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Meet the Knesset Members from the Joint List


Netanyahu's Fear Mongering Attack on Palestinians - Rooted in Zionism

Palestinian citizens of Israel - and their political parties - agreed on a most basic principle: there should be equality under law and in practice between them and Israeli-Jews. Everything else, the peace process, the two state solution, could fall to the side. Netanyahu's demographic fear-mongering is rooted in the foundation of the Zionist project in Palestine and demographic engineering to ensure political power remains in the hands of one ethno-religious group.

Allison Deger; Yousef Munayyer
March 21, 2015

Meet the Knesset Members from the Joint List

By Allison Deger
March 21, 2015
Something has changed inside Israel for its Palestinian citizens. The hard data is revealing: voter turnout jumped by ten-percent from the last election and in the Joint Arab List's party leader's home district it was nearly an unheard of 80-percent. Civic engagement is happening, but that is not the only turn. The joint list is full of fresh faces with seven first time Knesset members, and two women, five communists, two national democrats, two Islamists, one Christian and one Israeli-Jew.

Party leader Ayman Odeh, 40, embodies most the directional shift inside of the bloc. He uses a civil rights framework, noted for quoting Martin Luther King Jr. while campaigning, telling voters he sees the party as a vehicle to mobilize mass non-violent civil disobedience. In Haifa days before the election Odeh said he wanted to organize an equal rights march of thousands of Palestinian citizens of Israel and Jewish-Israelis in one year's time.
Ayman Odeh, head of the Joint Arab List, at campaign headquarters in Nazareth, Israel. (Photo: Allison Deger) - See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2015/03/jerusalem-netanyahu-forms#sthash.ZJoVFu7i.dpuf
For supporters, this isn't fluff. Odeh's emphasis on partnership-not just coexistence with Jewish-Israelis-is widely endorsed. He has a long history in politics. He held his first position in public office in Haifa's city council at the age of 23 as a member of Israel's Jewish-Arab communist party, Hadash. There he fought for student tax breaks and quickly rose up the political ranks to become Hadash's chairman while still in his 30s.

At first glance the Joint Arab List is a band of four parties that were coerced to run on a single ticket after the Israeli election threshold was increased, an obstacle propelled by right-wing groups. The perception was hardliners wanted Arab parties out of Knesset. The way they could achieve this was to force an ultimatum: Arab political groups, and one mixed party, would have to unite in a country where political divisions can be lethal to a faction's survival.
Israeli Arab political leaders (front row from L to R) Aida Tuma, Masud Ghanayem, Ayman Odeh, Ahmad Tibi, Jamal Zahalka pose for a photo holding placards bearing text in Arabic meaning ‘Go to vote for the Joint List, for a new tomorrow on March 17′ in Nazareth, Feb. 24, 2015. (Ahmad Gharabli/AFP/Getty Images)
The candidates could have kept their old political divides alive, running on two lists instead of one, and still made it into Knesset. The primary discords are between the Islamist and communist, the two largest factions inside of the bloc. They differ in areas of labor and women's rights. Do you support the separation of religion and state, the secular parties asked the Islamic group during a six-week period where they hashed out their disagreements? It was a genuine coming to terms. "Yes," they said, "Because we don't want to live in a Jewish state," relayed Knesset-elect and first time politician Aida Touma-Suleiman while still on the campaign trail at an event in Tel Aviv in early March. Touma-Suleiman is a celebrated feminist. Though she has been a member of the communist party for over two decades, this will be her first time in public office.
An Israeli Arab walks past a campaign poster showing Israeli-Arab candidates who are members of a Joint List of Arab parties (from L to R), Ahmad Tibi, Jamal Zahalka, Masud Ghanayem and Ayman Odeh, March 8, 2015. (photo by AHMAD GHARABLI/AFP/Getty Images)

By sitting together, over and over, to build a united front, Arab parties made pivotal decisions in the lead up to announcing their candidates. Foremost they realized as Palestinian citizens of Israel they all agree on one most basic principle: there should be equality under law and in practice between them and Israeli-Jews. Everything else, the peace process, the two state solution, polygamy could fall to the side. Their constituents see the internal resolutions and divisions as a new way forward, where diversity remains intact while pursuing equal rights with the power of Israel's newly-minted third largest political party.

Meet the next Knesset members from the Joint Arab List:

Ayman Odeh (1) - Hadash
Many supporters have said Odeh represents "a new way forward" for Arab parties in Israel. He is deeply influenced by Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights struggle in the U.S., along with his upbringing in a mixed Jewish-Arab community. Odeh believes in securing the rights of Palestinian citizens of Israel by working with Jewish-Israeli partners. In this election season he became well known amongst Israelis after a televised debate with Avigdor Liberman who said Odeh should not be allowed to speak in Israel, and should go to the West Bank.

Masud Ghnaim (2) - United Arab List
Ghnaim is a current Knesset member from an Islamic party and a teacher by profession. He has a degree in middle eastern history from the University of Haifa. He previously served on the city council of his home town Sakhnin, in northern Israel.

Dr. Jamal Zahalka (3) - Balad
Zahalka is has been a member of Knesset since 2003. He is the leader of the national democratic party, Balad. He assumed the chariman position after former head Azmi Bishara went into exile.

Dr. Ahmed Tibi (4) - Ta'al
Out of all of the joint list's Knesset members, Tibi has the longest history inside of Israel's parliament. He has served since 1999 and is the co-founder of Ta'al and Islamic party. He is a vocal advocate for the Palestinian right of return for refugees. Before entering politics Tibi was a gynecologist.

Aida Touma- Suleiman (5) - Hadash
Touma-Suleiman has been a member of Hadash for decades and this will be her first time in public office. She is the founder of the feminist organization Women Against Violence and is the editor-in-chief of al-Ittihad, an Arabic daily newspaper published in Israel.

Abd al-Hakim Hajj Yahya (6) - United Arab List
Hajj Yahya is an engineer by training and this will be his first time as a member of Knesset.

Hanin Zoabi (7) - Balad
Zoabi is perhaps the most well-known Palestinian citizen of Israel serving in Knesset. She has held this position since 2009 and during her term in public service she has been attacked while speaking on the Knesset floor, and holds the title of the Knesset member with the longest suspension from office in Israel's history. During election season, she was physically assaulted while speaking at a debate, along with a Jewish-Israeli spokesperson for the Joint List. Prior to entering politics Zoabi was a journalist.

Dov Khenin (8) - Hadash
Khenin is the Joint Arab List's only Jewish-Israeli member to be elected into Knesset. He is a veteran member of Knesset, serving since 2006. Khenin is a political scientist with a PhD from Hebrew University.

Taleb Abu Arar (9) - United Arab List
Abu Arar is a prominent Bedouin politician and attorney. He first entered Knesset in 2013. Before, Abu Arar was the head of a local council in the Negev.

Dr. Yousef Jabarin (10) - Hadash
Jabarin is from Umm el-Fahm, a village in northern Israel that is regarded as a political stronghold for Palestinian citizens of Israel. He hold a PhD in law with a specialty in human rights. This will be his first term in Knesset.

Dr. Basel Ghattas (11) - Balad
Ghattas is a seasoned political figure. He co-founded the Balad party with his cousin Azmi Bishara in 1995, although he did not enter Knesset until 2013. He holds a PhD in engineering from Technion, and is of a Christian background.

Osama Saadi (12) - Ta'al
Saadi is a human rights lawyer known for working on issues relating to Palestinian prisoners. This will be his first term in Knesset.

Abdullah Abu Marouf (13) - Hadash
Abu Marouf is the only Druze member of Joint Arab List to enter Knesset. He is the founder of the Druze Initiative Committee and works with Physicians for Human Rights, as he is also a urologist.
[Allison Deger is the Assistant Editor of Mondoweiss. Follow her on twitter at @allissoncd.]

Benjamin Netanyahu's attack on Arab voters was not just an electioneering tactic. Such fear-mongering is rooted in the foundation of the Zionist project in Palestine.
By Yousef Munayyer
March 20, 2015
The Nation




DATE: Thursday 2nd April 2015, 3-5pm
LOCATION: G4S HQ, 105 Victoria Street, London (near Victoria Station)

Last year Israel abducted 1266 Palestinian children - that's one child taken from their parents every 7 hours! During interrogation 75% of Palestinian children detained by Israel are physically tortured. 40% of the 600 children that were taken from Jerusalem alone, were sexually abused by Israeli soldiers during arrest or interrogation.  Today around 300 Palestinian children are languishing in Israeli dungeons secured by G4S and powered by Hewlett Packard IT. These include the five Hares Boys who have been tortured and caged by Israel for 2 years for a crime that didn't even happen; and the 15 years old schoolboy Khaled Sheikh abducted from outside his home. Please join us as we demand freedom for the children. Join the protest outside the headquarters of the British security contractor G4S  who secure Israel's notorious torture dens and dungeons where the children are abused and caged.
On 14th March 2013 a simple car accident, when a illegal Israeli settler car speeding along a road built illegally on stolen Palestinian land, crashed in to the back of an Israeli truck which had stopped to change a flat tire resulting in four people being hurt, was later at the behest of angry settlers presented as an attack by Palestinian stone throwing youth. The truck drivers earlier testimony that he stopped due to a flat tire was replaced with the new reason being that he had seen stones by the road, and an accident that happened after dark that nobody saw suddenly became a terror attack with 61 witnesses including the police!
Over the next few days over 50 masked Israeli soldiers with attack dogs stormed the local village of Hares in the early hours of the morning and in waves of violent arrests kidnapped the children of the village. In total 19 children were taken to the infamous G4S secured children's dungeon at Al Jalame and locked up in solitary confinement for up to 2 weeks in filthy windowless 1m by 2m hole in the ground cells with no mattress. The Israeli prime minister Benyamin Natanyahu announced to the settlers that he had “caught the terrorists”. The children were violently tortured and sexual threats were made against the female members of their families in order to coerce confessions from the boys.
With the confessions and the new “eye-witness” statements, five of the Hares boys were charged with 25 counts of attempted murder each, even though there were only four people in the car. Apparently the military court had decided that 25 stones were thrown, each with an "intent to kill". The five boys have been illegally transferred to Israel, in contravention of Article 76 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, to Megiddo prison where G4S provides the entire central command room. Hewlett Packard provides technical services and central servers that keep Israels  dungeons and torture dens, including Megiddo, operational.
In violation of international law Israel has turned prisons in to money making enterprises with the boys essentially forced to pay for their own imprisonment. Israel deliberately fails to provide Palestinian prisoners the basic essentials - edible food, cloths (underwear, shoes..) and hygiene products (soap, toothbrush..). The boys are forced to buy these at the extortionately priced prison shop costing the families over € 125/month to provide for one child's basic needs in prison.
With no evidence of a crime the military court keeps on postponing the hearing dates from one month to one year to two years, meanwhile the boys remain caged indefinitely and their families facing financial ruin in the process. A court hearing entails the families spending most of their day queuing and enduring the humiliation at the checkpoints where HP provides the biometric systems used to tag Palestinians, then waiting at the court in anticipation of catching a glimpse of their son.. often to be disappointed as hearing are cancelled without notice.
The United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF report on Children in Israeli Military Detention concludes that Israel is the only country in the world where children are systematically tried in military courts that by definition fall short of providing  the necessary guarantees to ensure respect for their rights. The conviction rate in Israeli military courts is an unfathomable 99.74%.
If the five boys are convicted they will be locked up for over 25 years - five young lives ruined with no evidence of a crime let alone their guilt.
G4S provides the security systems, and Hewlett Packard the IT infrastructure, which keep these torture dens operational. Prisoners who have survived these hell holes recall seeing G4S logos on the cameras that witnessed their abuse. These companies are fully complicit in the crimes Israel commits against Palestinian children, and must be held to account.

On Christmas day last year Israeli soldiers abducted 15 years old Khaled Sheikh from outside his home in Beit 'Anan in Jerusalem. He has been caged in Israel's notorious G4S secured Ofer prison for over three months now. Israel has denied him any family visits and he has been denied essential medical treatment. Accused of throwing a stone, Israel's military court on 25th February, true to its 99.74% conviction rate, sentenced Khaled to  4 months imprisonment and in addition fined him $500. Khaled suffers from several health issues including anaemia and has been denied his medication since his abduction in December. His family are fearful for his health and are urging activists around the world to intervene to secure the release of their son.


Land Day commemorates the Palestinian struggle for their land in the face of rampant Zionist colonisation and theft of land. In particular it marks the events of 30th March 1976 when Palestinians called for a general strike to resist Yitzhak Rabin's orders to expropriate vast tracts of Palestinian land in the Galilee as part of Israel's openly declared policy to “Judaize” the area. Defense Minister Shimon Peres sent the troops in to break the strike, they killed 6 Palestinian 'citizens' of Israel and wounded hundreds more. Ahmed Khalaila remembers his brother Khader being executed by one shot in the head when he came to the aid of a woman who was shot for simple stepping outside her house.

At our protest we will remember Land Day.

On 20th March we held a second protest for the second anniversary of the abduction of the Hares Boys, this time outside the London headquarters of Hewlett Packard who provide the IT infrastructure and systems that ensures Israel's torture dens and dungeons stay operational.
Video - Hewlett Packard Complicity in Israeli Torture, 20 Mar 2015
 Video - London Protest to Free The Hares Boys, 20 Mar 2015
Video - Free The Hares Boys - Speech On 2nd Anniv, 20 Mar 2015
Video - Hewlett Packard Complicity in Israel's War Crimes, 20 Mar 2015
 Palestinian Prisoners Campaign

The Palestinian Prisoners Campaign aims to raise awareness for the plight of Palestinian prisoners and build solidarity for their struggle and work towards their freedom. The campaign was launched by Innovative Minds (inminds.com) and the Islamic Human Rights Commission (ihrc.org) on the occasion of Al Quds Day 2012 (on 17th August 2012), since then we have held actions every fortnight in support of Palestinian prisoners, if you can spare two hours twice a month then please join the campaign by coming to the next action.

Southampton University Bows to Zionist & Tory Pressure and Cancels Conference on Israel & International Law

The decision by Southampton University to cancel a conference on Israel and International Law, of all subjects, is an act of sheer cowardice.  Universities have a duty, not only legally but morally, to uphold academic freedom, the cut and thrust of debate, the right to present alternative ideas to those of the mainstream. 
A Police State University
It also demonstrates the hypocrisy of the state.  It was less than 3 months ago that 8 journalists and cartoonists from Charlie Hebdo were murdered in their offices.  World leaders, including those from the most repressive states such as Saudi Arabia and Israel, attended a march dedicated to upholding the values of freedom of speech.  David Cameron also attended but that hasn't prevented his Communities Minister, the loathsome Eric Pickles from adding his (considerable) weight to the call to ban the Conference.  Tory MPs have also weighed in to support the call from the misnamed Board of Deputies of British Jews and various other Zionist front groups.
The loathsome Eric Pickles MP - Called for the Conference to be Banned
 The pretext is 'health and safety' because the Zionists have promised a demonstration.  If Southampton University's administration cannot protect its conferences from a small demonstration then it should collectively resign and make way for those who can.
A University of Cowardice
 There is an appeal later today and the Vice-Chancellor Professor Don Nutbeam will make the final decision, however it is likely to be a charade as this decision is likely to have already met with his approval.  There is the promise of legal action, either in the form of judicial review or an injunction, though our judiciary are not known for their upholding of the right to academic freedom, other than when the rights of fascists such as Patrick Harrington at NE London Polytechnic some years ago, are concerned.

My own view is that we should hold a demonstration at Southampton University to ensure that the Administration is left in no doubt as to our anger.

Tony Greenstein

Statement from Organisers

The March of the World Hypocrites and Tyrants 1

It is with extreme astonishment and sadness that we have to inform you that the University of Southampton has told us earlier yesterday (Monday 30 March 2015) that it intends to withdraw its permission to hold the academic conference on International Law and the State of Israel. We were told that the decision was taken on the grounds of health and safety: a number of groups may be demonstrating for or against the conference which could present risks to the safety of the participants, students and staff. The University claims that it does not have enough resources to mitigate the risks, despite a clear statement from the Police confirming that they are able to deal with the protest and ensure the security of the event.
Southampton University - Where Freedom of Speech Carries no Weight
 As the law stands, the University is legally obliged to uphold freedom of speech, and - unlike in some engineering projects for example where health and safety may be the only legal obligation – the requirement of minimising risk should also fall onto the Police as the agency that is entrusted with the enforcement of the law (freedom of speech) and the provision of security. The mitigating measure should therefore include policing in addition to what the university can reasonably provide using its own security resources. We are therefore extremely dissatisfied with the risk assessment conducted by the University which seems to lack consistency; high risks remained high even when seemingly effective mitigating measures were put in place. Crucially and additionally, the risk assessment does not seem to include all possible risk mitigating measures that could be provided by the police.
A number of risks have been identified by the police but it is very clear from the Police’s report that they are more than capable of policing the conference and ensuring the safety of university staff, speakers, delegates, students and property. However, instead of accepting this at face value the University decided to focus on the risks identified by the Police and ignore their statement about their ability to police the event – we were told the Police will never say in writing they are not able to police an event, in other words the University had doubts about the Police’s ability to do their job of upholding the law! The university claims that the Police are not able or unwilling to become too involved because the University is ‘private property’, which we find astonishing. The University is a public space, it was established by a Royal Charter and it has public roles and duties including upholding freedom of speech and to that extent it should be able to resort to police assistance in order to curb security risks to enable it to fulfil its legal obligation to uphold freedom of speech. If this is not done, if commitment to safety is not undertaken by the police, freedom of speech becomes an idle worthless notion. At no point were we given an indication that the University has indeed allowed itself the time to seek viable police assistance to supplement its own resources. Additionally, and unconvincingly, the University claims that it is now too late to put proper security arrangements in place. We do not accept that in any way as there are still 18 days left before the conference.
Given the Police’s confidence in providing security and given that there are other possible mitigating measures that are yet to be explored that could be put in place to minimize the risk, a decision to cancel the conference would be grossly disproportionate and therefore may well be illegal and unconstitutional. Such an action by Southampton University will severely undermine the public’s confidence in the Police’s and the in the University’s ability to protect freedom of speech. Indeed it will have wider implications to all Universities and organisations. We feel that the manner the university communicated with the police and conducted the risk assessment shows that the security argument was used to rationalise a decision to cancel the conference that has been taken under public pressure of the Israeli Lobby. It is quite simply unbelievable that the University cannot ask the Police to handle the risk of demonstrations.
The March of the World Hypocrites and Tyrants 2
 Freedom of speech inherently involves taking risks, and hence the presence of risk cannot be used to curtail it! The UK Government and many other governments have refused to give in to attempts by Islamic extremist to stop the publication of pictures of Prophet Mohammad despite serious risks of violence. The correct response by the governments was to confront and contain that violence and not to cancel the publication of these pictures by Charlie Hebdo and others.

This is a sad decision for freedom of speech and for historic Palestine (which includes what is now the Jewish State of Israel and the 1967 Occupied Territories) and ALL the people who live there.
We will explore legal emergency measures to prevent the University from cancelling the conference, to reverse its decision and to properly collaborate with the police so that the demonstrations can be managed. In addition we call for the widest and most intense public campaign possible that would urgently encourage the university to reverse its decision and which would allow the conference to go ahead.

Finally, we must make it clear that we have made several attempts to meet with the Vice Chancellor to consult him on the organisation of this conference, and to invite him to open the conference but we have never been given the opportunity to do so. On the other hand, the Vice Chancellor has met with pro-Israel representatives without ever calling us to attend meetings and we, as Professors in the University, feel disempowered and marginalised by this disrespectful behaviour.

Professor Oren Ben-Dor, University of Southampton.
Professor George Bisharat, University of California, Hastings College of the Law.
Professor Suleiman Sharkh, University of Southampton.
Ms. Juman Ismail.
Conference Organisers

Mark Gardner of the Zionist 'charity' - the Communist Security Trust & the Southampton International Law Conference


CST's Mark Gardner Dishonestly Quotes Me to Support the Banning of Southampton International Law Conference

My attention has been drawn by Gert and Brian Robinson to the use by Mark Gardner of the Zionist ‘charity’ the Communist Security Trust of certain comments I made regarding Oren ben-Dor, the Southampton University lecturer who has helped organise the Israel and International Law Conference.
The comments which I made, some 7 years ago, were in the context of ben-Dor’s support for Gilad Atzmon. 
Oren ben-Dor
Gardner quotes selectively from a much longer post to support the decision of Southampton University to ban a conference on Israel and International Law from being held on campus.  The reason it has been banned is because of health and safety concerns, i.e. Zionist threats of violence.
When the UCU won an employment tribunal against a Zionist academic Gardner
called the Tribunal members 'sneering bastards'
I want to make it clear that there is no connection between the Conference at Southampton University and my previous criticism of Oren ben-Dor.  Mark Gardner is being his usual hypocritical and dishonest self in seeking to associate the two.  There is no connection and Oren ben-Dor is, in any event, one of four organisers of the Conference.  More pertinent has been the failure of the CST to oppose the EDL's presence on Zionist demonstrations.

In a blog post I stated that:
‘Oren Ben-Dor is an ex-Israeli and a law lecturer at the University of Southampton. He is also someone who has aligned himself with a small, anti-Semitic current on the fringes of the Palestinian movement.’ 

Having subsequently met Oren Ben-Dor I formed the opinion that he was clearly misguided regarding Atzmon but was not personally anti-Semitic.  If anything he was taken in by Atzmon’s pretentious philosophical gobbledydook, as is evident in his articleThe Silencing of Gilad Atzmon

Ironically the criticism by Gardner of what Oren ben-Dor writes, on the CST’s web site (the CST is supposed to be a non-political charity), echoes that which the Zionists argue.

Gardner says that ‘They [Atzmon and ben-Dor] both hold up Jewish anti-Zionists as some kind of ultimate supposed proof that Zionism can only be fundamentally understood (and more importantly opposed) as an extension of Jewishness.’  But of course Zionists too argue that Zionism and being Jewish are one and the same, and that Jewish anti-Zionists are ‘self-haters’ i.e. hate their race and nation.

Gardner confirms this when he says that ‘Most left wing anti-israel activists anxiously manufacture distance between Zionists and Jews (i.e. between anti-Zionism and antisemitism).’  In other words that there is no distance or distinction between Zionists and Jews and left-wing anti-Israel activists therefore have to manufacture such distance.  Which is exactly what Atzmon argues!

Gardner says that ben-Dor ‘goes further, suggesting that Nazi perpetrators were somehow captives of a deeper historical force that may repeat in the future.’  But this was always the Zionist attitude to the holocaust.  It was but the culmination of 2,000 years of anti-Semitism.

Despite quoting me in support of the banning of the Southampton Law Conference (which of course I oppose) Gardner proves how little distance there is between Zionist ideologues such as himself and the anti-Semitic Gilad Atzmon.

Tony Greenstein

Southampton University - Legal Action Expected Next Week


After the decision of Southampton University's Administration to ban a conference on Israel and International Law, admittedly a subject which Israel's leaders are particularly sensitive to, legal action in the form of a judicial review is expected next week.  However, as someone who has mounted a (successful) judicial review in the past, people have to be aware that success is by no means guaranteed.  

I'm slightly surprised that they didn't go for an injunction but success in what is actually an application for leave to bring an action will depend on whether the university administration acted illegally, beyond its powers 'ultra vires' or the appellants will have to demonstrate what is called Wednesbury unreasonableness, i.e. no reasonable administration could have taken this decision.   These are high but not insurmountable hurdles.  If the appellants succeed, the Judge will order the continuance of the status quo i.e. that the conference continues, however in practice this will mean that the Judicial Review has succeeded given the conference is a couple of weeks away.

Tony Greenstein

Court hearing expected next week in challenge to UK university’s ban on Israel conference

Ali Abunimah 04/03/2015

The Electronic Intifada has learned details of the court challenge filed in London on Thursday against the University of Southampton’sdecision to ban a conference related to Israel.
One of the organizers of the conference – a professor who grew up as a refugee in Gaza – has said that the legal challenge was taken with a “very heavy heart,” but was essential to defend freedom of speech.
Cameron's commitment to free speech lasted less than 3 months
On Wednesday, the University of Southampton confirmed that it had canceled the conference, “International Law and the State of Israel: Legitimacy, Responsibility and Exceptionalism,” that had been scheduled for 17-19 April.
Administrators claimed that the decision was necessary because of the high risk of protests at the event “which could lead to incidents of public disorder.”
Eric Pickles - the right wing slob and cabinet member who came out in favour of the ban

High Court challenge

At a hearing in the High Court in London, expected to take place next week, lawyers will challenge the university’s claims.

Mark McDonald, a public interest lawyer from the chambers of Michael Mansfield QC, told The Electronic Intifada that in withdrawing permission for the conference, the university had acted unfairly. It had used the risk of disorder as pretext for “capitulation to activists and supporters of the State of Israel.”

“This is blatant censorship under the guise of a specter of campus being overrun by violent hordes, which is patently groundless,” McDonald added.

Lawyers will argue that the university presented no evidence to justify its claims, that its decisionmaking was inconsistent and that the mere fact of protests does not equate to a security risk.
McDonald, who is working on the case with co-counsel Shivani Jegarajah, pointed out that the law guarantees a right to protest and counterprotest.

The Israeli embassy in London and Israel lobby groups that had campaigned for months for the cancellation of the conference have welcomed the university’s decision.

Freedom of speech at stake

In an open letter to fellow faculty and students, conference co-organizer Suleiman Sharkh warned that if left unchallenged, the university’s cancelation of the conference “will have a direct impact on you and your freedom of speech.”
Michael Gove - the unpopular former Education Secretary has spoken in support of the ban
Sharkh, a professor of engineering at the university, shared the the letterwith The Electronic Intifada.
In it he explains his involvement and interest in the law conference, but also provides some poignant personal background. Sharkh was born in the Palestinian coastal city of Majdal Asqalan, now Ashkelon in present-day Israel.

Palestinians in the city were forcibly expelled to Gaza well after the ceasefire that ended the 1948 war.
“In November 1948, six months after the establishment of the State of Israel and after the wars had ended, the town was bombed and many people were killed. Those who survived were herded towards Gaza, crawling on their hands and knees in the thorny fields,” Sharkh writes.

The expulsion of the town’s residents to Gaza continued until 1950.

“Since then we have lived in squalid refugee camps. I walked around barefoot in the sand soiled by open sewage. I got my first shoes when I went to school at the age of six,” he adds.

“International law was responsible for our misery,” Sharkh explains. “It was used to legalize the theft of our homes and it continues to be used to legalize the ongoing oppression of my people by the State of Israel. The questions asked by the conference are therefore questions that I have been asking all my life. They are important questions that need to be answered.”

“However answering these questions risks exposing the true face of the State of Israel, and risks reminding the world of the uncomfortable truth about the crimes that were and continue to be committed against the Palestinian people,” Sharkh states. “As a result, the pro-Israel lobby exerted huge pressure on the university, which has resulted in the withdrawal of the permission to hold the conference.”

Sharkh dismisses media and Israel lobby group claims that “this was going to be an anti-Semitic conference.” He says he hoped the meeting would be a small step “to achieve justice, freedom and equality for my people to live side by side with Jews and all people in historic Palestine.”

Sharkh, himself a graduate of Southampton, said that studying and working at the university “is the best thing that happened to me.”

It was therefore with a “very heavy heart” that he and other conference organizers had to resort to taking the university to court.

Sharkh invited students and faculty to join almost eight thousand people who have signed an online petitioncalling on the University of Southampton to defend freedom of speech.

Asa Winstanley contributed reporting from London.

Full text of Suleiman Sharkh’s letter

Dear Friends, Colleagues and Students

As some of you may know, I am one of the organizers of the conference: “International Law and the State of Israel: Legitimacy, Responsibility and Exceptionalism.” The conference was approved by the university back in July 2014 and we followed all the procedures and collaborated fully with the university’s administration from the start. We have been transparent throughout about the nature and the aims of the conference.

Some of you may wonder why I, an engineering professor, am involved in organizing a law conference. The obvious answer is that understanding the law is essential to engineering and it is indeed part of our curriculum – it is a requirement of accreditation by the Engineering Council. My own research on smart electricity grids and smart metering involves understanding the legal issues that arise from the development of the technology, particularly with regards to privacy of the data collected by the smart meters and its human rights implications.

Also, as many of you know, I am a Palestinian. I grew up in Gaza, but my family is originally from a town called Majdal Asqalan (now called Ashkelon by Israel). In November 1948, six months after the establishment of the State of Israel and after the wars had ended, the town was bombed and many people were killed. Those who survived were herded towards Gaza, crawling on their hands and knees in the thorny fields. Since then we have lived in squalid refugee camps. I walked around barefoot in the sand soiled by open sewage. I got my first shoes when I went to school at the age of six.
International law was responsible for our misery. It was used to legalize the theft of our homes and it continues to be used to legalize the ongoing oppression of my people by the State of Israel. The questions asked by the conference are therefore questions that I have been asking all my life. They are important questions that need to be answered.

However answering these questions risks exposing the true face of the State of Israel, and risks reminding the world of the uncomfortable truth about the crimes that were and continue to be committed against the Palestinian people. As a result, the pro-Israel lobby exerted huge pressure on the university, which has resulted in the withdrawal of the permission to hold the conference.
The attached statement explains our point of view, and why the university’s senior management’s decision is wrong in law. This decision will have a direct impact on you and your freedom of speech.
I am a Southampton graduate. This is my university. Studying and working at Southampton is the best thing that happened to me. It broadened my mind, it showed me that there are alternatives to violence and hatred, namely respectful debate and love. I care greatly about the university and its reputation and hence the reason for deciding, with a very heavy heart, to take legal action to reverse the decision to cancel the conference.

The main press may give you the impression that this was going to be an anti-Semitic conference. This is absolutely not true. My fellow organizer, Professor Oren Ben-Dor is a Jew. We have many Jewish supporters. And I am glad that many Jews immigrated to Palestine to be in a safe haven and I welcome more Jews to live in Palestine. My main aim is to achieve justice, freedom and equality for my people to live side by side with Jews and all people in historic Palestine. I want it to be a safer haven for Jews, a safe haven for all people who live there. I hope the conference will be a small step in that direction.

Finally, I want to assure you that there will be no spontaneous demonstrations or any violence from supporters of the conference as suggested by my colleague the chief operating officer, Steve White. We will conduct our protests in a very dignified manner, within the law, with full collaboration with the police and the university. I will never accept any harm to be done to the university and the wonderful people who work and study here, who keep it the fantastic place of scholarship and learning that it is.

Please express your support for freedom of speech by signing the online petition.

Yours sincerely,


Free Khalida Jarrar Now!


Khalida Jarrar, Palestinian leader, parliamentarian and feminist, has been issued a six-month administrative detention order imprisoning her without charge or trial, at the behest of the Israeli military commander in the West Bank, reported Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association – Jarrar’s lawyers – on April 5. TAKE ACTION: Demand freedom for Khalida Jarrar!
Mahmoud Hassan, lawyer with Addameer and director of its Legal Unit, reported that a military court session at Ofer will confirm the order on Wednesday, April 8, 2015. Jarrar is the former Executive Director of Addameer and Vice President of its Board of Directors, as well as the chair of the Palestinian Legislative Council Prisoners’ Committee and a member of the Palestinian national follow-up committee for the International Criminal Court.

In response to the order, Addameer noted that the use of administrative detention by the Israeli occupation is illegal and arbitrary detention and amounts to a war crime, “willfully depriving a prisoner of war or other protected person of their right to a fair and regular trial.” It urged the international community to work hard to end arbitrary administrative detention and free all Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.
Hassan said further that he visited Jarrar this morning in HaSharon prison, that she is in good health and taking her prescribed medication, but that she needs ongoing health care. She is now one of nine members of the Palestinian Legislative Council held without charge or trial under administrative detention orders.

Administrative detention is the imprisonment of Palestinians without charge or trial and on the basis of secret evidence for up to six month periods, indefinitely renewable by Israeli military courts. The use of administrative detention dates from the “emergency laws” of the British colonial era in Palestine. Israel’s use of administrative detention violates international law; such detention is allowed only in individual circumstances that are exceptionally compelling for “imperative reasons of security.” In Palestine, however, Israel uses administrative detention routinely as a form of collective punishment and mass detention of Palestinians, and frequently uses administrative detention when it fails to obtain confessions in interrogations of Palestinian detainees.

For ongoing updates on the case of Khalida Jarrar, visit http://samidoun.net/khalidajarrar

Who is Khalida Jarrar

Jarrar is a long-time Palestinian political prisoners’ advocate, former executive director of Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Associationand a member of its board; she chairs the Prisoners’ Committee of the Palestinian Legislative Council. She is also active in the Palestinian women’s movement, a feminist and prominent voice for the defense and expansion of women’s rights.

Jarrar has been a visible and prominent participant in the West Bank demonstrations in support of Palestinians in Gaza, denouncing the occupation military’s killing of over 2,000 Palestinians.

Since 1998, she has been forbidden to travel outside occupied Palestine; when she needed medical treatment in Jordan in 2010, she struggled for months in a public campaign before finally receiving her treatment.

Thousands of organizations and individuals from around the world took action in August-September 2014, declaring that they stand with Khalida Jarrar and demanding the cancellation of the “special supervision order” forcibly transferring her from Ramallah to Jericho. Jarrar refused expulsion to Jericho. Instead, she has set up a protest tent in the Palestinian Legislative Council courtyard in Ramallah, where she lived and worke until the order was lifted on September 16, 2014. “It is the occupation who must leave our homeland,” said Jarrar. The tent was visited by numerous Palestinian and international delegations, including international members of Parliament.

There are now 16 members of the elected Palestinian Legislative Council imprisoned by Israel, 9 under administrative detention without trial or charge. PLC members have been repeatedly and systematically targeted by Israeli occupation forces.

The Khalida Jarrar Solidarity Campaign is being reactivated to demand her immediate release.

News and Updates:
News and reporting:
The Zionist Rationale in The Times of Israel

Israelarrests Palestinian lawmaker

PLFP member Khalida Jarrar detained after violating injunction restricting her movement in the West Bank

Israel arrested a Palestinian lawmaker from a left-wing terrorist group on Thursday for disobeying an order restricting her movement in the West Bank.
The IDF said it arrested Khalida Jarrar, a senior political leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, early Thursday in the West Bank city of Ramallah due to “substantial concerns about the safety and security of the region.”

The PFLP organization has been behind a number of attacks on Israeli civilians over a period of some 40 years.
As recently as November of last year, it took responsibility for a terror attack in which five people were shot and hacked to death with meat cleavers in a bloody assault on a Jerusalem synagogue.
Last year, the military confined Jarrar’s movement to the city of Jericho and its surroundings.
The army said the restraining order was based on her “incitement and involvement in terror.”
Her husband, Ghassan Jarrar, said she was arrested in their Ramallah home.
She had long flaunted the Israeli ban.
The military said it was questioning her but has not yet decided whether to press charges.
Soldiers confiscated two computers and a mobile phone from the premises, according to Palestinian media reports.
The Palestine Liberation Organization denounced the move and called Jarrar’s detention “illegal” on social media.
Jarrar was heavily involved in cementing the Palestinian Authority’s bid to join the International Criminal Court bid, a PLO spokesperson said.

ISIS Attack Syrian Refugee Camp

Maureen Clare Murphy Sun, 04/05/2015

An UNRWA photo shows Yarmouk camp in 2014.

Fears over the safety of the 18,000 civilians trapped in Yarmouk, south of the Syrian capital of Damascus, have grown following reports that ISIShas taken control of large areas of the Palestinian refugee camp.

ISIS, also known as the Islamic State or ISIL, notorious for its brutal execution of hostages in the areas it occupies in Iraq and Syria, infiltrated Yarmouk camp on 1 April.
Fierce battles are reported to have ensued since then, as Aknaf Beit al-Madqis, an anti-government militia in the camp aligned with the Palestinian faction Hamas, have pushed back against ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaida’saffiliate in Syria.

Aknaf Beit al-Maqdis stated today that the group is “fulfilling to defend the capital of the Palestinian diaspora and the blood of our people” and denied reports that its fighters had surrendered.
“We shall remain steadfast until Yarmouk camp is cleansed of the darkness and tyranny, if God allows.”

Jabhat al-Nusra has reportedly prevented other armed groups from entering Yarmouk to reinforce Aknaf Beit al-Maqdis.

The Syrian air force has also reportedly bombed the camp.

The Reuters news agency reported today:

Tayseer Abu Baker, head of the Palestinian Liberation Front in Syria, part of the Palestine Liberation Organization, told Reuters over the phone that Islamic State had killed 21 people including fighters and civilians since Friday.

“Some families are trying to exit the camp but with Islamic State snipers on rooftops of high buildings that is very difficult,” he said. He added Islamic State had kidnapped at least 74 people from the camp and that civilians were trying to flee.

As Reuters notes, “security and reporting restrictions” make it impossible to independently verify reports in Syria.

Coordination with Jabhat al-Nusra

In a statement emailed to The Electronic Intifada today, the Jafra Foundation for Relief and Youth Development, which works to improve conditions in Palestinian refugee camps in Syria, said that the ISIS attack on Yarmouk from the south on 1 April was launched in coordination with Jabhat al-Nusra, which forced its entry to the camp in December 2012.

Aknaf Beit al-Madqis, the largest Palestinian militia in the camp, immediately resisted the ISIS attempts to enter the camp, along with volunteer fighters from Yarmouk, according to Jafra, and was initially able to take back areas captured by ISIS.

But ISIS fighters seized the Palestine Hospital, kidnapping five injured volunteers, whose whereabouts “are still unknown,” Jafra stated.

The following day, ISIS entered the camp from the east, and, in coordination with Jabhat al-Nusra, was able to control more than half the camp as Aknaf Beit al-Maqdis consolidated its positions in Yarmouk.

Image of Majed al-Omari posted on Jafra Foundation’s Facebook page.
“At this time ISIS began to enter the offices of all local organizations in Yarmouk,” Jafra stated. ISIS broke into Jafra’s offices, briefly detaining three volunteers present at the time. “ISIS destroyed the office and all paperwork inside,” the group added.

Violent battles continued on 3 April. Jafra reported that two young Palestinian fighters were beheaded by ISIS and two young women were kidnapped, their whereabouts unknown.

“There are now no operational hospitals or medical facilities to serve the civilian population inside the besieged camp,” according to Jafra, which added that one if its volunteers, 21-year-old Majed al-Omari, was shot and killed by ISIS sniper fire outside his home on 3 April.

Targeting of activists

Jamal Khalife, a 27-year-old media activist, was also reported killed by shelling.
Khalife is co-director of a short film highlighting life under siege in Yarmouk that was uploaded to YouTube yesterday:

Siege/ حصار

Civil activist Mohommad Rimawi was also reported killed in a mortar strike near the camp’s Palestine Hospital “which led to the injury of a number of paramedics and health care personnel.”
Jafra Foundation added that it has suspended its work in Yarmouk.

“Nusra has shared lists of civilian activists working in media, relief and other sectors with ISIS. There is information that Nusra has kidnapped volunteers from other organizations inside the camp,” the group stated.

According to the Dublin-based Front Line Defenders, which advocates for the protection of human rights defenders, “Assassination of human rights defenders and humanitarian volunteers by militant groups has been common in the camp.”
Image of Yehia al-Hourani posted on Jafra Foundation’s Facebook page.
The group adds, “On 30 March 2015, Mr. Yehia Hourani, a volunteer for the Red Crescent, a Syrian humanitarian organization, was killed on his way to his place of work. On 23 February 2015, Mr. Firas Al Naji, a member of the PLHR [Palestinian League for Human Rights], and close friend of Abdullah Al Khateeb, was shot dead in his residence in the camp.”

Threats have been made on the life of Abdullah Al Khateeb, a founding member of PLHR, “a network established in 2012 to document and promote the human rights of Palestinian refugees,” Front Line stated yesterday.

“Since 2011, Al Khateeb has been documenting human rights abuses committed by different parties within the Syrian conflict, while also volunteering to provide humanitarian assistance in the Yarmouk refugee camp,” the group added.

PLO failure

Statements attributed to Al Khateeb, translated and published on the blog of Salim Salamah, a Palestinian from Yarmouk currently in Sweden, describe a “catastrophic” medical situation and “intensive shelling and aerial bombing.”

Al Khateeb states that most of the activists wanted by ISIS have been evacuated, “with continuous attempts to evacuate the rest.”

He adds that negotiations with ISIS, which he says he was party to, ended in failure.

“The mission is extremely difficult as Yarmouk’s borders are full of mines, besides being covered by snipers,” he says.

Al Khateeb’s group, PLHR, has meanwhile condemned the Palestine Liberation Organization’s“very passive approach towards the catastrophe” in Yarmouk and its failure to put pressure on the Syrian government to lift its siege on the camp.

PLHR calls for international intervention “to push for a lift of the siege by the regime, to stop the progress of ISIS and to support the inhabitants of Yarmouk” by securing both safe passages via government-controlled checkpoints and guarantees of no political arrests.


A pseudonymous source in Yarmouk, described as a 30-year-old journalist and activist, told the web publication Middle East Eyethis week that “Most of the fighters of IS [Islamic State] are not foreigners; they are sons of southern Damascus. IS did not come from nowhere. It was born out of the siege. Last year when food and water were running out and electricity was dwindling, support for IS began to grow.”

“Since last year IS has been moving steadily north-east toward central Damascus,” he added.
Describing the situation in Yarmouk this week, he said, “The situation is disastrous. … We don’t know what the aim of the rebels is anymore … is it to control the camp, defeat the regime? Get rid of another rebel group?”

Twenty months of siege

Yarmouk was once home to an estimated 150,000 Palestinian residents and thousands of Syrian nationals.

Dozens died from starvation there after government forces and pro-government militias “began to prevent all access to Yarmouk” in July 2013, according to Amnesty International.

Residents have not had reliable electricity since then, as the main supply was cut, according to UNRWA, the United Nations agency for Palestine refugees.

Fighting and siege have prevented the distribution of badly needed humanitarian aid to the civilians who remain trapped in Yarmouk, which include an estimated 3,500 children.

Camp residents do not have access to running water and adequate medical care. Yarmouk’s main hospital has been damaged by shelling and lacks surgical equipment and medical staff.

Residents have been forced to reduce their food intake to one meal per day and suffer chronic malnutrition, dehydration and severe vitamin and protein deficiencies as a result.

“All twelve Palestine refugee camps and all 560,000 registered Palestine refugees in the country have been affected” by the four-year-long conflict in Syria, according to UNRWA.

A recent report details the profound toll that war has taken on the general population of Syria, where life expectancy has plummeted by twenty years.

Most Palestinians in Syria are refugees from the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestine and their descendants. Israel refuses to respect the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their land and property.

Police State Academics & Ettinghausen


Southampton's Professor Ettinghausen - an Opponent of Freedom of Speech

There has been a wave of condemnation, not least from academics, of the Southampton University Administration's banning of a conference on International Law and Israel.  However one slug emerged from the brickwork of Southampton University to uphold the banning edict, one Professor Ettinghausen.  Granted he's not an academic used to philosophical or political analysis, his decision to act as a police state academic is no doubt shameful.  I therefore decided to pen him a letter so that he might understand (forlorn hope that it is) the logical fallacy in his argument.

Assuming Ettinghausen is a Zionist, a group that regularly uses and abuses the Holocaust, I wondered whether conferences on the subject should, to be scholarly, include supporters of the Holocaust and those who deny it ever happened.  I won't wait with bated breath for a reply!

Tony Greenstein
Guardian letter 7.4.15.

Ettinghausen deep in thought or something

Dear Professor Ettinghausen,
I realise that your subject is modern languages rather than anything too analytical but even you should be able to see the logical fallacy in your argument.
Apparently a 'conference that allows only one side of an argument is not scholarly and cannot promote debate'. [Guardian Letters 7.4.15.] 
Let us take this absurd logic a little further.  A conference on the slave trade and slavery cannot be scholarly unless it includes advocates of slavery?
Likewise a conference on Apartheid in South Africa couldn't have been scholarly unless it had advocates of apartheid?
And something that even you might appreciate.  A conference on the Holocaust could not be scholarly unless it included both advocates of the holocaust and those who denied it?
I imagine even you, confined though you are in your racist ivory tower that hears, sees and speaks no evil about Israel, might begin to understand the flaw in your argument.  On slavery there were key arguments about whether the British got rid of slavery and the slave trade out of altruism or economic interest.  Likewise why Apartheid was abolished and as for the Holocaust I suspect that even you are aware of the many debates, from the role of the Judenrat, the Jewish resistance, Zionist collaboration with the  Nazis, when the Holocaust began, intentionalism v functionalism etc. 
I realise that you are no historian but that is no excuse for stupidity.
And of course that leaves to one side the question of whether there is a very real debate to be had about whether international law has any role in achieving justice or overthrowing Zionism in Palestine.  I believe international law is pretty much useless in opposing injustice and that, if anything, is the major flaw in the Conference.

Tony Greenstein

If only there was oil under Yarmouk

The videos (below) are heart breaking.  The Palestinians in Yarmouk are besieged on all sides - by the butchers of ISIS and Al Nusra, ably supported by Israel, and bombed from the air by Assad.

Tony Greenstein


As Palestinians are being murdered and starving to death in the refugee camp near Damascus, the Arab world is busy intervening in Yemen, the Palestinian Authority is silent, and Israeli television is talking about where to eat during the Passover holiday.

By Samah Salaime Egbariya

Yarmouk residents gathered to await a food distribution from UNRWA in January 2014. (Photo by UNRWA)
Monday morning, on the morning show on Israel’s Channel 10, which was co-hosted by the station’s military correspondent because the regular hosts are on vacation, they were supposedly discussing recommendations for the Israeli holiday traveler. After describing Israelis on vacation as ugly and litterers and more, the hosts recommended places to see and good places to eat.

As one might expect, most of the restaurants their guest culinary experts recommended represented the Arab kitchen. They went from Acre to the Galilee to Tiberias, and then Or Heller, the military correspondent, asked the two guest chefs for recommendations of places to eat in the Golan Heights. One of chefs, Haim Cohen, thought for a second and then answered, “Syria. But’s a little difficult [to get there],” adding that “the Syrian kitchen is excellent!”

The host, Or Heller, kept the jokes coming. “Yes, in the Yarmouk Camp … well ISIS are the only ones eating there.” Making fun at the expense my people in the camp that has been under siege for three years really got to me. I got up and went to the kitchen without changing the channel and listened to the rest of the program from afar. And then, another half-joke comes out of the television set, this time as part of their map of holiday traffic jams, about what icon Waze should have to indicate where ISIS is in the Yarmouk Refugee Camp. I couldn’t get over the anger and the pain, and wasn’t able to continue by daily routine.

People don’t understand just how bad the situation is in the Palestinian refugee camp in Syria. Tens of thousands of Palestinians, famished and under attack, are sitting prey for a group of fighters/rebels/terrorists/Assad supporters. We, the Palestinians, and the entire world, don’t really know who’s against who or what they are guilty of. There have been more and more reports of bodies, horrifying murders and wounded in recent days.

‘Yarmouk is devastated throughout, with street storefronts and houses suffering the brunt of the physical damage,’ January 2014. (Photo by UNRWA)
When the war in Syria began three years ago, we, the Palestinians here in Israel, were angry at them, with utmost self-righteousness, that they didn’t join the revolution against Assad. Later we understood their immense fear of getting mixed up in it. The reports we’ve gotten in the past three years about what the Assad government has done to Palestinian youngsters in the refugee camp are simply horrible. Later we got mad at al-Nusra Front, which entered the camp as an opposition force to the regime and were angry that the organization was terrifyingly executing people on the streets. Its fighters raped young women and committed other crimes against humanity that are documented and available for anyone to see on the Internet.

And now, news that ISIS united with al-Nusra Front against the poor Palestinians in the Yarmouk Refugee Camp, for reasons that aren’t entirely clear — aside from al-Nusra’s fear that it was losing control of the camp, and joined ISIS to defeat a group of Palestinian youngsters who organized themselves in an attempt to defend the camp. They call themselves “Aknef Beit al-Maqdis” (The Environs of Jerusalem, in Arabic).
Gathered on Yarmouk Street, residents begin hurrying to reach the distribution point, January 2014. (Photo by UNRWA)
Refugees who fled for their lives to every corner of the world from Yarmouk have described the terror and the smell of death that permeates the camp. “People are eating each other out of starvation,” somebody wrote. There has been no running water since September, and the world is silent.
Palestinians the world over search for snippets of information about their relatives in the camp and, over and over again, see photos of funerals, and that video, in which a boy who hasn’t seen a slice of bread for months tears your heart open with his tears. The descriptions and the photographs that make it out are reminiscent of the eternal photos of concentration camps, or of ethnically cleansed villages in Bosnia.

For we Palestinians who are outside the walls of the Yarmouk refugee camp, our utter and complete helplessness is unbearable. Even organizing a small demonstration in Haifa over the weekend was emotionally trying for the activists, who came with overwhelming despondency, anger and sadness — about the entire world that is simply ignoring what’s happening, about the Arab world that managed to organize a special military force in Yemen overnight, about the silence of the Palestinian Authority, and about the impotence of the international community.

I know that my anger toward the Israeli television presenter who tried to make jokes about my kin in Yarmouk is actually anger about the entire situation. It is anger at the irrationality of it all, the injustice, and the war that is crushing thousands of people — and that nobody cares. It’s a shame. It’s a shame that there isn’t any oil or natural gas under that refugee camp. If there were, I’m sure that an alliance of freedom-seeking nations would quickly come together — with the backing of the UN, of course — to save all those innocent people.

Samah Salaime Egbariya is a social worker, a director of AWC (Arab Women in the Center) in Lod/Lyd and a graduate of the Mandel Leadership Institute in Jerusalem. She is a blogger for our Hebrew-language sister-site, Local Call, where this article was first published. Read it in Hebrew here.

Zionists Perjure Themselves to Secure Conviction of Palestinian Activist

Sussex Friends of Israel  - A Policy of Perjury
Last Thursday the prosecution case against a Brighton member of PSC collapsed, when the District Judge accepted that the two Zionist witnesses had been discredited, after their evidence had been completely contradicted by video footage. There was therefore no case to answer, and the activist was therefore acquitted.
Palestinian activist protesting peacably
Brighton PSC makes a particular point of videoing and archiving evidence such as this, knowing full well that the Zionists do not hesitate to falsify evidence and perjure themselves.  It is, after all, what they do in Palestine.  The defence barrister made the point that it would have been difficult, if not impossible, to challenge the credibility of the prosecution witnesses without this footage being available.

On the 17th of May 2014, two Zionist protesters made a formal complaint to the police that, during the demo outside Ecostream, that they had not only been called Nazis, but it had been done in a personally threatening and abusive way that caused them deep alarm and distress 'as Jewish women'. They alleged that he had come over to where they were positioned, called them both 'fucking nazis' and shook his finger at them 'within two inches' of their faces in a menacing way.
Zionist activist shouting in activist's ear, later complains of being 'harassed'

- This led to a decision by the Crown Prosecution Service to charge the activist with a racially/religiously aggravated public order offence under Section 5, and to proceed to prosecution.

The prosecution case was based entirely on the witness statements of the two Zionist counter-protesters, Sandra Gross and Fiona Sharpe, who are both prominent members of Sussex Friends of Israel. At the start of the trial in February, both witnesses in open court re-stated the accusations they had made last May in interview and in writing.
Another example of Zionist woman activist being harassed - on his other side is one of the main 'Christian' Zionists

In February, the court was shown video footage from the day in question - our own, as well as CCTV footage from inside the Ecostream shop. This footage had not been disclosed to the prosecution in advance of the trial (there was no requirement to do so). The footage clearly showed that, throughout the period of time in question, The activist was standing several yards from the 'victims'. At no point did he stand anywhere near them. He was heard to say 'You're all nazis - all the Zionists are nazis' which may be a slight exaggeration, but not in the case of Sussex Friends of Israel, a number of whose members are linked to the Nazi Jewish Defence League and work with the EDL.

The prosecution accepted that this video evidence captured the entirety of the alleged offence.

The magistrate therefore judged that the evidence of the two witnesses had been discredited, that the activist's behaviour had not been threatening, that his words were not personally directed at the witnesses, that his words alone in this context had not caused alarm or distress, and that the video footage showed that no one else at the demo had taken any notice of what he said - let alone been distressed. Therefore: 'No case to answer'.
Most people who attended the trial felt that the outcome only deserved two cheers. In particular:
A time-consuming and costly prosecution was approved and conducted solely on the basis of two witness statements by Zionists, who have a clear policy of making untruthful statements in evidence. That the Prosecution could take place on such flimsy evidence, when the police were aware of the racist, sexist and homophobic abuse of pro-Palestinian demonstrators by the Zionists throughout the Ecostream campaign, shows how completely one-sided the policing of the protest was, and how in thrall to the Zionists is the entire criminal justice system.

We now know that their evidence was completely fabricated - that is, they lied to the police and they lied in court. This is a criminal offence. And yet the chances of them being charged with perjury are remote.

The activist's barrister argued that, in the context of a 'heated political demonstration', the words used were political rather than racial. He argued further that the term 'nazi' is quite wide-ranging in contemporary English, to mean 'authoritarian', and is not used exclusively to refer to the persecution of Jews during the Nazi era. The magistrate in her summing up rejected these arguments, and ruled that the use of the word 'nazi' could still potentially be abusive, and that by using the term in a situation where the activist knew many of the Zionists were Jews, it was 'possible that hostility directed to the Jewish race had been intended and achieved'.

Brighton, 9 April 2015

The prosecution case against a local Palestinian activist collapsed this morning, when the presiding judge acknowledged that the evidence of the two witnesses for the prosecution had been completely contradicted by video footage. There was therefore no case to answer. The wrongly-accused defendant was exonerated, and excused from the court without conditions.

The trial related to an incident alleged to have taken place during a demonstration outside the Ecostream store in Western Road on the 17th of May 2014 – part of a two-year campaign protesting against the complicity of Ecostream in the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine. On the day, two pro-Israel counter-protesters made a formal complaint to the police. They accused one of our number of calling them ‘nazis’, and of doing so in a personally threatening and abusive way that caused them deep alarm and distress ‘as jewish women’. They alleged that he had come over to where they were positioned, called them both ‘fucking nazis’ and shook his finger at them ‘within two inches of their faces’ in a menacing way.

This led to a decision by the Crown Prosecution Service to charge our comrade with a racially/religiously aggravated public order offence under Section 5, and to proceed to prosecution.
The prosecution case was based entirely on the witness statements of the two zionist counter-protesters – both of whom are prominent members of Sussex Friends of Israel (one the Co-Chair). At the start of the trial in February, both witnesses re-stated in open court the accusations they had made last May in interview and in writing.

In February, the court was shown video footage from the day in question – including CCTV footage from inside the Ecostream shop. The footage clearly showed that, throughout the period of time in question, our comrade was standing several yards from the ‘victims’. At no point did he stand anywhere near them. On the video he was heard to say ‘You’re all nazis – all the zionists are nazis’.
The prosecution accepted that this video evidence captured the entirety of the alleged offence. With the witness statements directly contradicted by video evidence, the prosecution case collapsed.

The judge therefore ruled that our comrade’s behaviour had not been threatening, that his words were not personally directed at the witnesses, that his words alone in this context had not caused alarm or distress, and that the video footage showed that no one else at the demo had taken any notice of what he said – let alone been distressed. Therefore: ‘No case to answer’.

We’re naturally pleased that this case has collapsed and that the zionist witnesses have been completely discredited. But the trial leaves several important questions unanswered:

Why was this time-consuming and costly prosecution approved and conducted, when it was based solely on flimsy and invented witness statements by two politically-motivated zionists? This is especially shocking when the police were aware throughout the Ecostream campaign of the genuinely racist, sexist and homophobic abuse of pro-Palestinian demonstrators by the zionists.

We now know that the zionists’ evidence was completely fabricated – they lied to the police and they lied in court in an attempt to get one of our number convicted of a hate crime. Video footage from Sussex Friends of Israel’s own Facebook page, played in open court, showed that this had been their deliberate and conspiratorial intention on the day. This is a criminal offence. Will they be charged with perjury?

Simon Cobb's Protection Racket Rumbled
On another, more amusing, note, there is a blog post from an erstwhile comrade of the main organiser of Sussex Friends of Israel concerning Simon Cobbs.  Cobbs, who has featured a number of times on this blog, as well as being a close associate of the JDL and EDL, has been absent from recent protests and is reported to be ill.  I won't return the compliment of a number of SFI members, who have wished me an early death, on Mr Cobbs.  I just hope that he has time to reflect on his ways.

I have no idea who it is who is writing this but obviously he has the measure of Cobbs and Sussex Friends of Israel, most of whom it should be added are racist fundamentalist Christians who want to hasten the days of Armageddon, when most Jews will be consumed with fire, so the elect can teleport their way to heaven.

With friends like this....

Tony Greenstein

How Simon Cobbs Graduated From Fraud To Running a Protection Racket + fiona sharpe, notorious perjurer

Simon Cobbs in happier days

The harassing of the poor Board of Deputies, and the trolling of its constituent organisations and individual deputies, by Sussex Friends of Israel (hereafter SFI), has come to a sudden and emphatic halt.

The reason for this is not complcated


An understanding of SFI, and its relationship with the Board is essential to an understanding of how the Southampton conference was lost. But that is a whole story in itself. For the moment, suffice it to say, the whole thing reeks of Jonathan Arkush.
Not one of nature's shrinking violets
The latest Israeli atrocities in Gaza brought sharply into focus a phenomenon that has come to be known as the ” Jewish Grass Roots”. The grass roots is made up of kahanist type ultra right wing Jewish ” activists” ( and some not so Jewish ), who regard their role as standing up for Israel on the streets. One, North West Friends of Israel, has a penchant for hanging out with members and officers of the the ultra right wing racist Henry Jackson Society, not least with Douglas ”  things have to be made harder for Muslims all round” Murray. It is notorious for its EDL associations, which are  based on a mutual hatred of Muslims, as acknowledged by committee member Natan Levinson. See here

After the Jewish establishment organisations ( in a self protection exercise ) announced increased funding for the grass roots, the number of grass roots organisations increased at an exponential rate. Every Jewish n’er do well wanted a slice of the cake.

The inspiration for the grass roots phenomenon is said to be SFI. This is puzzling because SFI’s only success to date is to get the Israeli company, Ecostream, shut down in Brighton.
SFI consists of its founder, Simon Cobbs, a handful of  Jewish Zionist loons and a few swivel eyed Christian Zionists. They number a dozen at the very most, though these numbers were swelled in the Ecostream days by a few  occasionals.

Simon is a case and three quarters. You can  see SFI at its glorious best here

Simon is a fraudster who served nine months of an eighteen month sentence in Her Majesty’s Slammer, Exeter, for the said frauds. Now, everyone is entitled make a mistake, take the consequences and then move on. But Simon doesn’t want to move on. He likes it where he is. Essentially, Simon has, and always will have, a criminal mind.

Nor is Simon SFI’s only  criminal mind. Meet Fiona Sharpe, SFI co-chair, notorious perjurer, and the Board and the Jewish Chronicle’s favoured candidate for” acceptable face”. Here.

So, out of a dozen or less, SFI have three proven, shameless criminals, and that’s just we ones we know about.

(North West Friends of Israel are not without criminal minds either but that’s for another day).

Simon is a self confessed junkie.

A while back, Simon, ever the conman, decided it would be a good idea to be Jewish. Unfortunately, not content to be any old Jew, he decided to be an Orthodox Jew, with all the pitfalls that that entails.
He quit typing ” God ” and started to type ” G-d”. A year later he discovered pesach. Six more months down the road he had mastered a few Hebrew phrases and colloquialisms. He still, however, has difficulty in spelling ” schmuck”.

Mid way through the Ecostream business he expressed a concern about what he was going to do on a Saturday when it was all over. Make what you will of an Orthodox Jew that can’t figure out what to do on a Saturday.

This Orthodox Jew carries on trolling on the internet right though every Shabbat, and every Jewish holiday.

Late last year Simon declared that an alleged indiscretion By Brighton BDS had ” made my Christmas”. This was on the second day of Chanukah when you would have thought that an Orthodox Jew would have been much more conscious of Chanukah than Christmas, and would have said ” made my Chanukah”.

It is all rounded off by a claim to have spent several years on a Kibbutz. If you can imagine Simon slaving all day under a blazing sun in the orange groves, and spending his evenings strumming his guitar by the camp fire, under a starry starry sky, you have a better imagination than we.
Simon’s grasp of what is going on in the world is extremely tenuous.

For example, when the Malaysian air liner was shot down by separatists over Ukraine, he wanted to picket the Ukrainian embassy.

He wants the LibDems to do something about Baroness Warsi.

When Yachad failed to get past the threshold, and get a Knesset seat in the Israeli elections, he told Yachad UK that the Israeli people had rejected their ideas.

Obviously the education department at Exeter slammer is not everything it is cracked up to be.

The Board of Deputies are terrified of the grass roots. They are particularly terrified of SFI.

Following last year’s Israeli atrocities in Gaza, the grass roots launched a whole series of vitriolic assaults on the Jewish establishment, and on the Board in particular. The essence was that they were not doing enough on behalf of Israel, in the prevailing climate. It went on day, after day, after day. This at a time when the Board were feeling particularly vulnerable. They were being turned on one flank by the JLC, who are sitting quietly and patiently to take them ( the Board) over,  and now on the other flank, by the grass roots. Total and permanent irrelevance was, and is, their lot. The JLC  took a lot of stick too. but they have the self confidence to just roll with it. Not so the Board, whose response was craven and embarrassing appeasement.

Steven Jaffe’s job title was changed from Community Engagement Advisor to Grass Roots Advisor. They tweaked their web site so as to describe themselves as a ” grass roots organisation” They backed the embarrassing grass roots initiative, Israction Day, which introduced a whole new style of Jewish” philanthropy”. They sucked up to the grass roots at every opportunity. All to no avail. The grass roots simply pocketed each gesture without so much as a thank you, and came back at them.

In desperation, the Board played their trump card. They decided to buy them off.

So it is that the Board now fund their tormentors, in the form of both cash and ” practical support”.  The Board and Simon have a deal. The Board will keep handing out the dosh, and Simon will quit being horrible to them, This deal is to be formalised, in that SFI are to sign up to a code of conduct. Item number one is that SFI will stop harassing the Board and, instead, talk about what has been achieved(?), and can be achieved, by ” working together”. Then there will be a list of  conduct undertakings, designed to keep the embarrassing of the Board to a minimum. Good luck with that one.The first draft does not include an undertaking to stop perjuring themselves in Brighton courts of law. But to be fair they have been caught on the hop on this one. We are sure the final draft will include such an undertaking.

This code is already in place informally. There is no more threatening the Board’s constituent organisations with violence. It will be remembered that Simon had a twitter account shut down for threatening Hannah Weisfeld. There is no more trolling liberal Jews. All this has abruptly stopped. Now it is all #workingtogether.

In effect, this money has been obtained by SFI, by extortion. They profess undying love for Israel. They declare the Board to be irrelevant and counter productive.They declare the Board a bunch of kapos and worse. But  obviously they  are not prepared to let any of this get in the way of nice little earners.

Let us be perfectly clear what is happening here.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews is taking money from the Jewish community, given to fund their “work”. They are then handing over this money to a handful of histrionic, narcissistic loons, littered with fraudsters and perjurers, that have mercilessly insulted them over many months. Loons that have threatened the Boards constituent organisations. Loons that have equally mercilessly insulted a member of the Board’s executiv, who is not to their liking. Loons that troll individual deputies, particularly those that are of a liberal persuasion.

Just how desperate and pathetic can it get.

Saudi Arabia and the United States Bomb Yemen in Support of Democracy!!

Armed and equipped by the United States and supported by Israel, Saudi Arabia has launched a war against the Houthi rebels in the Yemen.  Contrary to mischievous reports it isn't a religious battle but a civil war.  The Houthis, who are not Shi'ites and who would face persecution as apostates in Iran, have ousted the previous imperialist imposed President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi Abedrabbo.  One beneficiary will be Al Quada in Yemen, who the United States has subject to a drone war, but the primary aim of the US-Saudi-Gulf Cooperation Council war is to prevent any popular administration coming to power and preserve the power of the region's autocracies.
Houthi militia at Sana International Airport
However as the article below explains, the Saudis are by no means in a strong position and the Houthis, if they wish to, could cut off the flow of oil and deal a crippling blow to the world's oil supplies.  The pretext for Saudi Arabia's aggression is Iran although there is no evidence that Iran has done anything other than offer verbal support to the Houthis.

Tony Greenstein

Saudis Face Defeat in Yemen and Instability at Home

By Mike Whitney

“The interventions of US imperialism, with the direct collaboration of the Saudi monarchy, have plunged the entire Middle East into chaos and bloodshed—from the destruction of Iraq, to the transformation of Libya into a militia-ravaged “failed state,” to the ongoing carnage inflicted upon Syria … This predatory imperialist offensive threatens to ignite a region-wide conflagration, even as Washington deliberately ratchets up military tensions with both Russia and China. The threat of these separate conflicts coalescing into a third world war grows by the day.”
Bill Van Auken, Obama’s criminal war against Yemen, World Socialist web Site
Angry crowds and militia point their weapons to the sky and in the direction of the Saudi bombers
“Will the reactionary rulers of Saudi Arabia manage to break the legitimate hopes and enthusiastic dreams burning in the hearts of thousands of young people of the Arabian Peninsula? Never!”
Gamal Abd al-Nasser, President of Egypt 1956 to 1970

April 14, 2015 "ICH" -  In its ongoing effort to prevent the rise of “any popularly supported government in the region”, the US has joined Saudi Arabia’s savage war of annihilation against Yemen’s northern tribal rebels, the Houthis. The Pentagon has expedited the delivery of bombs, ammunition and guidance systems to assist the Saudi-led campaign and is providing logistical support to maximize the impact of its bombing raids. The US has also set up a “joint fusion center”, provided “aerial re-fueling platforms” and “advanced US-made weaponry” with the explicit intention of suppressing a militant group that overthrew the US-backed puppet government in the capital of Sanaa in the fall of 2014. The level of coordination between the makeshift Arab coalition (The Gulf Cooperation Council or GCC) and the US suggests that Washington is not only fully aware that food depots, water facilities, refugee camps and critical civilian infrastructure are being deliberately targeted and destroyed, but that the White House has given the green light to actions that will inevitably lead to widespread famine and social collapse. Here’s a little background from an article in The National:
Saudi artillery firing at Houthi positions in Yemen
“Yemen Economic Corporation, one of Yemen’s largest food storage centres, was destroyed by three coalition missile strikes in Hodeidah last Tuesday, according to the Houthi-controlled defence ministry. The corporation had enough food for the entire country. The government’s military food storage centre in Hodeidah was also targeted and destroyed on Tuesday, according to the defence ministry.

Also in Hodeidah, country’s second largest dairy plant was hit by five Saudi missiles on Wednesday, killing at least 29 people, mostly employees, and injuring dozens of others.” (Yemeni civilians struggle to get by amid conflict, The National)
Houthi militiaman at Sana international airport
This is from Channel News Asia:
DUBAI: Warships from the Saudi-led coalition have blocked a vessel carrying more than 47,000 tonnes of wheat from entering a Yemeni port, demanding United Nations guarantees that the cargo would not go to military personnel, shipping sources said on Thursday.” (Saudi-led coalition bars wheat ship from entering Yemen port – sources, Channel News Asia)
People looking for survivors after Saudi bombing raid
This is from WSWS:
“Airstrikes as well as fighting on the ground has knocked out electrical infrastructure, cutting off power in many urban areas and stopping the operation of crucial pumps that supply Yemen’s cities with drinking water. “We’re worried that this system will break down shortly; Aden is a dry, hot place, and without water people will really suffer,” UNICEF representative Harneis told reporters…
The no-fly zone and blockade enforced by Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners has effectively blocked the delivery of medical aid and supplies for the last two weeks, exacerbating the developing crisis.” World Socialist Web Site

Live reports on the ground confirm that food depots have been bombed across the country; ” in Asr (west) hit as well as Urdhi complex (center) & Noqum (east).

This is how America fights its wars, by precipitating massive humanitarian crises that help it to achieve its political objectives. If that isn’t terrorism, then what is?

Here’s more from the Washington Post:
“As tons of desperately needed medical supplies await clearance to be flown into Yemen, aid workers warned Tuesday of an unfolding humanitarian crisis, saying at least 560 people, including dozens of children, have been killed, mostly in a Saudi-led air campaign and battles between Shiite rebels and forces loyal to the embattled president. More than 1,700 people have been wounded and another 100,000 have fled their homes as fighting intensified over the past three weeks, the World Health Organization said.” (560 dead amid fears of humanitarian collapse in Yemen, Washington Post)

The Saudis launched this latest aggression invoking the thinnest of pretexts, that it wanted to “restore the legitimate government” and protect the “Yemeni constitution and elections.” As CNN’s Ali Alahmed sardonically quipped:

“The need to protect constitutions and elections is a rather strange message from the representative of an absolute monarchy … The kingdom’s real motives seem clear if one looks at Saudi monarchy’s history of not allowing regional competition of any kind, while consistently combating efforts to build democratic governments that empower the people…

The Saudi goal is simple: Prevent the rise of any popularly supported government in the region that seeks self-determination. And the excuse of “resisting Iran’s influence,” meanwhile, appears to be nothing but sectarian bluster.” (What Saudi Arabia wants in Yemen, CNN)

While we agree with Alahmed’s basic thesis, we think the rule applies more to the United States than Saudi Arabia. After all, it’s the US that has gone from one country to the next, toppling governments, installing puppets, and spreading anarchy wherever it goes. Whatever role the Saudis might have played in Washington’s grand plan to redraw the map of the Middle East and project US tentacles into Eurasia, it is quite small by comparison. It’s the US that refuses to allow an independent government to emerge in a region that it’s committed to control. And it’s the US that is facilitating the attacks on innocent Yemenis by providing the bombs, weaponry and logistical support to the reactionary Saudi leadership. Check this out from Gregory Johnson at Buzzfeed:

“A consensus appears to be building in Riyadh, Cairo, and Islamabad toward inserting ground troops into the conflict in Yemen. One Egyptian military official told BuzzFeed News the decision had already been made. “Ground forces will enter the war,” the official said on condition of anonymity in order to discuss classified military operations.

The timing of such a move, which would be a significant escalation in the Saudi-led air campaign in Yemen, is still being discussed. But the Egyptian military source said it could happen as soon as “two or three days.” (Ground Forces Seen Joining Bloody War In Yemen, Buzzfeed)

So after two weeks of nonstop bombing, the coalition is now planning to intensify the conflict by putting boots on the ground. But that will only prolong the hostilities and plunge the country deeper into crisis. It will also increase the risk of Houthi retaliation, which appears to already be taking place. According to Al Arabiya English, fighting broke out in the Southern Saudi city of Narjan on April 11. (#BREAKING Asiri: Houthi militias are amassing close to the Saudi-Yemeni border…  #BREAKING: Asiri: clashes reported near the Saudi city of Najran)

While no one expects the Houthis to invade their northern neighbor, there are some analysts who think the monarchy has taken on more than it can chew and will eventually suffer blowback from its incursion. One such critic is Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of the Lebanese paramilitary organization Hezbollah. In a recent interview, Nasrallah suggested that the Houthis have the means to curtail vital energy supplies, strike a blow against Saudi Arabia, and send financial markets tumbling at the same time. Here’s an excerpt from the interview:

“There is now a demand on the Yemeni leaders… who have not taken the decision to close (the strategic Strait) of Bab al-Mandeb, which they could do at any time. (It is only 20 kilometres-large, they are quite capable of it.) And they could also hit targets inside Saudi Arabia with missiles, or even enter the interior of Saudi Arabia, although they have not yet made this decision, so far … There is currently a Yemeni popular demand: “Let us go to Saudi Arabia.” Leadership thus far has not taken such a decision. I wanted to indicate this.”…

Nasrallah again: “I am absolutely certain that Saudi Arabia will undergo a major defeat. And its defeat will impact its internal situation, the royal family … and the entire region.” (“Hassan Nasrallah: The war in Yemen announces the end of the House of Saud”, The Vineyard of the Saker)

So the Houthis could close the Bab Al Mandeb straits and prevent millions of barrels of oil from getting to market? That changes the calculus entirely. How would that effect Washington’s plan to crash Russia’s economy with plunging oil prices? How would it impact global stock markets which are already jittery over the Fed’s projected rate hikes? What effect would it have on al Nusra, ISIS and other Al Qaeda-linked groups that would then seek to launch similar attacks against critical energy infrastructure as the best way to achieve their aims?

There are things the Houthis can do to discourage Saudi aggression. They can take matters into their own hands and strike where it hurts most. Washington is so convinced of its own invincibility, that no one has even thought of this. Without the slightest hesitation, the Obama troupe has embroiled a key ally in bloody conflagration that could backfire and seriously undermine US interests in the region. Saudi Arabia is the cornerstone of US power in the Middle East, but it is also its Achilles heel. By supporting the attack on the Houthis instead of seeking a political solution, Washington has strengthened Al Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) which poses the greatest single threat to the monarchy. As Nasrallah notes: “they (the US and SA) protect Al Qaeda and Daesh in Yemen, and more, they drop them weapons by air. This is an achievement? This goes against the interests of Saudi Arabia.”

Indeed, it does. Al Qaeda has much greater ability to infiltrate Saudi Arabia and either launch terrorist attacks or foment popular revolution. The Houthis present no such security threat, they’re only interest is to maintain their own sovereignty, borders, and independent foreign policy. A 2003 article in the Atlantic by CIA Bureau Chief Robert Baer titled “The Fall of the House of Saud” provides a window into Riyadh’s vulnerabilities and draws the ominous conclusion that the kingdom’s days are numbered. Here’s a clip from the article:

“Saudi oil is controlled by an increasingly bankrupt, criminal, dysfunctional, and out-of-touch royal family that is hated by the people it rules and by the nations that surround its kingdom…
Signs of impending disaster are everywhere, but the House of Saud has chosen to pray that the moment of reckoning will not come soon—and the United States has chosen to look away. So nothing changes: the royal family continues to exhaust the Saudi treasury, buying more and more arms and funneling more and more “charity” money to the jihadists, all in a desperate and self-destructive effort to protect itself.

The most vulnerable point and the most spectacular target in the Saudi oil system is the Abqaiq complex—the world’s largest oil-processing facility, which sits about twenty-four miles inland from the northern end of the Gulf of Bahrain. All petroleum originating in the south is pumped to Abqaiq for processing. For the first two months after a moderate to severe attack on Abqaiq, production there would slow from an average of 6.8 million barrels a day to one million barrels, a loss equivalent to one third of America’s daily consumption of crude oil. For seven months following the attack, daily production would remain as much as four million barrels below normal—a reduction roughly equal to what all of the opec partners were able to effect during their 1973 embargo…

I served for twenty-one years with the CIA’s Directorate of Operations in the Middle East, and during all my years there I accepted on faith my government’s easy assumption that the money the House of Saud was dumping into weaponry and national security meant that the family’s armed forces and bodyguards could keep its members—and their oil—safe … I no longer believe this … sometime soon, one way or another, the House of Saud is coming down.” (The Fall of the House of Saud, Robert Baer, The Atlantic)

Neither the United States nor Saudi Arabia have any right to interfere in Yemen’s internal affairs or to install their own political puppets to head the government. That is the right of the Yemeni people. And while the current process of regime change might be messy and violent, the Houthi rebels better represent the interests of the indigenous population than anyone in Riyadh or Washington. The Saudi-US war is merely aimed at controlling the outcome so Yemen remains within the imperial grip. As Nasrallah says, “The real goal of the war is to retain control and domination of Yemen (but) the Yemeni people will not put up with this aggression and humiliation. They will fight to defend their dignity, their existence, their families, and their territory. And they will be victorious.”

Mike Whitney lives in Washington state. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press). Hopeless is also available in a Kindle edition. He can be reached at fergiewhitney@msn.com.

Apartheid as a Progressive Value


Israeli Democracy and Apartheid Video

A highly amusing video which sums up the hypocrisy of those who defend Israeli 'democracy' and turn a blind eye to Zionist Apartheid.

Alison Saunders Protects Janner from Accusations of Child Abuse


Greville ‘Grovel’ Janner – Protected by his LFI, CST & Zionist Colleagues

Tony Greenstein
I have no way of knowing whether 'Grovel' Janner is guilty of the accusations of child abuse, including child rape.  What I do know is that these are extremely serious allegations and merit imprisonment for life if the person is found guilty.  
Accused of 22 offences against children - protected by DPP Alison Saunders & the Establishment

What I also know is that prominent members of the Establishment - such as Ed Balls MP and John Mann MP - chose to work with him in Labour Friends of Israel and the so-called Parliamentary Committee Against Anti-Semitism, despite knowing of the accusations and that Keith Vaz MP, Chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee, sought to change the laws on contempt so that 'honourable' rapists and child abusers could no longer be outed.
Janner was a right-wing Labour MP and kept the company of Tories
I also know that it is perfectly possible for someone accused of serious offences to be prosecuted.  Someone accused of unlawfully killing another person can be tried and found guilty but with a partial defence of diminished responsibility.  Of course, at the time Grovel was alleged to have perpetrated these offences there was no suggestion he was suffering from dementia.  But he now is and that is preventing his prosecution rather than being taken into account at the sentencing state (if found guilty).
Former Chief of Staff, Field Marshall Lord Bramall (left) is the only person to come out of this with credit.  He thwacked 'Grovel' round the head for his defence of Israel's invasion of Lebanon
Clearly with 22 alleged offences committed against 9 separate children there is a huge amount of evidence that Grovel committed the offences.  But that should be for a Judge and Jury to decide, not for Alison Saunders, the DPP, who should be dismissed for perpetuating the cover-up of Janner's alleged offences.

Greville Janner is known to readers of Private Eye as Grovel Janner, a suitable epithet for a man who I only encountered on two occasions.  Oily and slimy, he entirely merited comparison with Uriah Heep.
'Grovel' in more confident times
The Zionist institutions that Janner bestowed his favours on need to come clean and apologise to his victims.  I realise that they spend much of their time defending Israel right or wrong, including Israel’s abuse of Palestinian children (beatings, torture, rape, sexual abuse, shackling)
The hypocrite uses the Holocaust to hide behind
Janner was an office holder with a number of Zionist organisations.  Vice President of The Association for Jewish Youth and the The Jewish Leadership Council, which represents Zionist capitalists.  He was President of The Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women.
'Grovel' Janner was ably supported by other MPs like Keith Vaz
He was also on the Advisory Board of the Zionist vigilante group and erstwhile ‘charity’ the Community Security Trust, which includes in its remit the protection of Jewish children from anti-Semitic attacks.  Perhaps the Community Security Trust will extend this to protecting children, including Jewish children, from sexual abusers and rapists?
Grovel's dementia didn't prevent him staying on at the Lords
Janner was also Vice President of The World Jewish Congress, another Zionist body, Chairman of The Holocaust Educational Trust and Director of The United Jewish Israel Appeal, which raises funds in order that the Israeli state can continue to abuse and murder Palestinians, including children.
Grovel as an MP delivering petition with child
The first occasion I met him was when giving evidence to the Parliamentary Committee on Employment of which he was Chairman from 1992-96.  I had been asked to give evidence as Secretary of  Brighton Unemployed Centre.  He told me, after having ascertained I held an MA in Imperial History. that I was the best qualified unemployed person he had met, which probably showed the limits of his engagement with the real world.  The other time we met was leafleting a Labour Party/Labour Friends of Israel meeting when he considered a minor offence of shoplifting of great import.  I guess that offences against property were considered more heinous to this son of the British establishment than offences against children. 

Apart from being Chairman of the Board of Deputies of British Jews (1978-84), a thoroughly pro-Zionist organisation which did its best to undermine the fight against fascism in the ‘30’s in the Jewish community.  It represents the Jewish petit-bourgeoisie and a section of the Jewish establishment.

Janner also founded the Holocaust Educational Trust.  The Holocaust is a good excuse to demonise the Palestinians whilst making yourself feel good.  A QC since 1971, he was a Labour MP from 1970 to 1997; since then he has been a member of the House of Lords.

Grovel was made a life peer as Baron Janner of Braunstone in 1997. He is President of John Mann MP and Dennis MacShane’s All-Party Parliamentary Group against Anti-Semitism, and chairs the All-Party Britain-Israel Parliamentary Group.  It’s not surprising that these parliamentary cretins didn’t notice his dementia but then again, since  his diagnosis is rather convenient, perhaps that is understandable.

A man who worked in Janner’s office during 1991, soon after graduating from university, said: “It was a matter of office gossip that he liked boys, or young men in their mid-20s. He would have friendships with bright young men, and would go swimming with them in his club. He would go for a swim, then have breakfast, then work. Then after lunch he would lie out on the sofa in his constituency office.”

He was still an active peer for several years after his ‘Alzheimer’ was first diagnosed in 2009. He made his last speech – fittingly on Israel and Palestine – in February 2013. The register shows that he was a regular attender in the Lords until the end of December 2013.

Greville Janner: How MPs rallied to defence of Labour peer 'unfairly put through hell by a wicked slur'Independent 16.4.15. 

Labour Friends of Israel - like most pro-Israel groups - has often tried to discredit criticism of Israel by conflating it with 'anti-Semitism'. Janner, who was an LFI vice-chair, talked of the ‘viciously and often notoriously anti-Israel" left liberal media.’ Rabbi David Goldberg, “Let's have a sense of proportion”, The Guardian, 26.1. 02

Balls & Janner

The disgusting Ed Balls who consorted with Janner now seeks to distance the Labour Party from this creature – Balls is thoroughly pro-Zionist and has never spoken out against the abuse of Palestinian children by Israel

Clegg washing his hands of his Zionist colleague.  With the Lib Dems having to answer questions about Cyril Smith MP for whom they covered it must all be embarrassing

Rt Hon Anne McGuire MP, LFI chair
Michael Dugher MP
Louise Ellman MP
Michael McCann MP
Rachel Reeves MP
Jonathan Reynolds MP
Baroness Ramsay of Cartvale

Janner was the son of Sir Barnett Janner, former Chairman of the Zionist Federation of Great Britain. Another pillar of the Jewish Establishment and Liberal MP for Leicester North West which he inherited.  He was a member of the notorious Blairite LFI, whose supporters include:

Ed Balls MP
Luciana Berger MP
Rt Hon Hazel Blears MP
Rt Hon David Blunkett MP
Rt Hon Liam Byrne MP
Rosie Cooper MP
Jim Fitzpatrick MP
Rt Hon Caroline Flint MP
Barry Gardiner MP
Mary Glindon MP
Andrew Gwynne MP
Fabian Hamilton MP
Tom Harris MP
Rt Hon Margaret Hodge MP
Sharon Hodgson MP
Ivan Lewis MP
Rt Hon Anne McGuire MP
Meg Munn MP
Rt Hon Jim Murphy MP
Rt Hon John Spellar MP
Chuka Umunna MP
Dave Watts MP
John Woodcock MP
Rt Hon Shaun Woodward MP
Rt Hon Lord Anderson of Swansea
Lord Beecham DL
Lord Clarke of Hampstead CBE
Rt Hon Lord Clinton-Davis
Lord Davies of Coity CBE
Rt Hon Lord Foster of Bishop Auckland
Rt Hon Lord Foulkes of Cumnock
Lord Harrison
Lord Haskel
Dr Baroness Hayter
Lord Janner of Braunstone QC

A veritable rogues gallery of the Parliamentary Labour Party.  Only Dennis MacShane, the former MP for Rotherham, has been removed.  No doubt on account his time spent as a guest of Her Majesty.

One of Grovel’s few subsequent forays into the public eye came in 2002, when Uri Geller, a friend, arranged for him to accompany Michael Jackson on a tour of Parliament. The trio dropped in on a party for Labour MP Paul Boateng, where Jackson agreed to sing happy birthday.  Boateng himself is rumoured to have been shunted off as High Commissioner to South Africa because of child abuse allegations.  See

In September, the Chief Constable of Derbyshire, Mick Creedon, was reported as saying his 1989 inquiries as a detective sergeant into ‘credible evidence’ of child abuse by Janner were blocked by superiors.  see 

Janner had been named in open court as an abuser during the 1991 trial of Leicester children’s home manager Frank Beck. MPs, including the current chair of the Commons Home Affairs Committee, Keith Vaz, rallied around Janner following trial reports. In December 1991 some called for a review of the law of contempt following what fellow Leicester MP Vaz called a ‘cowardly attack’ on Janner’s character. In 1991 Alex Carlisle QC, a Liberal-Democrat was one of the MPs supporting Greville Janner following the Beck trial. Hansard records him saying of Janner: ‘He is a man of determination and enthusiasm whose integrity and will power have crossed party lines.’  see and

Another defender of Janner was ex-left and New Labour Minister Chris Mullins.

Attorney General’s Office
Victoria Street

19 April, 2015

Dear Attorney General

Reference: CPS decision on Lord Janner of Blackstone

I write in my capacity as a potential Member of Parliament to challenge the decision of the DPP, Alison Saunders, not to prosecute Lord Janner for alleged crimes, namely 16 indecent assaults between 1969 and 1988, and 6 counts of buggery on under aged boys between 1972 and 1988.

I have read the CPS’ justification for their decision here http://cps.gov.uk/news/latest_news/lord_janner/

Please do not refer this letter downwards to the CPS, and please do not treat it as a complaint against the CPS. I have been in lengthy correspondence with the CPS and have used their complaint service already, and I have no confidence in their decisions and processes, for the reasons set out below. I wish to challenge the judgment of the DPP directly. This is now a matter for the Chief Law Officer.

Alison Saunders in her justification document accepts that the evidential basis for a criminal prosecution of Janner is sound. However, she argues that there is no public interest in prosecuting him because he is unfit to plead.

She bases this argument on the evidence of four medical experts who agree that he has dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease, and that they have  “general agreement” as to the level of cognitive ability on a Mini  Mental State examination.

However, there is no reference to any brain scan having been carried our. If scans were performed but reports on the scans were left out of the CPS justification document, there has been a failure of due diligence in reporting, and Saunders should be rebuked.

If on the other hand brain scans on Janner were not performed, there has been serious negligence. In my extensive correspondence with the CPS on this case I explicitly requested several times that brain scans should be carried out, because they give objective evidence that goes far beyond medical history taking and examination. If they were not carried out Saunders should be invited to consider her position.

If we accept for the sake of argument that Janner is indeed suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, there are three precedents where paedophiles have been tried and convicted of sexual crimes against children. The names are David Massingham, John Hayford and Michael Collingwood. I can supply references if requested, but the CPS should be able to find them.

Either Alison Saunders knew of these cases and negligently failed to deal with them in her report, or she did not know of them, in which case there was a failure of due diligence as a lawyer.

There is no provision in the CPS Code of Practice to exempt people with dementia from facing trial. In the absence of such provision, but in the presence of sufficient evidential basis to proceed, Alison Saunders has used the public interest test.

Now clearly there is a major public interest in bringing to court people who are abused of serious sexual crimes against children, especially children who for one reason or another were in the care of public organisations.

First, sexual abuse has a devastating effect on the subsequent lives of survivors of abuse, and there is a need to demonstrate that society will not tolerate child abuse, even if carried out by VIPs.

Second, the Law itself comes into disrepute if there is a public perception that VIP status confers immunity against justice. You must be aware that already there exists a common perception that this is the case. This view is particularly prevalent in the community of survivors of sexual abuse. If Janner escapes trial, this perception will increase, both among survivors and among the general public. It is not in the public interest for there to be a perception that there is one law for the rich, another for the poor.

Against these two major public interest arguments, the CPS advances the minor public interest argument that money spent in bringing Janner to court could be wasted as he is likely to be judged unfit to plead. This argument is extremely weak. The expenditure would be trivial in comparison with other cases that have failed.

The precedents referred to above are worthy of being considered in court.

Most importantly, a major legal argument needs to be entertained, namely whether a person who passes the evidential test but who might not be fit to plead for reasons of dementia should be tried as if in absentia.
The defence could test the evidence given by Janner’s alleged victims. His accusers could be invited to ask if they can positively identify him, possibly by reference to body characteristics such as moles.
It should be noted also that in coming to her conclusion, Saunders rejected advice of one of UK’s principal authorities on sex offences. Eleanor Laws QC, leading counsel to Leicestershire police’s investigation into Janner, recommended that he be put on trial despite his age and dementia.

In the light of this, the DPP must have consulted with other people in coming to her decision. The names of these people, the advice they gave, and the degree of pressure that they put on the DPP should be made clear to the public.

In conclusion, let me summarise the questions I am raising:
1.The question of whether or not scans have been carried out must be settled.
2.The question of precedents must be considered.
3.The question of public interest, major and minor, needs to be reviewed.
4.Who gave advice to the DPP to persuade her to come to her conclusion?

I look forward to a timely response to all the points made in this letter.

Respectfully yours

Dr Richard Lawson
Parliamentary Candidate, Weston Constituency, Green Party


Perhaps the person who comes out best in all of this is one Field Marshal Lord Bramall.  After an argument over the Lebanon conflict, he thwacked his fellow peer, the 78-year-old Lord Janner!

Israeli Police Protect Death to the Arabs March in Jerusalem


Imagine it if you can, the Metropolitan Police protecting a march by the BNP/Britain First through Golders Green, with the chant ‘Death to the Jews’ ringing out.  Before the march, the Met had distributed leaflets to the residents warning them not to leave their houses under threat of arrest (& a good beating up).

Israeli Police violently assault an anti-racist Israeli heckling the marchers about human rights

Or maybe imagine the EDL marching through the East End chanting ‘Death to Muslims’ – again protected by the Metropolitan Police who, likewise, have instructed Muslims (& anyone with a dark skin) to stay indoors on pain of being detained.

Death to Arabs Jerusalem Day Demonstration 2011

Now the British Police are racist, that is understood, but they at least take some steps to combat that racism, Stephen Lawrence notwithstanding.  Shouting ‘Death to…’ on a march would get you arrested and a march whose theme it is would not last that long.  But in Israel an Islamic preacher like Raed Sallah is fitted up for ‘anti-Semitism’ and jailed but never, not once, have racist rabbis like Dov Lior been arrested and imprisoned (he was briefly arrested once and there was one almighty uproar). 

Death to Arabs march that Police protected

You see in Israel racism is perfectly legal as long as it’s on religious grounds.  This was why the Jewish Nazi Rabbi Meir Kahane, when he was a member of the Knesset, voted FOR the anti-racism bill that was presented to the Knesset!

In Europe in the 1930’s the anti-Semites did indeed chant ‘death to the Jews’.  How strange it is that goes around comes around.

Tony Greenstein

Video: “Death to the Arabs” march forces its way through occupied Jerusalem

הםן קוראים לזה "סיבוב השערים"אבל אין זה אלא סיבוב של גזענות הסתה ושטנה

Ali Abunimah 04/22/2015

This disturbing video shows Israeli youths, escorted by police and occupation forces, marching through the Old City of Jerusalem chanting “mavet la’aravim” – “death to the Arabs” – and other cries of hate.
 Children are brought along to ensure that the young get the anti-Arab message
According to the racism-monitoring website Kifaya, the 19 April march was part of the monthly “Tour of the Gates” by Jewish extremists through the Muslim Quarter of the Old City.
Israeli Police Assault Those Who Protest Against the Fascists & Racists
As part of the event, held at the beginning of every month according to the Jewish calendar, the one-kilometer-long route is blocked to Palestinians, and businesses and stores must close, Kifaya says.
Palestinians are forbidden from leaving their homes during the march.

“Some 1,500 Jews participated in the march,” Kifaya says, “and it was secured by hundreds of policemen and soldiers, who thronged the area.”

Organized hate

Magen David ambulance called the day after the Jerusalem march
In addition to “death to the Arabs,” the marchers’ repertoire of cries and songs included: “revenge,” “may your name be wiped out,” “may your village be burnt down,” and the anti-Muslim chant “Muhammad is dead”–- all heard by the police and occupation forces who secured the event, Kifaya says.

Some of the marchers even banged on the doors of homes and businesses and there were also some attempts to damage property.

Israel expert Dena Shunra told The Electronic Intifada that “may your name be wiped out” is a “very potent curse, generally used for enemies of the entire Jewish nation. Hitler is always mentioned with that curse.”

Shunra observes that the video reveals the highly organized nature of the march: the youths in the yellow vests in front have the word “ushers” on their backs.

At 0:24, a young man can be seen wearing a kippa– skull cap – with the word “Nachman” on it, indicating that he, at least, is affiliated with the Breslauer sect of Hasidic Jews.

At 0:54 some participants can be seen holding what look like papers with slogans printed on them.
It is striking, Shunra adds, “the way liturgical texts and songs are interspersed amongst the hate cries.”

Israelis regularly hold similar hate marches on “Jerusalem Day,” a government-decreed annual celebration of the city’s military occupation and annexation in violation of international law.

Incitement leads to murder

Last July, the Palestinian teenager Muhammad Abu-Khudair was abducted from the streets of occupied Jerusalem’s Shuafat neighborhood and then burned alive by his captors.

His alleged killers, Israeli Jews, had reportedly been steeped in the racist culture of the Beitar Jerusalem football team whose fans habitually rampage through the streets calling for the murder of Arabs.

They would also have been regularly exposed to the relentless anti-Arab bigotry and incitement from Israel’s leaders.

This week, Israel added Abu Khudair’s name to an official Israeli memorial of terrorism victims. This drew immediate criticism from Israeli groups who argued that the murdered boy didn’t merit being on the memorial.

But the move was also rejected by Muhammad’s father, Hussein Abu Khudair, who told Ma’an News Agency that the “occupation authorities are trying to improve their image in the world” and that putting his son’s name on the memorial “would not change the racist reality of the Israeli occupation.”

Nothing vindicates Hussein Abu Khudair more clearly than the sight of Israeli police and occupation forces providing an escort for a mob chanting the words “death to the Arabs” that very likely inspired his son’s murderers.

What is even more alarming is that many of the participants in this march appear to be children themselves.

The White Gang that Raped and Abused Children & Babies


They 'Forgot' to Mention the Child Abuse & Rape Gang's Colour, Ethnicity or Racial Background

You could be forgiven for missing the story.  Unlike the Pakistani gang who committed similar outrages (though from memory not on babies) in Rochdale, there was no mention of their ethnic origins, colour or background.  They were of course White.  No one sought to suggest that there might be a link between their Whiteness and their vile behaviour because most people understand that people like this commit these atrocities for reasons that have nothing to do with their race, colour, ethnicity or whatever.

Denham and Stansfield were part of a child sex abuse ring that planned to abuse a baby that had not yet been born
But remember the Daily Mail, Express, Sun et al. pontificating about the politically correct brigade that wouldn’t allow people to connect the racial dots?  How this was all about free speech and the protection of children.  How strange it is that these same papers have forgotten to make such connections in this case.

It is, of course, difficult to understand what makes people such as this behave in this way.  How any human being can find any pleasure in raping and abusing a small child or even a baby.  Paedophillia is a taboo subject and people are afraid of even going there yet we should be doing so.  The Police estimate that over 50,000 people are downloading images of child pornography.  Only a small number of these will ever attempt to translate their fantasies into reality. 

What we don’t know is why this is the case.  Why is it that a small minority, but significant nonetheless, is sexually attracted to children.  Some claim that it is hardwired into them in much the same way as being straight or gay is something you are born with (by and large).  If this is so then of course there is little one can do except adopt preventative measures.  But having talked to one person who did undergo therapy, which is barely available in this country, I am of the view that paedophilia is socially constructed and therapy is possible as a cure.

What I am convinced of is that punitive measures alone will never prevent the behaviour of gangs such as this or indeed the actions of a certain peer of the realm.

Tony Greenstein

'Vile and depraved' UK gang raped and abused babies

Members of a paedophile network whose crimes were described as the most "vile and depraved" police had seen have been convicted of arranging abuse.

The UK-wide gang raped and abused babies and young children, streaming the attacks online to fellow members.

John Denham, 49, and Matthew Stansfield, 34, had denied plotting sex crimes against the victims.
They were found guilty after a trial at Bristol Crown Court. Five other members had earlier admitted various offences.

The group used the internet to plan and stream abuse and tried to groom pregnant women in order to find new victims, the trial heard.
This prosecution will take you into a world you wished did not exist
Robert Davies, Prosecutor
In one case, they groomed a mother and father before their child was born.

Officers from the National Crime Agency, which led the investigation, said the crimes were the most "vile and depraved" it had ever investigated.

Earlier, a jury convicted former actor Denham, 49, from Wiltshire - previously known as Benjamin Harrop - of conspiracy to sexually assault a child under 13.

Stansfield, 34, from Hampshire, was found guilty of conspiracy to rape a child under 13. Denham was cleared of the same charge.

Five others pleaded guilty to offences including rape of a child and conspiracy to rape at an earlier hearing. They are:
  • Robin Hollyson, 30, from Bedfordshire
  • Christopher Knight, 35, from Manchester
  • David Harsley, 51, from Hull
  • Matthew Lisk, 32, from East Sussex
  • Adam Toms, 33, from Somerset
A date is yet to be set for their sentencing.

The investigation identified three victims - a baby, a toddler and a young child - who were raped and assaulted by the men who had gained the trust of unsuspecting parents.

They met online and were prepared to drive for hours to carry out abuse when an opportunity became available, police said.

The gang also discussed the drugging of children and used video conferencing websites to broadcast the abuse to fellow members.

Police believe there were other victims, and have put measures in place to protect another 21 children found to be at risk.

Despite the men's efforts to destroy evidence, police were able to retrieve webchats where the gang discussed their plans, with comments such as "I'm really in to v.v. young", and "sicker the better".

'Abhorrent fantasies'

Material which could lead to the arrest of other paedophiles has been sent on to police forces on five continents.

Prosecutor Robert Davies told the jury in the Denham and Stansfield trial: "This prosecution will take you into a world you wished did not exist.

"The evidence exposes the shocking interest a group of men had in sexually abusing babies, toddlers or pre-school children.
"A real baby was for certain abused and raped by some of those involved."

Earlier in the trial, Denham told the court he had become "desensitised" after watching a young teenage girl performing a sex act on a man, and the age range "dropped lower and lower".

He said he was "ashamed" of deriving sexual gratification from child pornography and now understood there were "real victims".

The NSPCC has described the case as "vile" and is running a helpline for anyone worried their child may have been a victim.

"These men shared their abhorrent fantasies and honed in on very young children for sickening abuse, on easily accessible sections of the internet," a spokesman said.

"They even callously targeted pregnant women.

"It shows that there is still a long way to go for technology companies and social media networks who work with police to identify and prevent these crimes."

Zionists Seek to Silence the Lancet and Secure the Dismissal of its Editor, Richard Horton

Zionist Professors & Doctors in Support of Mass Murder in Gaza
Posted on April 15, 2015

 In this public response to the smear campaign and personal attacks on Richard Horton, The Lancet Editor-in-Chief, Lancet Complaint to Reed Elsevier, we assert:-

1. Richard Horton is highly regarded as an exceptional leader in global health and as a campaigning Editor of The Lancet in the best traditions of the Journal.
Richard Horton - Editor under attack from Zionists
2. Politics is intrinsic to many health issues and a legitimate subject for health commentary and debate, especially in the world’s leading global health journal. Controversy is an inevitable and healthy aspect of public discourse on political issues.
This is what the Zionist Professors & Doctors are Happy With
3. The “Open letter to the people of Gaza” addressed an important topical issue, the main points of which have been substantiated by subsequent, independent, reports of what happened in the Gaza Strip in the summer of 2014, of which it is possible that some of the complainants are unaware.
Richard Pepys is Knighted for Devotion to Mass Murder
4. To describe the Open letter as ”stereotypical extremist hate propaganda” is inaccurate and unhelpful hyperbole.
5. The Lancet provided equal coverage of views for and against the letter in subsequent published correspondence, reflecting the ratio of letters received by the Journal and allowing a healthy debate to take place.
6. The Lancet Ombudsman’s review of the issue was balanced and fair, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the letter and how the controversy was handled, for all to see. She was not persuaded that the letter should be retracted.

7. The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) is best placed to judge whether its Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines have been breached. A previous Chair of COPE has written that the Open letter should not be retracted.

8. The heavy-handed attempt to force The Lancetto withdraw the Open letter is the latest in a series of attempts to stifle media coverage of the Israel-Palestine issue and should be resisted.
9. In the light of reports by Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the United Nations and others, the “unfinished business” of Operation Protective Edge is to determine whether and by whom, from either side of the conflict, violations of international human rights and humanitarian law were committed.
15 April 2015

Scroll down to read the full response.
Professor Graham Watt MD, FRCGP, FRSE, FMedSci, Professor of General Practice, University of Glasgow, UK
Sir Iain Chalmers DSc, FFPH, FRCP Edin, FRCP, FMedSci, Coordinator, James Lind Initiative, Oxford, UK
Professor Rita GiacamanPharmD, MPhil, Professor of Public Health, Birzeit University, occupied Palestinian territory
Professor Mads Gilbert MD, PhD, Professor of Emergency Medicine, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Professor John S Yudkin MD, FRCP, Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University College London, UK
If you wish to communicate with the Writing Group please email HandsOffTheLancet@Gmail.Com
Professor Emeritus Jarle Aarbakke MD, PhD, Former President (Rector) UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Professor Adel Afifi MD, MS, Professor Emeritus, Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa, USA
Professor Rima Afifi, PhD, Faculty of Health Sciences, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Professor Neil Arya MD, CCFP, FCFP, D Litt, Assistant Clinical Professor Family Medicine, McMaster University, Adjunct Professor Family Medicine Western University, Adjunct Professor Environment and Resources Studies University of Waterloo, Canada
Professor Rajaie Batniji MD, DPhil, Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Stanford University, USA
Professor Robert Beaglehole DSc, FRS(NZ), ONZM, Professor Emeritus, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Professor Espen Bjertness PhD, Head, Section of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology, Department of Community Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway
Professor Rolf Busund MD, PhD, Professor of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Professor Simon Capewell DSc, MD, Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, University of Liverpool, UK
Professor Phil Cotton MD, Professor of Learning and Teaching, University of Glasgow, UK
Professor George Davey Smith MD, DSc, FMedSci, Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, University of Bristol, UK
Professor John A Davis MD, FRCP, FRCPCH, Emeritus Professor of Paediatrics, University of Cambridge, UK
Dr. James Deutsch, MD, PhD, FRCPC, Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Canada
Judith Deutsch MSW, Faculty, Toronto Psychoanalytic Institute, Former President Science for Peace (2008-2012), Canada.
Professor Abbas Elzein PhD, Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering, University of Sydney, Australia
Sir Terence English KBE, FRCS, FRCP, Former President of the Royal College of Surgeons, President of the British Medical Association and Master of St Catherine’s College, Cambridge, UK
Professor Gene Feder MD, FRCGP, Professor of Primary Health Care, University of Bristol, UK
Professor Olav Helge Foerde MD, PhD, Department of Community Medicine, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Professor Per Fugelli MD, Professor of Social Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway
Dr. Miriam Garfinkle MD, Retired Community Physician, Independent Jewish Voices, Canada
Emilio Gianicolo, Researcher of the Italian National Research Council, Italy. Since September 2013, guest researcher at the University of Mainz, Institute of Medical Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics in Mainz, Germany
Professor Gordon Guyatt PhD, Distinguished Professor of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics and Medicine, McMaster University, Canada
Professor Rima Habib PhD, MPH, MOHS, Faculty of Health Sciences, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Professor Gudmund Hernes, Norwegian Business School, Oslo; Former Norwegian Minister of Education and Research (1990-95), and of Health (1995-97), Norway
Professor Dennis Hogan PhD, Robert E Turner Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Population Studies and Sociology, Brown University, USA
Professor Gerd Holmboe-Ottesen PhD, Section of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology, Department of Community Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway
Professor Anne Husebekk MD, PhD, Rector of UiT, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Professor Tor Ingebrigtsen MD PhD, Hospital Chief Executive/CEO, The University Hospital of North Norway, Tromsø, Norway.
Dr. Lars Jerden MD, PhD, Center for Clinical Research Dalarna, Sweden
Professor Jak Jervell PhD, Professor Emeritus, Honorary President, International Diabetes Federation, Norway
Professor Ann Louise Kinmonth CBE, FMedSci, Emeritus Professor of General Practice, University of Cambridge, UK
Professor Rebecca Kay PhD, Professor of Russian Gender Studies; Co-convenor Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network GRAMNET, University of Glasgow, UK
Professor Debbie Lawlor FMedSci, Professor of Epidemiology, University of Bristol, UK
Professor Jennifer Leaning MD, SMH, FXB, Professor of Practice of Health and Human Rights, Director, FXB Center for Health and Human Rights, Harvard University, USA
Professor Emeritus Georges Midrè PhD, Department of Sociology, Political Science and Community Planning, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
Professor Alan Myers MD, MPH, FAAP, Professor of Paediatrics, Boston University School of Medicine, USA
Professor Kaare Norum MS, PhD, Former president (Rector) University of Oslo, Former Dean of Medical Faculty, University of Oslo, Norway
Professor Iman Nuwayhid PhD, Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
Professor Kate O’Donnell PhD, Professor of Primary Care Research and Development, University of Glasgow, UK
Professor Ole Petter Ottersen MD, PhD, Rector of the University of Oslo, Norway
Professor Alison Phipps OBE, PHD, FRSE, Professor of Languages and Intercultural Studies, University of Glasgow, UK. Co-Convener: Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network, UK
Professor Raija-Leena Punamaki PhD, School of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Tampere, Finland
Reem A Qadir MSW, RSW, A social worker with extensive work experience in Individual and Family Therapy, Canada
Dr. Sara Roy PhD, Senior Research Scholar Associate, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, Boston, USA
Professor Harry Shannon PhD, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University, Canada
Professor Debbie Sharp PhD, FRCGP, Professor of Primary Health Care, University of Bristol, UK
Dr. Angelo Stefanini MD, MPH, Scientific Director, Centre for International Health. Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy
Professor Johanne Sundby PhD, MD, Department of Community Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway
Dr. George Tawil MD, Clinical Associate Professor, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington DC. Past president of the Medical Staff, Inova Alexandria Hospital, Alexandria, Virginia. Past Chair, Medical Affairs Council, Inova Health Systems, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Professor Paul Wallace FRCGP, FFPHM, Emeritus David Cohen Professor of Primary Care, University College London, UK
Professor Steinar Westin MD, PhD, Department of Public Health and General Practice, The Norwegian Institute of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
Professor Salim Yusuf DPhil, FRCPC, FRSC, OC, Professor of Medicine, McMaster University, Canada
Professor Huda Zurayk PhD, Professor and previous Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, American University of Beirut, Lebanon

The names of the 240 additional scientists, clinicians and researchers who have co-signed this response since its publication can be viewed here.

On 31 March 2015, 396 professors and doctors, led by Professor Sir Mark Pepys, submitted a complaint to the Senior Management and Board of Reed Elsevier concerning “egregious editorial misconduct at The Lancetthat is unacceptable in general and also gravely violates your own published Editorial Policies”.

The signatories include 5 Nobel laureates, 4 knights and a Lord. 193 (49%) of the signatories are from the US, 95 (24%) from Israel, 33 (8%) from the UK, 26 from France, 19 from Canada, 12 from Australia with smaller numbers from Belgium (3), Brazil (3), Italy (2), Denmark (2), Mexico (1), Panama (1), South Africa (1), Sweden (1) and Switzerland (1).

The complaint makes brief mention of The Lancet’s publication of the paper by Wakefield, linking MMR vaccine to autism, which was shown subsequently to be fraudulent, but is chiefly concerned with The Lancet Editor-in-Chief, Richard Horton, and his alleged “persistent and inappropriate misuse of The Lancet to mount a sustained political vendetta concerning the Israel-Palestinian conflict, to promote his own well known personal political agenda”.

The centre of the complaint concerns “An open letter for the people of Gaza” by Manduca and 23 others, which was published online by The Lancet on 22nd July and in hard copy on 2nd August 2014, 14 days into “Operation Protective Edge”, Israel’s 50 day attack on Gaza.

The complainants consider that this letter, and The Lancet’s handling of the controversy it aroused, breached both the Journal’s own policies and the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors issues by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

The complaint ends by requiring “Reed Elsevier to behave ethically by retracting the Manduca letter, apologizing for its publication and ensuring that any further editorial malpractice at The Lancet is prevented”.

Chronology of events
8 July 2014
Israel began a major military assault on the Gaza Strip, the fourth in eight years. It lasted 50 days and was more devastating than previous offensives. 2,220 Gaza residents were killed, of whom at least 70% were civilians, including over 500 children. More than 17,000 residents were wounded and over 100,000 made homeless (UN OCHAopt, 2014). According to Israeli official accounts, 73 Israelis were killed: 67 soldiers and 6 civilians, including one child and one migrant worker. 469 Israeli soldiers and 255 civilians were wounded (Bachmann et al. 2014).

15-22 July 2014
A report cited by the Sunday Telegraph newspaper records that 125 children were killed during the week 15-22 July 2014, including 59 on 20th July.

22 July 2014
On the 14th day of Israel’s 50-day assault ‘An open letter for the people in Gaza’, co-authored by 24 signatories from Italy, the UK and Norway, was published by the medical journal The Lancet, initially online and subsequently in print (Manduca et al. 2014a). One of the signatories provided eyewitness accounts of the medical consequences for the civilian population, while working clinically at the largest trauma centre in Gaza during the first weeks of the assault. The letter was endorsed online by more than 20,000 signatories.

9 and 16 August 2014
The Lancet published 20 letters in hard copy editions, divided equally between authors criticising and supporting the Open Letter. Some correspondents declared that medicine “should not take sides” and that those who speak out against the consequences of war for civilians incited hate or introduced politics “where there is no place for it” (see, for example, Konikoff et al. 2014). Others described the letter as “anti-Jewish bigotry, pure and simple” (Marmor et al. 2014), although at least one of the authors of the ‘Open Letter’ was Jewish, and the word “Jewish” did not appear in the letter. Similar charges were made in the lay press, both within Israel and elsewhere (see Simons 2014, for example).
One of the letters published in response to the ‘Open Letter’ was co-authored by seven Jewish health professionals in South Africa (London et al. 2014). They suggested that “remaining neutral in the face of injustice is the hallmark of a lack of ethical engagement typical of docile populations under fascism”. They had witnessed and exposed some of the worst excesses of state brutality under apartheid, and had been harassed, victimised or detained for being anti-apartheid activists. They pointed out that they did not have the opportunity to air their views in their national medical journal, which suppressed public statements made by concerned health professionals and labelled such appeals for justice and human rights as ‘political’.

They expressed support for The Lancet’s decision to permit a discussion of the professional, ethical, and human rights implications of the conflict in Gaza, emphasizing that it is appropriate for health professionals to speak out on matters that are core to their professional values.

30 August 2014
After 20 responses to the ‘Open Letter’ had been published, its authors accepted The Lancet’s invitation to reply (Manduca et al. 2014b). They denied any financial conflicts of interests, as had been alleged, and listed the variety of experiences and affiliations that had led to their support for Palestinian society.

They noted that the allegations by the Ministry of Health in Gaza that gas had been used by the Israeli military would need to be tested by an independent Commission of Inquiry set up by the UN Human Rights Council. They ended by recalling the context in which they had written their letter: during the preceding two days one Palestinian child was being killed, on average, every two hours, and the UN had made clear how serious the situation had become:
The huge loss of civilian life, alongside credible reports about civilians or civilian objects (including homes) which have been directly hit by Israeli shelling, in circumstances where there was no rocket fire or armed group activity in the close vicinity, raise concerns about the principles of distinction and proportionality under international law.” (OCHA oPt 2014)

22 September 2014
Some were dissatisfied with The Lancet’s handling of the Open Letter. Two medical academics at University College London registered complaints with The Lancet Ombudsman (Simons 2014). One of them, Professor Sir Mark Pepys, was quoted in The Telegraph as having written that “The failure of the Manduca et al. authors to disclose their extraordinary conflicts of interest… are the most serious, unprofessional and unethical errors…The transparent effort to conceal this vicious and substantially mendacious partisan political diatribe as an innocent humanitarian appeal has no place in any serious publication, let alone a professional medical journal, and would disgrace even the lowest of the gutter press.”

Pepys suggested that the behaviour of Dr Horton, editor of The Lancet, was “consistent with his longstanding and wholly inappropriate use of The Lancet as a vehicle for his own extreme political views, which had greatly detracted from the former high standing of the journal.” (quoted in Simons 2014).

The article in The Telegraph also alleged that two of the authors of the Open letter – one of them Chinese – have sympathies with the views of “an American white supremacist” (Simons, 2014), following the mistaken forwarding of emails, for which both individuals subsequently apologised.
When one of the authors of the ‘Open Letter’, the Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert, who has worked clinically in Gaza during every Israeli assault on the Strip since 2006, was voted “Norwegian Name of the Year” in a national poll in December 2014, Pepys and eight other doctors wrote to the largest Norwegian newspaper, VG, to complain about his silence on the ‘loathsome hatred and racism’ of his co-authors. They asked for his national award to be reconsidered (Cohn et al. 2015).

17 October 2014
The Lancet Ombudsman published her report online on 17 October (Wedzicha, 2014). She said that she had received many emails and letters, some supporting and others opposing the position expressed in the ‘Open Letter’, and that some of them had been inappropriate in tone and of a personal nature. She stated that it was “entirely proper that medical journals and other media should seek to guide and reflect debate on matters relevant to health, including conflicts”.

She was not persuaded by calls for retraction of the ‘Open Letter’, “I do not believe that sufficient grounds for retraction have been established, and this would make other letters referring to the publication in question difficult to interpret”.

The Ombudsman went on to address allegations of bias among the authors of the ‘Open Letter’. “Given the shocking images and statistics reported from Gaza at the time, the use by Manduca and colleagues of emotive language, in description of the ‘massacre in Gaza’ for example, can be understood. Where the letter is less successful is in its portrayal of the armed element of the conflict on the Palestinian side. Given the authors’ close association with the region they will have been aware that several thousand potentially lethal rockets and mortars were fired from Gaza into Israel during the conflict, leading to loss of life.”

The authors were criticised for not having disclosed at the time of submission “any financial or other relationships that could be perceived to affect their work”, and she indicated that she would be asking the journal’s editors to put a policy in place as soon as possible to rectify this. The Ombudsman criticised the authors for not referencing in their original letter the source for their statement about the possible use of gas in Gaza.

The Ombudsman’s most serious criticism of the letter was the “regrettable statement” that, because only 5% of Israeli academics had supported an appeal to the Israeli government to stop the military operation in Gaza (Gur-Arieh 2014), the authors had been “tempted to conclude that…the rest of the Israeli academics [had been] complicit in the massacre and destruction of Gaza”.

“In summary”, the Ombudsman concluded, “the letter by Manduca and co-authors was published at a time of great tension, violence and loss of life. Given these circumstances the letter’s shortcomings can be understood, as a measure of balance has been achieved by the publication of further letters from both sides of the debate.”

3 November 2014
The Ombudsman’s decision to reject calls for the letter to be withdrawn from the public record was supported by Dr Richard Smith, former editor of the British Medical Journal, former chair of COPE and author of COPE’s Code of Conduct for Editors (Smith 2014): The Lancetletter was “passionate, overstated in parts, inflammatory to some, and one sided; and the authors failed to declare competing interests and two of them had acted in an objectionable but not illegal way. But none of these are grounds for retraction.”

He ended his commentary on an historical note: “The Lancet was made the great journal it is by Thomas Wakley, the founder and first editor, publishing articles that were so inflammatory that his critics burnt his house down. That radical tradition has not always shone brightly in the nearly 200 years since, but Horton has restored it strongly, establishing the Lancet as a world leader in global health, speaking truth to power and giving a voice to those who are not heard (like the children of Gaza). It’s against that radical tradition and leadership that the Gaza open letter must be viewed. It should and has been disputed, but it shouldn’t be retracted.

Contrasting views of journal editors
Editors have disagreed on whether political issues should be addressed in scientific journals.
For example, the American Diabetes Association issued a statement, signed by several editors of leading diabetes and endocrine journals, indicating that they “will refrain from publishing articles addressing political issues that are outside of either research funding or health care delivery” (American Diabetes Association 2014).

In response, a commentary signed by the current and two previous editors-in-chief of the European Journal of Public Health, one of whom has longstanding and very extensive collaborations with Israeli colleagues (McKee et al. 2015), voiced strong support for The Lancet, arguing that medical journals cannot ignore the political determinants of health, including those arising from conflicts. They noted, “It seems strange that it was the diabetes community that feels it necessary to take this decision,” noting how the global epidemic of diabetes, fuelled by forcing markets open to energy-dense food, reflects a policy identified primarily with Republicans rather than Democrats in the United States.

Following the Ombudsman’s Report
Soon after Israel’s 2014 assault, Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-Israel) assembled a medical fact-finding mission (FFM) of 8 international medical experts, unaffiliated with Israeli or Palestinian parties. Four had expertise in the fields of forensic medicine and pathology; four others were experts in emergency medicine, public health, paediatrics and paediatric intensive care, and health and human rights. The FFM made three visits to Gaza between 18 August and November, 2014.

The principal conclusion in the report of the FFM (Bachmann et al. 2014) is as follows: The attacks were characterised by heavy and unpredictable bombardments of civilian neighbourhoods in a manner that failed to discriminate between legitimate targets and protected populations and caused widespread destruction of homes and civilian property. Such indiscriminate attacks, by aircraft, drones, artillery, tanks and gunships, were unlikely to have been the result of decisions made by individual soldiers or commanders; they must have entailed approval from top-level decision-makers in the Israeli military and/or government.

The FFM (pp 98-99) listed many examples “suggestive of several serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law”, including disproportionality, attacks on medical teams and facilities, and denial of means of escape. They also reported (pp 53-55) evidence which suggested the use of anti-personnel weapons and gas during the conflict.

These accusations have also been made in reports by Amnesty International (Amnesty, 2014), Human Rights Watch (Human Rights Watch, 2014), B’Tselem (B’Tselem – The Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, 2015) and the United Nations (OCHA, 2014, 2015).
The FFM called on the UN, the EU, the US and other international actors to take steps to ensure that the governments of Israel and Egypt permit and facilitate the entry of investigative teams into Gaza, including experts in international human rights law and arms experts, and noted (in January 2015) that this had still not been done, months after the offensive. Specifically, the UN Commission of Inquiry has been denied entry to Israel, the West Bank and Gaza (See: United Nations Independent Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza Conflict).

The FFM recommended further urgent and rigorous investigation into the impact of this war, as well as the previous armed conflicts, on public health, mental health and the broader social determinants of health in Gaza, adding that, in its assessment, the implacable effects of the on-going occupation itself would have to be taken into account.

There have been subsequent accusations by Amnesty International of war crimes committed by both sides of the conflict (BBC 2014; Linfield 2015).

Further calls for retraction of the Open Letter
Dissatisfied with the Ombudsman’s report, critics of the Open letter continued to call for it to be withdrawn and for The Lanceteditor to apologise for publishing it. In a new development, the authors of the Open letter, and the journal, are being accused of being anti-Semitic. The current complaint to Reed Elsevier now refers to the Open Letter as “stereotypical extremist hate propaganda, under the selective and hypocritical disguise of medical concern”. On 24 February 2015, its lead author Professor Sir Mark Pepys wrote to 58 Israeli academics (Pepys, 2015):

The Lancet under the editorship of Richard Horton has published, for more than the past 10 years, many disgracefully dishonest and unacceptable articles about Israel. Horton has made no secret of the fact that these pieces express his own very strongly held personal views which he has published elsewhere in detail.

Last July, at the height of the Gaza war, The Lancet published a piece by Manduca and others which was at an unprecedentedly low level. It combines outright lies and slanted propaganda viciously attacking Israel with blood libels echoing those used for a thousand years to create anti-Semitic pogroms. It completely omitted the Hamas war crimes which initiated and sustained the conflict. There was no historical or political background. Crucially there was no mention of any conflict of interest among the authors despite the fact that Manduca and all the co-authors have long participated enthusiastically in not just anti-Israel but frankly Jew hating activities. All these individuals are close colleagues and collaborators of Horton.

Many of us have been trying as hard as we can since the Manduca publication to get it retracted, to get an apology for it and to convince Elsevier, the owners of The Lancet to both sanction Horton and to prevent any repetition of such shameful and unacceptable behaviour. So far there has been no satisfactory response. Indeed Horton continues to stand by the Manduca piece and refuses to accept that it is not factual and correct.

The goal of the attached protest to Elsevier document is to get the [‘Open letter’] retracted. I hope that all of you will sign it. Meanwhile colleagues at the Rambam Hospital have, as you know, invited Horton to Israel and shown him the reality of Israeli medicine, as opposed to the vicious anti-Semitic fantasy he has promoted. They have engaged in long discussions with him. Despite his refusal to either retract or apologise for his publications some colleagues are apparently convinced that Horton has reformed. Others, including Professor Peretz Lavie, the President of the Technion, who met with him for one and a half hours, were unconvinced by Horton’s presumed change of heart.

My view is that the Manduca piece was written by dedicated Jew haters, though some choose to mask this by being overtly passionate only about hating Israel. But they all agree that a Zionist/Jewish lobby or power group controls the world and its destiny and must be brought down. The Manduca piece would have made Goebbels proud and Streicher would have published it in Der Stürmer as happily as Horton published it in The Lancet…… anybody who was not a committed anti-Semite would firstly not have published (the Open letter), and secondly would have retracted instantly when the first author’s long track record of blatant anti-Semitism were exposed. In Horton’s case he already knew and liked her and her co-authors well, fully aware of all their vicious anti-Israel and frank, overtly anti-Semitic backgrounds.

Pepys’ text was distributed widely beyond the Israelis to whom the initial text had been sent, including, on 30 March, to over 150 academics with the subject line amended to:
DO NOT CITE The Lancet in your work – Their content includes fraudulent data’ (Lewis 2015).
As a result of this correspondence, 396 people have co-signed the complaint, including the statement “The collaboration of the academic community with Reed Elsevier and its journals is based on trust in their maintaining high ethical and scientific standards. None of us is under any obligation to submit and review material for publication in their journals or to serve on their editorial or advisory boards”.

The long history of pro-Israel suppression of medical freedom of expression
The heavy-handed escalation of the dispute and the use of ad personam charges of anti-Semitism to suppress freedom of expression in medical journals are not new.

In 1981, a short article in World Medicineinformed medical readers who were considering attending the ‘medical olympics’ in Israel that the event was going to be held on the site of a massacre ordered by the then prime minister of Israel (Sabbagh 1981). The pro-Israel protest led eventually to the demise of the journal (O’Donnell 2009).

In 2001, pro-Israel objections to the historical background in an article on ‘The origins of Palestinians and their genetic relatedness with other Mediterranean populations’ published in Human Immunology (Arnaiz-Villena et al. 2001) led Elsevier to remove it from the public record.

In 2004, an article entitled ‘Poverty, stress and unmet needs: life with diabetes in the Gaza Strip’ (Tsapogas 2004) published inDiabetes Voice was expunged from the public record and the editor resigned, again because of charges of political bias.

In 2004, there was an outcry from pro-Israel doctors when the British Medical Journal published a personal view entitled ‘Palestine: the assault on health and other war crimes’ (Summerfield 2004). The editor received nearly a thousand emails, many of them personally abusive and alleging anti-Semitism (Sabbagh 2009).

In 2009, commenting on several British Medical Journal papers exposing and discussing these issues, a senior British Medical Journal editor concluded that authors, editors, publishers, advertisers, and shareholders should ignore orchestrated email campaigns (Delamothe 2009). Citing another editor he suggested that the best way to blunt the effectiveness of this type of bullying is to expose it to public scrutiny.

The “Open letter to the People of Gaza” was written in deep concern and outrage during a military assault on the Gaza Strip, killing large numbers of civilians, including women and children, on a daily basis. The world was shocked and appalled. The content and tone of the letter were controversial, as shown by subsequent correspondence in The Lancet, for and against.

The Lancet Ombudsman criticised aspects of the letter but neither she nor a former Chair of COPE considered that it should be withdrawn.

The involvement of 396 senior researchers in a mass effort to force Reed Elsevier to withdraw the letter is the latest in a series of heavy-handed interventions to stifle media coverage of the Israel-Palestine issue and should be resisted.

Richard Horton should be supported as an exceptional editor of The Lancet, in the best traditions of the Journal.

The “unfinished business” of Operation Protective Edge is not whether the “Open Letter to the People of Gaza” should be retracted, but in the light of reports by Physicians for Human Rights-Israel, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the United Nations and others, to determine whether and by whom, from either side of the conflict, violations of international human rights and humanitarian law were committed.

Will the 396 signatories of the complaint to Reed Elsevier give their support to that objective?

Writing group

Professor Graham Watt MD FRCGP FRSE FMedSci
Graham Watt has long term academic links with the Institute of Community and Public Health at Birzeit University; has post-doctoral colleagues working at Birzeit University and the University of Hebron; chairs the steering committee of The Lancet-Palestinian Health Alliance* and is a Trustee of the UK charity Medical Aid for Palestinians. He did not sign the Open Letter for the People of Gaza.

Sir Iain Chalmers DSc FFPH FRCP Edin FRCP FMedSci
Iain Chalmers was employed by UNRWA in Gaza in 1969 and 1970, and has returned there (self-funded) at intervals since, most recently to help support the development of Evidence-Based Medicine. He was a member of the steering committee for The Lancet series on Health and Health Services in the occupied Palestinian territory, and serves on the steering committee of The Lancet-Palestinian Health Alliance*. He has supported the Gaza Oxford Brookes University Scholarship scheme financially, and makes regular financial contributions to Physicians for Human Rights–Israel, Jews for Justice for Palestinians, Jewish Voice for Peace, together with other charities supporting human rights. He is a co-author of the Open Letter for the people of Gaza.

Professor Rita Giacaman, PharmD, MPhil
Rita Giacaman is a Palestinian faculty member at the Institute of Community and Public Health, Birzeit University and a member of the steering committee of The Lancet-Palestinian Health Alliance*.

Professor Mads Gilbert MD PhD
Mads Gilbert is a member of the Norwegian Palestine Committee and co-founder of Norwegian Aid Committee (NORWAC); has received funding from the Norwegian Government for medical work in Lebanon occupied Palestine; and has travelled to occupied Palestine, including Gaza, on various medical missions with paid or unpaid leave from the University Hospital of North-Norway for WHO, UNRWA, NORWAC, and the Norwegian Palestine Committee. He has worked as a clinician in Al-Shifa Hospital during recent Israeli incursions (2006, 2009, 2012 and 2014). He is a peer reviewer for conferences and publications of The Lancet-Palestinian Health Alliance*. He delivered testimonies for the Report of the International Commission to enquire into reported violations of international law by Israel during its invasion of Lebanon, to the “Goldstone Commission” and to the current UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza Conflict. He is a co-author of the Open letter for the people of Gaza.

Professor John S Yudkin
John Yudkin is a peer reviewer for conferences and publications of The Lancet-Palestinian Health Alliance* and a member of its steering committee.
*The Lancet-Palestinian Health Alliance (LPHA) is a loose network of Palestinian, regional and international researchers who are committed to the highest scientific standards in describing, analysing and evaluating the health and health care of Palestinians, to contributing to the international scientific literature and to developing local evidence-based policy and practice. The principal activity of the LPHA is an annual scientific conference, selected abstracts from which have been published by The Lancet.

American Diabetes Association (2014). ADA/AACE/EASD/TES Statement in response to a recently published letter to the editor in The Lancet and an editorial addressing the Israeli-Palestinian fighting in Gaza. http://www.diabetes.org/newsroom/press-releases/2014/adaaaceeasdtes-statement.html

Arnaiz-Villena A, Elaiwa N, Silvera C, Rostom A, Moscoso J, Gómez-Casado, Allende L, Varela P, Martínez-Laso J (2001). The origins of Palestinians and their genetic relatedness with other Mediterranean populations. Human Immunology 62:889-900.

Bachmann J, Baldwin-Ragaven L, Hougen HP, Leaning J, Kelly K, Özkalipci O, Reynolds L, Vacas L (2014). Gaza, 2014. Findings of an independent medical fact-finding mission. Physicians for Human Rights Israel. https://gazahealthattack.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/gazareport_eng.pdf
BBC (2014). Amnesty: Israeli strikes on Gaza buildings ‘war crimes’. 9 December. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-30393540

B’Tselem (2015). Black Flag: The legal and moral implications of the policy of attacking residential buildings in the Gaza Strip, summer 2014. Jan. 2015. http://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/201501_black_flag

Cohn JR, Katz D, Zimmet P, Pepys M, Fink RH, Sprague SM, Greenland P, Stone D, Cohen S (2015). Norwegian newspaper VG, 27 January. http://www.ngo-monitor.org/article/translation_of_norwegian_letter_on_mads_gilbert_from_international_doctors

Delamothe T (2009). What to do about orchestrated email campaigns. BMJ 338:491-92. 22
Gur-Arieh N (2014). More than 70 Israeli academics signed a petition condemning the Israel Defence Forces in Gaza. Jewish Journal, 29 July. http://www.jewishjournal.com/israelife/item/more_than_70_israeli_academics_signed_a_petition_condemning_the_israel_defe

Konikoff T, Konikoff FM, Shoenfeld Y (2014). Israel-Gaza conflict. Lancet 384:491.

Lewis BS (2015). ‘DO NOT CITE The Lancet in your work – Their content includes fraudulent data’. Email sent to 101 recipients, 30 March.

Linfield B (2015). Amnesty’s other verdict on Gaza war: Hamas committed war crimes as well. The Independent, 26 March. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/amnestys-other-verdict-on-gaza-war-hamas-committed-war-crimes-as-well-10134099.html
London L, Sanders D, Klugman B, Usdin S, Baldwin-Ragavan L, Fonn S, Goldstein S (2014). Israel–Gaza conflict. Lancet 384:e34.

Manduca P, Chalmers I, Summerfield D, Gilbert M, Ang S, Hay A, Rose S, Rose H, Stefanini A, Balduzzi A, Cigliano B, Pecoraro C, Di Maria E, Camandona F, Veronese G, Ramenghi L, Rui M, DelCarlo P, D’agostino S, Russo S, Luisi V, Papa S, Agnoletto V, Agnoletto M (2014a). An open letter for the people in Gaza. Lancet 384:397-8. http://www.thelancet.com/gaza-letter-2014
Manduca P, Chalmers I, Summerfield D, Gilbert M, Ang S, Hay A, Rose S, Rose H, Stefanini A, Balduzzi A, Cigliano B, Pecoraro C, Di Maria E, Camandona F, Veronese G, Ramenghi L, Rui M, DelCarlo P, D’agostino S, Russo S, Luisi V, Papa S, Agnoletto V, Agnoletto M (2014b). Israel-Gaza conflict. Authors Reply. Lancet 384:746.
Marmore BM, Spirt BA (2014). Israel-Gaza conflict. Lancet 384:491. 23
McKee M, Mackenbach JP, Allebeck P (2015). Should a medical journal ever publish a political paper? European Journal of Public Health 25:1-2.
OCHA oPt (2014). Occupied Palestinian Territory: Gaza emergency. Situation report (as of July, 22, 2014, 1500 hrs). http://www.ochaopt.org/documents/ocha_opt_sitrep_23_07_2014.pdf
O’Donnell M (2009). Stand up for free speech. BMJ 338:512-13.
Pepys M (2015). Complaint to Reed Elsevier. Email sent to 58 Israeli recipients. 24 February. A copy of the full text of Pepys’ email (with recipients’ names and email addresses removed) is available to view here.

Sabbagh K (1981). Mere words: the blood on Begin’s hands. World Medicine 17:93.
Sabbagh K (2009). Perils of criticizing Israel. BMJ 338:509-11.
Simons JW (2014). Lancet ‘highjacked in anti-Israel campaign’. The Telegraph, 22 September. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/11112930/Lancet-hijacked-in-anti-Israel-campaign.html
Smith R (2014). No case for retracting Lancet’s Gaza letter. BMJ Blog, 3 November. http://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2014/11/03/richard-smith-no-case-for-retracting-lancets-gaza-letter/
Summerfield D (2004). Palestine: the assault on health and other war crimes. BMJ 329:924.
Tsapogas P (2004). Poverty, stress and unmet needs: life with diabetes in the Gaza Strip. Diabetes Voice 49:12-15. Now removed from website. Article of complaint and apology from International Diabetes Federation http://www.idf.org/sites/default/files/attachments/article_290_en.pdf
United Nations Independent Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza Conflict http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=15456&LangID=E
UN OCHAopt, 2014. “Fragmented lives. Humanitarian overview 2014. March 2015. http://www.ochaopt.org/documents/annual_humanitarian_overview_2014_english_final.pdf
Wedzicha W (2014). Ombudsman’s report on the letter by Manduca and others. Lancet http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2814%2961897-3/fulltext?rss=yes

Current number of additional co-signatories: 240
To view the list of scientists, clinicians and researchers who have co-signed this response since its publication click here

Lancet medical journal under attack for 'extremist hate propaganda' over its coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Exclusive: Hundreds of doctors and academics express outrage at Lancet over coverage of Gaza conflict

One of the world’s oldest and most venerable medical journals is under attack from an international group of more than 500 doctors over its coverage of the humanitarian disaster caused by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

TheLancet and its editor, Richard Horton, have been targeted over what the group claims is the “grossly irresponsible misuse of [the journal] for political purposes”. The controversy was sparked by an article deemed to be critical of Israel’s conduct in Gaza.

The protesting doctors, including five Nobel laureates as well as Lord Winston, the broadcaster and IVF pioneer, style themselves “concerned academics”, and accuse the journal of publishing “stereotypical extremist hate propaganda”. They also accuse the journal’s owner, the publishing firm Reed Elsevier, of “profiting from the publication of dishonest and malicious material that incites hatred and violence”.

The doctors threatened to boycott the journal if Reed Elsevier does not “enforce appropriate ethical standards of editorship”.

Observers say it is the most serious threat to The Lancet and free speech in academia since the journal’s first campaigning editor, Thomas Wakley, faced a series of lawsuits after attacking the incompetence, nepotism and greed of the medical elite shortly after it was founded 192 years ago.
The controversy has been triggered by an article that appeared during the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip in July 2014 (AFP/Getty)

Horton, who has edited The Lancet since the mid-1990s, has built it into a widely admired beacon for global health. But his uncompromising approach has made him enemies, especially among those who see him as a supporter of the Palestinian cause. He established a Lancet-Palestine Alliance with academics in the West Bank, to improve coverage of health issues in the region.
The trigger for the assault on his editorship was an article published last July during the Israeli attack on the Gaza Strip, which included eyewitness accounts of the medical impact on civilians but, controversially, did not include an acknowledgement of Hamas’s role in the war.
“An open letter to the people of Gaza” provoked a fierce debate in The Lancet’s correspondence columns, with some complaining it was “anti-Jewish bigotry” and others that medicine “should not take sides”.

It later emerged that two of the signatories of the open letter had circulated emails containing a video suggesting sympathies with an anti-Semitic American white supremacist. Both apologised and Dr Horton also subsequently apologised for the “offensive video” during a visit to Israel. But he did not withdraw the article.

In October, the Lancet’s ombudsman investigated the complaints and criticised the open letter but said this did not justify retracting it. However, this did not satisfy the journal’s critics and the dispute has rumbled on.

The Lancet has been accused of using the journal for "political purposes" (EPA)
In the latest and most serious development, the protesters, led by Professor Sir Mark Pepys of University College London, mustered 396 professors and specialists from around the world to sign a complaint which was submitted to the board of Reed Elsevier last month. The complainants demand that the publisher retract the open letter, apologise for its publication and ensure “any further malpractice at The Lancet is prevented”.

They threaten an academic boycott of Reed Elsevier, which publishes over 2,000 scientific journals, if their demands are not met. “None of us is under any obligation to submit and review material for publication in their journals or to serve on their editorial or advisory boards,” it says.

A further 150 doctors have added their signatures since the complaint was submitted on a website set up to co-ordinate the protest at concernedacademics.org.

In response, a rival group of 300 doctors, led by Professor Graham Watt of the University of Glasgow, has rebutted the criticisms on their own website, handsoffthelancet.com.

They argue Richard Horton is “an exceptional leader in global health”, that politics is “intrinsic to many health issues and a legitimate subject for commentary” and dismiss references to “extremist hate propaganda” as “unhelpful hyperbole”.

“The heavy-handed attempt to force The Lancet to withdraw the open letter is the latest in a series of attempts to stifle media coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict and should be resisted,” they say.
On Wednesday, the Lancet’s international advisory board, comprising 19 professors, wrote to Reed Elsevier to express its “unreserved support” for Richard Horton.

Fiona Godlee, editor of the BMJ, which is to publish a commentary on the dispute, said it had suffered similar attacks over its coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

“Health is a deeply political issue. There is a long history, when Israel/Palestine gets discussed, of the medium being attacked. I don’t think that The Lancet should retract the open letter.
“Richard Horton has transformed The Lancet from a rather sleepy, academic journal to put it at the heart of the global debate on health. Many consider him heroic but in other respects he has upset people. This feels like a settling of scores.”

No one from Reed Elsevier was available for comment.

These academics complaining of Lancet's pro-Palestinian bias are fighting a lost battle


Richard Horton has taken The Lancet back to its radical roots, speaking truth to power, holding the powerful to account and giving a voice to those who are not heard, like the children of Gaza. Most editors follow their readers, but the way Richard has led on global health is extraordinary.

The 500 complaining academics remind me of the White Russians, continuing to fight a battle that has been lost. The Committee on Publication Ethics has ruled there are no grounds for retracting the open letter, as has The Lancet’s ombudsman. Reed Elsevier, the journal’s owner, has sensibly stayed silent to avoid compromising the editorial independence of The Lancet, its most valuable possession.
Have all the academics actually read the highly intemperate, sometimes inaccurate letter they have signed? Academics should not be in the business of stifling free speech and putting their name to such bad prose. Open and full debate is fundamental to both science and politics, and the right response to something that you disagree with is to encourage, not suppress, debate.

As John Milton wrote, “Truth was never put to the worse in a free and open encounter… If it come to prohibiting, there is not ought more likely to be prohibited than truth itself.”

Richard Smith is a former  editor of the BMJ and a  co-founder of the Committee on Publication Ethics

Zionism's Professor of 'New Anti-Semitism' Humiliated in Debate


Robert Wistrich Professor at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem Can't Defend his Racist Nonsense

Robert Wistrich & Mehdi Hassan in Head to Head
Robert Wistrich is one of Zionism's leading Professors.  An ardent supporter of the idea that anti-Zionism is the new anti-Semitism, he was humiliated when he took part in a Head to Head debate with Mehdi Hassan on Al Jazeera.

Robert Wistrich
When it came to defending the Islamification of Europe (Eurabia') nonsense in his latest book he completely backtracked.  Indeed he spent the better part of the programme backtracking.  A must watch video!

Mumia's condition grave: Take Action

 Stop the Medical Execution of Mumia Abu Jamal

Mumia Abu Jamal is a distinguished Black journalist and ex-member of the Black Panthers who was fitted up by the Police for the killing of a US cop.  He spent 30 years on death row for the killing of Daniel Faulkner.   

He was denied the right to represent himself and had a paid and incompetent lawyer.  He has been vilified by Democrats and Republicans alike but has fought the system since been incarcerated in a Pennsylvania gaol since 1982. 

He is now dangerously ill and the prison authorities are now trying to murder him.  I have been sent the appeal below so that people can respond.
Tony Greenstein

Dateline: Friday, April 24th, 8:45 pm

Mumia Abu-Jamal was seen today by his wife and his condition has worsened. He, is gravely ill.  We are asking everyone to call the prison. Right now. It may be late, but call whenever you get this. 

Mumia needs 24 hour care and supervision. He can not be in this condition in general population. In this state he may not be able ask for help, he may lose consciousness. He is too weak. (He was released from the infirmary two days ago).

His condtiion: He is extremely swollen in his neck, chest, legs, and his skin is worse than ever, with open sores. He was not in a wheelchair, but can only take baby steps. He is very weak. He was nodding off during the visit. He was not able to eat- he was fed with a spoon. These are symptoms that could be associated with hyper glucose levels, diabetic shock, diabetic coma, and with kidney stress and failure. 

Please call these numbers, and any other numbers you have for the Prison and the Governor.
Demand that Mumia Abu-Jamal see a doctor ASAP. Right Now!
Demand that the prison officials call his wife Wadiya Jamal and his lawyer Bret Grote immediately.
Demand that he be seen immediately, and the not be left to go into a diabetic coma. 
John Kerestes, Superintendent SCI Mahanoy: 570-773-2158 x8102 | 570-783-2008 Fax | 301 Morea Road, Frackville PA 17932
Mumia and racist cop he was falsely accused of killing, Daniel Faulkner
  1. Tom Wolf, PA Gvrnr: 717-787-2500 governor@PA.gov | 508 Main Capitol Building, Harrisburg PA 17120
  2. John Wetzel, PA DOC: 717-728-4109 | 717-728-4178 Fax | ra-contactdoc@poc.gov | 1920 Technology Pkwy, Mechanicsburg PA 17050
  3. Susan McNaughton, DOC Press secretary 717-728-4025.  PA Docsmcnaughton@pa.gov

We need your help right now.  Please forward this far and wide.

Every call matters.  Every action matters.  We need to be in the streets. Call your friends, your neighbors. Take action.

freemumia.com   prisonradio.org   bringmumiahome.com

Noelle Hanrahan
Prison Radio

John Humphries and the Bias of Today


Israeli lies go unchallenged on BBC’s flagshipcurrent affairs show

Amena Saleem 

A BBC correspondent displayed a fawning attitude towards Shimon Peres while Israel was attacking Gaza last year. (World Economic Forum/Flickr)
In March, the BBC’s flagship news program Todaybroadcast an interview with Moshe Yaalon, Israel’s defense minister.
John Humphries - Today's Zionist Interrogator-in-chief
Yaalon was given free rein to disseminate lies and propaganda with not a single interruption or challenge from Todaypresenter, Sarah Montague.

In response, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and many individuals complained to the BBC about the substandard level of interviewing. The replies received from the BBC have revealed the extent to which the organization is prepared to make a fool of itself in order to justify and protect its soft interviews with Israeli spokespeople.
A view of Today at work
Many had complained that Yaalon was allowed to deny the occupation and the siege on Gaza, and had falsely claimed the Palestinians have “political independence” with Israel not wanting to “govern them whatsoever” — and had done so without any challenging interventions from Montague.

In fact, as Yaalon told lie after lie, there was absolute silence from Montague as the minutes ticked on, with not a sound to indicate she was still present.
Despite a reputation among politicians as a fierce interrogator, Humphries goes soft on Mark Regev
The BBC complaints department sent this collective response to those who contacted it about the broadcast: “Please note that it’s always going to be difficult in a live environment against time constraints to challenge each and every comment made, given the amount of other questions and points to cover.”

A quick look at some of Today’s interviews with Palestinian spokespeople is enough to demonstrate just how ludicrous this statement from the BBC is.

And a comparison with Today’s interviews with Israelis during the same time period is sufficient to reveal the unswerving nature of the BBC’s pro-Israeli, anti-Palestinian bias.

Patronising and aggressive

Take, for example, interviews conducted by Todayduring July and August 2014.
On 3 July, with the occupied West Bank almost totally shut down by Israel following the disappearance of three Israeli teenagers, Today presenter John Humphrys interviewed Abdullah Abdullah, chairperson of the Palestinian Legislative Council’s political committee.

Humphrys ignored the alleged difficulties of a live environment and time constraints and instead challenged “each and every comment” made by Abdullah, to the extent that the senior Palestinian politician was effectively denied the opportunity to comment at all.

This is part of the interview:

Humphrys: “What I’m trying to do is ask you where we go from here.”

Abdullah: “From here? This racist Israel is exposing itself once more…”

Humphrys [interrupting]: “Can you just cut the rhetoric for a moment and try and deal with the practicalities?”

Abdullah: “This is a government of gangsters. It’s got to be exposed…”

Humphrys [interrupting]: “A bit less rhetoric perhaps and a bit more thought to what is actually going to take place in the Middle East.”

Abdullah: “This is the lack of resolution in the international community…”

Humphrys [interrupting]: “To do what?”

Abdullah: “Israel has been created by your country some 66 years ago…”

Humphrys [interrupting]: “Can we talk about now instead of fifty years ago? That’s what I’m trying to do, talk about what should happen now.”

Abdullah: “If we go to the root cause of it, we would be able to solve everything…”

Humphrys [interrupting]: “We’ve been going to the root cause of it for fifty years. It hasn’t got anywhere has it?”

The interview continues in the same vein for another thirty seconds, with a patronising, aggressive Humphrys continually interrupting and refusing to allow Abdullah the time to complete any of the observations he is trying to make.

At one point, he even puts words into Abdullah’s mouth, saying: “If you’re saying this morning that nothing can move forward until Israel is destroyed, well, at least we know what your position is.”
Abdullah has said nothing of the sort and, when he attempts to make his position clear — “What I say is that Israel…has to be held accountable for its violations of international law” — he is interrupted again by the BBC presenter.

Compare this aggression to Montague’s passive encounter with Yaalon, where the Israeli minister decides what he’s going to say and says it uninterrupted, and at no point is asked to “cut the rhetoric” — despite referring to Gaza as “Hamastan.”

Easy ride for Israel

Immediately after Humphrys spoke to Abdullah on 3 July, he interviewed the Israeli government spokesperson, Mark Regev — Palestinians aren’t interviewed by Today without an Israeli to counter them. The same isn’t true in reverse, and Israelis are continuously interviewed — as Yaalon was — with no Palestinian present to give an alternative viewpoint.

Regev was given his customary easy ride on the BBC. Humphrys was polite and non-challenging, and allowed the Israeli to blame Hamas for all the violence that takes place in the West Bank and Gaza without daring to question him on Israeli army violence against Palestinian civilians.

Six days later, Humphrys interviewed the head of the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, Raji Sourani, who was on the phone from Gaza.

Gaza, by then, was under day and night attack by Israel.

Sourani explained this, to which Humphrys replied: “Couldn’t you stop it if you stopped firing rockets at Israel?”

Sourani: “I think Israel initiated that for several years before…”

Humphrys [interrupting, and incredulous]: “Israel initiated you firing rockets at them?”

Sourani: “No, I’m talking about before this, Israel was attacking for seven nights, bombing Gaza from south to north, and nobody slept for seven days before that, and they were bombing for seven days before that…”

Humphrys [emphatically]: “Three Israeli teenagers have been murdered.”

Sourani: “Eleven has been killed by Israel, including four Palestinian teenagers, and nobody has mentioned that and that’s a great shame. There is no holier than holy blood. Every blood is holy, even Palestinian one.”

The minute-long interview ends here and Humphrys goes on to interview Daniel Taub, Israel’s ambassador to the UK. The rudeness and hectoring disappears and Taub is given four minutes to tell lies about Gaza, such as this —“It’s an area that’s clearly not under occupation” — unchallenged.
Humphry’s interview with Sourani, as well as demonstrating yet again the hostile atmosphere of the BBC for Palestinians, reveals how deeply ingrained the Israeli narrative is within the minds of BBC presenters.

Humphrys sounded genuinely incredulous at Sourani’s suggestion that Israeli violence may have preceded Palestinian violence, rather than being, as Israel always maintains, a defensive reaction to it.
His attitude is that of the colonial-minded journalist, wedded to the belief that if the natives would only stop firing their rockets the colonizer could live in peace.

The theft of land and freedom by the colonizer doesn’t come into it, and Humphrys even implies that Gaza deserves the fatal collective punishment it is receiving because three Israeli teenagers were killed in the West Bank.


Such unbalanced, biased interviewing continued through July and August, as Israel was pounding much of Gaza to rubble and wiping out entire Palestinian families.

The lack of impartiality was replicated on BBC television news and BBC Online, where pro-Israeli commentators were presented as “independent” and brought on to defend Israel’s actions.

On the 31 July episode of TodaySarah Montague, true to form, interviewed two Israelis — and no Palestinians — on whether Israel’s assault on Gaza was legal.

Her guests — a retired colonel from the Israeli army, who greenlighted massacres in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead five years before, and a former spokesperson for the Israeli government —enjoyed nine minutes of gentle conversation in which they were able to assert that Israel had no other option but to attack and did so only with great sorrow. 

Today continued to provide a willing platform for Israeli propaganda into August.

On 13 August, former Israeli president, Shimon Peres, was given airtime in an interview with Middle East correspondent, Wyre Davis, for the stated reason than his was “one voice that we haven’t heard much of during this crisis.”

Davis allowed him to tell one astounding lie after another for four minutes.

This was his first lie: “Look, we left Gaza willingly, unilaterally…We handed over to the Palestinians a free, open Gaza, which is a beautiful strip of…a beautiful beach. They could have developed it for tourism, for fishing, for agriculture. We don’t understand, frankly, why are they fighting? What are they shooting? We left. What is the purpose? They want to be free. They are free.”

And this came towards the end: “When we left Gaza, Gaza was open. No restriction, no closure, nothing whatever. We helped them even, to build a new modern agriculture. We would like to see them a normal nation, living in peace, developing their country.”

To which a compliant Davis replied: “Your position is clear. You obviously pursue peace from a position of strength.”

The lies were breathtaking, the fact he was allowed to tell them unchallenged, extraordinary. Compare this to Abdullah’s interview on Todaya month earlier, when he wasn’t given the space even to complete a sentence, or Sourani’s interview when he was hectored to justify Gaza’s rockets, the BBC interviewer’s concern, as it always is, being only for Israel, not for the Palestinians under occupation.
The BBC complaints department can fire off as many email messages as it likes, arrogantly declaring the impartiality of the BBC or trying to pretend interviewers don’t have time to “challenge each and every comment made” by an Israeli interviewee.

But an analysis of just one BBC program’s interviews with its Palestinian and Israeli guests shows those claims to be as big a lie as any told by an Israeli spokesperson appearing on Today. And that is truly shameful.

Miliband’s Labour Seeks the Safety of Consensus Politics


Labour Says Yes to Austerity & Cuts – But They’ll Be Nice Cuts than the Tories

In last week’s Brighton Independent I had an article which suggested that Miliband was determined to lose.  Of course he’d like to win but he refuses to break from the consensus behind austerity.  Instead of boldly saying that austerity is the road to ruin and Labour is going to reverse the welfare cuts, tax the rich at 80%, reverse major privatisations and pay no compensation bar the price which was paid (minus  profits taken), Miliband tries to present himself as the safe alternative to the Tories.
Labour is going to face a wipe-out in its Scottish bastion because they are perceived as the ‘red Tories’.  Running a No to Independence campaign with the Tories has backfired on them spectacularly.  Labour in Scotland has been a by-word in corruption and nepotism.  It’s not as if the Scottish National Party is a particularly radical party.  It has failed to even use the power to increase income tax by 3p and has instituted its own cuts programme.  It has failed to increase spending on the NHS in Scotland but compared to Labour it is seen as a radical, socialist alternative.
Miliband - desperately seeking cover
The Tories are, of course, attacking Miliband because he is going to need their support to become Prime Minister.  Instead of fighting back and saying that the SNP have every right to have a say in the government of Britain (after all, isn’t that what the union with Scotland is about?) he has run for cover.  Even some Tories like Lord Forsyth and Malcolm Rifkind have been bolder.
Nicola Sturgeon of SNP - set the cat among Labour's pigeons
Miliband’s latest pledge is a milk and water scheme to have 3 year secure tenancies and rents rising by no more than inflation.  But although any reform would be welcome, this is puny and pathetic.  We used to have permanent security of tenure for people in furnished tenancies.  People were what they call sitting tenants.  There used to be full rent control.  That is the system we should go back to and taking a leaf out of the Tories book, Labour could propose the right to buy for private tenants and see what the Tory reaction to that is!  Taking housing out of the market and treating it in the same way as health.  Adopting a socialist policy that housing is a basic need and should not be subject to the market and speculation is what is needed, not tampering at the edges.

Bennett (Green), Clegg (opportunist LD), Farage (racist UKIP), Miliband, Leanne Wood (Plaid Cymru), Nicola Sturgeon (SNP) Cameron (Tory sell your grandmother party!)
My prediction?  The Tories will be the largest party.  Labour plus the SNP should be within spitting distance of the magical 324 need for an overall majority.  Hopefully the Lib-Dems, the most disgusting and unprincipled party of all will suffer heavy losses.  UKIP is unlikely to gain more than 2-3 seats and the Greens will keep their one seat.  Who forms a government?  Miliband might unless he proves particularly stupid.

Tony Greenstein
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