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Another Feather in the Cap of Jonathan Hoffman - He Disrupts a Meeting of the East London Humanists


Despite his Nose Growing Even Longer Hoffie Denies Working with the BNP & EDL!

The photo above which Hoffman described as 'photoshopped' was all too genuine. In the middle is Roberta Moore of the EDL's Jewish Division, o the left is Harvey Garfield, another neo-Nazi Zionist and in  the background in army fatigues are Croydon EDL with whom Hoffie was happily demonstrating - however pointing this out makes you a 'fucking liar'
Jonathan Hoffman's grovelling apology for saying that a photo of him with the EDL and assorted fascists was 'photoshopped'

As he said on his blogin justification for having destroyed another meeting:

Well bear in mind that these ‘humanists’ are affiliated to the National Secular Society which has been pretty obnoxious towards Jews.

Please someone tell the fool that humanists don’t like any religion! That is why they are humanists and it is also why they are affiliated to the National Secular Society. (What he means is they don't like the religion not the individuals who practice the religion)
The East London Humanists decided to invite David Rosenberg, the mild-mannered Secretary and founder of the Jewish Socialist Group to speak to a meeting on anti-Semitism. David and I have long disagreed on many things since he is a compulsive moderate. However my sympathies go out to him over having his meeting disrupted by that ecumenical friend of fascists, Jonathan Hoffman.
Jonathan Hoffman and Yochi Davies (an Israeli nut) posing for a photo - proud of their work in breaking up a meeting
From Hoffman's website - justifying the breaking up of a Humanist meeting - note his use of the neo-Nazi term 'renegade Jew' i.e. non-racist Jews
Hoffman, who was only recently convictedof harassment of a Palestinian woman decided that the invitation to David to speak to the Humanists was intolerable. If there is one thing that Hoffman and his fellow fascists like Yochie Davies hates it is free speech. Like their compatriots in Israel it is a red rag to a Zionist bull.
How one Zionist who is also a humanist described Hoffie's behaviour
You can see Hoffie’s explanation of his behaviour on Facebookand his website.
David Rosenburg is a racist according to Hoffie. The same David Rosenberg who I have seen on numerous anti-fascist demonstrations against the BNP, NF etc. Of course Labour’s anti-Semitism moral panic has enabled racists to think they can accuse anti-racists of racism. This is all the fashion these days.
I must confess I have never seen Hoffman on a single anti-racist or anti-fascist demonstration. David was a ‘liar’ (one of his favourite words because it saves you having to explain why you disagree with someone) because he says that the IHRA ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism prevents criticism of Israel. 
How a fellow Zionist who attended the meeting described Hoffie's behaviour
Hoffie’s response was to say that the IHRA allows criticism of Israel.  This is a half truth – but as they say a half truth is worse than a lie. What the IHRA actually says is that:
criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic
But Israel isn’t ‘any other country’ it is a state based on a single ethnicity and which practises apartheid. One of the 11 illustrations of ‘anti-Semitism’ says that:
‘Applying double standards by requiring of it [Israel] a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation’
According to Hoffman this photo is a 'fucking lie' - his appearance alongside the EDL's Kevin Carroll is just one of those coincidences
The problem is that Israel is not a democratic nation. Indeed it isn’t a nation! Prime Minister Netanyahu openly says that Israel is a Jewish state not a state of its own citizens. Therefore, by definition, it can’t be a democratic state. It is a settler colonial state.
Ipso facto the IHRA does prevent criticism and therefore David Rosenberg is telling the truth and is not a racist whereas Hoffie is both a liar and a racist. But according to Hoffie a racist is someone who believes Israel is a racist state so you can’t win!
But the biggest whopper of the night was when Hoffie called David a ‘liar’‘a fucking liar’ for saying that Hoffie is happy to work with the EDL and the BNP. Indeed he seemed to lose all self control at that point!  It would appear that the truth has the same effect on Hoffie that the light has on Dracula.
Jonathan Hoffman works with a broad spectrum of British fascists - he is not sectarian - all that is required is that they're Zionists
Besser as Bond going undercover on the Al Quds march gathering intelligence for Britain First
Besser with Britain First's Deputy Leader Jayda Fransen
Hoffman (right) with Paul Besser, Britain First's Intelligence Officer (although extremely stupid!) and Sharon Klaff  (Pegida, Tommy Robinson supporter)
Jonathan Hoffman has stood on picket lines with the EDL, danced down the street with Roberta Moore, the organiser of their Jewish section (the JDL), stood side by side with Paul Besser, ex-Intelligence Office of Britain First on pickets and demonstrations, liaised with Kevin Caroll, an EDL leader, works with Tommy Robinson supporters and people like Danny Thomo, body guard to Robinson as well as Pegida’s Sharon Klaff and Ambrosine Shitrit.
The appropriately named Daniel Berke with Tommy Robinson - also solicitor to Jonathan Hoffman
Quite amazingly out of the 20,000 or so solicitors in Britain, the only one that Hoffie could find to defend him against charges of assault and harassment of a woman earlier this year was Daniel Berke, who is also Tommy Robinson's solicitor from Manchester?  A coincidence?  We think not.
No one is too right-wing for Hoffie as long as they are a Zionist. Below are a few photos to illustrate that though the matter is painful for him, Hoffman is, in his own phrase, a fucking liar.
All the Jewish neo-Nazis in one frame - Paul Besser (Britain First) centre back, Hoffman next to him, front row Ambrosin Shitrit (Pegida/Tommy Robinson), front right 'Mad' Mel Gharial who will go with any fascist who will have her
'Mad' Mel Gharial,  impecunious Zionist with Danny Thomas (Tomo) bodyguard to Tommy Robinson at 2019 Al Quds march - Gharial is one of Hoffie's close associates
Background to Danny Thomo - a failed kidnapper
Even Dan Sheldon, Campaign Organiser of the Israeli funded Union of Jewish Students was so pissed off with Hoffman’s behaviour, that in a debate with Hoffman he openly accused him of being
‘happy to demonstrate side by side with members of the EDL Jewish Division. He lied about the last one saying that a picture of him with the EDL was photoshopped. But after a legal intervention he was forced to admit that the photo was genuine.’
I am proud to say that it was my blog which outed him over this in August 2010, but not before he threatened me with legal action!!
In fact when the photographer who snapped him with Roberta Moore, David Hoffman, was accused by Hoffie of photoshopping he threatened to sue and Hoffie had to publishthis apology:
‘On my Jewish Chronicle blog I described a photograph taken on 14 August 2010 at the pro-Ahava demonstration as "fraudulent". I also wrote "That photo was 'Photoshopped' -- and it is bloody obvious that it was 'Photoshopped' I do not discuss but I do identify lies and fraudulent Photoshopped photos."

These statements were entirely without foundation and I had made no attempt to check their accuracy. I accept that the photo was absolutely genuine and had not been tampered with in any way. The photographer, David Hoffman, is a well known and respected photojournalist and I apologise to him unreservedly for my hasty and unfounded comments and for the distress and embarrassment caused.’
You might think that having just swallowed several large helpings of humble pie that Hoffie might retire with indigestion. No such luck.
Hoffie’s excuse for demonstrating alongside the EDL when we picketed Ahava in Covent Garden was that the Police refused to create a separate pen for the Zionists and the EDL. He stated that
‘Nine years ago, anti-Israel campaigners repeatedly picketed an Israeli-owned shop in London. I led the counter-demonstrations, and requested that the police separate us from any EDL supporters as I did not wish to be associated with them (see here).’

The link that Hoffie directed us to is an articleon Harry’s Place. In it there is an email from Inspector Martin Edwards to Hoffie explaining that he could not have a separate pen from the EDL. The only problem is that this email is dated 25th October 2010 whereas the photo of Hoffman in the company of fascists, which he originally described as ‘photoshopped’ is dated 14thAugust 2010. In other words for over 2 months Hoffie had no qualms about demonstrating with the EDL and it was only when we pointed out his relationship with the fascists that Hoffie approached the Police!
In any case this is irrelevant. Anti-Zionists have neverdemonstrated alongside fascists and anti-Semites. We would not have tolerated them and on the few occasions when, in the 1980’s members of the National Front attempted to join Palestinian demonstrations we physically stopped them.
If the EDL had attempted to join our picket there would have been blood on the pavement. The Police would have had to separate us yet Hoffman was perfectly happy to demonstrate alongside fascists and anti-Semites because to him the most important thing is defending Israel. He has no principled object to demonstrating with fascists and anti-Semites.
No one in the Jewish community had any doubts that Kevin Myers was an anti-Semite for writing that Jews never knowingly undersell themselves - with 1 exception - Jonathan Hoffman
Hoffman is, like many Zionists, prepared to go that extra mile to exonerate genuine anti-Semites as long as they are pro-Israel. When Sunday Times journalist Kevin Myers was excoriated for an anti-Semitic articlehe wrote about equal pay (he opposed it!) and wrote concerning two female Jewish broadcasters, Vanessa Feltz and Claudia Winkleman:
Hoffman and Britain First's Paul Besser - both protesting against 'antisemitism'!!

“Good for them. Jews are not generally noted for their insistence on selling their talent for the lowest possible price, which is the most useful measure there is of inveterate, lost-with-all-hands stupidity.”

there was a consensus view that what Myers wrote was anti-Semitic. Even the far-Right Campaign Against Anti-Semitism condemnedhim. Indeed Myers had also flirted with Holocaust denial claiming that the Holocaust had become a ‘dogma’.There was just one person who exonerated him of anti-Semitism. Yes that’s right – Jonathan Hoffman. On his blog he wrote Is Kevin Myers really an anti-Semite? Why? Because Myers is pro-Zionist as well as being a racist (he once stated that the only thing Africa had given to the world was Aids). For an excellent deconstruction of Hoffman’s nonsense see Sharajsha’s A Response to Jonathan Hoffman’s Defence of Kevin Myers

Below are articles I have published on my blog about Hoffman’s fondness for working with fascists

Jonathan Hoffman of the Zionist Federation and the EDL’s Roberta Moore Hold a Joint Demonstration 14.8.10.

Zionist Federation & fascist EDL Join Hands in Supporting Israel's Murder at Sea - Jonathan Hoffman of the Zionist Federation Defends Allowing Fascists to Take Part3 June 2010

 Jonathan Hoffman – Another Victim of anti-Semitism Hoffman Booted out as Zionist Vice-President 3 November 2012

Tony Greenstein

Tony Greenstein Talk to the Palestine Solidarity Group in Stuttgart October 25th 2019


Zionism as a Form of Jewish Anti-Semitism

Amidst all the nonsense about how anti-Zionism is a form of anti-Semitism and how difficult it is to tell the difference between the two, it is easy to forget that when Zionism first arose among Jewish people, it was seen as a form of Jewish anti-Semitism.

Lucien Wolfe, the Secretary of the Conjoint Foreign Committee of the Board of Deputies  no less reacted to the Zionist claim that Jews were a separate nation, a claim that is still the basis of Zionist ideology (though most Jews are not aware of the implications) by saying:
I have spent most of my life in combating these very doctrines, [that Jews form a separate nation] when presented to me in the form of anti-Semitism, and I can only regard them as the more dangerous when they come to me in the guise of Zionism. They constitute a capitulation to our enemies.’
Theodore Herzl, the founder of Political Zionism, was a Viennese journalist who wrote the founding pamphlet of the Zionist movement, The Jewish State or more accurate the State of the Jews (Der Judenstaat) which was published in 1896.  It was written in the wake of the Dreyfus Trial in which a Jewish Captain Dreyfus was convicted of espionage in December 1894. Herzl wrote in his Diaries (p.8) that:
The degradation of Dreyfuss - whose sword was broken in two
‘In Paris... I achieved a freer attitude towards anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognise the emptiness and futility of trying to 'combat' anti-Semitism.’
His pamphlet didn’t make so much as one reference to the Dreyfus Affair which convulsed France for the best part of 12 years before Dreyfus was finally exonerated.  It led to the open letter ‘J’Accuse from Emile Zola who was forced to flee to England. It led to the defeat of the aristocratic-military clique led by Edouard Drumont.
Herzl’s pamphlet was welcomed and favourably reviewed by Drumont and Herzl was more at ease with the anti-Dreyfussards than the supporters of Dreyfus including Bernard Lazarre, who initiated the campaign to overturn Dreyfus’s conviction. Elected to the Zionist Actions Committee  at the first Zionist Congress in 1897 within a year he had resigned because Herzl was completely indifferent to the Dreyfus Affair. Yet a myth has grown up, spread by people like the BBC’s tame historian Simon Schama that Herzl was inspired by the Dreyfus Trial into becoming a Zionist.
Zionism began as a movement of despair which accepted the inevitability of Zionism.  It moved from that to an acceptance that the anti-Semites were right.  Jews didn’t belong in the diaspora and from there it was but a short step to collaborating with anti-Semites, the Nazis included.
Alone amongst Jews, the Zionist leadership welcomed the Nazis to power.  In the words of David Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel ‘Hitler’s rise was “a huge political and economic boost for the Zionist enterprise.’  Other Zionists spoke similarly. Of course the Holocaust was 8 years away and no one believed that the Nazis would embark on the systematic extermination of the Jews.  Nonetheless most Jews knew enough to launch a Boycott of the Nazis.  The Zionists however broke the boycott with a trade agreement, Ha'avara, with the Nazis.  They sought to profit from the misery of Germany’s Jews which they did.  60% of capital investment in Jewish Palestine between 1933 and 1939 came from Nazi Germany. Hitler literally built the Jewish state.
This was the subject of my talk in Stuttgart. The simultaneous translation has been stripped out.

Rabbi Jonathan Romain, A Senior Reform Rabbi, Urges Jews To Vote ABC – Anyone But Corbyn


This is how Zionism’s False Anti-Semitism Campaign Tries to Produce the Very Anti-Semitism it Purports to Oppose

Rabbi Romain is a senior rabbi and a former Chair of the Movement for Reform Judaism. In the eyes of my father, an Orthodox rabbi, Romain was worse than a Christian and that’s saying something!
Reform Rabbis when they are not treated with contempt by their Orthodox colleagues are considered useful fools. The half-Jewish equivalent of the Sabbath goy. Romain is just such an example though it may be an insult to the average village idiot to describe him as such.
A good example of the Orthodox attitude to Reform Jews was when a White Supremacist gunman, fired up with the racism of the Zionists’ best friend, Donald Trump, shot dead 11 Jewish worshippers at the Conservative Jewish Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. The Chief Rabbi of Israel, David Blau refused to call it a synagogue. He described it as ‘a place with profound Jewish flavor’ as if it were a cafe that Jewish youngsters happen to hang out in.
In Israel Reform Judaism isn’t recognised as an authentic strand of Judaism. Reform converts are not considered Jewish and cannot marry other Jews or be buried in consecrated ground. They make up a growing portion of Israeli Jews who are Jewish enough to enter the country and serve in the army but not Jewish enough to get married, except to bastards (mamzers) like themselves. Thus Israel has its own mixed race, half-Jewish racial category just as Nazi Germany did where half or quarter Jews were termed Mischlinge.
Last week’s Jewish Chronicle reportedthat Rabbi Romain had
‘taken the unprecedented step of writing to his congregation urging them to vote for whatever political party stands the best chance of beating Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour candidates.’
He wrote that “a Corbyn-led government would pose a danger to Jewish life as we know it.”
Over the summer in Brighton the Zionist Board of Deputies tried to stop Chris Williamson MP from speaking at a meeting. 3 venues cancelled after threats, abuse and harassment from Zionists and their supporters such as Peter Kyle MP. The President of the Board, Marie van Der Zyl even came down to Brighton in person to show her miserable face.
Despite this socialists and anti-racists ensured that Chris spoke to a meeting of over 150 people in Brighton’s Regency Square to the chagrin of local racists such as New Labour’s Cllr. Dan Yates. [See Chris Williamson MP Defies Zionist Intimidation and the Lies of Peter Kyle to Speak in Brighton]
I mention this because a few days later I happened to be in the local supermarket when I overheard a conversation between 2 people – one of whom said that ‘the Jews are trying to stop Corbyn.  I confess to being somewhat shocked and intervened to assure them that this was untrue. That Zionist Jews opposed Corbyn but you couldn’t generalise about all Jews.
Yet there is no doubt that these two men, who weren’t racists or anti-Semitic, had good grounds for saying what they did.  Rabbi Romain has just proven them true. That the organised Jewish community, for its own narrow, selfish, political and economic reasons is doing its best to stop a radical socialist government. 
Jonathan Romain
I can’t think of any better way to create anti-Semitism in this country than to spread the idea that Jews want to keep Boris Johnson and the Tories in power, that they do not care about racism, poverty or inequality. That austerity is not something that touches Jews and that the Windrush Scandal or what happened at Grenfell is of no concern to them because Jews are not victims of state racism and do not experience poverty.
The fact that Boris Johnson is known for his racist utterances, describing Black people as having water melon smiles’or as picanninies’is of no concern to the Romains of this world.
What Jonathan Romain is doing is trying to prove that every gutter anti-Semite is correct when they say that Jews are only concerned with themselves, that they have no idea or understanding of how most people live, that they mix with the rich, powerful and privileged and that they use the Holocaust as a battering ram against their opponents.
Millions of people in this country desperately want to see an end to the Tories. They see the NHS being privatised before their eyes.  They include Jewish people, but not the sort that Romain and his congregants mix with. Jewish anti-racists and anti-Zionists know that the allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ against Corbyn and the Left aren’t worth a bucket of warm spit.
When Theodor Herzl wrotein his Diaries  that
“The anti-semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-semitic countries our allies.” [pp.83-84]
he understood better than most the common interest between anti-Semitism and Zionism. The anti-Semites wanted the Jews out and the Zionists were only too willing to go. They accepted that Jews weren’t part of the nations they lived amongst.
That was why until the second world war Zionism was a minority amongst Jews worldwide, commanding less than 3% support among German Jews.
It is no accident that fools like Romain have nothing to say about Tory MEPs having sat alongside anti-Semitic parties in the European Parliament’s ECR Group for the past decade. The fact that Robert Ziles, MEP for Latvia’s LNNK marches with the veterans of Latvia’s Waffen SS doesn’t bother him at all.
What concerns Romain and his ilk is the fact that the Left in and outside the Labour Party are no longer prepared to tolerate a situation where Israel, a so-called Jewish state, is the world’s only Apartheid state. 80% of Palestinians living within what is Greater Israel don’t have any political or civil rights.
If indeed opposition to Apartheid constitutes an ‘existentialist threat’ to Jewish life, as three Zionist papers claimedin July last year, then clearly being Jewish is so empty and meaningless that it has lost any purpose or reason to continue.
Tony Greenstein
Open letter to Rabbi Jonathan Romain of Maidenhead Synagogue
It may not be essential for Rabbis to be fools and idiots but it is clearly, as you demonstrate, a very desirable characteristic. 
My own dad was also a Rabbi, albeit an Orthodox one. He would have considered you to be even worse than a Christian. Given that he used to spit on the ground at the mention of Christ then that should tell you something!
The reason why I am writing to you is not about your religious but your political credentials. I read in last week’s Jewish Chronicle that you had ‘taken the unprecedented step’ of writing to your congregants urging them to vote for anyone but Corbyn Labour.  I assume that includes Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party.
Incidentally your letter is not that unprecedented. In the 1900 elections Rabbis also supported the anti-Alienist Tories in the East End of London.
The three examples of ‘anti-Semitism’ that you gave in the Labour Party are, as you are well aware, bogus.
1.      Tom Watson statement that he was “ashamed” of Labour being guilty of racism comes from a man who ‘lost sleep’ over the High Court’s ejection from parliament in 2010 of the racist Labour MP Phil Woolas.  This is the same Tom Watson who, as campaign manager in the 2004 Birmingham Hodshrove byelection issued a leaflet "Labour is on your side, the Lib Dems are on the side of failed asylum seekers." Watson supported the Tories ‘hostile environment’ policy.  Not a good role model.
2.      You say the Equalities and Human Rights Commission are currently investigating accusations of racism against Labour. This is a body that has had nothing to say about the hundreds of deportations of Black people to the Caribbean and Africa. It is not an anti-racist body and has no record of anti-racism.
3.      You mention Louise Ellman resigning as an MP. The reason members of Riverside Labour Party detested her was not because she was Jewish but because she was, like you, a reactionary supporter of the Israeli state.  In particular she supported the Israeli military’s abuse of Palestinian children as young as 12 in a parliamentary debateon Child Prisoners under Israel’s military occupation. Many of her local opponents were themselves Jewish but perhaps they were the ‘wrong sort of Jews’ i.e. anti-racists.
The accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ against Labour are remarkable for the lack of evidence to support them, as the new book ‘Bad News for Labour’ demonstrates. That is why your Zionist friends threatened and abused Waterstones and forced them to cancel the book launch a month ago.
I should have thought it obvious, even to an intellectual lightweight, that if the idea gets around that Jews oppose electing a radical socialist government that is determined to make the multinationals pay their taxes, to renationalise the utilities, bring back rent controls and build housing for the homeless then there could be no greater gift to anti-Semitism.
The suggestionthat Jews will leave Britain if a Corbyn government came to power is similar to what the papers such as Commentarywere saying when the Sandanistas came to power. It’s not new. The argument then and now is that wealth redistribution will adversely affect Jews.  Do I need to explain why this is anti-Semitic? Of course, hopefully, Alan Sugar will depart but that will not be a loss.
Jews in this country far from being in fear of their lives or living under some ‘existentialist’ threat are living in a golden age. I’m not aware of anyone Jewish who died or was injured in Grenfell Tower.  The days when Jews lived in the East End of London are gone. Jews are twice as likely to be in social classes A or B as non-Jews. (see Geoffrey Alderman, The Jewish Community in British Politics). There is no Jewish Windrush, Jews are not deported or suffer from police violence. There aren’t disproportionate numbers of Jews in the prison estate or experiencing low wages.  In short it is not a disadvantage in Britain to be Jewish.
It is no surprise that you are so narrow minded and blinkered that you are unable to see beyond the fog of the Jewish Chronicle’s rhetoric. Your own MP is Theresa May, the very epitome of bigotry.  I read with interest your article Our Maidenhead synagogue is sad to see Theresa May go. You ‘lamented’ her passing, writing that
‘she feels an affinity with religious life in general. As a practising Christian, going to church every Sunday, she appreciates the faith of others.... Whatever history’s verdict on her as PM, she remains a good friend to the Jewish community.’
Perhaps Theresa May is a good friend to the Jewish community, at least the one that you are a member of. Anti-racist Jews however would consider her a virulent racist who introduced the ‘hostile environment’ policy that led to the Windrush Scandal, the deportation to their death of Black British citizens. Every landlord and bank official became an immigration officer. Of course Jews being White and privileged were unconcerned but these policies led to a climate of fear amongst Black people. Being a Rabbi you were completely unconcerned about this or the austerity that accompanied Universal Credit.
We all know that what lies behind this concern over Corbyn’s ‘anti-Semitism’ is not hatred of Jews but opposition to Zionism and Israel. As Netanyahu has explainedIsrael is a state of its Jewish not its Arab citizens.  It is a state where 93% of the land is controlled by the JNF for the benefit of its Jewish citizens only. It is a land where your compatriot, the Chief Rabbi of Safed, backed up by dozens of other rabbis, issued an edict that Jews must not rent homes to Arabs. It is a country where hundreds of Jews in Afula demonstratedagainst the sale of a single house to an Arab. It is a state where Jews demonstrate to the chantof ‘Death to the Arabs’.
If any of this were to happen to Jews in Britain, then you would be the first to cry ‘anti-Semitism’. That is why your letter to your congregants is so outrageous. As Attlee once said to Laski, an extended period of silence on your part would not go amiss.  In other words Rabbi, shut up.
Tony Greenstein
Rabbi Romain’s Letter to his Jewish Congregants
I am writing to all members of the community regarding the forthcoming election. 
In past elections, never have I dreamt of suggesting which way one should vote.
This election is different.
You may recall the ground-breaking decision of all three Jewish newspapers - The Jewish Chronicle, The Jewish News and The Jewish Telegraph - to publish exactly the same front cover on 25th July 2018: taking a united stance to suggest that a Labour government under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn would prove “an existential threat” to British Jewry.
You may recall the Deputy Leader of Labour, Tom Watson saying he was “ashamed” of Labour being guilty of racism, or the fact that the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) are currently investigating accusations of racism against Labour, the first time they have done so against a political party since their enquiry into the British National Party.
You may recall the Labour MP of 49 years, Louise Ellman, resigning in October 2019, because, as she put it: “Labour is no longer a safe place for Jews and Corbyn is a danger to the country”.
These are just a handful of examples from the last three years that make me feel that normal political allegiances are superseded by the unprecedented situation we face.
I should stress that the problem is not the Labour Party itself, which has a long record of fighting discrimination and prejudice, but the problem is Jeremy Corbyn. Corbyn-led Labour, has, at best, let anti-semitism arise within its ranks, or at worst, has encouraged it. 
This has never happened under any previous Labour leader, whether under Tony Blair on the right, Neil Kinnock in the centre or Michael Foot on the left, so the finger of responsibility really does seem to point to Jeremy Corbyn
I am therefore suggesting we should each put aside all other considerations and vote for whichever party is most likely to defeat Labour in whatever constituency we are in - even if we would never normally vote for that party.
If you, too, think that a Corbyn-led government would pose a danger to Jewish life as we know it...whether it be utterances that cause Jews to feel victimised, less secure and no longer at ease...or maybe even legislation that restricts Jewish life or relations with Israel in some way, then you may wish to vote to ensure Labour does not gain your local seat.
Do not discount the power of your vote - many seats are won or lost on small majorities - while the issue of Brexit means that very different voting patterns will probably take place compared to previous elections...so do not assume that a safe Labour seat will remain Labour, or that Labour might not win a seat that previously looked safe for another party.
Please feel free to share this with any family, friend or colleagues you think might feel the same.
Let me repeat that this is suggestion I would not normally make but for the Corbyn-factor - and you are at liberty to disagree totally with my point of view. I appreciate, too, that you may feel that other criteria take priority when voting. You should vote as your conscience dictates.
..while if you wish to discuss this with me, feel free to do so.
Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain MBE
Maidenhead Synagogue

Labour’s Decision to Stop Chris Williamson Standing is Indefensible - Tom Watson Will Only Be Missed by Racists and Zionists


Socialists Should Support the Decision of Chris Williamson to Stand as an Independent Socialist


It was a mixed day today. On the one hand Labour’s NEC refused to allow Chris Williamson to stand as a Labour MP.  The reason, as Jennie Formby told him a few weeks ago was that Labour MPs hated him for supporting Open Selection. No one apart from a few lunatic Zionists believes that Chris’s suspension has anything to do with anti-Semitism.
Watson 'lost sleep' thinking about 'poor old Phil Woolas'
This is who Watson defended - racist Phil Woolas
The irony is that it is amongst those who decided to keep him suspended that the racists are to be found, prime amongst them Tom Watson. As I have explained before, when racist Labour MP Phil Woolas was removed by the High Court from Parliament for lying about his election opponent, Tom Watson wrote an article for Labour Uncut which said that he had ‘lost sleep thinking about poor Phil.’
LAW Fringe Meeting - Liverpool 2018
John Mann, the man who produced a guide to anti-social behaviour that targeted Gypsies, is the ‘anti-Semitism Czar’ no less.  He was even more angered by the removal of Phil Woolas.
Then there is Momentum Boss Jon Lansman.  Lansman has spent time living on an Israeli Kibbutz.  Most people who do this come back Palestinian supporters. He cannot but be aware of the endemic racism of the Israeli settler society yet he continues to support the Israeli state through thick and thin.  He has been at the centre of the witchhunt in the Labour Party – Jackie Walker, Ken Livingstone and now Chris Williamson. That this racist should have any say over the continued suspension of Chris Williamson is an outrage.
Watson bullied this woman councillor
This is why Watson resigned - too many false allegations
So let us disabuse ourselves of any notion that it was about anti-Semitism.  Chris was the target of a vindictive witchhunt because of his support for democracy in the Labour Party. All socialists should support his standing as an independent socialist candidate and I wish him well in his endeavours and hope to be able to go up and campaign for him personally.
Tony Greenstein

Book Review for the Book The Zionists Tried to Ban - Bad News for Labour

UCL Backs Off Speech Restrictions at the Book Launch for 
The Responsibility of Intellectuals  
Reflections by Noam Chomsky and other intellectuals

As you may recall, this book by 5 distinguished academics – Greg Philo, Mike Berry, Justin Schlosberg, Antony Lerman and David Miller – was due to have its book launch in Brighton on September 23rd during the Labour Party conference.

However a barrage of abuse from the Zionists and the normal accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’, ‘baiting the Jewish community’ (trans. disagreeing with Zionists) led Waterstones to cancel the book launch at the last minute. Their Head Office took the decision to overrule the local store. The pretext was a lack of professional organisation. James Daunt, their CEO, who I spoke to during this affair, insisted that this was the only reason but it was so obviously not true that he has subsequently admitted that the cancellation was a mistake. Waterstone’s have promised to reschedule the book launch which we await with baited breath.

What this demonstrates, along with the attempt by University College London to impose restrictions on the October 29thbook launch for The Responsibility of Intellectuals – Reflections by Noam Chomsky and other intellectualsis that freedom of speech is under attack by the Zionist lobby and its neo-liberal friends in this country. 

Professor Chris Knight, one of the authors, wrote to me two weeks before to say that the 5 restrictions below were being placed on the launch by UCL authorities.  I responded by saying that they must refuse to comply. If necessary the book launch must take place on the steps of UCL.  The McCarthyites must be forced to back down.

I’m pleased to say that Chris and others took my advice and faced with the ensuing embarrassment the university authorities backed down.  You only have to look at the five restrictions to see how unacceptable they are.  Once again we see how the Labour Party ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign has spread outwards.  Here are the 5 restrictions that UCL were forced to abandon:
1.     Suggestions (overt or implied) that Jews as a group or particular sections of the British Jewish community invent, exaggerate or “weaponise” incidents of antisemitism for political or other benefit
2.     Suggestions (overt or implied) that Jews as a group or particular sections of the British Jewish community exploit or exaggerate the Holocaust for political or other benefit
3.     Use (overt or implied) of “dual loyalty” tropes relating to Jews as a group or particular sections of the British Jewish community and the State of Israel – for example that they are “controlled” by Israel or are working on behalf of Israel to the detriment of Britain
4.     Suggestions (overt or implied) that antisemitism is a less toxic form of racism than any other and/or that Jews are less vulnerable to discrimination than other minority groups
5.     Repetition (overt or implied) of antisemitic tropes relating to Jews and money and/or Jewish financial involvement in historical events or injustices – for example that Jews financed wars, slavery, etc

All 5 are contentious:

1.       The idea that Jews (they mean Zionists) don’t weaponise anti-Semitism is laughable.  That is all the Board of Deputies and groups like the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism do! If you want proof you only need look as far as the front page story in the Jewish Chronicle this week which states that: 

The vast majority of British Jews consider Jeremy Corbyn to be an antisemite. In the most recent poll, last month, the figure was 87 per cent.”
The Jewish Chronicle's hysterical and desperate headline

The Jewish Telegraph even took to Twitter to disown their own columnist - Professor Geoffrey Alderman - who has written several books on the Jewish community in Britain
As the respected Jewish (& Zionist) academic Professor Geoffrey Alderman wrote in the Spectator last May, Corbyn had successfully campaigned against the destruction of a Jewish cemetery in his constituency that his tormentor, the foul-mouthed Margaret Hodge had tried to destroy when Leader of the Council. 
‘If as the Jewish Chronicle claims 87% of British Jews consider Jeremy Corbyn an anti-Semite then British Jews are amongst the most stupid people on this planet.’
Corbyn has never said anything even remotely anti-Semitic.  If indeed 87% of British Jews consider Jeremy Corbyn an anti-Semite and 47% will consider emigrating if he is elected as Prime Minister as the Jewish Chronicle is allegingthis week then British Jews are amongst the most stupid (and reactionary) people on this planet.  However I prefer to believe that there are lies, damned lies and Jewish Chronicle surveys!
What is true is that if you repeatedly tell people that the Earth is flat long enough some will actually believe it. If British Jews do believe this nonsense then that is a tribute to the effectiveness of the British media or the gullibility of the average British Jew.
ii.                 The suggestion that Jews (they mean Zionists) don’t exploit the Holocaust for political benefit is one of life’s absurdities. As Edith Zertal, a distinguished Israeli Professor of History wrotein ‘Israel’s Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood’, there hasn’t been a war involving Israel ‘that has not been perceived, defined, and conceptualized in terms of the Holocaust.’ Israel has mobilised the Holocaust ‘in the service of Israeli politics.’ The Holocaust is used continuously to paint Arabs as the ‘new Nazis’.
iii.               Dual loyalty lies at the heart of Zionism.  Zionism is founded on the belief that Jews owe their first loyalty, not to the countries they live in, but to Israel.  Yes this is anti-Semitic but that’s because Zionism is a form of Jewish anti-Semitism.
Zionism argues that Jews are not members of the host nations they live amongst but a separate Jewish nation. That is why the Israeli American Council, in collaboration with the Israeli Embassy, commissioneda poll which asked which country American Jews would side with in case of a serious confrontation between Israel and the United States. In the ensuing uproar the Israeli government withdrew it but it’s clearly a live issue. See Pro-Israel organization sought to survey US Jews on dual loyalty, “Dual Loyalty” Now Embraced, as Israel Interferes in Internal American Politicsand In Praise Of Dual Loyalty
iv.               Clearly anti-Semitism in Britain today is far less ‘toxic’ than other forms of racism. That is why ‘anti-Semitism’ is the only form of racism that the establishment is concerned with. Why? Because anti-Semitism is not a form of state racism whereas anti-Muslim/Black racism is. The State and its academic mouthpieces like UCL Administration don’t campaign against themselves hence their concern with ‘anti-Semitism’. Jews don’t get stopped and searched, deported ala Windrush, economically discriminated against, beaten up and murdered by the Police or Prison authorities.  Obvious anti-Semitism today is less toxic than other forms of racism.
v.                 Clearly there was Jewish financial involvement in historical events and injustices. Why pretend there wasn’t? Why is it a subject that can’t be discussed? Of course if someone was to suggest that the ‘Jews’ financed the Russian Revolution, the Slave Trade, the Inquisition etc. then that is a different matter but clearly Jews played a part, sometimes a significant part in funding for example the slave trade.  
What is staggering is that a university, of all places, should seek to clamp down on discussion and debate on these issues. This is how far the McCarthyist attack on freedom of speech has gone.

Of course when people deny the Holocaust then that isn’t a subject that should be debated anymore than someone denying that the slave trade occurred. That the Holocaust happened is self-evident. None of the leading Nazis involved denied it.  Indeed Eichmann boasted of his role. Clearly those who seek to deny the Holocaust want to repeat it.  In other words they are not interested in free speech but in inciting racism.

But to pretend that the Holocaust is not exploited by the Zionist movement when they have set up a Holocaust Education Trust in Britain which promotes Labour’s fake anti-Semitism smear campaign is absurd. Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust Propaganda Museum even entertains people who are Hitler worshippers such as Duterte of the Philippines [see Philippine Leader Duterte, Who Compared Himself to Hitler, Visits Yad Vashem or just plain vanilla anti-Semites such as Viktor Orban.

Daniel Blatman, a Holocaust researcher at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem and the Chief Historian at the new Jewish Museum in Poland describedYad Vashem as 
a hard-working laundromat, striving to bleach out the sins of every anti-Semitic, fascist, racist or simply murderously thuggish leader or politician like Hungary’s Viktor Orban, the Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte and Italy’s Matteo Salvini.
 Below I critically review the book Bad News for Labour which deals with the fake anti-Semitism campaign that the Zionists now wish to immunise against all criticism or analysis.

Tony Greenstein

Bad News for Labour – A Review
Pluto Press, 2019, pp. 288 £14.99
This Review has been printed in substantially the same form by the Weekly Worker as Book they want to ban.

It says all you need to know about the Zionist lobby’s hatred for free speech, that the book launch for Bad News for Labour, about the McCarthyist attack on freedom of speech in the Labour Party, was itself subject to such a torrent of Zionist abuse that Waterstones’ cancelled it, although CEO James Daunt later admitted that this was a ‘mistake’. 

So afraid are the Zionists of their scurrilous campaign of defamation being exposed to the light, that a book by 5 distinguished academics, which looks at the evidence for their allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’, was itself portrayed as ‘Jew-baiting’ ‘offensive to the Jewish Community’ and ‘anti-Semitic’.

Presumably British  Jews are such delicate flowers that statistical evidence in a dry academic book will cause them to relive the Holocaust!

Instead of standing up for the basic right of freedom of speech on Palestine, Israel and Zionism, Jeremy Corbyn and Jennie Formby have succumbed to their opponents vitriol.  Today in the Labour Party anyone who doubts the veracity of the ‘anti-Semitism’ moral panic is now accused of ‘anti-Semitism’. As was the case at Salem, denial of being witch constitutes irreversible proof of being one.

This book should be read in conjunction with The Anti-Semitism Wars (Spokesman Books, 2018) and my chapter ‘The Story so far...’. It is a book in 6 parts, however the book as a whole is less than the sum of its parts.  The book suffers from being a dry academic tome rather than treating the evidence it reveals in the context of the politics of Labour and Corbynism.

The book’s major failing is that it fails to locate the source of the anti-Semitism smear campaign. Greg Philo and Mike Berry in ‘What Could Have Been Done and Why It Wasn’t and Will It End’ observe that ‘the claims about anti-Semitism had begun after the election of Corbyn in September 2015.’ (p.45)This is incorrect. The claims began as soon as the media realised that Corbyn was going to win  Labour leadership campaign. 
People may recall the panic that sent in.  MPs like John Mann and Barry Shearman urged Harriet Harman, the interim leader, to call off the leadership election altogether. General Secretary Iain McNicol was meanwhile purging the £3 registered voters, including myself, of anyone that appeared to be a Corbyn supporter.

On August 7th,a month before the result was declared, the Daily Mail ran an ‘exclusive’ Jeremy Corbyn's 'long-standing links' with notorious Holocaust denier and his 'anti-Semitic' organisation revealed[1] a completely bogus story alleging that Corbyn had close links with a Holocaust denier, Paul Eisen. This was followed up 5 days later by the Jewish Chronicle’s The key questions Jeremy Corbyn must answer.[2] By the time Corbyn had been elected, on September 5th 2015 the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign was well underway.

It is fine to suggest, in hindsight, possible strategies to combat Corbyn’s disastrous handling of the anti-Semitism claims, but first it is necessary to actually diagnose where they originated. Never, not once do any of the authors ask the following questions:

i.                   Is it credible that anti-Semitism spontaneously arose in the Labour Party when Corbyn was elected leader?
ii.                 How did the allegations of anti-Semitism link in with the allegations that Corbyn was a ‘terrorist’ supporter?
iii.              Is it true, as Jonathan Arkush and others allege that socialists, anti-imperialists and anti-Zionists see Jews as inherently rich, powerful and conspiratorial?

During the leadership contest Corbyn had been interviewed by Krishna Guru Murphy on Channel 4 as to why he described Hamas and Hezbollah as his ‘friends’.  Corbyn handled it disastrously. His only explanation was that he was simply being polite.  Ten years ago however he said that to label either organisation as terrorist ‘is really a big, big historical mistake.’ [Guardian 2.6.17] (p. 59) Corbyn now admits that he made a mistake.

However there was another way he could have handled it. Corbyn could have challenged the ‘terrorist’ term.  He could have asked him why Hamas and Hezbollah were terrorists and why a suicide bomb was worse than dropping a massive bomb on a house killing 20 civilians in order to assassinate a Hamas operative? He could have explained that before the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, when over 20,000 people were killed, there had been no Hezbollah.  Hezbollah was a creature of Israel. Hamas was likewise an Israeli creation. Israel’s Shin Bet sponsored it as a bulwark against secular Palestinian nationalism.

Corbyn could have compared Hamas and Hezbollah to the French resistance and asked why one was a terrorist and the other a freedom fighter. He could have pointed to US support for the Contras and other terrorist groups such as the Central American death squads It was Corbyn’s political weakness that prevented him asking these questions because Corbyn too operates within the ambit of western imperialist assumptions.

The authors didn’t even mention this accusation, which is repeatedly usesd against Corbyn. It more than anything has undermined him with the electorate (far more so than ‘anti-Semitism’). On Ireland he could have explained his support for Sinn Fein and pointed to a war against the 40% of the north of Ireland that never accepted Partition. Instead McDonnell apologised profusely for ever having described the IRA as brave!

It is little wonder therefore that Philo and Berry resort to superficial remedies such as ‘a coherent public relations strategy’ or ‘self study and group discussion training’  (pp. 46-47). Yhey suggest the leadership didn’t have a ‘strong public relations infrastructure.’ (p. 60)

Elsewhere they advocate that the Labour Party must ‘acknowledge what has happened is wrong and completely unacceptable for your organisation.’But this is precisely what has happened. Corbyn has repeatedly apologised and far from helping matters it has been used as ‘proof’ of Labour’s anti-Semitism and Corbyn’s responsibility for it. The authors’ remedy is worse than the cure.

This also assumes that the allegations of anti-Semitism were made in good faith. That Tom Watson, Luciana Berger and John Mann seriously believed that the Labour Party had been overrun by anti-Jewish racism.

This displays incredible naiveté on the part of Philo and Berry. It suggests a political innocence in a debate where guilt must be assumed. It also demonstrates the pitfalls of a purely academic approach to what is a political problem. Statistics alone will not prove that the anti-Semitism ‘crisis’ is less serious than it is made out to be.

The authors commissioned an opinion poll which showed that people believed that ‘anti-Semitism’ had affected 34% of all Labour Party members. However it is easy to demonstrate that the ‘anti-Semitism crisis’ was overblown, disproportionate etc. whilst still accepting that there was a problem. Maybe it is not 34% but there still can be a problem.

This is a fundamentally mistaken approach to take. I would argue that there is no evidence of Labour anti-Semitism nor has there ever been. If we want to talk about racism, then what we need to do is talk about actions not thought, deeds not prejudice.

Tom Watson has said that he won’t rest easy until every last anti-Semite is kicked out of the party. Leave aside the problem of how you define an anti-Semite what we should do is ask what are Watson’s bona fides. Is he being genuine and sincere. Is it the case that Tom Watson really does not sleep well thinking about the plight of Jews in the Labour Party?

In 2010 Labour MP Phil Woolas was removed by the High Court from his position as MP for Oldham and Saddleworth. He had run a campaign of lies against his Lib Dem opponent in the election alleging he supported violent jihadists. During the course of the proceedings an email from Woolas’s election agent surfaced which stated that the campaign strategy must be to ‘make the white folk angry.’ What was Watson’s reaction?

He wrote an article in which he confessedthat ‘I’ve lost sleep thinking about poor old Phil Woolas and his leaflets.’ [3]What was the reaction of John Mann and other New Labour MPs? When the High Court removed Woolas Harriet Harman immediately suspended him and removed the whip.

John Pienaar revealed that ‘a mutiny took place during last night’s weekly meeting of the PLP:... The decision to suspend and disown expelled MP Phil Woolas, found guilty of lying by a special election court, has provoked what Labour MPs and former ministers are describing as a “mutiny” against the Labour leadership at Westminster.’ Jim Pickard reportedthat: [4]

‘there was “real anger” at the event, with a lot of “shouting” from enraged MPs. According to PoliticsHome nine members spoke out. ...  They included George Howarth, Steve McCabe and Dave Watts, I’m told) Among those to have spoken out in support of Woolas was John Mann, a close friend of his.’

At the Hodge Hill byelection, in Birmingham Tom Watson was Labour’s campaign organiser and issued a leaflet with the slogan: "Labour is on your side, the Lib Dems are on the side of failed asylum seekers."[5]

John Mann was the publisher of the Bassetlaw anti-social behaviour handbook. which listed amongst it examples the presence of Travellers. In the section on Travellers Mann states: [6]

The police have powers to remove any gypsies or travellers, and have powers to direct people to leave the land and remove any vehicles or property they have with them
Mann was interviewed under caution by the Nottingham Police after Ben Bennett, a 13 year old traveller had complained, first to Jeremy Corbyn who referred the matter to the Chief Whip. As Skwawkbox notedthe Whip, surprisingly, decided no action was appropriate and told the family to refer the matter to the police.’ [7]

If someone had called the Jewish community an example of anti-social behaviour does anyone believe that the complainant would have been told to refer the matter to the Police?  Margaret Hodge, Watson and Mann would have been jumping up and down. The problem with this book is that no attempt is made at comparative analysis of how Labour deals with other forms of racism. Without such a comparison we cannot see whether or not anti-Semitism is being exceptionalised and if so why.

What we can see is that when it comes to most forms of racism Tom Watson and John Mann have no hesitation in joining in with the racists.

Philo and Berry mention the case of a Welsh councillor who said that Hitler had the right idea when it came to Travellers and asked if ‘anyone got any gas canisters.’ (p. 69) I’m not aware that this individual has been expelled yet the authors do not ask why.
Given that the Gypsies were exterminated in the Holocaust in the same proportions as Jews, what is it about Jews, who are mainly White and privileged, that doesn’t apply to Gypsies?  Could it be Israel?

What was needed was not PR strategies, educational counter-offensives or other technocratic solutions but a political counter offensive. But in order to mount a political counter-attack one needs to understand where the ‘anti-Semitism’ offensive was coming from in  the first place and that is the primary failing of this book.

When I was suspended from the Labour Party in 2016 subsequent to the false allegations circling around Oxford University Labour Club, it was clear to me that the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign was not spontaneous but organised by state actors. As Asa Winstanley revealed, the key actor in the Oxford allegations had been an intern for BICOM.

The Lobbyby Al-Jazeera confirmed the involvement of the Israeli Embassy but I had no doubt that US and British  Intelligence were up to their ears in what was happening, This has subsequently been confirmed by the remarks of Mike Pompeigh and the revelations about the Integrity Initiative. See also Asa Winstanley’s article for Electronic Intifada about how the Jewish Labour Movement was refounded in 2015 for the purpose of taking out Corbyn.

When I spoke in June 2016 in Liverpool, Manchester and Leeds, I explained this succinctly. If I was the CIA Director, the idea that an opponent of NATO and the United States’s wars in the Middle East and a supporter of the Palestinians should be leader of the second major party in Britain, the US’s closes ally in Europe, would have caused nightmares. US Intelligence agencies have spent hundreds of millions of dollars destabilising regimes they don’t like in Latin America and Asia. They have helped fund and support anti-communist groups in Europe when the Communists seemed influential (Italy). On what basis would the USA adopt a ‘hands off’ policy towards Britain?

Would those who brought Pinochet and the Argentinian generals to power, who helped Suharto murder 1 million Indonesians have qualms of conscience about interfering in Britain? None of the authors even raise this question and that is a fatal weakness of this book. Only once do Berry/Philo suggest that ‘it is not therefore illegitimate to ask if Israel or its agencies might be involved in the anti-Semitism issue in Labour. Such a question is not in itself anti-Semitic.’ (p. 75) and there they leave the matter.

The question running through this book is ‘what is anti-Semitism’. For Jonathan Arkush of the Board of Deputies the answer is clear – ‘delegitimising Israel’. (p. 32). Because Israel is a ‘Jewish’ state any attempt to deny the right of Israel to exist is automatically anti-Semitic because it denies Jewish people’s right to self-determination. (pp.40-43). The problem which Philo and Berry don’t mention is that Jews are not a nation. They are members of every nation. It is the anti-Semites who assert that Jews form a separate nation. And even if they were a nation the authors don’t question why opposition to self-determination is racist. Most nations e.g. the Kurds and Catalans not do not have the right of self-determination.

Berry and Philo cite the reaction of Alan Johnson, editor of Fathom, journal of the Israel PR group BICOM to the fact that 77% of Labour members believe the figures of anti-Semitism to have been exaggerated.[8] The authors agree that to deny the existence of cases of anti-Semitism would be wrong. But would it?

It appears that the first example of a genuine Holocaust denier, Chris Crookes, has been found in the International Section of the Labour Party after 4 years.[9] If so he should be expelled but did it take 4 years of ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations to find one example?

Philo and Berry alight on the destructive and nefarious role played by Jon Lansman. Why he decided to act as an outrider for the JLM, confirming at every turn their venomous and destructive allegations will best be left to others.  However I have no doubt that Lansman was aware from the very start that the real goal of the JLM was the removal of Corbyn and that it was with this in mind that he said that anti-Semitism was ‘more widespread’ than originally thought. (p. 61) The following year Lansman was again quoted as saying that ‘we have a much larger number of people with hardcore anti-Semitic opinions...’ Again no evidence but as Philo/Berry conclude ‘because it is from such an unexpected source, it carries greater legitimacy.’ (p.62) However I would question how unexpected the source was. He seems to have behaved pretty consistently, as with Jackie Walker’s removal as Momentum Vice Chair!

When Margaret Hodge called Jeremy Corbyn ‘a fucking anti-Semite’ no disciplinary action was taken. Why? Because ‘the leadership had decided to avoid a split in the Party at virtually any cost.’ The problem was that ‘it became impossible to have a coherent or united message.’ This points to the key weakness of Corbyn’s strategy. Appeasing the Right at any price rendered you incoherent and inarticulate, forever fire fighting.

Philo/Berry focus on the fact that Jennie Formby admitted that just 12 people have been expelled for anti-Semitism. They assume that even these 12 were guilty of anti-Semitism. There is a danger when pointing to the minute fraction of those disciplined in assuming guilt. All the evidence is that those suspended, like Jo Bird, the Jewish councillor in the Wirral, were innocent.

I was suspended as part of the fake anti-Semitism witchhunt. This is what Sam Matthews leaked to the Telegraph and Times. But when it came to the charges, the allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ had disappeared, apart from the use of the term ‘zio’.

The book shows how it is only racist abuse directed at Jewish Zionist members of parliament, Luciana Berger and Ruth Smeeth, that merits attention in the press whereas Diane Abbot’s experiences of far larger amounts of abuse merits no attention. Likewise the studied bigotry of Tory party members, including the Prime Minister, 43% of whom would prefer that Britain didn’t have a Muslim Prime Minister goes unremarked. (pp. 69-70) What the authors don’t ask is why?

Justin Schlosberg frames the anti-Semitism controversy as a prime example of a ‘disinformation’ campaign, which he defines as ‘systematic reporting failures that privilege a particular ideological or political agenda.’  The media narrative rested on two assumptions: firstly that anti-Semitism under Corbyn had become endemic to the Labour Party and secondly that there was a wholesale failure by the leadership to deal with the problem.

Schlosberg argues that the anti-Semitism controversy ‘by its very nature inhibits the development of a counter-narrative’.  Why? Because ‘much of the discursive framing serves to pre-emptively de-legitimise any defensive response as ‘part of the problem’.
This goes to the heart of what has happened. Why has the response been so pathetic and weak? Why has JVL lamentably failed to provide an alternative Jewish voice? In these few sentences Schlosberg puts his finger on the unique and problematic nature of the whole anti-Semitism attack.

The problem lies in the subjective nature of the ‘anti-Semitism’ offensive. When Smeeth complained of 25,000 anti-Semitic tweets (which was a lie) or Berger of a deluge of anti-Semitic hate mail (also highly unlikely) it is difficult to rebut. This can only be done by locating both Jews and anti-Semitism in a wider context of racism and imperialism. In other words you can only meet the subjective with the objective.  You cannot simply assert that Smeeth and Berger were lying.

Jews in Britain, as Geoffrey Alderman and William Rubinstein have pointed out [see Let’s be honest about Britain’s obsession with “anti-Semitism”] are not economically discriminated against.[10]Rubinstein wrotethat ‘the rise of Western Jewry to unparalleled affluence and high status... has led to the near-disappearance of a Jewish proletariat of any size; indeed, the Jews may become the first ethnic group in history without a working class of any size.’

Jews in Britain are not the victims of state racism. Police and fascist violence, judicial bias, stop and search, deportation etc. do not affect them. Jews are White and privileged. Zionist cliques can define their identity in whatever way they choose, however this does not change reality. The IHRA defines ‘anti-Semitism’ by denying the Palestinian experience of oppression and that is why it is illegitimate. No one has the right to define themselves in such a way as to legitimise the oppression of another group.

Schlosberg mentions Labour’s ‘anti-Semitism guidelines’ which were overturned after a concerted Zionist campaign on 4 September 2018 in favour of the wholesale adoption of the IHRA. He quotes Ivor Caplin, then JLM Chair, as saying that

There have been extensive discussions about how we deal with anti-Semitism and get it right... I think we are starting to see the progress that I wanted to see.’

Only the Sun, on 5.7.18. ran a story about how JLM representatives had met with Jennie Formby to discuss this. ‘Remarkably, no other reference to this consultation was found within the sample of coverage analysed.’ (p. 89) Barely a month later Pete Mason, Secretary of the JLM claimed on Sky News that ‘there have been no formal conversations with the Jewish community, there have been no invitations offered.’ (p.91) This was a bare faced lie. What really happened was that there had been a furious reaction within the JLM to Caplin’s comments. Caplin had clearly not understood that it was imperative never to accept any concession that the leadership offered apart from Corbyn’s resignation.  That was the goal.

The New Statesman was quite happy to go along with this cover up. From the start it had run with the anti-Semitism smears and on July 5th 2018 it ran a propaganda piece masquerading as an article by Mason and Adam Langleben arguing that the JLM had never accepted Labour’s Anti-Semitism Guidelines and there were no differences within the JLM.[11]Their argument was the non-sequitur that ‘If we had approved them, we would have deserved to resign for betraying our members’

The Guardian demonstrated that when it came to the fake anti-Semitism campaign there wasn’t a piece of paper between it and the Tory tabloids. Critics of Labour’s Anti-Semitism Code were 3 times as likely to be quoted as those supporting it. Even the Sun’s coverage was more balanced (pp. 92-93). Television news programmes were four times as likely to quote those attacking as opposed to those supporting the Code. (p.95)

Schlosberg notes that ‘the degree of consensus surrounding the IHRA definition formed the crux of the controversy and evidence of widespread dissensus was overwhelming.’ Jonathan Freedland, who has singlehandedly been responsible for the Guardian’s poisonous output and its stifling of debate, referred to the ‘near universally accepted’ IHRA (p.101) [12]

In fact there was confusion over whether or not the 31 member countries of the IHRA had adopted the definition. In March 2018 the IHRA published a fact sheet showing that just 8 countries had adopted it and when the BBC published a correction of its misstatements they were tucked away out of sight. Persistent efforts to engage with editorial staff at the Guardian over this‘did not bear fruit’ and ‘a protracted formal complaints process resulted in a blanket dismissal of the research by the Guardian’s ‘Reader’s Editor.’ (p. 106)

The Guardian makes great play of what it calls its ‘internal ombudsman.‘ boastingthat ‘the Guardian was the first UK newspaper to adopt a readers’ editor in 1997.’ Clearly when it comes to systemic editorial sponsored bias, their Readers Editor is useless.[13]
The fifth chapter by Antony Lerman is based on 3 articles written for Open Democracy. Lerman begins with the allegation made against the Labour Party of ‘institutional anti-Semitism’ by the Zionist ‘charity’ the Campaign Against Antisemitism and the JLM. (p.111) This concept arose with the MacPherson Report into the death of Stephen Lawrence and it represented an ‘appropriation’ of the anti-racist struggle in Britain by supporters of Israel. The Zionists hadn’t contributed anything to the Lawrence campaign or indeed any anti-racist campaign but they acted as parasites on the anti-racist struggles of Black people.

Lerman quotesChuka Ummuna, who in October 2016 toldLabour List that
Some have suggested that there is institutional anti-Semitism across the whole of the Labour Party this is not a view I share, not least because I have not seen one incident of anti-Semitism in almost 20 years of activism within my local Labour Party in Lambeth.[14]

Contrast this with what he toldSky News on 24 February 2019:[15](p. 140)
I’ve been very clear, the Labour Party’s institutionally anti-Semitic and you either put your head in the sand and you ignore it or you actually do something about it.

Chuka displays all the consistency you would expect of someone who describedhis own constituents as ‘trash’.[16]

So what is this ‘institutional anti-Semitism’? Lerman goes back to the MacPherson Report where the term first originated when describing the Metropolitan Police’s behaviour towards Black people.  He isolates three elements. (p. 143)

i.                   The ‘collective failure of an organisation to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their protected characteristics.
ii.                 The resulting discrimination
iii.              The resulting disadvantage which they suffer as a result.

Lerman shows that if anything there is a de facto discrimination in favour of Zionist Jews in the Labour Party. This is because the JLM, an affiliated socialist society, is only open to Zionist Jews.  Non-Zionist Jews, the majority in the Labour Party, are ineligible: ‘no other affiliated society makes membership dependent on the individual expressing support for the official, nationalist ideology of another state.’ (p.148) Normally the EHRC would have their work cut out proving Labour is ‘institutionally anti-Semitic’. However given that their CEO Rebecca Hilsenrath has already stated that ‘the Labour Party needs to do more to establish that it is not a racist party’ there can be no such assumptions. Lerman also notes that two years ago the EHRC ‘was subjected to withering criticism for itself targeting disabled and ethnic  minority employees and denying them work opportunities in other agencies.’ (p.155)

Lerman examines whether Labour’s Anti-Semitism Code did reject the IHRA, as the Zionists asserted, and he convincingly demonstrates that it didn’t. This proves that JVL was wrong to have embraced the Code. They put their faith in Labour’s bastard child and their disappointment was all the greater when it was still-born. (p.115)

Lerman is correct when he describes the IHRAas constituting 38 words. Something which the IHRA’s permanent office confirmed on 12 September 2017. (p. 129)

“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

It is followed by 3 introductory paragraphs which provide a context for the 11 examples of ‘anti-Semitism’, 7 of which relate to Israel. They are permissive and conditional. The examples ‘might’ and ‘could include depending on the context’ anti-Semitism. This is clearly not a definition as it is, as Stephen Sedley observed, indefinite.

Lerman slaps down the CST’s[17] Mark Gardener who ‘is simply wrong when he claims that ‘the definition is a single document but Labour treats it as having two parts.’ It has two parts. Period.’(p.116)

Lerman shows how the Zionist lobby has systematically lied about the MacPherson ‘principle’. Indeed there is no such principle merely a definition of a ‘racist incident’ which is ‘any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person.’  However there was nothing in MacPherson Report that suggests moving from a ‘rule about recording the victim’s perception... to a general rule that only the victim can define the racism they experience.’

This dishonest elision was fronted by Britain’s most dishonest journalist, Jonathan Freedland who tweeted (5.7.19.) that ‘Labour’s decision means a break from the MacPherson standard, which held that a minority was best placed to define prejudice against it.’ Since when has ‘defining’ oppression been the sole preserve of a minority? Are all Jews oppressed and of the one mind? Are all minorities oppressed? Billionaires? Capitalists? War mongers?

Identity politics exclude class and race. Jews in Britain are not oppressed and have no right to define the Palestinian experience by telling them that calling Israel racist is anti-Semitic. Under identity politics there is a conflict of rights – the right of the oppressed vs the right of the oppressor. Since identity politics excludes context and power relations it automatically privileges the powerful, which in this case are Zionist Jews.

Even the Zionist CST in their 2009 Anti-Semitic Discourse Report rejected a victim perception in favour of an objective approach. (p.119) David Feldman, of the Pears Institute for the Study of Anti-Semitism noted that if the definition of racism rested on individual or minority perception then

we open the way to conceptual and political chaos.... Without an anti-racist principle which can be applied, generally we are left in a chaotic situation in which one subjective  point of view faces another.’ (p.120)

Neveh Gordon, a politics professor at Israel’s Ben-Gurion University observed that ‘The Israeli government needs the “new anti-Semitism” to justify its actions and to protect it from international and domestic condemnation.’ (p. 125) Lerman concludes that one of the consequences of this is that if ‘almost everything is anti-Semitic then nothing is. The word is rendered useless.’ or ‘when anti-Semitism is everywhere it is nowhere. And when every anti-Zionist is an anti-Semite, we no longer know how to recognise the real thing – the concept of anti-Semitism loses its significance.’ (Brian Klug, p. 126)

Never can such a poorly worded piece of prose been so closely examined as the IHRA. Anti-Semitism is defined as ‘a certain perception’ which leaves out discrimination and hostility but, as Lerman remarks, we are not told what this ‘certain perception’ is. David Feldman called it ‘bewilderingly imprecise’. I prefer to think of it as deliberately obfuscatory. (p.130)

Kenneth Stern, who drafted it, warned against making the IHRA legally binding. A situation which may be fast approaching. Geoffrey Robertson QC concluded that the IHRA was ‘not fit for purpose ...  as an adjudicative standard.’ (pp. 132-133)

Rebecca Gould, an academic at Bristol University, was subject to a demand by the Campaign Against Antisemitism that she be sackedfor having written an articleBeyond Anti-Semitism for Counterpunch in November 2011. The article linked the use of the Holocaust to the deflection of criticism of Palestinian suffering. That was enough for the CAA. Kenneth Stern called this out as ‘chilling andMcCarthy-like’ in his testimonyto the US Congress.[18] (p. 134)

By making the term ‘anti-Semitism’ meaningless the IHRA actually makes Jews more, not less, vulnerable to anti-Semitism. (p. 136)

Lerman observes that ‘it is a terrible misjudgement when so-called friends of the Jews exceptionaise Jewish suffering today.’ (p. 154) Tony Lerman is a non-Zionist and not, as far as I’m aware a socialist. He finds all this very baffling. What people find hard to accept is that Zionism has never fought anti-Semitism and has never been concerned about anti-Semitism. As the founder of Political Zionism, Theodor Herzl wrote‘The anti-semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-semitic countries our allies.’ [19]Zionism begins at the point at which the fight against anti-Semitism ends. Zionism needs anti-Semitism to survive. Therein lies the answer to Lerman’s dilemmas.

Lerman suggests that ‘one of the particularly distinctive features’ of the anti-Semitism attacks is that it is largely out of Labour’s hands to control. I disagree. It could have dealt with it and its right-wing critics very easily early one. When John McDonnell, in an interview with Lerman says that ‘I’d have erred more on the side of being firmer on some cases’ it is proof that McDonnell doesn’t get it even now.

That isn’t to say that some people in the Labour Party don’t have anti-Semitic ideas in their heads or engage in conspiracy theories with Jews at the centre. In a party of 600,000 that is perfectly possible. One may even find 1 or 2 Holocaust deniers among them. Since it is estimated that 5% of people in Britain, some 3 million, denythe Holocaust, this is not surprising.[20] I suspect though that one would find far more Holocaust deniers in the Tory party!

The point though is that racism is not what is in someone’s head but what they do. There is no evidence at all that anti-Semites are actively campaigning or pushing their views inside the Labour Party. At worst a few will resort to social media but not to put too fine a point on it, no one has ever died from a tweet. However the involvement of Labour Party members in racism against Black people and Gypsies is not confined to ideas.

An example is ex-Labour Home Office Minister Tony McNulty who tweeted that Chris Williamson was an anti-Semite. This is the man who took pride in deporting refugees and Black people. A worse case of racist hypocrisy is hard to find.

If Black people only experienced racism via social media they could consider themselves lucky. We have seen hundreds of Black people deported in the Windrush Scandal, left to die alone and penniless. The prisons are stuffed with Black kids. Racism is endemic in the Police. Jews suffer none of this. When the Labour Party concentrates on anti-Semitism and ignores the record of Tom Watson and John Mann we should conclude that yes, it is institutionally racist but it isn’t institutionally anti-Semitic. (pp. 156-157)

One of the results of the false anti-Semitism allegations is that people lose any understanding of what anti-Semitism actually is. In a 2015 survey 45% weren’t confident they could explain what anti-Semitism is and in a poll in March 2019 some 40% of people didn’t know what anti-Semitism is, rising to more than half amongst under-25’s. (pp. 158-159) Yet, as Lerman observes, the UK must be one of the safest places on Earth for Jews to live! (p.160)

Lerman describes what has happened as a ‘moral panic’, which is when ‘a condition, episode, person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests.’ Which sums up what has happened.  It is a definition which could have been applied to the Salem witch hunt over 200 years ago!

Where Lerman goes wrong is to suggest that what has happened is a ‘Jew on Jew war’.  Behind the JLM stands non-Jews such as Tom Watson and Joan Ryan. Jews have been the alibi, not the . This is a fundamental misreading of the situation. Unfortunately JVL also fell for the idea that simply creating a non-Zionist Jewish group could remedy this.  It was never about Jews.

Hence why Lerman states that the ‘intra-Jewish war and the poisonous atmosphere around Israel’ must be brought to an end. ‘It is a festering sore. It’s a boil that needs to be lanced.’ He goes on to recommend a ‘managed but open debate’ on Israel and Palestine minus all discussion of ‘state based paradigms.’ Again this is wrong.  This was never primarily about Israel or the Middle East. It was about Corbyn who was seen as the figurehead of anti-imperialism. The archetypal anti-capitalist.  The Middle East and Palestine was secondary not primary. (p. 164)

David Miller suggests that there is a difference between ‘a State of Israel’ and ‘the State of Israel’. I disagree. The intention of the IHRA is quite clear.  It is simply that it’s wording is deliberately sloppy and inexact as a means of bringing all within its remit. Miller also suggests that since the advent of Jennie Formby there is now an ‘evidenced based approach’ to disciplinary cases.  I disagree.  Miller himself may have been acquitted but my experience is that the situation today is worse than under Iain McNicol.

In the Conclusion the emphasis is on stamping out all forms of racism, whoever it is against. It makes no distinction between actions and words. Miriam Margolyes commented that anti-Semitism has been weaponised as a means of attacking Corbyn. The CAA responded that ‘accusing Jews of making accusations of anti-Semitism in bad faith... is a well-established anti-Semitic slur.’ One wonders whether CAA’s accusations against other Jews of ‘anti-Semitism’ are also anti-Semitic? If so my libel action is likely to succeed!

Would this be true of any other group, Whites included?  Jews are as capable of being Machiavellian as the next group and Zionists almost by definition are dishonest! (p. 176)

The section finishes with a quote[21] from Alexader Gauland, the co-leader of Germany’s Alternative for Germany (AfD) that the Holocaust was ‘a small bird dropping in over 1,000 years of succesful German history.’ A comment which recalls Le Pen’s description[22] of the Holocaust as only a ‘detail’ of French history. In May the German Bundestag voted to condemn BDS as ‘anti-Semitic’ and it was the AfD which wished it to go further and make BDS a criminal offence.[23] It is an irony that is lost on the stupid leadership of the Labour Party and Corbyn above all. Anti-Semites may hate Jews but they love Israel!

Tony Greenstein

[8]              http://fathomjournal.org/
[12]         Guardian, 27.7.18. Yes Jews are angry’. Freedland has turned the Guardian’s Comment pages from a discursive to a propagandist broadsheet. https://www.theuardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jul/27/jewish-anger-labour-listen-antisemitism-opinion
[17]         https://cst.org.uk/

In Memory of Professor David Pegg, a strong supporter of the Palestinians, a founder of York PSC and a brilliant scientist

Clinical scientist and academic who pioneered groundbreaking cooling techniques for use in organ transplantation

I met and spoke to David Pegg many times in the course of Palestine solidarity work, together with his partner, Monica Wusterman. He was a modest man, a dedicated and committed supporter of the Palestinians as well as a brilliant scientist.  Below are obituaries from BRICUP– the British Committee for the Universities of Palestine and The Guardian.  He will be sorely missed. 
Tony Greenstein

OBITUARY- David Pegg.

Colin Green and Monica Wusteman
BRICUP is very sad to announce the death on August 3rd of David Pegg. David, a member of our committee, initiated our Newsletter and edited it for almost a decade. Dedicated to the cause of Palestinian rights, he also campaigned tirelessly on a number of fronts, including lobbying members of European Parliament, EU diplomats and members of the Commission on behalf of both BRICUP and the Israeli Committee against House Demolitions (ICAHD). David was also one of the founder members of York Palestine Solidarity Campaign and a Trustee of IMET 2000, an international medical education charity which deals with the training of surgeons, nurses, physicians and with those dealing with the child victims of war crimes and crimes against humanity. IMET 2000 operates extensively in the West Bank and Gaza. (https://www.imet2000.org/)
David was also a very eminent clinical scientist with an international reputation. One of the pioneers in the field of low temperature biology, David made perhaps his greatest contribution through research into the preservation of human kidneys. He and his colleagues worked up simple flushing techniques to sophisticated methods which are now used worldwide and allow organs to be maintained for up to thirty hours and function well after transplantation.
Later he pioneered new freezing techniques that have proved to be helpful in preserving plant cells for agriculture, fish reproductive cells for fish farming and, in the field of conservation, cells from endangered species of plants and animals.
David graduated from Westminster Medical School in 1956. He was awarded his MD in 1963, his MRC Path in 1967, the William Julius Mickle Fellowship in 1968 and FRC Path in 1998. At the Westminster Medical School he began to work on organ transplantation alongside the transplantation pioneer Roy Calne, an experience that led to his career in low temperature biology.
He joined the Medical Research Council at Mill Hill in 1967 and, in 1970 was promoted to Head of Division of Cryobiology in the newly built MRC Clinical Research Centre in Harrow. He moved to Cambridge in 1978 to work once more alongside Roy Calne as Head of the MRC Medical Cryobiology Group in the University Dept of Surgery. In 1992 he set up the East Anglia Tissue Bank in the National Blood Service in Cambridge and was Director for a year. He then moved to York and was Director of the Medical Cryobiology Unit in the University from 1993 to August 2006. He was an Honorary Professor in the Biology Department from 1999 to 2018.
In the whole field of low temperature biology, David was unique in his eclectic understanding. To add to this he had a great capacity to inspire and support young scientists in the field and many hundreds owe their own careers to him.
Clinical scientist and academic who pioneered groundbreaking cooling techniques for use in organ transplantation
Tue 15 Oct 2019

David Pegg made perhaps his greatest contribution through research into the preservation of human kidneys, which he began in 1965
In the early days of organ transplantation one of the thorniest problems facing medical science was how to keep an organ functional in the period between harvesting it from a donor and inserting it into a grateful recipient. David Pegg, who has died aged 86, did much towards solving that conundrum, and so enabled us to take for granted our capacity to stop the clock of life by freezing or cooling an organ before restarting its normal function.
One of the pioneers in the field of low temperature biology – building on the work of Audrey Smith, Christopher Polge and Peter Mazur – David made perhaps his greatest contribution through research into the preservation of human kidneys, which he began in 1965.
From dubious survival times of eight hours or fewer, by using simple surface cooling through surrounding the kidney in ice, he and his colleagues at the Medical Research Council (MRC) in north Londonworked on techniques whereby a plastic tube was inserted into the renal artery and the organ was flushed with a cold solution of balanced salts and nutrients to cool it from within. This was far more efficient.
As a further step, David developed sophisticated continuous perfusion methods, getting fluids to pass through a closed circuit that could be used to cool the kidney, and even mimic blood to provide oxygen and essential nutrients. Both techniques are now used routinely in organ transplantation services worldwide and allow organs to be maintained for up to 30 hours and function well after transplantation. Later he pioneered new freezing techniques that have proved to be helpful in preserving plant cells for agriculture, fish reproductive cells for fish farming and, in the field of conservation, cells from endangered species of plants and animals.
Born in Chester, David was the son of Philip, a Baptist minister, and his wife, Evelyn (nee Middleton), a teacher. He went to Dr Challoner’s grammar school in Amersham, Buckinghamshire, and then King’s College London to study medicine. He did his clinical undergraduate studies at Westminster medical school in London and after graduating in 1956 served in the school’s teaching group for a year, before working in its department of pathology for a decade from 1957, specialising in haematology.
It was at Westminster medical school that David first became intrigued by all the possibilities of organ transplantation and started working with the surgeon and organ transplant pioneer Roy Calne. They were faced with two big problems: how to prevent rejection of an organ once it had been transplanted and how to prevent damage to an organ once a potential donor had died. While Calne set about working on the former, David addressed the latter, spending much of the rest of his career concentrating on tissue and organ preservation.
In 1967 he left Westminster to join Smith, the leading scientist in the field at the time, as a senior scientist in the division of low temperature biology at the MRC’s clinical research laboratories in Mill Hill. Three years later he was promoted to head of cryobiology – the study of the effects of low temperatures on living things – at the MRC’s new clinical research centre at Northwick Park hospital, Harrow, and remained there until attracted to Cambridge by Calne to become head of the MRC’s medical cryobiology group in 1978.
He stayed there until 1992, when he set up the East Anglia Tissue Bank at the National Blood Service in Cambridge, serving as its director for a year. Then he was director of the medical cryobiology unit at York University (1993-2006), and an honorary professor in the biology department (1999-2018).
Recognising the potential global impact that cryobiology could have so many areas, he was a key figure in the field, setting up the international Society for Cryobiologyin 1964, helping to start its journal, Cryobiology, of which he later became editor in chief, and becoming the society’s president in 1974.
Two years earlier he had visited Ukraine to set up collaborations with low temperature scientists that endure today. He also pursued other links with the then Soviet bloc in Czechoslovakia and East Germany, and helped many young scientists behind the iron curtain to expand their research vision. He had a general interest in justice and human rights and studied the possibilities for international conflict resolution, particularly in the Middle East. In 1965 David founded the British Society for Low Temperature Biology, which has now expanded to cover Europe, and twice served as its secretary.
In 1977 he married Monica Wusteman. She survives him, along with their children, Owen and Elly, his sons Andrew, Tim and Simon, from his first marriage, to June (nee Gossett), which ended in divorce, two grandsons and four granddaughters.
• David Pegg, clinical scientist, born 22 June 1933; died 3 August 2019

The Hypocritical War by the Jewish Chronicle and the Jewish Establishment on Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party

Ten Years Ago Stephen Pollard, the JC's Editor DEFENDED antisemitic Polish MEP, Michal Kaminski, because he was pro-Israel

John Bercow, the former Speaker, denies that there is any trace of antiSemitism about Jeremy Corbyn

‘Anti-Semitism’ has become one of the key weapons in the Establishment’s war on Corbyn and the Labour Party, as I predicted in a letter to The Independent over 3 years ago. I wrote that:
Incidents of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party have been shown to be mainly froth without substance. It is time to end the weaponisation of anti-Semitism. The only people who benefit from this are real anti-Semites. It is the “boy cried wolf” syndrome.
If only Corbyn had listened to me rather than the idiot Seamus Milne then all could have been different!
Events unfortunately have proven me correct.  A series of anti-racist figures in the Labour Party – from Ken Livingstone to Jackie Walker to Chris Williamson have been targeted by the supporters of Zionism and Israel.  All in the name of the fight against ‘anti-Semitism’.
Today the Jewish Chronicle is in full throttle.  It is literally becoming hysterical as the Tory campaign flounders.  Last week Stephen Pollard wrote to his readers:
‘Over the next 6 weeks we will discover whether the British public are prepared to put an anti-Semite into No. 10.’
The Jewish Chronicle's hysterical front page this week
And he wasn’t talking about Boris Johnson or Jo Swinson! This week it has gone further.  In a front page editorial entitled ‘To All Our Fellow British Citizens’ it informs us that
‘The vast majority of British Jews consider Jeremy Corbyn to be an antisemite. In the most recent poll, last month, the figure was 87 per cent.’
As I wrote yesterday on this blog
‘If as the Jewish Chronicle claims 87% of British Jews consider Jeremy Corbyn an anti-Semite then British Jews are amongst the most stupid people on this planet.’
Of course British Jews have had a 4 year barrage of propaganda designed to make them fearful, telling them that Jeremy Corbyn is an anti-Semite  and that the Gestapo is around the corner.

However that doesn’t excuse their inability to work out what is happening nor does it excuse the utter stupidity of Labour leaders, prime amongst them Jennie Formby and Corbyn himself, who have proceeded on the basis that if they did everything their accusers told them to do then all would be alright.
Ironically UNITE leader Len McLuskey got it right when he wrotein the Huff Post that ‘Jewish Community Leaders Are Refusing To Take 'Yes' For An Answer’. UnfortunatelyLen didn’t draw the obvious conclusions which was that the Zionists, which is what they are, weren’t interested in answers.  They wanted Corbyn’s head and until they got it they would proceed with their campaign. 
Week after week the same message - Corbyn is a racist
But Corbyn and his advisors should have worked that out a long time ago too. The first thing that Corbyn should do if he gains office is to give Seamus Milne, his useless advisor the sack. Milne should have put two and two together and then proceeded to devise a strategy for standing up these petty businessmen.
It doesn’t take much to work out that supporters of Donald Trump and Netanyahu are unlikely to really believe in fighting anti-Semitism. Did Corbyn not know that the Board of Deputies has never fought fascist anti-Semitism always advising the Jewish community to keep its head down?
Pollard Gets Around - The paper that supported Hitler, opposed Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany coming in and employed Katie Hopkins opposes 'antisemitism'
When 29 Orthodox Jewish rabbis wrote supporting Corbyn and attacking the Board of Deputies Corbyn should have thanked them and then utilised that support. Despite the pathetic attempt of Pollard to suggest that the letter wasn’t genuine.
Only this week John Bercow, one of the few principled members of the parliamentary establishment, stated outright that there wasn’t a whiff of anti-Semitism about Jeremy Corbyn.
The Jewish Telegraph doesn't like its columnists thinking for themselves - apparently they think Alderman needed their permission to post the video!
Likewise the foremost historian of the British Jewish community and himself a Zionist, but an honest one (they are few and far between these days) Professor Geoffrey Alderman, in a video and a Spectator article last May, made it clear that Jeremy Corbyn has stood up for his constituents against genuine racists like Margaret Hodge, who was all in favour of demolishing a Jewish cemetery.
As Asa Winstanleyrevealedin Electronic Intifada theJewish Labour Movement was refounded in 2015 with the sole aim of getting rid of Corbyn. It had no other purpose.  Asa was almost instantly suspendedfrom the Labour Party for writing this article because, true to the traditions of the Salem Witch Trials, denial of being anti-Semitic or a witch is proof that you are.
The JLM is the overseas wing (or in its works the ‘sister party’ of the almost defunct Israeli Labour Party. Because in Israel there is no space left for ‘Left’ Zionism any longer.  The sole purpose of Labour Zionism is to prettify the State of Israel.
What is truly outrageous is that the JLM has refused to endorse or support Labour’s election campaign and yet it still remains an affiliated socialist society. 
Every time Corbyn promised to do better, to kick the ‘anti-Semites’ out of the party, then their enemies used that to ‘prove’ that Labour was ‘anti-Semitic’.  By accepting their enemies narrative they sharpened the weapon against them. If they had called these shysters out from the start they would have nipped it in the bud. Instead it has grown into a Frankenstein. It cannot be emphasised enough
That is why the Zionists were so insistent in the summer of 2018 that the Labour Party had to adopt the IHRAdefinition of anti-Semitism. Slatedby academic and legal scholars it nevertheless was a crucial weapon in the attack on supporters of Palestinians and anti-Zionists in the Labour Party. Even the person who wrote the damn thing, American academic Kenneth Stern has now accepted that it is ‘chilling’ free speech in his testimonyto Congress.
Instead of anti-Semitism being hostility to or prejudice against Jews, the OED definition, it was now defined by hostility to Israel, the ‘new anti-Semitism’ that Zionists have been promoting for over 30 years.  11 illustrations of anti-Semitism accompanied the IHRA, 7 of which relate to Israel. Calling Israel a racist state (or endeavour) was now anti-Semitic even though Israel is a racist state.
Exercising ‘double standards’ when criticising Israel by not criticising every other dictatorship was now ‘anti-Semitic’. This was precisely what apologists for Apartheid in South Africa alleged.  Why criticise us when there are far worse states? 

A few of this week's Jewish Chronicle headlines - it's all go to stop Hitler Corbyn

The irony in all this is that the person who has led the charge, former Express editor Stephen Pollard is himself is a virulent racist. He is a founding signatory of the Henry Jackson Society, the Associate Director of which is none other than Douglas Murray, a man who even the Tory Front Bench cut their links with such was his racism. Statements such as
There are certain things in Britain about which it is impossible to speak frankly. The birth rate of the Muslim population is a prime subject
Former Tory MP Paul Goodman in an articleexplaining why the Tory  frontbench broke off relations with Murrayon the Conservative Home website cited how in2006 Murray made a speech in the Dutch Parliament arguing that
"Conditions for Muslims in Europe must be made harder across the board: Europe must look like a less attractive proposition". 
Suggestions as to how this might be achieved included ‘demolishing mosques in certain circumstances.’ and that "all immigration into Europe from Muslim countries must stop"The Trump remedy. This is the kind of person Pollard finds congenial company.
Not once has the Jewish Chronicle campaigned against genuine racism such as Windrush. Indeed Pollard had the audacity to berateCorbyn for not having shown the same ‘passion you have shown over the Windrush scandal?’ for anti-Semitism. The JC has never once concerned itself with racism against Black and Muslim people. Not surprisingly since it acts as a mouthpiece for the Israeli state.
What is even worse though is that Pollard is unconcerned about genuine anti-Semitism, hatred or hostility to Jews as Jews. His only condition is that they should support Israel. The JC has no criticism of Viktor Orban, the anti-Semitic Prime Minister of Hungary who is rehabilitating Admiral Horthy, the pro-Nazi ruler of Hungary during the war, who presided over the deportation of half a million Jews to Auschwitz in 1944.  In Orban’s viewHorthy was an ‘exceptional statesman’.  Orban was an honoured guest in Israel last summer and Netanyahu was a guest the year before.
Even worse was the scandal that arose in 2009. The Tories left the mainstream European Peoples’ Party in the European Parliament for the European Conservative Reform Group. The ECR contains a host of anti-Semitic and racist parties such as Poland’s Law and Justice Party, the Latvian LNNK/Fatherland and Freedom Party, the Danish People’s Party and the Swedish Democrats.
The Law & Justice Party which is deeply anti-Semitic also had as its leader in the European parliament one Michal Kaminski, who had been a member of a neo-Nazi group.  Kaminski was the MP for Jedwabne, a village where in 1941 up to 1,600  Jews were herded into a barn which was then set alight.  Not by the SS but local Poles, supporters of the Nationalist Party. When in 2001 the Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski.  offered a formal apology and a memorial was erected in Jedwabne on the 60th anniversary of the massacre Kaminski was heading the Committee to Establish the Good Name of Jedwabne.
When Vivien Wineman, then President of the Board of Deputies raised the issue, he was attacked bitterly by the same people who are now part of the anti-Semitism smears. Dean Godson of the Policy Exchange think tank, attacked Wineman’s intervention at a meeting of the Holocaust Educational Trust one of the organisations that is a signed up member of the anti-Semitism smear campaigns.  Wineman came under sustained attack and in the end backed off.  Genuine anti-Semitism was of no concern to these people.
David Miliband as Foreign Secretary attackedthe Tories over these links and Jonathan Freedland, the Guardian columnist found it too much. He wrotethat Once no self-respecting politician would have gone near people such as Kaminski.’  Pollard repliedtwo days later ‘
‘Poland's Kaminski is not an antisemite: he's a friend to Jews’.And what was the basis of his friendship?Kaminski is... one of the greatest friends to the Jews in a town where antisemitism and a visceral loathing of Israel are rife.’
In other words if you support Israel, as many fascists (Tommy Robinson, Richard Spencer, Steven Bannon) do then that cancels out Jew hate. Kaminski had arguedthat Poles should not apologise for what they did [at Jedwabne] until Jews apologised to them for their actions which had included "murdering Poles".
The Tories Got Into Bed With This Man and Pollard Supported It
Pollard even defended Latvia’s MEP Roberts Zile: ‘I can think of no source for evidence against Zile other than those who so disgracefully besmirch Kaminski.’ Well the evidence was there in abundance. Every year Zile marched with the veterans of the Latvian Waffen SS, which was the most decorated out of all the SS divisions.
In an open letter to the Latvian parliament Monika Lowenberg described how they had taken part in the murder of her brother in the Riga Ghetto in 1941. She wrote of her
‘deep concern that British Conservative MEPs in the European Parliament work with the Latvian MEP Roberts Zile and have made an unholy alliance with the party to which he is connected.’
So how do we square Pollard’s defence of genuine anti-Semites with  the Pollard who runs, week after week, editorials denouncing ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party. The only answer is Zionism and Israel.
These facts are known in abundance and it is perplexing that Corbyn and his advisors haven’t once had the guts or the gumption to respond to Pollard and the Board of Deputies over their nauseating hypocrisy.  
The only concerns of the Board of Deputies are the Israeli state.  When Israel began murdering unarmed protestors last year at the Gaza fence, the Board of Deputies defendedthe Israeli military. That is their only concern yet Formby believes that if she expels a few more Palestinian supporters everything will be right.
There is one lesson that should have been learnt, even by the most stupid member of Corbyn’s entourage and that is that if you appease an aggressor they only become stronger. Instead of standing up to the Zionist lobby they have been appeased and every time they have been appeased they have grown stronger.
Now we face a full-on broadside from racists like Pollard and what is Lansman and Momentum’s response?  To throw Chris Williamson, the only MP who had the guts to call out these racists for what they are, under the bus. That is why my position is very simple. 
Full Support for Chris Williamson
I am giving my full support to Chris Williamson as an Independent Socialist candidate in the Derby North by-election. I understand that the Labour Party nationally have imposed a Blairite on the constituency. Those, like Lara MacNeill, a Lansman toerag who suggestthat Chris is splitting the vote are looking at the world upside down! It is her boss who engineered the NEC vote that refused to endorse Chris as a sitting MP.  If anyone is splitting the vote it is Lansman and the NEC.  Unlike the imposed Blairite, he will support Jeremy Corbyn if and when he is elected.
I am pleased to see that the Morning Star has run an article today from Chris.  It is well worth reading.

Is Jonathan Freedland the most dishonest journalist in Britain?

The Upper Immigration Tribunal overturnedTheresa May’s Deportation Order yet Freedland still accuses Raed Salah of ‘anti-Semitism’

I was wondering, when writing this article, whether a new verb might be in order. To Freedland trans: to deliberately distort or falsify an argument e.g. through concealment of evidence esp. by a journalist
When writing a letterto Jonathan Freedland regarding his latest attackon Corbyn I asked myself – is this the most dishonest journalist in Britain? Admittedly the competition is strong but given the Guardian’s reputation as a left-liberal paper it would seem to me that Freedland is head and shoulders above the competition.
John Bercow has failed to detect the anti-semitism in Corbyn that Freedland detects a plenty
Freedland’s attack on Corbyn as anti-Semitic is tawdry, even by his standards. He cobbles together 3 examples of Corbyn's 'antisemitism' and ignores the testimony of the Jewish Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, that there is not a ‘whiff’ of anti-Semitism about Corbyn. 
He ignores Corbyn’s record as an MP and the defence of Corbyn by the foremost historian of the Jewish community, Professor Geoffrey Alderman and instead attacks him for associating with a Palestinian cleric.
It is worth examining this.  In 2011 Raed Salah, leader of Israel’s Northern Islamic Leagues came to Britain. He was the subject of a banning order but Theresa May’s Home Office was incompetent enough not to have told anyone. See Theresa May's haste to ban Raed Salah will be repented at leisure 
Smugness and superciliousness is written all over this ex-public schoolboy's face
Raed Salah sailed through Britain's immigration controls and addressed a meeting at the House of Commons.  The next day he was arrested and the First Immigration Tribunal upheld May’s decision. However in 2012 the Upper Immigration Tribunal overturned it, partly because the evidence relied on by the First Tribunal was a poem of Salah’s which had been doctored by the Zionist Community Security Trust which had supplied the evidence against Salah to the Home Office. The Zionists had included the phrase ‘we Jews’ in his poem.
How did Freedland report this in his Guardian article?
when a Palestinian Islamist preacher was found by a British tribunal to have peddled the medieval and lethal myth of Jews feasting on the blood of gentile children, Corbyn declared that man a very “honoured citizen”, and invited him for tea in the House of Commons.
What did the Upper Tribunal find about this allegation of support for the allegation of a blood libel? I quote:
First, and as pointed out by Professor Pappe, there is no reliable evidence of the appellant using words carrying a reference to the blood libel save in the single passage in a sermon delivered five years ago.Similarly, the reliable evidence relating to calls to martyrdom is confined to the same occasion. The absence of other evidence is striking, for at least two reasons. The appellant is a prominent public figure and a prolific speaker. The first indictment shows that his speeches are of interest to the authorities in Israel. In these circumstances we think it can fairly be said that the evidence before us is not a sample, or ‘the tip of the iceberg’: it is simply all the evidence that there is
In other words there is no reference nor was there to Jews feasting on the blood of gentile children. This phrase is entirely fictional, a creation of Freedland's fertile mind. In short it is a lie.  Indeed Salah didn’t even mention Jews.  He made an allegorical reference to the blood of children. Salah stated
“We have never allowed ourselves, and listen well, we have never allowed ourselves to knead the bread for the breaking of the fast during the blessed month of Ramadan with the blood of children. And if someone wants a wider explanation, you should ask what used to happen to some of the children of Europe, whose blood would be mixed in the dough of the holy bread. God Almighty, is this religion? Is this what God wants? God will confront you for what you are doing”.
You could argue that the reference was ambiguous. Salah argued it was a reference to the Spanish Inquisition. Possibly he got carried away by his rhetoric but this was a speech made in 2007, five years' previously.  It was only in 2012, as a result of the proceedings in the British courts that the Israeli authorities prosecuted him. In fact the first court, the Jerusalem magistrates court acquitted him of racial incitement in 2013 but the prosecution appealed and in November 2014 he was convicted and sentenced to 9 months.
The fact that both these cases, relating to events in 2007, were only prosecuted after the events in Britain demonstrates the artificial political nature of the proceedings. Israel's courts are, for Palestinians, colonial courts.
No Israeli Jew, ever, has been prosecuted for chanting ‘Death to the Arabs’. The authors of a book Torat Hamelech which justified the murder of non-Jewish children and infants were not prosecuted.
Rabbi Dov Lior - his view is that one Jewish fingernail is worth a thousand non-Jewish lives
According to the Jerusalem Post the book, published in 2009 and written by Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur of Od Yosef Hai Yeshiva in the West Bank settlement of Yitzhar, was 'an analysis of the Jewish laws of the permissibility of killing non-Jews during times of war and peace.' This wasn't some academic tome, it relates to the rulings of military rabbis during the attacks on Gaza and Lebanon who encourage the killing of civilians, including children in 'war'.  Yet this kind of racism goes unremarked by Jonathan Freedland.  His writings are effectively an accompaniment to Israel's targeting of Palestinian civilians. 
In other words Jonathan Freedland deliberately lied and distorted the facts about someone that the Israelis tried to murder on the Mava Marmara but got the wrong man.  Raed Salah is a dignified man who has been subject to the most horrendous persecution in Israel yet Freedland, in order to bolster his attacks on Corbyn, uses the victim of Zionist racism as a tool in his armoury.  Disgusting or what?
In my letter to him I quoted an old saying. It bears repeating:
You cannot hope to bribe or twist
(thank God!) the British journalist.
But, seeing what the man will do
unbribed, there’s no occasion to.
I am sure that Freedland is unbribed but I’m equally sure that what he does is in conjunction with state actors both in Israel and Britain.
Tony Greenstein

Dear Jonathan
Your latest anti-Corbyn screed is possibly the most dishonest of all those you have penned since Corbyn became leader of the Labour Party. It is, of course, timed to do most damage to Labour’s election campaign. However your objective is so transparent that it is unlikely to achieve its objective, other than confirming that the Guardian has gone to rack and ruin.
As Gary Younge, one of the few good journalists left departs for pastures anew what are you left with?  A bunch of ageing hacks without an original thought between them – Rafael Behr, whose pomposity is his only attribute, Suzanne Moore, whose acid pen is directed only at people like Julian Assange and Polly Toynbee who is fading fast. 
Where are people like Jonathan Steele, Hugo Young, John Palmer, David Hirst, Michael Adams, Richard Gott, Victor Zorza (who you won’t remember)? You would do well to recruit the only decent Tory columnist on the market, now that the Mail has released him. I refer to Peter Oborne but I suspect that even he is too radical for you.
I digress. Your connections with the British state and Chatham House are a matter of record. I have no doubt that your article was in accord with the consensus amongst your friends that Corbyn, with his opposition to US imperialism would be harmful and dangerous to Western interests. It is that and that only which explains your concern with ‘anti-Semitism’.
If you were seriously concerned about anti-Semitism then you would have written something about a Tory party whose MEPs are members of the same political group in the European parliament, the ECR, as the representative of fascist and anti-Semitic parties.
10 years ago you wrote about this very subject. Your article Once no self-respecting politician would have gone near people such as Kaminski’ was immediately responded to by the leader of today’s ‘Corbyn is an anti-Semite campaign’, Stephen Pollard, Editor of the Jewish Chronicle. Pollard wrotethat ‘Poland's Kaminski is not an antisemite: he's a friend to Jews’. And historically he was right. Anti-Semites have always been friends to Zionism.
 In the scale of things, sitting down with Latvian MEP Roberts Zile, who marches each year with the veterans of the Latvian Waffen SS, is somewhat greater in the order of things than accusing someone of failing to understand British irony. As Monica Lowenberg wrotein an open letter to the Latvian government, her uncle Paul was murdered by these same thugs, including the 15th SS Division, the most decorated of all SS Divisions, in the Riga Ghetto.
Yet despite your obsession with Corbyn you have not written for over a decade about the Tories’ links with Ziles or Kaminski, the Polish MEP who told the remnants of Polish Jewry to apologise to those who had burnt their fellows alive in Jedwabne.
Instead you construct a nest of lies and half-truths in order to substantiate your accusations against Corbyn. This despite the fact that the Jewish former Speaker John Bercow testifiedthat there is not a whiff of anti-Semitism in Corbyn, having known him for 22 years. Similarly the foremost historian of the Jewish community, Professor Geoffrey Alderman, a right-wing Zionist like yourself, wrotethat Corbyn has devoted himself to supporting Jewish causes in Islington including the preservation of the West London Jewish cemetery in the face of plans by Margaret Hodge’s council to demolish it.
Instead you rely on 3 bogus and dishonest examples of Corbyn’s ‘anti-Semitism’. A mural that Corbyn defended on free speech grounds, which contained 2 (not 6 as you implied) Jewish bankers. Nor were they hook nosed. The example of British irony not being appreciated by 2 Zionists born in this country was a contrast with a Palestinian speaker who was not born here.  Nothing anti-Semitic about that. 
Not forgetting your demonization of a Palestinian preacher, Raed Salah. You ‘forgot’ to mention that the Upper Immigration Tribunal had overturned Theresa May’s deportation order because his poem, upon which the prosecution relied, had been doctored. The Tribunal did not find that Salah was a believer in the medieval Jewish blood libel myth and indeed Salah himself made that clear in the pages of the Guardian.
We are left therefore with the conclusion that your only concern was to defend the most racist state in the world. Your concern with ‘anti-Semitism’ might be taken seriously if you devoted the same time to protesting the racist actions of Israel, the ‘Jewish’ State.
Imagine that the Bishop of Manchester decreed that non-Jews should not rent their homes to Jews?  Yet that is exactly what the Chief Rabbi of Safed did in 2011 when he ruledthat Jews should not let their homes to Arabs.  He was supported by dozens of Israeli rabbis yet he is a paid state employee.
Imagine that hundreds of British Christians demonstrated against the sale of a house to a Jew? Yet in Afula, a northern Israeli city, such demonstrationshave occurred in the past two years. Your silence on these and other manifestations of the racism of Zionism is revealing.
If British Jews experienced even a fraction of the discrimination that Palestinians citizens of Israel experience then your charge of anti-Semitism would be justified.  As it is you are a dishonest scribe, a paid propagandist, with an agenda that has nothing to do with anti-Semitism.  If as you claim 87% of British Jews believe that Corbyn is an anti-Semite then it is because of dishonest journalists like you.
I have submitted a response to the Comment pages but since you are the Editor I am sure it will not see the light of day.  It is such a pity that the brainchild of the late Georgina Henry is now in the hands of Chatham House’s servant. As the old saying goes:
You cannot hope to bribe or twist
(thank God!) the British journalist.
But, seeing what the man will do
unbribed, there’s no occasion to.
Yours as ever,

Tony Greenstein

Guardian Refuses to Print Letters From Jewish Labour Supporters Criticising Freedland’s Racist Tirade


The Guardian Has Also Refused to Allow Any Reply to Freedland on its Comment Pages  

The letter the Guardian refused to print

Fresh from making false accusations on his Twitter account about Majid Mahmood, a Labour candidate in Birmingham, Jonathan Freedland set about Jeremy Corbyn (again) with his Many Jews want Boris Johnson out. But how can we vote for Jeremy Corbyn? 
Freedland accepts any gossip or rumour if it means doing down Black people
If Freedland were at all honest it might be entitled 'We don't vote Labour Because It's Not in Our Interests but Anti-Semitism Will Do as an Excuse!'
Freedland’s ‘explanation’ for his 'mistake' is almost interesting as his choice of target.  He says his source was ‘previously reliable’ which almost certainly means it’s one of the scabbing Labour staffers who are the residue from McNicol’s era and who should have been sacked as soon as Jennie Formby came into office.
There is little doubt that Freedland and others in the press have been fed a diet of internal Labour Party information since Corbyn was elected. The refusal to do what Blair did and ensure that the staff were loyal has contributed to Corbyn’s many difficulties.
The Guardian's 3 tepid letters critical of Freedland
Of course the ‘dilemma’ that Freedland talks of with regard to British Jews is no dilemma at all since 68% of Jews say they will vote Conservative today, which has barely changed from 2015 when 69% of Jews said they would voteTory. The only switch is that support for the Lib Dems is up from 5% at the last election to 20% today.
In any event it is irrelevant. The Jewish community is only 250,000 strong nationally. Most of them have always voted Tory and the Jewish Labour Movement, which for some reason is affiliated to the Labour Party doesn’t even support Labour’s general election campaign.
However Freedland can rest easy because the Guardian Letters page has now taken to fall into line and protecting the Guardian from criticism. Since the departure of Letters Editor Nigel Wilmott and the appointment of Rory Foster the letters page has become increasingly hostile to Jewish anti-Zionists and pro-Palestinian opinion.
Foster has imposed a new condition on letters containing more than 1 signature.  Now everyone has to supply their phone number.  Since they didn’t announce this change, two lists of Jewish supporters criticising Freedland’s ‘anti-Semitism’ nonsense were not printed.
The pretext for this was a letter earlier this year from Jewish signatories supporting Chris Williamson. Two of the signatories had included after their names organisations with which they were involved – Hope not Hate and the JLM. 
The Board of Deputies complained and the Guardian jumped
Obviously the JLM didn’t like the fact that one of their members supported Chris Williamson but he didn’t make any claim to speak on behalf of the group.  Likewise with HnH.  The person was involved with them and presumably thought that an anti-fascist organisation would also be anti-racist.  The Canary covered this in some depth.
So on Monday there were 6 letters, 3 supportive of Freedland and 3 vaguely critical.  However none of the critical letters challenged the core of  Freedland’s 3 specific allegations as to why Corbyn was anti-Semitic. 

Freedland's 3 reasons were the banker mural, the allegation that British Zionists don’t possess a sense of ironyand most importantly the false and lying allegations against Palestinian cleric Raed Salah.
The latter allegation was particularly disgusting since Raed Salah was clearedof all the things that Freedland alleged by the High Court.
I am therefore putting up the letter that I circulated and which garnered 37 signatures under the banner of Jewish Network for Peace.
An 'exclusive' interview between one racist and another racist - no 'antisemitism' here of course
It is noticeable that Freedland’s concern over ‘anti-Semitism’ is not matched by any concern over the Jewish Chronicle’s repeated flirting with Nigel Farage.  In 2013 the JC's far-right editor Stephen Pollard hostedFarage at an ‘exclusive readers’ event.’ Pollard had already made a name for himself as a racist bigot and associate of the Henry Jackson Society’s Douglas Murray. 
Racist birds of a feather - Britain's stupid Jewish community are oblivious to who they are in effect supporting
Farage whose racism was already known subsequently gave his support to the German far-Right Alternative for Germany party at the 2017 German Elections in which they gained 13% of the vote. The AfD is openly anti-Muslim and contains a large number of neo-Nazis and anti-Semites. It is however pro-Israel so all is forgiven as far as Pollard is concerned.
AfD's neo-Nazi leader Gauland is also pro-Zionist
Its deputy leader Alexander Gauland described the Holocaust as a ‘small bird dropping in over 1,000 years’ which recalls Jean Marie Le Pen’s infamous comment about the Holocaust being a detail in history.
The Jewish Chronicle backs a racist against Corbyn
None of this stopped the Jewish Chronicle’s  Political Editor, Liar Lee Harpin, reportingapprovingly that a Brexit Party candidate was going to challenge Jeremy Corbyn in a stand against ‘anti-Semitism’. Only the Jewish Chronicle could support a racist as part of their campaign against 'anti-Semitism!
I have also submitted a response to Freedland's article to what is laughably known as Comment is Free.  Suffice to say I haven't had an acknowledgement.  Freedland and his ilk can only exist in a criticism free environment.  It will be printed elsewhere and on this blog in due course.
Which is one more reason to Boycott the Guardian

Esther Solomon – her lies and distortions qualify her as Israel’s Jonathan Freedland


Ha’aretz attacks Jeremy Corbyn – it may be liberal by Israel’s standards but it is still a Zionist neo-liberal paper by normal standards

Because of Gideon Levy and Amira Hass, Ha’aretz has earned a reputation for opposing Zionist racism and the horrors of Israel's military occupation.  However there is a danger that people will believe that Levy and Hass represent Ha’aretz. They don’t.
Ha’aretz is politically a free market, neo-liberal newspaper hostile to any form of socialism or the working class. It is also a longstanding Zionist paper and has never questioned either Zionism or a Jewish state. It sees no contradiction between an ethno-nationalist state and democracy and it certainly isn't anti-imperialist.
Ha’aretz and its editor Aluf Benn are hostile to BDS and the Right of Return. Essentially Ha'aretz wants its cake and to eat it. A nice, non-racist Jewish Israel where Arabs know their place. It also wants to bask in the warm glow of liberal Zionism's overseas appeal (because in Israel liberal Zionism has all but disappeared with its party Meretz).
Ha'aretz has a neo-liberal Opinion Editor in Esther Solomon.  She has an interesting background in the English upper classes, St Paul's Girl's School and Cambridge.
Under her tutelage Ha’aretz has waged an ongoing campaign against Corbyn, via a series of one-sided racist opinion pieces which have acted as an echo chamber of the British press and its 'anti-Semitism' campaign.
The racists' anti-racist demonstration that even Norman Tebbit took part in
I first encountered Solomon when I responded to a piece by Alona Ferber, not a name I had encountered.  It was of a piece with hundreds of similar pieces in the British press. It was titled Corbyn’s Labour Will Never Stop Gaslighting Jews. It was not the first such piece by Ferber.  A year previously she had published 'Shame on You, anti-Semites': U.K. Jews Demand 'Zero Tolerance' From Corbyn's Labour focusing on the ‘anti-racist’ demonstration the Zionists held outside Parliament on March 27th2018. A demonstration which was attended by those well known anti-racists Norman Tebbit, Ian Paisley and Sajid David amongst others.
You can get some indication of Alona Ferber’s politics from the fact that she is Managing Editor at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change. Born in Israel but living in London she is part of the neo-liberal consensus.
Back in March this year I emailed Solomon with a piece rebutting Ferber’s Gaslightingarticle and she responded saying she wasn’t interested. In response to Solomon’s own poisonous article I sent her a letter (below) but I haven’t yet had a response although, being optimistic, I always live in hope! 
What this shows is that however radical Ha’aretz may be on some aspects of its coverage of the Palestinians oppression and the turn of Israel to the far-Right, when it comes to Zionism and support for Israel as a Jewish state then Ha’aretz can be as racist and right-wing as the next Israeli paper.
Without doubt we would all be poorer but for the articles of Ha'aretz contributors like Gideon Levy, Daniel Blatman and Ze’ev Sternhell on Israeli racism and fascism. Ha’aretz publishes many thoughtful articles, however we should never forget that it is a Zionist paper.
This idiot Zionist finds posters telling the truth about Israel 'frightening' - and if it's frightening it must be antisemitic!
When it comes to current events and living struggles, Ha’aretz almost as a default position falls on the side of the oppressor.  Gideon Levy, who openly supports Jeremy Corbyn, is very much the exception that proves the rule.
Tony Greenstein
Luciana Berger - made a career out of faking antisemitism and making false accusations
Dear Esther Solomon,
An Israeli friend and one of the founders of Matzpen, Moshe Machover, sent out your Opinion Piece on his email list,The Great British Disenfranchisement of the Jewswith a warning:  Read if you can stomach this poison...’.
Your article is nonsense, from start to finish.  It is also dishonest in not mentioning that Jackie Walker is herself Jewish or that other Jewish members of the Labour Party like myself have been expelled. What you are describing is not anti-Semitism but anti-Zionism and it is that which you and others object to.
It is and you know it false of you to say that before Jeremy Corbyn became leader approximately 33% of Jews supported the Labour Party.  Really?  Did you just make this up?
According to the Spectator in April 2015 How Ed Miliband lost the Jewish vote it quoted a Jewish Chronicle Survation poll that just 22% of British Jews supported the Labour Party. See also the Telegraph’s Labour’s first Jewish leader is losing the Jewish vote.
Indeed according to one newspaper The Boundaries of Ed Miliband’s Loyalty to the Jewsjust 13 percent of Jewish voters consider Miliband a future prime minister who would be good for the Jews.’ In case you are not aware of which paper that is, perhaps I should let you in on the secret. It was the paper you write for, Ha’aretz.
But in fact it was even worse than 22%.  According to The Times of Israel’s Daniel Staetsky’s How British Jews vote and why they vote this wayjust 15% of British Jews voted Labour.
But unlike your superficial, inaccurate and impressionistic article, Staetsky understood that In fact, even before the rise of Corbyn, support for the Labour party among British Jews was limited.’The evidence is copious of a historic decline in Jewish support for Labour since the 1960’s.
British Jews vote overwhelmingly for the Tories not because of ‘anti-Semitism’ or Israel but because they are the most privileged and prosperous section of the White British community.  They vote primarily according to how they perceive their class interests.  The minority of Jews on the left in the Labour Party are predominantly opposed to Zionism and belong to groups like Jewish Voice for Labour.
I suspect you are aware of all this and more yet you chose to write a deliberately slanted, biased and distorted article whose purpose was to give vent to your own prejudices. You presented throughout a series of binary opposites – a genuinely anti-Semitic Right vs an anti-racist Left which is remarkably free of even a trace of anti-Semitism.
You Ms Solomon are by way of contrast a Zionist.  Zionism as Israel amply demonstrates is a form of racism. If British Jews like myself were told that we could not rent, lease or buy 93% of British land because the British Land Authority and the Christian National Fund did not rent to Jews that would be seen, quite rightly, as anti-Semitic.  Yet you are happy to tolerate such a situation in reverse in Israel whereby the JNF doesn’t rent to Arabs.
Couple this with the situation in Safed where, backed up by dozens of Israeli rabbis, the Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu has issued an edict banning the renting of Jewish homes to Arabs and the 2011 Reception Committee Law allowing Jewish communities to bar Arabs (& other undesirables) from living in their villages and you have a situation that is normally known as Apartheid.
It is this that you are defending with your attacks on Jeremy Corbyn. I have no doubt Ms Solomon that you are doing so consciously. Your suggestion that it is to do with anti-Semitism is for the birds.  If Jews in Britain experienced a tenth of the discrimination that Arabs do in Israel then I would be the first to cry ‘anti-Semitism’.
You are the Opinion Editor of Ha’aretz. Your job, as I understand it, is to publish a broad range of views on subjects, not merely your own prejudices. Repeatedly Ha’aretz has printed one-sided attacks on Jeremy Corbyn resulting in your own readers not being aware that he is the most anti-racist leader the Labour Party has ever had, arrested picketing the South Africa Embassy in Britain and a supporter of a wide range of national liberation movements including the Palestinians.
I am therefore throwing out this challenge as I have done previously. I am prepared to send you an article of equivalent length as a response to your own.  Let the readers decide who is right or wrong.  What are you scared of? Having anyone challenge your opinions? That would suggest that you are not so confident in what you write as you make out.
Let us see whether you are too frit.
Tony Greenstein

Why Anyone Who is Jewish and on the Left Should Have no Problem Voting for Jeremy Corbyn

A Response to Jonathan Freedland’s Latest Anti-CorbynTirade

I wrote the article below earlier in the week in response to Jonathan Freedland’s propaganda tract in The Guardian, Many Jews want Boris Johnson out. But how can we vote for Jeremy Corbyn?’ which falsely portrayed Freedland as an equidistant opponent of both Corbyn and Johnson. During the past 4 years, Freedland has devoted himself almost exclusively in one direction only – that of Corbyn.
Freedland’s only objection to Boris Johnson has been over Brexit, not his racismabout Black people having ‘water melon smiles’.  Freedland, a Zionist, is quite prepared to countenance Israel using Gaza as a free fire zone and its ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. Johnson is a Zionist so he is an entirely different opponent.
On Tuesday the Guardian refused to publish 2 letters from over 50 Jewish people in support of Corbyn yet they had no hesitation in publishinga letter today from 24 assorted reactionaries, racists and Uncle Toms (Trevor Philips and Maajid Nawaz).
Joanne Lumley is a Green Party supporter.  Jimmy Swales of Wikipedia is a well known anti-Corbyn opponent. Fay Weldon is an Islamaphobe. But when needs must the Guardian is prepared to ignore genuine racism. The 24’s excuse is that they’ve listened to their Jewish friends and felt their ‘pain’.
What they haven’t done is listened to Jewish anti-racists and anti-Zionists. Instead what they have done is lent a helping hand to Boris Johnson and attacked the one party leader whose whole career is founded on fighting racism.
Corbyn is to blame for allowing the ‘anti-Semitism’ crisis to fester
Of course Corbyn is, to a large extent, responsible for what has happened.  He allowed the narrative about ‘anti-Semitism’ to develop instead of nipping it in the bud early on.
When Freedlandand the Jewish Chronicle, the Daily Mail and the rest of the racist chorus began the anti-Semitism attacks back in the summer of 2015, Corbyn should have made it clear that:
a.     He condemned anti-Semitism unreservedly
b.    He condemned the weaponisation of anti-Semitism.
Instead what he did was to deny that he was an anti-Semite.  What he didn’t seem to understand was that when supporters of Israel and Zionism attack you as ‘anti-Semitic’ then what they mean is not hatred of or hostility to Jews as Jews but criticism of Israel.
There isn’t a single Palestine solidarity activist in Britain who hasn’t been accused of ‘anti-Semitism’. 
It is the stock-in-trade accusation of Israel’s supporters.

How do you defend the murder of 220 unarmed Palestinian in Gaza in the past 18 months if you don’t attack the messenger?  Supporters of Apartheid in South Africa used to do the same.  Corbyn  had no excuse for not knowing what was happening.
Even this racist ex-Home Office Minister attacks Chris Williamson - the only Campaign Group MP with the guts to call out the fake 'antisemitism' campaign
Instead Corbyn apologised for Labour anti-Semitism and repeatedly promised to do better but he didn’t question the assertion that Labour was plagued by anti-Semitism. Racism is about actions, such as the deportation of Black people by New Labour Ministers like Tony McNulty, not social media posts about Rothschild banking.
The whole nature of the fake anti-Semitism accusations was that however well he did he would never satisfy his critics. The more Corbyn and Jennie Formby presided over the expulsions, the more the attacks.  You could never get off the ‘anti-Semitism’ treadmill.
Tom Watson vowed not to rest easy until all the anti-Semites in Labour were expelled. Why did Corbyn not ask him if this applied to all racists and if so when he was resigning? Tom Watson defendedracist Labour MP Phil Woolas and as Campaign Organiser in the Birmingham Hodshrove by-election put out a leaflet: Labour is on your side, the Lib Dems are on the side of failed asylum seekers.’
Likewise the notoriously anti-Gypsy racist John Mann who is now our ‘anti-Semitism Czar’.
But instead Corbyn sulked, temporised, promised and apologised to his accusers. At no time did he seem to recognise that the attacks on him had to be state inspired. Instead of talking about the real racism and asking why the Tories sitwith anti-Semites in the European Parliament and were the only Conservative party to defendHungary’s anti-Semitic Prime Minister Orban. Corbyn should have made a speech setting out why supporting Palestinians is not anti-Semitic and rejecting the idea that Labour is an anti-Semitic party.
Corbyn instead promised to do better.  He adopted the IHRA definition and then under pressure the added examples and was criticised for taking so long. What he did was to enable the witch hunt of anti-racists and socialists to be stepped up.  The harder Corbyn tried to please the Zionists the more vicious their attacks.
Close comrades of mine in Brighton and Hove Labour Party have come under attack. One has been expelled on the basis of calling on people to protest at Israel’s influence on the British political system.  Something documented by Al Jazeera’s The Lobby.
According to Brighton Queens Park Secretary Sim Elliot, this post is 'antisemitic' - nowhere does it mention Jews just Israel - Israel is now a Jew apparently!
Another, Paddy O’Keefe, a long standing anti-racist and peace campaigner, has been reported, by former Corbyn supporter Sim Elliot to Southern Region for asking who is funding Ian Austen, the scab former Labour MP who is now supportingthe Tories.
Yet I don’t blame Corbyn entirely. He has an adviser Seamus Milne, who is from the heart of the British Establishment, the son of a BBC Director General. Milne went to Winchester and Oxford before ending up as Associate Editor of The Guardian. He is known as a Stalinist. However his abysmal performance as adviser, when he must have known what is happening, suggests that MI5 might have a presence in Corbyn’s entourage.
What is clear now, if it wasn’t clear before, is that ‘anti-Semitism’ has become the principle weapon of the British Establishment in the battle against Corbyn.  This could not happen if British Jews had not moved substantially to the Right in the past 60 years. Opposing the Zionist identity of most Jews is not anti-Semitic anymore than supporting The Satanic Verses which most Muslims opposed is anti-Muslim.
How strange it is that John Bercow's testimony about Corbyn's 'antisemitism' has been comprehensively ignored?
And evidence such as that of John Bercow, the Jewish former Speaker of the House of Commons who saidthat there isn’t a ‘whiff’ of anti-Semitism in Jeremy Corbyn is disregarded by the Freedlands and their errand boys and girls at the BBC.
Below is my article which was published today at Mondoweiss.
Tony Greenstein
A Response to Jonathan Freedland’s Latest Anti-Corbyn Tirade
Twelve years ago the late Georgina Henry, who began Comment is Free, suggested that I write for the Guardian’s new blog. We met at the founding meeting of Independent Jewish Voices at Hampstead Town Hall in February 2007 and discussed my first article, The Seamy Side of Solidarity, which appeared two weeks later. I wrote it because of the growing support for a genuine anti-Semite, Gilad Atzmon, which existed within the Palestine solidarity movement.
Since that time, and especially since Matt Seaton took over, Guardian Comment has moved away from the original concept of a forum for genuine debate, certainly on Palestine. Zionist groups set up CIF Watch to wage a war against any such debate on CIF.  I was one of the first casualties. CIF Watch later changed their name to UK Media Watch because they had achieved their original aims.
No serious editorial process could have approved Freedland’s article if it wasn’t for the fat that he was a senior Guardian editor.  He plays fast and loose with facts, deliberately omits context and rests his arguments on assertion alone.
Following my original article we waged a five year battle against those who argued that being Jewish and Zionist were synonymous or that Israel was a racist state because it was a Jewish state. We argued that Israel was a settler colonial state and its treatment of the Palestinians was no different to how ‘Christian’ South Africa had treated its indigenous population.
At the 2012 Conference of Palestine Solidarity Campaign, a holocaust denier and supporter of Atzmon was expelled from PSC. Following this Ali Abunimah of Electronic Intifada and over 20 Palestinian activists, academics and leaders of BDS issued a statement Granting No Quarter: A Call for the Disavowal of the Racism and Antisemitism of Gilad Atzmon.
From that time on the anti-Semitic element in the Palestine solidarity movement has been miniscule compared to the number of anti-Semites and White Supremacists who support the Zionist movement. Not once has Freedland condemned the growing collaboration between supporters of Tommy Robinson, a self-declared Zionist and large numbers of Zionist activists, including Paul Besser of Britain First.  At the Al Quds demonstration in June these activists later joined up with the Board of Deputies main demonstration in Trafalgar Square.
In my article I issued a warning. ‘Like the boy who cried wolf, the charge of "anti-semitism" has been made so often against critics of Zionism and the Israeli state that people now have difficulty recognising the genuine article.’This is precisely what has happened. With his latest broadside against Corbyn Freedland has drained ‘anti-Semitism’ of any meaning. Instead of a serious analysis of anti-Semitism he has substituted a series of guilt-by-association anecdotes.
If Corbyn were anti-Semitic then one would expect the Jewish former Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, to realise this yet Bercow stated, in an interview with Alistair Campbell, that after 22 years knowing Corbyn ‘I've never detected so much as a whiff of anti-Semitism.’
Even stranger are the views of Professor Geoffrey Alderman, a Zionist and historian of the British Jewish community. Alderman is a longstanding Jewish Chronicle and now Jewish Telegraph columnist. In the  SpectatorAlderman described how Corbyn has an impressive record of supporting Jewish communal initiatives’.  He gives as an example how in 1987 Corbyn led the campaign to save the cemetery of the West London Synagogue from the developers, whom Margaret Hodge’s Islington Council had sanctioned!
Freedland gives three examples of Corbyn’s ‘anti-Semitism’. They have more holes than a colander.
i.                   The mural of ‘Jewish bankers’.  Contrary to Freedland’s assertion just two out the six bankers were Jewish. None of them had hook noses. Even neo-liberal Harry’s Place’s Lucy Lips admitted that I’ve seen more obvious stereotypes of Jews deployed in antisemitic art.’ Back in 2012 it passed unnoticed.  Corbyn was defending freedom of speech not anti-Semitic art.
ii.                 The incident concerning ‘English irony’ is even less convincing. The two Zionists intent on disrupting a Palestinian speaker were told by Corbyn that unlike someone who wasn’t even born in Britain, they didn’t understand English irony. What has that to do with anti-Semitism?
iii.              The third example alleges that Corbyn kept company with Raed Salah, an Israeli Palestinian whom Theresa May was trying to deport. Freedland alleges that Salah was ‘found by a British tribunalto have peddled the medieval and lethal myth of Jews feasting on the blood of gentile children’. This is simply untrue.  Freedland ‘forgot’ to mention that the Upper Immigration Tribunal overturned May’s deportation order precisely because it found that there was no basis to the allegation of racism. What the Tribunal did findwas that
‘there is no reliable evidence of the appellant using words carrying a reference to the blood libel save in the single passage in a sermon delivered five years ago.’
Even in this disputed passage no reference was made to Jews. (paragraph 78) In a passage cut out of a subsequent articlefor the Guardian Salah explainedthat
‘I don't believe in the “blood libel” against Jews and I reject it in its entirety. What I was really referring to in my sermon was the killing of innocents in the name of religion, including children, from the time of the Inquisition to as recently as Bosnia and elsewhere in Europe whose governments support Israel's action’.
Freedland completely omits the context which is that Raed Salah has been the recipient of horrific violence and racism by the Israeli state. He has been gaoled on a trumped up charge five years after the alleged incident, when not one Israeli has been gaoled for anti-Arab racism.
Freedland refers to last summer’s Panorama programme Is Labour Anti-Semitic? which has been the subject of a record number of complaints. Presented by John Ware, someone who considers Islamaphobia ‘rationale’, it presented 7 victims of Labour ‘anti-Semitism’.  It provided no names or background information about the ‘victim’s, all of whom were officers of the Jewish Labour Movement, a Zionist organisation which is affiliated to the World Zionist Organisation. The WZO, according to Ha’aretzhas a ‘Land Theft Division’.
You wouldn’t hang a cat on Freedland’s ‘evidence’ against Corbyn. It is a melange of the trite and trivial.  Guilt by gossip. If this is the best Freedland can come up with after 4 years of non-stop Corbyn bashing then it shows just how thin the gruel is.
Freedland’s last sideswipe is at Chris Williamson’s ‘penchant for egregious Jew-baiting’. Chris Williamson is a working class MP who has physically swapped blows with neo-Nazis on a building site. I dare say Freedland has never fought for anything other than a decent seat in a restaurant.
There was a time when ‘Jew baiter’ was reserved, not for anti-Zionists but for anti-Semites who went beyond the call of duty. It wasn’t even used about Oswald Moseley and his Blackshirts. It was used to describe pathological anti-Semites like Arthur Leese of the Imperial Fascist League and Julius Streicher, editor of Der Sturmer. By using this term about a genuine anti-racist Freedland once again devalues the currency.
Freedland rests his case on a dubious poll according to which 87% of Jews believe that Corbyn is anti-Semitic. Even were this poll is accurate is that the end of the matter?  Surely the first question to ask is why 87% of Jews believe this? Does it have anything to do with the 5,497 articles that have appeared in 8 national newspapers from 15 June 2015 to 31 March 2019 according to Bad News for Labour about Labour ‘anti-Semitism’?  Or the fact that the broadcast media operates under the assumption that there is an anti-Semitism problem in the Labour Party? But Freedland isn’t interested in the ‘why’.  What this poll is really measuring is the effectiveness of the mass media’s propaganda.
In my articleI quoted Israeli poet and novelist A B Yehoshua that
‘Anti-Zionism is not the product of the non-Jews. On the contrary, the Gentiles have always encouraged Zionism, hoping that it would help to rid them of the Jews in their midst. Even today, in a perverse way, a real anti-Semite must be a Zionist." (Jewish Chronicle 22.1.82.)
The people who are cheering Jonathan Freedland on, the Daily Mail and the baiters of George Soros are the genuine anti-Semites. Historically friends of Zionism such as Arthur Balfour have also been the enemies of Jews. What Freedland is doing is making ‘anti-Semitism’ into a form of cheap political abuse.  As Brian Klug observed, “when anti-Semitism is everywhere, it is nowhere. And when every anti-Zionist is an anti-Semite, we no longer know how to recognize the real thing–the concept of anti-Semitism loses its significance.”
No greater service could be performed on behalf of those for whom anti-Semitism is not opposition to Zionism but opposition to Jews as Jews.
Tony Greenstein

This article was first published on Mondoweiss

A Grilling? If Prince Andrew was a piece of meat then Emily Maitlis’s interview would give us food poisoning

It’s not a carefully controlled, softball interview with the BBC but an interview under arrest which is required

It says something about our ‘justice system’ that Julian Assange is under lock and key in Belmarsh prison for services to journalism and revealing the truth about US war crimes whilst Andrew Windsor is giving an interview in the plush surroundings of Buckingham Palace.
This was an exercise in damage limitation though it is clear that such is Andrew Windsor’s shiftiness that he has raised more questions than answers.
He said he ‘let the side down’ meaning the Royal Family. Andrew Windsor didn’t mention letting down the hundreds of young girls that his friend Jeffrey Epstein was trafficking.
Apparently ‘randy’ Andy didn’t notice anything was amiss during his many visits to Epstein’s Florida mansion and during his stay at Epstein’s New York pad. He didn’t deny staying on Epstein’s island either.  If you believe his version of what happened you would believe anything.
In December 2010 Andrew went to stay at Epstein’s New York home in order to tell him he couldn’t see him again!  Not only that but he went for a leisurely walk in Central Park with him. It is bullshit. If in fact the only purpose of the visit was to cut off relations then a royal aide would have phoned Epstein. Clearly Andrew felt indebted to the monster.
Andrew with the boss of a Kazakh oil company
Not only that but he stayed for 4 days because it was ‘convenient’. This is from someone who has a range of hotels to stay in, for whom money is no barrier and who can stay at the British Ambassador’s residence. The obvious conclusion is that he stayed for reasons related to the child sex allegations for which Epstein was convicted and facing further proceedings. Allegations of sleeping with what were girls trafficked as sex slaves is rape.
Andrew casts doubt on the famous photograph with a 17 year old Virginia Roberts, suggesting that it is photo-shopped, that his fingers didn’t fit but he doesn’t categorically state that it is a forgery. Why? Because the negative might yet turn up. He is careful not to say anything which might prove a lie in the future.
Nothing Virginia Roberts has said, about having slept with him 3 times or knowing him has proven to be false. Andrew admits to a friendship with Ghislaine Maxwell who procured the girls for Epstein.  That in itself is damning enough.
By his own admission he gave a party during his 2010 stay at Epstein’s house for his host. He also invited Epstein to a ‘shooting party’ as opposed to a birthday party at Sandringham. Clearly it was a close relationship.
The wonder is that the bunch of parasites otherwise known as the Royal Family is able to do all of this courtesy of the tax payer. If ever there were a group of people who should stand on their own two feet it is the Royals.
Andrew is a particularly despicable specimen having previously acted as a conduit for arms deals with regimes that have atrocious human rights records such as Kazakhstan. He has hosted the King of Bahrain who had doctors who tended to the wounds of demonstrators tortured.
Sleeping with under-age girls who are sex slaves is on a par with this. It says something about Andrew Windsor that he kept up his friendship with a convicted sex trafficker because of a ‘sense of honour’ whose behaviour was merely ‘unbecoming’.
Even to this day he doesn’t regret his friendship ‘because of the people I met.’ Presumably he is referring to his arms dealer friends.  It would have been more honest if he said that he didn’t regret it because of the girls that he raped.
Piers Morgan describes Maitlis’s interview as ‘forensic’. I have another word, sycophantic. Maitlis failed to press Andrew Windsor at different times during the interview for example not on whether he could remember the photograph and being with Roberts but whether he denied it outright. She didn’t ask him whether it was a forgery.
She barely pursued the propriety of staying with a man guilty of using and exploiting dozens if not hundreds of girls.  She said of course nothing about his involvement with the arms trade and whether the amorality of dealing with the world’s dictators might rub off in his personal life.
In the circumstances she was deferential and restrained but that is how the BBC has long treated the Royals. Yet despite all of this, such was Andrew Windsor’s shiftiness and the implausibility of his explanations (‘I could kick myself’) whilst remembering small details of a Pizza Hut outing 18 years ago that will have done him and the Royals the very damage that he intended to avoid.
Tony Greenstein

Open Letter to Jennie Formby and the NEC – We Expected You to be Better not Worse than Iain McNicol


I demand that you revoke my expulsion – it’s time you expelled Labour’s genuine racists – such as Luke Akehurst, Luke Stanger - not anti-racists

Dear Jennie,
Two years ago we demonstrated outside the Labour Party conference with McNicol Must Go posters.  Little did we think that his successor would preside over a more streamlined and efficient process of expelling socialists and anti-racists?
Like Neil Kinnock you came from the Left and you have acted as a cheerleader for the Right. Everytime you have ratcheted up the disciplinary process the Israel Lobby and the Board of Deputies have demanded more. In the wordsof Len McLuskey ‘Corbyn Has Answered Concerns On Anti-Semitism, But Jewish Community Leaders Are Refusing To Take 'Yes' For An Answer’.
Has it never occurred to you that the reason they refuse to take yes for an answer is that their goal is the removal of Corbyn not anti-Semitism? Why should the Board of Deputies, which told Jewsnot to oppose Moseley’s fascists at the Battle of Cable Street, a body which represents Zionists not secular Jews, be concerned with ‘anti-Semitism’? It never has before.
I was suspended in March 2016 for comments I was alleged to have made. I only learnt what those comments were when I read The Telegraph and Times. Details had been leaked by Sam Matthews, Panorama’s ‘whistleblower’.
The Telegraph describedmy suspension as ‘the latest anti-Semitism controversy to hit the Party’. The Times made similarcomparisons.
Apparently this was considered 'antisemitic'
The process of my suspension was so unfair that I had to obtain an injunction against the Labour Party preventing them holding my hearing. I had been suspended for 21 months and then given 6 weeks to prepare my case whilst in hospital. I was not given the identities of my accusers nor was any evidence submitted that was prior to my suspension.
I was held guilty of comparing Israel’s marriage laws the Nazis’ Nuremburg Laws. Hannah Arendt, the great Jewish political philosopher and herself a refugee from Nazi Germany also made this comparison.
I was also guilty of accusing the Israeli state of waiting for Holocaust survivors to die so that they could save money. Which was a quote from Israel’s Ha’aretznewspaper.
The Labour Party barrister in my case stated, in his skeleton argument that:
The NEC's case is that Greenstein's use of the term "Zio" is antisemitic, but the NEC does not otherwise allege that Mr Greenstein's conduct was antisemitic.
Well ‘Zio’ is short for Zionist and the only people who think Jews and Zionists are the same are anti-Semites (or Zionists). There is nothing anti-Semitic about it.
I was accused of Offensive posts and comments’in particular in relation to Louise Ellman MP. The main Charge was ‘accusing Louise Ellman MP of being a "supporter of Israeli child abuse" Yet in two Parliamentary debates (6 January 2016 and 7 February 2018) Ellman repeatedly intervened and spoke in support of the Israeli Military’s abuse of children - arresting children as young as 12 in the early hours of the morning, blindfolding them, beating them and refusing access to parents or lawyers.
My description of Ellman as a wretch of a woman’ was extremely mild. At the hearing conducted by witch-finder general Maggi Cosins I was told I had ‘shamed’Ellman, to which I replied that she had no shame.
Certainly my description of Owen Jones as a ‘Janus faced whore who bears the impression of the last person who sat on him’was strong but it was entirely merited.  I was being prosecuted for free speech.
Likewise my description of Chuka Ummuna as ‘White politically" was a statement of fact. He was labelledas such by Black activist Marlene Ellis.  In other words a collaborator with White racism or an Uncle Tom.
The above are just a sample of Douglas Fairbairns social media posts (his tweets are now protected) yet he sat on panels expelling others for abusive behaviour
What made the decision to expel me even worse was that one of the 3 Panel members was Douglas Fairbairn. Fairbairn makes a habit of posting sexist comments on line such as ‘Go to bed you silly woman’ ‘Big Minge’ and ‘what a Bitch’. Has Fairbairn been disciplined yet?
Just over a year ago the Labour Party adopted the IHRA definition of ‘anti-Semitism’ which conflates anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. The result has been that a whole wave of supporters of the Palestinians have been disciplined and people like Colin Monehen have been removedas parliamentary candidates.  Others, like the Jewish anti-Zionist Jo Bird have been prevented from standing for Labour.
When one comrade protested about the way you were privileging anti-Semitism above all other forms of racism she was suspended and now expelled. Yet this is exactly what you have done.  This ‘anti-Semitism’ nonsense isn’t about anti-Semitism but about Israel.
If ‘anti-Semitism’ is not being privileged why it is that you turn a blind eye to any other forms of racism?
The current Deputy Leader Tom Watson is a prime example of the hypocrisy you are presiding over. He can’t rest easy whilst ‘anti-Semites’ are in the party but he doesn’t mind any other form of racist.
Tom Watson 'loses sleep' over racist MP Phil Woolas
In 2010 the High Court removedracist Labour MP Phil Woolas from parliament. He ran an election defined by an emailfrom his Agent that said ‘we must get the White folk angry’. Watson’s reactionwas ‘I’ve lost sleep thinking about poor old Phil Woolas and his leaflets.’
This is the same Tom Watson who as Campaign Organiser in the Birmingham Hodshrove by-election issueda leaflet ‘Labour is on your side, the Lib Dems are on the side of failed asylum seekers."
John Mann should never have been allowed to resign. This scoundrel issuedan Anti-Social Behaviour Handbook that treated Travellers as a problem of anti-social behaviour. In case you are not aware, not only Jews but Gypsies too died in the Holocaust. Mann was even interviewedby the police under caution for a potential hate crime but he wasn’t interviewed by your staff. Why?
Akehurst justifies Israel's murder of unarmed protesters as a paid shill of the Zionist BICOM
It wasn’t just Mann and Watson. In the past year Israel has murderedover 200 unarmed demonstrators in Gaza including 78 children. Imagine the uproar if a Labour member had supported the killing of 78 Jewish children? Yet racist Luke Akehurst openly defended Israel’s tactics of shooting unarmed demonstrators on the grounds that they were members of Hamas. According to this racist scumbag children are also valid targets yet you have done nothing to put him on the fast track to expulsion. Why?
Or are you saying that Israeli Jewish lives are more important than Palestinian lives?
Stanger is Still not expelled
Luke Stanger was suspendedon March 6th. Among his many offences of sexism and racism is his description of Travellers as a ‘nasty blight’ on society. Imagine that someone said that of Jews. Now that would be anti-Semitism. So why has Stanger not yet been expelled? He is still abusing people on Twitter with impunity. We understand that he has been given the protection of Tom Watson’s office.
Stanger informs people that he is going to be readmitted. Is this what your commitment to fight racism amounts to?
Now that we are in a General Election campaign the Zionist gloves are off.  The Jewish Chronicle has been waging a vitriolic campaign against Corbyn.
On November 1st they describedCorbyn as ‘Britain’s most prominent antisemite’. On November 7th they saidthat ‘Throughout his career’ Corbyn ‘has allied with and supported antisemites’However much you fought ‘anti-Semitism’ there was nothing you or Corbyn could have done to stop these lies because it was never about anti-Semitism. It was always about Israel. That was your fatal mistake.
Your decision in September 2018 to adoptthe IHRA was utterly stupid. You played into the hands of the Zionists. 7 out of its 11 examples of ‘anti-Semitism’ concern Israel. Even the person who drafted it, American academic Kenneth Stern described it as ‘chilling’ free speech in his testimonyto the US Congress.
You made a rod for your own back. And despite throwingChris Williamson et al. to the wolves you have still been viciously attacked by the Zionists. You suspended him unlawfullyand instead of reinstating him you resuspended him on trumped up charges.
You are responsible for Chris  standing as an independent socialist for Derby North.  Chris resignedfrom Labour to spend more time fighting for socialism. It should have been Margaret Hodge who was suspended. Chris should have been a Labour candidate.
Finally, I have used the term Zionist throughout this.  Zionism is a political ideology based on Jewish supremacy and its creation the State of Israel is a Jewish supremacist state. The idea that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitic is the opposite of the truth.  Anti-Semites have always welcomed Zionism as a means of getting rid of their Jews as even liberal Zionist Peter Beinart admits.
I hope that Labour will do well in the Election however I fear the worst. If Labour does not do well one reason will be the fact that you and the NEC accepted the Zionist narrative of Labour ‘anti-Semitism’. The faster you worked to eliminate it the more vicious the attacks became.
There is an old saying that appeasement only encourages the aggressor, as Chamberlain demonstrated at Munich.  It is a great pity that you have learnt nothing from history.
I look forward to not only my readmission but the reinstatement of all the anti-racists expelled or forced out in the past few years - Marc Wadsworth, Jackie Walker, Ken Livingstone and all those who have been vilified by a Compliance Unit that can’t wait for the day when they see the back of you and  Corbyn.
Kind regards
Tony Greenstein

John Hagee, President of Christians United 4 Israel on How Hitler was God's Hunter sent to drive the Jews to Israel


John Hagee's Antisemitism Didn't Stop Him Opening the United States Embassy in Jerusalem 

Who better than Pastor Hagee to open the US Embassy in Jerusalem?

John Hagee is not just any old crazy American pastor. He is President of Christians United for Israel, a 1 million plus organisation. He is, as you would expect, a very rich man.

He is also anti-Semitic, which is quite normal for Zionists, especially non-Jewish Zionists.

Some years ago he gave a lecture to his gullible followers, sorry the faithful, and he told them that Hitler, far from being a bad man like those Palestinians, was an agent of god. He was a Hunter and he quoted Jeremiah to prove that Hitler was. 
John Hagee with David Friedman, US Ambassador, at the opening of the Embassy in Jerusalem
Hitler was sent by God to drive 'his people' the Jews to Israel so that the Rapture could happen when all those nice Christians would Rapture themselves to heaven and all those heathen Jews (except the ones who agreed to convert to Christianity) would burn in the fires of Armaggedon.

Of course when this lecture made the rounds Hagee became embarrassed. So embarassed that in 2008 Senator John McCain, who was the Republican candidate was forced to disown the backing of Hagee.

Since then Hagee was done what any god fearing preacher does when faced with a little difficulty. He has tried to scoop up all copies which are on the Internet and thus prevent people from seeing them.

Unfortunately for Hagee I got hold of a copy first and I am happy to share it with you. As it's on my hard disk there is nothing bar a miracle that Hagee can do to stop it!!

Tony Greenstein

I Have Decided to Stand for Secretary of PSC Because That is the Only Way to Start a Debate on Strategy

The Failure to Defend Jeremy Corbyn the Only Pro-Palestinian Leader of a Major Political Party or to Understand What Was Happening Cannot Be Ignored


Earlier this year I stood for the position of Secretary of Palestine Solidarity Campaign and, much to my surprise, gained some 40% of the vote. When  giving my reasons I wrotethat
 Self congratulation, timidity and caution bordering on obsequiousness is not the stuff of a solidarity campaign!’.
After reflection I have decided to stand again. Not because becoming Secretary of PSC is my burning ambition but because it is essential to stimulate a debate about the lack of direction of PSC. Questions such as what is its strategy for building a mass movement and how to respondd to the Zionist counter-attack cannot and should not be ignored in a healthy movement. One of the real problems within PSC is that there is almost no internal debate or discussion of these issues. The other question which the leadership of PSC tries to avoid is what are we fighting for, what are our goals, what is our vision? They appear to have none.
When the Zionists threatened venues in Brighton we transferred the meeting with Chris Williamson outside
I hope that in standing I will also encourage other people to come forward to stand for election at because there is a need for a new leadership of PSC.  If PSC is ever going to have a political impact on British politics it needs a dramatic change of direction and personnnel.
The cardinal sin of PSC is not only their inbuilt caution and conservatism but their inability to understand the political times we are living in. Their failure in the past 4 years has been comprehensive.
Palestinian members of the Knesset have given Corbyn more support than PSC Executive
When Jeremy Corbyn was elected in September 2015 as Leader of the Labour Party it sent shock waves throughout the British political system. From the Guardian to the Daily Mail there was wall to wall opposition in the media to his leadership. Yet to PSC it was business as usual.
In Jeremy Corbyn we have had, though maybe not for much longer, the most pro-Palestinian leader of a major political party. He attended nearly all PSC’s AGMs prior to becoming Leader. Defending him should have been a priority.
Ben Soffa - the current PSC Secretary
Why? Not because PSC supports any political party but because Corbyn and what he represented was under attack from the combined Zionist movement. The Israeli Embassy had no hesitationin interfering in British politics but PSC treated it as an internal Labour Party matter. Indeed PSC sought to maintain its relationship with a section of Corbyn's critics by not intervening in the 'antisemitism' smear campaign.
It should have been obvious in 2015 that there would be a major fightback by the British Establishment together with supporters the Israeli state. You didn’t need to have a crystal ball to predict that!
Paid for by the United States, PA Police attack demonstrators in Ramallah - PSC has never criticised the Quisling PA
It was also obvious very early on that this fightback against Corbyn would involve allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ and being a ‘supporter of terrorism’. ‘Anti-Semitism’ was the pretext and Jews were the alibi. It was incumbent on PSC to take the lead in fighting back against these allegations. Instead it kept silent and kept on keeping silent.
This excellent initiative was not backed by PSC
In August 2015, before Corbyn was even elected, the Daily Mail and the Jewish Chronicle ran stories about how Corbyn was associated with a holocaust denier, Paul Eisen. The Guardian's Jonathan Freedland quickly followed suit with Labour and the left have an antisemitism problem. He has written many such articles. Thisis his latest.
Very quickly individuals such as myself and Jackie Walker, often Jewish anti-Zionists, began to be targeted as anti-Semites. Yet we received no help and no support from PSC. When there was just talk of Margaret Hodge being disciplined the Zionists reacted as one.
One of the key supporters of the IHRA has been UNISON's right-wing General Secretary Dave Prentis
On March 18th2016 I was suspended, without warning and without reason. On 11thApril 2016 I wroteto the Secretary Ben Soffa suggesting that PSC should start doing something as it was clear that what was happening was not random. There hadn’t been a sudden upsurge in anti-Semitism. This was a state inspired campaign supported by the mainstream media with Corbyn as the target because of his previous support for the Palestinians.
Ben repliedon 20th April. Despite admitting that ‘recent months have seen a significant uptick in a whole range of efforts attempting to drive a wedge between supporters of the Palestinian people and wider public opinion.’ he argued that PSC should do nothing, writing that:
we do not engage in every debate some would wish to involve us in. As the Reut Institute set out [ a report in 2010], there is a plan to force us to ‘play defence’ on the terrain chosen by those wishing to preserve the status quo in Palestine. We must not fall into the trap of allowing our opponents to set our agenda
In other words, apart from a submission to the Chakrabarti Report there was little if any response to the Zionist weaponisation of ‘anti-Semitism’.
The same was true when the Zionists increased the tempo of their attacks in 2018 over the mural and held an ‘anti-racist’ demonstration outside Parliament.  It was the first anti-racist demonstration that Norman Tebbit and Ian Paisley had ever attended!
Jewish Voices for Labour and Labour Against the Witchhunt held a counter-demonstration.  PSC was nowhere to be seen.
Yes PSC largely paid for an Opinion by Hugh Tomlinson QC on the IHRA and that was very welcome but when it came to campaigning PSC was and is conspicuous by its absence.
In 2018 the Zionists waged a massive campaign to force the Labour Party to adopt the IHRA ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism. PSC has been absent from opposition to this campaign.

The IHRA has been slated by a whole series of academic and legal scholars - Brian Klug, David Feldman, Antony Lerman; Hugh Tomlinson QC, Stephen Sedley, Geoffrey Bindman QC, and Geoffrey Robertson QC. Even the original drafter of the IHRA, Kenneth S. Stern has described it as having a chilling effect on free speech.
If it were merely a question of logic then we would have won long ago. The success of the IHRA is because it conforms to the needs of the British State and its foreign policy. The IHRA has been adopted, not because it has anything to do with anti-Semitism but because it accords with the interests of the Establishment.
PSC invites the very same Labour MPs who run with the 'antisemitism' attacks to its meeting at the House of Commons
How do we respond?  In the Labour Party it is the trade unions who have the most influence. It was their representatives that were responsible for pushing through the IHRA in the September 4th meeting of Labour’s National Executive Committee. These same unions are affiliated to PSC yet not once did PSC raise the IHRA with the unions.
Outside Labour’s National Executive meeting there was a demonstration of hundreds of people from LAW, JVL and many assorted individuals.  However there was no mobilisation by PSC. There were no PSC banners. There was no attempt to lobby MPs. Nothing. What happened on September 4th when Labour’s NEC adopted the IHRA was a matter of supreme indifference to PSC.
It is in the wake of that decision that the witchhunt of supporters of Palestine in the Labour Party has been stepped up.  Hundreds of people have been suspended and/or expelled for criticism of Israel because under the IHRA Israel is a Jew and therefore criticism of it is anti-Semitic.
Yet in a letterto Brighton and Hove PSC Ben Jamal, PSC Director, stated bluntly that
PSC has also made the strategic decision that we should not get publicly involved in issues of Labour disciplinary processes against individual members especially those which are not immediately or directly Palestine involved.
I’m not aware of when and where this ‘strategic decision’ was made but regardless it is an outrageous breach of PSC’s duty to support its own members when under attack. The expulsion and suspension of many fine people has nothing to do with breaches of Labour's ‘disciplinary processes’ and everything to do with a Zionist witch-hunt using ‘anti-Semitism’ as their weapon.
In the run up to the General Election Jewish councillor Jo Bird was prevented from standing for Liverpool Riverside constituency despite overwhelming supporting within the CLP. Colin Monehen, who made such a wonderful speech at the 2018 Labour Party conference was removedfrom the shortlist in Epping Forest.
Chris Williamson, MP for Derby North and a strong supporter of the Palestinians and an opponent of the Zionist witchhunt was suspended and prevented from standing again as Labour MP for Derby North.  Throughout all of this there was silence from PSC.
When the Board of Deputies and various Zionists threaten places which are willing to hire out rooms for Palestine meetings PSC continues to say nothing. This happened 3 times in Brighton over the summer to a Chris Williamson meeting. The Zionists alleged he was a ‘Jew baiter’. It was only because we defiedthe Board of Deputies, by holding the meeting in the open air and hiring a PA that we thwarted the Board who sent their President Marie van der Zyl down to Brighton.
During the Labour Party conference we ran a Free Speech Centre to prevent any attempts to disrupt our meetings. Jackie Walker, Chris Williamson and Anne Mendoza of Canary spoke there. Waterstones was forced to cancela book launch for Bad News for Labour during the Conference because of Zionist threats. Fortunately we staged it. An academic book which looked dispassionately at the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ witchhunt was too much for the  purveyors of the fake antisemitism witchunt. 

Again PSC didn’t seem to notice. As Greg Philo stated, it is but a short step from banning a book launch to burning books.
It was the decision of PSC not to have a session on the IHRA at the Trade Union conference on October 12th that was the final straw in my decision to stand. When I gave out leaflets about the IHRA inside the conference I was told to leave!
Week in week out the IHRA is being deployed against Palestine solidarity related activities.  Whether it is the launchof the book Chomsky and the Responsibilities of Intellectuals or the refusalof Tower Hamlets Council to allow a rally in a park for the Big Ride for Palestine. 

Activities are under constant attack on campus because university administrations, such as Manchester University, UCL or Central University of Lancashire, are imposing conditions or even banning events altogether.

And for every event we know about there will be others where there is a silent refusal or even self-censorship. The conversation about Palestine is being chilled as ‘anti-Semitism’ raises its head whenever Palestine is on the agenda.
For example the speaking tour of Israeli  Miko Peled was dogged by attempts to cancel meetings at churches in Soho, Eastbourne and Brighton. What is needed is a national approach. Liberty, the former National Council for Civil Liberties, have policy opposing the IHRA.  Has PSC even approached them about an alliance against the IHRA together with the University College Union?
The Campaign Against the IHRA needs to be prioritised. It is being used throughout Europe and the USA. As long as the Zionists are allowed to wield this weapon none of our activities will be safe.
What is the purpose of a solidarity campaign. Is it simply to stand around giving out leaflets or running a stall, admirable though that is? What is the purpose of convincing the public if we don’t translate that into political strength?  Foreign policy is not an expression of peoples’ opinions but a representation of the interests of the most powerful in society. We therefore need to turn to mass organisations such as trade unions where there is a possibility for debate and discussion. 
We have to change the climate of opinion in this country not bow to it and accept the inevitable.  That is why I am standing because the present incumbent, Ben Soffa, has shown no sign that he understands any of these things.  If Ben is still employed by the Labour Party then that is clearly a severe hindrance to the role of Secretary and he should consider his position anyway.  If PSC continues its passivity in the face of the Zionists’ attacks then we consign ourselves to at best being an irritation and at worst an irrelevance.  That is not why, 37 years ago, I helped found PSC.
Tony Greenstein

On the the Road to Victory with Chris Williamson in Derby North – the battle is between Chris and the Tories


One thing is clear – New Labour’s Tony Tinley Doesn’t Have a Chance but he could let in the Tories

The refusal of Labour’s National Executive Committee to rescind Chris Williamson’s suspension and allow him to stand as a Labour candidate was nothing  less than an act of fraud and deception.
Chris’s original suspension was declared unlawful by the High Court and in anticipation of this verdict Jennie Formby and Labour’s bureaucracy issued a new suspension based on the most ludicrous grounds – giving offence to Margaret Hodge by providing a link to an article by Norman Finkelstein.
Instead Tony Tinley, a supporter of the Blairite Labour First was imposed on Derby North, which was won by Chris Williamson from the Tories with a 2,000 majority in 2017.
Chris is the incumbent, has been MP for 7 years and was Council leader and councillor for 30 years.  As was clear when we went round a middle class area of the constituency he is well known and highly regarded.
Some constituents were in two minds.  One woman told me that she was going to hold her nose and vote for Tinley but later agreed that only Chris had a chance and she was reconsidering.  Another, an ex-shop steward at Rolls Royce, a major employer in Derby, was firm in his support for Chris (despite Chris having been apprehensive).
It’s clear that Tinley is not going to win and his only ‘achievement’ thanks to the cowardice and treachery of Jon Lansman, Tom Watson and their supporters is that Derby North could be lost to the Tories.
It is however invigorating, given the complexion of the Parliamentary Labour Party to be canvassing for one for a Socialist Labour candidate.
Tony Greenstein

Israel’s Kulturkampf – ‘Culture’ Minister Miri Regev’s War on Subversive Art


The McCarthyist Attacks on Israel’s Dissident Theatres is Symptomatic of a Settler Colonial Regime

At the beginning of October I received a letter from an old Israeli associate, Professor Avraham Oz of Haifa University. Avraham is a professor of theatre and a long standing supporter of the left in Israel.
The letter (see below) was an appeal for funding. The Alfa Theatre in Haifa was threatened with the loss of its state funding because of the attack on dissident culture in Israel.
A particularly nasty type of informer, Shai Glick, had been busy writing to government departments and anyone else who will listen to him, branding any manifestation of support for the Palestinians as support for ‘terrorism’. 
Emeritus Professor Avraham Oz
It is a phenomenon we see in this country and now in the Labour Party with people acting as informers. I wrote to one such person only the other day, a Sim Elliot in Brighton Labour Party, who had informed on a local left-wing activist, Paddy O’Keefe, who had the temerity to associate ex-MP Ian Austen with Israeli funding. Informers hold a particular place in Jewish history.
An article on Jewish Ethics, Gossip, Rumors and Lashon Hara (Evil Speech) tells of how
‘the rabbis [of classical Judaism in late antiquity], in inveighing against it, often resorted to hyperbolic language, e.g. in saying that slander, talebearing, and evil talk were worse than the three cardinal sins of murder, immorality, and idolatry. Of one who indulges in lashon hara they say that he denies the existence of God, and that the Almighty declares “I and he cannot live in the same world
The damage that informing could do was demonstrated during the Nazi era when informers, in particular Jewish informers, led to the deaths of many Jews hiding out from the Nazis such as the ‘U boats’ in Vienna. There are few words to describe such people. It is a measure of the ‘anti-Semitism’ moral panic in the Labour Party that creatures such as Sim  Elliot have emerged.
Bismark - he began the Kulturkampf
It is ironic that Israel’s government, paralysed as it is by political stagnation and the indictment of Netanyahu  on criminal charges, should emulate the Kulturkampf of the Prussian state when it waged war on the Catholic Church. What Bismark began Goebbels finished.
Israel’ ‘Culture’ Minister, Miri Regev, has been to the fore of this assault on Israeli cultural organisations. Previously Regev has said that she is proud to be a “fascist” and considers fascism to be an integral part of Israeli culture. At the end of last year she was temporarily halted in her attempt  to introduce a cultural loyalty bill. If passed it would have allowed the Culture Ministry to deny funding to cultural works that disrespect state symbols, consider Independence Day to be a day of mourning, or incite to violence or terrorism.
In other words any play which is based on the events of the Nakba, which to Palestinians is a day of mourning, would not only be defunded but would be subject to concerted attempts to ban them if they were held on government or local authority premises.
In 202 Regev attended an anti-refugee demonstration in the South of Tel Aviv and declared that the Sudanese are a cancer in our body". She provoked a pogrom against the Black African refugees who eke out a poverty stricken life in the city, 20% of whose wages are stolen by the State as a ‘deposit’ to be repaid if and when they leave the country. They are not entitled to health care nor do their children receive education. 
Regev was outraged when  her critics dressed her up in Nazi uniform. Under the IHRA that would be considered anti-Semitic! She did in the end apologise for her remarks saying she regretted comparing cancer patients to refugees!
Under Threat
The State of Israel has learnt well from the treatment of Jews in other countries but we should not forget that Zionism is nothing if not consistent. In the diaspora it held that anti-Semites were right to object to the presence Jews in their midst.  Zionism has always been ‘understanding’ about anti-Semitism.
Israel's fascist 'culture' Minister Miri Regev
Chaim Weizmann, the first President of the Israeli State and former President of the World Zionist Organisation wrote in his autobiography Trial and Error (pp. 90-91) about the leader of the anti-Semitic British  Brothers League, William Evans Gordon MP, who campaigned at the beginning of the 20th century against the immigration of Jewish refugees from the Czarist pogroms:
‘our people were rather hard on him. The Aliens Bill in England and the movement which grew around it were natural phenomenon which might have been foreseen... Sir William Evans-Gordon had no particular anti-Jewish prejudices... He acted as he thought, according to his best lights and in the most kindly way, in the interests of his country… he was sincerely ready to encourage any settlement of Jews almost anywhere in the British Empire, but he failed to see why the ghettos of London or Leeds or Whitechapel should be made into a branch of the ghettos of Warsaw and Pinsk.
One of the consequences of Israel’s move to the Right and the almost  complete incorporation of the West Bank is the erosion of democratic rights, even for Israeli Jews. There is nothing new in this. South Africa was also portrayed as a democracy, albeit for Whites but slowly but surely the democratic rights even of the settler minority were circumscribed.
The following letter was received by the Alfa Theatre, from Shai Glick, a self-appointed informer, via his organization "In His Image". In his letter to the Minister of Culture Glick alleged that events being performed at the theatre contravened the Nakba Act and the Jewish Nation State Law. Shai Glick has form (see Ha'aretz’s ‘Every regime has its informers’
The context is that the theatre was rented for an event to be held by B’tselem and Parents Against Child Detention on November 20th, International "Children Rights Day," under the title: "Children in Chains: Detention of Minors on the West Bank and East Jerusalem". This caused Glick to see red!
Professor Emeritus Avraham Oz
Department of Hebrew and Comparative Literature
University of Haifa

Alfa Theatre
An event which could breach the "Nakba Law"- an event concerning the arrest of terrorists
1.     I have been exposed to an announcement regarding an event which focuses on the detention of terrorists at your theatre. The event takes place on 20.11:
2.     The event takes place on the "Children rights Day." Instead of worrying indeed about the rights of children not to be assaulted by terrorists, you worry about the terrorists.
3.     It is important to emphasize that terrorists are terrorists at any age and any situation.
4.     It is important to emphasize that theBudget Basics Act, clause 3b states clearly that an event promoting terrorism or violence or insulting the State of Israel will not be sponsored.
5.     In addition, the proprietor of the venue will incur immense fines.
6.     It is not improbable that in such an event speeches will be delivered which support the acts of terrorists, and in general the whole event may constitute support of terror.
7.     Only recently you gained official state recognition. Would you care to lose it?
8.     Only recently Al-Midan Arab Theatre was closed, a closure warrant was issued to Barbour Gallery and the Co-Existence Forum in the South.
9.     The Jaffa Theatre as well suffered bitter reproachment for events supporting terrorism, and Tmuna Theatre cancelled a similar event for such reason.
10. You are a theatre, not a stage for terrorism, incitement and boycott.
11. Be reminded that the Managing Director of the "Betselem" organization has in the past expressed and implied support of the boycott, and this as well may be regarded as breach of the law.
12.  To summarize, to avoid endangering your financial support, I recommend you to cancel the event.
13.  As I will tender an official complaint of course to the Ministry of Culture and the Minister of Finance who is in charge of the Law, and as inspectors were sent to the Jaffa Theatre, secret inspectors will be sent to you as well on that evening, and every statement may be considered a violation, and enough said. Let me point out that you may be charged by a criminal charge insofar as inciting speeches will occur. Be warned!
Shai Glick
"In His Image" organization

The Minister of Culture
The Minister of Finance
Members of the committee for enforcing the Law
Legal Consultant of the Ministry of Culture     
Legal Consultant of the Ministry of Finance
The Bureau of the Attorney General
The Deputy Attorney General 
Note his comment that 'terrorists are terrorists at any age'. In other words the treatment by Israel's military of Palestinian children - from blindfolding to torture - is justified because they are 'terrorists'.
Below is the Appeal Letter from Professor Oz. At the end of it are details of how you can make a donation. It is possible to make a donation via Paypal and if you e-mail avitaloz@gmail.com you will receive details of how to do this.
Dear Tony,
For the first time I have to resort to ask your support for our major theatrical project, the Alfa Theatre, Tel Aviv. In its 9 years of existence, our theatre, combined with the Academy of Performing Arts, has produced non-commercial theatre productions, involving professional actors both Jews and Arabs and trained actors in Hebrew and Arabic.
In a hostile atmosphere, we are one of the few theatres welcoming Palestinian actors, otherwise shunned by most theatres, some of them cast in major roles (such as Mohammad Bakri in the title role of The House of Bernarda Alba, Suheil Haddad as Shylock, Morad Hassan as Woyzeck, Maisa Abdelhadi – a graduate of the Academy – in DusaFish, Stas & Vi); employed Palestinian directors such as Moneer Bakri, Amer Hlehel and Akram Telawi; and produced plays in Arabic alongside our Hebrew.
After years of applying to the Ministry of Culture, we were last year granted recognition as a fringe theatre centre; however, a play we have offered for financial support, critically dramatizing the origins of the Zionist narrative, was first warmly approved and budgeted by the professional commission of the Ministry, yet suddenly that approval was suspended on awkward procedural grounds. When we applied for funds for the current year (including that very play) we met with another rigid procedural difficulties, leading to suspension of our entire financial support, thus threatening the closure of our theatre after 9 years of praise and success financed almost exclusively from our private resources (with a couple of minor donations for particular projects).
We have no evidence that the "procedural" difficulties repeatedly suspending our State support are politically motivated, but to judge by the policy of the Ministry of Culture which has recently brought to the closure of the only State supported Arab theatre in Israel, and the strong anti-Arab incitement used by PM Netanyahu and Minister of Culture Regev in the recent elections campaign brings to mind such suspicion.
While contesting the moves of the Ministry in Court, we have no choice but to depend for our survival on support from donations of the public until our case is heard, and the next round of budget support comes. We have launched a public campaign for fund resources inside the country, which has already met generous response, but that is not enough to make us survive. We need to reach at least $40,000 to replace the projected State support denied us, of which we have gathered so far about 61%. We therefore apply for your kind support to help us reach our goal no later than the end of next month, so that our artistic activity makes us eligible to apply for next year's State support. Otherwise, our 9 year project will close and the theatre demise.
Any sum, from the price of a theatre ticket upwards will be welcome. You may make your donation by credit card in US $, Euro €, or UK £ (American Express, though, can only be paid by US $) or by Paypal,
via the following, highly secured link:
Or by direct transfer to our charity's bank account:
Bank Mizrahi Tefahot
Branch 669,
Account no 669-390997: Gilboa Theatre Charity
Iban: IL07-0206-6900-0000-0390-997
Thank you for any support, big or small and, most important: please feel free to circulate this among friends.
Professor Avraham Oz
Department of Hebrew and Comparative Literature
University of Haifa

See also:

Ruling on Divisive 'McJesus' Sculpture Fulfills Israeli Culture Minister's Censorship Fantasies

Following years of attempts by Miri Regev to curb offensive artistic expression, this week a court in Haifa upheld the mayor's right to intervene in content at a municipal museum to 'maintain public order'
Feb 14, 2019 9:29 PM
The Haifa District Court's decision this week permitting Haifa’s mayor to intervene in artistic content at municipally owned arts institutions to "maintain public order" is a dream come true for Culture and Sports Minister Miri Regev, who has sought to curb artistic expression that she found offensive.
The district court issued the ruling in support of a decision by Haifa Mayor Einat Kalisch-Rotem to have the municipally owned Haifa Museum of Art remove "McJesus," a sculpture that sparked violent protests following an outcry by the city's Christian Arab community. "McJesus," which depicted a crucified Ronald McDonald, the McDonald's mascot, was featured in a display on the commercial use of sacred images.
Since taking office as culture minister, Regev has tried time and again to exert her influence over institutions, municipalities and local councils to present certain works of art and refrain from exhibiting others. She has seen nothing wrong with such intervention and hasn't hesitated to make her censorship demands public. She also hasn't hesitated to cut state funding to institutions that fail to accede to her dictates.
To her dismay, however, most of her threats had been ineffective, and as a result, she tried to pass a cultural loyalty bill that would give her authority to deny state funding cultural institutions on a number of grounds specified in the bill. In most of the instances in which Regev has sought to censor artistic content, the Association for Civil Rights in Israel has intervened, prompting a deputy attorney general to advise her that she could not legally do so.
Three and a half years ago, Regev threatened to cut the budget of the Jerusalem Theater Festival if it showed a documentary about the family of Yigal Amir, who assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Ultimately a compromise was reached to show the film but not under the festival's auspices.
A short time later, she threatened to deduct funds from the Tel Aviv Cinematheque if it hosted a festival sponsored by the Zochrot organization about the Nakba, a reference to the Palestinians who fled or were expelled in the course of the Israeli War of Independence. A committee appointed by Regev found that its content wasn’t illegal.
Last year she threatened to put a halt to the Cinema South film festival over its showing of a documentary about Bedouin women in the Negev. In the end, the film was shown as scheduled.
The biggest fuss that Regev mounted over a film was in connection with Samuel Maoz’s “Foxtrot.” After attacking the film in every possible setting, she decided not to confine her threats to Israel alone. In February 2018, she pressured the Foreign Ministry and the Prime Minister’s Office to withdraw their financial support for the Israeli film festival in Paris, where "Foxtrot" was scheduled as the opening film.
She also tried to cut funding to the Jaffa Theater. In 2017, she urged Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit and Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon to follow suit over the showing of a movie honoring Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour. Two months ago, she raised the issue again with Kahlon, this time demanding monetary sanctions against the arts center at Hansen House in Jerusalem, which hosted an exhibition that included one of Tatour’s poems.
About two years ago, Regev roundly objected to a poster designed by a student, 12 copies of which where hung up at the Mount Scopus campus of the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem. It depicted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with a hangman’s noose in front of his face. Although the posters were taken down after a short time, Regev called on Education Minister Naftali Bennett to withhold funds from Bezalel.
A few weeks earlier, Regev had asked the mayor of Haifa at the time, Yona Yahav, to reconsider permitting the Israeli-Arab rapper Tamer Nafar to appear at a Jewish-Arab cultural festival, saying that the singer “uses every opportunity on stage to oppose the idea of the State of Israel as a state of the Jewish people.” A year later she asked the mayor to cancel a Zochrot-sponsored event and a Nakba film festival at the municipal cinematheque. She also called on Finance Minister Kahlon to penalize the Tel Aviv Cinematheque for hosting the Nakba film festival (despite the prior finding of a panel that she had appointed that the festival was not in violation of the law.)
Two years ago, Regev tried to persuade the mayor of Jerusalem at the time, Nir Barkat, to shut down the Barbur Gallery, for hosting an event by the anti-occupation group Breaking the Silence on its municipally owned premises. Last summer when Regev learned the same gallery was to host a Nakba event for Zochrot, she demanded the attorney general advance legislation to deny it funding. The city said the gallery would be shut, but that decision is now on appeal.
See also

·         Culture minister blocked from cutting Haifa museum funds over ‘McJesus’ controversy

·         Hundreds protest in Israel over 'McJesus' art exhibit

·         Miri Regev’s obnoxious assault on Gantz is taken from Donald Trump’s playbook

Please Help Simple Simon Cobbs – Sussex Friends of Israel’s Actor is in the running for an Oscar


 Shy Simon Has Once Again Asked Youtube to Take Down This Video of His Cameo Performance
Please Share and Help Simple Simon’s Acting Career

It was only last week that I received an email from Twitter. Simon Cobbs of Sussex Friends of Israel has complained (again) about his cameo performance in a video that dates back to when we successfully picketed the Israeli shop Ecostream in Brighton and forced it to close down.
Being shy Simple Simon, whose wonderfully varied dialogue in the video has been the subject of much admiration (‘grow a pair of ball’ he shouted at 2 women!) naturally doesn’t want to see others see his brilliant and self-effacing performance.
I am therefore giving you the chance to watch it for yourself, hereand here.
You might also wish to go to the web site of Sussex Friends of Israel.
Simple Simon Cobbs in a Friendly Mood
Indeed you might want to reflect on SFI’s Code of Conduct which is based on the principles of respect, responsibility and integrity’.  The discerning amongst you will note that
  • SFI seeks to honour individual, cultural and role differences, including (but not exclusively) those involving age, disability, education, ethnicity, gender, language, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, marital or family status and socio-economic status.
And in particular SFI ‘stakeholders should aim to refrain from harassment – unwelcome verbal, offensive, abusive or physical behavior – especially whensuch conduct interferes with another person or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.’
Admirable principles I’m sure you will agree and it is no surprise that Simon is slightly shy about his well meaning and honest attempts to put these into practice.
Although Simon jealously guards his privacy we are sure that he will privately be pleased that we have managed to gain a wider audience for his undoubted talents.

Our Code of Conduct

The Sussex Friends of Israel (SFI) Code of Conduct is the ethical framework which every supporter and stakeholder is expected to observe. 

Respect, Responsibility and Integrity

SFI supporters and stakeholders are committed to applying these principles in their daily activities and to insure balance and honesty in debate, an adherence to the law, acting honorably and treating each other with respect.
·         SFI respects the opinions, knowledge, insight, experience and expertise of all members of the general public.
·         SFI avoids practices that are unfair, illegal or prejudiced. Supporters should be willing and able to explain the basis of personal ethical decision-making.
·         SFI seeks to be honest, accurate and lawful in its representations.
The underlying philosophical approach in this code is part of the ‘British eclectic tradition’. It seeks to ensure that moral principles and codes function act as guidelines for thinking about all decisions that need to be made.
Respect, responsibility and integrity are the collective responsibility of everyone associating with Sussex Friends of Israel.
YouTube Support Team 
Tue, 19 Nov, 21:25 (5 days ago)
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Please note that you may not need to remove the content entirely in order to resolve the issue. YouTube offers a Custom Blurring tool that allows you to blur anything in your video, including individuals or information.

The Hypocrisy of Ephraim Mirvis’s Attacks on Corbyn’s ‘Anti-Semitism’


This is the same Chief Rabbi Who Supported Tebbit’s Cricket Test & Marched with Israel’s Fascist Settlers chanting ‘Death to the Arabs’

If there is one thing guaranteed to increase anti-Semitism in this country it is the sight of Jewish leaders attacking a Labour Party that represents the only hope for millions of British people living in poverty. They will conclude that Jews are the friends of privilege and power.
Pathetic Marie van der Zyl of the Zionist Board of Deputies protesting in vain at the appearance of Chris Williamson
Chris Williamson - the only Labour MP with the guts to call out the fake 'antisemitism' campaign was thrown under the bus by Corbyn and Russell-Moyle
On August 8th in Brighton we defied a Zionist campaign of abuse and intimidation, which forced the Quaker’s Friends Meeting House to cancel a meeting with Chris Williamson.  Despite this we held the meeting and defied the Zionist scum who tried to stop the meeting.
Two weeks later I overheard a conversation in my local supermarket, Morrisons, by two people. They were discussing how ‘the Jews want to stop Corbyn.’ I intervened and pointed out that ‘the Jews’ were in fact Zionists including people such as the racist MP for Hove Peter Kyle and most of the British press.
Yet it is very understandable that non-Jews who get their information from the media and BBC will believe that all Jews hate Corbyn. They will not know that Professor Geoffrey Alderman, the foremost academic historian of the Jewish community, has been waging a lonely campaign to get his fellow Zionists to tell the truth. In an articlein the Spectator last May he asked ‘Is Jeremy Corbyn really anti-Semitic?’ and then proceeded to show why he was not.
The campaign to show that the Labour Party is anti-Semitic and that Corbyn is an anti-Semite has always been evidence-free. It has been based on the interests of Britain’s Establishment and its voice the BBC. It is in the interests of the rich and powerful to demonstrate that Corbyn’s Labour is anti-Semitic.  If they were honest they would say that their real reasons were the threat that Corbyn represents to their pockets.
Chief Rabbis supporting Tories is an old tradition
The Zionists if they were honest would say that what riles them most is that Corbyn has consistently supported the Palestinians, but of course they aren’t honest.
Britain’s Chief Rabbis have a habit of supporting the Conservative Party dating back to Immanuel Jakobovitz’s supportfor Margaret Thatcher and even further back, but none have been this blatant.
Ephraim Mirvis’s attackon Corbyn has absolutely nothing to do with racism or anti-Semitism. This is the same person who was singing the praise of Norman Tebbit’s ‘cricket test’ not so long ago. The ‘cricket test’ was devised to show that the ‘real home’ of Britain’s Asian population is not in England but India and Pakistan.
Ironically if the same test were applied to British Jews then it would show that many of them belong in Israel!  Which is what the Zionists desire most of all.
Mirvis’s instruction to Jews not to vote Labour is part of a well co-ordinated campaign to use ‘anti-Semitism’ as a weapon to inflict damage and destroy Labour’s electoral prospects.
What has made it most effective is the fact that Corbyn, instead of standing up from the start and saying that Labour did not have an anti-Semitism problem, that the allegations against it were malicious and without foundation, bought into the narrative.
No one forced Corbyn to adopt the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism originally. It was all his own work.
This is the same Ephraim Mirvis who joined his predecessor Jonathan Sacks and thousands of far-Right settlers on the 2017 Jerusalem Day ‘March of Flags’. The favourite chant of the settlers was ‘Death to the Arabs.’ Mirvis had no hesitation in joining those who desire nothing more than the expulsion of the Palestinians.
Haaretz’s Bradley Burston describedthe March as:
an annual, gender-segregated extreme-right, pro-occupation religious carnival of hatred, marking the anniversary of Israel's capture of Jerusalem by humiliating the city's Palestinian Muslims.
marchers vandalized shops in Jerusalem's Muslim Quarter, chanted "Death to Arabs" and "The (Jewish) Temple Will Be Built, the (Al Aqsa) Mosque will be Burned Down," shattered windows and door locks, and poured glue into the locks of shops forced to close for fear of further damage.’ And they repeated Samson's prayer in Judges 16:28: "May I avenge (the loss of) my two eyes with one act of vengeance against the Palestinians – may their name be blotted out!"
This did not stop Sacks extendinga “personal invitation” to Diaspora Jews to join him on a trip to Israel which includes “leading” the March of the Flags on Jerusalem Day and “dancing with our brave [Israeli Defence Force] soldiers” in the settler enclave inside Hebron.
Haaretz Anna Roiser pleadedwith Sacks not to attend, saying:
one of the world’s most respected rabbis sends a message of normalization and acceptance of the occupation...  Many Jews in the Diaspora work hard to emphasize that being Jewish is not synonymous with supporting the Israeli government, and that supporting Israel’s right to exist is not synonymous with supporting the occupation. Rabbi Sacks’ actions risk undermining these messages.
Not only did Sacks ignore them he marched together with Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis. It seems that Mirvis finds it difficult to oppose any other form of racism bar ‘anti-Semitism’. See Chief Rabbi and Lord Sacks should not back this march
However the attacks of  Ephraim Mirvis, the BBC and the Jewish Chronicle would not have had any resonance but for the enemy within. Prime amongst those who laid the basis for these attacks is Jon Lansman, who I have emailed and texted tonight.
Dear Mr Lansman
I hope you are pleased with your work.  By helping to spread the myth of Labour antisemitism you paved the way for today's campaign by the Chief Rabbi and the media.
It should now be clear even to you that 'antisemitism' is just a pretext for an attack by the Jewish Establishment and your Zionist friends on Corbyn and a radical Labour government.
The Jewish Labour Movement, a name which is a lie in itself, fully supported Mirvis's attack.  This is the same Zionist group whose platforms you graed whilst attacking Jackie Walker, Ken Livingstone, Marc Wadsworth, Chris Williamson and me.
What you and Momentum have sown others have reaped.
If you had any shame then you would retire now and take heed of Enoch Powell's dictum, which you are so fond of quoting, that all political careers end in failure.
However as you are shameless I suspect you will continue to wreak havoc and damage.
Regards as ever
John McDonnell also bought into this nonsense. He told Ken Livingstone to apologise for his remarks because ‘the Jews are a very forgiving people.’ Russell Lloyd-Moyle, the Brighton Kemptown MP, lied to me when I challenged him over his refusal to support Chris Williamson.
But above all the fault lies with Corbyn himself and his advisors, in particular Seamus Milne. Corbyn, given his experience in Palestine solidarity, knew that ‘anti-Semitism’ is the standard accusation of Israel’s defenders. I doubt if there is one single Palestine activist in Britain who hasn’t been accused of ‘anti-Semitism’. 
Corbyn should have drawn up a strategy from the start and stuck with it. It was obvious to me and it should have been to him that the ‘anti-Semitism’ he was being accused of was not hatred of Jews but hatred of what Israel does.  That is why his denials that he was anti-Semitic or his pathetic repetition of how much he abhorred anti-Semitism have cut no ice. They were besides the point.
Corbyn was not being accused of Jew hatred but hatred of Zionism. If Corbyn from the start had responded vigorously and stated that he wasn’t going to be deflected from talking about Israeli Apartheid by ‘anti-Semitism’ then he would have buried the whole matter. Instead he made a rod for his own back by apologising, temporising, hesitating and failing to respond. He gave in repeatedly to people like Tom Watson. Even more appalling he threw comrades and friends like Ken Livingstone and Chris Williamson overboard.
It is because Corbyn bought into the myth that anti-Semitism was a problem in the Labour Party that he is now facing such problems. Every time he apologised the Zionists asked for more. These scoundrels aren’t interested in genuine anti-Semitism.  Israel is their only concern. It is curious that in the thousands of stories on Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ there is such a marked absence of evidence.
See this very excellent articleby Jamie Stern Weiner ‘Smoke Without Fire: The Myth of a 'Labour Antisemitism' Crisis’. My only criticism of it is that the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign is not about anti-Semitism and it’s not based on logic. Like fascism it is essentially irrational and it cannot be defeated by rational argument.
The ‘Anti-Semitism’ campaign is an Establishment ideological attack. It cannot be met on its own terms but by an implacable opposition that repeats that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism. We should not be afraid of pointing out that Jews today are not oppressed. They are a largely racist community of White people, with high levels of Islamaphobia, the majority of whom supports Zionism and Jewish exclusivism.  It is a privileged community which is repeating the errors of old when Jewish communities in Poland and elsewhere allowed themselves to be used by the nobles and kings. It didn’t end well then and it may not end well now.
The campaign to frighten the Jewish community in this country that Labour is anti-Semitic may have succeeded but all that means is that it is a testament to the powerful effect of a media manufactured campaign and the creation of a consensus.  It is also testament to the fundamental stupidity of most British Jews today.
I am reminded of an articlein 2015 in Ha’aretz by Anshel Pfeffer on the ‘finding’ in a survey by the far-Right Campaign Against Anti-Semitismthat 56% of British Jews agreed that “the recent rise in anti-Semitism in Britain has some echoes of the 1930s. Pfeffer wrote that
‘If the majority of British Jews and the authors of the CAA report actually believe that, then it’s hard to take anything they say about contemporary anti-Semitism in their home country seriously. If they honestly think that the situation in Britain today echoes the 1930s when Jews were still banned from a wide variety of clubs and associations, when a popular fascist party, supported by members of the nobility and popular newspapers, were marching in support of Hitler, when large parts of the British establishment were appeasing Nazi Germany and the government was resolutely opposed to allowing Jewish refugees of Nazism in to Britain, finally relenting in 1938 to allow 10,000 children to arrive — but not their parents who were to die in the Holocaust (that shameful aspect of the Kindertransport that is seldom mentioned) — and when the situation of Jews in other European countries at the time was so much worse, then not only are they woefully ignorant of recent Jewish history but have little concept of what real anti-Semitism is beyond the type they see online.
After pointing out that British Jews today are exceedingly well represented in Parliament, Pfeffer went on to state that:
To compare today’s Britain, for all its faults, with the Jews’ situation in 1930s exhibits a disconnect from reality which borders on hysteria.
If Mirvis was seriously concerned about anti-Semitism in political parties then he would have asked why the Conservative Party’s MEPs supportedthe anti-Semitic Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in a no confidence vote in the European parliament.  The reason is that Orban may not like Jews very much but he is the best friend of Israel. Likewise he could ask why  Tory MEP’s sit in the same political group (ECR) in the European parliament as fascists and anti-Semites.
However as Mirvis is a right-wing Tory it is unlikely he will turn on his friends, even in the cause of ‘anti-Semitism’.
Tony Greenstein

David Baddiel’s allegation of ‘anti-Semitism’ against Corbyn for pronouncing ‘Epshtein’ demonstrates why you can't appease Zionists

Baddiel’s concern about ‘anti-Semitism’ is in stark contrast to his long record of cynical racist abuse of Black people and Blacking up

This is now the season of 'antisemitism' as the press, desperate to find any traces of the deadly disease all picked up on David Baddiel’s attack on Corbyn because he correctly pronounced Jeff Epstein’s surname as Epshtein. 
Despite tweeting that ‘every Jew noticed’  Corbyn's  pronunciation I suspect that no Jews noticed because there was nothing to notice. Of course when you are desperate to invent fake ‘anti-Semitism’ then any nonsense will do.
It is unfortunate that Corbyn didn’t slap down the Zionists and their supporters in the Tory press four years ago rather than appeasing them and thus inviting their use of Jews as a stick to beat him with.  Every time he has issued an apology they have used that to attack him. Every concession inviting another one.
The fact that the Sun, which employed Katie Hopkins, for whom refugees are ‘cockroaches’ is so concernedabout Baddiel should tell you everything you need to know about the campaign. Likewise the Daily Mail, which also employedHopkins is also concernedabout how to pronounce Epstein.

Following on from Baddiel, the Chief Rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis, all but instructs British Jews not to vote Labour. They are are all of course more than happy to support an Israeli state whose own Prime Minister declaredthat it is not a state of all its citizens, but its Jewish citizens. 

Imagine that a British Prime Minister declared that the British state only represents its Christian not its Jewish inhabitants. Then they could cry ‘anti-Semitism’ yet these hypocrites say nothing.  Because their sole purpose is the defence of Israel not anti-Semitism.
Israel's Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef calledBlack people ‘monkeys’. This is what passes for normal discourse amongst religious Zionists in Israel.
A reactionary Zionist and fool - Ephraim Mirvis, Chief Rabbi and bigot
What makes Baddiel’s hypocrisy even worse is that he ‘Blacked up’ in his   comedy show, pillorying a Black footballer Jason Lee as a ‘pineapple head’. The stench of hypocrisy is overpowering. As Private Eye used to say, ‘pass the sick bag Alice’.
Below is a guest post by Gavin Lewis. He refers to Labour activist Vicki Kirby's use of the term 'big noses'.  What Lewish didn't realise is that this term was from a Baddiel play 'Infidel'! This was the first example of fake anti-semitism.  It would seem that Baddiel is, underneath, also an anti-Semite!
Tony Greenstein
What Baddiel played with when a child
In its support for Israel, Britain’s Guardian newspaper has been claiming to fight antisemitism, so why provide a platform for a comedian who’s been discredited for his previous ‘Pineapple Heads’ racism? Asks Gavin Lewis

The UK’s neoliberal Guardianand Observer newspapers have been in the forefront of a campaign of pro-Israel moral panics peaking with attempts to undermine Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party. In the run-up, this has led to accusations of antisemitism against a number of Black activist women who have been critical of Israeli apartheid, including former National Union of Students (NUS) President Malia Bouathia, Labour MP Naz Shah, Jewish-Jamaican-British Jackie Walker, formally of the political group Momentum. This intimidation resulted in a Jewish Labour event supporting Walker being subjected to a bomb threat.
At the 2017 peak phase of what so far as has been an annual cycle of Guardian pro-Israel McCarthyism, the paper took the unusual editorial step of gifting, in consecutive daily editions, both lead letters page and columnist status to the privileged Cambridge educated Jewish comedian David Baddiel, to write about the supposed offensive racism and antisemitism of comments by the historically anti-racist Labour Party politician Ken Livingstone.
This was contradictory on a number of fronts, for Livingstone’s historical critique had been exclusively about Zionism, the ideology that had for 16 years previously been defined by UN resolution 3379 as a form of racism, and specifically not about the broader western Jewish diaspora.
Despite this, Baddiel was allowed to transpose this theme into issues of antisemitism. But what is particularly astonishing about Baddiel’s privileged media placement is that the comic is almost totally disgraced and discredited on anti-racist multicultural issues. Yet, he is still a regular Guardian source on its largely unsubstantiated anti-semitism claims. 
Baddiel and his comedy partner Frank Skinner, spent much of the 1996 ITV series of Fantasy Football insulting the ethnic appearance of the Black soccer player Jason Lee, who played at the time for Nottingham Forest, and inciting others to do so. Lee was singled out for a campaign of vilification simply because he had chosen to adopt the locks-and-cornrows style of his Afro-diasporic heritage.
A 2016 interview with the wife of the 1970s Black professional footballer Bob Hazel by the BBC’s Adrian Childs, illustrates the racist historical template upon which the Baddiel/Skinner campaign was constructed. In it, she suggests that the English Football Association actually prohibited her husband from having dreadlocks.
Baddiel invented the slur ‘Pineapple Heads’ for Black people with ‘Dredds & Cornrows’. Professor Ben Carrington details the strategic exploitative depths into which this campaign of the TV series Fantasy Football plunged and further extended its impact on other Black citizens. “David Baddiel ‘Blacked up’ (evoking the barely coded racist imagery of the minstrel shows) with a pineapple on his head out of which Jason Lee’s dreadlocks were growing – the ‘joke’ being that Jason Lee’s ‘dreads’ resemble a fruit on top of his head. This joke was then carried out with increasing frequency for the rest of the series, with young children sending in drawings of Jason Lee adorned with various fruit on his head. The pineapple joke was then taken up by football fans in the terraces who chanted songs about Jason Lee’s hair and significantly transcended the normally insular world of football fandom and entered into the public domain as both a descriptive term and a form of ridicule (‘Pineapple Head’) for any black person with dreads tied back”. 
Inevitably, many of those subjected to the abusive copy-cat street ‘ridicule’, Carrington identifies were children.
To put this in perspective: if Baddiel’s racial slurs had been replicated in modern California – where abuses and discrimination based up-on ethnic appearances, including natural hair are now outlawed – he would be arrested and potentially legally sanctioned for his offences? Significantly, the majority of the condemnatory cultural criticisms of the Baddiel phenomenon originate predominantly in the era of the specific offences, and cannot simply be disregarded as some sort of latter sensitive 21st-century politically correct reading of 1990s events.
Concerns about the Baddiel/Skinner campaign were expressed even in the contemporary corporate media of the time.The poet and critic Tom Paulin said, “Jason Lee has been treated with great cruelty … the charge of racism is a very feasible one – the Sun (newspaper) had him portrayed as having bananas growing out of his head. It doesn’t take much to realise what that’s saying”. (Late Review, BBC2, 6 May 1996).
What we have in Baddiel is a privileged Cambridge graduate who has opportunistically exploited the minstrel tradition of mocking Black ethnic identity, set loose ancient tropes of so-called Black primitivism and  fielded so-called ‘humour’ whose function was to suppress the articulation of ethnic difference and the right to challenge white aesthetic norms.
Significantly, Jason Lee was also ridiculed on Baddiel/Skinner’s Fantasy Footballfor “looking like an Ancient Egyptian”, which begs the question: Which continent’s citizens was he implicitly being told he should be aspiring to look like? Little wonder the Black community has historically had to fight light/dark racist hierarchies.
Sociologists Steve Greenfield and Guy Osborn explained in their 2001 book, Regulating Football: Commodification, Consumption and the Law, that, given this campaign was so solidly orientated on issues of ethnic identity, the joke was “not merely something that Lee could have laughed off, perhaps cut off his dreadlocks and ‘assimilated’.”
In fact, in a moment indicative of the racist forces that had been let loose, Prof. Ben Carrington describes how, the Independentnewspaper’s Jim White who had been on the same Late Review show as Tom Paulin, and who was apparently jumping on the same ‘New Lad’ bandwagon as Baddiel and Skinner, “went on to say that if Jason Lee was so upset by the remarks that he should have his dreadlocks cut off, which would have then endeared him to the (white) audience”.
In recent years, when fans of Tottenham Hotspur football club – who’ve historically enjoyed significant local London Jewish support – attempted the debatable solidarity of proclaiming themselves to be ‘Yiddos,’ the Police and Crown Prosecution Service threatened to prosecute. Ironically, this is in part due to Baddiel – a prominent fan of rival club Chelsea,  with a genuine history of sporadic overt anti-semitic chanting – having made privileged media platform demands that he be listened to on this issue.
Yet in an era of prosecutions for past historic abuse offences, Baddiel’s incitements have not been allowed to damage his Guardian media career, let alone provoke the legal indictment of potentially inciting racial hatred, that many genuine anti-racists and members of Britain’s Black communities would no doubt welcome. Given his history, perhaps some would even regard his uncritical promotion and prominence within a newspaper serving a multicultural society as in itself a manifestation of racism.
In 2016 as part of its pro-Israel moral panic, Guardianwriter and editor of opinion Jonathan Freedland alleged that a Labour Party activist who had objected to the occupation of Palestine had used the phrase ‘big noses’ when referring to Jews. He concluded therefore that, “Labour and the left have an antisemitism problem”.
 Given that Baddiel’s ‘Pineapple Head’ taunting and incitements are so comprehensively documented and, in going on for an entire television series, exceed this example by a country mile, if we were to equally apply Freedland’s criteria, shouldn’t we could similarly conclude the Guardian senior editorial team has a problem with Black people?
Certainly if you imagine an ethnic inversion of victim and aggressor, the Guardian would hardly be giving columnist privileges to a Black working-class comedian with a history of ridiculing white Jewish ethnicity. Yet, to sidestep accusations that it is racist in its support of the apartheid Pro-Israel lobby, Baddiel is the person the Guardian has at times resorted to, as a short-term promotional figurehead.
In the UK media, Muslims are frequently the object of ethnic global conspiracy theories: subjected to monolithic KKK-type abusive collective caricatures over sex abuse smears, resulting in lethal attacks on their mosques, and told in newspaper headlines to ‘get their house in order.’ So are other Black Britons when, for example, there have been race riots after police shoot-to-kill incidents.
By contrast to the monolithic indictments of Black minorities, no one is equivalently permitted to ask if members of a white ethnic group being socialised to believe that supporting white colonial conquest and apartheid dominance can be excused by Jewish fundamentalism, might potentially be opening the door to further racist practices? 
For example, Baddiel’s offences are also mirrored by the Jewish entrepreneur Alan Sugar who, while similarly accusing Labour of antisemitism over scrutinising Israel in June 2018, made traditional British ‘all darkies look the same’ jokes – ie spivs and street vendors – about the African Senegalese football team.  Demands by the African media for his resignation were ignored by the BBC.
Similarly, in 2016, Israel advocate UK Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis unashamedly suggested to the UK media, “In a nutshell minorities need to pass the Norman Tebbit test”. The Tebbit test is a prejudicial form of political labelling – often described as racist - which takes its name from the conservative politician Norman Tebbit, who suggested the Britishness of Black minority groups could be open to question if they simply had the ‘temerity’ to support a commonwealth sports team – such as the West Indian or Pakistan cricket teams.  Many of the Black minority victims of that prejudice could justifiably ask, in an age of concerns about foreign interference in domestic politics, how it is that white media members and political elites can, by comparison to mere sports fandom, give their allegiance to Israel, a racist foreign government condemned by Desmond Tutu and other Nobel Prize winners for its apartheid, and no one outside of Al Jazeera’s exposés of Israel’s political interference, is permitted to ask if this has any relevance for British democracy?
While the Guardian has deliberately censored such ethnic colonialist racist hypocrisies from its coverage and has been practising variations of its ‘angel dancing on the head of a pin’ invocations of antisemitism in support of Israel, it would certainly be legitimate for Black Britons to wonder how they or Jason Lee would survive unharmed at Israel’s checkpoints or its exclusive white-American gated communities. Here alongside the victimisation of the Palestinians – as researcher David Sheen and many others have documented – the oppression of Black Jews and even, on occasion, indigenous middle-eastern Jews by the white settlers, is the norm.
You would hope that, regardless of their skin colour, UK citizens would get to enjoy greater advocacy and protection from their British political and media elites, than a racist apartheid foreign government? Black readers should certainly not have to put up with having their noses shoved in the ‘Pineapple Head’ and Minstrel tradition Blacked-up ethnic abuses of David Baddiel, for which, the Guardian editorial team is apparently prepared to provide the cover of impunity.
Footnote:Jason Lee said of his experience, “It was, looking back, a form of bullying”. He recalled the impact of the incitements on his family at sporting venues, “There would be racial stuff. In the end, I would tell them not to come. It can’t be nice, supporting your child or partner and seeing him get so much abuse.”
Courtesy of this Guardian public relations rehabilitation, Baddiel appeared on BBC tvshows in 2018, including Frankie Boyle’s New World Order, as an apparently respectable critical voice on antisemitism. He is also a regular on BBC Radio 4. The current editor of the Guardian pitching her editorial tent on these evident racial double standards is Katharine Viner. 
Gavin Lewis is a freelance British writer and academic. He has published in Britain, Australia and the United States on film, media, politics, cultural theory, race and representation. He has taught critical theory, film and cultural studies at a number of British universities.
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