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The Growing Opposition of Jews to What Israel does in their Name


Counter Currents News          August 9, 2014 9:11 pm·

When I was around 16 and having visited Israel as part of a Zionist Federation programme aimed at school students, I ‘came out’ as an anti-Zionist.  There were a whole number of motives -  I broke away from the official tour to go to Jerusalem and I made a point of talking to the Arabs of the West Bank and refusing to be blind sided by what was, to me, obvious Israeli propaganda.
gaza 9 aug 14 demonstration
I had also become a socialist and a Marxist and I found the universalism of these secular heresies incompatible with the Judeo-centric emphasis of Zionism.  I had also become aware, I know not how, of the outlines of ‘cruel Zionism’ and how it had supported the maintenance of immigration barriers in Western countries after and even before 1945.  I listened attentively to a debate where the  Guardian’s Michael Adams (the only pro-Arab journalist then around) had debated with some Zionist flunkey.
But in a provincial Jewish community in Liverpool I felt alone.   True I had good friends at the local King David Jewish School who were lukewarm about Zionism, especially Mike Goodman who I met up again with in NUS when he was President of Brunel students union and I was  Vice-President of Brighton Polytechnic and one or two others who drifted in later years into the far-left.  But at that time there was no one Jewish  I knew who opposed Zionism who was Jewish.

That is why it is a source of much pride to see the proud and assertive Jewish bloc on the Gaza demonstration and people like Barnaby Raine.  I could only join  it at the beginning for health reasons  but thanks to groups like Jews 4 Boycotting Israeli Goods, the Jewish anti-Zionist Network and also softer groups like the Jewish Socialists Group and Jews for a Just Peace for Palestinians, more and more Jews are breaking from their parents unquestioning support for all things Israel.

The speech of Barnaby Raine, a 19 year old student from North London, to the  rally was magnificent.  It says virtually everything that needs to be said about the support too many Jews still give to Zionism, as epitomised by the despicable creatures who contacted the Jewish Chronicle to protest at their carrying a Disaster Emergency Relief advert, when even the killers themselves, the Israeli government, admit there is a humanitarian crisis. 

These pitiful ‘Jews’ who know nothing of the prophets or Rabbi Hillel, still less the history of Zionism itself, wish the Gazan people to suffer still more to repent for having voted for Hamas, a group that Israel virtually created.   They believe, in line with former Israeli Deputy Defence Minister Matan VilnaiPalestinians would bring on themselves a ‘bigger shoah," using the Hebrew word usually reserved for the Holocaust.’ 

Tony Greenstein

Mass Rally in Hyde Park
The United Kingdom’s largest demonstration for Gaza has just made history. Not only was it the biggest protest in solidarity with Gazan civilians in the UK, but it was also the largest in the world, at any time in history.

So many people turned up that when the front of the march reached Hyde Park, the back still had not left the BBC. We marched to demand an end to Israel’s barbaric assault on Gaza, to call on the British government to implement an immediate embargo on arms sales to Israel, and to show Palestinians facing Israel’s war crimes that they are not alone.
Demonstration Outside BBC
The protest took place on Saturday 9 August. Over 150,000 protestors marched from BBC Broadcasting House all the way to Hyde Park, right in front of the US Embassy along the way.

The protest was not against Jews, but against the aggression of the Israeli State against Gazan civilians. A huge number of Jewish protestors came in solidarity with the people of Gaza. Barnaby Raine, who organized the Jewish protestors’ involvement with the march explains why he was there demanding justice:

Why Israel is Different From all Other States


The Nuremberg Laws Come to Israel 

Israel's courts approve of demonstration
On 12 September 1935 the Nuremberg Laws were announced at a mass Nazi rally by a Nazi physician Gerhard Wagner.  On 15th September they were enacted by Hitler into law.  The first was the The Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honour (the second was the Reich Citizenship Law).  They were two of only four laws passed by the Reichstag.  Dr. Bernhard Lösener, the Interior Ministry official in charge of drafting anti-Semitic laws, was tasked with drafting a definition of who was a Jew and came up with anyone who had 3 or 4 Jewish grandparents (1 or 2 meant you were a mischlinge - mixed race).  

Zionism never objected to the Nuremburg Laws
 They were described by Gerald Reitlinger in The Final Solution  (p.7) as ‘the most murderous legislative instrument known to European history”.  Zionism however, as a racial Jewish political movement had no objections to what was, after all, the fulfillment of their own program.

So it is in Israel today that hundreds of protesters demonstrated against the marriage celebration of a former Jewish woman and a Muslim man, daring to equate it with Jewish lives lost during the holocaust.  Can one imagine any other western (or indeed any other civilised) state where people demonstrate against two people who, although of different ethnic/religious backgrounds, wish to marry each other?  In this country such opposition is confined to marginal fascist groups like the NF or BNP.  In Israel it is part of mainstream Zionist politics.

Although it hides the fact, not least from many diaspora Jews, in Israel there is no civil marriage.  You have to marry someone of the same religion, but whereas Christian and Muslim marriage requirements are lax, to be Jewish i.e. part of the select, is a difficult and lengthy process.

The demonstrations over this marriage says all you need to know about Israeli politics and, incidentally, the nature of the Israeli court system, which in the case of high public officials, contrasts freedom of speech with the right to privacy.
Lehava Certificate that a business only employs Jews
The organisation Lehava which has organised these demonstrations is funded mainly by the Israeli state.  Although the new Israeli President, Reuven Rivlin, whom Netanyahu bitterly opposed, has condemned the demonstrations, Netanyahu himself has said nothing.  It is clear where this pro-American ‘moderate’ stands.

It is ironic that the 'Jewish' state, allegedly set up as a result of the holocaust, echoes Nazi discrimination against the Jews.

Tony Greenstein

Israeli court allows protesters to picket Palestinian-Jewish wedding

'An Act of Treason' according to the majority of Israel's Jews - ex-Jewish bridge Malka

Anti-Arab group urges supporters to bring loudspeakers and horns to wedding of Mahmoud Mansour and Moral Malka

A Palestinian man and his Jewish bride-to-be are facing hostile protests in the Israeli town of Rishon Letzion after Israel's high court refused their application to ban demonstrations outside their wedding reception.
Mahmoud Mansour, 26, a Palestinian from Jaffa, has had to hire dozens of security guards after an anti-Arab group, Lehava, published details of his wedding reception online and called for Israelis to come and picket the wedding hall.
The mob that Israel's courts allowed 'freedom of speech'
The group, which campaigns against assimilation between Jews and Arabs in Israel, is angry that Mansour's bride-to-be, Moral Malka, 23, is Jewish, although local media reported that she has already converted to Islam and the couple have had an Islamic wedding.

"We've been together for five years, but we've never encountered such racism. I always knew there were racists, but as long as you're not affected by it, until you feel it in your own body, you don't know what it is,"Mansour told Haaretz on Sunday.
The mob that Israel's courts allowed to demonstrate
"If it were someone from her family, I would understand, but these people aren't related. Why do they care? Why are they getting involved? If they think they'll get us to give up on each other, it won't happen." He said that hiring the security guards had cost over $4,000 (£2,400), half of which was being paid for by the wedding hall, but the remainder the couple had to find themselves. The court decided that protesters would be allowed to picket the wedding, but only at a distance of 200m.

The wedding has become a national issue – drawing comment from even the president on Sunday – underscoring the strength of feeling following Israel's two-month confrontation with Hamas. On Sunday, peace talks in Cairo inched forward but there was no sign of imminent agreement.
Zionist mob outside celebration
Lehava, which campaigns under the slogan of 'saving the daughters of Israel', was revealed to have links with the Israeli government in a 2011 investigation by Haaretz, receiving up to $175,000 per year from the state, over half of its operational budget.  In 2012 the group distributed flyers in east Jerusalem warning Arabs not to visit the mostly Jewish western side of the city, and has campaigned against Jews and Arabs mixing on beaches and Jewish landlords renting to Arabs.

On Sunday's wedding, the group said: "Please come with positive energy and bring loudspeakers and horns. We will ask our sister to return home with us to the Jewish people who are waiting for her," reported Israeli news site Arutz Sheva.

Other Orthodox Jewish groups have also entered the fray. Yad L'Achim, another group that campaigns against Jewish and Arab assimilation in Israel posted a blurred picture of the bride on its Facebook site, calling on Jews to write to her and plead with her not to go ahead with the wedding.

The page, published on 13 August, has got over 2,000 likes and over 4,000 people have written responses asking the bride to cancel the reception and leave her husband.  Speaking to Haaretz, however, Mansour said he had also received many letters of support. "We feel great, and that really gives us strength. They think they'll break us, but we can't be broken. The opposite is true – we're getting stronger," Mansour said.

"The wedding will go on as planned – it will be great. I'm not worried, but it's troubling that on this day, which everyone waits for their whole life, the happiest day of their life, I have to go to court. It's sad that such things happen in this country."

Israel's mixed marriage controversy: How low have we sunk?

Could we imagine a wedding between a Christian and a Jew becoming national news in a European country?

By Aeyal Gross, Ha'aretz, Aug. 18 2014 

That the marriage of Mahmoud Mansour and Morel Malka became a subject for public debate is embarrassing and testifies to how low we have sunk. Could we imagine a wedding between a Christian and a Jew becoming a national news item in any European country? Indeed, the Lehava organization that launched a public protest against this wedding is worthy of every condemnation. But we must remember that racism didn’t start with Lehava: Israeli law doesn’t permit marriages between people of different religions, and if Malka had not converted to Islam, the two could not have married in Israel, where marriage is subject to religious law.
Mob outside wedding celebration
Of course, such a couple can get married abroad and be registered as married here in Israel, or they can live together and be recognized as a cohabiting de-facto couple under Israeli law, but it’s worth remembering that.

We cannot merely be outraged by Lehava without addressing the manner in which the ban on intermarriage serves in practice the notion that we must “protect” Jewish women from the “Arab threat,” as Prof. Zvi Triger of the College of Management has demonstrated in his research.  While allowing Lehava to demonstrate, the Rishon Letzion Magistrate’s Court, from which the couple sought an injunction, ordered the Lehava demonstrators to stay at least 200 meters from the banquet hall – a compromise to which the couple agreed. But was that far enough?

In a case where demonstrators sought to protest in front of the late Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s home, the High Court of Justice ruled that with regard to a demonstration in front of the home of a public figure, the right to privacy may trump the right to demonstrate. The court therefore ruled that one must assure that one party’s right to assemble does not substantially impinge on the other party’s right to privacy, and thus police were permitted to set reasonable limits regarding the timing, place, and manner of the demonstration. The High Court has reiterated this principle in several similar instances.

The Rishon Letzion court, therefore, could have taken these legal principles into account when deliberating the couple’s request, and ruled against holding the demonstration near the wedding venue altogether – even more so because at issue was the marriage of private people, not public figures, giving the right to privacy even greater weight.

It should also be noted that when a demonstration needs a permit, the police is allowed to check whether incitement to racism is involved. While such considerations ought to be invoked on very limited occasions, it should have at least been grounds for keeping the demonstration even further away.

Given all this, one cannot ignore the gap between how Lehava’s right to hold a racist demonstration near a private celebration was preserved, and the many freedom of assembly violations we’ve witnessed recently: The police ban on an antiwar protest in Tel Aviv 10 days ago; the many instances in which protesters were arrested during social-justice demonstrations; and the 1,500 antiwar protesters arrested over the past month, nearly all of them Arabs, as reported here over the weekend. Apparently, problematic demonstrations against Arabs are permitted, but Arabs who demonstrate are at high risk of arrest. 

Right-wing protesters demonstrated against 'assimilation in the Holy Land' at wedding ofJewish-born wife and Muslim man; counter-demonstration is held by the hall's entrance

Under heavy police guard, Mahmoud Mansour and Morel Malka held their wedding celebration last evening in Rishon Letzion. Mansour, a young Muslim man and Malka, who was born Jewish and converted to Islam, were surrounded by security guards as they arrived at the Shemesh Aduma (Red Sun) wedding hall. Outside, about 150 meters away from the entrance to the hall at the end of the street, some 200 right-wing protesters demonstrated against what they called “assimilation in the Holy Land.” A counter-demonstration was held by the entrance to the hall.

Earlier in the day, the court refused to prohibit the protest outside the wedding hall where the mixed Muslim-Jewish celebrated their recent marriage, and ordered protesters to remain at least 200 meters from the venue, which is located in an area filled with supermarkets and other banquet halls.

The Rishon Letzion Magistrate’s court issued the ruling after the couple applied for an injunction to stop the demonstration organized by Lehava (which is both a Hebrew word meaning “flame” and a Hebrew acronym for Preventing Assimilation in the Holy Land).

Each guest at the wedding was asked by police to identify themselves and answer questions posed by police and security guards to prove they had been invited. The protesters attempted to come closer to the hall a number of times while cursing the couple, but the police moved them back to the area set aside for their protest, as per the court’s instructions.

The protesters shouted racist and threatening slogans such as “Death to leftists,”and waved Israeli flags and blew the shofar. They carried signs saying such things as “Daughter of Israel to the people of Israel,” and “Assimilation is a Holocaust.”  At the counter demonstration they held flowers and sang love songs. Their signs said things such as “Love for everyone,” “Only love will win” and “1,000 flames will not put out love.” A few of the guests thanked them and honked their horns in support.

A number of the right-wing protesters complained about being unable to approach the hall and swore at the guests and the counter protesters. Attorney Itamar Ben Gvir, a leading Kahanist who represented Lehava in court, said the court’s decision to allow the demonstration near the hall was “a victory for the freedom of speech. Only this morning they tried to prevent us from protesting and I am pleased the court accepted in practice our position and allowed freedom of expression. This is a democratic country,” he said. “I think we have the right to protest against assimilation. That is what we have come to do today,” said Ben Gvir.

The couple lives in Jaffa and have already had a legal Muslim wedding; last night’s event was only a celebration. The couple met five years ago and Morel converted to Islam. Mansour said that up until the past few days they had not experienced such blatant manifestations of racism. Malka said her mother, sisters and other relatives were slated to attend; her father, however, is opposed to her marriage to a Muslim and had declared that he would not attend the party.

In court yesterday, the representative of the police proposed holding the demonstration in a parking lot about 200 meters from the hall. Judge Iriya Mordechai ruled that the protesters must remain at least 200 meters from the building, even if they refuse the parking-lot space offered to them. She stressed that her ruling was aimed at preventing friction between the demonstrators and the guests at the event, which was held under heavy police guard.

“Regrettably, the respondents’ actions to prevent the wedding, which have been carried out at a sensitive time for Jewish-Arab relations in any case, have borne rotten fruit and have stirred up a turbid wave of hatred and violence that will peak at a moment that is known and predictable, like its results,” wrote attorney Yaniv Segev on Mansour’s behalf in his request for the injunction. “It is almost certain that the planned demonstration on the day of his wedding will spill over into violent areas.”
Segev called the judge’s decision precedent-setting, saying it was the first time an Israeli court had approved the request of a private person to prevent a demonstration near a private event.

Guy Ronen, one of those behind the demonstration in support of the couple, said he came to protest such gross invasion in private, personal matters. “It is a wedding. The public arena must not interfere in it. The couple has the right to choose their love. They are not a public institution.”

President Reuven Rivlin commented on the wedding and opposition to it in a post on his Facebook page. “There is a red line between freedom of speech and protest on the one hand, and incitement on the other,” he wrote. “Mahmoud and Morel from Jaffa have decided to marry and to exercise their freedom in a democratic country. The manifestations of incitement against them are infuriating and distressing, whatever my opinion or anyone else’s might be regarding the issue itself. Not everyone has to share in the happiness of Mahmoud and Morel — but everyone has to respect them. Among us and within our midst there are harsh and sharp disagreements but incitement, violence and racism have no place in Israeli society. These manifestations are undermining the foundations of our shared life here in the Jewish and democratic, democratic and Jewish state of Israel.”

Rivlin concluded the post with a quotation from the Revisionist Zionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky: “In the beginning God created the individual,” and added: “We are a free people in our country, in opinion and action, and I wish the young couple health, satisfaction and happiness.” 

 Hundreds Protest Mixed Wedding, Say It's 'WorseThan Hamas' -    Arutz Sheva (settler News Agency)

Nationalist leaders head mass protest against wedding of Arab and Jew, warn danger of assimilation greater than Hamas rockets.

Hundreds of protesters arrived to demonstrate Sunday night against the mixed marriage of a young couple from Yafo: Moral, a 23-year-old Jewish woman recently converted to Islam by her groom, Mahmoud Mansour, a 26-year-old Muslim Arab.

At the protest led by the Lehava group which fights assimilation in Israel, former MK Dr. Michael Ben-Ari addressed the crowd, saying "Moral, it won't help you. They always will remind you that you're Jewish and where you came from. The children you give birth to will never be treated as equal to them."
"They tell us that we're racist - let's see one Arab woman come marry a Jew at this hall...then we'll see who's racist," added Ben-Ari to the protesters. He was referring to the fact that a Muslim woman who marries a Jew can expect to be murdered by her co-religionists.

As noted by Ben-Ari, in nearly all cases of mixed marriages with Arabs in Israel, the Jewish partner is the bride. It is a well documented phenomenon that such wives often suffer abuse from their Arab husbands, and many require help to escape.

Ben-Ari noted that former Prime Minister Golda Meir, "a prime minister of the Labor party, a representative of the left, etc. - when she spoke about assimilation she said...'whoever marries and assimilates joins the six million (Jews murdered in the Holocaust). She saw in what's happening here a continuation of the work of (Nazi Leader Adolf) Hitler."

Six protesters were arrested for disturbing public order as over 100 police officers were on site to secure the event at its Rishon Letzion wedding hall venue. A court case Sunday morning allowed the protest providing it stayed 200 meters from the wedding hall.

Nationalist public figure Baruch Marzel also spoke at the protest against the wedding, a marriage Moral's father refused to attend because of his opposition to his daughter's disengagement from the Jewish people.
"Two months ago we sent thousands of soldiers to prevent the danger of Hamas in the south. But the danger assimilation poses to the Jewish nation is a danger a thousand times worse," said Marzel.
Marzel called on Jews in Israel to wake up before "what happens abroad, where every second Jew assimilates, arrives in Israel,"in a reference to the remarkably high assimilation rates in America and Europe.

Small counter-protest against "racism"

Opposite the Lehava protest several dozen leftists held a counter-protest, decrying the supposed "racism" of opposing assimilation. Jewish law expressly forbids marriage with non-Jews who have not undergone a proper conversion to Judaism.

The marriage has been garnering mass media attention, and was even commented on by newly instated President Reuven Rivlin, who wrote on his Facebook page Sunday "the revelations of incitement against (the couple) are outrageous and worrying, regardless of whatever my position or that of another will be on the issue (of mixed marriages)."

Responding to Rivlin's criticism, Attorney Itamar Ben-Gvir stated "it's sad to hear that the state president is ignoring the danger of assimilation and encouraging assimilation, instead of coming with us to protest this disgrace."

"I expect Mr. Rivlin to dedicate his time to the war on assimilation in Israel and globally. Because today it's Moral, tomorrow it could be his granddaughter,"added the attorney.  

Demonstration Against Mixed Marriages

Not long ago I wrote to you about the racist-fascist atmosphere which prevailed in Israel just before the war on Gaza. This atmosphere was initiated by extreme racist, national religious groups. These activities are contrary to Israeli law, which forbids incitement to racial or religious hatred. However, the government and police turned a blind eye; the incitement was not opposed by the state legal-educational-cultural apparatus. As a result, intolerance, racism and hatred became the dominant mood in the streets. Many Israeli Jews, normally not even politically right wing, succumbed to this racist mood and followed it sheepishly. This atmosphere of hate and revenge coincided with the onslaught of the war and fed the huge support for the government and the violence against the tiny left which opposed the war.

Today I want to bring to your attention yet a new example of the racism presently running wild in the country. The difficulty of marriage between Jews and non-Jews in Israel is well known. There is no civil marriage in Israel and "mixed" couples have to get married abroad. Today's story is special because it takes the issue to a new, uglier, level. I regard it as yet another indication of the new phase that Israel has reached! 

A Jewish woman and a Muslim man decided to get married and  Jewish racist organizations have called a demonstration at the hall where they intend to celebrate their wedding party. The couple have had to hire many guards and have appealed to the  court to rule against the demonstration.The police offered to allow the demonstration to take place 150 meters from the hall where the party will take place. Knowing how the Israeli police works in demos - they will, most likely, cordon off the place with police barriers and create a "sterile zone" between the demonstrators and celebrators. Every guest will have to identify themselves to the police! As of this late hour (3.00pm - the wedding is this evening!) the court has not yet ruled on the case. See the article in Ha’aretz below:

Avishai Erlich, an Israeli anti-Zionist

Dutch man returns Righteous Among the Nations medal after six relatives killed in Gaza


Man Who Risked Execution to Help Save Jews returns medal  to Yad Vashem

Henk Zanoli is not alone.  313 survivors of the concentration and extermination camps or survivors and children of survivors signed a petition and letters to the press opposing the attack by Israel on Gaza. This letter was carried by the Guardian of 15thAugust.  http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/15/gaza-propaganda-machinesFor full list see http://www.globalresearch.ca/over-300-survivors-and-descendants-of-survivors-of-victims-of-the-nazi-genocide-condemn-israels-assault-on-gaza/5396244  

90 year old Hedy Epstein, a survivor of an extermination camp, has been particular active in the fight against racism.  She was on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla and was recently arrested in Ferguson, Missouri protesting against Police racism.
Hedy Epstein - Extermination Camp Survivor still fighting racism - arrested in Ferguson, Missouri
With the exception of a few disgusting individuals like Elie Wiesel, who repeats the old canard, previously used against the Jews, that the Palestinians are guilty of child sacrifices, most holocaust survivors understand that the racism they experienced at the hands of the Nazis should not be visited on the Palestinians.

Dutch nonagenarian returns Righteous Among the Nations medal after six relatives killed in Gaza

Letter from Henk Zanoli to Israeli Ambassador
Henk Zanoli, who helped save a Jewish child from deportation to concentration camps, said holding on to the medal would be an 'insult to the family.'
By Amira Hass, Ha'aretz, August 15 2014

A 91-year-old Dutch man who was declared a Righteous Among the Nations for saving a Jew during the German occupation on Thursday returned his medal and certificate because six of his relatives were killed by an Israeli bombing in the Gaza Strip last month.
In 2011, the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum declared Henk Zanoli and his late mother, Johana Zanoli-Smit, Righteous Among the Nations for having saved a Jewish child, Elhanan Pinto, during the Nazi occupation of Holland. Pinto, born in 1932, was hidden by the Zanoli family from the spring of 1943 until the Allies liberated Holland in 1945. His parents perished in Nazi death camps.
In hiding a Jewish child, the Zanoli family took a double risk, because it was already under Nazi scrutiny for having opposed the German occupation. Zanoli’s father was sent to the Dachau concentration camp in 1941 due to his opposition to the occupation, and he subsequently died at the Mauthausen concentration camp in February 1945. Henk Zanoli’s brother-in-law was executed because of his involvement in the Dutch resistance, and one of his brothers had a Jewish fiancée, who was also killed by the Nazis.
Suzanne Weiss speaking at the “Lift The Siege” rally in Toronto, 10 January 2009
Zanoli’s great-niece, Angelique Eijpe, is a Dutch diplomat who currently serves as deputy head of her country’s diplomatic mission in Oman. Her husband, economist Isma’il Ziadah, was born in the al-Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza. The couple has three children. Ziadah’s parents were born in Fallujah, on whose lands the town of Kiryat Gat now sits. His father died in 1987.

On Sunday, July 20, an Israeli fighter jet dropped a bomb on the Ziadah family’s home in al-Bureij. The bomb killed the family matriarch, Muftiyah, 70; three of her sons, Jamil, Omar and Youssef; Jamil’s wife, Bayan; and their 12-year-old son, Shaaban. The bombing thus orphaned Jamal and Bayan’s other five children, four daughters and a son, while bereaving Omar’s two sons and Youssef’s three sons and a daughter of their fathers. The bombing also killed Mohammed Maqadmeh, who happened to be visiting the family that day.

Zanoli, an attorney by profession, heard about the killing of the Ziadah family from his niece. As a way of expressing his shock and pain, he decided to return the medal and certificate that were awarded to him and his mother (posthumously) as Righteous Among the Nations. Because of his age and poor health, he did not do so in person, but sent them by messenger to the Israeli Embassy in The Hague – the same place where he received them in an official ceremony three years ago.

In the accompanying letter, addressed to Ambassador Haim Davon, Zanoli began by describing the price his family paid for resisting the Nazis and their successful effort to save a Jewish child.

“Against this background it is particularly shocking and tragic that today, four generations on, our family is faced with the murder of our kin in Gaza. Murder carried out by the State of Israel,” he wrote.

“The great- great grandchildren of my mother have lost their [Palestinian] grandmother, three uncles, an aunt and a cousin at the hands of the Israeli army ... For me to hold on to the honour granted by the State of Israel, under these circumstances, will be both an insult to the memory of my courageous mother who risked her life and that of her children fighting against suppression and for the preservation of human life as well as an insult to those in my family, four generations on, who lost no less than six of their relatives in Gaza at the hands of the State of Israel.”

Noting that Israel’s actions in Gaza “have already resulted in serious accusations of war crimes and crimes against humanity,” he continued, “as a retired lawyer it would be no surprise to me that these accusations could lead to possible convictions if true and unpoliticized justice is able to have its course. What happened to our kin in Gaza will no doubt be brought to the table at such a time as well.”

The Israel Defense Forces Spokesperson’s Unit did not answer Haaretz’s questions as to whether the Ziadah home was bombed by mistake, or if not, who in the house was a target and whether the IDF’s legal department considers the death of six civilians to be legitimate collateral damage. Its response said merely that the IDF invests great efforts in trying to avoid civilian casualties, is currently working to investigate all allegations of irregular incidents and will publish its conclusions after this investigation is completed.

Jews (& Fundamental Christians) for Genocide


The Bedraggled, Miserable and NATIONAL Zionist Demonstration - 200 strong

Zionism’s Last Call on the Jewish community was a triumph for its anti-Semitic allies.

Zionism’s advocates in Brighton were flushed with success at their campaign to defend Sodastream, even if it did lead to the closure of the Brighton store.  The Zionists have now taken to harassing a Kurdish demonstration and a ‘pop-up’  demonstration outside Robert Dyas.

Sussex Friends of Israel i.e. Simon Cobbs of the fascist Jewish Defence League, decided to organise a ‘national’ demonstration in support of genocide in Gaza.  So last Sunday 17th August the great demonstration was held.  The local Argus estimated that a magnificent 200 people took part, a figure that would put Palestine Solidarity Campaign in Brighton to shame if any local demonstration attracted even double that number.  When we think that the last demonstration in support of the people of Gaza in London, on August 9th, attracted 150,000 people, we get a flavour of Simon Cobb's achievement.

A contingent  from Antifa (Brighton anti-fascists) turned up to make it clear what they thought of this bunch of racists.

flying the Palestinian flag at the Zionists' demonstration

It is a sign of how demoralised Zionism’s supporters are that they could not find more than 200 people for a march to raise enthusiasm for colonial butcher.

Tony Greenstein

|The Killing of Palestinian and Israeli Teenagers Demonstrates The Difference Between The Treatment of Palestinian and Jewish Life


The Killing of Israeli Teenagers is Political, the Killing of Palestinian Teenager is Criminal

The difference between the treatment of the killing of a Palestinian teenager and the three Israeli teenagers says everything you need to know about Israeli indifference to Palestinian life.  The unspoken message if 'they'  love death, we love life.  racism as a letter I wrote appears in today’s Independent.

And now it emerges that a 15-year-old cousin of Muhammad’s, visiting for the summer from the US, was the victim in video footage of a savage beating by armed Israeli police. They kicked and punched him relentlessly after he was cuffed and lying on the ground. He is still under arrest, apparently without charge. - See more at: http://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2014-07-05/four-families-grieve-one-is-under-assault/#sthash.aQeCasAu.dpuf

Dror Eydar, a columnist for Israel Hayom,summed this up in an article:  ‘Murder of Israeli Teens Highlights Palestinian Culture of Death’

Murdered Palestinian teenager Mohammed Abu Khdair
This racist attitude was first articulated by Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir:  'Peace will come when the Arabs start to love their children more than they hate us.'(The Agony of the Promised Land (2004) by Joshua Levy, Ch. 23 "The Hope for Peace", p. 187)  

The Result of Israeli bombing of Gaza - Netanyahu  Knows Who the Killers of the Israeli Teens are.

And now it emerges that a 15-year-old cousin of Muhammad’s, visiting for the summer from the US, was the victim in video footage of a savage beating by armed Israeli police. They kicked and punched him relentlessly after he was cuffed and lying on the ground. He is still under arrest, apparently without charge. - See more at: http://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2014-07-05/four-families-grieve-one-is-under-assault/#sthash.aQeCasAu.dpuf

 ‘in response to the kidnapping and killing of the Israeli teenagers, Israeli jets and helicopters launched dozens of air strikes across the Gaza Strip overnight on Monday, just hours after the bodies of three abducted Israeli teenagers were found in a shallow grave near the southern West Bank city of Hebron.' 

 The air strikes… came after the Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, vowed the militant Islamist group Hamas, blamed by Israel for the kidnapping, would "pay a heavy price".

Of course there were no air strikes on the settlements where the killers of Muhammad Abu Khdeir are based.  Such an idea is unthinkable to Netanyahu and his cabinet of killers.

At the Israeli teenagers funerals, which were effectively state funerals, Netanyahu waxed lyrical:  "I know the pain of mourning; there is nothing worse than that," he said standing by the three coffins, each draped with the blue and white Israeli flag.

Addressing their parents, he said: "The whole nation has witnessed your inner strength and that of the rest of your family," their children were "attacked by murderers who violated the decree: 'Never cast a hand on a child'". Guardian 1.7.14.

When Netanyahu condemns murder of Palestinian teenager,  he adopted a very different tone.  Nothing about casting a hand on a child or the pain of mourning, after all Palestinians don’t mourn, they glory in violence.  Whereas Netanhayu knew the identity of the killers of the Israeli teenagers, he didn’t ‘know yet the motives or identities of the perpetrators. 'We will bring to justice the criminals responsible of this despicable crime whoever they may be.” Guardian 1.7.14

It now emerges that a 15-year-old cousin of Muhammad’s, visiting for the summer from the US, was the victim in video footage of a savage beating by armed Israeli police. They kicked and punched him relentlessly after he was cuffed and lying on the ground. He is still under arrest, apparently without charge. - See more at: http://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2014-07-05/four-families-grieve-one-is-under-assault/#sthash.aQeCasAu.dpuf and http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/1.603184

The killers of the Israeli teenagers were politically motive, Hamas of course, but the killers of a Palestinian teenager were criminals.  They had no political motive when they killed 16-year-old Muhammad Abu Khdeir, the Palestinian teenager whose body was found on Wednesday, July 2 in Jerusalem’s forest area. 

Netanyahu’s response to the murder of a Palestinian teenager was much more measures:  Murder, riots, incitement, vigilantism — they have no place in our democracy,”
Netanyahu condemns murder of Palestinian teenager. The Times of Israel
4th July   2014 

Jill Young - Christian Fundie Gets Around

Why Israel's Western 'values' are superior to its neighbours.

Jill Young is one of the Christian Zionists who sprouted at the time of the Boycott of Brighton’s SodaStream shop.  Here she is with a favourite placard of hers extolling the virtues of  Western democratic values.  As a fundamentalist Christian Jill Young gets around!  

Brighton Expresses its Support for Demonstration calling for a Council Boycott and Divestment from Israel


Israel’s War Crimes Shows Its Utter Contempt for International Law

On a sunny Sunday lunchtime, some 250-300 people rallied outside Brighton Town Hall to listen to speeches and a march to Hove Town Hall. The occasion was the launch of a campaign to persuade Brighton & Hove Council, the first in the country controlled by a (minority) Green Party administration to institute a boycott of Israel.  Proposed by Cllr. Ben Duncan, who was forced to resign from the Green Party for calling the British Army ‘hired killers’ (what else are they? social workers?) Ben has been one of the few Green Party councillors (now an Independent) to remain committed to direct action. However it is difficult to see the Labour or Tory groups supporting the proposal, which is due to come to the Council in October. Ben was also the second speaker at the march.

The best speech was also the first speech, by Canon Paul Ostreicher, a refugee from Germany in 1938 because of his Jewish heritage. Paul has devoted his life to fighting for peace (a non-sequitur!) being Chair of British Amnesty, expelled from the Church Peace Council for criticisms of the Soviet Union among his other notable achievements. He was ordained as a Deacon in St Paul’s Cathedral in 1959 and retired as canon of Coventry Cathedral in 1998. He now lives in Brighton and made a fiery speech pointing out that the ANC and all liberation movements were called ‘terrorist’ and defending the right of any oppressed people to take up arms.

The march was a local one but despite that was larger than the Zionist one last week which was a national one. At Hove Town Hall we listened to more speeches, including one from the local PSC Secretary Barry, before dispersing. Some people joined PSC members in taking part in an action against the Robert Dyas shop in nearby George Street, Hove which stocks Sodastream products. Barry laid heavy emphasis on our victory in closing the Sodastream shop in Brighton, despite a vigorous Zionist campaign to keep it open.
Just a couple of criticisms or observations. Although the demonstration was a healthy size, it was smaller than past demonstrations on Gaza. Last time, during Operation Cast Lead 1,500 people marched through Brighton. The missing factor was members of the local Arab and Muslim community. This was an omission that needs to be rectified. PSC has always been able to tap into existing networks of Palestinians and Arabs and we need to think carefully about why that didn’t happen this time.

Secondly, despite having a Jewish Chair, Mike W, there was no speaker from a Jewish anti-Zionist or even non-Zionist organisation, again for the first time I can remember. At a time when Israel claims its actions are on behalf of all Jews everywhere this is an important omission and should not be the subject of sectarianism. One of the main features of recent demonstrations nationally have been the presence of a large Jewish bloc and we know from the Sodastream demonstration that the Zionists find it difficult to explain away the existence of Jewish opponents. I’m thinking of groups like Jews 4 a Just Peace for Palestinians, Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods and the Jewish anti-Zionist Network. This is at a time when British Jews are showing that they are not interested in rallies supporting Israel’s barbarities. For the first time ever, the Zionist Board of Deputies of British Jews has not even attempted to organise a ‘rally in support of Israel’. Last time just 5,000 answered the call unlike in previous years when up to 25,000 turned out.
End EDO,  Brighton's Arms Factory, speaker
However overall the energy and commitment of those who did turn out for the demonstration was commendable and if Israel’s attacks continue and intensify we need to seriously consider a major demonstration on a Saturday.
Tony Greenstein
Brighton Town Hall

Zionist Thugs Attack Rabbis in Israel


Like the Palestinians, Israeli Security Forces Do Nothing  about Attackers

Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jews protesting the desecration of graves by a highway construction project near Haifa were attacked and brutally beaten by private security guards hired by the Ministry of Transportation.

Neturei Karta Supporting Palestinian Rights

Israeli Security Forces Uphold the Law
The group, known for being outspokenly critical of the State of Israel and its very existence were peacefully demonstrating at the time. This attack follows a long history of violence against the Orthodox Jewish community.

Israeli Security Forces Attack Demonstrators
Consistent with fundamental Jewish beliefs, some of these protesters often take part in demonstrations, side by side with Palestinians, against the State of Israel and its inhuman policies toward the Palestinian people. The apparent strategy of using organized violence through private security personnel against these peaceful protesters is only one of many tactics used by the State of Israel to intimidate and discourage further protests. The police were nowhere to be found at the time or even hours after the melee. Several Rabbis and children were attacked with electric stun gun devices and knives, requiring some to be hospitalized.
Among the injured were Rabbi Leibl Deutsch and Rabbi Yisroel Rothchild, both of Jerusalem who were stabbed in the lower back and leg respectively. The Jewish cemetery at the heart of the incident dates back to the Second Temple era, over 2000 years ago.Some of the caves that comprise the cemetery have been destroyed as a result of the ongoing highway work and there are heightened fears of further desecration as the highway project continues unabated.

Ex-Daily Express Editor Stephen Pollard Turns the Jewish Chronicle into a Propaganda Sheet


The Jewish Chronicle Moves to the Racist Far-Right of the Zionist Movement

The Jewish Chronicle has been a pro-Zionist paper since at least 1939 if not before.  But until Pollard’s editorship, it tried to maintain some form of balance and debate, if only within the Zionist circle.  It even carried letters from anti-Zionists such as myself.

Despite my many differences with  Paul (I’m the only person to have successfully taken the Jewish Chronicle to the Press Council (the precursor of the PCC), I'll readily concede that in Zionist terms Paul was a thoughtful editor.  In particular he wrote a perceptive editorial 'The White Book' on the plight of the Jews of Argentina and the attacks on Jacob Timmerman in particular.

Editor Geoffrey D Paul employed as a columnist the maverick Chaim Bermant, who advocated talking to the PLO and pointed to an unhealthy alliance between French Jews and the Front Nationale.
The Jewish Chronicle's Take on an Inoffensive Statement with the Muslim Council of Britain - Presumably it Believes Civilians should be Targeted During War
Despite the many ritual calls for his dismissal, Paul kept Bermant, the author of  The Cousinhood, in his employ.  Such a thing would be inconceivable under Pollard, the ideal Police State.
In his latest escapades he condemned an anodyne jointstatement 
between the Board of Deputies and the Muslim Council of Britain on anti-Semitism and Islamaphobia  blogging to this effect on the Telegraph web site (where else!?) 
Stephen Pollard's Racist Rant in Telegraph

Even more disgracefully he apologised for the Jewish Chronicle having carried a charity appeal of the Disasters Emergency Committee for the people of Gaza www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28812983, (the Zionist ultras would presumably prefer the children and civilians of Gaza to go without clean water, tents and food).
The Inoffensive Statement That Riled the  Overt Racists in Britain's Jewish Community
Pollard has no shame as he plays to the gallery of the most racist and genocidal of Britain’s Zionists.  He might ask why the Jewish Chronicle readership continues to decline and why, 20 years ago the Board of Deputies could mobilise 25,000 Jews to ‘Stand by Israel’ during its various invasions and attacks on Lebanon but today can barely muster 1,500.  Perhaps most Jews have some ethics unlike the crazed racist that is Stephen Pollard.

Tony Greenstein

Zionist-Nazi Collaboration - Debate


The Record of the Zionist Movement During the Holocaust

Himmler and Hitler
Below is a ‘debate’ which I had on Zionist-Nazis collaboration with 2 Zionist falsifiers, Paul Bogdanor and ‘Mad’ Mikey Ezra.  I leave it to readers to judge the methods and style of the defenders of the Zionist record during the war years.
Tony Greenstein

·  For decades Tony Greenstein has brought up the Kasztner case as a key part of his erroneous claim that the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis. The truth is that Kasztner did indeed collaborate with the Nazis but that does not mean to say that “the Zionists collaborated with Nazis.” What Kasztner did was betray the Zionists. He kept silent when many Jews, including numerous Zionists, in Hungary were being sent to their deaths. The Nazis did not separate Jews when it came to Auschwitz and direct Zionists one way and anti-Zionists the other. They did not care, they sent them all to their deaths.

Elsewhere, Greenstein has claimed that the Zionists who fought the Nazis did so in spite of their Zionism and not because of it. This is a gross falsehood. One can look at the actions of Moshe Krausz, a different Zionist leader in Hungary who was completely opposed to Kasztner’s method of trying to do a deal with the Nazis and went out of his way to try and rescue Jews. Secondly, one can look at the many Zionists who have been highly critical of Kasztner. An example is Ben Hecht who wrote what is probably the most famous attack on Kasztner in his book, Perfidy. As well as an author, Hecht was a leading activist for the Zionist cause in America during WWII. One could list in some detail the acts of Hecht and the “Bergson Boys” to bring the plight of the Jews in the Europe to the wider attention in America. Much of it is detailed in David S. Wyman’s book, The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust 1941-1945. At any rate, when Hecht died in 1964, none other than Menachem Begin, someone who went on to become Israel’s prime minister, attended his 
Coin struck to celebrate visit  of the head of the Jewish desk, Baron von Mildestein, to Palestine in 1933
If one read the work of Greenstein one might not know that the Zionists were opposed to the Nazis. One might not know that the Jewish Agency Executive (JAE) in Palestine that was headed by Ben Gurion who went on to be Israel’s first prime minister, said when war broke out in 1939: ” We will fight the White Paper as if there is no war, and fight the war as if there is no White Paper.” This war effort of fighting the Nazis on the side of the British included sending many parachutists into occupied Europe. The most famous of these was Hannah Szenes who was killed on her mission and, as Szenes’s mother testified, was someone Kasztner refused to help. This was yet another Zionist betrayed by Kasztner.
These facts do not fit comfortably with Greenstein’s thesis. But then again, Greenstein is not one to let mere facts bother him.
June 27, 2014 at 10:07 am

·  I am no fan of the works of John Rose, someone who should have long ago been ignored by the left, but as it seems there are relics of people in the SWP etc who value his opinions, I will say that not even he believes the nonsense of Zionist-Nazi collaboration. I copy the following from Rose’s The Myths of Zionism (Pluto Press, 2004), p.212n5.

it is very foolish to draw the conclusion that ‘Zionist collaboration with the Nazis’ was typical or somehow automatically built into the Zionist project, an interpretation which could be put on the subtitle of Brenner’s 51 Documents book. Zionism was perfectly capable of inspiring resistance to the Nazis, as ‘Antek’ Zuckerman, a leader of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, makes clear in his massive autobiography,A Surplus of Memory…. See also Levi’s superb, and partly autobiographical, novel, If Not Now, When? (1987) about the Jewish partisans fighting the Nazis in the forests.
Himmler, responsible as head of the SS for implementing the final solution, with Hitler, who ordered it
June 27, 2014 at 3:44 pm

·  Mikey Ezra admits now that Kasztner collaborated with the Nazis but pretends that he betrayed Hungary’s Zionists! He is singing from a different song sheet than that which he used to use. To cite some examples from a debate on Socialist Unity: Perhaps he would be so kind as to tell us what or who it was that convinced him that he had been supporting a collaborator with the Nazis?
Tony Greenstein claims that “there’s no doubt” that Kasztner was “a collaborator of the worst sort.” This is a deliberate lie. Greenstein is well aware that the accusation that Kasztner was a collaborator reached the Supreme Court in Israel who ruled, “one cannot find moral defects in [Kastzner’s] behaviour, one cannot find any causation between it and the expediting of the deportation and the extermination and one cannot see it amounting to the degree of collaboration with the Nazis.” (Ben Hecht, Perfidy Jerusalem: Milah press, 1999 p. 275)
7. To suggest what Kastzner did with the Auschwitz Protocols, Greenstein relies upon Vrba, but Vrba was not in Hungary and as such would not have known.
10. Whilst it is true that Kasztner gave testimonies or evidence in support of certain Nazi criminals, he also gave evidence against others. Kasztner made other statements leading to the conviction of other Nazi War Criminals.
The fact that Kasztner, who was leader of Hungarian Zionism and played a pivotal role in not informing Hungary’s Jews about their fate (it would have been relatively easy for many to escape to Rumania, which was now a refuge). As a result of the persistent efforts of a real Jewish hero, Rudolph Vrba, one of only 5 Jewish escapees from Auschwitz, the cover ups and lies of Yad Vashem have crumbled.

Even Yisrael Guttman, their leading historian after Yehuda Bauer finally admitted that: “Kasztner was given a copy of the report on 29 April 1944… but at that time he had already made a decision, together with other Jewish leaders, choosing not to disseminate the report in order not to harm the negotiations with the Nazis.’ Ruth Linn, Escaping Auschwitz – A Culture of Not Forgetting, Cornell University Press, 2004, p.72 citing Shoah Vezikaron (which of course makes nonsense of point 7 of Mad Mikey’s defence of Kasztner above!

I don’t intend to go into Nazi-Zionist collaboration, be it over the Transfer/Trading Agreement (Ha’varah) or the well known fact that between 1933 and 1939 the Nazis favoured Zionist organisations. I simply cite the order of Heydrich, described as the engineer of the final solution by Gerald Reitlinger in The Final Solution:

‘On January 28 1935, Reinhardt Heydrich, who was head of the RSHA [German State and Nazi SS police units] until his assassination in 1942 by Czech partisans, and the “real engineer of the final solution” issued a directive stating: “The activity of the Zionist-orientated youth organisations… lies in the interest of the National Socialist state’s leadership [these organisations] are not to be treated with the strictness that it is necessary to apply to the members of the so-called German Jewish organisations (assimilationists).”

Schwarze Korps, paper of the SS, agreed: ‘The Zionists adhere to a strict racial position and by emigrating to Palestine are helping to build their own Jewish state.’ whereas ‘The assimilation minded Jews deny their race and insist on their loyalty to Germany… in order to subvert National Socialist principles.’

Both these quotes can be found in Lucy Dawidowicz’s War Against the Jews, pp. 116, 118. Dawidowicz was an ardent Zionist.

But maybe the final word on this should be left to Ben Gurion’s official biographer or hagriographer, Shabtai Teveth:

‘The genocide of Europe’s Jews ‘prompted no change in the position of the Jewish leadership in the United States… (Ben-Gurion) concentrated all his efforts on the [Zionist] program, not to the tragedy of European Jewry Teveth p.842.

Teveth concluded that ‘If there was a line in Ben-Gurion’s mind between the beneficial disaster and an all-destroying catastrophe, it must have been a very fine one.’ (my emphasis) Ben-Gurion’s attitude to the holocaust :
Disaster is strength if channeled to a productive course. The whole trick of Zionism is that it knows how to channel our disaster not into despondency or degradation, as is the case in the Diaspora, but into a source of creativity and exploitation. Teveth pp. 851, 853.

These citations are contained in a chapter of Ben Gurion’s biography ‘The Burning Ground 1886-1948 entitled ‘Disaster Means Strength’. This was exactly the attitude of the Zionist movement towards the holocaust.
August 3, 2014 at 2:21 am

·  Mikey Ezra admits now that Kasztner collaborated with the Nazis but pretends that he betrayed Hungary’s Zionists! He is singing from a different song sheet than that which he used to use. To cite some examples from a debate on Socialist Unity: Perhaps he would be so kind as to tell us what or who it was that convinced him that he had been supporting a collaborator with the Nazis?

Tony Greenstein claims that “there’s no doubt” that Kasztner was “a collaborator of the worst sort.” This is a deliberate lie. Greenstein is well aware that the accusation that Kasztner was a collaborator reached the Supreme Court in Israel who ruled, “one cannot find moral defects in [Kastzner’s] behaviour, one cannot find any causation between it and the expediting of the deportation and the extermination and one cannot see it amounting to the degree of collaboration with the Nazis.” (Ben Hecht, Perfidy Jerusalem: Milah press, 1999 p. 275)

7. To suggest what Kastzner did with the Auschwitz Protocols, Greenstein relies upon Vrba, but Vrba was not in Hungary and as such would not have known.

10. Whilst it is true that Kasztner gave testimonies or evidence in support of certain Nazi criminals, he also gave evidence against others. Kasztner made other statements leading to the conviction of other Nazi War Criminals.

The fact that Kasztner, who was leader of Hungarian Zionism and played a pivotal role in not informing Hungary’s Jews about their fate (it would have been relatively easy for many to escape to Rumania, which was now a refuge). As a result of the persistent efforts of a real Jewish hero, Rudolph Vrba, one of only 5 Jewish escapees from Auschwitz, the cover ups and lies of Yad Vashem have crumbled.

Even Yisrael Guttman, their leading historian after Yehuda Bauer finally admitted that: “Kasztner was given a copy of the report on 29 April 1944… but at that time he had already made a decision, together with other Jewish leaders, choosing not to disseminate the report in order not to harm the negotiations with the Nazis.’ Ruth Linn, Escaping Auschwitz – A Culture of Not Forgetting, Cornell University Press, 2004, p.72 citing Shoah Vezikaron (which of course makes nonsense of point 7 of Mad Mikey’s defence of Kasztner above!

I don’t intend to go into Nazi-Zionist collaboration, be it over the Transfer/Trading Agreement (Ha’varah) or the well known fact that between 1933 and 1939 the Nazis favoured Zionist organisations. I simply cite the order of Heydrich, described as the engineer of the final solution by Gerald Reitlinger in The Final Solution:

‘On January 28 1935, Reinhardt Heydrich, who was head of the RSHA [German State and Nazi SS police units] until his assassination in 1942 by Czech partisans, and the “real engineer of the final solution” issued a directive stating: “The activity of the Zionist-orientated youth organisations… lies in the interest of the National Socialist state’s leadership [these organisations] are not to be treated with the strictness that it is necessary to apply to the members of the so-called German Jewish organisations (assimilationists).”
Schwarze Korps, paper of the SS, agreed: ‘The Zionists adhere to a strict racial position and by emigrating to Palestine are helping to build their own Jewish state.’ whereas ‘The assimilation minded Jews deny their race and insist on their loyalty to Germany… in order to subvert National Socialist principles.’
Both these quotes can be found in Lucy Dawidowicz’s War Against the Jews, pp. 116, 118. Dawidowicz was an ardent Zionist.
But maybe the final word on this should be left to Ben Gurion’s official biographer or hagriographer, Shabtai Teveth:
‘The genocide of Europe’s Jews ‘prompted no change in the position of the Jewish leadership in the United States… (Ben-Gurion) concentrated all his efforts on the [Zionist] program, not to the tragedy of European Jewry Teveth p.842.
Teveth concluded that ‘If there was a line in Ben-Gurion’s mind between the beneficial disaster and an all-destroying catastrophe, it must have been a very fine one.’ (my emphasis) Ben-Gurion’s attitude to the holocaust :
Disaster is strength if channeled to a productive course. The whole trick of Zionism is that it knows how to channel our disaster not into despondency or degradation, as is the case in the Diaspora, but into a source of creativity and exploitation. Tevet h pp. 851, 853.
These citations are contained in a chapter of Ben Gurion’s biography ‘The Burning Ground 1886-1948 entitled ‘Disaster Means Strength’. This was exactly the attitude of the Zionist movement towards the holocaust.

I also forgot to add that quoting from Israel’s declaration of independence is useless. It was not incorporated into Israeli law unlike a host of overtly racist legislation that we have seen in the past few years (for example Access to Communities Act 2013).

Mikey Ezra admits now that Kasztner collaborated with the Nazis but pretends that he betrayed Hungary’s Zionists! He is singing from a different song sheet than that which he used to use. To cite some examples from a debate on Socialist Unity: Perhaps he would be so kind as to tell us what or who it was that convinced him that he had been supporting a collaborator with the Nazis?
Tony Greenstein claims that “there’s no doubt” that Kasztner was “a collaborator of the worst sort.” This is a deliberate lie. Greenstein is well aware that the accusation that Kasztner was a collaborator reached the Supreme Court in Israel who ruled, “one cannot find moral defects in [Kastzner’s] behaviour, one cannot find any causation between it and the expediting of the deportation and the extermination and one cannot see it amounting to the degree of collaboration with the Nazis.” (Ben Hecht, Perfidy Jerusalem: Milah press, 1999 p. 275)

7. To suggest what Kastzner did with the Auschwitz Protocols, Greenstein relies upon Vrba, but Vrba was not in Hungary and as such would not have known.

10. Whilst it is true that Kasztner gave testimonies or evidence in support of certain Nazi criminals, he also gave evidence against others. Kasztner made other statements leading to the conviction of other Nazi War Criminals.

The fact that Kasztner, who was leader of Hungarian Zionism and played a pivotal role in not informing Hungary’s Jews about their fate (it would have been relatively easy for many to escape to Rumania, which was now a refuge). As a result of the persistent efforts of a real Jewish hero, Rudolph Vrba, one of only 5 Jewish escapees from Auschwitz, the cover ups and lies of Yad Vashem have crumbled.

Even Yisrael Guttman, their leading historian after Yehuda Bauer finally admitted that: “Kasztner was given a copy of the report on 29 April 1944… but at that time he had already made a decision, together with other Jewish leaders, choosing not to disseminate the report in order not to harm the negotiations with the Nazis.’ Ruth Linn, Escaping Auschwitz – A Culture of Not Forgetting, Cornell University Press, 2004, p.72 citing Shoah Vezikaron (which of course makes nonsense of point 7 of Mad Mikey’s defence of Kasztner above!

In so far as the case of Rudolf Kasztner, it is true that I have changed my view. I used to think that he was not Nazi collaborator, but evidence I located led me to change my opinion. This is quite important. Karl Popper’s attack on Marxism in his Open Society and its Enemies was in part because when something has been shown to be false a theory should be discredited. Time and time again Marx’s predictions have been shown to be false but die hard Marxists cling to them. Falsification is rejected. I, on the other hand, accept this idea. If something is shown to be false then the theory should be rejected. Hence my theory that Kasztner was not a collaborator was rejected by evidence I located, in amongst other places, Israeli archives. As Greenstein boycotts Israel he will not go to the Israeli archives so he relies on secondary information. At any rate, what is clear is that despite the fact that Kasztner collaborated with the Nazis, it is not evidence that “Zionism collaborated with the Nazis.” Despite notionally belonging to a Zionist party, with his behaviour Kasztner betrayed the Zionists. Moshe Krausz, also active in Hungary is a far better case study for looking at what Zionists wanted to do in the Holocaust. One can also look up the actions of the Zionist youth, some of which is documented by Asher Cohen, in his book. The Halutz Resistance in Hungary, 1942-1944. In fact Kasztner also betrayed the Zionist youth. Greenstein repeated charge that the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis has been completely dismissed by Francis R. Nicosia. In his 2008 book. Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany published by Cambridge University Press, (which Greenstein has read – but chooses to ignore) he states clearly (pp2-3) in relation to such a charge that the “research, analysis, and conclusions contained in these pages do not in any way support such notions.”

Greenstein repeatedly refers to his so-called anti-fascist work. But he ignores the fact that there were those in the movement that despised him. In 1986, NUS President Vicky Phillips spoke at the UJS conference. She was asked about Tony Greenstein and replied that his involvement in Anti-Fascist Action “brings the whole organisation into disrepute.” She urged delegates to write to AFA expressing concern. (Jewish Chronicle, December 26, 1986).

Greenstein also has a geography problem. He states, as an example.”. I identify, unlike all others here, with the people of Palestine and Gaza.” Greenstein clearly thinks that Gaza is somewhere else.
And Ilan Pappe? He is a laughing stock. Nobody with credibility takes him seriously academically. And nor does anyone with credibility take Lenni Brenner seriously, despite the fact that that Greenstein would wish they did.
Michael Ezra
August 17, 2014 at 5:23 pm

There’s nothing wrong with being wrong but Ezra defended Kasztner with all the vehemence that he defends Zionism’s record in general. He accused me and others of the same sins of historical ignorance that he now confesses he was guilty of. You don’t need to go to Israeli archives to know that Kasztner was a collaborator, just read Ben Hecht’s Perfidy (a Zionist) or indeed Randolph Braham’s Politics of Genocide and draw your own conclusions. Kasztner was a representative of the Jewish Agency, the Jewish govt in waiting. He toured Europe post-1945 giving testimony for a variety of Nazi war criminals including Herman Krumey, Eichmann’s second-in-command in Hungary who was responsible for the round-up of Croation Jews and the deportation of over 100 children from Lidice to Lodz. When the Americans arrested Krumey in 1945 in Italy it was Kasztner’s specific intervention that got him released rather than executed.

He even tried to save the neck (and failed) of Dieter Wisliceny, who organised the first deportation of Jews from Slovakia to Auschwitz and Maidenek. Ezra defended these and at least 5 other such testimonies. Does he recant his support for Kasztner and the Jewish Agency’s campaign to exonerate leading Nazis at Nuremburg. Kasztner was supported by the State of Israel and its Attorney General Haim Cohen in his prosecution of Malchiel Greenwald, an elderly Hungarian Jew, in Israel, for defamation. The evidence was in abundance but like one of the Soviet puppets he descries Ezra decided to defend Kasztner come what may until Paul Bogdanor told him that he was suspect.
Apparently, Kasztner’s behaviour ‘is not evidence that “Zionism collaborated with the Nazis.’ Apparently he only ‘notionally’ belonged to a Zionist party. How interesting. Most people hold him to have been the leader of Hungarian Zionism, a minority (Ihud) within a minority. There is, with Krausz’s exception, which I have often quoted, no sign that there was widespread disapproval within the Hungarian Zionist movement of the train he organised to rescue 1,600 leading Zionists and bourgeois elements whilst keeping the rest of the 450,000 Jews ignorant of their fate. The evidence was there, Ezra chose to ignore it.

Quoting Francis Nicosia is useless. His evidence is invaluable, his conclusions less so. He is scared of drawing the obvious conclusions, viz. that Zionism was a movement of collaboration and he engages in verbal gymnastics. But contrary to Ezra’s claim I often cite Nicosia.

I also cite the official biographer/hagiographer of David Ben-Gurion, Shabtai Teveth, that ‘If there was a line in Ben Gurion’s mind between the beneficial disaster and an all-destroying catastrophe, it must have been a very fine one.’ [Shabtai Teveth: The Burning Ground, 1987, 850]. The chapter from which this is taken, Disaster Means Strength, tells us everything we need to know about the attitude of the Jewish Agency leaders during the holocaust.

Lenni Brenner is a very excellent polemical historian and his book, Zionism in the Age of the Dictators, remains unanswered to this day. But regardless, I do have criticisms of his analysis and they will appear in the forthcoming issue of the Journal of Holy Land Studies.
August 25, 2014 at 12:29 am

·  Some brief comments about Kasztner:

1. Having discussed the Kasztner issue regularly with Michael Ezra over about 10 years, I can testify that he changed his mind on the subject before I did (and for different reasons).

2. If Greenstein were more familiar with the Kasztner issue he would not be surprised at the suggestion that Kasztner’s conduct in Hungary was unrepresentative of Zionism. Judge Benjamin Halevi himself stated in his verdict:

“Calls from leaders of the Yishuv (Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, Moshe Shertok, Yitzhak Gruenbaum) for self-defence and resistance by Diaspora Jews were sent to the rescue committee in Budapest. After the Nazi occupation, the [Zionist] pioneer movements established their own ‘headquarters’ in Budapest and organised information, escape and bunker actions as well as preparations for resistance.” (Section 33)


“Experience had taught the Nazis that everywhere the Zionists were the ‘activist’ element in the Jewish population and were able to supply the leadership for resistance and anti-Nazi operations.” (Section 34)

3. In his initial affidavit for the Allied war crimes investigators in September 1945, Kasztner identified Becher, Wisliceny and the rest as Nazi war criminals. It was only later that he started to praise them as rescuers. So these later affidavits, taken alone, do not prove Kasztner’s wartime collaboration. Nor is there any good evidence (in Shoshana Barri’s article or elsewhere) that Kasztner’s affidavits praising Nazi war criminals were submitted on the Jewish Agency’s instructions.

4. Greenstein has only himself to blame if others do not find his writings on the Kasztner issue persuasive. The centrepiece of Greenstein’s case has always been Eichmann’s interview in Life Magazine. In that interview Eichmann also stated:

(a) Auschwitz “was not primarily a death camp.”

(b) post-war, “the Auschwitzers [sic] sprouted like mushrooms out of the forest floor after a rain. Hundreds of thousands of them are today in the best of health.”

(c) “the majority of the deportees [from Hungary] were not gassed at all.”

Does Greenstein expect his arguments to be taken seriously when he relies on such “evidence”?
August 26, 2014 at 3:50 pm

·  In his response to my criticism of his fellow Zionist traducer, Michael Ezra, Paul Bogdanor demonstrates why he is a propagandist for whom the historical method of weighing up evidence is alien. There is an absolute abundance of evidence that the Zionist movement, in particular its leadership, collaborated with the Nazis and prioritised building their ‘Jewish’ state at the expense of rescuing Jews. Even honest and open Zionists accept that the historical record of Zionism is flawed but not so Bogdanor who will go to the grave denying the obvious.
SB Beit-Zvi, in a painstakingly detailed analysis of the leadership of the Jewish Agency, [Post-Ugandan Zionism On Trial] the Yishuv (Jewish community in Palestine’s response to the holocaust) government-in-waiting, notes how the Zionist press poured cold water on reports of the holocaust, to the extent that they quoted Nazi sources that things weren’t as bad as were being made out. As the leader of US Jewry wrote:

I succeeded, together with the heads of other Jewish organizations, in keeping them [the cables about the systematic mass murder] out of the press.’ [The Terrible Secret p.160 Walter Lacquer]
On March 23, 1943, Davar (paper of the Histadrut the semi-official paper of the Jewish Agency] was reprimanded by Yosef Gravitzky, managing editor of the Jewish Agency’s Palcor news agency, for copying from a Nazi paper, Ostland, a “report” that two million Jews remained in Poland, after the paper had reported one day earlier on the same page that no more than two hundred thousand Jews were still alive in all of Poland. ‘The Germans’ objective is clear,” Gravitzky wrote. ‘They themselves announce the liquidation of the Warsaw ghetto but at the same time circulate reports that two million Jews are Still alive in Poland. But why should we assist them in this work?” [p.78, Beit-Zvi]

On 23rd November the Jewish Agency had been forced to release the cable of Gerhard Riegner in Geneva that the holocaust was underway (they had had possession of this cable but deferred to the wishes of Welles of the US State Department to keep quiet) but barely a month later, on December 27, 1942, the Yishuv was informed that the mass destruction of Polish Jewry had ceased. This news was contained in a statement issued on behalf of the Rescue Committee by Yitzhak Ben-Zvi, chairman of the National Council. The whole statement was couched in a tone of concern and alarm. It spoke about mass murders at Belzec and Treblinka. It expressed apprehension that half of Polish Jewry had already been annihilated. But at the same time, it was stated explicitly that the mass destruction had been halted. Davar 27.12.42.

Beit-Zvi asks how this report of the cessation of the holocaust had been obtained. His answer is that the Jewish Agency Rescue Committee ‘had the good fortune to receive from the offices in Istanbul and Geneva copies of a certain Nazi document–and from it they gleaned what they wished to glean.’ In addition the editions of the “Official Gazette” of the General Government in Occupied Poland in Cracow from November 1-10, 1942, published the names of 53 (according to Gruenbaum, 55 places which were designated for Jewish residence. A date was set for concentrating the Jews in these places and for the uprooting of their non-Jewish residents. The orders said nothing either about the destruction or about its cessation. However, the interpretation of the Jewish Agency was that so long as the concentration process went on, no destruction would be carried out It was decided to inform the public of this development, citing the key details. It was especially noted “that the German orders even allow every Jew to choose which of the 53 locales he wishes to live in, the condition being that he will not be able to change his mind afterward. “ [ Hatzofeh, December 28, 1942, S Beit Zvi p. 79]
Even Walter Lacquer, as dedicated a Zionist as any, admitted that ‘Zionists, including leaders of the World Jewish Congress, were absorbed in ‘post-war planning’ and were paying little more than ceremonious attention to what was happening in Europe in stark contrast to the outcries from Geneva and Istanbul demanding immediate action to save the remnants.’ Walter Lacquer, p.194, The Terrible Secret, p.65, Little, Brown & Company, Boston, 1980 citing Y Bauer, The Holocaust in Historical Perspective (Seattle, 1978), p.28.

But to Bogdanor, the loyal Zionist propagandist, nothing the Zionist movement did was wrong. He can hear, speak nor see any evil. He understands nothing and attacks all critics, on the flimsiest of grounds.

Frankly it doesn’t matter one jot whether it was he or Ezra who first changed their minds. What I do know is that Ezra defended every action of Kasztner including testifying on behalf of the Nazi war criminals.

Benjamin Halevi was an uber-Zionist. He made findings of fact regarding Kasztner’s behaviour, much to the squeals of the Labour Zionists but he was a supporter of the Zionist right-wing and of course he sought to exonerate Zionism as a whole. The point is whether someone like myself, an impartial outsider, should go along with this. Again Bogdanor is not in such a position.
Halevi is wrong to suggest that the Zionists ‘were able to supply the leadership for resistance and anti-Nazi operations.”. On the contrary, everywhere there were collaborators, leaders of the Jewish police, Judenrat Chairman, there were Zionists. As Isaiah Trunk, a committed Zionist wrote, 67.1% of members of the Judenrat were Zionists. Over two-thirds of the Judenräte (67.1%) consisted of Zionist supporters of all factions. . [Judenrat: the Jewish councils in eastern Europe under Nazi occupation, New York 1972, p.32.].

Yes in his initial affidavit for the US war crime investigators, Kasztner labelled Kurt Becher, Wisliceny et al. as war criminals. So the question any serious historian would ask is blindingly obvious (but not to Bogdanor). What made him change his mind?

Which is why I have revised my opinion of Kasztner. Yes he was undoubtedly a collaborator but in his post-war work he was acting under direction. A strong indication is given by Shoshana Barri [Bari (Ishoni), Shoshana (1997) 'The question of Kasztner's Testimonies on behalf of Nazi war Criminals', Journal of Israeli History]

Bogdanor writes that there is no ‘good evidence (in Shoshana Barri’s article or elsewhere) that Kasztner’s affidavits praising Nazi war criminals were submitted on the Jewish Agency’s instructions.’ To Bogdanor there is no evidence which is good enough (unless he agrees with it!). I will paraphrase and cite, in some detail, what Barri actually says in order that others can make a judgement.

‘Kasztner testified repeatedly on behalf of Nazi war criminals through to his final testimony at Nuremberg in May 1948. The most well known testimony was given on behalf of Becher in August 1947. [143]… In May 1948, a statement given by Kasztner at Nuremberg stated that Krumey “performed his tasks displaying remarkable good will towards those whose life or death depended to a great extent upon the way.” This was the person who personally implemented the murder of 437,000 Jews in the final solution in Hungary. A memorandum of July 1947 indicates that Kasztner appealed to have Wisliceny transferred from Slovak to American custody. The Jewish Agency knew about this too…. Kasztner felt that a plot was brewing against him from within his own movement, and accused Eliahu Dobkin of the JAE of being part of it. In December 1945, Kasztner wrote Dobkin a furious letter. Kasztner had been fearful of even coming to Palestine. He first arrived (after the initial testimonies in Geneva and Nuremberg) in December 1947. He left two months later at the request of the American prosecution at Nuremberg, and returned to Palestine in May 1948.
Throughout the entire period of Kasztner’s testimonies, Kasztner received travel expenses and financial assistance from the Jewish Agency’s Palestine Office in Geneva and later, during his travels to and stays in Nuremberg, he was funded in part by the court which had invited him, but also by the Jewish Agency and the WJC. Between 1945 and 1948, the period of Kasztner’s various testimonies on behalf of Nazi war criminals, his travels and expenses were funded primarily, albeit not continuously, by Zionist organizations. [149]

When asked about his testimony on Becher’s behalf, Kasztner claimed that he had been permitted to testify by Dobkin, who represented the Jewish Agency in Istanbul and Chaim Barlas, a member of Mossad. [150] However, when Dobkin was called to the witness stand, he denied ever having heard Becher’s name.

In a December 1994 interview with Ha’aretz Gideon Raphael, … one of the founders of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, claimed that he had turned down an offer by Wisliceny to help the Jewish Agency locate Eichmann in return for Wisliceny’s own life. [154] However, he did not detail the extent of the Jewish Agency’s involvement in respect of Wisliceny. Ruffer and Dr. Steiner wanted Wisliceny, the butcher of Slovakian and Greek Jewry, transferred back to American custody, fearing that the Slovaks would hang him. Wisliceny however, who was responsible for the deportation to Auschwitz and Maidenek of most of Slovakian Jewry, ended up on the scaffold. In February 1948, Ruffer wrote to Murray Gurfein (assistant to Robert Jackson,) in New York asking that Wisliceny give them information regarding Eichmann’s whereabouts, wondering whether it is feasible for the United States authorities in charge of war crimes to accept Wisliceny’s offer, as I feel that no opportunity should be lost which may lead to the eventual apprehension of Eichmann. [155]

The question was asked whether Dobkin had approved Kasztner’s testimonies. The question was not asked, however, with regard to the other people mentioned by Kasztner: Barlas, Riegner and Perlzweig. … No document has come to light to indicate that Barlas gave Kasztner authorisation to testify. It is interesting to note, however, that a letter was written to the Rescue Committee in Budapest during the war (August 1944) from Istanbul, where Barlas was stationed. (August 1944) from Istanbul, instructing the Committee to offer the Germans “money and only money for certain purposes” Chaim Barlas was responsible for Aliya Bet, whose purpose was to defy the British, secure the entry of Zionist refugees and their use as manpower in the war of 1947-9.

Barlas also mentioned that “the other side should be made aware that we offer them not only money. We will not forget those who stand beside us today, and that is more important than money.” The alibi that the Jewish Agency could provide Nazi criminals was a desired commodity in the final stages of the war; it was, in fact, the only thing they had to offer at the time.’

Sworn statements for the Nazi war criminals that Kasztner testified for, including Herbert Kettliz, (Hamburg) dated June 3, 1948, and Wilhelm Eggen (Nuremberg) dated August 17, 1948. [fn. 64, 159]

Gideon Raphael confirmed [to Ha’aretz] that Dobkin had in fact known Becher’s name. According to Raphael, Kasztner informed Dobkin and Raphael himself that he was going to be testifying on behalf of Wisliceny, Becher and Krumey, and Dobkin and Raphael expressed their opposition. According to Raphael, in other words, not only had Dobkin heard Becher’s name, but both he and Raphael in fact had prior knowledge of Kasztner’s intention to testify on Becher’s behalf.

Barri believes that Kasztner’s claim ‘sounds plausible.’ Dobkin was about to meet Becher during the war. Becher’s name appeared innumerable times in Kasztner’s report and in all of the correspondence dealing with the “Becher deposit” – correspondence with which Dobkin was surely familiar, at least in part, as one who had been active in rescue matters and as a member of the JAE.’

Barri suggests that the Jewish Agency denied all knowledge of the testimony Kasztner gave at Nuremberg, because at the time it was easier to do so. ‘Testimony on behalf of Becher was not given in a political vacuum…. It was rather the result of his connections as a representative of Jewish organizations in the negotiations for obtaining the “Becher deposit.” [140] This deposit, which consisted of large amounts of the wealth of Hungarian Jewry, disappeared.

Barri concludes that ‘The testimonies become more comprehensible only when all three factors are examined: Kasztner, the Americans, and the Jewish Agency. [234] One can, in this context, better understand Kasztner’s motive in testifying on their behalf, whether he had received the explicit prior authorisation of the Jewish Agency, or whether such authorisation was only partial and retroactive. Kasztner acted in Nuremberg as representative of the Jewish Agency and the World Jewish Congress. [164] He considered himself authorised to testify in their name in a matter that did not seem to him to deviate from the general framework in which he was operating. If we accept the ideas raised above, the question arises as to why Kasztner did not claim during the trial that this was the situation into which he had fallen. And why, furthermore, did the relevant protagonists in Israel not admit this? The truth of the matter is that throughout the entire period (between 1952 and 1957) the matter was never in fact fully investigated. The new ‘Jewish’ State could not admit that it had established contacts with Nazi officers (such as Becher and Wisliceny), and had approved testimonies and appeals on their behalf. [165]

So Bogdanor’s assertion that there is no good evidence in Barri’s article or elsewhere that the Jewish Agency had approved, including financing Kasztner’s expedition in Europe, just don’t stand up.
In his silliest point, I am told that people like Bogdanor don’t find my writings persuasive because I make Eichmann’s interview with Life Magazine the ‘centrepiece of my case. In fact I rarely quote them but what if I did? Rudolph Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz’s book, is often cited by historians, usually critically. Even Francis Nicosia, who Ezra cites, in this Third Reich and the Palestine Question cites Hitler’s Mein Kampf! Most historians cite the Nazis and in fact Eichmann’s interview is extremely useful.

As the site ‘holocaust history’ answers in response to a question as to whether there are any serious doubts about its reliability http://www.holocaust-history.org/questions/eichmann-adolf.shtml‘No. Almost everything he says has been corroborated.’

The questioner notes that holocaust denial sites have removed references to it, citing it as a forgery. The response? Not surprising. It’s no surprise that the holocaust deniers and Bogdanor line up in unison either.

In a post ‘Misreading ‘Eichmann in Jerusalem’ http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/07/07/misreading-hannah-arendts-eichmann-in-jerusalem/?_php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0Roger Berkowitz states [July 7, 2013] that ‘The best treatment of Eichmann’s writing in Argentina is by the German scholar Bettina Stangneth. In her 2011 book “Eichmann vor Jerusalem” Stangneth showed that Sassen was a Holocaust denier who attempted to get Eichmann to deny the Holocaust, which Eichmann did not. On the contrary, Eichmann boasted of his accomplishments, worried that he hadn’t done enough, and justified his role. http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/orgs/german/einsatzgruppen/esg/trials/profiles/confession.html
The Nizkor Project is an ambitious programme to document the Holocaust in response to the holocaust deniers. It reprints the whole of Eichmann’s interview. Clearly Bogdanor is desperate if he attacks my use of this among many other sources (and not that in the original post I did not mention even my ‘centrepiece’!

As I noted about, even Ben Gurion’s hagiographer/biographer Shabitai Teveth concludes that Ben Gurion’s attitude to the holocaust was that it was a beneficial opportuhity. Not so the devoted Bogdanor whose lack of any criticism of Zionism’s record during the holocaust marks him down as a cheap propagandist.
August 27, 2014 at 4:46 am

·  Tony Greenstein’s tediously long-winded response is as comical as expected. I must admit that I laughed long and hard when I reached Greenstein’s self-description as “an impartial outsider.” Greenstein, is, of course, a self-declared Marxist-Leninist, allegedly of the Trotskyist variety, although in the case of the Holocaust he relentlessly regurgitates the Stalinist hate propaganda against Zionism.

To proceed to his concrete claims (most of which have nothing to do with my original comments):

1. The idea that the Yishuv didn’t give publicity to the Holocaust, which Greenstein parrots from Shabtai Beit-Zvi (a Revisionist Zionist) is easily demolished by quoting the Zionist press. On Dec.1, 1942, for example, The Palestine Post reported:

“The Elected Assembly… of Palestine Jews in an extraordinary session at the Jewish Agency Hall in Jerusalem yesterday morning appealed to the United Nations to exert every effort to put a stop to the slaughter of Jews in Europe and rescue those threatened with death, especially the children.”
The report goes on to quote public declarations from numerous Zionist leaders, including Ben-Zvi, Szold, the Chief Rabbis of Palestine and Ben-Gurion. The latter appealed to the Allies:

“There are German nationals in the United States, in England, in Russia, and other countries. Demand that they be exchanged for the Jews of Poland and Lithuania and other countries under Nazi rule. Allow those who are able to, to escape. Do not close your gates to them. First and foremost, rescue the Jewish children. Bring them into neutral countries. Bring them to your own countries. Bring them here.”

The Assembly then read a resolution appealing to “the United Nations, neutrals, heads of Churches and the leaders of all progressive movements to warn the Nazi Government that reprisals will be exacted unless the murder of defenceless people by armed brigands ceases. The resolution also reiterates the appeal to rescue the survivors of the atrocities, and urges greater freedom for the Jewish forces to take part in the fight against the Nazis.”

I could easily quote dozens of reports in a similar vein. So much for Greenstein’s Stalinist inventions about “Zionist collaboration with the Nazis.”

2. Greenstein’s statistics about Zionists in the Jewish Councils are irrelevant, as many – possibly most – of the Jewish Councils did not collaborate and did their best to help the Jews for whom they were responsible. Arendt’s claims to the contrary, which Greenstein has always repeated as gospel truth, are rejected by the historical profession, including Greenstein’s source Trunk. Likewise, Greenstein’s claims about German Zionists are contradicted by his own source, the historian Nicosia. But then Greenstein has never worried about contradicting his sources. In the past he has even claimed Zionist inspiration for the introduction to the Nuremberg Laws, citing a passage from Nicosia stating nothing of the kind.

3. Turning to Kasztner – the sole subject of my comments – Greenstein now dismisses as an “uber-Zionist” the judge Halevi, who famously condemned Kasztner for selling his soul to the Devil. And in doing so, Greenstein refutes his own fantasy that Kasztner’s behaviour was somehow representative of Zionism. For if Kasztner was acting on behalf of the Zionists, then why did a Zionist court condemn him? Likewise, why did the Zionists of Kolozsvar (Cluj) try to prosecute him before a People’s Tribunal (1945)? Why was he investigated by the first post-war Zionist Congress (1946)? Why did Israel pass the Nazis and Nazi Collaborators (Punishment) Law (1950)? Why was Kasztner interrogated by the Israeli police (1951)?

4. Greenstein’s melange of quotations and paraphrase from Barri’s article backfires completely, confirming my position: the Jewish Agency gave no instructions to Kasztner to testify for Nazi war criminals. There is not one word anywhere in Greenstein’s diatribe proving Jewish Agency instructions to testify on behalf on Becher, Krumey or Juttner. The memorandum on Wisliceny’s transfer from Slovak to US custody, which may or may not have been known in advance to the Jewish Agency, contained nothing exonerating Wisliceny and merely aimed to secure information for the capture of Eichmann. I defy Greenstein to quote – clearly and succinctly – any documentary evidence in Barri’s article or anywhere else establishing that the Jewish Agency ordered Kasztner to give affidavits exonerating any Nazi war criminal.

5. Finally, Greenstein turns to defending EIchmann’s interview denying the Holocaust – and has the chutzpah to accuse his critic of acting “in unison” with those who deny the Holocaust. In this interview, which Greenstein considers “extremely useful” because Eichmann confirms his prejudices, Eichmann declared that Auschwitz “was not primarily a death camp,” that “the Auschwitzers [sic] sprouted like mushrooms out of the forest floor after a rain,” that “hundreds of thousands of them are today in the best of health,” and that “the majority of the deportees [from Hungary] were not gassed at all.” It is easy to see which of us, Bogdanor or Greenstein, is reinforcing the claims of Holocaust deniers.

And the same applies to Greenstein’s endorsement of Brenner’s propaganda tract, which delighted the Holocaust deniers so much that it was reprinted by the neo-Nazi Institute for Historical Review and is today available on neo-Nazi websites.

Falsifying evidence, regurgitating Stalinist hate propaganda, citing interviews by Eichmann and sources praised by Holocaust deniers: does Greenstein have no shame?
August 27, 2014 at 4:56 pm

·  Bogdanor is incapable of dealing with any criticism without labelling it Stalinist. Thereby he hopes to remove himself from the hook of his own contradictions. Yes I thought Bogdanor would find my description of myself as an impartial outsider amusing, however a sense of humour sometimes doesn’t go amiss.

The late Noah Lucas, a perceptive Zionist historian, noted that ‘As the European holocaust expanded, Ben Gurion saw it as a decisive opportunity for Zionism… Ben Gurion above all others sensed the tremendous possibilities inherent in the dynamic of the chaos and carnage in Europe… the forces unleashed by Hitler in all their horror must be harnessed to the advantage of Zionism. [Noah Lucas, The Modern History of Zionism’ pp. 187-8]. But whereas Lucas, like many Zionist historians, was capable of evaluating Zionist history critically and comparing it with the ideas formulated by Herzl, Bogdanor is a one-trick pony, slavish in his adoration of Zionist state worship. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks. What is his response to even Ben-Gurion’s biographer, Shabtai Teveth? Nothing, he has no answers. What is his response to Ben-Gurion’s opposition to refugeeism, saving Jews whatever the destination? Nothing. And when Ben-Gurion is cited by numerous sources that ‘If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England, and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Yisrael, then I would opt for the second alternative. For we must weigh not only the life of these children, but also the history of the People of Israel’. [Yoav Gelber, Zionist Policy and the Fate of European Jewry (1939-42), Yad Vashem Studies, vol. XII, p.199]. what is Bogdanor’s response? Nothing because there cannot be one. Instead he shrieks Stalinist!

Francis Nicosia isn’t my source but Ezra’s! But it was Nicosia who observed that ‘Zionism (was) a volkisch Jewish nationalist ideology and movement that started from some of the same philosophical premises as German nationalism…’ It is Nicosia who points out that Alfred Rosenberg, Hitler’s favourite theoretician (The Third Reich & Palestine p25). that “Zionism must be vigorously supported in order to encourage a significant number of German Jews to leave for Palestine or other destinations” (TRP p.25). Rosenberg was fond of citing the Zionists’ own arguments that the Jews were a separate people. Rosenberg took this as “a clear affirmation that all Jews were aliens in Germany” (Zionism And Nazi Germany p.70).

“Rosenberg’s argument that the Zionist movement could be utilised to promote the political, social and cultural segregation of Jews in Germany, as well as their emigration, was eventually transformed into policy by the Hitler regime after 1933.” Nicosia was at war with his own evidence in that his conclusions conflict with the body of his writing.

Even Lucy Dawidowicz, a Zionist historian, notes in War Against Hitler, ‘On the 28th January 1935, Heydrich issued an order stating that: ‘The activity of the Zionist orientated youth organisations are not to be treated with the strictness that it is necessary to apply to the members of the so-called German Jewish organisations (assimilationists). (p.118)

Let us see how Bogdanor ducks and dives rather than answer a simple question – why should the official family biographer of Ben Gurion, cite Ben-Gurion that ‘The harsher the affliction, the greater the strength of Zionism’ (Teveth 1987: 850). Does he not find this shocking, especially in the context of the holocaust? Or the statement that ‘In spite of the certainty that genocide was being carried out, the JAE did not deviate appreciably from its routine…’ (Teveth 1987 844). How about “distress” could also serve as ‘political leverage’: ‘the destruction’ was a factor in ‘expediting our enterprise [and] it is in our interest to use Hitler, [who] has not reduced our strength, for the building of our country.’ [p.850] Or is the simple truth the fact that Bogdanor’s loyalty to Zionism outweighs any concern for Zionism’s record in relation to millions of Jews who died in the holocaust?

Isn’t the truth, as Ben-Gurion himself wrote, that ‘Disaster is strength if channelled to a productive course; the whole trick of Zionism is that it knows how to channel our disaster, not into despondence or degradation, as is the case in the Diaspora, but into a source of creativity and exploitation.’
It would of course be interesting to hear Bogdanor’s views on the above, but being a historical coward he prefers to plough the same clichés.

If Bogdanor had read what I wrote I didn’t say that the Yishuv hadn’t given any publicity to the Holocaust. Of course Zionism was rather good at staging demonstrative rallies and the outpourings of grief. But then? It completely failed to follow this up. It became merely a token. Bogdanor states that:
1. The idea that the Yishuv didn’t give publicity to the Holocaust, which Greenstein parrots from Shabtai Beit-Zvi (a Revisionist Zionist) is easily demolished by quoting the Zionist press. On Dec.1, 1942, for example, The Palestine Post reported…

Yes the Vaad Leumi and other Zionist bodies went through ritual appeals and declarations before getting back to business. No one doubts that. But the drip, drop of poison by the Zionist press (which Bogdanor daren’t tackle) had a much more corrosive effect. They continually played down the very fact of and the extent of the holocaust and warned against ‘atrocity propaganda’ as was the case in World War I. I cited a couple of instances, there are dozens of such examples where denials of extermination were made despite refugees from Nazi occupation coming to Palestine as exchange prisoners.

How does Bogdanor explain away the fact that Davar reported, from Nazi sources, that the holocaust had come to an end in December 1942? He doesn’t, it’s that simple. When faced with an insoluble quandary, he witters at length and moves on.

As Shmuel Zyglebojm, one of two Bund representatives in the Polish-Government-in-exile, was doing his best to spread news of the Holocaust and despairing over the response (he committed suicide as a forlorn protest) Zionist leaders in Palestine were thinking about the advantages they would accrue as a result of the holocaust.

Bogdanor is in deep water when he claims that statistics about Zionists in the Jewish Councils are irrelevant and that most of them did not collaborate and did their best to help the Jews for whom they were responsible. Trunk is not my source, he is Yad Vashem’s, as Bogdanor would know if he was acquainted with the subject. Virtually all leaders of the Judenrat were Zionists – from the Dutch Joodische Road to the Belgian AJB, whose leader Holcinger was executed by the Belgian resistance.
Judenrat which did have the interests of the Jews at their heart were a distinct minority, usually located near the Soviet Partisans and forests where there was an opportunity for escape. One such was Moshkin in Minsk and there were a number of smaller ghettos where the same applied, but they were very much the minority.

Bogdanor cites Hannah Arendt’s claims regarding the Judenrat. It is backed up by the most eminent of all holocaust historians, Raul Hilberg. Bogdanor by way of contrast merely parrots second rate Zionist historians.

3. Bogdanor complains that I dismiss as an “uber-Zionist” Judge Halevi. I do no such thing, I merely point out that his observations on Zionism as a whole weren’t part of the evidence so much as his own opinions. But Bogdanor has no hesitation in dismissing the evidence of SB Beit Zvi because he was (apparently) a revisionist!

Bogdanor asks ‘why did the Zionists of Kolosvar (Cluj) try to prosecute him before a People’s Tribunal (1945)?’ But it wasn’t the Zionists of Kolosvar but all those who returned from Auschwitz or who had escaped who tried him. The Peoples’ Tribunals did not accept references from Zionists. As David Rozner, a steel mill owner from Kluj at the Kasztner trial, testified: (Hecht, pp.94/5 Perfidy)

Tamir: When you returned to Kluj after the war, what was the general opinion there of Dr. Kasztner?

Rozner: There was a violent feeling against Dr. Kasztner. If he had showed himself in the street he would have been killed…. Because he was the man who misled the Jews to believe in the good intentions of the Germans [Testimony of Mr. Levy Blum of Kluj in C.C. 124/53 in the D.C. Jerusalem].

Bogdanor asks ‘Why was he [Kasztner] investigated by the first post-war Zionist Congress (1946)? Why did Israel pass the Nazis and Nazi Collaborators (Punishment) Law (1950)? Why was Kasztner interrogated by the Israeli police (1951)?

The answer is simplicity itself. Because of the allegations swirling around Kasztner the Israeli state had no alternative but to investigate him. More to the point is why they investigated and found he had no case to answer. Perhaps Bogdanor can explain?

When Hannah Arendt’s reports of the Eichmann trial were published in The Observer (September 15 1963), Jacob Talmon, a professor at the Hebrew University Jerusalem attacked her for raising the issue of Zionist collaboration with the Nazis. In reply Rudolf Vrba (the Jewish hero who had escaped from Auschwitz with Alfred Wetzler) to warn Hungarian Jews of their fate, recalled how in April 1944 Oskar Neumann of the Zionist Judenrat in Slovakia was handed his report into the extermination of Jews at Auschwitz.

‘Did the Judenrat (or the Judenverrat) in Hungary tell their Jews what was awaiting them? No, they remained silent and for this silence some of their leaders – for example, Kasztner – bartered their own lives and the lives of 1,684 other “prominent” Jews directly from Eichmann.’ [yes I know Vrba mistook the Judenrat for Vaada].

After publication of Vrba’s memoirs and the Auschwitz Protocols in Hebrew in 1998, Yisrael Guttman [a senior Yad Vashem historian finally acknowledged that “Kasztner was given a copy of the report on April 29 1944” ‘together with other Jewish leaders, choosing not to disseminate the report in order not to harm the negotiations with the Nazis.”  This is the culpability of Zionism’s representative in Hungary.

4. Bogdanor claims that there is not one word anywhere in Greenstein’s diatribe proving Jewish Agency instructions to testify on behalf on Becher, Krumey or Juttner. Bogdanor challenges me to quote – clearly and succinctly – any documentary evidence in Barri’s article or anywhere else establishing that the Jewish Agency ordered Kasztner to give affidavits exonerating any Nazi war criminal.

Bogdanor’s challenge is typical of his ahistorical approach. Of course the Jewish Agency didn’t produce a document saying ‘we authorised our representative Kasztner to intercede on behalf of the worst Nazis war criminals’ any more than the Hitler order for the final solution was written down. We work from an accumulation of circumstantial evidence as did Barri, who is explicitly clear, so much so that if Bogdanor really doesn’t understand it is more a consequence of his own stupidity than anything else:

Barri writes that: ‘One can, in this context, better understand Kasztner’s motive in testifying on their behalf, whether he had received the explicit prior authorisation of the Jewish Agency, or whether such authorisation was only partial and retroactive. Kasztner acted in Nuremberg as representative of the Jewish Agency and the World Jewish Congress. [164] He considered himself authorised to testify in their name in a matter that did not seem to him to deviate from the general framework in which he was operating.’ Bogdanor however prefers to avert his eyes.

And as a last gasp of desperation, I am a ‘defender’ of Eichmann’s interview! I don’t defend interviews, I look at them, like most people for evidence. Hence I quoted the Nizkor Project and the Holocaust Project. But for Bogdanor, quoting something is ‘defending’ it. So presumably quoting any Nazi tract is to defend it! Ludicrous even by his shoddy standards.
August 27, 2014 at 9:45 pm

I am not sure why Greenstein continues to harp on about Kasztner when I informed him that I changed my view. To suggest I changed my view because of what Paul Bogdanor told me is a nonsense. I changed my opinion on Kasztner beforePaul did. Contrary to Greenstein’s claims there was widespread criticism by Zionists of Greenstein’s actions in Hungary in 1944 and his postwar testimonies. An example is Ben hecht’s Perfidy, the author Greenstein admits is a Zionist. Then, even in the courts – in total six Israeli judges (all, to my knowledge) Zionist, looked at the Kasztner/Grunwald case. All six of them felt the attack on Kasztner for post war testifying for Nazi war criminal by Grunwald was not libellous. Moreover, while of the those six, three exonerated Kasztner from major charges, of collaboration, 2 accused him of collaboration with the Nazis and one felt that the charges had to be taken as a whole but because he(as well as the other judges) said that Grunwald’s claim that Kasztner financially benefited from Nazi plunder was unjustified. That final judge voted that Grunwald’s document as a whole was libellous. Away from that, there was substantial attacks by Menachem Begin’s Herut Party on Kasztner. (Begin, of course, went on to be the Prime Minister of Israel). In truth, the leading critics of Kasztner: Judges Halevi and Silberg, author Ben Hecht and many in Herut Party memberswere all Zionist. They came way before Lenni Brenner and Jim Allen!

Greenstein has no argument against what Francis Nicosia has said. It is just that Nicosia’s conclusions, in a book published by the very reputable Cambridge University Press, are not ones with which Greenstein agrees so he simply says the conclusions are worthless. Greenstein would probably say the conclusion of Pythagoras is worthless if he didn’t agree with Pythagoras about the the length of sides in a right angled triangle.
August 28, 2014 at 11:09 am

·  It must be said that Tony Greenstein has a gift for self-parody. In his previous message, this Marxist-Leninst who echoes Stalinist hate propaganda described himself as “impartial.” In his latest effusion, he accuses me of “state worship” – this from a disciple of Trotsky, who observed that “the road to socialism lies through a period of the highest possible intensification of the principle of the state” and whose vision of communism was memorably summarised by Leszek Kolakowski as one of a “huge permanent concentration camp in which the government exercises absolute power over every aspect of the citizens’ lives.”

Then he accuses me of failing to respond to Shabtai Teveth, Ben-Gurion’s biographer – neglecting to mention that Teveth devoted an entire volume, Ben-Gurion and the Holocaust, to the Zionist leader’s campaign to save Jews from the Nazis. And he refers to “Ben-Gurion’s opposition to refugeeism, saving Jews whatever the destination,” when I have already quoted one of Ben-Gurion’s many calls for Jews to be brought to neutral countries and the West. He even drags out Ben-Gurion’s statement about bringing half of Germany’s Jewish children to the Land of Israel – a statement made before the Holocaust – after I had already quoted Ben-Gurion demanding the rescue of all of Europe’s Jewish children to countries other than the Land of Israel during the Holocaust. Twist and turn as he will, Greenstein cannot evade the facts: Ben-Gurion favoured the rescue of Jews no matter they were sent.
Greenstein’s effort to construe Teveth’s quotations of Ben-Gurion in the worst possible light cannot be taken seriously. Of course the harshness of the affliction strengthened Zionism, because it showed that the Zionist diagnosis and remedy for antisemitism were the correct ones. But then it is typical of Greenstein to interpret a statement to mean the opposite of what the speaker had in mind, just as it is characteristic of him to fabricate statements not in his sources – such as his previous concoction, purportedly based on Nicosia, about Zionist inspiration for the Nuremberg Laws.

As for Greenstein’s hopeless attempt to cast Nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg as a supporter of Zionism, this is what Rosenberg actually had to say on the subject: “Some of the locusts which have been sucking the marrow of Europe are returning to the promised land and are already looking for greener pastures… Zionism… helps ambitious speculators as a new field in which to practice usury on a worldwide scale.” (Rosenberg, Der staatsfeindliche Zionismus, Hamburg, 1922, pp. 62-3) Rosenberg went on to demand the legal prohibition of Zionism in Germany and the prosecution of all Zionists for high treason. Once again Greenstein has been caught red-handed falsifying his facts.
Greenstein is forced to retract his previous “evidence” that Zionists did not give any publicity to the Final Solution. Instead he now claims that they “played down the very fact of and the extent of the holocaust” – when it was the Zionists who were at the forefront of all attempts to lobby for rescue. Who set up the rescue committees in Palestine and Turkey? Who set up the Joint Emergency Committee for European Jewish Affairs in the US? Who set up the Emergency Committee for the Rescue of European Jewry? Who prepared and translated the Vrba-Wetzler report? Who smuggled it out to the West? Who were among the first to demand the bombing of Auschwitz? In all cases, the Zionists. And what did Greenstein’s Trotskyists ever say or do for the Jews of Europe – other than opposing the Allied war effort against Nazism?

On the Jewish Councils, Greenstein once again concedes defeat while crowing about victory. He has no evidence that the majority of Jewish Councils collaborated. While some members did, others warned the Jews in advance of Nazi actions while still others resigned rather than obey Nazi orders, were removed for the same reason, or committed suicide. But Greenstein already knows this.
On the Kasztner affair, Greenstein offers another case study in deceit:

1. Having dismissed Halevi as an “uber-Zionist,” he now denies ever using the term. I encourage readers to check Greenstein’s previous post, in which he did dismiss Halevi in precisely these words. And Halevi’s observations on Zionism were factual conclusions, not opinions as he claims: one of Halevi’s key findings was that the Zionist leaders had urged Europe’s Jews, including those in Hungary, to prepare resistance to the Nazis.

2. Greenstein’s comments on the People’s Tribunal in Kolozsvar/Cluj are another case in point. David Rosner, whom he quotes, was a Zionist. And Yosef Krausz testified at the Kasztner Trial: “it wasn’t the Communist Party who started [the People's Tribunal case against Kasztner]. The Zionists started it, saying that Kasztner took the [Palestine] certificates, divided them among his friends and sent the Zionists to Auschwitz.”

3. I challenged Greenstein to quote anything in Barri’s article or anywhere else proving that the Jewish Agency ordered Kasztner to exonerate Nazi war criminals. After a desperate search, he is empty-handed. The passage he cites states that Kasztner considered himself“authorised” to testify on behalf of the Jewish Agency and the World Jewish Congress – not that they authorised him to help Nazis. Elsewhere in her article Barri quotes Gerhard Riegner of the WJC stating that Kasztner “never got any authority from me nor you nor from the [Jewish] Agency to intervene on our behalf for Becher.” (Riegner to Perlzweig, December 30, 1955, CZA, Z6/1117)

Finally there is Greenstein’s attempt to wriggle out of his reliance on a Holocaust denial source, Eichmann’s interview in Life magazine. Greenstein calls the interview “extremely useful” even though Eichmann denied that Auschwitz was a death camp and that Hungary’s Jews had been gassed. For Greenstein, any source furthering his hate campaign against Zionism will do – even if it is Eichmann himself, even if it is a denial of the Holocaust, even if it says the opposite of what he claims. One could hardly sink any lower; but then all this is only to be expected from one whose political movement opposed the war against Nazism.
August 28, 2014 at 12:46 pm

·  I have posted a full response to the lies, deceptions and misattributions of Ezra and in particular Bogdanor, a vicious anti-Communist whose political position places him on the fascist map. Any further response from these 2 clowns will be ignored.
Tony Greenstein

1. Yet again more lies and deception, smoke and mirrors. But Mikey is too modest. It was he who posted the following on David Aaronovitch’s blog.

‘Dear David,

An excellent article. It is not without point that the likes of Tony Greenstein have been intimidating Jewish Students at NUS conferences for virtually 30 years. He claims to be acting in the name of “anti-Zionism” but spends his time harassing Jews.’

I therefore initiated a claim for libel against The Times and secured both damages, costs and an apology from Aaronovitch:

‘At the beginning of July, an item was posted on my weblog which stated that Tony Greenstein had been ‘intimidating or harassing’ Jews at NUS conferences for 30 years. Tony Greenstein believed that this accused him of committing an offence of incitement to racial hatred under s.3A of the Race Relations Act 1976 and that it also implied that he is anti-Semitic.
While Tony Greenstein and I have had our differences, notably at NUS conferences, neither I nor The Times meant to suggest that he has been breaking the law for thirty years or that he is anti-Semitic. Our apologies for any embarrassment caused.’

3. In fact if anyone is a collaborator with open anti-Semites it is Mikey himself! One of my most vehement enemies is Gilad Atzmon, the anti-Semitic jazzman. None of this prevented Mikey acting as his researcher into my background.

‘Mikey, can you provide us with the criminal record of this Bugger-Rance. Is he on spent conviction like greenie l or is he just an ordinary liar?

Gilad Atzmon | 03.12.07 – 8:00 pm | #

I have been very busy digging up stuff on Tony Greenstein – Roland Rance will have to wait for another day.
Mikey | 03.12.07 – 8:53 pm | #

‘Mikey, I hope you do not mind me saying that, but your contribution for the pls solidarity movement is priceless. It is crucial that we all know about the racist record of this Greenpiss, a man who was banned time after time for being a racist and an anti Semite!
I really want to believe that this revolting violent man will feel some shame and take some time off to think about it all. But I doubt it.’
Gilad Atzmon | 03.04.07 – 10:46 am | #

So there we have it! Mikey acts as an informant for someone just about everyone else recognises as a vicious anti-Semite and summarises Atzmon’s politics in a way to avoid the charge of anti-Semitism. http://hurryupharry.org/2007/03/19/gilad-atzmon-and-jewishness/

‘Gilad Atzmon, who defines himself as an “ex-Jew” and an “ex-Israeli” has become fascinated with the term “Jewishness.” He believes “Jewishness is an ideology.”… Many people have called Atzmon an antisemite and a racist, but Atzmon does not like these accusations. He insists that he differentiates between “Judaism (the religion), Jews (the people) and Jewishness (the ideology).” He explicitly states “I firmly refrain from referring to racial or ethnic categories.” He believes “Jewish groups in the left and in the right” have obscured “the demarcation between Judaism, Jews and Jewishness” and by doing so “Israel is safe from criticism.” Consequently Atzmon does not want to attack “Judaism” or “Jews” but it is open season for him to attack “Jewishness” since if Jewishness is an ideology, then according to Atzmon, “it cannot just position itself beyond criticism.” It is essentially this “Jewishness” that Atzmon has a real problem with.’

6. Mikey is not sure why I continue ‘to harp on about Kasztner’ when he has already admitted to changing his view. There is a simple reason. The dogmatic boastfulness and sense of righteousness he displayed when defending Kasztner is now displayed when he accepts that he was previously wrong.

7. Whereas he was previously proclaiming that I refused to accept the facts, as he interpreted them, because he was the expert, he now revises his opinions to fall in line with mine, even though he doesn’t admit to this change. A good example of Mikey’s dishonesty is the decision of the Supreme Court to uphold the appeal against Judge Halevi of the Jerusalem District Court. Mikey now tells us that:

‘ even in the courts – in total six Israeli judges (all, to my knowledge) Zionist, looked at the Kasztner/Grunwald case. All six of them felt the attack on Kasztner for post war testifying for Nazi war criminal by Grunwald was not libellous. Moreover, while of the those six, three exonerated Kasztner from major charges, of collaboration, 2 accused him of collaboration with the Nazis and one felt that the charges had to be taken as a whole but because he(as well as the other judges) said that Grunwald’s claim that Kasztner financially benefited from Nazi plunder was unjustified. That final judge voted that Grunwald’s document as a whole was libellous.

Which is, of course what I have said all along. But what was the ever boastful and righteous Mike saying then? Did he conduct the debate in a scholarly way without resorting to ad hominem attacks? Like hell he did. Instead he played fast and loose with the truth, a method he has continued to employ, alongside Bogdanor. He wrote for Harry’s place an article entitled ‘More Errors than Paragraphs’(24.1.07.)

5. Greenstein states that in the Supreme Court verdict of the Kasztner trial. “2 of the 5 judges found the arguments of Kasztner’s opponents quite persuasive, but the other 3 Judges found for the State.” In fact, 4 out of the 5 judges voted to overturn the charge that Kastzner was a collaborator. I have told him this numerous times.

This ‘rebuttal’ is an example of Mikey’s dishonesty. I repeatedly pointed out that the decision of the Supreme Court by 4-1 to overturn charges of collaboration were deceptive, as one of the judges, Goiten, had voted thus on narrow legal grounds. Now Mikey adopts my argument (without of course admitting as such!).

8. Mikey’s argument deliberately conflates individual Zionists, including dissident Zionists like Peter Bergson, Shmuel Merlin and Ben Hecht of the Emergency Committee to Save Jewry. I have never said that individual Zionists did not take part in Resistance activities. People like Mordechai Anielwicz, Commander of ZOB, the Jewish Fighting Organisation in Warsaw. But these opponents of the Nazis were themselves abandoned by the Zionist movement and the major debate over saving Jews in the Jewish Agency Executive concerned the saving of the Zionist cadre in Europe.
Mikey writes that ‘the leading critics of Kasztner: Judges Halevi and Silberg, author Ben Hecht and many in Herut Party members were all Zionist. They came way before Lenni Brenner and Jim Allen!’ Again Mikey (& his partner-in-crime) Bogdanor) sing a different song from previously. Then Mikey wrote that

‘4. The lower court’s verdict against Kasztner – regarded by many as a…. a political VENDETTA by the judge – was posthumously overturned by the Supreme Court.
Now Judge Benjamin Halevi is a good Zionist! You couldn’t make it up.

12. Bogdanor’s only distinguishing difference from Mikey is his vicious anti-Communism. Unlike his cautious and restrained father, Vernon, the Oxford constitutional historian, his son believes that shouting at the top of his voice is persuasive. Zionism, like Nazism, is noteworthy for a slavish nationalist worship of the State. Trotskyism (of which I’m not an adherent!) rejects nationalism but believes, along with many socialists, that the state is necessary to introduce socialist measures of equality, non-discrimination etc. Bogdanor clearly doesn’t understand the two different attitudes towards the state.

13. A good example is Bogdanor’s citing of Shabtai Teveth’s Ben-Gurion and the Holocaust. As if Teveth’s acid comments in The Burning Ground 1886-1948 can be dismissed. Although nominally anti-Stalinist Bogdanor’s approach to history is identical. An explanation for this apparent contradiction is contained in that fine work on Israelis and the Holocaust ‘The Seventh Million’ by Israeli journalist and historian, Tom Segev, who notes that: ‘Shabtai Teveth, Ben-Gurion’s biographer, made a great effort to put this statement in a different light. Two years previously, Ben-Gurion had said the opposite and he was in the habit of phrasing his positions with gross overstatement, the loyal biographer explained.’ (fn. p. 28). Bogdanor dismisses Ben-Gurion’s statement about bringing half of Germany’s Jewish children to Palestine because it was made before the Holocaust. What is more important is the apparent demand for the rescue of Europe’s Jewish children to countries other than the Land of Israel during the Holocaust.

Apparently I cannot evade the facts because Ben-Gurion favoured the rescue of Jews no matter they were sent. He even dismisses Ben-Gurion’s opposition to refugeeism, saving Jews whatever the destination because Ben-Gurion also called for Jews to be brought to neutral countries and the West.
If Bogdanor is correct, then there is a dilemma. But of course it exists only in his head. Segev quotes Saul Friedlander, a somewhat greater historian than Bogdanor that ‘The rescue of the Jews in Europe was not at the top of the Yishuv leadership’s list of priorities. For them the most important thing was the effort to establish the state.’ Friedlander made it clear that he was speaking of Ben-Gurion’s approach. We asked Ben-Gurion whether this was true. He preferred not to discuss the subject.’ Ben-Gurion’s shocking comment was ‘What is there to understand? They died and that’s it.’ (p.469) Ben-Gurion then read to Segev and his other 2 student interviewers what he said at the 1934 Histadrut Convention: ‘Hitler’s regime puts the entire Jewish people in danger, and not just the Jewish people.’ Segev also cites Hanzi Brand, Joel Brand’s wife and Kasztner’s lover that ‘the Jewish Agency leaders did not understand that the mass murder of the Jews required them to step beyond their routine thinking.’ Yet it’s the routine and self-serving statements that Bogdanor cites in justification. (p.473)
Even Nahum Goldmann, Chair of the World Jewish Congress, later admitted that ‘we didn’t go beyond routine petitions and requests. I received a cable from the Warsaw Ghetto asking why the Jewish leaders in the US hadn’t resolved to hold a day and night vigil on the steps of the White House until the President decided to give the order to bomb the extermination camps or the death trains. We refrained from doing this because most of the Jewish leadership was then of the opinion that we mustn’t disturb the war efforts of the Free World against the Nazis with stormy protests. [‘Jewish Heroism in Siege, In the Diaspora, Winter 1963. Also Davar 22.4.64]. But it is these routine protests that Bogdanor summons in defence of Zionism!

So it turns out that when Ben-Gurion made his statement about rescuing only half of Germany’s Jews if it was to England, he was fully aware of the fate that the Nazis intended for Germany’s Jews.
And since Bogdanor cites Gerhard Riegner it is worth revisiting his views according to which Auschwitz ‘was an important political asset. Among other things, it served the diplomatic efforts of both the WJC and Israel.’ (Segev, p.474)

Wriggle as he might Bogdanor, cannot explain away even Teveth’s views that ‘’In spite of the certainty that genocide was being carried out, the JAE did not deviate appreciably from its routine and Ben Gurion the chairman, left all its rescue efforts completely in the hands of Gruenbaum, Sharett and Kaplan, not even taking part in the Rescue Committee. Two facts can be definitely stated: Ben-Gurion did not put the rescue effort above Zionist politics and he did not regard it as a principal task demanding his personal leadership; he never saw fit to explain why, then or later. Instead he devoted his effort to rallying the Yishuv and Zionism around the Biltmore Program and to the preparations for its implementation.’ (p.848 The Burning Ground)

Segev cites Ben-Gurion’s real position on saving Jews during the holocaust: ‘Although I was then chairman of the Jewish Agency executive, the enlistment of the Jewish people in the demand for a Jewish state was at the center of my activity.’ ‘the disaster facing European Jewry is not directly my business.’ ‘Ben-Gurion identified rescue almost exclusively with immigration to Palestine and realized that there was no chance of saving many this way.’ [98] Likewise Ben-Gurion’s statement that:

‘are we again, in moments of desperation, going to confuse Zionism with refugeeism, which is likely to defeat Zionism … Zionism is not a refugee movement. It is not a product of the Second World War, nor of the first. Were there no displaced Jews in Europe … Zionism would still be an imperative necessity.”[49th annual convention of Zionist Organisation of America, New York Times, October 27 1946. Eliezer Livneh declared during a symposium organised by Maariv in 1966 that “For the Zionist leadership, the rescue of Jews was not an aim in itself, but only a means” (Communist Party of Israel, Information Bulletin, 1969, p.l97)].

Did Ben Gurion attend the Jewish Agency meeting of 22 November when the issuance of Riegner’s telegram of August, confirming that the holocaust was taking place, was discussed? no, he had a ‘light cold’. (Teveth 848)
Tony Greenstein
August 31, 2014 at 4:22 pm

·  Everything, including the physical extermination of European Jewry was seen by Ben-Gurion through the prism of Zionism. S Beit Zvi notes how, in almost all his speeches, Ben-Gurion ‘speaks about the prospects the Holocaust may open up for Zionism.’ Ben-Gurion, speaking in Rehovot in 1941 pointed to the fact that ‘all the significant steps in the progress of Zionism were always related to the intensification of Jewish distress.’

Ben-Gurion made it clear that ‘In these terrible days … I am still more worried about the elections of the (Mapai) branch in Tel Aviv’ (Segev 105).

Ben-Gurion made his position crystal clear. In a letter (December 17 1938) to the Jewish Agency Executive Ben-Gurion explained that “if the Jews are faced with a choice between the refugee problem and rescuing Jews from concentration camps on the one hand, and aid for the national museum in Palestine on the other, the Jewish sense of pity will prevail and our people’s entire strength will be directed at aid for the refugees in the various countries. Zionism will vanish from the agenda and “¦ also from Jewish public opinion. We are risking Zionism’s very existence if we allow the refugee problem to be separated from the Palestine problem.” Y. Elam, Introduction to Zionist history, Tel Aviv 1972, pp125-26. See also Ot, paper of youth cadre of Mapai, No.2, winter 1967.
Bogdanor deliberately lies in trying to exonerate Ben-Gurion and the Zionist leadership. It isn’t that Ben-Gurion was reflecting on the fact that the worse things were for the Jews, the stronger Zionism became. He positively revelled in it. Ben-Gurion asserted that “distress could also serve as “political leverage”… it is in our interest to use Hitler, [who] has not reduced our strength, for the building of our country.” [Teveth] This is the context of his statement to the Jewish Agency Executive that ‘The harsher the affliction, the greater the strength of Zionism.’ Hence Teveth’s statement regarding the ‘fine line’ between ‘the beneficial disaster’ and the ‘all destroying catastrophe’ [851] Bogdanor’s assertion that when the holocaust began Ben-Gurion was in favour of rescue anywhere. That in the event of a ‘conflict of interest between saving individual Jews and the good of the Zionism enterprise, we shall say the enterprise comes first.’ [855] Ben-Gurion made his views very clear: ‘The Jewish Agency is an all-Jewish organisation for the upbuilding of Palestine.. the tasks of assistance, of saving one more Jew, of doing all to prevent deportations, are very important… and must be assumed by another organization, to be set up and funded from other sources.’ [858]

I have given a sample of Ben-Gurion’s real position towards rescue, but he wasn’t alone. It wasn’t just Ben-Gurion’s position. Robert Silverberg, a devoted Zionist, described how ‘Within the Zionist movement itself there were actually some ultramilitants who argued that it was a good strategy to make no attempt to liberalize the United States immigration laws.’ They were ‘virtually fanatics, to whom the building of a Jewish homeland in Palestine took priority over all other claims, even the claim of saving lives.’ [Robert Silverberg, If I Forget Thee O Jerusalem, p. 138, Pyramid Book, New York, 1972].

Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver, President of the Zionist Organisation of America (1945-1947) was also quite open about Zionist ‘selectivity’:

I am happy that our movement has finally veered around to the point where we are all, or nearly all, talking about a Jewish state.. But I ask… are we again, in moments of desperation going to confuse Zionism with refugeeism which is likely to defeat Zionism… Zionism is not a refugee movement. It is not a product of the Second World War, nor of the first. Were there no displaced Jews in Europe… Zionism would still be an imperative necessity.” [Rabbi Hillel Silver to 49th Annual Convention of the ZO of America, New York Times, 27. 10. 1946].

Eliezer Livneh declared during a symposium organised by ‘Maariv’ in 1966 “that for the Zionist leadership, the rescue of Jews was not an aim in itself, but only a means.” (Information Bulletin, Communist Party of Israel, 1969, p.197). Cited in Robert Silverberg, If I Forget Thee O Jerusalem, p. 335. Pyramid Book, New York, 1972].

How does Bogdanor explain the fact that throughout 1939 and 1940, the situation of Europe’s Jews was not discussed once by Mapai’s Central Committee.’ [Anna Porter, p.66 Kasztner’s Train, Constable 2007]. The answer is that he doesn’t! As Teveth notes ‘‘In spite of the certainty that genocide was being carried out, the JAE did not deviate appreciably from its routine…’ (Teveth 1987 844)

Bogdanor demonstrates that despite his purported denunciation of Stalinism, he is a most able practitioner of its methodology of systematically distorting what his opponents are saying. How else can one explain his absurd statement that regarding Rosenberg’s support for Zionism ‘Greenstein has been caught red-handed falsifying his facts’. Clearly Bogdanor has difficulty even reading what I write without lying (or maybe he has literacy difficulties?). I wrote that:

‘It is Nicosia [note not me] who points out that Alfred Rosenberg, Hitler’s favourite theoretician (The Third Reich & Palestine p25) who wrote that “Zionism must be vigorously supported in order to encourage a significant number of German Jews to leave for Palestine or other destinations” (TRP p.25). Rosenberg was fond of citing the Zionists’ own arguments that the Jews were a separate people. Rosenberg took this as “a clear affirmation that all Jews were aliens in Germany” (Zionism and Nazi Germany p.70).

“Rosenberg’s argument that the Zionist movement could be utilised to promote the political, social and cultural segregation of Jews in Germany, as well as their emigration, was eventually transformed into policy by the Hitler regime after 1933.” This was written in 1920 in Die Spur. Even the most ignorant fool can see that I am quoting Nicosia, who Ezra initially introduced to the debate NOT me. What is the explanation of the apparent discrepancy between what I quoted and Bogdanor cited? Such a complex argument, to say nothing of subtlety is completely beyond Bogdanor. In fact there is no contradiction.

If he had actually read what Nicosia actually wrote Bogdanor would see that Rosenberg calls for using and taking advantage of what Zionism says about Jews being a separate volk/people whose place is in Palestine in order to deprive them of their legitimate rights in Germany. But at the same time he, along with Hitler it should be said, were no supporters of the idea of a Jewish state per se (although this too mellowed with power). Palestine was considered simply as a State whose purpose was to centralise the swindling of non-Jews.

The number of anti-Semites who took Zionism to their bosoms, including Eichmann, makes what I wrote about Rosenberg was almost commonplace. For example Heinrich Class, President of the Pan German League, which was banned after the assassination of Walter Rathenau in 1922 and who on Hitler’s elevation to power was made an honorary member of the Reichstag, wrote that:
‘Those who regard the Jews as a foreign race… must honour the fact that among the Jews themselves the nationalist movement called Zionism is gaining more and more adherents. One must take one’s hat off to the Zionists, they admit – openly and honestly- that their people are a folk of its own kind whose basic characteristics are immutable.. They also declare openly that a true assimilation of the Jewish aliens to the host nations would be impossible according to the natural laws of race… THE ZIONISTS CONFIRM WHAT THE ENEMIES OF THE JEWS, THE ADHERENTS OF THE RACIAL THEORY HAVE ALWAYS ASSERTED… German and Jewish nationalists are of one opinion in regard to the indestructibility of the Jewish race. [If I Were the Kaiser’, 1912. D. Frymann (pseudonym)].

Bogdanor lies, almost as if it is second nature, when he writes that ‘Greenstein is forced to retract his previous “evidence” that Zionists did not give any publicity to the Final Solution. Instead he now claims that they “played down the very fact of and the extent of the holocaust”. Suffice to say I made no such retraction. SB Bet Zvi wrote that ‘Probably not even Goebbels in his wildest plans could have elicited the kind of treatment the Hebrew press accorded to information about the Holocaust.’ p.45, Post-Ugandan Zionism

Bogdanor asks who set up the rescue committees in Palestine and Turkey? But the ‘rescue committee’ in Palestine was a useless body – without a full-time Chair, no budget or even office whose purpose it seems was ward of demands to engage in Rescue activities. Beit Zvi wrote that ‘Melech Neustadt, in an Executive Committee meeting of May 1943, complained that “because of the heavy burden of work imposed on the key people, this matter [the rescue activity] does not come up for serious discussion or serious action.” [p.99] In December 1942 Yitzhak Gruenbaum was installed as chairman of the Zionist “Rescue Committee’ .

The Rescue Committee was not even attached to the Jewish Agency, but was a separate
entity devoid of any organizational base, and lacking its own bureaucratic machinery and budget. For a long time it lacked even an official permanent name. As for the Istanbul Committee it was more a liaison office.

Bogdanor asks who set up the Emergency Committee for the Rescue of European Jewry? We know it was the small group around Peter Bergson, the dissident revisionists. But they did it in the teeth of opposition of the mainstream Zionist movement and Stephen Wise and Nahum Goldmann. ‘“In one of their meetings with Mr Pehle, [of the State Department] Rabbi Wise had gone so far as to inform. Pehle that he regarded Bergson as equally as great enemy of the Jews as Hitler.” [Department of State Memorandum of Conversation, 19th May 1944 cited in Lenni Brenner, 51 Documents – Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis’ pp. 197-200, Barricade Books 2002]. This conversation was held just 4 days after the deportation of Hungarian Jews started. Bogdanor, like Ezra, is incapable of understanding the distinction I make between Zionists AS INDIVIDUALS and the Zionist movement.

Bogdanor asks who prepared and translated the Vrba-Wetzler report? Yes it was the Slovakian Jewish Council. No one has suggested that they wished to see the deaths of their fellow Slovakian Jews, even if their methods led to a far greater number of Jewish fatalities.

Bogdanor asks ‘Who smuggled it [the Auschwitz Protocols] out to the West? Well it certainly wasn’t the leader of Hungarian Zionism, Kasztner, received it on April 29th, over 2 weeks before the deportations of Hungarian Jews began and sat on it. In fact it was a variety of people. The only Zionist who did so was the dissident Moshe Krausz. The Vatican, the Czech underground, Ernest Peto of the Hungarian Judenrat to name but a few and of course Rabbi Weissmandel. Nathan Schwalb, of HeHalutz in Geneva, also deliberately sat on the Auschwitz Protocols in order not to hinder Kasztner’s negotiations with Eichmann.

Bogdanor asks who were among the first to demand the bombing of Auschwitz? He answers ‘In all cases, the Zionists.’ Which just shows that Bogdanor is completely unfamiliar with this aspect of history. In fact it was Rabbi Weissmandel the Orthodox anti-Zionist Rabbi based in Bratislava, certainly not the Jewish Agency which was initially opposed to the demand until June 11 1944. [David Wymann, Holocaust and Genocide Studies 11 290 1997, Letter to the Editor, 277-280]
Bogdanor’s question what did the Trotskyists do for the Jews of Europe. They opposed the Nazis at the level of the working-class and some, like Abram Leon, ended up dying in Auschwitz. Others like Ernest Mandel, led the Resistance. They certainly didn’t collaborate.

Bogdanor suggests that I ‘concedes defeat’ re the Jewish Councils. Again this is a lie or wishful thinking or both. Apparently I have ‘no evidence that the majority of Jewish Councils collaborated. In fact there is an abundance of evidence. What Bogdanor means is that he is ignorant about it.
The Judenräte were reviled by the Jewish population and with good reason. “the most important concentration measure prior to the formation of the ghettos was the establishment of Jewish councils (Judenräte).” The most authoritative holocaust historian, Raul Hilberg, wrote that ‘”the most important concentration measure prior to the formation of the ghettos was the establishment of Jewish councils.” [R. Hilberg, The destruction of European Jews, New York 1985, p.75].  Eichmann commented that: “The assimilated Jew was, of course, very unhappy about being moved to a ghetto. But the orthodox were pleased with the arrangement, as were the Zionists.” [L. Brenner, 51 documents, New Jersey 2002, p.274.] The Nazis insisted that “the authority of the Jewish council be upheld and strengthened under all circumstances” [R. Hilberg, p.1111 citing Mohns (Deputy Chief of resettlement division, Warsaw District) to Leist (Plenipotentiary for the City of Warsaw) 11.1.41. Yad Vashem microfilm JM-1113].

Dieter Wisliceny, the butcher of Slovakian Jewry explained: ‘Our system is to exterminate the Jews through the Jews. We concentrate the Jews in the ghettos – through Jews; we deport the Jews – by the Jews; and we gas the Jews – by the Jews.’ [B. Hecht, Perfidy, New York 1961, fn 68, p.261]. 
Bogdanor suggests that I he now denies ever using the term, “uber-Zionist”. I do no such thing, rather I denied that I had dismissed Halevi on these grounds. I merely stated that his views on Zionist participation in Resistance owed more to his personal political opinions as a Zionist than any evidence in the Kasztner trial. I stand by this but I certainly don’t ‘dismiss him’. Bogdanor is incapable of understanding such subtleties.

Other equally stupid points by Bogdanor are that David Rosner, who gave evidence against Kasztner, was a Zionist. So what?

Bogdanor challenges me to quote anything in Barri’s article or anywhere else proving that the Jewish Agency ordered Kasztner to exonerate Nazi war criminals. Apparently after a desperate search, I am empty-handed. The passage he cites states that Kasztner considered himself “authorised” to testify on behalf of the Jewish Agency and the World Jewish Congress – not that they authorised him to help Nazis. Again Bogdanor can’t help the deceit. I cited evidence that Dobkin of the Jewish Agency lied on the witness stand in claiming he’d never even heard the name Becher. So Mikey’s point that ‘5. Although Kasztner claimed that he testified for Becher as a Jewish Agency official, he had absolutely no authorisation to do so. This was made clear at the Kasztner trial by Jewish Agency witness Eliahu Dobkin.’ is besides the point. http://hurryupharry.org/2007/01/24/tony-greenstein-more-errors-than-paragraphs/

I repeat, since Bogdanor clearly hasn’t understood first time around that there is no document to that effect, but one wouldn’t expect there to be anymore than there was a written Hitler order to begin the Holocaust. However the accumulation of evidence suggests that Kasztner was authorised by the Jewish Agency.

Barri concludes that ‘The testimonies [of Kasztner in favour of various Nazis] become more comprehensible only when all three factors are examined: Kasztner, the Americans, and the Jewish Agency. [234] One can, in this context, better understand Kasztner’s motive in testifying on their behalf, WHETHER HE HAD RECEIVED THE EXPLICIT PRIOR AUTHORISATION OF THE JEWISH AGENCY, OR WHETHER SUCH AUTHORISATION WAS ONLY PARTIAL AND RETROACTIVE. Kasztner acted in Nuremberg as representative of the Jewish Agency and the World Jewish Congress. [164] He considered himself authorised to testify in their name in a matter that did not seem to him to deviate from the general framework in which he was operating. … The new ‘Jewish’ State could not admit that it had established contacts with Nazi officers (such as Becher and Wisliceny), and had approved testimonies and appeals on their behalf.’ [165]

Kasztner even received the major part of his expenses from the Jewish Agency, so clearly they must have been aware of what Kasztner was doing. So Bogdanor’s assertion that there is no good evidence in Barri’s article or elsewhere that the Jewish Agency had approved just doesn’t stand up. But not being a historian Bogdanor still probably doesn’t understand.

Finally Bogdanor accuses me of trying to ‘wriggle out of’ my reliance on Eichmann’s denial of the Holocaust. But the point is, as I’ve already said, is that Eichmann doesn’t deny, indeed he boasts of the holocaust. Which is one reason why like Bogdanor, holocaust deniers don’t use the interview and the Nizkor Project does.
August 31, 2014 at 4:23 pm

·  Previously I charged Tony Greenstein with adherence to Trotskyism. Greenstein now protests that he is not a Trotskyist. Yet in an earlier exchange Greenstein wrote: “I just happen to hold to that old Trotskyist view that despite the counter-revolutionary nature of the Soviet leadership the system itself was nonetheless not capitalist and indeed progressive in certain ways.”
Hardly less pathetic than Greenstein’s denial that he is a Trotskyist is his fistful of falsified and out-of-context quotations purporting to prove that Zionists “revelled” in the Holocaust. A few examples will illustrate Greenstein’s methods:

(i) Greenstein quotes Gerhard Riegner (“Auschwitz ‘was an important political asset. Among other things, it served the diplomatic efforts of both the WJC and Israel.’”) I checked his reference, which Greenstein places in quotation marks, and in fact it is not a comment by Riegner but Segev’s paraphrase of Riegner’s alleged statements in an unverifiable private interview, and is therefore useless as evidence. Greenstein recasts as a quotation what is actually nothing of the kind.

(ii) Greenstein twice adduces a quotation (“are we again, in moments of desperation, going to confuse Zionism with refugeeism, which is likely to defeat Zionism…”) from the “49th annual convention of Zionist Organisation of America, New York Times, October 27 1946.” There is no such quotation anywhere in the NYT report on that date. The Greenstein “quotation” is simply a fabrication.

(iii) Greenstein offers us a quotation from Eliezer Livneh (“For the Zionist leadership, the rescue of Jews was not an aim in itself, but only a means”); his source is the “Information Bulletin” of the Communist Party of Israel. Not only is the source worthless, the very fact that Greenstein would cite it vindicates my claim that Greenstein merely parrots Stalinist hate propaganda.

(iv) Greenstein purports to quote from Teveth’s biography (“In spite of the certainty that genocide was being carried out, the JAE did not deviate appreciably from its routine…”) Checking his page reference, the words placed in quotation marks by Greenstein simply do not appear. What Teveth does say there is that “Ben-Gurion, ignorant of the death camps, spoke only of concentration camps… His lack of knowledge illustrates the tragic impotence of the Jewish people and their leaders… They were victims of the diversionary tactics and deceptions of the Nazis and the withholding of the truth by the British…” (Ben-Gurion: The Burning Ground, 1886-1948, Houghton Mifflin, 1987, p. 844).

(v) Greenstein quotes liberally from Teveth to prove that Ben-Gurion opposed forms of rescue other than Zionism, but on one of the very pages he cites, Teveth quotes Ben-Gurion as follows: “Were there a possibility of transferring Polish Jewry to America or Argentina we would have done so, regardless of our Zionist ideology. But the whole world is closed to us. Had we not room in Palestine, our people would have no choice but suicide.” (Ben-Gurion: The Burning Ground, 1886-1948, p. 855).

And since Greenstein is such a fan of Teveth and Segev, there is no excuse for ignoring their quotations of Ben-Gurion’s actual reaction upon learning of the Holocaust: “The extermination of European Jewry [meant] the end of Zionism, for there will be no-one to build Palestine” (Teveth, The Seventh Million
, Owl Books, 2000, p. 97). So much for Zionists “revelling” in the murder of Europe’s Jews.
That Greenstein is a pathological dissembler is shown by the very sources he mentions, sometimes by material appearing on the very same page he cites. Greenstein simply cannot be trusted to give an accurate quotation or an unfalsified source. His methods of distortion are worthy of a Noam Chomsky or a David Irving. None of his “evidence” can be believed.

Some of Greenstein’s falsehoods are the result not of dishonesty but of rank ignorance. Thus, by Zionist rescue committees in Palestine and Turkey, Greenstein takes me to be referring to the ineffectual entity led by Gruenbaum. But Tuvia Friling has long since demonstrated, in his 2-volume study Arrows in the Dark: David Ben-Gurion, the Yishuv Leadership and Rescue Attempts During the Holocaust(University of Wisconsin Press, 2005), that in addition to Gruenbaum’s public committee, Ben-Gurion established a parallel and covert rescue operation that did the real work in saving Jews from the Nazis. Greenstein does not mention this evidence because he is simply ignorant of its existence.

On Zionist support for the bombing of Auschwitz, Greenstein is again caught red-handed. The fact is that the Zionists were among the first to demand the bombing, and this is proved, again, by the very meeting he mentions. The June 11, 1944 session of the JAE was a debate on Gruenbaum’s proposal to the United States for the bombing of Auschwitz. The JAE initially voted against the proposal because it did not want to cause Jewish deaths and had not yet received the Vrba-Wetzler report illuminating the scale of the slaughter there. But as historian Rafael Medoff points out:

“Upon receiving this information, the Jewish Agency leadership promptly launched a concerted lobbying effort to persuade the Allies to bomb Auschwitz. Moshe Shertok, chief of the Jewish Agency’s political department, and Chaim Weizmann, president of the World Zionist Organization, who were stationed in London, lobbied the British. Yitzhak Gruenbaum, chairman of the JA’s Rescue Committee in Jerusalem, repeatedly pressed his colleagues in the United States to lobby Washington, which they did, and Agency representatives in Europe lobbied locally stationed American diplomats on the subject.”

Medoff also lists the Zionists in the United States who pressed for the bombing:

“Between June and October 1944, such bombing proposals were put forth by, among others… the Emergency Committee to Save the Jewish People of Europe; the Labor Zionists of America… and columnists for… Opinion, the Jewish monthly edited by American Jewish Congress president Stephen Wise. The American Jewish Conference, a coalition of all leading U.S. Jewish organizations, called for ‘all measures’ to be taken by the Allies to destroy the death camps.”

Compare these facts with Greenstein’s claims that the Zionists “revelled” in the extermination of Europe’s Jews.

On the Jewish Councils, Greenstein produces another set of quotations, none of which prove his claim that the Jewish Councils invariably collaborated. The Councils were indeed set up by the Nazis to control Jewish communities, but many of them refused to obey orders, and some members, notably Czerniakow in Warsaw, committed suicide rather than assist in deportations. Greenstein, his bluster aside, cannot prove any of his claims. But once again I draw attention to his standards of proof: quotations from Eichmann and Wilsiceny, the chief exterminators, whom he treats as unimpeachable truth-tellers.

On Kasztner, Greenstein has now admitted that he uses Zionist sources – Halevi, Rosner, Krausz – and so it was the Zionists who condemned Kasztner. This means that Kasztner’s conduct in Hungary was not representative of Zionism. To repeat: it was the Zionists of Kolozsvar/Cluj who tried to prosecute him before a People’s Tribunal (1945), the first post-war Zionist Congress that held a formal investigation of him (1946), the State of Israel that passed the Nazis and Nazi Collaborators (Punishment) Law (1950), and the Israeli police who interrogated him (1951).

After what must have been another desperate search, Greenstein is still unable to produce any evidence that Kasztner’s aid to Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg was ordered or approved by the Jewish Agency. He even has the gall to admit it, while complaining that nothing was written down – just as Hitler gave no written order to initiate the Holocaust! This may convince those who share Greenstein’s fantasies of Zionist mimicry of Nazis, but it will not satisfy anyone else. And Greenstein is clutching at straws, for not only is there no evidence of Jewish Agency authorisation, there is documentary evidence – from Riegner (quoted by Barri and in my previous post) – that the Zionists did notauthorise Kasztner to help Nazi war criminals.

In his latest post, Greenstein not only relies upon Eichmann’s Holocaust-denying interview with Life magazine, he also quotes Eichmann’s assistant Wisliceny to the effect that the Holocaust was perpetrated by Jews. I had hoped that he could not sink any lower than his previous messages, but I was wrong: Greenstein has confounded my expectations yet again.
September 1, 2014 at 4:05 pm

·  Tony Greenstein, Marxist-Leninist, is a champion of utilising and threatening to utilise the bourgeois courts. An apology and a payment to a charity of £1,000 from someone that he threatened to sue is not necessarily vindication of his position. It could well be a simple business decision. With barristers costing hundreds of pounds per hour, the time and effort in defending the claim is not worthwhile particularly if costs cannot be recovered not least because the initiator of the defamation case does not have much in the way of assets. One suspects that Greenstein knows this and that is why he is so willing to commence legal proceedings. I wonder how many libel actions he has initiated or threatened to initiate. Silencing critics with such lawfair tactics is Stalinist to the extreme.
Greenstein continues to harp on about his antifascism, conveniently ignoring that he held a senior position in an organisation, BAZO, that was backed by Saddam Hussein! If it were not so sad it would be comical.

Repeating a false allegation that he has made a number of times previously, Greenstein alleges that I acted as an informant for Atzmon. He quotes an extract from a thread that shows nothing of the kind. I was researching Greenstein and, at the same time, attacking Atzmon’s chum, Paul Eisen. In fact, contrary to Greenstein’s false allegation, I have attacked Atzmon’s views.

Greenstein simply cannot get anything right when it comes to Kasztner. He either can’t remember what he has previously said or is lying. Greenstein has specifically stated “It is quite clear from their speeches that the Supreme (or High) Court of Israel voted 3-2 in overturning the decision of the lower court.” Now he is claiming he never said that but that he “repeatedly pointed out that the decision of the Supreme Court by 4-1 to overturn charges of collaboration were deceptive.” One should not be surprised by the fact that the now Times columnist and leader writer said in that thread: “Tony Greenstein is among the thickest people I’ve ever met. ”

Greenstein’s argument on Zionists fighting Nazis has continually been that if any did so that they did it in spite of their Zionism as opposed because of it. However, this is a nonsense and is easily demonstrated as such. With the support of the Zionist leadership in Palestine a number of Zionist volunteers parachutists managed to reach Nazi occupied Europe intending on assisting in the resistance against the Nazis. (Sadly, some of these, including Hannah Szenes, were betrayed by Kasztner.) – See Judith Tydor Baumel’s essay on this subject in Yad Vashem Studies XXV (Jerusalem, 1996). Greenstein will probably not bother looking up this source as he is boycotting Israel.
Greenstein claims that Nicosia was ” scared of drawing the obvious conclusions, viz. that Zionism was a movement of collaboration.” Contrary to Greenstein, the reason Nicosia did not argue that the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis was because it was false. Below I quote directly from Nicosia’s book Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany (Cambridge University Press, 2008).

lest the reader imagine that the purpose of study such as this to somehow equate Zionism with National Socialism, Zionists with Nazis, or to portray their relationship as a willing and collaborative one between moral and political equals. The research, analysis and conclusions, do not in any way support such notions. The existence of certain common assumptions on the part of Zionists on the one hand, and nationalist and anti-Semitic Germans on the other, does not in any way connote moral and/or political equivalency.
(pp. 2-3)

Nicosia continues:
The dominant Zionist approach, like that of most non-Jews at the time, shared a reliance on the idea of an ethno-nationalist state, an idea that was the societal norm in Central Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Their embrace of that norm does not make the Zionists the moral equivalent of the Nazis. Nor does the willingness of the Zionist or any other Jewish organisation in the Third Reich to cooperate with the state make them willing collaborators in the Nazi destruction of Jewish life in Germany; to suppose that any Jewish organisation in Hitler’s Germany prior to the ‘final solution’ had the option of refusing to work on some level with the state is fantasy.
(p. 3)

the Jewish Agency for Palestine and the Zionist movement in general recognized the critical link between its own survival and the survival and well-being of all Jews in the Diaspora. Even on a practical level, the Zionist view was that if the Nazis succeeded in murdering the great majority of Jews in Europe, a Jewish majority and state in Palestine might never be achieved.

Greenstein demonstrates that he specialises in fabrications. It is one more thing that he has in common with the Stalinists.
Michael Ezra
September 1, 2014 at 6:15 pm

·  Reply to Bogdanor 8.9.14.
I had previously said that I wouldn’t respond to further replies from Bogdanor and his side-kick Ezra. However, now that I have some time, it would be churlish to avoid pointing out how our kosher fascist, in the absence of any coherent argument, insists on continuing to behave like a jaded holocaust denier.

My only response to Ezra is that he should stop denying what is a matter of fact. That he is was a pitiful little informer for Gilad Atzmon is a matter of record, despite his denials of what is written down.

1. When Atzmon says to him ‘‘Mikey, can you provide us with the criminal record of this Bugger-Rance. Is he on spent conviction like greenie l or is he just an ordinary liar?’ If allegations of being a dirty little informer are wrong, then he would have replied with something like ‘I don’t know what you are talking about/I don’t deal with anti-Semites etc.’ But in his response he accepted what Atzmon had said but simply says that because he is investigating me (how would Atzmon know?) ‘Roland Rance will have to wait for another day.’ Condemned from the horse’s mouth!

2. Ezra speculates that The Times capitulated to my libel action because it was cheaper to do so. Only I know why they did as only I have the relevant documents. In fact The Times was determined to defend the action, on principle (not a word Ezra knows much about) but they obtained a legal opinion from Richard Rampton, Britain’s leading libel QC which made it very clear that Ezra’s testimony wasn’t worth a candle. That he was psychologically damaged goods. Hence they settled.

3. As for Bogdanor he is a good example of why Zionist attempts to deny their record of collaboration with the Nazis and their obstruction of rescue to everywhere but Palestine are doomed to failure.

Because I agree with the Trotskyist analysis that the Soviet Union’s lack of a market economy was politically progressive, despite Stalin, that this makes me a Trotskyist. No doubt Isaac Deutscher was also a Trotskyist for the same reason. Bogdanor, as befits a red-baiting Jewish fascist can’t understand that you can agree with somebody without becoming their adherent.
Bogdanor is similar to Ernst Nolte who relativised the position of the Nazis and the opposition, holding Stalin culpable. Bogdanor also reserves what passes for his barbs for Stalin’s Russia. He can’t stand the simple fact that up to 2 million Jews escaped from Hitler’s clutches by escaping into the USSR. In another debate with me he wriggled and twisted, amidst much abuse, but the evidence was overwhelming.

4. Bogdanor denies that Gerhard Riegner was of the opinion that Auschwitz was an important political asset. But a respected Israeli historian Tom Segev interviewed him and cited his views in his book. It is that which I’m quoting. All one needs to do is go back to the original quote. A quote from Bogdanor is ‘useless evidence’ but not from Segev, who had no reason to lie or fabricate. The complete citation reads:

‘Riegner said that Auschwitz was not only a national memory belonging to the Jewish people that should not be taken by anyone else; it was also an important political asset. Among other things, it served the diplomatic efforts of both the WJC and Israel’ (p.474)

But this was not exceptional. Even more terrible was the proposal to set up Yad Vashem as a memorial to the 6 million was first mooted when most European Jews were still alive: ‘The first proposal to establish Yad Vashem came in September 1942, from Mordechai Shenhavi of Kibbutz Mishmar Ha’emek at a board meeting of the JNF. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yad_Vashem citing The Ethics of Memory, Avishai Margalit, 2003, USA, Harvard. Tom Segev, The Seventh Million, p. 428]. The holocaust had begun just over a year ago at the time this suggestion was made. The proposal ‘reflected the tendency to remove the Holocaust from present reality, to treat it as though it were already a chapter in the history of the nation.’ Shenhavi had to make his proposals in practicable terms, i.e. in terms of the money it would raise. ‘It was the very last opportunity to score any financial success.’ [Segev, p.430]. This was at a time when the Jewish Agency had not even acknowledged that the Nazis were exterminating the Jews.

5. Bogdanor states that the quotation ‘Are we again, in moments of desperation going to confuse Zionism with refugeeism, which is likely to defeat Zionism’. is a fabrication. Not so, it can be found in Robert Silverberg’s book ‘If I forget Thee O’ Jerusalem’. Silverberg is an ardent Zionist with no reason to fabricate quotations, unlike Bogdanor.

6. Bogdanor states that a quotation from Eliezer Livneh, ‘For the Zionist leadership, the rescue of Jews was not an aim in itself, but only a means’ of the Israeli Communist Party is ‘worthless’ [as is any quote he doesn’t like!] and evidence I’m a wicked Stalinist! But this was also the opinion of many reputable Zionist historians (unlike our kosher fascist Bogdanor):

7. For example Noah Lucas ‘As the European holocaust erupted, Ben-Gurion saw it as a decisive opportunity for Zionism… Ben-Gurion above all others sensed the tremendous possibilities inherent in the dynamic of the chaos and carnage in Europe.…. The forces unleashed by Hitler … must therefore be harnessed to the advantage of Zionism… By the end of 1942… the struggle for a Jewish state became the primary concern of the movement. [Noah Lucas, The Modern History of Israel, pp. 187/188.].

J B Agus asked whether ‘the Zionist programme and philosophy contribute (d) decisively to the enormous catastrophe of the extermination of 6 million Jews by the Nazis by popularising the notion that Jews were forever aliens in Europe. [ J B Agus, Meaning of Jewish History, New York, 1963 Vol.2 p.447].

Richard Crossman, an ex-Labour Cabinet Minister and vehemently pro-Zionist, noted that: ‘The Zionists… main preoccupation is not to save Jews alive out of Europe but to get Jews into Palestine. [R H Crossman, Washington Diary, 1946]

Moshe Sharrett, Israel’s second Prime Minister after Ben Gurion, emphasised that: ‘The fate of Zionism is to be sometimes cruel towards the Jewish Diaspora, that is when the building up of this country required it.’ [Machover, ‘Why We Oppose Zionism’].

8. Bogdanor says that ‘Greenstein purports to quote from Teveth’s biography (“In spite of the certainty that genocide was being carried out, the JAE did not deviate appreciably from its routine…”) Checking his page reference, the words placed in quotation marks by Greenstein simply do not appear.’ I suggest that Bogdanor checks his eyesight.

On the 9th line down (start of 2nd para) of p.848 the reference appears. If I could attach a scan to this post I would. This is merely a repetition of a repeated theme in Teveth’s authorised biography of Ben-Gurion and what SB Beit Zvi and others concluded: the Holocaust was a low priority on the Zionist agenda. For example on p.844 Teveth writes that:

‘Whether Gruenbaum reported the rumors to him before the [Mapai] convention or Ben-Gurion read of them in the minutes on his return to Jerusalem, it seems that they did not constitute sufficient reason to alter the JAE routine, and the meetings Ben-Gurion chaired on November 1,8 and 15 had nothing to do with the ongoing massacre in Europe.’ [p.844]

The routine of Zionist meetings were, in other words, more important than the multiplicity of reports, for example the Riegner memorandum, concerning the holocaust. In case that was not clear, then the passage leading up to the quote that Bogdanor cannot see reads:

‘In December 1942, therefore, Ben-Gurion knew the truth about the extermination and had made the connection between the deportations and the death camps. But his rescue efforts in 1943 and 1944 amounted to no more than speeches, wires, discussions and participation in passing resolutions. His direct contribution was essentially limited to arousing the conscience of the world and preaching to the Allied governments, and activity that repetition eventually reduced to clichés. He who had argued that the time for raising a clamor had passed and that the time had come for action – the originator of combative Zionism – reverted now to that vintage Jewish weapon, the cry for help. THIS IS THE ONLY CONCLUSION POSSIBLE.’ [my emphasis, pp. 847-8]

Bogdanor cites a quotation from Ben-Gurion from Teveth: ‘“Were there a possibility of transferring Polish Jewry to America or Argentina we would have done so, regardless of our Zionist ideology. But the whole world is closed to us. Had we not room in Palestine, our people would have no choice but suicide.” (Ben-Gurion: The Burning Ground, 1886-1948, p. 855).

Another example of quoting out of context. Even this quote makes it clear that rescue of Jews from the holocaust is centred on Palestine only with the bogus assertion that ‘the rest of the world is closed to us’ but what Bogdanor doesn’t do is cite, the follow-up on the same page:

‘Zionism in the stage of development is not primarily engaged in saving individuals. If along the way it saves a few thousand, tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of individuals, so much the better.” but in the event of “a conflict of interest between saving individual Jews and the good of the Zionist enterprise, we shall say the enterprise comes first.” p.855 That should be clear, even to the falsifier Bogdanor and his historically revisionist method of historical analysis (drawing conclusions first, then fitting the evidence to it).

Ben-Gurion’s pious comments that the holocaust meant the end of Zionism is mere hyperbole and does nothing to contradict the refusal of the Zionist leadership to engage in rescue and stop its obstruction of those who were so determined.

Bogdanor states that my ‘falsehood’ [a favourite Stalinist term!] is a result not of dishonesty but ignorance. In the case of our kosher fascist they are primarily the result of dishonesty. He knows what the record actually was.

9. Bogdanor refers to Tuvia Friling’s ‘Arrows in the Dark’ about Ben-Gurion’s covert rescue committee. There is no evidence that this committee achieved anything, or had any impact or negated the official do, see and say nothing policy.
September 8, 2014 at 9:20 pm

·  10. As even Bogdanor is forced to admit, the first reaction of the Jewish Agency Executive was to oppose the bombing of Auschwitz. He states that the Zionists ‘were amongst the first’ to do so. This is meaningless. It was Rabbi Weissmandel who was the first to make such a demand, based on Verba-Wetzler’s Auschwitz Protocols that the Zionists did their best to suppress.

11. In another example of an outrageous lie, Bogdanor quotes me as saying ‘the Zionists “revelled 2 in the extermination of Europe’s Jews.’ I challenge Bogdanor to produce anything I have said which says the Zionists ‘revelled’ in the extermination. What he is doing is quoting his own lies and falsifications. Typical of Bogdanor’s holocaust denial method of historical analysis.

12. Yes Adam Czerniakow, Chairman of the Warsaw Jewish Council committed suicide rather than help in the round-up of Jews in the first Aktion. But the Judenrat and the Jewish police participated in the round-ups, dragging Jews to the Umschlagplatz collection point in the ghetto. Czerniakow was as bad as all the other Judenrat leaders. It’s just that he had a conscience. For example Czerniakow refused to cancel the appointment of the hated Josef Szerynski as head of the Jewish police. On 21 August 1942 ZOB [the Jewish Resistance] shot Szerynski wounding him in the face. [Hilberg, p. 532., Destruction of Europe’s Jews] Czerniakow, with his appointment of Szerynski, against the opposition of the Bund, could be and was, just as autocratic. [Patterns of Jewish Leadership in Nazi Europe 1933-1945,.p. 21-22, Isaiah Trunk, Typology of the Judenrate’]. The reign of Szerynski was ‘one of the bleakest chapters’ in the history of the Warsaw ghetto. [Patterns of Jewish Leadership in Nazi Europe 1933-1945, p.210].

The evidence I present concerning the role of the Jewish Councils does not come just from Nazis such as Eichmann and Wisliceny, though it is important to note the views of the Nazis, since they were responsible for their establishment. I also cite what Raul Hilberg, the greatest of the holocaust historians (and a Zionist) wrote: ‘‘the most important concentration measure prior to the formation of the ghettos was the establishment of Jewish councils.” [The destruction of European Jews, New York 1985, p.75]. In other words a typical Bogdanor distortion.
Hannah Arendt wrote:

‘To a Jew this role of the Jewish leaders in the destruction of their own people is undoubtedly the darkest chapter of the whole dark story. It had been known about before, but it has now been exposed for the first time in all its pathetic and sordid detail by Raul Hilberg… In Amsterdam as in Warsaw, in Berlin as in Budapest, Jewish officials could be trusted to compile the lists of persons and of their property, to secure money from the deportees to defray the expenses of their deportation and extermination, to keep track of vacated apartments, to supply police forces to help seize Jews and get them on trains, until, as a last gesture, they handed over the assets of the Jewish community in good order for final confiscation. They distributed the Yellow Star badges, and sometimes, as in Warsaw, ‘the sale of the armbands became a regular business; there were ordinary armbands of cloth and fancy plastic armbands which were washable’. In the Nazi-inspired, but not Nazi-dictated, manifestoes they issued, we still can sense how they enjoyed their new power – ‘The. Central Jewish Council has been granted the right of absolute disposal over all Jewish spiritual and material wealth and over all Jewish manpower’, as the first announcement of the Budapest Council phrased it. [Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem, pp. 117-118]

13. In desperation Bogdanor accuses me of quoting ‘Zionists’ therefore the Zionist movement’s role was fine: ‘On Kasztner, Greenstein has now admitted that he uses Zionist sources – Halevi, Rosner, Krausz – and so it was the Zionists who condemned Kasztner. This means that Kasztner’s conduct in Hungary was not representative of Zionism.’ It would seem that Bogdanor is also an idiot as well as a liar. I’ve already stressed, although it has not percolated in the dim recesses of his mind, that individual Zionists cannot be equated to the Zionist movement as a whole. So of course I cite Zionist sources. It is that which is so damning. The evidence that the Zionist leaders that Bogdanor is so eager to defend were collaborators comes from members of his own movement!

14. Bogdanor complains that I don’t prove that Kasztner’s testimony in favour of Nazis war criminals at Nuremberg was approved by the Jewish Agency. But I cite the article of Barri which sifts all the evidence and says that this is clearly the most likely explanation. After all, why would the Jewish Agency pay for much of Kasztner’s travel and living expenses when going to Nuremberg? I repeat the passage I quoted since Bogdanor finds it difficult to comprehend:

‘The testimonies [of Kasztner in favour of various Nazis] become more comprehensible only when all three factors are examined: Kasztner, the Americans, and the Jewish Agency. [164] One can, in this context, better understand Kasztner’s motive in testifying on their behalf, WHETHER HE HAD RECEIVED THE EXPLICIT PRIOR AUTHORISATION OF THE JEWISH AGENCY, OR WHETHER SUCH AUTHORISATION WAS ONLY PARTIAL AND RETROACTIVE. Kasztner acted in Nuremberg as representative of the Jewish Agency and the World Jewish Congress. [164] He considered himself authorised to testify in their name in a matter that did not seem to him to deviate from the general framework in which he was operating. … The new ‘Jewish’ State could not admit that it had established contacts with Nazi officers (such as Becher and Wisliceny), and had approved testimonies and appeals on their behalf.’ [165] [Barri (Ishoni), Shoshana(1997) 'The question of Kastner's Testimonies on behalf of Nazi war Criminals', Journal of Israeli History, 18: 2, 139 — 165]
15. Bogdanor’s final lies are that ‘Greenstein not only relies upon Eichmann’s Holocaust-denying interview with Life magazine, he also quotes Eichmann’s assistant Wisliceny to the effect that the Holocaust was perpetrated by Jews.’ Let us see who is lying. I’ve already pointed out that sites dedicating to refuting holocaust deniers [and falsifiers like Bogdanor] such as Nizkor, cite Eichmann because he is a Nazis who admits that the Nazis carried out the holocaust but let us quote the interview in Life magazine of 28.11.60:

‘Where I was implicated in the physical annihilation of the Jews, I admit my participation freely and without pressure. After all, I was the one who transported the Jews to the camps. If I had not transported them, they would not have been delivered to the butcher.’ In a chapter headed ‘The order for annihilation Eichmann writes; ‘After the onetime German Fuhrer gave the order for the physical annihilation of the Jews, our duties shifted.’ Eichmann also writes of his 1937 visit to Palestine: ‘I did see enough to be very impressed by what the Jewish colonists were building up their land. I admired their desperate will to live, the more so since I was myself an idealist.’ It is quite clear that Eichmann is not denying the holocaust. That is what makes his testimony invaluable and why holocaust denial sites don’t carry the interview. Wisliceny doesn’t incidentally say that the holocaust was carried out by the Jews but the Nazi created Jewish Councils helped in its facilitation. A distinction Bogdanor clearly doesn’t, like much else understand.

I’m also putting this debate on my blog so that people can see how Zionist propagandists find it so difficult to defend their record.
September 8, 2014 at 9:20 pm

·  Tony Greenstein’s methods are illustrated to clinical perfection by his latest ill-advised response. Consider a few examples:

1. I called Tony Greenstein a Trotskyist. Tony Greenstein denied being a Trotskyist. I produced a quotation by Greenstein expressing agreement with the Trotskyist analysis of the USSR. Greenstein still denies that he is a Trotskyist. How then will he explain his own statement (in a previous exchange with me): “I come from the Trotskyist tradition”? Greenstein’s efforts to weasel his way out of the fact that he is a Trotskyist – and thus a supporter of a movement opposed to the Allied war against Nazism – are as hilarious as they are pathetic.

2. Greenstein compounds his lie by repeating his previous revisionist nonsense – refuted at the time – portraying Stalin, progenitor of the Nazi-Soviet Pact, as the humanitarian saviour of millions of people. He even has the chutzpah to mention Ernst Nolte, when I have long since documented his own striking similarity to the German revisionist. Readers may want to check for themselves.

3. I accused Greenstein of attributing a quotation to Riegner when it was actually Segev’s paraphrase of something he claimed Riegner said to him. Greenstein now reproduces Segev’s text, thus confirming that the statements he placed in quotation marks were not quotations at all. (Greenstein’s pretence that Segev “had no reason to lie or fabricate” is laughable when the entire purpose of Segev’s book is to incriminate Zionism. If Segev’s paraphrase is an accurate rendition of what Riegner actually said, then why did he not present the original remarks verbatim?)

4. Greenstein twice used a quotation (“are we again, in moments of desperation, going to confuse Zionism with refugeeism, which is likely to defeat Zionism…”) from the “49th annual convention of Zionist Organisation of America, New York Times, October 27 1946.” I pointed out that there is no such quotation anywhere in the NYT report on that date. Now Greenstein does not even claim that it can be found in the NYT. Instead he protests that he found it elsewhere and did not try to verify it. Which means, at best, that Greenstein is willing to use whatever fabricated quotations he can find in a secondary source.

5. Greenstein cited a publication of the Israeli Communist Party, which was and is openly Stalinist. I called such a “quotation” worthless, and drew attention, yet again, to Greenstein’s reliance on Stalinist hate propaganda. Now Greenstein does not even pretend that the quotation is genuine or that it can be found in any other source.

6. On one point alone I concede error – thanks to Greenstein’s error. Greenstein repeatedly quoted Teveth, p. 844, and I checked that page, where Greenstein’s quotation does not appear. But the words quoted by Greenstein do appear on p. 848, not p. 844. However, even here Greenstein has wrenched the passage out of context, for on pp. 848-9, Teveth produces a series of predictions by Ben-Gurion of the Nazi extermination of the Jews and states that Ben-Gurion’s reason for giving priority to Palestine was his fear of “the destruction the Yishuv could expect in the event of a German invasion of Palestine” (p. 849). Not indifference to the Jews of Europe but the potential extermination of the Jews of Palestine explains Ben-Gurion’s attitude, according to Teveth.

7. I accused Greenstein of ignorance of Ben-Gurion’s covert rescue operation for the Jews of Europe, and cited Friling, where the information is to be found. Greenstein has not read Friling, but he hastens to proclaim that there is “no evidence that this committee achieved anything,” when Friling supplied 2 volumes of evidence. For the record, thousands of Jews were smuggled out of Europe, primarily Romania and the Balkans, by Zionists. As opposed to Greenstein’s Trotskyists, who did not bring Jews out of Nazi Europe, and who were content to oppose the war against Nazism – a position Greenstein (quite rightly) finds so shameful that he now pretends not to be a Trotskyist in spite of his own statements proving that he is one.

8. Greenstein denies that the Zionists were among the first to demand the bombing of Auschwitz. The fact is that Gruenbaum lobbied the Americans to adopt Weissmandel’s proposal to bomb the death camp and the rail lines leading to it. The JAE’s debate on June 11, 1944 was a debate on Gruenbaum’s lobbying effort. The JAE voted against the proposal to bomb the camp (not the rail lines) solely because they did not want to cause the death of Jews. But having learned of the scale of the killing at Auschwitz from the Vrba-Wetzler report, they reversed that decision, and Weizmann and Shertok were the first to put the bombing proposal to the British. As opposed to Greenstein’s Trotskyists, who could not make such a demand since they opposed the whole Allied war effort against Nazism.

9. Greenstein previously wrote that Ben-Gurion “positively revelled in it,” where “it” refers to the affliction of the Nazis. Greenstein now protests that it is an “outrageous lie” that he accused Zionists of revelling in the Holocaust. I urge readers to check Greenstein’s own words above. Contrary to what he says I have represented him accurately.

10. On the Jewish Councils, Greenstein is still unable to produce a single line from any historian proving that all of them collaborated. Some of them did (notably the anti-Zionist Jewish Council in Budapest), but many did not. To quote Martin Gilbert (in his privately circulated critique of Perdition):

Hundreds of acts of defiance and revolt were organised by Jewish Councils. Take, for example, a 7-day period in May 1942.

— On May 1, in Bilgoraj, the Jewish Council was ordered to compile a list of candidates for deportation. The Vice-Chairman of the Council, Hillel Janova, and three other members of the Council refused to do so. All four were shot dead on May 3.

— Two days later, in Dabrowa, the Chairman of the Jewish Council, Adolf Weinberg, refused to deliver a list of so called “resettlement” candidates, or to reveal where those threatened with deportation were hiding. He and his entire family were deported to their deaths.

— At Markusow, on May 7, the Jewish Council warned the Jews of the village of an impending “action” and advised the community that “every Jew who is able to save himself should do so.”
— At Szczebzeszyn, a Council member, Hersh Getzel Hoichbaum, on learning that none of those sent away for “resettlement” were ever heard of again, told his Council colleagues that he did not wish to be the despatcher of fellow Jews to their deaths, and hanged himself in his attic.

— At Iwje, two council members, Shalom Zak and Bezalel Milkowski, were among those selected by the Germans not to be deported. They at once insisted on joining the deportees, and were killed, together with their families and 2,500 other Jews, on May 8.

11. Greenstein is forced to admit that it was the Zionists who condemned Kasztner, but pretends not to understand my point that in such a case Kasztner was not representative of Zionism. Moreover he has no answer to my quotation from Halevi’s verdict explicitly stating that the Zionists ordered Kasztner’s rescue committee (and other Zionists) to resist the Nazis – orders that Kasztner disobeyed.
12. On Kasztner’s testimonies in Nuremberg, Greenstein continues to confuse Barri’s conclusions with evidence for those conclusions. Barri, in order to exonerate Kasztner, wants to show that the Jewish Agency authorised him to help Nazi war criminals. But the evidence cited by Barri shows the opposite. She quotes Riegner, who expressly stated that Kasztner never received permission from the WJC or the Jewish Agency to testify for Nazis.
Greenstein asks why the Jewish Agency paid Kasztner’s expenses while he was at Nuremberg. The reason is that Kasztner’s activities at Nuremberg included testifying againstNazis. Among others, he helped to prosecute Veesenmayer (who received a long sentence, later commuted) and Kaltenbrunner (who was executed). This is why historians do not regard Kasztner’s conduct at Nuremberg as proof of collaboration. For that, one must examine his activities in Hungary.

13. As for Eichmann’s interview in Life magazine, Greenstein writes: “It is quite clear that Eichmann is not denying the holocaust.” Here is what Eichmann says in that interview:
— Auschwitz “was not primarily a death camp.”

— post-war, “the Auschwitzers [sic] sprouted like mushrooms out of the forest floor after a rain. Hundreds of thousands of them are today in the best of health.”
— “the majority of the deportees were not gassed at all.”

And Greenstein does not consider this to be Holocaust denial. But then that is only to be expected from one who distributed a work claiming that Anne Frank’s diary was a forgery, and whose own writings are respectfully reproduced on Holocaust denial websites.

14. Finally, there is Greenstein’s addition of a new term, “kosher fascist,” to his lexicon of antisemitic abuse. Greenstein enjoys comparing various Jews to fascists and Nazis. He has referred to “Judaeo-Nazi views in the Halachah (oral Jewish law).” He has written of the “Nazi pronouncements of Jewish orthodoxy.” And he has peddled other antisemitic lies:
That AIPAC acts as the very kind of anti-Semitic caricature in terms of its buying of politicians, its naked conspiracies against those who don’t toe the line doesn’t need to be emphasised. Those who run this despicable outfit seem determined to act out the lines prepared in the Protocols of Elders of Zion.

And so on. In vomiting out his antisemitic bile, as in his use of fabricated quotations, this Trotskyist who pretends not to be a Trotskyist proves himself a worthy student of Stalinist hate propaganda.
September 9, 2014 at 2:19 pm

·  For Greenstein to suggest I am an informer for Atzmon is a nonsense. And there is nothing in the quote he has provided to suggest this is so. In fact, As Greenstein is well aware, I write for the blog Harry’s Place which has been one of the most vocal opponents of Atzmon. This can be compared to Greenstein who sent Atzmon a friendly note saying that he would be “more than happy” to hear him play the sax. Moreover, in that email, Greenstein praised Atzmon’s remarks on the very subject that this thread is dicussing: Greenstein’s allegations of Zionist-Nazi collaboration. For all I know, Atzmon might have been Greenstein’s source for some of the nonsense he has written in this thread.
As for the litigation against The Times, Greenstein disputes my claim that the amount paid out to a charity (£1,000) and an apology which was only left on The Times website for a week could well have been a business decision. If Greenstein was so right, and given he has been prepared to utilise the bourgeois courts previously, why did he agree to the small sum of £1,000 (and that is very small in libel terms) and to a charity? The truthful answer is far more likely that Greenstein was frightened off with a Burstein plea by The Times.

Given the distortions, lies and simple falsehoods in all Bogdanor's posts it would be a waste of time to spend any more time on  him.

Tony Greenstein

Illinois chancellor who fired Salaita accused of serial self-plagiarism


Zionist Censorship at Illinois University as Money Buys  Influence

Ali Abunimah Sat, 10/11/2014

A massive issue in the United States.  Steven Salaita, who had been contracted to lecture at Illinois University had his offer withdrawn after tweeting various pro-Palestinian messages.  University Chancellor Phyllis Wise sacked Salaita, who had already given up his previous job.  T he decision follows pressure exerted by big funders.

A boycott of Illinois amongst academics has sent shockwaves through the institution.

Tony Greenstein
Chancellor Phyllis Wise

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Chancellor Phyllis Wise faces allegations of unethical behavior dating back two decades. 

(Ronald Woan/Flickr)

Chancellor Phyllis Wise, the top administrator who fired Steven Salaita from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign after complaints from pro-Israel donors, is facing allegations from academic peers of unethical conduct that may stretch back two decades.

Evidence has emerged of several instances of duplicate publishing – a widely condemned form of unethical behavior sometimes called “self-plagiarism.”

It occurs when an author publishes the same research or the same or substantially similar paper in multiple venues without acknowledging the fact, in effect passing off the old research as something new.

Duplicate publishing is considered especially damaging in the medical sciences: the same results for a drug study published multiple times in different journals can give the false impression of numerous independent studies showing that the drug is effective.

Because of the risk that duplicate publishing may “double up creating faulty data,” the group Publishing Integrity and Ethics says retraction is often appropriate in cases of duplicate publishing.
Wise has already publicly acknowledged one case and The Electronic Intifada has requested comment from her regarding the other allegations reported in this post. No response has been received from Wise or the University of Illinois.

In one instance, research for which Wise was not the lead investigator was apparently republished in another journal with her as the lead author and the names of some co-authors removed.
As The Electronic Intifada has previously reported, there is already reasonable suspicion that Wise may have unlawfully disposed of public documents that could shed light on pro-Israel donor influence over her decision to fire Salaita.

The “missing” document and contradictory statements on the Salaita case by the university’s president Robert Easter have fed widespread doubts about the university administration’s honesty and transparency.

The allegations of unethical academic behavior will cast further doubt on the integrity of Wise’s statements regarding Salaita and are likely to increase the pressure on the beleageured chancellor.
More than a dozen university departments have already passed votes of no confidence in Wise over her handling of the Salaita appointment.

Wise “corrects serious errors”

The Chronicle of Higher Education reported Friday that Wise has made “a significant correction to a paper, published in 2006, that presents non-original work as original.”

This fact was first reported by the website Retraction Watch.  The Chronicle explains:

According to a correction in the journal Neuroscience, Ms. Wise’s paper contained “a number of serious errors” and was “written in a way that misleads the readers to think that it is an original article.” The article, “Estrogen Therapy: Does It Help or Hurt the Adult and Aging Brain? Insights Derived From Animal Models,” is a review of a 2001 article co-written by Ms. Wise. But the previous article receives no attribution.

Several of Wise’s questionable articles involve studies on the effectiveness of the hormone therapy estradiol, which is sold under various brand names.

One analysis of ethical issues in scientific publishing states that the “unethical” practice of duplicate publishing “is done to increase the number of publications” an author can list on her CV and is “more common with the pharmaceutical industry.”

Wise told Retraction Watch “she agrees with the correction” to her 2006 paper and that “there are no plans to correct any other papers.”

But she may have to revise that position based on additional allegations that are surfacing.
More cases emerging

A September posting on the website PubPeer appears to have uncovered another egregious case dating back twenty years.

PubPeer describes itself as an “online community” that reviews scientific research after its publication.

It says it is maintained by a “diverse team of early-stage scientists in collaboration with programmers who have collectively decided to remain anonymous in order to avoid personalizing the website, and to avoid circumstances in which involvement with the site might produce negative effects on their scientific careers.” 

This allegation concerns the 1994 paper “Changing diurnal and pulsatile rhythms during aging” (by Phyllis M. Wise, Nancy G. Weiland, Kathryn Scarbrough, Jonathan M. Lloyd) in Neurobiology of Aging, which PubPeer notes is a duplicate of another paper published the same year in the journal Experimental Gerontology.

“Neither paper cites the other and they have different coauthors, although they share the same first author. One claims to be the Nathan Shock Memorial Lecture delivered by the first author in 1991, while the other does not,” PubPeer states.

But then, the post notes, “Upon further examination, both papers are taken almost verbatim from an earlier publication,” a 1990 paper titled “Contribution of Changing Rhythmicity of Hypothalamic Neurotransmitter Function to Female Reproductive Aging” in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

PubPeer states: “Again, this paper has different coauthors and the same first author. Ninety-nine percent of the text of both later papers appeared previously in this paper, which is cited in neither.”
It also notes that the same figures have appeared, but with slightly different labeling.
“Is such triplicate publication with errors remotely acceptable in this area of science?” the post asks.

Another case noted on PubPeer concerns a paper co-authored by Wise and first published in the Journal of Neurocytology in 2000.

The PubPeer posting alleges that this is a duplicate publication of data that had already appeared in a 1999 article in Neuroscience.

In the 1999 publication, Wise is not the lead author, but she has been promoted to lead author in the later version.

Diagrams from both articles then appear “without permission” or attribution in a third article published in 2000 in Biology of Reproduction.

Federal grants

Both the Neuroscience and Biology of Reproduction articles say that they were supported by grants from the Glenn Foundation and from the US government’s National Institutes of Health (NIH). They both list one NIH grant number in common.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information, part of the NIH, recently published a paper on its website on “unethical publishing behavior,” which includes precisely the kind of duplicate publishing in which Wise is accused of habitually engaging.

The paper states that “studies have suggested that retractions for plagiarism and duplicate publication have been increasing in recent years.”


Given that Wise has repeatedly cited her paramount concern for the integrity of the University of Illinois in her decision to fire Salaita, she owes the citizens of Illinois and the university community an immediate, full and frank response to these allegations.

Her institution’s and discipline’s ethical bodies should immediately examine her full record of publications to determine whether these allegations are substantiated and whether there is more evidence of misconduct.

Many of those commenting on the PubPeer and Retraction Watch postings have noted that a student would be subject to severe sanctions, if not expulsion, for these kinds of offenses.

Separately, The Electronic Intifada is still awaiting a response from the office of the Illinois Attorney General to its request for a review of the University of Illinois’ claim that a document on Salaita handed to Wise by a pro-Israel donor cannot be located.

The Salaita case and theBig Money takeover of state universities

September 15th 2014

Responding to an academia-wide furor about the firing of a faculty member over a series of provocative tweets on Israel and Gaza, the University of Illinois board of trustees last week took a vote on the case.

They voted 8 to 1 to uphold the firing. This can rightly be seen as a blow to the very concept of academic freedom, but there's another sinister undercurrent to the case: there's evidence that major donors put pressure on the board and the university administration to dump the professor, Steven Salaita. If so, it wouldn't be the first time that financial donors have tried to manipulate university administrations into doing their bidding, but it's certainly one of the most disturbing examples of a bad trend.

As we all know, there are no free lunches...We are not going to be able to hire anyone...if we do not work out an acceptable arrangement with Koch and its funding partners. - A Florida State University department head, explaining the strings attached to a 2007 Koch donation

First, the background. As we reported last month, Salaita is a respected scholar in American Indian studies and Israeli-Arab relations whom the University of Illinois hired away from Virginia Tech and placed in a tenured position. Salaita's moving expenses to the university's Urbana-Champaign campus were paid, and he was given a class schedule for the current semester.

Then a series of tweets he wrote about the Israel-Gaza battle surfaced. They were passionate and provocative. One read, "At this point, if Netanyahu appeared on TV with a necklace made from the teeth of Palestinian children, would anybody be surprised?" Others suggested that Israel's bombing of Gaza would spur anti-Semitism. His twitter feed is here 

The university revoked Salaita's appointment. Among its defenses is that, while out-of-classroom tweets like his would not lead to a faculty member's firing, Salaita wasn't really a faculty member because the board of trustees hadn't yet rubber-stamped his appointment.

University Chancellor Phyllis Wise said that she merely had decided not to refer Salaita's appointment to the board, so in effect he wasn't fired, just not hired. Salaita's supporters see that as a transparent pretense, since the trustees' vote is typically a pro-forma ratification of decisions that university departments and administrators already have made.

Even before the trustees' vote last week, emails became public showing that Wise and her fellow administrators were inordinately responsive to donors unhappy with what they saw as Salaita's anti-Israel tweets. One donor told Wise that two fellow donors "both have less loyalty for Illinois because of their perception of anti-Semitism" and pushed against Salaita himself: "He gave me a two-pager filled with information on Steven Salaita and said how we handle this situation will be very telling," she told members of her staff.

For any university, but especially a public institution such as Illinois, the encroachment of donor pressure on the administration is a harbinger of the destruction of academic freedom. Wealthy donors are able to step in and exert strong influence because public funding sources, such as the state legislature, have systematically withdrawn support for public universities.

Wealthy donors today seldom have an interest in independent, objective academic study; they're interested in advancing their own notions of how the world works or should work--in ideology, not ideas.

As we reported earlier this summer, examples of this trend have been proliferating in recent years. In 2007, the Charles Koch Foundation offered Florida State University millions of dollars to set up a libertarian hive in its economics department, according to documents recently disclosed by the Center for Public Integrity.

The university's response was weak: "As we all know, there are no free lunches," then-economics chairman Bruce Benson told his colleagues. "The reality is that we all live and work in an environment that is subject to all sorts of political manipulations.... We are not going to be able to hire anyone (for the funded program) if we do not work out an acceptable arrangement with Koch and its funding partners."

Koch didn't get all the oversight it wanted, but did get a strong say in who got appointed, or not appointed, as faculty for the program.

More recently, Arizona State accepted $1.129 million from the Charles Koch Foundation, and then went looking for a professor to focus on "the relations between free-market institutions and political liberty in modern history"--a specification that sounds more like the mission statement of a Koch lobbying group than the qualifications for a university professor.

It certainly appears that the board of trustees of the University of Illinois is marching to the donors' drums, throwing principles of academic independence to the side. The only trustee to support Salaita in last week's vote was James D. Montgomery, an African American attorney who recalled protesting racial discrimination on the Illinois campus 55 years ago: "I guess I was almost as vocal as professor Salaita when I carried my picket signs around this campus," he said.

As a final irony, consider that the chairman of the trustees, Christopher Kennedy, is the son of the late Sen. Robert F. Kennedy. His approach to the Salaita controversy is to see it as a matter that can be papered over with a financial settlement: "We want to be fair, but we don’t want to be pushovers," Kennedy told the Chicago Tribune"Either they will sue or we will settle." 

That's what happens when questions of academic principle get reduced to dollars and cents--the university comes to believe it can trample any principle, as long as there's money to make it go away.

The New York Times has weighed in with a strong piece on the Salaita affair. This is significant for two reasons. First, while we in academia and on social media or the blogosphere have been debating and pushing this story for weeks, it hasn't really broken into the mainstream. With a few exceptionsno major newspaper has covered it. Now that the Times has, I'm hoping Salaita's story will get even more attention, possibly from the networks as well. Second, in addition to covering the basics of the case, the piece shows just how divisive and controversial Chancellor Wise's decision has been, and how isolated it has made the University of Illinois.

The decision, which raised questions about contractual loopholes and academic freedom, almost immediately drew pushback from the academic community. Thousands of scholars in a variety of disciplines signed petitions pledging to avoid the campus unless it reversed its decision to rescind the job offer. A number of prominent academic associations also urged the university to reconsider.

In the past few days, several people have followed through on promises to boycott the institution. Two scholars declined invitations to speak at the prestigious Center for Advanced Study/MillerComm Lecture Series this fall, and a campus-based project called off a four-day national conference that it was scheduled to host there in October.

David J. Blacker, a professor of philosophy and legal studies at the University of Delaware, notified the Center for Advanced Study on Aug. 20 that he no longer wanted to participate. His lecture had been scheduled for Sept. 29.
Instead of choosing education and more speech as the remedy for disagreeable speech,” he wrote to the committee, the University of Illinois “has apparently chosen ‘enforced silence.’ It thus violates what a university must stand for — whatever else it stands for — and therefore I join those who will not participate in the violation. In my judgment, this is a core and nonnegotiable issue of academic freedom.”

Mr. Blacker added that he “would be delighted to reschedule my talk” if the university should decide to reinstate its offer to Mr. Salaita.

The following day, Allen F. Isaacman, a professor of history at the University of Minnesota, also pulled out of the series, offering a similar message. His talk had been scheduled for Oct. 30.

“The University of Illinois’s recent decision to disregard its prior commitment to appoint Professor Salaita confirms my fear of the administration’s blatant disregard for academic freedom,” Mr. Isaacman wrote in a letter to Wayne Pitard, a professor of religion and head of the lecture-series committee. “I do hope that the university administration will reverse its decision before it does irreparable harm to your great institution.”

That same day, the Education Justice Project, which is part of the department of education policy, organization, and leadership at Urbana-Champaign, announced that it was canceling the National Conference on Higher Education in Prison, which it had been scheduled to host.

This decision has not been easy,” Rebecca Ginsburg, an associate professor in the education policy department, said in an announcement posted on the project’s webpage. The project’s leaders reached the decision only after speaking with would-be presenters and attendees, she wrote. “We concluded that for EJP to host the conference at this time would compromise our ability to come together as a national community of educators and activists.”

Ms. Ginsburg could not be reached for comment Friday; university administrators also did not respond to calls for comment.

On the campus, tensions are just as high.

That evening, however, faculty members in the American Indian studies program, a unit of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, cast a unanimous vote of no confidence in Ms. Wise’s leadership, criticizing her handling of the last-minute withdrawal of the offer to Mr. Salaita.

“In clear disregard of basic principles of shared governance and unit autonomy, and without basic courtesy and respect for collegiality, Chancellor Wise did not consult American Indian studies nor the college before making her decision,” reads a statement posted on the program’s webpage.

“With this vote of no confidence, the faculty of UIUC’s American Indian studies program also joins the thousands of scholars and organizations in the United States and across the world in seeing the chancellor’s action as a violation of academic freedom and freedom of speech,” the statement says.

The note goes on to encourage other departments to do the same, and to question whether the chancellor deserves the confidence of Illinois’s full faculty.

My only objection to the piece is that its numbers are out of date.

Cancelled Lectures

As of today, five scholars, not two, have canceled lectures or turned down an invitation to a University of Illinois campus. (And there may be more I am not aware of.)

In addition to David Blacker and Allen Isaacman, Eric Schwitzgebel has canceled a talk he was due to give on campus in December and also notified the organizers of a conference on experimental philosophy that he would not be able to deliver the keynote address, as he had been invited to do.

Jonathan Judaken, a humanities scholar, was asked to deliver the keynote address at conference at the UIUC in October; he was also scheduled to speak, while on campus, at the Program in Jewish Culture and Society. He has turned down the invitation. Despite his opposition to the idea of an academic boycott of Israel, and despite his visceral reaction to Salaita's tweets, he believes the academic freedom issues in this case are so vital that he must boycott the UIUC.

[Chancellor Wise's] new doctrine of civility ostensibly created to foster a climate where open dialogue, discourse, and debate must be respected has actually planted the latest land mine in this academic battlefield. The result will be opposite of what she intends. Now faculty and students will feel more anxious than ever that views or viewpoints that go beyond the policed confines of what administrators -- or worse, the lapdogs of the watchdog groups -- define as the norm, will be able to be expressed as part of an open conversation.

It is consequently on the basis of the principles of faculty governance, academic freedom, and freedom of speech that I will not speak at Illinois until Salaita's job offer is upheld.

This all could have been avoided if Chancellor Wise trusted faculty governance procedures. The faculty who hired Salaita were fully aware of his position on Israel and Zionism and fully equipped to determine if it would negatively impact his ability to teach his classes. There are international experts on the faculty who could have aided the administration in assessing Salaita's tweets. It is faculty as the leaders of the communities of inquiry in universities and colleges that are best equipped to judge in such cases.

Contrary to the muddled ways it is being used today as a political cudgel, academic freedom is about the right of academics to say what they will without the interference of groups outside the academy policing their positions. Faculty governance is about giving faculty the right to make all decisions within the academy pertaining to their domains of expertise, most significantly hiring decisions. And freedom of speech is our most basic right as Americans.
Campus watchdogs who monitor the academy claim they do so to uphold what is best in higher education. But Salaita's case shows once more that they threaten to turn campuses from refuges of critical inquiry into battlegrounds of political correctness and narrow norms.

And Julie Livingston, a Rutgers historian and MacArthur Fellow, has canceled a talk at the University of Illinois at Chicago (a UIUC sister campus, whose chancellor came out in support of Chancellor Wise). Livingston writes:
"With great sadness I am writing to cancel my upcoming talk at UIC scheduled for September 17, given your chancellor's recent statement of support for the actions of Phyllis Wise and the U of I Board of Trustees in the Steven Salaita case. While I had been looking forward to engaging with colleagues and students at UIC, I cannot in good conscience visit your campus until the Steven Salaita matter is resolved in a manner that upholds the principles of academic freedom and shared governance that are fundamental to American higher education and the necessary exchange of ideas, especially where difficult and potentially polarizing issues are concerned. I very much hope that your leadership will listen to their faculty and to the several thousand scholars (including myself) who have signed a pledge to boycott the University of Illinois, reflect on their actions, and reverse the errant course on which they have embarked in this matter. Should that happen I would welcome very much the chance to come and speak."

So five cancellations or refusals of an invitation.

No Confidence Votes
In addition, three departments at the UIUC, not one, have taken a vote of no confidence in the leadership of UIUC. In addition to the American Indian Studies department vote discussed by the Times, the Asian American Studies department and the philosophy department have voted no confidence in the chancellor. 

Whereas the recent words and actions of Chancellor Phyllis Wise, President Robert Easter, and the Board of Trustees in connection with the revocation of an offer of employment to Dr. Steven Salaita betray a culpable disregard not only for academic freedom and free speech generally but also for the principles of shared governance and established protocols for hiring, tenure, and promotion, the faculty of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign declares its lack of confidence in the leadership of the current Chancellor, President, and Board of Trustees.


The philosophy vote is especially important, to my mind, because it demonstrates the power of the boycott. Of all the disciplines, philosophy has been the strongest in defending academic freedom at the UIUC. Over 530 philosophers have joined the boycott, more than any other field. Why that's the case, I'm not sure. But the fact that philosophy is the only department at UIUC—besides Asian American and American Indian Studies (where Salaita's  connections are strong)—to have voted no confidence is symptomatic of the power of the boycott. Seeing so many of their colleagues across the country and around the world take this strong stand, the philosophers at UIUC have now communicated to the administration that the campus is growing increasingly ungovernable. Chancellor Wise will not get any peace on campus till she and the trustees reverse their decision. As even this generally negative piece in a local paper acknowledges.

This is why I  want to press one of the newer boycott initiatives, from Alan Sokal of NYU, for natural scientists. Getting support among the natural scientists is critical, as they are often a favored constituency at big research campuses like UIUC. They draw the big money from federal grants; they have a lot of power. I want to urge any one of you who is a natural scientist to join this boycott pledge and to urge your friends and colleagues in the natural sciences to do the same. With just the right amount of pressure from all of you, we might see something similar to the philosophy vote on the natural sciences side of the UIUC campus.

For a complete list of the boycott statements, go here. While I haven't gotten a complete update on the numbers, we have at least 3849 signed up for the boycott as of tonight.


The American Association of University Professors has issued a strong statement on the Salaita affair. Here are some of the highlights.

The letter details the extensive dealings between Salaita and the University of Illinois subsequent to his signing of the offer letter he received in October 2013. Among other things, the AAUP reveals that Chancellor Wise invited Salaita to a welcome reception for new faculty.

Toward the end of January, Professor Salaita wrote to Professor Byrd about scheduling a visit to Urbana-Champaign in order to make arrangements for a place to live for him and his family. He states that they visited the area in March and subsequently initiated the purchase of an apartment, including payment of “earnest” money, which was subsequently forfeited when the agreement was voided following the abrupt notification regarding his appointment. During this visit, the AIS faculty hosted a dinner for him and his family to welcome him to the faculty. In early April he was notified of his fall teaching assignment, and he finalized his course book orders in mid-summer.
In the intervening months between his October 2013 acceptance of the appointment and early August 2014, when you notified him of its termination, Professor Salaita received information from various offices of the university, indicating that they had been informed of his appointment, including an invitation from your office to attend your August 19 reception “welcoming faculty and academic professionals who joined the Illinois community in 2014,” as the invitation stated. Nothing was said to Professor Salaita about board action still to come, and we are informed that it is not uncommon for board action on new appointments to take place only after the appointment has begun and the appointee is already at work.

Because the AAUP recognizes that Salaita was in fact hired by the UIUC, they reach a vastly different conclusion about what Chancellor Wise has done to him and what Wise must now do.

Aborting an appointment in this manner without having demonstrated cause has consistently been seen by the AAUP as tantamount to summary dismissal, an action categorically inimical to academic freedom and due process and one aggravated in his case by the apparent failure to provide him with any written or even oral explanation.
Until these issues have been resolved, we look upon Professor Salaita’s situation as that of a faculty member suspended from his academic responsibilities pending a hearing on his fitness to continue. Under the joint 1958 Statement on Procedural St andards in Faculty Dismissal Proceedings, any such suspension is to be with pay. As detailed earlier in this letter, Professor Salaita has incurred major financial expenses since he accepted the University of Illinois offer. We urge–indeed insist–that he be paid salary as set in the terms of the appointment pending the result of the CAFT proceeding.
Brian Leiter has an interesting followup on the AAUP letter, which I urge you all to read, along with the fascinating comment thread that ensues.

The AAUP brings up the issue of Salaita's financial standing. If you haven't donated to the fund set up by his friends and colleagues to help him fight his case and support his family, please do so now. Click on this link and then go to the right-hand side of the page. People often urge individuals in Salaita's situation to sue. He may have to. But lawsuits cost money. Like a lot of money. Unless you're independently wealthy, they're hard to paid for. Like really hard to pay for. So please help Salaita out. And while you're over there, check out these awesome testimonials from his former students. You know, students: the very people Chancellor Wise and Salaita's critics claim to be protecting.



What if it was Your Child? Israeli Soldiers’ Child Abuse

This video speaks for itself and demonstrates how ritual sadism and brutality has become an integral part of the Occupation army’s operations.

British MPs and the Vote for a Palestinian State

Latest News:  Motion Passed by 274-12

Tough talk: Ed Balls said that rules on free movement within Europe needed to be made more robust
Ed Balls  - Labour Shadow Chancellor

One of the key opponents of today's motion in favour of a Palestinian State is Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls.  I'm sure it is a coincidence but who is named as a donor on his site but the Labour Friends of Israel
The amount of donation (total for flights, accommodation and transport) is estimated to be about £1,000.  The destination of visit was Israel and the Palestinian Territories
Miliband Supported Motion Unlike Ed  Balls
The House divided: Ayes 274, Noes 12.
Division No. 54][9.58 pm]



Question accordingly agreed to.
That this House believes that the Government should recognise the state of Palestine alongside the state of Israel, as a contribution to securing a negotiated two state solution.

On a point of order, Mr Speaker. The House has voted emphatically tonight to support the recognition of the Palestinian state. That is good news, which will be well received by many people, and we should bear witness to those thousands who marched and demonstrated and those thousands who e-mailed us.

If I may, I will briefly explain why I and my hon. Friend the Member for Batley and Spen (Mike Wood) were tellers for a position that we do not actually hold. It was to ensure that democracy could take place and that Members could record their vote, because those who were opposed to the motion declined to put up tellers. We have thus ensured democracy here tonight. The constituents whom we all represent will be able to see what influence they were able to have on their Members of Parliament, ensuring that this historic vote took place.

Mr Speaker: Residents of Islington North and the nation at large are now fully apprised of the motivation of the hon. Gentleman and of his colleague. I thank him.

Political wrangling with no diplomatic impact

At Britain’s general election in seven months, the political future of dozens of Labour MPs could be in the hands of Muslim voters.

In Opposing the Labour Party's Parliamentary Group's agreeing to support a Palestinian state (leaving to one side the question of whether such a solution is viable) we see the ghost of New Labour and Blair rearing their head.

Their arguments about not prejudging ‘peace negotiations’ are thoroughly dishonest since Israel has consistently blocked any progress in the talks in favour of building further settlement blocs.
Israel’s Deputy Defence Minister Danny Danon stated that ‘Israel’s ruling party and the governing coalition are staunchly opposed to a two-state solution and would block the creation of a Palestinian state if such a proposal ever came to a vote… " contradicting statements by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and senior cabinet members who say Jerusalem is committed to the principle of two states for two peoples.’

Except that for Netanyahu, such a State would be a state in name only.  Completely demilitarised, with Israeli forces stationed within it, the settlements continuing to remain and resources such as Water continuing to come under Israeli control.

The British parliament is expected Monday to vote for a motion recognizing an independent Palestinian state. The move is only symbolic; it does not oblige the British government in any way.
Still, it is causing turmoil in the main opposition party, Labour, where a group of senior members, including front-bench shadow ministers, are claiming that the motion contradicts long-standing British foreign policy, including that of Labour governments. They say it is largely motivated by local political considerations.

Two years ago, Britain abstained from a UN vote recognizing Palestine as a nonmember observer state; the official position remains that such recognition should be the fruit of a peace agreement with Israel.

The motion was submitted by a group of pro-Palestinian MPs, led by the head of Labour Friends of Palestine, Grahame Morris, who earlier this year had to apologize for comparing Israel to the Nazis. It was approved by the shadow foreign secretary, Douglas Alexander. Labour chief Ed Miliband is backing Alexander, but senior party members who support Israel have complained that they were not consulted and have asked to be allowed to stay away from the vote.

Miliband has been under increasing fire in recent weeks as the party stagnates in the polls and because few Britons, even Labour supporters, see him as a suitable prime minister. He has been struggling to stave off a split in the party over the Palestine issue.

In an unprecedented move, Miliband has crafted a strategy under which shadow cabinet members would stay away from the vote rather than defy the party line, a step that could force them to resign. Many Labor MPs are indeed expected to keep their distance.

The whips of the parties in the governing coalition — the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats — do not expect their members to attend the vote, and the chief Conservative whip, Michael Gove, one of Israel’s most vocal supporters in British politics, has advised his party’s MPs to stay away and minimize the symbolic effect of the motion’s passing.

Despite Gove’s efforts, the Israeli Foreign Ministry’s low profile on the issue and the low attendance expected, the vote is still drawing a great deal of attention. This is partly due to lobbying by Labour Friends of Israel, which is trying to amend the motion to say that recognition of Palestine should only come after “the conclusion of successful peace negotiations between the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority.”

The motion’s supporters who say the amendment empties their resolution of meaning countered with an amendment of their own: Recognition would be “a contribution to securing a negotiated two-state solution.”

Meanwhile, British and European Jewish organizations have further complicated things by launching their own initiatives, calling on MPs to either oppose the motion or support the amendment. This lobbying was not coordinated with the Israeli Foreign Ministry, which preferred to play down the vote rather than fight it.

A passed motion would have very little impact on Britain’s foreign policy, if at all, but it would have a whole lot to do with local politics. At Britain’s general election in seven months, the political future of dozens of Labour MPs who hold slim margins in their constituencies could be in the hands of Muslim voters. They fear that not voting to recognize Palestine could keep these voters at home or shift them to other parties.

Muslim voters, however, do not have similar weight in constituencies that are crucial to the Conservatives, and Prime Minister David Cameron has agreed with his election strategist, Lynton Crosby, that if the party courts the Muslim vote, it stands to lose many traditional right-wing voters who are already leaning toward the anti-immigration U.K. Independence Party, UKIP.

During the Gaza conflict this summer, Cameron withstood pressure from his Liberal-Democrat coalition partners who called on him to condemn Israel’s actions. He was eventually forced to accept a statement by the Liberal-Democrat Business Secretary Vince Cable that during an escalation in Gaza, the government would consider suspending export licenses for British arms to Israel.

That statement, too, had little meaning (and Israel purchases very few arms from Britain anyway), but it was another sign of how the Israel-Palestine conflict is a sensitive issue in local British politics. On Monday, when parliament votes in favor of recognizing Palestine, we’ll witness another political statement with local significance but no real diplomatic impact.
LATEST:  Vote on Palestinian state
363 Israeli public figures have signed a letter to the Members of the British Parliament, calling upon them to vote in favor of British recognition of a Palestinian State, to be created side-by-side with Israel.  

By Anshel Pfeffer Oct. 12, 2014

[the reality of the Israeli position is that of  Israel's Defence Minister Ya'alon]
Moshe Ya'alon

Defense minister: This government will block any two-state deal

6th June 2006

There is a zero chance of Israel agreeing to a separate Palestinian state.  Its whole settlement policy has been aimed at blocking such a solution.  An independent state contradicts the expansionist nature of Israeli settler colonialism.  Even before the ‘peace negotiations’ began, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon attacked US Secretary of State John Kerry:

‘On 14 January, Israel's defense minister Moshe Ya'alon rejected the negotiations and insulted John Kerry, saying he was acting based upon "messianic feeling", and that "The only thing that can 'save' us is that John Kerry will get a Nobel Peace Prize and leave us alone.’
Palestinian  Refugees in 1948 - expelled by the Palmach shock troops which the Zionist left led

The Guilty and Hypocrisy of the Zionist 'Left'

Mapam Founder

Tikva   Honig-Parnass is one of the most dedicated supporters of the Palestinians and opponents of Zionism.  In 1948 she fought for the Zionists in their War of so-called Independence.  But she is wrong about the Zionist 'left's' support for the Gaza assault signifying its erasure from Israel's political map. This is to substitute wishful thinking for historical analysis.

Maki - Jewish Communist Part Election Poster 1948
Historically the Zionist ‘left’ has been equally culpable, if not more so, than the ‘right’ when it came to the oppression of the Palestinians.   The Naqba was perpetrated by the Zionist left, not least of which was the ‘Marxist’ Mapam  party.  It was the Zionist ‘left’ which instituted military  rule over the Israeli Palestinians until 1966.  The whole system of Israeli   Apartheid was the creation of the Zionist ‘left’.  There is nothing the Zionist ‘Right’ of Likud has done which Labour Zionism hasn’t done before it.
Mapam Election Day Rally - Haifa 1986
The Zionist 'left' It supported the Lebanon  War and all the attacks on Gaza, the deportations, confiscations and similar measures.  See Begin and Sharon have done Nothing that Labour Hasn't Done Before Them 


Rima Najjar with Tikva Honig-Parnass
"Israel’s Left no longer exists as a distinct political and cultural entity."
"What distinguishes this new stage of commitment to the colonial state of Israel by Left intellectuals is their departure from what remains of their weak commitment to universalistic values. They are now fully integral to the chauvinist, racist state of Israel which is the tool for the embodiment and expansion of Zionist colonial project."
Mapam Election Day Rally
by Tikva Honig-Parnass, Oct 1 2014

- The Ongoing War on Gaza
- 2008-2009 Cast Lead Massacre in Gaza
- David Grossman Praises the Army’s Restraint
- Professor Zeev Sternhell Defends the Army for Following Orders
- A New Combat Doctrine which Violates International Law
- July 2014: Operation Protective Edge
- David Grossman Does not See, Does not Hear, Does not Speak
- Zeev Sternhell’s Lack of Empathy and Moral Judgment


The aim of this article is to pinpoint the explicit and implicit support of the Zionist Left intellectuals usually identified with Labor or Meretz for the brutal attacks on Gaza since 2006. This support is a new stage in the Left intellectuals’ loyalty to the state and its oppressive policies against the Palestinian people. The viciousness of mass murder and horrid devastation of Gaza, chiefly in the recent Operation Protective Edge, have reached unprecedented levels. Their support by the “most enlightened” public figures in Israeli society amounts to total disregard for basic human rights and international lawsand erases any meaningful difference between them and the Right.

The silence of the Zionist Left majority in response to the massacres in Gaza—including the discourse of evasion and emotional detachment by the very few who did react—indicates a complete absence of basic humanitarian values and concepts of justice. The meaning of state security, stretched to include repression of Palestinian resistance by any bloody means, unites the Zionist Left with the Right in a joint war against the Palestinian people. The Left which has been recognized as the offspring of the mythological Zionist labor movement has been wiped off the political map.

One would perhaps expect opposition to such an operation from, for example, Meretz MP Haim Oron, the past general secretary of Mapam and a member of Kibbutz Lahav, affiliated to the Hashomer Hatzair stream of the Kibbutz movement. However, on Friday, 24 July, 2014, when 150 children had already been killed in Gaza, Oron declared that his party, Meretz, would not participate in the big demonstration against the operation planned for Saturday night. The daily Maariv noted:

Thousands of Jews and Arabs are expected to participate in the demonstration. They would waive the Palestinian Authority flag (sic) and raise placards condemning the military operation [in Gaza], calling for the removal of the siege of the Strip, and ending the occupation of the West Bank.

The demonstration was organized by a coalition of what’s called “Left factions” including Palestinian-Arab (Balad and Raam Taal), Palestinian-Jewish (Hadash, the front headed by the Communist Party), and Daam, the Workers Party. Jewish protest movements like Bat Shalom and Anarchists Against the Wall, as well as NGO’s like The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICHAD) and the Alternative Information Center (AIC), declared their participation in the demonstration. All in all these are very small groups which could not mobilize many participants for the few demonstrations there were against the war on Gaza. Oron explained the Meretz position, which opposed the risking of Israeli lives by landing troops inside Gaza, but not the operation itself:

Our position is essentially different from the common denominator of those groups which organized the demonstration: Meretz supports the operation in Gaza. These groups don’t accept the basic right of the State of Israel to self defense, whereas we support it. A massive majority of the Party’s board voted for the justification of the operation while voting for a resolution to oppose the landing act.[i]

One would assume that facing the mass murder and displacement which had already taken place by this time (24 July), those self-proclaimed fighters for universal human values would take to the streets and join whoever opposed the massacre in Gaza.

But they didn’t. Moreover, Oron and his party members knew well from past onslaughts on Gaza what horrific massacre and devastation were about to occur. However they did not join this demonstration or others organized by independent groups (or the Communist Party) which were violently confronted by right wing gangs with the help of the police.

The Zionist Left/Liberal intellectuals and academics did not adopt an explicit condemnation of the Israeli “combat” in Gaza, or even make public any alarm at the genocide committed there. I refer here to those intellectuals and academics who since the establishment of the State (and prior to it) have supplied the moral and “scientific” legitimacy for Israel’s colonialist policies which continue the ethnic cleansing begun in 1948.

Many of those Left/Liberal intellectuals and academics participated in articulating the guiding ideology of the State of Israel under the rule of the Zionist Labor movement in the first decades of the state. Others among them have accepted their predecessors’ teaching and elaborated on its premises.
They support the principal idea of Israel’s established political culture: “security of the state” is sanctified as a sacred

An excellent, well contextualized analysis of the further entrenchment of Jim Crow/Apartheid Israel.

By +972 Blog

Published September 18, 2014

The Israeli Supreme Court Wednesday dismissed various petitions against the Admissions Committees Law, which allows admissions committees in hundreds of communities in Israel to reject housing applicants based on their “social suitability.”
By Amjad Iraqi

March 8, 2000 marked a unique moment in Israeli history. In a major decision, the Supreme Court of Israel ruled that the town of Katzir, which was established on state land by the Jewish Agency, could not deny the right of the Arab Ka’adan family to live in the town simply on the basis that they were not Jewish. This was the first time that Palestinian citizens of Israel successfully challenged the legality of “Jewish-only” communities in the state, generating cautious optimism that it could set an important precedent for Palestinian rights in land and housing.

Fifteen years later, on September 17, 2014, these hopes came to an abrupt end. In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court dismissed various petitions filed by human rights groups against the Admissions Committees Law, enacted by the Knesset in 2011. The law allows admissions committees in 434 communities in the Negev and the Galilee (about 43 percent of all towns in Israel) to reject housing applicants based on their “social suitability” and the communities’ “social and cultural fabric.” In effect, these committees are now legally permitted to refuse residency based on any “undesired” identity, including Palestinian, Sephardic, African, gay, religious, secular and others.

The Admissions Committees Law is the Israeli right wing’s response to the Supreme Court ruling in the Ka’adan case. Realizing that marginalized groups were increasingly challenging the state’s discriminatory practices, the Knesset under the 2009-12 Netanyahu government sought to turn Israel’s historical policies against these groups into law. Many Knesset members openly declared that the purpose of these laws was to subdue the “threats” posed by Palestinian citizens to the Jewish character of the state. The authors of the Admissions Committees Law even stated that, though deliberately written in neutral language, its main aim was to prevent Arab citizens from living with Jews.

This objective of segregation is not a new phenomenon in Israel, and has in fact been a central, ongoing practice since the state’s establishment in 1948. Legislation ranging from the Absentees Property Law (1950) to the Negev Individual Settlements Law (2011), along with the policies of the Jewish National Fund, Israel Land Authority and the government itself, operate with the explicit goal of securing maximum and privileged control of land for Israel’s Jewish citizens – a process known as “Judaization.” This runs jointly with the state’s goal of minimizing and concentrating non-Jewish communities in Israel, resulting in the mass confiscation of Palestinian land and the containment of Palestinian towns through discriminatory planning, home demolitions and unequal resource allocation.

However, what makes the admissions committees case significant is that the Supreme Court – the supposed bastion of Israeli democracy – has upheld this clearly discriminatory law, claiming that it could not determine yet if the law violated constitutional rights. Numerous petitions condemned the law from multiple angles, including nationality, race, religion and sexual orientation, but the court swept them aside. More importantly, the court directly undermined its own landmark ruling in the Ka’adan case, overriding one of the few legal decisions that set a precedent for minority rights in Israel and the struggle against state-sanctioned discrimination.

The latest ruling instead illustrates the deteriorating status of Palestinian citizens of Israel at the hands of an increasingly right-wing government and high court. Rather than introducing laws that guarantee equal rights for all of Israel’s citizens, the Knesset has worked to deepen racial inequality and consolidate its discriminatory vision for the state. Meanwhile, the judiciary has allowed the government to carry out this program, choosing not to set precedents on critical cases affecting Palestinian rights. With more discriminatory laws being introduced – including the Prawer Plan Bill, the Contributors to the State Bill, and the Jewish Nation-State Bill – Palestinian citizens and others are left fearing that, despite their best efforts to overturn it, race will continue to be the prime determinant of their rights.

It is therefore up to the public, non-governmental actors and the international community to take a principled stance against this unjust law. Racial separation, especially when engineered by a state, must elicit the same condemnation as other cases have before. 

Under the segregation laws of the Jim Crow South, gentrification and ghettoization were deliberately used against black Americans in order to keep white neighborhoods economically superior and racially homogenous, the effects of which remain damaging to this day. A more infamous comparison is apartheid South Africa’s Group Areas Act, which legalized the state’s policy of designating land for separate races. Like some of the Israeli law’s proponents today, South Africa’s leaders attempted to sugar-coat their intentions by describing racial separation as a policy of “good neighborliness.” However, such claims cannot conceal the fact that the Israeli Supreme Court’s approval of the Admissions Committees Law has granted legal cover for the principle of segregation and, at worst, has permitted a housing system that disturbingly resembles apartheid.

Amjad Iraqi is a projects and advocacy coordinator at Adalah– The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel.
Israeli Supreme Court upholds "Admissions Committees Law" thatallows Israeli Jewish communities to exclude Palestinian Arab citizens

The Israeli town of Rakefet. In 2006, the town's admissions committee rejected the application of a Palestinian couple due to "social unsuitability"; after a six-year legal battle, the couple was allowed to live there after the Supreme Court ruled that the rejection was discriminatory. (Photo adapted from Hanay/Wikimedia Commons)

Israeli Supreme Court: "We cannot determine at this stage whether the law violates constitutional rights"

Adalah: "The Supreme Court’s decision entrenches racial segregation; 434 small communities in Israel, or 43% of all residential areas, will be allowed to close their doors to Palestinian Arab citizens of the state."

(Haifa, Israel) Today, 17 September 2014, in a 5 to 4 decision, an expanded panel of the Israeli Supreme Court decided to dismiss a petition brought by Adalah three years ago against the "Admissions Committees Law". The law allows for hundreds of Israeli Jewish communities in the Naqab (Negev) in the south and in the Galilee in the north to reject applicants for housing based on the criteria of "social suitability" and the "social and cultural fabric" of the town.

The law allows the possibility of rejecting applicants who are Palestinian Arab citizens of Israel, as well as other marginalized groups, solely on the basis of their race, ethnicity, religion, or other identity. The court's decision effectively legalizes the principle of segregation in housing between Arab and Jewish citizens, and permits the practice of racism against Arab citizens in about 434 communities, or 43% of all towns in Israel. The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) also filed a petition against this law.

In response, Adalah stated that the Court’s decision, "gives the green light for 434 communities to exist based on the principle of segregated housing. This law is one of the most racist pieces of legislation enacted in recent years, the primary objective of which is to marginalize Arab citizens and prevent them from accessing housing on 'state land' in many communities. The court's decision upholds one of the most dangerous laws in Israel."

Adalah Attorney Suhad Bishara, who filed the petition, added that: "The court's decision seriously undermines its landmark decision in 1999 in the Ka'adan case. That case allowed an Arab family to move to the town of Katzir despite their rejection by the town's admissions committee. This latest court decision illustrates the continued deterioration of the constitutional rights and legal protection of Palestinian citizens of Israel." Attorney Bishara further stated that the new decision, "allows the principle of separation in residency based on national identity, and as such, 434 communities will be allowed to close their doors to Arab citizens."

The Admissions Committees Law, enacted by the Knesset in 2011, gives "admissions committees"– bodies that select applicants for housing units and plots of land – almost full discretion to accept or reject individuals from living in these towns. The committees include a representative from the Jewish Agency or the World Zionist Organization, quasi-governmental entities. The Committees, in practice, filter out Arab Palestinian applicants and others from marginalized groups. While one of the provisions of the law states a duty to respect the right to equality and prevent discrimination, the law allows these committees to reject applicants deemed "unsuitable to the social life of the community…or the social and cultural fabric of the town," thereby legitimizing the exclusion of entire groups. The law also authorizes admissions committees to adopt criteria determined by individual community towns themselves based on their "special characteristics", including those community towns that have defined themselves as having a "Zionist vision."

In the last hearing on the case before the Supreme Court on 4 December 2012, Attorney Bishara argued that,"the law marginalizes certain groups, creating a legal, constitutional, and legitimate basis for discrimination. The law allows for division of state land based on vague cultural and social standards – and not even the state can explain which criteria admissions committees could use to accept or reject candidates. The law will open the door to arbitrary decisions based on prejudices and personal grudges."

Attorney Bishara added after that hearing that, “The law is functioning the same way it did previously as a policy, deterring many segments of the population, especially Palestinian Arab citizens of the state, from applying for housing in these towns for fear of rejection. The law has serious implications now and has had for many years, so it is not possible to say that it is not ripe for judicial ruling.”

For more information, contact Adalah Media Director Salah Mohsen at: salah@adalah.org or 052-595-0922.

For more information on the law:

Expanded Panel of 9 Supreme Court Justices Hears Case against “Admissions Committee Law” - 11 December 2012 

Israeli Attorney General Supports Discriminatory Admission Committees Law - 29 January 2012 

Israeli Supreme Court Hears Adalah's Petition Demanding Cancellation of "Admission Committees" - 3 February 2011 

Adalah: There are now 695 communities in Israel where Arab citizens of the state are forbidden to live - 4 November 2010 

Case Citation: HCJ 2504/11, Adalah, et al v. The Knesset, et al. (decision delivered 17 September 2014).

Continued Attacks on Disability Benefits

24 September 2014 newsletter

It’s hard to know which of the numbers in this newsletter is the most appalling.
The fact that 31% of disability living allowance (DLA) claimants get absolutely nothing when they transfer to personal independence payment (PIP).

Or that just 45% of new PIP claims are successful, if you don’t include people with terminal illnesses.

There’s the staggering 92% drop in employment and support allowance (ESA) appeals since the DWP brought in mandatory reconsiderations.

Then there’s the revelation that the PIP waiting list is still getting longer, in spite of promises by ministers to fix it. There are now 323,000 people waiting for a medical, meaning an average wait of at least 35 weeks.
Or is it that just 19% of claimants who made a new ESA claim between October and December 2013 have so far had a decision, again largely because of long delays in getting a medical?

The only mildly entertaining number in amongst all the latest statistics is that, after all this time and money, there are still fewer people receiving universal credit than have season tickets for Watford Town FC. IDs may claim that universal credit is going exactly to plan, but he must be the only person left who still believes it.

Finally, we reveal that the DWP is still refusing to say when it will publish one set of statistics that campaigners have been pursuing for a long time – the ESA death statistics. But we haven’t let them off the hook that easily.
Good luck,
Steve Donnison

ESA assessment crisis worsens

More and more claimants who should be in the support group of ESA are being forced to remain in the assessment phase for a year or more, because of the growing crisis in the service provided by Atos.

Fewer than one in five claimants who made a new ESA claim between October and December 2013 have had a decision made on their claim, the latest DWP quarterly statistics reveal. Just 19% have had a decision, compared to 22% in the preceding quarter, suggesting that the situation in regard to Atos assessments is continuing to deteriorate.
Over 90% fall in ESA appeals

The DWP’s attempts to make it as difficult as possible to appeal a benefits decision appear to be succeeding, according to the latest tribunal statistics. There has been a drop of 92% in ESA appeals and 93% in Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) appeals in April to June 2014 compared to the same period last year.

ESA death statistics – DWP say they will publish details, but won’t say when

The DWP is continuing to use delaying tactics to block publication of ESA death statistics, whilst claiming that they intend to release them at an undisclosed future date, we can reveal. This is the same claim that the DWP have been making for well over a year and the refusal to publish the figures is now the subject of a further challenge by Benefits and Work.

PIP waiting times continue to grow
The waiting list for PIP assessments is continuing to grow, according to statistics released by the DWP, in spite of claims by ministers that the problem would be fixed by the Autumn.

Up to the end of July this year 529,000 claims for PIP had been lodged and 206,000 had been cleared, suggesting that there was still a backlog of 323,000 claims. At current clearance rates this means an average wait of around 35 weeks.

More than half of new PIP claims fail, almost one third of DLA to PIP transfers fail

The latest statistics released by the DWP show that only 45% of PIP claims succeedwhere the claimant is not terminally ill. For disability living allowance (DLA) to PIP transfers, the success rate stands at 69%.

The new figures provided by the DWP show that awards for terminally ill claimants, whose death can reasonably be expected within six months, stand at around 96%.

Benefits and Work.
Steve Donnison | PO Box 4352 | Warminster, Wilts BA12 2AF, United Kingdom

In Israel, Lancet editor regrets publishing open letter on Gaza

LATEST:  Lancet Editor retracts retraction!

Lancet editor regrets rift from letter charging massacre in Gaza, doesn't retract

In Israel, Lancet editor regrets publishing open letter on Gaza

Dr. Richard Horton, editor of the British medical journal, made a statement Thursday during Grand Rounds at the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa saying that he will publish a retraction.

By JTA | Oct. 2, 2014

JTA - The editor of the British medical journal The Lancet, which ran an open letter accusing Israel of a “massacre” in Gaza, said on a visit to Israel that he will publish a retraction.

Dr. Richard Horton made a statement Thursday during Grand Rounds at the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, which he also visited earlier in the week.

Horton reportedly said during his statement that he “deeply, deeply regrets”publishing the letter to the people of Gaza in The Lancet during this summer’s conflict in Gaza between Israel and Hamas. Several dozen physicians from the West signed the letter, which also accused Israel of “cruel” and “vicious war crimes.” Physicians, researchers and Israeli officials decried the letter.
NGO Monitor last week unearthed evidence tying two of the letters’ authors to support for white supremacist David Duke.

During his statement at Rambam on Thursday, Horton reportedly condemned the contributors to The Lancet who promote explicitly anti-Semitic materials, expressed a new understanding of Israeli realities including the complexities of the Arab-Israel conflict, and pledged a new relationship with Israel.

He also invited Israelis to “tell the Israeli health story” in The Lancet, in parallel to the Palestinians’.
Following Horton’s remarks, NGO Monitor, a Jerusalem-based research institute which monitors non-governmental organizations, said in a statement that it is “urgent that the July 2014 “An Open Letter for the People of Gaza”be removed from The Lancet’s website and a formal retraction and apology be published prominently, both on the website and the next hard copy issue.”

NGO Monitor also called on The Lancet to “undertake positive initiatives to accurately inform the medical community of Israel’s contributions to medicine, as well as the close cooperation that takes place between different sectors of the population.”
(Thaer Ganaim / Maan Images)

Tzipi Livni: Israel shares same “values” as “moderate” Saudi Arabia

Submitted by Ali Abunimah on Wed, 10/01/2014 - 16:21 Tzipi Livni, seen with PA leader Mahmoud Abbas in 2007, still considers the PA to be Israel’s ally today. (Monika Flueckiger/Flickr)

Livni and Abbas

War Crimes fugitive and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni says that her country shares the same values with such “moderate” Arab regimes as Saudi Arabia, other autocratic Gulf states and the Egyptian dictatorship that massacred more than one thousand protestors in cold blood just over a year ago.
She also called Palestinian Authority de factoleader Mahmoud Abbas’ speech to the UN Generally Assembly – in which he accused Israel of “genocide” in Gaza – “horrific.”

Nonetheless she insisted that Abbas’ PA regime remained an Israeli ally.

Livni made her comments in an interview with Robert Siegel, host of NPR’s All Things Considered, in which she discussed Israel’s role in the US-assembled coalition of Arab autocracies to fight the “Islamic State” group that has taken over large swaths of Iraq and Syria.
Livni & another Saudi Dictator
Good guys, bad guys
Siegel summarized Israel’s position in these terms: “Here’s Israel’s situation in the region it seems. You’re worried about the very movements and the very countries that worry the Egyptians, the Saudis, the Jordanians, the United Arab Emirates, the Turks, to a great extent – without a Palestinian agreement, though, they can’t deal with you as a public ally and partner in the region. Are regional concerns strong enough to lead the Israelis to say we’ve got to – we have to get a deal with the Palestinians to be above-board players in the Middle East?”

Livni endorsed Siegel’s assessment, adding: “The world is divided between the good guys and the bad guys,” Livni said. “And we, Israel – of course, the United States – the legitimate Palestinian government, Egypt, Jordan and the Gulf States, we are part of the camp of so-called moderates or diplomatics against these terrorists.”

Livni said she looked forward to the day Israel could be a “public part of this coalition against the evil that we are facing in the region.” [the most important part of her speech and one which has been overlooked - TG]

Presumably the “evil” Livni was referring to includes the horrifying recent beheadings of Western journalists by the “Islamic State” group.

But it apparently does not include the “surge” in beheadings by Israel’s “moderate” Saudi regime allies for such alleged offenses as drug smuggling and “sorcery.”
Prince Turki Al Faisal Al Saud in Bahrain - his regime specialises in beheadings.  However Livni is right person to lead negotiations. REUTERS
Accordingto Human Rights Watch, Saudi Arabia executed at least 19 people since 4 August this year by public beheading.

This is the same Saudi regime whose media fuels sectarianism and which along with other Arab Gulf Israeli allies has channeled or allowed huge flows of funding to the jihadist groups that Israel claims to oppose.

Nor does the “evil” Livni cites apparently include Israel’s own record of beheading Palestinian children, albeit using missiles and bombs rather than blades, in the context of its summertime massacre in Gaza which killed more than 2,100 people.

And it definitely doesn’t include the Egyptian military dictatorship’s massacre of at least 817 unarmed demonstrators in Cairo’s Rabia al-Adawiya square on 14 August 2013.

That premeditated atrocity, among other mass killings around the same time, was “one of the world’s largest killings of demonstrators in a single day in recent history,” according to Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch.

Shared values

That Israel shares “values” with such US-backed regimes should not surprise anyone. Israel, the US and their Arab client regimes have always been allied against the people of the region, against the Palestinians and against self-determination.

One area where the Saudi regime and Israel share a clear common cause is stoking regional sectarianism between members of the Sunni and Shia branches of Islam.

By pitting potential adversaries of Israel against each other, Israel is engaging in the classic colonial tactic of “divide and rule.”

This is why in his speechto the UN this week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu nominally condemned “Islamic State” – also known as ISIS or ISIL – but cautioned against “defeating ISIS” only to leave Iran strengthened.

Israel’s goal appears to be perpetual regional sectarian war, not anything recognizable as peace.
We should at least be grateful to Livni for clearing up the delusions some may still harbor that Israel is anything other than a fierce foe of democracy and a staunch ally of the most brutal and unsavory regimes.

Palestinians torn over contact with Israelis

Amira Hass of Ha'aretz Told to Leave Bir Zeit University Campus

My own view is that this is an own goal.  It is understandable, given the Palestinians experience of Israelis they come into contact with, but it  is self-defeating.   Any boycott, especially the Cultural Boycott, must be intelligently applied.  It’s not intended to boycott Israelis per se but Zionist institutions and Israelis who are overtly racist.  It is not a boycott of one’s friends, of whom Amira Hass is certainly one.

The same Israel issues came up with the Boycott of South Africa and were resolved in favour of the latter position.  Otherwise a Boycott becomes a fixed and rigid application of a principle without any thought of what was intending to achieve.  You don’t boycott your friends but the enemy.  It means an intelligent application of the Boycott. 

For the same reasons one doesn’t boycott academics simply because they are Israelis, given that most anti-Zionist Israelis are the most fervent campaigners around the Palestinian cause.  It is also a gift to the Zionists who can easily point out that what is being proposed is a form of discrimination on the grounds of national origins and in effect racial discrimination. 

In just the same way as it would be madness to boycott Israeli anti-Zionists and supporters of the Palestinians, who are isolated from most Israelis as it is.  It can only make it more difficult for Israelis to break from Zionism.

I'm pleased to say that Bir Zeit University has woken up to the damage that has been done to the Palestinian cause by allowing th2014 it issued the following statement:

 it to be painted with the charge of racism.  On September 30
Bir Zeit University in Ramallah - Palestine's national university
In response to the controversy over the incident involving journalist Amira Hass, Birzeit University wishes to clarify its principled position of welcoming supporters of the Palestinian struggle and opponents of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, regardless of nationality, religion, ethnicity, or creed. Hence, Hass, who has consistently condemned the Israeli occupation, evinced support for Palestinian rights, and helped expose the discriminatory policies of occupation and its flagrant violations of these rights, is always welcome on our campus and at university events.
Gaza 2014 - This is all most Palestinian students know of Israeli Jews
The university regrets the lamentable incident involving the apparent exclusion of Hass from a Center for Development Studies Conference, and will work with students and faculty to create better understanding of, and ensure adherence to, university policies, which oppose discrimination based on identity.
Bir Zeit University
The university community takes pride in observing the academic boycott of Israel. However, this boycott applies to institutions, not individuals, let alone individuals who have distinguished themselves by being on the side of justice and humanity, as has journalist Hass.
Tony Greenstein

12 October 2014
University’s exclusion of journalist Amira Hass raises questionsabout boycott policy
Middle East Eye – 12 October 2014

A Palestinian university’s decision to bar from its campus an Israeli journalist and outspoken critic of the occupation has exposed a growing rift among Palestinian activists about the merits of contact with Jewish Israelis.
Amira Hass of Ha'aretz
Staff at Bir Zeit University, near Ramallah in the West Bank, ordered Amira Hass, a reporter for the Israeli daily Haaretz newspaper, to leave a public conference late last month. She was told it was for her own “safety”in case students protested against her presence.
Ahmad Tibi MK Condemns the Exclusion of Amira Hass
Hass, who has lived among Palestinians in the occupied territories for many years, is a rare critical voice against the occupation in the Israeli media. Her articles translated in Haaretz’s English edition are widely read outside Israel.
Bir Zeit’s decision has provoked a heated debate among Palestinian intellectuals, students and activists about how far refusal to cooperate with Israelis should extend.
Amira Hass - A Campaigning Journalist
Observers say hostility towards Israeli Jews of all political stripes has become more pronounced among some Palestinian youth over the past few years. The trend is especially strong in Ramallah, where many Bir Zeit students live.

However, a petition circulated on social media against Hass’ exclusion quickly attracted signatures from hundreds of Palestinian scholars, who noted that she was a “courageous human rights defender”. In a column in Al-Ayyam newspaper, Ghassan Zaqtan, a prominent poet, called Hass’ treatment “shameful”.

Meanwhile, Israeli political activists have been left wondering whether, if the next generation of Palestinians rejects all joint endeavours, they have a place either in the struggle against the occupation or in a solution to the conflict.

South Africa or Algeria?

“The question is whether Palestinians want a South African model of an inclusive solution that offers a shared future for Palestinians and Israelis, or an Algerian model of exclusion,” said Jeff Halper, the head of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, an Israeli group that campaigns against the demolition of Palestinian homes in the occupied territories.

Referring to the expulsion of French colonists from Algeria in the early 1960s, he said: “Increasingly, it sounds like the Palestinian view is that this is another Algeria. If Israelis are simply colonial settlers, then we have no right to remain here.”

In a report for her newspaper, Hass wrote that other notable Israeli dissidents, such as Ilan Pappe, an historian who characterises the dispossession of Palestinians in 1948 as ethnic cleansing, had in the past been forced to hold talks off campus.

She said university staff had told her they were enforcing a regulation from the mid-1990s intended to create a “safe space” for students.

For decades, the Israeli army has targeted Bir Zeit, the most prestigious place of learning in the West Bank and a hotbed of political activism, harassing and arresting students and staff.

According to the Israeli media, more than 1,000 Palestinian students have been arrested by Israel since 2000, with most of them from Bir Zeit. That number includes three former heads of the student council. In 2009 alone, 83 students from the university were arrested or jailed.

Matthew Kalman, a reporter specialising in education issues, wrote in Haaretz: “Just about every Palestinian university in the West Bank has stories of nighttime IDF [Israel Defense Forces] raids, campus teargas attacks and random arrests and intimidation.”

Arrests and torture

Omar Barghouti, a prominent activist in the boycott movement in Ramallah, said he opposed exclusion of individuals but understood why there was increasing opposition to cooperation with Israelis from some young activists.

“Most students’ only experience of ‘meeting’ Israelis is being arrested by soldiers and tortured by the Shin Bet [Israel’s intelligence service]. Without a doubt, it colours their view.”

The row about Hass prompted the university to hastily issue a statement in which it seemed to reverse policy. Staff and students would be told that the university opposed all “discrimination based on identity”. The statement added that Israelis “on the side of justice and humanity”, such as Hass, would always be welcomed on campus.

But many students appeared unhappy with the administration’s more conciliatory tone.
Shortly after the statement was issued, Bir Zeit’s student council demanded it be withdrawn. “We say that any Israeli Zionist is not welcome in Bir Zeit University,” Mustafa Mustafa, the student council’s leader, told the Associated Press news agency. “If Amira really supports the Palestinian struggle against the occupation, she needs to leave the country.”

The controversy was pounced on by commentators in Israel and abroad. In Commentary, a conservative US magazine, Evelyn Gordon asked: “How is peace possible when Birzeit [sic] is educating these future Palestinian leaders to believe all Israeli Jews should be shunned simply because they are Israeli Jews?”

No peace camp

Ghassan Khatib, a senior official at the university, told Middle East Eye that things had changed significantly since his time studying at Bir Zeit in the 1970s.

“At that time we would make huge efforts to find Israelis to meet or debate us. There were Israeli Jews who came to show solidarity when we were attacked by the occupation forces, including during the first intifada [in the late 1980s].”

The situation for today’s generation is very different, he said. “The [Israeli] peace camp has collapsed, and there is no visible debate in Israeli society about ending the occupation or even criticism of what happened in Gaza this summer. In that climate, young people cannot see a reason for any interaction and dialogue with Israelis.”

The debate about dealings with Israelis should be understood in the context of a wider policy across the Arab world opposing what is termed “normalisation”. According to this view, there should be no normal relations with Israel until the occupation ends.

Bir Zeit’s policy was formulated in the mid-1990s, at the time when the Palestinian leadership returned to the occupied territories from exile in Tunisia under the terms of the Oslo accords.
But while the Arab world has rarely needed to test the intricacies of its anti-normalisation approach, given its lack of public contacts with Israel, Palestinians in the occupied territories have found the policy more complicated to implement.

With the Palestinian economy almost completely dependent on Israel, casual labourers need permits to work in Israel or the settlements, business leaders require Israel’s assistance with exports and imports, and the Palestinian Authority has to cooperate closely with Israel on many matters, including security.

At the same time, Khatib observed, Israel’s policy of separation – culminating in the building of a wall across the West Bank and the “disengagement” from Gaza a decade ago – severely limited the possibility of contacts between Israelis and Palestinians. That was especially true, he said, in the Palestinian cities, which were designated by Israeli military regulations as off-limits to Israelis.

Barred from Ramallah

Sam Bahour, a businessman and political activist in Ramallah, said: “What makes no sense to me is that young people are vehemently protesting against any contact with Israeli Jews, even those who are on their side, and yet publicly they barely say a word against Palestinian security cooperation with Israel.”

He contrasted their position with that held in Palestinian rural areas close to the Green Line, which formally demarcates the boundary between Israel and the occupied territories. “There every week Israeli activists are coming to help Palestinian villagers struggle against the Israeli army’s confiscation of their lands.

“The irony is that farmers are fostering cooperation while Palestinian intellectuals and academics are opposed.”

Bahour cited his own bitter experiences two years ago when he tried to bring to Ramallah an Israeli group, Zochrot, that supports the right of return to Israel of Palestinian refugees expelled in the 1948 war, as well as their descendants. The right of return is possibly the biggest taboo in Israeli society.
The meeting, which was to have discussed strategies for effecting a return of the refugees, had to be cancelled after young Palestinian activists mounted a Facebook campaign threatening to disrupt the meeting.

In one post, an opponent called the meeting an “act of immoral normalisation”. Another protested at the Palestinians’ continuing dispossession by Israel: “When they drop their ‘Israeli citizenship’, I can look [at] them as partners, but since they [are] still living in my grandfather’s house in Akka, Yaffa, Safad, they [are] occupiers.”

“Such reactions show no understanding of the need to create political alliances and to break down barriers if we want to make progress on finding a solution to the conflict,” said Bahour.

“Israelis are no longer seen as an address. The view in the PA is that we can leapfrog over Israel to talk to Washington, while the activists behave as though we can leapfrog over Israelis to get help from solidarity groups in Europe.”

Big picture forgotten

Bahour blamed the lack of effective political leadership for encouraging sloganeering rather than organised and coherent action from Palestinian activists.

“The PA is talking about getting statehood at the UN but there is no debate about how we envision relations with Israelis post-occupation.”

Halper concurred. “It’s like Palestinians have given up on the occupation ever ending. No one talks about where Israelis fit in, no one is sure of the policy. That’s why Amira Hass gets caught up in this incident at Bir Zeit.”

Sami Kilani, a professor at An-Najah university in Nablus who signed the petition in support of Hass, said that, in expelling her, Bir Zeit had “forgotten the bigger picture”.

“It’s a self-defeating approach,” he told Middle East Eye. “An-Najah invites Israelis to come to meetings and conferences so that we can hear and learn from each other. But given Israel’s military restrictions, they usually either can’t or won’t come.”

Bahour and Kilani are among those hoping that Hass’ exclusion will force a more critical re-appraisal of popular notions of anti-normalisation.

Bahour said Bir Zeit’s policy was inconsistent with the more precise guidelines introduced since 2005 by the Palestinian movement calling for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel, modelled on a similar campaign against apartheid South Africa.

Precarious situation

Barghouti, one of the founders of the BDS movement, said the guidelines for boycott did not apply to individuals, only to institutions and projects that failed to follow the principle of what he called “co-resistance”.

BDS’ three official goals are: an end to the occupation, a right of return for Palestinian refugees, and equal rights for Palestinian citizens in Israel.

Barghouti added that the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) had never requested that Palestinian universities endorse BDS, aware of their precarious situation under occupation.

Some commentators, however, have suggested that the action against Hass was in accordance with BDS.

They have observed that Hass was expelled from the meeting after she had registered herself as a representative of the Haaretz newspaper, an institution that would be covered by the call for boycott.
Hass noted in her report that she had been on the campus many times before without incident. But she also pointed out that she had been personally barred from attending an Arabic course at the university in 1998.

Prominent Israeli settler rabbi calls for "cleansing" of Palestinians


Dov Lior - Chief Settler Rabbi and Neo-Nazi Rabbi Submitted 

Israelis burn a Palestinian flag and shout racist slogans, during an anti-Palestinian protest at the Gush Etzion junction in the occupied West Bank, 16 June. (Oren Ziv / APA images)
A well-known Israeli settler rabbi recently called for Israel to “cleanse” the territories it occupies of all Palestinians, according to the news website The Times of Israel.

During a visit to Israeli settlers on 30 September in the occupied West Bank, Rabbi Dov Lior said that Israel “must strive to cleanse the entire country” of Palestinians, ostensibly referring to present-day Israel, the occupied West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip.

Lior, who is the chief rabbi for Israeli settlers in the West Bank city of Hebronand in the Kiryat Arba settlement, was speaking at an event at Givat Oz Vgaon, an “outpost” colony recently established in the Etzion bloc of settlements in the central West Bank.

From the time it occupied the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) in 1967, Israel has recognized 125 Jewish-only settlements that today harbor a population of an estimated 550,000 Israeli Jews, according to the human rights group B’Tselem.

Givat Oz Vgaon is one of more than one hundred smaller colonies known as “outposts” that also dot the map of the territory. Though outposts are considered illegal even under Israeli law, they are often provided with state resources, including funding, and are protected by the Israeli military.
“There was no peace and there will never be peace, not because we do not want [peace], but because there is no one to make peace with,” Lior said, as reported by The Times of Israel.

Using even more racist and orientalist language, he added: “This is their character, they are for war, and the traits of a nation do not change.”

He also said the Israeli government ought to force Palestinians to “return” to Saudi Arabia, employing old Israeli tropes that claim Palestinians are not indigenous to historic Palestine.

History of racism

Palestinians “know how to lead a democratic government just like I know how to deal with camels,” he further commented in his speech.
These latest outbursts are part of Lior’s long history of racist and anti-Palestinian incitement.
During Israel’s 51-day massacre of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip this summer, Lior called for the complete destruction of the besieged coastal enclave, home to an estimated 1.8 million Palestinians living under suffocating Israeli restrictions.

Israel is “allowed to punish the enemy population with measures it finds suitable, such as blocking supplies or electricity, as well as shelling the entire area according to the army minister’s judgment, and not to needlessly endanger soldiers but rather to take crushing deterring steps to exterminate the enemy,”Lior said, as reported by The Jerusalem Post at the time.

“In the case of Gaza, it would be permitted for the defense minister to even order the destruction of all of Gaza,” he continued.

Guinea pigs

Though Israeli politicians subsequently called for an investigation into Lior’s incitement, there is thus far no indication that any action has been taken. And despite having been arrested by Israeli authorities in the past, the prominent settler rabbi was not charged with any crimes and has been allowed to continue unabated.

In October 2013, Ma’an News Agencyreported that Lior was one of the leaders of a campaign to ban Jewish women from working night shifts in hospitals alongside Arab coworkers.

Citing a television report by Israel’s Channel 10, Ma’an reported that one of the groups involved in the campaign was Lehava, a Zionist group dedicated to preventing romantic relationships between Israeli Jews and Palestinians.

According to Gershom Gorenberg’s book The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount, Lior “once wrote that Israel should use captured Arab terrorists as guinea pigs for medical experiments.”

Lior was also reportedly the personal rabbi of Baruch Goldstein, an American-Israeli settler who massacred 29 Palestinians and injured more than one hundred when he opened fire on worshippers in a Hebron mosque in 1994.

Lior has said of Goldstein that he is “holier than all the martyrs of the Holocaust,” Ma’analso noted.

“Gentile sperm”

Back in 2011, Lior told a women’s health conference that it is forbidden for Jewish women to accept semen donated by non-Jews in order to artificially inseminate pregnancy. Doing so, he claimed, leads to children being born with the “negative genetic traits that characterize non-Jews,The Jerusalem Postreported at the time.

“Gentile sperm leads to barbaric offspring,” he said.

While calling for Israel to completely annex the occupied West Bank in September 2011, Lior referred to Arabs as “evil camel riders.”

The rabbi is a leading member of the Tekumah political faction, a group that merged with the Habeyit Hayehudi (Jewish Home) party in late 2012.

Habeyit Hayehudi is home to politicians including Naftali Bennett, Israel’s current economy minister who also regularly calls for Israel to annex the occupied West Bank. “I’ve killed lots of Arabs in my life – and there’s no problem with that,”Bennett said in a July 2013 interview.

Ayelet Shaked, another prominent Habeyit Hayehudi lawmaker, gained notoriety in July after she endorsed a genocidal call for Israel kill Palestinian mothers because they give birth to “little snakes.”

Lior is just one of the many anti-Palestinian figures who hold prominent public roles in Israeli communities and political institutions. And this is by no means an exhaustive account of his anti-Palestinian incitement. 

Jewish Chronicle 'mistakes' English Defence League for Sussex Friends of Israel


What's the Difference Between Jewish and non-Jewish Racists?   

Cobbs giving a good impression of a wild animal
It was an easy mistake to make.  After all both Sussex Friends of Israel and the English Defence League are outright racists, with  the SFI organiser, Simon Cobbs, having already been caught working with the neo-Nazi Jewish Defence League. http://azvsas.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/the-fascist-terrorist-links-of-sussex.html
Cobbs Looking Non-Too Pleased
The Jewish Chronicle published an interview with several members of the EDL, having mistaken them for members of Sussex Friends of Israel. Both groups were strutting around central London this weekend draped in Israeli flags, so it was an easy mistake to make.
The reporter in question made the following statement on realising his mistake almost 24 hours after going to print: “If I’m honest, which I suppose I may as well be now, we were only really interested in talking about Israel, we didn’t ask them anything about Judaism, and all of their answers were pretty much what I expected. No one realised my mistake until about mid day today when it became apparent that all of Sussex Friends of Israel had been having lunch with Stephen Pollard on Saturday.”
Jonathan Hoffman -  Vice Chair of Zionist Federation Dances Down Street with JDL's Roberta Moore - Hoffman mixed it with other neo-Nazis
The journalist, Noam Klein, had intended to interview the group at a demo outside the Qatari embassy on Sunday. But when he stumbled across the Star-of-David caped crusaders demonstrating against ‘creeping Islamism’ in Westminster on Saturday, he figured he had got his dates wrong.
The demonstrators were more than happy to offer an opinion on Israel’s recent operation in Gaza saying ‘We support Israel’s right to defend itself against its Islamic enemies. It is on the front line in the war against Jihad and a shining example of how racism can be implemented at all levels of government and society. Klein did admit some concern over the last bit of that quote, but having heard a speaker at the last SFI rally in Brighton bang on about the name ‘Mohammed’ for 5 minutes, he thought they were just trying out some new honesty.
EDL - strong supporters of Israel
Simon Cobbs, the founder of Sussex Friends, declined to comment and called us anti Semitic for asking. Fortunately it is unlikely the two groups will ever really be friends, as they always show up to parties wearing the same thing.
English Defence League
So Noam Klein admits that the EDL were giving Israel as a “shining example of how racism can be implemented at all levels of government and societybut that didn’t deter him since SFI were equally racist at a rally he attended.  As Private Eye used to say, you couldn’t  make it up!

Originally posted on the Jewdas site http://jewdas.org/spot-the-difference/

The Day Israel Attacked America


The Attack on the USS Liberty

In June 1967, during the 6 Day War of Expansion, the US spy ship, the USS Liberty was listening to Israeli communications.  Israel didn’t want information as to what they were doing to leak to the Egypt and its allies and they attacked the ship.

The US response was to cover the attack up.  They could hardly attack their closest ally in the region.  One cannot help thinking that what happened to the USS Liberty was an example of what the US perpetrated on other peoples, but the film is worth watching.

Tony Greenstein

The Lib-Tory Attack on the Disabled


After 4 Years the Lib-Dems are now Opposed to the Attacks  They Supported!

Every time you hear Nick Clegg talk about how the Lib Dems restrained their Tory partners in the Coalition, just think of the attacks on the welfare state, the NHS reforms and above all the attack on claimants.  The story below, in last Wednesday’s Guardian illustrates the reality of what has happened.  Those who couldn’t protect themselves went without food, had their benefits stopped ‘sanctioned’ and were left to wither on the vine whilst Ian Duncan Smith flattered the Tory’s multi-millionaire donors.
Disabled Man Dies -  Guardian
In all of this the Lib-Dems have been complicit.   The    poor have paid the bankers’ bills as Clegg and Cable smiled on what was happening.   Only now have the Lib-Dems discovered that they opposed the Bedroom Tax all along!
speaks for itself

What can be done?

Today there is no movement against the attacks on claimants.  Small groups like Brighton Benefits Campaign exist but they are more concerned with their own sectarian differences than campaigning on the coal face.  The attack on benefits affects those in work as well as those who are unemployed.
These attacks are designed to keep wages   down, even at a time of nominal full-employment.  In this they have succeeded.  We have a recovery without any increase in the price of labour.  The trade union movement has unfortunately sat idly by doing little or nothing.

There is a desperate need for a mass campaign on the lines of the anti-poll tax movement to shake up those in power and reverse the cuts.

Tony Greenstein

'The Only Democracy in the Middle East' Suspends Arab MK Haneen Zoabi

Israel’s mask of democracy slips as Haneen Zoabi is suspended for 6 months
Haneen Zoabi -  singled out for abuse by Israeli right and Zionists
 In the summer Haneen Zoabi, a member of the Knesset for Balad, was asked of the kidnapping and murder of 3 teenage settlers was an act of terrorism.  She replied that it wasn’t.  There was no reason to believe that it was part of a wider political or military campaign as opposed to the act of individual Palestinians.  For this she has been suspended for 6 months from the Knesset, Israel’s Parliament.
Ayelet Shaked MK of Jewish Home, a far-right member of the government coalition also wrote, on Face Book, that Palestinian mothers should be murdered in order to prevent the birth of Palestinian ‘snakes’.  A clear call for genocide.  Her punishment?  There wasn’t any.

The government has also passed an Act to raise the threshold that a Party needs to be elected, to 3.25%, the purpose of which is to prevent the election of Arab MKs.
Israel used to parade itself as the ‘only democracy in the Middle East’.  Now even that sounds hollow, as Zoabi, who supported and was on board the Mavi Marmara, has outraged the Zionist public in Israel.  With the exception of the Meretz civil rights group, all the Zionist parties, including the Labour Party, voted to support, by 64-16 the motion to suspend Zoabi.
Below is a full report from Jonathan Cook’s excellent blog.

5 November 2014
Electronic Intifada – 4 November 2014

The Israeli parliament voted overwhelmingly last week to suspend Haneen Zoabi, a legislator representing the state’s large Palestinian minority, for six months as a campaign to silence political dissent intensified.

The Israeli parliament, or Knesset, voted by 68 to 16to endorse a decision in late July by its ethics committee to bar Zoabi from the chamber for what it termed “incitement.”
It is the longest suspension in the Knesset’s history and the maximum punishment allowed under Israeli law.

At a press conference, Zoabi denounced her treatment as “political persecution.”
“By distancing me from the Knesset, basically they’re saying they don’t want Arabs, and only want ‘good Arabs.’ We won’t be ‘good Arabs,’” she said.

The Knesset’s confirmation of Zoabi’s suspension comes as she faces a criminal trial for incitement in a separate case and as the Knesset considers stripping her of citizenship.
But Zoabi is not the only Palestinian representative in the firing line. Earlier this year the Knesset raised the threshold for election to the parliament, in what has been widely interpreted as an attempt to exclude all three small parties representing the Palestinian minority. One in five citizens of Israel belong to the minority.
In addition, it emerged last week that a bill is being prepared to outlaw the northern branch of the Islamic Movement, the only extra-parliamentary party widely supported by Palestinian citizens.
Along with Zoabi, the Islamic Movement’s leader, Sheikh Raed Salah, has been among the most vocal critics of Israeli policies, especially over the al-Aqsa mosque compound in occupied Jerusalem.
Death threats
Zoabi was originally suspended after legislators from all the main parties expressed outrage at a series of comments from her criticizing both the build-up to Israel’s summer assault on Gaza, dubbed “Operation Protective Edge,” and the 51-day attack itself, which left more than 2,100 Palestinians dead, most of them civilians.
In particular, fellow members of Knesset were incensed by a radio interviewin which she expressed her disapproval of the kidnapping of three Israeli youths in the occupied West Bank, but refused to denounce those behind it as “terrorists.” The youths were later found murdered.
Zoabi faced a wave of death threats and needed to be assigned a bodyguard for public appearances.
During the Knesset debate on her appeal against the suspension, Zoabi said: “Yes, I crossed the lines of consensus — a warlike, aggressive, racist, populist, chauvinist, arrogant consensus. I must cross those lines. I am no Zionist, and that is within my legal right.”
Zoabi, who has come to personify an unofficial political opposition in the Knesset against all the main parties, is under attack on several fronts.
Last week she was informed that the state prosecution service had approved a police recommendation to put her on trial for criminal incitement for “humiliating” two policemen.

She is alleged to have referred to the policemen, who are members of the Palestinian minority, as “collaborators” as she addressed parents of children swept up in mass arrests following protests against the Israeli assault on Gaza over the summer.

Faina Kirschenbaum, the deputy interior minister in the government of Benjamin Netanyahu, has also drafted two bills directly targeting Zoabi.

The first would strip someone of the right to stand for the Knesset if they are found to have supported “an act of terrorism,” while the second would strip them of their citizenship.

Because ministers are not allowed to initiate private bills, the task of bringing the measures to the floor of the parliament has been taken up by the Knesset’s Law, Constitution and Justice Committee.

Intentional subversions

Zoabi further infuriated fellow members of Knesset this month when she compared the Israeli army to the Islamic State, the jihadist group that has violently taken over large parts of Syria and Iraq and has become notorious for kidnapping westerners and beheading them.
In an apparently intentional subversion of Netanyahu’s recent comparison of the Islamic State and Hamas, the Palestinian resistance movement, Zoabi described an Israeli Air Force pilotas “no less a terrorist than a person who takes a knife and commits a beheading.” She added that “both are armies of murderers, they have no boundaries and no red lines.”
Avigdor Lieberman, the foreign minister, was among those who responded by calling Zoabi a “terrorist.”
“The law must be used to put the terrorist — there is no other word for it — the terrorist Haneen Zoabi in jail for many years,” he told Israel Radio.
A poll this month foundthat 85 percent of the Israeli Jewish public wanted Zoabi removed from the Knesset.
“There is a great deal of frustration among Israeli politicians and the public at their army’s failure to defeat the Palestinian resistance in Gaza,” said Awad Abdel Fattah, the secretary general of Balad, a political party representing Palestinians in Israel. “At times like this, the atmosphere of repression intensifies domestically.”
Silencing all political dissent
The initiatives against Zoabi are the most visible aspects of a wider campaign to silence all political dissent from the Palestinian minority.
Last week, Lieberman instructed one of his members of Knesset, Alex Miller, to initiate a bill that would outlaw Salah’s Islamic Movement.
The legislation appears to be designed to hold Netanyahu to his word from late May. Then, the Israeli media revealed that the prime minister had created a ministerial team to consider ways to ban the movement.

At the same time, the Israeli security services claimed that Salah’s faction was cooperating closely with Hamas in Jerusalem.

After Israel barred the Palestinian Authority from having any presence in Jerusalem more than a decade ago and expelled Hamas legislators from the city, Salah has become the face of Palestinian political activism in Jerusalem.

Under the campaign slogan “al-Aqsa is in danger,” he has taken a leading role in warning that Israel is incrementally taking control of the most sensitive holy site in the conflict.

Last month it emergedthat the Knesset is to vote on legislation to give Jewish religious extremists greater access to the mosque compound. Already large numbers of Jews, many of them settlers, regularly venture on to esplanade backed by armed Israeli police.

They include Jewish extremists that expressly want to blow up the al-Aqsa mosque so that a replica of a Jewish temple from 2,000 years ago can be built in its place.

Last week, Yehuda Glick, a leader of one of these extremist groups, was shot and woundedin Jerusalem. In response, Israel shut down al-Aqsa for the first time since the outbreak of the second intifada fourteen years ago. Mahmoud Abbas, the head of the Ramallah-based Palestinian Authority, called it a “declaration of war.”
According to the text of Lieberman’s bill, the northern wing of the Islamic Movement “subverts the State of Israel’s sovereignty while making cynical use of the institutions and fundamental values of the Jewish and democratic state.”

It also blames the movement for “an eruption of violence and unrest among the Arab minority in Israel, while maintaining close relations with the terrorist organization Hamas.”

Raising the threshold

The attacks on Zoabi and the Islamic Movement come in the wake of legislation in March to raise the electoral threshold— from 2 percent to 3.25 percent — for a party to win representation in the Knesset.

The new threshold is widely seen as having been set to exclude the three Palestinian parties currently in the Knesset from representation. The minority’s vote is split almost evenly between three political streams.

Zoabi’s Balad party emphasizes the need for the Palestinian minority to build its own national institutions, especially in education and culture, to withstand the efforts of Israel’s Zionist institutions to strip Palestinian citizens of their rights and erase their identity. Its chief demand has been for “a state for all its citizens” — equal rights for Jewish and Palestinian citizens.

Balad’s chief rival is the joint Jewish-Arab party of Hadash, whose Communist ideology puts a premium on a shared program of action between Jewish and Arab citizens. However, its Jewish supporters have shrunk to a tiny proportion of the party. It too campaigns for equal rights.
And the final party, Raam-Taal, is a coalition led by prominent Islamic politicians.
The three parties have between them eleven seats in the 120-member Knesset, with one held by a Jewish member of Knesset, Dov Chenin, for Hadash.

Abdel Fattah said his Balad party had been urging the other parties to create a coalition in time for the next general election to overcome the new threshold.

So far it has faced opposition from Hadash, which is worried that an alliance with Balad would damage its image as a joint Jewish-Arab party. A source in Hadash told Israeli daily Haaretz in late September: “Hadash is not an Arab party, and there’s no reason it should unite with two Arab parties.”

Abdel Fattah said Hadash’s objections were unreasonable given that both Balad and the Islamic faction believed it was important to include Jewish candidates on a unified list. “Eventually they will have to come round to a joint list unless they want to commit political suicide,” he remarked.
Falling turnout
Balad has been under threat at previous general elections. The Central Elections Committee, a body representing the major political parties, has repeatedly voted to ban it from running. Each time the decision has been overturned on appealto the Supreme Court.
In 2007 the party’s former chairman, Azmi Bishara, was accused of treason while travelling abroad and has been living in exile ever since.
But the representation of all the parties is now in danger from the raised threshold. Over the past thirty years, turnout among Palestinian citizens has dramatically fallen to little more than half of potential voters, as the minority has seen its political demands for equality greeted with a wave of laws entrenching discrimination.
Among the anti-democratic measures passed in recent years are laws that penalize organizations commemorating the Naqba, the Palestinians’ dispossession of their homeland in 1948; that provide a statutory basis to admissions committees, whose function is to prevent Palestinian citizens living on most of Israel’s territory; and that make it impossible for most Palestinian citizens to bring a Palestinian spouse to live with them in Israel.

Uncompromising stance

Last week, Balad MKs boycotted the opening ceremony of the Knesset, following the summer recess, in protest at Zoabi’s treatment.

At a press conference in the parliament, her colleague, Basel Ghattas, warned: “The day is approaching when Arab MKs will think there is no use participating in the political sphere. We are discovering more and more that we are personae non gratae at the Knesset.”

On Facebook, Lieberman responded that he hoped the Arab MKs would “carry out this ‘threat’ as soon as possible.”

The increasingly uncompromising stance towards all the Palestinian minority’s political factions marks a shift in policy, even for the right.

Although no Israeli government coalition has ever included a Palestinian party, and the Nasserist al-Ard movement was banned in the 1960s, Jewish politicians have generally viewed it as safer to keep the Palestinian parties inside the Knesset.

Analyst Uzi Baram observed in Haaretzthat even Menachem Begin, a former hardline prime minister from Netanyahu’s Likud party, believed it would be unwise to raise the threshold to keep out Arab parties. If they were excluded, Baram wrote, it was feared “they would resort to non-parliamentary actions.”
‘Paving the way toward fascism’
Zoabi petitioned the Israeli Supreme Court against her suspension from the Knesset in early October. However, the judges suggested she first use an arcane appeal procedure before the Knesset’s full plenum to demonstrate she had exhausted all available channels for lifting the suspension.
Israeli legal scholars have noted the irregularities in the ethics committee’s decision to impose a record-long suspension on Zoabi. The committee’s task is to regulate parliament members’ behaviour inside the Knesset, not political speech outside it.
Aeyal Gross, a constitutional law professor at Tel Aviv University, warned that the Knesset’s treatment of Zoabi was “paving the way towards fascism and tyranny.”
Gross noted the extreme severity of the committee’s punishment of Zoabi, contrasting it with that of another MK, Aryeh Eldad. In 2008 he called for Ehud Olmert, the prime minister at the time, to be sentenced to death for suggesting that parts of the occupied territories become a Palestinian state.
Eldad was suspended for just one day, even though it was a clear example of incitement to violence in a country where a former prime minister, Yitzhak Rabin, was murdered by a right-wing extremist, citing similar justification for his actions.
Tyranny of the majority
The Supreme Court, which has shifted rightwards in recent years, may not be sympathetic to Zoabi’s appeal against her suspension.
In September the court jailedSaid Nafaa, a former MK from her Balad party, for one year after he was convicted of visiting Syria in 2007 with a delegation of Druze clerics and meeting a Palestinian faction leader in Syria.

The crime of making contact with a foreign agent is the only one in Israeli law in which the defendant must prove their innocence.

The court may also be wary of making unpopular rulings at a time when it is under concerted attack from the Israeli right for being too liberal.

Ayelet Shaked, of the settler Jewish Home party, which is in the government coalition, has introduced a billthat would allow a simple majority of the Knesset to vote to override Supreme Court rulings.

Human rights lawyers warned that the bill would further erode already limited protections for minority rights.

Debbie Gild-Hayo, a lawyer with the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, warned that protections for minorities from the tyranny of the majority would be in severe jeopardy as a result. “These proposals wish to break down the checks and balances that are fundamental to democracy,” she said.
Zoabi remained defiant. She notedthat, while she was being hounded, the legal authorities had ignored genocidal remarks made by Jewish politicians against Palestinians during the summer attack on Gaza.

“They’re putting me on trial over a trivial, meaningless matter, while ministers and MKs who incited to racism and incited to violence and even to murder aren’t being investigated, even after complaints were filed against them.”

She added: “If I am indicted, I’ll turn the hearings into the most political trial in Israel’s history.”
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Labour Heads for Electoral Disaster


Those Who Want to Replace Miliband Miss the Point - It's the Strategy that Needs Changing

That speech

New Labour MPs Panic as their Seats Are in Danger – But None Advocate a Change in Strategy

When I posted an article in July this year saying that there was no way Miliband could win the election, a lot of my friends told me I was wrong.  On the contrary, given the disarray of the Tories under Cameron and the threat from UKIP Labour stood a good chance of an overall majority.

I doubt if anyone today would repeat that.  The fact is that the chickens have come home to roost.  It wasn’t his disastrous speech at New Labour’s conference, parts of which he forgot, but the lack of any theme to articulate.  Instead Labour comes across as a pink and watered down version of Cameron’s Tories.  They support welfare reform, but not quite as much of it as the Tories and Lib Dems.  They favour capping pr ices on rail and utilities but public ownership is a no-no, but you can’t control what you don’t own.  It’s elementary and Attlee and Wilson understood this.  The policy wonk Miliband understands nothing.
Miliband Address the Zionist Labour Friends of Israel

It would be easy to target the 1% of Britain that owns 55% of its wealth, the savage rich and hangers on but that wouldn’t be the New Labour way and that is why Miliband is doomed.
Miliband Says Nothing in Hiw Own Long-Winded Way
To compound Labour’s misery, the Scottish heartland they took for granted is deserting them en masse.  The Scots rejected devolution but the working-class heartlands such as Glasgow voted to support independence.  Labour ran a campaign with Cameron, with that useless washed up disaster area, Gordon Brown, performing the role of a Tory patriot.  Well devolution was narrowly rejected but Labour has suffered the price of working with the Tories (as well as being stabbed in the back by Cameron the day after the vote).
Ralph Miliband - turning in his grave at the treachery of his sons!
The panic of Labour MPs says more about their fears for their careers than any rethink of  strategy or purpose.  The result may be Labour will struggle to even get 200 seats in the next General Election.   The tragedy is that the socialist left and in particular Left Unity, is so tied up witness navel gazing that it is in no position to take advantage of Labour’s problems.

Tony Greenstein

I posted the following on the Left Unity site.  I doubt it will see the light of day!

‘At a time when Labour is in disarray Left Unity is still obsessing about internal matters.
Who gives a fuck as to who is the principal speaker?  You've lost 1,000 of your members - one third - and have learnt as few lessons and drawn as few conclusions as Miliband has done.

Another left sect consigned to obscurity for which u can thank the ISG and navel gazing 'feminists'. 

Well done for squandering another opportunity for the Left.’

The Origins of Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC)


A Talk I Gave to members of Brighton PSC on 31st August 2014

We often work in organisations which are so embroiled and rightly so in their day-to-day work, that they forget where they came from.  I am posting for others the transcription of the speech.  Passages in Bold have been added subsequent to the talk
Although slow at first to come aboard the BDS campaign, PSC has persuaded the lumbering carthorse of the TUC to support a boycott of settlement (but not Israeli) produce
PSC was formed in 1982 but I don’t want to start there.  I think you have to give some context and the background to what happened. 
Tony Greenstein speaking at the 2013 PSC AGM
I was brought up in a very Orthodox Jewish background.  At that time the media and public opinion was overwhelmingly pro-Zionist in the wake of the 1967 (6 Days) war.  There wasn’t a newspaper in the land which wasn’t supporting Israel. [The Independent wasn't yet yet existence] The only newspaper which even attempted at some balance was the (Manchester) Guardian, originally the most pro-Zionist of all papers under CP Scott.  It was reviled, of course, as a result.
Being a lover of Hitler, these young fascists recognise that Israel is the most racist anti-Muslim state of all
I can remember when Jerusalem was captured by Israel in the 1967 War, the BBC correspondent, Michael Elkins, was more enthusiastic than anyone else.  He was in fact an Israeli citizen.  He was ghastly and awful but this was accepted at the time.  Most people thought it was a very simple matter.  The Jews wanted a little portion of somewhere to live in the Middle East and the Arabs were intent on preventing this and refused to make peace. 
Hugh Lanning of PCS is the national Chairperson of PSC
The expulsions in 1947-48, the complexities never dawned on them.  It was fortuitous that I broke from that. Partly because we had a school debate and I played the devil’s advocate. The Zionist Federation wasn’t happy about a Jewish school hosting a debate on the rights and wrongs of Zionism!.  That began to open my eyes and then I went on a school trip to Israel, which was heavily subsidised by the Zionist Federation in order to get Jewish school students ‘aware of their roots’.  The only place I liked was Jerusalem.  They guided you around but if you had enough nous you spoke to people independently, which I did, particularly in Bethlehem, to ordinary Palestinian Christians to see what they felt about this benign occupation.  That was 1968-9 and I was about 15.
Jeremy Corbyn and Kamel Hawash on a demonstration outside Parliament
The other thing was that I became a socialist and a Marxist and participated in the anti-Springbok demonstrations against the South African rugby team.  I joined a group which was the precursor of the SWP, called the International Socialists.  There I met one or two other Jewish anti-Zionists.  They were few and far between compared to today where Jewish anti-Zionism has really taken off and become a major headache for the Zionists because it deflects the accusation of anti-Semitism but that was the position in the 1960’s in the wake of the 6 Day War.
Brighton PSC stall in Churchill Square.  Every Saturday Brighton PSC runs a stall
It was only in the 1970’s with the establishment of the settlements, they began in 1968 under the Israeli Labour Government and people like Yigal Allon and Yisrael Gallili of Ahdut H’avoda (one of the components of the Israeli  Labour Alignment).,
Scottish PSC after a failed attempt to prosecute 5 members for disrupting a performance of the Jerusalem Quartet
The massive expansion of the settlements began under Menachem Begin who became Israeli  Prime Minister in 1977.  That was the climate for the beginning of a a solidarity movement. 
PSC Conference speaker
I joined the British anti-Zionist Organisation which was controlled, although I didn’t realise it at the time, by the Iraqi  Ba’athists and the and this was always a problem for any solidarity movement, retaining one’s independence. 
Zionist Wishful thinking as Cherie Blair's anti-Semitic half-sister attacks PSC
But there were other major initiatives.  One was a Labour movement conference in Bradford, around 1981, where I met with Andrew Hornung, a member of Socialist Organiser, a precursor of today’s overtly pro-Zionist Alliance for Workers Liberty, which was then anti-Zionist, and decided to form a Labour Committee on Palestine.  When SO moved into the Zionist camp Andrew left the organisation.  At a well attended meeting at the GLC’s County Hall, in July 1982, we ejected the organiser of the Labour Friends of Israel, Peter Grunberger and set up the LCP as a formal organisation.  In the wake of Israel’s invasion of Lebanon, in which 20,000 were killed and Beirut was heavily bombed, the LCP introduced an emergency motion to the Labour Party Conference that autumn, calling for a democratic, secular state in Palestine.  The resolution was actually passed! I had been elected as its Chair and Andrew as the Secretary and Ted Knight, leader of the Labour group on Lambeth Council was Treasurer. 

However unknown to me and others, Knight was an operative in the Labour Party for the Workers Revolutionary Party of Vanessa Redgrave fame, working behind a paper called the Labour Herald, which Livingstone helped front, and it was funded by various Arab regimes.  The LCP was a useful trophy to display to its funders to demonstrate its political prowess.  At its founding conference in November, some 100 WRP delegates, most of whom didn’t even know why they were there, trooped in to vote accordingly and we left to form the Labour Movement Campaign on Palestine.  We got a good story about what happened published in the Diary column of The Guardian (Knight of a 100 Introductions).
A spontaneous demonstration erupts when the EDL tries to attack the PSC stall.  All 5 of them run for it
The LMCP organised with the early PSC a Labour Movement Conference on Palestine at the Greater London Council’s County Hall.  At the latter, many of the luminaries of the Labour Left spoke – Jeremy Corbyn MP, Peter Tatchell, Richard Balfe MEP (now a member of the Tory party!).  On the day of the Conference the Zionists tried to sabotage the Conference by sending out fake letters in my name with a badly forged signature, cancelling the conference!  However the ploy failed.
Jewish Chronicle Report of founding of Labour Committee on Palestine
Guardian Diary Report of Ted Knight's  sabotage of the LCP Conference
But remember the context.  In the Labour Party for example the most ardent supporters of Israel were on the Labour Left, the Tribunite Left.  Tony Benn and Eric Heffer.  Stalwarts of the Left were members of Labour Friends of Israel.  One of the things that has developed as a result of the 1982 invasion of Lebanon was that the Left began to reject Israel with few exceptions (Jo Richarson MP).  The old Ian Mikardo wing disappeared or died out.  People on the Left supported the Palestinians whereas those on the Right, the New Labourites, made it an article of faith to support Israel. 
That wasn’t always the case.  In Liverpool I remember, with my school, attending a debate where the only pro-Arab or Palestinian speakers were either from the Labour Right, people like Christopher Mayhew MP or the Guardian journalist, the late Michael Adams.  He was the first journalist I can remember who was not pro-Zionist.  One of the Guardian’s correspondents and was rather shabbily treated from what I recall.  He was the first journalist to speak out against Israel’s ‘benign occupation’.
PSC AGM Notice with Omar Barghouti as speaker - At this meeting one of the leading  Atzmonites, Francis Clark-Lowes, was expelled for holocaust denial, something Omar applauded.
I can only describe the background to the growth of a solidarity movement from my own perspective.  I came down to Brighton in 1974 to Brighton Polytechnic and there was established by General Union of Palestinian Students a quite thriving Palestine society.  It was the days of very low-cost fees when you would pay £100-150 to get on a degree course, which now cost thousands of pounds.  So there were a lot of Palestinian students on Engineering and Science courses.  There built up an alliance between overseas students and the White left whereby a sleepy, reactionary and backward student union was captured by the far-left.  I was elected as Vice-President of the Student Union, two years in succession.  In Xmas 1977 I moved the first ever motion at the National Union of Students Conference supporting a democratic, secular state in Palestine.  It didn’t win of course, but it set down a marker for things to come.  In the student movement, in the 1970’s, Palestinian organisation and opinion in Britain was taking root via GUPS.
It wasn’t like now where Fateh are wrapped up in the Palestinian Authority.  I remember two of the activists.  Hannah, a bespectacled Ph. D student who went back to Jerusalem who was aligned with the Palestinian Communist Party and there was someone I called Brother Joseph, who I saw for the first time in a decade at the first Gaza demonstration in London, who was a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and firmly on the left of the movement.  Unfortunately he is very ill now and going blind.  These were some of the unspoken about heroes of the beginnings of the solidarity movement in this country and at Brighton Polytechnic, which was more active on Palestine than Sussex University, where there was also a Palestinian Society. 
There was a burning need for a national solidarity movement which was given the necessary impetus by the 1982 invasion of Lebanon.  People don’t recall but there was a precursor to the invasion where Israel went in and the United States under Reagan (!) forced it to withdraw.  Then it went back in for a major invasion, using the pretext of the attempted assassination of the Israeli Ambassador to London, Shlomo Argov.  In fact the attack was by Abu Nidal, a renegade PLO member living in Iraq and controlled by the Ba’athists.  It was nothing to do with the official PLO but any excuse was sufficient for Israel to go into Lebanon, as we have seen in the attack on Gaza.  The carnage it caused was a catalyst for the solidarity movement in this country and world wide.  The image of Israel as a peaceful state, beleaguered on all sides, was shattered.  
Benn, Heffer and a number of Labour left-wingers resigned from Labour Friends of Israel.  Gradually the Palestinians began to have a voice in Parliament.  Not always a useful voice, for example Tony Marlowe, Tory MP, Monday Club member, for Northampton North who was more of an anti-Semite than a supporter of the Palestinians.  But there was a coalescence among the Labour left that you’d never ever seen before.  I personally began writing a whole series of articles for Tribune, house paper of the Labour Left and George Orwell’s former paper.  These were a sign of the times.  The New Statesman was another paper which swerved from support of Israel to criticism of it. 

Ariel Sharon had achieved quite a bit during the invasion of Lebanon, including complete revulsion for what Israel had done.  It was after the initial false start that a group of people, it must have been about 15 or 16 people, came together at the University of London Union in Malet Street.  Besides myself there was Jeremy Landau, Helen Stollar, who I met at the most recent Brighton demonstration and is ill now.  There was Roland Rance of Jews Against Zionism, Moshe Machover and Haim Skotario of Matzpen – the Socialist Organisation in Israel.  Moshe’s article The Class Nature of Israel which New Left Review published around 1968 and the International Socialists published as a pamphlet later is, even now, extremely worth reading, even after more than 30 years.  Machover was a brilliant speaker on Zionism and is, despite his age, still active. 
There were a number of others, most of whom I can’t remember, Over half the meeting was Jewish!  There were people like John Gee, the future Chair of Palestine Solidarity Campaign.  There were a number of Palestinians and one very vociferous, outspoken and articulate member of the Lebanese National Movement.  Because Israel had ensured, via Assad’s Syria, that the Left did not win the civil war. The aim was to ensure the victory of the fascist Phalange, in order to prevent the unification of the Lebanese nation. 
In 1979, along with a group of others, we visited Lebanon.  The Embassy in Britain was controlled by the Phalange and they refused us visas.  So we went to Syria first and after a couple of days, we were taken off by the PLO in a jeep across the border, without any visas of course.  We were taken by this mountain of a guy.  It was very difficult as you go up on the hills above Damascus and see the city shimmering in the night.  It was a wonderful scene.  It was semi-desert and there were traditional villages and families by the roadside, with tents and lanterns, selling fruit.  We were taken to Beirut where we stayed at a hotel called Triomphe, which the PLO controlled.  Three years later the Israelis bombed. 
It was tragic.  We visited the refugee camps of Bourj-al-Barajneh, Sabra and Shatilla.  The people we saw were lambs to the slaughter three years later, as the Israeli troops lit up the night sky with flares as their fascist friends in the Phalange butchered them, after the PLO fighters had left Beirut under an American sponsored agreement. 
I can remember, with another member of our delegation, crossing the frontier to Christian (East) Beirut from West Beirut, to see Tel al Zataar, a refugee camp, where some 2,000 Palestinians were massacred in August 1976.  This was a consequence of the Syrian invasion of Lebanon, which the USA and Israel had given the green light to, in order to help the Phalange which was in danger of being defeated by the leftist Lebanese National Movement, which included the Druze of the Bekaa Valley.  You saw the destroyed buildings with massive gaping holes where the shells had pierced.  That was a precursor to the Sabra and Shatilla massacres.  We were arrested on the way back, for not having visas, by the Lebanese army, which was few in number and dug in behind sand bags in the strip dividing Beirut.  We told them we were guests of the Syrian government and were released pretty quickly! 
Back in London, PSC was formed three years later, in 1982, and they were small beginnings.  We met I think every 2 weeks in Oxford House, a trade union and community centre in Bethnal Green and I would estimate that after a year we only had a couple of hundred members.  If we organised a demonstration we‘d be lucky if we got more than a couple of thousand people.  When we look back to the monster demonstration on 9th August 2014 we can see the major advances in PSC since that time. 
Growth in PSC was slow but steady.  PSC took over, two offices in a shabby building, which housed other voluntary and campaigning groups, in the backstreets of London near Finsbury Park Tube Station and after about a year we began employing a part-time worker.  I can remember that one of the workers was Anne Gray, who is still active on the Left and in PSC.
We publicised ourselves at the various GLC festivals on the South Bank of the Thames, anti-racist festivals and similar gatherings.  PSC also worked with the Labour Movement Campaign for Palestine and held public meetings and displays. Slowly but surely PSC gained name recognition.  In particular PSC organised, in Camden Town Hall, a major conference on Anti-Arab racism, funded to the tune of about £2,000 by the GLC (which Thatcher abolished and was headed, in his radical days, by Ken Livingstone).  This produced a major outcry from the Zionist Establishment and the Jewish Chronicle famously wrote that there was enough Arab money within a stone throw of Marble Arch.
It was picketed by Herut, the dominant party of the Likud coalition in Israel and the ‘Marxist’ Zionists Mapam.  We let a few of the latter in (we had heavy security) given the campaign against the Conference.
I objected vehemently to this racist statement (substitute ‘Jewish’ for ‘Arab’ and see why) and after the Jewish Chronicle refused to carry a letter from me I submitted a complaint to the Press Council (the precursor of the Press Complaints Commission).  Much to the Editor, Geoffrey D Paul’s surprise (his main defence was that my letter was too long and ‘boring’) and also my surprise, the PC upheld my complaint and the Jewish Chronicle was forced to print the adjudication, though it also printed an angry self-righteous defence.
Brighton PSC's successful picket of the Sodastream shop - Sodastream is now in deep financial crisis
There have of course been setbacks amongst the Palestinians, notably the 1993 Oslo Accords.  This had a knock-on effect on PSC which held an Emergency General Meeting and voted by 2-1 to support the Accords.  Later the Chair of PSC, who chaired the meeting, with Uri Davies from Israel at his side, told me how wrong he had been.  But regrets after the Accords had been agreed were worthless. 
A number of us resigned from the organisation because, as I wrote in National Labour Briefing (in a debate with Julia Bard of the Jewish Socialists Organisation) this was the biggest setback to the Palestinian since the Nakba.  It was a historic defeat.  Everything I wrote then has, unfortunately, turned out to be correct.  All that has happened is that the faces of the Israeli military have been replaced by that of Palestinians, trained by the Americans and supplying every ounce of Intelligence that the Israelis require.  It is a major obstacle on the road to liberation, to which the Palestinians have to find their own answer. 
I rejoined the organisation locally in the early 2000’s at the suggestion of the then Chair Frances Clarke-Lowes (who ironically I played a major part in having expelled nationally and locally for holocaust denial).  I had taken part in a demonstration from Palmeira Square to Brighton on Palestine, as a result of one of many Israeli attacks on the Palestinians and Lebanese.
But I returned in earnest in 2005 when a friend I knew from the Left, Sue Blackwell, a lecturer at Birmingham University, spearheaded the first major BDS campaign in the Association of University Teachers, later the University College Union.  AUT held a national conference in Eastbourne and she nagged me to go over and leaflet it, which I did, as did other Brighton PSC members (Zoe I remember) and the resolution passed narrowly. That caused an uproar, Tony Blair condemned it as did most establishment worthies.  But UCU held on, despite its leadership (the Left later captured the Executive) and we saw the culmination of Zionist lawfare tactics with the bringing of a case last year at an employment tribunal by Ronnie Fraser, a minor academic, alleging racial discrimination against UCU. 

In reality Fraser was just a front man and the eminence grise behind the case was none other than Anthony Julius, an ardent Zionist and former lawyer to Princess Diana, who trousered some £2m from the charitable trust set up in her name after she had died.  Julius, whose speciality is clearly not employment law, was out of his depth in trying to argue that being a Zionist is a ‘protected characteristic’ (protected characteristics for example age, sexual orientation, gender, race etc. are the grounds upon which you can sue for discrimination and harassment).  The problem, as the Tribunal noted, was that many Jews are also opposed to Zionism and the Tribunal held that the litigation was “an impermissible attempt to achieve a political end by litigious means”.  For a damning indictment of Zionist tactics and a defence of the Tribunal, from a Zionist lawyer see ‘Why the Ronnie Fraser case against the UCU was a legal and public relations disaster’ .

After the successful motion to the AUT Conference in 2005, a group of us were invited for Sunday lunch to Stephen and Professor Hilary Rose where the academic boycott group BRICUP was discussed and tactics planned.  Also in attendance was Betty Hunter, the then General Secretary of PSC who asked me why I didn’t rejoin PSC.  I mentioned Oslo and she said that today that was irrelevant, everyone opposed it now and as a result I felt it was churlish not to rejoin.

Tony Greenstein

Let Mads Gilbert Back Into Gaza - Norwegian doctor banned from Gaza for life


Israel – the only State where it is a crime to save life

But see it from Netanyahu’s perspective.  Israel spends much time and money killing as many Palestinian civilians as possible and then this upstart from Norway, who should be minding his own business, tries to subvert their efforts by saving peoples’ lives.  Not only should he be banned but but he should count his blessings.   Israel could have let him come, arrested  him and then charged him with terrorism instead

Tony Greenstein

The Norwegian 67-year-old has travelled to and from Gaza to treat Palestinians. This summer, the chief physician who lives and works in northern Norway, was back working at Shifa hospital, Gaza, where he spend more than 50 days treating many of the 11,000 injured.

The doctor was attempting to return to the region in October to help in the hospital and was stopped by Israeli officials from entering.

Gilbert says: “When we came back to the Erez border station, the Israeli soldiers told me that I could not go in to Gaza.”

 Now the Israeli government is stating that Gilbert is banned for security reasons, according to an email from the Norwegian embassy in Tel Aviv. The embassy took up the case on Gilbert's behalf after he was refused entry last month.

Norway's Secretary of State, Bård Glad Pedersen, said to VG: “From the Norwegian perspective, we have raised Gilbert's exclusion from Gaza and asked Israel to change their decision. The humanitarian situation in Gaza is still difficult and there is a need for all health workers.”

Gilbert himself believes the decision is connected to his critical comments against the state of Israel.
 The outspoken peace activist wrote a letter to the global media in July this year in which he spoke about the extreme conditions at the Gaza hospital where he worked. 

Campaign created by Tariq ZiyadIcon-email
To appeal to the Israeli Government to lift their imposed life ban on Dr Mads Gilbert returning to Gaza

Why is this important?

Dr Gilbert worked tirelessly trying to save the children of Gaza during the recent bombing campaign by Israel, the Israeli government are attempting to silence him for speaking out about the atrocities that he witnessed first hand, Dr Gilbert carried out great humanitarian work in the most difficult of circumstances, banning from entering Gaza for like is tantamount to a kind of punishment and is certainly not the actions of a 'democratic government'

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