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Focus on the toxic loudmouthed bully Ian Austin MP, Friend of Tom Watson

Who Funds Ian Austin apart from the Israel lobby? The GMB. Members should ask why their union has gifted £10,000 to Austin?

Those excellent news sites, The Canary and Skawkboxhave amply demonstratedthat Ian Austin is a loudmouthed bigot and bully, not least in his arrogant and blustering behaviour towards Michael Rosen, the former children's laureate, who appeared before him at a Commons Committee hearing enquiring into Holocaust education. 
Austin couldn't stand Rosen's rejection of the idea that the only thing standing between Britain and defeat at the hands of the Nazis was that we fought back whereas Johny Foreigner surrendered at the first opportunity. What this pig ignorant bigot failed to take into account was such small  things as the expanse of water separating Britain from the continent, often known as the English Channel.
British triumphalism and imperialism are bread and butter to this poundshop jingoist. As Michael Rosen pointed out, the record of British people on the Channel Islands and Guernsey, in terms of collaboration, suggests that if Britain had been invaded then the behaviour of British people towards Jewish people would have been no different to that of the Poles or French.
Since Austin presides over a seat with a 22 vote majority he has decided to quit Labour now knowing that he is unelectable.
He is a nasty pro-war MP who, when Jeremy Corbyn was responding to the Chilcott Report told Corbyn to sit down and shut up. Austin couldn't stand the idea that pro-war jingoists like him had been proved comprehensively wrong. If Corbyn hadn’t been so weak and weedy then Austin would have had the whip withdrawn there and then.
What is interesting is who has been funding this reactionary ratbag and why.  Below are a few details concerning his funders.  As can be seen nearly all of them are part of the Zionist lobby, in particular Labour Friends of Israel, front group for the Israeli Embassy, an Australian Zionist group and Sir Trevor Chinn, a wealthy Zionist, owner of Kwik Fit and supporter of LFI.
It is interesting that his friend and neighbour, Tom Watson, shares almost all of Austin’s funders – Labour Friends of Israel, Garrard, Chinn and of course the right-wing GMB Union.
Tony Greenstein
Ian Austin quit the Labour Party on 22 February although he has not yet joined the newly formed Independent Group. The Dudley North MP, who was adopted by Czech Jewish refugees, says Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour has caused “offence and distress” to Jewish people.
But Britain’s favourite children’s author, Michael Rosen, had a few choice words for Austin. In fact, the Jewish writer exposed the shitbag MP for trying to browbeat him while he was giving evidence about Holocaust education.
And that’s not the only hectoring Austin is famous for.
“You’ve had your say”
As Rosen explained on Twitter:
So, the author was giving evidence at an inquiry into Holocaust education in the UK. And, as Rosen says, while he was talking about “British triumphalism” Austin kept interrupting him:
As the video shows, Rosen tried to explain to the committee that, as the Nazis didn’t make it to Britain, we don’t know what might have happened if they had. He appeared to be warning against teaching children that Hitler couldn’t have done in the UK what he did elsewhere because of Britain’s ‘fighting spirit’. Austin was having none of it, though. He kept patronisingly saying “I know, I know” through the Jewish author’s evidence. Eventually, Austin even said:
Hold on, you’ve had your say… The reason, professor Rosen, that they didn’t invade Britain is because Britain fought back.
So, that’s Austin. A man who tries to silence someone who’s offering his expertise on the Holocaust if it challenges the notion of Britain’s ‘greatness’. Furthermore, a man who has no bones about doing that to someone who’s Jewish.
“Shut up”
Rosen isn’t the only person who Austin has told to shut up, though. Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn made a statement in parliament about the newly published Chilcot report in July 2016. During the statement, in which he heavily criticised the decision to invade Iraq, Corbyn said that “many of our people actually got it right”. He was talking about over a million people in the UK who marched against the invasion. But while Corbyn was applauding the public on doing this, Austin shouted from the backbenches:
Sit down and shut up.
Again, Austin’s attempt to silence someone came as they were challenging the notion of a magnanimous and ‘great’ British state.
There’s the door
Like the Insignificant Seven that left the Labour Party before him, it’s hard to see what values Austin actually shares with the party. So, aside from the parliamentary ramifications, it’s probably best for all those involved that shitbags like him do jog on.
No-one needs people like that in a party which is trying to “build a Britain we can all be proud of”.

Open Letter to the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs – Why Are You Afraid to Stand up to Tom Watson?


Your Silence and Lack of Solidarity over Chris Williamson’s Suspension is both Shameful and Cowardly

Below is an Open Letter that I have written to members of the Socialist Campaign Group of MPs.  Formed in 1981 by Tony Benn during his deputy leadership challenge to Dennis Healey it underwent a considerable down sizing during the Blair/Kinnock years.
Richard Burgon
One might have thought it would regain its voice after the election of Jeremy Corbyn.  Instead most of its members have been conscripted into the Shadow Cabinet with the result that it has lost its voice almost entirely.
I have therefore sent this letter to the following MPs all but two of whom are in the Campaign Group:

Dear Comrades,
Until recently I didn’t even realise that the Socialist Campaign Group [SCG] of Labour MPs still existed. Such has been your silence, I assumed that rigor mortis had set in.
Permit me to introduce myself. I was expelled a year ago as a result of the confected ‘anti-Semitism’ witch-hunt because, if you want to fight ‘anti-Semitism’, then it’s always a good idea to expel Jews. This was my second time. I was first suspended in 1992 during the Kinnock purges. My crime then wasn’t fake ‘anti-Semitism’ but support for non-payment of the Poll Tax.
The difference between then and now is that Campaign Group MPs had a backbone and weren’t afraid to speak out. I refer to MPs such as Tony Benn, Norman Atkinson, Ernie Roberts, Joan Maynard, Stan Orme, Alice Mahon and Dennis Skinner. Even David Blunkett spoke out. You however seem afraid of your own shadow.
Today the Left and Jeremy Corbyn has won the leadership of the Labour Party. The problem is that it is on the defensive, forever apologising and temporising. Although Jeremy is in office he isn’t in power. How else to explain the situation whereby Tom Watson demands the head of Chris Williamson and you remain silent like a Trappist monk?
Watson’s pretext was ‘anti-Semitism’ but nothingChris said could be remotely described as anti-Semitic.
“The party that has done more to stand up to racism is now being demonised as a racist, bigoted party. I have got to say, I think our party’s response has been partly responsible for that because in my opinion… we’ve backed off far too much, we have given too much ground, we’ve been too apologetic… We’ve done more to address the scourge of anti-Semitism than any other party.”
Watson’s real concern isn’t anti-Semitism but the preservation of Labour’s bipartisan support for American foreign policy, which is symbolised in support for the Israeli state.
Laura Pidcock
It is understandable why socialists and anti-racists have been intimidated by spurious allegations of anti-Semitism given the history of the Holocaust. However anti-Semitism has nothing to do with opposition to the Israeli state and Zionism, the ideology and movement that gave birth to that state.
It is often said that anti-Zionism is a disguise for anti-Semitism. In fact the opposite is true. It is Donald Trump, whose election campaign was openly anti-Semitic, Richard Spencer, the neo-Nazi founder of the alt-Right who declares himself a White Zionist and Tommy Robinson who cover their racism with support for the Israeli state.
The Beast of Bolsover aka Dennis Skinner
Zionism and the establishment of the Israeli state was the worst possible answer to anti-Semitism. Zionism replaced one horror with another. A settler colonial state, based on racial supremacy, permanently at war with the indigenous population. Zionism agreed with the anti-Semites that Jews were not part of the nations they lived amongst but formed a separate state.
The result is the present Apartheid state. This was evidenced recently in the response of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Israeli actress Rotem Sala, who declared that
Israel is a state of all its citizens and that all people were created equal, and that even the Arabs and the Druze and the LGBTs and - shock - the leftists are human."
Netanyahu’ response was that
Israel is not a country of all its citizens. According to the nation-state law that we passed, Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish nation.”
Netanyahu was right. Israel is not and has never been a state of its own citizens and that has always been the position under Israeli Labour as well as Likud governments.
It is for making these arguments that Black and Jewish anti-racist activists such as Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth and myself have been expelled. 
Jewish anti-Zionists, who have been a particular target of the witch-hunt, are the equivalent of White opponents of Apartheid in South Africa.  Our expulsion is particularly shameful as is your silence.
Not only was I a founder of Brighton and Hove Anti-Fascist Committee in the 1970’s and Secretary of Brighton and Hove Anti-Nazi League in the 1980’s but I have written the only book about the fight against Fascism in Brighton.
As Jewish comedian Alexei Sayle observedwe have the spectacle of racists accusing anti-racists of ‘anti-Semitism’. We live in Orwellian times when Black is White and anti-racism is anti-Semitism.
Today in the Labour Party it is anti-Semitic to suggest that anti-Semitism has been weaponised despite the fact that allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ are the first resort of Israel’s supporters. I doubt if there is a single Palestine solidarity activist who hasn’t been accused of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is the go to accusation levelled against supporters of the Palestinians including Jewish supporters.
Israel’s supporters argue that Zionism is an integral part of being Jewish whilst claiming, as per the IHRA, that to blame Jews for what Israel does is anti-Semitic! For example Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League openly declaredthat “Anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.’
What is happening in the Labour Party today is straight out of TheCruciblewhen denial of being a witch was itself proof of one’s guilt. People are scared of discussing Israel or Zionism for fear of being pounced upon by ‘investigators’ from the Compliance Unit.
Arthur Miller
When Arthur Miller explainedwhy he wrote the Crucible, he used the Salem Witchcraft Trials as a metaphor for what was happening in the America of Joe McCarthy.
‘I was motivated in some great part by the paralysis that had set in among many liberals who, despite their discomfort with the inquisitors’ violations of civil rights, were fearful, and with good reason, of being identified as covert Communists if they should protest too strongly.
‘Anti-Semitism’ is the new anti-communism and you are the liberals that Arthur Miller referred to, wracked by paralysis. Today all manner of racists profess their opposition to anti-Semitism. After spending 17 minutes denouncing refugees in his State of the Union Address, Trump took time out to denounce‘anti-Semitism’!
A Witch Trial in Salem

When Tom Watson called for the suspension of Chris Williamson instead of defending Chris you said nothing. When Watson declaredthat he wouldn’t rest until every last anti-Semite was kicked out of the Labour Party you took him at face value. At its most charitable you were cowed into silence.

Tom Watson however is a most unlikely anti-racist. When the racist Labour MP Phil Woolas was removed by the High Court as an MP for electoral offences in 2011, it was revealed that his election campaign had been based around ‘making the white folk angry’.
What was  Watson’s response? An apology? No a full throated defence of Woolas. Watson wrote that ‘I’ve lost sleep thinking about poor old Phil Woolas and his leaflets.’
When Sandwell Councillor Yvonne Davies objected to a St. George’s Day demonstration that had been taken over by the BNP and white racists Watson defended the march and harassed and bullied Davies.
Cllr. Davies was abused by Councillor Hosell, who Watson had supported when he was deselected from Sandwell Council. When Watson was contacted by Skawkbox  he refused to dissociate himself from Hosell.
Tom Watson was the Campaigns Organiser for Liam Byrne in the 2004 by-election in Birmingham Hodge Hill. In The ghost of Enoch Nick Cohen described the gay bashing, racist campaign that Watson ran when ‘Labour reshuffled the pack and played the race card’ against the Lib Dems.’ One Labour leaflet carried the slogan: "Labour is on your side, the Lib Dems are on the side of failed asylum seekers."
Former City banker Byrne toldthe voters, 'The Lib Dems want to keep giving welfare benefits to failed asylum seekers. They voted for this in Parliament on 1 March 2004. They want your money -and mine - to go to failed asylum seekers.'If this isn’t playing the race card it is difficult to know what is yet you have kept your silence.
All of these facts are publicly available. The idea that Tom Watson is motivated by opposition to anti-Jewish racism is for the birds. He is a bigot who will play the race card whenever it suits him. His main concern is support for Israel and a bipartisan pro-American foreign policy which is why he is Vice President of Trade Union Friends of Israel.
Watson’s allegation that Luciana Berger MP was subjected to ‘racist thugs’ in Liverpool Wavertree CLP, which is chaired by a Jewish member Dr Alex Scott-Samuel, was a lie. Ms Berger’s was Director of Labour Friends of Israel for 3 years and is to this day a prominent Zionist and parliamentary chair of the Jewish Labour Movement.
Tom Watson’s racist history is not a state secret. Even his commitment to oppose anti-Semitism is suspect given his false allegations of child abuse against the late Leon Brittan, which he was forced to recant. Brittan had been the subject of considerable anti-Semitic abuse, e.g. Harold MacMillan’s jibethat Thatcher’s cabinet was more Old Estonian and Old Etonian.
Instead of supporting to Chris Williamson, it was intimated I believe that it would be better if he didn’t attend any more meetings of the Campaign Group because it might embarrass certain members. If true this is both cowardly and shameful.
My purpose in writing this letter is in order that the Campaign Group might, in these turbulent political times, relearn the meaning of solidarity. When the Right is on the offensive and talk of a national government is in the air, this is no time to cower in the dark.
It would appear that the Beast of Bolsover has become the Westminster Pussy Cat!
Yours in Solidarity,
Tony Greenstein

The Political Origins of the Evangelical Right Lay in Race not Abortion


Segregation Not Reproductive Rights was the Founding Issue of the Religious  Right

I found the two articles below fascinating for the light they shed on America’s Evangelical Right. Like many people I’ve always assumed that Protestant Christian Fundamentalists had always been opposed to abortion.  Today opposition to abortion is the litmus test of the Christian Right. However it was not always so.
The key issue for the Christian Right historically was race. However it became politically embarrassing and inconvenient from the late 1970’s onwards to wage a war against Black children and for segregation. That was the context for the move from opposition to school integration to opposition to legal abortions. 
However one should be under no illusions that Evangelical Christians, 81% of whom voted for Donald Trump, whose morality has hardly been that of a pious Christian, is still motivated by issues of race, which Trump personifies.
Ian Paisley – who waged war on the ‘anti-Christ’ as represented by the Pope
The Bible Belt and the Ku Klux Klan always overlapped. Segregation was seen as ordained by god and it was practised with an evangelical fervour by the private Christian Bob Jones University in South Carolina. The Bob Jones University, which gave an honorary doctorate to Ian Paisley, the leader of the sectarian Free Presbyterian Church and founder of the Democratic Unionist Party in Northern Ireland, was the subject of battles with the US Inland Revenue Service, which refused to grant charitable tax status to institutions which refused to admit Black students. Even when the University did begin to admit non-White students it strictly forbade interracial dating and the idea of miscegenation. 

You can seeStatement about Race at BJUfor the University’s explanation in 2008 recanting its past.  However its notable for its self-serving nature, blaming ‘American culture’ rather than their interpretation of the Christian Gospel. They say that:

‘For almost two centuries American Christianity, including BJU in its early stages, was characterized by the segregationist ethos of American culture.
Henrietta Hilton, front left, and her fellow students in their ninth grade classroom in Summerton, S.C., in 1954. The classroom was at the center of a controversy which led to one of four cases involving “separate but equal” facilities.

Here are some facts that might surprise you.
In 1971, two years before Roe v. Wade legalized abortion, the biggest white evangelical group in America, the Southern Baptist Convention, supported its legalization. The group continued that support through much of the 1970s. And the late Jerry Falwell, founder of the Moral Majority, did not give his first antiabortion speech until 1978, five years after Roe.
Though opposition to abortion is what many think fuelled the powerful conservative white evangelical right, 81 percent of whom voted for Donald Trump, it was really school integration, according to Randall Balmer, chairman of the religion department at Dartmouth.
The US Supreme Court ruled public school segregation unconstitutional in 1954. In 1976 it ruled against segregated private schools. Then courts went after the tax exemptions of these private all-white Southern schools, or so-called segregation academies, like Falwell’s Liberty Christian Academy.

Abortion Protesters
The late Paul Weyrich, whom Balmer called the organizational genius behind the religious right, had long tried to mobilize evangelical voters around some hot-button issue: feminism, school prayer, pornography, abortion. But nothing lit a fire like the federal government’s threat to all-white schools. Only in 1979, a full six years after Roe, did Weyrich urge evangelical leaders to also crusade against abortion, Balmer said in an interview. That was, after all, a far more palatable, acceptable crusade, one with a seeming high moral purpose, unlike a race-based crusade against black children.
I mention all this because Politico recently reported on the increasing power of religious ultra-conservatives in Trump’s Department of Health and Human Services, and what that could soon mean for further restrictions on abortion, birth control, and gay and transgender protections.
“This administration is focused on recognizing one set of religious beliefs,” Gretchen Borchelt of the National Women’s Law Center told Politico. But why the one set of beliefs so out of step with the rest of America? Though 70 percent of white evangelicals want abortion illegal, the majority of other religious groups, including mainline Protestants, black Protestants, and Catholics, do not.
This raises unsettling questions: How much of antiabortion rhetoric is really about the unborn, and how much is a convenient and even cynical cover for white evangelicals to support, as they did, a white supremacist like Roy Moore, in Alabama, or Trump himself, leader of the American birther movement and defender of neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Va.?
Balmer’s scholarship on the racial underpinnings of the religious right — and the link between the antiabortion movement and a certain political agenda — is more than familiar to a group of Americans who overwhelmingly rejected both Moore and Trump. That would be black evangelicals.
Among them is Cornell William Brooks, past national president of the NAACP and a fourth-generation African Methodist Episcopal Church minister who was arrested last year during an Alabama sit-in to protest Trump’s then nominee for attorney general, Jeff Sessions.
“For Christian conservatives who put abortion at the top of their list, the challenge becomes objecting to the loss of life in the womb but also objecting to the loss of life beyond the womb,” said Brooks, now a visiting professor at Boston University. “You cannot segregate your compassion.
Wring your hands over the child lost in the womb as well as the loss of the child Tamir Rice,” the 12-year-old gunned down by a police officer in Cleveland. “Be concerned about discrimination, immigration, police misconduct, voter suppression, misogyny on the lips of the president, black lives mattering, all lives mattering,” Brooks said.
It is worth noting that some of the same white evangelical leaders who just gave a pass to Trump for an alleged affair with a porn star either supported him or kept mum after Charlottesville and after his attacks on immigrants from what he called “shithole countries.”
Said Brooks, “We are not being candid with ourselves if we don’t admit race has a lot to do with all this.”
Said Balmer, “The religious right is coming back to the founding principles of a movement based in racism.”
Margery Eagan is cohost of WGBH’s “Boston Public Radio.”

The Real Origins of the Religious Right

They’ll tell you it was abortion. Sorry, the historical record’s clear: It was segregation.


May 27, 2014

Randall Balmer is the Mandel family professor in the arts and sciences at Dartmouth College. His most recent book is Redeemer: The Life of Jimmy Carter.

One of the most durable myths in recent history is that the religious right, the coalition of conservative evangelicals and fundamentalists, emerged as a political movement in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion. The tale goes something like this: Evangelicals, who had been politically quiescent for decades, were so morally outraged by Roe that they resolved to organize in order to overturn it.
This myth of origins is oft repeated by the movement’s leaders. In his 2005 book, Jerry Falwell, the firebrand fundamentalist preacher, recounts his distress upon reading about the ruling in the Jan. 23, 1973, edition of the Lynchburg News: “I sat there staring at the Roe v. Wade story,” Falwell writes, “growing more and more fearful of the consequences of the Supreme Court’s act and wondering why so few voices had been raised against it.” Evangelicals, he decided, needed to organize.
Some of these anti- Roe crusaders even went so far as to call themselves “new abolitionists,” invoking their antebellum predecessors who had fought to eradicate slavery.
But the abortion myth quickly collapses under historical scrutiny. In fact, it wasn’t until 1979—a full six years after Roe—that evangelical leaders, at the behest of conservative activist Paul Weyrich, seized on abortion not for moral reasons, but as a rallying-cry to deny President Jimmy Carter a second term. Why? Because the anti-abortion crusade was more palatable than the religious right’s real motive: protecting segregated schools. So much for the new abolitionism. 
Today, evangelicals make up the backboneof the pro-life movement, but it hasn’t always been so. Both before and for several years after Roe, evangelicals were overwhelmingly indifferent to the subject, which they considered a “Catholic issue.” In 1968, for instance, a symposium sponsored by the Christian Medical Society and Christianity Today, the flagship magazine of evangelicalism, refused to characterize abortion as sinful, citing “individual health, family welfare, and social responsibility” as justifications for ending a pregnancy. In 1971, delegates to the Southern Baptist Convention in St. Louis, Missouri, passed a resolution encouraging “Southern Baptists to work for legislation that will allow the possibility of abortion under such conditions as rape, incest, clear evidence of severe fetal deformity, and carefully ascertained evidence of the likelihood of damage to the emotional, mental, and physical health of the mother.” The convention, hardly a redoubt of liberal values, reaffirmed that position in 1974, one year after Roe, and again in 1976.
When the Roe decision was handed down, W. A. Criswell, the Southern Baptist Convention’s former president and pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas—also one of the most famous fundamentalists of the 20th century—was pleased: “I have always felt that it was only after a child was born and had a life separate from its mother that it became an individual person,” he said, “and it has always, therefore, seemed to me that what is best for the mother and for the future should be allowed.”
Although a few evangelical voices, including Christianity Today magazine, mildly criticized the ruling, the overwhelming response was silence, even approval. Baptists, in particular, applauded the decision as an appropriate articulation of the division between church and state, between personal morality and state regulation of individual behavior. “Religious liberty, human equality and justice are advanced by the Supreme Court abortion decision,” wrote W. Barry Garrett of Baptist Press.
So what then were the real origins of the religious right? It turns out that the movement can trace its political roots back to a court ruling, but not Roe v. Wade.

Despite Zionist attempts to stoke fears of antisemitism fewer Jews than ever are leaving Britain for Israel


This is proof that despite all the hype there is NO evidence of increasing anti-Semitism


One of the strange things about the fake anti-Semitism campaign is that no evidence is ever produced of its existence. Anti-Semitism is a phenomenon that exists almost wholly inside the heads of people like Tom Watson, Ruth Smeeth and Jon Lansman. Anti-Semitism is a trope for dopes.
The Community Security Trust, which in 2018 received£13.4 million pounds from the Home Office and which works in tandem with Israel’s Mossad (MI6) produces every year an Anti-Semitic Incidents Report.  Every year the Report records an increase in anti-Semitic incidents.

Even the Sun opposes 'antisemitism'
The latest Anti-Semitic Incident Report 2018 is no exception. The Introduction to the Report states:
CST recorded a record high total of 1,652 antisemitic incidents in the UK last year. 2018 was the third year in a row that CST has recorded a record high incident total and means the problem of rising antisemitism in our country continues to grow.
This represented a 16% increase in anti-Semitic incidents compared to the 1,420 incidents in 2017. If true, this represents a worrying increase. But is it true or is it simply the result of increased diligence, reporting and the manipulation of data coupled with the equation of anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism? How many of these 'incidents' are genuine examples of Jew hatred as opposed to hatred of what Israel does expressed in anti-Semitic manner?

After all Israel calls itself a 'Jewish state' despite the fact that there isn't very much that is Jewish about employing snipers to mow down hundreds of unarmed demonstrators.  Nor is torture and child abuse sanctioned in the Torah (at least the last time I read it, which admittedly is about 50 years ago!). Is it any surprise that some people react badly to what Israel does to Palestinians and abuse Jewish people in this country for it?

Is that anti-Semitism? Yes it is but the cause of that anti-Semitism is Israel and their Zionist cheerleaders in this country.  People like Dave Rich, the Deputy Director of the CST. This anti-Semitism is not however the visceral anti-Semitism that still exists in parts of Eastern Europe where Jews are believed to represent the evils of capitalism and engaged in secret conspiracies to undermine their national existence.

If the CST and the rest of the Zionist chorus were seriously concerned about anti-Semitism they would be going their best to distance British Jews from what Israel does and to make it crystal clear that Israel's claims to act as a Jewish state are false.  What the CST and the Board of Deputies does is the exact opposite.  Instead of opposing Israel's crimes they justify them. Last May the BOD justified Israel's murder of unarmed Palestinians in Gaza.  The wonder is not that a few people react in an inappropriate way but that more don't do so.

What is rarely mentioned is the number of Israeli Jews living outside Israel - estimated as at least 1 million.
One of the things that even the CST can’t do is to invent physical attacks on Jews, not least because these can be checked against Police records. One would therefore expect a concomitant 16% increase in violent attacks. The strange thing though is that ‘CST recorded a 17 per cent decrease in the number of violent antisemitic assaults, from 149 in 2017 to 123 in 2018.’
And whereas violent incidents usually comprise about one-third of overall hate incidents, in the case of anti-Semitism the percentage is just 7.5%.
This has not prevented the idea gaining ground that anti-Semitism is on an ever increasing upward spiral. The principal group propagating this myth is the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, an overtly Zionist group.
In 2015 the CAA brought out a survey which foundthat 54% of British Jews fear that Jews have no future in Great Britain and a quarter of British Jews have considered leaving. Even more astounding the CAA survey of 2,230 British Jews foundthat 56% felt that antisemitism in Britain had some echoes with the 1930's.
As Anshel Pfeffer of Ha’aretz observedthis poll, if true, ‘shows a disconnect bordering on hysteria’ Pfeffer goes on to savage those who trade in such comparisons:
If the majority of British Jews and the authors of the CAA report actually believe that, then it’s hard to take anything they say about contemporary anti-Semitism in their home country seriously. If they honestly think that the situation in Britain today echoes the 1930s when Jews were still banned from a wide variety of clubs and associations, when a popular fascist party, supported by members of the nobility and popular newspapers, were marching in support of Hitler, when large parts of the British establishment were appeasing Nazi Germany and the government was resolutely opposed to allowing Jewish refugees of Nazism in to Britain, finally relenting in 1938 to allow 10,000 children to arrive — but not their parents who were to die in the Holocaust (that shameful aspect of the Kindertransport that is seldom mentioned) — and when the situation of Jews in other European countries at the time was so much worse, then not only are they woefully ignorant of recent Jewish history but have little concept of what real anti-Semitism is beyond the type they see online.
This nonsense about an ever encroaching anti-Semitism has been used to suggest that one-third of British Jews are thinking of leaving Britain. According to the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism’s Barometer1 in 3 British Jews have considered leaving Britain in the past two years due to antisemitism’ which works out as over 80,000 Jews.
The Jewish Telegraph Agency led with a similar story: 1 in 3 British Jews have considered emigrating over anti-Semitism, survey finds
Unsurprisingly Sky News gave uncritical coverage of the CAA’s survey in its report ‘More British Jews considering move abroad as anti-Semitism fears grow - poll.’
Tamara Cohen reported uncritically that
Almost one in three British Jews has considered moving abroad in the past two years, a survey has found.
The findings come from a large-scale study by the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism which surveyed nearly 4,000 members of the community during 2016 and 2017.
They found that 31% of British Jews had considered moving abroad, a rise from 28% during their last survey two years ago.’
What Sky and the JTA didn’t report was that the CAA poll was garbage, completely unscientific and not worth the paper it was written on.

In Analysis: British Jewry and a feeling of insecurity Jonathan Boyd, Executive Director of the Institute for Jewish Policy Researchdescribed the CAA’s findings as being ‘based on a survey with little, if any, methodological credibility.’  It described the finding that 45% of British people were anti-Semitic as a ‘deeply flawed read of the data’. The IJPR found the CAA's survey to be 'littered with flaws'and 'irresponsible'. Due to 'quite basic methodological flaws and weaknesses', its poll of British Jews had 'very limited capacity' to assess the representativeness of its sample.

Of course you would not expect Britain's mainstream media to report these failings because not only does the story that one-third of British Jews leaving make a good story but it also fits into their anti-Corbyn narrative. It is one more stick to beat the Labour Left with.
This is the context for the hype that up to one-third of British Jews are considering emigrating to Israel. Yet what are the facts?
In an article at the beginning of March the Jewish Chronicle reportedthat ‘Aliyah [emigration of Jews to Israel] from Britain has dropped for a third year in succession, according to figures from the Jewish Agency. The number of UK Jews who left for a new life in Israel in 2018 was 534, slightly down from 550 in 2017 and considerably fewer than the 729 in 2016 and 770 in 2015.’
Which is really strange because one would have thought that with all those reports about the rule of the Gestapo in the Labour Party that the opposite would be the case. Jews should have been flocking to get out.  El Al, Israel's national airline should be booked for months ahead.  Instead it seems that barely one airplane was needed to take the whole bevy of British emigrants to Israel.  

Indeed it is likely, if France is anything to go by, that more Jews originating in Britain came back from Israel.  Because having dreamed of Israel for 2,000 years, according to Zionist folklore, Jews in Israel can't wait to leave this racist hothouse. That is why thousands of Jews in Israel today take out a German or Western passport as a safeguard against the country going completely lunatic.
Commenting on the numbers of Jews emigrating to Israel the Jerusalem Post informedits readers that  Jewish immigration to Israel fell slightly in the first eight months of 2018 over the corresponding period last year, despite a 35 percent increase from Russia.’Why was this? Although the number of immigrants from Russia saw a ‘dramatic rise’  this was, as was admitted, due to economic factors.

It should be added that though these Russian Jews, because of economic factors, are emigrating to Israel, when they get there most of them won't be considered Jewish by the Rabbis and thus can only marry their own kind. They are considered mamzers (bastards) and can only marry other mamzers. Such is life in a state based on race since there is no civil marriage in Israel.
The focus has been on Europe and France in particular yet the number of Jewish immigrants to Israel in 2018 fell by 31 percent compared to the 2017. Just 1,862 French Jews emigrated to Israel between Jan. 1 and Sept. 1. Likewise the number of Jews from the United States fell by 17 percent with just 2,066 U.S. Jews emigrating to Israel compared to 2,483 in 2017.
The Jerusalem Post, which referred to the first 8 months of 2018 only reported that emigration from the United Kingdom rose by 7 percent to 371. However it could not help but report that ‘Many Jews are contemplating leaving there in light of the prospect of the Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour Party, with its antisemitism problem, reaching power.’
Opinion becomes fact in the twinkle of the eye.  Ha’aretz also reportedthat ‘According to recent reports, many British Jews are considering leaving their country because of anti-Semitism.’ Whilst observing that ‘If so, Israel does not as yet appear to be their preferred destination.’ Immigration figures for United States Jews showed a drop of 9 percent, to total 500.
The Times of Israel put a different emphasis on the immigration numbers. It was all due to a ‘Spike from Russia’  which had led to an increase of 5% in the number of Jews emigrating to Israel. The Times also reported a 25% drop from France and at 330 , a 4% drop from the United Kingdom.
None of this prevented that station of record, CNN reporting that ‘Anti-Semitism is so bad in Britain that some Jews are planning to leave’ and who did they quote?  Why Mark Lewis. The ‘famed libel and privacy lawyer, is leaving Britain. Worn down by years of anti-Semitic abuse and death threats, he has decided enough is enough.’ No mention is made of the fact that he and his partner, Mandy Blumenthal, are also founder members of far-Right Zionist group, British Herut..
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, the previous Chief Rabbi, an outright Islamaphobe and a religious Zionist also repeated the same clichés that ‘Labour antisemitism causing British Jews to consider leaving country, says leading rabbi’.
One should bear in mind that when the CAA’s flawed poll revealing that one-third of British Jews were thinking of emigrating, the Jewish Chronicle ran their own poll: JC poll reveals 88 per cent of British Jews have not considered leaving UK As the JC reported ‘the reliability of the CAA data has been questioned. Social scientist Dr Keith Kahn-Harris said that it was “methodologically invalid. There can be no confidence in its representativeness”.
The reality is that despite the Zionist propaganda about ever increasing anti-Semitism leading to a mass emigration of British Jews, the actual figures show both a drop in anti-Semitic attacks and a drop in the emigration of British Jews.  Increasing Jewish emigration from Britain to Israel is wishful thinking, a Zionist wet dream.  A fantasy gone wrong!
Strange that!
Tony Greenstein

A Defiant Ronnie Kassrills Speaks at a large War on Want Meeting at SOAS Tonight


The Jewish founding member of the ANC's umkhonto we sizwe defies the Zionist attempts to close down free speech 


It was a privilege to hear the legendary Ronnie Kasrills, founding member of the ANC’s Umkhonto we Sizwe (Spear of the Nation), speak tonight.  Ronnie was radicalised after the 1961 Sharpeville Massacre when 69 Black demonstrators were mowed down by the South African Police.
Of course this massacre, which signalled the beginning of the end of the Apartheid regime, has today been overshadowed by Israel’s murder of more than 200 unarmed demonstrators in Gaza in the past year. But whereas Sharpeville radicalised the world, in much of the West Israel war crimes have received support. Only last summer Labour Friends of Israel, which numbers among its supporters MPs Tom Watson and Emily Thornberry, openly tweeted its support for the Israeli military.

Ronnie spoke of the unanimous vote of Vienna's Council, controlled by a group of Social Democrats and Greens, to ban him from speaking at the Vienna Museum (see article below). In the end he spoke at a Turkish restaurant. Every member of the Council, including the neo-Nazi and fascist Right of the Freedom Party of Heinz Christian Strache voted to prevent Ronnie Kasrills, a Jewish member of the ANC speaking because he had the temerity to support the Palestinians.
According to a BDS Movement website, Chief Mandla Mandela, a member of parliament for the ANC and Nelson Mandela’s grandson, said of the cancellation in Vienna:
The truth cannot be silenced! We deplore the venue cancellation for the scheduled Israeli Apartheid Week event at the museum in Vienna, Austria. This type of censorship was deployed by the South African Apartheid regime and as South Africans we condemn this act of repression. We will talk against all acts of racism and apartheid. We will continue to fly the Palestinian flag and speak against Israeli apartheid, aggression and occupation from the streets if we are denied venues. We will not be silenced and I call on activists all around the world to be spurred on and continue the struggle until we end the unjust occupation and until Palestine is free. Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an international series of events that seeks to raise awareness about Israel’s apartheid regime over the Palestinian people and build support for the growing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement.
Ronnie was based for many years in London and in a humorous talk told us of the many small meetings that he spoke to in the 1960’s from one end of the country to another in what he described as Britain’s appalling weather! Ronnie described the conservatism of the Anti-Apartheid Movement in London which looked in horror as a young Peter Hain, then Chair of the Young Liberals and newly arrived in Britain from South Africa, proposed disrupting British cricket and rugby matches involving touring sides from South Africa.
On a personal aside my first venture into politics was when I played truant from my school, the King David Jewish school in Liverpool to go on demonstrations against the Springbok Rugby team in 1970. We ran on the pitch and disrupted the games as rugby stewards threw us off. Direct action raised the issue of Apartheid such as none before had. The following year’s tour of South Africa by the English cricket team was called off.
The Boycott of South Africa sporting teams caused an immense political shock to the psychology of South Africa Whites just as the Cultural Boycott is aimed at shocking Israeli Jews out of their racist complacency.
The attempts to ban and disrupt Ronnie’s tour in Europe show the lengths to which the Zionists will go to prevent free speech on Palestine.  The ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign in Britain is not unique.  Israel and its friends are mounting an international campaign crying ‘anti-Semitism’ with the clear aim of delegitimizing and demonising the BDS campaign.
Contrary to the statement in Ronnie’s Wikipedia entryRonnie made it clear that he is not a supporter of the 2 State Solution, which he described as an apartheid solution.
In 2001 Ronnie wrote with Max Ozinsky a statement entitled a "Declaration of Conscience by South Africans of Jewish Descent" on the Israel-Palestinian conflict. It was signed by 220 Jewish South Africans amongst whom was Nadine Gordimer, a Nobel prize winner, Jonathan Shapiro (Zapiro), Dennis Goldberg, who was  sentenced to life imprisonment with Nelson Mandela; and Arthur Goldreich, an escapee from Rivonia who settled in Israel but nonetheless signed the statement as well as many younger signatories who experienced detention and imprisonment in apartheid’s prisons.
At a speech on the launch of the statement in December 2001, Ronnie declared that:
What is most significant of this list of conscience is that virtually all our signatories have participated in the struggle against apartheid over the years leading to our country’s freedom in 1994.
Then as now we represented a tiny minority of whites who as a matter of conscience broke ranks with our supposed blood ties and pigmentation to protest against the brutal violation of human rights in the name of our tribe and race. Then and now we could not lend our names to the oppression of other human beings on the grounds that survival of our kith and kin was at stake, and that our unquestioning support and unity was necessary regardless of the methods used.
Then and now we saw that as morally shameful and an abrogation of the lessons of anti-Semitic persecution down the ages, and the ghastly nightmare of the Holocaust. We grew up with the question:  why had the German people remained silent at the evil being implemented in their name? The eternal answer of humanity has always been:  to remain silent in the face of evil is to condone evil. We by no means equate Hitler and Israel but Israel’s  measures to oppress the Palestinian struggle are an intolerable abuse of human rights, so we raise our voices as Jews and cry – out “Not in my name,” and we join with all those in the world demanding justice for Palestinians and peace and security for all in the Holy Land – Christians, Jews Muslims, and non-believers.
It should be no surprise that members of Austria’s neo-Nazi Freedom Party should vote to ban Ronnie Kasrills in Vienna.  It is a matter of shame that members of Vienna’s social democratic party and the Green Party held hands with fascists and neo-Nazis, all in the name of opposing ‘anti-Semitism’.
It is a situation that is becoming remarkably familiar, in Britain and the United States too.  Fascists, anti-Semites and right-wing social democrats, together with Greens like Brighton Green Phelim McCafferty all deprecate the ‘anti-Semitism’ that is involved in supporting the Palestinians and opposing Zionism.
Ronnie himself has been a strong critic of the direction the ANC has taken in its wholesale adoption of crony capitalism. In particular of former President Jacob Zuma.  He described how the Communist Party has tailed the ANC and in particular he criticised the massacre of 34 Black South African miners by the Police at Marikana.  A massacre that the Communist Party and its tame National Union of Miners has justified.
Today Ronnie supports a new Workers Party the United Front.
Tony Greenstein

Vienna museum cancels Palestine event with leader of South African anti-apartheid struggle

March 21, 2019
A Vienna museum, Volkskundemuseum, has cancelled an Israeli Apartheid Week event where former minister in Nelson Mandela’s government Ronnie Kasrils was scheduled to speak
Ronnie Kasrils: South African anti-apartheid leader and former Government Minister
March 21, 2019—  A Vienna museum, Volkskundemuseum, has cancelled an event on Palestinian rights where former minister in Nelson Mandela’s government Ronnie Kasrils was scheduled to speak (Video by Ronnie Kasrils). Kasrils is a renowned South African anti-apartheid activist of Jewish descent, and his address was scheduled for the March 29 event as part of the annual Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW). Human rights advocates immediately condemned the cancellation, and called for the event to be reinstated.
The museum caved to pressure from Austria’s Israel lobby. The cancellation comes amid Israel’s ongoing repression of the peaceful Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights. Two IAW events scheduled in France this week were also canceled.
More than 80 IAW events in 40 cities across Europe, North America and Palestine have been scheduled to date. With events still to be finalized in Asia, Africa and Latin America, IAW is expected to be held in more than 200 cities worldwide this year.
The organizers of the event, BDS Austria, were informed that the Museum canceled the event because the Vienna City Council adopted a resolution in June 2018 not to cooperate with the BDS movement. Anti-BDS measures being promoted at the local and national level in Europe, prompted by Israel’s far-right government, aim to stifle freedom of speech and silence debate on Palestinian rights.  
Ronnie Kasrils said:
I strongly condemn the Vienna museum’s cancellation of a public meeting I was to speak at for Israeli Apartheid Week. Exactly 59 years ago today the Sharpeville massacre took place, compelling me to stand up for human rights in my country, following in the footsteps of Chief Albert Luthuli and Nelson Mandela. As a result I was banned by South Africa’s apartheid government from attending meetings, and anything I said could not be published. How disgraceful that, despite the lessons of our struggle against apartheid and racism, such intolerance continues to this day, stifling freedom of speech and association.
The Vienna Museum should welcome Israeli Apartheid Week, and discussion of the anti-racist Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement for Palestinian freedom, justice and equality. BDS is a peaceful form of applying pressure to encourage the Israeli government to abide by innumerable United Nations resolutions. Exactly that kind of pressure led to the demise of apartheid in South Africa.
A spokesperson for event organizer BDS Austria said:
We are not surprised by the Vienna City Council’s repression or their growing relations with Israel’s apartheid regime. They are silencing democratic debate and criminalizing all human rights groups, even Jewish ones, that are in solidarity with Palestine. Palestinian academic Edward Said was invited to Vienna shortly before his death and then disinvited due to the Israel lobby’s pressure. We will not be intimidated by this. We remember Edward Said’s words: It is a just cause, a noble idea, a moral quest for equality and human rights.
Chief Mandla Mandela, ANC Member of Parliament and Nelson Mandela’s grandson said:
The truth cannot be silenced! We deplore the venue cancellation for the scheduled Israeli Apartheid Week event at the museum in Vienna, Austria. This type of censorship was deployed by the South African Apartheid regime and as South Africans we condemn this act of repression. We will talk against all acts of racism and apartheid. We will continue to fly the Palestinian flag and speak against Israeli apartheid, aggression and occupation from the streets if we are denied venues. We will not be silenced and I call on activists all around the world to be spurred on and continue the struggle until we end the unjust occupation and until Palestine is free.
The German organization Jüdische Stimme, Jewish Voice for a Just Peace, recently awardeda peace prize in Germany, said:
As a Jewish organisation we face, worriedly, the criminalisation of voices in defense of Palestinian rights all round the world. This pressure is even greater in German speaking countries where growing alliances with the Israeli state and its narrative, undermine all other voices, including Jewish ones, which dare to criticise Israel’s racist policies. We sent a letter to the museum director when we learned that the event was threatened with cancelation. We are appalled that this cancelation was announced, and call again for the event to go forward.
In Paris, only two days before a planned IAW event on March 20, the University Sciences Po emailed the student organizers informing them their event had been banned. L’Intersection, the anti-racist group organising the event with Palestinian speaker Rania Madi, condemnedthis cancelation, as didRania Madi. An IAW event scheduled for March 22 in Montpelier, France was also canceled.
The Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC) is the largest coalition in Palestinian civil society. It leads and supports the global Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement for Palestinian rights. 

I fought South African apartheid. I see the same brutal policies in Israel

I was shut down in South Africa for speaking out, and I’m disturbed that the same is happening to critics of Israel now
 Ronnie Kasrils was a leading member of the African National Congress during the apartheid era and former government minister
‘Benjamin Netanyahu said recently: ‘Israel is not a state of all its citizens … Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people – and them alone.’ Photograph: Amir Levy/Getty Images
As a Jewish South African anti-apartheid activist I look with horror on the far-right shift in Israel ahead of this month’s elections, and the impact in the Palestinian territories and worldwide.
Israel’s repression of Palestinian citizens, African refugees and Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza has become more brutal over time. Ethnic cleansing, land seizure, home demolition, military occupation, bombing of Gaza and international law violations led Archbishop Tutu to declare that the treatment of Palestinians reminded him of apartheid, only worse.
How disgraceful that, despite the lessons of our struggle against racism, such intolerance continues to this day
I’m also deeply disturbed that critics of Israel’s brutal policies are frequently threatened with repression of their freedom of speech, a reality I’ve now experienced at first hand. Last week, a public meeting in Vienna where I was scheduled to speak in support of Palestinian freedom, as part of the global Israeli Apartheid Week, was cancelled by the museum hosting the event – under pressure from Vienna’s city council, which opposes the international movement to divest from Israel.
South Africa’s apartheid government banned me for life from attending meetings. Nothing I said could be published, because I stood up against apartheid. How disgraceful that, despite the lessons of our struggle against racism, such intolerance continues to this day, stifling free speech on Palestine.
During the South African struggle, we were accused of following a communist agenda, but smears didn’t deflect us. Today, Israel’s propaganda follows a similar route, repeated by its supporters – conflating opposition to Israelwith antisemitism. This must be resisted.
A growing number of Jews worldwide are taking positions opposing Israel’s policies. Many younger Jews are supporting the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, a peaceful mobilisation inspired by the movement that helped to end apartheid in South Africa.
The parallels with South Africa are many. The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, recently said: “Israel is not a state of all its citizens … Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people – and them alone.”
Similar racist utterances were common in apartheid South Africa. We argued that a just peace could be reached, and that white people would find security only in a unitary, non-racist, democratic society after ending the oppression of black South Africans and providing freedom and equality for all.
By contrast, Netanyahu’s Likud is desperately courting extremist parties, and abandoning any pretext of negotiating with the Palestinians. His plan to bring an extremist settler party and Kahanist terrorist party into his governing coalition is obscene. His most serious opponent is a general accused of war crimes in Gaza. As long as a repressive apartheid-like regime rules, things will only worsen for Palestinians and Israelis too.
The anti-apartheid movement grew over three decades, in concert with the liberation struggle of South Africa’s people, to make a decisive difference in toppling the racist regime. Europeans refused to buy apartheid fruit; there were sports boycotts; dockworkers from Liverpool to Melbourne refused to handle South African cargo; an academic boycott turned universities into apartheid-free zones; and arms sanctions helped to shift the balance against South Africa’s military.
As the movement developed and UN resolutions isolated Pretoria’s regime, pressure mounted on trading partners and supportive governments. The US Congress’s historic adoption of the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act (1986) was a major turning point. When the Chase and Barclays banks closed in South Africa and withdrew their lines of credit, the battle was well-nigh over.
This required huge organisational effort, grassroots mobilisation and education. Similar elements characterise today’s BDS movement to isolate apartheid-like Israel.
Every step is important – pressing institutions and corporations that are complicit in Israel’s crimes and supporting Palestinians in their struggle for liberation. This is not about destroying Israel and its people but about working for a just solution, as we did in South Africa.
It is the duty of supporters of justice worldwide to mobilise in solidarity with Palestinians to help usher in an era of freedom.
Ronnie Kasrils is a former South African government minister, and was a leading member of the African National Congress during the apartheid era

Israeli Spacecraft Crashes into the Moon


The question everyone is asking - is God Anti-Semitic?

As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. ‘Small country, big dreams’ read the slogan on their spacecraft. The Zionist state could not resist trying to exploit its venture into space for propaganda purposes.  The state which fails to supply clean water for the millions of Palestinians whose land it occupies, can nonetheless spend £70 million on crashing a machine into the moon.
It is hard not to gloat at the latest hasbara failure given the way that Israel’s computer technology is used as a justification for how wonderful Israel’s racist state is.  As it was a privately funded mission one can afford a double gloat.  This is a metaphor for privatisation!
I understand that Margaret Hodge and Luciana Berger have issued a statement on behalf of the Jewish Labour Movement accusing God of being anti-Semitic. It was clearly within his power to avoid this calamity!
In a week that saw the triumph of Israel’s ultra-right in its General Election and the virtual death of the Zionist left, this is an appropriate answer!
Tony Greenstein

The Lie of Labour Anti-Semitism has but one purpose – the removal of Corbyn (I)


The Jewish Labour Movement motion that a Corbyn Labour Government ‘would not be in the interest of British Jews.” should result in their Immediate Disaffiliation

What more does it take for Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour leadership to understand that the JLM can never be appeased? There can never be an end to the false ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign for two reasons:

i.              Anti-Semitism is now defined as hostility to Zionism not Jews – that was the reason the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism was adopted.
ii.           Because this campaign has only ever had one aim - the removal of Corbyn as leader.
The JLM’s ‘no confidence’ motion in Corbyn at its weekend conference should be reciprocated by saying  we have no confidence in the Jewish Labour Movement whose very existence is a living lie.
The time has come to end a situation whereby the ‘sister party’ of the racist Israeli Labor Party, a party that supports the deportation of 40,000 non-Jewish Black African refugees from Israel, and which even opposesdismantling Jewish settlements in the West Bank has all the privileges of an affiliated socialist society.
Since the JLM can’t even bring themselves to advocate a vote for a Labour Party led by Corbyn what possible reason is there for allowing them to remain an affiliated socialist society?
It’s time for the myth that the JLM is the ‘Jewish section’ of the Labour Party to be exploded.  The JLM, which claims a membership of 2,000 is predominantly non-Jewish. Although they do not disclose details of their members there is no doubt that at least 2/3 of their members are non Jewish. 
For example in Brighton and Hove right-wing Labour councillors such as Dan Yates, Warren Morgan, Emma Daniels, Caroline Penn and Julie Cattell to name but a few are members of the JLM. None of them are Jewish.
This Sunday Times montage portrays Jeremy Corbyn as the sinister, one-eyed devil at the heart of a conspiracy of hate
No Jew who is not a Zionist can possibly join a group which is affiliated to the settlement funding World Zionist Organisation. The majority of the Labour Party’s Jewish members are not Zionists so why is the JLM allowed to represent itself as the Labour Party’s Jewish section?
The JLM describes itself as the descendant of Poalei Zion, which affiliated to the Labour Party in 1920. The reason it was able to affiliate then was that the Labour Party was a fully paid up supporter of the British Empire and the Zionist colonial settlement was a strategic partner of British colonialism in the Middle East. That was the purpose behind the 1917 Balfour Declaration authored by the Tory Foreign Secretary Arthur ‘Bloody Balfour’.
The JLM was virtually dead up till 2015 when, in the wake of Corbyn’s election, it was refounded for the sole purpose of leading a campaign to remove Corbyn. In an article by Asa Winstanley which led to his suspension soon after, Asa described how Jeremy Newmark, Chair of the JLM and a key Israeli Embassy operative explained, in hitherto unused footage from Al Jazeera’s The Lobby how “a bunch of us sat in a coffee shop in Golders Green” around September 2015 to “talk about re-forming the JLM to do something with it.’ This came against the backdrop of what Newmark described as “the rise of Jeremy Corbyn” and “Bernie Sanders in the states.”
When the JLM decided to employ a Director, no doubt with funding from Israeli government sources, who did it turn to but Israeli Embassy political officer, Ella Rose. As Al Jazeera's The Lobby showed, Ella was most upset with Asa Winstanley when he exposed this fact.
Crooked Jeremy Newmark explains the JLM's strategy to his pro-Israel acolytes in the JLM
The JLM, which Louise Ellman described as having been founded in 2004 is an affiliated socialist society of the Labour Party with the right to put motions to annual conference and send delegates to and affiliate to local Labour Parties. Newmark’s plan was, as he told a JLM barbecue in September 2016, based on “utilizing the rights and privileges it [JLM] enjoys as a socialist society” within Labour. In other words the Israeli state, via its London Embassy would be represented at all levels of the British Labour party in order to destabilise it.
Jewish Chronicle 'journalist' Rosa Doherty was informed of Asa Winstanley's suspension before he was
The JLM operates a double act with Labour Friends of Israel, which it was responsible for founding in 1957 in the wake of the Suez debacle. Whereas LFI defends the actions of the Israeli state, for example the shooting dead of unarmed demonstrators in Gaza, the JLM has concentrated exclusively on an ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign directed at Palestinian supporters. It is noticeable that the JLM doesn’t, at least in its own name, support or even comment upon Israeli actions. It has nothing to say about things like water theft and Israel’s treatment of Palestinian children.
However JLM MPs have been extremely active and outspoken in supporting Israeli repression. Louise Ellman MP in particular has repeatedly supported the IDF’s torture and abuse of Palestinian children as documented by UNICEF and others. For example in January 2016 she interrupted other MPs 3 times in a debate on Palestinian child prisoners.
The JLM has been the primary vehicle of destabilisation in the Labour Party. Realising that it was difficult if not impossible to defend Israel’s actions, they decided that they would instead attack their opponents as ‘anti-Semites’. Anyone mentioning the word ‘Zionism’ would be attacked because 'Zionist' was held to be a euphemism’ for Jews in the words of Chakrabarti, someone who understands nothing about Zionism or Palestine. The only people who use ‘Zionist’ and ‘Jew’ interchangeably are Zionists and anti-Semites. When fascists use the term 'Zionist' it is not a euphemism but a disguise or cover. 'Euphemism' is entirely the wrong word. 
When the history of these times comes to be written the ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations will be seen to have been manufactured and confected by the Establishment and its tame ‘journalists’. There are very few journalists today prepared to buck the Establishment consensus that the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ crisis is genuine.  I can only think of Robert Fisk and Patrick Cockburn of The Independent. There isn’t a single Guardian journalist – not Gary Younge, Aditya Chakrabortty, Owen Jones or George Monbiot - prepared to defy the Guardian’s anti-Semitism narrative as laid down by Jonathan Freedland.
No doubt in 20 or 30 years time some bright young thing at the Guardian, if it still exists, eager to establish their reputation, will put in a freedom of information request in Washington and discover that the allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ which accompanied Corbyn’s election as leader were as genuine as a 9 bob note. Rather than being the spontaneous outpouring of Jew-hate that those well known anti-racist papers, the Sun and Daily Mail would have us believe, the false anti-Semitism smears were cooked to order.
If our Guardian journalist is particularly bold they will establish a link between Corbyn’s support for the Palestinians and opposition to American foreign policy with the different stages of the anti-Semitism affair starting with the anti-Semitism allegations at Oxford University Labour Club to the East End mural that suddenly appeared after 6 years.
Al Jazeera’s programme, The Lobby, gave us a glimpse of the Israeli state’s role in this affair. No doubt the American and British secret services will also be seen to have played a part in what will come to be seen as a classic example of political destabilisation, the kind that we are witnessing in Venezuela today and which was common in Central and South America in the 1970’s.
After having tweeted initially in support of the Sunday Times article Mehdi Hassan quickly rowed back
At the weekend we had a double whammy. Firstly there was the Sunday Times Corbyn Factory of Hate which began to unravel almost as soon as it hit the press. Then barely 150 people at the JLM’s AGM overwhelmingly passed a vote of no confidence in Corbyn. It is clear from the article by their new Chair Mike Katz in the New Statesman, that the Murdoch Press and the JLM operate in tandem, synchronising their moves and feeding off each other. Not once did Katz challenge the veracity or motives of the Sunday Times. On the contrary he and the JLM have deliberately tried to get the soft State, via the Equality and Human Rights Commission to attack the Labour Party. You might have been forgiven for thinking that the EHRC had its work cut out on a genuine example of racism such as the Windrush scandal, whereby British citizens were illegally deported.
There isn’t a trace of anything progressive still less socialist in the politics of the JLM. They are totally unconcerned with opposing austerity, the cuts, privatisation or indeed any left-wing campaign. Their sole concern is with ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party.  Real issues of racism such as the Grenfell fire or the Windrush deportations are of no concern to them. 
This tweet was the straw that broke the camel's back - calling the JLM what it is - an Israeli Embassy proxy
Criticism of Israel and in particular the Zionist nature of the Israeli state is to them, by definition, anti-Semitic, hence their support for the IHRA ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism whose sole purpose is to conflate criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism.  As Stephen Sedley, the Jewish former Court of Appeal Judge noted, it isn’t even a definition, being open ended. As well-known human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson QC observed, the IHRA isn’t ‘fit for purpose’. The IHRA has been savaged by legal and academic scholars yet it is the common sense of our Establishment.  
It was a crucial mistake of Corbyn and his advisers to have adopted the IHRA when Theresa May did so.  It is a decision which should be reversed at the earliest opportunity. Unfortunately instead of standing up to these false allegations Corbyn, McDonnell and the Labour leadership have continually apologised, promised to do better and increased the pace of the witchhunt. And the more victims that were purged the more that the JLM and the Zionists demanded. Everytime the Labour leadership has made a concession the Zionist lobby has thrown it back in its face and demanded another.
A Sun headline which was quickly withdrawm
It is not of course anti-Semites who have been caught in the net but anti-racists -  Black and Jewish activists such as Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth, Asa Winstanley, Ken Livingstone and myself. All of us just happen to be outspoken critics of Israel and Zionism.
If there was any truth to the allegations that Labour is overrun with anti-Semitism then what is most surprising is that newspapers such as the Daily Mail and Sun who have continually demonised asylum seekers and refugees, to the extent that they employed Katie Hopkins for whom refugees were cockroaches, were so concerned about anti-Semitism.
Why should the Tory and Murdoch press be so concerned about anti-Semitism when for example the Sunday Times doesn’t hesitate to employ arch Islamaphobes such as  Rod Liddle as columnists?  This is the same Liddle who, not so long ago, suggested that suicide bombers should blow themselves up in Tower Hamlets because it is a ‘decent distance from where the rest of us live’.
Why should the Daily Mail be so concerned about 'anti-Semitism' when it criticised Labour's former Jewish leader Ed Miliband for not being able to eat a bacon sandwich or which attacked his Marxist father Ralph Miliband as a Marxist who 'hated' his country? Why is the press which which demonises George Soros as the 'puppet master', a typical Jewish financial manipulator so up in arms about 'anti-Semitism'?

Unfortunately instead of resisting the 'anti-Semitism' narrative sections of the Left, led by Jon Lansman and Owen Jones, have appeased, flattered and supported the JLM as they led the witch-hunt of people like Chris Williamson. In many ways Lansman has done more damage to Corbyn by his support of the false anti-Semitism campaign than anything the JLM has managed. Lansman has helped prevent any concerted opposition to the movement whose aim is to topple Corbyn.
In my next blog I am going to show how Labour’s ‘anti-Semitism’ witchhunt is aimed not at anti-Semites but almost exclusively at critics of Israel and Zionism.

The Lie of Labour Anti-Semitism – Repeating a Lie Does NOT Make it True (II)


EXCLUSIVE: Labour Party members are being suspended for criticism of Israel NOT Anti-Semitism

Last November I wrote that:
the supporters of the Apartheid regime in Israel and their representatives in the Parliamentary Labour Party are no doubt contemplating even as I write how to help Theresa May.

Amidst Tory chaos and in-fighting, with the chances of Maybot being overthrown increasing, there is a greater likelihood than ever that the false anti-Semitism industry is also gearing up to produce ‘evidence’ that Jeremy Corbyn is an ‘anti-Semite’.

As the polls have swung in Labour’s favour so the apostles of Labour anti-Semitism have stepped up the media barrage of non-stop lies. Last week it was the Sunday Times which screeched about ‘Corbyn’s Anti-Semitic Army’ but produced no evidence worthy of the name. Britain’s Tory press has clearly taken to heart Goebbel’s advice that the bigger the lie the more likely it is to be believed.  Nowhere is this clearer than in the suspension of Chris Williamson MP.
Chris Williamson was targeted for weeks by the Zionist lobby for Jew hatred i.e. anti-Zionism. A speech he gave at Sheffield, which was grossly distorted was the basis for his suspension in February. What did Chris say that was anti-Semitic?  Absolutely nothing. To quote from the Tory supporting Politics Home:
To applause from supporters, Mr Williamson told the Momentum meeting: "The party that has done more to stand up to racism is now being demonised as a racist, bigoted party.

I have got to say I think our party's response has been partly responsible for that because in my opinion… we've backed off far too much, we have given too much ground, we've been too apologetic...
"We've done more to actually address the scourge of anti-semitism than any other political party. Any other political party. And yet we are being traduced."

Undoubtedly this cartoon of over a century ago is anti-Semitic
It is abundantly clear to the little Goebbels in the British press and the PLP that Chris wasn’t saying that the Labour Party was being too apologetic about genuine anti-Semitism but that it was being defensive in the face of false accusations of anti-Semitism.

Yet according to yellow journalists like the Independent’s Matt Greene Chris Williamson was in effect saying that the Labour Party should have proudly boasted of its anti-Semitism. Nowhere does he or the other MSM hacks acknowledge that accusations of anti-Semitism, including against Jewish people, are the stock-in-trade of supporters of the world’s only apartheid state.  That is why the IHRA ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism, which conflates criticism of Israel and anti-Semitism, has been adopted.  Instead British Jews are described as oppressed by this idiot of a ‘journalist’. One wonders where the Jewish equivalent of the Windrush deportations are for Jews in Britain today.
Members of the Labour Party are regularly being suspended, not for Anti-Semitism but criticism of Zionism and Israel. Contrary to fake journalists like Matt Greeneand the BBC, their ‘crimes’ are not Jew hatred but hatred of Zionism and Israeli Apartheid.
Apartheid was on full display this week with the results of the Israeli General Election. The parties of the Zionist left, Meretz and the Israeli Labour Party, gained 10 seats as compared to 29 seats in the previous Knesset. Contrast this with Israel’s first 30 years when the ILP formed every single government and in 1969 together with Mapam (now Meretz) gained a total of 56 seats. 
Israel today is a state where the Prime Minister Netanyahu can declare that Israel is not a state of its own citizens but its Jewish citizens. It is an Israel where the Chief Rabbi of Safed, Shmuel Eliyahu, a paid state official, backed up by dozens of rabbis, can issue an edict that no Jew can rent rooms or apartments to Arabs.
It is facts such as these that ‘journalists’ like Matt Greene ignore.  It is somewhat appropriate that Greene’s first book is called ‘Ostrich’ since like most of what used to be called Fleet Street has their heads in the sand when it comes to the reality of Israel. Greene’s second book is apparently about ‘contemporary antisemitism and the changing face of Holocaust denial’. I just hope he sends a copy to Netanyahu’s neo-Nazi friends in Jewish Power (Otzma Yehudit).
Whilst the Sunday Times, the BBC and the Indie may find the odd crank who worships Hitler, because out of 600,000 members there are bound to be a few cranks, what is abundantly clear is that those who are being suspended or investigated are overwhelmingly anti-racists and critics of Zionism and Israel’s apartheid regime.
A good clue to the what is happening is the suspension of Asa Winstanley, a journalist on Electronic Intifada, a Palestinian web site.
Asa has produced article after article on the fake anti-Semitism crisis and how ‘evidence’ has been manufactured by the Zionist lobby and organisations like BICOM. Articles such as How Israel lobby manufactured UK Labour Party's anti-Semitism crisis and Instigator of anti-Semitism scam kicked out of Labour.  Nothing that Asa has ever said or written is in the least anti-Semitic. What the Compliance Unit was interested in was attacking Asa’s political opinions and in particular his criticism of the JLM. 
As George Orwell observed, ‘in a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.’Asa has paid the penalty for saying that the Emperor has no clothes. For refusing to accept an Establishment narrative, For offending the detritus that McNicol left behind in the Compliance Unit when he departed. People like Nareser Osei and the now departed Sam Matthews.
Asa Winstanley learnt of his suspension via the Jewish Chronicle and a tweet from Jewish Chronicle ‘journalist’ Rosa Doherty. The Compliance Unit once again leaked information to the press before bothering to inform their victims. The GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 doesn’t seem to apply to the Compliance Unit or Nareser Osei.
Below are some examples of the ‘evidence’ that the Compliance Unit has used to suspend or investigate members of the Labour Party. For the first time ever I am presenting it as proof that with the adoption of the IHRA ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism, criticism of Israel and Zionism is equated with ‘anti-Semitism’.
One of the standard question from the Witchhunters is
‘The Chakrabarti report states: “the word “Zionist” has been used personally, abusively or as a euphemism for “Jew”. Please would you explain what you mean when you use the term ‘Zionist’ in your comment? ‘
This question was addressed to Simon Hindmarsh in a letter from Nareser Osei, Acting Head of Disputes on 6th September 2018. What Nareser is saying is that Zionist is another word for Jew. Which is of course anti-Semitic in itself. Only fascist and anti-Semitic groups like the BNP and Zionist groups maintain that there is no difference between Jews and Zionists.
Labour’s witchhunters are almost uniformly ignorant about that which they are investigating.
The first Zionist Congress was held in 1897 and it established the World Zionist Organisation which exists to this day. This is an organisation which funds the expansion of settlements in the West Bank. It is, in short, a racist organisation.
A letter from Sam Matthews, the then Head of Disputes and a McNicol lackey and leaker, of 18th October, posed a series of questions to Andrew Chatterjee.
In one post Andrew called Mandelson and Blair traitors and suggested that that someone go full Frank Underwood on them in reference to the House of Cards and Kevin Spacey’s portrayal of a US President. Matthews question was:
‘Frank Underwood is a fictional murderer. Do you believe that Peter Mandelson, Tony Blair and other “traitors” should be physically harmed or killed?’
The real question should be why war criminals responsible for the deaths of a million people should be members of the Labour Party in the first place.
Chatterjee posted on Twitter a copy of a letter from Albert Einstein condemning the Zionist terrorist Stern Group and referring to them as ‘the Zionist lobby.’ Matthews whether they are representative of what you call “the Zionist lobby”, either in 1948 or today?’
Matthews goes on to state that the:
‘“Stern Gang”, which was involved in the Deir Yassin massacre on 9 April 1948. It is the activities of this group that Prof. Einstein was referring to in his letter of 10 April 1948. Do you believe that Zionists in general, Jews in general, or the State of Israel bear responsibility for the activities of the Stern Gang?
The real question is why Labour’s witchhunters are interrogating someone on what is a matter of historical debate.  Nowhere does Chatterjee refer to ‘Jews in general’.   That is the dishonest method of Matthews not the person he is interrogating.
Like all those who seek out heresy Matthews is ignorant of that which he is ‘investigating’. In fact there were strong links between the Stern Gang and Haganah and Palmach. Haganah was the main Labour Zionist militia and Palmach, commanded by officers of the left-Zionist Mapam, were the elite shock troops. In an article in Ha’aretzof 16th July 2017 Ofer Aderet writes that:
‘The assault on the village of Deir Yassin began on the morning of April 9, 1948, as part of Operation Nachshon to break through the blockaded road to Jerusalem, with the participation of about 130 Lehi and Irgun fighters who received aid from the Haganah.’ (my emphasis)
In the standard account of the massacre, Israeli Professor Benny Morris, [The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Visited, 2005, CUP] wrote that the attack on Deir Yassin was
‘undertaken with the reluctant, qualified consent of the Haganah... On 9 April, 80 IZL and 40 LHI troopers, for part of the battle supported by Haganah machine-gunners from nearby Givat Shaul and two Palmah armoured car squads, attacked and took Deir Yassin...’ p.237.
In 1984 Yitzhak Shamir, who had been one of the leaders of Lehi, formed a coalition government with Shimon Peres of the ILP and in 1986 he became Prime Minister for six years.  Of course Matthews and Labour’s witchhunters are ignorant of the history of Zionism but regardless what is the point of an ‘anti-Semitism’ investigation pursuing matters of historical debate? This is the thought police in action rewriting history in order not to offend Labour’s Israel lobby.
In another tweet Chatterjee has a cartoon of a child asking his mother why we have wars and the mother explaining that it’s because we are
‘ruled by an elite group of psychopaths who own banks that control the government and the media. They fund both sides of war for profit and they manufacture the consent of the public through the propaganda of the media.’  
It may be simplistic but it’s an adequate enough summing up of a situation where the wealth of the world is controlled by a tiny handful of people in whose interests countries go to war.  Certainly there is nothing anti-Semitic in it unless Matthews believes that all bankers are Jewish, in which case it is Matthews who is anti-Semitic! What we are seeing is how the ‘anti-Semitism’ witchhunt spreads out to encompass any radical expression of opinion.
A good example of this is Blairite MP Siobhain McDonagh who explainedthat:
It’s very much part of their politics, of hard left politics, to be against capitalists and to see Jewish people as the financiers of capital. Ergo you are anti-Jewish people.
If you are anti-capitalist you are anti-Semitic! McDonagh’s assumption is that all Jews are capitalists.
In another tweet Chatterjee states that Isis is being defeated by Syria and this will result in another allegation of a false flag chemical attack blamed on Assad. Apparently this is anti-Semitic although of course it only relates to Israel.
There is a body of opinion e.g. the Pulitzer prize winning journalist Seymour Hersch that Assad was falsely blamed for a false flag chemical attack perpetrated by ISIS. Matthews asks two questions:
16. You appear to suggest that Israel is planning or has carried out “false flag” attacks in Spain, Syria and the United States. Do you believe that to be the case?
17. You appear to suggest that Israel is involved in running or supporting ISIS, or acting as “ISIS’s air force”. Do you believe that to be the case?
Once again this is about Israel not Jews.  Why is Matthews poking his nose into someone’s opinions? In fact there is evidence that Israel supported ISIS.  It supported other Jihadist groups like Al-Nusra, an Al-Quada affiliate. Ha’aretz reportedthat Israel funded 12 Rebel Groups in September 2018. The problem with Labour’s witchhunters is that they believe that the ‘Jewish state’ is Reagan’s city on the hill rather than the vicious racist rotweiller that it actually is.
In Israeli Officers: You’re Doing ISIS Wrong, Bryan Bender, Politico’s national security editor, describes the views of Israeli officers he spoke to. When he asked one officer whether the USA should allow ISIS to retain its caliphate in parts of eastern Syria and eastern Iraq, the officer shot back “Why not?”. It is an open secret that Israel was more concerned with Iran than ISIS.
But what have these questions got to do with anti-Semitism? The assumption is that the Israeli state and Britain’s Jews are synonymous. If so then it is Labour’s Inquisitors who are anti-Semitic because if the actions of Israel’s military are to be associated with British Jews then equally British Jews can be held accountable for Israel’s actions. The Compliance Unit are acting as the gatekeepers of criticism of Israel, all in the name of ‘anti-Semitism’.
It is even clearer what the agenda of the Labour Party’s witchhunters is when it comes to Ms X, who has just been suspended.  She is a longstanding activist both on Palestine and a committed anti-racist. 
Ms X is given a whole series of tweets, none of which has the slightest connection to anti-Semitism and the questions relate the Tweets to different illustrations in the IHRA:
Below I post various images relating to Ms X’s tweets with my own commentary of the absurdity of relating them to anti-Semitism.
Kevin Clegg's Facebook Posts
Nareser Osei posed these same questions in respect of 5 Facebook posts from Kevin Clegg. After asking him to confirm that they were his, she asked:

1.                 Taking each piece of evidence in turn, please explain what you meant when you posted or shared it?
2.                 Do you agree with the views or sentiments expressed in the posts referred to in the evidence?
3.                 Do you intend to post or share content of this nature again in the future?
The choice of posts is bizarre. The meanings are self-evident. The final question presupposes that there was something wrong in posting them to begin with.
It is difficult to know what Osei's objection is.  It is a fact that the proposal to introduce the death penalty in Israel is for Palestinians only.  
Kevin has posted an article from the Independent which refers to a Pew Research Centre survey Israel's Religiously Divided Society in which  48% of Israeli Jews believe in expelling Israel's Arabs and 46% are opposed to it.  Presumably Osei believes that telling the truth is anti-Semitic?
This time Idiot Osei objects to an article from The Times of Israel on how Netanyahu Jnr. believes that the Left are more dangerous than neo-Nazis.  Not surprising given his anti-semitic cartoon about George Soros was praised by neo-Nazi David Duke.
It is difficult to know what Osei's objections are to this article from the Independent or why they think the censoring of a holocaust survivor, which was even condemned by the author of the IHRA Kenneth Stern, is antisemitic. 
It is bemusing to know what Osei's objections to this post is?  Possibly the description of Israel as a colony?

Andrew Chatterjee's Tweets
It would seem that references to Israel are routinely interpreted as references to Jews - according to the IHRA   this is anti-Semitic!

Ms X's Tweets
A series of tweets from Ms X are given as evidence for her suspension. She is asked to explain the reason for sharing this content?’ in respect of all the tweets. 
For the first 4 tweets below the IHRA illustration about “Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews’’ is quoted and Ms X is asked ‘Do you believe these tweets are compatible with this example? If so, please explain why?’

The Campaign Against Antisemitism is a far-Right Zionist charity which has repeatedly called Jeremy Corbyn an anti-Semite.  However Osei believes that criticism of the CAA is 'antisemitic' and that the above Tweet is a 'stereotype' of Jews!  Bizarre

In the Orwellian world of the Compliance Unit, not only is criticism of Israel antisemitic but if you suggest that false accusations of 'antisemitism' are being made then that too is 'antisemitic'! Like the Salem witch trials - denial of guilt is proof of guilt! Nareiser Osei would have made an excellent companion to Matthew Hopkins!
It is even more difficult to see how this Tweet is demonising etc. Jews
Naturally this is 'anti-Semitic'
For Item 5 below theIHRA illustration about “Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel” as an example of antisemitism is quoted. Ms X is asked ‘Do you believe these tweets are compatible with this example? If so, please explain why?
It beggars belief how this tweet can be said to hold all Jews responsible for Israel's abuse of Palestinian children. Nowhere are Jews even mentioned.  One can only assume Idiot Osei believes that as Israel calls itself a Jewish state, all Jews are implicated in what it does.  If so then it is Osei who is the anti-Semite

A statement of the obvious which Osei takes exception to

A prize to anyone who can explain why this is antisemitic!!
In  Idiot Osei's world condemning Jewish terrorists is somehow antisemitic!

Making reference to how criticism of Israel is deemed anti-Semitic is itself anti-Semitic.  As Humpty Dumpty remarked 'when I use a word it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less."'

Reference to this neo-Nazi Zionist rapper, The Shadow, the most popular in Israel is apparently anti-Semitic.  The Shadow WELCOMED the shooting dead of 11 Jews at Pittsburgh as they had brought their own misfortune on their own heads by supporting the rights of migrants.  Again in Idiot Osei's fantasy world all this is antisemitic!

Supporting Marc Wadsworth, the Black anti-racist activist expelled because he offended the racist MP Ruth Smeeth is anti-Semitic apparently

 John Oates Social Media Posts
John Oates is under investigation for a number of tweets.  One of them  is about an injunction I obtained against the Labour Party preventing them from holding a hearing against me with inadequate notice. Presumably this is a sensitive subject but what has it to do with anti-Semitism?

A reference to my successful court case against Iain McNicol is clearly anti-Semitic and referring to suspension of non-Zionist Jews is also anti-Semitic
Quite why saying that we need to get rid of McNicol is anti-Semitic is baffling since he wasn't Jewish
This refers to a fake story in the Brighton Argus about how Palestinian solidarity demonstrators were going to disrupt a Chanukah service - a bizarre lie but I assume any references to a Zionist lobby are anti-Semitic
Referring to Gary Linker's highlighting the question of abuse of Palestinian children is, in the warped mind of Nareser Osei, 'anti-Semitic'
Quite why sharing my post on the frame up of Kelvin Hopkins MP by a Progress woman is anti-semitic is baffling.  Neither party is Jewish!  Or is anti-Semitism now a catch all charge for criticism of any iniquity?

Talk of an unholy alliance is also apparently anti-Semitic, especially when reference is made to an Israeli lobby
Reference to people like Euan Phillips and Emma Picken of Labour Against Antisemitism and similar trolls is apparently also antisemitic even though neither of them are Jewish

No doubt this is also 'anti-Semitic' despite not mentioning Jews it does mention a 'Fascist Israeli Regime' - 
 Simon Hindmarsh's Social Media Posts

 Simon Hindmarsh was informed by Nareser Osie that he was suspended on 6th September for posts such as the following
This 21 year old medic was gunned down whilst tending the wounded in Gaza by Israel - Labour Friends of Israel tweeted its SUPPORT for what Israel has done. To suggest that this post is anti-Semitic demonstrates to me that Narender Osei is a vile racist
This is the Tweet in which LFI blamed the victims for Israel's shooting of unarmed demonstrators - Idiot Osei believes there is nothing wrong in Israel's actions and that to criticise them is 'anti-Semitic'
A prize will be given to anyone who can tell me why this is anti-Semitic
Suggesting Ken Livingstone was right is almost the Zionists' textbook example of what antisemitism is!
Describing Margaret Hodge's calling Jeremy Corbyn a fucking anti-Semite is itself anti-Semitic!!
Saying we've got to get rid of the Blairites is also, according to Osei, 'anti-Semitic' - basically being on the Left is an act of antisemitism

Other ‘Anti-Semitic’ Tweets
It would seem that the Labour Party is spending vast amount of money monitoring and keeping a check on quite bona fide and legitimate political discourse which has nothing to do  with anti-Semitism.  Rather than provide a running commentary on them I will add a few captions to some of them.
What is crystal clear is  that this anti-Semitism witchhunt is not about anti-Semitism.  It is about protecting the most racist state in the world.  Ms Nareser Osei is a worthy successor of McNicol’s monkey, Sam Matthews.  The ‘evidence’ is evidence of nothing so much as the bigoted, police state mentality of Labour Party censors at Southside. Contrary to the lies of the Sunday Times and people like Margaret Hodge this material has nothing to do with anti-Semitism.

The Lie of Labour Anti-Semitism


EXCLUSIVE: Labour Party members are being suspended for criticism of Israel NOT Anti-Semitism

Last November I wrote that:
the supporters of the Apartheid regime in Israel and their representatives in the Parliamentary Labour Party are no doubt contemplating even as I write how to help Theresa May.

Amidst Tory chaos and in-fighting, with the chances of Maybot being overthrown increasing, there is a greater likelihood than ever that the false anti-Semitism industry is also gearing up to produce ‘evidence’ that Jeremy Corbyn is an ‘anti-Semite’.

As the polls have swung in Labour’s favour so the apostles of Labour anti-Semitism have stepped up the media barrage of non-stop lies. Last week it was the Sunday Times which screeched about ‘Corbyn’s Anti-Semitic Army’ but produced no evidence worthy of the name. Britain’s Tory press has clearly taken to heart Goebbel’s advice that the bigger the lie the more likely it is to be believed.  Nowhere is this clearer than in the suspension of Chris Williamson MP.
Chris Williamson was targeted for weeks by the Zionist lobby for Jew hatred i.e. anti-Zionism. A speech he gave at Sheffield, which was grossly distorted was the basis for hissuspension in February. What did Chris say that was anti-Semitic?  Absolutely nothing. To quote from the Tory supporting Politics Home:
To applause from supporters, Mr Williamson told the Momentum meeting: "The party that has done more to stand up to racism is now being demonised as a racist, bigoted party.

I have got to say I think our party's response has been partly responsible for that because in my opinion… we've backed off far too much, we have given too much ground, we've been too apologetic...
"We've done more to actually address the scourge of anti-semitism than any other political party. Any other political party. And yet we are being traduced."

Undoubtedly this cartoon of over a century ago is anti-Semitic
It is abundantly clear to the little Goebbels in the British press and the PLP that Chris wasn’t saying that the Labour Party was being too apologetic about genuine anti-Semitism but that it was being defensive in the face of false accusations of anti-Semitism.

Yet according to yellow journalists like the Independent’sMatt Greene Chris Williamson was in effect saying that the Labour Party should have proudly boasted of its anti-Semitism. Nowhere does he or the other MSM hacks acknowledge that accusations of anti-Semitism, including against Jewish people, are the stock-in-trade of supporters of the world’s only apartheid state.  That is why the IHRA ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism, which conflates criticism of Israel and anti-Semitism, has been adopted.  Instead British Jews are described as oppressed by this idiot of a ‘journalist’. One wonders where the Jewish equivalent of the Windrush deportations are for Jews in Britain today.
Members of the Labour Party are regularly being suspended, not for Anti-Semitism but criticism of Zionism and Israel. Contrary to fake journalists like Matt Greene and the BBC, their ‘crimes’ are not Jew hatred but hatred of Zionism and Israeli Apartheid.
Apartheid was on full display this week with the results of the Israeli General Election. The parties of the Zionist left, Meretz and the Israeli Labour Party, gained 10 seats as compared to 29 seats in the previous Knesset. Contrast this with Israel’s first 30 years when the ILP formed every single government and in 1969 together with Mapam (now Meretz) gained a total of 56 seats. 
Israel today is a state where the Prime Minister Netanyahu can declare that Israel is not a state of its own citizens but its Jewish citizens. It is an Israel where the Chief Rabbi of Safed, Shmuel Eliyahu, a paid state official, backed up by dozens of rabbis, can issue an edict that no Jew can rent rooms or apartments to Arabs.
It is facts such as these that ‘journalists’ like Matt Greene ignore.  It is somewhat appropriate that Greene’s first book is called ‘Ostrich’ since like most of what used to be called Fleet Street has their heads in the sand when it comes to the reality of Israel. Greene’s second book is apparently about ‘contemporary antisemitism and the changing face of Holocaust denial’. I just hope he sends a copy to Netanyahu’s neo-Nazi friends in Jewish Power (Otzma Yehudit).
Whilst the Sunday Times, the BBC and the Indie may find the odd crank who worships Hitler, because out of 600,000 members there are bound to be a few cranks, what is abundantly clear is that those who are being suspended or investigated are overwhelmingly anti-racists and critics of Zionism and Israel’s apartheid regime.
A good clue to the what is happening is the suspension of Asa Winstanley, a journalist on Electronic Intifadaa Palestinian web site.
Asa has produced article after article on the fake anti-Semitism crisis and how ‘evidence’ has been manufactured by the Zionist lobby and organisations like BICOM. Articles such as How Israel lobby manufactured UK Labour Party's anti-Semitism crisis and Instigator of anti-Semitism scam kicked out of Labour.  Nothing that Asa has ever said or written is in the least anti-Semitic. What the Compliance Unit was interested in was attacking Asa’s political opinionsand in particular his criticism of the JLM. 
As George Orwell observed, ‘in a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.’ Asa has paid the penalty for saying that the Emperor has no clothes. For refusing to accept an Establishment narrative, For offending the detritus that McNicol left behind in the Compliance Unit when he departed. People like Nareser Osei and the now departed Sam Matthews.
Asa Winstanley learnt of his suspension via the Jewish Chronicle and a tweet from Jewish Chronicle ‘journalist’ Rosa Doherty. The Compliance Unit once again leaked information to the press before bothering to inform their victims. The GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018 doesn’t seem to apply to the Compliance Unit or Nareser Osei.
Below are some examples of the ‘evidence’ that the Compliance Unit has used to suspend or investigate members of the Labour Party. For the first time ever I am presenting it as proof that with the adoption of the IHRA ‘definition’ of anti-Semitism, criticism of Israel and Zionism is equated with ‘anti-Semitism’.
One of the standard question from the Witchhunters is
‘The Chakrabarti report states: “the word “Zionist” has been used personally, abusively or as a euphemism for “Jew”. Please would you explain what you mean when you use the term ‘Zionist’ in your comment? ‘
This question was addressed to Simon Hindmarsh in a letter from Nareser Osei, Acting Head of Disputes on 6thSeptember 2018. What Nareser is saying is that Zionist is another word for Jew. Which is of course anti-Semitic in itself. Only fascist and anti-Semitic groups like the BNP and Zionist groups maintain that there is no difference between Jews and Zionists.
Labour’s witchhunters are almost uniformly ignorant about that which they are investigating.
The first Zionist Congress was held in 1897 and it established the World Zionist Organisation which exists to this day. This is an organisation which funds the expansion of settlements in the West Bank. It is, in short, a racist organisation.
A letter from Sam Matthews, the then Head of Disputes and a McNicol lackey and leaker, of 18th October, posed a series of questions to Andrew Chatterjee.
In one post Andrew called Mandelson and Blair traitors and suggested that that someone go full Frank Underwood on them in reference to the House of Cards and Kevin Spacey’s portrayal of a US President. Matthews question was:
‘Frank Underwood is a fictional murderer. Do you believe that Peter Mandelson, Tony Blair and other “traitors” should be physically harmed or killed?’
The real question should be why war criminals responsible for the deaths of a million people should be members of the Labour Party in the first place.
Chatterjee posted on Twitter a copy of a letter from Albert Einstein condemning the Zionist terrorist Stern Group and referring to them as ‘the Zionist lobby.’ Matthews whether they are representative of what you call “the Zionist lobby”, either in 1948 or today?’
Matthews goes on to state that the:
‘“Stern Gang”, which was involved in the Deir Yassin massacre on 9 April 1948. It is the activities of this group that Prof. Einstein was referring to in his letter of 10 April 1948. Do you believe that Zionists in general, Jews in general, or the State of Israel bear responsibility for the activities of the Stern Gang?
The real question is why Labour’s witchhunters are interrogating someone on what is a matter of historical debate.  Nowhere does Chatterjee refer to ‘Jews in general’.   That is the dishonest method of Matthews not the person he is interrogating.
Like all those who seek out heresy Matthews is ignorant of that which he is ‘investigating’. In fact there were strong links between the Stern Gang and Haganah and Palmach. Haganah was the main Labour Zionist militia and Palmach, commanded by officers of the left-Zionist Mapam, were the elite shock troops. In an article in Ha’aretz of 16th July 2017 Ofer Aderet writes that:
‘The assault on the village of Deir Yassin began on the morning of April 9, 1948, as part of Operation Nachshon to break through the blockaded road to Jerusalem, with the participation of about 130 Lehi and Irgun fighters who received aid from the Haganah.’ (my emphasis)
In the standard account of the massacre, Israeli Professor Benny Morris, [The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Visited, 2005, CUP] wrote that the attack on Deir Yassin was
‘undertaken with the reluctant, qualified consent of the Haganah... On 9 April, 80 IZL and 40 LHI troopers, for part of the battle supported by Haganah machine-gunners from nearby Givat Shaul and two Palmah armoured car squads, attacked and took Deir Yassin...’ p.237.
In 1984 Yitzhak Shamir, who had been one of the leaders of Lehi, formed a coalition government with Shimon Peres of the ILP and in 1986 he became Prime Minister for six years.  Of course Matthews and Labour’s witchhunters are ignorant of the history of Zionism but regardless what is the point of an ‘anti-Semitism’ investigation pursuing matters of historical debate? This is the thought police in action rewriting history in order not to offend Labour’s Israel lobby.
In another tweet Chatterjee has a cartoon of a child asking his mother why we have wars and the mother explaining that it’s because we are
‘ruled by an elite group of psychopaths who own banks that control the government and the media. They fund both sides of war for profit and they manufacture the consent of the public through the propaganda of the media.’  
It may be simplistic but it’s an adequate enough summing up of a situation where the wealth of the world is controlled by a tiny handful of people in whose interests countries go to war. Certainly there is nothing anti-Semitic in it unless Matthews believes that all bankers are Jewish, in which case it is Matthews who is anti-Semitic! What we are seeing is how the ‘anti-Semitism’ witchhunt spreads out to encompass any radical expression of opinion.
A good example of this is Blairite MP Siobhain McDonagh whoexplained that:
It’s very much part of their politics, of hard left politics, to be against capitalists and to see Jewish people as the financiers of capital. Ergo you are anti-Jewish people.
If you are anti-capitalist you are anti-Semitic! McDonagh’s assumption is that all Jews are capitalists.
In another tweet Chatterjee states that Isis is being defeated by Syria and this will result in another allegation of a false flag chemical attack blamed on Assad. Apparently this is anti-Semitic although of course it only relates to Israel.
There is a body of opinion e.g. the Pulitzer prize winning journalist Seymour Hersch that Assad was falsely blamedfor a false flag chemical attack perpetrated by ISIS. Matthews asks two questions:
16. You appear to suggest that Israel is planning or has carried out “false flag” attacks in Spain, Syria and the United States. Do you believe that to be the case?
17. You appear to suggest that Israel is involved in running or supporting ISIS, or acting as “ISIS’s air force”. Do you believe that to be the case?
Once again this is about Israel not Jews.  Why is Matthews poking his nose into someone’s opinions? In fact there is evidence that Israel supported ISIS.  It supported other Jihadist groups like Al-Nusra, an Al-Quada affiliate. Ha’aretzreported that Israel funded 12 Rebel Groups in September 2018. The problem with Labour’s witchhunters is that they believe that the ‘Jewish state’ is Reagan’s city on the hill rather than the vicious racist rotweiller that it actually is.
In Israeli Officers: You’re Doing ISIS Wrong, Bryan Bender, Politico’s national security editor, describes the views of Israeli officers he spoke to. When he asked one officer whether the USA should allow ISIS to retain its caliphate in parts of eastern Syria and eastern Iraq, the officer shot back “Why not?”. It is an open secret that Israel was more concerned with Iran than ISIS.
But what have these questions got to do with anti-Semitism? The assumption is that the Israeli state and Britain’s Jews are synonymous. If so then it is Labour’s Inquisitors who are anti-Semitic because if the actions of Israel’s military are to be associated with British Jews then equally British Jews can be held accountable for Israel’s actions. The Compliance Unit are acting as the gatekeepers of criticism of Israel, all in the name of ‘anti-Semitism’.
It is even clearer what the agenda of the Labour Party’s witchhunters is when it comes to Ms X, who has just been suspended.  She is a longstanding activist both on Palestine and a committed anti-racist. 
Ms X is given a whole series of tweets, none of which has the slightest connection to anti-Semitism and the questions relate the Tweets to different illustrations in the IHRA:
Below I post various images relating to Ms X’s tweets with my own commentary of the absurdity of relating them to anti-Semitism.
Kevin Clegg's Facebook Posts
Nareser Osei posed these same questions in respect of 5 Facebook posts from Kevin Clegg. After asking him to confirm that they were his, she asked:

1.                 Taking each piece of evidence in turn, please explain what you meant when you posted or shared it?
2.                 Do you agree with the views or sentiments expressed in the posts referred to in the evidence?
3.                 Do you intend to post or share content of this nature again in the future?
The choice of posts is bizarre. The meanings are self-evident. The final question presupposes that there was something wrong in posting them to begin with.
It is difficult to know what Osei's objection is.  It is a fact that the proposal to introduce the death penalty in Israel is for Palestinians only.  
Kevin has posted an article from the Independent which refers to a Pew Research Centre survey Israel's Religiously Divided Society in which  48% of Israeli Jews believe in expelling Israel's Arabs and 46% are opposed to it.  Presumably Osei believes that telling the truth is anti-Semitic?
This time Idiot Osei objects to an article from The Times of Israel on how Netanyahu Jnr. believes that the Left are more dangerous than neo-Nazis.  Not surprising given his anti-semitic cartoon about George Soros was praised by neo-Nazi David Duke.
It is difficult to know what Osei's objections are to this article from the Independent or why they think the censoring of a holocaust survivor, which was even condemned by the author of the IHRA Kenneth Stern, is antisemitic. 
It is bemusing to know what Osei's objections to this post is?  Possibly the description of Israel as a colony?

Andrew Chatterjee's Tweets
It would seem that references to Israel are routinely interpreted as references to Jews - according to the IHRA   this is anti-Semitic!

Ms X's Tweets
A series of tweets from Ms X are given as evidence for her suspension. She is asked to explain the reason for sharing this content?’ in respect of all the tweets. 
For the first 4 tweets below the IHRA illustration about“Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews’’ is quoted and Ms X is asked ‘Do you believe these tweets are compatible with this example? If so, please explain why?’

The Campaign Against Antisemitism is a far-Right Zionist charity which has repeatedly called Jeremy Corbyn an anti-Semite.  However Osei believes that criticism of the CAA is 'antisemitic' and that the above Tweet is a 'stereotype' of Jews!  Bizarre

In the Orwellian world of the Compliance Unit, not only is criticism of Israel antisemitic but if you suggest that false accusations of 'antisemitism' are being made then that too is 'antisemitic'! Like the Salem witch trials - denial of guilt is proof of guilt! Nareiser Osei would have made an excellent companion to Matthew Hopkins!
It is even more difficult to see how this Tweet is demonising etc. Jews
Naturally this is 'anti-Semitic'
For Item 5 below the IHRA illustration about “Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel” as an example of antisemitism is quoted. Ms X is asked ‘Do you believe these tweets are compatible with this example? If so, please explain why?
It beggars belief how this tweet can be said to hold all Jews responsible for Israel's abuse of Palestinian children. Nowhere are Jews even mentioned.  One can only assume Idiot Osei believes that as Israel calls itself a Jewish state, all Jews are implicated in what it does.  If so then it is Osei who is the anti-Semite

A statement of the obvious which Osei takes exception to

A prize to anyone who can explain why this is antisemitic!!

In  Idiot Osei's world condemning Jewish terrorists is somehow antisemitic!

Making reference to how criticism of Israel is deemed anti-Semitic is itself anti-Semitic.  As Humpty Dumpty remarked'when I use a word it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less."'

Reference to this neo-Nazi Zionist rapper, The Shadow, the most popular in Israel is apparently anti-Semitic.  The Shadow WELCOMED the shooting dead of 11 Jews at Pittsburgh as they had brought their own misfortune on their own heads bysupporting the rights of migrants.  Again in Idiot Osei's fantasy world all this is antisemitic!

Supporting Marc Wadsworth, the Black anti-racist activist expelled because he offended the racist MP Ruth Smeeth is anti-Semitic apparently

 John Oates Social Media Posts
John Oates is under investigation for a number of tweets.  One of them  is about an injunction I obtained against the Labour Party preventing them from holding a hearing against me with inadequate notice. Presumably this is a sensitive subject but what has it to do with anti-Semitism?

A reference to my successful court case against Iain McNicol is clearly anti-Semitic and referring to suspension of non-Zionist Jews is also anti-Semitic
Quite why saying that we need to get rid of McNicol is anti-Semitic is baffling since he wasn't Jewish
This refers to a fake story in the Brighton Argus about how Palestinian solidarity demonstrators were going to disrupt a Chanukah service - a bizarre lie but I assume any references to a Zionist lobby are anti-Semitic
Referring to Gary Linker's highlighting the question of abuse of Palestinian children is, in the warped mind of Nareser Osei, 'anti-Semitic'
Quite why sharing my post on the frame up of Kelvin Hopkins MP by a Progress woman is anti-semitic is baffling.  Neither party is Jewish!  Or is anti-Semitism now a catch all charge for criticism of any iniquity?

Talk of an unholy alliance is also apparently anti-Semitic, especially when reference is made to an Israeli lobby
Reference to people like Euan Phillips and Emma Picken of Labour Against Antisemitism and similar trolls is apparently also antisemitic even though neither of them are Jewish

No doubt this is also 'anti-Semitic' despite not mentioning Jews it does mention a 'Fascist Israeli Regime' - 
 Simon Hindmarsh's Social Media Posts

 Simon Hindmarsh was informed by Nareser Osie that he was suspended on 6th September for posts such as the following
This 21 year old medic was gunned down whilst tending the wounded in Gaza by Israel - Labour Friends of Israel tweeted itsSUPPORT for what Israel has done. To suggest that this post is anti-Semitic demonstrates to me that Narender Osei is a vile racist
This is the Tweet in which LFI blamed the victims for Israel's shooting of unarmed demonstrators - Idiot Osei believes there is nothing wrong in Israel's actions and that to criticise them is 'anti-Semitic'
A prize will be given to anyone who can tell me why this is anti-Semitic
Suggesting Ken Livingstone was right is almost the Zionists' textbook example of what antisemitism is!
Describing Margaret Hodge's calling Jeremy Corbyn a fucking anti-Semite is itself anti-Semitic!!
Saying we've got to get rid of the Blairites is also, according to Osei, 'anti-Semitic' - basically being on the Left is an act of antisemitism

Other ‘Anti-Semitic’ Tweets
It would seem that the Labour Party is spending vast amount of money monitoring and keeping a check on quite bona fide and legitimate political discourse which has nothing to do  with anti-Semitism.  Rather than provide a running commentary on them I will add a few captions to some of them.
What is crystal clear is  that this anti-Semitism witchhunt is not about anti-Semitism.  It is about protecting the most racist state in the world.  Ms Nareser Osei is a worthy successor of McNicol’s monkey, Sam Matthews.  The ‘evidence’ is evidence of nothing so much as the bigoted, police state mentality of Labour Party censors at Southside. Contrary to the lies of the Sunday Times and people like Margaret Hodge this material has nothing to do with anti-Semitism.

Israel’s General Election – The Death of the Zionist Left


The Israeli Labour Party Slumps to a Record Low and the Arabs Save Meretz from Oblivion!

Cast your mind back, if you can, to 1949, when the State of Israel held its first elections. A mere year after the Nakba, when ¾ million Palestinians had been expelled thus allowing Israel the ability to call itself both democratic and Jewish.
How a Labour Kibbutz shifted its votes since the 2015 general election
In that election Mapai, the Israeli Labour Party, gained 46 out of 120 seats in the Knesset. In second place was Mapam, the United Workers Party, then in an alliance with Ahdut Ha’avodah, a militaristic left-Zionist party with 19 seats giving the parties of Labour Zionism an absolute majority.  20 years later the leadership of Ahdut, Israel Galili, Yitzhak Tabenkin and Yigal Allon, would form the basis of the Greater Israel movement Gush Emunim and abandon Labour Zionism for messianic colonisalism.
However the leader of Mapai, David Ben Gurion preferred to form a coalition with the religious parties since the definition of Jewish could not be a secular one and had to be in the hands of the Orthodox.
Avi Gabbay of Israel's Labor Party and Yair Lapid of the 'centrist' Yesh Atid
In the 1951 elections Mapai and Mapam lost 5 seats but they still had exactly half the seats in the Knesset and in practice, with client Arab parties, an overall majority. In 1955, after Ahdut had split with Mapam, the parties of Labour Zionism had lost a further seat. In 1959 the Labour Zionist parties gained 63 seats giving them an overall majority again.  In 1961 the Labour Zionist parties achieved 59 seats and in 1965 the three Labour Zionist parties, which now included Rafi, Ben Gurion’s right-wing breakaway from Mapai, totalled 63 seats. In 1969 the Israeli Labour Alignment, a merger of all the Labour Zionist parties gained 56 seats, the highest number any party has ever achieved in an Israeli election.
In 1973 the Labour Alignment gained 51 seats to Likud’s 39 seats but in 1977, in the wake of the Yom Kippur war, when Israel was taken by surprise by the joint attack of Egypt and Syria, Likud gained 43 seats to Labour’s 32 and Menachem Begin formed the first Likud government. Since then the Israeli Labour Party has only twice formed a government on its own.
The first such time was in 1992 when Yitzhak Rabin became Prime Minister. The Israeli Labour Party gained 44 seats and Meretz (which included Mapam and other parties) gained 12 seats. The government rested on the tacit backing of the Arab parties.
Contrast this with the recent election. The Israeli Labour Party gained just 6 seats in the recent elections in comparison to the 24 seats it held as the Zionist Union (with Tzipi Livini’s Hatnuah) in the 2015 Knesset. Meretz declined from 5 to four seats. 
The morning after - shell shocked Israeli Labor Party leaders gather
So from a high point of 65 seats in 1949, the parties of Labour Zionism have now slumped to just 10 seats between them. What makes this even worse is that although Meretz is a Zionist party, it relied heavily on Arab votes, about a quarter of its total, in order to retain any seats in the Knesset. Meretz lost significant support to Benjamin Gantz’s Kahol Lavan (Blue and White) Party. A Zionist party that relies on Arab votes does not have a healthy or promising future
If it had not been for a very significant increase in votes from Israel’s Druze population in particular, which previously voted for Likud and parties of the Zionist Right, Meretz would not have gained any seats. This switch to Meretz was a consequence of Netanyahu’s decision to introduce the Jewish Nation State Law last summer. In Kafr Qasem, the site of a famous massacrein 1956, Meretz gained 39% of the vote.
It wasn't  Herut/Likud militias who perpetrated this massacre but those of the Labour Zionist militias
Even members of the Kibbutzim, the last reservoir of support for Labour Zionism in Israel voted predominantly for Kahol Lavan on the basis of wanting to see Netanyahu removed. Ideologically there is little or nothing now to distinguish Labour Zionism from its centrist rivals.
What is the explanation for this collapse in support for Labour Zionist parties? I suggest it is a culmination of a series of factors. The Labour Zionist parties were never socialist or even left-wing in the sense that is understood in the West.  Meretz is, at best, a party of civil liberties but it doesn’t challenge the Zionist basis of the Israeli state. It doesn’t like its more overt racist character but it signs up to Israel as a Jewish state.
The Israeli Labour Party today has no social base. Where once the major organisation of Labour Zionism, Histadrut, a trade union which was also Israel’s second largest employer, provided a comprehensive series of services such as a national health service, today it is merely a conglomeration of individual unions.  It’s industry has long been privatised.
The lack of any socialist or left-wing ideology and any economic or social base has left it rudderless, without a purpose. The ILP is not seen to stand for anything.  This was one reason that in 2017 it elected as its new leader, Avi Gabbay, the ex-CEO of Bezeq, Israel’s largest telecommunications firm and a former Minister in Netanyahu’s government! Gabbay had only joined the ILP three months before.
Gabbay’s strategy was simple.  To move the ILP further to the right in order to compete with Likud.  He even took advice on this from Tony Blair! Gabbay announced that he was opposedto dismantling any settlements in the Occupied Territories and he supportedNetanyahu’s attempts to deport Israel’s 40,000 Black African refugees because they constituted a ‘threat’to Israel’s national identity, not being Jewish.
This strategy has failed dismally. Netanyahu has demonstrated that when it comes to staking out a position on the Right no one can beat him.  Netanyahu was even responsiblefor the election merger of Jewish Home and Otzma Yehudit, an openly racist party of the late Meir Kahane, into the United Right party. This gave secular Israelis even less reason to vote for the ILP, especially since Gabbay had toldhis own party that the Left had forgotten what it is to be Jewish!
Gantz’s Blue and White Party, led by former generals and Yair Lapid, leader of the ‘centrist’ Yesh Atid (in practice firmly on the right), was held together by only one thing – opposition to Netanyahu.  I predict that it will not be long before this wholly artificial and unprincipled alliance will haemorrhage members.
Avi Gabbay will no doubt be despatched back to Bezeq but for the Israeli Labour Party the problem still remain. What exactly does the Israeli Labour Party stand for? As Israel moves further to the nationalist Right with a pluralityof Israeli Jews wanting to see Israel’s Arab citizens expelled, a sentiment shared by Likud’s partners, Yisrael Beteinu and the United Right Party of Bezalel Smotrich and Rafi Peretz, the old Labour Zionist ideals, which represented collective colonialism, are now only of interest to historians.
Meretz also faces a dilemma.  A Zionist party relying on the support of Israel’s Palestinians is a living contradiction!  Meretz has never been a party of left activism and it has never, for example supported Israel’s teenage refuseniks who refuse to serve in the Occupied Territories. Merertz should consider the votes it received in this election as being on loan only.
What Meretz, which is committed to a two state solution will not face up to is that Israel is now one state, from the Jordan to the sea. With nearly 5 million Palestinians living under occupation it is an apartheid state. In these elections we had the obscenity of 400 settlers in Hebron having the right to vote whilst the 200,000 Palestinians in Hebron had no vote.  Meretz has no answer to this or the fact that two legal systems operate in the same area of land.
Meretz’s problem stems from its desire to see a non-racist Zionism. A democratic Jewish state.  These are impossible contradictions.
As Israel races to the nationalist right its defenders in the West, from Donald Trump in the United States to Theresa May and Tom Watson in Britain’s Labour Party have only one answer – to accuse Israel’s critics of ‘anti-Semitism’.
Tony Greenstein

The Poetry of Bertolt Brecht – an anti-fascist and a communist


Brecht - hated by Fascists, Nazis and the Supporters of Capitalism

Bertoldt Brecht was hated by fascists and the Nazis. He had none of the fake anti-racism that we see with today's purveyors of the ‘equality agenda.’ An equality that is aimed at upholding the existing society, never changing it fundamentally.  We can see how this 'equality agenda' is used when Zionists come quoting the MacPherson Report (erroneously).
Brecht summed up his philosophy in the following line from theThree Penny Opera
 Who is the bigger criminal: he who robs a bank or he who founds one?

Although a communist Brecht wasn’t a slavish supporter of Stalinism and in the wake of the use of Soviet tanks to put down the workers’ uprising in East Germany in 1953 he wrotethe immortal lines:

After the uprising of the 17th of June
The Secretary of the Writers Union
Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee
Stating that the people
Had forfeited the confidence of the government
And could win it back only
By redoubled efforts.

Would it not be easier
In that case for the government
To dissolve the people
And elect another?

The poem was first printed in the West-German newspaper Die Weltin 1959 and subsequently in the Buckow Elegies in the West 1964. It was first published in Stalinist East Germany in 1969 after Helene Weigel had insisted on its inclusion in a collected edition of Brecht's works.
Brecht wrote in Is Communism Exclusive?, Ist der Kommunismus exklusiv? 1932:
Our opponents are the opponents of mankind. Their point of view is not just: their point of view is injustice. It is understandable that they defend themselves, but they defend robbery and privileges, and to understand here does not mean to excuse as well. He who is a wolf to man, is no man, but rather a wolf. Today goodness means where the bare self-defense of the great masses becomes the final battle for the position of command, the destruction of which makes goodness impossible.
Nick Cohen's anti-Communist tirade

It is no surprise that Islamaphobes and war mongers like Nick Cohen, a former socialist and now turncoat, who parades his reactionary credentials to impress, should try and denigrate Brecht for the sins of Stalinism in Time for curtain to fall on Brecht. Cohen is oblivious to the times that Brecht lived through or his courage in the face of Nazism. As Mark Ravenhill’s Don't bash Brecht points out, the attacks on Brecht, whose books were burnt, takes place in the context of the rehabilitation of those artists such as Richard Strauss and even Hitler’s film maker Leni Riefenstahl who played along with the Nazis.
One thing is for sure, there is nothing of Nick Cohen's worth burning.
However the new anti-communists, who define themselves by their opposition to ‘anti-Semitism’ which crystallizes around support for the world’s only Apartheid state, are united in their support of the capitalist economic system that gave birth to Hitler and the Holocaust.

Below is an introduction to Brecht in a BBC primer Epic theatre and Brecht

Tony Greenstein

Bertolt Brecht – a brief background

The playwright Bertolt Brecht was born in 1898 in the German town of Augsburg. After serving as a medical orderly in the First World War and appalled by the effects of the war, he went first to Munich and then to Berlin in pursuit of a career in the theatre. That period of his life came to an end in 1933 when the Nazis came to power in Germany. Brecht fled and during this period the Nazis formally removed his citizenship, so he was a stateless citizen.
Bertolt Brecht, 1948 Credit: Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images

In 1941 Brecht became resident in the USA but returned to Europe in 1947 after appearing before the House Un-American Activities Committee. Ostensibly against communism, this committee also targeted intellectuals. By the time of his death in 1956, Brecht had established the Berliner Ensemble and was regarded as one of the greatest theatrical practitioners.
As an artist, Brecht was influenced by a diverse range of writers and practitioners including Chinese theatre and Karl Marx. The turmoil of the times through which Brecht lived gave him a strong political voice. The opposition he faced is testament to the fact that he had the courage to express his personal voice in the world of the theatre. He also had an original and inspired talent to bring out a dynamic theatrical style to express his views.
Brecht's Mother Courage and Her Children at the Olivier Theatre, London Credit: Tristram Kenton
His most acclaimed work is Mother Courage and Her Children. Although it’s set in the 1600s, the play is relevant to contemporary society and is often regarded as one of the finest anti-war plays. Fear and Misery of the Third Reich is Brecht’s most overtly anti-fascist play. This work analyses the insidious way the Nazis came to power.

credit Steve Toner
Credit: Goskino/Ronald Grant

An extended ode to the revolutionary German playwright-genius Bertolt Brecht, whose exhaustive new collected poems exalt combating injustice while keeping faith in his fidelity to dissent.
March 21, 2019 Michael Wood The London Review of Books
Your spectator is sitting not only
In your theatre, but also
In the world.
‘I live in dark times,’ Brecht said, but he liked to believe the darkness would end. In the poem containing those words, written in the 1930s, he apologises to ‘those born after’, saying that
Hatred, even of meanness
Makes you ugly.
Anger, even at injustice
Makes your voice hoarse. Oh, we
Who wanted to prepare the land for friendliness
Could not ourselves be friendly

‘Could not be friendly’ is a discreet but painful understatement, a too amiable hint at horrors. Dark times mean not only that terrible things happen to the world and to us but also that we have had a hand in the terrible things. In a remarkable late poem Brecht imagines a loved landscape has changed, suddenly let him down. But it hasn’t changed. He has remembered where he is in moral time.
The white poplar, a famous local beauty
Today an old hag. The lake
A bowl of slops, don’t touch it!
The fuchsias among the snapdragon cheap and showy.
Last night in a dream I saw fingers pointing at me
As though at a leper. They were worn by work and
They were broken.
There are things you don’t know! I cried.
Knowing I was guilty
Translated by Tom Kuhn and David Constantine
W.W. Norton, December 2018; 1312 pages
We don’t have to apologise for our times. We can gloat over their darkness, become the pointing fingers. This, I take it, is the implication of a much earlier epigram:
In the dark times
Will there be singing?
There will be singing.
Of the dark times.
Or there could be silence. Brecht covers this ground too.
They will not say: when the nut tree shook in the wind
But rather: it was when the housepainter trampled the workers.
They will not say: when the child skimmed the flat pebble over the rapids
But rather: when the ground was being prepared for great wars.
They will not say: when the woman walked into the room
But rather: when the great powers united against the workers.
But they will not say: the times were dark
But rather: why were their poets silent?

There is something clunky and too correct about the party line here – the house painter was far more ecumenical in his trampling – but the prophecy of the final question is eloquent and looks forward to the title of a Heinrich Böll novel: Where were you, Adam? Where were we when the unfriendliness got out of control?

mother courage and her children
‘Is there no grace, no credit,’ Brecht writes in a 1921 diary entry, ‘is there no one who does not believe in our sins, who thinks better of us than we ourselves do?’ The answer is probably no, but one implication of the cry is that we might try to be this person for others. Brecht’s plays and poems perform this role with a kind of stealthy splendour. Surely no other writer was ever so patient, funny and astute about human frailty. There is a sort of puzzle here, though, that we need to dispose of. Isn’t he just letting everyone else off the hook so he won’t have to hang there himself? There are moments when this seems to be what is happening. Brecht’s announcement that ‘in me you have someone you cannot count on’ sounds like a blank ethical cheque, an advance abolition of the need for forgiveness. But these moments are remarkably rare. Hannah Arendt says one of Brecht’s ‘great virtues’ was that he ‘never felt sorry for himself – hardly ever was even interested in himself’. The person he called ‘poor B.B.’ feels like a character in one of his plays, and we hear the confessional note only in poems like the one I quoted, about the altered white poplar, and the last but one piece in the Collected Poems:
And I always thought the very simplest words
Would be enough. If I say what is
Every heart will surely be lacerated.
That you will go under if you don’t fight back
Surely you must see that?

It is perhaps worth having Michael Hamburger’s version here, just to hear a slightly different lilt:
And I always thought: the very simplest words
Must be enough. When I say what things are like
Everyone’s heart must be torn to shreds.
That you’ll go down if you don’t stand up for yourself
Surely you see that.

Brecht is attentive to all kinds of weakness and forms of helplessness that he doesn’t have, and the ones he does have tend to make him an expert rather than a hypocrite, the man who will never cast the first stone. We remember too that the cry in the diary was not an address to an individual conscience but a dream of other, kinder minds.
‘The Infanticide Marie Farrar’ tells us that the sentenced woman shows ‘the frailties of all creation’ and the poem’s refrain, repeated nine times with very slight variations, runs: ‘But you, I beg of you, contain your wrath for all/God’s creatures need the help of all.’The chorale that ends The Threepenny Opera– the music is Kurt Weill’s affectionate parody of Bach – makes the same recommendation: ‘Combat injustice but in moderation.’ In these and many other lines we hear the voice of the Protestant who grew up in a largely Catholic world, and who kept not the faith of his parents but his own form of fidelity to dissent. Brecht always knew how to catch the fakery in religious and social piety, but also knew what a genuine, secularised care for others might look like. ‘Don’t give up on your own kind’, he says; and praises doctors and nurses ‘who/Remember their obligation to those who/Have a human face.’
Brecht was born in Augsburg in 1898 and grew up there. He moved to Berlin in 1924, already something of a celebrity. The huge success of The Threepenny Opera in 1928 was not anticipated by anyone, but was unmistakable. Lotte Lenya, writing later about those days, said ‘Berlin was swept by a Dreigroschenoper fever. In the streets no other tunes were whistled.’ There were other fevers around, though, and in 1933, the day after the Reichstag fire, as Kuhn and Constantine tell us, Brecht and his Jewish wife, Helene Weigel, left Germany. Several years of exile followed, principally in Denmark and the United States, and it is possible that exile didn’t really end when both of them returned to Berlin. Brecht was a devout communist but not much of a party man, and famously mocked the East German government’s response to a 1953 revolt in these terms:
would it not
Be simpler if the government
Dissolved the people and
Elected another one?

And although he regularly defended the workers against all their enemies, his deep sympathy was with a certain kind of heroic disorder, as evoked in the wonderful poem ‘The breaking up of the ship, the Oskawa, by her crew’. The ostensible argument concerns the poor wages of the sailors, but what is shown is their recklessly reprehensible behaviour, the glorious slack they allow themselves. ‘Since the wages were bad’, we read,
We felt the need to drown
Our troubles in alcohol, so
Several cases of champagne found
Their way into the crew’s quarters.

The ship gets lost a few times but finally makes it from Hamburg to Rio. It sets off again with a new cargo (of meat) and the old crew. Negligence causes a fire, the dynamos won’t work, the meat goes bad, the engines are ruined by an inept use of salt water, various attempts at repair fail and the ship limps back to Hamburg – it has to be towed from Holland – and is scrapped. The last words of the poem are
Any child, we thought
Could see that our wages had
Really been too niggardly.

Kuhn and Constantine tell us that ‘less than half of [Brecht’s] output of poems was published by the time of his death in 1956,’ and every description of the opus sounds dizzying. The 1976 selection of translations edited by John Willett and Ralph Manheim contains ‘roughly five hundred poems’, while a German collected edition of 1967 has ‘approximately one thousand items’. The new book tells us that the latest complete works includes ‘more than two thousand poems’, of which ‘over twelve hundred’ are translated here.
I don’t know whether these numbers in themselves suggest variety or the possibility of a lot of repetition. Brecht’s style and diction are pretty consistent, witty, idiomatic, often close to ordinary speech, never far from the song or the ballad. The literary forms he uses are very diverse, though, and I’m not sure I can name them all. Among them are narrative poems, lyrical meditations, fables, aphorisms, maxims, instructions, polemics, parodies, satires, handbooks, elegies, songs from plays, sonnet sequences, prose reflections and an imitation of a book of devotions. I was delighted to see in this book a connection I didn’t know Brecht had made: one of the lines from the song celebrating the dark skills of Mack the Knife (‘Is not asked and does not know’, in Eric Bentley’s version) is attached to Göring.
In the house …
Lived a certain Mr Göring
Who knew nothing, or wasn’t asked.

There is a lot of formal travel between a cryptic, slightly self-mocking portrait like this one:
Wandering this way and that
Kept no note of my hither and thither
Don’t know where I left my hat
Nor the previous seven either

and the unprotected sweep of
Everything was beautiful on that sole evening, ma soeur
After it never again and never before –
True: all I was left with then were the great birds
That in the dark sky when evening comes are hungry.

Similarly, it’s good stretch from the quiet anger of this image of support for the Nazis:
Knowledge is cultivated too. Out from the libraries
Step the slaughtermen.

to this intimate evocation of the grief of mothers for their soldier sons:
And the years go by. He is not dead.
He will never die. It is only that he’ll never come back.
A coffee pot stays full and empty a chair.
And they save him a bed and they save him bread
And they pray for him and when they lack
Always they entreat him to come home here.

Haunting narratives include that of the dead soldier who is dug up and sent back to war on the grounds that when recruits are needed death is only a form of malingering, and that of the children’s march in Poland which ends in their disappearance, their only legacy a message tied around a dog’s neck:
Please help us, we are lost.
We can’t find the way anymore.
We are fifty-five, the dog will lead
You to where we are …

The writing was a child’s.
Peasants read it aloud.
That was a year and a half ago.
The dog hungered and died.

Brecht was a great believer in doubt; it was a form of faith for him. But he could be harsh on easy doubters:
Their only action is vacillation.
Their favourite phrase: it’s not yet certain.
So granted, when you praise doubt
Do not praise
The doubt that is despair!

What use is doubting to him
Who cannot make up his mind!

This example leads us to what is perhaps a good place to end these illustrations. Brecht loved the idea of reversible logic, because it leaves the reader or spectator with no option except thinking. In one poem he mentions a shelter for the homeless in New York:
The world is not changed by this …
But a few men have a bed for the night 

The next stanza says
A few men have a bed for the night …
But the world is not changed by this

A later poem, this time quoted in full, repeats the move:
Everything changes. You can
Begin anew with your very last breath.
But what has been, has been. And the water
You once poured into the wine, you can
Never drain off again.

What has been, has been. The water
That you poured into the wine, you can
Never drain off again. But
Everything changes. You can
Begin anew with your very last breath.

Kuhn and Constantine rather sniffily say they are not ‘fond of translation theory and leave it to others to describe our practice, as they wish’. Of course any established academic pursuit is fair game for scepticism, but it seems a little defensive to suggest you don’t care how your work is described or couldn’t find any such description interesting. In fact these new versions hold up very well to close study, especially in matters of rhyming, usually the downfall of translators. Where there are questions they concern not correctness or fidelity but intriguing matters of interpretation. One of the tasks of the translator, to borrow a phrase from Walter Benjamin, apart from helping us to read texts we couldn’t otherwise approach, is to show what different languages allow their speakers to do with words – and also what those languages do not allow.
A good case arises with Brecht’s short poem ‘The mask of the angry one’, or is it ‘The mask of evil’?
On my wall hangs a Japanese carving
Mask of an angry demon, lacquered in gold.
Feelingly I observe
The swollen veins at his temples, hinting
What a great strain it is to be angry. 

Here is what H.R. Hays (1947) has:
On my wall hangs a Japanese carving,
The mask of an evil demon, decorated with gold lacquer.
Sympathetically I observe
The swollen veins of the forehead, indicating
What a strain it is to be evil. 

The German text is:
An meiner Wand hängt ein japanisches Holzwerk,
Maske eines bösen Dämons, bemalt mit Goldlack.
Mitfühlend sehe ich
Die geschwollenen Stirnadern, andeutend
Wie anstrengend es ist, böse zu sein. 

We might say, if we are being theoretical, that ‘feelingly’ is a bit too literal for mitfühlend, which is just the Germanic form of ‘sympathetically’; but that ‘hinting’ gets us closer than ‘indicating’ does to the indirection of the idea. Still, the real point of division (and of this comparison) obviously lies in the word böse, which also appears in the poem’s title. It signifies ‘mean’ or ‘naughty’ or ‘cross’ or ‘evil’, depending on context and intention. When Kafka uses it in his aphorisms (‘Evil is what distracts’; ‘Evil knows about good, but good knows nothing of evil’) ‘evil’ clearly works best, and we can back up this sense with the memory that ‘Der Böse’ is also a name for Satan, the Evil One. The proximity of the word in the poem to ‘demon’ might lead us to prefer Hays’s version. But then with Brecht we may not want the theological dimension of Kafka’s claim, and if we’re in an atheistic mood, we can think he just means ‘very very bad’. In any case, the word certainly also means ‘angry’.
The fourth wall
The situation becomes more delicate when Rilke, in the ‘Fourth Duino Elegy’, uses the word to say what he doesn’t understand about the mild manners of children who die young.
Murderers are easy
to understand. But this: that one can contain
death, the whole of death, even before
life has begun, can hold it to one’s heart
gently, and not refuse to go on living,
is inexpressible.

Mörder sind
leicht einzusehen. Aber dies: den Tod,
den ganzen Tod, noch vor dem Leben so
sanft zu enthalten und nicht bös zu sein,
ist unbeschreiblich.

For the phrase ‘nicht bös zu sein’ we need something that catches the sulkiness the children don’t have, and the literal ‘not to be angry’ used by C.F. MacIntyre, for example, won’t do the trick. I think Stephen Mitchell’s ‘not refuse to go on living’ is too metaphysical for these youngsters, but it does give a measure of what Rilke is getting ordinary language (and behind it the image of the behaviour of ordinary children) to do.
So with Brecht, angry or evil? We can guess at what Brecht meant, and if he was around, we could ask him. His response might settle things for some of us. But there is no way of making the word on the page not have, for a given reader, any or all of its meanings in current (or even ancient) usage. Kuhn and Constantine speak eloquently of the ways in which Brecht’s poems ‘are never just the servants of his politics … they exceed his engagement in the particular and necessary cause.’ And they are not entirely the servants of Brecht himself. As the above examples show, translators have to make choices on the behalf of writers, and even in the original language the reader may have a long sliding scale of options.
[Essayist Michael Wood is a editorial board member of, and a regular contributor to, the London Review of Books, He says he lives in dark times, but tries to shine a little light here and there.]
Subscription information for the London Review of Books (24 issues annually for $49.95) is available HERE.

Why does Hope not Hate endorse a racist ex-Prime Minister whose slogan was the BNP’s ‘British Jobs for British Workers’?


No socialist should have anything to do with an ‘anti-fascist’ organisation which endorses Zionism, racism and Apartheid
30 years ago I wrote an article Undermining Anti-Fascists, Defending Zionism concerning the anti-fascist magazine Searchlight. Searchlight never hesitated to accuse the Palestinians of links with neo-Nazis whilst failing to mention the far-Right connections of the Israeli state and its support e.g. for the Lebanese Phalange.
Last year I wroteabout how Hope not Hate had joined the supporters of the Labour’s fake Anti-Semitism Campaign. HnH came out of a split in September 2011 with Searchlightwhich was run by MI5 and Special Branch informant Gerry Gable.
Tom Watson, Israeli Labour Party leader Haim Herzog and Ruth Smeeth - not an Arab around
Initially Nick Lowles, HnH’s Director, declared that he took no position on Palestine but this did not last long.  In 2010 Ruth Smeeth, who is today the Parliamentary Chair of the Zionist Jewish Labour Movement [JLM] and who made false allegations of anti-Semitism against Marc Wadsworth, was appointedDirector of HnH.
This confidential memo tells its readers to Protect its source, Ruth Smeeth
Smeeth was appointed Director of Public Affairs with Britain’s main pro-Israel group BICOM in November 2005 and she joined the Zionist Community Security Trust in 2010, which has close links  to Israel’s Mossad in 2010.  Not only was Smeeth connected to the Israeli state but Wikileaksreleased a US Government cable showing she was a ‘Protected’ asset. Yet despite her close links to Zionist groups and her involvement with the Jewish Labour Movement she declaredto The Standard I don’t talk about Israel or Palestine. This [abuse] is not about anything I’ve said on Middle-East politics. I don’t participate.”   [See UK Labour MP Ruth Smeeth was funded by Israel Lobby, Asa Winstanley]
An asset the US requires protecting
It was therefore with some surprise that I came across a video that HnH was promoting featuring former Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown. It is a slick 3 minutes staged in Liverpool Street Station.
Sir Nicholas Winton
It is also a shameless exploitation of the late Sir Nicholas Winton, a British humanitarian who, in 1938 after the Kristallnacht pogrom in Germany helped save 669 Jewish children in Prague. To use Winton’s memory in order to whitewash the JLM, an openly racist Zionist organisation, is despicable.
Nick Lowles - the racist who heads an anti-fascist organisation - quite a remarkable feat - his main interest is in attracting government grants
Gordon Brown made no mention of how the children’s parents were unable to accompany their children and how they died at the hands of the Nazis because no one would admit them. Perhaps this was because Brown might have reflected on his and New Labour’s opposition to admitting asylum seekers to this country demonising them as ‘economic migrants’ and ‘bogus’. Former Social Services Specialist Advisor David Plank described how the video featured:
a solemn, hushed voiced Gordon Brown talking directly to the camera, walking through Liverpool Street Station on an ever ascending line, after a starting clip of Nicholas Winton and numbers of the 669 Jewish children saved from the Nazi Reich voiced over reverentially by Gordon Brown, to the strains of saccharine sacerdotal music.”
Shame on you G Brown, shame on Hope not Hate, for dishonouring the memory of what Nicholas Winton did to falsely accuse the Labour Party of antisemitism through “demonization of the entire Jewish people”. It is an act of outrageous Pecksniffery which does deep injustice not only to the Labour Party and all its members, including me and my wife, but also to the many Jewish communities (plural not singular) in the United Kingdom
Brown declared ‘Young lives [are] being saved from Nazi brutality’. This is the man who was part of New Labour Governments between 1997 and 2010 which locked up asylum seekers indefinitely, took away their legal aid and prided itself upon how many it had managed to deport back to death and torture.
At one point the Blair government considered an opt-out from the European Convention of Human Rights (the Tories would later take this up) until Lord Goldsmith, the Attorney General told them that this would be incompatible with membership of the European Union. Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor toldBlair and Blunkett ‘I don’t know why you guys don’t just adopt the Zimbabwean constitution and have done with it,” The Independent wrote:
Gordon Brown has strongly criticised Robert Mugabe's regime in Zimbabwe, but now ministers are seeking to expel 1,000 desperate people back to Harare on the grounds that there is 'no general risk' to them.’
At no time and at no point did Gordon Brown challenge New Labour’s immigration policy. On the contrary it was Brown who repeated the BNP slogan ‘British Jobs for British Workers’ and as Labour MEP Claud Moraes said, Brown had enabled the BNP’s success in the 2009 European elections. Rachel Shabi noted:
Gordon Brown, appallingly, used the term while Labour prime minister in 2007 but he did not invent it such slogans could be found in leaflets from the National Front and the British National party.’
Gordon Brownmade it clear that he had ‘no regrets over using the phrase "British jobs for British workers".
In the shameful video that HnH distributed there is a picture of Nelson Mandela of South Africa. This is the same South Africa whose best friend was the State of Israel under Israeli Labour governments. [Brothers in arms - Israel's secret pact with Pretoria]
This racist opportunist asserted that:
“in the last two years the Labour Party let the Jewish community and itself down. They should never have allowed legitimate criticism, which I share, of the Israeli government, to act as a cover for the demonization of the entire Jewish people.” 
His conclusion? To join and recommend that others join the JLM which calls itself the sister party’of the Israeli Labour Party which calls for the separation and segregation of Israeli Jews and Arabs. It supportedNetanyahu’s attempt to deport all Israel’s 40,000 Black African refugees because they were not Jewish. Brown continues:
‘Tackling anti-Semitism and racism is not a distraction from the purpose of our party, it is the purpose of our party.’
The hypocrisy is breathtaking coming from a man who was part of a government that was hostile to Muslims and asylum seekers. Brown went along with Blair’s war for oil which led to the rise of domestic terrorism and in consequence Islamaphobia.
The Israeli Labour Party formed the government of Israel for its first 30 years. It was the ILP which perpetrated the ethnic cleansing of ¾ million Palestinians and massacred thousands of Palestinians as it sought to engineer a Jewish majority in a country that had a Palestinian majority. Nor is this a matter of history.
The ILP’s current leader Avi Gabbay opposedany withdrawal from settlements in the West Bank. Former leader, Isaac Herzog spoke of his nightmareat the possibility of Israel having a Palestinian Prime Minister and 61 Palestinian Members of Israel’s Knesset (Parliament). Herzog declared that he wanted to dispelthe false impression that the ILP were ‘Arab Lovers’  
This is the context to the allegations that anti-Semitism is institutional in the Labour Party. There have been repeated assertions that Luciana Berger MP was subject to anti-Semitic abuse and even death threats by Labour members.  Bob Pitt has examined these in depth in an article Has the Labour left subjected Luciana Berger to hatespeak and death threats? The allegation that Labour is institutionally anti-Semitic is a recent invention. Pitt writes:
‘Berger wasn’t alone in undergoing a dramatic conversion to the view that Labour is afflicted by a plague of antisemitism. Back in 2016 Berger’s fellow Independent Group founder Chuka Umunnasimilarly dismissed suggestions that party was institutionally antisemitic (“I have not seen one incident of antisemitism in almost 20 years of activism within my local Labour Party”), as did Jewish Labour Movement vice-chairs Sarah Sackman and Mike Katz (“neither of us has ever experienced any incidence of anti-Semitism from within the party”), only for all of them to discover just a couple of years later that the Labour Party was riddled with antisemitism from top to bottom.
Why the change? Because Corbyn’s near success in the 20017 General Election frightened them into upping the ante. There have always been false allegations of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party.  I was suspended in March 2016 as part of the anti-Semitism witch-hunt.  I was expelled in February 2018 but it wasn’t for anti-Semitism but ‘abusing’ people like Louise Ellman MP.
Nick Lowles demonstrates that Hope not Hate is a reactionary establishment organisation with no real interest in opposing racism
None of this has prevented HnH jumping in with both feet. It has openly backed up the racist campaign against Jackie Walker. A campaign based on the omission of one word in a private Facebook post and a distortion of what she said in a ‘training event’ on anti-Semitism, secretly recorded by Adam Langleben of the JLM.
In Jackie Walker, The Left and AntisemitismJoe Mulhall, a Senior Researcher at HnH repeats all these lies and half truths.
Nick Lowles makes it clear that he sides with the Right in the Labour Party endorsing Lansman's attempt to withdraw support from Pete Willsman
Chris Williamson MP has recently been suspended by the Labour Party after the intervention of Tom Watson MP. HnH immediately supported Watson. Huff Post reportedthat HnH urged that:
Jeremy Corbyn must kick Chris WIlliamson out of the Labour Party... Hope Not Hate called on the party leader to act after it emerged the Labour MP had booked a room in parliament on behalf of Jewish Voice For Labour for a screening of a new film about activist Jackie Walker.’

Exclusive: Anti-Racism Charity Urges Jeremy Corbyn To Kick Chris Williamson Out Of Labour Party

Jackie Walker’s film The Witchhunt is a description of the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign which has been waged against people like Jackie Walker in the past 3 years. It features people like Mark Thomas and Alexei Sayle. It is about the racism that Jackie has experienced. It is shameful that HnH should call for the expulsion of a Labour MP for wanting to put on an anti-racist film in the House of Commons. Hope not Hate may call itself anti-fascist but it is, without doubt, a racist organisation led by racists.
There have been no expulsions or suspensions for LFI supporting the  murder of unarmed Palestinian demonstrators - if this were Jewish people killed there would have been uproar at their comments
If HnH was serious in opposing racism it is Tom Watson, not Chris Williamson, whose expulsion or suspension they would be calling for. Tom Watson makes a great play of opposing ‘anti-Semitism’.  What he means if anti-Zionism. Watson is a strong supporter of Labour Friends of Israel and was Vice President of Trade Union Friends of Israel. His office is heavily funded by rich Zionists like Sir Trevor Chinn and Sir David Garrard.
This is the Islamaphobic leaflet that 'poor old Phil' put out in 2010 - Tom Watson had also played the race card in by-elections but Hope not Hate work with Watson, who was Gordon Brown's political fixer
Tom Watson wasn’t always opposed to racism. When Phil Woolas, the racist Labour MP and former Home Office Immigration Minister was removed as an MP for election offences by the High Court, Watson confessed that ‘I’ve lost sleep thinking about poor old Phil Woolas and his leaflets.
Poor Phil had run a campaign which, according to an email from his election agent, aimed to ‘make the white folk angry’.[see Open Letter To Tom Watson - the Unlikely Anti-Racist].
Possibly the sickest and vilest part of the video that HnH and Nick Lowles distributed was Gordon Brown declaring that Labour
‘Should never have allowed legitimate criticism, which I share, of the Israeli government, to act as a cover for the demonization of the entire Jewish people.”
This is a lie twice over. Critics of Israel are very careful not to criticise Jewish people for the sins of Israel.  It is the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, which Brown and HnH support which equates anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. It is Israel and its supporters who equate Jews and Israel.
Brown lies when he says he is critical of the Israeli government. When Israel attacked Gaza in 2008-9, in Operation Cast Lead, Gordon Brown was Prime Minister, 1,400 Palestinians died, 85% of them civilians and some 300 children.  Gordon Brown’s government issued not a word of criticism of Israel or the attack on civilians.
It isn’t anti-Semites who disguise their racism through criticism of Israel.  It is supporters of Zionism who disguise their anti-Semitism through support for Israel.  Whether it is Steve Bannon declaringthat he is a Christian Zionist or Donald Trump tellingAmerican Jews that Netanyahu is their Prime Minister or the friendshipbetween Netanyahu and anti-Semitic European leaders like Hungary’s Orban it is the anti-Semites who combine love of Israel and hatred of Jews.
When Robert Bowers murdered 11 Jews in Pittsburgh as a result of Trump’s anti-refugee campaign it was Naftali Bennett, Israel’s Education Minister who came to America to defendTrump in front of America’s Jews.  He was sent away with a flea in his ear by Pittsburgh Jews who in their hundreds demonstratedagainst Trump’s arrival in their city, accompanied by Israel’s Ambassador.
HnH believe that support for Zionism and Apartheid Israel is compatible with the fight against fascism. It is not. Fascism derives its support from racism and imperialism. That is why today’s fascists overwhelmingly support Israel. If Nick Lowles doesn’t get this maybe he should mug up on why Tommy Robinson is such a strong supporter of Israel. Even the strongly pro-Zionist Times of Israel cannot avoid askingWhy are US ‘pro-Israel’ groups boosting a far-right, anti-Muslim UK extremist?.
HnH has rendered itself irrelevant in the fight against Tommy Robinson and British fascism. It may run a few moles in fringe fascist groups but in so far as it supports Israel it supports the Islamaphobia that is the basis for the growth in support for Robinson.
Below is correspondence between David Plank, who ended his support for Hope not Hate and one of their workers.
From: David Plank <>
Sent: 08 April 2019 11:25
To: signup
Subject: Re: Our mole inside a nazi gang

For the attention of Nick Lowles

Dear Nick

Thank you for sending me this. It arrived at the same time as an acquaintance told me of Hope not Hate's 1st April video featuring Gordon Brown, which has led me to cancel my monthly payment to Hope not Hate. This is to explain why.

The note I made having watched the video is attached for you. You will see that I object strongly to this passage in what Gordon Brown said and to Hope not Hate's endorsement of it:

“But in the last two years the Labour Party let the Jewish community and itself down. They should never have allowed legitimate criticism, which I share, of the Israeli government, to act as a cover for the demonization of the entire Jewish people.”
This statement is grossly inaccurate and a vile slur on more than 99 percent of Labour Party members. I do know what I am talking about, which you will see if you care to follow these links to the report and articles I have written:

A scathing critique written by a former specialist adviser to the House of Commons Social Services Committee, David Plank, has found that the HASC Report on antisemitism ‘is a partisan party political polemic which should not have been agreed and made public by a House of Commons select committee.’ He adds that the Report purporting to … Continue reading "HASC Report on antisemitism is a ‘partisan party political polemic’"

Most recently, I have had cause to challenge the outrageous treatment of Chris Williamson MP by my Party, and my own MP for his signing of the unjust Clive Efford MP joint letter and remarks he made at a local Party meeting. A copy of my evidenced letter to Daniel Zeichner concerning the last of these, is also attached for your information.

Like all racist acts, any incident of actual or potential antisemitic conduct by a member must be pursued with determination and fairness to all parties by my Party, with proportionate measures, including sanctions, where proved on the basis of tested evidence. Judged on this firm basis and our current General Secretary's work to put our system in order, Gordon Brown's sweeping statements are false. They and Hope not Hate's endorsement of them in a video you have sponsored, is fundamentally unacceptable to me as a lifelong anti-racist. Not only are they untrue but they also have the potential to stir up the very thing you exist to confront, and do so on many occasions - hate.

I urge you to withdraw Hope not Hate's endorsement of this video and of the remarks made by Gordon Brown within it.

In solidarity

David Plank

On 8 Apr 2019, at 15:42, David Plank  wrote:

Dear Mathew

Thank you very much.  

You misunderstand my point, which is about the incidence of antisemitism amongst Labour Party members, which is small in comparison with the grossly exaggerated claims of Gordon Brown, Ruth Smeeth, Luciana Berger and others. I do not minimize its importance, nor do I appreciate being told that is what I am saying in your reply. Straw men arguments abound in the PLP, the Jewish Labour Movement, Labour Friends of Israel, the media, the Board of Deputies, the Jewish Leadership Council and amongst right wingers more generally. I had hoped for more from Hope not Hate. Please engage with the real issue I have raised. What Gordon Brown said in your video is plain wrong in terms of fact, and profoundly divisive.

Not do I seek to diminish the great work that Hope not Hate does. That work, however, cannot be allowed to act as a cloak for the disinformation your video communicates.

Best wishes


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Our mole inside a nazi gang
From: Matthew McGregor  

Hi David,

Thanks for your email, which was passed along to myself to Nick Lowles who will also read it.

I wanted to reply to thank you for taking the time to write, and for your past support for HOPE not hate. Your support, along with that from thousands of other people allowed us to do the work Nick’s email was about: stopping a nazi murder plot and smashing the National Action group.

I am sorry that we have to disagree about the problem at antisemitism amongst some members of the Labour Party. It’s been widely accepted that there is an issue. Jeremy Corbyn himself told the Evening Standard last year that it was clear to him that some “members and supporters hold antisemtic views and attitudes.” He added, “My party and I are sorry for the hurt and distress caused.” John McDonnell recently told a caller into LBC radio, “It isn’t a smear campaign, Oliver. It isn’t. I’ve seen the evidence. I’ve seen the threats that have been made against some of our Jewish members and MPs.” He added, "We’ve got to root it out.” These are the same sentiments expressed in Gordon Brown’s video.

Again, thank you for writing in, and thank you for your past support.

Best wishes,


On 8 Apr 2019, at 17:18, David Plank <> wrote:

Dear Matthew

Thank you. I appreciate your engagement with my views.

Please read Gordon Brown's remarks again.

"... the Labour Party (i.e. all of the Party) let the Jewish community (i.e. all British Jewish people) down. They (the Labour Party, all of it) should never have allowed legitimate criticism ... of the Israeli government, to act as a cover for the demonization of the entire (entire) Jewish people."

This is hyperbole of a destructive kind. What do Hope not Hate expect many parts of the British Jewish communities (plural not singular) such as the Orthodox community and Jewish Voice for Labour, to think of this?
Some, I know will be very hurt - others will see this stereotypical picture as - antisemitic - and certainly as harming the cause of combating antisemitism.  

What do Hope not Hate expect 99 per cent of Labour Party members to think of it? How dare you, will be the reaction of the many who do not subscribe to the grossly inacurate mythology promulgated by Gordon Brown, Joan Ryan, Luciana Berger, Ruth Smeeth, Margaret Hodge and others.

This is why I have cancelled my contribution.

The overly apologetic approach of the Party's leadership is rejected by most Party members who have studied the evidence, as I have. Hope not Hate, as an anti- racist organization, needs to face up to this, not slide past it.

I will be happy to continue this correspondence tomorrow after this evening's Chelsea game against West Ham, which I am on my way to now.

Best wishes


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Our mole inside a nazi gang
From: Matthew McGregor  
To: David Plank  

Hi David,

Thanks for this. I think I must have misunderstood what you were saying.

The line you quoted from the video says that "the Labour Party has let the Jewish community down.” I don’t think that says or implies every member of the party (of which I am one) has been antisemitic, I think it says that the party has not done enough to act against those members who have been. That’s also what Jeremy and John McDonnell have said.

I am not sure what I have missed but am of course very happy to engage if you think I have.


From:Matthew McGregor <McGregor@hopenothate.org.uk>
Sent:09 April 2019 18:46
To:David Plank
Subject: Re: Our mole inside a nazi gang

Hi David,

Sorry for the slow reply, I hope you enjoyed the football.

We have a different interpretation of Gordon’s words. When he says “The Labour Party let the Jewish community down” I very much took him to mean the institution, the leadership, not every single member. This is a sentiment that Jeremy, John McDonnell and others in the leadership have also expressed.

I note your point that you feel the leadership have been too apologetic about the situation. I don’t agree - HOPE not hate doesn’t agree -  with that, so while I understand the point you are making I think we will have to agree to disagree. I regret that you have decided to cancel your donation but it does sound like, given our clear disagreement, that you were right to do so.

With best wishes


From:David Plank <>
Sent:09 April 2019 20:36
To:Matthew McGregor
Subject: Re: Our mole inside a nazi gang

Dear Matthew

Thank you, again. We did indeed enjoy the football.

A key message of Hope not Hate is to take care with the words we use - to think about them from the point of view of those to whom they are addressed - including those who see themselves as being addressed. In my experience few Party members make the distinction you make, not least because it is the members who stand accused of antisemitic conduct - and in this instance of "... letting the Jewish community down ... (and of) ... demonization of the entire Jewish people." Much greater care needs to be taken with such hurtful and unjustified words - words which in this instance should never have been communicated in a Hope not Hate video.

Hope not hate also needs to be more open to the very different view of this vexing matter that hundreds of thousands of labour members like me have. It is no accident that the grossly exaggerated, mostly unevidenced claims of antisemitism arose when there was a real prospect of a Labour Party with a truly radical programme replacing the right wing version embodied in, for example, Gordon Brown, with his government's development of hostile environment migration type policies. And were focused by the "dispossessed" in the Party and right wing interests outside the Party on a lifelong, outstanding anti-racist, Jeremy Corbyn. Many Party members, including me, were deeply frustrated not only by the attempted coup, but also by the unscrupulously unjust use made by the hard right Party apparatus, led by the previous General Secretary, to get rid of left wing members on various grounds including antisemitism. At the very time when we see this being put right through the, regrettably, incomplete as yet implementation of the Chakrabarti reforms, we also see the Party being accused of being institutionally antisemitic - on unevidenced grounds. No wonder thousands upon thousands of members deeply resent this and take great exception to careless and ill-considered words being promulgated by Hope not Hate and some in the PLP.

At the very same time there has been and is ongoing a concerted attempt to muddy the essential distinction between antisemitism and criticism of Israel's creation of an apartheid state (I quote the United Nations Human Rights Special Rapporteur), which daily punishes the Palestinian people. This is very well evidenced, yet receives little credence. Whereas the unevidenced sweeping claims against the Labour Party do. Hope not Hate should be active in helping to put right this grievous wrong, in a way which I do not see it as doing.

By the way, you may wish to note the distinction I make between the "apparatus" of the Party, or the "institution" of the Party in your words, and the Party itself. In my experience, members tend now to see the Party as all the members, including affiliated members, and not in the old way as the "top" of the Party in the PLP, NEC, union bosses and the "apparatus". This is a key reason why I and many other members do not see Gordon Brown's words in the way Hope not Hate does.

It is in this context that Hope not Hate acts - and acts without due care in this instance. As a Labour Party member yourself, you will know that one of the greatest allies in the struggle against antisemitism here, in the USA and elsewhere, comes from the left, from people like me. Yet these allies are cast as the villains in this video. Hope not Hate may not have meant it, but absence of intention does not equal lack of effect. This is why I am banging on about this - because Hope not Hate will lose a deal of its natural support for the strong anti-racism contribution it makes, if you do not seriously consider what is being said to you. As a lifelong ant-racist myself, I do not wish to see this happen, as division between anti-racist allies serves the interests of the Stephen Yaxley-Lennon's, Donald Trump's and Benjamin Netanyahu's of this world. Hope not Hate needs to stand outside the stereotyped terms of the current debate and face up to what is actually going on with regard to antisemitism - to better know who its allies and enemies are.  And not to cast aside, the strongly held views of hundreds of thousands of Party members, including old fossils like me. Which is how I see your conclusion to date.

I agree with you that my decision to cancel my subscription was right. Nevertheless, I do it with deep regret at seeing division between natural allies - and the apparent willingness on Hope not Hate's part to draw the line under this debate with me, with the cliche of let's agree to disagree.

Best wishes for the future


Luke Stanger – Why has this racist & misogynist not yet been expelled from the Labour Party?


Calling Gypsies and Travellers a ‘Nasty Blight’, targeting Women and Black women especially for abuse and making false accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ is all in a day’s trolling for Lukey

My initial response to Stanger's racist comments

At the end of last year, one of the nastiest of Labour’s right-wing trolls, Luke Stanger, was suspended by the Labour Party. Even by the standards of Labour’s odious Right Stanger is in a league of his own.
His speciality is in targeting women, Black or ethnic minority women in particular. People such as Labour’s  Black council candidate in the Brighton and Hove Council elections, Alex Braithwaite, or Haringey’s Seema Chandwani. It says a lot about the current state of the Labour Party that the target of Stanger’s abuse, Alex Braithwaite, has herself now been suspended.
Another Stanger tweet attacking the only Black candidate in the local elections in Brighton & Hove
Luke claims Jewish ancestry. It seems every non-Jewish racist in the Labour Party is now searching their family tree for a trace of Jewish blood! In reality Luke is about as Jewish as a ham sandwich.
Stanger has a nasty habit of accusing anti-racists of ‘anti-Semitism’– especially if they are Black or Jewish! As Alexei Sayle, the Jewish comedian, saidThere can be no greater injustice than anti-racists being accused of racism by racists"
To be fair (and I always try to be fair) Stanger is a few sandwiches short of a picnic. He doesn’t seem to understand that non-Jews accusing Black people of racism and Jewish people of ‘anti-Semitism’ is both racist and anti-Semitic. But what can you expect from a White person for whom racism is simply an abusive epithet to hurl at your opponents?
Luke Stanger with Simon Cobbs (right), founder of Sussex Friends of Israel, a supporter of the neo-Nazi Jewish Defence League, Cobbs has demonstrated with the EDL
What makes Stanger’s behaviour so inexcusable is that there has never been the slightest evidence that he (or the rest of the Labour Right), has ever had the slightest interest in combating genuine racism.
Stanger accuses Jewish group the JVL of 'antisemitism' without a trace of irony - I'm also not a member!
You won't see Stanger protesting outside Yarl’s Wood or Campsfield Detention Centres for asylum seekers which New Labour set up and ran. The idea of him or fellow Zionist trolls campaigning around Grenfell Tower or any other form of state racism would be to indulge in a flight of fancy. Only ‘anti-Semitism’ concerns them.  
And not the kind of anti-Semitism that we are seeing amongst Israel’s best friends in Hungary, Polandor amongst Trump’ssupporters.  Stanger’s concern about ‘anti-Semitism’ only arises in the context of criticism of Israel or Zionism. 
Zionist group that supports Tommy Robinson attacks Richard Burgon
Founder and owner of JHRW in a promotional video with Tommy Robinson
Indeed Stanger has taken to retweeting from the far-Right Jewish Human Rights Watch, a group that is neither Jewish nor interested in human rights.  It is led by Manchester solicitor Robert Festenstein, who made a guest appearance in a promotional video with Tommy Robinson.

Given that Joan Ryan's departure broke Stanger's heart, one can only assume he will soon be following her
Stanger learnt the tricks of the trade when he was an intern with crooked MP, Joan Ryan. People may remember Ms Ryan from her starring role in Al Jazeera’s The Lobby when she tried to frame Labour conference delegate Jean Fitzpatrick as an anti-Semite. Unknown to Ryan, the conversation was being taped. The Labour Party had to unsuspend Jean when it became clear that Ryan was a brazen liar.
Joan Ryan has now thankfully departed to the Funny Tinge Group - hopefully Stanger will follow her
Ryan of course was a model of probity. She was forced to repay more than £5,000 in mortgage interest in the parliamentary expenses scandal.  Ryan’s only achievement, apart from being Chair of Labour Friends of Israel, was to claim more expenses than any other MP in 2006-7 having been runner up the previous year. Given the stiff competition this was indeed a remarkable achievement.
It speaks volumes that Stanger praises Lansman's 'thoughtful' speech at the JLM
Stanger is well connected. It’s rumoured that the reason he wasn’t suspended earlier was because of support from Tom Watson.
Despite accusing others of racism, Stanger is quite clearly an accomplished racist in his own right. On August 8th2018, in response to a Daily Mail story‘200 travellers moved from Surrey common invade village SIX MILES away’Stanger tweeted in response:
I am perplexed by how some on the left have any sympathy for such matters. The traveller community are frequently a nasty blight on communities who wreak civil unrest onto areas.’ (my emphasis)
Anyone who doubts the racist nature of this post should substitute ‘Jews’ for ‘travellers’. It met with a strong response from other Twitter users.
Gypsies waiting to be put to death at Auschwitz

Luke’s initial defence was that ‘Highlighting that some in the traveller community cause civil disorder and wreak havoc onto local communities makes me a racist?’ This was disingenuous. Luke didn’t talk about some but all travellers. But even if he had used ‘some’ that would not make the Tweet any less racist. Instead of concentrating on the hounding of travellers and Gypsies from one area to another, the deprivation and attacks they suffer, Luke joined in those attacks portraying Gypsies and Travellers in terms of anti-social behaviour or as the Nazis put it Gemeinschaftsschädlich, damage to the community
Stanger doesn't understand why calling Travellers a 'nasty blight' might be racist - perhaps Nigel Farage's Brexit party would be more understanding?
Another attack on Anne Mitchell. The Mark in question is lawyer Mark Lewis, a Zionist solicitor recently fined £12,000 by the Law Society for wishing an early death on his critics! Lewis is a far-Right Zionist and member of Herut UK, the party of Benjamin Netanyahu. This is who Lukey keeps company with when attacking socialists
For someone who professes to be so aware of ‘anti-Semitism’ that he can attack anti-Zionist Jews as ‘anti-Semites’ Stanger is seemingly unaware of Porajmos, the extermination of the Gypsies by the Nazis. Of course that is not so surprising since the Holocaust and the extermination of European Jewry are treated as being synonymous.
Contrary to Zionist mythology and the propaganda of the Holocaust mongers, the Jews were not the only victims of the Holocaust. The Gypsies were murdered in much the same proportion as the Jews. An estimated half a million died in the camps and Nazi ghettos. There were Gypsies in both Warsaw and Lodz, the two largest ghettos in Nazi occupied Poland. But whereas the Jewish Holocaust has been harnessed to the needs of western imperialism and its support for the Israeli state, the Gypsy Holocaust has been all but forgotten. The same is true of the T4 ‘Euthenasia’ campaign which marked the start of the Holocaust. The murder of up to ¾ million disabled people is barely mentioned.
Pamela Fitzpatrick, a Labour candidate in Harrow, is another woman that Stanger became fixated upon
The Holocaust has been the principal ideological justification for the Israeli state. As Israeli Professor Edith Zertal wrote in The Politics of Nationhood [pp. 4, 91] there hasn’t been a war involving Israel ‘that has not been perceived, defined, and conceptualized in terms of the Holocaust.’ Israel has mobilised the Holocaust ‘in the service of Israeli politics.’ 
Even the definition of anti-Semitism which conflates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism is called the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. Israel receives the largest amount of US aid in the world, all of it military, because Israel is a state which operates as the West’s armed watchdog in the Middle East.
The Gypsies play no such role and are instead the scapegoat of the European Right. Last June the fascist Deputy Prime Minister of Italy, Matteo Salvini promisedto expel thousands of Roma and conduct a census of the remainder in a chilling reminder of what happened under Mussolini.

Stanger is 'sick to my stomach' because Seamus Milne is part of Labour's negotiating team with Theresa May in 'constitutionally historic talks'. Clearly Stanger is in the wrong party and should be helped to migrate.
It is because there is no political utility in opposing racism against Gypsies that the Labour Right, not just Stanger, have demonised them. In his Defenceafter having been suspended Stanger drew attention to the anti-Gypsy racism that is prevalent amongst MPs and Councillors.
John Mann's racist anti-Gypsy booklet
Stanger mentioned John Mann MP in particular. Mann, who famously called Ken Livingstone a ‘Nazi apologist’, issued a pamphlet on Anti-Social Behaviour in which Gypsies were demonised as a social pest and nuisance. 
There is a certain logic in Stanger’s Defence. Why hasn’t Mann been suspended?  However it is no defence against racism to point to the treatment of other racists. It’s like complaining of being prosecuted for speeding and pointing to the fact that other people were also breaking the speed limit.
Romani children who were victims of the medical experiments of Auschwitz Dr Mengele - what Stanger calls a social blight
Stanger has engaged in a non-stop campaign against the Labour Party’s only Black candidate in the local elections in Brighton and Hove, Alex Braithwaite. Why? Because she cast doubt on the existence of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party and suggested it had been a means of attacking Corbyn. That is obviously true. Why else would the Mail and The Sun be so concerned about Labour anti-Semitism? Is it seriously suggested that newspapers who employed Katie migrants are cockroaches’ Hopkins are seriously concerned with anti-Semitism? Why is it anti-Semitic to cast doubt on the motives of those who are weaponising anti-Semitism?
A few of the reactions on Twitter to Stanger's views on Gypsies
Anti-Semitism in the Labour Party was never raised until Corbyn was elected Leader. It was only after the 2017 General Election, when to everyone’s surprise, Corbyn achieved the biggest swing to Labour since 1945, that claims began to be made that Labour was ‘institutionally anti-Semitic’. As Bob Pitt observed:
[Luciana] Berger wasn’t alone in undergoing a dramatic conversion to the view that Labour is afflicted by a plague of antisemitism. Back in 2016 Berger’s fellow Independent Group founder Chuka Umunnasimilarly dismissed suggestions that party was institutionally antisemitic (“I have not seen one incident of antisemitism in almost 20 years of activism within my local Labour Party”), as did Jewish Labour Movement vice-chairs Sarah Sackman and Mike Katz (“neither of us has ever experienced any incidence of anti-Semitism from within the party”), only for all of them to discover just a couple of years later that the Labour Party was riddled with antisemitism from top to bottom.
To people like Stanger and the JLM denying the existence of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is in itself proof that you are anti-Semitic. It is the same logic that prevailed in the Salem Witch Trials. Denial of the existence of witchcraft was proof that you were a witch! This is the medieval standard of justice that Stanger and the Labour Right employ.
Did Yvette Cooper know she was giving a misogynist and racist a photo opp?
What makes it worse is that whilst Stanger has repeatedly harassed Alex Braithwaite for exercising her freedom of speech other Labour council candidates who hold the same opinions and who, like Alex, oppose the IHRA, have not been targeted. Why? The only conclusion is that they are White.
Alex has now, quite shamefully, been suspended and such a decision increases the likelihood of the Tories retaining a marginal seat. It is shameful that Jenny Formby and Jeremy Corbyn have effected a regime that takes its orders from the Tory Press and Guido Fawkes. Helping the Tories retain a seat is what Stanger calls his ‘love’ of the Labour Party. 
Stanger’s Self-Pitying Whines
What is truly pathetic is how Stanger whines and sobs about how terribly he is suffering as a result of his suspension! He is quite happy to harass others who are vulnerable and for his political enemies to be suspended without good cause but when he is suspended he engages in one long self-pitying whine. He pleads in his Defence that::
I also wish to set out my mental health problems as I believe you should take these into account.
As noted above, I suffer from depression, anxiety and ADHD. I don’t wish to invoke my mental health as an emotive matter. Nor do I wish to use it as a prism with which to contextualise any mistakes I have made.
However, the process my suspension has so far entailed has sent me down into a deep depression and seen my motivation affected. Being so abruptly formally suspended from the organisation that makes up such a significant part of my heart and soul was crushing.
Skwawkbox appeared to know more about the reasons for my suspension than I did, shaking my faith in the integrity of the party’s disciplinary process
This special pleading by someone who has done so much to inflict depression and suffering on others is symptomatic of the Labour Rights self-obsession and sense of victim-hood. A lack of empathy and understanding of how others feel is certainly part of Stanger’s condition but this is not so much a mental as a political affliction. Not once, in his incessant abuse of women in particular has he ever thought about the effects of his own actions on others. In his self-indulgent whine, he tweeted that:
‘I am so desperately sad to be informed that my Labour Party membership suspension has been referred onto the NCC... From the outset this process has been marred with an absence of due process... vindictive spirit... the letter of my formal suspension containing only unspecified allegations in mid-October relating to ‘social media conduct’ to the leak to Skawkbox several weeks later who were given prior notice of my charges before I was... the sense of powerlessness felt by the matter’s unreasonable conduct...’
And so it goes on. Whine after whine, bleat after bleat, moan after self-indulgent moan. It’s strange how the Right only talk about due process when they experience their own treatment of others. Civil liberties are only applicable to them. One person, Carl Sargeant, even committed suicide after being suspended but I don't recall Luke Stanger displaying the slightest interest or concern. One might have an ounce of sympathy for this wretch if Stanger hadn’t done his best to inflict as much pain and suffering on his political foes.
I was suspended for two years for comments I was alleged to have made. I wasn’t even told what those comments were still less who had made the complaints. A letter arrived in the post one sunny spring day in 2016 and when I emailed and rang up Labour HQ I was given no information whatsoever. 
The first that I knew of the reasons for my suspension was when my son alerted me to articles in The Telegraph and Times online two weeks later. Powerlessness? Depression? Vindictiveness? Stanger and his cronies gloated at my suspension and that of many others. They called the Chakrabarti Report a ‘whitewash’ because it called for due process and natural justice.
So you might not be surprised that I don’t feel too much sympathy with Stanger’s plaints. As for Stanger’s mental health problems. I do not accept that his vitriolic, racist and misogynist behaviour are a consequence of his mental health. If Stanger suffers from anything it is a political pathology for which there is probably no cure this side of socialism.
Harris Fitch in the middle with two Sussex Friends of Israel members
On 9th July in Brighton after an Annual General Meeting that the Left won by 2-1 (& which was almost immediately set aside because of lies by Councillors Emma Daniels and Warren Morgan) there was an ugly incident in a pub afterwards. Two right-wing Labour thugs, one of whom was Harris Fitch, threatened and abused Seema Chandwani and Michael Calderbank who were told get the fuck out of Brighton now, scum. They had previously addressed a packed to overflowing Momentum rally at the Brighthelm community centre. The person who pointed out Seema and Michael to these thugs was Stanger:
I was in conversation with two individuals at the bar... I pointed out to them that also in the bar was a man called Michael Calderbank who had previously worked for John McDonnell. I suggested he might have been in Brighton to organise for Momentum’s attempt to win the local party AGM. ... At no point did I foresee what occurred next, which was that the two individuals were abusive and threatening towards Mr Calderbank and his partner, Seema Chandwani. The subsequent offensive conduct by the two individuals was entirely unpredictable...’
And if you believe that you really do believe in Father Xmas. Stanger by his own admission, having targeted Seema and Michael did nothing to restrain his associates.
Stanger blamed the objects of his attacks for 'bullying' him
Stanger claims that he harassed Alex Braithwaite and wrote tweets attackingher candidature ‘because I am extremely concerned about incidents involving antisemitism in my local party, which have been common knowledge in recent years.’ Really?  What incidents? There haven’t been any anti-Semitic incidents in Brighton and Hove Labour Party so why should he be concerned about a non-existent threat?

Of course people criticise Israel and Zionism but that is notanti-Semitism unless Stanger believes that Jews and Israel are one and the same thing.  If so then it is he who is being anti-Semitic because he is saying that British Jews bear a responsibility for the actions of Israel.

More Black women that Stanger has fixated upon
What puzzles me is why someone who has been active in the Labour Party since 2010, and who has had noinvolvement in anti-racist or anti-fascist activity, suddenly be so concerned about ‘anti-Semitism’? In April 2012 there was a mass mobilisation of hundreds of people in Brighton and Hove which prevented the English Defence League marching through the city centre. We stopped the fascist march. Stanger played no part in this unlike the people he is now vilifying.
One of many tweets from Stanger attacking anti-racist members of the Labour Party as 'antisemitic'
Another person that he has demonised as an ‘anti-Semite’ is Hove Labour Party Executive Member Anne Mitchell. Active in Palestine solidarity and anti-racist work she too has now been suspended. Anne’s offence according to Stanger? 
‘stating antisemitism is being ‘privileged’ against other forms of racism. I am unable to determine how any racism can be privileged against any other and therefore concluded that she in some way is trivialising antisemitism compared to other forms of racism.
The Labour Opposition under Ed Miliband supportedthe 2014 Immigration Act and Theresa May's 'hostile environment policy' which led to the Windrush deportations of hundreds of Black people. Has Stanger ever raised concerns over genuine issues of racism such as these? Has he or his Labour Right trolls shown any concern over the Grenfell fire which was as much the responsibility of New Labour as the Tories?
Anti-Semitism has been the onlyform of racism that has been raised in the Labour Party by Stanger and his fellows.  What is this if not privileging anti-Semitism? Jews in Britain are not subject to deportation, do not suffer from Stop and Search or Police violence or over representation in the prison estate. Jews in Britain are not economically discriminated against. Those whose only concern is a non-existent 'antisemitism' related of course to Israel are obviously privileging anti-Semitism.
Stanger attacking the Chair of his CLP as well as Anne
According to Stanger ‘Anne Mitchell has also asked JLM to justify reports of IDF violence.’ Apparently this is ‘invoking a traditional antisemitic trope in suggesting British Jews have split national loyaltiesthat involve Israel or are collectively responsible for the actions of a state they are not usually citizens of.’
The hypocrisy is breathtaking. The JLM sponsored the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism which states that ‘Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination (e.g. by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavour)’ is anti-Semitic.
If words mean anything then this means that Israel is, as it claims to be, the nation state of all Jewish people, including British Jews. That is what Israel’s Jewish Nation State Law claims. Zionist mythology holds that Israeli Jews are part of a world wide Jewish nation. If this is so then Jews in Britain are obviously responsible for what Israel does since they are part of one, world-wide Jewish nation. 
But Anne wasn’t even doing that.  She was querying a Zionist organisation, the JLM which is affiliated to the World Zionist Organisation and what its view was on Israeli army violence. The JLM is the British wing of the Israeli Labour Party. The JLM only accepts Zionists, Jewish and non-Jewish, as members. Of course it is perfectly right to challenge it on where it stands on the violence of Israel's military.
So worked up was Stanger that he made a Complaint Against Ann Mitchell.Anne tweeted him: ‘Can we please stop talking as if all Jewish comrades are in agreement and hold similar views, because they do not.’ By conflating the JLM with all Jews it is Stanger who is guilty of the very crime he accuses Anne (& Alex) of.  In her tweet to the JLM she specifically referred to ‘Zionist orgs’.  It is Stanger’s anti-Semitism which translates ‘Zionist’ into ‘Jew’ when as Stanger knows, the worst Zionist racists are, like himself and the neo-Nazi founder of the alt-Right, Richard Spencer, non-Jewish. Spencer even calls himself a White Zionist, an apt description for Stanger.
Further information on Stanger’s sad plight can be obtained from Skwawkbox’s Stanger ‘abusive behaviour’ case referred to Labour’s senior disciplinary committee.
Tony Greenstein

Purim in Hebron - A Celebration of the daily violence and ritual humiliation meted out to the Palestinians


The Legacy of Purim & the Book of Esther Preventing Genocide or Celebrating Genocide?

As Passover begins I thought it would be worth looking back to a previous Jewish festival, Purim. Every picture tells a story and none more so than these pictures of the joy of the settlers as Purim, which was celebrated a month ago, is used as the occasion to glory in the daily humiliation of the Palestinians and as an affirmation of their innate supremacy.
The settlers live literally on top of the Palestinians and thrown their rubbish and detritus on top of them.  Only netting prevents this rubbish landing on the Palestinian homes. They can do this without a second though because the Hebrew Bible tell them this is so, or at least so they claim.
When I was a boy Purim was a happy and joyful occasion, when Queen Esther prevailed on her husband, the Persian King Ahasuerus not to carry out the wishes of his evil Royal Vizier, Haman, which was to destroy the Jews.  Instead he is hanged on the gallows that he had built for Mordechai, Esther’s uncle.
The Book of Esther is  one of the five Megillot or scrolls and is located in the Ketuvim, the third and final section of the Tanakh, the Hebrew Bible. What we were not told was that Esther secured the agreement of the King not only to kill Haman’s 10 sons but 500 other people in Shushan. Not satisfied with this Esther asked the King to grant another day of killing. In all 75,000 were murdered.
Settlers Celebrate
Happily this was just a fairy tale, a myth, without any substantiation (apart from the name of the King who was Xerxes). Even the Jewish Encyclopedia doubts its authenticity.
But to the settlers of Hebron Haman’s followers are visible in the presence of the 200,000 Palestinians in the city. The Jewish religion thus provides a seamless tapestry of support to the most violent and atavistic of settlers.
There is a very good article on Mondweiss We planned the Purim party, then my partner actually read the Book of Esther about the background to the Book of Esther.
A subsequent article by Ahmad Al-Bazz and Anne Paq gives us the background to these pictures in which settlers of Hebron, together with the Israeli army, celebrate the fact that Palestinians are under their heel. The Bible and Colonialism march hand in hand.  Ahmad al-Bazz and Anne Paq write below

Photo Essay: Israeli settlers celebrate Purim in Hebron

Today, around 300 Israeli settlers marched down Shuhada Street towards the Ibrahimi mosque in the H2 area of Hebron to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Purim, under the protection of Israeli soldiers and police. The starting point of the parade had been announced as“Elor Azaria” junction, a reference to the spot where Azaria, an Israeli soldier and medic, had killed an incapacitated Palestinian in March 2016 and was subsequently sentenced by an Israeli court. He was freed from prison only after having served 9 months.
Around 300 Israeli settlers march down Shuhada Street to the Ibrahimi mosque and the Cave of the Patriarchs to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Purim, March 21, 2019. (Photo: Activestills.org)
Purim is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the story in the book of Esther where the Jewish people were saved from a plan to wipe them out during the ancient Persian Empire. The holiday is often celebrated with festive gatherings where people dress in costumes.
An Israeli child dressed with a keffiyeh and fake suicide bomb belt participates in the settler Purim parade in the H2 area of the West Bank city of Hebron, March 21, 2019. (Photo: Activestills.org)
A Israeli woman dressed as an “Arab” wearing a fake baby and a weapon marching in the settler Purim parade in the H2 area of the West Bank city of Hebron, March 21, 2019. (Photo: Activestills.org)
The march was accompanied by loud music and many participants dressed up in costumes, some of them wearing keffiyehs and supposedly Arab clothes with fake suicide bombs, while some Palestinian residents watched from behind their fenced windows and were not allowed to pass. Some participants were also dressed up as members as TIPH, the international human rights observers who were recently expelled from the city by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. The departure of the international observers from Hebron was celebrated by the Israeli settlers, who also routinely harass journalists and international activists who document the human rights abuses that Palestinians face in the area.

Since 1997, Hebron has been divided into H2 and H1. The H2 area in Hebron is under full Israeli control and is inhabited by approximately 35,000 Palestinians and 500 Israeli settlers who are protected by hundreds of Israeli soldiers. Palestinians in the area face daily harrassment by the Israeli settlers and soldiers and impediments to their freedom of movement. Shuhada street, once a bustling street in the city, has become a ghost town, and hundreds of its Palestinians shops have been closed.
Israeli settlers dance on top of Palestinian homes during a Purim parade in the H2 area of the West Bank city of Hebron, March 21, 2019. (Photo: Activestills.org)
The day before the march, it was reported that the Israeli forces raidedthe Haj Ziad Jaber School in Hebron and took away a 10-year-old Palestinian boy. The march also took place as four Palestinians had been killed in the West Bank by Israeli forces in the previous 24 hours.

Two Israeli settlers harass a Palestinian man during a Purim parade in the H2 area of the West Bank city of Hebron, March 21, 2019. (Photo: Activestills.org)
Themain checkpoints leading to the area where the parade was taking place were closed to Palestinians during the event.
During the Purim holiday, Israel has imposed a four-day closure on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, which will end on midnight on Saturday.
Israeli soldiers prevent Palestinians from accessing where the Purim Parade is taking place

An Israeli child is dressed up as a cowboy (ActiveStills.org)

We planned the Purim party, then my partner actually read the Book of Esther…

This Sunday Jews all over the world will celebrate the holiday of Purim, which commemorates the escape of a Jewish community in ancient Persia from a genocide planned for them by an evil official named Haman – the story told in the Old Testament’s Book of Esther.
The book has no particular religious content (it’s the only one in the Old Testament that doesn’t even mention God), and apparently most Bible scholars (even the Jewish Encyclopedia) doubt its historicity – it’s generally considered a “historical novella.” But on the surface it’s an uplifting story, a seemingly innocent expression of ethnic pride and a celebration of courage and resilience in the face of persecution. And the holiday itself, at least as American Jews typically observe it, is a festive, even raucous occasion, featuring foot-stamping, play-acting, noisemakers, and lots of hamantaschen, a special-for-the-day kind of pastry filled with prunes or poppy seeds.
That’s why, a couple of decades back, my partner Jean, who’s half Jewish and half Irish Catholic by background and thoroughly pagan by inclination, decided to add a Purim celebration to a St. Patrick’s Day-spring solstice party she was planning for our then-young daughters; she figured it would be a fun way to give them a taste of their Jewish heritage. Then she dug out a Bible and actually read the Book of Esther….
For those who’ve never read the book or don’t recall it, the heroine is a young woman who was raised by her cousin, Mordecai, in the Persian city of Shusan, then the capital of a large multiethnic empire, supposedly extending from India to Ethiopia. The king, Ahasuerus, ditches his queen, Vashti, because she refuses his command to “show the peoples and the officials her beauty” at a drunken banquet. (His aides argue that he has to get rid of her or else “this deed of the queen will be made known to all women, causing them to look with contempt on their husbands.” Lest anyone miss the point, the king follows up with letters “to all the royal provinces, to every province in its own script and to every people in its own language, declaring that every man should be master in his own house.” In 1877 Harriet Beecher Stowe called Vashti’s disobedience the “first stand for woman’s rights.”)
An Israeli settler dressed as a member of the international human rights observer group TIPH that was recently barred from the city of Hebron participates in a Purim parade in the H2 area on March 21, 2019. (Photo: Activestills.org)
In search of a new queen, officials gather beautiful young virgins from throughout the kingdom. Esther is among the chosen. On Mordecai’s advice, she doesn’t disclose her ethnicity. After the women complete a year-long course of cosmetic treatments under the supervision of a royal eunuch, Ahasuerus tries them out, one by one, in bed, and ends up choosing Esther to be his queen.
Shortly after she was crowned, Ahasuerus appoints an official named Haman his prime minister and orders that everyone bow down before him. Mordecai, hanging around the gate of the palace, refuses to do so. Haman is infuriated, and upon learning that Mordecai is a Jew (but apparently ignorant of his connection to the new queen), he decides to retaliate by convincing the king that his Jewish subjects are disloyal and all of them must be killed.
The king dutifully issues a decree to that effect, but before it is carried out, Mordecai persuades Esther to approach the king – a dangerous move, even for the queen – disclose her background, and plead for mercy for herself and her community. Ahasuerus sides with his queen, orders Haman hanged, and appoints Mordecai to replace him. The Jews are spared, and there’s great rejoicing among them. Ever since, Jews have commemorated their deliverance and celebrated the heroism of Esther and Mordecai.
That’s the Purim story as I learned it in my Conservative Sunday school back in the 1950s (except that I don’t suppose anyone highlighted the patriarchal message associated with Vashti’s fate). But when Jean read the biblical text, we discovered that the story didn’t end just with rejoicing. Although Esther had actually asked Ahasuerus simply to issue an order revoking Haman’s genocidal decree, the king, according to the Bible, didn’t actually do so. Instead, he told his queen and her uncle to “write as you please about the Jews, in the name of the king.” The order they composed didn’t merely call off the planned genocide – it turned the tables, authorizing the Jews “to destroy, to kill, and to annihilate any armed force of any people or province that might attack them” and to plunder their property, all on the very day Haman had designated for the attack.
In the event, the Jews didn’t bother to loot anything, the Bible tells us, but they killed Haman’s 10 sons and 500 other people in Shusan alone. At the end of the day, when all this was reported to Ahasuerus, he asked Esther if she had any further favors to request. In response, she asked not only to have the corpses of Haman’s 10 sons hanged from the gallows, but also for the royal go-ahead for another day of killing. The king granted her wish, the sons’ bodies were strung up, and another 300 people were killed in Shusan. Around the empire, the Jews did in a total of 75,000 of their “enemies”!
In short, the Jews faced real danger, but they managed to survive, and then they lashed out in an orgy of vengeful violence at people they considered enemies, even though, on the evidence, the victims had nothing to do with the original threat. Sound familiar?
Among American Jews, at least among the liberal majority, the bloody denouement of the Purim story is rarely mentioned, but I’m told it’s well known in Israel. In any case, the story – along with other gruesome tales of religiously sanctified tribal violence in Joshua and other books of the Bible – has surely played some role, direct or indirect, in shaping Jewish culture and psychology in both countries. In a book called Reckless Rites: Purim and the Legacy of Jewish Violence, historian Elliott Horowitz uncovers a long history, going back at least to the early Middle Ages, of Jewish attacks on their gentile neighbors during Purim (as well as gentile violence against Jews, especially, as is often the case, when Purim coincided with the Christian Holy Week). In the West Bank, especially in Hebron, settlers regularly celebrate the holiday with pogroms against the Palestinians. In 1994, it was on Purim that Brooklyn-born Baruch Goldstein opened fire in the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron, killing 29 Muslim worshipers and wounding 125.
And, of course, it’s not just Purim – Deir Yassin, Tantura, Qibya, Sabra and Shatila, Operation Cast Lead, and so many more massacres took place on different dates, but the same murderous mindset underlies them all.
Progressive Jews often claim that Zionism, or at least its cruder and more violent expressions, contradict the real essence of Judaism, which they believe lies in the prophets’ cries for justice or in the modern tradition of social activism among some Jews. But Purim is a good occasion to remind ourselves that there’s another, darker side – a history of tribalistic violence – that’s at least as deeply rooted in our traditions.
As for that children’s party, Jean did bake hamantaschen, along with Irish soda bread and half-moon cookies to represent the solstice. But we decided to skip the retelling of the Purim story.

Easter Celebrations in Poland - Netanyahu’s favourite country - Burning a Jew for Jesus


Despite an Election Spat Netanyahu Agreed to a Holocaust Law Making Accusations of Polish Complicity in the Holocaust a civil offence

What better way to celebrate Good Friday residents of the small Polish town of Pruchnik thought, than to punish the killers of Christ. Unfortunately Jews are rather scarce in Poland today, owing to the fact that 90% of them were burnt in the Holocaust and most of those who remained after the war fled after pogroms at places like Kielce. So unfortunately they had to settle for second best, burning an effigy of Judas, dressed up as a Hasidic Jew. 
To be fair to the Pruchniks, in times gone by it wouldn’t have been an effigy but a real live Jew as Easter time was the occasion for pogroms in places like Kishinev. [See The pogrom that transformed 20th century Jewry]
All of this is no surprise because Poland is ruled by the far-Right Law and Justice party (PiS) whose government is populated with anti-Semites. Our Conservative Party is in alliance with the L&J Party and the Jewish Chronicle's Editor Stephen Pollard defended its MEP, Michal Kaminski as 'one of the greatest friends to the Jews in a town where antisemitism and a visceral loathing of Israel are rife.'because support for Israel in Pollard's view washes out antisemitism.

Poland’s Defence Minister Antoni Macierewicz toldthe anti-Semitic Catholic station Radio Marya that whilst he acknowledged that there was a debate about the authenticity of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a Czarist forgery which alleges a Jewish conspiracy to rule the world (actually this debate was settled by The Times in a series of articles in August 1921) “Experience shows that there are such groups in Jewish circles.”
One should add that it’s not only in Poland that a belief in world Jewish conspiracies is alive and well. Israel’s best friend, Donald Trump explainedon Oct. 13 2016 during his election campaign that Hillary Clinton, “meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers.” Which probably explainswhy the one country in the world where Trump is more popular than unpopular is the State of Israel.
A commemoration of the massacre of Jews at Jedwabne in July 1941 which Polish government ministers deny occurred
PiS’s leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski once said Muslim refugees carried “various parasites and protozoa” and the government’s education minister Anna Zalewska discounted two well-documented massacres of Jews, including Jedwabne, by calling it a matter of “opinion”. Jedwabne, a village in Eastern Poland was where up to 1600 Jews were burnt alive after being herded into a barn by fellow Polish villagers. See Jedwabne – The Polish Village Where Up to 900 Jews Were Burnt Alive by Fellow Poles.
Because there aren’t that many Jews now in Poland a right-wing publication Tylko Polska, or Only Poland published an article on How to Spot a Jew’ which helpfully included “names, anthropological features, expressions, appearances, character traits, methods of operation.’ To be fair the publication has now been removed from the package of papers sent to law makers. Quite why it was ever part of that package is another matter.
You can understand Netanyahu’s dilemma though. As Slavoj Zizekobservedin The Independent Poland is Israel's most loyal EU ally despite its ongoing problems with antisemitism.’ In February 2018 Poland’s Senate approved a Holocaust lawthat made reference to Polish death camps a criminal offenceand the legislation criminalised any mention of Poles “being responsible or complicit in the Nazi crimes committed by the Third German Reich.”.
The bill called for up to three years in prison. “We have to send a clear signal to the world that we won’t allow for Poland to continue being insulted,” Patryk Jaki, a deputy justice minister, told reporters in parliament.
As you can imagine this caused Netanyahu immense difficulties as the anti-Semitic governments of Eastern Europe just happen to be Israel’s best friends, as is normally the case with anti-Semites.

Poland's anti-Semitic Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki with a racist friend

Netanyahu therefore cooked up a deal with the Polish government that removed prison sentences for mentioning Polish complicity in the Holocaust whilst at the same time invitingto Israel the anti-Semitic far-Right Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban.
This is the same Orban who waged an anti-Semitic campaign against George Soros and who has praisedHungary’s pro-Nazi ruler, Admiral Horthy as an ‘exceptional statesman’.  Given that Horthy presided over the unprecedented rapid deportation of nearly ½ million Jews to Auschwitz between May 15th and July 7th1944 he probably was exceptional. 
There has been a resurgence of far-right sentiment in Poland. A Polish government pollster found in a survey that more than one in three polled said they supported far-right activities. That same month, far-right nationalists marched in Warsaw, brandishing slogans and signs that said “Clean Blood,” “White Europe, and “Europe Will Be White.” Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski said the march was fueled by “patriotic behavior of Poles” and displays of xenophobia were “incidents” that were “of course, reprehensible.” See Poland Just Passed a Holocaust Bill That Is Causing Outrage. Here's What You Need to Know
Professor Yehuda Bauer, a Zionist Holocaust historian, calledNetanyahu's move to accept Poland’s amended Holocaust law "a betrayal". Bauer was reportedas saying that Israel gave its “seal of approval” to the Polish government’s narrative and accused the Israeli government of sacrificing truth and justice “for its current economic, security and political interests.
Bauer argued that even after the annulment of the Polish penal code clause which makes it illegal to ascribe to the Polish people responsibility for the Holocaust, the Polish government will use the Polish civil code to prosecute Polish researchers who criticize the government's lie. Bauer summarized:
"The Poles have deceived us, they have played a trick on us and we went along, because for the State of Israel the political-economic-military relations with Poland are more important than such a small thing, the Holocaust".
However we can rest assured that even if Israel will turn a blind eye to the latest outrage in Poland it will be assiduous in combating ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party!
Tony Greenstein
Times of Israel
By Michael Bachner Today, 12:36 pm 8

A resident of the small town of Pruchnik in southeast Poland beats up an effigy of Judah Iscariot featuring a long nose and ultra-Orthodox sidecurls and brimmed hat, on April 19, 2019. (Screenshot: Twitter)

Beating the Jew in Poland - it's almost as popular as beating Palestinians in Israel

Residents of a small town in Poland on Friday marked Good Friday by making a large doll of Judas Iscariot featuring classic anti-Semitic tropes, beating it up, hanging it from a tree and then burning it.

The ritual is meant to symbolize a public trial for Judas, who according to Christian tradition betrayed Jesus and turned him in to the Romans, leading to his crucifixion. Good Friday marks the day when Jesus is believed to have been crucified.

The ceremony featured several anti-Semitic elements in the small town of Pruchnik in southeastern Poland, Israel’s Kan public broadcaster reported on Sunday.

The effigy was given a brimmed hat and sidelocks, making it resemble an ultra-Orthodox Jew, along with a long nose, a trope used by Nazi Germany and by anti-Semites worldwide to demonize and dehumanize Jews.

The words “Judas” and “traitor” were written on the doll’s chest.

The doll was featured in the town’s central square in the morning, with its “trial” beginning in the late afternoon.

The residents symbolically sentenced Judas to death, hanged the doll from a tall tree, and then dragged it through the streets with the public — including many children — beating it up with sticks.

The ceremony ended with the effigy being burned.

The ceremony has ancient roots, according to the report, and in some cases the doll was also marked as Jewish using a Star of David on its arm.

Senior Israeli opposition figure Yair Lapid, No. 2 on the centrist Blue and White party, responded to the report by saying that “hatred of Jews is continuing to poison the air.
“The Poles need to fight anti-Semitism, not pass laws denying their part in the Holocaust,” Lapid continued. “The Netanyahu government should stop stuttering and unequivocally condemn [it].”

Poland, which was home to Europe’s largest Jewish community before the occupation by Nazi Germany (1939-1945), has seen a rise in anti-Semitic incidents in recent years.
Israel and Poland have recently seen diplomatic tensions over a controversial law that forbids blaming the Polish nation for Nazi crimes. That crisis was triggered anew in February after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during a visit to the country that some Poles collaborated with the Germans during the Holocaust.

He said speaking about the complicity of individuals was permissible despite the law. But his comment, which was misrepresented in some media to include all Poles, triggered a diplomatic spat. It escalated when Israel’s acting foreign minister, Israel Katz, later said that Poles take in “anti-Semitism with their mothers’ milk.”

The Liberal Establishment’s war on Assange – first they used him, then they betrayed him, now they want to fit him up for rape


How the Guardian’s deferential mediocrities behaved like a pack of wolves in defence of the special relationship & the British state

On 11th April Police entered the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and dragged out Julian Assange, the Editor of Wikileaks, who had been sheltering there for 7 years under fear of extradition to the USA.
The reaction in Britain’s yellow press was entirely predictable. He was denounced as a coward, a traitor and liar by a press not known for its courage or willingness to challenge the centres of power.
Former Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino describedthe behaviour of Ecuador’s Prime Minister, Lenin Moreno as havingallowed Ecuador to be seen as a ‘vassal’ of the United States.
This is an insult to the dignity of our country, it is lawlessness – to allow the British police to enter our embassy and pull out the person we gave asylum to. And according to our constitution and international agreements it is forbidden to extradite him, this is called the principle of non-refoulement
Riots in Ecuador after Assange's arrest belie Sopel's assumptions that Moreno speaks for his country
John Sopel, conducted a fawning and sycophantic interview with Moreno, even by the BBC’s standards, as to his reasons for inviting the Police into the Embassy. Sopel didn’t even mention that as an Ecuadorian citizen, the decision was illegal under Ecuadorian law. Not once was Moreno challenged to produce evidence concerning his allegations even though Assange was being monitored by video.
Jon Sopel's fawning interview on BBC was a disgrace journalism
Sopel’s interview was more an invitation to set out unchallenged Moreno’s case, with a view to destroying Assange’s case against extradition through an attack on his reputation, thus shoring up the official picture of a discreditable Assange. Given that Assange could not respond, since he is currently incarcerated in Belmarsh, the failure to interview his lawyers demonstrates that once again the BBC’s role is one of fawning deference to the State.
James Ball urges Assange to hand himself over for extradition out of spite and pique
According to Global Research’s Stephen Lendman Moreno, unlike his predecessor Rafael Correa, is a CIA asset. Whereas Correa ordered a US airbase quit Ecuador, Moreno has invited them back in.  Whereas Correa opposed privatisation Moreno has welcomed it. Moreno has instituted a programme of neo-liberal austerity and IMF bondage. It is little wonder that he is a heroto the BBC and the United States.
But if the BBC’s role as the Foreign Office’s propaganda arm is not unexpected then the same cannot be said of The Guardian. The Guardian’s betrayal of Assange and the vituperative comments of its gaggle of talentless columnists is shocking even by recent standards.
Amazingly this flatulent 'journalist' complained of abuse!! and the Guardian calls this journalism
Suzanne Moore, the Guardian’s viperous ‘feminist’ contribution to the debate was a tweet:

'I bet Assange is stuffing himself full of flattened guinea pigs. He really is the most massive turd.'

I confess I don’t know what a ‘flattened guinea pig’ is unless it is a creature unfortunate enough to have had Moore sit on it. Moore graduated from the Marxism Todayto theDaily Mailbefore ending up at the The Guardian. Somewhat more incisive was Germaine Greer’s observation that Moore possessed “hair bird's-nested all over the place, fuck-me shoes and three fat inches of cleavage.’
The obvious question when I see Marina Hyde's output is 'what is she for'? Bad in-jokes, childish puns, school girl triviality and an inability to say anything worthwhile 
The depths of Moore’s journalistic viciousness, because really she is a paid press thug is captured by Media Lens. In December 2010, Moore wrote that
'it's difficult to get a clear picture of the complaints by two women he had sex with in Sweden in August... The sex appears to have been consensual, though his refusal to use condoms was not’.
By June 2012 She tweeted: ‘'Seems like Assange's supporters did not expect him to skip bail? Really? Who has this guy not let down?' and then added her puerile ‘turd’ comment which seems to have been a case of self-projection.
In 2011 Moore commenting on Assange supporters gathered outside the courts dressed in orange Guantanamo Bay jumpsuits. ‘Does anyone seriously believe this is what will happen to Assange?' As Media Lens observed:
The fact that Assange has now been arrested at the request of the US seeking his extradition over allegations that he conspired with Chelsea Manning, means that Assange’s claimed motive for seeking political asylum now appears very credible indeed – he was right about US intentions.

Yet there has not been so much as a single word of contrition from Moore and her fellow gutter ‘journalists’.
A more suitable title would be 'Why I betrayed Assange for  the Guardian's 30 pieces of silver'
Another even more cowardly hack is James Ball. In an article for the Sunday Times on April 14th Ball claimed that Assange was:
' the architect of his own downfall. Bullish and grandiose yet plagued by paranoia, the WikiLeaks boss is his own worst enemy.'

I have yet to see a mea culpa over this prediction gone wrong from a 'journalist' with a bad conscience
Ball worked for WikiLeaks in 2010 and 2011. His departure was acrimonious. He has since acted as the Guardian’s chief attack dog. A piece in January 2018 'The only barrier to Julian Assange leaving Ecuador's embassy is pride'.had as its subheading 'The WikiLeaks founder is unlikely to face prosecution in the US'. Ball wrote:
There is no public criminal case against Assange or WikiLeaks in the US, though Assange frequently says there is evidence of sealed indictments against him and his associates, and there have been publicly disclosed surveillance warrants against WikiLeaks staff, as well as FBI interest in Assange and his current and former co-workers(including me, as I worked with WikiLeaks for a few months in 2010 and 2011). There is no real reason to believe anything has changed with Assange’s situation in the US….

Assange should not face prosecution in the US in connection with WikiLeaks publishing activities – it would go against constitutional principles of free expression, and damage the media’s ability to hold power to account

I look forward to Ball recanting. Ball was not the only ‘journalist’ to defend the secret state rather than basic journalistic principles.
The ability to nothing worthwhile has been a hallmark of Aaronovitch's time as a journalist
David Aaronovitch, who once promised to eat his hat if WMD weren’t discovered in Iraq, tweeted 'I see Tolstoy has just been arrested in central London.' Which didn’t stop this idiot complaining apropos Sir John Chilcott that it’s easy to be wise after the event.  No David 2 million people who demonstrated in London against the Iraq War refused to believe the US propaganda that took you for a fool.
Jessica Elgot, the Guardian’s Zionist political editor and a free transfer from the Jewish Chronicle joined in:
'Apparently Julian Assange's internet access has been cut off since March so he probably thinks we've left the EU'
ITV’s Robert Peston retweeted an image of Christ with his hand raised in blessing paired with a photograph of Assange making a 'victory sign' from inside a prison van. As Media Lens commented:
‘Like so much 'mainstream' humour, the tweet was embarrassingly unfunny, strangely callous.’
Ash Sarkar of the 'alternative'Novara Media, who has had numerous opinion pieces published in the Guardian and who is a guest on various flagship BBC programmes tweeted:
'Just sayin' it's possible to think that Julian Assange is a definite creep, a probable rapist, a conspiracist whackjob *and* that his arrest has incredibly worrying implications for the treatment of those who blow the whistle on gross abuses of state power.'
Sarkar wrote that Assange’s arrest ‘came *after* the investigations into rape and the Swedish arrest warrant were dropped.’ responding 'That doesn't mean he's innocent of those charges.' Using the same ‘logic’ anyone who is not prosecuted for a crime is still to be considered potentially guilty. In other words we are all suspects.
In fact Assange has never been charged but Sarkar's damning comments on a whistleblower facing the wrath of the US state plays extremely well with 'mainstream' gatekeepers selecting BBC guests and Guardian contributors. Sarkar deleted the tweet smearing Assange, not because she regretted her appalling comments, but because 'ugly stuff defending sexual assault itself has been turning up in my work inbox' from 'men'. On April 11, Media Lens tweeted:
'"Whatever you think of [Assange]..." means, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of *them*. I'm not rejecting the respectable, mainstream narrative."'
One day later Owen Jones, Labour’s soft Zionist witchhunter wrote in the Guardian 'Whatever you think of Julian Assange, his extradition to the US must be opposed'
The Guardian's George Monbiot tweeted: ‘'Whether or not you like Assange's politics (I don't), or his character (ditto)...'Media Lens responded'George, how much time have you spent with Assange and his unpleasant character?' There was no reply! Almost alone the Guardian's Ewen MacAskill commented:‏
'US did not waste any time putting in extradition request for Assange. Terrible precedent if journalist/publisher ends up in US jail for Iraq war logs and state department cables.'
At least the Wall Street Journal has the merit of honesty
Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal at least had the virtue of honesty, unlike the fake humour merchants of the Guardian, BBC and ITV:
It is one of life's mystery why even the Guardian employs someone who not only has nothing to say but who can't even work out how to say it
'Julian Assange has done much harm to American interests over the last decade, and on Thursday the WikiLeaks founder moved a large step closer to accountability in a U.S. court.'

Exposing just a glimpse of the US killing machine in Iraq means that Assange is one step nearer to being ‘accountable’ to these mass murderers. Somehow I don’t think such a ‘principle’ was part of the juridicial principles laid down at Nuremburg post-war.
Prostitute politicians and their tame press use 'feminist' arguments in support of imperialism's revenge on Assange
That is what the prostitute journalists of the Guardian and political prostitutes such as Jess Phillips and Stephen Kinnock desire.
As Glenn Greenwald commented:

'If you're cheering Assange's arrest based on a US extradition request, your allies in your celebration are the most extremist elements of the Trump administration, whose primary and explicit goal is to … punish WL for exposing war crimes.'
If the smears about Assange are fake, what is driving them? A clue is provided in a tweet by Glenn Greenwald:
'The only 2 times I can remember establishment liberals like @HillaryClinton... uniting with and cheering Trump Admin is when (a) he bombed Syria and (b) they indicted Assange... That says a lot about their values.'

It is these same 'values' which are driving the attempts to destroy Corbyn.
John Pilger described James Ball as a 'despicable journalist'; a 'collaborator'with those in power who have been attacking WikiLeaks and Assange. Ball has repeatedly stated that he opposes Assange's extradition to the US. But for years he depicted him extremely unfavourably, and continues to disparage Assange as 'a dangerous and duplicitous asshole'after his arrest. You might want to ask him whether he still stands by this poison.
This was a massive story but the Guardian has refused to give its source even the most elementary solidarity
The Guardian’s treachery is inexcusable given that Assange supplied them with scoops. It demonstrates the difference between a campaigning radical journalism based on integrity, principles and a code of ethics and the faux radicalism of a ‘liberal’ establishment rag, eager to demonstrate its loyalty to the British state. In The Guardian's war on AssangePilger wrote about how
The obvious question, unwelcome to whom and why, is of course not answered by this trio of trivials assuaging their bad consciences
Luke Harding wrote a book on the basis of Wikileaks revelations - Assange's reward was being called a useful idiot - which in a sense he was
The Guardian has exploited the work of Assange and WikiLeaks in what its previous editor called "the greatest scoop of the last 30 years". The paper creamed off WikiLeaks' revelations and claimed the accolades and riches that came with them.
With not a penny going to Julian Assange or to WikiLeaks, a hyped Guardian book led to a lucrative Hollywood movie. The book's authors, Luke Harding and David Leigh, turned on their source, abused him and disclosed the secret password Assange had given the paper in confidence, which was designed to protect a digital file containing leaked US embassy cables.
The Guardian's Fake News Story neither Retracted or Defended
On 27th November 2018, the Guardian published "Manafort held secret talks with Assange in Ecuadorian embassy"by Luke Harding. Paul Manafort was Trump’s Campaign Manager who has since been gaoled. This story was clearly designed to discredit Assange yet it is entirely false. Fake news. The Guardian has provided no evidencefor it, yet it has refused to retract it. In an interviewwith the Observer, Glenn Greenwald, who used to work for the Guardian, said
Paul Manafort

The Guardian’s happy to be used ...if you publish something like a totally fake story, there are so many benefits to it and almost no consequences. ...If you look at Luke Harding’s traffic metrics, they went through the roof. That’s an incentive scheme to continue to do shitty journalism.
In alert on the Assange arrest, Media Lens wrote:
No shred of evidence has ever been produced for this claim, which WikiLeaks and Manafort have both vehemently denied, and the story has been widely regarded as fake from virtually the hour of its publication. Luke Harding, the lead journalist on the story, and his editors Paul Johnson and Katharine Viner, have never apologised or retracted the story; nor have they responded to the many challenges about it.
Below are just a few of the Guardian headlines that the excellent 5 filters websitehas compiled. There is also an excellent summary of the Guardian’s farrago of nonsense in Assange Arrest - Part 1: 'So Now He's Our Property'. As 5 Filters says, ‘If you haven't already, it really is time to Dump the Guardian and support independent media instead.’ And I would say that if you are one of the million people reputed to be giving money to the Guardian to keep it from installing a pay wall, please give to more worthy causes. The Guardian is just a more sophisticated version of The Times.
Twitter reactions to the Guardian's campaign against Assange include:

Media Lens, media analysts (@medialens)

It's time we stopped being fooled. The state-corporate interests trying to destroy Assange are the same interests trying to destroy Corbyn. They aren't motivated by concern for women's rights, or anti-semitism, any more than they were by Iraqi or Syrian WMD, or Libyan massacres.
Mark Curtis, British historian (@markcurtis30)
Guardian is running a smear campaign against J.Assange, falsely linking him/Wikileaks to the Kremlin. This article by @undercoverinfo1 precisely documents it. Don’t fall for it: Guardian is playing a particular role in service of the state. Guilty by innuendo: the Guardian campaign against Julian Assange that breaks all the rules

Matt Kennard, journalist (@KennardMatt)
The treatment of Julian Assange by the Guardian has been so disgusting its beyond words. He took all the risk. Will probably never experience freedom again. And they just collected their awards and turned the newspaper into one big attack sheet. No campaign to free him. Nothing.

New Labour’s Attack on Assange
Whereas Jeremy Corbyn and Dianne Abbot have taken a principled stance in opposition to the extradition of Assange, the same cannot be said of the claque of New Labour surrounding them.
'feminist' arguments are used to justify war and attack those opposed to war - they are the equivalent of suffragettes who gave out white feathers to men who wouldn't serve in WWI
Labour’s racist ‘feminists’, Stella Creasy and Jess Phillips have sponsored a letter from more than 70 Labour parliamentarians calling for Assange to be extradited to Sweden on rape allegations. This is an attempt to muddy the waters. Sweden has withdraw all such charges.
In the second place it is certain as certain can be, as former Ambassador Craig Murray wrote, that the original allegations were entirely spurious and that Assange is innocent of the charge of rape

The Guardian's pathetic argument for Assange to give up assumes that Wikileaks exposure of US wars crimes was to do with 'the rule of law'- where is the court that is willing to prosecute George W Bush and Tony Blair? 
Instead of taking a principle position that you don’t deport journalists into the hands of the US ‘Justice’ system, Kinnock, Creasy and Phillips, prefer to let Sweden do their dirty work. Their behaviour is shameful and despicable.
What Labour’s Right will not do is take a principled stance against US Foreign Policy as Assange and Chelsea Manning have done. Manning is currently imprisonedin the US for refusing to testify to a secret grand jury. Let it not be forgotten that it was as a result of Wiki leaks that we came to learn of the horrific attack on civilians by a US helicopter that led to 18 people being murdered, including two Reuters journalists. Even the death of journalists at the hands of the US war machine makes no impression on servile creatures like Kinnock and Creasy. When they say We do not presume guilt, of course’then that is precisely what they are doing except they don’t have the guts to admit that their real motives are to deliver Assange into the hands of the United States ‘Justice’ system.

Perhaps the last words should be left to the Guardian/Observer’s Nostradamus Nick Cohen.  The man who predictedbefore the last election that the Tories would
‘tear them [Corbyn’s Labour] to pieces.... Will there be 150, 125, 100 Labour MPs by the end of the flaying? My advice is to think of a number then halve it.
Presumably Nick Cohen is one of these 'real seekers of truth' about the Iraq War which he supported? As Private Eye used to say 'pass the sick bag Alice'
Cohen displays the same perspicacity in Definition of paranoia: supporters of Julian Assange where he informs us that:
Greenwald and the rest of Assange's supporters do not tell us how the Americans could prosecute the incontinent leaker.... the First Amendment to the US constitution is the finest defence of freedom of speech yet written. The American Civil Liberties Union thinks it would be unconstitutional for a judge to punish Assange.

The authorities can threaten the wretched Bradley Manning and hold him in solitary confinement because he was a serving soldier when he passed information to Assange. But WikiLeaks was in effect a newspaper. From the 1970s, when the New York Times printed the Pentagon Papers, to today's accounts of secret prisons and the bugging of US citizens, the American courts "have made clear that the First Amendment protects independent third parties who publish classified information".... But why would they bother to imprison him when he is making such a good job of discrediting himself?
Presumably support every war going and demonising Muslims ala Trump are the stuff of modern liberalism

This is what the Guardian today calls journalism.  Nick Cohen, a former socialist, is now a monotonous Islamaphobe and a cheer leader for any war that is on offer.
We should also not forget that Wikileaks have provided important information on the US-Israeli relationship, which would have remain hidden under a cloak of secrecy but for Assange and Chelsea Manning’s bravery. This alone is a rebuttal to the fawning obeisance and sycophancy of the Suzanne Moores, Nick Cohens and James Balls, Kinnocks, Philips and Sarkars to the powers that be.
Tony Greenstein
Just as US feminists urged support for the Afghan war so today's New Labour luvvies insist that Trump's desire to extradite Assange is really about rape
Craig Murray

I am slightly updating and reposting this from 2012 because the mainstream media have ensured very few people know the detail of the “case” against Julian Assange in Sweden. The UN Working Group ruled that Assange ought never to have been arrested in the UK in the first place because there is no case, and no genuine investigation. Read this and you will know why.
The other thing not widely understood is there is NO JURY in a rape trial in Sweden and it is a SECRET TRIAL. All of the evidence, all of the witnesses, are heard in secret. No public, no jury, no media. The only public part is the charging and the verdict. There is a judge and two advisers directly appointed by political parties. So you never would get to understand how plainly the case is a stitch-up. Unless you read this.
There are so many inconsistencies in Anna Ardin’s accusation of sexual assault against Julian Assange. But the key question which leaps out at me – and which strangely I have not seen asked anywhere else – is this:
Why did Anna Ardin not warn Sofia Wilen?
On 16 August, Julian Assange had sex with Sofia Wilen. Sofia had become known in the Swedish group around Assange for the shocking pink cashmere sweater she had worn in the front row of Assange’s press conference. Anna Ardin knew Assange was planning to have sex with Sofia Wilen. On 17 August, Ardin texted a friend who was looking for Assange:
“He’s not here. He’s planned to have sex with the cashmere girl every evening, but not made it. Maybe he finally found time yesterday?”
Yet Ardin later testified that just three days earlier, on 13 August, she had been sexually assaulted by Assange; an assault so serious she was willing to try (with great success) to ruin Julian Assange’s entire life. She was also to state that this assault involved enforced unprotected sex and she was concerned about HIV.
If Ardin really believed that on 13 August Assange had forced unprotected sex on her and this could have transmitted HIV, why did she make no attempt to warn Sofia Wilen that Wilen was in danger of her life? And why was Ardin discussing with Assange his desire for sex with Wilen, and texting about it to friends, with no evident disapproval or discouragement?
Ardin had Wilen’s contact details and indeed had organised her registration for the press conference. She could have warned her. But she didn’t.
Let us fit that into a very brief survey of the whole Ardin/Assange relationship. .
11 August: Assange arrives in Stockholm for a press conference organised by a branch of the Social Democratic Party.
Anna Ardin has offered her one bed flat for him to stay in as she will be away.
13 August: Ardin comes back early. She has dinner with Assange and they have consensual sex, on the first day of meeting. Ardin subsequently alleges this turned into assault by surreptitious mutilation of the condom.
14 August: Anna volunteers to act as Julian’s press secretary. She sits next to him on the dais at his press conference. Assange meets Sofia Wilen there.
‘Julian wants to go to a crayfish party, anyone have a couple of available seats tonight or tomorrow? #fb’
This attempt to find a crayfish party fails, so Ardin organises one herself for him, in a garden outside her flat. Anna and Julian seem good together. One guest hears Anna rib Assange that she thought “you had dumped me” when he got up from bed early that morning. Another offers to Anna that Julian can leave her flat and come stay with them. She replies:
“He can stay with me.”
15 August Still at the crayfish party with Julian, Anna tweets:
‘Sitting outdoors at 02:00 and hardly freezing with the world’s coolest smartest people, it’s amazing! #fb’
Julian and Anna, according to both their police testimonies, sleep again in the same single bed, and continue to do so for the next few days. Assange tells police they continue to have sex; Anna tells police they do not. That evening, Anna and Julian go together to, and leave together from, a dinner with the leadership of the Pirate Party. They again sleep in the same bed.
16 August: Julian goes to have sex with Sofia Wilen: Ardin does not warn her of potential sexual assault.
Another friend offers Anna to take over housing Julian. Anna again refuses.
20 August: After Sofia Wilen contacts her to say she is worried about STD’s including HIV after unprotected sex with Julian, Anna takes her to see Anna’s friend, fellow Social Democrat member, former colleague on the same ballot in a council election, and campaigning feminist police officer, Irmeli Krans. Ardin tells Wilen the police can compel Assange to take an HIV test. Ardin sits in throughout Wilen’s unrecorded – in breach of procedure – police interview. Krans prepares a statement accusing Assange of rape. Wilen refuses to sign it.
21 August Having heard Wilen’s interview and Krans’ statement from it,Ardin makes her own police statement alleging Assange has surreptiously had unprotected sex with her eight days previously.
Some days later: Ardin produces a broken condom to the police as evidence; but a forensic examination finds no traces of Assange’s – or anyone else’s – DNA on it, and indeed it is apparently unused.
No witness has come forward to say that Ardin complained of sexual assault by Assange before Wilen’s Ardin-arranged interview with Krans – and Wilen came forward not to complain of an assault, but enquire about STDs. Wilen refused to sign the statement alleging rape, which was drawn up by Ardin’s friend Krans in Ardin’s presence.
It is therefore plain that one of two things happened:
Ardin was sexually assaulted with unprotected sex, but failed to warn Wilen when she knew Assange was going to see her in hope of sex.
Ardin also continued to host Assange, help him, appear in public and private with him, act as his press secretary, and sleep in the same bed with him, refusing repeated offers to accommodate him elsewhere, all after he assaulted her.
Ardin wanted sex with Assange – from whatever motive.. She “unexpectedly” returned home early after offering him the use of her one bed flat while she was away. By her own admission, she had consensual sex with him, within hours of meeting him.
She discussed with Assange his desire for sex with Wilen, and appears at least not to have been discouraging. Hearing of Wilen’s concern about HIV after unprotected sex, she took Wilen to her campaigning feminist friend, policewoman Irmeli Krans, in order to twist Wilen’s story into a sexual assault – very easy given Sweden’s astonishing “second-wave feminism” rape laws. Wilen refused to sign.
At the police station on 20 August, Wilen texted a friend at 14.25 “did not want to put any charges against JA but the police wanted to get a grip on him.”
At 17.26 she texted that she was “shocked when they arrested JA because I only wanted him to take a test”.
The next evening at 22.22 she texted “it was the police who fabricated the charges”.
Ardin then made up her own story of sexual assault. As so many friends knew she was having sex with Assange, she could not claim non-consensual sex. So she manufactured her story to fit in with Wilen’s concerns by alleging the affair of the torn condom. But the torn condom she produced has no trace of Assange on it. It is impossible to wear a condom and not leave a DNA trace.
I have no difficulty in saying that I firmly believe Ardin to be a liar. For her story to be true involves acceptance of behaviour which is, in the literal sense, incredible.
Ardin’s story is of course incredibly weak, but that does not matter. Firstly, you were never supposed to see all this detail. Rape trials in Sweden are held entirely in secret. There is no jury, and the government appointed judge is flanked by assessors appointed directly by political parties. If Assange goes to Sweden, he will disappear into jail, the trial will be secret, and the next thing you will hear is that he is guilty and a rapist.
Secondly, of course, it does not matter the evidence is so weak, as just to cry rape is to tarnish a man’s reputation forever. Anna Ardin has already succeeded in ruining much of the work and life of Assange. The details of the story being pathetic is unimportant.
By crying rape, politically correct opinion falls in behind the line that it is wrong even to look at the evidence. If you are not allowed to know who the accuser is, how can you find out that she worked with CIA-funded anti-Castro groups in Havana and Miami?
Finally, to those useful idiots who claim that the way to test these matters is in court, I would say of course, you are right, we should trust the state always, fit-ups never happen, and we should absolutely condemn the disgraceful behaviour of those who campaigned for the Birmingham Six.
Philip Weiss on April 17, 2019

Assange in a government vehicle following his arrest on April 11, 2019. Getty images.

Yesterday the New York Times published a juicy piece about Democratic Party apparatchik Neera Tanden that  included a revelation from the Wikileaks dump of documents from the Democratic National Committee in 2016: Tanden hosted Benjamin Netanyahu for a fawning interview at her thinktank, the Center for American Progress, even as Netanyahu was trying to undermine President Obama’s Iran deal, so she could recruit a pro-Israel board member, Jonathan Lavine, who gave the organization $1 million last year.
The Times’s reliance on Wikileaks to provide important information about our political process is a timely reminder of the public role of the man dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy last Thursday, headed for criminal proceedings related to his obtaining and publishing government documents. Julian Assange is a journalistic source. I’ve been in the news business for a long time and I’ve always been told to protect sources. And by the way, not all these sources had great character or reputation. That wasn’t the point. The First Amendment protected news gathering, and sources are a critical element of the process.
The value I can add to the Assange debate is to convey to readers how much his organization Wikileaks has contributed to our understanding of the special relationship between the U.S. and Israel. I will not itemize every revelation we’ve published that we got off Wikileaks, we’d be here all day. But I do want to convey the range and depth of these revelations. In every case these were important reports about how officials and public figures worked behind closed doors to make sure that Israel and its interests stayed at the forefront of US deliberations. We would not have that understanding without Assange. Full stop. You can say anything about his personality or his support for Trump, that’s not the issue.
Apropos of yesterday’s Times report, the 2016 dump from the DNC itemized numerous collaborations between the Clinton campaign and pro-Israel donors to shape policy when she got to the White House. I’ll get to them in a minute. First, some earlier documents.
This 2009 cable from the State Department quoted Netanyahu— forget about his lip service to two states — saying he was only willing to give Palestinians a Bantustan: “a Palestinian state must be demilitarized, without control over its air space and electro-magnetic field, and without the power to enter into treaties or control its borders.”
This 2008 Wikileaks cable established the State Department’s own understanding of the cruelty of the Israeli policy toward Gaza: to staunch the banking system to keep Gaza on the “brink of collapse.”
Israeli officials have confirmed to econoffs on multiple occasions that they intend to keep the Gazan economy on the brink of collapse without quite pushing it over the edge…
This cable showed that the State Department had publicly lied about its response to an Israeli hit in Dubai in February 2010 that Dubai was angered about, as State sought to protect Israel.
In 2011 Wikileaks showed that the U.S. under Obama was deeply enmeshed in the United Nations response to the Gaza slaughter of ’08-’09, including behind the scenes efforts to stifle the Goldstone Report so it wouldn’t get to the International Criminal Court. Foreign Policy reported that story under the title “Special Relationship.”
The new documents, though consistent with public U.S. statements at the time opposing a U.N. investigation into Israeli military operations, reveal in extraordinary detail how America wields its power behind closed doors at the United Nations. They also demonstrate how the United States and Israel were granted privileged access to highly sensitive internal U.N. deliberations on an “independent” U.N. board of inquiry into the Gaza war, raising questions about the independence of the process.
Yes, in one of those cables, Ambassador Susan Rice called U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon three times on one day, May 4, 2009, to block a recommendation by the U.N. to carry out a “sweeping inquiry” into war crimes by Israeli soldiers and Palestinian militants. She said that the recommendation far exceeded the legitimate scope of an investigation, and set a “bad precedent.” Ban Ki-moon then assured her that his staff was “working with an Israeli delegation” on revisions of the inquiry’s mandate.
This 2006 State Department cable, released in 2011, showed that the U.S. State Department was privately expressing sharp reservations about fascistic currents in Israeli political life, even as the U.S. government was holding its tongue about these trends. The cable was subtitled:  RIGHT-WING LIEBERMAN UNABASHEDLY ADVOCATES TRANSFER OF ISRAELI ARABS. That cable includes government minister Avigdor Lieberman’s endorsement of the idea to strip Palestinians of their citizenship if they wouldn’t swear a loyalty oath.
In 2010, Wikileaks published cables from the State Department reflecting the view that there was growing distrust of the U.S. globally because of our close alliance with Israel. As Josh Ruebner wrote:
In an explosive WikiLeaks revelation, Maj. Gen. Amos Gilad, the head of the Political Military Bureau of Israel’s Ministry of Defense, while discussing Israeli requests for U.S. military aid,
acknowledged the sometimes difficult position the U.S. finds itself in given its global interests, and conceded that Israel’s security focus is so narrow that its QME [Qualitative Military Edge] concerns often clash with broader American security interests in the region,”
according to the State Department.
Fast forward to the 2016 political race. Wikileaks showed that the special relationship was alive and well and influencing the Clinton campaign.
DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz wondered if Bernie Sanders believes in God. “The Israel stuff is disturbing,” she wrote, when she was supposed to be a referee of the process (and later resigned over the widely-reported email).
Hillary Clinton made a host of promises to megadonor Haim Saban under the prodding of Saban and her Israel liaison guy, Stu Eizenstat. She would come out against Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), so as to balance her support for the Iran deal. She would make a publicized phone call to Malcolm Hoenlein of the rightwing Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Orgs to indicate that she was going to turn the page on Obama’s difficult relationship with Netanyahu. Eizenstat warned the campaignthat “in Israel there is wall-to-wall opposition” to the Iran Deal– as if anyone should care what Israelis think! (Yes, ask Ilhan Omar.) Eizenstat met with Netanyahu and conveyed his counsel to Clinton: to “attack, attack, attack” BDS. Oh and Clinton should oppose the Obama administration’s rumored efforts to pass a UN Security Council resolution against settlements. (Obama did her the service of waiting till the election was over on that one.)
Netanyahu must be invited to the White House as soon as Clinton gets there herself: “Bibi should be invited for early talks on how the partnership with Israel can be strengthened to combat Iran and Israel’s other avowed enemies,” Eizenstat counseled.
The importance of these leaks is that they documented in riveting detail an important (and negative) force in U.S. policymaking, the depth and extent of Israel’s influence at the highest levels. Return to Neera Tanden and the Iran Deal. The Democratic Party’s own disavowals of that deal alongside Netanyahu played an important role in its destruction.
We wouldn’t know all this without Julian Assange. I hope that other reporters and editors stand up for that work in the days to come.
A forthcoming book from OR books edited by Tariq Ali and Margaret Ratner Kunstler is sure to make related points. It is to include chapters by Noam Chomsky, Charles Glass, Chris Hedges and Angela Richter among others.
The Guardian's Bile Compiled

Nick Cohen's argument - strange that its Trump who wants Assange to be extradited
Does the Guardian manufacture these  columnists and their uni message to order?
The Guardian's veteran right-wing columnist Patrick Wintour repeats the nonsensical claims of Ecuador's repressive President 

Why, when Zionists abuse their Jewish opponents do they resort to anti-Semitism?


Jew hatred and anti-Semitism lie at the heart of the Zionist project

Jenny Manson - Chair of Jewish Voice for Labour
For all their cries of 'antisemitism' it is Zionism which is full of racist hatred. Whether its anonymous phone calls spewing race hatred in Britain or Prime Minister Netanyahu explaining why Israel is not a state of all its citizens but only its Jewish citizen.

Jenny Manson is Chair of Jewish Voice for Labour, the non-Zionist Jewish pro-Corbyn group within the Labour Party. A week ago she received a vile anti-Semitic message on her voicemail.
‘You fucking Nazi bitch. You fucking Nazi scum. You should burn in the gas oven. You dirty fucking bitch. Fucking fucking Nazi cow you are. Stinking, stinking swine. I hope you die in a gas oven. You deserved everything (inaudible) end in hell. To burn in acid.’
This hate-filled person combined the standard Zionist accusation that anti-Zionists are ‘Nazis’ with Nazi anti-Semitism ‘I hope you die in a gas oven.’ This is similar to abuse sent to Black-Jewish activist Jackie Walker: ‘Listen bitch what part of you aint a Jew...’ ‘David’ talked about wanting to see Jackie Walker shoved into a ‘burning bin’.
I have also received my fair share of such tweets. Back in January 2010 I received two abusive tweets in one day.  The first from a Zionist began: Greenstein, you traitorous bastard, you leftist liberal Jew. To be a leftist in Israel today is an insult. His peroration was:

a shame that either Hitler or the Angel of Death, missed your family's house. Or Neturei Karta's. Don't even call yourself a Jew,traitor.
The other tweet was from a holocaust denier
It is time to face the truth about the holohoax. The Nazis did not try to exterminate the Jews. The gas chambers are a hoax. The six million dead is phantasmagoria.
Knowing that the Zionist Community Security Trust records details of anti-Semitic incidents I sent these tweets to them. The CST told me that the second tweet would be logged as an anti-Semitic incident but not the first.  Why I asked? Because they don’t log as anti-Semitic anything from a Jewish person!
What is the explanation for this phenomenon? Aurora Levins Morales provides a clue:
‘The Jews who write to tell me that I should have died in a Nazi  concentration camp before living to denounce the crimes of Israel believe with all their heart that their only possible safety in the world   is a state where Jews dominate and have protected privileges.’[On Anti-Semitism, p. 107 Jewish Voice for Peace, 2018, Haymarket Books]
Although the rationale given for the Israeli state is that it is a refuge for Jews from oppression, the circumstances of its birth and development ensured that it could only survive by dominating others. All peoples, given the right set of circumstances can become racists and oppressors. Racism is not genetic. It was inevitable that Israel’s Jews would adopt the same mentality as the persecutors of the Jews. 
In the Occupied Territories Israeli soldiers have identified themselves with the Nazis and the Palestinians with the Nazis’ victims: [Israeli Soldiers Called Themselves the Mengele Unit’,  Al Hamishmar 24 July 1989, 
Ha'aretz27thJuly 1989]. Israeli soldiers called their companions 'Our Nazis' meaning those who like to beat. [Hotam, 24 June 1988,]. Ha’aretz describedhow groups of soldiers who “were called the Auschwitz 10” and “Demjanjuks’had plotted to kill Arabs.” 
The Holocaust plays an important ideological role in legitimising the Israeli state. It has become the metaphor of first use. One supporter of Lehava, the anti-miscegenation group, declaredthat it was unfortunate that Hitler ‘chose the wrong nation. We are the chosen race.’
Some of the stuff sent to Jackie Walker - none of which the Labour Party which instigated this showed the slightest concern about
When Jewish school students were takento see the play ‘Ghetto’ which portrayed Jewish life in the Nazi ghetto in Vilna
Paul Haringman's feeble efforts
during scenes depicting Jews being killed by Nazis, and when a kapo beat a Jew. Calls of “hit him harder” and “well done” were heard from the audience.
From the beginning of the Zionist movement a coincidence of interests existed between them and anti-Semitism. Both agreed that Jews did not belong in the lands of their birth. Theodore Herzl, the founder of Political Zionism noted in his Diaries (p.231)
'anti-Semitism too probably contains the Divine will to Good, because it forces us to close ranks...’

In the 1950's a columnist in the Histadrut paper, Davar, wrote that:
"I shall not be ashamed to confess that if I had the power, AS I HAVE: THE WILL, I would select a score of efficient young men... and 1 would send them to the countries where Jews are absorbed in sinful self-satisfaction (!). The task of these young men would be to disguise themselves as non-Jewish and plague Jews with anti-Semitic slogans such as 'Bloody Jews', Jews go to Palestine' and similar intimacies.” A Lillienthall, 'The Other Side of the Coin' New York, p. 84 cited in Hirst p. 160.
Kapos is a favourite insult from those whose movement collaborated with the Nazis
Zionism’s priority has never been opposing anti-Semitism, which it believed was futile to fight. Its goal was the ‘ingathering’ of the Jewish ‘exiles’ in Palestine. It came to see its main enemies, not as anti-Semites but Jews who opposed Zionism and Jewish nationalism. That is why its zealots believed that those who oppose Zionism deserved to be the victims of anti-Semitism. Indeed they positively desired such an outcome.
There is a high level of intellectual debate amongst Zionists
Despite the nonsense from Macron about anti-Zionism being a modern form of anti-Semitism, anyone with the slightest knowledge of Zionist history knows that it was anti-Semitism which Zionism had most in common with.
Herzl published in 1895 a seminal pamphlet, The Jewish State in which he lay the blame for anti-Semitism on the Jews themselves.
‘Anti-Semitism increases day by day... its immediate cause is our excessive production of mediocre intellects...’(p.26)
Herzl’s fiercest opposition, like today’s Zionists was to what they called assimilation, Jews who married non-Jews and were ‘lost’ to the Jewish tribe. He had no quarrel with what he termed ‘honest Anti-Semites.’ (p.44)  who would stimulate the emigration of Jews.
‘Great exertions will hardly be necessary to spur on the movement. Anti-Semites provide the requisite impetus.’(p.57)
Herzl was conscious that people would accuse him of ‘giving a handle to Anti-Semitism, when I say we are a people – one people.’ (p. 17) As Lucien Wolf, Secretary of Britain’s Conjoint Committee and the Jewish Community’s unofficial Foreign Minister wrote:
‘I have spent most of my life in combating these very doctrines, when presented to me in the form of anti-Semitism, and I can only regard them as the more dangerous when they come to me in the guise of Zionism. They constitute a capitulation to our enemies.
The anti-Semites told Jews they didn’t belong and Herzl agreed. Zionism consciously helped furnish anti-Semitism with political weapons. To both Zionists and anti-Semites the Jews were a separate nation which was why Herzl’s pamphlet received a more favourable reaction from those who hated the Jews than the Jews themselves.
Herzl was an admirer of the leading French anti-Semite and anti-Dreyfussard, Edouard Drumont of whom he said ‘I owe to Drumont a great deal of the present freedom of my concepts, because he is an artist.’ Most Jews at the time had somewhat more jaundiced opinions! [Desmond Stewart, Herzl, p.251]
Drumont favourably reviewed The Jewish State, in an article ‘Solution de la Question Juive’ published in his paper La Libre Parole on January 16 1897. Herzl expressed his delight. In his entry for January 18th Herzl wrote that
‘Today three Paris friends sent me the Libre Parole of January 16th in which Drumont gets off a highly flattering editorial about me and promises more.’ (p.509, Patai ed.)
Most Jews would have been mortified at such praise but not Herzl. 
But it wasn’t just realpolitik which led to a convergence of interest between Zionism and anti-Semitism. The Zionists accepted the anti-Semitic critique of the Jews that they were an asocial body. The ‘Marxist’ Zionist followers of Ber Borochov, Hashomer Hatzair and later Mapamwho formulated the theory that Jews in the diaspora resembled an ‘inverted pyramid’.  There were too many rich Jews at the top and too few workers at the bottom.
Tom Watson - bought and paid for
This was also what the anti-Semites said but it was wrong. The vast majority of Jews in the Russian Pale of Settlement had become pauperised. The anti-Semites also alleged that the Jews were cosmopolitan and rootless, loyal to no one and behind most of the excesses of capitalism whilst agitating for communism. The Zionists agreed. Herzl wrote:
When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, the subordinate officers of all revolutionary parties; and at the same time, when we rise, there rises also our terrible power of the purse. [Jewish State, p. 26]
In the words of Israeli novelist, A.B. Yehoshua, Jews were ‘using other people’s countries like hotels.’ [Jewish Chronicle 22.12.89].
When Zionists described the Jewish diaspora you could be mistaken for believing that it was anti-Semites who were talking. Pinhas Rosenbluth, the first Israeli Minister of Justice, described Palestine as ‘an institute for the fumigation of Jewish vermin’.
Jacob Klatzkin, co-editor of the Zionist paper Die Welt and co-founder of the Encylopedia Judaica, wrote that the Jews were:
‘a people disfigured in both body and soul – in a word, of a horror… some sort of outlandish creature… in any case, not a pure national type... some sort of oddity among the peoples going by the name of Jew.’ [Arthur Herzberg, The Zionist Idea, pp. 322-323, Temple, Atheneum, New York 1981
The Weltanschauung of Hashomer Hatzair, originally published in 1917 and republished in December 1936 describedthe Jew as
“a caricature of a normal, natural human being, both physically and spiritually. As an individual in society he revolts and throws off the harness of social obligations, knows no order nor discipline.” [Our Shomer “Weltanschauung”Hashomer Hatzair, Lenni Brenner, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators, p.22.
Why is this relevant?  Because even today Zionism considers the Jewish diaspora as essentially worthless. Whenever a choice has to be made between the Jews and the Jewish state then the interests of the latter always take priority.
Tony Greenstein 1643 words

Trip Advisor's Guide to a Dream Holiday in Israel Courtesy of Amnesty International


You Too Can Get To Normalise Discrimination

We are told in the Labour Party that if you allege that ‘anti-Semitism’ is being weaponised then you too are ‘anti-Semitic’. Well here’s another example of anti-Semitism.  Gilad Erdan, Israel’s Security Minister and the Minister responsible for tackling BDS via the Ministry of Strategic Affairs has accused Amnesty International of, yes you’ve guessed it, anti-Semitism.
Great Video!

Should we set fire to churches (& mosques)? This is burning religious issue in Israel


Israel destroyed the Notre Dame of Gaza – but there was only silence from the West

As Yossi Gurvitz explained, the fire at Notre Dame has caused an argument within Israeli Orthodox circles.
Rabbi Shlomo Avineir of the Beit El settlement in the West Bank (the one that US Ambassador David Friedman has helped raise funds for) suggested that the fire at Notre Dame was divine punishment for the burning of the Talmud in France in the 13thcentury! God has, it would seem, a very long memory and clearly is not only a vengeful god but spiteful too as it is not clear what responsibility the French have for what happened 800 years ago.
But what is not in doubt is that since 2009 53 mosques and churches have been vandalised or set fire to in Israel. As is normally the case with attacks on non-Jews, the Israeli Police have not exerted themselves. Only 9 indictments to date have been filed by the police.
What makes this worse is that there are sections of Israeli society who openly justify the destruction of churches and mosques on religious grounds.
The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on fire, April 15, 2019. (Photo: LeLaisserPasserA38/Wikimedia)
Rabbi Benzi Gopstein, the head of the anti-miscegenation organisation Lehava in a panel discussion in 2015, in answer to a question as to whether he supported the burning of churches, referred to the teachings of the famous Spanish Jewish philosopher Maimonedes . Gopstein was asked by Benny Rabinowitz, a writer for an ultra-Orthodox newspaper, "Do you support burning churches in Israel, yes or no?" Gopstein, citing a Maimonides ruling that churches should be burned responded "Are you for Maimonides or against him?"
Gopstein's answershocked the attendees’ who asked "Benzti are you for burning or not?""Of course I am," Bentzi replied "It’s Maimonides. Simply yes, what is there to question?"

This prompted the Vatican to call for Gopstein’s prosecution and the Police did call him in for interrogation. However Gopstein wasn’t an Arab who had justified the burning down of synagogues.  That would have merited a hefty prison sentence. The Attorney General refused to prosecute because in Israel racial hatred or discrimination on the grounds of religion is not a criminal offence.

FATHER NIKODEMUS SCHNABEL inspects the damage at Capernaum’s Church of the Loaves and Fishes caused by an arson attack. (photo credit: BEN HARTMAN)
However there was no such inhibition when it came to prosecuting Raed Salah, the leader of the Northern Islamic League for allegedly referring to the medieval blood libel about baking bread with the blood of non-Jewish children when opposing Israeli attacks on the worshippers at the Al Aqsa mosque. Even though Salah denied having made any such statement and an examination of his remarks confirms that he made no mention of Jews (he maintained he had been referring to the Spanish Inquisition) he was convicted and sentenced to 9 months. For a thorough investigation of the affair see the Sheik Raed Affair and May warned of weak case against Sheikh Raed Salah and Jonathan Cook’s The real preachers of hate: Britain’s arrest of Sheikh Raed Salah
Bentzi Gophstein
Prominent settler Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, ruledthat burning churches outside of the Land of Israel “isn’t our job for now”, but in Israel “the issue is more complicated”.
Rabbi Shlomo Aviner (Photo: Wikimedia)
Avineir is a state official and draws a public salary as the rabbi of a major settlement Beit El. He is also the rabbi of a prominent settler Yeshiva (Ateret Yerushaliam, formerly Ateret Cohanim), ‘He  is considered to be one most important rabbis of the religious nationalist sector.’
After the fire in Notre Dame Cathedral, Aviner was asked:
“The great Christian Church in Paris is on fire. Should we feel sorry for that, or should we rejoice, as it [the cathedral] is idolatry, which is a mitzvah to burn?”
Aviner replied:
“This isn’t our job for now. There is no mitzvah [a religious commandment] to seek out churches abroad and burn them down. In our holy land, however, the issue is more complicated. Indeed, the Satmar Rabbi noted one of his arguments against immigrating to Israel, that here it is indeed a mitzvah to burn churches; and by not doing so, those [immigrating to Israel] are committing a sin.’
The problem is further compounded by the fact that if Jews do burn down churches ‘we’ll have to rebuild, and it’s a greater sin to rebuild [a church] than leave it standing.’
Gurvitz commentedwryly:
(Oh, yes: American Jewish readers, I probably need to stress this – this is not a parody or a satire. This is actual rabbinical discourse in 2019 Israel.).’
Screenshot of Aviner’s opinion re church fires.
The point however is that many churches (and mosques) have been burnt in Israel in the last few years, and the police have been disinterested in capturing the arsonists. In several cases, the arson was accompanied by slogans familiar from ‘price tag’ attacks in the West Bank (mostly along the lines of Jewish vengeance). 
Gurvitz writesthat:
Several immensely important rabbinic rulers, most prominent among them Maimonides, ruled that churches are places of idolatry and ought to be destroyed. The rulings are very clear. However, to support those rulings today would lead to violence, probably to a rise in anti-Semitism, and will jeopardize the alliance between the settler movement and the evangelical movement. There is also a chance of getting prosecuted for incitement for hatred, which is a crime in Israel – but then again, the law has a special exemption for “religious studies”, and the prosecution has been very leery of prosecuting rabbis for hate speech, making “religious discussions” the prime way of legally-protected incitement.’
Below is an article on the deliberate destruction of Gaza’s mosques by the Israeli military in the course of successive attacks on Gaza from 2008-2014 in Operations Protective Edge, Cast Lead and Pillar of Defence and the hypocrisy of Western indifference to this compared to the tears over Notre Dame.
Ramzy Baroud April 25, 2019

Palestinians walk past a mosque which witnesses said was destroyed by an Israel air strike during the offensive, on the second day of a five-day ceasefire, in Gaza City on August 15, 2014. (Photo: Ezz Zanoun/APA Images)

As the 300-foot spire of the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris tragically came tumbling down on live television, my thoughts ventured to Nuseirat Refugee Camp, my childhood home in the Gaza Strip.
Then, also on television, I watched as a small bulldozer hopelessly clawed through the rubble of my neighborhood mosque. I grew up around that mosque. I spent many hours there with my grandfather, Mohammed, a refugee from historic Palestine. Before grandpa became a refugee, he was a young Imam in a small mosque in his long-destroyed village of Beit Daras.
Mohammed and many in his generation took solace in erecting their own mosque in the refugee camp as soon as they arrived to the Gaza Strip in late 1948. The new mosque was first made of hardened mud, but was eventually remade with bricks, and later concrete. He spent much of his time there, and when he died, his old, frail body was taken to the same mosque for a final prayer, before being buried in the adjacent Martyrs Graveyard. When I was still a child, he used to hold my hand as we walked together to the mosque during prayer times. When he aged, and could barely walk, I, in turn, held his hand.
But al-Masjid al-Kabir – the Great Mosque, later renamed al-Omari mosque – was completely pulverized by Israeli missiles during the summer war on Gaza, starting July 8, 2014.
Hundreds of Palestinian houses of worship were targeted by the Israeli military in previous wars, most notably in 2008-9 and 2012. But the 2014 war was the most brutal and most destructive yet. Thousands were killed and more injured. Nothing was immune to Israeli bombs. According to Palestine Liberation Organization records, 63 mosques were completely destroyed and 150 damaged in that war alone, oftentimes with people seeking shelter inside. In the case of my mosque, two bodies were recovered after a long, agonizing search. They had no chance of being rescued. If they survived the deadly explosives, they were crushed by the massive slabs of concrete.
In truth, concrete, cements, bricks and physical structures don’t carry much meaning on their own. We give them meaning. Our collective experiences, our pains, joys, hopes and faith make a house of worship what it is.
Many generations of French Catholics have assigned the Notre Dame Cathedral with its layered meanings and symbolism since the 12th century.
While the fire consumed the oak roof and much of the structure, French citizens and many around the world watched in awe. It is as if the memories, prayers and hopes of a nation that is rooted in time were suddenly revealed, rising, all at once, with the pillars of smoke and fire.
But the very media that covered the news of the Notre Dame fire seemed oblivious to the obliteration of everything we hold sacred in Palestine as, day after day, Israeli war machinery continues to blow up, bulldoze and desecrate.
Palestinians and Palestinian security forces inspect the damage inside a mosque torched and vandalized by arsonists in the West Bank village of Qusra, near Nablus, Monday, Sept. 5, 2011. Arsonists tossed two tires into the first floor study hall of the mosque. (Photo: Wagdi Eshtayah/APA Images)
It is as if our religions are not worthy of respect, despite the fact that Christianity was born in Palestine. It was there that Jesus roamed the hills and valleys of our historic homeland teaching people about peace, love and justice. Palestine is also central to Islam. Haram al-Sharif, where Al-Aqsa mosque and The Dome of the Rock are kept, is the third holiest site for Muslims everywhere. Yet Christian and Muslim holy sites are besieged, often raided and shut down per military diktats. Moreover, the Israeli army-protected messianic Jewish extremists want to demolish Al-Aqsa and the Israeli government has been digging underneath its foundation for many years.
Although none of this is done in secret; international outrage remains muted. In fact, many find Israel’s actions justified. Some have bought into the ridiculous explanation offered by the Israeli military that bombing mosques is a necessary security measure. Others are motivated by dark religious prophecies of their own.
Palestine, though, is only a microcosm of the whole region. Many of us are familiar with the horrific destruction carried out by fringe militant groups against world cultural heritage in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Most memorable among these are the destruction of Palmyra in Syria, Buddhas of Bamyan in Afghanistan and the Great Mosque of al-Nuri in Mosul.
Nothing however can possibly be compared to what the invading US army has done to Iraq. Not only did the invaders desecrate a sovereign country and brutalize her people, they also devastated her culture that goes back to the start of human civilization. Just the immediate aftermath of the invasion alone resulted in the looting of over 15,000 Iraqi antiquities, including the Lady of Warka, also known as the Mona Lisa of Mesopotamia, a Sumerian artifact whose history goes back to 3100 BC.
A Palestinian protester holds a cross during a demonstration against acts of vandalism on Christian sites including smashing headstones in a Christian cemetery in Israel and the occupied West Bank, outside Jerusalem’s Old City October 6, 2013. (Photo: Saeed Qaq/APA Images)
I had the privilege of seeing many of these artifacts in a visit to the Iraq Museum only a few years before it was looted when US forces failed to protect the site. At the time, Iraqi curators had thousands of precious pieces hidden in a basement in anticipation of a US bombing campaign. But nothing could prepare the museum for the savagery unleashed by the ground invasion. Since then, Iraqi culture has largely been reduced to items on the black market of the very western invaders that have torn that country apart. The valiant work of Iraqi cultural warriors and their colleagues around the world have managed to restore some of that stolen dignity, but it will take many years for the cradle of human civilization to redeem its vanquished honor.
Every mosque, every church, every graveyard, every piece of art and every artifact is significant because it is laden with meaning, the meaning bestowed on them by those who have built or sought in them an escape, a moment of solace, hope, faith and peace.
On August 2, 2014 the Israeli army bombed the historic al-Omari Mosque in northern Gaza. The ancient mosque dates back to the 7th century and has since served as a symbol of resilience and faith for the people of Gaza.
As Notre Dame burned, I thought of al-Omari too. While the fire at the French cathedral was likely accidental, destroyed Palestinian houses of worship were intentionally targeted. The Israeli culprits are yet to be held accountable.
I also thought of my grandfather, Mohammed, the kindly Imam with the handsome, small white beard. His mosque served as his only escape from a difficult existence, an exile that only ended with his own death.

Hannah Arendt – a Jewish Pariah and Daughter of the Diaspora


Arendt was the German-Jewish Refugee whose Universalism Overcame her Zionism

Hannah Arendt was an enigma. She rejected any materialist or class analysis in favour of a philosophical and metaphysical discourse. Originally a Zionist, Arendt escaped the shackles and straitjacket of authoritarian nationalism. Zionism demands obedience to the Jewish volk, above all from its intellectuals, which is one reason why it has produced so few. Nationalism and worship of the state are not conducive to freedom of thought or innovative ideas.
Arendt was the child of left-wing parents. In the 1930’s she became a Zionist as she saw in the rise of Nazism the defeat of universalism and assimilation. Arendt fled from Berlin in 1933 to Paris after having spent 8 days in the custody of the Gestapo. However, as with many other Jewish refugees, the Nazis caught up with her and in 1941 she escaped again from Gurs internment camp and made her way, with her husband Heinrich Blucher, to the United States. For the Zionists, this fact aloneonly contributed to the dismissal of her work as having no real worth.’
Arendt’s most famous work, the The Origins of Totalitarianismwas published in 1951 in McCarthy’s America. It is as its title suggests an analysis of what she called ‘totalitarianism’, the kind of a state that Orwell described in 1984.  She summed it up in the Introduction:
‘Anti-Semitism (not merely hatred of the Jews), imperialism (not merely conquest), totalitarianism (not merely dictatorship) one after another, one more brutally than the other have demonstrated that human dignity needs a new guarantee.’
As a refugee she notedthat when a person is driven away from one country, he is expelled from all countries “which means he is actually expelled from humanity”. Refugees are literally outlaws, beyond the protection of the law.
It is ironic that Israel alone of Western states refuses to accept any refugees on the grounds that they would undermineIsrael’s (Jewish) national identity. Hostility to refugees in Israel is higherthan in any other western state. Despite claiming it is a ‘Jewish’ state the injunctionin Leviticus 19:33-34 is ignored:
You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God”

refugees stranded at the Greek border 2016

Arendt is without doubt the greatest Jewish political philosopher of the 20th century. It is little surprise that despite having being converted to Zionism under the influence of Kurt Blumenfeld of the German Zionist Federation and having worked for Youth Aliya in Paris in 1935 she became a bête noir for the Zionist movement after having published in 1963 Eichmann in Jerusalem – The Banality of Evil, about the 1961 Eichmann trial in Israel.
Gabriel Piterberg in The Returns of Zionism describes how in 2001 Yad Vashem and Jerusalem’s Hebrew University organised a conference to mark the 40th anniversary of the Eichmann Trial. The keynote address was by Anita Shapira, the ‘princess of Zionism’ To her all Jewish history began and continued in Israel. The intervening 2,000 years of diaspora Jewry were a void. Shapira evinces what Piterberg calls ‘the hegemonic depth of Zionist ideology.’
Elizabeth Varnhagen
We can see this ideological hegemony and totalitarian thought in the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ onslaught today on Corbyn’s Labour Party whereby any fundamental critique of Israeli ‘democracy’ is deemed anti-Semitic under the IHRA. The IHRA has been adopted by all major British political parties, local authorities and the Police and Judicial College, despite excoriating criticism by legal scholars such as  Geoffrey Robertson QC, Hugh Tomlinson QC and the Jewish former Court of Appeal Judge Sir Stephen Sedley. No amount of reasoned argument or logic can withstand the unanimity of bourgeois support for Zionism.
In contrast the most outrageous anti-Palestinian racism is excusedby police state journalists like the Guardian’s Jonathan Freedland as a product of ‘Jewish identity’ which is therefore immune to criticism. ‘Jewish identity’ is used as a shield to protect Israel yet anyone who associates Jews with Israel’s crimes is under the IHRA ‘anti-Semitic’. A case of having your Zionist cake and eating it!
Arendt committed what for her Zionist detractors was a cardinal sin. She sought to draw universal lessons from the Holocaust that were neither nationalist nor racist. ‘Shapira charges Arendt with trying to ‘understand’ Nazism and the Judaeocide from a universalist position.’  [Piterberg, 149] That was why, until 1999, Eichmann in Jerusalem was not published in Israel. As Boaz Evron put it
‘this book came to me as a fresh wind of sobriety and sensibility amongst the hysterical storm blown all around by the propaganda agencies of the Ben Gurion regime.’
Arendt was
‘in Shapira’s absurd judgment, incapable of sensing the Jewish experience because she was from ‘there’ as if ‘there’ was not where the Holocaust had occurred.’
Not only did Shapira condemn Arendt’s universalism but her refusal to accept Zionist colonisation and ownership of the Holocaust. A Holocaust which the Jewish Agency had ignored whilst it was happening but which they utilised politically and ideologically.
Arendt’s essay ‘The Jew as a Pariah’ was savagedin a review in the magazine of the American Right, Commentary. Rather than praising Jewish nationalism, Arendt praises Jewish dissidents as she focuses on 4 particular pariahs – Heinrich Heine, Bernard Lazarre, Charlie Chaplin and Franz Kafka – each brilliant in their own way. But as Ron Feldman notes sniffily regarding Chaplin ‘strangely enough, one did not have to be Jewish to be a Jewish pariah.’
Rahel Varnhagen's Literary Salon in Berlin
But of course the quintessential pariah was Arendt herself. As Lyndsey Stonebridgenotes in her essay The Shape of Totalitarianism and the Meaning of Exile: Three Lessons from Hannah ArendtArendt was a self-proclaimed pariah, a term she borrowed from Bernard Lazare. She considered her closest soulmate Rahel Varnhagen, a pariah to parvenu of the late 17th, early 18th century who ran a famous literary salon in Berlin. An important figure in Germany’s Romantic movement she converted to Christianity in 1814 in order to escape the social restrictions that were placed on Jews. She was the outsider who sought acceptance which is one reason why Amos Elon [The Pity of It All: A History of the Jews in Germany, 1743-1933] falsely accused her of hating her Jewish background.
Conversion was Varnhagen’s only escape. Arendt said of her that
Rahel had remained a Jew and a pariah. Only because she clung to both conditions did she find a place in the history of European humanity.
For Zionism, what is and was more important was her rejection of racial exclusivism in favour of Jewish assimilation.
In 1938, Arendt completed her biography Rahel Varnhagen: The Life of a Jewessalthough it wasn’t published until 1957. As Piterberg notes, it took 20 years to write. For Arendt ‘a decent human existence is possible only on the fringes of society, where one then runs the risks of starving or being stoned to death.’  Arendt cherished Varnhagen as her "closest friend, though she had been dead for some hundred years".
Arendt followed a similar trajectory to Einstein. From Zionist to non-Zionist. She signed a famous letter on 2nd December 1948 on the occasion of Menachem Begin’s visit to the United States.
Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties.
In October 1944 Arendt wrote an essay Zionism Reconsidered. Judith Butler observed
‘Paradoxically, and perhaps shrewdly, the terms in which Arendt criticised Fascism came to inform her criticisms of Zionism, though she did not and would not conflate the two.’
Although Zionism is not a fascist ideology (although it has a remarkable number of fascist adherents) it shares a number of common features with fascism such as the premium placed on loyalty to the state and the prioritisation of the needs of the state over those of the individual.
During the Holocaust this was expressed as the need to build the Jewish state taking priority over the saving of the Jews in Europe.  Shabtai Teveth, his official biographer, quotesBen Gurion as saying that where there was
a conflict of interest between saving individual Jews and the good of the Zionist enterprise, we shall say that the enterprise comes first.
In ‘Zionism Reconsidered’ Arendt noted that the American Zionist conference in 1944 had demanded a Jewish Commonwealth in the whole of Palestine without once mentioning the Palestinians, describing this as a victory for the Revisionist programme. Her conclusion was that this ‘obviously leaves them the choice between voluntary emigration or second class citizenship.’  In fact there was a third choice, which in 1948 came to pass – transfer or ethnic cleansing, which she notes was discussed in a wide variety of Zionist circles.
The critical problem for Arendt was both political and humanitarian:
the solution of the Jewish question merely produced a new category of refugees, the Arabs, thereby increasing the number of stateless and rightless by another 700,000 to 800,000 people.
As Butler noted
she calls ‘absurd’ the idea of setting up a Jewish state in a ‘sphere of interest’ of the superpowers. Such a state would suffer under the ‘delusion of nationhood’: ‘Only folly could dictate a policy which trusts a distant imperial power for protection, while alienating the goodwill of neighbours.’
Zionism rested on‘an open acceptance of anti-Semitism as a “fact.” The Zionist labour movement had created, with the chalutz and kibbutz‘a new type of Jew’ but this didn’t prevent the Zionist Organisation ‘against the natural impulses of the whole Jewish people’ doing business with Hitler in order to ‘trade German goods against the wealth of German Jewry.’
Arendt noted that the ‘socialist’ Zionists ‘failed to level a single critique of Jewish bourgeoisie outside of Palestine, or to attack the role of Jewish finance.’
Arendt had great difficulty in coming to terms with the nation state.  To her the only solution to national conflicts was either complete assimilation or emigration. The possibility of national autonomy, cultural pluralism and multi-culturalism were absent.
Arendt castigatedthe ‘Zionist doctrine of eternal anti-Semitism’. Quoting Herzl she noted that because Zionism ‘concluded that without anti-Semitism the Jewish people would not have survived’ it was opposed to any attempt to liquidate anti-Semitism.
Astutely Arendt observed that for all their strictures against assimilation the Zionists ‘were the only ones who sincerely wanted assimilation, namely, ‘normalization’ of the (Jewish) people.’ Theirs was a collective assimilation in a Jewish state. The irony is that because of the circumstances of its creation, under the protection of the British Empire, Zionism had created a ‘Jewish’ state which is anything but normal, not least because it is an ethno-nationalist state.
Arendt’s criticismof Zionism’s attitude to the Jewish diaspora are astute. Zionism ‘cuts off Jewish history from European history and even from the rest of mankind’.
Arendt is particularly cuttingin her description of leftist Zionists ‘who simply added official Zionism to their socialism’ whilst fighting the employment of Arab labour ‘under the pretense of class-struggle against Arab labour.’
Arendt accusedZionism of being inspired by German nationalism which viewed people biologically not politically. In the process
Zionists ended by making the Jewish national emancipation dependent upon the material interests of another nation.’The erection of a Jewish State within an imperial sphere of interest may look like a very nice solution to some Zionists...’
The ‘relationship between the proposed new State and the Diaspora’ is one which disturbed her. Arendt put her finger on another problem of Zionism. Its claim that Jews form a separate nation, even whilst the majority continue to live outside Israel in other countries. Inevitably this posed ‘the old question of double loyalty’which is precisely what has happened.  [see Hannah Arendt would agree with Ilhan Omar] In her essay To Save the Jewish Homeland’Arendt foresaw the time when Israel’s relations with world Jewry
would become problematical, since their defense interests might clash at any moment with those of other countries where large number of Jews lived.
Dual loyalty is inherent in Zionism.
Arendt argues that Herzl’s Zionism was ‘inspired from German sources – as opposed to the French variety.’ In other words a German nationalism which was exclusive and volkish, based on blood relations and kith and kin whereas French nationalism had been inclusive, based on all those residing within France.
Arendt noted the Zionist and Herzl view that the Jewish people were surrounded by a ‘world of enemies’ remarking that ‘if’ the whole world is ultimately against us, we are lost.’ She finishes her essay by warning of the parallels with Sabbatai Zevi, the false messiah of the 17th century.
Arendt’s attitudeto the onset of anti-Semitism was that
If one is attacked as a Jew one must defend oneself as a Jew. Not as a German, not as a world citizen, not as an upholder of the Rights of Man.
Eichmann in Jerusalem – The Banality of Evil
What aroused the ire of the Zionist movement to white fury was Arendt’s book Eichmann in Jerusalem. She famously coined the slogan ‘the banality of evil’ which Zionist historians like David Cesarani have written books about without once understanding what it meant! She portrayed Eichmann as a desk bound bureaucrat and some took this to mean that he was simply doing a job that he had no strong feelings about either way. Cesarani went out of his way to prove what none of us doubted – that Eichmann was an anti-Semite.
However his anti-Semitism was political not personal. He was not some political Lord Voldemort, breathing fire. Rather he was someone who could only talk in clichés, lacking all original thought. In fact a most unremarkable man who nonetheless had perpetrated monstrous crimes.
Lyndsey Stonebridge observed it wasn’t Eichmann who she got wrong, but a young black woman named Elizabeth Eckford who was depictedamidst screaming white women in a famous 1957 photograph from Little Rock, Arkansas as she entered an all-White schools.
Arendt argued that Eckford should not be carrying such a political burden at her age and that education was a social and largely private matter. Ralph Ellison replied that all black children in the south carried a political burden from the day they were born whether they or their parents liked it or not. Arendt shut up.
The Judgment of the Eichmann trial dovetailed with Zionism’s political requirements when it found that ‘it has not been proved before us that the accused knew that the Gypsies were being transported to destruction’. Thus no genocide charge except that against the Jews was upheld. Hannah Arendt remarked that
This was difficult to understand, for, apart from the fact that the extermination of Gypsies was common knowledge, Eichmann had admitted during the police examination that he knew of it.’ It had been an order from Himmler.

The trial verdict did not see the extermination of millions of people as a crime against humanity. Rather it was a crime against the Jewish people. The Holocaust was not seen as ‘a Fascist attack on human diversity’ but a specific and exclusive attack on the Jewish people.

Arendt pointed to the hypocrisy of the Prosecutor Gideon Hausner:
‘Israeli citizens, religious and non-religious seem agreed upon the desirability of having a law which prohibits intermarriage… there certainly was something breathtaking in the naiveté with which the prosecution denounced the infamous Nuremberg Laws of 1935, which had prohibited intermarriage and sexual intercourse between Jews and Germans.’
Kasztner was the leader of Hungarian Zionism during the war. He was accused after the war by Hungarian survivors of the deportations to Auschwitz of having collaborated with Eichmann in return for a train carrying 1,684 of the Jewish and Zionist elite out of Hungary. The verdictof the trial judge Benjamin Halevi was that Eichmann had sold his soul to the devil. Although the decision was overturned on legal and political technicalities by the Supreme Court the damage had been done.
The Eichmann trial was staged primarily to undo the damage caused by the Kasztner Affair.In the words of Israeli historian Tom Segev [The 7th Million, p.328,see Noah Lucas, The Modern History of Israel, p. 414] it was meant to ‘expunge the historical guilt that had been attached to the Mapai leadership since the Kasztner trial.’  The Kasztner trial dominated the Israel of 1954-58 and caused the fall of the 1955 Sharrett government.
Witnesses who were likely to raise the issues that had surrounded the Kasztner trial were carefully excluded from giving evidence e.g. Kasztner’s friend Andre Biss.
What Arendt did was to write a book which threatened to undo this careful stage management. Her first sin was to attack the Jewish leadership in Nazi occupied Europe. She wrote:
‘Wherever Jews lived, there were recognized Jewish leaders, and this leadership, almost without exception, cooperated in one way or another, for one reason or another, with the Nazis. The whole truth was that if the Jewish people had really been unorganized and leaderless, there would have been chaos and plenty of misery but the total number of victims would hardly have been between four and half and six million people.’
As Lucien Sternberg observed, ‘Arendt’s argument caused an outcry among Zionist holocaust historians but it could not be refuted.’ [Not as a Lamb - Jews Against Hitler, Gordon & Cremones, University Press, Glasgow p.109]
Arendt was accused of being incapable of understanding the complexity of the situation. Despite the participation of the Judenrat in rounding up Jews for deportation, Israel Gutman of Yad Vashem and Rozett opined that ‘‘The Judenrat reinforced the Jews’ power of endurance in their struggle for survival,’
Hausner was foremost among those who defended the Judenrat. He attacked Raul Hilberg, the preeminent Holocaust historian because Hannah Arendt ‘in her vicious and compassionless attitude to the Judenrat’ drew upon his work.’
The problem was that one could not explain how the Nazis had achieved their objectives so efficiently without taking the behaviour of the victims, including the Jewish Councils into account.
When Israeli Professor Jacob Talman criticised Hannah Arendt, for mentioning Zionist collaboration with the Nazis, Rudolph Vrba,  the Jewish escapee from Auschwitz, then residing in London asked:
‘Did the Judenrat (or the Judenverrat) in Hungary tell their Jews what was awaiting them? No, they remained silent and for this silence some of their leaders – for example Dr R Kasztner – bartered their own lives and the lives of 1684 other ‘prominent’ Jews directly from Eichmann.’
The Zionist movement exploded with fury when Arendt wrote ‘Eichmann in Jerusalem – The Banality of Evil.’ It threatened to undo all that had been achieved by the Eichmann Bill. Arendt’s crime was to highlight what the Eichmann Trial had been designed to avoid.  Their attacks bear a familiar ring:  Arendt wrote:
… the campaign, conducted with all the well-known means of image-making and opinion-manipulation, got much more attention than the controversy…. (it was) as though the pieces written against the book (and more frequently against its author) came “out of a mimeographing machine” (Mary McCarthy)… the clamor centered on the “image” of a book which was never written, and touched upon subjects that often had not only not been mentioned by me but had never occurred to me before.”
Rabbi Joachim Prinz, a German Zionist who had welcomed the rise of Hitler as vindicating Zionism, accused Arendt of having described Eichmann as a ‘sweet and misguided man.’ One French weekly went so far as to ask whether Arendt was a Nazi.
Amos Elon wrote, in an Introduction to her book, that
No book within living memory had elicited similar passions. A kind of excommunication seemed to have been imposed on the author by the Jewish establishment in America.
Arendt was stunned by the uproar. She spoke of the ‘smear campaign’ being conducted ‘on the lowest level’ based on the claim that she had said ‘the exact opposite of what I did in fact write.’ What Arendt had to say about the way her book was viciously caricatured has a familiar ring to those claims of ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party. In a letter to her friend, Mary McCarthy, Arendt complained ‘what a risky business to tell the truth on a factual level without theoretical and scholarly embroidery.’ Shooting the messenger rather than responding to the message has always remained the quintessential Zionist modus operandi.  Apparently Arendt had claimed that ‘the Jews had murdered themselves’ and why had she told ‘such a monstrously implausible lie? Out of “self-hatred” of course.’
The Eichmann Trial was a political show trial. It focused solely on the Jewish dead and failed to place the Holocaust in any kind of historical context. Its purpose was not to understand but to rewrite history. People have concentrated on the Appeal Court’s decision to find Eichmann guilty and the imposition of the death sentence whilst ignoring its decision that ‘the Appellant had received no ‘superior orders’ at all. He was his own superior.’ Israel’s Supreme Court had exculpated Himmler and even Hitler.
A movie The Specialistwas made. It reflected Arendt’s thesis on the banality of evil. Eichmann, whose enthusiasm for the annihilation of the Jews was never doubted, had nonetheless been a bureaucratic cog in the wheel.
‘The longer one listened to him, the more obvious it became that his inability to speak was closely connected with an inability to think, namely to think from the standpoint of somebody else.’
Raul Hilberg reached the same conclusion.
‘The bureaucracy had taken over. It is the bureaucratic destruction process that in its step-by-step manner finally led to the annihilation of five million victims.’
Eichmann was an ardent Zionist. Baron von Mildenstein, the first head of the SS’s Jewish Department, had required Eichmann to read Herzl’s Der Judenstaatwhich converted. Eichmann promptly and forever to Zionism... as late as 1939 he seems to have protested against desecrators of Herzl’s grave in Vienna.’
At the Eichmann trial, the most glaring omission from the picture painted was any witness to the co-operation between the Nazis and the Jewish authorities and the Zionists. This prevented the question being asked ‘Why did you cooperate in the destruction of your own people’. When Pinhas Freudiger, the Chief Rabbi of Hungary testified, this caused the only significant interruption as Hungarian survivors called him a collaborator and ‘accused him of abandoning his position as a leader of the Orthodox Community.’
Perhaps the best example of the ideological confrontation between Zionism, with its belief in the negation of the disapora and the voice of the Jewish diaspora, is the correspondence between Arendt and Gershom Scholem, the Professor of Mysticism. 
On June 23rd 1963 Scholem wrote to Arendt, having read Eichmann in Jerusalem.
In the Jewish tradition there is a concept Ahabath Israel: ‘Love of the Jewish people…”  In you, dear Hannah, as in so many intellectuals who came from the German Left, I find little trace of this….’
Arendt’s reply demonstrated that Scholem was at heart a Jewish chauvinist. 
‘I am not one of the “intellectuals who come from the German Left.’… It is a fact of which I am in no way particularly proud and which I am somewhat reluctant to emphasize – especially since the McCarthy era in this country.  I came late to an understanding of Marx’s importance… let me begin… with what you call “love of the Jewish people.”… (Incidentally, I would be very grateful if you could tell me since when this concept has played a role in Judaism)… You are quite right – I am not moved by any “love” of this sort, and for two reasons.  I have never in my life “loved” any people or collective… I indeed love “only” my friends and the only kind of love I know of and believe in is the love of persons.  Secondly, this “love of the Jews” would appear to me, since I am myself Jewish, as something rather suspect…. I do not “love” the Jews, nor do I “believe” in them; I merely belong to them as a matter of course, beyond dispute or argument…. But I can admit to you something beyond that, namely, that wrong done by my own people naturally grieves me more than wrong done by other peoples.’
It was in truth a devastating reply.

Why Hannah Arendt is the Philosopher for Now, Lyndsey Stonebridge

Hannah Arendt: Human, Citizen, Jew

Tony Greenstein

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