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David Baddiel Has a Long History of Gaslighting Black and Roma people - Is It Any Surprise that he is Starmer’s Favourite ‘Anti-racist’?


 Jews Don’t Count is an Exercise in Special pleading for Jewish Exceptionalism, Jewish Privilege & Jewish Victimhood

Starmer supports Baddiel and opposes BDS

It says everything about the superficial nature of the mass media that I even have to write this. Baddiel has received massive publicity for Jews Don’t Count, his pathetic plea for Jewish Exceptionalism and for Jews to be recognised as what they are not, victims of racial oppression.

When Sir Keir Stürmer felt the need to display his ‘anti-racist’ credentials to Labour Friends of Apartheid Israel, who better to praise than Blackface Baddiel's Jews Don’t Count.

The man who declared Black Lives Matter was just a ‘moment’ and who attacked calls for defunding the Police was more than happy to support Baddiel’s campaign for Jews to be treated as the prime victims of racism.

Anti-racism is, by its very nature, a threat to the power structures of British capitalism. It challenges the super exploitation that Black people experience. Baddiel’s campaign against ‘anti-Semitism’ threatens no one who is privileged. It targets the oppressed. That is why the media has been so eager to promote it.

It is no accident that it was two Black women – Whoopi Goldberg and Dawn Butler who Baddiel criticised because his targets are the left and Black people, not the racist right or the rich and powerful.

The crux of Baddiel’s argument is that Jews should be treated as specially oppressed and persecuted despite being privileged and White. He provides no evidence of Jewish oppression besides the existence of ancient prejudices and stereotypes, most of which are dying out.

Baddiel himself is the best example of why Jews do count and why it is Black and Muslim communities who are marginalised. Baddiel has a long history of racism with Blackface attacks on Jason Lee coupled with his refusal to apologise until 25 years later, his derogatory comments about Gypsies and a disgusting Guardian article Black men can jump. Despite being a 24-carat racist Baddiel lectures us about racism! It’s like Harold Shipman hosting a programme on care for the elderly.

What Baddiel wilfully ignores, which is why his argument elides into Zionism’s anti-Semitism narrative, is how ‘anti-Semitism’ has been weaponised against supporters of the Palestinians.

When the EU decided that goods produced in West Bank settlements should be labelled as such, it was described by Israeli Minister, Yuval Steinitz, as ‘disguised anti-Semitism’. When the US abstained on UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which condemned West Bank settlements, Obama was called‘a Jew hating anti-Semite.' Yet Baddiel has nothing to say about this.

Baddiel cannot bring himself to condemn this

There are hundreds of similar examples. I’ve not met a single Palestine solidarity activist who hasn’t been called an anti-Semite. Yet Baddiel simply ignores the way allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ are used and abused and how the IHRA ‘definition’, which conflates criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism, has been used to targetacademics for example.

Thoughtful article’s such as that of former Jewish Court of Appeal Judge, Sir Stephen Sedley, Defining Anti-Semitism,  which point this out are not on Baddiel’s radar. His victim centred, Jewish exceptionalist rant, which the media are always happy to publicise, gives the lie to the very case he makes.

It speaks volumes about the degeneration of the Guardian, that its takeon Jews Don’t Count was that it’s a a doc so shocking it sounds like a siren.’ Really? Compared to the Windrush Scandal?

Baddiel makes no attempt to differentiate between racism and prejudice. AmbalavanerSivanandan talkedof the racism that discriminates and the racism that kills. But there is a third form of racism that neither discriminates nor kills – prejudice.

The first two operate as part of the power structure of the state which is why they are so dangerous. The third, prejudice, is merely the leftover of past oppression yet to Baddiel it is the only form of racism.

When the Tory Party and Starmer proclaim their opposition to ‘anti-Semitism’ and use it as a pretext to attackfreedom of speech it demonstrates that Jews have been co-opted as partners in state repression and supporters of imperialism in the Middle East. Jews played the same role in Algeria as they do today in Britain. Convenient pawns at the disposal of the ruling elites.

If Baddiel had any self-awareness he would realise that this applies to him most of all


Baddiel makes great play of the fact that he isn’t interested in Israel or Zionism.  But this is disingenuous. The ‘anti-Semitism’ that Baddiel talks about is the same phenomenon as the ‘anti-Semitism’ that defenders of Israel wield like a cudgel against those who support the Palestinians and oppose Zionism .

Throughout Jews Don’t CountBaddiel repeats the myth that Jews have experienced a never ending anti-Semitism for 2000 years. This places anti-Semitism outside of history without any explanation of its causes. It leaves only one explanation.  That Jews themselves are the cause. In the words Leon Pinsker

‘Judeophobia is then a mental disease, and as a mental disease it is hereditary, and having been inherited for 2,000 years, it is incurable.’

Salo Baron  - the greatest Jewish historian of the 20th Century

Salo Baron, the greatest Jewish historian of the 20th century described this as the ‘lachrymose conception of Jewish history.’  Baron wrote:

All my life I have been struggling against the hitherto dominant
“lachrymose conception of Jewish history” ... because I have felt that an overemphasis on Jewish sufferings distorted the total picture of the Jewish historic evolution....

Abram Leon similarly wrote in The Jewish Question a Marxist Interpretation:

Zionism transposes modern anti-Semitism to all of history and saves itself the trouble of studying the various forms of anti-Semitism and their evolution

Fundamental to Zionist ideology was the desire to wind up the Jewish Diaspora, the ‘accursed Galut’. This was the ‘Negation of the Diaspora’. It was a ‘return to history’. In other words Jews outside Palestine had no history, because history is a history of peoples.

This was total nonsense. The Golden Era of Jews was in Muslim Spain not Palestine. The Babylonian Talmud was more authoritative than the Jerusalem Talmud. It is as if Maimonides, Mendelssohn, Freud, Einstein, Arendt, Spinoza and Heinrich Heine did not exist.  

Zionism holds that only in a ‘Jewish’ state can Jews once more take part in history. Well we can see what a ‘Jewish’ state has produced. An assortment of bigots, racists and chauvinists such as the present Israeli government of Ben Gvir and Smotrich.

If Baddiel really wants to find examples of anti-Semitism then all he need do is read how the Zionists saw other Jews. Hashomer Hatzair, the ‘left-wing’ Zionist youth movement wrote that:

The Jew is a caricature of a normal, natural human being, both physically andspiritually. As an individual in society he revolts and throws off the harness of social obligations, knows no order nor discipline. (Our Shomer’ “Weltanschaung” Hashomer Hatzair, December 1936, p.26).

Arthur Ruppin, the Director of the Palestine Office in Haifa from 1908 onwards retorted, when a friend called him an anti-Semite that:

‘I have already established here [in his diary]that I despise the cancers of Judaism more than does the worst anti-Semite.’

Leading Zionists took pride in their anti-Semitism. Joachim Doron,Classic Zionism and modern anti-Semitism: parallels and influences, (1883-1914), p.186,Journal of Israeli History 8]. wrote that:

a perusal of Zionist sources reveals criticism so scathing that the generation that witnessed Auschwitz has difficulty comprehending them.

No one doubts that there were periods of Jewish persecution but there were also periods when Jews were the persecutors. Jews lived for centuries in peace with their neighbours but Zionism focuses only on the periods of conflict and turmoil.

Zionism offers no explanation for the persecution of the Jews. It is the mere presence of Jews in other peoples’ lands that causes anti-Semitism. In the words of Israeli novelist and poet AB Yehoshua, the Jewish diaspora was a ‘cancer connected to the main tissue of the Jewish people who use other people’s countries like hotels.’[Jewish Chronicle, 22.12.89. 'Diaspora a cancer') There is no attempt to compare the Jews’ situation with other minorities like the Gypsies and Armenians.

Another Zionist myth referred to in the program was the expulsion of Jews from Palestine after the sacking of the Temple in 70 AD. In fact there is no evidence of an expulsion of Jews by the Romans. Very large numbers of Jews had already migrated as a trading people, populating the Hellenised cities of the Middle East. Alexandria had, according to Philo one million Jewish inhabitants by the first century AD.

Baddiel may deny that he is a Zionist but his conceptual analysis of anti-Semitism is framed by Zionist  ideology.

Are Jews are a Minority Ignored by Progressives?

The whole basis of Baddiel’s tirade against the left or ‘progressives’ as he calls it (he has nothing to say about the racial anti-Semitism of the Right) is that Jews in Britain are not allowed to define anti-Semitism (although he never says which Jews). Baddiel ignores the fact that anti-Semitism has been redefined in order to negate Palestinian oppression via the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism.

In the words of Jonathan Freedland, the Guardian’s Zionist propagandist and the epitomy of a dishonest journalist:

On the left, black people are usually allowed to define what’s racism; women can define sexism; Muslims are trusted to define Islamophobia. But when Jews call out something as antisemitic, leftist non-Jews feel curiously entitled to tell Jews they’re wrong, that they are exaggerating or lying or using it as a decoy tactic – and to then treat them to a long lecture on what anti-Jewish racism really is.

The title of Freedland’s article is instructive because it encapsulates Baddiel’s argument: My plea to the left: treat Jews the same way you’d treat any other minority.’ Their argument is that being a minority in itself entitles you to a place in the oppression stakes:

I often wonder whether there is a loose connection in the neutral networks of Zionists like Freedland and Baddiel. Do they not understand the meaning of the language or the concepts they employ?

There is nothing magical about minorities. What the left campaigns for is oppressed minorities. Jews in Britain are not oppressed as Jews. The rich and powerful are also a minority but we don’t campaign in support of them. Billionaires are a very distinct minority but I don’t recall anyone calling for them to have protected status. Fascists are another minority, except in Israel, but I don’t recall going onto the streets to protest against their unfair treatment!

90 years ago Jews were oppressed and scapegoated. They were subject to physical attacks and violence by Oswald Moseley’s British Union of Fascists as well as Police and state racism. Then it was the Left, not Baddiel’s right-wing friends who came to their defence whilst the Zionists and Board of Deputies told Jews to keep their heads down and stay indoors whilst the fascists marched through the East End. At the Battle of Cable Street non-Jewish and Jewish workers in their thousands ignored the Zionist cries of appeasement.

Today Jews are a privileged part of the White community. William Rubinstein, a past President of the Jewish Historical Society, wrote 40 years ago that ‘Post-1945, British Jewry has migrated into the upper-middle class’. (The Right, Left and the Jews, p.51).

Professor Geoffrey Alderman, the historian of Britain’s Jewish community wrote that London Jewry

is, arguably, more bourgeois now than at any time since the mid-nineteenth century, and it is certainly more Conservative… support for Israel has acquired a centrality rivalling, and perhaps even surpassing, that of the synagogue.’ (‘Two Cheers for the GLC’ (JC, 26.3.86.)

Rubinstein’s conclusions were that

The rise of Western Jewry to unparalleled affluence and high status has led to the near-disappearance of a Jewish proletariat of any size; indeed, the Jews may become the first ethnic group in history without a working class of any size.

In other words British Jews, who in the 1930s were overwhelmingly working class had changed. Today they are mainly middle class professionals. As the class nature of British Jews has changed so has their politics.

In 1945 Phil Piratin of the Communist  Party was elected as MP for Mile End. It is estimated that half his vote came from Jews who dominated many branches of the Communist Party. In 1979 Alderman could not detect a single Jewish vote in the Hackney North constituency for the CP candidate but he estimated that about 400 Jews had voted for the neo-Nazi holocaust denying National Front. Yet dishonest journalists like Freedland and racist clowns like Baddiel insist that being a minority makes British Jews as oppressed as Black people.

Sarah Silverman - A good example of Jewish oppression

Baddiel produced a list of the examples of the anti-Semitic persecution that Jews suffer. Sarah Silverman told how she had been told to leave a lesbian march because she was a Zionist. Silverman exclaimed that now Zionism is racism’ in mock horror. Yes Sarah haven’t you noticed the cries of ‘Death to the Arabs’ in Israel or the hundreds of all-Jewish communities in Israel from which Arabs are barred?

Another example of ‘anti-Semitism’ was Jeremy Irons reading TS Elliot’s poetry in 2017. Baddiel complained that no one had called for statues of Elliot to be pulled down. It is true. Elliot was an anti-Semite but he had no involvement in the persecution of Jews whereas Cecil Rhodes and Edward Colston were personally responsible for the death and murder of thousands of Black people. That Baddiel is incapable of grasping this demonstrates that he is as much a racist today as he ever was.

We were entertained to a speech by Dawn Butler at Labour Party conference where she mentions various groups but not Jews. Baddiel complains that Jews were left out. But they weren't. She referred to whether people were Black or White. Jews are White in British society. The Whitest British religious group.

In the Political realignment of British Jews Professor Sobolewska and others from Manchester University concluded that

the historical association of the British Jewish community with the Labour party is a thing of the past, and that a large majority now support the Conservatives….

The socio-economic profile of Anglo-Jewry has changed dramatically in a few generations, with upward mobility shifting their profile towards privileged groups who typically support for the Conservatives... A large proportion of British Jews now live in more affluent suburban constituencies where the Conservatives are often locally dominant. Taken together with a significantly older age skew this provides a set of sound demographic reasons for Jews to lean Conservative.; (p.5)

Why the hell should the Left bother with this overwhelmingly reactionary community? Of course we should oppose anti-Semitism whilst recognising that Jewish identity today is largely based on Israel and that many Jews take criticism of this identity as ‘anti-Semitism’.

Playwright and Director Patrick Marber stated (12.51) that ‘We Jews are an oppressed minority and we can cite 2000 years of evidence.’ I don’t know what the quality of the programmes are that Marber produces but the myth of 2000 years persecution is not evidence!

Baddiel pretends that Jews are as much the victims of racism as Black people. We see (16.53) neo-Nazis marching at Charlottesville chanting ‘The Jews will not replace us’. This was indeed shocking but large sections of the Jewish community subscribe to the White Replacement Theory that these marchers were giving  voice to.

Enoch Powell fan and advocate of the White Replacement Theory pays tribute to the late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

Former Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks praised as one of the books of the year Douglas Murray’s Strange Death of Europe which argued that Muslims were replacing White people. The neo-Nazis variant of this is that Jews are responsible for Muslim immigration. Gary Mond, former Senior Vice President of the Board of Deputies and Samuel Hayek, Chair of JNF-UK are also adherents to this theory.

And who organised the Charlottesville march?  Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer who describes himself as a White Zionist! After Donald Trump had praised the ‘fine people’ who had organised the march Netanyahu refused to criticise it. As the Washington Post observed:

As neo-Nazis and white supremacists marched through Charlottesville chanting “Jews will not replace us,” one may have expected Israel’s response to be swift and unequivocal.

But as President Trump was being criticized in the United States for blaming violence on “both sides,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has styled himself as a leader of Jews everywhere, drew flak for giving no response at all.

Why Jews are the Victims of Prejudice NOT Racism

I know a little about British Jews since I was brought up in an Orthodox Jewish home, the son of a rabbi.

I forget how many times I was told that you cannot trust an Arab. My dad didn’t like schwarzes either. What is schwarze? Literally ‘Black’ in Yiddish. But that is not how it is used. Let Erica Davies explain:

When [my grandmother] was in a nursing home at the end of her life, she’d say, ‘everyone who works here is a shvartze, they’ll steal from you.’

Schvartze is proxy for nigger… anyone who says otherwise is delusional, lying or incredibly naïve,” an Orthodox friend told me. “If it means black then why does no one ever refer to schvartzer shoes when talking about black shoes, why does the black hat community, which sometimes refers to itself as the black community, never call itself the schvartzer community — because the use of the word within the frum community is only as a substitute for nigger.”

My father warned me about working with Arabs. ‘They’ll stab you in the back’ I was told. This kind of anti-Arab racism is very common in the Jewish community, brought up as it is on a series of fables and myths about how Israel sought peace and the Arabs refused their outstretched hand. 

No matter that there is no truth in these fables. Erskine Childers wrote an article, The Other Exodus, in The Spectator of 12 May 1961, in which he laid these myths to rest.

In 1961 The Spectator, was owned by liberal Tory Sir Ian Gilmour. It had not yet been captured by the racist Tory Right under Boris Johnson who combined Zionism with employing neo-Nazi Taki Theodoracopulos. See Conservative anti-Semitism: the strange case of Boris Johnson, Richard Spencer and Gavin McInnes

In The Other Exodus Childers wrote how, on the basis of examining BBC and CIA transcripts of Arab radio stations he found that

There was not a single order, or appeal, or suggestion about evacuation from Palestine from any Arab radio station, inside or outside Palestine, in 1948. There is repeated monitored record of Arab appeals, even flat orders, to the civilians of Palestine to stay put.’

Today despite claims by Israeli Ambassador Tzipi Hotoveli that the Nakba is an ‘Arab lie’ there is no doubting that three-quarters of a million Palestinian refugees were expelled. This is why Israel’s National Archives refuses to release files on the period.

Anti-Arab racism and Islamaphobia amongst British Jews is high. So high that although there have been regular surveys about Muslim attitudes to Jews there have been no equivalent surveys of Jewish attitudes to Muslims. Those who sample the views of Muslims are afraid of what they may find out if they did the same with the Jewish community. But judging  by the racist output of the Jewish Chronicle and companion papers, one can be certain that British Jews are perhaps the most racist section of White British society.

Baddiel Gets a Lesson in Fake Victimhood from his niece Dionna

Ironically it was Baddiel’s niece Dionna who destroyed Baddiel’s argument that Jews are as much a victim of racism as Black people. Baddiel immediately equated what she said as equivalent to Jews changing their names in non-Jewish society, even though that is entirely voluntary. 

Donna has a Jewish father and a Black mother and spoke of not belonging in either community. 

I can’t hide the fact that I’m Black. You know my dad can hide the fact that he’s Jewish. In America if my mum gets stopped by the cops in her car I’m a little more worried than if my dad gets stopped by the cops.

Forced on the defensive Baddiel accepted that ‘there is an element of privilege’ but he immediately switched it to Jews adopting non-Jewish names whereas in fact most Jews chose to Anglicise their names, which is not the same thing. My name was originally the German for Green Stone. I assume my grandparents wanted to Anglicise derGrünstein. They wanted to be a British sounding name which was, nonetheless instantly recognisable as a Jewish name.

What Baddiel can’t or won’t get into his head is that Jews are not victims of racism today. Jews don’t get stopped for driving whilst Jewish whereas this is the experience of Black people. Jews don’t experience death in police custody or police violence, Black people do. Jews aren’t singled out by immigration control or deported because they are Black. This simply did not fit into Baddiel's narrative because his whole programme was based on Jews not being White.

At 33.38 there was a section ‘What About Israel’ (33.38). Baddiel asked ‘Isn’t Israel actually an oppressor’ to a backdrop of Israel’s Apartheid Wall, which divides Palestinian communities from their land and which resembles the ghetto walls that Jews experienced. Yet Baddiel hurriedly moved on without answering his own question. Why?

Baddiel felt unable to say a word about Israel's Apartheid Wall

Baddiel couldn't bring himself to answer the question either because he doesn't believe it or because those applauding him might have had second thoughts about his whole argument. Instead he turned the conversation back to 'antisemitism':

Well I think there are many things to say about anti-Semitism, a racism that goes back centuries since well before the establishment of the State of Israel.

There could be no more clearer example of Baddiel’s refusal to confront the fact that Israeli Jews, acting with the support of a majority of the Jewish diaspora, are the oppressors. Instead his main concern was the fact that Jews keep getting asked ‘‘What about Israel’. A terrible form of oppression, to be sure! Stephen Fry complained:

I’m not a citizen of Israel. Do I have to tell you how upset I am that Palestinians are treated so abominably.’

At least Fry made his position clear whereas Baddiel consistently refuses to give an iota of support to the Palestinians.

And then we have slippery Sarah Silverman, the archetypal Jewish supremacist, feigning shock (34.31) ‘and now Zionism is racism’. Silverman is incapable of understanding why a State whose Prime Minister proclaims that it is a state only of its Jewish citizens not its Arab citizens is racist.

Then there is Howard Jacobson, who can’t even bring himself to utter the word ‘Palestinian’. He asserts that ‘however the Israeli government sorts itself out… the country was always going to be hated’ to the accompaniment of pogrom like flames devouring a Star of David. It is that old myth of 2,000 years of anti-Semitism. What Jacobson is really saying is that it’s not land theft or ethnic cleansing which motivates Palestinians but a 2000 years old hatred of Jews. Very convenient of course. Baddiel replies: (34:57)

No-one is suggesting that the State of Israel has not done many bad things but British Jews are not responsible for those actions.’

Britain's most well known fascist, Tommy Robinson, demonstrates in support of Israel's attack on Gaza - 

But that isn’t true. The Board of Deputies has repeatedly issued statements and organised demonstrations in support of Israel’s attacks on Lebanon and Gaza, the last one being attended by that well known anti-racist Tommy Robinson.

The Board of Deputies claims to be the ‘Voice of British Jewry’. What Baddiel really wants is for British Jews to be able to support Israeli war crimes whilst not being held to account. It is a good example of chutzpah. Baddiel claims it is racist to expect Jews to condemn Israel whereas in fact it is Baddiel and his establishment supporters who are the racists by demanding an unfettered right to support Israel without suffering any consequences.

Miriam Margoyles who has a long track record of supporting the Palestinians is interviewed (35.15). Miriam cuts through Baddiel’s hypocrisy and cant when she says ‘we have to say the word Israel. Israel is at the root of all this. Israel is the problem’ She accuses Baddiel of being ‘wilful’in refusing to take responsibility for what Israel does. Baddiel refuses to recognise that by associating British Jews with Israel’s actions Zionism helps perpetuate anti-Semitism.

Baddiel immediately responds ‘I disagree with that’. He sees no problem in Israel’s actions as a Jewish state but seeks to avoid making any criticism by taking refuge in identity politics. It is telling that not once does Baddiel take issue with Israel’s claim to act and speak on behalf of all Jews. That is not his concern.

It says everything about Channel 4 that instead of examining the role of Jewish organisations in supporting Israeli war crimes and apartheid it employs a Zionist with a long record of racism like Baddiel to seek to muddy the waters with false charges of ‘anti-Semitism’.

Following my appearance on the BBC’s Big Questions the following article appeared in the Jewish Chronicle Boycotter blames the Board for antisemitism in Britain:

The Board of Deputies is to blame for rising antisemitism in Britain, according to a leading member of a Jewish anti-Israel group.

Tony Greenstein, of Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods (JBIG), was speaking on the BBC1 debate show, The Big Questions, on Sunday morning.

During the wide-ranging discussion, Mr Greenstein said: “Of course there’s no justification for antisemitism, but there’s also no justification for the Board of Deputies calling rallies in support of the invasion of Lebanon and Gaza in the name of the British Jewish community. That causes antisemitism.

“It associates every Jewish person with the terror in Lebanon and Gaza.”

You cannot support Israel right or wrong in the name of British Jews and then complain if people associate Jews with Israel’s crimes!

In November 2019 Baddiel joined in the Zionist attacks on Corbyn. Instead of pronouncing Jeffrey Epstein’s name Ep-steen” Corbyn said “Epshtine” which is the correct German pronounciation. Anxious to add his bit to the Zionists’ ‘anti-Semitism’ attacks on Corbyn before the election, Baddiel created a completely bogus controversy.

Baddiel assertion that he feels no connection with Israel is disingenuous. If that is true why does he refuse to dissociate himself from the actions of a state that claims to act on behalf of all Jews? Labelling such call’s ‘anti-Semitic’ betrays a guilty conscience.

Baddiel says ‘we have no collective responsibility for Israel as Jews.’ So has Baddiel criticised the IHRA which describes Israel as having been conceived as a Jewish collectivity?’ Zionism is, to paraphrase Samuel Johnson, the last refuge of the Jewish scoundrel.

Unfortunately Miriam’s response, that Israeli Jews are ‘my people’ misses the point. I feel nothing in common with Israeli Jews. The reason that Jews should speak out is because Israel claims that its crimes are perpetrated on behalf of all Jews.

Channel 4’s decision to screen this superficial tirade of deceptions and half-truths instead of making a serious documentary about racism such as the killing of ChrisKaba, a Black man murdered by the Metropolitan Police, is telling. They would prefer to pander to White Jewish privilege rather than tackle the racism of the British state.

The Labour Party’s decision to reinstate Trevor Philips, a notorious Islamaphobe who believes Muslims are a ‘nation within a nation’ demonstrates that it’s not Jews but Muslims who don’t count.

Baddiel himself is a performing monkey working to a Zionist script. Starmer praises him because he fits in with the ‘anti-Semitism’ narrative. If you question British Jews about support for Israel then that is anti-Semitic but if you criticise Israel that too is anti-Semitic. Such is the hypocrisy of Israel and its perfumed supporters.

Below is an excellent article by Gavin Lewis about Baddiel which is well worth reading. It first appeared on Labour Heartlands.

Tony Greenstein

Jewish & Black Experience vs Baddiel

Black history month, a little modern history: Further Reflections on‘Jewface and Other David Baddiel Racisms’.

image left, right Baddiel blacked up as Jason Lee center image image David Baddiel courtesy of Amnesty International UK, CC BY 2.0

By Gavin Lewis 


Jewface and Other David Baddiel Racisms (Labour Heartlands, republished JVL), responds to Jewish comic David Baddiel’s self-promoting claims that he and his white ethnic group are ‘uniquely oppressed’, that feature in his contentious monograph Jews Don’t Count, now controversially being made into a tv polemic by Channel 4.  It does so by examining the history of Baddiel’s racist provocations against Black people, and the comparative historical Black experience, of white settler oppression.

As sourced in the original article, Baddiel’s career includes, his Guardian article Black men can jump, in which he describes Black men on the basis of natural-sense-of-rhythm and physical primitiveness stereotypes; picking out a Black soccer fan for public ridicule; mocking the ethnic appearance of the footballer Jason Lee using slurs like ‘Pineapplehead ‘and inciting thousands of others to do so – incitements that also resulted in countless copycat abuses of other Black youngsters.  Baddiel has never compensated victims or apologised to Jason Lee.

Re-tweeting the article Jonathan Cook, noted that ‘Baddiel has gone from “Blackface to Jewface”, given that Baddiel is not only recorded practising Blackfacein mocking Jason Lee, but has subsequently attempted to culturally appropriate the term, as ‘Jewface’.  By comparison, comedian Sarah Silverman has – in light of Jewish participation in Blackface– advised her fans/followers, not to repeat this appropriation.  

In fact, Jewish actors were also prominent among those chosen to pass as Native Americans in Hollywood productions.  Among these Tony Curtis donned greasepaint to play Native American Marine, Iwo Jima flag raiser Ira Hayes in The Outsider (1961), Ann Bancroft as an Apache widow in Walk the Proud Land (1956), Janet Margolin as a Kiowa girl in Nevada Smith (1966).

In response to the ‘uniquely oppressed’ claim the article also cites the numerous white settler societies in which western Jews have prospered, that have simultaneously been hazardous and even most often off-limits to global Black citizens.  It also cites the extent pro-Israel anti-Semitism claims have been used to obscure the colonial settler country’s 2014 killings of 2251+ people in Gaza including 551 children, all – as confirmed by the UN– via a bombardment consisting of many thousands of shells.  Despite his racist past, Baddiel has been able to reinvigorate his career ridding on the back of this public relations campaign, even as Israel’s crimes against the middle-eastern indigenous innocent, worsen from year to year.

In light of the public response to the article, it is worth going on to explore just how poorly Baddiel and the Israel lobby’s self-serving, ethnic elitist,  rhetorical victim strategies compare with a much finer tradition of selfless Jewish artists/activists, embracing equality movements and showing solidarity with the oppressed. Historical reflections also demonstrate the Baddiel/Israel-lobby claims don’t make even much sense in comparison to basic lived sociological reality.

International Cross-Community Jewish Solidarity

Harold Pinter,   Miriam Margolyes,  Miriam Karlin, Jewish Artists/Activists practising cross-community solidarity.

A much more substantial work than this could not adequately represent the extent of Jewish prominence in equality and anti-oppression movements.  But it is worth mentioning Nobel Laureate Harold Pinter, whose activism included support for the Anti-Apartheid Movement, for CND, participation in Stop the War events opposing Blair and Bush’s Wars, Patron of the Cuban Solidarity Movement, co-founder of Independent Jewish Voices (independent of Israel’s lobby)[iv]and as a signatory forJews for Justice for Palestinians.  

Unlike the self-serving actions of Baddiel and the pro-Israel media industry, very little of this was advantageous to Pinter either collectively to his ethnic group, or as individual material gain or career advancement.  Pinter’s campaign against the torture of writers in Turkey in which he pointedly confronted the American ambassador with “the reality … of electric current on your genitals” actually got him thrown out of the US embassy’s dinner, along with Playwright Arthur Miller.

Actor Miriam Margolyes is also a signatory of Jews for Justice for Palestinians. She began her career sharing the broader societal collectivist socialist sensibilities of Vanessa Redgrave and Frances de la Tour.  She is a Jewish Labour member who defended the Party and Jeremy Corbyn against vexatious accusations of anti-Semitism that had been made, for rightwing pro-Israeli strategic political reasons.  She told Middle East Eye“you have to be able to criticise Israel”.  Once again, particularly in our rightwing McCarthyite media reality, these are not positions that are necessarily personally, career benefiting, or financially enhancing.

Jewish actor, the late Miriam Karlin was a much loved figure in British popular culture.  As well as her stage work, she was a hit playing a shop steward in the tv sitcom The Rag Trade (1961-63 & 1977-78) and enjoyed character roles in prestige film productions including The Entertainer (1960) and Clockwork Orange(1971).  Packing a lot into her life, Karlin was also a Trade Unionist off-camera, active in Equity and a member of the Labour Party.  She was a committed anti-Fascist, a member of the Ant Nazi League[viii]and prominent in protests against Holocaust denier David Irving. She also targeted Austrian politician Jörg Haider over his Nazi sympathies.  Karlin was Patron of the human rights group Burma Campaign UK. 

Craig Murray recalls her politics and personal loyalty.

“David Aaronovitch had published an article calling me anti-semitic. Miriam was even more furious on my behalf than I was myself, and wrote a letter to the paper (it wasn’t published). But I won’t forget what she said; she said her own mother was an Aaronovich, and that many of their family had been killed in the holocaust, and that those who had suffered would be horrified to see their legacy perverted to a neo-conservative agenda.”

Like Pinter, Karlin protested the Iraq War, like both he and Margolyes she supported Jews for Justice for Palestinians.  Her policy demands on behalf of Palestinians, still features on the ‘who-we-are’ section, of the organisation’s website.

“Israel must withdraw from all the settlements and dismantle the wall within Palestinian territory. Then, perhaps, we may, at last, see some justice for Palestinians.”

It’s worth noting that a lot of this altruistic selfless solidarity by prominent British Jews occurred over the adult period of David Baddiel’s life.  Equivalent public activism from Baddiel has been nowhere to be seen.  The current pro-Israel ‘hierarchy of victimhood’ has allowed Baddiel the option of playing the social ‘commentator?’despite his lack of scholarship, activist pedigree, and his reputation having been justifiably torpedoed by his previous racist incitements.

Jewish Black Civil-Rights – Anti-Racism

The inappropriateness of these ‘hierarchy of victimhood’ and ‘uniqueness’ claims are best exposed by the actions of those Jews who have actively combated racism against Black people or supported them in their struggle.  Veteran Jewish Cockney actor Harry Landis joined Labour – like Denis Healy and Eric Heffer – after being with the Communist Party.  He recalls warmly the times he spent with Paul Robeson, though reflects sadly on his “haunted look”. Doubtless, working-class Landis would not claim to have had things worse than the persecuted great African-American artist-activist.    

Martin Luther King in his journals now held by Stanford University recalls fighting an African-American rent strike against exploitative Jewish Landlords in Chicago. However, he juxtaposes this reality with the experience of Jews as “partners in the civil rights struggle”.   One such example was Rabbi Israel Seymour Dresner, dubbed America’s ‘most arrested Rabbi’ due to his activism on Freedom Rides (in other activisms he was also a critic of Israeli annexation, and Israel’s PM Netanyahu).

Martin Luther King with Rabbi Israel Dresner

Voter registration activists African-American James Chaney plus Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner – the latter two both from Jewish families – were murdered in events later fictionalised in the movie Mississippi Burning (1988). 

Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner James Chaney

Despite in that era some elite facilities – golf clubs and the New York Sporting Club (NYAC)– still excluding Jews along with, African-American members, clearly Schwerner and Goodman were not subject to routine segregation.  They enjoyed comparatively enhanced economic opportunity and had the vote, yet put themselves at risk anyway.  Nor could Jewish activists be accused of merely opposing racism, because of some conscious ‘thin-end-of–the-wedge’ self-interest. 

Most of the studies of Nazis using Germany’s 1904 human-experimentation and genocide of the African Herero tribal people of Namibia as a policy model and/or copying segregationist countries, occurred after these activists’ era.  And obviously, in opposing segregationist racism, these activists were not like Baddiel, manipulatively placing themselves at the apex of a ‘hierarchy of racism’. 

More than stealing Blackface!

David Baddiel’s repeated historical practices demonstrate he is the antithesis of this Jewish anti-racist tradition; though any direct advocacy for Israel by him is yet to be established.  However academic David Miller draws attention to the fact that Baddiel is a former pupil of the privileged Haberdashers fee paying school, whose other alumni have also been guilty of Blackface and ethnic bullying.  This Miller attributes to an overt Zionist ideology at the institution. 

Whatever the relevancy of the school, the more telling evidence of a shared pro-Israel agenda is the fact that against every tradition of Jewish cross-community anti-racist solidarity, represented in this article, Baddiel’s Blackface to Jewfaceethnic exclusive, racist cultural theft, is a public relations tactic, repeated by the lobby.   

Jeremy Newmark the disgraced former leader of the pro-Israel Jewish Labour Movement (JLM) is alleged to have taken Malcolm X’s expressions house slave and house n*gg*r and rebranded them as ‘court Jew’ in reference to Jewish pro-Palestinian activist Jackie Walker.  He also took the ancient uppity n*gg*r slur and changed it into pushy Jew.  The sentiment expressed as variants on “only Black people know what racism feels like”– was changed, for the purposes of advocating for Israel in a Guardian column by Howard Jacobson, into “Jews know what anti-Semitism is and what it isn’t.” Items selected for the follow-up letters page material were framed by this misappropriation. 

Zionist Guardian writer and former opinion editor Jonathan Freedland took an expression so old it changed from

“I’m not racist some of my best friends are colored,”


“I’m not racist some of my best friends are Negro,”

which evolved over time to

“I’m not racist some of my best friends are Black,”

and now finally in the United States

“I’m not racist some of my best friends are African American”, and spun it as a uniquely a Jewish experience and phrase.

This strategy is not restricted to stealing the Black experience.  Put ‘ethnic child-stealing’ into any search engine and a list of sites will be provided, documenting a racist smear historically directed at Gypsy Roma people. The Daily Beast and New Europe returned to this topic a few years ago, followed more recently by Travellers Times.  At the height of the 1960s tv western craze, the Barbara Stanwyck series The Big Valley critiqued the racist slur against Gypsy Roma in a double-episode entitled ‘Hide the Children’.

Yet in an era of increased secularisation, if challenged over Israel’s history of killing and imprisoning Palestinian children, Israel supporters as policy, accuse critics of repeating a supposedly unique ethnic blood libel of Jewish threat to children, dating back to the middle-ages. 

The same strategy is initiated, if mention is made of the eugenics policy known as the Yemenite Children Affair. Israel’s settlers subjected middle-eastern Yemeni Jewish children to human experimentation.  Yemeni-Jewish newborn babies were also stolen to be given to childless settler couples, with the birth mothers told the infants were stillborn.  In pro-Israel PR, the Gypsy Roma experience gets sidelined-appropriated in favour of a narrative suggesting western critics who mostly can’t even name the 12 Apostles, have 12th C anti-Jewish blood libels, committed to memory.  

Such blatant cultural thefts do have their unintentional amusing sides.  When Baddiel was condemned for his Blackface racist incitements he responded by culturally appropriating the term into Jewface.  When then condemned for his cultural appropriation, he again simply copied this term and used it to attack a Twitter critic who’d used Yiddish derived idiom – the critic turned out to be Jewish.

Given the original term – schtum– was assimilated from the German stumm meaning silent, Baddiel in stealing other people’s anti-racism demonstrates he can’t differentiate between cultural appropriation and cultural hybridity.  Imagine Baddiel having to debate with intellectuals like Paul Gilroy or the late Stuart Hall – this is why Baddiels work is not sent out to academics for review.   

Racism and Jewish/Black interracial marriage

Sammy Davis Jr & May BrittJake & Mary Jacobs (married 70+ years)

The one group of people who know Baddiel’s awful ethnic elitist notion of victimhood to be rubbish are Jewish women that historically have married Black men.  When African-American entertainer Sammy Davis Jr converted to Judaism he understandably wasn’t anticipating it making his status any worse – segregation already meant Davis often could not stay at the hotels where he entertained.  However, plans for his interracial marriage to blonde May Britt who’d also converted, generated “threats against the synagogue” that had offered to perform the wedding.

Jewish girl Mary Jacobs married her Caribbean husband Jake, in 1948.  Jake had come over from Trinidad, for Air Force training to serve during WWII.  After announcing her marital intentions her father threw her out of the parental home.  She recalled “People would point at us in the street”.  And Mary also couldn’t get a roof over her head.  By having a Black husband, Mary found that the post-war British landlord prohibition ‘No Blacks, No Irish, No dogs’ now applied to her. 

“In effect, mere proximity to Black ethnicity had acted as a sort of taint against the synagogue marrying Sammy Davis and May Britt.  For Mary Jacobs having a Black husband actually dropped her social status. 

Over the years white women – many of whom are Jewish – who chose to be wives and mothers in Black mixed-race families have had to heroically contend with an entire vocabulary of racist sexualised abuse that would be vilely inappropriate, even if applied to modern sex-workers.  Another form of heroism often forced upon these mothers occurs in instances where they find themselves in public transport, social spaces etc, where racists are spouting their nonsense.  In these situations, mothers would often try to protect their children from the fact hatred exists in the world against them, by using their very bodies as a physical shield.  Would white Jewish mothers subscribe to a ‘hierarchy of victimhood’ that excluded their own mixed-race children?

Landlord Prohibition No Irish, No blacks, No dogs

As the landlord housing prohibition demonstrates in post war Britain arguably the most oppressed white ethnic group was actually Irish Catholics.  Just as there is no UK phenomenon of Jewish BLM-type deaths at the hands of the police, also nothing like the practice of Irish suspects dying from state collusion and loyalist death squads, has been replicated in the Jewish community.  Nor have the beatings and fit-ups exampled in the Birmingham Six, and Guildford Four injustices been repeated among UK Jews.  One reason the Baddiel/Israel-lobby narrative is media-pushed, in comparison to Black and Irish experiences, is because it would require confronting, state, police, foreign-policy, institutional societal and capitalist participation in oppression.  Instead this narrative supports the continued manifestation of western power, in the expansionist, colonial example, of Israel.

Conclusion Baddiel’s Straw-man racism

Words like bias, prejudice, and bigotry have long existed.  Superseding these, the term Racismwas subsequently invented to describe the societal structural condition of people-of-colour who in various combinations, were once owned and colonized; whose original lands, culture, languages, and more were taken by force; and who, in modern society, have little or no collective institutional or financial power to combat their ghettoization in, predominantly, the lower reaches of Western class systems. The term’s specificity makes it difficult for Baddiel to repeat his Blackface-to-Jewface-type cultural theft of this experience, so he has created a straw man argument about this just being about ‘Jews having money’.

The easiest way to rebut this is straight comparison.   If Baddiel as a boy had exchanged racist and anti-Semitic slurs in an argument with a Black child in a local play area, any adult intervening would most likely have blamed the Black child.  On their way to their respective homes, the Black child has the greater risk of stop-&-search.  When Baddiel goes on to his fee paying school, the Black child goes to a state school.  Here unless blind marking is practised, the child will likely never be given the benefit of the doubt in coursework.  Getting strip-searched at some point in the Black child’s school career is not out of the question, nor is the possibility of having to fight school racists. 

Baddiel will go to Cambridge.  The Black youth will likely be failed by the education system or if lucky enough to make it to university, it will be a former Polytechnic.  As Baddiel gets into his career, the Black individual will experience lesser employment opportunities, less likelihood of getting pay increases or promotions.  The Black individual is more likely to be failed by the health services and treated as a scrounger by the welfare authorities and media.  Periodic police stop-&-searches and potentially even death at their hands, will be the Black adult experience.

Historically there were also certain forms of segregation that uniquely applied to Black Britons. From boxing’s earliest 20th C legalisation, working-class Jewish fighters like Jack ‘kid’ Berg enjoyed success.  By comparison for many decades Rule #24 would demand that a boxer must have two white parents.  Writing in the Empire News, Hugh Cecil Lowther (Lord Lonsdale) of the National Sporting Club, explained the legality of boxing was made conditional on having no ‘inter-coloured contests’, following talks with Winston Churchill at the Home Office.  Dick Turpin – older brother of future world Champion Randolph Turpin – finally became the first Black British champion in 1946 after the prohibition on Black title participation was lifted.

Martin Luther King mentioned exploitative Jewish Chicago landlords in his journals.  Jackie Walker mentioned Jewish participation in the slave trade – easily evidenced by the Jewish Museum in the former slave economy of Jamaica, and by the mirror-cracked copy of the religious mythology of the Jewish colonial class that is Rastafarianism (one section of Rastafarianism is the 12 Tribes of Israel).  The opportunist neoliberal right will suggest repeating this is some sort of slur.  All it means is that at certain historical times, when presented with racial, class and economic privilege some Jews will opt to commit the same offences as other white ethnic groups. 

Given this reality, only makes the fact that Jews have continuously punched so far above their weight as human rights activists, all the more praiseworthy.

Sadly instead of these numerous Jewish anti-racists Ch4 and our corrupted media market Baddiel.

For complaints, Ch4 Commissioning Editor is Shaminder Nahal 

& Complaints/Contact Ch4 https://www.channel4.com/4viewers/contact-us



Gavin Lewis is a freelance Black British mixed-race writer and academic. He has published in Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada and the United States on film, media, politics, cultural theory, race, and representation. He has taught critical theory and film and cultural studies at a number of British universities. He is a member of the British trade union Bectu.

See also

Response to 'David Baddiel: Jews Don't Count' - Heather Mendick

Insisting Jews Don’t Count Helps Nobody

Do Jews count?, Leah Levane, Counterfire

In July Lowkey was Cancelled from the TUC’s Tolpuddle Festival as a Result of False Allegations of Anti-Semitism by Gary Smith, General Secretary of the GMB


Smith Did the Israel Lobby’s Dirty Work Targeting a Black Opponent of Israeli Apartheid with a Series of Zionist Lies

It was only in August that I wrote a blog Focus on the Corrupt GMBwith an emphasis on General Secretary, Gary Smith. Smith is unfortunately in a long line of right-wing misogynists, racists and general reactionaries to hold the post.

On 16 May 2022 Smith took time out of his busy schedule selling out his members, to writea letter to the Regional Secretary of South Wales TUC, calling for Lowkey, the well known Black anti-racist to be cancelled at the forthcoming Tolpuddle Festival in July.

This is GENUINE racism unlike the fake 'antisemitism' that the Zionists shout about, usually involving Israel

This is of course understandable. Lowkey has been one of the foremost advocates for the Palestinians and opponents of Zionism, whose project in Israel is now led by open fascists.

You might think that the GMB had better things to do than support the Zionist lobby’s witchhunting of a Black anti-racist rapper. However you would be wrong. The GMB under Gary Smith takes a particular pride in being a symbol of racism, sexism and militarism in the trade union movement. Politically it is bankrupt.

In August 2020 the GMB was found, by a Report that it was forced to commission, to be institutionally sexist. It found, paragraph 3 that:

Theimmediatetriggerfortheinvestigationwasthereceiptofanundatedletter addressed toBarbaraPlant, the President of the GMB. The letter containedallegations of aserious sexual assault (rape)”,drug useand sexually predatory behaviour,bya senior man within the GMB.

The letter also alleged that a number of named people were aware of the incident (the alleged rape)and those included senior members of staff.

Gary Smith, a careerist who was originally based in Brighton - he wouldn't know what anti-racism was if it bit him on his nether regions

Karen Monaghan QC, who wrote the report, hinted very strongly that the union was also institutionally racist. At paragraph 115, although strictly beyond her terms of reference, Monaghan observed that:

I was also contacted by a number of people fromBlack andminorityethnic groups. They recognised that this investigation is concerned with sexual harassment but wanted to draw to my attention the veryreal andseriousproblems that exist formembers and employees fromBlack and minorityethnicgroups.Havingreadwrittencommunicationsandspoken to some who contacted me, I am satisfied that the GMB is not a comfortable place to be formany employees and members fromBlack and minority ethnic groups.

Tim Roache - previous GMB General Secretary resigned under a cloud

The unnamed ‘senior man’ within the GMB is believed to be Tim Roache, the former General Secretary and as vicious a right-winger as Gary Smith. Roache resigned abruptly in April 2020, just 5 months after having been ‘reelected’ and at the same time as Monaghan began her investigation.

Despite these damning findings, Labour List asked, in April 1921, Has anything changed in the GMB after the report on institutional sexism?’ It went on to inform readers that

A number of staffers have reached out to LabourListto tell us they believe things are “worse”, not better.

LabourListcan reveal today that a group of women working at the GMB have lodged a formal dispute with the organisation, as they say the grievances of female staffers are not being heard fairly.

Who is responsible for the implementation of the Report if not the General Secretary, Gary Smith. However I understand that Smith too is currently under investigation for sexual harassment and he might therefore not be best suited to take this forward.

However this has not stopped Smith, an ardent Starmerite from launching a McCarthyist attack on Lowkey on behalf of the Apartheid State’s lobby in this country.

Gary Smith's Lying Letter

Lowkey has been a dedicated fighter against racism and oppression, in particular Zionism and Israeli apartheid. It was this last which motivated Smith. The ‘anti-Semitism’ that Lowkey was accused of is of the kind that got Chris Williamson suspended, in other words a deliberate distortion of what Lowkey actually said. Indeed it is far worse than what happened to Chris Williamson

Smith’s letter was full of lies and innuendo. Smith had ‘severe doubts about the suitability of Mr Dennis (Lowkey) as a performer at the TUC’s Tolpuddle Festival. Smith gave 3 reasons:

According to Gary Smith, mentioning Israel's supply of weaponry to neo-Nazis is 'antisemitic' - the truth has now become antisemitic

Lie No. 1    Lowkey had ‘promoted conspiracy theories’that Israel had plotted to promote conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

What Lowkey has done is to highlight Israeli arms shipments to Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov battalion. Highly embarrassing to the Zionists but anti-Semitic? If this is anti-Semitism then presumably the articlein Ha’aretz Rights Groups Demand Israel Stop Arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine is also anti-Semitic. Ha’aretz noted that:

In the past, Israel has armed anti-Semiticregimes, such as the generals’ regime in Argentina, which murdered thousands of Jews in camps while its soldiers stood in watchtowers guarding the abducted prisoners with their Uzi submachine guns.

According to a freedom of information petition to Israel's defense ministry from last January, Israel also armed Bolivia's military regimes, knowing that Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie was part of the regime.… Barbie's death squads used Israeli Uzis….

The Azov militia was established in Ukraine following the Russian invasion of the Crimean peninsula in 2014. The militia’s emblems are well-known national socialist ones. Its members use the Nazi salute and carry swastikas and SS insignias.

Moreover, some of them openly admit they have neo-Nazi sentiments and that they are Holocaust deniers. One militia member said in an interview that he was fighting Russia since Putin was a Jew. An Azov sergeant said that he was a national socialist, although he was not in favor of genocide, and as long as minorities in Ukraine did not demand special rights he would have no problem with them.

 The militia’s founder, Andriy Biletsky, (stated).

“Our nation’s historic mission at this critical juncture is to lead the final march of the white race towards its survival” Biletsky has said. “This is a march against sub-humans who are led by the Semite race.”According to reports by human rights groups militia members are suspected of war crimes, torture and sexual violence.

This kind of anti-Semitism is of no concern to Israel or its defenders here. Lowkey highlighted how corrupt Ukrainian oligarch, Igor Kolomoiskywho funded Zelensky’s Presidential victory in 2019 is a citizen of 3 countries – Israel, Cyprus and Ukraine – as well as being the main funder of the Azov Battalion.

Lie No. 2    Lowkey ‘had appeared recently alongside the disgraced figures of Chris Williamson and David Miller on Iranian state television.

What you might ask is anti-Semitic about that? Many people have appeared on Press TV e.g. Jeremy Corbyn. That should not be taken as support for the regime. Smith has appeared on the BBC which has a far bloodier record for condoning western war crimes.

Lie No. 3   Lowkey’s third ‘crime’ was having given voice to ‘9/11 conspiracy theories.’

Even if he had supported 9/11 conspiracy theories it would not be anti-Semitic. But Smith lied again.

What Lowkey did do was to adapt Adrian Mitchell’s poem ‘To Whom It May Concern (Tell Me Lies About Vietnam) and in it mention Building 7, which was not hit by the planes in 9/11 but nonetheless collapsed. It was even published in 2009 on Stop the War Committee’s website.

Why this should be construed as anti-Semitic. But when you’re desperate to defend an apartheid regime which tortures and sexually molests children, which executes journalists and which openly refuses to recognise that Palestinians have any rights, then of course ‘anti-Semitism’ is all you have got left.

It is no surprise that Gary Smith has become the Zionists’ errand boy. The GMB is to the fore in the trade union movement in demanding an expansion of the War Budget so that even more billions are taken away from the NHS and social security and ploughed into Trident.

Smith’s letter was pretty thin gruel compared to the expense-paid dinners that Gary Smith consumes. Any semi-literate and politically aware TUC bureaucrat would have chucked this in the bin.

Kevin Rowan - another TUC bureaucrat whose main task is ensuring constitutional stability and stopping workers challenge capitalism

Not however Kevin Rowan, who has spent most of his working life at the TUC, first as Northern Secretary for 10 years and since April 2013 as Head of Services. From University to TUC bureaucrat.


On 17 September 2022, in response to a query from a member of Brighton and Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Kevin Rowan of the TUC wrote:

Following the invitation to Lowkey to perform at Tolpuddle, comments he made regarding the religious heritage of President Zelensky were brough to our attention [he doesn’t say who by!]. Those statements are not congruent with the TUC’s opposition to anti-Semitism.

Well of course, if Lowkey had attacked or criticised Zelensky because he was Jewish then that would be anti-Semitic. But it was just another lie. It’s almost as if today’s Zionists get special training in a school for liars, but then again why bother when there are so many gullible fools like Rowan and Smith around?

There is no foundation to this allegation. Rowan is the TUC’s Head of Learning and one might have hoped that before opening his big mouth he might have taken the trouble to find out the facts.

In fact, when Russia invaded Ukraine last February, using the excuse that it was ‘de-Nazifying’ Ukraine media pundit after media pundit rushed to assure us that there were no Nazis in Ukraine. Their refrain was ‘Zelensky himself is Jewish.’

Media pundits like the BBC’s Ros Atkins repeatedly emphasised Zelensky’s Jewishness. Above is a series of clips from different media pundits, each emphasising Zelensky’s Jewishness in order that they could kosher the rag tag neo-Nazi militias that had been integrated both into Ukraine’s army and its state structures.

What was Lowkey’s ‘anti-Semitic’ response? Did he blame the conflict between NATO/Ukraine and Russia on Zelensky being Jewish? Not at all. He merely stated that Zelensky’s Jewishness was irrelevant to whether neo-Nazis were operating, with western support, in Ukraine. How is this in any way anti-Semitic? 

The Union of Jewish Students however was determined to run with these lies. Responding to a tweetby LBC’s far-right Political Editor, Theo Usherwood, they claimed that poor little fragile Jewish students would be put under intolerable stress if they had to listen to a Black man perform songs that might upset their racist souls.

‘How are Jewish students supposed to feel included in the wider student movement when NUS chooses this figure to perform?’

Unfortunately, as with UJS’s targeting of NUS’s Black President Shaima Dallai, who was sacked, NUS caved in again.

Instead of having the courage to tell UJS to fuck off back to their Apartheid Laager, NUS cancelledLowkey. In other words White students claiming to be oppressed take precedence over Black students who are oppressed.

The Union of Jewish Students is one of the last bastions of ‘left’ Zionism in Britain. Except that there is nothing left about it. The only role that ‘left’ Zionists have today is in koshering their neo-Nazi counterparts in Israel because the Labour Zionists are almost completely eliminated from the Knesset.

UJS has embedded in its constitution support for Zionism and the Israeli state. It is affiliated to the settlement funding, land thieving World Zionist Organisation. Clause 2.1.1. of its Constitution states that one of its Objects is

inspiring Jewish students to make an enduring commitment to their Jewish identity, Israel, and the community.’

UJS is funded by the Israeli state. If anything NUS should register it as a foreign agent and treat it accordingly.

On 18 September I sentan email, as Secretary of my Unite Branch, to Nigel Costley who is Regional Secretary for South-West TUC, which includes Tolpuddle. I concluded my letter by saying:

Lowkey is a well-known Black anti-racist performer. To no platform a Black person at the behest of the supporters of apartheid, could be construed by some as an act of racism in itself.

I should add that I have met Lowkey on a number of occasions and I have never experienced anything in the way of anti-Semitism. I am myself Jewish and probably a better judge of what is anti-Semitic than Gary Smith or indeed you, so I would welcome clarification of what Lowkey is alleged to have said and not just hearsay or rumours.

Referring to Rowan’s letter I asked, given the allegations of anti-Semitism, ‘I would like to know exactly what these comments were.’Of course Costley is another TUC bureaucrat. The idea of answering to ordinary union members or justifying their actions is something alien. Given his inability to provide any answers he responded:

If you were at this year’s festival you will have heard music supporting Palestine, stalls, a discussion session for solidarity with Palestine and supporting comments from the main stage.

The festival has a proud record of such support.

We are not, however, going to debate which musicians did or did not appear on the programme.

It was of course no answer. It is irrelevant which other musicians appeared. The whole point of solidarity with the oppressed is to defy the demands of racists not to accede to them. When it comes to standing up to Zionist racism the TUC is a wet blanket.


The background to this is that Gary Smith and the GMB are as thick as thieves with the Jewish Labour Movement, which works closely with UJS. The JLM proudly declares that it is the ‘sister party’ of the ethnic cleansing Israeli Labor Party. 2022 has been the most deadly for Palestinians since 2005 yet it is the one year in the last 20 that the Israeli Labor Party has been in a governing coalition.

It is the year when Shireen Abu-Akleh, the Al Jazeera Journalist was executed by the Israeli military, as all independent investigations (CNN, Forensic Architecture, B’Tselem, NYT) have shown. It has been a year when all Palestinian human rights organisations were banned. It has been the year of unbridled violence by Israeli settlers in the West Bank, the burning of crops, the demolition of homes and the murder of over 60 Palestinian children. Yet throughout all this the JLM has been silent and complicit. Yet these are the racists that Gary Smith embraces.

Gary Smith and the GMB purport to support the Palestinians yet when the Zionists cry ‘anti-Semitism’ Smith has jumps to his fee and does their bidding. If Smith had any shame then an apology would be due to Lowkey for defaming him.

Unfortunately most trade union leaders are a parasitic caste living a good life at the expense of their members. Not for them the average wage of a worker.

Last year UJS and the Board of Deputies tried to cancel Ken Loach, the world famous film producer who 25 years ago produced a play Perdition telling the truth about the Kasztner Affair in Israel. For 4 long years (1954-8) the Israeli state was convulsed by the Kasztner trial which led to the downfall of Israel’s second government.

Kasztner was the leader of Hungarian Zionism and he made a deal with Adolf Eichmann – ‘allow me to save 600 leading Zionists on a train out of Hungary and we will help you round up the remainder of Hungary’s half a million Jews.’ That was it in a nutshell and it therefore meant suppressing the Auschwitz Protocols which 2 escapees from Auschwitz had brought to Slovakia and had written down their experiences of Auschwitz.

Not surprisingly UJS termed referring to historical facts about Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis as ‘anti-Semitic’. The JLM made similar accusations about Ken Livingstone who referredto the Nazis supporting Zionism.

Zionism today doesn’t like to be reminded of its crimes during the holocaust such as when they actively opposed the rescue of Jews to destinations other than Palestine, as my recent book Zionism During the Holocaust explains.

Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Lowkey is a Patron of Palestine Solidarity Campaign but you would hardly know it. Apart from having signed a petition in his support PSC seems to have done absolutely nothing to fightback against the continued witch-hunting of people like Lowkey and Shahd Abusalama. It is about time that Ben Jamal, PSC’s Director who is reputedly on £50,000 a year, started defending activists in this country rather than trying to appease the trade union right.

The GMB is affiliated to PSC. It has policy in support of Boycott Divestment and Sanctions. It has also done absolutely nothing to implement this policy. It is dead in the water.  But for the price of an affiliation PSC has refused to criticise Gary Smith or the GMB.

One wonders when the docile sheep who make up PSC’s membership might find their bark and demand action from an organisation that seems to be concerned more with building its own organisation than building solidarity with the Palestinians.

Meanwhile back in Brighton and Hove Unite SE/6246 branch has passed a motion condemning the TUC’s cowardice in the face of the Zionist accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ and Brighton and Hove District  Trades Union Council has passed policy on condemning their banning of Lowkey and instructed the Secretary to write to the TUC demanding no further recurrence.

It would obviously be good if other trade union branches and trades councils could do likewise.

Tony Greenstein 

Is it true that Israel provides a safe refuge for Jews from anti-Semitism?


As the example of Israel’s Relations with Argentina’s Neo-Nazi Junta, 1976-1983, proves, Arms Sales and Military Alliances took Priority Over Saving Jews

The mainstream Zionist narrative is that the Holocaust was ‘an unshakable justification’ for the establishment of a Jewish state.[1]Yet as the case of Argentina under the military Junta proved, the only guarantee against a revival of anti-Semitism is opposition to fascism and racism. Zionism simply reproduces European anti-Semitism as anti-Palestinian racism.

If we follow the logic of Zionism, all victims of racism should flee their persecutors and set up their own racially based states.[2]If this were adopted universally then it would mean the triumph of racism. The Zionist answer to racism is to replicate it not fight it.

It is one of the most powerful and enduring myths that Jews hold onto that if times get bad and anti-Semitism raises its ugly head, Israel, as a Jewish State, will provide them with a refuge. What happened in Argentina proves that Israel will provide no refuge from fascism.

The Commemoration Plaque to the Jews Murdered in the Kielce Pogrom

It was understandable, in the wake of the Holocaust, when Jews returning from the concentration camps to Poland were met with pogroms, at Kielce in Poland over 40 Jews died and a similar number injured, that the idea of a Jewish state proved attractive. 

The Holocaust represented the defeat of the Left and Anti-fascism in Europe. The failure of the Communist Parties in Eastern Europe to confront anti-Semitism, in Poland and Czechoslovakia they actually stimulated it, led to Zionism being an attractive solution.  However Zionism was yet one more false messiah.

Israel is a far-right settler state and it is natural that it seeks allies amongst similar regimes. During the years of Apartheid in South Africa it became the closest military partner of the Apartheid regime. 

Prime Minister John Vorster had been interned for his openly pro-Nazi sympathies during the war but that did not prevent the Israeli Labor government of Yitzhak Rabin inviting him on a state visit.  Nor did it prevent the Holocaust Propaganda Museum (Yad Vashem) inviting him in as an honoured guest.

Israeli Prime Minister Rabin and future PM Menachem Begin greet the Apartheid Prime Minister & former Nazi John Vorster in 1976

Little more than 3 months ago I wrote an articleasking why Israel was supporting a law, proposed by the heirs to Hitler’s allies, the Ustaše, which prevented Jews in Bosnia standing for election.

The answer is simple. Israel has no interest in combatting anti-Semitism or defending the rights of Jews in the diaspora. Instead they redefine anti-Zionism as anti-Semitism. Where there have been anti-Semitic attacks such as the murder of four Jews in the Hypercacher Supermarket in Paris, the adviceof Israeli leaders was to leave and go to your ‘natural’ home in Israel.

Avi Gabby - Leader of the Israeli Labor Party's Advice to Victims of the Terror Bombing in Pittsburgh was to Emigrate to Israel and become racists like him

When 11 Jews were murdered at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Avi Gabbay, leader of the Israeli Labor Party told the survivors to emigrate to Israel. The Jewish Forwardaccused him of having a ‘tin ear’.

Zionism has never had an interest in opposing anti-Semitism because without anti-Semitism there is no Zionism and no ‘Jewish’ State. As  Theodor Herzl, the founder of Political Zionism observed in his Diary:

In Paris... I achieved a freer attitude towards anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognise the

The Junta

In 1976 the Argentinian army staged a coup. Nothing unusual about that, especially in Latin America. But this was a coup with a difference. It was not merely a right-wing coup but a coup by  officers imbued with an anti-Semitic hatred who were convinced that a variation on the International Jewish Conspiracy, the Andinia Plan, was being waged against Argentina and they were its defenders. At the centre of this plan were Marx, Freud and Einstein!

The far-right had a long history of infiltration and involvement in the Argentinian military and in 1976 their time had come. Immediately they came to power anyone on the left was arrested and tortured. All told at least 30,000 Argentinians were murdered. It is estimated that up to 12.5% of their victims were Jewish despite Jews being less than 1% of the Argentinian population.

An articleJews targeted in Argentina's dirty war referred to a

196-page report presented to the Spanish judge Baltazar Garzán in Madrid on the sufferings of Argentina's more than 300,000 Jews during the dictatorship that lasted from 1976 to 1983 also reveals that at least two international Jewish organisations requested support from the governments of Brazil and the United States in case an evacuation of Argentine Jews proved necessary.

"Jews represented more than 12 per cent of the victims of the military regime while constituting under 1 per cent of Argentina's population," said Juan Pablo Jaroslavsky of the Barcelona-based Commission of Solidarity with Relatives of the Disappeared (Cosofam), which presented the report this month.

Anyone who has heard about the Zionist Campaign for Soviet Jewryin the 60s, 70s and 80s would be familiar with the massive publicity and the appeals to peoples’ heart strings about how Russian Jews were being denied the ‘right’ to emigrate to Israel.  Of course this ‘right’ did not entail the right to go where they wanted. The Zionists leaders campaignedincessantly to persuade the United States to refuse them admission and for non-Zionist welfare bodies like the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and the Joint Distribution Committee not to aid them if they didn’t want to become settlers in Israel. [See Refugee Status for Soviet Jewish Immigrants to the United States, p.425]

Menachem Begin even made a special trip to the United States to lobby Ronald Reagan to refuse entry to Soviet Jews. No effort was spared in the Cold War Soviet Jewry Campaign. Allegations of ‘anti-Semitism’ were rife. Yet no one alleged that Soviet Jews were being tortured to death or murdered, which was the case in Argentina. Why then the Zionist silence when it came to Argentina? 

Jacobo Timerman

Jacobo Timerman

The most famous victim of the Junta was Jacobo Timerman, the editor of the liberal paper La Opinion. As his NYT obituary recounts:

Early on April 15, 1977, 20 armed men broke into Timerman's home… He was held in three clandestine houses of confinement and two regular prisons for more than a year, during which he was beaten, given electric shocks to his genitals, put in solitary confinement under humiliating circumstances and interrogated endlessly.

It was only Timerman's high-profile which elicited a diplomatic response from Israel. According to Raanan Rein and Efraim Davidi,

"Israel's official policy can be described as an effort to show the junta that it had committed a serious error in arresting the journalist but to avoid rousing international public opinion against the regime and, even more important, to avoid attributing antisemitic proclivities to the leaders of the dictatorship."

The Israeli government secretly pressured Argentina to free Timerman, but it did not make public demands as it did on behalf of Jews in the Soviet Union.[3]

When Timerman asked Israel Gur Arieh, the Director-General of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, why there was a massive public campaign over Soviet Jewry whilst in the case of Argentina there was no campaign, he answered:

Very simple: the Soviet Union was in the enemy camp and Argentina was a strategic ally.

Timerman wondered if that was why Argentina could torture prisoners because they were Jews’.

Yishayahu Anug, director-general of Israel's Foreign Ministry, wrote:

"I would say not that Timerman is crucial for us but rather that we are crucial for his release. It is not an emotional issue but one of cool judgment. The formula consists in creating the sense that his release is vital for Argentina's image and also for Israel and the positive development of our relations with them." Rein & Davidi, "Exile of the World" (2010), p. 12]

On at least one occasion the former Undersecretary of State for Human Rights in the Jimmy Carter administration, Patricia Derian, discussed arms sales to Argentina with the Israeli government and received a response that Israel does not discuss issues of security and that arms sales fall into that camp... Derian told them that the weapons in question were used to kill Jewish prisoners. [4]

As Ben Gurion had laid down, when there is a choice between the Jews and the Jewish State, the latter wins out.

Relations between Israel and Argentina flourished after the Junta took power despite the Junta’s virulent anti-Semitism.[5]This was under both the Labor Alignment and Likud governments of Yitzhak Rabin and Menachem Begin.

Argentina had long been Israel’s largest trading partner in Latin America. When in 1978 the US decided to restrict arms sales to the Junta on human rights grounds, Israel stepped into the breach.One-third of Israel's total arms sales of $1.2 billion in 1980 went to Argentina and El Salvador alone. By 1981, Argentina was buying 17% of its arms from Israel.

The perception was that ‘the Jewish state’s concern for the disappeared was subordinated to political and commercial considerations.[6]

Marcel Zohar of Yediot Aharanot reported that Israel preferred friendship with Argentina over saving Jews.[7]

Israel’s Silence Over the Persecution of Argentinian Jewry – A Mirror Image of Zionist Behaviour During the Holocaust

Not content with refusing to campaign against the Junta’s anti-Semitism, in March 1981 the American Jewish Committee sent a delegation to General Viola, just before his inauguration as President, in an effort to improve the Junta’s reputation. Delegation members were impressed with his knowledge of Jewish affairs. Eichmann too was reputed to have a good knowledge of Hebrew and Yiddish.

Israel Shahak, a noted Israeli human rights activist and a holocaust survivor, wrote that

‘in the face of this well-known anti-Semitism in Argentina the State of Israel, the Jewish state, the defender of the Jews, made not a single protest...’ [8]

A report presented to Spanish judge Baltazar Garzán revealed that HIAS had secured a promise from Brazil to provide temporary asylum for 350,000 Argentine Jews and that Rabbi Alexander Schindler of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations had obtained a promise from US State Department officials in 1976 to provide 100,000 visas to Jewish refugees from Argentina if necessary.[9]

The Knesset Refused to Even Debate the Plight of Argentina’s Jews

Shulamit Aloni, the founder of Ratz, Israel’s Civil Rights Party, described how she tried to get the situation in Argentina debated in the Knesset:

‘Not only did they shut me up, but the late Knesset member Yigal Horowitz threatened me personally and ordered me not to open my mouth.’

She was told that the subject could not be debated despite the fact that the parents of children who had disappeared came asking members to raise their plight.[10] Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir made sure that ‘in the name of security’the issue was not aired in the Knesset.[11]

Menachem Savidor, the Speaker, refused to allow a debate until the parents appealed to the Supreme Court. Only in late June 1983 did the Knesset hold a debate. Six months later the Junta was toppled.[12]Savidor admitted that he had prevented a Knesset debate on the situation of Argentina's Jews at the Government's request in order not to harm Israel's military links with Argentina.[13]

Members of the Knesset presented eight urgent motions regarding the issue between 1976 and 1981. None were approved for debate. Years later the Knesset debated the issue and formally demanded extradition of killers of Jews. It acted following reports that 40 former officers of the military Junta were arrested in Argentina on the orders of President Nestor Kirchner, who was prepared to extradite them to Spain. MK Yossi Sarid (Meretz) proposed the move, saying that it was a

hypocritical discussion since all the facts have long been known and the government of Israel never once lifted a finger and cooperated with the Argentine murders because of their interest in arms deals.[14]

Sarid told how ‘In Argentina, Israel sold even the Jews for the price of its immediate interests.[15]In 1985, President Raul Alfonsin cut off military contact with Israel entirely. What Israel did in Argentina was no different from what the Zionist movement did during the Holocaust.

While the Jewish factor has an effect on Israeli foreign policy, it is not a decisive one nor the main one taken into account in the policy calculations of the Israeli government. The heritage of David Ben-Gurion determined that in our relations (with foreign countries) we should be guided by one criteria…and that is whether it is good for the Jews.[16]

The Jewish factor refers to actual living Jews whereas ‘the Jews’means Israel as the collective Jew. Ben-Gurion believed that

‘the state constitutes the highest goal of Zionism and the Jewish people…whose mere existence serves the needs of the Diaspora.’[17]

On 2 April 1982 the Falklands war broke out between Britain and Argentina. Israel became Argentina’s major arms supplier.It supplied Argentina with emergency replacement military equipment. After its defeat, Argentina spent more than $1 billion on arms from Israel.

Like a Victorian grave robber, Israel called for the murdered Jews who were not wanted when they were alive to be brought to Israel for burial. Israel’s last service for the Junta occurred in 2017. It ignored an Interpol warrant and refused to extradite to Argentina an Israeli citizen, Teodoro Gauto, accused of war crimes. Gauto, a non-Jew, came to Israel from Argentina with his Jewish wife.[18]

Jacobo Timerman

The person who brought the Junta’s anti-Semitic terror to the world’s attention was Jacobo Timerman, a liberal Zionist and editor of La Opinion. Arrested and tortured from April 1977 onwards, Timerman was released under house arrest a year later and expelled to Israel in October 1979.

At his ‘trial’ before a military tribunal, every session of Timerman’s interrogation began with the question, ‘Are you a Jew?[19]Whilst interrogating non-Jews was a job, interrogating Jews was a pleasure. A political opponent could be turned, but a Jew remained a Jew forever.[20]The Buenos Aires Herald told how Jews took it for granted that if ‘they go to prison, they will be treated far more harshly than Gentiles.’ [21]Jewish prisoners were given ‘a double dose of torture and harassment’which ‘was known to the Israeli embassy which maintained relations with “moderates” within the military junta.[22]

According to Timerman's son, Héctor, Israeli Ambassador Ram Nirgad visited their house, after he had been released and asked Timerman to sign a letter saying that he was well-treated. Timerman refused and said he'd rather remain in detention.[23]

Once in Israel, Timerman came under attack. The Jewish Chronicles correspondent in Argentina, Jose Smilg, an apologist for the Junta and Argentine’s Jewish leadership, alleged that it was Timerman’s fight for human rights which was ‘inspiring a rash of anti-Semitic articles in the Argentine press.’[24] He also alleged that La Opinion had ‘supported the Left wing of the Peronist Party’. It was a lie. Timerman’s real offence was that it had protested against acts of anti-Semitism. The Jewish community organisations stayed silent because, according to Nehemias Resnizky, the former President of Daia, Argentina’s Judenrat ‘that would create a confrontation with highly powerful sectors of the army.’

Ma’ariv withdrew from agreeing to publish Timerman’s book Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number because it was ‘not interesting’ and would not sell. It became an international best seller.

The ‘Jewish’ state was more important to the Zionist lobby in the US than Argentina’s Jews. Timerman was attacked by right-wing Zionists who believed he asked for what he got’.[25]US neo-cons argued that the Junta enjoyed good relations with Israel, which was ‘an important supplier of arms and military equipment to Argentina.’ This was cited as evidence that the Junta could not be called anti-Semitic. Once again Zionism and Israel was used to kosher anti-Semitism.

During a visit by former Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Yigal Allon, Timerman told him that he had not been humiliated by the torture but by the ‘silent complicity of Jewish leaders.’ [26]This was equally true of Israeli leaders. Israel normally takes great pride when its citizens are given international awards. Not so when Timerman received the Golden Pen of Freedom Award. The venue was shifted from the Knesset to the Hebrew University.[27]

In Israel Timerman wrote The Longest War, criticising Israel’s invasion of Lebanon. He became ‘almost persona non-grata’. Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Yehuda Ben-Meir, described his book as ‘a collection of calumnies and lies arising from his own self-hatred.’[28]When Timerman died, on 11 November 1999 he received glowing obituaries internationally but Israeli papers ‘provided only terse reports of his death.[29]

The Jewish Disappeared

In 1988 Dr Marcus Weinstein set up the Asociación de Familiares de Desaparecidos Judios for Jews who had disappeared.[30]Marcus’s son Mauricio was the only Israeli citizen to be murdered.

The relatives of the Jewish Disappeared wrote that they were

deeply disappointed by the fact that the Israeli state, the international Jewish organisations and the Jewish leadership in Argentina are taking no interest in this subject’.

Weinstein told how ‘Israel's indifference to the matter began back during the days of the dictatorship, and has continued to this day.[31]

Marcel Zohar, Yedioth Ahronoth correspondent in Argentina between 1978 and 1982, described how Israel’s government refrained from processing immigration applications from left-wing Jews.[32]The unwritten instruction was to refuse any help to Jews defined as ‘too left-wing.[33]And who did the defining? The Junta.

In 2002 the Israeli Government set up a committee to investigate the disappearance of Jews but it took care not to offend the Argentinian Government. Its interim report omitted Israel's role during the dictatorship. It also rejected the demand to take legal action against the officers who tortured and killed Jews. Weinstein recalled how:

We and other Jewish families knocked again and again on the door of the embassy, and we were always sent away…. Was this a policy that was dictated from Israel, was it a policy that was decided upon at the embassy … I did not find even a single word about this in the report.[34]

The anti-Semitism of the Junta set it apart from other repressive regimes that Israel co-operated with.[35]The Israeli state had a choice between selling military equipment to the Junta or waging a campaign against the torture and murder of Argentina’s Jews. It chose the former.

Mothers of the Disappeared

Daia and Amia – The Judenrat of Argentinian Jewry

Renee Sofia Epelbaum,[36]mother of three desaparecidos and one of the leaders of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, accused Daia of silence and extreme caution towards cases of arrests and disappearances of Jews.[37]In sharp contrast, the paper Nueva Presenda expressed its support for the cause of the Mothers and the Jewish desaparecidos. Daia even tried to improve the image of the Junta abroad, ‘particularly in the USA’. Shockingly ‘prominent sections of the Jewish community’ even pressurised Israeli representatives ‘not to interfere in Argentina's internal affairs’.[38]

The Mothers of the Disappeared at their regular spot in Buenos Aires

After the fall of the Junta, Amia held its 90th anniversary celebration:

A group of women whose children disappeared during the Argentine military regimes crackdown on Left-wing opponents shouted ‘Nazi-Nazi’ at those attending the Congress here of Amia 

The guest of honour was Mr Itzhak Navon, formerly President of Israel. The mothers attempted to prevent his entrance to the Conference as well as that of the Israeli Ambassador to Argentina. [39]

Zionism had not changed since the Nazi era. Geoffrey Paul, the then Editor of the Jewish Chronicle, described how a senior American diplomat denounced to him ‘this spineless Jewish community...’ But it wasn’t the community but its Zionist leadership that was spineless. What Argentina demonstrated was that an anti-Semitic regime will be a creature of US imperialism. In other words, a regime with which Israel is only too willing to do business with.

Zohar recounted the struggle between Danny Rekanati of the Jewish Agency, who tried to help Jews escape and Israel’s ambassador, Ram Nirgad who argued that people defined by the Junta as subversive should not be rescued.[40]

Nirgad’s successor, Dov Schmorak, recalled how the Junta’s interior minister, General Albano Harguindeguy congratulated him on how well he had done ‘not to allow the main leaders of the Jewish community in Argentina to intervene on his [Timerman’s] behalf.’ Israeli representatives had discouraged his family from any public campaign on the grounds that this would hinder his release. This later extended to blackmailing Timerman not to go ahead with a series of six articles in Ma’ariv detailing his experiences. 

Menachem Begin had previously stated that ‘Israel has to help every persecuted Jew…. They can associate with Matzpen in Israel for all I care.’Yet once in power, Begin reneged on this.[41]Above all Israel avoided attributing anti-Semitic proclivities to the Junta’s leaders.[42]

The New York Times has always been a propagandist for the US State Department - the 'defector' was bribed to confess

When Timerman’s son Hector became Argentina’s Foreign Minister, Israel raised the 1994 bombing of the Amia centre and the alleged connection with Iran. Timerman told Israel’s ambassador:

Israel has no right to ask for explanations. …Israel does not speak for the Jewish people… Jews who live in Argentina are Argentinian citizens. The attack was against Argentina, and Israel’s desire to be involved in the matter only gives ammunition to anti-Semites who accuse Jews of dual loyalty. [43]

Bergoglio, the future Pope Francis enjoying a joke with President General Videla.  He was reputed to be a strong supporter of the Junta

In May 2013 Videla died in prison having been convicted of the murder of 31 prisoners and the kidnapping of children:

‘To this day... local Jewish leaders are embarrassed by the role played by Jewish organizations or by their avoidance of action during the years of dictatorship.

Daniel Muchnik told Ha’aretz how ‘Throughout this awful period of oppression, most Jews... had a problem. This was the relations of Israel with the dictatorship.’ The Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires ‘kept a stance of non-intervention in internal affairs’.[44]

The aftermath of the fascist bombing of the Jewish community centre that killed nearly 100 Jews.  Israel preferred to exonerate the culprits and blame Iran/Hezbollah instead

The Bombing of Buenos Aires Jewish Community Centre

In 1980 when bombs exploded in Argentine synagogues and Jewish schools Israel said nothing but when a bomb exploded at the AMIA Jewish community centre in Buenos Aires on 18 July 1994, it lost no time in blaming Iran and Hezbollah. Evidence has since emerged that points to a deliberate attempt by the US and Israel to deflect attention away fromthereal culprits, Israel’s anti-Semitic friends in the Argentinian state.

In an August 1994 cable to the State Department, US Ambassador James Cheek boasted of a ‘steady campaign’ the embassy had waged that ‘kept the Iranians in the dock where they belong.’ In 2007 Cheek admitted that ‘To my knowledge, there was never any real evidence’ of Iranian involvement. Bill Brencick, chief of the political section in the US embassy from 1994 to 1997, acknowledged in a 2007 interview that suggestions of Iranian responsibility were based solely on a ‘wall of assumptions’ and that there was ‘no hard evidence’.[45]

In 2014 a former police spy, Jose Alberto Perez, who had infiltrated the Jewish community in Buenos Aires on behalf of Argentina’s Federal Police, revealed to two investigative journalists, Miriam Lewin and Horacio Lutzk, that he had been ordered to turn over blueprints to the AMIA building to his Federal Police case officer.

Perez became consumed by guilt about having enabled the bombing. He had since married a Jewish woman. Perez was convinced that the building plans were used by the real culprits behind the bombing. His revelations prompted a series of articles in the Argentine press.

Perez also revealed that those who had employed him as a spy were motivated by the same anti-Semitic beliefs that had led the military dictatorship to single out Jews during the “dirty war”. His case officer, “Laura”, had ordered him to find out as much he could from the Jewish community about the “Andinia Plan.” 

Another key factor was the role of the state intelligence agency, SIDE, in influencing prosecutor, Judge Juan Galeano. Not only was a special unit within SIDE tasked with overseeing Galeano’s investigation, another SIDE unit operated directly inside his office.[46]

As Moreno and Termine reported in La Prensa(28.11.94.) the SIDE unit handling the AMIA investigation was notorious for its hatred of Jews. The group consisted of veterans of the dirty war known as the ’Cabildo’ group, inspired by the magazine of the same name.[47]

There has been no resolution of this case because the Argentinian secret state still wields enormous power. Both Israel and the US preferred to divert attention from the real culprits, who were the same forces who had tortured and murdered Argentinian Jews

That Israel, even after the collapse of the Junta with which it was such close friends, could attempt to deflect blame away from Argentinian neo-Nazis onto Iran and Hezbollah, demonstrates that the ‘Jewish’ State’s military and foreign policy interests will always trump the needs of diaspora Jewish communities.

[1]       Yechiam Weitz, Jewish Refugees and Zionist Policy during the Holocaust, p. 351. 

[3]          Rein & Davidi, "Exile of the World" (2010), pp. 9–11

[4]       OPINION, Israel, the dictatorship and Avivi's advice, Hector Timerman, https://tinyurl.com/yjyzpuav

[5]       Raanan Rein & Efraim Davidi, Exile of the World: Israeli Perceptions of Jacobo Timerman, p. 6.

[6]       Latin American Weekly Report 17 February 1984, cited by Bishara Bahbah, Israel's Military Relationship with Ecuador and Argentina,Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 15:2, 1986: 94.

[7]       Aharon Kleiman, ‘A Double-Edged Sword’, p. 80. The Jerusalem Post, 27.1. 84., cited in Israeli Foreign Affairs, April 1985. Marcel Zohar, p. 31 .

[8]       Stanley Heller, p. 76.

[9]       The Guardian, 24.3.99. ‘Jews targeted in Argentina's dirty war,’ https://tinyurl.com/set6o72

[10]          Rein & Davidi, Exile of the World: Israeli Perceptions of Jacobo Timerman, pp. 6-7.

[11]      Shamir was Speaker of the Knesset from 1977-1980. ‘Israelis demand state open up past ties to Argentine junta’, +972 Magazine, 22.3.16. https://tinyurl.com/w49zgtz

[12]       Rein &  Davidi, Exile of the World: Israeli Perceptions of Jacobo Timerman, p. 7.

[13]      Marcel Zohar, Let My People Go To Hell, cited in ‘Israel Denied Shelter To Leftwing Argentine Jews During Junta Rule,’ Hadashot, 28.9.90. See letter from Tony Greenstein, The Guardian19.2.02, ‘Argentina - Proof that Israel is no Refuge from Anti-Semitism,’  29.11.09. https://tinyurl.com/br93g4t Tony Greenstein, ‘The Scandal of the Jewish Disappeared,’ Tribune, 6.4.00.

[14]      ‘Knesset demands extradition of Argentinean Junta officers,’ Ha’aretz, 29.7.03, https://tinyurl.com/y37gxjzp

[15]      Yes, I Accuse,Ha’aretz, 31 August 1989, [Hebrew] cited in Yitzhak Mualem, Between a Jewish and an Israeli Foreign Policy, fn. 39; MK Yair Tzaban in Divrei Ha-Knesset, 29.6.83., pp. 2810-12 [Hebrew].

[16]      Mualem, ‘Between a Jewish and an Israeli Foreign Policy,’Jewish Political Studies Review16:1-2 (Spring 2004), citing Kleiman, A Double-Edged Sword, p. 170.

[17]      Ibid.

[18]      John Brown, Ha’aretz 3.5.17, ‘Israel Refuses to Extradite Alleged War Criminal Wanted in Argentina’ https://tinyurl.com/rg43gyb

[19]      Ibid., p. 112.

[20]      Ibid., p. 66.

[21]      Ibid., p. 136.

[22]      JC 25.5.84., ‘A White Book’Leader.

[23]      Héctor Timerman, “Israel, la dictadura y los consejos de Avivi,” Página12, 30.7.01. https://tinyurl.com/yjyzpuav Rein & Davidi, Exile of the World (2010), p. 16. 4.1.14.

[24]      JC. 14.8.81 ‘Timerman Stirs Jewish Discord’.

[25]      JC31. 7. 81.

[26]      Timerman, Prisoner Without a Name, Cell without a number, p. 78.

[27]      Rein & Davidi, ‘Exile of the World’, p. 17.

[28]      Ibid., pp. 3, 19-20.

[29]      Ibid., p. 23.

[30]      Association of Relatives of the Disappeared Jews, https://tinyurl.com/y2k62vap

[31]      Aryeh Dayan, ‘A disappearing act,’ Ha’aretz3.1.03. https://tinyurl.com/bdp2eazj

[32]      Marcel Zohar, Let My People Go to Hell - Blue and White Betrayal, p. 31 (Tel Aviv: Zitrin, 1990) [Hebrew].

[33]      Mario Sznajder and Luis Roniger, p. 363, fn. 35. Mayer and Graetz didn’t have diplomatic immunity and endangered themselves and their families. When the Junta stepped down, Mayer received the highest Argentine decoration, the Order of General San Martin.

[34]      Aryeh Dayan, ‘A disappearing act,’ Ha’aretz3.1.03 https://tinyurl.com/bdp2eazj

[35]      Aaron Klieman, Israel’s Global Reach: Arms Sales As Diplomacy, p. 12, New York, 1985,.

[36]      See Rene de Epelbaum, 77, Argentine Protester, 9.2.98, https://tinyurl.com/y46m4squ

[37]      ‘Behind the Headlines a Nightmare Continues in Argentina,’ JTA, 22.5.86., https://tinyurl.com/vewx6nj8

[38]      Mario Sznajder and Luis Roniger, p. 356, ‘From Argentina to Israel: Escape, Evacuation and Exile,’ Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol. 37:2 (May, 2005), Cambridge University Press.

[39]      ‘Bitter Protest by Grieving Mothers’, The JC, 23 March 1984.

[40]      Zohar, pp. 19-24

[41]      Sznajder and Roniger, p. 356, citing, Aryeh Dayan, 'Thanks to Menachem Begin,'Kol Ha’ir, 9 Sept. 1987, p. 34 [In Hebrew].  Matzpen was a small, socialist anti-Zionist group in Israel.

[42]      Rein & Davidi, “Exile of the World”(2010), pp. 9–11.

[43]      Gabe Fisher, ‘Israeli ambassador upbraided in Argentina’, ToI  6.2.13. https://tinyurl.com/y3rhcsje

[44]      Ha’aretz 22.5.13. ‘Videla and the Jews of Argentina: The Closing of a Painful Circle,’ https://tinyurl.com/sr5nzub

[45]      Gareth Porter, ‘How a police spy’s stunning testimony threatens the official US-Israeli AMIA bombing narrative,’ The Greyzone, 26.7.20,https://tinyurl.com/yckkaha3

[46]      Sergio Kiernan, ‘Waiting for justice:two years after the AMIA bombing,’ AJC, 1996, https://tinyurl.com/y8u5mesp

[47]      Gareth Porter, LA Progressive, ‘AMIA Bombing: New Evidence Points to Federal Police’, 29.7.20. https://tinyurl.com/bdehdn2u

A Political Health Warning - Why Palestine Solidarity Activists Should Have Nothing to do with Peter Gregson


Whilst there are very few anti-Semites who support the Palestinians – Gregson is the exception that proves the rule

Many people involved in Palestine solidarity activism in Britain are likely to have come across Peter Gregson. He has often been unfairly treated, such as when the GMB union expelledhim in March 2019 for ‘anti-Semitism’. His expulsion was effected by the rabidly racist and misogynist Gary Smith, then Regional Secretary of Scottish GMB and now General Secretary of the union.

I even testified at the kangaroo court that the GMB had assembled and wrote a documentin his defence. However if one week is a long time in politics 3 years and 9 months is an eternity. Peter’s politics, which were always flaky, have now become anti-Semitic.

Nick Kollerstrom - Holocaust 'sceptic'

Peter has to his credit expulsion from a number of organisations. I initiated the first from Labour Against the Witchhunt when he put up a petitionon his website linking to an article by Holocaust denier Nick Kollerstrom who had written a ‘literature review’ on ‘The Auschwitz “Gas Chamber” Illusion’.

Peter decided to publish on his blog my entire correspondence with him over this. The Jewish Chronicle then published it verbatim. It is probably the only article that ‘liar’ Lee Harpin has written that didn’t contain the obligatory quota of mistakes!

PSC and I believe Jewish Voices for Labour have also expelled him and Jewish Network for Palestine has rebuffed his attempts to join.

Peter is notorious for setting up his own ‘campaign’ groups such as LAZIR (Labour Against Zionist Islamophobic Racism) and now the Campaign Against Bogus Anti-Semitism (which he tells me has 60 members!).

In April 2022 Gregson emailed me asking me to comment on a document he’d written Why Zionists Are Not Jews.There are many arguments in the anti-Zionist armoury but this is not one of them.

My response was as diplomatic as I could manage:

Obviously many Zionists are Jewish according to the halachic definition of being born to a Jewish woman.  Being Jewish is not just a matter of belief.  Of course Jewish identity has changed throughout the ages and Zionism is one such identity.  Anti-Zionism is another but to go down this road is extremely dangerous and completely besides the point.  The fact is that the religious establishment and most rabbis do believe in Zionism.

Indeed this whole debate over whether someone is Jewish or not reminds me of the Nazis trying to define being Jewish.  The Law of Return then adopted the Nazi definition almost wholesale.

Totally misplaced and your campaign will go the way of your previous campaign I suspect

Peter has taken to heart the ideas of Neturei Karta that ‘true’ Jews do not support Zionism but NK are not Marxists. They are well meaning but politically naïve. Orthodox Jewry, which historically was anti-Zionist, has changed its position though even now the United Torah Judaism party in Netanyahu’s coalition is officially non-Zionist.

The majority of Haredi Jews in Israel are Zionists and indeed are among the most anti-Palestinian elements in Israeli society.

Gregson’s political degeneration began with his articleDo Jews in the UK have significant leverage on Israel? on the anti-Semitic Redress Online site which has itself published articles by holocaust deniers.

The article is historically illiterate. It asserts ‘Right from the outset, rich Jewish bankers such as Lord Rothschild backed Zionism. It is unlikely we would have Israel now were it not for his influence.’The first Rothschild that Theodor Herzl, the founder of Political Zionism encountered, was Edmond Rothschild, who opposed Zionism.

Contrary to the assertionof WikipediaLord Walter Rothschilds was not a ‘Zionist activist’ but an obsessive Zoologist. He was considered the leader of British Jewry by virtue of his aristocratic rank, which was why the Balfour Declaration was addressed to him (also contrary to Wikipedia he wasn’t President of the Board in 1917 but 1925-6). In 1919 Walter Rothschild stood for Vice President of the Board against both Anthony de Rothschild and the Zionist candidate, Samuel Duiches. who obtained just 21 compared to Walter’s 123, which is a good indication of the strength of the Zionists amongst the Jewish bourgeoisie then. In 1918 the anti-Zionist Leopold de Rothschild was unanimously elected President of the United Synagogue.

In 1917 the anti-Zionist League of British Jewswas formed at a meeting in New Court, headquarters of the Rothschilds’ business interests. Its first AGM in March 2018 was attended by over 400 members. Lionel Rothschild, a Conservative MP was elected President. Gregson’s attachment to the Rothschild’s legend is in itself telling. Gregon’s articleasserts that

Around 75 per cent of the UK’s 300,000 Jews support Israel (if they didn’t, we wouldn’t have the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism).

The idea that the IHRA only exists because of Jewish support is indicative of Gregson’s drift to the anti-Semitic right. Jews were convenient political pawns of the political establishment. The reason for the IHRA is to outlaw as far as possible opposition to British foreign policy in the Middle East by calling it ‘anti-Semitic’. For example Lord Eric Pickles is a White non-Jewish racist and the British delegate to the IHRA.

What Gregson is doing is suggesting that Jewish Poweris responsible for British support for Zionism rather than seeing support for Israel as a consequence of imperialist politics. Jews are convenient political pawns or as Barnaby Raine described them,

‘favourite pets: heroic colonists in the Middle East… Jews are conscripted as the alibi of white society…. We are the useful props for a moral panic.’

But Gregson doesn’t do subtle. He goes on:

Jews have significant leverage. And the majority of them throw their wealth and personal resources into ensuring Israel maintains its immunity from criticism.

But it was the wealthy and influential Jews in politics and the media who foisted the IHRA definition upon us, the tool now widely used to silence pro-Palestine campaigners and used by the Labour Party to expunge activists. If Jews had not been behind demanding the new definition and claiming it was essential for their safety, we would not have it.’

That this analysis is complete nonsense hardly needs stating. The British bourgeoisie adopted the IHRA definition, as did open anti-Semites like Trump and Viktor Orban in Hungary.

Gregson assumes that Jews act as one homogenous mass. You can accuse British Jewry of many things, not least stupidity, but to suggest that they acted in concert to foist the IHRA on gullible Gentiles is simply untrue. Gregson’s defence, for what it is worth is that:

To say Jews in the UK have great leverage is not anti-Semitic, it is just a statement of fact. Like saying an Eton education gets you into Parliament. Or Muslims don’t like alcohol and fear speaking out about Islamophobia. Or Scots are “good with money”, i.e. not profligate. Or Germany has an enormous collective guilt over the holocaust, while Austria, its partner in crime, has not. Or London has many rich Russian oligarchs…

It should not take a genius to see why Gregson is comparing apples to oranges. To suggest that Jews, as a collective group, have ‘great leverage’ makes assumptions about Jewish political power whereas saying Muslims don’t drink alcohol (untrue, many do) is a generalisation.

Gregson goes on to say, on the basis that Jews are eight times over-represented in the UK Parliamentthat

they are powerful, in proportion to their share of the population (300,000 out of 66 million), comprising 0.4 per cent of us.

The fact that the Zionists encourage such conspiracy theories by claiming to speak on behalf of all Jews, doesn’t make what Gregson says any the less anti-Semitic. Gregson’s assertion that

It is because of these wealthy Zionist Jews, steered from the British Board of Deputies of British Jews and the like, that nobody in this country, including our media, dare point out the blindingly obvious: that we have utterly lost our freedom of speech on Israel because everybody is frightened of what Zionist Jews will do to them.

One wonders why, if Jews are only 0.4% where they get all this power.

Sir Edwin Montagu

Historically the British Jewish bourgeoisie was determinedly anti-Zionist until 1940. The only member of Lloyd George’s War Cabinet to vote against the Balfour Declaration was its only Jewish member, Sir Edwin Montagu, who accused his fellows of ‘anti-Semitism’.

It was the adoption of Zionism by the non-Jewish bourgeoisie that eventually led the Jewish bourgeoisie to realise that it was ‘patriotic’ to support Zionism.  In other words Gregson gets cause and effect the wrong way round.

However it is his latest article Against Zionist invaders: Why race matters in Palestine on Redress (where else) that should put him beyond the pale for Palestine solidarity activists.

I leave to one side his mistaken position, derived from Neturei Karta that up until 1940 most Jews refused to move to Israel on religious grounds.’What should be condemned is Gregson’s assertion that

These were the people that Hitler gassed. With Zionist support. Proof? Over the period 1942-44, Rabbi Weissmandl of Hungary made a deal with Adolf Eichmann… (my emphasis)

I won’t quote the rest of this rubbish. Weissmandel didn’t make an agreement with Eichmann, nor was he from Hungary! Having read Zionism During the Holocaust Gregson has failed to understand any of it.  There is absolutely no proof that the Zionist leaders, supported the extermination of European Jewry. It is simply not true.

There are many criticisms that can be made of the Zionists during the war and I make them, at length. Their obstruction of rescue attempts not involving Palestine, their playing down of the holocaust because people would be distracted into giving money for the refugees rather than their own fundraising, but to say that the Zionists supported the gassing of Jews is both false and anti-Semitic.

Ironically the main criticism of the Zionists for what I and Lenni Brenner before me write, is that what we are saying amounts to saying that the Jews murdered themselves. Once again Gregson has acted to reinforce the Zionist narrative rather than the other way around. Instead of reading my book and reflecting Gregson has cherry picked a few quotations and put his own crazy interpretation upon them. For those interested in the debate on this issue on my blog go here.

Gregson is apparently organising a tour of Britain in April/May involving both Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss of Neturei Karta and Dr Azzam Tamimi. I shall write to the former but if anyone has any contact with Dr Tamimi he would be well advised to pull out.

Tony Greenstein

What is the Meaning of Ben Gvir, Smotrich and Israel’s Far-Right Government?


 Those Who Think Israel is Becoming a Fascist State do Not Understand What Fascism is

To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling, when all those around you are losing their heads, it’s a good idea to keep a firm grip on your own head! Never has so much hysterical nonsense been written by so many as in the past few weeks following Netanyahu’s unexpected triumph in Israel’s elections.

The election of the new coalition government, including the far-right messianic settler party Religious Zionism, itself made up of 3 parties, does not herald the dawn of Israeli fascism. Israeli democracy is not under dire threat if only because such a beast never existed.

This pogrom against Palestinians in East Jerusalem was allowed to go ahead by Israeli Labor Party's Omar Bar-Lev

Of course liberal Zionists find it difficult to defend the street thug and criminal Kahanist Ben Gvir as Police and Security Minister. It would be far better for Israel’s image if the Labor Party’s Omar Bar Lev was still in place. But let us remember, it was Bar Lev who, last May, gave the green light for Gvir and his settler mob to rampage through East Jerusalem chanting ‘death to the Arabs’, ‘may their villages burn’ and other delightful ditties from the settlers’ prayer book.

According to Richard Silverstein, ‘Zionism has finally embraced the fascist ideology that inspired major sections of the movement… a century ago.’ It is true that fascism did indeed inspire the Revisionist Zionist movement but it was untrue, even then, to say that the Revisionists were fascists, despite the tauntVladimir Hitler’ that Ben Gurion regularly hurled at its leader Vladimir Jabotinsky.

One thug inspects other thugs

If anything the opposite was true. It was the ‘Socialist’ not the Revisionist Zionists who most resembled the National Socialists. It was Labour not Revisionist Zionism that had cordial relations with the Nazis and which negotiated a trade agreement Ha'avara with the Nazis and whose agent, Feivel Polkes, offered to spy for the Nazis.

Labour Zionism saw the role of Labour as a national not a class force. The late Ze’ev Sternhell, a Zionist and holocaust survivor, described Labor Zionism in The Founding Myths of Israel as ‘nationalist socialism’. He would have used the term ‘national socialism’ but it ‘has been contaminated by association with the Nazis.’

It was the Revisionist movement which opposed Ha'avara and it was Revisionists Peter Bergson and Shmuel Merlin who campaigned for the rescue of Jews, wherever their destination and who led the campaign which led to the US setting up the War Refugee Board in January 1944 against the bitter opposition of the Labour Zionists.

Palestinian demonstrator in Beit El near Ramallah 8.10.15

Let us put it another way. Was the America of Andrew Jackson and the Indian Removal Acta fascist state? Was it any less terrible for the Indians that it was not fascist? Was South Africa a fascist state?

Fascism is a specific political phenomenon that seeks the atomisation and destruction of working class organisations. Nazi Germany, Mussolini’s Italy and Franco’s Spain are the most obvious examples. In more recent times Chile under General Pinochet and the military Junta in Argentina bore a close resemblance to fascism.

Israel on the other hand, like South Africa and the United States before it is a settler colonial state. The key difference between fascism and settler colonialism is that the latter involves an alliance of the settler working class with its own ruling class. Rather than the destruction of working class organisations, it is the settler working class which is usually the most racist and chauvinist section of settler society as for example in Northern Ireland.

Ben Gvir - a Genuine Jewish neo-Nazi

Ben Gvir and Smotrich Do Not Represent a Break with Previous Zionist Governments

Gvir and Smotrich represent the logical outcome of decades of rule, by Labour Zionism and Likud. They do not represent a fascist break from Zionism. The agreed platform of the coalition was:

“The Jewish people have an exclusive and unquestionable right to all areas of the Land of Israel. The government will promote and develop settlement in all parts of the Land of Israel – in the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan, Judea and Samaria.”

How is this different from previous governments? Support for ‘Jewish settlement’ has always been the policy of both wings of the Zionist movement. It was not a Likud/Religious Zionist government which began the policy of Judaisation of the Galilee.

The 1976 Koenig Memorandum, named after Yisrael Koenig, a member of the Israeli Labor Alignment and Director General of the Northern District outlined the policy. It was a nakedly racist document which spoke of the Israeli Arabs having a "Levantinistic Arab character" whose "imagination tends to exceed rationality."

Koenig advocated denying work, educational opportunities and benefits to Israel’s Arab population and the thinning out of the Arab population through Jewish settlement. It took for granted that Israel’s Arab population were a threat to Israel’s Jewish character.

The document put forward a number of strategic goals and tactical steps aimed at reducing the number and influence of Arab citizens of Israel in the Galilee region. The Memorandum was the first publicly available document to outline some of the policies of discrimination and containment that Palestinian citizens of Israel had been subject to since 1948, reflecting “planning and deliberations at the policy-making circles.” See The Koenig report and Israeli policy towards the Palestinian minority, 1965-1976: old wine in new bottles.

Judaisation of the Galilee was the policy and practice of Israel even before the conquest of East Jerusalem in June 1967. This began under a Labour not a Likud or Religious Zionist government.

On 24 June 2013, the Israeli Knessetapprovedthe Prawer-Begin Planfor the mass expulsion of the Arab Bedouin community in the Naqab. It proposed the destruction of 35 ‘unrecognized’ Bedouin villages and the forced displacement of up to 70,000 Bedouin citizens of Israel, and the confiscation of their historical lands.

It is clear that the new government in Israel represents a continuation of the policies of previous Israeli governments not a break with them. Those who talk of the destruction of democracy speak exclusively to Israel’s Jewish society. As Ahmed Tibi MK once noted, when Zionists talk of a Jewish Democratic state this is an oxymoron. Israel is Jewish towards Arabs and Democratic towards Jews.

No-one doubts that the accession to government of Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, two Jewish neo-Nazi settlers, will result in an intensification of repression in the West Bank although it is hard to see how much further the repression of the military dictatorship in the West Bank can be intensified.

It was not under Gvir and Smotrich that 6 Palestinian human rights groups were bannedas ‘terrorists’ but under the ‘Change Government’ that included the Labor Party and Meretz. When Smotrich describedhuman rights organisations as an ‘existential threat’ he was simply picking up from where Merav Michaeli of the ILP and Nitzan Horowitz of Meretz left off.

The real threat of the new government is two-fold. Like in South Africa we are going to see an erosion of the democratic rights of Israeli Jews. It is this which has produced panic in what is left of the Israeli left. The settlement of the West Bank is coming home.

This will involve an erosion of the difference between Palestinians in Israel and those on the West Bank. In its eyes they are all ‘Arabs’.

Desecration of Christian graveyard

Only a few days ago we saw the open desecration of a Christian graveyard in Jerusalem. Imagine the howls of protest if this took place in Britain with the desecration of a Jewish graveyard? Attacks on churches, mosques and graveyards are a regular occurrence in Israel.

As the platformof the Coalition outlines, the Golan Heights, the Negev, the Galilee and the West Bank are considered the same. In all these areas the demographic threat of the Arabs is a problem.

And not only in these areas. Gvir led the way in May 2021, with the support of the Israeli Police, in pogroms and attacks against Israel’s Arab citizens in the mixed cities of Bat Yam, Lod etc. Their intention is to recolonise these cities and drive their Arab inhabitants out.

It is Jewish ‘Democracy’ which is now under threat

At the weekend largely Jewish demonstrationsof 20,000 in Tel Aviv reacted with alarm at the judicial reform proposals of the present coalition because they saw that it was their rights which were now under attack. Former Defence Minister Benny Gantz, who took pride in bombing Gaza back to the stone age warnedof civil war in Israel.

Israeli Gays, who have been complicit in pinkwashingIsraeli colonisation, have reacted with alarm to the inclusion of the anti-gay Noam party and leader Avi Maoz in government. Those who were happy to collude in the repression of Palestinians now realise that Messianic Zionists have no place for alternative sexual lifestyles either. It is hard to work up much sympathy for these pink racists.

Racist?  Perish the thought!

The protestors in Tel Aviv were divided on the question of Palestinian rights. A large section was extremely unhappy about mixing up the threat to Jewish rights with the threat to Palestinian rights. Assaf Agmon, a leader of one group, was particularly upset:

“The protest on Saturday night is led by extreme leftist groups that are not prepared to move one millimeter from the ‘stop the occupation’ and Arab rights, which are super-important issues but they are on the agenda after we leave ourselves a democracy to advance them in."

"People may come and find themselves surrounded by Palestinian flags and stop the occupation flags and that is how [Netanyahu’s supporters] will brand all of our protests as pro-Palestinian and anti-Zionist.”

Stav Shaffir, an ex-member of the Knesset was concerned that:

Netanyahu and his mouthpieces will lie afterward and say the protest was organized by the treasonous left and funded by foreign money and supports our enemies. Let them say it.

This resulted in there being 2 separate marches.

The real fear of liberal Zionists is the coalition’s proposals for reform of Israel’s judicial system. Israel’s Supreme Court is their pride and joy. It is the symbol of Israeli Democracy. What is proposed is an override clause whereby any legislation that is rendered unlawful by the Supreme Court can be overridden by a majority in the Knesset. The Judicial Appointments Committee will be stacked with government appointees. They fear the death of Jewish democracy.

This is a battle that liberal Zionism is going to lose. There is nothing democratic about unelected judges not having the power to veto legislation. Of course Israel, being an ethno-nationalist state, is not a democracy anyway. Arabs have always been excluded from power and that includes the last ‘Change’ government in which an Arab party was nominally part of the coalition.

Israel’s Supreme Court and Torture

The position of Israel’s Supreme Court on torture is instructive. It has ruled that torture is allowed under the ‘ticking timebomb’ scenario.

In 1987 the Landau Commission into the use of torture the use of torture, but it acceptedtheir argument that physical pressure was necessary for efficient interrogation.

The Landau Report recommended psychological pressure and "a moderate amount of physical pressure" i.e. torture against Palestinian detainees. Israel was thus the only state in the world to legalise torture. HaMoked, the Centre for Defence of the Individual, foundthat 85% of Palestinians were tortured.

In 1994 the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel petitioned the High Court to protest Shin Bet interrogation tactics. The following year the Association for Civil Rights in Israel petitionedthe High Court demanding an end to vigorous shaking of prisoners.

In 1999 the High Court ruled that Shin Bet can't use violence in interrogations, but interrogators could use the "necessary defense" argument if they used torture in "ticking bomb" situations. Thus the Court allowed Shin Bet to continue to use torture because every case of torture and abuse uses the same ‘ticking bomb’ excuse.

Israeli actor in torture session

It was the ‘liberal’ Supreme Court President Aharon Barak who presided over this decision. Fast forward 23 years and we find Barak so enraged by the plans to reform the Supreme Court that he has offered to go before a firing squad if that would prevent the enactment of the new legislation! If I was Netanyahu I would take Barak up on the offer! Barak explained that:

he sought to be neither overly activist nor overly conservative and to deliver verdicts that took heed of Israel’s history, Zionism and the country’s security needs.

Barak claimed that ‘the rights of everybody — Jew, Arab, ultra-Orthodox, not ultra-Orthodox — are in grave danger.” This is a lie. Not once has the Supreme Court used its powers to overturn nakedly racist anti-Arab legislation. Always it has bowed the knee to Zionism’s concern about a Jewish demographic majority. In the West Bank /Gaza it has explicitly disregarded international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention.

stress and torture position

The Supreme Court has refused to override the 1950 Absentee Property Law which allowed the confiscation of thousands of dunums of Arab land for Jewish settlement since the establishment of the Israeli state. Jewish land has never once been confiscated for the benefit of Arabs but the Supreme Court had no problems with its racist intent. The Supreme Court also approved the use of this law to confiscate Arab homes in East Jerusalem in order that they could be handed over to the right-wing Ateret Cohanim settler group.

In the West Bank the Supreme Court has openly connived in the use of fraud and trickery in the theft of Palestinian land, including private land that was stolen in ‘good faith’. A thousand Palestinians are, at this very moment facing eviction from their homes in Yasafer Mata yet the Supreme Court happily allowed the Israeli army to establish a firing range on peoples’s land and next to their homes in order to facilitate yet more ethnic cleansing.

In the process the Supreme Court dismissedevidence proving that Palestinians had lived in these homes for generations. They preferred the lies of the State that Palestinians had only lived in the area recently. Not once did they ask why it was only in Arab villages, not Jewish settlements, that the Israeli Army established firing zones.

Likewise in the Negev the Supreme Court approved the destruction of the village of Umm Al-Hiram to make way for a Jewish only town of Hiram. Never, not once, was it the other way round.  Not once were they asked to approve the confiscation of Jewish land for the benefit of Arabs.

Israel detains hundreds of Palestinians, including Israeli citizens, under Administrative Detention without any trial whatsoever. When used by the British under the Emergency Regulations future Israeli Justice Minister Ya’acov Shapira remarkedthat ‘Even in NaziGermany, there were no laws like this.’

Not once has the Supreme Court overturned such a detention, even though the Defendant cannot challenge the ‘evidence’ because the Defendant and their lawyer are unable to see it. Every scrap of rumour by Shin Bet is accepted in good faith by the Supreme Court.

On 8 July 2021, the Supreme Court in a 10 to 1 decision, upheld the 2018 Jewish Nation-State Basic Law, which enshrines Jewish supremacy and racial segregation as a Basic Law with constitutional status in the State of Israel. The only dissenting opinion was issued by the only Arab justice on the court, Justice Kara.

As a matter of course the Supreme Court has failed over the years to challenge or even scrutinise the openly anti-Arab evidence of the Shin Bet secret police. The Supreme Court has colluded in the State’s refusal to open the archives and release information concerning the Nakba. There can be no possible national security reason for not releasing 70+ year old files other than a refusal to countenance evidence of Zionist ethnic cleansing.

This deference to Shin Bet even extended to the Court’s refusalto order the release of evidence concerning the State’s suspected involvement in the murder of Nazi collaborator Rudolf Kasztner in 1957, 62 years previously. The Supreme Court accepted Shin Bet’s rationale – ‘national security and lack of resources’. How could national security possibly be damaged by the revelation that Shin Bet had murdered an Israeli citizen over 60 years ago?

Far from the Supreme Court being the last ditch defender of Israeli  democracy, it is a supine creature in all but one respect. It is the decisions of the Supreme Court to challengethe monopoly of Orthodox Jewry, such as conversion by other strands of Jewry, which has antagonised Religious Zionism and Orthodox Jewry. The current proposals have nothing to do with Netanyahu’s legal problems.

The Supreme Court has rejectedevery petition aimed at forcing the Israeli state to reveal which repressive states it arms and equips. Arms to Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Azov Battalion? In a ruling on 27 June 2021 the court ruled that no future appeals would be discussed in court. As lawyer Eitay Mack commented:

“It’s incredible that in a state which defines itself as Jewish and democratic, it was decided that preventing aid to genocide, to crimes against humanity, to war crimes and to severe violations of human rights is not a topic with which courts should engage,”

Since 2007 the Israeli government has approvedevery single arms deal brought to it. The Supreme Court was happy to allow Israel to equip every mercenary, fascist and genocider. This is the figleaf for Jewish supremacy that liberal Zionists fear will be stripped away.

If I was a member of the Knesset I would have no hesitation in voting for the reforms proposed by the governing coalition. The Supreme Court is a Zionist body complicit in the colonisation of Palestine.

Another proposal, which I would support, would be to remove the ‘grandfather’ clause from the 1950 Law of Return which allows the partner of someone whose grandparent was Jewish to obtain entry to and citizenship of the State of Israel. 

Given the racist nature of the Law of Return, in allowing Jews who weren’t even born in Israel to claim citizenship as of right whereas Palestinian refugees have no such rights, I can see no possible objection to this proposed law. It is the logic of racial supremacy that the racists are always seeking to redefine who is and who is not part of the ubermenschen. That is why the question Who is a Jew has for Israel been an insoluble question ever since its inception.

In so far as this proposal furthers the already existing breach between American Jewry, most of whom are not Orthodox Jews, and Israel, then this legislation can only be welcomed.

Of course there is much reactionary legislation proposed by the coalition such as a refusal to ratify the Istanbul Convention against violence to women.

Budgets will be increased to strengthen “Jewish settlement in Arad,” a city in the Negev. The planning procedures for the city of Kasif, a future planned ultra-Orthodox city in the Negev region, will continue and approximately 14 settlements in the Negev will be continued and accelerated and NIS 800 million ($227M) will be budgeted each year.

In compliance with Smotrich’s demands regarding human rights associations, the government will dissolve organizations financed by external parties and international funds. This will severely harm Palestinian Arab civil society and will further entrench human and civil rights violations against minorities in the country.

This is a government of open racists. In a 2018 radio interview, Likud MK Miki Zohar claimed that the Israeli public will never believe that Netanyahu is guilty of corruption because he “belongs to the Jewish race, and the entire Jewish race is the highest human capital, the smartest, the most comprehending.”

But how is this different from ‘centrist’ Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s declaration that “My principle says maximum Jews on maximum land with maximum security and with minimum Palestinians”?

If I had any doubt about my position then arch-Zionist and Trump supporter, Alan Dershowitz, laid them to rest when he saidthat:

“It will make it much more difficult for people like me who try to defend Israel in the international court of public opinion to defend them effectively, It would be a tragedy to see the Supreme Court weakened.”

But it is Aharon Barak, who has provided the definitive argument in favour of the legal reforms. Barak said that

the High Court has acted as a kind of legal “Iron Dome,”. Without a credible independent court, deemed as ensuring Israel’s democratic functioning, including in its treatment of the Palestinians, “our chief of staff and government ministers will immediately be arrested when they travel overseas…  The leaders of the country will be put on trial in the International Criminal Court in The Hague.”

Could there be any more persuasive argument for giving Justice Minister Yariv Levin’s proposals our full support?

Tony Greenstein

RIP Kevin Higgins (1967-10 January 2023) – An Irish Rebel Poet Who Died Far Too Young & Who Never Compromised


Kevin Higgins was the Poet Laureate of the Socialist Left and an Inspiration to the Oppressed

Kevin Higgins: Ode to Margaret Hodge

It was with shock and a deep sadness that I awoke to the news that Kevin Higgins, the great socialist Irish poet had passed away. 

I first heard of Kevin when, on my expulsion from the Labour Party, he wrote a poem We Are Delighted To Announce according to which I had been executed for using ‘inappropriate language’. Later I saw Kevin regularly on the Crispin Flintoff Show

I first met Kevin Higgins at the fringe Future of the Left Events last September at Labour Party Conference. I was there to do an interview about my book, Zionism During the Holocaust. Kevin introduced himself to me and invited me to the October Over the Edge bookfair that he and his wife Susan Millar DuMars ran in Galway for non-fiction writers each year.

I was one of three authors who had been invited. Unfortunately I had not read the travel details very carefully and I arrived one week early! Kevin and Susan took it very well and booked me into a B&B. I met both Kevin and Susan later that night and it was there that I learnt that Kevin was not a well man. 

We exchanged books and Kevin gave me a signed copy of his first poetry collection, The Boy With No Face. Unfortunately I can't remember what the anecdote was!

After the reading on 27 October Kevin told me that he had been diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia and would likely be in hospital for a couple of months. ‘Hopefully during my confinement I'll still manage to cause a little bit of politico-poetic mischief.’

All I could do was tell him that he was ‘too valuable to lose with your wonderful gifts and impish wit. I look forward to seeing you on The Crispin show from hospital.’ Kevin’s response was that ‘Yes, I must do the Crispin show from the hospital. That would be fun.’ Kevin did do one further show before he was sadly taken from us.

Six weeks later Kevin told me that he was ‘feeling way way better than when I saw you in Galway. Not out of the proverbial woods yet. But first two rounds of chemo have done their thing.’ Unfortunately this was premature.

Kevin could not resist telling me how the Israeli Embassy had phoned him to try to persuade him to call off my reading:

Great that we prevailed over those few Embassy trolls. One of them actually phoned me while I was still in the A & E department before there was a room from me in the Haematology Ward. Very funny conversation. I can't believe how reasonable I managed to sound. He was calling from London and thought I'd be really shocked to hear you had been expelled from the Labour Party; and so must then obviously be a total reprobate. I thought, mate, you don't know who you're talking too; I've been expelled twice. I think he thought we were liberal arts admin types who would just collapse. After the reading a nurse came into my room and immediately said: well, you're looking better! (And I hadn't started the treatment yet and was in bad way). Your reading going so well really helped my mood at about the worst possible time.

I wasn’t aware that Kevin’s diagnosiswas much more serious than he had let on.  Below are a few reviews, articles and interviews that give some idea of Kevin’s writings and activities.

In Mentioning the war. Kevin was described as being:

Best known for his dark, satirical poems. Kevin Higgins published his first book review in The Galway Advertiser in June 1999. Reading Mentioning the War, it becomes obvious that Higgins is not like other critics. An enthusiastic advocate for the work of the new generation of poets who have emerged from Ireland’s thriving live poetry scene; he is also a merciless opponent of hypocrisy and pretentiousness wherever he finds it. His writing is overtly political in a way that draws comparison with George Orwell – the subject of two extended essays here. It would be impossible to agree with everything in this book; it is a book which often disagrees with itself. But on subjects as diverse as socialist poetry and neoconservatism, funding for the arts and the anti-war movement, Higgins informs, infuriates and entertains, as any good critic should.

“The importance of Higgins, in particular, in spearheading a whole new poetry reading/performance movement in Ireland over the last decade cannot be overstated…he is important not just to readers who might agree with his political or ideological critiques but also to practitioners and students of poetry itself regardless of their ideological inclinations.

Philip Coleman

“There’s an arresting phrase, a new angle on a writer or a political position you thought you already knew about, in just about every piece here…The insights range from the literary to the existential to the seriously amusing…one of the things Mentioning the War offers, almost incidentally, is an insider’s account of how to learn to write.”

John Goodby

An interview in The Monthly explains how Over The Edge came to be set up.

When did you set up Over the Edge?

We set up Over the Edge in January 2003, that was the first reading in the Galway City Library and it was Susan’s (Susan Millar DuMars) idea.

Kevin Higgins and Susan Millar DuMars. Photo:-Mike Shaughnessy

And what was the idea?

At the time we really weren’t thinking about things like the differences between spoken word or poetry or anything like that. We were thinking about writing and writers, poetry and fiction, and especially those at an in-between stage in their careers; those people who wrote poetry and fiction and who were somewhere between getting their poems published in magazines and releasing their first collection or going from reading at various open mics to being selected for a literary festival. At that time there wasn’t really any opportunities for those people to get a platform for their work.

We were, I think, looking to build a community which could sustain people, rather than, what tended to happen then, a situation where people wrote and read for a while and then slowly drifted away. We wanted something that could keep people going when things get a little difficult.

Do you think Over the Edge was a bridge between the established poetry scene and the more underground activity?

I think there may have been a bit of that although to be honest I’m not sure we thought of it in those terms.

There were open mics in Galway that tended to be quite chaotic, and I’m sure other events which came and went, but we wanted to build something that was sustainable.

We wanted to have Over the Edge as something that had some permanence about it. And there would be spaces for people so that if something else disappeared, we would still be there. You could always come back to Over the Edge.

That was another element in that we wanted to build and develop an audience. By doing that we improved the situation for everyone in that there would always be people who wanted to come just to listen, to be at the event, rather than poets and writers reading to each other.

And it is still going?

Yes and in some ways I think that it matters more now than it ever did.

I think over the years there has been a dramatic shift in the way culture is approached and viewed generally and that approach trickles down to poetry. The idea that you can create something, maybe one thing, that will get you famous; that seems to be an approach which has taken hold lately. It’s an X-Factor approach to culture and I think an event which values quality and continuity is essential.

We have maintained Over the Edge for nearly 20 years with the rock solid format of 3 featured readers and an open mic. We are going to have a 20th anniversary celebration which we have already started the organising for.

Over the Edge was known for the quality of the readers. Do you feel you have been able to sustain that?

We would never put anyone on a platform if we didn’t think they were up for that and capable of doing it. It is quite different reading for 15 minutes than it is doing 1 poem at an open mic. We also have always put a fair bit of effort into who reads with who so there is a good mix and balance for the audience. We were always looking for contrast between writers and poets.

I do think that is something that is missing from Literary Festivals over the years in that the readers tend to be very similar. I have the view that this has happened since the crash of 2008, where poetry and fiction, and from there the programming of Literary Festivals, has become much more defensive, much more protective since 2008.

Could you expand on that thought?

Back in 2008, people like myself and Dave Lordan were seen, and perhaps tolerated, as amusing reminders of the politics of the past because until the crash of 2008 we were not seen as having anything resembling a live relevance or threat, and this was despite the anti-war movement and other movements which emerged before the crash.

In the South of Ireland you had articles in the Irish Times asking why people were not up in arms about cuts and things like that and of course the water charges movement seemed to shift attitudes when it emerged.

Since then you have had the situation with the Mother and Baby Homes, the Repeal of the 8th Amendment , the electoral collapse of the Labour Party, the rise of Sinn Fein (and other left forces) and the overarching of the Trump years and I think because of all that there is, or has been, a tendency, particularly in Literary Festivals, to try and cling on to the ideas of prior to the crash

Effectively, when there was a Liberal consensus of some sort it allowed more people who might have been seen as eccentrics into the mix but almost all of that has gone now.

Over the Edge is an antidote to that situation.

Going back to Over the Edge, how was it funded?

When we started off we couldn’t pay anyone because we had no funding. Then we received 400 Euros from Galway City Council which we used to pay travel expenses for people travelling outside of Galway. At the time we really did think that we were very privileged being able to do that.

We have always been pretty careful with the funding we got because in the early days, funding was pretty scarce and you could lose funding through no fault of your own through austerity and various other reasons. We still pay people, travelling writers and people who have published a book.

Below are some tributes to Kevin from those who knew him best:

Galway Arts Community heartbroken as 'legend of all trades' who went 'over the edge' Kevin Higgins sadly dies

 ‘The Arts in Galway’

“So sorry to learn of the passing of the passionate poet Kevin Higgins. He was a skilled satirist, a deft wordsmith, a romantic with real powers of evocation, a gentle presence too.

Galway Arts Centre:

“We at Galway Arts Centre, are deeply saddened to hear of the loss of poet, writer and friend Kevin Higgins. Kevin, along with his partner Susan Millar Du Mars have inspired generations of Galway writers through their initiative "Over the Edge" and through the extremely popular classes in writing that he ran in Galway Arts Centre for many years. Our deepest sympathies go to his family and friends.”

Below is one of the last poems Kevin wrote. It perfectly sums up the  shallow and insubstantial rich boy who has become Prime Minister. Barely a week before I had suggested it might be a good subject for a poem.

Monday, 07 November 2022 11:58

Meet Your New Leader

Published in Poetry

by Kevin Higgins, with images by Mick O'Dell

When a boy, his mother used to
prop him on the ironing board
and steam out the creases.
Since he was about five
he's been the adult in the room
coming up with solutions
the gods of the Market will like.
He arrived with a birthmark
which, under a magnifying glass,
appears to read
Head Prefect.

He'll be more efficient
than the previous occupant
at reducing the indigent
to ribcages which will act
as a necessary warning to others;
is the sort theatre aficionados
who enjoy browsing articles
about poverty on free Sundays
can imagine sitting beside
at a dinner party and being surprised,
he's actually quite familiar
with the dramas of Ibsen and being
beyond impressed to find themselves
in the presence of as icy and expensive
an intellect as this.

I cannot recommend highly enough Kevin’s Thrills and difficulties: Being a Marxist poet in 21st Century Ireland for a political insight by someone who had been a member of Militant in his youth, his disillusion with left groups and then his reengagement as a political poet.

I am though a different kind of Marxist to the one I was thirty years ago, far less party orientated, far more concerned with the broader movement. I again have people all around the world who I consider comrades. People who, though their faults may be many, try to resist the current fashion for putting oneself up for sale at what usually turns out to be a pretty low price.

Kevin and I conducted a conversation on Whatsapp in the wake of my appearance on October 27th at Over The Edge. Below is a precise of our conversations. In the short time I knew Kevin I came to realise that he was a very special and unique talent, with a political integrity that is rare. My heart goes out to Susan.

[20:42, 28/10/2022] Kevin Higgins: Hi Tony, … Some rough news today. I've been diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia. Will be in hospital, they say, for at least a couple of months. Likely start to chemo mid/late next week. Hopefully during my confinement I'll still manage to cause a little bit of politico-poetic mischief, though it won't be easy. It's been great getting to know you, and congrats on the brilliant book sales last night. Warm best  Kevin

[20:52, 28/10/2022] Tony Greenstein: Hi Kevin

I'm really sorry to hear this. Good luck with the chemo. I know it will be really tough but try and persevere as you are too valuable to lose with your wonderful gifts and impish wit. I look forward to seeing you on The Crispin show from hospital.

 [20:58, 28/10/2022] Kevin Higgins: Thanks Tony. Yes, I must do the Crispin show from the hospital. That would be fun

[23:30, 28/10/2022] Tony Greenstein: Yes that would be great.  You could write a poem about Rishi Sunak visiting a hospital today and being told to pay health workers more by a patient and when he replied that he was trying was told that he wasn't trying hard enough!!...

 [07:09, 12/12/2022] Kevin Higgins: Hi Tony, thanks. am feeling way way better than when I saw you in Galway. Not out of the proverbial woods yet. But first two rounds of chemo have done their thing. Need a wheelchair to go out of house as breathlessness is big issue, though also very slowly improving. But it looks like I'll be able to go to this week's December Over The Edge reading which will be the first time since September. Hope all good your side. I was delighted with how your reading in October went; I watched it on Facebook live in the hospital ward. Great that we prevailed over those few Embassy trolls. One of them actually phoned me while I was still in the A & E department before there was a room from me in the Haematology Ward. Very funny conversation. I can't believe how reasonable I managed to sound. He was calling from London and thought I'd be really shocked to hear you had been expelled from the Labour Party; and so must then obviously be a total reprobate. I thought, mate, you don't know who you're talking too; I've been expelled twice. I think he thought we were liberal arts admin types who would just collapse. After the reading a nurse came into my room and immediately said: well, you're looking better! (And I hadn't started the treatment yet and was in bad way). Your reading going so well really helped my mood at about the worst possible time. Brilliant that you sold all those books too. Only sorry I wasn't around for the afterwards at the House Hotel. Hope you're doing well. Warmest wishes, and thanks for getting in touch, Kevin

[07:15, 12/12/2022] Tony Greenstein: Hi Kevin,

Yes it was great to see you today looking better. I know you have a long way to go….  I heard there were 1 or 2 complaints but I didn't know that it came from the Israeli Embassy. Perhaps you could write t his up and I'd blog it.  What a cheek for an Embassy to try and interfere in local politics especially given the Jewish neo-Nazis who are now in control in Israel. Yes being expelled from the Labour Party must indeed be a crime to them but we all know that if you are Jewish today you are 6 times more likely to be expelled from the LP.  I was just the first.

Glad he cheered you up though!

Take it easy and maybe when you are better I can return for another reading!!

[12:18, 17/12/2022] Kevin Higgins: Hi Tony, sorry to take this long to get back to you. I'd be happy to write up a piece for your blog about the Zionists we dealt with around your reading. Some of it was even quite comical really. If it would be okay for me to write that up for you in the early new year, that would be great. Still settling into being back at home - which is great- but taking it easy (which being a workaholic is not my best area!) Hope all good your side. Best always, Kevin

[12:45, 17/12/2022] Tony Greenstein: Yeah that would be great. Yes please take it easy.  You are too valuable to lose. Your health is your main priority.  When I had a liver transplant and leading up to it I dropped all political work to concentrate on my health.  You must do the same.  Take care

Tragically Kevin was not able to write up his experience with the Israeli Embassy trolls but I think people will be able to get a sense of what happened.

Tony Greenstein

Socialist History Society Talk on Zionism During the Holocaust 19.1.23


Zionist Historiography & the Distortion of the Lessons of the Holocaust 

Please register in advance:


Also livestreamed on YouTube 

Many people have asked me why did I write Zionism During the Holocaust? My answer is simple - Because the history of the Nazi holocaust and its place in history needs rescuing from Zionist falsifications, myths and distortions.

I am not of course disputing the fact that millions of Jews were exterminated by the Nazis, including half in gas chambers. That is for the political equivalent of flat earthers. What I am referring to is the role of the Jewish Resistance, their defence of the Judenrate (Jewish Councils which collaborated with the Nazis), the erasure of anti-Zionist Jews in the Resistance, the rewriting of the memoirs of even the Zionist fighters in the ghettos and the absence of any mention of Zionist collaboration and their obstruction of rescue attempts.

Yehuda Bauer - Zionist first, historian second

All this has been achieved by the Zionist holocaust historians based in Yad Vashem, led by Yehuda Bauer and Dina Porat, in order that the holocaust can accord with a Zionist national narrative.

The Zionist holocaust narrative has drawn a straight line between the fight against the Nazis and Israel’s ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. In his address to the 2015 World Zionist Congress, Netanyahu attempted to transfer the blame for the holocaust from Hitler to the Palestinian Grand Mufti, Haj al Amin Husseini.

Nothing better illustrates this than the annual visit of thousands of Israeli school children to Auschwitz. Instead of being a profound educational event, that teaches the dangers of a resurgence of racism and fascism, it has become an orgy of Israeli national chauvinism.

It is no wonder that Israeli teenagers are even more racist than their elders. Or Kashti in Ha’aretz Israeli Teenagers: Racist and Proud of Itquoted a 10th grade high school girl as declaring:

“For me, personally, Arabs are something I can’t look at and can’t stand. I am tremendously racist. I come from a racist home. If I get the chance in the army to shoot one of them, I won’t think twice. I’m ready to kill someone with my hands, and it’s an Arab. In my education I learned that ... their education is to be terrorists, and there is no belief in them…. every day I see these Ishmaelites, who pass by and whistle. I wish them death.”

Israeli teenagers annually walk from Auschwitz to Birkenau covered in Israeli flags, the message being one of Jewish militarism. Their visit to Auschwitz actually reinforces their racism. As Gideon Levy observed

I have yet to hear a single teenager come back from Auschwitz and say that we mustn’t abuse others the way we were abused. There has yet to be a school whose pupils came back from Birkenau straight to the Gaza border, saw the barbed-wire fence and said, Never again. The message is always the opposite. Gaza is permitted because of Auschwitz.

Anti-fascists in the 70s campaigned around the slogan ‘Never Again’ meaning that never again must any people experience genocide. Yet to the Zionists Never Again meant it must not happen to Jews again. To Zionism the lesson of the Holocaust entitles Jews to be genociders.

Zionist Historiography and Yad Vashem

Zionism has constructed a Holocaust historiography which is based on a rejection of any universal lessons from the holocaust. At the forefront of this hegemonic narrative stands Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Propaganda Museum in Jerusalem.

When a guide, Itamar Shapira, referredto the proximity of Deir Yassin in a talk to visitors to YV, where in April 1948 Zionist militias slaughtered over 100 Palestinian villagers, he was sacked.

When Netanyahu attempted to deport up to 60,000 African refugees for the ‘crime’ of not being Jewish. Ha'aretz journalist Nir Gontarz describedhis reception when he rang YV and asked them to publicly condemn Netanyahu’s attempt to deport the refugees:

One after the other of the senior staff there, including Mr. Avner Shalev [the director], slammed the phone down on me when I asked to speak to them.

Yad Vashem has played host to a variety of neo-Nazis and anti-Semite such as Viktor Orban, John Vorster, Premier of South Africa and the  Hitler loving Presidents Bolsonaro and Duterte of Brazil and the Philippines respectively. Daniel Blatman, a Holocaust historian at the Hebrew University described YV as a

‘hard-working laundromat, striving to bleach out the sins of every anti-Semitic, fascist, racist or simply murderously thuggish leader or politician.’

The Holocaust Educational Trust took a full part in the fake 'antisemitism' attack on Corbyn

Holocaust Uniqueness

Fundamental to the Zionist narrative is that the Nazi Holocaust was unique and that only the Jews experienced a holocaust. All other victims experienced genocide not holocaust. The Holocaust Memorial Day Trust describesthe holocaust as an attempt by the Nazis and their collaborators to murder all the Jews in Europe.’ There is no mention of Gypsies or the Disabled. They are genocides.

Yehuda Bauer, the most prominent Zionist holocaust historian, argued that holocaust only applied to Jews. Why? Because the "Roma were not Jews, therefore there was no need to murder all of them," [Sybil Milton, The Context of the Holocaust, p.270] Bauer’s assumption was that the Nazis’ sole concern was annihilating the Jews.

The Holocaust Educational Trust and its CEO Karen Pollock attacked Corbyn for chairing a meeting addressed by anti-Zionist Auschwitz survivor,  Hajo Meyer

Bauer didn’t see the extermination of the Jews as part of a wider eugenic policy to ‘purify’ the Aryan race, rassenchande (racial defilement) or rassenhygiene (racial hygiene). Bauer completely ignored the evidence that the Nazis criminalised sexual relations between all non-Aryans and Aryans, e.g. Gypsies and slave labourers. He also ignored the fact that before 1941 Nazi policy was expulsion of the Jews not extermination. Sybil Milton, senior resident historian at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) observed:

The emphasis on antisemitism and the exclusivity of the Jewish fate has, for obvious political reasons, also been the official Israeli interpretation and as such has profoundly influenced the historiography of the Holocaust. [Milton, Gypsies and the Holocaust, p. 377] 

Bauer argued that the Nazi extermination of the Gypsies was a product of their anti-social and criminal behaviour rather than their ‘race’. Milton witheringly observed:

Defining an entire ethnic group as anti-social and criminal is a classic example of racism. I do not know why Mr. Bauer does not understand this. Milton, Bauer Correspondence, Gypsies and the Holocaust, p. 517. 

Like most Holocaust organisations, the Holocaust Educational Trust and its CEO Pollock are Zionists first and foremost plugging away at Labour's anti-racist leader and ignoring Boris Johnson's genuine anti-Semitic outpourings in 72 Virgins

Milton noted that:

the current preoccupation with antisemitism and the "uniqueness" of the  Jewish Holocaust in historical literature has limited our ability to recognize the connections between Nazi ideology, German social policy, and Genocide. [Gypsies and the Holocaust, p. 382, 1991]

Drawing Universal Lessons from the Holocaust

For Zionism the Holocaust was the sole possession of the Jews. Drawing universal lessons from the Holocaust meant the ‘plunder of [Jewish] moral capital’’. [Peter Novick, the Holocaust in American Life, p.156] According to Gerhard Riegner, the representative of the World Jewish Congress in Geneva during the war, ‘Auschwitz was not only a national memory belonging to the Jewish people… it was also an important political asset.’[Tom Segev, The Seven Million, p.474]

In March 1988 Yehuda Elkana, a child survivor of Auschwitz and Rector of the Central European University in Budapest, before being evicted by Netanyahu’s friend Viktor Orban, wrote an article for Ha'aretz, The Need To Forget citing Thomas Jefferson’s maxim that democracy and worship of the past are incompatible:

The very existence of democracy is endangered when the memory of the dead participates actively in the democratic process.

Elkana warned against the misuse of the lessons of the Holocaust:

a profound existential “Angst” fed by a particular interpretation of the lessons of the holocaust … that we are the eternal victim. In this ancient belief… I see the tragic and paradoxical victory of Hitler. Two nations, metaphorically speaking, emerged from the ashes of Auschwitz: a minority who assert, “this must never happen again,” and a frightened and haunted majority who assert, “this must never happen to us again.”

The Holocaust is inexplicable

Zionism holds that anti-Semitism has nothing to do with class relations or the socio-economic nature of society. It exists because the Jews exist, the product of the Jews presence as strangers in other people’s countries. For the Zionists the Holocaust was inexplicable, an irrational and demonic phenomenon.

For Elie Wiesel, a survivor of Auschwitz and an ardent Zionist, the Holocaust was beyond history. It was a ‘sacred and essentially incomprehensible event.

The Holocaust and the Arabs

Idith Zertal, Professor of History at the Hebrew University described in Israel’s Holocaust and the Politics of Nationhood, how:

‘The transference of the holocaust situation on to the Middle East reality… not only created a false sense of the imminent danger of mass destruction. It also immensely distorted the image of the holocaust, dwarfed the magnitude of the atrocities committed by the Nazis, trivializing the unique agony of the victims and the survivors, and utterly demonizing the Arabs and their leaders.

Zertal wrote how there hasn’t been a war involving Israel ‘that has not been perceived, defined, and conceptualized in terms of the Holocaust.’ Israel has mobilisedthe Holocaust ‘in the service of Israeli politics.’

Why the Contemporary Concern with the Holocaust

Holocaust Memorial Day was only established in 2001, more than half a century after the liberation of Auschwitz. The USHMM was first opened in April 1993. Why the delay?

As John Cummings noted

The U.S. has 35,000 museums. Why is only one about slavery? And that one was opened in December 2014.

Why is the Nazi holocaust considered more important, with a budget for the USHMM of over $100m, than slavery in which the United States was so heavily implicated that it fought a civil war over it?

The answer in a nutshell, is imperialism and in particular US imperialism. Adopting the holocaust narrative is part of the United States attempt to incorporate a sanitised version of its war against the Nazis into its imperialist narrative.

As Yitzhak Laor explained the current preoccupation with the holocaust is about

consolidating a new ideology of exclusion. Now it is the Jews who are the insiders… the genocide and the Jews served in the construction of a European identity

The version of history presented in the USHMM is a rewriting of American culpability. No mention is made of the role of the United States in turning away Jewish refugees from the Nazis, the most famous example being the St. Louis, a boat carrying Jewish refugees from Germany which was turned away from first Cuba and then the United States.

In the late 40s and 50s the Holocaust was barely mentioned in Israel. In a 220 page Israeli history textbook published in 1948, just one page was devoted to the holocaust compared to 10 pages on the Napoleonic wars. The first time the holocaust became part of the syllabus, in 1953, just two hours were devoted to it. The same was true in the US where mention of the holocaust indicated communist sympathies.

Erasing the Heroes of the Anti-Zionist Resistance

On April 10 1944 Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler escaped from Auschwitz and reached Slovakia on April 24. There they wrote the first first hand accounts of Auschwitz, the Auschwitz Protocols. Until then Auschwitz was believed to be a labour not an extermination camp. Yet when the Protocols were given to the leader of Hungarian Zionism, Rudolf Kasztner, he promptly suppressed them. Vrba wrote:

I am a Jew. In spite of that – indeed because of that I accuse certain Jewish leaders of one of the most ghastly deeds of the war. This small group of quislings knew what was happening to their brethren in Hitler's gas chambers and bought their own lives with the price of silence. Among them was Dr Kasztner. … I was able to give Hungarian Zionist leaders three weeks’ notice that Eichmann planned to send a million of their Jews to his gas chambers… Kasztner went to Eichmann and told him, ‘I know of your plans; spare some Jews of my choice and I shall keep quiet.’ 

When Professor Jacob Talmon criticised Hannah Arendt for referring to the Kasztner Affair, Vrba asked:

Rudolf Vrba

Did the Judenrat (or the Judenverrat) in Hungary tell their Jews what was awaiting them? No, they remained silent and for this silence some of their leaders – for example Dr R Kasztner – bartered their own lives and the lives of 1684 other ‘prominent’ Jews directly from Eichmann.

These letters are not to be found in Hebrew history text books. The Protocols were erased from Zionism’s holocaust historiography because they did not accord with its narrative.

Vrba and Wetzler were rendered anonymous. Oskar Neumann, head of the Slovakian Judenrat referred to ‘two young Jewish chaps…’ in his 1956 memoirs. Oskar Krasniansky, his deputy referred to ‘two young people’ and Livia Rothkirchen, a Zionist holocaust historian, to ‘two young men’. In Bauer’s The Holocaust - Some Historical Aspects they are referred to as ‘two Slovak Jews’  Dina Porat wrote about ‘two young Slovak Jews…’ Porat cited Martin Gilbert’s Auschwitz and the Allies as her source, yet Gilbert named both.

In the 1990 edition of the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Wetzler and Vrba are mentioned by name but in the 2001 edition they are referred to as ‘two Jewish prisoners.’ The USHMM and the inscription of the Auschwitz escape in YV refers to ‘two young Slovak Jews.

Yehuda Elkana

The silencing of Vrba and Wetzler was exploited by holocaust deniers such as Arthur Butz. Butz argued that if the content of the Protocols were true, Israeli historians would certainly know their names and publicise their report.’ Butz alleged that the Protocols were invented by the War Refugee Board. Another holocaust denier who adopted this line of argument was Robert Faurisson.

In 1994, at a conference at the USHMM, Vrba asked who was the better historian? Those who had direct experience of the Nazis or those who wrote about them? Vrba’s crime was that he was neither a Zionist nor a historian.

Jewish child in terror of Nazi soldiers, Palestinian child in terror of Israeli soldiers

The same was true of the last Commander of the Warsaw Ghetto Resistance, Marek Edelman.

Like Vrba, Edelman never ‘ascended’ to Israel, refusing to become the ‘dead and obedient hero who could be moulded along with the political order of that time…. extremely inconvenient for the creation of a heroic Zionist condensing and compensating myth… Israel was not their home.’

Paul Foot wrote about how:

Mr Edelman … wrote in a spirit of solidarity from a fellow resistance fighter, as a former leader of a Jewish uprising …He addressed his letter to commanders of the Palestinian military, paramilitary and partisan operations – to all the soldiers of the Palestinian fighting organisations.’ This set up a howl of rage in the Zionist press, who reminded their readers that Mr Edelman, despite his heroism in the 1940s, is a former supporter of the anti-Zionist socialist Bund and can therefore not be trusted.

When Edelman died on 9 October 2009 he was honoured with a Polish state funeral and a fifteen-gun salute. Not even the lowliest clerk at the Israeli Embassy attended. Edelman receivedPoland's highest honour and the French Legion of Honour but he died unrecognised and forgotten in the ‘Jewish’ State of Israel.

The President of Poland spoke at his funeral… held in the old Jewish cemetery of Warsaw. Two thousand people attended the grave-side ceremony. But no one from the Israeli government attended… No official representative of any international Jewish organisation attended either: not even from the holocaust memorialisation organisations.

Israel even falsified the record of the Zionist fighters

Hayka Klinger, who fought in the Warsaw Ghetto, told the Histadrut Executive in March 1944 that ‘we received an order not to organize any more defence.’[Porat, p.242]To the Zionist leadership the ghetto fighters were more valuable in Palestine. Klinger observed that

‘Without a people, a people’s avant-garde is of no value. If rescue it is, then the entire people must be rescued. If it is to be annihilation, then the avante-garde too shall be annihilated.’

Ronen, her second son, described how Klinger ‘was apparently not satisfied with the way they [her Diaries] were edited, shortened, and censored.’ In 1958, Hayke took her own life on the 15th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

Klinger couldn’t find anywhere in Israel to publishher experiences. When she diedher Ghetto Diary was published. However it had so many changes and erasures that researchers were recommended to consult the originals which have now been published.

The Zionists ‘amended’ the writings of their own dead comrades. Tuvia (Tova) Altman, a leader of the Hashomer Hatzair underground in Poland, wrote in December 1942 that ‘Israel is dying before my eyes and I wring my hands and cannot help.’ What they didn’t publish was the following:

After all, you have erased me from your memory and what are we.... It takes all the restraint I can muster not to vent the bitterness that has accumulated for you and your friends for forgetting me so completely... Only the realization and the certainty that we will never again meet led me to write…. Do not give regards to anyone. I don’t want to know about them.

The Zionist Rehabilitation of the Judenrat

Hannah Arendt wrote in Eichmann in Jerusalem [p.125] that

Wherever Jews lived, there were recognized Jewish leaders, and this leadership, almost without exception, cooperated in one way or another, for one reason or another, with the Nazis… The whole truth was that if the Jewish people had really been unorganized and leaderless, there would have been chaos and plenty of misery but the total number of victims would hardly have been between four and a half and six million people.

Gideon Hausner

This caused a storm of protest by the Zionists. Gideon Hausner, the Prosecutor in the Eichmann Trial, described Arendt’s vicious and compassionless attitude to the Judenrat. But the Zionist fighters had a different story:

Zivia Lubetkin, a resistance fighter from Warsaw, told how:

The Germans issued decrees and their despised work was carried out by Jews from the Jewish Council... And in this way, each Jewish Council, without exception, in each and every town, played a treacherous part.’

A straight line was drawn between the Warsaw Ghetto & Palestine

Shneur Zalman Rubashov, at a Histadrut Executive Committee meeting, imagined that in the streets of the Warsaw Ghetto ‘the banner of Tel Hai was being raised.’Moshe Dayan, Israel’s Chief of Staff, in his eulogy to Roi Rotberg, a settler who was killed by Fedayeen spoke of the

Millions of Jews, who were exterminated because they had no country, are watching us from the ashes of Israeli history and exhorting us to settle and to build up a land for our people.

According to Yitzhak Tabenkin,

‘The pre-5 June borders have brought down shoah on our heads, and this shoah is graver than the Nazi Holocaust…

When the holocaust survivors had first arrived in Israel they were treated with contempt and called ‘sapon’ (soap) after the myth that the bodies of murdered Jews were turned into soap.

But beginning with the Eichmann trial Zionist contempt for the Holocaust survivors was played down as the Holocaust became a foundational Zionist myth. Yitzhak Gruenbaum felt shame because ‘the Jews went to the slaughter without any zeal arising in any of them to defend himself.’  The emphasis in the trial was on Jewish resistance, the Warsaw Ghetto in particular. The message conveyed was that Israel’s war against the Palestinians was a continuation of this resistance. According to Israeli President, Yitzhak ben Zvi, ‘What a difference between those who died in combat and those killed in the Nazi ditches!’ According to Yitzhak Tabenkin, ‘The pre-5 June borders have brought down shoah on our heads, and this shoah is graver than the Nazi Holocaust…’ Zertal, p. 189.

But in reality the Zionist attitude to the holocaust survivors has not changed. Despite Israel spending the second highest amount on ‘defence’ Israel keeps the survivors in poverty and penury. See ‘Israel Is Waiting for Its Holocaust Survivors to Die,’

Overwhelming Public Support for NHS Strike Pickets but Starmer & Streeting Refuse to Support the Nurses


 The Failure of Starmer & Streeting to Give Any Support to the Nurses Proves the Irrelevance of the Labour Party - We Need a New Working Class Socialist Party

NHS Strike Picket Today at Brighton's Sussex County Hospital

As you can see from the video the NHS strikers have overwhelming public support.  But public support doesn’t translate into victory against a government which is committed to transferring wealth from the poor to the rich.

We have had neo-liberal governments for the past 40 years and in that time the rich have grown richer. Since 2020 the richest 1% have, according to a new Oxfam report, grabbed nearly two-thirds of all new wealth worth $42 trillion created since 2020, almost twice as much money as the bottom 99 percent of the world’s population. During the past decade, the richest 1% have captured around half of all new wealth. 

The table below showshow, beginning with Ronald Reagan in the United States, wealth flowed from the poor to the rich. In 1967 the richest 20% had 43.6% of wealth. By 2014 this had increased to 51.2%, whereas the share of the poorest 20% declined from 4% to 3.1%. This continued under the Democrats and under Trump, with his tax cuts for the rich and Biden, the trend has continued.

According to Statistaand the Sunday TimesRich List the UK’s top 10 richest people are wealthier than ever. The cumulative wealth of the top 10 billionaires in the UK has grown from £47.77 billion in 2009 to £182 billion in 2022 - an increase of 281%.

Following the 2008 crash, UK’s billionaires have seen a steady and steep incline in their wealth. The upward trend continued despite the pandemic, which saw the UK’s economy shrink by 20.4% in the second quarter of 2020. 30.5m people in Europe were pushed into poverty. By way of contrast the UK’s 250 ultra wealthy saw their collective wealth surge to a record high of £653 billion in 2022.

George Dibbs, the head of the Center for Economic Justice at the Institute for Public Policy Research, explainedhow we are seeing a widening wealth gap

As we enter a once-in-a-generation cost of living crisis, the Sunday Times rich list shows us again that vast wealth often begets more wealth. That has proved particularly true during the pandemic, when the wealthiest accumulated more wealth than poorer people, who saved nothing.

As most people faced a cost of living crisis Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murty joinedthe UK rich list with a combined £730m fortune. Dominic Raab, now Deputy Prime Minister, saidit was “fantastic” news that Sunak had joined the rich list.

“He’s a fantastic example of someone who’s been successful in business, who’s coming to make a big impact in public service. I think we want more of those people. I think it’s fantastic that you’ve got someone of British-Indian origin, showing all people in our country that you can get to the top of politics.

The UK now has a record 177 billionaires, up six on 2021. Their combined wealth is up 9.4% to a record £653bn.

Nurses Picket Outside Brighton's Sussex County Hospital

This is the background to the current strike wave. It also explains the new anti-strike laws and the further attack on public protests with the new Public Order Bill. These bills have nothing to do with preventing ‘disruption’ to the public despite government’s lies. They have everything to do with defending the right of the rich to get richer.

The refusal of Starmer and Streeting, both of whom support further privatisation of the NHS, is contemptible. If they had a shred of honesty they would change the name of the Labour Party to ‘The New Tory Party’ but Honesty and Starmer is an oxymoron.

At the same time we have seen massive corruption arising from giving COVID contracts to friends and cronies of the Tories. Just 10 Conservative MPs and peers referredcompanies to a “VIP lane” that won £1.6bn of PPE contracts. The “VIP lane” was recently declared unlawful by the High Court but no one has been prosecuted by the Police because their sole focus is on benefit claimants. Government corruption is not their concern.

One Fifthof Covid contracts ‘raised red flags for possible corruption’. We have a corrupt government and a corrupt capitalist system where wealth flows upwards, away from workers to the parasites who preside over this system.

When Sunak and Starmer tell workers that we ‘cannot afford’ 19% pay increases for nurses we should bear in mind that the average pay packet of Chief Executives in the FTSE 100 companies jumpedby 39% to £3.4 million. The average UK CEO now collects 109 times that paid to the average British worker, up from 79 times in 2020.

About this Starmer, Reeves and the rest of the traitorous Labour MPs have nothing to say. After all Labour is now ‘business friendly’.

What we need to create is a genuine working class socialist party that defends the poor against the spivs, speculators and parasites who have plundered the economy whilst telling us that we ‘cannot afford’to pay decent wages and benefits. Neo-liberal capitalism means privatising the public sector and allowing the capitalist pigs to hide their ill gotten gains in tax havens whilst avoiding paying taxes.

Corbyn still does not understand that the ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations were designed to remove him and nothing more

People should sign up to the Socialist Labour Network’s appeal for a new mass working class party. The time is for socialists to get together and organise after the debacle of Corbyn who has proven that he couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag with his appalling interviewwith Liz Kendall when, despite everything, he still accepted that there was a genuine ‘anti-Semitism’ crisis in the Labour Party.

Nurses Picket Outside Brighton's Sussex County Hospital

It is time for the trade unions to fight back. Individual strikes are not enough. Only a general strike that challenges the privileges of the idle rich and their supporters in parliament will challenge the Tories. It is clear that although welcome, the current strike wave, uncoordinated as it is, is not enough.

Nurses Picket Outside Brighton's Sussex County Hospital

Meanwhile everyone who can should join the strike picket lines and reject the divide and rule tactics of the ruling class. The trade union bureaucrats want a quiet life and would prefer to accept minimal concessions rather than lead a fight back. They need to have their feet held to the fire. We need a strategy of outright defiance of the trade union laws. Anti-strike laws are a negation of the most basic principles of a democratic society. It was Hitler who outlawed strikesand unions on May 2 1933. The anti-strike laws are nothing but a continuation of Hitlerism by other means.

Tony Greenstein

80,000 Israeli Jews Demonstrated to Defend A Racist Supreme Court and ‘Jewish’ Democracy


 Israel’s Supreme Court is and always has been a Court of Ethnic Cleansing, Colonialism and Zionism

80,000 people, almost all of them Jewish, demonstratedlast weekend against the judicial reforms of the new Coalition Government which would allow the Knesset to override any Supreme Court judgment by a one vote majority and which would enable the government to hand pick new Supreme Court judges.

Conspicuous by their absence were Israeli Palestinians. The message that went out was that this demonstration wasabout ‘protect(ing)  democracy in Jewish and Zionist Israel – and not democracy in Israel.’ In other words, Jewish Democracy.

It had already been made clear the previous week, when there were two demonstrations in Tel Aviv, that slogans such as ‘End the Occupation’ were not welcome. Mansour Abbas of the United Arab List, an Islamist Party which accepts that Israel is a Jewish State, in return for minor concessions, calledfor people not to bring the Palestinian flag.

The Supreme Court has always been a Zionist court. Although it has a token Arab judge that is for the sake of appearance. Not once has the Supreme Court struck down a racist piece of legislation whose purpose was to reduce the rights of Arab citizens. The Supreme Court is fully wedded to the idea of a Jewish Supremacist state.

From the Law of Return, which granted Jews a right to ‘return’ to Israel at the same time as Palestinian refugees were excluded, to the Absentee Property Law 1950, whose sole purpose was to confiscate land from Palestinians, the Supreme Court has been consistent in supporting anti-Palestinian laws.

Jeremy Corbyn, when asked, during the debate against Owen Smith in 2016 for leadership of the Labour Party, what he most admired about Israel and its achievements, said:

“I admire the verve and spirit of the towns and cities in Israel. I admire the separation of legal and political powers in the system of democratic government that’s there.”

It was one more act of appeasement by Corbyn, thus demonstrating his ignorance of the supremacist nature of the Israeli state.

The Supreme Court has presided over the theft of Palestinian land in the West Bank using a variety of legal tricks. In July 2022 it ruledthat the Mitzpeh Kramim settlement could stay because the land was stolen in ‘good faith’.

The Supreme Court has create the legal architecture of Israeli Apartheid. The most notable cases are those involving the question of whether Israel is a state of all its citizens or whether it is a state of the Jewish ‘nation’.

In 1972 this question was decided in George Tamarinv State of Israel.Tamarin wanted his nationality changed from ‘Jewish’ to ‘Israeli.’ Justice Agranat ruledthat

‘the desire to create an Israeli nation separate from the Jewish nation is not a legitimate aspiration. A division of the population into Israeli and Jewish nations would… negate the foundation on which the State of Israel was established. ‘There is no Israeli nation separate from the Jewish People. The Jewish People is composed not only of those residing in Israel but also of Diaspora Jewry.’

Why is a nationality embracing all of a State’s citizens, as opposed to the metaphysical ‘Jewish nation’, not legitimate? The Supreme Court did not say. In the process the Supreme Court clung to the Zionist fiction that Jews, from China to Argentina, India to Brazil, are members of a single Jewish Nation.

In 2013, in Uzzi Ornan v the State of Israel,the Supreme Court  confirmed the Tamarin rulingthat there was no such thing as an Israeli nationality. It statedthat ‘there is no proof of the existence of a uniquely 'Israeli' people’, ignoring the fact that every other state in the world accords the same nationality to those possessing the same citizenship and living within its borders.

What the court was doing was ruling that Israel is not a state of all of its citizens but only of its Jewish citizens and notionally Jews living outside Israel. The idea that Israel is a state of Jews, wherever they live, is the fiction that underpins Israeli Apartheid. Effectively it was saying that Jews are a race.

Today Zionists don’t talk openly of a Jewish race except for overt racists like the new ‘Culture’ Minister Miki Zohar MK who opinedthat ‘the “Jewish race” is the smartest in the world and possessing of the “highest human capital,”’

A mythical Jewish nation/race trumped the rights of Israel’s Palestinian citizens, which is why Israeli citizenship is meaningless because Jewish and non-Jewish citizens have very different rights  in a Jewish state.

If there was any doubt about this then Netanyahu made this explicit when he said, in 2019, in responseto Israeli actor, Rotem Sela, who had protested that even Arabs are human beings, that

Israel is not a state of all its citizens. According to the basic nationality law we passed, Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people – and only it.

In 2018 this was codified in the Jewish Nation State Law which made any notion of equality in Israel redundant. This law held that:

1 (a) The Land of Israel is the historical homeland of the Jewish People, in which the State of Israel was established.

1 (b) The State of Israel is the nation state of the Jewish People in which it realizes its natural, cultural, religious and historical right to self-determination.

1 (c) The realization of the right to national self- determination in the State of Israel is exclusive to the Jewish People.

Section 4(b) relegated Arabic from the status of a recognised language to one with a ‘special status’ which in practice has meant no status. Section 7 originally supported the creation of Jewish only settlements and communities but, with an eye to how this would be interpreted overseas this became

‘The State views the development of Jewish settlement as a
national value, and shall act to encourage and promote its
establishment and consolidation.’

Even though Israel has been established for nearly 75 years, Jewish settlement, i.e. colonisation and displacement of Israeli Palestinians, is still a ‘national value’. Judaisation of the Galilee, Negev/Naqab and East Jerusalem is an ongoing process of house demolition, land theft and the eviction of Palestinians. In nearly every case the High Court (i.e. the Supreme Court) has ruled in favour of Jewish settlement and applied the Absentee Property Law which allows Jews to ‘reclaim’ properties that they owned prior to 1948 whilst at the same time denying Arab citizens or residents any equivalent right to reclaim homes that they once owned.

In July 2021 the Supreme Court held, by 10-1, that the overtly racist Jewish Nation State Law was constitutional even though it explicitly discriminated against Israel’s Palestinian citizens. In the process they affirmed that that Arab citizenship was all but worthless.

The one Supreme Court justice who ruled against the law was its only Arab member, George Karra. Not one Jewish judge was prepared to leave their Zionism and racism at home. This is the Supreme Court that thousands of Israeli Jews are taking to the streets for.

Adalah, the Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, issued the following statementat the time:

The Israel Supreme Court approved a law that establishes a constitutional identity, which completely excludes those who do not belong to the majority group. This Law is illegitimate and violates absolute prohibitions of international law… the Attorney General and the Knesset decided to ignore and disregard these violations in their responses to the case….

The Israeli Supreme Court has not protected Palestinians from the most racist laws in the world since World War II and the fall of the apartheid regime in South Africa. Rather, the Court upheld the Citizenship Law, banning Palestinian family unification in Israel; the Admissions’ Committees Law, which allows small communities built on state land to discriminate against Palestinian families using the criterion of “social suitability”; the Nakba Law, which prohibits any groups or schools that receive state funding from commemorating the Nakba (the Catastrophe); the Boycott Law, which makes calls for boycott a civil tort, actionable for damages; and now the Jewish Nation-State Basic Law. Adalah will continue to work internationally to expose the discriminatory and racist nature of this law, a law which clearly shows the Israeli regime, as a colonial one, with distinct characteristics of apartheid.

Those who are protesting in Israel are demonstrating for Jewish rights in a Jewish state not for the democratic rights of all Israeli citizens. That is why Israel’s Arab minority, apart from a few professional Arab politicians, ignored these demonstrations.

Below I summarise some of the more egregious decisions of the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court has never hesitated to defer to Israel’s internal security police, Shin Bet and the Israeli army. There isn’t a single instance in which the Court challenged the judgement of the army or police when it came to infringing on the liberties of Palestinians.

Ha’aretz described how, last September, the court rejected a petition to release a hunger-striking administrative detainee Khalil Awawdeh whose body weight had dropped to 38 kilograms (under 84 pounds). He was going blind and his consciousness was blurred. His hunger strike had lasted at that point for 172 days.

Justices Daphne Barak-Erez, Ofer Grosskopf and Alex Stein wrote that after having reviewed confidential material that Awawdeh’s lawyer could not see, there exists “firm and substantial justification” for Awawdeh’s continued detention.’

As Awawdeh’s condition deteriorated even further another petition was submitted to the High Court and Justice Anat Baron, a ‘liberal’ judge by Israeli standards, ruled that no significant change had occurred in the circumstances that would justify court intervention.

Along with Justices Stein and Chaled Kabub, Baron ruled that the fact that no indictment had been filed had no bearing on the strength of the evidence. Revealing the evidence “might severely harm state security.” In other words, the High Court of Justice decided that the dying man must not be released because of the danger he posed.

And then what happened?

24 hours later, wonder of wonders: The Shin Bet security service agreed to release the detainee upon his completion of the current period of detention, at the beginning of October. Until then he will stay in the hospital as a free man.

Administrative Detention is imprisonment without trial. It is repugnant in any democratic society. Internment Without Trialwas last introduced in the UK in 1971 in Northern Ireland and abolished in 1975 yet in Israel it is a permanent feature of the legal system.

Israel routinely locks up Palestinians without trial, for 6 months at a time, renewable indefinitely, without the High Court saying a word. It accepts, without question, the word of Shin Bet. The ‘evidence’ is not seen by either the prisoner or his legal representatives. The High Court acts as a military court when it comes to Palestinians. Jews rarely experience Administrative Detention, however heinous their offences, because Israel’s Supreme Court is Israel’s Colonial Court.

Ha’aretz commented:

The justices of the High Court must now hang their heads in shame. If further proof were needed that in matters of the occupation the court is nothing more than a hollow rubber stamp, a body that automatically and blindly submits to every Shin Bet caprice, this case is incontrovertible proof. On Tuesday, Awawdeh was still dangerous, on Wednesday he was no longer dangerous, and all this with the approval of the High Court of Justice that, as in many other cases, was led up the garden path by the Shin Bet.

The role of the High Court is to oversee and restrain the Shin Bet, not to become its abject servant. This week the court showed it fails in this duty, and also made a laughing stock of itself.

In September 2022 it was revealed that Israel's Supreme Court Had 74 Interns in the Past Two Years. Only One Was Arab.A Supreme Court internship is highly prestigious, and is considered a springboard to advanced studies at prestigious universities abroad, and to positions at leading law firms and the State’s prosecution. Every Justice among the 15 serving may choose two interns for an internship period of 12 or 18 months. Some become fully-paid legal assistants to the judges following their internship.

Professor Muhammad Watted, Dean of Safed Academic College Law School explained that

an intern doesn’t sit at the Supreme Court to make coffee. They speak their mind, persuade, and can provide the judge for whom they work with a different perspective.

 Prof. Yuval Elbashan, formerly Dean of the law school at the Ono Academic College commented that

Since time immemorial, it has been university graduates interning at the Supreme Court, mostly from Tel Aviv University and the Hebrew University. It is sad to see that nothing has changed. It’s the same old song….

A Supreme Court internship is very prestigious and highly-regarded. It enables admission to advanced studies at the leading American universities.”

Gideon Levy’s in A Hostile Take Over of a Hostile Institutionwrote that:

This pathetic battle over the character of Israeli democracy, a democracy intended solely for the privileged, is the joke of the year. It’s a tempest in an apartheid teacup: Our democracy-for-Jews-only is in danger. Save it! All of the pathos and every piece of artillery has been pulled out to save this fake democracy.

But it is also not a democracy when 5 million people are living under its auspices with no citizenship and no rights, with the approval of the High Court of Justice – that is, the Supreme Court sitting as a constitutional. Consequently, the hysteria that has erupted over the planned injury to the Supreme Court is bizarre and even outrageous….

Through its support for the occupation, the court sowed the poisonous seeds whose fruits we are reaping today. If it had refused to legitimize the occupation back when it had the power to do so, there would be no Itamar Ben-Gvir, there would be no settlements and there might even be no occupation.

It’s impossible to view it as a democracy with the exception of the occupation: The occupation has become an inseparable part of the state, that defines its evil system of government – apartheid with the High Court’s approval.

What did the High Court do to protect democracy against the occupation? Almost nothing. What could it have done? Almost anything. …

the Palestinian people, which lives under occupation, received no relief from this court, the court betrayed its trust. A court that never took a position in principle against the legality of the settlements; that approved administrative detentions, aka detention with trial; that delayed for years before graciously agreeing to take a stand against torture; that approved mass deportation… and home demolitions; and that turned its face against international law is a court that sabotaged democracy.

It’s actually rightists and settlers who ought to be grateful to this court for having legitimized the occupation for them. The left should have come out against it long ago….

The Supreme Court functioned more like a military court than like a gatekeeper. It was the obedient servant of the executive branch. It’s impossible to sing paeans of praise to it now and mourn the fact that it is being weakened.

Great danger now lies ahead for civil rights, freedom of expression and other freedoms in Israel. For instance, we will quickly find ourselves with a Knesset for Jews only, and that will be only the beginning.

Demolishing the Homes of Palestinian ‘terrorists’ but not Jewish terrorists

Perhaps the most egregious example of the ingrained racism of Israel’s Supreme Court concerns its rulingthat the homes of Palestinians engaged in resistance to the occupation which kills an Israeli should be demolished but that the homes of Jewish terrorists should not be demolished.

Demolishing a home because a member of that family engages in ‘terrorism’ is itself illegal under international law because it is a form of collective punishment. However the Supreme Court regularly      disregards international law.

The argument that is used to justify this state of affairs is that Arabs are deterred from attacking Israelis by demolishing their family homes whereas Jews are not deterred.

So in the case of Mohammed Abu Khdeir, a 16 year old Palestinian boy who had petrol poured down his throat which was then set alight, the homes of Yosef Haim Ben David, 33, and two minors were not demolished.  If however the roles had been reversed, then the perpetrators’ family homes would have been demolished.

The bogus argument is made that Palestinian ‘terrorism’ is far  higher than Jewish terrorism.  It is bogus because of course most Jewish terrorism is by the army.  In other words it is legal as befits an occupying arm.

Whatever sophistry is employed the fact is that there are two standards of justice in Israel – one for Palestinians and another for Israelis.

The May 21 Riots and Pogroms

In May 2021 a series of riots and pogroms erupted as the Israeli state attacked the Gaza Strip. True to form the Israeli judicial system, just like the Czarist authorities over a century ago, gaoled the victims of the violence and dealt kindly with the pogromists. Except that in Czarist Russia the victims were Jewish whereas today they are Arabs.

In Good Riddance to the High Court Masking Israel's Moral Decay Akiva Eldar wrotehow for Palestinians
it would actually be a very good thing if the new Knesset quickly enacted an override law. From their perspective, the High Court of Justice is the Israeli occupation’s flak jacket, the fig leaf that covers the ruler’s moral and legal nakedness. 
I wrote in What is the Meaning of Ben Gvir, Smotrich and Israel’s Far-Right Government? that it is western apologists for Israeli Apartheid who are most affronted by the proposed reforms, because now the Supreme Court will be revealed for the racist, colonial institution it is.

Alan Dershowitz, whose career has included defending Jeffrey Epstein and American neo-Nazis, said that:

“It will make it much more difficult for people like me who try to defend Israelin the international court of public opinion to defend them effectively, It would be a tragedy to see the Supreme Court weakened.”

But it was Aharon Barak who clinched the argument.

The High Court has acted as a kind of legal “Iron Dome,”. Without a credible independent court, deemed as ensuring Israel’s democratic functioning, including in its treatment of the Palestinians, “our chief of staff and government ministers will immediately be arrested when they travel overseas…  The leaders of the country will be put on trial in the International Criminal Court in The Hague.”

It was no surprise that President Isaac Herzog told the Knesset’s that
“Israel’s diplomatic and legal institutions, including our Supreme Court, will continue to be a diplomatic and legal defensive shield for us on the international front.”

In a speech in January 2019 Supreme Court President Esther Hayut said that

one of the important side effects of judicial review is its contribution to Israel’s international legitimization.” Its intervention helps “bolster Israel’s claim of ‘complementarity’ when it deals with criminal proceedings in foreign courts, whether international or those of other countries.”

Hayut was right. The last time Israel dealt with the International Court of Justice in the Hague, the government hid behind the High Court’s apron. The Foreign Ministry argued that the High Court’s rulings (which ordered the state to change the route in some places) prove Israel’s ability to scrutinize itself.

In response to the ICJ’s ruling that the separation fence is a form of annexation and is therefore illegal, the Likud-led government headed by Ariel Sharon said that “Israel will continue acting in accordance with the decisions of the High Court, which has exclusive authority to discuss this issue.”

It is no surprise that Hayut has broken with tradition and entered the political arena with a fierce attack on the proposed legal reforms. As Akiva Eldar wrote:

Castrating the High Court would destroy the warped legal edifice created by Justice Meir Shamgar when he served as the military advocate general. He invented the term “administered territories” as a replacement for “occupied territories” and proposed throwing the High Court’s doors wide open to Palestinian residents of the territories, even though they aren’t Israeli citizens.

Baker Zoubi described a series of cases where the courts dealt leniently with Jewish pogromists and harshly with Palestinian Israelis. In June 2021 Ya’akov Cohen was convicted of violently assaulting Said Musa, a Palestinian citizen of Israel, in Bat Yam. The prosecution sought a sentence of 4-7 years for Cohen, who kicked Musa while he was lying helpless on the ground after having been dragged out of his car by several Jewish assailants, including Cohen. The judge however sentenced him to only 15 months in prison, justifying his ruling by arguing that Cohen “believed in the moment that the victim of the crime [Musa] was trying to carry out a car-ramming attack.”

In November 2021 Adham Bashir was convicted of taking part in an attack on Mor Janashvili, a Jewish Israeli, in Akka. The prosecution requested that Bashir, who threw a stone at Janashvili’s car and broke its windshield, be sentenced to 10-13 years. The three judges agreed and sentenced him to 10 years in prison explaining that: “This was an ugly and dark attack that requires significant punishment.”

Sabrin Bashir, the mother of Adham Bashir, said that a Jewish man rammed his car into several Arab youths, and her son “went to see the youth who was run over and he was a relative of ours.” After he had been arrested

We were prevented from seeing him for several months. They kept telling us that the indictment talks about throwing a stone at the ramming vehicle, even though the driver got out of it and fled. Do you get such an indictment for throwing a stone at an empty vehicle? The sentence does not match the act.

The prosecutor’s office decided not to file charges against Jewish Israelis who were suspected of involvement in the shooting of Musa Hassona in Lydd/Lod in May 2021. At the same time, seven Arabs from the same city were indicted for the killing of Yigal Yehoshua, after they admitted to throwing stones at his car.

According to Mossawa Center, a Haifa-based human rights organization, the police and the Shin Bet arrested about 3,600 Israeli Palestinian citizens since the events of May 2021. Around 360 were indicted, and more than 100 were convicted and sent to prison. In the rest of the cases the accused are under house arrest or in detention until the end of the proceedings. According to Mossawa, in cases where appeals were filed, the Supreme Court increased the sentence.

Data provided in June 2021 to Aida Touma-Suleiman MK from Hadash showed that the prosecutor’s office requested the arrest of 190 Palestinian citizens and 17 Jewish citizens as a result of the unrest. The Al-Mezan Center for Human Rights reported that 77% of indictments for crimes of incitement to violence and racism filed by the prosecutor’s office in recent years were filed against Arab citizens.

At the end of November 2022, four residents of Tamra received prison terms of between five and seven years, after they were convicted of throwing stones and beating a Jewish Israeli who entered Tamra during the May events. Unusually, the Jewish man, Shir Alkalay, actually requested that his attackers receive a lighter sentence after signing a traditional “Sulha” (forgiveness) agreement with them, but the court ruled that

“the harm to the public interest must be considered more broadly here… the personal security and right to freedom of movement of the Jewish population are damaged to the core.”

When has an Israeli colonial court given a moment’s consideration to the freedom of movement of the Arab population?

Muhammad Agbaria from the village of Mu’awiya was convicted after confessing to firing a gun at police officers in Wadi Ara, as well as throwing bricks at police and Shin Bet officers from the roof of his house when they came to arrest him the next day, injuring them. His family claimed that the confession was extracted from him by force.

Ilham Agbaria, Muhammad’s sister, said that her brother had been in detention for a year-and-a-half before being sentenced.

“We’re appealing to the Supreme Court, but we don’t expect his sentence to be reduced. Criminals and murderers aren’t sentenced to 15 years, but when a guy goes out and shouts about respect for him and his people, he gets such an unjust punishment.

“We see how they punished Jews who attacked Arabs, and how they punish armed criminals in our society,” said Nassim Qabha, Agbaria’s son-in-law. “They think they can prevent youths from going out to protest the next time, but it won’t help them, because force doesn’t work against our people.”

In December 2022 dozens of mothers from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem organized a protest in front of the Jerusalem District Court, where the mother of prisoner Bilal al-Jabari said that her 19-year-old son has been detained for a year without trial, with the prosecution demanding an eight-year prison sentence.

The authorities insist on unfair punishments against young people, despite the daily harm to the residents of Sheikh Jarrah from settlers, all under the auspices of the police.

Balad chairman Sami Abu Shehadeh said that the

unfair rulings are a clear testament to the fact that this system is part of Israel’s apartheid regime, which allows the murderers of Musa Hassuna and Muhammad Qiyan(a Palestinian citizen of Israel who was killed by undercover police in Umm al-Fahm in May 2021) roam free, while the victim who protected his home is being put on trial.

According to Al-Mezan, although there are similarities in the details of the indictments filed against Jews and those filed against Arabs, the sentences against the Arab defendants were specifically tailored to punish young Arabs for their participation in the events of May 2021.

This is a double standard between Jews and Arabs in rulings on indictments regarding national issues… the severe punishments are a dangerous precedent and indicate that the Israeli justice system is racing toward extremism and discrimination.

In May 2022 Ha’aretz describedthe High Court  as ‘the Occupation's Rubber Stamp’ before going on to describe it as

 the kashrut department of the settlement enterprise and the slaughterhouse where petitions against the occupation’s injustices were sent to die. Our supreme legal institution upholds land theft, supports home demolitions as a punitive measure, signs off on detentions without trial, allows the prolonged blockade of two million people in the Gaza Strip and hasn’t prevented entire communities from being evicted from their homes.

It described the High Court as a

‘whitewasher of the injustices of the occupation. In a ruling issued in the dead of night – ironically, between Memorial Day and Independence Day – the court permitted the expulsion from their homes of about 1,000 Palestinian residents of Masafer Yatta… for the benefit of Israel Defense Forces training. As a result, eight Palestinian villages whose residents have lived in them for generations will be destroyed.

David Mintz, Ofer Grosskopf and Isaac Amit, rejected the petitioners’ argument that they had lived there before it was declared a firing zone in 1981. Miraculously, none of the hundreds of Jewish settlers living in the area (most of whom came later) has been asked to leave his home or his settlement for the army’s firing zone. And so, with the imprimatur of the High Court, Israeli apartheid has been legitimized in this area of the South Hebron Hills.

In view of the selective expulsion based on nationality, it will no longer be possible to refute the argument that an apartheid regime has replaced the military occupation in the territories. Occupation is temporary by definition; apartheid is liable to persist forever. The High Court approved it….

These 1,000 residents, over whose heads the sword of expulsion now hangs, were born and raised in this land of caves, in which shepherd communities live in very harsh conditions, without electricity or running water, all while remarkably preserving their traditional way of life. This doesn’t only involve expelling people from their homes but also destroying a living culture. The High Court lent a hand to this.

The court also rejected the argument that the prohibition in international law against forced population transfer is binding on the court or that it applies to Israel…. Justice David Mintz, who is himself a settler, in effect ruled that international law on this matter, and perhaps also regarding other matters, is not binding on one country in the world – Israel – and depends upon its consent….

The fact that it was published in the dead of night may indicate that even within its walls there are those who recognized the disgrace this verdict brings upon the court and the country.

Amira Hass described Masafer Yatta as home to traditional Palestinian cave-dwellers since at least the beginning of the 20th century. The Prosecutor described the area and the structures that have been built alongside the original residential caves – including schools, mosques, and a medical clinic. Because Palestinians are never granted planning permission they were all ‘illegal’.

The Palestinians’ lawyer, Shlomo Lecker, attempted to correct this misrepresentation, fearing the judges would get the wrong impression. The clinic is a tent, Lecker noted. As for the schools, he said,

it’s a shame there are no photos showing how pitiful they are, since Israel has been repeatedly denying Palestinians permission to build.’

The argument that Palestinians rarely if ever receive planning permission, unlike Jewish settlers, made no impression on the ‘justices’. After all that is what Zionism is about.

Lecker told the judges that there was no escaping the conclusion that in the eyes of the state, there are legal people (who are entitled to live comfortably in recently built settlements) and illegal people, who aren’t entitled to the same comfort as the settlers, despite having lived in the region long before them. It is they that the state demands permanently leave their homes.

Removal of Palestinians was precisely the intention of Ariel Sharon in the early 1980’s. Preventing the spread of the Arabs in the area required that it be declared a firing zone, Sharon told the army, according to minutes from a 1981 meeting of the Ministerial Committee on Settlement Affairs. There, like in the Jordan Valley, the genetic code of the firing zones is halting the process of natural Palestinian rural development that has been ongoing for many generations.

Another measure to halt the natural development was the transfer of Palestinian land reserves and water sources to the settlements, contrary to international law. In the early 1980s, Israel built the settlements of Carmel, Maon, Metzadot Yehuda and Susya in the Masafer Yatta area. With the support of Israeli authorities, these settlements have been joined over the years by additional illegal and unauthorized outposts: Havat Talia, built in the 1990s, followed by Avigayil, Havat Maon, and Mitzpeh Ya’ir - all built in the early 2000s.

Prosecutor Bart is a resident of the settlement of Neveh Daniel, east of Bethlehem, in the Gush Etzion Settlements Bloc. One of the three justices considering the petitions is David Mintz, a resident of the settlement of Dolev, west of Ramallah. As a Palestinian folk proverb asks: ‘When the rooster’s the judge, what kind of a ruling can a grain of wheat expect?’

Tony Greenstein

Holocaust Memorial Day Meeting Friday January 27 6.30 p.m. - all Welcome


 It’s Time To Reclaim the Memory of ALL Those Who Died in the Nazi Holocaust from Zionism and the Supporters of Israeli Apartheid

Please Register Here


Stephen Kapos, Holocaust Survivor, in conversation.

Friday 27th March is Holocaust Memorial Day and the Socialist Labour Network is holding a meeting to remember and commemorate ALL the victims of the Nazi Holocaust.

Not only did 6 million Jews die during the Nazi Holocaust but so too did 1 million Roma Gypsies, half a million Disabled, over 3 million Russian POWs and up to 3 million Poles as well as millions of Russian civilians who the Nazis decided should not be kept alive.

But to the Zionists only the Jews were victims of the Holocaust. The Jewish Virtual Library wrote, quoting Yad Vashem

By the 1950s, the English term Holocaust came to be employed as the term for the murder of the Jews in Europe by the Nazis. Although the term is sometimes used with reference to the murder of other groups by the Nazis, strictly speaking, those groups do not belong under the heading of the Holocaust, nor are they included in the generally accepted statistic of six million victims of the Holocaust.

According toYehuda Bauer, the principal Zionist holocaust historian,

The problem… is not that non-Jews were not victims [of the Nazis]; they were. It is that Wiesenthal’s arbitrarily chosen tally of non-Jewish victims diminishes the centrality to the Nazi ideology of systematically wiping any trace of the Jewish people from the planet.

In fact, he said, the term “genocide” could accurately be applied to the 2 million to 3 million Poles murdered and millions more enslaved by the Nazis. But the mass murder of the Poles, Roma and others should not come under the rubric “Holocaust,” a term that Holocaust historians generally dislike because of its religious connotations but nonetheless have accepted as describing only the annihilation that the Nazis hoped to visit on the Jews.

“All Jews of the world had to be annihilated,” Bauer said. “That was the intent. There was never an idea in Nazi minds to murder all the Russians

As my bookexplains the uniqueness of the fate of the Jews compared to anyone else is central to Zionist distortion of holocaust history and underpins the racial nationalism of Zionism. It selects Jews out of all other victims as unique.

Bauer is in any case wrong. It was not part of Nazi ideology that all Jews had to be annihilated. Up to 1941 the Nazis wanted to expel not annihilate the Jews of Europe. Annihilation came with war when deportation was no longer an option.

The Warsaw Ghetto burning after the Nazis set it alight

Bauer argued, in a debate with Sybil Milton, that the Roma were not victims of the holocaust because they were singled out by the Nazis because of their wandering, asocial and criminal lifestyle. Milton’s reply was withering:

Defining an entire ethnic group as anti-social and criminal is a classic example of racism. I do not know why Mr. Bauer does not understand this.

Idith Zertal, Professor of History at the Hebrew University, wrote in Israel’s Holocaust – The Politics of Nationhood that there hasn’t been a war involving Israel ‘that has not been perceived, defined, and conceptualized in terms of the Holocaust.’ Israel has mobilised the Holocaust ‘in the service of Israeli politics.’

 ‘The transference of the holocaust situation on to the Middle East reality… not only created a false sense of the imminent danger of mass destruction. It also immensely distorted the image of the holocaust, dwarfed the magnitude of the atrocities committed by the Nazis, trivializing the unique agony of the victims and the survivors, and utterly demonizing the Arabs and their leaders.

Zionism’s leaders have sought to equate Palestinian hostility to Zionism with the Nazis’ hatred of the Jews. Socialist Labour NetworkYad VashemSybil Milton, Benjamin Netanyahu went even further. In a speech to the World Zionist Organisation Congress in 2015 he blamed the Palestinian Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj al Amin Husseini, (who the Zionists and British   High Commissioner Sir Herbert Samuel appointed in 1921) for the Holocaust. Netanyahu  exonerated Hitler in the process.

When Israel laid siege to Beirut, Prime Minister Menachem Begin compared Yasser Arafat to Hitler in his bunker. In 2008 Defence Minister Matan Vilnai threatened to give ‘Gaza a taste of the 'shoah’. Abba Eban compared the Green Line between Israel and the West Bank as the ‘Auschwitz borders’.

Israel and its Holocaust propaganda museum Yad Vashem specialises in escorting fascists and Hitler admirers such as Bolsonaro and Duterte, Presidents of Brazil and the Philippines, around it, to say nothing of welcoming South Africa Prime Minister John Vorster in 1976. Vorster had been interned during the war for Nazi sympathies.

Nothing gives more encouragement to holocaust deniers than the Zionist attempt to use the holocaust to sanitise Israel’s war crimes. Israel has used the murder of 6 million Jews to intimidate the opponents of Zionism, including Jewish opponents.

For Zionism the Holocaust is unique, a Jewish-only affair. Drawing universal lessons from the Holocaust meant the ‘plunder of [Jewish] moral capital’ according to the American Jewish Committee. Gerhard Riegner of the World Jewish Congress declared that

‘Auschwitz was not only a national memory belonging to the Jewish people… it was also an important political asset.’

The question most often asked is how is it that Jewish people, who have themselves been victims of fascism and racism, can now do to others what they themselves experienced. My answer has always been that any group of people, given the right set of circumstances, are capable of racism, murder and ethnic cleansing.

It is time to call a halt to Israel’s defiling of the name of the Holocaust victims. As my new book Zionism During the Holocaustexplains, during the Holocaust the Zionist movement was not interested in what was happening in Europe.  Indeed it actively fought rescue attempts for Jewish refugees that weren’t directed at Palestine.

In a speech David Ben Gurion gave on 9 December 1938 regarding the Kindertransport scheme which rescued 10,000 Jewish children:

If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England, and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Yisrael, then I would opt for the second alternative. For we must weigh not only the life of these children, but also the history of the People of Israel.

Ben Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister, explained his thinking in a memo to the Zionist Executive of 17 December 1938:

If the Jews are faced with a choice between the refugee problem and rescuing Jews from concentration camps on the one hand, and aid for the national museum in Palestine on the other, the Jewish sense of pity will prevail and our people's entire strength will be directed at aid for the refugees in the various countries. Zionism will vanish from the agenda and indeed not only world public opinion in England and America but also from Jewish public opinion. We are risking Zionism's very existence if we allow the refugee problem to be separated from the Palestine problem.

Rudolf Kasztner, the leader of Hungarian Zionism, was the most notorious Zionist collaborator with the Nazis

In other words whenever rescue of Jewish refugees was raised it must be immediately linked to the question of Palestine. On more than one occasion, this resulted in the collapse of rescue schemes. As historian Christopher Sykes wrote about the 1938 Evian Conference which Roosevelt called to try and deal with the Jewish refugee situation:

From the start they [the Zionists] regarded the whole enterprise with hostile indifference... If the 31 nations had done their duty and shown hospitality to those in dire need then the pressure on the National Home and the heightened enthusiasm of Jews with Palestine would both have been relaxed. This was the last thing that the Zionist leaders wished for…. Even in the more terrible days ahead they made no secret of the fact, even when talking to Gentiles, that they did not want Jewish settlements outside Palestine to be successful... The Zionists wanted to do something more for Jews than merely help them to escape danger…. that such was the basic Zionist idea is not a matter of opinion but a fact abundantly provable by evidence... [my emphasis - Crossroads to Israel]

On Friday we have a wonderful line-up of speakers including two Jewish holocaust survivors, Suzanne Weiss and Stephen Kapos.

Suzanne Weiss

Suzanne Weiss was born to immigrant Jews in Paris in 1941 and targeted for death by the Nazis. Suzanne was hidden by a French farm family between 1943 and 1945. After losing her parents in the war, Suzanne was adopted by a New York family in 1950.

Suzanne has been active throughout her life in a variety of social justice movements. She has spoken on the Holocaust and her support for Palestinian freedom to faith communities, community and activist groups, and high school and university gatherings.

Suzanne’s memoir, Holocaust to Resistance: My Journey, was published by Fernwood in October 2019.

Stephen Kapos was a small child when the Nazis came to Budapest. His early life was spent hiding from the Arrow Cross, the Hungarian Fascists who would round up Jews and shoot them into the Danube. Separated from both his parents during the Siege of Budapest, Stephen was hidden in children's homes on false papers. His father was on the Kasztner train and ended up in Bergen Belsen and Tieresenstadt. Because of his early experience of extreme racism, Stephen is an activist for the Palestinian cause.

Dr Adrian Marsh

Dr Adrian Marsh is a Researcher in Romani Studies at the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul (SRII).  

Ali Abunimah has been describedas a ‘Lightning Rod of the Boycott Israel Movement’. He is also the Founding Editor of the much-loved Electronic Intifada, the premier Palestinian web site.

Tony Greenstein is a long-time Jewish anti-Zionist and Palestine solidarity activist. He has just brought out a new book Zionism  During the Holocaust.

Please come to the meeting and help make it a success. By coming you help ensure that the days when the Zionists used the holocaust as a weapon against the Palestinians have come to an end. Coming to hear the wonderful line up of speakers is a basic act of solidarity.

Tony Greenstein  

In the Face of Fierce Competition ‘Lord’ John Mann Has Won the Award for Most Dishonest Politician of the Year - Again


 Mann combines Opposition to ‘anti-Semitism’ with Virulent Racism against Gypsies, Black and Muslim People

Loudmouth Mann confronts Ken Livingstone

I have covered John Mann before when he lied about and harassed a 90 year old Jewish Dr Glatt.

In July 2019 John Mann was appointed by Theresa May as her advisor on ‘anti-Semitism’. In September Mann was made ‘anti-Semitism Czar’ and elevated to the Lords by Boris Johnson.

When Theresa May appointed John Mann to lead the fight against ‘anti-Semitism’ it was a case of one racist appointing another racist

As ‘Anti-Semitism Czar’Mann saw it as his duty to try and close down media outlets which didn’t conform to his racist Apartheid agenda. Mann is not a man to appreciate irony because if he did he would have known that before the advent of Hitler, Czar Nicholas II was the world’s most infamous anti-Semite who presided over the deaths of thousands of Jews.

Having failed to close down The Canary and Skawkbox, Mann then set his sights on indoctrinating school children. Citing a report from the Henry Jackson Society, a byword in Islamaphobia, he said that he said that

"It is not enough to teach about the Holocaust," quoting the report and urged ministers to guarantee funding for schools to teach about contemporary anti-Jewish hatred (i.e. anti-Zionism).

You can get a flavour of the HJS's views on racism from its Associate Director (2011-2018) Douglas Murray, author of The Strange Death of Europe’. The theme of the book is summed up in its title:

Europe is dying — being murdered, in fact — by hordes of Muslim immigrants, aided in their task by craven liberal politicians The Far Right Is Obsessed With a Book About Muslims Destroying Europe

Murray gave an intellectual veneer to the White Replacement Theory which found its voice at the neo-Nazi Charlottesville rally in the United States when anti-fascist Heather Heyer was murdered as the marchers chanted‘The Jews Shall Not Replace Us’.

Douglas Murray

The Guardian reported that

Douglas Murray, complained last year that London had “become a foreign country” because white Britons were a minority in 23 of 33 London boroughs.” Murray has also been pictured with Robert Spencer, the far-right US anti-Islam campaigner banned last year from Britain by the Home Office.

In 2012 the HJS's director William Shawcross said “Europe and Islam is one of the greatest, most terrifying problems of our future”.

The White Replacement Theory leads inexorably to the idea that the White races are under threat because the Jews have encouraged and helped stimulate Black and Muslim immigration whilst keeping their own Jewish state racially pure.

Mann is fond of quoting from the HJS because the anti-Semitism he is concerned about isn’t about hatred or hostility to Jews but about criticism of Israel - the ‘new anti-Semitism’.

Mann is best described by the findings of the Employment Tribunal in Fraser –v- University College Union. The case was brought by a Ronnie Fraser against his own trade union, UCU. He alleged anti-Semitism. UCU’s offence was supporting a Boycott of Israel. Their judgment (para. 148) stated:

Mr Mann … told us that the leaders of the Respondents were at fault for the way in which they conducted debates but did not enlighten us as to what they were doing wrong or what they should be doing differently. He did not claim ever to have witnessed any Congress or other UCU meeting. And when it came to antisemitism in the context of debate about the Middle East, he announced, “It’s clear to me where the line is …” but unfortunately eschewed the opportunity to locate it for us. Both parliamentarians clearly enjoyed making speeches. Neither seemed at ease with the idea of being required to answer a question not to his liking.

As his parting shot on leaving the Commons Mann launched an attack on Jeremy Corbyn for having given the ‘green light’ to anti-Semites.

He (Corbyn) has not just hijacked my political party – he has hijacked its soul and its ethics. I will never forgive him for that.

When John Mann talks about ‘ethics’ it is like a mafia chief giving a lecture on crime prevention or Harold Shipman lecturing on care for the elderly.

If Mann was seriously concerned about anti-Semitism then one would assume that in his 18 year parliamentary career that he was equally vociferous about all forms of racism. In fact no other form of racism disturbed him. But that may be because there were no freebies or parliamentary jaunts to be had.

Mann was one of the few Labour supporters of Brexit in Parliament. Brexit, which was motivated by fear and hostility to migrants and dreams of Empire past, was at one with Mann’s toxic views.

Throughout his time in parliament, Mann was distinguished for his pro-war record. He voted in support of the Iraq war in March 2003.

Not once did Mann speak out against New Labour’s Islamaphobia and demonisation of refugees. When racist Labour MP Phil Woolas was ejectedfrom the Commons for lying about his opponent at the 2010 General Election, he had no greater supporter than Mann.

The Guardian described Mann as Woolas’s best friend, best man and political ally since the first day at Manchester University”. When Harriet Harman suspended Woolas from the Labour Party after his ejection from Parliament, she faceda backbench revolt”

Among those to have spoken out in support of Woolas was John Mann, a close friend of his… (he) has been backing Woolas via telephone calls with a journalist at the Guardian).

When Harman cast Woolas adrift Mann saidthat A period of silence from Harriet Harman would now be very welcome. Clearly Mann did not understand the irony of him telling anyone to be quiet.

Mann was quoted as saying that Woolas’s ejection had

profound implications for British democracy... Woolas is the first case of an MP being disbarred by the courts for malpractice since 1911.

Woolas did not just lie when he alleged that his Lib Dem opponent supported violent Muslim Jihadists, he deliberately sought a white working class vote by portraying all Muslims as terrorists and violent jihadists. A decision wastaken by his campaign team:

to 'make the white folk angry' by depicting an alleged campaign by those who they described generically as Asians to 'take Phil out' and then present Mr Watkins as in league with them.

When it came to the 2014 Immigration Act, which led directly to the Windrush Scandal, Mann abstained. Being an Opposition member it was the equivalent of supporting the government. It was the ‘anti-Semitic’ Corbyn who was one of only 6 Labour MPs who voted against the Act.

In 2007 Mann produced ‘the Bassetlaw Anti Social Behaviour Handbook. It describedGypsies and Travellers as anti-social elementsin terms similar to the Nazi depiction of Gypsies.

This handbook is designed to help you deal with problems you may face in your street or in your community. There are lots of different types of anti-social behaviour…

Amongst these problems were Travellers. Mann’s advice was

The police have powers to remove any gypsies or travellers, and have powers to direct people to leave the land…

In 2016 Mann was interviewedby Police in connection with his pamphlet.  Gypsies are protectedby the Equality Act 2010. 

Ben Bennett, a 13 year old Traveller, who made a complaint to the Police, described how Mann’s pamphlet made him:

‘very upset’. I can’t understand why John Mann MP would choose to talk solely about my community in such a derogatory manner.’

Mann claims he is motivated by the 6 million Jews who died in the holocaust but he has nothing to say about how up to one million Gypsies were exterminated in the Porajmos. The Nazis considered criminal, asocial elements just like Mann.

It is no surprise that Boris Johnson, who was notoriousfor his racist and anti-Semiticcomments, made Mann his ‘anti-Semitism Czar’, elevating him to the Lords.

Mann made his intentions known from the start. He was going to concentrate on the Left press. Someone who was genuinely concerned with racism would have focused on the Daily Mail or Sun. Mann’s targets were the alternative media - The Canary and Skwawkbox.

In an article Corbynite sites feature far-right tropesby ‘liar’ Lee Harpin, whose inaccuracies costthe Jewish Chronicle a small fortune, Skwawkbox and The Canary were accused of a “heavily negative coverage of Jewish issues” to anti-Semitic audiences.

What were these ‘Jewish issues.’ Harpin did not say but we can guess - Palestine and Israel. The same Israeli state which has been condemned as an Apartheid state by the world’s main human rights groups such as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.

Mann has consistently engaged in the guilt-by-associationtactics favoured by Joseph McCarthy. If you want a lesson in how to corrupt the English language, take the paragraph below which equates The Canary and Skwawkbox with neo-Nazis on the basis of an alleged opposition to capitalism. Fascists have never opposed capitalism. The Nazis called themselves ‘national socialists’ yet the first thing they did when they gained power was to put trade unionists and communists in concentration camps.

“despite the huge differences in the beliefs that are most foundational to their ideologies, articles published on all three sites share an opposition to capitalism, globalisation, and liberalism, adopt similar positions on many questions of foreign policy, and fulminate against a supposed adversary whose Jewishness is extensively highlighted (even if in different ways).

John Mann - Supports all forms of racism except 'antisemitism'

Even though the ReportAntisemitism and the alternative media, whichMann commissioned concedeshuge differences’ in their ideology, it draws an equals sign between the alternative media and neo-Nazis. How then does the Report explain the pro-Israel stance of Tommy Robinson? It doesn’t. Instead it say:

TR News, the official website of far-right activist… Tommy Robinson, has intentionally attempted to take the side of Jews and Israel, 

Robinson, like most anti-Semites, openly supports Zionism. Mann’s polemics ironically owe their origin to Nazi propaganda techniques which sought to portray opposites as being equal. For example they equated capitalism and communism, which they held were controlled by Jews. John Mann is a walking conspiracy theory:

TR News has resorted to defending those Muslims who were seen to embrace pro-Western right-wing ideology, the two left-wing websites sought to declare allegiance with the minority of Jews who supported their own viewpoint.

In other words fascist Muslims and Hindus, such as supporters of India’s BJP government are no different from anti-Zionist Jews who oppose all forms of racism. This is the kind of intellectual sleight of hand that Mann has made into a fine art.

The ‘research’ for Mann’s Report was carried out by Daniel Allington, a King’s College lecturer. Allington selected 20 articles on each site that featured the words ‘Jew’ or ‘Zionist’ for analysis. It clearly did not occur to Mann that what fascists mean by ‘Zionist’ differs from what socialists mean. The report is based on the assumption that ‘Jew’ = ‘Zionist’.

Allington is the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism’s go to academic. His ‘research’ is starts off with the conclusions and then looks for evidence. In other words he reverse engineers his research!

Together with Zionist ‘academic’ David Hirsh, Allington devised a Generalised Anti-Semitism Barometer for the CAA which found that anti-Semitism was more prevalent on the Left than the Right. The Zionistand Tory press lapped it up.

If true this was a staggering finding. Why then had all previous surveys found that anti-Semitism was the property of the Right? What the CAA didn’t advertise was that they had added 6 questions to the original 6 questions (which were themselves debatable).

That the CAA is a dishonest McCarthyist organisation is one thing. That Allington and Hirsh should allow their support for Zionism to fix the results of ostensibly neutral academic research raises questions as to their academic integrity. The questions they devised to ‘prove’ that the left is more anti-Semitic than the Right were:

1.    “I am comfortable spending time with people who openly support Israel.”

2.    “Israel has a right to exist as a homeland for the Jewish people.”

3.    “Israel is right to defend itself against those who want to destroy it.”

4.    “Israel and its supporters are a bad influence on our democracy.”

5.    “Israel can get away with anything because its supporters control the media.”

6.    “Israel treats the Palestinians like the Nazis treated the Jews.”

None of these statements are anti-Semitic. According to the OED anti-Semitism is ‘hostility to or prejudice against Jews.’

The dishonesty of Allington’s ‘research’ is staggering. I wouldn’t be comfortable spending time with supporters of Franco. Does that make me anti-Spanish? Israel’s right to exist as a homeland for Jews assumes that Jews aren’t at home where they live. Israel having the right to defend itself assumes that it is under attack. Obviously Israel’s supporters are anti-democratic, as the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism proves. Supporters of Israel do control the media but who says Rupert Murdoch is Jewish? It’s only anti-Semitic if you assume that supporters of Israel and Jews are the same.

The most popular ‘anti-Semitic’ statement was comparisons between Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and Nazi treatment of Jews. But this is a political statement. Were holocaust survivors Ze’ev Sternhell and Yehuda Elkana anti-Semitic for writing In Israel, Growing Fascism and a Racism Akin to Early Nazism’? and The Need to Forget? Is it anti-Semitic to point out that Nazi mobs chanted ‘death to the Jews’ and Israeli mobs chant ‘death to the Arabs’.

One example of Skawkbox’s ‘racism’ was

“making throwaway references to ‘a former Chief Rabbi with a history of supporting racism’ could contribute to the creation of an impression of Jewishness as inherently suspect.”

So accusing Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks of being a racist is anti-Semitic because he was Jewish! Is accusing someone Jewish of fraud, even if they’re guilty, also anti-Semitic because it might imply that all Jews are frauds. This is the infantile level of analysis  of John Mann.

When Sacks died, I wrotethat he was ‘An establishment bigot’. Sacks, who compared Corbyn with Enoch Powell endorsed the Strange Death of Europe.

Dishonesty permeates the Report. Because Jewish conspiracy theories permeate the far-Right, the support of Skwawkbox and The Canary for the undercover Al Jazeera programme The Lobby about the influence and activity of the Zionist lobby was anti-Semitic!

But the latter was true. What these allegations have in common is a deliberate confusion of ‘Jew’ and ‘Zionist’.  And who does this? The same anti-Semites and fascists that Mann purports to oppose.

Liar Lee’s article concludes with a quote from Allington:

 “Government and civil society must encourage use of high quality, reputable sources of information at the expense of low-quality fringe sources,” it said. “We need not be helpless in the face of hatred.”

What Mann and Allington are advocating is state censorship. The reference to ‘high quality reputable sources of information’ is police state stuff. Who decides what’s ‘high quality’? Turkey’s Erdogan would agree with this. Is it the Mail and Sun? Britain’s racist tabloids escapes unscathed. Mann’s concerns are not Jews and anti-Semitism but Zionism and Israel.

The only good thing about Mann’s Report is that it reflects his own intellectual deficit. It was so poorly argued in its deviously dishonest analogies that only a rogue like Boris Johnson could fall for it.

Before becoming a Czar, Mann was Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group Against Antisemitism. The Committee played an important part in the lead up to Labour’s anti-Semitism smears. The APPGAA was stuffed with members of the Friends of Israel groups such as Luciana Berger, Ruth Smeeth, Wes Streeting and Bob Blackman. None of them had ever criticised Israeli racism. Bob Blackman was a racist in  his own right. See Tory MP accused of Islamophobia after posting anti-Muslim article on Facebook

The Committee, chaired by Labour MP Dennis McShane, gaoled for his part in the expenses scandal, produced a Reportinto Anti-Semitism in September 2006. Its ludicrous observations included:

The Israeli government itself may, at times, have mistakenly perceived criticism of its policies and actions to be motivated by antisemitism, but we received no evidence of the accusation of antisemitism being misused by mainstream British Jewish community organisations and leaders.

Ten years later the President of the Board of Deputies, Jonathan Arkush, attacked Corbyn as an anti-Semite and stated that a Jewish group, Jewdas were ‘the source of virulent anti-Semitism’

The Report stated that ‘anti-Zionist discourse can be polluted with antisemitic themes’ but ignored the far more widespread incidence of Zionist anti-Semites. E.g. Richard Spencer, the neo-Nazi founder of the alt-Right and organiser of the demonstration in Charlottesville, declared himself a White Zionist. As Ha’aretz noted:

In a series of tweets, Spencer writes of his admiration for the law, which confers the right to national self-determination in Israel to the Jewish people alone, and says Jews are 'showing a path forward for Europeans'

Israel provides a model for White supremacists. The Jewish Nation State Lawexcluded Arab Israelis from any claim to the land they live in. It was a blueprint for Jewish supremacy. Yet Mann and the APPGAA never once mentioned that the incidence of Palestinian supporters using anti-Semitic rhetoric is far outweighed by Zionist anti-Semites like Spencer and Steve Bannon who combined anti-Semitism with Zionism (see his description of Jewish children, whom he didn’t want his children to go to school with, as whiny brats.’).

There was no understanding that criticism of Israel was motivated by opposition to Israeli racism. In December 2018 the Knesset rejectedby 71-38 a Bill which affirmed a citizens' right to equality and it refusedeven to debate a bill ‘calling for Israel to treat its Arab and Jewish citizens equally.’

Speaker Yuli Yoel Edelstein denounced the bill saying that:

“This is a preposterous bill that any intelligent individual can see must be blocked immediately. A bill that aims to gnaw at the foundations of the state must not be allowed in the Knesset,”

John Mann was one of the main Labour witchunters. In April 2016 Mann staged a confrontation with Ken Livingstone for saying that Adolf Hitler “was supporting Zionism before he went mad and ended up killing six million Jews”calling him a ‘Nazi apologist’ for saying that the Nazis had supported Zionism.

The only problem was that the Nazis did support the Zionists, who were 2% of the German Jewish community. In Zionism During the Holocaust I quote Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi Party’s main theoretician, who wrotein 1919 that

Zionism must be vigorously supported in order to encourage a significant number of German Jews to leave for Palestine or other destinations.

Mann called for my expulsion, calling my membership of the Labour Party ‘hugely inappropriate’. Presumably only racists like himself were entitled to be members.

In January 2018 Mann wrote an article attacking Jackie Walker, suggesting that her claim of a witch hunt was a conspiracy theory. He accused Jackie, a Jewish woman, of promoting anti-Semitic tropes. Jackie responded by saying that it was obvious that she was targeted for being a Corbyn supporter and that she had been fighting fascists and anti-Semites on the streets for years and was never accused of promoting anti-Semitic tropes before Corbyn became leader.

Other examples of Mann’s false and dishonest allegations of anti-Semitism were when, in 2012, Mann’s wife was sent a dead bird by a disgruntled local (Roger Dyas-Elliott). Mann later reported this as an incident of anti-Semitism and attributed it to Momentum activists. But Momentum wasn’t set up until 2015 (3yrs after the incident) and was established by Jewish members of the Labour Party!

In August 2018 Mann called for special privileges for Jewish Labour MPs, calling for them to be “automatically reselected at elections”.

In October 2018 the BBC reported that Mann had registered more trips than any other MP, with eight overseas visits on the Register of Interests. Mann claimed the trips were "part of the job". Most were related to his role as UK chair of the Inter-Parliamentary Committee Against Antisemitism. Opposing ‘anti-Semitism’ has been very profitable for John Mann.

Tony Greenstein

Starmer Forces Holocaust Survivor Stephen Kapos Out of the Labour Party as Part of the Fight Against ‘Anti-Semitism’


The London Labour Bureaucrat Who Threatened Stephen With Expulsion Didn’t Even Have the Courage to Give His Name

Stephen Kapos speaking at the Socialist Labour Network Holocaust Memorial Day meeting on 27 January 2023

On Friday January 27 the Socialist Labour Network organised a meeting for Holocaust Memorial Day under the title Reclaiming the Memory of All Those Who Died In The Nazi Holocaust.

Unlike the official HMD commemorations, we remembered not just the Jews who died but the Disabled and the Roma Gypsies. We reject the Zionist exploitation of the holocaust to justify the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

When the Starmeroids got to hear of it, probably from the Skwawkbox article, an anonymous pen pusher from London Labour wrote threatening Stephen with expulsion.

The cowardice of this party hack, who wasn’t even brave enough to put their name to the letter, thought nothing of threatening a holocaust survivor with expulsion. This is what Starmer’s pledgeto ‘tear out the poison’ of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party has amounted to.

Starmer, the self-declared‘Zionist without qualification’, who has said not a word about the Judeo-Nazis who are part of Israel’s government, has ended up threatening to expel a holocaust survivor from Labour. This shows what an utter hypocrite the man is.

Walter Wolfgang reenters the Labour Conference in 2005 having been expelled the day before

At least when the Blairites had holocaust survivor, Walter Wolfgang, removedfrom the Labour Party conference in 2005 they had the good grace to apologise and readmit him to the Labour Party conference.

Socialist Labour Network Holocaust Memorial Day Meeting – Stephen Kapos is the third speaker

Starmer, Evans and the fake victims of Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ – the Lady Smeeths, Hodges and Ellmans – have all the manners of a skunk on heat without the charm.

Not only is Starmer a liar, who made 10 Pledges to get elected leader which he immediately junked, but he is a corrupt liar who hidthe sources of his campaign funding, from rich Zionists, hedge fund owners and other parasites until the result was in.

Starmer and Evans are McCarthyites who have outlawed free speech in the Labour Party. Even Blair didn’t proscribe organisations he disagreed with but Starmer, a personality free zone, has nothing to offer except lies, more lies and Tory lite policies.  

Stephen made the obvious point that has eluded these witchhunters, that speaking on the platform of another organisation, in this case the SLN, does not mean you are a member or supporter of that organisation. This technique of guilt-by-association was first patented by Joe McCarthy.

Starmer’s Labour Party is politically (and financially) bankrupt. Our task is to create a new socialist and working class party.

Below is the letter from a London Labour Party hack and below that is Stephen’s reply.

Email from the Witchunters of the London Labour Party

From: London General <london@labour.org.uk>
Date: 24 January 2023 at 20:09:05 GMT
Subject:FAO: Stephen Kapos

Dear Stephen, 

It has been brought to the attention of the Labour Party that you have been advertised as a speaker for an event entitled ‘Zionism During the Holocaust - Reclaiming the Memory of All Those Who Died’,  hosted by Socialist Labour Network on Friday 27th January 2023. 

In line with Labour Party rules, Socialist Labour Network is a group which the NEC of the party has determined is incompatible with Labour Party values. Any support for the organisation would likely be deemed in breach of Party rules and may lead to expulsion. 

Yours sincerely,

London Labour 

Stephen Kapos’s Reply to Labour’s Witchhunters

To:      London General

       Labour Party

                                                                                              26th January 2023

Dear London General, 

Thank you for your emailed letter of the 24th of January giving me advance warning that I am likely to be expelled from the Party if I were to speak from the panel as a Holocaust survivor at the SLN (Socialist Labour Network) Webinar on the 27th January — on Holocaust Memorial Day.

The Holocaust is the most important single example of genocide, which at its worst descended into an industrial process of mass murder of millions.

As a child survivor and one of the fewer and fewer still living direct witnesses to the Holocaust I feel a compelling duty to bear witness and speak out about it at any platform that would invite me and to any audience ready to listen.

I am an activist for Palestinian human rights and an active member of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in its Camden Branch. The defence of Palestinians living under a brutal occupation is very important to me, particularly as a Holocaust survivor. Palestinians live under a system of apartheid as recognisedby Amnesty International and other major human-rights organisations. Those are my political beliefs which I claim are protected characteristics under the Equalities Act 2010.

I am not a member of SLN nor have I been following its activities, but via the bookto be discussed on the 27th I have a general understanding of SLN’s views on present-day Zionism (as a political movement ) and on some of the actions of the Zionist movement during the Holocaust and WWII.  I am in sympathy with some of those views on the grounds of my political beliefs mentioned above. I have personal experience of the Kastner project in Hungary which was driven by Zionist ideology.

Rudolf Kasztner - leader of Hungarian Zionism and Nazi Collaborator

My father was a victim of Kastner’s scheme and ended up stranded in the Belsen and Theresienstadt concentration camps. I was myself briefly interned in a Kastner-run detention camp in Budapest.

You make mention of Labour Party values.

I learnt about Labour values during my party activism in the period when Frank Dobson was our MP and I worked in a warm and friendly atmosphere prominently on various election campaigns.

Those values were very different to that of the present leadership whose values permit intimidation, banning of discussion of some of the most vital political topics, disregard for the Party’s own rules, and for natural justice, the drastic reduction of inner party democracy, extreme factionalism, lack of support for striking workers.

I do not share these values.

Please accept my immediate resignation from the Labour Party effective from tomorrow, i.e. from the 27th of January 2023. Your attempt to effectively bar me from speaking about the Holocaust on Holocaust Memorial Day was the last straw for me.

In the short term the Tories are self-destructing which may well bring the Labour Party into government soon.

In the long term this period of the Party’s history will be remembered with shame: this was when MacCarthyism was revived and imported into the Labour Party — and into the political life of the UK itself.

Yours sincerely,

Stephen Kapos

Copies to :        Sir Keir Starmer MP,

                         The Secretary, Holborn & St. Pancras CLP.

                           (pls forward)

Kim Johnson MP called Israel an Apartheid Fascist State – When Threatened With Losing the Whip She Immediately Recanted


 Johnson’s Cowardice When Confronted With Starmer’s McCarthyism Speaks Volumes About the Socialist Campaign Group and the Labour Left

It was nothing if not predicable. A member of the Socialist Campaign Group collapsed like a pack of cards when threatened by Starmer’s bullies. Instead of standing her ground and defying Starmer to do his worst, instead of defending what she had said, she chose to preserve her parliamentary career above principle.

What a contrast with holocaust survivor Stefan Kapos, who when he was told last week by a Labour apparatchik not to speak at a Holocaust Memorial Day meeting organised by the Socialist Labour Network, or he could be expelled, immediately resigned. The SCG prefer instead to capitulate.

If John McDonnell, Zara Sultana and the rest of the opportunists in the SCG had any principles, still less strategy, they would have immediately backed up Kim Johnson and gone on the offensive, defending that she had said, calling out Starmer’s racism and challenging him to do racist worst. Instead they remained silent.

When, during Israel attacked Gaza in 2009 Gerald Kaufman, a Jewish MP who was not even on the left, comparedIsrael to Nazi Germany, no one even thought that he should be disciplined. Even Tony Blair, a renowned Zionist, didn’t entertain the idea of removing the Whip. That shows just how far down the road we have come with Starmer.

Gerald Kaufman's famous speech comparing the Israeli Army to the Nazis

When Kaufman died in 2017 the Jewish Chronicle told its readers that he was ‘reviled’. Marcus Dysch wrote:

He compared Israeli soldiers serving during the Gaza conflict of 2009 to the Nazis who forced his ancestors to flee Poland.

His “here we are, the Jews again” comment when Labour MP Louise Ellman rose to speak in the chamber in 2011 was not just crass, but specifically targeted, knowingly full well the hurt that would – and did – follow.

It is not as if there isn’t proof a plenty that Israel is an apartheid state. It is also clear to all except wilful racists like Starmer, that Israel’s government is stuffed with extreme racists and fascists.

All the major human rights organisations, from B’Tselem’s Reportto  Human Rights Watch’s A Threshold Crossedto Amnesty International’s Israel’s apartheid against Palestinians, that Israel is guilty of the crime of Apartheid.

Starmer embracing Louise Ellman, the MP for Liverpool Riverside and Tel Aviv South, who defended the Israeli army's abuse of Palestinian children

If we could turn the clock back 90 years then Starmer would have had no difficulty explaining why Hitler had come to power. He is a man without principle dedicated to defending imperialism come what may.

When a delegate at Labour’s conference last September pointed out that the Zelensky regime had banned trade unions and incorporated neo-Nazis into his regime Starmer had him immediately suspended.

Kim Johnson prostrating herself at the feet of Starmer & the Israel lobby

The truth of what Kim Johnson said, before she recanted like a victim of Stalin’s purges, is self evident. Israel has de facto annexed the West Bank but denies any rights to its Palestinian inhabitants unlike the Jewish settlers who have the full protection of Israeli civil law.

Israeli maps treat the West Bank as part of Greater Israel. The Green Line has long disappeared. In the West Bank two different sets of laws apply to two different peoples – Jews and Palestinian. That is the quintessential definition of apartheid.

But within Israel Apartheid also exists. There are over 60 laws which explicitly discriminate against Israeli Palestinians.

The 2003 Citizenship Law prevents Israeli Palestinians from marrying Arab spouses living outside Israel. The Admissions Committee Law 2013 enables hundreds of Jewish communities to bar Israeli Arabs from living amongst them.

The Jewish Nation State Law reserves national self-determination only for ‘the Jewish people.’ 93% of Israeli land is reservedsolely for the use of Jews via the Jewish National Fund.

Arabs are confined within their towns and villages which are unable to expand, unlike Jewish towns because they are deliberately surrounded by Jewish communities.

In the Galilee, East Jerusalem and the Negev/Naqab there is a deliberate policy of Judaisation. If you want an equivalent then you only need to recall Nazi Germany’s policies of deJewification’.

Israel isn’t a fascist but a settler colonial state but that doesn’t make it better. Arguably it makes it worse. America wasn’t a fascist state but its settlers exterminated millions of the indigenous native Indians.

The Israeli government is, however, stuffed with people who proudly declare that they are fascists. Bezalel Smotrich, Israel’s new Finance Minister who is in charge of the Civil i.e. Military Administration in the West Bank said that ‘My voters don’t care if I’m a homophobe or fascist’. Miri Regev, Israel’s new Minister of Transport said ‘I’m happy to be a fascist’.

Smotrich is on record as opposinghaving Arab women share maternity wards with Jewish women but to Starmer this too is ok.

Even the European Union of Jewish Students has warnedagainst ‘Fascist’ Ben Gvir, the new Police Minister. Calling Israeli Ministers and the Israeli state ‘fascist’ is commonplace but for Keir Starmer, any criticism of the United States’s racist Rottweiler is forbidden.  

The Independent reportedthat:

Sir Keir’s spokesman denounced the use of both the terms “apartheid” and “fascist”, saying many will have taken offence at the latter in particular. He told reporters: “As a first step we would obviously want her to withdraw the remarks that she used for sure.”

Johnson’s crime was giving ‘offence’.  No doubt many Germans would have taken offence at criticism of Hitler’s regime and racist Whites like Starmer would have taken offence at criticism of South Africa but so what? If telling the truth gives offence then so be it.

If anything the description of people like Bezalel Smotrich and Ben Gvir as fascists is too kind. The proper description of them is Jewish or Judeo-Nazis. The Times of Israel reported, on election night Gvir

interrupted his own victory speech… to pay tribute to the radical settler Rabbi Dov Lior and to his former political partner Bentzi Gopstein, the head of the racist and homophobic Lehava organization.

Rabbi Dov Lior is Chairman of the Jewish Rabbinical Council of the West Bank and Chief Rabbi of Kiryat Arba and Hebron. He is also an unreconstructed racist, even by Israeli standards.

In 1994, he supportedthe murder by an American settler, Baruch Goldstein, of 29 Palestinian worshippers at the Ibrahimi Mosque. Lior then issueda religious edict, saying,

There is no such thing as enemy civilians in war time. The law of our Torah is to have mercy on our soldiers and to save them....A thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew's fingernail.

Lior praised Goldstein, calling him a “great saint and rabbi … may his memory be blessed”. Ben Gvir, until recently, had a poster on his wall of Baruch Goldstein.

Not to be outdone, Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, officiating at Goldstein’s funeral, toldmourners that even 1 million Arabs “are not worth a Jewish fingernail.” Angry voices in the congregation shouted, “We are all Goldsteins!” and “Arabs out of Israel!”

Several months after the massacre, Lior tolddisciples in Kiryat Araba near the occupied West Bank city of Hebron

Jewish blood was redder than non-Jewish blood … and that a Jewish life is preferred by the Lord than a non-Jewish life.

In 2009 Rabbis Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur wrote Torat HaMelech, a religious guide to killing non-Jews legally. Among their insights was the rulingthat the ‘Prohibition 'Thou Shalt Not Murder' applies only 'to a Jew who kills a Jew.' Non-Jews are "uncompassionate by nature"and attacks on them "curb their evil inclination," while babies and children of Israel's enemies may be killed since "it is clear that they will grow to harm us."It was immediatelyendorsed by Dov Lior.

Another hero of Gvir is Benzi Gopstein of the fascist Lehavawhose sloganis ‘assimilation is a holocaust’. Like its Nazi forebears it openly campaigns against miscegenation, sexual or personal relations between Jew and Arab.

Lehava thugs openly attack Arabs who they suspect of liaisons with Jewish women and in one attack 105 Palestinians were wounded and 22 hospitalised in a pogrom in Jerusalem.

Lehava activists were also responsible for arson at one of the few mixed Jewish-Arab schools, the Hand in Hand in Jerusalem. One of those who set fire to the school received3 years in prison. If he had been a Palestinian the sentence would have been 3 or 4 times that.

As someone equally hostile to Christians Gopstein has advocatedburning churches too. These are the friends of Israel’s new Police Minister, Itamar Ben Gvir who is now in charge of directing Israel’s police. Yet Labour’s racist leader, Keir Starmer, objects to calling the Israeli government ‘fascist’ or apartheid. But then Starmer or was quotedas saying ‘I support Zionism without qualification.’

There is nothing that Israel could do that would disturb Starmer and Biden. All that matters is its strategic role in the Middle East. Labour has a racist as leader yet the SCG, instead of following in the footsteps of previous generations of socialists like Mervyn Stockwood and Lord Soper keeps quiet in the hope of keeping their parliamentary seats.

There really is nothing more contemptible than the likes of Kim Johnson or Richard Burgon apologisingfor even the slightest criticism of Zionism or Israel.

Tony Greenstein

The Chutzpah of the Guardian’s Zionist Gatekeeper, Jonathan Freedland


Freedland Calls on the Palestinians to Support Those Who Expelled Them and Stole Their Land in an Internal Jewish War over the Supreme Court

If there is any journalist, and I use the word advisedly, who can claim the credit for the media’s ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign against Jeremy Corbyn then that person is Jonathan Freedland. It was this that prompted me to ask, just before Britain’s General Election in 2019 Is Jonathan Freedland the most dishonest journalist in Britain?

One month before the 2019 election Freedland wrote ‘Many Jews want Boris Johnson out. But how can we vote for Jeremy Corbyn? If Freedland had been genuinely concerned about anti-Semitism, as opposed to anti-Zionism, then he would have had no difficulty answering his own question.

 Freedland thought nothing of allying with Daniel Finkelstein, the racist Associate Editor of The Times and on the Board of the Islamaphobic Gatestone Institute about a book which barely mentions Jews

Leaving aside Johnson’s racist comments about ‘Watermelon smiles’, ‘piccaninnies’and ‘letterboxes’. Johnson’s anti-Semitic comments in his novel ’72 Virgins’ should have sufficed. Johnson wrote:

Maybe there was some kind of fiddling of the figures by the oligarchs who ran the TV stations (and who were mainly, as some lost no time in pointing out, of Jewish origin)

There wasthe Jewish cabal who run the American media complex’. Even the Jewish Chronicle mentionedhow 72 Virgins had

described a Jewish character as an unethical businessman with a large nose, who exploits immigrant workers and black women’.

But here’s the strange thing. Not a word about Johnson’s anti-Semitism crossed Freedland’s lips. In all his tiresome tirades Freedland never once quoted an anti-Semitic phrase that Corbyn had used yet Johnson served them up on a plate.

Freedland’s main theme was about how Jewish identity was bound up with Israel and if you attack an identity then that is anti-Semitic.  What if there had been a few thousand South Africa exiles in this country. Would it have been racist to oppose apartheid?  How about German exiles pre-1939?  Would opposition to Nazism have been anti-German? That was the heart of Freedland’s bogus argument for Corbyn’s ‘anti-Semitism’. A completely specious argument.

As the former Jewish Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, said when questioned about Corbyn: ‘I've never detected so much as a whiff of anti-Semitism’.

Professor Geoffrey Alderman, a die-hard Zionist and the historian of the British Jewish community, in ‘Is Jeremy Corbyn really anti-Semitic?’ wrote:

The fact of the matter is that Corbyn has an impressive record of supporting Jewish communal initiatives…. In 2010 he put his name to an Early Day Motion (tabled by Diane Abbott) calling on the UK government to facilitate the settlement of Yemeni Jews in Britain. Indeed I could fill this entire article with a list of philo-Semitic EDMs that Corbyn has signed since he was first elected… in 1983.

Alderman was a columnist for the Jewish Chronicle for 14 years before Editor Stephen Pollard banned him for dissent! Not a word of this made its way into the Guardian under Freedland.

These are just a sample of Freedland's articles during the Corbyn years - he didn't write even one article about the racism Muslims and Black People Experience - Just About a Privileged Section of White People

During the Corbyn years I wrote a number of blogs such as Why Freedland Felt the Need to Lie to The Guardian's Readers and why the Guardian Refused to Allow Any Reply to Freedland in its Comment Pages. See here, here, here and hereculminating in an attack on Ken Loach and a refusal of a right of reply.

Freedland produced an endless series of articles about Labour ‘anti-Semitism’. He celebrated Starmer’s sacking of Rebecca Long-Bailey because ‘at last, Labour is serious about antisemitism’.

The Guardian refused to cover Al Jazeera’s series The Labour Files about the dirty tricks campaign against Corbyn, which included spying, bugging and monitoring Labour activists, the racism of Labour’s staff and even their hacking of a journalist’s computer.

Even the saint-like Corbyn referred to the ‘'utterly disgusting subliminal nastiness'of Freedland. Corbyn’s comment, in a fly-on-the wall documentary ‘Corbynism: the post-mortem’ so unnerved Freedland that he devoted a whole Jewish Chronicle column to it!

Despite pretending not to notice Freedland admitted that

In truth, though, it left me quite shaken. It’s unnerving to see yourself torn into by a frontline politician — the man who would be prime minister — with such venom.

Like most bullies Freedland was happy to accuse people of ‘anti-Semitism’ but when his victim bit back he cried into his column. It is unfortunate that Corbyn didn’t do this a bit more often.

Freedland thought nothing of targeting Muslims with bogus accusations of 'antisemitism' in his desperation to prove that Jews were under attack in the Labour Party

It is instructive that when Freedland recently wrotea book about a Jewish holocaust hero, Rudolf Vrba, who escaped from Auschwitz he chose an anti-Zionist Jew! As Hilary and Steven Rose observed, Vrba ‘found some of the same Zionist leaders in positions of power (in Israel) who had helped betray the Jews of Budapest’.

I haven’t yet read Freedland’s book but I strongly suspect that he has glossed over or omitted Vrba’s opposition to Zionism. But let us recall what Vrba wrote in the Daily Herald (February 1961):

I am a Jew. In spite of that – indeed because of that I accuse certain Jewish leaders of one of the most ghastly deeds of the war. This small group of quislings knew what was happening to their brethren in Hitler's gas chambers and bought their own lives with the price of silence. Among them was Dr Kasztner. … I was able to give Hungarian Zionist leaders three weeks’ notice that Eichmann planned to send a million of their Jews to his gas chambers… Kasztner went to Eichmann and told him, ‘I know of your plans; spare some Jews of my choice and I shall keep quiet.’

Having Described the Palestinian Struggle as ‘anti-Semitic’ Freedland now asks them to rescue Israel’s ‘Jewish Democracy’!

One of the features of ethno-nationalist states is that the police state apparatus that is created to suppress the indigenous population is sooner or later turned against dissidents amongst the herrenvolk. Once you have got used to murdering the Untermenschen you soon find that you are also surrounded by Jewish traitors and fifth columnists. 

The Nazis not only murdered millions of Jews they also murdered at least three-quarters of a million Germans. Israel is no exception to this because an ethno-nationalist state breeds a fascist mentality and the goal of racial purity is the chimera which drives it along. That is what is happening in Israel today.

The Racism that Freedland Can't See - Only 'Anti-Semitism' Concerns Him

Freedland Appeals for Palestinian Support!

It was with astonishment and amusement, that I read Freedland’s latest screed Netanyahu is an existential threat to Israel. He can be resisted – but only with Palestinian support. As Netanyahu and his Coalition proceed to neuter Israel’s Supreme Court, Freedland has woken up to the 20% of Israel’s population who are Palestinian. Realising that the ‘Jewish Democracy’ that liberal Zionists have venerated is disappearing, even for Israeli Jews, Freedland now looks around for allies. Having demonised support for the Palestinians as anti-Semitic, Freedland now appeals to the victims of ‘Jewish democracy’ to come to its rescue.

Israel's Palestinian Citizens See the Furore Over the Supreme Court as an Internal Zionist Dispute

Netanyahu and his Jewish Nazi friends in Otzmah Yehudit (‘Jewish Power’) and Religious Zionism do not care what others think of them. This contrasts with the Labour Zionists for whom Hasbarah (propaganda) was important in maintaining western political support for Israel. They went out of their way to emphasise Israel’s ‘democratic’ features and its token Arabs. Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich want the Arabs out – all of them. 

As Smotrich toldArab members of the Knesset ‘you are here by mistake – because Ben-Gurion didn't finish the job and throw you out in 1948,". So much for the ‘Arab lie’ of the Nakba. The Judeo-Nazis that Netanyahu has allied with don’t deny the Nakba.  They complain that it was not far-reaching enough!

Israel’s Supreme Court is a Colonial Court

The proposals to neuter Israel’s Supreme Court should be opposed as the alternative is the Nazi rule by decree. Even the façade of the Supreme Court is better than no legal process at all. However when Freedland claimedthat

the supreme court has regularly protected the rights of minorities – including the 20% of Israeli citizens who are Palestinian Arab

this is what is known as a dirty fat lie. On the contrary Israel’s Supreme Court has presided over the theft of Palestinian land, both within Israel itself and the Occupied Territories.

By Supporting a 'Jewish' State This is What Freedland Supports - the Quest for Jewish Racial Purity

It has failed, even once, to rule against the more than 65 laws which discriminate against Israeli Palestinians. In the West Bank it has ignored international law. The Supreme Court has presided over the theft of Palestinian land in the West Bank using a variety of legal tricks. In July 2022 it ruled that the Mitzpeh Kramim settlement could stay because the land was stolen in ‘good faith.

The Supreme Court created the legal architecture of Israeli Apartheid. It has consistently upheld claims by right-wing settlers in Jerusalem seeking to evict Palestinians because Jews once owned the land when Jordan captured East Jerusalem in 1948. Yet it has never once ruled that Palestinians who owned property in West Jerusalem before 1948 were entitled to its return.

The Supreme Court has ruled that demolition of the homes of relatives of ‘Arab terrorists’ is fine, because it deters terrorism but has ruled against demolishing Jewish terrorists homes. Former Supreme Court Justice Menachem Mazzuz retiredearly, at least in part, because he was overruled in his belief that demolitions were ‘illegal and immoral’and a form of collective punishment.

In July 2021 the Supreme Court held, by 10-1, that the overtly racist Jewish Nation State Law was constitutional even though it explicitly discriminated against Israel’s Palestinian citizens. In the process they affirmed that that Arab citizenship was all but worthless.

The Supreme Court Only Approves House Demolitions in the case of Arab 'terrorists' - it never approves doing so with Jewish terrorists

The one Supreme Court justice who ruled against the law was its only Arab member, George Karra. Not one Jewish judge was prepared to leave their racism and Zionism at home. This is the Supreme Court that thousands of Israeli Jews are taking to the streets for. See Israeli courts legitimized the state’s worst policies. We must still protect them

Today it is the Supreme Court which is leading the drive to evict the Palestinian villagers of Khan al Ahmar on the West Bank having already ruledthat the 1000 Palestinian inhabitants of Masafer Yatta should be evicted to make way for an army firing range.

Freedland knows all of this yet he lies about the role of Israel’s Supreme Court in protecting Palestinians. The Supreme Court is and always has been a Colonial Court of Zionism.

The objections of Religious Zionism and Likud to the Supreme Court have nothing to do with its record over the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. It is about an entirely different matter. Internal Jewish/Zionist disputes.

The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that Reform and Liberal Judaism conversions must be recognised for the purposes of who is a Jew. It has taken the view that the definition of ‘Who is a Jew’ must be broad whereas the Orthodox Religious parties in Netanyahu’s coalition, want to narrow the definition of a Jew, excluding those who qualify under the ‘grandfather’ clause in the Law of Return.

This is an internal Zionist debate irrelevant to the Palestinians. Who cares who qualifies as Zionism’s Ubermenschen. Indeed it serves our interests that the definition of who is a Jew is as narrow as possible because then Jewry in the diaspora will wake up to the narrow, racist and nationalist state that Israel is. We have no irons in the fire.

As Ha’aretz wrotein an editorial, the Supreme Court is the Occupation's Rubber Stamp’. Chief Justice Esther Hayut statedthat

‘there is no need to make a ruling…on the question of the applicability of Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty to the Palestinian population in the area.’

The Supreme Court is perfectly happy with a situation where Israeli civil law applies to Jewish settlers and military law applies to Palestinians. See When the Exceptional is Regular: The Supreme Court on Israel’s Landgrabs by Hagai El-Ad of B’Tselem.

Jonathan Freedland knows all of this. One thing he isn’t is stupid.  Malevolent yes, dishonest yes, but stupid no. He also knows that a Jewish Democratic state is an oxymoron. The state is either Jewish, in which case Jews are entitled to preferential treatment or it is Jewish. As it stands Israel is Jewish for Arabs and Democratic for Jews.

What Freedland wants is for Israel’s Arab citizens, who possess a citizenship which relegates them to the status of tolerated guests, to rescue the democracy in ‘Jewish democracy’ even though they themselves will not benefit from it.

Although I knew it wouldn’t be printed, I sent the Guardian a letter.  However Freedland does not do criticism. Today the letters column of the Guardian has also been Freedlandised.

The Supreme Court as Israel’s Iron Dome & Flak Jacket

But if the Supreme Court doesn’t protect Palestinians what it does do is to protect Israel’s army of occupation. In the Jerusalem Postformer MK Rachel Azaria described the High Court, as

‘the flak jacket of IDF soldiers, it is protection for our sons and daughters that serve in the army, from attempts to petition against IDF soldiers at the International Criminal Court in The Hague,"

Likewise Alan Dershowitz, explainedhow:

“It will make it much more difficult for people like me who try to defend Israel in the international court of public opinion to defend them effectively, It would be a tragedy to see the Supreme Court weakened.”

Aharon Barak, the former Chief Justice, made the samethe argument.

The High Court has acted as a kind of legal “Iron Dome,”. Without a credible independent court, deemed as ensuring Israel’s democratic functioning, including in its treatment of the Palestinians, “our chief of staff and government ministers will immediately be arrested when they travel overseas…  The leaders of the country will be put on trial in the International Criminal Court in The Hague.”

President Isaac Herzog told the Knesset’s that
“Israel’s diplomatic and legal institutions, including our Supreme Court, will continue to be a diplomatic and legal defensive shield for us on the international front.”

In January 2019 Supreme Court President Esther Hayut argued that

one of the important side effects of judicial review is its contribution to Israel’s international legitimization.” Its intervention helps “bolster Israel’s claim of ‘complementarity’ when it deals with criminal proceedings in foreign courts, whether international or those of other countries.”

In other words, contrary to Freedland’s lies, the Supreme Court protects Israel’s war criminals not the Palestinians. Neutering the Supreme Court strips away the illusions in Israeli democracy.

Tony Greenstein

A Short Email to Freedland

Dear Jonathan,

Having spent the Corbyn years equating support for the Palestinians with anti-Semitism you are now calling on them to rescue Israel from the consequences of Zionism and settler colonialism.

And as we both know the 'antisemitism' you wrote interminably about was nothing of the kind. Otherwise you might have spent a little time on Boris Johnson and Rees Mogg's undoubted antisemitism.

It is difficult to know whether it's just malevolence or just stupidity that drives you.  Perhaps it's both.

It is no coincidence that the only Jewish hero of the holocaust that you could find was an anti-Zionist.  I've yet to read your book so I will reserve judgement on whether or not you had anything to say on this aspect of Vrba.

Oh and speaking of the holocaust I have brought out a book Zionism During the Holocaust about the true record of the Kasztners and Ben Gurions.

Either way I somehow doubt that many Palestinians will be queuing up to support a Supreme Court which, contrary to the little lie in your article, has consistently negated Arab rights in and without Israel.

tony greenstein

Will the Socialist Health Association be the next victim of Starmer’s Purge?


The SHA’s ‘crime’? Opposing Streeting & Starmer’s support for the Privatisation of the NHS

The Socialist Health Association, formerly known as the Socialist Medical Association, has been affiliated to the Labour Party since 1931. The SHA was formed to campaign for a National Health Service. Not surprisingly they are strongly opposed to the plans of Starmer and Streeting to turn the NHS into a British version of American Medicare & Medicaid, dominated as it is by insurance companies and private companies who make rich pickings at the expense of patients.

We know that Starmer, Streeting and the other cuckoos in Labour’s nest are ‘business friendly’, but the NHS must be off limits to the hedge fund owners, venture capitalists, US health care companies and other capitalist vultures.

It is some measure of how right-wing Starmer and his supporters are that they would even think of disaffiliating an organisation which was one of the original campaigners for a national health service, free at the point of delivery. The SHA has been affiliated to the Labour Party for nearly 92 years.

People may remember that when Starmer was elected leader of the Labour Party he pledgedthat

Public services should be in public hands, not making profits for shareholders. Support common ownership of rail, mail, energy and water; end outsourcing in our NHS, local government and justice system.

Starmer meant none of this. He lied, lied and lied again in order to get elected and once Leader he junked every single one of his promises.

On 11th January 2023 the SHA issued a strong statement in response to a statementby West Streeting, Shadow Health Secretary, supporting greater involvement by private companies in the NHS. SHA response to use of private health companies’. Its subtitle was blunt and to the point: Statement on Wes Streeting’s NHS proposals and acceptance of donations from John Armitage and MPM Connect.

Gurinder Singh Josan

The response by Starmer’s supporters in the form of Gurinder Singh Josan CBE has been to allege irregularities in the recent SHA elections of its Officers and Executive.

In a tweet of 29 January 2023 Josan alleged

·        constitutional breaches

·        attempts to manipulate result 🥀

·        breaches of GDPR

All the things that Starmer and his cronies have turned into a fine art. For supporters of Starmer to allege breaches of the GDPR and the SHA’s constitution after all the attempts by them to rig elections and their loss of members’ data demonstrates that satire has lost all meaning for them. As for attempts to manipulate the result, we only need recall their attempts to fiddle the result of the trigger ballots of Ian Byrne MP and Apsama Begum MP.

In a statement issued by the pro-privatisation candidates, including Jewish Labour Movement clone Neil Nerva, they withdrew from the elections and called on the Returning Officer and the SHA Officers to resign and then called on the Labour Party

Statement from right-wing slate (p.1)

‘to give consideration to the undemocratic nature of one of its affiliated Socialist Societies and to take appropriate action to review the affiliation’.

They also called on the SHA Officers to self-refer themselves to the Information Commissioner’s Office!

Statement from right-wing slate (p.2)

The right-wingers complained that the National Secretary of the SHA, Harry Stratton, had lobbied SHA  members in support of the socialist slate of candidates, having done precisely that themselves!

Knowing full well that they would lose, the Privatisation Slate then withdrew from the elections.  Unfortunately they left it too late.

The four successful socialists who were elected as Vice Chair (the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer being elected unopposed) gained an average of 707 votes. The unsuccessful privatisation candidates gained an average of 122.5 votes! In other words the socialist candidates secure 5.77 votes for every vote that the right-wing candidates obtained!

Clearly the vast majority of SHA members prefer to keep the NHS public and not turn it into an auction for the highest bidder.

The three victorious officers, Chair Mark Ladbrooke, Secretary Harry Stratton and Treasurer Esther Giles issued a joint statementcelebrating their victory. It read,

“SHA members recognise that accelerating moves to integrate private providers into the health service will drain funding from the NHS and turn it into a mere brand for a mess of private corporations- all extracting shareholder returns and cutting services in order to do so.

“Big corporations have captured top NHS bodies with the intention of funnelling NHS resources into their pockets. They train few- if any- staff and maintain a parasitic role in the sector. Members of Labour’s front bench are deeply mistaken if they believe these businesses will resolve the catastrophic problems caused by decades of neoliberal austerity and service cuts.”

Two years ago Gurinder Singh, who is close to Tom Watson and the far-right Labour MP John Spellar, was subject to complaints of bullyinga blind fellow Muslim UNITE member alongside Spellar. Singh is also close to local Sandwell Tories.

Unsurprisingly the reaction of property dealer Gurinder Singh (owner of Josan Estates Ltd.) and his friends is to try and disaffiliate the SHA and then set up a new organisation from which socialists will be barred.

All of this takes place in the context of the refusal of Starmer and Streeting to support the nurses and ambulance workers in their fight to decent pay and conditions and their attacks on the health unions over their proposals for reform.

What You Can Do

On Labour’s National Executive Committee there are 11 trade union representatives. They are:

Div. I – Trade Unions: Mark Ferguson (Unison)
Div. I – Trade Unions: Nicola Jukes (TSSA)
Div. I – Trade Unions: Isabelle Gutierrez (Musicians’ Union)
Div. I – Trade Unions: Michael Wheeler (USDAW)
Div. I – Trade Unions: Wendy Nichols (Unison)
Div. I – Trade Unions: Andy Kerr (CWU)
Div. I – Trade Unions: Gavin Sibthorpe (GMB)
Div. I – Trade Unions: Jayne Taylor (UNITE)
Div. I – Trade Unions: Kathy Abu-Bakir (GMB)
Div. I – Trade Unions: Ian Murray (FBU)
Div. I – Trade Unions: Mick Whelan (ASLEF)
Div. I – Trade Unions: Joanne McGuinness (USDAW)
Div. I – Trade Unions: Tony Woodhouse (UNITE)

Most of them have supported Starmer’s purge of the left and socialists in the Labour Party. Union members must demand that they oppose any attempt to disaffiliate the SHA. For any trade union member to support the attempts of Gurinder Singh, Starmer and Johanna Baxter to disaffiliate the SHA would be the equivalent of supporting the privatisation of the NHS.

My own union UNITE has two representatives. I shall be moving at my branch that they are instructed to oppose any attempt by Starmer and Streeting to disaffiliate the SHA and thus further the privatisation agenda of the Right. I urge you to do the same.

If there is any Socialist Society that should be disaffiliated it is the apartheid supporting, racist Jewish Labour Movement.

Tony Greenstein

Is Rachel Reeves the Most Despicable Politician in Britain Today?


Reeves Combines Zionism, Racism, Admiration for a Hitler Loving Anti-Semite & Hostility to the Disabled & Claimants - a Bigot for All Seasons

Sturmer pays tribute to Jeremy Corbyn

Trying to find the most despicable politician in Britain today is no easy matter. The competition is strong. The Tories have no end of good candidates – Ugly Patel, Cruella Braverman, Boris and Mogg – but they are Tories. You would expect no better of those who are ‘lower than vermin’ (A Bevan).

The competition is equally strong amongst Labour MPs. Keir Starmer himself is a strong contender, not least because when it comes to honesty and respect for the truth he makes Boris Johnson seem a paragon of virtue. Jess Phillips would also be a strong contender if anyone took her seriously. But the winner by a mile has to be Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves.

Reeves has all the required qualities of bigotry, prejudice, upper class disdain and sheer dishonesty. A former Bank of England economist she is so far to the right that she’s in danger of falling off the planet.

Reeves first came to people’s attention as an unreconstructed stone-age right-winger when, in an interviewwith the Guardian she declared that

“We are not the party of people on benefits. We don’t want to be seen, and we’re not, the party to represent those who are out of work,” she said. “Labour are a party of working people, formed for and by working people.”

18 months previously, as Ed Miliband’s  shadow work and pensions secretary, she had promisedthat

We would be tougher [than the Conservatives]. If they don't take it [the offer of a job] they will forfeit their benefit.’

In other words starvation would be used to make the jobless take the any job, however low the pay. Thus continuing the Tory policy of using unemployment to lower the price of labour. She also promised that Labour would be tougher than the Tories when it comes to slashing the benefits bill.

Yet if anyone is likely to replace the charisma-free zone that is Keith Starmer then it is Reeves, who doesn’t have a socialist bone in her body. Unlike Starmer she didn’t serve in Corbyn’s shadow cabinet and never felt obliged to say anything in his defence unlikethe two-faced Starmer.

A number of leading Zionists like Jewish Chronicle Editor Jake Wallis Simonshave criticisedStarmer because of this. Starmer’s replacement may prove attractive to the Labour Right. See Can Jews like me trust Keir Starmer’s Labour party?

The hypocrisy and dishonesty surrounding Labour’s fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign is nowhere better evidenced in Reeves admirationfor the Hitler admiring Lady Nancy Astor, the second woman to be elected to Parliament on 28 November 1919.

The Countess Markievicz

Reeves claim that Astor was the first woman electedto Parliament conveniently omitted the revolutionary socialist Sinn Fein MP the Countess Markievicz who was elected 11 months earlier, though she did not take her seat.

Labour Party members have been expelled for far less than praise for a Hitler devotee, yet Starmer deliberately ignored Reeves gushing praise of Astor. The same was true of the Guardian’s Jonathan Freedland who uttered not a word of criticism of Reeves, confining his criticism to Corbyn.

Corbyn was slatedby the Board of Deputies for having ignored John Hobson’s anti-Semitism in his introduction to Imperialism yet Hobson’s anti-Semitism pales in comparison to that of Astor.

The Anti-Semitism of Lady Astor that Reeves & Starmer Have Endorsed by Omission

In 1936 Lady Astor and others of her class, wroteto Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin that they “‘wholeheartedly’ endorsed the Führer‘s act” in marching into the Rhineland. The Cliveden set, named after Astor’s country residence, was a term first used by the Reynolds News on 28 November 1937. In 1938 they entertained Nazi apologist Charles Lindbergh. The group were highly sympathetic to fascism. A David Low cartoon published in the Evening Standard, showed Astor and Times Editor Geoffrey Dawson and others, holding high the slogan "Any Sort of Peace at Any Sort of Price".

Astor and fellow parasites

At a Jewish charity dinner in November 1934, she askedJames McDonald, the League of Nations’ High Commissioner for Refugees:

did I not after all believe there must be something of the Jews themselves which had brought them persecution throughout all the ages? Was it not therefore, in the final analysis, their responsibility?

Astor accusedthe Foreign Office of being manipulated by Catholics, who she also hated.

Astor became convincedthat she was a victim of “Jewish Communistic propaganda”. In the House of Commons on 28 February 1938, Harold Nicolson heard Alan Graham, Tory Party MP for Wirral, say to Astor: "I do not think you behaved very well." She replied: "Only a Jew like you would dare to be rude to me."The News Chroniclecommentedthat Astor's "emotions about the Jews" had overcome "her sense of fitness". She introduced Chaim Weizmann at a party as "the only decent Jew I have ever met." Which says as much about Weizmann, the President of the World Zionist Organisation and Israel’s first President as it does about Astor.

Claude Cockburn linkedthe Astors to appeasement on the basis that they were keen to use Hitler as a bulwark against Bolshevism. Astor had connections with influential people such as Philip Kerr who was active as an emissary to Hitler.

Astor complainedthat the Observer, which belonged to her husband's family, was "full of homosexuals and Jews" and worked to bar Jews and Catholics from the newspaper's senior positions.

Astor wroteletters to US Ambassador Joseph Kennedy in which she suggested the Nazis were a solution to "the world problems" of Jewry and Communism. She told Kennedy Hitler would have to do more than "give a rough time" to "the killers of Christ" for her to want Britain and America to launch

"Armageddon to save them. The wheel of history swings round as the Lord would have it. Who are we to stand in the way of the future?"

She was referredto as "the Honourable Member from Berlin" during a 1939 Commons debate. Her opposition to the war earned her the title of "Hitler's woman in Britain".

It is inconceivable that Reeves was unaware of Nancy Astor’s virulent anti-Semitism yet even when it was pointed out to her, she refused to retract her praise of Astor. Starmer adamantly refused to do anything.

Let it not be said that Reeves only has a blind spot when it comes to anti-Semitism and love of Hitler. Reeves is equally bigoted against the unemployed and disabled sayingthat Labour does not want to represent people out of work.

Reeves, like many anti-Semites, adores the Israeli state and Zionism. After Kim Johnson had been threatened with the loss of the whip for describing Israel as a fascist and apartheid state, Reeves saidthat Johnson’s treatment was ‘a sign of just how serious Keir Starmer is at booting both antisemitism and “anti-Zionism” out of Labour.’

In an articleI’m proud to be a Labour Friend of Israel’, Reeves said she believed that political criticism of Israel was motivated by antisemitism. A completely evidence-free accusation as she herself proves. She also made it clear that the presence of fascists and neo-Nazis in Israel’s government would ‘not stop a future Labour government forging a strong relationship with the Jewish state’.

Since Reeves equates hostility to Israeli Apartheid with anti-Semitism it is worthwhile seeing if there is any basis to what Kim Johnson said.

 Mass murderer Baruch Goldstein - hero to Israel's Police Minister Itamar Ben Gvir

The Israeli Government’s Fascists & Neo-Nazis

The spiritual guide of Israel’s Police Minister, convicted racist Itamar Ben-Gvir, is Rabbi Dov Lior, the Chief Rabbi of Kiryat Arba. Dov Lior once saidthat “a thousand non-Jewish lives are not worth a Jew’s fingernail”.

Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, when presidingat Baruch Goldstein’s funeral, a man who on 25 February 1994 entered the Ibrahimi mosque in Hebron opening fire and killing 29 worshippers, told mourners that even 1 million Arabs “are not worth a Jewish fingernail.

Lior describedGoldstein as "holier than all the martyrs of the Holocaust." and until recently had a picture of Goldstein on the wall of his front room. But to Starmer and Reeves it is forbidden to mention that Israel is governed by those advocating genocide of the Palestinians. People who hold security posts in Israel’s cabinet.

Dov Lior also endorsedTorat HaMelech, a guide to how to kill non-Jews according to Jewish religious law. It was written in 2009 by two rabbis, Yitzhak Shapira and Yosef Elitzur. The following are extractsfrom the book:

“If we kill a gentile who has violated one of the seven commandments [the Noahide laws], there is nothing wrong with the murder,”

Shapira wrote that even babies and children of Israel’s enemies may be killed, since “it is clear that they will grow to harm us. Which is almost word for word what Himmler said when justifying killing Jewish children.

Anywhere where the presence of a gentile poses a threat to Israel, it is permissible to kill him, even if it is a righteous gentile who is not responsible for the threatening situation.”

Other rabbis who endorsed the book included Rabbi Yaakov Yosef, son of former Sephardic Chief Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.

Gvir belonged to Rabbi Meir Kahane’s Kach. Its spokesman, Noam Federman, described Goldsteins mass murder of Palestinians as “one of greatness. It was a great act of sanctifying the Name (God).”

Zvika Fogel, a member of Gvir’s Religious Zionism, declaredthat

“if it is one Israeli mother crying, or a thousand Palestinian mothers crying, then a thousand Palestinian mothers will cry.”

Even Israelis have described Israel’s government as having fascist and neo-Nazi members. Daniel Blatman, a holocaust historian at the Hebrew University and Chief Historian at Poland’s Warsaw Ghetto Museum has just written an articlefor Ha’aretz Israel’s Government Has neo-Nazi Ministers. It Really Does Recall Germany in 1933. Ideologically Gvir, Smotrich and other members of Netanyahu’s coalition are close to the Nazis, yet Reeves toldthe Jewish News that she had been 'incredibly angry, frustrated and depressed'by someone telling the truth about Israeli apartheid and fascism.

It would be unfair to Reeves just to target her for her virulent Zionism. She is equally racist when it comes to asylum seekers. As the Tories began demonising refugees crossing the Channel and talking of an ‘invasion’ where was Reeves? Did she protest at the Tories racist rhetoric?  Not a bit of it.  She joined in callingon the Tories to “get a grip” of the immigration system and “ensure that people who have not got a right to be here are sent home.”

And no one is happierabout the mass haemorrhaging of Labour Party members. The more members leave the better as far as Reeves is concerned. Because she is, after all, a true democrat Starmer style.

Israel’s neo-Nazi Police Minister Itamar Ben Gvir Approves of the Attack on Issa Amro and the Attacks on Palestinian Red Crescent


Starmer & Reeves Also Approve of Israel’s Military Junta in the West Bank – Reeves is ‘Angry’ at Any Criticism of Israeli Apartheid

It is scarcely necessary to comment on these two videos. Unprovoked violence against Issa Amro, a Palestinian activist and pacifist living in Hebron, who has been under constant attack by the Israeli military who a few months ago declared his home a ‘Closed Military Zone’.

As he was giving an interview to Lawrence Wright, an American journalist from the New Yorker, Issam was subject to an unprovoked attack.  Wright however displayed all the bias and prejudice one has come to expect from the capitalist media. His focus was on the ‘dehumanisation’ of Israel’s soldiers not the dehumanisation of the Palestinians and their treatment.

What you might ask is wrong with these presstitutes? Is support and sympathy for Israel hardwired into their brains?

But let us not forget that it is imperialist politicians like Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves who are responsible for Israel being able to get away literally with murder. Indeed the despicable Reeves is ‘angry’that people should even call Israel out for what it is.

If Issam had attacked and kicked an Israeli soldier he would have been killed. As it is the soldier received 10 days in prison, not for the attack, but because he did it in the full glare of the media. Next time he will know to do it in the dark, out of the way of cameras.

The attacks on Palestinian medical teams in the second video are equally despicable but once again our politicians stay silent. One expects approval of atrocities and war crimes from the Tories but not from the Labour Party. But today Labour is more concerned about ‘anti-Semitism’ i.e. criticism of Israel’s actions than the Military Junta that rules in Palestine and the Apartheid society that they have created.

Israel’s neo-Nazi Police Minister Ben Gvir naturally approvesof what happened to Issam.  Both Gvir and Defence/Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich approveof the expulsion of Israel’s Palestinian citizens. Why shouldn’t they? Gvir was a member of Kach, a Jewish Nazi group that called for the expulsion of all Arabs from Israel and which applauded the murder of 29 Palestinians in the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron by one of their members, Baruch Goldstein.

This is Israel’s government today but the protestors in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv are unconcerned about the Junta that rules the West Bank. Their only concern is with ‘Jewish Democracy’ and the threat to Israel’s Supreme Court.

Tony Greenstein

It's not Corbyn but Starmer’s Cynical Use of Jews to Attack the Left that is Anti-Semitic


The Labour Left Will Never Recover Until It Understands That ‘Anti-Semitism’ Was a Lie Designed by Racists to Defeat Anti-Racists

Keir Starmer’s ‘patriotism’ is the last refuge of a scoundrel – Corbyn must declare his candidacy now

Kendall Savages Jeremy Corbyn

Last Tuesday in that good socialist newspaper The Times Keir Starmer declaredwar on what’s left of the Labour Left, declaring that Jeremy Corbyn would not stand as a Labour Candidate in Islington North. I think everyone bar Corbyn himself knew that.

Like the charlatan he is Starmer wrapped himself in the flag declaring that ‘my Labour’, because to all intents and purposes, the ruling class, whose puppet he is, owns the party, would follow his dictats.

Not for nothing did Samuel Johnson declare that ‘patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel’. For if there is one thing that Starmer is, without a doubt, it is a political scoundrel.

  • Starmer promisedto support public ownership and end outsourcing in the NHS and now he supports further privatisation.
  • ØStarmer promisedto support public ownership and end outsourcing in the NHS and now he supports further privatisation.
  • ØStarmer promisedto defend migrant rights and now criticises the Tories for not deporting more people.
  • ØStarmer promisedto reverse the Tory cuts in corporation tax and when they did reverse them he opposed them!
  • ØStarmer promisedto put human rights at the heart of foreign policyand ended up supporting the Spycops Bill which grants immunity to state agents who torture people.
  • ØStarmerpromisedto ‘Promote peace and human rights’ and ended up as the advocate of NATO and more arms to Ukraine.
  • ØStarmer even broke the promiseto provide ‘Effective opposition to the Tories’ as he pledged allegiance to Boris Johnson’s Covid strategy and supported the attack on the right to protest.

But it is on the issue of ‘anti-Semitism’ that Starmer has proven that the one quality he does have, lying, he has in spades. You might think that if Starmer was genuinely concerned about anti-Semitism then the last people he would suspend and expel would be Jewish members.

But you would be wrong. If you are Jewish in the Labour Party then you are 5+timesmore likely to be expelled. Take 82 year old Diana Neslen, a former anti-Apartheid activist from South Africa. Labour’s witchhunters accusedDiana of antisemitism over a single tweet from 2017, which said that “the existence of the state of Israel is a racist endeavour and I am an antiracist Jew”. It was only when Diana threatened legal action that the investigation was dropped.

Diana Neslen wasn’t the only Jewish anti-Apartheid activist from South Africa who was targeted. Riva Joffe, who diedsoon afterwards, was expelled outright. Of course this is understandable. Being a ‘Zionist without qualification’Starmer has a fondness for apartheid.

You might think that even Starmer would think twice about persecuting a Jewish holocaust survivor. Think again. When Stephen Kapos, a child survivor of the Nazi occupation of Budapest, agreed to speak on Holocaust Memorial Day for the Socialist Labour Network he was threatenedwith expulsion leading him to resign.

It should be blindingly obvious that when Starmer talks about ‘anti-Semitism’ what he really means is anti-Zionism and opposition to the persecution of the Palestinians.  A persecution that involves house demolitions, torture, the burning of Palestinian crops and even the tear gassing of young children. All of this and more Starmer is quite happy to support as part of Britain’s alliance with the United States.

Starmer gives a clue as to his thinking when he describes anti-Semitism as a form of racism that

spreads like an infection. … those who call themselves “anti-racist” who are most blind to it.



If anti-racists are blind to it that might be because what Starmer describes as ‘anti-Semitism’ is opposition to racism. That is why Starmer pinned all this hopes on an adverse verdict by the EHRC. So eager was Starmer for an adverse verdict that he bought off former staff members who brought a libel action against the Labour Party, despite legal advice to the contrary. In the end a shoddy report by a far-rightcommissioner Alisdair Henderson, found just two instances of ‘anti-Semitism’ and both related to political criticism of false allegations of anti-Semitism.

It is no surprise that Starmer says

‘I knew we were getting it right… when Louise Ellman, a Jewish former Labour MP who under the previous leadership had suffered appalling abuse, came to Labour Party conference in 2021.

I met Ellman on a BBC Big Questions programme. A more unimpressive Dalek it is hard to imagine. She speaks in staccato and repeats like a mantra all the usual Zionist phrases. When the House of Commons debatedIsrael’s abuse of Palestinian children as young as 12, such as being woken and arrested in the middle of the night, blindfolded, beaten, denied food and access to a lawyer – Ellman got on her hind legs and justified their treatment. She spoke of:

the context in which these situations occur is an organised campaign conducted by the Palestinian authorities of incitement, to try to provoke young Palestinians to carry out acts of violence towards other civilians, some of which result in death, including the death of young children?

Ellman repeated the lie that Palestinian children are ‘incited’ to resist Israel’s occupation.  Nothing about a Military Government that has ruled the Palestinians for over half a century. A situation where their homes are demolished, land stolen, checkpoints and settler attacks.  To Ellman the Palestinians should be grateful for the Occupation!

When I said that Louise Ellman was a supporter of Israeli child abuse I was accused at my disciplinary hearing of having ‘shamed’ her.  My response, that she was shameless.  But it’s no accident that Starmer has wooed this vile woman.

When Starmer says that ‘the Labour Party I lead is patriotic’ what he really means is that it is now a party which is subservient to the rich and powerful. Patriotism is for the poor. The rich owe no allegiance to anything but their own pockets.

Unsurprisingly Starmer declaredthat Corbyn wouldn’t be standing at the next election as a Labour candidate. No doubt Corbyn feels betrayed by someone who once declared that he was a friend as well as a colleague but if so he brought it on himself.

It is of course true that Starmer’s decision is a “flagrant attack” on democracy and that the attempt to block his candidacy is “a denial of due process” however the precedent was set by Corbyn himself when he and Jennie Formby barredChris Williamson, his most loyal MP, from standing at the last election in 2019.

The question is whether Corbyn will stand and if so when he will declare his hand. According to the Guardian’s Deputy political editor and former Jewish Chronicle hack, Jessica Elgot this ‘would pose an existential dilemma for Momentum’ and what’s left of the Socialist Campaign Group [SCG]. If so then the sooner that Corbyn makes up his mind the better. There is no point in waiting for the inevitable.

Having led the left to defeat by trying to appease the right Corbyn owes it to his supporters to break free of Starmer’s neo-liberal Tory Party  Mk. II and create a new working class socialist party.

Of course this would pose a dilemma for the SCG but one thing is abundantly clear.  Either the SCG abandons what remains of their politics or Starmer will be rid of them. Indeed breaking from the Labour Party, if Corbyn played his cards right, could result in the downfall of Starmer who remains personally unpopular in the country not least because he oozes insincerity and is seen to stand for nothing.

But it is incumbent on Corbyn to come to terms with what happened during his 4 years leadership. It is time to face up to the fact that what Labour experienced was not anti-Semitism but an orchestrated campaign by the right, led by the Daily Mail and the Jewish Chronicle, to paint opposition to the Israeli state as ‘anti-Semitism’.

The problem with Corbyn, as his confrontationwith Liz Kendall demonstrated, is that he is still wedded to the idea that the Labour Party had a problem with anti-Semitism when it didn’t. The very fact that Starmer has been expelling so many Jewish people testifies to that fact. When asked if he would apologise by Peston the obvious answer was ‘apologise for what?’.

It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to work out that if anti-Semitism had been a problem in the Labour Party then it is hardly likely that the Mail, Sun and Express, to say nothing of the Guardian, would have been so concerned about it. Corbyn could have made all these points and more but instead he tried to explain the difference between exaggerating the numbers of those expelled for anti-Semitism and exaggerating anti-Semitism.  A wholly futile exercise.

Similarly Justin Schlosberg’s pointsabout Labour under Formby being better at expelling people for ‘anti-Semitism’ than Iain McNicol conceded the fact that ‘anti-Semitism’ was a problem when it wasn’t. It is irrelevant whether or not Corbyn interfered with the disciplinary process. If he didn’t he should have!

Corbyn above all should have known that when people support the Palestinians they are, as a matter of course, accused of anti-Semitism. He has been around the Palestine solidarity movement for 40 years yet instead of rebutting the accusation he took it personally. He never took the time to understand Zionism.

Instead from the very start Corbyn began appeasing the Right and the Jewish Labour Movement in particular. Yet they were unappeasable.  The only thing they were interested in was being rid of him.

So we had the absurdity on pages 306, 333, 346 of the Leaked Report  which stated that:

Jeremy Corbyn himself and members of his staff team requested to GLU that particular antisemitism cases be dealt with. In 2017 LOTO staff chased for action on high-profile antisemitism cases Ken Livingstone, Tony Greenstein, Jackie Walker and Marc Wadsworth, stressing that these cases were of great concern to Jewish stakeholders and that resolving them was essential to “rebuilding trust between the Labour Party and the Jewish community”.

Well we were all expelled or forced out and all that happened was that the Zionists came for more victims like Chris Williamson, Pete Willsman and Christine Shawcroft – all of whom were duly delivered up. And yet, far from saving Corbyn it merely ensured his defeat, not least because he apologised so much that he lost all credibility. You never apologise to your enemies you take the fight to them.

Anyone hoping that the SCG, which has split in two, would rise to the challenge is going to be disappointed. Diane Abbot has declared her support for NATO and Starmer. McDonnell has become a war hawk on Ukraine and there is disarray all round. The cowards are running for cover faster than greased lightening.

If Corbyn is going to salvage anything from the present situation he needs to break from Labour now and take steps to form a new socialist party.  This would allow trade unionist to pressure their unions to do likewise. The Labour Party is dead to the left.

Will Corbyn do it?  I wouldn’t advise you to hold your breath!

Tony Greenstein

The Revd. Stephen Sizer – Crucified by the Church of England for supporting the Palestinians


Instead of Condemning the neo-Nazis Who Attack Christian Palestinians Justin Welby prefers to play the role of Pontius Pilate

To: Church of England


Support Revd. Dr. Stephen Sizer's against his unjust victimisation


The Church of England doesn’t have a good record when it comes to fighting racism, including anti-Semitism. Cosmo Gordon Lang, who was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1928 to 1942, suggestedto American diplomat James McDonald shortly before World War II that the Jews were responsible for their persecution by the Nazis.

Terence Tastard writesin his PhD thesis ‘The Response of the English Churches to the Nazi Persecution of the Jews 1933-1945’ that:

the response by Church of England leaders during the 1930s was fitful and issue-led. Despite his sudden eruption over the cartoon [in the Nazi paper Der Sturmer] , Lang had little to say about the situation of the Jews as the crisis in Germany deepened between 1934 and 1938.

In recent times, with the exception of Archbishops of Canterbury George Carey and Justin Welby, who both protectedchild-abusers within the Church, senior prelates like Robert Runcie and Rowan Williams have tended to the more liberal side of politics.

Archbishop Justin Welby

With the advent of Justin Welbyto the Archbishopric of Canterbury things changed. Welby came from a deeply conservative family. Father Gavin stood for Parliament in the 1951 and 1955 general elections as a Conservative candidate. Welby, educated at Eton and Trinity College, Cambridge was born to the ruling class.

Welby is the most reactionary Archbishop of Canterbury since Carey, who was appointed by Thatcher after his predecessor Robert Runcie had issued Faith in the City, which was ‘an indictment of Thatcher’s free-market policies.’ Almost immediately Chief Rabbi Jakobovits leapt to her defence with From Doom to Hope, arguing:

blacks should not look to the state but instead to themselves and take responsibility for their poverty. He argued that they should learn from the Jewish experience of working themselves out of poverty, educating themselves and building up a "trust in and respect for the police, realising that our security as a minority depended on law and order being maintained

leading Thatcher to remark

“Oh, how I wish our own [Anglican] church leaders would take a leaf out of your Chief Rabbi’s book.”

British Jewish hostility to socialism did not start with Corbyn!

Thatcher was known to have protected paedophiles such as her closest aide Peter Morrison, so Carey was a natural choice for her.

It is inconceivable that Welby would author anything but the mildest rebuke of the government’s political and economic policies. He is a died-in-the-wool reactionary and so Zionism is second nature.

Welby worked for 11 years in the oil industry and in 1984 he became treasurer of Enterprise Oil. He also became a member of the Evangelical Anglican church of Holy Trinity in Brompton, London. He retired in 1989 and suddenly sensed a calling from God.

In July 2013, following a Parliamentary Report on Banking Standards, Welby leapt to the defence of bankers, warning against punishing by naming and shaming individual bankers, which he compared to the behaviour of a lynch mob. It was the behaviour of the bankers which led to the 2008/9 crash which led to over 300,000 deaths from austerity as the poor paid the price. Welby’s sympathies however were firmly with the bankers not the poor.

Mehdi Hassan on ISIS and Blowback

Welby also joined in the state’s Islamaphobia campaign that accompanied the ‘war against terror’ and the fight against ISIS. In November 2016 he was quoted as saying that

Claims that the atrocities of Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have “nothing to do with Islam” are harming efforts to confront and combat extremism.

Isis did not exist before the US invasion of Iraq destroyed the existing society, killing a million people in the process. It was a war for oil masquerading as a war for democracy. By deliberately stoking up sectarian divisions in Iraq, the old divide and rule, the US created first Al Quaeda in Iraq and then ISIS. Welby of course kept silent because, as an oil trader, he benefited from the genocide in Iraq.

Welby was following in the footsteps of Carey, a Christian Zionist, in more ways than one. In February 2017, Welby had to apologise after allegations that barrister and evangelical Christian John Smythbeat boys in the late 1970s until their wounds bled and left permanent scars. Smyth was a senior member of Christian charity the Iwerne Trust in the 1970s and 1980s.

Welby was a dormitory officer at camps held in the Dorset village of Iwerne Minster. Smyth was described by Welby in 2017 as "charming" and "delightful." They even swapped Christmas cards for some years. Andrew Atherstone in Risk Taker and Reconciler, described Welby as having been

involved in the camps as an undergraduate […] businessman and theological college student in the 1980s and early 1990s.

Welby stated that "I had no contact with them at all". It later materialised that Welby had attended the camp in this period and had continued to receive the camp newsletter.

In 2012, a victim of Smyth reported the abuse to the CoE and Welby was informed in 2013. Welby maintained that this was the first he had heard of the abuse by his old friend. The New York Times on 14 October 2017 quoted a senior Church of England figure as saying that

“all senior members of the trust, including officers like Archbishop Welby, had been made aware of the allegations against Mr Smyth, even those who had been abroad".

Questions have remained among Smyth victims as to when Welby first knew. Some have labelled the Archbishop an "observer", a term denoting a person who knew about abuse but who did not report it.

None of this stopped Welby, on 30 January 2023 issuinga statement on Stephen Sizer. Hypocrisy is, after all, the tribute that vice pays to virtue. Welby pontificated that:

It is clear that the behaviour of Stephen Sizer has undermined Christian-Jewish relations, giving encouragement to conspiracy theories and tropes that have no place in public Christian ministry and the church. I renew my call for the highest possible standards among ordained ministers of the Church of England in combatting antisemitism of all kinds.”

UnfortunatelyWelby refused to take his own advice on ‘the highest possible standards’. Despite multiple callshe has refused toresign.

The Crucifixion of Stephen Sizer

From 1997 to 2017 Sizer was the Vicar of Christ Church, Virginia Water. Stephen was an experton Christian Zionism.

Christian Zionism is a deeply racist, genocidal ideology that justifies the colonisation of Palestine because god ‘gave it’ to the Jews. It justifies persecution in the name of god. There is nothing that Jewish settlers or Israel do which it can’t justify in order to reach End Times.

Christian Zionism is a fundamentalist reading of the Bible that ignores context and even Jewish theology. The idea that colonists have the right to expel an indigenous people because ‘god’ gave them permission is by definition inherently racist.

God also blessed the American settlers as they exterminated the Native Indians. Likewise with the Spanish. This is the god that Welby prays to. The CoE was also an active participant in the slave trade

Upon the death of Christopher Codrington in 1710, his two estates were left to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. The plantations were reliant on regular supplies of new slaves from West Africa. Four out of every 10 slaves bought by the plantation in 1740 died within three years as it was cheaper to work them to death.

Whilst acknowledgingthat the CoE is ‘institutionally racist’Welby has failed to recognise his own part in it. The establishment of a medieval church tribunal to try Sizer for ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations made by the Board of Deputies is an example of this racism.

The Racist Board of Deputies [BoD] of British Jews

There is a saying in law that “He Who Comes Into Equity Must Come With Clean Hands.” In other words you cannot accuse others of a crime if you are also guilty! So it is with the Board of Deputies.

The Board of Deputies is primarily an advocate and defender of Israeli Apartheid. It is riddled with Islamaphobes and racists.

Samuel Hayek, Chair of JNF UK agreed with the neo-Nazi White Replacement Theory in which Muslims are driving White people from Europe. Its anti-Semitic version has Jews behind it. Hayek declared that “Jews have no future in England”:

The evidence is the number of immigrants to England. The demographic of British society is changing.

Asked if he was referring to Muslims, he confirmed that was so:

Our problem in the West is that we do not understand Islam. In Islam there is not a term for ‘peace’.

Gary Mond, another JNF trustee and also Senior Vice-President of the BoD spoke of his “respect” for Hayek over the comments.

Mond also liked two tweets by Pamela Geller – a White Supremacist and fascist, who has been banned from entry to the UK. According to the Southern Poverty Law Centre

Geller has a long history of working with extremists and racists in the United States, Canada and Europe, including the Jewish Defense League, the English Defense League and the white nationalist group Bloc Identitaire, among others.

A Facebook post by Mond stated that

"We just have to hope that our leaders wake up to the fact that all civilisation-west and east… is at war with these evil bastards, and I have to say it at war with Islam. And, just as Islam has lost before in history, it will lose again."

Mond was not alone. Three years ago the BoD suspended for 6 years Roslyn Pine for describing Arabs as “the vilest of animals.” Three years previously Pine had said that it was a pity that the pro-Palestinian Swedish foreign minister was “too old to be raped.”

This didn’t stop the BoD Executive ruling that Pine could return early from her suspension if she ‘apologised, showed contrition and expressed remorse’. Contrast that with the 12 year ban on Stephen Sizer for a concoction of tittle tattle and links made in error, as the BoD demanded its pound of flesh or the demand of the BoD that Labour members expelled for ‘anti-Semitism’ ‘will never be readmitted to membership’.

What was the reaction of Pine’s Finchley United Synagogue  which she represented? The Jewish News reported that

Finchley Synagogue will look into the plightof its suspended deputy Roslyn Pine as a matter of “urgency”. (my emphasis)

Pine’s suspension has not prevented her from taking part in the ‘BoD caucus’ group, which attempted to remove Board President Marie van der Zyl in favour of far-right-winger Jonathan Neumann. Zyl only just won as Neumann gained 43.7%. According to the Jewish News

Leaked emails show Roslyn Pine has contributed to the online BoD-caucus group in recent weeks despite being removed from the Board in 2018 …

One post, made on the subscriber-only Google group on 18 March, lambasted the incumbent President Marie van der Zyl after the Board released a statement expressing solidarity with the traveller community and claiming a “shared history”.

Pine’s post included the claim: “The idea that traveller communities share a commonality with us is absurd.”

Board of Deputies Representative Robert Festenheim appears in Tommy Robinson Propaganda Video

If the Board were serious about getting rid of its racists it would have removed Robert Festenheim, the Prestwich Deputy, solicitor and advisor to Tommy Robinson and Robinson’s solicitor Daniel Berke.

In January 2022 Mond, who received the highest vote of the 3 Vice-Presidents, was forced to resign. Mond had written on Facebook and tweeted that ‘all civilization’ is ‘at war with Islam.’ Note the contrast with the Board’s fulminations against Stephen Sizer.

The tribunal ignored the fact that Section 3(d) of the Board’s Constitution states that the BoD shall:

(d) Take such appropriate action as lies within its power to advance Israel's security, welfare and standing.

In her evidence Marie van der Zyl accepted

‘that part of the constitution refers to promoting a sympathetic understanding of Israel, nevertheless she maintained that, on occasions, the Board does criticise the state of Israel.’

In fact the Board never criticises the Israeli State. When Israeli snipers murdered 234 unarmed Palestinians who were demonstrating as part of the Great Return march, the Board defended the murders and criticised the victims. Arkush and Zyl, who both gave evidence to the tribunal, issued a press release stating:

“No state could allow its borders to be breached by those who openly wish harm to its civilians. Israel is defending its people from repeated violent attempts at mass invasion.

“The responsibility for the violence lies with Hamas, a terrorist organisation with the explicit stated aim of murdering Israeli civilians and the ultimate destruction of the State of Israel.

It was a lie from start to finish. Those who were murdered were unarmed civilians. Arkush and Zyl claimed that Israel’s border was breached (there is no border, it’s a fence) but even if it had been breached shooting down refugees in cold blood is still a war crime. Palestinians at a distance from the fence like 21 year old Palestinian medic Razan al Najar were shot dead and thousands were injured. The Board defended this and all Israel’s other crimes.

21 Year Old Palestinian Medic Razan al Najar was murdered by an Israeli soldier - she was considered a 'terrorist'

Hundreds of British Jews signed a letter protesting at the BOD’s support for the murder of civilians. Yet the Tribunal preferred to accept the claim that the BoD represents British Jews at face value.

When Israel passed the Jewish Nation State Law in 2018, which affirmed that Israel was a state, representing only its Jewish citizens, the BoD refused to criticise it. It expressedconcern’

Nor has the BoD expressed even the slightest concern at the fact that the new Israeli government contains Jewish neo-Nazis as Ministers. Like the 3 wise monkeys the Board says, sees and hears nothing.

The BoD Complains Again About Stephen Sizer

If at first you don’t succeed try and try again. Especially if there is a new, racist Archbishop of Canterbury in place.

In January 2015 Arkush made another Complaint, this time to Bishop Andrew, the new Bishop of Guildford. On 30 January 2015, the Diocese published a press statement quoting Sizer:

I have never believed Israel, or any other country was complicit in the terrorist atrocity of 9/11, and my sharing of this material was ill-considered and misguided.”

In a press statement of February 2015, Bishop Andrew said

"Having now met Stephen, in my brand-new role as Bishop of Guildford, I do not believe that his motives are anti-Semitic…

 ‘Anti-Semitism’ was not why Arkush complained. His purpose was to silence a critic of Israel’s treatment of Christian Palestinians. This is why the witchhunt continued to its medieval conclusion.

Nick Howard, son of former Tory leader Michael Howard, member of Christian Messianic sect, repeatedly defamed Stephen Sizer. He was refused ordination as a priest because of an "unwillingness to listen" to others' viewpoints."

Amazingly throughout this whole affair the BoD, the CCJ and the various Evangelical defamers, Howard et al. have not been able to produce one anti-Semitic word or phrase that Sizer has used.  

The agenda of those persecuting Stephen Sizer was crystal clear and Welby was aware from the start what it was. The Church Tribunal under David Pittaway behaved in exactly the same way as the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith under the Inquisition.

At times the tribunal descended from comedy to farce, for example when Van der Zyl became hysterical and was rebuked by the Chair for refusing to answer questions under cross-examination or when Arkush suffered a senior moment when being reminded that a Subject Access Request to the CCJ had revealed that Nick Howard, (son of Michael Howard) a Messianic (Christian) Zionist had been drafting his crib sheets when he confronted Dr Sizer’s bishop.

What on earth was the President of the Board of Deputies doing relying on crib sheets prepared by Messianic Jews (who are not even recognised as Jews in Israel)? Because they even more Zionist than the Zionists. What would members of the BoD make of that?

And where were the prosecution witnesses? Could they not find a single person within the Jewish community who was offended by his Facebook posts or what he had written?

But embarrassing moments were shared equally between the Board of Deputies and the Church of England.

On the fourth day of the tribunal, we were convinced that the case had collapsed when the expert witness for the prosecution, Bishop Ipgrave, chair of CCJ, admitted under cross examination that he was not an expert witness and had either not read or just plain ignored the instructions given him about what to include and not include in his definition of antisemitism.

Exasperated, at that point, the Chair turned to the only expert witness left standing, Tony Lerman, and asked him to please help them out and provide a simple definition of antisemitism.

When Mr Lerman spelt out the blindingly obvious, namely that the discredited IHRA misdefinition of antisemitism (on which the entire case against Dr Sizer rested) fell at the first test of a definition, in being indefinite, it seemed clear that the complaint had collapsed.

Perhaps that is why the panel took six months to recover their composure before finally publishing their decision, which, surprise, surprise, included the entire wording of the aforementioned IHRA misdefinition. Perhaps they did so to placate the BoD (who had coerced the Archbishops to adopt it) and make the House of Bishops look less foolish for adopting the IHRA, (coincidentally within days of the complaint being lodged).

Was the shockingly disproportionate severity of the penalty in part because the panel were miffed at being contradicted by the former Bishop of Jerusalem? In his letter of support for Dr Sizer, Bishop Assal observed that they had clearly not consulted a Middle East bishop on the necessity of wearing clerical attire, in particular in a war zone like Southern Lebanon. The bishop pointed out that clergy were required to wear a clerical shirt at all times and NOT doing so would be regarded as irresponsible and ‘conduct unbecoming’.

In what was clearly a rebuke to the Anglican hierarchy, this feisty octogenarian, wished there were more courageous bishops and clergy like Dr Sizer willing to challenge Israeli apartheid and their Christian Zionist fan club. He insisted ‘western appeasement’ (read silence of the CoE) was leading to the extinction of Palestinian Christians in the Holy land. Not the legacy Welby might wish to be remembered for.

The Decision

The Tribunal consisted of 5 members - The Worshipful David Pittaway KC (Chair), The Rev. Geoffrey Eze, The Rev. Canon Liz Hughes., Canon Andrew Halstead and Ms Gabrielle Higgins.

My first impression on reading the Decision was its superficiality. It was as if the tribunal found issues of racism, anti-Semitism and Zionism too difficult to comprehend. Where decisions were reached there was little or no explanation. It was intellectually lightweight.

Counsel for the Prosecution, Mr Leviseur argued that Stephen Sizer’s

course of conduct, taken collectively, provokedand offended the Jewish community’.

And sure enough, the tribunal at para. 95 of its decision, repeats this without even pausing for thought. They found that:

the question is not whether the Respondent intended to offend or provoke anyone nor whether the Tribunal is offended by his behaviour but whether the Jewish community was offended and provoked by his conduct

What if ‘the Jewish community’ (a non-existent entity) were offended? A tribunal with a slightly greater cerebral capacity would have asked whether you can have free speech if you don’t have the right to offend people?

In the case of Katherine Elizabeth Scottow v CPS the Court of Appeal ruled that the right to offend is an integral part of freedom of speech: “Freedom only to speak inoffensively is not worth having.” Not once in their decision did the tribunal even begin to appreciate that even had this mythical ‘Jewish community’ been offended by Sizer’s writings then that was the price of free speech.

In para. 91 of its decision the tribunal was reminded that Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights affirms the right of free speech. The tribunal in its decision simply ignored the submission.

In Handyside v. The United Kingdom, the European Court of Human Rights held that the right to freedom of expression in Article 10 of the ECHR protects not only expressions that are favorably received but also those that ‘offend, shock or disturb’.

The tribunal simply ignored case law finding (para. 117) that:

To the extent that it was submitted on behalf of the Respondent that any of the matters complained of come within section 8(3) of the CDM, namely that they were the consequence of lawful political opinions or activities, the Tribunal rejects that submission.

Again there was no reasoning. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the tribunal was out of its depth.

Racists are undoubtedly offended by anti-racism. Israeli Jews are offended by the idea that the Israeli state should be a democratic state of all its citizens. Should we bow to Jewish Supremacy?

Likewise the BoD wasn’t offended by Stephen Sizer’s ‘anti-Semitism’ but his persistent and consistent advocacy for the Palestinians. That and that alone has resulted in his being banned.

The tribunal indulged in mundane clichés. How do you offend a whole community? What evidence was there for such an assertion? 99.9% of British Jews have probably never read a word by Sizer. Opposition to Zionism and support for the Palestinians certainly offends the BoD because it is an aggressive pro-Israel lobby group.

The most cogent evidence was given by Frances Webber of the Institute for Race Relations. The accusations against Sizer had nothing to with either racism or anti-Semitism. ‘Causing offence’ was really about ‘thought policing’.

Webber emphasised that causing offence is not synonymous with racism. Racism is certainly offensive but not everything that is offensive is racist. The tribunal was incapable of moving beyond ‘giving offence’ to the BoD and asking why the knives were out for Sizer by an assortment of Zionist groups and individuals.

Summary of the Allegations Against Stephen Sizer

The first Board of Deputies complaint was made by Jonathan Arkush on 26 October 2012. It consisted of a series of trivialities such as inadvertently linking to anti-Semitic sites such as the Ugly Truth.

Another example of ‘anti-Semitism’ was posting photographs of the Israeli army under the title “Herod’s Soldiers Operating in Bethlehem Today” Arkush drew the conclusion that

Rev Sizer is therefore insinuating that Israeli soldiers are therefore both child killers and potential killers of Christ, or that any Jew in uniform becomes these two things.

What Arkush was saying was that these armed thugs should not be criticised because they were Jewish. The dishonesty in Arkush’s argument is plain to see. He elides Jews and the Israeli army into one. The Israeli army are child killers. Nearly 40 Palestinian children were killed out of over 230 murdered Palestinians in 2022.  How can the truth be anti-Semitic? The tribunal didn’t say.

On 13th June 2011 Sizer gave a TV interview in which he claimed that the British far right and Zionists were forming an alliance because their common enemy were Muslims. But this is true but apparently still anti-Semitic! Was Tommy Robinson attending the Board’s own demonstration in support of Israel an illusion?

On 5th July 2011Sizer linked to an article in the Palestine Telegraph which accused Israel of killing scientists all over the world. Apparently that is anti-Semitic although it is true.

On 24thDecember 2011Sizer gave an interview to Qods News Agency. Qods News Agency is apparently a Holocaust denying website. Does that mean that Sizer is a holocaust denier?

On 31st December 2011Sizer’s blog linked to a piece by Uri Avnery on the Redresswebsite. It is not immediately obvious that Redress has anti-Semitic content. Avnery was a former member of the Israeli Knesset and a founder of the Israeli peace camp. A more absurd accusation is difficult to imagine.

On 1st March 2012 Sizer posted a picture of American bases surrounding Iran on his blog. Because it came from the Veterans Today site it is also not kosher.

Later in March 2012 Sizer, in an interview with Arab radio, referred to the “power of the Zionist lobby” and recommended Al Manar TV which apparently hosted a programme on a global Jewish government. Was Sizer aware of this? Very unlikely.

Marie van der Zyl complained that Sizer had supported Raed Saleh, a Palestinian Israeli who is ‘known for spreading the blood libel claim against Jews and otherwise inciting antisemitism.’ But that was a lie. Raed Saleh was accused of this by the Home Office in 2011. The Upper Immigration Tribunal found that the allegations against him were false and that the evidence had been tampered with.

It is true that an Israeli court subsequently found him guilty of racial hatred but here’s the problem. In Israel Jews are never convicted of this offence even when they demonstrate chanting ‘Death to the Arabs’. It is only Palestinians who are ever found guilty of racism in Israel! See May warned of weak case against Sheikh Raed Salah. Mr Justice Ockelton ruled on the blood libel issue that:

 “...there is no reliable evidence of [Salah] using words carrying a reference to the blood libel save in the single passage in a sermon delivered five years ago. ... The absence of other evidence is striking ... [Salah] is a prominent public figure and a prolific speaker. ... his speeches are of interest to the authorties in Israel. ... We think it can be fairly said that the evidence before us is not a sample, or 'the tip of the iceberg': it is simply all the evidence there is.”

Raed Saleh denied that he had referred to the blood libel but contrast that with van der Zyl’s statement that he was ‘known for spreading the blood libel claim against Jews’. Van der Zyl is a bad liar.

Jeff Halper and Stephen Sizer

There were many supporting statements, including my own, in the tribunal but because of procedural manoeuvring they were unable to be used because the Prosecution had a veto on which witnesses were called. I want to quote from just one supporting statementby Dr Jeff Halper of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions.

No one in the world has stood with the besieged Christians of Palestine more than Dr Sizer. He has given voice to their distress when the Church of England has been silent. The fact that the Church has gone to the extreme of accusing Dr Sizer of anti-Semitism because he speaks up in defence of Palestinian Christians only compounds the sin.  It is morally grotesque that the Church of England is submitting Dr Sizer to a medieval Tribunal (euphemistically called a “Clergy Discipline Measure”) at the instigation of the organized British Jewish community instead of examining its own role in facilitating Israel’s persecution of Palestine’s Christians. And it is equally outrageous that Jews even consider participating in religious Tribunals given what Jews experienced in the Inquisition. “Support for Israel,” it seems, is exposing the immorality and cynicism of the highest figures in our major religions.

I have known Dr. Sizer for over twenty years. I respect his moral position on Israel. I certainly respect his academic work on Christian Zionism, one of the most insidious and antisemitic religious doctrines in modern history and profoundly anti-Israel (Israel exists to bring on the Christian End of Days in which virtually all Jews die or become Christians). I respect Dr. Sizer’s willingness to go beyond the comforts of parish life to engage critically in an issue of central concern to us all: how to prevent Israel from becoming the next apartheid South Africa, how to prevent Jews from becoming Afrikaners, and how to liberate the Palestinian people from the yoke of occupation and apartheid – causes Christians and Jews should be engaged with rather than outdated and discredited Tribunals. And while I don’t use Dr. Sizer’s faith-based language, I have never heard him utter a word that I would consider antisemitic. To accuse or “convict” him of such is truly medieval. It is all the more outrageous if you and your Tribunal are basing your judgement on the false and tendentious position represented by the IHRA assertion that any criticism of Israel is de facto antisemitic – a position disavowed by Kenneth Stern, who drafted the IHRA paper (only intended as a “working definition”), as well as by dozens of prominent Jewish and Israeli scholars and progressive Jewish and Israeli organizations

The reality is that Justin Welby, who covered for child abuse, has allowed this Medieval Inquisition to take place because he is himself a Christian Zionist. In so doing he has deliberately turned a blind eye to the ongoing attacks on the Palestinian Christian community.

Christian protest in Jerusalem against repeated Zionist Attacks and Vandalism - Welby remains silent

Palestinian Christians don’t suffer from taking offence at criticism. They suffer from arson at their churches, repeated vandalism in their graveyards, spitting on the streets of Jerusalem by Jewish nationalists, physical attacks by the Police and state. It’s not hurt feelings but attempts to drive them out altogether that they experience and in this Justin Welby is complicit because he refuses to condemn the racism of Zionism. Like all Christian Zionists he believes that Jews will ‘return’ to Palestine in order that the Battle of Armageddon can take place and then he and his fellows will rapture to heaven. Most Jews will perish but that is a small price to pay for everlasting salvation.

Below are just some of the headlines concerning, not fake ‘anti-Semitism’ or taking offence at criticism but real racist attacks:

In Jerusalem, attacks on Christians are on the rise

The Church of Flagellation, Jerusalem

Le Monde 4.2.23.

On the morning of Thursday, February 2, a man entered the Chapel of Flagellation in the Old City of Jerusalem, allegedly built on the site where Pontius Pilate handed over Jesus for execution, the first of the Stations of the Cross in the Catholic tradition. The vandal struck a wooden statue of Christ with a hammer….

This was the fifth attack in five weeks against Christians, their places of worship and their properties in the Holy Land, compared with 13 in the whole of 2020 and nine in 2021.

Statement on the Current Threat to the Christian Presence in the Holy Land December 14th, 2021

Jerusalem churches accuse Israel of discrimination and warn of Christian decline

Whereas Benzi Gopstein (left) was freed without charges, Raed Saleh was imprisoned for 3 years - Jewish racists are rarely prosecuted

Churches burned

Since 2015, far-right Israeli activists have attacked several churches in Israel and Palestine.

Some Israeli figuresclose to the growing Religious Zionism political movement, which has four MPs, have been outspoken about banning Christmas and said that churches are places of worshipping idols, calling for their destruction.

The Church of the Multiplication on the Sea of Galilee suffered from an arson attack in 2015 at the hands of an Israeli far-right group.

Last December, an Israeli man attempted to set fire to East Jerusalem's historic Gethsemane Church, also known as the Church of All Nations, before being arrested.

Holy Land church leaders condemn settler attack in Jerusalem’s Christian quarter

On Thursday evening, a group of settlers swarmed the Taboon Wine Barat the New Gate in the Christian Quarter of Jerusalem. CCTV footage shows the group carrying banners and throwing chairs violently toward the restaurant and those seated inside.

Israeli police, who arrived an hour after a call had been made, ushered the crowd away but reportedly made no arrests.

Christian leader warns Netanyahu about anti-Christian forces in new government

Givati soldiers accused of spitting at Armenian archbishop in Jerusalem procession

As hardliners take power in Israel, church leaders warn of anti-Christian discrimination

Ultra-Orthodox Spitting Attacks on Old City Clergymen Becoming Daily

Clergymen in the Armenian Church in Jerusalem say they are victims of harassment, from senior cardinals to priesthood students; when they do complain, the police don't usually find the perpetrators.

Ultra-Orthodox young men curse and spit at Christian clergymen in the streets of Jerusalem's Old City as a matter of routine. In most cases the clergymen ignore the attacks, but sometimes they strike back. Last week the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court quashed the indictment against an Armenian priesthood student who had punched the man who spat at him.

Israeli Extremist Group Leader Calls for Torching of Churches

Instead of conducting an Inquisition and crucifying Stephen Sizer, Welby and the CoE would do well do address the racism of an Israeli state that the BoD has repeatedly defended. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that the close monitoring of Stephen Sizer’s blog and social media output has nothing to do with anti-Semitism and everything to do with Israel and Zionism.

When Jewish neo-Nazis such as Itamar Ben Gvir, who even Israeli courts have convicted of racial incitement becomes Israel’s Police Minister and when proposals are being made to repeal a law preventing racist candidates standing election to the Knesset, it is obscene that the CoE and its Christian Zionist defenders are allowed to persecute a brave and fearless defender of the weak and oppressed.

Tony Greenstein

Kristallnacht in Hawara – The Israeli Army and Settlers Join Forces in a Pogrom


Smotrich’s call to ‘wipe out’ Hawara is reminiscent of the SS Generals who Wiped Out Lidice & Oradour-sur-Glane

Israel is Becoming a Fascist State

Those who cavil at the comparison between the attack on Huwara on 27 February and Kristallnacht, should read the remarks of Bezalel Smotrich, the Finance and Defence Minister in charge of the Civil Administration in the West Bank with his call to wipe out Huwara. Smotrich is a Zionist version of Nazi Governor Hans Frank of Poland.

Smotrich was asked at a financial conference why he had ‘liked’ a tweetby Samaria Regional Council deputy mayor Davidi Ben Zion that called “to wipe out the village of Huwara today.” Smotrich’s response was: “Because I think the village of Huwara needs to be wiped out. I think the State of Israel should do it,”

The pogrom in Hawara last Sunday was horrific by any measure but it was not unprecedented. The Labour Zionists did far worse in 1947-8 during the Nakba. It is one of the few achievements of the Israeli state that the pogromsthat Jews experienced in the diaspora are now being visited on the Palestinian population.

There was no mention by the Board of Deputies in its statementof the complicity and participation of the Israeli army in the attacks. This too was a feature of pogroms in Czarist Russia and Kristallnacht.

Oradour-sur-Glane which the Nazis wiped out

The Board painted the pogrom in Harawa as the result of the killing of two settlers brothers by Palestinians. What it didn’t say was that the killing of the settlers was the result of the murder spree by the Israeli army which resulted in the death of 35 Palestinians, including 8 children, in January alone.

To the Zionists Palestinian violence is always the cause not the consequence. But we should not fall into the trap of believing that everything was rosy in the garden until Hawara.

In the last ‘change’ government in Israel, in which the Israeli Labor Party and Meretz were partners, when Security Minister Omar Bar Lev criticisedsettler attacks on Palestinians he was immediately rounded on by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Ayelet Shaked.

“They serve as a protective wall for all of us and we must protect them in word and a deed.”TweetedNaftali Bennett. Shaked described the settlers as ‘the salt of the earth’ and called Bar Lev, in his talks with State Department as ‘confused’.

Two settlers were gunned down by a Palestinian assailant in revenge for the murderof 11 Palestinians and the wounding of 102 in Nablus. A mob of 400 settlers, armed to the teeth, invaded Hawara. Instead of preventing them the army joined forces with the pogromists.

Cars and homes are torched by settlers in the West Bank town of Huwara on February 26, 2023. 

36 houses were burnt along with 15 cars and 9 families were evacuated. The settlers set a house on fire when a Palestinian family was inside but Israeli security forces rescued the family. 37-year-old Sameh Aqtash died from gun shots to the stomach and another is seriously injured from head wounds after being hit by a rock. The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that 98 Palestinians have been wounded along with damage to 3 ambulances.

The military claimed that soldiers were not involved in the killing of Aqtash but his family has claimedotherwise. One thing is clear, there is no appetite in the Israeli state to investigate who did kill him.

Limor Son Har-Melech MK of Otzma Yehudit went to Hawara on Sunday evening in order to:

“support the just demands of hundreds of West Bank residents who are protesting and demanding security.”

Of one thing we can be sure. If 400 Palestinians had attacked a Jewish settlement then there would have been dozens of dead and injured. This is Zionist racism in all its glory.

Knesset member Zvika Fogel from Otzma Yehudit declared

"Yesterday a terrorist came from Huwara – Huwara is closed and burnt. That is what I want to see. Only thus can we obtain deterrence,"

Fogel is Chairman of the Knesset National Security Committee. He said in an interview that:

"The act that the residents of Judea and Samaria carried out yesterday is the strongest deterrent that the State of Israel has had since Operation Defensive Shield. After a murder like yesterday, villages should burn when the IDF does not act,"

Later on Monday morning, Fogel explained that he would prefer that the Israeli army and not settlers be responsible for demolishing Harawa. When asked if he looked favourably upon what happened, Fogel said that he "looks very favourably upon" the results.

Likud MK Tally Gotliv refused to condemn the pogrom, sayingshe “could not judge people when they mourn.” Imagine the fate of a Palestinian who wrote  something similar about Jewish Israelis.

Palestinians inspect a damaged house and scorched cars in the town of Huwara, near the West Bank city of Nablus, February 27, 2023. (AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg)

What was the reaction of Netanyahu? Did he condemn it? Not at all. What he did, as Huwara burned, was to release a video message asking Israelis “not to take the law into their own hands” and to “let the IDF and the security forces do their job.”

As Orly Noy wrote when Israeli officials call on settlers not to take the law into their own hands against Palestinians, they are actually saying 'let the army do the job for you.'

Over the past years there has been an alarming rise of joint settler-soldier militias across the West Bank as they murder and terrorise Palestinian communities. Those same militias left Huwara burning. Immediately following the killing of the two settlers, the Israeli army shut down the two entrances to Huwara and allowed the settler mob to enter town by foot, doing nothing to prevent the ensuing pogrom.

In a TikTok videosettlers are seen handing out food to the soldiers stationed at the town’s entrances, which the soldiers gladly took and warmly thanked them for.

Netanyahu did not hesitate to remind people that the army had “eliminated dozens of terrorists” in recent weeks, in other words the massacres committed by Israeli forces in Jenin and Nablus. President Isaac Herzog, too, made a similar plea to the settlers.

Netanyahu and other spokespersons are accepting that collective punishment is acceptable. All they are asking is for the Israeli army to be allowed to commit the atrocities.

Israeli settler colonialism and the new government

At over 700,000, the settlers have achieved a critical mass. Their aim is the theft of more Palestinian land with the intention of driving Palestinians off the land and into the townships as a prelude to expulsion. It is that, not the killing of settlers, which drives Israeli settler colonialism.

The phenomenon known as “settler violence” is an endless sequence of assaults. Israeli Ministers are playing their part in stoking the flames. Smotrich too later echoed Netanyahu’s and Herzog’s plea urging settlers not to take the law into their own hands.

Israeli settlers and soldiers face off with Palestinian residents during an army closure road leading up to the West Bank town of Huwara, a day after a settler rampage in the town, Feb. 27, 2023. (Oren Ziv)

Anshel Pfeffer, a mainstream Zionist at Ha’aretz, describedhow Palestinian Rabia Domedi, 22, was with his mother and younger sisters in their home on the northern edge of Hawara when settlers began stoning their windows and set the neighboring house alight.

“They’ve thrown stones at our house before, but I’ve never seen so many of them. They came from different directions and the soldiers in the street didn’t try to stop them.”

Pfeffer wrote how

there were plenty of excuses from the Israel Defense Forces, but no real explanation for how they had lost control, for five hours, of a town on the main highway to Nablus, and one where there are constant military patrols.

That was because

the army’s main task during those hours had been to hunt down the two brothers’ killer’ not protect Palestinians.’

Hawara has some 7,000 residents living along Route 60, just south of Nablus. The regional Samaria Brigade headquarters is ‘literally around the corner at Horon Camp, just two minutes’ drive away.

Pfeffer described how senior officers, including IDF Chief of Staff Herzl Halevi, were soon on the scene.

‘And yet the rampaging, which began at just after 6 P.M., continued until shortly before midnight…. The settlers’ march in response to the killings had been announced well in advance – including its route – on social media.

Imagine that in response to the killing of a Palestinian it had been decided to march on a nearby settlement and burn a few buildings and attack the residents. What would have been the army’s response? Live fire would have been used without a second’s thought. Pfeffer wrote:

The reluctance of the IDF to confront settler violence was evident to the south of Hawara as well, where hundreds of settlers, mainly youngsters, defied the army’s orders and occupied the illegal outpost of Evyatar – the scene of on-and-off confrontations for nearly two years now.

A Border Police checkpoint blocked the narrow road winding up to the hilltop, but officers didn’t try to stop the settlers streaming up just a few meters from the road. On Monday morning, officers went up to start evicting them in a desultory fashion that lasted well into the afternoon. A settler and police officer both used the same words – “We’re playing hide-and-seek until everyone gets tired” – to describe events there.

As Pfeffer admitted it’s tempting to attribute the pogrom in Harawa to the new far-right coalition

But that’s much too easy. Violence and impunity have been a feature of daily life in the West Bank for many years.

It was when Benny Gantz was Defence Minister for two and a half years that settler violence reached new peaks. It didn’t start two months ago when Gantz made way for Yoav Gallant.

Gallant arrived in Hawara on Monday morning. The media filmed him at the site of the killing of the two brothers, far from any of the burnt-out Palestinian homes. Most of his statement dealt with the need to fight terror and capture the killer of the settlers. His only reference to the pogrom was an appeal not “to not take the law in your own hands and let the IDF deal with it.” As Pfeffer observed,

Not one minister has said a word actually condemning the settler rampage. They didn’t even say there was anything wrong with what any of them did, except for not letting the army get on with its job.’

The Israeli security establishment gave up trying to fight settler violence several governments ago. Sunday night in Hawara was just the inevitable result of a long, ongoing process. No one should have been surprised.

Far-right Otzma Yehudit lawmaker Zvika Fogel.Credit: Danny Shem-Tov, Knesset Spokesperson's Office

Amir Fakhoury and Meron Rapoport warnedthat this could be Israel’s “second Nakba government.” That is certainly what most members of the coalition would like to see. The real question is how to effect it. Israel’s Police Minister Ben Gvir was a supporter of Kachwhich believed in expelling all Arabs. Now he ‘only’ supports the deportation of ‘Arab terrorists’ but to Gvir all Arabs are terrorists.

Since the start of the year more than 60 Palestinians in the West Bank have died, the deadliestin the territory in two decades. The government has expedited plans for settlement expansion and pushed through legislation that would revoke the citizenship and residency of Palestinians. During the Huwara attack, Knesset members pushed forward a bill to legalize the death penalty which has now received its first reading.

Ben-Gvir also demanded that the illegal settlement of Evyatar, illegal even by Israeli standards, which was evacuated in 2020 but reoccupied during the night, should stay.

In Israel itself there was a small demonstration of hundreds in Tel Aviv Against the pogrom. This demonstration was attacked by a 19 year old thug with a pepper spray. A 70-year-old woman was taken to Hospital with facial burns.  Two of the protesters were reportedly arrested. Thousands of Israeli Palestinians also held a demonstration.

Demonstrates in Tel Aviv tonight Credit: Tomer Appelbaum

It is Gideon Levy of Ha’aretz who appreciated the significance of the attack on Hurawa in an articleIsraeli Settlers’ Hawara Pogrom Was a Preview of Sabra and Chatila 2. What we saw in Harawa is only the beginning. Israel has a genocidal government that western leaders from Biden to Sunak, not forgetting Starmer, will do their best to excuse whatever their atrocities.

Amos Harel, Ha’aretz’s Defence Correspondent wrotethat The Lions’ Den, which the security establishment thought it had overcome some four months ago, is alive and kicking. The operatives killed and arrested were replaced by new ones. What was once described derisively by Israeli sources as “a bunch of punks” now has real stature in Nablus unlike the discredited Palestinian Authority.

This is the significance of what is happening. A new Palestinian resistance is arising. No one is under any illusions about the cost in blood but Palestinians have no alternative but to fight.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, last week.Credit: Olivier Fitoussi

Harel wrote that:

Some two months after the inauguration of Netanyahu’s government, it's clear that Palestinian terrorism isn't particularly impressed by political changes in Israel. The tough rhetoric, such as the revival of efforts to advance the death penalty for terrorists, will surely not help matters….

The situation in the West Bank is too sensitive, and the Palestinian Authority is too weak, for the tide of violence to be stemmed with a bit of external pressure and promises of American gestures toward the administration in Ramallah.

The weakness of the Palestinian leadership hinders its security apparatus from making good on promises made to American officials. If the PA police sergeants or petty officers fear that the Authority might collapse in a matter of months, they have zero incentive to take on the Lions’ Den militants.

In other words the Quisling Palestinian Authority is losing its ability to act as subcontractor to Israel’s occupation.

IDF soldiers at the scene of a Palestinian shooting attack on an Israeli car at the Hawara checkpoint in the West Bank, on Sunday.Credit: Majdi Mohammed /AP

Last week Israel took another significant step towards annexation, with the agreement dividing authority between ministers Gallant and Smotrich.

Smotrich will now hold most of the powers, allowing him to shape the map of construction in the West Bank, further entrenching the two separate legal systems, for Israelis and Palestinians.

What it will also do is make it clear that the West Bank has effectively been annexed and that Apartheid is Israel’s official policy.

Israel Releases the Pogromists

A report in the Times of Israel speaks volumes. ‘All suspects in Huwara settler rampage freed; IDF chief vows to probe ‘lawlessness’. Not however Jewish ‘lawlessness’. Three settlers were put under house arrest and 5 were simply released.

If ever proof were needed that two sets of laws operate, one for settlers and another for Palestinians then this is proof. There must be  hundreds of photographs of the settler mob yet all those arrested, a mere 8, have been released.

Those who perpetrated Kristallnacht, the Nazi pogrom of November 9/10 1938 were also given immunity from prosecution. In Russia in the Kishinev pogrom, it was those who defended themselves who were attacked by the Police, not the pogromists. So too in Hawara.

We should also note the silence of the Board of Deputies which never misses an opportunity to condemn the Palestinians and justify Israeli repression. All in the name of British Jews. It condemnedthe ‘killing of two Israeli brothers by Palestinian terrorists’ and noted the ‘subsequent rampage by extremist settlers that resulted in the killing of a Palestinian civilian.’

The murder of a Palestinian was not Jewish terror, merely extremism. Still this is better than its total silence over the Israeli army’s murder of 11 civilians in Nablus preceded by 11 civilians in Jenin. The BOD is an apologist for Israeli war crimes.

When it came to the murder, by Israeli snipers, of unarmed civilians at the Gaza fence the BOD put the blame on Hamas, not those who fired the shots.

US Jewish groups were little better. Whilst condemningthe ‘Huwara settler rampage’ they managed to avoid all mention of Netanyahu and the government which had encouraged the settler pogrom.

As the Times of Israel notedthe Anti-Defamation League,

‘when asked to elaborate on its statement, condemned lawmakers who incite violence, while avoiding mentioning the fact that they are members of the governing coalition.’

William Daroff of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, did not mention the Israeli government either.

‘The Jewish organizations approached for this story did not reply when asked what they planned to do if Netanyahu fails to take action.’

Amazingly the Jewish Federations of North America commended “the Government of Israel for speaking out quickly to lower tensions.”And Israel lobby group AIPACtied the settlers’ vigilantism to Palestinian terrorism.

vigilante action cannot be tolerated,” its spokesperson said. “Terrorism will not decline as long as the Palestinian leadership continues incitement, rewards terrorism with payments to terrorists and their families, and encourages the public celebration of Israeli fatalities.”

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