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Israel’s Reaction to Pittsburgh is to Defend Trumps Administration and those who have made Anti-Semitism Respectable


How Israel Tried to Equate the Murder of Jews at The Tree of Life with Support for the Palestinians and Opposition to BDS

First a short history lesson. Zionism arose as a reaction to anti-Semitism in the late 19th Century. From the start it was different from all other Jewish reactions (forget the nonsense about the Jews’ 2,000 year dream for the Promised Land – when given the choice Jews would go anywhere but Palestine). Unlike most Jews, Zionist groups accepted the anti-Semites claims. The anti-Semites said Jews did not belong in non-Jewish society and the Zionists agreed. That was the beginning of a beautiful relationship between Zionism and Anti-Semitism.
To Zionist novellist A B Yehoshua there is no value in the Jewish diaspora - a traditional but rarely stated now Zionist axiom
The Zionists blamed the Jews themselves for anti-Semitism. It was their ‘homelessness’ that caused anti-Semitism. In the words of A B Yehoshuathe Jewish Diaspora was a “cancer who use other peoples’ countries like hotels.’ [Jewish Chronicle 22.5.89]. In other words Jews outside Israel are aliens. Theodor Herzl, the founder of Political Zionism wrote, in The Jewish State (1896) that the Jews
‘naturally move to those places where we are not persecuted and there our presence produces persecution... The unfortunate Jews are now carrying it into England; they have already introduced it into America.’ pp. 14-15)
In other words anti-Semitism is caused by the presence of Jews. Following this logic, the Zionists held that it was useless to fight anti-Semitism. Jews had only obtained a formal equality because ‘in the principal countries where Anti-Semitism prevails it does so as a result of the emancipation of the Jews.’ [p.25] To Max Nordau, Herzl’s Deputy, Emancipation was solely the result of the geometrical mode of thought of French nationalism of the 18th Century.’[Speech to the First Zionist Congress,(1897) Arthur Hertzberg, The Zionist Idea p.236]. 
In other words the French Revolution granted equal rights to Jews not because they believed in it but because it was the logical consequence of the introduction of greater democracy and equality. Zionism like the Orthodox opposed Emancipation as opening the gates to assimilation.
Herzl understood that both the Zionists and the anti-Semites had a common interest – both wanted Jews to leave their countries of birth and go to Palestine.
‘The Governments of all countries scourged by Anti-Semitism will be keenly interested in assisting us to obtain the sovereignty we want.’ [p.28, Jewish State]
It was but a short step to the conclusion that ‘the anti-Semites will be our most dependable friends... our allies.” [Diaries p. 84] Yehoshua, who unusually for a Zionist is open and honest admitted that
Anti-Zionism is not the product of the non-Jews. On the contrary, the Gentiles have always encouraged Zionism, hoping that it would help rid them of the Jews in their midst. Even today, in a perverse way, a real anti-Semite must be a Zionist.’ [Jewish Chronicle 22.1.82.]
When the Nazis came to power, the Zionist movement was not unhappy about what was happening. When the Nazis promulgated the 1935 Nuremburg Laws, ‘the most murderous legislative instrument known to European history’ [Gerald Reitlinger] the Zionists did not protest. As Rabbi Joachim Prinz, a prominent leader of German Zionism wrote:
‘(The Jews) have been drawn out of the last recesses of christening and mixed marriages. We are not unhappy about it... The theory of assimilation has collapsed.... We want to replace assimilation by something new: the declaration of belonging to the Jewish nation and the Jewish race. A state, built according to the principles of purity of the nation and race can only be honoured and respected by a Jew who declares his belonging to his own kind.’ [Wir Juden, Berlin 1934]
The Zionist Congress, which met in Prague in 1933, didn’t even condemn or criticise the Nazis for their treatment of German Jews. Indeed the Labour Zionist majority rejected the criticism that the right-wing Revisionists made. They didn’t protest the situation in Germany because they were determined to take advantage of it.
Zionism, to use Herzl’s metaphor, was intent on using anti-Semitism much as an engine used steam as a form of power. Zionism has always sought to use anti-Semitism for its own advantage. When Netanyahu flew to Paris after the killing of 4 Jews in a kosher supermarket his message was simple, get out: We say to the Jews, to our brothers and sisters, Israel is your home and that of every Jew. Israel is waiting for you with open arms.”Which is exactly the message that the anti-Semites sought.
This was the message that Avi Gabbay, leader of the Israeli Labour Party, conveyed when, in the wake of Pittsburgh, he calledupon American Jews to emigrate to Israel: which is their real home. As Michael Koplow observed
it is a bizarre historical twist of fate that the overwhelming majority of non-Jewish Americans recognize that this is our home, while the Jewish head of the largest opposition party in the Knesset does not.
What is the real Israeli attitude to the massacre of 11 Jews in Pittsburgh?  Undoubtedly there are many Israelis who are genuinely shocked by what happened, for example Chemi Shalev’s article attacking Trump’s Complicity and Netanyahu’s Hypocrisybut it is also clear that there are many Zionists who welcome what happened. I am reminded of the reaction of The Shadow, a neo-Nazi rapper and Likud member, Yossi Eliassi and his supporters, to the death of a Jewish teacher and peace activist in a bus bombing. A Glimpse into the Soul of Israel - the Spirit of ZionismIn the words of Shahar Peretz on Facebook,: ‘In short, another terrorist died.’  
Eliassi’s reaction to Pittsburgh was to welcome it. In a Facebook post, Eliasi, who I have covered recently,portrayed the massacre as a legitimate response to the Hebrew Immigration Aid Committee’s support for refugees and migrants in the USA. The murderer Robert Bowers was a man fed up with subversive progressive Jewish leftists injecting their sick agendas” into his country. Eliasi added ‘Jews like you brought the holocaust and now you’re causing antisemitism. Stop bringing in hate money from Soros.” [see Parasites circle the Pittsburgh Massacre, Morning Star, 1.11.18.]
But what The Shadow says openly others say in muted tones. This was explained by Uri Harari nearly 50 years ago in Yediot Aharonot of 9.2.69: Our Responsibility Towards the Jews in the Arab Countries
When we hear of riots, pogroms or hanging [of Jews] we seethe with anger, and justly so…. We try to do everything within our capacity to help the persecuted Jews. Then we ask ourselves, "Where were they all these years?", "Why did they not immigrate into the country [Israel] in time?"…Still later, and deep in our heart there is also a tiny flicker of vicious joy, "Serves them right!"; "We warned them!"; "We told them so!".
It is, of course, not customary for us to talk about it in public, but many of us felt a tiny bit of joy at another’s calamity when we read reports in the papers about the swastika epidemic in Europe in 1960, or about the [pro-Nazi] Takuara movement in Argentina. And even today, we have very mixed feelings when we read of de Gaulle’s anti-Semitic hints or about the intensification of anti-Jewish feelings among black leaders in the United States.
Despite all the anger and the shock and the insult, these phenomena fit into our world view, because Zionism said then, as it says today, that this is the state of affairs, and that such it must be so long as Jews live among Gentile nations….  we sometimes forget the negative aspect of Zionism – its cruel world view… [Zionism] assumes the eternal hatred of the Jew by the Gentile, irrespective of how liberal the Gentile may be.
Protecting Trump and a False Equivalence
Israel’s main concern after the Pittsburgh massacre was not the protection of America’s Jews but a desire to protect those primarily responsible for the massacre, the Trump Administration.  It’s second concern was to draw a false equivalence between Palestinian resistance to Israel’s racist regime, the solidarity movement and BDS and the fascist violence that resulted in the worst massacre of Jews in the history of the United States.
Zionist politicians in the US are using the tragedy of American Jewry in order to attack the BDS movement.  As Josh Nathan-Kazis put it
some Jewish leaders are seizing on the moment to make progress on long-standing policy agendas to pass legislation targeting the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.’After Pittsburgh, Jewish Groups First Fight Is Against BDS — Not White Nationalism
Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace. described  it as ‘opportunistic and cynical’  to use the Pittsburgh massacre, ‘to shut down criticism of Israel and activism related to Israel.’ But Zionism is nothing if not cynical.
Naftali Bennett, the far-Right Israeli Education Minister who was sent to the US set out to portray Pittsburgh as caused by anti-Semitism of the left and Right (shades of the Zionist narrative in the Labour Party):
“From Sderot, in Israel, to Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, the hand that fires missiles is the same hand that shoots worshippers. We will fight against the hatred of Jews and anti-Semitism wherever it raises its head, and we will prevail.”
As Bernard Avishai noted in The New Yorker, Bennett
personifies one side, the most strident side, of a repressed debate between American Jews and Israelis that the Pittsburgh murders must inevitably surface. What causes anti-Semitism, and can American liberalism—can any liberalism—work against it?’
Avishai is both right and wrong.  Yes Bennett symbolises the growing divide between Israel and American Jewry but the debate is about far more than what causes anti-Semitism. The debate revolves around what it means to be Jewish and whether being Jewish means being a Zionist, a supporter of chauvinism and racism and whether Jews should continue to align with a ‘Jewish’ State with which the enemies of American Jews, the alt-Right and Breitbart, identify. In Pittsburgh, Naftali Bennett’s Presence Highlights the Debate Between Netanyahu’s Government and American Jews.
Neo-Nazi founder of the alt-Right,, Richard Spencer
Nowhere is this dichotomy better illustrated than by Richard Spencer, the neo-Nazi and self-declared White Zionist founder of the alt-Right. In a series of tweets, Spencer wrote of his admiration for the Jewish Nation State law, which confers the right to national self-determination in Israel to Jewish citizens only and says Israel is 'showing a path forward for Europeans'. White Nationalist Richard Spencer Backs Israel's Contentious Nation-state Law  Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer was even cruder:
One of the big forces in college campuses today is anti-Semitism. And those anti-Semites are usually not neo-Nazis on college campuses. They’re coming from the radical left.” 
Only in the minds of Dermer and Bennett can an equal’s sign be drawn between fascist anti-Semitism and support for the Palestinians. But for the Zionists Pittsburgh was too good an opportunity to miss. Last Friday, Senator Cory Booker a New Jersey Democrat, announced that he would co-sponsor the Israel Anti-Boycott Act.
Likewise Malcolm Hoenlein, Vice Chair of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations used Pittsburgh to push for support for a federal law which would adopt a “standardized” definition of anti-Semitism, laws to oppose BDS (shades of the IHRA).
Nathan-Kazis quotessome leaders within Hoenlein’s own organization as questioning this linkage between fascist violence and BDS: “I personally wouldn’t use the Pittsburgh massacre to justify the passage of anti-boycott legislation, I don’t think connecting the dots is wise or effective.” After Pittsburgh, Jewish Groups’ First Fight Is Against BDS — Not White Nationalism
Unlike in Britain where Zionist organisations like the CST and CAA play up every whisper or anti-Semitic tweet, in the United States Bennett did his best to pour cold water on the idea that anti-Semitism was increasing. At a lunch-time discussion he expressed his doubts.
Bennett came to the US to defend Trump and Israel not console the Jews of Pittsburgh
Bennett came to the United States with one purpose above all, to defend the man who, more than any other, had incited the hate against refugees which led to the Pittsburgh massacre. To Bennett Trump was “a true friend of the State of Israel and to the Jewish people,” and criticized those “using the horrific anti-Semitic massacre to attack President Trump” as “unfair and wrong.” It may be wrong and unfair to criticise the bigot that goes by the name of Trump but its open season on the Palestinians for whom no criticism is unfair or wrong.
African refugees in Israel
Naftali Bennett would of course have difficulty in attacking Trump’s war on refugees. Bennett has been foremost amongst those who have been attacking Israel’s Black African refugees.
The Israeli government has been trying to deport 40,000 refugees for the crime of not being Jewish and even worse, being Black. As Netanyahu explained these refugees
threaten our existence as a Jewish and democratic state... This phenomenon is very grave and threatens the social fabric of society, our national security and our national identity
When Netanyahu negotiated an agreement with the UNHCR which would have meant Israel allowing half the refugees to stay in return for Europe taking the other half, it was Bennett who vetoed it warningthat it would “turn Israel into a paradise for infiltrators”. Thus comparing the refugees to Palestine’s expelled Arab refugees. In other words the refugees were no better than Palestinians.
Bennett's defence of Trump didn't go down well
However Bennet didn’t go unopposed. At a lunchtime meeting Bennett was confronted by 89-year-old Edward Bleier, a former Warner Bros. President  and Jewish philanthropist, who as Ha’aretz noted ‘gave him the schooling he badly needed.’
“Some of us are older than you are and we recall the pre-war period in America when the Nazis convened in Madison Square Garden and paraded on 96th Street with brown shirts and swastikas. And the rallying cry of the anti-Semites was ‘America First.’ So my hair stands on end when I hear an American president invoke that line,” Bleier told him.  American Jews May Never Forgive Israel for Its Reaction to the Pittsburgh Massacre
The Tree of Life Synagogue Where 11 Jews were Murdered

See America First, for Charles Lindbergh and Donald Trump

Ha’aretz commented that
It was a rare moment: An American Jew confronting one of the pack of Israeli officials who saw it as their role to act as Trump’s political armor, shielding him from any responsibility for Pittsburgh.’

As Allison Kaplan Sommer noted in Ha’aretzand Forward
Never before has the State of Israel so blatantly demonstrated that it will protect its own political interests at the expense of American Jews.
Not only did Israel’s leaders choose Trump over American Jews, but they did so easily, naturally, without hesitation, leaping to the defense of a political leader who is actively and openly fanning the flames of hatred that now has an unprecedented death toll.
That they did this, and did so before the bodies of 11 American Jews –   brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers – were even buried, was experienced as a stab in the back that, even if it does heal one day, will leave a scar.
The image of the president touching down in Pittsburgh against the wishes of the mourners, no national congressional leaders or local politicians agreeing to be seen greeting him, accompanied only by Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer as a political flak jacket will remain an indelible image.
Like Bleier’s memories of the Brownshirts in Madison Square Garden, it may fade but will never be forgotten.
Jonathan Offir noted how Bennett exploited the massacre to demonize Palestinians.
He did not connect the dots between the massacre, anti-Semitism and white nationalism (which is the obvious nature of the attack), but rather between the attacker and Palestinians:  Israeli politicians’ responses to Pittsburgh terror expose Zionism’s reactionary core
likewise Adam Horowitz wrote how ‘The Israeli government is exploiting the Pittsburgh murders to try to demonize Palestine solidarity’
 “The murderous rampage at the Tree of Life synagogue had absolutely nothing to do with the struggle for Palestinian rights. And anyone who is telling you there is is shamelessly trying to use the murder of 11 innocent people to further their own racist agenda to dehumanize Palestinians and justify their ongoing oppression by the state of Israel.”
The Guardian's 'liberal' Zionist Rachel Shabi - her talent is in making the trite and trivial seem important 
In Britain it was left to the Guardian, ever eager to plough the furrow of fake ‘left’ anti-Semitism to echo Bennett and Trump’s message that ‘both sides’ – fascists and anti-fascists are to blame. Rachel Shabi, the ‘progressive’ face of Zionism lectured that After Pittsburgh, the left must face down all forms of racism. ‘Words can be deadly.’ 
Shabi wrote with all the sincerity of a fox trying to gain entrance to a chicken coop. ‘With 11 Jewish people killed at a synagogue, leftists had better ensure theirs don’t ring hollow’ which is, in itself, an example of how hollow and shallow the Guardianhas become. Presumably it was all those leftists railing against the refugee caravan that first inspired Robert Bowers? Shabi lost no time revealing her real agenda:
‘right now, on social media, some of the response to Jewish people discussing the horrors of Pittsburgh is: what about Palestine? Even when Jews are killed for being Jews, they are, for some leftists, taking up too much attention, and deflecting from a greater cause for which they are collectively responsible.
It is as if idiot @rachshabi was oblivious to that which was underneath her nose, the visit of Naftali Bennett and his efforts to defend Trump in the name of Israel. It is a good example of how in its campaign against the left, the Guardian fails to grasp the most elementary facts that writers in Ha'aretz and Forward had no difficulty understanding. Shabi is a testament to the decline in the Guardian’s standards of journalism and its neo-liberalism.
Compare Shabi’s hackneyed rhetoric to that of Rabbi Brant Rosen:

if we are to truly respond to this resurgence [of Anti-Semitism and White Nationalism], we must take pains to analyze anti-Semitism for what it is and what it is not. This is particularly important in the face of Israeli politicians and Israel advocacy organizations that are currently muddling the definition of anti-Semitism for cynical political gain. After Pittsburgh, We Can No Longer Cry Wolf on “Campus Anti-Semitism”

It is a sad commentary on British journalism that Shabi is taken seriously as a journalist and the Guardian as a newspaper. Instead of her reflex defence of Israel and Netanyahu, Shabi should read Dana Millbank’s Anti-Semitism is no longer an undertone of Trump’s campaign. It’s the melody and Trump’s America is not a safe place for Jews in the Washington Post explaining Trump’s anti-Semitism.
ØTelling Jewish Republicans they wouldn’t support him “because I don’t want your money.”
ØTweeting an image from an anti-Semitic message board with a Star of David atop a pile of cash.
ØSaying “I don’t have a message” for supporters who threatened anti-Semitic violence against a Jewish journalist, and Melania Trump saying the writer “provoked the threats.
ØBranding his campaign with the “America First” slogan of the anti-Semitic pre-war movement.
ØAlleging that “blood suckers” and “a global power structure” including “international banks” are secretly plotting against ordinary Americans.
ØAnd, when urged by the Anti-Defamation League to stop using traditionally anti-Semitic tropes, repeating the tropes in an ad with images of prominent Jews, including George Soros.
ØOnce in office, in addition to making common cause with the Nazis of Charlottesville, Trump stocked his administration with Stephen K. Bannon and other figures of the nationalist “alt-right;” hesitated to condemn the rise of anti-Semitic threats and vandalism; issued a Holocaust remembrance statement without mention of Jews; lamented the attempts to silence Alex Jones, who peddles anti-Semitic conspiracy theories; and, declaring himself a “nationalist,” increased verbal attacks on “globalists,” particularly Soros.

But expecting anything substantive or serious on anti-Semitism and Israel in the Guardian these days would be like asking the Sun for an article on the malevolent influence of Murdoch on the media.
Tony Greenstein

Josh Nathan-Kazis November 5, 2018

Just days after the deadliest anti-Semitic massacre in U.S. history, American Jewish establishment groups got one step closer to achieving one of their longstanding policy goals: Passage of a bill that would criminalize some boycotts of Israel.
The alleged murderer in the Pittsburgh killings, Robert Bowers, posted on social media about his hatred for the progressive Jewish refugee aid group HIAS. His social media postings appeared to mirror white supremacist beliefs about non-white immigrants to the U.S., and do not seem to mention Israel or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at all.
Yet some Jewish leaders are seizing on the moment to make progress on long-standing policy agendas to pass legislation targeting the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, and harsh critics of Israel on American college campuses. Others object to this strategy.
“An effort to now use this massacre to move legislation on the Hill that literally has nothing to do with the kind of anti-Semitism that was at play in this massacre, but is about trying to shut down criticism of Israel and activism related to Israel, seems opportunistic and cynical,” said Lara Friedman, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace.
Those focusing on Israel in the aftermath of the Pittsburgh shooting are following the lead of Israeli officials, who immediately afterward sought to draw a link between left-wing criticism of their government’s policies and the anti-Semitic shooting.
 “To simply say that this is because of one person, it only comes on one side, is to not understand the history of anti-Semitism or the reality of anti-Semitism,” Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer said on MSNBC the day after the massacre. “One of the big forces in college campuses today is anti-Semitism. And those anti-Semites are usually not neo-Nazis on college campuses. They’re coming from the radical left.”
On Friday, Senator Cory Booker, Democrat of New Jersey, announced that he would sign on as a co-sponsor of the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, a controversial piece of legislation as popular among pro-Israel groups as it is unpopular among civil libertarians.
 “We’ve seen the alarming rise in anti-Semitism in the United States and across the world in recent years manifest itself in many deeply concerning ways,” Booker said in a statement.
Booker’s office did not respond to a question about whether Jewish leaders had asked the senator to support the anti-boycott law in the wake of the Pittsburgh massacre. But days earlier, one of the most powerful American Jewish officials said that the Jewish community should use the Pittsburgh massacre to demand passage of the anti-boycott bill, along with another bill that would allow certain federal agencies to define some criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism.
At a meeting called by the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations last Tuesday, the group’s executive vice chairman, Malcolm Hoenlein, said that in the wake of Pittsburgh, Jewish leaders should support the passage of a federal law to adopt a “standardized” definition of anti-Semitism, laws to oppose the BDS movement, and efforts to counter anti-Semitism on college campuses. He appeared to be talking about the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act and the Israel Anti-Boycott Act. The Presidents Conference has long supported the Israel Anti-Boycott Act; its member organizations are key forces behind the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act.
 “There can be no fence-sitting and no obfuscation, no exceptions and no excuses,” Hoenlein said, according to a statement put out by the Presidents Conference. “It is time to hold everyone to account for what they do or what they fail to do.”
Hoenlein did not respond to multiple queries from the Forward about his statements at the meeting, which was closed to the press.
Some, including leaders within Hoenlein’s own organization, have questioned linking the massacre to the anti-boycott bill. “I personally wouldn’t use the Pittsburgh massacre to justify the passage of anti-boycott legislation,” said the leader of one member organization of the Presidents Conference, who asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue. “I think we need to fight anti-Semitism on both ends of the ideological spectrum, but that’s a different kind of anti-Semitism that requires a very different approach. I don’t think connecting the dots is wise or effective.”
It’s not clear whether there is any connection between Hoenlein’s call for action on the legislation and Booker’s announcement. William Daroff, senior vice president for public policy and director of the Washington office of the Jewish Federations of North America, said that his organization and its partners have long been in touch with Booker on the issue.
 “We are pleased he is joining this bipartisan effort to ensure the world knows that America believes boycotts of Israel are treif,” or not kosher, Daroff said.
The anti-boycott bill, which Booker said Friday he would support, was first introduced in March 2017, and was quickly condemned by the American Civil Liberties Union.. The bill, in its original form, created criminal penalties for complying with boycotts imposed by international organizations. The sponsors introduced a new, softer version of the bill earlier this year. The ACLU reiterated its opposition to the new version this summer.
The second bill that Hoenlein appears to have alluded to, the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, is a similarly controversial piece of legislation that would instruct the U.S. Department of Education to consider a definition of anti-Semitism that includes “judg[ing] Israel by a double standard” when investigating federal discrimination claims.
Promoting that definition of anti-Semitism, which is already officially in use by the U.S. State Department, has been a long-term goal of some Jewish establishment groups — even though Kenneth Stern, the anti-Semitism expert who drafted that definition of anti-Semitism, has said he opposes the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act because it misuses the definition he wrote.
Others besides Hoenlein have pushed the bill’s passage in the days since the attack. A pro-Israel “talking points brief” distributed by a group called The Focus Project, which is sponsored by a coalition of pro-Israel organizations, suggested as a talking point last Tuesday that “Congress must update civil rights protections so Jews are covered based on ethnicity,” an apparent reference to the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act.
The ACLU has also strongly opposed the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, with its leader saying in May that “the proposed bill risks chilling constitutionally protected speech by incorrectly equating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism.”
 “It’s entirely about shutting down criticism of Israel and activism,” Friedman said of the bill.
Daroff, for his part, defended the connection between the Pittsburgh massacre and the two pieces of legislation. “What the murders in Pittsburgh do is illustrate the need for swift governmental action to combat the scourge of anti-Semitism,” Daroff said. “To say the only sort of anti-Semitism we need to be on the lookout for, or the only anti-Semitism that’s relevant to talk about in the wake of Pittsburgh mass, is one that works identically like that form of anti-Semitism, I think is shortsighted.”
Allison Kaplan Sommer, was somewhat more blunt. She described how American Jews expected comfort and support but Israeli government officials ‘offered carefully honed political talking points, choosing Trump over them.’
The first insult was to send Naftali Bennett to the United States at all.  In an Israeli government of racists, Naftali Bennett manages to stand head and shoulders above nearly all his compatriots.  I’ve killed many Arabs in my life, and there’s no problem with that,”He is the Israeli version of Robert Bowers.
Kaplan-Sommer described how ‘from the moment he landed on U.S. soil, Bennett ... defended President Donald Trump against accusations that the poisonous xenophobic tone and outlandish conspiracy theories he peddles bore any connection to the massacre in Pittsburgh.’ He also argued that the threat of anti-Semitism in America ‘was overblown’.

Allison Kaplan Sommer, Forward 4.11.18.
Over the past week, American Jews expected comfort and support. Instead, Israeli government officials offered carefully honed political talking points, choosing Trump over them

Naftali Bennett speaks during a vigil, to remember the victims of the shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue, Pittsburgh, October 28, 2018. Brendan Smialowski / AFP
One stunning encounter that took place during Diaspora Affairs Minister Naftali Bennett’s visit to the United States last week encapsulated the distance between Israeli officialdom and American Jews reeling after the worst attack on their community in the country’s history.
That moment came for Bennett during an appearance at the Council on Foreign Relations, after he winged his way to the United States to attend the funerals of the victims of the synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh.
After paying his respects, Bennett was quickly off to New York to make the rounds of the studios and conference rooms of major Jewish organizations to take full advantage of his unexpected trip to North America to raise his profile – after all, he makes no secret of his aspirations to the prime ministership.
From the moment he landed on U.S. soil, Bennett in his discussion with council members insistently defended President Donald Trump against accusations that the poisonous xenophobic tone and outlandish conspiracy theories he peddles bore any connection to the massacre in Pittsburgh. Bennett paired this with an equally problematic message that the threat of anti-Semitism in America was overblown.
 “This is not in any sense Germany of the ’30s, it doesn’t resemble that in any possible way,” Bennett declared confidently, according to a report in the Jewish Insider.
He was confronted by 89-year-old Edward Bleier, a former Warner Bros. president, media pioneer and Jewish philanthropist who, disgusted by Bennett's obversation, gave him the schooling he badly needed. He noted that the Israeli minister is poorly educated when it comes to the Jews of the Diaspora, their history and sensitivities.
“Some of us are older than you are and we recall the pre-war period in America when the Nazis convened in Madison Square Garden and paraded on 96th Street with brown shirts and swastikas. And the rallying cry of the anti-Semites was ‘America First.’ So my hair stands on end when I hear an American president invoke that line,” Bleier told him.
Naftali Bennett’s Fox interview, October 31, 2018. Fox News
It was a rare moment: An American Jew confronting one of the pack of Israeli officials who saw it as their role to act as Trump’s political armor, shielding him from any responsibility for Pittsburgh.
Most grieving American Jews were polite and deferential to Bennett and the parade of other Israeli officials whose remarks inspired headlines like “Israel Defends Trump Amid Synagogue Shooting Criticism,” 
The fury, resentment and disgust of American Jews toward Israel’s representatives only came pouring out afterward, in private conversations and across social media.
In the opinion pages and comment sections of Jewish outlets, commentators like former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro opined that Israelis had one job while America was “sitting shivah” – to listen, not lecture them on how they should feel or who they should blame, and certainly not on the eve of critical U.S. elections.
Shapiro recalled how, as ambassador, he was always careful not to bring politics into houses of mourning. And yet, long before this Shabbat, when we marked seven days since the murderous Pittsburgh attack – a symbolic shivah – American Jews got an earful from their Israeli brethren as to which political leaders they should or shouldn’t blame.  
It is something they have always made an effort not to do when the shoe is on the other foot. In their countless “solidarity missions” over the years when Israel was feeling attacked, broken and vulnerable, American-Jewish leaders always held back from telling Israel what to do as it mourned and buried its dead, after the all-too-frequent wars and terror attacks.
Whenever Diaspora Jews have dared step out of line, speak out, disagree or point out missteps by their Israeli counterparts, they are always scolded and shut down.
The typical reaction to such chutzpah is: “How can anyone who hasn’t lived in Israel, hasn’t served in the IDF or sent their children to serve, who hasn’t huddled in a shelter as missiles have fallen, seen friends and neighbors die in terror attacks, possibly understand what Israelis are going through?”
Daring to voice a partisan opinion on what is happening while parachuting in for a photo opportunity is seen as unacceptably audacious by people who, while they may be fellow Jews, have no skin – or blood – in the game.
Over the past week, when American Jews expected comfort and support, Israeli government officials instead offered carefully honed political talking points: It is “unfair” to assign responsibility to the president, they lectured. Trump is the best friend Israel has ever had in the White House. He has Jewish family members, therefore any implication that he is either anti-Semitic himself or encourages anti-Semitism with his populist “America First” rhetoric is outrageous.
Special U.S. midterms coverage with Allison Kaplan Sommer // Part 1: What we can expectHaaretz
These arguments were inevitabley followed up by the “both sides” defense: That Farrakhan-style anti-Semitism is equally as bad and dangerous as white supremacist Soros-bashing xenophobia.
The relationship between Israel and the overwhelmingly liberal non-Orthodox American-Jewish population has been no picnic in recent years. Memorable low points in the relationship: The crisis over Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressing Congress in order to lobby against the Iran deal, over the objections of the Obama White House; and the furious reaction by liberal non-Orthodox streams after what they viewed as betrayal over the Western Wall deal.
But until this moment, nothing has left American Jews feeling that they are being physically abandoned by their Israeli brothers. Never before has the State of Israel so blatantly demonstrated that it will protect its own political interests at the expense of American Jews.
Not only did Israel’s leaders choose Trump over American Jews, but they did so easily, naturally, without hesitation, leaping to the defense of a political leader who is actively and openly fanning the flames of hatred that now has an unprecedented death toll.
That they did this, and did so before the bodies of 11 American Jews –   brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers – were even buried, was experienced as a stab in the back that, even if it does heal one day, will leave a scar.
The image of the president touching down in Pittsburgh against the wishes of the mourners, no national congressional leaders or local politicians agreeing to be seen greeting him, accompanied only by Israeli ambassador Ron Dermer as a political flak jacket will remain an indelible image.
Like Bleier’s memories of the Brownshirts in Madison Square Garden, it may fade but will never be forgotten.

Israeli politicians’ responses to Pittsburgh terror expose Zionism’s reactionary core

Jonathan Offir
In the wake of the Pittsburgh white-supremacist’s terror attack on a synagogue, Israeli labor leader Avi Gabbay called“upon the Jews of the United States to immigrate more and more to Israel, because this is their home.”
This was an echo of Prime Minister Netanyahu, who in the wake of the 2015 Paris terror shootings, messaged“all the Jews of France”, indeed “all the Jews of Europe”: “the state of Israel is your home”. 
This is hardly the first time that the opposition leader Gabbay echoes Netanyahu so precisely and in such similar contexts. Last year, he approvingly cited Netanyahu’s words: “The left has forgotten what it means to be Jewish”. Gabbay was aware of the historical and racist context of Netanyahu’s original statement, which was caught on hot mic in 1997 (Netanyahu also said that the left “think that our security can be placed in the hands of Arabs”) – and Gabbay explicitly credited Netanayhu.
Gabbay’s statements on Pittsburgh were regarded as “tone-deaf” by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), and even centrist lawmaker (and former Israeli Ambassador to US) Michael Oren felt a need to damage-control Gabbay’s words for being too nationalist:
“Avi Gabbay said things that should not be said because he simply does not understand. Through his words he adds insult to injury. The call to U.S. Jewry, especially after last night [massacre in Pittsburgh], deeply hurts their feelings and reduces their desire for Aliyah [emigration to Israel]. Gabbay does not understand anything about Israel’s relationship with the Diaspora.”
Michael Oren is an expert on saying things that should not be said. Earlier this year, he found ultimate proof that Ahed Tamimi’s family was not a “real family”, posting as evidence two photos of the family that he said were different when they were actually the same photo in a mirrored pairing: 
‘A boy of 12 takes a photo with a cast on the right arm, the next day with a cast on left arm. You tell me if it’s not funded and directed? The Tamimi family is part of the “Pallywood” industry, which sends children to confront IDF soldiers in order to cause PR damage to Israel, for money’. 
So if Michael Oren tells you you’ve gone too far, then you may really be in too deep.
Offensive statements “correcting” American Jews for their supposed naiveté and liberalism seem to regularly come from the Israeli Zionist left, as for example when former left leader Isaac Herzog (now head of Jewish Agency) calledintermarriage, especially amongst US Jews, a “plague” this summer.
The calls to emigrate to Israel in the wake of anti-Semitic violence abroad appear to be intrinsic to Zionist thinking, and the whole notion of ‘assimilation’, be it through inter-marriage or otherwise, is regularly frowned upon (if not worse) by Zionists, who see this as weakness, since their solution is an exclusivist, isolationist one.
Zvia Greeenfield, a prominent leftist former Meretz lawmaker, wrote in Haaretz this week:
“The American Jewish minority still faces the question that has preoccupied the Diaspora since the French Revolution and the departure from the ghetto: Is it better for Jews to maintain a separate identity or to assimilate into local society? Recognizing that on the broader level (although perhaps not on an individual level) assimilation as a solution is an illusion that would sooner or later come to a violent end was what motivated Theodor Herzl to offer the Zionist solution – Jewish self-sovereignty. But the large American Jewish minority did not choose Herzl’s proposal, and today most of it chooses to assimilate into society at large and assume everything will be fine”.
Greenfield extolls the Zionist solution:
“In Israel, the country itself, with its difficult dilemmas and great successes, is the grand vision of the new Judaism. It provides the answer to the question of why it’s worth remaining Jews, and what it means to be a Jew in the post-halakhic era. Those who reject this answer remain with a question that has no resolution other than assimilation”. 
That’s an Israeli leftist talking! Greenfield has recently also written in Haaretz on why Israel should treat Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed Bin Salman with “kids gloves”, even if he dissolved Jamal Kashoggi’s body in acid, because “Mohammed”, as she calls him, will bring peace. 
This type of Israeli-Zionist condescending attitude appears to be a growing menace for many American Jews. Writing in The New Yorker, Bernard Avishai surveys other Israeli responses to the massacre, in his piece titled “In Pittsburgh, Naftali Bennett’s Presence Highlights the Debate Between Netanyahu’s Government and American Jews”. Covering the message by Education and Diaspora Minister Bennett, including his cryptic statement that “Jewish blood is not free,” Avishai writes:
“Bennett was no doubt sincere in his empathy and his outrage. But Bennett—the public figure, not the designated mourner—personifies one side, the most strident side, of a repressed debate between American Jews and Israelis that the Pittsburgh murders must inevitably surface. What causes anti-Semitism, and can American liberalism—can any liberalism—work against it?”
Bennett also exploited the massacre to demonize Palestinians. He did not connect the dots between the massacre, anti-Semitism and white nationalism (which is the obvious nature of the attack), but rather between the attacker and Palestinians:
“From Sderot, in Israel, to Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, the hand that fires missiles is the same hand that shoots worshippers. We will fight against the hatred of Jews and anti-Semitism wherever it raises its head, and we will prevail.”
As Adam Horowitz wrote on this site, the “Israeli government is exploiting the Pittsburgh murders to try to demonize Palestine solidarity”:
“The murderous rampage at the Tree of Life synagogue had absolutely nothing to do with the struggle for Palestinian rights. And anyone who is telling you there is is shamelessly trying to use the murder of 11 innocent people to further their own racist agenda to dehumanize Palestinians and justify their ongoing oppression by the state of Israel.”
Bennett had predictably brought up the Holocaust, in his ‘educating’ message to the American Jewish community:
“Nearly eighty years since Kristallnacht, when the Jews of Europe perished in the flames of their houses of worship, one thing is clear: anti-Semitism, Jew-hating, is not a distant memory”.
Bernard Avishai, considering it a statement lacking tact, noted the inherent condescension:
‘Bennett’s supposition that members of his audience thought of anti-Semitism as a “piece of history”—that they were in need of his corrective—suggests only how he’s underestimated them’…
Avishai notes how Nancy Bernstein, co-chair of the liberal-Zionist J Street Pittsburgh, said that Bennett’s appearance was a “blight” on otherwise moving proceedings.
So there’s even a dismay, also from Zionists themselves, about the way other Zionists exploit anti-Semitism in order to bolster their Zionist anti-Palestinian message. And about how other Zionists, particularly Israeli ones, use anti-Semitism to unfurl their better-knowing arrogance and obnoxious chauvinism of “we told you so.” Yet these critics (such as Avishai and Bernstein) still remain Zionists.
Although this arrogance comes from both right and left, many are still in the impression that there is an inclusivist Zionism, one that is truly liberal. But the very essence of Zionism is an isolationist one. Its very core is driving out of the “others” to make way for “us”, as Israeli historian Benny Morris notes:
“Transfer was inevitable and inbuilt in Zionism – because it sought to transform a land which was ‘Arab’ into a Jewish state and a Jewish state could not have arisen without a major displacement of Arab population”.
Adherents of this ideology are hardly the ones to provide an answer to violence resulting from racist-exclusivist extremists.
When Israeli leaders and pundits, from right and left, are supposedly “tactless” in their statements on anti-Semitism, it is not because they are making aberrant mistakes. They are simply making Freudian slips which result from the exclusivist-nationalist vein of Zionism, which relies uponanti-Semitism to bolster its message of “we told you so”. When that happens, there is often attempt to damage-control by other Zionists, who do not want these comments to damage the liberal image of Israel too much. After all, those naïve and erring diaspora Jews should be treated with some respect…
But in the end, this is what Zionism is about. It is a reaction to real liberalism, suggesting nationalist isolation as the only solution. And nationalist isolation is exactly what the Pittsburgh shooter was about.  

Louise Ellman MP, a Supporter of Israeli Child Abuse, accuses her critics of ‘anti-Semitism’


I was expelled from the Labour Party for 'shaming' Ellman - but she has no shame!

Israel’s Torture of Palestinian Children is Deliberate State Policy

There have been repeated and detailed descriptions of Israel’s torture and abuse, including sexual abuse, of Palestinian children. A group of Australian journalists produced a film ‘Stone Cold Justice,’ in the wake of a Report by UNICEF on Israel’s treatment of Palestinian children. I recommend you watch it.
On 6th January 2016 there was a debate in the House of Commons on Child Prisoners and Detainees: Occupied Palestinian Territories introduced by Sarah Champion MP who described how, in June 2012, a delegation of British lawyers published a report on children held in Israeli military custody.   The Report was facilitated and funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
It found that Israel was in breach of six of its legal obligations under the UN convention on the rights of the child and two obligations under the fourth Geneva convention. The report also concluded that if allegations of abuse referred to the delegation were true, Israel would also be in breach of the absolute prohibition against cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. 
8 months after the UK report was published, UNICEF released its own assessment of the military detention system for children. After reviewing over 400 sworn affidavits from children detained in a system that allows the prosecution of 12-year-olds in military courts, UNICEF concluded that:
“the ill-treatment of children who come in contact with the military detention system appears to be widespread, systematic and institutionalized throughout the process, from the moment of arrest until the child’s prosecution and eventual conviction and sentencing”.
In February 2015 UNICEF issued an update to its original report and noted that allegations of ‘ill-treatment of children during arrest, transfer, interrogation and detention have not significantly decreased in 2013 and 2014”.
Another terrorist
Many MPs, such as Paula Sherriff  asked:
Does my hon. Friend share my concern at the significant disparity between treatment of Palestinian and Israeli young people, including lack of legal representation and parental support, allegations of widespread abuse and having to sign confessions in Hebrew, among many others?
Or to put it bluntly, why is it that Israeli Jewish children and Palestinian children are treated differently?  
The late Jo Cox MP also contributed to the debate:

 ‘my hon. Friend... will be aware that evidence from Military Court Watch suggests that 65% of children continue to report being arrested at night in what are described as terrifying raids by the military. Will she comment on that worrying fact?’
Louise Ellman, Labour MP for Liverpool Riverside and then Vice-President of the Jewish Labour Movement made 3 contributions, all of them in support of the Israeli military’ abuse of Palestinian children.
Gabi Laski - Israeli Defence Attorney
I therefore made the unremarkable observation that Louise Ellman was a supporter of Israeli military child abuse.  Under the police state atmosphere created by Iain McNicol’s witchhunt, this was deemed an offence.  In the words of Thomas Ogg, the Labour Party barrister who prosecuted my case, I had ‘shamed’ Ellman whereas I argued that the problem with Ellman was that she felt no shame.  She uttered not one word of criticisim of the Israeli military, its detention of children, its beatings or its torture.
The testimony below needs no comment.  Of course it could be brought to an end at a stroke if Israel videod all interrogations of child prisoners, it stopped the practice of  seizing children in the early hours and it stopped the use of shackling and blindfolds.  It does none of these things because it aims to create an atmosphere of terror.
Tony Greenstein

Legal Aid for Palestinian Kids in Military Courts

Ahmad in kitchen beit ummar
At around three a.m. on the morning of July 15, 2018, Israeli soldiers arrested Ahmad B., 15, from his house in Arroub refugee camp, near the southern West Bank city of Hebron.
Without explaining the reason for the arrest, soldiers blindfolded Ahmad and bound his wrists.
Compelling him to sit beneath soldiers’ feet on the floor of a military jeep, Israeli soldiers then began kicking and insulting the bound and blindfolded boy.
“They kicked me all over my body,” Ahmad told Defense for Children International - Palestine. “They insulted me, my mother, and my sister.”
At Etzion interrogation and detention center, Ahmad underwent a brief medical screening. He received a legal consultation prior to interrogation by phone, but he did not have a parent present during interrogation. Under military law, Israel does not provide Palestinian children the right to be accompanied by a lawyer during questioning, leaving children vulnerable to coercion.
He threatened to withdraw my father's work permit if I did not confess. I was very scared, so I confessed to throwing stones and Molotov cocktails.”
Ahmad told DCIP that the interrogator did not properly inform him of his rights. The interrogator ordered him to sign a document in Hebrew, without explaining it to him.
After this stress-inducing experience, Ahmad was strip searched, like most Palestinian child detainees. “They forced me to take all my clothes off, even my underwear,” Ahmad said.
For the next approximately eight hours, Ahmad was detained in a tiny, filthy cell. Then, the 15-year-old was transferred to the juvenile section in Ofer detention center, arriving around 9 p.m.
It is sad to say, but Ahmad’s detention is still not over. He remains in pre-trial detention while DCIP lawyers represent him before the Ofer military court.
Helps us fight for children like Ahmad by providing direct legal services to children trapped in an abusive system.
Between June 1, 2018, and August 31, 2018, DCIP attorneys closed 57 cases and received 46 new cases of Palestinian children prosecuted in the Israeli military court system. They also conducted 12 prison and detention center visits to monitor the conditions and treatment of children.
We are committed to serving these children in their moment of crisis and challenging the military court system that routinely denies children their basic due process rights.
Thank you
Between March 1, 2018, and May 31, 2018, Defense for Children International - Palestine attorneys closed 51 cases and received 48 new files of Palestinian children prosecuted in the Israeli military court system. They also conducted 8 prison and detention center visits to monitor the conditions and treatment of children.
Among the cases that stood out was 16-year-old Mohammad R. from Tel village in the northern West Bank. After a harrowing arrest experience, a DCIP attorney stood beside Mohammad and defended him before Israel’s Salem military court.
At around 4:30 p.m. on March 4, 2018, Mohammad was walking in the mountains of Tel with two of his friends. As he was walking, he tossed two stones in the air. The stones fell far away from the main road, the teen said.
When the three friends reached the main street, they were surprised to find Israeli soldiers asking them to approach them.  Intensely afraid, the teens started to run but Mohammad fell and hurt his right leg.
Two soldiers and an officer quickly closed the distance between them. The officer kicked and punched Mohammad all over his body for about five minutes.  
Limping on his swollen leg, Mohammad was forced to walk for about 100 meters (328 feet),to a military jeep. Nobody told him where he would be taken.
Soldiers then blindfolded Mohammad and bound his wrists together with plastic ties. He was forced to sit on the metal floor of the military jeep instead of a seat.
Disoriented and injured, Ahmad was interrogated without any legal counsel for around an hour and a half at Ariel Police Station. He was accused of throwing stones at the armored military jeep, based on soldiers’ testimonies.
“The investigator interrogated me without explaining my rights, such as my right to remain silent, and without the presence of a lawyer or a family member,” Mohammad told DCIP
He told them that he was just playing around, throwing stones in the air for fun. Mohammad said he was not targeting the military jeep and would not confess to something he didn’t do.
Mohammad  was then transferred to Huwwara interrogation and detention center where he spent the night.
On March 6, he was transferred to the juvenile section in Megiddo detention center inside of Israel, in violation of international law.  
Our attorney represented him in Salem military court and was able secure his release on March 23, on a bail of 1000 NIS (US$280).
Release on bail is rare for Palestinian children undergoing Israeli military detention. Typically, these children remain behind bars until, and even during, their trials.
Your ongoing support helps us fight for children like Mohammad, by providing direct legal services to children trapped in an abusive system.
We are committed to serving these children in their moment of crisis and challenging the military court system that routinely denies children their basic due process rights.
 (Photo: AFP / Abbas Momani/ 2014)
Among the cases that stood out was 14-year-old Obaida J., who was legally represented and acquitted by a DCIP attorney in Israel’s Ofer military court.
Obaida lives in Al-Aroub refugee camp where clashes with Israeli forces routinely take place due to its proximity to an Israeli watchtower. On October 1, 2017, Obaida and his friend were on their way to a local grocery shop when they came across clashes with Israeli soldiers.
He stood on the side to wait for the clashes to end, but was surprised that the soldiers ordered him to approach them.
“The soldiers tied my hands behind my back with a single plastic cord, blindfolded me and forced me to walk to the watchtower, about five to ten minutes away,” Obaida told DCIP.
After he sat next to the watchtower for around two hours, the soldiers put him in a military vehicle and transferred him to Etzion interrogation and detention center. There, he was interrogated without the presence of a lawyer or his parents. He was accused of throwing stones based on soldiers’ testimonies. He denied the accusations and did not confess.
Obaida remained in pretrial detention for 83 days at Ofer prison. During this period, he had seven court hearings in Ofer military court. DCIP’s lawyer Farah Bayadsi represented him in all court hearings and won his acquittal due to inconsistencies in the Israeli soldiers’ testimonies.
Obaida was released on December 22, 2017.
Ahmad A.,15, in his home after release
Among the cases that stood out was 15-year-old Ahmad A. from the West Bank town of Beit Ummar, northwest Hebron, who was legally represented by a DCIP attorney in Israel’s Ofer military court.
At around 2:30 a.m. on November 5, Israeli forces arrested Ahmad from his home in Beit Ummar. Israeli soldiers bound Ahmad’s hands to the front with three plastic cords, forced him to walk with them to the town center, and then blindfolded him.
Israeli forces transferred Ahmad to the Israeli settlement of Karmei Tzur, north of Hebron, where he stayed for a few hours, and then to Etzion interrogation and detention center. When he reached Etzion, he sat in the outside yard for about two hours blindfolded and hand tied.
Ahmad was interrogated by three different interrogators. All three accused him of throwing stones. He did not confess and maintained his innocence despite the physical assaults, shouting and intimidation that took place during the interrogations.
Ahmad received legal counsel over the phone prior to his the third interrogation. Interrogators provided him with a pile of papers to sign, he only signed the one paper in Arabic and refused to sign the others in Hebrew — a language he doesn’t understand.
Ahmad was then transferred to Israel’s Ofer military prison, near Ramallah, where he stayed until his release. Our attorney represented him in military court and secured his release on November 15, on 1,200 NIS (US$341) bail.
Bail is rarely granted in the Israeli military system and children typically remain behind bars as they await their trial. DCIP’s documentation found that only 13.5 percent of 297 cases closed by DCIP attorneys between 2012 and 2015 were released on bail.
“I was thinking about my family, friends and school. I was very happy when I was released,” Ahmad told DCIP.
It is because of your ongoing support that DCIP attorneys are able to represent children like Ahmad. Children who are otherwise alone and at the mercy of a military court system that systematically denies them basic due process rights.
Thank you.
 (Photo credit: DCIP / Yumna Patel & Akram Amin al-Wa’ra)
Mahmoud Q., 13, at Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba.
Among the cases that stood out was 13-year-old Mahmoud Q., from the northern West Bank village of Jayyus, near Qalqilya, who went from a bystander to a multiple gunshot victim, under arrest, with an attempt to recruit him.
Our attorneys provided Mahmoud with legal advice prior to his interrogation and quickly secured his release. Their rapid intervention dissuaded Israeli military prosecutors from filing any charges.
Mahmoud told DCIP that he spotted some children burning a tire near Israel’s separation barrier while out on his family’s private land in the middle of the afternoon on July 23. He stepped back a little bit certain their actions will invite some trouble. Shortly after, Israeli paramilitary border police arrived on the other side of the separation barrier, and the children fled the scene.
“I stayed in the land because I did not do anything,” Mahmoud told DCIP. “One of the border policemen saw me and ordered me to stop, so I stopped and did not move at all. I was a short distance from them, but one of them shot me in the right leg with a live bullet.”
 “I tried to run, but I could not because of the injury. He shot me again but this time in my left leg. I fell to the ground, and he fired another bullet, but it hit the ground and scattered into fragments. One of the pieces hit my right leg, and another one hit my shoulder.”
While Israeli forces were detaining Mahmoud, his parents arrived, but were threatened at gunpoint to leave. Border police crossed the barrier and wrapped his legs, but he continued to bleed profusely. The officers placed him on a stretcher in a military vehicle and transferred him to an ambulance. He arrived at Meir Hospital inside Israel around 45 minutes after he had sustained the gunshot wounds.
Admitted in critical condition due to severe blood loss, Mahmoud woke up the following day in the hospital’s intensive care unit and under the guard of two Israeli police officers. He remained under guard until July 31, during which the officers verbally abused Mahmoud and denied him family visitation.
Around 8 a.m. on July 27, while still hospitalized between surgeries, Mahmoud told DCIP that a police investigator questioned him while he was still in his hospital bed. The police interrogator did not inform him of his rights, and no lawyer or family member was allowed to be present. He accused Mahmoud of throwing stones and shouted at him, calling him a liar. Mahmoud denied all accusations, but signed a statement in Hebrew without understanding it.
NA.Injury. Mahmoud Q 14 Aug 2017
The interrogator then offered him 200 shekels (US$56) and a mobile phone, Mahmoud said, asking him to report information on children who throw stones in his village. Mahmoud refused.
‘This phone is yours. The money too. But when you go home, I want you to stand for a while with the children who throw stones and breach security and public order, then call and tell us about them, so we could have them arrested,’ he [the interrogator] said,” Mahmoud told DCIP.
The same day, Israeli police asked Salem military court to extend Mahmoud’s detention in absentia. Our attorneys successful argued against the motion and secured his released on 4,000 shekel (US$1,115) bail and 5,000 shekel (US$1,395) third-party guarantee.
It is because of your ongoing support that DCIP attorneys are able to represent children like Mahmoud. Children who are otherwise alone and at the mercy of a military court system that systematically denies them basic due process rights.

The Disappearance of Investigative and Critical Journalism - The Guardian's 'Slow Witted Viciousness'


From ‘Anti-Semitism’ to Economics – Good Journalists are being replaced by Precocious Windbags & Puffed-up Pundits

You don’t hear too much of John Pilger in the media these days.  There was a time when his films, on the Ethiopian famine or Year Zero about Pol Pot’s Cambodia or Death of a Nation on the genocidal Indonesian occupation of East Timor were headline news but Pilger was too honest and spoke the truth to power once too often.
Just a sample for the hundreds of Guardian articles attacking Jeremy Corbyn - for more try the excellent 5 Filters site -   one of many bogus attacks on Corbyn - there has been no stampede though to apologise for getting it wrong though
Pilger won Britain’s Journalist of the Year Award twice, in 1967 and again in 1979, but he has been slowly frozen out of mainstream journalism – by the New Statesman in 2014 and The Guardian in 2015.  Both the New Statesman and The Guardian have moved to the right as part of the anti-Corbyn hegemony in the bourgeois press, Pilger is a journalistic odd man out.
The Guardian, once the beacon of the liberal left, has been the worst of all.  It has in many ways led the anti-Corbyn movement.  People expect no better from the Daily Mail or Sun, but they do expect better from The Guardian, whose raft of pundits and ‘journalists’ have sung one refrain – Corbyn is not up to it.
Perhaps the most venal, bigoted, narcissistic and all-round stupid is Nick Cohen whose article Don’t tell me you weren’t warned about Corbyn set new standards of idiocy;
To be fair, he was hauled over the coals by the Guardian’s Readers Editor but only because he described his readers as ‘fucking fools’.  Those who refused to give up their support for Jeremy Corbyn were described thus by Cohen:
‘In my respectful opinion, your only honourable response will be to stop being a fucking fool by changing your fucking mind.’ The idea that this idiot could himself be wrong never occurred to him.  So full of self-righteousness was he, admittedly a Guardian journalist’s trait, that Cohen had no doubts about the disaster that was Corbynism:  It was he argued a ‘threat to democracy’itself not having an opposition worthy of the name. He told us that:
John Pilger receiving the Journalism of the Year Award
The Tories have gone easy on Corbyn and his comrades to date for the transparently obvious reason that they want to keep them in charge of Labour.
In an election, they would tear them to pieces. ...  Will there be 150, 125, 100 Labour MPs by the end of the flaying? My advice is to think of a number then halve it. Don’t tell me you weren’t warned about Corbyn
Suffice to say that the pitifully mediocre Nick Cohen continues to scribble away for The Observer whilst a journalist like John Pilger is left writing these days for the alternative press.  Britain’s journalists, almost without exception, have become little more than their proprietors’ prostitutes.
Tony Greenstein
By John Pilger
September 20, 2018 "Information Clearing House"-  The death of Robert Parry earlier this year felt like a farewell to the age of the reporter. Parry was "a trailblazer for independent journalism", wrote Seymour Hersh, with whom he shared much in common.
Hersh revealed the My Lai massacre in Vietnam and the secret bombing of Cambodia, Parry exposed Iran-Contra, a drugs and gun-running conspiracy that led to the White House. In 2016, they separately produced compelling evidence that the Assad government in Syria had not used chemical weapons. They were not forgiven.
Driven from the "mainstream", Hersh must publish his work outside the United States. Parry set up his own independent news website Consortium News, where, in a final piece following a stroke, he referred to journalism's veneration of "approved opinions" while "unapproved evidence is brushed aside or disparaged regardless of its quality.
Although journalism was always a loose extension of establishment power, something has changed in recent years. Dissent tolerated when I joined a national newspaper in Britain in the 1960s has regressed to a metaphoric underground as liberal capitalism moves towards a form of corporate dictatorship. This is a seismic shift, with journalists policing the new "groupthink", as Parry called it, dispensing its myths and distractions, pursuing its enemies.
Witness the witch-hunts against refugees and immigrants, the wilful abandonment by the "MeToo" zealots of our oldest freedom, presumption of innocence, the anti-Russia racism and anti-Brexit hysteria, the growing anti-China campaign and the suppression of a warning of world war.
With many if not most independent journalists barred or ejected from the "mainstream", a corner of the Internet has become a vital source of disclosure and evidence-based analysis: true journalism. Sites such as wikileaks.org, consortiumnews.com, ZNet zcomm.org, wsws.org, truthdig.com, globalresearch.org, counterpunch.org and informationclearinghouse.info are required reading for those trying to make sense of a world in which science and technology advance wondrously while political and economic life in the fearful "democracies" regress behind a media facade of narcissistic spectacle.
In Britain, just one website offers consistently independent media criticism. This is the remarkable Media Lens - remarkable partly because its founders and editors as well as its only writers, David Edwards and David Cromwell, since 2001 have concentrated their gaze not on the usual suspects, the Tory press, but the paragons of reputable liberal journalism: the BBC, the Guardian, Channel 4 News.
Their method is simple. Meticulous in their research, they are respectful and polite when they ask why a journalist why he or she produced such a one-sided report, or failed to disclose essential facts or promoted discredited myths.
The replies they receive are often defensive, at times abusive; some are hysterical, as if they have pushed back a screen on a protected species.
I would say Media Lens has shattered a silence about corporate journalism. Like Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman in Manufacturing Consent, they represent a Fifth Estate that deconstructs and demystifies the media's power.
What is especially interesting about them is that neither is a journalist. David Edwards is a former teacher, David Cromwell is an oceanographer. Yet, their understanding of the morality of journalism - a term rarely used; let's call it true objectivity - is a bracing quality of their online Media Lens dispatches.
I think their work is heroic and I would place a copy of their just published book, Propaganda Blitz, in every journalism school that services the corporate system, as they all do.
Take the chapter, Dismantling the National Health Service, in which Edwards and Cromwell describe the critical part played by journalists in the crisis facing Britain's pioneering health service.
The NHS crisis is the product of a political and media construct known as "austerity", with its deceitful, weasel language of "efficiency savings" (the BBC term for slashing public expenditure) and "hard choices" (the wilful destruction of the premises of civilised life in modern Britain).
"Austerity" is an invention. Britain is a rich country with a debt owed by its crooked banks, not its people. The resources that would comfortably fund the National Health Service have been stolen in broad daylight by the few allowed to avoid and evade billions in taxes.
Using a vocabulary of corporate euphemisms, the publicly-funded Health Service is being deliberately run down by free market fanatics, to justify its selling-off . The Labour Party of Jeremy Corbyn may appear to oppose this, but is it? The answer is very likely no. Little of any of this is alluded to in the media, let alone explained.
Edwards and Cromwell have dissected the 2012 Health and Social Care Act, whose innocuous title belies its dire consequences. Unknown to most of the population, the Act ends the legal obligation of British governments to provide universal free health care: the bedrock on which the NHS was set up following the Second World War. Private companies can now insinuate themselves into the NHS, piece by piece.
Where, asks Edwards and Cromwell, was the BBC while this momentous Bill was making its way through Parliament? With a statutory commitment to "providing a breadth of view" and to properly inform the public of "matters of public policy", the BBC never spelt out the threat posed to one of the nation's most cherished institutions.  A BBC headline said: "Bill which gives power to GPs passes." This was pure state propaganda.
There is a striking similarity with the BBC's coverage of Prime Minister Tony Blair's lawless invasion of Iraq in 2003, which left a million dead and many more dispossessed.   A study by the University of Wales, Cardiff, found that the BBC reflected the government line "overwhelmingly" while relegating reports of civilian suffering. A Media Tenor study placed the BBC at the bottom of a league of western broadcasters in the time they gave to opponents of the invasion. The corporation's much-vaunted "principle" of impartiality was never a consideration.
One of the most telling chapters in Propaganda Blitz describes the smear campaigns mounted by journalists against dissenters, political mavericks and whistleblowers. The Guardian's campaign against the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is the most disturbing.
Assange, whose epic WikiLeaks disclosures brought fame, journalism prizes and largesse to the Guardian, was abandoned when he was no longer useful. He was then subjected to a vituperative - and cowardly - onslaught of a kind I have rarely known.
With not a penny going to WikiLeaks, a hyped Guardian book led to a lucrative Hollywood movie deal. The book's authors, Luke Harding and David Leigh, gratuitously described Assange as a "damaged personality" and "callous". They also disclosed the secret password he had given the paper in confidence, which was designed to protect a digital file containing the US embassy cables.
With Assange now trapped in the Ecuadorean embassy, Harding, standing among the police outside, gloated on his blog that "Scotland Yard may get the last laugh".

 The Guardian columnist Suzanne Moore wrote, "I bet Assange is stuffing himself full of flattened guinea pigs. He really is the most massive turd."
Moore, who describes herself as a feminist, later complained that, after attacking Assange, she had suffered "vile abuse". Edwards and Cromwell wrote to her: "That's a real shame, sorry to hear that. But how would you describe calling someone 'the most massive turd'? Vile abuse?"
Moore replied that no, she would not, adding, "I would advise you to stop being so bloody patronising."
Her former Guardian colleague James Ball wrote, "It's difficult to imagine what Ecuador's London embassy smells like more than five and a half years after Julian Assange moved in."
Such slow-witted viciousness appeared in a newspaper described by its editor, Katharine Viner, as "thoughtful and progressive". What is the root of this vindictiveness? Is it jealousy, a perverse recognition that Assange has achieved more journalistic firsts than his snipers can claim in a lifetime? Is it that he refuses to be "one of us" and shames those who have long sold out the independence of journalism?
Journalism students should study this to understand that the source of "fake news" is not only trollism, or the likes of Fox news, or Donald Trump, but a journalism self-anointed with a false respectability: a liberal journalism that claims to challenge corrupt state power but, in reality, courts and protects it, and colludes with it. The amorality of the years of Tony Blair, whom the Guardian has failed to rehabilitate, is its echo.
"[It is] an age in which people yearn for new ideas and fresh alternatives,"wrote Katharine Viner. Her political writer Jonathan Freedland dismissed the yearning of young people who supported the modest policies of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as "a form of narcissism".
"How did this man...", brayed the Guardian's Zoe Williams, "get on the ballot in the first place?"A choir of the paper's precocious windbags joined in, thereafter queuing to fall on their blunt swords when Corbyn came close to winning the 2017 general election in spite of the media.
Complex stories are reported to a cult-like formula of bias, hearsay and omission: Brexit, Venezuela, Russia, Syria. On Syria, only the investigations of a group of independent journalists have countered this, revealing the network of Anglo-American backing of jihadists in Syria, including those related to ISIS.
Supported by a "psyops" campaign funded by the British Foreign Office and the US Agency of International Aid, the aim is to hoodwink the Western public and speed the overthrow the government in Damascus, regardless of the medieval alternative and the risk of war with Russia.
The Syria Campaign, set up by a New York PR agency, Purpose, funds a group known as the White Helmets, who claim falsely to be "Syria Civil Defence" and are seen uncritically on TV news and social media, apparently rescuing the victims of bombing, which they film and edit themselves, though viewers are unlikely to be told this. George Clooney is a fan.
The White Helmets are appendages to the jihadists with whom they share addresses. Their media-smart uniforms and equipment are supplied by their Western paymasters. That their exploits are not questioned by major news organisations is an indication of how deep the influence of state-backed PR now runs in the media. As Robert Fisk noted recently, no "mainstream" reporter reports Syria, from Syria.
In what is known as a hatchet job, a Guardian reporter based in San Francisco, Olivia Solon, who has never visited Syria, was allowed to smear the substantiated investigative work of journalists Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett on the White Helmets as "propagated online by a network of anti-imperialist activists, conspiracy theorists and trolls with the support of the Russian government".
This abuse was published without permitting a single correction, let alone a right-of-reply. The Guardian Comment page was blocked, as Edwards and Cromwell document.  I saw the list of questions Solon sent to Beeley, which reads like a McCarthyite charge sheet - "Have you ever been invited to North Korea?"
So much of the mainstream has descended to this level. Subjectivism is all; slogans and outrage are proof enough. What matters is the "perception".
When he was US commander in Afghanistan, General David Petraeus declared what he called "a war of perception... conducted continuously using the news media". What really mattered was not the facts but the way the story played in the United States. The undeclared enemy was, as always, an informed and critical public at home.
Nothing has changed. In the 1970s, I met Leni Riefenstahl, Hitler's film-maker, whose propaganda mesmerised the German public.
She told me the "messages" of her films were dependent not on "orders from above", but on the "submissive void" of an uninformed public.
"Did that include the liberal, educated bourgeoisie?" I asked.
"Everyone," she said. "Propaganda always wins, if you allow it."
Propaganda Blitz by David Edwards and David Cromwell is published by Pluto.
Follow John Pilger on twitter @johnpilger 

More Anti-Semitism from Banksy at the World Trade Fair


Satirical References to Historic Palestine resemble Nazi propaganda

A post from Banksy's Instagram account November 7, 2018. 
It seems that Banksy, the famous street artist has got up the nose of one of Israel’s tax-exiled billionaires, one of 18 oligarchs, Batia Ofer and her husband Idan Ofer. Batty has taken offence at an artistic representation of the Apartheid Wall at the World Trade Fair.
She doesn’t like Banksy’s representation of the Wall.  She has no problems with the wall itself, but its representation is, well, anti-Semitic. She is at pains to stress that she is ‘totally for a two-state solution and fight for justice on both sides’. Presumably she means both sides of the wall! However Banksy had, according to Batty gone ‘a step too far’.

REUTERS/Simon Dawson
Batty is also outraged at the criticism of Israel’s military rule. According to Batty’s ‘logic’ criticising the Israeli military means criticising all Israelis because ‘military service in Israel is mandatory! So your poster is denouncing all Israelis!’
Therefore if you criticise the Israeli military you are also being anti-Semitic!  Batty writes that ‘Your posters resemble Nazi propaganda in the 1930s and spread antisemitism’. I have to confess I don’t recall Nazi pictures of Jewish children swinging from watchtowers in a wall.  However‘anti-Semitism’ seems to be a term that is capable of infinite expansion. If Stephen Hawking was still around he would probably declare that anti-Semitism was the missing dimension in time and space!  The key to the universe.
Banksy has produced a limited edition poster showing Palestinian children at a funfair swinging from a watchtower in the wall.  Batty has labelled each child with a series of ethnic designations (Muslim Christian, Israeli, Druze etc.) which is a good reflection of the colonial mentality – always break down those whose land you are occupying into their racial/religious categories.  Batty even does a bit of pink washing with an LGBT label!
Batty replaces Banksy’s satirical comment that the Israeli army loved Historic Palestine so much they never left with ‘Historic Israel – All are welcome to the only democracy in the Middle East’.  But of course this is not quite true.  There are millions of Palestinian refugees who are certainly not welcome and if they should try to enter, as the inhabitants of Gaza have discovered, they will be shot down by Israeli snipers, who are only doing their national service for the Middle East’s only democracy.
Ha’aretz describes Batia Ofer, as being ‘known for her left-leaning views on Israeli-Palestinian issues.’ Clearly the term ‘left-wing’ in Israel has an entirely different meaning from the rest of the world.
Tony Greenstein
Israeli billionaire Batia Ofer, known for her left-leaning views, slammed the British artist's poster as 'disgraceful' after it earned Banksy praise from the Palestinian tourism minister
Nov 11, 2018 12:16 AM

The 'replica separation barrier' created by British street artist Banksy stands on display at the Palestine tourist stand at the World Trade Fair at the Excel center in London, November 5, 2018. REUTERS/Simon Dawson
LONDON – The underground artist Banksy set out this week to promote Palestine, producing a provocative poster that earned him high praise from the Palestinian tourism minister and infuriated others, sparking a social media spat with a top Israeli art collector in London who said the project was anti-Semitic.
Batia Ofer, wife of London-based Israeli billionaire Idan Ofer, is known for her left-leaning views on Israeli-Palestinian issues. The Ofers also own an important postwar and contemporary art collection. However, Banksy's latest salvo was, she says, was a step too far.
“We are very pro-peace. But having said that – I will stand up for our right to exist when people try to incite against us,” Batia Ofer told Haaretz in an email exchange.
The saga began last Friday, when Banksy – who most recently shocked the art world by having one of his prints shredded just after it had been sold for $1.4 million at Sotheby’s – announced on his Instagram account that he would be displaying a replica of the West Bank separation barrier at the World Travel Market London international trade show. This is the largest trade show in the world, with some 50,000 travel agents in attendance, conducting $4.2 billion in business deals.
A post from Banksy's Instagram account November 7, 2018. Instagram

 Opening my first ever stall at a trade fair next week. I’ve painted a replica separation barrier to promote the Walled Off Hotel. … We’ll be at the Palestine stand giving away free stuff,” 
Banksy wrote, attaching a picture of the work to be displayed: Two gray concrete slabs – mimicking the 700-kilometer (435-mile) wall that separates Israel and the West Bank – and featuring two angels representing Israel and Palestine attempting to pry the wall apart.
This is not the first time Banksy has showed support for the Palestinian cause, or the first time he has helped Palestine with its tourism efforts. His nine-room Walled Off Hotel in Bethlehem, which boasts of offering “the worst view of any hotel in the world,” has attracted over 50,000 tourists since it opened last March.
Palestinian Tourism Minister Rula Maayah, who has credited Banksy for driving younger people to visit the West Bank, praised the artist’s help at the trade show this week for promoting "Palestine and [focusing] on the occupation, but at the same time … talking about the beauty of Palestine.”
The delighted World Travel Market, meanwhile, took to social media to crow about the artist’s attention.
The Palestine stand, one of the smallest at the trade show, seemed to be the place-to-be when the event opened last Tuesday, with hundreds of travel agents and other travel professionals lining up to get a glimpse of the anonymous artist’s latest work.
Ofer said she is all for tourism to the West Bank and supports some Palestinian causes – including a yearly fellowship she and her husband set up for two Palestinian students (along with two Israeli ones) to attend the Harvard Kennedy School.
What bothered her, she said, was a limited edition poster by the artist, which the Palestinian team handed out at their booth. The poster, which Banksy also promoted on his Instagram account, shows children using a watchtower as a fairground ride. The slogan underneath reads: “Visit historic Palestine, the Israeli army liked it so much they never left!”
You may criticize Israel for the current situation – and I’m totally for a two-state solution and fight for justice on both sides,” said Ofer, addressing Banksy on both the artist's and her own Instagram page. “BUT insinuating we don’t have a right to exist … is disgraceful. In addition – military service in Israel is mandatory! So your poster is denouncing all Israelis! Your posters resemble Nazi propaganda in the 1930s and spread antisemitism @banksy #antisemitism"
Ofer attached an image making the social media rounds to her post: A version of the Banksy poster, replacing the word “Palestine” with “Israel,” and replacing Banksy’s slogan with the tagline “All are welcome to the only democracy in the Middle East.” The children spinning around the watchtower are tagged, in Ofer’s post, with names: “Christian,” “Palestinian,” “Druze,” “Muslim,” and – one holding a rainbow flag – “LGBTQ.”
Banksy has not responded to Ofer's criticism.

Pictures Don’t Lie, But Israeli Oligarchs Do

There’s nothing like a picture to convey with graphic, instinctive intensity a political message.  Images also can link historical events or eras or political causes in ways that reams of words may fail to do.  Two sets of images have moved me in different ways over the past few weeks.  The first and most recent is a new Banksy poster designed to promote his Walled-Off Hotel which abuts the Separation Wall in Bethlehem.  The British artist very cleverly took advantage of one of the world’s largest travel exhibitions to promote both the cause of Palestine and his hotel project, which is designed to parody the Occupation and the oppression enshrined in it.
Today, Haaretz published a puerile report on the Banksy art work, which it lamely called “a stunt. That makes it appear that the reporter actually has some artistic chops to be able to tell the difference between a piece of art and a stunt.  Much of the world finds Banksy’s art quite significant and it commands huge figures when it comes up for sale. I suppose one reporter’s stunt is another person’s serious artistic expression.
The pro-Israel hook for the reporter was an attack against the artist by the wife of billionaire Israeli oligarch, Idan Ofer.  The couple have their primary residence in England in order to avoid the Israeli tax regime.  They are included among the 18 Israeli oligarchal families which own 60% of the corporate capital in Israel.  They earned their fortune in Israel but refuse to pay their fair share, leaving the average Israeli who can’t afford to live such an extravagant lifestyle abroad, to foot their share of the tax bill.
The Haaretz “journalist” also repeated not once, but twice that Ofer was “known for her left-wing views.” When you hear an Israeli who you know is not left-wing boast about themselves being left-wing or some other Israeli figure being left-wing, you know he or she is revealing far more about their own views than those they’re describing.  The first thing to consider about this odd claim is: how can an Israeli billionaire oligarch be “left-wing? If the Ofers are indeed left-wing then either they’re deluded or the Israeli left exists in some alternate universe in which what’s left has lost all meaning.
Indeed, how does Ofer defend her claim that she is left-wing?  She writes:
…I’m totally for a two state solution and fight for justice on both sides…
Oh and let’s not forget that she’s a champion of Palestinian rights because she funds a scholarship for four graduate students (two Israeli Jewish and two Palestinian) to attend the Kennedy School of Government.  My, that’s mighty white of her.  That’s the extent of her leftism. She’s for two-state and “justice.”  In the context of dominance by the extreme right of Israeli national politics I suppose someone who in any other country would be a milquetoast liberal at best, can claim to be a flaming radical.
But her subsequent claims about the nature of Banksy’s posture are ludicrous:
…Insinuating we don’t have a right to exist (which is exactly what your poster does using the term “historic Palestine”) suggesting Israel has no right to ANY land is disgraceful. In addition- military service in Israel is mandatory! So your poster is denouncing all Israelis! Your posters resemble Nazi propaganda in the 1930s and spread antisemitism
Though Ofer owns a substantial modern art collection, she apparently hasn’t grasped the artistic tradition of graphic art in the service of political satire. The poster doesn’t resemble Nazi propaganda in the least. Nor were Nazi graphic images especially known for use of irony or satire, as Banksy’s are. 
As for her claim about Israeli military service, it’s a complete non-sequitur. Banksy refers to Israel’s military Occupation of Palestine, while Ofer claims that he’s referring to all of Israel as being occupied Palestinian land.
Israeli Border Police menace Palestinian protesters

You can see the crudely reworked image which Ofer appears to have hired a pro-Israel artist to create. It offers an entirely fictional image of Israel in which the many minorities in Israeli society exist in the midst of a gay carnival atmosphere. Druze, Muslim, “Israeli,” Christian, Palestinian, and LGBT all live together in bliss.  All one need do is ask representatives of any of these groups whether they feel as welcome and respected as this image makes them out to be.  How Ofer would know that these groups live in such bliss given that she’s fled Israel for tax purposes is another good question.  Her poster adds the tagline, “Israel: the only democracy in the Middle East.” One only hopes that her financial and artistic acumen are better than her political sloganeering.
Last week, in the run-up to the midterm elections, the U.S. Border Patrol organized a preparedness drill for the Central American refugee caravan winding its way slowly through Mexico to the U.S. border.  As soon as people discovered the event was scheduled for Election Day and likely to intimidate Hispanic voters from going to the polls, it was quickly cancelled.  But not before a photographer captured this image of Border Patrol mounted-horsemen presumably planning to herd the refugees like cattle back away from our sacred border.  Not to mention our very own president who intimated that any rock-throwing by such deplorables would be “a firearm.” In Trumpese, that amounts to a shoot to kill order from the commander in chief.
This image reminded me of similar ones I’ve seen of mounted Israeli Border Police charging into crowds of protesting Palestinians.  The massive bulk of these ominously-hooded horses as they face down the puny human protesters is genuinely frightening.  Just as Israeli Border Police exploit the power of horses to maintain Occupation and subjugate Palestinians, so Trump’s militarized border presence is meant not only to teach a lesson to foreigners seeking safe haven on our shores; it’s meant to rub salt in the wounds of those Americans who continue to believe this country is meant to offer comfort to the poor, starving and oppressed from around the world; just as we’ve done since the first Dutch and English settlers, many of them fleeing religious tyranny, set down roots on these shores.

Failing to see the Wood for the Trees – A Response to Brian Klug’s The Left And The Jews


Sophistry in the Service of Zionism The Flight of the Liberal Intelligentsia

Professor Avi Shlaim of St Anthony’s College, Oxford University being interviewed by Haim Bresheeth

Brian Klug’s The Left And The Jews is depressing and disappointing. How can such a talented academic succumb so easily to the Zionist campaign of defamation and denigration? It’s not as if Brian hasn’t himself been the subject of a similar campaign.
In response to an invitation , in November 2013, to address a Conference on Anti-Semitism[1]a dossierof ‘International Scholars and Authors’ was drawn up by the so-called Berlin International Center for the Study of Antisemitism.[2]These ‘scholars’ included Jonathan Hoffman and Richard Millett. According to Dr Clemens Henri, Brian ‘‘uses his Jewishness to endanger other Jews in Israel’. Professor Mordechai Kedar, an advocate of rape in war,[3] described Brian as a ‘court Jew’ intent on making himself ‘acceptable to Jew-haters’  Prof. Ephraim Karshfound it ‘mind boggling’ that aproponent of anti-Semitism should be invited at all.
This is the anti-Semitism that Zionism has no problems with, because after all the Jewish diaspora should not be living outside its 'real home' anyway - Brian Klug has difficulty understanding why genuine anti-Semitism will never be a concern of Zionism
The false anti-Semitism juggernaut seems to have impaired Brian’s critical faculties. His article is badly written, poorly argued, contradictory and at times incoherent. This is not the Brian Klug I got to know and like for over a decade. It represents blind intellectual panic in the face of a powerful political campaign.
Last Sunday was Polish Independence Day and President Andrzej Duda of the Law & Justice Party marched, together with 200,000 Poles, through the centre of Warsaw. The marchwas organised by the government and the neo-Nazi National Radical Camp. (ONR) Amongst the slogans was "Poland, white and Catholic." Still this was probably an improvement over last year when Pray for Islamic Holocaust’ competed with “remove Jewry from power”.
Brian Klug speaking at the SWP’s Marxism 2017

It was at the SWP's Marxism festival, where Gilad Atzmon used to be made welcome, that Brian Klug first began rehabilitating Zionism
None of this prevents Tory MEPs from being part of the European Conservative Reform group in the European Parliament alongside the L&J. If ‘anti-Semitism’ in the Labour Party were a real issue then this would be a cause célèbrefor those doughty fighters against ‘anti-Semitism’ at the Board of Deputies? Brian’s article simply ignores this wider dimension.
Good friends - Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Benjamin Netanyahu
The Israeli government is such good friends with Poland’s government that it agreed to endorsea new Holocaust law which makes it an offence to say that some Poles took part in the Holocaust. Netanyahu agreed to dropIsrael’s opposition to the law in return for minor concessions. The headlinein YNet was ‘Holocaust survivors feel betrayed by Polish-Israeli statement’. Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki is on record as saying that the Jews were in part responsible for the Holocaust yet the leader of the Israeli Labour Party Avi Gabbay was more worriedabout Corbyn’s ‘anti-Semitism’.
One of the main protagonists in the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign against Corbyn, Jewish Chronicle Editor Stephen Pollard, defended Michal Kaminski, the former Chair of the ECR, who had excused those who burnt alive 1600 Jews at Jedwabne in 1941, calling himone of the greatest friends to the Jews’.
This is the background to Brian Klug’s recent essay, which is a good example of T.S. Elliot’s aphorism that most of the evil in the world is done by those with the best of intentions. Brian is an Oxford academic specialising in anti-Semitism. He isn’t evil and he has the best of intentions. Nonetheless his essay in Jewish Quarterly gives comfort to those who are.
Even the title of his article ‘The Left and the Jews’ is misleading, implying that Jews are not part of the Left. What it should be called is The Left and Zionism. The subtitle ‘Labour’s Summer of Discontent’ is little better.
Nowhere does Brian contextualise this ‘discontent’. In a phrase reminiscent of the Communist Manifesto,[4]Brian states that ‘the spectre of anti-Semitism has haunted Labour ever since Corbyn’s election as leader of the party.’ But has it? If that were true why would a paper like the Mail, which employed Katie Hopkins, who advocated a ‘Final Solution’ for refugees, be so concerned about this spectre? The same paperwhich waged an anti-Semitic campaign against Ed Miliband.
It's not necessary to possess the gift of foresight in order to display some imagination. How will the period we are now living through be seen in 20-30 years? Does Brian really think that history will look on what is happening today as the recrudescence of anti-Semitism or a Very British Coup? 
To ask the question is to answer it. All the fake anti-Semitism allegations and the microscopic examination of conversations from years past will evaporate. Eventually evidence will accumulate of a determined attempt by a combination of the American, Israeli and British States to overthrow a man who was seen as a threat to the Western alliance. Corbyn came to the leadership of Britain’s second largest party, the US’s closest ally in Europe, on an anti-nuclear, anti-NATO platform. He was simply unacceptable to the security establishment. It is a mark of the poverty of Brian’s analysis that not only does he fail to consider these questions but he doesn't even ask them. Instead he was trapped in the tired minutiae of Zionist accusations.
I first met Brian at the founding meeting of Independent Jewish Voices in February 2007. We met each other occasionally for dinner until about two years ago when the Zionist ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign caused Brian to drift away from his analysis of how Zionism has used anti-Semitism as a false metonym.
Theoretically Brian’s understanding of what is and is not anti-Semitism is second to none. The lecture he gave in 2013 at the Jewish Museum, in Berlin, What Do We Mean When We Say ‘Antisemitsm’? - Echoes of shattering glass  on the 75thanniversary of Kristallnacht, is a wonderful exposition of what is anti-Semitism and his definition of anti-Semitism as ‘a form of hostility to Jews as Jews, where Jews are perceived as something other than what they are’ is infinitely superior to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliancedefinition.[5]Brian’s opening statement was prescient.
‘What do we mean when we say ‘antisemitism’? Do we know what we mean? Does it matter?’The word matters because the thing matters. It matters because unless we use the same word in the same way we will be talking at cross purposes.’
That has been the problem for the past 3 years. When Corbyn was accused of anti-Semitism he denied it but it had no effect because the ‘anti-Semitism’ he was being accused of was a different creature from that which he denied. His critics denied that they were really concerned about Israel but they would wouldn’t they? That this was a lie is evidenced by their insistence that Labour should accept a definition of anti-Semitism which conflated anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.. The IHRA’s author Kenneth Stern describedhow ‘the idea for a common definition was first articulated by Dina Porat in April 2004.’ [6]
Porat is the principal historian at Israel’s Yad Vashem, an institution that distorts the Holocaust through a Zionist prism. She recently gave her blessing to Netanyahu’s agreement with Poland’s government.
Brian is living proof of Marx’s warning that “philosophers have only interpreted the world... The point, however, is to change it.”[7] The unrelenting ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign of the past 3 years has also demonstrated the truth of another of Marx’s observation:
‘The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force.’[8]
We see this in the way in which the IHRA has been imposed despite it lacking even been a shred of intellectual justification. It has been savaged by academic and legal scholars alike: it has been called ‘bewilderingly imprecise’,not a definition: it is indefinite.unfit for purpose’and likely to chill or ban criticism of Israeli policy...Anti-Semitism is not difficult to define, the Oxford English Dictionary definitiontakes 6 words: ‘Hostility to or prejudice against Jews’.
Brian accepts that the IHRA definition is ‘vague and rambling’, ‘not fit for purpose’ anda ‘flawed, initiative, based on a document itself deeply flawed’ yetLabour’s still-born Anti-Semitism Code, which incorporated 95% of the IHRA was nonetheless attackedby the Jewish Chronicle as a cynical excercise (sic!) in Jew hatred’.[i]All 3 Zionist papers rejectedthis Code of Conduct in a joint front page. Brian asks
What is this really about? Why the absence of measured criticism and reasoned debate? Why the blanket rejection of the NEC code… and insistence upon the IHRA definition tout court? Did it signify an alliance of forces with an anti-Corbyn and anti-left agenda? Or did it express a profound disquiet that Jewish people feel?
Brian chooses both answers! Yet Pollard, who branded Labour as ‘institutionally anti-Semitic’was quite open. The problem was that ‘Labour has excised the parts [of the IHRA] which relate to Israel and how criticism of Israel can be antisemitic.’ Despite this Brian prefers to give credence to this alliance of forces with an anti-Corbyn and anti-left agenda.[ii]
Brian suggests that ‘A legitimate grievance has sunk in so deep that it is impossible to accept that ... this grievance has at last been taken on board by the party ....[iii]In other words the attacks on Corbyn and the Labour Party over the past 3 years were part of a ‘legitimate grievance’.
No doubt Jonathan Arkush's attack on Jewdas were part of the 'community of concern'
So when BOD President, Jonathan Arkush, welcomed[iv]Donald Trump to power whilst condemningJewdas, the Jewish group with whom Corbyn spent a Seder, as a ‘source of virulent anti-Semitism’ Brian sees no reason to challenge the bona fides of Corbyn’s accusers.[v]
A large Jewish demonstration mounted by Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow led to Bannon staying away from the 2017 ZOA dinner though in 2018 he attended
You might have thought that after Pittsburgh, the product of Trump’s campaign against refugees, that Brian might have rethought the notion that Zionism is concerned about anti-Semitism. Israel immediately sent the uber-racist Naftali Bennett to defend Trump to American Jewry[vi]despite his overt anti-Semitism, see e.g. Dana Millbank.[vii]Or perhaps Brian has been persuaded that Trump can’t be anti-Semitic because‘some of my best friends are Jewish’? Was the decision of the Zionist Organisation of America to invite Steve Bannon and neo-Nazi Sebastian Gorka to its annual gala dinner an aberration? Has Brian forgotten what Theodor Herzl wrote?
In Paris..., I achieved a freer attitude towards anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, recognise the emptiness and futility of trying to 'combat' anti-Semitism.[viii]
Theodor Herzl, founder of Political Zionism, began the tradition of Zionist cooperation and collaboration with anti-Semites.
The Zionist movement has never been concerned with opposing anti-Semitism, which it sees as inherent in the non-Jew and ineradicable. It has been a shock to American Jewry to learn, with the advent of Trump, that anti-Semites can be ardent Zionists. Naomi Zeveloff declared that ‘though it would seem impossible to hate Jews but love the Jewish state, these two viewpoints are not as contradictory as they appear.’ [ix]The love affair between Zionism and Anti-Semitism is a long if not beautiful one. If Brian has any doubts then he should consult Chaim Weizmann’s autobiography and his praise for William Evans-Gordon, the founder of the British Brother’s League, the precursor of Oswald Moseley’s British Union of Fascists. Arthur Balfour, the author of the Aliens Act 1905 is another hero to the Zionist movement.[x]
Although Marx wrotethat ‘It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness.’[xi] we have seen an ideological and political offensive which has in itself become a material force. The ‘debate’ on the IHRA has been one in which logic and argument are irrelevant.
When the Zionists insisted that the ‘Jewish community’ had the right to ‘self define’ anti-Semitism what they were really saying was that the IHRA was indefensible through reasoned and rationale argument. All that mattered was the subjective, namely who supported the IHRA, although most Jews will never have read a definition drawn up at the instigation of the Israeli state. This is a specious argument.
What if another community were to argue that FGM is acceptable or that the Burka should be made compulsory because their community supported it. Would Brian reach back into history for a justification? If the so-called Jewish right to self-determination conflicts with the rights of another group, the Palestinians then it is illegitimate.
The false anti-Semitism campaign waged against the Labour Party for the past 3 years has rested on bogus and contrived allegations,[xii]yet Brian ignores all of this as he speaks of a ‘community of concern’ about ‘anti-Semitism on the left.’ These are weasel words. This ‘community of concern’ stretches from those well-known anti-racist papers, the Sun andthe Daily Mail through to the BOD, a body which historically has opposed any mobilisation against anti-Semitism. In 1936 it called on Jews to stay at home when Moseley’s BUF tried to march through the East End in what became known as the Battle of Cable Street.[xiii]In the late 1970’s it opposed the formation of the Anti-Nazi League.
Brian’s ‘spectre of anti-Semitism’ rehashes all the tired and familiar allegations. Brian refers to the ‘drip-drip of toxic posts’ on social media. No one has died from or been deported because of a Facebook post. There is no evidence that anti-Semitism in Britain is increasing. Compared to anti-Semitism, Islamaphobia is 4 times greater and anti-Roma racism is over 6 times as high yet we hear little about these forms of racism.[xiv] Indeed it is Muslims and Black people who have borne the brunt of the false anti-Semitism campaign.
It is depressing that Brian uses as examples of ‘anti-Semitism’ Corbyn’s description of Hamas and Hezbollah as ‘friends’. Hamas, are virtually the creation of the Israeli state.[xv] They are a conservative Palestinian resistance group but they are not anti-Semitic. They have always made a distinction between Jews as a religion and Zionism which is remarkable since Israeli soldiers kill their children in the name of ‘the Jews’. Hamas condemnedthe recent Pittsburgh murders.[xvi]Hezbollah is the only military force to have successfully driven Israel out of Arab territory. The fight of both these groups has never been against Israelis as Jews but as occupiers. Neither organisation has ever attacked Jewish people outside of Israel and the accusation of ‘anti-Semitism’ against them is groundless.
Brian refers to a 6 year old mural brought out of the closet by Luciana Berger MP in time for the local elections last May. Opinions differ as to whether it was anti-Semitic but it was defended by Corbyn on free speech grounds. Brian describes the bankers in it of having ‘huge noses’ yet most of the criticism has been of ‘hooked noses’.[xvii]
Brian describes as ‘very troubling’  a 5 year old remark about a group of Zionist thugs being told that they lacked a sense of ‘English irony’. Brian chooses to echo Jonathan Sacks’s nonsense. Corbyn’s remark compared the Palestinian Ambassador’s sense of irony to people who had been living here all their lives. The fact that Brian gives credence to this suggests that he has too has lost all sense of irony.
Having agreed that the IHRA definition was ‘not fit for purpose’ Brian alights on a quite novel explanation for the controversy around it. He accepts that it was about Zionism but ‘the grounds for disquiet go deep and they go back a long way.’ In fact they go back 42 years to UN Resolution 3379 which declared that ‘Zionism is a form of racism.’ Brian declares that this rendered Zionism as ‘evil’.
Zionism, like South Africa Apartheid and Nazism, did not originate with the Devil but is a product of human society. To the residents of Khan al-Ahmar, who are waiting for bulldozers to destroy their school of tyres, Zionism is indeed evil. It is Zionism, the ideology of Jewish Supremacy which dictates that the homes of the native population of Palestine must be destroyed to make way for Jewish settlers.
The inhabitants of the Negev village of Umm al-Hiran saw their homes demolished and their school teacher murdered, because they were not of the right race yet Brian Klug sitting in his Oxford college sees Zionism as an ideology of liberation.
Brian’s attempt to rehabilitate Zionism began with a talk[xviii] he gave to the SWP’s Marxism Festival in July 2017.[xix] It was a curious venue given that the SWP has previously hosted Gilad Atzmon.[xx] Brian based his critique on an article by Aurora Levins Morales, an Ashkenazi Puerto Rican feminist in a book On Antisemitismproduced by Jewish Voice for Peace. Aurora refers to “a three-cornered argument” between the Orthodox, Zionists and socialists/communists in her grandmother’s shtetl about the solution to the pogroms. Brian uses this to suggest that Zionism is Janus faced, both an ideology of emancipation as well as oppression.
There was no more bitter enemy of the Bund than the Zionists who accommodated to anti-Semitism and the reactionary parties
It is true that there were debates amongst the Jews of the Pale of Settlement but they were settled decisively in favour of the Left. Most Jews joined the Bund or the revolutionaries not the Zionists. Zionism was discredited because of its uncritical attitude towards the Czarist regime.
When the Bolsheviks overthrew the Czarist regime Poale Zion splintered and its Left abandoned Zionism. The same happened in Poland with Left Poale Zion. If there had been no colonisation in Palestine then Zionism would have been just another utopian and messianic movement not dissimilar to Marcus Garvey’s Backto Africa movementwhich in effect was arguing for the self-deportation of American Blacks.
However Zionism did colonise Palestine. Some 2.5 million Jews emigrated from Russia, 98% of whom chose to go to the USA or Britain not Palestine. Brian plunders Aurora’s article selectively but fails to mention her comments that
the three-cornered debate turned lopsided under the weight of despair, and the Zionist minority of my father’s childhood has grown to dominate all debate, aggressively silencing debate.
and its relevance to what is happening now. The Zionist ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign in the Labour Party is about silencing Black and Jewish anti-racists like Marc Wadsworth, Jackie Walker and myself. What it is not about is anti-Semitism.
Brian also omits Aurora’s own personal experience of Zionists ‘who write to tell me that I should have died in a Nazi concentration camp before living to denounce the crimes of Israel...’ This is what Brian’s ‘emancipatory’ Zionism has turned into. Aurora’s essay is a very moving one and her concluding remarks are that ‘When I speak out for the humanity of Palestine I am defending the humanity of everyone, including all Jews.’
Instead of looking for the obvious explanation of what has been happening, the weaponisation of ‘anti-Semitism’, Brian reaches for his very own conspiracy theory. UN resolution 3379, passed in 1975, declaring that Zionism is a form of racism ago ‘flattened a national movement.’ This is total nonsense. There is no evidence that a UN Resolution which no one remembers has had any impact on the debates. In any event Zionism has never been a Jewish national movement since the Jews are not a nation.
The Zionist movement was a very distinct minority in pre-Holocaust Europe. In 1938, in the last free elections in Poland, the anti-Zionist Bund won 17 out of the 20 Jewish Council seats in Warsaw with 61.7% of the vote compared to one seat for the Zionists. In the second city Lodz they won 57.4% of the vote and 11 out of 17 seats.
Zionism in Poland and Russia was a movement of collaboration with anti-Semitism. Theodor Herzl visited Count von Plehve, the Czarist Interior Minister in 1903, barely 4 months after the Kishinev pogrom which he organised. Herzl promised that the Jews would not oppose the Czarist regime if Zionism was a legal movement. At the Zionist Congress not a word of criticism of  the Czarist regime was allowed. As Isaac Deutscher wrote:
... the great majority of East European Jews were, up to the outbreak of the second World War opposed to Zionism... the most fanatical enemies of Zionism were precisely the workers, those who spoke Yiddish... they were the most determined opponents of the idea of an emigration from East Europe to Palestine,... of an exodus from the countries in which they, had their homes and in which their ancestors had lived for centuries,the anti-Zionists saw an abdication of their rights, a surrender to anti-Semitism. To them anti-Semitism seemed to triumph in Zionism, which recognised the legitimacy and the validity of the old cry ‘Jews get out!' The Zionists were agreeing to get out.[xxi]
Brian argued in his talk to the SWP that Zionism belongs to two opposite histories at one and the same time.’ It is both ‘part of the story of British imperialism’ and on the other ‘it was the exodus from Europe of a persecuted people..’ Zionism ‘spoke the language of colonization but it was colonization for the sake of emancipation.’
Zionism began from a rejection of Emancipation. Herzl wrote in The Jewish State that ‘In the principal countries where Anti-Semitism prevails, it does so as a result of the emancipation of the Jews.’[xxii]Max Nordau, Herzl’s deputy, similarly attacked Emancipation in his address to the first Zionist Congress in 1897.[xxiii]
Zionism saw its future as lying in an alliance with one or other imperialist powers. Herzl spent his life trying to persuade various European rulers, the Pope included of the merits of Zionism. When he met the Grand Duke of Baden, uncle of the Kaiser His chief misgiving was that if he supported the [Zionist] cause, people would misinterpret this as anti-Semitism on his part.[xxiv]
The idea that Zionism was ‘colonization for the sake of emancipation’ is a contradiction in terms. Colonisation is no more emancipatory than rape or genocide and often involves both. Brian writes that the radical left places Zionism... among the rich and powerful, two classic antisemitic tropes: the capitalist class with its imperialist ambitions.’ Elsewhere he speaks about a ‘demonising discourse about Zionism.’ This is dishonest and lazy.
From its inception Zionism sought an alliance with the rich and powerful not least Jewish magnates such as the Rothschilds, although Herzl was none too successful: ‘I consider the house of Rothschild a national misfortune for the Jews.’ [xxv]The Jewish Statewas written in response to the failure of his meeting with Baron Maurice de Hirsch, a railroad magnate, the George Soros of his time.[xxvi]In 1917 when the Balfour Declaration was issued, the British Empire was the richest and the most powerful Empire in the world. It sponsored Zionism in the same way as US imperialism does today. Brian himself admits that ‘Zionism is indeed implicated, in more ways than one, in the history of European imperialism and colonialism’.[xxvii] Is this too anti-Semitic or just incoherent?
Brian refers to ‘sinister talk of a Jewish or Zionist lobby that wields ... influence out of all proportion to its small size.' Perhaps but the Zionist lobby certainly claims they are powerful and they are perceived as such.  In 1997, in a Fortune magazine survey of members of Congress and their staffs, AIPAC was ranked second behind the American Association of Retired People, but ahead of the NRA.[xxviii]There is absolutely  no doubt that the Zionist lobby groups, both in the United States and now in this country, often in alliance with the far/alt-Right are attacking basic freedoms of speech and assembly via the IHRA. Kenneth Stern, who drew up the IHRA, itestimony to the House of Representatives in November 2017, warned that the IHRA ‘was being employed in an attempt to restrict academic freedom and punish political speech’
Brian Klug is playing the part of Zionism’s useful fool by giving today’s McCarthyism his blessing. What is sinister is the gathering of personal information on Palestine solidarity activists by Canary Mission [xxix]and allied groups in order to compile blacklists and prevent them gaining future employment. Either Brian is out of the loop or being tenured, doesn’t quite appreciate what this means. As the newly released Al Jazeera films show, Canary Mission has been funded by a number of Jewish Federations and charities.[xxx]
The clincher in Brian’s argument about ‘left’ anti-Semitism is the story of Daphne. Brian likes it so much that he included it in his SWP talk as well as his article. Daphne is a ‘Jewish anti-Zionist, fiercely opposed to Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and the siege of Gaza (as, incidentally, many self-described Zionists are too).’
Just stop there Brian.  That’s not true. Very few Zionists are opposed to the siege of Gaza. Who? I haven’t heard them condemn the barbarous treatment of Gaza, which is best typified by the careful calculation of the daily intake of calories needed to keep Gaza ‘on a diet’. Perhaps Brian is unaware that in the siege of the Warsaw Ghetto the Nazis also calculated the daily intake of calories allowed the inmates. Admittedly the Israeli calculation allows a bare existence but the principle is still the same.
Members of the Jewish Labour Movement, the British section of the Israeli Labor Party, gather outside Ken Livingstone's hearing hoping for his expulsion. Ella Rose 2nd from the left, was a direct transfer from the Israeli Embassy and Jeremy Newmark, the subject of fraud allegations is 2nd from the right.
At her local Labour Party meeting Daphne proposed a motion criticising Ken Livingstone ‘for linking Hitler and Zionism.’  Daphne explained that her motion had nothing to do with Livingstone’s views on Israel but people did not agree. Everyone who spoke against the motion “suggested that it was part of a plot by Israel or that it was an attempt to prevent discussion of Israel”. Daphne felt like “an agent of the Israeli state”.
Leaving aside that this is all hearsay, Daphne was wrong. The attacks on Livingstone had everything to do with Israel. Why else did the Jewish Labour Movement make it their major campaign? Why did the Zionist movement single out Livingstone for its vitriol? It wasn’t because he kept newts. The JLM gathered like vultures outside his disciplinary hearing.[xxxi] 
Despite being a target of the Zionist lobby for years, Daphne was surprised that she was seen as doing the work of Israel
Daphne objected to ‘linking Hitler and Zionism’ because “the Holocaust, is part of the identity of all Jews, whatever they may feel about Israel”. The Holocaust is part of Jewish identity but it is also instrumentalised by Zionism, as Israeli historians Tom Segev and Edith Zirtal have documented as justification for Zionism’s colonisatory project. As Brian knows it was wielded against Aurora in the most disgusting of fashion, accused of betraying the Jews who died at the hands of the Nazis’ because she believed that Jewish safety lay in solidarity with other working people.’ If Daphne seriously believes that we must preserve the Holocaust in aspic, then she is living on another planet. Livingstone’s statement that the Nazis supported Zionism is a fact easily provable historically. 
Brian argues that ‘the word “Zionist” has a life of its own, independently of anyone’s intentions.’ Even if that were true it would be meaningless. Clearly the far-Right use the term ‘Zionist’ to mean ‘Jew’ but then so do Zionists. Zionism is as Zionism does. It is the ideology of the current Israeli state. Israel is the most racist state in the world and Zionism is called in evidence whenever it justifies its most appalling deeds. When a plurality of Israeli Jews want to expel Israel’s Palestinian citizens they do so as Zionists.[xxxii]
When Netanyahu argues that ‘illegal African immigrants threaten identity of Jewish state’[xxxiii]and the Israeli Labour Party supportedhim in this, they did it in the name of Zionism and a demographic Jewish majority.[xxxiv]Zionism is not a ghost in a long-forgotten Jewish shtetl. It is an apartheid, nuclear state, militaristic, and on the far-Right politically
When supporters of Israel defend the imprisonment of Palestinian children, Jewish only towns, segregated and unequal education they do this by crying ‘anti-Semitism’. It would seem that Brian Klug has now crossed the border and is endorsing these blasphemers. It has been a tough three years and when the going gets tough academics are often the first to get going.  Brian, with all his erudition and sophistication has abandoned those of us who are not willing to throw in the towel. He has abandoned the most oppressed for the sake of Jewish chauvinism dressed up as a concern about 'antisemitism'.  Perhaps the last word should be that of Avi Shlaim, an Israeli and Professor of International Relations at St. Anthony’s College, Oxford University:
Anti-Semitism is not a real phenomenon within the Labour Party or any of the other major political parties. There are anti-Semitic incidents but they are usually related to Israel’s behaviour, Israeli brutality.  So every time there is an Israeli attack on Gaza and there have been 3 in the last 7 years there is a rise in anti-Semitic episodes and incidents in Britain. Fundamentally Israel and the Israeli propaganda machine and Israel’s friends in England and the Israel lobby in Britain deliberately confuse or conflate, and I stress they do it deliberately, anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism. Anti-Semitism is hatred of the Jews as Jews. Anti-Zionism is opposition to Israel as a colonial power and as an exclusive Jewish state.[xxxv]
Tony Greenstein
This article can be downloaded here

[1]          Antisemitism in Europe Today: the Phenomena, the Conflicts, https://www.hsozkult.de/event/id/termine-23374

[3]          Israeli Professor's 'Rape as Terror Deterrent' Statement Draws Ire, Ha’aretz 22.7.14., https://www.haaretz.com/.premium-prof-s-words-on-stopping-terror-draws-ire-1.5256331

[4]          A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism, Communist Manifesto, 1848.
[5]          For some inexplicable reason, the Report of this conference is dated November 2014. However it is definitely November 2013 and Klug refers in his speech to the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht, which is 2013.

[i]           Labour's new guidelines show it is institutionally anti-Semitic, Jewish Chronicle, 5.7.18.

[ii]          Jewish Chronicle 24.8.18. Labour's new guidelines show it is institutionally anti-Semitic,https://www.thejc.com/comment/comment/labour-s-new-guidelines-show-it-is-institutionally-antisemitic-1.466685

[iii]          The Code of Conduct for Antisemitism: a tale of two texts, Open Democracy, 17 July 2018, https://www.opendemocracy.net/uk/brian-klug/code-of-conduct-for-antisemitism-tale-of-two-texts.

[iv]          Jewish Chronicle 9.11.16. Board of Deputies president Jonathan Arkush under fire after message congratulating Trump, https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/board-of-deputies-president-jonathan-arkush-under-fire-after-message-congratulating-trump-1.54660

[v]          Jonathan Arkush claims Jewdas is ‘a source of virulent antisemitism’, Jewish Chronicle, 28.3.18. https://www.thejc.com/news/uk-news/jonathan-arkush-claims-jewdas-is-a-source-of-virulent-antisemitism-1.461817

[vi]          Naftali Bennett: ‘Very Unfair’ To Blame Trump For Pittsburgh Bloodbath, Forward 31.10.18., https://forward.com/news/breaking-news/413225/naftali-bennett-very-unfair-to-blame-trump-for-pittsburgh-bloodbath/

[vii]         Anti-Semitism is no longer an undertone of Trump’s campaign. It’s the melody, Dana Milbank, Washington Post, 7.11.16., https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/anti-semitism-is-no-longer-an-undertone-of-trumps-campaign-its-the-melody/2016/11/07/b1ad6e22-a50a-11e6-8042-f4d111c862d1_story.html?utm_term=.3a6c70487fb1

[viii]        Diaries of Theodore Herzl, Gollancz, London 1958 p.6.
[x]          Chaim Weizmann, Trial and Error, pp. 90-91.

[xvi]        Statement ‘Hamas condemns terror attack on Pittsburgh Synagogue’ http://hamas.ps/en/post/1646/hamas-condemns-terror-attack-on-pittsburgh-synagogue28 October 2018.

[xvii]        Labour fury as it emerges Jeremy Corbyn once defended 'anti-Semitic' public mural showing a group of 'hook-nosed' men around a Monopoly board, Daily Mail, 25.3.18., https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5538549/Labour-fury-Corbyn-defending-anti-Semitic-public-mural.html

[xix]        Zionism, Antisemitism and the Left Today, https://www.jewishvoiceforlabour.org.uk/blog/zionism-antisemitism-left-today/, Marxism 2017, London, 8th July , 2017

[xx]         'Anti-Zionist' holocaust denier, Weekly Worker, 10.3.11., https://weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/856/anti-zionist-holocaust-denier/

[xxi]        Isaac Deutscher, 'The Non Jewish Jew '& Other Essays-The Russian  Revolution and the Jewish Question' pp.66/7
[xxiii]       Max Nordau, Failure of Emancipation, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Nordau#Failure_of_emancipation
[xxiv]       Reverend William H. Hechler - The Christian minister who legitimized Theodor Herzl, By Jerry Klinger, http://www.jewishmag.com/145mag/herzl_hechler/herzl_hechler.htm

[xxv]        A History of Zionism, Walter Lacquer, p.102, 1972.

[xxviii]      The Israel Lobby, John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, LRB, March 2006 https://www.lrb.co.uk/v28/n06/john-mearsheimer/the-israel-lobby.

[xxx]        REVEALED: Canary Mission Blacklist Is Secretly Bankrolled By Major Jewish Federation, Forward, 3.10.18. https://forward.com/news/national/411355/revealed-canary-mission-blacklist-is-secretly-bankrolled-by-major-jewish/, Josh Nathan-Kazis.

[xxxiv]      Ha’aretz, 22.11.17., Labor Party's Support of Deportation, Imprisonment of Asylum Seekers Cheapens the Israeli Opposition, https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/editorial/labor-party-s-support-of-deporting-asylum-seekers-cheapens-the-israeli-opposition-1.5467572

You don’t have to be anti-Semitic to be a Zionist but it certainly helps


Katie Hopkins backs up the Pittsburgh murderer- Jews are Responsible for using refugees to undermine the White nations

By their friends shall ye know them
Katie Hopkins is a byword for racism and bigotry.  What is in the throat of the tabloid leader writers is on the Twitter feed of Katie Hopkins.  There is no neo-Nazi insult that is too vile or genocidal for Katie Hopkins.  Hence why the Mailtook her on from the Sun.
However Hopkins has managed to excel herself with her latest tweet justifying Robert Bowers, the murderer of 11 Jews at Pittsburgh. In his last message Bowers tweeted ‘HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can’t sit by and watch our people get slaughtered. Screw your optics I’m going in.’ HIAS being the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. Hopkins tweeted:
‘Watching the pin-the-blame on the donkey after #PittsburghSynagogue. Gab. Trump. White Supremacists. The Media. Muslims. Look to the Chief Rabbi and his support for mass migration across the Med. There you will find your truths.” #Pittsburg
It’s not clear which Chief Rabbi she is talking about. Britain’s Chief Rabbi, the hapless Ephraim Mirvis, has never supported mass migration, but it is a useful myth. The Chief Rabbi is a metonym for Jews. In other words the Jews are responsible for the refugees which Trump railed against in the recent Congressional election campaign.
Katie Hopkins anti-semitic comment on Ed Miliband's wife, Justine
The Jewish Chronicle engaged in some synthetic outrage Katie Hopkins condemned for blaming Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue shooting on 'Chief Rabbi's support for mass migration, but they carefully refrained from publicising her support for Israel.
It is a favourite theme of the neo-Nazi Right that the ‘problem’ of refugees is the ‘fault’ of the Jews. It would seem that Katie Hopkins, who spends increasing time in the company of the far-Right, has adopted this meme. '

Hopkin’s  reaction to the suicide bomb at Ariande Grande’s concert in Manchester, when 22 people were killed, was to callfor a ‘Final Solution’ of Muslims, which led to her departurefrom LBC.
Katie thinks the world of Tommy Robinson aka Yaxley Lennon
Katie Hopkins is however a consistent bigot.  She may be the highest profile racist in Britain today, apart from her good friend Tommy Robinson, but she is also a sincere and dedicated Zionist.
When it comes to BDS, as opposed to bombing, Katie is full of concern for Palestinian jobs - no matter that they deliberately stifle the Palestinian economy
Palestinians, the original inhabitants are 'rodents' i.e. vermin - neo-Nazi language from the Sun and Mail's former columnist

Katy Hopkins concern for Israeli families contrasts with her disinterest in the victims of the aerial bombing of Gaza's infrastructure
She visited Israel and went out of her way to praise the Israeli military and the settlers and demonise the Palestinians.  However none of this prevented her from being an anti-Semite. Quite the contrary to her diaspora Jews must seem pitifully weak.
Let us recall other comments that went virtually unnoticed by the Zionists until she picked on the Jews. As thousands of refugees were drowning in the Mediterranean, as they tried to flee civil war and famine in Africa, Katie Hopkins, took a pride in demonstrating how ‘tough’ she was.  One of her most infamous quotes was
“Make no mistake, these migrants are like cockroaches. They might look a bit “Bob Geldof’s Ethiopia circa 1984”, but they are built to survive a nuclear bomb. They are survivors”
Courtesay of the Daily Mail, Katie Hopkins went out to meet fellow fascists
UN high commissioner for human rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, pointed out that the term “cockroaches” was used by both the Nazis and those behind the genocide in Rwanda. In the Sun she wrote
No, I don’t care. Show me pictures of coffins, show me bodies floating in water, play violins and show me skinny people looking sad. I still don’t care.’
Katie Hopkins with holocaust denier Peter Sweden
Hopkins joined the C-Star in Sicily, which had been crowd funded by the fascists, whose purpose it was to prevent the rescue of drowning refugees. Ironically the fascist ship broke down and had to be rescued by the German ship Sea Eyewhich was there to rescue refugees! It was whilst meeting the group Defend Europe in Sicily that she posed for photographs with Peter Sweden, who is a holocaust denier. Sweden tweeted that
the globalists (mainly Jews) are the ones bringing in the Muslims to Europe, they seem to work together” and “it is the Vatican and the Jews who are behind the NOW [New World Order]
The collected sayings of Peter Sweden
Marie van der Zyl, the President of the Board of Deputies wrotethat
“It is distressing to see Katie Hopkins posing for a photograph with a Holocaust denier, as part of her trip to support the ‘Defend Europe’ campaign,”
It must be distressing for Zyl, who fully supports the equally bigoted policy of Israeli Ministers when it comes to refugees.
After all it wasn’t all that long ago when Katie Hopkins was an honoured guest at the annual dinner and dance of the Zionist Federation.  And who could possibly object to her presence when Israeli Minister Gideon Saar was the guest speaker?  Saar even had the chutzpah to claim that Israel didn’t deport asylum seekers.  Even as dedicated a Zionist as Rabbi Lea Mühlstein was walked out. The Jewish Chronicle claimed that the dinner was ‘marred by the heckling of Gideon Sa’ar'. Katie tweeted
Lovely to spend time with friends & supporters @ZionistFed celebrating 70 years of Israeli Independence. Go Bibi. Go Israel”
Katie Hopkins was a hit with those who attended the Zionist Federation dinner
Katie seems to have had a wonderful time having her photo taken with fans and of course the chief ghoul himself, Mark Regev.
This provoked Daniel Sugarman, a hack journalist to complain that Katie Hopkin’s presence at the Zionist Federation’s Gala Dinner was akin to a pork chop at a Friday Night Dinner. Most unfair to pigs.Katie Hopkins, Tommy Robinson, and why Israel needs to up its media game. Daniel ran through some of Katie’s more unsavoury comments on “cockroaches”, the need for a “final solution” and her letter “dear black people: if your lives matter, why do you shoot and stab each other so much?”
Katie  Hopkins enthusiasm for Poland's antisemitic government comes as no surprise
All of the above is true of course but how is this different from referringto African refugees as a ‘cancer’.?  This is exactly what Miri Regev, Israel’s Minister of ‘Culture’ (as in Goebbels) did.  Admittedly Regev apologised for using the term – that is she apologised to cancer patients for having compared them to refugees. An Opinion Poll conducted by the Israeli Democracy Institute found 52% of Israelis supportedher comments, and 33% supported violence against refugees. The moral of the story is that Katie should emigrate to Israel where she can convert to membership of the Jewish race and can then join the Israeli government. Sugarman found it
infuriating but, sadly, not surprising. There are unfortunately some within the wider Zionist movement who appear to believe that any amount of loathsome behaviour is bearable, as long as a perceived support of Israel is there.’
Katie had tweeted about how she had “pencilled him in” (Mark Regev) as her fourth husband.  Clearly it would be a match made in hell. But Sugarman is being a hypocrite. There is nothing that Katie said that has not been said every day by Israeli politicians. 
For those interested there is a fascinating interviewin the November 2018 edition of the Israel Today magazine with Katie Hopkins which informs us that she is ‘one of the few willing to speak truth to ills in our societies, irrespective of the consequences of doing so’.
Tony Greenstein

SHORTS: Breaking News: Mexico agrees to pay for wall – Israel’s Proposed Death Penalty is for Palestinians only - Save Ahmed from being hanged


Scottish Police Arrest Protestor For Holding “Nae Nazis” Sign at Bannon Event

There has been a history of Scottish Police and the Scottish Legal Establishment trying to demonise the Palestine solidarity movement. When the Jewish Quartet played in Edinburgh the concert was disrupted. The same happened elsewhere in Britain. In London 6 of us disrupted the JQ  at the Wigmore Hall in London.  However in Scotland the authorities have made every effort to criminalise Palestine protestors as ‘anti-Semitic’. Charges of “racially aggravated conduct” levelled at 5 members of the Scottish Palestine Scottish Camapign were thrown out by Sheriff James Scott at Edinburgh Sheriff Court on Thursday 8th April 2010.
Scottish Police say it is illegal to call fascists Nazis
Scott said the prosecutor's "attempts to squeeze malice and ill will out of the agreed facts were rather strained". The sheriff upheldthe defendants' arguments that their protests, in which they accused Israel of genocide in Gaza, were simply against the behaviour of a state and its army, not an attack on Jews or any ethnic group.
The protesters had clear rights to attack a state's behaviour under the European convention on human rights, he said.
"If persons on a march designed to protest against and publicise alleged crimes committed by a state and its army are afraid to name that state for fear of being charged with racially aggravated behaviour, that would render worthless their Article 10 rights," he said.
Mick Napier of Scottish PSC said demonstrations against Israel's policies would continue.
"As long as the ethnic cleansing of Palestine continues, Israel's political, cultural, and sporting ambassadors will face boycott protest similar to that faced by the racist apartheid South African regime in the last century,"
The fact that the Scottish legal authorities  failed is immaterial to the fact that they tried very hard to prevent Palestine protest actions.  It seems that the Police are once again acting as the long arm of the Zionist movement.
BBC gives American fascist Steve Bannon a platform
When a protest was held at a media conference in Edinburgh this week, when the BBC interviewed Stephen Bannon, the former editor Breitbart and an open fascist who is attempting to co-ordinate European far-Right parties, which was yet another example of the BBC giving publicity to racists and fascists, a protest was held.
Bannon, the former chief exec of Trump’s presidential campaign, and the strategist behind Trump’s attack on refugees, was given the oxygen of publicity by the BBC.
In 2010 Scottish Police arrested PSC activists demonstrating at the Jerusalem Quartet concert in Edinburgh
About 100 protestors assembled outside the Edinburgh International Conference Centre this week.  Bannon was one of the star speaker’s at the European Broadcasting Union’s annual News Xchange conference. Nicola Strugeon withdrew from it when Bannon’s attendance was brought to light by The Ferret. Sturgeon blasted the BBC – who helped to organise the event – as running the risk of the “normalisation” of fascist views. The BBC tried to justify his inclusion by telling the First Minister that he is “powerful and influential figure… promoting an anti-elite movement”. There is nothing anti-elitist about fascism although Hitler and many other fascists have always made this bogus claim.
The BBC’s report “Man arrested at Steve Bannon protest in Edinburgh”. revealed that a 56 year old man was “arrested and charged with threatening and abusive behaviour” holding a sign saying “Nae Nazis”.
“We were both asked to put them away by the police because it could constitute an offence.” They wouldn’t specify which offence,” a woman said. “When I put my sign down, another guy picked it up and was arrested by police immediately.”
“The police dragged the guy off further down the road and I don’t know what happened over there, although a large crowd were watching and filming.”
It’s understood the man was told he was being arrested for breach of the peace, which – unlike England – is a catch all offence in Scotland with no limiton the potential sentence. It is absurd that describing a fascist as a ‘Nazi’ should be considered threatening and abusive behaviour, and is an outrageous attack on freedom of speech. ‘We will, of course, keenly await the howls of outrage from all the free speech bros, Spiked columnists and assorted liberal commentators about it though.’
Inside, Bannon was pitted against the BBC Scotland editor Sarah Smith. As this thread from Buzzfeed’s Ryan Broderick shows, Bannon spent the entire time talking over her, evading questions, and bringing up his pet subjects, like ‘racism: actually good’, while Smith tried to nitpick about inaccurate things Trump had said.
“Bannon is basically delivering a monologue about the wonders of enthonationalism and sometimes asking Smith a question,” tweeted Broderick. Bannon rounded it off by calling the entire audience “the opposition” and saying how excited he is for the European elections – the same elections for which he is making a big shown of co-ordinatingfar right parties across the continent.
The man was arrested under Section 38 of the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2000. It would be logical to assume that police officers were briefed ahead of the event over what would and would not be allowable in terms of protest signs and flags. The real question now is – who passed down orders that “Nae Nazis” is a breach of the peace?

Adalah: Israel's proposed death penalty intended for Palestinians only

Well of course it makes sense that the proposed death penalty for ‘terrorism’ in Israel will only be applicable for Palestinians.  As we know that nothing Israel does is ‘terrorism’.  It is law and order and in any event you cannot expect a Jewish state to execute a Jew.
As the Knesset's Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee prepared to debate the first draft of the "Death Penalty for Terrorists" bill, Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel feared it was intended for Palestinians only and demanded that it be struck down for violating international law and Israel's Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty.
Haneen Zoabi of Balad speaking in the Knesset 
Adalah sent a letteron Tuesday, 13 November 2018 to committee chairman Nissan Slomiansky MK demanding that he shelve the bill.   However, unlike the Bill which was proposed by Balad to make Israel a state of its own citizens and which was rejected as unfit to be debated even before it got to the Knesset floor, this Bill has been approved. Knesset Council Bans Bill to Define Israel as State for All Its Citizens
Israel is the kind of democracy that is happy to discuss a racist death penalty for Palestinians only but which believes that the idea of a state where all are equal is unconstitutional.  But this doesn’t stop racist idiots like Labour MPs Emily Thornberry and Tom Watson signing up to this.
In his letter to Slomiansky, Adalah Attorney Rabea Eghbariah argued that the death penalty is an example of cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment, and therefore contradicts the spirit of international law and the Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty.
Furthermore, the legislation of a death penalty would potentially lead, practically, to discrimination based on ethnicity and national belonging. The law would be imposed by the Knesset on the Israeli military courts in the occupied West Bank – in contradiction of the provisions of international law – and would create different norms of application on Palestinian residents of the West Bank."
Adalah Attorney Rabea Eghbariah commented on the bill:
"At a time when countries around the world are ridding themselves of the death penalty, Israel is seeking to legitimize it. This is a draconian bill that is not only futile in its declared purpose of creating a deterrent effect, but contradicts core legal rights and is overtly aimed at Palestinians exclusively."
Of course there is nothing in the Bill itself which says it will not apply to Jews.  It’s just that it can only be applied by the Military Courts in the West Bank. And who is subject to the Military Courts?  Why of course Palestinians as Jewish settlers are subject to the normal Israeli civil and criminal courts.
Ironically despite the Israeli government  introducing a Bill supporting the death penalty in the Occupied Territories, at the UN Israel supported a motion calling for the ending of  the death penalty! Clearly when it comes to hasbara the Israeli state is happy to oppose the death penalty.
Meet Ahmed: the schoolboy who was sentenced to death in Egypt for a crime that took place 21 days after his arrest
Meet Ahmed. He was just 17 when he was abducted by Egyptian police and tortured until he "confessed" to taking part in an assassination attempt.
But here's the thing: the attempt took place 21 days AFTER Ahmed's abduction. He couldn't have done it.
This is his story.
On 2 March 2015, armed officers kicked down the door of Ahmed’s family home in the middle of the night and took Ahmed from his bed. There was no warrant.
He was taken to an undisclosed location, where he was held for nearly three months. He was not allowed to contact a lawyer or even his family – who didn’t know if he was alive or dead.
While in detention, Ahmed was beaten with metal rods and subjected to electric shocks until he confessed to crimes he didn't commit.
The most serious alleged offence – involvement in an attempted assassination – took place on 23 March 2015, 21 days after Ahmed’s abduction. Ahmed simply could not have been involved in the assassination attempt, because he was already in custody and being tortured as it happened.
After 80 days, Egyptian authorities finally acknowledged Ahmed's detention and "officially" arrested him.
If you thought that Ahmed would be able to clear his name at trial, you’d be wrong. Ahmed was sent to a mass trial of 30 people, nearly all adults.
Officially, children in Egypt should be tried in special juvenile courts. But the authorities exploited a loophole in the law that allows children to be tried alongside adults in mass trials.
Mass trials are not fair trials – scores or even hundreds of people stand in the dock at once, unable to present an individual defence. This leaves children especially vulnerable.
Ahmed was convicted in a mass trial on the basis of his forced confession obtained through torture, which the court failed to exclude.
Ahmed has now been sentenced to death. Under Egyptian and international law, children should never be sentenced to death. Yet in Egypt, this is regularly ignored. Courts have recommended death sentences for at least 10 children since 2013.
A final appeal in Ahmed’s case is in December. But in the meantime, we’ve launched a campaign to end the appalling abuses like those Ahmed has suffered.
We’re calling on Egypt to release children sentenced to death, close the Child Death Penalty Loophole, and end the use of mass trials. You can read more and join the campaign to #EndMassInjusticehere: https://act.reprieve.org.uk/page/content/egypt?source=eg1018fbthv1
You can sign the petition to end mass trials and death sentences for children here: https://act.reprieve.org.uk/page/s/egypt?source=eg1018fbthv2

Twitter Censorship: Targeted by Twitter Yet Again - Suspended without reason


First Richard Silverstein was Suspended & now Tony Greenstein - Twitter Regularly Censors supporters of the Palestinians & anti-Zionists whilst repeatedly ignoring Zionist abuse

Yesterday I logged in to my Twitter account to be greeted by a message 
Your account (@TonyGreenstein) is currently suspended.For more information, please visit Suspended Accounts.’
The Suspended Accounts link says nothing about why I was suspended.  No reason whatsoever was given.
This is one of numerous acts of harassment. Linking to my blog directly brings up a message that this is spam.
Depicting violence by Israeli military thugs against a Palestinian child violates Twitter 'conduct policy'
Israeli abuse of Palestinian children should not be shown, the truth should be hidden according to Twitter
Earlier this year my account was locked because my logo included a picture of an Israeli soldier assaulting Ahed Tamimi as a child and I was forced to delete the picture. It depicted violence and this was unacceptable.  However Zionists who defend such violence are more than welcome to tweet their hate.
This is NOT against Twitter rules, which are reserved for anti-Zionists
This puerile abuse is also NOT contrary to Twitter rules
False allegations of child abuse by Zionist Fascist Mark Harringman are NOT contrary to Twitter Rules
I have received a volume of abuse from Zionist fascists like Mark Haringman (@Newsdude) and other Zionist sickos, such as being accused of being of being a child abuser, only to be told that this doesn’t go against Twitter’s ‘rules’. The standard response being:
‘Thank you for your recent report. We have reviewed your report carefully and found that there was no violation of the Twitter Rules against abusive behavior
Being told it was a pity my family survived the concentration camps is NOT an offence against Twitter rules against violence, hate etc.
I received tweets from a Yousef George telling me it was a pity my family survived the Nazi extermination camps and this too was not against Twitter rules.
However calling Chuka Ummuna an Uncle Tom, Black outside but wholly White inside, was enough to get me suspended

I am asking people to bombard twitter support@twitter.com@twitter etc. to let them know what you feel and including the link to this post.

According to Twitter this accords with their 'community standards'

Of course I am not the only one to experience Twitter censorship.  Richard Silverstein experienced the same when he pointed out that Ari Fuld, who was killed by Palestinians, was a violent Israeli settler, who was part of a heavily armed settler vigilante group Tzanchan and not the peaceful ‘activist’ that settler apologists pretended. The Palestinians who killed this thug were perfectly within their right of resistance and just as we don’t mourn dead Nazis who were killed by the Partisans Fuld should not be mourned.

Zionists who glory over Palestinian deaths are never suspended.  Explain the background to the killing of Zionism’s armed thugs and that merits the suspension of your account.  However in Richard’s case publicity forced Twitter to back off.  I want people to bombard these bastards too.

False allegations of antisemitism are NEVER in breach of Twitter rules
Twitter was forced to back down when Richard Silverstein was suspended

Tony Greenstein

Pointing out that a dead Zionist was an armed thug goes against Twitter policy but saying you wished someone had died in a Nazi concentration camp is fine
when posting a direct link to my blog this message appears

DANGER – As Labour Leads in the Opinion Polls the Zionist Lobby is Sharpening Its Knives


BEWARE – More Fake ‘Anti-Semitism’ is on the way – Zionist lobby will do its Best to Dig-up More False ‘Evidence’ to Undermine Jeremy Corbyn and Labour

Every time that Labour has taken a lead in the opinion polls or seemed likely to do well, as in the local government elections earlier this year, another long forgotten event or conversation is raked up to ‘prove’ that Corbyn is an anti-Semite.
As always  these termites within, the Labour Against Antisemitism Groups/Gnasher Jew and all the other trolls have done their best to aid the Tories.  We should be under no illusions that these people are worried that Corbyn could soon find himself in No. 10.
As Labour’s local election campaign got underway in March Red Tory MP for Liverpool Wavertree Luciana Berger produced a Facebook post by Corbyn defending a wall mural showing 6 bankers dining out on Black sweated labour on the grounds of free speech.  The mural topic had been around for 3 years with even the Jewish Chronicle dismissing it, but for the Labour Right and their Tory backers it was another chance to attack Corbyn.
We had the absurd situation of a meeting 8 years ago addressed by Hajo Meyer, a survivor of Auschwitz, comparing Israel’s racist practices to those of the Nazis.  Unfortunately Corbyn’s backbone gave way and he apologised.  Jon Lansman, the traitor within, added fuel to the Tory/Zionist fire.
Joan Ryan MP can be counted on to do her best to ensure Labour doesn't gain from May's crisis
Not forgetting the ludicrous time that Corbyn told a couple of Zionist fascists, Richard Millett and Jonathan Hoffman, that it was a pity they didn't appreciate British irony, despite having lived here a long time, unlike the recently arrived Palestinian ambassador.  This too was spun as 'antisemitism.'
The supporters of the Apartheid regime in Israel and their representatives in the Parliamentary Labour Party are no doubt contemplating even as I write how to help Theresa May.
Amidst Tory chaos and in-fighting, with the chances of Maybot being overthrown increasing, there is a greater likelihood than ever that the false anti-Semitism industry is also gearing up to produce ‘evidence’ that Jeremy Corbyn is an ‘anti-Semite’.

As the Tories totter on the edge Labour must support a second referendum


The idea that British capitalism is superior to European capitalism is a delusion born of imperial grandeur

Many on the Left who support leaving the EU (Lexit) somehow believe that an independent British capitalist state is preferable to European capitalism. It is difficult to understand why given the support for Brexit of people like William Rees-Mogg, Boris Johnson and others on the Tory Right, to say nothing of UKIP. Indeed the original apostle of Brexit was none other than the original monetarist and free marketer Enoch Powell.
That the European Union is based on free-market capitalism is undeniable.  However that is a problem that needs to be opposed by the labour movement on a European wide basis. The idea of a British state going it alone with a low tax regime and further anti-union laws hardly seems to be a progressive let alone a socialist position.
It is clear that Theresa May’s agreement is a humiliating one in that Britain will remain in the customs union and Northern Ireland within the single market with a backstop guaranteeing that this is subject to an EU veto.  The alternative, no deal, is one which is horrific to contemplate.
The break-up of the European Union is something which unites the Far-Right throughout Europe. Brexit is seen as a something to aim at by those who would clearly love to see the break of the European Union.  It is not too much to suggest that if the EU were to break up we could eventually see the return of military conflicts between different states.  This was, after all, the original reason for the setting up of the Iron and Steel Confederation which later became the Common Market.
It is no coincidence that Donald Trump, a self-declared nationalist and in reality a White Supremacist welcomes Brexit.  It means imposing trade terms on Britain, for example the dropping of existing food standards, that are inherent in the Single Market. It is welcomed by Steve Bannon and the alt-Right who see Brexit as bolstering nationalism, racism and the demonistation of Muslims.
Theresa May’s deal is unacceptable not least for its hostility to State aid to industry. We stay half-in and half-out of the EU. A Brexit without a deal is equally unacceptable. This means inevitably that the only real option is a second referendum.
Of course there will be squeals and howls from those who cry that it is ‘undemocratic’.  Why?  It is simply giving people a right to make an informed decision, based on what they have seen for the past two years. Of course it is possible that a majority will still vote for Brexit but I somehow suspect that after having been lied to in the first referendum (the £300m+ promised to the NHS) that many people will not have the wool pulled over their eyes for a second time.
The position of Corbyn has been described by some as masterly.  I disagree.  Doing nothing is not a brilliant strategy and it is clear from Corbyn’s comments today and those of McDonnell yesterday that Labour is moving towards a second referendum .  The opposition to the EU based on opposition to free movement of workers is reactionary.  Low wages are not caused by immigration but by weak trade unions. It is the lack of a fight by the British working class which has led to Britain being a low waged economy.
People seem to forget that it wasn’t the EU who closed the mines, shipbuilding yards and much else but Thatcher and free market economics. Those in the North voting Brexit do it from a position of weakness and despair.  The EU is a handy scapegoat but it is hardly responsible for what the Tories have done.
The idea of an independent British capitalism is a belief that Britain is strong enough to form its own trade treaties and on its own terms.  The USA and other countries are likely to disillusion them.  This is a left-over from the British Empire.  It is Suez repeated all over again but as farce. Deliberately destroying your own trading relationships hardly seems to me to be a socialist strategy.
I believe Labour should throw its weight behind staying in the European Union and give its support for a second referendum. I have no doubt that this will create its own momentum towards a Labour victory at the General Election.
Tony Greenstein

The IHRA Definition of ‘Anti-Semitism’ Claims Its First Victim


FREE SPEECH UNDER ATTACK Dudley Council officer Paul Jonson is suspended for saying that Israel is a racist endeavour 

As I have been saying for some time, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance so-called definition of anti-Semitism is not about fighting hatred of Jews.  Its sole purpose is to defend the Israeli state and its sickening racism against Palestinians/
The Facebook post that  Paul Jonson was suspended for
Even the author of the IHRA Kenneth Stern wrote in testimonyto Congress:
The definition was not drafted, and was never intended, as a tool to target or chill speech on a college campus. In fact, at a conference in 2010 about the impact of the definition, I highlighted this misuse, and the damage it could do
Stern also stated that even when case are lost, the advocates of the IHRA saw a ‘positive benefit – they chilled pro-Palestinian expression.’ That is the only purpose of the IHRA.  Stern described what happened when the misnamed Campaign Against Anti-SemitismtargetedProfessor Rachel Gould of Bristol University as ‘chilling and McCarthy-like’. She was subject to a venomous attack by the CAA because of an article she wrote about the Zionist misuse of the Holocaust. Could there be a more blatant attack on free speech by this despicable ‘charity’?
According to the CAA, she wrote that:
“perhaps the time has come to stop privileging the Holocaust as the central event in Jewish history.” She concluded the article: “As the situation stands today, the Holocaust persists and its primary victims are the Palestinian people.”
What is anti-Semitic about that?  Yet the CAA has now targeted someone else, Paul Jonson.  And whereas Bristol University defended Professor Gould, Dudley Council has demonstrated that it lacks any backbone whatsoever.
Demonstration that Paul Jonson attended outside Ian Austin MP's surgery
Eminent lawyers such as Sir Stephen Sedley, Hugh Tomlinson QC and Geoffrey Robertson QC all described the so called International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of anti-Semitism as a threat to free speech.
Hugh Tomlinson declared that the IHRA had
a potential chilling effect on public bodies which, in the absence of definitional clarity, may seek to sanction or prohibit any conduct which has been labelled by third parties as antisemitic without applying any clear criterion of assessment.
Geoffrey Robertson described the IHRA as
likely to chill criticism of action by the Government of Israel and advocacy of sanctions as a means to deter human rights abuses in Gaza and elsewhere.
Whilst also finding that when it comes to genuine anti-Semitism, the IHRA is actually very weak.
By pivoting upon racial hatred ... it fails to catch those who exhibit hostility and prejudice – or apply discrimination – against Jewish people for no reason other than that they are Jewish.
Council Officer Paul Jonson was suspended 2 weeks ago for breaching the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism. Here once again we can see that the IHRA has nothing whatsoever to do with combating hate against Jews, which is what anti-Semitism is about and everything to do with protecting the world’s most racist state.
A state where 48% of its Jewish population, a plurality, support the physical expulsion of its non-Jewish population.  [Israel’s Religiously Divided Society, Pew Research Centre] A state where 93% of the land is reserved for Jews.  A state which defines itself not as a state of its own people, the basis of non-racist nationalism from the French Revolution onwards but as a state of only a section of its population, the Jewish section.
For stating the obvious, that Israel is a racist endeavour, i.e. the Zionist project was racist from its inception, which is a perfectly valid point of view, Paul has been suspended.
This is a direct attack on freedom of speech.  It vindicates the decision of Liberty’s AGM to oppose the IHRA.  It vindicates the decision of the University College Union to oppose the definition.  The suspension of Paul could be the beginning of a wave of attacks on the basic rights of employees to express themselves freely without fear of being victimised.
Any idiot, Dudley’s Council leaders apart, knows that expressing views about a state is not racist.  Is it racist to say that the Burmese state is a genocidally racist state?  Or that Egypt is a vicious Police state?  Why because a state defines itself racially as ‘Jewish’ is an exception made. Israel is a state that has just passed the ApartheidJewish Nation State Law which specifically excludes Israel’s non-Jewish population from national rights.
This isn’t about anti-Semitism it is about protecting the West’s investment in and reliance on the Israeli state, its policeman in the region..
The time is long overdue when a concerted fightback needs to be made against this McCarthyist attack on idea, which is eroding basic rights such as freedom of speech and assembly
Tony Greenstein
Ian Austin - nasty pro-war Zionist MP
By Pete Madeley | Dudley | News | Published: Oct 30, 2018 | Last Updated: 19 hours ago
Mr Jonson attended the protest outside Ian Austin's constituency office.
Paul Jonson, an anti-social behaviour officer at the authority, has been accused of violating the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism with a post describing Israel as a ‘racist endeavour’.
It refers to a protest outside Dudley North Labour MP Ian Austin’s constituency office on October 6, where placard waving activists demonstrated against Israel’s ‘murderous occupation of Palestine’.
Dudley North MP Ian Austin
Mr Jonson’s post read: “Stand with Palestine. Israel is racist endeavour.”
The council, which signed up to the full IHRA definition last year, acted following an official complaint from the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism.
Bosses ordered Mr Jonson to stop attending work while an investigation is ongoing.
Mr Jonson attended the protest outside Ian Austin's constituency office which featured in this Facebook post
Dudley Council’s chief executive, Sarah Norman, said: “We have received a complaint and are investigating it.”
Mr Jonson, who attended the demonstration, posted on Facebook: “I have been accused under the IHRA code via a complaint received at the Chief Execs Dept that my post “Stand with Palestine - Israel is a racist endeavour”– is anti-Semetic (sic).
“I was interviewed on October 18 and instructed to ‘refrain from work’ until further notice. I am still not at work.
“I have been advised by DMBC they are still awaiting further ‘legal advice’.
“This is obviously being robustly refuted by myself. FREE SPEECH ON ISRAEL – FREE PALESTINE!!”
Paul Jonson's post on Facebook
He added that he was planning to meet with his union, Unison, to discuss the issue.
Stephen Silverman, the director of investigations and enforcement at Campaign Against Antisemitism, has called for Mr Jonson to be sacked from Dudley Council.
He said: "Mr Jonson seems to be intent on baiting the Jewish community by breaching the International Definition of Antisemitism.
"His appalling behaviour shows that he is utterly unfit to hold the office of Anti-Social Behaviour Officer for Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council.
"We are glad that the Council has suspended him following our complaint.”
Mr Austin was targeted by pro-Palestine campaigners over his stance against anti-Semitism in the Labour party.
He has been an outspoken critic of Jeremy Corbyn’s handling of the issue, which saw the party embroiled in a series of rows with Jewish groups over the summer.
After the protest, Birmingham Palestine Action group said: “We must continue to call out all those people in power who remain silent while Israel continues it’s murderous occupation of Palestine. It was made clear to Ian that his unconditional support for Israel and silence regarding the consistent violation of Palestinians’ human rights will no longer go unchallenged.”
On Sun, 28 Oct 2018, 00:05 Paul jonson wrote:

I wish to add the following, reference my interview on Thursday 18th October 2018 with Tom Mountford  and Amanda Hubble  and the ongoing "refrain from work" decision which on Monday 29th October 2018 will be into it's third week.
I was contacted on the previous day 17th October 2018 by Tom Mountford and advised to attend an urgent meeting at Regent House  at 9.30am. I was not advised of the details other than a complaint had been received relating to a private Facebook post I had made.  I was not provided with any information relating to the complainant or complainants or the Facebook posts content.
The preliminary interview was cordial and relaxed and was conducted via a pre determined script that involved in excess of 20 questions.  My responses were specific and truthful.  I was shown screen shot of both my FB profile and a post dated 5th October 2018.  The post read  _" Stand with Palestine - State of Israel is a racist endeavour ".  I was asked whether this was my post _- I answered proudly yes it was.
I was advised that a complaint had been received at the Chief Executives from the Campaign against anti semitism. 
‘It is not only the victims of hate to stand up but for every decent citizen to recognise prejudice in all it's guises . When we see hatred -we must stand shoulder to shoulder with the victims and call it out"   -   Ian Austin MP 18.09.2018 speaking  at a memorial event for Frank Fowley a brave individual who saved hundreds of Jewish people from Nazi concentration camps and death.
I concur 100% with these words and consider myself and my colleagues in the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign to be amongst those  "decent citizens"  Ian Austin referred to - to call out hate and stand shoulder to shoulder with the victims.
 The post in question was directly related to the Dudley Palestine Solidarity Groups lobby of Dudley North MP Ian Austin , this was in response to a tweet he had sent regarding  the murder of over 18 young Gazans who had been shot by Israel's IDF troops at the Gazan border fence protests for demanding the right of return to their Homeland.
The MP had attributed the blame to Hamas and the protesters themselves.
The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhu at a press conference on the 15thMay 2018 stated that - "the Palestinian protesters deliberately ran in front of bullets fired by the Israeli military during the border protests to make Israel look bad" -'Hamas were to blame.
On the 6th July 2018 I attended a lobby at Dudley Library when Ian Austin on two occasions referenced my employment with DMBC to which I retorted "that my day job was of no relevance to why I was supporting this lobby  and I asked the MP if he was trying to intimidate me?".
My protest stating Israel is a racist endeavor is somewhat inaccurate  - Israel is a racist apartheid state. 
In 1948  at the inception of the State of Israel Zionist groups expelled 750,000 Palestinians .   In Palestine this is known as the " Nakba" which translates as the "catastrophe.  Over 90% of all Palestinians who would have been inside the new State of Israel borders were and are denied to this day the RIght of Return. Zionism lays claim to the land based on  biblical timelines over 2,000 yeas ago , yet denies the right of return for Palestinians going back less than 75 years.
1) Palestine is under illegal Military Occupation in violation of International law.
2) more than 50 separate laws for Palestinians only  - more than half adopted since 2000.
3) Land Law - stipulates ownership of " Israel Lands" controlled by the State of Israels Jewish National Fund (JNF) leasing land only to Jewish citizens.
4) Absentees Property Law 1950 - states Palestinian refugees expelled after 1947/48 are denied any rights.Their houses, land, apartments and bank accounts were confiscated by the State of Israel. Simultaneously the Law of Return was passed in 1950 giving Jewish people from anywhere in the world the automatic right to Israeli citizenship and residence.
5) In March 2018 Israel passed a law to revoke residency rights of any Palestinian to reside in Jerusalem on the grounds of " breach of loyalty to Israel".
6) A ban on Family Unification , when the spouse is an Israeli citizen and the other is a resident of the occupied territories I
7) Trial for Palestinians by Military Courts not civil courts.
8) Child Detention Centres for Palestinians -  illegal under International Law
9) Separate roads for Palestinians. 
10) An Aparthied Wall in the occupied territories  three times the height of the old Berlin Wall and stretching over 700km - equivalent distance from London to Zurich.
11) Daily Military checkpoints for Palestinians
12) Regular house demolitions to make way for settler expansion.
13) Poisoned Water Wells and reduced electricity supply - in Gaza only 6 hours per day.
The 2018 Nation State Law further entrenched Apartheid Law which states only Jewish people have the right to self determination.  This Law prompted the Israel Pianist Daniel Barenboim to state - "  I don't think the Jewish people lived for 20 centuries mostly through persecution and enduring cruelties in order to become the oppressors. - this Law does exactly that .  Therefore I am ashamed of being an Israeli citizen."
Apartheid is a crime under International Law . The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination  has urged the State of Israel to , quote  - " prohibit and eradicate it's policies of Racial segregation and Apartheid".  Even the USA accepts that Palestinians face ' institutional and societal discrimination".  On a visit by Archbishop Desmond Tutu to Israel in 2012 he stated  that  " there are many aspects of Palestinian life that are worse than the dark days of Apartheid South Africa.  
These discriminatory apartheid racist  laws which impact daily on Palestinians are an historical fact of life - not opinions.
As stated in my prelimininary interview I am aware of the IHRA and it's history. It is not a legal document but an advisory package . It's original conception and purpose was educative and awareness raising of the Holocaust.  It's recent history has included the "weaponisation"  by the State of Israel and Zionist supporters in an attempt to closedown debate and criticism of Israel and curtail Palestinian Solidarity.  
It's author Kenneth Stern has stated on record that his intention was not to stifle criticism of the State of Israel , his intention was to be a "working definition" designed to help "standardise data collection" on anti semitic hate crimes and not to be a Legal or regulatory tool for the suppression of academic or political free speech.  It's intention was to strengthen awareness of the Holocaust .
The IHRA is not universally recognised out of 195 countries only 31 have adopted the document and only 7 with the full examples.  The most controversial addition is the one regarding "the State of Israel as a racist endeaver".  To criticise Israel and it's policies of Apartheid is not anti semitic.  Some 45 Jewish Groups , the Institute for RaceRelations,leading lawyers such as Hugh Tomlinson, Geoffrey Bindman,Sir Stephen Sedley,Brian Klug have all expressed their concerns about the weaponisation and misuse  as a tool to suppress debate and activism regarding Palestinian Human Rights.  As decent citizens we all have a duty to challenge both individual and Institutionalized Racism - including both anti semitism and Islamophobia.  Palestinian voices have both a right to be heard, a right to self determination and a right to describe their own history and injustices  - which deny them equal status in the State of Israel  via it's Apartheid Laws.     For Palestinians the racist endeaver is a racist reality.
I have for many years been a supporter of Palestinian rights and a member of Solidarity Campaign's.  Social media is a very useful tool to organise and communicate and provides an immediate forum for ideas and activism.  It is a tool to be used responsibilly for free expression (not licence) for information sharing and organising as long as it does not incite discrimination ,hatred or violence.  The CPS in 2017 updated a change of law regarding it's guidelines relating to Hate crimes whether online or offline. My post does not violate any of these guidelines - as with all of our rights comes responsibility , respect and tolerance.
There is no right NOT to be offended.  Because some people or groups are offended does not in itself mean that a statement is offensive,and certainly in relation to my FB post on the 5th October 2018 anti semitic.  
My post would have been anti semitic if it had displayed prejudice , hostility or hatred against Jewish people  - it was not in any way using a stereotype or trope.  I do not consider the wording offensive - it did deliberately use "a play on words" but context is everything.  For example the word HATE is a powerful word both a noun and a verb - and is usually understood correctly to mean to despise, dislike, have intense hostility etc , but it's meaning and context as a signifer is received  differently within the culture when we prefix  for example  -   " Love Music - Hate Racism".      The word Hate manifests itself differently because of the context of use.
NO. For the following reasons. 
Anti semitism is a form of Racism along with the much more prelevant Islamophobia , see the  latest Hate Crime  statistics with over 52% registered as Islamophobic Hate Crime. Anti semitism consists of prejudice ,hostility or hatred towards Jewish people as Jews, which includes the use of stereotypes such as " Jews are good with money " or it's "Jews that control the Worlds Financial markets etc" 
Jewish Faith ,Israelis and Zionists are all separate categories of historical definition . Holding ALL Jewish people responsible for the crimes of the State of Israel and it's crimes against Palestinians would constitute a charge of anti semitism, this is a crucial point. This is why the post references the State of Israel not Jews.  
Criticising the State of Israel as a Zionist project does not constitute criticising Jewish people as individuals or as a People therefore it is not anti semitic.  It is true some Jewish peoples are Zionists - the majority are not . For example in the United States the most militant supporters of the State of Israel are not Jewish Zionists but Christian Zionists.
Oxford Dictionary definition of Zionism -. "Zionism is a political movement to establish a Jewish State in Palestine and a Zionist is a supporter of that movement".
Zionism predates the Holocaust by some 60 years ,Zionists were discussing the establishment of a State of Israel long before Hitler and the Holocaust, the concept divided the Jewish Community then as it does so now.  The most fierce critics of the State of Israel are Jews and include some of the finest minds within the Jewish community such as Noam Chomsky, Michael Rosen, Illan Pappe,Dr Norman Finkelstein, Gideon Levy,David Graeber, David Rosenberg etc.along with Jewish Groups including Orthodox Jews who are a regular feature on Palestinian Solidarity protests.
Anti semitism and a charge of anti semitism carries an immense moral force due to World War 2 Nazi atrocities and the Holocaust.  To "extend" the meaning of anti semitism and to use it to apply to critics of the State of Israel is cheap and an utter insult to the millions of Holocaust victims. It is both historically incorrect and politically dangerous and devalues the horrors of the Holocaust.
It is the State of Israel which is desecrating the memory of Holocaust victims by ruthlessly manipulating the horrors to suppress all legitimate criticism of the State of Israels actions in the illegally occupied territories and Gaza.  All forms of Racism - which include both anti semitism and Islamophobia are on the increase both in Europe and the UK.    The latest Hate Crime figures illustrate this trend which has been increasing over the past  15 years , particularly Islamophobic Hate Crime - but also increases in anti semitism, Disability Hate Crimes and Black Hate Crimes. We have witnessed a climate of Hate for many  years via both Political and Media outlets around Refugees, Migrants, Go Home vans on the streets of East London, Hostile Environment speeches and most shockingly this year the reporting of citizens in our Black communities being both held in Detention Centres and deported. People who have lived in this country all their lives.
For any Politician or Group to manipulate serious social and political issues by deliberately conflating legitimate criticisms of the State of Israel with a slur of anti semitism is dishonest and extremely unhelpful in tackling genuine anti semitism.  To label peaceful campaigns in response to the State of Israels Human Rights abuses , support for Boycott Divestment and Sanctions as ""inherently"  anti semitic deems the struggle against anti semitism in which all decent citizens and organisations should be involved.
It is also worth examing the meaning of the word "Semite?".  A word that includes various people's - including Arabs. So if one is an anti Semite one is also anti Arab.   Although Jewish people are often included in the semite grouping  - Judaism is a Religion not a race or ethnicity.  To state that the State of Israel is a Racist State which is true based on it's policies and law making it has nothing to do with being against Jews as Jews  -. but rather with the State of Israels Government pursuing discriminatory policies and enshined in law against the Palestinian population forcing them to live as second class citizens and denial of basic democratic rights.
The State of Israel from it's inception was created and built on violence and oppression of the Palestinian population,  some 70 years ago .  That violence is continuing and we are are again reminded of it's violence each Friday when the young people of Gaza engage in a March of Return at the Gaza border and are met with bullets and tear gas , since 31st March 2018 over 200 have been shot dead by Israeli soldiers.
It was a post describing the State of Israel as I have illustrated .  It was a posting on the message  board of Facebook in my own time not as an employee of DMBC. 
A posting legitimised via Human Rights Act Article 11 - the right to associate with others and gather for a common cause -the right to free expression the right to peaceful protest and free speech.
All Public bodies must protect a citizens Human Rights via the 1998 Human Rights Act.
I totally refute the allegation made by the pro State of Israel front organisation Campaign Against Anti semitism that my FB post is anti semitic . 
An organisation that was formed in 2014/15 to defend the State of Israel and it's Human Rights abuses against Palestinians in the aftermath of the invasion of Gaza in 2014 and the death of  over 1500 civilians which included hundreds of children -  rather than confront genuine anti semism.  After all one would expect  all decent citizens to campaign against anti
I applaud and support all genuine actions against anti semitism .    I have attended many of the Dudley Holocaust Memorial Events at Dudley college where Holocaust survivors have made extroadinary moving speeches about their experieces and shared this important message  with a new generation of  students.  It is extremely important - now more ever - that people are reminded of how societies can "slip" into a populist language and where such language and actions can lead.
I stand with all decent citizens in both a personal capacity and professional capacity to combat prejudice, discrimination and hate . This includes active solidarity and support for Palestine.
Paul Jonson
27th October 2018.

The Curious Case of Carl David Goette-Luciak – the Guardian’s and America’s Man in Managua

The Guardian rejects its anti-colonial past as it employs as a journalist the PR man for the American Backed Opposition in Nicaragua

The Guardian's Carl David Goette-Luciak posing with an armed US backed terrorist
On the 1st October the Nicaraguan authorities deported Carl David Goette-Luciaka, a Guardian journalist who had become embedded with the armed American-backed Opposition. The article fulminated against the journalist and blogger, Max Blumenthal:
Reporting on Goette-Luciaka's deportation the Guardian fulminated:
The US blogger Max Blumenthal later published a lengthy, insinuation-infused attack on the journalist that admitted “there is no evidence that Goette-Luciak is an asset of the CIA or any other US agency”.
In his article, Blumenthal, who conducted an unquestioning interview with Ortega this year and has been criticised for his reporting on the Nicaraguan crisis, painted Goette-Luciak as a “novice reporter” acting as a “publicist” for a Nicaraguan opposition that was set on regime change.

After publication of this article a lawyer for Blumenthal contacted the Guardian to emphasise there was nothing to suggest his reporting contributed to the deportation of Goette-Luciak.
Despite the protestsof Adam Barnett and others at the suggestion that deported journalist Carl David Goette-Luciak was operating in Nicaragua on behalf of the United States, it is a fact that western journalists have often doubled up as CIA operatives. This is in addition to the practice of western journalists being ‘embedded’ with US troops in Iraq.
Those with long memories will remember the former head of the BBC World Service, John Tusa, who also doubled up as the main front man of the CIA’s Forum World Featuresnews service.
Nicaragua’s Sandanista government led by Daniel Ortega has been under attack from a US backed-insurgency for the past 2 years. This is nothing new. When the Sandanistas first took power in 1979 and overthrew the Somoza dictatorship they almost immediately faced a US sponsored war from the Reagan backed contras.
Although removed from power in the 1990 elections the Sandanista FSLN regained power in 2006 and have been in office ever since. Today they faced a US backed opposition and that is where the Guardian’s ‘journalist’ Carl David Goette-Luciak comes in.
I first became aware of the controversy when I read that a lecture by Canary Editor, Kerry-Anne Mendoza, at the Guardian, as part of Black History Month had been cancelled. The Press Gazette covered this.
Tim Rogers was another 'journalist' operating alongside Luciak
It reported that the NUJ had cancelled its annual Black History Month lecture after Mendoza ‘published reports attacking a Guardian freelancer working in Nicaragua as part of a “smear campaign” that led to his deportation.’ According to the Gazette Goette-Luciak had been covering protests calling for Nicaragua’s President, Daniel Ortega, to step down. ‘Hundreds have been killed in a violent government crackdown issued in response, which the NUJ says has also targeted journalists documenting the protests.’
Max Blumenthal, editor of the online investigative outlet the Grayzone Project and a well-known Jewish anti-Zionist, has written extensively on Goette-Luciak. .
On September 26th, in an article for Mint Press News How an American Anthropologist Tied to US Regime-Change Proxies Became the MSM’s Man in Nicaragua Blumenthal described how
‘The Guardian, The Washington Post, the BBC and NPR have assigned an American anthropologist with no previous journalistic experience’who ‘has published pieces littered with falsehoods that reinforce the opposition’s narrative promoting regime change while relying almost entirely on anti-Sandinista sources.
According to Blumenthall Goette-Uciak
has essentially functioned as its publicist under journalistic cover’ and has ‘operated side-by-side with activists from a U.S.-backed opposition party known as the Sandinista Renovation Movement, or MRS.
The MRS has been funded, as is par for the course in Latin America with counter revolutionary movements, with millions of dollars of US government assistance. All in the name of democracy of course! Blumenthall described how the Guardian, NPR and The Washington Post

feign objectivity before their readers, presenting themselves as arbiters of truth in an era of fake news. However, in countries where Washington is pushing regime change, these same outlets have dispatched a corps of writers to embed with U.S.-backed opposition elements, provide them with publicity, and sell their goals back to the American public. Goette-Luciak is one of clearest embodiments of the disturbing trend.’
We know from our experience in Britain how the Guardian has functioned as the main instrument of the campaign to overthrow Jeremy Corbyn. The site five filters has documented how over the past 3 years there have been literally hundreds of anti-Corbyn articles in what used to be considered a left of centre newspaper. There is little doubt that via senior editor Jonathan Freedland, the Guardian has become the main conduit for false information from British and Israeli intelligence sources.
Blumenthall paints a damning picture of the Guardian’s man with the Sandanista opposition. On September 7, Goette-Luciak published an article in the Guardian claiming that the country had been brought to a virtual halt by a general strike. His co-author was Caroline Houck, astaff correspondent for the website Defense One, which is funded by the arms industry to “provide news, analysis and ideas for national security leaders and stakeholders.”
Nicaraguan-born activist Camilo Mejia highlightedseveral pieces of misinformation in the article. Contrary to the claim that the Civic Alliance interrupted the country’s economy with its general strike, Managuan marketplaces were bustling that day and commerce proceeded as usual.
In 2006, the MRS and the U.S. government plotted to prevent Ortega’s election. A September 6, 2006 U.S. embassy cable entitled, “MRS: We Want To Bring Ortega Down” laid out some of those plans. Authored by U.S. Ambassador Paul Trivelli, it described a meeting between Trivelli and Israel Lewites, the nephew of MRS presidential candidate Herty Lewites.
The U.S. government contributed $12 million in 2006 towards “election technical assistance, outreach, and observation” in Nicaragua’s 2006 election, two dollars for every Nicaraguan citizen to defeat Ortega. A separate leaked diplomatic cable detailed a meeting during that election campaign between MRS co-founder Dora Maria Tellez and Trivelli.
The MRS failed to prevent Ortega’s victory and wound up reaching out to the U.S. as its domestic support base collapsed. In 2016, the MRS’s Vijil joined a delegation to lobby in Washington for the Nica Act, a bill proposing crushing sanctions on her country.
On Capitol Hill, Vijil posed alongside a cast of U.S.-backed activists and Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a neoconservative Cuban-American Republican who was the main author of the sanctions bill.
Goette-Luciak and Houck falsely described Vijil as “national director of the outlawed Sandinista Renovation Movement (MRS).” In fact the MRS had not been “outlawed;” its candidates had garnered a pitiful 1.3 percent of the popular vote in the last election.
The authors then quoted Vijil claiming that, “[w]ith 200 political prisoners and [new] murders every day, this strike is just one more sign that nothing is normal here in Nicaragua.” What Goette-Luciak and his co-author failed to mention was that those recent murders have consisted largely of Sandinista supporters. The recent murder victims include Lenin Mendiola, an FSLN militant and son of two revered Sandinista historical figures, Benigna Mendiola and Bernardino Díaz Ochoa.
But the most striking omission by Goette-Luciak was of his relationship with his source and her party, which has enjoyed direct support from the U.S. government. Vijil is the former president of the MRS and has served as a fellowof the Central American Leadership Initiative at the Aspen Institute, a hub of neoliberal thought funded by the Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Brothers Fund, among others.
Just before the coup erupted in April, Vijil was in Washington for a “high level executive meeting,” Goette-Luciak has been connected with the MRS most directly through Azucena Castillo, a prominent party activist whom he lists as his employer at Radio Ciudadana. Blumenthall states that although
there is no evidence that Goette-Luciak is an asset of the CIA or any other U.S. agency. However, his advancement of Washington’s divisive political objectives during the course of his ethnographic fieldwork represented a fairly clear example of dual-use anthropology.’
Many Sandanista supporters accused him of operating as a U.S. intelligence asset. The Edge of Adventure promptly deleted its podcast interview with him and scrubbed most of his photos from the site. Goette-Luciak then began cleaning up his own Facebook page, deleting his selfies with MRS party leaders.
Earlier this summer, Goette-Luciak was in the thick of the most intense fighting between opposition gunmen and Sandinista-aligned forces. Masaya was a city which the opposition had seized and cordoned off entire neighborhoods in an attempt to declare a junta.
The opposition had waged a campaign of terror against Sandinista supporters, burning their homes, kidnapping, beating, torturing and even killing them, while laying siege to the local police station. In one of the most gruesome incidents, an unarmed community police officer named Gabriel Vado was kidnapped by opposition gunmen, dragged to death from the back of a truck, and torched on camera while slumped before a roadblock.
There was virtually no mention of the opposition’s ongoing campaign of terror in Goette-Luciak’s June 23 report for The Washington Post, which he co-authored with Houck. Instead, Goette-Luciak painted the gunmen as valiant resistance fighters and promoted their call for the U.S. to send them heavy weapons: “Several asked a reporter whether President Trump would send support to the resistance,” he wrote.
Blumenthall argued that the emergence of figures like Goette-Luciak as correspondents for Western publications cannot be viewed as an aberration or mistake. In Nicaragua, as in so many other countries targeted with regime-change operations, outlets like the Guardian, New York Times and Washington Post seem to demand on-the-ground coverage that reinforces the regime-change agenda.
And so they credentialed opposition publicists as journalists, instilling in them the illusion of their own professionalism. “I think I’ve come to realize the value of objective and impartial journalism,”Goette-Luciak said in his Edge of Adventure interview, “and I no longer consider myself as an activist for or against any particular cause.”
On 4th October, Canary publishedan interview with Wyatt Reed, a long-time friend of Goette-Luciak, Reed admitted that there was “a straightforward conflict of interest involved in what we were doing”.  In particular a disturbing video showed Goette-Luciak filming opposition thugs torturing and kidnapping an elderly squatter they accused of Sandinista sympathies, raising the question of why he did and said nothing about it. Indeed, he did not mention the incident in any of his reports for the Guardian or Washington Post.
Blumenthall described how he had ‘spoken with a longtime friend of Goette-Luciak who traveled and worked alongside him in Nicaragua, and who has undergone a crisis of conscience since witnessing the US-backedcoup ravage the country this year.’  Reed admitted that there was a straightforward conflict of interest involved in what we were doing, and [his] coming to terms with that” had motivated him to go public with his misgivings. He said that, since leaving Nicaragua, he had begun “slowly realizing the way in which I was inhabiting the role of a foreign agent of imperialism in many ways, even if I wasn’t being paid or compensated for it”.
Reed said he was shocked that publications like the Guardian assigned his friend to cover Nicaragua’s conflict:

these publications have to be aware that you did just legitimise this figure overnight and that he’s pretty clearly getting along with the opposition and not making any pains to reach out to any of the supporters of the government, which is inexplicable. There are massive marches of tens of thousands of government supporters and you couldn’t find anybody to say something in support of the government? I find that difficult to believe. It makes it clear that [publications like the Guardian] are not interested in getting to the truth but in replicating a narrative that, if history is any guide, they’ve already performed in numerous cases in Latin America.

This kind of journalism from the Guardian no longer surprises people. Long gone are the days when a committed anti-imperialist such as Richard Gott reported from Latin America for the Guardian.  Today under Freedland’s baleful influence, the Guardian is in the camp of US imperialism.
Reed has submitted a letter outlining his concerns about Goette-Luciak to the Guardian, the Washington Post, and the National Union of Journalists. These organizations have so far refused to publish it. The full text of the letter is below.
To the editor,

As a longtime friend and former collaborator of your correspondent with the Nicaraguan opposition, I feel compelled to make a few points clear in light of the recent media frenzy over the deportation from Nicaragua of Carl David Goette Luciak. I must be extremely clear: in the six months we lived and worked together in Nicaragua we were both very open about our plan to use our friendships with Nicaraguan opposition figures to push for the end of the Sandinista government and create careers for ourselves as journalists or consultants in the process. We were not CIA—but we were in many ways serving its same historical purpose.

I must stress that I wish no ill will on Carl David. I’ve known him since middle school, we were best friends for much of our lives, and I want only to set the record straight. Having already spent several years in Nicaragua, I had made connections with multiple prominent antigovernment groups at the time of our partnership. And since I introduced him to many of them, I feel compelled to state publicly that any notion we had of being impartial and objective journalists was simply a lie. We arrived together in Managua in January 2016 without prior journalistic experience but with a shared understanding that the Nicaraguan government represented a fundamental betrayal of socialist ideals, and the shared understanding that the ruling Sandinista party needed to be removed from power.
In the time since, I’ve come to understand that regardless of our personal feelings on the Nicaraguan president or government, any illusions we had of being uniquely capable of helping the Nicaraguan people achieve self-determination were ultimately founded in a kind of white savior complex. I left, realizing Americans cannot liberate the Nicaraguan people. Not thirty years ago, when the US government created the Contra army to fight a decade long war against socialist Nicaragua, and not now. Americans can only help destroy their government, and in the process hand power over to the same conservative neoliberals who seek to roll back the Nicaraguan safety net, privatize national resources, and undo a decade of improvements in poverty reduction and healthcare.

I have many disagreements with the Sandinista party. However, I do not feel that the violent overthrow of their government can in any way benefit working class Nicaraguans. I mourn with them the tragic deaths of the hundreds killed in the gunfights between police and armed opposition. But if the Sandinista government falls we must ask ourselves: how many tens of thousands more will die when the health clinics are closed? How many children will go barefoot, hungry, and uneducated if their welfare state is abolished? They can’t just fly back to the United States. Unlike them, the westerners who bring about “regime change” rarely have to stick around and suffer the consequences.
Wyatt Reed

On 1 October, Nicaraguan authorities deported Goette-Luciak, an anthropologist-turned-reporter who had published a series of factually flawed reports in the Guardian and Washington Post that reinforced the narrative of the country’s opposition forces.
The Establishment Strikes Back

The journalistic establishment lost no time in striking back with Adam Barnett’s piece in politics.co.ukThe Canary is not journalism - it's a government mouthpiece in waiting

Politics.co.uk describes itself as
‘the UK's leading political news website among MPs and members of the public.. (its) team of journalists produce their stories from deep within the corridors of power in Westminster, where they were the first digital journalists to gain access to the lobby.’
In other words it’s a bunch of incestuous pundits reporting each others prejudices as news.
Barnett is a right-wing Labour supporter who formerly worked for Left Foot Forward a blog established by Will Straw, son of Jack. Some inkling of where Barnett is coming from with his attack on Blumenthall and Canary can be gauged from the following:
Picket of Labour's National Executive over their 'entirely accurate'witchhunt of anti-racists
‘Mendoza's website had just endorsed boycotting the paper [Guardian] over its entirely accurate coverage of anti-semitism in the Labour party.’

Entirely accurate? All the smears of anti-Semitism  are directed at the supporters of Jeremy Corbyn and the constant attacks are of course without any right of reply. The portrayal of those of us expelled or suspended as ‘anti-Semites’ despite our long history of antiracism and anti-fascism is a collective libel. The portray of the Israeli penetration of the Labour Party as some kind of socialist endeavour and the misinformation concerning the IHRA confirms that the Guardian's coverage is anything but accurate.
Media Lens reportedthat Patrick Elliot described how the first story ever to be published in a UK national newspaper with the words 'Corbyn' and 'antisemitism' in the same sentence appeared in the Guardian on August 13, 2015.
Barnett wrote that ‘Mendoza was invited to the now scrapped event at the Guardian by the NUJ's Black Members Council for Black History Month. It's not clear whether they will host her talk at another venue instead.’ The Guardian’s NUJ Chapel’s decision was  both racist and reactionary. There can be no doubt that Goette-Luciak was operating as a propagandist for the US backed opposition in Nicaragua, a country that has had more than its fair share of US backed destabilisation under Reagan and his successors.
One can gain some measure of where Barnett is coming from with his hysterical attack on Canary. He writes that:
‘These sites are not a plucky alternative to the mainstream press. They are the aspirant state media for a future autocracy. If they will help governments defame journalists in other countries, and shrug when those journalists are arrested, imagine what they would do to people here who they actually know and dislike.
In fact, one doesn't have to wonder. The Canary already attacks BBC journalists who need police protection from zealous Corbynites. It already says its leader is the victim of various conspiracies. One such yarn even resulted in the head of a PR firm receiving death threats for his alleged complicity.’
The only wonder is that the site Open Democracy sees fit to publish this reactionary patsy. 

RT also covered this story Left vs Left - The Guardian cancels lecture by The Canary's Mendoza after Nicaragua article reporting that Buzzfeed News published an article, with comment from the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), accusing Blumenthal of writing a piece for the Canary which doxxed and incited violence against Goette-Luciak.
Blumenthal rebuffed the claims, stating: "Goette-Luciak had been exposed in Nicaragua for his work with the opposition, and would have been sent home (not detained) whether or not I wrote anything."
Buzzfeed has subsequently issued an update to the story, written by Mark Di Stefano, retracting CPJ's claims, saying "Blumenthal neither doxxed anybody nor threatened violence." Doxxing is the practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifiable information.
Di Stefano then reported that, due to the Blumenthal article, the Guardian has withdrawn their invitation for Mendoza to give the Claudia Jones Memorial lecture.
The email written by Phillip Inman, an economics writer at the Guardian states the "detention, intimidation and deportation" of Goette-Luciak was mainly due to, RT contributor, Blumenthal's article for the Canary - originally published in MintPress News.
Inman writes: "It is clear that the main source of intimidation was The Canary news website, which named Goette-Luciak as an opposition stooge – an accusation that quickly led to his arrest and deportation."
According to the Guardian, Goette-Luciak had been in Nicaragua to cover the anti-government protests. The paper revealed Goette-Luciak had been arrested on Monday by Nicaraguan law enforcement officials and was escorted on to a flight from the Nicaraguan capital to San Salvador in El Salvador later that afternoon from where he was deported.

Mendoza was scheduled to give a lecture as part of the Claudia Jones Memorial on October 11, at Guardian HQ in London. Jones was a Trinidad-born journalist and activist. She migrated to the US with her family as a child and later became a political activist and black nationalist through Communism. She died in London in 1964.

The Guardian’s White journalists, together with the President of the National Union of Journalists, pulled the meeting as a result of the false allegation that the Canary was responsible for the deportation of Goette-Luciak. See How many privileged columnists does it take to silence one Black woman?
On 29th October Mendoza gave the Claudia Jones lecture in Rotherhithe to a packed audience. The decision of the Guardian’s journalists and NUJ had backfired. The Talk about a famous Black journalist that the Guardian and Nick Cohen Tried to Ban

Tony Greenstein 

Israel’s War on Interracial Relationships and Miscegenation

Israeli Labour’s Former Leader Isaac Herzog Calls Mixed Marriages ‘A Plague’

When confronted with the charge that the IHRA definition prevents criticism of Israeli Apartheid, its defenders point to the preamble which states: criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.
The problem though is that Israel is not like any other country.  It is an ethno-nationalist or ethno-racial state.  It is a state based on Jewish racial supremacy.  Nothing better exemplifies this than the question of mixed marriages.

Lucy Aharish an Arab TV presenter is accused of seducing a 'Jewish soul' by marrying and Tsahi Halevi
In recent days Israel has been convulsed with the news that TV Anchor woman, Lucy Aharish, who is an Arab, and Tsahi Halevi, the star of a TV series ‘Fauda’ tied the knot. Israel likes to pretend that it is just another western state but where in Europe today would you get government ministers commenting on the fact that two people of different religions or ethnicities had got married?
This is exactly what happened in Israel when news of Aharish and Halevi’s marriage became public knowledge. Interior Minister Aryeh Deri, who spent seven years in prison for fraud and then reassumed the same government position soon after his release, statedthat
"This is not the right thing to do.… The pain of assimilation around the world is destroying the Jewish nation."

Oren Hazan - Likud's racist and abusive MK
Oren Hazan, a Likud backbencher who denies allegations that he smoked crystal meth and was a pimp while running a casino in Bulgaria, suggested that Halevi had been "Islamized,":
“I don't blame Lucy Aharish for seducing a Jewish soul. She didn't have the goal of harming our nation and preventing future Jewish children,”
In the United States, which has a Jewish population of over 5 million, intermarriage is the norm.  Some 70% of Jews marry non-Jews.
Of course it is still a taboo, especially amongst the Orthodox in the diaspora for a Jew to marry a non-Jew.  That is religious chauvinism.  The same used to be true when Catholics married Protestants. It didn’t however have racial connotations because there are no Catholic, Protestant or Jewish states in the West.
To HaLevi, he wrote, “You’ve taken 'Fauda' a step too far. Step out of this film, man!”  Hazan is known as a particularly racist individual, even for Israeli MKs. He was earlier this year suspended from the Knesset for 6 months.  But Aryeh Deri, the Interior Minister also went on record as declaring that:
“They are a couple in love, so they are getting married. But it is not the right thing to do. But I say to her, ‘You will have children, and they will have a problem in Israel because of their status.’ We must not encourage these kinds of things. We must protect the Jewish people. If she is sincerely interested in Judaism, there is a conversion process.”
Members of the Jewish Nazi Lehava group give the Hitler salute outside the wedding of a Jew and Arab
In which other 'democracy' would hundreds of people demonstrate against a wedding between a Jew and non-Jew? Given the demonisation of Hamas for it to be considered worse than Hamas rockets speaks volumes
The head of Yesh Atid, the so-called centre party, Yair Lapid, a party which has waged a long political battle against religious coercion in Israel nevertheless said in a radio interview
“I have a problem with mixed marriages. Jews are a small people. There are fewer Jews in the world today than there were at the time of the Holocaust. I want the Jewish people to grow, not shrink.”
Although some Israeli MKs, conscious of the bad publicity, are supporting the couple against the barrage of criticism, the fact is that there is a Zionist consensus across the political spectrum against mixed marriages. For example it was reported Municipality will locate girls going out with men from minoritiesthat:
The youth department of the Petah Tikva municipality set up today a special team to assist young girls in the habit of mingling with men from minorities | EinavYossef-Zada, Ynet 14.09.09
It was reported that a special team in the youth department of the Petah Tikva municipality would locate [Jewish] girls in the habit of meeting with men from minorities and will assist them. The decision comes after a relationship was discovered between a girl from the city and minority men from Jaljulyawho murdered Arik Karp last month on a Tel Aviv beach. If you marry a Jew, the State will come and get you
The Arab couple - Mahmoud and Morel
The chief of the youth department, Moshe Spektor, explained that
The problem of minority men is well-known. Our attempts to deal with this problem are real and sincere. The municipality is making an effort to examine the matter in cooperation with the police.” Israel's vile anti-miscegenation squads, Seth Freedman

In Israel steps up its war on mixed marriages, Israeli journalist David Sheen wrote how, in 2015, Israel’s Education Ministry, headed by the leader of the far-Right Jewish Home, Naftali Bennett, removed Borderlife, a story about a romance between a Jewish woman and a Palestinian man from the High School English syllabus. In 2016, it removed Trumpet in the Wadi, about a romance between a Jewish man and a Palestinian woman.

Among the reasons given by the Education Ministry were that ‘“intimate relations between Jews and non-Jews threatens the separate identity”. Dalia Fenig, an Education Ministry official explained that:
“Adolescent youth tend to romanticise and don’t have, in many cases, the systematic point of view that includes considerations about preserving the identity of the nation and the significance of assimilation,”
When Zionist officials talk about the ‘identity of the nation’ what they mean is the racial identity of Israeli Jews. It is the same set of ideas that speaks to the fears of the demographic question, that too many Arabs will be born in the night and thus threaten the State’s Jewish majority. See e.g. Ex-Mossad chief warns of ‘demographic threat’
The opposition to mixed marriages and interracial relationships i.e. miscegenation (an ugly word that originated with the Deep South in America) is common throughout the Israeli political spectrum.
In her capacity as chair of the Status of Women Committee in the Knesset in 2011, Tzipi Hotoveli, now the Deputy Foreign Minister, invited the racist Lehava into the Knesset to explain how they prevent romantic contacts between Jews and Arabs. Hotovely explained how it was "important to examine procedures for preventing mixed marriages, and Lehava members are the right people for that,". World May Find Israel's New Deputy Foreign Minister Hard to Swallow
The IHRA definition of anti-Semitism also holds that ‘Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis’ is anti-Semitic but that doesn’t stop Israelis making the comparison! In June 2016, Naftali Bennett tolda committee of the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, that the marriage of Jews to non-Jews in modern times is a disaster on par with four other tragedies of Jewish history, including the Nazi Holocaust.
Five months later, two young Israelis beat to death Sudanese asylum-seeker Babikir Adham-Uvdo in a Tel Aviv suburb because, as a non-Jewish Black man, he had stopped to talk to a group of young Israeli Jewish women. The killers crushed his face so badly that his own brother was unable to recognize him.
It was the same mentality, of preserving the racial borders, that led an Israeli court to sentence Sabbar Kashur, a young Palestinian man from East Jerusalem, to 18 months in prison for “rape by deception.” 
The deception consisted of Kashur telling the Israeli Jewish woman that he was Jewish. When she found out that he had lied to her, she went to the police.  The sex was consensual, it was just that she was a racist. Imagine if a guy had lied that he was wealthy in order to persuade a girl to have sex with him.  Would he too have been prosecuted for rape by deception?
In the East Jerusalem “neighborhood” (settlement) of Pisgat Ze’ev, a group of men who call themselves "Fire for Judaism” patrol the streets in the hopes of spotting and disrupting relationships between Jewish women and Palestinian men. The Israeli towns of Petah Tikva, Kiryat Gat and even ‘liberal’ Tel Aviv have government-sponsored municipal programs to prevent miscegenation. The programs include psychological counseling for Jewish women who stray and a hotline for people to inform on Jewish women who date Palestinians. In Israel, Miscegenation Equals Rape
Kiryat Gat has a state-sanctioned anti-miscegenation programme whose sole aim is preventing Jewish girls from becoming romantically involved with Israeli Bedouin.  The programme enjoys the support of the municipality and the police, and is headed by Kiryat Gat's welfare representative, who goes to schools to warn girls of the "exploitative Arabs". The programme uses a video entitled "Sleeping with the Enemy," which features a local police officer and a woman from the Anti-Assimilation Department, a wing of the religious organisation Yad L'ahim, which works to prevent Jewish girls from dating Muslim men. Israel's vile anti-miscegenation squads, Seth Freedman
In August 2014 a Jewish-Arab couple, Morel Malka and Mahmoud Mansour, tied the knot and got married. Because there is no civil weddings in Israel, precisely in order to prevent such marriages, Morel converted to Islam and was married in an Islamic ceremony. Their wedding ceremony was the subject of a demonstration by hundreds of far-Right protestors from Lehava, a fascist organisation headed by a Benzi Gopstein.  Lehava has a ‘charitable’ wing Hemla.  A Strange Kind of Mercy , Ha’aretz, 20.5.11.  Extremists' Hatred Poisons Mahmoud and Morel's Wedding
The demonstrator screamed “An Arab is a son of a bitch” and “Haneen Zoabi [an outspoken Arab member of the Knesset] is a whore.” As well as their favourite chant ‘Death to the Arabs’.
But it isn’t just the Right which fights against ‘assimilation’. The former leader of the Israeli Labour Party, Isaac Herzog, in an interview on Israeli TV described intermarriage between American Jews and non-Jews as a “plague” for which he seeks to find a “solution”.  Israeli left leader says intermarriage by U.S. Jews is a plague, Jonathan Ofir.
Herzog is the outgoing leader of the Israeli political “left,” the Zionist Camp coalition, and the new chairman of the Jewish Agency, which seeks to strengthen bonds between Jews worldwide.
I’ll tell you a personal story. Last summer I traveled to the USA for a vacation.... And we went to meet friends. I have a ton of friends in the U.S.A. And I encountered something that I called an actual plague. I saw my friends’ children married or coupled with non-Jewish partners! And the parents beat their breasts and ask questions, and are suffering. Listen, it’s every [Jewish] family in the U.S.A.! And we are talking about millions. And I said there must be a campaign, a solution. We have to rack our brains to figure out how to solve this great challenge.
Most people when they think of plagues think of contagious diseases and illness such as bubonic plague or the Black Death. Not marriage between 2 people of a different religious/racial background. But of course Herzog is an expert on love. He has warned that his party must not be seen as “Arab-lovers.”
The intermarriage rate among American Jews is 58 percent, but 71 percent among the non-Orthodox.  The young are making these choices voluntarily. Herzog’s anti-intermarriage stance is shared within the Zionist community: notably by Dennis Ross, former White House negotiator who co-chairs the Jewish People Policy Institute.
Because for Zionists, mixed marriage is not so much a religious as a racial/national matter.  Race in Israel is defined by religion, hence why inter-marriage is not so much considered a sin as a form of treason. That was what an opinion poll found in Yediot Aharanot. Over half Israeli Jews believe that marriage is ‘national treason’. ‘Marriage to an Arab is national treason’

Massive BDS Victory - Airbnb Drops Stolen Settlements


The decision of Airbnb to no longer advertise or engage with West Bank settlements is extremely welcome in making it clear to those who live on stolen land that their theft and destruction of Palestinian lands will never be forgotten or accepted.

Historically Zionism has always created ‘facts on the ground’ and then sought normalisation.  We saw this with Trump’s decision to recognise the whole of Jerusalem as part of Israel.

Watch the excellent video from Ha’aretz. Shades of Apartheid Israel!
Airbnb explained that it doesn’t need to profit from land from which people have been uprooted. Is there a more just statement than this?
Nov 22, 2018 4:57 AM

One single tourism company did more this week to end the occupation than anything the Zionist left has ever done. Airbnb is threatening to strike a blow at the illegal livelihood of 200 settler families. Another 200 companies like Airbnb and the settlement project will begin to feel it in the pocketbook, and then its participants will ask, together with other Israelis, whether it’s worth it. There is no better news than this. Thanks and blessings to this international accommodations network, which after inventing a successful tourism enterprise, was courageous enough to take part in a just political initiative. Airbnb explained that it doesn’t need to profit from land from which people have been uprooted. Is there a more just statement than this?
But that’s not all it did. It also revealed to the world, unintentionally, the best of the lies, the extortion, the demagoguery and the double standards of the settlers and their supporters in the government. When they yell “Holocaust,” because of bed and breakfasts, clearly they’ve run out of arguments. “Anti-Semitism,” “selection,” “persecution” – this time for a fistful of dollars going to the pockets of a handful of vacation profiteers on stolen land, trading in stolen goods. This is what the dispossession project is: It begins with a divine promise and ends with bed and breakfast. Jacuzzi on occupied land, vacation across from a refugee camp, relax with a view of roadblocks and have a glass of wine at an illegal outpost as the sun sets against the pastoral backdrop of nighttime Israeli army abductions – could there be a more galling project?
Listen to the outcry: “Two years ago my wife Kalila and I established our bed and breakfast, “Ruth’s House,” in Sde Boaz, right across from Bethlehem,” Kalila Kelman’s husband told Israel Hayom in what could be read as a particularly amusing parody. “This is a bed and breakfast we built with our own hands and is intended just for couples, without children. Over the past two years people have come to us from all over the world, to forget the daily craziness and get connected to themselves. The bed and breakfast is a place of dialogue, conversation between people and connection between human beings, of for and not against, and this is what the boycott is trying to destroy,” he said.

Tsafrir Abayov,AP 

We choke back tears, our hearts break. Forget the daily craziness opposite imprisoned Bethlehem. Get up at dawn and head for roadblock 300, to see the day laborers crammed in like cattle – connections between people.
The Kelmans remind the boycotters, those ingrates, that they have pacemakers made in Israel; that there are Palestinians who do their shopping at the main intersection of the Etzion Bloc in the West Bank, that boycotts for political reasons are not allowed. All the lying propaganda, which exhorts a boycott of Iran and Hamas, but not the settlements.
Michael Oren, government minister and former Ambassador to the USA, engages in a bit of whataboutery.  Oren is the fool who questioned whether the Tamimis were a 'real' family
In a spectacular show of obtuseness, the heads of the Yesha Council of settlements called for a boycott of Airbnb. The Kelmans, who live in the apartheid entity opposite the separation barrier, say that the boycott is racism. Locking up the Aida refugee camp across from them – that’s humaneness. Boycotting those who are the reason why the Aida refugee camp is a cage – that’s racism. The general in the war against the boycott, Strategic Affairs Minister Gilad Erdan, revealed that this is a “political decision,” and the head of the Beit El local council reminded us that “once again, selection is being perpetrated against Jews.” A settlement that causes terrible suffering to their neighbors in Jalazone, one of the most destitute refugee camps in the West Bank, dares to talk about selection. There’s no limit, no boundary; when it comes to the settlements there’s never any boundary.
Airbnb’s decision is a source of schadenfreude vis a vis the settlers. Any non-violent strike against them holds hope, because this is apparently the only way to end the occupation. But the feeling is short-lived, because the propaganda machines are sure to thwart the decision by various means, including the threat of boycott. Let’s hope that Airbnb doesn’t backtrack. It might show the way for other companies. Thanks to Airbnb, we’ve entered a new battleground: private vacation sites, completely lacking in legitimacy, as the new banner of the settlement project. Thank you, Airbnb, not only for the courage for which you’ll yet pay the price – but also for moving the conflict from our right to the land to our right to a bed and breakfast.  

Boycott Airbnb, Unless You're Good With anti-Semitism

The Zionist War on Free Speech – The IHRA is Being Used to Chill Free Speech NOT Combat Anti-Semitism


Twitter’s Twisted Values – Telling anti-Zionist Jews They Should have Died in Auschwitz is Fine – Comparing the Siege of Gaza to the Warsaw Ghetto is ‘Hate Speech’

Robert Festenstein of Jewish Human Rights Watch stars in a Tommy Robinson propaganda film

The Zionist movement in Britain today is a threat to free speech.  It is also a danger to Jews since every atrocity it defends is in the name of Jews, not Zionists. For example the Board of Deputies, a tame establishment body that has repeatedly told Jews NOT to oppose anti-Semitism from the fascists actively supports Israeli war crimes whilst claiming to represent all Jewish people.

The Board of Deputies took great exception to a recent postby me, NW Friends of Israel, Tommy Robinson and the EDL, are Holding a Demonstration Against ‘Anti-semitism’ in Manchester this Sundayby me on a North-West Friends of Israel demonstration against anti-Zionism (which they call ‘anti-Semitism’).

This is the type of abuse that Twitter finds doesn't breach its rules - always so long as the target is not a Zionist

They claimed it was untrue that fascists were present. However my understanding is that there were supporters of Tommy Robinson present, not least from amongst the ranks of the Zionists themselves.

My post had a video of solicitor Robert Festenstein starring in a promotional video with Tommy Robinson of the Football Lads Alliance. Festenstein is the founder and sole member of the misnamed Jewish Human Rights Watch, whose purpose is to ensure that Palestinians don’t gain access to human rights. Festenstein is also a member of the Board of Deputies.

Twitter objected to this photo on my profile - the truth hurts

There was also a video showing the NW Friends of Israel openly cooperating and organising with the EDL on a picket of a shop selling Israeli products.  There is a long history, as I have repeatedly posted, of co-operation and joint work between Zionists and fascists for example EXCLUSIVE – We Name the Gang of Zionists Whose Purpose is to Disrupt Palestinian Events in London

The Board of Deputies moved quickly.  Not to ensure that fascists were barred from its demonstration against ‘anti-Semitism’, but to prevent my story remaining up. The result was that my blog on Medium was closed down. The Zionist press even boasted of their achievements.  What kind of gutter press is it that takes delight in closing down free speech?

An anonymous troll calling me a 'racist antisemite' is not targeted abuse and is not hate speech

Jewish Newsreportedthat ‘Following a complaint from the Board of Deputies’’my posts were removed after I had ‘alleged that the antisemitism rally in Manchester last month was supported by the far-right.’ The truth clearly hurts when it comes to the close co-operation that exists between the Zionist movement and its activists in this country and the fascists.  See for example EXCLUSIVE: More Revelations about Zionism’s Fascist Wing
In fact I am from Brighton not London but what is one mistake amongst many. A BOD spokesperson is quoted as saying of my allegations that This is a complete lie with no factual basis… There was absolutely no involvement of the EDL and Tommy Robinson, indeed the organisations involved have denounced Tommy Robinson multiple times.” This is totally untrue.  The Board has members like Festenstein who support Robinson, who is an avid supporter of the Israeli state. People like Robinson hold that Israel is the ideal ethno-nationalist state.
The Jewish Chronicle also led with a full page report that ‘An article by a Jewish anti-Israel blogger was removed from the Medium website after he alleged that a demonstration against antisemitism in Manchester was orchestrated by far-right figures.’ This was after ‘the Board of Deputies lodged a complaint.’Tony Greenstein article pulled over claim that far-right led antisemitism protest
It would appear that the Board of Deputies, which has led the false ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign against Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Left has become hypersensitive to charges that the people working with anti-Semites are primarily to be found within their own ranks. 

When I put a photo of a young Ahed Tamimi being assaulted by an Israeli soldier, my account was locked and I was told to remove the photo as a condition of regaining control of my account
It is an open fact that large sections of the Zionist movement support white nationalists for similar reasons to the support that the Zionist Organisation of America openly gives to pro-Zionist anti-Semites like Steve Bannon and Donald Trump. See Steve Bannon Strongly Supports Israel and Jews – ZOA Klein’s Forward Article.  Bannon was accusedby his own wife, during divorce proceedings, of having objected to his children going to school with Jewish children. According to his ex-wife, Mary Louise-Picard “He said he doesn’t like Jews and that he doesn’t like the way they raise their kids to be ‘whiny brats,’” Piccard said, according to the court papers.’ That doesn’t however stop American Zionists working with him as he is an ardent Christian Zionist.
In the past week, the Zionist campaign against me has been extended to Twitter.  A complaint was made by Jack Mendel, who according to his own description is a 'so called' Journalist at JewishNewsUK’. It is not a description I would disagree with.
When Zionist mouthpiece Mendel defended Israel’s murder of over 200 unarmed demonstrators at the Gaza fence I compared the siege of Gaza to the siege of the Warsaw Ghetto and when he defended Israel’s bombing of Gaza by the Israeli military because of Hamas ‘rockets’, which were fired in response to Israel’s botched raid on Gaza, Mendel complained to Twitter. Clearly my remarks so infuriated this Zionist lapdog that instead of rebutting my comparisons he appealed to Twitter to censor me.
Twitter has closed down my account because toe-rag 'journalist' Jack Mendel couldn't take criticism of his rottweiler of a state
In doing this Mendel was pushing at an open door. Twitter have subsequently closed down my account for ‘hateful conduct’. This is how the language of equalities is used and abused to protect the powerful against the powerless.
By putting everything under the rubric of ‘hate speech’ racism and sexism is depoliticized. It means if you criticize Zionism then that is ‘hate speech’ The racists get to define any speech they don’t like as ‘hate speech’. This is the logic of identity politics.  So if you criticize the capitalists or the 1% then that too is ‘hate speech’. In other words by redefining racism as ‘hate speech’ you end up defending the powerful against the powerless.
If you criticize a society which makes the few wealthy at the expense of the many then that too is ‘hate speech’. ‘Hate speech’ means that it is the racists and the imperialists who can turn round and complain that they are hated, because hate, or what is called ‘hate’, works two ways.  And yes, people have every right to hate Zionism and racism.
Telling someone Jewish that they should have gone to a gas chamber is not a breach of Twitter rules (unless they are a Zionist!)
According to Twitter this and similar tweets is NOT an example of hate speech!
Ironically two years ago I complained when a Zionist George Yousef sent me a delightful message wishing that my family and me had ended up in a concentration camp.  When I complained to Twitter I was told there was no breach of the rules!
Twitter rejects my complaint
When a particularly stupid Zionist Mark Haringman aka Newsdude called me a variety of names including child abuser, criminal and socialist this year, I made another complaint. This too was rejected.
We therefore have the crazy situation that responding to racist Jack Mendel’s vilification of the Palestinians is a breach of Twitter rules but telling someone Jewish they should have died in a concentration camp is alright!!
Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer of the alt-Right just loves Israel - and why shouldn't he?
This comes on top of the recent suspensionof Paul Jonson, an anti-social behaviour worker with Dudley Council for daring to state that Israel is a racist state. Since Israel is a racist state it means that the truth has been outlawed. That is why people like the neo-Nazi founder of America’s alt-Right, Richard Spencer describe themselves as White Zionists.
What is equally disturbing is that the GMB Union, which is notoriously right-wing and corrupt (for those who remember the Poulson Affairand Andy Cunningham) has suspendedPeter Gregson, a shop steward, who has put up on the web a petition stating that Israel is a racist state. See the statementfrom Labour Against the Witchhunt.
Although you wouldn’t know it, Liberty (formerly the National Council for Civil Liberties) overwhelmingly rejected the IHRA at its last Conference.  However its right-wing Executive have sat on the motion as the majority of them don’t agree with it.  It will be essential in the coming year to make the Zionist attack on free speech a priority. See Why are the Officers and Employees of Civil Liberties Group Liberty Refusing to Implement its Policy of Opposition to the IHRA?

Lobby Labour’s National Executive Committee Tuesday November 27th 11.00-1.00 105 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QT


The Witchhunt Has Not Gone Away- Oppose the IHRA, Reinstate those Expelled under McNicol's Terror 

The Witchhunt might have  slowed down now and the era of instant suspensions at the drop of a hat is now, hopefully, over, but the witch hunt has still not gone away.  People are still being suspended and people are still being referred to the NCC.
Labour is still baffled by the whole 'anti-Semitism affair and it has now adopted a definition of  'anti-Semitism' which will ensure that supporters of Palestine and opponents of Zionism will be accused of 'anti-Semitism'.
Some 150 Councils including right-wing Labour ones such as Brighton and Hove have introduced the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism which is a direct threat to freedom of speech. Its purpose is not to combat anti-semitism but to support Zionism and Apartheid.  It is a typical example of the ruling classes use of equality verbiage in order to reduce our rights and activism.  The racists are using the language of anti-racism to attack anti-imperialists.
Already one worker, Paul Jonson in Dudley Council has been suspended.  Peter Gregson, a shop steward in Edinburgh has been suspended by his own union, the right-wing GMB, because he initiated a petition calling the Israeli state a racist endeavour.
We need to campaign to reinstate those suspended under the regime of terror that was led by Iain McNicol and Maggi Cosins, the hanging judge who chaired Labour’s National Constitutional Committee. People like Mark Wadsworth, Cyril Chilson and Tony Greenstein

Introducing Sussex Friends of Israel & their 'Code of Conduct'– all Hate & No Love


The Combination of Jewish Supremacists and Christian Zionists is a Toxic Brew

A few weeks ago I did a blog about the decision by Sussex Friends of Israel to abandon their pitch in Brighton’s New Road and instead go to the Clocktower where they do their best to try and disrupt the activities of the long-standing Palestine Solidarity Campaign stall.  The reasons they gave for this were that allegedly the Police wouldn’t protect them from members of the public who didn’t like racists peddling their hate on the streets of Brighton. [Sussex Friends of Israel’s Attempt to Disrupt and Prevent a Palestine Solidarity Stall in Brighton Town Centre]

Sure enough this Saturday members of the SFI were joined by about a dozen members from London and a few Brighton members.  Seeing that we were not at the Clocktower, (because we decamp to Waitrose when it is raining), they followed us and proceeded to do their best to disrupt our leafletting.
In fact the only effect of their actions is to cause deep revulsion in members of the public resulting in us running out of leaflets! For example the green grocer’s store opposite us, Taj, brought us out teas and coffees for us. As you can see in this video where one of the Zionist lovelies spits out ‘piss off’ at a member of the public, they are hardly winning hearts and minds!
I thought in view of the scenes in the videos, where their only chant was ‘Jew haters’ that I should remind people, especially those like the Brighton and Hove councillors who voted to endorse the IHRA ‘definition of anti-Semitism’ recently, that the only racists and hate mongers on the streets of Brighton and Hove are Fiona Sharp’s SFI.  Fiona Sharpe, the Secretary of SFI, has rebadged herself as the Community Safety and Jewish Representative Council representative so it is good to show her in her true colours.

SFI have a web site and a Code of Conduct.  I invite people to compare the Code with the film taken last Saturday and previous Saturdays and see if the words ‘hypocrite’ springs to mind.  In a religious sense it is the gulf between what one preaches and what one practices. Politically it represents the gap between what you say you believe in and what you actually believe in.
According to their Code
SFI stakeholders should aim to refrain from harassment – unwelcome verbal, offensive, abusive or physical behavior – especially whensuch conduct interferes with another person or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.’
Another provision in this excellent Code of Conduct specifies that
‘SFI seeks to honour individual, cultural and role differences’ and ‘SFI respects the opinions, knowledge, insight, experience and expertise of all members of the general public.’
Perhaps screaming ‘Jew haters’ and in Fiona Sharpe’s shouting ‘fascist’ in the ear of Yasser, a Palestinian member of PSC, is an example of this respect.
SFI also preach tolerance:
‘SFI respects the opinions, knowledge, insight, experience and expertise of all members of the general public.’
  Note the reference to ‘all’  One can only assume that despite having lived in Britain for most, if not all, of their miserable lives that members of SFI still have only a shaky grasp of the English language or, for that matter, British irony.  Not, I hasten to add, because they are Jewish but because they are bad Zionist liars!

But it is SFI’s Christian Evangelist supporters who stand out. They manage to combine racism against Palestinians (‘what is Palestine? is a frequent meme) with anti-Semitism. These ‘Christians’ do not discriminate – they hate virtually everyone.
Christian Zionism was a product of the Protestant Reformation, with its belief that in order for there to be a second coming of Christ, the Jews must return to the Holy Land. These are the End Times. The nearer Israel is to a nuclear war the happier are our Christians because that is a divine signal that the End is Nigh. Hence the Christian Zionists are amongst the supporters of the most racist and exterminatory wing of Zionist. According to their beliefs the Battle of Armageddon will follow during which most Jews will die, a second Holocaust, and the remaining third will be transported up to heavens in The Rapture. This is the lunacy which motivates our band of Christian Zionists in Sussex FOI. Of course the indigenous Palestinians have no rights at all and these Christian fascists would quite happily accept their extermination as their fellows in America did when the native Americans were exterminated.
Prime amongst these is the President of Christians United for Israel, John Hagee. CUFI has 1.4 million members so it is not an insignificant organisation.  In 2008 Hagee endorsed Senator John McCain, Obama’s Republican opponent. McCain. McCain was forced to disavow Hagee as news of a sermon he gave in the late 1990’s became public.
Hagee had preached in this sermon that the Nazis had operated on God’s behalf to chase the Jews from Europe and shepherd them to Palestine. According to Hagee, Adolf Hitler was a "hunter," sent by God, who was tasked with expediting God’s will of having the Jews re-establish a state of Israel.
Going in and out of biblical verse, Hagee preached:
‘And they the hunters should hunt them,’ that will be the Jews. ‘From every mountain and from every hill and from out of the holes of the rocks.’ If that doesn’t describe what Hitler did in the holocaust you can’t see that.
He goes on:
Theodore Herzl is the father of Zionism. He was a Jew who at the turn of the 19th century said... ‘I want you to come and join me in the land of Israel.’ ... Those who came founded Israel; those who did not went through the hell of the holocaust.
"Then god sent a hunter. A hunter is someone with a gun and he forces you. Hitler was a hunter.’ ... And that might be offensive to some people but don’t let your heart be offended. I didn’t write it, Jeremiah wrote it. It was the truth and it is the truth. How did it happen? Because God allowed it to happen. Why did it happen? Because God said my top priority for the Jewish people is to get them to come back to the land of Israel."
The best description for Christian Zionists is that they are anti-Semites.  It is no coincidence that they and Sussex Friends of Israel, which was founded by an EDL supporter, Simon Cobbs, get on so well.
There's something they don't want you to see!
Incidentally John Hagee has gone to a lot of trouble to prevent this video of his sermon being shown.  Fortunately I downloaded a copy years ago when it was available and I now make it available again. I suspect that Youtube will delete it again so make a copy and  show it to your children!!
Tony Greenstein

Labour Against the Witchhunt - All Members Meeting - Saturday December 1st 1.00-4.00 pm

At last – the truth about Kafr Qasem – the village in which Israel murdered 51 people


The massacre at Kafr Qasem was supposed to be the Prelude to Transfer

Photographs of Victims of the Massacre at Kafr Qasem
On October 29 1956, on the eve of the Suez War and Israel’s attack on Egypt, martial law was declared in the Arab village of Kafr Qasem on the border with Jordan.  The orders of the Border Police Unit were to shoot to kill anyone breaking a curfew which was imposed at 5 pm. Villagers coming back from working in the fields were not to be excepted. 
Up till now the accepted Israeli version of this  story has been that this was a tragic series of misunderstandings combined with the normal Israeli contempt for Arab life. Israel was about to engage in its first war of expansion, colluding in an attack on Egypt with Britain and France and it didn’t want the Arabs of the Triangle to play the part of a fifth column in the event of war with Jordan.
At the subsequently trial of Colonel Shadmi, the Israeli Defence Forces Commander of the Border Police, Major Shmuel Malinki testified that:
'[Shadmi said] anyone who left his house would be shot. It would be best if on the first night there were 'a few like that' and on the following nights they would be more careful. I asked: in the light of that, I can understand that a guerilla is to be killed but what about the fate of the Arab civilians? And they may come back to the village in the evening from the valley, from settlements or from the fields, and won't know about the curfew in the village - I suppose I am to have sentries at the approaches to the village? To this Col. Issachar replied in crystal clear words, 'I don't want sentimentality and I don't want arrests, there will be no arrests'. I said: 'Even though?'. To that he answered me in Arabic, Allah Yarhamu, which I understood as equivalent to the Hebrew phrase, 'Blessed be the true judge' [said on receiving news of a person's death]'.
Shadmi has always denied this conversation. Israeli historian Adam Raz has now written a history of the Affair which points to a different explanation.  Israel hoped to use what is normally called the fog of war in order to expel the Arabs of the Triangle, a group of Arab villages near the Jordanian border, into Jordan.  This would solve the ‘problem’ of a major concentration of Israeli Arabs in the Galilee.  The murders in Kafr Qasem were supposed to be the start of such a transfer. The only problem is that there never was a war with Jordan.
It is also now abundantly clear that the ‘trial’ of Colonel Shadmi was never intended to be anything other than a show trial for the benefit of the international community. He was in the end fined one-tenth of one shekel.
Tony Greenstein
Kafr Qasem Memorial
'Yiska' Shadmi, the highest IDF officer tried for the Kafr Qasem massacre, admitted before his death that his trial was staged to protect military and political elites. Historian Adam Raz believes that behind the horrific 1956 event was a secret plan to transfer Israel's Arabs
Oct 13, 2018

In mid-July, a strange performance played out in the Military Court of Appeals at the Kirya, the defense establishment’s headquarters in Tel Aviv. The judge, an Israel Defense Forces general, called Meretz MK Esawi Freij, from the Israeli Arab town of Kafr Qasem, to the witness stand, and asked him just one question: Would publication of classified documents relating to the massacre in his village in 1956 be likely to stir up its residents?
Freij, several of whose family members were among the dozens of victims killed by the Border Police, responded that the anger has not dissipated in the 62 years that have passed since the incident. However, the MK emphasized, the villagers are not looking for revenge.
We have no interest in disrupting the security of the state or the life of any person,” he said, adding that people know exactly where Brig. Gen. (res.) Issachar “Yiska” Shadmi, the highest-ranking officer to be brought to trial after the event, lives.
Shadmi, the commander of the brigade responsible for that area at the time – and under whose orders the massacre was carried out – was not far away at the time, sitting in his spacious home in the upscale neighborhood of Ramat Aviv. He didn’t know that his name was once again being raised in connection with the affair that had hounded him for his entire adult life, like a mark of Cain imprinted on his forehead.
The trial, which is still ongoing, involves a lawsuit by historian Adam Raz, who is demanding that the IDF and Defense Establishment Archives declassify documents relating to the affair. “Most of the material is still classified,” says Raz, 35, who works for the Berl Katznelson Foundation, in a recent interview with Haaretz. “I was surprised to discover that it’s easier to write about the history of Israel’s nuclear program than about Israel’s policies regarding its Arab citizens.” The court has yet to hand down its judgment, but Raz’s Hebrew-language book “Kafr Qasem Massacre: A Political Biography,” is being published this month by Carmel Press. It is the first such comprehensive study of the affair.
Issachar “Yiska” Shadmi testifying at his 1957 trial, as reported in the weekly Haolam Hazeh. Haolam Hazeh
One of the people Raz interviewed was Shadmi, who died last month at the age of 96. Back in the summer of 2017, this writer joined Raz for the conversations with Shadmi, which took place at the latter’s home. With the frankness often reserved to those who have reached a ripe old age, Shadmi provided a rare, troubling behind-the-scenes look at one of the formative events in the history of the State of Israel, and especially of its Arab community. Among other things, the incident gave rise to the concept of a “blatantly illegal order,” and led to an exceptional apology by the president of Israel for a crime that the state’s soldiers committed against its citizens.
Now, in the wake of Shadmi’s death and the publication of Raz’s book, we are publishing the former IDF officer’s testimony for the first time. At its center is his contention that the 1958 court case against him was nothing more than a show trial, staged in order to keep Israel’s security and political elite – including Prime Minister Ben-Gurion, IDF Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan, and GOC Central Command (and later chief of staff) Tzvi Tzur – from having to take responsibility for the massacre.
Shadmi told us that the trial, in which he was initially accused of murder but later acquitted, was intended to mislead the international community with regard to Israel’s ostensible pursuit of justice. For his part, Raz is convinced that the background to ostensibly staging the trial was pressure from above to conceal “Operation Mole” (Hafarperet), a secret program to expel to Jordan the population of the so-called Triangle of Arab towns, located southeast of Haifa – details of which have never been revealed.
Shadmi was blessed to have been able to age in dignity. In his final years, he was lucid and enjoyed good health. When he died, he was buried in the cemetery of the kibbutz of which he had been an early member, Sdot Yam in Caesarea. In our long conversations with him, he recalled minute details of the formative incident in his life.
“This subject has always disturbed me. Why? Because when people say ‘Kafr Qasem,’ they say ‘Shadmi.’ ‘Shadmi, the guy from Kafr Qasem,’” he said. “There are those who step on a land mine and lose their legs. I stepped on a land mine. Its name was Kafr Qasem.”
‘Good Arabs, bad Arabs’
Yiska Shadmi’s life was replete with all the episodes one would expect in the biography of a member of the so-called 1948 generation, the generation that founded the state. Were it not for the stain of Kafr Qasem, he would have entered the history books as one of the first senior commanders of the IDF, and perhaps he would even have gone into politics, like his friend and peer Yitzhak Rabin.
Shadmi was born in 1922, the sabra son of two immigrants from Eastern Europe, Shoshana (née Goldberg) and Nahum Kramer. The family name, meaning “grocer” or “peddler” in German, was Hebraicized to Shadmi, a derivation of the biblical word shdema, or field. “Agriculture, not commerce and the stock market. This was the Zionist revolution,” he wrote in his memoir.
Nahum had served in the Red Army, and became one of the first commanders of the Haganah pre-state army and then of the nascent IDF. Yiska, an only child, spent his earliest years on the agricultural settlement Bitanya, near Lake Kinneret, before moving with his parents to the nearby community of Menahemia.
As a boy, he received initial training for the Haganah. In his memoir, he writes of his first military operation, serving as aide de camp to Haganah officer Yigal Allon, who would later serve as the legendary commander of the elite Palmach strike force. At about the same time, during the years of the Arab Revolt (1936-1939), Shadmi became aware for the first time of the Jewish-Arab conflict.
“I grew up together with Arab children. We were friends and would play together. To me, Arabs were not foreigners that one needed to hate or fear. I grew up with them, I spoke with them, they spoke Hebrew and Yiddish, and I spoke Arabic mixed with Yiddish,” he wrote in his personal diary. “When the riots broke out, a rift was opened. There were good Arabs, who worked, and bad Arabs, who shot guns. In the context of the fears that gave rise to the conflict, I began to discover the figure of the Jewish hero, riding a horse with a keffiyeh and an abaya [robe].”
In a different entry, from 1938, he wrote:
“Today we are in a terrible situation in this land, a whirlpool of blood. Self-restraint is weakening and acts of vengeance are taking its place. We don’t have the strength to bear it any longer. The beast-like instinct within us is awakened by the scene of blood flowing throughout the land… The rifle is the tool that gives every one of us the privilege of living. Were it not for the rifle, we would not be able to stay alive in this cruel world… I respect the device that kills!!!”
In 1939, Shadmi joined Kibbutz Sdot Yam, which had initially been founded in 1936 north of Haifa but moved south to Caesarea in 1940. He served in the British Mandate’s coast guard, and later as a Palmach platoon commander at Beit Ha’arava, near the Dead Sea, and as a commander in the Haganah Field Corps in Samaria. During “Black Sabbath” in 1946 (when Mandatory forces rounded up several thousand Jewish soldiers and officials, following a spate of violent actions by Jewish forces), he was arrested and taken to a British detention camp. In the War of Independence, he commanded the Fifth Battalion of the Harel Brigade and the Seventh Battalion of the Negev Brigade. Afterward, he climbed the ranks in the IDF and served, among other positions, as commander of the Officers Training School and of the Golani Brigade.
Then 62 years ago this month, Shadmi stepped on his land mine. It all began on October, 29, 1956, the first day of what would be called the Sinai Campaign. Shadmi, then responsible for a Central Command brigade, was tasked with defending the area abutting the Jordanian border, and ordered the ongoing curfew that was then in effect, under martial law, to begin earlier than usual that day on the Arab villages in the vicinity, among them Kafr Qasem.
The soldiers accused of perpetrating the Kafr Qasem massacre. The commander of the battalion, Shmuel Malinki, is on the left.
The commander of the Border Police battalion, Shmuel Malinki, said later during the trial held for him and the soldiers involved in the events, that Shadmi’s order said to shoot at anyone who violated curfew. The words that he attributed to Shadmi have since entered the history books:
During the hours of the curfew, they can be in their homes and do as they desire… but whomever is seen outside, who violates curfew, will be shot. Better that a few go down, and then they will learn for the next time.”
Malinki also said that in response to his question: “What will be the fate of the civilians who return to the village after the curfew [takes effect],” Shadmi said: “I don’t want sentimentality; I don’t want detainees.” When Malinki persisted in his request to receive a straight answer, he claimed that Shadmi said, “Allah Yerhamu” – Arabic for “God have mercy [on their souls].”
At his trial, Shadmi denied ordering the killing of curfew violators. Whatever the case, the result was a disaster. Between 5 P.M. and 6 P.M. on that fateful day, 47 Arabs who were returning to their homes in Kafr Qasem – boys and girls, women and men – were shot to death by Border Guard troops. An additional victim, who was elderly, had a heart attack after he learned that his grandchild had been killed. In the end, according to the villagers, the total number of victims was 51.
Eight of the 11 IDF officers and soldiers put on trial for the shootings were convicted and sent to prison for varying terms, but later their sentences were commuted, by the president and chief of staff, among others. By 1960, all had been released without having served most of their jail terms. Some were even awarded desirable state jobs – Malinki, for instance, was appointed chief of security at the nuclear reactor at Dimona by Ben-Gurion.
A little more than two years after the bloody massacre at Kafr Qasem, Shadmi became the highest-ranking officer to be brought to trial for it. He was accused of the murder of 25 villagers (half of the victims, because there was no proof that the order to shoot violators of the curfew had been intended to include women and children, as it was interpreted). In the end, Shadmi was exonerated of the murder charges: The judge determined that the accusations against him were “unproven and unsubstantiated generally and in principle.” The ruling stated that “the orders to shoot violators of the curfew could not be understood in any way as orders to shoot people returning from work to the area under curfew.”
Shadmi was convicted on only one procedural and technical charge – of “exceeding his authority” and giving orders regarding the hours and parameters of the curfew, when only the military governor was authorized to do so. The punishment he received infuriated the residents of Kafr Qasem: a symbolic fine of 10 prutot, or one-100th of an Israeli pound, and a reprimand.
When he left the courthouse, Shadmi excitedly waved his hand, grasping a 10-prutot coin. A photo of this was published in the press and Shadmi’s coin thus became a watchword among Arab citizens of what they saw as the cheapness of their lives in the eyes of the regime.
Issachar “Yiska” Shadmi, after his trial, holding the 10-prutot coin he had to pay as a symbolic fine. Residents of Kafr Qasem were infuriated by the punishment.
‘Not Don Quixote’
Shadmi celebrated his “victory” with Prime Minister Ben-Gurion, who described in his own diary how “we drank to his exoneration.” A party was held at Sdot Yam, with Chief of Staff Haim Laskov and other IDF generals in attendance. Yet in retrospect, Shadmi told Adam Raz and myself, the expressions of joy were mostly for public consumption; he was not at all surprised by the verdict he received. He told us that the outcome of the trial, which he called a “play” and a “show trial,” was fixed from the start. From his descriptions – some of which also appear in his self-published memoir – it seems that the legal proceedings were conducted in defiance of all accepted norms.
From the start, he claimed, he was promised the best legal defense. The state appointed the highly respected attorney Yaacov Salomon – and paid for his services. In light of this, Shadmi said he felt the balance of power between the weak military prosecutor and the superlative defense he was awarded was always tilted in his favor.
Moreover, according to Shadmi, “I was told that I could object to the judges that were appointed if I didn’t trust them.” He also received assurances from another senior IDF and legal figure, Meir Shamgar, deputy military adjutant general at the time and later president of the Supreme Court. Shamgar, Shadmi recalled, “took me aside and said: ‘Listen, this is a show trial,’” and urged him not to worry. Shadmi added that “Shamgar whispered to me that this was to my benefit.”
Asked now for his response to Shadmi’s comment, former justice Shamgar told Haaretz that he did not remember saying such things.
Eventually, Shadmi said he understood that he had truly become an actor in a grand performance – after his attorney, Salomon, “tried to brainwash me and persuade me to take a defensive position that I didn’t like and didn’t match the facts as they were known to me. Facts that gave me moral courage in asserting the justice of my case and of my honest and simple claims.”
For some two weeks before the trial opened, he and Salomon stayed at a Tel Aviv hotel, working on their arguments “every day until 2 A.M.,” Shadmi recounted. “He wanted to break me, so that I would accept the version that he would dictate to me, what I should say in court…. He tried to plant things in my head.”
Behind his words hid Shadmi’s most serious criticism, according to which Salomon, as Ben-Gurion’s emissary, tried to use Shadmi as a means to distance senior IDF commanders and the political echelon from the Kafr Qasem massacre – as a kind of punching bag to stand trial in their stead and prevent the indictments of others.
In the center of the drama stood Tzvi “Chera” Tzur, who was Shadmi’s superior officer at the time of the massacre and later became the IDF’s sixth chief of staff. Shadmi was convinced that the judges “needed to protect Chera” and that his attorney “was not protecting me, but protecting the IDF and Tchera and the rest of those…. So this wouldn’t climb any higher,” in his words. 

David Ben-Gurion. GPO

These comments may sound conspiratorial, but Raz found support for them from yet another source. In a meeting of the cabinet on November 23, 1958, about a month before the opening of Shadmi’s trial, Ben-Gurion was already predicting, “From talking with Shadmi, I assume that he will not say that he received an order like that, that one needs to fire…. Tzur isn’t on trial. Shadmi won’t say such a thing.”
Shadmi also noted that his father, who until 1958 was president of the Military Court of Appeals, was a friend of Shamgar’s: “Shamgar told my father ‘Explain to your son that they aren’t out to get him, but want to protect the IDF.”
According to Shadmi, Ben-Gurion, by means of his underlings, made sure that the military judges appointed to conduct the trial would be among those who had been under Tzur’s command in the Givati Brigade, so they would not exactly feel comfortable incriminating him. “They were not chosen by chance,” Shadmi told us. “And in their outlooks and political positions, they were aligned with the same party of which Ben-Gurion was an admired leader.”
On this point, however, Shadmi qualified his statement: “I am not at all convinced that the judges consciously saw themselves as someone else’s emissaries.” And indeed, according to him, “those who dispatched them to the court intended, quite clearly, that they would assist naturally in building an obstacle against accusations, even partial ones, involving the most senior ranks.”
Ultimately, as Shadmi admitted, he went along with his attorney’s game and adapted himself to the defense dictated to him.
“I also set a barrier for myself at the beginning of the trial, because I knew the legal rule – that if someone with a higher rank than mine is implicated in the accusations, that doesn’t relieve me of responsibility. And that is also the reason I did not try to press my attorney to call the general [Tzur] to testify at the trial.”
Added Shadmi,
I was an IDF man, and if needed, I would keep silent about all sorts of things about which I knew more or differently. I didn’t sally forth like Don Quixote to fight for my justice, because I knew what they wanted from me.
Wrapped in cotton
Shadmi thought that his trial was intended to prevent the case from reaching the International Court of Justice, which had been established by the United Nations in The Hague following World War II. “They explained to me that they needed to put me on trial, because if I had tried in my own country and convicted, even if I was fined only a penny, I wouldn’t go to The Hague…. If they didn’t prosecute me… I would be tried at The Hague. And that is something that neither I nor the country were interested in.”
It bears mentioning here that in those days, the ICJ did not operate in a way that would made it possible to put Israeli officers or politicians on trial. However, as historian Raz notes, “the fact Shadmi was mistaken about the international judicial system, didn’t mean that there wasn’t real concern in the Israeli upper echelons about an international response.” According to Raz, from Ben-Gurion’s response to the affair, it appears that the Israeli leadership was in fact “very worried about the potential international response.” But if there is any documentation of this in the state archives, it is not accessible to the public.
Shadmi’s account, as we heard it last year in his home, are borne out by the facts appearing in the archival documents. Indeed, Raz did encounter other testimony in the army archives suggesting that already then, people were calling for more senior figures than Shadmi to stand trial.
Thus, for instance, Transportation Minister Moshe Carmel wrote:
“We will not be able to avoid asking questions and won’t be able to flinch from investigating if indeed the final and ultimate responsibility falls upon Col. Shadmi, and on him alone…. A commander does not operate, in the end, on his own say-so, but within a framework of plans, orders and guidelines, formed somewhere else, invented for him by a higher commanding authority…. The public seeks to know, and rightly so, what orders and guidelines were given to Col. Shadmi by his superiors, according to which he operated and dispatched subsequent, more particular directives…. And also from whom he received his orders.”
Later on, the grandson of Yitzhak Greenbaum, Israel’s first interior minister, related the following:
“When the Kafr Qasem massacre occurred, my grandfather explained to me how an order for a massacre is handed down from the senior members of government to operational personnel, without the senior ranks saying anything explicit that might seem like an order.”
In 1986, in an article by Dalia Karpel in the Tel Aviv weekly Ha’ir, Malinki’s widow was quoted as saying:
“Part of the trial was conducted behind closed doors and it was clear that it was impossible to go up the chain of command looking for responsible parties, and to reveal the part of the GOC Central Command, chief of staff or even the government in this affair. It would mar the image of the state in the world. Ben-Gurion told my husband: ‘I am asking for a human sacrifice on behalf of the state, just as there are sacrificial casualties, people who fall in war. I promise you that your status and rank will be returned to you.”
On the basis of testimonies, written and recorded, that he gathered, Raz is convinced of Shadmi’s version of events, according to which the whole trial was fixed:
“Ben-Gurion sought an insurance policy that would enable him to point to Shadmi as the one who gave the order, and to stop there.... Shadmi would be prosecuted because Ben-Gurion and his colleagues needed to prove to the public and the political establishment that the chain of command led no further than the brigade commander. And in the end, as noted, [Shadmi] was also exonerated.”
Shadmi’s silence with respect to those above him paid off, even if not immediately. On the military level, his promising career came to an end in 1962, and he was not promoted to the rank of full general like his peers. He continued to serve in the reserves, fighting in the Six-Day War and the Yom Kippur War, in which he was seriously wounded in a helicopter crash.
Brig. Gen. (res.) Issachar “Yiska” Shadmi at home in Sdot Yam, in 2017. Ofer Aderet

Behind the scenes, though, as Shadmi claimed, a deal was cooked up that paid off later for both sides. “Chera wrapped me up in cotton,” he said, referring to Tzvi Tzur. “I got anything I wanted,” he recalled candidly.
The details of the entire affair, had they surfaced today, would have been tagged immediately as being tainted by corruption and liable to land people in court. Nonetheless, all these years later, Shadmi was quick to acknowledge that because of the “debt” that Tzur owed him, for not revealing all he knew in the courtroom, he was well compensated as a civilian: “I turned into a major Defense Ministry building contractor.”
Shadmi went into some detail regarding the lucrative work from his defense work, but requested that these parts of the interviews not be recorded. He added that Tzur took care of him “with an open hand” in this regard. The reason, he emphasized time and again, was that, “I kept quiet, I didn’t speak out against the IDF. Tzur understood that I saved him.”
‘Operation Mole’
Adam Raz is convinced that there was a reason that Shadmi’s trial was staged and aimed to protect his superior officers, as well as for other reasons. Raz believes there was an effort at the same time to hide the existence of a secret program called “Operation Mole,” whose goal was the expulsion of Arabs from the Triangle, which included Kafr Qasem, to Jordan.
Historian Adam Raz.
“The public is familiar with the ‘Mole’ program only as a rumor,” says Raz, noting that it has been mentioned in the press only a handful of times over the years, since the 1960s. In 1991, the journalist and linguist Ruvik Rosenthal dealt with the subject in the newspaper Hadashot, and later expanded his article in a collection of essays he edited about the Kafr Qasem massacre. But details of the program were never fully revealed, and much of the documentation remains classified in the IDF archive. The evidence includes closed-door discussions held during the Kafr Qasem trials. The speakers used only code, referring to a “famous order” dealing with “an animal of the mammalian family.”
Still Raz managed to follow the scent of the secret scheme by means of other sources, among them lawyers involved in the trial of Malinki and the soldiers, other testimony, interviews with the “heroes of the affair,” etc. In a meticulous archival investigation, he unearthed tidbits, such as: “A. Surround the village; B. announce the evacuation to the village elders and the option to cross the border within the established period (three hours).”
In addition, Raz was able to find the written testimony of Gen. (res.) Avraham “Avrasha” Tamir, the architect of the program, according to which “Ben-Gurion requested a plan to deal with the Arab population of the Triangle” in the event that a war would break out with Jordan. Tamir’s account accords with the explanation given by Ben-Gurion himself, in 1953, at a cabinet meeting on the subject of martial law – to the effect that there was a solution to the ostensible problem of the Arabs in the Triangle, and that it “depended upon whether there would be a war or not.”
Tamir’s testimony states:
“The plans were more or less mine… I took what the Americans did to the Japanese in World War II [imprisoning them in internment camps out of concern that they would constitute a “fifth column”]. To put it simply, if war broke out, whoever did not flee to Jordan would be evacuated to concentration camps in the rear; they wouldn’t stay on the border. These were the plans, to evacuate them to the rear so that they wouldn’t impede the war effort…. The way to Jordan would remain open for their flight if they so chose. But whoever remained – we would need to evacuate them to the rear to facilitate freedom of action in which the defense forces could maneuver.”
To understand the historical context connecting Operation Mole, the Sinai Campaign and the Kafr Qasem massacre, one must remember that in roughly that same period, up until the Six-Day War, when Israel conquered the West Bank, Arab villages like Kafr Qasem were situated very close to the border with Jordan. In the weeks before the massacre, tensions rose and many infiltrators penetrated Israel. The IDF was increasingly worried about cooperation between the latter and their countrymen in the Israeli villages. Until 1966, martial law was in effect in those communities, among them Kafr Qasem.
The massacre occurred on the day the Sinai Campaign began: In it, Israel, England and France joined forces in fighting against Egypt, and eventually the IDF conquered the Sinai peninsula. In a certain sense, the massacre was part of that same war, but took place on a completely different front, as Rubik Rosenthal wrote in his 2000 book “Kafr Qasem: Events and Myth” (Hakibbutz Hameuchad), the first book about the massacre.
In the period prior to the Sinai Campaign, Israel launched a diversionary operation, in the context of which forces were concentrated along the Jordanian border, including the area of Kafr Qasem, to create the impression that Israel was preparing an attack on its eastern front. “The lower ranking officers and troops that participated in the operations thought that war really was breaking out on the eastern border,” writes Rosenthal.
Raz thinks one must see the Kafr Qasem massacre in this context:
“The massacre wasn’t perpetrated by a group of soldiers who were out of control, as has been argued until today. From their point of view they were following orders, which in essence would lead to the expulsion of the villagers,”
he says. Or, in other words, they were operating in line with the directives of Operation Mole, as they understood them.
Raz’s study presents much testimony that supports this view. In his book he reconstructs the hour-by-hour chain of events that led to the horrifying outcome on that fateful day, and thus proves his claim that there is a connection between the massacre and the secret operation.
Thus, for example, he provides authoritative documentation about meetings prior to the massacre between the battalion commander, Malinki, and other top brass, which dealt with the secret scheme – sometimes explicitly and sometimes without actually naming it. On October 24, five days before the killings in Kafr Qasem, Malinki met with the GOC Central Command Tzur.
According to Malinki’s testimony, he was told that, with war approaching, one of the missions of his battalion would be to deal with the Arab villages in the Triangle. “There is a complex portfolio at the Operations Directorate and I must prepare the mission,” he said.
On October 25, Malinki met with the military governor, Zalman Mart, who emphasized that “the issue is how to motivate them [the Arabs] to leave the country.” Several hours later, Malinki met with Tamir, then chief of Central Command’s operations branch. The latter conveyed the directives of the plan.
“A plan was conveyed to me,” said Malinki. “The general context was explained, and the urgency…. We must prepare the plan as quickly as possible so that it will be ready for immediate implementation…. This is a most secret plan.”
He later testified that on October 28, the day prior to the massacre, he met with Shadmi, the brigade commander, who asked him to wait until he received orders from Central Command about Operation Mole, “which I was supposed to execute,” as Malinki put it. “The Mole commanders discussed issues concerning the treatment of the Arab minority in the area under martial law…. Execution of arrests…. Imposition of curfew…. Complete evacuation of the villages if the need arises.”
On the morning of October 29, Shadmi announced that the plan had not been authorized in its entirety, but particular clauses would “of course” be authorized by the afternoon. As to what happened in the meeting between Shadmi and Malinki, a few hours later, it emerges that a dispute broke out that dogged them both until their final days.
הנשיא ריבלין באירוע לציון הטבח בכפר קאסם
Malinki, as noted, testified that Shadmi ordered him to fire “without sentimentality” in order to kill whoever violated the curfew. Shadmi denied this. Later on, when meeting his soldiers just before the massacre, Malinki explained to them that war was about to break out. In other words, the secret plan, whether officially or only as something hovering in the background, was in the minds of troops of every rank – from the highest commander to the lowliest foot soldier. After the massacre, Shadmi also admitted himself that
the final proposal before embarking on the day of the operation took the form of an Operation Mole directive passed down from Central Command. That order specified in detail the method of evacuation of the population from the area along the border during the first stage of the deployment of forces.”
According to Shadmi, in testimony he gave to the police, prior to being charged,
“I showed [Malinki] immediately the Mole orders... according to which we were to prepare the operation. Malinki answered me … with a self-satisfied smile and informed me that the entire portfolio of the secret operation was all planned out. Therefore, I saw him at that moment as an expert about everything that had been discussed.”
Two months after the massacre, Malinki claimed that he had not been comfortable under Shadmi’s command, but didn’t do anything about it.
“I thought about calling the commander of the Border Police, but that seemed like an act of disloyalty with regard to the officer in question. I didn’t know [Shadmi], but as I was a witness to his conversations with the general [Tzur] with regard to the Mole and as I had personally received the order for that operation from headquarters – I was stunned by the drastic approach that had been decided upon, but didn’t doubt that this was a decision of the highest authority, and I saw the brigade commander as a pipeline,”
Malinki later wrote to Ben-Gurion.
General Tzur himself responded to the secret plan, in testimony before the investigative commission that Ben-Gurion convened immediately after the massacre, prior to the trial. He explained that Operation Mole “relates to the entire country and all are working according to the same methodology,” adding that the operation was part of an overall plan of war vis-a-vis Jordan.
In this context, Raz believes that plans for Operation Mole “fulfilled a central purpose in motivating the troops to succeed in their mission [in Kafr Qasem].” According to him,
“they correctly understood the harsh curfew order as an initial stage in the expulsion of the residents of the villages, and acted to the maximal degree to follow their orders ... They were correct in their interpretation: They indeed imposed the curfew, whose objective was the expulsion of the Arabs in the event that Israel and Jordan found themselves in a state of war.”
Here is where the staged trial that Shadmi claims was conducted, enters the picture. In its course, as noted, he covered for his superiors and did not open his mouth about Operation Mole.
“What did they want of Shadmi? They wanted him not to tell the truth. And the truth is that the plan for which the troops and officers were training, and the plan that was put into action, in large part, was Operation Mole.”
The option of expelling the Arabs of the Triangle in a future time of war with Jordan, he adds, “was a policy that could be implemented, from the perspective of Ben-Gurion, Dayan and others.” Indeed, much of the testimony the historian found from a variety of sources support that view, including that of Dayan, who said at one point: “I hope that in the coming years there will perhaps be another opportunity to effect a transfer of these Arabs from the Land of Israel.” According to Raz, “the conditions on the eve of the Sinai Campaign enabled them to progress toward realization of the plan.”
Based on the vast array of materials Raz compiled, a small portion of which are detailed here, he declares: “The fact that Shadmi ordered implementation of parts of the plan [i.e., Operation Mole] – up to the expulsion order itself – is not, according to my analysis, in doubt. But it’s clear that the order for this arrived from on high.” Shadmi, says Raz, “understood that he was being used as a main character in a performance intended to cover for those truly responsible: Ben-Gurion, Moshe Dayan and Tzvi Tzur.”
At present Raz is waiting for the decision of the military appeals court as to whether he will be allowed to examine all the classified documents relating to the affair of the massacre at Kafr Qasem, and more generally those relating to Operation Mole. For its part, the army claims that declassifying these documents will impair the security of the state, its relations with foreign entities, and also the privacy and well-being of various individuals.
As for Shadmi himself, he raised four children with his wife, Pnina, a math teacher who died in 2013; there are also grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Their son, Col. (res.) Yiftah Shadmi, served as a fighter pilot in the air force.
Shadmi’s memoir was eventually self-published, unlike his personal diary. Leafing through them, one finds these comments about death:
“Consciously, I force myself not to be afraid [of it], and have also begun to believe that there is nothing to fear. For at the very worst, one could be killed. Indeed, it’s a pity to give up on life, but the awareness that one fell for the sake of the homeland is the reward and the atonement for the life one gives up. In one sense, I have no desire to die before I fulfill my obligation, to do the maximum in my power for the country and the nation. I want there to be no distinction between the benefit that I can bring during my lifetime, and that which I can bring in sacrificing myself upon the altar of defense.”

Brighton & Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign Bids Farewell to a Brave Fighter After a Lifetime of Struggle


Expelled from the Labour Party for having opposed a criminal war  Riad never stopped fighting


Yesterday we gathered at Clayton Woods Burial Ground near Hassocks to pay our respects to a longstanding Iraqi comrade, Riad El-Taher. It was a cold, rainy and windy November day and the weather reflected how we felt as the departure of our much loved comrade and friend.
Riad was unjustly expelled from the Labour Party in 2017 as a result of being fingered by Ivor Caplin, a right-wing Zionist and former MP for Hove and Labour Defence Minister at the time of Blair’s invasion of Iraq in 2003.  Riad was not given any form of hearing but was arbitrarily expelled under the ancien regime of Iain McNicoll. It is to be hoped that now the Left controls the NEC that Riad will be posthumously reinstated to the Labour Party.
It is an irony that someone who fought to his last breath against the criminal invasion of Iraq was expelled as a result of the petty vengeful and spiteful acts of a war criminal who bore responsibility for the invasion of Iraq. If there was any justice, it should have been Caplin who was gaoled for the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis as a result of the War for Oil in 2003.
When Riad was elected to the Hove Labour Party Executive Caplin, the current Chair of the Jewish Labour Movement, the overseas wing of the racist Israeli Labour Party, moved to have him expelled summarily because his sentence, of 10 months, was held to be a ‘serious offence’ although it had long been spent. Under the reign of the Right and McNicol any sense of fairness or justice went out the window.
Riad’s gaoling in 2011 for having breached the UN sanctions on Iraq which had been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi people was in itself an outrage. Even The Timesrecognisedthe injustice involved in Riad’s gaoling.
Riad was an active participant in the activities of Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign and it was a cruel act of fate that he succumbed to cancer. Riad was until this year a member of the local Momentum Steering Committee and fully participated with others in building the Left in the local Labour Party. You can find Riad’s Facebook page here.
Clayton Woods Burial Ground, Hassocks, East Sussex
Riad recognised the role of Israel and Zionism, together with western imperialism in trying to subdivide the Arab world in order to make it that much weaker. For all his faults Saddam Hussein unlike the present leadership of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States wasn’t prepared to be a puppet in the West’s hands despite the enormity of his crimes against his own people.
I feel I am very fortunate to have known Riad and to have said my goodbyes to him at the Martlett hospice just over a week ago. Riad wanted people to make donations to the Martlett’s in memory of him and you can do so here. Below is an obituary by a close friend of Riad’s and fellow PSC member, Michael Foulkes.
Tony Greenstein
Obituary of Riad El-Taher 1939-2018
Riad El-Taher, engineer and businessman, who died in Hove on 9th November, came to prominence with his anti-Iraq-sanctions campaign between 1991 and 2003. In 1993 he took the late Tam Dalyell, George Galloway and the ex-BBC correspondent Tim Llewellyn, to his homeland to see for themselves the disastrous effect of the UN sanctions on the Iraqi people, particularly children.
On their return Dalyell encouraged Riad to set up Friendship Across Frontiers (FAF) with the aim of raising the campaign’s profile, and as a result gained considerable support in parliament. Further fact-finding delegations included Albert Reynolds, ex-Taoiseach, Canon Andrew White, Sue Lloyd Roberts and the bishops of Coventry, Kingston, and Cyprus and the Gulf.
The US and UK used their veto on the Security Council to overrule measures designed to ameliorate the suffering of the Iraqi people and in response the Iraqi government introduced a sanctions-busting surcharge on oil exports which Riad agreed to pay.
He did so to help the Iraqi people, reasoning that as the US & UK were doing nothing to prevent oil smuggling they were not in earnest in outlawing the surcharge. His reasoning was miscalculated, as out of all those who acted similarly there were only ever two prosecutions Riad and his co-defendent.  In 2011 he was convicted and imprisoned for this offence; his co-defendant was given a suspended sentence. The common factor was their contact with Saddam, and in Riad’s case, his outspoken criticism of the Blair government.  
Dalyell described Riad’s imprisonment as ‘a process of nasty, political vengeance.’ It is difficult not to see his expulsion from the Labour Party in 2017, shortly after he was elected onto its Hove Constituency Executive Committee, in the same light. The sole reason given was his conviction six years earlier.
Riad wound up FAF shortly after his release from prison sold his house in Surrey and bought a flat in Hove. Here he enjoyed his retirement spending time with his family, engaging in politics, going to concerts, practising yoga and writing his life story. He was a committed member of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. His activism and commitment to fighting injustice wherever it exists will be greatly missed. 
Riad’s book, O Daughter of Babylonis now out
Michael Foulkes

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