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‘Anti-Semitism’ is a Hegemonic Narrative which was never about anti-Semitism and always about Israel – as Jonathan Freedland has now admitted


The sacking of Rebecca Long-Bailey proves that Starmer’s concern is not opposing anti-Semitism but defending Israeli racism 

The Guardian's Begging Hypocrisy
Underneath its coverage of Black Lives Matter there is a variation on the Guardian’s normal begging message to readers:
As the world speaks out ..against police violence and racism, the Guardian stands in solidarity with the struggle for truth, humanity and justice. ...  Justice starts with uncovering the truth. That is what we try to do.
as an open, independent news organisation we are able to adapt and confront prejudice – our own and others’. Our independence means we can challenge the powerful without fear and give a voice to the oppressed and marginalised

As Private Eye used to say, pass the sick bag Alice. The time has long since passed when the Guardian stood for truth or in solidarity with the oppressed. One only has to recall the attackson Assange by Marina Hyde and Suzanne Moore including a lying article, which it has refused to substantiate or withdraw, alleging that Assange metwith Trump’s Campaign Manager, Paul Manafort.

This opportunism is on a par with Keir Starmer taking the knee and then talking of the ‘Black Lives Moment’ when the question of defunding the Police and tackling institutional racism is raised.

Donald Trump, the most pro-Zionist American President ever, praises the 'bloodlines' of the virulently antisemitic Henry Ford whom Hitler praised

If their begging message was a commercial then the Guardian could be prosecuted under the Trades Description Act. When it comes to the Palestinians the Guardian has committed itself to telling anything but the truth. It has instead adopted the hegemonic narrative that anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are identical.

This is what the Labour 'antisemitism' charade was really about

The Guardian has waged its campaign with hundreds of articles in the past 5 years, in order to justify Israel’s system of Jewish racial supremacy, which has now been codified as a Basic Law.

Jonathan Freedland has led this campaign alongside those well known opponent of racism, the Daily Mail. Ironically the Daily Mail, at the very same time was recruitingKatie Hopkins, who described refugees as ‘cockroaches’ as a columnist.

We should be grateful to Freedland, the Guardian’s Svengali. His latest article The sacking of Long-Bailey shows that, at last, Labour is serious about antisemitism makes it crystal clear that his sole concern is support for Israel, right or mostly wrong.
It is true that Freedland uses the term ‘anti-Semitism’ rather than ‘anti-Zionism’ but this is like a member of the Mafia offering ‘protection’ to his victims. Everyone understands what Freedland means. His concerns aren’t protecting Jews but protecting Israel.
This is the 'Jewish identity' that the Guardian's Freedland is determined to protect
Freedland’s ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign can only increase anti-Semitism
One of the inevitable consequences of the hegemonic narrative of ‘anti-Semitism’ is that it cannot but help increase genuine anti-Semitism. When the Board of Deputies attempted to ban Chris Williamson from speaking in Brighton last year I later stumbled on a conversation in a supermarket between two men blaming ‘the Jews’ for trying to censor their free speech.
There are many people who feel aggrieved that the campaign against Jeremy Corbyn and the possibility of radical change was orchestrated by Jewish organisations. Jews being used as the fall-guys for the interests of the privileged and powerful is nothing new. This was the cause of some of the worst massacres in their history such as Chmielnicki:
In Israel - Jewish women can choose not to have Arab women in the same ward when giving birth
Before the Khmelnytsky uprising, magnates had sold and leased certain privileges to arendators, many of whom were Jewish, who earned money from the collections they made... By not supervising their estates directly, the magnates left it to the leaseholders and collectors to become objects of hatred to the oppressed and long-suffering peasant
Since the Board of Deputies claims it represent British Jews it is inevitable that when they support Israel’s atrocities that ordinary Jews will be associated with Israel’s barbarities and will get any backlash. The CST confirmedin its 2015 Incidents Report:
The highest and second-highest annual totals of antisemitic incidents recorded by CST came in two years – 2009 and 2014 – in which there were significant trigger events, in the form of conflicts in Israel and Gaza,
In 2007 I wrotein the Guardian’s Comment is Free,back in the days when the Guardian did debate and Freedland hadn’t become their gate keeper:
The only effect of making unfounded allegations of anti-semitism is, as Antony Lerman of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research has said, to drain anti-semitism of all meaning. If you cry wolf long and loud enough, when anti-semitism does raise its head no one will bat an eyelid.
Because being Jewish is a racial/national question in Israel, Palestinians are barred from converting to Judaism
Why the concern to redefine anti-Semitism?
Freedland’s conspiracy theory rests on the IHRA misdefinition of ‘anti-Semitism’ which Geoffrey Robertson QC damnedas being ‘not fit for purpose’.  A definition which even its author, Kenneth Stern has got cold feet about  because it is being used to chillfree speech.
Freedland and the Zionist movement were eager to have the IHRA adopted wholesale by Labour. Why? Because the only criticism of Israel which is allowed is that which is ‘similar to that leveled against any other country’. Except is unlike all other liberal democracies. As Stephen Sedley, a Jewish former Court of Appeal Judge observed,
‘Endeavours to conflate... [anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism] by characterising everything other than anodyne criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic are not new.’
99% of people have a very simple and straightforward understanding of what anti-Semitism is. The OED definition is ‘hostility to or prejudice against Jews.’You don’t need a 500+ word IHRAdefinition unless your purpose is the defence of Israel/Zionism.
The Board of Deputies advice to Jews when faced with genuine anti-Semitism in the 1930s
When my dad, despite the advice of the Board of Deputies joined thousands of Jewish and non-Jewish anti-fascists in stopping Oswald Moseley’s British Union of Fascists marching through the East End of London in October 1936 he didn’t need a definition of anti-Semitism to know what he was fighting. Even simple questions such as ‘why the obsession with defining anti-Semitism’are not asked by the media.
What Freedland and his friends are doing is using fears of Jews as a vulnerable minority in order to defend the West’s special relationship with Israel. That is why the whole of the racist Tory press joined the Guardian in a wall to wall campaign against Corbyn alleging anti-Semitism. At the same time ignoring genuine racists and anti-Semites such as Trump and Boris Johnson, author of 72 Virgins.
This is the 'Jewish identity' that the Guardian's Freedland defends
Identity Politics and Israel
How can Freedland get away with conflating criticism of Zionism and Israel with anti-Semitism? Freedland is a master practitioner in the dark arts of Identity Politics. In a conjuring trick worthy of Houdini, Freedland explainedthat a recent survey found that 93% of British Jews said Israel formed some part of their identity. Therefore criticism of Jewish identity with Zionism and Israel is anti-Semitic.
The survey, Attitudes of British Jews Towards Israel found that 59% of British Jews identified as Zionists whereas 31% did not.  A similar survey in 2010 found that 72% of British Jews identified as Zionists compared to 21% who did not. A swing of 11.5% over 5 years.
Israel's 'Jewish identity' is threatened by Black Africans - this is normally known as racism but not to Freedland
Freedland, who is a good example of the maxim Lies, damned lies, and statistics, didn’t cite the above figures.
Freedland is using the ‘identity’ of British Jews in order to provide a moral legitimacy to the State of Israel. His argument is simple. British Jews identify with Israel.  Ipso facto it is ‘anti-Semitic’ to criticise Israel. Leaving aside whether most Jews are aware of what Israel does, this argument is typical of Freedland’s superficiality.
Opposition to a political or cultural identity is never racist. It is opposition to the people who hold such views which is racist.
This is what Jonathan Freedland's 'antisemitism' smears are designed to defend
Imagine that in the days of Apartheid in South Africa that there were 200,000 Afrikaaner ex-pats living in Britain who identified with the home country.  Would Freedland and friends have defined opposition to Apartheid as a form of racism against British Afrikaaners? That is the same as claiming that support for the Palestinians offends British Jews’ sense of identity.
Jewish identity has changed a number of times over the past century. No identity is fixed. There was a time when being Jewish was synonymous with socialism. Today being Jewish is a byword for conservatism and conformism. When Zionism first arose its fiercest opponents were themselves Jewish. When the first Zionist Congress was held in 1897 it was supposed to be in Munich but the opposition of Jews in Munich forced it to relocate to Basel in Switzerland.
Black South Africans have no difficulty in find similarities between Apartheid in Israel and South Africa
Let us assume that Freedland is correctand 93% of British Jews support apartheid Israel. If true that is a matter for deep shame. Opposition to a racist political culture is anti-racist not anti-Semitic.
Over 30 years ago Muslims reacted with fury to Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses which they felt was an affront to the Prophet Mohammed. Almost certainly most Muslims wanted it banned. Was it Islamaphobic to support Rushdie’s right to free speech?
FGM is part of the identity of Africans in Mali where 91% of women undergo this barbaric practice. Is Freedland going to argue that opposition to FGM is Afriphobic or anti-Muslim racism? His suggestion that opposition to the current Jewish identity is anti-Semitic is itself racist and anti-Semitic.
Defending Apartheid Israel - the Guardian and Freedland
Freedland worries about ‘singling’ out Israel for criticism. Is there any other state which smashes up European Union donated solar panels and which destroys water pipes intended for the Palestinians? These actions are designed to make living in the West Bank impossible.
Freedland writes about the allegation of Maxine Peake, which Rebecca Long-Bailey retweeted, that the neck-hold used to kill George Floyd was taught to the Minnesota Police by Israel. To Freedland this is a Jewish conspiracy theory.
‘Whatever horrors are unfolding, the hidden hand of the world’s only majority-Jewish country must be secretly behind them.’
The insinuation being that but for the fact of Israel’s ‘Jewishness’ such a criticism wouldn’t have been made.
Freedland pours scorn on the suggestion that Israel might have taught the US Police the neck-hold and other repressive techniques. Yet Israel boasts of having trained hundreds of thousands of US Police.
The Anti-Defamation League, the United States’s most influential Zionist organisation, in Partnering with Law Enforcement proclaims that
ADL works with every major federal, state and local law enforcement agency, from the Federal Bureau of Investigation to major city police departments, state police, highway patrol and sheriffs’ departments. Over the past decade, we have trained 150,000 law enforcement personnel
When Starbucks held ‘anti-bias training’ for its staff when staff called the police on two Black customers in Philadelphia for ‘loitering’, BLM successfullyforced Starbucks not to employ ADL.
Testimonial from a Captain in the Colombian army - which has an atrocious human rights record
 When the Israeli Tactical School realised that its images were undermining the lies of Israeli Police that they didn't use the knee on neck hold they quickly barred access!
The Israeli Tactical School which trainspolice and military the world over, makes it clear that the neck hold is part of their curriculum. The image of the neck-hold could be clearly seen herebefore they took down the page! There is a similar one here. They also have a Twitter account. It is led by Tomer Israeli who is described as
a former veteran of the Israeli secret service "Shin bet" and a veteran captain of the Israeli Defense Forces with over 20 years of both combat and instructional experience.’
All of this is an ‘anti-Semitic conspiracy theory’ according to Freedland and Starmer! It begs the question why should Israel be so integrally involved in training US police and other military?
According to Jonathan Freedland this picture is an anti-semitic conspiracy theory
Perhaps the role of Israel as the principal military supporter of South Africa in the days of Apartheid was also a conspiracy theory? Or its role in training and equipping Guatemala’s Junta when it was killing 200,000 Mayan Indians also a conspiracy theory? What about Israel’s current support for the Burmese Junta in its genocide against the Rohinga or equippingUkraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battallion?
Israel has been training and equipping some of the world’s most repressive and murderous states in the world for decades. See e.g. Chomsky’s The Washington Connection and Third World Fascism
Israel became the mainarms supplier to Argentine’s military junta from 1976-83. This was the same neo-Nazi Junta that tortured to death and ‘disappeared’ 30,000 leftists, including about 3,000 Jews. According to the Guardian article Jews targeted in Argentina's dirty war:
Jews were a prime target of Argentina's self-styled "Western and Christian" military dictatorship during the "dirty war" of the late 1970s, accounting for a disproportionate number of the thousands of "disappearances", a report has confirmed....
Jews represented more than 12 per cent of the victims of the military regime while constituting under 1 per cent of Argentina's population,"
That article was written before 1999 before the rise to power of Freeland as the Guardian’s gatekeeper-in-chief. Today such an article would not appear because Freedland would class it an ‘anti-Semitic conspiracy theory’.
Anyone who has read Jeff Halper’s copiously researched ‘War Against the People - Israel, the Palestinians and Global Pacification’ understands that Israel plays a special role in the service of US imperialism. That is why it receives the largest amount of US aid of any country in the world.
Are all of these anti-Semitic conspiracy theories against the world’s only ‘Jewish’ state?  If so then ‘conspiracy theories’ and anti-Semitism itself must be true! This was in fact the view of early Zionists. They held that the Jews were responsible for their own persecution.
Such is the ‘logic’ of Zionism which ends up justifying anti-Semitism. Chaim Weizmann, Israel’s first President described German Jews as ‘‘the germ-carriers of a new outbreak of anti-Semitism.’ [Palestine Post 5.7.33].  Other Zionists were indistinguishable from anti-Semites, e.g. Pinhas Rosen, Israel’s first Justice Minister, described Palestine as an ‘Institute for Jewish vermin.’
Israel as a Majority State
According to Freedland the reason Peake made her allegations was that Israel was a Jewish majority state. A curious way to describe a state whose Prime Minister openly boasts that Israel is a state only of its Jewish not its Arab citizens.
If we extrapolate from Freedland’s racist logic we must assume that the reason people support Kashmir’s independence is because India is the only Hindu majority state. This is precisely the charge that is being made by Labour Friends of India and other Hindu chauvinists.

Freedland in his disingenuous style suggested that as Maxine Peake ‘had got her facts wrong’ she was being anti-Semitic. Whether or ot she was right or wrong had nothing to do with anti-Semitism. Peake was pressurised into recanting, unaware that Amnesty International has documented Israel’s role in training US Police Forces. Perhaps Amnesty too is anti-Semitic?

The evidence that Israel is using and teaching the neck hold to American Police forces is overwhelming. Freedland’s allegation that critics of Israel are engaging in ‘anti-Semitic conspiracy theories’ is itself a conspiracy theory. Freedland finds it difficult to understand that Israel is not a Jew and criticism of Israel is not anti-Jewish.
Freedland never spells out what he means by the world’s only majority-Jewish country’. It is like describing Germany as the world’s only Aryan majority country.  It betrays a racist mentality.
Would anyone other than a died-in-the-wool reactionary describe Britain as a ‘majority Christian country’? It is true that nominally Britain is a Christian country but unlike Israel the rights of Jewish citizens in this country are not dependent on their religion. Being Christian in Britain entitles you to no privileges.
In Israel access to 93% of ‘national’ i.e. Jewish national land depends on someone being Jewish. In order to protect the purity of hundreds of Jewish only communities in Israel the Knesset passed the 2011 Admissions Committee Law which allows Committees to reject Arab applicants on the grounds they don’t fit in to the ‘social fabric.’
Just imagine that in Britain Freedland was refused the right to buy a home because it was owned by the Christian National Fund. I suspect he might call it anti-Semitic! Arabs in Israel cannot marry partners from the Occupied Territories or other Arab states in an attempt to keep the proportion of non-Jews in Israel as low as possible. As the then Knesset Speaker, now President, Reuben Rivlin declared, such couples “can be united in Ramallah”
Doris Rabinyan, author of Borderlife, whose book was banned by Israel's Ministry of Education
It is the same concern for Jewish racial purity that led the Ministry of Education to ban a novel, Borderlife, because it depicted a romance between a Jew and an Arab. In the Deep South of the United States this was called miscegenation. As Education Ministry spokesperson Dalia Fenig explained
“Intimate relations between Jews and non-Jews and certainly the open option of institutionalising them through marriage and establishing a family... are grasped among large segments of the society as a threat to the distinct identity,”.
Her fear was that
“Adolescents do not have the systemic view that includes considerations of preserving the identity of the nation and [understanding] the meaning of assimilation,”
This is the argument of Bloemfontein and Nuremberg. It is also the argument of Jonathan Freedland, the Guardian, Starmer and those who peddle the false allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’.
These are the same impulses which led hundreds of demonstrators in Afula, led by their Mayor, to demonstrate against the sale of a house to an Arab Israeli or the edict by dozens of Israeli rabbis that Jews should not let their homes to Arabs. This is what Freedland means by those weasel words ‘a majority Jewish state’.
Freedland is more than aware from the survey Israel’s Religiously Divided Society that a plurality of Israeli Jews favour the forced expulsion of Israel’s Arab citizens and a whopping 79% believe that Jews are entitled to preferential treatment.
One wonders what Freedland would say if similar figures were found among non-Jews in Britain.  Anti-Semitic? Such is the acceptance of racism amongst Zionist Jews that the Jewish Chronicle even conducted a debateIs it racist to set aside Israeli land for Jews only?” What would Freedland say if the Guardian conducted a debate on whether it’s anti-Semitic to bar Jews from buying land in England? 
The irony of all of this is that it is the far-Right, from Donald Trump and Steve Bannon, to Viktor Orban, Richard Spencer and Tommy Robinson, who combine both anti-Semitism and avid pro-Zionism. In the wordsof the neo-Nazi founder of the alt-Right Richard Spencer, Israelis should respect him because he is a White Zionist.
It is usually alleged by people like Freedland that there is a thin line between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. That support for the Palestinians and anti-Semitism frequently overlap. In fact both today and historically the main supporters of anti-Semitism have been the far-Right. It is the fundamentalist Christians of the United States, many of whom are openly anti-Semitic, who are the main supporters of Israel. In fact it is very difficult and very unusual for supporters of the Palestinians to hold anti-Semitic views.
Tony Greenstein

The sacking of Long-Bailey shows that, at last, Labour is serious about antisemitism

Asked to name the greatest single cause of the climate crisis, you might waver between, say, industry or electricity generation or agriculture, but in 2007 the former Labour cabinet minister Clare Short had a novel answer: Israel. At a conference in Brussels, Short said the global finger of blame should point at Israel because, if it wasn’t for that country’s conflict with the Palestinians, the world would be amicably united in dealing with carbon emissions. Israel, she said, “undermines the international community’s reaction to global warming”, an act of distraction that would ultimately lead to “the end of the human race”.
The memory of Short’s insight returned on reading the Independent’s Thursday interview with the actor Maxine Peake, in which Peake falsely claimed that the knee on the neck that killed George Floyd in Minneapolis was a technique “learnt from seminars with Israeli secret services”. It was Rebecca Long-Bailey’s refusal to delete, and apologise for, a tweeted endorsement of the Peake interview that saw Keir Starmer make his first shadow cabinet sacking – a move with serious implications for his party and his leadership of it, and perhaps beyond.
The link between Peake and Short is a cast of mind that sees the worst events in the world and determinedly puts Israel at the centre of them, even in defiance of the facts or basic common sense. Whatever horrors are unfolding, the hidden hand of the world’s only majority-Jewish country must be secretly behind them. For a long while, my favourite illustration of such thinking was the Washington DC council member who in 2018 blamed a day’s heavy snowfall on “the Rothschilds”. But Peake might now have a claim to top spot.
To look at the US, with its four centuries of racist oppression and white supremacist violence, its many decades of police brutality, and to decide that the Floyd killing was not something US police might have come up with all by themselves – that they required the instruction of faraway Israel – is to stray from rational analysis into the wilder reaches of conspiracy theory. In the words of Dave Rich, author of The Left’s Jewish Problem, such ideas perfectly “mimic the thought structure” of age-old antisemitic theories of a Jewish plot to bring global ruin: they simply insert the world’s only Jewish country, Israel, where “the Jews” used to be.
The story has played out in several of the familiar ways. Once again, Jews and their allies have had to patiently explain to the likes of John McDonnell that this isn’t mere “criticism of practices of Israeli state”, as he tweeted– and not only because, as Peake herself confessed, she had got her facts wrong. Long-Bailey’s defenders on the left have argued that she didn’t really notice the antisemitism, that she was merely affirming a constituent saying admirably radical things, not realising that that is precisely the problem: the failure, even after several years of this stuff, to see anti-Jewish prejudice when it stares them in the face. Once more, Jews have had to wonder why those who are usually so intolerant of microaggressions against other minorities are so curiously forgiving of pretty macro aggressions directed against Jews.
Is it any surprise that some in Israel are identifying with Hitler?
But there’s a big difference this time – because now, after five painful years, Labour is led by someone who gets it. What a relief it was to hear Starmer identify the core accusation amplified by his colleague not as “inappropriate” or “unhelpful” but as “antisemitic”. He and his team did not need a 12-step education programme to see the problem, nor did they insist on a seminar-room debate about the finer definitions of what is and what isn’t anti-Jewish prejudice. Instead, they understood that they are running a political party, not a student union: the scope for error is narrower.
By his action, Starmer has shown he grasps that politics is painted in primary colours. Most voters will barely be aware of this episode, let alone follow the nuances. If anything cuts through, it will be that the new Labour leader promised zero tolerance of antisemitism and he meant it. (Though it seems Starmer offered her a way out, had she agreed to apologise, which she refused to take.)
That’s been noticed by Conservatives, who after five years believing themselves essentially unopposed, and therefore able to get away with anything, now recognise they are up against someone serious about power. The contrast with Boris Johnson’s failure to sack Robert Jenrick, let alone Dominic Cummings, is striking – and not flattering to the prime minister. It’s possible that Starmer has overreached, provoking the Corbynite diehards in ways that could cost him. But the scale of his victory margin in April, and his success in getting his own choice of party general secretary, have led him to calculate that his position is stronger than others might imagine.
Starmer’s response is not the only cause for cautious cheer here. Peake’s retraction is also welcome: even if she didn’t apologise, she conceded that she had got it wrong and acknowledged the link between what she’d claimed and antisemitism. Tellingly, she admitted to having made an “assumption”, a habit all too common on the far left: a readiness to assume that if there’s evil afoot, then Israel must be pulling the strings. It also helps that Amnesty International has disavowed attempts to suggest a report of theirs in any way substantiated Peake’s false claim. Suddenly, the likes of McDonnell, Jon Lansman and Len McCluskey, still banging out the old denialist tunes, look isolated and out of time.
It might be fanciful, but perhaps something else might come out of this. If people can absorb that Israel is not responsible for all the world’s evils, but rather for a very specific injustice that desperately needs resolution, then perhaps we can move away from a conversation that casually echoes centuries-old slurs against Jews, and towards one that at last addresses the on-the-ground reality. That reality is getting worse for Palestinians, with the prospect of annexation of the West Bank looming ever closer. We need to hear that, without getting diverted by medieval fantasies about Jews.

The Academic as an Establishment Whore – It wasn’t only in Nazi Germany that Academics Sacrificed Principles (& Colleagues)


How David Feldman of Birkbeck and the Pears Institute Changed His Views to Accommodate Zionist McCarthyism

Viktor Klemperer
I was recently reading Richard Evans trilogy on the Holocaust. He, like David Cesarani’s Final Solution, relied heavily on the 3 Volume Diaries of Victor Klemperer who had converted in 1912 to Christianity and married a non-Jew.
Klemperer was Professor of Romance Languages at the Technical University of Dresden. The first piece of anti-Semitic legislation that the Nazis brought in was in April 1933, the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service. Academics were considered civil servants. This led to the dismissal of Jewish academics.
House Where Klemperer Hid His Diaries
In the academic year of 1934—35 1,145 professors were dismissed or pensioned off early. These constituted 14.3% of the previous year’s faculty at all German universities. By 1938 this figure had risen to 33% and by 1939 to 45%. Many but not all of these were Jewish.
Victor_Klemperer receiving GDR prize
Klemperer was ‘lucky’. He was not immediately dismissed because he was a decorated veteran of the 1914-1918 War and President Hindenburg had insisted that Jewish veterans be excluded from the provisions of the Act.
However Hindenburg died in August 1934. In March 1935 the local Nazi Gauleiter Martin Mutschmannwas appointed as Minister of Education for Saxony. At the end of April 1935 Klemperer was dismissed. Again he was ‘lucky’ in that he was made redundant, which allowed a pension to be paid.
University of Freiburg where Heidegger was Rector

Richard Evans describes how, when Klemperer was dismissed ‘none of his colleagues did anything to help him; the only sympathy came from a secretary.’ [The Third Reich in Power p.568] This acceptance of Nazi anti-Semitism was true of most of German intellectuals, most of whom rushed to swear their fealty to the Nazis.  Martin Heidegger, whom the Nazis appointed Rector of Freiburg University
Feldman has mastered the art of self-censorship
was indecently silent when his Freiburg colleague, the great phenomenological philosopher Edmund Husserl, was dismissed as Jewish and pushed to suicide.’
There were very few Karl Reinhardts, Professor of the Faculty of Law at the University of Frankfurt-am-main, who wrote on May 5, 1933 to the Nazi Minister for Science that he was unable to continue teaching because ‘the tradition of German Humanism’ had now been abandoned.’ Reinhardts was an exception. Gary Dorrien wroteof how ‘most of Frankfurt’s ostensibly humanist professors swiftly made their peace with fascism.’ [Social Democracy in the Making, p. 300]
Professor Kurt Huber - conservative philosophy lecturer who became part of the White Rose group - executed by the Nazis
Dr. Gerhard Falk wrote in The Expulsion of the Professors from the Universities in Nazi Germany, 1933-1941thatthe number of letters supporting the Nazi policy of “Gleichschaltung” [Nazification]
far exceeded the stand taken in the above example. In fact, the evidence indicates that most of the former “Humanists” became “Nazis” almost overnight and hastened to swear allegiance to their new masters.’
Philosophy Professor Kurt Huber, who was executed in July 1943 for his membership of the White Rose group, was very much the exception. Huber concluded his defence by quoting Johann Gottlieb Fichte:
And thou shalt act as if
On thee and on thy deed
Depended the fate of all Germany,
And thou alone must answer for it.
Jewish and Israeli Academics Who Fought Racism and Zionism
Today the majority of the Jewish community supports, to a greater or lesser extent, the Israeli state, the apartheid nature of which is ever clearer. For those with doubts I recommend Jonathan Cook’s article on the historyof the Jewish National Fund, which was the engine of ethnic cleansing and segregation in Israel. This is reflected in the large numbers of Jewish and Israeli academics who lend their talents to providing academic rationale for Zionism and the Israeli state just as their counterparts did in Germany. There are of course exceptions.
Perhaps the most famous exception today is Noam Chomsky. Norman Finkelstein is another who was denied tenure at DePaul University because Alan Dershowitz lobbied the University. 
A more recent victimof the Zionist lobby is Bristol University Professor Steve Miller, who has been forced to resign from the Labour Party after the usual allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’. Miller’s primary offence was co-authoring Bad News for Labourwhich questioned the lack of evidence behind Labour’s fake ‘anti-Semitism’ crisis. Waterstones was forced into calling off the book launch after a series of intimidatory calls and threats by Zionists. Fortunately we were able to put the book launch on at very short notice.
Tony Lerman
Tony Lerman is Jewish another academic who has been witchhunted. Lerman was the founding Director of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research. Lerman was witchhunted out of his post by Zionist trustees led by former Tory Treasurer and Islamaphobe, Stanley Kalms. The Jewish Chronicle, ever the defender of academic freedom, termed this Divisive Lerman leaves JPR. Having a non-Zionist leading British Jewry’s think tank and research unit was unacceptable.
There are also a host of Israeli academics who have spoken out against Zionism and Israeli colonisation. Most of them have been forced to emigrate from Israel. They include Professors Ilan Pappe, Moshe Machover, Haim Bresheeth, Nira Yuval Davies, Avi Shlaim, Neveh Gordon and there are a few still in Israel - Edith Zirtal, Nurit Peled-Elhanana, Shlomo Sand and Rachel Gior.
There is also Professor Ze’ev Sternhell of the Hebrew University who has just died. Although a Zionist, he spoke out against what was happening in Israel, comparingit to the early period of Nazi Germany. Likewise former professors Israel Shahak, Yeshayahu Leibowitz and Yehuda Elkana, the latter was Rector of the Central European University in Budapest and a Holocaust survivor (before Netanyahu’s favourite anti-Semite, Viktor Orban forced it out.
Feldman mixing with the great and good of the Jewish Establishment - Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
David Feldman – Following in the Tradition of Heidegger not Reinhardts or Huber
Unfortunately David Feldman is not one of those who have stood out against the Zionist settler colonialism which Chomsky describedas ‘the most brutal form of imperialism in some of its most vicious forms.!
Having ethnically cleansed 85% of the indigenous population, Israel has spent the whole of its existence pursuing policies of marginalising the Palestinians, both those living in 1948 Israel and after 1967 those living in Greater Israel/Palestine. The land discrimination, relegating 20% of the population to 2% of the land and the refusal to build even a single extra Arab town or community at a time when hundreds of Jewish-only communities have been built, coupled with the ‘derecognition’ of half the Arab villages, should make the nature of the Israeli state clear to all of the most obtuse.
Martin Heidegger
I sometimes wonder whether David Feldman and his fellow authors of Labour and Antisemitism: a Crisis Misunderstood have ever once considered that their academic sophistry and word play has real consequences in the ability of the Israeli state to blindfold, beat and abuse Palestinian children whom they arrest in the middle of the night because ‘anti-Semitism’ has become Zionism’ main method of defending.
Both the Jewish diaspora and Israel itself seem to have produced a remarkable number of dissident academics who have retained their honesty and integrity. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for David Feldman of the Pears Institute for the Study of Anti-Semitism.
There was a time when Feldman came in for criticism by the Zionist Establishment for having signed the statement Not in Our Name by Independent Jewish Voices. Instead of defending his signature he removed it! When Feldman was appointed Vice-Chair of the Chakrabarti Inquiry he came in for similar criticismfrom the Jewish Chronicle who feared he might be too independent. They need not have worried.
Feldman was appointed as an advisor to the 2015-16 All Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Antisemitism and he produced a sub-reporton anti-Semitism. In October 2016 the Committee published a Report ‘Anti-Semitism in the UK’. The link to the sub-report is now broken.
I have to declare an interest. Between 1992-1995 I did an MA at Birkbeck on the History of British Imperialism.
In his sub-reportFeldman quotedapprovingly Brian Klug definition  of anti-Semitism as
a form of hostility towards Jews as Jews, in which Jews are perceived as something other than what they are.’
There was nothing about Israel in the definition. Feldman’s sub-report was largely uncontroversial. He gave as an example of an anti-Semitic stereotype the notion that Jews constitute a cohesive community, dedicated to the pursuit of its own selfish ends. Unfortunately the Board of Deputies with its demands that the Labour Party distance itself from ‘fringe Jews’ with its 10 Pledges has proved, once again, that Zionism and Anti-Semitism are 2 sides of the same racist coin.
Feldman claimed that the EUMC definition of anti-Semitism had fallen out of favour due to continued controversy regarding its application to the State of Israel and its policies.
In dealing with the Zionist meme that criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic unless you criticise every other country (they call it ‘double standards’), Feldman noted that one of the reasons why people single Israel out is ‘Israel’s claim to be a liberal and democratic state.’

Viktor Klemperer
Feldman also dealt effectively with the Zionist distortion of the ‘MacPherson principle’ that the definition of an anti-Semitic incident should be anything that is perceived by the ‘victim’ as racist. Feldman wrote that:
It is sometimes suggested that when Jews perceive an utterance or action to be antisemitic that this is how it should be described. In the UK this claim looks for support to the 1999 Stephen Lawrence Inquiry... Macpherson wrote that ‘a racist incident’ is ‘any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person.’ If we look at the context ... it is unambiguously clear that Macpherson intended to propose that such racist incidents require investigation. He did not mean to imply that such incidents are necessarily racist. However, Macpherson’s report has been misinterpreted and misapplied in precisely this way. Its authority has been thrown behind the view that such incidents should, by definition, be regarded as racist. In short, a definition of antisemitism which takes Jews’ feelings and perceptions as its starting point and which looks to the Macpherson report for authority is built on weak foundations.
Feldman was equally clear about the problems of concusing identity politics and racism, warning of the danger of  ‘conceptual and political chaos.’
For if the identification of racism becomes a matter of subjective judgment only then we have no authority other than the perception of a minority or victim group with which to counter the contrary subjective opinions of perpetrators who deny that they are racists. Without an anti-racist principle which can be applied generally we are left in a chaotic situation in which one subjective point of view faces another. An equally damaging objection is that Jews in the UK have diverse and, in some respects, contradictory perceptions of antisemitism.
Feldman noted that the EUMC working definition of anti-Semitism, the precursor of the IHRA, which the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency dropped‘have not been adopted’.
Regarding the EUMC (now IHRA) example of antiSemitism:
Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis’.
Feldman’s recommendations fell on the right side of the line:
Yet the fact that these uses of the Holocaust are wrong and hurtful does not render them antisemitic. Misleading analyses and hurt feelings are significant. They should be named for what they are.
When Michael Gove comparedBDS to the Nazi siege of Jewish shops, Feldman had no hesitation in criticising him and the equally obnoxious Campaign Against Anti-Semitism.
Despite Mr Gove’s aim of criticising those who ‘trivialise’ and ‘pervert’ the Holocaust, he appeared guilty of these same errors. We find a similar muddle when the ‘Campaign Against Antisemitism’ likened the boycott movement as well as the Tricycle Theatre’s refusal of sponsorship money from the Israeli embassy to the ‘Nazi boycott of Jewish enterprise after Hitler’s election.’
Unlike the dishonestJonathan Freedland Feldman was clear:
As we have stressed elsewhere in this sub-report, the fact that something offends Jews does not render it antisemitic. Moreover, for reasons set out earlier, we cannot assume that the double standards which many of Israel’s supporters find in the BDS movement amount to evidence that the movement is antisemitic.
Feldman suggest that a Boycott of Israel might nonetheless be unlawful under the Equalities Act 2000 because discriminated against a nationality. I disagree with him because the Boycott isn’t against individual Israelis but the State of Israel. Otherwise all international solidarity would be outlawed. The Boycott of Chile under Pinochet would have been illegal despite it being in support of Chileans who were dying under torture.  In the round Feldman’s sub-Report was pretty fair. In his conclusions Feldman wrote that
‘The movement to boycott Israel dismays Jews for understandable reasons. This does not mean it is antisemitic. Boycott movements become antisemitic when they discriminate against Jews.
Dealing with the Zionist accusation that opposition to Operation Protective Edge when Israel murdered 2,200 people, including 551 children, Feldman was equally blunt.
the concern expressed by many spokespeople for the Jewish community often lacked perspective and, in this way, contributed to a climate of insecurity. We should recognise that the antisemitic portion of the opposition to Operation Protective Edge amounted to only a small part of a large body of opinion. Moreover, there was a want of perspective in assessing the current situation in comparison to the past. For example, the assertion from a leading communal figure that we are living through the most insecure time since the Jews’ restoration in the seventeenth century has no basis in fact and encourages Jews to imagine their situation as far less secure than it really is.
How to Perpetrate An Intellectual Hoax
In the current issueof Political Quarterly there is an article by three Birkbeck academics, including Feldman, Labour and Antisemitism: a Crisis Misunderstood. Not once do they ask where this ‘crisis’ came from or indeed any questions about it. They simply take its existence for granted. Nor do they ask why it was that the mainstream media from the Sun to the Guardian and the BBC ran with the narrative of ‘Labour anti-Semitism’ and whether it might have something to do with the election of Jeremy Corbyn in September 2015.
Feldman et al. want to reframe anti-Semitism as a ‘reservoir’ of images rather than a ‘virus’. Even by the criteria of post-modernism, where everything is relative, this article is shoddy.
Feldman’s article reminds me of when Alan Sokal, a professor of physics at New York University, senta nonsense article to Social Text, an academic journal that at the time was a leading intellectual forum. It was published. See What an Audacious Hoax Reveals About Academia and Fashionable Nonsense
In 2013 John Bohannon, who was a journalist, not a doctor, submittedan academic study to 304 peer-reviewed scientific journals concerning a molecule that appeared to show promise as a treatment for cancer. It was accepted for publication by 157 of the journals. He completely made up the study. See It's Surprisingly Easy to Get a Fake Study Published in an Academic Journal
In 2018 three more academics, James Lindsay, Helen Pluckrose, and Peter Boghossian wrote20 fake papers arguing for ridiculous conclusions and submitted them to high-profile journals in fields such as gender studies. Seven of their articles were accepted for publication by peer-reviewed journals. Seven more were still going through various stages of the review process. Only six had been rejected.
The articleby Feldman, Gidleyand McGeevercomes under the category of a hoax. Not once do they say what the ‘anti-Semitism’ is that they are writing about. Is it the definition that most people accept, the OEDdefinition: ‘hostility to Jews or prejudice against Jews’? or is it the IHRA definition?  The article rests on 3 legs:
i.                 There has been a widespread focus on individual ‘antisemites’, rather than on the broader problem of antisemitism. Antisemitism is not a virus or poison but a reservoir of readily available images and ideas that subsist in our political culture.
ii.             They offer five ways forward.
iii.         The authors talk of
a historical parting of the ways between antiracism and opposition to antisemitism. An antiracism defined solely by conceptions of whiteness and power, we argue, has proven unable to fully acknowledge and account for antiJewish racism.
This is just so abysmally ignorant. Anti-racism isn’t defined by ‘whiteness’ (which is why I’m critical of ‘White Privilege) but by relations of power and exploitation. Hence why anti-Irish racism was just as severe as anti-Black racism. A leader of the National Front, Steve Brady, once told me that they considered the Catholics of Northern Ireland to be their Blacks!
In 2016 Feldman, before he became one of the Zionist establishment’s tame academics, had been a free soul. In December of that year he wroteaskingWill Britain’s new definition of antisemitism help Jewish people? I’m sceptical’.  The sub head of which was:
While some consensus is needed in this debate, I fear this definition is imprecise, and isolates antisemitism from other forms of bigotry’
Clearly there has been a change of tune! Now Feldman wants to separate the fight against state racism against Black people from the fight against anti-Semitism.
Feldman casts scorn on the idea that Labour ‘antisemitism’ was ‘‘a malign confection’ created by the opponents and enemies of Corbyn, even though two-thirdsof the party held that opinion in autumn 2019. Feldman dismisses the idea that Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ were
falsehoods disseminated to discredit the party by Tories, Blairites and Zionists, factions which fear its radicalism in general and its support for the Palestinians in particular.
Feldman and co. have a simple answer.
‘The one thing we know about reported hate crime figures in general is that they represent the tip of an iceberg. It is special pleading to think that Labour’s data are in some way different.’
David Feldman made a gratuitous attack on Jackie Walker, implying that a Black woman could be Jewish
Who were the three people who were first expelled from the Labour Party?  Tony Greenstein, Jackie Walker and Marc Wadsworth.  All of them anti-racist activists. Jackie and I were Jewish and Jackie and Marc were Black. What kind of ‘hate crime figures’ were we?  We were expelled as part of the ‘anti-Semitism smear campaign’ but none of us were expelled for anti-Semitism despite the fact that we were suspended as part of the anti-Semitism witchhunt.
The facts are clear that it was a political stitch up. Marc was accused of abusing a Jewish MP Ruth Smeeth despite not knowing she was Jewish. She was alleged to have left the Chakrabarti Inquiry in tears but videos show no tears, just synthetic anger. Marc was integrally involved in the Stephen Lawrence campaign and was responsible for introducing Nelson Mandela to them. Jackie was alleged to have said that Jews financed the slave trade. An outright lie based on the omission of one word in a private conversation. This is the stuff on which Feldman and his miserable associates based their allegations.
Cast back to Feldman’s articlein the Guardian which recognised the:
discrimination and occupation, annexation and expropriation. Those who make Israel the target of criticism for these actions are now denounced as antisemitic by Israel’s leaders and by their supporters around the world.
In December 2016 Feldman accepted that
antisemitism is a term that does service both as a defence of minority rights, and in the context of support for a discriminatory and illiberal state power. Little wonder the word provokes so much disagreement.
Today Feldman pours scorn on Labour members whose ‘complaint (is) that antisemitism is being used as a stick with which to beat the Labour Party is unworldly.’ They don’t explain why. Perhaps it’s unworldly for the Daily Mail, a racist paper which employedKatie Hopkins to have initiatedthe fake anti-Semitism campaign.  Why is it that 2 anti-Gypsy bigots, Eric Pickles and John Mann, were at the centre of the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign?  There is no mention of context in Feldman’s recent article.
In his 2016 articleFeldman wrote of a
racism when it is directed against a group that is relatively affluent, coded as “white”, and most of whose members feel attached to the strongest power in the Middle East.’
In other words criticising the identity of Zionist Jews could be a form of racism. It is clear that identity politics was even then leading Feldman down the wrong road. Feldman also commented that the IHRAwas ‘bewilderingly imprecise’ and it carried the danger that ‘the overall effect will place the onus on Israel’s critics to demonstrate they are not antisemitic.’ Feldman accepted, like the IHRA’s author Kenneth Stern, that it ‘chilled’free speech.
Anti-Semitism as a virus
This is a favourite Zionist metaphor. It was used by Hitler about Jews (‘bacillus’) and Katie Hopkins (‘cockroches) about refugees. It means that racism, instead of being a product of society is a pathology. It bears no relation to scapegoatism, class or colonialism. Zionism favours it because it means it is futile fighting anti-Semitism.
Corbyn was repeatedly attacked as anti-Semitic because of his support of the Palestinians. Yet John Bercow, who had known him for 22 years , statedthat hadn’t detected a ‘whiff’ of anti-Semitism about Corbyn though he recalled anti-Semitism in the Tory Party. In one incident a fellow MP said:‘If I had my way, Berkoff, people like you wouldn’t be allowed in this place.’ To which Bercow replied ‘Sorry, when you say people like me, do you mean lower-class or Jewish?’ To which he replied, ‘Both.’”
However Tory anti-Semitism and racism did not feature in the Establishment’s hegemonic narrative and Feldman and co. were not about to upset the apple cart and ask why.
For academics Feldman, Gidley and McGeever are incredibly dishonest. They say that according to the 2019 Yougov survey
fully one quarter of Labour voters agreed that ‘Israel can get away with anything because its supporters control the media’.
What is their conclusion?
‘when Israel became the topic of conversation these respondents drew on the store of antisemitic stereotypes—in this case on the hoary idea, at least 150 years old, that Jews control the media.’
There’s just one problem with this. It didn’t mention Jews. It said Israel’s supporters control the media. If you believe that all supporters of Israel are Jews, which is patently untrue, then you are being anti-Semitic for assuming all Jews think the same. Supporters of Israel like born again Christian Rupert Murdoch clearly do run the media.
Feldman’s suggestion that anti-Semitism is
‘a deep reservoir of stereotypes and narratives, one which is replenished over time and from which people can draw with ease’
is essentialist. It posits anti-Semitism as unchanging. Historically anti-Semitism has changed as the Jews have changed. To think that three Birkbeck academics have come up with this rubbish suggests that the college needs to think about the quality of its teaching staff.
Unsurprisingly given the paucity of their analysis, their proposals to remedy the ‘problem’ of anti-Semitism aren’t worth the paper they are written on.
Anti-Semitism is not  form of racism
Feldman argues that
‘the reason Labour has not responded more adequately to antisemitism is a continued difficulty in recognising antisemitism as a form of racism.’
Clearly it never occurred to these 3 whizz kids that if you define ‘anti-Semitism’ as opposition to Israeli racism then it is obviously going to be difficult to recognise this as a form of racism.
Unsurprisingly there have been no Jewish victims of Labour’s fake anti-Semitism crisis. This in itself proves that it is confected. Anti-Semitism is a form of racism, but it mainly expresses itself as prejudice in Britain. There are no Jewish victims of Windrush or Jewish victims of Police racism and violence.  Jews are not disproportionately imprisoned.  It wasn’t Maurine Lipman but Bianca Williams and her partner who were stoppedand handcuffed by the Metropolitan’s racist pigs.
If what Feldman is saying is that anti-Semitism is no longer a form of racism then what they are talking about is not anti-Semitism. Unfortunately this thought never occurred to these 3 geniuses.
The 3 academics refer to the wider anti-racist movement where
divisions were growing between campaigns against antisemitism and those organised around opposition to other forms of racism, especially when articulated with the politics of Zionism and antiZionism.
They refer to the split between the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism and Searchlight magazine in the early 1990s over the question of Israel and Palestine and the
‘100 Black, Asian and minority ethnic organisations signed an open letter expressing dismay at Labour’s decision to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition.’
What Feldman doesn’t ask is why Labour ignored the collective voice of Black and Asian groups and prioritised Zionist Jewish groups. That would seem to be a good example of racism. The obvious answer was that the IHRA was not about anti-Semitism but painting support for the Palestinians and anti-Zionism as anti-Semitic.
In their search for ‘Labour anti-Semitism’ the 3 academics plumb the depths. For example Corbyn’s review of John Hobson’s classic book Imperialismbecause he did not mention a few anti-Semitic lines out of 400 pages. One of Zionism’s few honest academics and the historian of the Jewish community, Professor Geoffrey Alderman explained in the Spectator Is Jeremy Corbyn really anti-Semitic?
Context is paramount.... We all know what Hobson thought of Jews and capitalism. But to conclude – as Finkelstein does – that in writing the foreword Corbyn had praised a 'deeply anti-Semitic book' is to give a totally false impression of what this influential study is actually about. In a text running to almost 400 pages there are merely a dozen or so lines which we would call anti-Semitic. There was absolutely no need for Corbyn to have drawn attention to them in his foreword.
Alderman concluded that ‘the grounds for labelling him an anti-Semite simply do not exist.’ I disagree with Alderman on most things but this was a brave and honest assessment. He noted that Corbyn had always put himself out for Jewish causes.
This is why Alderman, a columnist for 14 years, has been bannedfrom the Jewish Chronicle’s pages by editor Stephen Pollard. Clearly Feldman and his fellow poodles will suffer no such penalty.
Feldman wroteabout how ‘Daniel Finkelstein ... characterised Imperialism as a “deeply antisemitic book” which Mr Corbyn, to his discredit, had commended as “correct and prescient”.

Freedland never missed an opportunity to attack Corbyn for 'antisemitism'
If Feldman had an ounce of honesty he wouldn’t touch Finkelstein with a barge pole.  As I pointed out Finkelstein was a member of the Board of the far-Right racist Gatestone Institute. The Gatestone Institute is funded by Rebekah Mercer who also funds Breitbart, the paper of the alt-Right and White Supremacy in the United States. Breitbart used to be edited by the anti-SemiticStephen Bannon. Also associated with Gatestone is Douglas Murray of the far-Right Henry Jackson Society (of which Stephen Pollard is a founding member).  Murray’s writings are advertisedon Gatestone’s website.
Naturally Jonathan Freedland got into the act accusing Corbyn of being ‘blind to anti-Semitism’ over the Hobson book. Freedland should examine ‘anti-Semitism’ at the Guardian, because they advertised the book and carried a reviewwhich stated that
‘Hobson's Imperialism belongs to the small group of books in the years from 1900 to the outbreak of war that have definitely changed the contours of social thought.’
Another example was the notorious mural’ in Tower Hamlets. They tell us that this was ‘a powerful illustration of antisemitism’  That ‘the mural depicted six men at a table dictating the ‘New World Order’. Yes it was conspiratorial but it wasn’t anti-Semitic.  2 of the 6 bankers were Jewish.
What is amazing is that this articletook 3 academics to write it!
Feldman’s willingness to act as Pollard’s poodle was exemplified by his article The historical left really was ‘for the many, not the Jew’. in reaction to Corbyn’s review of Hobson’s book.
Feldman argued in the Jewish Chronicle that Hobson’s book was lauded in the labour press and that in these circles, the idea that imperial expansion was driven by Jewish financial interests was commonplace. This is rubbish.
It wasn’t the Right who joined Jews in the fight against Oswald Moseley in October 1936 at the Battle of Cable Street or who fought Franco in Spain. Wherever fascism or anti-Semitism reared its ugly head it was the Left who fought it alongside the social causes of anti-Semitism. Zionism’s allies today were then part of the problem which is why the Jews of Mile End voted in 1945 to send England’s first elected Communist, Phil Piratin to parliament.
It is true that there was sometimes a conflation between Jews and capitalism by early socialists and anarchists like Proudhon. However despite criticism of his On the Jewish QuestionMarx came out firmly in favour of Jewish Emancipation in his debate with Bruno Bauer.
With the transition, especially in Eastern Europe, from feudalism to capitalism, Jews were still seen in their feudal roles as agents of money. However this changed as the Jews became proletarianised.
What is true is that it was the supporters  of Zionism in the Labour Party who were anti-Semitic. Labour in 1921 had admitted Poale Zion as an affiliated society because Labour saw Empire and Colonisation as good things bringing ‘civilisation’ to the natives.  When the future Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald visited Palestine in 1922 he told his hosts that
‘the rich plutocratic Jew, who is the true economic materialist. He is the person whose views upon life make one anti-Semitic. He has no country, no kindred... he is an exploiter of everything he can squeeze. He is behind every evil that Governments do... He detests Zionism because it revives the idealism of his race.’ [David Cesarani, Anti-Zionism in Britain, p.141].
Sidney Webb, founder of the Fabians and the New Statesman made similar comments about European social democratic parties being ‘Jew ridden’ whereas the Labour Party didn’t have this problem as there was no money in it!
MacDonald’s anti-Semitism was little different from the anti-Semitism of the Zionists. Fellow MP Watson Rutherford described Winston Churchill, an ardent Zionist, as having decided in the 1914 Shell Debate that ‘the best course of action to get them to support it (his proposal) was … to do a little Jew-baiting.’Churchill was ‘too much of a demagogue to forego the applause to be had from attacking someone who was… a Jew, and an unpopular one at that. [Michael Cohen, Churchill and and the Jews, pp. 28-29]
Arthur Balfour, another Zionist favourite, was also an anti-Semite. Chaim Weizmann described a conversation he had had with Balfour on the 12th December 1914. Balfour told him of a conversation with Cosima Wagner, the notoriously anti-Semitic widow of Richard Wagner. Balfour explained that ‘he shared many of her anti-Semitic postulates.’ Instead of protesting Weizmann
pointed out that we, too… had drawn attention to the fact that Germans of the Mosaic persuasion were an undesirable and demoralizing phenomenon…’  [Leonard Stein, The Balfour Declaration p.154]
What was particularly disgusting about Feldman’s Jewish Chronicle article, apart from its jumping on the anti-Corbyn bandwagon alongside racists like Pollard and Finkelstein was its dishonesty. Historically the left has fought anti-Semitism uncompromisingly.
Even the late Robert Wistrich, Professor of History at Tel Aviv University in his ‘Socialism and the Jews’ wrote of the German Social Democratic Party that:
Opposition to anti-Semitism had become a badge of honour for the workers’ movement: it now expressed their total contempt for a political system that had excluded them as pariahs. Anti-Semitic demonstrations were broken up in Berlin, Dresden and other German cities with increasing frequency between 1881 and 1884.
Wistrich described ‘a typical incident’ in Hanover in April 1881 when workers jeered Adolf Stocker, founder of the Christian Social Party.
He then passed over to the Jewish question, which was greeted by the Social Democrats with cries of Aha! and ironical applause. The Jew-bait was evidently to be the appetising sauce with which all this rubbish was to be made palatable to the workers. Nevertheless the latter showed not the slightest desire to swallow the bait..’ [p. 94]
The one section of German society that held out to the last against Hitler was the left, the SPD and KPD. The parties of the Right in particular the DNVP of Hugenburg cooperated with the Nazis and supported Hitler’s appointment as Chancellor. In November 1932, the last free elections in Germany, the Nazi vote fell to 11.7 million (33.09%). The combined vote for the parties of the working class, the SPD and KPD, of 13.2 million (37.3%) was one and a half million more than the Nazis.
If Feldman wanted to find anti-Semitism then he need look no further than the Zionist movement whose leading members in 1933 welcomed Hitler to power.  That was one of the reasons why they opposed the Boycott of Nazi Germany so strongly.
Lewis Namier, former Political Secretary of the Zionist Organisation in London and the personal secretary of Weizmann during the 1930’s wrote the preface to Arthur Ruppin’s Jews in the Modern World. Etan Bloom in his 2008 Ph. D Thesis (Tel Aviv University) wrotethat
Knowledgeable Zionists, including Nahum Goldmann, saw in Namier an intense Jewish anti-Semite’.
Namier wrote that:
not everyone who feels uncomfortable with regard to us must be called an anti-Semite, nor is there anything necessarily and inherently wicked in anti-Semitism.
Bloom wrote how
‘the original draft was ‘even stronger. Weizmann – who worked closely with Ruppin - read it and had to warn Namier not to be so open in expressing their common toleration of Nazism’ because ‘the louts will say, the Jews themselves think that it will be all for the good, etc’.
If Feldman, once he’s finished his academic whoring wants to return to the real world he could do better than read America’s Jewish Forward and articles such as How Steve Bannon and Breitbart News Can Be Pro-Israel — and Anti-Semitic at the Same Time, in which Naomi Zeveloffdeclared that:
‘though it would seem impossible to hate Jews but love the Jewish state, these two viewpoints are not as contradictory as they appear.
It only seems impossible because academics like Feldman have consistently tried to hide the truth that it is Zionism which shares most in common with anti-Semitism.  Both believe that Jews belong, not in the countries where they live but in their ‘real homeland’ Israel.
When nearly all the far-Right see Israel as a bulwark against the Muslim hordes who are trying to replace them in Europe, academic prostitutes who write to please the Board of Deputies deserve our contempt.
I haven’t mentioned Feldman’s co-authors.  Ben Gidley is mentioned by some as Bob from Brockley. The other contributor Brendan McGeever has penned an anti-communist tract Antisemitism and the Russian Revolution which argues that the Bolsheviks were responsible for the massive increase in pogroms that accompanied the Revolution. I can only recommend Clara Weiss’s excellent Brendan McGeever’sAntisemitism and the Russian Revolution: Distorting history in the service of identity politics, parts one and two.
Or I can only quote the Black artist and intellectual of the Harlem Renaissance, Claude MacKay:
“Every Negro… should make a study of Bolshevism and explain its meaning to the coloured masses. It is the greatest and most scientific idea afloat in the world today… Bolshevism has made Russia safe for the Jew. It has liberated the Slav peasant from priest and bureaucrat who can no longer egg him on to murder Jews to bolster up their rotten institutions. It might make these United States safe for the Negro… If the Russian idea should take hold of the white masses of the western world… then the black toilers would automatically be free.”
Black fighters like Paul Robeson looked to the Soviet Union, even under Stalin, as an example of a society where racism was not inevitable. What McGeever is doing with his book is no different from the attempts of David Irving and others to deny the Holocaust.
That there were some pogroms committed by the Red Army in the civil war is undeniable.  However they were under 10% of those perpetrated and the Bolsheviks did their best to prevent them including shooting pogromists.  The vast majority were carried out by the White Russians. Nowhere does McGreever mention, because it would spoil his narrative that a member of the Zionist Organisation and the leader of what became Revisionist Zionism, Vladimir Jabotinsky, formed an alliance with the Ukrainian nationalist leader Petliyura, who was responsible for up to 200,000 Jewish deaths.
The Red Army consisted mainly of peasants amongst whom anti-Semitism had been rife. The Czarist monarchy, with whom the Zionists were so infatuated, had consciously used anti-Semitism to divide the workers and peasants. The Bolsheviks consciously sought to attack anti-Semitism from the beginning. 
Weiss writesthat:
In the Red Army, leaflets were distributed against anti-Semitism. Perpetrators of pogroms were severely punished. For instance, units involved in the pogroms of Budyonny’s First Cavalry in Poland in 1920 were dissolved and up to 400 cavalrymen were executed
The alliance with Petliura heralded the later Zionist collaboration with the Nazis when they decided to oppose the world Jewry’s boycott of Germany by forming a pact, Ha'avara with them. The needs of Palestine came before the needs of the Jews. It is a great pity that David Feldman has lent his undoubted talents to whitewashing Zionism and in the process getting into bed with two anti-communists to peddle his nonsense article on Labour anti-Semitism.  Such are the depths that Zionist ‘intellectuals’ sink to.
Tony Greenstein

How Zionist colonisation subverted even the best intentioned of people in the cause of a Jewish exclusivist project


Review: Wrestling with Zionism– Jewish Voices of Dissent, Daphna Levit, 
Olive Branch Press, Interlink Publishing Company, 2020

Daphna Levit grew up as a secular Zionist who worshipped just one god, the Land of Israel (Eretz Yisrael). She was a good example of those early Zionists who based their claim to Palestine on the god they denied. Even the ‘Marxist’ Zionists of Ber Borochov’s Hashomer Hatzair (Mapam) supported the colonisation of Palestine.
This book is appropriately named. When you are born into a Zionist family (or grow up in Israel) you have to wrestle with the unconscious racism, biases and assumptions that are part of every day life.
I grew up in an Orthodox Jewish family and it was taken for granted that you couldn’t trust an Arab, that they would stab you in the back when you weren’t looking. That Arabs never meant what they said. For most Jews and certainly for most Zionist Jews in Britain, Arabs and Muslims are not real living human beings but cardboard cut outs.
According to the CAA this idiot is typical of British Muslims
This is why I laugh when I read that ‘anti-Semitism’ is rife within the Muslim community. For example the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism pamphlet British Muslims and antiSemitism which states that
‘It is clear that many British Muslims reserve a special hatred for British Jews’ yet the CAA is still taken serious by British politicians and it was also taken seriously by the EHRC which accepted its complaint against the Labour Party for ‘anti-Semitism’. I wonder when someone is going to do a survey on hostility to Arabs and Muslims in the Jewish community.
Daphna grew up in the 1950s and 1960s never questioning the Zionist narrative. It all seemed so simple. God gave us the land and the Arabs tried to drive us into the sea. Despite us pleading for them to stay in 1948 (Haifa’s Mayor is always given as the example, forgetting that Haganah was shelling the Arabs of Haifa at the same time and broadcasting from loudspeakers that they should flee whilst there was time) the ingrates had received orders from their leaders in Damascus and Cairo to vacate the land whilst the Arab armies could invade. When this task was completed they could return.
Martin Buber
Understandably the early Israelis were reluctant to take back the refugees since they could never be sure that they wouldn’t pull the same trick again. Oh and Israel desired nothing more than peace but the Arabs simply wouldn’t talk to them forcing Israel to attack them! Repeatedly!
It never occurred to me as a child to ask simple questions such as, how could the Zionists create their Jewish state when the majority of inhabitants were Palestinian. Nor did I hear of two researchers, Walid Khalidi and Erskine Childers, who independently in 1961 examined the BBC and CIA transcripts of the Arab radio broadcasts of the time. Not only were there no such Arab orders but to the contrary the Palestinians were told not to flee. You can see the original article by Childers here and a debate The Spectator Correspondence.
One of the great skills of Zionist ideologues is to ignore the evidence, however compelling, and rely on assertion. Read the discussion on Childer’s article and the attempts by Jon Kimche to defend the indefensible whilst continually changing ground. Life back then was simple. Even grown ups believed in fairy tales!
I have no hesitation in recommending this short book as a good introduction to the history of Zionism through the potted histories of some of its key figures. There is a wide selection of people, from the founder of Political Zionism Theodor Herzl to dissident Zionists such as Yeshayahu Leibowitz and Uri Avnery.
There are a few mistakes in the text. Leon Pinsker’s Autoemancipation was written in 1882 not 1884 and it was motivated by the 1881 pogrom in Odessa, in the wake of the assassination of Czar Alexander III not the 1871 pogrom. On page 34 it states that On May 14, 1948, the United Nations resolved to partition Palestine’. In fact that was the day Israel attained independence.
It is easy to quibble over Daphna’s choice of who to include. Personally I would have included Herzl’s deputy, Max Nordau, a believer in social Darwinism who wrote a book Degeneration’. It was an argument that Hitler frequently made. Nordauargued that degenerate art reflected and caused a degenerate society. He attacked Oscar Wilde’s dress sense as the ‘pathological aberration of a racial instinct’. Influenced by the criminologist Lombrosowho believed that criminality was an inherited disease.
I would also have included Arthur Ruppin, the Director of the Palestine Office from 1908 and the key figure of Palestinian Zionism in the pre-state period. [see here and here] He was responsible for the establishment of the kvutza and the collective Labour Zionist settlements and the marriage of bourgeois Zionist capital with labour Zionism. He was a social Darwinist who put his ideas into practice in respect of the Yemenite Jews brought to Palestine to do the heavy work for the ‘socialist’ kibbutzniks. They died off like flies and Ruppin’s behaviour towards them was Nazi-like, refusing them medical help and sufficient wages for food.
Levit, like many historians of Zionism, over estimates the influence of Cultural Zionism and Ahad Ha’am in particular. Ha’am warned in his essay ‘Truth from Eretz Yisrael’ in 1891 of the Jewish settlers’ “"hostility and cruelty” and of their ‘pride’ in beating them. Ahad Ha’am had, however, virtually no influence on the development of Zionism apart from his involvement in the founding of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
Indeed thousands of words are wasted on Zionist ‘peace groups’ of the period such as Brit Shalomand Ihud. These groups are usually quoted as examples of how Zionism was heterogeneous.  In fact these groups were tiny.  Even worse they incorporated those whose only reason for participation was in order to persuade the Arabs that they should surrender peacefully and abandon their opposition to Zionist settlement.
Haim Kalvarisky
Ruppin was the founder of Brit Shalom but he was an imperialist.  He even spent a comfortable two hours with the leading racial scientist in Germany in July 1933, Professor Hans Gunther, exchanging ideas about racial anthropology! This meeting was excised from Ruppin’s Diaries by Alex Bein. Haim Kalvarisky, the successor to Haim Arlosoroff as Political Director of the Jewish Agency was also a member of Brit Shalom.

Judah Magnes
David Ben Gurion and Chaim Weizmann are surprising omissions and I would have chosen Judah Magnes over Martin Buber as a representative of the peace wing of Zionism . One particularly noticeable omission is the lack of any figure from the Zionist Right such as Ze’ev Jabotinsky, whose clear articulation of Zionism as colonialism was a contrast to the dishonest polemics of the ‘socialist’ Zionists who pretended that, but for their feudal leaders, the Arabs would consent to being seduced by sweet talk and honeyed promises.  In The Iron Wall he wrote:

Ze'ev Jabotinsky
‘Every reader has some idea of the early history of other countries which have been settled. I suggest that he recall all known instances. If he should attempt to seek but one instance of a country settled with the consent of those born there he will not succeed.
This is similar to Ben Gurion’s riposte to Martin Buber, the advocate of bi-nationalism, when he inquiredwhether he had ‘come to Palestine with the consent of the Arabs or against their wishes’. 
However this is Daphna’s book not mine! There is a very impressive representative of what might be called the ‘other Israel’. People such as Tanya Reinhardt and Tikva Honig-Parnass.
However Daphna is still in thrall to some of the myths of Zionism. My major criticisms of the book is that Levit does not analyse Zionism as a settler colonial movement but in terms of its own self-serving justifications such as providing a refuge for Jews. In fact the motives for Ben Gurion and the Zionist leaders was to recreate the mythical warrior state of the Jewish people in the image of the Macabees. Zionism was always, first and foremost, a project to resurrect the Jewish racial state.  It was never about providing a refuge for Jews. What later was called ‘refugeeism’ i.e. saving Jews in whatever place could be found was implacably opposed by the Zionists.
In a memo of 17 December 1938 to the Jewish Agency Ben Gurion made the policy of the Zionist movementabsolutely clear:
‘if the Jews are faced with a choice between the refugee problem and rescuing Jews from concentration camps on the one hand, and aid for the national museum in Palestine on the other, the Jewish sense of pity will prevail and our people's entire strength will be directed at aid for the refugees in the various countries. Zionism will vanish from the agenda and indeed not only world public opinion in England and America but also from Jewish public opinion. We are risking Zionism's very existence if we allow the refugee problem to be separated from the Palestine problem.’
Colonialism always provides its own justifications. No colonial power described its mission as one of exploitation and plunder.  All of them had a noble mission. For Britain it was the White Man’s Burden for Zionism it was seeking a refuge for Jews in a Land Without a People for a People Without a Land.
Zionism was never a movement to save Jews. It was a movement to save the Jewish people as a mythical racial entity. One favourite myth, which Levit repeats uncritically is her assertion that:
Most of the early Zionist leaders were ardent socialists and nationalists... their secular/ political Zionist hope was to create a ... Jewish homeland for a community that would discard much of its religious identity. a modernistic amalgamation of nationalism, socialism, enlightened Western culture, and some as yet undefined ethnic Jewish identity.’
Leaving aside the amalgamation of nationalism and socialism, which is like saying you can amalgamate life and death, a poison with its antidote, love and hate, the myth that the early Zionists were ‘ardent socialists’ is just that. A myth. At the first Zionist Congress the all-male participants were attired in formal dress and white tie. No workers they.
Zionism arose as a reaction to anti-Semitism that rejected socialism and any attempt to ameliorate the condition of Jews in the diaspora. That was what made Zionism different from the many different Jewish reactions to anti-Semitism and the transition from feudalism to capitalism.
The Black Hundreds - Czarist organised pogromists
Barely 4 months after the 1903 Kishinev pogrom when nearly a 100 Jews were murdered and others were raped and injured, a pogrom which caused infamy throughout the world, Herzl met with the person responsible for setting up the Black Hundreds, the group that perpetrated the massacre, Czarist Minister Vyacheslav von Plehve, to secure the legalisation of the Zionist movement in Russia, which he achieved.
‘‘Help me to reach land sooner and the revolt will end” he pleaded ‘And so will the defection to the Socialists.’
In an interview with  Lucien Wolfe in The Times of 6 February 1904 Plehve explainedthat Zionism was ‘an antidote to socialist doctrines.’ Similarly Winston Churchill, a noted anti-Semite and Zionist, wrote an influential essay Zionism v Bolshevism - A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People. .in which this apostle of imperialism placed his hopes in Zionism as the saviour of the Jewish people from Marxism and socialism.
In a letter to Baroness Suttner in 1899 Herzl explained that
‘we are everywhere engaged in battles with the revolutionaries and are actually turning the young students as well as the Jewish workingmen away from socialism and nihilism by unfolding before them a pure and national ideal.’
Ben Gurion wrote of his battles with the anti-Zionist Bund the main adversary in his home town of Plonsk in northern Poland. In Tom Segev’s recent A State at  Any Cost: The Life of Ben Gurion Segev describes how
A Bund publication wrote that Ben Gurion began to shout during one of the debates (between Poale Zion and the Bund). “We have weapons and we will kill you all like dogs.” It called him a hooligan. “And I beat the Bund” Ben Gurion boasted. “I ejected the Bund from Plonsk.” The short boy who had never been happy... was now a thuggish Labour boss in a small town.’
Simon Petliura - Ukrainian nationalist responsible for 100,000 Jewish deaths - Jabotinsky formed an alliance with him against the Bolsheviks
Zionism was always a reactionary movement. Socialist Zionism grew up as an attempt to retain the support of Jewish workers who were more interested in more immediate questions such as anti-Semitism and wages and conditions than the fight for Palestine.
Herzl also went out of his way to win over the Orthodox rabbis, albeit with no success. He even failed with the Chief Rabbi of his own Vienna, Morris Gudeman. See The Rabbis’ Intifada – An Unbroken Chain of Jewish anti-Zionism and SolidarityIt is therefore untrue to say that ‘He would have been surprised, if not shocked, to learn that many of the staunchest defenders of Zionism do so in the name of religion.’
Herzl was well aware that Zionism could only succeed if it could harness the Jewish religion to the Zionist chariot. In Altneuland he talked of keeping rabbis out of politics because he understood what happens when religion and a state are married – messianic racism. Of course when you make a pact with the devil you need a very long spoon!
Hannah Arendt
Daphna Levit is a student of Hannah Arendt and her portrait of Hannah, a refugee from Nazi Germany who was an early Zionist activist is well worth reading as an essay on its own. Levit is an expert on Hanna Arendt, the greatest political philosopher of the 20th century. I share her fascination, even with Arendt’s many errors!
Levit describes the famous debate with Gershom Scholem, the Zionist professor of mysticism, when, after her publication of Eichmann in Jerusalem, wrote to her accusing her of having no love for the Jewish people. Her response was withering:
‘You are quite right—I am not moved by any “love” of this sort, and for two reasons: I have never in my life “loved” any people or collective... I indeed love “only” my friends and the only kind of love I know of and believe in is the love of persons. Secondly this “love of the Jews” would appear to me, since I am myself Jewish as something rather suspect.... I do not love the Jews, nor do I believe in them: I merely belong to them.’
Scholem demonstrated in his question the racist waters in which Zionism breeds. Arendt had written a series of articles for the New Yorker on the Eichmann Trial and the subtitle of the book was ‘The Banality of Evil’. The terrifying thing about Eichmann she wrote was that he was surprisingly normal. He didn’t have horns.
Ze'ev Sternhell
Arendt was also scornful of what Salo Baron called the ‘lachrymose version’ of Jewish history. The idea of 2,000 years of unending Jewish persecution. The idea of the Jew as perpetual victim and never the actor, which is itself an anti-Semitic stereotype, was one Arendt rejected.
Arendt was scornful of those who believed that the whole world was against us.  This was a Zionist siege mentality typical of settler colonialism. She foresaw that the Holocaust would become the new Jewish religion and used to justify any Israeli aggression.
Yeshayahu Leibowitz was the Orthodox religious scholar and Professor, a latter day Prophet, who foresaw that the Israelis would end up worshipping the Land of Israel much as the ancient Israelites worshipped Baal and the false idols. Levit quotes Leibowitz that
“He who empties the Jewish people of its religious content turns the concepts of chosen and holy into expressions of racist chauvinism.’
Sternhell's comparison between Israel and Nazi Germany caused great affront to the racists who inhabit Israel
Leibowitz claimed that Israel could not be considered a democracy as long as it ruled over two million people deprived of any legal or human rights. Like the late Ze’ev Sternhell, Uri Avnery and Noam Chomsky, Leibowitz saw the 1967 war as one of conquest which ‘changed the very foundation of its existence.’ Unfortunately this was wishful thinking.
I get the feeling that Daphna has some sympathy with this view, that 1967 changed the course of Israeli history. The expulsions of 1948 and onwards betrayed Israel’s settler colonial nature. To create a Jewish state in a land where the majority of the population was not Jewish ethnic cleansing was inevitable.  In my view this subject is the central reason for Netanyahu’s desire to annex the West Bank.
The conquest of the West Bank/Gaza simply gave expression to that. However throughout the 1950s and 1960s, when Israel’s Arab population was under Military Rule, Israel was seeking any pretext to expand its borders. The 1956 Suez War was a false start.  1967 established Israel as the strategic watchdog of the West. Israel also engaged in ethnic cleansing of the Bedouin of the Negev throughout the 1950s.
The decay of Israeli ‘democracy’, the rise of the nakedly chauvinist Right who have no regard for the tender feelings of liberal Zionists such as Peter Beinart has been a terrible shock for Israel’s liberal supporters. The fact that Netanyahu doesn’t care and openly aligns himself with Donald Trump is indicative of the fact that ideology and practice is coming into line in Israel.  There is no longer a need to pretend that the Kibbutzim are an oasis of socialism rather than seeing them for what they are – racially exclusive Jewish settlements.
As Chomsky wrote
“There seems to be no room in Israel for those who try to square a universalist point of view, be it liberal or socialist, with the racist definition of Zionism.”
The problem is that Zionism is racist by definition.  There isn’t a non-racist Zionism. Levit cites Chomsky being refused entry to from Israel because of his opinions. He suggested that his interrogators ‘“try to find any government in the world that likes anything I say,”Israel is quite unique in the western world in barring visitors, including Jewish anti-Zionists, because of their opinions.
Professor Ze’ev Sternhell, a child survivor of the Holocaust, who has only just passed away, justifiedZionism by the need for Jews to find a refuge.
‘By being the only place in the world to which European Jews could actually escape in the 1930s and 1940s, Palestine gave legitimacy to the establishment of the State of Israel beyond any historical rights to the land.’
Except it wasn’t the only place that Jews could escape to despite the attempts of the Zionist movement to close down alternative places of refuge such as Saint Domingo.
Palestine took less than 15% of the total number of Jewish refugees from Germany. Zionist opposition to lowering the immigration barriers in America and other countries and their sabotage of the attempt to seek other havens resulted in the death of thousands.
Sternhell who was a target of a fascist settler bomb in 2014, was a world authority on fascism. He wrote the defining book on the history of Labour Zionism, the Founding Myths of Israel. In it he traced the development of Labour Zionism proving that it was never socialist.  Instead it mobilised the Jewish working class for national goals.  It owed more to nationalist socialism than socialism. Ben Gurion coined the slogan ‘from class to nation’.
Daphna Levitt recalls that ‘Sternhell points out that many of the early leaders of the Zionist Revolution loathed the diaspora and its “weakling Jews.” which is correct but this also points to a fundamental weakness of the book’s analysis of Zionism. Zionism was, above all, a reaction to anti-Semitism which accepted the rightfulness of anti-Semitism.
Indeed Zionism justified anti-Semitism. As Jacob Klatzkin, the editor of Die Welt (1909-11) and co-founder of the Encyclopedia Judaica explained:
‘If we do not admit the rightfulness of anti-Semitism we deny the rightfulness of our own nationalism... Instead of establishing societies for defence against the anti-Semites who want to reduce our rights, we should establish societies for defence against our friends, who desire to defend our rights.’ [The Meaning of Jewish History, by Jacob Bernard Agus, David Daiches, Commentary, April 1964]
According to‘left’ Zionist A B Yehoshua Jews were a ‘cancer connected to the main tissue of the Jewish people” who use other peoples’ countries like hotels.’ [Jewish Chronicle 22 December 1989, ‘Diaspora a cancer’]
This was why the myth that Herzl was driven by the Dreyfus Affair into becoming a Zionist is wrong. Herzl fell out with the one member of the Zionist Actions Committee, Bernard Lazarre, who was the original anti-Dreyfussard. As Herzl wrotein his Diaries:
In Paris... I achieved a freer attitude towards anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognise the emptiness and futility of trying to 'combat' anti-Semitism.’ [Diaries p.6]
Uri Avnery was a ‘Canaanite’ who wanted an Israeli nation that included the Palestinians but was separate from diaspora Jewry.  Zionism however was founded to wind up the diaspora not exclude it. Israel was to be a state of Jews everywhere not its citizens.
Avnery, Sternhell and Chomsky failed to understand that a Jewish state, in a settler colonial context, could not be other than racist.
Levit includes many of the foremost Israeli activists such as Tikva Honig-Parnass, who was Parliamentary Secretary of Mapam before joining the anti-Zionist Matzpen. Tikva recalls an incident in the 1948 War when she was fighting in Palmach when she encountered two Jewish American volunteers in the army who came from a mission shouting that they met on their way back to the base Palestinian women and children starving to death and begging to go back to their villages. They added angrily that, “if this new state cannot take care of its Palestinian inhabitants, then it has no right to exist.”
Tikva, who was then member of the ‘Marxist’ Mapam wrote to her parents that ‘I’m sick and tired of these American ‘philanthropists.’” The idea of that concern for the Palestinian refugees was a form of philanthropy says everything about Zionism’s racist ideology. Instead of all human beings  being treated equally, Zionism treats kindness to non-Jews as a form of unwarranted generosity. Such feelings merited an especial scorn from the racists of Labour Zionism. At that time she was contemptuous of those who showed any concern towards the indigenous population.
Daphna describes the pivotal moment in the crystallisation of the anti-Zionist group Matzpen who put an advert in Ha’aretz 3 months after the 1967 war stating that
Conquest brings in its wake foreign rule’ which ‘brings in its wake resistance... oppression (and) ... terrorism and counterterrorism... (it) will turn us into a nation of murderers and murder victims. Let us leave the Occupied Territories now.’
This did not make them too popular!
Levit describes the rise of the new historians, Benny Morris, Ilan Pappe, Avi Shlaim, Simha Flapan and Tom Segev in some detail. With the opening up of the archives they began to deconstruct the founding myths of Israel. These same files are now being reclassified by Israel’s security police Shin Bet. History to Zionism is a weapon in the war. It has no merit in its own right.  There are no truths, everything is relative. Zionism is the ultimate form of post-modernism.
Simha Flapan’s 1987 book The Birth of Israel: Myths and Realities was groundbreaking. He was the first to destroy the myth that Israel had been invaded by all the Arab armies on gaining independence in 1948. On the contrary the Zionists had negotiated a deal with King Abdullah of Jordan to prevent a Palestinian state. The other Arab armies sought to prevent Abdullah triumphing.
Benny Morris’sbook Birth 1987 of the Palestinian Refugee Problem and then his subsequently Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited demolished the idea that the Palestinian exodus had been voluntary. Yet increasingly Morris’s historical researches were at variance with his political opinions which, after 2000, were at variance with his research.  He became a supporter of transfer and criticised Ben Gurion for not having finished the job.
Levit gives us a potted history of how the State of Israel has sought to manipulate and distort its own history in a way no bourgeois democracy would contemplate. This in itself is the sign of a proto fascist society.
Shlomo Sand
Daphna focuses on Shlomo Sand, Professor of History at the University of Tel Aviv whose The Invention of the Land of Israeldeconstructs the myth that for 2,000 years all that Jews longed for was a Jewish state. Debunking the story of the Exodus and doubting the existence of King David whilst showing there was no Roman expulsion of Jews in the aftermath of the fall of the first temple. 
In Israel there is History and Jewish History and the two are distinct subjects. Universalism has been excluded from Israeli academia as universities have functioned as an ideological transmission belt for Zionism.
Tom Segev, a journalist on Ha’aretz, wrote the seminal Seventh Million about the German Jewish immigrants to Israel and the record of Zionism during the war years and after.  Daphna quotes Elie Wiesel, a survivor of Auschwitz, in his review of the book, The Land that Broke Its Promise that:
Just as the new Israelis were creating an image of a heroic, athletic, defiant Jew, they did not want to come face to face with a weak and pitiful survivor and did not want to claim him as their own. They wanted heroes, not the embarrassing reminder of Jews being proverbially “led like lambs to the slaughter.... (Segev)
the Jewish leaders of Palestine never made the rescue of European Jews into an overwhelming national priority... Zionist leader Itzhak Gruenbaum, a future Minister of the Interior in David Ben-Gurion’s first cabinet, considered creating new settlements more urgent than saving Jews from being sent to Treblinka and Birkenau.
Levit quotes Uri Avnery as sayingthat instead of Zionism being dispensed with once the State of Israel was created it had continued. 
‘When one builds a house, one needs scaffolding. When the building is finished, the scaffolding is removed.... Thus “Zionism” continued to exist after its aim had already been achieved. The scaffolding became superfluous, indeed obstructive …’ 
Avnery failed to understand that Zionism was a settler colonial movement whose aim, a Jewish state as racially pure as possible, was an ongoing and never ending process. 1948 was only a staging point on the road to a Jewish Reich. The ‘ingathering of the exiles’ was its aim. Its purpose was the rebirth of a new Jewish Warrior Race and State. Far from dismantling the scaffolding Zionism was busy consolidating its previous work.  The seizure of Arab land had only just begun.  The Zionist institutions such as the JNF were used by the Israeli state to subcontract racism to para state organisations.
The final chapter of Levit’s book is devoted to two brave Ha’aretz journalists, Gideon Levy and Amira Hass and Ilan Pappe, whose support for BDS resulted in his being driven from Haifa University into exile. Levitt recalls a particularly disturbing case in which Israeli academia showed that its loyalty is to the settler state.
Electronic Intifada reported on the demonstration at Tantura
At the University of Haifa a student named Teddy Katz presented his MA thesis to the university in 1998. It described Tantura village in 1948 where there was a very large massacre. The veterans of the army unit who perpetrated the massacre sued for libel. Although Katz, was pressurised into not contesting the writ, he later sought to withdraw this but the court refused. Pappé was not Katz’s supervisor but, he became prominent in defending him after the court proceedings led to a suspension of Katz’s degree in 2000. In an interview Pappé explained his intervention:
‘No one came to his aid. Why should they? He’s a master’s student. They’re professors. What do they care? After I sat here and transcribed the tapes... two or three colleagues changed their mind and helped. But they didn’t endanger their careers. I knew that when I went to help Katz, I would get it in return. But I didn’t know how much … Teddy Katz suffered a stroke because of this university. He almost died. And a master’s degree student shouldn’t almost die because of a university.’
A shocking incident and it is the answer to those who say we should not boycott Israeli academia. Levit pays tribute to the few brave lawyers who represented the Palestinians including the late Felicia Langer, who closed her office because justice in Israeli courts was impossible, Lea Tsemel, Avigdor Lieberman and Gaby Laski.
In the epilogue Daphna describes a horrific incident in the casual cruelty of an Occupation that British Zionists, such as David Feldman, Keir Starmer and the Jewish Labour Movement do their best to defend via accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’. It is:
‘incident (that) forever will haunt me. At a border checkpoint a  terrified, wide-eyed little boy was desperately clinging to his mother’s hand. He was bleeding profusely through a towel wrapped round his head. His mother was screaming uncontrollably, her face distorted with emotion ... In her free hand she held an unrecognizable red blob, her son’s dismembered ear. She was frantically trying to get into an ambulance with him, but wasn’t permitted to; only the patient was allowed in the vehicle. She was told to walk or find other transportation to cross the checkpoint to the hospital. After a storm of frantic gestures and pleas, a ride was found, and the boy and his mother were driven  together to the hospital in a car belonging to an Israeli demonstrator at the crossing.’ This incident is but one of many where Israeli soldiers and checkpoints are used to delay and obstruct ambulances and Palestinian patients have died as a result of this callous cruelty.
Daphna asks
Can this incident be included among the legends of heroic battle against the insidious enemies of the Jewish state, a battle for which every Jewish-born Israeli is trained? Or should it simply be erased, to help maintain the purity of the myth?
It is a good question.
At the end of her book is a list of individuals whom she wants to pay tribute to including Jeff Halper, Haim Henegbi, Adam Keller, Moshe Machover, Akiva Orr, Idith Zertal and Beate Zilversmidt. The tragedy is that these individuals, brave though each one is, represent a sliver of Israel’s Jewish population.
There is a lot that Daphna Levit has compacted into 200 pages. It is an excellent introduction to the history of Zionism even though it seems as if Daphna is still wrestling with Zionism.
Tony Greenstein

[1]              Diaries, p.6.

Black Lives Matter Demonstration in Brighton Meets Palestine Lives Matter


Another Monster Demonstration Against Racism and Police Violence

This was the second demonstration in Brighton for Black Lives Matter. On June 13ththere was the biggest demonstration I have attended in Brighton in over 40 years living here, over 20,000.
This wasn’t as big.  I estimate between 8,000 and 10,000 but it is still one of the largest demonstrations to have been in Brighton.
Brighton and Hove PSC had a special banner for the occasion welcoming BLM. We had , as would be expected, a wonderful reception from the mainly young people on march with people showing us the clenched fist. 
What is amazing is that so many young people instantly recognised the connections between Black Lives Matter and Palestine solidarity. [see For 6 years Black Lives Matter Were Attacked as ‘anti-Semites’ by the Zionists – Today they suffer from amnesia]
Five days after George Floyd was murdered, Iyad Hallak, a 32 year old autistic Palestinian man was gunned down by Israel’s notorious Border Police because they ‘mistook’ the phone in his hand for a gun.  A ‘mistake’ they have never made in the case of an Israeli Jew. Iyad was gunned down despite his carer screaming at them that he was with her and was disabled.
Not one of the Israeli police has been arrested.  There is apparently an ‘investigation’ going on but in Israel all investigations end with at best a slap on the wrist. [see When George Floyd was Murdered There Was Outrage – When Iyad Hallak, an Autistic Palestinian was Murdered, Noone Said Anything]
That is what is so wonderful about BLM that it consists of, mainly White young people expressing their solidarity with Black people in this country and the United States.
Below are some photos.
Tony Greenstein

Using Arabs as Window Dressing for Israeli Apartheid is Standard Hasbara (propaganda)


As Uncle Tom Diplomat Ishmael Khalidi discovered, being a Collaborator does not make you immune from being beaten up by Israeli Security 

You have to sympathise. Ishmael Khalidi is Israel’s first Bedouin diplomat.  Studying by candlelight in his tent (because most Bedouin villages being ‘unrecognised’ don’t get supplied with electricity or water) he nonetheless passed his exams and graduated. He even served in the notoriously racist killer squad, the Border Police.
Then someone in the Foreign Office talent spotted Ishmael. Clearly here was someone who would be able to present Israeli ‘democracy’ to gullible  audiences in America and speak out about BDS.  Who better than an Israeli Arab to tell White Americans that sanctions would hurt the Palestinians more than anyone and to put over the lie that Israel is the land of equal opportunity.  After all it is their concern for Palestinians which leads Israel to oppose BDS!
Ishmael Khalidi - beaten up by Israeli security goons
Sure enough he was posted to London and San Francisco.  Not, of course as Ambassador but senior enough to be someone who could be held up as an example of how Arabs are not discriminated against in Israel.
None of that stopped 4 security guards in Jerusalem pulling him to the ground, kneeling on his neck until he was shouting ‘I can’t breathe’. After all, in the eyes of these goons, once an Arab always an Arab.
Israel Hayom, a right-wing pro-Netanyahu free sheet funded by billionaire Sheldon Adelson reportthat ‘Khaldi rejected any comparisons to George Floyd, the black American man whose death at the hands of Minneapolis police has sparked protests around the world. He also said he understands that Israeli security guards have a job to do.’
The security guards claimed that Khalidi had refused to show his ID and Israeli police spokesman, Micky Rosenfeld, backed this up. The security establishment are, of course, all pulling together.
No doubt the waste of space that is Labour’s new leader, Sir Starmer, will think this is all an ‘anti-Semitic conspiracy theory’.
Below is an article by Jonathan  Cook in Mondoweiss.
Jonathan Cook 23 June 2020
An Israeli diplomat filed a complaint last week with police after he was pulled to the ground in Jerusalem by four security guards, who knelt on his neck for five minutes as he cried out: “I can’t breathe.”
There are obvious echoes of the treatment of George Floyd, an African-American killed by police in Minneapolis last month. His death triggered mass protests against police brutality and reinvigorated the Black Lives Matter movement. The incident in Jerusalem, by contrast, attracted only minor attention – even in Israel.
An assault by Israeli security officials on a diplomat sounds like an aberration – a peculiar case of mistaken identity – quite unlike an established pattern of police violence against poor black communities in the US. But that impression would be wrong.
The man attacked in Jerusalem was no ordinary Israeli diplomat. He was Bedouin, from Israel’s large Palestinian minority. One fifth of the population, this minority enjoys a very inferior form of Israeli citizenship.
Ishmael Khaldi’s exceptional success in becoming a diplomat, as well as his all-too-familiar experience as a Palestinian of abuse at the hands of the security services, exemplify the paradoxes of what amounts to Israel’s hybrid version of apartheid.
Khaldi and another 1.8 million Palestinian citizens are descended from the few Palestinians who survived a wave of expulsions in 1948 as a Jewish state was declared on the ruins of their homeland.
Israel continues to view these Palestinians – its non-Jewish citizens – as a subversive element that needs to be controlled and subdued through measures reminiscent of the old South Africa. But at the same time, Israel is desperate to portray itself as a western-style democracy.
So strangely, the Palestinian minority has found itself treated both as second-class citizens and as an unwilling shop-window dummy on which Israel can hang its pretensions of fairness and equality. That has resulted in two contradictory faces.
On one side, Israel segregates Jewish and Palestinian citizens, confining the latter to a handful of tightly ghettoized communities on a tiny fraction of the country’s territory. To prevent mixing and miscegenation, it strictly separates schools for Jewish and Palestinian children. The policy has been so successful that inter-marriage is all but non-existent. In a rare survey, the Central Bureau of Statistics found 19 such marriages took place in 2011.  
The economy is largely segregated too.
Most Palestinian citizens are barred from Israel’s security industries and anything related to the occupation. State utilities, from the ports to the water, telecoms and electricity industries, are largely free of Palestinian citizens.
Job opportunities are concentrated instead in low-paying service industries and casual labour. Two thirds of Palestinian children in Israel live below the poverty line, compared to one fifth of Jewish children.
This ugly face is carefully hidden from outsiders.
On the other side, Israel loudly celebrates the right of Palestinian citizens to vote – an easy concession given that Israel engineered an overwhelming Jewish majority in 1948 by forcing most Palestinians into exile. It trumpets exceptional “Arab success stories”, glossing over the deeper truths they contain.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, Israel has been excitedly promoting the fact that one fifth of its doctors are Palestinian citizens – matching their proportion of the population. But in truth, the health sector is the one major sphere of life in Israel where segregation is not the norm. The brightest Palestinian students gravitate towards medicine because at least there the obstacles to success can be surmounted.
Compare that to higher education, where Palestinian citizens fill much less than one per cent of senior academic posts. The first Muslim judge, Khaled Kaboub, was appointed to the Supreme Court only two years ago – 70 years after Israel’s founding. Gamal Hakroosh became Israel’s first Muslim deputy police commissioner as recently as 2016; his role was restricted, of course, to handling policing in Palestinian communities.
Khaldi, the diplomat assaulted in Jerusalem, fits this mould. Raised in the village of Khawaled in the Galilee, his family was denied water, electricity and building permits. His home was a tent, where he studied by gaslight. Many tens of thousands of Palestinian citizens live in similar conditions.
Undoubtedly, the talented Khaldi overcame many hurdles to win a coveted place at university. He then served in the paramilitary border police, notorious for abusing Palestinians in the occupied territories.
He was marked out early on as a reliable advocate for Israel by an unusual combination of traits: his intelligence and determination; a steely refusal to be ground down by racism and discrimination; a pliable ethical code that condoned the oppression of fellow Palestinians; and blind deference to a Jewish state whose very definition excluded him.
Israel’s Foreign Ministry put him on a fast track, soon sending him to San Francisco and London. There his job was to fight the international campaign to boycott Israel, modelled on a similar one targeting apartheid South Africa, citing his own story as proof that in Israel anyone can succeed.
But in reality, Khaldi is an exception, and one cynically exploited to disprove the rule. Maybe that point occurred to him as he was being choked inside Jerusalem’s central bus station after he questioned a guard’s behaviour.
After all, everyone in Israel understands that Palestinian citizens – even the odd professor or legislator – are racially profiled and treated as an enemy. Stories of their physical or verbal abuse are unremarkable. Khaldi’s assault stands out only because he has proved himself such a compliant servant of a system designed to marginalise the community he belongs to.
This month, however, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu himself chose to tear off the prettified, diplomatic mask represented by Khaldi. He appointed a new ambassador to the UK.
Tzipi Hotovely, a Jewish supremacist and Islamophobe, supports Israel’s annexation of the entire West Bank and the takeover of Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. She is part of a new wave of entirely undiplomatic envoys being sent to foreign capitals.
Hotovely cares much less about Israel’s image than about making all the “Land of Israel”, including the occupied Palestinian territories, exclusively Jewish.
Her appointment signals progress of a kind. Diplomats such as herself may finally help people abroad understand why Khaldi, her obliging fellow diplomat, is being assaulted back home.

Brighton & Hove Councillor Anne Pissaridou Suspended for ‘Anti-Semitism’ as Lloyd Russell-Moyle is sacked by Starmer

When will they learn? Starmer is waging a War on the Left - Anti-Semitism is his Pretext – STOP apologising for criticising Israeli Apartheid
Anne Pissaridou
Three days ago, Brighton & Hove Labour Councillor Anne Pissaridou was suspended for ‘anti-Semitism’. Her ‘crimes’ were two Facebook posts of at least 4 years vintage.  It says something about the pathetic state of the Labour Party at the moment that her fellow councillors didn’t immediately protest at the decision to deprive Labour of its status as a majority party on Brighton and Hove Council.
The first question that should be asked is why someone was trawling through 4 year old Facebook posts?  I wouldn’t even know how to access mine. Who is it that dug up Lloyd Russell-Moyles 11 year old Facebook post? It is clear that there is Israeli state involvement in all of this. Israel barely bothers to hide the fact that it has a Ministry of Dirty Tricks which goes by the name of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs.

Four years ago one of their operatives, Shai Masot, was caught with his pants down by Al Jazeera’s undercover programme, The Lobby. Because of the close relationship between the British and Israeli states it was all hushed up and Masot quietly left the country.
Anne Pissaridou
No one, absolutely no one, should be suspended for social media posts alone.  If someone is posting overtly anti-Semitic stuff then they will also be active racists and unlikely to be in the Labour Party. If by chance they are members of the party then they should be judged on their actions not their words.

Racism is not about words (or to use the Zionists’ favourite word ‘tropes’) it is about deeds.  It is what you do not what you say that counts. One of the most remarkable things about the whole fake Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign is that there are no Jewish victims, apart from people like me, i.e. Jews who have been expelled for being anti-Zionists.
As was made clear from the leaked Labour Party report (see my blog) in the case of a genuine Holocaust denier, Christopher Crookes, Sam Matthews and the Compliance Unit/GLU were not interested.  It took a petition of over 200 members of the International Section before he was suspended and later expelled.

This is what Starmer (I'm a 100% Zionist is defending) - an Israeli Labour Party (to which the JLM is affiliated) that opposes a state of all its inhabitants - Herzog rebutted the idea that the Israeli Labour Party were 'Arab lovers' - the National Front used to call us 'nigger lovers'
The reason is simple. So simple that even the thickest member of the Labour Right, even Luke Stanger or Emma Daniels should get it. The ‘anti-Semitism’ witchhunt is not, and never was, about anti-Semitism.  It is unfortunate that many on the left, including Jewish Voices for Labour, still don’t get it.
The witchhunt was always about Zionism and Israel. Zionism from its very beginning accepted and understood anti-Semitism.  It never had a quarrel with genuine anti-‘Semitism. After all the anti-Semites were doing the Zionists job for them. They were ‘encouraging’ Jews to leave.
As Theodor Herzl, the founder of Political Zionism wrote in his Diaries (p.6) in the middle of the Dreyfus Affair:

In Paris... I achieved a freer attitude towards anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognise the emptiness and futility of trying to 'combat' anti-Semitism.
When the Argentinian Junta (1976-83) began torturing to death up to 3,000 Jewish leftists (10% of the disappeared though Jews are less than 1% of Argentinians) the Israeli state didn't want to know and not once criticised the Junta
That is why today, the best friends of the Israeli state are anti-Semitic and far-Right regimes such as Orban’s Hungary.  It is why the leaders Netanyahu is closest to include open Hitler admirer Duterte and Bolsonaro. It is why, when the Argentinian Junta was murdering Jews because they were Jews, the lips of the Israeli government fell silent.

However when it comes to anti-Zionism, which has been redefined as ‘anti-Semitism’ then the Zionists are vocal. When they say that anti-Zionism equals anti-Semitism what they really mean is that it’s anti-Semitic to support the Palestinians and to oppose the oppression of the Palestinians. And what is the basic assumption behind this? That all Jews support Israel’s oppression of the Palestinians which is about as anti-Semitic a ‘trope’ (to use the Zionists favourite word) as you can get.
Tommy Robinson in the racial paradise of Israel
It is also why anti-Semites such as Richard Spencer and Tommy Robinson are ardent supporters of the Zionist ethno-nationalist state. There is nothing more that they would like to see adopted in Europe and the USA than ttheir own ethno-nationalist white states. 

The idea that Zionist organisations, whose raison d'être is to support the world’s most racist state, are somehow opposed to anti-Semitism is the big lie that has persisted for the past 5 years.  It is the lie that Corbyn, McDonnell and now Lloyd Russell-Moyle have swallowed.

Nearly 4 years ago Anne Pissaridou shared an article ‘Rothschild doubles down on Gold as Banking Crisis Begins’ with a picture of Jacob Rothschild with gold bars behind him. Anne’s comment was ‘interesting article’. The second piece of ‘proof’ that she is 'antisemitic' was a post sharing an article from Voxpoliticalonline.com with a picture of Corbyn meeting a rabbi with the title ‘Jewish Israeli journalist claims pro-Israel propagandist have ‘taken out a contract to stop....’ presumably Corbyn.

The first article could be seen as anti-Semitic but there should be no automatic assumption that the person who posted it is anti-Semitic.

The involvement of the Rothschilds in all sorts of nefarious activities is a standard theme of conspiracy theorists. It is based on anti-Semitic assumptions that the Rothschilds have such extraordinary financial prowess that they can engineer things like the banking crash. There is no doubt that the origins of the Rothschild’s conspiracy theories were anti-Semitic.

However most people who refer to the ‘Rothschilds’ are not anti-Semitic.  Indeed I’ve met some who didn’t realise that the Rothschilds were Jewish! The mere fact of sharing such an article is not proof that Anne Pissaridou is an anti-Semite.  Not, that is, unless you want her to be.

Today the place of the Rothschilds has been taken by George Soros.  And virtually the whole of the racist Right, Trump and Jacob Rees Mogg included, subscribe to the notion that Soros is a destroyer of the White nations and a supporter of subversion.
If this witchhunt was genuinely about anti-Semitism then there would be an investigation into Anne’s activities.  Has she hung around with anti-Semites and racists?  Has she written for far-Right papers or gone on Tommy Robinson support marches alongside a large number of Zionists?

But of course those who suspended Anne don’t for a minute believe she is a far-Right infiltrator into the Labour Party.  What they are seeking to do is to remove as many people on the Left as possible.  As far as they are concerned you can be racist about just about anybody as long as it’s not Jews or rather as long as you are not opposed to the Israeli state.

In the second article Anne quoted from Gideon Levy, a journalist on Ha'aretz. It had nothing at all to do with anti-Semitism, unless of course you think that opposing Zionism is anti-Semitic in which case you are saying that anti-racist Jews are anti-Semitic!  
Yet that is the ‘logic’ of genuine racists like former Brighton & Hove Labour Leader Councillor Daniel Yates who immediately opened his big mouth to issue platitudes about ‘anti-Semitism’.
Yates told the Argus that
“I can only apologise for the hurt fear and betrayal these actions have caused those who we seek to represent and support. There is no action I can take to undo this.’
Where do these people live?  No one who is Jewish will give a tinker’s cuss about what Pissaridou shared on Facebook 4 years ago.  People are far more worried about Coronavirus and how this government has fucked up big time killing thousands of people.
Of course it doesn’t help when Pissaridou say ‘“I am deeply sorry for my actions and any distress I have caused to the Jewish community.’ Look love, no one in the Jewish community has suffered the slightest distress for any inane comments you have made.
There is of course a very simple test as to what is and is not anti-Semitic. It is the Oxford English Dictionary definition of anti-Semitism, 'opposition to or discrimination against Jews' as Jews. If that was Anne’s intention in posting the first article then yes the charge is justified.  If it was just an article which she read and found interesting then the charge is nonsense.
The  problem is that the IHRA misdefinition of ‘anti-Semitism’ which Yates foisted on Brighton & Hove Council has nothing to do with anti-Semitism and everything to do with conflating anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, thus rendering at a stroke thousands of anti-Zionist Jews as anti-Semites.
Daniel Yates, like most of his ilk, is a political careerist.  Like his predecessor, Warren Morgan, he is not the brightest tool in the box. But even Yates should be able to understand this. If you say that anti-Zionism is equal to anti-Semitism, which is what Yates is doing, then what he is saying is that the 5-6 million Jews who died in the Holocaust were anti-Semites!  Think about it.  2-3% of German Jews were Zionists and in Poland in the last elections in 1938 Polish Jews overwhelmingly rejected the Zionists.  In the Warsaw local elections out of 20 Jewish Council seats the anti-Zionist Bund won 17.  The Zionists won just one. This is where the accusation that anti-Zionism=anti-Semitism leads.
The real question is what are the motives of those who moved to suspend Anne.  Do they, for example, take the same attitude to other forms of racism as they do to ‘anti-Semitism’ or are allegations of anti-Semitism merely a smokescreen for another agenda entirely?  An agenda that involves a war on the Left?

Steve Reed MP - NOT sacked by Starmer
An exercise in hypocrisy
Almost at the same time as Anne Pissaridou was being suspended Labour frontbencher, Steve Reed, repeated a phrase that has come to be identified with Jewish financiers pulling the strings of gullible non-Jews. He asked ‘Is billionaire former porn-baron Desmond the puppet master for the entire Tory cabinet?’ Richard Desmond just happens to be Jewish. 'Puppet Master' is a term used by a host of anti-Semites in regard to George Soros.

There has been a long and vicious campaign against Soros by Netanyahu’s friend Viktor Orban of Hungary who won the 2018 General Election by campaigning against him.  Soros is the main hate figure of the American far-Right. Anti-Semitic cartoons depicting Soros as pulling the strings are regular features of the far-Right press.
3 years ago Yair Netanyahu, the son of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, posted an anti-Semitic ‘puppet master’ cartoon attacking Soros. It was replete with David Icke’s lizards. He was immediately praised by the neo-Nazi editor of the Daily Stormer, Andrew Anglin and David Duke, the former Grand Wizard of the KKK.

So what was Starmer’s response to Steve Reed’s anti-Semitic post?   Absolutely nothing. Likewise his response to right-wing MP Rachel Reeves tweet in support of Hitler supporting Nancy Astor was likewise ignored.
Reed is but one example.  The person who was identified with the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign more than anyone was Labour MP John Mann.  Yet Mann penned ‘The Bassetlaw anti-social behaviour handbook’ some years ago which listed under examples of anti-social behaviour such as ‘Rubbish’ and ‘Neighbours from Hell’ Travellers and Gypsies. He was subsequently interviewed by the Police under caution for a suspected hate crime.

Tom Watson defended Phil Woolas MP who ran an election campaign based on 'making the white folk angry'
The Labour Right, which professes to be so concerned about ‘anti-Semitism’ has throughout the years been distinguished by its hostility and racism to Gypsies. Luke Stanger, currently suspended for posting that Travellers are a social blight on communities, is but one example.
It wasn't only Jews who were annihilated in the Holocaust.  Up to half a million Gypsies and Roma were murdered in the same gas as the Jews yet you never hear about this from the Zionist Holocaust Memorial Trust or the Labour Right.

Tom Watson was the driving force behind the fake 'anti-semitism' campaign yet he was a died-in-the-wool racist. Watson had a long record of racism stretching back to the Birmingham Hodshrove by-election when he told the electorate that Labour was ‘on your side’ unlike the Lib Dems who ‘were on the side of asylum seekers’.  

This ghastly man wrote in Labour Uncut about how he had lost sleep thinking about ‘poor Phil’ – the racist Labour MP Phil Woolas who the High Court removed from Parliament after he lied about his Lib Dem opponent and ran an election campaign based on 'making the white folk angry'.
Jewish historian Professor Geoffrey Alderman made a complaint about Tom Watson's antisemitic remark - it was not progressed

Tom Watson even issued an Easter message in 2019 referring to how the Jewish High Priests were responsible for the crucifixion of Christ, one of the oldest and most deadly anti-Semitic myths.
If Corbyn, McDonnell and the rest had had anything residing between their ears then the moment the Labour Right piped up about ‘anti-Semitism’ they would have pointed  to their record over the years on immigration, asylum seekers and Muslims.  But the Labour Left historically has also been the stupid left.
What Can We Do?
It should be crystal clear by now that the anti-Semitism campaign is being used by Starmer, not merely to remove supporters of the Palestinians but as a means of attacking the Left as a whole. It is not surprising that the Zionists want to separate ‘anti-Semitism’ out from racism as David Feldman and others of the Pears Institute for Anti-Semitism have suggested because their version of anti-Semitism has nothing to do with racism. [see Labour and Antisemitism: a Crisis Misunderstood]
 For too long the Left, including the organised left, has sat silently on the sidelines.  JVL spent the last 2 years proving that there were Jews opposed to Zionism and providing a 'Jewish cover' for Corbyn.  Unfortunately they didn’t get it that the ‘anti-Semitism’ smears were not about anti-Semitism and that providing a Jewish cover for Corbyn was an exercise in futility since he was not prepared to defend himself or his supporters.
The LRC has just gone along with a Centre Left Grassroots Alliance slate that deliberately excluded Jo Bird, a Jewish anti-Zionist from the slate. 
It is clear that Brighton is one of the targets of the witchhunters and it is rumoured that other councillors are targets too – names mentioned include Nikki Brennan, Nick Childs and Kate Knight.  Even soft-left Council leader Nancy Platts is being talked about.  

It is incumbent on the left Councillors to say that they will not accept the removal of the whip from Anne.  That an injury to one is an injury to all.  If necessary all the Left councillors should either resign the Whip and put the Greens in power or insist that Anne stays a member of the Group.  On no accounts should racist Dan Yates be allowed to become Labour leader again.

Yates is an uncritical supporter of Zionism and Israel and close to the far-Right Sussex Friends of Israel. He has no problem with an Israeli state that bars its 20% Arab population to access 93% of ‘national’ i.e. Jewish national land. He has no problem with a state where Jewish women can insist that they are able to give birth in a maternity ward free of Arab women, a state where Arabs are barred from any job that is ‘security’ related. He was no problem with a state whose Prime Minister says Israel is not a state of all its citizens just its Jewish citizens.
It is incumbent of the 3 Brighton & Hove Labour Parties to support Anne Pissaridou and demand her reinstatement – by the party nationally and by councillors locally.
If Jews in Britain experienced a tenth of the discrimination of Palestinians in Israel then they would be entitled to shout about anti-Semitism.  As it is they are used as an alibi for racists like Dan Yates.
The Left in the Labour Party needs to do what the Right did for the past 4 years. The Right fought Corbyn regardless of the electoral consequences.  That is what the Left should also do.  Why?  Because the election of Tory Starmer would be a bigger disaster than Blair was. Starmer is as much our enemy as Boris Johnson and he should be removed as early as possible  The fact that he has been praised by George Osborne should be proof  enough.

Tony Greenstein

Brighton and Hove's Labour Administration is Brought Down by the Fake ‘Anti-Semitism’ Campaign as 3 Councillors Resign or are Suspended

Starmer and Labour’s Racist Right hand control of a Labour Council to the Green Party

In barely a week Brighton and Hove Council has changed hands.  Labour, which previously ran the Council as the largest party, with 20 seats to the Green’s 19, has lost 3 councillors to the Zionist ‘anti-Semitism’ witchhunt. 
One, Ann Pissaridou was suspended and assume to have lost the whip although it seems she has been kept in the group to sustain Labour’s majority. Kate Knight was immediately suspended for a series of social media posts which defended Jeremy Corbyn and poured scorn on the fake anti-Semitism campaign.
Quite amazingly retweeting a statement by the Jewish Socialists Group counts as ‘anti-Semitism’ under Starmer’s Orwellian regime. ‘Anti-Semitism’ now means anything Israel’s supporters want it to mean.
Free Speech under Sir Keir has become one more casualty of the Zionist lobby. After being suspended Kate promptly resignedfrom the Labour Party.
For taking part in a picket of the Council in October 2018 against the IHRA Nikki Brennan was put under 'investigation' and removed as Vice Chair of the Housing sub-committee - 17 Brighton Black and Muslim organisations wrote opposing the IHRA but B&H Council chose to listen to the White supporters of the Israeli state - the Green Councillors voted in the same lobby as the Tories and Labour
A third councillor, Nikki Brennan, who had been under ‘investigation’ for having taken part in a lobby of the Council in October 2018 against their adoption of the IHRA, also resigned from the Labour Party. She had been subject to considerable bullying by right-wing members of the Labour group. This left the Greens as the largest party with 19 members compared to Labour’s 18.
Isaac Herzog, former leader of the Israeli Labor Party, complained of being seen as an 'Arab lover' - the National Front in Britain used to call us 'nigger lovers' - this is who Keir Starmer's bed mates are
What is outrageous is that this McCarthyite witchhunt is being led by the Jewish Labour Movement, the overseas wing of the almost extinct Israeli Labor Party. The ILP, which for 30 years controlled every Israeli government now has just 3 seats in Israel’s Knesset and is tipped to lose them at the next election.
The Israeli Labor Party is the racist party which carried out the expulsion of ¾ million Palestinian refugees in 1948 and created the structures of Israeli Apartheid that exist today. It is a party which supportsthe deportation of Israel’s Black African refugees, because they aren’t Jewish and supportsthe segregation of Jews and Arabs. Its ‘sister party’ the JLM is therefore in an ideal position to judge what is and is not ‘anti-Semitic’.
Kate Knight was suspended for posting that there was no ‘anti-Semitism’ crisis in the Labour Party. This is the view of 77% of Labour’s membership. However telling the truth doesn’t make you immune from being called an ‘anti-Semite’. Today, as we always said, the witchhunt is about criticism of Israel not hatred of Jews, the traditional definition of anti-Semitism.
These tweets got Kate Knight suspended - free speech has been abolished under Starmer
Mere denial of being anti-Semitic is itself proof of ‘anti-Semitism’. This is the kind of ‘justice’ that now operates under Keir Starmer, a former Director of Public Prosecutions, in the Labour Party. It is unfortunate that Jeremy Corbyn, being the weak leader that he was, laid the basis for what Starmer is now presiding over. One can only hope that Sir Keir doesn’t propose that in future, if someone pleads innocent in court that that is not considered proof of guilt!
For holding a placard telling the truth, Nikki Brennan was placed under investigation by Zionists and racists
Councillor Nikki Brennan, who was under ‘investigation’ for having taken part in a demonstration against the Council adopting the IHRA ‘definition’of anti-Semitism, also chose to resign. The IHRA is a definition that anti-Semites such as Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban are quite happy with. It is a ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism which redefines anti-Semitism as criticism of Israel and Zionism as opposed to hostility to Jews.
If you call Israel a racist state, which it clearly is, then you are called 'antisemitic' - in other words the assumption is that all Jews are racist supporters of Zionism and Israel
The tragedy is that Jeremy Corbyn thought he could appeasethe Zionist lobby, who are the outriders for western imperialism.  Pathetically he appeased and apologised never once realising that the more he apologised the more they would come after him. As Mick McGahey, the miners’ leader once said, “They’ll stop chasing you, when you stop running.” Corbyn never stopped running or throwing his friends overboard.
The 3 Councillors Should Form an Independent Socialist Group on Brighton Council
Labour’s Racist Right are quite happy to destroy left-wing Labour councils if they think it will destroy the left in the Labour Party. The Labour Right are quite happy to hand power to their political opponents, in this case the Greens. There has never been any difference between their foreign policy, such as support for NATO and imperialist wars, and that of the Tories.  It’s called bipartisanship. Zionism is the policy of the Tory and ruling class foreign policy and this is why Starmer is a self-declared100% Zionist. As he told the Times of Israel:
“I do support Zionism. I absolutely support the right of Israel to exist as a homeland. My only concern is that Zionism can mean slightly different things to different people, and… to some extent it has been weaponized. I wouldn’t read too much into that. I said it loud and clear — and meant it — that I support Zionism without qualification.”
Tony Greenstein and Nikki Brennan standing next to each other on picket of Council meeting
The suggestion that Zionism ‘means slightly different things to different people’ demonstrates why Starmer is a 100% racist. To him the Palestinians are invisible.  The idea that Palestinians who have been expelled from their homes, tortured, tear gassed, bombed and seen their land and homes demolished see Zionism in the same way as the Zionists is obscene.
It is like saying that the Jews saw Nazism in the same way as the Nazis.  It is an absurd and ridiculous comment from the ruling class dummy who now leads the Labour Party. That Corbyn appointed Starmer as his Shadow Brexit Secretary, despite his participationin the chicken coup, is testimony to his lousy judgement.
Quoting Gideon Levy, a journalist on Israel's Ha'aretz was enough to get Anne Pissaridou suspended for 'antisemitism'
What the 3 councillors should do now is work together as an independent socialist group on Brighton and Hove Council. Given that she is suspended Anne Pissaridou would do well to resign. They have more chance of remaining councillors and being re-elected in 2023 working together than remaining separate.
3 Academy Trusts have been forced to pull out of bidding for Moulsecoomb Primary School thanks to the opposition of a local working class campaign
Kate Knight has led the Hands off Our School Campaign in Moulsecoomb - from which Daniel Yates has been absent
 Kate Knight has led the campaign in her Moulsecoomb ward against the attempt of the government to turn the local primary school into an academy. There has been fierce resistance by local working class parents against no less than 3 academy trusts who have been forced to pull out by determined resistancefrom parents and the National Education Union.
One Trust, the New Academy Trust, complainedthat
“Opposition for New Horizon’s sponsorship of Moulsecoomb from parents, staff and Brighton politicians has been strong, with protests and even a mock funeral being staged.
Daniel Yates - Racist, Zionist and Labour Councillor for Moulsecoomb
One of the 2 other Labour councillors is Daniel Yates, a fanatical non-Jewish Zionist and racist who as leader forcedthe Council to adopt the Zionist agenda of redefining anti-Semitism as criticism of Israel as opposed to hostility to Jews. Yates has played no part in the anti-academy campaign. Previously he chaired the local Health & Wellbeing Board which was charged by NHS England with implementing cuts to the NHS.
Moulsecoomb's Right-wing Labour Councillors Amanda Grimshaw and Daniel Yates have no principled objection to an academy - under Blair academies were foisted on schools
This is the same Daniel Yates who toldthe Argus that he was ‘“ashamed” after the suspension of a fellow Labour councillor.  Yates wasn’t ashamed that the Labour Party initiated the ‘hostile environment’ policy which led to the deportation of hundreds of Black British citizens or which supplied weapons to Saudi Arabia.
Nor was Yates ashamed that socialists and anti-racists are suspended by Labour at the behest of Israel, the world’s only Apartheid state. A state whose own Prime Minister declaresthat Israel is not a state of all of its citizens, but only those who are Jewish.  But that is, of course, what a ‘Jewish’ state is all about and what the IHRA misdefinition of ‘anti-Semitism’ is designed to protect.
The real agenda of people like Yates is demonstrated by the reaction of Keir Starmer to the news that Rachel Reeve MP, a member of his shadow cabinet, who tweeted in support of Lady Nancy Astor, an ardent Hitler supporter and a member of the pro-Nazi Cliveden set, who cheeredthe Nazi takeover of the Rhineland in 1936.
Astor once toldMP Alan Graham "only a Jew like you would dare to be rude to me" and told US ambassador Joseph Kennedy that it would have to take much more than Hitler giving "a rough time" to "the killers of Christ" before supporting the launch of "Armageddon to save them", according to the book The Kennedys at War: 1937-1945. Strangely enough, Starmer refused to even discuss Reeve’s support of Astor on the grounds she wasn’t present at Labour’s National Executive Committee.  
Neither the Board of Deputies nor the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism were at all bothered by this genuine example of anti-Semitism as Rachel Reeves is a signed up Zionist. Zionism has never objected to genuine anti-Semitism as long as the anti-Semites supported Zionism.

Nikki Brennan, who was forced out of her position as Vice-Chair of the Housing Committee, has been a long-time campaigner over housing issues and against homelessness in the City. She too is an active campaigning councillor in her East Brighton, mainly Whitehawk, part of Brighton.
Both councillors have a chance of being re-elected in their own right as part of an independent socialist group that challenges the increasingly ineffective Labour group led by Nancy Platts, a former Corbyn supporter who is desperately trying to appease the right-wing of the group and the local Zionists. See my Open Letter to Platts.
It is likely that more Labour councillors will be subject to the ‘anti-Semitism’ witchhunt as the Labour Right seek to eliminate supporters of Corbyn from the Group. The Labour Right has no qualms in handing over power to the Green Party.  Brighton’s Greens when they were last in power were no different from the Tories or Lib Dems.
Last time around - the Greens came into conflict with the Refuse Workers and behaved like Green Tories
The Greens almost immediately they came into office sought a conflict with the refuse workers which they lost.
The Greens also imposedon Brighton, with the support of the Tories, the white elephant called the ‘i360’ otherwise known as ‘the eyesore’.  A tall vertical column with a pod containing people which goes up and down it has lost money from the start. It promised to make Brighton £1m a year and the Greens were gullible enough to believe it. The original £36.2 loan from the Public Sector Loan Board has now gone up to £38.9m.
Nor am I being wise after the event.  In July 2015 I wrotea column in the Argus warning that ‘the best laid plans of men and mice often go awry. What if demand is less than expected?’ I describedit as ‘ill thought-out’ and ‘an overpriced elevator and nothing like the ‘heritage centre’ it describes itself as.’ £38.9m later and rising I have unfortunately been proved correct.  The £39m debt is some 5% of Brighton Council’s overall budget.
All of this is, of course, of no consequence to Daniel Yates. Having the Greens take power is a small price to pay for getting rid of socialists and anti-racists.
My advice to the remaining socialists in the Labour Group is to think very carefully about whether or not they should form an arrangement with a new Independent Socialist Group or indeed whether they should join them.
Tony Greenstein

Defending Free Speech on Palestine and Israel with Norman Finkelstein and Tariq Ali – Meeting Tuesday July 28th 7.00 p.m.

Why I Have Submitted a Complaint Against Keir Starmer to the Labour Party for his anti-Semitism and racist attacks on the Palestinians

Today we are witnessing a wholesale attack on Free Speech in the Labour Party by its new leader ‘Sir’ Keir Starmer. On 30th April Starmer reprimandedDianne Abbot and Bell Ribeiro-Addy for speaking in the same zoom meeting as Jackie Walker and myself, two Jewish anti-Zionists!
On 24th June Starmer sackedRebecca Long-Bailey for retweeting Maxine Peake’s statement that American Police learnt the neck hold that killed George Floyd from the Israeli Police. This despite the abundant evidence that Israeli Police, who have trained hundreds of thousands of US Police, regularly use the neck hold.
More recently he removed Lloyd Russell-Moyle from the Shadow Cabinet for saying, in 2009, that Zionism was a nasty and dangerous form of nationalism.  A statement of the obvious.
Both Moyle and Bailey were expressing their opinions about Israel and Zionism. It had nothing to do with Jews, yet they were sacked.
Contrast this with Starmer’s toleration of Shadow Cabinet member Steve Reed’s use of the anti-Semitic term ‘puppet master’. As Tory MP Andrew Percy recognised
“Alluding to Jews as puppet-masters is an age old antisemitic trope and for a Shadow Cabinet member to use this trope is totally unacceptable. If Keir Starmer was serious about tackling antisemitism he would sack Steve Reed on the spot.’
Even worse was the tweetby Rachel Reeves, also a member of the Shadow Cabinet, in support of notorious Hitler lover, Nancy Astor.
Astor once told MP Alan Graham that "only a Jew like you would dare to be rude to me". Astor also told US ambassador Joseph Kennedy that it would take much more than Hitler giving "a rough time" to "the killers of Christ" before Britain entered the war.
Yet despite this Reeves has refused to delete the tweet. Starmer refused at the last National Executive Committee to even discuss the matter.
Skwawkbox's take on Starmer's attitude to Rachel Reeve's praise of a Nazi supporter 
Starmer’s toleration of anti-Semitism at the same time as he calls any support for the Palestinians or opposition to Zionism ‘anti-Semitic’ is unacceptable.
That is why the Campaign for Free Speech in the Labour Party is organising, next Tuesday, the second in a series of meetings as part of a campaign in defence of democratic rights and free speech in the Labour Party. It is unacceptable that anti-Semitism is now acceptable under Starmer whilst anti-Zionism is outlawed.  We refuse to accept that racists can determine who can and cannot speak on Israel and Zionism.
Steven Reed - used antisemitic trope 'puppet master'
We have 7 speakers (Ken Livingstone has been forced to pull out). Top of the bill is Jewish anti-Zionist Norman Finkelstein, author of the Holocaust Industry and a renowned academic. Finkelstein, both of whose parents were concentration camp survivors, has been a fierce critic of the fake Zionist ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign in the Labour Party.
Tariq Ali, famous for his leadership of the Vietnam Solidarity Campaign and a long standing Marxist, film maker and author will also be speaking.
Professor David Miller of Bristol University, co-author of Bad News for Labour, who was recently suspended under Starmer’s witchhunt and has now resigned from the Labour Party will also be speaking.  Also speaking is ChrisWilliamson, former MP for Derby North. In addition Jackie Walker, Tony Greenstein and Marc Wadsworth, all of who were expelled from the Labour Party under the ‘anti-Semitism witchhunt will be speaking.
If you wish to attend, and places are limited, please register here.
Anti-Semitism Complaint Against Sir Keir Starmer MP and Rachel Reeves MP
The Labour Party
105 Queen Victoria St,
London SW1E 6QT

Dear Sir or Madam,
I wish to submit a complaint against Keir Starmer, who is currently the leader of the Labour Party. When Starmer was elected as leader in April he promised to root out anti-Semitism in the Labour Party. Instead he has made it clear that not only is he happy to tolerate it but that he himself is anti-Semitic.
Instead Starmer has redefined anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism whilst giving a carte blanche for the Shadow Cabinet to repeat anti-Semitic tropes and praise notorious anti-Semites.
On 30th April Starmer’s reprimandedDianne Abbot MP and Bell Ribeiro-Addy MP for breaching the McCarthyist 5thof the Board of Deputies’ 10 Commandments, which stipulates that members of the Labour Party must not speak on any platform with members suspended or expelled for ‘anti-Semitic incidents’. This was despite the fact that the 2 expelled members Abbot and Ribeiro-Addy spoke with, Jackie Walker and myself, are Jewish.
On 24th June Starmer sackedRebecca Long-Bailey for retweeting Maxine Peake’s statement that American Police learnt the neck hold that killed George Floyd from the Israeli Police. Starmer called this an ‘anti-Semitic trope’despite the fact that the Anti-Defamation League, one of the main US Zionist groups openly boastedof arranging the training US Police forces by the Israeli Police.
Starmer obviously has difficulty understanding the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. Even if the statement by Peake was wrong it clearly wasn’t anti-Semitic unless he considers Jews and Israel as being synonymous. If that is the case then Sir Keir is breaching the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism which states that: Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel’ is anti-Semitic. Clearly Starmer is in need of anti-Zionist training as equating all British Jews with the Israeli state is anti-Semitic.
My complaint focuses however on Starmer’s toleration of anti-Semitism amongst members of the Shadow Cabinet and his own past record in protecting a prominent paedophile.
1.     Steve Reed, the Shadow Communities Secretary tweeted on 4thJuly a reference to Richard Desmond, who is Jewish, as a ‘puppet master’. ‘Puppet Master’ has been repeatedly used against George Soros and is associated with Jewish financiers pulling the strings behind the scenes. It is unacceptable to say, ‘Steve deleted the tweet and did not mean to cause any offence.’ An example should have been made of Reed.
2.     The other example of Starmer’s toleration of anti-Semitism is more serious. On 24th February Rachel Reeves tweeteda tribute to a Nazi supporter, Nancy Astor.  She once told MP Alan Graham that "only a Jew like you would dare to be rude to me". Astor also told US ambassador Joseph Kennedy that it would take much more than Hitler giving "a rough time" to "the killers of Christ" before Britain entered the war.
Despite this veneration of a Nazi Reeves has refused to delete or apologise for her tweet. Starmer, who promised to crack down on anti-Semitism, refusedto dismiss Reeves from the Shadow Cabinet.  NEC member Lara McNeill asked Starmer “Are you going to continue to allow Rachel Reeves to serve after her campaign to erect a statue to Nancy Astor?” Starmer respondedI’m not going to discuss an individual member of cabinet on a zoom call”.
Clearly Starmer doesn’t know the difference between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. Even worse it would appear that he is sympathetic to anti-Semitism. The fact that the Board of Deputies and all the usual Zionist suspects have said nothing is irrelevant. Zionist groups have never had any problem with genuine anti-Semitism.
I am therefore calling for the immediate suspension of Starmer. In view of his egregious behaviour I am requesting that he is dealt with under the Labour Party’s fast-track procedures so that he can be expelled as quickly as possible. It is incredibly damaging for the Labour Party to have an anti-Semite as its leader.
Was Jimmy Saville Protected by Keir Starmer?
I also wish to raise the issue of Starmer’s behaviour with respect to the prominent paedophile and child rapist, Jimmy Saville. Starmer was the Director of Public Prosecutions who oversaw the decision not to prosecute Saville. In 2013 Starmer issuedwhat was called a ‘personal apology’ for the failures of the Crown Prosecution Service whilst he was in charge. It is clear that there was a Police and CPS cover-up of Saville’s crimes and that Starmer was at least in part responsible.
Given the circumstances, the presence of Sir Keir as leader of the Labour Party can only be incredibly damaging. It sends a message that the Labour Party does not take rape or child sexual abuse seriously.
I look forward to your confirmation that Sir Keir Starmer has been suspended pending investigation and expulsion. I would hope that the previous leader, Jeremy Corbyn, would agree to take over as Labour’s caretaker leader. Clearly he cannot do worse than someone who, despite Britain having the highest European death rate from COVID-19, has not laid a glove on Boris Johnson.
I look forward to your reassurance that this matter is being dealt with expeditiously.
Yours faithfully,
Tony Greenstein

Peter Beinart’s Bombshell Decision to Abandon Support for a Jewish State in favour of a Single Democratic Binational State Shows that Zionism has lost the Political and Moral Argument

The Recognition by Liberal Zionism’s Apostle that Democracy and a Jewish State are Incompatible is a Breakthrough that cries of ‘anti-Semitism’ won’t silence

Peter Beinart is a Professor of Journalism and Political Science at City University, a former Editor of New Republic andthe Editor-at-large of Jewish Currents. Beinart isat the heart of the liberal Zionist establishment in America. His recent support, in Jewish Currents, for a single binational state, not a Jewish state, has sent shock waves around the Zionist blogosphere.
Beinart argued in the New YorkTimesthatFor decades I argued for separation between Israelis and Palestinians. Now, I can imagine a Jewish home in an equal state.’
Liberal Zionists have vented their fury with Beinart for this ‘treachery’. Beinart still considers himself a Zionist but is he?
Yitzhak Laor, Israel’s finest poet, wrote in ‘The Myths of Liberal Zionism’ that there never was such a creature as a liberal Zionist. Liberal Zionism is an oxymoron. It is like supporting a democratic dictatorship.  At least when Viktor Orban, Hungary’s Prime Minister expresses his wish to create a Christian ethno-nationalist state he calls it for what it is – an ‘illiberal Christian democracy’.’
Zionism is based on creating a Jewish state in which the Palestinians are guests. Its intention, from the very beginning, was to exclude the indigenous population.  As Herzl wrote in his Diary
This is what a Jewish State results in
‘When we occupy the land, we shall bring immediate benefits to the state that receives us. We must expropriate gently the private property on the estates assigned to us. We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our country.’ (Diaries pp. 88,90)
This was as much the policy of Labour Zionism as it was of the Revisionists. The only difference was that the latter were more honest. The Revisionists believed that only a policy of force, an Iron Wall would convince the Arabs that Zionism was here to stay. As Vladimir Jabotinsky wrotein his famous essay of the same name:
My readers have a general idea of the history of colonisation in other countries.  I suggest that they consider all the precedents with which they are acquainted, and see whether there is one solitary instance of any colonisation being carried on with the consent of the native population. There is no such precedent.
The liberal Zionists sought to cajole the Arabs, by guile and sweet honeyed words, that Zionism would benefit them but the reality was all too obvious. Wherever Jewish settlements were established, the Arab workers were expelled from the land rather than being re-employed as wage labour. As Tony Lerman wrote, Liberal Zionism’s only role is to act as a
‘fig leaf for the only Zionism that does have political agency today—right-wing, messianic, ethnonationalist settler Zionism—it’s positively harmful.’
Although Labour Zionism has almost died in Israel, it is alive and kicking in the British Labour Party where it is leading the McCarthyist anti-Semitism’ campaign, whose purpose is to demonise the critics of the State of Israel.
There have been predictable attacks on Beinart such as that of David Weinberg for whom Beinart is a ‘a shill for Israel’s enemies’, a ‘woke and deracinated American Jew’whose concern for the Palestinians is akin to understanding Nazi SS stormtroopers!
Another leading Zionist who invoked the Nazi analogy is Alan Dershowitz, a right-wing American lawyer. Dershowitz’s thoughtful analysis in Newsweek was ‘Beinart's Final Solution: End Israel as Nation-State of the Jewish People’. The same Zionists who insist that any comparison between Israel and the Nazi state is anti-Semitic never hesitate to compare their enemies to the Nazis.
The reactionof ‘liberal’ Zionist Daniel Gordis, was little different. Gordis described Beinart as a traitor to the Jewish people’for calling for an end to Israel as a Jewish state. Beinart's position is in line with many anti-Semites.’ Gordis asksrhetorically “Are you in the same camp as Ilhan Omar and in the same camp as Rashida Tlaib?" declaring that “if you are in that camp, then we should treat you the way we treat them...  we call you an “enemy” of our people.”
The Stab in the Back meme was used by German nationalists to portray Jews as disloyal and traitors - this is now used against Jewish anti-Zionists

Talk of ‘traitors’ and ‘enemies of the people’ is part of the lexicon of the far-Right yet it comes naturally to ‘liberal’ Zionism.
In End the Jewish State? Let’s try some honesty, first Gordis vents his anger. Beinart is accused of stringing together ‘an astonishing array of sleights of hand and misrepresentations’ Gordis speaks of ‘dozens of misrepresentations’ but thankfully spares us the detail.
He does though engage in a few sleights of hand himself, such as his assertion that‘the miracle of Israel is that we no longer worry about annihilation’. Which is strange given Zionism’s weaponisation of the Holocaust. Idith Zertal wrotethat there hasn’t been a war involving Israel ‘that has not been perceived, defined, and conceptualized in terms of the Holocaust.’ Israel has mobilised the Holocaust ‘in the service of Israeli politics.’ [Israel’s Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood, p.4]
Begin described Yasser Arafat as Hitler in his bunker during the siege of Beirut. The examples of how the Holocaust informs Israel’s settler siege mentality are legion. Yet according to Gordis Israel is
a grand experiment in the cultural, intellectual, historical, linguistic and religious rebirth that can unfold when a people is restored, with sovereignty, to its ancestral homeland.’
Which is as good an example as any of the maxim that scratch a liberal Zionist and you will find the same old racist. Beinart’s heresy is that he ‘cares more about the future of the Palestinians than he does about the future of Judaism’s richness.’  Gordis ‘grand experiment’ is at the expense of 2 million Palestinians caged in Gaza and a military rule in the West Bank. The culture that Gordis speaks of exists on the back of torture, child imprisonment, settler violence and racism. This is the Liberal Zionism that Beinart has betrayed.

Israeli soldiers interacting in the West Bank last month with a Palestinian woman protesting the demolition of an unapproved animal shed.Credit...Abed Al Hashlamoun/EPA, via Shutterstock
Gordis’s final insult is that Beinart is ‘much more American than Jewish.  This really is a sin that cannot easily be washed away in the eyes of Zionism.  In Gerald Kaufmann’s phrase, Beinart is a ghetto, gutter Jew. He is part of Zionism’s despised Jewish Galut.
Beinart links the dehumanisation of the Palestinians to the way that Zionism has internalised and instrumentalised the Holocaust. The attribution of genocidal aspirations to the Palestinians is a latter day abuse of the Holocaust and a consequence of this dehumanisation. Beinart quotes Holocaust survivor Yehuda Elkana’s essay in Ha’aretz, The Need to Forget’that relations with the Palestinians are mediated by ‘a particular interpretation of the lessons of the Holocaust’ which sees everyone as against us. Not only is it a lesson that is nationalistic and militaristic but it paints Zionism’s enemies as modern-day Nazis.
Beinart describes the results of Zionist colonisation but refrains from describing Zionism as a settler-colonial movement. Instead he describes the dehumanization of Palestinians as ‘a cancer’ which
‘not only turns Palestinians into Nazis, it turns anyone who takes up the Palestinian cause into a Nazi sympathizer, guilty of antisemitism until proven innocent.’
And now, as if on cue, Beinart himself has now attracted such accusations.
Thus the enmity of the Palestinians for Zionism has nothing to do with the actions of Israel. Rather the Palestinians are motivated by anti-Semitism. It is as if the Irish were motivated by racial hatred of the English rather than Drogheda and Bloody Sunday.
It was left to Gideon Levy to draw out the significance of Beinart’s conversion on the road to Damascus. American Jews, he wrote ‘are beginning, if belatedly, to take a clear-eyed look at Israel, its darling.’ American Jews have become increasingly disenchanted with an Israel which does things to Palestinians that they would call anti-Semitic if done to them. Beinart is the voice of an increasingly alienated American Jewish youth.
What has particularly angered liberal Zionists is that Beinart has belatedly recognised that the 2 state solution is dead. Levy describes it as a ‘delusional mirage. For 53 years there has been a single state here’ an ‘apartheid regime’. The fiction of 2 States and the ‘Peace Process’ has enabled Apartheid in the West Bank to be justified.

Alan Dershowitz
The blackmail used against a single state is the same as that which was employed in southern Africa, the settler fear that it would unleash a tidal wave of violence from their victims. Yet as Levy points out ‘when a government of equality is established’ then ‘all its inhabitants win freedom and can exercise their rights’. It is part of Zionism’s culture of violence against the Palestinians.
Jonathan Leiter writes that it’s likely that most liberal Zionists will continue to choose the path of denial’referring to the major American Jewish Organisations. American Jewish groups are not going to fold because of Beinart’s insights yet nonetheless he has, like Tony Judt before him, challenged the basic premises of Zionism in a way that will resound with younger American Jews. Beinart has posed two very clear alternatives – a democratic or a racist, exclusivist Israel. Liberal Zionism has chosen the latter.

8 liberal Zionist Jewish organizations gave the game away when they declaredthat annexation would prove that the Israeli government no longer seeks a two-state solution, and that it has chosen a system of permanent repression and inequality over liberal democracy. Their complaint was based on the consequences for the Israeli state:
Such action will drive further the wedge between many American Jews and Israel. It would undercut the bipartisan nature of support for Israel in the United States and risk triggering serious international diplomatic consequences.
It is the attachment of liberal Zionists to ‘the peace process’ that has enabled Israel to consolidate its territorial gains. At least the right-wing Zionists were more honest. Leiter concludes by arguing that
‘The lack of a viable two-state solution does not mean that American Jews will stop believing in one. Political fictions of such existential importance take a long time to die.’
Just as there are some people who deny the Holocaust or who believe in a flat Earth there are those who will cling to the idea that an ethnic Jewish state can be democratic. Ideas persist beyond the material circumstances that gave birth to them. [see Marx and Engels. Selected Correspondence. p. 498]
Jonathan Cook describesthe development of Beinart’s disenchantment with the Israeli state and how his rejection of the ‘most fundamental tenet of liberal Zionism’ the need for a Jewish state verges on the sacrilegious. Netanyahu’s annexation proposals ripped the ‘comfort blanket’ out of the liberal Zionist hands.
Cook quotes Ha'aretz’s Anshel Pfeffer its ‘in-house liberal Zionist’ who argues that Israel doesn’t need a moral narrative since its existence is one of pragmatism. This is a glaring admission that Zionism has lost the war of narratives. As Cook notes, the issue isn’t what Israeli Jews think but what Israel’s western sponsors demand.  
Like many Jews before him, Beinart has fallen out of love with Israel. A state based on a single ethnicity, especially one defined by religion, cannot be other than a racist state. Today India is becoming the new Hindu Israel. Beinart is aghast at what Israel has become and how it has transformed the Palestinians into the Jews’ historical enemy:
‘Through a historical sleight of hand that turns Palestinians into Nazis, fear of annihilation has come to define what it means to be an authentic Jew.’
Racist Comments by Israel's Chief Rabbis are two a penny
Israel, Beinart notes, views its relations with the Palestinians through a ‘Holocaust lens’. For example on the eve of the invasion of Lebanon, Prime Minister Menachem Begin declared that ‘The alternative to this is Treblinka’.
As Peter Novick and Norman Finkelstein have argued, the Holocaust has become the new Jewish religion. However it is a religion in the service of a state. Instead of drawing universal, anti-racist lessons from the Holocaust Zionism drew nationalistic conclusions. Racism was only wrong when Jews were the victims. Those Jews who rejected Zionism could not complain about anti-Semitism. One of the barbs thrownat anti-Zionist Jews is that by embracing the Arab ‘enemy’ they deserve to have been murdered by Hitler.
For Zionism anti-Semitism was the understandable reaction of non-Jews to the Jewish stranger in their midst. As Jacob Klatzkin, Editor of Die Welt,(1909-1911)explained:
 ‘If we do not admit the rightfulness of anti-Semitism we deny the rightfulness of our own nationalism... Instead of establishing societies for defence against the anti-Semites who want to reduce our rights, we should establish societies for defence against our friends, who desire to defend our rights.’
Zionism concluded that Jews must have their own militaristic state based on the same principles that led to the persecution of the Jews. Except that this time it wouldn’t be the Jews who were the victims. The opponents of that state, the Arabs, were cast as the new Nazis.
This was what Rabbi Kashtiel of the Bnei David pre-military training college argued

Some like Rabbis Kashtiel and Radler went so far as to concludethat Hitler was ‘100% correct’.  His only mistake was to choose the wrong target! In the hands of the Jews Hitler’s racist ideology would be correctly applied - to the Arabs. Kashtiel and Radler were ‘educators’ at the Bnei David military prep school and Eli Yeshivah, which is closely connected to Rafi Peretz, the Minister of Jerusalem Affairs.
Netanyahu, with his addressto the 2015 World Zionist Congress, exonerated Hitler claimingthat it was the Palestinian Mufti of Jerusalem who was responsible for the Holocaust. According to Netanyahu, Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said 'If you expel them, they'll all come here (to Palestine).', Hitler then asked: "What should I do with them?" and the Mufti replied: "Burn them."
What a member of the fascist Lehava, which the new Israeli Ambassador Tzipi Hotoveli funded, proclaimed
Beinart describes the apartheid discrimination that Palestinians experience in the West Bank, complete with Jewish only roads and settlements. He also observes that the Green Line dividing pre-1967 Israel from the West Bank rarelyappearson most Israeli maps and that with some 650,000 settlers colonising the West Bank and Jerusalem, there is now no possibility of a two-state solution. This is the background to the question which provides the theme to the essay,
‘whether the price of a state that favors Jews over Palestinians is too high. After all, it is human beings—all human beings—and not states that are created b’tselem Elohim, in the image of God.
Beinart declares that
It is time for liberal Zionists to abandon the goal of Jewish–Palestinian separation and embrace the goal of Jewish–Palestinian equality.
This is where Beinart effectively marks his break with Zionism, although he still doesn’t recognise the implications of what he is saying. It is a long-standing Zionist fiction that Israel can defy the laws of logic and be both a democratic and a Jewish state.
How can a state based on one religion not discriminate against those who are not of that religion? How can defining nationality on the basis of religion not be racist? Unfortunately Beinart does not ask these questions explicitly. He is an empirical non-Zionist. Beinart maintains the fiction that you can be a Zionist and support equality. The history of Israel proves otherwise.
In 1948 Israel solved its ‘demographic problem’, having too many Arabs in the Jewish state by the simple expedient of expelling them. In 1967 it was unable to expel the Palestinians of the West Bank although about 300,000 were expelled. Beinart fears, quite rightly, that annexation will provide the political opportunity for another mass expulsion and quotes Israel’s Democracy Institute that over half of Israeli Jews, in the event of Area C in the West Bank being annexed, favour the expulsion of its Palestinians. According to the IDI:
The Jewish public’s preferred solution for the Palestinians who live in Area C, in case it is annexed, is to transfer them to the areas under the Palestinian Authority’s control. The solution preferred by the Arabs is to grant full citizenship rights... 
Annexationis ‘a waystation on the road to hell.’ It is this which has led Beinart to the conclusion that a Jewish state cannot be other than a racist state. Beinart’s Zionist critics place the blame for the failure of the 2 State Solution squarely on the victims, the Palestinians as colonialism has always done. This is why those hoping for any major rupture inside the Zionist movement are likely to be disappointed.
Beinart has belatedly reached the same conclusion that increasing numbers of American Jews have reached. The only alternative to apartheid and ethnic cleansing is equality. It is this which drives his Zionist critics mad. To them, equality is genocide. The idea of a state with equal rights for all its inhabitants is anathema to Zionism because such a state cannot be a Jewish ethnic state. It is the death of a nation.
What particularly infuriates his liberal Zionist critics is that Beinart criticises Apartheid within 1948 Israel. He quotes the leader of the Joint List, Aymen Odeh, in which he describes a situation in which “700 Jewish towns and not a single Arab town” have been built in Israel since its founding. It is an abiding principle of the Zionist ‘left’ that pre-1967 Israel was a haven of equality. They forget that from 1948-1966 Israel’s Arabs lived under military rule.
Rabbi Dahan was Deputy Defence Minister in Netanyahu's 2015 Government
Beinart’s comparisons between Israel and Apartheid South Africa, breaks new ground for a liberal Zionist critique. Some Zionists will concede that the situation in the Occupied Territories is like Apartheid but they fiercely resist its application to pre-1967 Israel.
Despite its eloquent wording with its obscure Yavne metaphor, the essay is intellectually incoherent in one respect. Beinart still hesitates in cutting the umbilical chord to liberal Zionism. Beinart argues that embracing the goal of Jewish–Palestinian equality does not require abandoning Zionism and observes that when in 2018 the Knesset passed the Jewish Nation StateBasic Law which determined that only Jews have the right to national self-determination in Israel, several 'members of the Joint List proposedan alternative, which affirmed “the principle of equal citizenship for every citizen.” The Zionist parties however rejected equality in favour of Jewish supremacy.
Dealing with the argument that hatred between Israeli Jews and Arabs is intractable, Beinart notes that the same excuse was used in respect of southern Africa: ‘progress often appears utopian before a movement for moral change gains traction.’ He observes that what lies behind such arguments is a dehumanisation of the colonised, otherwise ‘it would be obvious that they, too, prefer not to kill or be killed when they can achieve their rights in more peaceful ways.’
Despite making the comparison with post-Apartheid South Africa Beinart shies away from its example of a unitary non-racial state. Beinart argues that the ANC ‘never saw itself as representing a separate Black nation, but rather the South African nation.’ This is true but instead of drawing the obvious conclusion that Palestinians should include Israeli Jews under the umbrella of Palestinian nationhood, Beinart argues for a binational state.
Beinart attempts to rewrite the history of Zionism so as to suggest that at one time the Zionist movement was benevolent and inclusive, that it did not envisage statehood.  He argues that
‘the demand for a Jewish state did not define Zionism until the 1940s. This wasn’t only true for “cultural Zionists” like Ahad Ha’am. It was also true for “political Zionists” like Theodor Herzl, Leon Pinsker, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, and even, for much of his life, David Ben-Gurion.’
This is simply not true. It is rewriting history. In 1896 Herzl published a short book, ‘The Jewish State’. Statehood was Herzl’s aim and he set about achieving this by attempting to secure the backing of the imperialist powers. Chaim Weizmann, the President of the Zionist Organisation declared, not in 1940 but at the 1919 Peace Conference that “the Zionist objective was gradually to make Palestine as Jewish as England was English”. That was why Ben-Gurion and the Zionist movement consistently opposed any democratic representative institutions in Palestine until they achieved a majority.
If the Zionists did not oppose a binational state until the 1940s why, from 1920 onwards did Histadrut, the Labour Zionist colonising agency, support a campaign of Jewish Labour and Jewish Land? In deliberately creating an Arab-free economy, Zionism was sowing the seeds of transfer.
When Beinart says that ‘The early Zionists were concerned, above all, with creating a place of Jewish refuge and rejuvenation.’ this again is untrue. Zionism’s goal was the preservation of the Jewish race/nation. Hence their hatred of assimilation which, accordingto former Education Minister Rafi Peretz “is like a second Holocaust.” Their chosen instrument was statehood.
Zionism never was a refugeeist organisation. Barely 1% of Jews fleeing the pogroms of Czarist Russia went to Palestine. In Palestine itself Arthur Ruppin and the Jewish Agency had a strict policy of selecting immigrants. Two thirds of Jews who wanted to immigrate to Palestine in the 1920s were denied certificates of entry.
Beinart is wrong to state that ‘it was the Holocaust that fundamentally transformed Jewish thinking about sovereignty’. The 1919 King-Crane Commission that Woodrow Wilson set up found that ‘the Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine.’ [Tom Suarez, ‘State of Terror – How terrorism created modern Israel’, p.44. In May 1911, Arthur Ruppin, the Director of the Palestine Office, ‘suggestedin a letter to the Zionist executive a limited population transfer’ of Arabs dispossessed by Jewish land purchases to other lands near Aleppo and Homs.
Of course, whilst they were still a minority, the Zionists talked in euphemism’s about a ‘Jewish national home’ and more ambiguously a ‘Jewish Commonwealth’ but the idea of statehood was fixed from the very beginnings of Zionism.
At the Zionists’ Biltmore Conference in New York in May 1942 the demand was first made explicitly for a Jewish state. This was when the death mills of Auschwitz were in full operation. As Noah Lucas observed Ben Gurion was determined that
‘The forces unleashed by Hitler in all their horror must be harnessed to the advantage of Zionism. ... By the end of 1942… the struggle for a Jewish state became the primary concern of the movement.’
The Holocaust took second place to statehood. Ben-Gurion’s strategy was that
‘Disaster is strength if channelled to a productive course. The whole trick of Zionism is that it knows how to channel our disaster, not into despondency or degradation, as is the case in the Diaspora, but into a source of creativity and exploitation.’ [The Burning Ground, p. 853]
Beinart observes that the Zionist movement views activists who boycott Israel ‘as a greater threat to Jewish life than white supremacist politicians whose followers attack synagogues’ without reaching any conclusions as to the nature of Zionism itself.
Beinart instinctively grasps that Zionism cannot be reformed internally and that Israel is headed on a path that will lead to it becoming a pariah. However he still clings to the myths of Zionism and its origins. It is this which leads him to characterise the situation as a conflict of 2 people, to be solved by a binational state.
None of his Zionist critics comes to grip with Beinart’s arguments as to the consequence of Israel’s occupation. They prefer to attack the messenger. However a binational state would simply replicate the present problems of racism and segregation it would not overcome them. It would channel religious sectarianism into legal channels.
The only solution is on the lines of South Africa. A single unitary state enabled joint Black-White participation in political movements. That is what is necessary in a new Israel/Palestine. Jews and Arabs should be members of political parties because, like most of the world, they share the same political beliefs.  Their ethnicity or religion should be irrelevant but in a Jewish state or even a binational state you would have Jewish and non-Jewish parties.
The significance of Beinart’s article is considerable but lies not in terms of heralding a split in the American Zionist movement. What it does do is provide legitimation for the increasing number of Jews who have become disillusioned with Israel. It helps to bring the argument for de-Zionisation of Israel into the mainstream.
The same rules apply to Israeli society as any other class society. If you give power and privilege to one section of the population and base the very existence of the state on that section, don’t expect the outcome to be any different from that in any other racist states. As in Israel today, ruling elites will always deploy racism as a method of ensuring the loyalty of the masses.
Beinart’s analysis still shies away from understanding that Zionism was flawed from the outset, not simply in terms of the Palestinians but for Jews too.  Zionism began by an acceptance of anti-Semitism and this was its original sin, its mark of Cain.
Tony Greenstein

Campaign for Free Speech holds Packed Zoom Meeting - 'Say No to Labour McCarthyism


400 people listen to Norman Finkelstein, Tariq Ali, David Miller, Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth, Tony Greenstein and Chris Williamson

For the past 5 years the Board of Deputies, the Jewish Leadership Council and other Zionist groups have intimidated venues and the owners of meeting halls into cancelling meetings on Zionism and Palestine. Only a brave few, like the Rialto Theatre in Brighton, have withstood the threats and abuse that those standing up to these racist freaks bombard them with.
Notoriously last September Waterstones bookshop cancelledthe book launch of Bad News for Labour (whose co-author Prof. David Miller was a speaker tonight) because of the threats and abuse they received – all in the name of fighting ‘anti-Semitism’. The CEO of Waterstones, James Daunt later admittedthat Waterstone’s decision had been wrong and that customers had reacted strongly against the decision.
Anthony Silkoff - the Board of Deputies Censorship Officer
The Board of Deputies even had a full time worker, Anthony Silkoff, doing little else but attempt to close down free speech on Israel and Palestine. It was called ‘interfaith’ work.
Last year in Brighton the MP for Hove, Peter Kyle and a host of Zionist trolls abused and threatened 3 venues – the Brighthelm Centre, the Holiday Inn and the Quaker Friends Centre– into cancelling a meeting with Chris Williamson. In the end we were forced to hold an open air meeting with Chris in Brighton’s Regency Square where over 200 people turned up.
The Board of Deputies Tweet Attacking the Rialto - everything they attack is 'hate' - yet these opponents of 'hate' tweeted in support of Israeli snipers killing unarmed demonstrators in Gaza - nothing hateful there!
So the Zionists must be gnashing their teeth in fury as meetings double and triple the size of our normal meetings on Palestine and Zionism are being held with almost monotonous regularity featuring international speakers like Norman Finkelstein. 
All of the Zionist efforts to close down free speech were in aid of the fight against ‘anti-Semitism’ of course.  Naturally their targets were on the Left not the Far Right.  So eat your heart our Zios! 
The COVID-19 crisis has at least had one good side-effect.  People have turned to Zoom in the absence of physical venues and meetings and far more people have tuned into listen to our ideas.
I won’t even attempt to summarise last night’s meeting, but everyone who went said that it was excellent.  It was ably Chaired by Tina Werkmann of the Labour Left Alliance/ Labour Against the Witchhunt and it featured 7 speakers in all.  Ken Livingstone was forced to pull out for medical reasons but we hope to feature him in a future meeting.
Tina has slightly edited the video but we hope that if you didn’t attend last night that you will take the time to watch it. Norman Finkelstein was his normal controversial self and there was a vigorous debate between the panellists. Unlike Zionist meetings we do debate and aren’t afraid of the free exchange of ideas.
We were also not opposed to Zionists attending and maybe learning something but when Luke Stanger, a troll who is currently suspended from the Labour Party for harassment of women and calling Gypsies and Travellers ‘a nasty blight on society’began abusing everyone as ‘anti-Semites’ he was removed.
We are also sponsoring a petition for Labour Party members to sign saying that they will not abide by the Board of Deputies’s 10 Commandments, the 5th of which is that
‘Thou shalt not speak on the same platform as anyone who has been expelled or suspended as part of the ‘anti-Semitism’ witchhunt.  Those disobeying the Zionist gods will be suspended forthwith from the Labour Party.’

All those who believe in freedom of speech on Israel and Palestine and who reject the idea that we should not criticise Israeli Apartheid should sign. Starmer’s supportfor censorship on the question of Palestine, all in the name of combating ‘anti-Semitism’ stands in stark contrast to his refusalto discipline and remove from the Shadow Cabinet Rachel Reeves, a Labour MP who tweeted praising Nancy Astor, an MP who openly supported Hitler’s persecution of the Jews, whom she called ‘killers of christ’.  It seems that the only form of anti-Semitism that Keir Starmer has nothing to say about is the kind that consists of hostility to or hatred of Jews.  Strange that!
Tony Greenstein

Starmer Promised to Tear Anti-Semitism Out of the Labour Party ‘By Its Roots’

Little Did We Know That He Would Achieve This By Driving Out Mark Elf, a Jewish ambulance driver and other Anti-Zionist and Anti-racist Jews

Today we are seeing the Labour Party being purged of Jewish anti-Zionists, Black and Muslim members in order to satisfy racists like Margaret Hodge. Hodge is the Parliamentary Chair of the Jewish Labour Movement. The JLM describes itself as the ‘sister party’ of the almost defunct racist Israeli Labor Party.
In 2007 New Labour Home Secretary Alan Johnson accused Hodge of ‘using the language of the BNP’ after she said that ‘British families had a "legitimate sense of entitlement" over immigrants.’ The BNP wrote that
‘'Labour MP Margaret Hodge deserves a word of compliment from the BNP for her efforts to raise the thorny issue of social housing for native Britons, an issue that has been in our manifesto for years,'
This is the woman who had the audacity to callJeremy Corbyn ‘a fucking anti-Semite’.
I’ve known Mark Elf for well over a decade from our work in Jews Against Zionism. He is a working class Jew. He was one of the most active people in the campaign against the anti-Semitic Gilad Atzmon. He was one of those picketedAtzmon when he spoke at an SWP meeting in Bookmarks in June 2005.
Surprise, surprise, at the end of April Mark was suspended from the Labour Party after the usual false allegations, ‘tropes’, were made against him by the usual anonymous Zionist sources.
The tax dodger who covered up child abuse in Islington and who the BNP praised for her stance on housing White people, was reborn as an opponent of 'anti-Semitism' when Jeremy Corbyn came to power
At this time Mark was working as a volunteer ambulance driver during the COVID-19 crisis. Everyday he was risking his life in order to help sick people survive. The Labour bureaucrats who were searching his social media, they went back as far as 2007 in their search for dirt, risked nothing in their attempts to purge the Labour Party of Jewish anti-racists. These pathetic worms had nothing better to do with their miserable lives than to ‘prove’ someone is racist by digging deep into their social media. 
Although Mark was finally reinstated he was so appalled by a process whereby the racists administering Labour's purge are suspending and expelling anti-racists for 'anti-Semitism' that he has now resigned from the Labour Party.
Racism exists in society such as when the Police stop Black (not Jewish) people for driving a car on the assumption that they must be up to no good.  Racism doesn’t exist on social media as an actualite.  No one has died from a tweet but they do die when American Police, thanks to training from Israeli Police, put their knees on people’s necks.
There is nothing more that Zionists hate than Jewish anti-Zionists.  In their eyes we are ‘traitors’kapos’  or their favourite term, borrowed from the Nazi lexicon, ‘self haters’. Mark’s real offence is being an anti-racist Jew.
Mark wrote a cutting and devastating replyto Labour’s pen pushers calling into question both their integrity and competence. Mark pointed out that 
‘whoever it is besmirching my character appears to have been stalking me online for some years going back at least to 2007. That being the case, they must know that my suspension has come at a time when I have been engaged in a project as an ambulance driver taking Covid19 patients to and from hospital. In my work I am more exposed than most people to a potentially deadly virus and it is known that stress makes people more vulnerable to sickness of many kinds, especially viruses, than during normal times. You are aware that your actions are intrinsically stressful because you have lately been including details of the Samaritans in case you drive people to suicide. In doing this you are confirming rumours that people are indeed taking their own lives because of the hurt you are doing to them.
You have to wonder what it is that is going through the mind of the scabs and pond life that the Labour Party employs in these investigations. Jack London summed them up best when he wrote‘Ode to a scab’
After God had finished the rattlesnake, the toad, and the vampire, He had some awful substance left with which He made a scab. A scab is a two-legged animal with a corkscrew soul, a waterlogged brain, and a combination backbone made of jelly and glue. Where others have hearts, he carries a tumor of rotten principles.

It says everything you need to know about the Jewish Labour Movement that their Parliamentary Chair is someone who was praised by the British National Party
When the Labour Party ‘campaign against anti-Semitism’ involves suspending and expelling Jewish anti-Zionists then you know what this is really about. It is as if, during the years of Apartheid in South Africa, the Labour Party had applauded the Nationalist Party for the attacks it made on Whites opposed to Apartheid. The sad truth is that the Labour Party today is run by racists in the interests of racists.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, in the 6 pieces of ‘evidence’ that were sent to Mark, that is in any way anti-Semitic. They are all criticisms of Zionism, Israel or their supporters and lobbyists.
It is abundantly clear that Labour’s ‘anti-Semitism witchhunt is a war against discussion and a war against intellectual debate. It is Labour’s equivalent of book burning whereby any phrase or quote can be torn out of context and slotted into a compartment titled ‘anti-Semitism’.
It is a war of barbarians against any civilised discourse. It’s no surprise that one of Mark’s target, the CST, has written againto Bristol University demanding the sacking of Professor David Miller for having criticised them this week in a Zoom meeting.
The aim of the witchhunt is to prevent any discussion of Israel’s war crimes and the role of Zionism in enabling those crimes.
Gerald Ronson - owner of the largest private company in Britain - Heron - and an extreme racist and Islamaphobe
The biggest joke is where the Draft Charges state that Item 5 of the ‘evidence’ ‘Undermines Labour’s ability to campaign against any form of racism.’ What campaign?  What undermines Labour’s ability to campaign against racism is an ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign in support of the State of Israel, the most racist state in the world. By proclaiming that British Jews effectively destroyed Corbyn the campaign has done its best to aid anti-Semitism.

What has stopped a campaign against racism has been the record of previous Labour governments in demonising asylum seekers, and first launching the ‘hostile environment’ policy that the Tories under Theresa May adopted with such relish.

The Witchhunter’s Six Pieces of ‘Evidence’
1.           This is a tweet that attacks the Zionist Community Security Trust for combining security for the Jewish community with lobbying on behalf of Israel.  It was founded by anti-Muslim Zionist bigot Gerald Ronson, convicted of share-trading fraud in the 1980s and gaoled as part of the Guinness fraud trial, who is the Chair of the CST’s trustees. There is of course nothing anti-Semitic about it.

In Ronson’s 2017 address to the CST Annual Dinner, he said:

“I don’t doubt that the Labour leader opposes anti-Semitism when it comes from Nazis but when it comes dressed up as anti-Zionism he is more likely to ask if he can join in. This is far more subversive than the danger posed by Nazis.” 
And this is the Zionist attitude to anti-Semitism that lies behind the false allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ that were levelled at Corbyn and the Labour Left by groups like the CST. It is not neo-Nazism or White Supremacist that is the danger, as we can see with Israel’s alliance with Donald Trump and the open admiration for Israel by neo-Nazis such as Richard Spencer, who describes himself as a ‘White Zionist’, and Andrei Brevik. It is opposition to Zionism which they fear and hate.

2.           The second item dates back 13 years to 2007.  It appears to be a comment on Mark’s blog. It talks about the ‘propensity to dishonesty’’of many if not most Jews with respect to Israel. It says that Jews are heading to disaster as a result of a ‘culture of deceit’.
It is a discussion by one Jew about the Jewish community. In so far as most Jews in Britain are fooling themselves about Israel being the only democracy in the Middle East and a light unto nations, Mark is correct.  There is unfortunately an obtuse political culture among British Jews aimed at blotting out anything unpleasant that Israel does and hiding behind a curtain labelled ‘anti-Semitism’.
It is no surprise that Labour’s tawdry investigators, who in different times would have been employed by the Stasi or Gestapo, pounce against any intellectual debate or discussion because anything cerebral disturbs them automatically. Zionism depends on people accepting its myths and bogus assertions as if they were articles of faith.
3.           Item 3 is an innocuous piece about the right-wing and pro-Zionist nature of the British press.  Presumably telling the truth is also anti-Semitic.
4.           Item  4 is a tweet about how the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign has helped genuine anti-Semites and racists, like Boris Johnson, into power. It is an expression of opinion.  Perhaps the observation that the Board of Deputies and the Zionists helped a genuine racist and anti-Semite, Boris Johnson, into power touched a raw nerve.
5.           Item 5 simply says that most of the allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ have been made by racists like the JLM and LFI.  It is in response to a tweet by Margaret Hodge, the Islington Council leader who covered up for child abuse and who Tony Blair then made Childrens’ Minister! It was like putting the fox in charge of the chicken coop.
Yes she even had to pay libel damages to one of the victims who she defamed. Hodge is complaining that those suspended still have the right to vote in Labour elections.  Unfortunately no one seems to have told the Hodge that being suspended is like being charged in a court.  You are presumed to be innocent until guilty.  Presumably the Hodge thinks that the accused in the Labour Party should be treated like Arabs in Israel and that merely being charged should be evidence of guilt.
6.           Is a tweet about how someone is in denial about Zionist collaborationwith the Nazis.  The Zionist movement in Britain during the Holocaust was a Quisling movement that sought to work with the Jews oppressors.  Their only aim was to create a ‘Jewish’ state.  The Jews themselves were discarded. Even an Israeli court in 1955 decided that the leader of Hungarian Zionism, Rudolf Kasztner was a collaboratorbut Zionists today in the JLM don’t like to be reminded of their history.
Below is the first page of Mark’s response to the witchhunters.  The rest of it, which is mainly a response to the witchhunters can be seen here.
Letter of Response of Mark Elf to Witchhunters(page 1)
Dear Comrades

This is my reply to your email of 30 April 2020 and the Draft Charge and Questions.

In my response I will be calling into question both your integrity and your competence.

First, I must say that I am disgusted that whoever it is besmirching my character appears to have been stalking me online for some years going back at least to 2007. That being the case, they must know that my suspension has come at a time when I have been engaged in a project as an ambulance driver taking Covid19 patients to and from hospital. In my work I am more exposed than most people to a potentially deadly virus and it is known that stress makes people more vulnerable to sickness of many kinds, especially viruses, than during normal times. You are aware that your actions are intrinsically stressful because you have lately been including details of the Samaritans in case you drive people to suicide. In doing this you are confirming rumours that people are indeed taking their own lives because of the hurt you are doing to them. Whoever's bidding you are doing in this is deliberately seeking to appear ruthless and they are succeeding at that. They may even cause antisemitism by their/your actions. And of course by following instructions instead of telling the complainant to consider what they are doing and to back off during this time, you are culpable for your own actions.

In my case, the false allegations against me, including your own rehashing of apparently genuine quotes to make them appear like generalisations against my fellow "Jewish people" rather than comments about a state, some people and certain named organisations which they obviously were, you aren't causing me hurt except I do find it sad that you have resorted to such dishonesty. I also worry that you can't seem to distinguish between various social media (see my take on question 2. I now realise why your reordering of my comments looks so strange with a tweet from c 2020, two blog comments from 2007 and then three tweets from c 2020). Also you might be acting on a distortion of the McPherson Principle which is supposed to arise out of offensive incidents not invented ones and it doesn’t allow for a bogus definition of any form of racism, especially one which is internally contradictory and racist in its own right.

You can read Mark's full response to Labour's witchhunters here

If there is one thing Zionism hates more than Palestinians it is Telling the Truth about Israel – Unfortunately David Rosenberg of the Jewish Socialists Group has joined them

Following Last Week’s Campaign for Freedom of Speech MeetingThere Have Been a Series of Zionist Attacks on Norman Finkelstein, with the Times of Israelsuggesting that the son of 2 concentration camp survivors is a Holocaust Denier!

Well it’s not difficult to understand the Zionist froth and fury over last week’s hugely successful Campaign for Free Speech in the Labour Party meeting which 400 people attended and thousands have since seen on Youtube and Facebook

This is a stub of an article I am currently writing. I have posted this simply because I need to establish a link to a discussion elsewhere!  Come back in a few hours and all will be revealed!!

If there is one thing Israel’s supporters hates it is the Truth about Zionism and Israel – even if it means defaming the child of 2 concentration camps inmates as a holocaust denier

Following Last Week’s Campaign for Freedom of Speech Meeting The Zionist Attacks on Norman Finkelstein have been joined by David Rosenberg of the Jewish Socialists Group 

It must be immensely frustrating to the Zionists that they couldn’t ban last week’s hugely successful Campaign for Free Speech in the Labour Party Zoom meeting which 400 people attended and which thousands have since seen on Youtube and Facebook.
Having spent the last 5 years trying to ban meetings on Palestine as part of their campaign to defeat Corbyn it must be galling to face defeat at the hands of COVID-19. The next thing we should expect is a Zionist campaign led by the Daily Mail and Jewish Chronicle to demand that Zoom is only licensed to ‘responsible’ groups.
'Liar' Lee Harpin attacking Norman Finkelstein
There have been the predictable attacks from the Zionists. There was ‘Liar’ Lee Harpin, the Jewish Chronicle’s diminutive phone hacking Political Correspondent who led with Norman Finkelstein praises Holocaust denier David Irving at pro-Corbyn group meeting.
Finkelstein, like Noam Chomsky, is an absolutist when it comes to freedom of speech, including Holocaust denial. It’s not a position I share but that doesn’t make him an anti-Semite.
Norman was being tongue-in-cheek when he said that he didn’t know what a holocaust denier is but I share his exasperation with those who loudly protest the denial of the Holocaust, but who have no problem with denial of the Nakba, the expulsion of the Palestinians in 1948.  And then there are Zionists who, like Elie Wiesel deny the genocide of over 1 million Armenians because keeping friendly relations with Turkey is considered of prime importance.
Of course Norman might have been referring to the issue of how to define the Holocaust. According to Zionist historians such as Yehuda Bauer and Lucy Dawidowicz, the only people killed during the Holocaust were the Jews. The Disabled, the Gays, the Gypsies, to say nothing of 3 million Poles and 3.5 million Russian POWs are excluded. So Norman’s difficulty is understandable.
The attitude of the Zionists to the Holocaust, namely that it is a political asset to be exploited in the cause of Israel has done more to aid Holocaust denial than any number of books by Irving. In the words of World Jewish Congress representative Gerhard Reigner:
 ‘Auschwitz was not only a national memory belonging to the Jewish people… it was also an important political asset. Among other things it served the diplomatic efforts of both the WJC and Israel.’ [Tom Segev, The Seventh Million p. 474]. 
‘Liar’ Lee objectedto Finkelstein praising Irving as a good historian. Yet as a military historian there is no doubt about this. However Irving is also a neo-Nazi.
There was an even more ludicrous article in The Times of Israel by Kevin Berk Did Norman Finkelstein Just Deny the Holocaust? Apparently if you treat people like Irving as flesh and blood human beings rather than cardboard cutouts then you are damned forever.
Let us be rid of this hypocrisy. It is not David Irving who, by their propaganda efforts, are responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent people but people like the appropriately named David Berk and ‘liar’ Lee Harpin. Irving has managed to discredit himself. He is a danger to no one bar himself. Harpin and Berk on the other hand actively support an Israeli state which is actively killing and maiming thousands of Palestinians. 
It isn’t Irving but Zionism’s propagandists, like the Guardian’s Jonathan Freedland and Hope not Hate who support Israel’s military regime in the West Bank and the settler violence which accompanies it. They also support a state which has provided military aid and training to a host of fascist regimes in Latin America. From the death squads of El Salvador and Colombia to Pinochet in Chile and Rios Montt in Guatemala, Israel was their military benefactor.
Argentine's Neo-Nazi Junta led by General Videla (2nd from left) were armed and trained by Israel
Even worse the Israeli state had friendly relations with and provided military equipment and training to the Argentinian Junta which between 1976 and 1983 ‘disappeared’ 30,000 political opponents, including 3,000 Jews. Jew, who were less than 1% of the population, were singled out for torture and murder yet Israel said nothing during the whole episode. As Yossi Sarid an MK for Mapam wrotein Ha’aretz of 31st August 1989:
Israel supplied the evil Argentinian junta with weapons and tools of repression during the years in which they kidnapped, imprisoned, tortured and killed tens of thousands of civilians. Israeli-Argentinian relations were never closer than in the late 1970’s.’
Israel not only refused to criticise the world’s only post-war neo-Nazi regime but according to Hadashot ‘Israel Denied Shelter to Left-wing Argentine Jews During Junta Rule’ (28 Sept. 1990).
So the hypocritical ranting of Harpin and Berk (whose article was copied from Liar Lee) about Finkelstein are just background noise.
If Harpin or the professional anti-fascists of Hope not Hate were to condemn Israel for arming Ukraine’s neo-Nazi militia, the Azov Battalion, which reveres Ukraine’s nationalist collaborator with the Nazis, Stepan Bandera, then one could take what they write seriously.
Bandera, was the leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. He collaborated          with the Nazis in the hope of establishing an independent Ukraine after their invasion of Poland. He was to be disappointed as Hitler had no place for Slavic independence. OUN murderedsome 200,000 Poles and thousands of Jews.
Daniel Lazarre describedthe attacks of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army the Banderist faction of the OUN on Ukraine’s Jews. Such was their ferocity that Jews actually sought the protection of the German army:
“The Banderite bands and the local nationalists raided every night, decimating the Jews,” a survivor testified in 1948. “Jews sheltered in the camps where Germans were stationed, fearing an attack by Banderites. Some German soldiers were brought to protect the camps and thereby also the Jews.”
These are the people whose supporters Israel providesweaponryto. It would be quite a novelty for Zionists like ‘liar’ Lee Harpin or his editor Stephen Pollard to condemn Israel’s arming of neo-Nazi groups. The Azov Batallion is infinitely more dangerous to Jews than David Irving.
I listened with interest to NF. He is right that it doesn’t really matter whether it was 5, 6 or 7 million Jews who died in the Holocaust. We can’t bring them back to life. It is of academic interest only.
NF is also correct to say that, notwithstanding his tampering with sources, mistranslations of German etc, that Irving is an acknowledged historian. Even his most infamous book, Hitler’s War, is worth reading.
I do think and I said as much that NFwas wrong to reduce the term ‘Christ killers’to the question of ‘who killed Christ’. It is clear that Christ was killed by the Romans since crucifixion was a Roman method of execution. It is also clear that the Saducees and the High Priests wanted Jesus, who was considered a revolutionary, out of the way. The idea that ‘the Jews’ killed Jesus is anti-Semitic because it assumes that they were one undifferentiated mass. 
David Rosenberg with a friend
It is no surprise that the Zionists have targeted our Free Speech in the Labour Party meetings. Zionism and Free Speech go together like John Ware and telling the truth. What is a surprise is that David Rosenberg, Secretary of the Jewish Socialists Group and a member of Jewish Voice for Labour, should join in the attack.
In an article on the JVL Blog Rosenberg wrote
Even more shocking was after Finkelstein spoke not one of the other panelists, some of whom have played a significant part in anti-racist campaigns, used any of their concluding remarks to challenge Finkelstein’s praise for Irving. Disgraceful. I hope they will do so now.’
If, instead of relying on Zionist reports, David had actually bothered to listen to the video he would have heard my remarks (1.35.35) in response to Norman Finkelstein.
‘The point I made about Rachel Reeves is that Nancy Astor, whom she was supporting, used the term ‘Christ killers’ in reference to Jews. In that context the term ‘Christ killers’ is clearly anti-Semitic. I don’t think there is any doubt about it at all. As to who killed Christ we all have our own opinions That is an esoteric subject I don’t want to get into a debate on.
Similarly about Goebbels Diaries. Yes they should have been published.  I don’t know where Norman got the idea that I didn’t. [In fact NF was not directing his remarks at me!] Yes any valuable source material on the Holocaust should be revealed, even if it has to come via David Irving, who I agree is a historian.  One cannot take it away from him. The problem is that his politics have got in the way of his history and his research and he certainly did  tamper with sources from my reading of the transcripts of the Irving trial.
I am not saying that David deliberately lied. In many ways it is worse. He backed up the Zionist attacks on the meeting! I would have loved to have pursued this debate with Norman but there was no time. The idea that Norman was ‘supporting’ Irving is the typical Zionist hasbara. You can acknowledge that Irving is a good historian (not a reputable one) whilst at the same time accepting he is a neo-Nazi.
But you know, time has moved on.  This isn’t 1977 when Irving wrote Hitler’s War, which and made the absurd suggestion that Hitler knew nothing of the Holocaust and even opposed it. Anyone who is aware of Hitler’s two meetings with Hungary’s ruler, Admiral Horthy in April 1943 and March 1944 knows that Hitler urged that Hungary hand over its Jews to Nazi Germany for extermination. The evidence of Hitler’s active pursuit of the Holocaust is overwhelming.
Rob Ferguson of the SWP
Today David Irving represents no threat. Those who should be of concern are the fascists and populists of the European Right, the Tommy Robinsons, Steve Bannons, Matteo Salvini’s. None of them are holocaust deniers (as far as I’m aware) all of them are supporters of Zionism.  David Rosenberg forgets that time has moved on.
JVL also posted on their blog Denial by Rob Ferguson, a Jewish member of the SWP who purports to be an anti-Zionist. It is a review of a film based on the Irving v Penguin libel trial of April 2000. For those who are interested this is the link to the transcript.
The protagonists in the trial were Irving himself and a shallow US Zionist Holocaust historian, Deborah Lipstadt, who played a significant part in condemningLabour ‘anti-Semitism’ and Corbyn.
Accordingto the Daily Mail ‘Acclaimed American academic Professor Deborah Lipstadt claimed the Labour leader has 'fomented a sense among Jews of being unsafe in Britain'. But according to SWP hacks like Ferguson, Lipstadt is someone to be admired because it hasn’t sunk into his sectarian skull that the Zionist movement uses the Holocaust, not to fight racism, not to ensure genocide is never repeated but in order to legitimise racism.
Lipstadt even attackedRichard Evans, the historian who was the chief witness at the Irving trial, for saying that he was going to vote Labour at the General Election. She is one of those junk historians who now abound in the field of Holocaust studies. They specialise in the Holocaust not as part of any anti-racist commitment but in order to defend Israeli Apartheid.
Fergusson states in his article that ‘The trial was a close run thing. If Irving had won, it would have been a major political victory for the Nazis.’ This demonstrates that Ferguson didn’t understand the evidence in the trial. It is utter nonsense. The trial was a foregone conclusion. Irving made so many concessions that in the end it was difficult to know what was left of his case, if anything.
Irving accepted that the Holocaust was an established fact true e.g. the actions of the Einsatzgruppen in Operation Barbarossa but made his stand over the use of poison gas in Auschwitz. Unsurprisingly he was comprehensively defeated over his claim on that issue as well since it is indisputable that poison gas was used by the Nazis to kill the Disabled in Germany itself. He didn’t even dispute the mass murder at Chelmno, the first extermination camp. 
On a more general point. The SWP claims to be anti-Zionist though there is precious little evidence of this in practice. In Scotland, Stand Up to Racism, which is an SWP front, allowed the Confederation of Scottish Zionists, a far-Right group, to march in their ‘anti-racist’ march 3 years on the run.
On Holocaust Memorial Day 2019, when a Stand Up To Racism meeting was banned by Tower Hamlets Council from the Town Hall, the SWP relocated elsewhere. They also withdrew the invitation to Glynn Secker of JVL, who has been a major target of the Zionists.
In their obsession over Holocaust denial, which is a marginal factor today on the far-Right, the SWP form alliances with those who are hostile to the Palestinians. They don’t seem to understand that Israeli Apartheid is a crucial issue for socialists and the anti-racist movement. Unlike the opportunists of the SWP, Black Lives Matter take the issue of Palestine very seriously because they understand the connection between their oppression and that of the Palestinians.
Incidentally I discovered recently that Fergusson had blocked me on Facebook. Since I have never gone to his timeline I can only assume that the SWP has a blacklist of people on the left whom its members must not have contact with!
The SWP have always had difficulties coming to terms with the Zionist and indeed the way western capitalism uses the Holocaust to reinvent itself as ‘anti-racist’. When Finkelstein’s The Holocaust Industryfirst came out it was reviewedby the SWP’s Alex Callinicos, the SWP’s guru. Callinicos asked:
How different is his [Finkelstein] assertion that "the field of Holocaust studies is replete with nonsense, if not plain fraud" from the Holocaust revisionist David Irving's rantings during his recent libel case?
Many of the thousands of books on the Holocaust are worthless. Some of them are fiction dressed up as fact. A far more important question which didn’t occur to Callinicos would be why there is just one major book, Adam Hochschild’s King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa on the genocide in the Belgian Congo, where 10 million Africans were murdered. To any socialist the answer is obvious. The Holocaust has become an ideological weapon in the armoury of the western ruling class.
And when Callinicos concludes his review by remarking that
so exaggerated is his polemic that at times he comes, quite contrary to his own intentions, dangerously close to giving comfort to those who dream of new holocausts.
you see the bankruptcy of the SWP’s politics. If telling the truth about how the Zionist movement and Israel have used the murder of millions of Jews in order to justify their barbarism gives comfort to those who dream of a new Holocaust then whose fault is that?  The person who speaks the truth or those who exploit the Holocaust for racist and genocidal purposes?
Tony Greenstein
Below is the comment I submitted to JVL’s comments section. Because it has been cut down because of their editorial policy of only allowing short comments I am reproducing it in full here:
It is clear from David Rosenberg's commentsthat he has learnt nothing and forgotten nothing from the state directed campaign to destroy Corbyn.
It is also clear that David didn’t watch the Campaign for Free Speech in the Labour Party Zoom meetingon Tuesday July 28th. The meeting was sponsored, not organised by Labour Against the Witchhunt.  It was an independent initiative by Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth, Chris Williamson and myself.
David stated that:
‘Even more shocking was after Finkelstein spoke not one of the other panelists, some of whom have played a significant part in anti-racist campaigns, used any of their concluding remarks to challenge Finkelstein’s praise for Irving. Disgraceful. I hope they will do so now.’
David is wrong. Firstly Finkelstein did not praise Irving and secondly I did challenge him on one part of his remarks. Finkelstein said that he didn’t know who killed Christ which entirely missed the point that Nancy Astor, whom right-wing Labour MP Rachel Reeves had tweeted in support of, had referred to Jews as ‘Christ Killers’. I made the point that this charge, as if Jews today bear any responsibility for the killing of Christ, was deeply anti-Semitic.
I also remarked that Irving obtaining the Goebbels Diaries was very useful and that he has been responsible for accessing documents that no other historian has gained access to.
If there is one lesson we should draw from the ‘anti-Semitism’ Campaign Against Corbyn it is that you don't accept the terms of debate or the narrative of your political opponents.  Instead of saying, as David and JVL did, that antisemitism was miniscule in the Labour Party they should have realised from day one that the campaign was not about antisemitism but Corbyn.
The Labour Party has always had a few anti-Semites in it. They were located on the Right of the Party. People such as Herbert Morrison and Sidney Webb. Why then raise anti-Semitism in 2015?  Because it would divide and confuse the Left and Corbyn’s supporters.  The failure to grasp this issue was a crucial error.
David is repeating this error. The Zionists didn’t like our meeting. Finkelstein’s comments on Irving are just a pretext for an attack. When these people disown the support of Trump, Bannon, Richard Spencer and Orban for Zionism and Israel I will take their comments about Irving seriously. What the Zionist lobby hate is free speech on Palestine and solidarity with the Palestinians. Finkelstein was targeted because he called out their weaponisation of the Holocaust.
I wish that JVL, which had such a promising start, had developed a strategy for responding to the anti-Semitism campaign instead of simply seeing itself as a ‘Jewish cover’ for Corbyn. The campaign wasn’t about Jews and it wasn’t about anti-Semitism. It was about Corbyn.
David was to the fore in describing any criticism of Corbyn as an ‘attack’ on him. If Corbyn had received more not less criticism from his supporters, especially from those who were close to him, then he might be Prime Minister now. Instead David and JVL formed an uncritical chorus. 
Instead of joining the Zionist targeting of Finkelstein David might have addressed the ‘strategy’ that led Corbyn to such a comprehensive defeat and his part in it. p. 333 of the Leaked Report sums up everything wrong about Corbyn’s throwing of supporters like Chris Williamson, to the wolves.
could we have an update on the current status of the cases of Ken Livingstone, Jacqui [sic] Walker, Tony Greenstein and Marc Wadsworth and a clear timetable of when they will all be heard by the NCC and when a final decision will be made on them. The Jewish Labour Movement expressed frustration that these cases have taken such a long time to be heard, as they feel that it is difficult to begin the process of rebuilding trust between the Labour Party and the Jewish community whilst we have still not dealt with these cases.’
Well all of us were expelled or forced out. Did it reassure the Jewish community and re-establish trust? Of course not. Quite the contrary. Our expulsion merely ‘proved’ that Labour had an ‘anti-Semitism’ problem. The more Corbyn and Formby embarked on expelling people the more the Zionist narrative was confirmed. David Rosenberg was to the fore in supporting the idea that the Zionist campaign had some justification. British Jews hadn’t voted for Labour for 50+ years. There was no trust to reestablish. Corbyn’s appeasement strategy led to his defeat yet JVL never uttered a word of criticism. 
The Zionist press (JC/Times of Israel) homed in on Finkelstein's comments with the Times of Israel today suggestingthat Finkelstein is himself a holocaust denier. David has joined them.
I was the first speaker at the meeting and NF didn't give me an advance copy of his speech. But even if he had done I would have said what I said.
I accept what NF said. Irving is undoubtedly a good historian when it comes to German Military History. Unfortunately Irving decided to use his expertise in order to bolster Holocaust revisionism. I am happy to accept the word of historians such as AJP Taylor in preference to Rosenberg.
Since such store is set on the libel trial of Irving v Penguin and the judgement of Gray J, I feel I should also point out what he wrote in s.13.7 of his judgment:
My assessment is that, as a military historian, Irving has much to commend him. For his works of military history Irving has undertaken thorough and painstaking research into the archives. He has discovered and disclosed to historians and others many documents which, but for his efforts, might have remained unnoticed for years. It was plain from the way in which he conducted his case and dealt with a sustained and penetrating cross-examination that his knowledge of World War 2 is unparalleled. His mastery of the detail of the historical documents is remarkable. ...  I accept the favourable assessment by Professor Watt and Sir John Keegan of the calibre of Irving's military history... and reject as too sweeping the negative assessment of Evans (quoted in paragraph 3.5).
Irving as a holocaust denier is as reprehensible as al the Nakba deniers who led the 'antisemitism' campaign. I don't support free speech for fascists but nor do I believe in making holocaust denial illegal, as in Germany and Austria both of whom have neo-Nazi parties in their parliaments.
I realise that Rob Ferguson is unable as a good SWP member to reconcile his anti-Zionist and anti-fascist views. They exist in 2 separate compartments. Opposition to Zionism can't be permitted to intrude on anti-fascism.  However Deborah Lipstadt, who was at the centre of the Irving libel trial, is also an ardent Zionist, opponent of BDS and a supporter of Israeli Apartheid. Those people who cannot draw conclusions from what happened to Jewish people and apply them to the Palestinians merit contempt.
The reason that Lipstadt wasn't called to the witness box was not that this would give Irving a field day but rather that she couldn't be trusted up against Irving.  She is a superficial, Zionist historian who subscribes to the notion of holocaust uniqueness (in the Zionist construction of the Holocaust only Jews died - the death of Gypsies, Disabled etc. is disregarded because Hitler fought in Lucy Dawidowicz's words a 'war against the Jews' not anyone else.
I have myself participated in 3 successful attempts to prevent Irving present his fabrications of history.  Twice in Brighton, once in Horsham. I realise that Rob Ferguson is an SWP member but the ANL did not lead any of these attempts, in fact it was completely absent in Horsham. I find it deeply disturbing that Rob insists that the SWP and its front groups represent anti-fascism and anti-racism in this country.  They don't.
There is a lot of hypocrisy over the question of holocaust denial.  No one does more to spread Holocaust denial than Israel and the Zionist movement.  That is the effect of their weaponisation of the Holocaust. I really do think Rob should read Yehuda Elkana’s The Need to Forget. Elkana was a Holocaust survivor, Rector of the Central European University in Budapest until Netanyahu’s friend Viktor Orban forced it out. Whereas people like Yehuda Elkana or Gideon Levy and Israeli historians like Tom Segev understand the use to which Israel puts the Holocaust the SWP believes it can hold hands with the British establishment on this.
As Gideon Levy wroteabout the thousands of Israeli teenagers who are taken to Auschwitz as part of their inculcation in nationalist norms:
I have yet to hear a single teenager come back from Auschwitz and say that we mustn’t abuse others the way we were abused. There has yet to be a school whose pupils came back from Birkenau straight to the Gaza border, saw the barbed-wire fence and said, Never again. The message is always the opposite. Gaza is permitted because of Auschwitz.
There was a time, back in the 1970's when the National Front's Richard Harwood (Verall) brought out a pamphlet 'Did 6 Million Really Die' when you could equate holocaust deniers with neo-Nazis.  That is no longer the case.  
Leaving aside the conspiracy theorists there is no doubt that millions of people in the underdeveloped world deny the holocaust yet they are not antisemites. The reason for this is simple.
Israel bases its legitimacy on the Holocaust.  It expelled the refugees and justified this by reference to the Holocaust. As Idith Zertal wrote in Israel’s Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood
‘The transference of the Holocaust situation on to the Middle East reality… not only created a false sense of the imminent danger of mass destruction. It also immensely distorted the image of the Holocaust, dwarfed the magnitude of the atrocities committed by the Nazis, trivializing the unique agony of the victims and the survivors, and utterly demonizing the Arabs and their leaders.
There isn't a war that Israel has fought that hasn't been in the name of Auschwitz. Every war was an existential one.
It is not surprising that if Israel bases its legitimacy on the Holocaust then people will deny the Holocaust as a means of denying Israel’s legitimacy. This is political instrumentalism not neo-Nazism. Of course by so doing, they actually end up legitimising Israel since the Holocaust is an indisputable fact.
However just as the Zionists''antisemitism' campaign in the Labour Party has increased antisemitism in society, so the Zionist use of the Holocaust as a political weapon has increased holocaust denial.
Dr Paul, in the comments, quotes from Finkelstein’s The Holocaust Industry, ‘Not all revisionist literature — however scurrilous the politics or motivations of its practitioners — is totally useless'. He finds this anti-Semitic.
Is Dr Paul aware that the most eminent of all Holocaust historians, Raul Hilberg, said the same?  That we could even learn from holocaust revisionists who would make us examine our own theories and knowledge?
What I find most disturbing is not holocaust denial but the way in which the Holocaust is used to establish a myth of the holocaust that Zionism was the answer to anti-Semitism. That Jews were the only victim (see the debatebetween Yehuda Bauer and Sybil Milton), that the Holocaust proved Zionism right and that Jews must establish a state of its own.
The real disgrace is how the Holocaust is used by Zionism not what Norman Finkelstein said.
I disagreed with Norman’s emphasis but there was nothing ‘disgraceful’ or ‘shocking’ about his remarks. Portraying Irving as some kind of cartoon character monster may suit David Rosenberg’s Zionist friends but he is a combination of someone who clearly has a great deal of expertise, has worked extremely hard researching in archives but has allowed his pro-Nazi views to completely cloud his judgement.
Footnote: I discovered yesterday that Rob Ferguson had blocked me on Facebook. I’ve never been on his timeline but I was given a link that didn’t work.  Perhaps the SWP now circulates a list of people on the Left whom it instructs its cadre to boycott lest they might engage in debates with other socialists.  After all, if you have a revolutionary party to build then you can’t be diverted by talking to other socialists!  Pathetic really but it shows the calibre of the SWP these days that they are afraid of political debate.

20 Questions to Keir Starmer – Can You Explain Why We Should Not Call You a Racist?


When Starmer saidI support Zionism without qualification” what he meant was that he supports Jewish Racial Supremacy in Israel
On April 4th Keir Starmer told the Times of Israel
‘I said it loud and clear — and meant it — that I support Zionism without qualification.”
We should take Starmer at his word. Zionism is universally understood as the ideology of a settler colonial movement whose aim was to remove the Palestinians, first from the economy and then from Palestine altogether. That was the only way a Jewish majority state could be formed. Ethnic cleansing was integral to Zionism from its very beginning. It was summed up in the Christian Zionist slogan that Palestine was ‘a land without a people for a people without a land.’
Today Zionism describes itself as a ‘national liberation movement’ although it never says what it liberated Jews from. However when it began it described itself as a colonising movement. On 11thJanuary 1902 Theodor Herzl, the founder of Political Zionism, wrote in his Diaries describing a letter he had sent to Cecil Rhodes, the White Supremacist founder of Rhodesia:
‘How, then, do I happen to turn to you since this is an out-of-the-way matter for you?  How indeed?  Because it is something colonial.’  (Diaries p. 1194)
In the eyes of Christian Restorationists like the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury (who opposed Jewish Emancipation in Britain) and the Zionist movement, the Palestinians were simply invisible. It is a tradition that Keir Starmer is intent on continuing. Since his election as leader of the Labour Party, Starmer hasn’t once mentioned or even acknowledged the existence of the Palestinians.
When Benjamin Netanyahu threatened at the beginning of July to annex 30% of the West Bank even Boris Johnson condemned the proposals.  Starmer remained silent.
In view of Starmer’s declarationthat he is a Zionist ‘without qualification’ I felt it right to try and explore with him exactly what he meant. I have therefore drawn up the following questions and look forward to an interesting conversation!
21 Questions to Sir Keir Starmer
1.           Why when you announcedon accepting the leadership that you would ‘tear the poison of anti-Semitism out of Labour by its roots’ did you not mention the poison of any other form of racism? Or do you believe that only anti-Semitism matters?
It would seem that racism is particularly entrenched amongst the very same people who were so vociferous about ‘anti-Semitism’ when Jeremy Corbyn was leader.
 For example (Lord) John Mann, the ‘anti-Semitism Czar’, produced a pamphlet The Bassetlaw anti-social behaviour handbook which listed Travellers as an example of anti-social behaviour. Characterising Gypsies and Travellers as asocial was precisely what the Nazis did.  Up to half a million Gypsies died in the Holocaust. Why has John Mann not been suspended or expelled from the Labour Party? Or are we to assume that racism against Gypsies and Travellers is of no importance?
Another example is Tom Watson who as Campaign Manager in the Hodge Hill by-election in 2004 put out a leaflet demonising asylum seekers:
The Lib Dems want to keep giving welfare benefits to failed asylum seekers. They voted for this in parliament on 1 March 2004. They want your money, and mine, to go to failed asylum seekers.”
Targeting refugees, the most vulnerable and oppressed, is a classic example of ‘divide and rule’. Scapegoating minority groups is precisely what occurred in Nazi Germany. This is the same Tom Watson who was committedto removing every last anti-Semite in the Labour Party.   Unfortunately Watson made no commitment about removing every last racist in the party as he would have had to remove himself.
In 2010 the High Court removed racist Labour MP Phil Woolas from Parliament. Woolas had run a racist campaign demonising Muslims in his Oldham East and Saddleworth constituency. In the wordsof one email from his election agent, his strategy was to "galvanise the white Sun vote andmake the white folk angry".
In Labour Uncut Watson wrotethat
I’ve lost sleep thinking about poor old Phil Woolas and his leaflets.... it feels like a piano has been dropped on my head.
Unfortunately a piano wasn’t dropped onto Watson’s head since it might have knocked some sense into him. Do you therefore pledge to remove allracists from the Labour Party?
2.           Israel’s Law of Return, which is integral to Zionism, allows me to settle, as of right, in Israel and claim citizenship even though I was born in Britain, because of the spurious racial myth that Jews are ‘returning’ to Israel. Perhaps you could explain why Palestinians who were born in Palestine have no such right? Do you not agree that this is racist?
3.           In 2018 Israel’s Knesset passed the Jewish Nation State Law, a Basic Law which has constitutional status. According to this law only Jews have the right of self-determination in Israel. The Law formalised the existing situation of Israel as a Jewish state.  The result of this is that Israel is now officially a state, not of all its citizens but its Jewish citizens only.
The law also removed the status of Arabic as an official language in Israel and made ‘Jewish settlement’ a national objective. In the wordsof Prime Minister Netanyahu
Israel is not a state of all its citizens. According to the basic nationality law we passed, Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people – and only it.
Perhaps Sir Keir, given your forensic skills you could explain why Israel is not a racist state?
4.           At the risk of being accused of ‘anti-Semitism’ under the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism, do you not agree that the Jewish Nation State Law bears an uncanny resemblance to the Nazis’ 1935 Nuremberg Laws which stripped Germany’s Jews of citizenship? In Israel Arab citizenship is worth less in terms of access to land, education, employment, the right to marry who you want and many other rights. Arabs are in Israel are there on sufferance, which is why, as part of the ‘peace negotiations’ Israel was eager to swap areas of Israel with large concentrations of Arabs such as The Triangle in exchange for the settlement areas of the West Bank.
5.    In Pew Research Centre’s survey Israel’s Religiously Divided Society in 2016 a plurality of Israeli Jews, 48 %, supported the physical expulsion of Israeli Arabs as opposed to 46% who were opposed. In other words, stripping out the don’t knows, a majority of Israeli Jews support making Israel a purely Jewish ethnic state.
79% of Israeli Jews say that Jews should be given preferential treatment in comparison with Arabs. Whatever else you can be accused of Keir Starmer, it is not stupidity. So perhaps you can explain whether or not you see a connection between the above two figures and the existence of Israel as a Jewish state as opposed to a state of all its citizens with equal rights for all. Do you see such deep and ingrained racism as being inevitable in a religious state that accords its citizens rights depending on which ethno-religious group they belong to? Since a belief in a Jewish state is an inherent part of being a Zionist perhaps you could tell us whether you still describe yourself as Zionist ‘without qualification’?
If you do still consider yourself a Zionist is it not reasonable that we should describe you as a racist ‘without qualification’?  If you disagree perhaps you can explain how a Jewish state, which grants rights to Jews which it withholds from non-Jews, can be anything other than racist?
6.           As a graduateof St. Edmond Hall College, Oxford you should be aware that the French Revolution of 1789 ushered in Jewish Emancipation. France was the first country to do so. Jewish Emancipation was something which Britain only achievedin 1858 when Lionel Rothschild took his seat.
In the debate in the French Constituent Assembly Count Stanislas de Clermont-Tonnerre declared that
We must refuse everything to the Jews as a nation and accord everything to the Jew as an individual.”
Separation between Church and State was a precondition for Jewish equality with non-Jews. How can you support a State explicitly based on the religion of one section of the population?
7.           Are you aware that in Israel there is no such thing as Israeli nationality? There is a Jewish nationality and there are Arab, Druze and up to 140 other ‘nationalities’ but there is no Israeli nationality. In the words of Justice Melcer in the Supreme Court case of Uzi Ornan v State of Israel
it is important to emphasize that the “constitutional Jewishness” of the state negates the legal possibility of recognizing an “Israeli nationality... all the appellants’ arguments concerning the existence of Israeli nationality in fact relate to Israeli citizenship... citizenship is one thing, and nationality is another.
This is the source of the constitutional discrimination in Israel against non-Jews. One’s rights and duties depend on whether or not one is a Jewish national. Please can you explain why this is not racist?
In Israel 93% of the land is reserved for the sole use of its Jewish citizens. It is administered jointly by the Jewish National Fundand the Israeli Lands Administration. Just 2% of Israel’s land is occupied by its Arab minority, which is 20% of the population. The JNF, which administers the allocation of Israeli land was founded in 1901 and is the oldest Zionist organisation.
In 2000 on the application of Kadan, the High Court ruled that the state could not discriminate on the basis of religion or nationality when allocating state land to citizens. In 2011 the Knesset passed the Reception Committee Lawwhich effectively overturned this ruling, thus allowing Admission Committees in Jewish-only communities such as Mitzpe Aviv to reject applications from Israeli Arabs. As a result hundreds of communities in the Negev and Galilee are Jewish only.
By way of comparison, although Britain is a Christian state this does not affect the rights of its Jewish citizens. What would you say if a Christian National Fund owned 93% of British land and Jewish citizens were barred from accessing that land?  Would you describe that as anti-Semitic? If not why not?
The Redemption of the Land of Israel is one of the fundamental tenets of Zionism. It means that land, once bought, will never again pass into the hands of non-Jews. In the light of the fact that racism in land allocation is fundamental to Zionism would you still describe yourself as an ‘unqualified Zionist’?
8.           The JNF , which was established by the 1953 JNF Law as a subcontractor for the Israeli state, responded to a Petition seeking to enforce the ruling in Kadan thus:
The JNF is not the trustee of the general public in Israel. Its loyalty is given to the Jewish people in the Diaspora and in the state of Israel... The JNF, in relation to being an owner of land, is not a public body that works for the benefit of all citizens of the state. The loyalty of the JNF is given to the Jewish people and only to them is the JNF obligated. The JNF, as the owner of the JNF land, does not have a duty to practice equality towards all citizens of the state.
On their web site the JNF further clarified that
A survey commissioned by KKL-JNF reveals that over 70% of the Jewish population in Israel opposes allocating KKL-JNF land to non-Jews, while over 80% prefer the definition of Israel as a Jewish state, rather than as the state of all its citizens.
The racism of the JNF couldn’t be clearer yet it is the approved land agent for the Israeli state? Do you still consider yourself a Zionist Keir Starmer and if so how is that compatible with your claim to oppose racism?
Despite its declaration that it doesn’t treat Israel’s citizens equally, the JNF has 10 out of 22 seats on the Council of the Israeli Land Authority. Would you consider a similar arrangement in Britain, whereby an organisation committed to excluding Jews from the majority was put in charge of allocating state land, as racist?
9.           Nearly 50% of Arab-Israelis fall below the poverty line, compared to13% of Jews. That is because of the systematic discrimination that Israeli Arabs experience in every field of society such as housing, education and employment. Do you see any connection between these figures and Israel being a Jewish state, i.e. Zionism, or it all coincidental?
10.      In Israel all education bar higher education is segregated into a Jewish and Arab education system. There are a handful of  private mixed Arab-Jewish schools in Israel. In the words of a Ha’aretz article, Schools for Jews and Arabs: Separate but Definitely Not Equal.
Areportfrom the Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel (Adalah) states that public investment per Jewish student is NIS 1,778 per student, three times higher than investment per Arab student, NIS 534. Do you agree that just as in South Africa under Apartheid this is not accidental but a consequence  of Zionism and a Jewish state?
11.      Employment is another major area of discrimination in Israel. Job opportunities for educated Palestinian Arabs in Israel are limited due to the fact that certain labour markets, such as the military-industrial complex and most government and civil service jobs, are closed to them. In the 1950s and 1960s, it was the Labour Zionist Histadrut which refusedto locate factories or invest in Arab areas. Coupled with discrimination in education this results in disproportionate poverty.  Do you agree that job segregation, which is fundamental to Zionism, is the sign of an apartheid economy and therefore racist?
12.      In Israel four of the major hospitals segregate Arab and Jewish women in separate maternity wards. Prof. Alon Klement, the supervisor of Tel Aviv University’s Class Action Clinic stated that
‘the subject of segregation in maternity wards has been in the headlines for a long time; it was in the Knesset, it was in the press, it’s not something new,”
Perhaps Sir Keir you can enlighten us whether you consider racial segregation of patients in hospital, which is another example of Zionism in action, is something you consider racist?  If not would you advocate separating White and Black women in British maternity wards?
13.      Afula is a city of about 30,00 people in the north of Israel.  As such it is unable to take ‘advantage’ of the Reception Committee Law and exclude Arabs. It therefore has to rely on Jewish social solidarity among its inhabitants. Unfortunately last summer one of its residents decided to sell their house to an Arab which prompted a demonstrationby hundreds of its citizens including the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and members of its Council.
Council member Itai Cohen told the Army Radio the municipality would continue to “ensure that Afula preserves its Jewish character.” and that “Anyone looking for a mixed city — Afula is not the address,” This is, after all, what  a Jewish state and Zionism means.  There were also similar demonstrations in 2016 and 2018. Deputy Mayor Shlomo Malihi toldHa’aretz that
“The residents of Afula don’t want a mixed city, but rather a Jewish city, and it’s their right. This is not racism.”
 This is how Zionism and a Jewish State is interpreted in practice? Do you still call yourself an ‘unqualified Zionist’?
14.      In another Jewish city in the Galilee, Safed, the Chief Rabbi, Shmuel Eliyahu, a paid employee of the state i.e. a civil servant, together with 17 other rabbis, issued an edict forbidding its inhabitants from renting or leasing apartments to Arabs. When the edict ran into the inevitable criticism dozens of Israel's municipal chief rabbis signed a religious ruling forbidding the rental of homes to non-Jews. Like the demonstration in Afula, this is part and parcel of what it means to live in a Jewish state.
It has been the norm, ever since the beginning of Zionist colonisation, that Arabs and Jews should live apart. The Kibbutzim, which used to seen as socialist, were 100% all-Jewish communities.  This is what Zionism means in practice. Do you still call yourself an ‘unqualified Zionist’ Sir Keir?
15.      Israel has been hard hit by Coronavirus. It has been reluctantto test its Arab citizens. The Israeli State has been doing its best to protect its citizens, or at least its Jewish citizens.  At the start of the pandemic it ‘forgot’to have any testing centres in Arab areas.
Shmuel Eliyahu - Racist Chief Rabbi of Safed
On the West Bank the State does not even recognise that it has any responsibility to protect the inhabitants of the territories despite its responsibilities as the occupying power under international law. So when residents of Hebron erected a building to be used as a Coronavirus testing centre the Civil/Military Administration had no hesitation in demolishing it.
The Military Administration’s reasons were that the building was erected illegally for personal purposes. Which is true except that Arabs rarely, unlike Jewish settlers, receive building permits. The structure stood on land belonging to Hebron resident Hazem Maswada who had donated the land to the city so that it could build a coronavirus testing center. The Hebron district has the highest number of coronavirus cases in the West Bank.
Do you have any views Sir Keir on a state which, instead of protecting the minorities who live in it, actively goes out of its way to ensure that they are not protected during the pandemic?  Is this not another example of why Zionism is racist or is it merely a question of obeying the law?
16.      In 2013 Eli Dahan told a radio interviewer about his opinions of Palestinians: To me, they are like animals, they aren’t human.’There was nothing exceptional about such opinions in Israel but in 2015 Dahan became Deputy Defence Minister responsible for the Military Administration of the West Bank, In most western democracies such a man would have been considered unfit to be a rat catcher let alone a government minister.  Do you not agree?
Such racism is endemic in the ‘Jewish’ State. When Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu announced his intention to surround all of Israel with a fence” (thus recreating the Jewish ghetto) he described the surrounding Arabs as “wild beasts”.
It would be unfair however just to focus on Likud when the Israeli Labor Party is also as racist. Its former leader Isaac Herzog is now Chairman of the Jewish Agency, a Zionist organisation which seeks to keep Israel as demographically Jewish as possible.
When Herzog was leader he toldLabor activists that
“A false impression exists that we take the needs of Palestinians into account before the needs of the State of Israel.”
 Herzog reassuredhis audience that
God forbid, and without giving the impression – from what I have heard after meeting with the Israel public – that we always like Arabs.”
Herzog later wroteon Twitter that
“I heard there are those who are unsatisfied with my Zionist approach.“If they want the head of the Zionist Union to prefer the interests of the Palestinians, I have a message for them. Pick a different path.”
The Jewish Labour Movement, which describes itself as the ‘sister party’ of the racist Israeli Labor Party, has been in the vanguard of the ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign in the Labour Party. It is obvious, is it not Sir Keir, what their real motivation was for accusing anti-Zionists as racists.
Do you still consider yourself a Zionist Sir Keir and if so don’t you feel it is slightly hypocritical ‘taking the knee’ in support of Black Lives Matter, sorry I meant Black Lives Moment since anti-racism seems to be just a momentary experience for you.
The previous year, Herzog explained why he wanted a Palestinian Bantustan.
‘I want to separate from the Palestinians. I want to maintain a Jewish state with a Jewish majority. I don’t want 61 Palestinian MKs in Israel’s Knesset. I don’t want a Palestinian prime minister in Israel. I don’t want them to change my flag and my national anthem.’
Imagine a British politician saying that they don’t want a Black or Muslim Prime Minister. The Israeli Labor Party is supposed to represent the left-wing of Zionism. Do you still support Zionism without qualification?
17.      In recent years Netanyahu has done his best to deport Israel’s 40,000 Black African refugees. In this he has been supported by the almost dead Israeli Labor Party. Ha’aretz statedin its editorial
Under the leadership of new Labor Party Chairman Avi Gabbay, the MKs of the Zionist Union gave their support Monday to a disgraceful government bill for the deportation and imprisonment of asylum-seekers. If the draft law is passed, the Holot detention center would be shuttered and asylum-seekers given a choice: deportation to Rwanda or indefinite incarceration in Israel.’
Netanyahu’s reasons for trying to deport the refugees had nothing to do with whether they had a genuine fear of persecution. Most of them fled from either Eritrea or Sudan. The reason Netanyahu gave for trying to expel them was that they
‘were threatening the security and identity of the Jewish state. If we don't stop their entry, the problem that currently stands at 60,000 could grow to 600,000, and that threatens our existence as a Jewish and democratic state,"
Netanyahu made it clear that his real objection to the refugees was that they were non-Jewish. In a Jewish state you can’t have too many non-Jews. This is what Zionism is about. Do you still call yourself a Zionist without qualification’Sir Keir?
18.      Around half of Israel’s Bedouin population, 150,000 people, live in ‘unrecognised’ villages. They are unrecognised because the land on which they are living and which they have lived on for centuries, is considered Jewish national land.
They are facing a catastropheduring the Coronavirus pandemic due to the Israeli government’s decades-long refusal to grant them legal status. These villages are denied basic utilities such as running water, a sewage system, or garbage collection. They face constant battles to resist home demolitions. Israel is still a settler colonial state at war with its indigenous population.
Attiah al-Aasem, chair of the Regional Council of Unrecognized Villages in the Naqab, warnedthat “the coronavirus will worsen the day-to-day problems in the villages.”
This Sir Keir is your ‘unqualified Zionism.’ Israel has a policy of ‘Judaising’ the Naqab which is why it is only Jewish settlements (which are always ‘recognised’) automatically receive municipal services. Are you still such an enthusiastic Zionist?
19.      You will probably recall the murder of George Floyd back in June. It triggered off the biggest series of demonstrations in America’s history. Demonstrations which are still continuing, in its history.

Just 5 days after George Floyd’s murder an autistic Palestinian man, Iyad Hallak, was gunned down by Israel’s Border Police in Jerusalem. He was on his way to his day care centre. The Police stated that they ‘mistook’ the mobile phone he was holding for a gun. A mistake that they never seem to make with Jews.
His carer screamed ‘He's Disabled. 'I'm With Her,' Eyad Cried but the Israeli Pig Opened Fire Anyway. According tothe testimony of his carer, who was by his side he was executed.
Despite pleading for his life and trying to explain to the police officers, in Hebrew and in Arabic, that he suffered from a disability, they shot him three times from close range with a rifle, directly into the center of his body, as he lay on his back, wounded and terrified, on the floor of a garbage room.
What happened next?  Were the Police arrested and charged as in Mineapolis? Not a chance.
In Israel Police are never arrested or charged for killing Palestinians. It is unheard of for a policeman to do gaol time for killing Arabs whom they consider sub-humans. One policeman was confined to house arrest, for a day, and that was it.  Noone has been charged with murder. Sure there is a Police investigation but in Israel such investigations never result in prosecution.
Despite taking place in the centre of East Jerusalem where there is a surplus of CCTV and cameras, it would appear that none of them were working that day!  It seems that in Israel not only the people but the cameras too are racists!
At least George Floyd’s murderer, Derek Chauvin was chargedwith 2nd degree murder. You see Sir Keir, the murder of natives in a colonial context was rarely prosecuted under the British Empire so why should Israel be any different? You probably think that to ‘single out’ Israel when Britain did the same in its colonies is ‘anti-Semitic’.
As you can see Sir Keir, Zionism is a living, breathing form of racism. So I will ask you again Sir Keir.  Do you still consider yourself an ‘unqualified Zionist’? 
20.      Zionism is a form of Jewish supremacism. The only questionit asks is ‘is this good for Jews?’That is why Israel armed and supported Apartheid South Africa. It is why Israel arms and equips Burma today in its genocide against the Rohinga. It is why Israel had close military relationships with Pinochet’s Chile and the Argentinian Junta that murdered 3,000 Jews for being Jews. It is why there is barely a single military or fascist dictatorship that Israel has not befriended. This is Zionism.  Do you still consider yourself to be a Zionist ‘without qualification’?
If so then we shall have to consider you to be a racist who is unfit to be the rat catcher at Labour’s HQ, let alone its leader.
Tony Greenstein

Prussia and the State of Israel – The Parallels


Both Prussia and Israel were the product of a holocaust

Two years ago Uri Avnery, one of the few Zionists who you couldn’t describe as a racist, died. Avnery was a maverick Israeli who began his political life in Irgun, the fascist Revisionist Zionist militia and ended it as a fighter for peace. 
Avnery formed Gush Shalom, an Israeli peace group in 1993. He published for 40 years a muck raking magazine Haolam Hazeh that Ben Gurion hated so much that he refused to refer to it by name calling it ‘the filthy weekly’ or ‘the certain weekly’. Avnery was also a former member of the Knesset, serving three terms -  1965-1969, 1969-1973, 1979-1981, as well as being a prolific writer and columnist.
Avnery was lucky to survive a knife attack on him
When the PLO and Yasser Arafat were subject to a siege by the Israeli army in Beirut in 1982, Avnery crossed the armistice lines to meet him.
Avnery is not the first person to draw attention to the comparison between Israel and Prussia. Both military states were by-words for the worship of the military and aggression. A good biography of Avnery is here.
Take the test below and see how remarkable are the parallels between Israel and Prussia!
Tony Greenstein
Haolem Hazeh pictures Eichmann in the dock at Jerusalem
Uri Avnery
A SHORT historical quiz: Which state:

(1) Arose after a holocaust in which a third of its people were destroyed?

(2) Drew from that holocaust the conclusion that only superior military forces could ensure its survival?

(3) Accorded the army a central role in its life, making it “an army that had a state, rather than a state that had an army”?

(4) Began by buying the land it took, and continued to expand by conquest and annexation?

(5) Endeavored by all possible means to attract new immigrants?

(6) Conducted a systematic policy of settlement in the occupied territories?

(7) Strove to push out the national minority by creeping ethnic cleansing?
For anyone who has not yet found the answer: it’s the state of Prussia.
But if some readers were tempted to believe that it all applies to the State of Israel – well, they are right, too. This description fits our state. The similarity between the two states is remarkable. True, the countries are geographically very different, and so are the historical periods, but the points of similarity can hardly be denied.
THE STATE that was respected and feared for 350 years as Prussia started with another name: Mark Brandenburg. (Mark: march, border area). This territory in the North-East of Germany was wrested from its Slavic inhabitants and was initially outside the boundaries of the German Reich. To this day, many of its place names (including Berlin neighborhoods, like Pankow) are clearly Slavic. It can be said: Prussia arose on the ruins of another people (some of whose descendants are still living there).
A typical Haolem Hazeh front cover
A historical curiosity: the land was first paid for in cash. The house of Hohenzollern, a noble family from South Germany, bought the territory of Brandenburg from the German Emperor for 400,000 Hungarian Gulden. I don’t know how that compares with the money paid by the Jewish National Fund for parts of Palestine before 1948.
The event that largely determined the entire history of Prussia up to World War II was a holocaust: the 30-years war. Throughout these years - 1618-1648 - practically all the armies of Europe fought each other on German soil, destroying everything in the process. The soldiers, many of them mercenaries, the scum of the earth, murdered and raped, pillaged and robbed, burnt entire towns and drove the pitiful survivors from their lands. In this war, a third of the German population was killed and two thirds of their villages destroyed. (Bertolt Brecht immortalized this holocaust in his play, “Mother Courage”.)
reading about the Eichmann trial in Haolem Hazeh
North Germany is a wide open plain. Its borders are unprotected by any ocean, mountain range or desert. The Prussian answer to the ravages of the holocaust was to erect an iron wall: a powerful regular army that would make up for the lack of seas and mountains and be ready to defend the state against all possible combinations of potential enemies.
At the beginning, the army was an essential instrument for the defense of the state’s very existence. In the course of time, it became the center of national life. What started out as the Prussian defense forces became an aggressive army of conquest that terrified all its neighbors. For some of the Prussian kings, the army was the main interest in life. For a time, the soldiers and their families constituted about a quarter of the Berlin population. An old Prussian saying goes: “Der Soldate / ist der beste Mann im Staate” – the soldier is the best man in the state. Adulation of the army became a cult, almost a religion.
A younger Avnery
PRUSSIA WAS never a “normal” state of a homogenous population living together throughout the centuries. By a sophisticated combination of military conquest, diplomacy and judicious marriages, its masters succeeded in annexing more and more territories to their core domain. These territories were not even contiguous, and some of them were very far from each other.
One of those was the area that came to give the state its name: Prussia. The original Prussia was located on the shores of the Baltic Sea, in areas that now belong to Poland and Russia. At first they were conquered by the Order of Teutonic Knights, a German religious-military order founded during the Crusades in Acre - the ruins of its main castle, Montfort (Starkenberg), still stand in Galilee. The German crusaders decided that instead of fighting the heathens in a faraway country, it made more sense to fight the neighboring pagans and rob them of their lands. In the course of time, the princes of Brandenburg succeeded in acquiring this territory and adopted its name for all their dominions. They also succeeded in upgrading their status and crowned themselves as kings.
The lack of homogeneity of the Prussian lands, composed as they were of diverse and unconnected areas, gave birth to the main Prussian creation: the “State”. This was the factor that was to unite all the different populations, each of which stuck to its local patriotism and traditions. The “State” – Der Staat – became a sacred being, transcending all other loyalties. Prussian philosophers saw the “State” as the incarnation of all the social virtues, the final triumph of human reason.
The Prussian state became proverbial. Demonized by its enemies, it was, however, exemplary in many ways – a well organized, orderly and law-abiding structure, its bureaucracy untainted by corruption. The Prussian official received a paltry salary, lived modestly and was intensely proud of his status. He detested ostentation. A hundred years ago Prussia already had a system of social insurance – long before other major countries dreamed of it. It was also exemplary in its religious tolerance. Frederick “the Great” declared that everyone should “find happiness in his own way”. Once he said that if Turks were to come and settle in Prussia, he would build mosques for them. Last week, 250 years later, the Swiss passed a referendum forbidding the building of minarets in their country.
PRUSSIA WAS a very poor country, lacking natural resources, minerals and good agricultural soil. It used its army to procure richer territories.
Because of the poverty, the population was thinly spread. The Prussian kings expended much effort in recruiting new immigrants. In 1731, when tens of thousands of Protestants in the Salzburg area (now part of Austria) were persecuted by their Catholic ruler, the King of Prussia invited them to his land. They came with their families and possessions in a mass foot march to East Prussia, traversing the full length of Germany. When the French Huguenots (Protestants) were slaughtered by their Catholic kings, the survivors were invited to Prussia and settled in Berlin, where they contributed greatly to the development of the country. Jews, too, were allowed to settle in Prussia in order to contribute to its prosperity, and the philosopher Moses Mendelssohn became one of the leading lights of the Prussian intelligentsia.
When Poland was divided in 1771 between Russia, Austria and Prussia, the Prussian state acquired a national minority problem. In the new territory there lived a large Polish population that stuck to its national identity and language. The Prussian response was a massive settlement campaign in these areas. This was a highly organized effort, planned right down to the minutest detail. The German settlers got a plot of land and many financial benefits. The Polish minority was oppressed and discriminated against in every possible way. The Prussian kings wanted to “Germanize” their acquired areas, much as the Israeli government wants to “Judaize” their occupied territories.
This Prussian effort had a direct impact on the Jewish colonization of Palestine. It served as an example for the father of Zionist settlement, Arthur Ruppin, and not by accident – he was born and grew up in the Polish area of Prussia.
IT IS impossible to exaggerate the influence of the Prussian model on the Zionist movement in almost all spheres of life.
Theodor Herzl 
Theodor Herzl, the founder of the movement, was born in Budapest and lived most of his life in Vienna. He admired the new German Reich that was founded in 1871, when he was 11 years old. The King of Prussia – which constituted about half of the area of the Reich – was crowned as German emperor, and Prussia formed the new empire in its image. Herzl’s diaries are full of admiration for the German state. He courted Wilhelm II, King of Prussia and Emperor of Germany, who obliged by receiving him in a tent before the gate of Jerusalem. He wanted the Kaiser to become the patron of the Zionist enterprise, but Wilhelm remarked that, while Zionism itself was an excellent idea, it “could not be realized with Jews”.
Herzl was not the only one to imprint a Prussian-German pattern on the Zionist enterprise. In this he was overshadowed by Ruppin, who is known today to Israeli children mainly as a street name. But Ruppin had an immense impact on the Zionist enterprise, more than any other single person. He was the real leader of the Zionist immigrants in Palestine in their formative period, the years of the second and third Aliyah (immigration wave) in the first quarter of the 20th century. He was the spiritual father of Berl Katznelson, David Ben-Gurion and their generation, the founders of the Zionist Labor movement that became dominant in the Jewish society in Palestine, and later in Israel. It was he who practically invented the Kibbutz and the Moshav (cooperative settlement).
If so, why has he been almost eradicated from official memory? Because some sides of Ruppin are best forgotten. Before becoming a Zionist, he was an extreme Prussian-German nationalist. He was one of the fathers of the “scientific” racist creed and believed in the superiority of the Aryan race. Up to the end he occupied himself with measuring skulls and noses in order to provide support for assorted racist ideas. His partners and friends created the “science” that inspired Adolf Hitler and his disciples.
The Zionist movement would have been impossible were it not for the work of Heinrich Graetz, the historian who created the historical image of the Jews which we all learned at school. Graetz, who was also born in the Polish area of Prussia, was a pupil of the Prussian-German historians who “invented” the German nation, much as he “invented” the Jewish nation.
Perhaps the most important thing we inherited from Prussia was the sacred notion of the “State” (Medina in Hebrew) – an idea that dominates our entire life. Most countries are officially a “Republic” (France, for example), a “Kingdom” (Britain) or a “Federation” (Russia). The official name “State of Israel” is essentially Prussian.
WHEN I first brought up the similarity between Prussia and Israel (in a chapter dedicated to this theme in the Hebrew and German editions of my 1967 book, “Israel Without Zionists”) it might have looked like a baseless comparison. Today, the picture is clearer. Not only does the senior officers corps occupy a central place in all the spheres of our life, and not only is the huge military budget beyond any discussion, but our daily news is full of typically “Prussian” items. For example: it transpires that the salary of the Army Chief of Staff is double that of the Prime Minister. The Minister of Education has announced that henceforth schools will be assessed by the number of their pupils who volunteer for army combat units. That sounds familiar – in German.
After the fall of the Third Reich, the four occupying powers decided to break up Prussia and divide its territories between several German federal states, Poland and the USSR. That happened in February 1947 – only 15 months before the founding of the State of Israel.
Those who believe in the transmigration of souls can draw their own conclusions. It is certainly food for thought.
See also a similar essay by Uri Avnery The Settlers' Prussia
The 30 year war saw the death of up to 8 million people

Ending the new Thirty Years war

New Statesman January 2016
Why the real history of the Peace of Westphalia in 17th-century Europe offers a model for bringing stability to the Middle East.
By Brendan Simms and Michael Axworthy and Patrick Milton
A man hangs upside down in a fire. Others are stabbed to death or tortured; their womenfolk offer valuables to save their lives – or try to flee. Elsewhere, women are assaulted and violated. In another image the branches of a tree are weighed down with hanging bodies, and a religious symbol is proffered to a victim as the last thing he will see on Earth. The caption describes the hanged men as “unhappy fruit”.
This could be Syria today: but it is Europe, in the mid-17th century, at the height of the Thirty Years War. The artist who recorded these horrors was Jacques Callot, who saw the French army invade and occupy Lorraine in 1633. He was perhaps the closest thing his time had to a photojournalist.
The Thirty Years War, within which the occupation of Lorraine was just a short episode, has been cited as a parallel in new discussions of the Middle East by a range of foreign policy practitioners, including Henry Kissinger and the president of the US Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haass, academics such as Martin van Creveld and journalists such as Andreas Whittam Smith. Like the original Thirty Years War, which was in fact a series of separate but interconnected struggles, recent conflict in the Middle East has included fighting in Israel, the occupied territories and Lebanon, the long and bloody Iran-Iraq War, the two Gulf wars, and now civil wars in Iraq and Syria. As with the Thirty Years War, events in Iraq and Syria have been marked by sectarian conflict and intervention by peripheral states (and still more distant countries) fighting proxy wars. Both the Thirty Years War and the present Middle Eastern conflicts have been hugely costly in human life. The Peace of Westphalia that ended the Thirty Years War in 1648 has also featured in comment of late, usually along with the observation that recent events have brought about the collapse, at least in parts of the Middle East, of ideas of state sovereignty that supposedly originated with Westphalia.
Yet that is a myth, a serious and perhaps fatal misunderstanding of the Westphalian treaties. The provisions of the treaties in fact set up a structure for the legal settlement of disputes both within and beyond the German statelets that had been the focus of the conflict, and for the intervention of guarantor powers outside Germany to uphold the peace settlement. And, as we shall see, the real history of Westphalia has much to tell us in the present about the resolution and prevention of complex conflicts.
Germany is the prosperous heart of the continent today, but in the early 17th century the “Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation” was the disaster zone of Europe. It was politically fragmented, with the various princes, bishops, towns and the emperor himself all vying for influence, greatly complicated by religious differences between Roman Catholics and followers of various forms of Protestantism. The empire lay at the centre of Europe and was thus the point at which the great-power interests of nearly all the main protagonists in the international system intersected: the French, the Habsburgs, the Swedes, the Ottomans and even the English regarded the area as vital to their security. So Germany both invited intervention by its neighbours and spewed out instability into Europe when the empire erupted in a religious war in 1618 that lasted three decades.
Domestically, the root of the Thirty Years War, just as with many Middle Eastern ­conflicts today, lay in religious intolerance. The security of subjects governed by rulers of the opposing religious camp was often at risk of their governments’ attempts to enforce doctrinal uniformity. With the creation of cross-border confessional communities, as well as antagonisms both within and between the territorial states, rulers became increasingly willing to intervene on behalf of co-religionist subjects of other princes – another parallel with the contemporary Middle East.
Initial attempts to solve these problems failed. After a series of wars following the Reformation, a religious peace was ­concluded at the imperial Diet of Augsburg in 1555. This was a milestone in the devel­opment of confessional cohabitation, because it embodied, for the first time, a recognition of the importance of creating a legal-political framework to manage religious coexistence. Although the treaty helped foster peace for many years, it was nevertheless deficient. First, the princes granted each other toleration only between themselves, not among subjects within their territories. The “Right of Reformation”, or ius reformandi, gave princes the power to impose their confession on their subjects: a form of religious compulsion later encapsulated in the phrase cuius regio, eius religio(“the religion of the prince is the religion of the territory”).
Rulers became increasingly willing to intervene on behalf of co-religionist subjects of other princes
This was a state-centred solution; it ignored the concerns of the princes’ subjects apart from guaranteeing their right to emigrate. Partly designed to undercut interventionist impulses by consigning confessional affairs to an inviolable domestic sphere, the treaty text stated: “No Estate [territory] should protect and shield another Estate or its subjects against their government in any way.” Second, the state-centred settlement was increasingly unsatisfactory for most Protestant states, as it had inbuilt structural advantages for the Catholic side. Calvinism was not recognised and remained officially a heresy. Furthermore, the Catholic princes began to rely on majority voting to sideline Protestants at decision-making assemblies such as the Reichstag or Diet, which in effect was the German parliament. And the Catholic Church embarked on a major evangelising effort to reverse the effects of the Protestant Reformation through popular preaching – the Counter-Reformation, a prime mover for which was the Jesuit order. Taken together, these factors left Protestants feeling increasingly under pressure, and more radical Protestants were constantly trying to revise the settlement. The formation of hostile princely religious alliances – the Protestant Union in 1608 and the Catholic League in 1609 – was symptomatic of the general “war in sight” atmosphere characterising central Europe at the turn of the 17th century. 
The resulting war was, just like the current Middle Eastern conflict, a set of interlocking political-religious struggles at local and regional levels. These provoked and enabled extensive external interference, which in turn exacerbated and prolonged the conflict. Non-state and sub-state actors played important roles in that epoch as they do now: corporate groupings of noble subjects (estates) and private military entrepreneurs; terrorist groups and aid organisations. The war began as an insurrection of the Bohemian nobility against their Habsburg rulers, and soon escalated into a much broader confessional conflict within the empire. But it also became a struggle between competing visions of the future political order in central Europe – a centralised imperial monarchy against a more federally organised, princely and estates-based constitution – which in turn folded into the long-standing Habsburg-Bourbon struggle for European supremacy.
The war was immensely destructive: arguably the greatest trauma in German history. It resulted in an overall loss of about 40 per cent of the population, which dropped from roughly 20 million to 12 million. The war was not merely quantitatively, but qualitatively, extreme. Such atrocities as the massacre and burning of Magdeburg in 1631, which killed over 20,000 people, resonate in the German popular imagination to this day. The war also caused its own refugee crisis. Cities such as Ulm hosted huge numbers relative to their pre-war population – 8,000 refugees taken in by 15,000 inhabitants in 1634, a situation comparable to the one faced by Lebanon today, where one in four people is a Syrian refugee. The resulting shifts in the religious balance often sparked unrest in previously quiet areas, a phenomenon we are beginning to see in the Middle East as well. In those days no one had come up with the concept of toxic stress – but the trauma was no less for that.
Eventually, the war between the Holy Roman emperor, the princes, Sweden, France and their respective allies was brought to an end by the now-famous Treaties of Münster and Osnabrück (collectively known as the Peace of Westphalia). In roughly the past century and a half, however, their nature and implications have been completely misunderstood. The misconception – still frequently repeated in many textbooks, in the media, by politicians, and in standard works on international relations – maintains that the Peace, by granting the princes sovereignty, inaugurated a modern “Westphalian system” based on states’ sovereign equality, the balance of power and non-intervention in domestic affairs. This fallacious notion of Westphalia was later picked up uncritically by political scientists, scholars of international law and historians, leading to the remarkably persistent and widespread Westphalian myth.
The real Westphalia was something quite different. Although the Right of Reformation was officially confirmed, it was in effect nullified by the imposition of the “normative year”. This fixed control of the churches, the right of public worship, and the confessional status of each territory to the state it had been in, on 1 January 1624. This was an innovative compromise arrangement that set a mutually acceptable official benchmark for faith at a point in time at which neither side had gained supremacy. By establishing a standard applicable to all, it also represented a convenient means of avoiding the conflicts of honour inherent in early-modern negotiations in which princes were asked to make concessions.
The practical outcome was that a princely conversion could no longer determine the religious affiliation of the subject population in question. The imperial judicial tribunals retained extensive authority to enforce the confessional and property rights of princes’ subjects (many of which were stipulated at Westphalia). The external guarantors, France and Sweden, were granted a right to intervene against either the emperor or the princes, in order to uphold Westphalian rights and terms. So, this “true Westphalia” is better characterised as an order of conditional sovereignty.
Princes were entitled to rule for life, but crucially were required to respect their subjects’ basic rights, such as religious freedom (including that of Calvinists), enjoyment of property and access to judicial recourse, while also respecting the rights of fellow rulers. If they failed in their duties towards their subjects or the empire they could in theory and practice become targets for intervention, which in some cases entailed deposition from power.
That central Europe avoided another religious war after 1648 shows the success of Westphalia’s conflict regulation mechanisms. At a time of renewed religious dispute in the early 18th century, a statement issued by the Protestant party at the imperial Diet commented on the improvements that Westphalia had brought to the imperial constitution, stating: “The refusal of Territorial rulers to accept that other fellow states protect foreign inhabitants and subjects was one of the greatest causes which led to the wretched Thirty Years War. It is precisely this wound which has been healed by the Peace of Westphalia.”
Westphalia was thus seen as a corrective measure, opening up domestic affairs to mutual and reciprocal scrutiny, on the basis of clear principles agreed by all. It provided an effective system for the “juridification” of conflict, whereby confessional strife (which certainly continued) was channelled into a legal-diplomatic framework and defused through litigation and negotiation, if necessary with the threat of external intervention by a guarantor power, rather than being settled by warfare.
Where in 17th-century Europe Protestants were alarmed by the revanchism of the Catholic Counter-Reformation, through which the emperor (with the support of his Spanish Habsburg cousins) sought to restitute property and lands confiscated from the Catholic prince-bishoprics by Protestant princes during the previous century, so in the Middle East today Shia communities feel under pressure from the new wave of aggressive Wahhabi/Salafi jihadism which similarly regards their faith as heresy and abomination. Or, if you choose to accept the Saudi or Wahhabi version, you could regard Iran and the Shias as the threatening hegemon. One way or the other, both Iran and Saudi Arabia feel insecure in the region, menaced by enemies, to a degree paranoid and liable to miscalculate the true nature of the threat to them and their faiths.
Moreover, the position can change. After the Swedish intervention in Germany in 1630, the Catholics, previously triumphant, were thrown on the defensive and their worst nightmares began to come true. For an eventual settlement to become possible, it was necessary for disillusionment with religious aggrandisement to set in. That might still seem to be some way off in Syria and Iraq now; yet perhaps not so far off. At an earlier stage some Sunnis at least, in Iraq and elsewhere, became disillusioned with al-Qaeda when it was seen to be able to offer no more than continuing violence, with no prospect of any kind of victory. It will be necessary first to defeat Da’esh, or Islamic State, but disillusionment with it could set in quite quickly when its millenarian project is seen to suffer severe setbacks. It will nonetheless be necessary to deal with the Wahhabi origins of the jihadi problem, in Saudi Arabia, as Michael Axworthy argued in his New Statesmanarticle of 27 November 2015.
It would be highly desirable as part of a wider Westphalia-style settlement also to make progress towards a solution of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. Yet such a settlement should not be seen as necessarily dependent on that. The Israel/Palestinian question is not an important factor in the present situation in Syria or Iraq, nor has it been among the prime concerns of al-Qaeda or Islamic State, which have both been much more focused on toppling Arab states in the Middle East.
Another aspect of the conflict in the Middle East is that both Iran and Saudi Arabia see themselves as the legitimate leader of the community of Islam as a whole. Just as Christendom was pulled apart by religious conflict in the 17th century, yet Catholicism and Protestantism were still horribly bound together, like cats in a sack, by a shared history and shared faith, so too with contemporary Islam. The traditional territory of Islam is still, in some sense, a coherent whole in the minds of Muslims. In a way reminiscent of that in which the Holy Roman emperor’s authority was still recognised by the Protestant states of the empire, albeit reluctantly and with bitter resentment, so Shia Muslims have to accept Saudi Arabia’s de facto guardianship of the holy places of Medina and Mecca. A settlement in the Middle East could take strength from the lingering sense of a common heritage in the region.
The creation of Iraq, Syria and Lebanon as sovereign states after the First World War owes something to the European state model that is linked in the minds of many to the mythical Westphalia. Some would say that the model was artificial and unsuited to the complex political reality of those countries; that the continuing collapse of Iraq and Syria (with Lebanon looking fragile) is at least in part a consequence of the bad match. But it may be less the borders of those states that have been the problem than the internal political nature of the states as they were established.
The new nations’ borders for the most part followed the boundaries of previous Ottoman administrative districts, including those abolished with much fanfare by Islamic State 18 months ago. Such is the ethnic, religious and tribal complexity of the peoples they contain that they are likely to be difficult to divide up in any less artificial or more satisfactory way. Any attempt to redraw borders extensively is likely to deepen and exacerbate the chaos. In the Westphalia settlement, with only a few exceptions, the pre-war borders of the German statelets were retained; it was the way the states related to each other and the confessional diversity of their subjects that changed. There is a lesson here.
Sectarianism, the interference of neighbouring states, the breakdown of earlier state arrangements, the exodus of refugees –all of these are features of a region that has become, as a recent New Statesman leader put it (quoting Karl Kraus), a “laboratory for world destruction”. Some in the contemporary Middle East are aware of past religious extremism and conflict in Europe and ask how we overcame it historically. Therefore, it is in no way patronising to offer the lessons of those past traumas: it is part of our shared human experience, our collective memory. That is what history is – or can be. The Westphalia myth, in supporting a notional model of the modern state which has failed in both Iraq and Syria, may have contributed to the terrible conflicts we have seen unfolding in recent years in those countries. The real Westphalia, by contrast, could contribute to a solution.
It showed ways to turn interference in wars into guarantees of peace
Its application to the Middle East requires an inclusive conference with representatives from all recognised states in the region, plus potential “guarantor” powers. The negotiations would have to start from the assumption that the “truth content” of the various positions has to be set aside for now, and would have to end with a recognition that sovereignty would be conditional and involve the transfer of some prerogatives to common institutions modelled on the old German imperial ­supreme judicial institutions and/or the Reichstag. Populations would not necessarily be guaranteed democratic participation in the first instance, but governments would be obliged to respect certain vital rights, including the free exercise of religion and, in certain circumstances, that of judicial appeal outside their local jurisdictions. Toleration would thus be “graded”, Westphalian-style, with the recognition of a dominant religion or system in each territory, but with safeguards for minorities. As with Westphalia, rulers would be constrained by duties towards their own subjects (for that is what they are, at present), but also towards respecting each other’s integrity as well as that of the whole system. The whole arrangement would then have to be placed under external guarantee of agreed regional and global powers.
All this requires political will and engagement, obviously, but it must begin with some intellectual legwork. To this end, the Forum on Geopolitics at the University of Cambridge has established a “Laboratory for World Construction”, drawing on expertise in both cases, to begin to design a Westphalia for the Middle East.
There will be no a “quick fix”; the Westphalia negotiations took five years and ultimately failed to end the related war between Spain and France (which lasted until 1659). By 1648 the various warring parties in central Europe had reached a state of general exhaustion, and disillusionment with religious extremism.
But the lessons of the real treaties of Westphalia, which provided means for the legal resolution of disputes and showed ways to turn external interference in conflict into external guarantees for peace, could be a significant contribution to eventual settlement of the Middle East’s problems.
Bringing peace to the Middle East will not be easy, and many have failed before. Yet if it could be done in mid-17th-century Germany, a problem no less intractable, then anything is possible.
Brendan Simms is the director of the Forum on Geopolitics at Cambridge
Michael Axworthy is the director of the Centre for Persian and Iranian Studies at the University of Exeter
Patrick Milton is a postdoctoral fellow at the Free University of Berlin (POINT programme) and co-ordinator of the Westphalia for the Middle East “Laboratory for World Construction” at the Forum on Geopolitics

WHY WE ARE RESIGNING FROM THE LABOUR PARTY – an Open Letter from 2 Women of Colour


Israel tears down Palestinian COVID-19 facilities but if you mention this Starmer will accuse you of ‘anti-Semitic’ conspiracy theories!
Protesters pay a visit to the offices of Israeli merchants of death, Elbit, last week

This statement from Cristel Amiss & Sara Callaway, the former Joint BAME officers, Hampstead & Kilburn CLP, says just about everything that needs to be said about Sir Starmer and the Labour Party.
Sara and Cristel write that at their Zoom meeting with Starmer BAME officers were unable to see each other (unlike Starmer’s meetingswith the Jewish Labour Movement and the Board of Deputies when all participants were visible to each other). Of course White people are inherently trustworthy unlike their Black counterparts and there is therefore a need to keep an eye on them.
They write
‘astonishingly, the Windrush scandal, the tragic Grenfell fire, racism against immigrants and asylum seekers, were never mentioned.’
Unfortunately it is not that astonishing.
Jewish people in Britain do not face or experience state racism, which is the form of racism that Black and Muslim people face. With the partial exception of Hasidic Jews whose dress is different Jewish people don’t face anti-Semitic attacks either.  At worst Jews in Britain experience a certain amount of prejudice.
Jewish people don’t get stopped by the Police for driving whilst Black unlike even the most respectable Black people like Dawn Butler MP.  Jewish people don’t die in Police custody.  They don’t get deported back to countries they haven’t been in since childhood because their citizenship is questioned (after the Home Office had kindly destroyed all the proof in the form of landing cards).  Jewish synagogues don’t get firebombed unlike mosques.
State racism today operates against Blacks and Muslims not against Jews. There is no Jewish Stephen Lawrence or George Floyd There is no Jewish Windrush. Instead the Zionist Board of Deputies, which has never once lifted its finger to oppose genuine racism, acts like a parasite on the findings of the MacPherson Report distorting its conclusion that incidents which an alleged victim perceives as racist must be reported as such.  According to the Jewish Labour Movement this translated into accepting the word of a victim as proof of the guilt of the alleged attacker, thus dispensing with the need for any form of investigation or trial.
What of course really happened in the past 5 years is that British Jews and ‘anti-Semitism’ were used as the pretext to undermine and destroy Corbyn because of his opposition to British and American foreign policy, which in the Middle East rests on Israel. Jews were used by the British Establishment, with the active connivance of the Board of Deputies and the Zionist Jewish Labour Movement, as a pretext for attacking the anti-war position of Corbyn and the left.  In the wordsof Barnaby Raine
Once they saw us as dangerous Semites infesting European society. Now instead we are their favourite pets: heroic colonists in the Middle East and successful citizens in the West
It had nothing to do with genuine anti-Semitism. But because of the treachery of Jon Lansman, Owen Jones and other fake leftists, the Zionists’ bogus use of ‘anti-Semitism’ was successfully used to divide and demoralize the left.
Below I have illustrated some of the concrete examples of the callous everyday racism that is taken for granted in the State of Israel. 
1.     Imad Barghouti, a Professor of Physics at Al Quds University, was arrested on July 16th simply because of his publicly-expressed opinions and social media activity. He is currently in Ofer prison camp, near Ramallah.  Professor Barghouti, like hundreds of Palestinians, is held under Administrative Detention, i.e.  without any form of trial. On the basis of allegations made by Israel’s security services he is detained indefinitely, renewable every 6 months.
This it should be noted is the ‘democratic Israel’ that Starmer and the Labour Right uphold as a beacon of democracy in the Middle East.  Of course for Israeli Jews there is a certain, limited democratic space though even that is narrowing, for example the Police and fascist attacks on Netanyahu demonstrators.
The following letter is being circulated by Scientists for Palestine. You can sign a petition demanding Prof. Barghouthi’s release here.
2.     In Israel the authorities are doing their best to protect its Jewish citizens (albeit unsuccessfully) and prevent the spread of COVID 19, including imposing a renewed lock-down. In the West Bank the Israeli military (which calls itself the Civil Administration) is doing its best to prevent the Palestinians from protecting themselves by demolishingcoronavirus clinics and isolation tents. We can therefore say that not only does Israel not recognize its responsibility as an Occupying Power under the Geneva Convention to protect the indigenous population but that it is doing its best to help spread the virus.
Some people resent comparisons between the Nazis and Zionists yet it is a fact that the Nazis, by ghettoizing the Jews in impossibly small and confined areas deliberately ensured that typhus and other illnesses rapidly spread, which itself became an excuse for extermination. Up to half a million Polish Jews died of hunger and disease. As I have often said, Israel is Hitler’s bastard offspring.
3.     And for once a heart warming story that has now unfortunately turned sour. For reasons that are not clear, the Israeli army turned a blind eye to mass breaches of the Apartheid Wall (thus proving it was never intended to stop bomb attacks) by Palestinians who desired to go to the beach and see the sea. Despite being less than 20 miles away from the sea, most Palestinians in the West Bank have never seen what we take for granted. The idea of swimming in the sea is just a dream. It is one of the few advantages of Gaza that it has a shoreline. Today the Israeli army, after criticism from the usual racist politicians, acted to stop Palestinians ‘illegally’ entering their own land.


We are women of colour active in non-party grassroots organising for social justice for many years. Like thousands of others, we joined the Labour Party (2015) when Jeremy Corbyn stood for the leadership, calling together a movement to fight for an anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-austerity, anti-war government to be elected. Such a government, alongside a strong grassroots movement, could have been transformative.
We got to know old and new members who helped us find our way in a rigid party structure, and were elected officers in our branch, our CLP, and as delegates to conference. We joined Momentum and organised community meetings. We focused on bringing grassroots justice issues to the fore – detention centres, Windrush, racist attacks including on Mosques, anti-rape, police violence, poverty and housing. We were part of a team of canvassers who increased the Labour vote in 2017 and 2019 in our multi-racial and immigrant neighbourhood and in some other constituencies. Our communities have been among the most loyal Labour voters but are the least respected.
We support Palestine and Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS), and faced a bullish core of white mainly male defenders of Israeli apartheid, some of them councillors, determined to suppress the membership’s support for Palestine by stating or implying it was antisemitic. We made official complaints within our CLP and to London Region about the treatment we and other women, including Jewish women, experienced from these men. There has been no response from HQ. On a recent webinar evaluating the leaked report that exposed gross racism, sexism and sabotage by HQ, a woman councillor reported that similar treatment was going on in constituencies up and down the country: “It’s as if they are protected.” A woman council leader resigned recently citing similar misogyny and bullying from inside the Party.
We are leaving the Labour Party because:
·         Starmer’s grovelling apology and the Party payment of hundreds of thousands of members’ money to staff who attacked members and conspired against winning elections, despite legal advice that the Party had a strong defence, is the last straw
·         Sabotage, and gross racist, sexist abuse and bullying by HQ are rife but Starmer is more concerned with who leaked the report than what’s in it.
·         The 850-page report exposes how staff in charge of complaints, including on antisemitism, were themselves routinely abusive, especially to Black women MPs. HQ undermined Corbyn’s leadership and pursued witch-hunts against members. We were shocked and furious to find out that the 2017 election was lost by a mere 2,500 votes because of sabotage by HQ and right-wing Labour MPs, some of whom are now in Starmer’s shadow cabinet. Starmer’s first response to the report was to get those who leaked it.
·         Antisemitism is being misused and elevated above every other form of discrimination, including racist attacks against Muslims and people of colour. False accusations of antisemitism were manufactured and used by Labour’s right-wing to discredit Jeremy Corbyn and launch a witch-hunt within the party where anyone on the left could be attacked for saying what was disapproved of by a small clique. Keir Starmer has said that he supports “Zionism without qualification” and that his “first priority” is “to tackle anti-Semitism” in the Party. Not the hostile environment, and structural and life threatening racism that Black, Asian, Muslim, immigrant and asylum seeking people, and people of colour generally face daily; not the causes of the Grenfell fire that killed 72 people, overwhelmingly immigrant and/or of colour, as if their lives didn’t matter; not poverty which 4.5 million children, disproportionately children of colour, suffer turning up at school hungry; not climate change which threatens all our lives; not Covid-19 and Tory negligence, indifference or worse that has killed tens of thousands, again disproportionately people of colour.
·         Black Lives Matter. Starmer, a former Director of Public Prosecutions, told the BBC:
“I worked with police forces across England and Wales bringing thousands of people to court, so my support for the police is very, very strong.”
As people of colour and antiracists rise up against police violence and racism in every sphere, Starmer’s response is to belittle BLM as a “moment”, condemn the toppling of statues of slavers, and dismiss calls to defund the police as “nonsense”. As DPP he refused to prosecute police officers who killed Jean Charles de Menezes in a terrifying extra-judicial execution and then lied about the victim to justify the killing. Starmer’s disrespect for Black lives has already caused resignations from the Labour Party—it is worthy of Boris Johnson and points to a political affinity between them.
·         Starmer is putting supporters of Israeli apartheid in charge of Labour’s disciplinary procedures and of who members are allowed to associate with.
All the leadership candidates, except Richard Burgon and Dawn Butler, endorsed the 10 pledges of the Board of Deputies of British Jews (BOD). The BOD defends Israeli apartheid, ethnic cleansing and the bombing of Palestinian civilians. How can such an organisation be given power over the membership? The aim, it seems, is to move on from the antisemitism row and increase Labour’s electability. We refuse the racist presumption that treats Palestinians (and pro-Palestinian members) as collateral damage to Labour’s electability.
·         Palestinian Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter supports Palestinian rights because there can be no liberation for any of us unless the boot of racist occupiers is taken from our necks everywhere. To allow anyone to be treated as expendable by a party seeking power, opens the way to many more of us being expendable, if that party wins power. To put the BOD (which has attacked Black Lives Matter for supporting Palestine) and the Jewish Labour Movement (which told people not to vote for Corbyn) in charge of the membership gives carte blanche to the Israeli government – a foreign apartheid power aligned with Trump and other reactionary forces worldwide – to take charge of the Labour Party. Already Black women MPs have been reprimanded for participating in a zoom meeting where two Jewish anti-racists, one of them a Black Jewish woman, who had been hounded out of the Party by the vicious witch-hunt, were present. Another Black woman MP is facing verbal abuse and physical threats for supporting BLM; the leadership response has been faint.
·         Starmer claims to be a “human rights advocate” but unilaterally reversed a policy decision passed overwhelmingly at Conference to support self-determination in Kashmir. He gives a green light to occupation by Modi’s racist, sectarian violence against Muslim people, with Muslim women on the front lines.
At the JLM meeting with Starmer, everyone could see each other.  At a meeting with Black people only Starmer was visible - they couldn't see each other
·         BAME officers were invited to a zoom meeting with Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner on 15 June. Astonishingly, the Windrush scandal, the tragic Grenfell fire, racism against immigrants and asylum seekers, were never mentioned. BAME officers were prevented from seeing or hearing each other and our questions. BAME elections to the NEC were flawed, making it almost impossible for independent accountable candidates to be nominated much less elected.
 We won’t campaign for a party where people of colour and anti-racists, and our movements, are maligned and attacked, and where we would be silenced. We resign with immediate effect. We will continue to work with anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-capitalist members in the Party. We need each other to build a strong movement to win the changes we have all been fighting for.
Cristel Amiss & Sara Callaway, formerly Joint BAME officers, Hampstead & Kilburn CLP

‘I ask you for your support and solidarity’: Prof. Imad Barghouthi writes from Ofer prison

Dear colleagues, 
Israeli authorities arrested me on July 16th 2020 simply because of my publicly-expressed opinions and social media activity. I am currently in the Ofer prison camp, located near Ramallah city. I consider this arrest to be against my right to freedom of speech which is protected by international law. I have the right to express my own opinion and speak up to defend my country from military occupation. Also, my detention infringes on the rights of my students, my research and scientific activities.  
I do not expect any justice from the Israel military court system which is designed to subjugate the Palestinian population and lacks any credibility. 
The new academic year is scheduled to start in September and as a faculty member in the physics department of Al Quds University I am assigned to teach the following courses:
·         Advanced nuclear theory (graduated level).
·         Atomic & molecular physics (4th year level).
·         Theory of Electromagnetism (3rd year level).
·         Theory of relativity (3rd year level).
In addition, I supervise many master students and graduate research projects.
Dear scholars, I appeal to you to support the rights of myself and my students to continue pursuing our research. I therefore ask you for your support and solidarity to call for either my release from Israeli prison or, at minimum, demand that they provide me with the necessary tools to be able to teach online and set up my own lectures. Preferably located in my house in order to be able to teach and supervise my students. 
In advance, thank you very much for your help and support. 
Prof. Imad Ahmad Barghouthi 
Department of physics, AQU
Occupied Palestine 
Currently in the Ofer Israeli prison camp

Landowner says Israeli authorities demolished COVID-19 testing site on donated plot

"When we woke up in the morning to find the building destroyed, we were shocked,” landowner Raed Maswadeh tells Mondoweiss

As the number of coronavirus cases in Palestine continue to soar, Israeli forces demolished this week a COVID-19 testing clinic in the city of Hebron, the epicenter of the outbreak in the occupied West Bank.
According to locals, Israeli forces demolished the clinic in the middle of the night, just before sunrise on Tuesday morning. 
Remnants of the COVID-19 clinic in Hebron (Photo courtesy of Raed Maswadeh)
Tuesday’s demolition took place just over one week after Israeli forces delivered a stop-work order on the building.
The order gave the landowner, who had charitably donated the plot to the Hebron Municipality, 96 hours to prove he had building permits.
If he did not provide Israeli-approved building permits, the order said, the clinic would be destroyed.
The owner of the land, Raed Maswadeh, told Mondoweiss that over the course of the past week, he had been working with Israeli authorities to retrieve the proper building permissions. 
Because the land, located right at the entrance to Hebron City, is located in Area C, any sort of construction or work on the land requires Israeli permission — a nearly impossible feat, as Israel overwhelmingly denies any Palestinian building requests in Area C. 
Just 24 hours before the demolition, Maswadeh and his lawyer were allegedly told by the Israeli Civil Administration office in Beit El that the permits were approved, and the clinic would not be destroyed.
“We thought everything was fine, and we were really relieved,” Maswadeh told Mondoweiss. “So when we woke up in the morning to find the building destroyed, we were shocked,” he said. 
According to Maswadeh, Israeli authorities notified his lawyer of the demolition via email in the evening hours of Monday, after his lawyer had closed his office for the day. 
Maswadeh described the actions of the Israeli military and civil administration as “shady,” saying that it was “inhuman” to demolish a COVID-19 clinic in the midst of the pandemic. 
My family donated our land, and put in hundreds of thousands of shekels of our own money to build this clinic,”Maswadeh said, adding that he was driven to start the project after his grandfather passed away due to COVID-19 complications. 
“This was our way of honoring my grandfather’s memory and helping our community,” he said. “But Israel does not care about that, and they clearly don’t care about Palestinians dying because of the coronavirus.”

Yumna Patel
Yumna Patel is the Palestine correspondent for Mondoweiss.

Israel Turns a Blind Eye, and Palestinians Revel in a Weekend at Jaffa Beach

Using breaches in the West Bank separation barrier, Palestinians soak up the sun on Israel's shores as Israel's military looks on

Published on 10.08.2020
This past weekend was very special for Siham, 45, and her five children, who live in the West Bank village of Bil’in, and who crossed the separation barrier and traveled to the beach in Jaffa.
“My children had never seen the sea – as far as they were concerned it was as if they were coming to the most important attraction in the world,” Siham said. “To touch the salty water and play in the sand was the dreamiest and least expensive entertainment I could have offered my children.”
Siham’s account is one of a thousand such stories of Palestinians, adults and children alike, who were allowed to cross the separation barrier and go to beaches in Israel over the past week. Anyone coming to the beach over the weekend couldn’t miss the Palestinian families, especially in Jaffa but in Herzliya, Haifa and other beaches as well.
The average Israeli wouldn’t be able to tell whether an Arab family came from Nablus or Tul Karm in the West Bankor Umm al-Fahm or Kafr Qasem in Israel, but a sharp eye could tell that the Palestinians were different, people for whom going to the beach is a rare treat and getting there involved some difficulty. “We came to Kafr Biddu and we crossed the barrier at an opening – not at a checkpoint or anything, just an opening in the [separation] fence like many others,” said Inas, a mother of three who came to Jaffa. “On the Israeli side there was a bus waiting for us – I paid 30 shekels (nearly $9) and we went to Jaffa. There was nothing threatening. I was surprised when I saw the Jews [soldiers] looking at us without bothering us at all.
“They told us just to just bring a mask and food,” she said about the drivers waiting on the Israeli side.
“We haven’t been to the beach in years, certainly not the little kids. My husband and I were able to go years ago, but the kids were waiting for this moment. The coronavirus has left all of us financially stressed and apparently the Israeli economy needs us now. In Ramallahnone of the parks, pools or even the zoo are open. Do you know how much it costs for the hotel pool in Jericho? Who has money, so what could be better than the sea?”
The presence of Palestinian families at Israel’s beaches has been a topic of discussion on the West Bank, raising numerous questions. Was this a spontaneous act, or an act of protest by the population against the Palestinian Authority, which is trying to restrict movement and prevent gatherings as part of its battle against the coronavirus? On the other hand, why was Israel turning a blind eye and letting thousands of people cross through random breaches in the barrier without any supervision or inspection?
After Eid al-Adha, which straddled the previous weekend, a few Palestinians managed to get through the fence and reach Jaffa. This past weekend, the numbers grew considerably.
The Israel Defense Forces declined to comment.
A Nablus-area resident who was involved in arranging buses to the Jaffa beach said he didn’t coordinate the trips with any Palestinian or Israeli entity. “People are simply fed up and wanted to go to the beach,” he said.
The Palestinian government is imposing closures and Israel is apparently interested in taking in thousands of Palestinians to prove to the PA that it doesn’t control anything. The fact is that thousands chose to defy everything and go, and there’s always someone who takes on the role of organizer or the agent that helps people get to their destination.”
Many people explained that the breaches in the barrier, near Far’un, Biddu and Shuweika, are an open secret; people just come and cross. Araf Sha’aban, a resident of Jenin who organized buses to the beaches at Jaffa and Herzliya, explained how it works.
 “You advertise on social media and people register; then you bring a bus or minibus to an open point in the barrier, and people go there, cross and on the other side another bus is waiting that brings them to the beach and then returns them. The price is 150 shekels per person as part of a family,”
explains Sha’aban, who didn’t express any concern about being detained by the army.
What delays? In many cases they helped people cross or opened the gate,” he said. “The truth is, the soldiers also saw that these were families with flotation rings, beach balls and baskets of food, and not grenades.
Other people told Haaretz that the behavior of the Israeli security forces was surprising.
We saw the army jeeps but we didn’t feel any threat; on the contrary, in the evening, when we came back and it was dark, they turned on the lights so we shouldn’t miss the opening in the fence.”
In Jaffa itself, many residents said there was no sense of threat. In fact, there were those who acknowledged the presence of the visitors and opened kiosks, including merchants from East Jerusalem.
One West Bank resident who came with an elderly woman and wouldn’t give his name, said,
“I don’t know how Israel views this but as far as I’m concerned, these are the beaches of Palestine. So we are at the beach with or without permission. They turned a blind eye or didn’t enforce; who cares. The point is that we got here and it was fun.”
The PA did not come out against these visits but some saw it as Israel poking a finger in the PA’s eye.
They want to prove to us that with or without coordination, they are letting in civilians, even at the risk of a coronavirus outbreak, even though they knew in advance that the Palestinians wouldn’t mix with the Israelis,
a senior Palestinian official said.
What’s more, instead of Palestinians taking their leisure in the West Bank and spending their money there, they preferred having the money to spend in Israel and not the West Bank, even if we aren’t talking about large sums.”
The coronavirus restrictions are continuing in the West Bank as part of the state of emergency declared by the PA, but many are now saying that keeping major leisure sites closed serves no purpose if thousands of people are going into Israel and returning.
Near the Meitar checkpoint there is another breach in the fence that four people can go through at once. At the edge of the road that leads from the crossing to the South Hebron Hills, cars stop every few minutes and men and boys get out carrying packs and suitcases. One of them, 16, said he was breaching the barrier to seek work in Israel, since the coronavirus eliminated most workplaces in the Hebron area.
Another man said he had worked in Israel in the past, but when the PA halted coordination with Israel he was unable to renew it. He crossed with his younger children. “The soldiers just don’t care, after all, they could stop this is a minute,” said one of them.
On the other side of the barrier there are cars waiting, most of them driven by Israeli Arabs, to bring them the Palestinians to their destinations. Some of them even wait on the Palestinian side of the barrier, in full view of everyone. “A guy just wants to work; if there’s no money you find a way to work,” said one of them.
One young hipster, carrying only a small pack, said he had crossed the barrier to have a good time. “On the other side they bring us to Be’er Sheva and from there we’ll continue, maybe we’ll get to Jaffa,” he said, before crossing through the opening.
On the road, a Jewish woman from the area stopped her car to look at what was going on. “This is crazy,” she said. “Every day I see them coming out in droves and I’ve even reported it a few times and nobody cares.” An elderly Palestinian man who works in construction in Jaffa stopped alongside her and started to argue with her.
“Do you know how I live? Do you know I have a sick grandson and we don’t have money for his treatment?” he said angrily.
But this is a border,” she replied.
For me this is no border,” he said, and continued on his way.

Brighton Black Lives Matter Demonstration Makes It Clear That Police and State Racism has NOT Gone Away


Today’s demonstration focused on the racism of Sussex Police and recited the names of Black victims of Police violence or their failure to Investigate Racist Attacks


Today’s demonstration was the smallest of the three which have so far been held in Brighton. I estimate the size was about 3,000 but it was also the sharpest politically.  It focused throughout on the question of Police Violence and the failure of Sussex Police to investigate the case of Jay Abatan, a Black man in Brighton who was murdered 20 years ago.
The main slogan, summed up in a large banner, was Silence is Compliance. As the march neared the Level we were entertained by drummers.  The reception from waiting motorists and passers by was really warm and there was no antagonism that I could discern.
Just as with the previous 2 demonstrations those taking part were overwhelmingly young and there were many Black people.
Only last week there was a violent attack by 6 police on a Black man on the pier.  Despite posing no threat the police tasered him. The link to the video, which was on Facebook has broken.  If I can find it again I will put it up.
I attach a few clips of the demonstration and photographs. Once again Brighton and Hove PSC greeted the  marchers with a big banner and the marchers reciprocated. There is little need to convince Black people and anti-racists of the connection between violence against Black people and Zionism.  After all, despite Keir Starmer pretending that it is an ‘anti-Semitic trope’ to make mention of Israel’s role in training the US cops, the links are there and self evident.  Not least from the Zionists’ own admission.
Tony Greenstein

Imagine if you went on holiday and on returning you discovered that the State had confiscated your home as ‘abandoned property – that is how Israel steals Palestinian homes


The Jewish National Fund is trying to evict the Sumarins from the home they have lived in for 30 years - if Annexation goes ahead then thousands of Palestinian homes in the West Bank will be declared ‘abandoned’

The 1950 Absentee Property Law[APL] was the main legal instrument used by Israel to steal the land belonging to the three-quarters of a million Palestinians who were expelled from Israel as well as thousands of Palestinian who continued to live in Israel.
The Custodian of Absentee Property [CAP] took charge of this land and over 2 million dunams, were given to the Jewish National Fund, a para-state body whose constitution specifies that land it controls is for the sole benefit of Jews. The JNF was incorporated in Israel by the 1953 JNF Status Law.
The criteria for transferring land to the CAP was that its owner was residing in an ‘enemy’ country, i.e. the surrounding Arab countries that the refugees had fled to. The APL was to last as long as a State of Emergency lasted in Israel. In fact a State of Emergency has lasted continuously since 1948, not because there is an emergency but because ‘security’ in Israel is a good pretext for confiscating Arab land.
What was particularly outrageous about the APL was that even Palestinians who had fled for safety to a neighbouring village a mile away in 1948 found that they were declared Present-Absentees, a truly Orwellian term. They were both Present and Absent, thus enabling the ‘socialist’ Kibbutzim to take over the lands they had always coveted from their Arab neighbours.
Of course the provisions of the Absentee Property Law have NEVER been applied to Jews because Israel is a Jewish state and Jewish Settlement is enshrined in the Jewish Nation State Law.
In 1967 with the conquest of East Jerusalem [EJ] and the West Bank, Israel annexed EJ and applied Israeli law to it, including the APL. Virtually all property in EJ therefore fell under the CAP because the owners and residents were living after 15 May 1948 in what was an ‘enemy country’, Jordan yet  now the property was located in Israel.
Because an application of the APL to all the Arab residents would have meant, effectively, a new expulsion of Palestinians, the Knesset in 1970 passed the ‘Law and Administration Procedures Law’ to exempt those living in Jerusalem.  However it didn’t apply to residents of the West Bank who had property in EJ.
Likewise residents of EJ who owned property in West Jerusalem which had always been part of Israel were still considered Absentees in respect of that property. However Israelis who owned property in EJ which they had been forced to abandon would now be able claim that property.  Here we see how the law clearly operates in a racist manner.
Shortly after the 1967 War, in government meetings of 22 November 1968 and 3 February 1969, a decision was taken not to apply the APL to EJ except in the case of empty property. The assumption being that, unlike 1948, when the Palestinians were forced out, the situation in EJ was different and there were no prospects of ‘encouraging’ the original inhabitants to leave.  Jerusalem was too much in the public eye for there to be mass expulsions.
However from 1977 onwards a new decision of the Israeli government enabled the seizure of almost all property that complied with the broader definition of “absentee property”. This decision had very severe consequences for EJ Palestinians. During the 1980s, an accelerated process of settler take-over of properties began.
In 1992, the application of the APL by the CAP to facilitate settlement expansion in EJ was revealed in a report concluded by the Klugman Committee [KC] (‘the Klugman Report’) [KR]. The KC identified 68 properties in EJ that were transferred, with the assistance of the State of Israel, from Palestinians to Jewish organisations. The KR strongly criticised the CAO’s actions, including its transfer of the absentee property to settler organisations.
However in 1997, the limitations on exercising the APL were further reduced and in June 2004, the Ministerial Committee for Jerusalem Affairs decided to revive the use of the APL in the manner observed between 1977 and 1992.
This was despite the then-Attorney General, ‘Meni’ Mazuz, sending a strongly-worded letter to Netanyahu, who was the Minister responsible for the office of the CAP) ordering the immediate cessation of the application of the APL to EJ property belonging to residents of the West Bank. Mazuz ordered the Government to return to the policy that preceded the ministerial decision, namely not to use its powers regarding those properties except in special circumstances and subject to the approval of the Attorney General. However this remained a dead letter.
On 15 April 2015, the Supreme Court ruled affirming the applicability of the APL to properties in EJ belonging to Palestinians living in the West Bank and approving all past expropriations that were carried out under the Law. However while approving the overall application of the Law to EJ properties owned by West Bank Palestinians, the Supreme Court established important criteria regarding the implementation of the Law in EJ. The Court held that as a general rule, the Law shall be implemented to EJ properties owned by West Bank Palestinians only in very rare and extreme cases (some of the judges could not even imagine that such cases exist).
The Sumarin family
Today in EJ, applications to the CAP are an integral part of the process of transferring most rights in property. Applications to the CAP can be made at the stage of ownership transfer or even before. The Recorder of Deeds asks the buyer to apply to the CAP and get a certificate from him stating that the property is not an absentee property.
[The information above comes from a Legal Memo prepared for the Norwegian Refugee Council of February 2017].

The Sumarin Family
In 1989 the JNF applied to the Custodian for Absentee Property to have the Sumarin family home declared absentee property. This was despite members of the family having lived in the house continuously for 30 years. The Custodian deemed it abandoned without the family’s knowledge.
The eviction attempts have been spearheaded by Himanuta, a subsidiary of the Jewish National Fund (KKL-JNF) which declares itself as a real estate agency. Their purpose is to hand the property to Jewish settlers. The property was transferred to KKL-JNF along with a host of other Palestinian properties in Silwan.
Following taking over the ownership of the Sumarin home, the KKL-JNF filed an eviction suit against the Sumarin family in 1991. The lawsuit was dismissed but KKL-JNF appealed and continued the proceedings repeatedly for nearly 30 years. 
Jerusalem District Court
On June 29th, 2020 the family lost an appeal in the Jerusalem District Court, which gave the green light for their eviction. The family, with support from an international network of activist, crowdfunded to submit an appeal to the Supreme Court. The court’s declaration that it will hear the appeal temporarily delays the eviction.
Blockade of JNF headquarters in Jerusalem
An international campaign, led by the Sumarin family and including Jewish Israeli groups, has developed to prevent the eviction. In the UK, human rights campaigners have spoken out prominently against the eviction. A cross-party group 69 MPs has signed Early Day Motion 529, which condemned the eviction. In Jerusalem, on the day of the court decision, activists from “Free Jerusalem” and “All That’s Left” chained themselves to the entrance of the JNF-KKL headquarters: nine protesters were arrested.
Zionist Colonialism is Alive and Thriving in 2020
What these actions show is that neither Zionism nor Zionist Colonialism is dead. Many liberal Zionists imagined that with the achievement of statehood in 1948 that the Zionist architecture of the Israeli State could be dismantled. It is arguable, at least from a Zionist point of view, that the JNF had to be established in order to provide land for the Zionist colonists before the establishment of statehood.
But what possible pretext could there be for the continuation of the existence of the JNF beyond 1948 unless the continuation of colonisation was envisaged?  Not only that but after the expulsion of the Palestinian refugees the Israeli state either handed outright or sold very cheaply over 2 million dunums of land (each dunum is a ¼ of an acre) to the JNF.
The reason of course for the continuation of the JNF and the Jewish Agency was that the Israeli government and these Zionist institutions were intent on the ‘ingathering of the exiles’. Jewish immigration at the expense of the native Palestinians. That was why Israeli Arabs were put under military law from 1948-1966.  It was not because there was any serious concern about a fifth column but because this was necessary to keep the Arabs off the land, which was kept empty until the new Jewish immigrants arrived.
This was in other words nothing less than a piece of racial engineering carried out under the guise of security.
How Israel’s  Theft of Land from the Palestinians in Israel works
The establishment in law of the JNF in 1953, a law which wrote the JNF’s Memorandum of Association (constitution), could only have one meaning. The Israeli state wanted to continue with a policy of ethnic cleansing but in such a way that its hands were not seen to be dirty.
Signing the Covenant between the JNF and the Government - pledging to steal as much Palestinian land as possible
In addition to the JNF having the special status of a private institution with public powers under the 1952 and 1953 World Zionist Organisation – Jewish Agency (Status) and Jewish National Fund Laws, in 1960-1961 there were passed a whole series of laws whereby Israel’s land regime was regularised with the passage of the Basic Law: Israel Lands, the Israel Land Law and the Israel Lands Administration Law. In 1961 a Covenant was signedbetween theIsraeli government and the JNF. The purpose of this exercise was to end duplication between government and JNF.
An Israeli Land Council was formed with 22 members – 12 from the ILA and 10 from the JNF. The Israel Land Administration was renamedthe Israel Land Authority (ILA) in 2009.
Up to 1948 the JNF had bought 600,000 dunums of land. From thereon the JNF ended up with 2.5 million dunums. There is no evidence that the JNF paid a single shekel for what was stolen property. This constituted 13% of total Israeli land. The other 80% is in the hands of the ILA.
This puts to bed the lie that the JNF’s ‘Jewish land’ was bought with the pennies of Jews in the diaspora. In fact 80% of its land was a stolen gift.
In response to a petition from Adalah in 2004 the JNF claimed that
‘Equality does not mean giving someone the right to live on someone else's land since, just as the Jews do not have the right to live on Islamic Waqf land, or land belonging to one of the churches, non-Jews do not have the right to choose land given to the Jews for the sake of achieving their right to equality.”
Except that this was Palestinian not ‘Jewish’ land to begin with. The Christian church and the Moslem Waqf don’t own 13% of Israeli land and control another 80%.
Nor do they have leases stipulating that Jews cannot rent or lease their lands.
Israel is unique in capitalist societies in that 93% of its land is owned or controlled by the State. Why is there such a tiny market in private land in Israel? Is Netanyahu a secret socialist? Clearly not.
The answer is because under a free market, Arabs would inevitably penetrate the deepest Jewish settlements. Sooner or later most communities would become mixed. In order to prevent this there are 2 options - one the present system of state control or, as in South Africa, specific legislation confining racial or national groups to specific areas.
Instead of, as in South Africa, the equivalent of the Natives Land Act of 1913 and the Group Areas Act of 1950 (1957, 1966) Israel decided that segregation would be enforced by the State sub-contracting out the task to a para-state, nominally non-State body, the Jewish National Fund, in coordination with the Israel Lands Authority/ Administration.

As former Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon joked, only in Cuba and North Korea does the State control a greater percentage of the land. Assuming that that is true, then the reason in those states has nothing to do with ensuring the ethnic division of the land.
How the Settler Right See It
Israel Hayom, the largest newspaper in Israel, a free sheet funded by Sheldon Adelson describedthe plight of the Sumarin family somewhat differently.
After a 30-year legal battle, a Jerusalem court has ruled that the Sumarin family must vacate a property located in EJ and return it to its rightful owners. The family has been supported by some 30 left-wing organizations with many funded by the European Union.
Nachi Eyal, one of the directors at Himanuta, the real estate company at the heart of the attempt to steal the property of the Sumarin family, applauded the Jerusalem District Court's decision.
Eyal said ‘I will work with all of my might so that the property will be turned over to its rightful owners.’ Orwell may be dead but 1984 lives on. But according to these people, all Palestinian land is alienated from its ‘rightful owners’and it is only a matter of time until it is restored.
Below is a piece by someone who visited the Sumarin family, something no right-wing Israeli paper would of course bother to do.
Report from theCanary
Eliza Egret, 18th June 2020
In 2018, I visited the Sumarin family in their EJ home, right by the walls of the historical Old City. Welcoming me with sweet tea and biscuits, Ahmad Sumarin told me about their decades-long fight in the Israeli courts to keep their home. Like other Palestinian families in the Silwan neighbourhood, the Sumarins are in danger of being evicted to make way for Israeli colonisers.
Now, two years later, the family faces one last, urgent battle. On 30 June, the Israeli court will hear the family’s final appeal. “There are six children in this household,” Ahmad explained to me. If the family loses in court, the children will all become homeless.
Why are they being made homeless?
The Sumarins built their home in the 1950s and have lived there for generations. But the Jewish National Fund (JNF),an Israeli NGO and substantial landowner, has been attempting to steal the house for decades,using a dubious Israeli law. Through its subsidiary Himanuta, the JNF intends to hand the house over to Israeli colonisers, amid the Israeli government’s ongoing attempt to ethnically cleanse EJ of Palestinians.
The Campaign
So far, 69 MPs have signed an Early Day Motion (EDM), condemning the JNF’s attempts to evict the Sumarin family. It is noticeable that 37 SNP MPs, virtually their entire contingent has signed the EDM compared to just 21 Labour MPs and 5 Liberal Democrats. The EDM states that:
[The House] reiterates that ethnic cleansing is one of the most serious crimes, and that the UK is committed to upholding international law; urgently requests the Government to intervene on behalf of the Sumarin family, and calls on the Charity Commission to review the charitable status of JNF UK.
Jewish people already made an official complaint to the Fundraising Regulator about JNF in the UK, arguing that it funds activities in contravention of international humanitarian laws.
Jewish-Israeli anthropologist and activist Jeff Halper, who founded the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) explained that the case of the Sumarin family is yet another expression of a key element of Israel’s colonial policy towards the Palestinians and their lands that gets scant attention: the policy that Israel itself called ‘Judaization’.
The term ‘Judaization’ has been used extensively by Israeli ministersand academics, as well as Israel’s mainstream press, to describe the process of changing the demographics of an area, depopulating its Palestinian Arab and Bedouin communities and settling Jewish people. According to Israeli human rights organisation B’Tselem, EJ is now “home to at least 370,000 Palestinians and some 209,000 Israeli settlers [colonisers]”.
Hundreds of Silwan’s Palestinian residents face eviction to make way for colonisers. The Israeli state has forced others to demolish their own homes. Standing on the roof of the Sumarin home, it’s haunting to see the colonisers’ flags flying from the rooftops of homes that have been stolen.
Wardeh Sumarin explained that:
There are so many [Palestinian] families with this same problem. Every year [the JNF and Himanuta] take more houses, [using] the same law in every house. Israel’s law protects them and lets them take any house they want.
‘We may just save the Sumarin family’
Dick Pitt of campaign group Stop the JNF told The Canary that there is still hope. He stated:
Five days after George Floyd was killed, an unarmed autistic Palestinian, Iyad Halak, was killed by Israeli police as he lay wounded on the floor. For decades the Israeli state has illegally taken Palestinian land, whether on a small scale such as attempts to evict the Sumarin family, or bigger, with the proposed annexation of the Jordan Valley into Israel. Just as the violence and racism of the US police has continued until it is meeting resistance, so Israeli violence and racism will continue until the world says this is unacceptable.
Right now the issues of human rights, opposition to illegal occupation, opposition to ethnic cleansing and basic human compassion line up to say this eviction is wrong.  If enough of us act now with petitions, letters, [and] pressure on MPs to sign Early Day Motion 529, we may just save the Sumarin family from unjust eviction.
Contact your MP
ICAHD’s Halper stated:
Using in this case the Jewish National Fund, a quasi-governmental corporation with charitable status in the UK, Israel is expending time, resources and political capital on removing one family on doubtful legal and moral grounds. If this is allowed to happen, if the UK government continues to grant the JNF charitable status, if the Jewish community and other ‘pro-Israel’ voices continue to support policies of Judaization and displacement, then they are all complicit. We of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD) call on the British government to protect the Sumarin family and revoke the political JNF’s charitable status.
After decades of fighting to keep their home, the Sumarin family needs everyone with a conscience to take action. “People outside can put pressure on the JNF so that it can’t occupy all the houses it wants,” Ahmad Sumarin told me.
You can contact your local MP, informing them of the plight of the Sumarins and asking them to sign the Early Day Motion. You can also ask MPs to contact the Foreign Office and the Israeli embassy to pressure Israel to stop the eviction. This is the last chance for the Sumarin family.
The Canary asked the JNF to comment on the Sumarin case, but received no reply.

The Jewish National Fund Is Trying to Kick a Palestinian Family Out of Their Home. The Court Stopped It – for Now

Court rules that the Sumreen family may stay in its East Jerusalem house until the case it settled. JNF, backed by settler group Elad, argues that it owns the building
Ha’aretz15.12.19. Hagar Shezaf
An Israeli court ruled this week that a Palestinian family may stay in its home in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan until a final ruling on the Jewish National Fund’s demand to evacuate it is made.
The Sumreen family case is the latest case that left-wing groups are holding up as evidence of a growing cooperation between the JNF and settler organizations in Jerusalem and the West Bank.
After a 30-year legal battle, the JNF in September was granted ownership of the family’s home by the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court, but the family appealed the ruling and asked to remain in the house until the case is settled. 
Jerusalem District Court Judge Chana Miriam Lomp  rejected the JNF’s claim that the Sumreens shouldn’t be allowed to stay and its argument that the family's appeal is unlikely to be accepted. However, Lomp demanded that the family present a 30,000-shekel ($8,6000) guarantee.
The JNF, backed by settler group Elad, claims that one of the family’s ancestors was an “absentee,” i.e., a civilian who lived in an enemy country, as a result of which his property was confiscated by the state – which then sold it to the JNF. Magistrate Court Judge Miriam Kaslassy accepted in September the JNF’s claim of ownership on this basis.
In response, the JNF said that
"KKL-JNF acts and will continue to act in a professional manner in regard to its property, and insists on its lawful rights over lands that it owns, just as the court rouled, regardless of race, gender or religion."
After the family of 18 appealed to the Jerusalem District Court to prevent their evacuation before a final ruling is reached, the JNF, stressing it operates “in a professional and unbiased manner,” claimed the family has other properties in the city, and therefore would not be harmed by the evacuation of their Silwanhome.
The first suit seeking the family’s eviction was filed by JNF subsidiary Himnuta in 1991. It was based solely on the determination that the father of the family, Musa Sumreen, was an absentee, and the family won.
The family then filed its own suit, seeking to be declared the property’s owner. But that suit was rejected in 1999 because the family failed to prove it had purchased the property.
Meanwhile, the state determined that Sumreen’s children were also absentees, prompting Himnuta to file a new suit in 2005. Himnuta won that suit, but in 2011 the verdict was vacated on the grounds that family members hadn’t been aware of the legal proceedings against them. The most recent suit was filed in 2017.
Left-wing critics have recently been attacking the JNF, claiming that it has turned into an operational unit of settler organizations. Several months ago, a Palestinian family living on ground owned by the JNF near Bethlehem was evacuated following a request by the organization.
Several days afterward, a settler outpost was set up in the same spot. The JNF says it is only acting to protect its property.

Israel’s Jewish National Fund is uprooting Palestinians – not planting trees

Last month the Sumarins lost a 30-year legal battle waged by the JNF, which was secretly sold their home in the late 1980s by the Israeli state.
The family’s property was seized – in violation of international law – under a draconian 1950 piece of legislation declaring Palestinian refugees of the Nakba “absent”, so that they could not reclaim their land inside the new state of Israel.
The Israeli courts have decreed that the APL can be applied outside Israel’s recognized territory too, in occupied Jerusalem. In the Sumarins’ case, it appears not to matter that the family was never actually “absent”. The JNF is permitted to evict the 18 family members next month. To add insult to injury, they will have to pay damages to the JNF.
A former US board member, Seth Morrison, resigned in protest in 2011 at the JNF’s role in such evictions, accusing it of working with extreme settler groups. Last year the JNF ousted a family in similar circumstances near Bethlehem. Days later settlers moved on to the land.
Ir Amim, an Israeli human rights group focusing on Jerusalem, warned that these cases create a dangerous legal precedent if Israel carries out its promise to annex West Bank territory. It could rapidly expand the number of Palestinians classified as “absentees”.
But the JNF never lost its love of the humble tree as the most effective – and veiled – tool of ethnic cleansing. And it is once again using forests as a weapon against the fifth of Israel’s population who are Palestinian, survivors of the Nakba.
Earlier this year it unveiled its “Relocation Israel 2040” project. The plan is intended to “bring about an in-depth demographic change of an entire country” – what was once sinisterly called “Judaization”. The aim is to attract 1.5 million Jews to Israel, especially to the Negev, over the next 20 years.
As in Israel’s first years, forests will be vital to success. The JNF is preparing to plant trees on an area of 40 sq km belonging to Bedouin communities that survived earlier expulsions. Under the cover of environmentalism, many thousands of Bedouin could be deemed “trespassers”.
The Bedouin have been in legal dispute with the Israeli state for decades over ownership of their lands. This month in an interview with the Jerusalem Post newspaper, Daniel Atar, the JNF’s global head, urged Jews once again to drop money into its boxes. He warned that Jews could be dissuaded from coming to the Negev by its reputation for “agricultural crimes” – coded reference to Bedouin who have tried to hold on to their pastoral way of life.
Trees promise both to turn the semi-arid region greener and to clear “unsightly” Bedouin off their ancestral lands. Using the JNF’s original colonial language of “making the desert bloom”, Atar said his organization would make “the wilderness flourish”.
The Bedouin understand the fate likely to befall them. In a protest last month they carried banners: “No expulsions, no displacement.
After all, Palestinians have suffered forced displacement at the JNF’s hands for more than a century, while watching it win plaudits from around the world for its work in improving the “environment”

The Jewish National Fund Should Stop Trying to Kick a Palestinian Family Out of Their Home

The JNF used to symbolize the hope for planting and rebuilding. Now it is acting as a proxy for settler groups bent on evicting a family of 18 from their home in the EJ neighborhood of Silwan
(this is untrue – the JNF was always a colonising agency which sought the transfer of the Palestinians – TG)
The Sumreen family pose for a photo in their East Jerusalem home, March 23, 2018.Credit: Olivier Fitoussi
Rabbi Michael Marmur
Published on 30.12.2019
I moved to Jerusalem more than 35 years ago. I walk to my office most days, and my route often takes me past the outskirts of the EJ neighborhood of Silwan. It is there that a drama as sad as it is superfluous, as cruel as it is crazy, has been playing out for three decades. It is one case among many, and as I mark the holiday of Hanukkah in peace and security, it is on my mind. 
The Sumreen family lives in Silwan. Since 1991 they have been involved in a legal struggle with the Jewish National Fund, backed by the settler group Elad and various other agencies committed to consolidating the Jewish presence in Palestinian neighborhoods of Jerusalem. These groups have been trying to have the Sumreens evicted by arguing that some members of the family were “absentees” – that is, civilians who lived in an enemy country – as a result of which their property was confiscated by the state, which then sold it to the JNF.
This claim is centered on an aggressive and controversial interpretation of the Absentees’ Property Law of 1950. After many twists and turns, a Jerusalem court ruled in September that not only must the family leave, but that they must also pay considerable damages. As the court battle continues, earlier this month, a judge decided the family could stay in the house while they appeal the ruling.
While the JNF says it is only trying to protect its property, it is acting as a proxy for settler groups in this and similar cases. Months ago, a Palestinian family living on ground owned by the JNF near Bethlehem was evacuated following a request by the organization: several days later, a settler outpost was set up in the same spot.  The practical effect of the JNF’s campaign against the Sumreens is that this family of 18, guilty of no crime and accused of no wrongdoing, may soon find itself without a home, bereft and bankrupt. 
Such an outcome would be profoundly unjust, even if it were the result of a lengthy judicial process. It is not like the crimes of violence and vandalism which seem increasingly to plague our world – people gunned down, tires slashed and homes defaced. In this case, everything plays out in slow motion, and there are piles of paperwork and precedents. But as I celebrate the freedom and independence symbolized by Hanukkah, this displacement sickens me. Justice is not served. Insisting on the payment of damages adds insult to injury. 
One of Israel’s most remarkable poets is Almog Bahar. In a 2010 poem he refers to a protest in which he participated in another flashpoint EJ neighborhood, Sheikh Jarrah. As the court-sanctioned removal of the Sumreens from their home looms, a verse comes to mind:
And one night I dreamt: We’ll come to Sheikh Jarrah for a protest,
regiment by regiment of the expelled, and with us will march the Yemenites expelled from the Kineret village, the Jewish Hebron refugees of 1929, the Arabs of Ba’ka, Talbieh, Katamon, Meah Sha’arim, Lifta and Ein Karem expelled during the Nakba, the Jewish quarter refugees expelled in '48 by Jordan, and in '67 their homes were nationalized by the government of Israel to be sold for great profit leaving them refugees, the Palestinians expelled from the villages surrounding Latrun in '67, the Mizrahim expelled from the Yemin Moshe neighborhood after years in the eye of the target, to make room for painters and artists, the residents of unrecognized Bedouin villages in the Negev, the mortgage defaulters expelled from their homes by eviction crews, the Jaffa and Musrara residents forced to vacate their homes to make way for the rich, and the people of Silwan, a demolition order threatening their homes.
All of us are divided only by chance from the experience of displacement. A generation or two ago, and possibly again in the space of a few generations, we or the ones we love have experienced or will experience the sting of eviction. My parents did, and I pray my children will not. The awareness of the proximity of this cruel fate to our own lives should spur us to empathize, and then to mobilize. Must the Sumreen family be added to the long list of the displaced? Can a solution not be found that preserves legality and dignity, elementary fairness and due process?  
In the 20th century, the Jewish National Fund symbolized the hope for planting and rebuilding. Let’s hope that as the day of the Sumreens’ eviction approaches, the leaders of the JNF remember that trees, and homes, and families, should be planted. Not uprooted. 
Rabbi Michael Marmur Chairs the Board of Rabbis for Human Rights.

The Eviction of One Palestinian Family Might Cause the Next Political Crisis Over EJ

Hagit Ofran, Contributor
Director, Settlement Watch project: Israeli Peace Now movement
11/17/2011 06:31 pm ET Updated Dec 06, 2017

August 2nd, 2009. The Ghawi and Hannun families of Sheikh Jarrah in EJ are waking to the sounds of police and trucks and movers. In a few hours, their houses will have become the home to settler families, and they will be kicked out to the street.
Those images are flashing back to me as I think of what could happen in two weeks in Silwan. We’ve seen those pictures in the past: Palestinian family out, Israeli settlers in. Sometimes the house is legally bought by the settlers; sometimes it is the implementation of the “right of return” to properties that belonged to Jews before 1948 (like in the case of Ghawi and Hannun); and sometimes it is because the Israeli Authorities decided to use the Absentee Property Law in order to take over the Palestinian house and give it to the settlers.
The Sumarin family has been living for decades at the entrance to the Wadi Hilwehneighborhood of Silwan, not far from Al-Aqsa Mosque. Two months ago, the court scheduled their eviction for November 28, 2011 in a ruling handed down in the absence of defense by the Sumarins. Their house is considered by the authorities as a property of an absentee, and therefore, it was transferred to the hands of the Himanuta company which requested the eviction.
In Silwan there is a fight over nationality, history and also religion. For the Palestinians, it is a Palestinian neighborhood, next to Al-Aqsa Mosque where thousands of Palestinians have been living for ages. The settlers are trying to make it into “The City of David,” using archaeology and tourism to change the public domain in Silwan. The visitors center of the “City of David” tourism site was built by the settlers next to the house of the Sumarin family. If taken by the settlers, the Sumarin house would give them a large contiguous area at the very entrance to Silwan and dramatically change the character of the neighborhood.
For the last 20 years the Jewish National Fund has been acting to transfer Palestinian property in EJ to the settlers. Tens of dunams of land and homes housing dozens of Palestinians in Silwan were evacuated by the JNF through various legal proceedings and transferred to settlers. In many cases the JNF does this through its subsidiary Himnuta, whose shares are held by the JNF.
The barter deal in Silwan: absentee land turns into JNF land in order to give it to settlers
In the 1980s and early 1990s, dozens of properties in Silwan were declared absentee properties and sold to the Development Authority. According to the law, the Development Authority and the Israel Land Administration are required to administer their assets equally without discrimination based on nationality. Conversely, the JNF and Himnuta operate according to a JNF memo that provides that its assets be leased or transferred to the possession of Jews only. In order to bypass the requirement of equality, the authorities in the early 1990s used the JNF and Himnuta to transfer property in Silwan to the settlers.
On May 23, 1991, a barter deal was signed between the Development Authority and Himnuta, according to which the Development Authority was to transfer 30 dunams of absentee property in Silwan to Himnuta in exchange for land it owns in the Wadi Ara area. The purpose of the deal, as defined by the director of the land Department in the JNF and Himnuta, was “for those properties to be under Jewish ownership.” Later, some of the properties were leased to the Elad settler organization without a tender.
Most of the properties were inhabited by Palestinian families that did not even know that their homes were declared absentee property, sold in a barter deal to Himnuta and leased to settlers. Himnuta began demanding the Palestinian tenants be evicted from their homes through legal actions. Among the properties transferred in this way to Elad are Beit Hamaayan (“the well house”), which serves as a tourist and archaeological excavation site, and Beit Hatzofeh (“the lookout house”), which serves the organization as part of its tourist site and visitors center as well as serving as a settler residence.
“The Klugman Report” — The machine was stopped, but never killed
Following the election of the Rabin Government in 1992, a special investigation committee, “the Klugman Committee,” was assigned to investigate the conduct of the authorities with regards to EJ properties that were given to the settlers. The committee described how the Ministry of Housing (under Ariel Sharon as a Minister) facilitated and funded the transfer of Palestinian properties in the Old City and Silwan into the hands of settler organizations. One of the methods to take over properties was the use of the Absentee Property Law. Among the Committee’s key findings were:
·         Properties had been systematically allocated based on criteria that violated the principles of equality, and contrary to rudimentary procedures.
·         The settler organizations located the properties they were subsequently to receive from the State, based on affidavits which they themselves arranged and confirmed.
·         The CAP failed to exercise even minimal discretion.
·         No tenders had been issued, and it was the political echelon of the Ministry of Housing that instructed which organization would receive which asset.
Following the Klugman Report, the machine that was established in order to assist the settlement at the heart of Palestinian neighborhoods in EJ was stopped. However, some of the procedures that started at the early ‘90s, continued. To this day, Himnuta continues pursuing legal claims against Palestinian residents based on the barter deal from 1991. At least three families in Silwan are at risk of eviction after years of long and expensive legal proceedings that have not yet ended. The Sumarin family is one of them.
As a Jew, I feel ashamed that Himnuta and the JNF, which are claiming to act in the name of the Jewish people, are continuing to use their organization in order to kick out Palestinian families from their homes, and to bring in Jewish families instead. This is not only politically wrong and dangerous, but also immoral.
The eviction can still be stopped: Himnuta can decide, instead of giving the property to settlers, to give it to the Palestinian family that has lived in it for years. The Israel Police can decide not to assist in the eviction of the family and to prevent it. The police have avoided evicting settlers from Beit Yehonatan in Silwan for more than three years, even though the court has repeatedly ordered to evict them. The attorney general has asserted on different occasions that if the police believe there is a threat to public security it must prevent right holders from realizing their rights at that time.
The only question is whether the authorities will have the political wisdom to prevent the upcoming provocation in Silwan.

Israeli Supreme Court Stays Eviction of Palestinian Family from EJ Home

Israel can now legally seize Palestinian homes in Jerusalem under 'absentees' property law

An old fashioned morality tale on London’s Tube – how a racist thug was floored by a single punch


From New York to New Zealand the news of Billy Steele’s knock-out punch spread

It’s not often that we have a good news story with a happy ending. In this case it was racist boor and son of wealthy builders, who taunted 3 Black youth telling them to 'go back home'. What was heartening is that he received no support from fellow tube travellers with his racist outburst. How different this might have been 20 or 30 years ago.
As the youth got off the train one of them launched a devastating hook and Billy’s head was acquainted with the tube floor. It seems that it knocked some sense in him as he decided not to press charges.
The news of this latter day morality tale spread like wildfire, from London to New Zealand, Australiaand New York. It was even covered in the Daily Mail and its sister paper The Metro but it is unlikely to have any lasting effect on these garbage sheets who spread news of the ‘invasion’ of desperate refugees stranded in Calais.
As the New York Post described it, Billy was flushed down the Tube!
Tony Greenstein

PS:  As Billy Steele was not wearing a face mask on public transport I hope the Police will be prosecuting the idiot.

This racist was flushed down the Tube.
The unhinged straphanger was knocked out cold in a caught-on-video punch aboard a London Underground car after hurling abuse at a group of black passengers, whom he referred to as “pets.”
This is my home and you’re all going back, and you know it as well,” the maniac yells in the shocking video shot on the Central Line, the Independent reported.
“You’re black!”he then shouts in the footage posted on the Twitter account @pktheterrible.
A woman apparently behind the camera then asks: “What’s that supposed to mean? What does being black have to do with anything?”
Shut up!” he yells at her. “This is popular!”
The man begins swaying from the handrail as he shouts “lesser than us, they’re lesser than us”— and calls the group his “pets.”
In another clip, the deranged straphanger approaches a group of black passengers and provokes them as they get off at the Bank Station in central London.
Suddenly, one of them delivers the coup de grâce — a vicious right hook that sends him to the floor in a heap, to some laughter.
A man checks the pulse of the unconscious instigator as a woman says off camera: “Don’t help a racist.”
His knockout garnered 2.2 million views as of early Monday afternoon.
A British Transport Police rep said they were “aware of two videos on social media showing an incident on a Central Line Underground train on 15 August,” the Independent reported.
The investigation is ongoing.

Like a Mafia Boss, Starmer Paid Hush Money to Labour’s Crooked Staff in order to Prevent an Investigation into the Leaked Dossier


Starmer’s Glove Puppet David Evans Must be Prevented from Destroying Free Speech and Democracy in Labour
As I predictedwhen he was elected, Starmer would be no ‘centrist’ contrary to what Lansman and his fellow Momentum traitors had assured us. When Starmer emerged alongside Coronavirus, I wrote
If anyone had any doubts about who and what (Sir) Keir Starmer represents, his Shadow Cabinet appointments today should lay them to rest.  Starmer represents a return of the Blairite Right.’
Starmer is not only on the hard-Right but he has done a better job than Tony Blair in purging the Shadow Cabinet. Blair included members of the left such as Frank Dobson (his predecessor in his Holborn & St Pancras seat) and Michael Meacher in the Shadow Cabinet. That was partly because MPs in those days elected the Shadow Cabinet. He also had John Prescott, who proved one of Corbyn’s few consistent supporters as his Deputy Leader.
My recent letter in the Morning Star
Starmer has appointed the worst right-wingers to the Shadow Cabinet, like Rachel Reeves and Jess Phillips whilst sacking Rebecca Long-Bailey and Lloyd Russell-Moyle at the earliest opportunity at the behest of the Zionist Board of Deputies. This despite both signing up to the ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations and the Board’s 10 pledges.
On the 13 August David Evans, Labour’s General Secretary, sent an emailto local parties. A mafia boss could not have worded it better. Evan’s instructions, if local Labour Parties accept them, mean the end of what limited democracy remains in the Labour Party.
Starmer has paid £3/4m of members' money in order to protect Labour's traitorous former staff
Below is the full text of David Evans email 
FAO: CLP secretaries & chairs
As CLPs and branches are now able to meet online, I wanted to take this opportunity to update you on a few pertinent issues. This will ensure that the business your local Party is conducting is appropriate, minimises any challenge to its decisions and does not leave the Party – locally and nationally – or its officers open to potential legal liabilities. Apologies for the length of this email, but I hope you will agree it covers some very important issues....
Panorama settlement
The Labour Party recently agreed a settlement with seven former members of staff who appeared on an edition of the BBC’s Panorama programme, as well as with the journalist who hosted that programme. Those settlements included an unreserved apology and a withdrawal of the allegations previously made by the Party about those individuals. The withdrawal and apology are binding on the Party and any motions which seek to undermine or contradict them will create a risk of further legal proceedings for both the national party and local parties. As such, motions relating to these settlements and the circumstances behind them are not competent business for discussion by local parties.
CLP officers have an important responsibility to ensure that they and other members conduct themselves in a respectful and comradely manner. We therefore take this opportunity to reiterate to local Labour Parties and officers that they should be aware of the potential liabilities to them should the allegations that have now been withdrawn by the national Party be repeated.
Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) report
On Monday 13 July 2020 the Party announced that it had received the EHRC’s draft report into allegations of antisemitism in the Labour Party. This draft report has been provided to the Party by the EHRC on a confidential basis as part of its investigation.
When we are able to provide more information about the EHRC’s report we will do so. Until that time speculation as to the contents of the report is not helpful. It is therefore not competent business for CLPs to discuss.
IHRA definition of antisemitism
We are aware that some CLPs and branches have had motions tabled to “repudiate” the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism. The IHRA definition of antisemitism and its examples was properly adopted by the Labour Party in September 2018. CLPs and branches have no powers to overturn this decision. Furthermore, such motions undermine the Labour Party’s ability to tackle racism. Any such motions are therefore not competent business for CLPs or branches.
As per the previous General Secretary’s instruction, any discussion about ongoing disciplinary cases remains prohibited.
Thousands of members of the Labour Party (reputed to be between 100,000 and 200,000)  are resigning in disgust at the direction of Sir Starmer and his cronies. This is understandable but if people simply leave they will simply be lost to the socialist movement.
Unfortunately the Left in the Labour Party is divided. The recent stitch up for elections to the National Executive Committee in the Centre Left Grassroots Alliance, saw the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy and Momentum Forward veto the candidacy of Jo Bird, a Jewish anti-Zionist who has twice been suspended from the Party.
Jo was the obvious choice of someone to confront Starmer and his Zionist friends. Instead the CLPD, which sat on the fence throughout the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign was not even able to stand by its own member, Peter Willsman, who was suspended after being caught in a sting by Tuvia Tenenbom, a far-Right Israeli agent and disgusting racist whose talk The story of the suffering Palestinian is bull shit suggests that on the basis of receiving a gold business card that all Palestinians are affluent and prosperous.

The CLPD itself has participated in the witchhunt, notably when Russell Cartwright, the CLPD’s Treasurer, who was on the National Constitutional Committee, votedto expel Jackie Walker.
The Labour Representation Committeehas been little better. It left the Labour Left Alliance shortly after last year’s Labour Party conference and has gone along with the machinations of the CLPD. Equally unfortunate Jewish Voices for Labour instead of refusing to accept the veto on Jo went along with it even though the new STV method of electing NEC representatives all but guaranteed Jo’s election. In so doing they have simply confirmed their irrelevance to what is happening in the Labour Party.
Meanwhile the LRC and JVL’s Don’t Leave Organiseseems to have fallen into a deep sleep.
A good example of how not to respond to the election of Starmer and the destruction of democracy in the Labour Party is the resignation of 10 elected officers of the Harwich and North Essex Labour Party. In their letter they write:
We embraced the broad church and respected a range of views. It is said that all good things must come to an end and we all now feel that with the direction being taken by the leadership towards a more neo-liberal stance it is right that the CLP executive baton should be handed over to those that share the direction of the leadership.
This is just so pathetic in its fatalism. They say ‘all good things must come to an end’ as if the triumph of the Right was inevitable. If the individuals concerned believe that the direction taken under Starmer is the wrong one then the obvious thing to do is to stay and fight and link up with those similarly inclined.
That is what politics is about. The one thing the Right didn’t do was accept Corbyn as leader. The representatives of capitalism and imperialism inside the Labour Party did what Hugh Gaitskell once promised, to ‘fight, fight and fight again’.

Unfortunately most of Corbyn’s supporters were not steeped in the working class and labour movement tradition of struggle. To them politics was as much a fashion statement as something born out of necessity. Like those in Harwich and North Essex they had neither the stamina nor the political commitment to oppose the Right. That is partly why the Zionists’ fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign, which was never about racism, met with such little opposition and such political confusion.
If Starmer’s neo-liberals have captured the leadership of the Labour Party then they should be opposed root and branch. Just as Starmer’s free market friends fought Corbyn to the bitter end, so the left in the Labour Party should do the same. To simply hand over the reins of power to one’s political enemies – and Starmer is as much our enemy as the Tories – demonstrates a lack of any serious political commitment to socialism.
Gagged - what Starmer wants to do to the rest of us
Yes Labour Party should be a broad church, however even the broadest church draws the line at the admission of atheists.  Starmer, Reeves and Phillips aren’t socialists but supporters of capitalism inside Labour. They are our class enemies.  Look what Starmer has done already:
·        Adopted the Board of Deputies 10 pledges which now openly use ‘anti-Semitism’ as a cudgel to beat the Left.
·        Sacked Rebecca Long-Bailey and Lloyd Russell-Moyle for offending Israel’s supporters and Zionists.
·        Torn up Labour’s policy on supporting Kashmiri independence.
·        Failed to oppose Boris Johnson’s ‘herd immunity’ strategy initially. 
·        Said nothing about the increased privatisation of the NHS at a time when it was existing outsourcing which caused the shortage of PPE initially leading to the death of hundreds if not thousands.
·        Failed to condemn the Tory freeze on public sector wages and the nurses in particular
·        Demanded the opening of schools regardless of the risk of a new wave of COVID-19. In this he has ignored the teaching unions.
·        In the ‘national interest’ Starmer has refused to oppose or take advantage of the Tories catastrophic handling of Coronavirus. Instead he has engaged in ‘constructive opposition’, including saying nothing about the decanting of elderly patients with COVID-19 back into care homes causing thousands of deaths.
·        Failed to  oppose the Tories hostility to migrants from France who have no legal way of gaining asylum in Britain. Instead he criticised them for their ‘incompetence’. Presumably they should have been more efficient in turning the boats away.
There is a burning need for all the groups on the Left to come together – the Labour Left Alliance, the CLPD, LRC and Momentum Forward but it must be on the basis of a very clear opposition to any continuation of the Zionists’ ‘anti-Semitism’ witchhunt. It is about time the Left called out the racism of Sir Starmer and the Labour Right. Above all it is necessary for the Left to understand why Corbyn went down to such a massive defeat.
We are now facing a massive witchhunt of the Left up and down the country.  People who were cleared of false allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ are now being resuspended. The latest suspensions are Liverpool Councillor Sam Gorst and ex-miner John Dunn. (see the LLA Resolution here).
Starmer has paid off the very staff who according to the Leaked Report spent over 3 years campaigning against Corbyn and Labour. Unfortunately Corbyn was too stupid to realise that the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign was not about anti-Semitism but him.
If Starmer had behaved like this when Director of Public Prosecutions and tried to buy off witnesses, he would have been arrested for conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.
Labour’s staff were ably supported by Lansman who devised the theory of unconscious anti-Semitismto justify the ‘anti-Semitism’ witch-hunt whilst ignoring the very conscious racism of Windrush and Grenfell. Now that the Lansmanites have been defeated it remains to be seen if Forward Momentum is going to mobilise against the rightward direction of the party. Unfortunately the involvement of the Zionist AWL in them is not encouraging.
Starmer, via his glove puppet, the arch-Blairite David Evans has made it quite clear that he wants to destroyfreedom of speech in the Party. His chosen instrument is the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.
The IHRA definition’ of anti-Semitism was adopted after a massive Zionist and press campaign in September 208 in the vain hope that it would bring an end to the false anti-Semitism charges. Instead it massively increased the campaign because it allowed the Right to label all opposition to Israel and Zionism as ‘anti-Semitism’. It has been a weapon in the hands of the Labour Right fashioned by Lansman. 
According to Evans it was ‘properly adopted’ and ‘CLPs and branches have no powers to overturn this decision.’ What Evans is saying is that the Labour Party has no right to change its policy except when its leadership agrees. Evans even had the audacity to suggest that motions opposing the IHRA ‘undermine the Labour Party’s ability to tackle racism.’
This is the phrase that is used in virtually every suspension letter contains. It is difficult to understand how the abolition of the IHRA, whose sole purpose is to define opposition to the world’s most racist state as ‘anti-Semitic’, can undermine the Labour Party’s ability to tackle racism.
For one thing the Labour Party does nothing to oppose racism. Only last week Starmer failed to attack the Tories for using terms like ‘invasion’ to describe the desperate plight of the refugees crossing the English Channel.  Instead this stuffed ruling class dummy attacked the ‘incompetence’ of the Tories.  Presumably they weren’t deporting the refugees back quickly enough.
As Skwawkboxsaid, the IHRA doesn’t even describe itself as a definition as 500+ words is patently not a definition.  It is a ‘non-legally binding’ definition that governments, including anti-Semitic governments have adopted.
Evan’s warning not to discuss the fraudulent settlement with Sam Matthews and his fellow criminals should be ignored and defied.  It is clear that Labour’s legal advice was that the corrupt staff under Sam Matthews would lose.  Starmer however  was desperate to bury the Leaked Report. He had set up the Ford Inquiry under pressure, stuffing it with right-wing figures like the anti-Corbyn Baroness Wilcox.
The Leaked Report revealed at least something of the plotting and planning of Labour’s staff against the Corbyn leadership and the membership of the Labour Party. The refusalof the head of the Governance and Legal Unit Sam Matthews to take action against the few actual holocaust deniers like Christopher Crookes, until over 200 members of Labour International signed a petition demanding his expulsion, gave the lie to claims Matthews was prevented in tackling anti-Semitism by Corbyn. His sole goal was to witchhunt the Left not the very few genuine anti-Semites.
Corbyn and his Office pressurised the Compliance Unit to increase the expulsions in order to begin the process of rebuilding trust with the Zionists
To his shame Corbyn and his aides, in particular Laura Murray, actually pressurised the same right-wing staff to expel, Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth, Ken Livingstone and myself. We are told on p.306 of the Report that:
Jeremy Corbyn himself and members of his staff team requested to GLU that particular antisemitism cases be dealt with. In 2017 LOTO staff chased for action on high-profile antisemitism cases Ken Livingstone, Tony Greenstein, Jackie Walker and Marc Wadsworth, stressing that these cases were of great concern to Jewish stakeholders and that resolving them was essential to “rebuilding trust between the Labour Party and the Jewish community”..
I have written to Corbyn asking whether he thinks ‘trust’ was re-established when we were expelled of forced out of the party and if not why not? So far he hasn’t replied which is not surprising since Corbyn clearly didn’t have a clue what was happening or why apologising and expelling more people wasn’t the best way of tackling the state inspired campaign to remove him.
What happened was that the witchhunters, after expelling us four, then moved on to new targets like Chris Williamson and Peter Willsman. The more people they expelled the more people the Zionists demanded be expelled. And the more people that were expelled by his Torquemada Formby the more it proved that the Zionists were ‘right’.
When I complained to BBC Panorama about the programme, ‘Is Labour Anti-Semitic?’ and why it did not include those who argued that the whole campaign was fake from beginning to end their response was that even Corbyn accepted that anti-Semitism was a problem in the Labour Party.
The Left needs to take on board the fact that the Right now hold all the levers of power, both in the bureaucracy and on the NEC. The trade unions, with the exception of Unite and some smaller unions, are going along with whatever Starmer demands.  UNISON, which is in the process of electing a new General Secretary to replace the corrupt Dave Prentis, will hopefully break from its uncritical support of Starmer.
However socialists in the Labour Party need to be actively working with and organising with the increasing number of expelled or resigned members outside the Labour Party.
One thing is for certain and that is that Starmer is not going to achieve a Labour majority at the next election. New Labour lost Scotland and it has also lost large parts of the Midlands and North – not because of Brexit – but for historic reasons which I will explain at an opportune moment.
For the moment the Left – from the CLPD and LRC to JVL, Momentum Forward and the LLA, need to devise a strategy of war against Starmer and his cronies. Starmer has proved that he is unfit to lead the Party given his dismal performance over COVID-19. He is a wooden placeman who should be put out to grass.
John Dunn confronting the representative of Big Pharma, Owen Smith
The contrast between the useless gesture of the North Essex officers and John Dunn, one of the original Clay Cross councillors and an ex-Miner at Orgreave, could not be greater. ‘Come and get me you bastards’ was his reaction to being told that he was being investigated again. In 2016 he was suspended for confronting Owen Smith, who was then challenging Corbyn, over his attempt to exploit the sacrifices of the miners at Orgreave for his campaign. Dunn was cleared and the bastards in Southside are now investigating him again.

I also urge people to support the Justice for All Labour Party Members crowdfunding appeal. SS Starmer has torn up all the rules of natural justice. This so-called human rights lawyer’s idea of justice is to present a list of allegations and then ask you to prove your innocence with a 14 day cut-off period.  You are then disciplined by people unknown acting in response to allegations made by anonymous people. It is the democracy of the Stasi.
Even bourgeois courts understand the concept of natural justice better than the scum who are today running the Labour Party. That was why, in December 2017, when I was given 4 weeks from a hospital bed to respond to their thick bundle, despite having been suspended for nearly 2 years I sought and obtained an injunction at the High Court.
In Liverpool meanwhile socialist Councillor Sam Gorst has been suspended on the usual fake allegations as Starmer’s Labour Party seeks to destroy that which was built in the last 4 years. All these actions are taking place under the fast-track procedures which we were assured at the last Labour Party conference would only be used in ‘egregious’ cases.  And who proposed the fast-track procedures which meant no hearing, no trial?
Corbyn and fellow fool Jennie Formby introducedthe fast-track procedures. They thought if they sped up the expulsions they could appease the Zionists.  Come December and the Zionist movement, Chief Rabbi Mirvis included, waged a war on Corbyn. I have written to Corbyn asking him to explain his treachery but a fool rarely answers back.
But it is Corbyn’s followers, those who kept apologising for his inadequacies and who refused to tell him to his face that they don’t stop chasing you until you stop running, who are equally responsible.  Instead people like Seamus Milne, Owen Jones, Jon Lansman and even the Jewish Socialists Group’s David Rosenberg ran with the ‘anti-Semitism’ nonsense. They all accepted the Right’s narrative.
Let me leave the last word to my friend Mark Elf of the blog Jewssanfrontieres. He too was suspended and sent the standard letter asking him to prove that he was innocent. Instead he resigned.
Many thought that Corbyn was appeasing the supporters of racist war criminals because he was too nice. He wasn't too nice. He was downright nasty and to his friends too. He wasn't too nice, he was too Labour. Then there was mural gate. A garish arguably but by no means unambiguously antisemitic mural. Even David Toube of Harry's Place, no slouch when it comes to false allegations of antisemitism, didn't think the image antisemitic when he saw it in real life though he changed his mind when he heard the artist's explanation of it. Corbyn didn't even say he like it. He just asked why it was being removed. He might not even have seen it. And guess what? Yup, Corbyn apologised again. And again. And again.
Although the consensus among left groups in the Labour Party is on continuing to work inside, it may well be that that will prove impossible in the long term. Because if one thing is clear it is that the Right are determined never to permit the reoccurrence of another left-wing leader. Their problem is that there will be no repeat of the Blair era either. Like their counterparts in Europe, right-wing social democracy has had its day.
Tony Greenstein

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