirectly, by the Israeli state.  In essence this is a Report produced as a result of the intervention of the Israeli lobby and the Israeli state into British politics.

The context of the Report is that no investigation was conducted into the Tory Party, nearly half of whose members oppose having a Muslim Prime Minister and two-thirds of whom believe that Islam is a threat to the Western way of life. Instead the Tory Party was left to conduct an investigation into itself. The reasons for this decision are not hard to find. Its Commissioners, including their former Chair David Isaac, were closet Tories.

The failure of Corbyn and the left to call out the EHRC for what it was, a racist state body whose interest was not in combating racism (e.g. it has been silent over the Windrush Scandal) but absorbing and deflecting the anti-racist movement and anti-racism.

Its first Chair, Trevor Phillips, was suspended by the Labour Party for being an Islamaphobic bigot. Two disabled Commissioners resigned when Phillips was reappointed in 2009. In all 6 Commissioners resigned on his watch. A House of Commons early day motion in 2017 with 62 signatures criticised its sacking, with 1 days notice, of 10 staff, 7 of whom were Black.

In 2012, two former EHRC commissioners — Simon Woolley, previously the only black person on the Commission, and Meral Hussein-Ece, the only Muslim, found outthat they had not been reappointed to their posts because they took racism too seriously.

In November 2019 BBC’s Newsnight reportedthe contents of a leaked letter from the EHRC’s chief executive Rebecca Hilsenrath, in which she accusedIsaac of being too close to the Conservative government: Isaac, Hilsenrath wrote, “regularly declines to take public positions” on issues that might prove troublesome for the ruling party.

The Report stretches to breaking point the legal definition of ‘harassment’ to include political speech arguing that alleging that anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is ‘fake’ is a form of harassment. It does this in order to scapegoat Ken Livingstone and Pam Bromley. Yet unsurprisingly it fails to find any victims of their harassment.  This is legally untenable.

Likewise its finding that interference by the Leader of the Opposition’s Office into the anti-Semitism complaints was a form of indirect discrimination is untenable.  This action has to be detrimental to those affected yet nowhere does the Report state why that is so or who suffered a detriment. If permanent staff were running their own campaign targeted at e.g. anti-Zionist Jews then such interference is perfectly acceptable.

For indirect discrimination to be found there first has to be a PCP (provision, criteria or practice) that adversely affects a protected group despite being ostensibly neutral. The Report doesn’t even attempt to point out what that PCP is. This is quite amazing.

The Left should be clear.  This Report is not worth the paper it is written on. Now that we know that it was itself produced by a racist it should be rejected outright.

Starmer has done his best to prevent any discussion about the Report's contents. He suspended Corbyn for having the temerity to suggest that reports of anti-Semitism were deliberately exaggerated by a hostile media. This  suggests that even Starmer knows that the Report is indefensible.

Starmer though did his best to ensure that the Report was as adverse as possible in order that he could wield the anti-Semitism weapon against his opponents. The fact that the Report is anodyne – for example it doesn’t accuse Labour of institutional anti-Semitism – must be a severe disappointment.

Starmer paid off, to the tune of £3/4 million the very Labour staff who had done their best to lose Labour the 2017 General Election. Staff who had waged a constant war against the elected leader for three years were rewarded. The reason for this is obvious. By conceding a case that Labour’s lawyers advised they could win, Starmer figured that the EHRC would then be prevented from criticising the staff in its Report.  There is no other conclusion that can be drawn.  If this were a criminal case Starmer would be guilty of conspiring to pervert the course of justice and be eligible for a hefty prison sentence.

Starmer’s behaviour is both dishonest and shameful and is itself reason enough for his dismissal as Labour leader. To his credit Corbyn made it clear that the decision to settle with the former staff was a political not legal one.

The Report repeatedly refers to ‘Jewish stakeholders’. It never explains who this means – the Board of Deputies?  The Zionist Federation?  Nowhere does the Report acknowledge the large number of Jewish anti-Zionists in the Labour Party who disagree with the JLM's positions.

The Report's finding that ‘denialism’is harassment is particularly problematic. There is abundant evidence that false allegations of anti-Semitism are ritually made by Zionists. Joan Ryan, the Chair of Labour Friends of Israel was secretly filmed by the Al Jazeera undercover programme The Lobbyfalsely accusing Jean Fitzpatrick of anti-Semitism. 

Jean was suspended but when the film came out she was reinstated. The accusation that anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism was made by, among others, Jonathan Arkush the previous President of the Board when he accused Corbyn of anti-Semitism despite a plethora of evidence to the contrary. In other words if you support the Palestinians you are anti-Semitic. The Report never once acknowledges that  'antisemitism' is the ritual accusation of Israel's defenders.  I don't know one Palestinen solidarity supporter who has not been accused of 'anti-Semitism'.  To suggest that telling the truth is harassment is a new low, even for a bigot like Henderson.

The Labour Party is a political party which debates political issues. This includes racism.  To suggest that this is harassment debases the English language. People have the right to call out Zionism for the racist creed it is without being accused of anti-Semitism. It is not racist to say that Zionism, the ideology of the world's most racist state has weaponised anti-Semitism.

Another example of how the Report doesn’t understand what it means to be a socialist political party is where it says that indirect discrimination might include holding meetings on a Saturday. Clearly Henderson knows nothing about progressive politics despite being a human rights barrister (like Starmer!). The Report says that

This is likely to be indirect discrimination against Jewish members because of their religion or belief, unless it can be justified as appropriate and necessary for achieving a real need.

This betrays the complete lack of understanding of the right of a political party to declare that it is secular. It is not racist to say that religious superstition should play no part in the proceedings of political parties. I am opposed to paying the slightest heed to religious sensibilities. Whether a meeting is held on Friday, Saturday or Sunday should be irrelevant. I am an atheist and I don’t believe that religion should play any part in a party’s proceedings. This is not discrimination its about freedom to reject religious tyranny.  Apart from the fact that most Jews don't observe the sabbath and those who do are usually the most right-wing Jews.

In practice most demonstrations take place on Saturday as Sunday is a secular day of rest. Most British people don’t go to Church on Sunday they go shopping!

The very concept of denialism is a McCarthyite charge. Again Corbyn, being the chump he is, adopted the very rhetoric of his accusers.  In essence if you deny that there is an anti-Semitism problem then you are part of the problem. Corbyn didn't apply this to himself.  He was most pained to be accused of being an anti-Semite and quite rightly so.

In the 17th century Salem Witchhunt, denial of being a witch was taken as proof of the same. As Elizabeth Reis wrote:

“During examinations, accused women were damned if they did and damned if they did not. If they confessed to witchcraft charges, their admissions would prove the cases against them; if they denied the charges, their very intractability, construed as the refusal to admit to sin more generally, might mark them as sinners and hence allies of the devil.”

Likewise under McCarthy. It’s like saying that if you are charged with an offence, go to court and plead that you are innocent then that in itself is proof of your guilt! It is an interesting legal concept that only racist barristers like Henderson or Starmer could dream up.

The Report points to a ‘culture’ that permitted anti-Semitism without every saying what this culture might be, (p. 10) I think he means socialism.

The Report recommends an independent disciplinary process for the Labour Party. Given the fact that the present disciplinary system is a conveyor belt of injustice I can see some merit in this idea. Peter Mandelson has criticised what is one of the main EHRC proposals. Has Starmer suspended him for not accepting the Report lock, stock and bloody barrel?  Like hell he has, thus demonstrating that Starmer is a lying toe-rag.

The Report lay stress on the right of Labour Party members to freedom of speech under Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights. On page 27 it states:

Speech does not lose the protection of Article 10 just because it is offensive, provocative or would be regarded by some as insulting

No one can surely disagree with this but then I turned to page 30, a mere 3 pages on and what did I find?

It gave as examples the speech of Naz Shah and Ken Livingstone.  Neither of them mentioned Jews. Naz Shah, in what was a humorous remark, suggested that Israel would be better off being relocated in the United States! Ken Livingstone pointed to the undoubted historical fact that the Nazis supported the German Zionist  movement in preference to non-Zionist Jews. That is documented by serious historians such as Francis Nicosia in his book Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany.

Yet the Report endorsed the comments of the JLM that:

Labour Party members told us that the comments by Ken Livingstone in relation to Naz Shah (referred to above) caused shock and anger among Jewish Labour Party members. They felt his comments were appalling, highly offensive and very distressing. They said the effect of these comments was humiliating, denied the victims’ experience, diminished the issue, and had the effect of stirring up and fuelling hatred for Jews. Labour Party members also told us that Pam Bromley’s conduct, including the Facebook posts above, contributed to a hostile environment in the Labour Party for Jewish and non-Jewish members.

So which is it?  Does the Report support freedom of speech or doesn’t it?  Or does it support it when that criticism doesn’t include anti-Zionism?

It is noticeable that the JLM members don't alleged that Livingstone's comments were untrue.  It is just that they were offended and distressed.  But that is the essence of free speech.  The right to offend.  I supported Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses. Without doubt it offended many Muslims. Was that a reason to ban it?  Was it Islamaphobic on that count alone? These are very slippery and dangerous ideas that this Report is propagating at the behest of Labour's right-wing. Let us be honest Labour's Right and the Zionists have never believed in free speech.

On page 29 the Report stated that

The comments made by Naz Shah went beyond legitimate criticism of the Israeli government, as she acknowledged, and are not protected by Article 10. Neither is Ken Livingstone’s support for those comments.

It gave as an example the fact that

In April 2019, Pam Bromley posted on Facebook: ‘Looks like fake accusations of AS [antisemitism] to undermine Labour just aren’t working, so let’s have Chris Williamson reinstated’. On 15 December 2019, she posted on Facebook about Jeremy Corbyn:‘My major criticism of him – his failure to repel the fake accusations of antisemitism in the LP [Labour Party] – may not be repeated as the accusations may probably now magically disappear, now capitalism has got what it wanted’

On what possible basis can either of these comments be deemed as not being covered by Article 10 of the ECHR? The Report simply doesn’t say still less explain. Pam Bromley is expressing a political comment on the witchhunt. That is obviously protected speech.

The Report concludes that the remarks were ‘conduct creating a hostile environment for Labour Party members.’ It provides no evidence for this assertion.  Presumably it means Jewish members but plenty of Jews are making just these accusations. It is abundantly clear that the Report is partial, wrong, biased and instead of making evidence based accusations relies on assertions alone. These are all the hallmarks of a politically biased Report.

The Report defines a list of examples of ‘unwanted conduct’ which is the definition of harassment in s.26 of the Equalities Act.

Ø   diminished the scale or significance of the Holocaust

Ø   expressed support for Hitler or the Nazis

Ø   compared Israelis to Hitler or the Nazis

Ø   described a ‘witch hunt’ in the Labour Party, or said that complaints had been manufactured by the ‘Israel lobby’

Ø   referenced conspiracies about the Rothschilds and Jewish power and control over financial or other institutions

Ø   blamed Jewish people for the ‘antisemitism crisis’ in the Labour Party

Ø   blamed Jewish people generally for actions of the state of Israel

Ø   used ‘Zio’ as an antisemitic term, and

Ø   accused British Jews of greater loyalty to Israel than Britain.

The idea that referring to a witchhunt, or using the shortened form of Zionist ‘zio’ is anti-Semitic is absurd. Since it is integral to Zionism that Jews should show more loyalty to the Israeli state then it is the JLM which is anti-Semitic! As for blaming Jewish people for Israel’s actions unfortunately the Israeli state makes this claim.

I would doubt that simply expressing doubt about the Holocaust is harassment.  It is many things but harassment?  It would depend on the context of where such a statement was made.

Strangely enough there is no criticism of Chris Williamson in the Report.  That was because Chris, once he received a draft of the Report, took legal action, so the criticism was removed. That shows just how shoddy the Report is.

The thinking behind the Report is bizarre.  It defends its assertion that Labour’s actions were indirectly discriminatory by saying that:

Jewish members are proportionately more likely than non-Jewish members to make a complaint about antisemitism. Consequently, the practice of political interference in antisemitism complaints, and in ‘politically sensitive’ complaints generally, put Jewish members at a particular disadvantage compared to non-Jewish members.

This whole paragraph is a non-sequitor in that there is no connection between the statement that Jews are more likely to complain of antisemitism than non-Jews and suggesting that political interference puts Jewish members at a disadvantage. It is a dogs dinner of a report.

The comparator above is indeed non-Jewish members but the Report doesn’t say why Jews would be disadvantaged. Would e.g. Muslims making a complaint also be disadvantaged? There is no reason to believe that political interference in itself is disadvantageous. Although it is true that Jews are more likely to complain about anti-Semitism the question is which Jews. In Brighton former Councillor Caroline ‘poison’ Penn made 60 complaints of ‘anti-Semitism’ yet she is not Jewish so even this statement may not be factually correct.

Interestingly, although I am not named, the injustices in my case are highlighted on page 63 where it states as an example:

In 2016, a member was suspended with no details about the underlying allegations. Despite requesting this information on several occasions, the member was not informed about the specific allegations until months later. Following an application for an injunction to allow the member more time to prepare for the disciplinary proceedings, the High Court held that the Labour Party’s approach to the timing of the NCC hearing was procedurally unfair and granted an injunction. The member was later expelled.

On this basis I shall have to apply for readmission. Since Starmer is pledged to implement the Report fully, I confidently expect to be readmitted after Corbyn’s unfair expulsion!

Another example of ‘anti-Semitism’ is the statement by one member that:

‘How can we not have empathy with the Palestinians when they are up against these murdering, Zionest [sic] bastards. Their NAZI masters taught them well’. (p.79)

I’m still having problems working out where the anti-Semitism is.  It is never explained.  Another example is where

A member shared a meme in March 2018, which expressed that ‘an antisemite is now someone Jews hate’

Although the investigation was not to know this, this meme was the brainchild of the late Hajo Meyer, a Dutch survivor of Auschwitz. If anything is anti-Semitic it is the Report's accusation.  Hajo’s full quote was that anti-Semitism used people hating Jews. Now it is someone the Jews hate! Clearly that is not anti-Semitic and racist barrister Henderson is the last person to accuse holocaust survivors of anti-Semitism.

Pam Bromley’s statement on Facebook that

‘A huge sigh of relief echoes around Facebook’ (comment accompanying a shared BBC News story with the headline ‘Israeli spacecraft crashes on Moon’, 12 April 2019)

is certainly amusing, with more than an element of truth to it.  But anti-Semitic?  Is Israel a Jew?  They then go on to say

We find that Pam Bromley’s comments were unwanted conduct related to Jewish ethnicity,

If Henderson believes that being an Israeli and a Jew is synonymous then it is he who is anti-Semitic.  Which may well be true since he is a fan of Roger Scruton. In so far as Henderson completely ignored Jewish anti-Zionists and therefore equated Jews and Zionists he is guilty of the same anti-Semitism that he accused others of.

As I said at the beginning I have spent more time than I intended on this defective Report but we should waste no more time on it.  It was produced by a racist lawyer and is only fit for the wastepaper bin.

Tony Greenstein 

Open Letter to Labour’s National Executive Committee – Freedom of Speech is a Right not a Privilege and it is not in the gift of Starmer’s Glove Puppet David Evans


Your Dishonesty is Disconcerting  Your fight isn’t against anti-Semitism but the Palestinians

Dear National Executive Member,

I should congratulate you on the latest suspensionsin the fight against ‘anti-Semitism’ – veteran Israeli socialist Moshe Machover and Naomi Wimborne-Iddrissi. What better way to fight anti-Semitism than to expel a few Jews! Honesty is a rare commodity in politics so it would be helpful if you could stop the lies and admit that ‘anti-Semitism’ is a figleaf. The enemy is and always has been and anti-Zionism and support for the Palestinians.

Last weekend Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner chose, of all days, the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinians, to speakat a conference of the Jewish Labour Movement and Labour Friends of Israel. What else is to be expected from someone who declaresthat he is a racist, sorry Zionist, ‘without qualification’? As Al Jazeera’s The Lobby showed, LFI operates out of Israel’s Embassy. It is not an independent organisation.

Repeating a lie does not make it true. The JLM, formerly Poalei Zion, is not and has never been the ‘Jewish section’ of the Labour Party. It is the Zionist section and anti-Zionist Jews cannot join it. It became an affiliate in 1920, a time when Labour supported the British Empire and when colonialism was seen as a good thing. It was refoundedin 2015 to undermine Corbyn’s leadership.

When PZ affiliated to Labour in 1920 its support amongst the Jewish community was derisory. By 1939 it had less than 500 members. The attitude of Jewish workers to Zionism was summed up by Alec, a fictional character in Simon Blumenfeld’s novel Jew Boy:

I don’t see why I should change one set of exploiters for another because they are Jewish.’

Historically anti-Semitism in the Labour Party was a far greater problem than today. Sidney Webb, founder of the Fabians and the New Statesman, later Colonial Secretary, declared that

French, German, Russian socialism is Jew-ridden. We, thank heaven, are free.’ And why? ‘There’s no money in it.’  [Paul Keleman, The British Left and Zionism – History of a Divorce,p.21]

Herbert Morrison - his refusal to admit Jewish refugees during the war led to thousands of deaths - yet his antisemitism was not criticised by the Zionists

Herbert Morrison, Labour’s wartime Home Secretary set his face against the admission of Jewish refugees from Nazi-occupied Europe despite public opinion running 80% in favour. Morrison was an ardent Zionist and the Board of Deputies made no criticisms of him even though his actions led to the deaths of thousands of Jews.

If Labour under Corbyn was genuinely plagued by anti-Semitism then the Board of Deputies and the JLM would not have been in the slightest bit interested. The BOD has never, in its 200 year history organised an anti-racist demonstration, until Corbyn became leader! In March 2018 it organised a demonstration outside Parliament with guests such as Ian Paisley of the DUP and Norman Tebbit!

Naomi Wimborne-Iddrissi - suspending and expelling Jews is Starmer's way of fighting 'antisemitism'

When the Anti-Nazi League formed in 1977 to take on a growing fascist threat the BOD devoted its time to attacking the ANL not the NF! As Maurice Ludmer, the editor of Searchlight wrote:

"In the face of mounting attacks against the Jewish community both ideologically and physically, we have the amazing sight of the Jewish Board of Deputies launching an attack on the Anti Nazi League with all the fervour of Kamikaze pilots... It was as though they were watching a time capsule rerunof the 1930's, in the form of a flickering old movie, with a grim determination to repeat every mistake of that era. "(Issue 41, November 1978)

In the 1930s the BOD told Jews not to confront the fascists. A message they repeated after the war with the 43 Group. Anti-Zionism has always has been their main enemy.

Trump was forced to change the ad (left) after its subliminal antisemitic messaging was pointed out 

The decision of the NEC to endorse the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism in September 2018 was racist. The IHRA defines the Palestinian experience of Zionist racism as anti-Semitic. At the same time the IHRA is a definition that anti-Semites like Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Donald Trump are perfectly happy with because it’s target is the Palestinians not anti-Semitism.

The IHRA has been adoptedby the same Trump who brought back anti-Semitism into American politics. It has also been criticisedby the person who drafted it, Kenneth Stern, for ‘chilling’ free speech, and its weaponisation

Is this anti-Semitic?  Perhaps we should ask Starmer!

Zionism begins where the fight against anti-Semitism ends. Its hero is the same Arthur Balfour of the Balfour Declaration who, as Prime Minister in 1905, introduced the Aliens Act preventing Jewish refugees entering Britain.

Balfour was known as ‘Bloody Balfour’ after the murder of three Irishmen when Police opened fire on a protest in Mitchelstown, County Cork when he was Chief Secretary. In a debate in Parliament Balfour argued against giving Black people the vote in South Africa.

‘We have to face the facts, Men are not born equal, the white and black races are not born with equal capacities: they are born with different capacities which education cannot and will not change. 

Balfour was also an anti-Semite. He described a meeting with Cosima Wagner, the widow of Richard Wagner in which he admitted that ‘he shared many of her anti-Semitic postulates.

Starmer is treating the EHRC’s ‘Anti-Semitism’ Report as if it were holy gospel, with anyone who criticises it, (except Peter Mandelson) being suspended. Yet the report is worthless and evidence free.

The Commissioner who produced it, Alasdair Henderson, has just been revealedto be a supporter of two fascists - Roger Scruton and Douglas Murray. Scruton, was the editor of the Salisbury Review, which linked the Tory Right and British fascists.

Scruton believedthat being gay was "not normal" and that Budapest Jews were part of a "Soros empire". It is ironic that the report on anti-Semitism was produced by an anti-Semite!

Henderson also liked a tweet by Douglas Murray, who once called for Muslim immigration to Europe to be banned. Murray is author of the ‘Strange Death of Europe’which argued that Muslim immigration is murdering White Europe. Murray’s book is based on the far-Right Identitarian Replacement Theory.

On 3 September, Henderson liked a tweet which read:

“It’s amazing to me that Tory ministers still flounder and flub when some media moron incants the magic words ‘misogynist’ and ‘homophobe’, as if those are empirical statements about reality, not highly ideological propaganda terms.”

In 2006, Murray made a speech in the Dutch parliament, saying “all immigration into Europe from Muslim countries must stop” and “conditions for Muslims in Europe must be made harder”.

As if this wasn’t sufficient Henderson made clear his hatred of Black Lives Matter, liking a tweet thread that said:

“The Met are clearly treating the (illegal under the Covid regs) BLM protests much more indulgently than they have treated other protests and gatherings. This is poison to an open society, but no-one seems to care.”

Starmer did his utmost to ensure that the EHRC Report was adverse to the Labour Party. The worse it was the better it was. The Report’s defence of Freedom of Speech cannot have pleased him or his McCarthyite glove puppet, David Evans. That is why Starmer paid off Labours racist and misogynist ‘whistleblowers’ £¾ million despite legal advice to the contrary. Starmer didn’t want the EHRC investigating the leaked report.

Luke Akehurst - the vile racist on Labour's NEC who justifies the murder of Palestinian children

The fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign has never been about racism or anti-Semitism. If it were then Luke Akehurst, a vile racist who has just been elected to the NEC, would have been expelled long ago. Akehurst works for Israel lobby group We Believe in Israel. In May 2018 Akehurst defendedthe use of Israeli snipers against unarmed demonstrators. Over 200, including 49 children were killed. Akehurst wrote that

This was a case of highly trained IDF soldiers, with very clear rules of engagement, with use of live fire as the very last resort, stopping terrorists from using the chaos and confusion of a huge demonstration

General Zvika Fogel justifying the targeting by snipers of children

According to Akehurst Palestinian children are terrorists. In an Israeli radio interview, Brigadier-General Zvika Fogel describedhow a sniper identifies the “small body” of a child and is given authorisation to shoot. A UN Commission of Inquiry ‘found that Israeli snipers shot at children, medics and journalists’.

According to Luke Akehurst this child deserved to die because he was a terrorist - yet it is Jewish anti-Zionists who are suspended and expelled

If a member of the Labour Party had justified the murder of Jewish children they would have been expelled instantly yet Akehurst sits on the Labour Party’s highest body!

I was expelled for describing Louise Ellman MP, a fake victim of ‘anti-Semitism’ as a supporter of Israel’s child abuse. Yet on 6th January 2016 during a Parliamentary Debate Child Prisoners and Detainees: Occupied Palestinian Territories’ this despicable woman defended Israeli policy towards Palestinian children - arresting kids in the middle of the night, blindfolding, beating and torturingthem. Two years later, on 7thFebruary 2018, there was another debate Palestinian Children and Israeli Military Detention. Ellman again supported the Israeli military behaviour towards Palestinian children (Israeli children are subject to a different legal regime).

It is now an expulsion offence to tell the truth about Israeli racism. Only last week a lawsuit trying to force the Israeli city of Carmiel to provide transportation for Arab children to local schools was dismissed out of hand to protect “the Jewish character of the city.”

Yet if you cry ‘racist’ the IHRA says you are anti-Semitic. Carmiel was founded as a Jewish city. Arabs moved in because of the shortage of accommodation in Arab towns. So the local authority decided not to fund schooling for Arab children in order to ‘encourage’ Arabs to desist from moving in. What else is this if not racism and Apartheid?

Starmer understands perfectly well that Zionism is another word for Jewish Supremacy. Labour condemned White Supremacy in South Africa, Protestant Supremacy in Northern Ireland but refuses to condemn Jewish Supremacy in Israel.

The attack on Corbyn and Jewish anti-Zionists has never been about anti-Semitism. I was singled out in 2016 by the JLM, not because I was a racist but because I opposed racism. The same was true for Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth and Chris Williamson. All four of us should be readmitted to the Labour Party. Unfortunately Corbyn decided to appease the Zionists and turn on his friends. Hence his present predicament.

Racist Labour ex-MP Phil Woolas

Neither Starmer nor the Right is in the slightest bit concerned with racism or anti-Semitism. These are the same people who turned on Harriet Harman for having refused to support the racist Labour MP Phil Woolas after the High Court had removed him from Parliament.

Woolas ran a campaign in Oldham in 2010 aimed at fomenting racial and religious strife. He was intent on mobilising ‘the White Sun vote’ and making the white folk angry’. Yet who were his supporters?  Tom Watson and John Mann, the instigators of the fake anti-Semitism’ campaign.

Watson confessedthat ‘I’ve lost sleep thinking about poor old Phil Woolas and his leaflets.’ Watson ran a similar campaign in the 2004 Birmingham Hodge Hill by-election when he issued leaflets saying that ‘Labour is on your side, the Lib Dems are on the side of failed asylum seekers.”

John Mann, the ‘anti-Semitism Czar, was one of those who mutiniedagainst Harriet Harman. George Howarth MP, another racist who sits on the NEC, collected funds to support Woolas. The idea that these creatures were concerned about anti-Semitism is for the birds. The Labour Right has never been concerned with racism. Just 6 Labour MPs votedagainst the Tories 2014 Immigration Act including Corbyn. Just 1 was from the Labour Right.

It is no surprise that Starmer appointed an anti-Semite, David Evans, as General Secretary. In attempting to protect his boss against criticism Evans used openly anti-Semitic arguments to justify his attack on freedom of speech. He said discussing the subject would make Jews feel unsafe. This is anti-Semitic for 3 reasons.

i.                    It rests on the anti-Semitic stereotype of the weak Jew unable to withstand vigorous argument or debate.

ii.                 It proceeds on the assumption that all Jews are supporters of the Labour Right and Starmer.

iii.              It uses Jews as a political football in the war on the left. 

Some of the most ardent Zionists like Starmer have a fondness for anti-Semitism. When Donald Trump told 4 Black Congresswomen to ‘go home’ he added for good measure in a series of follow-up tweets, that they all “hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion” and have “made Israel feel abandoned by the U.S.”.

Today White Supremacists justify their anti-Semitism by supporting Israel. Labour’s Right are doing exactly the same. It’s not for nothing that the founder of America’s alt-Right, neo-Nazi Richard Spencer describedhimself as a ‘White Zionist’.

One thing is for certain. If anti-Semitism were a genuine threat in Britain today, then Starmer, Rayner and the rest of the cabal wouldn’t be seen for the dust. Jewish people today are not the victims of state racism - Windrush style deportations, Stop and Search, a racist judicial system, false imprisonment, economic discrimination or police violence. Jews are White and treated accordingly.

In the 1950s the McCarthyist Right cried ‘communist’. Today’s McCarthyists cry ‘anti-Semite’. The name may have changed but the message has remained the same.

Let me quote to you the messageof an Israeli poet and Zionist, A B Yehoshua in a lecture to the Union of Jewish Students (JC 22.1.82).

‘Anti-Zionism is not the product of the non-Jews. On the contrary, the Gentiles have always encouraged Zionism, hoping that it would help rid them of the Jews in their midst. Even today, in a perverse way, a real anti-Semite must be a Zionist.’

Not only are Starmer and Evans racists, but they are anti-Semites too.

Comradely greetings,

Tony Greenstein

PS:  It has just emerged that under Evans’ ban on motions, two CLPs – Poplar and Limehouse, Bethnal and Bow Green have been bannedfrom debating motions supporting The Big Ride for Palestine in aid of Palestinian children. This proves that those who argued that  the IHRA was not about support for the Palestinians are LIARS.  Does support for Palestinian kids make Jewish racists i.e. Zionists feel ‘unsafe’? If it does then they deserve to be made uncomfortable. 

Solidarity is the Bread and Butter of Socialism – That’s Why I Called Out the Participation of Novara Media in a Celebration of Jewish Radicalism


An Injury to One is an Injury to All – Rivkah Brown’s Attack on Chris Williamson as a ‘Jew Baiter’ Causes Jewish Voice for Labour to Withdraw

It was two days ago that Becky Massey, an expelled comrade in Brighton & Hove Labour Left Alliance sent round a What’s App message about a meetingA Celebration of Jewish Radicalism’next Tuesday.

Such meetings are, of course, to be welcomed given that Starmer and his glove puppet Evans operate on the basis that the only Jews that matter are racists, Zionists and reactionaries like themselves. However the description of one of the speakers, Rivkah Brown of Novara Media as ‘radical’ is highly questionable.

Her attackon Chris Williamson as a ‘Jew baiter’ is outrageous. Despite being asked, numerous times, Rivkah has not provided a sliver of proof. If she knew anything about anti-Semitism or racism she would know that the term ‘Jew baiter’ is reserved for those few people who are not merely common and garden anti-Semites but pathological haters of Jews.

The JLM repaid Corbyn by voting no confidence in him!

Chris Williamson was someone that I and other Jewish people were happy to campaign for at the last election. There is nothing he has said that is at all anti-Semitic. This charge by the racist Zionist Board of Deputies is entirely without merit.

It is another example of how the Zionists, in order to defend the Apartheid State of Israel not only demonise their critics but drain all meaning out of the term anti-Semitism. That Rivkah Brown makes this charge, without even a sliver of proof, demonstrates that despite her alleged criticism of Israel as an apartheid state, she is borrowing her vocabulary from the Zionists she purports to oppose.

Given what Chris Williamson has been through and his demonisation at the hands of the right-wing of the Labour Party and the British press, the least he is entitled to is solidarity. The failure of Rivkah Brown and indeed the whole of the Novara Media group to extend any solidarity to Chris is shameful.

Peter Mandelson strangely enough has not been suspended for disagreeing with the EHRC Report Recommendation

It was solidarity or the lack of it from the British working class that led to the defeat of the Miners 35 years ago. It is the lack of solidarity among the Labour Left, epitomized by the role of Jon Lansman and Owen Jones in attacking Jewish socialists, which led to the crushing defeat at last December’s General Election.

There is no need to go into why the issue of ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party was always a confected and false narrative that bore no relationship to reality. For those who are interested in the details see my Open Letter to Members of Labour’s National Executive Committee.

When it came to genuine racism from the Labour's Right had no problems, it was just 'antisemitism'

Suffice to say that if the Left had stood up to the suspensions and expulsions from the very start then Jeremy Corbyn could be Prime Minister today. If the false narrative of ‘anti-Semitism’ from a right-wing that has been riddled with racism (including anti-Semitism) for decades had been called out at the start, then the anti-Corbyn campaign could have been halted in its tracks. Labour’s Right even failed to oppose the Immigration Act 2014 which introduced the ‘hostile environment policy which in turn led to the Windrush Scandal.

Let us remember that the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign began with that well known anti-racist paper the Daily Mail, the paper which employedKatie Hopkins of ‘refugees are cockroaches’ fame.

'Antisemitism is a menace'is a cliche of Jones and his identity politics - Google how many times he uses it

However the poisonous legacy of identity politics, in which Jews are held to be oppressed just like Black and Muslims triumphed.  People like Lansman and Owen Jones counterposed White privileged Jews in British society to those who are really at the sharp end of racism.

Anti-Semitism must of course be fought, not with expulsions but by challenging it whenever it rears its ugly head. I have done so tonight with a racist on Twitter and have never failed to challenge holocaust denial but not because Jews are in any danger but because racism divides us and gives false solutions to the problems of capitalism.

There is no Jewish Windrush Scandal

But to pretend that Jews are oppressed or exploited in the same way as Black people in this society is a falsehood. There is no crime of driving whilst Jewish, Jews don’t face Stop and Search, economic discrimination, disproportionate imprisonment or the institutional racism of the Police force. Being Jewish in British society is not a disadvantage which is why even Boris Johnson professes a concern for ‘anti-Semitism’ (whilst being the author of a novel 72 Virgins which is anti-Semitic).

McDonnell never stopped appeasing the Zionists

If the Left of the Labour Party had shown resolve, if Corbyn hadn’t sulked and thrown his friends under the bus and instead addressed the false narrative, if John McDonnell hadn’t appeasedthe Right, if Jon Lansman hadn’t obsessed about ‘unconscious anti-Semitism’ and Owen Jones hadn’t been concerned to flatter his own ego then things might have been different. However we are where we are.

Floating in the shadows in the past few years has been an outfit called Novara Media. I was never very sure as to what they stood for or represented or indeed what they did. Aaron Bastani, their founder, addressed a Brighton Momentum meeting a couple of years ago and managed to say very little of relevance as far as I can recall but he didn’t attack Chris Williamson and Jackie Walker.

Ash Sarkar I had seen on television and I can remember she used to have a Twitter account which boast that she ‘fucked like a champion’ which struck me as somewhat odd as I wasn’t aware that fucking was now a regulated sport. I am told that this particular boast has now been taken down.

What I was unaware of, until Becky drew my attention to it, was the attack by Novara Media on Jackie Walker and Chris Williamson.  According to Rivkah Brown, of whom I had heard nothing until now, he was a ‘Jew baiter’. Ash Sarkar describedJackie Walker as a ‘crank’ and also supportedremoving the whip from Chris Williamson (alongside Ian Austin, Tom Watson et al). Aaron Bastani was all in favour of expelling Ken Livingstone and Jackie Walker.

Clearly this was a Lansmanite style set up without a principle in sight. Ash Sarkar venturedthat ‘characterising proceedings as a witch-hunt helps absolutely no one’ which rather begs the question, how would she characterise the expulsion and suspension of hundreds if not thousands of activists?  The mad hatter’s tea party?

I therefore wrote 2 days ago to leading members of Jewish Voices for Labour asking that they disown the meeting, which they were down as hosting, alongside Red Labour.

Well today I was told by JVL that they had indeed withdrawn their sponsorship of the meeting, although Naomi Wimborne-Iddrissi would be speaking in a personal capacity.

I also contacted some of the speakers, including Leon Rosselsson, Alexei Sayle, Andrew Feinstein and David Rosenberg to let them know who they were appearing besides.

The previously unknown Rivkah Brown attacks the one MP who stood up to those under attack

Only tonight I have learnt that Paddy O’Keefe, a long standing peace activist and who represents Equity on Brighton & Hove Trades Council has been suspended for the third time. Nearly all of the 24 pages of the allegations against Paddy relate to postings which predate his original suspension and reinstatement in Feb 2019. This is Starmer’s justice.  Someone should tell this ‘Racist without Qualification’ that there is a rule called double jeopardy. If someone has been reinstated after an investigation into a set of charges you can’t resuspend them on the basis of the same allegations!

Novara Media are the Establishment’s acceptable face of the Labour Left. We should make it clear that they are unacceptable to us as long as they feed the witchhunt of socialists.

Tony Greenstein

Defend Free Speech – Join the Campaign for Free Speech Launch Rally this Saturday 12.00 p.m.


 Starmer and Evans Contempt for Democracy and the Rights of Members Speaks Volumes About What a Future Labour Government Will Look Like

Please register for Saturday Free Speech Conference here

We will have a range of speakers on Saturday including Craig Murray, the former Ambassador to Uzbekistan who was sacked by Jack Straw for exposing the country's torture.  Ilan Pappe, the Israeli Professor whose book 'The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine'details what happened in 1948 and Ronnie Kassrills, the Jewish former Commander of the ANC's military wing Umkontwe we Sizwe and a Minister in successive ANC governments in South Africa from 1994-2008. Ronnie has been outspoke in condemning Israeli Apartheid see here.

There is a wholesale attack on Labour Party democracy being waged by Starmer and his glove puppet David Evans.  It demonstrates the contempt that the Labour Right have for free speech and democracy.

But this is not just about democracy and free speech.  Nor is it just about defending the right of Israel to continue committing its atrocities. It is also about what a future Labour government looks like.

Let me be clear.  I think it highly unlikely that Starmer will win a general election. It’s not just that he has all the personality of a wet fish. It is highly unlikely that Labour will regain sufficient of the ‘red wall’ seats to even get back to the position that Corbyn achieved in 2017 with 262 seats. Given the permanent loss of the Scottish seats, the prospects of a future Labour government are slim indeed.

In retrospect Corbyn’s achievement in 2017 may come to be seen as Labour’s high water mark.  Labour’s decline as an electoral force is part and parcel of the decline in European social democracy, be it in the Scandinavian countries, France, Germany and Italy.  It has to date been masked by the first past the post electoral system. To put it bluntly.  Social democracy now has nothing to offer. 

Corbyn has refused to go onto the offensive against Starmer and the Campaign Group has done nothing

Corbyn’s Labour did have something to offer which is why the results in 2017 achieved the highest swing since 1945.  Unfortunately the fierceness of the fightback by his opponents, with ‘anti-Semitism’ being weaponised for all its worth, undermined the confidence of Corbyn and exposed the weakness of a Labour Left trapped by identity politics.  Their lack of class politics proved fatal.

Starmer doesn’t even have the personality or charisma of Tony Blair.  There is nothing subtle or charming about him. He is a walking corpse without a trace of humour. His commitment to rooting out ‘anti-Semitism’ is so patently insincere that it’s barely worth analysing.  Suffice to say that it is in marked contrast to his attitude to other forms of racism.  His response to Black Lives Matter was famously that it was a ‘moment’.

Corbyn refused to give support to anti-racist activist Marc Wadsworth after he was libelled by racist Zionist Ruth Smeeth, ex-Director of Israeli lobby group BICOM and Hate not Hope

Above all Starmer is waging a war of lies. His outlawing of any discussion on the EHRC’s pitiful report (see Mike Cushman’s excellent Don’t consign Labour Party democracy to the history booksin the Morning Star) demonstrates how pitifully weak the report is.  See also The EHRC Report Should be Rejected - it is not fit for purpose – That's why Starmer has forbidden all discussion of this Flawed Report.

Despite all the lies about making a safe space for Jews (as long as they are Zionists) Starmer knowsfull well that the Report is full of holes.  Given that it has been produced by Commissioner Alasdair Henderson, whose own racist sympathiesresulted in his tweeting his support for two fascists, Roger Scruton and Douglas Murray, the only place it should go is a litter bin.

‘Anti-Semitism’ is useful to provide a moral cudgel, nothing more. The Board of Deputies concern about ‘anti-Semitism’ i.e. support for Israel, is a handy excuse. The real reason for the attack on party democracy has nothing to do with ‘anti-Semitism’. Starmer envisages that he will come to power in a situation wholly unlike that of Blair in 1997.

Labour Against the Witchhunt's Fringe Meeting at Liverpool Conference 2018 - Chris Williamson was the only MP who opposed the witchhunt 

Although people best remember Blair for the Iraq War, PFI and privatisation and hostility to asylum seekers, New Labour also spent a lot of money on the NHS and tax credits. This was a time when the British economy was buoyant thanks to Ken Clarke, John Major’s Chancellor of the Exchequer.  Of course by the time Gordon ‘no return to boom or bust’ Brown had taken over and the financial crash had hit us, then the economy was anything but healthy.  New Labour’s bonfire of regulations led to a decade of austerity.

If, just imagine, that a Starmer government came to power in 2024 then the situation will be infinitely worse. The government has borrowed hundreds of billions of pounds thanks to the COVID crisis. It is going to have to pay that back and it is an educated guess that it’s not the rich who are going to have to pay it!

LAW picket of Labour Party HQ Southside

It is unlikely that Rishi Sunak will impose a wealth tax of say 20% of all liquid and fixed assets on the top 10% of society to meet the COVID bill.  Instead it will be the working class who will be told to pay up.  Starmer is nothing if not the bastard offspring of the ruling class. He is the only member of the Trilateral Commission, an international ruling class organisation containing such luminaries as Henry Kissinger. We are facing austerity on stereoids.

A future Labour government will not be a reformist government.  It will be an echo of Ramsay Macdonald’s 1929-31 government which cut the dole and led to a national government. We can’t of course foresee the exact circumstances in which such a government gains office, almost certainly as a minority government, but the omens aren’t promising.

Jon Lansman - the man who did the most to defeat Corbyn

That is why Starmer is determined to crush the Left now and that is also why socialists have to fight, fight and fight again (to borrow Hugh Gaitskell’s slogan) against Starmer and the even more pitiful Rayner. It is a measure of how pathetic and weak the Campaign Group of Socialist MPs is that they are unable even to mount a defence of Corbyn.

Corbyn himself, instead of leading the fightback, has resorted to trying to secure backroom deals and a form of words that will placate Starmer.  Instead of taking to the stage and mounting a campaign against Sturmer and Evans he is remaining silent hoping to slide back and regain the Whip.

According to SkwawkboxCorbyn and Long-Bailey’s offending statements were pre-approved by the treacherous Starmer.  That is quite likely, not least because we know as a fact that Starmer’s office was leaking to the press in July that Corbyn was likely to be suspended when the EHRC report was released.

If the Campaign Group and Momentum had any political analysis then they would look forward and see that the battle against the neo-liberal Starmer has to start now.  Starmer is our enemy. There should be no question of uniting with him or the right.  This has been the fateful mistake of the Labour Left historically.  Today it represents a disaster in the making. When Starmer/Evans attack the democracy of the Labour Party they are doing it on behalf of capital and the City. That is why rich benefactors are standing by, reading to replace trade union money.

Keir Starmer - the charisma of a wet fish and the honesty of a second hand car dealer

That is why we should supporta group of 7 Labour Party members, 4 of whom are Jewish (but the wrong sort of Jews) who are taking the Labour Party to court about the breach of their most basic democratic rights.  Despite the EHRC saying that Labour’s procedures are unfit for purpose and making a series of proposals to improve them, the Labour Party witchhunters are saying that the EHRC proposals don’t apply to them!  Thus making a complete mockery of Sturmer’s acceptance of the Report lock stock and barrel.

The Right haven't yet got round to this!

Please support Labour Activists 4 Justice crowdfunding appeal,

It has raised just over half of the £100,000 necessary in order to bring judicial proceedings. But they need another £50,000.




Seven members of the Labour Party today filed a claim in the High Court in light of the Party’s acceptance that its disciplinary process is unfair and not fit for purpose. 

The group of members, Labour Activists For Justice (LA4J) who have all been unjustly accused of undermining the Party’s ability to campaign against racism,have been working for six months to persuade the Party to improve its disciplinary process for the benefit of all members, but have been rejected at every approach. Last month the EHRCReport on its Investigation into Antisemitism in the Labour Party found that the Party’s disciplinary process was not fit for purpose, and recommended that the Party should put in place a new fair system. 

When the EHRC Report came out, the Party said it would implement all the recommendations as a matter of urgency and would commission a new process. So LA4J approached the Party again to ensure that the Party did not continue with its investigations under the unfair process, only to be told the Report did not apply to them and the Party would continue to use the same disciplinary processes that were found to be seriously unfair by the EHRC. Today LA4J filed a claim in the High Court through their solicitors, Bindmans LLP, to ensure that the Party must now address what they and the EHRC say are multiple failures in its disciplinary process.

The points made by the EHRC are almost identical to the points made by LA4J, including:

·       the lack of clear guidelines on how antisemitism cases are judged

·       the Party has now confirmed that it uses a version of its Code of Conduct to judge what is antisemitic that it will not publish or even send to people under investigation

·       withholding the identity of accusers without good reason

·       a lack of fair process for the accused

·       a failure to provide adequate reasons for the decisions made.

The members of the group, four of whom are Jewish, have all had disciplinary action taken against them and are currently under investigation over alleged rule breaches relating to antisemitism, which they strongly reject. They know that many other members are in similar situations. They are making this High Court claim because the suggestion in many cases, including their own, that there is anti-Semitic content in the evidence provided by the Labour Party is unfounded and offensive. They wanta fair disciplinary process to be implemented for ALL Labour Party members where the criteria by which they will be judged are clear and public and the procedures are fair.

One of the group, Diana Neslen, an 81year old Orthodox Jew said:

‘Throughout its history the Labour Movement has fought for the rights of workers, including the right to a fair and just disciplinary process. If any employer tried to impose the party’s process on their employees today, the Labour Movement and the unions would be up in arms. It is a disgrace that needs to be fixed.’

‘Over the last six months we have drawn the party’s attention to our concerns with several lawyer’s letters, but every time they refuse to address our arguments.  The idea that the EHRC Report does not apply to us is the last straw. A legal challenge is not a road we want to go down, but they have left us no choice.

LA4J’s Crowdjustice and other funding approaches have been, and continue to be, well supported by hundreds of individual contributors, many of whom have said they have donated or pledged precisely because we are taking action on behalf of ALL members.  However the likely costs of the action will run to  six figures so LA4J would be grateful for any further contributions.

Link to the crowdfunding appeal:

The Labour Party owes it to all its members to treat them with fairness and due process.

This should start now!

The Members of LA4J :

Diana Neslen(age 81) is a General Committee delegate to Ilford South CLP. She is an Orthodox Jew. She rejoined the Labour party in 2015 following the election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader and is a member of Jewish Voice for Labour. She has been a long time Palestinian and antiracist activist. In September 2018, five months after the sudden death of her husband and while undergoing cancer treatment, she received a reminder of conduct from the Labour Party detailing eleven 'offences' she had committed.  All were social media postings related to Israel’s policies and conduct. There was no indication anywhere as to the identity of the complainants or the definition of antisemitism the Party was applying, and some of the postings predated her Labour party membership.  Although she contacted the Party to discover the nature of the 'offences', she received no response.  In May 2020, while shielding alone, she received a notice of investigation from an anonymous employee of the Labour party  detailing  seven items that required investigation for antisemitism. The complainants were again anonymous and the definition not based on the published code. Although she has made contact with the party to request further information and later on to explain the proper context in which what she said must be understood, they have at no time had the courtesy to reply. It is chilling that the Labour party feels emboldened to accuse a Jewish woman of antisemitism on the basis of a hidden definition, and by its unfair processes expose the truth of the EHRC findings about its unjust complaints process.

Jonathan Rosenhead (age 82) is Chair of Hoxton West branch and serves on the Executive of Hackney South and Shoreditch CLP. He first joined the Labour Party in 1962, and was a Labour Parliamentary candidate in 1966; he rejoined the party in 2015. His Notice of Investigation served in May 2020 cited as evidence i) a speech at the February CLP meeting nominating Jo Bird for the NEC, in which his mention of her well known ‘Jew-process’ joke was allegedly a disciplinary offence; ii) words which were incorrectly asserted to be part of his verbal evidence as a witness at Ken Livingstone’s disciplinary hearing in 2017; and iii) an article he had written in Open Democracy in October 2017 describing the launch meeting of Jewish Voice for Labour (but which of the 3000 words were problematic was not specified). His conduct is being judged on the basis of an unpublished version of the code.

Michael Ellman (age 83) is Auditor of Junction Ward branch of Islington North CLP.He is a practising Jew. He joined the Labour Party in 1980, re-joined in 2015, and is a solicitor and former Vice-President of FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights), who has fought for human rights and against racism all his life.  He proposed a motion in August 2020 to an internal branch meeting to reconsider the IHRA definition of antisemitism because it might stifle legitimate political debate, and substitute the Oxford English Dictionary definition, which was leaked to the Press by an unknown person and he was immediately suspended from the Party for conduct grossly prejudicial to the Party following a complaint by an unknown person.

Mike Howard (age 68) Member of Hastings & Rye CLP.  Active Labour Party member for over thirty-five years, holding office in six CLP’s during this time. Twice elected Hastings Borough Councillor. Retired (former office-holding) Unison life member. Unite Community, JVL and PSC. He is a Jewish, lifelong anti-racist whose family escaped the murderous pogroms in pre-war Russia/Poland and fought the fascists in their East London neighbourhood. Mike has suffered real anti-semitism, and finds it completely unacceptable that Labour Party HQ, knowing that he is Jewish, has not responded to his solicitors’ request to drop an anonymous complainant’s accusations of anti-semitism against him which is based on the process the EHRC found was unfair and based on a code the Party will not publish. 

John Davies (age 66) Former Chair, St Michael's Branch, Liverpool Riverside CLP. Member since 2015. He is accused of 7 instances of hostility or prejudice based on race or religion. The instances are mostly re-posts of material posted by others, including a former Israeli minister and a Palestinian doctor, and the charges are based on definitions of antisemitism in a version of an antisemitism code of conduct that the Labour Party will not publish. Mr Davies has been an active anti-racist all his life, and denies all the charges.

Colin O Driscoll (age 60) Vice Chair Labour International CLP (Labour Party's International Section). First joined the Labour Party in 1978, rejoined in 2015 (pre-Corbyn). He is accused on the basis of social media posts of  ]various instances of misconduct. The complaint was made some time before May 2020, by a person or persons unknown. The charges were laid in 2020 as part of an express expulsion procedure. He strongly denies the charges, which again are based on an antisemitism code of conduct that the Labour Party will not publish.

Chris Wallis (age 71) Vice Chair Hazel Grove CLP (near Stockport) . Member since 2015 (pre-Corbyn). He is accused of 5 instances of conduct prejudicial or grossly detrimental to the party relating to racism, and in particular antisemitism. The complaint was made in December 2019 by persons unknown, but the charges were not laid till June 2020, and only then after he had requested an update from the Party as he was about to be Acting Chair of his CLP. He rejects the charges absolutely, which again are based on a version of an antisemitism code of conduct that the Labour Party will not publish.

We are preparing to file court proceedings!   Can you please help with our costs?

The Labour party disciplinary process has been condemned by the EHRC as fundamentally unfair to complainants and respondents.  This is not surprising.  Many of us who have had direct experience of the process can vouch for the fact that it is not fit for purpose. It is an opaque process, granting confidentiality to those accusers whose complaints are investigated, while treating the accused as if they were already guilty, and making vague accusations against people without letting them know the case against them or by what standards they are being judged.

It is fundamental to natural justice that an accused should know their accuser (unless there is very good reason for this not to be the case).  This requirement (confirmed by the EHRC) is, however, dispensed with by the Labour Party as a matter of course.  Indeed, the EHRC found that the Labour Party did not even always record the identity of complainant.  The accused is therefore kept in the dark about who the accuser is, or even if there is more than one.  The accused cannot therefore identify whether there might be other motivations for the complaint, including potential factionalism. Since the motives of the accusers cannot be challenged, the accused is denied a full opportunity to respond.

This is just one of the many unfairnesses identified by the EHRC that have pervaded the Party’s disciplinary processes and which still have not been addressed.  Indeed, we have tried valiantly since July to engage with the Labour Party (and others have preceded us) in order to encourage the Party to address the unjust and inequitable nature of their disciplinary processes and the devastating effect it has on the lives and well-being of those the Party chooses to target.

When the Labour Party finally engaged with our legal representatives they rejected all our reasonable submissions out of hand but without providing any adequate explanation.  It was not therefore surprising to discover that the EHRC’s report agreed with our concerns.  It recommended that the current procedure is so unfair that the party must put in place a new fair, transparent, independent process.   

The Labour Party has now publicly confirmed that it will implement the recommendations of the EHRC report and will put a new process in place.  But extraordinarily, they have refused to stop the unfair current investigations, suggesting that the Report is not for us: it is for complainants and ‘The Jewish Community’.  This is not only offensive, particularly to those of us who are Jewish, it is also simply wrong.  The Report identifies fundamental unfairness to complainants and respondents irrespective of their ethnic background or religion.  And it completely contradicts the Party’s public statements that it accepts and is currently implementing the EHRC’s recommendations by designing a whole new process for investigations.

The Labour Party cannot continue to act in blatant disregard of the recommendations of the EHRC when it suits them, while saying, in a blaze of publicity, that they accepted those recommendations and would act on them in full.  It is time to hold them to account. We now have no option but to file our claim in court. We hope to file within a matter of weeks.

We are deeply grateful to all those who, because they share our views on this issue, have so generously supported this cause already.  We would not be where we are without you.  We still need your help please, so we are asking again for further donations at this stage to fund court action - not just for ourselves, but for all those who have been targeted and to prevent others in the future from having to suffer the same fate. This should be for the benefit of all Party members, and for all those who believe in the rule of law and fair process.

Thank you. Solidarity.

For further information contact Chris Wallis on 07973 818298  

Open Letter to Colin Piper, Chair of Brighton Kemptown CLP


What is stopping you speaking out against the attack on freedom of speech and democracy by Starmer & Evans?

In 2015 Brighton Kemptown CLP was fully supportive of the Corbyn insurgency. Colin Piper, who is now Chair of the CLP, was an active participant in Momentum. In 2019 he was backed by Momentum as a candidate in the local elections in Queens Park.

Since then he has become Chair of the CLP and adopted the ‘anti-Semitism’ narrative which holds that support for the Palestinians and criticism of Zionism is ‘anti-Semitic’. He berates Paddy O’Keeffe, who has now been suspended twice, for his criticism of Israel. He asks why criticise Israel when there are so many other examples of human rights abuse, singling out India and China, as examples.

Colin is old enough to remember the campaign against Apartheid in South Africa. This was the constant refrain of Apartheid’s supporters. They pointed to human rights abuses in neighbouring Black countries forgetting that there was an interrelationship between the two.

So it is that someone who was once a socialist, indeed on the far-left and a candidate for the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition in 2015, has ended up a parrot in the service of Starmer and Rayner.

Contrary to the reverence that Colin holds Israel is unique, not only in claiming the mantle of the holocaust as justification for its atrocities, but in the role it plays as a surrogate of the USA. In the Middle East it is the US’s watchdog and has formed alliances with the most repressive states in that region.

Indian troops in Kashmir

But it’s not just in the Middle East that Israel’s baleful influence is felt. It is the largest weapons supplier to India, the very example that Piper uses in Israel’s defence. India’s occupation of Kashmir under the murderously racist regime of Narendra Modi is indeed shocking. But Israel is integrally involved in supporting India’s occupation of Kashmir with weapons and training for the India forces.

One of the ironies of Israel’s close alliance with the India of the BJP and Narendra Modi is the pro-Nazi roots of the BJP. This is part of the reason for the popularitytoday of Mein Kampf which is a bestselleramong India’s nationalists.

It’s not only India. Israel played a crucial role in Latin America from the 1970’s in supporting a whole range of murderous and fascist regimes from Chile’s Pinochet to Argentina’s Junta.  A junta which tortured and murdered up to 3,000 Jews. Despite Jews being less than 1% of Argentina’s population they made up to 12% of those who ‘disappeared’. It was a neo-Nazi regime but that didn’t bother the Zionist regime which never once raised the question of the Junta’s anti-Semitism. Today Israel is supplying weapons to the neo-Nazi Azov battalion in Ukraine which should cause people like Colin to ask some questions. This is what the Jewish state has become.

But when you become like Colin a renegade from socialism and a loyal servant of the Labour Party’s apparatchiks you stop asking questions such as who was behind the ‘anti-Semitism’ wars.  Instead you turn on principled socialists like Paddy instead. 

Tony Greenstein

Open Letter to Colin Piper

Dear Colin,

As you wrote in your email to Paddy O’Keeffe earlier this year, this is a letter that I didn’t want to write. But on the other hand, if I didn’t write it and just let your betrayal of comrades to pass in silence, I would feel even more guilty.

As you must be aware, there is a massive witchhunt taking place in the Labour Party alongside a wholescale attack on free speech. It is led by Keir Starmer and his unelected glove puppet David Evans. In previous years you would have been part of the fightback.

Over 100 CLPs up and down the country have passed resolutions demanding the restoration of the Whip to Jeremy Corbyn and/or expressing no confidence in Starmer and Evans. Indeed 230 CLPs, well over a third, have written to Starmer protesting at his Inquisition.

These include Brighton Pavilion, Eastbourneand Chingford and Wood Green CLP where Vice Chair Naomi Wimborne-Iddrissi, has been suspended. Naomi is Secretary of Jewish Voice for Labour. When you are trying to ‘tear out the poison of anti-Semitism’from Labour it’s always a good idea to suspend a few Jews!

Just last week 7 members of the Labour Party, 4 of whom are Jewish, filed a legal action against the Labour Party. They included Diane Neslen, an 81 year old Jew. As JVL wrote:

In September 2018, five months after the sudden death of her husband and while undergoing cancer treatment, she received a reminder of conduct from the Labour Party detailing eleven ‘offences’ she had committed.  All were social media postings related to Israel’s policies and conduct.

Diana wasn’t the only Jewish victim of the callous ciphers at Labour Party HQ. Others suspended include 82 year old Professor Jonathan Rosenhead, 83 year old Michael Ellman and a sprightly 68 year old Mike Howard, a former councillor from Hastings and Rye. Today’s Jewish Chronicle has an article calling for the expulsionof JVL.

None of this prevented Evans and Labour’s regional mafia from doing their best to prevent discussion of motions on the pretext of ensuring the safety of Jews! Even the most obtuse Starmer supporter should be able to work it out that Jews have become instrumentalised in the war Starmer and Evans are waging against their opponents. Some with more finely attuned antennae might think that this is anti-Semitic.

I am puzzled therefore at the silence of Brighton Kemptown CLP, of which you are the Chair. I look forward to hearing your explanation, other than old-fashioned political cowardice?

In 2015 you were a council candidate for the far-left Trade Union and Socialist Coalition in Queens Park. I also stoodfor Council alongside TUSC. Unlike you I haven’t taken the road to the right since then.

I first met you in meetings of Brighton & Hove Momentum in 2016. At that time there was no indication of your present politics. In 2018 you were a Council candidate for Queens Park, losing to the Greens.

Paddy O’Keeffe, a member of Queens Park Labour Party, has been suspended for the second time in as many years. The allegations relate to false allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’. The same allegations that were leveled against Paddy previously have been regurgitated.

As Chair of the CLP I would expect you to be to the fore in defending Paddy. Yet it would seem that you are supporting Paddy’s racist attackers and defamers.

I don’t know whether or not you or your associates have had a direct input in these bogus complaints. What I do know is that you and Sim Elliot, who is also a member in Queens Park, made wholly unfounded allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ against Paddy.

I have known Paddy for over a decade. Paddy has been a long-standing campaigner against war and racism. The suggestions that you made in your email of 21stJanuary that Paddy was somehow ‘unconsciously’anti-Semitic is poppycock as well as insulting.

You made a number of unfounded assertions which I previously wrote to you about. I am always interested in what makes non-Jews with no previous interest in racism such experts on anti-Semitism.

You asserted that a cartoon on Facebook showing the Star of David dripping blood on to a pile of dead babies’was anti-Semitic because the Star of David is a symbol of Judaism. The Star of David was a symbol of Judaism but the Zionist movement stole it in order to cloak its movement in a religious mantle. For Palestinians the Star of David is what the Swastika is to Jews.

Just this week a 15 year old boy Ali Abu Alia, who was was murderedby Israel’s army. A bullet was fired into his stomach. Live fire is never used against Jewish demonstrators. That is one reason why Israel is an apartheid state. Over 50 children were murderedby snipers when demonstrating at the Gaza fence. In 2014 551 children were murderedin the attack on Gaza. The cartoon is clearly accurate.

It would however seem that you are more concerned with cartoons depicting Israel’s bloodletting than the actual bloodletting. If I was you I would concentrate less on unconscious racism than your own, very conscious, racism.

You also said that you ‘have Jewish blood in me’when berating Paddy for being a ‘serial offender.’ Some might say that the concept of ‘Jewish blood’ was itself anti-Semitic. I would be interested in knowing how ‘Jewish blood’ differs from its non-Jewish counterpart since even the Nazis couldn’t find the missing ingredients!

You took except to Paddy’s claim that Israel is the world’s only apartheid state.

‘If only that were true’ you wrote before asking ‘Why does it seem that some on the left judge Israel by different standards than the rest of the world?’

Ah, the IHRA’sdouble-standards! Perhaps it is because Israel is the only full fledged Apartheid state in the world. That is not my opinion but that of Ha’aretz, when commenting on a court decision that the Jewish Nation State Lawmeant that the ‘Jewish’ city of Carmiel should not have to fund the travel expenses of Arab children going to school because that might encourage more Arabs to move to Carmiel. As Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu explained

“Israel is not a state of all its citizens. According to the basic nationality law we passed, Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people – and only it.

Why do you have such difficulty with what is such a simple concept? On the West Bank there isn’t even formal equality under the law. There two systems of law – one for Jews and another for Palestinians.

In your email you say that As I write this millions of Indian Muslims are protesting the racist Citizenship (amendment) Act 2019.Whataboutery but it is true. India is becoming an Apartheid state. And who are their partners? Hindu nationalists model themselves on Israel.

The BJP which now rules India was formed by the RSS which idolisesIsrael. The founders of the RSS also idolised another ethno-nationalist state, Nazi Germany. As Wikpedia observes:

During World War II, the RSS leaders admired Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. Golwalkar [their leader] allegedly took inspiration from Adolf Hitler's ideology of racial purity. This did not imply any antipathy towards Jews. The RSS leaders were supportive of the formation of Jewish State of Israel."

Not that there is anything unique in the admiration of anti-Semites for Israel. From Donald Trump to Steve Bannon and Richard Spencer, the neo-Nazi founder of the alt-Right, the far-Right admires Israel as an ethno nationalist state. Viktor Orban, the Hungarian Prime Minister combines admiration for Hungary’s war-time pro-Nazi leader Admiral Horthy (an exceptional statesman) with visceral anti-Semitismand a warm relationship with Netanyahu. Tommy Robinson too declares he is a Zionist.

As Foreign Policy noted

Israel’s right-wing government sees the illiberal nationalist leaders of Poland and Hungary as natural allies. They share a hostility toward human rights, Enlightenment values, and the European Union.’

So your point about why we don’t criticise India for its treatment of Kashmir is fatuous. Or have you forgotten that it was Keir Starmer who unilaterally tore up Labour policy on support for Kashmiri self-determination? Kashmir is India’s Palestine.

There is an alliance between Zionism and Hindu nationalists in this and other countries. Gideon Falter of the Campaign Against Anti-Semitismwas reported in the Milli Gazette, as attending a meeting in 2018 at the House of Commons at the invitation of Tory MP Bob Blackman, ‘the rabidly pro-Hindutva Tory MP from Harrow East’, and a patron of the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism.

Gideon Falter, the Chair of the CAA, told the meeting that he and his supporters would do all they could to help eradicate the ‘duty’ on the government to make Caste an aspect of race in the Equality Act of 2010.[UK Government will repeal caste law] Blackman called for the need to learn from the way the CAA had got the IHRA definition of antisemitism passed in the Labour Party!

Just as the IHRA has been used by Zionists to attack supporters of the Palestinians so ‘Hinduphobia’ is being weaponised against opponents of the military occupation of Kashmir and the pogroms against Muslims, Dalits and other minorities in India. The ‘logic’ behind the false accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ and ‘hinduphobia’ is that if you oppose racist ethno nationalism it is because you oppose them as Jews or Hindus not because  of what they do.

Israel and India have an extremely close political relationship. If you want to learn more then I suggest you read my articleon the alliance between Israel, Zionism and Hindu nationalism.

Your examples, rather than proving Paddy O’Keeffe is anti-Semitic prove the opposite. I just hope that instead of imbibing the racism of Starmer and his supporters you will support motions calling on the terrible 2 to quit and for the whip to be restored to Jeremy Corbyn.


Tony Greenstein

Email sent to Paddy O’Keeffe by Colin Piper


Date: 21/01/2020 17:29 (GMT+00:00)

To: Paddy O’Keeffe

Subject: Anti-Semitism and other stuff

Dear Paddy,

Your post on WhatsApp regarding the Board of Deputies 10 Pledges has prompted me to write this letter that I have been putting off for weeks. Putting off because I don’t want to write it and because I have things I would rather be doing.

The last 10 years of my life have been dealing with the issue of unconscious bias. In my case I was concerned to address why so few girls study physics in England, but I illustrated and explained the problem by exploring attitudes to race.

The first task was to prove to my audience that they did indeed have biases they denied or were unaware of, that was easy. The next thing was to explain that such biases didn’t make you a bad person, and finally my task was to suggest changes in behaviour that could ameliorate or remove the effects of such biases.

‘What has all this got to do with the Board of Deputies?’ I here you ask.

You posted a cartoon on Facebook showing the Star of David dripping blood on to a pile of dead babies. The Star of David is the symbol of Judaism, it is the thing Jewish people wear around their necks to identify themselves as Jewish. Your cartoon is therefore saying that Jews are responsible for the murder of children. How you cannot see that this is anti-Semitic is frankly a mystery to me, but it is.

The reason for my rather long preamble is to try and explain that you don’t have to be a holocaust denier or global Jewish conspiracy theorist to act in an anti-Semitic way. You don’t even have to wish ill on a single Jewish person. Behaving in a way that offends Jews merely involves failing to take account of their feelings when you act. I believe that you did that, and I think that you are a serial offender.

You are also not the only one. A meme was posted on the Brighton Kemptown Labour Party Facebook group recently that said, “Critics of Israel and Jews are justified” (my emphasis). Maybe it’s because I come from North London and, like most cockney’s, have Jewish blood in me, but I simply cannot understand how anyone can post such a thing. Just reading it makes my blood run cold.

There are more subtle examples too. I repeatedly see the claim that “Israel is the world’s only apartheid state”. If only that were true! As I write this millions of Indian Muslims are protesting the racist Citizenship (amendment) Act 2019. China is holding up to a million Uighur Muslims in internment camps where they are being ‘re-educated’. The annexing of part of Kashmir by India prompted just one post on the Brighton Kemptown Facebook page, less than the average daily number of posts about Israel and Palestine. Why is there this difference in emphasis? Why does it seem that some on the left judge Israel by different standards than the rest of the world? I am not certain of the answers to these questions, but I do believe that unconscious bias plays a part and can understand why some Jewish observers find it offensive.

And yet you and the person responsible for the meme above and the person who tweeted that we should ‘march on a synagogue’ and the rest, all vehemently and loudly deny any wrongdoing, “there’s no anti-Semitism in the Labour Party” we are repeatedly told.

Of course, the issue of anti-Semitism has been politicised by the establishment and the right wing, of course the media has massively exaggerated the problems in the Labour Party whilst ignoring the much larger problems in the Tories, of course the intervention by the Chief Rabbi was disgraceful. But the question remains, why has the accusation of anti-Semitism stuck while the accusations of terrorist sympathiser, foreign spy and IRA supporter failed?

The answer is that for a lie to be believable it must have some truth in it. Why does it seem that some on the left judge Israel by different standards than the rest of the world? I am not certain of the answers to these questions, but I do believe that unconscious bias plays a part and can understand why some Jewish observers find it offensive.

This letter makes me very sad Paddy. I have always liked and respected you in the past but I’m afraid your disgraceful threat of a law suit against Sim at the height of an election campaign that saw some of us out every night for weeks in the rain and freezing cold, together with your posting of a cartoon that I found deeply disturbing and offensive, have led me to lose that affection and trust.

I very much hope that we can find a way to regain the mutual respect and affection we once had.



SuspendedMembers of Labour Activists 4 Justice

Diana Neslen(age 81) is a General Committee delegate to Ilford South CLP. She is an Orthodox Jew.  She rejoined the Labour party in 2015 following the election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader and is a member of Jewish Voice for Labour. She has been a long time Palestinian and antiracist activist. In September 2018, five months after the sudden death of her husband and while undergoing cancer treatment, she received a reminder of conduct from the Labour Party detailing eleven ‘offences’ she had committed.  All were social media postings related to Israel’s policies and conduct. There was no indication anywhere as to the identity of the complainants or the definition of antisemitism the Party was applying, and some of the postings predated her Labour party membership.  Although she contacted the Party to discover the nature of the ‘offences’, she received no response.  In May 2020, while shielding alone, she received a notice of investigation from an anonymous employee of the Labour party  detailing  seven items that required investigation for antisemitism. The complainants were again anonymous and the definition not based on the published code. Although she has made contact with the party to request further information and later on to explain the proper context in which what she said must be understood, they have at no time had the courtesy to reply. It is chilling that the Labour party feels emboldened to accuse a Jewish woman of antisemitism on the basis of a hidden definition, and by its unfair processes expose the truth of the EHRC findings about its unjust complaints process.

Jonathan Rosenhead (age 82) is Chair of Hoxton West branch and serves on the Executive of Hackney South and Shoreditch CLP. He first joined the Labour Party in 1962, and was a Labour Parliamentary candidate in 1966; he rejoined the party in 2015. His Notice of Investigation served in May 2020 cited as evidence i) a speech at the February CLP meeting nominating Jo Bird for the NEC, in which his mention of her well known ‘Jew-process’ joke was allegedly a disciplinary offence; ii) words which were incorrectly asserted to be part of his verbal evidence as a witness at Ken Livingstone’s disciplinary hearing in 2017; and iii) an article he had written in Open Democracy in October 2017 describing the launch meeting of Jewish Voice for Labour (but which of the 3000 words were problematic was not specified). His conduct is being judged on the basis of an unpublished version of the code.

Michael Ellman (age 83) is Auditor of Junction Ward branch of Islington North CLP. He is a practising Jew. He joined the Labour Party in 1980, re-joined in 2015, and is a solicitor and former Vice-President of FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights), who has fought for human rights and against racism all his life.  He proposed a motion in August 2020 to an internal branch meeting to reconsider the IHRA definition of antisemitism because it might stifle legitimate political debate, and substitute the Oxford English Dictionary definition, which was leaked to the Press by an unknown person and he was immediately suspended from the Party for conduct grossly prejudicial to the Party following a complaint by an unknown person.

Mike Howard (age 68) Member of Hastings & Rye CLP.  Active Labour Party member for over thirty-five years, holding office in six CLP’s during this time. Twice elected Hastings Borough Councillor. Retired (former office-holding) Unison life member. Unite Community, JVL and PSC. He is a Jewish, lifelong anti-racist whose family escaped the murderous pogroms in pre-war Russia/Poland and fought the fascists in their East London neighbourhood. Mike has suffered real anti-semitism, and finds it completely unacceptable that Labour Party HQ, knowing that he is Jewish, has not responded to his solicitors’ request to drop an anonymous complainant’s accusations of anti-semitism against him which is based on the process the EHRC found was unfair and based on a code the Party will not publish.

John Davies (age 66) Former Chair, St Michael’s Branch, Liverpool Riverside CLP. Member since 2015. He is accused of 7 instances of hostility or prejudice based on race or religion. The instances are mostly re-posts of material posted by others, including a former Israeli minister and a Palestinian doctor, and the charges are based on definitions of antisemitism in a version of an antisemitism code of conduct that the Labour Party will not publish. Mr Davies has been an active anti-racist all his life, and denies all the charges.

Colin O Driscoll (age 60) Vice Chair Labour International CLP (Labour Party’s International Section). First joined the Labour Party in 1978, rejoined in 2015 (pre-Corbyn). He is accused on the basis of social media posts of  ]various instances of misconduct. The complaint was made some time before May 2020, by a person or persons unknown. The charges were laid in 2020 as part of an express expulsion procedure. He strongly denies the charges, which again are based on an antisemitism code of conduct that the Labour Party will not publish.

Chris Wallis (age 71) Vice Chair Hazel Grove CLP (near Stockport) . Member since 2015 (pre-Corbyn). He is accused of 5 instances of conduct prejudicial or grossly detrimental to the party relating to racism, and in particular antisemitism. The complaint was made in December 2019 by persons unknown, but the charges were not laid till June 2020, and only then after he had requested an update from the Party as he was about to be Acting Chair of his CLP. He rejects the charges absolutely, which again are based on a version of an antisemitism code of conduct that the Labour Party will not publish.

White Women as Slave Owners and the Myth of Sisterhood – Stephanie E. Jones


White women were as faithful to the Plantocracy as White men – in Settler Colonial Societies the allegiance of women settlers is to their men 

When the women’s liberation movement first grew up in the late 1960’s Black women and women of colour were largely absent or invisible. It was a largely White women’s movement. Nonetheless the first British Women’s Liberation Conference in March 1970 saw‘the struggle for social change and the transformation of society’ as inextricably linked with the fight for women’s liberation.

The 1970s saw repeated attacks by the Right on women’s rights, most notably in the repeated attempts to amend the 1967 Abortion Act by MPs such as James White (1975) and William Benyon (1977). At the same time the Women’s Movement was increasingly internalising its politics, summed up in the slogan ‘The Personal is Political’ or in its concentration on issues such as pornography (‘Porn is the theory, Rape is the practice’). This was even though the second wave of feminism had begun with the  strike of the Ford sewing machinists for equal pay in 1968, which in turn led to the 1970 Equal Pay Act.

It was summed in the statement of the Combahee River Collective

We believe that the most profound and potentially most radical politics come directly out of our own identity, as opposed to working to end somebody else's oppression.

Although understandable coming from a Black feminist group, when generalised throughout the women’s movement it came to embody the belief that struggles against racism and imperialism, Palestine in particular, were divisive and undermined the unity of women. This is not very different from the idea that class struggle is divisive to national liberation struggles.

This became a particular problem for the magazine Spare Rib in Britain which had always found it difficult dealing with issues of racism, which manifested themselves not just in the personal but the political.  In September 1980 Spare Rib’s editorial statedthat 'controversial topics have always been a problem for SR'. With Israel’s invasion of Lebanon in 1982 it became more than a problem as the Editorial Collective divided over the question of Zionism and anti-Semitism. [See for example Corinne Malpocher’s Ph. D thesis Sexuality, Race and Zionism - Conflict and Debates in Spare Rib, 1972-1993]. 

The issue of race and imperialism divided and nearly destroyed the magazine of the women’s movement and arguably led to its eventual demise in 1993. At one point the editorial collective was meeting in two halves, Black and White.

Feminism, which has gone through a number of different phases is, in essence a movement for democratic rights on behalf of the one half of the population whose reproductive abilities are the basis of discrimination against them.  But it is also a movement divided by class and race. One can the role of women today in the struggle against Zionism with the prominent role played in the attack on Jeremy Corbyn by women such as Luciana Berger, Ruth Smeeth and Margaret Hodge.

The concept of an all-embracing sisterhood was one from which class and race were largely absent. The reasons for this are obvious. Such issues were seen to divide the movement and therefore the most oppressed and exploited women were mean to shut up for the sake of their liberal and bourgeois compatriots.

The idea behind patriarchy breaks down when women become the oppressors and exploiters.  None represented this better than Margaret Thatcher.  Historically, as the articles below demonstrate, White women played a prominent role in the history of slavery and they were full participants in the enslavement of Black women. With very few exceptions, White women didn’t see Black women as their sisters.

Stephanie Jones’ new book, They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American Southdemonstrates that White women were not passive onlookers, subjugated by White slaveowners but very much held the whip hand, literally. They had a direct property interest in the enslavement of Black people, including of course women.

It also demonstrates the fallacy of an overarching sisterhood.  White women in the Deep South, just like White women in South Africa and Jewish women in Israel overwhelmingly supported the racial status quo. To ignore questions of class and race is to have a one-dimensional view of oppression and racism. Which of course is why intersectionality has largely displaced reactionary identity politics although it fails to place class as the overarching method by which one understands the different forms of oppression.

Tony Greenstein

 White Women Were Avid Slaveowners, a New Book Shows - They were her property

By Parul Sehgal  Feb. 26, 2019

She knew, but she didn’t participate — not fully. She participated, but she didn’t know — not everything. She was a bystander. She was an anomaly.

The full role of white women in slavery has long been one of the “slave trade’s best-kept secrets.” “They Were Her Property,” a taut and cogent corrective, by Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers, who teaches at the University of California, Berkeley, examines how historians have misunderstood and misrepresented white women as reluctant actors. The scholarship of the 1970s and ’80s, in particular, did much to minimize their involvement, depicting them as masters in name only and even, grotesquely, as natural allies to enslaved people — both suffered beneath the boot of Southern patriarchy, the argument goes.

Jones-Rogers puts the matter plainly. White slave-owning women were ubiquitous. Not only did they profit from, and passionately defend, slavery, but the institution “was their freedom.” White women were more likely to inherit enslaved people than land. Their wealth brought them suitors and gave them bargaining power in their marriages. If their husbands proved unsatisfactory slave owners in their eyes, the women might petition for the right to manage their “property” themselves, which they did, with imaginative sadism.

How have so many historians gotten it so wrong?

According to Jones-Rogers, they have not been listening to the right people. “They Were Her Property” draws on the customary sources — letters and other documents from slave-owning families and the like — but radically centers the testimonies of formerly enslaved people in interviews conducted by the Federal Writers’ Project, part of the Works Progress Administration.

From these stories, Jones-Rogers brings an unseen world to life: of white women’s instruction in domination, a process of grooming that began in infancy. W.P.A. interviewees recount threats, abuse and whippings administered by white children. “It didn’t matter whether the child was large or small,” one woman said. “They always beat you ’til the blood ran down.”

Stephanie E. Jones-RogersCredit...Lily Cummings

“They Were Her Property” joins a tide of recent books — among them, Sven Beckert’s “Empire of Cotton,” Edward Baptist’s “The Half Has Never Been Told,” Walter Johnson’s “River of Dark Dreams” and Caitlin Rosenthal’s “Accounting for Slavery” — that examine how slavery laid the foundation of American capitalism, including the invention of financial instruments, such as bonds that used enslaved people as collateral. Jones-Rogers writes, “If we examine women’s economic investments in slavery, rather than simply their ideological and sentimental connections to the system, we can uncover hitherto hidden relationships among gender, slavery and capitalism.”

Previously invisible sectors of the market are illuminated, many created and controlled by white women. Historians long asserted, for instance, that Southern women used wet nurses only “as a last resort,” but the testimonies of formerly enslaved people — and advertisements from the 18th and 19th centuries — tell a different story. The practice appears to have been widespread. One woman recalled that her enslaved mother always gave birth at the same time as her mistress, so she would be available to nurse the white baby. “These recollections make it clear that enslaved women were giving birth on a routine basis. But what often remains unexplored is what led to these constant conceptions,” Jones-Rogers writes. Some were “undoubtedly the result of sexual assault.”

In horrifying, meticulous detail, this book illustrates the centrality of violence to capitalism. Baptist argued the same point in “The Half Has Never Been Told.” It was sheer brutality that dramatically increased the cotton yield between 1800 and 1860, he wrote. No new technology or innovation surfaced in those years, but constant beatings, sexual abuse and waterboarding had become common practices. In that era, “white people inflicted torture far more often than in almost any human society that ever existed.”

Jones-Rogers reveals how the violence of slave-owning women especially could go unchecked, particularly when the victims were black children. She gives the example of Henrietta King. As an 8- or 9-year-old, King was accused of stealing candy. Her mistress wedged King’s head under a rocking chair. For about an hour, she rocked back and forth on King’s head while her young daughter whipped her. King’s face was mutilated. For the rest of her life she was unable to eat solid food.

King lived, though. There are, somehow, even more painful stories in this book. Many of Jones-Rogers’s findings give credence to the historian Thavolia Glymph’s claim that enslaved people faced significantly more physical violence from their mistresses than their masters.

Jones-Rogers is a crisp and focused writer. She trains her gaze on the history and rarely considers slavery’s reverberations. They are felt on every page, however. It is impossible to read her on “maternal violence” — the abuse of black mothers and babies during slavery — without thinking of black maternal mortality rates today. This scrupulous history makes a vital contribution to our understanding of our past and present.

They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American South
By Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers
Illustrated. 296 pages. Yale. $30.

How white women’s “investment” in slavery has shaped America today

White women are sometimes seen as bystanders to slavery. A historian explains why that’s wrong.

In the American South before the Civil War, white women couldn’t vote. They couldn’t hold office. When they married, their property technically belonged to their husbands.

But, as historian Stephanie Jones-Rogers notes, there was one thing they could do, just as white men could: They could buy, sell, and own enslaved people.

In her book, They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American South, Jones-Rogers makes the case that white women were far from passive bystanders in the business of slavery, as previous historians have argued. Rather, they were active participants, shoring up their own economic power through ownership of the enslaved.

In the past, historians had often based their conclusions about white women’s role in slavery on the writings of a small subset of white Southern women. But Jones-Rogers, an associate professor of history at the University of California Berkeley, drew on a different source: interviews with formerly enslaved people conducted during the Great Depression as part of the Federal Writers’ Project, an arm of the Works Progress Administration. These interviews, Jones-Rogers writes, show that white girls were trained in slave ownership, discipline, and mastery sometimes from birth, even being given enslaved people as gifts when they were as young as 9 months old.

The result was a deep investment by white women in slavery, and its echoes continue to be felt today. As the New York Times and others commemorated 1619, 400 years ago, when enslaved Africans arrived in Virginia, Vox reached out to Jones-Rogers to talk about the history of white, slaveholding women in the South and what that history says about race, gender, wealth, and power in America today. Our conversation has been condensed and edited.

Anna North

Can you talk a little about how this book came about?

Stephanie Jones-Rogers

When I was in graduate school, I was taking all these different courses and reading all these books on African American history but also on women’s and gender history. I was particularly interested in what these two subfields of history had to say about white women’s economic investments in the institution of slavery. What struck me is that they seemed to be in direct contradiction to each other, in many respects.

Those historians who explored the experiences of white Southern women would often argue that while women had access to enslaved people that male kin or their spouses may have owned, they were not directly involved in the buying and selling of enslaved people — particularly married women weren’t.

Conversely, those individuals who explored the enslaving of African Americans would often, in fact, say that a formerly enslaved person talked about having a female owner or talked about being bought or sold by a woman. And so I asked myself, what’s the real story here?

Were white women — particularly married white women — economically invested in the institution of slavery? Meaning, did they buy and sell enslaved people?

I looked to traditional sources where we might think to find those answers: a white woman’s diary, a white woman’s letters and correspondence between family members, et cetera. They mentioned very sporadically issues related to answering this question, but there was not this kind of sustained conversation. So, I said, African Americans are talking about this. Formerly enslaved people are talking about this. So, let me look to the interviews that they granted to these Federal Writers in the 1930s and 1940s. And so when I look to those interviews, formerly enslaved people were talking about white women’s economic investments in a variety of ways consistently, constantly, routinely.

Stephanie Jones-Rogers, author of They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American South. Lily Cummings

Anna North

The historians you mention who didn’t see white women as economically invested in slavery — what sources were they drawing on and why is there such a disconnect between those sources and the interviews with formerly enslaved people that did really delve into these economic questions?

Stephanie Jones-Rogers

I tried to focus primarily on married slave-owned women in this book, in large part because those are the women who many historians of slaveowners say did not have a direct impact on the economic institution of slavery. And they say that, in large part, because of this legal doctrine called coverture. Essentially, this doctrine says that when a woman who owns property or earns wages, or has any assets, gets married, those assets, those wages, that wealth, immediately becomes her husband’s — their identities are subsumed into one.

Many historians have looked into this legal doctrine of coverture and seen it as all-encompassing. [But] scholars who have made this argument have essentially not examined the voluminous evidence that appeared in the testimonies of formerly enslaved people.

They also looked to a very small subset of women: highly literate, very elite white women who had the time to sit down and jot down their thoughts about the day. And so they’re missing the vast majority of those women who owned slaves.

The vast majority of women who owned slaves owned less than 20. And often, the women that I talk about in the book owned one or two, no more than five. So these are the women that were probably not literate, and if they were literate, they didn’t have enough time to sit down and write down what was going on in their day. The vast majority of the women who owned slaves are missing from the analyses, in large part because they did not leave documents behind to tell us how they felt about these things, to tell us how they were investing in the institution.

Formerly enslaved people’s testimonies about these women are, in many respects, the only surviving record to document exactly that.

Anna North

So in looking at those testimonies, what did you find in terms of the roles that white women and girls had in slavery, and the way that they formed their identities through their involvement in slavery?

Stephanie Jones-Rogers

What I thought was really interesting as I read much of the scholarship on white slave-owning women is that so much of it starts when women are adults. One really wonderful thing about the interviews of formerly enslaved people is they talk about white girls. They talk about white infants, female infants, and female adolescents.

So we are allowed into several phases of white female life through these interviews that have heretofore been obscured or kind of left out of the picture. I decided, in order for the second half of this story, the story of women, to make sense, I have to start the story at the very beginning, in the early years.

So I start the book by talking about how white slave-holding parents trained their daughters how to be slaveowners. They give them lessons in slave discipline and slave management. Some even allow for their daughters to mete out physical punishments.

Slave-holding parents and slave-holding family members gave girls enslaved people as gifts — for Christmas sometimes, when they turned 16 or when they turned 21.

There are even accounts of slave-holding parents and family members giving white female infants enslaved people as their own. There is one particular instance of a case, in a court record, where a woman talks about how her grandfather gave her an enslaved person as her own when she was 9 months old.

An enslaved woman holds a white child circa 1855 in Arkansas. Library of Congress

When you think about the fact that their relationship to slavery, to slave ownership in particular, begins in infancy, in girlhood, what you begin to realize is that their very identities as white girls, as white Southerners, as white women, is intricately tied to not only ownership of enslaved people but also the control of enslaved people, the management of enslaved people.

The other really important lesson that their parents, their family members, and even their girlfriends, cousins, female cousins, and so forth are also teaching them along the way is that the way the law is set up, you have this property. And when you get married, it will, if we don’t do anything about it, become your husband’s. And, if he is a loser, you’re going to lose. So, they essentially say, we have to make sure that does not happen.

So before these young women get married, their parents and sometimes female kin and friends will encourage them to develop legal instruments, protective measures to ensure that they don’t lose all of their property to their husbands. These legal instruments that they develop are very much like prenuptial agreements today. They’re called marriage settlements back then, or marital contracts, which essentially detail not only what property they’re bringing into the marriage but what kind of control their husbands can or cannot have over it.

These women are not stupid. They’re like, I’m about to get married, the law says that everything I have is going to be my husband’s. I don’t want that to happen. What can I do to prevent that from happening?

They are prepared, they are knowledgeable, and they work with parents and others who are willing to assist them to develop protective measures to ensure that the relinquishment of all of their property wealth and assets doesn’t happen once they get married.

Anna North

Going along with that, can you talk about the ways in which slavery benefited white women and girls, both economically and socially?

Stephanie Jones-Rogers

Women cannot do many of the things that men can do in this period of time. One thing that they are allowed to do by law, and this is particularly the case in the South, is invest in slavery.

And that’s exactly what they do. Not only do they inherit enslaved people, but they also go into slave markets. They buy enslaved people. They’ll hire them out and they’ll collect their wages. Then they use those wages to buy more slaves.

They open businesses, and they employ those enslaved people in their businesses, those businesses make a profit, they use those profits to buy more slaves. So they are investing in the institution of slavery in the same ways as white men are.

The other really interesting thing that I observed in the interviews with formerly enslaved people is that white women often owned twice as many female slaves as they did male slaves. When I would talk about this with scholars in the field, some of them would remark, “Oh, that makes sense, because if women are in the house, they need more female help.”

I said, “Okay, yes, that would be practical,” but what has also been important to recognize is that these women understood the law. There are laws on the books, during this period that ensure whenever a person owns an enslaved woman, if that woman gave birth, that person also legally owned her children.

And so owning an enslaved woman means that you’re not only reaping the benefits of this woman’s productive labor but also her reproductive labor.

Anna North

Was that true of white men, too? Did they have more female than male slaves?

Stephanie Jones-Rogers

Much of what I’m describing was also true for white boys and white men. [But] during this period of time, there was the development of the domestic slave trade, which essentially was the purchase of enslaved people in the upper South, in places like Virginia and Maryland, and then their transport into the lower South and into the Southwest when the country expanded during the 1800s.

In these sales, if an enslaved woman had a child, that child was seen as a liability to the slave trader. There are accounts that I talk about in the book where these slave traders are willing to just toss away the baby. But, there was this [white] woman in one particular case who would go to state auctions, and if there were babies there that were not sold along with the mother, she would ask for those babies to be given to her. She would keep the babies for free.

In those respects, there were instances in which white men saw enslaved children as liabilities, and white women saw them as long-term investments.

This 1849 document is a receipt for sale of a woman named Jane, age 18, and her son, Henry, age 1, and all future children in Eufaula, Alabama. Library of Congress

Anna North

You talk in the book about how white women were able to achieve economic and social empowerment through ownership of enslaved people, essentially gaining some status in a patriarchal society through dominance over black people. I’m curious if we see echoes of this today when we look at white women gaining economic empowerment under capitalism?

Stephanie Jones-Rogers

There is a certain kind of power that comes with wealth. Enslaved people were wealth, their bodies held value on a real market, within a capitalist market. White women understood it.

But in order to sustain this system, white men realize that white women must be a part of that system. They must support it, they must see the value in it for themselves, not simply for their husbands or their children. They need to understand that this system benefits them personally and directly. The only way they can do that is to allow for them to invest in the system and to participate in the system.

And they are, in fact, invested in this system; they participate in the system. They benefit from this system, in every single way that white men do. And that is key to the longevity of, the perpetuation of the system. I think that is the same for capitalism — when you tell a woman, “You might not make as much as a man for doing the same work, but if you can get your hands on these funds, nobody can deny you.”

Slavery was a regime based on human bondage, [but] it was also an economic regime, one that was funding the national economy. When those white women are invested, it’s not very different from them being invested in capitalism today. It’s just a different commodity. It’s just a different source of wealth.

Anna North

In thinking about the 1619 commemoration, I was thinking about the part of your book where you look at the way white women wrote about slavery after emancipation. In your epilogue, you write that they portrayed themselves as “forever sacrificing women who had played purely benevolent roles within a nurturing system.” And you quote a white woman who wrote that maybe the descendants of enslaved people should even consider creating an “anniversary to celebrate ‘the landing of their fathers on the shores of America,’ when they were bought and domiciled in American homes.”

Can you talk a little bit about how white women remembered their role in slavery after the fact and how we actually ought to remember it today?

Stephanie Jones-Rogers

When I think about that part of the book, I also think about what is happening today. The erasure of certain elements of horror and the darkness of [white women’s] investment and involvement in the history of slavery are very much why we’re shocked to see the way that some white women respond to interactions with black people today.

You can also see that in the “send her back” chants — the idea that black people have never been citizens and they never belonged. I think there are parallels to what this woman said in the early 1900s and what white women are saying today about African-descended people, whether they be congresswomen or just average black folk on the street.

It’s very much like, you should be grateful because you’re here now and stop complaining, because look what we’ve done for you. I think there are many parallels between that kind of language now, and the argument that she made back in the early 1900s.

Unmasked: Many white women were Southern slave owners, too

Stephanie Jones-Rogers says this book project represents “10 years of pain, intermingled with pride.” But the slaves’ stories of trauma compelled her to persevere. She asks readers to “be brave and reckon with the history that appears on the pages.” (Photo by Lily Cummings)

In her new book, They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American South, Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers, UC Berkeley associate professor of history, expands our understanding of American slavery and the 19th century slave market with an investigation into the role of white women in the slave economy. She found they were active participants, profited from it and were as brutal as men in their management techniques.

What led you to research white women slaveholders?

While in graduate school, I stumbled upon a rather notorious slave-owning woman from New Orleans, Marie LaLaurie. She was well-known because she became the subject of a scandal when local members of her community discovered she was torturing and had even murdered some of the slaves she owned. She was married and the mother of two daughters at the time of the discovery. What I found remarkable was not her violence, but what was clearly a deep economic investment in slavery and the extraordinary level of control she exercised over the enslaved people in her household. She was the only slave owner in the household and, as a consequence, she was the only person who exercised control over them. I wanted to know whether there were other women like her — that is, white married women who also held legal title to enslaved people and who exercised control over them. This led me on the research journey that led to my dissertation, which formed the basis for my book They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American South.

The cover to Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers’ book, which was published in February 2019 by Yale University Press.

Initially, I sought out these women where other women’s historians had looked; their letters and diaries. But I found that they rarely discussed their economic investments in slavery. This compelled me to look elsewhere, and I examined the records which scholars of the African American experience look to when they study the lives of the enslaved — testimonies of enslaved and formerly enslaved people and a collection of interviews which the federal government conducted with formerly enslaved people in the 1930s and 1940s. I was astonished to discover just how frequently formerly enslaved people identified married slave-owning women who owned them or others and how they talked about the deep economic investments these white women had in the institution of slavery. Taking my cue from formerly enslaved people and using some of the details they provided in their interviews, I ventured into other archives — financial, legal, military records, newspapers, and letters and personal correspondence — to tell the story that unfolds in my book.

Who was the typical white woman slaveholder, and how did she come to acquire slaves?

The typical female slave owner claimed legal title to 10 enslaved people or less. Far more often, she owned less than five, and this holds for the average male slave owner, as well. Much of the scholarship about white women and slavery tends to examine their relationships to enslaved people in adulthood, but my book starts the story far earlier, when these women were young girls and infants. By doing so, I was able to show that white girls often received enslaved people as gifts; some were only infants when they were given enslaved people as their own. While many of these girls and women inherited enslaved people from loved ones throughout their lives (not just when a family member died), they also bought them from slave markets throughout the South.

Was this a common practice in the South?

Berkeley News is helping the campus observe the 400th anniversary of the arrival of enslaved Africans to the English colonies.

It was quite common for girls and women to own enslaved people. The question of just how many women and girls owned enslaved people is a complicated one to answer for several reasons, but I am completing a quantitative project that I hope will bring us closer to an answer. Some of my preliminary data show that white women constituted approximately 40% of all the slave owners in my data sets. This is a figure that also holds in data collected by Catherine Hall at the University College London. She and a team of researchers created a database using British Parliamentary records related to abolition and slave owner compensation, and they also found that women constituted 40% of the slave owners who sought compensation after Britain abolished slavery in its colonies and territories.

What were the advantages, for women, of owning slaves?

In my book, I focus primarily on married slave-owning women, rather than single and widowed women (there are many studies that focus on them). Prevailing scholarship contended that married women rarely possessed control over property because of a legal doctrine called coverture. Under coverture, when any property-owning or wage-earning woman married, all of her property and wages immediately became her husband’s, and he could do whatever he wanted with them. Scholars have looked at this doctrine and, for the most part, argued that these women did not have economic investments in slavery because, by law, their slaves would become their husbands’ upon marriage. This was certainly true for some women, but not all of them. In the book, I show the ways that these married women circumvented the disabilities that came with marriage, particularly as those impairments pertained to property ownership. Slave-ownership allowed these women to exercise certain kinds of power in and over their lives, power and control that would not be available to them if they didn’t own enslaved people, and in this way, slavery was their freedom.

What did you learn about how these women treated their slaves?

The institution of slavery necessitated a culture of violence, and white women and girls were a part of this culture. In order to sustain the institution and to keep enslaved people in a state of near submission, violence and the threat of violence were vital. This culture of violence also created opportunities for some people to indulge their propensity toward sadism, and women were not immune to this. Women perpetrated acts of extreme violence against enslaved people for the same reasons that white men did.

One woman kept the enslaved people she owned in a state of near-starvation and would tempt a young enslaved girl who cleaned her bedroom by leaving a piece of candy on her dresser each day. One day, the enslaved girl yielded to temptation and ate the candy. When the slave-owning woman discovered the candy missing, she accused the young girl of stealing it and proceeded to punish her by placing her head on the floor underneath the curved portion of her rocking chair. This woman then summoned her young daughter to help her punish the enslaved girl. While she rocked back and forth on the young enslaved girl’s head, her daughter whipped her. When they finished punishing the enslaved girl, she was irreparably disfigured. She was never able to eat solid food again because her jaw would constantly slide to one side of her face. When she reached adulthood, her teeth never grew on that side, either. Each time she was in her mistress’s presence, her mistress was daily reminded of her cruelty, and it became so overwhelming that her mistress gave her to a relative, so she wouldn’t have to look at her anymore.

You also explored how slave-holding mothers raised their daughters from a young age to manage slaves. Tell us about this.

Children learned vicariously by watching their parents and other white adults in their communities interact with enslaved people, and some parents even allowed young white girls to manage and discipline enslaved people themselves. Because slavery necessitated a culture of violence, and it required constant reinforcement, white girls were constantly immersed in this culture. Even more than this, they played critical roles in it, too. They learned about the power and authority as white people, and they also came to understand their roles in sustaining the institution of slavery. Ultimately, they came to learn that, while they might endure oppression because of their gender, they possessed extraordinary power as white people, and they embraced this power.

How did your research findings impact you emotionally?

“The story of our founding and the story of American slavery are far too often masculine ones,” says Jones-Rogers. (Photo by Lily Cummings)

As a descendant of enslaved people, this was a hard book to write. I’ve lived with this project for 10 years, and that has been 10 years of pain intermingled with pride. I’ve dealt with the pain of telling this story by taking time away from the book, but I always returned to the work because I remembered that the enslaved people whose stories I tell in this book often braved dangerous and potentially fatal circumstances in order to have documented what had happened to them. When they gave these interviews, they lived in a nation plagued by racial violence, when African Americans were lynched for not using the right salutations when addressing a white person or moving out of the way when a white person approached them on the street. The interviewers were primarily white Southerners, and some of them were the descendants of slave owners. Formerly enslaved people knew this, and they knew the risks of telling these white interviewers about the most intimate dimensions of their lives, about the brutality they endured, and they told them anyway. In spite of the trauma, I owed it to them to persevere. And I ask those readers who find this book a “hard read” to remember this, to be brave and to reckon with the history that appears on the pages.

Why hasn’t the truth about slave-holding women been better known in history?

A few factors could be at play. The first studies focusing on women and slavery were written and published when women’s history emerged as a field of study, and the field was formed at the height of the women’s liberation movement. The story of white slave-owning women is a very ugly one, one that doesn’t align with a (primarily white) feminist narrative in which white women find common cause with women of color and forge alliances based on shared gender oppression. Additionally, many women’s historians studied women who left documents behind and thus focused on women who were literate and often elite, and by doing so, they offered studies of a very small subset of an already small group of women. The women in my book could be counted among the majority of slave-owning women, rather than the minority. Because many of these women were not literate or elite, historians often miss them. But using the interviews conducted with the formerly enslaved people they once owned, I was able to tell their story. And lastly, I think we hold out hope that women represent the better half of humanity; we hope that women will save us. This book dashes those hopes.

How does your work add to the mission of this 400th anniversary year?

The 400th anniversary of the landing of African-descended people in what would become the United States allows us to center the story of slavery and the lives of African Americans in our national narrative. Rather than being tangential to our founding, the anniversary compels us to recognize African Americans as fundamental to our nation’s birth. The story of our founding and the story of American slavery are far too often masculine ones. My book disrupts these masculine narratives by showing the fundamental roles that white women played in the enslavement of African-descended people and in sustaining the institution of slavery until its end.


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