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The Threat to Freedom of Speech from Brighton Council Leader Nancy Platts - all in the name of 'anti-Semitism'

 Like Trump Platts Professes Concern About 'Antisemitism' when the real concern is to prevent criticsm of Israel 

When Trump told four Black Congresswomen, Rashida Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna S. Pressley to ‘go back home’ (despite 3 of them being born in the USA), he also addedfor good measure that they 'hate America and hate Israel.'
Trump’s concerns are understandable because the one country in the world where Trump is more popular than unpopular is the apartheid State of Israel. [See Support for Trump higher in Israel than almost any other nation: poll]
Like the Tories and Labour’s Right, Trump cannot distinguish between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. Which is why, at the very time he was condemning 'anti-Semitism' he was also accusing America’s Jews, 80% of whom vote Democrat, of disloyalty to both himself and the State of Israel. Like his former adviser Steve Bann, Trump uses support for Israel as a stick to beat America’s Jews with!
examples of the abuse that Jackie Walker, one of Platt's targets received -  this is the abuse that anti-Zionists regularly receive but which, unlike that of Zionist prima donnas like Ruth Smeeth is never mentioned
According to Trump Israel is the ‘real home’ of America’s Jews. This is a Zionist doctrine, although many Zionists prefer to maintain a state of political schizophrenia. As Peter Beinart, one of the few genuinely thoughtful Zionists around, whose opinion pieces are always worth reading (perhaps because he’s a Professor of Journalism!) remarkedin the past, Trump has repeatedly spoken about American Jews as if they were Israelis.
And this is equally true of Platts and Kyle.  It is now part of Labour Party culture (if such a term is not an oxymoron) to equate criticism of Israel with criticism of Jews i.e. anti-Semitism. Israel has become the collective Jew. 

That was the purpose and function of the IHRA ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism that Brighton and Hove council adopted last October and for which Nancy Platts voted. So when meetings are held which criticise Israel or Zionism, idiots like Platts (who to be fair has a limited comprehension of such matters) equate such criticism with hostility to Jews).  And those of us who are Jewish anti-Zionists are merely the ‘wrong sort of Jew’ or to use the Nazi term beloved of Zionists, ‘self-haters’ (because if you hate your race you hate yourself).
As Beinart noted 
‘In an April speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition, he called Benjamin Netanyahu “your prime minister” and warned that a Democratic victory in 2020 “could leave Israel out there all by yourselves.”
At the White House Hanukkah Party last December, he told the mostly Jewish audience that Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, Karen, “love your country. And they love this country.”
When Kyle, Platts and friends conflate anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism what they are doing is saying that the murderous actions of Israel are carried out on behalf of Jews, wherever they live. That is the logic of equating anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. After all Israel is a ‘Jewish state’. 
Trump being a white supremacist says out aloud what Kyle and Platts can only whisper, viz. that Jewish allegiance is to Israel.  In the meantime these ciphers do their best to introduce Israeli ‘democracy’ into Britain by closing down meetings they disagree with.
Merely by talking about 'resistance' Israeli Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour was gaoled whereas people who chant 'Death to the Arabs' are never even prosecuted
After all Israel is the self-declared‘only democracy in the Middle East’albeit a democracy which sent to prison an Israel Arab poet, Dareen Tatour, for expressing support for Palestinian resistance. No amount of racist abuse from Jews in Israel has ever resulted in imprisonment, even in the case of the two rabbis who wrote a book in 2011, Torat HaMelech (the King's Torah) explaining how, according to Jewish law, it was legally possible in war to kill Palestinian children and infants. But this is the type of racism that Platts and her claque ignore.
The Israeli prosecutors found there was 'no basis' to indict the authors of a book who explain why its lawful to kill Arab children
None of this should be any surprise.  At the heart of Zionist theology is the belief that Jews are aliens in the countries they reside in. Israel is the Jewish state and it openly proclaims that it is the state of all Jews. That is why every Jew has the ‘right of return’ to Israel, regardless of whether they have ever been there, whereas Palestinians who were born and lived there for generations have no such right. Racism is inseparable from Zionism and the Kyles and the Platts of Labour's Right are its defenders. 

Yet when it comes to the Windrush Scandal, stop and search and other, genuine examples of racism, Kyle and Platts are silent. Only racism against a section of White people concern them.
As the Jewish Democratic Council of America put it, Trump has ‘"weaponise(d) and politicise(d) anti-Semitism" for political gain.’  And that is exactly what Nancy Platts and Peter Kyle, with their allegations of ‘Jew’ hate/baiting also do.
There is virtually no anti-Semitism in Brighton and Hove.  Jews are a privileged, white community. I know of no anti-Semitic attacks in Brighton. The statement by Platts that ‘I am concerned to hear that there may be any events in or around Labour Party Conference where Jewish people would not feel welcome.’ is disingenuous.  As the meeting with Chris Williamson demonstrated when Jewish people came to stand with him, Jewish people have always been welcome at Palestinian and anti-Zionist meetings.
There are no events where Jews are not welcome. Of course racists, whether they are Jewish or non-Jewish are not welcome at anti-racist events. So members of Sussex Friends of Israel, who did their best to intimidate venues into cancelling the talk by Chris Williamson 2 weeks ago are not welcome. They include people like Simon Cobbs who has demonstrated alongside the English Defence League.  But that is because Cobbs is a racist not because he is Jewish.
There was a complete and total failure to support a family under attack by racists - no comparable case has ever affected a Jewish family
There is and always has been a problem of anti-Muslim racism in Brighton and about that Kyle and Platts are silent. That was particularly true in the case of the Deghayes family, three of whose sons went to fight for Jihadis in Syria after the Police’s failure to tackle the racism they experienced. As the Guardian noted:
Racist incidents increased in 2007 when the boy’s uncle, Omar Deghayes, was released from Guantánamo Bay after being held for five years after his arrest in Pakistan. His return to Brighton led to an angry backlash locally where far-right groups reportedly whipped up anger. Graffiti reading “Behead all Muslims” was daubed near their home and when it was attacked by a mob, police installed CCTV.
Social workers reported that it became increasingly difficult dealing with the family who felt their complaints were not dealt with adequately.
As the boys’ behaviour deteriorated further, youth and social workers expressed their “helplessness” at having no solutions. They expressed “shock and disbelief” when it was discovered the brothers had gone to Syria. “This possibility had never been identified and there was also no recognition that the siblings were vulnerable to radicalisation, travel or participation in conflict.”
The failure to deal with racist attacks on the family led directly to the alienation (‘radicalisation’) of their three sons. Nancy Platts kept her mouth shut during all of this and other failures, such as the murder of Jay Abatan, which Brighton Police force also failed to deal with. But when it comes to non-existent anti-Semitism she is willing to bare her soul to a Zionist publication which has called Jeremy Corbyn an ‘anti-Semite’.
I therefore wrote Platts a letter last night and sent the letter to every Labour and Green Councillor on Brighton and Hove Council.
We know of course what this is about and it has nothing to do with ‘anti-Semitism’ and everything to do with Chris Williamson, Jackie Walker and Ken Livingstone speaking at the fringe of the Labour Party conference in one month.
We expect that the Zionist movement will object. In Israel the Police would simply ban such meetings. In Brighton the Zionists are expecting their faithful poodles Platts and Kyle to do their dirty work. We have news for them.  Chris Williamson and others will speak in Brighton next month regardless of the grandstanding of New Labour's racists.

Below is a letter I wrote to Nancy Platts.  I suspect I won't be receiving a reply!!
Tony Greenstein

Councillor Nancy Platts
Leader Brighton and Hove City Council,
Brighton Town Hall

Email to:          nancy.platts@brighton-hove.gov.uk

Dear Nancy,

I have just read your interview with Jewish News, a paper which only a year ago spokeofthe existential threat to Jewish life in this country that would be posed by a Jeremy Corbyn-led government.’

An ‘existential threat’ means a threat to one’s very existence. In other words a Corbyn government would represent a mortal danger to Jews. This is the paper which you chose to confide in.
You used to work in Corbyn’s office. I don’t know whether or not you still support him or if, in your new role as Leader of the Labour Group, you are seeking to follow in the footsteps of your predecessors, Warren Morgan and Daniel Yates, both of whom are members of the Jewish Labour Movement.

The title of your interview ‘‘I want Jewish people to feel welcome in Brighton’ is highly offensive. It is no different in tone to the remarks of Warren Morgan two years ago which led to his resignation. You clearly imply that Jewish people are not welcome in Brighton. What evidence do you have for this? Perhaps you could explain why you have singled out Jews as opposed to Muslims or Black people?

I have lived in Brighton for over 40 years and have rarely encountered anti-Semitism other than from fascist and neo-Nazi groups. I am the author of the only book detailing the history of the fight against fascism in Brighton and the South Coast. A book which was reviewedby the Argus in 2012. I think I know a little more about anti-Semitism than you.

In 2012 Brighton anti-fascists scored a historic victory against a Police force which was intent on forcing an English Defence League march through the city. I must confess that I don’t remember either you or any of the other exponents of  Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ of having played any part in either that or any other anti-fascist activity.

You state in your interview that you are concerned to hear that there may be any events in or around Labour Party Conference where Jewish people would not feel welcome.’ Well we all would be concerned if there was any truth to such a story.  However it is a lie peddled by your Zionist friends to drum up sympathy.
Two weeks ago there was an attempt to prevent a meeting by Chris Williamson MP in Brighton. Peter Kyle MP called him a ‘Jew baiter’ a charge that is nothing less than a form of political terrorism. Kyle’s real objection was that Chris had opposed the witchhunt in the Labour Party and called for open selection of Labour MPs. In other words Jews were being used as a stick to beat the Left with.
Instead of speaking up in support of free speech and the rights of peaceful assembly, rights guaranteed under Articles 10 and 11 of the European Convention of Human Rights you have chosen to stand with the McCarthyists and those who would destroy free speech on Israel and Palestine. You have done this at the behest of supporters of Israeli apartheid.

Allegations of anti-Semitism by the Right, and I include you in that, are nothing more than a convenient smokescreen for those who wish to avoid a debate over Israel and Zionism. You can rest assured that just as we ensured that Chris defied the threats of violence from those who tried to prevent him speaking two weeks ago we will do the same again.

We are determined to ensure that Chris Williamson, Ken Livingstone and Jackie Walker are able to speak freely at the Labour Party conference fringe, your McCarthyist friends notwithstanding.
Jackie Walker in particular has suffered vile racist abuse  from your Zionist friends. I am copying some of them here so that you cannot plead ignorance. In Israel Zionists march to chant of ‘death to the Arabs’. In this country they complain of ‘anti-Semitism’.

Racism against Black people is an integral part of Zionism. In Israel Black Jews are not considered fully Jewish and currently there is an attempt to forcibly deport 40,000 Black African refugees who in the wordsof Netanyahu ‘threaten Israel’s Jewish identity. The Israeli Labour Party too supportsdeporting these refugees. The same Israeli Labour Party that the Jewish Labour Movement is affiliated to.

I doubt if there is a single Palestine solidarity activist in this country, including Jewish anti-Zionists, who has not been called an anti-Semite. The fact that people like you have been taken in by this nonsense speaks volumes about your commitment to anti-racism.
It was little more than a year ago that you were on the platform speaking alongside Chris Williamson. It seems that having fulfilled your political ambitions you are travelling a well worn path to the right that people before you have taken.

The weaponisation of anti-Semitism is not confined to Britain or the Labour Party. In the United States Donald Trump has combined vociferous support for Israel with praisefor neo-Nazis. When telling 4 Black Congresswomen to ‘go home’ he also attacked  them because they "hate Israel & all Jewish people.’

I’m sorry to see that you have joined with those who use bogus charges of ‘anti-Semitism’ to deflect support for the Palestinians. You should be ashamed of yourself. If Jews in this country experienced even a tenth of the discrimination that Palestinians endure in Israel then they would indeed have cause to complain about anti-Semitism.

Yours sincerely,

Tony Greenstein

Letter I wrote to Nancy Platts

Remembering Sam Semoff - a giant of the Liverpool Labour Movement

Sam was a Jewish Anti-Zionist and an anti-racist to the last

It was in January of last year that my close friend of over three decades, Sam Semoff, an American Jew who came to live in my home town, Liverpool, passed away.  At the time I wrote an appreciationof Sam.
Sam’s headstone has now been placed over his grave and that gives me the ideal opportunity to remind people of Sam, a comrade and a friend who stood and fought, despite ill-health, the witch-hunt in Liverpool carried out by the detestable Zionist ‘Labour MP for Liverpool Riverside (and Tel Aviv North), Louise Ellman.  At least her sidekick, the equally detestable Blairite Luciana Berger, has departed for the TIGs.
Sam was a dedicated fighter for the NHS. He fought the privatisation of the NHS and the rebuilding of the Royal Liverpool hospital which has now been severely affected by the bankruptcy of Carillon. Sam faced concerted opposition from right-wing Labour figures in 2013 when he brought a judicial review against the use of Carillon.
Joe Anderson, then the Leader of the Council, now Mayor of Liverpool said:
"My message is ‘Bog off Semoff’. We have had enough delays and interference in so many projects within this city. “Quite frankly it annoys not just me but literally thousands of people. “This is about the health of the people of this city, and is not for some individual with his own political and ideological reasons to jeopardise the services meant for the people of this city."
Here you see the reactionary politics of those who abandon any semblance of socialist politics in order to espouse the philosophy of ‘if it works then use it’.  This was the philosophy of Blair.  Employ the private sector if it helps clear waiting lists in the NHS. The alternative, expanding the existing state sector of course was not an option.
This is how you get privatisation by stealth and opportunists like Joe Anderson and Nick Small espoused with ‘if it work’ principle. Forget the politics, we will use any means, even if it involves a PFI and a corrupt cowboy company like Carillon. Six years later Anderson was singing a different song. Anderson toldthe Liverpool Echo that
This building is a monument to corporate greed - if you give the private sector free reign within the public sector then profit comes before quality and that's exactly what we've ended up with.
"We need an open public inquiry that looks at what went wrong and how it happened - because this is just obscene."
Anderson didn’t have the decency to apologise for the comments he made disparaging Sam’s motives , suggesting he was putting his own socialist principles before the needs of ordinary people, and retract them.  People like him constitute the detreitus of the Labour Party and reformism.
Even worse than this particular skunk was Cllr. Nick Small. As Greg Dropkin wrotewhen Sam brought an application for Judicial Review, Louise Ellman’s sidekick and a prominent figure in the current witchhunt approached the Legal Aid Board in order to cut off Sam’s funding.  This action guaranteed the disaster of this failed scheme. It has set back the new building by years at vastly increased public expense. The whole construction that Carillon carried out was botched.
Nick Small is the human equivalent of a viper, today pointing the finger at other socialists in the Labour Party – all with the approval of Jenny Formby and Labour’s regional mafia.
I also reprint an obituary which Sam’s daughter Shela wrotefor The Guardian.  Perhaps one of the few decent things that paper has done in the past four years.
We will continue to remember this doughty fighter for the working class and the oppressed everywhere.  The Zionist skunks and scabs like Joe Anderson and Nick Small will only be remembered for their obeisance and servility to the rich and powerful.

Open letter to Brighton & Hove Councillors - We Intend to Defend Freedom of Speech on Palestine and Israel - Kyle, Platts and Yates will not prevail


Anti-Zionism is not Anti-Semitism and Israel is no more a Jewish State than South Africa was a Christian State

Dear Councillor,

Last October Brighton and Hove Council passed a resolution supporting the IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism. As we pointed out at the time, a 500+ word definition is not a definition. The IHRA, which mentions Israel in 7 of its 11 examples of ‘anti-Semitism’ was solely concerned with conflating anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.
People refusing to allow Kyle and Yates to dictate who they could listen to
We cited the views of a variety of legal and academic scholars – Hugh Tomlinson QC, Geoffrey Robertson QC, Sir Stephen Sedley and even the person who drafted the definition, Kenneth Stern. All were agreed that the IHRA was being used to chill free speech. Robertson describedthe IHRA as not being fit for purpose.
Stern, in testimony to Congress described how the IHRA had
chilled pro-Palestinian expression highlighting its use by the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism to vilify Bristol University lecturer, Dr Rebecca Gould because of an article she had written, Beyond Anti-Semitism’ . Stern described the attempt to get Gould sacked as chilling and McCarthy-like.’
Asa Jansson of Brighton & Hove Labour Left Alliance
As Dr Geoffrey Alderman, a right-wing Jewish and Zionist academic, wrotein the Independent of 31 July, the IHRA’s 11 examples ‘embed numerous internal contradictions. [This Labour Party row will not be settled by relying on a flawed and faulty definition of antisemitism]
Despite a range of Black and Muslim groups in Brighton making their opposition to the IHRA clear, the Council chose to ignore them and adopt the IHRA on the spurious grounds that the Jewish community supported it.  In reality the people who supported it were activists of Sussex Friends of Israel. I doubt if 1% of Jewish people in Brighton or elsewhere have actually read this muddled and verbose prose.  But even if Jews in Brighton and Hove had supported it it would have been wrong to adopt a definition which says that the Palestinian experience of Zionism and Israel is anti-Semitic.
Peter Kyle - Hove's right-wing 'Labour' MP
What we predicted has come to pass. Three weeks ago Peter Kyle MP used the IHRA to ‘persuade’the Brighthelm Centre  to cancel a meeting by Chris Williamson. This then gave encouragement to a campaign of threats, abuse and harassment directed at first the Holiday Inn and then the Friends Meeting House, both of which were forced to cancel Chris’s meetings. Kyle has repeatedly refused to condemn this abuse and threats.
Despite this we ensured that the meeting went ahead in Regency Square. Over 150 people assembled to hear Chris Williamson. We sent a message that we will not allow freedom of speech to be curtailed. Instead of applauding this exercise of people power that miserable wretch Cllr. Dan Yates calledfor the Council to penalise the organisers!
Nancy Platts, the new group leader, implies that Jews aren't welcome at the moment - Jews suffer least from racism yet Platts is silent on genuine racism
Our meeting included a number of Jewish people who were happy to stand with Chris Williamson and reject the attempt of Kyle to use Jews as a stick to beat the left of the Labour Party with. This is the real anti-Semitism.
What Kyle did resembled the actions of Donald Trump who, in the course of telling4 Black Congresswomen to ‘go home’ berated them because ‘“They hate Israel & all Jewish people’. It doesn’t take a genius to work out why a White Supremacist should, almost in the same breath, utters the most vile racist insults against 4 Black women and then protests his undying love for Israel and Jews.
Today from Viktor Orban to Mattheo Salvini, Germany’s neo-Nazi AfD and our own Tommy Robinson, the far-Right combines anti-Semitism with ardent support for Israel.
Likewise the same Tory tabloids which have waged an unceasing campaign consisting of fake anti-Semitism allegations against Jeremy Corbyn have also employed‘journalists’ like Katie Hopkin, a neo-Nazi who talked of perpetrating a ‘Final Solution’ to Muslims and describedrefugees as ‘cockroaches’. Hopkins combines ardent support for Israel with a justificationfor the shooting dead of 11 Jews at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue.
One doesn’t need to look any farther than the Tory party which combines support for the IHRA with being in alliance with fascists and anti-Semites in the European Parliament. For the past 10 years Tory MEPs have been members of the European Conservative and Reform Group.
The 4 Congresswomen who were told to 'go back' home by Trump, the Zionists' best friend 
The ECR contains a variety of fascist and anti-Semitic groups including the Brothers of Italy, the Swedish Democrats and Poland’s Law & Justice Party which was led by Michal Kaminski, a man who excusedthe massacre by Poles at Jedwabne in 1941, burning alive up to 1,600 Jews on the grounds that they had collaborated with the Soviet invasion in 1939.  [Once no self-respecting politician would have gone near people such as Kaminski]. Roberts Zile MEP, another ECR member, of the Latvian LNNK even demonstrates each March with the veterans of Latvia’s Waffen SS!
As Medhi Hassan notedat the time, it is quite possible to be both anti-Semitic and pro-Zionist. Indeed historically most anti-Semites were pro-Zionist including Arthur Balfour.
Cllr Dan Yates believed that this gathering should have been declared illegal - clearly he forgot he wasn't in Israel!
Under the guise of opposing ‘anti-Semitism’, concerted attempts are being made at the Labour Party conference to prevent meetings around Palestine and Israel taking place. Jewish Voices for Labour has just had a meeting at the Jury’s Inn hotel cancelled and Zionist groups have promised to try and repeat what they did with Chris Williamson.
That was why the remarksof Nancy Platts, in an interview with the Jewish News, that there may be any events in or around Labour Party Conference where Jewish people would not feel welcome’, apart from being an outright lie, indicate that she has thrown in her lot with Kyle. There is no substance whatsoever to Platt’s allegations. Jews have played a prominent part in Palestine solidarity and anti-Zionist groups in this city, however we are the ‘wrong sort of Jews’ i.e. anti-Zionists and anti-racists.
Tower Hamlets recently used the IHRA to prevent this fundraising effort on behalf of Palestinian children
Platts, Kyle and Dan Yates, amongst others, demonstrate their contempt for freedom of speech on Palestine.  A contempt which Brighton and Hove Council has given encouragement to with its support for the IHRA.  Brighton and Hove Council is not alone.  Tower Hamlets Council only two weeks ago preventedthe Big Ride for Palestine from rallying in a local park because of the IHRA.
Refusing to be deterred by Kyle, Yates or Platts
The decision on the IHRA must be revisited. The IHRA is anti-democratic and a threat to freedom of speech. It does nothing to prevent anti-Semitism.  That is not its purpose. Its sole rationale is as a weapon to be used against expressions of solidarity with the Palestinians.  
In the meantime Councillors should be under no illusion that the Left in this town, including Palestine solidarity groups, have no intention of allowing racists and Zionists, backed up by Platts, Kyle and Yates, to prevent freedom of speech on Palestine.  Chris Williamson and other speakers will be heard on the Labour Party fringe come what may.
We hope you will do your duty and act to protect freedom of speech and assembly against their enemies, be they in your rank or outside.
Yours sincerely,
Tony Greenstein

Bracknell UNITE Invited Me to Speak on the Labour Party Witchhunt – You Can Guess What Happened Next!

The Chair of Bracknell Labour Party, ex-Cop Roy Bailey Asked  for Advice on whether Labour Party Members are Allowed to Attend the Meeting!!

Roy Bailey - an 'excellent communicator with strong analytical skills' - all of which seem to have deserted him'
At first I thought I must be hallucinating. Surely it couldn't be someone whom Tony Benn had described as “the greatest socialist folk singer of his generation” engaging in a vicious McCarthyite witch-hunt. I thought he had died. But no, it wasn’t that Roy Bailey.
This was a New Labour version who had obtained a doctorate in the quack discipline of ‘criminology’ which is really about control in a capitalist society and as such is pretty worthless, a reservoir of prejudices dressed up in the language of science.
There was a time when people like Bailey believed that criminality was inherited and indeed Max Nordau Deputy President of the World Zionist Organisation was an ardent believer in such nonsense.  He even wrote a book about it, Degeneration.
Nordau was influenced by the work of Italian psychiatrist and founder of criminal anthropology Cesare Lombroso (1835-1909), who argued that criminality was inherited. You get a flavour of Nordau’s ideas and the origins of Zionism from what he wrote about Oscar Wilde. Nordau’s bio op on the British Museum site statesthat
Roy Bailey's modest profile on Linkedin. He is apparently an 'excellent communicator' and also 'a strategic thinker with strong analytical skills' all of which seemed to have deserted him!  
After having attacked the ‘predilection for suffering, disease and crime’ in influences such as Swinburne, Nordau argues that Wilde ‘has done more by his personal eccentricities than by his works.’ Denouncing his dress sense as the ‘pathological aberration of a racial instinct’, Nordau adds that ‘what really determines his actions is the hysterical craving to be noticed’; ‘it is above all a sign of anti-social ego-mania to irritate the majority unnecessarily’. Dismissing Wilde’s poetry as derivative, and focusing instead on his prose essays, Nordau concludes that ‘Oscar Wilde apparently admires immorality, sin and crime’.
You can see why Roy Bailey, who is also a devotee of Zionism, is so attracted to the study of criminology and thus passes himself off as an academic and no doubt as an intellectual too. However I digress.
In his Linkedin Profile Bailey describes himself as a ‘Strategic thinker with strong analytical skills’. Unfortunately his skills seemed to have deserted him when an invitation arrived from Bracknell Unite informing him that I was speaking to a meeting on September 2nd on the Labour Party witchhunt and that Labour Party members were welcome to attend
You can just imagine the reaction in Roy’s mind.  He is a good member of  Progress and the idea that an EXPELLED Labour Party member has the audacity to share his opinions with people, on behalf of an organisation called Labour Against the Witchhunt, was too much for him. This was taking democracy too far.
Almost immediately the cop in Roy came to the fore. Wasn’t I expelled from the Labour Party as an anti-Semite? The fact that I'm Jewish was irrelevant since obviously I was the 'wrong sort of Jew'. One suspects that his first reaction was to reach for a law book and see if there was a law against this kind of thing.
It matters not a jot that my expulsion, like that of so many, was carried out by a kangaroo court headed by the Witchfinder General Maggi Cosins and was because of my views on Zionism. As far as Roy is concerned there are no bad laws and there are no miscarriages of justice or bent and corrupt coppers. What matters is those who got away. 

The fact that war criminals like Tony Blair is still a member of the Labour Party, alongside fellow racists like Tom Watson, whilst socialists are expelled and suspended has probably never bothered Bailey. After all, despite his pretensions to be an academic he is at heart a simple fellow.
The Police mentality is a simple one.  The law is there to be obeyed, not to be challenged or questioned. The idea that the law simply reflects existing property relations and that the police and state are there to preserve the interests of the ruling class is anathema to Roy. 

The fact that hunting with dogs is now illegal but Police spend their time harassing hunt sabs rather than those who evade and break the law on hunting is probably dismissed without a second’s thought by this upstanding ex-cop.
All that mattered to Roy is that subversive thoughts and ideas may be up for discussion and, quite understandably, the cop in him rebelled at such a prospect.  As I said in my letter(below), Roy may have left the police force but they have never left him.
It reflects on the sad state of the Labour Party  today that people like Roy Bailey are officers of their respective Labour Parties and secondly that they feel the need to ask for advice on whether Labour Party members should be allowed to hear from someone who has been expelled.  I guess in his studies on criminology our Roy didn’t come across cases like the Guildford 4 or the Birmingham 6 and if he had done he would have dismissed them with the ‘rotten apple in the barrel’ theory.
We should not be harsh on Roy Bailey. In his own blundering way he simply reflects the mentality of those who are working to overthrow Jeremy Corbyn. In so many ways Roy Bailey, with a police state inside his head, is a good example of Progress and the Labour Right’s intolerance for socialist politics and ideas.
Tony Greenstein

September 24 2019

Dear Mr Bailey,
I was made aware, earlier today, of a post on Terry Pearce’s Facebook page. Terry is Chair of Bracknell Branch of UNITE and they have invited me to speak to them on September 2nd.
Apparently you are seeking advice from the Regional Labour Party as to whether or not Labour Party members are allowed to attend my talk as I have been expelled from the Labour Party. It would seem that you are treating members of Bracknell Labour Party, of which you are I believe Chair, as if they were still at primary school.
It speaks volumes about the state of democracy in the Labour Party if you believe that members need permission to attend a trade union meeting. I realise that any mention of forbidden topics to do with a certain state in the Middle East are considered ‘anti-Semitic’ unless they are part of a re-education programme that goes by the name of ‘training. However I am surprised that even a member of Progress (treat as in Newspeak where War is Peace) should consider that permission is needed to attend a union meeting.
My first thoughts when I heard of your request was that maybe you were auditioning for a bit part in a play about the Inquisition. Torquemada perhaps? But then I realised that I wasn’t treating the matter with the seriousness it clearly deserves.
I understand that you are by your own description a former Senior Police Officer in the Thames Valley Police Force, one of the most backward forces in Britain. You may recall A Complaint of Rape which was shown by the BBC in 1982, a savage interview by 3 officers of a rape victim who effectively became the accused. It achieved, as you are aware, national notoriety and was responsible for a revolution in how rape victims were treated nationally.
However the Labour Party is not a police state. Members are, even under the regime that the supporters of the Israeli State would like to introduce, still free, at least in theory, to attend whatever meetings they may wish to participate in.
Of course you could have attended my talk and if you had disagreements expressed them. This is called freedom of speech, concepts which are clearly quite alien to you.
I understand that your concern is that I have been expelled from the Labour Party when so many racists such as Tom Watson, to say nothing of war criminals like Tony Blair, are still at large. Please allow me to allay your concerns. I stand in a long and honourable tradition.
Sir Stafford Cripps, Attlee’s Chancellor of the Exchequer was expelled from the Labour Party in 1939 as was Aneurin Bevan and George Strauss. Ken Livingstone was also expelled before being readmitted and then forced to resign by narrow minded bigots.
I was expelled because I am a Jewish anti-Zionist. Like Whites in South Africa who opposed Apartheid I oppose Zionism. This is termed anti-Semitic by Labour’s racist right-wing just as 30 years ago people like you argued for ‘constructive engagement’ with Apartheid.
I realise that you don’t understand why some of us are not so enamoured with a state that arrests Palestinian (not Jewish) children in the early hours of the morning, blindfolds and beats them before forcing them to confess in a language they don’t even understand.
Israel is a state, not of its own citizens but its Jewish citizens and indeed Jews who are not its citizens. That is what a Jewish state means. It is a state that demolishes the homes of its Arab citizens in order to make way for Jewish settlers. It is a state where Jewish residents of the northern city of Afula demonstrate against the sale of a single house to an Arab. It is a state where there is a separate education system for Jews and Arabs. I realise that this presents no problem to you and your racist supporters in Progress but that is what I will be talking about.
I am sure that if you want to explain why you support a state based on racial supremacy that people will be more than interested to hear your arguments. What people will not understand is why you should want to prevent other people hearing them.
You seem to have a contempt for freedom of speech and democracy. It would appear that although you have left the Police force, it has not left you.
Tony Greenstein

Boris’s Coup is a Constitutional Outrage but it may yet rebound on Johnson and the Monarchy


As Tony Benn pointed out, the Royal Prerogative is the undemocratic heart of our Constitution 

When I first heard that Boris Johnson was going to rule without what he considers the unnecessary interference of parliament my first thoughts were that this is what happens when I go away for a short break!
We live in interesting times and no more so for the Royal Family and the Queen. Not since the death of Princess Diana, which was at first a relief to ‘the firm’, have the Royals been in the firing line. This has not been a good week for them  First there was the little local difficulty of her son Prince Andrew and his association with Jeff Epstein, a convicted paedophile and his almost certain sexual relations with girls being held in conditions of captivity and now the suspension of parliament
Her Majesty has consented to preventing Parliament meeting in order to discuss the major constitutional issue of the time. There can be no doubt that the Queen could have told Johnson to go away and secure the assent of Parliament to its own dissolution. She didn’t because clearly Johnson has no majority for such an undemocratic manoeuvre. He has been elected by the members of the Tory party only and lacks a majority in the House of Commons.
Thus we see that the Monarchy represents the undemocratic heart of our constitutional settlement and the Royal Prerogative is its instrument. It could however backfire badly on Boris for a very simple reason.  Brexit no longer commands a majority amongst the British people and that is why there is such resolute opposition among the Brexiteers to a second referendum or Parliament having a vote.  There is certainly no support for no deal.
We saw today that there is mass anger at what has happened and it is likely to grow not diminish. Boris Johnson’s plummy public school accent and that of the 18th century caricature Rees-Mogg cannot hide the deviousness and dishonesty behind this dictatorial act.
It is right that people should besiege parliament and Downing Street and it would be right if they riot because riots are how the peoples’ will can be manifested.
Parliament, if it has the will, can easily pass legislation taking control over the legislative process, revoking Article 50, agreeing to a referendum or seeking an extension to Article 50.  Where there is a will there is a way.  That will mean the smaller parties falling in behind Labour including the treacherous Lib Dems, who found no difficulty sitting in the same cabinet as George Osborne and Cameron but object to Jeremy Corbyn.
Boris Johnson may have bitten off more than he can chew and the resignation of Ruth Davidson is an omen of the deep split in our ruling class.
Tony Greenstein

Please Sign AND Share the Petition to reinstate Asa Winstanley's Press Pass for Labour Party conference


This attack on free speech is a shameful act of appeasement – Israel’s Apartheid Press will be accredited unlike Electronic Intifada


If anyone had any doubts about what the witchhunt means in practice then the refusal to issue Asa Winstanley with a press pass should remove those doubts. It is about silencing the voice of Palestine and allowing the voice of Zionism and the Jewish Supremacist State to rule unchallenged.
It is shocking enough that Asa was ever suspended.  His only ‘crime’ has been to show through painstaking journalism that the fake anti-Semitism allegations in the Labour Party were a put up job. Asa has written a series of well researched articles such as:

How Israel lobby manufactured UK Labour Party’s anti-Semitism crisis and

Jewish Labour Movement was refounded to fight Corbyn

These article have caused great discomfort amongst the ranks of the Jewish Labour Movement and the operatives of the Israeli Embassy. They have have resulted in complaints by the JLM and to the Labour Party.  Free Speech is something that these racist bastards hate and the Labour Party, UNDER JENNY FORMBY’S DIRECTION has silenced Asa Winstanley.

Of course in Israel Palestinian journalists are shot at and detained whereas in Britain they rely on the useless bureaucrats of a Corbyn led Labour Party to deny press passes and suspend dissenting voices.

Employing the ‘logic’ of the Salem Witch Trials in America, which Arthur Miller used as an allegory for the McCarthy witchhunt in America, in The Crucible, denial that the Labour Party is anti-Semitic is proof that you are anti-Semitic. It is the logic of every fascist and police state the world over.  An accusation is tantamount to guilt which is what the JLM have been arguing for ever since they mounted their slow coup in 2015.

The suspension of Asa is shameful and the denial of his press pass is even more shameful.  Don’t just sign the petition share it and share this story too.

Bombard these racist bastards in Southside. Unfortunately whilst the hated Iain McNicol is gone his underlings still remain behind and in charge.  Jenny Formby has proved a wash out. 


Tony Greenstein



Flint Taylor's, 'The Torture Machine: Racism and Police Violence in Chicago,'

I confess to knowing little about police brutality in Chicago except that there was rather a lot of it. What I didn't know in particular is how torture was systemised by the Chicago Police under its Democratic Mayor Richard M Daley, the son of an equally infamous  mayor, Richard Daley.
Chicago, a bastion of the right-wing of the Democrats has been notorious for police violence ever since anti-Vietnam demonstrators protesting outside the 1968 Democratic Convention were set upon by the Police. The existence of an organised system of torture, organised by its police chief, Jon Burge led to international publicity and condemnation by the United Nations.
Much of this came to the fore after the revelations of torture at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq in 2004.   Mayor Daley was implicated in covering up what happened as Illinois’s public prosecutor. The Marshall Project’s Payback reported that:
In the normal course of things, the Wilson case would have been a double murder of C.P.D. officers solved in record time, another brilliant success for Jon Burge. But this time, when Burge and his men tried to drop Wilson off at the county jail for processing, the supervisor took one look at him and called the jail's medical examiner. When the examiner's report reached Dr. John Raba, the jail's medical director, he was so outraged, he wrote a letter to the C.P.D. superintendent, Richard Brzeczek. "All these injuries occurred prior to his arrival at the jail," Raba said. "There must be a thorough investigation of this alleged brutality."

Brzeczek sent the letter to the Illinois state's attorney, Richard M. Daley, asking for marching orders. Daley decided to skip the investigation, and his office proceeded to use the fruits of Burge's torture session to put Jackie Wilson away for life. Andrew Wilson got a death sentence.
Darrell Cannon - who was tortured into falsely confessing

Tony Greenstein

May 30, 2019 Carl Davidson LeftLinks
Haymarket Books,
By Flint Taylor
March 19, 2019
This is one of those remarkable works that won't fit under any one category. It's at once a history of a civil and human rights battles in Chicago with national and global reach.  
It is a text of modern urban sociology, an example of critical legal theory, a long polemic against white and class privilege, a literature of political exposure, a manual of strategy and tactics and, last but not least, for Flint himself, an autobiography. In its pages, Chicago’s top lawyer of the left also shares with us the intense and determined commitment, with all his highs and lows, that lasted through five decades of his personal life to the present day.
Flint Taylor
Testimony of Jon Burge
The narrative begins with Taylor as a young man, teamed up with other young radical lawyers fresh from passing their bar exams. They had been working with Chicago’s Black Panther Party and were among the first on the scene just after Fred Hampton was murdered in his bed. 
As the cops pulled out, the young lawyers managed to take over and secure the site, and pulled in the media and community leaders to examine the scene before any evidence was altered or disappeared. The reaction sent shock waves through Chicago, since it was clear there was no ‘shoot-out,’ as authorities had claimed, but cold-blooded assassination by Chicago police, with an assist from the FBI. To make a long story short, Hampton’s killers were never tried and walked free, but Taylor and his fellow legal team won a substantial wrongful death settlement from the City of Chicago for Hampton’s family in 1982. In the spirit of the times, the young lawyers took their share of the settlement and used it help sustain the People’s Law Office (PLO), dedicated to fighting police brutality and other injustices in the greater Chicago area, which they had founded in 1969.
To this day, the Chicago Police Department has never stopped supplying the PLO and other progressive lawyers with a constant source of new clients seeking justice. Whether by mistreating young people of color on the streets, trying to suppress free speech and protest, abusing of men in prison, attacking the LBGTQ community, or warping the courts with false evidence and accusations, through the daily practice of the CPD, the State’s Attorney’s office and City Hall, Chicagoans experienced or witnessed a decades-long reign of terror carried out by a police force with the rarely, if ever, observed mission of 'we serve and protect.’
The book cover of'The Torture Machine’ features an odd graphic at the heart of the story. Anyone not yet familiar will be puzzled by it. It’s a plain black box with a series of wires streaming out of it, along with a crank handle and knobs. It’s a replica of a device concocted by GIs in Vietnam to torture captured Vietnamese, both soldiers and civilians. Based on field telephones that could be charged up by cranking the handle, the wires, with alligator clips, would be connected to fingers, ears, nipples, testicles and genitals to deliver severe shocks and burns. Its jerry-rigged purpose was to torture those it was inflicted upon, to punish, and to extract information, all at once.
Protesters in Chicago
What did the device have to do with Chicago? Taylor and the PLO team, in taking up brutality and wrongful conviction cases over several years, kept hearing from clients that 'confessions’ had been extracted from them by torture, and these accounts often had one thing in common, the mention of this device and its use in Chicago’s Area Two police headquarters, in its upstairs detective offices headed up by Lt. Jon Burge, and a team of more than a dozen detectives and other CPD officers.
Flint Taylor
The PLO lawyers did a simple but radical thing. They took their clients at their word. They believed them and set about digging up the truth of their claims. They learned that Burge was a Vietnam veteran, and learned to use the electric shock device on prisoners during the war. Once Burge was in the CPD and moving up to detective rank, he had built at least one of his own, and was making use of it on Black male prisoners. And not just one or two prisoners, but at least 100 or more. Nor was it a rare event. Burge did it regularly, over decades. Nor did he do it alone; he had a squad of more than a dozen Area 2 and Area 3 detectives regularly using the box and other torture devices, such as plastic bags for suffocation. While they worked this evil mainly at night in the upstairs rooms of Area 2, they weren’t hidden from other cops. Others, all the way to the top of the CPD, knew about it. Likewise, the States Attorneys, some judges, and the Mayor’s office-in short, to one degree or another, the entire criminal justice system in the city was complicit in torture and other human rights abuses.
These assertions may seem far-fetched and over-the-top, at least to those unfamiliar with Chicago’s politics and police. But the power of the book is Taylor’s relentless and tenacious bringing the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, to the surface and the bright light of day. He had to do it doggedly, repetitively and sometimes little piece by little piece, decade after decade. But in the end, there it is, and there’s no one who can deny it without turning beet red with shame.
The torture saga begins with an incident in the early 1980s, where two Chicago police officers were shot and killed in an altercation with several Black men they had stopped. Over the next five days, six men were soon rounded up and tortured, and two of them, Andrew and Jackie Wilson, brothers, made 'confessions’ and were found guilty of the killings. Jackie Wilson contended that police abused him during interrogation, and his co-defendant and brother Andrew, was found by doctors after his interrogation to have numerous injuries. From prison, Andrew Wilson contacted the PLO and asked if they would work on a federal civil rights case, since his confession was extracted by torture.
'Labyrinthine’ would be a mild word for the complex manoeuvres through the courts on the cases of the two brothers over several years. But thanks to the PLO and allies, Jackie Wilson, sentenced to life, won his freedom. Andrew Wilson, sentenced to death, won a new trial, was convicted again, but was sentenced to life instead of death, and eventually died in prison. Andrew had also won a federal civil rights judgment.
Intermixed with the Wilson cases are dozens of others, some who committed no crime save being in the wrong place at the wrong time, with many victories for the defendants and their families. The crass examples of racial and class privilege and abuse in the prisons and courts introduced in Taylor’s accounts could fill a book on any one of those charged.
Chicago authorities were not happy with the work of the PLO lawyers. Time and again they were slandered as liars, con artists and only in it for the money made in million-dollar settlements. The cops were especially hostile and the source of threats of violence as well. But opposing attorneys, politicians, and supposedly neutral judges piled on as well.
Several key points, however, stand out in the course of the book and the evidence behind it. First, Taylor and his PLO colleagues were meticulous in putting the interests of their clients and their client’s families first and foremost. Second, they went to great lengths in 'seeking truth from facts’, even when dangerous to themselves. Third, they deserved every penny they got, and continue to get, in settlements- a good deal of which keeps the People’s Law Office alive and functioning for future cases.
But Taylor also had another motive, which weaves through the book like a red thread. He is determined to bring Jon Burge to justice, to try him in a court of law, and see him sent to prison. Moreover, he wants to see Burge’s boss, Richard M. Daley, held accountable. To accomplish these goals, Taylor and the PLO are well aware that the effort will be political as well as legal.
This is where a unique value of 'The Torture Machine’ shines. It’s a field manual of strategy and tactics, and Taylor is very good at it. From the start, he seizes every opportunity at the use of media to build his clients’ stories with a bigger picture of big-city politics, corruption, and injustice. It doesn’t matter if it’s a small neighborhood newsletter, the independent Chicago Reader, the widely read free paper selling futons along with progressive news, the Chicago Defender and other small Black newspapers, the Sun-Times and the Tribune, local and national TV, and the New York Times and other national publications. As one of his adversaries warned, 'there’s nothing more dangerous than letting Flint Taylor get in front of a camera or microphone.’
Even in unfriendly news outlets, Taylor takes the trouble to find and befriend those reporters with an open mind and a degree of professional objectively, if not sympathy. His goal seems to be recognizing that the court record is not the only record of value, and once something is in print or on tape, it might have multiple uses elsewhere, in or out of court, and often does. Taylor is also deft at building organizations and making use of coalitions, acknowledging a truth that trials are not only won in courtrooms, but in the wider community as well. Organizations not 'officers of the court’ can often speak more freely to the public. To win the victories and settlements aimed for, the PLO often had to assist in building an entire counter-hegemonic bloc, from people in the neighborhoods to the media and political groups, to a majority of the City Council.
Taylor and his comrades also do well in finding and making good use of conflicts and tensions in the camp of their adversaries. They evaluate judges one by one, check out the family inter-connections of various police officers and officials, looking for hints of bias, and make good use of the well-known differences between African American patrolmen and the rest of the force-all to find information to get them closer to the truths that will help their clients. A handful of cops even come forward out of the blue, disgusted with what they know is happening and breaking the 'code of silence.’ One goes to great length to remain secret-Flint nicknames him or her 'Deep Badge’-but he or she helped reveal the scope and breadth of the torture scandal (it was early on in the history of the scandal)
In the end, Taylor gets his man. First Burge is suspended, then fired, and retires with his pension and boat, the Vigilante (you can’t make this up!). But even as the statute of limitations runs out, Taylor makes trips to Florida (with bodyguard) to depose Burge, gets him back in court, and gets him found guilty of perjury, and finally sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison. Burge is broken physically but remains an unbowed racist and fascist to the bitter end. His luck with Daley is not quite as good. Taylor wins motion after motion to bring Daley to a deposition table, but Daley is not without resources and manages to parry all but one narrow last decision, one that might still go the wrong way for the former mayor. The final version of the book reveals that Daley, now suffering from the effects of a reported stroke, was deposed by Taylor in 2018 but the transcript is shrouded in court-ordered secrecy.
As Taylor notes, however, this is far from the only reason that Burge’s fate is only a partial victory. True, the PLO and allied lawyers have forced the city to pay over $130 million to those tortured and their families-not counting the enormous costs of lawyers for the police. Many police involved remain free and many tortured prisoners remain behind bars. The torture outrages will 'never be behind us,’ Taylor writes in his epilogue, not until Chicago 'reckons fully with the racist nature of law enforcement and mass incarceration.’
[Carl Davidson is the editor of Leftlinks, a DSA member and serves on the National Committee of Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism. He is author of several books, including 'New Paths to Socialism,’ available atChangemaker Publications.]

Chicago Police Commander Jon Burge and his crew tortured false confessions out of hundreds of black men. Decades later, the survivors fought for reparations.
By Natalie Y. Moore
Filed 6:00 a.m. 10.30.2018
May 6, 2015Whereas, the City Council wishes to acknowledge this exceedingly sad and painful chapter in Chicago's history, and to formally express its profound regret for any and all shameful treatment of our fellow citizens that occurred; and . . .
The nightmare starts in 1983. Darrell Cannon is driving a car down an expressway, looking for a place to dump a body. Since his elementary school days, he's been affiliated with a gang known as the Blackstone Rangers. By his mid-teens, he was a high school dropout working for a Blackstone leader named Jeff Fort, which is how he came to kill a man and go to prison the first time. Now he's out and back in the mix, and a few hours ago, another gang member named A.D. killed someone and asked him to help clean up the scene of the crime.
They find a spot, toss out the body and speed away as fast as they can.
A few days later, police arrest Cannon for the murder. He tells them he was just along for the ride, but they aren't in the mood to listen. They drive to a remote spot by a railroad track and stand him up in the road with his hands handcuffed behind him. One of the officers holds out a 10-inch cattle prod and another holds a pump-action shotgun. In an affidavit for one of the appeals he will file years later, he'll remember the warning one of the officers gave him: "You're in for a long, hard day. We have a scientific way of interrogating niggers."

See also

Reparations long time coming for victims of Chicago police torture

Ex-Chicago police commander linked to torture of more than 100 suspects dies

Brexit Must Be Buried BEFORE a General Election is Held


For Once Blair is Right – An Election Now is an Elephant Trap

It pains me to say it but the old war criminal is right!  Along with about 5,000 others, I attended the demonstration outside Parliament this evening.  Contrary to the description of it as a Momentum demonstration I did not spot one single Momentum banner. Tariq Ali in particular was in good form!
However the adventures were all taking place inside the House of Commons. In what must rank as the greatest split in the Conservative Party since the passing of the Corn Lawsin 1846, not only did Boris Johnson lose his majority because Philip Lee MP crossed the floor of the House to join the Lib-Dems but 21 of his own MPs voted in favour of the Commons taking control of its own business.
Rees-Mogg, the multi-millionaire whose disdain and arrogance is written all over his face
It is said that those whom the gods seek to destroy they first drive mad and at first sight it would seem that Johnson, alongside his dementor, Dominic Cummings (creatures that are said to suck happiness out of life) have decided to hijack the Tory Party and in so doing alienate their natural big business supporters. Time will tell how this ploy works out but sacking two former Chancellors of the Exchequer and a raft of former Ministers doesn’t seem the best way out of the crisis.
Racist Brexit Poster
However it could be argued that from Johnson’s perspective he had no choice. By sacking his detractors and going for a new election he can then remake the Tory party in his own image. If that is the strategy it is a decidedly risky one since he is alienating the ruling class. Boris’s tenure in No. 10 may be limited.
However my concern is not with the fate of the Tory Party but the Labour Party. The question is what does Jeremy Corbyn do now?
I have to be blunt. Corbyn’s strategy for the past 3 years on Brexit has been dire. There is no mistake he hasn’t made from callingfor Theresa May to initiate Article 50 on day one to having to be dragged screaming into supporting a second referendum.
Sir Robert Peel, at the time of the Corn Laws, surrounded by Disraeli and others taunting him - the Tories were out of power for 30 years as a result
Even now Labour’s position is unclear as Corbyn genuflects to the position of the Communist  Party 40 years ago when the Soviet Union sought to weaken the then EEC and left-wing trade union leaders preferred to indulge in a bout of nationalism to fighting the social contract policies of the Wilson and Callaghan governments.
Corbyn’s inability to articulate his position on virtually anything has severely weakened his position.  When socialists support him it is despite his actions not because of them.

Demonstration outside Parliament last night
Corbyn's capitulation to the fake anti-Semitism smears has spread the view that the Labour Party is anti-Semitic. He idiotically adopted the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism in order to play #metoo to Theresa May.  An act of utter stupidity and contrary to everything he had done before becoming leader.
Someone who possessed an ounce of backbone and/or intelligence would have pointed to the real racism against asylum seekers on the Labour Right and the hypocrisy of those who created the ‘hostile environment’ policy leading to the Windrush Scandal and the failures over Grenfell Tower.
Corbyn’s apologising and temporising for ‘anti-Semitism’, his refusal to state where he stood on Brexit and much more has resulted in a large part of his earlier support drifting into the camp of his opponents.  People can pretend otherwise but Corbyn would have difficulty mustering a majority in another vote for leader today.
Throwing supporters like Ken Livingstone, Chris Williamson, Pete Willsman, Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth and of course myself to the wolves has weakened him.  Repeatedly the Zionist Jewish Labour Movement have come back for more victims and at their last poorly attended conference passed a motion of no confidence in him almost unanimously. Almost pathetically, Corbyn’s response to the JLM’s threat of leaving Labour was to begthem to stay!
Corbyn’s refusal to adopt a clear remain position has allowed the Lib-Dems to recover from a near terminal position in 2017 to a situation where they are now almost level pegging at around 20%, just behind the Labour Party.
I can’t even be bothered with those fools who believe that because the European Union is a neo-liberal organisation that we should leave. As if the prospects of an independent British capitalist state under the thumb of Donald Trump, low taxes, American companies in the NHS and chlorinated chicken is an advantage since we will now pass our own laws.  We will even have our own reactionary judges making decisions, immune to the influence of those foreigners on the European Court of Justice.
The idea that you might remain part of the EU whilst opposing the competition laws and refusing to accept any interference in renationalisation has not occurred to Corbyn or his supporters. Remain and Reform should have been our slogan.
However this does not solve the problem of what to do now.  The House of Commons will no doubt pass legislation tomorrow preventing a no deal Brexit.  Given that he has sacked 21 Tory MPs Johnson seems to have copper bottomed his own defeat.  The question is what Labour should do.
At the present time it would, in my opinion, be madness to vote for a general election. Brexit needs to be sorted out and the only way that can be done is a second referendum. Corbyn should be pushing that strongly. The situation today has obviously changed since 2016 since people know what the choices are – No Deal or Staying in the EU.
If, instead of continuing to drag his feet, Corbyn were to lead the campaign for a second referendum and whip Labour members into line there is every chance that such legislation would pass.  It is after such a result that there should be a general election. The effect of a positive, yes vote in a Referendum would be to totally destroy the standing and credibility of Boris Johnson but it needs Labour not the Lib Dems to be seen to be leading that campaign.
I write this in the knowledge that my advice will be ignored.  Almost alone of bloggers and writers I predicted, in two articles in Apriland June2016 the prospect of a hung Parliament. If there is a general election soon I have to say I feel no such confidence. Corbynism may have run its course.
Tony Greenstein

Fancy that - Fake Charity, Sussex Friends of Israel, is 66 days overdue in submitting its accounts

The Wonder is that SFI an overtly political organisation was ever allowed to become a charity in the first place

Sussex Friends of Israel can't even be bothered to comply with the basic requirement of charities to file annual accounts on time

It couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of people. Founded by former inmate of Exeter HMP, Simon Cobbs, who even fellow far-Right Zionist Sharon Klaff has accused of blackmailing her, SFI has as its main, indeed only objective organising to combat any manifestations of support for the Palestinians.

It would seem that Sussex Friends of Israel don't believe that the most basic requirements of being a charity, filing annual accounts, apply to them. It would seem that racial supremacy has gone to their head.  Either way they are now 68 days late in filing their accounts.
Sussex Friends of Israel first came on the scene at the time of the pickets of Sodastream in Brighton five years ago.  After two years of demonstrations, when we witnessed repeated acts of aggression from them, vile racist abuse by people like Fiona Sharpe (see her baiting attack on a Palestinian as being a ‘fascist lying pig’) the shop was forced to close down.
Yet more attacks on Labour as an antisemitic party
Charities are under an obligation to be politically neutral - calling Corbyn a 'racist, terrorist supporting antisemite' would seem to breach that obligation
Recently they have taken to trying to harass the PSC stall at the Clocktower in Brighton. They had previously campaigned against ‘anti-Semitism’ in New Road, Brighton but such was the hostility of local people, coupled with the refusal of the Police to allocate resources to defend this mixture of Christian fundamentalists and racist bigots that in the end they sought shelter from the public with supporters of the Palestinians at the Clocktower, where peoples’ reactions to them are no different.
According to SFI the Labour Party is an anti-semitic party. Clearly they are not politically neutral
Their professed objects include
A)           educating the public in different religious beliefs, including an awareness of their distinctive features and their common ground to promote good relations between persons of different faiths. In particular, we are committed to ensuring that there is a balance in any debate about israel and encourage reconciliation between Jews and Arabs.
B)           promoting knowledge and mutual understanding and engaging meaningfully with those working towards a peaceful, just, democratic and lasting resolution of the...
These liars don’t even have the courage to state explicitly that their purpose is the defence of Israel at all costs. But then dishonesty is a fundamental feature of Zionism.
Sussex Friends of Israel entry on the Charity Commission register
SFI is a Zionist propaganda organisation containing a mixture of rabid Jewish and Christian racists. See The Janus Faced Fiona Sharpe of Sussex Friends of Israel
It is therefore with some sadness that I have to announce that this ‘charity’ has failed to meet even the most basic reporting requirements of a charity, i.e. filing accounts. It seems in some difficulty financially.  In its first year of operation, 2014-15, it had an income of £15,000 and spent precisely one pound. The next year they had an income of £10K and a surplus of £5K. In 2016-17 they had no income whatsoever and spent £15K and this year?  Who knows since they’ve obviously decided that the requirement to file accounts is in itself an act of anti-Semitism .
It's difficult to know what motivated SFI to put this vile article from the Sun on its Facebook page
They are, at the time of writing, over 2 months overdue.  No doubt they have more pressing things to do like support the far-Right in Israel and attack the Palestinians.
If you want to know how vile SFI is then you only need to look at the comments on their Facebook page at the time of the death of the Jewish Father of the House of Commons, Sir Gerald Kaufman. See SFI Pays Tribute on its Facebook page to Gerald Kaufman as only it knows how. Comments such as that by Trudy Greenstone-Segal that ‘If anyone was repulsive it was this traitor’ or Ros Ellis’s ‘some days are better than others.’
Fiona Sharpe, in fetching pink hair, is shouting abuse at a Palestinian
Given Gerald Kaufman considered himself a Zionist and supported a Jewish state but spoke up strongly against the horrific human rights abuses of Israel, then you can gain some understanding of just how far to the Right Sussex Friends of Israel is.
Tony Greenstein

Israel is not only the world’s most racist state it is a nation of murderers


What is it about Israel that makes it so attractive to anti-Semites, fascists and racists such as Trump, Bolsonaro and Duterte? 

Israel is proof that any group of people, including Jews, can, given the right set of circumstances become racists and fascists.

Racism is not biologically inherited. It is a product of society not genetics. Just as Germans today have not inherited a Hitler gene, so the same is true of Israeli Jews. They have no inherited the mantle of the oppressed Jews of Europe but what Israel has done is to transform the traditional image of Jews from the oppressed to the oppressor.
Professor Ze'ev Sternhell, a child survivor of a Nazi Ghetto sees in Israel the signs of pre-Holocaust Germany
Norman Finkelstein, in a recent interview, quoted Ze’ev Sternhell, a former professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, a childhood survivor of the Nazi ghetto of Przemyśl in Poland and a world authority on fascism.
According to Sternhell fascists and anti-Semites, amongst whom I include Trump, don’t see Israel as Jewish. The Zionist dream was always to create a nation like all other nations.  They succeeded only too well.  The settler nation that they created is the most right-wing and racist of any nation on Earth.  
Woody Allen - the archetypal Jew of the diaspora

Israel is the only state, bar Liberia, where Donald Trump is more popular than unpopular. Whereas Jews were historically seen as weak, intellectuals, cosmopolitan, erudite, artists, seditious and on the Left, Israel is seen as a warrior state, a military fortress. The archetypal Jew was a Woody Allen, Franz Kafka, Einstein and Marc Chagall. To Hitler the archetypal Jew was Karl Marx. The archetypal Israeli Jew is a racist bigot who revels in murder.
Geert Wilders, the Dutch Fascist leader speaking in Tel Aviv in 2010. Unlike Rashid  Tlaib and Ilhan Omar he was not banned from Israel
Israel accordingto Dutch fascist leader Geert Wilders is the front-line in the battle to defend Western civilisation. It is admired by every fascist or far-Right leader on the planet – from Brazil’s Bolsonaro to the Philipine’s Hitler loving President Duterte.
In Britain it is the English Defence League and Tommy Robinson’s Football Lads Alliance who parade with Israeli flags. Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins both admire Israel and the way it combats ‘Islam’.  Katie Hopkins understands this when she justifies the bomb attack against refugee supporting Jews at Pittsburgh whilst at the same time proclaiming her undying devotion to the Israeli state.
Netanyahu with his friend, Viktor Orban, the anti-Semitic ruler of Hungary
Don’t blame Trump, Hopkins wrotein respect of the Pittsburgh shooting. Rather, “Look to the Chief Rabbi and his support for mass migration across the Med[iterranean],” she wrote. “There you will find your truths.
As Finkelstein says Israel isn’t merely an alt-Right state but an alt-Right country. It isn’t simply a question of a far-Right government but a far-Right citizenry. ‘Israel has no left.  Israel has no centre’.  It has a Right, far-Right and further Right still.
Israel’s attractions to the alt-Right is that it is an ethno-nationalist state. Which is why the neo-Nazi founder of the alt-Right Richard Spencer described himself as a White Zionist and supportedIsrael’s Jewish Nation State Law.
Israel represents the kind of state, an ethno-nationalist state, that Spencer, Trump and Bannon are trying to build in the United States. Israel provides the model.  It is trying to deport thousands of refugees because they aren’t from the majority ethnic group in Israel and therefore threatenIsrael’s Jewish identity.
Finkelstein described Israel as a nation of murderers and he’s not far wrong.  When you have a demonstration in Tel Aviv in the middle of the attack on Gaza in 2014 which chanted ‘there’s no school in Gaza tomorrow, there are no children left’ i.e. boasting about the number of children murdered by Israel, then you realise that this is not a normal nation but a settler colonial state with all that entails. See Far-right Israelis celebrate Gaza kids’ deaths
Efraim Zuroff
The article below is by a Zionist, Efraim Zuroff, from the Simon Wiesenthall Centre.  Even he finds it difficult to stomach the open alliance between Israel and the far-Right and anti-Semitic regimes in Europe today.
Bibi, when you visit countries that no longer have Jews, maybe don't praise the first line they give you about how much they've fought anti-Semitism since the war

Times of Israel Aug 27, 2019,

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s trip to Ukraine early last week is yet another opportunity to assess Israel’s relations with the post-Communist new democracies of Eastern Europe, and especially those with a Holocaust past of participation in the systematic mass murder of Jews. In this respect, Ukraine in recent years has been one of the worst offenders in terms of distorting the history of the Holocaust, and glorifying individuals who collaborated with the Nazis in implementing the Final Solution. 
Thousands of Ukrainian nationalists hold a torchlight procession across Kiev in honor of Stepan Bandera, a World War II anti-Soviet insurgent, on January 1, 2015 (photo credit: AFP/Genya Savilov)
The deterioration of the situation is directly linked to local politics and the conflict with Russia over the annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the ongoing insurgency in Eastern Ukraine. Thus, for example, in May 2015, the Ukrainian Parliament passed a package of laws, one of which outlaws criticism of those who fought for Ukrainian statehood in the 20th century, despite the fact that it is indisputable that militias established in 1941 by the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), one of the most important movements that sought to achieve statehood, were active participants in the wave of anti-Jewish violence which swept Western Ukraine during the weeks following the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941. In fact, according to Swedish Holocaust historian Per Rudling, the most recent research on the involvement of the OUN in these actions, indicates that they participated in the murder of at least “thousands, perhaps even as many as tens of thousands, of Jews.” 
Netanhahu at Yad Vashem - Israel's Holocaust Propaganda Museum
This is only one small, but highly indicative, detail of the numerous steps taken by Ukrainian institutions and historians to whitewash the large-scale participation of their nationals in Holocaust crimes. The country is full of memorials and statues to Ukrainian Nazi collaborators and torchlight parades to honor the leaders of the OUN and UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which developed out of the OUN) are a common occurrence. Streets are named for OUN leader Stefan Bandera, whose birthday was recently declared a national holiday. In addition, quite a few Holocaust memorials have been defaced or vandalized in recent years, and not a single perpetrator of such crimes, or any other anti-Semitic acts, has ever been prosecuted, let alone convicted and punished, since Ukraine achieved independence with the fall of the Soviet Union.
The question is how should Israel respond, if at all, to these steps and to what extent should the rampant Holocaust distortion affect Israeli-Ukrainian relations? Unlike the situation in other post-Communist new democracies, where, for the most part, our ambassadors have refrained from getting involved in historical issues, our new ambassador in Kyiv, Joel Lion, has criticized initiatives to honor Holocaust perpetrators on at least three occasions, and has done so in at least one case with the Polish ambassador, since the “hero” in question was also involved in murdering Poles.
Netanyahu pays tribute to the Ukrainian regime which is rehabilitating Stefan Bandera and other Nazi collaborators
In retrospect, we are now in a position to assess current Israeli policy regarding Holocaust distortion, following Prime Minister Netanyahu’s state visit to Kyiv. Sad to say, but it strongly reminded me of his trip this past September to Lithuania, another prime offender when it comes to Holocaust-related issues. In fact, for many years, Lithuania was the country most active in initiating the cardinal tenets of Holocaust distortion, i.e., minimizing or hiding the participation of locals in Nazi crimes, promoting the canard of equivalency between Nazi and Communist crimes, glorifying anti-Soviet heroes despite their role in the Shoah, and lobbying for a joint memorial day for all the victims of totalitarian regimes, which would make International Holocaust Remembrance Day superfluous. Instead of drawing attention to these problematic policies, Netanyahu praised his hosts for the manner in which they sought to commemorate the Shoah, and, for good measure, he also lauded their (relatively nonexistent or at best minimal) efforts to fight anti-Semitism.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, left, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, right, stand at Babi Yar ravine where Nazi troops murdered tens of thousands of Jews during WWII, in Kyiv, Ukraine, August 19, 2019. (AP Photo/Zoya Shu)

This modus operandi was exactly replicated in Kyiv, which in recent years has by far surpassed Vilnius in its blatant Holocaust distortion and brazen systematic attempts to totally falsify the historical narrative of World War II and the Holocaust. Thus, for example, at Babi Yar, the site of the biggest Holocaust massacre, Netanyahu thanked the Ukrainian government for its efforts to preserve the memory of the Holocaust, and mentioned their (nonexistent) “efforts in the war against anti-Semitism.” The grotesque irony of these comments was noted by Israeli journalist Sam Sokol writing in The Times of Israel. In his analysis of the visit, he pointed out that Babi Yar can serve as an excellent illustration of Ukrainian Holocaust distortion, as the Ukrainians seek to commemorate OUN members there alongside Shoah victims.
If anyone is looking for a silver lining in this sad story, at least Netanyahu did not agree to recognize the Holodomor as a genocide (which it wasn’t) and he mentioned “Nazi collaborators,” several times, although the Ukrainians, like the Lithuanians, might attempt to claim that the term also includes members of the Judenrat and/or the Jewish police in local ghettos.
In short, Israeli policy on Holocaust-related issues in post-Communist Eastern Europe remains flawed and shameful, but it remains to be seen, exactly how it can be improved, a subject which I hope to address in a coming op-ed.
About the Author
Dr. Efraim Zuroff is the chief Nazi-hunter of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and the director of the Center's Israel Office and Eastern European Affairs.

See also

Netanyahu’s praise of Kyiv’s Holocaust remembrance only tells part of the story

Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine Ukraine demonstrates that given the choice between Jews and the Jewish state Zionism prefers the latter

The Community Security Trust’s Statistics on Antisemitic Incidents are Fake, False and Fraudulent


Reply to a Labour Zionist on the Pensive Quill

I was alerted to criticism on the Pensive Quill by Barry Gilheany, a member of the Jewish Labour Movement. Out of curiosity more than anything else, I discovered that the site was a Republican blog run by Anthony McIntyre, a former member of the Provisional IRA. It has on its masthead Dolours Price, one half of the  Price sisters who were gaoled for bombing the Old Bailey in 1973 and Brendan Hughes who initiated the hunger strikes in the 1980’s. Both had an involvement in The Blanket, a republican journal. 
Sir Ronald Storrs
I found it strange and still do that a Zionist should write for a Republican blog since Zionism and Unionism are siamese twins. Ronald Storrs, the first Military Governor of Jerusalem, wrote in his autobiography, Orientations, that the Zionist settlement in Palestine was ‘a little loyal Ulster in a sea of hostile pan-Arabism.’ The insertion of the Jewish settler colonial project into the Arab heartland was designed to further imperialist designs just as the creation of a Protestant Supremacist state in Ireland had done.
The Unionist parties, whose litmus test is support for a Protestant supremacist state in the north of Ireland, have always supported Zionism.
When the Zionists held a demonstration against ‘anti-Semitism’ in March 2018, DUP MP Ian Paisley jnr. and his fellow MPs joined the demonstration.  Paisley's father was a notorious supporter of Israel.
Conversely the Republicans have always been supporters of the Palestinians.  When I the nationalist ghettos in Belfast and Derry during The Troubles in the 1970’s and 1980’s they were festooned with murals supporting the Palestinians.  When, as part of a Brighton Labour Party delegation to Ireland we visited Andy Tyrie, the Commander of the Ulster Defence Association and John MacMichael (who was later assassinated) they told us of how they identified with the Israelis and saw the PLO as the equivalent of the ‘terrorists’ in the IRA whom they were fighting.

Gilheany based his article on anti-Semitism on the fake and fraudulent statistics of the Zionist Community Security Trust’s January-June 2019 Anti-Semitic Incidents Report. It is clear that this Report has been carefully scripted in order to provide a weapon to the Labour Party Witchhunt. It states:
There were 102 antisemitic incidents reported by CST that targeted Jewish organisations and events, rising by 59 per cent from the 64 such incidents reported between January and June 2018. This increase can largely be accounted for in the online response to Jewish leadership organisations issuing statements on social media regarding antisemitism in the Labour Party. Many of these antisemitic reactions were in the wider context of ‘smear’ accusations, spoke of conspiracy and attempted to delegitimise clear evidence of antisemitism; while others specifically targeted the social media accounts of Jewish organisations to respond to statements about antisemitism in the UK by holding these British Jewish organisations responsible for the actions of the Israeli government
The CST's founder and Chair Gerald Ronson,  who was gaoled for a year during the Guiness fraud trial - with friend
This is tendentious. Who were these ‘Jewish’ organisations?  The Board of Deputies presumably. What was the ‘clear evidence of anti-Semitism’ that was being delegitimized?  Criticism of Israel? Attacks by the Board on Chris Williamson?  We are not told but what we do know is that from their previous record the CST is closely linked to the Israeli state. The CST Report states that
In 100 cases - 11 per cent of all antisemitic incidents recorded by CST from January to June 2019 – the offender or offenders, and the abuse they expressed, were related to the Labour Party or the incidents occurred in the context of arguments about alleged Labour Party antisemitism.
This is guilt by association. The antisemitic incidents 'were related to the Labour Party.' In what way?  How? Were the persons concerned Labour Party members? Leaving aside just what constituted an antisemitic incideint . Without further details we have no way of knowing what it was that was being said, what the relationship (if any) was to the Labour Party and whether, like all Zionist organisations, CST is deliberately obfuscating and confusing the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism.
Reply to Barry Gilheany of the Jewish Labour Movement
Anthony McIntyre, now a journalist runs the Pensive Quill blog
The fact that the ‘increase’ in incidents of ‘anti-Semitism’ are wholly related to social media and the Internet suggests that this Report has one purpose and one purpose only.  To add oil to the fire of false accusations of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism used to be about discrimination, physical assaults, verbal abuse.  Now it appears to be a hostile tweet.
What would be interesting is if the CST or better still some independent organisation was to monitor and evaluate the degree of racism in the Jewish community against Muslims in particular.  My suspicion is that it would far outweigh any anti-Semitism, fake or actual, that is alleged in non-Jewish people.  However such a poll would not be politically convenient so it is doubtful anyone will be sponsoring it!
The Pensive Quill carried my rejoinder to Gilheany two days ago.
Tony Greenstein
Barry Gilheany in his article Labour Anti-Semitism & The IHRA Definition Of Antisemitism - Prevention Of Hate Crime Versus Freedom Of Speech reminds me of a fox entering a chicken coop to preach the virtues of vegetarianism. I would as soon take lessons on anti-racism from the British National Party as the Jewish Labour Movement.
I was brought up in a religious Zionist home with a father as a Rabbi. Despite this, by the age of 16, I realised that Marxism, which believes in the unity of the working class and universal principles of solidarity, was incompatible with Zionism which sees the unity of Jews as its guiding principle. To Zionism there is only one question: ‘is it good for the Jews’.
The Jewish Labour Movement is affiliated to the World Zionist Organisation whose Settlement Division has as its purpose the financing of settlements in the Occupied West Bank of Palestine. See ‘World Zionist Organization Settlement Division Finances Illegal West Bank Outposts’ There is nothing socialist about the JLM. It is akin to the now forgotten Liverpool Protestant Party.
The development of Unionism and Zionism followed very similar lines.  In 1921 Ireland was partitioned. In 1920 the Mandate of Palestine effectively began. The Colonial Secretary presiding over the birth of both Unionism and Zionism was Winston Churchill.
Zionism was the bastard cousin of Irish Unionism. As Sir Ronald Storrs, the first Military Governor of Jerusalem explained in his autobiography Orientations, ‘A Jewish State will be for England a little, loyal Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism’.  
But I forget. Gilheaney’s concern is not Israel or Zionism but anti-Semitism. The fact that he is a member of an overtly pro-Zionist organisation, the Jewish Labour Movement, is merely coincidental. He tells us that ‘the Jewish charity, the Community Security Trust’  has reported an increase in anti-Semitic incidents in the first 6 months of the year from 810 to 892, nearly all of which is due to Jeremy Corbyn becoming leader of the Labour Party.  Corbyn, ‘if not anti-Semitic himself, (he) has enabled anti-Semitism to grow on his watch just as Donald Trump has enabled and assisted in the growth of racism and race prejudice since becoming President of the USA.Apparently there is a veritable pogrom going on in Britain today, all of which is Corbyn’s fault.
It is difficult to know whether or not to laugh or cry at this nonsense. The reality is that there is probably less anti-Semitism today in Britain than there has ever been. The figures of the CST have little or no basis in fact. They are literally plucked out of thin air. You have more chance of accuracy if you spin the wheel in a game of roulette than relying on the CST.
In its Anti-Semitic Incidents Report for January-June 2019 the CST informed us that the 892 anti-Semitic incidents recorded were the highest ever for any six months period. It explained that this ‘can partly be attributed to increasing reports of online expressions of antisemitism.’ An online expression of anti-Semitism, such as a Tweet or Facebook post has now become an anti-Semitic incident. If only the victims of the Kishinev and Odessa pogroms in Russia had been so lucky. As far as I know no one has ever died  from a tweet!
One person can cause a Twitter storm. There is no possible way in which the level of racism in society can be measured by engaging in a social media lucky dip. Its completely impressionistic. Racism is about power, the power to discriminate, to oppress not a Tweet.
CST are being wholly disingenuous spinning their statistics in order to reach the desired conclusions. They explain that of the 892 incidents of anti-Semitism, no less than 323 of them consisted of online anti-Semitism, a full 36%. In 2018, for the same period, there were 221  such incidents, i.e. 27%. If you strip out on line anti-Semitism altogether then there has been a decrease in anti-Semitism over the past year from 589 to 569.
The CST records 85 assaults in the first six months of 2019 compared to 62 the previous year, an increase of 37%. The strange thing is that not one of these assaults were classified as ‘extreme’ i.e. causing injury or a threat to someone’s life. Yet when it comes to similar statistics for racial attacks, the number of serious incidents of violence compared to less serious or trivial assaults is about one-third.  Even more strange the number of assaults compared to racial incidents generally is also of the order of one-third, so if the 892 anti-Semitic incidents were genuine then one would expect something like 300 not 85 assaults.
Why is it that the CST’s statistics are out of kilter with all other measures of racial incidents?  Is it because they are being driven by a hidden political agenda or special interests or indeed that the CST is more assiduous in collecting statistics?  We don’t know because the CST, although in receipt of large amounts of public money is completely unaccountable.  There is no way of knowing whether what they call ‘anti-Semitism’ is driven by a Zionist/pro-Israel agenda. 
It would for example be interesting to know how many of these 85 assaults were recorded as crimes or subject to any form of prosecution? The answer is we don’t know, nor do we know what the criteria is for ‘abusive incidents’ and how they are distinguished from normal political argument. The CST is not a politically neutral organisation. It is openly Zionist. It sees as part of its remit collecting information on Jewish anti-Zionists and keeping anti-Zionists out of Zionist meetings. It compiles files on Jewish anti-Zionists (I obtained a massive file when I made a Subject Access Request a few years ago).
The CST finds it difficult to make a distinction between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. It says that they do not ‘not consider criticism of Israel or Zionism inherently antisemitic’ which is a strange way to put it. In other words anti-Zionism is usually anti-Semitic! Whatever else you could accuse the CST of it’s not political neutrality.
The CST admits that ‘There were 203 allusions to Israel, the Middle East or Zionism, used in antisemitic incidents recorded by CST, of which 18 directly compared or equated Israel with the Nazis.’ Equating Israel or Zionism to the Nazis isn’t anti-Semitic. Israelis do it all the time, See Calling Your Political Rival a Nazi Is a Time-hallowed Tradition in Israel
The truth is that a decrease in anti-Semitism wouldn’t serve CST’s purposes. CST is not merely a Zionist organisation, it is effectively a para-state body. It has closelinks to both the British and Israeli states. The Home Office gaveit £13.4 million in 2018. See para. s.6.2 of its own annual report‘Working with the Government, Civil Servants and the Police’.
The Community Security Trust's Carol Laser with friends
When the CST’s Security Director Carol Laser retiredScotland Yard presented her with a commendation usually reserved for officers shot in the line of duty.’ As Ms Laser admitted ‘"Nothing comes higher than the protection around the Israelis.’
Raed Saleh - who the CST tried to fit up - alongside rabbis from Neturei Karta
However when Raed Saleh, the leader of the Islamic Movement in Northern Israel came to visit Britain in 2011 he was greeted by an exclusion order and an attempt by Theresa May to deport him. The ‘evidence’ against him was provided by the CST. This evidence included a poem of his which had been doctored to include words relating to Jews. Channel 4 reported
‘The government’s main source of information was from the Jewish run Community Security Trust (CST). The CST has denied that it in any way misled the government. The group has also expressed disappointment that the exclusion order has been overturned.’
It is trite to say that Zionists use ‘anti-Semitism’ as a propaganda weapon against their opponents. This is why, according to Tony Lerman, the founder of the Institute for Jewish Policy Research, Mossad (MI6), with which the CST has close links, took over the monitoring and collation of anti-Semitism statistics.
Lerman was later forced to resign from his post because of his views. He documentedwhat happened in Antisemitism Redefined[‘On Anti-Semitism’ Haymarket Books, 2017]
I had close personal experience of the role the Mossad played in establishing Israeli hegemony over the monitoring and combating of antisemitism. While I was director of the Institute of Jewish Affairs (IJA) and its successor, the 'Institute for Jewish Policy Research OPR) in the 1990s, I founded and was principal editor of the annual Antisemitism World Report... The London Mossad representative dealing with antisemitism made it clear to me that they were very unhappy about our independent operation and then tried to pressure us into either ceasing publication or merging our report with one that the then new Project for the Study of Antisemitism at Tel Aviv University, headed by Professor Dina Porat and part-financed by the Mossad, was beginning to produce.
What possible reason could there be for Mossad to take over responsibility for the monitoring of anti-Semitism in Jewish communities abroad?  Can you imagine MI6 getting involved in the race relations business in Britain?  There is only one explanation and it is that ‘anti-Semitism’ is a vital part of the political defence of Israel.
The statistics of anti-Semitism compiled by the CST are not worth the paper they are written on. They are part of Israel’s propaganda war against its adversaries. To paraphrase Mark Twain, there are lies, damn lies and CST statistics.
Gilheany says that ‘one of the kernels of the Labour anti-Semitism dispute relates to Israel and Zionism’ and that the document at the heart of it is the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism.
Which is like saying that opposition to the British presence in Ireland makes you an anti-British racist or that support for a United Ireland means you are anti-Protestant.  Zionism like Unionism is a political not a racial project and opposition to them is political not racial.
The IHRA ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism is a racists' charter. Why does one even need a definition unless there is a hidden agenda? When my dad joined 100,000 Jews and non-Jews at the Battle of Cable Street in 1936 to stop Oswald Moseley’s British Union of Fascists marching through the Jewish East End of London he didn’t need a definition of anti-Semitism to know what anti-Semitism is! It’s a complete nonsense.
The IHRA isn’t even a definition. It’s 500+ words long. The Oxford English Dictionary definition of anti-Semitism, ‘hostility to or prejudice against Jews’ is just 6 words. The IHRA is so long because that’s how much it takes to conflate anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.
The IHRA definition has been around, in one guise or another, since 2005. The definition has been criticised by academic researchers such as Brian Klug, David Feldman, and Antony Lerman; jurists including Hugh Tomlinson QC, Stephen Sedley, Geoffrey Bindman QC, and Geoffrey Robertson QC who described it as not fit for purpose.. Even the original drafter of the IHRA, Kenneth S. Stern stated that:
‘“The definition was not drafted, and was never intended, as a tool to target or chill speech on a college campus.,”. “It was never supposed to curtail speech on campus.” 
The IHRA has 11 examples of ‘anti-Semitism’, seven of which refer to Israel.  For example ‘Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.’ In Nazi Germany mobs chanted Death to the Jews.  In Israel mobs chant Death to the Arabs.  Why is this anti-Semitic?  Is Ze’ev Sternhell, a childhood survivor of a Polish Ghetto an anti-Semite for writing about Israel’s ‘Growing Fascism and a Racism Akin to Early Nazism
Another example of ‘anti-Semitism’ is ‘Applying double standards by requiring of it[Israel] a behaviour not demanded or expected of any other democratic nation.’ Which begs the question, is Israel a democratic state? Israel is an ethnocracy not a democracy. Its Jewish majority was created out of the forced expulsion of the native Palestinians.  If you don’t accept that Israel is democratic then you declared ‘anti-Semitic’. There was a time when anti-Semitism was about hating Jews, not criticising Israel or Zionism.
According to the IHRA ‘Denial of the right of the Jewish people to self-determination’ is anti-Semitic. Gilheany argues that if you oppose the right of every other national minority, from the Kurds to the Catalans, to an independent state then you ‘would not be seen as a priori anti-Semitic’.  This is not true but is in any case irrelevant.
It used to be the case that those who argued that Jews constituted a separate nation  were condemned as anti-Semites. Jews argued that they were British and Jewish by religion. The Zionist belief that Jews are strangers whose ‘real home’ is in Israel was seen as a form of Jewish anti-Semitism.  Indeed this is the real purpose of this false and confected ‘anti-Semitism’. To persuade Jews that they should ‘return’ to Israel.
Lucien Wolfe, who was Secretary of the Conjoint Foreign Committee of the Board of Deputies wrote, during the negotiations around the Balfour Declaration in 1917 that:
I have spent most of my life in combating these very doctrines, when presented to me in the form of anti-Semitism, and I can only regard them as the more dangerous when they come to me in the guise of Zionism. They constitute a capitulation to our enemies, which has absolutely no justification in history, ethnology or the facts of everyday life, and if they were admitted by the Jewish people as a whole, the result would only be that the terrible situation of our coreligionists in Russia and Romania would become the common lot of Jewry throughout the world.’
As Isaac Deutscher wrote in ‘The Non-Jewish Jew and Other Essays’:
the great majority of East European Jews were, up to the outbreak of the second World War} opposed to Zionism... the most fanatical enemies of Zionism were precisely the workers, those who spoke Yiddish... they were the most determined opponents of the idea of an emigration from East Europe to Palestine... in the idea of an evacuation, of an exodus from the countries in which they, had their homes and in which their ancestors had lived for centuries, the anti-Zionists saw an abdication of their rights, a surrender to anti-Semitism. To them anti-Semitism seemed to triumph in Zionism, which recognised the legitimacy and the validity of the old cry ‘Jews get out!' The Zionists were agreeing to get out
As anti-Semitism increased in Poland so did support for Zionism wane.  In the last local elections in 1938, out of the 20 Jewish Council seats in Warsaw 17 were won by the anti-Zionist Bund and just one by the Zionists.  Everywhere in Poland it was the same story.  Zionism was seen as a capitulation to anti-Semitism.
Gilheany’s conspiracy theories about Stalinism and the Soviet Union lying behind the revelations of Nazi-Zionist collaboration are absurd. It wasn’t Stalin who was responsible for the fall of the second Sharrett government in Israel in 1955 but the verdict in the Kasztner libel trial, brought as a result of the accusations of Jewish survivors of the Holocaust against the leader of Hungarian Zionism that his collaboration had led to the deportation of thousands of Hungarian Jews.  It is a fact, amply documented by Zionist historians such as Francis Nicosia and Lucy Dawidowicz, that the Zionists were the favoured Jews of the Nazis, the ones who traded with them not campaigned against them.
It's one of these strange coincidences but antisemites and racists, the world over, like Hitler admirer and Philipenes ruler Duterte, love Israel and even pay homage to the dead of the Holocaust
Zionism is and always has been a reactionary movement and ideology.  Today that should be clear to all when the best friends of Israel are anti-Semitic leaders like Trump, Orban and Duterte. When even the neo-Nazi founder of the alt-Right in the United States, Richard Spencer openly boaststhat he is a White Zionist and Netanyahu’s own son pens an anti-Semitic cartoon of George Soros that is immediately republishedby David Duke of the KKK then it should be clear why Gilheany’s attempts to portray the Left as anti-Semitic are, to quote Neil Young, pissing in the wind.. Socialist Zionism was always an oxymoron, today it is simply a bad joke.
Tony Greenstein

My Homage to Catalonia - the Centre of Resistance to the Spanish State


For the past three years I have been taking a holiday in French Catalonia whilst also venturing over the Spanish border.  Below are some photos from our trips to:
i.                   A waterfall near the town of Ceret (about 20 miles from Perpignan)
Naval Commandos training at Collioure
ii.                 A trip to Figueres where the Salvador Dalli museum is.  However we got there too late!
iii.              A trip to the French city of Narbonne with its unfinished cathedral
Old Roman road in Narbonne
The Yellow Train through the  Pyrenees

the view from the yellow train

At the entrance to the fort is a statute to General Jean Gilles, a war criminal who saw service in Vietnam (French Indo China), Suez and Algeria
Mont Louis
The fort at Mont Louis where there is a commando unit training centre

iv.              A trip on the Yellow Train through the Pyrenees starting Villefranche de conflent. We stopped off at Mont-Louis where there is a commando training centre.

Wall around Mont Louis

v.                 Colleioure, seaside town which is also the home to a naval commando unit, who rushed down the town’s steps to train in the harbour
vi.                   Today we went to visit Girona, the nationalist city at the heart of Spanish Catalonia where we saw many political posters in support of the political prisoners that the Spanish state has detained.  Catalonian flags flew from many buildings and it is clear that Catalonian independence is supported by the vast majority of those who live in this city.  We also visited the magnificent cathedral and walked round the city before having some tapas!
Girona Cathedral
The Cathedral at Girona

Tony Greenstein
Salvador Dalli's museum at Figueres

As Israel moves to the openly racist far-Right, there is no longer any room for a hypocritical Zionist left that talked equality and practised ethnic cleansing


For 30 years the Israeli Labour Party was the party of government – next Tuesday it may be wiped out as the Judeo-Nazi Otzma Yehudit is forecast to enter the Knesset 

On Tuesday Israel will hold its second General Election of 2019. The last elections in April gave Netanyahu’s Likud and his Blue-White opponents 35 seats each. They also saw the Israeli Labour Party [ILP] nosedive, going from 24 to 6 seats and the left Zionist Meretz, cling on with 4 seats.
This time the ILP is forecastto get even fewer, possibly 4 or 5 seats and Meretz, which is now the Democratic Party, 5 or 6 seats. When you think that the ILP, or Mapai as it was before 1968, gained 46 seats in the 1949 elections with Mapam to its left gaining 19, then you can see the scale of decline. In 1949 Mapai leader David Ben-Gurion chose to form a government with the religious parties not Mapam.
In 1951 Mapai and Mapam gained 60 seats. In 1955 Mapai, Mapam and Ahdut gained 59 seats. In 1959 Mapai gained 47 seats and Mapam and Ahdut Ha'avodah gained 16 seats, an absolute majority of 63 out of 120.
As late as 1969 the Israeli Labour Alignment, which included Mapam and Ahdut gained 56 seats. From 1949 to 1977 the ILP/Mapai formed every single coalition government. The last time that the ILP was in this position was in the 1992 elections under Yitzhak Rabin when the ILP gained 44 seats and Meretz, which included Mapam, Shinui and Ratz, the Citizens Rights Party, gained 12 seats. Even then the government rested on the support of the Arab parties.
The ILP hasn’t formed a government in its own right since 1999 when Ehud Barak defeated Netanyahu for the post of Prime Minister.  Within two years he had resigned and Likud’s Ariel Sharon became Prime Minister.
The ILP has seen a steady decline in the number of seats from 26 in 1999 to 19 in 2003 and 2006, 13 in 2009 and 15 in 2013. In 2015, after a merger with Tzipi Livni’s Hatnuah there was an increase to 24 seats. Labour’s new right-wing leader Avi Gabbay ditched Livni in the April 2019 elections and the ILP gained just 6 seats. 
Meretz, which is all that remains of the left-Zionist Mapam, gained 5 seats in 2015 and 4 in April 2019.  Even worse from its standpoint, it only managed to cling on to representation in the Knesset (where you now have to gain 3.25%) because it gained over 40,000 Israeli Palestinian votes.  This was primarily due to the reaction of the Druze population to the Jewish Nation State Law. However for a Zionist party to rest on Arab votes is untenable, so Meretz has cooked up a deal with former Prime Minister Ehud Barak.
Barak is a war criminal having been responsible for the saturation bombing of Lebanon and for coining the phrase which Likud adopted that Israel ‘has no partner for peace.’ He also oversaw the murder of 13 Israeli Palestinians on Land Day in October 2000, which saw the start of the Second Intifada.
The alliance with Barak and Labour defector Stav Shaffir has been named the ‘Democratic Party’ and it is forecast that they will enter the Knesset.  However it represents the last desperate throw of the dice of the Zionist left. Lacking any social programme worthy of the name and having little or nothing to say about the military occupation in the Occupied Territories and the expansion of the settlements, they can only resort to rearranging the deckchairs on what is the Zionists’ Titanic.
Labour Zionism founded and built the Israeli state through organisations and institutions such as the kibbutzim and Histadrut. Collective colonialism which was essential to building the state, is now an anachronism. There is no longer any need to pay lip service to social democracy still less socialism. Israel is now an openly racist society with a Prime Minister whose Facebook page bore the message that the ‘Arabs want to annihilate us all – women, children and men’.[1]
For over half a century the ILP practiced ethnic cleansing at home, building Israel’s apartheid state whilst preaching the brotherhood of man abroad. It presided over a large state run economy with its ‘trade union’ Histadrut being Israel’s second largest employer. Today the Histadrut enterprises have all been privatised. There is no longer a Labour economy. Netanyahu’s Stabilisation Pact saw to that. Israel is the apostle of free market capitalism.
Israel no longer has a need for Labour Zionist hypocrisy. Zionism no longer needs to be Janus faced, one racist face turned inwards towards Israeli Jews and the other, social democratic face turned outwards to gullible world leaders and western public opinion.
Labour Zionism no longer has a role to play. Israel is aligned with the far-Right and Trump internationally. There is no longer a need for any pretence. Labour Zionism’s formulation of a Jewish Democratic State was always an oxymoron, a lie based on a contradiction.  If the state was democratic then how could it be based on just one section of the population?  By definition a Jewish state meant one which privileged Jews over non-Jews.
The reason that a second election is necessary is because Avigdor Lieberman, leader of Yisrael Beteinu, refused to join Netanyahu’s coalition after the April elections unless the Orthodox parties agreed that their supporters would serve in the Israeli army.  Lieberman represents mainly Russian immigrants and is on the far-Right of Israeli politics, for example supporting the transfer of Israeli Arabs, whom he considers a fifth column, calling for them to swear a loyalty oath to  Israel.
Nonetheless Lieberman represents secular racism in a state where racism is legitimised by a rabbinical caste. Much of Lieberman’s Russian base is either half-Jewish or non Jewish. Many Russian Jews are the equivalent of the Mishlinge (mixed race Jews) in Nazi Germany.
The cleavage between orthodox and secular Jews represents a fundamental division within Israel’s herren volk. It represents a division  between Zionism's secular origins and today's messianic settler movement.
However it is a battle that the Orthodox will win because the whole ideological justification for Zionism is that it represents the ‘return’ of Jews to the Promised Land. Without the rabbis’ blessing, Israel’s claims to dispossess the Palestinians lack all moral justification, other than that of brute force.
If it wasn’t for the Palestinians Israel could be consumed by civil war. Hatred of the Palestinians provides the glue for Zionist unity in Israel much as anti-Semitism provided the ideological glue for the Nazi party.
Yet despite Lieberman’s virulent racism, many in the Labour Zionist parties consider that because he is anti-Netanyahu then he is somehow of the Left. There is an almost total failure by the Zionist ‘left’ parties to recognise that the problem is not Netanyahu but Zionism, the Jewish nature of the Israeli state is the real problem.
Former Knesset member Michael Ben Ari of Otzma Yehudit surrounded by Jewish neo-Nazi thugs
It is no accident that a party such as Otzma Yehudit, which is the inheritor of Rabbi Meir Kahane’s Kach should be tipped to enter the Knesset with 4 seats, possibly as many as the ILP.  In 1984 Kahane obtained 1 seat (at that time 1% of the vote entitled a party to enter the Knesset). Today with a plethora of far-Right and further Right parties, there is a distinct possibility that a Jewish neo-Nazi party will enter the Knesset.
Otzma Yehudit includes within its leadership Benzi Gopstein, leader of the fascist Lehava group which campaigns against mixed Jewish-Arab relationships and employs groups of thugs to physically attack Arab men suspected of seeking relations with Jewish women. In April Netanyahu successfully pressurised the United Right party to include Otzma Yehudit on its ticket. Today it is actively helping Otzma Yehudit to cross the electoral threshold.
Netanyahu himself is desperately trying to avoid corruption charges, if necessary by a statutory provision that exempts the Prime Minister whilst in office from criminal charges. This is what his election calculations are based around.
Ayelet Shaked - the racist former Justice Minister - who called for the genocide of Palestinians and openly supports Jewish only communities in Israel itself
The far-Right has coalesced in the Yamina list headed by former Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked.  It is tipped to gain 9 seats. It consists of 3 parties – the New Right and the Union of Right-wing parties (itself a combination of Jewish Home and Tekuma).
The ultra-Orthodox Shas and United Torah Judaism will pick up between 14 and 16 seats.
It is impossible at present to predict the outcome. Netanyahu has excelled himself with the racist nature of his campaign.  Even Facebook suspended his talking bot after a message appeared on his official Facebook page saying that all Arabs wanted to annihilate the Israelis. The message of Likud’s campaign is that the ‘leftist’ Blue and White Party will form a coalition government with ‘the Arabs’.
Blue and White is headed by former war criminal and Chief of Staff, Benny Gantz, responsibility for Operation Protective Edge in 2014 which murdered 2,200 Palestinians in Gaza including 550 children. There is no real difference in their attitude towards the Palestinians or Arabs between Netanyahu and Gantz.
Netanyahu accuses Blue and White of intending to form a ‘leftist’ government which includes the Arabs.  Gantz denies that he will have anything to do with the Joint List which is made up of the Communist Hadash, United Arab List, Ta'al and Balad parties. This is the level of political debate in Israel today.
This kind of accusation is what is driving the election campaign.  Instead of Benny Gantz, the leader of Blue and White saying ‘what does it matter if I form a government with the Arab parties’ he immediately denies any such intention.  God forbid that Arab parties were included in a governing coalition.
The Arab parties and Hadash have reunited after the divisions of April 
2019 but whether they can regain their former position after the 2015 elections when they gained 13 seats is doubtful. 
Whatever the result Israel is in for a period of instability as Netanyahu tries to fend off criminal charges.  Unfortunately the ‘left’ in Israel today sees Netanyahu as the main problem not the racist anti-Arab society that Zionism has created. Netanyahu feeds off the racism of Israeli settler colonialism. He is not the cause. 
It also seems clear that Israel politically is going to face a continued period of political paralysis.  Neither Netanyahu nor Gantz is going to be able to form a coalition and indeed the obvious coalition is one between Likud and Blue and White or even between Likud and what remains of the Labor Party.
There is also talk of another attack on Gaza and a postponement of the election entirely, which might also suit Netanyahu as he seeks to evade his corruption charges.

Tony Greenstein

[1]              Netanyahu's New Election Message: 'Arabs Want to Annihilate Us All', Ha'aretz 11.9.19., https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/elections/.premium-netanyahu-s-new-election-message-arabs-want-to-annihilate-us-all-1.7832283

The Lib Dem Leadership Wages War on the Palestinians and their supporters as they welcome Chuka Ummuna and Luciana Berger


Contrast the silence of Layla Moran, the Lib Dem’s ‘Palestinian’ Quisling with Rashida Tlaib's brave fight against Trump and AIPAC


In March this year the Lib Dems suspended their Friends of Palestine group. As the issue of Palestine and Zionism has become the symbol of the Right’s hatred of Corbyn so the Lib Dems leadership have all but outlawed any criticism of Israel and Zionism.
As Israel veers to the extremes of the racist right, with two prominent Rabbis (Cashtiel and Radler) even telling their students at a pre-military Yeshivah that Hitler was right, he just got the wrong victims, the Lib Dems outlaw any criticism of Zionism and the idea of a 'Jewish' racial state. 

As Israel's recent election witnessed a competition between the two major Zionist parties as to who was more hostile to Israel’s Palestinian minority, the Lib Dems have ensured that Labour’s traitorous Zionist rejects feel welcome and at home.
the late Louis Eaks, pro-Palestinian Chair of the Young Liberals
It was not always like this.  In 1970 the Young Liberals supported a democratic, secular state in Palestine and even the abolition of the Israeli state as a Jewish state. The late Louis Eaks, their Chairman, went on to edit Free Palestine. Indeed Dave Rich, the CST Deputy Director in his atrocious book ‘The Left’s Jewish Problem– Jeremy Corbyn, Israel and Anti-Semitism’ attributed the rebirth of anti-Zionism on the Left to Eaks and the Young Liberals. Rich wrote that Eaks 'did more than anyone else to make Palestine a mainstream issue for the British left.”
Rashida Tlaib, US Congresswoman of Palestinian origin has been forthright in support of the Palestinians unlike Moran
Today the Liberal Democrats have abandoned any pretence to be a centre left party. Their new leader Jo Swinson, who was a Minister under David Cameron and personally responsible for the introduction of massive Employment Tribunal fees, as well as going along with all the attacks on claimants and refugees, local authority funding cuts and tuition fee increases, has pledged never to support Corbyn.  She and the rest of her yellow Tories have adopted wholeheartedly the libel that to support the Palestinians and oppose Zionism is antisemitism.
At a time when ‘anti-Semitism’ is the weapon of choice of the Right in their attack on Corbyn then it is no surprise that Swinson should embrace it. And what better way to demonstrate that you oppose ‘anti-Semitism’ than to ban and prevent the Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine from having the right to organise in your party? Free Speech means nothing to these 'liberals'.
Former leaders Farron and Cable - Farron is an evangelical Christian Zionist
The Party of freedom and civil liberties has, when it comes to Israel, adopted a slavish attitude of support for a state which has just barred 4.5 million Palestinians from taking part in an election as to who governs them and which keeps them under a Military Law which incarcerates and abuses hundreds of children.
Whereas the supporters of Zionism and Jewish supremacism in the Lib Dems have no obstacles placed in their path, supporters of the victims of Israeli racism and occupation are not allowed to organise.  This is the Lib-Dem version of free speech and the right of association.
Tom Watson's mate, Luciana Berger, finds a welcome amongst the Lib Dems
Twelve members of the Lib Dem Friends of Palestine [LDFOP] wrote an Open Letter to their party leadership in June and when that was ignored they wrote an article on Open Democracy. What they have written demonstrates that the Lib Dems are a deeply reactionary and undemocratic party.
The LDFOP were suspended after they posted an article by Electronic Intifada journalist Asa Winstanley, who wrote that Sir David Garrard, a ‘multi-millionaire pro-Israel lobbyist’was funding the Independent Group of MPs.  As they said ‘We see no evidence that Winstanley’s assertion is untrue, or in any way antisemitic.’ Apparently the truth is now antisemitic!
The assertion is obviously true, as a cursory search of people like Tom Watson or Ian Austin’s entry on the  parliamentary register of MPs demonstrates.  Garrard funds a number of right-wing pro-Israel politicians.
Their letter also argued that the Lib Dems should ditch the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism and  ‘revert to a simple definition, such as that in the Oxford English dictionary: hostility to or prejudice against Jews. ‘
Despite asking for a response to their letter none has been forthcoming. They complain in their Open Democracy article that:
We did not get any response from the Party leadership, but tried to get the topic discussed on four different Lib Dem online forums, only to find ourselves shut out of one platform after another. On one of them, Party activists and officers subjected us and others to troll-like abuse. We have formally complained about our treatment but, having seen no action since 16 June, are not holding our breath.
The federal board has now reinstated LDFP, but under unjustified and humiliating conditions that will make it much harder for it to speak truth to power and question the IHRA definition.
The false 'anti-Semitism' narrative is a ruling class narrative and the reactionary Jo Swinson is not going to allow any opposition in the party to surface to Israeli Apartheid and its supporters. Swinson has gone out of her way to endorse the attacks on the Labour Party as ‘anti-Semitic’.  Those who dissent from this are being silenced.  The Lib Dem leadership don’t do debate.
When you think that the Israeli state is currently arming and equipping the Burmese regime in its genocide of the Rohinga, just as it armed the Hutu regime in Rwanda at the time of the genocide there, to say nothing of the neo-Nazi Azov battalion in Ukraine and it supports any number of reactionary regimes such as Saudi Arabia and Narendra Modi then you have to be particularly dumb to think that this is about anti-Semitism. 
The Lib Dem’s posture is solely about UK support for a foreign policy in the Middle East that is indistinguishable from that of Donald Trump.  Support for Israel is the bedrock of western foreign policy in the Middle East.
Jo Swinson attacks BDS and the Palestinians
Swinson has gone out of her way to attack BDS. The Jewish Chronicle writes that Swinson condemned BDS whilst supporting the two state solution. 2 States is an apartheid solution. It provides Israel  with a justification for depriving Palestinians, who have lived for over half a century under military occupation, of any civil or political rights. You would have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to notice that Israel is not, under any circumstance, going to grant Palestinians a state.
In this week’s election, the ‘left’ Zionists   of the Democratic Party (formerly Meretz) and the Israeli Labour Party gained 11 out of 120 seats in the Knesset. In Israel's first election in 1949 the two labour Zionist parties obtained 65 seats. Today Israel is ruled by a group of open racists and fascists yet Swinson is happy to condemn the only means of pressurising Israel into changing its behaviour. 

Perhaps it was more Black and White when sanctions and disinvestment were the main weapons employed by activists against Apartheid South Africa. In 1933 world Jewry (the Zionists excepted) mounted a Boycott against Nazi Germany. No doubt if Swinson had been around then she would have joined Thatcher in her opposition to sanctions on South Africa and the Zionists when they decided to trade with rather than boycott Nazi Germany. They called it Ha'avara.
The Lib Dems and the Liberals before them have always been pro-Zionist but never as strongly as they are today.  The Lib Dems have recently welcomed Zionist defectors from the Labour Party. Ben Rich wrote in this week’s Jewish Chronicle that Luciana Berger's decision to join the Lib Dems could be a game changer.
This is wishful thinking. The idea that these New Labour leftovers represent anything or anyone is a political fantasy. However what is true is that it has become almost impossible to be a supporter of the Palestinians still less an anti-Zionist in the Lib Dems.
David Ward, who was the Lib Dem MP for Bradford from 2010-2015 was suspended for questioning Zionism in 2013 and the fact that the suffering of Jews in the Holocaust hasn’t led to Israel changing its behaviour. He said that
"Having visited Auschwitz twice - once with my family and once with local schools - I am saddened that the Jews, who suffered unbelievable levels of persecution during the Holocaust, could within a few years of liberation from the death camps be inflicting atrocities on Palestinians in the new State of Israel and continue to do so on a daily basis in the West Bank and Gaza."
Karen Pollock, the Zionist CEO of the Holocaust Educational Trust, said she was "deeply saddened" that the MP had "deliberately abused the memory of the Holocaust".
Given the way the Holocaust is repeatedly used to justify and defend Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians, Pollock’s comments can only be described as a chutzpah. The Holocaust is Israel’s main ideological weapon of defence.
The other victim of the Lib Dem leadership’s Zionism is Baroness Jenny Tonge who was forced to resign from the party for daring to challenge the existing consensus. Like David Ward, she was penalised for dissenting from the leadership’s pro-Zionism.
Layla Moran - the Lib Dem's Palestinian Zionist
Layla Moran– Palestinian by origin, Zionist by politics
You might though have expected that Layla Moran, the first British parliamentarian of Palestinian origin, to have stood up for and defended the right of the Lib Dem’s Friends of Palestine group to organise. Not a bit of it.  Moran is a Palestinian Judas.  Not a word of protest has come from this collaborator.
Contrast Layla Moran with the four Black Congresswomen and their support for Palestine
On the contrary she has used her Palestinian origins to lend her support to the idea that supporters of Palestine are anti-Semitic. Without attempting to provide a scintilla of evidence, because throughout the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign evidence has been conspicuous by its absence, she uses the Guardian to bolster her establishment credentials. She wrote:
So, to all the vile antisemites out there: clear off from the Palestinian quest for freedom and justice. Take your odious Jew-hatred elsewhere and do not think for one second that your views help champion Palestinian rights.
Moran thus buys into the idea that the Palestine Solidarity movement, which she has never been a part of, is riddled with anti-Semitism. In fact the exact opposite is the case but Moran, who trades on her origins and little else, knows nothing about what actually happens.
It is difficult to find a parallel to her treacherous behaviour. At a time when Palestinians under Occupation face increasing house demolitions and land thefts as well as violence from settlers and Israeli abuse of their children, where the king maker Avigdor Lieberman after Israel’s elections has long campaigned for the transfer of Israel’s Palestinian citizens, Layla Moran deems it appropriate to slander and libel a movement she has never contributed anything to.
You can get some measure of just how much of a worm Moran is by the description of her by the Jewish Chronicle’s poisonous Political Correspondent Marcus Dysch as “rare, and pretty classy”. Rare she certainly is, since being a Quisling is not a normal occupation.

The Jewish Chronicle which has consistently defamed the Palestinians, which has led the campaign against Corbyn and which has never allowed a glimpse of the reality of Israel’s occupation or its apartheid structure to reach its readership, in stark contrast to America’s Jewish Forward, nonetheless sees fit to praise Layla Moran.  Dysch's praise says everything you need to know about this opportunist.
 Moran's treachery recalls Jack London’s Ode to a Scab’London wrote that:
After God had finished the rattlesnake, the toad, and the vampire, He had some awful substance left with which He made a scab. A scab is a two-legged animal with a corkscrew soul, a waterlogged brain, and a combination backbone made of jelly and glue. Where others have hearts, he carries a tumor of rotten principles. 
I couldn't have put it better myself!!  Contrary to Moran’s assertion anti-Semites have always been the best supporters of Zionism. Zionism accepted and still accepts that Jews’ real home is in Israel not where they live.
That is why it is the anti-Semites who are among the biggest supporters of the State of Israel, led by Trump himself. When Trump told 4 Black Congresswomen to ‘go back home’ he also added for good effect the admonition that they ‘they are endorsing Socialism, hate of Israel and the USA!’
Not only Trump, who regularly tells Jews that Israel is their country, but Steve Bannon, Tommy Robinson, ‘white Zionist’ and neo-Nazi Richard Spencer all love Israel.  And why not? Israel is a model state if you are a racist and ethno nationalist. It is a place to send unwanted Jews.
Layla Moran understands none of these things because she is an opportunist who trades on her ancestry for political advantage, in the process stabbing in the back those she purports to be part of.
Contrast Layla Moran with Rashida Tlaib, the first US Congresswoman who is a Palestinian. Tlaib has been to the forefront in supporting the Palestinians and BDS and in the process she has been banned from visiting Palestine by Netanyahu. Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are respected throughout the Palestinian territories whereas Layla Moran is just another in the list of Palestinian traitors through the ages. 
In Israel's 'democratic' elections, there was a concerted attempt to suppress Palestinian voting - of course only about 20% of Palestinians can vote anyway
Moran is one of those rare Arab creatures who is welcomed by the Israeli state. You can get some idea of the Uncle Tommery and scab like behaviour of Moran by the fact that when posters went up on London bus stops condemning Israel as a racist endeavour Moran condemned them as ‘blatantly anti-Semitic’. 

The ruling this week from the Chair of Israel’s Elections Committee, Judge Melcer, forbidding an Israeli NGO from transporting Bedouin women voters from ‘unrecognised’ villages in the Negev to polling stations is an example of how deep racism in Israel is.  Only to vile creatures like Moran is calling Israel a racist state 'antisemitic'.
‘Unrecognised’ Arab villages, which constitute half of the Arab villages in Israel, have no public transport, running water or other facilities. The mere fact that these villages are ‘unrecognised’ i.e. liable to be demolished at any time and without any of the facilities that Israeli Jews take for granted is proof in itself of the inherent and systemic racism of the Zionist state.  But Moran doesn’t like the term ‘Zionist’ either.
You can read the article on how the Zionist state actively discourages Arab voters from voting in the Middle East’s ‘only democracy’ in Ha’aretz. It is but one, small example. Hundreds of Jewish communities are legally permitted to ban Arabs from living in them under the Admissions Committee Law. But to this foul creature to call Israel racist is itself ‘anti-Semitic’.   It is as if Israel were a Jew.  But perhaps I'm reading too much into this opportunist who has probably never given a moment's thought to these issues.
Although I have great admiration for Jonathan Coulter, who I know, and the other signatories to the letter and article I have to say that they are wasting their time. The only principle that the Lib Dems adhere to is having no principles. It is one of the tragedies of the Jeremy Corbyn leadership of the Labour Party that he has allowed the Lib Dems to stake out a position against Brexit and thus allow the Lib Dems come back from their near death experience of gaining just 8 seats in 2015. Nonetheless we should support that small minority in the Lib Dems which isn’t willing to go along with the Trump-Johnson-Swinson consensus and support for the most racist state in the world.
Tony Greenstein

Supporting Free Speech at the Labour Party Conference - Defying the Zionists and Kyle

Come to Our Free Speech Tent and the Rialto
Free Speech Venue at Labour Party Conference

Six weeks ago the MP for Hove, Peter Kyle and former leader Daniel Yates together with Sussex Friends of Racist Israel  did their best to prevent Chris Williamson MP speaking in Brighton on socialist monetary theory. They even sent the President of the Board of Deputies Marie Van der Zyl down to Brighton to protest about ‘anti-Semitism’.
The Zionists also got people to phone and send abusive messages to venues which had agreed to staging Chris Williamson. They did this with the support of the Police, who amplified the message of the abusers. When it came to it though the Sussex Friends of Israel 'demonstration' at Brighton Town Hall mustered less than 20 people compared to over 150 at Regency Square.
The Campaign Against Chris Williamson is Supported By that Well-Known Anti-racist paper, the Daily Mail
This is the same Board of Deputies which supportedthe Israeli state when snipers began picking off unarmed demonstrators at the Gaza fence, including children and medics. The idea of Palestinians returning to Israel was too terrible to contemplate for these apologists for racism and murder.
Fresh from trying to prevent Israeli Arabs voting in Israel’s recent general election, declaring the bussing of Bedouin voters in the Negev by Zazim to be a criminal offence, in an election where 4 out of 5 Palestinians under Israeli rule don’t even have a vote, the Zionists are again trying to clamp down on free speech, this time at the Labour Party conference in Brighton. They are doing this with the complicity of the Labour Party and Brighton Police amongst others.
This is why a group of us, fresh from our success on August 8th when, despite the opposition, we held an open air meeting of over 150 people to listen to Chris Williamson, we are organising for Free Speech on Palestine and Zionism again . This time we are going one better.
The Board of Deputies reaction to Israel killing 50 Palestinians in one day was to blame the dead!
We are running a free speech tent/gazebo in Regency Square, which is adjacent to the Conference Centre from 10-2.00 every day of Labour Party Conference. Even better Labour Friends of Israel have announced they won't be having a stall at Labour Party conference.  They have finally got the message that people don't want apologists for murder and racism sullying the venue.
And even better we are hearing that Labour's National Executive Committee might remove the post of Deputy Leader, given the treacherous and traitorous role that Tom Watson has played.
The Rialto, a Grade II listed building with a bar and conference rooms will host our Free Speech events
We are also hiring the old Rialto on Dyke Road on Saturday and Monday in order to hold socialist and anti-racist meetings.
Chris Williamson will be speaking at the Free Speech Tent tomorrow and again at the Rialto, as will Jackie Walker and others who have been demonised by Labour’s witch-hunters.
Please Join Us in Standing Up for Free Speech
‘Anti-Semitism’ is a terrible thing according to Kyle, Yates and Tom Watson but the mass murder of Palestinians, including children, is an acceptable price to pay for the ‘Jewish’ State. We say all racism is wrong.
Last year Labour Friends of Israel and former NEC member Luke Akehurst openly supportedthe murder of unarmed Palestinians by Israeli snipers. We will not take lectures on ‘anti-Semitism’ and racism from these creatures.
We will also be auctioning two cartoons by Steve Bell which were banned by the Guardian. To purchase a ticket go to this link.
Tony Greenstein

Victory for the Right to Free Speech and Debate over the Apologists for Israel – Brighton & Hove Says No to Israeli style ‘Democracy’


Chris Williamson MP and Jackie Walker defy Peter Kyle and the Zionists to speak to a packed audience at the Rialto

From left to right - Anne Mitchell, Greg Hadfield (Chair), Chris Williamson and Tina Werkman



The day started off with the erection of a ‘Free Speech’ tent in Brighton’s Regency Square.  Actually it was a gazebo but it served the same purpose. We erected our banners and gave out hundreds of leaflets and met with an overwhelmingly warm reception from local residents.
However we did spot Luciana Berger the ex-Labour Zionist now Liberal MP with a bunch of suits and Jewish Labour Movement delegate and thuglet, Ella Rose.
Chris Williamson speaking
The Zionists, who despite most of them being born here, fail to understand the meaning of free speech, were once again outmanoeuvred. They had promised to stop us organising a meeting with Chris Williamson and Jackie Walker and they failed miserably.
According to the Zionists free speech in Brighton is a dire threat to Brighton’s Jewish community, who are ‘baited’ by having anti-Zionist opinions being aired in public.  Clearly they prefer the near unanimity of public opinion in Israel to Britain.
At 1.00 we packed away the gazebo and retired for drinks on the seafront before making our way over to the Free Speech Centre at the Rialto.
Despite hundreds of abusive tweets from the Zionists aimed at the Rialto along the lines of ‘how can you remain neutral between racism and anti-racism, Zionism and anti-Zionism’, the Rialto held firm. Unlike the Brighthelm and other venues they refused to allow abusive phone calls and tweets to deter them.
The Free Speech Gazebo
All of the tweets, without exception, accepted and assumed that those of us meeting at the Rialto and organising a series of events around socialism, Palestine and free speech, were somehow racist.  The irony is that it is the defenders of Israeli Apartheid who are accusing others of ‘racism’.
In the 1970’s when active in anti-fascist work, we were regularly accused of being ‘anti-White’ racists by the National Front. There is no difference to being accused of ‘anti-Semitism’ by the Zionists. Israel is a ‘Jewish’ State which openly says it is a state of its Jewish not its non-Jewish citizens yet it is us who are accused of ‘anti-Semitism’.
It is a world turned upside down when racists accused their opponents of racism! Israel is a state that forbids its 20% Arab population having access to 93% of the land, whose Rabbis openly call Palestinians animals and where there is a constant air of incitement led by the Prime Minister himself.  Israel is a state where rabbis even say that Hitler was right even if he got the wrong victims.
We were fortunate in finding owners of a venue with more backbone that the Brighthelm Centre in Brighton which cancelled the initial Chris Williamson meeting, the Methodist Centre which insists on equality between the occupier and the occupied and even the Friends Meeting House which has buckled under the pressure.

Events which we organised today included a showing of Jackie Walker’s film, The Witchhunt.  This film was supposed to be premiered at the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool last year but it was disrupted by a bomb scare.  It has already been shown in Brighton earlier this year but to an audience at a secret location.
Today was the first open showing of the film and we are repeating the showing on Monday at the Rialto for those who missed the meeting.
A member of the audience speaking during the extensive question time
The next big event was the Chris Williamson meeting at 7 pm which was livestreamed.  Anne Mitchell of Hove CLP spoke.  Anne has been suspended by the Labour Party and she is being recommended for expulsion without a hearing because she tweeted a few comments in opposition to Israel’s crimes.  Greg Hadfield chaired the meeting and made a number of points about the attack on free speech.  Jackie Walker spoke at length about her own experiences and Tina Werkmann spoke for Labour Left Alliance and Labour Against the Witchhunt. Greg Hadfield also auctioned 2 original prints of a Steve Bell cartoon which the Guardian banned.
The meeting was packed to the rafters with people. A number of people, including myself spoke from the floor.  I emphasised that we face an unprecedented situation of a direct attack on freedom of speech and we have to react accordingly. We cannot allow the supporters of a racist apartheid state to close down free speech.
After the meeting we all retired downstairs in the Rialto for drinks.  The venue is really an excellent one, hitherto unknown and we are thinking of setting up a socialism film club here.
This week has not been cheap as the expenditure included hiring the Rialto and other expenses such as paying for an Events License for the use of Regency Square. This was made possible through a grant from a sympathetic charity which believes in free speech.
Tony Greenstein
It's difficult to know where to start with these tweets - they assume that the users, including Jews, are racists and antisemites - never does it enter their tiny minds that supporters of Israel's naked apartheid are the racists
Sebag Montefiore leads the way with stupid comment 'do you really think that antisemits have decent moral views'what the hell does this mean, leaving aside that it was the Zionists who have most in common with antisemites
'If you are neutral in situations of injustice' waxes idiot Mark Lewis - where is the injustice in having to listen to anti-racist opinions - this moron quotes Archbishop Tutu about neutrality in situations of oppression forgetting that the Archbishop condemns Israeli Apartheid as worse than that in South Africa 
It's a tribute to the power of brainwashing that these idiots all assume that we were antisemitic or racist  - Steven Gray quotes Pastor Niemoller without ever one understanding what was said
More idiocy from SFI - there is no such thing as 'left wing antisemitism'
This is the same Zionist Board who justified the murder by Israeli snipers of unarmed demonstrators
More hysteria from Fiona Sharpe, a bigot and an Islamaphobe and also a perjurer who racially abused a Palestinian on film

SHORTS – Why Catalonia’s Political Prisoners Should Be Freed

 Monday Programme at the Brighton Rialto Free Speech Centre, Labour Party Conference

A short video on the campaign to free Catalonian prisoners who were democratically elected on a platform of Catalonian Independence. The Spanish response to the campaign for independence shows that the old Franco state still retains its vicious nature.

Below is the timetable for Monday for Brighton’s Free Speech Centre, designed to thwart Zionist attempts to ban discussion and debate around the world’s only apartheid state.

The Zionists have also been trying to pressurise Waterstone’s bookshop into withdrawing from a book launch tomorrow evening for Bad News for Labour about press disinformation campaign around the anti-Semitism witchhunt.
Unsurprisingly the Zionists don’t want the book launch to go ahead because it might throw new light on their nefarious activities.  As Heinrich Heine predicted in 1823 "Dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen," "Where books are burned, in the end, people will also be burned." The Zionists are, in so many ways, worthy successors to the Nazis.
And just a reminder that the Jewish Labour Movement's 'sister party' the Israeli Labor Party is in full support of Netanyahu's proposals to deport Israel's 40,000 African refugees

Book Burners ‘R’ Us – Waterstone’s Shameful Decision to Cancel the Book Launch of Bad News for Labour is an Attack on Freedom of Thought

‘This is worse than McCarthyism’ – Now even a peer-reviewed Academic Critique of the false Anti-Semitism Smear Campaign Must Be Suppressed

This is not the first time that the Zionist movement in this country has sought to attack freedom of speech and the arts.
 Over 25 years ago they sought to ban a play Perdition by socialist playwright Jim Allen, which was based on real live events in the Jerusalem District Court, when in 1944 the leader of Hungarian Zionism, Rudolf Kasztner was found to have aided Adolf Eichmann in deporting half a million Jews to Auschwitz.  In the words of Judge Benjamin Halevi, Kasztner had 'sold his soul to the devil.'
The Royal Court Theatre under Max Stafford Clarke shamefully bowed to the pressure but the result was that instead of a few hundred people seeing the play in the Royal Court Upstairs, thousands of people learnt about what was being banned and why. Eventually it was shown over 6 days at Conway Hall in London and was the subject of a book. Dramas Played Off Stage 
That is what we need to see happen with Bad News for Labour. The Zionists know that their anti-Semitism smear campaign in the Labour Party is fraudulent and that they have cowed and coerced timid Corbyn into going along with the nonsense that the Labour Party is full of anti-Semites including himself. We must ensure that this book is publicised because it contains all the ammunition and evidence we need to demonstrate that the ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign has nothing to do with antisemitism and has no evidential basis. 
Book Launch at the Rialto
It is shocking enough that the supporters of Israeli Apartheid have been able to ‘persuade’ through threats and abuse, venues like the Holiday Inn, Jury’s Inn and Friends Meeting House into cancelling meetings with Chris Williamson. The cancellation on Monday night of a book by 5 academics of Bad News for Labour- Antisemitism, the Party and Public Belieftakes this one step further. It is an attack on freedom of thought and inquiry and demonstrates the police state mentality of Zionism's rabid supporters.
Greg Hadfield introduces the book launch

As Justin Schlosberg, a Senior Lecturer at Birkbeck College, London University said last night, this is worse than McCarthyism and is approaching the book burning of the Nazis.  Heinrich Heine prophetically wrotein 1832 ‘Where books are burned, in the end, people will also be burned."
Ken Loach and Chris Williamson at the book launch - standing room only!
Cancelling a book launch and threatening to boycott Waterstones for holding the event is a Nazi tactic. It demonstrates just how far along the road to destroying our civil liberties and freedom of speech the Zionists have travelled. Literally Zionism is the enemy of a free society, not only in Israel/Palestine but in Britain, Europe and the United States.
If the Left had done this and attacked a right-wing book such as Douglas Murray’s racist Strange Death of Europe – Immigration, Identity and Islam then you could expect the Tory press to shriek in protest about the Left’s attack on basic freedoms.
Audience at the book launch
But the cancellation of a book by five academics, based on peer reviewed research, has gone unnoticed except in the Canaryand Skwawkbox.  I await to see, with interest, the ‘liberal’ press – the Guardian and Independent – who have been at the forefront of the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign, will now find their liberal principles.
Barely literate Zionists ask a 'when did you beat your wife question' - they assume that the book launch would have been antisemitic - evidence is not their strong point
Twitter has given a voice to every idiot Zionist - apparently cancelling a book launch is to 'stand up to defeating antisemitism' - these Zios don't have the honesty to say that in their eyes supporting Israel and Zionist human rights abuse is their idea of opposing 'antisemitism'
It is fortunate that because of the advance threats of the Zionists to prevent Chris Williamson and others speaking in Brighton that Brighton and Hove Labour Left Alliance with the support of a friendly charity, took steps to ensure that freedom of speech would prevail in Brighton. 
Sussex Friends of Israel supporter and former councillor Cattell suggests a boycott of Waterstones - these same people are opposed to boycotting Israel because it is about 'hate'
The cancellation email said that the book launch had been cancelled 'due to reasons out of our control' itself a lie
We hired the Rialto Theatre in Dyke Road, Brighton. The venue were warned in advance that they should expect a barrage of abuse and that is what happened. To their immense credit they stood firm against the Zionists and racist scum like former councillor Julie Cattell who has been urging people on Twitter to contact Trip Advisor to give The Rialto a false and lying review.  These are the tactics that the enemies of free speech sink to.
My ticket for a book launch that never was

Earlier this week I bought a ticket for the launch of Bad News for Labour- Antisemitism, the Party and Public Belief. I did not imagine that even the execrable racists of Sussex Friends of Israel would attack a book launch.  I was wrong.  There is nothing these people will not do in order to defend their bastard state.
Bad News for Labour’s authorsare Professor Greg Philo, Mike Berry, Justin Schlosberg, Antony Lerman and Professor David Miller.
Abusive social media attacks on Waterstones - their PR and CEO James Daunt denies there was any such pressure

As the blurb for the book explains:
Accusations about the Labour Party have made headlines on a daily basis. In the three years after Corbyn became leader there were over five thousand news stories and articles in the national press alone.
Bad News for Labour examines the impact of this coverage on public beliefs about the Party. It replaces media hype with the rigorous analysis of evidence. The authors draw on carefully compiled research to reveal surprising findings in this guide to the reality behind the headlines.
 However this is what the Zionists were most afraid of.  An academic study demolishing the myths of Labour ‘anti-Semitism’. Zionist propaganda can only thrive in the darkness without proper scrutiny aided by a yellow press not interested in the truth.
Publisher Pluto Press attributes Waterstones cancellation of the book launch to 'external pressure'which of course it was 
The decision to cancel the book launch was not taken in Brighton.  On the contrary the staff were livid about what had happened.  The decision was taken by the CEO James Daunt in New York who when I spoke to him earlier today accepted responsibility. Mr Daunt insisted that the only reason that the event was cancelled was because it had been unprofessionally organised and he laid the responsibility for that at the feet of the publishers Pluto Press. 
This idiot objects to the media Professor David Miller speaking during Labour Party conference on some vague grounds of 'antisemitism'
However as I explained to him this is not credible. Since when does the CEO of a large company or even its head office cancel a locally organised book launch?
Explanation for cancellation sent to one complainant
I put it to him that the real reason for the cancellation was the pressure that Waterstones had been subject. He denied this but then he would of course. I also suggested that in the circumstances standing up for freedom of speech was more important than the alleged lack of professional organisation.  Corporate capitalism has no sense of ethics or morality. In the words of George Soros capitalism is essentially amoral.
All the authors were scheduled to appear, as they did at the event.  They had books on them what more was needed? The event itself was sold out. The arguments about lack of professional organisation are simply not credible.
However Daunt has assured me that he is happy to reschedule the event if it is properly organised.  The proof of the pudding will be in the eating. I suspect that is one promise that will fall by the way.
Their Events Team also denied that they had been subject to any harassment or threats which is directly contradicted by the volume of abuse directed at Waterstones by various Zionist trolls on Twitter as can be seen below.
Waterstone's PR Department struggles to explain the cancellation of the book launch - they blamed it on the unprofessionalism of their own staff
Eva von Reuss of Waterstone's PR Department explained in 5 contradictory bullet points why they bowed to the Zionist twitter campaign
It is also at variance with the explanation sent to me by Eva von Reuss. She explicitly stated that  it raised considerable emotion from various parties on both sides of the debate.’ Presumably this would mean that one should not stage a book launch for any controversial or indeed anti-racist book because racists might take exception.  Perhaps a book on climate change should not have a book launch because ‘climate sceptics’ might object!
we do not wish to be caught in this debate at an especially emotive moment: it is not a debate from which we shy in terms of book stock but it is not one in which we wish to be perceived to have taken sides
There have been 'especially emotive moments' since time immemorial.  This is just a means of avoiding responsibility for one's actions.  Reuss went on to state that they hope to ‘reschedule the talk in this shop, or in others when we can be better prepared’.
Ms Reuss claimed that the shop decided to cancel the event in discussion with the central events team’.  Having spoken to the staff it is very clear that this is untrue.
Jewish News hack Jack Mendel reports with ill-concealed glee the cancellation of a book launch on antisemitism
As Professor David Miller of Bristol University, one of the authors toldThe Canary: “It is really extraordinary that [this book event] has been cancelled as a result of threats”. He called it a “serious attack on both freedom of speech and academic freedom”.
In alleging antisemitism wherever the Zionist agenda isn't followed these people trivialise genuine antisemitism
Waterstones should hang their head in shame for bowing to this campaign of censorship. This is the road to a police state.  Bookshops in particular should be vigilant to protect freedom of speech.  The fact that supporters of the Israeli state, a state which to the Palestinians is a police state with censorship, torture and arbitrary imprisonment, are seeking to prevent any discussion of their propaganda offensives abroad, is reason enough to hold firm.
As Edmund Burke was reputed to have said (in fact it was John Stuart Mill) The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
The attacks on free speech by the Zionists need to be fought. We know what their ‘anti-Semitism’ campaigns are about and they are not about Jews but about the State of Israel.
Tony Greenstein


 We said no to Peter Kyle, Dan Yates and all the other Zionists and racists who tried to silence their socialist critics

At last year’s Labour Party conference in Liverpool the film premiere of Jackie Walker’s Witchhunt was stopped by a bomb threat.

The Rialto defied the worst that the Zionists could do to become a Free Speech Centre at Labour Party Conference
In August three Brighton venues - Brighthelm, Holiday Inn and Friends Meeting House - cancelled a talk on Modern Monetary Theory by Chris Williamson MP because of abusive and violent threats by the Zionist lobby.
Today's Zionists are emulating Goebbel's Book Burners
The initiative was taken by Peter Kyle MP for Hove, who personally contacted Brighthelm, a right-wing church and community centre and we understand Holiday Inn too in order to get them to cancel the meetings.  Phone calls, abusive tweets and even, in the case of the Holiday Inn, two thugs who walked in threatening the staff were deployed to get the venues to cancel.
All the abusers alleged Chris Williamson was an anti-Semite.  Of course these supporters of the world’s only apartheid state provided no evidence.
Despite this we held the meeting at Regency Square. We told the racists and Zionists including Peter Kyleand local councillor Dan Yates, that freedom of speech would triumph regardless. 
Greg Hadfield introduces the Book Launch and explains why it is being held at the Rialto
We were told the local Jewish community was worried for its safety by the exercise of free speech! These are the same people who supported Charlie Hebdo's right to ridicule the prophet Mohammed. 

In the end the Zionists managed a demonstration of less than 20 people, half of whom came down from London! The President of the Board of Deputies herself, Marie van der Zyle came only to find over 150 people willing to brave the racists and the thugs.
Ken  Loach and Chris Williamson attended the book launch - it was standing room only!
Having triumphed recently we were determined to ensure that Jackie and Chris would speak at this year’s Labour Party conference in Brighton.
Brighton and Hove Labour Left Alliance, which grew out of the Jon Lansman controlled Brighton and Hove Momentum, put in place plans to ensure that there would be alternative venues for controversial events.  First we obtained an Events License from Brighton and Hove Council for Regency Square to put a marquee or, as it turned out a gazebo up.  In the end we only did this for the first 2 days.
Packed audience at LRC meeting on Monday
Secondly we hired a central Brighton venue, The Rialto Theatre for the Saturday and Monday of conference. Despite the usual abusive tweets, phone calls etc. the Rialto held firm.  Its owners were briefed on what would happen and pledged to stand up to the abusers and thugs.  They proved true to their word.
Over two days we showed Jackie Walker’s film Witchhunttwice to packed audiences. 

Chris Williamson addressing an impromptu crowd at Regency Square on Sunday
On the Saturday there was a packed out audience to hear a variety of speakers on freedom of speech  including Jackie Walker, Chris Williamson and Anne Mitchell, a suspended member of Hove Labour Party and Chair of Brighton PSC.
On the Monday there was a session on Culture, Arts, and Freedom with Jackie Walker and Professor David Miller of Bristol University.
Greg Hadfield introduces the talk by Professor Bill Mitchell and Chris Williamson MP on Modern Monetary Theory
There was a talk by Chris Williamson and Professor Bill Mitchell, a world renowned economist.
In the evening the Labour Representation Committee, whose President is John McDonnell, held a packed meeting with Jackie Walker, Chris Williamson, Ian Hodson, President of the Bakers Union and Adriana Alvarez from the United States.
At the same time a book launch at Brighton’s Waterstones for Bad News for Labourhad just been cancelled. This was a consequence of a barrage of abusive and racist emails and tweets from Zionists alleging that a book investigating the allegations of anti-Semitism against the Labour Party was ‘anti-Semitic’.
The Zionist ‘logic’ is that anyone who attempts to disprove that there is an ‘anti-Semitism’ crisis in the Labour Party is also anti-Semitic! It is the logic of Salem where denying you were a witch was evidence you were one!
Kerry-Ann Mendoza introduces Jackie Walker and Steve Tiller
In the wordsof Pluto’s managing director Veruschka Selbach
 This book is an academic study into one of the most contentious issues facing our society today. It is worrying that abuse and intimidation were used to close down free and open discussion of anti-semitism in the Labour party. We have run events at various Waterstones in Pluto’s 50-year history. “This is the first time they have cancelled an event, saying we were unprofessional.

Fortunately we were able to accommodate the book launch at the Rialto Theatre and instead of 50 people attending at Waterstones we had a packed audience of over 100 people. All five academics - Greg Philo, Mike Berry, Justin Schlosberg, Antony Lerman and David Miller — came along to launch their book.
The Zionist attempt to prevent the launch of a book debunking their lies about ‘anti-Semitism’ failed.  Big thanks in particular to Greg Hadfield, an ex-Fleet Street journalist and Labour Party activist who found the venue!  And thanks to the wonderful staff at the Rialto itself.

Jackie Walker speaks at the LRC Meeting with Chris Williamson
After the book launch Kerry Ann Mendoza, Editor of The Canary interviewed Jackie Walker and Steve Tiller.  And after that we had a party!!

With  a theatre accommodating 100 people upstairs and a bar downstairs, with a live feed, accommodating another 50 people, we ensured that Free Speech on Palestine triumphed at the Rialto.
Down the road was The World Transformed, an offshoot of Jon Lansman's Momentum.  Unfortunately transforming the world was the last thing they were concerned with. They have refused to touch the witchhunt or have any sessions on Palestine or Zionism.  The WTF is about accommodating to capitalism not challenging it.  It is a place for the comfortable left that doesn't believe in struggle - from Novara Media to the (Not so) Red Pepper.
Tony Greenstein
All the Zionist abusers above make one assumption - that the Rialto was hosting antisemitism - presumably a book about the false antisemitism smear campaign is by definition antisemitic or the LRC meeting...
Examples of the Zionist Abuse that led to Waterstone's Cancellation of a Book Launch
It would appear that some village has lost its idiot
Former Labour Councillor Julie Cattell encouraging a Boycott of the Rialto for Hosting a Range of Events this week - Cattle is a supporter of Sussex Friends of Israel which says it opposes boycotts - but only of Israel!
Julie Cattell openly encourages people to place false reviews on Trip Advisor and elsewhere to damage the Rialto commercially - these are the underhand and dishonest tactics of the Zionists
Two idiots find it 'unbelievable' that we resist their attempts to shut down free speech - Julie Cattell doesn't even seem to understand the term
Julie Cattell, former Labour councillor who was ousted in May, piling pressure on Waterstone's to cancel the book launch or face a boycott - these are the same people who throw their hands up in horror at a boycott of Apartheid Israel

The Zionist Board of Deputies and Sussex Jewish Representative Council (which is SFI in disguise) add their weight to the book burners

Open Letter to the Leader of Brighton and Hove Council, Nancy Platts – Free Speech is not a luxury


Instead of Defending Freedom of Speech You have Chosen to Appease the Supporters of Israel on the pretext of ‘anti-Semitism’

Below is an Open Letter I have sent to Nancy Platts, the Leader of Brighton and Hove Council. 
On two occasions in recent weeks, August 20th and September 26th Platts has inferred that Jews are under threat from  meetings on Palestine or alternatively that they are not welcome at such meetings.
The Zionists ban books, the Nazis burned them
What we have seen in recent months is the de facto implementation of the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, a ‘definition’ whose sole purpose is to restrict freedom of speech on Palestine and Israel.
As readers will be aware, we in Brighton took steps before the recent Labour Party conference to pre-empt the local Zionists from inflicting their police state agenda on delegates and visitors by securing premises where events could be staged.
Tony Greenstein
The cancelled booklaunch was held at the Rialto to a far-larger audience
Open Letter to Nancy Platts
Dear Nancy,
Last Monday Waterstones Bookshop cancelled a book launch for Bad News for Labour.As its publisher, Pluto Press, explained:
This book clears the confusion by drawing on deep and original research on public beliefs and media representation of antisemitism and the Labour Party, revealing shocking findings of misinformation spread by the press, including the supposedly impartial BBC, and the liberal Guardian.
Despite this peer reviewed book being authored by 5 distinguished academics, Waterstones was subject to a barrage of hostile attacks on social media from supporters of Israel, in particular by Sussex Friends of Israel. See for example here, hereand here.
Ken Loach and Chris Williamson attend - standing room only
Sussex Friends of Israel openly encouraged people to get on the phone to abuse and harass the bookshop and its staff.
The accusations were familiar. The speakers were anti-Semitic, the book launch was a hate session and provocativeto the Jewish community. Cancelling the book launch would be ‘hugely reassuring to the Brighton/Hove community’(although 99.9% of them knew nothing about it!). The idea that a book launch in Waterstone’s bookshop would traumatise the Jewish community is risible.
Despite the best efforts of Peter Kyle, Daniel Yates and the rest of New Labour's scumbags, Chris Williamson's meeting on August 8th went off as planned
In the run-up to Labour’s Conference, Brighton and Hove Labour Left Alliancetook steps to ensure that events threatened by SFI would be able to continue. We were mindful that there might be a repeat of what happened on and before August 8th, when Peter Kyle MP and SFI took to abusing and threatening venues prepared to stage a meeting with Chris Williamson MP. Much to the chagrin of Councillor Dan Yates we held a large meeting in Regency Square.
We obtained an Events Licence enabling us to meet in Regency Square and we also hired for Saturday and Monday the Rialto Theatre. We had warned them that they would be subject to a barrage of abuse and threats from the usual suspects and on the usual grounds.
Greg Hadfield introduces the session on Modern Monetary Theory with Chris Williamson and Professor Bill Mitchell
When Waterstones cancelled the book launch we held it in the Rialto. All 5 authors: Professors Greg Philo and David Miller, Mike Berry, Justin Schlosberg and Antony Lerman, a world expert in anti-Semitism took part.
The suggestion that these speakers posed a threat to Jews is absurd. What SFI feared was that an academic analysis of Labour’s ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign would expose the lies behind it.
The group that organised the Rialto
The fact that the supporters of Israel are so afraid of a book or book launch suggests that this whole campaign, supported by Britain’s racist media, has been driven primarily by those hostile to the Corbyn leadership of the Labour Party.
Former councillor Julie Cattell fostering fear and hatred and Fiona Sharpe, Sussex Friends of Israel's virulent racist and perjurer
Unfortunately the Council have enabled this attack on freedom of speech. It has done this through its adoption of the IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism. What kind of definition is 500+ words? The purpose of the IHRA is to conflate anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. 
Even the person who drafted the IHRA, American academic Kenneth Stern, conceded in testimonyto the US Congress that it ‘chills’ free speech and that that ‘Congress has enshrined a definition that can only help to chill, if not suppress, their political speech.’
Everyone who SFI hates is an anti-semite - only Tommy Robinson and the EDL escape their censure being pro-Zionist
Stern gave as an example the targeting by the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, allies of SFI, of Bristol University academic Rachel Gould for an article she wrote in 2011 about the Holocaust. Stern described what had happened as ‘chilling and McCarthy-like.’
The reason why I am writing to you is because twice in recent weeks you have given sustenance to this campaign against free speech. In the Jewish News of 20thAugust  you were quoted as saying I am concerned to hear that there may be any events in or around Labour Party Conference where Jewish people would not feel welcome.’
What steps did you take to check out whether this allegation had any merit? In the Jewish News of 26 September reference you state that you ‘will not accept hate speech or hate crime’ in the context of a meeting entitled “BDS, Antisemitism and a free Palestine.” This meeting was held in the Old Courtroom on September 24, where author Tom Suarez, Azzam Tamimi and Miko Peled spoke.
The Zionist movement wanted to prevent Miko, an Israeli anti-Zionist  and other Jewish anti-Zionists speaking for the same reasons that the South African government suppressed the views of White opponents of Apartheid. This understandable.
Israel is a state where 93% of the land is reservedfor Jews. Israel’s 20% Arab population has access to just over 2%. It is a state where hospitals segregateJewish and Arab women in separate maternity wards. In Israel there are separateJewish and Arab education sectors. Marriage between a Jew and Palestinian is not only impossiblebut mixed relationships are a social taboo. It is a state in which hundreds of Jewish communities legally bar Arabs from membership. In the city of Afula in June there were demonstrationsled by the Mayor against the fact that a house had been sold to an Arab. This not anti-Semitism is the real agenda of SFI.
The IHRA definition is being used for one purpose only.  To prevent political speech which offends supporters of Israel.  Despite SFI’s scaremongering the Jewish community is unconcerned. On August 8th, the Zionist demonstration against Chris Williamson mustered less than 20 people, some of whom were Christian Zionists.
Evenif it were true that the majority of the Jewish community is offended by a book launch that is no reason to cancel it. When Salman Rushdie’s Satanic Verses was issued we argued that freedom of speech trumps religious sensibilities. Why should that be any different when it comes to Jewish nationalists? Why was it right for Charlie Hebdo to offend Muslims yet it is forbidden to mention Israel’s abuse of human rights?
The vast majority of Jewish people in Brighton and Hove are not concerned with anti-Zionist meetings or whether or not a book debunks the false anti-Semitism narrative. The only people offended are Fiona Sharpe and Israel’s devotees.
Your duty as Council leader is to support the basic rights of Brighton residents under the European Convention of Human Rights, for example Articles 10 and 11. It is time to call the bluff of those who try to suppress any opinion bar their own. The best way to do that would be to reverse the adoption of the IHRA definition.
When my father took part in the Battle of Cable Street in 1936 against Oswald Moseley’s British Union of Fascists he didn’t need a definition of anti-Semitism in order to know who his enemy was. The only purpose of the IHRA is to restrict free speech.  It has nothing to do with racism which is why the Tory Right loves it so much.
Tony Greenstein
Below are some of the abusive tweets and abuse that Waterstone's Received
To SFI book launches are matters of concern to the Jewish community

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