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Rejoice at the end of a Despicable Woman but Brexit Still Remains


The Real Question is Why has Corbyn not Benefited from the Tory Crisis?

Let no one shed a tear over the exit of this spiteful, bigoted woman. Theresa May was not, contrary to the impression she tried to give, some liberal one nation Tory or a modern day Francis of Assisi.
It was Theresa May's 'hostile environment' policy (which Miliband and New Labour supported) which resulted in the deportation of hundreds of Black British citizens to the West Indies, many of whom died as a result. It was May who presided over the introduction of Universal Credit which did more to increase child poverty than any other single government measure. May was relaxed about homelessness and food banks and she supported arms shipments to Saudi Arabia in order that they could bomb more hospitals and wedding parties. May was a dedicated Zionist. I cannot remember even a cursory mention of the devastation caused to the Palestinians. May supported fox hunting and grammar schools. 
We should enjoy May's self-pity and fake tears.
Cast your mind back to April 2017 when a ‘strong and stable’ Theresa May called a General Election, confident of victory.  The Tories were over 20% ahead and the pundits were unanimous that it was 1983 all over again and Corbyn was Michael Foot armed with the longest suicide note in history.  Labour’s Right looked forward eagerly to the inevitable defeat. 
Stephen Kinnock in 2017 - shocked and disappointed at how well Corbyn had done
Who can forget the shock and horror on Stephen Kinnock’s face in the fly-on-the-wall documentary Labour: The Summer That Changed Everythingwhen the exit polls predicted a hung parliament? His wife, ex-Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning Schmidt arrived and asked a clearly shell-shocked Kinnock “Why are you doing this?” in respect of an interview he had agreed to.  “I don’t know.” he replied. “You don’t know anything.” she responded and his only comment was “I know.”
Labour’s Right were stunned at the fact that Corbyn had gained the biggest swing to Labour since 1945 and increased the number of seats.
When the election was called I wrote a post on 20th April entitled Labour Can Win if Corbyn is Bold – the Key Issue is Poverty and the Transfer of Wealthwhich at the time seemed madness.  Indeed I wondered whether I was going to have egg on my face since it went against just about every received opinion. I wrote:
Theresa May has taken a gamble that her 21% lead will hold.  It is a gamble that she may yet come to regret.
There is only one direction that her lead can go and that is down.  Once her lead falls then a snowball effect can take over.  What is essential is that Labour marks out the key areas on which it is going to base its appeal.  The danger is that Corbyn is going to continue with his ‘strategy’ of appeasing the Right and appealing to all good men and women.  If so that will be a recipe for disaster.
No election is guaranteed to be without its surprises.  Theresa May is a cautious conservative.  She is literally the product of her background, a conservative vicar’s daughter.  Reactionary, parochial and small-minded, she is a bigot for all seasons.  What doesn’t help is that she is both wooden and unoriginal.  The danger is that Corbyn tries to emulate her.
I even went out and placed a bet on Labour getting between 250 and 300 seats.  The first bet I’ve ever made and I made a tidy sum!
I hesitate to make any predictions at this time because there are so many variables but of one thing I’m sure.  History does not repeat itself except as a farce. Those Corbynistas who believe that the next election is a shoe-may be in for a shock. The Establishment in this country will not be taken by surprise a second time.
What is worrying is not only the poor local election results but the predicted poor results in the European elections.  The fact that the Tories may have done even worse is irrelevant.
The victors are, it is predicted the Brexit Party.  The second party is forecast to be the Liberal Democrats. Labour is forecast to be in third place. These are, of course predictions but if they are correct then a number of things need to be spelt out.
Brexit, the desire to withdraw from Europe is not an anti-capitalist project.  People didn’t vote leave because they desired an independent socialist Britain. The primary force behind leave was the Right and far-Right. Euroscepticism of one variety or another is a Europe wide phenomenon. Benn had many wonderful qualities but he also left a poisonous legacy in his nationalist opposition to the EU. Benn argued that what was the Common Market took away British sovereignty, as if workers and the poor had ever had control over their lives.
Corbyn has prevaricated and dodged for far too long. Most Labour members, between 80% and 90% are supporters of Remain.  That is because European unity is seen as a progressive cause, which it is. There is no possible way that Labour can be seen as the party of Brexit.
The present ambivalence and incoherence of Corbyn, because who can honestly say what Labour’s position is, has meant that the discredited Lib Dems have come back from the dead. If Labour had come out unequivocally for both a second referendum and Remain it would have consigned the Lib Dems to the graveyard, both in the local and European elections. Instead Corbyn hides behind a sullen silence and expects people to second guess what he is thinking.
The opportunity was and still is there to say we oppose Brexit as a nationalist solution to the problem of a free market Europe.  Yes we oppose a bankers’ Europe and a competition policy that prevents for example renationalising the steel industry.  Yes we are opposed to a fiscal policy that opposes austerity but the way to deal with that is to confront it directly, to throw down a challenge to European bankers and to defy them when necessary. If it is necessary to pass legislation that has a clause specifically exempting it from the 1972 European Communities Act and thus the dictates of the European Court of Justice then so be it.
Another Europe is certainly possible.  It doesn’t have to be the Europe of Juncker and Merckl but nor does it have to be the Brexit of Farage and Boris Johnson.
Assuming that Johnson is elected and that is by no means certain given the depth of opposition to him amongst business then the divisions in the Conservative Party will remain. So will the parliamentary arithmetic. If Corbyn comes out clearly for a second referendum and against Brexit then he will be in a position both to marginalize the Lib Dems and take on the Brexit Party in the North. Farage is vulnerable on a whole gamut of policies such as privatization, poverty and the NHS. To continue the present muddle over Europe is to allow Farage to become the kingmaker.
Tony Greenstein

Why do we need to define anti-Semitism?


The Political Uses of Anti-Semitism

There is an excellent article today (for once) in Tuesday's ‘i’ – by Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, one of Britain’s few decent mainstream columnists. Defining Islamaphobia is dubious. (the online version is We need to be able to criticise Islam – any definition of Islamophobia must recognise that) argues against the adoption of an Islamic version of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of ‘anti-Semitism’. Following the debate on the IHRA a mixture of religious reactionaries, misguided liberals and Baroness Warsi have combined to demand that there should be an Islamic version of the IHRA hoping that it would curtail discussion of things like religious coercion.
For the past 2 years there has been a wholly artificial debate around the need to define anti-Semitism. This involved a concerted attempt by the mainstream press, the Zionist movement and the Labour Right (including Jon Lansman) to get the Labour Party to adopt a definition of anti-Semitism that could be used to attack supporters of the Palestinians and opponents of Zionism. 

The IHRA definition has been around, in one guise or another, since 2005. The definition has been contested by academic researchers such as Brian Klug, David Feldman, and Antony Lerman; jurists including Hugh Tomlinson QC, Stephen Sedley, Geoffrey Bindman QC, and Geoffrey Robertson QC and even the original drafter of the IHRA, Kenneth S. Stern.
It is worth recalling these critiques had no effect whatsoever on the determination of the Right to push the IHRA because the IHRA was never about combating anti-Semitism. First adopted by Theresa May, Corbyn thought be was being clever in rushing to mimic her, oblivious to the consequences not least for himself.
Paul Besser of Britain First and a signed up Zionist is a dedicated supporter of the IHRA definition of antisemitism
Lerman, a former Director of the Institute of Jewish Policy Research stated that
‘Not only is there now overwhelming evidence that it’s not fit for purpose, but it also has the effect of making Jews more vulnerable to antisemitism, not less.’
Sir Geoffrey Bindman describedthe 38 word IHRA definition as
‘poorly drafted, misleading, and in practice has led to the suppression of legitimate debate and freedom of expression.
Being accused of 'racism' by racists is an occupational hazard on Twitter - it is the go to form of abuse for (usually non-Jewish) members of the Labour Right
Sedley, a Jewish former Court of Appeal Judge said the IHRA ‘fails the first test of any definition: it is indefinite. He also described it as restricting criticism of Israel and
placing the historical, political, military and humanitarian uniqueness of Israel’s occupation and colonisation of Palestine beyond permissible criticism.’
David Feldman, Director of the Pears Institute for the Study of Anti-Semitism describedit as ‘bewilderingly imprecise” Hugh Tomlinson QC said the IHRA ‘lacks clarity and comprehensiveness’ and that it hasa potential chilling effect on public bodies’
There is a very simple definition of 'anti-semitism' it comprises all of 6 words
Geoffrey Robertson QC stated that it would ‘chill free speech’ and was  not fit for purpose’  
Kenneth Stern, in testimonyto Congress, said:
‘“The definition was not drafted, and was never intended, as a tool to target or chill speech on a college campus.,”. “It was never supposed to curtail speech on campus.”
What the proponents of the IHRA lacked in argument they made up for in political muscle. Britain’s delegate to the IHRA, an inter-governmental body consisting of 31 countries, was the right-wing ex-Conservative MP and government minister, Eric Pickles, a former Chairman of Conservative Friends of Israel. 
We can gain some idea of Pickles’ devotion to anti-racism by the decision of the High Court, in 2015 to rule that Pickles had unlawfully discriminated against Romani Gypsies who wanted pitches in the Green Belt. When, in 2009 David Miliband condemnedthe Tory Party’s alliance with anti-Semitic parties in the European Parliament, it was Pickles who leapt to their defence. He denouncedthe attacks on Roberts Zile, a Latvian MEP who marched with veterans of the Latvian SS each March.  Apparently they had only been ‘following orders’ a defence which was thrown out at the Nuremburg Trials.
As befits most Islamaphobes, Katie Hopkins is also a dedicated Zionist
During the whole debate about the IHRA there was one question that was conspicuous by its absence.  Why the need for a definition of anti-Semitism at all?  For sure it satisfies a psychological need to define things on the basis that if you don’t define something then it doesn’t exist.
However there were already adequate definitions. The Oxford English Diction defines anti-Semitism as ‘hostility to or discrimination against Jews.’ Brian Klug, an Oxford academic, in his lecture at the Jewish museum in Berlin on the 75th anniversary of Kristalnacht proposed that anti-Semitism was
a form of hostility to Jews as Jews, where Jews are perceived as something other than what they are’ which for all its academic subtlety begs the question, what are the Jews?[1]but still the question that keeps knocking on the door.  Why a definition?
When my father and thousands of Jews like him demonstrated in Cable Street on October 4th 1936 against Oswald Moseley and the British Union of Fascists, in defiance of the Jewish establishment, they didn’t need a definition of anti-Semitism to know what they were fighting.  Do you really need to define a brick hurtling towards you or a boot in the face because you are Jewish?
If the proponents of the IHRA were being honest then they would admit that the real reason for the definition is an attempt to redefine the traditional understanding of what anti-Semitism in order to substitute Israel for Jews. That they have been able to get away with this is a consequence of changes in the Jewish community itself.
When Moseley attempted to march through the Jewish East End of the 1930’s the Police and the Conservative establishment were hostile to what they saw as a communist infested, left-wing minority ethnic community. All sorts of revolutionary, anarchist and socialist groupings competed for support amongst the Jews of Whitechapel.
The elephant in the room of the debate over the IHRA and anti-Semitism is that the Jewish community has changed out of all recognition in the past 80 years. The Jews of the East End have migrated to Golders Green, Hendon or further out still.  They have also risen up the socio-economic ladder.
As William Rubinstein, a past President of the Jewish Historical Society, wrote [The Right, Left and the Jews, p. 51, 1982]:
the rise of Western Jewry to unparalleled affluence and high status has led to the near disappearance of a Jewish proletariat of any size: indeed the Jews may become the first ethnic group in history without a working class of any size.’
In short as the Jews changed so did anti-Semitism and this was exactly Rubinstein’s conclusion:
It has rendered obsolete (and rarely heard ) the type of anti-semitism which has its basis in fears of the swamping of the native population by a limitless horde of Yiddish speaking aliens, and it has made Marxism, and other radical doctrines, irrelevant to the socio-economic bases of Western Jewry, and increasingly unattractive to most Jews
Dr Geoffrey Alderman, a right-wing Jewish academic wrote that:
By 1961, over 40% of Anglo-Jewry was located in the upper 2 social classes, whereas these categories accounted for less than 20% of the general population.[Jewish Community in British Politics, p. 137]
In other words the fatuous argument of the Right that Jews are not voting for the Labour Party because of Israel simply has no basis. Jews began voting Conservative long before the issue of Israel even raised its head.  The reasons why Jews today vote overwhelmingly for the Conservative Party has everything to do with their own perceived economic interests.
Of course there will be some middle class Jews who may be put off voting Labour because of its perceived support for the Palestinians, the Maureen Lipman’s of this world, but they will be few and far between.
When Jonathan Freedland definesanti-Semitism as being in opposition to the perceived self-identity of today’s Jews with Israel then what he is saying is that anti-Semitism is no longer hatred of Jews as Jews but disagreement with their political views. It is this, more than anything, which explains the hypocrisy that lies at the heart of the debate over anti-Semitism today and also explains why anti-Semitism has been used as a crude weapon against the Left.
Below is a very interesting conversation from the Boston Review on What is and is not anti-Semitism.
Tony Greenstein
Boston Review - A Political and Literary Forum

Two Jewish activists discuss the place of anti-Semitism in contemporary movements for social justice.

As Jewish activists invested in antiracist and anti-colonial movements from the United States to Palestine, we have been following, with interest and concern, progressive Jewish discussions of anti-Semitism. These discussions have been brought on in part by the horrors of the Tree of Life synagogue massacre last October, and in part by larger concerns about the rise of racial violence in the Trump era.
We acknowledge the real causes for alarm behind these discussions, but we also find a great deal to be concerned about. It is now commonplace for slanderous accusations of anti-Semitism to be leveled against Palestinians and supporters of Palestine, especially against black leaders and other activists of color. Many progressives have criticized the conflation of anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, but narratives about anti-Semitism persist that feed into the same rhetoric used to derail movements for justice in the United States and in Palestine. In questioning these progressive analyses of anti-Semitism, we look to the wider context of global systems of injustice. We are concerned that a lack of clarity about what anti-Semitism is—and isn’t—allows false equivalencies and elisions to be weaponized against movements for social justice.
We recognize that some will think that we are dismissing or minimizing anti-Semitism at a time when it is crucial to stand up to anti-Jewish ideologies. But of course we aren’t interested in dismissing the reality of anti-Semitism, past or present. Instead our goal is to contribute to a careful analysis of the threats of anti-Semitic ideology, without downplaying or minimizing the very tangible structures of racism, colonialism, and imperialism under which people of color live every day. Our back-and-forth has challenged our thinking about how we can be as effective and thoughtful as possible in our organizing and our work for justice. We hope that, in sharing our conversation, it will serve that purpose for others as well. 

Donna Nevel: I’m troubled by a common refrain I see expressed by progressive Jews on social media, directed toward social justice communities. They say, in effect: those who aren’t Jewish need to believe us when we talk about anti-Semitism, when we say we’re vulnerable.
On the one hand, that makes perfect sense: we should listen to Jews who say they are the victims of anti-Semitism, just as we would listen to those impacted by other injustices. But we also need to look more deeply at this particular call and its consequences, given how routinely false accusations of anti-Semitism are hurled at Palestinians and those who support Palestinian rights, at Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim, and at others—most often people of color—involved in antiracist movements.
False accusations have done real harm to people’s lives and careers. The threat of such consequences has a pernicious chilling effect on what people say and do.
Many people hesitate to engage with these issues because of the well-substantiated fear that they will be falsely accused of anti-Semitism—and bullied and intimidated in the process. These false accusations generally get a lot of air time and have done real harm to people’s lives and careers. The threat of such consequences has a very real and pernicious chilling effect on what people say and do. We need to take this reality into account when statements are made regarding who is “entitled” to speak, and to be listened to.
We all have a lot to learn by engaging honestly and thoughtfully about anti-Semitism, both its history and its current manifestations. The rise in white nationalist anti-Semitism in this country should be addressed, but that reality should not be used to buttress overzealous, reckless accusations of anti-Semitism. We must acknowledge how deeply the conflation between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism has become normalized, including within some progressive Jewish circles.
Mark Tseng-Putterman: I also see this admonition—to trust Jews when we talk about anti-Semitism—as problematic. Of course we need to consider Jewish experiences and analyses. But there is a tendency in “social justice” spaces to defer to individual subjectivity over substantive institutional critique that becomes especially dangerous in the context of discussions of anti-Semitism. Is “trust” politically efficacious given that criticisms of the state of Israel or of U.S. Jewish institutions like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) or the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) are so frequently shut down by Jews claiming anti-Semitism? In order to think critically about Zionism and white supremacy, we must all have the nuance to recognize and call out bad faith claims of anti-Semitism when we see them.
There is a tendency in “social justice” spaces to defer to individual subjectivity over substantive institutional critique.
Consider an example. The assertion that white Jews reap white privilege—and, like all white people, play a role in upholding white supremacy—is now being denounced by reactionaries wielding social justice language as anti-Semitic, Jewish erasure, and even gaslighting. I worry that a consequence of this “trust Jews on anti-Semitism” language is to silence the criticisms and analyses of people of color—including Jewish people of color—about racism and complicity in Jewish communities.
Many Jews do indeed refuse to accept, or even sit with, such criticisms. They also raise the specter of supposed “left anti-Semitism,” claiming that Jews are being excluded from progressive spaces. And many progressive Jews have been too quick to accept the premise that there exists a unique “left anti-Semitism” that must be engaged. The result, I worry, is a vacuum where Jewish communities and institutions can cover their ears and block out critical conversations about white supremacy and Zionism happening on the left.
Of course anti-Semitism exists in pockets of the left, as does ingrained racism, misogyny, and transphobia. But, to me, the way we talk about “left anti-Semitism” reeks of a smear campaign designed to block critiques of Zionism. These admonitions aren’t about seeking greater Jewish inclusion or participation in the left; they’re about delegitimizing some of the most important social justice movements of our time, from Black Lives Matter to the global call by Palestinian  civil society for Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS). As Jews on the left, we need to ask ourselves how our deference to the sensitivities of some Jews is enabling this rhetorical violence.
DN: I think we always need to ask whose voices are being promoted and why, whose voices are being silenced and why, whose interests are being served and whose aren’t. At this moment, particularly, we need to be welcoming critical, challenging conversations about these issues, not trying to shut them down.
The rise in white nationalist anti-Semitism in this country should be addressed. But that reality should not be used to buttress reckless accusations of anti-Semitism.
Take the ADL’s biased analysis of anti-Semitism. Their “research” and data reflect a broader anti-Arab, anti-Palestinian agenda. Yet, we see people uncritically citing the ADL as “the” expert on what constitutes anti-Semitism, and who is being anti-Semitic. And when their authority is challenged due to their troubling record, many claim it is further evidence of the left’s anti-Semitism. That was the accusation made, for example, when the ADL was dropped from a high-profile Starbucks “anti-bias training” following many substantive concerns expressed by leaders of the Women’s March and Black Lives Matter as well as by left Jewish activists.
Here’s another example. I read numerous accounts after the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute rescinded Angela Davis’s human rights award, arguing that Jews were being unfairly blamed for what happened to her—that it was unfair, even anti-Jewish, to focus on local Jewish organizations that had applied pressure on the Museum to rescind the award. They argued that it was white evangelicals, not Jews, in Birmingham, who have the power to make those things happen.
But Jewish organizations, including the Birmingham Holocaust Education Center and the Birmingham Jewish Federation, did play a key role in pressuring the museum to rescind the award. That doesn’t mean all Jews opposed her talk; they didn’t. And it is true that efforts to thwart supporters of the Palestinian movement for justice extend far beyond Jewish groups. It also true that sometimes the decision makers may not have consisted of many, if any, Jews, and that some Jewish groups oppose these kinds of actions when they happen.
To say that Jewish groups applied pressure on the museum—and were likely listened to—is consistent with what Jewish groups have done across the country to supporters of BDS applying for jobs, seeking tenure, and more. I just can’t see it as anti-Jewish to hold these organizations accountable. It’s not anti-Jewish to point out that many Jewish organizations have power to exert their influence in damaging ways.
It’s not anti-Jewish to point out that many Jewish organizations have power to exert their influence in damaging ways.
MTP: Absolutely. When activists, including many Jews, confront the bad politics of so-called “liberal” Jewish organizations like the ADL, they end up getting tarred as anti-Semitic. I’m thinking of the ridiculous allegations (many from leaders of left-of-center Jewish groups, including T'ruah’s Jill Jacobs, who has also falsely accused Palestinian activists of anti-Semitism) against the Deadly Exchange campaign by Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). They claimed the campaign, which sought to end police exchanges between Israel and U.S. municipalities, was perpetuating an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that Israel was responsible for racist policing in the United States. JVP and other activist groups exhibited very tangible evidence of the exchange of repressive policing tactics, and the links between racist state violence, in both nations. But this overzealous analysis of anti-Semitism distorted the campaign into a case of Jew-blaming.
Most recently, we’ve seen the attacks by both progressive and conservative Jews directed at Representative Ilhan Omar, denouncing as anti-Semitic her demonstrablytrue assertion that AIPAC and the Israel lobby influence U.S. policy in the Middle East. What’s worse, the coordinated attack on Omar was catalyzed by Batya Ungar-Sargon, an editor at The Forward, a supposedly progressive Jewish platform with a rich socialist history. After Ungar-Sargon went so far as to write that Omar “won the approval of the KKK,” The Forward used the smear campaign as a fundraising email talking point.
A number of progressive Jews responded to the Omar smear by balking at the assertion that the Israel lobby has anything to do with Jews. Similarly to the troubling dynamic you saw in Birmingham, many were quick to excise Jewish agency from pro-Israel lobbying, instead pointing to Christian evangelical groups and claiming that AIPAC is not a Jewish organization—despite its U.S. Jewish base and participation in various Jewish institutional constituencies such as the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. We are seeing an impulse, often coming from progressive Jews, to deny the agency and influence of Jews and Jewish institutions, which I think really limits our capacity to foment effective antiracist change.
This hesitance to confront Jewish institutional complicity in structures of violence may be rooted in a particular analysis of anti-Semitism: the idea that Jews are perpetual “middlemen” caught between the masses and the power elite. I’ve written elsewhere—and Tallie Ben Daniel has a wonderful essay tackling similar questions from a Mizrahi perspective in JVP’s recent book On Anti-Semitism (2017)—about how this notion that Jews are “allowed success” in order to be made “useful” as scapegoats later inevitably freezes our ability to call out Jewish complicity. It has us seeking to absolve bad-acting Jewish institutions by looking for the “man behind the curtain.” By that logic, Jewish organizations can’t have the power and influence to blacklist Angela Davis or defame academics such as Steven Salaita; right-wing evangelicals must have done it. And yet we know very clearly that there are numerous influential Jewish groups that are successfully leading smear campaigns against pro-Palestine activists and funding anti-Muslim hate groups.
According to “middlemen” logic, Jewish organizations can’t be blamed; right-wing evangelicals must have done it.
As Ben Daniel implores, we need to understand the privileges and powers granted to white American Jews not as an inevitable symptom of anti-Semitism, but as a symptom of whiteness, white supremacy, and the ability (and willingness) of many white American Jews to align themselves with both a fundamental American anti-blackness, as well as an imagined “Judeo-Christian” West that serves the imperialist project of Western Islamophobia. We must confront head on how institutions that purport to speak in the name of U.S. Jews are so deeply implicated in perpetuating racism and Islamophobia.
DN: This is an issue of real concern for me and for many others. Elly Bulkin and I have been working with different groups for many years to challenge Islamophobia within our communities. We created Jews Against Anti-Muslim Racism (JAAMR) as a resource because we didn’t feel anti-Muslim racism, and particularly structural Islamophobia, the “war on terror,” and the Islamophobia-Israel connection, were being prioritized enough within Jewish communities, including within many progressive Jewish spaces. More recently, after you brought to our attention some research about the New York Jewish Communal Fund (JCF) and its complicity in funding virulently Islamophobic groups, we continued that research, and recently published a report, together with Jews Say No! and JVP-NYC, detailing this funding and calling on the JCF to defund Islamophobia now.
While there has been some outrage expressed within Jewish communities about the JCF’s funding of Islamophobia, vocal opposition to it—or making it a real priority—hasn’t been as widespread as it surely would be if grants and financial resources were going to support anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi groups.
Institutions that purport to speak in the name of U.S. Jews are deeply implicated in perpetuating Islamophobia.
MTP: Another thread here is that in the United States, the most visible forms of racism and other forms of oppression tend to be these spectacular iterations—hate violence, mass shootings, police brutality—and not the profound mundanity of everyday, structural state violence. While the terrors of the Tree of Life and Christchurch massacres have rightly inspired global outpourings of solidarity, I think it is important to recognize the underlying institutional Islamophobia (which doesn’t elicit the same kind of bipartisan condemnation anti-Semitism does). It doesn’t minimize the tragedy to acknowledge that the Tree of Life shooting is not an instance of routine state violence against American Jews. Indeed, admitting this is a prerequisite to building the sort of coalitions necessary to take on the forces we’re confronted with today.
It seems to me we suffer from a lack of clarity about the meaning of structural, state-sanctioned violence. This lack of clarity in turn muddies the waters when it comes to understanding anti-Semitism. Some Jewish progressive organizations argue that anti-Semitism is structural in the United States today. What are the structures and institutions that uphold it?
This is where I find the analysis murky. My sense is that many would respond along these lines: Anti-Semitism is different from other forms of oppression. Rather than depriving Jews of resources and power, anti-Semitism thrives by allowing Jews success so that they can be made scapegoats in the future.
My issue with this answer, which was perhaps most popularly encapsulated in April Rosenblum’s pamphlet The Past Didn’t Go Anywhere(2018), is that it exonerates, or at least overlooks, Jewish participation and relative success in racial capitalism. The strategy thus evades questions of Jewish complicity with state power and the global racial hierarchy and instead freezes us in a perpetual state of victimhood, or potential future​ victimhood. Besides chalking up American Jewish power and assimilation to anti-Semitism’s predetermined “middleman” role (rather than to whiteness, antiblackness, or Islamophobia), it also assumes a cyclicality to anti-Semitism that makes it impossible to take Jewish power or safety at face value—instead seeing these as symptoms of a future, inevitable scapegoating. Rosenblum’s ideas are being amplified in this political moment, in countless news articles, Twitter threads, and resources that lean heavily on her analysis, such as Jews for Racial and Economic Justice’s “Understanding Anti-Semitism.”
We suffer from a lack of clarity about the meaning of structural, state-sanctioned violence.
I also take issue with the claim that anti-Semitism doesn’t work like other systems of oppression, because anti-Semitism positions Jews as a powerful threat to be eradicated rather than a weak minority to be exploited. Anti-Semitism is certainly not unique in this regard. Take the Yellow Peril tropes that have galvanized anti-Asian racism—from immigration exclusion to U.S. military intervention—since at least the turn of the twentieth century. These mechanics also invoke Asians as a powerful, external threat. The same can be said for “clash of civilizations” rhetoric about Muslims and the so-called “East” that is central to the “War on Terror.”
I worry that the tendency to render anti-Semitism as abstract, cyclical, and permanent (language of anti-Semitism as a “virus” or an “ancient prejudice” abound) prevents us from looking closely at our current political conditions and from understanding anti-Semitism in relation to the escalation of racist state violence we are seeing in this moment.
DN: It is true that negative stereotypes of Jews differ qualitatively from those about some other groups. But that doesn’t speak to the structures at work, nor is it a reason to exceptionalize anti-Semitism or to assume nobody but Jews can possibly understand it or its seriousness. Promoting that view has real consequences: it distracts us from the impact of white supremacy on targeted communities.
At the same time, there is the entrenched narrative of Jews as the “chosen people.” Many progressive Jews have rejected it, but many have not as clearly rejected notions of Jewish exceptionalism with which we were inculcated in Hebrew school and in other Jewish spaces—that Jews have higher ethical standards and are smarter than others, and that nobody has suffered as much as we have. (For many of us, who have power and privilege as members of white, affluent communities in the United States, these claims of exceptionalism perhaps have greater potential to do harm today than in the past.)
Many progressive Jews still think that nobody has suffered as much as we have.
We must genuinely grapple with these beliefs. They impact how we treat communities we perceive as not “our own.” They foster our sense of entitlement. They shape how we move in social justice spaces and in the political worlds we inhabit, and how we may come to understand and center our own suffering. (This is not to assert that there is one fixed Jewish value system. There are many Jewish histories, experiences, and lived realities; we all navigate multiple identities.)
One way this entitlement shows up, for example, is public outrage when social justice movements are accused of failing to center anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism needs to be included as an injustice we challenge, and, in my experience, I’ve not heard social justice groups claim otherwise. Many movements have been focused on challenging the dangerous structural, institutional, state-sanctioned racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and other injustices at the core of U.S. society. As we are seeing a marked rise in white nationalist anti-Semitic violence (as well as violence directed toward other communities) part of our commitment is to address and incorporate it meaningfully into our justice work. But that doesn’t mean that being sensitive and responsive to anti-Semitism requires centering it or believing that—in this country at this time—it is the same as communities targeted daily by the state and by a range of institutions.
MTP: I think this notion that the left, particularly people of color on the left, don’t give anti-Semitism enough air time sets up a problematic savior complex: white Jews swoop in as educators tasked with tackling the supposed ignorance of people of color. This, in turn, perpetuates this patronizing and paternalistic relationship between white Jews and particularly black activists that the often romanticized history of black-Jewish civil rights organizing hinges on. It’s not that activists of all backgrounds shouldn’t learn about anti-Semitism. But when activists of color do anything deemed anti-Semitic (including merely criticizing Israel), they are chastised by the press, forced to apologize, and required to commit to being “educated” on the issue—a ritual that I think receives undue airtime because it reinforces tropes about angry and ignorant people of color.
This sense of “finally people will believe we’re oppressed too” is echoed across the Jewish political spectrum.
Your point about how deep the ideology of the “chosen people” runs, even in liberal secular American Jewish circles, resonates here. Is twenty-first-century American Jewish identity—at least as it is popularly understood and circulated—even possible without anti-Semitism? Can we conceive of “Jewishness” in its modern, often class-privileged and white American manifestation, without a sense of victimization? Certain responses to the anti-Semitism of the Trump campaign, the “alt-right,” and even the Tree of Life shooting seem to indicate that these episodes resolve the crisis of modern white American Jewish identity—by confirming that anti-Semitism is indeed cyclical and permanent. Contemporary American Jewishness has thus become parasitic on victimhood. But retreating to these comfortable narratives about who “we” are is preventing us from building coalitions, challenging institutions, and engaging in self-criticism in effective ways.
This sense of “finally people will believe we’re oppressed too” is echoed across the Jewish political spectrum. This narrative was crystallized in a March 2017 piece in the Times of Israel which described a “silver lining” to rising anti-Semitism: it proved a counter to “intersectional” campus movements that excluded Jews on the basis of their being “white and privileged.” Of course, this narrative of Jewish exclusion from the left conveniently conflates Jewishness and Zionism. But this concept of the “silver lining” speaks to a larger dynamic in which instances of anti-Jewish violence are seen as “useful” insofar as they confirm to Jews and “prove” to everyone else our oppressed status. This seems to me an incredibly cynical and troubling way of approaching anti-Semitism in our current moment.
Jews are implicated symbolically in this scheme, but not materially.
Perhaps one consequence of this ideology is the shifting in emphasis away from white supremacy and toward “white nationalism” when we talk about anti-Semitism in the United States. For instance, Eric Ward has argued to great acclaim in some parts of the Jewish left that anti-Semitism is the central “fuel” of white nationalism, and that white Jews must give up their “fantasy” of white privilege. Ward has written that white nationalism is a “new competitor” to white supremacy, a social movement that is “stand[ing] up” as white supremacy “falls down.” Make no mistake: it is crucial to recognize the growing threat of white nationalism and the role of anti-Semitism within its ranks. But I worry that we are embracing a strand of post-racialism by saying, in effect, that white supremacy was defeated and that white nationalism is a new force rising to fill the void. This frame ignores the deep continuity in structural violence through both the Obama and Trump eras, and of course back even before the founding of the United States.
We need to talk about the white nationalist movement while recognizing that white supremacy—as a structure—remains in full force, one too often accepted as the status quo. If that’s the case, what are the implications of anti-Semitism supposedly being at the core of white nationalist ideology, if white supremacy remains hegemonic? And why should we restrict our analysis of anti-Semitism to its supposedly central role in white nationalist thought and not consider its more marginal role in systemic white supremacy?
The core of white nationalism is not anti-Semitism, but settler colonialism and antiblackness.
It also seems odd to position white nationalism’s pursuit of a white ethno-state as a new ideology rather than the founding doctrine of the United States. Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz has traced (in these very pages) the genealogy of white nationalist thought back to the so-called Indian Wars that founded the United States as a white nation-state. All of this is part and parcel with the liberal amnesia that has folks responding to, for instance, the state-sanctioned violence at the U.S.-Mexico border or the separation of asylum-seeking families with the ahistorical “this isn’t the America I know.” So while anti-Semitism may play an important role in contemporary white nationalist discourses, we need to keep in mind this longer history of white ethno-nationalism. Its core is not anti-Semitism, but settler colonialism and antiblackness.
DN: I had similar concerns reading a recent piece by Tim Wise as those you describe about Ward’s analysis. While Wise correctly rejects “the false equivalence some are trying to draw” between Minister Louis Farrakhan and far right, neo-Nazis, he then makes assertions about the role of anti-Semitism in white nationalism that I question.
“For neo-Nazis and modern white nationalists,” Wise writes, “anti-Jewish bigotry is literally the fuel of their movement, the glue that binds them.” He adds that “Jew-hatred is the thing, bigger than racism against folks of color.” While I’m skeptical that neo-Nazis actually believe Jews are worse than black people or Muslims, I also don’t see that it’s a relevant or useful distinction to make. White nationalists, with great frequency, target people of color, transgender and queer people, and others. At the 2017 Charlottesville march, anti-Semitic chants were indeed frightening, but they were also plainly a part of a broader call to uphold white supremacy and defend the legacy of the Confederacy, which goes well beyond the march, reflecting the day-to-day realities for communities of color. I am concerned that, while surely not his intention, Wise’s assertions about the role of anti-Semitism in the white nationalist movement end up diminishing both the consequences and impact of white nationalism on other communities and the central role of pervasive, structural forms of racism and of white supremacy—with its long and deep foundational history that continues until today.
I’ve also been reflecting upon what Lesley Williams wrote after the Charlottesville march about the swastika and what it means for white Jews versus for Black people. “For Jews, Nazi symbols evoke a terrifying, traumatic past,” she wrote. “For African Americans, they evoke a terrifying, traumatic, unendingpresent. White Jews may be shocked at this undeniable evidence of U.S. racism; African Americans merely see more of the same. Black people did not need to be reminded by hoods and swastikas that we live in a dangerously racist country.”
MTP: I agree. The language that Wise and Ward use about anti-Semitism as the “fuel” of white nationalism decenters the communities most tangibly targeted by the white nationalist agenda. Trump has alluded to anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that George Soros funded the Central American migrant caravan approaching the U.S.-Mexico border. Jewish progressives certainly need to confront that rhetoric. But the tangible impact remains the same: to militarize the border, separate families, and detain and deport asylum seekers, many of whom belong to Indigenous Maya groups. Jews are implicated symbolically in this scheme, but not materially. Clearly, that symbolism has consequences—the Tree of Life shooting being the most chilling example of late. Still, I think it is worth sitting with the distinction between being a symbol in the white nationalist imaginary versus being a target in the crosshairs of the state.
There is a difference between being a symbol in the white nationalist imaginary and being a target in the crosshairs of the state.
The same problem can be seen in responses to the Tree of Life shooting. The Forward ran a telling piece entitled “Is America Still Safe for Jews?” This phrasing—“still safe”—says so much. When has America ever been safe for black people? For Indigenous people? For those living under the boot of U.S. imperialism and militarism abroad? There are truths about this country—truths being exposed in new ways in this moment—that American Jews have not had to fully grapple with, as Jews, in recent U.S. history. So how do we sit with what for many white American Jews is a new, creeping feeling—that the promise of America is in fact built on violence—while recognizing that communities of color have been feeling that violence for centuries?
I think it starts with realizing we don’t need to be the center of attention in order to have a role to play in dismantling the structures of oppression that the contradictions of the Trump era continue to reveal.
I’m an opinionated Jew with a PhD in the history of antisemitism, but I find it daunting to weigh in on the debate about antisemitism in the Labour Party. To describe the accusations as disproportionate is to risk being branded an antisemite. But while genuine instances of antisemitism should be tackled, there is no more of it in Labour than in other parties. The sustained offensive by the Labour right and by Conservatives is not only unfairly damaging the party and the left in general, it also unthinkingly reinforces antisemitic motifs.
The populist right’s public enemy number one is the ‘liberal elite’. This phrase deliberately merges two very different entities: metropolitan intellectuals on the one hand, and global capitalism on the other. In her 2016 ‘citizens of nowhere’ speech, Theresa May declared that ‘liberalism and globalisation … have left people behind.’ The elision harnesses public anger at banks and multinational corporations and turns it onto members of the middle-class precariat: academics, journalists and left-wing MPs.
This scapegoating of a relatively powerless ‘elite’ echoes the antisemitic fantasy of the rootless cosmopolitan who is also part of an international financial network. The notion that prejudice is festering among the ‘chattering classes’ of North London unwittingly invokes an antisemitic stereotype. It also undermines qualities that are both vital and under threat in an age of philistine oligopoly: intellectualism, expertise, rationality.
Allegations of antisemitism employ a hermeneutics of suspicion, often uncovering examples recorded in meetings, or buried on social media, even from years ago. This replicates the classic dynamics of conspiracy theory, a common feature of traditional antisemitism. The language of the accusations, too, echoes that of antisemitism – a ‘stain’ or ‘scourge’ that has ‘infected’ the party and must be ‘rooted out’. I’m not arguing that centre-right and right-wing critics of antisemitism are antisemitic, but their campaign has a ferocious hygiene about it that carries unpleasant and ironic resonances, and leads to irrational outcomes. Attempts to reveal hidden hatred are a central feature of the asymmetrical identification of antisemitism with the left. Right-wing antisemitism is assumed to be more blatant, and therefore attracts less scrutiny. The left is held to a higher standard, and ‘gotcha’ moments trump statistical evidence.
On Monday, the Labour MP Siobhain Mcdonagh said on the Today programme that ‘it’s very much part of their politics, of hard-left politics, to be against capitalist and to see Jewish people as the financers of capital, ergo you are anti-Jewish people.’ ‘In other words to be anti-capitalist you have to be antisemitic,’ John Humphrys interrupted. ‘Yes,’ Mcdonagh said. ‘Not everybody but there’s a certain strand of it.’ I could hardly believe my ears, but she is not alone. In the New Statesman last year, Matt Bolton and Frederick Harry Pitts wrote about the ‘deep-seated theoretical underpinnings of left critiques of capitalism that have antisemitism as their logical consequence’.
Such commentators make associations that they would regard as antisemitic if articulated in reverse: the link between Jews and a version of capitalism that is about actors as well as systems. Similarly, they are keen to stress the distinction between Israel’s actions on the one hand and Jews on the other, yet at the same time frequently identify criticism of Israel as at least latently antisemitic.
Unlike political opposition, and because of the Holocaust, the charge of antisemitism has an absolute, unarguable quality, which is exploited by Jeremy Corbyn’s critics for a political end. It’s true that Corbyn and some of his allies are digging their heels in, creating a vicious circle, but many of the accusations are implacable because their aim is to undermine the left. On quitting Labour last month, Joan Ryan MP said antisemitism was ‘never’ a problem before Corbyn became leader: fifteen years ago I reviewed a volume of essays on the perceived rise of ‘a new antisemitism’ on the left.
What is new is Corbyn’s indictment of the financial greed hollowing out our society. An analysis of broader social and economic power was missing from British politics through the decades of New Labour, and is still absent on the right of the Labour Party. Corbyn’s message has resonated profoundly with many people. But it is being muted and drowned out by the antisemitism row.
Some conspiracies – not involving the Rothschilds – are real: the networks of offshore tax havens and shell companies, and the links between Russian money, Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, Trump and the Brexit campaign. Bolton and Pitts criticise Corbyn’s portrayal of ‘a parasitical “1 per cent” draining the vitality from the “real economy”’ and a ‘global elite’ who ‘do not produce anything tangible but merely make money out of money’. But that portrayal rings true.
Viewing power in perspective lays bare the vast and widening wealth gap, and a left that is at a low ebb compared to the neoliberal hegemony and the resurgent populist right. The antisemitism furore is undermining the left still further at a time when we need more than ever to challenge the real financial elites that are wrecking our world. Critics should not feel bullied into silence.

[1]              What Do We Mean When We Say ‘Antisemitsm’? Echoes of shattering glass, 8-9 November 2013.

Despite the Support of North West Zionists – Tommy Robinson is Heavily Defeated in the Euro Elections


Britain’s leading neo-Nazi expresses his admiration for Israel as Britain’s Zionist establishment keeps quiet

Can anyone put a name to these Orthodox Jewish scumbag supporters of Tommy Robinson?

In an excellent result in the NW England Constituency, Tommy Robinson gained little more than 2% of the vote, forfeiting his deposit. The working class of Manchester and Liverpool and the Lancashire mill towns rejected this foul fascist and Zionist and his racist politics.

However this did not prevent many Zionists from giving Robinson their support and votes on the basis of his support for Israel’s ethno-nationalist state.  It is no surprise that someone who is a by-word for racism should find Zionism so attractive and equally it is no surprise that so many Zionists find Tommy Robinson attractive.

One of his main supporters is Avi Yemini, a neo-Nazi supporting Australian Zionist who has a blogon The Times of Israel. [See e.g. Why I’m proud to be a ‘F**king Jew]’ Yemini has been running  Robinson election campaign.

The Israeli settler news agency Arutz Sheva led with its story ‘UK Orthodox Jews mobilize for Tommy Robinson’ which reported that ‘A group of British Orthodox Jews’ had launched a ‘mass outreach campaign’ in support of Tommy Robinson. Thousands of flyers were distributed throughout Manchester calling on "our fellow Orthodox Jews" to vote for Robinson and calling Robinson "a staunch friend of our people".
Tommy Robinson  on top of an Israeli tank
Tommy Robinson in an IDF shirt
These Orthodox Zionists asked their supporters to "Please open your hearts and consider giving your vote to Tommy Robinson’ Arutz Sheva revealedthat many UK voters were afraid of losing their jobs if it were made public that they support Robinson. The Zionist flyer explained to fellow Jews that
"We all know that in the last few years England has become unrecognisable from the decent country we grew up in… Who among us has not reacted in horror as each month brings new levels of moral decline and self-destruction in the name of 'diversity' and 'human rights'?
This is what Zionism has become.  An echo chamber for all that the fascists used to say about Jewish immigrants. Manchester was one of the main centres of Jewish immigration. The flyer continued
how long will we wring our hands helplessly, our activists trying to do their best, while the country carries on this awful march to the worst places, led by foolish, corrupt, 'educated' leaders?"
The Board of Deputies President Marie van der Zyl issued a statement condemning the Zionist campaign supporting Robinson saying that ‘"anti-Muslim propaganda will never gain support of the mainstream Jewish community" Unfortunately that is not true.  
Anti-Arab and anti-Muslim sentiments are the staple of Zionist propaganda.  Every time criticism is made of Israel’s human rights abuses, the standard retort of the Board of Deputies is to shout ‘Hamas’ with the suggestion that all Palestinians are somehow Muslim fundamentalists. 
It was the Board of Deputies who last summer justifiedand supported the mowing down of unarmed demonstrators in Gaza last summer using Hamas as the pretext.  All those mowed down, all the thousands shot by Israel were held to be Islamists.  Marie van der Zyl is a racist hypocrite.

Nearly two years ago, Arutz Sheva, which functions as the Israeli mouthpiece for the openly fascist wing of British Zionismspokeof ‘Fear and loathing grip England Jewish establishment over meeting attended by twelve private citizens.’  

At the same time, Robert Festenstein, a far-Right solicitor who is the founder and sole member of the misnamed Jewish Human Rights Watch, whose purpose is to ensure that Palestinians don’t gain access to human rights, was forced to issue astatementthat Tommy Robinson is not his client after having appeared in apropaganda videofor Robinson. 

Festenstein is also a member of the Board of Deputies.  See:  Independent letter to Jews in the North West of England: Vote for Tommy Robinson

Brian of London and his friend, David Collier
Tommy Robinson has a strong support base amongst Britain’s Zionists.  E.g. Brian of London, with whom people like David Collier, the so-called independent investigator and Jonathan Hoffman, former Vice-President of the Zionist Federation and a member of the current Zionist Council, keep company.
According to the GuardianRobinson’s former employer Rebel Media said this week that it had paid for Avi Yemini to fly from Melbourne to cover his campaign. See Australian Israeli Jew Avi Yemini campaigns with Tommy Robinson to be MEP for North West England.  Yemini was recently denied entry to the US. He has described Islam as a “barbaric ideology” that has taken over England and called Muslim countries “Islamic shitholes”. Yemini is little known in the UK but has been ever-present at Robinson’s rallies, often as a warm-up act on stage.
Lisa Barbounis
Another person heavily involved in Robinson’s campaign is Lisa Barbounis a senior executive of the conservative US think tank the Middle East Forum. She has been present at many of his rallies. Barbounis has worked on several Republican campaigns including John McCain’s run for president in 2008. She has been on Robinson’s campaign for about a fortnight. The Philadelphia-based group, which is well funded by a number of US rightwing donors, says its goal is to defend “anti-Islamist authors” and last year spent tens of thousands of pounds on Robinson’s demonstrations and legal fees when he was jailed for contempt of court.
Yemini is friendly with a variety of neo-Nazis. See Australia’s Jews Against Fascism expose ‘7+ Times Avi Yemini consorted with Neo-Nazis’ on the willingness of Yemini to work with prominent neo-Nazis.  As JAF say ‘Avi Yemini is a useful idiot in the endless soap opera that is Australia’s far-right melodrama.’
Erikson (third from left)
They give 7 examples of the neo-Nazis that this Zionist workers with:
1.           Neil Erikson
Cottrell middle
2.           Blair Cottrell / United Patriots Front. Cottrell’s  beliefthat “There should be a picture of this man [Adolf Hitler] in every classroom and every school, and his book should be issued to every student annually” doesn’t prevent Yemini working with him.
3.           Milo Yiannopolous and Avi Yemini – Milo Yiannopolous was the assistant Editor at Brietbart News, the far-Right and anti-Semitic magazine of the alt-Right and Steve Bannon in the United States until Yiannopolous’s advocacy of paedophilia became too much even for his far-Right backers. He is an open supporter of Jewish conspiracy theories.
4.           Then there are the Soldiers of Odin and Avi Yemini. Soldiers of Odin was founded in Finland by neo-Nazi Mika Ranta (criminal convictions for racist assaults), and is an offspring of the Nordic Resistance Movement. Avi Yemini met with Soldiers of Odin to garner their support. He made them a promo video for their efforts:
Tommy Sewell attending Yemini's make Victorial safe again
5.           Tom Sewell / The Lad’s Society / Antipodean Resistance and Avi Yemini The Lad’s society is a neo-Nazi spin off from the United Patriots Front). It is brainchild of Thomas Sewell, a faithful servant of Blair Cottrell.
6.           Chris Shortis / Australia First & Avi Yemini Chris Shortis says he is definitely not a Nazi, just a national socialist!! Perhaps someone will tell him that Nazi is simply short for ‘national socialist’!! Shortis (now ex-UPF) is member of Jim Saleam’s little Nazi mob, the Australia First Party. He is an online antisemitic ranter, Jewish conspiracy theorist, all round Christian extremist, with the usual multiple interests of day-to-day neo-Nazis at the minute. When Shortis got charged (and convicted) for racial vilification along with Blair Cottrell and Neil Erikson, Avi Yemini showed up to the court to shake Chris Shortis’ hand:
Moger making white power signs
7.           Stuart von Moger / Lad’s Society / Antipodean Resistance & Avi Yemini. Stuart von Moger has been lurking around the neo-Nazi Lad’s Society, now indistinguishable from its youth wing Antipodean Resistance, since it’s inception. Von Moger is second from left in the earlier photo in this article of the Lads celebrating Hitler’s birthday. Below (top) he is photographed making ‘White Power’ hand signals with fascist Lauren Southern, alongside mates from Lad’s Society and Antipodean Resistance. Stuart andLad’s Society Nazis provided security for the event. Below (bottom) he is photographed with Blair Cottrell and Tom Sewell at the Milo Yiannopolous event, which, as noted, Avi Yemini attended/promoted.
In 2018 when neo-Nazi as well as the full spectrum of far right groups took over the German town of Chemnitz, chanting Nazi era slogans such as “luegenpresse” and other Nazi slogans, doing Hitler salutes, spreading moral panics and inspiring vigilantism. They were clearly using these protests to build a neo-Nazi movement. Yemini lept to their defence:
punch a Nazi 
However despite all this finance and support from an international Zionist/neo-Nazi network Robinson flopped badly tonight!

Israel’s Bureaucratic Sadism that Prevented Parents from Accompanying their 5 year old Girl Dying from Cancer


Israel’s Occupation not only refused to relax the rules governing an Entry Permit for a child's parents but they also lied about it

It is not in the broad brush of statistics that we can best understand the cruelty and sadism in Israel’s rule over the Palestinians. It is not just a question of numbers but individual cases such as that of a little girl dying of cancer whose parents were prevented from accompanying her to a strange hospital.
The Israeli occupation is governed by a set of rules and regulations which allow no exceptions. They are administered by people who consider that the object of these rules, the Palestinians, are less than human. This is not rhetoric, the ‘Civil’ Administration in the Occupied Territories is presided over by the Deputy Minister of Defence, Rabbi Eli Dahan who is on recordas stating that the Palestinians are animals.  Even gay Jews, whom he considers an abomination being an Orthodox Jew, have a ‘higher soul’ than non-Jews.
Aisha al-Loulou.
Israel has perfected a system of control and a series of Pass Laws and Regulations that would have been the envy of South Africa’s Apartheid Government.
Aisha al-Loulou was a 5 year old girl with a brain tumour who had been repeatedly misdiagnosed, unsurprising given that Gaza’s health service is operating in war-time conditions.
Aisha’s parents were able to arrange an operation at Jerusalem’s Makassed Hospital on April 16th. However Israel’s Occupation Authorities would not process the request in time so the operation had to be delayed till the following day regardless of the danger this posed to the child. There then arose another problem.  Her parents weren’t allowed to travel with her. 
Although Israel pretends that Gaza isn’t occupied they maintain a Population Register of all inhabitants and her mother, Muna Awad wasn’t on it.  She didn’t therefore exist and therefore couldn’t travel.  Her father, Wissam al-Loulou was told it would take at least 3 weeks to run a ‘security’ check on him.
Of course to you and me it is obvious that parents accompanying a seriously ill child to hospital aren’t going to pose a ‘security’ risk but these are Palestinians.  To Israel’s racist military bureaucrats they are, by definition, ‘security risks’.
It was with difficulty that a stranger was found who was willing and able to accompany the child. But as Gideon Levy’s article below makes clear Aisha was distraught at the fact that her parents could not accompany her. Being 5 she was unable to perceive the ‘logic’ of military regulations in what is deemed to be the Middle East’s only democratic state.
Both the doctors at Makassed and the Augusta Victoria Hospital in East Jerusalem testified that being separated from her parents had an adverse effect on Aisha’s ability to survive. However to Israel’s military that was nothing compared with the laws that they administer.
Eventually Aisha was taken back unconscious from Jerusalem to Gaza, where she died without ever seeing her parents.  It would of course have been easy for Israel’s Occupation Authorities to have relaxed their rules and allowed the parents to accompany their child.  No doubt they would have been searched to ensure they had no weapons with them.  It is difficult to imagine how they could have possibly have posed any ‘security threat’, apart from the fact of being Palestinian.
This story tells you everything you need to know about the studied cruelty of Israel’s occupation as it affected one family. Of course if it had been a Jewish child then there would have been no problem but then a Jewish child would not have needed permits to be accompanied by her parents.
Aisha may well have died anyway but at least she would have been with the parents she loved. This is the reality of the ‘Jewish’ State that people from Tom Watson to Theresa May to Emily Thornberry and others in the British Establishment support. 
When we campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against the Apartheid regime in Israel we are met by cries of ‘anti-Semitism’.  In other words if you put pressure on Israel this is held to be an affront to all Jews. In essence this means tarring all Jews with the crimes of the Israeli state including the death of Aisha. To anyone with a brain such allegations are in themselves anti-Semitic.
My thanks to Dr Derek Summerfield who sent me this article.
Tony Greenstein
Gideon Levy
Aisha al-Loulou needed surgery to remove a brain tumor, and chemotherapy, in East Jerusalem. Israel wouldn't allow her parents to go with her
Two months ago, Aisha al-Loulou, a 5-year-old girl from Bureij refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, fell ill. She complained of severe headaches and was unable to keep down almost anything she ate. Her parents took her to the camp’s clinic, run by UNRWA, the United Nations’ refugee agency. The diagnosis there was that she had a problem in her abdomen; they gave her pain-killing medication but the pain and the vomiting continued. A few days later her parents took her back to the clinic. The doctors now said she was suffering from an infection of the jaw. Skeptical, her parents took her to a private doctor. He diagnosed a gastrointestinal ailment. The next diagnosis, at Shuhada al-Aqsa Hospital in Dir al-Balah, was that Aisha had a urinary infection. She received intravenous treatment, additional medications were prescribed, and she was sent home. But the little girl continued to suffer; she threw up all night long.
The next day, April 11, her parents took her back to the hospital, where she was to be held overnight. Tests were run but nothing definitive was detected. Her condition continued to deteriorate. That same afternoon she lost consciousness and lapsed into a coma. Her parents relate that she thrashed about and pulled her hair in her unconscious state. The hospital now suspected that she was suffering from meningitis and gave her medications accordingly. A CT scan turned up no special findings, the doctor said.
But then Aisha started to have convulsions in the evening. She was given Assival (Valium) to calm her down. The convulsions continued until 3 A.M. The physicians said there was nothing to worry about. No longer conscious, she was taken to Shifa, the central hospital in the Gaza Strip. Based on the CT scan taken earlier, the physicians at Shifa for the first time diagnosed a brain tumor. They also found excessive fluid on the brain and inserted a tube to drain it, after the child’s parents gave the go-ahead for the invasive procedure.
It was now Friday, April 12. In the afternoon, Aisha woke up and came back to life. She told her parents that the pain was gone. The family has a video clip showing her playing after the operation to insert the tube.
Aisha’s parents – her father, Wissam al-Loulou, 37, and her mother, Muna Awad, 27 – are relating all this from the closed balcony of their home in the Bureij refugee camp. The couple have three other small children. From time to time one of them – 4-year-old Ribka or Hasan, who’s 2 and a half – climbs onto the lap of their father or mother and curls up in their arms. Wissam is a graduate in management from the Islamic University of Gaza, but he’s currently unemployed. He was forced to shut down his small grocery store because there were no customers and in any case he needed the products to feed his own family. Since then the family’s only income has been the welfare allowances they receive from relief agencies.
The Gaza Strip is under siege. Muna’s face is veiled, only her bespectacled eyes are visible through the black covering. Wissam is wearing a light-colored galabiya. Our conversation is taking place via Skype: For the past 13 years Israeli authorities have prevented Israeli journalists from entering Gaza, other than those embedded with Israel Defense Forces units during invasions of the Strip.
To resume Aisha’s story: She was hospitalized for five days in Shifa’s neurosurgical department. Her parents were told that she needed to be moved urgently to Makassed Hospital in East Jerusalem for surgery to remove the tumor and then to receive chemotherapy that is not available in the Gaza Strip. Now it was necessary to deal with the bureaucracy of the Israeli occupation in order get Aisha to Jerusalem as quickly as possible. It was clear that her life was in danger. Her parents applied to the Ministry for Civil Affairs of the Palestinian Authority, which works with the Israeli Coordination and Liaison Administration. There, they were told that it would take five days to organize the authorization documents, two on the Palestinian side and three more days to get a reply from the Israeli side.
Muna Awad sits on Aisha's bed. Khaled Azaiza

Wissam says that he was told by the Palestinian office that because of his young age it would be very difficult to obtain an entry permit into Israel for him and that it would take Israel three weeks to run a security check. The situation was even more complicated for Aisha’s mother: Muna doesn’t have an ID card issued by the Israeli Population Registry, which is what counts in Gaza. She’s a Libyan-born Palestinian whose family originally hailed from Majdal, today’s Ashkelon, and she grew up in Egypt. She entered the Gaza Strip with a visitor’s permit and stayed on to live there without an ID card recognized by the Israeli government; she has only a Hamas-issued ID card, which is meaningless as far as Israel is concerned. The PA’s Ministry for Civil Affairs told Wissam that there was actually no chance that he or Muna would get permission to enter Israel. They asked for the names of other relatives who might be able to accompany Aisha during her ordeal.
Wissam suggested his mother, Aisha’s grandmother, 75-year-old Ribka. The Palestinian officials went back to the Israelis and were told that it would also take three weeks to run a security check on the grandmother. Maybe there’s someone else in the family, the Palestinian ministry asked. Wissam gave them the names of three of Aisha’s aunts, plus those of an uncle and the wife of an uncle. He submitted five requests and hoped that Israel would approve at least one. The grandmother and one of the aunts had received permission to pass through the Erez checkpoint between Gaza and Israel, on their way to Jordan half a year earlier. Another aunt recently received a laisser-passez to travel to the American consulate in Jerusalem, to arrange an entry visa for the United States.
At Makassed Hospital, surgery was scheduled for Aisha for April 16. Time was of the essence, her life dangled by a thread. No entry permit arrived from Israel: There was no way to send the child to East Jerusalem on the appointed day. Her hospitalization was rescheduled for April 17. Meanwhile the Ministry for Civil Affairs suggested to Wissam that he submit names of other people, strangers, not members of the family – maybe the security check would go more quickly for them. Desperate, the family asked people who happened to be at Shifa Hospital whether they would be prepared to escort their daughter to East Jerusalem for brain surgery and chemotherapy.
Six names of volunteers the family didn’t know were submitted to the Palestinian ministry, which passed them on to Israel. After a quick check, the apparatus of the Israeli occupation chose the name of Halima al-Adess, 55, a resident of Shati refugee camp, who was an acquaintance of one of Aisha’s aunts. Neither Aisha nor her parents knew the woman who would be spending the coming fateful weeks with their little daughter, far, far away.
Muna Awad with her three children. Khaled Azaiza

That very day the parents and the escort traveled to the Erez crossing with Aisha. She and the woman who would be escorting her had to board a bus to take them from the Palestinian checkpoint to the Israeli checkpoint. The parents were forced to tear themselves away from their sick daughter. Aisha was fit for the journey physically, but emotionally was beside herself. She wouldn’t stop crying and refused to be taken from her parents. She shouted that she wanted to go home and would not go with a woman she didn’t know. Aisha had never before left the Gaza Strip.
Her mother tried to calm her. She told her that she had to go, it was all to cure her, so she wouldn’t have any more headaches, and that when she returned home they would buy her all the toys she wanted. Exhausted and still weeping, Aisha agreed to board the bus. Her mother accompanied her to her seat and got off the bus. She would never see the little girl conscious again.
After going through the crossing, the two traveled by taxi to Jerusalem. All the way, Aisha’s parents spoke to her by phone, trying to cheer her up. Still, Aisha cried for most of the trip. The operation, performed on April 21, took five hours. Aisha woke up the next day. The physicians said they had removed the tumor, but that the chemotherapy must be initiated quickly. They told her parents that their daughter’s psychological state was terrible, being cut off from them, and that this could affect her chances of recovery. It was imperative that at least one of them come to be by her side. A visitor to the hospital gave Aisha 20 shekels ($5.50), and she asked her parents by phone what to do with the money. They told her to keep it and that when she got home they would buy her toys. Thereafter, her condition worsened.
The parents’ faces are grim, at times they stare at the floor. Aisha’s mother is silent, her father tells the story. He recalls how a representative of an Israeli human rights NGO called them to ask for details and a copy of their IDs in an attempt to help. An Israeli relative who lives in Lod submitted a request to the Peres Center for Peace, in an effort to obtain an entry permit for one of the parents. The Palestinian Al Mezan Center for Human Rights also submitted a request for one of the parents to be allowed into Israel. Nothing came of any of those efforts. The days passed without a reply from the Israeli side. Aisha was alone with a woman she didn’t know.
The spokesperson for the Unit for the Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories told Haaretz this week: “Contrary to various reports, Israel permitted the entry of the girl Aisha a-Loulou for medical treatment in an East Jerusalem hospital, after her parents signed a declaration stating that they did not wish to go with her from the Gaza Strip and requested that she go with a friend of the family, who entered with her and stayed with her during the treatments. We wish to emphasize, in addition, that contrary to reports, Aisha a-Loulou passed away in the Gaza Strip, after returning to her home two weeks ago, at the conclusion of an operation that, unfortunately, was unsuccessful, at Makassed Hospital.
“We wish to emphasize that, in accordance with its policy, the Coordination and Liaison Administration requires parental escort for medical treatment of minors, based on the understanding that a child needs his parents at such moments. In this case, too, in accordance with CLA procedure, Aisha’s parents were required to transmit a document of declaration, according to which they were not interested in accompanying their daughter during the treatments for reasons of their own – and they requested that someone else escort her on their behalf.”
Wissam, Aisha’s father, told us this week: “The IDF killed my daughter. Israel killed her.”
She eventually was transferred to Augusta Victoria Hospital in East Jerusalem for chemotherapy. But there her condition started to deteriorate with frightening speed. Again, her parents were told that the fact that she was in strange surroundings, without them and without anyone she knew, was affecting her condition. Within two days she became paralyzed and also lost the power of speech. The family decided to try to obtain a permit again, to do everything to get to her. But the authorities told them that there was no chance. The hospital said that it would be best for the girl to return home as quickly as possible. She was no longer conscious. It was May 7.
Wissam al-Loulou. Khaled Azaiza

A private ambulance driver demanded 1,500 shekels ($415) to take Aisha from Jerusalem to the Erez checkpoint. The woman who was escorting Aisha didn’t have the money. She wrapped Aisha in a sheet from Augusta Victoria Hospital and laid her on the back seat of a taxi. These were Aisha’s last days. Her parents show the sheet that was wrapped around their unconscious daughter on the journey home. For the joint photograph appearing here they wrap themselves in the sheet, to which their daughter’s scent still clings, as though wrapping themselves in her body.
It proved impossible to get her onto a bus at Erez due to the delicacy and graveness of her situation; she was taken on a three-wheeled moped scooter. From the checkpoint her parents took her to Al-Rantisi, a pediatric hospital, which at first refused to admit her because of her condition and referred her to Shifa. At Shifa the parents were told that she must remain in Rantisi. In the end they took her home, to Bureij.
The next day they were compelled to return her to Rantisi. The physicians said there was no more that could be done. She spent seven days at the hospital, without the staff doing anything. Last Wednesday, May 15, at 6 A.M., the hospital phoned her parents to come immediately. They stayed with her the whole day, watching their daughter die. At 6 that evening, Aisha passed away, her parents by her side – at last.

The Equality Commission Inquiry into Labour ‘Anti-Semitism’ is Political Interference by the State in a Corbyn-led Labour Party


The Inquiry Was Set Up at the Instigation of Racists - Labour should have told the EHRC to Investigate the Windrush Scandal and the Hostile Environment Policy

This is an example of the CAA's racism

The so-called investigation by the Equalities & Human Rights Commission into Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ is a direct political attack on the Corbyn leadership of the Labour Party. Never, not once, has the EHRC campaigned against state racism. It did nothing about the Windrush scandal, the hostile environment policy, the detention of migrants or any other form of state racism. The EHRC is a useless body which acts as a soft cop.
It is no wonder that Gideon Falter of the far-Right Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, an organisation set up in 2014 at the height of Operation Protective Edge, with the express purpose of labelling opposition to Israel’s campaign of mass murder as ‘anti-Semitic’ was crowing about his success.
A sample of the 317 articles attacking Corbyn on the CAA site
Ever since Corbyn was elected as Labour leader the CAA has made it its prime objective to remove him as leader. At the time of writing there are no less than 317 articles on its website attacking Corbyn.
By way of contrast there were just 10 references to the BNP, nearly all which were in passing and 11 references to the EDL, again nearly all of which were in passing. There was just one reference to Tommy Robinson and that was not about him. But since Robinson-Yaxley Lennon is overtly pro-Israel the CAA has no interest in him.
If this were a Jew then it would undoubtedly be called anti-semitic
Falter didn’t disguise what his agenda was.  He was reported in the Guardian as saying that Labour has now become a home for hatred in British politics’ and that the Labour Party ‘now finds itself in the company of the BNP’. Falter went on to say that ‘Jeremy Corbyn himself is an antisemite and unfit for any public office, and though few have acted, most Labour MPs seem to agree with us.”
The CAA is the body that the EHRC has listened to and it beggars belief that Corbyn’s office and the Labour Left, including what's left of  Momentum have not yet woken up to the danger of this politically inspired attack on Corbyn’s leadership.
One of the CAA's Islamaphobic patrons
As far as the CAA is concerned, any support for the Palestinians is, by definition, ‘anti-Semitic’. You would search in vain for any criticism ever of anything Israel does to the Palestinians.  The CAA however never hesitates to attack the Palestinians and their organisations as ‘anti-Semitic’.
The CAA have shown no interest in the anti-Soros antisemitic campaign
When Netanyahu’s ex-aide, Aviv Bushinsky called the American Ambassador Dan Shapiro, a ‘Jew boy’ the CAA refused to say anything despite me mailing them twice.
Even the timid and cautious Palestine Solidarity Campaign is demonisedas ‘anti-Semitic’ by the CAA. Yet if there is any group that deserves to be investigated it is the CAA itself which is virulently Islamaphobic.
This racist pamphlet is no longer available on the CAA site 
In its Report British Muslims and Anti-Semitism (the full version of which is no longer on the CAA’s website) they deliberately do their best to stir up Jewish-Muslim tensions. Accompanied by an openly racist stereotype of a Muslim the CAA wrote:
‘building bridges with British Muslims has become the focus of outreach work by British Jews.... the gradual buildup of understanding and friendship between Britain’s Jews and Muslims has been utterly eclipsed by growing antisemitism amongst British Muslims. On every single count, British Muslims were more likely by far than the general British population to hold deeply antisemitic views. It is clear that many British Muslims reserve a special hatred for British Jews, rating Jews much less favourably than people of other religions or no religion, yet astonishingly British Muslims largely do not recognise antisemitism as a major problem.
It has long been suspected that sections of the British Muslim population harboured hatred towards British Jews. This survey goes some way to identifying pockets of prejudice, but it also shows that the prejudice is horrifyingly widespread.’
This was no less than a call to arms.  The CAA then went on to indulge in what, in any other circumstances, would be described as stereotyping:
It would be interesting to see a poll by Jewish people on their attitude to Muslims!
‘Antisemitic British Muslims are more likely to be men, to be older than 35, to be social renters, to be in employment, to have been born outside Britain, to live south of the Midlands in England, or in Scotland, and they are overwhelmingly likely to sympathise with terrorism, violence and extremism.’
In 2015 the CAA conducted a thoroughly unscientific poll of British Jews in order to find ‘proof’ that most Jews were thinking about leaving Britain for Israel.  It found that:
Even the right-wing Jewish Chronicle crossed swords with the CAA over their absurd proposition that nearly half British jews were thinking of leaving
The CAA also conducted a thoroughly unscientific poll of British Jews in order to find ‘proof’ for the Zionist wish that ‘anti-Semitism’  was that bad that most Jews were thinking about leaving Britain for Israel.  It found that:
·               58% of Jews believed that they had no future in Europe.
·               More than half of all British Jews feel that antisemitism now echoes the 1930s
·               1 in 4 British Jews has considered leaving the country in the past two years because of rising antisemitism. 
·               45% of Jews questioned feel their family is threatened by Islamist extremism.
·               77% of Jews questioned have witnessed antisemitism disguised as a political comment about Israel.
·               84% of Jews consider boycotts of businesses selling Israeli products to be intimidation and 82% say that media bias against Israel fuels persecution of Jews in Britain.
The clear implication of this photograph is that all or most Muslims support Hitler's final solution 
These were loaded questions putting ideas in the heads of people in order to gain an answer. No attempt was made to put countervailing opinions to the audience. For example it would have been equally possible to put a question such as ‘Is it legitimate to boycott settlement goods in order to pressurise Israel into a political settlement?
Even the Jewish Chronicle of 14.1.15. poured cold water on these ‘findings’ with its own Survation poll.  JC poll reveals 88 per cent of British Jews have not considered leaving UK 
The CAA poll was junk but it had served to attract the headlines and make Jewish people feel more nervous about their position in this country.  Zionism is nothing if it isn’t based around the idea of getting Jews to feel insecure in their own country in order that they emigrate to Israel.
The CAA had an agenda and conducted an opinion poll with the intention of getting people to say what CAA wanted to hear.  As a letterfrom 33 Jewish people in the Guardian the following week made clear ‘Accusing critics of Israel and Zionism of antisemitism merely devalues the currency.’
The Institute of Jewish Policy Research’s Researching antisemitism’ [14 Jan 2015] was damning in its criticisms of the CAA’s findings concerning Jewish attitudes.  It said:
 ‘unfortunately, the organisation’s survey about antisemitism is littered with flaws,… its work may even be rather irresponsible.’  It was ‘based on an open web survey that had very limited capacity to assess whether respondents were in any way representative of the British Jewish population. So the percentages quoted are of survey respondents, not of Jews in the UK. The findings might be representative of the Jewish community in some way, but it is at least equally likely that they are not. Unfortunately, due to quite basic methodological flaws and weaknesses, there is absolutely no way the researchers or any readers of the report can really know.
The CAA routinely fiddle their figures knowing that the lazy right-wing British press will never call them out
The IJPR stated that the claim in the report that “more than half of all British Jews feel that antisemitism now echoes the 1930s” verges into irresponsible territory – it is an incendiary finding, and there is simply no way to ascertain whether or not it is accurate.’ It conclusions were damning:  ‘Professional social researchers build credible surveys and analyse the data with an open mind; the CAA survey falls short both in terms of its methodology and its analysis.’ 
For the IJPR this was a damning criticism. Regarding the Yougov survey into the attitudes of British people, which the CAS tried to spin the JPR said this:
 ‘A far more accurate and honest read of the YouGov data would highlight the fact that between 75% and 90% of people in Britain either do not hold antisemitic views or have no particular view of Jews either way, and only about 4% to 5% of people can be characterised as clearly antisemitic when looking at individual measures of antisemitism.’
Which was somewhat different to the CAA claim that nearly half of British people were anti-Semitic.
Such is the CAA’s Islamaphobia that they even attacked  Hope not Hate’ a group which had Ruth Smeeth MP as its Deputy Director. In an article Hope Not Hate condemns those who fight Islamist extremismthe CAA attack HnH for its report on The Counter-Jihad Movement: Anti-Muslim hatred from the margins to the mainstream”.
The CAA agree with those like Melanie Phillips who deny the very existence of anti-Muslim racism. They belong to the far-Right of politics and the so-called Equality and Human Rights Commission have swallowed their bait, hook, line and sinker.
Why the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism Cannot Be Trusted
There are three examples which prove, conclusively that the CAA are not an anti-racist but a pro-Zionist group.
This post accusing Jackie Walker of being a Holocaust justifier was quickly withdrawn once they realised that her quote was by Israel's first PM Ben Gurion!  The MSM never ever mention this and similar incidents!
1.         The Case of Jackie Walker
Jackie Walker is a Black-Jewish anti-racist activist, a former Vice-Chair of Momentum, who has been demonised by the Zionist movement.  Both the CAA and the Jewish Labour Movement, the other group involved in complaining to the EHRC are guilty of this.
‘If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal.  We have taken their country. It is true G-d promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our G-d is not theirs. There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?’
It is difficult to understand the mental gymnastics which led to the above statement being interpreted either as a denial of Hitler’s responsibility for the Holocaust still less Holocaust justification.
What the CAA did not realise was that the quote came from The Jewish Paradox by Nahum Goldmann, founderand first President of the World Jewish Congress and President of the World Zionist Organisation! He in turn was quoting David Ben Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister. Ben Gurion was responsible for the ethnic cleansing of ¾ million Palestinians but even he understood why the Palestinians rejected Zionism and their argument that what Hitler had done was not their fault. But to the CAA any attempt to understand the Palestinian or Arab point of view is anathema.
When they realised their mistake the CAA quickly removed the article. No apology was ever offered to Jackie Walker.
This viciously racist article went up on the CAA site and is still there - with Expel being highlighted in red and a deliberately dark background being chosen to make Malakha appear sinister
2.         Malaka Shwaikh Mohammed,
Malaka, a 26 year old Ph. D. Student at Exeter University was an ideal target for the CAA, despite her involvement in anti-fascist and anti-racist work. Malaka came from Gaza. She was traumatised by Israel’s Operation Protective Edge in 2014, when 66 of her family and friends were murdered.
The CAA engaged with Malaka in their normal courteous style. One post was headed Exeter students invite terrorist-supporting antisemite to reassure Jewish students after spate of antisemitism. It was accompanied by a video titled Expel Malakha Schwaikh’. The CAA could only justify their attack on Malaka by quoting what she said out of context. 
The Mail and Express apologised to Malakha but not the racist CAA
The CAA harvested tweets and social media posts by Malakha, in particular one where she apparently said
‘If terrorism means protecting and defending my land, I am so proud to be called terrorist. What an honour for the Palestinians’
In fact this comment was a response to Malakha made by another student who was in conversation with her. As she explained:
these kind of statements by Palestinians in general are most commonly in response to efforts by Israel advocacy groups and the Israeli government to demonise and dehumanise Palestinians.
In other words when Palestinians are accused of being ‘terrorists’ for resisting Israel’s Occupation they respond that if resistance means that they are terrorists then so be it. That wasn’t an admission of terrorism still less anti-Semitism. This is a rhetorical figure of speech. The CAA’s accusations are political terrorism from McCarthy’s handbook.
The press, which on the back of CAA’s campaign, had maligned Malaka, realised their error. The Daily Express acknowleged its error and admitted that:
In fact this tweet was one of a series of tweets in which Ms. Shwaikh was quoting responses made to her in a conversation with a student.  
Following a complaint an investigation was undertaken by the Exeter Student’s Guild which cleared Malakha of any wrongdoing. The Daily Mail and Devon Live Radio printed similar retractions. The full story is told hereCharacter Assassination as a Tool to Silence a Palestinian Woman, Statement by Malakah, 2 March 2017.
The CAA demonised and ridiculed a vulnerable female student. After a spate of antisemitic incidents at the University of Exeter, students decided to organise a protest march. Malakha was involved in this activity and was asked to speak, as a student who had herself experienced racism.  D chose to mock Malakha’s participation in the demonstration by casting aspersions on the Exeter student body:
They did what came naturally to them and asked Malaka Shwaikh, exposed by Campaign Against Antisemitism as a terrorist-supporting antisemite, to address the crowd and make Jewish students feel safe. Whilst professing an admirable desire for solidarity, Shwaikh took the opportunity not to renounce any of her views and to instead berate those “attacking” her as simply venting their “Islamophobic” prejudice.
Alone among her detractors the CAA hasn’t apologised for their despicable behaviour. It has simply moved on to denigrating other victims.
3.         Rowan Laxton
In 2009 Foreign Office diplomat Rowan Laxtonwas accused by Gideon Falter of having shouted out, whilst exercising by himself in a gym, ‘fucking Israelis, fucking Jews’ after having seen on a TV screen footage of an elderly Palestinian man killed by Israel in Gaza. Laxton, who is now Britain’s High Commissioner to the Republic of Cameroon, was prosecuted for using ‘"threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour …’ in a public place. The Police were not inclined to prosecute but Falter leaked it to the Daily Mail and this racist rag put the Police under pressure. Laxton was convicted at first instance by Westminster Magistrates Court and was suspended by the Foreign Office.
If Jews in England faced being unable to rent places because they were Jewish then they could cry 'antisemitism'
Laxton appealed to Southwark Crown Court who acquitted him of using the phrase ‘fucking Jews’. In other words Gideon Falter was a liar who had tried to ruin someone’s career for expressing their emotions about Israel’s attack on Gaza which killed 1,400 civilians including hundreds of children.  The death of Palestinians is not something which disturbs Falter in the slightest. As Professor Geoffrey Pullum noted in The diplomat, the bishop, the bomber, and the fruit bat the Daily Mail which reportedthe initial conviction did not report Laxton’s successful appeal. 
Despite some disagreements with this articleby Ifnotnow(it uses some anti-Semitic tropes) the information in it is still invaluable. The CAA fiddles its statistics on anti-Semitism with gay abandon as Eve Mykytyn explains in her article ‘Exposing the Vigilantes’ in The Anti-Semitism Warsand Exposed! How Britain’s anti-Semitism Scaremongers Operate.
For example it bases its statistics on anti-Semitic incidents by using Freedom of information requests to Police Forces to search their files using key words such as ‘Jew’ despite being warned by the Northumbria force that not all mentions of the word ‘Jew’ were anti-Semitic incidents.  They also described the request as a ‘fishing expedition.’
The Jewish Labour Movement is the 'sister party' of the racist Israeli Labor Party
The other group involved in making the allegations of anti-Semitism is the Jewish Labour Movement.  This is a group, some 2,000 strong the majority of whose members are not Jewish. They are by their own admission the ‘sister party’ of the racist Israeli Labour Party.
This is the same racist party which, when Netanyahu decided to expel all 40,000 Black African refugees from Israel last year supportedthe  deportations. It is the party that expelled the Palestinian refugees and kept Israel’s Arab citizens under Military Rule for the first 18 years of Israel’s existence  It is a party which openly wants to segregate Arabs and Jews.  In other words it is a thoroughly racist group and it is noteworthy that when, on Channel 4 last night, Karl Sabbagh raised the question  of the JLM’s relationship to the ILP, that Mike Katz was forced to lie and claim the ILP was a fellow member of the Socialist International.  In fact it left because the SI now supports  BDS!
The JNF is quite open about the fact that it supports a Jewish rather than a democratic state and this is what Falter has signed up to
Gideon Falter himself is a Director of the JNF Charitable Trust.  This is a 'charity' which with JNF Israel owns 13% of all state land and administers another 80%.  Not only has it been used to plant forests on Palestinian villages raised to the ground but to this day will not lease or rent its property to non-Jews. In other words it is a thoroughly racist body.  When Israel's Supreme Court, in the Kadaan case (now reversed through legislation) made it illegal to refuse to lease property to Arabs the JNF complained bitterly that 
'A survey commissioned by KKL-JNF reveals that over 70% of the Jewish population in Israel opposes allocating KKL-JNF land to non-Jews, while over 80% prefer the definition of Israel as a Jewish state, rather than as the state of all its citizens.
So the Equalities and Human Rights Commission is conducting an investigation into racism in the Labour Party at the request of 2 racist groups! It doesn't look promising.
Tony Greenstein
For more reading about the CAA see:

The Heroism of Olga Benario, a German Jewish Communist, Stands in Contrast to today’s Reactionary ‘Anti-Semitism’ Campaign


A photo of German communist Olga Benario Prestes who was killed in a Nazi euthanasia centre in April 1942 , Image courtesy of Galeria Olga Benario in Berlin, Germany
Olga Benário Prestes died in Bernburg Euthanasia Centre in 1942 where she was gassed alongside hundreds of other women political prisoners. ["Olga Benário Prestes"Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia (Jewish Women's Archive)]. She is relatively unknown and is an anti-fascist heroine.
Although she was Jewish what counted for her was not her religion but her political commitment as a Communist to the fight for socialism. Her example contrasts with today’s racists who abuse and misuse the legacy of anti-Semitism in order to uphold the capitalist order. 
Because that is, of course, the purpose of people like Tom Watson and Chuka Ummuna for whom ‘anti-Semitism’ is a stick with which to beat genuine anti-racists.
Olga’s heroism and dedication is an example to all of us in a time when fascism is rearing its ugly head, hand in hand with its partner-in-crime Zionism.
Tony Greenstein 

The daughter of the German communist killed by the Nazis discusses her legacy in the modern fight against the far right.
February 3, 2019 Gouri Sharma Al Jazeera

"I fought for the just and the good, to make the world better. If I must now say goodbye, I promise I won't give you any cause to be ashamed of me, not to my last breath." 

This is how German author Ruth Werner imagined Olga Benario Prestes's final letter to her husband Luis Carlos Prestes and her daughter Anita before her death in 1942.
Killed in a Nazi euthanasia centre shortly after turning 34, the German communist's words would have alluded to her lifelong fight against fascism.
Hers is a story of bravery and resistance that speaks to the various times in which it's been told, and which has left a legacy in Germany, Brazil and beyond.
Olga Benário in 1928
For her daughter, Anita Leocadia Prestes, today a retired professor and historian living in Rio de Janeiro, it's a legacy that needs to be remembered.
The 82-year-old tells Al Jazeera:
"It's important to publicise fighters like [Olga] Benario so people understand it's necessary to stop the rise of fascism and to prevent similar tragedies. Her example is inspiring to young people who want to fight against fascism, and for social justice and freedom."
An early lesson in social justice
Born in 1908, Olga was the youngest of two siblings in a middle-class Jewish family from Munich. Her mother Eugenie was part of Bavarian high society, while her father Leo was a member of the German Social Democratic Party and a lawyer. He would often represent poor factory workers for free, and it was through him that Olga first learned about social justice.
Her relationship with her mother, however, was 'tense', as, from a young age, Olga questioned - and rejected - the comforts that came with her middle-class upbringing.
Olga Benario was born in 1908 to middle-class Jewish family in Munich [Image courtesy of Galeria Olga Benario in Berlin, Germany
In 1923, the same year an Austrian named Adolf Hitler initiated the Beer Hall Putsch - a failed attempt to overthrow the Weimar Republic in Munich - 15-year-old Benario joined the underground Communist Youth Organisation (KJVD).
Her activities with the group, including putting up illegal revolutionary posters around town, led local police to register her as a 'communist agitator'.
It's important to publicise fighters like [Olga] Benario so people understand it's necessary to stop the rise of fascism and to prevent similar tragedies. Her example is inspiring to young people who want to fight against fascism, and for social justice and freedom.
She soon got into a relationship with Otto Braun, a fellow communist seven years her senior. When Olga was 18, the pair left to join the larger communist movement in Berlin and she took on similar activities in her role as a leading KJVD member in the working class neighbourhood of Neukolln.
A police headshot of Olga Benario taken when she was arrested in Berlin in 1926 [Image courtesy of Galeria Olga Benario in Berlin, Germany
Her arrest on charges of 'preparations for high-treason', followed by her successful attempt to break Braun out of jail in 1928, made Olga a well-known figure across the city.

Katinka Krause, 64, is a bookshop owner who has volunteered at Galeria Olga Benario, a Berlin-based gallery, for more than 30 years.
"There were posters of her all over town and images shown before cinema screenings offering 10,000 marks to find her. Many workers gave her a home and doors were made in different places so she could escape at anytime,"
Now a target for the authorities, the pair headed to the Soviet Union, where Olga joined the Communist Youth International, a branch of the Communist International (Comintern).
Olga Benário Prestes during her imprisonment in Brazil in 1936. She was shortly afterwards deported to Germany and murdered by the Nazis in Ravensbrück.
Her relationship with Braun soon over, she underwent an intense period of military and strategic training, a skillset that included learning English, French and Russian, plus skydiving, horse-riding and piloting.
She also proved herself with successful international missions to Western Europe, getting arrested in Paris and London for her part in protests.
'A gift' to Hitler
In 1934, back in Moscow, Olga was tasked with accompanying Brazilian communist leader Luis Carlos Prestes, then in exile in Moscow, back to Brazil.
Olga was to be his bodyguard amid preparations to overthrow Brazilian leader Getulio Vargas, who looked to be sliding towards dictatorship. Disguised as a married Portuguese couple during their lengthy journey there, the pair reached the South American nation in love.
In 1934, Olga Benario was charged with escorting Luis Carlos Prestes, who had been in exile in Moscow, back to Brazil [Image courtesy of Galeria Olga Benario in Berlin, Germany]
The revolution against Vargas failed in 1935, and Olga was eventually captured. Vargas shipped her back to Germany as 'a gift' to Hitler.

Swiss-German professor Robert Cohen has written three books on Olga Benario. The most recent, Der Vorgang Benario. Die Gestapo-Akte 1936-1942, (The Benario Process: The Gestapo File 1936-1942) examined the 2,000 Gestapo documents on her that came to light three years ago. According to Cohen, it's likely to be the largest dossier of documents on any Holocaust victim.
Cohen describes Olga as physically and mentally tough, and says he has sought to represent her from a feminist perspective.
"She took on roles only men were supposed to do, and was as brave and knowledgeable. When Prestes was arrested, the Brazilian police had the order to shoot him. By that point, Benario was two or three months pregnant, but she stepped in front of him and the police didn't know what to do. She didn't do this just out of love, she did it because it was her job."
Resistance in Ravensbruck
Shortly after her return to Germany in 1936, she gave birth to Anita in a Berlin prison. After 14 months, mother and daughter were separated and in 1939, Olga was transferred to the Ravensbruck concentration camp, situated 90km from Berlin in the north of the country.
A concentration camp only for women, it was built to house inmates considered 'deviants'. Up until its closure in 1945, more than 130,000 women and children, including aristocrats, political prisoners and spies were held there. Olga was among the first batch of women to arrive.
A photograph of Olga Benario Prestes in the exhibit 'Women of Ravensbruck - Portraits of Courage', curated by Rochelle Saidel for the Florida Holocaust Museum. Artwork on the right by Julia Terwilliger 
Rochelle Saidel is the founder and executive director of the Remember the Women Institute, an organisation based in New York that supports cultural and research projects that aim to include women in history.
"She was whipped, put in a punishment bunker and worked as a slave labourer in the Siemens factory, which was one of the main slave labour companies at the camp," says Saidel.
"Plus, she was very broken when they took her baby away from her. For a year-and-a-half she didn't know what had happened, for all she knew the baby could have been given to a Nazi family. Despite that, she continued helping other people and remained idealistic."
Olga was named Blockalteste, or block elder. She made a small secret atlas to teach other prisoners about geography and war, collaborated on a clandestine newspaper and put together a detailed atlas which remains in archives today.
Then in February 1942, she was taken to the Bernburg euthanasia clinic, where she was gassed to death in April.
Olga Benario Prestes was 34 years old when she was killed by the Nazis [Image courtesy of Galeria Olga Benario in Berlin, Germany]

Her daughter says she maintained a firm stance towards her captors right up until the end.
"She never wavered before the enemy, stating that 'if others became traitors, she would never be'. She paid with her life for such steadfastness, since if she were to deceive her comrades, she would have had the chance to take up asylum in Russia, Mexico or England."
The politics of memory
Authors, filmmakers, curators and theatre directors have all sought to tell her story. Saidel says the various ways in which it has been narrated are a clear example of the politics of memory.
"It depends on who, on why and when they are remembering," she says.
The Jewish part of her identity in particular has triggered much discussion. As a communist herself, Anita regards her mother more as a political prisoner than a Jewish victim of the Nazis.
Cohen says he sees both. "Benario never insisted on her Jewishness, in fact as a communist she was very distant from it," he says.
"When they captured her in 1936, the documents showed they treated her mostly as a communist and a member of the Comintern, from whom they could learn secrets about what the Soviet Union and other communists were up to. But from 1940 onwards, they refer to her almost exclusively as a Jew."
Anita was saved by her paternal grandmother Leocadia Prestes and reunited with her father in 1945. She has since written about her parents extensively. Her latest book, Olga Benario Prestes: Uma comunista nos arquivos da Gestapo (Olga Benario Prestes: A Communist in the Gestapo Archives) was published last year in Portuguese, and alongside Gestapo documents, features letters between her parents.
Anita Leocadia Prestes, Olga's daughter, is a retired professor and historian who has written about her parents [Photo courtesy of the Sao Paulo-based Boitempo publishing house, which published Anita's most recent book]
Anita says that in Brazil, her mother is seen as a "symbol of the struggle of freedom fighters and communists". The 2004 Brazilian blockbuster film, Olga, was Brazil's submission for the 77th Academy Awards in the Best Foreign Film category, although it was not accepted as a nominee.
In Germany, during the Cold War, she was considered a heroine in the east of the country, with schools, care homes, factories and streets named after her.
Being a communist heroine in the East meant that the West ignored her. Krause, the volunteer at the gallery in former West Berlin, says that's now changing and more people are learning about her across the country. 
For Cohen, Olga Benario's legacy, particularly today, as far right movements grow in prominence across much of the world, is clear.
"Resist. We cannot accept what is going on. Olga Benario did it two ways. She fought fascism while she was free, and then she resisted the Nazis for six more years. That is almost unimaginable."

Gouri Sharma is a freelance journalist based in Berlin. Previously, she spent five years working on the production desk for Al Jazeera's media critique show, the Listening Post. 

Open Letter to the Guardian’s Gary Younge – Why the Double Standards Over Israeli Apartheid?


Why is it so difficult to understand that Labour’s ‘Anti-Semitism’ Crisis Has Nothing to do with anti-Semitism?

I have to admit that I was taken aback when I began reading Gary Younge’s article If you didn’t desert Labour over the Iraq war, why give up on it over Brexit? Younge described how in 2002 he accompanied Tony Benn on his lecture tour around Britain.

Although I was only half reading it my eye was caught by the remark:
The fudge on Brexit is most often mentioned, with the party’s ineptitude – or worse, complicity – over antisemitism coming second.’
Younge then went on to compare this ‘complicity’ with the Iraq war and the pauperisation of asylum seekers. I thought at first that maybe this was just badly phrased. 
When I continued reading it was clear that this was not simply clumsy wording but an attempt to link Labour’s appalling record of racism with the current allegations of anti-Semitism. 
when Jews do not feel welcome in the Labour party because they are Jews then that is a serious problem. This issue has been handled badly and at some point that shifts from a bureaucratic matter to an ethical one of institutional indifference. There are clear moral reasons why anyone, but particularly Jews, might abandon the party.
This mass-sensitisation to and mobilisation against prejudice both within the party and without is to be welcomed. I do, however, wonder where that sensitivity was when senior figures in the party were burqa-baiting, accusing the children of asylum seekers of “swamping” schools, celebrating the Empire and branding the Liberal Democrats as “on the side of failed asylum seekers” while Labour was on “your side” (a byelection campaign run by the deputy Labour leader, Tom Watson). The point here is not to change the subject but to contextualise it. Labour has a history of both fighting bigotry and harbouring and, at times, propagating it...  It is helpful to understand the issue of antisemitism in the party as part of a continuum ....
The Guardian has played a leading role in the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign against Corbyn and the left in the Labour Party.
This must qualify as the one of the most moronic of Guardian headlines by this ex-editor of The Mirror
The Five Filters web site has compiledover 100 Guardian headlines attacking Corbyn and Labour ‘anti-Semitism’. A non-stop propaganda barrage. The Guardian’s attack, led by the ‘liberal’ racist Jonathan Freedland, has been part and parcel of its drift to the neo-liberal Right. My favourite was Roy Greenslade’sYes, Jeremy Corbyn has suffered a bad press, but where's the harm?
This is Nick Cohen's bizarre verdict on Wikileaks giving the Guardian a scoop about how the US machine gunned from the air Iraqi civilians including 2 Reuter's reporters
The Guardian's shocking betrayal of Julian Assange

The Guardian has been guilty of a shockingbetrayal of Julian Assange. The attack of Guardian journalists such as Suzanne Moore was described by John Pilger as ‘slow witted viciousness. The Guardian also supported Carl David Goette-Luciak a ‘journalist’ who was little more than an agent for Trump and the CIA in Nicaragua before he was deported.
Because Canarysupported the deportation of this ‘journalist’ the Guardian, cancelledthe annual Black History lecture on their premises by Canary editor, Kerry Ann-Mendoza, much to the delightof Tory blogger Guido Fawkes.  A decision that Younge supported.
Having been a reader for over 40 years I have a sentimental attachment to the Guardian of old but today you can count on the fingers of one hand, and still have some spare, the Guardian’s good journalists. I can only think of Aditya Chakrabortty and Amelia Gentleman. Even George Monbiot is little more than a Corporate Green. Owen Jones, their token leftist, reminds me of the line in Bob Dylan’s song that ‘You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.’ Jones is adept at reading the political winds.
Gone are the days when you had Ian Aitken, Jonathan Steele, John Palmer, Michael Adams, David Hirst, Hugo Young, Victor Zorza to name but a few. Now we have puffed up corporate liberals such as the pretentious Rafael Behr and Marina Hyde, who wanders all over the page in search of a snide remark.
Prior to reading his current article I would have included in this list Gary Younge. His ‘interview’with Richard Spencer, the founder of the alt-Right in the United States, was journalism at his best. Younge has been one of the few Guardian journalists to take racism seriously.
How then to explain his take on ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party? At first sight it is baffling. There is no lack of Jewish opponents of this fake anti-Semitism drivel.  Noam Chomsky spoke of how
The charges of anti-Semitism against Corbyn are without merit, an underhanded contribution to the disgraceful efforts to fend off the threat that a political party might emerge that is led by an admirable and decent human being,
Norman Finkelstein explainedthat
The transparent motive behind this cynical campaign is to demonize Corbyn, not because he’s a “fucking anti-Semite,” but because he’s a principled champion of Palestinian rights.
Avi Shlaim, Professor of International Relations at St. Anthony’s Colletge summed it up in an interview with another Israeli professor:
Anti-Semitism is not a real phenomenon within the Labour Party ... There are anti-Semitic incidents but they are usually related to Israel’s behaviour, Israeli brutality.  So every time there is an Israeli attack on Gaza and there have been 3 in the last 7 years there is a rise in anti-Semitic episodes and incidents in Britain. Fundamentally Israel and the Israeli propaganda machine and Israel’s friends in England and the Israel lobby in Britain deliberately confuse or conflate, and I stress they do it deliberately, anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism.  Anti-Semitism is hatred of the Jews as Jews.  Anti-Zionism is opposition to Israel as a colonial power and as an exclusive Jewish state.’
What is it that makes Younge ignore Jewish anti-racists in favour of Zionists like Tom Watson? Younge defines racism, not in terms of class or power relations but as prejudice. Prejudice can affect anyone, rich or poor, capitalist or worker, imperialist or colonised. By defining racism in this way Younge depoliticises it. It no longer has anything to do with society but is the product of the individual psyche. When racism is prejudice even the racist can become a victim.
Younge referenced a 2002 article Terms of abuse whose subheading was ‘If the left wants to win over the pro-Israeli lobby, it will have to start taking anti-semitism seriously’. Would Younge have written a similar article that if the left wanted to win over the pro-Apartheid lobby it must start taking anti-White racism seriously? What has anti-Semitism got to do with opposition to Zionism and Israel?
I don’t believe that this is simply ignorance. Nkosi Zwelivelile wroteonly last year in the Guardian that ‘My grandfather Nelson Mandela fought apartheid. I see the parallels with Israel’ Perhaps Young missed it.  Did Younge also miss Desmond Tutu’s comments:
“I have witnessed the systemic humiliation of Palestinian men, women and children by members of the Israeli security forces," he said in a statement. "Their humiliation is familiar to all black South Africans who were corralled and harassed and insulted and assaulted by the security forces of the apartheid government."
Perhaps Gary missed the articleby Ronnie Kassrills, the Jewish founder of the ANC’s military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe ‘I fought South African apartheid. I see the same brutal policies in Israel’Kassrills was recently banned from speaking by Vienna Council. Both the Green Party and the neo-Nazi Freedom Party voted to condemn his ‘anti-Semitism’. Gary would have been proud!
It takes a special kind of arrogance for Gary Younge to ignore the experiences of those who fought and suffered under Apartheid in South Africa in favour of colleagues such as Jonathan Freedland.
Factually Younge is simply wrong. Jews do not feel unwelcome in the Labour Party. Perhaps Zionists feel uncomfortable at support for the Palestinians or opposition to Zionism. Would Labour have welcomed those White South Africans who supported Apartheid?
What is most disturbing is where Younge links New Labour’s undoubted record of virulent racism with today’s accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’.  As he says
senior figures in the party were burqa-baiting, accusing the children of asylum seekers of “swamping” schools, celebrating the Empire and branding the Liberal Democrats as “on the side of failed asylum seekers” while Labour was on “your side” (a byelection campaign run by the deputy Labour leader, Tom Watson). The point here is not to change the subject but to contextualise it.’
Contextualisation is important but there is no silver thread running from ‘anti-Semitism’ to New Labour’s racism. It is because Younge is not stupid that his comments are even more perplexing.
It surely cannot have passed his notice that the people who are responsible for past racism in the Labour Party, and he mentions Tom Watson, are precisely the same people who are driving the fake anti-Semitism campaign?
Or put it another way. Why is it that the racist Tory press, from the Daily Mail to the Sun are so unanimous in condemning Labour ‘anti-Semitism’? The very same press that employedKatie Hopkins.
Who is it who is driving the allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ if not Tom Watson? Not only did he run the by-election Younge describes above but he openly supported the racist New Labour MP Phil Woolas who based his whole election campaign in 2010 on making the white folks angryand when the High Court removed Woolas Watson wrotethat he had ‘lost sleep’ over ‘poor Phil’ See OPEN LETTER TO TOM WATSON - the Unlikely Anti-Racist who supported May’s ‘hostile environment’ policy and the Windrush deportations
Tom Watson even hounded Labour Councillor Yvonne Davies because she had opposed a BNP style St George’s Day parade in his constituency which was openly racist.  But here is the rub:
Steve Bell's censored cartoon
How is it that someone who is so concerned about ‘anti-Semitism’ demonises asylum seekers and supports an openly racist Labour MP? 
I can only assume that the Guardian’s atmosphere today is so febrile that apart from Steve Bell, it is taken for granted at the Guardian offices that Labour is anti-Semitic. Steve Bell too has been a victim of the fake anti-Semitism scares when his cartoon showing the murdered Razan al-Najar was censoredby Kath Viner, the Guardian’s Editor.
I have written an Open Letter to Gary Younge. I don’t expect him to respond because my victims rarely do!  However the point is a serious one.  When one of the few Black anti-racist journalists in Britain feels that anti-Semitism, a minor prejudice at worst, is more important than state racism in Britain and when he ignores where this campaign has com from then there is a problem of political cowardice at best.
Gary Younge is not a Chuka Ummuna figure. Chuka is someone who just happens to be Black. Like his Zionist heroes he is an active participant in racism. He supported the 2014 Immigration Act and Theresa May’s hostile environment policy. No one could accuse Gary Younge of that and yet, in upholding the fake claims of ‘anti-Semitism’ he has given comfort to the racists of the Israel lobby.

Open Letter to Gary Younge
Dear Gary,
I read with interest your recent articleIf you didn’t desert Labour over the Iraq war, why give up on it over Brexit?’ In it you stated that:

when Jews do not feel welcome in the Labour party because they are Jews then that is a serious problem.

Of course this would be a problem if it were true. It is anti-Zionist Jews such as myself and Jackie Walker who have not been made welcome.  Indeed we have been expelled at the behest of Zionist groups such as the misnamed Jewish Labour Movement.
It is not, of course, just Jews who have been expelled.  Black and Muslim members have also been targeted if they have ‘misspoke’ about Israel.

Only today Pete Willsman has been suspended for stating the obvious, namely that the Israeli Embassy is behind this pernicious campaign. Chris Williamson MP has also been suspended for doubting the fake anti-Semitism allegations.

You cannot be unaware of the expulsion of Marc Wadsworth, a long-standing anti-racist activist, who was accused of ‘anti-Semitism’ by Ruth Smeeth MP, who is a ‘protected’ asset of the United States. About all of this you have nothing to say.
What surprised me was you that you drew a link between the false anti-Semitism campaign and the very real racism of New Labour and its predecessors.  A racism going back to the 1968 Kenya Asian Immigration Act.

You spoke of how a ‘mass-sensitisation to and mobilisation against prejudice both within the party and without is to be welcomed.’and then wondered ‘where that sensitivity was when senior figures in the party were burqa-baiting, accusing the children of asylum seekers of “swamping” schools...’in the course of which you mentioned the role of Tom Watson in a race baiting campaign.

In fact you were too kind. You will no doubt remember the unlamented former Immigration Minister Phil Woolas who based his whole election campaign in 2010 on making the white folks angry’. Far from Tom Watson condemning him for his campaign when the High Court removed Woolas Watson wrotethat he had lost sleep’ over ‘poor Phil’

You seem to see a contradiction between the concern over the concern over ‘anti-Semitism’ and New Labour’s racist record. There is only a contradiction if the concern about anti-Semitism is genuine. I suggest it is anything but.

I find it difficult to believe that you are so naive.  It is completely consistent that those who are using ‘anti-Semitism’ as a weapon against Corbyn and the Left are the same people who demonised, pauperised and removed legal aid from asylum seekers.

Tom Watson, Ian Austin and the Labour Right aren’t in the slightest concerned about genuine racism or anti-Semitism. What concerns them is opposition to Israel. That is why they campaigned so vociferously for the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism which conflates criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism.

Has it never occurred to you to ask why it is that the same papers who employedKatie Hopkins have been the ones alleging ‘anti-Semitism’? It was the Daily Mail which kicked this all off in 2015 when it allegedthat Corbyn was associated with holocaust deniers.

Let me help you. In the wordsof Israeli novelist A B Yehoshua, ‘even today, in a perverse way, a real anti-Semite must be a Zionist.’ That is why Israel’s best friends are Viktor Orban and the anti-Semitic Polish regime.  It is why the main supporter of the Apartheid regime in South Africa was also Israel.

You referred in your article to Terms of abusewhere, quite shockingly you stated, ‘If the left wants to win over the pro-Israeli lobby, it will have to start taking anti-semitism seriously’.  Would you have said the same with respect to the Apartheid regime in South Africa?  That we shouldn’t be anti-White?

You may respond that Zionism and the State of Israel is not like Apartheid South Africa. Presumably the fact that Israel has maintained a military occupation over 5 million Palestinians for 52 years, because to give them civil and political rights would mean an end to a Jewish ethnic state, is not apartheid? Even within Israel does not segregated education and land not remind you of something?  93% of Israeli land is Jewish national land. Half the Arab villages are ‘unrecognised’ i.e. are liable for demolition and where, as in Afula last year, hundreds of Israeli Jews demonstratedagainst the sale of a house to an Arab.

When Israeli actress, Rotem Sala, at the last General Election askedWhen the hell will someone in this government convey to the public that Israel is a state of all its citizens... and that even the Arabs and the Druze ... are human." Prime Minister Netanyahu responded that ‘Israel is not a country of all its citizens. According to the nation-state law that we passed, Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish nation,”
Netanyahu was right. As a Jew I have the right to Israeli citizenship anytime I want unlike a Palestinian who was born there.  What has opposition to this got to do with anti-Semitism?

It isn’t me but Anti-Apartheid veterans in South Africa who see the parallels between Israel and South Africa. I’m surprised that you are so blind.

Nkosi Zwelivelile wroteonly last year in the Guardian that ‘My grandfather Nelson Mandela fought apartheid. I see the parallels with Israel’ Perhaps you missed it?  Did you also miss Desmond Tutu’s commentsthat:

“I have witnessed the systemic humiliation of Palestinian men, women and children by members of the Israeli security forces. Their humiliation is familiar to all black South Africans who were corralled and harassed and insulted and assaulted by the security forces of the apartheid government."

Perhaps you missed the articleby Ronnie Kassrills, the Jewish founder of the ANC’s military wing Umkhonto we Sizwe in April’s Guardian: ‘I fought South African apartheid. I see the same brutal policies in Israel’

My question to you Gary is when you are going to stop being an apologist for Israeli Apartheid? Anti-Semitism is hatred of Jews not hatred of Jewish racism.

Tony Greenstein

Reinstate Pete Willsman and Free Speech in the Labour Party – It is not anti-Semitic to tell the truth about the Israeli Embassy


James Baldwin But the state of Israel was not created for the salvation of the Jews; it was created for the salvation of  Western interests’

Pete Willsman’s comments that the Israeli Embassy is behind the fake anti-Semitism campaign in the Labour Party are based on the Al Jazeera undercover programme The Lobby. It is a fact that the Israeli Embassy was heavily involved in creating Young Labour Friends of Israel via their agent Shai Masot.  
It is also undeniable that the Embassy worked hand in glove with the Jewish Labour Movement, which describes itself as the ‘sister party’ of the Israeli Labour Party,  in promoting the ‘anti-Semitism’ crisis.  The JLM’s first Director, Ella Rose, was a free transfer from the Israeli Embassy.
More evidence that the Israeli Embassy has no connection to the fake 'antisemitism' crisis - pictured (l-r) Jeremy Newmark of the JLM, Ella Rose, Director JLM and Mark Regev, Israeli Ambassador and war criminal
There is no justification whatsoever for Pete Willsman’s suspension and Corbyn should personally intervene to have it rescinded forthwith.
In one of his more idiotic comments Alistair Campbell, Blair’s former spin doctor who was expelled for voting for the Lib-Dems protestedto Sky News that:
"If you're someone like me who is considered to be not one of Corbyn's people then you get what seems like a pretty summary of justice but if you are someone who is clearly very close to Mr Corbyn, then you get to sit on the National Executive."
It probably did not occur to Campbell that the reason Willsman is on the NEC is because he was elected to that position. Campbell by way of contrast has never been elected to anything.
Extract from The Lobby showing Michael Rubin, Parliamentary Officer of Labour Friends of Israel discussing financial help from the Israeli Embassy
It is a favourite talking point of the Right to compare the ‘injustice’ of Campbell’s expulsion with the suspension of Pete Willsman. We had Tony Blair’s former flatmate, Lord Falconer on BBC News fulminating about how Pete should be expelled within 14 days.
It is another example of Corbyn’s idiocy that he appointedFalconer of all people to oversee the conduct of Labour’s disciplinary processes. Apparently it was at the instigation of John McDonnell.
Falconer’s hypocrisy is sickening. Hundreds if not thousands of people have been expelled for merely saying they support a candidate of another party, let alone voting for one.  Mel Melvin, Woman’s Officer in Brighton Kemptown was expelled for saying she supported George Galloway in a by-election. I didn’t notice the media, the BBC’s Jon Sopel, ITV’s Peston or indeed Falconer demanding Mel’s reinstatement.
James Baldwin
It is true that expelling Campbell for voting for the Lib-Dems is like impeaching Richard Nixon for Watergate.  Given the secret war on Cambodia and the bombing of Vietnam to impeach him for burgling the Democrat’s election offices and covering it up seemed trivial.
Similarly given that Campbell was responsible for the Dodgy Dossier and fixing the intelligence that enabled British participation in the Iraq War, it is churlish to punish him for voting Lib-Dem when he should have been expelled as a war criminal. 
Willsman’s broad allegations, that staff in the Labour Party are working for or in contact with the Israeli Embassy is almost certainly correct. It is also highly likely that some of them supply British Intelligence with information. His allegation that the 68 rabbis who wrote to the press attacking Corbyn were ‘obviously organised by the Israeli embassy - saying antisemitism in the Labour party is widespread and severe." is not far off the mark. 
One thing is certain and that is somebody organised them and that somebody would have been in close contact with the Israeli Embassy. What is also the case that the letter supporting Jeremy Corbyn from 29 Orthodox Rabbis did not get any publicity.  But they were the wrong kind of rabbi!
But even if Pete Willsman was wrong.  Just suppose the Israeli Embassy is innocent and doesn’t get involved in domestic politics, which is pretty unlikely, in what way are his comments anti-Semitic?
Apparently Willsman made the comments in January when he met the American-Israeli author Tuvia Tenenbom, who was in the UK to write a book. So it has taken 5 months for these comments to surface.  They were made off the record and Pete is perfectly entitled to believe them.
If Corbyn and the Left, Momentum and others, don’t respond to this latest suspension then we can wave goodbye to the idea of a radical Labour Government.
From the very beginning Corbyn has failed to get a grip with the fake anti-Semitism campaign. Instead of apologising and retreating he should have been clear from the outset.  These allegations are cynically and politically made not in order to attack anti-Semitism or any other form of racism but because as a handy weapon to attack him.
Indeed the fake anti-Semitism campaign is likely to increase anti-Semitism as people see ‘the Jews’  mobilising against a radical Labour leader.
Every week the Zionist rag aka Jewish Chronicle has a new anti-Corbyn hit piece
Every week there is a new front page story in the Jewish Chronicle, which is a Zionist rag, attacking Corbyn as an anti-Semite.  There is an ongoing campaign of which Tom Watson is the leading proponent. Corbyn’s abject cowardice in failing to get to grips with these attacks and confront them will almost certainly mean that his leadership will ultimately be a failure.
The sharks are circling.  The Independent Group were just the first shot.  Unless there is a fightback then sooner or later we will see a more acceptable candidate emerge such as Emily Thornberry, a sponsor of Labour Friends of Israel emerge. Only this week we have an articlein the New Statesman, from an erstwhile ‘friend’ Francis Prideaux Jeremy Corbyn Must Resign as Labour Leader Before the Party Loses all Hope.
For some strange reason John Mann's concern about antisemitism doesn't extend to Gypsies even though they were exterminated just like Jews in the Holocaust
That this is not and never has been about anti-Semitism should be obvious.  As I have repeatedly pointed out the concern of Labour’s Right for ‘anti-Semitism’ doesn’t extend to any other groups. 
John Mann showed himself to be anti-Gypsy with his Bassetlaw Anti-Social Behaviour Handbook which advised that ‘the Police have the powers to remove Gypsies or Travellers’
Tom Watson's distress at the ejection of racist Phil Woolas
When Phil Woolas, the racist Labour MP for Oldham North and a former Home Office Immigration Minister was removed as an MP by the High Court for election offences. Tom Watson confessedthat ‘I’ve lost sleep thinking about poor old Phil Woolas and his leaflets.
Poor Phil had run a campaign which, according to an email from his election agent, aimed to ‘make the white folk angry
Tom Watson was the Campaigns Organiser for Liam Byrne in the 2004 by-election in Birmingham Hodge Hill. In The ghost of EnochNick Cohen described the gay bashing, racist campaign that Watson ran when ‘Labour reshuffled the pack and played the race card’ against the Lib Dems.’ One Labour leaflet carried the slogan:"Labour is on your side, the Lib Dems are on the side of failed asylum seekers."
The racist leaflet that led the High Court to removing Phil Woolas as MP for election offences
Liam Byrne MP, the Labour candidate told voters,
'I know that people here are worried about fraudulent asylum claims and illegal immigration. Yet the Lib Dems ignore what people say. They ignore what local people really want. The Lib Dems want to keep giving welfare benefits to failed asylum seekers. They voted for this in Parliament on 1 March 2004. They want your money -and mine - to go to failed asylum seekers.'
As Cohen commented,
Labour didn't mention that the disputed measure was a plan to take the children of asylum seekers from their parents and put them into care, which Michael Howard had denounced as 'despicable'.  
It is these very same racists who are now shouting anti-Semitism. Tom Watson, former Vice-President of Trade Union Friends of Israel wouldn’t know what anti-Semitism was if it appeared on his doorstep with a toothbrush moustache holding a swastika.
It is a sign of Corbyn’s feebleness that instead of calling Watson and Hodge out he allows them to walk all over him, promising to be a better doormat next time around.
We need to get out of our heads the idea that there is any correlation between Israel’s behaviour and Jews. Even the IHRA definition says that ‘Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel’ is anti-Semitic.’ That is exactly what the accusers of Pete Willsman have done. They have said that Willsman’s criticisms of the Israeli Embassy are anti-Jewish.
As the great Black American novelist, poet and activist, James Baldwin once said
“But the state of Israel was not created for the salvation of the Jews; it was created for the salvation of the Western interests.
Criticisms of Israel are not criticisms of Jews.  Baldwin elaboratedon this theme to an audience at the University of Massachussets:
Whenever Israel is mentioned one is required, it appears sometimes to me, to maintain a kind of pious silence.  Well, why?  It is a state like other states.  It has come into existence in a peculiar way.  But it does not, does not, become a state because people who wrote the Balfour Declaration, or Winston Churchill, or for that matter anyone in Europe, or in the Western world, really cared what happened to the Jews.  I wish I could say differently, but I would be lying if I did—it came into existence as a means of protecting Western interests at the gate of the Middle East.
Labour’s anti-Semitism zealots are engaged in a form of anti-intellectualism designed to destroy all debate or discussion in the Labour Party.  They are petty and vindictive little McCarthyites for whom debate and freedom of speech is the enemy.  Goaded on by the gutter press that they feed, they are making members afraid of saying anything in case they put their foot wrong. 
The time has long gone when people on the Labour Left, including Corbyn and McDonnell, need to call this out.  Pete Willsman and Chris Williamson MP should be reinstated immediately and political enemies like Margaret Hodge should be put to the sword and told to join Chuka Ummuna and his ‘funny tinge’ comrades.

Walter Wolfgang – farewell to a comrade and friend of Palestine


As a Jewish Refugee from Nazi Germany Walter Wolfgang was a fierce opponent of the  fake 'anti-Semitism' witchhunt

It was with great sadness that I learnt of the death of Walter Wolfgang. I first met Walter more than 30 years ago. He was a member of the Labour Movement Campaign for Palestine which I chaired and spoke on our platforms.
Walter was a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany and like an estimated 97% of German Jews he was opposed to Zionism which was rightly seen as a Jewish volkish movement and a reflection of Nazi anti-Semitism. 
Walter was also a longstanding Signatory of Jews for Justice in Palestine. It is noticeable, in the present atmosphere whereby anti-Zionists are being witchhunted by racists in the Labour Party as ‘anti-Semites’ that none of the tributes to Walter have mentioned his support of the Palestinian.
It was precisely because he was a man of peace that he supported the victims of Zionist colonisation in Palestine.
This is the complete taking liberties video from which the excerpt above is taken. It is fascinating to watch to remind people of how New Labour conducted a wholesale attack on civil liberties
In 2014 Walter spoke at the massive Palestine demonstration against Israel’s genocidal attack on the people of Gaza. As Electronic Intifada reportedbecause he was too frail to climb the steps to the speakers platform he spoke from ground level.
I last spoke to Walter outside the Labour Party conference in Liverpool when he made it clear what his opinions were on the false anti-Semitism witchhunt that Pete Willsman is the latest victim of.
When Pete Willsman was last under attack over his description of the Board of Deputies as a bunch of Trump supporters Walter spoke up in his support.  We can have little doubt that with the latest contrived charges Walter would have again been amongst Pete's supporters and it is a great shame that Jeremy Corbyn doesn't have the courage to speak up publicly and rebuke the officials who hastily suspended him.
Walter is most famous for when he was violently ejected from the Labour Party conference in Brighton for shouting nonsense after hearing the despicable Jack Straw justifying the invasion of Iraq. One Joe-Ifill-Hosier, who is voluble today about fake-anti-Semitism was one of the thugs who manhandled an 82 year old man.
Even Tony Blair and his spin merchants couldn’t defend this thugger and Walter was admitted back to the Conference with an apology.  A year later and Walter was also elected to the National Executive Committee.
In these days of fake ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations it’s good to remember the days when New Labour bouncers violently evicted a Jewish refugee from Nazism.
Jeremy Corbyn was written an excellent Opinion piece on Walter.  Unfortunately he too omitted Walter’s support for Palestine.  Below that is the only other tribute to have mentioned Walter’s Palestine work.  This time from the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions.
Tony Greenstein

He always stood up for what he believed in, and he’ll be standing, in spirit, with protesters against Donald Trump
Thu 30 May 2019 18.40 BST Last modified on Thu 30 May 2019
Walter Wolfgang at the 2005 Labour party conference the day after he was removed for heckling Jack Straw on his support for the British occupation of Iraq. Photograph: Dan Chung/The Guardian
Donald Trump flies into the UK next week, and we will be treated to the surreal spectacle of a widely reviled president meeting a defeated prime minister amid scenes of pomp, ceremony and protest.
For all the high-level meetings he will attend, the president would gain far more by staying home and learning about the life of my friend Walter Wolfgang, who died this week at the age of 95. A lifelong peace activist, he was preoccupied in his final days by Trump and his growing belligerence towards Iran.
Walter’s life story reads like a history of the last century. He was born to Jewish parents in Frankfurt in 1923, a year before the city elected its first Jewish mayor, Ludwig Landmann. But by 1937 he had to flee from the Nazis to Britain, a teenage refugee. Walter’s parents remained in Germany, only to lose everything when their business was confiscated. His father was taken to Buchenwald concentration camp. Although he was able to escape Germany for Britain with Walter’s mother in 1939, Buchenwald destroyed his health and caused his premature death in 1945 – the same year that Mayor Landmann died of malnutrition while in hiding from the Nazis.
“As a refugee from Nazi Germany,” Walter later said, “I saw at first hand the terrible consequences of a political doctrine based on hatred and racism.” It was this experience, and a further political awakening when his family was interned like other Germans in England in 1940, that gave Walter a determination to fight prejudice against all peoples and classes. He did not want anybody else, anywhere in the world, to suffer exploitation or oppression, as he and his own family had.
This struggle went hand in hand with his commitment to peace. His political beliefs were underpinned by his Jewish faith – “the Jewish aim of human brotherhood”, as he put it, and a desire to make real the Hebrew prophets’ vision of a world without war.
In 1948, having been naturalised as a British citizen, he joined the Labour party. Walter gravitated towards the left, partly as a consequence of his opposition to the Korean war. In 1956 he helped organise a momentous demonstration in Trafalgar Square against the invasion of Suez – one of the occasions on which he found the Labour leadership was on his side.
Walter was horrified by the cold war and the prospect of nuclear annihilation. In 1958 he was a founder member of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, and helped organise the first Aldermaston march to Britain’s Atomic Weapons Research Establishment – an occasion he remembered for the presence of bands and music and an unexpectedly good turnout.
He stood as a Labour candidate for Croydon North East in the 1959 general election. He did not win, and was prevented from standing again due to his anti-nuclear views. Unperturbed, he dedicated the rest of his life to that cause – a level of commitment that was recognised when CND made him its vice-president for life.
In later life, Walter campaigned vigorously against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and became celebrated for an incident at the 2005 Labour party conference, when he was forcefully ejected from the hall after heckling “Nonsense” at foreign secretary Jack Straw as he extolled the virtues of the British occupation of Iraq.
The footage of an 82-year-old man being manhandled and then detained under anti-terrorism laws caused widespread outrage and became symbolic of the growing intolerance of open debate in the party. Next morning Walter was readmitted to the conference hall to a standing ovation from the floor and, later, an apology from Tony Blair. A year after the debacle, in a fitting riposte from the grassroots to the party hierarchy, he was elected to Labour’s national executive.
To me, Walter was always a dear friend and a courageous moral leader. I visited him in hospital shortly before he died. He was very ill but his mind was still sharp. I asked him to record a message on my phone. He said: “The objective of the Labour party and the peace movement is a peaceful world without exploitation.”
I very much doubt that President Trump will hear similar sentiments from Theresa May next week, but there will be thousands on the streets to amplify Walter’s message. I know that if he was still with us, he would be there too, back in Trafalgar Square, standing up for peace.

Walter Wolfgang (1923-2019)

Posted on May 31, 2019, by icahduk& filed under News.
ICAHD UK would like to pay tribute, alongside many other individuals and organisations, to Walter Wolfgang who died on 29thMay, aged 95. A life-long socialist and anti-war campaigner, Walter was also a member of ICAHD UK, and a great supporter.
His family was persecuted under the Nazis so in 1937, when just 13 years old, Walter fled Germany and came to live in Britain. His parents arrived two years later. However, that first-hand experience of racism, fascism and war moulded his outlook on life.
A synagogue attender, Walter’s beliefs were grounded in Judaism and Jewish ethical values of human equality therefore he was highly critical of Israeli government policy and its treatment of Palestinians. He was outspoken on the false accusations of anti-Semitism thrown at people within the Labour party. Walter was never afraid to speak truth to power and with every ounce of his being lived each day doing what he could to stand up for what he believed in, no matter what this meant in terms of personal sacrifice for an easy life.
Walter Wolfgang was an example to us all and we were proud to have him as one of our members. May his life inspire us as we continue our campaign for the end of the demolitions of Palestinian homes, the displacement of the Palestinian people and as we call for a just and sustainable solution for all people in Palestine/Israel.

Al Quds Demonstration Sees the Zionist Federation and the Board of Deputies Join Hands with the Far Right


Neo-Nazis, Tommy Robinson Supporters and the EDL Join Hands with the Zionist Opposition to a Peaceful Palestinian March

Despite the best attempts of the Jewish Chronicle and its reporter 'Liar' Lee Harpin to pretend that the ‘official’ Zionist opposition to the Al Quds march had nothing to do with assorted ranks of the far-Right – from Hitler saluting members of the EDL to Tommy Robinson supporters, including Robinson's personal body guard Danny Thomas, it was clear on the day that there was a unanimity of purpose and more.
Also contrary to the assertion by 'Liar' Lee the ‘official’ Zionist demonstration was organised by the Board of Deputies and the Zionist Federation. It was supported not organised by the far-Right Sussex Friends of Israel and the Israel Advocacy Movement whose members, like the absent Simon Cobbs, have previously demonstrated with the EDL and liaised with the Jewish Defence League.
The group of gangsters, fascists, neo-Nazis and disrupters were all cheered loudly and welcomed back to the static counter-demonstration after the Al Quds march had reached its destination. The Community Security Trust who were stewarding the counter-demo made no attempt to prevent the fascists joining the couple of hundred counter-demo thus giving the lie to the assertion that there was no contact between the far-Right and mainstream Zionists.

As per normal the Jewish Chronicle's reporting and that of Liar Lee Harpin can't be trusted.
The Israeli flag and the EDL's St George's flag fly side by side
The ‘official Zionists had a banner ‘Free Gaza from Hamas’ as if it is Hamas which has sealed the border with Israel, prevented medicine entering and cancer patients leaving, bombed schools, clinics and houses repeatedly from the air, shot and killed its fishermen at will and attacked ships carrying aid.  Presumably, according to this racist fiction, it is Hamas which shot over 200 unarmed demonstrators dead at the Gaza fence for the ‘crime’ of wanting to return to their own lands. Hamas was elected by the people of Gaza.  No one who lives there has voted for Israel's half a century occupation, so the Zionist counter-demonstration was based, as is normally the case, on a sick, indeed genocidal lie.
Mark Haringman - pointing out that I am Jewish!
The lies of the ‘official’ Zionists were also the lies of the far-Right demonstrators. They both campaigned under the pretence that Hamas is in occupation of its own people, rather than originating from them. It is of course true that Hamas is a conservative Islamic group which is sectarian towards the Palestinian struggle and repressive in its rule but what does one expect of a group that was formed with the help and support of the Israeli state? See videoby Mehdi Hassan for Intercept.
The Zionists seem to 'forget' when Israel sponsored and financed Hamas as a counterweight against secular Palestinian nationalism
It is to be expected that the coloniser will blame the colonised for their plight. Thus has it ever been. The Nazis blamed the Jews for having caused their own destruction and the Zionists blame the Palestinians for the refugee situation and the confiscation and theft of their land.
By their own admission the Board of Deputies has got into bed with the fascist Zionists - NWFOI and SFI and IAM are far-Right organisations
Ambrosine Shitrit and Sharon Klaff's 'Eye on Antisemitism'Facebook page being somewhat disingenuous but they are right on one thing - the mainstream Zionist Board of Deputies has come out in support of the fascist wing of Zionism
The Jewish Chronicle reportby ‘liar’ Lee  claimed that ‘Far right counter protestors waved Israeli flag - but later told the JC: 'Jews don't like us. We're anti-Zionist' I can only assume that either the EDL realised just how thick the Jewish Chronicle’s correspondent is or Harpin believes that his readers are as stupid and duplicitous as he is. 
Why would anti-Zionists wave the Israeli flag? It makes no sense and very little of Harpin’s ‘report’ if one can dignify it with that title makes sense either.
Even liar Lee Harpin should be able to work out that neo-Nazis flying the Israeli flag are unlikely to be anti-Zionists (apart from the fact that anti-Zionism and racism are incompatible)
I saw no evidence whatsoever of any friction between the assorted far-Right forces, much down on last year and the Zionist far-Right. There were no incidents of conflict nor would one expect there to be. Israel is a fascists’ wet dream. It is the ideal ethno-nationalist state where you can exclude all those of the ‘wrong’ ethnic category or otherwise consign them to permanent guest status. There was a complete unanimity of purpose between the Jewish and non-Jewish fascists and far Right.  Both shared a hostility to an anti-racist demonstration of Muslims, Jews, Christians and people of no faith. It is not for nothing that the neo-Nazi founder of America's alt-Right, Richard Spencer, declared he was a White Zionist.
Silverman along with right-wing extremist blogger David Collier were quickly identified by police from their Watch List and,  like Danny Tommo were closely followed  by police all day. Collier went on to join Zionist criminal thugs who attempted to stop the march - such as Laurent Kachauda, a French shop assistant and Michael English who was visited in Manchester recently by Counter-terrorism Police as they were concerned “he might harm  Palestinians”.
A not very happy 'investigations officer' Steven Silverman mixing it with the far-Right Zionists
Danny Thomas, Tommy Robinson’s second in command, an ardent Zionist, was mingling with a variety of Zionists, including Steven Silverman of the far-Right Zionist ‘charity’ the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism.
My own day began with a chance meeting with one of the nastier fascist Zionists, Mark Haringman, who greeted me by asking when I was going to take down references to him on my blog. Previously he has emailed me saying that they were preventing him getting a job. I suspect there are other reasons!!
Thor Halland with an escort - whilst we welcome Thor's new found support for the Palestinians he must not attack our supporters!
When he told me I wasn’t worth suing then I informed him that in that case the information about him will remain on line and he responded that ‘we will get you in other ways’.  I think that counts as a threat (see video) but I doubt that the JC will consider that worth reporting!
Otherwise Haringman, who to be fair is not the brightest spark even among his fascist comrades kept calling me a ‘Jew’!  The only time that anyone has singled me out in that way has been from the neo-Nazi National Front. Perhaps he meant that being a Jew I shouldn't mix with Muslims or perhaps that being a Jew renders you immune to civilised standards of behaviour. It is difficult to know what this bigot meant and to be honest I don't care!
Amanda Shitrit in my face telling me she had returned - a prospect frightening enough to make even the bravest quake in their shoes
Ambrosine Shitrit sidled up to me and also informed me that I was a Jew. I told her that there had to be something more than that for us to become acquainted! I guess this is the mentality of these bigots. It is remarkably similar to the old kith-and-kin argument of White South Africans. You should support people, whatever they do because they are White/Jewish or whichever ethnicity is appropriate.These far-Right Zionists don’t seem to get it that the fact of being Jewish in this context, i.e. why are you here among Muslims if you are Jewish is remarkably similar to the old kith-and-kin argument of White South Africans.
Klaff/Shitrit fundraising to stop Al Quds - not terribly successful
I was pleased to hear that the march stewards had  circulated pages from my blog in order to enable quicker and more accurate identification of any Zionists trying to penetrate the demonstration!  I’m always pleased to be of service!
Thor Halland being monitored by the Police
Damon Lenzner under arrest and looking madder than ever
Damon Lenzner - helping the police with their inquiries
Other favourites there included a bearded and somewhat unfit looking Thor Halland.  Although I missed it it seemed Thor had done his best to get arrested, attacking a steward without cause or reason.  Fortunately for this Tory Party activist he was released to the other side of the road.  Not so lucky was Damon Lenzner, who is already up in Hendon magistrates court for assault and battery of a woman.
Batty Christian Zionist James Dyer thinking he is invisible

'Mad' Mel Gharial in the company of fellow fascists including Danny Thomas, Tommy Robinson's bodyguard. 'Mad' Mel has been reduced to begging online for people to pay her fare from Canterbury.
Mad Mel looking none too happy with Danny Tomo, Tommy Robinson's minder
Jonathan Hoffman, who is Lenzner's co-defendant, was also present with the group who waited outside Parliament intending to disrupt the march. With him there were Michael English, the small-time Manchester crook, Mad Mel Gharial and Laurence Kachauda, a French Herut member with convictions for violence against a female Palestine Solidarity member in France.  He was reported as threatening to attend the demonstration with a gun and I understand information to that effect was provided to the Police by the march organisers.  I'm not aware as to whether he was detained or questioned about his threats but he made it to the demonstration keeping a low profile.
'Mad' Mel Gharia was there as always, looking somewhat haggard.  Clearly the days of being a page 3 girl are long gone.  Sharon Klaff attempted to infiltrate the demonstration taking pictures and being a general nuisance!  One of the madder members of SFI, a Christian Zionist Fundamentalist named James Dyer wandered in and out of the demonstration.  It seemed as if he was looking for Armageddon and an early Rapture to heaven.  
The Zionists did their best to obstruct the progress of the march but in so far as they slowed it down it simply meant that more people saw us, which is somewhat counter-productive even from their point of view.  However it is always good to see the forces of Zionism and anti-Semitism combine with each other in common opposition to the Palestinian cause.
The idea that the EDL, who were proudly displaying the Israeli flag alongside the Cross of St George and the Union Jack were ‘anti-Zionist’ is risible.  Presumably even the boneheads of the EDL could work out that ‘liar’ Lee Harpin was as big a fool as they were.
As even Harpin was forced to admit, one member of the far-Right couldn’t contain themselves as ‘Another member of the far-right made a Nazi Seig Heil salute as police watched on.’  Even when in the presence of Zionists giving the Hitler salute is something that comes naturally to them.  We have had previous occasions where the EDL and assorted fascists have attacked Palestinian stalls with an Israeli flag in one hand whilst giving the Hitler salute with the other.
Below are some pictures to illustrate the days events.
Thor Halland with the Star of David emblazoned on his chest looking somewhat overweight this year

Danny Tommo in discussion with the Police and Stephen Silverman of the dodgy  charity  CAA , standing by far-right thug  and convicted criminal Danny Tommo  as he harasses the Police and peaceful Al Quds Day marchers outside the Home Office. Tommo, a close associate of Tommy Robinson, also claimed he is a “journalist” is well “known” to the police. He was sentenced to 2 years in prison for a drugs gang-related feud in Portsmouth.

Damon Lenzner - helping the police with their inquiries

Gharial was with Jonathan Hoffman  and Damon Lenszner in Carnably Street some months ago and both are due to appear at Hendon Magistrates Court with trial set for 19/20 June in relation to an incident then. A handcuffed Mr.Damon Lenszner  Esq. once again helping the Police with their enquiries.  I understand that he was later released without charge.

Thor Halland, a Tory Party Chairman on the Left and Paul Besser of Britain First (with cap) on the right

Thor Halland aka Peter Holland, Dimitri etc etc Another close associate of Jonathan Hoffman, Thor Halland was also arrested.  Once the police had eventually managed to restrain him and taken his details he was released and headed straight back to join the group of small-time far right fascist losers.
Wherever the unstable Thor goes these days he seems to require a huge amount of carers –yesterday the police were watching him closely all day too.   From the look of him we would advise he should get out more.We would point out to him as Chairman of a Conservative Association in Walthamstow  with his free market principles  he is now more of a burden on the State than any  single mother or anyone on Benefits.
Tony Greenstein

VICTORY - Employment Tribunal finds Stan Keable was Unfairly Dismissed Despite Being Abandoned by UNISON

UNISON HAS QUESTIONS TO ANSWER why did unelected officials refuse to defend the right of workers to freedom of speech?

Cast your mind back to March 26th 2018. The Board of Deputies of British Jews held a demonstration against ‘anti-Semitism’ in Parliament Square. Its target was Jeremy Corbyn. We were in the middle of the local election campaign and Luciana Berger, who was a Labour MP before decamping to the Independent Group, had just discovered a 7 year old ‘anti-Semitic’ to beat Jeremy Corbyn over the head with.
The Board of Deputies at the time of Oswald Moseley urged Jew to do nothing about fascism
Never before in its history had the Board of Deputies held an anti-racist demonstration. Not during the 1930’s in the battle against  Oswald Moseley’s British Union of Fascists. Not during the 1970’s in the fight against the National Front or in succeeding decades against the BNP and EDL. But when Israel was on the agenda they moved into action.

Steve Terry - right-wing Progress Labour councillor and UNISON's London Regional Organiser faced a conflict of interest and resolved it in his favour

Indeed on October 2nd1936 the Board specifically issued warnings in the Jewish Chronicle telling Jews to stay away from the BUF march in what became known as the Battle of Cable Street.
Letter from Steve Terry advising Stan to apologise and 'plead mitigating circumstances'
 ‘Anti-Semitism’ had only, it would seem reared its head under Jeremy Corbyn, the left-wing leader of the Labour Party. The fact that he is also a supporter of the Palestinians is entirely coincidental!
The Zionists' Racist Demonstration that Momentum Ignored
But on March 26th2018, the Board and the Zionists girded their loins and organised a demonstration. Indeed not only the Board but those well known anti-racists Ian Paisley of the DUP, Norman Tebbit, Sajid David and even Chuka Ummuna attended.  It was the strangest ‘anti-racist demonstration ever seen as it seemed to be composed mainly of racists.
The late David Cesarani was a Zionist historian confirming Nazi support for the German Zionists, who represented about 3% of the Jewish community
There was also a counter-demonstration to the Zionists organised by Jewish Voice for Labour and supported by Labour Against the Witchhunt.  At the counter demonstration LAW Secretary Stan Keable got into a discussion with a Zionist demonstrator, during the course of which Stan expressed his view that the Zionists had collaborated before the war with the Nazis.
David Grossman, BBC2 journalist - the ethics of a demented skunk  - note how allegations of collaboration have become 'plotting with Hitler' and how the Holocaust isn't antisemitic
The evidence for this point of view is extensive. However a BBC2 Newsnight ‘journalist’ David Grossman secretly filmed the exchange, posting it on social media.  Immediately came a demand by a junior government minister and Tory MP Greg Hands, for Hammersmith Council to dismiss Stan for having the temerity to express his opinions.
Instead of Council leader Steve Cowan telling Hands to get on his bike, this New Labour apparatchik immediately had Stan suspended.
You might think that this was a slam dunk for Stan’s union, UNISON. Stan approached their London Regional Organiser, Steve Terry, to help him fight the case. Little did Stan know that Terry was a right-wing councillor in Walthamstow and a supporter of Progress. Instead of supporting Stan he told him to plead guilty and plead mitigation!
I spoke, briefly to Terry on the phone and pointed out that the suspension was a breach of Articles 10 and 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights (Freedom of Assembly and Freedom of Speech) however he was too arrogant to take advice.
Unfortunately it's not true
I therefore represented Stan at his disciplinary hearing and on May 21st he was dismissed. An appeal was made and London UNISON successfully prevented me representing Stan thereon although the Secretary of the local branch represented him.  The appeal nonetheless failed.
It is therefore gratifying to learn that nearly a year later, the Central London Employment Tribunal has upheld the claim of Stan Keable for unfair dismissal, both procedural and substantive. The judgement has not yet been put online but it took 2 hours to read out.
Beth Bickerstaff, a senior UNISON official, dismisses out of hand Stan's complaint at the refusal to provide support for Stan's disciplinary hearing - it is a case of one unelected official covering the back of another
UNISON’s failure to defend the right to free speech of its members is shameful and shocking. There is no excuse for the behaviour of Stephen Terry nor that of his superiors such as Beth Bickerstaffe who upheld the decision of Terry not to give Stan any support.
Why has this happened?  Undoubtedly it is a product of UNISON having adopted the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism which effectively outlaws criticism of Zionism. It is a definition which effectively renders UNISON’s policy of BDS and support for the Palestinians as ‘anti-Semitic’. It means that criticism of Zionism, the ideology and movement behind the establishment of the Apartheid State of Israel is also 'antisemitic' based as it is on the assumption that all Jews are therefore Zionists.
Linda Perks, who broke UNISON's election rules, was effectively promoted for what she had done
Prentis went out of his way to support Adam Langleben of the Jewish Labour Movement who like a rat left Labour for the TIGs. He is now marshalling the case against Labour before the EHRC
Dave Prentis after last year’s elections, went out of his way to extend his sympathy to a Jewish Labour Movement Councillor and Officer, Adam Langleben who, as a result of the false anti-Semitism campaign, managed to lose his own seat in Hendon West.  Langleben is a scab who subsequently jumped ship entirely and joined Chuka Ummuna’s Independent Group. Who knows where he will now go given the split in the Funny Tinge!
The only person penalised throughout all of this was me.  On 8thOctober, after a farcical and incompetent investigation carried by Regional Officer Tony Jones I was summoned to a disciplinary hearing conducted by 3 Prentis loyalists headed by Mark Fischer.  I was found guilty and sentenced to the heaviest punishment bar expulsion – 3 years suspension with loss of membership rights – for having dared to criticise Terry’s treacherous behaviour. UNISON is run by full-time officials for full-time officials.  Members are not supposed to criticise these unelected, overpaid bureaucrats.
Terry himself though did not make a complaint. It was his superior, Maggi Ferncombe, who had previously been SE Regional Secretary. I have previously crossed swords with her. This meant that at the disciplinary hearing I was faced with the somewhat difficult task of cross examining Ferncombe as to what was Terry’s reactions were to my criticisms. For example did he feel intimidated and afraid as was alleged. In essence I was cross examining on what was hearsay.  A somewhat difficult task.
Mark Fischer, as a Prentis loyalist, refused to listen to any mention of the reasons why I had criticised Terry publicly.  To him they were irrelevant. Nonetheless during the disciplinary hearing it emerged that I hadn’t been given notes of the original investigation and other discrepancies. These were also disregarded.
Because I secretly taped the meeting I was able to show how I had been hampered in my ability to put forward a defence by the way that the complaint had been made.
However the twist is that although I was required to appeal by November 1st last year, the appeal hearing has still not been heard 7 months later. The original decision has effectively been abandoned. The reason is not hard to work out. How can someone make a complaint on behalf of someone else when that person isn’t willing to complain themselves?  The unfairness is clear even to such a died in the wool bureaucrat as Beth Bickerstaffe (the daughter-in-law of previous UNISON General Secretary Ron Bickerstaffe).
Tony Jones, a South-Eastern regional official who was my investigator - he is also a right-wing Labour councillor!
So the net result is that I am still a member of UNISON with full membership rights! However the original injustice has not been remedied.  Stan was betrayed by UNISON’s full time officials.  They failed to do their job which is to defend the right of a member to hold and express his opinions. 
The charges against Stan from his employer were laughable:
1.     That, in attending a counter demonstration outside the Houses of Parliament on the 26th March 2018, you knowingly increased the possibility of being challenged about your views and subsequently proceeded to express views that were in breach of the Council’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and the Council’s Code of Conduct.
2.     That you made inappropriate comments which were subsequently circulated on social media which are deemed to be insensitive and likely to be offensive and potentially in breach of the Equality Act 2010 and/or the Council’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.
Terry could find nothing wrong in these charges which were a direct challenge to an employee’s right to attend a demonstration and a flagrant breach of Articles 10 and 11 of the European Convention of Human Rights relating to freedom of assembly and freedom of speech. Any full-time official who doesn’t understand that such a dismissal is almost certainly going to be unfair and outside what is called the band of reasonable responses should either be retrained or dismissed. It is clear that Terry's decision was taken on political grounds. Terry’s right-wing politics should not be allowed to interfere with his work which is representing union members.

Lord Eric Pickles – Why is this Racist Bigot Britain’s Special Envoy on Holocaust Issues?


Pickles is an example of anti-Semitic Zionism – Chair of Conservative Friends of Israel, anti-Gypsy and a defender of Latvia’s Waffen SS

I always felt guilty that the eviction of Dale Farm in October 2011 and the hundreds of Travellers living there had passed me by.  Not for the Gypsies the faux anti-racism that is extended to British Jews in the wake of the Holocaust.
Gypsies suffered just as much as the Jews from Hitler’s Final Solution proportionally and they are still suffering from state racism throughout Europe. See Porajmos: The Forgotten Gypsy Holocaust The World Ignored
The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition, to which Pickles is a delegate doesn’t so much as mention the Gypsies and why should it?  There is no Gypsy state or imperial interests to defend.
The Pew Research Centre’s 2016 Global Attitudes Survey  showed shockingly higher anti-gypsy and anti-Muslim attitudes yet we haven’t heard a whisper about the bigotry towards Gypsies and Muslims in the Labour Party. Just one person to my knowledge has been suspended for anti-Roma racism.
If you look at the top 4 countries for racism then 82% of Italians have unfavourable attitudes to Gypsies. The other countries are all in the 60s.  Hostility to Muslims is similar. Hungary is the top with 72% and the other three are in the high 60s.  With Jews by contrast with the exception of Greece at 55% then the next highest is Hungary with 32% and then Italy and Poland with 24%.
You might think that the person who has responsibility for the Holocaust as Britain’s Special Envoy would be especially sensitive to the matter of the Gypsies.  Yet Lord Eric Pickles is a prime example of an anti-Roma bigot.
Pickles it was who was integrally involved in what was the worst post-war example of racism against the Roma and Gypsy minority in this country with the eviction of Dale Farm in 2011.
Members of this Traveller community had bought up the land on which they lived.  They had settled down and their children were going to local schools but many of the residents and the local Basildon Council resented their presence because they were Gypsies.
The excuse to evict them was that the land was within the green belt. They were deemed an eyesore or a ‘blight’ and evicted using hundreds of police thugs and bailiffs. Yet today developers are buying up this land in order that they can build on it.  What is good enough for developers was not good enough for Gypsies.
It was therefore with a view to assuaging my guilty conscience that I visited the Exhibitionon Dale Farm at the Tate Modern with a friend. I am glad that I did because it filled in a lot of holes.  Not least about who was culpable for what happened.

The eviction cost Basildon Council £18m which was a lot of money for the Council at a time of austerity. Who should step in to help them but the Communities Secretary, Eric Pickles. He provided £9m in order that the evictions could go ahead despite the Dale Farm residents appeal to Eric Pickles to stop eviction

Vanessa Redgrave, a Unicef goodwill ambassador who lent her support to the residents, said clearing the Dale Farm site in Essex breached United Nation's children's rights and said she was “appalled that such an eviction can be upheld by our government”. None of this however moved Pickles, whose concern over the Holocaust is strictly confined to Jews and Israel.

Pickles started off his political life as Leader of Bradford Council where he achieved a reputation as a savage cutter of services and a populist right-winger. When he became Community Secretary under Cameron he took the axe to local government. His Localism Act 2011 was alleged to give powers back to the people but almost immediately he approved a planning application that allowed a massive gas plant in Gloucestershire in the teeth of opposition of the Tewkesbury Planning Committee, 12 parish councils and 1,000 local residents.
Those at Dale Farm never forgot Pickles and what he had done and the following year they tried to evict Pickles from his office. However he had a large group of Metropolitan Police there to protect him and assault the demonstrators. (Dale Farm protesters target Pickles 19.10.12. Express) Protesters' chants rang out: "One, two, three, four, Eric Pickles out the door, five, six, seven, eight, let's evict the racist state."And who was their representative but the Holocaust toting Pickles who has dined off those who died in the Holocaust.
Pickles also demonstrated himself to be a Christian bigot when he tried to overturn a High Court decision that councillors could not be forced to attend Christian prayers. His excuse was that ‘Militant atheists should 'get over it' and accept UK is Christian. Pickles forgot that unlike Israel, religion should not intrude into civic and political life.
It is therefore natural that a bigot and racist like Eric Pickles should be Chairman of the Conservative Friends of Israel.  Pickles is also a patronof the pro-Israeli ‘charity’, the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism. Pickles was also the person who moved to depose the radical Black Mayor of Tower Hamlets Lotfhur Rahman in an early display of his racist bigotry.
As the United Kingdom Special Envoy for post-Holocaust issues you might think that Pickles would be ultra careful not to have anything to do with fascists and apologists for the Nazi era. After all isn’t that what the IHRA all about? It would seem not.
In 2009 a controversy blew up over the decision of Tory MEPs to leave the mainstream Christian Democrat European Peoples Party to join the far-right European Conservative Reform Group. The EcrG was chaired by a former fascist, Michal Kaminski of the far-Right anti-Semitic Polish Law & Justice Party, ‘whose anti-Semitic outbursts in the past have been well documented’ . Even Jonathan Freedland, a strong Zionist, wrote that  Once no self-respecting politician would have gone near people such as Kaminski. Self-respect is the least of Pickle’s worries.
The ECRG contained people like Roberts Zile of Latvia’s For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK party. Every March Ziles goes on a demonstration/ march commemorating the veterans of Latvia’s Waffen SS. It is true that only a minority, between 20% and one-third were volunteers but the fact is that they fought on the side of the Nazis. These annual marches contain primarily fascist and nationalist elements that are virulently anti-Semitic.
Roberts Zile MEP 
In David Miliband’s speech at the 2009 Labour Party Conference he accusedPickles, who was Conservative chairman at the time, of being
a defender of the Latvian Fatherland and Freedom party (with which the Tories are now allied in the EU) – despite the fact that its members attend commemorations for the Waffen-SS.’
In response Eric Pickles according to the Guardiansuggested that ‘the Latvian Waffen-SS were only conscripts fighting for their country, and to say otherwise was a Soviet smear.’
Pickles deliberately ignored the fact that not only was a substantial minority of Latvia’s Waffen-SS eager volunteers, but they included veterans of pro-Nazi death squads who had already taken part in the first phase of the Holocaust. The mere fact that this march commemorated those who had fought with Hitler should have been enough for Pickles. 
Monica Lowenberg, whose paternal family, had been murdered in the Libau and Riga Ghettos by those who later joined Latvia’s Waffen SS, attended the March 2012 demonstration in Riga. She toldin an open letter how
At the Monument of Freedom in the center of Riga where the SS lovers congregated last year... I was jostled, harassed and made to feel unwelcome. I was told by a number of young Waffen SS supporters that even though my grandfather was born in Libau (Libava), Latvia and all of my Latvian Jewish family had lived for generations in Libau, until they were brutally murdered in the Libau massacres of 1941 and Riga Ghetto of the same year, I had no rights to be in Latvia as I was Jewish.’
Even worse
‘another party comrade of Mr Zile toldthe Latvian parliament that LNNK has always been against the trial of Konrads Kalejs and other Latvians accused of Nazi crimes. Kalejs was a close assistant of Viktors Arajs, chief of the bloody Arajs Commando, responsible for guarding and finishing off those Jews who were still alive in the ditches into they fell after mass shootings. Some survived and tried to escape but the Latvians were on hand to kill them.’
The Arajs Commando worked alongside Einsatzgruppen A, the most murderous of the four death squads that operated in the wake of the Wehrmacht in Operation Barbarossa the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941. They took part in mass executions in Riga Ghetto. The first transportation of 1,000 Berlin Jews to Riga along with 24,000 members of the Riga Ghetto were shot on 30th November 1941 by the Nazis and the Arajs Commando, which joined the Latvian Legion which consisted of 2 Waffen SS divisions in January 1943.
Pickles justificationfor the actions of the Latvian Waffen SS were that ‘they were only following orders.’ Pickles role as an apologist for Latvia’s Waffen SS has not prevented him being a McCarthyist witch-hunter sniffing out any trace of ‘anti-Semitism’ whenever Zionism is on the agenda.
This is Part 1 of an extended essay on this Tory bigot.  Tomorrow is Part 2 and how Pickles tried to get a lecturer at Bristol University sacked for writing an article discussing how the Holocaust is used to deter people raising the question of Palestinian oppression.
On 19th October 2011, eighty Traveller families lost their 10 year legal battle for their homes. Dale Farm: The Eviction, explores this important event from the perspective of artists from different communities.
Artists from the Travelling community and elsewhere will present creative responses to the eviction, aiming to broaden the discussion about Dale Farm and acknowledge that not everyone backed or agreed with the eviction by the local authorities, which the UK government supported and in part financed. Against a backdrop of negative media coverage and social media attacks on Traveller communities, this event also aims to be therapeutic for the Traveller artists’ and the community members impacted by the loss of their homes.
As well as visual art, performance, music and video, audiences will have the opportunity to view unique Traveller archival material from Grattan Puxon’s archive together with artefacts from Dale Farm, removed at the time of the eviction.
This event is curated by Phien O’Reachtigan of Traveller-Art-Performanceand Beverley Carpenter of Oblique Artsin association with Tate Exchange Associates 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning.

Eric Pickles, Chair of Conservative Friends of Israel and friend of Europe's fascists, has waged a war against academic freedom


Having got a Palestine conference at Southampton University cancelled Pickles then tried to get Rebecca Gould, an academic at Bristol University dismissed 

This is Part 2 of my portrait on Tory racist and bigot, Lord Eric Pickles, a man who has done extremely well out of exploiting the Holocaust.
Pickles excelled himself when he tried to get Rebecca Gould, a Professor at Bristol University sacked. Rebecca had in November 2011 written an article Beyond Anti-Semitism for Counterpunch. It was a nuanced and at times painful examination of how anti-Semitism and the Holocaust are mobilised in the service of the Israeli state and its Occupation. Just the kind of subject an academic should tackle and just the kind of thing guaranteed to attract the attention of the professional Holocaust mongers and the 'anti-Semitism' brayers and defamers.
Rebecca Gould's original article
After a visit to Hebron Rebecca wrote that
Israeli flags were posted at every single turn of a road that ran straight through Palestinian territory struck me as strange, given that Hebron had not been ceded to Israel after 1967’.
 She thought that maybe ‘renegade settlers’ had put them up rather than the government.
She had been accompanied by an American friend who declared that ‘"The last thing I want is to be called an 'anti-Semite," This was after he had pointed out all the terrible injustices inherent in the Occupation. She had become ‘the captive audience to his unceasing reflections on the injustices attending Israel's occupation of Palestine’ yet now he was proclaiming that ‘I can't make Israelis the enemy.
It is of course a common phenomenon.  My criticism of Rebecca’s article are that if anything her criticisms were too tentative and hesitant.  She did not at any stage broach the question of the legitimacy of the Israeli state itself or indeed Zionism. Instead Rebecca reflected on the fact that her question
‘evoked fears of the anti-Semitic label rather than a direct confrontation with the problem at hand reveals the power wielded by this ever-present accusation to steer conversation away from the occupation.’
The article gave examples of how ‘the spectre of anti-Semitism constrains open discussion regarding the impact of Israeli policies on Palestinian lives’.  She cited the criticism of Ilan Pappe, an exiled Israeli academic by Ha’aretz  because he lacked ‘any understanding or empathy for Jewish Israel's sense of vulnerability and victimization.
Rebecca reflected on the meaning of the word ‘Holocaust’ which derives from the Greek ‘holokaustos’ (entirely consumed by fire) which can roughly be translated as a sacrificial offering. The idea that the Jews who died at the hands of the Nazis were sacrifices on the road to a Jewish state is certainly how Ben Gurion and those around him saw the Holocaust. This is not in dispute for anyone who is at all acquainted with the literature. There is the famous quotation in Perdition by Nathan Schwalb, the HeHalutz representative in Switzerland during the war. He sued the authors of Perdition and then dropped the case.
‘After the [Allied] victory, they will once again divide up the world between the nations, as they did at the end of the first war…. all the nations of the Allies are spilling much blood and if we do not bring sacrifices, with what will we achieve the right to sit at the table when they make the distribution of nations' territories after the war? And so it would be foolish and impertinent on our side to ask the nations whose blood is being spilled for permission to send money into the land of their enemies in order to protect our own blood. Because “rak b’dam tihyu lanu haaretz(only through blood will the land be ours).’ [this can be found in Lenni Brenner’s Zionism in the Age of the Dictators, p.237]

The dead of the Holocaust have become Israel’s front-line soldiers in the propaganda war against the Palestinians. ‘Claiming the Holocaust as a holy event sanctifies the state of Israel and whitewashes its crimes.’  Rebecca  suggested that ‘perhaps the time has come to stop privileging the Holocaust as the central event in Jewish history.
It is not a novel idea. Indeed it is a testimony to the bankruptcy of Zionism as an ideology that despite its rejection of the Galut (the Jewish diaspora or exile), the Holocaust has become its prime defence mechanism.
Pickles has been tireless in his campaign against freedom of speech on Palestine
Professor Yehuda Elkana, himself a Holocaust survivor, in a famous opinion piece in Ha’aretz on 2ndMarch 1988 in The Need to Forget’wrote that:
 the deepest political and social factor that motivates much of Israeli society in its relations with the Palestinians is not personal frustration, but rather a profound existential "Angst" fed by a particular interpretation of the lessons of the Holocaust and the readiness to believe that the whole world is against us, and that we are the eternal victim. In this ancient belief... I see the tragic and paradoxical victory of Hitler. Two nations, metaphorically speaking, emerged from the ashes of Auschwitz: a minority who assert,"this must never happen again," and a frightened and haunted majority who assert, "this must never happen to us again."
Elkana quoted Thomas Jefferson’s maxim that democracy and worship of the past were incompatible and the time had come to forget the Holocaust entirely. It served no purpose. Or as Rebecca put it ‘No people's past should be allowed to determine another people's future.’ The past can weigh very heavily on the present generation when its interpretation is passed through a military and nationalist prism.
Rebecca wrote that
Just as it is necessary to separate the past from the present in contemporary Israel-Palestine, so, too, it is necessary to separate Jewish suffering from the Palestinian crisis.’
In other words the past suffering of Jews is not a warrant for Israel’s treatment of the Palestinian people. Yet today, far from separating out the Holocaust from the Palestinians, it has become the primary ideology not only of Israel but of Europe and the United States too.  It is not for nothing that the bogus definition of anti-Semitism is named the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.
The Holocaust has become part of a new European ideology of exclusion, its justification for racism. It is the far-Right above all who use Zionist hostility to Arabs and Muslims as a means of justifying their Islamaphobia. In the words of Richard Spencer, neo-Nazi founder of the alt-Right, what we need to is the deJudificationof the Holocaust. This was in the wake of Trump’s 2017 Holocaust day message that 'forgot' to mention Jews, 
I am putting to one side the question of whether Israel has any right to claim the memory of the Holocaust dead as its inheritance. The idea that Jews who were victims of a genocidal racism and fascism should be the pretext for the murder of Palestinians borders on the obscene.
As Gerald Kaufman put it in one of the most famous parliamentary speeches
My grandmother did not die to provide cover for Israeli soldiers murdering Palestinian grandmothers in Gaza. The current Israeli Government ruthlessly and cynically exploit the continuing guilt among gentiles over the slaughter of Jews in the holocaust as justification for their murder of Palestinians.The implication is that Jewish lives are precious, but the lives of Palestinians do not count.’
There is nothing that Rebecca said that many Israeli and Jewish historians, academics and anti-Zionists have not said. The Holocaust has become a license for Israel’s war crimes by a state that calls itself Jewish.
The reaction to Rebecca’s article was predictable. There are organisations and individuals whose sole purpose in life is to distort, slander and falsify complex and nuanced arguments and regurgitate them in a simple, binary, tabloid form. It is an art that Hitler mastered. To present all misfortunes as coming from one single source, the Jews, was the basis of the Nazis’ propaganda tricks. Today everything originates from ‘anti-Semitism’. Eric Pickles has learnt his trade well as has the misnamed Campaign Against Anti-Semitism.
You can agree or disagree with Rebecca Gould’s article but what it is not is a denial of the Holocaust.  It takes the Holocaust as a given.  The Holocaust  is not in dispute anywhere in the article.
I accept that Pickles is not the finest intellectual talent to have graced the Parliamentary estate but to claim, as he did in The Telegraph that ‘it is “one of the worst cases of Holocaust denial" he has seen in recent years, adding that Rebecca should "consider her position" reveals him to be no more than a pound shop demagogue, as shallow as he is wide.
It says a lot for the calibre of Tory politicians today that this brazen liar and popinjay resorts to smears and slurs as his primary method of articulation.  Gone are the days of Sir Ian Gilmour and the Tory intellectual. Pickles is a showcase for Zionism’s intellectual barbarism and its contempt for political debate. Incapable of defending the Israeli state and its actions in its own terms they hide behind the dead of the Holocaust crying ‘anti-Semite’ or now it would seem ‘holocaust denier’.
If Pickles or the CAA were genuinely motivated by what happened 80 years ago then the last thing they would do is use the Holocaust and the Jewish dead as an alibi for Israel’s crimes. Nothing is more guaranteed to increase Holocaust denial than making the Holocaust synonymous with Israeli war crimes and Palestinian suffering. If the Holocaust legitimises the shooting dead of Palestinian children is it any surprise that some people draw the conclusion that the Holocaust could not have happened?
Unsurprisingly the Zionist charity, the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism’sGideon Falter chimed in with a call for ‘the university to dismiss Dr Gould,’ whilst adding that ‘the university's mention of "academic freedom" leaves him with "scant confidence in the quality of their investigation"
One would not expect Falter to have any understanding or appreciation of academic freedom. Academic freedom is as repugnant to Falter as it must have been to the book burners of the Third Reich.
Unfortunately for Falter and Pickles Bristol University rejected this blatant McCarthyite attack on academic freedom and Rebecca Gould. It is only a pity that Jeremy Corbyn and others who shall remain nameless had put up a fight against the false anti-Semitism syndrome that is affecting the Labour Party. As Bristol Live put it
‘to claim, as a former Government minister has done, the paper from Dr Rebecca Gould is one of the worst cases of Holocaust denial is quite frankly ridiculous and inflammatory. 
Perhaps Sir Eric Pickles should read up on the discredited historian David Irving before he starts throwing around accusations and trite soundbites.’
What is astounding is that this puffed-up windbag is still given credibility. His appointment as the UK’s special envoy on post-Holocaust issues is not only an insult to the victims of the Holocaust but it is living proof that the memory of the Holocaust has been fashioned into a propaganda weapon. To have a racist and a bigot as the special representative on Holocaust issues is in itself proof of how the memory of the Holocaust has become a mere propaganda weapon. To quoteBristol Live
The reality is that Dr Gould is perfectly entitled to her opinion and is also entitled to express that opinion publicly. The last time I checked we were still living in a democracy.’
I was first alerted to this controversy when reading the testimony of Kenneth Stern, the person who drafted the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism. A definition which has been used to clamp down on free speech on Palestine/Zionism. Stern eloquently explained to the Congressmen how his Frankenstein had been abused. 
In particular Stern referred to three ‘chilling’ examples in Britain of how the IHRA had effected free speech. But the ‘most egregious’ was
‘an off-campus group citing the definition called on a university to conduct an inquiry of a professor (who received her PhD from Columbia) for antisemitism, based on an article she had written years before. The university then conducted the inquiry. And while it ultimately found no basis to discipline the professor, the exercise itself was chilling and McCarthy-like.’
The ‘off-campus group’ was the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, which is an Israeli sponsored rottweiller, masquerading as a charity. The university in question was Bristol and the lecturer was, of course, Rebecca Gould.
If we had a government that took racism seriously then Pickles would have been consigned long ago to the outer reaches of St. James. The fact that this racist bigot has anything to do with the Holocaust demonstrates the cynical calculations that constitute British foreign policy. Because concern about the Holocaust is essentially about British policy in the Middle East and our alignment with Israel. Pickles is a propagandist for Zionist settler colonialism using the dead of the Holocaust as his prop.
This is not the first time that Pickles has been involved in trying to suppress academic freedom. In 2015 academics at Southampton University planned to host a conference on the Law and Palestine in relation to Israel’s complete disregard of international law. Pickles as Community Secretary huffed and puffed and threatened Southampton University into not allowing a ‘one sided diatribe’.  On that occasion the Administration at Southampton University, instead of standing up for academic freedom buckled and gave way. The conference was cancelled because its safety allegedly couldn’t be guaranteed. It was eventually held at Trinity College in Dublin but it was outrageous that this self-important and pompous windbag had been able to get away with an attack on the most basic of freedoms without being called out.
Tony Greenstein

In calling BDS ‘anti-Semitic’ the Bundestag has projected German guilt over the Holocaust onto the Palestinians


From the Greens to the neo-Nazis (AfD), from the Social Democrats to the Christian Democrats there was unanimity – a Boycott of Israeli Apartheid is 'anti-Semitic'

Two months ago I attendeda War on Want meeting where Ronnie Kassrills, the Jewish founder of the ANC’s military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe, described how Vienna’s Council had unanimously decided to prevent him speaking on Council property.
From the Green Party to the neo-Nazi Freedom Party there was unanimity that a Jewish anti-Zionist and a veteran of the Anti-Apartheid Struggle in South Africa should not be allowed to speak. Even neo-Nazis are signed up to the Zionist definition of ‘anti-Semitism’! So we have the obscene spectacle, in the city where Hitler spent his most formative period, that a party created by and which harbour open neo-Nazis, can nonetheless ban a Jewish founder of the Anti-Apartheid struggle for ‘anti-Semitism’?
In May 19th in the German Bundestag the same obscene spectacle was repeated. Alternatives for Germany, which contains many neo-Nazis, voted alongside the Green and Social Democratic parties, to condemn BDS although it would appear that some members of Die Grunen had a conscience and abstained.
This is an acceptable price to pay for German political and commercial relations with Israel
The fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign is not just a British Labour Party but a growing European phenomenon.  Everywhere from the United States to France and Hungary, anti-Semites are trying to outlaw solidarity with the Palestinians in the name of ‘anti-Semitism’. We have the absurdity of the most racist and anti-Semitic President of the United States in living memory condemningIlhan Omar and Rashid Tlaib for supporting BDS!
Truly we live in the world of Lewis Carroll’s Alice :
People may recall the exchange in Through the Looking Glass:
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master—that’s all.”
Yitzhak Laor, Israel’s greatest poet wrote in his book The Myths of Liberal Zionism:
 Why now. Why the contemporary concern with the Jewish genocide… compared to its treatment in the period immediately after the Second World War?’
His answer was that this was about
‘consolidating a new ideology of exclusion. Now it is the Jews who are the insiders… the genocide and the Jews served in the construction of a European identity…’
Not only are Jews the insiders but the memory of the Holocaust has been twisted and distorted as a justification for Western support for Israel and imperialism in the Middle East. In short the most barbaric act of German imperialism is now used to justify the barbarism of western imperialism.
Israel is seen by the European far-Right as the last defence against Islam. In the words of Dutch fascist Geert Wilders ‘If Jerusalem falls into the hands of the Muslims, Athens and Rome will be next.’ For Germany coming to terms with the Holocaust has been seen in terms of uncritical support of Israel as a ‘Jewish’ state.
The irony is that Israel from its formation modelledits settler-colonial model on Prussian militarism and colonisation. Instead of drawing the lesson from the Nazi era that racism and racial supremacy should be opposed, the German state has given carte blanche to an Israeli state which is the embodiment of Prussian militarism. 
Indeed the Israeli state, with its segregation between Jew and non-Jew, is the embodimentof Nazi values. If one looks at the period from 1933-39 then the parallels between Israel and Nazi Germany are uncanny not least in the Nuremburg Laws of 1935 which the Zionists alone in the Jewish community welcomed.
Eugenics played a key role in Nazi Germany. The Holocaust began in 1939 with the extermination of the disabled. Six killing centres were set up and gas trucks, which were later used in the first concentration camp Chelmno, began their operations. In Israel conscious attempts to ‘improve’ the Jewish ‘race’ were undertaken by Arthur Ruppin through selectiveJewish immigration.
In the 1950’s thousands of babies of Yemenite parents were simply stolen and transferred to Ashkenazi parents in the belief that the latter would improve the children. It is a scandal which has been smouldering for over half a century. See for example The Disappeared Children of Israel.
Far from the German Bundestag rejecting the values of Hitlerism, by their actions they have endorsed the perpetuation of those values in the hands of the Israeli state.  If Israel, the Jewish state, can act like Germans once did, then the logical conclusion is that perhaps the Nazi period wasn’t so bad after all.  That is a message that the AfD and Austria’s Freedom Party understand too well.
When the Chief Rabbi of Safed, Shmuel Eliyahu issues an edict banning the renting of apartments to Arabs and when criticised his actions are endorsedby dozens of other rabbis, or when Jewish mobs chant‘death to the Arabs’ it is clear that the values of German ethno-nationalism have been transformed into Jewish ethno-nationalism.
It is a sign of the abject cowardice of the Greens and SPD that they have nothing to say about the virulent racism of the Israeli state. What part of the house demolitions, the ethnic cleansing or the shooting of unarmed demonstrators do they not understand?
It is Israelis themselves who recognise that Israel’s ethno-nationalism are symbolic of the era of fascism.
Zeev Sternhell, a former Professor at the Hebrew University and a world authority on fascism, as well as being a child survivor of the Holocaust, In Israel, Growing Fascism and a Racism Akin to Early Nazism spokeof a
toxic ultra-nationalism that has evolved here, the kind whose European strain almost wiped out a majority of the Jewish people.’
He is not alone.Other Israelis including Daniel Blatman, a Holocaust researcher and chief historian at the new Warsaw Ghetto museum and Ofer Casif, a Hebrew University lecturer and newly elected MK for Hadash, arguedthatIsrael today is similar to early Nazi Germany.
Even in Latvia, over 90% of whose Jewish population were murdered, the Boycott of Nazi Germany was effective
Members of the German Bundestag are probably unaware that when the Nazis took power in 1933, they were met with a worldwide Jewish boycott of Nazi Germany. Just like now, the ruling classes railed at this interference with free trade and the Nazi state initiated legal proceedings in countries like Latvia. The Zionists did their best to undermine the boycott agreeing reaching their own trade agreement Ha'avara, with the Nazis.
Boycott is a peaceful tactic which has been used in countless struggles against oppression – from the boycott of slave grown sugar in the West Indies to the struggle of tenant farmers in Ireland to the boycott of Apartheid in South Africa – The decision of the German state today to attack BDS is an attack on the oppressed. 
The German establishment, from the Greens to the AfD, may pretend that they are opposing anti-Semitism but in reality they are supporting a Jewish supremacist state which owes much to the Nazi period. 
As the organisation Palästina Spricht - Palestine Speaks put it, We call on the German government to fight racism and apartheid – not those who oppose them and went on to ask
‘What message does Germany send when it protects a violent military power that in the past year alone had indiscriminately killed over 450 Palestinians, while at the same time condemning a non-violent movement that merely demands that Israel abides by its obligations under international law?’
The decision of the Bundestag and its conflation of Zionism and Judaism disregards the long history of Jewish opposition to Zionism, as well as ignoring the numerous Jewish individuals and organizations who either support BDS or defend its legitimacy.
The implicit suggestion that Israel represents the values of the Jews of the pre-Holocaust era is an insult to those who died.  As Yoav Rinon wrote Neither Israel's nor Germany's Slide Into Fascism Was Accidental.
It may be painful for German legislators to understand, but a state that demolishes Palestinian homes in order erect Jewish homes in their place owes more to the Nazis than those who suffered under them.
Rion wrotethat
few would deny that modern German identity has had a central role in the formulation of Jewish-Israeli identity, especially in light of the Holocaust and its key impact on the past of the two peoples.
Using a psychological analogy he described how A battered child often turns into a battering parent, and what applies on the personal level is also valid on the national one.’
Professor  Sara  Roy wrote an Open Letter, On equating BDS and anti-Semitism: a letter to the German government:
If your history has imposed a burden and an obligation upon you, it is to defend justice not Israel. This is what Judaism, not Zionism, demands. Your obligation does not lie in making Israel or the Jewish people special or selectively excusing injustice because Jews happen to be committing it; it lies in holding Israel and Jews to the same ethical and moral standards that you would demand of any people, including yourselves.
Your sense of guilt, if that is the correct word, should not derive from criticizing Israel. It should reside in remaining silent in the face of injustice as so many of your forebears did before, during and after the Holocaust.
I lost a large extended family to fascism and racism. By endorsing the motion that alleges that BDS is anti-Semitic—regardless of one’s position on BDS—you are criminalizing the right to free speech and dissent and those who choose to exercise it, which is exactly how fascism takes root. You also trivialize and dishonor the real meaning of anti-Semitism. Sincerely,
Zionist campaign against Brian Klug in 2013
The Bundestag vote has been felt in a renewed Zionist attack on Berlin’s Jewish Museum. This is an institution that the Zionists have long detested as it isn’t under their control. Zionism has not only colonised Palestine but Jewish communities and their institutions in the diaspora.  The Jewish museum of  Berlin is an exception.
In 2013, the non-Zionist British lecturer Brian Klug delivered a thoughtful lectureWhat Do We Mean When We Say ‘Antisemitsm’? Echoes of shattering glass on the 75thanniversary of Kristallnacht. There was an immediate Zionist response. A group calling themselves ‘International scholars and authors under the auspices of The Berlin International Center for the Study of Antisemitism (BICSA) compiled a Dossieron Brian Klug.  And what a collection of scholars it was.  It was headed by Gerald Steinberg of the McCarthyite NGO Monitor, which spends its time attacking Israeli human rights organisations, junk historian Ephraim Karsh, [I recommend Benny Morris’s review of Karsh’s book Fabricating Israeli Histor: The New ‘Historians’ in Journal of Palestine Studies Vol. 27 No. 2 Winter 1998] Sam Westrup, ‘Senior Fellow’ of the virulently Islamaphobic Gatestone Institute whose Wikipedia entrydescribes it in these terms: Gatestone is anti-Muslim. The organization has attracted attention for publishing false articles and being a source of viral falsehoods.’ Another ‘scholar’ was Lt. Col. (res.) Dr. Mordechai Kedar, whose main claim to fame is advocating the rape of Palestinian women in war as a deterrent to ‘terrorists’.  These ‘scholars’ even extended to our own hoodlums, Jonathan Hoffman and Richard Millet!
Their leader Clemens Heni wrote in The Times of Israel that ‘Brian Klug is among the worst choices for a keynote speaker’ because ‘he denies that there is a new antisemitism.’There is a good riposte to this in MondoweissKlug targeted by McCarthyite ‘dossier’– because he will speak on anti-Semitism in Berlin on Kristallnacht anniversary.’
In other words Brian Klug should have been banned because he was not prepared to say that anti-Zionism was anti-Semitism. Such is the value that Zionism accords to freedom of speech
Now the cudgels have been taken up again because of a pro-BDS tweet that apparently emanated from someone at the Jewish Museum. See 'Anti-Jewish' Museum in Berlin under fire for supporting BDS
Other sinsinclude that fact that in 2012 ‘the Jewish Museum hosted a podium discussion with US academic Judith Butler, who renewed her calls to boycott Israel.’ Clearly this is a call for the neo-Nazis and Greens in the Bundestag to take the kind of action Hitler would have approved and close down a cultural and academic institution which Gerald Steinberg has described as the “anti-Jewish Museum”.
Gideon Levy in Ha’aretz wrote In Germany, a Non-violent Struggle Against War Crimes Could Be Declared Illegalthat if the German government adopted the Bundestag resolution to outlaw the BDS movement, then there would be nothing to equal it in any democracy.
‘Branding BDS as anti-Semitic... Fighting anti-Semitism solves any problems associated with explaining Israel’s actions. Just say “anti-Semitism” and the world is paralyzed. One can kill children in Gaza, then say “anti-Semitism!” and squelch any criticism. Europe is still vulnerable on this. Exploit it to the hilt.
It’s hard to believe that the hundreds of Bundestag members who voted for this resolution, which defines a completely legitimate struggle as anti-Semitic, actually agreed with it. One may assume that deep inside, many harbor doubts if not opposition to a move that was imposed on them. It’s not only in Germany. In most European countries it’s difficult to criticize Israel without being accused of anti-Semitism.
Rather than slaying the dragon of racism and fascism the Green, Social Democratic and Die Linke (who put forward their own motion) have given a boost to the forces of racism and fascism. One hopes that these hypocrites and ignoramuses take on board the fact that Netanyahu has no greater friendthan Hungary’s Prime Minister, Viktor Orban for whom the pro-Nazi leader of war-time Hungary, Admiral Horthy was an ‘exceptional statesman’
One thing is for sure, German politicians today and the cowards who inhabit the Bundestag are anything but exceptional statesmen. They are much the same cowards who in 1933 voted for the Enabling Act thus ushering in the personal dictatorship of Hitler.
Below is a message from Prof. Amos Goldberg of the Dep of js History at the Hebrew University and Yaara Benger Alaluf of Berlin’s Max Planck Institute.
If any of you would be willing to send a short message of support to the Jewish Museum, this would be highly appreciated. Their e-mail address is: info@jmberlin.de.
Please direct it to Peter Schäfer, the director of the museum. The museum’s website is www.jmberlin.de.
You may also want to support the museum by retweeting or posting on Facebook JMB’s tweetreferring to our call: https://twitter.com/jmberlin/status/1136633875411755010.
Furthermore, please consider contributing to the several discussions on twitter, of which you find links below.
These are simple steps but might be highly influential.
Thank you for your continued support, which is highly appreciated!
Kind regards,
Prof. Amos Goldberg                          Yaara Benger Alaluf
Department of Jewish History             Center for the History of Emotions,
and Contemporary Jewry                    Max Planck Institute for Human
Hebrew University, Jerusalem,            Development, Berlin

In an articleBerlin Jewish Museum Director Resigns After Tweet Supporting BDS Freedom of SpeechHaaretz reported that the Jewish Museum’s Director, Peter Schafter, had resigned. ‘days after it was criticized for endorsing a petition against a parliamentary motion defining anti-Israel boycotts as anti-Semitic and banning the boycott movement from using public buildings.’‘ Schafter’s resignation came ‘after Israeli Ambassador to Germany Jeremy Issacharoff called the museum’s sharing of the petition “shameful.” 

The petition, asserting that "boycotts are a legitimate and nonviolent tool of resistance," was signed by 240 Jewish intellectuals including Avraham Burg and Eva Illouz, who called on the German government not to adopt the motion, to protect freedom of speech.
Ha’aretz reported that ‘Last year, it was reported that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanded from Chancellor Angela Merkel that Germany stop funding the museum because it had held an exhibition about Jerusalem, “that presents a Muslim-Palestinian perspective.” Merkel was asked to halt funding to other organizations as well, on grounds that they were anti-Israel, among them the Berlin International Film Festival, pro-Palestinian Christian organizations, and the Israeli news website +972, which receives funding from the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
Netanyahu did not deny the report and his bureau confirmed that he had raised “with various leaders the issue of funding Palestinian and Israeli groups and nonprofit organizations that depict the Israel Defense Forces as war criminals, support Palestinian terrorism and call for boycotting the State of Israel.”
The Bundestag’s motion last month marked the first time a European parliament had officially defined the BDS movement as anti-Semitic. The motion, which is a call to the government and isn’t legally binding, won broad multiparty support from Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union, the Social Democrats and the Free Democratic Party. Some members of the Greens Party also supported the motion, though others abstained at the last minute. The motion stated that the BDS movement’s “Don’t Buy” stickers on Israeli products evoke the Nazi slogan “Don’t buy from Jews.”
One wonders at the gutlessness of a German government that wasn’t capable of telling Netanyahu to take a running jump, preferably into a stretch of deep water.
 The Bundestag motion, passed with broadmultiparty support last month, has drawn wide opposition, including from Jewish intellectuals
 Haaretz, 11 June 2019, Noa Landau
 The German government is examining whether to adopt a motion by its parliament that defines the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement as anti-Semitic and bans it from use of public buildings – and how such a decision would affect German funding to groups that support the movement.
 Haaretz has learned that Israel and various public diplomacy groups are pressuring Germany to adopt the motion, stirring strong disagreements among government ministries. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s bureau has yet to decide on an official position.
 German sources told Haaretz that the country’s Interior Ministry, led by the commissioner for battling anti-Semitism Felix Klein, generally supports the motion, while the Foreign Ministry opposes it. Foreign Ministry officials recently told journalists that they oppose a boycott of Israel, but that the BDS movement includes a broad spectrum of positions and each instance and organization must be examined individually to determine if it’s anti-Semitic.
 The Bundestag’s motion last month marked the first time a European parliament had officially defined the BDS movement as anti-Semitic. The motion, which is a call to the government and isn’t legally binding, won broad multiparty support from Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union, the Social Democrats and the Free Democratic Party. Some members of the Greens Party also supported the motion, though others abstained at the last minute. The motion stated that the BDS movement’s “Don’t Buy” stickers on Israeli products evoke the Nazi slogan “Don’t buy from Jews.”
 Last week, 240 Jewish intellectuals published a petition against the Bundestag’s motion, saying “boycotts are a legitimate and nonviolent tool of resistance.” The signatories, among them Avraham Burg and Eva Illouz, called on the German government not to adopt the motion, to protect freedom of speech and continue funding of Israeli and Palestinian organizations “that peacefully challenge the Israeli occupation, expose severe violations of international law and strengthen civil society. These organizations defend the principles and values at the heart of liberal democracy and rule of law, in Germany and elsewhere. More than ever, they need financial support and political backing.”
The Jewish Museum in Berlin shared the petition on Twitter, generating an online backlash. Israeli Ambassador to Germany Jeremy Issacharoff called the museum’s sharing of the petition “shameful.”
 Last year, it was reported that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanded from Merkel that Germany stop funding the museum because it had held an exhibition about Jerusalem, “that presents a Muslim-Palestinian perspective.” Merkel was asked to halt funding to other organizations as well, on grounds that they were anti-Israel, among them the Berlin International Film Festival, pro-Palestinian Christian organizations, and the Israeli news website +972, which receives funding from the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
 Netanyahu did not deny the report and his bureau confirmed that he had raised “with various leaders the issue of funding Palestinian and Israeli groups and nonprofit organizations that depict the Israel Defense Forces as war criminals, support Palestinian terrorism and call for boycotting the State of Israel.”

We Are Witnessing the Slow Death of the Corbyn Project


Another Corbyn Own Goal

Labour Should Have Rejected the EHRC Investigation as Politically Motivated 

I sometimes feel that it would be both cheaper and more efficient if Jeremy Corbyn replaced his advisors, Seamus Milne and Andrew Murray, with a tape recorder with a few pre-recorded messages, ‘I surrender’ ‘I apologise’. ‘I promise to do better’.
The Equalities and Human Rights Commission announcedon the 28th May that it was going to hold an investigation into the Labour Party under s.20 of the Equality Act. Its terms of reference are here.

It is a catastrophic mistake to have welcomed this ‘investigation’.  It is a politically motivated establishment attack under the guise of racism. The internal affairs of the Labour Party are none of the EHRC’s business. The allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ have nothing to do with anti-Semitism, i.e. hatred or hostility to Jews and everything to do with Israel.
One of the major themes of the CAA, who made the complaint against Labour, is that most Muslims are antisemitic
That is why the main demand of the Board of Deputies and the two organisations who made the complaints that led to this inquiry – the Campaign Against Anti-Semitismand the Jewish Labour Movement– was for Labour to introduce the IHRA definition of  ‘anti-Semitism’.
This is the racist stereotype that the Campaign Against Antisemitism featured
Instead of welcoming the investigation the Labour Party should have challenged it as politically motivated, biased and tendentious. Labour should have asked why there was no equivalent investigation into Tory party Islamaphobia or into the Tory party’s anti-Semitic partners in the European Conservative Reform Group, in the European parliament.
Nothing Corbyn says will ever convince his opponents - which is why he should stop appeasing them
At the very least the investigation should have been challenged legally. The pathetic gutlessness of Corbyn’s response may yet come back to haunt him.  However given that he has conceded all along to the bogus ‘anti-Semitism’ taunts it was all but inevitable that he would lie down and accept with grateful thanks the latest humiliation.
The CAA has run over 300 anti-Corbyn articles on its website
The only photo the CAA could find for their report on Muslim 'antisemitism' was of a dark person (Muslim?) holding a Hitler was right poster
There are numerous reasons why this ‘investigation’ should have been rejected.
i.                   The two organisations whose complaints led to the investigation are part of the Zionist/Israel lobby.
ii.                The Campaign Against Anti-Semitism in particular, a so-called charity, has waged a virulent and abusive campaign against Corbyn.  It has hundreds of articles on its web site attacking Corbyn.
iii.             The CAA is a deeply racist Islamaphobic organisation. One only needs to look at their racist profile of a male Muslim to see where their politics are coming from.
The Jewish Labour Movement Boasts that the Israeli Labor Party is their 'sister party' - we should believe them 
iv.             The Jewish Labour Movement which is the other organisation responsible for making the complaint is the British branch of the Israeli Labour Party.  A party of ethnic cleansing and colonisation.  It is a party that has supportedthe deportation of Black African refugees from Israel because they are not Jewish.
Of course the real problem is that Corbyn should fought back against the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations, which were begun by the Daily Mail in 2015, when they started. Corbyn had enough experience in the Palestine solidarity movement to know that the standard accusation against all Palestine activists is that they are anti-Semitic. It is inexplicable that Corbyn is still incapable of understanding this simple point. 
That Corbyn did not question the motives behind this 'investigation' is inexplicable
Today denying that the Labour Party faces an ‘anti-Semitism’ problem is in itself proof of being an ‘anti-Semite.’ Yet the Zionists repeatedly allegethat Corbyn is anti-Semitic and a racist. It should be abundantly clear even to the simplest mind that the ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations are motivated by the Zionist lobby yet Corbyn is incapable of speaking this simple truth.
Instead he and John McDonnell have behaved throughout the affair as if the Board of Deputies of British Jews were some benign organisation that was genuinely concerned about anti-Semitism, even to the extent of organising an ‘anti-racist’ demonstration outside parliament in March 2018.  This is the  organisation which has a history of telling Jews, from the Battle of Cable Street to the National Front, not to confront fascists and to keep their heads down and stay indoors.
Boris Johnson merits a slap on the wrist from this tame Tory body
Corbyn should have gone onto the offensive. The Tories are about to elect someone who believesthat Black people are ‘picanninies’ with ‘water melon smiles’ and who refers to Muslim women wearing the burka as ‘letter boxes’.  This is the party of the ‘hostile environment policy’ and Windrush.  Yet it too has  condemned Corbyn as ‘anti-Semitic’.  Yet Corbyn is too spineless and feeble to rebut any of these attacks.
The real question is why, at no stage, has the EHRC not opened an investigation into the Windrush scandal and Theresa May’s ‘hostile environment policy’ If its concern is racism then how is it that hundreds of Black British citizens have been deported and this useless establishment body hasn’t stirred itself?  Or is it incapable of investigating the government that funds it?
The real reason is that the EHRC is not and never has been an anti-racist body. It is a body whose main purpose is to see that discrimination does not affect the workings of the market.  It is about incorporating the anti-racist struggle.  It is staffed by the great and good from the corporate world. There isn’t one trade union commissioner. In its current investigation it is using fake allegations of anti-Semitism in order to do the Establishment’s dirty work of attacking Corbyn.  And Corbyn is stupid enough to have given them a stamp of approval.
If you search the EHRC’s site under Windrushyou come up with just one result which is one more than if you search under ‘hostile environment policy’.  So despite the major racist scandals of the past 5 years being none of the business of this so-called anti-racist organisation Corbyn and his supporters are incapable of calling this useless corporate ‘diversity’ organisation out.
Who are the great and good who make up the EHRC and its Commissioners?
Below are their profiles taken from the EHRC web pages:
David Isaac CBE (Chair)
David is a partner at law firm Pinsent Masons and was previously Chair of Stonewall from 2003 to 2012.
Caroline Waters (Deputy Chair)
Currently Vice President of Carers UK and Founder and CEO of CW Consulting Box, Caroline Waters was also Director of People and Policy at BT She chaired, for example, Employers for Carers from 2001 to 2013, was founder and inaugural Chair of the Employers' Forum on Belief, and Chair of the Lone Parents working group.
She is a Director of Roffey Park and a member of the Whole Education Board.
Suzanne is an experienced board member, finance professional and Chair. 
Suzanne has extensive FTSE 250 board experience gained in executive and non-executive roles and is currently a non-executive director of WHSmith plc, where she is also Chair of the Audit Committee. She was formerly Group Finance Director of Mitie Group plc, and her earlier career was spent at Serco and in the accountancy profession with PwC and Deloitte, where she specialised in corporate finance and assurance. 
Her other roles have included Chair of BITC in the South West and Chair of the Business Services Association. 
Suzanne is Fellow of the ICAEW and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
Pavita Cooper has over 25 years’ experience as an executive talent leader across a range of multi-sector global blue-chip organisations, including Shell, Barclays and Lloyds Banking Group.
Pavita is a passionate advocate of greater diversity; she campaigns tirelessly to change the face of British business.
Alasdair Henderson is a barrister at 1 Crown Office Row, specialising in public law, human rights, employment law and equality law.
Rebecca Hilsenrath (Chief Executive)
Rebecca Hilsenrath joined the Equality and Human Rights Commission as Legal Officer in March 2014 and was appointed as Chief Executive in 2016.
Prior to that, she was CEO of LawWorks (the Solicitors Pro Bono Group), a national charity facilitating free legal advice to community groups and individuals in need.
After graduating from Cambridge, Rebecca trained and practiced at Linklaters, and then moved to the Government Legal Service, where she held roles in the then Department for Education and Skills and in the Attorney General’s Office.
Susan Johnson was, until her retirement in July 2015, Chief Executive at County Durham and Darlington Fire and Rescue Service, where she was the first woman and non-uniformed chief executive to lead a Fire and Rescue Service in the United Kingdom.
Helen is chair of the Renewables Infrastructure Group Limited and deputy chair and senior independent director of Primary Health Properties plc, both of which are companies listed on the main market on the London Stock Exchange.
She is also a non-executive director of SSE plc and Bonheur ASA, the latter being listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. She was, until she retired in 2013, Group Company Secretary and General Counsel of National Grid plc for 10 years. At National Grid she was also executive sponsor of inclusion and diversity, about which she is passionate.
Helen has also been on the boards of Aga Rangemaster Group plc, Stagecoach Group plc and SVG Capital plc.
Mark McLane is the Head of Global Diversity and Inclusion for Barclays PLC.
Prior to Barclays, Mark was the Director of Diversity and Inclusion for Booz Allen Hamilton, a professional services firm in Washington DC. 
He also held the position of Chief Diversity Officer for Whirlpool Corporation.
Dr Lesley Sawers (Scotland Commissioner)
Lesley is currently Executive Chair of GenAnalytics Ltd, a specialist analytical and market insights consultancy focused on business performance improvement linked to equality and diversity in the workplace.
Previously Lesley was Vice Principal and Pro Vice Chancellor for Business, Enterprise and Innovation at Glasgow Caledonian University and Chief Executive of the Scottish Council for Development and Industry. She has also held senior leadership positions at Scottish Power, Royal Mail, CACI, Glasgow Chamber of Commerce and VisitScotland.
Professor Swaran Singh is Head of Division, Mental Health and Wellbeing, at the University of Warwick.
In short there isn’t a radical or grassroots antiracist amongst them.  They are all in favour of ‘diversity’ and incorporating struggles against the iniquities of capitalism but you won’t find them on a picket line or demonstration.  Most of them have a corporate background and that is the main purpose of the EHRC, to advise corporations on equality and diversity.
The EHRC is completely unfit to step into the middle of what is a political battle in the Labour Party between left and right under the guise of ‘anti-Semitism’.  All those alleging ‘anti-Semitism’ are also those who pushed the fake IHRA definition of ‘anti-Semitism’.
However the result of accepting without question the EHRC investigation will be that if they come out, as is highly likely, with an adverse report then it is going to be one more potent weapon in the armoury of the Right. 
It is an own goal to have accepted or welcomed the Inquiry.  They should have been challenged legally and there should have been fierce resistance to this attempt to neutralise the left leadership of the Labour Party via bogus complaints of anti-Semitism.
As for the Jewish Labour Movement, they should be thrown out on their ear for having done their best to undermine and destroy the Labour Party at the very moment when the Tories are facing a political crisis.
But instead, when they engaged in some grandstanding and threatened to leave the Labour Party Corbyn begged them to stay!  They rewarded his idiocy with a motion of no confidence in him.
Tony Greenstein 

Jonathan Hoffman and Damon Lenzner Convicted of Thuggery and Physical Intimidation of Sandra Watfa


Ex-Zionist Federation Vice-Chair and Board of Deputies Officer Hoffman forgot to Accuse the Police and CPS of ‘Institutional Anti-Semitism
The solicitor for Daman Lenzner just happened to be Tommy Robinson's lawyer Daniel Berke
It is my sad duty to inform people that my old friend, Jonathan Hoffman was today, with another Zionist thug, Damon Lenzner, convicted of harassment and threatening behaviour.
I had intended to attend court tomorrow as two days had been set aside for the hearing but it would seem the pair decided that cowardice was the better part of valour as they agreed to plead guilty to the lesser charges in exchange for the CPS dropping the assault charges. Or maybe they had advance warning that I would be making an appearance!
Jeremy Newmark, ex-Chair of the Jewish Labour Movement and subject to corruption allegations came out in support of fascist Hoffman
Hoffman had originally faced an arrest warrant for not turning up in court
They were both fined, sentenced to community and restraining orders. Lenzner was subject to a curfew and an electronic tag. They were also barred from approaching Sandra Watfa, the woman they harassed or Mr Haverty-Stacke, whom Lenzner punched. Reports can be found in Electronic Intifada, the Jewish Chronicle and Jewish News.
Hoffman in the middle of Roberta Cooper and Robert de Jonge of the Jewish neo-Nazi Jewish Defence League
Hoffman with the EDL's Kevin Carroll
Judge Nigel Dean, said the pair’s actions amounted to “aggressive, bullying behavior.” Clearly he is a man who believes in understatement. It is a sad comedown for Hoffman who used to be Vice-Chair of the Zionist Federation and a senior member of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and its Defence Committee. 
Zionist capitalist Micky Davies didn't take kindly to Hoffman and forced him to make a grovelling apology or face the libel courts
However Hoffman made the mistake of falling out with just about everyone and in particular criticising Mick Davies, Chair of the Jewish Leadership Council, a rich capitalist and now Treasure of the Tory Party. Everyone who made, even the mildest criticism of Israel was an anti-Semite, including most of the Board of Deputies!
(left to right) Paul Besser of Britain 1st, Ambrosine Shitrit, Gormless Gemma Sheridan (Jewish Nazi JDL), KKK Klaff of South Africa and Hoffman
Hoffman in his element with fellow fascists - EDL in paramilitary fatigues
Hoffman with Neil Horan (green) who is a Hitler supporter
Asa Winstanley writes that ‘One supporter was absent though: former Jewish Labour Movement chair Jeremy Newmark. Writing sympathetically on a thread on Hoffman’s Facebook page in March, Newmark called the case “appalling.” 
Hoffman article defending Jeremy Newmark
You might find this surprising since Hoffman is someone who has worked openly with the far-Right – Tommy Robinson supporters and Britain First’s Paul Besser as well as Pegida supporters Ambrosine Shitrit and Sharon KKKKlaff and Kahanist David Collier.  Newmark is a Labour Zionist.
Hoffman with David Collier - well known Jewish fascist
Hoffman and Lenzner attacked the Inminds picket of the Puma Store in Carnaby Street
However this is not so surprising. The differences between Labour and fascist Zionists have always been tactical.  Hoffman went out on a limb to defendNewmark when the Jewish Chronicle accusedhim of corruption and trousering thousands of pounds from a Zionist ‘charity’, the Jewish Leadership Council.
Suffice to say I have enormous sympathy for Newmark because the money would otherwise have gone into anti-BDS activity so it’s probably best that it went on champagne, taxi bills (unpaid) and good meals (kosher one hopes).
Hoffman (left) going incognito to court!
A glum looking Hoffman in a not unusual pose
Hoffman on his blog today was unrepentant. He claimed that he and Lenzner had been acquitted of the assault charges.  This is a lie. The CPS had agreed to drop the charges in exchange for them pleading guilty to lesser charges.   However what is one small lie amongst many? Hoffman rantedthat:
appallingly, the policeman on the case insisted that the case be tried as a racial and religious hatred case (Section 145, Criminal Justice Act).  In other words according to him we were there not because we found the antisemitic discourse of InMinds repugnant, but because we are Islamophobes.  What a disgrace:  the Court ignored it.

The message from this verdict is that neither pro-Israel advocates nor campaigners against antisemitism can trust the police or the CPS.

Hoffman finds it difficult to believe that his behaviour is Islamaphobic and probably believes that his fascist friends are also lovers of Muslims.
Hoffman placed this on his blog before taking it down on legal advice
When he was first informed that he was going to be prosecuted Hoffman accusedthe Crown Prosecution Service and the Police of ‘institutional anti-Semitism’ (in fact he called the CPS ‘institutionally anti-Israel but since all opposition to Israel in Hoffman’s book is ‘anti-Semitism’ then that is what he really meant).
One thing that seems to have escaped all other reporting of the case is that Daman Lenzner’s representative is Daniel Berke. By one of these coincidences that plague those of us in public life, Berke is also the solicitor to Tommy Robinson.  I guess it’s a question of Berke by name and Berk by nature!
Kevin Myers was the Sunday Times columnist who accused Jews of 'never knowingly underselling themselves' however Myers was a Zionist and Hoffman was happy to turn a blind eye to his antisemitism

Facebook's war against Free Speech - How is accusing Israeli Settlers of Land Theft Anti-Semitic?

Banned by Facebook for Telling the Truth Support Richard Silverstein and Bombard Zuckerberg's Censors – PLEASE SHARE 
 It is a fact that Israeli settlers have been engaged for over a half a century, using one legal device or another, in stealing Palestinian land. Yet according to Mark Zuckerberg’s minions this is ‘hate speech’.
The means by which they steal the land and its resources vary but the end result is always the same. The dispossession of Palestinian families. The theft of land is always an accompaniment to colonisation, be it in America, South Africa or Israel.
To call criticism of racist colonisers ‘hate speech’ is a perversion of language. It is to make the victims of colonisation, mass murder and land theft the guilty ones. It is no different from saying, as for example Ronald Regan said at Bitburg, that the Nazis too were victims. 
Israel's land thieves and colonisers are not criticised because they are Israeli or Jewish but because they steal land. Even Facebook should understand that.  Unfortunately that simple fact has not penetrated the thick skulls of Facebook’s unaccountable and silent censors. That is why you are asked to share this post as widely as possible.
Governments the world over are attempting to censor social media and protect the powerful. Israel is in the forefront of such efforts.  Thousands of paid Israeli trolls swarm over social media, making concerted reports in order to silent the opponents of their warped racist viewpoints.  They use the language of anti-racism such as ‘hate speech’ in order to attack anti-racists. Unfortunately those who own and control social media are accomplices in this censorship.

Tony Greenstein

Facebook suspension notice displaying the "offending" post
Yesterday, I was using Facebook when a message popped on my screen saying that a post I'd published on the platform had been found to be "hate speech."  My account was suspended for seven days. I would have no access to publishing content or comments during that time.

The post consisted of a link to an Al Monitor article about a Palestinian family which had been defrauded of their land by a settler company using fraudulent documents which purported to convey ownership from the Palestinians to the settlers.  An Israeli court found the new deed contained forged signatures and was therefore null and void.  To the linked article I added the comment: "Israeli settlers steal the land."
Apparently, the Israeli troll army is active on Facebook and organized a mass reporting swarm of the post which labeled it hate speech.  Enough reports were received that the post was removed and my account suspended.  I promptly appealed the decision, which has been under review since yesterday.  I also sent the message below in this post to the Facebook press team protesting the warped logic of the decision.

We define hate speech as a direct attack on people based on what we call protected characteristics — race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, caste, sex, gender, gender identity, and serious disease or disability. We also provide some protections for immigration status. We define attack as violent or dehumanizing speech, statements of inferiority, or calls for exclusion or segregation. We separate attacks into three tiers of severity, as described below.

...We allow humor and social commentary related to these topics.

So, making a true statement as determined by an Israeli court,  that settlers essentially stole this family's land, and in general use such fraudulent means to gain control of many other Palestinians' land, is a "direct attack" on settlers based on...what exactly?  Settlers are not a race, nor an ethnicity.  As for national origin, I specifically used the term "Israeli settler" and did not include all Israelis in my statement (though I easily could have since the Israeli state is party such theft on a much larger scale).  As for "religious affiliation," I did not note that settlers are Jews, and my criticism had nothing to do with the Jewish religion (though I have elsewhere criticized the settler political ideology which hijacks and warps Jewish tradition).
So how precisely is my comment "hate speech?" Clearly, it isn't.

A recent NY Times articles noted that the social media platform was clamping down on hate speech, by which the article referred to much more egregious examples than mine.  The report quoted the company's vice president for integrity, Guy Rosen.  So I tweeted to Rosen (using Twitter, of course) asking him to define for me how and why my comment qualified as hate speech.  Rosen has not replied.

This incident is a perfect example of the very perpetrators of hate and hate speech--settlers and their social media troll apologists--gaming the system.  They exploit the platform to suppress legitimate criticism of their oppression of Palestinians.  Facebook has allowed itself to be "taken" by these hoaxsters.  This shouldn't be terribly surprising given the close personal and business relationships both Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg have cultivated with Israel.  As American Jews, they've each expressed their fondness for Israeli itself.  Their executives have also met repeatedly with Israeli ministers seeking to eliminate "anti-Israel" content.  The officials claim that Facebook and other social media companies have agreed to intensify their efforts to identity and censor such content.
I'd be grateful if you would promote this post on Facebook (in particular) and any other social media platforms you use.  Here is the message I sent the press team yesterday:

On June 7th, I posted to Facebook this article from the site, AI Monitor, which reported that Palestinian landowners who had lost their homes through fraudulent real estate transactions perpetrated by Israeli settlers had regained them.

I added to the article my own comment: "Israeli settlers steal land." The screenshot of my post and comment is attached.

Somehow my comment was flagged as violating Facebook standards.  Among the specific content which constitutes violating such standards, the rules mention comments that disparage ethnic or religious groups.

I would remind you that Israeli settlers are part of a nation. They are part of a right-wing movement within Israeli society.  Their views are highly controversial not only in Israel, but among Jews and non-Jews outside Israel.  They are not a religion or an ethnic group.  And if we determine that they are Jews and therefore criticizing them is criticizing Jews as a religion, I would remind you that I am a Jew.  My criticism of Israeli settlers has nothing to do with their religion (which I share). It is a criticism of the wholesale Israeli theft of Palestinians lands going back decades.  It is also a criticism of the common practice by Israeli settlers of presenting fraudulent property sale contracts and forged documents to authenticate their "purchase" of Palestinian lands.
I would be happy to produce media sources to document the claims I raised above.

My suspension from Facebook is a travesty.  I have asked for a review of this decision.  I hope you can expedite it.

I plan on approaching several of the media outlets where I publish to interest them in this story.  It would be great if I could also report that Facebook lifted the suspension when it learned about it.

Lansman’s attack on Jewish Anti-Zionists is no different to the attacks on Whites who opposed Apartheid in South Africa


In his support for the Israeli State and the false ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign Lansman & Momentum are aiding Corbyn’s opponents

Just over a week ago dozens of Israelis in the northern Israeli city of Afula demonstrated against the sale of a house to an Arab. Joining them were Mayor Avi Elkabetz, Deputy Mayor Shlomo Malihi and members of the city council.
Israel's northern city of Afula

Mayor Elkabetz was elected promisingthat Afula would ‘maintain its Jewish character’. MK Ofer Cassif of the Communist Hadash asked
How would we describe a mayor in Europe who would demonstrate against selling a house to a Jewish family?
The very phrase ‘Jewish character’ is replete with racism and overtones of racial purity. In Germany too there were signs saying ‘Jews not wanted here.’
Hundreds of Jewish communities in Israel bar Arabs from membership
Nor is Afula an isolated example. The 2011 Reception Committees Law allows hundreds of Jewish communities to bar Arabs from living in their towns through the use of Admission Committees.

In 2010 the Chief Rabbi of Safed, Shmuel Eliyahu, issued an edict forbidding Jews to rent homes or property to Arabs.  He was backed up by dozens of other Israeli rabbis, all of them  paid state officials. To this day Arabs are barred from renting rooms in Safed or similar cities.
This is the Israel and the ‘Jewish’ state that Lansman supports. It is also the Israel that the IHRAdefinition of ‘anti-Semitism’ which Lansman supported protects by deeming it ‘anti-Semitic’.  It is no surprise that those well known anti-racist newspapers like the Daily Mail also join Lansman in protesting abou 'antisemitism'.
Lansman attacks the one group of Jews in the Labour Party that supports Corbyn - yet Momentum tolerates this man at its head
Lansman has done his best to support the fake antisemitism allegations - the question is who he is working for - certainly for the election of Jeremy Corbyn
When Lansman says that anti-Zionist Jews are not part of the non-existent ‘Jewish community’ and attacks the JVL he is supporting the most racist and chauvinist Jews in Britain.
Lansman's Jewish community newspaper has run an unremitting campaign against Corbyn
And Lansman is full aware of this. That is why it is correct to call him a racist. He defines Palestinian opposition to Israel and Zionism as itself racist.
As Jews in the past 70 years have grown more prosperous they have moved out of the East End of London into suburbs such as  Golders Green. They have been replaced by Muslim and Bengali immigrants. According to Dr Geoffrey Alderman, a right-wing Jewish academic and Zionist, in the Jewish Community and British Politics (p.137, Clarendon Press, 1983)
By 1961, over 40% of Anglo-Jewry was located in the upper 2 social classes, whereas these categories accounted for less than 20% of the general population.
Phil Piratin addresses crowd
In 1945 the only Communist MP ever to have been elected in England, Phil Piratin, was elected for Mile End in the East End.  Half his votes were estimated to come from Jews. When Alderman surveyed Jewish voters in Hackney for the 1979 general election, some 1.8% of Jews said they were voting for the neo-Nazi National Front but zero percent were voting for the Communist  Party candidate.  In other words not only have Jews become more prosperous but they have moved to the Right politically.
That is what explains the level of around 15% of Jews voting for the Labour Party NOT its stance on Israel.
Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Britain have dissociated themselves from the Zionists 
There is no single Jewish community.  A minority, the central Orthodox based around the United Synagogue are represented by the fiercely anti-Corbyn Board of Deputies, a group which has never fought anti-Semitism of the fascist variety.
Orthodox Jews are well aware of the opposition of the Zionists to Jewish refugees in the war coming to Britain - above is a letter in the Jewish Chronicle on 5.2.93.
Another large section of Jews are the Ultra Orthodox based around Stamford Hill.  They are not represented on the Board of Deputies. Last September 34 Orthodox Rabbis signeda letter criticising the Zionist BOD for attacking Corbyn.  Of course the letter received no publicity in the mainstream media or BBC.
The level of racism in Israel is higher than in any other state in the world

The Union of Orthodox Congregations left the BOD in 1971 and there have been major differences between them and the Zionists, not least a memory of when the Zionists opposed the rescue of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany unless they went to Palestine. See Skwawkbox hereand hereand JVL
50% of Jews in Britain aren’t attached to any synagogue and they are secular Jews.  It is these Jews that groups like JVL and Jewdas represent.
Lansman has bent over backwards to support the JLM
What Lansman has done is ally himself with the most right-wing section of British Jews.  Those who are allied with the Apartheid State of Israel.  Lansman fools himself that his friends are amongst the ‘progressive’ Labour Zionists of the Jewish Labour Movement.  In reality the JLM are no more socialist than their Likud counterparts.  They have acted as a Trojan horse inside the Labour Party and are presently  trying to use the Equality and Human Rights Commission investigation in order to try and destroy Jeremy Corbyn.

Union of Orthodox Congregations separated in 1971 from the Zionist Board of Deputies

 At their last conference the JLM passed a motion of no confidence in Corbyn. Their previous parliamentary Chair Luciana Berger joined the ‘funny tinge’ group and now sits in the House of Commons for the Liberal Democrats having falsely presented herself as a victim of Labour ‘anti-Semitism’. Lansman's obsession with 'anti-Semitism' lines him up with the Tory press who, for some strange reason, are also opposed to 'antisemitism' but no other form of racism.
The Israeli Labour Party has supported Netanyahu's racist hostility to African refugees

The JLM is the 'sister party' of the racist Israeli Labor Party

The JLM openly boast that they are the ‘sister party’of the Israeli Labor Party. This is the racist Zionist party which supported Netanyahu in his attempts to physically expel 40,000 Black African refugees from Israel because they are neither Jewish nor White.
These are the disgusting racists that Lansman calls his kith and kin.  The question is when Momentum members are going to remove this racist from his present position of unelected Caudillo of Momentum.
Tony Greenstein
James Wright 19th June 2019
Momentum founder Jon Lansman is facing criticism after he claimed a group of left-wing Jews are ‘not part of’ the Jewish community.
Jewish Voice for Labour (JVL) is made up of Jewish Labour members, and the organisation is active in around“half of all local constituency [Labour] parties”.
Still, in an email to JVL, Lansman claimed that the organisation is not “part of the Jewish community”, saying:
neither the vast majority of individual members of JVL nor the organisation itself can really be said to be part of the Jewish community
Left-wing Jews “responsible”
In the email, Lansman (who is Jewish) also blamed JVL for some of the impact the so-called ‘crisis’ of antisemitism allegations in Labour has had on the party. And he alleged that “JVL’s existence has been partly responsible” for some Jewish people leaving Labour in the context of these allegations. That’s despite academics at the Media Reform Coalition concludingthat corporate media coverage of Labour and antisemitism has been a “disinformation paradigm”.
In a comment The Canary has seen, JVL co-chair Jenny Manson responded by saying:
There is increasing concern among our members and supporters about the very negative remarks you make about Jewish Voice for Labour. Many Jewish Labour Party members, working hard for the election of a Labour government, have felt undermined by your comments.
Instead of criticising the corporate media and right-wing politicians for weaponisingantisemitism allegations against the Labour leadership, Lansman appears to be blaming left-wing Jews for calling out false allegations.
‘Grossly exaggerating’ antisemitism allegations
Lansman, who founded Momentum out of Jeremy Corbyn’s 2015 leadership campaign, also said:
The fact that JVL insists on defending those who deny the problem and many of those who have clearly brought the Labour Party into disrepute (whether or not they are themselves antisemitic) means, I am afraid, that I regard JVL as part of the problem and not part of the solution to antisemitism in the Labour Party.

Cartoon in Nazi  comic about a Jewish family who were not wanted

But in response, JVL co-chairs Manson and Leah Levane wrote:
In those parts of the Jewish community which support Jeremy’s values, there is concern about the extraordinary and unfounded allegations made that grossly exaggerate the degree of antisemitism within Labour. It is irresponsible to promote unjustifiable fears, scaring Jewish people that they face an existential threat from a Labour government. These allegations, so often unquestioned, are damaging the party’s standing in our community and also in wider society.
They also wrote:
Antisemitism clearly still exists in Britain and within its political parties, including Labour, but it is demonstrably more prevalent on the right of the spectrum. Wherever antisemitism exists it needs to be combatted. False allegations of antisemitism however do not help Jewish people.
Indeed, it seems that the media storm over Labour and antisemitism is largely a smear campaign when you compare the coverage to the facts. Because while any antisemitism in Labour is most certainly a problem, cases of anti-Jewish prejudice in Labour reportedly relateto 0.1% of the party’s 540,000-strong membership. And since Corbyn became leader, the number of Labour voters agreeing with antisemitic statements has actually fallen significantly.
The Canary contacted both Lansman and Momentum for comment, but had received no response by the time of publication.
Who is really in denial?
Neither JVL nor its supporters are denying that some antisemitism exists in Labour. The people in denial seem to be those like Lansman who refuse to properly acknowledge the weaponisationof antisemitism allegations against Corbyn’s leadership. In fact, this apparent cowardice from some on the Labour left has allowed the political attacks to gain their current traction. So we should commend JVL for standing against dangerous smears that are obscuring the fight against real antisemitism and damaging the only real alternative to Conservative austerity. Suggesting JVL members are the ‘wrong sort of Jews’ for taking a stand, meanwhile, is frankly a disgrace.

Lansman launches attack on Jewish Voice for Labour

Jon Lansman has launched an angry attack on the Jewish Voice For Labour group writing that they are "part of the problem and not part of the solution to antisemitism in the Labour Party."
In leaked correspondence, the Momentum founder also stated it was his "observation... that neither the vast majority of individual members of JVL nor the organisation itself can really be said to be part of the Jewish community."
In a letter written to JVL co-chairs Jenny Manson and Leah Levane, Mr Lansman also said that JVL "ill-serves the cause of Palestinian rights."
Mr Lansman launched his attack on the pro-Jeremy Corbyn group after they wrote to him suggesting he no longer reflected the views of most Momentum members - despite having founded the group himself.
But in a devastating attack, Mr Lansman wrote: "I am afraid, that I regard JVL as part of the problem and not part of the solution to antisemitism in the Labour Party. And as a consequence of that, I’m afraid it ill-serves the cause of Palestinian rights too.
"You no doubt believe that you are expressing the views of progressive socialist Jews, and yes I am aware of many progressive socialist Jews who, after backing Jeremy Corbyn in two leadership elections and in the 2017 general election, are now considering leaving the party or have already done so, and JVL’s existence has been partly responsible.
"JVL behaves as if it speaks for Jewish socialists. It does not. And too many of its members self-define as 'Jews' only to attack other Jews."
Mr Lansman - who is still a close ally of Jeremy Corbyn - also wrote in his May 4th letter that: "Whilst there are of course plenty of dissident Jews in Britain, my observation is that neither the vast majority of individual members of JVL nor the organisation itself can really be said to be part of the Jewish community since the organisation was set up to oppose the conclusion that I’m afraid that every significant Jewish community organisation has arrived at about the Labour Party.
"I do think it is possible to eradicate antisemitism in the Labour Party and to defend the Labour Left’s project but not by denial of the problem within the Labour Party."
Arch right-winger Luke Akehurst, who works for We Believe in Israel, supported the murder by Israeli snipers, of unarmed Palestinians in Gaza last year.  This reprobate is as hostile to JVL as Lansman
At Limmud this year in a session on antisemitism and the Labour party, Jon Lansman is reported as being highly critical of JVL: while he “did not support closing down JVL, he was dismissive of it.” Thanks a bundle Jon (always assuming we can trust anything that appears in the JC). David Rosenberg responds.
Luke Akehurst of We Believe in Israel was more forthright saying ‘there was a case for proscribing the organisation Jewish Voice for Labour, which served “no useful purpose” and had been set up to delegitimise the Jewish Labour Movement’.  When asked to comment by Skwawkbox, Akehurst doubled down, with undoubtedly libellous bile, as reported below. (For those who don’t know, Akehurst is one of a number of non-Jews like Euan Phillips and John Mann who have made it their task to deride Jews who do not follow their script.)

Lansman slams left rival CLPD slate for key disciplinary committee

Palestinian solidarity cannot ignore the oppression of the Kurds in Turkey

Why Palestine solidarity activists should not give any support to the Erdogan dictatorship in Turkey

Below is an important article from Canary and another from Al Jazeera. Last Thursday I went to a meeting and heard the description, by the Morning Star's International Editor Steve Sweeney, of Turkey’s reign of terror in the Kurdish parts of Turkey.  Steve spent a harrowing time in Turkey reporting what was happening in Turkish Kurdistan.  By all accounts he was lucky to escape with his life.
All the elected parliamentary representatives of the HDP, a mainly Kurdish  party, are in  prison.  Some 60 mayors of Kurdish towns have been replaced by hand picked Erdogan representatives.
On June 23 there will be a rerun of the Mayoral election that was held on March 31st in Istanbul.  Erdogan's AKP party lost in March but he ‘persuaded’ the Supreme Court to annual the elections and hold them again.
The story of what happened in Cizre in Kurdistan is sickening.  After a siege of the city, Turkish troops entered and poured petrol into basements where civilians were hiding burning 176 people – men, women and children - alive.
Child searching in what is left of his home
No principled supporter of the Palestinians can do anything other than condemn Turkey’s genocidal attacks on the Kurds, both within Turkey and in Syria.
Many Palestinians turn a blind eye to what Turkey does because of the rhetorical attacks from Erdogan on Netanyahu.  However this ignores the reality of Israel’s economic relationship with Turkey for example Turkey’s agreement with Israel on the gas reserves in the Mediterranean.
The devastation in Cizre matches anything in Gaza
One thing is for certain. The existence of dictatorial and repressive regimes like Turkey, which oppress their own people and deny self-determination to the Kurds, cannot be of any benefit to the Palestinians. This should be one of the lessons that should be drawn from the PLO's relationship with repressive Arab regimes before and after Oslo.
What is equally disgraceful is the fact that Britain, the European Union and the United States have declared the PKK, the Kurdish Workers Party, which is fighting Erdogan’s murderous army ‘terrorists’.  If ever there was proof that one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist, this is it.
Tony Greenstein 
Turkish 'pacification' in Sizre

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu continue their familiar feud, using social media and public speeches to blast each other. Meanwhile, #WeAreErdoğan trends on Twitter, as thousands of people claim to stand with the authoritarian Turkish president, while at the same time supporting Palestinians in their struggle.

As Palestine solidarity activists, it is vital to remind ourselves of the similarities between Turkish and Israeli state policies. If we stand for the liberation of Palestinians, we must also stand for the liberation of Kurdish people against their Turkish oppressor.
Palestine as propaganda        
For years, Erdoğan has used the occupation of Palestine as a propaganda tool to increase his popularity and to mobilise grassroots Muslim supporters. It’s no coincidence that Erdoğan took the opportunity to insult Netanyahu at an election campaign rally this week.
Portraying himself as an anti-colonialist with decent moral values, Erdoğan succeeds at his task of winning over supporters. Turkish flags can be seen in some houses and shops in the West Bank, while Palestine solidarity activists retweet Turkish state propaganda.
In 2017, US congresswoman Ilhan Omar tweeted about meeting with the Turkish president. While in 2018, Rachel Corrie’s parents accepted an award from Erdoğan on behalf of their daughter. Corrie was murdered in Gaza in 2003 by the Israeli military. At the ceremony, her parents thanked Turkey and stated that “world citizens needed to reject destructive nationalism and racism more than ever.”
Palestine solidarity activist Benjamin Ladraa, who inspired lots of us when he walked from Sweden to Palestine, attended the same awards ceremony in Istanbul, meeting the dictatorial president and his wife.
These meetings occurred after Turkey, under the leadership of Erdoğan, committed the biggest massacre of its Kurdish population since the 1990s, displacing thousands and killing hundreds, including children. Meanwhile this week, Erdoğan called Netanyahu a “tyrant who slaughters 7-year-old Palestinian kids.”
So, let’s look at the similarities between Erdoğan and Netanyahu and the countries they’re leading.
Part of the pathetic repartee between 2 dictators
Between 2009 and 2019, Israeli occupation forces murdered 3396 Palestinians, of whom 774 were children. Despite this, Netanyahu had the audacity this week to tweet in reply to Erdoğan:
Similarly, Turkey has killed hundreds of its Kurdish citizens since 2015, including 176 people who were murdered when they were trapped in basements in the city of Cizre in early 2016. Many of them, including children, were burnt alive by Turkish soldiers. The government branded all those killed as “terrorists”.
The Sur part of the city of Diyarbakir
Satellite photos taken before and after Turkey's bombardment
Razing homes
In 2018, the Israeli occupation demolished 460 Palestinian structures, displacing people who had nowhere else to live. The state continues to ethnically cleanse Palestinian areas in its relentless pursuit of Zionist expansion. As armed forces bulldoze homes, villages are in danger of disappearing completely off the map. So far in 2019, demolitions continue on an almost daily basis.
In Turkey, between 2015 and 2016, armed forces displaced around 500,000 majority-Kurdish people as they terrorised and flattened whole neighbourhoods in Kurdish cities. Many of these people were not able to return to their homes. Turkey has also ethnically cleansed and currently occupies the majority-Kurdish region of Afrin in Syria.
This week, Netanyahu tweeted again:
Indeed, Turkey imprisons and tortures political opponents, and is the number one country in the world for imprisoning journalists critical of the government.
But Israel, too, continues to imprison Palestinian citizens. There are currently 5,440 political prisoners languishing in Israeli jails, including 209 child prisoners. 493 prisoners are serving sentences of more than 20 years.
Punishing human rights observers

As Netanyahu talks nonsense on social media about protecting human rights, the Israeli state continues to target and punish those who attempt to document its crimes against Palestinians. The international observation group, Temporary International Presence in Hebron (TIPH), was permanently expelled from the West Bank in February 2019. At the same time, international group Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme Palestine Israel (EAPPI) was forced to leave Hebron due to Israeli settler harassment. The lack of international observers means that Israel can act with total impunity as its armed forces terrorise the streets of Hebron.

Meanwhile in Turkey, human rights defenders continue to be locked up and charged for ‘membership of a terrorist organisation‘, and international journalists are expelled under the same charge. In 2015, Turkish police murdered prominent human rights lawyer Tahir Elçi. He was shot in the head.
Shooting protesters
Both Israel and Turkey crack down heavily on protesters. There are numerous reports about the Israeli forces’ barbaric shooting of Palestinian protesters at Gaza’s Great March of Return. Israel frequently fires at demonstrators in the West Bank, too. The military uses live bullets, rubber-coated steel bullets and stun grenades on protesters, as well as drones to fire tear gas canisters at them.
Meanwhile, Turkish forces fire tear gas at mothers holding demonstrations for their children who were disappeared by the state. Turkish police fire rubber bullets and pepper spray at women demonstrating on International Women’s Day. And in 2013, much was written about police violence and the weaponry used during Istanbul’s Gezi Park protests.
Netanyahu recently stated on social media that:
Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people – and only it.
He too is hoping to rally support for the upcoming April election by stoking racism among citizens. His comment comes after the passing of Israel’s ‘nation-state’ law, which declares that ‘the right to exercise national self-determination in the State of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.’ The law also axes Arabic as an official language of Israel.
In Turkey, Kurdish has never been an official language, despite around 25 million Kurdish people living in the country. Turkey’s policy is to attempt to stamp out Kurdish culture and assimilate people into being ‘Turkish’. Those who won’t be assimilated face imprisonment.
War crimes
In 2018, Human Rights Watch stated that Turkey’s attacks on Afrinmay be unlawful“. And the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal found Turkey guilty of war crimes against the Kurdish people.
Similarly, in February 2019, the UN admitted that Israel’s murder of protesters in Gaza “may constitute war crimes.”
Despite these allegations, both countries continue to act with impunity, safe in the knowledge that western states need them as allies. And besides, there’s money to be made in selling both countries weapons.
So while both Netanyahu and Erdoğan yell virtual insults at each other, it’s important to remember that both leaders have blood on their hands. Don’t naively believe the pro-Palestine propaganda coming from Turkey’s power-hungry president. Stand in solidarity with both Kurdish and Palestinian peoples as they struggle against those who want to wipe them from existence.
Featured images via the Wikimedia Commons / US State Department
Get involved
  • Both Turkey and Israel need to buy their weapons from international arms companies. These arms companies are coming to London in September to make deals and sell weapons at one of the world’s biggest arms fairs. Visit Stop The Arms Fair to find out how to get involved.
  • Turkey is a member of NATO. This December, leaders of the NATO-member states will be coming to London for a NATO summit. On 24 March, you can attend a meeting among activists in London, discussing how to oppose the summit.

Cizre in ruins as Turkey lifts curfew on Kurdish towns

Kurdish civilians returned to widespread destruction after months of fighting between Turkish forces and the PKK.

13 Mar 2016
Cizre in ruins as Turkey lifts curfew on Kurdish towns
Rows of houses and apartment buildings in Cizre have collapsed, and the structures that are still standing have broken pillars and parapets, burned bricks and bullet-scarred walls [Kiran Nazish/Al Jazeera]

Cizre, Turkey -Shop owner Emre Tatlisoz's home was once three stories high. Today, it is nothing more than a pile of rubble.
The house next door is equally unrecognisable, as is the next one, and the one after that. The streets of Nur Mahallesi, a neighbourhood in Cizre in southern Turkey, have been hard-hit by clashes between Turkish government forces and Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) fighters.
A 24-hour curfew was imposed on the town of about 130,000 people last December, and was only lifted this month. Residents who had fled the violence were allowed to return to Cizre on March 2, but many quickly discovered they had little to come home to.
"This was not sudden. It is hard see it, but we had imagined this in our fears," Tatlisoz said as he surveyed the destruction. "This is why we were asking the world to look at us, but we were ignored by the media."
He told Al Jazeera that he first planned to stay in Cizre despite the curfew, but left after his neighbour's home was hit by shelling, and he saw a sniper shoot and kill a man in front of his house.
"Fleeing was a risk, too, with my young children … and we left under constant shooting over our heads," Tatlisoz said.
Turkey launched a widespread security operation against the PKK, a Kurdish nationalist group that Ankara, the United States and the European Union consider a terrorist organisation, in July 2015.
PKK fighters have taken responsibility for deadly attacks on Turkish forces and police after a recent ceasefire between the group and the Turkish government collapsed last summer. The decades-long conflict between the Turkish state and the PKK has killed at least 30,000 people.
The recent operation was focused largely on Kurdish-majority areas in southern Turkey.
The Turkish army claimed that more than 600 PKK fighters were killed in Cizre alone. Turkey also informed the United Nations that 205 members of the police, gendarmerie and military were killed between July 20 and December 28, 2015.
A Turkish police official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to speak to the media, told Al Jazeera that the goal of the recent operation was "to kill PKK terrorists and anyone who will support their ideology.'' Turkish officials say the fighting was focused on neighbourhoods that housed barricades built by local fighters.
But Ali Ihsan Su, the governor of Sirnak province where Cizre is located, said the Turkish authorities did not distinguish between civilians and fighters.
They attacked callously and mercilessly, without distinguishing between military, police, women, men, old or young.
Ali Ihsan Su, governor of Sirnak province
"They destroyed houses by placing explosives from the kitchens to the bedrooms," Su said. "They attacked callously and mercilessly, without distinguishing between military, police, women, men, old or young." 
Earlier this month, Tesmeen Yildiz, a woman in her 60s, stood outside her home waiting for neighbourhood boys to bring her son's charred remains up from the basement. Her son insisted on staying to watch over the house, she said, and he died when the home was attacked by Turkish forces. Yildiz maintained that her son was not a member of the PKK.
Videos and images shared by Cizre residents showed Turkish forces opening fire on civilians. A video shot by local journalist Refik Tekin - in which a group of civilians carrying white flags are fired upon - went viral in late January, and led theUN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Raad Al Hussein, to call on Turkey to investigate the shooting of unarmed civilians.
"The authorities must take great care to protect human rights when conducting military or security operations. If state operatives commit human rights violations, they must be prosecuted," Al Hussein said in a statement.
Amnesty International also warned that "the Turkish government's onslaught" in Kurdish towns and neighbourhoods put 200,000 lives at risk and amounted to collective punishment.
Despite being able to return home, many residents of Cizre said they were planning to relocate to nearby towns, or seek shelter with relatives elsewhere in Turkey. Those who do plan to remain will face an uphill battle to rebuild. 
An official with the Turkish prime minister's office told Al Jazeera that the government has "pledged to launch public housing projects and provide financial assistance to communities affected by terrorism", but he did not provide further details. Asked about allegations of human rights violations by the Turkish government, the official did not directly respond, instead noting that the PKK's violence "did more harm to the Kurds" than anybody else.
Some neighbourhoods, including Sur Mahallesi, Cudi Mahallesi and Nur Mahallesi, have become virtually uninhabitable. Rows of houses and apartment buildings have collapsed, and the structures that are still standing have broken pillars and parapets, burned bricks and bullet-scarred walls. A large school near the city centre, which locals said was used by Turkish security officers, has been reduced to rubble, while a garden near the building is filled with ash.
"We have no money, no furniture, no income. How will we feed ourselves? Where will we sleep?" asked Cihan Zaman, a pharmacist who lived in Cudi Mahallesi. "We have travelled back in time."
SOURCE: Al Jazeera

Photos show devastation after Turkey ends two-month anti-PKK operations in Cizre

Rachel Cooke: Never Underestimate the Stupidity of a Guardian Journalist – Jewish Chronicle Letter of the Week


Open Letter to a Racist - Jon Lansman – Bahrain Picket – Tommy Robinson Video


Sometimes you wonder if there is a Stupidity Test that Guardian journalists have to pass before they are admitted into Kath Viner’s paradise. I mention this because in her interview with Ken Livingstone in last week’s Observer, Rachel Cooke asked ‘if some Labour activists don’t wilfully and perniciously conflate Judaism and Zionism’.  
The Guardian's Hapless Rachel Cooke
It’s the kind of remark that makes you want to tear your hair out. Where has this fool been? There has been a 3 year campaign by supporters of Israel to conflate Zionism, the Israeli state and anti-Semitism. The summer of 2018 was taken up with the effort by Zionists and their media claque to impose the bogus IHRA misdefinition on the Labour Party, a ‘definition’ which conflates criticism of Israel and anti-Semitism, such that 7 of its 11 examples relate to Israel not Jews. Don't words have any meaning for these people?
In an article Labour's new guidelines show it is institutionally antisemitic the Jewish Chronicle’s tabloid editor Stephen Pollard, Dirty Desmond’s old mate, complained that Labour had refused to adopt the IHRA in toto.
 instead of adopting the definition as agreed by all these bodies, Labour has excised the parts which relate to Israel and how criticism of Israel can be antisemitic.’
Leave aside that all the best anti-Semites, from Christian Zionist Steve Bannon to Viktor Orban admire Israel because Zionist ethno-nationalism is precisely what they would like to emulate, it is should be obvious that the strategy of Israel’s supporters is to perpetuate the lie that anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism. This is the accepted media narrative. 

Journalist fools like Rachel Cooke seem oblivious to the increasingly overt racism in Israel - what was submerged before is now coming into the open
What is it about this that idiots like Rachel Cooke do not understand?   Rachel Cooke is however only one example of the degeneration of the Guardian/Observer (there was a time when the two papers were separate).
I sent a letter to The Observer, but unsurprisingly it was not printed, as is the case with nearly all anti-Zionist correspondence these days. I copy it below.  Please distribute because this is an example of how the Letters page of the Guardian, the last area which was free of Jonathan Freedland’s baleful influence has now fallen victim to Zionism’s gatekeepers.
Sunday, 23 June 2019
Letters Editor
The Observer
Kings Place,
90 York Way
London N1 9GU 

In an otherwise interesting interview with Ken Livingstone, Rachel Cooke asks ‘if some Labour activists don’t wilfully and perniciously conflate Judaism and Zionism.’

Ms Cooke’s question is indicative of the confusion caused by the false anti-Semitism campaign by Zionists and supporters of Israel. It is truly Orwellian.

It is not Labour activists who conflate Judaism and Zionism but the Zionist movement and its supporters.  Where has Ms Cooke been these past 3 years?

There was a concerted campaign by the Zionist lobby to get the Labour Party to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance misdefinition of anti-Semitism, which equated criticism of the State of Israel with ‘anti-Semitism’.

No less than the Chief Rabbi stated in an interview with the Telegraph (3 May 2016) that ‘One can no more separate it [Zionism]from Judaism than separate the City of London from Great Britain.’

This conflation of anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism is the basis of the false equation between Judaism and Zionism.

I just hope that in future the Observer’s interviewers are better briefed.

Yours faithfully,

Tony Greenstein 

The Jewish Chronicle’s Letter of the Week from Maurice Herson

Perhaps the Jewish Chronicle’s tabloid editor, Stephen Pollard, has been laid low with a bug.  This week there was the first decent letter for some time in the JC from a Maurice Herson from Oxford who spoke of the ‘JC's relentless hate campaign against Jeremy Corbyn.’
 I can’t imagine where he got that one!  Certainly not from Jon Lansman!
Lansman at the Palestine session of the Arise conference yesterday - looking bored and full of contempt for those there

Open Letter to Momentum’s Racist Leader
Lansman was spotted at the Palestine session at Arise yesterday – looking bored
I bloggeda few days ago about the treacherous role that Jon Lansman has played inside the Labour Party in giving aid and comfort to the false allegations of anti-Semitism against supporters of Palestine. 
His latest attack, on Jewish Voice for Labour, which is reported in this week’s Jewish Chronicle boils down to the assertion that that neither the vast majority of individual members of JVL nor the organisation itself can really be said to be part of the Jewish community."
You probably didn't hear of the letter from 34 Haredi Rabbis defending Corbyn last year - that's because the mainstream media didn't cover it
Leaving aside the fact that there is no single Jewish community - the Board of Deputies represents a minority of British Jews – neither the Ultra Orthodox nor secular Jews come under their wing – the question is so what?
Lansman in the pink shirt
The organised, synagogue going, mainly Zionist Jewish community is a thoroughly reactionary one that has voted Tory for 50+ years. In so far as they support the State of Israel that is or should be a matter of shame.
This is an Israel which only last week saw dozens of residents in Afula, including the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, demonstratingagainst the sale of a house to an Arab. This is the state which has supplied weaponry to virtually every racist and genocidal regime in the world, from South Africa to Burma to Guatemala.
It is not for nothing that Israel’s best friends include leaders such as Brazil’s Bolsonaro, Hungary’s Viktor Orban, Philippines Duterte– fascist and anti-Semites all.
What the JLM call their 'sister party' the Israeli Labour Party supports Netanyahu's attempt to deport Israel's 40,000 Black African refugees
Lansman played a particularly iniquitous role in the witchhunting of Jackie Walker, deposing her, with the support of the Alliance for Workers Liberty, as Vice-Chair of Momentum. Lansman has helped the Jewish Labour Movement witch-hunt of anti-Zionists and supporters of the Palestinians despite them passing a motion of no confidence in Corbyn at their last conference.  
Signs in Nazi Germany saying 'Jews not wanted' have a familiar ring in Afula
It is difficult to know how anyone who calls themselves a socialist today can find anything progressive in the State of Israel. There was a time when I was growing up when people hadn’t heard of the Naqba.  We believed that the Arabs really had left voluntarily in order that the Arab armies could enter Israel. We believed that Kibbutzim were islands of socialism in the Middle East where equality ruled, not realising that they employed cheap Arab and Misrahi/Oriental Jewish labour and were racially exclusive Jewish only institutions.
It was only later that we learnt that the best friend of Israel was Apartheid South Africa whom it transferred nuclear technology to and invested heavily in.  That this was the position not just of the Israeli Labour Party but of Mapam, to its left, too.
During the 1980’s we learnt that even as Argentina was murdering Jews because they were Jews as part of its wider massacre of leftists Israel was Argentina’s main arms supplier.  Even worse it became clear that the refuge against anti-Semitism that Israel proudly claims to be didn’t apply to leftist Argentina Jews who were the ‘wrong sort of Jews.’
We also learnt that from El Salvador to Guatemala Israel was involved in training the death squads and active in training those in Guatemala who perpetrated the genocide of the Mayan Indians.  Just as Israel today is the arms supplier of last resort to the Burmese regime in its genocide of the Rohinga people.
This is to completely omit Israel’s repression of the Palestinians and its permanent military occupation of Palestinian land and its creation of an ethno-nationalist Jewish state which is the envy of every fascist and neo-Nazi from Steve Bannon to Viktor Orban and Tommy Robinson.  Indeed the neo-Nazi founder of the alt-Right, Richard Spencer, describes himself as a White Zionist.
The only justification that Lansman has for his demonization of Jewish anti-Zionists and JVL in particular is that the majority of the Jewish community in this country supports Israel.
If this were true that most Jews in this country supported what Israel is doing and understands what a Jewish State really means then this would be a matter of shame. It would mean that Jews in this country were now on the side of the racists and imperialists.  To some extent this is obviously true.  Most Jews vote Tory and have voted Tory for over half a century.
However there are a considerable number of Jews who reject Zionism and what Israel does.  According to the most recent and authoritative survey in 2015 The Attitudes of British Jews Towards Israel the number of Jews who identify as Zionists today is 59%, a drop of 13% in 5 years.
The fact is that Lansman identifies with the reactionary majority of British Jews because they are Jews. Such a position is clearly a racist. If the left in the Labour Party has any self-respect then Lansman will be removed from his position in Momentum.  Those who give him legitimacy are giving legitimacy to the movement to overthrow Corbyn.
Anyone one who has doubts about the sincerity of the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign should ask themselves one question – if the campaign was genuine and anti-Semitism was a real problem in the Labour Party why would all the Tory press, from the Sun to the Telegraph, support it?  Why should newspapers who have employedKatie Hopkins and who now back Boris Johnson, be so concerned with anti-Semitism?
Open Letter to Lansman
Dear Mr Lansman,
I read with interest your attack on Jewish Voice for Labour in the Jewish Chronicle. Let me the first to congratulate you on your choice of target as well as your exquisite sense of timing. 
After all it makes sense for Momentum's fuhrer (or is it caudillo?) to attack a pro-Corbyn Jewish group in the Labour Party. Just as it makes sense for you to give your support to the Jewish Labour Movement which recently passed, almost unanimously, a vote of no confidence in Corbyn.
All of this as part of the 'fight against anti-Semitism' as defined by the IHRA definition of antisemitism which says that all except the most anodyne criticism of Israel is antisemitic.
If you read my blog below you will see how the residents of Afula in Israel define Zionism and a Jewish state, by demonstrating against the sale of a house to an Arab.  Some people might compare this to what happened in Germany in 1938 but we both know that such a comparison is antisemitic.
Of course the majority Jewish community in this country supports a Jewish state and therefore they support this and all the other more covert measures of segregation in Israel and it is with those that you identify.
Some people would call this racism but racists call it 'Jewish identity'.  It's all part of what is now called Generation Identity. 
Your attack on Jews who oppose Zionism and the Israeli state is akin to the attacks that used to be made on Whites who opposed Apartheid in South Africa. Presumably if you had been in South Africa you would accused them of not being part of the majority White community?
Not only are you unaccountable to anyone, having launched a coup 3 years ago to destroy democracy in Momentum but it is clear you have no shame either.
Tony Greenstein
Previous picket of Bahraini picket calling for the freeing of a gaoled academic

The first phase of the plan, hatched by Israel and Trump, to end any future Palestinian freedom will be tabled this week in Bahrain, hosted by the Khalifa dictatorship and supported by fellow servile Arab dictatorships like Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.
Inminds chair Abbas Ali said 
"The plan is to, on the one hand, try to squeeze the Palestinian people into submission, with the ongoing slow genocide in Gaza and enforced hardships in the West Bank; with the cutting of all funding to UNRWA; denying the Palestinians the right to their capital Al Quds; legitimizing the theft of the Syrian Golan Heights and giving the green light to similarly annexing the West Bank to Israel with the threat of ethnically cleaning its Palestinian population first.  And then on the other hand, to offer bribes, paid for by MBS and MBZ, to the corrupt PA leadership to accept the deal, selling Jerusalem to the Zionists, and denying the Palestinian people their homeland. The deal stinks so bad that even the normally purchasable PA has rejected it. So without even a token Palestinian presence, the conference aims to determine the future of Palestine. Please join us to condemn this farce, and those participating, and hosting it. Our message is simple - Palestine is not for sale!"

3pm Tuesday 25th June 2019
Bahrain Embassy in London
30 Belgrave Square
London SW1X 8QB.
Nearest Tube: Hyde Park Corner, Victoria
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