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Gaza is Israel’s Auschwitz and October 7 is the Palestinians’ Kristallnacht


 Western Leaders Call Hamas ‘Terrorists’ yet compared to Israel’s rape, torture and child-killing machine, Hamas is the equivalent of a church choir

A Child’s Question to their parents - Where were you when Gaza’s Genocide Was Taking Place?

I make no apologies for this being an omnibus blog. Israel's atrocities and war crimes are so massive and overwhelming, all of them supported unflinchingly by our government and that of the United States and Germany

In Nazi Germany there were two types of camps - ‘ordinary’ concentration camps such as Dachau and Ravensbruck and extermination or death camps like Treblinka and Belzec. About one-third of the inmates died in the former but their primary purpose was not extermination but the exploitation of labour and detention.

Starving Gaza

Auschwitz was a dual purpose camp – it both provided labour to German firms such as IG Farben as well as being, with Birkenau, a Death Camp.

In the past people, even David Cameron, referred to Gaza as the world’s largest open air prison or concentration camp. Today Gaza is a Death Camp. It is Israel’s Auschwitz.

Kristallnacht was the Nazi pogrom against the Jews on November 9-10 1938. Just as the Zionists use October 7 as the excuse for genocide in Gaza, so too did the Nazis used the assassination of a minor diplomat in their Paris Embassy, Ernst vom Rath, by Herschel Grynszpan as the excuse for Kristallnacht.

Jewish Doctor Mark Perlmutter interviewed on the horrors he witnessed as a surgeon in Gaza (4.20)

The Palestinians broke out of their prison on October 7 because they had grown tired of a 17 year siege, 57 year occupation and repeated ‘mowing the lawn’, Israel’s quaint term for periodic murderous attacks against Gaza’s population. Grynszpan assassinated vom Rath because of the treatment of his parents. Refugees in Germany they had been deported to Poland which also refused to have them. They were therefore stuck in a no-mans land between the two states until Poland relented and took them in.

Only a stand up comedian could bring out the true irony of the West's support for Israel

The similarities do not stop there. During Kristallnacht, one Nazi was killed and in revenge nearly every synagogue in Germany was set on fire, most Jewish businesses were attacked, a hundred German Jews killed and 30,000 incarcerated in concentration camps.

So it is with Gaza, only more so. On October 7 of the 1,139 Israelis, who were killed, one-third were members of the Israeli military and the paramilitary Border Police.

Burmese Genocide Scholar 'Dr Maung Zarni'

It is abundantly clear that Israel put into operation from midday a ‘mass Hannibal’ based on the Hannibal Directive, first drawn up in 1986, which stated that in the event that an Israeli soldier is captured, it is better to kill him than to risk him being swapped in exchange for Palestinian prisoners.

There are a plethora of sources about what actually happened on October 7, all of which the BBC and the mainstream media avoid like the plague. See for example How Israel killed hundreds of its own people on 7 Octoberand War on Gaza: Al Jazeera tells the 7 October story that British media will not..

Following October 7 Israel set about constructing an atrocity narrative that bore no relation to what actually happened.  That some atrocities took place is undeniable. Given what Palestinians in Gaza have suffered over the years that is understandable. But the story that Israel created and which the BBC and British press have swallowed is unrecognisable from what actually happened.

Swedish Parliamentarian Attacks Government Policy on Gaza

My eye was caught, on October 8th by a report in the Times of Israel about how a Hamas operative had killed a father and his partner in Kibbutz Re’im, after having been attacked himself. He was alone with their two children. Did he do what the Israeli military have done and murder them in cold blood?  No. The father’s separated wife, Reut Karp wrote:

The terrorist calmed down my Daria and Lavi, covered them in a blanket, took lipstick and wrote on the wall: ‘The al-Qassam [Brigades] people don’t murder children.’

A cartoon depicting Israel's murder of Hind Rajab, a 6 year old girl together with 2 paramedics

This proved to me that unlike Israel’s snipers who deliberately aim at children’s heads and who killed 5-year old Hind Rajab, these ‘terrorists’ had a morality that Zionism’s monsters totally lack.

Middle East International Dissects the Fabricated 40 Beheaded Babies Story

Israel constructed a narrative  of atrocities at total variance with the facts. At first it was extremely crude with tales of 40 beheaded babies, which were quickly disproved since only two babies died that day according to Israel’s own social security statistics. There was the ‘baked baby’ and the baby hung on a clothes line. See Misinformation in the Israel–Hamas war

The Zionist imagination ran wild but Blinken and Biden endorsed this atrocity propaganda. Biden testified that he had seen photos of the beheaded babies, until the State Department ‘walked this back’.

Israeli TV Broadcaster - People in Gaza deserve a hard agonising death

After this there was the ‘mass rape’ story which the New York Times endorsed in ‘Screams without words’. However this too fell apart when the family of the main ‘victim’, Gail Abdush, disowned the article. It was revealed that the principal author Anat Schwartz had ‘liked’ a Twitter post arguing for Gaza into a ‘slaughterhouse’. The NYT newsroom was itself divided, resulting in a refusal to produce the Daily podcast. See Between the Hammer and the Anvil’.

The Farce of Asking Israel to investigate itself

Israel’s atrocity propaganda was unquestioningly accepted by the Western media because it underpinned their support for Israel’s genocide. A cursory glance at the car graveyard that resulted from October 7 makes it obvious that Israel was responsible for most deaths on the day. Only Israel’s Apache helicopters with their hell-fire missiles are capable of incinerating cars. Hamas did not have heavy weaponry. As Asa Winstanley observed

If Hamas made a miscalculation in the planning of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, it was perhaps to overestimate the value Israeli planners assigned to the lives of their own people.

Palestinians return to eastern Deir al-Balah to find homes destroyed after Israeli forces withdraw

Hamas’s assumption that Israel would prioritise the safety of its own citizens was a serious mistake. Central to Israel’s ideology is the belief that the individual is worthless compared to the State itself. The Israeli state was willing to sacrifice the hostages for the sake of killing and expelling Gaza’s Palestinians. Taking Palestinian blood is more important than protecting their own.

As the attack on UNIFIL soldiers in Lebanon make clear, Israel is the mad dog of international politics. When confronted with such a creature the only solution is to put the Zionist beast down. 

The Media has reflected the Israeli narrative of its hostages being mistreated, ignoring what they actually said. In contrast to the beatings and torture experienced by  Palestinian prisoners - who are never considered hostages

But whereas the leaders of France, Ireland, Spain and Italy have condemned Israel for attacking UN soldiers, Starmer and Lammy have kept silent. This is what Labour’s false ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign was about and it’s noticeable that one of the ‘anti-Semitism victims’, Louise Ellman has denied that what is happening in Gaza is a genocide.  Labour Zionism always lines up behind their nominal opponents on the Zionist right, including Ben Gvir and Smotrich.

I once asked myself if there was anything that Israel could do, bar killing all Palestine’s first-born, that would lead the US to cut off the arms supply and declare the experiment with a ‘Jewish’ State at an end. Today I’m not even sure that killing the first born would suffice.

Today it is clear that there are no limits. If Israel announced gas chambers for the Palestinians Biden would probably query the type of gas and say that this was a red line. When Israel began the killing his red line would disappear into the mists just as happened with the invasion of Rafah.

As the doctor’s letter in July in The Lancet said, the true estimate of dead was not the conservative 37,000 from Gaza’s Ministry of Health but nearer 186,000. That figure is now at least a quarter of a million.

The monsters and war criminals of the West – Biden, Starmer, Sunak, Scholtz, Lammy, not forgetting von der Leyen, repeat the phrase about ‘Israel’s right to self-defence’ or ‘Israel’s right to exist’.

Israel has no more right to self-defence against those whose land they occupy than the Nazis had against the French or Czechs. An occupier enjoys no such rights. Only those under occupation enjoy such rights.

States are not human beings. Only people have a right to exist. Israel has proved what I said 5 years ago when I declared that ‘Israel is Hitler’s Bastard Offspring’. Like Apartheid South Africa and Nazi Germany its abolition is a precondition for peace in the Middle East. The rotten and corrupt Arab regimes that prop it up also have to go.

Dr Tanya Haj Hassan testimony on Israel's attacks on hospitals in Gaza and its savagery

One of the most egregious war crimes committed by Israel has been its attacks on Gaza’s hospitals and health facilities on the pretext that they are Hamas bases. This letter, written last August, from 30 UK doctors and health professionals who have been to Gaza since last October gives the lie to this. They write of:

Torture of Palestinian children

‘the deliberate targeting of civilians on a mass scale,’ and how the estimate of 40,000 killed is a gross underestimate since it only includes identifiable bodies.  It speak of how ‘everyone in Gaza is sick, injured, or both’. Health conditions in hospitals were horrific:

Israel's Duff Spokesman Defending Keeping out journalists

‘Virtually every child under the age of five had both a cough and watery diarrhoea. Jaundice and hepatitis... Pregnant women gave birth in unsanitary and overcrowded conditions, as there is simply nowhere left which is not unsanitary and overcrowded. Their infants were born underweight... Very few babies born under these conditions are likely to survive.’

Epidemics are raging in Gaza. In addition to that, Israel has not stopped bombarding civilians in their tents or displacing the malnourished and sick population of Gaza, approximately half of whom are children, to areas with no running water or even toilets available.

All of us treated children who seemed to have been deliberately targeted by military violence. Bullet wounds to children’s heads and torsos and amputations of limbs and eyes of children were commonplace.

The sole cancer specialist hospital in Gaza, the Turkish–Palestinian Friendship Hospital, has been rendered inoperative, turned into a temporary Israeli military base,

Some of us have also been the direct victims of Israeli air strikes. Whilst sleeping in a deconflicted safe house some of us were targeted by Israeli artillery. A GBU-32 (Mk83) bomb landed 6 metres from the wall of our accommodation. This resulted in significant damage to the house as well as injuries to the medical team.

… Israel has targeted our colleagues in Gaza for death, disappearance, and torture. These unconscionable acts are entirely at odds with British law, British values, and International Humanitarian Law.

Channel 4 on  Torture

Israel’s exterminationist mentality

Despite using the holocaust in its defence what has been remarkable about Israel’s reaction to October 7 has been the open espousal of the extermination and annihilation of the Palestinians.

Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, head of the Shirat Moshe yeshiva in Jaffa, calledduring a conference on 8 March for the Israeli army to kill ‘all residents of Gaza’. When asked whether this included babies he said:

“Those who create the terrorists” should also be killed, he said in reference to women in Gaza. Despite these racist and genocidal remarks Israel’s police recommended dropping the case. Elderly people are also legitimate targets, according to Mali.

"There is no such thing called innocent creature. By the way, the elderly man is capable of carrying a rifle and shooting. Therefore, the Torah is very clear in the ruling."

Do not spare a soul': Israeli rabbi says women, children should be killed in Gaza

Compare this with what Heinrich Himmler told senior SS Generals on October 4th 1943 in Posen (Posnan):

For I did not consider myself justified in exterminating the men—in other words, killing them or having them killed—and then allowing their children to grow up to wreak vengeance on our children and grandchildren. The difficult decision had to be taken to make these people disappear from the face of the earth. For the organization that had to carry out this duty it was the most difficult tHimmler 6 October 1943, Posen (Posnan)

Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian

Contrast this with the treatment of Arab Israeli Professor Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian who was first suspended then reinstated by the Hebrew University and then arrested by the Police and held in conditions amounting to torture. This was in response to her interview on the Makdisi Street podcast calling for the abolition of Zionism.

Shalhoub-Kevorkian was detained by police on the afternoon of 18 April and held overnight in conditions her lawyers described as “terrible” and designed to humiliate.

“This case is unique,” said Hassan Jabareen, her lawyer.

“This is not only about one professor, it could be a [precedent] for any academic who goes against the consensus in wartime.”

This is the ‘democratic’ Israel that Starmer and his Lammy defend.

 'Erase Gaza': How genocidal rhetoric became normalised in Israel

“We are fighting human animals, and we are acting accordingly,” Israel’s Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant, said at the start of the genocide. “We will eliminate everything - they will regret it,”

Netanyahu evoked a biblical analogy referring to the Amalekites, which was interpreted as a call to wipe out Gaza.

“You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible - we do remember,”

Hamas' Deadly Blow To IDF After Ex-Officer's Warning: 3 Dead, A Dozen Injured In 1 Attack - Report - Fighting Children is not as easy as fighting armed guerillas

 "There will be no electricity and no water (in Gaza), there will only be destruction. You wanted hell, you will get hell,"declared Maj. Gen. Ghassan Alian, who heads the Israeli army’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Palestinian Territories (COGAT).

Moshe Feiglin, the founder of Israel's right-wing Zehut Party and former Likud representative in Israel’s parliament, also called for the complete destruction of Gaza.

“There is one and only (one) solution, which is to completely destroy Gaza before invading it. I mean destruction like what happened in Dresden and Hiroshima, without nuclear weapons,”

Feiglin was at least honest. In an interview with Israel’s Channel 12 he said:

As Hitler said, I can't live if one Jew is left, we can't live here if one 'Islamo-Nazi' remains in Gaza

Amit Halevi, a Likud member in parliament, said,

There should be two goals for this victory: One, there is no more Muslim land in the land of Israel … After we make it the land of Israel, Gaza should be left as a monument, like Sodom.

“Nakba? Expel them all,”Nissim Vaturi, deputy speaker for Israel’s parliament, said.

If the Egyptians care so much for them - they are welcome to have them wrapped in cellophane tied with a green ribbon.”

Ariel Kallner MK said,

“Nakba to the enemy now! This day is our Pearl Harbour. We will still learn the lessons. Right now, one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 48. A Nakba in Gaza and a Nakba for anyone who dares to join!”

Yinon Magal, a journalist and politician, said“It is time for Nakba 2.” On ‘X’, Magal captioned a picture of a carpet-bombed neighbourhood, “This is how all of Gaza should look”.

Israeli Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu said in a radio interview:

“Your expectation is that tomorrow morning we’d drop what amounts to some kind of a nuclear bomb on all of Gaza, flattening them, eliminating everybody there,” the interviewer said.

According to Jessica Buxbaum an investigation from Palestinian digital rights organization, 7amleh, found that Facebook approved adverts calling to “wipe out Gaza, its women, children, and elderly” as well as to kill Palestinians, burn down Gaza, deport Palestinians to other countries, and carry out a second Nakba.

This is not new. In 1969 Golda Meir stated, “There was no such thing as Palestinians”. In March 2024 Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich repeated the claim,“no such thing as the Palestinian people”.

 “The Hamas atrocities of October 7th... transformed what has been the rhetoric of marginalised groups into a flood of statements now made by politicians, journalists and celebrities,”

Rabbi supports killings in Rafah

Rabbi Dov Lior, Chairman of the Jewish Rabbinical Council, was quoted as saying “during warfare, killing non-Jewish civilians is permitted if it saves Jewish lives”. According to Lior’s ruling, Israeli occupation troops in Gaza are allowed to kill and harm “so-called innocent civilians” during warfare.

“The law of our Torah is to have mercy on our soldiers and to save them. This is the real moral behind Israel’s Torah and we must not feel guilty due to foreign morals,”

according to Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv. Lior added that Jewish lives were more important than non-Jewish lives. Rabbi Lior is considered among the most learned sages of the Torah.

Lior had previously stated that

“…a thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew’s fingernail”  

According to Al Jazeera however, after speaking to many rabbis, it is clear that Lior’s views and interpretation of Jewish Law enjoy far more popularity and acceptance than Rabbi Froman, Chairman of the Jewish Rabbinical Council’s relatively dovish interpretations.

The basic point of disagreement concerns whether Biblical injunctions apply equally to Jews and non-Jews. Lior, like most of the rabbis of the Gush Emunim settler movement, Lior believes that Biblical commandments such as “thou shall not murder” refer only to “Jews” since the Torah was given to Jews, not Gentiles.

Settlers’ rabbi

Dov Lior is the chief rabbi of Hebron and Kiryat Arba and head of the “Council of Rabbis of Judea and Samaria.” In 1994, he strongly supported the murder by an American immigrant settler, Baruch Goldstein, of 29 Palestinian worshippers at the Ibrahimi Mosque.

Lior praised Goldstein, calling him a “great saint and rabbi … may his memory be blessed”. Several months after the massacre, Lior told disciples in Kiryat Arba near the occupied West Bank city of Hebron

“Jewish blood was redder than non-Jewish blood … and that a Jewish life is preferred by the Lord than a non-Jewish life”.

It would be churlish of me to draw any comparison with the Nazis.  The two Chief Rabbis of Israel (for Ashkenazim and Sephardis) have refused to condemn or repudiate Lior’s views.

Mirkaz Ha’rav officials in West Jerusalem (the main religious College where Dov Lior teaches) refused to comment on Lior’s edict when contacted by Aljazeera. The official religious establishment has consistently supported attacks carried out by the occupying army against Palestinian civilians.

It is clear today that calls for the extermination and wiping out of the Palestinians are not confined to a small minority in Israel.

Tony Greenstein

Law for Palestine Releases Database with 500+ Instances of Israeli Incitement to Genocide – Continuously Updated

Since October 7 2023, Law for Palestine [LFP] has amassed a body of evidence exposing the incitement to violence and genocidal intent of Israeli officials and public figures. It includes over 500 violent and genocidal incitements, in the form of social media posts, TV interviews and official statements from Israeli politicians, army personnel, journalists, and other influential personalities.

The thematic areas that are already uploaded are statements and incitement by:

Decision makers

Version 1 (04.01.2024) – Click

Version 2 (15.01.2024) – Click

Army personnel and officers

Version 1 (04.01.2024) – Click

Version 2 (15.01.2024) – Click


Version 1 (04.01.2024) – Click

Version 2 (15.01.2024) – Click

Journalists and influencers

Version 1 (15.01.2024) – Click

Public Expressions

Version 1 (15.01.2024) – Click

Former government officials

Version 1 (27.02.2024) – Click

Incitements since the ICJ Order to Cease Genocidal Acts and Incitements

Released on (27.02.2024) – Click

* To download a PDF file that includes all the documents merged together, click here* 

On February 27 2024 LFP released a special new database spotlighting Israeli incitement to genocide since the ICJ’s order on January 26, 2024, directing Israel to halt genocidal acts and incitement. Access it here – click

You will remember the recent murder of American citizen Ayşenur Eygi. The Biden Administration has done absolutely nothing about it.

Seven Days After Israeli Forces Kill American, Biden and Harris Haven’t Spoken to Victim’s Family

Prem ThakkerSep 13, 2024

Despite Israeli forces killing 26-year-old US citizen Ayşenur Eygi as she demonstrated against Israel’s illegal settlement activity in the West Bank the White House has not bothered to reach out to her family.

The US insists that Israel’s government is investigating the crime, Israel’s initial findings have already been undermined. Volunteers and other eyewitnesses have not even heard from this “investigation.”

“No one from the investigation has contacted us,” said Vivi, a volunteer with Faz3a, a group leading a campaign to provide protective presence to Palestinians against illegal Israeli settler activity. “what kind of investigation are you doing if you aren’t even talking to the people who are right next to her when she was killed.”

The Sexual Assaults that Israel Doesn't Mention

“No one from the State Department or anyone back in America has contacted us,” she added. 

The volunteers wanted to focus on the reason they are there at all: the suffering of the Palestinian people. “The language from Biden and Harris is still…’I will support Israel's right to defend itself,’ but we've seen that there's absolutely no defense going on here in the West Bank. They're attacking refugee camps here that house generations of people who have been displaced during previous Nakbas, who are just waiting with the hope to maybe one day go back.”

From Sde Teiman to 1948 | Remembering the Prisoners of War Camps

 “An accident, ricocheted off the ground”

The US first responded as if the killing was accidental. “We deplore this tragic loss,” Antony Blinken said adding “the most important thing to do is to gather the facts, and that’s exactly what we’re in the process of doing... any actions that we take are driven by the facts.” 

Israel’s military announced its initial findings saying it was "highly likely" that Eygi "was hit indirectly & unintentionally (it)  was not aimed at her but at the key instigator of the riot."

Israeli soldiers ‘tiktoked’ war crimes: Filmmaker Richard Sanders on new Al Jazeera film

Shortly after, Biden told reporters: "Apparently it was an accident, ricocheted off the ground and just got hit by accident. I'm working that out now,” going even further than the Israeli military’s already-spurious claim. 

Implicit in the Israeli military’s claim was that they were indeed shooting into the crowd, but somehow didn’t hit their intended target. But footage reported by the Washington Post shows that the Israeli military shot Eygi more than 30 minutes after the peak of confrontations, 20 minutes after demonstrators moved down the road over 200 yards away from Israeli forces. 

Eygi’s family responded to Biden’s statement, saying they were “deeply offended by the suggestion that her killing by a trained sniper was in any way unintentional.

The following Wednesday Biden and Harris released relatively stronger statements. Both referring to the killing as a “tragic error” — but Harris referred to the incident as “the killing of” Eygi while Biden left it as “the death of...

Ayşenur’s family responded calling out the continued reference to the shooting as accidental.

Let us be clear, an American citizen was killed by a foreign military in a targeted attack. The appropriate action is for President Biden and Vice President Harris to speak with the family directly, and order an independent, transparent investigation into the killing.

Israel’s military has killed numerous Americans including teenagers Mohammad Khdour & Tawfic Abdel Jabbar; World Central Kitchen worker Jacob Flickinger; 78-year-old Omar Assad; journalist Shireen Abu-Akleh; Rachel Corrie yet they’ve faced no consequences for any of it.

In May, the administration released a long-awaited report, which admitted it was “reasonable to assess” Israel was using US weapons in violation of international law. It listed the WCK attack as among those it could not “reach definitive conclusions” as to whether US weapons were used, nevertheless holding that Israel could keep receiving weapons.

There is another high-profile case which the US has been pressed to investigate where Israel has lied in their findings: that is the killing of Hind Rajab, her family members, and the medics sent to save her. In that case, the US deferred for months to the Israeli government, which, as reported also lied about the extent of their investigative efforts.

Lisa Hajjar, UC-Santa Barbara, MERIP Editorial Committee, Basil Farraj, Birzeit University

Israel’s sexual abuse video – Guardian


State Secrets and Crimes

A video of nine soldiers raping a Palestinian detainee was broadcast on Israel’s Channel 12. Later in the day, a mob converged on Israel’s Supreme Court and disrupted a hearing about Sde Teiman.

Sde Teiman is an Israeli military camp in the Negev desert that  has been characterized as a “black site” because it is inaccessible to independent monitors and officials regard the identities and treatment of Palestinians held there. 

The veil of secrecy shrouding Sde Teiman was lifted in April when Ha’aretz reported on a letter sent to Israeli cabinet members by a doctor working at the facility.

Just this week, two prisoners had their legs amputated due to handcuff injuries, which unfortunately is a routine event. I am writing to warn you that the facilities’ operations do not comply with a single section among those dealing with health in the Incarceration of Unlawful Combatants Law." 

Sde Teiman - Israel's Torture Camp in the Negev Desert

One month later, CNN published an explosive exposé about Sde Teiman based on accounts by three whistleblowing soldiers and 12 Gazans who were recently released. According to the whistleblowers, one section of the detention facility contains a large barbed-wire pen where blindfolded Palestinians are shackled in stress positions for up to 16 hours a day with no shelter from the desert heat. Detainees who talk, fall asleep or even move can be cuffed to the fence in a standing position with hands above their heads. At night, dogs have been released into prisoners’ cells while sound grenades are fired. The other section of the detention facility contains a field hospital where wounded Palestinians are shackled to beds, blindfolded, stripped of their clothes, and forced to defecate in diapers. CNN reported that

doctors sometimes amputated prisoners’ limbs due to injuries sustained from constant handcuffing; of medical procedures sometimes performed by underqualified medics earning it a reputation for being ‘a paradise for interns’; and where the air is filled with the smell of neglected wounds left to rot.

James O'Brien on Israel's Barbarism and Inhumanity

 The decision by Israeli doctors to perform medical procedures on detainees without anesthesia is not due to shortages, as is the case for doctors in Gaza; One informant told CNN: “I was asked to learn how to do things on the patients, performing minor medical procedures that are totally outside my expertise.” 

Khaled Mahajneh was the first lawyer the military permitted to visit Sde Teiman. He went to the facility on June 19 to meet with Mohammad Arab, an Al Araby TV journalist who was taken into custody in March while covering the Israeli attack on al-Shifa Hospital. In an interview with +972, Mahajneh said, “The situation there is more horrific than anything we’ve heard about Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo.”

Israeli Rape & Torture

A Right to Rape?

Amid abundant evidence ofsystematicrape, torture and murder of Palestinian prisoners Major General Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi, the military advocate general, began an investigation of a gang rape by nine soldiers at Sde Teiman. A Palestinian from Gaza was so badly brutalized in the course of being sodomized that he suffered a ruptured bowel, severe damage to his anus, broken ribs and lung damage. He was transferred in critical condition to a nearby hospital where he required surgery. Dr. Yoel Donchin, who treated him at Sde Teiman, told Ha’aretz that he was shocked an Israeli guard could do such a thing. “I was certain this was revenge by Nukhba against Nukhba.” He added,

If the state and Knesset members think there’s no limit to how much you can abuse prisoners, they should kill them themselves, like the Nazis did, or close the hospitals…If they maintain a hospital only for the sake of defending ourselves at the Hague, that's no good.

On July 29, military police were dispatched to Sde Teiman to take into custody the nine reservists accused of the gang rape; one of them a major who commands Force 100, the unit that operates Sde Teiman (and other military detention facilities). Another reservist also wanted for multiple acts of aggravated abuse of prisoners was not on the base at the time. Soldiers from Force 100 resisted the military police in an attempt to prevent the arrests.

they barricaded themselves along with the wanted suspects in a show of solidarity. During this standoff, a mob of about 200 Israelis, including some members of the Knesset, stormed the base to support the soldiers. Police stationed nearby waited over an hour to enter the base and expel the rioters. 

Israeli Soldier on Television Defending the Rape of Prisoners

As events at Sde Teiman were unfolding, there were debates in the Knesset over the military advocate general's move to investigate soldiers for gang rape. Likud member Yuli Edelstein, who chairs the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, said,

A situation where masked military police officers conduct a raid on an IDF base is not acceptable to me and I will not allow it to happen again. Our soldiers are not criminals and this disgraceful persecution of our soldiers is unacceptable to me.

Ahmad Tibi MK asked: “Is inserting an explosive into the rectum of a person legitimate?” Likud member Hanoch Milvetsky retorted, “If he is a Nukhba, everything is legitimate.” Police Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir chimed in that

the sight of military policemen arriving to arrest our best heroes in Sde Teiman is nothing short of shameful. The summer camp and tolerance for terrorists are over. Our soldiers must receive full support.”

When the nine suspects finally were arrested, they were transferred to Beit Lid for questioning. There, an even larger mob—including members of Force 100—stormed the base and rampaged to protest the arrests. On July 31, two of the suspects were released without charges, three more were released earlier this week. The other five remain under investigation. On August 1, it was reported that the gang-raped detainee was returned to Sde Teiman.

2 ‘Nice Jewish Boys’ Israel’s  genocidal podcast

 ‘Two Nice Jewish Boys’ is Israel’s oldest podcast fronted by Naor Meningher and Eytan Weinstein. Meningher’s website boasts that he worked with Netanyahu on his 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 campaigns, doing chatbots, digital data projects and viral video creation. “I was also responsible of managing all the digital channels of the Prime Minister.”

Here are a few extracts from their podcast discussing erasing the Palestinians from the Earth. According to Katherine Hearst

A clip from an English-language Israeli podcast showing hosts Naor Meningher and Eytan Weinstein discussing the idea of eradicating all Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza has gone viral online.

In an episode of Two Nice Jewish Boys, which aired three weeks ago, host Weinstein said:

If you gave me a button to just erase Gaza, every single living being in Gaza would no longer be living tomorrow. I would press it in a second.

He claimed that “most Israelis” would do the same. Meningher added that they would also want to wipe out Palestinians in “the territories”.“Because that’s the reality we live in, it’s us or them, and it has to be them,” Weinstein said.

However they also sounded a note of regret that in Gaza,

maybe there’s mass destruction but there's not massive death. Forgive us if we don’t give a shit if everybody there dies. It’s just the way we feel. It’s just the way Israelis feel,” Weinstein said.

James O'Brien says Israel are operating 'barbarically' on an 'extreme scale' | LBC

Radio Rwanda

The clip of Weinstein and Meningher lauding the idea of five million Palestinians in Gaza Strip and the West Bank being wiped out has drawn fierce criticism online. “Radio Rwanda in full effect here. This is deeply disturbing,” journalist Samira Mohyedeen wrote on X, referring to the broadcasts that incited genocide against the Tutsis during the 1994 Rwandan genocide.

This didn’t stop me for being arrested for daring to compare the Nazis to the Israeli state. Perhaps because it was only 5 and not 6 million that the comparison was inappropriate? Maybe with Lebanon’s millions the way is now open for making such a comparison.

CBC journalist Evan Dyer shared the clip on X, pointing to Meningher’s former media roles in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s last five political campaigns.

“This is not a fringe show or fringe people… the show is as mainstream as it gets,” Dyer wrote, citing a review of the podcast by Times of Israel that billed it as a “platform for free and open conversations”.

Journalist Najat Abdi also shared the video on X, saying that she did so

“because there will come a time where animals like @EytanWeinstein will deny saying this, particularly when they will be held legally accountable for the incitement of genocide”.

“Platforms like @YouTube will also have to answer to this,” Abdi added.

In response, the podcast posted a gif of a finger pressing a red button.


Israeli journalist Yinon Magal on the show “Hapatriotim” on Israel’s Channel 14, joked that Joe Biden’s red line was the killing of 30,000 Palestinians. The singer Kobi Peretz asked if that was the number of dead for a day. The audience erupted in applause and laughter.

We place "booby-trapped" cans resembling food tins in the rubble. Starving Palestinians are injured or killed when they open them. We broadcast the sounds of women screaming and babies crying from quadcopters to lurePalestinians out so we can shoot them. We announce food distribution points and use artillery and snipers to carry out massacres.


Israel’s Willing Executioners

Israel and Nero’s guests

‘More than 186,000 dead’ in Gaza: How credible are the estimates published on The Lancet?

Haaretz Investigation: Israeli Army Uses Palestinian Civilians to Inspect Potentially Booby-trapped Tunnels in Gaza

Popular Israeli podcasters call to ‘erase every living being’ in Gaza and West Bank

"Until our last breath": Journalist Anas al-Sharif on Documenting Israel's Genocide in Gaza Every Day for 11 Straight Months

Gaza: Children’s hair greying, falling out from shock and trauma


See Israeli podcasters are laughing about genocide. What would it take to stop? Arwa Mahdawi

The killing of Yahya Sinwar & Hassan Nasrallah will, like that of Bobby Sands, avail Zionism and its imperialist backers nothing


 Israel’s assassinations are based on the idea that Palestinians would happily accept their dispossession but for a few evil men


PÁDRAIG PEARSE’s Famous Funeral Oration for O’Donovan Rossa in August 1915)

“A minute of living with dignity and pride is better than a thousand years of a miserable life under the boots of the occupation.” - Yahya Sinwar from his novel, The Thorn and the Carnation

The Zionists and their imperialist backers are celebrating the murder of Yahya Sinwar just as they celebrated the murder of Hassan Nasrallah and Ismail Haniyeh. However the death of Nasrallah hasn’t stopped the Lebanese Resistance inflicting heavy casualties on Israel’s ground invasion and the same will be true in Gaza.

It will not take long before more Palestinian and Lebanese resistance leaders emerge that Israel will seek to assassinate. What cannot be assassinated is the will of the Palestinians and Lebanese to resist Zionism, Israel’s war machine, ethnic cleansing and dispossession.

It was the same with the British occupation of Ireland. The blood of its martyrs simply fertilised the soil of resistance. When the British defeated the Easter Rising they took a bloody revenge executing 15 of their leaders.

More than 3,000 people suspected of supporting the uprising, directly or indirectly, were arrested, and some 1,800 were sent to England and imprisoned there without trial. The rushed executions, mass arrests and martial law (which remained in effect through the autumn of 1916), fuelled public resentment toward the British and were among the factors that helped build support for Irish independence.

In the 1918 general election to Britain’s parliament, Sinn Fein won a majority of the Irish seats.

Zionism and Unionism were bedfellows. Ireland was partitioned in 1921 and the Palestine Mandate began in 1920 although legally the League of Nations only granted it in 1922. As Ronald Storrs, the first Military Governor of Jerusalem said: ‘A Jewish State will be for England a little, loyal Ulster in a sea of potentially hostile Arabism.’

James Connolly, the Irish socialist and trade unionist whom the British murdered

Zionism has proved somewhat more sturdy than its Unionist sister owing to Israel’s political and strategic importance but just as Ulster was established as a ‘Protestant State for a Protestant People’ so Israel was created as a Jewish Supremacist State, something embodied in the Jewish Nation State Law.

Patrick Pearse - executed

The Zionists like all imperialist monsters will celebrate the death of Yahya Sinwar who died a hero’s death. In his last action, though his arm had been severed, he tossed a stick in defiance at the drone which had entered the window of the building he was in.

10 Reasons People HATE Keir Starmer 

The Zionists, like all stupid imperialists, believe that executions and assassinations will destroy the will of the peoples that they have occupied and oppressed for so long.

Both Biden and Starmer welcomed the death of Sinwar as they had Nasrallah’s murder. Starmer, in a particularly disgusting passage, even for this slavish poodle of US imperialism, told the assembled journalists that no-one should mourn the death of Sinwar.

Of one thing we can be sure - no one bar his cat will be mourning Starmer's passing

I suspect that Palestinians will treat Starmer’s remarks with the same contempt that most British people hold him in. One thing is for sure and that is that Starmer’s passing will not produce any grief comparable to that of Sinwar and Nasrallah.

Alexei Sayle: 'I hate Keir Starmer'

It is noticeable that neither Starmer nor Biden could bring themselves to condemn Israel’s bombing of the tent encampments surrounding Al Aqsa Hospital in Gaza and the burning alive of men, women and children. That is real terrorism. State terrorism but no words of condemnation emerged from either Genocide Joe or ‘Starver’ Starmer’s lips.

The reality is that all the condemnations of Sinwar and Nasrallah as ‘terrorists’ are the dishonest verbiage of corrupt and dishonest imperialist politicians who wouldn’t know what a principle was if it bit them on the backside.

Israel has made clear its intentions to establish settlements in Gaza, in total defiance of international law. The International Court of Justice has recently declared Israel’s occupation of both the West Bank and Gaza illegal.

Roger Casement - executed at Pentonville for High Treason even though, as an Irish patriot he owed the British Crown no loyalty

The welcome of the corrupt neo-liberal leaders of Britain, the United States and Germany for Israel’s murder campaign against the Palestinians and their leaders is a demonstration that when it comes to it, might is all that is important. The right of any occupied nation to resist their oppressors is disregarded.

The Zionist reaction to Sinwar's death demonstrates both their physical and political blindness - Sinwar was sitting on the chair not hiding behind it

Those who regard Nasrallah and Sinwar as ‘terrorists’ are following in the footsteps of the Nazis who likewise regarded the leaders of the Polish, French and Yugoslav Resistance. It is always the same. Those who conquer other peoples’ countries brand any opposition as ‘terrorism’.

Tony Greenstein 

Guardian Editor Kath Viner Spiked An Article by Susan Abulhawa For Using the Word ‘Holocaust’ to Describe the Extermination of Palestinians in Gaza


The term 'Holocaust' should be used by those who have endured it, not by those who have inflicted it. Any group can become perpetrators.

The publication of Howard Jacobson's Blood Libel article, which attacks those mentioning the killing of Palestinian children, indicates where Viner's sympathies lie.

Don’t You Dare Contribute to the Guardian’s Financial Appeal

Channel 4 Broadcast on the Horrors in Gaza

The Guardian’s refusal to oppose Israel’s genocide in Gaza, to call for an arms ban and its support for Starmer puts it in the camp of the genocidaires.

Kath Viner cancelled American Palestinian Susan Abulhawa’s article, that Guardian US commissioned because it mentioned the word ‘holocaust’. Vinter refused to see that Holocaust can happen to anyone, anywhere and at any time. It is not confined to Jews. The Guardian’s Zionism puts it in the camp of the murderers not the murdered.

Viner approved though of Howard Jacobson’s attempt to justify the extermination of Palestinian children as a ‘blood libel’. But Palestinian children are being exterminated, along with their parents. Jacobson’s calling this a ‘blood libel’ meant that there must have been some truth to the original Christian allegation that Jews killed non-Jewish children in order to use their blood to bake matzot at Passover.

It is one of the ironies of Israel that it is determined to fulfil even the wildest fantasy of Christian anti-Semitism. Jews were alleged to poison wells in  medieval Europe yet Israel has done exactly that. Jews were alleged to deliberately infect non-Jews with the plague yet Israel has deliberately introduced typhus into the water systems of Palestinians during the Nakba. It was named ‘Cast Thy Bread’.

The lesson of the Holocaust is not that Jews are perpetual victims but that any group of people, given the right set of circumstances, can be become genocidaires and and oppressors. Viner’s horror is not at what Israel is doing in Northern Gaza but at how it is described. Viner, despite her youthful support of the Palestinians, is continuing the Guardian’s historical support under CP Scott for Zionism.

The Guardian is a liberal paper and liberals, almost without exception move to the right when capitalism or imperialism is under attack. The German Democratic Party collapsed into the Nazi party. Its co-founder Hjalmar Schacht was ‘central’ in pressurising President Hindenburg to appoint the first Nazi government. He then became Hitler’s President of the Reichsbank and Minister of Economics. In Britain Lloyd-George, the last Liberal Prime Minister, wrote of Hitler:

Although the Guardian rejected a letter from over 1,000 signatories it was accepted by the Morning Star

He is a born leader of men. A magnetic, dynamic personality with a single-minded purpose, a resolute will and a dauntless heart. ...  The old trust him; the young idolise him.... It is the worship of a national hero who has saved his country from utter despondency and degradation. ... He is the George Washington of Germany - the man who won for his country independence from all her oppressors.... This great people will work better, sacrifice more, and, if necessary, fight with greater resolution because Hitler asks them to do so. Those who do not comprehend this central fact cannot judge the present possibilities of modern Germany."I Talked to Hitler,"Daily Express, November 17, 1936

Israel Burns Women and Children Alive at Al Aqsa Hospital

Last Wednesday Israeli planes bombed the tent encampments at Al Aqsa Hospital. Four people, including 20 year old Shaaban al-Dalou, on a drip at the time, were burnt alive. This was a Nazi-style massacre. It has been followed up by repeated massacres.

Indonesia Hospital Set on Fire by Israeli Troops

Israel has attacked all Gaza’s hospitals using the lie that they are Hamas bases. This is worthy of Goebbels himself. Israel has now set fire to the Indonesia Hospital. Israel even bombed Rafah’s water reservoir. No doubt there was a Hamas base there too!

Palestinians are being forced to take part in death marches just like the survivors of Auschwitz were forced on death marches. Israel is determined to follow in the footsteps of the Nazis. In Nazi Germany, just like Israel today, ethnic cleansing was followed by extermination.

The BBC's Olga Guerin Disproves Israeli Allegations that a Lebanese hospital is a Hezbollah Base

The reason Shaaban died? So Israeli settlers can settle the Gaza Strip. To achieve this Israel is prepared to kill as many Palestinians as it takes. On Monday senior Israeli ministers, including 10 Likud MKs, attended a conference aimed at doing just that.

200,000 people have been trapped in Jabalia refugee camp for nearly 3 weeks without food or water. This is what the Nazi Governor-General of Poland, Hans Frank, called ‘death by hunger’. Starvation was a central strategy in the Nazi genocide against the Jews. Frank was hanged at Nuremberg for his crimes. Unfortunately Netanyahu, Biden, Blinken and Starmer won’t suffer the same fate.

The First Moments of Massacre in Northern Gaza

Israel gets away with its crimes because ‘journalists’ like Viner enable it to preserve its monopoly on ‘holocaust’. The holocaust is reified, not to fight the danger of racial supremacy but to repeat it.

Israel claims to inherit the memory of the Jews who died in the holocaust. In reality it inherits the memory of those who killed them. Despite the holocaust being central to Israel’s identity, holocaust survivors in Israel live in poverty, their reparations stolen.

Israel uses the memory of the Jews who died in the holocaust as a justification for their war crimes. It imagines that the women and children it is murdering in Gaza are Nazis and that they are the Jews of the camps. What greater desecration of their memory can there be?

A Message to Israel's Exterminators - We'll keep exposing your lies

The victims of the Nazis didn’t fly planes and bomb the SS. It was the other way around. The victims of the Nazis didn’t have tanks and machine guns. It is part of the Israeli sickness that they are unable to see that when they call for the extermination of the Palestinians they are stepping into the shoes of the Schutzstaffelnot its victims.

For the Zionists actual Holocaust survivors are irrelevant - their reparations stolen most live in poverty

In her 9 years as Editor Viner has made the Guardian into an Establishment echo chamber. What was once a (relatively) radical publication has found a comfortable niche in Starmer’s Dystopia.

Viner became Editor because of her antagonism to Janine Gibson, who brought to the Guardian the revelations of Edward Snowden about the extent of surveillance by the US and British security services of their own citizens. As Michael Wolff wrote in USA Today

Gibson's pitch was to wholly align herself with Rusbridger and Snowden — proudly promising more of the same. Kath Viner, who had taken over for Gibson in New York ... pitched decidedly against Gibson and, in a sense, against Snowden....

The story of how the Guardian was tamed was told by Matt Kennard and Mark Curtis in How the UK Security Services neutralised the country’s leading liberal newspaper. Viner was instrumental in ensuring that the Guardian became a pliant tool of the British state. Her reward was an ‘exclusive’ interview with the head of MI5.

Viner was Prepared to Acquiesce to the Secret Services Over Their Spying on Citizens

For years the Guardian had refused to co-operate with the D-Notice system, whose purpose was to spike stories about the Intelligence Agencies by putting pressure on editors. In the wake of the Snowden revelations the Guardian’s deputy editor Paul Johnson, took his place on the D-Notice Committee. Kennard and Curtis wrote about how

On 20 July 2013, GCHQ officials entered The Guardian’s offices ... six weeks after the first Snowden-related article had been published.

... Guardian deputy editor Paul Johnson, along with two others, spent three hours destroying the laptops containing the Snowden documents....

Johnson claims that the destruction of the computers was “purely a symbolic act”, ... Yet the episode did change something. As the D-Notice Committee minutes for November 2013 outlined: “Towards the end of July [as the computers were being destroyed], The Guardian had begun to seek and accept D-Notice advice not to publish certain highly sensitive details and since then the dialogue had been reasonable and improving.”

during the last two years of Rusbridger’s editorship, The Guardian published about 110 articles per year tagged as MI6 on its website. Since Viner took over, the average per year has halved and is decreasing year by year.

“Effective scrutiny of the security and intelligence agencies... appears to have been abandoned,” ... in recent years, it “sometimes seems The Guardian is worried about upsetting the spooks.

Shabaan Al Dalu 19, a boy on a drip, was burnt alive by Israeli planes in the tents surrounding Al Aqsa Hospital Yet Keir Starmer Phoned Netanyahu to Ask if he was alright after Hezbollah bombed his house - We are governed by war criminals

A second former Guardian journalist added:

The Guardian no longer seems to have such a challenging relationship with the intelligence services, and is perhaps seeking to mend fences since Snowden.”

In March 2015 Viner became editor. Her impact was felt amost immediately when Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party. Instead of welcoming Labour’s first radical leader the Guardian began to run stories, even before he was elected, about ‘anti-Semitism’. I organised a letter from Jewish Labour Party members 3 days later. Since then, however, the letters page has been largely closed to Jewish anti-Zionists.

During the Corbyn years hundreds of articles alleging ‘anti-Semitism’ appeared. Jonathan Freedland wrote about nothing else. Virtually every ‘journalist’ on the paper contributed their bile. Slowly but surely this had its effect.

The Guardian also began attacking Julian Assange, whose Wikileaks revelations had provided the Guardian with scoop after scoop. His reward was a Brutas-like betrayal. As John Pilger wrote:

The Guardian has exploited the work of Assange and WikiLeaks in what its previous editor called "the greatest scoop of the last 30 years". The paper creamed off WikiLeaks' revelations and claimed the accolades and riches that came with them.

... a hyped Guardian book led to a lucrative Hollywood movie. The book's authors, Luke Harding and David Leigh, turned on their source, abused him and disclosed the secret password Assange had given the paper in confidence, which was designed to protect a digital file containing leaked US embassy cables.

When CNN does mention Israeli atrocities it is in terms of what effects it has had on the perpetrators - in the case of the above it was running over hundreds of Palestinians - dead or alive - Guy Zaken complained he could not eat meat any longer because of what he had seen Everything squirts out,- the SS also suffered traumas but most decent people concentrate on their victims not the murderers.

Luke Harding, a reporter who is very close to MI5 and MI6, wrote on 27 November 2018 that Manafort held secret talks with Assange in Ecuadorian embassy, sources say. There was no truth in this allegation concerning Trump’s former acolyte. Media Lens wrote

No shred of evidence has ever been produced for this claim, which WikiLeaks and Manafort have both vehemently denied, and the story has been widely regarded as fake from virtually the hour of its publication. Luke Harding, the lead journalist on the story, and his editors Paul Johnson and Katharine Viner, have never apologised or retracted the story; nor have they responded to the many challenges about it. ... the Guardian has a disreputable record in publishing nasty, abusive and derogatory pieces about Assange.

This article still remains up. James Ball later wrote that ‘The only barrier to Julian Assange leaving Ecuador’s embassy is pride’. 16 months later Assange was dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy. There was no mea culpa from this bogus ‘journalist’.

Viner and the Guardian’s ‘journalists’ were enthused by Starmer. This empty suit, lacking any charisma, the embodiment of the secret state, without a radical bone in his body, was what they had dreamt of. It is difficult for most people to understand how Starmer, a politician who can barely string a sentence together, who lacks any warmth or compassion, who can’t think on his feet and with all the appeal of a constipated worm, can excite anyone but the Guardian’s bought ‘journalists’ received him in raptures. Why? Because the change he promised was no threat to the system.

Starmer was elected on less than 34% of the vote. Just 1.6% more than Corbyn in 2019 and 6% lower than Corbyn in 2017. But no one at the Guardian dared point this out. Even in his own seat, Holborn & St. Pancras, despite Labour’s victory, his personal vote plummeted.

Tame ‘journalists’ like Rafael Behr provided the word salads that eased Starmer’s path to No. 10. It was change without change, which is what the Guardian has always stood for.

Starmer is the product of the war against Corbyn. The poisonous articles by Freedland and co. took their toll. We were told that ‘The roots of Labour’s antisemitism lie deep within the populist left. Political Editor Jessica Elgot, a free transfer from the Jewish Chronicle, thought that Panorama’s hatchet job, Is Labour Anti-Semitic was pure gold although it hasn’t fared well since July 2019 as key witnesses such as Ben Westerman, have been shown to be liars.

The Guardian under Viner, the youthful Palestinian supporter, had made its bed with Zionism as the British state made clear that Zionism was its adopted policy.

Boris Johnson’s overtly racist, anti-Semitic novel in 2004, 72 Virgins, didn’t disturb Viner in the slightest. According to its reviewer

Had it have been written by any other author, Seventy-Two Virgins could be taken as being moderately offensive but Johnson’s characteristic charm and wit make it hilarious and satirical.

Clearly the references to ‘the Jewish cabal who run the American media complex’ or the ‘Jewish oligarchs’ who fiddled the figures in Russian elections were side splitting. One can only imagine what Freedland would have written if Corbyn had been the author!

Not once did the Guardian ask why there was so little evidence of actual anti-Semitism. Not once did the Guardian question the motives of the Board of Deputies and the various Zionist groups. Viner cynically and cowardly saw her role as dividing the left by conflating anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. Her concern over racism began and ended with ‘anti-Semitism’. Rivka Brown quotes one current Guardian staffer as saying

“Kath takes the Board of Deputies very seriously,” said one current Guardian staffer, “[and] read[s] the shit out of the rightwing press.” 

Katherine Viner is to journalism what Donald Trump is to politics. When Palestinian American author Susan Abuhalwa said that “Israel is committing the holocaust of our time.” she spiked the article. It is Israel’s monopoly over the holocaust, thanks to people like Viner, that has enabled Israel to get away with war crimes on the scale of the Nazis. Gaza is Israel’s Auschwitz. It is a death camp.

Rivkah Brown wrote about discontent amongst Guardian staff over her double standards on Palestine. The article wassubtitledPlease pass on my deepest fuck you.’ It was Abuhalwa’s parting shot. If the Guardian and its ‘journalists’ (can we really call Marina Hyde & Ralph Behr, in all their shallowness, journalists?) had any integrity they would tell Viner the same.

Susan Abuhalwa and Jacobson

It is a long standing Zionist theme that only Jews suffered in the holocaust. The ‘Jewish’ State claims copyright on ‘holocaust’. It is this which has given Israel immunity for its atrocities, the tortures, the rapes and child murder.

In subscribing to this false narrative Viner, Freedland, Hyde et. al. have actively contributed to the genocide. The Western media have played a crucial role in normalising genocide in Gaza with the BBC shamelessly broadcasting Israel’s ‘defence’ at the International Court of Justice whilst omitting South Africa’s case!

The Zionists argue that only anti-Semitism was responsible for the holocaust. Nothing to do with anti-communism, eugenics or living space (lebensraum). As Sybil Milton, the child of Jewish refugees and Senior Resident Historian at the US Holocaust Museum wrote:

the validity of the eugenic interpretation does not fit into the arguments of those historians positing anti-Semitism as a central motivation in Nazi policy.The preoccupation with anti-Semitism… has limited our ability to see the connections between Nazi ideology, German social policy, and Genocide. [Sybil Milton, The Context of the Holocaust, pp. 269, 270, 276].

Those who say that ‘holocaust’ only applies to Jews provide Israel with its exceptionalism. Jews can never be safe because they are Jews and thus Israel is engaged in permanent war. Eternal anti-Semitism is the mirror image of the Nazis’ Eternal Jew. It accepts the Zionist fable that Jews can never live with others. As Hannah Arendt noted there must be something about Jews themselves which attracts this.

It also means dismissing the mass murder of the Gypsies, Disabled and other victims and ignoring German imperialism’s search for new territories and ‘living space’. As Milton explained:

‘The emphasis on antisemitism and the exclusivity of the Jewish fate has, for obvious political reasons, also been the official Israeli interpretation’ and that this had ‘profoundly influenced the historiography of the Holocaust.’ [Milton, Gypsies and the Holocaust, p. 377].

Milton defined the holocaust as ‘the mass murder of human beings because they belonged to a biologically defined group.

Zionist exceptionalism has led to Israelis talking of ‘annihilating’ and ‘exterminating’ Palestinians whilst at the same time calling them Nazis. Israelis make no connection between their own genocidal talk and what the Nazis did in the holocaust because the holocaust has been stripped of all meaning, depoliticised and isolated from any social or economic context. Only Zionists could proclaim their desire to exterminate and yet pose as victims of racism!

Yehuda Bauer, the principal Zionist holocaust historian long argued that only the Jews suffered a holocaust. This meant Bauer explaining the extermination of the Roma because of their ‘asocial conduct’. In a debate with Bauer, Milton’s response was withering:

Defining an entire ethnic group as anti-social and criminal is a classic example of racism. I do not know why Mr. Bauer does not understand this. [Milton, Correspondence: Gypsies and the Holocaust, p. 517].

Instead of understanding the racial, imperial and eugenic origin of Nazi ideas, Nazi anti-Semitism was ascribed to a demonic obsession with Jews. It is this which Viner has signed up to.

Zionism, havingdone nothing to rescue Europe’s Jews during the holocaust and having obstructed the rescue efforts of others, exploited the holocaust after the war. Imperialism has used the murder of Europe’s largely anti-Zionist Jewish population as its moral alibi.

Most journalists, the Guardian’s included, know nothing about the Holocaust or the Nazis rise to power. This is also true of most Zionists. The Holocaust is simply something to exploit politically.

Viner’s reservation of the holocaust for Jews alone omits capitalism and the role that IBM for example played in the holocaust. Those who reserve Holocaust for Jews wish to preserve it in aspic, divorced from the society which created it. The West played a major part in helping prepare the way for the holocaust. Roosevelt spoke about the:

understandable complaints which the Germans bore towards the Jews in Germany, namely that while they represented a small part of the population, over 50% of the lawyers, doctors, school teachers, college professors, etc. in Germany were Jews..

Had Viner been alive in the 1930s she would have been the first to echo Roosevelt, a liberal hero, in his opposition to relaxing the immigration barriers. It is far easier to see the holocaust in terms of irrational Jew hatred than the racism of Western society.

The Zionist explanation that the holocaust was due to irrational Jew hate is ahistorical. Hitler praised America’s record in eugenics in the development of his own thinking. In Mein Kampf he wrote:

At present there exists one state which manifests at least some modest attempts that show a better appreciation of how things ought to be done in this matter. It is not, however in our model German Republic, but in the U.S.A., that efforts are made to conform, at least partially to the counsels of commonsense. By refusing immigrants to enter there if they are in a bad state of health, and by excluding certain races from the right to become naturalised citizens, they have begun to introduce principles similar to those on which we wish to ground the People’s State. (p.247)

It is Israel’s sense of victimhood which is driving Gaza’s holocaust. This is the typical settler colonial belief that they are the victims of those whose necks they place their boots upon but in Israel’s case it is magnified by the holocaust that Zionism did nothing to prevent.

Yehuda Elkana, a child survivor of Auschwitz and Rector of the Central European University wrote in Ha’aretz in March 1988 about:

a profound existential Angst fed by a particular interpretation of the lessons of the holocaust … that we are the eternal victim. In this ancient belief… I see the tragic and paradoxical victory of Hitler. Two nations, metaphorically speaking, emerged from the ashes of Auschwitz: a minority who assert, this must never happen again, and a frightened and haunted majority who assert, this must never happen to us again.

I don’t doubt that Viner has fooled herself into thinking that there is a straight line between being co-editor of the Tears of Rachel Corrie, the young American activist who Israel murdered and her role today. No doubt a salary of over half a million pounds a year provides the lubricant for her conscience, even whilst the Guardian begs its readers for donations. There is a Yiddish word for that – Chutzpah!

Gideon Levy on one of the most brutal cruel tyrannies on earth

Gideon Levy wrote in Ha’aretz, that Gaza is permitted because of Auschwitz. If true then it’s not only permissible but it is mandatory to compare Gaza to Auschwitz and the holocaust. But rather than debate these things out Viner act as a gatekeeper to ideas with which she feels uncomfortable. I don’t know what skills a Guardian editor should possess but clarity of thought is clearly not one of them.

Gideon Levy takes his life in his hands every day. As do the journalists who operate in Gaza, given that Israel has murdered over 140 of them. The only risk that Guardian journalists take is being knocked over in the rush for a seat in a restaurant.

When Israel’s Defence Minister Yoav Gallant declared that the Palestinians were ‘human animals’ he was repeating the exact phrase that Himmler used at Poznan on 4 October 1943 when justifying the extermination of Jews. Two days later on 6 October 1943, Himmler explained why Jewish children also had to die:

I did not assume to have the right to exterminate the men… and have the avengers personified in the children to become adults for our children and grandchildren.

Israel’s justification for killing Palestinian children is the justification that Himmler used for killing Jewish children. Yet this does not disturb mainstream journalists whereas comparing Gaza with the Holocaust does. What explanation can there be other than racism?

On March 7 Rabbi Eliyahu Mali of the Shirat Moshe pre-military Yeshiva in Jaffa explained that

"Today's terrorists are the children of the prior [military] operation that left them alive. The women are essentially the ones who are producing the terrorists," he said, adding that when someone comes to kill you, you should be quick to kill them. "It's not only the 14- or 16-year-old boy, the 20- or 30-year-old man who takes up a weapon against you but also the future generation. There's really no difference,"

Even a Guardian editor should be able to understand the comparison. Those whose justification for genocide in Gaza was the Nazi holocaust have turned Gaza into a death camp and they have done it in the name of the holocaust. Cowardice has become the principal virtue of the Guardian’s ‘journalists’ and its editor.

Michael Rosen's Letter to the Guardian about Jacobson was rejected by its Letters Editor, Rory Foster

Although Viner spiked Susan Abuhalwa’s article she was proud to carry Howard Jacobson’s ‘blood libel’ justification for Israel’s genocide. The full measure of Jacobson’s senile viciousness was demonstrated in his interview with Isaac Chotiner in the New Yorker.

However Viner and her senior editors are not just monkeys smiling upon Gaza’s holocaust. Their hypocrisy extends even wider. It has nothing to do with Jews despite the name. I refer to Nick Cohen, who was previously a long-standing Observer journalist.

The Guardian was quick to leap on the bandwagon of the #metoo movement. Yet at the same time Viner, Freedland and co. covered up Cohen’s sexual attacks on women in the Guardian newsroom. The big question is why he was paid off instead of being sacked? According to the New York Times‘In his farewell, editors praised his “brilliant” and “incisive” coverage.’ Which is not how I remember this boring Islamaphobe and war monger.

In October 2021, freelance journalist Lucy Siegle accused him of having groped her in the office when she had been a newly-recruited admin assistant. Siegle toldThe Independent that, in some ways, the Guardian’s handling of her complaint – which she first raised in 2018 – had been more injurious to her than her encounter with Cohen.

The NYT reported that Cohen was paid a financial settlement for quitting and agreed to confidentiality.

In 2018, Ms Siegle had reported Mr. Cohen to The Guardian for groping her in the newsroom, but nothing had happened. ...

“It just amplified this sense that #MeToo is nothing but a convenient hashtag for the British media. The silence on its own industry is just really conspicuous.”

Not long after Siegle lodged her complaint with the Guardian, records show that. Cohen began working with a freelance copy editor, a single mother with autism. She became another of Cohen’s victims. Cohen offered to send her an explicit photograph which the woman declined.

In the following days, Cohen turned cold. In messages, she apologized if she had misread the situation. Eventually, she told him continuing to work together “would be at a cost too high for my own mental health.

Given that Viner is the Guardian’s Global Editor-in-Chief as well as its first woman editor, the real question is why she hasn’t resigned?

See also Caitlin Johnson’s excellent When The Holocaust Returned It Came Denouncing Anti-Semitism And Wearing A Star Of David and Rivka Brown’s How the Guardian’s Editor-in-Chief Caved to Pro-Israel Pressure

Tony Greenstein 

See the Letter Containing 1080 Names Protesting at Howard Jacobson's Justification of the Extermination of Palestinian Children

To see the 1085 signatures please click here


Open Letter to Chris Ward, the Genocide Supporting Starmer Puppet and Crony, MP for Brighton Kemptown


‘You have all the independence of a snarling dog on a leash but without the charm’

Chris Ward was parachuted in as candidate for Brighton Kemptown in the General Election. Out went Lloyd Russell-Moyle, the equivocating ex-socialist MP.

Not one Labour Party member voted for Ward. His only qualification was that he was a friend and crony of Starmer. Therefore when I sent him a letter about Gaza I expected no better from him than the letter which I copy below.

However I also decided that it was time to respond to his turgid and repetitive prose, dishonest in every strained syllable. Chris Ward was a political lobbyist in Hanbury Strategya corporate lobbying group. Keir Hardie must be turning in his grave at what his namesake has done to the Labour Party.



 Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Dear Chris Ward,

The only reason that you were selected to stand at the last election, in place of the existing MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle, was that you were a crony of Keir Starmer.  I would no more expect an independent opinion from you than I would expect it from a snarling dog on a leash. Except that you have less charm than the average Rottweiler. You are a human dictaphone ready to mouth whatever trite phrases Starmer pours into your ear holes at any time.

Israel is, at this moment, starving and massacring 400,000 people in northern Gaza. It has refused to allow the entry of food, fuel and water and it has barred 6 international medical NGOs. It has destroyed every hospital in the north of Gaza and virtually every medical facility in the whole of Gaza.

In Poland and Russia a similar policy, ‘death by hunger’ was pursued by the Nazis and the Governor-General of Poland, Hans Frank. Israel’s behaviour ranks with the worst atrocities of the Nazis. It has just declared UNWRA, the UN organisation responsible for feeding thousands of Palestinian refugees, a terrorist organisation and banned it from working to alleviate the famine in Gaza.

Puppets like you can only repeat mindless, sanctimonious phrases about Israel being under threat as some form of justification. Nazi Germany also claimed that Poland was a threat as did Britain and  America when they invaded Iraq in 2003.

On Tuesday 93 Palestinians were killed, including 25 children, and dozens wounded in an Israeli strike on a residential building in the northern Gaza town of Beit Lahiya. This was one of a series of never ending massacres.

All you can say is that the government is right to continuing to grant 92% of arms export licenses.  You are an accomplice to genocide. Every single bullet should be embargoed, instead we are providing parts for Israeli fighter jets in order that they can commit more atrocities and massacres.

The Steve Bell cartoon banned by Guardian Editor, Kath Viner. Bell was the Guardian's prize winning cartoonist who Viner sacked. Razan al Najjar was a Palestinian medic, aged 21, murdered by an Israeli sniper in 2018 as part of the Great Return.

You say you want to see ‘an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza, Israel, and Lebanon’ yet you continue to support the supply of weapons that ensure that there will be no ceasefire.  You are nothing but a tiresome dishonest hypocrite.

There is only one way to call a halt to the genocide, a word that seems to be missing from your vocabulary and that is to sanction all trade with Israel.  Israel needs to be subject to the same sanctions regime as South Africa was.

When it comes to Ukraine you have no hesitation in supporting sanctions against Russia but when it comes to Israel you say you don’t agree ‘all exports’ should be terminated. Why?  Because you support ‘Israel’s right to self defence’ which in practice means its right to commit genocide.

If you really believe the murder of thousands of civilians, including 16,000+ children, is acceptable for an occupying power, then you are sick in the head. It is likely when the carnage is finally over that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians will be dead thanks to monsters like you. All in the name of eradicating the ‘terrorist’ Hamas when the real terrorists wear Israeli military uniform.

Israel has no more right to self-defence than Nazi Germany did when it occupied France, Poland and Czechoslovakia, to name but three countries.  It is the occupied people and they alone who have an international law right to self-defence not the aggressor. Every occupied people have the right to self-defence against their occupiers. Why do you find this concept so difficult to understand?  Is it a mental or political block that you suffer from?

The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel’s occupation of Gaza and the West Bank are illegal.  Israel should therefore get out of Gaza without any preconditions.

Alon Misrahi - committed suicide

You talk about the ‘appalling and sickening attacks on October 7th’ but I notice that such adjectives are not reserved for the actions of the Israeli military, the torture camps, the mass graves and the shooting of doctors. To give but one example CNN recounted the suicide of an Israeli soldier, Alon Misrahi and the experiences of his friend Zaken:

In a testimony to the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, in June, Zaken said that on many occasions, soldiers had to “run over terrorists, dead and alive, in the hundreds.”

“Everything squirts out,” he added.

It wasn’t of course ‘terrorists’ that were run over but women and children. There are countless testimonies to the fact that Israel is burying its victims alive and deliberately shooting children in the head.

When Israel began the attack on Gaza its Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant declared that ‘we are fighting human animals and will act accordingly’. In a speech in Poznań (Posen) on 4 October 1943, Heinrich Himmler, who presided over the Final Solution, praised the Nazis as ‘the only people in the world who have a decent attitude toward animals’ and who ‘will also take a decent towards these human animals’ referring to the Jews. 

CNN, being another pro-Zionist propaganda outlet, covered the story not from the point of view of the victims but the perpetrators. SS men too were traumatised by their role in mass shootings. The SS even established a mental hospital in the East to take care of them. That was the reason that the Nazis introduced the gas chambers. But imagine if the press were to cover the holocaust from the perspective of what effect it had on the SS. This is the sublime logic of the war criminal.

Let us also be clear about October 7. 1139 Israelis were killed, one-third of them soldiers and the majority of the remainder by Israel itself as a result of putting the Hannibal Doctrine into operation. But 1139 was a fraction of the deaths that Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere have suffered. In Operation Protective Edge in 2014 twice as many Palestinians were killed without a murmur from pipsqueaks like yourself.

You of course are silent about Palestinian suffering because like your controller Starmer, you are nothing if not an imperialist and racist.

Your ignorance is only matched by your malevolence. Israel is an apartheid society, just as South Africa was.  It was established by ethnic cleansing in 1948 and is now ethnically cleansing Gaza whilst shills like you emit warm honeyed words of concern. Israel has always been the aggressor in the region and it is not Israel but the Palestinians and the Arab people who need the right of self-defence.

You speak of the two-state solution. This nothing but a cover for continued colonisation of Palestinian land. In case you hadn’t noticed the Israeli Knesset voted by 68-9 in July to support a resolution opposing two-states. What is it about that which you don’t understand? A two-state solution would simply mean another form of apartheid with a Palestinian bantustan.

In 2018 Israel passed as a basic (constitutional) law The Jewish Nation State Law which declared that Israel is a state, not of its own citizens but only of its Jewish citizens. In other words Israel is officially an apartheid state. In the words of Benjamin Netanyahu, its Prime Minister,

“Israel is not a state of all its citizens.  According to the basic nationality law we passed, Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people – and only it.

When Europe’s Jews, including members of my family, were exterminated in the fires of Auschwitz and Treblinka, people could at least claim that they were ignorant of what was happening. Today, with the Internet and modern means of communication there is no excuse whatsoever for pretending that what is happening in Gaza is not genocide. You are therefore nothing more than an apologist for war criminals and people should understand you as such.

Keir Starmer and David Lammy, along with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are war criminals just as the Nazi war criminals who were executed at Nuremberg in 1947. Apologists for genocide like you should be removed from parliament and given lengthy prison sentences for justifying genocide. You are, Chris Ward, a despicable human being who would, 80 years ago, have turned a blind eye to the Holocaust and supported, like Labour’s Herbert Morrison, keeping out Jewish refugees.

My only consolation is that after the next election you will no longer be an MP. I would prefer a genuine Tory to a Starmer poodle.

Tony Greenstein

Letter from Chris Ward MP Justifying Israel’s Genocide in Gaza

Dear Tony, 

Thank you for writing to me about the ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.  
I agree that the situation in Gaza is intolerable. I want to assure you that I continue to support an immediate and lasting ceasefire in Gaza, Israel, and Lebanon, which sees hostages released, civilians protected, and aid flow in. This is the only way to alleviate the heart-breaking suffering we are witnessing on a daily basis, and I am acutely aware that there can be no military solution to this dreadful conflict.  
I am also concerned about the flow of aid being allowed into Gaza, and I support the Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary’s calls to Israel to guarantee support for those in desperate need on the ground. The Government is working tirelessly to help resolve this and secure a diplomatic breakthrough, which ultimately can see a peaceful two-state solution, including the formal recognition of Palestine. An immediate cease-fire is the first step to achieving this.
Regarding the export of arms to Israel, the Government’s recent decision to suspend certain arms exports to Israel – including those that could be used in Gaza – followed a careful review of Israel’s compliance with International Humanitarian Law (IHL), given grave concerns about the conduct and consequences of the war for civilians. I support this, but I do not agree that all exports to Israel should be halted. Israel faces a number of extremely hostile regional and local threats – as witnessed by the appalling and sickening attacks on October 7th - and I support Israel’s right to self-defence. 
I believe that the Government is taking the right approach by assessing each export license against IHL while supporting Israel’s right to self-defence. I hope this approach, allied with strong diplomatic pressure on both sides to reach a ceasefire, can help lead to the peaceful and immediate cessation of violence we all want to see. 

Best wishes,

Chris Ward

Victory For Free Speech on Palestine & Zionism at Delft University, Netherlands as I defied the ban on speaking on campus


 According to Rector Professor Timothy van der Hagen’s Lackey I Posed a Threat to Delft’s ‘open and inclusive’ community unlike Lockheed Martin’s Admiral James O Ellis

The Student Magazine at Delft's Report of My Visit!

The Rector’s anonymous lackey was curt, short and to the point

‘The views of the invited speaker goes against the values that TU Delft stands for: an open and inclusive community where everyone feels safe.’

There was of course no explanation. The Rector’s lackey merely referred to the guidelines for demonstrations on the TU Delft Campus and the Code of Conduct. ‘gatherings on the TU Delft premises in which these values are violated are not permitted.’

Tony Greenstein speaking on the steps of the library at Delft University

There was of course no explanation as to which parts of the Code had been infringed nor why. This is how bureaucracies work. I was banned for being a Jewish anti-Zionist. We could of course guess that my presence was as welcome at a university liked Delft as a ham sandwich in a synagogue! But this is mere speculation.

Admiral James O Ellis, a warmonger extraordinaire is welcomed to Delft by its Administration

Two weeks before I spoke Admiral James O Ellis, who was on the Board of Lockheed Martin (2004-2024) was invited to speak at Delft. Lockheed Martin is one of the largest arms companies in the world, whose fighter aircraft have been prominent in the shredding of children in Gaza and in committing genocide.

Tony Greenstein speaking on the steps of the library at Delft University

Ellis was also President and CEO of the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations until May 2012 and Commander of the US Strategic Command. One of the key ghouls in the US Empire, which has been responsible for the overthrow of elected governments and the invasion of countries, as well as the waging of war in the Middle East.

Tony Greenstein speaking on the steps of the library at Delft University

Ellis was considered a suitable speaker whose presence was quite compatible with the ‘values’ of their code of conduct. Clearly the code of conduct which I was held to be in potential breach of had nothing to say about warmongers and supporters of genocide.

Tony Greenstein speaking on the steps of the library at Delft University

I was only travelling to The Netherlands because an old friend, Sue Blackwell, who had been prominent in the launch of the Academic Boycott in Britain in 2005, was getting married to Egbert Harmsen. Both are involved in The Netherlands BDS. I let it be known that I was happy to speak to meetings while I was there and one was arranged at Delft University of Technology, the largest technical university in the country, ranked no. 49 in the world’s rankings.

Activists in the Palestine Collective at Delft therefore faced a dilemma, whether or not to go ahead. Understandably some were worried about attempts to victimise them but in the end it was decided that I would speak on the steps of their impressive library and that is what I did to a crowd of about 100 students.

Tony Greenstein speaking on the steps of the library at Delft University

In his profile the Rector of Delft, Professor van Der Hagen, stated:

The most important task of TU Delft is to make a contribution towards building a better society.

I felt sure that despite being professor nuclear physics he had a broad mind and would countermand his flunkeys.  It was not to be.

When I learnt that I was banned from speaking I decided to write Hagen an Open Letter which students distributed around campus. I’ve always believed in going to the organ grinder rather than the monkey.

I explained that there was a genocide taking place in Gaza with the murder of 16,000+ children about which Israeli soldiers have boasted. I also explained that the Netherlands has a long history of colonial war crimes and in banning speakers exposing Israel’s war crimes, in which his university is intimately involved, given its collaboration with Israeli universities, he wasn’t setting a good precedent.

I pointed out that I had recently brought out a book Zionism During the Holocaustwhich explains the relationship of the Zionist movement towards anti-Semitism and the Nazis during the holocaust.

It is this which Delft’s thought police are trying to suppress. Genocide in Gaza does not come from nowhere. Zionism has always been a movement of racial supremacy.

I pointed out that my book carries blurbs from Ilan Pappe, Professor of Middle East History at Exeter University; Richard Falk Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University and Professor of Global Law at Queen Mary College, London; Moshe Machover, Emeritus Professor at King’s College, London as well as Ken Loach, twice winner of the Palme d’Or. All the aforementioned academics are Jewish and two of them are Israeli.

I felt sure that the good professor would take note and rescind my banning. I also pointed out that famous Jews such as Einstein, Hannah Arendt and Sigmund Freud had opposed the nationalist madness of Zionism in their time and warned of the consequences.

Tony Greenstein speaking on the steps of the library at Delft University

I also pointed out that contrary to the usual jibe of ‘anti-Semitism’ which is directed against opponents of Zionism, it is the anti-Semites themselves who are the best friends of Zionism. Indeed it was leading Nazis who were most fulsome in support of Zionism, because they both shared the belief that Jews did not belong in Germany. I quoted Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi Party’s theoretician, who was hanged as a war criminal at Nuremberg, who wrote in 1919 that

‘Zionism must be vigorously supported in order to encourage a significant number of German Jews to leave for Palestine or other destinations’

Mientje Meijer - the leader of the sewing girls strike

I pointed out that in Netherlands during the Nazi occupation, 75% of the Jewish population was exterminated. This was despite the fact that in February 1941 Dutch workers staged the Amsterdam General Strike, the only strike in Nazi occupied Europe against the deportations. The working class of The Netherlands was magnificent but not so the Dutch state. The strike was savagely repressed with 389 being deported to Mauthausen concentration camp where most died.

Dutch Nazi Collaborators from the NSB

The Dutch state, the Blue Police and its academic functionaries, collaborated extensively with the Nazi occupiers. The Dutch civil service produced an identity card which was almost impossible to forge making the life of Jews in hiding extremely difficult.  The Dutch State adopted the Aryan Paragraph which deprived Dutch Jews of citizenship and allowed the deportations to be legally carried out. Jewish Supreme Court judge Lodewijk Visser was removed without protest from fellow judges from the Court by the Nazis.

In The Netherlands the Nazis set up a Jewish Council, the Joodsche Raad,under David Cohen, a leading Zionist official and Abraham Asscher. They assiduously compiled lists on Jews to be deported and carried out the Nazi instructions faithfully.

After the war Willy Lages, Commander of the German Security Police, was asked ‘How was the Jewish Council used?’ to which he replied, ‘In every possible way.’ To the question ‘Did you find them easy to work with?’ he responded, ‘Very easy, indeed.’

By way of contrast in France, where the Communists led the resistance and organised the rescue of Jewish children in particular, 75% of the Jews were saved. In Belgium half the Jews were saved. In both of these countries the Judenrat were forcibly prevented from operating and in Belgium its leader Robert Holcinger was executed by the resistance. Tragically the Joodsche Raad was not terrorised.

The Rector of Delft Professor Timothy van der Hagen 

I explained all this to Rector van der Hagen but to no avail. I pointed out that his own University, Delft had a magnificent record.

Its students were the first to protest and strike on 25 November 1940 against the Nazi order 1940 barring the employment of 6 Jewish professors. When Professor Joseph Jitta was barred from giving his final lecture, the students decided to boycott his replacement. But as this report explains

While the Rector tried to prevent the strike the next day, the lecture hall seats on 25 November were virtually empty.

It seems that the current Rector at Delft has a predecessor who did everything in his power to prevent solidarity by the students with a Jewish professor. The parallels go even further. His worthy predecessor did all he could to bar Jews from Delft’s campus and Prof. Hagan has approved the banning of a Jewish anti-Zionist. 

A plaque to Frans van Hasselt, a Delft student murdered by the Nazis in Buchenwald - the present Rector has ignored the history of the anti-Nazi struggle at Delft in favour of wining and dining arms merchants

Most Jews in Europe before the holocaust were anti-Zionist. One of the reasons that the Zionists say little about Anne Frank is because in her diaries she didn’t dream of going to Palestine but living in a free Netherlands.

One of the University’s students, Frans van Hasselt, who inspired the strike with a rousing speech, was arrested by the Nazis the following April. He was sent to Buchenwald concentration camp where he died.

Dutch fascist leader Geert Wilders is welcome at Delft

I also asked Van Der Hagen whether in view of the ban on me he would also ban Geert Wilders from campus. But I guess not as it would appear that it is only Jewish anti-Zionists and supporters of the Palestinians, not fascists who are banned.

I also explained to Professor Hagen that the Nazis began with ethnic cleansing and ended with genocide and that is now the path that the Israeli state is taking with the complicity of the Dutch State.

I quoted Heinrich Heine who once remarked that ‘those who burn books will in the end burn people.’ It turned out to be prophetic and I offered to send him a copy of my book in order that he might have the opportunity of burning it.

I ended my letter by thanking Rector Magnificus Van der Hagen for what he and his flunkeys had done.

If I had been allowed to speak on campus perhaps 50 people would have heard me. As a result of your actions hundreds if not thousands will.

On Monday morning I arrived early on campus to meet with the organisers and have lunch. At close to 1 pm the meeting began on the steps of the library since we had been barred from any meeting rooms. About 100 students stopped to listen to this hastily organised meeting, literally at one day’s notice. I was introduced by Sue Blackwell who also finished the meeting. I took questions from anyone who wanted to ask one. Unfortunately so far only half an hour of the meeting has been caught on film though more may be available later on.

Tony Greenstein speaking from the steps of Delf's library

I also sold over 20 of my books to students who were interested in learning the history of the holocaust that is not taught in the Dutch or Western education systems. How the Zionists, who never hesistate to use the Jewish holocaust against the Palestinians and their supporters, were a quisling movement who betrayed the Jews of Europe.

I ended my speech to the students by saying that although Israel claims it inherits the memory of the Jews who died in the holocaust in reality it inherits the memory of those who killed them. That today, just as in the past, it is the anti-Semites above all who love Israel – from Geert Wilders in The Netherlands, to Marine Le Pen in France to Germany’s Alternative for Germany.

After the meeting two Jewish Zionist students came up to me. They didn’t seem particularly afraid for their safety and asked me the usual Zionist talking points – why there were no Arab democracies and about the collaboration of the Mufti of Jerusalem with Hitler.  My response was simply that US imperialism which backs Israel has done its best to ensure that democracy doesn’t exist in the Middle East as their main interest is oil. Israel has helped them in that task. As for the Mufti, well he was appointed by Britain’s Zionist High Commissioner Sir Herbert Samuel in 1921 despite coming fourth in elections.

It wasn’t the Palestinians who elected him but the British and the Zionists! Nonetheless it was a common feature of the struggle against colonialism that the resistance adopts the position of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ although in fact thousands of Palestinians did serve in the British army during the war, unlike the Zionists who until near the end abstained from the war effort.

I also asked how it was that the Zionist terror organisation, the Stern Gang made not one, but two offers of military co-operation to the Nazis?  One of their leaders, Yitzhak Shamir twice became Prime Minister of Israel and today the pro-Nazi leader, Yair Stern, is honoured in Israel. Postage stamps in his honour, streets are named after him.  There is even a town, Kochav Yair.

However this meeting was important because it said that come hell or high water we will not allow the Dutch state and its academic servants, who collaborated so willingly with the Nazis during the war, to prevent our right to speak out. I have made it clear that I am happy to come back and speak if the students wish me to and to speak at other universities in The Netherlands too.

What the determination of the students at Delft proved was that the enemies of free speech on Palestine will back off when they are confronted because they have no arguments. They refer to codes of conduct and peoples’ safety all the while entertaining US Generals and Admirals and others who profit from death and destruction.  Our message should be that

The racists and the imperialists  will not silence us

My thanks go out to the students at Delft University and all those who helped make this meeting a success.  Now let Professor van der Hagen live up to his words about making the world a better place by cutting his ties with Israel’s complicit universities and its military-industrial complex.  Actions speak louder than words.

Tony Greenstein

Victory For Free Speech on Palestine & Zionism at Delft University, Netherlands as I defied the ban on speaking on campus


  According to Rector Professor Timothy van der Hagen’s Lackey I Posed a Threat to Delft’s ‘open and inclusive’ community unlike Lockheed Martin’s Admiral James O Ellis

The Student Magazine at Delft's Report of My Visit!

The Rector’s anonymous lackey was curt, short and to the point

‘The views of the invited speaker goes against the values that TU Delft stands for: an open and inclusive community where everyone feels safe.’

There was of course no explanation. The Rector’s lackey merely referred to the guidelines for demonstrations on the TU Delft Campus and the Code of Conduct. ‘gatherings on the TU Delft premises in which these values are violated are not permitted.’

Tony Greenstein speaking on the steps of the library at Delft University

There was of course no explanation as to which parts of the Code had been infringed nor why. This is how bureaucracies work. I was banned for being a Jewish anti-Zionist. We could of course guess that my presence was as welcome at a university liked Delft as a ham sandwich in a synagogue! But this is mere speculation.

Admiral James O Ellis, a warmonger extraordinaire is welcomed to Delft by its Administration

Two weeks before I spoke Admiral James O Ellis, who was on the Board of Lockheed Martin (2004-2024) was invited to speak at Delft. Lockheed Martin is one of the largest arms companies in the world, whose fighter aircraft have been prominent in the shredding of children in Gaza and in committing genocide.

Tony Greenstein speaking on the steps of the library at Delft University

Ellis was also President and CEO of the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations until May 2012 and Commander of the US Strategic Command. One of the key ghouls in the US Empire, which has been responsible for the overthrow of elected governments and the invasion of countries, as well as the waging of war in the Middle East.

Tony Greenstein speaking on the steps of the library at Delft University

Ellis was considered a suitable speaker whose presence was quite compatible with the ‘values’ of their code of conduct. Clearly the code of conduct which I was held to be in potential breach of had nothing to say about warmongers and supporters of genocide.

Tony Greenstein speaking on the steps of the library at Delft University

I was only travelling to The Netherlands because an old friend, Sue Blackwell, who had been prominent in the launch of the Academic Boycott in Britain in 2005, was getting married to Egbert Harmsen. Both are involved in The Netherlands BDS. I let it be known that I was happy to speak to meetings while I was there and one was arranged at Delft University of Technology, the largest technical university in the country, ranked no. 49 in the world’s rankings.

Activists in the Palestine Collective at Delft therefore faced a dilemma, whether or not to go ahead. Understandably some were worried about attempts to victimise them but in the end it was decided that I would speak on the steps of their impressive library and that is what I did to a crowd of about 100 students.

Tony Greenstein speaking on the steps of the library at Delft University

In his profile the Rector of Delft, Professor van Der Hagen, stated:

The most important task of TU Delft is to make a contribution towards building a better society.

I felt sure that despite being professor nuclear physics he had a broad mind and would countermand his flunkeys.  It was not to be.

When I learnt that I was banned from speaking I decided to write Hagen an Open Letter which students distributed around campus. I’ve always believed in going to the organ grinder rather than the monkey.

I explained that there was a genocide taking place in Gaza with the murder of 16,000+ children about which Israeli soldiers have boasted. I also explained that the Netherlands has a long history of colonial war crimes and in banning speakers exposing Israel’s war crimes, in which his university is intimately involved, given its collaboration with Israeli universities, he wasn’t setting a good precedent.

I pointed out that I had recently brought out a book Zionism During the Holocaust which explains the relationship of the Zionist movement towards anti-Semitism and the Nazis during the holocaust.

It is this which Delft’s thought police are trying to suppress. Genocide in Gaza does not come from nowhere. Zionism has always been a movement of racial supremacy.

I pointed out that my book carries blurbs from Ilan Pappe, Professor of Middle East History at Exeter University; Richard Falk Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University and Professor of Global Law at Queen Mary College, London; Moshe Machover, Emeritus Professor at King’s College, London as well as Ken Loach, twice winner of the Palme d’Or. All the aforementioned academics are Jewish and two of them are Israeli.

I felt sure that the good professor would take note and rescind my banning. I also pointed out that famous Jews such as Einstein, Hannah Arendt and Sigmund Freud had opposed the nationalist madness of Zionism in their time and warned of the consequences.

Tony Greenstein speaking on the steps of the library at Delft University

I also pointed out that contrary to the usual jibe of ‘anti-Semitism’ which is directed against opponents of Zionism, it is the anti-Semites themselves who are the best friends of Zionism. Indeed it was leading Nazis who were most fulsome in support of Zionism, because they both shared the belief that Jews did not belong in Germany. I quoted Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi Party’s theoretician, who was hanged as a war criminal at Nuremberg, who wrote in 1919 that

‘Zionism must be vigorously supported in order to encourage a significant number of German Jews to leave for Palestine or other destinations’

Mientje Meijer - the leader of the sewing girls strike

I pointed out that in Netherlands during the Nazi occupation, 75% of the Jewish population was exterminated. This was despite the fact that in February 1941 Dutch workers staged the Amsterdam General Strike, the only strike in Nazi occupied Europe against the deportations. The working class of The Netherlands was magnificent but not so the Dutch state. The strike was savagely repressed with 389 being deported to Mauthausen concentration camp where most died.

Dutch Nazi Collaborators from the NSB

The Dutch state, the Blue Police and its academic functionaries, collaborated extensively with the Nazi occupiers. The Dutch civil service produced an identity card which was almost impossible to forge making the life of Jews in hiding extremely difficult.  The Dutch State adopted the Aryan Paragraph which deprived Dutch Jews of citizenship and allowed the deportations to be legally carried out. Jewish Supreme Court judge Lodewijk Visser was removed without protest from fellow judges from the Court by the Nazis.

In The Netherlands the Nazis set up a Jewish Council, the Joodsche Raad, under David Cohen, a leading Zionist official and Abraham Asscher. They assiduously compiled lists on Jews to be deported and carried out the Nazi instructions faithfully.

After the war Willy Lages, Commander of the German Security Police, was asked ‘How was the Jewish Council used?’ to which he replied, ‘In every possible way.’ To the question ‘Did you find them easy to work with?’ he responded, ‘Very easy, indeed.’

By way of contrast in France, where the Communists led the resistance and organised the rescue of Jewish children in particular, 75% of the Jews were saved. In Belgium half the Jews were saved. In both of these countries the Judenrat were forcibly prevented from operating and in Belgium its leader Robert Holcinger was executed by the resistance. Tragically the Joodsche Raad was not terrorised.

The Rector of Delft Professor Timothy van der Hagen 

I explained all this to Rector van der Hagen but to no avail. I pointed out that his own University, Delft had a magnificent record.

Its students were the first to protest and strike on 25 November 1940 against the Nazi order 1940 barring the employment of 6 Jewish professors. When Professor Joseph Jitta was barred from giving his final lecture, the students decided to boycott his replacement. But as this report explains

While the Rector tried to prevent the strike the next day, the lecture hall seats on 25 November were virtually empty.

It seems that the current Rector at Delft has a predecessor who did everything in his power to prevent solidarity by the students with a Jewish professor. The parallels go even further. His worthy predecessor did all he could to bar Jews from Delft’s campus and Prof. Hagan has approved the banning of a Jewish anti-Zionist. 

A plaque to Frans van Hasselt, a Delft student murdered by the Nazis in Buchenwald - the present Rector has ignored the history of the anti-Nazi struggle at Delft in favour of wining and dining arms merchants

Most Jews in Europe before the holocaust were anti-Zionist. One of the reasons that the Zionists say little about Anne Frank is because in her diaries she didn’t dream of going to Palestine but living in a free Netherlands.

One of the University’s students, Frans van Hasselt, who inspired the strike with a rousing speech, was arrested by the Nazis the following April. He was sent to Buchenwald concentration camp where he died.

Dutch fascist leader Geert Wilders is welcome at Delft

I also asked Van Der Hagen whether in view of the ban on me he would also ban Geert Wilders from campus. But I guess not as it would appear that it is only Jewish anti-Zionists and supporters of the Palestinians, not fascists who are banned.

I also explained to Professor Hagen that the Nazis began with ethnic cleansing and ended with genocide and that is now the path that the Israeli state is taking with the complicity of the Dutch State.

quoted Heinrich Heine who once remarked that ‘those who burn books will in the end burn people.’ It turned out to be prophetic and I offered to send him a copy of my book in order that he might have the opportunity of burning it.

I ended my letter by thanking Rector Magnificus Van der Hagen for what he and his flunkeys had done.

If I had been allowed to speak on campus perhaps 50 people would have heard me. As a result of your actions hundreds if not thousands will.

On Monday morning I arrived early on campus to meet with the organisers and have lunch. At close to 1 pm the meeting began on the steps of the library since we had been barred from any meeting rooms. About 100 students stopped to listen to this hastily organised meeting, literally at one day’s notice. I was introduced by Sue Blackwell who also finished the meeting. I took questions from anyone who wanted to ask one. Unfortunately so far only half an hour of the meeting has been caught on film though more may be available later on.

Tony Greenstein speaking from the steps of Delf's library

I also sold over 20 of my books to students who were interested in learning the history of the holocaust that is not taught in the Dutch or Western education systems. How the Zionists, who never hesistate to use the Jewish holocaust against the Palestinians and their supporters, were a quisling movement who betrayed the Jews of Europe.

I ended my speech to the students by saying that although Israel claims it inherits the memory of the Jews who died in the holocaust in reality it inherits the memory of those who killed them. That today, just as in the past, it is the anti-Semites above all who love Israel – from Geert Wilders in The Netherlands, to Marine Le Pen in France to Germany’s Alternative for Germany.

After the meeting two Jewish Zionist students came up to me. They didn’t seem particularly afraid for their safety and asked me the usual Zionist talking points – why there were no Arab democracies and about the collaboration of the Mufti of Jerusalem with Hitler.  My response was simply that US imperialism which backs Israel has done its best to ensure that democracy doesn’t exist in the Middle East as their main interest is oil. Israel has helped them in that task. As for the Mufti, well he was appointed by Britain’s Zionist High Commissioner Sir Herbert Samuel in 1921 despite coming fourth in elections.

It wasn’t the Palestinians who elected him but the British and the Zionists! Nonetheless it was a common feature of the struggle against colonialism that the resistance adopts the position of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ although in fact thousands of Palestinians did serve in the British army during the war, unlike the Zionists who until near the end abstained from the war effort.

I also asked how it was that the Zionist terror organisation, the Stern Gang made not one, but two offers of military co-operation to the Nazis?  One of their leaders, Yitzhak Shamir twice became Prime Minister of Israel and today the pro-Nazi leader, Yair Stern, is honoured in Israel. Postage stamps in his honour, streets are named after him.  There is even a town, Kochav Yair.

However this meeting was important because it said that come hell or high water we will not allow the Dutch state and its academic servants, who collaborated so willingly with the Nazis during the war, to prevent our right to speak out. I have made it clear that I am happy to come back and speak if the students wish me to and to speak at other universities in The Netherlands too.

What the determination of the students at Delft proved was that the enemies of free speech on Palestine will back off when they are confronted because they have no arguments. They refer to codes of conduct and peoples’ safety all the while entertaining US Generals and Admirals and others who profit from death and destruction.  Our message should be that

The racists and the imperialists  will not silence us

My thanks go out to the students at Delft University and all those who helped make this meeting a success.  Now let Professor van der Hagen live up to his words about making the world a better place by cutting his ties with Israel’s complicit universities and its military-industrial complex.  Actions speak louder than words.

Tony Greenstein

How Zionism Rewrote the History of the Holocaust & Erased The Name of Rudolf Vrba, who escaped from Auschwitz to Warn Hungarian Jewry of the Danger of Annihilation


 Zionism was a Quisling Movement That Collaborated with the Nazis and Obstructed the Rescue Efforts of Others

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To judge by its weaponisation of the holocaust in its war propaganda, people would be forgiven for thinking that during the holocaust the Zionist movement worked relentlessly to try and rescue Jews from Hitler’s clutches. Yet the reverse is the case.

Rudolf Vrba Interviewed by Claude Lanzmann

During the holocaust the Zionists did not want to know about what was happening in Europe. They had one goal and one goal only – to build their genocidal ‘Jewish’ state.  Indeed they did their best to obstruct the rescue efforts of others if the destination was not Palestine. That is why I wrote my book, Zionism During the Holocaust, to set the record straight.

You don’t have to take my word for it. Just read the last chapter of Shabtai Teveth’s official biography of Ben-Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, which is entitled Disaster Means Strength. The disaster of the holocaust meant strength for the Zionists.

As Zionist historian Noah Lucas observed:

As the European holocaust erupted, Ben-Gurion saw it as a decisive opportunity for Zionism... Ben-Gurion above all others sensed the tremendous possibilities inherent in the dynamic of the chaos and carnage in Europe…. In conditions of peace,… Zionism could not move the masses of world Jewry. The forces unleashed by Hitler in all their horror must be harnessed to the advantage of Zionism. ... By the end of 1942… the struggle for a Jewish state became the primary concern of the movement. [A Modern History of Israel, pp. 187/8]

In November 1935 Ben-Gurion explained that:

To the disaster of German Jewry we must offer a Zionist response, namely, we must convert the disaster into a source for the upbuilding of Palestine.

In October 1941 as the holocaust was raging Ben-Gurion wrote:

Disaster is strength if channelled to a productive course. The whole trick of Zionism is that it knows how to channel our disaster, not into despondency or degradation, as is the case in the Diaspora, but into a source of creativity and exploitation. 29F [Shabtai Teveth, The Burning Ground 1886-1948, p. 853]


Rudolf Vrba

In 1935 the Nazis introduced the Nuremberg Laws, which Gerald Reitlinger described as ‘the most murderous legislative instrument known to European history’.  It turned German Jews from citizens into subjects. Only the Zionists welcomed the laws. Zionist Executive President, Menahem Ussishkin, was effusive:

There is something positive in their [German Jewry’s] tragedy... and that is that Hitler oppressed them as a race and not as a religion. Had he done the latter, half the Jews in Germany would simply have converted to Christianity.

German Zionist leader Joachim Prinz explained that:

(The Jews) have been drawn out of the last secret recesses of christening and mixed marriages. We are not unhappy about it... The theory of assimilation has collapsed…. We want to replace assimilation by something new: the declaration of belonging to the Jewish nation and the Jewish race. A state, built according to the principle of purity of the nation and race can only be honoured and respected by a Jew who declares his belonging to his own kind.  'Wir Juden' Berlin 1934, p.154 https://tinyurl.com/yxqvmaq5

The Zionists alone amongst Jews saw the advent of the Nazis as something positive. Berl Katznelson, a founder of Mapai and editor of the Histadrut paper Davar, as well as Ben-Gurion’s effective deputy, saw ‘an opportunity to build and flourish like none we have ever had or ever will have.’[Francis Nicosia, Zionism & Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany, p. 91]

When Hitler became Chancellor of Germany on January 30 1933 most Jews reacted instinctively by boycotting everything German. Not so the Zionists. They were eager to trade with the Nazis to build their ‘Jewish’ state and in August 1933 they reached a trading agreement with them, Ha’avara.

When the last major Jewish community in Europe was under threat, after the Nazi invasion of Hungary on March 19, 1944, the Zionists suppressed the Vrba-Wetzler Report which, exposed Auschwitz, not as a labour camp but an extermination camp. But first a little background.

On April 10 Rudolf Vrba and his friend Alfred Wetzler escaped from Auschwitz with the purpose of warning Hungarian Jews what was in store for them. They had heard SS men talking about looking forward to Hungarian salami, the food that the deportees would bring with them. On April 24 after a perilous journey they reached Slovakia and set down what they knew to the Jewish Council there.

On or about April 29 Rudolf Kasztner, the leader of Hungarian Zionism, paid his monthly visit to Bratislava and was given a copy. What did he do?  Spread the word far and wide?  On the contrary he took them to Eichmann, told him of them and agreed in negotiations that in exchange for a train out of Hungary to safety for 1684 Zionist and rich Jews, Kasztner would not only suppress the news of Auschwitz but positively misinform the Jews who were getting on the deportations trains.

Kasztner's Train for the elite

Of this there is no doubt. When Malchiel Greenwald called Kasztner a collaborator in Israel in 1953, he was sued by the Israeli state for libel by Kasztner. But it didn’t turn out as expected. Jews who had survived Auschwitz testified to Kasztner’s treachery. When David Rozner was asked why Kasztner would have been killed if he had set foot in Koloszvár, his home town, after the war, he replied, ‘Because he was the man who misled the Jews to believe in the good intentions of the Germans.’ [Ben Hecht, Perfidy p. 109].  

It later turned out that Kasztner had gone to Nuremberg to give evidence that exonerated some of Eichmann’s worst butchers like Hermann Krumey and Dieter Wisliceny. Not surprisingly Rudolf Vrba, who had done his best to ensure that the Vrba-Wetzler Report was distributed to other people, laid the blame at Kasztner’s door and that of the Zionist movement. The response of the Zionist historians was to erase Kasztner from historical memory.

In the Israeli school syllabus and holocaust texts there was no mention made of the two Jewish escapees or even the fact that there had been Jews who escaped from Auschwitz.

Vrba’s memoirs, I Cannot Forgive, were printed everywhere but in Israel. No mention was made of Vrba or Wetzler’s name in Yad Vashem, the obscene holocaust propaganda museum in Jerusalem where assorted fascists, neo-Nazis and racists now visit to pay their homage to the Israeli state.

In articles and publications the names of Vrba and Wetzler were never mentioned – they were ‘two Jewish chaps’ or ‘two Jewish prisoners’. In the words of Ruth Linn, an Israeli Professor of Education from Haifa University, who happened, by chance, to meet Vrba at the University of British Columbia,

‘The problem was that none of the escapers had even a ‘minimal layer of Zionist veneer.’ [Ruth Linn, Escaping Auschwitz, a Culture of Forgetting p. 85].

Like Marek Edelman, the last Commander of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, Vrba was eliminated from the history books and by the holocaust industry because he didn’t fit into the Zionist narrative. Linn wrote that

Like Vrba, Edelman never ‘ascended’ to Israel, refusing to become the ‘dead and obedient hero who could be molded along with the political order of that time…. extremely inconvenient for the creation of a heroic Zionist condensing and compensating myth… Israel was not their home.’  Linn, pp. 6, 87.

As people may remember, over 2 months ago I wrote, for Electronic Intifada and my own blog, what Jonathan Cook called an excoriating review of Jonathan Freedland’s The Escape Artist, a biography of Vrba. Freedland’s book was a cheap imitation thriller of Vrba’s own memoirs, I Cannot Forgive. It was dishonest in its justification of Vrba’s silencing.

I decided, at this time of genocide, that it would be appropriate to organise a webinar on the subject of Rewriting the Holocaust and we have an excellent panel of speakers. Stephen Kapos is well known to people as a child survivor of Budapest under the Nazis. Tom Suarez has written two amazingly researched books and Haim Bresheeth, from Jewish Network for Palestine is a long time Israeli-Jewish activist who has just been arrested whilst speaking at a demonstration outside the Israeli Embassy, as I was a month ago.

The days when Israel and the Zionists had a monopoly over the holocaust are gone. The holocaust in Gaza demonstrates that Zionism has not learnt any lessons from the Nazi holocaust. On the contrary the Zionists believe that the Nazi holocaust entitles them to commit their own holocaust, a view that the German State also holds.

Ruth Linn, whose book, Escaping Auschwitz – A Culture of Silence exposed the machinations of Yehuda Bauer and the other establishment Zionist holocaust historians. I invited her to join the panel and initially she accepted. However Ruth Linn is a Zionist and she got cold feet about speaking with anti-Zionists. However you should read Linn’s Who’s afraid of the man who escaped from Auschwitz?  

Tony Greenstein

See Defending Vrba and Freedland on Vrba

Open Letter to an Academic War Criminal – Timothy van der Hagen, President & Rector Magnificus of Delft University, Netherlands


 When you banned me from speaking at Delft what you were doing was perpetuating the myth that Jews support Genocide in Gaza –that is anti-Semitic – Jews are not your moral alibi or your colonial pets

Nazi Propaganda Portrayed Jewish Men as Sexual Predators - Zionist Students Have been Allowed to do the  same at Delft - on the grounds of 'freedom of speech' unlike anti-Zionism

When the authorities at Delft University banned me from speaking on 28 October, I wrote an Open Letter to its Rector, Professor Timothy van der Hagen. Because the silent Rector, like the silent intellectual, has chosen not to say anything, I thought I would help him with a second letter.

Meanwhile students at Delft have produced this wonderful Instagram Video highlighting sections of my speech.

The Curt Memo Banning My Meeting

As people will know from my previous blog I defied the ban and spoke on campus anyway to an audience of 100. Given that they literally had a few hours notice, the attendance was remarkable. Delft authorities did not seem inclined to disgrace themselves any further, having behaved as if they were a police-state university, and left us alone. I can only assume that they realised that banning free speech is the hallmark of a university under fascism.

When the Zionist Student Association showed a filmScreams of Silence which falsely alleged that the Palestinian resistance on October 7 had indulged in a mass orgy of rape, despite the lack of any evidence, Delft authorities defended its showing on the grounds of ‘freedom of expression’.

However the right of Palestinian students to invite a Jewish anti-Zionist did not come under freedom of expression. The reason given was that

The views of the invited speaker goes against the values that TU Delft stands for: an open and inclusive community where everyone feels safe.

It’s strange how some views are deemed a threat to people’s ‘safety’ whereas others come under the rubric of ‘freedom of speech’ I am sure Professor van der Hagen will be more than able to demonstrate  his talent for verbal gymnastics when explaining the differential treatment of Zionists and anti-Zionists.

Israel is destroying every hospital in Northern Gaza and Starving the Population Just Like the Nazis did in the Ghettos of Poland

Perhaps the real reason for my ban was Delft not wanting their ties with the Israeli universities and the military-industrial complex that is engaged in genocide to be questioned or held up to scrutiny.

Nazi anti-Semitic propaganda against Jews is similar to that of Zionist students exercising 'free speech' at Delft

One can only conclude from this that the safety of Palestinian and Muslim students is of no concern to this racist university. Allegations of rape have been the standard weapon of white and anti-Jewish racists historically – it was the justification for lynching and murder and the demonization of Jewish men in Nazi Germany.

To Professor Van der Hagen racist incitement, because that is what the film is really about, is covered by free speech but allowing a Jewish opponent of Zionism threatens peoples’ safety. The hypocrisy of this genocide complicit university is there for all to see.

Even the Nazis left the Jewish Hospital in Berlin alone and it survived until Berlin was liberated in May 1945 - not so in Gaza where Israel is destroying the health sector

The justification of a Zionist student Bensignor for showing the film was that “when women say that they’re raped, I believe them.” So does he believe the hundreds of Palestinian women raped by the Israeli military? Or the victims of mass torture? Or is it only some victims that he believes?

But it wasn’t women who made the accusations of rape. It was Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli propaganda, for the sole reason of justifying genocide in Gaza. Any ‘witnesses’ subsequently corralled can be treated with a pinch of salt. There are no victims and there is no forensic evidence. The New York Times article on which this film is based Screams Without Words has been widely discredited. The main victim’s family, Gail Abdush denied she had been raped.

I have therefore penned a second letter to Rector Magnificus as he likes to be called.  Let us see whether or not he will behave like his 1940 pro-Nazi counterpart and keep his silence.

Tony Greenstein

If you want to be a football hooligan you should be an Israeli football hooligan – then Israel will give you compensation if you get injured


 The press & the world’s leaders ignored the racist attacks of Tel Aviv Maccabi Fans & concentrated on the Justified Reaction to these Fascist Thugs

When Lies & Disinformation Become the Norm It Means That We Have Entered an Era of Permanent War – What happened in Amsterdam was not a Pogrom but Israeli thugs getting a taste of their own medicine

Israeli hooligans provoke clashes in Amsterdam after chanting anti-Palestinian slogans

Truth they say is the first casualty of war and this has been particularly evident in the coverage of the fight back by Dutch citizens when attacked by Israel’s racist football fans.

Once again ‘anti-Semitism’ has proven to be the false anti-racism of the right. It is the only ‘racism’ that they are concerned about. Ursula von der Leyen, the far-right German President of the European Commission couldn’t restrain herself. It was all about ‘anti-Semitism’. Nothing about attacks on Arabs or Dutch citizens.

What von der Liar was saying that any amount of anti-Arab racism and attacks on Arabs was ok, but if the victims should fight back then that would be ‘anti-Semitism’.

90 years ago this plastic von Pappen figure would have been complaining about the Jews of Germany. The idea that von der Liar would have stood out to oppose Nazi anti-Semitism is wishful thinking. The Nazis were put in power by the German conservative Deutsche National Volks Party of which Liar’s Christian Democrats are the heir.

Another pip squeak to put his oar in was Dutch Prime Minister, Dick Schoof, who decried “antisemitic attacks on Israeli citizens.”

Excellent short Owen Jones podcast

It is one of the talents of our rulers that they can spout any amount of verbiage without actually saying anything. Even Holland’s King, Willem-Alexander got into the act which proves that there is no fool like a Royal Fool.

history has taught us how intimidation goes from bad to worse, with horrific consequences. Jewish people must feel safe in the Netherlands

What history has taught us is that any group of people can become racists and genocidaires, Jewish people included. Racism is not a biological inheritance. 

This is the senile fool who said he'd seen photos of the heads of severed babies after October 7 until it was 'walked back' by the White House  - Biden is a genocidal liar

What Schoof and Willem-Alexander forget is that they represent the Dutch State which bent over backwards to collaborate with the Nazi occupation, unlike Denmark nearby. The Blue Police, the predecessors of today’s Dutch Police thugs, took an active part, alongside the Gestapo, in winkling out Jews in hiding. I really don’t think we need lessons from the heirs of Nazi collaborators.

Anne Frank was not a Zionist but unfortunately Zionists have colonised all the holocaust memorial organisation. Anne considered Zionists as freaks. All the so-called holocaust organisations have echoed to the same lies

Instead of pointing out that Israel’s fans got a dose of their own medicine Schoof wittered on about anti-Semitism. As did Starmer and Lammy.

It would be too much to expect Lammy, the Black face of imperialism to come out for once with an original thought

Sky News Deletes Video and Substituted a Lying One Instead


As Jonathan Cook wrote:

We know that an early report from the scene by Sky News’ reporter was one of the only to correctly describe the video as showing Israeli hooliganism, not antisemitism.

But Sky quickly took down that report, saying it wasn't "balanced". The channel then heavily re-edited the segment and issued a new version that presented the footage – now wrongly – as evidence of Dutch locals attacking Israeli fans.

That was crucial to shoring up the false “antisemitism” and “pogrom” narratives spread by western politicians and the establishment media.

Here's where it gets even more disturbing. The Dutch photographer interviewed by Jones says she was interviewed by Sky News about her footage before the second, re-edited report was aired.

In other words, not only was Sky's reporter correct in her first account of the events in Amsterdam, but Sky's news editors back in London knew exactly what the footage showed too – because the Dutch woman who filmed it had told them.

And yet Sky's news team still edited a correct news report to make it incorrect.

The only conclusion one can draw is that they did so to mislead their audience. They didn't make a mistake. They didn’t act out of ignorance. They knowingly aired disinformation. They intentionally peddled fake news.

In other words Sky News deliberately lied to its viewers.

Britain’s prostitute press, almost unanimously led with the ‘anti-Semitic’ attacks on Israel’s racist hooligans rather than what sparked the counter attacks.  Former Revolutionary Communist Party member, now Spiked ‘journalist’ and the Koch Brothers prostitute, Brendan O’Neill, informed us in The Telegraph that 'pogroms have returned to Europe, yet the ‘anti-racist’ Left are silent.' Presumably attacks on Moroccans and Arabs don’t count as pogroms because they are O’Neill’s untermenschen.

War criminal Blinken has prevented the State Department confirming Israeli war crimes - this man deserves the same penalty as the Nazi war criminals experienced at Nuremberg. Anti-Arab violence and genocide doesn't bother him 'antisemitism' does

The BBC, the Voice of the British Establishment, for which it acts as a well paid harlot, naturally only focussed on the well-deserved kicking that Israel’s fans got. But even their occasional reference to the Israeli fans violence was too much for the far-right Spectator.

Only the Daily Mail, in its first headline mentioned the violence of the Israeli football fans.  However it soon fell in with the rest of the pack.

The Guardian did likewise. In its article on more than 60 arrests, none of them football hooligans, there were just 2 out of 34 paragraphs that explained that the cause of the violence was the Israeli fans.

Dutch man being beaten up by Israeli football hooligans - but if u mention it you are anti-Semitic


A social media video verified by Reuters showed Maccabi fans setting off flares and chanting “Olé, olé, let the IDF win, we will fuck the Arabs”, referring to the Israel Defense Forces. The police chief said a large crowd of Maccabi supporters had then gathered on Dam Square on Thursday lunchtime and there had been “fights on both sides”...

One Amsterdam resident, Barbara Weenink, said she had found the behaviour of Israeli fans threatening. Weenink, who has demonstrated at pro-Palestine events, said she was warned not to go out with a keffiyeh on that evening. She did not see the events after the match but had seen Israeli football fans before it. “I saw the Israeli fans walking here before the match – I found it very threatening,” she said.

16 year old Dutch Boy’s Fearless Reporting Puts the World Press to Shame

Dutch Police Chief statement about some of the violent Israeli football fascists

The only Jewish paper to have a more balanced coverage of what happened in Amsterdam was The Forward, America’s oldest Jewish paper and formally a Bundist paper. It’s article talked about the ‘weaponisation’ of Dutch Jews’ fear and how ‘Many in the country’s small Jewish community say the incident was stripped of context’.

Jelle Zijlstra, who is Jewish and works as a community organizer in Amsterdam, made a post that went viral on Instagram stating that “multiple truths can exist at the same time.” It highlighted both the assaults on Israelis and footage of the fans shouting “F— Palestine” the night before.

“There was definitely antisemitism involved in some of the events that took place,” Zijlstra said in an interview. “Were Jews attacked in the streets? Yes, but those Jews were also violent hooligans.”


Israeli football thugs tearing down a Palestinian flag in Amsterdam

The Forward observed that:

some Dutch Jews noted that roving bands of Maccabi Tel Aviv fans had spent Tuesday and Wednesday nights marauding through the city center chanting racist anti-Arab slogans, climbing a facade to rip a Palestinian flag off the second story of an apartment building and assaulting a Moroccan taxi driver.

Forward’s article at least made an attempt to speak to those on the ground even if it didn’t interview any of the Arab attackers. It wrote

Ami Shuman, a photographer for the right-wing Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom, said he was trapped with his son while trying to escape the violence Thursday night, and that they eventually had to be escorted back to their hotel by the police.

“We saw violence, we saw people with black eyes, deep cuts under their eyes, we saw someone accidentally hit by a police officer, and a woman crying,” Shuman told The Times of Israel. “They came in masses, running through the alleys.”

Forced to answer for Israel

Waterman, who also works as a strategic adviser to a local nonprofit called Jewish Social Work, spent Friday helping Israeli fans who volunteers had ferried to a safe location provided by a Jewish sports club in Amsterdam.

He noted that the violence appeared to have been targeted only at the Israeli visitors, and not Dutch Jews or Jewish institutions. But Waterman said many in the community were nonetheless shaken, especially after a year in which they have faced a spike in antisemitic and anti-Israel activity in the aftermath of the Oct. 7 terrorist attack in Israel and the start of the war in Gaza.

Waterman said many Dutch Jews are treated like representatives of Israel, a special burden in a country of only 30,000 Jews. “You might be the only Jewish kid in your school and kids say, ‘Hey, what are you people doing in Israel? Why are you killing kids?’” he explained. “It can force you to defend things you don’t necessarily agree with.”

Local Amsterdam residents tell how they were assaulted and menaced

Israeli football thugs shouting 'we will rape your girls' - if u oppose this it makes u antisemitic

The answer is quite simple. Jewish bodies should dissociate themselves from Israel’s genocide and say that Zionists don’t speak in our name. It’s quite simple. When Jews defend Israel’s genocide, in the name of Jews, they can’t complain if there is a counter-reaction.

The article also mentioned

Antisemitic chants are also common at Dutch soccer stadiums. “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the gas,” used to be a popular cheer for fans of teams playing Ajax, because of its association with Jews. It has fallen out of favor in recent years, but other derogatory songs have taken its place.

“I’ll speak to fans who assure me that they are not antisemitic, they’re just doing it because of Ajax, but there’s definitely some other factors,” said Boaz Krone, a social worker in Amsterdam.

If there are anti-Semitic chants they should be condemned but they are not dissimilar to similar chants at Tottenham. But because Israel claims that it represents all world Jews it is incumbent upon Jews to dissociate themselves from the horror that Israel represents. If they don’t they can’t complain. You can’t have your cake and eat it.

Meanwhile, far-right Dutch politicians, who took control of the government in July, have positioned themselves as protectors of Holland’s Jews by seizing on antisemitism from Arab and Muslim residents of the country.

A mob of Israeli thugs (fans of Maccabi Tel Aviv) attack a Palestinian in ATHENS, GREECE!

84 years ago when the Nazis occupied The Netherlands, the NSB, the Dutch National Socialist Organisation, began attacks on the Jews. It was the working class in Amsterdam who repelled them and then went on General Strike. I have no doubt that if Wilders had been alive at the time, he would have been a prominent Dutch national socialist.

Ofer Casif, the only Jewish member of the Knesset has been suspended for 6 months for opposing Israel's genocidal racism - this is Israeli democracy in action

But our lazy, lying press could not even be bothered to interview Dutch Jews about what they thought of the matter. They were content to take their cue from the stuffed dummy Starmer and his Black parrot Lammy, whose only concern is to keep in step with Senile Biden.

The Israeli fans were attacked, not because they were Jewish but because they were Israeli thugs. A small point but one lost of the mass media. If this had been an anti-Semitic attack then it’s strange that Amsterdam’s 14,000 Jews haven’t received similar treatment.

Maccabi fans thought they could behave in the same way as they do at home where racist chants and thuggery are dealt with by a Zionist police force that only ever arrests Palestinians. Hopefully they learnt a valuable lesson and will keep their bigotry to themselves next time they have an overseas outing.

But what does the coverage by the Lying Press tell us about their coverage overall?  This wasn’t a one-off mistake but a continuation of  their refusal to cover a year long genocide in Gaza.  Or when they do cover it they frame it as Hitler’s sorry Israel’s ‘right to self-defence.’

Imagine Vladimir Putin had declared that the Ukrainian resistance was ensconced in hospitals and proceeded to bomb them. It doesn’t take much imagination to forecast their outraged reaction.

The 'Green' Foreign Minister of Germany, Anna Baerbock, shows that she's no different from the other bourgeois  parties in her anti-Arab racism and support for Zionist genocide

Imagine that Putin declared half of Ukraine a free-fire zone like the North of Gaza and refused the entry of food, fuel and water we would rightly compare him to the Nazis. After all it was Hans Frank, the Governor-General of the General Gouvernment, Poland, who declared a policy of ‘death by hunger’.

Yet if you even dare mention a comparison between the Nazis and Israel you will, like me a month ago, be arrested for a ‘racially aggravated offence’.  You see Israel and Zionists are a race according to the thick, racist coppers of the Metropolitan Police.

If von der Leyen had been alive 90 years ago she would have been the first to justify Hitler’s actions. The German State has always loved holocausts – from that in Namibia, Ost Afrika and Armenia to the Nazi holocaust and now Israel’s holocaust. Indeed it is hard to think of a holocaust that the German state hasn’t smiled upon.

The fact that those who claim to inherit the memory of the holocaust victims are perpetrating a holocaust themselves normalises and trivialises what happened during the Final Solution. See my article in Al Jazeera ‘Why is Germany supporting Israel’s genocide in Gaza?’

The Zionists, who did their best to obstruct the rescue of Jews during the Holocaust understand full well the motives of Olaf Scholz and von der Leyen. When Israelis chant, as the Maccabi fans did ‘death to the Arabs’ or ‘there is no school in Gaza because there are no children’ they demonstrate that the majority of Israelis can now be called Judeo-Nazis. ‘Death to the Jews’ was the favourite chant of German and Polish anti-Semites in the 1930s. The fact that the Dutch Police, acting in the best traditions of the Blue police, failed to arrest any Tel Aviv Maccabee fans testifies to their racism.

See Sana Saeed’sNo, there were no ‘antisemitic pogroms’ in Amsterdam. Here’s what really happened.

Olé, olé!

Olé, olé, olé!

Let the IDF win and fuck the Arabs!

Olé, olé!

Olé, olé, olé!

Why is school out in Gaza? There are no children left there!”

These are the sentiments that Starmer, Lammy Biden and all the ratpack who ‘lead us’ are happy to ignore. Only racism against Jews counts these days. Why? Because Jews are the moral alibi, the tame colonial pets, for the West’s military adventures in the Middle East. Unfortunately most Jews are too stupid to understand this.

As Mouin Rabbani noted

Not only do the Israeli club’s supporters have a reputation for genocidal racism (their motto is “Death to the Arabs”, supplemented with the chant, “May Your Village Burn”), but many of those who traveled to Amsterdam have during the past year served in the Israeli military’s genocidal campaign against the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip

But then ministers in the Israeli government, such as Ben Gvir and Smotrich, have demonstrated with and chanted ‘death to the Arabs’ themselves. Ben Gvir had a poster on his wall of Baruch Goldstein, who opened fire in the Ibrahimi Mosque killing 29 worshippers. This is the kind of racist slime that makes up Israel’s government.

Britain’s media, unlike Al Jazeera, has wilfully ignored the destruction of hospitals and schools, the murder of children, the bombing of tent encampments and all the other genocidal acts of Israel because they are propagandists for the imperialist axis of the USA, Britain and Germany. Never have our rulers stood so naked.

Our task is to build the Palestine solidarity movement but also to make clear what we stand for. We must say explicitly that Israel, like South Africa under Apartheid, is a failed state that cannot be reformed. It has to go. Unfortunately the past year of genocide has taught Britain’s Palestine Solidarity Campaign absolutely nothing.

The forthcoming AGM in 2025 has a plan and ‘strategy’ document, if one can call it that, which simply repeats past failures. New thinking is not and will not be PSC’s forte as long as it remains in the hands of a tiny political clique.

What is clear, though not to Ben Jamal or PSC, is that the British state fully supports Israel come hell or high water. No amount of polite lobbying is going to change that.

Putting people like Starmer, (a human representation of the police state) and Lisa Nandy on your platform doesn’t advance the cause one iota. The minimum PSC can do is to adopt an anti-Zionist stance and jettison the 2 state solution as an illusion that acts as a smokescreen for continued Israeli colonisation and ethnic cleansing.

When Britain’s media do focus on Gaza they always take care to put it in the context of the October 7 break out from the world’s largest prison. The lives of Israelis are worth more than a hundred if not a thousand Palestinian lives. This is precisely what Ben Gvir’s spiritual mentor, Rabbi Dov Lior, Chair of the Settlement Rabbis, said.

A Jewish fingernail is worth a thousand non-Jewish lives

 If there is one takeaway from Gaza it is that Zionism and the Israeli state have a limited shelf life. Its main supporters are far-right politicians or neo-Nazis – Viktor Orban, Trump, Geert Wilders, Tommy Robinson, Richard Spencer. After all if you are a neo-Nazi what is there not to like about the Israeli ethno-religious state?

But all is not doom and gloom. Spare a thought for your average Tel Aviv Maccabi hooligan. Having been bested by those ‘dirty’ Arabs and terrorised for once, they are at least eligible, as victims of a ‘hostile action’ to compensation from Israel’s National Insurance.

'Victims' of 'anti-Semitism' arrive back in Israel 

Compensation for injured racist thugs

But dear readers please don’t fret or worry for Israel’s beat up hooligans.  Israel's National Insurance will ensure that they get ‘mental assistance for the victims of violent actions perpetrated in against Israelis in Holland.’ Eat your heart out you anti-Semites!  Only in Israel could it pay to be a racist football thug. 

Tony Greenstein

The Met Have Informed Me That I Won’t Be Charged for Comparing Israel’s Gaza Holocaust to the Nazi Holocaust


I was arrested on October 4, the 88th anniversary of the Battle of Cable Street when the Met Tried to Force the British Union of Fascists on Jewish East Enders – 300,000 Stopped Them – the Met is Still the Same Racist Force

You may remember that I was arrested on October 4th for daring to make a comparison between Israel’s holocaust in Gaza and the Nazi holocaust. Two days ago I was informed by the Police that they weren’t bringing any charges.

The Police trying to find a way through Cable Street 88 years ago - genuine anti-Semitism has never bothered the Met

It is ironic that on October 4, 1936 the Met, under Commissioner Philip Game, tried to force thousands of Sir Oswald Moseley’s British Union of Fascists and National Socialists through the Jewish East End. However up to 300,000 East End workers, including Catholic dockers and thousands of non-Jewish workers were having none of it. What ensued became known as the Battle of Cable Street. The Met then was riddled with anti-Semites just as today it is riddled with Islamaphobes. After battling for hours Philip Game was forced to admit defeat as barricades were thrown up.

Notice published in the Jewish Chronicle urging Jews to keep their heads down - when it comes to genuine anti-Semitism the Jewish & Zionist Establishment has always preferred a policy of keeping one's head down

The Met hasn’t changed even if the target of its racism has changed. But even now it has a penchant for arresting anti-Zionist Jews who don’t conform their idea of ‘proper’ Israel supporting nationalist bigots.

In 1936 the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Zionists told Jews they should stay at home and keep their heads down. Jewish workers ignored them in their thousands. Today there is no Jewish  working class.  Jews have migrated socio-economically upwards and politically rightwards such that their best friends today are bigots like Tommy Robinson and friends.

In my response I told DC O’Connor it was as I had predicted when I applied to vary my bail. The Police never had a case for racially/religiously aggravated harassment. It was simply another example of the Police deliberately trying to close down free speech on Palestine . If there was any harassment it was on the part of the police.

The person whose complaint against me led to my arrest was notorious Zionist fanatic Richard Millett who above describes a holocaust survivor who opposes genocide as 'scum' - this is the kind of person the Met takes seriously

I pointed out the even more outrageous arrest, two weeks later, of Professor Haim Bresheeth, a 79 year old Israeli academic suffering from cancer who was kept all night in a cold cell in Holborn police station by these bastards in uniform. He too was told he wouldn’t be charged.

Professor Haim Bresheeth - 79 year old Israeli academic who the Police arrested

It is noticeable that on no occasion have the Police arrested supporters of Israel’s genocide for their language. Supporting genocide is not an offence in the Met’s eyes, Opposing it is, despite the fact that committing or aiding the commission of war crimes or genocide is a specific offence in the International Criminal Court Act 2001, Section 52 of which specifically states that:

(1)   It is an offence against the law of England and Wales for a person to engage in conduct ancillary to an act to which this section applies.

(2)   This section applies to an act that if committed in England or Wales would constitute—

(a)   an offence under section 51 (genocide, crime against humanity or war crime), or

(b)   an offence under this section,

However the Met pick and choose which legislation they will enforce and which legislation they won’t enforce. They call it the ‘rule of law’ but in reality they turn the law into an instrument of political oppression.

The Met and the Anti-Terrorist Police are also engaged in a wholesale abuse of anti-terror legislation in order to clamp down on Palestine solidarity activists. In short the Police are, ever more obviously, becoming a political police whose job it is to attack critics of British foreign policy.

This man, believed to be one of the Zionist counter-demonstrators, was photographed pointing out Palestinian protesters to arrest. This is the collusion Palestine solidarity activists face in London

At the weekly protest at Swiss Cottage the Police eagerly video the speeches Palestine solidarity supporters make for any hint of a pretext with which to arrest them. Arrests are made, despite the Police being fully aware that charges are highly unlikely to follow. It is another form of intimidation. That is one reason why I informed Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley, in a complaint I made on 15 November, that I will be bringing proceedings against the Met for Wrongful Arrest and Unlawful Imprisonment. You can read my complaint letter here.

When it comes to the billions of pounds lost in COVID fraud the Met are remarkably disinterested in enforcing the law

I have also made it clear that I will continue to compare Israel’s behaviour in Gaza with that of the Nazis. The false IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, which asserts that such a comparison is anti-Semitic  is not, by its own admission, legally binding. In the Opinion of Hugh Tomlinson KC:

‘It is perhaps worth pointing out that the fact that conduct is “contrary” to the IHRA Definition could not, of itself, render  that conduct “illegal” in any sense.’

The IHRA has been described by Geoffrey Robertson KC as ‘not fit for purpose’.

Sir Stephen Sedley, a former Court of Appeal judge and himself Jewish, went even further in an article in London Review of Books, ‘Defining Anti-Semitism’, when he wrote that the IHRA ‘fails the first test of any definition: it is indefinite.’ So what the hell are the Metropolitan Police doing implementing a definition that is not legally binding, which is not fit for purpose and isn’t even a definition.  Apart from pleasing their political masters?

I intend to go back to the demonstration at Swiss Cottage in the near future to explain why Israel’s behaviour is certainly comparable with the Nazis. In some respects it may even be worse. Even the Nazis didn’t single out hospitals and their medical staff for death and destruction. It is a little known fact that the Jewish hospital in Berlin survived unscathed throughout the war and was still in operation when Berlin was liberated. If I am arrested again, so be it.

The theft of Palestinian organs, from those Israel has murdered, is another example of their Nazi-like mentality

If my speech offends racist Zionists and genocide supporters that's also fine. No one is forcing them to listen. Perhaps they will even learn something. In Israel it is not unusual to make such comparisons. As Stephen Sedley ruled, in the landmark case on free speech, Redmond Bate v DPP,  

“free speech includes not only the inoffensive but also the irritating, the contentious, the eccentric, the heretical, the unwelcome and provocative, provided it does not tend to provoke violence. Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having

For example the late Professor Ze’ev Sternhell, a child survivor of the Premszyl ghetto in Nazi occupied Poland wrote an article in Ha’aretz, that in Israel there was a ‘Growing Fascism and a Racism Akin to Early Nazism’. No doubt the idiot who approved my arrest would have had no compunction in arresting a holocaust survivor for making such a comparison!

Jewish kids dressed as Israeli soldiers in N15 area with fake guns walking past local mosque as children leave

The comparisons begin with Defence Minister Yoav Gallant when he began the genocide, when he described Palestinians as “human animals” – the very same phrase that Himmler used about the Jews on October 4, 1943, in a talk to SS generals. Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich spoke about how “justified and moral” it would be to starve two million Palestinians, which is no different from the Nazi policy towards the Russians and Hans Frank’s implementation in Poland of ‘death by hunger’ against the Jewish ghettos.

We are facing a full square attack on basic democratic rights and freedom of speech by the police, backed by the State, Starmer and much of the judiciary. Erstwhile liberals such as Libertyare keeping quiet whilst anti-genocide activists are gaoled and harassed.

However those who stand silent are likely to find that the situation gets worse rather than better. So join the pickets of Hotoveli each Friday night and show that the Police and Starmer will not be allowed to introduce a police state by the back door.

Tony Greenstein 

How Zionism used the Nazi holocaust to justify Israel’s holocaust in Gaza



How the Zionists Rewrote the History of the Holocaust

Last Tuesday Jewish Network for Palestine and the Socialist Labour Network held a webinar on how Zionism has rewritten the history of the holocaust in order to justify genocide in Gaza.

It is difficult to think of anything more disgusting than using the memory of the Jews who died at the hands of the Nazis to justify the murder of Palestinian children and their parents in Gaza.

The Western powers – the United States, Britain and especially the German state - are happy to go along with this rewriting of history. After all it lets them off the hook and avoids western leaders having to answer uncomfortable questions such as why the US and Britain refused to admit Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany.

Stephen Kapos and other descendants of holocaust survivors

A recent example of this is how the riot and racist attacks of the Tel Aviv Maccabi fans in the Netherlands was turned into a second Kristallnacht, the Nazi pogrom of November 9-10 when 100 Jews were murdered and nearly all synagogues were burnt to the ground.

This could only happen because the attacks by Israel’s racist thugs on Arabs in Amsterdam was conveniently ignored, just as Israel’s war crimes in Gaza are ignored. The chants of ‘Death to the Arabs’ ‘May Your Villages Burn’ and ‘There is no school in Gaza today because there are no children’ somehow disappeared down the memory hole of Starmer, Scholtz, Biden and the Netherland’s idiot Prime Minister Schoof.

Instead the fightback of Amsterdam residents who gave the Israeli thugs a deserved thrashing was paraded as an anti-Semitic pogrom.

There was nothing more sick than the fascist leader of the Netherlands, who leads its biggest parliamentary party The Freedom Party, Geert Wilders, bemoaning the ‘anti-Semitic’ attacks whilst using it as a pretext to call for the deportation of Moroccans living in the Netherlands.

Dutch Nazi Party (NSB) marching in Amsterdam 

Netherlands had the highest rate of extermination of Jews of any Western country in the holocaust.  This was in part because it had a relatively strong fascist party the NSB, which helped the Gestapo winkle out Jews in hiding like Anne Frank. It doesn’t take much imagination to recognise that 84 years ago, Geert Wilders would not have been a member of the Communist Party which organised the strikes against the Jewish deportations. Geert Wilders would have been a prominent leader of the Dutch Nazi Party, the NSB. The idea that this fascist would have joined Dutch workers in their strike against the deportations is absurd.

Ursula von der Liar

The same is true of the far-right President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. A member of the Christian  Democrats, whose antecedents lie in the Weimar conservative parties including the anti-Semitic DNVP which helped put Hitler in power. If Von Der Liar had been alive 90 years ago she would have been a cheer leader for the Nazis but today Jews are a useful stalking horse for western imperialism in the Middle East.

We organised this webinar precisely because western leaders and its prostitute media have turned the Nazi holocaust into a justification for their war plans and racism.

Tom Suarez

The first speaker was Tom Suarez who has written two excellently researched books, State of Terror and Palestine Hijacked.  Tom described Zionism as a cult and Anti-Semitism as its drug. He described the cruel cynicism of Zionism which opposed all rescue plans for Jewish refugees from the Nazis that didn’t involve Palestine as its destination. He recalled the opposition of David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister, to the Kindertransport in 1938/9, after Kristallnacht, which saved 10,000 German Jewish children from death.

As Ben-Gurion explained to the Central Committee of Mapai, the Israeli Labour Party, on 9 December 1938:

If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England, and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Yisrael, then I would opt for the second alternative. For we must weigh not only the life of these children, but also the history of the People of Israel. 

Letter to the Jewish Chronicle  5 February 1993  

This was the policy of the Zionist movement throughout the war. Another example he gave was of the deliberate sabotage of the efforts of Rabbi Dr Solomon Schonfeld, Chair of the Chief Rabbi’s Rescue Committee by the Board of Deputies, which at that time was controlled by the Zionists. Indeed its President Selig Brodestsky openly boasted of this sabotage. You can read about this in my book Zionism During the Holocaust.

HMS Patria

Tom described how the Haganah, the forerunner of the Israeli Occupation Forces, sank the Patria, because they preferred dead refugees to them being transported by the British to Mauritius. Over 250 of the 2,000 refugees died. The Haganah lied and claimed that the refugees themselves had sunk the boat because they preferred dying to living anywhere but Palestine. The habit of lying hasn't left them.

Tom emphasised how anti-Semitism is key to holding Jews in the diaspora in permanent fear, be it fake or genuine. The holocaust has been weaponised in order that Israel can continue its ethnic cleansing.

The Patria sinking in Haifa harbour

After the war the Zionists insisted that Jews be separated from non-Jews in the Displaced Persons camps and in the Jewish camps there was a reign of terror to force them to go, not to the United States or Britain but to Palestine. Those who didn’t want to go were beaten up and worse.

Rabbi Herzog, the Chief Rabbi of Palestine ran a kidnapping operation for Jewish children who had been placed with non-Jewish families during the war. They were torn from those families, regardless of their own wishes. In some cases children whose parents were in England were still forced to go to Palestine.

The second speaker was Haim Bresheeth, the Israeli academic who was recently arrested by the police in London as part of their attacks on Palestine solidarity supporters. The third speaker was Tony Greenstein, author of Zionism During the Holocaustand the final speaker was Stephen Kapos, who was a child survivor of the Hungarian holocaust. He was sheltered by a Christian group in Budapest.

Stephen Kapos

The session was chaired by Esther Giles from the Socialist Labour Network. On January 27 we will be holding a similar meeting on Holocaust Memorial Day. We are determined not to allow the Zionists a monopoly over the holocaust narrative in order to use one holocaust to justify more holocausts.

Tony Greenstein

Britain’s Police are Waging a War on Freedom of Speech and Opponents of Genocide in the name of ‘anti-terrorism’


The ‘LiberalEstablishment – from the Guardian to Liberty - has averted its eyes as the Police Raid & Arrest Dissident Journalists & Palestine Solidarity Activists

Register here


Natalie Strecker, a pacifist based in Jersey, is the latest activist to be arrested by the Police on their favourite pretext, supporting a proscribed organisation contrary to s.12(1A) of the Terrorism Act 2000. It’s called the ‘rule of law’.

The Jersey Post has more courage and integrity than the 'liberal' Guardian when it comes to Police attacks on activists

Since October 7 the Police have been very busy trying to take out key Palestine solidarity activists. Electronic Intifada journalist Asa Winstanley had his house raided and his electronic devices stolen by the Police a few weeks ago. Asa wasn’t actually arrested but this gives a clue to the Police’s motivation. Stopping the publication of alternative news. They prefer the ‘reliable’ media to be our sole source of news – from the BBC to the Guardian to the Daily Mail.

Sarah Wilkinson Interview

Sarah Wilkinson was also arrested recently by Police thugs in balaclavas, who stole her passport, without even telling her, whilst making it a condition of bail that she surrender it. They stole her money, overturned her grandmother’s urn of ashes, hid her bank cards and trashed her house. She was forbidden to even use a phone until the police were forced to withdraw the bail conditions.

Palestine Action, a direct action group committed to putting Elbit and other suppliers of arms to Israel have been the victim of extreme repression with the Filton 10 being held until their trial in a year’s time for doing what the Police should be doing, which is stopping the activities of those contributing towards genocide in Palestine.

Only today we hear that another 10 Palestine Action activists have been arrested.

But there is one law that the Police have ignored - the International Criminal Court Act 2001 - which makes being party to and aiding in the commission of war crimes and genocide a criminal act. We can’t imagine why they are not interested in enforcing this Act!

Sections 52 and 53 make it quite clear that genocide and acts ancilliary to genocide, whether committed in this country or abroad, will be treated as committed in this country.

Proceedings will only be initiated by the Attorney General but I’m sure Richard Hermer wouldn’t want to be seen to be endorsing acts ancilliary to genocide by his colleagues, such as supplying spare parts for aircraft that bomb civilians!

I’ve been arrested twice in the past 12 months. Firstly on December 20 2023 when my flat was raided and all my electronic devices were stolen. The second time was at the picket of notorious racist, Israeli Ambassador Tzipi Hotoveli’s residence when I compared Israel’s actions in Gaza to those of the Nazis. My ‘offence’ was ‘racially aggravated harassment’ of a Zionist, Richard Millett, the sole Zionist counter-demonstrator, who has called holocaust survivor Stephen Kapos ‘scum’ for opposing Israel’s genocide.

There are no known examples of the Police arresting Zionist demonstrators for violence, genocidal speech or racism. Police harassment is strictly in one direction only.

I was recently informed that I was not being charged, making my arrest and detention unlawful. A couple of weeks after my arrest 79 year-old Israeli Professor  Haim Bresheeth, who is suffering from cancer, was arrested at the same spot and held all night in a cold cell in  Holborn police station. He too has been told that he is not going to be charged. Another unlawful arrest and detention.

Richard Medhurst, another journalist, was stopped at an airport, detained, arrested and held in abysmal conditions and again all his electronic devices were stolen.

Others arrested under the same pretexts include Richard Barnard, an activist in Palestine Action.

Thomas Bingham, former Master of the Rolls, Lord Chief Justice and Senior Law Lord, was described as ‘the greatest jurist of our time’ by Lord Hope of Craighead. Bingham formulated 8 rules of law in his book The rule of law. A number of them are applicable to the present, cavalier disregard of the law by the Police in their attempt to ride roughshod over our rights and to suppress political dissent.

The most important for our purposes is the eighth rule – which states that

The rule of law requires compliance by the state with its obligations in international law as in national law.

Britain is party to the Genocide Convention which therefore makes it part of British law but for the police it is a no-go area.  They are not interested in enforcing provisions of international law that have been incorporated in domestic law. Bear in mind the third of Bingham’s rules of law:

The laws of the land should apply equally to all’. It is clear that there is one law for activists and another for government politicians and war criminals like Starmer and Lammy.

Article 2 (a)-(d) of the Genocide Convention makes it crystal clear that Israel’s behaviour in Gaza is a classic example of genocide. Only the fifth provision, the forcible transfer of children out of the area is inapplicable, because Israel prefers to kill Palestinian children to transferring them out of harms way.

The fifth provision also makes it clear that genocide can take place without anyone being killed so our idiot of a Foreign Secretary, David Lammy’s assertion, that not enough people have been killed for it to be a genocide, is simply wrong. Starmer’s denial of a genocide is more sinister. He knows full well that what is happening in Gaza is a genocide.  Starmer is no different from a neo-Nazi holocaust denier.

It is no surprise that the Guardian has failed to cover the continued series of raids that have taken place. What is more surprising is that Liberty, the old National Council for Civil Liberties, has not responded to our invitation to provide a speaker. It is as if all the erstwhile liberals have hauled up the White Flag and surrendered to the security state.

Tony Greenstein

Lord Bingham’s 8 Rules of Law

 (1)      The law must be accessible and so far as possible intelligible, clear and predictable.

(2)       Questions of legal right and liability should ordinarily be resolved by application of the law and not the exercise of discretion.

(3)       The laws of the land should apply equally to all, save to the extent that objective differences justify differentiation.

(4)       Ministers and public officers at all levels must exercise the powers conferred on them in good faith, fairly, for the purpose for which the powers were conferred, without exceeding the limits of such powers and not unreasonably.

(5)       The law must afford adequate protection of fundamental human rights.

(6)       Means must be provided for resolving, without prohibitive cost or inordinate delay, bona fide civil disputes which the parties themselves are unable to resolve.

(7)       The adjudicative procedures provided by the state should be fair.

(8)       The rule of law requires compliance by the state with its obligations in international law as in national law.

In the parliamentary debate in the House of Lords’s Constitution Committee, former Attorney-General 2010-14, Dominic Grieve KC, said the rule of law encompasses:

“the system of rules that we have in our country to ensure that the decisions we make and the way the Executive and, ultimately, individuals, organisations and institutions behave are subject to the law—both our own domestic law and international law—and that the processes by which the law can be applied work.48

David Gauke, Lord Chancellor 2018–19 stated that the rule of law means:

“the … sense that the law applies equally to everyone, that no one is above the law and, in particular, that the Government must comply with the law.”49

Lord Keen of Elie KC, Advocate General for Scotland 2015–20 s said:

“that all institutions and parties should be equal before the law and subject to the law, that the law should be publicly available, and they should be capable of ascertaining what their rights and obligations are thereunder … It extends not just to domestic law but to the sphere of international law.”50

It is clear that the actions of the Police and the refusal of the present Attorney General Lord Richard Hermer KC to take any action in regard to the enforcement of Britain’s legal obligations to oppose genocide make a mockery of the Attorney General’s position as an independent legal adviser to the government.

This is not surprising since Hermer was appointed by Starmer to advise  the government on compliance with the law.  It’s not often that a poacher appoints the gamekeeper! The same contradictions occurred in 2003 when the then Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, completely changed his position on the legality of the invasion of Iraq under political pressure.

Richard Hermer has also bucked under the pressure and is now openly condoning the refusal of the government to ban arms sales to Israel even though they are contributing to the ongoing genocide.

One thing is for sure. We are not going to be cowed by this Police State repression whilst genocide in going on in Gaza. We understand full well the role that the Police have in backing Starmer’s policy of giving 100% support to Genocide Joe Biden and Killer Kamala. That is why we are holding a meeting on the arrests this Friday.  Please come along.

Tony Greenstein

We Will Not Be Silenced by Police Abuse of the Anti-Terrorism Laws to Suppress Opposition to Genocide in Gaza


 370 Heard Journalists & Palestine solidarity activists who Have Been Arrested for Taking Action Against Elbit & Supporting the Victims of Israel's Genocide

Not a Headline You Would See in the 'liberal' Guardian

Stop Silencing Palestine

At the same time as the International Criminal Court has, at last, issued arrest warrants for Israel’s war criminals, Netanyahu and Gallant, the British Police are doing their best to attack Palestine solidarity activists and clamp down on free speech on Palestine.

The Government's senior law officers - two Zionists and a Quisling - (r to l) Solicitor General, Justice Minister & Attorney General

All with the complicity of Keir Starmer and Richard Hermer, the Zionist Attorney General and his deputy, arch Zionist and former Vice President of the Jewish Labour Movement, Sarah Sackman, who have authorised the Police’s attack on Palestine activists

The Police have consciously targeted journalists who are not part of the mainstream prostitute media, stealing their equipment and imposing bail conditions aimed at preventing them working.

The mass media – from the right-wing Daily Mail to the ‘liberal’ Guardian Independent have kept quiet about this attack on basic democratic rights. Despite being invited to send a speaker, Liberty (the former NCCL) chose not to respond. It seems attacks on Palestine activists doesn’t fit with their definition of civil liberties. The Overton Window is getting narrower and narrower.

Natalie Strecker - Jersey Palestine Activist

The meeting tonight, which was chaired by Asim Quereshi from Cage, started off with a recorded message from Natalie Strecker, a peace activist from Jersey in the Channel Islands. Natalie was unable to speak directly to the meeting because of the stringent bail conditions imposed. Her local paper, the Jersey Post, puts the ‘liberal’ media to shame with its forthright defence of free speech.

Andrew Feinstein - former ANC MP

Andrew Feinstein, the former ANC MP, was the first speaker who drew the parallels between the fight against apartheid in South Africa and today’s fight against apartheid Israel.

Sarah Wilkinson

Andrew pointed out that the use of the term ‘terrorist’ is nothing new. The ANC and its leader, Nelson Mandela, were also branded as terrorists by Thatcher and Reagan. Andrew told us how Thatcher had told the South Africa authorities that it would be best to murder Mandela in prison rather than allow him his freedom.

Asa Winstanley

There were a whole range of speakers tonight.  Asa Winstanley from Electronic Intifada whose home was raided and equipment stolen. Sarah Wilkinson, whose home was trashed and who was effectively kidnapped by the anti-terrorist police. At one time she feared she was going to be killed.  Richard Medhurst, a journalist based in The Netherlands was the last to speak about his experiences.

Clare Rogers

Clare Rogers spoke from the Filton 10, a group of Palestine Actionists who put out of operation an Elbit research and development factory in Bristol which manufactured equipment like the Quad Copters that have killed so many children. The 10 who took part were kept in solitary confinement for a week, as if they were terrorists but despite that are being charged with non-terrorist offences.

Huda Ammori from Palestine Action

Huda spoke from Palestine Action and Les Levidow spoke from the Campaign Against Criminalising Communities.

370 people attended the webinar and over 600 registered for it.

I hope you enjoy it!  Let’s begin the fightback against those who make criminals of those who oppose genocide and the Police who support those profiting from the deaths of thousands of children.

Tony Greenstein

When the amoral, sociopath Keir Starmer denies that there is a Genocide in Gaza he is no different to those who deny the Nazi Holocaust


The Evidence for Gaza’s Genocide is So Overwhelming that Those Who Deny It Are Really Justifying It

I received this message from Blogspot - there was NO INDICATION as to what was sensitive and why it breached their guidelines nor was there any means of engaging in a dialogue with those who made the decision. 

So it is impossible for me to comply, even if I wanted to.  What this amounts to is yet another attack on free speech. This blog has been going for 16 years and this is the first time that Google has taken this heavy handed approach. 

I suggest Google/Blogspot reviews its own approach in the light of its own commitment to freedom of speech.  No one is forced to read my blog and the placing of a warning to deter people suggests that that commitment is becoming paper thin.

Starmer’s Many Lies

The first thing to understand about Starmer is that he is a creature of the British Security State. It therefore follows that nothing it does, whatever democratic rights and freedoms it tramples on, can be criticised. Like the scoundrel and pound shop patriot that he is, Starmer wraps up everything in the Union Jack.

All  politicians lie when they need to get out of a sticky situation. No better example of this was Boris Johnson. However even Johnson is a model of probity compared to Starmer.

MSNBC censor a video showing Israeli war crimes - the Free Press's does its bit 2 suppress the truth

Starmer makes for a fascinating study. Not because he is an interesting individual in himself, quite the contrary. Listening to Starmer is akin to watching paint dry. What is fascinating is seeing how someone can become the walking, talking embodiment of the security state. That is the clue to Starmer’s complete absence of charisma or personality.

It is easy to laugh at Starmer but that would be a mistake, because he is certainly dangerous. He is a man who is quite happy to trigger a nuclear war if the ‘special relationship’ with the United States demands it.

Francesca Albanese on the West’s Genocide Denial

The only thing that gets Starmer animated is the story of his Corbyn supporting tool-maker father. The fact that he spent most of his first speech to Labour Party conference going on about his boring family says everything about what motivates him.

Most Labour politicians start off on the left and move to the right. Even Tony Blair was once on the soft left. Starmer however has always been on the NATO right.

Apart from his commitment to Britain’s alliance with the United States and the virtues of neo-liberal, free-market capitalism, coupled with his devotion to the Security State and the necessity of removing as many of our freedoms as possible, it is difficult to work out whether Starmer ever had any firmly held convictions.

Starmer's Broken Promises on Tuition fees

People often point out that Starmer is a liar, which is true, but this misses the point. When Starmer says something he does it because he believes that it will give him an advantage and serve his purpose at the time. The question of whether or not it is true is secondary. In reality it is simply besides the point. It’s not that Starmer deliberately sets out to tell a lie. It's just that whether or not something is true has no meaning for him. What Starmer says is dictated by whether he feels it is beneficial to him and his politics. Starmer lives in a world of lies and for him the truth is an alien being.

That is why it is unfair to simply call Starmer a liar when his whole political method is based on entirely different criteria. Starmer is what might be called politically autistic. The truth is irrelevant. Lying is part of his political pathology.

Starmer on cutting off food

Of course it is amusing that one minute he calls Corbyn a friend and the next minute he’s telling everyone he’ll cross the street to avoid the fellow. Or that he’s telling LBC’s Nick Ferrari that Israel ‘does have that right’ to cut off food, water etc. and the following day, following the inevitable outcry, he’s denying he ever said it. All this shows is that despite having plenty of practice, Starmer isn’t a good liar.

No better example is there than the 10 Pledges that Starmer made to get elected. Of course Starmer didn’t believe a word of them but then why should he?  He knew that Labour Party members were stupid enough to believe anything he told them so he told them what they wanted to hear. Who can blame him?

Like a frozen rabbit

Starmer welcomed by Audrey White

When Audrey White confronted Starmer in Liverpool with his broken promises, such as not speaking to the Sun, he was genuinely at a loss to understand the point she was making. Surely promises are meant to be broken when they are no longer of any use. He must have thought that Audrey was inhabiting a different universe. That is why Starmer looked like a rabbit frozen in a car’s headlights. He had no answer because he genuinely didn’t understand the point that Audrey was making.

Starmer's 4th Pledge was no more illegal wars and to put human rights at the centre of British foreign policy. Indeed he even offered to introduce a Prevention of Military Intervention Act as well as reviewing all UK arms sales. You may laugh but Labour Party members actually believed this codswallop so why not tell them what they wanted to hear? More fool them he must have thought.

A moment’s research or a look at Starmer’s history as Director of Public Prosecutions would have told anyone who didn’t believe in Santa Claus that Starmer was having them for a fool.  But large parts of Jon Lansman’s Momentum actually believed this nonsense. Wishful thinking plays a large part in internal Labour Party politics.

When I was expelled Starmer was the first to welcome it!

On February 4 2020, two months before the Labour Party leadership elections I posted a blog Keir Starmer is the candidate that the Deep State & the British Establishment want you to vote for’ I didn’t have a deep throat source within the British Establishment. I just took a look at Starmer’s record as DPP.

Things like Julian Assange, the police murder of Ian Tomlinson and Charles Menendez, his proposal to send ‘benefit cheats’ to gaol for 10 years. All this information was publicly available and even more has now become available such as his covering up for child abusers like Jimmy Saville and John Smythe. But if you want to believe in fairy tales, like most of Labour’s membership then it’s best not to look too deeply into the magic behind them.

Even when Israel does allow aid lorries in it then attacks those trying to collect the aid

In his eyes Starmer did no wrong. He said what was needed to get elected. What was wrong with that? If he wanted to get elected he couldn’t possibly tell them that he planned more wars, more attacks on civil liberties and renewed austerity.

If Labour Party members actually believed him then they deserved him as leader. Starmer has always been a state asset and it is one of the reasons why Corbyn made such a terrible leader. Even when Starmer resigned in the chicken coup Corbyn brought Starmer back into the shadow cabinet.

Starmer arguing for genocide (but only in Croatia and Bosnia) NOT in Gaza

So it’s not surprising that Starmer has gone out of his way to deny that what is happening in Gaza is a genocide. Because for Starmer, the Zionist without QualificationIsrael can do no wrong. Why?  Because it is on ‘our’ side and ‘our’ side never does wrong.

Starmer on Srebenica's inhuman genocide

So when we come to the holocaust in Gaza is it any wonder that Starmer doesn’t know where to turn, except to his idiot Foreign Secretary David Lammy who wouldn’t know what a genocide was if he travelled back in time to Auschwitz. A man who has inherited the slave complex and can only say ‘Yes ‘ma’sr’ to Starmer for having given him a job well beyond his talents.

It is therefore useless to confront Starmer with what’s happening in Gaza because he is incapable of seeing anything that contradicts his belief system. As far as he is concerned it all began and ended on October 7.

A list of Israel's atrocities in Biden's 30 days deadline which are of course ignored

When Starmer had nothing to lose and hefty fees to gain he argued in favour of there being a genocide in Vukovar and Srebenica, even though the number of dead in those genocides was about 1,100 and 8,000. But today he is Prime Minister and Britain is in an alliance with the United States. He has Senile Genocide Joe to think about, as well as his relationship with the Zionists and the Jewish Labour Movement. Israel is crucial to British and American foreign policy in the Middle East, therefore it is inconceivable that the word ‘genocide’ can emerge from his lips.

Starmer refuses to describe genocide in Gaza as genocide

It is therefore not surprising that when Starmer was put on the spot recently in the House of Commons he immediately reverted to the Israeli fiction about what happened when Palestinians broke out from Gaza prison on October 7. The fact that about 400 military died amongst the 1,139 Israelis killed is irrelevant. The fact that hundreds, possibly a majority of Israeli civilians died at the hands of the Israeli military, victims of the Mass Hannibal policy, is equally irrelevant.

First a child is injured then when people come to rescue him  they are all killed

It’s not even that Starmer is deliberately ignoring what is happening to Palestinians in Gaza.  He simply doesn’t see the destruction, the attacks on hospitals, the murder and torture of doctors, the sniping of children and all the rest.  Palestinians are invisible as they always have been to European imperialists.  Starmer stands in a long tradition of European colonialism.

Like colonial masters of old the only thing that matters is the injury to the colonial settlers. That is why October 7 matters. The estimated two hundreds thousand Palestinian dead are of no account.

Starmer's double standards on war crimes

Of course this is equally true of the United States, Genocide Joe, Killer Kamala and Blind Blinken. Unlike Ukraine, it is not in their interests to see genocide, hence they don’t see it.  Of course if what is happening in Gaza were happening in Ukraine then it would be a different matter.  After all Starmer has already pronounced that Russia is committing war crimes, whilst wittering on about how politicians shouldn’t rush to judgement about Israeli war crimes.

Starmer is, in a very real sense, the personification of the amorality of the capitalist economic and political system we live in. That is why he is such a deformed human being.

Tony Greenstein

See my An Occasional Letter to an Old Friend, Sir Keith Stürmer QC

Google Protects Starmer’s Gaza Holocaust Denial by Censoring My Post


 For the first time ever Google puts up a ‘Sensitive content warning’ on my blog

I received this message from Blogspot - there was NO INDICATION as to what was sensitive and why it breached their guidelines nor was there any means of engaging in a dialogue with those who made the decision. 

So it is impossible for me to comply, even if I wanted to.  What this amounts to is yet another attack on free speech. This blog has been going for 16 years and this is the first time that Google has taken this heavy handed approach. 

I suggest Google/Blogspot reviews its own approach in the light of its own commitment to freedom of speech.  No one is forced to read my blog and the placing of a warning to deter people suggests that that commitment is becoming paper thin.

I ask readers to ignore the warning and proceed and not accept Google's fear mongering. The content is not sensitive, it is controversial and contentious.  The word 'sensitive' depends on who finds it sensitive.  Starmer?  Netanyahu? The Genocidaires?

So please go to 

When the Amoral, Sociopath Starmer denies that there is a Genocide in Gaza he is no different to those who deny the Nazi Holocaust


Since I first started a blog on Blogspot in 2008, I have had a few blogs taken down by Google but in general they haven’t behaved in the same way as Youtube does in regularly censoring and putting age restrictions on content.

Posting a ‘sensitive content warning’ on a post is a first.  It seems that Google is eager to protect the holocaust denying Starmer from criticism.

So my request is please go to the post and defy Google’s attempt to protect the war criminal Starmer who has continued to supply arms and components to Israel throughout its attacks on hospitals and its daily massacres in Gaza.

Clearly posting Starmer's pledges and his opposition to genocide whilst refusing to call the Holocaust in Gaza by its proper name has led to the social media companies to bend over backwards to protect this sociopath.

Starmer on Srebenica's inhuman genocide

I can only assume that pointing out Starmer’s hypocrisy in calling 8,000 dead in Srebenica whilst denying that a quarter of million estimated deaths in Gaza is genocide is rattling some cages.

Starmer refuses to describe genocide in Gaza as genocide


Today I'll Be Charged with the Crime of Defending the Right of the Palestinians to Resist Genocide


While the TelegraphGB News Had a Collective Tantrum About Allison Pearson, They've Ignored the Raids & Arrests of Activists for Speaking Out on Palestine

Tony Greenstein's interview on Al Jazeera about Police repression of Palestine solidarity activists

Please Donate to the Crowdfunder Which I've Set Up to Pay For Legal Expenses & Costs

Whilst Telegraph nonentity Allison Pearson is described by the Standard as a ‘free speech martyr’ and the Spectator’s Laurie Wastell attacks Private Eye for not applauding this racist ‘heroine’, the Anti-Terrorist Police have been raiding the homes of Palestine solidarity activists and dissident journalists up and down the country, without a word of protest from the Torygraph, Spectator or Guardian.

Allison Pearson - Torygraph Presstitute

Sarah Wilkinson, a Palestinian supporting journalist, was raided by police thugs in balaclava who trashed her house, stole her money, hid her credit cards and took her passport (whilst making it a condition of bail that she surrenders it). Not a peep out of the Scum, Mail etc.

Our 'free press' only get worked up when the police arrest by mistake one of their stenographers

Sarah was asked for details of activists in Gaza, including their location. Given the close collaboration between the Israeli and British military this suggests that they were setting these people up for assassination.

Fiona Rayan's Xmas message that Jesus was a Palestinian led to the Filth arresting her and the courts sentencing her to a suspended prison sentence

Asa Winstanley, a journalist on Electronic Intifada, had his house raided on October 7 and all his equipment seized, although he wasn’t arrested. In the wake of the raid on Winstanley’s home, the Committee to Protect Journalists called on British authorities to cease using counter-terrorism laws to intimidate the press.  

The National Union of Journalists  “condemned the rising use of counter-terrorism legislation against journalists as an intimidatory measure harmful to public interest journalism and press freedom”.

Its general secretary Michelle Stanistreet said that

The UK government cannot on one hand state its commitment to valuing media freedom whilst endorsing the targeting of journalists through raids and seizures.

Richard Medhurst, another pro-Palestinian journalist, was arrested at Heathrow airport, held in solitary confinement for 24 hours, had his equipment seized and is facing a charge under the notorious Terrorism Act 2000, which carries a 14 year sentence.

The NUJ and International Federation of Journalists also expressed grave concern over the chilling effect of Richard Medhurst’s detention and wrote to Matt Jukes, UK Head of Counter Terrorism Policing with concerns.

These arrests are just the tip of the iceberg. Up and down the country activists, including families of activists, have been raided by the Police using counter-terrorism powers in their efforts to defend the genocidal state of Israel. They have particularly concentrated on attacking activists associated with Palestine Action.

I am pleased to say that the Police have failed. I was arrested driving activists to the Shenstone UAV drone engine factory three years ago. It has been the scene of repeated attacks by PA. As the Canary reported

On Monday 25 November, Palestine Action started the week by shutting down the UAV Engines plant, locking-on inside vehicles, to block the factory gates. On Wednesday 27 November, they were back again, to once more blockade the gates to the Shenstone plant, and close production down.

Now, Palestine Action returned, and this time its actionists scaled the roof of one of the factory’s two buildings. The action coincides with blockades at the Department of Business & Trade and the Foreign Office by allied groups, including the Palestinian Youth Movement.

In addition to these actions, on Tuesday 26 November, the UAV Engines factory was the scene of a well-attended protest by Palestine solidarity activists from the local community.

There was a similar report in the Morning Star. The Police claim to be politically neutral but it is clear that when the capitalist state is involved in a war, as the British state certainly is in Gaza, then all such pretences are dropped.

Not one genocide supporting Zionist has been arrested despite genocide being a crime under both national and international law.

On 20 December 2023 I was arrested in a dawn raid on my home on suspicion of supporting a proscribed organisation. No my ‘crime’ was not supporting the terrorist State of Israel which has carried out a genocide in Gaza and is doing so to this day. It was supporting the Palestinian Resistance in Gaza, of which Hamas are a component. Needless to say all my electronic devices were also seized.

Nor am I being charged with being an ancillary to, i.e. helping Israel to commit a genocide by for example giving them the weapons to murder babies, children, women and men. Although this is illegal under the International Criminal Court Act 2001. If the above law was being enforced then it would be those who make millions from the death of children who’d have been hauled up before the courts.

The war criminal leaders of the West – Genocide Joe, Killer Kamala, Blind Blinken, to say nothing of Sunak, Starmer, Lammy, Scholtz et al. are not facing justice. It has taken over a year for the International Criminal Court to even issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant.

It is those who are opposed to these genocidal monsters who are facing Stasi-like repression from the British state and its echo chamber scribblers in the mass media – from the BBC, Daily Mail to the ‘liberal’ Guardian. It is opponents of genocide, racism and apartheid who are being criminalised.

My arrest was for a tweet I made on 15 November 2023 by someone identifying himself only as James who demanded:

“Just tweet I support Hamas!’ 3 words is all you have to tweet and then we know where you stand.”

I refused to take the bait and responded I support the Palestinians that is enough” before going on to say ‘I support Hamas against the Israeli army’. As I told my police interrogators after my arrest I would have supported the devil against Israel’s genocidal army.

In fact because of a hospital appointment the date of charging was put back to Friday 29 November

But one tweet was enough for a dozen police to descend on my flat in the early hours of the morning to conduct a raid. The Police often complain that they are under-resourced when it comes to burglary, rape and other trivial offences. But when it comes to defending the government’s criminal foreign policy, because that is what it’s really about, then the Police have an abundance of people.

We are facing a concerted attempt to close down free speech in Britain using ‘terrorism’ as the State’s chosen weapon. Of course me or dozens of others expressing a viewpoint about Hamas, or supporting the right of Palestinians to defend themselves, has nothing to do with terrorism.

In the words of George Orwell

‘If Liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear’.

Today the Police have determined that there are certain things that we are not allowed to tell people. Liberty is the last thing on their minds.  In the words attributed to Voltaire “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Freedom of Speech and Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights has become a dead letter.


The Police, the Judiciary, the Wealthy and Corrupt have never much liked the idea of freedom of speech but today it is under systematic attack. Once again there is no difference between Starmer and the Tories when it comes to extinguishing the flame of liberty. Supporting Israel’s ‘right to genocide’ is more important than freedom of speech.

Lord Waheed Ali - Bribing the rich but never the poor

But our rulers aren’t stupid. When they attack our right to protest or suppress freedom of speech they do it, not in the interests of the corrupt rich funders of Starmer, like Lord Waheed Ali, who freely donates gifts to his corrupt political friends – Starmer, Reeves and the already rich - but out of concern for the ‘safety’ of Jews or some other minority.

When I was arrested by the Police on October 4th for comparing Israel’s actions in Gaza to those of Nazi Germany I quoted the key case on freedom of speech, Redmond-Bate v DPP [2000] HRLR 249, a case concerning a Christian fundamentalist street preacher who was clearly irritating those around him.

Lord Justice Sedley ruled that:

'Free speech includes not only the inoffensive, but the irritating, the contentious, the eccentric, the heretical, the unwelcome and the provocative provided it does not tend to promote violence.

Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having,'

Sedley was one of the few radical judges in Britain, as well as being Jewish and anti-Zionist. My interviewers hadn’t even heard of the case and I suspect this is true for most politicians too.  In Redmond Bate, Sedley was merely restating old principles that are being forgotten as ‘terrorism’ is used as a weapon to silence anyone who disagrees with Starmer’s support for genocide in Gaza.

One might expect that the Counter-Terror Police would concern themselves with terrorism but that would be a mistake. As we learnt from the Manchester Arena bombing which killed 22, mainly young people, at an Arianne Grand concert, the evidence points to a close link between the perpetrator Salman Abedi, MI5 and the Libyan February 17 Martyrs Brigade and Tripoli Brigade. The subsequent public inquiry report by Sir John Saunders was seen by the families and others with knowledge of what happened as a whitewash.

In essence Abedi was being used to wage war on Britain’s enemy, Col. Ghadaffi, without MI5 realising that he had turned on the infidels who had funded him. Hence Saunder’s cover-up.

The reality is that terrorism in Britain, primarily from ISIS, is a direct consequence of British and US foreign policy. There was no ISIS before the illegal invasion of Iraq just as there was no Al Qaeda and Taliban before the United States and western powers began supporting the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan.

Hilary Clinton: "we have helped to create the problem we are now fighting"

Although it has disappeared down the memory hole, during the cold war against the Soviet Union, the West often sponsored Islamic fundamentalist groups.

Indeed in its efforts to dislodge President Assad in Syria, the West via Qatar and Saudi Arabia began financing ISIS and Al Qaeda’s offshoort, Al Nusra. Indeed Israel was providing hospital and medical care for them!

This is the hypocrisy which lies behind the current police raids on ‘terrorist’ supporters. Only yesterday they were our friends. Indeed Hamas itself owes its origins to the time when Israel preferred to use it against its Palestinian opponents. Indeed Netanyahu is accused of having done much the same until October 7.

Tony Greenstein 

Open Letter to Brighton Argus Editor Arron Hendy


When the Police Arrest People for their Opinions It’s Not Terrorism they are attacking but Freedom of Speech 

Unlike Hendy & Wadsworth’s rag the Jersey Evening Post DeclaredWe should be defending our freedoms, not abandoning them’

Freedom of Speech in Britain, which is enshrined in Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights, was not handed down on a plate. It was fought for and people died fighting for it.

William Tyndale, the Father of the English Bible, was strangled and burnt at the stake. The Oxford Martyrs, Hugh Latimer, Nicholas Ridley and Thomas Cranmer were burnt at the stake for heresy.  Today the new heresy is to support the Palestinians and in particular to support their right to resist the genocide they are undergoing.

There was a time when the Argus had a vigorous correspondence column - not least about Free Speech and its limits

Anyone who dares to raise a voice in support of the right of Palestinians to defend themselves is guilty of supporting Hamas, a crime that is worse than rape or child abuse. No one has charged Justin Welby with covering up child abuse. He was allowed to resign in disgrace from the Church of England.

Arron Hendy - the Argus's Invisible Man

The ‘offence’ for which I have been charged, under s.12(1A) of the Terrorism Act 2000 states that it is an offence if someone:

a)      expresses an opinion or belief that is supportive of a proscribed organisation, and

(b)     in doing so is reckless as to whether a person to whom the expression is directed will be encouraged to support a proscribed organisation.

The maximum penalty is 14 years imprisonment though I have been told that the Sentencing Guidelines recommend 4 years for a first offence.  If like Hugh Edwards I had merely been found guilty of downloading hardcore child pornography I could expect a 6 months suspended sentence.

One would expect the press to stand up for freedom of speech and the rights of journalists, at least 3 of whom have been arrested or raided so far for supporting a proscribed organisation. In Jersey where Natalie Strecker, a long standing Palestine solidarity activist was raided and arrested, the local paper the Jersey Evening Posthas been magnificent.

Genocide Supporter and rabid Zionist Jo Wadsworth took offence when I said she delighted in Palestinian children's deaths - so disappointed was she with the Comments section under the article about my charges, most people were outraged by what  had happened, that she deleted all of them!

However the Brighton & Hove papers – the Argus and the rancid Brighton & Hove News run by presstitute Jo Wadsworth, reported that I had been arrested for ‘terror offences’.

I therefore wrote an Open Letter to the Editor of The Argus (there is no point writing to Starmer groupie Wadsworth as her mind is as closed as a tin of sardines (& intellectually on about the same level!).

Arron Hendy is the invisible editor of The Argus. He once asked me to write a comment column for the paper but it became a little too radical for him and I gave up trying to say anything about Palestine. However I was the only person in the local press to oppose the scandal of the Council spending over £30 million on the now bankrupt i360.

The Argus prefers to forget when I was a columnist - and alone criticised a project that is now crippling the Council's finances

Hendy is the kind of person who can walk into a room without anyone noticing or even remembering whether he was there. He has edited the Argus for 7 years and ensured that in that time it has become little more than a vehicle for press releases.

Long gone is the time when the Argus had investigative or even court journalists. I can remember conducting employment tribunal cases where an Argus journalist sat in for the whole 3 or 6 days.

There was a time when the Argus was a campaigning paper.  Most notably it waged a fierce campaign in support of the repatriation back to Britain of Omar Degayes who had been held in America’s Gulag, Guantanamo.

Terrorism is about people planting bombs in tube stations, buses or opening fire on concert goers such as the Bataclan in Paris or the knife attacks on London Bridge. Terrorism is not advocating support for the right of the colonised to resist their occupiers. It isn’t about resistance to either Israel’s occupation of Gaza or the Turkish state’s occupation of Kurdistan.

Of course Hamas and the Palestinian Resistance are called ‘terrorists’. The British always called their colonial opponents ‘terrorists’ from the IRA to the Mau Mau in Kenya but the truth was, of course, that it was the British who terrorised the local population.

Thatcher and Reagan called the ANC 'terrorist' when it was fighting the Apartheid South African state.  Always the opponents of apartheid are the 'terrorists', never the racists.

However even Thatcher resisted the temptation to proscribe Sinn Fein knowing full well that it would close the door to any peace settlement. Not so the war criminal Tony Blair, who should have been locked up for an illegal  war in Iraq. Instead he introduced legislation that enabled the proscription of resistance organisations that were now called ‘terrorist’ organisations. It was however Priti Patel in 2021 who decided to proscribe, not just the military wing but the political wing of Hamas. The justification, if that is what it can be called merely stated that:

At the time [March 2001] it was HM government’s assessment that there was a sufficient distinction between the so called political and military wings of Hamas, such that they should be treated as different organisations, and that only the military wing was concerned in terrorism. The government now assess that the approach of distinguishing between the various parts of Hamas is artificial. Hamas is a complex but single terrorist organisation.

However we are not told why the Government’s assessment changed. In reality it was because Zionist lobby groups had been pressing for the change. It was political expediency that led to the proscription.

As we can see with the raid on the Kurdish community centre in Haringey, over support for the PKK, this legislation is very much part of the police and government’s racist attack on Black and migrant groups in this country.

We can also expect the billionaire press in Britain, both local and national, to support this attack on those who support liberation and resistance movements such as the PKK and Hamas.

Tony Greenstein

How antisemitism has complemented Zionism


 The Irony of Zionist Accusations of Anti-Semitism Against Anti-Zionists is that Historically it is the Zionists who Worked With and Had Most in Common with Anti-Semites

Webinar on How Anti-Semitism Complemented Zionism

Please Register Here



Tony Lerman, author of the book, Whatever Happened to Antisemitism? Redefinition and the Myth of the 'Collective Jew', Pluto Books, https://www.plutobooks.com/9780745338774/whatever-happened-to-antisemitism/

 Barnaby Raine, PhD candidate, Columbia University. Author of several articles, e.g. ‘Jewphobia’ in the journal Salvagehttps://www.versobooks.com/en-gb/blogs/news/4059-jewophobia 

 Michael Richmond,independent writer, author ofPhilosemitism: an instrumental kind of love’, New Socialist, 2022, https://newsocialist.org.uk/transmissions/philosemitism-instrumental-kind-love/; also co-author of Fractured: Race, Class, Gender and the Hatred of Identity Politics

 Tony Greenstein,author, ZionismDuring the Holocaust: The Weaponisation of Memory in the Service of State and Nation

There is probably no Palestine solidarity supporter who hasn’t been accused of anti-Semitism. We know, because Netanyahu has told us, that the International Criminal Court decision to issue a warrant for his arrest was because of anti-Semitism! Any criticism of Israel today is automatically a form of 'antisemitism'. Antisemitism is no longer hatred or hostility to Jews as Jews, it is criticism of the 'Jewish state'.

Zionism arose as a reaction to anti-Semitism but it was a reaction of a special kind. Zionism accepted that Jews did not belong in their own countries, that they were a nation apart. For Zionism anti-Semitism could not be fought because it was inherent in the non-Jew.

As Leon Pinsker, the founder of the Lovers of Zionism wrote in his 1882 pamphlet Autoemancipation

Judeophobia is then a mental disease, and as a mental disease it is hereditary, and having been inherited for 2,000 years, it is incurable.’

Theodor Herzl

And if anti-Semitism was incurable, then there was no point opposing it. Theodor Herzl, the founder of Political Zionism drew the same conclusion from the Dreyfus Trial:

In Paris... I achieved a freer attitude towards anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognise the emptiness and futility of trying to 'combat' anti-Semitism.

Edouard Drumont

The leading anti-Semite and leader of the anti-Dreyfusards in France was Edouard Drumont whose book La France Juive sold 100,000 on its first edition. He published the anti-Semitic paper La Libre Parole and argued for the exclusion of Jews from society.

Yet this didn’t stop Herzl from admiring him. Herzl wrote that ‘I owe to Drumont a great deal of the present freedom of my concepts, because he is an artist.’ Herzl shared Drumont’s antagonism to French Jewry writing that:

I took a look at the Paris Jews and saw a family likeness in their faces: bold, misshapen noses, furtive and cunning eyes.

After Herzl had badgered his friend Alphonse Daudet, a well-known anti-Semite, Drumont favourably reviewed The Jewish State, in an article ‘Solution de la Question Juive’ published in La Libre Parole on 16 January 1897. Herzl expressed his delight with the review in his Diary.

It was little wonder that Herzl wrote that

‘the anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies.’

Chaim Weizmann

So it has proved. Others went even further. Chaim Weizmann, the long-standing President of the Zionist Organisation and Israel’s first President, expressed his understanding and sympathy with the leader of the anti-Semitic British Brothers League, William Evans-Gordon MP. Weizmann wrote in his autobiography, Trial and Error, that:

our people were rather hard on him. The Aliens Bill in England and the movement which grew around it were natural phenomenon which might have been foreseen... Sir William Evans-Gordon had no particular anti-Jewish prejudices... He acted as he thought, according to his best lights and in the most kindly way, in the interests of his country… he was sincerely ready to encourage any settlement of Jews almost anywhere in the British Empire, but he failed to see why the ghettos of London or Leeds or Whitechapel should be made into a branch of the ghettos of Warsaw and Pinsk.

Arthur Balfour & Winston Churchill

Evans-Gordon was a strong supporter of Zionism as was another anti-Semite, Arthur James Balfour. As Prime Minister Balfour introduced the 1905 Aliens Act aimed at keeping Russian Jews out of Britain. In 1917 Balfour wrote a letter, which became known as the Balfour Declaration, to Lord Walter Rothschild pledging the land of the Palestinians to the Zionist movement. The only member of the Lloyd George Cabinet who opposed the BD was its only Jewish member, Sir Edwin Montagu.

As Zionist novelist A B Yehoshua said, in a lecture to the Union of Jewish Students (Jewish Chronicle 22.1.82)

‘Anti-Zionism is not the product of the non-Jews. On the contrary, the Gentiles have always encouraged Zionism, hoping that it would help to rid them of the Jews in their midst. Even today, in a perverse way, a real anti-Semite must be a Zionist.’

The Zionists aimed to create the ‘new Jew’ in Palestine and they despised the gutter ghetto Jew who lived in Eastern Europe plying their trades and living at the margins of society. 

Jacob Klatzkin, the editor of the Zionist Organisation paper Die Welt and co-founder of Encyclopedia Judaica , held that the Jews in the diaspora or ‘exile’ (Galut) were:

a people disfigured in both body and soul – in a word, of a horror. At the very most it can maintain us in a state of national impurity and breed some sort of outlandish creature… The result will be something neither Jew nor gentile - in any case, not a pure national type... some sort of oddity among the peoples going by the name - Jew.

Pinhas Rosenbluth, Israel’s first Justice Minister described Palestine as ‘an institute for the fumigation of Jewish vermin’. So damning were these elite Zionists for their Jewish brothers and sisters that Israeli political scientist, Joachim Doron wrote in an article ‘Classic Zionism and Modern Anti-Semitism’ in the Journal of Israeli History No. 8 that

‘a perusal of the Zionist sources reveals a wealth of charges against the Diaspora Jew, some of which are so scathing that the generation that witnessed Auschwitz has difficulty comprehending them.’

Arthur Ruppin

The most important figure in pre-state Palestine, Arthur Ruppin was an avid supporter of the racial sciences, eugenics and Social Darwinism. He considered Arab Jews as an inferior dysgenic element among Jews.

When a friend of Ruppin called him an anti-Semite he retorted ‘I have already established here [in his diary] that I despise the cancers of Judaism more than does the worst anti-Semite.’

Ruppin was not alone in his support for anti-Semitism. Jacob Klatzkin wrote that

If we do not admit the rightfulness of anti-Semitism we deny the rightfulness of our own nationalism... Instead of establishing societies for defence against the anti-Semites who want to reduce our rights, we should establish societies for defence against our friends, who desire to defend our rights.

Although Zionists today call anti-Zionists ‘self-haters’ if anyone hated themselves, it was the Zionists. It is little wonder that when Zionism arose amongst Jews it was seen as a form of Jewish anti-Semitism.

That is why in nearly all the Jewish communities prior to 1945, Zionism was a distinct minority.  In Germany in 1933 they constituted just 2% of the Jewish population.

During the Nazi era, 1933-9, the Zionists were the favoured children of the Nazis whereas the ‘assimilationists’, those Jews who asserted that they were Germans as well as Jewish, were subject to restrictions.

On 28 January 1935 Reinhard Heydrich, the real engineer of the final solution issued a directive stating that:

The activity of the Zionist-oriented youth organisations that are engaged in the occupational restructuring of the Jews … lies in the interest of the National Socialist state’s leadership. (These organizations) are not to be treated with that strictness that it is necessary to apply to the members of the so-called German-Jewish organizations (assimilationists).

In May 1935 Schwarze Korps, paper of the SS, wrote that:

the Zionists adhere to a strict racial position and by emigrating to Palestine they are helping to build their own Jewish state.... The assimilation-minded Jews deny their race and insist on their loyalty to Germany or claim to be Christians because they have been baptized, in order to subvert National Socialist principles.

When the Nazis came to power the only group amongst Jews who welcomed them were the Zionist leaders.  That was why they were so opposed to the Boycott of Nazi Germany. They wished to profit from them not fight them.

Berl Katznelson, a founder of Mapai (the Israeli Labour Party  and editor of Davar as well as Ben-Gurion’s effective deputy, saw the rise of Hitler as ‘an opportunity to build and flourish like none we have ever had or ever will have.’ Ben-Gurion was even more optimistic. ‘The Nazis’ victory would become “a fertile force for Zionism.” Joachim Prinz, one of the leaders of German Zionism and later Deputy President of the World Jewish Congress, admitted that:

It was morally disturbing to seem to be considered as the favored children of the Nazi Government, particularly when it dissolved the anti-Zionist youth groups, and seemed in other ways to prefer the Zionists. The Nazis asked for a ‘more Zionist behaviour’.

Ben-Gurion on Saving Jewish Refugees

Eitan Bloom quoted Emil Ludwig (1881-1948), the world-famous biographer, ‘who expressed the general attitude of the Zionist movement’:

Hitler will be forgotten in a few years, but he will have a beautiful monument in Palestine. You know, the coming of the Nazis was rather a welcome thing. … Thousands who seemed to be completely lost to Judaism were brought back to the fold by Hitler, and for that I am personally very grateful to him.

Nahman Bialik

Nahman Bialik, the national Zionist poet, volunteered that ‘Hitlerism has perhaps saved German Jewry, which was being assimilated into annihilation.’ Germany’s remaining Jews were of course annihilated, but not by assimilation.

So it should not be any surprise today that the best friends of Israel – Trump, Orban, Tommy Robinson, Richard Spencer, are all fascists and anti-Semites.

This webinar has 4 speakers on anti-Semitism, all them experts in their field. Register and join us.

Open Letter to Jeremy Corbyn – It’s Time To Admit that Under Your Leadership Thousands of Labour Members were Victim of False Allegations of Anti-Semitism


If You had Fought Back Against The Zionists’ False ‘Anti-Semitism’ Narrative Keir Starmer Would Not Be Prime Minister Today

Open Letter to Jeremy Corbyn

Three months ago I proposed to Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth and Chris Williamson that we send a joint letter to Jeremy Corbyn saying that it was time for him to admit that the ‘anti-Semitism’ narrative that was used to destabilise his leadership had no basis in fact and was devised purely to destroy his leadership. The chosen instrument was the Jewish Labour Movement which was refounded in 2015.

Marc Wadsworth's response to the idea of an open letter

Although Marc was at first on board with us he then decided to do his own thing, citing his memoirs as an excuse for not joining us. We also approached Asa Winstanley, a journalist on Electronic Intifada, who was suspended and forced to resign and Anne Mitchell, the former Chair of Brighton & Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign, who was expelled, to add their names.

This was the Goebbel's type stuff that was aimed at Corbyn

The ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign, which was fronted by Britain’s racist tabloids, the Guardian andthe Labour Right, to say nothing of the Zionist lobby which today denies genocide in Gaza, had one purpose and one purpose only – to get rid of the only left-wing leader that the Labour Party has ever had. Unfortunately Corbyn and those around him did not push back against this racist and pro-imperialist narrative. Instead they appeased their accusers.

If it was true that Corbyn had attracted anti-Semites to the Labour Party why would the British press and people like Suella Braverman and Priti Patel, who talked about an ‘invasion’ of refugees, be so concerned? What is it about anti-Semitism that distinguishes it from the Islamaphobia that these people revel in?

Corbyn & Marc Wadsworth

The answer is obvious. ‘Anti-Semitism’ today is not a form of state racism. It is a marginal prejudice which is why it is ideally suited to becoming the standard defence that Zionists use to deflect any criticism of Israel. A majority of Jews today support the Israeli state so ‘anti-Semitism’, the conflation of Jewish identity with criticism of Zionism and Israel, is an ideal way of attacking Palestinian supporters in the name of British Jews, who are happy to be the moral alibi for imperialism in the Middle East.

This has nothing to do with genuine anti-Semitism, which has nothing to do with Israel. The standard definition of anti-Semitism is ‘hostility to or prejudice against Jews as Jews.

The false allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ made against thousands of Labour Party members were malicious and contrived. Misspeaking and confusion between Jews and Israel, which after all calls itself a Jewish State, was used to brand people as anti-Semites.

In order to sustain their false allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ the Zionists pushed for the adoption of the IHRA ‘Definition’ of Anti-Semitism which was created in order to conflate anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. Its 11 ‘illustrations’ of anti-Semitism were about hostility to and criticism of Zionism and Israel not the anti-Semitism that led to the gas chambers.

In December 2016 Corbyn made a rod for his own back by voluntarily adopting the 38 word IHRA definition. ‘A spokeswoman for Corbyn said he and Labour agreed with the IHRA’s definition’.

Today it is clear to all but the politically blind, even Owen Jones, that ‘anti-Semitism’ is being weaponised in order to justify genocide. When the International Criminal Court finally agreed to investigate Netanyahu for war crimes his response was that this was ‘pure anti-Semitism’. The same happened when arrest warrants were issued.

Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party was like a ship heading for the rocks. Instead of the captain ordering the ship to change course, he urged his crew to speed up. The results were all too predictable.

I was the first Jewish member to be expelled. It was only when I read the Labour Leaked Report that I realised the depths to which Corbyn had gone in order to appease the Right and the Zionists.

Corbyn and his staff had actually urged that the expulsions of Ken, Jackie, Marc and myself be sped up because

‘these cases were of great concern to Jewish stakeholders and that resolving them was essential to “rebuilding trust between the Labour Party and the Jewish community”.

What Corbyn did was not the product of some personal weakness. John McDonnell was even worse in urging that Labour expel everyone in sight. He even defendedMargaret Hodge after she called Corbyna ‘fucking anti-Semite’. He said she ‘had a good heart.’

When it came to the suspension of Chris Williamson, the only MP to stand up in defence of those who had been witch-hunted, McDonnell and the Campaign Group refused to defend him as Tom Watson mobilised right-wing MPs and peers to demand that Chris be re-suspended after having been reinstated.

Corbyn never got it

On 19th June 2019 I wrote a blog: ‘We Are Witnessing the Slow Death of the Corbyn Project’. The Labour Left, or what was left of them, had effectively given up.I said:

I sometimes feel that it would be both cheaper and more efficient if Jeremy Corbyn replaced his advisors, Seamus Milne and Andrew Murray, with a tape recorder with a few pre-recorded messages, ‘I surrender’ ‘I apologise’. ‘I promise to do better’.

Throughout Corbyn’s leadership I posted over 70 blogs urging that he fight back. Together they make for a fascinating history of how Corbyn and the Labour left surrendered to the narratives of the Right.

It should have been obvious to Corbyn and the Campaign Group that an anti-Nato candidate gaining the position of leader of one of the two major political parties in Britain would be seen by the United States and its racist Rottweiler, Israel, as a threat to their interests.

It took time before the Labour Right settled on ‘anti-Semitism’ as its favoured tactic in the destabilisation of Corbyn. Disloyalty to the monarchy, ‘terrorism’ and patriotism had all been tried and had ended up in the near victory of June 2017.

Yet Corbyn and the Labour left were not able to capitalise on the general election result. Their whole strategy was based on reforming capitalism in tandem with the Labour Right. It was Tony Benn himself who had said that the Labour Party was a plane that needed two wings – left and right – to fly. Yet how could you reconcile those who support capitalism and those opposed to it?  In practice the left had always surrendered to the right in return for minor concessions.

A rare voice of sanity and honesty among the Zionists was Prof. Geoffrey Alderman - despite being a columnist of the Jewish Chronicle for 14 years he was banned from the paper

In January and March 2016 I wrote two blogs:Jeremy Corbyn and the Retreat from Palestine. I wrote

however much Jeremy Corbyn appeases the Zionist lobby in the Labour Party he will never be acceptable to them unless he dances the hora. 

I concluded apropos Corbyn’s appeasement of the Zionists that ‘In politics you cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.’ In March I wrote in Weekly Worker that:

Jeremy Corbyn's recent statements to the Board of Deputies of British Jews... that he recognises Israel's 'right to exist' is a formula indicating acceptance of Israel's right to be an Apartheid state.... it is clear that Corbyn has retreated in regard to his previous support of the Palestinians....

Instead of responding to the Zionist attacks on him by pointing to their hypocrisy, Corbyn has chosen to appease his critics by playing down his support for the Palestinians and retreating into meaningless soundbites.

Corbyn sent a letter to a Zionist heckler at a Labour Friends of Israel meeting at Labour Party conference reassuring him that he was pleased to

have the opportunity to express how I felt about progressing the peace process in the Middle East … Israel has always, and will continue to be, recognised by both myself and the Labour Party.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews responded to Corbyn’s appeasement by saying that they

were pleased that Mr Corbyn gave a very solid commitment to the right of Israel to live within secure and recognised boundaries as part of a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict

An article I wrote in the local Brighton & Hove Independent

whilst demanding “more clarity” that the Labour Party “will maintain its longstanding opposition to boycotts against Israel”. I wrote that:

People need to face up to the fact that one of the consequences of the attacks on Corbyn has been a retreat from his previous political positions. I have never heard Corbyn previously speaking about the need to recognise the state of Israel. He used to be more concerned about recognising its repressive qualities. Instead of distinguishing between the oppressor and the oppressed, the coloniser and the colonised, Corbyn has depoliticised the issue, calling for peace in the abstract.

It is as if Corbyn had called for peace between white proponents of apartheid and black South Africans rather than supporting the abolition of apartheid. ... Instead of opposing imperialism and Zionist settler colonialism, Corbyn imagines that ‘conflict resolution’ via United Nations diplomacy will solve what is at heart a political problem - the racist oppression, dispossession and expulsion of the Palestinians....

Corbyn retreats into the weasel words of Israel’s ‘right to exist’. The problem is not Israel’s rights, but the lack of Palestinian rights....

Jeremy Corbyn, as a patron of PSC, was a supporter of boycott, divestment and sanctions. But this is an issue over which he has recently gone very quiet.

I concluded thus:

Appeasement of Labour Friends of Israel will not serve the cause of either socialism or peace in the Middle East. Nor will it help Corbyn’s own precarious position as leader. Quite the contrary.

The question is why Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party turned out to be a disaster and whether it was simply a product of his own character or something more fundamental to the Labour Left and socialists in the Labour Party.

Why is this important? Because Zionism will always weaponise anti-Semitism and the memory of the Jews who died in the Nazi holocaust, in order to deflect criticism of their racist and genocidal state.

‘Anti-Semitism’ can only be weaponised because of two factors: firstly the holocaust and secondly because Jews themselves have changed. Where once being Jewish was a metonym for radicalism, the conclusions drawn from the Nazi holocaust being ones of anti-racism and anti-imperialism, today it anti-Semitism is all too often a metonym for all that is reactionary and racist .

Captain Corbyn

My blog during the Corbyn years is a diary of how Corbyn, the Campaign Group and Momentum blew the best chance the Left had in a generation to shift politics to the left. It is a story of how to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory. The failure to confront reactionary identity politics, spearheaded by the likes of Jonathan Freedland, enabled a colourless, characterless and humourless apparatchik like Keir Starmer to become Prime Minister.

My coverage was a damning indictment of the Labour Left’s refusal to grapple with the politics of neo-liberal capitalism and imperialism and how to effect change, indeed whether change is possible via the ballot box.

When the JLM threatened to disaffiliate from the Labour Party Corbyn begged them to stay rather than say 'good riddance'. They repaid him by passing a vote of no confidence in him!

Our purpose in writing the letter was not to attack Corbyn but to engage him in a discussion of what went wrong. However Corbyn’s refusal to respond to our letter demonstrates that he, like the Labour Left, is adamant in its refusal to draw any lessons from what went wrong between June 2017, when Corbyn achieved the largest swing to Labour since 1945 and the defeat in November 2019, when Labour sank to one of its worst defeats.

The fact that Starmer gained half a million less votes in 2024 than Corbyn did in 2019 demonstrates that there is nothing attractive about Starmer and his acolytes and Labour’s subsequent drop in the opinion polls shows how the Left could pose a serious alternative to a capitalist system based on exploitation, war and privatisation.

Tony Greenstein

Blog Posts I Wrote During the Corbyn Years (2016-2019)

1.          David Baddiel’s allegation of ‘anti-Semitism’ against Corbyn for pronouncing ‘Epshtein’ demonstrates why you can't appease Zionists28-Nov-19

2.          The Hypocrisy of Ephraim Mirvis’s Attacks on Corbyn’s ‘Anti-Semitism’ November 2019

3.          Why Anyone Who is Jewish and on the Left Should Have no Problem Voting for Jeremy Corbyn November 2019

4.          The Hypocritical War by the Jewish Chronicle and the Jewish Establishment on Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party09-Nov-19

5.          Rabbi Jonathan Romain, A Senior Reform Rabbi, Urges Jews To Vote ABC – Anyone But Corbyn November 2019

6.          Corbyn can win BUT it is unlikely without a clear position on Brexit and a clear rejection of the anti-Semitism narrative02-Nov-19

7.          Drifting Without Direction – Are these the Dying Days of Corbyn’s Leadership?  02-Oct-19

8.          The BBC’s War on Corbyn – Panorama would have made Pravda Proud15-Jul-19

9.          Corbyn’s Latest Anti-Semitism Proposals Prove that He is a Victim of the Stockholm Syndrome  23-Jul-19

10.       If You Can’t Defend Chris Williamson, You Can’t Defend Jeremy Corbyn   07-Jul-19

11.       Jeremy Corbyn Must Defend Chris Williamson Instead of Appeasing Tom Watson July 2019

12.       We welcome the reinstatement of Chris Williamson –but why are Dennis Skinner, Laura Pidcock and the Campaign Group of MPs Saying Nothing? June 2019

13.       Once again Corbyn Has Betrayed his Friends & Appeased his Enemies - Today Corbyn’s very leadership is at stake    June 2019

14.       We Are Witnessing the Slow Death of the Corbyn Project -   June 2019

15.       Jewish Chronicle Columnist Geoffrey Alderman Nails the Lie that Corbyn is an anti-Semite May 2019

16.       The Equality Commission Inquiry into Labour ‘Anti-Semitism’ is Political Interference by the State in a Corbyn-led Labour Party     May 2019

17.       At last Corbyn fights back against the anti-Semitism smears – now its time to junk the Witchhunter’s Charter, the IHRA May 2019

18.       The Lie of Labour Anti-Semitism has but one purpose – the removal of Corbyn (I)   April 2019

19.       Ha’aretz's War Against Jeremy Corbyn – Gideon Levy & Amira Hass are the exceptions not the rule March 2019

20.       John McDonnell Has Become Tom Watson’s Useful Idiot as Watson Openly Defies Corbyn and Prepares a Coup  March 2019

21.       The Suspension of Chris Williamson MP is Shameful – This May Be the End of the Corbyn Project   February 2019

22.       In Office But Not in Power – Jeremy Corbyn seems to have become Tom Watson’s Understudy   February 2019

23.       Joan Ryan Resigns from Labour – Xmas Comes Early for CorbynFebruary 2019

24.       Shock Horror - Jeremy Corbyn is accused of ‘nodding’ when a Rabbi said that Zionism and Judaism have nothing in common!! January 2019

25.       Corbynism without Corbyn – Lansman’s new strategy begs the question – what is the purpose of Momentum? January 2019

26.       29 Rabbis of the Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations issue statement supporting Jeremy Corbyn – for some reason it is ignored by the BBC and the MSM! September 2018

27.       We are facing a Coup by Attrition as the Zionists and the BBC pore over every last word Corbyn has ever uttered August 2018

28.       Jeremy Corbyn Must STOP Apologising to the Zionists - he has NOTHING to apologise for  August 2018

29.       Are there any limits to Corbyn’s ritual self-humiliation? Being a Leader means standing up to your opponents not appeasing them   August 2018

30.       Nick Lowles and Hope not Hate Join the Zionist attack on Jeremy Corbyn August 2018

31.       Picket of the BBC– End the Bias Against Jeremy Corbyn – If You’re Concerned About ‘Anti-Semitism’ Stop Giving a Platform to Tommy Robinson’s Fascist Supporters August 2018

32.       The Lie of Labour Anti-Semitism - Whilst Hungary’s Anti-Semitic Prime Minister Orban is Welcomed by Netanyahu 3 Zionist Papers Jointly Attack Corbyn as ‘Anti-Semitic’  July 2018

33.       Just when Labour pulls ahead of the Tories, Margaret Hodge makes false allegations of antisemitism against Corbyn  July 2018

34.       SCOTTISH LAW TOUR - The 'antisemitism' witchhunt has many victims but only one target - Jeremy Corbyn   June 2018

35.       If Corbyn Doesn’t Slay the ‘Anti-Semitism’ Dragon It Will Slay Him June 2018

36.       Jewish Chronicle Editor Stephen Pollard Compares Jeremy Corbyn to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis May 2018

37.       The Incremental Coup – How the Labour Right Successfully used ‘anti-Semitism’ to attack Corbyn May 2018

38.       Jeremy Corbyn throws Marc Wadsworth overboard in a desperate attempt to save his leadership  April 2018

39.       Corbyn Should Refuse to Meet Jonathan Arkush and the Board of Deputies as and until they take anti-Semitism seriously!  April 2018

40.       Jeremy Corbyn Stabs Himself in the Back as the Fake News Anti-Semitism Campaign Gathers Strength  April 2018

41.       Avi Gabbay, leader of Israel’s Labour Party cuts links with Jeremy Corbyn alleging ‘anti-Semitism’ April 2018

42.       If Momentum expels me today they will be joining the false anti-Semitism campaign whose target is Corbyn March 2018

43.       A Very British Coup – How the British Establishment and the Israeli Embassy are Using ‘anti-Semitism’ to Destabilise Jeremy Corbyn   March 2018

44.       EXCLUSIVE - The letter that Corbyn intended to send to Jonathan Arkush at the Board of Deputies March 2018

45.       EXCLUSIVE: David Collier – the ‘Independent Researcher’ who accused Corbyn of anti-Semitism keeps company with White Supremacists, Neo-Nazis and Islamophobes March 2018

46.       The Guardian and Jonathan Freedland's tedious Campaign against Corbyn  November 2017

47.       Corbyn Rally Attracts Thousands in Brighton - But He Refuses to Speak at Labour Friends of Palestine Meeting For Fear of Offending Zionist Lobby September 2017

48.       The false 'anti-Semitism' allegations at Labour Conference have one purpose only - to destabilise Corbyn's leadershipSeptember 2017

49.       Corbyn Must Defend Chris Williamson MP Against False Accusations of Anti-Semitism  September 2017

50.       Jeremy Corbyn and the Humiliation of Nick Cohen June 2017

51.       Just for old times sakes as she won't be around much longer - Theresa May was too Strong & Stable to Meet Ordinary Voters or Debate with Jeremy Corbyn June 2017

52.       ELECTION UPDATE: Is it any wonder that the Old Crow refuses to do TV debates? Will Progress MPs refuse to support Corbyn as PM? May 2017


54.       Steve Bell’s defence of Ken Livingstone - If... only Jeremy Corbyn had the same courage and clarity   April 2017

55.       Labour Can Win if Corbyn is Bold – the Key Issue is Poverty and the Transfer of Wealth   April 2017

56.       Open Letter to Jeremy Corbyn – Don’t Appease the Zionist Lobby – It only encourages them   April 2017

57.       Those who abandon Livingstone today will abandon Corbyn tomorrow - Stand Up for Free Speech on Israel and Palestine     April 2017

58.       Corbyn's Disastrous Brexit Strategy - Labour’s slow moving car crash February 2017

59.       Sign the Petition - Call on Corbyn to sever all ties with Labour Friends of Apartheid Israel February 2017

60.       Fake claims blown apart – Al Jazeera’s The lobby exposes the establishment’s ‘anti-Semitism’ claims for what they are, writes Tony GreensteinJanuary 2017

61.       Letter from 112 Labour Party members to Jeremy Corbyn January 2017

62.       Jon Lansman’s Xmas Punch Could Sucker Corbyn January 2017

63.       As the Guardian's 'anti-Semitism' campaign against Corbyn continues its time to BOYCOTT the Guardian October 2016

64.       Victory for Ken Livingstone Despite Corbyn’s Shameful Silence   September 2016

65.       The Calm Before The Storm – As Corbyn Wins the Right Intensifies Its Destabilisation StrategySeptember 2016

66.       Corbyn Abandons 30 Years of Support for Palestine - But Despite Grovelling He Was Still Booed   September 2016

67.       Over 1,500 at Brighton Rally for Jeremy Corbyn August 2016

68.       Thousands Queue 4 Corbyn In Liverpool August 2016

69.       Massive Pro-Corbyn Rally in Brighton & Hove as Left Sweeps to Victory in AGM July 2016

70.       Jeremy Corbyn – In Office but Not In Power - Right Gerrymanders to Prevent 130,000 from Voting in Leadership BallotJuly 2016

71.       The Times & Jewish Chronicle Report our Story on Corbyn Backtracking on Palestine May 2016

72.       When Jeremy Corbyn Supported a Democratic, Secular State & Breaking Links with Poale Zion (JLM)May 2016

73.       Labour’s Election Results Give Corbyn only a Temporary ReprieveMay 2016

74.       Open Letter to Jeremy Corbyn on Witch-hunt as McDonnell Tacks to the RightApril 2016

75.       Brilliant Momentum Rally Says Corbyn Stays March 2016

76.       Jeremy Corbyn and the Retreat from Palestine 5 March 2016

77.       ANTI-SEMITISM - Jonathan Freedland & The Zionist Campaign to Defame Corbyn and the Labour Left - Garry Speding Gives a Helping Hand to the Zionist Campaign Against the Palestinians March 2016

78.       Jeremy Corbyn & the Retreat from PalestineJan 20 2016

79.       Guardian Letter from 22 Jewish people Criticises False Allegations of anti-Semitism at Oxford University Labour Club

80.       Oxford University Labour Club – An Old Story – Support Palestinians Cry Anti-Semitism– 20 Feb 16

81.       Jeremy Corbyn & the Retreat from Palestine– 20 January 2016

82.       The Witchhunt of Gerald Kaufman - Crucified for Supporting the Palestinians28 November 2015

83.       The Board of Deputies Invites Anti-Semitic Attacks on British Jews10 October 2015

84.       The Sad Delusions of New Labour23 August 2015

The Assad Regime was Ghastly but the West’s Favourite Jihadists HTS May Be Even More Bloody


The Zionist & American Aim is to Splinter Syria along Ethnic Lines & to Reconfigure the Middle East on Sectarian Lines

The Fall of Assad & What it Means for The Mid East (w/ Alastair Crooke) | The Chris Hedges Report

It has been reported that the US closely coordinated the Idlib offensive of HTS with Israel and also Turkey. It is no coincidence that the jihadi attack on Syrian towns began immediately after the ceasefire in Lebanon that Hezbollah was forced to agree to.

As soon as Assad had been overthrown Israel moved its troops onto the other side of Mount Hermon, breaking the 1974 Disengagement Agreement between Israel and Syria. Israel has never missed an opportunity to attack its neighbours and steal some more land. All in the name of ‘security’ and the ‘right of self defence’ of course.

“There should be no military forces or activities in the area of separation. And Israel and Syria must continue to uphold the terms of that 1974 agreement, and preserve stability in the Golan,” said Stéphane Dujarric, spokesperson for the UN secretary general, António Guterres.

 Israel’s pretext is that it is acting in self-defence, a lie that David Lammy, who must qualify as the diplomatic equivalent of Netanyahu’s pet pooch, echoed.

Israel’s unprovoked attack on Syria’s military assets - its navy and airforce - is based on the proposition that no victim of Israeli aggression is entitled to exercise the right to self defence. Only Israel has that right or more accurately Israel reserves to itself the right to attack any country, anytime and anywhere. All with the blessing of the United States and Britain’s colourless and characterless Prime Minister Sir Kid Starver.

The Liquidation of Syrian Army Officers

The US has never paid much attention to international law. Whilst every other state in the world must adhere to the international ‘rules based order,’ the United States is endowed with a belief in Manifest Destiny. God has apparently singled out America for special treatment and given it the right to engage in limitless expansion.

Hence why in 2002 it passed the American Service-Members' Protection Act otherwise known as the Hague Invasion Act which renders American war criminals immune from prosecution at the International Criminal Court. Only African dictators are supposed to adhere to international law. When one thinks of the US and the rule of law, Al Capone and the Mafia come to mind.

In the wake of the defeat of Nazi Germany wars of aggression were considered the supreme war crime. The Nuremberg Declaration on the Crime of Aggression states quite clearly

Recalling that all members of the United Nations shall refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations as per Article 2(4) of the UN Charter, Mindful of the fact that aggression constitutes the most serious violation of the prohibition of the use of force

Israel’s role in the Middle East was mapped out from the very beginning of Zionism. In his pamphlet The Jewish State, Zionism’s founder Theodor Herzl described a future Jewish state as ‘a portion of a rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism.’ Ben-Gurion describedZionism as a ‘bulwark against assimilation and communism.

No-one should be deceived by Netanyahu’s lies about Israel having to act to protect its own security. There is a past history of Israeli leaders wishing to invade and change the political geography of their neighbours. Their only concern was how to do so without seeming to be obvious aggressors.

Livia Rokach first published in 1980 a book ‘Israel’s Sacred Terrorism’ based on the Diaries of Moshe Sharrett, the only ‘dove’ to become Prime Minister of Israel. At this time, of all times, they are worth revisiting.

On February 25, 1954, Syrian troops stationed in Aleppo revolted against Adib Shishakly's regime. Sharrett wrote

After lunch Lavon [then Defence Minister] took me aside and started trying to persuade me: This is the right moment to act this is the time to move forward and occupy the Syrian border positions beyond the Demilitarized Zone. Syria is disintegrating. A State with whom we signed an armistice agreement exists no more. Its government is about to fall and there is no other power in view. Moreover, Iraq has practically moved into Syria. This is an historical opportunity, we shouldn't miss it.

I was reluctant to approve such a blitz-plan and saw ourselves on the verge of an abyss of disastrous adventure. I asked if he suggests to act immediately and I was shocked when I realized that he does. I said that if indeed Iraq will move into Syria with its army it will be a revolutionary turn which will ... justify far reaching conclusions, but for the time being this is only a danger, not a fact. It is not even clear if Shishakly will fall: he may survive. We ought to wait before making any decision. He repeated that time was precious and we must act so as not to miss an opportunity which otherwise might be lost forever. Again I answered that under the circumstances right now I cannot approve any such action. Finally I said that next Saturday we would be meeting with Ben Gurion ... and we could consult him then on the matter. I saw that he was extremely displeased by the delay. However, he had no choice but to agree. (25 February 1954, 374)

The next day the Shishakly regime actually fell. The following day, February 27, Sharett was present at a meeting where Lavon and Dayan reported to Ben Gurion that what happened in Syria was - "a typical Iraqi action." The two proposed again that the Israeli army be put on the march. Ben Gurion, "electrified," agreed. Sharett reiterated his opposition, pointing to the certainty of a Security Council condemnation, the possibility of the use against Israel of the Tripartite Declaration of 1950, hence the probability of a "shameful failure" The three objected that "our entrance [into Syria] is justified in view of the situation in Syria. This is an act of defense of our border area." Sharett closed the discussion by insisting on the need for further discussion in the cabinet meeting, scheduled for the next morning:

Lavon's face wore a depressed expression. He understood this to be the end of the matter. (27 February 1954, 377)

On Sunday, February 28, the press reported that no Iraqi troops had entered Syria. The situation in Damascus was under the complete control of President Hashem Al Atassi. The cabinet approved Sharett's position and rejected Lavon's vehement appeal not to miss a historical opportunity. Lavon said "The U.S. is about to betray us and ally itself with the Arab world." We should "demonstrate our strength and indicate to the U.S. that our life depends on this so that they will not dare do anything against us." The premier's victory, however, was to be short-lived.

Until that time the Syrian-Israeli border presented no particular problems to the Israelis. When tensions developed, it was almost invariably due to Israeli provocations, such as the irrigation work on lands belonging to Arab farmers, which was condemned by the UN; or the use of military patrol boats against Syrian fishermen fishing in the Lake of Tiberias. No Syrian regime could afford to refrain from offering some minimum protection to its border citizens against Israeli attacks or the taking away of their livelihoods, but neither did the rulers of Damascus feel stable enough to wish to be dragged into a major conflict with their southern neighbor. Clashes were therefore minor, and essentially seasonal. No security arguments could be credibly invoked to justify an expansionist program, or any other aggression against Syria.

On December 12, 1954, however, a Syrian civilian plane was hijacked by Israeli war planes shortly after its takeoff, and forced to land at Lydda airport. Passengers and crew were detained and interrogated for two days, until stormy international protests

It must be clear to you that we had no justification whatsoever to seize the plane, and that once forced down we should have immediately released it and not held the passengers under interrogation for 48 hours. I have no reason to doubt the truth of the factual affirmation of the U.S. State Department that our action was without precedent in the history of international practice. ..... What shocks and worries me is the narrow-mindedness and the shortsightedness of our military leaders. They seem to presume that the State of Israel may or even must-behave in the realm of international relations according to the laws of the jungle. (22 December 1954, 607)

In the 1950s Israel didn’t posses the military power it does today nor did the United States give it carte blanche to do what it wanted. At that time the Arab regimes were fearful of Israel and inclined to put pressure on Britain and the United States to keep it in check. Today that is not the case but what this shows is that from its very beginnings Israeli leaders have been looking to expand their territory and interfere in the governance of their neighbours. It’s not accidental that Israel is the only state in the world not to define its borders.

What happens in Syria today is no business of Israel. If Jihadists have come to power in Syria it is in no small measure thanks to the support they have received from the United States and Israel.

No one should defend the crimes of Bashar Assad against his own people. When they rose up against him in 2011 he mowed down thousands without a thought. His prisons have indeed been grim torture chambers operating entirely outside the law. But the West’s mock shock horror about this is the ultimate in hypocrisy.

Maher Arar

In September 2002, as he was on his way home to Canada, Maher Arar was sent by the US officials to be detained and interrogated under torture in Syria under a program known as “extraordinary rendition.” The horrifying account of what happened to him is documented by the Centre for Constitutional Rights.

Syria is on the way to becoming another failed state along the lines of Libya and Iraq. Turkish-backed rebels have launched an offensive against the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Front on the northern border. The US has carried out dozens of airstrikes against ISIS.

Israel has launched massive bombing raids on Damascus and other areas without any justification at all other than its long proclaimed ‘right to self defence’. Of course Starmer and Lammy have gone along with anything that Israel deems necessary. That is how these ‘Labour’ supporters of imperialism behave.


Hayat Tahrir al-Sham [HTS] was formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of Al Qaeda. It is led by Muhammad al-Julani who in the early 2000s joined Al Qaida in Iraq, which morphed into ISIS. In 2011 he was sent into Syria to set up a branch of ISIS, which was named the al-Nusra Front only to break away from them.

HTS is on Britain’s list of proscribed terrorist organisations but the British and US governments have made it plain that as long as they don’t oppose western interests then the label ‘terrorist’ can be removed. In the meantime the press and BBC are falling over themselves to praise their ‘moderation’ despite their still being proscribed!

The British Police have not though arrested any editors of these papers still less the BBC. It is only Palestinian and Kurdish supporters of the PKK who are accused of terrorism if they dare say anything about proscribed Palestinian and Kurdish groups.

In March it was reported that protests erupted in some 20 locations in the Idlib enclave against HTS’s dictatorial rule. They may profess their horror at Assad’s appalling human rights record but their own history suggests that they will not be that different.

Protesters chant slogans against HTS leader Abu Muhammad al-Julani, demanding the release of prisoners held by the extremist group and an end to its security grip on the enclave.

the US government-funded media network said.

Another uprising broke out in May against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham’s “increasingly dictatorial” rule, including allegedly torturing prisoners to death.

It is clear that the deposing of Assad, coupled with the weakening of Hezbollah, which was forced to accept a humiliating ‘ceasefire’ and the loss of Syrian territory that acted as a conduit for Iranian weaponry, is a defeat for both Iran, Hezbollah and the Palestinians.

The Axis of Resistance, which was always a cover for the interests of the Iranian regime, is no more. The Iranian regime itself is now directly in the cross-hairs of the Israel regime and its US/British sponsors.

The last time al-Qaeda and other Jihadi groups were present in the south of Syria, Israel established warm relations with them, treating their fighters in a specially constructed field hospital and even arming them. It also provided them with weapons.

Netanyahu has signaled the revival of that policy. He said that Israel would pursue “the same approach we maintained when we set up a field hospital here that treated thousands of Syrians injured during the civil war. Hundreds of Syrian children were born here in Israel.”

What are the lessons that we have to draw? The first is that it is an illusion to believe that the Palestinians can rely on the support of regimes which are fundamentally undemocratic such as Assad or Khameini’s Iran. The problem in the Arab East is precisely the fact that the wealth of the region is commandeered by repressive and corrupt regimes that fear their own people and enter into alliances with both the United States and Israel.

Assad’s Syria would have been happy to reach a deal with the United States and Israel. The fact is that Israel preferred to keep the Golan Heights than make a deal.

Zionism will not disappear until the Arab masses take matters into their own hands. Above all that means both a social and national revolution in the Arab states if imperialism is to be defeated. The Iranian regime is both corrupt and repressive as well as being unpopular with its own people.

It is doubtful that Iran is capable of withstanding an attack from the United States and Israel, not least given the cowardice and complicity of surrounding regimes. The Iranian regime has, for years, tried to reach a deal with the US only to be spurned. Obama’s deal on its nuclear programme was torn up by Trump. It is unlikely to be revivted.

Iranian attempts to become a regional hegemon, which was Israel’s real objection to it, today lie in ruins. Israel has asserted its power with the full backing of Western imperialism.

However as Israel extends its forces and seeks to grab a portion of Southern Syria, which has always been a long-term goal, it will find new enemies on its borders and we can hope to see a new Hezbollah arise in Syria if Israel doesn’t withdraw. That is why in the long-term Zionism is doomed. Its attempts to recreate the biblical land of Israel [Eretz Yisrael] are a pipedream but no less real for that.

Tony Greenstein

Further Reading

Why Israel thinks it won in Syria  EI

Israel occupies new Syrian territory following Assad’s collapse

How Different is the Fourth Israeli Invasion of Lebanon?

The Fall of Assad & What it Means for The Mid East (w/ Alastair Crooke) | The Chris Hedges Report

Understanding the rebellion in Syria - An interview with Joseph Daher

Destroying Syrian Airbase

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