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Anti-fascists in Havering by-election face down threats from the fascist British National Party


The BNP's Attitude to Canvassing and Democracy Exposed

Anti-fascists gather in Havering to leaflet, despite BNP threats

This video speaks for itself about the attempt by a group of BNP and EDL thugs to prevent the anti-fascist leafletting of a ward in Havering.  The anti-fascists gathered at Harold Wood Station only to be met  by the fascists.  Congratulations to those who ignored the threats and continued the leafletting.  Interesting how the BNP/EDL thugs believed that only those who live in an area can leaflet an area!  ‘You’re not welcome here’ said the fascists.  One wonders who gave them the right to decide that they represented the wishes of the local people.  What is clear is that they didn’t welcome any opposition!  And it will be equally clear, come election night, just who is welcome!

But given that the BNP’s electoral strategy is in tatters, it is no wonder that they are resorting to the threat of violence.

Fascist thug on the right tries intimidating people into leaving 'you're not welcome here' (trans. 'the BNP doesn't welcome opposition'
Yesterday a group of us went out leafleting in Harold Hill, east London. There is a key by-election there, in a ward the BNP has won twice in recent years.
We are a registered third party and it is our democratic right to campaign. But local BNP activists and EDL thugs had different ideas. They mobbed up and threatened us with violence if we leafleted.

There were about 25 of us. Young and old, men and women. We had a meeting and decided that we would not be intimidated by these fascist thugs and we went ahead with our leafleting session.
The two main fascist thugs on the right
We made this short video of the day.

 We said loudly to the fascists that We Would Not Be Moved! And we took our message of HOPE to local people.

Thanks to everyone who supports our campaign and I look forward to working with you all again in the future.


Nick Lowles

To follow the HOPE not hate campaign, visit www.hopenothate.org.uk

How the United States set up a Network of Torture Centres in Iraq


3,000 victims a month as Sunni-Shi'ite sectarian warfare was created

Some of the thousands of Iraqi bodies that resulted from James Steele's counter-insurgency program

US paramilitaries in action - repeat of Steel's experience in El Salvador

The baby-faced torturer-in-chief, James Steele

Steele wasn't a lone operative - he e-mailed Defence Secretary Donald  Rumsfield

Rumsfield forwards Steele's memo to the President and Vice-President such was the high regard he was held in

Below is the story of how the United States, George Bush and Tony Blair, introduced ‘democracy’ into Iraq, courtesy of special operatives like James Steele, who set up a network of torture centres in Iraq and recruited Shi’ite militia members from such as the Badr Brigade to the Iraqi army, knowing full well that sectarian warfare would result and that this would take the pressure off the United States.
Victim of torture in Baghdad's main library - which was turned into a torture centre

When we hear that the United States is committed to ‘democracy’ in the Middle East, then we know exactly what they mean.  The ‘democratic’ right for the US to obtain cheap oil and create and buy corrupt Arab leaders.

Bush, Blair and Rumsfield are war criminals but we will never see them tried at the Hague as they are part of the Western capitalist ruling class.  It is only those who fall foul of the West who are brought to justice.

Tony Greenstein

To see the full video click

The Pentagon sent a US veteran of the "dirty wars" in Central America to oversee sectarian police commando units in Iraq that set up secret detention and torture centres to get information from insurgents. These units conducted some of the worst acts of torture during the US occupation and accelerated the country's descent into full-scale civil war.
Col. Kaufmann on the left was Steele's collaborator in Iraq
Colonel James Steele was a 58-year-old retired special forces veteran when he was nominated by Donald Rumsfeld to help organise the paramilitaries in an attempt to quell a Sunni insurgency, an investigation by the Guardian and BBC Arabic shows.

After the Pentagon lifted a ban on Shia militias joining the security forces, the special police commando (SPC) membership was increasingly drawn from violent Shia groups such as the Badr brigades.

A second special adviser, retired Colonel James H Coffman, worked alongside Steele in detention centres that were set up with millions of dollars of US funding.
The unholy trinity that promised democracy and outdid Saddam Hussein
Coffman reported directly to General David Petraeus, sent to Iraq in June 2004 to organise and train the new Iraqi security forces. Steele, who was in Iraq from 2003 to 2005, and returned to the country in 2006, reported directly to Rumsfeld.

The allegations, made by US and Iraqi witnesses in the Guardian/BBC documentary, implicate US advisers for the first time in the human rights abuses committed by the commandos. It is also the first time that Petraeus – who last November was forced to resign as director of the CIA after a sex scandal – has been linked through an adviser to this abuse.
The only known  photograph of Steele in Iraq
Coffman reported to Petraeus and described himself in an interview with the US military newspaper Stars and Stripes as Petraeus's "eyes and ears out on the ground" in Iraq.

"They worked hand in hand," said General Muntadher al-Samari, who worked with Steele and Coffman for a year while the commandos were being set up. "I never saw them apart in the 40 or 50 times I saw them inside the detention centres. They knew everything that was going on there ... the torture, the most horrible kinds of torture."

Additional Guardian reporting has confirmed more details of how the interrogation system worked. "Every single detention centre would have its own interrogation committee," claimed Samari, talking for the first time in detail about the US role in the interrogation units.

"Each one was made up of an intelligence officer and eight interrogators. This committee will use all means of torture to make the detainee confess like using electricity or hanging him upside down, pulling out their nails, and beating them on sensitive parts."

There is no evidence that Steele or Coffman tortured prisoners themselves, only that they were sometimes present in the detention centres where torture took place and were involved in the processing of thousands of detainees.

The Guardian/BBC Arabic investigation was sparked by the release of classified US military logs on WikiLeaks that detailed hundreds of incidents where US soldiers came across tortured detainees in a network of detention centres run by the police commandos across Iraq. Private Bradley Manning, 25, is facing a prison sentence of up to 20 years after he pleaded guilty to leaking the documents.

Samari claimed that torture was routine in the SPC-controlled detention centres. "I remember a 14-year-old who was tied to one of the library's columns. And he was tied up, with his legs above his head. Tied up. His whole body was blue because of the impact of the cables with which he had been beaten."

Gilles Peress, a photographer, came across Steele when he was on assignment for the New York Times, visiting one of the commando centres in the same library, in Samarra. "We were in a room in the library interviewing Steele and I'm looking around I see blood everywhere."

The reporter Peter Maass was also there, working on the story with Peress. "And while this interview was going on with a Saudi jihadi with Jim Steele also in the room, there were these terrible screams, somebody shouting: 'Allah, Allah, Allah!' But it wasn't kind of religious ecstasy or something like that, these were screams of pain and terror."

The pattern in Iraq provides an eerie parallel to the well-documented human rights abuses committed by US-advised and funded paramilitary squads in Central America in the 1980s. Steele was head of a US team of special military advisers that trained units of El Salvador's security forces in counterinsurgency. Petraeus visited El Salvador in 1986 while Steele was there and became a major advocate of counterinsurgency methods.

Steele has not responded to any questions from the Guardian and BBC Arabic about his role in El Salvador or Iraq. He has in the past denied any involvement in torture and said publicly he is "opposed to human rights abuses." Coffman declined to comment.

An official speaking for Petraeus said: "During the course of his years in Iraq, General Petraeus did learn of allegations of Iraqi forces torturing detainees. In each incident, he shared information immediately with the US military chain of command, the US ambassador in Baghdad ... and the relevant Iraqi leaders."

The Guardian has learned that the SPC units' involvement with torture entered the popular consciousness in Iraq when some of their victims were paraded in front of a TV audience on a programme called "Terrorism In The Hands of Justice."

SPC detention centres bought video cameras, funded by the US military, which they used to film detainees for the show. When the show began to outrage the Iraqi public, Samari remembers being in the home of General Adnan Thabit – head of the special commandos – when a call came from Petraeus's office demanding that they stop showing tortured men on TV.

"General Petraeus's special translator, Sadi Othman, rang up to pass on a message from General Petraeus telling us not to show the prisoners on TV after they had been tortured," said Samari. "Then 20 minutes later we got a call from the Iraqi ministry of interior telling us the same thing, that General Petraeus didn't want the torture victims shown on TV."

Othman, who now lives in New York, confirmed that he made the phone call on behalf of Petraeus to the head of the SPC to ask him to stop showing the tortured prisoners. "But General Petraeus does not agree with torture," he added. "To suggest he does support torture is horseshit."

Thabit is dismissive of the idea that the Americans he dealt with were unaware of what the commandos were doing. "Until I left, the Americans knew about everything I did; they knew what was going on in the interrogations and they knew the detainees. Even some of the intelligence about the detainees came to us from them – they are lying."

Just before Petraeus and Steele left Iraq in September 2005, Jabr al-Solagh was appointed as the new minister of the interior. Under Solagh, who was closely associated with the violent Badr Brigades militia, allegations of torture and brutality by the commandos soared. It was also widely believed that the units had evolved into death squads.

The Guardian has learned that high-ranking Iraqis who worked with the US after the invasion warned Petraeus of the consequences of appointing Solagh but their pleas were ignored.

The long-term impact of funding and arming this paramilitary force was to unleash a deadly sectarian militia that terrorised the Sunni community and helped germinate a civil war that claimed tens of thousands of lives. At the height of that sectarian conflict, 3,000 bodies a month were strewn on the streets of Iraq.

CV: James Steele


Jim Steele's first experience of war was in Vietnam, where from 1965 to 1975 US combat units were deployed against the communist North Vietnamese government and Viet Cong. 58,000 Americans were killed, dealing a blow to the nation's self-esteem and leading to a change in military thinking for subsequent conflicts.

El Salvador

A 1979 military coup plunged the smallest country in Central America into civil war and drew in US training and funding on the side of the rightwing government. From 1984 to 1986 Steele – a "counterinsurgency specialist" – was head of the US MilGroup of US special forces advisers to frontline battalions of the Salvadorean military, which developed a fearsome international reputation for its death-squad activities. Prof Terry Karl, an expert at Stanford University on El Salvador's civil war, said that Steele's main aim was to shift the fight from so-called total war, which then meant the indiscriminate murder of thousands of civilians, to a more "discriminate" approach. One of his tasks was to put more emphasis on "human intelligence" and interrogation.


He became involved in the Iran-Contra affair, which saw the proceeds from covert arms sales by senior US officials to Iran used to fund the Contras, rightwing guerrillas fighting Daniel Ortega's leftwing Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Steele ran operations at El Salvador's Ilopango airport, from where Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North illegally ran weapons and supplies to the Contras.


Soon after the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq, now retired Colonel James Steele was in Baghdad as one of the White House's most important agents, sending back reports to Donald Rumsfeld and acting as the US defence secretary's personal envoy to Iraq's Special Police Commandos, whose intelligence-gathering activities he oversaw. Drawn mostly from violent Shia militia, the commandos developed a reputation for torture and later for their death-squad activities directed against the Sunni community.

Hugo Chavez RIP– Death of a Revolutionary Nationalist and Socialist Leader


As Barak Obuma Rages, the People of Venezuela Mourn Their Hero

The Crowds Mourn
Supporters of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez across the Americas mourn his death.
 Barak Obama, the Uncle Tom President of the United States who has faithfully represented the interests of the white ruling class against those who voted for him, found it impossible to express even a word of condolence to the Venezuelan people on the dead from cancer of their four time elected President, Hugo Chavez.

As today’s crowds demonstrate, Chavez was wildly popular in Venezuela, much to the chagrin of Obama and the United States.  On hearing of his death Obama said that ‘"At this challenging time the United States reaffirms its support for the Venezuelan people and its interest in developing a constructive relationship with the Venezuelan government.’
Chavez and Fidel Castro
Chavez remarking on the whiff of Sulfur following Bush's speech
"As Venezuela begins a new chapter in its history, the United States remains committed to policies that promote democratic principles, the rule of law, and respect for human rights,"

You only have to read the previous post to see what a hollow, sick joke this is.  The United States which has sponsored torture in Iraq, hasn’t dared refute the evidence, supports all manner of corrupt, brutal and oppressive regimes throughout the world, is apparently concerned to ‘promote democratic principles’ etc. in Venezuela.

What Bush and Obuma hated was that Venezuela was too democratic.  Instead of simply voting in a stuffed ballot election once every 4 years, people had real control and access to the products of Venezuela’s oil wealth.

And unlike many other populist dictators, Ghadaffi to Ahmedinajad, his rule wasn’t based on torture and murder.  That must have grated with Bush/Obuma even more.  He was popular for the greatest sin of all under capitalism – he redistributed the wealth of the country from the rich to the poor, faced down a coup (which precisely because of his popularity didn’t succeed) and squashed the US financed opposition.
Chavez and fellow fighter against US imperialism
Maybe his most famous joke was his reference to Bush at the United Nations as the devil and then remarking on the smell of sulfur that was around.  He would have appreciated the tributes below from Hollywood stars such as Michael Moore and Sean Penn.

Salute to Hugo Chavez, who puts British socialists and their talking shops to shame.

Socialist socialites: Hollywood mourns Hugo Chavez

Joel Ryan / AP

By Becky Bratu, Staff Writer, NBC News

As thousands of Venezuelans took to the streets of Caracas to mourn President Hugo Chavez after learning of his death Tuesday, tributes began pouring in from supporters around the world — including several Hollywood heavyweights who stood by the socialist firebrand during his reign.

Actor Sean Penn, one of the Latin American leader's most vocal supporters (he once joined Chavez on the campaign trail and attended a candlelight vigil for him in Bolivia last year) said the United States had "lost a friend it never knew it had."

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and actor-director Sean Penn listen to an explanation from a doctor during a visit to a hospital Aug. 3, 2007 in San Cristobal, Venezuela.

"And poor people around the world lost a champion," Penn said in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter. "I lost a friend I was blessed to have. My thoughts are with the family of President Chavez and the people of Venezuela."

Filmmaker Oliver Stone, who first met Chavez in December 2007 and credited him for many of the social changes taking place in South America, said the former leader would live forever in history.

''I mourn a great hero to the majority of his people and those who struggle throughout the world for a place," Stone said in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter. "Hated by the entrenched classes, Hugo Chavez will live forever in history."

"My friend, rest finally in a peace long earned," Stone added.

"In sadness and in tribute to my friend, Hugo Chavez, I join with millions of Venezuelans, Latin Americans, Caribbeans, fellow U.S. citizens  and millions of freedom-loving people around the world, in hope for a rewarding future for the democratic and social development charter of the Bolivarian Revolution,” Glover told theGrio.

“We all embraced Hugo Chavez as a social-champion of democracy, material development, and spiritual well-being.”

Others, including Argentine soccer legend Diego Maradona, paid their respects via Twitter. "So long comandante @chavezcandanga, we will miss you forever #ChavezVive," Maradona posted Wednesday.

"Ruling Classes hated Hugo Chavez. RIP," tweeted comedian Roseanne Barr.

"You won't hear much nice about him in the US media in the next few days. So, I thought I'd say a couple things to provide some balance," tweeted filmmaker Michael Moore Tuesday.

"54 countries around the world allowed the US to detain(& torture) suspects. Latin America, thanks 2 Chavez, was the only place that said no," he added.

"We spoke for over an hour," Moore said of an encounter with Chavez in 2009. "He said he was happy 2 finally meet someone Bush hated more than him."

Christian Zionists in support of Genocide & Expulsion

An interesting article on the support of fundamentalist Christian Zionists for Israeli settlements.  As has been documented on this blog before, no group in the USA, where most of these creatures are based, is more anti-Semitic and at the same time more pro-Zionist than the Christian Fundamentalists  (see American Jews Reject Zionism’s anti-Semitic Christian Friends).

This should not surprise anyone.  Historically Zionism was the offshoot of  messianic and evangelical Christianity - people like Lords Shaftesbury, Disraeli, Palmerstone as well as Napoleon and Ernest Laharanne, Napoleon III's Secretary and of course Arthur James Balfour.  The most vigorous opponents of Zionism were Jews, who saw Zionism as another (Jewish) version of anti-Semitism.  When Herzl, founder of Political Zionism, wanted to hold the First Zionist Congress, he wanted to hold it in Munich, but the local Jewish community and a petition of Jewish rabbis forced him to hold it in Basel, Switzerland.  Likewise the only member of the Lloyd George Cabinet to vote against the Balfour Declaration was its only Jewish member, Sir Edwin Montagu (though Lord Curzon was none too happy about it either).  People like George Elliot in Daniel Deronda romanticised it in a crude pastiche of cardboard characters of Jews.

If you wanted to get rid of the Jews in your society, what better place than to send them to than a  colony adjacent to the Suez Canal, the route to the Jewel in the Crown of the British Empire, India.

This was what was done in South Africa, where under the influence of ideologues such as Edward  Gibbon Wakefield 

Today the most devoted supporter of Zionism are the Christian Dispensationists who believe in the 'return' of the Jews to Palestine in order that they might then be subject to an almighty conflagration in order that the Elect might wing their way to heaven with the joys of Rapture.

Cross-post from Corporate Watch

Sign for Christian Friends of Israeli Communities in the illegal Israeli settlement Ma’ale Efrayim.

Charity’ and Ethnic Cleansing: Christian Friends of Israeli Communities

Posted on March 8, 2013 by Tom Anderson and Therezia Cooper

Corporate Watch has previously reported on the role that Zionist charities play in the support of illegal settlements and a recent research trip provided more evidence of this practice. On 21st January 2013 Corporate Watch researchers photographed a sign stating that Christian Friends of Israeli Communities (CFOIC) had donated a playground in Ma’ale Efrayim, an illegal settlement with a population of around 1400 in the occupied Jordan Valley.

Signs of expansion of the fields by the illegal settlement Maskiot in the Jordan Valley, 2013
Christian Friends of Israeli Communities is an ideologically Zionist charity which supports the settlements for religious reasons. Set up in 1995 in response to the Oslo Accords, it exclusively supports settler projects and actively encourages tourism to the settlements in the West Bank. Reading through the list of projects the charity is currently fundraising for, it becomes obvious that a lot of them are chosen for strategic reasons. For instance, there are a growing number of projects instigated in the Jordan Valley which is an area under threat of ethnic cleansing by the Israeli military. Whilst their projects in the valley might sound harmless enough – they include petting zoos, gyms and youth clubs – the aims are not. In the pitch for donations to the Argaman youth centre the charity states that “Argaman, like many of the Jordan Valley communities, is vital in securing Israel’s eastern border”. To encourage their potential donors to give generously to an exercise room in the settlement of Na’ama CFOIC writes “In Israel, physical fitness is a way of life, just as serving in the army and protecting the land is. Naama is seeking assistance to furnish an exercise room to help their young adults to stay physically fit and be ready for military service”. There are also appeals for donations to pay for security services to the settlements. The charity does not recognise the West Bank, which it refers to as “Judea and Samaria”.
Armed settlers from the illegal settlement of Maskiot setting up a tent on Palestinian land.
There are at least thirteen different projects currently being planned by CFOIC in the Jordan Valley. CFOIC is also fundraising for other settlements next to particularly threatened Palestinian communities including Kfar Adumim, the expansion of which is forcibly displacing the Jahalin Bedouin of Khan Al Ahmar, and Susiya settlement, which is threatening the existence of the Palestinian village of the same name in the South Hebron Hills.
Christian Friends of Israeli Communities donated olive field by Maskiot settlement in 2010.
Charities which support settlements have a very real impact on Palestinian communities on the ground. The first time Corporate Watch came across CFOIC was on a visit to the settlement of Maskiot in 2010. Maskiot was the first new settlement to be approved by the Israeli Government in the Jordan Valley for a decade, and most of the settlers moving in were ideological settlers who used to live in the Gush Katif settlement in Gaza. CFOIC had donated a field of olive trees to the settlement. Since 2010 the Bedouin communities in Al Maleh, next to Maskiot, have suffered constant harassment by the Maskiot settlers and faced numerous home demolitions and threats by the Israeli Occupation Forces as Israel are tightening their grip on the land.

Armed settlers from the illegal settlement of Maskiot setting up a tent on Palestinian land.

Visiting the area again in January this year, it was clear that Maskiot had expanded since our last visit, with the entry gate moved forward significantly and evidence of more fields being planted.

Corporate Watch will publish another article with more news about Christian Friends of Israeli Communities next week.

US Plots Conquest of Venezuela in Wake of Chavez' Death


US State Department Paper

Leopoldo Lopez

Following my post Hugo Chavez RIP– Death of a Revolutionary Nationalist and Socialist Leader on the death of Hugo Chavez and the reaction of US President Obama, who promised to support ‘democracy’ in Venezuela (eradication of poverty and corruption is never democratic and certainly not a challenge to free-market policies) whilst not having a word to say in condolences, we have seen a mass outpouring of national grief. 

Of course the BBC has concentrated on the reactions of the US supported opposition who would like to get their mits on the oil wealth of Venezuela, but then the BBC has always been a faithful supporter of US foreign policy.
John P Holdren
The article below suggests that the US is actively plotting to use the death of Hugo Chavez in order to conquer by coup Venezuela.  We should not be surprised at these reports.  The ‘war against drugs’ in Central America has long been used as a way of supporting death squads and wiping out peasant leaders and reversing land reform.

Tony Greenstein

US Plots Conquest of Venezuela in Wake of Chavez' Death

By Tony Cartalucci

March 07, 2013 "Information Clearing House" -   (LD) - US corporate-financier funded think-tank, the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), declared in its "post-Chávez checklist for US policymakers,"   that the US must move quickly to reorganize Venezuela according to US interests. Upon its checklist were "key demands":
John M Deutch
The ouster of narco-kingpins who now hold senior posts in government
The respect for a constitutional succession
The adoption of meaningful electoral reforms to ensure a fair campaign environment and a transparent vote count in expected presidential elections; and
The dismantling of Iranian and Hezbollah networks in Venezuela

In reality, AEI is talking about dismantling entirely the obstacles that have prevented the US and the corporate-financier interests that direct it, from installing a client regime and extracting entirely Venezuela's wealth while obstructing, even dismantling the progress and geopolitical influence achieved by the late President Hugo Chavez throughout South America and beyond.
John P Holdren
The AEI "checklist" continues by stating:

Now is the time for US diplomats to begin a quiet dialogue with key regional powers to explain the high cost of Chávez’s criminal regime, including the impact of chavista complicity with narcotraffickers who sow mayhem in Colombia, Central America, and Mexico. Perhaps then we can convince regional leaders to show solidarity with Venezuelan democrats who want to restore a commitment to the rule of law and to rebuild an economy that can be an engine for growth in South America.

Of course, by "Venezuelan democrats," AEI means Wall Street-backed  proxies like Henrique Capriles Radonski and his Primero Justicia (Justice First) political front, two entities the Western media is already gearing up to support ahead of anticipated elections.
West Has Positioned Proxies to Strip Venezuela to the Bones After Chavez' Passing

Primero Justicia (Justice First) was co-founded by Leopoldo Lopez and Julio Borges, who like Radonski, have been backed for nearly a decade by the US State Department. Primero Justicia and the network of foreign-funded NGOs that support it have been recipients of both direct and indirect foreign support for at least just as long.

Image: US State Department document (archived) http://www.scribd.com/doc/109310143/Ven-Us-State-Dept-138014 illustrating the role National Endowment for Democracy (NED)-funded NGOs play in supporting US-backed opposition figures in Venezuela. The US regularly fails to transparently list who is included in extensive funding NED provides opposition groups in Venezeula, so documents like this give a rare glimpse into the names and dynamics actually involved. As was suspected, NED money is going into networks providing support for current presidential candidate, Henrique Capriles Radonski.  In this particular document, NED-funded Sumate's legal trouble is described in relation to its attempted defense of Radonski. At the time this document was written, Radonski was in jail pending trial for his role in facilitating the 2002 US-backed failed coup against President Hugo Chavez. The document may still be online at the US State Department's official website here
Paul Volker
All three co-founders are US educated - Radonski having attended New York's Columbia University (Spanish), Julio Borges attending Boston College and Oxford (Spanish), and Leopoldo Lopez who attended the Harvard Kennedy School of Government (KSG) , of which he is considered an alumni of.

The Harvard Kennedy School, which hosts the notorious Belfer Center, includes the following faculty and alumni of  Lopez, co-founder of the current US-backed opposition in Venezuela:

John P. Holdren, Samantha Power, Lawrence Summers, Robert Zoellick, (all as faculty), as well as Ban Ki-Moon ('84), Paul Volcker ('51), Robert Kagan ('91), Bill O'Reilly ('96), Klaus Schwab ('67), and literally hundreds of senators, ambassadors, and administrators of Wall Street and London's current global spanning international order. Harvard's Kennedy School of Government (KSG) is clearly one of several universities that form the foundation of both creating corporate-financier driven globalist-international policy, as well as cultivating legions of administrators to execute it.

To understand fully the implications of Lopez' education it helps to understand the leadership and principles guiding Harvard's mission statements, best exemplified by KSG' Belfer Center, which to this day, lends its public support  to Lopez and his Primero Justicia opposition party.

Image: John P. Holdren (bearded, left), an advocate for population reduction through forced sterilization overseen by a "planetary regime," is just one of many "colorful" characters to be found within the halls of Harvard's Kennedy School of Government from which Primero Justicia co-founder Leopoldo Lopez of Venezuela graduated. To this day, KSG provides forums in support of US-backed opposition bids at seizing power in Venezuela.

Named after Robert Belfer of the Belco Petroleum Corporation and later, director of the failed Enron Corporation, the Belfer Center describes itself as being "the hub of the Harvard Kennedy School's research, teaching, and training in international security affairs, environmental and resource issues, and science and technology policy." Robert Belfer still sits in as an International Council Member. http://belfercenter.ksg.harvard.edu/about/international-council.html

Belfer's director, Graham Allison provides an example of self-serving corporatism steering US policy. He was a founder of the Trilateral Commission, a director of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a consultant to the RAND Corporation, Director of the Getty Oil Company, Natixis, Loomis Sayles, Hansberger, Taubman Centers, Inc., and Belco Oil and Gas, as well as a member of the advisory boards of Chase Bank, Chemical Bank, Hydro-Quebec, and the shady International Energy Corporation, all according to his official Belfer Center bio.

Other questionable personalities involved as Belfer alumnus are Goldman Sachs, CFR member, and former-World Bank president Robert Zoellick. Sitting on the board of directors is CFR member and former Goldman Sachs consultant, Ashton Carter. There is also former director of Citigroup and Raytheon, former Director of Central Intelligence and CFR member John Deutch, who required a pardon by Clinton to avoid prosecution over a breach of security while fumbling his duties at the CIA. Meanwhile, Nathaniel Rothschild  of Atticus Capital and RIT Capital Partners, Paul Volcker of the Federal Reserve, and former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff   all serve as Belfer Center's "advisers."
Michael Chertoff
Last but not least, there is John P. Holdren, also a Council on Foreign Relations member, science adviser to both President Clinton and President Obama, and co-author with Paul Ehrilich, of the now notorious "Ecoscience."   When Holdren isn't brand-building for "Climate Disruption," he is dreaming of a Malthusian fueled totalitarian global government that forcibly sterilizes the world's population. He feared, erroneously, that overpopulation would be the end of humanity. He claimed in his hubris filled, fact deficient book, "The No Growth Society,"   that by the year 2040, the United States would have a dangerously unsustainable population of 280 million he called "much too many." The current US population is over 300 million, and despite reckless leadership and policies, it is still sustainable.

One could argue that Lopez' education is in his past, independent of his current political activities, however, the interests driving the agenda of the Belfer Center are demonstrably still backing his Primero Justicia party's bid for seizing power in Venezuela. Lopez, Radonski, and Borges are to this day still receiving substantial funding and support through NGO networks funded directly by the US State Department's National Endowment for Democracy, and is clearly favored by the Western press. Furthermore, the CFR , Heritage Foundation, and other corporate-financier driven think-tanks have all come out in support of Radonski and Primero Justicia, in their bid to "restore democracy" American-style in Venezuela.

With Chavez' passing, the names of these opposition figures will become mainstays of Western reporting ahead of anticipated elections the West is eager to have held - elections the West is well positioned to manipulate in favor of Lopez, Radonski, and Borges.

Whatever one may have thought about Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and his policies, he nationalized his nation's oil, forcing out foreign multinational corporations, diversified his exports to reduce dependency on Western markets (with US exports at a 9 year low), and had openly opposed corporate-financier neo-imperialism across the globe. He was an obstruction to Western hegemony - an obstruction that has provoked overt, depraved jubilation from his opponents upon his death.

And while many critics are quick to claim President Chavez' policies are a "failure," it would be helpful to remember that the US, on record, has arrayed its vast resources both overtly and covertly against the Venezuelan people over the years to ensure that any system outside the West's sphere of influence inevitably fails.

Dark Days Ahead

 Dark days indeed lay ahead for Venezuela, with the AEI "checklist" foreshadowing an "uprising," stating:

As Venezuelan democrats wage that struggle against chavismo, regional leaders must make clear that Syria-style repression will never be tolerated in the Americas. We should defend the right of Venezuelans to struggle democratically to reclaim control of their country and its future. Only Washington can make clear to Chinese, Russian, Iranian, and Cuban leaders that, yes, the United States does mind if they try to sustain an undemocratic and hostile regime in Venezuela. Any attempt to suppress their self-determination with Chinese cash, Russian arms, Iranian terrorists, or Cuban thuggery will be met with a coordinated regional response.

US military contractors and special forces had been caught operating in and around Venezuela.  Just as there were warning signs in Syria years before the 2011 conflict began, the US' intentions of provoking bloodshed and regime change in Venezuela stretch back as far as 2002. Just as Syria is now facing a Western-engineered proxy war, Venezuela will too, with the AEI already declaring US plans to wage a Syria-style proxy war in South America.

The AEI also reminds readers of the West's faux-human rights, "economic development," and "democracy promotion" racket Hugo Chavez had ejected from Venezuela and displaced across parts of South America, and the West's desire to reestablish it:

US development agencies should work with friends in the region to form a task force of private sector representatives, economists, and engineers to work with Venezuelans to identify the economic reforms, infrastructure investments, security assistance, and humanitarian aid that will be required to stabilize and rebuild that country. Of course, the expectation will be that all the costs of these activities will be borne by an oil sector restored to productivity and profitability.

Finally, we need to work with like-minded nations to reinvigorate regional organizations committed to democracy, human rights, anti-drug cooperation, and hemispheric solidarity, which have been neutered by Chávez’s destructive agenda.

 As the US openly funds, arms, and backs Al Qaeda in Syria, conducts global renditions, operates an international archipelago of torture dungeons, and is only now wrapping up a decade of subjugation and mass murder in Iraq and Afghanistan that is still claiming lives and jeopardizing the future of millions to this day, it is difficult to discern just who the AEI's target audience is. It is most likely those who can read between the lines - the corporate-financier vultures waiting for the right moment to strip Venezuela to the bone.

The fate of Venezuela lies in its people's hands. Covert destabilization must be faced by the Venezuelan people, while the alternative media must do its best to unravel the lies already being spun ahead of long-planned operations in "post-Chavez Venezuela." For the rest of us, we must  identify the corporate-financier interests  driving this agenda, - interests we most likely patronize on a daily basis, and both boycott and permanently replace them to erode the unwarranted influence they have used, and will continue to use against the Venezuelan people, as well as people across the globe.

Dangerous Liaisons: The Clash between Islamism and Zionism


Dangerous Liaisons: The Clash between Islamism and Zionism

Rumy Hasan, New Generation Publishing

 I am delighted to announce the publishing by New Generation Publishing of Dangerous Liaisons: The Clash between Islamism and Zionism by Rumy Hasan, a good friend and member of Brighton & Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign and also an original member of BRICUP, the organisation which launched the aca demic boycott of Israel's universities.

Below are some of the recommendations for this book which I intend to review for a journal.

Tony Greenstein

Rumy Hasan

In this follow up to the acclaimed Multiculturalism: Some Inconvenient Truths, Rumy Hasan, who is an academic at Sussex University, examines a little explored but extremely important issue that has profound global implications.  A fresh look at the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, as it is shaped to become the iconic clash between a colonizing, aggressive Zionism and the Islamic states and cultures which surround it – a timely, broadbased and rich analysis of the civilizational conflict affecting people the world over, from the ‘War on Terror’ to the complications of a multicultural Europe.

A highly-recommended, fascinating and rewarding read on a little understood aspect of modern politics
Prof Haim Bresheeth, SOAS, University of London

A signpost to realities about the clash between Islamism and Zionism, Rumy Hasan’s Dangerous
Liaisons is important reading for those of us, reflecting on the chilling prospect of senior Israeli
figures contemplating – a vital word – launching a pre-emptive strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities, with incalculable consequences.
Tam Dalyell, MP West Lothian 1962-2005; Father of the House of Commons 2001-2005

A riveting tale, full of irony, and told in a true story-teller’s way
Terry Jones, writer, director, and Python

Rumy Hasan’s thorough analysis of the tensions between Islamism and Zionism is very welcome
and should be widely circulated. It should be compulsory reading for our political leaders who
seem to have no idea just how dangerous is their policy of unconditional support for Israel
Baroness Jenny Tonge

Paperback available (£9.99; $15.99)
Order now from book outlets worldwide
Review copies available on request – contact details below
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The United States Sentences Lynn Stewart to Death for defending a client


Dying of Breast Cancer Lynn Stewart is Rearrested and Surgery Terminated

Lynne Stewart has devoted her life to the oppressed – a constant advocate for the countless many deprived in the United States of their freedom and their rights.

Unjustly charged and convicted for the “crime” of providing her client with a fearless defense, the prosecution of Lynne Stewart is an assault upon the basic freedoms of us all.

After years of post-conviction freedom, her bail was revoked arbitrarily and her imprisonment ordered, precluding surgery she had scheduled in a major New York hospital.

The sinister meaning of the relentless persecution of Lynne Stewart is unmistakably clear. Given her age and precarious health, the ten-year sentence she is serving is a virtual death sentence.

Since her imprisonment in the Federal Prison in Carswell, Texas her urgent need for surgery was delayed 18 months – so long, that the operating physician pronounced the condition as “the worst he had seen.”

Now, breast cancer, which had been in remission prior to her imprisonment, has reached Stage Four. It has appeared in her lymph nodes, on her shoulder, in her bones and her lungs.

Her daughter, a physician, has sounded the alarm: “Under the best of circumstances, Lynne would be in a battle of the most serious consequences with dangerous odds. With cancer and cancer treatment, the complications can be as debilitating and as dangerous as the cancer itself.”

In her current setting, where trips to physicians involve attempting to walk with 10 pounds of shackles on her wrists and ankles, with connecting chains, Lynne Stewart has lacked ready access to physicians and specialists under conditions compatible with medical success.

It can take weeks to see a medical provider in prison conditions. It can take weeks to report physical changes and learn the results of treatment; and when held in the hospital, Lynne has been shackled wrist and ankle to the bed.

This medieval “shackling” has little to do with any appropriate prison control. She is obviously not an escape risk.

We demand abolition of this practice for all prisoners, let alone those facing surgery and the urgent necessity of care and recovery.

It amounts to cruel and unusual punishment, in violation of human rights.
There is immediate remedy available for Lynne Stewart. Under the 1984 Sentencing Act, after a prisoner request, the Bureau of Prisons can file a motion with the Court to reduce sentences “for extraordinary and compelling reasons.” Life threatening illness is foremost among these and Lynne Stewart meets every rational and humane criterion for compassionate release.

To misconstrue the gravamen of this compassionate release by conditioning such upon being at death’s door – released, if at all, solely to die – is a cruel mockery converting a prison sentence, wholly undeserved, into a death sentence.

The New York Times, in an editorial (2/12), has excoriated the Bureau of Prisons for their restrictive crippling of this program. In a 20-year period, the Bureau released a scant 492 persons – an average of 24 a year out of a population that exceeds 220,000.

We cry out against the bureaucratic murder of Lynne Stewart.

We demand Lynne Stewart’s immediate release to receive urgent medical care in a supportive environment indispensable to the prospect of her survival and call upon the Bureau of Prisons to act immediately.

If Lynne’s original sentence of 28 months had not been unreasonably, punitively increased to 10 years, she would be home now — where her medical care would be by her choice and where those who love her best would care for her. Her isolation from this loving care would end.

Prevent this cruelty to Lynne Stewart whose lifelong commitment to justice is now a struggle for her life.

Free Lynne Stewart Now!

Ralph Poynter and Family

Latest from Lynne

February 5th, 2013

2/3/13; 9:00 am

Family, Friends, Comrades, Supporters All,

I have been reminded of the need to update my message now that the Cancer is confirmed and we are about to start treatment.  This is definitely Bad news but somehow in the toxic climate in which prisons in particular, but the whole country operates, I am determined that it can be beaten.

Factually, when I went (finally) for the hysterectomy in June of last year, a routine chest X ray showed a spot on my lung.  Further Pet scans, sonograms, biopsies revealed (as of September) that there was my old Breast cancer back in my lymph node (armpit) and lung.  In January another Pet scan revealed that both lungs are involved as is my scapula (maybe).  So now we are working on a treatment.  I am fond of and have faith in my doctor–a young woman Oncologist.  Other medicos have concurred in that opinion. The treatment (Chemo, pills, shots not necessarily in that order) will be given to me in Fort Worth at a hospital called The Center, part of one of the big places here. There are Problems :

1. It Ain’t New York City with Sloan Kettering or New York Hospital where I was originally treated.  Cutting Edge Places –excuse the pun !
2.  All things in Prison move VERY slowly, as you can see by the history here.  it’s now February and I have had two sets of shots, estrogen related.
3. I am still transported and held in leg irons, belly chain and cuffs for each of these trips.  The guards are not unkind but of course, follow orders.It is most difficult to say the least.

Let me assure you all, though, that I am feeling good and have a high level of energy.  This may change but so far so good.  I do need a nap every afternoon but my doddering old age may have something to do with that !

We Might Have to Call on All you Folks if we decide to take action to Try and force the Bureau of Prisons/Department of Justice to ameliorate conditions etc.  Stay tuned to the website.  Ralph and our daughter, Dr.Zenobia Brown did an excellent program on WBAI( Sally O’Brien’s show)  and Dr. Z as we call her also went on with Bob Lederer.  These are archived.  My good friends and comrades, Mya Schon and Ralph Schoenman, along with Ralph also did a great show on Taking Aim, a web broadcast that has been distributed widely on the net.  I am hoping that my electronic geniuses can hook those up to this site. From the heart –all of this work and running both ways–them to me and me to them !!

Meanwhile, it is dreary in Texas.  I will soon be sharing with you our petition for Cert to the Supremes and the outlook there–also dreary !!

I urge all of you to carry on our work politically.  Now More than Ever, all able bodied and those less so, need to be out there harassing the enemy and organizing the People, Yes!

Love Struggle,

For more information, go to

Sign petition here

Write to Lynne Stewart at:
Lynne Stewart #53504-054

Federal Medical Center, Carswell
PO Box 27137
Fort Worth, TX 76127
Joe Keffer, Warden, Federal Medical Center, Carswell
Charles E. Samuels, Jr., Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons

I urge the Bureau of Prisons to file the appropriate motion for Compassionate Release for Lynne Stewart #53504-054.

Lynne Stewart has devoted her life to the oppressed – a constant advocate for the countless many deprived in the United States of their freedom and their rights.

Unjustly charged and convicted for the “crime” of providing her client with a fearless defense, the prosecution of Lynne...

Women’s Liberation & Class Oppression - Camilla Power


The SWP and the Personal is Political

I received, out of the blue, an article (see below) from Camilla Power, a socialist Darwinian anthropologist in her words and a feminist.

The trigger for the article was the decision by the Socialist Workers Party Central Committee to protect the reputation of one of their own, former National Secretary Martin Smith.  An allegation by a woman member that she had been repeatedly raped by him was referred to a Disputes Committee, 5 of whose 7 members, were or had been members of the same CC.  Even the worst examples of bourgeois democracy accept that a jury of one’s peers does not mean one’s mates.  Apparently a second allegation of rape against a senior party member has been made according to the article below.  In addition a woman alleging sexual harassment against Smith (‘Comrade Delta’) had her allegations dismissed by the same Disputes Committee with just one member, the Chair Pat Stack voting that the allegation was in his view proven.  Pat has since come under a lot of personal attack for his decision.

Even more outrageously the woman alleging sexual harassment has been suspended from work in the SWP office.  If a capitalist employer did this they would be facing claims of sexual harassment and victimisation.  However different values operate for the SWP.

For a more in depth coverage see SWP Crisis Over Cover-up of Rape & Sexual Harassment Allegations against former National Secretary Martin Smith  Gilad Atzmon Rides to the ‘Rescue’ of Martin Smith and the SWP leadership.

But recalling Chris Knight’s summation of Camilla Power’s argument, that the clash between men and women is itself a form of class struggle made me take issue with the article submitted.  We have since conducted an e-mail dialogue, which has been friendly and comradely but unless Camilla agrees to it, will remain private.  But some of the things I said during the course of that debate including my first response are, I believe very relevant.  I wrote:
Chris Knight - founder of the Radical Anthropology Group


I will post your article, with an introduction from me, but I do disagree with a number of fundamentals of your article.

It seems to posit the relationship between men and women as between different classes, which is certainly how Chris Knight used to articulate it within Labour Briefing when I first came across your name.  I see it somewhat differently.  Women are the most oppressed section of the working class.  Equally ruling class women or White women in South Africa or Israeli women see the 'feminist' fight.
A good example of this is the maiden speech of Merav Michaeli, a newly-elected member of the Israeli Labour Party.  She is an explicit feminist but her feminism is to demand equality in the right to oppress others.

I don't know any socialists who would articulate that rape isn't a political issue.  Clearly it is a product of power relations between men and women, the same kind of power relations which led the white trailer trash of the US South to see Blacks as their enemies rather than the Planters.

Everyone carries something from a kill site back to camp. For Kapala, it's the kudu's head atop his own. His group, composed of extended family and friends, will feast until all the meat is gone.
The issue in the SWP isn't primarily about the question of women, that is its surface manifestation.  It relates to a self-elected oligarchy, male as one would expect in this society, who are determined to maintain their power, such as it is.  The fundamental problem is one of democracy and it is no accident that some of the most ardent supporters of Martin Smith are SWP women.  Therefore I think Tom Walker is wrong and in his reactions to the behaviour of the SWP CC has reacted by seeing its anti-feminism as the root cause.

Nor can I agree that the single greatest failure of the Marxist tradition has been its inability to develop Marx and Engels' analysis of sex and class.  I suspect it is the failure to overthrow capitalism!
You also say that 'Marxist feminists most often have aligned themselves with a tradition which effectively ignored Marx's own discussion of sex, treating Engels’ ‘Origin of the Family’ as embarrassing and indefensible. They tow the line that the class struggle was primary, while the ‘politics of the personal’ was an irrelevant side-issue.'

Well people are of course entitled to change their political positions but when I was effectively expelled from Labour Briefing some 20+ years ago, apart from the question of Zionist Feminism which the feminists around Chris Knight were sympathetic to, they were also uniformly hostile to Engel's 'Origin of the Family and one in particular, a particular conceited academic Stevie Jackson, insisted that there had never been any such thing as matrilineal relations. 

I point the above out not to score points but to emphasise the real contradictions in the political positions you are arguing for.  The personal is not always political, on the contrary they can be resolute opposites.  I oppose private medicine but if I have a choice of buying an operation that will save my life I will choose the latter.  There are many other concessions we make to existing society despite our principles precisely because we live under capitalism.  Moral purity isn't always an option.  In matters of sexual relations the personal is not always political.  I'm surprised that you repeat this fatuous slogan so uncritically.  I often find myself arguing against Men Against Sexism groups who equate the domestic violence women experience with that which men experience.  I argued, again in Briefing, that the self-organisation of men was the self-organisation of the oppressor but who was most in favour of such an idea?  Chris Knight!  He may have done some sterling work but his political positions have been little short of disastrous.

I might add, that my clashes and effective expulsion from Labour Briefing came over the back page 'Street Life Politics' of 'feminists such as Sara Roeloff (a racist according to the Black women who worked with her) and one Jane Stockton.  Apart from their Zionist sympathies they printed an article in one issue which equated being Black with Rape, one of the worst racist calumnies (Scotsborough Boys) of imperialism - the sexual power of the Black/Jewish etc. men.

I realise that you are in no way responsible for Chris Knight's positions politically though you are clearly close to him politically and academically and given your thesis below I thought I should make my own criticisms clear as I will in the introduction.

Having corresponded with Camilla I don’t think our positions are in fact that different but maybe my major bone of contention is the slogan that ‘the personal is political’ which was the radical feminist masthead (and not only them).

Of course how you treat people, how men treat women or children, should reflect the kind of society you want to see.  Someone who talks of liberation and beats their children or beats their partner up is no socialist.  Just as someone who uses the ‘n’ word or who justifies Apartheid (Israeli or South African) is no socialist though there have been many people who defended both and did exactly that.  But there are also contradictions as well.

For example I support the right of all people to a roof over their head but that doesn’t mean I’m prepared to share my house with Brighton’s homeless!  I give the example above of the fact that I’m opposed to private medicine but if it was a choice of paying for an operation or dying then I’d choose the former.  I’m opposed to private education but two of my children went to one of Britain’s most famous public schools (albeit on a 100% scholarship!).  In other words the personal can also be in direct contradiction to the political.

Another example makes it even clearer. In this society are women oppressed by men, albeit differentially?  The answer is of course yes.  The average wage of a woman is less than that of a man for the same work.  The most common form of discrimination in my view, as someone experienced in representing claimants in employment tribunals, is pregnancy discrimination.  If I have time one day I will write up some of my cases such as the woman who was refused a chair to sit on when she was pregnant.  When she went off sick and went away for a few days the boss rang up her (ex) boyfriend who told him she wasn’t returning.  She was then summarily dismissed without so much as a letter.  Unfortunately (for the boss that is) he thought it best to prove he had dismissed her fairly by forging a letter of dismissal which was just the kind of evidence I was looking for!

But is it therefore true all men oppress all women in relationships.  Can one extrapolate so?  Is the woman who uses domestic violence against her partner oppressed by him?  Is the guy who is sacked by his female boss, the real oppressor.  Or as the above Sarah Roeloffs once remarked in a Briefing meeting, violence is male and therefore the violence of the miners was male violence!  Is the female Israeli settler who helps burn an olive grove and fires a tear gas canister at a Palestinian man nonetheless oppressed by him?  Clearly not.

During the late ‘80’s and 90s, much of ‘socialist’ feminism jack-knifed into New Labour.  Yet this was not such a great leap as the commitment to socialism had always been far less important than the mantras of feminism.  Mantras such as the radical feminist slogan that rape is the theory, porn is the practice.  A nonsensical mantra because rape existed long before pornography.  It was one of the trophies of war carried out by males.  It was an expression of power not fantasy or lust.

I myself had personal experiences of two incidents, one of which I mentioned in a letter to Weekly Worker, which was a false allegation of rape.  It was in the early 1980’s when I was still a student and, as students do, had a one night stand with Tracy Logan, a member of the Socialist Students Alliance, an organisation co-founded by the International Marxist Group.  There is no reason why the names of those who make false accusations should be kept private.  I later found out that she had justified our brief encounter by saying she had been raped.  The fact that she had removed her tampon to have intercourse and had threatened to leave if I wanted to go to the Polytechnic’s Basement Club, was presumably immaterial.  Yet she said nothing in public until elections for the Sussex NUS Chairperson were held.  I backed the former President and independent member of the Polytechnic, Martin Jeremiah and I canvassed all day at Sussex University.  Come the night of the election, Martin won and Tracey lost even at Sussex.  She then accused me of rape to which I responded that she had had 3 days of canvassing in which to make that accusation and she had only done it out of disappointment at having lost.  From then on I heard nothing but the memory of it has stuck because it told me that some of those who were active and vocal feminists also had another agenda.

But perhaps the incident which most troubled me, in terms of the sincerity of many of thos who claimed to be feminists, was that of a Brighton IMG member, Jane Connor.  Jane lived in the same Labour Party ward as I did and so too did a number of other Briefing members.  These were the days of the ascendancy of the Left in the Labour Party and in Brighton the Left was in the ascendancy for longer than most other areas.  In 1992 the Party was suspended after the Leader of the Council Steve (now Lord) Bassam (with whom I’d squatted when I came to Brighton!) pleaded with the National Executive to close the party down as it was instructing him and fellow councillors to do things like not impose a poll tax!  Bassam at the time I was expelled was still a Briefing member!

On a few occasions, Jane, despite being an out lesbian, had made physical advances to me which I had brushed off with some embarrassment.  I hadn’t raised it with her because I felt it was embarrassing and she was about 8 years younger than me. This was despite the fact that a young woman at Sussex University who was a lesbian had left Briefing because of much more overt and explicit sexual harassment.  At the end of a Queens Park Ward meeting 4 of us in Briefing, 3 men and Jane, went back to my place for a drink and smoke.  One of the men left, the other one crashed out downstairs and Jane stayed on in my room till I said I was too tired to seduce her (I can still remember the exact words!).

The next thing I knew was when, at a National Labour Briefing meeting, the two feminists with whom I had had political conflicts over the Street Life-Personal Politics age of Briefing, raised in a discussion, out of the blue, without any warning, that I had sexually harassed a young woman comrade whom they named.

Naturally I was pretty pissed off at the way senior and more experienced feminists had used a conversation with Jane, in order to win a political point that they could not otherwise achieve.  In fact, even in the guilt-loaded Briefing, their behaviour was deemed outrageous.  I had had no warning of the accusation, the permission of Jane had not been sought apparently and in any event the alleged incident(s) had simply not occurred.  I also made the point that most if not all left men were at some stage guilty of sexual harassment if only for the simple reason that we don’t live in a society of telepathy of equal sexual relations.

To an extent this has changed to some extent with a more vibrant younger generation of women who are less afraid to talk about sex as opposed to sexuality and who are more upfront.  Having a young daughter I can testify to this but the lesson I concluded out of this is that the slogan ‘the personal is political’ is a double-edged sword.

Having said this I hope you enjoy Camilla’s interesting and though provoking essay.

Tony Greenstein

‘Feminism is a Dirty Word’. Whatwould Marx and Engels think today?

by Camilla Power (Radical Anthropology Group)

Camilla Power - Senior Lecturer at the University of East London
This article takes ‘dinosaur marxists’ to task for refusing to treat rape as a deeply political issue. The author looks at events in the SWP, RMT and across the British left in the light of what Marx and Engels – so often invoked by these ‘dinosaurs’ – wrote about sex and its connection with class.

Bursting like a bombshell over this article as first drafted have been accusations of domestic violence by one RMT comrade against another. The accused man is a prominent class-fighting activist. The woman victim, who took the case to the police, accuses the RMT of failing to support her, and a specific Union officer of ‘victim-blaming’ by proposing that she ‘beat herself up’. On International Women’s Day 2013, she published photographs of her bruised face, while, ironically, the RMT published a model Domestic Violence Policy for the workplace.

This case confronts every revolutionary activist and will be a stern test for the RMT union as to how it implements its own policy. Unlike the SWP, the RMT have some apparatus of women’s conferences, women’s sections and advisory committees. Will they prove equal to the task of resisting the patriarchal institutional bias of disbelieving the woman who dares to come forward? Their document pays all the right lip service. Will the RMT demonstrate zero tolerance of this behaviour? No person can be a class fighter and commit such violent outrages. The very actions are politically divisive and undermine revolutionary class struggle itself.

Feminism has long been a dirty word in the SWP. In his brave account, former ‘Socialist Worker’ journalist Tom Walker describes how the male-dominated Central Committee closed ranks with Comrade Delta when a young female comrade was pressured into dropping a rape allegation. When asked what is at the centre of the crisis, what’s the hidden agenda, Walker responds: ‘There isn’t one….It really is about rape, the crisis in the SWP. Specifically the appalling treatment of a young woman who made an allegation of rape against the party’s de facto leader’.(1)

The Guardian online (Mar 9) reports a second alleged rape and cover-up by the SWP, detailing systemic abuse of young women members.(2) The victim claims she was told the alleged rapist was going to be suspended and encouraged to read up on women's liberation. ‘They said, if you go around calling him a rapist, you'll be in trouble. If you tell anyone, you'll be in trouble … They didn't elaborate. They're not the kind of people to get on the wrong side of.’

In a March 3 podcast (3) offered by a leading male comrade of the Communist Party of Great Britain, feminism is again identified as the problem. Jack Conrad laments that the issue splitting the SWP appears so ‘trivial’ (listen from around 20 mins in) and the arguments apolitical. He hastily corrects himself that of course ‘rape is not a trivial issue’, but in his view it’s still not a political issue, so hardly worth splitting over.

It would seem that feminism is a dangerous contagion threatening to infect all these Marxist sects with their privileged knowledge of the sacred scripts. Feminists of all hues, bourgeois and revolutionary, will insist that violence and sexual abuse in all circumstances be brought to account. It is the State’s dream to have key organisers of the RMT or even the SWP brought to answer sex charges before a bourgeois court. But the whole of the socialist left currently has no apparatus that remotely provides any means of independent investigation into such serious crimes against the person. It is a matter of revolutionary culture and consciousness to begin to develop alternative systems of justice. Have we got any chance of doing so if rape itself is not considered by marxists a political issue?

As a direct-action, anarcho-marxist, feminist and Darwinian anthropologist – which makes me a somewhat untypical leftist – I am writing on International Women’s Day, 96th anniversary of the start of Russia’s February revolution. And I’m holding my head in my hands. Do these marxist sectlets seriously imagine they are going to improve their 85 to 15 per cent male/female gender ratio by putting out this message like a broken record?  ‘Women comrades, forget you’re female, join your struggle with the workers… Yes, you may be doubly oppressed as mothers and houseworkers – but just put your faith in the revolution, dears, and patriarchy will come out in the wash!’

Isn’t it time these comrades of both sexes stuck their heads out of their caves, scented the air and smelt the decreptitude of late capitalist patriarchy? Haven’t they noticed all these catholic priests, cardinals, BBC apologists for paedophile rings, Lib Dem chief executives, RMT and SWP key organisers accused of violence and sex crimes – exposed because victims increasingly will not shut up to maintain alpha-male offenders in positions to which they have become accustomed? The victims have been women, men and children. But in all these cases, ancient Neolithic hierarchies of gender are being deeply challenged, and not just in Europe but across the world.

But even beyond the headline-grabbing collapse in respect for patriarchy, isn’t it time that marxists apprehended the real crisis in concrete conditions underlying the banker bailout austerity programme? This is undeniably a gendered crisis of working women, who can’t manage any more to pay the rent, find childcare and go to work; while mothers are being pressed onto the job market, under threat of loss of benefits, and deportation wholesale with children to poorer accommodation hundreds of miles from their homes and schools. The crisis in housing itself compels more women to put up with abusive partners as they simply have nowhere else to go.

Even ‘The Guardian’s’ Seumas Milne writes of the ‘historic shift of women moving left of men’,(4) as women pay disproportionately for the banker’s crisis. The lower-paid, part-time and casual workforce of precarious labour is female-dominated; as these working women suffer most from the cuts, so of course do the men and children in their lives. In terms of public sector job losses, women in their fifties are identified as major victims – a generation who are highly experienced and also politicised.

Meanwhile, the BBC’s Paul Mason, in his famous 20 Reasons Why It’s Kicking Off, specifically identified factors of youth and gender as contributory: the typical activist is the graduate with no future, linked up on social media. Women, he says, are the backbone of these new movements: the archetypal protest leader, organizer, facilitator and spokesperson is ‘an educated young woman’.
The more that women come out onto the streets to occupy and organise, the more there will be specifically female experience of protest, including both intense cooperation and revolutionary solidarity, but also, harassment and rape threat, as has been seen to such horrendous effect in Tahrir Square at the cutting edge of the Egyptian revolution. This expresses all the contradictions of a struggle involving Islamic patriarchs camped alongside conscious revolutionaries.

Rape not political? Try telling that to a woman in Tahrir Square who faces shaming harassment and threat of rape by thugs bribed by the latest patriarchal hierarchy installed into government. The vanguard of the revolution includes precisely those men who realise the political importance of protecting and helping women comrades to be out there on the street. In other words, the vanguard includes men who understand rape for the political issue it is, and prioritise women’s presence as vital for the consciousness of the revolution.

Rape not political? Try telling Marx. The various Marxist sects, anxious to guard their sacred doctrines for the day they lead the revolution, may not consider women, reproduction and sexuality as important, political topics. But is that true of Marx and Engels originally? Let us take a look at what they say on this.

In 1844 Marx wrote: ‘The immediate, natural and necessary relation of human being to human being is found in the relation of man to woman.’ He continues:

    ‘From this relationship man's whole level of development can be assessed. It follows from the character of this relationship how far man has become, and has understood himself as, a species-being, a human being. …It also shows how far man's needs have become human needs, and consequently how far this other person, as a person, has become one of his needs, and to what extent he is in his individual existence at the same time a social being.’(5)

Species-life’(6) in its natural form was sexual life, with all that implied in terms of reciprocity, exchange and productiveness. In its distinctively human cultural form, species-life was economically-productive life, i.e. labour – again, with all that implied in terms of exchange and reciprocity. From the beginning, human production was a dual process of species-life: ‘The production of life, both of one's own in labour and of fresh life in procreation, now appears as a double relationship: on the one hand as a natural, on the other as a social relationship.’(7) Yet, the natural relationship – sex, – was itself social, and the social relationship, labour, was a relationship with nature.

In Marx and Engels' understanding, the original human situation involved no conflict between the two forms of species-life – between sex and labour, family and industry, woman and man. Both production and procreation were carried on through the clan (the gens, governed by the principle of ‘mother-right’, with females of one clan ‘married’ as a whole group to males of another), and were under the reciprocal and communal control of women and men. Men's and women's lives consisted of acts of exchange between individuals as consciously social beings, sexual exchange being as widely socialised as possible and integral to the system of labour exchange:

    ‘Exchange, both of human activity within production itself and also of human products with each other, is equivalent to species-activity and species-enjoyment whose real, conscious and true being is social activity and social enjoyment. Since human nature is the true communal nature of man, men create and produce their communal nature by their natural action, they produce their social being which is no abstract, universal power over against single individuals, but the nature of each individual, his own activity, his own life, his own enjoyment, his own.’(8)

The motive of exchange was not private gain but the pleasure of giving, reciprocity, since, as in sexual relations, one's partner's enjoyment was equally one's own: ‘In so far as man is human and thus in so far as his feelings and so on are human, the affirmation of the object by another person is equally his own enjoyment.’(9)

Women's loss of their original equality, clearly associated by Marx and Engels with the rise of agriculture, occurred when, instead of the earlier relations of sexual and economic reciprocity, there arose ‘Property: the nucleus, the first form, of which lies in the family’ (my italics). A man as husband was now able to privatise and exploit a woman's sexuality, her reproductive power, and her and her children's economic labour power. Species-life has now been subordinated to its very opposite – the lust for purely private gain. The family has become an institution demarcated from and counterposed to the wider community, society being separated into families ‘opposed to one another’. This is the foundation of the whole consequent structure of class society. Engels quotes Marx:

    ‘The modern family contains in germ not only slavery (servitus) but also serfdom, since from the beginning it is related to agricultural services. It contains in miniature all the contradictions which later extend throughout society and the state.’(10)

Engels goes on to describe how, to make certain of the wife's fidelity and therefore of the paternity of the children, ‘she is delivered over unconditionally into the power of the husband; if he kills her he is only exercising his rights.’ As private property, the wife has yielded control over her sexuality and the products of her sexuality, her children, merely to maintain her own existence. Species-life has become a ‘means of individual life’. Both wife and labourer perform compulsory forms of labour in which ‘life activity, productive life, now appears to man only as means for the satisfaction of a need, the need to maintain physical existence.’(11)

The contradiction is now complete: the very activity in which women and men go beyond themselves and express their human essence – producing for others rather than merely for themselves – has been subordinated to selfish, animal greed. Social production and reproduction, both forms of human species-life, now appear as separate, alien powers opposed to the individuals whose activities have created them. Marx writes of the worker under capital:

    ‘To say that man alienates himself is the same as to say that the society of this alienated man is a caricature of his real human nature, his true species-life, that therefore his activity appears to him as a suffering, his own creation appears as an alien power, his wealth as poverty, the natural tie that binds him to other men appears as an unnatural tie and the separation from other men as his true being; his life appears as a sacrifice of life, the realization of his essence as a loss of the reality of his life, his production as a production of his own nothingness, his power over the object as the power of the object over him, and he himself, the master of his creation, appears as its slave.

Replace the word ‘man’ in the above passage with ‘woman’ and it might exactly describe the situation of the woman in a patriarchal family who has lost conscious control over her sexuality, and has been alienated from the products of her sexuality. In her introduction to Engels,(13) marxist-feminist anthropologist Eleanor Leacock writes: ‘In some ways it is the ultimate alienation in our society that the ability to give birth has been transformed into a liability. The reason is not simply that, since women bear children, they are more limited in their movements and activities... this was not a handicap even under the limited technology of hunter-gathering life; it certainly has no relevance today.’ Marx and Engels clearly rooted their model of the alienation of power inherent in class oppression in the ‘ultimate alienation’ of women from their own reproductive powers.

In these early writings, Marx saw a systematic parallel between, on the one hand, woman (opposed to man) as the materially productive sex, and on the other, labour (opposed to capital) as the materially productive class. The class relation duplicated on a social level the sexual relation: it included that relation and stemmed from it. The system of sexual dominance under which women were treated as mere instruments of production ended up treating men as mere instruments of production, too. Everything followed from and took its model from that initial sexual domination.

Capitalist economic principles themselves amount to prostitution, insists Marx. No capitalist could object ‘if I earn money by the sale of my body, by prostituting it to another person's lust’. Prostitution is only the logical extrapolation of the system: ‘Even the species-relation itself, the relation between man and woman, becomes an object of commerce.’(14) Or again: ‘Prostitution is only a specific expression of the universal prostitution of the worker.’(15)

The evidence is that Marx and Engels took sexuality very seriously indeed. Marx and Engels’ dialectical vision of the proletarian future was of a return on a higher level to the ancient freedoms of the gentes or clan society, as depicted and argued by anthropologist Lewis Henry Morgan in ‘Ancient Society’. And that meant, centrally, women’s sexual emancipation through restoration of the old equalities. If the root relationship of oppression was the private oppression of female by male, this private oppressive relation was the first and foremost target for revolutionary political attack. The single greatest failure of the marxist tradition has been its inability to develop Marx and Engels' analysis of sex and class. Yet development of Marx and Engels' basic thesis on sex could only be undertaken in an era informed by feminist consciousness and practice.

Marxist feminists most often have aligned themselves with a tradition which effectively ignored Marx's own discussion of sex, treating Engels’ ‘Origin of the Family’ as embarrassing and indefensible. They tow the line that the class struggle was primary, while the ‘politics of the personal’ was an irrelevant side-issue – and we observe them doing so yet again as those loyal to the SWP leadership pontificate. Women had only to wait for the victory of the workers' revolution, when their personal difficulties and suffering of sexual oppression would ‘wither away’ as surely as the alienating powers of the capitalist system were dissolved. Women could fight – but only as workers, that is brought into men's world; women who remained housewives or childcarers – women who maintained and reproduced labour under Capital – had little contribution to make. The struggle for women's rights encompassed their equality in the workplace rather than their position in the home.
Where marxists assert that the working class becomes revolutionary through collective control of its own labour power, feminists have fallen short of asserting that women become a revolutionary force to the extent they exert collective control over their own sexuality. The notion of collectivity – sisterhood – as fundamental to women's power has certainly been central to feminist thought, as has the demand for women's right to control our own bodies. But an explicit linkage of the two ideas, into a concept of women as a collective body, a class exerting class-control over their collective power expressed in sexuality, has not yet emerged. But it is present in Marx and Engels’ concepts of earliest human society.

Today, Darwinian anthropology is validating the essentials of Marx, Engels and Morgan’s position on the communistic, collective and matrilocal nature of our human origins, and the idea that we are product of a Human Revolution.(16) The revolution which made us human was mobilised through a crisis in childcare; to ensure adequate support for their large-brained and very costly offspring, women (with their sons and brothers) used collective ‘strike action’ to organise men’s labour.  In this account, the first word was women’s NO! Today, late patriarchal capitalism rapidly arrives at a point of such crisis of childcare and alienation from our humanity. We need once more a great, collective NO!, creative refusal to accept the destruction of health, welfare, education, childcare and housing. That NO! will be spoken loudest by women of the working class.

So, yes the class struggle is primary, but the class itself is gendered. Too often we still hear marxist dinosaurs discussing the ‘woman question’. That is to assume we’re all men. As an anthropologist I have done fieldwork with the Hadza people, a hunting-gathering group in Tanzania. Their collective noun for all the people is female and plural, including within it all women, children – and men. Their assumption is people are all women! It expresses how central women are to camp life, as producers and reproducers, but it includes everybody. For the Hadza, society is unimaginable without women at the core. And women depend entirely on their collectivity, drawing on that to resist any male attempt to exploit or coerce them.

We need to understand our class struggle in that way. How are we to collectivise and socialise modes of production and reproduction? Our humanity was realised through cooperative childcare and labour. Only so can it be restored. From this viewpoint, it is not a matter of which is the more political issue: the abusive behaviour of men in the movement or questions of revolutionary organisation. We can have no revolutionary consciousness without organising as women and men against any such abuses of power.

As Marxist anthropologist Chris Knight argues at the end of Blood Relations:

    ‘We have been here – at this point on the spiral – before. The revolution’s outcome is not simply in ‘the future’ conceived as something abstracted from the past. As we fight to become free, it is as if we were becoming human for the first time in our lives. But in this sense, because it concerns becoming human, the birth process we have got to win – our survival as a species depends on it – has in the deepest sense been won already. None of us would be here if it had not been. To understand this may be to understand, and thereby make ourselves the instruments of, the real strength of our cause and the inevitability of our emancipation as women, as workers and as a species. The working class is the first materially productive class in the history of the class society to have acquired the power of the strike. It is the first such class to have acquired the power to say ‘no’. When it understands the identity between this ‘no’ and the ‘no’ which women have been trying to say for the past several thousand years – a fusion of forces will take place to generate a power which no force on earth will be able to stop.’17

And what the left must take on board is that the first rule, without which there can be no human culture, is the rule against rape.

1. http://www.thenorthstar.info/?p=7550
2. http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/mar/09/socialist-workers-party-rape-kangaroo-court?INTCMP=SRCH
3. http://www.cpgb.org.uk/home/podcasts/podcast-swp-conference-stitch-up
It should be noted that the Weekly Worker has done a great job in hosting Tom Walker’s article on why he left the SWP, as well as numerous articles on Women in human evolution, the Human revolution and Women and revolution. These comrades have provided space for open debate.
4. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/mar/05/women-left-of-men-historic-shift
5. Marx, K. 1963 [1844] Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts, in T B Bottomore (ed.) Karl Marx: Early Writings. (London: Watts), p.154.
6. Plenty of younger postmodern feminists will be abrasive about this heterosexism dated 1844. For the purpose of this discussion on the analogies of sex and class in Marx, I am using his language, as quoted. In this day and age of Judith Butler’s gender performativity, sex as just culture anyway and aspirations to ‘abolish’ gender, of course such terminology needs reworking. But from a Darwinian evolutionary perspective on human culture, it is hard to avoid some degree of heterosexism in ‘species-life’. An old marxist’s reponse to bourgeois postmodern ideology is to say, well if women’s sections are good enough for the RMT (and evidently very much required in that context) how do young feminists think they will work for the abolition of gender on their terms without being able to organise separately as women?
7. Marx, K  and F Engels 1947 [1846] The German Ideology. Parts I & III. (New York: International Publishers), p.18.
8. Marx K 1971 [1844] The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts, in D. McLellan (ed.) Karl Marx: Early Texts. (Oxford: Blackwell), pp.193-194.
9. ibid. p.178.
10. Engels, F. 1972 [1884] The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State.  (London: Lawrence & Wishart), p.121-122.
11. Marx, K. 1963 [1844] Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts, in T B Bottomore (ed.) Karl Marx: Early Writings. (London: Watts, p.127``0.
12. Marx K 1971 [1844] The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts, in D McLellan (ed.) Karl Marx: Early Texts. (Oxford: Blackwell), p.194.
13. Engels, F. 1972 [1884] The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State.  (London: Lawrence & Wishart), p.40.
14. Marx, K. 1963 [1844] Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts, in T B Bottomore (ed.) Karl Marx: Early Writings. (London: Watts), p.37.
15. ibid., p. 156n.
16. See S. B. Hrdy, 2009 Mothers and others. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press), on cooperative childcare in human evolution; see C. Knight 1991 Blood Relations, Menstruation and the origins of culture. (Yale UP) for the Human Revolution. Also see J. O’Connell, K Hawkes and N G Blurton-Jones 1999 Grandmothering and the evolution of Homo erectus. Journal of Human Evolution 36: 461-485, for the Grandmother hypothesis; F. Marlowe 2004, Marital residence among foragers. Current Anthropology 45: 277-284 on evolution of matrilocal tendencies; and Beckerman, S. and P. Valentine, 2002. Cultures of Multiple Fathers. Introduction. (Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida Press), for modern updates on ‘group marriage’.
17. Knight, C D 1991    Blood Relations: Menstruation and the Origins of Culture. (New Haven and London: Yale University Press), pp. 533-534.

Sodastream Picket continues into 6th Month - 9.3.13.


Proposal to Turn Sodastream Shop into Library Quiet Room

So quiet has the Sodastream shop become, that serious proposals are being made that it be turned into an extension of the local library as a quiet reading room.  Given the level of noise in libraries these days, it cannot help but be an improvement!
Passers by determined to ignore Zionist supporters

When I went back an hour after the picket had ended there was still not a soul in the shop.  I suspect that our demonstrations have done the trick anyway and turned Sodastream and its products into toxic products.

The picket of Brighton’s ‘Ecostream’ i.e. Sodastream shop enters its 6th month as Palestine protestors demonstrate and distribute leaflets outside the shop and the pro-Zionist counterdemonstrators do the same on the opposite side of the road.

Leader of the Zionists, the EDL/JDL supporting Simon Cobbs, was once again missing.  Is his proclivity to cuddle up to the most extreme Zionist racists – so extreme that they are kept at arms lengths by all mainstream Zionist groups – coupled with his foul mouth and twitter comments (some of which he is forced to delete but to late to escape us!) led to a ‘recommendation’ to keep a low profile?  Or is he so unwell that even throwing peanuts at other patients is now beyond him?

Missing Simon Cobbs, the Zionists try to stir up apathy
A number of his fouler tweets of late have been captured as screenprints before he was told to delete them and they will be printed soon.  Compare this with the allegation that it was us who were being abusive.  We had the usual small group of Zionists, Christian fundamentalists and a gay Zionist waving his flag.  I'm not sure what the Christians, who believe homosexuality caused Sodom and Gomorra, make of this development!

A gay Zionist with a poster saying that Hamas kills gays standing with Christian Zionists who'd also like to kill gays!
Either way with the pickets on our side of the road there was one WPC, whose boredom was self-evident.  Our usual PC was absent on another protest I understand.  It all makes a mockery of the Jewish Chronicle leader ‘Mob Rule’ and the allegations of ‘Hate Protests’ and the massive anti-Semitism that has been stirred up.  Especially when Jewish people continually approach us to say how ashamed they are of what Israel is doing and when up to 20% of the Sodastream picket consists in any case of people of Jewish origin.

I say this in the context of the fact that after the Jewish Chronicle began plying their lying headlines and articles, I wrote a letter to them on behalf of PSC.  Needless to say it was not printed.  Indeed at no stage has the Jewish Chronicle even attempted to speak to the Boycott demonstrators.  Whilst, in view of its record,  I have little confidence in the Press Complaints Commission, a complaint has been lodge with them in respect of the Pravda style behaviour of the Jewish Chronicle and its Daily Express editor, Stephen Pollard.  Pollard it seems is happier to host a BNP blogger for 3 months than print an anti-Zionist letter.   How strange!

I post the videos below to show just how violent and anti-Semitic our protest is.

Tony Greenstein



Women's Voices: Dua K. - Home demolition


Whilst Court Proceedings are ongoing Police Enforce Demolition of house in East Jerusalem

Israel likes to call itself 'the only democracy in the Middle East' where the rule of law prevails.  A good example of this is the demolition of a house in Arab East Jerusalem, even whilst court proceedings were proceeding.  This is nothing new.  When protestors set up a camp in the E1 area between Jerusalem and Maaleh  Adumim the court stayed proceedings for eviction.  Netanyahu ordered the army in regardless.

Israel has, and always has had, a thin veneer of  democratic rights covering an iron fist of dictatorship.  The dictatorship of Jew over Arab.  And this is seen quite clearly in the eviction of yet another Arab family.

Tony Greenstein

Home Demolition
Name:         Dua K.
Age:         22
Location:     Beit Hanina, East Jerusalem
Date:         5 February 2013
Incident     Property Destruction

On 5 February 2013, a two storey house in East Jerusalem is demolished while court proceedings relating to the house are ongoing. Twenty-seven men, women and children are made homeless by the demolition.

Please do not hesitate to contact me.

Salwa Duaibis

International Advocacy Programme
Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling (WCLAC)
+972 (0)599433823

Twenty-two year old Dua lives with her extended family in Beit Hanina, in East Jerusalem. The two storey building was home to four families made up of 27 people. “At 8 a.m. on 5 February I was still in bed when all of a sudden I heard loud banging at the front door. I was startled and couldn’t figure out what was going on. I was scared since I was at home by myself; my father was at work, my siblings at school and my mother was on her way to visit her family in Hebron. I felt my heart was about to jump out. Deep inside I knew it was bad news,” recalls Dua.

As the banging on the door got louder, Dua went to see who it was. “Open up, we’ve come to demolish your house,” called out a man behind the door. “I told the man I was alone but he insisted that I open the door. When I opened the door I saw about seven soldiers who rushed in. I was shaking from fear and went to the kitchen because more soldiers were banging on the back door. I felt my legs were failing me, I was shivering. One soldier told me to take whatever cash there was in the house and to get out immediately. I took out the cash and some jewelry and called my father. My father could tell from my voice that something terrible had happened, he thought someone had died. I told him to come home immediately because the house was about to be demolished. I then called my mother who was still in the bus on her way to Hebron. She got off immediately and took another bus back home.”

“I then called my fiancé and told him the story and asked him to come to be with me because I was about to collapse. I tried to go upstairs to my uncle’s house to be with his wife because soldiers were there too trying to get everyone out. One of the soldiers pushed me back and told me to get out. I went crazy and was so angry that I couldn’t think properly. I tried to go back into our house to get the laptop and some family photos but the soldiers just pushed me out.”
Once outside Dua saw that many soldiers had surrounded the house. “There were ambulances, army jeeps, a big army truck in addition to dogs and policemen on horses. It was like a battle field,” recalls Dua. “My aunts and young cousins had also been forced outside from the upstairs apartment. We were all crying and holding each other, trying to calm each other.” A short time later Dua’s mother arrived. “She was in tears and tried to argue with one of the soldiers. The soldier pushed her away and told her to shut up. He verbally abused her and cursed our family. She went hysterical when she saw soldiers taking our furniture out of the house. They were deliberately careless and many items were damaged. Another group of soldiers were throwing my uncle’s furniture out of the second floor window. It was unbelievably shocking.”

A short time later two bulldozers arrived on the scene. “The bulldozers immediately started hammering down the building,” recalls Dua. (See video) “Our neigbours came and took us to their house; it was unbearable to watch the house being brought down to a pile of rubble. My mother fainted and was rushed to the nearby clinic where they gave her first aid treatment. I didn’t think she was going to survive this. The actual demolition took about seven hours, by 3:30 p.m. the two-storey building was a pile of rubble and twisted metal mixed with our personal belongings. I cannot describe my feelings, no words will capture the deep sorrow I felt and the humiliation of being thrown out into the street. I couldn’t comprehend the fact that from that day I was without a home. I thought of my young sister who will have no home to come back to after school.”
“The demolition came as a total shock to all of us. My father and my uncles, who own the land, were in the process of presenting legal documents in court. The Israeli court was looking into our case and requested us to provide some documents which we were working on. The demolition occurred in the middle of court proceedings to ensure the building was legal. The soldiers who executed the demolition did not provide us with any documents or court orders. No injustice compares to this.”
Dua and her extended family now live in tents and temporary structures next to the rubble of their home. “My parents, I and my five siblings sleep in one tent. There is no privacy and no space. We are all short-tempered and agitated,” says Dua. “The Israeli authorities don’t want Palestinians in Jerusalem and will not leave us alone, not for a second. They make it impossible to build legally and spare no opportunity to make us feel insecure and unwanted.”

'It's not racism. The Muslim players just shouldn't be here'


Beitar Jerusalem fans walk out over signing of two Muslim Chechen players 

One fans shows his reaction to having Muslim (Arab in his eyes) players in Beitar
Never forget, Israel is the ‘only democracy in the Middle East’.  However democracy is confined to the right to vote every 4-5 years. It means nothing more and since Israel is a Jewish state then those who are not-Jewish are less privileged than Jews and subject to the kind of racism that is displayed below.

Now any state which called itself democratic would be outlawing, criminalising and at the very least condemning a football club which refused to play Arabs/Blacks/Jews etc.  But not Israel.  Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s Prime Minister has said nothing because of course Beitar has a long and honourable tradition in Zionist Revisionism.  It was the youth wing which trained its cadets at the Italian naval base of Civitavechia, courtesy of Mussolini.

Further comment is superflous.  After all what Beitar fans say publicly, Israeli ministers say in private.

Tony Greenstein

'It's not racism. The Muslim players just shouldn't be here': Beitar Jerusalem fans walk out over signing of two Muslim Chechen players

When a Chechen striker scored on his debut for Beitar Jerusalem, its hard-core right-wing fans walked out

The burnt out offices of Beitar - all their trophies are gone too!!
Alistair Dawber  , Shaun Walker
Jerusalem, Moscow
Monday 04 March 2013

Video of Racist Beitar Fans’ Reactions

‘Ten… Nine… Eight… Seven… Six… Five… Four… Three… Two… One…War! War! War!’ A typical Beitar Jerusalem welcome, one of Israel’s biggest football clubs, on Sunday night from ‘La Familia’ the team’s hardcore fans who are in revolt over the signing of two Muslim players, two of just five non-Israeli players to ever play for the club which is identified with the country’s political right.
On Sunday night at the Teddy Stadium, home of Beitar Jerusalem, members of the club’s hard-core support, “La Familia”, were in place an hour before kick-off for the game against Maccabi Netanya. While most fans go to games to support their team, La Familia spent the game showering the club’s owner and his two new signings with a torrent of abuse.

What provoked their ire is the decision earlier in the season by Beitar’s president Arkady Gaydamak – father of Alexandre, former owner of Portsmouth FC – to sign two Chechen Muslims, Zaur Sadayev and Dzhabrail Kadiyev. They are two of just five non-Israeli players ever to represent the club, which has strong links to the Israeli right.
Teddy Stadium
Only the 23 year-old Sadayev, a big, heavy-set striker, played against Netanya on Sunday. In the first half, boos rang around the stadium every time he touched the ball. But what happened next was not La Familia’s script. Sadayev – who has been accompanied by a bodyguard since his arrival in Jerusalem from Chechen side Terek Grozny – ran on to a pass just after half time and slid the ball past Netanya’s goalkeeper. It was his first goal for the club. Beitar’s best player, the Argentinian Dario Fernandez, jumped on Sadayev’s shoulders and celebrated with him, but the reaction in the crowd was confused to say the least. In one stand supporters screamed with elation, but behind the goal, in the La Familia end, hundreds walked out.

“The reaction to the Muslim players being here is not racist,” insisted 19-year-old Akeeva, a Beitar fan. “But the club’s existence is under threat. Beitar is a symbol for the whole country.”
Jacob, another fan, agrees, “It’s just a matter of being Arab [by which he means Muslim]. It’s not racism, they just shouldn’t be here. Beitar Jerusalem has always been a clean club, but now it’s being destroyed – many of the other players are thinking of leaving because of the Muslim players being here.”

Akeeva, Jacob and many of the other fans are angry with Mr Gaydamak for bringing in Sadayev and Kadiyev to the club. After they signed the reaction among fans was so extreme that the club’s offices in Jerusalem were burnt down. The pair have been greeted with jeers and whistles every time they step out on to the pitch.

The home club of Sadayev and Kadiyev is no ordinary football team; Terek Grozny is run as the personal project of Chechnya’s leader Ramzan Kadyrov. Although he is no longer officially the club’s president, nobody doubts that he is in charge, while the money man is the oligarch Telman Ismailov, known for his lavish birthday parties in which A-list western pop stars are flown in to sing odes to him.

The unlikely dual transfer came about after a bizarre tour to Chechnya by the entire Beitar squad early this year, which went ahead against the advice of Israeli authorities. There are rumours in the Russian media that Mr Ismailov, a friend of Mr Gaydamak, had an interest in purchasing the struggling club. Rather than travel to see the team in Jerusalem, Mr Ismailov wanted to bring them to Grozny. So it was that the brief tour to the troubled Caucasus republic took place amid extremely high security. After its conclusion – and a friendly match between Terek and Beitar – it was announced that to “strengthen Israeli-Chechen friendship”, two players would be moving to Jerusalem.

“Chechens, like Jews, have a great number of difficult pages in their history and have lived through many tragedies,” said a press release from Mr Kadyrov’s office. “We have a lot in common.”
The 23-year-old Sadayev was seen as a player with some potential, but since his entrance into the Terek team five years ago he has hardly set the Russian league alight – the striker has managed just eight goals in 83 appearances. Dzhabrail Kadiyev, had never started for the Terek first team.

Sadayev said in an interview with Russian media last December, before the Israeli move was on the cards, that if he could play anywhere in the world he would like to try England. 

Details of the transfers are murky, and it is unclear whether the players have moved on loan, or permanently. Calls to Terek’s press service went unanswered yesterday. After being substituted after 73 minutes on Sunday, Sadayev received a standing ovation – although by then the boo-boys had largely left. Three minutes later Netanya scored to make it 1-1 and pushed hard until the end.

Whether his performance is enough to win over the crowd remains to be seen, but perhaps he could afford to give his bodyguard the night off.

Ramzan Kadyrov: despot with a taste for social media

Terek Grozny football club is not the only plaything of Chechnya’s pro-Kremlin despot, Ramzan Kadyrov. He also has a collection of wild animals and often posts pictures to his Instagram account of himself cradling a baby leopard, perhaps.

Instagram has become the unlikely medium through which it is best to follow Mr Kadyrov – he posts several times a day, whether on policy or news that he has given his “friend” Gérard Depardieu the gift of a five-room apartment in Grozny.

Over the weekend he stated: “For some people, Instagram might just be entertainment, but for me it’s an additional burden.”

Shaun Walker

Gilad Atzmon Attacks BDS and the Cultural Boycott on the BBC


Anti-Semitic Jazzman Fails to even mention the Palestinians

Blowing his own trumpet at the expense of the Palestinians
Brighton picket of Batsheva
Habimah picket

If there are any people left who believe that Atzmon is a genuine supporter of the Palestinians, they should listen in to his appearance last week on the Strand on the BBC World Service: The recording has also been posted on Vimeo (presumably because Atzmon wants people to hear it long after the BBC has taken it down from their website).

Brighton picket of Habimah
Like a chameleon, Atzmon adapts himself to the BBC environment. He makes no fundamental criticism of Israel. On the contrary, his contribution is more or less a postcard to Israel, viz:

Zionist counter-demonstration outside the Royal Albert Hall didn't prevent disruptions

-        During the first song, he admits that he ‘liked the idea of’ giving one’s life for the motherland, ‘on the Jewish altar’;
 -        He is so respectful of each of the 3 artists whose music he plays, especially the second band.......about whom he talks glowingly about their efforts ‘to integrate the Arabic sound’ with Israeli music. Apparently, he has no concerns about appropriation of the Arab and Palestinian narratives;
Picket of the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra which activists disrupted

-        He flip-flops yet again over BDS, stating unequivocally that ‘I’m really troubled by the idea of boycotting art and academics’, asserting that ‘music can unite people’. His attack on the principle of a boycott is completely at odds with his observation last month that “BDS could easily become a positive development if it could only tell the difference between an academic and an avocado” 
The disruption of Habimah that Atzmon deplores
-        And during the last song, he waxes lyrical about the ‘incredible amount of musical talent which comes out of Israel’ and that this ‘music wasn’t at all political’ ie. it has nothing to do with Hasbara and should not be boycotted.

Atzmon waxes lyrical at Gaby Weber's German Conference
In short, Atzmon exudes nothing but awe and admiration for Israel.........on his one opportunity, on the BBC World Service, to address a large international audience and to make them sit up and take note......

Indeed, Palestine and the Palestinians do not even get a mention.
Boycott Batsheva
 As ever, Atzmon attacks the principles and personalities of the Palestinian solidarity movement, whilst refraining from exacting Israelis to similar scrutiny. Meanwhile, he spews forth articles every few days; not bad for someone who can’t string two sentences together without committing basic grammatical and spelling errors.

The openly pro-Israel camp seem to have been going through the motions and no more, in their comments on Atzmon’s BBC appearance:   They do have a point about how the BBC could give a platform to someone who so determinedly incites anti-Jewishness. That apart, they can have had no other qualms about his adulatory remarks about his fellow Israeli musicians.

Atzmon is the very thing he most attacks: an AZZ, a Zionist in anti-Zionist’s clothing.

The writer of the above article has chosen to remain anonymous but his comments are extremely relevant

Hamas Does Its Best to Make Palestinian Lives a Misery


Another Islamic Own Goal Hurts Palestinian Cause

You have to hand it to the political bigots&idiots that make up the Hamas administration.  They certainly know how to hand a propaganda victory to the Zionists.  Just when the Orthodox in Israel are enforcing a ban on women and men sitting together Hamas wish to join them in their bigotry.

I support the Palestinians.  Not the politics of the Israeli created Hamas.  Palestinians voted for Hamas, nearly 8 years ago now, not because they agreed with Islamic politics but because the alternative – Fateh – was even worse having become little more than a support mechanism for Israel’s occupation.  A corrupt group if there ever was one.


Hamas, whose origin lies in the Gazan and Egyptian Brotherhood, the leader of whom Morsi, is presently trying to become the new Mubarak, with his approval of torture and the murder of demonstrators, is undoubtedly an undemocratic and autocratic group.  That is why Israel under Netanyahy in the 1980’s did its best to help create it as a counterweight to secular Palestinian nationalism.  Today Hamas is Israel’s best friend.  Its charter pays tribute to the Protocols of the Elders of Zionism, not because they have any understanding of this anti-Semitic book, but because they take the Zionists at their word when they say they are opposed to anti-Semitism.  Hamas has as much understanding of Zionism as it does of the liberation of humanity.

This decision, to bar men and women running together in a marathon is a gift for Israeli hasbarah.

Tony Greenstein

Martin Luther King Boycotted the Israeli State

For many years, the Zionist movement, up to its neck in collaboration with South African Apartheid, hauled out a fabricated quote from Martin Luther King to the effect that when you criticise Zionism you mean Jews and ‘that is anti-Semitism’.  The only problem with this, as even the ultra-conservative Zionist pressure group Camera was forced to admit, was that it was false.  Meanwhile it turns out that Martin Luther King was doing his best to avoid the pariah state.

How Martin Luther King Jr. avoided visiting Israel

Documents that have come to light 45 years after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. show Israel's efforts to woo the civil rights leader – a campaign that never came to fruition.

The Israel Consul in Atlanta, Zeev Dover, had an interesting idea 50 years ago. In order to bring the State of Israel closer to the "black community," he made a suggestion to the Foreign Ministry: To send books on Judaism and Israel to "the libraries of every black college." Alongside this, Dover recommended inviting African-American lecturers to "black colleges" who "had visited Israel and are familiar with our history." In this way, he hoped Israel could contribute towards "introducing the sophisticated nature of the national movement for the social-cultural regeneration of the people of Israel to this group."

These ideas can be found in a memorandum under the heading "Ties with the black community," sent by the consul to the Israeli Embassy in Washington on November 9, 1962. The memo is part of a selection of documents that deal with Israel's ties with the black community in the United States, and with its failed attempts to host the black leader Martin Luther King in Israel.

These documents were recently released by the State Archives, on the 45th anniversary of King's assassination. Studying them is also relevant during the run-up to the visit of another black leader to these shores – U.S. President Barack Obama.

The internal debate within Israel regarding Martin Luther King was revealed in a classified document that the consul in Atlanta sent to the Washington embassy in August 1962. Exactly a year later, King led the huge demonstration in Washington, where he delivered his historic "I have a dream" speech.

The Israel Consul in Atlanta wrote that he "places great importance on forming connections with the black leadership," but added: "In my opinion the time is not yet ripe for his visit to Israel." He explained that this was because King represents "the militant wing of the civil rights movement," and that important organizations "are not in agreement with him and oppose his methods." He also added that alongside the global fame King had attained, he also had managed to alienate groups of moderate African Americans.

The consul raised the concern that inviting King to Israel would lead to "severe negative responses," and recommended that "in any case, we should not be the first country that gives King so-called international status." He also warned that King's visit to Israel could harm Israel's ties with Southern states in the U.S., who felt threatened by the dominant radical leader. At the end of the memo he recommended "shelving the idea until the right moment," and added "our efforts to enter into discussions with different factors in the black community must be done…without being overly conspicuous."

The next letter he sent on the subject to his superiors at the Foreign Ministry, in November 1962, presented a more complex picture: On the one hand, the black community does not have real impact or importance in the U.S. – and therefore Israel shouldn't go out of its way to woo it. On the other, he noticed the unrest that had begun, and warned that Israel should not ignore it.

"It is important that we define what our specific objectives are towards this population, and accord them the appropriate treatment," he wrote. He added the argument that African-Americans only comprise 11 percent of the population of the U.S., and said that: "despite the high birthrate [they] will remain a minority. Moreover, many more years will pass until this racial minority recovers from the economic and educational backwardness that is the result of discrimination."

When reading the consul's words, it's worth bearing in mind the spirit of the times they were written in. Today they may seem racist and arrogant: "Uniting and driving the Negros is the urge to defend themselves against discrimination and all that entails. It is unlikely that in the near future, the Negros will become a group with the political and economic influence consistent with their numbers in the total population. This is also because of their low average levels of education and affluence, and also since domestic pressures are at the top of their concerns, with the rest of the world taking second place to their struggle for recognition."

However, the consul warned that "we should not ignore this large population," and recommended "fostering contact with all its branches more than ever before." He also said that Israel's main concern should be directed towards "laying the ground for the future."

Among other things, the consul suggested emphasizing the historical similarities between Jews and blacks as persecuted minorities, but added that "our first goal must be, in my opinion, filling the gap in [their] knowledge and clarifying the eternal connection between the Jewish people and their country."

He attached to the letter a list of dozens of American colleges that had black students. "In the southern U.S., blacks are concentrated in their own special colleges, which allows us special access to this sector without the fear of 'discrimination' on our part that could occur after making a special and separate request to students on mixed campuses" he wrote.

While the Israeli government had not yet formulated its final position regarding King, there were other organizations in Israel that hurried to invite him to visit. The Histadrut labor federation received King's confirmation – but for some unknown reason he cancelled his visit. This pattern repeated itself several times over the next few years: Authorities in Israel invited him, he responded in the affirmative, but the visits never took place. In 1964, following the announcement that King was to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, Israeli representatives met with him.

Deputy Prime Minister Abba Eban met with King in Washington and invited him to visit Israel. King accepted, but a date was not set. Five months later, in March 1965, the Israeli ambassador in Washington, Avraham Harman, invited King as an official guest of the Israeli government to visit "on any date at his convenience." This invitation was another that went unfulfilled.

In December that same year, King met with Shimon Yallon, the consul general of Israel in Atlanta. At the start of the meeting King said he had held an "open invitation" to visit Israel for four years, but that his visit had, unfortunately, yet to take place.

Half a year later, King wrote to the Israeli ambassador in Washington. In his letter, he said that he was "very embarrassed" he didn't respond to his request over the course of several months. He justified this as follows: "Just the other day one of my secretaries discovered a large number of letters that had been placed in a folder of 'letters to be filed.'…Your letter was, unfortunately, one of those in that particular folder...I can assure you that it was not due to sheer carelessness but to the pressures of an understaffed and overworked office."

But despite the apology, King ended the letter with a reservation: "At this writing, it is not possible for me to give you a date when I can go there, but I do hope that my schedule will soon ease up so that I can accept an invitation to go to Israel," he wrote to the ambassador.

The trend started to change in 1967. Prime Minister Levi Eshkol wrote to King that he was happy to hear about his coming visit to Israel, and offered government sponsorship for the trip. In May 1967 King responded, saying that he would accept the invitation and that he would be happy to meet the prime minister personally: "Take this means to express my deep appreciation to you for the invitation you extended me to come to your wonderful country," he wrote. The outbreak of the Six-Day War gave him an excuse to cancel the visit again. Less than a year later, in April 1968, he was assassinated.

One can understand why Israel made such efforts to bring about a visit from King – as a visit from a Nobel laureate could have improved Israel's standing in the U.S. and Africa, where he was revered. As to the question of why King did not accept the invitations, there is no clear-cut answer.

"King was sympathetic to Israel and declared support for its right to exist in peace. But given all the delays and evasions, it seems he did not want to identify himself with Israel to this extent during the struggle for equal rights for blacks in the United States," write Shlomo Mark and Hagai Zoref at the State Archives. "It is possible that the fact that during the 1960s his status began to decline in the African-American community, with the rise of more radical groups that were identified with anti-Israel positions, such as Malcolm X and the Black Panthers, also contributed to this," they added.

Article 13


Sharon in 1983: Israel could be accused of genocide

State Archives release protocols from dramatic cabinet meeting discussing Sabra and Shatila report on same day Emil Grunzweig was murdered in Peace Now protest. 'They say we disregarded intelligence, that includes you Mr. Prime Minister,' Defense Minister Sharon says to PM Begin as news of murder breaks
Slaughtered by the Phalangists as the Israeli Military provided lighting via flares and searchlights

 Roi Mandel

Published:     02.21.13, 17:42 / Israel News

"If we adopt this report, our ill-wishers and naysayers will claim that what happened in the (Sabra and Shatila) camp was genocide,"  Defense Minister Ariel Sharon warned the cabinet in 1983 during a special meeting dealing with the findings of the Cohen Report on the Sabra and Shatila massacre in the First Lebanon War.
Yediot the day after the murder of left-wing protester Emil Grunzweig by Israeli fascists
Sharon refused to resign, as the external fact-finding mission's report had recommended, and repeatedly stressed that he and then Prime Minister Menachem Begin were in the same boat. Adopting the report, Sharon claimed, would "leave a mark of Cain on us for generations to come."
Peace Now Demonstration after massacre
Raful Eitan - commander-in-chief of Israel's army

Sharon - the Butcher of Beirut
Thirty years later, the State Archives on Thursday cleared for publication the protocols of cabinet meetings from the early 1980s, specifically those dealing with the outcome of Cohen Report and the death of Peace Now activist Emil Grunzweig. The main meeting held following the publication of the report by Chief High Court Justice Yitzhak Cohen took place on Febuary 10, 1983 - the day Grunzwieg was killed.

Sharon arrived late. Prime Minister Begin noted that Sharon had informed him of a Peace Now protest being held near his farm causing him to run late.

Sharon eventually arrived but not before all those present called for a full implementation of the report's recommendations, despite the price Sharon would have to pay - stepping down as defense minister.

Sharon, whose resignation was recommended in the report, as well as a desicion barring him from ever holding the Defense Ministry portfolio again, arrived very tense, and began lashing out.
Memorial in South Lebanese to the two thousand plus victims of the Lebanese fascists and Israeli army

"I am not keen on getting into personal reflections nor searching for victims and scapegoats. On the face of it there are parts of the report that could, and should be adopted. However, I found parts which in my opinion should not be accepted. The question is much broader than the personal question - of which people seem to focus on ceaselessly - of whether Sharon will go or not.
"The chapter regarding indirect responsibility is the most severe in my opinion. The committee determined that the State of Israel, not just the government of Israel, or the Israel Defense Forces are responsible. The committee determined that not only did the possibility of the massacre exist, it was also known to the political and military echelons, and they chose willingly and knowingly to ignore it.

"That includes all of us, including you Mr. Prime Minister, each and every one of us. I cannot stress this enough - knowingly ignored, all of us,"
he continued to stress.

Then came the warning: "If we adopt this report, all our ill-wishers and naysayers will claim that what happened in the camp was genocide. Not to mention the fact that the committee itself didn’t even seem to hesitate before drawing a line between Israel and its partners to the pogroms and the horrors Jews experienced. I personally refuse to accept even the slightest hint of such allegations.

"There are parts of the report which I believe we just cannot accept if we do no want this burden - this mark of Cain - to be imprinted onto our forehead for generations to come."
'What, did the prime minster lie?'

Sharon decided that he "refuses to accept indirect responsibility because there was always an eminent threat of bloodshed by the (Christian) Phalanges; regardless of whether or not they cooperated with the IDF or not. This was a premise known and accepted by all of us.

"During Operation Peace for Galilee (the original name for the First Lebanon War) when we cooperated with them, everything worked properly. However, the committee reached the conclusion that that successful attempt couldn't be indicative of future mutual endeavors.
"Every single member of the political and military echelon testified, under oath, that positive experience made the possibility of such a massacre unconceivable. Hence, I reject the report's findings that the entire respectable group of people was wrong, that we were all wrong, all the way from the Prime Minister down, bar no one."
 Sharon refused to accept the conclusion that it was of no importance that at the time the decision was made to allow the Phalanges to enter the camp there was no way to predict they would undertake a massacre.

The reason was that his testimony was geared at justifying inaction. "The prime minister said that, does the prime minister lie? Why are you in a rush, why the hurry?"

Justice Minster Yosef Burg responded: "Nobody is in any hurry, why are you scolding us?"

"I'm not scolding, I'm enjoying myself, believe me," Sharon sarcastically retorted.

 Sharon seems to be conscious of the fact that the discussion was one for the books of history. "Because the transcribers keep changing, I want every part to have this on record: I did not come here to refute all of the committee's findings, rather (to argue) that this issue can place the mark of Cain on all of us for generations."

Sharon quotes the report's findings which claim that he authorized the Phalanges' entry into the camp in order to avoid IDF casualties.

"Mr. Prime Minister this is the most serious accusation that has been attributed to me. They do not claim I joined their ranks, nor that I killed with my own hands, rather that I acted out of a desire to protect soldiers.

"If they came and said that taking into account the lives of our soldiers is not a legitimate consideration any longer, then I am willing to stand before each and every one of you, before they cut my head off, and tell you to your face that in my opinion the lives of our soldiers are, and must be, a central consideration."

As the meeting continues it shifts to the report's personal recommendations: "Mr. Prime Minister, I say this with the utmost humility, I truly do not believe I need to resign for this. And that is my major crime. I welcome them to search for others and look around. If that is my major crime I tell you Mr. Prime Minister I honestly do not believe that I need to resign.

"Those who think my resignation will solve everything are wrong. Those who believe that me taking one for the team will calm the beast are wrong. The very same day it will want fresh blood."

The tension between Sharon and Begin is felt, and the defense minister tries to alleviate it.

"I haven't blamed the prime minister! I want to declare that I did not blame the prime minister, not even for the smallest of details. Let the prime minister testify. I blamed the prime minister of something? Not the prime minster and not anyone."

 Begin: "The claim was that the report insinuated that everyone who testified…"

 Sharon: "….I request the protocol state that I did not blame."

Begin: "But that was the intention."

Sharon: "Even today we are blamed for genocide; the formulation of the indirect responsibility on the State of Israel must be stricken from the report. Either that or it cannot be accepted by the government or it wall cast an indelible stain".

Mr. Prime Minister

Begin categorically rejected Sharon's argument for the government's rejection of the report.

He quoted the report's findings that there was no collusion between the Israeli political and military echelons and those of the Phalanges, or that there was never any Israeli intention of civilian deaths, as well as the IDF's repeated refusal to give the Phalanges artillery and tanks.

 "In light of these things, can one say that the report directly blames someone specifically?"

Sharon: "I did not say it blames, I said it creates room for interpretation."

Begin: "Forgive me, I am not the attorney general nor a lawyer. I did study law, this is true, but that is far from being enough. Tell me, Mr. Justice Minister, is the only argument that I make correct? Am I right in saying that the argument in this report that blames the people of Israel for the crime of genocide and the assistance of such an act, is baseless? Someone conjured an idea which is unrealistic according to the report. The report states things so clearly, one cannot be skeptical about it."

In the end, the report's results were accepted and Sharon was forced to resign.

Peace Now protest

Suddenly, the meeting is cut short by the Prime Minister's Military Secretary, Maj. Azriel Nevo, who reports about a Peace Now protest taking place right outside the Prime Minister's Office, calling for the government to accept the report's recommendations.

"An explosive charge was set off among the protesters. Apparently there are casualties, they are checking it now," Nevo announces. Begin instructs him to go downstairs and check what happened.

 "It was either a charge or a grenade," he adds. "Among the Peace Now protesters, who were standing  next to the Bank of Israel, there is one or two wounded, I'm still not sure."

The discussion continues, Sharon and Burg are arguing, all the while Burg's son, Avraham, is among the protesters outside, and was himself wounded from the grenade. However, at this point, Burg (senior) knows nothing of this. 

A few minutes later, Begin cuts the conversation short, emotionally calling: "There is a causality! A Jewish causality! Azriel (Nevo), how do we assume this happened? Did one camp attack the other?"

Nevo responded: "We assume so, but we have no proof. Somebody thinks a grenade was thrown. We are currently searching for shrapnel."

Justice Minister Burg: "There was a protest, on one side the Peace Now people. They sang the Tikva and began dispersing. A grenade was apparently thrown. One person was killed, two seriously wounded and three officers were lightly wounded. The police chief is on his way."

Begin: "Did the other side disperse as well?"

Burg: "They are checking whether there were any Arabs there, but it seems there were none."

Petty Apartheid - South African Style - Comes to Israel


Israel introduces 'Palestinian only' bus lines, following complaints from Jewish settlers

Afikim bus company to have special buses for Palestinian workers commuting from the West Bank to jobs in central Israel; announcement follows complaints from settlers that Palestinians are a security risk.

Palestinian protesters on an Israeli bus line in the West Bank last year.
Starting on Monday, certain buses running from the West Bank into central Israel will have separate lines for Jews and Arabs.

The Afikim bus company will begin operating Palestinian-only bus lines from the checkpoints to Gush Dan to prevent Palestinians from boarding buses with Jewish passengers. Palestinians are not allowed to enter settlements, and instead board buses from several bus stops on the Trans-Samaria highway.

Last November, Haaretz reported that the Transportation Ministry was looking into such a plan due to pressure from the late mayor of Ariel, Ron Nahman, and the head of the Karnei Shomron Local Council. They said residents had complained that Palestinians on their buses were a security risk.

The buses will begin operating Monday morning at the Eyal crossing to take the Palestinians to work in Israel. Transportation Ministry officials are not officially calling them segregated buses, but rather bus lines intended to relieve the distress of the Palestinian workers. Ynet has reported that fliers are being distributed to Palestinian workers notifying them of the coming changes.

Any Palestinian who holds an entrance permit to the State of Israel is allowed by law to use public transportation. Officials at the Samaria and Judea District Police have said there is no change in the operation of the rest of the buses, nor is there any intention to remove Palestinians from other bus lines. But Haaretz has in the past reported incidents when Palestinians were taken off of buses, and witnesses at checkpoints say that such incidents are ongoing.

Ofra Yeshua-Lyth is a member of Machsom Watch, a female advocacy group monitoring West Bank checkpoints. She says that recently, Bus 286 from Tel Aviv to Samaria arrived at a checkpoint filled with Palestinian workers. She filed the following report:

"Police officer Advanced Staff Sergeant Major Shai Zecharia stops the bus at the bus stop. Soldiers order all the Palestinians off the bus. The first thing they do is collect all their identity cards as they get off. One by one, the Palestinians are told to go away from the bus stop and walk to the Azzun Atma checkpoint, which is about 2.5 kilometers away from the Shaar Shomron interchange. All of them responded with restraint and sadness, at most asking why. Here and there they received answers such as, ‘You’re not allowed on Highway 5’ and ‘You’re not allowed on public transportation.’ Advanced Staff Sergeant Major Zecharia gave some vital information to one of the older Palestinians who had arrived there, telling him: You should ride in special vans, not on Israeli buses.”

In response to the report, the Transportation Ministry said it "has not issued any instruction or prohibition that prevents Palestinian workers from riding the public bus lines in Israel or in Judea and Samaria. Furthermore, the Transportation Ministry is not authorized to prevent any passangers from riding those lines."

"The two new lines that will be run as of tomorrow (Monday) are intended to improve the services to Palestinian workers that enter Israel via the Eyal Crossing," the ministry's statement continued, adding that the new lines will replace the "pirate" driving services who have been transporting Palestinian workers "at exorbitant prices and in an irregular fashion."

According to the ministry, the new lines will depart from the Tzofim area near Qalqilyah and will transport workers to their places of work in the Sharon region and Tel Aviv, at "especially cheap prices." For example, the tariff for traveling to Kfar Sava or Raanana will be NIS 5.1, and to Tel Aviv will cost NIS 10.6. This is compared to some NIS 40 that passengers have been charged by the private transportation services for each direction, the ministry said.

"The new lines will lessen the burden that has formed on buses as a result of the increase in numbers of working permits provided to Palestinians, who are permitted to work in Israel and will contribute to the improvements of services, for the betterment of Israelis and Palestinians as one", the statement said.

The Samaria and Judea District Police have yet to respond to the report.

Photos: Israel's new 'Palestinian only' segregated bus lines

A new Israeli bus line will serve only Palestinians. Officials claim it’s not segregation, but the ongoing experience of discrimination faced by Palestinian workers speaks for itself.
Palestinian workers with Israeli work permits wait to board a new Israeli bus line for Palestinians only, after crossing the Eyal checkpoint.
Early this morning, Palestinians from the West Bank with permits to work inside the state of Israel crammed onto bus lines specially created for “Palestinians only” — instead of using the same public buses used by Israelis. The Israeli Transportation Ministry launched the new bus lines today, for travel from the Eyal checkpoint to Tel Aviv and Kfar Saba and back to the checkpoint, after settlers complained about Palestinians using the same buses as Israelis on their way to and from work inside Israel.
Palestinian workers with Israeli work permits attempt to board a new Israeli bus line for Palestinians only, after crossing the Eyal checkpoint near the West Bank city of Qalqilya, March 4, 2012.
Such measures may be shocking to those unaware that in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, separate-but-unequal bus lines already exist, as detailed by Mya Guarnieri. But, as with the many forms of de facto discrimination in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, these buses are not legally segregated. So predictably, Israel’s transportation minister insists that, even with the new bus lines, “Palestinians entering Israel will able to ride on every public transportation line, including existing lines in Judea and Samaria [Israeli terms for the West Bank occupied Palestinian territories]“. Additional new lines for Palestinians only are also planned.
Palestinian workers with Israeli work permits wait to be picked up for work after they cross the Eyal checkpoint.
However, "several bus drivers told Ynet that Palestinians who choose to travel on the so-called ‘mixed’ lines, will be asked to leave them.” The same article goes on to report that:

While officially the new lines are considered “general bus lines,” Ynet learned Saturday that their existence has been made public only in Palestinian villages in the West Bank, via flyers in Arabic urging Palestinians to arrive at Eyal crossing and use the designated lines.

The Transportation Ministry defended the plan, saying it was the result of reports and complaints saying that the buses traveling in the area were overcrowded and rife with tensions between the Jewish and Arab passengers.

A ministry source said that many complaints expressed concern that the Palestinian passengers may pose a security risk, while other complaints said that the overcrowded buses cause the drivers to skip stations.

The ministry has also gotten reports of scuffles between Jews and Arab passengers, as well as between Palestinians and drivers who refused to allow them to board their bus.
Workers try to keep warm near a campfire while awaiting transportation in the early morning cold near Eyal checkpoint.
This latest example is but one of many where segregation is not explicitly spelled out in official Israeli policy (though sometimes it is), but is otherwise glaringly obvious in practice (emphasis added):

Legally, however, there is no way to stop Palestinians from boarding “regular” lines: “We are not allowed to refuse service and we will not order anyone to get off the bus, but from what we were told, starting next week, there will be checks at the checkpoint, and Palestinians will be asked to board their own buses,” a driver with Afikim – the company that holds the routes franchise for the area – told Ynet.

And the racism underlying such measures is hardly concealed:

Another driver said that, “Driving a bus full of only Palestinians might turn out to be tricky. It could be unnerving and it might also create other problems. It could be a scary thing.”
Palestinian workers wait in line to board an Israeli bus line only for Palestinians, after crossing the Eyal checkpoint.
A Haaretz report (which displays a cropped, uncredited Activestills photo as its illustration — they’ll be hearing from our lawyer) also confirms that while official policy may prohibit discrimination, incidents are commonplace:

Officials at the Samaria and Judea District Police have said there is no change in the operation of the rest of the buses, nor is there any intention to remove Palestinians from other bus lines. But Haaretz has in the past reported incidents when Palestinians were taken off of buses, and witnesses at checkpoints say that such incidents are ongoing.

Palestinian workers with Israeli work permits wait to board a new Israeli bus line for Palestinians only, after crossing the Eyal checkpoint.

Also reporting on routine harassment faced by Palestinian passengers on Israeli buses, Haggai Matar gets to the heart of the matter:

The official state bodies – ministry, police and army – all stick to the dry question of whether or not Palestinians are allowed on the bus in Tel Aviv. The answer here is indeed yes. But the people who have to live daily with the reality of occupation – Palestinians and the settlers (including the bus company, which has its headquarters in Ariel) – expose the deeper layers of Apartheid: the separate checkpoints for different people, the racial profiling security system, the permit regime, and the route of the bus which is planned only for Israelis.

While new buses may remove the latter layer from Matar’s list, the question asked by Mairav Zonszein while the Transportation Ministry was still considering this measure late last year stands: “[I]n order to solve the problem of overcrowding, why not simply add more bus lines for everyone? Why the need to specify who they are for?” And her conclusion is more relevant than ever:

While the Transportation Ministry, the police, the bus company heads and the settler council leaders have or will claim that this is not racist, that it does not constitute the formal institutionalization of ethnic segregation, it makes no difference, because that is exactly what it is. Clear as day. And considering it is no secret that most Israeli Jews prefer ethnic segregation, no one should be surprised. When military control and occupation is the norm, it is only “natural” that a de facto reality becomes a de jure one.

Arafat Jaradat - Israel says he didn't die of torture but the attempt to resuscitate him after being tortured!


Arafat Jaradat

Set up after the Nazi Doctors' Trial at Nuremburg, the World Medical Association now gives carte blanche to State Torture

There can be no more damning criticism of Israel and Western imperialism than that the system introduced after 1945 to ensure that never again were doctors integral in state torture and  murder, following the Doctors Trial at Nuremburg, has effectively been abandoned.

The World Medical Association was specifically set up to ensure that no more Dr Josef Mengels and the other Nazi doctors who participated in the ‘twins’ experiments and other horrors, would escape scrutiny and justice.  Instead the  WMA sat on its hands whilst doctors supervised torture in Guantanamo and even appointed as its President for 2 years, the torture supporting head of the Israeli Medical Association Dr Yoram Blachar.  Indeed the Israeli Medical Association has a position on Israeli doctors’ involvement in torture which is akin to the attitude adopted by the SS Doctors – it approves of it in the case of those it deems enemies of Zionism.

sisters of Arafat
How else to explain the fact that according to Haaretz (10.8.09.) the Israeli Medical Association (IMA) cut all links with the Israeli branch of Physicians for Human Rights precisely because they kept raising the question of torture of Palestinians and what the IMA was doing about it. http://azvsas.blogspot.co.uk/2009/08/israel-medical-association-defends.html
The only ‘excuse’ that Israel has offered as to why a healthy young man of 30 should die 2 days after arrest, having admitted that when Israeli doctors examined him he was fit for torture, was that those trying to resuscitate him bruised him in the process!  The last desperate gamble of a regime caught on its own petard.  It reminds me of when the Birmingham 6, having been beaten up by the Police were then beaten up by the prison warders and the latter was used as an excuse to say that police confessions were not obtained by torture.

US 'democracy' in action at Abu Ghraib
As always the indefatiguable Dr Derek Summerfield is refusing to allow the weasels words   of the IMA and WMA to go unchallenged.  A doctor is there to preserve health not to supervise its destruction.

Tony Greenstein

Letter from Dr Derek Summerfield, Honorary senior lecturer at the University of London's Institute of Psychiatry

Dear campaign colleagues and other supporters,

In this week's Lancet, the international medical journal, there is an article concerning the case of Arafat Jaradat who was tortured to death by Israel’s Shin Bet secret police.   The key point is of course why the Israeli doctor(s) who examined a fit and healthy 30 year old, just arrested, died 2 days later- having expired during interrogation by the Israelis own admission. The mass of documentation we have been citing since our campaign started in 2009 - from AmnestyInternational, Defence of Children International-Palestine/UnitedAgainst Torture Coalition, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, Public Committeee Against Torture in Israel etc - makes crystal clear the integral role Israeli doctors play in the security/interrogation units whose routine output is torture. This is medical collusion with torture on an institutionalised basis, in violation of all medical ethical codes including the Declaration of Tokyo of the World Medical Association. The disclaimer the Israeli Medical Association have issued in this case, quoted in the Lancet article, is of course the standard form of words they trot out routinely at such times, and deeply cynical, as the documentary record attests.

Abu Ghraib and the trailer trash torturer
As we have discovered, the World Medical Association, who were created specifically to oversee medical ethics worldwide, are in violation of their mandate in their refusal to address our campaign (despite representing 725 physicians from 43 countries) and the evidence to which we point. The WMA has allowed itself to be neutered by the IMA, though will speak out when reports of medical collusion in other (non-Western) countries reach them. We are still trying to elicit a response from the next level up, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, as you know. I will send the Lancet article to them this week.

Please circulate as widely as possible.

Dr Derek Summerfield
Campaign Convenor

Israeli doctors accused of collusion in torture

 The Lancet, Volume 381, Issue 9869, Page 794, 9 March 2013

Sharmila Devi

Questions are being raised about the involvement of Israeli doctors in the suspected torture of a young Palestinian detainee who died in custody last month.

The death of a Palestinian prisoner in disputed circumstances in an Israeli prison has reignited a longstanding controversy over alleged physician complicity in torture as well as sparking renewed Palestinian anger over the estimated 4600 prisoners held by Israel.

The Israeli Medical Association (IMA) denied that medical professionals were involved in torture or abuse and said that as far as it knew, torture was not approved or used by Israeli security forces or prisons. However, human-rights campaigners say Palestinian prisoners have long suffered from beatings, sleep deprivation, prolonged and painful handcuffing, humiliation, and medical neglect—considered torture under international standards.

Arafat Jaradat, a 30-year-old petrol attendant with two children, was arrested on Feb 18 on suspicion of throwing stones and Molotov cocktails during a West Bank demonstration held last November against Israeli military action in the Gaza strip. Palestinians say his arrest, months after the demonstration, and his interrogation was part of a longstanding Israeli policy to coerce prisoners to become informants after their release.

Palestinian leaders say some 800 000 Palestinians have been detained by Israeli forces since 1967, and Jaradat was the 203rd prisoner to die. He died after several days of interrogation by Israeli's Shin Bet internal security service on Feb 23 at Israel's Megiddo prison. An autopsy was held the next day at Israel's Institute of Forensic Medicine in the presence of Saber Aloul, the Palestinian Authority's chief pathologist, who said bruising on the body was evidence of torture.
Israel's health ministry said on Feb 28, after examining new findings from the autopsy that there was no evidence Jaradat was physically abused or poisoned, nor was it possible to determine his cause of death.

Israeli officials had originally attributed his death to a heart attack and said bruising and broken ribs were “characteristic findings of a resuscitation, which the medical crew from the Israel Prison Service and Magen David Adom engaged in for 50 minutes in an effort to save his life”.

Additional samples taken from the body were still undergoing microscopic and toxicology tests and results were not expected for several weeks. “The signs that appeared during the autopsy show clearly that he was subjected to severe torture that led immediately to his death”, Issa Qaraka, the Palestinian Minister of Prisoner Affairs said at a Ramallah press conference after being briefed by the Palestinian pathologist who attended the autopsy.

Kamil Sabbagh, Jaradat's lawyer, told an Israeli military judge a couple of days before his client's death that he was being forced to sit for long periods during interrogation, had complained of back pain, and seemed terrified of returning to the Shin Bet detention centre where he was being held. The judge ordered an examination by a prison doctor. Jaradat died at Megiddo prison and it was not known when he was moved there.

Derek Summerfield, an honorary senior lecturer at the University of London's Institute of Psychiatry and campaigner against what he called Israeli physicians’ violations of human rights, says he wanted to know what part doctors played in the circumstances of Jaradat's death. “By Israel's own admission, Jaradat was seen by Israeli doctors 2 days earlier and they found him in good health. The key medical ethical question is what were these doctors examining him for, if not to assess whether he could withstand torture”, he tells The Lancet. “This is precisely what the campaign regarding medical collusion with torture in Israel was launched for in 2009 and it continues to run.”

The IMA said in a statement: “The IMA vociferously objects to the claim that medical professionals are involved in torture or abuse, and we will continue to do everything possible with the tools available to us to inform doctors about their obligation to report and to conduct themselves appropriately.”
The IMA and human rights organisations have called for responsibility for prisoners’ health to be taken away from the Israel Prison Service (IPS) and given to an outside body, such as health maintenance organisations (HMO) or the health ministry, which a year ago set up a standing committee to which doctors can report suspicions of torture.
“It's true that every doctor has a conflict of interest between the patient and the system in the HMOs and also in the army”, Avinoam Reches, who heads the IMA's Ethics Board, told Ha'aretz newspaper.  “But in the case of the IPS, the problem is severe because the treatment is given to people who have no freedom of choice whatsoever.”

Palestinians and human-rights groups demanded an independent investigation into Jaradat's death. 

War Criminal Condoleeza Rice Heckled by Brave Woman


Bush’s Secretary of State Rice Confronted at 'academic lecture' at Stanford University

Rice with fellow war criminal, Israel's Ehud Barak
Condoleeza Rice was a woman that our own Foreign Secretary and war criminal, Jack Straw, took a shine to.  This woman was not however so impressed by this jumped up academic.
Rice, on a trip to Europe, appeared to acknowledge that some detainees have been held outside the United States. (By Jockel Finck -- Associated Press)

The miracle weapon that as no miracle


Success of Israel’s Iron Dome defensive shield questioned


Published Thursday, Nov. 29 2012, 8:47 PM EST

Israel’s sophisticated and expensive anti-missile Iron Dome was hailed for intercepting hundreds of crude but deadly incoming rockets fired from Gaza in the latest flare-up of fighting. But some independent missile analysts, including one who called out the Pentagon for similarly extravagant success claims for Patriot anti-missile systems during the Persian Gulf war, question Israel’s claim of a “kill” rate approaching 90 per cent.

Rockets lunched by Palestinian militants towards Israel make their way from the northern Gaza Strip, Saturday, Nov. 17, 2012. The Israeli military says its "Iron Dome" rocket-defence system has shot down an incoming projectile bound for Tel Aviv.

Ashdod Nov. 15, 2012 The Iron Dome defense system fires to intercept incoming missiles from Gaza in the port town of Ashdod.  (Tsafrir Abayov / AP)
“Initially, I drank the Kool-Aid on Iron Dome, just as initially I did with the Patriots,” said Theodore Postol, a physicist and missile-defence expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It was Prof. Postol who, during the 1991 Persian Gulf War, debunked Pentagon claims that its Patriot anti-missile system was successfully shooting down Iraqi Scud missiles.

“I’m skeptical. I suspect it is not working as well as the Israelis are saying … but there is great value in the strategic deception” in claiming very high success rates, Prof. Postol said in an interview. Although hard evidence is scanty, he pointed to the absence of secondary blasts – indicating the interceptor warhead exploded but did not ignite the incoming missile – and, more importantly, the lack of damage evident on missile carcasses recovered in Israel and filmed by the media.

If the missiles launched from Gaza were being intercepted – blasted out of the sky rather than falling short of exploding harmlessly – the wreckage should bear the telltale scars of punctures caused by tiny rods blasted from the Iron Dome interceptor warheads, he said.

Even experts who believe Iron Dome performed impressively question whether it could cope with a better-armed adversary capable of firing missiles from military launchers, not holes in the ground and cobbled-together launchers in the backs of trucks as is the case in Gaza.

Ben Goodlad, a senior analyst specializing in missile-defence systems at HIS Jane’s in London, said Iron Dome “performed very, very well and clearly it reduced the number of Israeli casualties.” Using the latest Israeli Defence Forces figures of 481 successful intercepts and only 81 rockets fired from Gaza that got through, Mr. Goodlad said the success rate was about 84 per cent.

But he questioned whether the system could cope with waves of incoming missiles, and said the still-new Iron Dome system was firing multiple interceptors – “sometimes two or three” – against a single incoming rocket, a tactic that could skew its efficacy rate if multiple and expensive interceptors were needed to ensure success.

Most of the rockets fired from Gaza are crude, relatively slow and cost only a few hundred dollars. “The rockets being launched [by Hamas] are pretty substandard munitions,” said George Stejic, president of Tesla Laboratories, Inc., which has commissioned an investigation into Iron Dome’s effectiveness. “Israel has every reason to overexaggerate the efficiency of Dome, just as we did with Patriots during Desert Storm,” he said.

Richard Lloyd, the missile-system expert conducting the investigation for Tesla, said his preliminary findings echoed Prof. Postol’s doubts. There are few demonstrable examples of incoming rockets intercepted by Iron Dome and showing the sort of telltale damage that would be obvious if they have been blasted by the spray of rod-like pellets from an Iron Dome’s warhead, he said.

Study Says that Palestinian Textbooks Do NOT Incite Hate


It's not Palestinian but the Israeli Education system that Teaches Racism

Palestinian schoolchildren studying at the UNRWA Gaza Elementary School in Gaza City in 2010. IRIN/Creative Commons
A new study by Israeli and US and a Palestinian academic finds, unsurprisingly, that contrary to Zionist propaganda, Palestinian textbooks do not contain an incitement to hate Jews.  This has not gone down well with the Israeli government. An Education Ministry spokesperson, in a good example of someone whose education has been blighted, said that ‘the results of the ‘study’ reveal that the decision not to cooperate with these bodies was right." The ministry called the study "biased, unprofessional and significantly lacking in objectivity."

Clearly Israel’s Education Ministry has a problem with elementary logic. The fact that a result is not to your liking doesn’t therefore mean that the process leading up to it was ‘biased, unprofessional’ etc. No proof is offered to support this allegation nor can there be. The obvious explanation for the Israeli government refusal to co-operate was that it knew its propaganda had no factual basis.

A new US-led study found that while Israeli and Palestinian schoolbooks contained bias, most don't resort to outright hatred as had been suggested previously. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
However that does not mean that the study itself was unproblematic, as the article by Professor Nurit Peled-Elhanan for Electronic Intifada‘Biased new study skirts around racism in Israeli school books’ argues.

I am not an expert in education or pedagogy, but it seems to me that research which simply involves the examination of texts, without taking into account the sub-culture and relationship between the two education systems is flawed. To ignore the occupation and to compare the education system of the occupier with the occupied is to indulge in the superficial.   Indeed to hold that mentioning the occupation in Palestinian books is itself an example of bias is to demonstrate an enormous arrogance and inability to understand by the said academics.  Is it seriously suggested that an education system under occupation should not mention the occupation?  Would not that be not only biased but absurd and unrealistic?  Should nothing have been mentioned to Jewish children in the ghettoes of Poland about why they were there?  It demonstrates the stupidity of the colonial academic.

In particular, simply examining the written word without also examining how Arabs are portrayed in Israel school books, is certain to omit more than it includes. For example the fact that Arabs are regularly portrayed as villains, aggressors, whereas Jews are the victims, wouldn’t be picked up in a pure textual study. Professor Elahanan’s Nurit Elhanan-Peled, ‘Palestine in Israeli School Books: Ideology and Propaganda in Education’ Library of Modern Middle East Studies, 2012 is well worth reading.  see How Zionism Tried to Portray the Arabs as Hitler's Successors

Tony Greenstein

The New York Jewish Week 02/05/13
Washington — An in-depth comparative study of Palestinian and Israeli school textbooks is offering some conclusions that already are making some Israeli government officials very unhappy: Palestinian textbooks do not have as much anti-Israel incitement as often portrayed.

While this finding might appear to be welcome news for supporters of Israel, it also threatens to undercut one of the central elements of the official Israeli narrative. For years, the charge that Palestinians "educate to hate" has been an Israeli trump card in undermining claims that Palestinian statehood is overdue, and it is an article of faith among many lawmakers in Congress.

"This obviously cuts down one of the pegs and a linchpin in the argument that the Israel government makes, that the Palestinian Authority is teaching hatred to their kids," said an official who works closely with mainstream Jewish organizations in the United States. The official declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter.

Titled "Victims of our own Narratives?" and funded by the U.S. State Department, the study finds both Israel and the Palestinians lacking in making the case for the other side’s presence in the Holy Land. It also scores Israeli books as better than Palestinian ones at preparing schoolchildren for peace.

But in the same pages it praises both Israel and the Palestinian Authority for publishing textbooks virtually free of "dehumanizing and demonizing characterizations of the other."

"Both the Israeli and Palestinian communities should be commended for this important positive aspect of their books," the study says. "Extreme negative characterizations of the other of his sort are present in textbooks elsewhere in the world."

The study was launched in 2009 by the Council of Religious Institutions in the Holy Land, a multifaith body that aims "to prevent religion from being used as a source of conflict, and to promote mutual respect," according to its website. It is comprised of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate, the Palestinian Islamic Waqf, and the heads of Christian churches in Israel and the West Bank.

The Israeli government did not formally cooperate with the study; Palestinian Authority officials did.

Yale University psychiatry professor Bruce Wexler convened the study team, which was headed by Daniel Bar Tal of Tel Aviv University and Sami Adwan of the University of Bethlehem. They assigned Hebrew-Arabic bilingual research assistants to plow through more than 3,000 passages from textbooks — 74 from the Israeli side and 96 from the Palestinian side.

The assistants assessed the passages based on criteria developed in part by an advisory panel that included Palestinian and Israel academics and outside experts, including those who have critiqued Palestinian books.

Most of the advisory panel, including several Israelis, signed onto a statement Sunday endorsing its findings.

"We agreed that the methods of the study were of the highest scientific standards and agreed on the main study findings," the statement said.

At least one Israeli member, Arnon Groiss, said he has reservations about the methodology and could not attach his name to the final report, which he said he has not seen.

It’s not clear whether the study will alter fundamentally the standard Israeli narrative about Palestinian schools laying the groundwork for future conflict with Israel, and the study does not absolve either side.

The study quantifies textbooks’ negative depictions of the other side and identifies a lack of positive depictions of the other side as an obstacle to peace.

"This presentation bias, along with the general lack of information about the other’s culture, history and religion, creates an image of the other only as aggressive enemy to whom it is not possible to relate or respect, with whom there can be nothing in common," the study says. "This lack of information even more than the negative information constitutes a lack of recognition of the other’s legitimate presence."

Wexler said the goal of the study was to test according to rigorous statistical standards allegations that each side has made about the other’s texts.

"The type of testimony that’s been presented to Congress and to our national leaders has been one person reading selected passages from the books," Wexler told JTA.

The study found that textbooks in Israel’s state schools were likelier to depict Palestinians in a positive light and to include criticism of Israeli actions, while books in Palestinian and haredi Orthodox schools were overwhelmingly negative in their depiction of "the other."

Critics, including some of the Israelis on the advisory panel, said this equivalence fails to take into account how each culture responds to such depictions.

"The problem is, he makes comparisons between promotion of education for peace on the one side and education that calls for the annihilation of the other side," said Yossi Kuperwasser, the director of Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs, referring to Wexler. "It’s like comparing apples and giraffes."

A statement from the Ministry of Strategic Affairs picks out passages in Palestinian textbooks it says the study ignores; many of them implicitly negate Israel by referring or depicting the entire territory as "Palestine."

The study, however, addresses that issue at length and finds that maps on both sides tend either to depict the entire area as "Israel" or "Palestine."

Detractors of the study say its rigorous analytical methodology rips biased and sometimes inflammatory passages from each cultural context. They contend that triumphalism is more incendiary in a Palestinian society that they say is more forgiving of terrorism.

Kuperwasser has been leading the charge against the study.

"It omits important examples of incitement and delegitimization of Israelis and Jews in official PA textbooks, whether in an intentional attempt to blur the differences between the two educational systems or due to poor research," he said.

Israel’s Education Ministry said in a statement that "the results of the ‘study’ reveal that the decision not to cooperate with these bodies was right." The ministry called the study "biased, unprofessional and significantly lacking in objectivity."

Biased new study skirts around racism in Israeli school books

Nurit Peled-Elhanan
The Electronic Intifada
12 February 2013

Mention of Israeli colonization in Palestinian textbooks was faulted in biased study.

Mention of Israeli colonization in Palestinian textbooks was faulted in biased study.
(Mahfouz Abu Turk / APA images)
A new report on Palestinian and Israeli school books has elicited much debate ("Israel shoots back:
 ‘Look beyond the textbooks,’" The Times of Israel, 6 February).
The report — by academics in Tel Aviv, Bethlehem and the American university Yale— is short.Yet it raises some poignant questions ("Victims of our own narratives? Portrayal of the other in Israeli and Palestinian school books," Council of Religious Institutions of the Holy Land, 4 February [PDF]).
Israeli educators who hastened to pronounce it biased were quite right. Such a study cannot be symmetrical, for it examines two education systems, one of which is entirely subjugated to the other. A reminder of this situation is found in the introduction of the report. It notes that the Wye River Memorandum — signed between Israel and the Palestinian Authority in 1998 — included an "explicit statement about incitement."
The agreement states that "the Palestinian side would issue a decree prohibiting all forms of incitement to violence or terror, and establishing mechanisms for acting systematically against all expressions or threats of violence or terror. This decree would be comparable to the existing Israeli legislation which deals with the same subject."
No such caution is mentioned with regard to the Israeli regime of occupation, even though Israel is regularly taken to task by the United Nations for its aggressive behavior.

As textbook researcher Samira Alayan from the Georg Eckert Institute for the Study of Textbooks has shown, Palestinian textbooks are severely controlled and censored not only by Israel but also by European and American bodies that finance their production (see an abstract of the book: "
Images of identity: Self and other in school text books of the Palestinian Authority," June 2011 [PDF]).


Nevertheless, the new report prides itself for having engaged "objective" evaluators who come from the US and Europe, although the US denies tourist visas to most Palestinians — including the ambassador of the PA to the European Union, Leila Shahid, who was not allowed to attend the NewYork session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine in October last year — and many European states and companies profit from the occupation of Palestine. Why not recruit evaluators from Pakistan or South Africa?
The report relies on content analysis but neglects the ways in which the content — both visual and written — is used to persuade readers of its ideological message. For instance, it praises Israeli textbooks for relating the details of massacres but does not discuss how these books try to legitimize the massacres as part of the "big picture"— to Israel’s benefit.

One Israeli textbook, we are told, acknowledges that most of the Palestinians killed by Zionist forces in the village of Deir Yassin, near Jerusalem, in 1948 were women, children or elderly. Yet the book cites claims that the victims died because they refused to leave their homes and that the massacre "still serves as an excuse for Arab propaganda against Israel."

This excuse bears a chilling similarity to the one used by Israel when it subjected Gaza to a three-week bombing campaign in late 2008 and early 2009. And this excuse is not confined to one work.
The 2009 book Israeli Nationalism and Nation: Building a State in the Middle East — by Eyal Naveh, Naomi Vered and David Shahar — stated that the residents of Deir Yassin failed to evacuate their village because the loud-speaker from which they were supposed to receive a warning was not functioning properly.

Taboo of occupation

Two main categories are missing from the analysis: occupation and racist discourse. Perhaps that is why describing the dire facts of the occupation seemed to involve "negative characterization of Israelis" to the researchers.

Israeli school books do not address the occupation because their message is that there is no occupation. They inculcate what sociologist Stanley Cohen — in his 2002 book States of Denial: Knowing About Atrocities and Suffering — termed the "Zionist kitsch" about the eternal historical rights of the Jews on the whole land of Israel and Palestine. This explains why the researchers behind this study were offended by how Palestinians use the term "colonialism" to describe Zionist settlement on their land. In Israeli mainstream books, illegal settlements like Ariel or Alon Shvut
are presented as no different to Tel Aviv.
The green line — the 1949 armistice line separating Israel from the territories captured in 1967 — is never shown or discussed. The only Israeli geography book I found that discusses the issue of the green line is Sfat Hamapa (The language of maps) by P. Dina (published in 1996).

In Israeli textbooks, the cruel practices of occupation such as administrative detention, military checkpointsand house demolitions are presented as necessities in our "defensive democracy."

Since racist "teaching tools" of a visual or verbal nature are not part of the analysis presented in this study, racist Israeli representations of Palestinians are reported to be "neutral." Since Palestinians are never presented in Israeli textbooks as persons like us — modern professionals — only as negative stereotypes of terrorists, nomads and primitive farmers, one must conclude that these racist representations seemed "neutral" to the researchers and to the "objective" western evaluators.

Better times?

The report concludes that the books on both sides fail to relate the "better times" when there were good relationships between Arabs and Israelis. This must refer either to the good relationships between Jews and Muslims in Morocco, Tunisia and Iraq, prior to the "redemption" of Zionisma reality Zionist education in Israel has always done its utmost to conceal — or to the years between 1967 and 1987 when oppression of Palestinians was considered by Israelis to involve an "enlightened occupation." I found one reminder of that "idyllic" time in a geography book published a decade ago but still used — Israel: The Man and The Space by Zvia Fine, Meira Segev and Raheli Lavi: "Some of the foreign workers are Palestinians who come from the areas controlled by the Palestinian authorities. They are employed in unprofessional jobs and their wages are lower than that those of the Israeli citizens who work in the same jobs … This is characteristic of all developed countries."
The conclusions of the new study reflect the Israeli bon ton that brought the success of Yair Lapid in the recent elections — to wrap up Arabs and Orthodox Jews together and slander them. But, as usual, there can be no comparison.
While Orthodox Jewish textbooks present Arabs — all of them — as evil forces, a sort of biblical Amalek we must eliminate with the help of God, Palestinian textbooks never resort to such discourse. They respect Judaism as one of the three monotheistic religions but relate — as accurately as they can under so much censorship — the true and horrid facts of life under Israeli military rule.
The new study — or at least the part that has been published — seems quite problematic and biased but not in the way Israel is trying to spin it. Let’s hope the full study, when published, will clear up some of this confusion.

Professor Nurit Peled-Elhanan is a lecturer in language education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is the author of
Palestine in Israeli School Books: Ideology and Propaganda in Education‏(I.B. Tauris, 2012).
See also How Zionism Tried to Portray the Arabs as Hitler's Successors http://azvsas.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/how-zionism-tried-to-portray-arabs-as.html
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