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In Memory of Mike Waterman, former Chair of Brighton & Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign, who died of COVID earlier this year


From the Boycott of Sodastream to Aborigine Rights Mike drew the lessons from Jewish history that Zionism has effaced

Mike Waterman, known as ‘Mike the hat’ died earlier this year aged 67. I knew him for well over a decade in the Palestine solidarity and anti-war movements. From 2015-2017 he was Chair of the local Brighton & Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

Mike played a crucial role in the campaign to close down the Sodastream shop in Brighton’s Western Road. This was the biggest single victory in Brighton of the Palestine solidarity movement and took over 2 years to achieve.

Mike was a dedicated Jewish anti-Zionist for whom the slogan ‘Never Again’ meant never again for all peoples, rather than the Zionist belief that it applies only to Jews.

Below there are a few appreciations from members and also his obituary in Socialist Worker.  Mike was a long-standing member of the Socialist Workers’ Party.

Tony Greenstein

A Mensch

There's a Yiddish word that springs to mind when I reflect on my times with Mike Waterman - Mike was a mensch. A human being of noble character, a person of rare integrity.  Mike was an idealist who put his boot soles on the pavement, and achieved great victories in doing so, not least shutting down Sodastream in Hove. He also had a deep grain of humour, and immense patience with others who might just need more information to open their minds.  He loved science fiction, and came to the launch of my first SF novel at a book shop in Hove, joining in the fun but also - I recall with immense admiration - finding a way to discuss Israel-Palestine with another guest that made significant changes to their point-of-view.  I am terribly sorry to hear of his loss, which will reverberate widely, and send all my sympathies to his loved ones. 

Naomi Foyle 

Mike will always be remembered as a committed person to the cause of the oppressed and underprivileged, as much as he hardily campaigned and communicated to the public as much as he wanted to improve the understanding of the cause of injustice caused the oppression... For years I had known Mike his fearless campaign in the streets of Brighton, for public issues in the UK, workers right, NHS, anti-war, anti-imperialism and International he campaigned for the rights of Palestinians against the Israeli colonisation (as he used to call it) and other indigenous people around the world.... Enjoyed many drinks with him after a long campaigning day and he was a great person to befriend. Will greatly be missed...


Remembering Mike W

Many’s the time Mike Waterman and I met up for a pint and a chinwag, and I look back with nostalgia.  The setting was usually the Beer Dispensary; I would get through two pints of pale ale and Mike would frugally have two halves of porter.  He was good company, and chatting with him was always an education; what he didn’t know about politics and history wasn’t worth knowing.  And Mike was such an optimist.  If you got to feeling defeated about what’s going on in the world, talk to Mike - he would lift the spirits.  He was never disheartened, not at all negative about things.

He was also resourceful, as I was to learn when he asked me to assist him in organizing BHPSC’s discussion group.   This regular meeting proved to be very successful and it rolled on for years.  Amazingly Mike never failed to come up with a subject to discuss, every month, always topical, interesting and informative.

His resourcefulness was once again demonstrated when he got his bus pass. To celebrate, he planned a trip from Brighton to Norwich - by bus - which involved multiple changes cross country!  It took the better part of a day, and the delight was that it was all free!

Mike finally moved to Norwich to be close to his sister and her family.  He was very happy there, particularly when he reached retirement.  But of course, activism being part of his DNA, he continued to organize meetings and motivate his Norfolk comrades. 

It was a great surprise to learn of his passing.  He left us too early!

Judy Granville

Mike Waterman 1953-2021

by Phil Mellows

Covid has taken the life of  Mike Waterman who died at his Norwich home last Friday after apparently staging a recovery from the virus.

The following evening, at a few hours’ notice, a Zoom event organised by Norwich Socialist Workers Party (SWP) attracted more than 40 people. It heard moving tributes to a comrade and friend who made a difference everywhere he went.

Mike joined the SWP in the early 1970s. As well as being a trade union activist in Wandsworth council in south London he developed a reputation as a resolute anti-racist and fighter for the Palestinian cause.

He was well-read, knew his history, and thanks to his instinct for getting stuck in gained enormous experience. This equipped him to handle every situation and argument with a quiet confidence.

He took that with him to Australia in the late 1980s where he became influential in turning the small International Socialist Organisation outwards. There he engaged in campaigns from the struggle for Aboriginal rights to the fight against the first Iraq war. He supported the 1998 dock workers' strike, all the time drawing the connections between apparently diverse issues.

Mike Waterman

Mike was also among the 200,000 protesters tear-gassed at the G8 summit in Genoa in 2001.

He returned to Britain where he tirelessly galvanised Brighton & Hove SWP for a decade.

Mike was central to launching Stand Up to Racism in the city. He also achieved perhaps his greatest triumph when the local branch of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign succeeded in closing the SodaStream shop. It was selling products manufactured in the occupied West Bank.

He had joined the picket there every Saturday for two years, consistently arguing that the campaign was broadened. Winning that argument proved key.

At the end of 2017 Mike moved to Norwich to be close to his sister and once again made an immediate impact. He became a vital force in local campaigns, Palestine inevitably to the fore.

For those who worked with him, he was a rock, the vital centre of every SWP branch he joined. He was a comrade adept at patiently explaining his differences with those who disagreed with us, while standing shoulder-to-shoulder with them in the struggle.

Immediately identifiable by the pork pie hat that seemed permanently attached to his head, he was an influential leader.

And his passions beyond politics were surprisingly diverse.

He loved to dance to ska and reggae and trance music. He was a fan of Leonard Cohen and Chelsea Football Club and liked strong, dark beers and a Sunday roast.

He was a demon on the poker table, and he turned to science fiction for a sense of how our world can be different.

Our condolences go to his sister Julie, his brother Leo, his niece Rachael and her children Eva and Jamie.

Mohammed El Halabi has been imprisoned for 5 years accused of stealing millions of dollars for Hamas – yet two audits said no money is missing!


 Secret evidence hidden from his lawyer plus a confession obtained under torture is the only ‘proof’ of guilt – this is Israeli democracy


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Mohammed El Halabi was arrested in July 2016 by Israel. The charges could not have been more serious. Transferring $7.2 million dollars a year from World Vision, an American charity, to Hamas. Despite the fact that World Vision’s total budget in this time in Gaza was a fraction of this.

The Canadian and Australian governments immediately froze the money they were giving to World Vision and the Australian Government set up its own audit. World Vision employed DLA Piper and Deloittes to conduct an audit and review what had gone on.

The conclusion of both audits?  That no money was missing. According to Australia’s ABC‘there's no evidence he stole money, but this Palestinian aid worker remains in an Israeli jail

The Guardian reportedthat:

The investigators faced obstacles: they could not access Halabi in jail, and the Israeli government refused to provide any documentation or evidence it possessed. … nonetheless, they had “more than sufficient documentation” to complete their investigation. The team carried out more than 70 interviews, including with former and current World Vision employees, and reviewed 280,000 emails. Deloitte reviewed every payment the organisation made over five years.

They found no sign of any missing funds, and no evidence Halabi was working for Hamas – in fact, they reported that he consistently sought to distance the organisation from them. The closest they found to impropriety were a few times Halabi had slightly overstepped his authority – signing off a bill for a few hundred dollars more than his limit of $15,000, for example. But they found nothing that could justify any of the Israeli claims. Crucially, they concluded that World Vision’s monitoring and evaluation systems had been robust. “I do NGO investigations in difficult parts of the world … and I did not see anything out of the ordinary here from a control perspective,” Ingerman said.

The findings of the audit were sent to World Vision’s management in July 2017. They shared it with key international donors, as well as Halabi’s legal team. It was also offered to Israeli authorities, who declined to view it, World Vision said.

You might it think it strange that the Prosecution wasn’t interested in the audit findings but then this is Israel. What was Israel’s response? Well the normal response of most states on discovering no crime has been committed would have been to release Mohammed and prepare to pay compensation for unlawful arrest and false imprisonment. But of course you are forgetting that this is Israel. The ‘Jewish’ state does not do things like that, especially for Arabs.

Mohammed was, as is normal with Palestinian prisoners, badly beaten. In fact he was tortured according to the UN’s Special Rappoteur. In a UN press release, the Special Rappoteurs were damning of Israel:

“It’s particularly disturbing that the prosecution is relying upon confessions allegedly obtained by force while he was denied access to a lawyer, and on testimony from undercover informers,” the experts said.

Since his arrest and imprisonment, el-Halabi has attended more than 140 court hearings, all behind closed doors. His lawyer has been prevented from reviewing Israeli prosecution evidence, or was given only limited access with secrecy restrictions.

“These fundamentally unfair practices stain the justice system of any state,” the experts said. “We demand that Israel adhere to the requirements of the international rule of law.”

The international rule of law requires that an individual who is arrested must only be detained if there are reasonable suspicions that she or he has committed a recognised crime, and the charges and the evidence must be clearly laid out so defendants know what they have to answer. Comprehensive audits of the financial records by World Vision and by the Australian government, which donated the money, failed to turn up any misappropriation of funds or other wrongdoing.

Under the international rule of law, a defendant is entitled to swift access to a lawyer and to timely criminal proceedings that are fair and impartial. Any defendant must be presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty, and is entitled to cross-examine witnesses and to present her or his own witnesses.

“Even in security trials, these fundamental rights must be respected,” the experts said. “Unfortunately, Mr el-Halabi has been put in the position where he is required to refute allegations against him without knowing the details or who the accusers are. Keeping him in the dark like this shifts the burden of proof to the defendant, and is a fundamental violation of the right to a fair trial.”

Because of the beatings Mohammed now has a 40% hearing loss. He was hung up to ‘encourage’ him to talk.  He was also denied a lawyer for the first 60 days. Eventually he ‘confessed’ to a prison informer who had been put in his cell but his confession was so ludicrous that it didn’t bear examination.

The Prosecution doesn’t even have the actual confession. Just a bad photocopy! From almost day one Israel tried to make him agree to a plea deal whereby he confesses his guilt to a lesser charge and he would be released on the basis of time served. In essence Israel is desperate to gain a confession for political purposes.  It knows its charges are false and would not stand up to any forensic examination.

None of this stopped Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Israeli prime minister, on 11 August 2016, declaring Mohammed guilty. Netanyahu said that Israel ‘cares more about Palestinians than their own leaders. A few days ago the world learned that Hamas, the terrorist organisation that rules Gaza, stole millions of dollars from humanitarian organisations like World Vision and the United Nations.”

His first lawyer, Lea Tsemel, pressurized him to do exactly this because she knew that Israeli courts rarely acquit Arabs and that would be the only way to gain his release.  But Mohammed was stubborn.  He refused to play the Israeli game of false confessions, false convictions and a light sentence.  As far as he was concerned he was innocent and for 5 years he has been kept in prison solely because he refused to confess.

Indeed in early 2017, an Israeli judge told Halabi that he should accept a plea deal because there was “little chance” he wouldn’t be convicted. World Vision to give to Hamas Canadian and Australian DLA Piper and DeloittesGuardian UN’s Special Rappoteur Netanyahu, United Nations Lea Tsemel, Judge Nasser Abu Taha of the Be’er Sheva District Court reminded Mohammed that conviction rates were extremely high in similar cases. “You’ve read the numbers and the statistics,” the judge said in March 2017. “You know how these issues are handled.”

What kind of judicial system is it where a judge tells you that your chance of conviction is very high? But then you could ask what kind of judicial system is it where the Defence is not allowed to see most of the evidence and most of the 160+ court hearings have been held in secret?

In Israel Shin Bet, the equivalent of MI5 only has to utter the words ‘security’ and the judges immediately bow. Which means that the conviction of Mohammed el-Talabi is all but guaranteed. The allegation is that he is a Hamas supporter yet all the evidence is that he was a Fatah supporter from his student days and that he was extremely hostile to Hamas.

Witnesses are prepared to travel from Gaza to testify. The only problem is that they can’t travel to Israel because the military refuse to allow them to come. ‘Security’ you see is the problem. Mohammed is being actively prevented from presenting evidence in his own defence.

Unsurprisingly the 3 judges in Be’er Sheva District Court have, despite the evidence of torture and ill-treatment, despite the use of a prison informer who are notorious for lying in order to obtain favours, admitted the confession. Compare this with the Jewish defendants in the trial of Jewish terrorists whose petrol bomb set alight a home in Dura killing both parents and a small baby. The victims were Arab and the judges there ruled the confession inadmissible because it had been obtained by torture. Torture of Jews is, of course, exceptional so it is understandable that the judges were perturbed whereas it is standard for Arabs.

So outrageous is this case that it has attracted an enormous amount of publicity, including even the Zionist press. The right-wing Jerusalem Post ran a story Is Gaza human-rights activist Mohammad El Halabi getting a fair trial?

The Guardian ran a long reportHas a lone Palestinian aid worker been falsely accused of the biggest aid money heist in history? It noted that:

In July 2021, the defence and prosecution summed up their cases. The sessions were completely closed to the public. The judges are expected to take at least three months to deliberate.

Mohammed El Halabi has taken an enormous gamble – that he can win a case in a language he doesn’t speak, in a country where many consider him an enemy. “If there is any value in the facts, he will be acquitted,” Hanna said. “But if facts don’t matter, he will go down. We have to believe that the facts matter.”

The Times of Israel, also ran an article by +972 Magazine and another article by Tim Costello, Daoud Kuttab Jailed 5 years without a fair trial: My questions for Mohammed Halabi’s prosecutorin which Daoud posed a number of questions in an imaginary conversation. These questions and answers sum up all the flaws in this case.

There is also an excellent articlebelow by Israel’s +972 Magazine and another article by Tim Costello, the former CEO of World Vision. Mohammed is ‘lucky’ in one respect.  World Vision is one of the world’s biggest charities with a budget of some $2 billion.  Because it is convinced that Mohammed is innocent they are paying for legal representation.

Me: Why are you still holding Mohammad el-Halabi after five long years?

Prosecutor: He is charged with serious crimes.

Me: Do you really believe that he committed those crimes?

Prosecutor: Yes.

Me: If they are so serious and you are convinced of them, why have you offered so many plea deals that would El-Halabi go free in return for confessing to a lesser crime?

Prosecutor: For his own good and to save the court time and money.

Me: But that would have let him off scot-free despite the serious crimes you say he committed.

Prosecutor: Yes, I suppose you are right

Me: In your view, what is the most serious thing Mohammad did?

Prosecutor: He gamed the system, he used humanitarian aid to help terrorists

Me: But specifically what did he do?

Prosecutor: For example, he imported steel for humanitarian use and gave it to Hamas to build tunnels and to make rockets.

Me: And the beams came via Erez checkpoint?

Prosecutor: No, they came through Kerem Shalom.

Me: Are you sure?

Prosecutor: Yes.

Me: And who is in charge of the Kerem Shalom checkpoint?

Prosecutor: The IDF’s Coordinator of Activities (COGAT).

Me: So, the state of Israel has copies of the transactions since they came through an entry that is controlled by the Israeli army.

Prosecutor: Yes.

Me: That is strange because World Vision told me they have never used Kerem Shalom at all.

Prosecutor: World Vision is lying. el-Halabi signed a contract and imported them on claims they were going for humanitarian cases

Me: You know this because you raided the World Vision office in Jerusalem and confiscated all their documents?

Prosecutor: We have our ways.

Me: But surely the trove of documents that you got from World Vision, on the morning of July 12th, 2016 helped you seal the case against el-Halabi?

Prosecutor: Not exactly. You see there were a lot of files and we didn’t have the time or manpower to search all the material.

Me: But still you are sure that el-Halabi and World Vision imported steel beams to Gaza.

Prosecutor: Yes.

Me: So why did you not produce that evidence in court?

Prosecutor: There was a lot of secret evidence that I can’t discuss

Me: So you know the size and dates of the steel materials that were imported?

Prosecutor: Yes, in general.

Me: In general, I thought in court you have to be precise: On such and such date such number of steel beams weighing so much were imported to such and such organization.

Prosecutor: We don’t have those specific details.

Me: You say that you have a confession from Mohammad el-Halabi.

Prosecutor: Yes.

Me: So why was the original copy of this so-called confession never presented to the court?

Prosecutor: It was lost.

Me: You lost the very document that you based your entire case on?

Prosecutor: The original was lost yes.

Me: So you are accusing a man and have held him for five years based on an alleged confession that you can’t even present in its original form to the court.

Prosecutor: Sometimes it happens, but we have a copy.

Me: Ok, on another issue, are you aware that the Israeli government has allowed money to go to Hamas?

Prosecutor: Yes.

Me: The Netanyahu government and Bennett administration both agree to allow the transfer to Hamas of millions of dollars worth of Qatari cash.

Prosecutor: Yes, that is true but the money is to pay salaries

Me: And you know that all the money goes exactly for that?

Prosecutor: This is not my responsibility.

Me: What about the issue of the fungibility of money?

Prosecutor: What do you mean?

Me: It means that if Hamas gets money for salaries this allows it to use money that would have gone to salaries for other purposes. It is as if you gave Hamas money to develop rockets.

Prosecutor: That is absurd. Why would do that? We made money available in order to keep Gaza quiet and peaceful so that our people in southern Israel can sleep without running to the shelters.

Me: And isn’t that what Mohammad el-Halabi was doing by providing humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza?

Prosecutor: Our government needed to pressure Hamas and Halabi was providing them with relief

Me: But you haven’t proved that and he has stubbornly refused to plea. He could have been free from year one yet but he stayed in jail for five years because he is certain he is innocent

Prosecutor: He is stupid.

Me: Maybe, but why would he refuse to make a plea if he actually did what you accuse him of?

Prosecutor: I don’t know.

Me: I have a plea offer for you and for the state of Israel.

Prosecutor: Mohammad is willing to make a plea offer?

Me: Yes, but not what you think?

Prosecutor: What is the offer?

Me: You withdraw your case against him, allow him to return to his humanitarian work in Gaza with his organization and, in return, he and his family and lawyer will commit not to speak to the press and embarrass you and your government for falsely accusing him and keeping him in jail for 5 long years.

Prosecutor: And what is the guarantee he will be silent when he will be back in Gaza?

Me: Simple, he is committed to humanitarian work. That is why he refused to plea so that humanitarian NGOs and in the end his people are not hurt by an admission of guilt even if it was false. You control which agencies work in Gaza by means of allowing them in and out of Gaza. If he breaks the deal you can stop whatever humanitarian agency he works for. In the end, you have lots of ways to ensure he will abide by his own offer. There you have it – a plea offer that lets you and the judges live with without convicting an innocent man, and all without losing a case.

>Prosecutor: I prefer to let the judge or the government decide.I am doing my job as directed by my superiors.

Me: Will you please pass this plea offer to them?

Prosecutor: OK.

Daoud Kuttab is an award-winning Palestinian journalist and former Ferris Professor of Journalism at Princeton University.

See UN Press Release:    Gaza Aid Worker Must be Given Fair Trial or Released, Say UN Experts – Press Release

Israel needs to stop stalling and release aid worker jailed five years ago

After 3 years, accusations against Gaza World Vision head remain unproven

By +972 MagazineJune 14, 2019

Mohammed Halabi, arrested in 2016 by Israel on accusations of diverting charity funds to Hamas, is still behind bars. Dozens of court hearings later, the state has yet to present evidence against him.

By Antony Loewenstein

Mohammed Halabi, former director of World Vision in Gaza who was arrested in 2016 by Israel for unsubstantiated claims of diverting funds to Hamas, is still behind bars. (World Vision)

I’ve never heard of any case like this in Israel before,” says Maher Hanna. “Even in the [nuclear whistle-blower] Mordechai Vanunu case, his lawyer had more access to their client than I do.”

Hanna is the attorney representing Palestinian prisoner Mohammed Halabi, a World Vision manager born in a Gaza refugee camp who three years ago was accused by Israel of funneling around $43 million from the Christian charity to Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Since 2016, Israel has not provided any evidence to Halabi or World Vision to prove its case, and yet Halabi’s trial continues in an Israeli court, unresolved and with no end in sight. His lawyer tells me that he has no idea if Halabi will remain in a remote prison near Be’er Sheva without being convicted for many more years.

This case is unprecedented in the Israeli legal system,” Hanna says. “Israel knows that Halabi is innocent. Some Israeli officials told me that.”Nonetheless, Hanna acknowledges that the panel of three judges could find his client guilty.

+972 Magazine has spent months investigating the Halabi case, examining the origins of the allegations, the reasons behind them, and speaking to key players in the story. The picture that emerges from many pages of internal World Vision documents, rarely heard details of the court case, and a correspondence with Halabi himself, is more than just that of an innocent Palestinian being tortured, mistreated and pressured to capitulate to Israeli demands; it also raises uncomfortable questions for many in the global and Israeli media who willingly accept Israeli government claims about Palestinians — even when there is no supporting evidence.

When the allegations against Halabi first surfaced in 2016, a senior official with the Shin Bet told journalists that Halabi had been recruited by Hamas in 2005 and instructed to join World Vision. After Halabi became head of World Vision in Gaza in 2010, the Israeli official claimed that he had eventually transferred around 60 percent of the organization’s annual budget in Gaza to Hamas. The allegedly stolen money had been spent on digging cross-border tunnels for Hamas militants to enter Israel, building a Hamas military base, and stealing humanitarian aid destined for hungry families in Gaza, according to the Israeli narrative.

It’s a common complaint by Israeli officials, rarely backed up with hard evidence, that Palestinian employees of international aid groups in Gaza exploit their positions to help Hamas. A number of Palestinians working in Gaza have been arrested and confessed to helping Hamas over the years, but lawyers for the accused men have always alleged that these confessions were elicited through torture at the hands of the Shin Bet. Israel still routinely tortures Palestinians, including children. Hanna says that prosecution witnesses in Halabi’s trial have acknowledged during cross examination being tortured by the Shin Bet and admitting falsehoods.

Israel is running a constant campaign against civil society groups that support the Palestinians in the West Bank, and especially in Gaza. Israel’s Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan said in 2016 that World Vision must have known about Halabi’s transgressions because, “I imagine that in the World Vision organization, which is very anti-Israeli, they turned a blind eye.” There was no evidence for this allegation.

Erdan further alleged without proof that World Vision had allowed Halabi to transfer $7 million of the organization’s funds annually to Hamas. Expert witnesses for the defense have testified that it would be impossible to have committed fraud on such a scale in Gaza because the World Vision budget was $22.5 million over the entire decade. In fact, according to his lawyer, Halabi was trying hard to keep World Vision’s activities away from Hamas, despite the militant group’s control over the strip.

Israel held Halabi incommunicado for 50 days after his arrest in 2016, after which Israeli authorities falsely claimed that he had confessed to the allegations against him. A gag order meant that nobody in the public even knew he had been arrested, and at the time, the head of World Vision in Australia, Tim Costello, blasted Israel for not allowing Halabi access to a lawyer. Halabi and Hanna both told me that he was tortured by Israel during this period of incarceration, which included solitary confinement and beatings.

The Australian government was quick to suspend its financial support to World Vision projects in Gaza in 2016. The Australian ambassador to Israel at the time, Dave Sharma, called the allegations “deeply disturbing.” But by 2017, an investigation by Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) concluded that there was no basis to support the claim that Halabi had diverted any Australian money to Hamas. 

World Vision has supported Halabi during the entire legal process, and two internal investigations found no evidence to support the Israeli allegations against him.

Today, World Vision continues to serve thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, but its Gaza programs remain suspended until the Halabi case is resolved. According to a U.S.-based spokeswoman Sharon Marshall, the Christian organization has “yet to see any substantive evidence to support the charges against Mohammed Halabi.”

“We continue to follow the court process but are not asserting any pressure regarding timing (or anything else about the trial),” she continued. “While governments including the U.S., Canada, Germany, Australia and others continue to support our work around the world, they are not directly involved in or supporting the Halabi case.”

Palestinians receive aid packs from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNWRA) in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, on September 27, 2018. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

The last public comment from World Vision about the trial, a statement from 2017, is scathing of Israeli actions negatively affecting its ability to operate in Gaza. “We remain deeply concerned with this situation, and are saddened by the impact on Gaza’s children and their families,” it said. “Aid from the international community remains a lifeline for 1.1 million people in Gaza, and one in four children in Gaza are in need of psychosocial support.”

Mohammed el Talabi's mother

Halabi’s father, Khalil Halabi, who is based in Gaza and has worked for UNRWA for 40 years, tells me that his son’s health has been affected by incarceration. After his 2016 arrest, Mohammed was tortured and beaten around the head by Israeli officials, he says, and as a result he suffered 40 percent hearing loss. “The Israeli authorities targeted my son to tighten the siege on Gaza Strip,” Khalil says.

Mohammed Halabi explains to me, through his lawyer who recently visited him in jail, that his physical health has seriously suffered during imprisonment due to the Israeli authorities restricting access to appropriate dental care.


The pace of Halabi’s trial has been absurdly slow. The trial began in August 2016 and there have been more than 100 court hearings. In early 2017, an Israeli judge told Halabi that he should accept a plea deal because there was “little chance” he wouldn’t be convicted. Judge Nasser Abu Taha of the Be’er Sheva District Court reminded the accused that conviction rates were extremely high in similar cases. “You’ve read the numbers and the statistics,” the judge said in March 2017. “You know how these issues are handled.” Halabi refused, instead preferring to prove his innocence. Hanna says that the prosecution expected Halabi would take a plea deal, as most Palestinians in similar situations do.

Asked about the length of the case, Eden Klein, the Foreign Press Spokesperson from the Israeli Ministry of Justice, told me that, “the trial, during which dozens of witnesses have testified, is still ongoing. Naturally such proceedings may take time.” The spokesperson refused to say whether Israel had ongoing conversations with Australia or World Vision about the trial.

Halabi’s Jerusalem-based lawyer, Hanna, tries to visit Halabi as often as possible but says Israel constantly puts obstacles in his way when needing to spend sufficient time with his imprisoned client. “I’ve often not been able visit or sit with him and I can’t give him any materials to read,” Hanna says. “I could only speak to him over the phone and I presume somebody was listening in on the call. I can now visit him but only spend three to four hours with him and that’s not enough. When I want to visit him, authorities often find excuses to stop me.”

Hanna says that Halabi is now doing relatively well psychologically but is frustrated with the slowness of the trial. Halabi has not been allowed to testify in English, never receives accurate translations of the court proceedings, and Israeli authorities have consistently refused to record the hearings to assist in translation.

As of April 2019, according to the Israeli Prison Service and military, 5,152 Palestinian security detainees and political prisoners were being held in Israeli prisons, many of whom are imprisoned without charge or trial under administrative detention.

Last December, Hanna suggested to the court that Halabi could be released to house arrest and wear an electronic ankle monitor. Israeli authorities said that Halabi was too dangerous and the court refused.

Halabi believes his arrest was part of a “fishing expedition in order to attempt to increase the siege on the residents of Gaza. They were not only attacking me but the entire system of humanitarian aid to Gaza, of which I was only a part.” He says that he’s being punished by the Israeli court for refusing to accept a plea deal, and that when released, he intends to “continue my humanitarian activities for the needy children and to help improve the quality of life of the residents of Gaza or anywhere else in the world.”

One of the main obstacles in defending Halabi is Israel’s refusal to allow his attorney to visit Gaza and meet witnesses who could bolster his case. The court has also refused to grant permits for many Palestinian witnesses from Gaza who want to testify in Halabi’s defense. The prosecution alleges that Halabi is sending messages from prison to witnesses in Gaza to dissuade them from coming to his defense because their attendance and evidence would destroy his story.

Hanna says that the opposite is true; he’s begging the Israeli authorities to bring these people from Gaza because they’re so keen to testify in Halabi’s case and explain his innocence. These witnesses are called “terrorists” by Israel, despite Hanna explaining to the court that they are civilians in Gaza. They are refused permission to enter Israel for Halabi’s trial, when in fact, several of these witnesses have already entered Israel for personal reasons and traveled out of the country.


After three years, the prosecution has barely brought any witnesses except Shin Bet operatives and a person whose identity Hanna says he cannot reveal.

Hanna dismisses the Israeli claims that state secrets are the reason the case is taking so long. The only reason the “evidence” against Halabi is kept secret, Hanna says, “is because if the information was revealed it would be a very big scandal. People will laugh that this is the information that Israel is using. Israel would be embarrassed.”

In contrast to the standard burden of proof in criminal law, where the state must prove that someone is guilty, in security cases like Halabi’s “we have to prove innocence beyond a reasonable doubt,” Hanna says. “It contradicts what we learned in law school.”


The media coverage around the Halabi case makes for a grim case study in journalistic independence. When he was arrested and charged in 2016, both Israeli and global media covered the case extensively, largely republishing unsubstantiated Israeli claims as fact.

Even rarer, was any mention of the various ways that Palestinians are pressured to admit to charges, from plea deals that spare years behind bars while awaiting trial (like Halabi’s case), to torture, to the use of secret evidence, to the threat of administrative detention.

“What bothers me the most,” Hanna says, “is when I Google Mohammed Halabi and it says that he’s admitted collaborating with Hamas. It’s unfair that my hands are tied to respond to this.”

After three years of the Halabi case, the public still knows virtually nothing about his situation. Even more absurdly, Halabi and his legal team are often in the dark when it comes to seeing hard evidence and following proper legal procedures. That few of the reporters who originally covered Halabi’s arrest now seem interested in his case says a great deal about the parlous state of independent journalism and thought when covering the Israeli political and legal systems.

An Open Letter to Lisa Nandy, Who Went from Chair of Labour Friends of Palestine to Becoming the Zionist’s Favourite Pet


Is there anything more sickening than a politician who steps on the bodies of Palestinian children in order to build her career?


I thought it was about time that I wrote to an old friend, Starmer’s Shadow Foreign Secretary, Lisa Nandy. Because it is of general interest I have decided to share it with others but I would ask that you keep it confidential.  I don’t want our friendship to be derailed!!

The JLM's Mike Katz praises Louise Ellman, who has defended the torture and abuse of Palestinian children in the name of 'security' - Ruth Smeeth was very brave in lying to get Marc Wadsworth expelled

It’s not often that I agree with Stephane Savary of the Jewish Labour Movement, who accused Lisa Nandy of “playing both sides.” Just a day after saying, at a JLM hustings for Labour leadership candidates that she was a Zionist, Nandy agreed to sign up to 3 Pledges from PSC, including the right of return for Palestinian refugees.

If Nandy had understood what she said then she would know that a return of those who were ethnically cleansed in 1948 would spell doom for Israel as a Jewish Supremacist state. It would force Zionism to choose between a democratic state or an apartheid state. In practice the choice has already been made. Israel rules over 5 million Palestinians in the Occupied Territories yet refuses to grant them even the most minimal civil or political rights.

The refugees were expelled in order to create a Jewish majority in Israel. That was always the intention of the Zionist movement. In December 1940, Joseph Weitz, Director of the Jewish National Fund's Lands Settlement Department, wrote in his diary:

Ruth Smeeth, described in one US memo published by Wikileaks as a Protected Asset of the United States.  A hard line Zionist, she lied about anti-racist activist Marc Wadsworth whom Corbyn failed to defend

There is no way besides transferring the Arabs from here to the neighboring countries, and to transfer all of them, save perhaps for [the Arabs of] Bethlehem, Nazareth and Old Jerusalem. Not one village must be left, not one [bedouin] tribe. And only after this transfer will the country be able to absorb millions of our brothers and the Jewish problem will cease to exist. There is no other solution."

In December 2018 Nandy became Chair of the invisible Labour Friends of Palestine. In an article outlining her plans as the new Chair, Nandy waxed lyrical about the oppression that the Palestinians faced.

How is it that Nandy, who wrote eloquently about ‘families humiliated at checkpoints on a daily basis and the denial of basic medical care’ and in support of an arms embargo could also support the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign directed against Corbyn and supporters of the Palestinians?

Labour Party policy on Palestine as passed by the 2021 Conference

Nandy’s condemnation of the Palestine motion passed at Labour Party conference was a further example of how she is prepared to sell the Palestinians down the river if it benefits her career. He condemnation was of course supported by Starmer, who had previously declared that he is a ‘Zionist without qualification.’

As someone who always believes in the best in people I thought I should write a personal letter to Nandy expressing my disappointment and hoping that she had been misquoted. After all Nandy can't want people to think that the only thing she is interested in is power for its own sake!

Open Letter to Lisa Nandy

Dear Lisa Nandy,

I am sure you will agree with me that consistency, honesty and integrity are qualities to be admired in a politician, rare as it might be to find such a person. I have looked in vain for any evidence that you possess any of these qualities.  Given your record to date you will understand why integrity, honesty and consistency are not the things that spring to mind when your name is mentioned.

However, since I always try to look for the best in a person I thought that if I wrote to you that you might help me in my endeavours.

My problems stem from the fact that in December 2018, when you  became Chair of Labour Friends of Palestine, you spoke movingly of your experiences visiting the West Bank. I hope I am not embarrassing you if I quote back to you what you said, as in today's climate in the Labour Party they may well be termed 'anti-Semitic' and get you suspended:

I met a three-year-old child whose house was surrounded by the Separation Wall and was growing up without daylight. I saw a 15-year-old shackled by the ankles, who had been held in administrative detention for months without any contact with his family, access to school or a lawyer. I saw families humiliated at checkpoints on a daily basis and the denial of basic medical care as a result…. After a decade working with some of the most marginalised children in the UK, I didn’t think I could be shocked anymore, but what I saw in the West Bank amounted to the deliberate destruction of the hopes of a generation.

You will be aware that the cry of ‘anti-Semitism’ is routinely used, not only against critics of Israel and Zionism but even against its friends who stray from the Zionist pth. The examples are legion. Even President Obama, who agree to the largest ever military aid to Israel, some $38 billion over 10 years, was labelled an ‘anti-Semite’ for having the temerity to abstain on a UN resolution condemning Israel’s illegal settlements.

The accusation that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism is a catchphrase of the Right, from President Macron of France to Mike Pompei, Trump’s Christian fundamentalist Secretary of State. It is a lie that has become part of the West’s imperialist narrative. As Goebbels noted if you “Repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth”

What surprised me most about this fake narrative was how yesterday’s racists, such as Tom Watson and John Mann, were born again opponents of ‘anti-Semitism’. How is this possible?

Who would have thought that Watson, who ‘lost sleep thinking about poor old Phil Woolas and his leaflets’ was the same Watson who declared that he wouldn’t rest until the last anti-Semite had been driven out of the Labour Party? This was the same Tom Watson who, as campaign manager in the Birmingham Hodshrove by-election in 2004 had issued a leaflet "Labour is on your side, the Lib Dems are on the side of failed asylum seekers."

The Feeble Five Labour Leadership Candidates

You will I am sure remember Woolas and the campaign he ran in Oldham. The campaign strategy wasmaking the White folk angry’. John Mann, the ‘anti-Semitism Czar’ (a fitting title) was also angry at the ‘injustice’ to Phil Woolas as was Steve McCabe, the current Chair of Labour Friends of Israel.

Following the suspension of Woolas, after not before, the High Court removed him from the House of Commons, John Pienaar revealed that a mutiny took place during the weekly meeting of the Parliamentary Labour Party. Harriet Harman, the acting leader of the party was called a ‘disgrace’ for suspending this vile racist. These are the same people who carried the flag for the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign five years later.

Indeed John Mann went even further. No stauncher defender of Israel and Zionism is there than Mann. He is infamous for his bullying confrontation  with Ken Livingstone for having referred to how the Nazis and the Zionists got on like a house on fire in the 1930s. It was the same John Mann who wrote a handbook on anti-social behaviour which described Gypsies and Roma as examples of anti-social behaviour, an asocial pest to be excluded from polite society.  

In the section on ‘Travellers’ there was ‘a big, bold strapline saying “the Police have powers to remove any gypsies and travellers”. If John Mann or the Labour Right had any sense of history they might recall that it wasn’t only the Jews who died in the Nazi death camps but Gypsies too and in much the same proportions.

Don’t you think it is strange that the most rabidly racist section of the PLP were also the most ardent opponents of ‘anti-Semitism’ under Jeremy Corbyn? Why do you think it is that the mass media, from the Mail and the Sun to the BBC and LBC, were united in condemning ‘anti-Semitism’ when they have all played their part in whipping up hatred against Black and Muslims in this country?

But you also played your part in stirring the ‘anti-Semitism’ cauldron. In your imitation of a nodding dog, in an interview with Andrew Neil in 2020, Rachel Cousins was quoted by Neil as a ‘prominent Labour activist’ who had tweeted that the Board of Deputies were ‘Conservative backers’, which is a statement of fact. The Board welcomed the anti-Semitic White Supremacist Donald Trump to power but not Corbyn to the Labour leadership.

Rachel demanded that the BOD condemn all Israeli military atrocities in the West Bank. Neil then asked you ‘is that anti-Semitic?’ to which you answered – ‘yes, it is’.

Forgive me if I am slightly puzzled but that is always what happens when non-Jews profess to be such experts on ‘anti-Semitism’. Perhaps you could tell me, being Jewish, exactly what was anti-Semitic about calling on the BOD to condemn Israel’s military atrocities? This is the same Board which has supported each and every Israeli attack on the Palestinians. 

When Israeli snipers mowed down unarmed Palestinian civilians in Gaza the Board was on hand to defend Israel. When Israel attacked Gaza earlier this year the BOD immediately issued a statement of support. It even organised a demonstration of support (which Tommy Robinson, that well known opponent of racism, attended). Indeed Robinson was welcomed like a hero.

One of the most striking thing about support for Israel today is how the strongest supporters of Zionism, from Viktor Orban and Steve Bannon to neo-Nazi Richard Spencer and Tommy Robinson, come from the White Supremacist far-Right. Don't you think that is strange? How is it that the most racist and anti-Semitic elements in society are also those who are most opposed to 'anti-Semitism'?

But I digress. The BOD has support for Israel embedded in its constitution. Why then should Rachel Cousin’s call for the Board to criticise Israel’s military reign of terror, which you yourself once opposed, be anti-Semitic?

Given your previous role as Chair of Labour Friends of Palestine it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that you are a prime example of a hypocrite who will say and do anything in order to advance her career.

Lisa Nandy's idea of 'balance' is to support both the victims of Israeli apartheid and the supporters of apartheid!

Given your strong condemnation, as Chair of LFP, of Israel’s reign of terror in the West Bank, I would have assumed that you would have welcomed the Young Labour motion on Palestine which was passed by the most recent Labour Party conference.

The motion called for support for the ‘international campaign to stop annexation and end apartheid.’ It was only this year that B’Tselem and Human Rights Watch concluded that Israel is practising the crime of apartheid. How can there be any doubt about this? It is a statement of fact.

You yourself condemned Israel’s treatment of Palestinian children whereas Jewish children living in the settlements receive entirely different treatment. They aren’t arrested in the middle of the night, blindfolded, shackled and beaten? How can this be anything than racism and apartheid? Or were you also ‘anti-Semitic’ at one time?

The motion condemned

‘the ongoing Nakba in Palestine, Israel’s militarised violence attacking the Al Aqsa mosque, the forced displacements from Sheikh Jarrah and the deadly assault on Gaza.’ 

 ‘International Criminal Court decision to hold an inquiry into abuses committed in the Occupied Palestinian Territories since 2014.’

as well as calling for ‘stopping any arms trade used to violate Palestinian human rights and trade with illegal Israeli settlements’ and to ‘support “effective measures” including sanctions’ against Israel, as well as supporting the Right of Return. It also called for an end to the occupation of the West Bank, the blockade of Gaza and the demolition of the Apartheid Wall.

The Board of Deputies held its first ever 'anti-racist' demonstration in 2018 - against Jeremy Corbyn. Against the National Front and Oswald Moseley it advised Jews to stay at home!

Finding nothing that you could disagree with in the motion you declared that the Labour leadership ‘cannot support pro Palestine motion’ at conference because the motion 'does not address the issues in a comprehensive or balanced way'.

Perhaps I am naïve but didn’t South Africa in the days of Apartheid also condemn the attacks on it as ‘one sided’? Today the Saudi regime makes similar criticisms of UN resolutions on Yemen. Would you would have insisted, as many in the West did, on a ‘balanced’ approach to the Nazis’  treatment of the Jews prior to 1939?

What does ‘balance’ mean when there is a choice between good and evil? It can only mean conniving in the perpetuation of injustice. Turning a blind eye to evil. That and that alone is the real meaning of your weasel words. As Martin Luther King observed

‘The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict.’

In days gone by even Sir Keith supported the Palestinians 

I realise that hope must spring eternal in your breast as you look upon the walking disaster that goes by the name of Keith Starmer. It cannot be but a matter of time before Starmer, whose performance as Labour leader resembles Ian Duncan Smith’s leadership of the Tory Party, is removed. Ambition seems to be the only quality you have. But as Shakespeare noted in Hamlet ‘The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream.’

At the hustings for Labour candidates in the leadership campaign you described yourself as a Zionist. You said that:

“I believe that Jewish people have the right to national self-determination. That makes me a zionist.”

Zionism was a political ideology and movement that sought to create a 'Jewish' state in Palestine. The first Zionists weren't Jewish.  They were Protesetants. Lords Shaftesbury and Palmerstone, George Elliot, Napoleon, Ernest Laharanne.  In essence western imperialists who wanted a 'Jewish' settler state to safeguard their imperialist interests, notably the Suez Canal and the route to India.

Zionism has nothing to do with Jewish 'self determination'.  Zionism never claimed to be such a movement. It saw itself as a colonising movement, hence why Zionists organisations such as the Jewish Colonisation Agency were set up. Of course today, with movements for racial justice  and national liberation, Zionists want to be part of the zeitgeist.  They use the language of the left in defence of their colonising project much as the Jewish National Fund, whose sole purpose is to effect ethnic cleansing, has taken to describing itself as an ecological movement.

It never ceases to amaze me that those who shout loudest about ‘anti-Semitism’ are usually the worst anti-Semites. When you say that Jews are entitled to 'self determination' what you mean is that Jews don't belong in the countries where they live.

Unfortunately  Palestine Solidarity Campaign thinks it advances the Palestinian cause to put Zionists on its platforms

When Zionism first arose, its fiercest opponents were themselves Jewish.  They saw in Zionism a form of Jewish anti-Semitism, which is not surprising since most anti-Semites - from the anti-Dreyfusard leader Edouard Drumont to Williams Evans-Gordon, the founder of the British Brothers League and Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi Party's main theoretician, all supported Zionism.

The reaction of Lucien Wolf, Secretary of the Conjoint Foreign Committee of the Board of Deputies to the idea that Jews constituted a separate nation from other British people was typical:

I have spent most of my life in combating these very doctrines, when presented to me in the form of anti-Semitism, and I can only regard them as the more dangerous when they come to me in the guise of Zionism. They constitute a capitulation to our enemies.’ [i]

[i]            B Destani (ed) The Zionist movement and the foundation of Israel 1839-1972, p.727.

The only people who are entitled to national self-determination are oppressed nations. The Jews are neither oppressed nor a nation. Jews speak a variety of languages and live in a multiplicity of countries.

In other words, in adopting the Zionist creed you have also adopted the anti-Semites belief that Jews are not really British. 

Rest assured Lisa that it may well be that the Labour Party deserves you as a leader. Today it seems as if the only person fit to lead the Labour Party is someone totally lacking in principle and whose only distinguishing characteristic is a willingness to say anything if it pleases the British Establishment.

Yours as ever,

Tony Greenstein

Not the Forde Inquiry but a Jolly Good Substitute!


 Israel Bans Palestinian Human Rights Groups  Yet It Still Calls Itself a Democracy 

Interview with Tony Greenstein about Labour's Witch Hunt

Two years ago, when the Zionists were doing their best to close down free speech in Brighton and elsewhere, we held a series of cultural and political events at Brighton’s Rialto Theatre. The Zionists had been intimidating and harassing venues in Brighton to cancel meetings with people like Chris Williamson on the grounds that they were ‘anti-Semitic’.  The Brighthelm Centre had received a letter from local Zionist MP Peter Kyle and immediately obeyed his ‘advice’. The local Quakers Friends Meeting House also gave in as did the Holiday Inn.

The lies that Fiona Sharpe - the racist at the heart of Brighton & Hove Council's 'anti-racist' strategy tells - free speech at the Rialto had no negative community impact unless Fiona is implying Jews don't like freedom of speech!

The Rialto Theatre was run by someone who had had experience supporting the Kent Miners over 30 years previously and was made of sterner stuff. The bombardment of tweets, social media abuse etc. from Zionists like Fiona Sharpehad no effect so that this year there was nothing.  The Zionists gave up because they had met resistance.  If only the quaking Quakers had stuck to their principles and not retreated at the first sign of grapeshot then all would have been well. Free Speech is worth preserving and fighting for but these religious souls took fright and emboldened the racists and imperialists.

So when the book launch for Bad News for Labourwas cancelled at the last minute by Waterstones Bookshop, because the head office was also put under pressure (the local store staff wanted to continue with the event), we put it on literally at the last minute. Instead of 30 people attending over 100 did, including Ken Loach.

Two years ago we could only put on a 2 day event because we had only booked the venue late in the day. This year we had plenty of time to prepare and we booked it from September 26 to 29, for 3½ days. We put on a whole series of political and cultural events called Resist at the Rialto. You can see them all here. There were 11 events in all:

The events were

Why alternative media is important to the left chaired by Greg Hadfield, who was expelledfor putting on the 3 day events. It’s a sad state of affairs in the Labour Party when you can be expelled for putting on 3 days of socialist politics and culture. Former Telegraph political editor Peter Oborne, Asa Winstanley from Electronic Intifada and the irrepressible Lowkey participated.

Municipal Socialism - the left in local governmentwith Roger Silverman, Carol Buxton and Greg Hadfield chaired by Chris Williamson.

The Great NHS Heist chaired by Esther Giles, Treasurer of the Socialist Health Association with Dr Bob Gill, the producer of the Great NHS Heist.

Wikileaks and the torture of Julian Assange chaired by Dr Deepa Driver of the Labour Campaign for Free Speech and Chair of Camden Momentum with Matt Kennard , Lauri Love and Bjartmar Alexandersson

Starmer surrounded by the butcher's apron

Purge III: McCarthyism and Starmer’s Labour Party chaired by Esther Giles with Dr Neil Todd, Senior Research Fellow of the University of South Wales

Socialists, republicanism and PR chaired by Larry Hyett with Steve Freeman, Tina Werkmann and Dr Kevin Bean

Labour, the antisemitism crisis and the destroying of an MP is the title of a book by Lee Garratt, a man who has had a very varied life including being a left-wing policeman in the Metropolitan Police! He is now a teacher. It was chaired by Chris Williamson.

Can Modern Monetary Theory solve the crisis of capitalism? chaired by Esther Giles with Professor Bill Mitchell, Carlos García Hernández and Michael Roberts, a former City economist.

This is how Zionist racists like Fiona Sharpe operate - they use the Jewish community like pawns in their attempt to close down free speech

The Palestinian resistance – and the need for international solidarity chaired by Anne Mitchell, Secretary of BHPSC, with Asa Winstanley, Huda Ammori of Palestine Action, Natalie Strecker a former human rights activist in Hebron, and Issa Amro, a Hebron-based human rights defender recognised by the UN as an anti-occupation and anti-apartheid activist. This was one of my favourite sessions.

Fiona Sharpe of Sussex Friends of Israel reveals what her real agenda is - protecting Apartheid

The Weaponisation of Racism was chaired by Tina Werkmann with Jackie Walker and Tony Greenstein.

The threat to academic freedomchaired by Dr Deepa Driver of Reading University with Dr Kevin Bean, lecturer in Irish politics at the Institute of Irish Studies, University of Liverpool and Mike Cushman, Chair of Free Speech on Israel and a member of BRICUP’s Organising Committee.

The final event was Robb Johnson and friends, including Brighton’s own Professor Dave Hill.

But the event which crowned the 3 days and was a pure piece of political theatre was the Not the Forde Inquiry. 

You will remember when Labour’s Leaked Report was issued detailing the racist and misogynist abuse, by senior Labour Party staff like John Stolliday of Corbyn supporters. Senior employees of the Labour Party did their best to sabotage the 2017 election campaign. They openly supported the Tories. This Report had been compiled at the behest of Jennie Formby for submission to the EHRC.

When Starmer came in the Report, all 831 pages, was leaked. Starmer’s anger was not at the revelations of the racist abuse of Dianne Abbot or the treachery and deception of Stolliday, Emily Oldknow (both of whom have gone to UNISON) or Sam Matthews. His anger was directed at who leaked the Report. Starmer was forced to set up an Inquiry under Martin Forde QC. It was packed with right-wing Labour supporters but nonetheless Starmer has refused to release the Report using ‘confidentiality’ and the ongoing work of the Information Commissioner as his excuse. Because it is unlikely that the Forde Report will ever be issued, Resist at the Rialto decided to put on this production.

It was compared by Dorothy Walker, the late mother of Jackie Walker who had kindly agreed to come back to life to help us ward off the latest bout of McCarthyism, something which forced her to flee to London from the United States with Jackie in the 1950s.

Sir Norman Licky QC aka Paddy O'Keefe

The Cross-examiners in chief were Ken Loach and Graham Bash of Labour Briefing/LRC.

The Prosecutor for the Labour Party was Sir Norman Licky QC otherwise known as Paddy Keefe, an expelled member of the Brighton Labour Party and a professional actor. Witnesses were:

Becky Massey, Esther Giles and Roger Silverman

Esther Giles, suspended secretary of Bristol North-West CLP,

Becky Massey, expelled member of Hove CLP,

Roger Silverman, expelled member of West Ham CLP, son of the late Julian Silverman, a Jewish MP responsible more than anyone else for the ending of capital punishment in Great Britain

Leah Levane, Chris Williamson and Greg Hadfield

Leah Levane, co-chair of Jewish Voices for Labour and a former Hastings Councillor, who was expelled at the Labour Party Conference itself for attending a rally against the witchhunt!

Chris Williamson, the only socialist Labour MP, who was disgracefully suspended by Jennie Formby under Jeremy Corbyn.

Greg Hadfield, newly expelled member of Brighton Pavilion Labour Party had been suspended 3 times. When he was elected Secretary of the Brighton and Hove District Labour Party by a massive majority at the largest ever meeting of over 600 people, he was removed by the simple device of suspending him 2 days later.

I hope you are able to watch all these events but especially the Not the Forde Report.

Tony Greenstein & Stan Heller of The Struggle

Interview of Tony Greenstein by Stan Heller

On October 5th I was interviewed by Stan Heller of the United States’s Struggle Video Media about the Labour Party witchhunt and you can watch it here

6 Palestine Human Rights Groups Declared ‘Terrorist’ Groups by Israel

Children as young as 12 (as long as they are not Jewish of course) are subject to arrest in the early hours of the morning.  They are blindfolded, beaten, often sexually abused, not allowed to see their parents or a lawyer and forced to sign confessions in a language, Hebrew, that they don’t even understand.

Their plight has been taken up by Defend Children International – Palestine.

A few weeks ago their offices were raidedin Ramallah, their records, computers and other information was seized. Today they and five other organisations have been declared terrorist organisations and banned.

These are the actions of an authoritarian state, not a democracy as Israel likes to claim to be. The new Israeli government was supposed to be an alternative to the bad old Benjamin Netanyahu. It contains the so-called left Zionists of the Israeli Labor Party and Meretz and even includes, on the outside the conservative Arab Party Ram.

Yesterday the Defence Minister and former Chief of Staff Benny Gantz, a veteran war criminal, formally banned the organisations without a squeak out of the above named parties, thus proving what I have always said.  That there is no fundamental difference between the different shades of Zionism.

The groups areAl-Haq, a human rights group founded in 1979, Addameer, Defence for Children International – Palestine, the Bisan Center for Research and Development, the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees and the Union of Agricultural Work Committees.

The pretext is that they are linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, in other words guilt by association. The PFLP is a legitimate left-wing Palestinian group and even if there were a grain of truth in the allegations it would be no justification for the banning.

Israel’s B’Tselem organisation, which itself declaredin January that Israel was an Apartheid and Jewish Supremacist state, issuedthe following statement:

“Israel’s ‘change’ government’s designation, earlier today, of Palestinian human rights organizations as ‘terror organizations’ is not merely declarative. It is an act characteristic of totalitarian regimes, with the clear purpose of shutting down these organizations,” B’Tselem said in a statement, accusing Israel’s new government of trying to perpetuate a “violent apartheid regime.”

Even South Africa at the height of Apartheid did not ban human rights organisations. The decision of the Naftali Bennett government gives the lie to the idea that the Israeli state is at all interested in peace. Repression is the only game they understand. It is even more of a reason to support the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement.

Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, who work closely with many of these groups, issuedthe following joint statement:

“This appalling and unjust decision is an attack by the Israeli government on the international human rights movement. For decades, Israeli authorities have systematically sought to muzzle human rights monitoring and punish those who criticize its repressive rule over Palestinians. While staff members of our organizations have faced deportation and travel bans, Palestinian human rights defenders have always borne the brunt of the repression. This decision is an alarming escalation that threatens to shut down the work of Palestine’s most prominent civil society organizations. The decades-long failure of the international community to challenge grave Israeli human rights abuses and impose meaningful consequences for them has emboldened Israeli authorities to act in this brazen manner.

How the international community responds will be a true test of its resolve to protect human rights defenders. We are proud to work with our Palestinian partners and have been doing so for decades. They represent the best of global civil society. We stand with them in challenging this outrageous decision.”

Blaming the Victims of Racism & Exonerating the Perpetrators - The Upside Down World of David Renton


 Book Review – Labour’s Anti-Semitism Crisis

What the Left Got Wrong and How to Learn From It

David Renton

Routledge, Oxon, 2022


It is an iron rule which allows few exceptions, that those who leave the SWP drift to the right. Dave Renton is no exception.

Renton joined the SWP in 1991, leaving in 2003 only to rejoin in 2008. In 2013 he left the SWP because of the rape scandal.[i]

The details of this scandal are well known. A woman who alleged that she had been raped appeared before the SWP’s Disputes Committee, which consisted of friends of the alleged rapist, National Secretary Martin Smith. Smith was cleared of all the allegations. Instead, it was the victim who was pilloried and questioned about her sexual history and drinking habits. A second woman who supported her was harassed and suspended. The victim herself wasn’t even allowed to attend the conference called to discuss the matter.

Dave Renton has written movingly of his experiences in the SWP and about what happened in 2012/13.[ii]Together with others, he formed RS21.

Renton’s book makes it clear, though, that he has abandoned any form of Marxist or class politics in favour of a subjective identity politics which divorces the politics of race from class.

Renton, as his Wiki[iii] biography makes clear, was a prolific author of books on anti-fascism, racism and Marxism. He wasn’t a run of the mill member of the SWP whose political consciousness is low and confined to sloganeering activism. Possibly his weak point was an understanding of imperialism but the question I ask myself is how can he have been so comprehensively fooled by the false and confected ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign into believing that anti-Semitism was a genuine problem in the Labour Party?

How can Renton have got into bed with Stephen Pollard, the foul neo-liberal editor of the Jewish Chronicle who was a founder member of the Henry Jackson Society? This society’s membership includes Douglas Murray and others who support White Replacement Theory. It is genuinely and overtly racist, representing the far Right of the British Establishment – people like Islamaphobe Baroness Cox.

Does Renton really believe that someone like Pollard is genuinely interested in fighting anti-Semitism as opposed to tarring anti-racists with that brush? Renton’s Damascene conversion to the Right (because that is what it is) is a mystery. In the absence of a cogent explanation I can only explain it as being a return to his class origins.

By his own admission, Renton’s political sympathies during the anti-Semitism witchhunt were with Jon Lansman, a figure who, more than any other, bears responsibility for the defeat of the Corbyn project.

Not once does Renton entertain the idea that Labour’s ‘anti-Semitism’ crisis might have been manufactured, confected and weaponised in order to remove Corbyn, despite the evidence. Instead he writes that

‘Part of the reason why so few people come out well from Labour’s antisemitism crisis is that we were dealing with the revival a form of racism in relation to which many people had forgotten how to act.’

The whole of the British and US military and political establishment was united in wanting to see an end to Corbyn. For example, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was recorded as saying:

“It could be that Mr Corbyn manages to run the gauntlet and get elected. It’s possible. You should know, we won’t wait for him to do those things to begin to push back. We will do our level best. It’s too risky and too important and too hard once it’s already happened.” [iv]

Israeli involvement in Labour’s ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations was copiously documented in the Al Jazeera documentary, ‘The Lobby’.[v]

The weaponisation of ‘anti-Semitism’ had first been tried out against the Sandinistas and then against Hugo Chavez.[vi]The advantages of such a tactic are obvious. It gave the racist right-wing of the Labour Party and the political establishment the moral high ground. They weren’t attacking Corbyn for his opposition to NATO or austerity. Good gracious no. They were opposing anti-Semitism!

You had the absurdity of Thatcherite journalist Andrew Neil asking Corbyn whether he would apologise for Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ at the last general election. This was the same Andrew Neil who, as editor of the Sunday Times, employed holocaust denier David Irving to translate the Goebbel’s Diaries as well as employing an overt anti-Semite, ‘Taki’, a supporter of the Greek Golden Dawn neo-nazi party, as a columnist on the Spectator.

One of the ironies of Labour’s ‘anti-Semitism’ crisis was that even the worst racists could become opponents of ‘anti-Semitism’ simply by declaring their support for Zionism and Israel. Not once did Renton explain how papers like the Daily Mail could oppose ‘anti-Semitism’ while simultaneously employing the neo-Nazi political commentator Katie Hopkins as a columnist.[vii]

If Renton had any claim to being a socialist, let alone a Marxist, then surely he would have considered the fact that the election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of Britain’s second major party, in the United States’ closest European ally must have set off alarm bells both in Langley Virginia (CIA HQ)and Tel Aviv. Was Renton unaware of the US’s political record in Latin America and Asia? Had he not read Phil Agee’s Inside the Company?[viii]

According to Renton, Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ spontaneously broke out just as Corbyn was elected leader. It seems as if Renton believes that anti-Semitism is inherent in anti-capitalism.

Throughout the ‘anti-Semitism’ affair, over two-thirds of Labour members, including Jewish members, rejected the false ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations. Their everyday experience in Labour was of a complete absence of anti-Semitism.[ix] Jews had always made up a disproportionate number of its activists. Renton disregards the views of these members with all the contempt an Old Etonian can muster.

The book itself is error-strewn. Renton says that the ‘first sustained attempt’ to accuse Corbyn’s Labour of anti-Semitism occurred in April 2016. He omits the affair of Oxford University Labour Club, when the Chair, Alex Chalmers – a former intern for Israeli lobby group BICOM – accused fellow members of anti-Semitism on the basis that they had supported Israel Apartheid week.

The first sign that ‘anti-Semitism’ was being weaponised was in August 2015, even before Corbyn was elected, when the Mailaccused Corbyn of associating with a holocaust denier Paul Eisen.[x] It progressed from there to attacks on, first, Gerald Kaufman MP and then Vicki Kirby. Renton’s book is marred by sloppy research.[xi]

Smeeth stormed out of the Chakrbarti press conference to fetch the whip for Marc Wadsworth before remembering that slavery had ended

Renton describes Ruth Smeeth as storming out of the Chakrabarti press conference ‘in tears’, repeating the lies of the yellow press.[xii]A cursory examination of the video shows that there were no tears. ‘How dare you’ Smeeth cried as if she had been upbraided by her Black slave and was leaving to fetch the whip. Smeeth later claimed that she had been sent 25,000 hostile messages. This was a lie. The main recipient of abuse was Dianne Abbot, not Smeeth.[xiii]

Renton has a whole chapter on the ‘bullying’ of Luciana Berger. He doesn’t mention that she was a former Director of Labour Friends of Israel nor that Smeeth had worked for BICOM before entering parliament. For Renton, the Israel connection is irrelevant.

Berger is portrayed as the victim of vicious anti-Semitism. It is true that four fascists were convicted and gaoled for sending her hate mail but no one on the left, least of all in the Labour Party, was convicted or accused of anti-Semitism against her. Berger had a long record, dating back to her days on the National Union of Students Executive, of making false accusations of anti-Semitism.

Berger had been parachuted into the Liverpool Wavertree seat by Blair. She had no connection with Liverpool. Yet what was Renton’s take? ‘The clash between Wavertree CLP and Luciana Berger weakened the left and diminished our moral standing.’

But it is Renton’s treatment of the most prominent victims of the ‘anti-Semitism’ purge – figures such as Ken Livingstone, Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth, Chris Williamson and myself – that demonstrates his Zionist sympathies.

Renton’s way of dealing with my own expulsion is to avoid mentioning it! It is as if the case of the first Jewish anti-Zionist to be expelled from the Labour Party was too difficult for him to handle!

Renton’s treatment of Jackie Walker is racist. Not once does he ask why one of the few Black Jewish women in the Labour Party should have been targeted by the Jewish Labour Movement. He mentions some of the vile racist abuse she received but never once considers Jackie a victim, still less asks why those purportedly opposed to ‘anti-Semitism’ should engage in racist abuse far worse than anything Berger experienced.

Not once does Renton describe the circumstances in which a private Facebook conversation was broken into by the Israeli Advocacy Movement, a far-Right Zionist group. All of us during private conversations may omit the odd word. On the basis of one missing word, that Jews were among the chief slave owners, Jackie was pilloried for months. Even when she was reinstated, the JLM continued their racist campaign.

When John McDonnell spoke with Jackie at an LRC fringe meeting at the TUC Conference, the JLM removed him as a speaker from their meeting. Two weeks before the 2016 Labour conference, it was clear that the JLM were gunning for Jackie.[xiv]

In another error, Renton says that Momentum immediately removed Jackie as Vice-Chair. Not so. When Jackie was suspended in May 2016, not only Momentum but even Owen Jonessupported her. It was only following that year’s Labour Party conference, months later that Lansman and his cronies removed Jackie as Vice Chair.

On Wadsworth, Renton has less to say but he still blames a long-standing Black anti-racist who had played a key role in the Stephen Lawrence campaign, introducing his parents to Nelson Mandela. Renton sides instead with a supporter of Apartheid. Wadsworth didn’t even know that Smeeth was Jewish, yet Renton quotes uncritically Smeeth’s attack on Marc for ‘invoking antisemitic stereotypes of Jewish conspiracy’ and then says that he should not have used an event intended to prove Labour’s commitment to fighting antisemitism to attack a Jewish MP.’ The Chakrabarti Report was about racism in the Labour Party, not just about anti-Semitism. One more error.

It is over Ken Livingstone and his comment that Hitler supported Zionism that Renton excels himself. Renton asserts that the purpose of Ha’avara, the trade agreement between the Nazis and the Zionists, was to save Germany’s Jews rather than their wealth. Contrary to Renton’s assertion, people who had capital of £1,000 at their disposal (£50,000 today) would have had no difficulty in finding refuge. To poor and working class Jews, Ha’avara was a disaster because it relaxed the pressure on Nazi Germany to stop the violence.

Renton says that the agreement was ‘condemned by both left- wing (Socialist) Zionists and right- wing (Revisionist) Zionists’. Wrong again. It was the ‘left-wing’ Zionists who negotiated Ha’avara. It was the ‘right-wing’ Zionists who opposed it.

In 1933, very few, least of all the Zionists, thought that Nazism would lead to a holocaust. The idea that the Zionists main motivation was to rescue Jews is absurd. Even when Jews were in mortal danger, Zionism opposed rescue to any country bar Palestine.

Werner Senator of the Jewish Agency Executive warned that if the German Zionists ‘did not improve the quality of the “human material” they were sending, the number of immigration certificates would be cut.[xv] Candidates above the age of 35 would receive certificates ‘only if there is no reason to believe that they might become a burden.’[xvi]German Jews who entered “merely as refugees” were considered ‘undesirable human material’.[xvii]

The point that Renton misses is that Ha'avara was agreed to by the Nazis as a way of destroying the international Jewish and anti-fascist boycott of Germany which was aimed at toppling the Hitler regime.

As the Investor’s Review reported, ‘authoritative opinion is that Hitlerism will come to a sanguinary end before the New Year.[xviii]David Cesarani suggested that those who doubted the viability of the regime ‘were not engaged in wishful thinking’; the Nazi regime, he said, was beset by enemies coupled with a chronic balance of payments deficit.[xix]

Edwin Black, another Zionist historian, wrote that Ha’avara was ‘a reprieve for the Third Reich, a let-up in the anti-German offensive… (it) could not have come at a more decisive moment.’[xx]Far from rescuing German Jews, Ha’avara condemned them to Auschwitz.

Baruch Vladeck, the Bundist editor of the Yiddish Forward and Chairman of the Jewish Labor Committee, described how

The whole organized labor movement and the progressive world are waging a fight against Hitler through the boycott. The Transfer Agreement scabs on that fight.

Vladeck contended that ‘The main purpose of the Transfer is not to rescue the Jews from Germany but to strengthen various institutions in Palestine.’ He termed Palestine ‘the official scab agent against the boycott in the Near-East’.[xxi]

It was the Zionist Executive itself that declared that Ha’avara was ‘the sole way of bringing into Palestine the maximum amount of German Jewish capital.’[xxii]It was Zionist activists who spoke of ‘saving the wealth’ and ‘rescuing the capital from Nazi Germany.’ [xxiii]

When Karl Sabbagh suggested that the Zionists were concerned, not with saving Jewish lives but Jewish wealth, Renton accused him of ‘falling into old ideas of Jewish perfidy.’ This shows the depths that Renton has plumbed in his attempt to defend Zionism.

In another error, Renton writes that ‘the pact saved 53,000 lives.’ In fact Ha’avara saved 20,000 German Jews, most of whom would have found refuge elsewhere. Most German Jews came to Palestine on ordinary immigration certificates.

According to Renton, Livingstone was ‘finding excuses to blame the victims.’ He was suggesting that Jews had contributed to the holocaust and that Jews were in fact among the perpetrators of genocide. In other words, by treating Zionism as a political movement that collaborated with the Nazis, Livingstone was accusing Jews of engineering the holocaust.

Using Renton’s ‘logic’, if you criticise Quisling or Petain then you are blaming the Norwegians or the French for the Nazi occupation of their countries. It is not only politically dishonest but anti-Semitic. It blames all Jews for the actions of the Zionists.

The German Zionists at the time represented no more than two percent of German Jews. Jews in Weimar Germany referred to the Zionists as ‘volkish Jews.’[xxiv] The Nazis singled out the German Zionists for favourable treatment. In 1919 Alfred Rosenberg, the Nazi’s main theoretician, who was hanged at Nuremburg, had written:

‘Zionism must be vigorously supported in order to encourage a significant number of German Jews to leave for Palestine or other destinations.’[xxv]

Rabbi Joachim Prinz, a leader of the German Zionist Federation, admitted that:

“It was morally disturbing to seem to be considered as the favoured children of the Nazi Government, particularly when it dissolved the anti-Zionist youth groups, and seemed in other ways to prefer the Zionists. The Nazis asked for a ‘more Zionist behaviour.’”[xxvi]

Zionism has always sought an end to the Jewish diaspora, not its perpetuation. The German Zionist Federation [ZVfD] asserted that the Jews were a separate nation, which was exactly what the Nazis themselves said.

Kurt Blumenfeld, the ZVfD Secretary, stated in a letter to Walter Rathenau, the German foreign minister who was assassinated in 1922, that: ‘Under no circumstance does a Jew have the right to represent the affairs of another people.’[xxvii]

Donald Niewyk asked whether Zionist assertions of ‘racial and national otherness’ might ‘hasten the day when the Nazis might seek to make Germany judenrein?’[xxviii]The historian Rabbi Jacob Bernard Agus asked if

‘the Zionist programme and philosophy contribute(d) decisively to the enormous catastrophe of the extermination of 6 million Jews by the Nazis by popularizing the notion that the Jews were forever aliens in Europe?’[xxix]

Zionist historians Lucy Dawidowicz and Francis Nicosia described how, in May 1935 Schwarze Korps, newspaper of the SS, wrote that

‘the Zionists adhere to a strict racial position and by emigrating to Palestine they are helping to build their own Jewish state.... The assimilation-minded Jews deny their race and insist on their loyalty to Germany or claim to be Christians because they have been baptised in order to subvert National Socialist principles.’[xxx]

Non-Zionist youth organisations were banned from 1936, whereas Zionist youth groups remained legal up until 1939.[xxxi]

The Zionist leadership welcomed Hitler to power. They saw the rise of Hitler as a golden opportunity.[xxxii]Francis Nicosia spoke of the ‘illusory assumption’ that Zionism ‘must have been well served by a Nazi victory’. Hitler’s victory ‘could only bolster Zionist fortunes.’ [xxxiii]

“So positive was its assessment of the situation that, as early as April 1933, the ZVfD announced its determination to take advantage of the crisis to win over the traditionally assimilationist German Jewry.” [xxxiv]

To Ben Gurion, Israel's First Prime Minister the rise of the Nazis was a Golden Opportunity

The Zionist leadership in Palestine was positively enthusiastic. Berl Katznelson, David Ben Gurion’s effective deputy, saw the rise of Hitler as “an opportunity to build and flourish like none we have ever had or ever will have”.[xxxv]Ben Gurion, the first Prime Minister of Israel, was even more enthusiastic: ‘The Nazis’ victory would become “a fertile force for Zionism.”’[xxxvi]

Ben Gurion’s official biographer, Shabtai Teveth wrote that

If there was a line in Ben-Gurion’s mind between the beneficial disaster and an all-destroying catastrophe, it must have been a very fine one.’  [1]

Etan Bloom quoted Emil Ludwig (1881-1948), the famous biographer, as saying that:

‘Hitler will be forgotten in a few years, but he will have a beautiful monument in Palestine. You know, the coming of the Nazis was rather a welcome thing. … Thousands who seemed to be completely lost to Judaism were brought back to the fold by Hitler, and for that I am personally very grateful to him.’ [xxxvii]

The Zionist national poet Chaim Nachman Bialik volunteered that ‘Hitler has perhaps saved German Jewry, which was being assimilated into annihilation.[xxxviii]This was somewhat ironic given what happened.

Today, when neo-Nazis and fascists praise the Israeli state for its hostility to Muslims – and when Israel supplies the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion in Ukraine with weaponry – Renton has become yet another apologist for Zionism’s far-Right alliances. Geert Wilders, the leader of the fascist Dutch Freedom Party, explained why Israel is seen as a model ethno-nationalist state by the far right:

‘If Jerusalem falls into the hands of the Muslims, Athens and Rome will be next.[xxxix]

In discussing Chris Williamson’s suspension, Renton excels himself. He writes:

At its heart were complaints that he had used his social media account to promote the standing of other people who had been accused of antisemitism.’

This is mendacious. What led to the suspension of Chris was the deliberate distortion of a speech he made to Sheffield Momentum, portraying it as its exact opposite. In the words of the Independent: Chris Williamson: Labour MP filmed telling activists party is too 'apologetic' about antisemitism.[xl]What were Chris’s actual words?

We are not a racist party, are we? We’re not an anti-Semitic party. We are the party that stood up to racism throughout our entire history... It was Labour that was the backbone of the Anti-Nazi League in the 1970s when we confronted the anti-Semites, the racists, the Islamaphobes on the streets ... And now we – Jeremy, me and others – are being accused of being bigots, of being anti-Semites. And it’s almost as we’re living within the pages of Orwell’s 1984. You know the Party that’s done more to stand up to racism is now being demonised as a racist, bigoted party.

And I’ve got to say I think our Party’s response has been partly responsible for that. Because in my opinion...– we’ve backed off far too much, we’ve given too much ground, we’ve been too apologetic. What have we got to apologise for? For being an anti-racist party? And we’ve done more to actually address the scourge of anti-Semitism than any other political party. And yet we are being traduced.’

It is quite clear that Chris was not saying that the Labour Party had been too apologetic about anti-Semitism but too weak in standing up to the false accusations of anti-Semitism. The bourgeois media stitched Chris up and Dave Renton, the ex-revolutionary is happy to go along with it. So obvious is it that Chris was stitched up that Renton does not even mentionthe Sheffield speech.

The most dishonest part of this book relates to Gilad Atzmon. Atzmon is a former Israeli who became a supporter of the Palestinians. He is also an anti-Semite who internalised Zionism’s Jewish self-hatred and saw in Israel the actions of a Jewish state as opposed to a settler colonial one. Atzmon is also a world famous jazz musician.

The email I received from Martin Smith to our demands that the SWP dissociate themselves from Atzmon

In 2005, I organised a Jews Against Zionism picket of Bookmarks,the SWP bookshop, in protest at Atzmon speaking there.[xli]It took until 2012 for Palestine Solidarity Campaign to take the issue of anti-Semitism seriously enough to expel an Atzmon supporter and holocaust denier at my behest.

SWP statement on Gilad Atzmon

For seven years, I led the campaign against Atzmon alongside many of those whom Renton criticises in Jewish Voice for Labour. Renton doesn’t mention this but cites, in a footnote, my article in The Guardian of 19 February 2007, ‘The Seamy Side of Solidarity.’ Renton omits the fact that from 2004 until 2011, the SWP, of which he was a member, hosted Atzmon at its events. The SWP defended Atzmon in a statement of 21 June 2005 which is here.[xlii]There is also a useful timeline of the SWP’s relationship with Atzmon.[xliii]

I wrote numerous articles criticising the SWP, such as Time to Say Goodbye.[xliv] Even my bitter enemies in the Alliance for Workers’ Liberty ran an article Defend Tony Greenstein! after I had been banned by Indymedia.[xlv]

The SWP, which today appeases Zionists over 'antisemitism' used to promote a virulent anti-Semite

What is curious is that despite the fact that the SWP were still promoting Atzmon, Renton had no problems rejoining the SWP!And for three long years he kept his mouth shut about the SWP’s association with an open anti-Semite. This suggests that Renton’s interest in fighting anti-Semitism is of recent origin and has more to do with his redefinition of anti-Semitism as anti-Zionism.

Renton attacks Chris Williamson for having tweeted support for a petition complaining that Atzmon had been prevented from playing jazz on Islington Council premises. This is dishonest. Having never previously heard of Atzmon, Chris immediately deleted the tweet and apologised.

In my view, his apology was completely unnecessary. I both signed the petition and attended Atzmon’s gig in Brighton. Let me explain. For the seven years that we campaigned against Atzmon, we made it clear that we were not trying to stop Atzmon’s gigs. We had no argument with his music. Jazz was detested by the Nazis as ‘nigger music’ and they fought an ongoing campaign against anti-fascist German youth, like the Edelweiss Pirates, who used jazz and swing music as part of an anti-Nazi subculture.[xlvi]Momentum and the JLM behaved like fascists in pressurising venues to cancel Atzmon’s gigs.

Even David Toube of Harry's Place site was unsure if the mural was anti-Semitic

Renton deals abysmally with the long-erased mural by Mear One that was resurrected in 2018 by Luciana Berger. He writes that

The most important step in the re-emergence of Labour antisemitism crisis was the re-discovery that, several years before, Corbyn had supported an artist Mear One (Kalen Ockerman) after his mural was effaced for its antisemitic associations.’

This mural was not an innocent discovery. It had been held in reserve in order to attack Corbyn and the Labour Party at an opportune moment.

People have different views as to whether or not the mural was anti-Semitic. It wasn’t obvious to me and nor was it obvious to the Jewish Chronicle in 2015, when it referred to the mural as ‘having anti-Semitic undertones’, a view which it ascribed to others.[xlvii]When the pro-Zionist Harry’s Placeran an articleabout the mural, David Toube wrote:

‘I’ve seen the mural, in person. It is clearly a conspiracist work…. But were the men with beards supposed to be Jews? Well, possibly – but I’ve seen more obvious stereotypes of Jews deployed in antisemitic art.’[xlviii]

Despite subsequent emphasis on the six bankers’ noses, only two of whom were Jewish, Toube emphasised their beards not their noses. Yet Renton saw the mural as representing the archetypal Jewish financier.

The central fault with Renton’s book is an almost total inability to understand the relationship between race and class. Renton uses the terms ‘prejudice’ and ‘racism’ interchangeably yet they are not the same. Jews in Britain today do not experience structural and institutional racism deriving from the state. What they experience, to some degree, is prejudice based on the past. It is Blacks and Muslims who experience the full force of state and fascist racism and violence.

Renton treats Jews as if they were same people who launched the Great Tailor’s Strike of 1912 and who stopped Oswald Moseley at the Battle of Cable Street in October 1936. The fact is that British Jews have changed enormously since the 1940s. That is highly relevant to their understanding of what they see as anti-Semitism.

In 1945, Phil Piratin was elected as a Communist MP in the Mile End constituency. Half his votes came from Jews. In 2015, under Labour’s first Jewish leader, Jews voted by 69% to 22% for the Tories.[xlix]

Renton speaks with derision about those who posit that Jewish support for Zionism is explained by ‘sociological theories’ (“Jews are all rich, or middle- class… Such theories say little about Jews and more about their speakers”).

Renton tries to caricature any materialist analysis. Nonetheless, it is a fact that Jews have become the most privileged section of the White population. It is this that has led to their move to the right politically. This was symbolized for me by the closure of Blooms restaurant in 1996 in Whitechapel. Blooms had been at the centre of East End Jewish life. It closed because the Jews had moved to the suburbs to be replaced by Bengali immigrants.[l]

William Rubinstein, former President of the Jewish Historical Society, wrote about

‘the rise of Western Jewry to unparalleled affluence and high status  (which) has led to the near-disappearance of a Jewish proletariat of any size; indeed, the Jews may become the first ethnic group in history without a working class of any  size.’ [li]

Rubinstein concluded that British Jews ‘arearguably more bourgeois now than at any time since the mid-nineteenth century.’ Geoffrey Alderman, the historian of the Jewish community, wrote that by 1961,

‘over 40 percent of Anglo-Jewry was located in the upper two social classes, whereas these categories accounted for less than 20 percent of the general population.’[lii] 

By Renton’s logic, Alderman and Rubinstein must be anti-Semitic!

Renton repeatedly demonstrates his ignorance of Zionism as a political movement and ideology. He writes that it was the Dreyfus Affair ‘which caused Theodor Herzl to write The Jewish State and launch the Zionist movement.’ If Renton had read the pamphlet then he would know that there isn’t one single mention of Dreyfus in it. In Herzl’s four-volume Diaries,Dreyfus is only mentioned in passing. The conclusion that Herzl drew from the Affair was that:

‘In Paris... I achieved a freer attitude towards anti-Semitism, which I now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognise the emptiness and futility of trying to “combat” anti-Semitism.’[liii]

As Jacques Kornberg, another Zionist historian, wrote:

‘The dramatic and engaging notion that Herzl “converted” to Zionism in the wake of the Dreyfus trial is unacceptable.’[liv]

Herzl’s claim was self-serving and only made in 1899, by which time even the army had accepted that Dreyfus was innocent.

Renton questions whether ‘there is a thing “Zionism” which is the same in 2016 as it was in August 1933.’ Elsewhere he writes that

‘Undoubtedly, Israel has changed. The country’s politics are different: with the left in every government until 1977, and the right almost as consistently afterwards.’

Renton clearly has no understanding of what Zionism is. The differences between ‘left’ and ‘right’ Zionism have always been tactical. It was the ‘left’ Zionists of Mapai and Mapam who carried out the Naqba, who placed Israel’s Arabs under military rule for the first 18 years and who began the process of settlement in the Occupied Territories. There is nothing that Likud has done that the Israeli Labor Party hasn’t done. Ariel Sharon, the butcher of Sabra and Chatilla, came from the Labour Zionist movement. Perhaps it has escaped Renton’s notice that today’s far-Right Israeli government contains both the ILP and Meretz (formerly Mapam).

Because Renton refuses to accept that the ‘anti-Semitism crisis’ was confected he finds it difficult to understand why it is that the same people who were campaigning against ‘Labour anti-Semitism’ were at one and the same time tolerant of genuine anti-Semitism.

Renton writes that when the fascist philosopher Roger Scruton defended the anti-Semitic attack by Viktor Orban, Hungary’s Prime Minister on George Soros,

‘Scruton was rescued from the taint of antisemitism by the Jewish Chronicle’s Stephen Pollard, who accused his critics of having “outrageous[ly] distort[ed]” Scruton’s words.’

Renton should not have been surprised. When, in 2009, the Tories were criticised for entering a coalition with fascists and anti-Semites in the European parliament and for the invitation by Conservative Friends of Israel to Michal Kaminski, the anti-Semitic leader of Poland’s Law and Justice Party, it was Pollard who defended him on the grounds that he was a strong supporter of Israel.[lv]

It is on record that a large number of ex-UKIP members joined the BNP. When Nigel Farage (who has also indulged in anti-Semitic attacks on Soros) was invited to speak to a Jewish Chronicle gathering, Renton notes that Pollard failed to ask Farage why this was so, confining himself to the observation that ‘The question was not asked and could not have been, not when Farage’s talk had been billed as a meeting of friends.’ Renton is incapable of asking how it is that Pollard, who drove the false ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign, was friends with a virulent racist and anti-Semite.

Renton elides over the fact that Israel's supporters today are from the White Supremacist Right

Another example of this failure to understand that Zionism has never had a problem with genuine anti-Semites was how he treated Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis and his attitude to Donald Trump. Renton described Mirvis’s intervention just before the 2019 election when he advocated a vote for the Tories as ‘shocking’. Renton writes that:

the Chief Rabbi was unable to say clearly even what he had acknowledged a year before: that Trump was a racist. He began from a weaker position than he had in 2016, and he went further than he had on that occasion in seeking to excuse and justify the behaviour which he was also criticising.’

Mirvis wasn’t the only one. Jonathan Arkush, President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, had positively welcomed Trump to power.[lvi]As did the leader of the ILP and now Israel’s President, Isaac Herzog:

“Warm congratulations to the president of the most powerful nation in the world: Donald J Trump!”[lvii]

This is the same Arkush who, when he heard that Corbyn had spent Passover with Jewdas, a leftish Jewish group, described them as a ‘source of virulent anti-Semitism’. Given that Arkush had accused Corbyn of anti-Semitism, anyone with a socialist bone in their body might have drawn the appropriate conclusions.

Another anti-Semite that Pollard excused was Jacob Rees-Mogg who had tweeted in support of Alice Weidel, the leader of Germany’s neo-Nazi AfD. Mogg had attacked two fellow Jewish Tories, Sir Oliver Letwin and John Bercow as “Illuminati who are taking the powers to themselves.” Yetthe Jewish Chroniclesaid nothing. Michael Berkowitz, Professor of Modern Jewish History at UCL wrote:

‘With his nod to “Illuminati” – pointed at Letwin and Bercow – Rees-Mogg is knowingly trafficking in the portrayal of Jews as underhanded and sinister. … he has exhumed, embellished, and rebroadcast one of the most poisonous antisemitic canards in all of history.’

Yet what was Renton’s comment on these double standards? Did he question the concern with supposed ‘left’ anti-Semitism coupled with indifference to genuine anti-Semitism? Not a bit of it.  Renton writes that:

‘Stephen Pollard, the editor of the Jewish Chronicle, a journalist who is cited several times in this book for the care he took to expose left-wing antisemitism, ran to Rees-Mogg’s defence. “It is not antisemitic to mention the name of a Jew”’.

The Jewish Chronicle has been the subject of numerous successful complaints to IPSOS and has been the subject of four successful libel actions.[lviii]The JC is little more than a propaganda rag, yet Renton praises the ‘care he took to expose left-wing anti-Semitism’. Unbelievable.

What Renton does not understand is that the Zionist movement has never opposed anti-Semitism. As Herzl explained in his Diaries,

‘the anti-Semites will become our most dependable friends, the anti-Semitic countries our allies.[lix]

Renton also attacks Jewish Voice for Labour:

‘The problem in leaning on JVL to provide an objective view of the crisis was that no matter how bad the allegations were, it always found a way to excuse those who were criticised: each of Walker, Williamson, and Livingstone was defended by JVL.’

Renton accuses Glynn Secker of JVL of supporting a ‘conspiracy theory’ for tweeting that Israel had purchased oil from ISIS. Rubbish. Israel’s Military Intelligence Chief, General Herzi Halevy, said exactly that.[lx]Israel admitted arming al-Nusra (Al Quada) in Syria and other jihadi groups.[lxi]Assad was the main enemy of Israel. Turkey, too, was heavily involved in ISIS’s oil trade. Renton has conspiracy theories on the brain.

What Renton won’t face is that there never was a problem of Labour anti-Semitism. Of course in a party of 600,000 there will be a few anti-Semites. Labour no doubt has a few paedophiles but does that mean there is a paedophile problem?

It is the Labour Right that has always been the well-spring of anti-Semitism. Wartime Home Secretary Herbert Morrison kept out thousands of Jewish refugees trying to escape from Nazi occupied Europe. Poale Zionsaid nothing because the Zionists, too, were opposed to letting in Jewish refugees.

In October 1942, Morrison received a delegation of eminent public figures asking for visas for 2,000 Jewish children and elderly in Vichy France. Morrison refused. Anti-Semitism ‘was just under the pavement.’ A month later, the Nazis overran Vichy France and these Jews were deported to Auschwitz. Like the Zionists, Morrison was said to doubt that there was a holocaust.[lxii]

Morrison was only following Zionist policy, which was that Jewish refugees must go to Palestine or nowhere. And if they couldn’t, then they could not be helped. The Zionists were fiercely opposed to the kindertransport, the decision to admit 10,000 Jewish children to Britain after Kristalnacht. Fortunately the BOD in 1938/9 was still controlled by anti-Zionists. Ben Gurion in a speech of 9 December 1938 explained:

‘If I knew that it would be possible to save all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England, and only half of them by transporting them to Eretz Yisrael, then I would opt for the second alternative. For we must weigh not only the life of these children, but also the history of the People of Israel.’[lxiii]

The culmination of the fake anti-Semitism campaign was the complaint to the Equalities and Human Rights Commission. Renton fails to critique the EHRC and their motives for opening an investigation. How come a body that ignored Islamaphobia in the Tory Party, which had done nothing about the Windrush Scandal and whose first chair was the Islamaphobe Trevor Philips, was so concerned about Labour ‘anti-Semitism’?

This was clearly an intervention in internal Labour Party affairs by the state. The EHRC is not an anti-racist body. Its treatment of its Black staff demonstrates that it is riddled by racism.[lxiv]Renton, however, ignores this. His criticism of the EHRC was entirely different. The problem in his view was that ‘The EHRC report did little to convey the extent of antisemitism within the Labour Party.’ In other words, the EHRC findings should have been more damning! Renton even fails to mention that the Commissioner who produced the EHRC Report, Alasdair Henderson, tweeted in support of Roger Scruton and attacked the use of the term ‘misogyny’. Henderson is clearly of the far-right.[lxv]

Particularly disgusting is Renton’s attack on Raed Salah, a Palestinian leader from Israel’s outlawed Northern Islamic movement. Salah has been subject to horrific persecution by Israel including being framed on charges of racism. In Israel, only Arabs ever get charged with racism. Salah was issued with a banning order by Theresa May in 2011. He was nonetheless admitted in error to Britain before being arrested by the police. However, at the Upper Immigration Tribunal he succeeded in overturning his deportation order. The charge of anti-Semitism against him rested on a doctored version of a poem that the Community Security Trust had given to the Home Office.[lxvi]

Renton says that the Tribunal ‘concluded that Salah’s words’ at a speech in Jerusalem opposing Israel’s attack on worshippers at the Al Aqsa mosque, ‘did invoke the blood libel.’ Renton is a barrister and he knows full well that the Tribunal’s observations were obiter dicta, in other words, superfluous to the judgement. The conclusion itself is open to question as Salah, in an emotive speech after repeated attacks by the Israeli police on worshippers, never even mentioned Jews and Salah himself maintains that they referred to the Spanish Inquisition. However, Renton failed to quote any other aspects of the judgement.[lxvii]

But let us just suppose that Renton is right and that Saleh did make reference to the medieval blood libel accusation. Was Saleh leading a Christian mob at Easter seeking to butcher and maim innocent Jewish villagers? No he was confronting armed Israeli troops who were firing rubber bullets and using stun grenades against unarmed worshippers. His anger would have been understandable. What was worse? Making an anti-Semitic comment or Israeli troops taking out the eyes of three Arab worshippers as happened last May at Al Aqsa mosque?

This is not academic. Irish peasants, when faced with British savagery, also engaged in anti-British racism. Do we therefore shift the focus to blaming them for ‘racism’. No, socialists understand reflective racism as being a product of the low political consciousness of the oppressed. Salah was not leading an anti-Jewish pogrom.  He was the subject of Israeli police pogroms.

The Upper Immigration Tribunal was several degrees to the left of Renton in its judgment. In para. 54, the tribunal found that

‘We consider, however, that, as in the poem, the intemperate language in the sermon is addressed towards the Israeli state rather than Jews as such. Further, the appellant refers at the beginning of the sermon to the Islamic acceptance of Moses and Jesus as prophets. He expresses the inclusive concept of Jews, Christians and Muslims all being “People of the Book” who should “come to common terms”.’

Hardly the stuff of anti-Semitism. The Tribunal also stated (para. 59)

‘We agree with Professor Pappe that the purport of the sermon as a whole was against the actions of the state of Israel towards the al-Aqsa mosque and that the focus was not on the blood libel.’

The Tribunal noted that

‘the sermon was given on a somewhat turbulent day when the appellant had been refused permission to pray at one of the holy sites of his religion, one that he genuinely fears is under threat from the Israeli authorities.’

The Tribunal concluded (para. 78) that:

‘there is no reliable evidence of the appellant using words carrying a reference to the blood libel save in the single passage in a sermon delivered five years ago.... The absence of other evidence is striking, for at least two reasons. The appellant is a prominent public figure and a prolific speaker. The first indictment shows that his speeches are of interest to the authorities in Israel. In these circumstances we think it can fairly be said that the evidence before us is not a sample, or ‘the tip of the iceberg’: it is simply all the evidence that there is.’

Renton did not refer to any of the above. He was only interested in backing up the Islamaphobes of the Community Security Trustwho had handled forged evidence.

Renton ends with warm words for Jon Lansman – who had managed to consistently maintain their support for Palestinian rights’ while opposing ‘anti-Semitism’. But this is also untrue. In May 2016, Lansman wrote in Left Futures that the the Left must stop talking about ‘Zionism’.  [lxviii]He prioritised ‘anti-Semitism’ without so much as a cursory glance at the racism of the JLM. People such as Margaret Hodge, the JLM’s parliamentary spokesperson, had advocated all-white housing shortlists which led to the BNP sending her a bunch of flowers.[lxix]Lansman supported the IHRA, whose only purpose was to conflate anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.

Usually, when reviewing a book, I try to bring out the best in what the author has written. In the case of David Renton’s book there is literally nothing in it worthy of praise. It is dishonest and selective in its facts and ignores that Black and Muslim people were the main victims of the ‘anti-Semitism’ witchhunt.

Renton has become just another in the long line of figures who started out on the left and ended up on the right. Educated – like our own Prime Minister – at Eton, it seems that Renton is returning to his aristocratic roots. It need not have been like this. Tam Dalyell, the anti-war Labour MP, was also an old Etonian but he was an anti-imperialist and one of the finest Labour MPs to have sat in the Commons. Renton, however, has decided to take the road to Tel Aviv rather than, as Tam did, the road to Baghdad.

Tony Greenstein

[i]           Tom Walker, SWP's Tom Walker: Why I am resigning, Weekly Worker, 27.12.12., https://tinyurl.com/262r7eb2 Mark Steel, Oh Good Lord what has the SWP gone and done now, https://tinyurl.com/43v35na2

[iv]          Guardian 9.6.19., Mike Pompeo tells Jewish leaders he would 'push back' against Corbyn, https://tinyurl.com/f34cdc

[v]          The Lobby, Al Jazeera, https://tinyurl.com/yu2rf4tt

[vii]            Guardian 24.9.15. Katie Hopkins leaves the Sun to join Mail Online, https://tinyurl.com/u2sfmj56 

[viii]            Phil Agee, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Agee

[ix]             JC 30.3.21., https://tinyurl.com/4ncmkk9u EXCLUSIVE: 70% of Labour members still think the party has no problem with Jew hate and don't want Corbyn expelled

[x]          Mail Online, 7.8.15., Jeremy Corbyn's 'long-standing links' with notorious Holocaust denier and his 'anti-Semitic' organisation revealed, https://tinyurl.com/mf94bbsx

[xi]             Guardian 15.3.16., Labour suspends activist Vicki Kirby over antisemitism claims, https://tinyurl.com/ufv66bb3. Guardian 3.11.15. Gerald Kaufman's 'Jewish money' remarks condemned by Corbyn https://tinyurl.com/w7fysr4r

[xii]             Independent 30.6.16., Jewish Labour MP Ruth Smeeth leaves antisemitism event in tears after being accused of 'colluding' with media, https://tinyurl.com/3d37tjjn

[xiii]            The Lies of Ruth Smeeth MP led to the suspension of Marc Wadsworth, https://tinyurl.com/ksxjx6cb.

[xiv]        17.9.16. ‘The Jewish Labour Movement and its Political Lynching of Jackie Walker’ https://tinyurl.com/ykura96p

[xv]         Segev p.44 citing Werner Senator to the Palestine office in Berlin, 30.1.35, CZA S/ 7 142.

[xvi]        Segev p.44 citing Summary of meeting, 6.1.35.  CZA, S/25 2576.

[xvii]        Segev, p.44, Dobkin to Martin Rosenblut. 15.1.36. CZA, S/6 3637.

[xviii]       Edwin Black, p. 266-267 citing ‘Hitler hard up’ JC 11.8.33.

[xix]        Cesarani, Final Solution pp. 81-82.

[xx]         Edwin Black pp. 209, 210-213.

[xxi]        Lenni Brenner, pp. 92-93, 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis’, Barricade Books, 1972.

[xxii]        Zionist Executive Defends Ha'avara, JC, 13.12.35.

[xxiii]       Edwin Black, pp. 257-258.

[xxiv]       Donald Niewyk, p.139.

[xxv]        Francis Nicosia, TRPQ, p.25 citing Die Spur 1920 p.153.

[xxvi]       Joachim Prinz, Zionism under the Nazi Government, Young Zionist (London, November 1937), p.18 cited in Lenni Brenner, 51 Documents, p. 101.

[xxvii]      Nathan Weinstock p. 135.

[xxviii]      Donald Niewyk, The Jews in Weimar Germany’, p. 139, Manchester University Press, 1980.

[xxix]       J B Agus 'Meaning of Jewish History', New York, 1963 Vol 2 p.447.

[xxx]         Randolph Braham, The Politics of Genocide – The Holocaust in Hungary, p. 484, fn. 94., 5.5.35. Lucy Dawidowicz, p.118.

[xxxi]       Merilyn Moos and Steve Cushion, Anti-Nazi Germans

[xxxii]      Tony Greenstein, https://tinyurl.com/y5qrom6b

[xxxiii]      Francis Nicosia, The Yishuv and the Holocaust, p. 534.

[xxxiv]      Francis Nicosia, ZANG p.146.

[xxxv]      Francis Nicosia, ZANG, p.91. Segev, p.18 attributes this quote to a report by Moshe Beilinson, a cofounder of Davar, to Katznelson.

[xxxvi]      Tom Segev, The Seventh Million, p.18.

[xxxvii]     Etan Bloom, Arthur Ruppin and Modern Hebrew Culture, p.417 see also https://tinyurl.com/y4bqt3wf

[xxxviii]    Etan Bloom, Arthur Ruppin and the Production of the Modern Hebrew Culture, pp. 415, 417.

[xxxix]      Geert Wilders: Change Jordan's name to Palestine, YNet, 20.6.10., https://tinyurl.com/2uz8mgk see also 'Israel is West's first line of defense', 18.6.09. https://tinyurl.com/kv2vn36 see Tony Greenstein, Israel’s anti-Semitic friends The Electronic Intifada 3 November 2009, https://tinyurl.com/yyqhelax  

[xl]          Independent 26.2.19. https://tinyurl.com/5387bceb

[xli]         Labournet, 27.6.05., Statement from Jews Against Zionism on the SWP and Gilad Atzmon, https://tinyurl.com/4p77jerz

[xlii]        https://tinyurl.com/b4jywh62 It has disappeared from the SWP website. See also https://tinyurl.com/5yfhzvhw

[xliii]        Gilad Atzmon and the SWP: a brief chronology, 5.10.11., https://tinyurl.com/4pnrtjtk.

[xliv]        Weekly Worker 709, 21.2.08. https://tinyurl.com/447u682w

[xlv]        Defend Tony Greenstein, 14.2.08. https://tinyurl.com/7dw7w7ce

[xlvi]        Anti-Nazi Germans: Enemies of the Nazi State from within the Working Class Movement (Merilyn Moos)

[xlvii]       JC 6.11.15. https://tinyurl.com/a4hr4fuv

[xlviii]          5.10.12. https://tinyurl.com/3ancz2fp

[xlix]            JC, 7.4.15. Huge majority of British Jews will vote Tory, JC poll reveals, https://tinyurl.com/9hsnsa

[l]           JC 17.6.10. Blooms: The kosher icon that got marooned in the past, https://tinyurl.com/wbsjdums

[li]          William Rubinstein, ‘The Left, Right and the Jews’, p.51.

[lii]          Geoffrey Alderman, ‘The Jewish Community and British Politics’, p. 137.

[liii]         Diaries of Theodor Herzl, Gollancz, London 1958 p.6, May 1895.

[liv]         Jacques Kornberg, p. 228, Theodor Herzl: A reevaluation,

[lv]          Guardian 9.10.09. Poland's Kaminski is not an antisemite: he's a friend to Jews, Stephen Pollardhttps://tinyurl.com/y8agk89p

[lvi]         JC 9.11.16., Board of Deputies president Jonathan Arkush under fire after message congratulating Trump, https://tinyurl.com/4744t26r

[lvii]        Times of Israel, 9.11.16., Herzog to Trump: Your win shows elites are thing of past, https://tinyurl.com/vcjx6fkw

[lviii]           Press Gazette, 6.8.21. IPSO faces calls to launch first standards investigation into JC, https://tinyurl.com/kxdhcjde

[lix]         Complete Diaries of Theodor Herzl, pp. 83/84.

[lx]             Antiwar.com 21.6.16, Israeli Intel Chief: We Don’t Want ISIS Defeated in Syria, https://tinyurl.com/7vm7jpbb, Israeli Military Make it Clear that They Support ISIS, https://tinyurl.com/2cppvm87 See Globes, 30.11.15., Israel buys most oil smuggled from ISIS territory – report, https://tinyurl.com/4mzmd4rr, Middle East Monitor 27.8.16., Asa Winstanley, So-called Islamic State "a useful tool" says Israeli think tank https://tinyurl.com/49n8rbf2


[lxi]             Ha’aretz 3.2.19. Israel Just Admitted Arming anti-Assad Syrian Rebels. Big Mistake, https://tinyurl.com/mp9c2snk Israel Just Admitted Arming anti-Assad Syrian Rebels. Big Mistake

[lxii]        Lesley Clare Urbach, Excuses excuses! The Failure to Amend Britain’s Immigration Policy 1942-1943, European Judaism, Vol. 52, No. 2, Autusm 2017.

[lxiii]        Yoav Gelber, ‘Zionist policy and the Fate of European Jewry, Yad Vashem Studies (1939-42) p.199, see also Segev, p.28, Teveth, p.855, Piterberg, p.99. 

[lxiv]           Guardian 5.3.17., Equalities body accused of targeting BAME staff for redundancies, https://tinyurl.com/49adytxc

[lxv]            Guardian 30.11.20, EHRC board member under scrutiny over social media use, https://tinyurl.com/p7cm2fvv

[lxvi]           May warned of weak case against Sheikh Raed Salah, Guardian 26.9.11. https://tinyurl.com/4uhwfsen

[lxvii]       Raed Salah Mahajna -v- The Secretary of State for the Home Department,


[lxviii]      Why the Left must stop talking about ‘Zionism’, May 2016, https://tinyurl.com/ndsd369x

[lxix]            Guardian 27.5.07., BNP backs Hodge in housing row, https://tinyurl.com/rsztdsvu

Report on Picket of Julian Assange Extradition Hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice



There is Only One Decision – No Extradition chanted the crowd and the Judge in the crowd.  However extradition is a real possibility unfortunately. There was a crowd of a few hundred.  I noticed that there were no members of the usual left groups like the Socialist Workers Party present. I guess there were no recruits in it.

There were also no Labour MPs present – no Jeremy Corbyn, no John McDonnell – indeed none of the spineless Socialist Campaign Group. There was no Labour Party presence, no Momentum but there were still activists who care about freedom of the press and lots of journalists though what makes it into the press remains to be seen.

In the picture above, the man with the peaked cap is 84 year old  Stephen Kapos, a survivor of the Budapest Ghetto that the Hungarian Nazis, the Arrow Cross/Nyilas set up in November 1944. Stephen is a holocaust survivor  as well as being a member of Camden Momentum.

Stephen must be a tempting choice for Herr Sturmer to expel from the Labour Party.  Not only is he Jewish but he got away from the death camps.  Herr Sturmer hopes to succeed where the Nazis failed.

Credit must go to Chris Williamson who did attend the picket, travelling down early from Derby at some expense.  Julian’s father John Shipton was also there.

We have seen how the Guardian, having benefitted from Julian’s work abandoned him and yellow gutter journalists like Luke Harding deliberately lied about him.

Anyway here is a video of the proceedings and some photos.

Tony Greenstein 

Stan Keable’s Victory is Not Enough – UNISON Must Answer for Why They Supported the Employer and not its Member


Steve Terry, UNISON's Scab Official, Must Be Dismissed 4 Refusing to Support a Worker's Right to Free Speech 

On 26 March 2018 the Board of Deputies helda demonstration outside Parliament to protest about Labour ‘anti-Semitism’. Jewish Voice for Labour organiseda counter demonstration.

Stan Keable was one of those who protested against the Zionist ‘anti-racist’ demonstration. A demonstration which included those well known anti-racists Norman Tebbit, Ian Paisley and Sajid David.

The Evening Standard article that set the ball rolling

In its 260 year history the Boardhas never held an anti-racist demonstration. Not against Oswald Moseley’s British Union of Fascists, not against the National Front or any other fascist or anti-Semitic group. In October 1936 the Board toldJewish people not to demonstrate against the fascists.

In the course of a conversation Stan mentioned the fact that the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis. Stan also said that anti-Semitism was not the  sole cause of the holocaust. This too is true. There have been many anti-Semitic regimes but only one led to mass genocide. 

BBC 2 Newsnight ‘journalist’ David Grossman was covertly filming the exchange and he uploaded it to Twitter where it was seen by Greg Hands MP who retweeted it to the leader of Hammersmith & Fulham Council, Stephen Cowan.

Steve Cowan - Hammermith & Fulham's right-wing leader

On 27 March Cowan sent an email to Council officials including Mark Grimley, the Council’s Director of Corporate Services “LBFH employee Stan Keeble making anti-Semitic comments.” Cowan stated that:

“I’ll let Mr Keeble’s words speak for themselves. I believe he has brought the good name of LBFH into disrepute and committed gross misconduct. Please have this looked at immediately and act accordingly and with expediency... Please advise me at your earliest opportunity what action you have taken.”

Stan was immediately suspended and the suspension letter informed him that:

“ .. The following serious allegation(s) which, if substantiated could constitute gross misconduct … (1) that you made inappropriate comments which have subsequently been circulated on social media which are deemed to be insensitive and likely to be considered offensive …; (2) that these comments have the potential to bring the council into disrepute.”

An ‘investigation’was carried out by Peter Smith, Hammersmith's Head of Policy and Strategy. The bias of the Report can be judged by the following:

Zionism is not a religion, although it is closely related to Judaism, but it is a belief in the right of the Jewish people to have a nation state in the ‘Holy Land’, their original homeland.

Apparently the ‘Holy Land’ is my original homeland, itself an example of anti-Semitism! Smith held that Stan’s comments, 

‘that the Zionist movement collaborated with the Nazis and that Zionists accept that Jews are not acceptable here, do not promote inclusion nor treat everyone with dignity and respect.’ 


In other words you can’t say anything which might possibly offend anyone. Hammersmith’s ‘Equality’ policies were used to attack freedom of speech. To Smith freedom of speech was meaningless. 

As Orwell observed, ‘If Liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear”. Smith concluded: 

It is my belief that in attending the counter demonstration at Westminster on 26th March and in making the comments that subsequently appeared on social media, Mr Keable has failed to avoid any conduct outside of work which may discredit himself and the Council.’

Smith went on to say that

That, in attending a counter demonstration... on the 26th March 2018, Stan Keable knowingly increased the possibility of being challenged about his views and subsequently proceeded to express views that were in breach of the Council’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and the Council’s Code of Conduct.’

Not only had Smith driven a coach and horses throughArticle 10of the European Convention of Human Rights on free speech, but he had abolished Article 11 on freedom of assembly and association. Not bad for an Equalities policy!

The Disciplinary Hearing was chaired by the Director of the Council’s Residents Service, Mr Austin. There was never a chance that Austin was going to contradict the express wishes of the Leader of the Council and Stan was duly fired.

I represented Stan at the hearing being an accredited Brighton & Hove UNISON steward. Of course this was unsatisfactory. Stan should have been represented by a UNISON official. That's what they are paid to do. Stan was a member of UNISON and was entitled to representation.

Steve Terry - full-time UNISON official - in any other job he would have been given his cards since he is clearly incompetent

However the London Regional Official, Stephen Terry was also a right-wing member of Progress as well as Chief Whip on Waltham Forest District Council.

When I rang Terry he made it clear that he did not understand the concept of freedom of speech when it contradicted his own views. His recommendation was that Stan should apologise and plead guilty. When I pointed out that he had done nothing wrong, Terry became confused and garbled.

Terry made it crystal clear that he would give Stan no support. He would attend the disciplinary but say nothing, thus making it clear that UNISON didn’t support him! Needless to say his kind offer wasn’t accepted since it would have made Stan’s position worse.

On 8 May 2018 Terry wroteto Stan outlining his position:

The course that you should take is to indicate that you regret any offence caused by your remarks and plead mitigating circumstances, relying on your unblemished record in relation to conduct to receive a sanction short of dismissal. ... You have decided both not to follow my advice and to appoint another representative.... UNISON regrettably is no longer able to provide you with advice and/or assistance in this matter.

Thus this scab official washed his hands of Stan’s case. Terry was supporting the employer’s attack on a worker’s right to freedom of speech. On 23 May Stan made a complaint to UNISON:

At my case meeting with Steve Terry on April 27th, he made it clear that he did not support my case: that I should plead guilty as charged; that I should not have attended the March 26 demonstration; that I should apologise for the political views I expressed; and that I should promise not to attend controversial demonstrations and should avoid expressing my political views in future. 

He also gave me an ultimatum if I did not follow his bad advice: either Unison support would be withdrawn forthwith, or he was willing to attend my disciplinary hearing as a silent Unison rep while I presented my own case - which obviously would have shown the employer that Unison did not support my case.

On 29 May Beth Bickerstaffe, Director of the Executive Office, wrote back. Beth who? Yes that’s right. Beth is the daughter-in-law of former General Secretary Rodney Bickerstaffe! UNISON at heart is a family affair and they like to keep the best paid jobs in the family.

Of course there was little point in Stan writing to one official to complain about another official since the whole point of the Complaints system is to enable officials to complain about members, not the other way around. Beth did what comes naturally to her and rejected Stan’s complaint, writing:

You were provided with advice and offered representation by UNISON but you did not agree with the advice, decided not to accept it and appointed a different representative to Mr Terry. This is a choice that you are free to make. However, the union’s rules are clear that in those circumstances it will withdraw from acting for you.

Given that you decided both to take a different route from the one advised and appointed an external representative the union has made it clear to you that it is unable to act for you and it will not therefore be seeking legal advice about your dismissal.

Beth explained that ‘normally’ UNISON does not use solicitors in disciplinary matters because ‘Regional Organisers use their knowledge and experience’ to advise members. As can be seen from the decision of both the Employment Tribunal and the Employment Appeal Tribunal Terry’s advice was wrong.

Picket Outside UNISON against naked union electoral corruption

This miserable bureaucrat didn’t bother to consider that Terry’s advice was wrong. After all UNISON’s primary purpose in her eyes was to provide a safe and secure environment for its officials. Questioning their judgement does not come within her remit. The idea of a second opinion, as Stan requested was simply ignored.

I have some experience of Employment Tribunals and the Employment Appeal Tribunal having spent well over a decade defending workers in them. I appeared 5 times before the EAT and was successful in all 5, see for example Lucas v Chichester Diocesan Housing Association, an early whistleblowing case.

Any union adviser worth their salt would have realised at once that when issues arise concerning the interplay of the Human Rights Act with Employment Law then full-time officials will be out of their depth. Discrimination law can be extremely complex which is one reason why success in discrimination cases is less than half that in unfair dismissal cases.

When Stan was dismissed he appealed against the decision. London regional UNISON then set about ensuring that I was not able to represent Stan at the appeal hearing as is evidentfrom para. 82 of the Employment Tribunal decision.

UNISON officials were determined not to give Stan Keable any support whatsoever. Now that the Employment Appeal Tribunal has ruledin Stan’s favour (see herefor the full judgment) it is to be hoped that finally UNISON admits their culpability and makes amends.

The Zionist Demonstration in Favour of Racism

UNISON has a left-wing Executive for the first time so one hopes that they make amends by paying Stan’s lawyers. Although they acted pro bono there was no reason why they should have had to. UNISON should agree, as a rich union, to make an ex gratia payment to both Iqbal Sram, the lawyer at the Employment Tribunal and Dave Renton, the barrister at the Employment Appeal Tribunal.

But the matter does not rest there. I reported extensively on the case and on UNISON’s abysmal failures. See here, here, here, here and here. Now there is no greater crime in UNISON’s rule book than criticism of an official by a member. It is a hanging offence. The union is there to protect its officials and their perks from its members, not the other way around as some misguided people believe.

The useless official who conducted the investigation

So, quite understandably in the circumstances, an investigation was launched into my conduct conducted by UNISON’s South-East official Tony Jones, also a right-wing councillor and Gail Adams. The only time I had seen Jones in over 20 years was when he came to a branch meeting to defend calling off industrial action. It had become too successful and Prentis, UNISON’s corrupt General Secretary, wanted out.

You can read the whole investigation interview hereor you can listen to the tape of the interview here.

Mark Fischer

Unsurprisingly the investigation did not go in my favour and a disciplinary hearing was conducted by Mark Fischer, a member of UNISON’s Executive and a Prentis loyalist. Fischer's only concern was protecting Terry. The fact that a worker had been stabbed in the back was of no consequence. This is the mindset of UNISON’s officials.

Fischer took care not to have the hearing recorded and insisted on my phone and that of my silent witness, Bill North, being handed in. However I had anticipated such a move and I had taken care to conceal another recorder on my person which you can listen to here!

Difficult as it is to believe, Ferncombe is as thick as she looks!  However that is NOT a disadvantage amongst UNISON officials.  Indeed some might say it is a positive advantage

What made the hearing unfair was that the complaint against me was made by Maggie Ferncombe, London Regional Secretary. This presented me with a problem since the person who I had allegedly intimidated and reduced to a gibbering wreck, Steve Terry, was not available for cross-examination. I had apparently humiliated him but he was not giving evidence. Anyone who was fair minded would have dismissed the case but Fischer was a rubber stamp not an impartial arbiter. The relevant part of the cross-examination is below, although you can look at the full transcript hereor here:

Imagine that in a court of law, you are accused of harassing someone but it’s not that person who gives evidence but someone who talked to him. This is UNISON’s idea of justice. The relevant part of my cross-examination was as follows:

TG: [54:00] You made the complaint about me?

MF: I did

TG: ... and yet the obvious thing would have been for him to have made the complaint. Would it not?

MF: I can’t speak for Steve.

TG: But you spoke to him.

MF: I can’t speak for Steve whether it’s obvious or not for him to make a complaint. What I can say is that Steve raised it with me because of the subject matter. He believed that it was an issue that I needed to be aware of... because we must be prepared to have a response. He raised it with me and I then read your blog and once I had read your blog that is when I decided I would make a complaint.

TG: Can you enlighten us as to why he did not make a complaint?

MF: I don’t know.

TG: You spoke to him but you have no idea why, you did not ask him?

MF: No.

TG: You weren’t interested?

MF: No.

TG: You did not invite him to make a complaint?

MF: No

TG: You did not think it was necessary for him to make a complaint?

MF: I think that was down to the member of staff (TG: clearly) I took my responsibilities as a senior manager of the region to determine that I didn’t think this was appropriate, I thought it was outside of our norms fact

TG: I realise that

MF: and I took the decision to make the complaint. And in fact I informed Steve that I had made the complaint.

TG: But Steve had the right to make the complaint if he was aggrieved. Did he not?

MF: All members of staff have the right to make a complaint.

TG: So you have no idea, on the basis of your relationship with him, why he chose not to make a complaint?

MF: (after some considerable delay) I can only say that it is highly highly unusual in my experience for a member of staff to make a complaint about a member.

TG: Well maybe this case is maybe highly unusual so it wouldn’t be exceptional?

MF: I can’t speak for Steve.

TG: What was the nature of your conversation with ST?

MF: I just explained that he said that there was an issue that was happening in that particular branch, regarding a member and that he was going to be advising and that he thought that I needed to be aware of it on the basis that it might attract interest from the press and therefore we might be contacted ...

TG: The charges against me today are ... that I was disrespectful, intimidating, I exposed him to ridicule, embarrassment and contempt and it violated his dignity. If we go through those. Did he say that I disrespected him?

MF: I did not have a great deal of conversation regarding how Steve felt regarding the blog at all.

TG: So you weren’t curious as to how he felt?

MF: Steve didn’t offer how he felt when I had a conversation with him. Steve offered that there was an issue I needed to be aware of in one of our branches that I would need to be prepared for should the media decide to

TG: Sorry he didn’t come to you and say ‘I’m feeling intimidated as a result of the behaviour of Mr Greenstein?’

MF: No.

TG: Did he say that he felt ridiculed or embarrassed or felt that I held him in contempt?

MF: No.

TG: Did he say that I had violated his dignity?

MF: No.

TG: So would you agree that these charges are entirely speculative? That they have no basis or foundation and are not the subject of an allegation.

MF: No, I don’t agree with that.

TG: But nonetheless he did not make any complaint as to this nature did he?

MF: No but the charges talk about conduct which may and I believe your conduct

TG: So it may have exposed him but there is no evidence to suggest that it did expose him

MF: Well I haven’t really done an investigation into what...

Mark Fischer, was not happy with my cross-examination. His favourite phrase was ‘Let’s stick to the facts.’ On one occasion I responded that ‘WellI’m giving you the facts. You may not like them but I can’t give you any others!’

The recommendation was that I be suspended for 3 years with a loss of membership rights. Short of expulsion this was the maximum penalty. The Jewish Chronicle naturally crowed about the decision.

Racist, corrupt, machievellian and not very bright - what is there not to like about John Stolliday?

On 4 December I received a letter from John Stolliday, Head of UNISON’s Members Liaison Unit, informing me of the date of the hearing, 16 December 2019. I rubbed my eyes and wondered if I had mixed up my correspondence. In March 2016 I had received another letter of suspension from Stolliday suspending me from the Labour Party!

This racist, corrupt bureaucrat (see here) who was quoted as saying that ‘Letting members have a say is the worst thing that happened to the Labour Party’. (p.112) and referring to Ed Miliband by his nose (‘beaker’) had been hired by Prentis.Clearly his attitude to UNISON members is no different to his attitude to Labour Party members.

One thing is certain -  Dave Prentis owed a lot to Linda Perks.  When she retired, Prentis wasn't far behind

Mark Fischer pretended that my case was all about my having broken the rules.  Yet Linda Perks above, flagrantly broke union election regulations on behalf of UNISON's corrupt General Secretary Dave Prentis. Her reward?  She was promoted!!!

Because the appeal hearing was not heard until over a year later I applied for an injunction from the High Court to prevent the hearing but this was unsuccessful. However I refusedto pay the £4,000 costs which were awarded against me!

For UNISON's full-time officials corruption is a way of life.  Those who are honest tend not to last too long

At the Appeal hearing I applied to have an email of 18 May 2018 from Beth Bickerstaffe admitted. I had made a complaint against Terry in respect of his treatment of Stan Keable but Bickerstaffe had refused to accept my complaint because only the member himself could complain. My application to admit her email was refused. In her email Bickerstaffe had written that:

‘In your letter you seek to make a complaint against Steve Terry in relation to his handling of another member’s case. Should that member want to raise a complaint he may do so under our published procedures.

In other words I was not allowed to make a complaint about another member but Maggie Ferncombe was allowed to make a complaint on behalf of Terry. It was one rule for an official and another for a member. It was clear that the hearing was going to be a formality and I walked out since it would have been a waste of my time.

Although he purported to support Corbyn, Prentis was in league with the Jewish Labour Movement's Adam Langleben

On 17 December I received a letterinforming me that the decision to suspend me for 3 years had been upheld. I promptly resigned and joined UNITE. It was with regret that I was no longer a member of the Brighton and Hove UNISON branch but I had no choice.

Now that the Employment Appeal Tribunal has upheld the decision of the Employment Tribunal that Stan Keable was unfairly dismissed it is time for UNISON to revisit the refusal of Stephen Terry to support the right of a member to exercise free speech.

The continuation in employment of a scab official, Stephen Terry, is a disgrace and a stain on UNISON.  It is one that needs to be speedily remedied.

Tony Greenstein

Israel is not just racist towards Palestinians but it is also racist towards Black Jews


If Israel is primarily a Jewish Supremacist State it is ALSO a White Supremacist State

In February 2019, in response to an articleon Al Jazeera by Yoav Litvin  on ‘The Zionist fallacy of ‘Jewish supremacy’ I wrote a responseWhy Israel is a Jewish, not a white supremacist state. In retrospect I may have bent the stick too far because yes, Israel is a White Supremacist State but the primary divide is between Jews and Palestinians not Black and White Jews. Litvin was right to say that:

White supremacy is dominant within Israeli society, which privileges white-skinned Ashkenazi Jews at the expense of dark-skinned African Jews, Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews as well as African refugees. African/black Jewish communities are often denied recognition by Israeli authorities with some members even deported.

Where Litvin went wrong was to say that Zionist propagandists have promoted the anti-Semitic fallacy that Israel is a Jewish state, which represents Judaism and thus all Jews.’Of course it is anti-Semitic to say that Israel is a state of all Jews, with the implication that all Jews, even anti-Zionists ‘belong’ in Israel. But it is also true, as a matter of fact that Israel is a Jewish state in so far as Israel is a Jewish Supremacist State.  Just as Northern Ireland was a Protestant Supremacist State, Israel gives privileges to Jews, all Jews, that it doesn’t give to Palestinians.

Unfortunately Litvin conflated two things. Israel as a Jewish State does not imply that Israel is a state representing Judaism but it does mean that Israel is a Jewish state, in a racially supremacist sense. Hence why Litvin’s statement that

If it is accepted, as it is by Zionists, that Israel indeed represents Judaism and all Jews – an expression of “Jewish supremacy” – then those who are pro-Palestinian must also reject Jews and Judaism.

No state represents a particular religion per se. However many states use religion, as in the case of Saudi Arabia and Iran, to legitimise repression of their inhabitants. Judaism like all religions, is not a fixed body of doctrines.  It changes as society changes and Jewish religion has changed politically over the last century from an anti-Zionist to a Zionist position.

Hence why Litvin made the cardinal mistake of saying that if Palestinians reject a Jewish state they reject Judaism.  No they reject Jewish Supremacy.  Irish Republicans have never rejected Protestantism as a religion. On the contrary some of the most famous Protestants were Protestant, such as Wolfe Tone and Sir Roger Casement, executed by the British in 1916 for treason.

Wolfe Tone

So it was necessary for me to write a corrective to Litvin’s article where I argued that ‘Zionism is certainly tainted by white supremacy, but this is a secondary, not primary, feature’.

This is seen very clearly in the following articles.  Yes Black Israelis such as the Ethiopian Jews and the Black Israelite communities in the Negev are discriminated against vis a vis Jews but not in terms of the Palestinians. Indeed the struggle against discrimination against Black Israeli Jews is also a struggle to be recognised as equal partners in the oppression of the Palestinians.

There are very few Black Jews in Israel who recognise that they share a joint struggle with the Palestinians against Zionism. On the contrary they seek to serve in the Israeli army which is in occupation of part of Palestine. This is what was known in the United States as the ‘poor White mentality.’ Black Jews are Israel’s poor Whites.

Underneath Gavin Lewis’ article is an article in Ha’aretz detailing the struggle of the Black Hebrew Israelite community to be recognised as full citizens of the Israeli state.  Again they do not see their struggle as complementary to that of the Palestinians.

Tony Greenstein

A racist endeavor: Zionist Israel’s Black Jewish victims of color

First publishedon MROnline on 4.12.20.

In the face of postwar condemnation of Western conquest and apartheid domination of countries such as Rhodesia and South Africa, as well as a more recent global tide of Black Lives Matter consciousness, Israel has, via recent Western political media’s ideological reengineering, escaped scrutiny for its systemic racist colonial construction, even when its victims are Jewish people of color. Even when reports of its racism escape this ideological censorship, examples of racism in Israel are treated as isolated incidents, rather than systemic characteristics of the entire racist regime.

In 2015, African-American Jewish mother Idit Malka and her young son attempted to visit Israel as part of an extended family celebration. According to the Jewish news agency Mondoweiss, “Malka was not even able to make it out of Ben-Gurion Airport. She and her 10-year-old child were, upon arrival, promptly detained in a holding cell for close to 48 hours.” (1) 

Both Mondoweissand the Jerusalem Post reported that, before being deported, an Israeli woman official screamed at Malka that “Eretz Yisrael isn’t a country for cushim [a racist Hebrew slur for Black people][2]

In the period prior to her visit, Malka had come to believe that, as a Black Jew, she was also permitted to regard Israel as a homeland. What she believes now as a Black woman having experienced Israeli racism is open to speculation. However, had she actually succeeded in going on to spend protracted time in the country, and perhaps experienced its ongoing practices, it might have caused her to rigorously revise her opinion.

Israel has subjected Black Jews to forced contraceptive injections. In 2013, Haaretz and the Times of Israel put the figure of suppressed Black Jewish reproduction at 50 percent. [3]That is, even according to Israel’s own media at the time, over 130,000 Black Jews have had, as a matter of institutional practice, their potential reproduction forcibly curbed by up to half.[4]Invoking the horrors of Nazi practices and illuminating the reality of modern-day eugenics, even Forbesmagazine described it as “forced (if temporary) sterilization.”[5]

In 2009, Israel’s Ynetnewsrevealed that there were Israeli neighborhoods operating whites-only housing polices—designed specifically to keep out Black Ethiopian Jews—citing the town of Ashkelon as an example.[6]The irony of white Western settlers keeping Black Jews out of the town is that, prior to the Nakba, Ashkelon had a ten-thousand-strong Indigenous Arab population. In 2012, Israel’s Jerusalem Post was still citing whites-only housing practices. One resident in the city of Kiryat Malachi was cited by the news outlet as supporting the racist practice, proclaiming that “a good Ethiopian is an Ethiopian in a grave.”[7]

In 2017, the Daily Beast reported that Tel Aviv was racially segregating its kindergartens to keep Black and white toddlers apart. [8]In 2018, Israel’s Haaretzfurther confirmed this segregation of children. [9]Similarly, for years, Israel has rejected so-called Black blood donations as “unclean,” which on occasion has caused race riots.’[10]In 2013, the Times of Israel reported that this restriction was even imposed on the blood donations of the unusually prominent Ethiopian Jewish politician Pnina Tamanu Shata.[11]

In 2016, the U.S. San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper reported that “over three hundred Black Jews have announced their intention to refuse any military order to report for reserve duty, accusing the Israeli government of state-sponsored racism against citizens of Ethiopian origin.”12 This widespread attitude was hardly surprising given the climate and consciousness around race in the country. For example, in 2015, numerous news agencies, including Ynetnews, the Times of Israel, and the Jerusalem Post, reported a police attack on an Ethiopian Jew doing his national service, who was even in his Israeli Defense Forces uniform at the time of the assault. Hundreds protested when it was announced that police would escape prosecution.[13]

One of the marketed excuses for Israel’s colonial conquest of Palestine is that the Jewish white Western invaders supposedly shared an identity with Indigenous Jews of the region. Yet, in terms of colonial racism, Jewish white settlers conquering Palestine clearly regarded themselves as an elevated, superior, separate Western ethnic group, because among their first victims were actually Indigenous Middle Eastern Jews. In 2017, it came to light that a large number of children who had been brought up by settler parents were actually Yemeni-Jewish. Blood tests demonstrated that they had been stolen from Yemeni parents who had been regarded as too culturally primitive to successfully rear their own children.

As the Jewish news organization Mondoweissrevealed:

Known as the Yemenite Children Affair, in the first decade after the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, there was a systematic kidnapping of newborn Yemenite children, carried out by Israeli hospitals and government institutions. Mothers, who often were in Israel for a short time and did not speak Hebrew, would enter hospitals or other state facilities to give birth. Once the child was born medical staff told the parents the child died.… The babies who went missing, parents claim, were given away to childless Ashkenazi families (Jews of European descent–the dominant ethnic group in Israel at the time).[14]

However, as Mondoweiss further pointed out, the complete extent of settler crimes against the Indigenous Yemeni Jews also included eugenics-like human experimentation: “a Knesset committee followed up by confirming earlier this month that Yemenite babies died during the 1950s after state medical institutions conducted experiments on them.”[15]

The BBC refused to publicize this major scandal, but the un-broadcast “The Yemenite Children Affair” story can still be found buried on its website. In it, its reports confirm that “there are healthy babies who died from an experimental treatment. It’s a crime, it was on purpose, and it led to their death.[16]

The BBC’s hidden un-broadcast report also concedes, as part of Israel’s overall strategy, that

“post-mortem examinations were carried out on children, who were then buried in mass graves in violation of Jewish tradition, the special Knesset committee on the disappearance of children heard. In some cases the children’s hearts were removed for US doctors, who were studying why there was almost no heart disease in Yemen.” [17]

Obviously, human experimentation, like the forced sterilization of Black Jews, is reminiscent of Nazi policies. Strategically, this inescapable comparison is something Israel forcibly tries—most often through the imposed International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition—to suppress via the false ideological characterization of this analysis as anti-Semitic; in effect, deliberately exempting Israel from scrutiny for Nazi-type offences. This, regardless of the fact, that those who actually fought the Nazis vowed to be ever-vigilant about scrutinizing the potential reoccurrence of such fascist practices, wherever they may arise.

There is little space in this article to deal with religious persecution in Israel. But it is worth reporting that during the 2012–13 soccer season, the Russian owner of Beitar Jerusalem football club signed two young Chechen Muslim strikers. Because of their religion, they were routinely described as “dirty Arabs,” which in itself says a lot about the status and treatment of Indigenous Arabs in apartheid Israel. Literally thousands of Israelis drove the athletes out of the club and country in a campaign of intimidation and occasional violence, depicted in the 2016 documentary Forever Pure.

Clearly, Israel is not, as it chooses to market itself, simply a Jewish nation, but a white-settler state that happens to be Jewish, well deserving of the prefix apartheid attached to its name by many, including the United Nations and other human rights observers such as Nobel Peace Prize-winners Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Jimmy Carter. The horrors listed here have all been perpetrated against Black and Indigenous Jewish people of color, including visitors to the country. However, in scale and number, these practices are outsized by the equivalently racist, lethal, tortuous, and entrenched racism against the Indigenous Palestinians. Sadly, if even “Other” Jews can be victims of Israel’s racist oppression, nothing spares Palestinians.

The global cover-up of Israel’s systemic racist oppression has had enormous ramifications for domestic Western democracy. In 2020, Keir Starmer, the new neoliberal leader of the UK Labour Party, sacked his shadow education spokeswomen Rebecca Long Bailey. Long Bailey’s crime was that, after the killing of George Floyd, she retweeted a British corporate media story referring to how Israel had trained U.S. police departments responsible for Black Lives Matter offenses. Astonishingly, Starmer spun this as an anti-Semitic Jewish conspiracy theory. Despite the numerous available mainstream sources citing these police training events, no corporate media news outlet, including the one that ran the original story, contradicted Starmer.

Incredibly, after images of George Floyd being fatally choked were published, Starmer’s first instinct was to use the African American’s death to propagandize for an apartheid country—where many non-tourist areas would likely have been dangerous for Floyd and his family, and entire towns in which the Floyd family would have struggled to so much as rent a decent room. Perhaps part of Starmer’s motivation was the $62,000 donation he received from a pro-Israel lobbyist, revealed by the Electronic Intifada this year. Significantly, during the leadership election, Starmer refused to come clean about his campaign funding. In 2016, the UK government and corporate media warned the LGBTQ+ community about potential dangers of visiting North Carolina. Indicative of the second-class racial status of Black Britons, neither Starmer nor other members of the elite professional political and media class have warned them of the potential worst-case scenarios of visiting non-tourist areas of Israel.

Similarly, in the United States, CNN fired African-American academic Dr. Marc Lamont Hill as a contributor after he publicly expressed support for Palestinians. Why should Lamont Hill, as a Black man, say positive things about white-settler colonialism, particularly a white-settler society responsible for the sort of practices listed here? Dr. Lamont Hill has U.S. citizenship, a U.S. passport, and the right to vote. Yet, apparently, he is “only” an African American. Even in the middle of the Black Lives Matter movement, the entire U.S. media establishment finds it appropriate to take the side of what is, fundamentally, merely a foreign country, over an African American’s free speech right to articulate an antiracist sensibility. Clearly, Israeli Zionism is a racist threat, the influence of which is not restricted to just its own invented borders.

Afterword: Israel and White-Settler Societies

The evils that accompany and result from white-settler conquest should have by now been dumped into the rubbish bin of history. Many on the political right, and even the political center, pretend that the ramifications of colonial holocausts and land theft are no longer with us. Despite this, structural inequalities remain the current lived experiences of many. If you were a Black family in a Western society in the twentieth-century postwar era, you would have found that much of the United States was out of bounds to you because of segregation. As recently as 1967, if you were a mixed-race family, around seventeen states—more than a third of the United States—was off-limits because of anti-miscegenation laws (for decades after, mixed-race relations were still rarely permitted to be represented in U.S. popular media). White Australian and white New Zealand immigration policies were designed specifically to keep out the British Black Commonwealth and other Black nationals. Similarly, Rhodesia and apartheid South Africa were no place for Black people, be they arriving immigrant visitors or Indigenous Africans.

Yet, in twenty-first-century, in the form of Israel, Black and Indigenous peoples of the world are expected to put up with variants of these traditional white-settler offenses. And, alarmingly, even parts of the left are threatened into exempting Zionism from the sort of critique and anticolonial resistance leveled against other white-settler societies.

About Gavin Lewis

Gavin Lewis is a freelance Black-British mixed-race writer and academic. He has published in Australia, Britain, Canada, and the United States on film, media, politics, cultural theory, race, and representation. He has taught critical theory and film and cultural studies at a number of British universities.

[1]              Ben Norton, “Israel Detains and Deports American Jews Because They Are Black,” Mondoweiss, July 15, 2015. Norton, “Israel Detains and Deports American Jews Because They Are Black”; David Brinn, “Two American Jews Held for Two Days at Ben-Gurion, Denied Entry to Israel,” Jerusalem Post, July 13, 2015.

[2]              Talila Nesher, “Israel Admits Ethiopian Women Were Given Birth Control Shots,” Haaretz, January 26, 2013; Asher Zeiger, “Ethiopian Women Claim Israel Forced Them to Use Birth Control Before Letting Them Immigrate,” Times of Israel, December 9, 2012. See also Nick Chiles, “Israel Admits ‘Shameful’ Birth Control Drug Injected in Unaware Ethiopian Jews,” Atlanta Black Star, January 29, 2013; “Israel’s Black Immigrants Forced to Use Birth Control,” Our Weekly, February 19, 2015; Jacqui Deevoy, “Israel Admits Forcing Birth Control On Ethiopian Jews,” NewsPunch, February 16, 2015; Katie McDonough, “Israel Admits Ethiopian Jewish Immigrants Were Given Birth Control Shots,” Salon, January 29, 2013.

[3]             Some sources make differing claims about the size of the demographic, however, in 2015, the BBC listed the demographic as 130,000 (Yossi Mekelberg, “The Plight of Ethiopian Jews in Israel,” BBC, May 24, 2015). By 2019, the Economist was using a figure of 150,000—presumably the effect of the lifting the contraception policy (“The Killing of a Black Jew Sparks Protests in Israel,” Economist, July 11, 2019).

[4]              Elise Knutsen, “Israel Forcibly Injected African Immigrants with Birth Control, Report Claims,” Forbes, January 28, 2013.

[5]              Shmulik Hadad, “‘Ethiopian Tenants? Out of the Question,’” Ynetnews, February 13, 2009.

[6]             Report: Kiryat Malachi Neighborhood Bans Ethiopians,” Jerusalem Post, January 3, 2012.

[7]             Lisa Goldman, “Israel’s Most Liberal City Introduces Racially Segregated Kindergartens,” Daily Beast, July 11, 2017.

[8]              Orly Vilnai, “I Refused to Believe Tel Aviv Has Segregated Preschools – Until I Visited One,” Haaretz, January 21, 2018.

[9]              Serge Schmemann, “Ethiopian in Israeli Riot Over Dumping of Donated Blood,” New York Times, January 29, 1996.

[10]            Stuart Winer, “Uproar as Ethiopia-Born MK Denied Chance to Give Blood,” Times of Israel, December 11, 2013.

[11]            David Sheen, “Hundreds of Black Jews Refuse Army Service, Charge Israel with Institutional Racism,” San Francisco Bay View National Black Newspaper, December 9, 2016.

[12]            Noam (Dabul) Dvir and Omri Efraim, “Clashes and Arrests at Ethiopian Anti-Racism Protest,” Ynetnews, June 22, 2015; Stuart Winer and Marissa Newman, “Cop Who Beat Ethiopian-Israeli Soldier Won’t Be Tried,” Times of Israel, June 14, 2015; Ben Hartman, “Video: Violence Breaks Out as Israeli-Ethiopians Continue Anti-Racism Protests in Tel Aviv,” Jerusalem Post, June 22, 2015.

[13]            Shiraz Grinbaum and Yotam Ronen, “Thousands in Jerusalem Protest Abduction of Yemenite Babies Following Disclosure Some Were Experimented on,” Mondoweiss, June 26, 2017.

[14]            Grinbaum and Ronen, “Thousands in Jerusalem Protest Abduction of Yemenite Babies Following Disclosure Some Were Experimented on.”

[15]            Yolande Knell, “Missing Babies: Israel’s Yemenite Children Affair,” BBC, June 20, 2017.

[16]            Knell, “Missing Babies.”

[17]            Asa Winstanley, “Israel Lobby Slaughters Corbyn Again,” Electronic Intifada, October 30, 2020.

Hebrew Israelite Community Ordered to Leave Israel, but They Plan to Stay and Fight

Scores of community members had been living in Israel for years illegally when they received deportation orders. They still hope they can remain in the place they believe God has sent them.

A member of the Hebrew Israelite community Credit: Eliyahu Hershkovitz 

Almog Ben Zikri

Sep. 15, 2021

The Hebrew Israelite community in the Negev town of Dimona never thought the day would come when the authorities would order scores of them to leave Israel.

In fact, they were so sure about their legal status in Israel that in 2015, at their own initiative, they gave the Interior Ministry a list of community members living in the country under the radar and lacking any legal status. Five years later, however, they found that the government had made its own use of the list, sending deportation notices to around half of those on it. There has been no decision about the rest, but they will almost certainly face the same fate.

After their request for legal status was rejected, 45 members of the community – 24 of whom were born in Israel – filed a lawsuit against the deportation orders. A few days ago the suit was rejected, meaning they must leave the country within two weeks. They, however, don’t intend to do that and are planning a court battle that is expected to delay the expulsions. A few have declared they'd rather to die than leave the place to which they believe God sent them to serve him.

The Hebrew Israelite community first took shape in the United States in the 1960s around the figure of Ben Carter, who later adopted the name Ben Ammi Ben-Israel and led the group until his death in 2014. At the end of the 1960s, members of the community began settling in Israel, mainly in Dimona and another Negev town, Arad.

Children from the Hebrew Israelite community Credit: Ofer Vaknin

At first the Israeli government considered them a cult and planned to deport them, but information reaching the Interior Ministry warned that the group might commit mass suicide. The orders were rescinded, and attempts to deport them were never resumed, as officials grew anxious about how deportation would affect Israel’s image or the status of American Jews. On the other hand, nothing was done to regularize the Hebrew Israelite’ status over the decades.

In 1985, Carter said that if the government would make them citizens, he would promise not to allow any more members to reside in Israel illegally. In response, community members who had resided in Israel for at least a decade and appeared on the group’s membership roles were granted legal status. Initially, they were granted temporary-resident status and in 2003 it was upgraded to permanent residence on humanitarian grounds.

The Interior Ministry says that permanent residents can apply for citizenship but only if they renounce their American citizenship. The Hebrew Israelites who qualify have chosen to remain permanent residents. The exceptions are family members who served in the Israel Defense Forces, who can obtain citizenship without surrendering their foreign citizenship.

In recent years, the community has kept a low profile. Israeli authorities have no idea how many members it has. “I am aware of about 2,000 community members, but anything is possible. There may be thousands that we don’t know about,” Yoel Lipovetsky, head of the Population and Immigration Authority, told Haaretz.

Reports appearing in the past in Haaretz and in the Maariv news site point to a population of about 3,000. The fact that the government doesn’t know testifies to its lack of interest in the community. As a result, scores of them have been living in Israel, in some cases for decades, with no legal status or action taken against them. Some community members have lived in Israel long enough to become grandparents.

The Hebrew Israelite community welcome sign: 'Welcome to the village of peace' Credit: Moti Milord

Hasida Bat Yisrael, 45, says she was born in Israel and lived here until she was 14, when her family left the country. “I always wanted to come back, and when I was the right age I returned,” she says. She was 25 and the mother of two. Her husband, Joe, came to Israel after her, and since then they’ve had four more children. Bat Yisrael is slated for deportation, along with all her children, since none of them have any legal status in Israel. She refused to be photographed lest the authorities identify her.

Living without legal status is very difficult. The status-less cannot open a bank account or receive a salary, and they generally work within the community or get paid in cash. They must pay privately for medical care because they can’t be HMO members. Essentially, they get no services from the state authorities. This vacuum is filled by the community which provides them with economic assistance if necessary.

“To live without status is very tense,” says Bat Yisrael. She says that after the birth of one of her children (in a home birth, as is traditional in the community), she went to the hospital to have herself and the baby checked out, “and for the one night I stayed there I spent 10,000 shekels.” Today, she says, “My children see their friends in the community who have status doing things that can’t do – go to all kinds of place, or do the army.”

Bat Yisrael has a hard time accepting the Interior Ministry’s decision:

“My life here is the only thing I know. I thought I would get citizenship, since I was born here, but they rejected me. I have a lot to give to the state, but because they are constantly placing obstacles, I can’t break through. I am willing to do anything to stay here; leaving the country is not an option for me. Even if the court makes a decision that allows the state to deport me, I will continue to fight. This is my home, and I am part of this country’s DNA. We come in peace, and want to serve God from Israel.”

Estelle Rivers, 73, has lived in Israel since 2003. She worked in the community, but also volunteered outside it, as an English teacher and amateur singer. She says she converted to Judaism in 1978, but document testifying to this were never submitted to the authorities. Rivers says her daughter lived with her, but the difficulties of living without legal status led her to return to the United States, where she lives as a Jew.

We’re here for spiritual reasons,” she says. “We have given our lives, our blood and everything we have to the state. There is no conceivable reason for the authorities to do to us what they are doing.” When asked why, then, the state seeks to expel members of the community, she opines that “our skin color plays a role here” and adds: “The authorities may also feel that we are threatening the religious hegemony, but there is nothing we have done that would make them feel that way.”

Members of the community working in a sewing workshopCredit: Moti Milord

I can’t leave this country,” Rivers declares.

“If they force me to leave it will kill me, it is a death sentence for me. For me this community represents the way the God of Israel wants us to be, the way the God of Israel wants us to treat each other and the way the God of Israel wants us to connect to this country. My soul is in the earth, my heart is in this earth. To be here is my supreme happiness. The court cannot decide to deport us, it cannot.”

Cynthia Harriet Clark, 56, came to Israel when she was 18 and met her husband here. They had eight children, one of whom died. In 2007, Clark traveled to the United States to care for her ailing mother, and when she sought to return she was denied entry. She lived separately from her children until she was able to return to Israel in 2019. Her two adult children are permanent residents, and she says that the status of the others is currently being processed. Clark, whose daughter Atalia served in the IDF, has now applied for Israeli citizenship on the strength of her daughter’s service. According to the Population Authority, she was asked to provide “original and verified” documentation of her claim within 45 days, but did not do so, so it was decided to deport her.

“We always bring the forms they ask us for, but we are constantly told ‘we need something else, we need something else,’” says Atalia Clark, 32, a mother of two herself.

“If they deport my mother, it will break us. I am a single parent, and she helps me a lot, my children have connected with her. For many years we did not have a mother here, and it destroyed us; when she left, my little brother was two-and-a-half years old. For my first birth, she wasn’t here. We don’t want her to leave again.”

Dawn Hercules came to Israel in 1998 and gave birth to eight children here, the youngest of whom is eight years old. All of Dawn’s children are destined for deportation along with her, even though they were born in Israel. Her eldest daughter, Yelital, 23, has lived in Israel all her life without status. When she tried to enlist in the army she was refused, and she studied occupational therapy at a college using a fictitious ID number.

In April, Yelital told Haaretz about the despair aroused by the deportation order. “I was shocked when they did not accept our appeal,” she now says.

“I thought they would want to regulate our status, especially for those born here. I have not thought yet about what will happen next, if the court decides that the state is allowed to deport us. I want to stay optimistic and hope that everything will work out. I’m not even thinking about a reality in which we’ll have to leave the country.”


Israeli State Terrorism – Israeli Police Make Unprovoked Attack on Palestinian Sitting in his Car – Then they did what comes naturally to Zionists – they lied about it


Israeli Police Assaulted a Palestinian Man and His Mom as His Friends Watched on Facebook Live

Video of the arrest. The police said the ‘suspect refused to open the vehicle door.

Any comments that I make on this video are superfluous. A Palestinian man sitting in a traffic queue at a checkpoint was viciously attacked, dragged from his car and beaten up badly enough to require hospital treatment for 6 days. His mother was also abused.

The pretext was a search for weapons but the real reason was the racist delight in singling out a Palestinian who was enjoying listening to his music in the comfort of his car. That was his real crime.

Marwan sitting in his car prior to the attack by Israeli Police 

Will the police responsible be prosecuted and punished? Don’t be silly. Attacks on Palestinians are not a crime, except in the technical sense. Imagine that this had happened to a Jewish settler and what the reaction would be. This is Zionism, red in tooth and claw and this is what Israel’s apologists, such as pitiful Keir Starmer, the Zionist ‘without qualification’ and Pollard’s Jewish Chronicle defends.

It is also what Labour’s ‘anti-Semitism’ crisis was about. The Israeli government, which presides over the impunity of Israeli Police, contains the parties of the Zionist ‘left’ – Meretz and the Israeli Labor Party. Who was in the driving seat of the false ‘anti-Semitism’ smears if not the Jewish Labour Movement which describesthe ILP as its ‘sister party’.

The vicious and violent attack begins

How is it that the Labour Party, that at least formally, claims to be a party of anti-racism, can tolerate the ‘sister party’ of an Israeli party which is part of a government that presides over Israel’s apartheid occupation of the West Bank, as an affiliated socialist society?

As is always the case when there is video evidence, the Israeli Police version consists of a tissue of lies, such as that Marwan refused to get out of his car or that he refused to stop his car when asked. £5,000 damage has been done to his car. It is unlikely that the criminals who did this will pay a penny of compensation nor will they be disciplined. It is even more unlikely that the Israeli state will be required to pay compensation for the attack on Marwan.

Instead Israel has outlawed6 human rights organisations in the West Bank to prevent them documenting similar Israeli human rights outrages. The pretext being ‘terrorism’ of course when the real terrorists were in uniform.

The Quisling PA of Abbas is hardly likely to take this up with Israel or even make its collaboration with Israel contingent on making amends. After all it is equally guilty of human rights abuses.

Joe Biden will continue to fund the Israeli state in the knowledge that this kind of repression will continue. Kamallah Harris, the Uncle Tom who is his Vice-President, will continue to claim that Israel’s critics are motivated by ‘anti-Semitism’. And why not?  After all they have waged a drone war in Afghanistan and Pakistan for years. This includes killing 10 people including 7 children in a recent attack in Kabul.

Below is an articlein Israel’s Ha’aretz by Gideon Levy, who as usual, brilliantly sums up what happened.

Tony Greenstein

Nov. 5, 2021

Gideon Levy

Israeli Police Assaulted a Palestinian Man and His Mom as his Friends Watched on Facebook Live

Marwan al-Husseini and his mother Raisa were traveling to see relatives when undercover police stopped their car and dragged them from it violently. The officers beat Marwan and strip-searched Raisa before releasing them. The police later lied about what happened - but the incident was caught on video

Just watch the video. You’ll be stunned. A man sits at the wheel of his car, wearing a white T-shirt and dark sunglasses. Cellphone earphones dangle from his face; he’s listening to Arabic music. He’s wearing a seat belt, his car is barely progressing and is trailed by a line of other vehicles trails. They are stuck in a traffic jam at a security checkpoint. After a moment, he puts a corona mask on his face. He’s relaxed, one hand leaning on the window of the car. Cars pass in the opposite direction, while his moves at snail’s pace. The music plays loudly. He adjusts the mask.

Suddenly there are loud voices. “Stop the car!” “Get out!” The shouts in Hebrew and Arabic create the impression of an approaching storm. Everything happens fast. While he still seems to be wondering what’s going on, a baton is already smashing the window of his car. The man tries to protect his head with his hands. Someone who looks to be a security guard opens the back door, thrusts himself into the car and sits in the back seat shouting. The man is frightened; the guard, wearing blue rubber gloves but no uniform, grabs his neck from behind. The driver’s elderly mother, sitting in the passenger seat up front, is not captured in the footage taken by the car’s web camera. Another guard opens the driver’s door, unfastens the seat belt and forcibly drags him out of the car. The shouting does not stop. A very dangerous criminal has apparently been captured.

The music continues to play, the driver’s door remains open, the webcam keeps recording. Cars pass by in the opposite direction. One armed man – it later turns out that he and all the others were police officers in civilian clothes – opens one of the back doors of the car, while his comrades continue to yell and beat the driver who’s been pulled out of the car, and breaking the window next to the driver's seat.

This must be a case of a so-called ticking bomb that must be defused at all costs. The man shouts and the guards continue to kick and beat him, guns visible in their holsters. There are four or five attackers at first, then more join in. The camera manages to catch what’s happening through the broken window; someone else is seen being dragged out. The rear door slams shut. An elderly woman in a head scarf is seen screaming, near the beaten man on the ground. The volume of the music in the car increases dramatically, as if cued by the film’s director. The gunmen can be seen going back and forth. Probably a serious incident. The video cuts.

Video of the arrest. The police said the ‘suspect refused to open the vehicle door.

This is what happened on Tuesday, October 12, around 1 P.M. Marwan al-Husseini, 38, and his mother Raisa, 65, residents of Hebron, were on their way to visit family in the village of Al-Azariya, several kilometers east of Jerusalem. When they passed by the village of Al-Zaim en route, they encountered a checkpoint and the traffic slowed their car down. The video footage obtained by B’Tselem was taken by Marwan, who was streaming with Facebook Live from the car. He wanted to record himself on an outing with his mother, as he occasionally does, and found himself documenting a wild kidnapping in broad daylight, in real time. The armed security personnel who attacked him were Israeli police officers who were in civilian clothes.

At the Husseini home, in the western part of Hebron, emotions are still running high when we visit this week, and there is an air of mourning. Husseini, a stocky man, is surrounded by his equally stocky brothers and some friends. He had worked for years in Israel and now works as a taxi driver in the West Bank. His wife is pregnant with their first child. On that Tuesday, they were going to visit his mother’s sister in Facebook Live Anata, a few kilometers northeast of Jerusalem. En route, about 40 meters before the traffic circle near the entrance to the settlement of Ma’aleh Adumim, he noticed police vehicles on both sides of the road. He recalls hurriedly putting on his mask, lest the police fine him. It never occurred to him that they were lurking in wait – for him. There were three civilian cars before him in the line. He recalls being pulled violently out of the car without any explanation and being beaten, even after he was knocked to the ground. He says he lost consciousness and woke up in a van that took him to a police station at the entrance to Ma’aleh Adumim. He lost consciousness again, regaining it intermittently. In the van, he recalls, the officers continued to jab at him with their elbows. They did not utter a word about why he was being detained.

Husseini says his mother panicked and had difficulty removing her seat belt; a female officer dragged her out of their car and let her fall to the ground. Raisa was taken to the same police station but in a separate vehicle.

The police brought Hussein’s car to the station and dismantled its seats, apparently searching for weapons. He was bleeding and in serious pain after being beaten all over. An Israeli ambulance arrived, a paramedic examined him and left. The officers made him sit on a chair in the hallway. His whole body was aching and he could not sit from the pain, so he lay on the floor. He remembers vomiting twice there, whereupon the officers scolded him, threatening him that if he threw up again, he would be forced to clean up the corridor after himself.

Raisa Al-Husseini, Marwan's mother. Three female police officers strip-searched her.Credit: Moti Milrod

Husseini begged the police to arrange for an ambulance to take him to the hospital. One of them told him: “If you want an ambulance, you will have to pay 4,000 shekels [$1,300] for it,” Marwan says he replied: “I will pay 10,000 shekels, just get me to a hospital.”

When he asked about his mother, a door opened to one of the rooms and he saw her. She was trembling all over. A few days later, Raisa told Musa Abu Hashhash, a field researcher for the B’Tselem Israeli human rights organization, that three female officers had forced her to strip naked for a body search – it’s not clear for what reason. Her son kept crying out and begging for an ambulance. The officers forbade them to exchange a word.

So it was that Husseini was lying in pain on the station floor for about five hours, until about 10 P.M. When he asked why he and his mother were being detained, an officer said: “Because you did not stop for the police when they told you to do so.” Marwan replied, “When you stopped me the car was not in motion”– proof of which can be seen in the video footage from his webcam.

He tells us now that his entire interrogation boiled down to one question, asked by one of the officers in the hallway: “Where is your weapon?” To which Husseini replied, “You have my car, and you can find any weapon that’s there with ease.” Of course, he had no idea what weapon they were talking about.

Marwan Al-Husseini in Hebron, last week. He was hospitalized for six days, and underwent surgery.

Shortly after 10 P.M., Husseini was asked if they had any relatives in the area who could come and take him and his mother home, but he demanded first to be taken to the hospital. He says the officers aggressively forced him out of the station and into the yard, where he was shocked to see his dismantled car.

“Take your car and drive off,” police ordered.

“How do you expect me to drive a broken car?” he asked.

Then Husseini’s cellphone rang. Anxious relatives had been searching for him and his mother throughout the afternoon and evening, but it was only now that the officers guarding him allowed him to answer. This time, when he answered, it was his brother Bader, a bearded young man, on the line; Bader is now sitting with us. Marwan told him what happened and asked for someone to come and collect him and their mother.

Marwan Al-Husseini's car following the arrest. The police pulled the seats apart.

The wife of one of the Husseinis’ cousins who lives nearby, drove to pick them, followed by Bader and another brother, Ibrahim, who lives in Jericho. They took Marwan and his mother to Hebron-Alia Hospital and had the car towed to Hebron.

Raisa told B’Tselem’s Abu Hashhash that during her arrest she wet herself out of anxiety; she has diabetes and high blood pressure. She is now seated with us in the yard of her house, silent and surrounded by her children and grandchildren. The signs of shock are still evident. “I’m exhausted,” she tells us.

She had been released from the hospital at 4 A.M. on October 12, extremely shaken up but not injured.

Marwan Al-Husseini and his brother Bader in Hebron, last week.Credit: Moti Milrod

Marwan ended up being hospitalized for six days; he required surgery for injuries to his groin, from the kicks he received from the police. He shows us some images of his bruises, which are hard to look at. Even now he looks battered and broken; his gait is slow and his gaze forlorn. He tells us that he had to pay 20,000 shekels to repair the damage to his car, which is owned by his blind sister-in-law, whom he drives around.

The Israel Police provided this statement regarding the incident: “As part of an operational activity against weapons offenses, the arrest of a suspect was carried out near al-Azaryia. During the arrest, said suspect refused to open the vehicle door and out of concern that he would conceal evidence or harm the police officers, the latter were forced to break into the vehicle and arrest him. The suspect along with another passenger who was in the vehicle were taken to the police station and at the end of the investigation and the search, they were released.”

The video – which was due to be passed on to the Justice Ministry’s Police Internal Investigations Department – proves, as would a thousand witnesses, that the police’s claim that Marwan al-Husseini refused to stop his car and open the door when asked is a complete lie. It also clearly shows the officers’ brutal violence. Violence that has resulted in the injury of a yet another person innocent of any crime, even according to the police themselves.

Open Letter to Caroline Lucas MP – You Signed a Letter which led to the dismissal of David Miller, despite him being cleared of ‘anti-Semitism’. Why are you still silent?


Racist MP Bob Blackman and Baroness Cox also signed the letter. Do you really believe that the friends of Dutch fascist Geert Wilders are genuinely concerned about anti-Semitism?

On 4 March Caroline Lucas, Britain’s only Green MP, signed a letter from 100+ Parliamentarian accusing Professor David Miller of ‘inciting hatred against Jewish student’

[the images above of the QC's Opinion comes from Asa Winstanley's article David Miller was cleared of anti-Semitism, leaked document shows in Electronic Intifada]

Bristol University set up an investigation and hired a QC who wrote:

‘I conclude that there is no case to answer against Professor Miller in connection with any of the matters I have investigated.’

The sacking of David Miller was orchestrated by the same people who defend the Israeli state's murder of the child above 

The QC also stated that ‘no complaints have been made against Professor Miller to the University by any of his students.’ They were all made by students who had been working with Israeli lobby groups, the Community Security Trust and the Union of Jewish Students.

The Statement by Bristol University dismissing Miller confirmedthat:

The investigation included an independent report from a leading Queen’s Counsel who considered the important issue of academic freedom of expression and found that Professor Miller’s comments did not constitute unlawful speech.’

In other words the accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ against Miller were false. This is not surprising. As Lucas wrote on her blog:

‘After speaking out about Palestine, I have myself been accused of Antisemitism, and i know others experience and fear the same.’

Baroness Deech - another of Caroline Lucas's racist friends

Why then does Lucas find such difficulty in finding that the charge of anti-Semitism against David was equally false? There isn’t a Palestine solidarity supporter alive who hasn’t been accused of ‘anti-Semitism’.

The fact that the students who complained about Miller were not his students, had not attended his lectures and had been working with the Mossad linked Community Security Trust and the Union of Jewish Students, both Israeli supported organisations, suggests that Miller was the victim of a hit job by Zionist and pro-Israel organisations.

The Opinion of the QC hired by Bristol University

Caroline Lucas also stated that the letter she signed:

Does not call for Miller to be sacked, as many of those criticising me on twitter have claimed. Indeed, if it had done so, I would not have added my support. Rather it is a commitment to due process; a show of solidarity with those who have heard hate speech from one of their lecturers.’

This is disingenous. When Lucas signed the letter she expressed solidarity ‘with those who have heard hate speech from one of their lecturers.’ Clearly Lucas had already made her mind up, yet the QC who examined Miller’s speech concluded that his comments weren’t hate speech. The question therefore is why she refuses to withdraw her signature.

The Opinion of the QC hired by Bristol University

Lucas spokeof a ‘a commitment to due process’ yet the letter she signed said ‘Professor Miller has brought your university into disrepute. You must now act before any further damage is done.’ That sounds more like a lynch mob than a commitment to due process.

What kind of action did Caroline Lucas think the letter was calling for? Obviously these right-wing MPs and Lords were calling for David’s dismissal.

Original letter attacking David Miller that Caroline Lucas signed

Four times theAll Party Parliamentary Group on Anti-Semitism wroteto Bristol’s Vice Chancellor Hugh Bradey demanding that Professor Miller be dismissed (and lecturers at other universities too) yet Lucas decided to put her fingers in her ears and one of those green washed masks over her eyes.

The Opinion of the QC hired by Bristol University

Lucas unwittingly put her finger on the problem when she wrotethat a distinction can be made between ‘the existence of a state of Israel [as] inherently racist, and criticising the racist policies of its governments.’ This is nonsense.

One wonders whether Caroline Lucas would have made a distinction between the policies of the South Africa government and Apartheid?

Israel is not a liberal western democracy with some racist policies. Israel has racism embedded in its DNA. A Jewish state cannot be other than a racist state. Lucas’s failure to understand this is what led her to join in the witchhunt of David Miller.

It is widely accepted today that Israel is an apartheid state which one law for Palestinians and another for Jews, even inside Israel.

Zionist students crow over their success in having David Miller sacked - a success that Caroline Lucas contributed to

Ha’aretz’s Editorial The Basic Law on Apartheid describedthe 2018 Jewish Nation State Law asa legal norm that legalizes Jewish supremacy and Arab inferiority in Israel.’

In January B’Tselem issueda report ‘A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid’. In April Human Rights Watch issuedanother report ‘A Threshold Crossed - Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution.’ Both organisations concluded that Israel treated Palestinians as Untermenschen.

If there was any doubt then Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu settled the matter when he stated:

“Israel is not a state of all its citizens. According to the basic nationality law we passed, Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people – and only it.’

Just like its predecessor in South Africa, Israel defames and denigrates its opponents by the simple trick of crying ‘anti-Semitism’. This is what the David Miller case is all about.

When Miller called for an End to Zionism he was calling for an end to the ideology of Israeli Apartheid. What is anti-Semitic about this? Many Jews, myself included, also wish to see an end to Zionism.

When I wrote to Caroline Lucas I asked her why she had signed a letter attacking David Miller alongside Bob Blackman, Baroness Cox, Eric Pickles and Ian Paisley. These are four of the foulest racists in Parliament. Lucas had no response. Clearly there are some racists that she doesn’t have a problem with.

Bob Blackman MP has a history of making Islamaphobic comments

Baroness Caroline Cox is a member of the Henry Jackson Society and Gatestone Institute. In February 2009, Cox and Lord Pearsoninvited the fascist leader of the Dutch Freedom PartyGeert Wilders, who supports a ban on the Islamic religion, to show the anti-Islam film Fitna at the House of Lords.

In 2010 Cox and Pearson hosted Wilders and his film with 200 members of the EDLmarching in support of the screening. Cox said in a speech:“Islam is using the freedoms of democracy to destroy it”

David Miller has never attacked Jewish students. What he had done is criticise the Israeli Embassy funded Union of Jewish Students which has spent the last 40 years demonizing supporters of the Palestinians.

The Board of Deputies which led the attack on David Miller also defends Israeli military atrocities - Caroline Lucas condemns these atrocities but nonetheless supports the Apartheid Israeli state

The reaction of the Jewish Chronicle to David Miller’s dismissal makes it clear what this is really about. On 7 October its Leader stated: ‘Miller’s sacking should be the beginning, not the end’. It also ran an article: ‘Miller is gone but he is only tip of the iceberg’.

What we are witnessing is a government led attack against anti-Zionist academics. Anyone who challenges Zionism and the racist nature of the Israeli state and its apartheid practices is a target for the Israeli lobby. And Caroline Lucas, who was elected in 2010 posing as a radical, has joined this witchhunt.

We should not be surprised. If there is one thing that distinguishes the Green Party it is its lack of principle. It refuses to see a connection between global warming and capitalism. It believes that you can green capitalism. The problem, as COP 26 is demonstrating, is that capitalism puts profit before people and the environment. The Green Party is a Liberal party with a Green tinge. It distances itself from climate activists or those willing to break the law.

In Ireland the Green Party has gone into coalition with 2 conservative parties. In Germany it was part of the first government to sent troops overseas, into Afghanistan. Whenever Green Parties get into power they accommodate to the existing political establishment.

That was why Caroline Lucas signed up to the IHRAmisdefinition of ‘anti-Semitism’ that equates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism. Her only defence was that it didn’t prevent criticism of Israel. Which is true as long as your criticism is anodyne. But the IHRA makes it clear that any questioning of Zionism, the idea that Israel is a Jewish settler state and then you are classified as an anti-Semite.

The Green Party’s first loyalty is to capitalism, the very system that is destroying the planet.

Tony Greenstein

My Correspondence with Caroline Lucas can be seen here.

Open Letter to Caroline Lucas

Dear Caroline,

I wrote to you in March regarding the letter you signed on 4th March, with over 100 Parliamentarians. The crucial final paragraph of that letter stated:

“Professor Miller has brought your university into disrepute. You must act now before any further damage is done.”

In your response to my letter of 12th March you referred me to your blog postexplaining your reasons for signing this letter. The salient part of your letter stated that this letter:

‘does not call for Miller to be sacked, as many of those criticising me on twitter have claimed. Indeed, if it had done so, I would not have added my support. Rather it is a commitment to due process; a show of solidarity with those who have heard hate speech from one of their lecturers.’

This was, to say the least, naive if not disingenuous on two levels.

Firstly nothing David Miller had said could be remotely classed as ‘hate speech’ i.e. anti-Semitic. As even Bristol University’s own statement said:

The investigation included an independent report from a leading Queen’s Counsel who considered the important issue of academic freedom of expression and found that Professor Miller’s comments did not constitute unlawful speech.

Secondly your fellow MPs were calling for David Miller and other lecturers to be dismissed. For example Jonathan Gullis, a fellow signatory,was quoted

as saying

“We need to start sacking people … until we start bringing that kind of scrutiny and action into our university sector, like you would do in primary or secondary school, these incidents will keep happening,”

Your fellow signatories had no doubt at all as to what they were calling for which is why they have uniformily welcomed David Miller’s dismissal.

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Anti-Semitism sent no less than 4 letters demanding David’s dismissal, the latest of which was on 13th August, to Bristol University’s Vice Chancellor, Sir Hugh Brady. They issued a statement saying that:

This was the level of vitriol directed at David Miller by the Zionists - but if you compare them to the Nazis then that is anti-Semitic!

‘Bristol University’s decision to sack David Miller should be welcomed by all decent people.’

The letter which you originally signed was a roll call of the most racist and bigoted members of Parliament:

1.            The anti-gay/anti-abortion Protestant sectarian Ian Paisley.

2.            Lord Eric Pickles and Lord Mann, both vehement anti-Roma/Gypsy racists. Mann even produced a pamphlet describing Gypsies/Roma as asocial which is exactly what the Nazis said.

3.            Bob Blackman MP who has a history of Islamaphobic comments, for example:

a.     Retweeting Tommy Robinson’s attack on Muslims

b.     Hosting an anti-Muslim extremist in parliament, Tapan Ghosh who called for the UN to control the birthrate of Muslims.

c.      Shared Islamaphobic posts on Facebook

d.     Been a member of Islamaphobic groups on Facebook such as "Britain for the British" which is administered by BNP supporter Steven Devlin.

e.     When the Conservative Friends of Kashmir began, Blackman urged Boris Johnson not to recognise them.

One of Caroline Lucas's fellow signatories Bob Blackman supports caste discrimination in Britain

f.       Has openly campaigned to remove caste discrimination from the Equality Act 2010. He is an open supporter of India’s racist and Islamaphobic Prime Minister Narendra Modi and a supporter of India’s military occupation and martial law in Kashmir.

g.     Baroness Caroline Cox. In February 2009, Cox and UKIP peer Lord Pearsoninvited the leader of the Dutch Freedom PartyGeert Wilders, who supports banning the Islamic religion outright, to show the anti-Islam film Fitna at the House of Lords.

h.     In 2010 Cox and Pearson successfully hosted Wilders and his film with 200 members of the English Defence Leaguemarching in support of the screening. Cox said in a speech that “Islam is using the freedoms of democracy to destroy it”

Other supporters included Jacob Rees-Mogg, who described David Miller’s comments as ‘deeply wicked.’ This is the same Mogg who spoke last year of the Illuminati who are taking the powers to themselves” in reference to two Jewish MPs, Oliver Letwin and John Bercow. Michael Berkowitz, Professor of Modern Jewish History at UCL, described this as ‘an expressly antisemitic sentiment’.

For full details of the bona fides of your fellow signatories please see my blog post.

The letter you signed was based on a lie. David Miller had never attacked any Jewish students. What he had done is criticise the Israeli Embassy funded Union of Jewish Students which has spent the last 40 years demonizing supporters of the Palestinians as ‘anti-Semitic’.

Supporting the Zionist attack on David Miller did not prevent Mogg from also supporting Germany's neo-Nazi AfD party

UJS is affiliated to the World Zionist Organisation via the World Union of Jewish Students. The WZO is a funder of settlements in the West Bank. It has a ‘land theft division’. Point 2.11. of UJS’s Constitution states that its Objects include:

‘inspiring Jewish students to make an enduring commitment to their Jewish identity, Israel, and the community.’

14 years ago I described in an article, Vetting in Practice, for Comment is Free, how UJS had harassed and ripped up posters for a meeting put up by Emma Clyne, the non-Zionist Chair of the SOAS Jewish Society. The meeting was addressed by non-Zionist Jewish academic Brian Klug and Sir Geoffrey Bindman QC from Independent Jewish Voices.

The AfD which Rees-Mogg supports is under investigation in Germany as a neo-Nazi party

The then UJS Chair Mitch Simmons, made clear "It is the view of the UJS that certain views are not acceptable under free speech."

I also described how, in 1986, when I was invited to speak to a meeting at the LSE UJS tried to have me banned on the grounds of ‘anti-Semitism’. When the Labour Club investigated the allegations and found them wanting they too were accused of being fascists and anti-Semite!

The whole sordid story of UJS’s McCarthyism can be seen in lettersin Beaver, paper of LSE Student Union of 10.11.86. and the accompanying Report.

As an Israeli state sponsored organisation on British campuses David Miller had every right to call them out. There was nothing anti-Semitic in this.

Despite the QC employed by Bristol University confirming that nothing David Miller said was anti-Semitic, he was dismissed. This is nothing less than an attack on academic freedom.

It is unacceptable that a State which B’Tselem and Human Rights Watch have concluded is a Jewish Supremacist Apartheid state should be able to run a campaign which targets dissident academics who, like David Miller, have criticised Israel lobby pressure groups.

I hope that you now accept that you made a serious mistake in signing the original letter.

You can now rectify this by supporting the campaign to reinstate David Miller.

I am therefore asking you to withdraw your signature from that letter and issue a public statement explaining why.

You quoted in your original statement the IHRA definition of ‘anti-Semitism’. This statement was always intended to conflate anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism. I would therefore ask you to now disavow it and instead support the Jerusalem Declaration on Anti-Semitism which, unlike the IHRA, does target anti-Semitism.

When Apartheid in South Africa was functioning opponents of Apartheid gave support to the small minority of Whites in South Africa who opposed Apartheid.

I am extremely disappointed that instead of supporting Jews who oppose Zionist racism you have supported our racist opponents.

It is this lack of solidarity which demonstrates to me the hollow at the heart of Green politics. You have nothing to say to the oppressed.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Below is what David Miller actually said at a meeting of the Labour Campaign for Free Speech

Kind regards

Tony Greenstein

David Miller Addressing February 13 Meeting of LCFS

 ‘The enemy we face here is Zionism and the imperial policies of the Israeli state... an all out onslaught by the Israeli government on the left... it is how we defeat the ideology of Zionism in practice.  How do we ensure that Zionism is ended... how we end the material reality of the jackboot of Zionism on the neck of the Palestinians...

I’ve been attacked and complained about by the head of the Bristol J Soc along with the President of the Union of Jewish Students, both of which organisations are formally members of the Zionist movement. J-Socs are part of the UJS, UJS is a member of the World UJS which is a direct member of the World Zionist Organisation. In its constitution UJS mention being pro-Israel. [Davidmentions similar attacks on other academics at Warwick and other universities against anyone speaking out about the Palestinians or criticising Zionism]... We have to fight back against that and the way to do that is to organise proper debate.

Victims of Labour’s Data Breach


 Zoom Meeting Saturday 13 November

Zoom Meeting Saturday 13 November 6 pm

Topic: Labour data breach

**Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 830 3544 1668

Passcode: 063743

Last week the Labour Party announced that it had suffered another major data breach. Or rather a third party that it had shared the data with had.

This raises a number of questions – why was this data being shared with an outside company anyway. Was the company connected with David Evans?  What can we do about it legally and politically?

These questions and more will be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.

You can also join the Victims of Labour’s Data Breach Facebook Group here

RIP Mike Howard – A Jewish Socialist Whose Family Fled from the Pogroms in Poland and Lithuania


Being Jewish Mike was a natural target for suspension from Starmer's Labour Party

Mike Howard was one of eight people who took the Labour Party to court over its disciplinary process for investigating complaints of anti-Semitism. Below I reprint, without permission!, the tributethat Jewish Voices for Labour, of which Mike was a member, paid to him.

Mike was a Jewish Socialist all his life and fought racism and anti-Semitism consistently. He was also an active trade unionist and a councillor till recently on Hastings Borough Council. His suspension from the Labour Party for ‘anti-Semitism’ says everything you need to know about the bogus nature of the ‘anti-Semitism’ accusations which are being levelled at Jews today in Labour today.

The fact that if you are Jewish you are 5 times more likely to be suspended from Labour under Starmer than if you are not says everything you need to know about how genuine was Starmer’s pledge to ‘root out’ anti-Semitism.

Unfortunately this did not start with Starmer.  It was under Jeremy Corbyn that the anti-Semitism witchhunt took off when people like myself were expelled or suspended. Unfortunately Corbyn went along with this bogus narrative until it got him too.  The fast track procedures now being used to expel and suspend hundreds of members were patented by Corbyn and Jennie Formby.

 It is shameful that Corbyn says nothing about the legacy he has left. Instead of lapping up cheap applause and playing the martyr, he should come out publicly and criticise what is happening. Corbyn’s inability to make even one word of direct criticism of Starmer demonstrates that even if he had won the election in 2017 and even if the Labour Right had agreed to vote him in as Prime Minister, that he would have wilted at the first sign of opposition.

Undoubtedly for someone like Mike, as with all of us, to be accused of anti-Semitism when you have spent your life opposing it, is hurtful. That is why the Labour Right, which doesn’t give a tinker’s cuss about anti-Semitism or any other form of racism, make the allegations.  These accusations are deliberately made to cause hurt and distress.

We should contrast this with the readmission to the Labour Party in recent weeks of one of the vilest racists on the Labour Right – Luke Stanger, a friend of Hove MP Peter Kyle, who worked in the office of Joan Ryan, former Chair of Labour Friends of Israel. Apart from multiple complaints of harassment from women in the Labour Party Stanger is on record as saying that Travellers are ‘a nasty blight on society.’

Under Starmer genuine racists are always welcome in the Labour Party whereas anti-racists are expelled.  It is unfortunate that some on the Left such as Jon Lansman, Owen Jones and David Renton, are unable to see through this Zionist campaign of vilification which defames good Jewish socialists like Mike.

We should pay tribute to someone who was a Jewish hero. Those who suspended Mike for 'antisemitism' weren't fit to lick his boots.

Tony Greenstein

Mike Howard – “a true mensch”

Sat 13 Nov 2021

It is with deep regret that we announce that JVL member and long-term fighter for socialism, Mike  Howard died after a short illness, with his close family at his side, in the early hours of Thursday 11th November 2021.

 Many readers of our website will recognise and remember Mike as one of the Labour Activists for Justice (LA4J) who had been treated so abysmally by the Party to which he dedicated more than 45 years of his life. He died a committed socialist and still angry with the Labour Party that had suspended him, a Jewish anti-racist, for antisemitism.

You can get a taste of his anger, his willingness to challenge and a little of his background on this video from a Labour Grassroots show dedicated to those involved in LA4J .

 Mike was born in Hackney in 1952 to socialist parents whose families had fled from the threat of pogroms in Lithuania and Poland.  He always said he learned about internationalism as a child and this informed his philosophy and his activism throughout his life.

He left school fairly early, in part because of antisemitic bullying and was later educated at Newcastle University (where he was active in the National Organisation of Labour Students) and became a librarian.  He was active in the Labour Party Young Socialists in the 1970s – at a time when political education was a major focus – and it was there that he met his wife Dee. In time Mike became (step)father to Dee’s daughter Jenny and they had a son, Robin together.

After graduating he spent some years in the North East then moved to London continuing his work as a librarian.  In Lambeth he was a shop steward and also a Convenor for NALGO (and the Unison) and supported many workers, not least representing the Union in many tribunals.

He was also a committed supporter of Wimbledon Football Club and was involved in turning it into a supporter-owned club remaining in Wimbledon, rather than moving to help the owners to profit.

In Hastings he was well known as an activist, committed to justice for Palestinians and, from 2012-2018 he was an elected councillor in what had mainly been a Tory ward.  He is remembered as an effective councillor, supporting local residents in a number of campaigns as well as doing individual case work and, of course, serving on committees.  He stood down at the 2018 elections to care for his wife.

You can see him talking about his role in Labour Activists for Justice, trying to hold the Labour Party to account and to democratic principles in the video below:

Very many tributes have been received in the first 36 hours after he died which show what sort of a person he was and why he will be so badly missed. Many refer to his appalling treatment by the Labour Party.

Many have commented on how friendly he was and for many younger people and others who joined when Jeremy Corbyn was elected, it was Mike who welcomed them, made sure they were invited to the pub after meetings.  Several have said that they learned so much from him, about the history of the Party and of the wider movement.

Here are some extracts:

Peter Chowney, who was Deputy Leader in Hastings most of the time that Mike was a councillor:

He was a good comrade, and a very good local councillor – the only Labour councillor to successfully defend West St Leonards ward. And a fellow former Hackney Labour Party member! Such a pity he had to spend his last days defending himself against this awful witchhunt. I shall miss him.

Peter Doyle, Jen Pickard and John Pickard– some friends in the North East:

“We are saddened to hear of the sudden and untimely death of Mike Howard, a member of Hastings and Rye Labour Party, in the early hours of November 11. Mike was one of those left-wing members facing suspension by the Party on the spurious grounds of ‘anti-Semitism’, a deeply ironic charge considering his Jewish background. We knew Mike from his time in the Labour Party Young Socialists in Gateshead where we were members and where he was also an active member of the local government union, NALGO.

Mike, who came from a family tradition of socialist ideas, was a Marxist and a supporter of Militant in his days in the North East. He was always a friendly, comradely and cheerful person to know. Mike wrote an excellent article for Left Horizons late last year, on how unfit for purpose Labour’s disciplinary process is, in his own and in other cases… Mike will be a great loss, not only to his family, but to the whole labour movement and those who knew him…”

Simon Hester (local Unite Community Branch member):

I only got to know Mike over the past year but, it’s strange, it feels like I knew him a lot longer. He was such a friendly and welcoming comrade. For socialists of a certain age we have been through so many struggles together it seems to have created an unspoken bond, a shared tradition. I have absolutely no doubt which side Mike was on in the great campaigns against racism, during the miners’ strike, the poll tax campaign, the antiwar movement. Over the past few months I kept bumping into him and Dee at protests over Palestine, NHS pay, refugee rights and the Police Bill. And I won’t forget his outrage and eloquence in challenging the witchhunt of socialists and anti-Zionists in the Labour Party. The movement has lost a principled socialist, an internationalist and anti-racist, and above all, an anti-Zionist Jew. His hope for a socialist future will live on in the growing movements of young people …
solidarity, Simon

Carel Buxton, Chair West Ham CLP (suspended 21 March):

I met him only once and that was at LP conference in 2019 as I recall. Mike made a lasting impression on me because of his warmth, his humour and his clear dedication to socialist ideas. Both of us have roots in the east end and we talked about our great fighting tradition. I still live in West Ham but was born in Hastings, Mike’s life journey was from Hackney to Hastings or rather Mugsborough as we called it. He was a hero of our class and I send you my deepest condolences.

Sarah Gomes-Harris:

Such sad news for the local Labour Party. Such a lovely man, so rooted in the human dignity and decency of socialism and so unfairly targeted and isolated by the party he cherished his whole life…. I wish more people were like Mike Howard… So heartbreaking. Rest with peace, love and power x

Marie Lynam: 

Those who disciplined Mike did a terrible wrong not just to him, but to the justice and bravery contained in his political positions. It is a cruel thing that Mike had to go with this insult done to him, and to everything good he stood for.

Through you, and with my thanks, I send my solidarity to his family and comrades. 

Rica Bird (JVL member; Wirral South CLP):

This is indeed a sad blow, and even more cruel considering his mistreatment at the hands of the Labour Party. Although I didn’t know him, I gather his life has been a gift to all combating oppression and leaves a great legacy for the rest of us to follow.

I keep thinking for those who have been summarily expelled, those suspended, or ‘under investigation’ and those who have simply left, that it is not we who have left the Party, it truly IS the Party has left us!!

In solidarity

Jewish members and others file court claim against Labour for breach of EHRC principles after party tells them: ‘EHRC does not apply to you’

Mike Howard (68) Member of Hastings & Rye CLP. Active Labour Party member for over thirty-five years, holding office in six CLP’s during this time. Twice elected Hastings Borough Councillor. Retired (former office-holding) Unison life member. Unite Community, JVL and PSC. He is a Jewish, lifelong anti-racist whose family escaped the murderous pogroms in pre-war Russia/Poland and fought the fascists in their East London neighbourhood. Mike has suffered real anti-semitism, and finds it completely unacceptable that Labour Party HQ, knowing that he is Jewish, has not responded to his solicitors’ request to drop an anonymous complainant’s accusations of anti-semitism against him which is based on the process the EHRC found was unfair and based on a code the Party will not publish.

Jewish members say Starmer’s pursuit of them ‘makes a mockery’ of claim to be making Labour safe for Jews

We are appalled by the large and growing number of Jewish members of the Labour Party – including ourselves – who have recently been subject to disciplinary proceedings related to alleged antisemitism. This fact alone – over and above the trumped up and politicised nature of the charges – makes a mockery of Keir Starmer’s commitment to ensuring Labour is a safe space for Jews.

It is now abundantly clear that this commitment does not cover discrimination against Jewish socialists. On the contrary, Starmer’s abuse of our Jewish identity and his willingness to exploit antisemitism as a political football is shameful and harmful not only to freedom of expression, but also to the fight against real antisemitism and racism of all forms, both in and outside of the Labour Party.

Graham Bash
Jo Bird
Mike Cushman
Michael Ellman
Michael Howard
Moshe Machover
Diana Neslen
Jonathan Rosenhead
Glyn Secker
Stephen Solley
George Wilmers
Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi

Telling Simple Truths – We Will Never Stop Global Warming and Climate Change as Long as We have CAPITALISM


A few brief thoughts - COP26: Glasgow in the eye of the climate storm

Instead of writing a blog I have instead decided to publish an article from a friend's blog. The argument is very simple.  Capitalism is, by its very nature, incapable of preventing climate change.  Anyone who says they are a Green but not a Socialist is lying – not least to themselves.

At the heart of how capitalism works is the blind production of capital. The central driving force of capitalism is profit not human need.  Everything else is subordinate to it.  And in order to protect capital against those who would take it away and use it collectively for the benefit of humanity you have to wage wars.

Capitalism is based on economic competition not co-operation. And sometimes this isn't economic but military. The drive to gain markets and resources is ceaseless.  All the time new pretexts are dreamed up such as in Bush and Blair’s ‘war for democracy’ in Iraq.

COP26: Glasgow in the eye of the climate storm

Posted by tom

As the eyes of the world fall on Glasgow for the COP26 summit, its significance cannot be overstated. COP26 has been billed as the last chance saloon for us to save the planet by delivering on the promises adopted in the 2016 Paris Agreement which present a tangible route for each country to meet their ‘nationally determined contributions’ (NDCs: agreed timetables for emissions reductions). The NDCs give each country a realistic and equitable path to reach its target, with less developed nations recognised as having a more difficult path to net-zero emissions. These NDCs are due to be updated this year to keep countries on track to meet the Paris targets, with some yet to submit their new proposals. This will be crucial in holding countries to account for the pledges they’ve made.

It is the first of COP26’s four goals that is overarching: to “secure global net zero by mid-century and keep 1.5 degrees within reach” [1]. Reaching ‘net-zero’ emissions means adding no more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere than we remove. But this terminology and the legislation which backs it up can often be manipulated by big polluting companies who instead of reducing their carbon dioxide emissions, try to offset them by planting trees. This has been characterised as ‘greenwashing’, with the effectiveness of tree planting as an immediate solution under scrutiny. Activists cite the potential for wildfires and the time trees take to grow before they can become effective carbon capturers as major concerns [2]. By comparison, leaving fossil fuels in the ground gives a far greater certainty for the quantity of emissions reductions. Because of the urgency of the climate crisis, the central focus of world governments needs to be on emissions reductions and forcing these companies to transition to green energy- not just allowing for inadequate and unverifiable offsets.

It is important to consider what a world 1.5°C or 2°C hotter (in comparison to the period 1850-1900) would look like to know what we are fighting against. This year the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the leading UN authority on climate science, published its sixth assessment report which gave a stark and frightening analysis. They predict that a world 1.5°C warmer would face increased precipitation, more extreme heat, droughts, higher sea levels, extinction of species and habitats and much more. But this has been common knowledge for decades- the crucial findings of the report are about how much worse the effects will be if a 2°C increase is allowed to occur. The IPCC predict that the additional 0.5°C rise would cause sea levels to rise by an extra 0.1 metres, putting 10 million more people at risk, coral reefs to decline by over 99% (as opposed to 70-90% at 1.5°C) and double the number of people to experience climate change-induced water stress. These are just a few of the many tangible effects that another 0.5°C of warming would cause and should serve as motivation for the world to act in the most ambitious manner possible.

The analysis of pathways to the 1.5°C target, however, makes for sobering reading. Limiting temperature rises to the more ambitious target will require CO2 emissions to decline by 45% by 2030 in comparison to 2010 levels and reach net zero by 2050. By comparison, the 2°C target require reductions of 25% by 2030 and net-zero by 2070. The report makes clear that pathways to 1.5°C require “rapid and far-reaching transitions in energy, land, urban and infrastructure and industrial systems”. To keep to this target, by 2050 renewables should supply at least 70% of electricity, CO2 from industry should be at least 65% lower and an additional $830 billion per year spent on energy-related investments. As of 2020 only 29% of electricity generation was from renewables, showing the scale of the task ahead.

A common theme across all the projected pathways is a dependence on carbon dioxide removal (CDR); in particular bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) technologies. These technologies would be necessary to keep to temperature targets only in the cases where emissions don’t drop by enough or we overshoot targets and try to bring the temperature back down. But such technologies are in their early stages, with only five BECCS facilities in operation as of 2019 capturing 1.5 million tonnes per year of CO2; a miniscule amount in comparison to the 11 gigatonnes needed by 2050 in the most BECCS dependent pathway [4]. It is not just the limitations in upscaling BECCS, but the impact other carbon capture methods could have on land, energy, water and nutrients that make the feasibility of CDR a huge challenge. And the jury’s still out on the effectiveness of CDR in reducing temperatures after they’ve peaked, meaning that the NDCs need to rely on what we can do now rather than on future technology with no guarantees.

For the world to change in the manner needed requires huge political will power, which is so far lacking. The current national climate pledges put the world on track for a 2.7°C temperature rise by 2100, a far cry from the 1.5°C goal of Paris [5]. The Emissions Gap Report 2021 found that the figure could be reduced to 2.2°C if pledges were implemented effectively, but that most national climate plans focus on delaying action till after 2030. This is why it is absolutely crucial for world leaders to act now, rather than fob the public off with dubious promises on ‘net-zero’ aimed primarily at appeasing the fossil fuel industry. The new NDCs are predicted to only reduce predicted emissions in 2030 by 7.5% in comparison to the previous NDCs, when a 55% reduction is needed for the 1.5°C target. One potential solution to limit temperatures in this crucial eight year window is to focus on reducing methane emissions, the second largest contributor to global warming. Methane can warm the planet 80 times more than CO2 and stays in the atmosphere for a far shorter period, meaning that cuts to methane will have a far quicker effect. Stringent cuts to methane may therefore buy the planet a little extra time to cut CO2, which will only be possible with clearly defined rules and transparent processes to track progress.

It is clear that climate change will disproportionately affect the poor and those living in the tropics, which is why it is particularly important for the developed nations- those with the necessary resources and technology- to take the lead. But so far only ten G20 members are predicted to meet their previous NDCs (let alone their new ones) with the USA the most prominent of those predicted to fall behind. These countries are guilty of duplicity; using vague long term targets to pretend to the public that they care, whilst doing little to back it up with concrete policy. In a similar way, our media have made much of the USA’s pledged promise of $11.4 billion per year in climate finance contributions. Whilst this could end up being another empty promise- Barack Obama promised $3 billion, but only delivered $1 billion per year- it is also a drop in the ocean for what a country like the USA can afford. By comparison the total cost of the Iraq War was estimated to be $1.9 trillion. More recently the USA signed the AUKUS deal with the UK and Australia which will build submarines at a cost of $3.45 billion each, meaning three submarines will cost as much as their annual contribution to the Green Climate Fund. Once again it shows the mixed-up priorities of Western leaders. To paraphrase Tony Benn, there is always enough money to kill people but never enough to help people.

The spotlight of the Western media has however predominantly fallen on China, which is viewed as the determining factor for whether COP26 is a success or failure. There is some merit to this, with China producing an estimated 27% of global greenhouse gas emissions, but when measuring by emissions per capita, the USA are more than twice as polluting. This measure is a better indicator of how ambitious a country’s path to net-zero can be, as well as being fairer and showing who holds the greatest historic responsibility for a warming planet. China’s COP26 pledge not to build any more coal-fired power stations abroad has far greater significance than current pledges on climate finance, but it should be viewed only as a good first step. This pledge is in keeping with their current investment projects in ‘belt and road’ initiative countries, with 57% of China’s energy investment going to renewables in 2020- a jump from only 38% in 2019- but it crucially makes no reference to coal power inside China [6]. It is also clear that their headline policy of ‘peaking emissions by 2030’ must be brought forward if we are to have a chance of keeping warming under the targets.

The build-up to COP26 has been long, with promises under scrutiny like never before and a groundswell of anger and frustration from populations across the world coming to the fore. If we are to avert climate disaster, people must continue to mobilise to put pressure on their leaders to act now whilst we still have the chance. No matter how bad things get- indeed we are already feeling the effects of climate change- we must continue to fight for a green and sustainable world, staving off every fraction of a degree rise that we can. In such bleak times it is easy to be defeatist, but instead we must be realist, preparing for the worst but fighting for something far better. Glasgow’s COP26 conference is indeed of huge importance in getting the world to turn the corner, but it should just be the beginning. The fight to save our planet from the monstrous greed of capitalism; from those as Noam Chomsky said, “are willing to sacrifice the literal existence of organised human life… so they can put a few more dollars in highly overstuffed pockets” must be continued at all costs.

[1] https://ukcop26.org/cop26-goals/

[2] https://www.reuters.com/business/sustainable-business/reuters-impact-greenpeace-calls-end-carbon-offsets-2021-10-06/

[3] https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/chapter/spm/

[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioenergy_with_carbon_capture_and_storage

[5] https://www.unep.org/resources/emissions-gap-report-2021

[6] https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/oct/27/china-climate-pledges-cop26-emissions

See also Capitalism is killing the planet – it’s time to stop buying into our own destructionGeorge Monbiot

Sir Keir Has Just Gone and Confirmed that Labour Party ‘anti-Semitism’ was ALWAYS About Zionism/Israel NEVER About Anti-Semitism


 Like most non-Jewish Zionists, Stürmer is not only a Vile Racist he is also Anti-Semitic!

Remember when the false ‘anti-Semitism’ allegations first began to emerge in the Labour Party? If you said they were about Israel and Zionism not anti-Semitism you were accused of being a ‘conspiracy theorist’. We were just being paranoid they told us.

It was obvious from the beginning that the ‘anti-Semitism’ crisis was not about anti-Semitism but Israel/Zionism. When had the Zionist movement previously been concerned with anti-Semitism?

Israel's racist Ambassador, the religious nut Tzipi Hotovely, calls Starmer and Rayner her 'friends' - Hotovely supports the ethnic cleansing of the West Bank's Palestinians and opposes 2 states

The Board of Deputies welcomedTrump to power. It was happy for Zionists like Tommy Robinson and his Jewish supporters, like Jonathan Hoffman, to attend the Board’s rallies in support of Israel. Let us recall the various stages in the fake ‘anti-Semitism campaign.

The first major outing for the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign was at Oxford University’s Labour Club in 2016. Its Chair, Alex Chalmers, alleged that his fellow members had ‘problems with Jews.’ But Chalmers himself admitted that the catalyst for his resignation was the support of the Labour Club for the Israel Anti-Apartheid Week. Well today everybody bar Sir Stürmer accepts that Israel is an Apartheid State.

Starmer repeats Zionist propaganda - Israel is the 'only' Jewish state in the world. Any socialist worth his salt would oppose ANY ethno religious states.  South Africa used to claim it was the only Christian state - so what?

The next milestone was Ken Livingstone who alleged that Hitler supported Zionism. Well the Nazis did single out Zionism for favourable treatment. This is a historical fact. As Zionist historian David Cesarani wrote ‘The efforts of the Gestapo are oriented to promoting Zionism as much as possible and lending support to its efforts to promote emigration.’ [Final Solution p.96].

Then we had the Chakrabarti Report and the press conference where Marc Wadsworth criticised Ruth Smeeth for her chumminess with Telegraph journalists. This was a major ‘anti-Semitic’ incident despite the fact that Wadsworth didn’t know Smeeth was Jewish and that Smeeth had been an employee of BICOM, the main pro-Israel Lobby Group in Britain. Some facts it seems aren’t important.

Corbyn's utterly futile and stupid attempt to appease his enemies

Corbyn abandoned a Black anti-racist activist who he had known and worked with in favour of a right-wing Labour MP, who Wikileaks revealed was a ‘protected asset’of the USA. This is what appeasement of the Right meant – abandoning your friends.

In May and again in September 2016 Jackie Walker, a Black-Jewish socialist, was suspendedfor raising the question as to why Holocaust Memorial Day doesn’t include the slave trade, the African holocaust.

At the end of 2016, following Theresa May’s adoption of the IHRA definition, Corbyn followed suit. This 38 word definition read:

“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

Virtually no one uses this illiterate 38 word production of Ken Stern. Anti-Semitism isn’t a perception so much as an ideology, a form of prejudice, discrimination and violence against Jews as Jews. If it is a ‘certain perception’ we are never told what that perception is. If it ‘may be expressed as anti-Semitism’ what else might it be expressed as? Anti-Zionism? The second sentence, which says it could be directed at Jews or non-Jews (i.e. everyone!) is tautological.

But Corbyn, eager to prove his credentials, adopted the IHRA when there was a simple definition from the Oxford English Dictionary: ‘hostility to or prejudice against Jews.’ Corbyn preferred to appease the Zionists even though they were unappeasable.

On the International Day of Solidarity with Palestine Starmer & Rayner spent their time attacking Palestinian supporters at a meeting of LFI and the JLM

It wasn’t long before the Jewish Labour Movementand the Board of Deputies demanded that the full IHRA definition, with its 11 examples of ‘anti-Semitism’, 7 of which referenced Israel, be adopted. Len McLuskey, threw his weight behind it on the basis that once it was adopted the ‘anti-Semitism’ affair would go away.

Of course not only did it not go away but it intensified. You don’t need to be a genius to understand that once the Zionists got Labour to adopt the definition they weren’t going to let up. They had got their weapon adopted and they were intent on wielding it.

Jenny Formby even boasted about how many expulsions she had engineered. If she thought the Zionists would be grateful then that is proof of her stupidity. The more people who were expelled the more the Zionists demanded until there was only Corbyn left. And if there were more expulsions then that was proof that ‘anti-Semitism’ was a problem. Every single step of the way Corbyn and his supporters – Lansman, Formby, McLuskey, McDonnell and Owen Jones – sang the Zionist narrative.

Corbyn made it easy for Sir Stürmer. It was Corbyn and Formby who proposed ‘fast track’ expulsions. We were told they were only for the most ‘egregious’ of cases but Formby lied. Everyone was fast tracked from this point onwards and they were all anti-Zionists.

The adoption of the IHRA definition was clear proof that the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign had been about Israel. Why else would you want a definition that said that anti-Semitism was:

Applying double standards by requiring of it [Israel] a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation

Leaving aside the small fact that Israel is not a democratic nation or that there is no Israeli nationality, this is based on the idea that if you criticise Israel and leave out China, the Congo and everywhere else, you are anti-Semitic. According to the IHRA’s ‘logic’ anyone who only criticises the Egyptian regime is anti-Egyptian! Hannah Arendt explained why Jews get involved in anti-Israel campaigns:

‘But I can admit to you... that wrong done by my own people naturally grieves me more than wrong done by other people.’ [The Jew as a Pariah, p.247]

Perhaps Arendt too, a refugee from Nazi Germany was also anti-Semitic? Well yes. Well that is what the Zionists accused her of when she published Eichmann in Jerusalem.

More racist (and anti-Semitic) nonsense from Sturmer - only antisemites claim Jews are a separate nation from those they live amongst

Corbyn was incapable of resisting the attacks of the Right because he did not understand that the anti-Semitism campaign was aimed at removing him not anti-Semitism.

Corbyn exacerbated his problems. When people said that there was no problem of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party Corbyn called that ‘denialism’. In other words denying something is proof of your guilt!

Imagine that you are prosecuted and asked to plead. You say ‘not guilty’ and the Judge looks up and says that pleading innocence is proof of your guilt! Of course Stürmer has taken it to a new level. But Corbyn unfortunately was never an intellectual. The idea behind ‘denialism’ being proof of one’s guilt was the underlying theme of the Salem witch trials in the 17th century. This was why the only women to be hanged were those who denied they were witches. Those who confessed escaped the noose.

Criticising the EHRC Report is now proof of ‘anti-Semitism’ despite the fact that it has more holes than a colander. Why? Because Starmer wants the pretence of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party as a cover for the attack on the left. If Corbyn had had any sense he would have condemned its ‘investigation’ from the beginning.

Of course there are those on the soft left like Lansman and David Renton (whose abysmal book I’ve just reviewed) who continue to argue that Labour had an ‘anti-Semitism’ problem. That is why we should be grateful to Keith for admitting the truth.

Well Stürmer has just confirmed everything we said. When he tolda meeting of Labour Friends of Israel that support for the Palestinians was ‘anti-Zionist anti-Semitism’ because it ‘denies the Jewish people alone a right of self-determination.’ he let the cat out of the bag.

Even were the Jews a single people, then they would by no means be unique. The Kurds, the Tamils, the Basques, Catalans are just some of the nations who have been denied national self-determination.

The concept of Jewish self-determination is a thoroughly reactionary one. There were many demands that Jews made in Britain when they arrived on these shores but the demand for self-determination was not one of them. Self-determination applies to nations. Jews demanded equal rights and an end to discrimination not separation.

The idea that Jews are one nation was an anti-Semitic one. It was the anti-Semites who argued that Jews weren’t part of the German nation, that they were a separate people. Wilhelm Marr in 1879 popularised the term ‘anti-Semitism’ because what he was alleging was that Jews weren’t European but Middle Eastern i.e. Semites. Hence the term ‘anti-Semitism’.

When Zionism first made an appearance its fiercest opponents were Jews who it as a form of Jewish anti-Semitism. Lucien Wolf, Secretary of the Conjoint Foreign Committee [CFC] of the Board of Deputies said of the idea that British Jews were part of a ‘Jewish nation’ that:

I have spent most of my life in combating these very doctrines, when presented to me in the form of anti-Semitism, and I can only regard them as the more dangerous when they come to me in the guise of Zionism. They constitute a capitulation to our enemies.’ [B Destani (ed) The Zionist movement and the foundation of Israel 1839-1972, p.727].

Pogroms against Palestinians are 'democratic' and 'rumbustious' according to Sturmer

Zionism began as a Christian not a Jewish idea and it was promoted by anti-Semites. Edwin Montagu, the only Jewish member of Lloyd George’s War Cabinet in 1917 was also the only one to oppose the Balfour Declaration. He accused his fellows of anti-Semitism:

It is no more true to say that a Jewish Englishman and a Jewish Moor are of the same nation than it is to say that a Christian Englishman and a Christian Frenchman are of the same nation [On the Anti-Semitism of the Present (British) Government, https://tinyurl.com/yxpopr9b 23.8.17].

Stürmer went on to argue that anti-Zionism

“equates Zionism with racism, focuses obsessively on the world’s sole Jewish state and holds it to standards no other country is subjected.”

Yes anti-Zionism holds that Zionism is racist. What else is it? It sought a Jewish ethnic state, a state ‘cleansed’ of Arabs. In 1948 it expelled 80% of its Palestinian inhabitants to achieve an artificial majority. A Jewish settler colonial state cannot be other than racist and with the 2018 Jewish Nation State Law, which reserves national rights only for Jews, Israel is an explicitly racist state.

But is Israel held to different standards? It is worth examing this lie, which is the underlying assumption of the IHRA definition. Perhaps Stürmer can tell us:

1.            which other country in the world brands human rights groups as ‘terrorists’? Even Apartheid South Africa didn’t do this.

2.            which other country has two sets of legal systems within one territory (the West Bank) for two different ethnic groups –Jewish settlers and Palestinians? That is the definition of Apartheid.

3.            which other country seizes children in the early hours of the morning from their beds, blindfolds, beats them denies them access to their parents and lawyers and coerces them into signing confessions in a language they don’t even understand (Hebrew)? Of course this only applies to Palestinian not Jewish children.

4.            Which other country has a law (the Absentee Property Law 1950) which is used to confiscate land from one ethnicity (Arabs) and hand it over to another ethnic group (Israeli Jews)?

According to Sturmer, pogroms against Palestinians are part of Israel's 'rumbustious' democracy

I could spend all day giving examples of Israeli Apartheid. People can look up the B’Tselemand Human Rights Watch Reports, both of which describe why Israel is an Apartheid Jewish Supremacist State.

Stürmer  also had the bare faced cheek to saythat ‘under my leadership every Jew will count.’ Presumably this is why Graham Bash, a Jewish anti-Zionist, a member of the Labour Party for 53 years has just been expelled? Today we learn that Jewish councillor Jo Bird has been expelled. Perhaps Starmer will explain why these Jews don’t count. Is he saying that anti-Zionist Jews aren’t Jewish?

On 25 August this legal crook put the late Riva Joffe, a veteran of the fight against South Africas apartheid, under ‘investigation’. If you are Jewish in the Labour Party you are 5 times more likely to be suspended or expelled than non-Jews! Lies come easily to Stürmer.

But Stürmer is right to say that anti-Zionism is the ‘antithesis’ of Labour’s tradition. That is because the Labour Party was as much a party of the British Empire as the Tories. Labour adopted Zionism even before the Tories, because they too had an imperial mindset.

Arthur James Balfour, who gave his name to the Balfour Declaration was a self-declared anti-Semite who, in 1905, as Prime Minister, introduced the Aliens Act aimed at preventing the immigration of Jewish refugees from Russia. Anti-Semites have always supported Zionism because both wanted Jews to be go to Palestine not Britain.

It is amusing to see this legal liar’s 10 Pledges in which he promised to be a unity candidate. I’ve saved them as a pdfsince it is only a matter of time before they disappear.

Pledge No. 4Promote peace and human rights’stated:

No more illegal wars. Introduce a Prevention of Military Intervention Act and put human rights at the heart of foreign policy. Review all UK arms sales and make us a force for international peace and justice.

We haven’t heard much of this recently! Labour policy is an arms embargo on Israel but I didn’t catch mention of this in Stürmer ’s speech. As for human rights, if you campaign for human rights in Israel you are accused of being ‘obsessive’ and anti-Semitic.

Stürmer oozes insincerity in almost everything he says. One of the reasons why he engenders such dislike is that when he tries to sound sincere he comes across as merely trying. Take this passage:

My resolve was hardened when David Baddiel recently gave me a copy of his brilliant book, “Jews Don’t Count”, which shows so clearly – just as the Royal Court theatre demonstrated last week – how racism against Jews is held to a different standard from other kinds of racism.

And who is this ‘brilliant author’? Could it be the same David Baddiel who ‘blacked up’ in order to ridicule and persecute Black footballer Jason Lee? Black writer Gavin Lewis wrote:

Baddiel and his comedy partner Frank Skinner, spent much of the 1996 ITV series of Fantasy Football insulting the ethnic appearance of the Black soccer player Jason Lee... and inciting others to do so. Lee was singled out for a campaign of vilification simply because he had chosen to adopt the locks-and-cornrows style of his Afro-diasporic heritage.’

It turns out that Stürmer’s role model when it comes to anti-Semitism is an out and out racist. But that’s not surprising given that his hosts, LFI, are an Israeli Embassy front. Starmer continued:

Balfour was not only an anti-Semite, he was also a racist. When Chief Minister in Ireland where he earned the soubriquet of ‘Bloody Balfour’ owing to his role in the shooting of Irish protestors at Mitchellstown. In a debate in the House of Commons in 1906 he defended the refusal to give the vote to Blacks in South Africa:

‘We have to face the facts, Men are not born equal, the white and black races are not born with equal capacities: they are born with different capacities which education cannot and will not change. [Yousef Munayyer, The Forward, 1.11.17., citing Critics of Empire: British Radicals and the Imperial Challenge, p.306, Bernard Porter https://tinyurl.com/y4ey42p7]

This is the man who was the Zionists’ best friend. Zionism in Britain at the beginning of the century supported the anti-immigration Tories who were soundly defeated in the East End in 1906.

Chaim Weizmann, the leader of British Zionism and Israel’s first President wrote favourably of his friendship with William Evans-Gordon MP, the founder of the anti-Semitic British Brothers League in his autobiography Trial and Error[pp. 90-91]

. Although conceding that Evans-Gordon was “widely and unfavourably known to the Jewish people” Weizmann believed that:

‘our people were rather hard on him. The Aliens Bill in England and the movement which grew around it were natural phenomenon which might have been foreseen... Sir William Evans-Gordon had no particular anti-Jewish prejudices... he was sincerely ready to encourage any settlement of Jews almost anywhere in the British Empire, but he failed to see why the ghettos of London or Leeds or Whitechapel should be made into a branch of the ghettos of Warsaw and Pinsk.

The BBL was the precursor of the British Union of Fascists. William Stanley Shaw, the President of the BBL wrote:

I am a firm believer in the Zionist movement, which the British Brothers League will do much incidentally to foster. The return of the Jews to Palestine is one of the most striking signs of the times…. All students of prophecy are watching the manifold signs of the times with almost breathless interest… [Jewish Chronicle 8.11.01].

Starmer proved that what he had previously said, that he was a Zionist ‘without qualification’ was, for once, the truth. How did Starmer deal with the allegations that Israel was an apartheid state which the veterans of the struggle against apartheid in South Africa have declared as far worse than even the Afrikaaners?

as the principles enunciated in its Declaration of Independence show – the State of Israel... was built on a worldview that promotes the goals of universal freedom, justice, equality and peace.

They were fine principles in Israel’s Declaration of Independence and David Ben Gurion meant not a word of them! That is why the Declaration has no legal effect. They are there for show only. To be used by stool pigeons like Stürmer.

The rest of Stürmer’s speech merely demonstrates that in the alliance between the Zionists and the Labour Right the latter is quite happy to swallow all the lies that Israel has traditionally used to explain away its demolition of Arab homes, theft of water etc.

According to Stürmer Israel has ‘a rumbustious democracy, ‘independent judiciary’.’ In the midst of the settler terror in the West Bank Stürmer sees‘a path to peace and prosperity which is worthy of our admiration and support.’

One wonders what Stürmer would have said on the eve of the Nazi invasion of Poland? That this Hitler fellow was after all elected and he did sit down and negotiate at Munich. Stürmer would have been a more enthusiastic appeaser than Chamberlain!

Stürmer was ‘proud of the fact’ that ‘our friends in the Israeli Labor party helped to bring the Netanyahu era to a close and is back in government.’

It is true that Netanyahu is no longer Prime Minister and Naftali Bennet, leader of a far-Right settler party Yamina is in power. Interior Minister, Ayelet Shaked, makes no effort to hide her distaste for Arabs and non-Jews. She has sought to preventAfrican refugees from obtaining health care and issueda statement that:

“On instructions from the health minister, the representatives of his ministry tried to dramatically expand the scope of the insurance and to apply it to the entire population of infiltrators from Sudanand Eritrea, including adults. The minister opposes any step that would lead to this population to settle down in Israel,

Shaked calls asylum seekers ‘infiltrators’. This term was first used by the Labour Zionists in the 1950s to describe expelled Palestinian refugees who tried to return to their lands. None of this deterred Stürmer from waxing lyrical about how

Israel’s most precious features are its Jewish and its democratic identities. To retain both we must have a two-state solution.

On maintaining Israel as a Jewish Apartheid State there is broad agreement between left and right-wing Zionists. That is why the present far-Right government includes both ‘left’ Zionist parties, the ILP and Meretz. ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ is meaningless in Zionism . Their only differences are on tactics not on principles.

People often think that because Stürmer is a QC that he is intelligent. This is a mistake. It is obvious that Israel can either be a Jewish or a Democratic state. It cannot be both. If one ethnicity must always be in the majority, then it is inevitable that the state will take on the character of an ethno-supremacist nature.

Where else in the world would you have government approved demonstrations chantingDeath to the Arabs’. This takes place each year on the Jerusalem Day march. The video of the 15thJune demonstration this year showed that when Palestinians objected to a settler mob chanting this they were the ones harassed by the Police.

Imagine that there was an Arab demonstration (which of course would not be allowed) in Israel chanting ‘Death to the Jews’. News would travel far and wide.  It would be shown on the BBC yet a demonstration out of the Nazi past goes unremarked in this ‘rumbustious democracy’.

The Pew Report shows that more Israeli Jews support the physical expulsion of Israeli Arabs than oppose it - yet Sturmer is silent on this and more

But settlers and the right-wing chanting ‘Death to the Arabs’ is the tip of the iceberg. In the Pew Report Israel’s Religiously Divided Societya plurality – 48% to 46% - of Israeli Jews wanted Israel’s Arab citizens to be expelled. This too is Israel’s rumbustious democracy’.

The proof that Israel is an apartheid state is evidenced in the wide ranging discrimination against Israeli Palestinians such as the hundreds of Jewish only communities from which Arabs are legallybarred. Arabs are confined to about 2% of the land whereas 93% of the land is in the hands of the Jewish state. According to the Jewish Nation State Law ‘Jewish settlement’ is a national objective.

As former Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu, said:

“Israel is not a state of all its citizens. According to the basic nationality law we passed, Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people – and only it.”

Yet Stürmer’s solution is two states, which is a smokescreen for continued colonisation. No Zionist party is in favour of complete withdrawal from the West Bank. According to Stürmer’s

... we are pro-Israel, pro-Palestine, and pro-peace... I also want to be clear that Labour does not support BDS. BDS would not only target the world’s sole Jewish state, but it is counterproductive: driving people apart when we should be bringing them...

These are weasel words. Would Stürmer have said we are pro-Black and pro-White in South Africa? You can’t be on the side of the oppressed and oppressor. Stürmer doesn’t support BDS but he says nothing about Israel’s enforced sanctions on Gaza. He takes the same position as Thatcher did on South Africa. Sanctions would be ‘counterproductive’. They would hurt the Palestinians more.

The Labour Party passed policy this year, not only calling Israel an apartheid state but supporting an arms embargo. None of this stopped Stürmer condemning the student demonstrations against Israeli Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely last week at the LSE.

Hotoveli is the far-religious nut who was made Ambassador by Netanyahu. She has said of the Palestinians that they have no history or culture. She once declaredthat ‘“This land is ours. All of it is ours. We did not come here to apologise for that.” She is an out and out racist which for Stürmer seems part of the appeal.

In 2011, as Chair of the Knesset’s Status of Women Committee, she invitedthe Lehava to give testimony in order that they could ‘explain how they prevent romantic contacts between Jews and Arabs.’ In response to criticism, Hotovely saidit was

"important to examine procedures for preventing mixed marriages, and Lehava members are the right people for that,"

Hotovely had a point. Lehava were the ‘right people.’ In 2014 Lehava held a demonstrationoutside the marriage ceremony of an Arab man and a Jewish woman with the inevitable chant ‘Death to the Arabs’.

Other actions by Lehava include setting fire to one of Israel’s few mixed schools in Jerusalem, the Hand in Hand school.

There is no Zionist atrocity that LFI won't defend

Lehava is a fascist group that attacks Arab men in what they term ‘Jewish areas’ who they believe might form relationships with Jewish women. In the wordsof one spokesman, ‘“we must break their faces, bury them alive”

From Chair of Labour Friends of Palestine to Zionist footwipe - Lisa Nandy wouldn't know what principles were if they were to bite her nether regions

None of this prevented Hotovely from thanking Stürmer and Nandy ‘over their show of solidarity’. Hotoveli also

‘praised LFI and said she accepted their had been difficult years under Jeremy Corbyn. Hotovely said she felt as though she was amongst “friends” at the lunch.’

LFI defends shooting unarmed demonstrators - not one word of criticism of the Israeli state or army - it's all Hamas

If Hotovely considers LFI her friends then that is understandable. After all the Embassy funds them. Behind all their rhetoric of 2 States LFI have never spoken out against the military occupation of the West Bank and called for Israel’s withdrawal.

No matter what Israel does in the West Bank, the demolition of schools, the outlawing of 6 human rights organisations, the destructionof roads and water pipes in the Massafa Yater area, the tolerationof settler violence against Palestinians and the destructionof crops and trees as ‘letting off steam’ Stürmer will justify it. The attacks on Palestinians by settlers is Israeli policy..

To all of this turns a blind eye, repeating the mantra about Israel being the ‘only democracy in the Middle East.’ We should be under no illusion as to why this is. Israel is the West’s strategic watchdog and you can’t kick the mutt that does your dirty work.

Tony Greenstein

HnH Scores Own Goal As First It Cancels Joe Solo and then Offers Him Back the Money he Won!


 Hate not Hope and the vile Ruth Smeeth Use McCarthyite Tactics to Smear Joe as an ‘anti-Semite’ for Supporting Chris Williamson 

Watch Tony Greenstein and David Miller on Resist TV

The Problem with Hope not Hate

Wednesday 24 November 7.00 pm

I first saw Joe Solo at the Festival of Resistance 6 weeks ago, a genuinely empathetic working class street performer. So it was no surprise that a socialist, an anti-racist and anti-imperialist should come in for a vicious attack by the misnamed Hope not Hatewhich is a right-wing ‘anti-fascist’ group.

HnH was first formed in 2004 and in 2011 it split with its parent organisation, Searchlight Anti-Fascist Magazine which also had a record of smearing anti-fascists and anti-racists. The split was not based on any principled disagreements but about money. Nick Lowles, its Director wanted to be free of the ageing Zionist Gerry Gable in order to make as much money as he wanted without restrictions placed on what he could do with it.

At first Lowles proclaimed that he was not ‘vocalising’ about Palestine and the group had no position on Israel/Palestine. But that soon changed as it was made clear that if he didn’t take sides then money would dry up, certainly from Establishment and Zionist sources.

One of the tweets that Hate not Hope objected to

Literally Hate not Hope sold its soul to the Zionist devil. It leaps upon any manifestation of sympathy with the Palestinians and describes it as ‘anti-Semitic’.

In June 2015 the detestable racist former MP Ruth Smeeth was appointed as Deputy Director of HnH. Two years later HnH became part of the ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign against Corbyn and later against Chris Williamson. Smeeth is now a Director of HnH.

Liron Velleman

Nor is Smeeth the only paid-up Zionist at HnH. Liron Velleman, the Political Organiser at HnH is policy officer for the rabidly right-wing Jewish Labour Movement. It’s a small world as they say!

Gurinder Singh Josan

And just in case you were worried the trustee board is chaired by Labour far right NEC member, Gurinder Singh Josan.

On 1 November HnH invited people to vote from a shortlist of 6 for their ‘Hope Hero’ awards. Out of the 6 people selected, Joe Solo won the award. What happened next was predictable. The ‘anti-Semitism’ smear campaign went into operation.

On 17 November HnH issued a statement with scab ‘union’ Community, the only trade union to support Zionism and the State of Israel, that they were withdrawing the award. People had voted for Joe on the basis of the work he had put in in forming ‘We Shall Overcome’ an artist led response to growing poverty. Just the kind of grassroots work anti-racists and anti-fascists should be involved in.

This vitriolic statement from Nick Lowles MBE was made because tweets had been uncovered in which Joe had defended Chris Williamson from the attacks which had received. Chris, one of the few working class MPs the Labour Party had was also the only one to oppose the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign.

Joe Solo at the Festival of Resistance

Tony Booth on the Not the Andy Marr  Show with Crispin Flintoft

If HnH had its ear to the ground then they would know that Joe also performed at Chris Williamson’s Festival of Resistance on the evening of Saturday October 16. As Chris noted:

HnH is basically a smear machine. Its latest attacks on Joe Solo and me have plumbed new depths. Joe was instrumental in establishing the ‘We Shall Overcome’ initiative in 2015, which brought musicians together to give hope to disadvantaged communities and raise money to help others. Yet Joe is now being smeared.

Like the bullies and liars that they are, HnH reckoned without the anger of the ordinary mass of people. In many ways HnH are like Nicola Doward, Headmistress of Stretford High School who tried to steal the funds children had collected for the Palestinian victims of Israeli bombing and hand them over to an Israeli charity. She was taken aback by the furore.

See Joe Solo at this year’s Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival


Likewise with Nick Lowles. He mixes in such rarefied and reactionary circles that he has come to believe all this nonsense about Labour anti-Semitism and in particular Chris Williamson. So they were taken aback at the reaction to their decision. Nick Lowles doesn’t understand that ‘Labour Anti-Semitism’ was a ruling class narrative.  Most people were oblivious to it.

To rub salt in the wounds not only had Hate not Hope removed Joe as a prize winner and taken away the £5,000 prize he had won but they suggested that this working class fighter against racism needed ‘training’ on anti-Semitism. Training as Tony Booth says is what you give to a dog.  Human beings have education, which is a 2 way affair.

But it’s not Joe who needs anti-racist education but Nick Lowles Liron Velleman and the execrable Ruth Smeeth. They need to understand that when you demolish homes of Palestinians in order to move Jewish settlers in that is racist.

When I can go to Israel anytime I like and claim citizenship, because I’m Jewish but my friend who is a Palestinian, born and brought up there, has no such right that is racism.   

If you go to the statementthat HnH issued alongside the scab Community Union, then what is remarkable is the number of adverse comments. It is clear that Lowles and Smeeth have misjudged the mood of people.  Talk of Labour ‘anti-Semitism’ may have been common at the dinner tables in North London but real people did not buy into this fable.

And if you go to Joe’s Facebook page there are literally hundreds of supportive comments and only the odd Zionist.

Statement by Joe Solo on Facebook

So when Tony Booth put up a fundraiser to replace the £5,000 that was Joe’s prize it was no surprise that within 4 days it had raised over double that amount. So strong was the reaction to Hate not Hope’s decision that Lowles’ lackeys were forced to go, cap in hand to Joe and ask him to take their soiled money, donated no doubt by some Zionist millionaire, after all.  Unsurprisingly Joe turned them down with a statement that sums up everything about Joe:

I am a Working Class Socialist Trade Unionist and I’m afraid taking that money after the abuse I have suffered this last 36 hours would be the equivalent of hanging my head in shame and crossing a picket line. Something I would not and could not do.

But Hate not Hope and Nick Lowles have form. Back in 2018 the National Union of Students Black Students made it clear that they did not want Lowles as a speaker because of his Zionism and Islamaphobia, which are really Siamese twins.

Nick Lowles was also taken to task by Liz Feketo of the Institute of Race Relations for his adoption of a racist narrative during the ‘grooming affair’ in the North of England in accepting the conflation of Pakistani men with child abuse.

HnH has been in the forefront of the false and confected moral panic over Labour ‘Anti-Semitism’. A moral panic that newspapers like the Daily Mail and The Sun did their best to promote.  The same papers that had no difficulty employinga neo-Nazi Katie Hopkins as a columnist. To those who doubt this I suggest you watch Chris Williamson’s Reaching Over The Noise - Is Labour Really Antisemitic? which is a retort to the deliberately deceptive and dishonest BBC Panorama programme ‘Is Labour Anti-Semitic?’

HnH’s Zionism did not come out of nowhere. It began with Searchlight Magazine. In the 1980s, during the Reagan era, it ran with an overtly anti-Arab racist agenda positing what it called ‘The New Axis’ made up of Arabs and Black leaders together with fascists.

Its editor, Gerry Gable, had resigned from the Communist  Party because it was no longer pro-Zionist.  Gable himself worked both with Israeli and British intelligence. We discovered this when the New Statesman published a leaked memo from Gable to his boss, Barry Cox, at London Weekend Television. It spoke of MI5’s ‘left watchers’.

Gable followed this up with a concerted attempt to destabilise Anti-Fascist Action by making a series of false accusations of  Nazi links about anarchist groups and individuals such as Class War.

Gable and Lowles were both implicated in a series of racist incidents prompting an impressively large number of Black organisations to write an Open Letter to Searchlight (which of course it didn’t print but which Labour Briefing did print).

In 1977 the then Labour Home Secretary, Merlyn Rees, was proposing to deport American journalist Mark Hosenball and ex-CIA agent Phil Agee. Gable was willing to spread dirty about both of them alleging that Phil Kelly, who later became editor of Tribune and an Islington Councillor, had trained as a ‘terrorist’ in Jordan with the PLO and other nonsense.

Gable calls me a 'Jew hater' for solidarity with the Palestinians

I crossed swords with Gable frequently in my role as a member of Anti-Fascist Action’s Executive and as part of my role in fighting fascism in Brighton. Gable called me a ‘Jew hater’ in an editorial in the Winter 2015/16 issue, just as the fake ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign was being rolled out in the Labour Party. Gable offered, in the same editorial to ‘give evidence about the current probems that urgently need to be tackled.’

Why Labour Against the Witchhunt & Labour-in-Exile-Network Should Merge


 With the Collapse of the Corbyn Project there is a clear choice between Building a Socialist Movement or Retreating into the Politics of Sectarianism 

Ken Loach absolutely DESTROYS Keir Starmer (doubledown.news)

Starmer and Evans are conducting a scorched earth policy inside the Labour Party. They are determined to complete what Blair began, making the Labour Party safe for capitalism. That is why, on July 20th Labour Against the Witchhunt and Labour-in-Exile-Network were proscribed. It is on that basis that Ken Loach, Jo Bird and many others have been expelled.

Any socialist of note, indeed anyone who sticks their head above the parapet, is likely to be expelled. But whereas the Labour Party is now a ‘hostile environment’ to socialists, racists like Trevor Philips (‘Muslims are a nation within a nation’) and Luke Stanger (‘travellers are a nasty blight on society’) are quietly readmitted to the Labour Party. Anti-racists and socialists are expelled on the pretext that they ‘undermine the Labour Party’s ability to campaign against racism’ even though Labour under Starmer has done nothing about racism.

Recent expulsions include Graham Bash, Editor of Labour Briefing with 53 years of membership, and Cllr. Jo Bird, both of whom are Jewish. Pamela Fitzpatrick, a much respected Councillor in Harrow and a member of the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy has also been expelled.  Pamela made a number of complaints about people like Stanger abusing and harassing her and the Labour Party’s response has been to expel the victim and readmit the abusers.

Very few politicians tell the unvarnished truth but never can there be two leaders of the two main parties, Starmer and Johnson, who suffer from truthophobia. Both of them, quite literally, have an allergic reaction to telling the truth. 

As Skwawkbox notedJust days after Keir Starmer told a Labour Friends of Israel (LFI) gathering that his would be a party for all Jews’,Jo Bird, a Jewish councillor in Wirral was expelled. Indeed if you are Jewish in the Labour Party you are 5 times more likely to be expelled for ‘anti-Semitism’ than if you are non-Jewish!  This is the parallel universe of the Labour Right. Anti-racist Jews aren’t Jews.

The blame for this state of affairs can be laid at the feet of Jeremy Corbyn and Lansman’s Momentum. It was they who accepted the false ‘anti-Semitism’ narrative of the right-wing, that Labour was ‘overrun by anti-Semitism’. It was they who supported the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism. It was Corbyn and Lansman who supported the expulsion of Jackie Walker, Marc Wadsworth, Ken Livingstone, Chris Williamson and myself.

Starmer and Johnson leapt to the defence of Israel's racist Ambassador

We are now seeing exactly what the Right meant by ‘anti-Semitism’ – a defence of the nakedly racist Israeli Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely and the expulsion of Jewish anti-racists from the Labour Party.

Hotovely was the person who, as Chair of the Knesset’s Womens Committee, invited the overtly fascist Lehava group to give testimony. Lehava, like the Jewish Nazis they are, oppose Jews and Arabs having personal/sexual relationships and they go hunting for Arabs in ‘Jewish areas’ in order to beat them up. This is the vile creature that Starmer and Angela Rayner defended.

Starmer was elected on the basis of 10 Pledges, which were based on the Corbyn Manifesto. Since his election he has abandoned every single pledge. Pledge number 1 was to reverse the Tory cuts to Corporation Tax.  When the Tories did increase it Starmer opposedit!

Ken Loach Interview with The Canary

Jo Bird spoke for many when she said that

‘I’m delighted the Labour Party has expelled me today. I’m free from fear about speaking and meeting with other people.... This racist Labour Party is dying as a vehicle for social justice.’

Ken Loach saidof his expulsion that ‘it’s like leaving an abusive relationship’.

As thousands continue to stream out of the Labour Party and hundreds, if not thousands, fall foul of the witchhunt, a responsibility rests upon 2 of the 4 proscribed groups, Labour-in-Exile-Networkand Labour Against the Witchhunt to organise, both those who are still inside the Labour Party and those who are now outside the party into a coherent socialist movement as opposed to a separate party.

Whereas Gordon Brown went from Stalin to Mr Bean, Starmer has gone from Mr Bean to Stalin

That is why the two All Members Meetings (All Members Meeting) this Friday and Saturday of LIEN and LAW are so important and I urge people to attend.  At these meetings motions will be proposed that the 2 organisations should merge. If you are not already a member of one or both groups then you should join now. You can join LIEN here and LAW here.

Luke Stanger, a vile racist and friend of Hove's right-wing MP Peter Kyle (Vice Chair of LFI) is readmitted to the Labour Party

LIEN’s Steering Committee has voted in favour of merger or consolidation of both organisations, since LIEN was in many ways an outgrowth of LAW. At one time 3 members of the LAW SC were also on LIEN’s SC . However LAW’s Steering Committee, under the influence of Labour Party Marxists, has come out against a merger with only myself, out of 6 members, in favour of merging with LIEN.

Trevor Phillips - another genuine racist readmitted to the Labour Party

At the LAW AMM on July 24 a motion was passedto explore the merging of Labour Against the Witchhunt and Labour In Exile Network’. Moved by Tina Werkmann (who has since changed her mind) the motion read:

 This meeting believes that:

1.   Unity is strength. While there are obvious political differences in the history of both groups, the composition of both memberships and some campaigning priorities, we believe that both groups have enough in common politically to justify a possible merger.  

2.   Such a merger would send out a strong signal to many of those who are feeling disheartened and politically disoriented by the current trajectory of the Labour Party. 

3.   It might encourage more people and groups to join our merged organisation. 

4.    This meeting therefore resolves to start exploring a merger process between both organisations...

 At a joint LLA, LAW and LIEN members and supporters meeting on October 14 a motion moved by Tina Werkmann stated:

Unity is strength. While there are obvious political differences in the history of the three groups, the composition of their memberships and some campaigning priorities, we believe that they have enough in common politically to start bringing their forces closer together by setting up joint campaigns, joint educational events and joint meetings of the respective leaderships.

Amendment number 8 moved by me stating that

A merger of LAW and LIEN in the light of the recent proscriptions and attacks on the left in the Labour Party would be extremely welcome

was passed by 43-25. Amendment 6 by Diana Isserlis calling explicitly for a new socialist movement passed by 44-31.

Amendment 4 moved by Roger Silverman calling for

the establishment of a common transitional movement uniting socialist activists both within and outside the Labour Party

was passed by 61-15.

Amendment 3 moved by Diana Isserlis calling for a new organisation to

co-operate with forces inside and outside the Labour Party, pursue campaigns linked with the wider socialist movement, build a socialist movement including those inside and outside the Labour Party

was passed by 45-26 and Amendment 2 from me calling for the new combined organisation ‘to organise shadow CLPs to include ex-members and current members of the Labour Party’ was passed by 54-11.  By way of contrast a wrecking amendment from LPM, deleting half of the motion was heavily defeated by 58-12. 

The amended motion was passed by 63-11. In other words except for the hard core supporters of LPM just about everybody else agreed with the strategy of merger.

The LPM, which is the Communist Party of Great Britain, which produces the Weekly Worker. It is a small group of around 30-40 members which has stayed approximately the same size since it was formed from The Leninist over 30 years ago.

Their strategy, if it can be called that, is to form a mass revolutionary Marxist party which will, with the support of the unions, force the Labour Party into becoming a ‘united front of a special kind’.  In the meantime LPM simply writes off the hundreds of thousands of people who joined the Labour Party after the victory of Jeremy Corbyn and the millions who voted for the 2017 manifesto as having the ‘wrong’ politics. There is a complete failure to understand what the Corbyn project represented and how to build on it.

LPM is therefore fiercely opposed to such a merger or indeed any attempt to build the left other than temporary alliances with already existing left groups like CLPD or LRC in the Labour Party. It dismisses all attempts to build anything outside the Labour Party as a Labour Party Mark II.

At the November 9 Steering Committee Stan Keable submitted the following motion:

The LAW steering committee resolves to withdraw from the recent joint meetings with the steering committees of Labour in Exile Network and Labour Left Alliance, and to end LAW’s participation in joint all members and supporters meetings.

The joint steering committee meetings, while nominally favouring continuing the struggle in the Labour Party, have in fact been dominated by proposals to orientate away from Labour, to give up on the struggle within Labour, and to attempt to create an alternative movement or party based on the failed politics of Corbynism, aiming to keep together the thousands of disillusioned comrades at all costs. Far from rearming and rallying the left, we believe such a project will only add to the widespread demoralization and disorientation of the Labour left that already exists.

However, we wish those comrades well, and will seek to co-operate with them wherever possible. Meanwhile, LAW has a tremendous job on its hands in fighting the ongoing witch-hunt.

Unsurprisingly at the LAW All Members Meeting this Saturday LPM will move Motion 2 which is titled:  Reject liquidation of LAW! Keep the focus on Labour! 

The merger or consolidation of LAW and LIEN is called ‘liquidation’ a favourite word in sections of the left. The motion is the height of unreality. It fails to take account that the atmosphere of McCarthyism and vitriol inside the Labour Party, the harassment and bullying of activists has produce a situation where over 150,000 members have simply left with thousands more likely to do so.

It is crystal clear that there is little or nothing that LAW can do to combat the present witchhunt. As Ken Loach said ‘democracy is dead inside the Labour Party.’ In a situation where Labour Party apparatchiks manipulate and make up the rules to get rid of their enemy, where nobody on the left can even become a councillor or MP anymore, it is impossible to fight the witchhunt. There are no hearings before panels anymore because there are no hearings. Thanks to Corbyn and Formby fast-track expulsions have become the norm.

In the present situation the question is whether we can build a new movement from amongst those who were part of the Corbyn movement. The LPM prefers to inhabit a sectarian ghetto of 30-40 to the more difficult task of organising with people who will not always share hard line Marxist politics.

What they are advocating, behind their talk of Solidarity with all victims of the Labour witch-hunt! Step up the fight! is nothing less than an abandonment of any fight whatsoever.  Given that virtually no supporters of LPM are even inside the Labour Party their resolution is pure wind, rhetoric without any purpose.

As LIEN says on its website

The main aim of the Labour In Exile Network is to keep together all those who were mobilised and enthused to support Jeremy Corbyn for leader to continue the fight for democracy and socialism. This includes those who remain in the Labour Party, those who have been unfairly suspended or expelled in the last five years and those who have resigned from the Labour Party in despair of the party’s direction of travel under Keir Starmer and Dave Evans.

There is nothing whatsoever in this which is incompatible with the aims and purpose of LAW.

At the meetings on November 26 and 27 Esther Giles and myself will be moving a motioncalling for the ‘consolidation  of Labour Against the Witchhunt and Labour-in-Exile-Network into one organisation.

There will therefore be a clear choice facing members as to whether or not to continue the fight against Starmer, but not necessarily on Labour Party terrain since that has now become enemy territory.

The stance of LPM raises wider questions. How does the Marxist and anti-capitalist left build in a situation which is anything but revolutionary. Is the Bolshevik model the only one for Marxists today? Why is it that there has been no workers’ revolution since 1917? Is the working class of the West potentially revolutionary? What is the relevance of modern movements such as Black Lives Matter to revolutionary change? Does the pending climate catastrophe dictate a change in tactics and strategy?

However when you are obsessed with what dead Bolsheviks said or didn’t say a hundred years ago, such questions seem otiose.

Whatever your views please come and have your say and if you are not a member of both organisations then it’s not too late to join!

Below is an Open Letter to Members of Labour Against the Witchhunt and Labour-in-Exile-Networkfrom Carel Buxton, Roger Silverman, Esther Giles and myself to members explaining why we think that a merger of LIEN and LAW is necessary.

Tony Greenstein

These Two Short Videos from B’Tselem Explains More About the Cruelty and Racism of Zionism than a Million Words


 Terrorising Children and a Bedouin Shepherd in the Jordan Valley – This is Starmer’s ‘Rumbustious Democracy’

They say every picture tells a story.  Well these videos sum up the vicious racism and sadistic cruelty of Israel’s settler colonial regime. In the Jordan Valley in Area C where Israel is intent on driving out the Palestinians, schools, COVID clinics and any form of building structures, including schools, are regularly demolished.

Israeli soldiers on the prowl looking for Palestinians to harass

Here we see how the life of a Palestinian shepherd is made hell by a combination of the Israeli army and the settlers.  Areas are arbitrarily made into military ‘closed zones’ a device for then transferring to the land to the settlers.

What Israel is doing is transforming the Palestinians into landless labourers for the benefit of the agribusinesses in the area.

Masked settler terrorists coming to attack the shepherd

In the second video we see the routine harassment of the civilian population by an army which uses raids on houses in the early hours of the morning, to terrorise the inhabitants.

Waking and forcing children out of bed with guns is standard Zionist practice.  But criticise it and racists like Starmer and Nandy call you ‘anti-Semitic’.

Tony Greenstein

Labour Against the Witchhunt and Labour-in-Exile-Network Vote to Merge into a Single Organisation


 A Single Anti-Witchhunt Organisation Committed to Build Shadow CLPs Can Only Strengthen the Fight Against Starmer

Fringe Meeting at 2018 Liverpool Conference (left to right) - Jo Bird, Tony Greenstein, the late Tony Mulhearn, Anya Ndwuke (chair), Chris Williamson, Alexei Sayle

Last Friday night members of Labour-in-Exile-Network voted by 31-8 to merge with Labour Against the Witchhunt. The following night LAW, at its first All Members Meeting for 3 months also voted to support a merger, albeit by a narrower but decisive majority of 47-27 with 12 abstentions.

The successful Resist at the Rialto events in Brighton during the Labour conference were organised jointly with LIEN, LAW and Resist

Members of both organisations voted to form a single organisation dedicated not only to fighting the witchhunt but to campaign on a broader basis. We have an NHS that is being privatised, a Police Bill which is a massive encroachment on civil liberties, a Nationality and Immigration Bill which will result in more deaths in the Channel. The idea that the only game in the town is the Witchhunt is an obsession. Starmer has just given a speech to Labour Friends of Israel saying that the Israel of pogroms against Palestinians is a ‘rumbustious democracy’.

It is unfortunate that the majority of the LAW Steering Committee, having lost the argument and the vote have resigned rather than accepting the view of LAW members. Their argument is summed up in this week’s Weekly Worker that we are ‘Deserting the Fight’. No comrades we are refusing to allow the fight against Starmer and his neo-liberal politics to be confined to simply machinations in the Labour Party.

Motion 1 in favour of the merger was passed with one amendment. The second motion, opposing the merger, moved by supporters of Labour Party Marxism therefore fell automatically.

At a time when thousands of Labour Party members are either under ‘investigation’, suspended or expelled, it makes obvious sense that two organisations that agree on all the fundamental questions facing socialists, inside and outside the Labour Party, should merge. The Left has been historically weakened because of unnecessary splits over minor points of theological doctrine.

2019 Fringe Meeting with Ken Livingstone, Jackie Walker, Alexei Sayle and Chris Williamson

Opponents of the merger, primarily Labour Party Marxism argued that there is still much work to be done fighting the witchhunt. That is true but conditions have changed massively since the Corbyn witchhunt began in 2016. This point was made eloquently in an introductory speech by Graham Bash, the recently expelled Political Officer of Jewish Voices for Labour and someone who was a member of Labour for 53 years.

Graham emphasised that the scale and reach of Starmer’s witchhunt is bigger than anything that the Labour Party has ever experienced in its history. Previously particular groups like Militant were targeted.  Now it is anyone on the socialist left who speaks out against the leadership. People like Pamela Fitzpatrick of CLPD, a well respected local councillor in Harrow, the recipient of abuse by right-wing trolls, has been expelled whilst her abusers have got off scot-free. The suspension of a previous Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, is itself unprecedented.

LAW picket of Jackie Walker's Disciplinary Hearing

When nearly all the Left capitulated to the false ‘anti-Semitism’ attacks LAW was virtually alone in standing up to the Zionists and and people like Margaret Hodge. We organised pickets of the disciplinary hearings of Marc Wadsworth and Jackie Walker, organised well-attended fringe meetings at Labour Party Conference and gave support to Ken Livingstone, Chris Williamson and others.

We also led, with JVL, the campaign against the adoption by the Labour Party of the IHRA misdefinition of anti-Semitism with a large picket of the NEC meeting in September 2019 which adopted the IHRA.  We warned then that far from putting the ‘anti-Semitism’ attacks to bed they would increase in volume.

Jo Bird's reaction to her expulsion, that she is glad to get out of the Labour Party, is a typical reaction. Labour Party Marxists simply don't understand that people don't want to stay in Labour's poisonous cavern

Unfortunately Corbyn and Jennie Formby chose not to listen to us and they embarked on a policy of appeasement of the Right. At meeting after meeting I repeated the same message that the expulsion of Jackie, Marc and myself was not about us – we were collateral damage – the real target was Corbyn himself. That should be clear even to the most venal and stupid member of Momentum, even to Jon Lansman, now that Corbyn himself has lost the Whip.

When you don't like the way members voted you describe it as a 'hostile takeover' - this is the attitude of the trade union bureaucracy to democracy in the unions 

The throwing under the bus of Chris Williamson, Ken Livingstone and many others like Pete Willsman and Christine Shawcroft, simply whetted the appetite of Margaret Hodge and the JLM. When Corbyn opposed Open Selection he signed his own death warrant. When he and Formby proposed ‘fast track’ expulsions they laid the basis for Starmer’s purge and Corbyn’s own suspension.

But the opponents of merging the two organisations wanted people to believe that LAW today is the same as it was 2-3 years ago. That simply is not true.  In the past 6 months LAW has done relatively little other than with LIEN. On LAW’s own websitethere is no activity registered since the Resist at the Rialto in late September. The fact is that there is next to nothing we can do to fight the witchhunt inside the Labour Party because there is no democracy left.

LAW has no branches today - it has a passive membership

On July 20thLAW and LIEN organised the well attended picket of Labour’s NEC at Southside and during the Labour Party conference we organised a whole series of alternative events at the Resist at the Rialto in Brighton. It makes sense to merge into one group.

You only need to look at the Wikipedia entry for LAW. It lists a whole series of our activities but stops in May 2019. The reality is that LAW has been on a life support system for the past two years. Before the last AGM membership had plummeted by one-third. Ironically the only thing that restored LAW’s previous membership was Starmer/Evans decision to proscribe LAW!

The Steering Committee which has met fitfully in recent months has failed to involve members in its work or bring them aboard. There are no separate working groups or strands. Members are just passive observers. LAW is not the campaign it was when we had regular monthly All Members Meeting. Members of the Labour Party are reluctant even to be seen on pickets or demonstrations when that will be taken as support for LAW and instant expulsion.

The preamble to the first motion began with Ken Loach’s statement:

‘democracy is dead in the labour party...this is a political vacuum, this is the biggest challenge to the left in my lifetime,  we do need a new political movement, across the whole left, inside the Labour Party and outside, it’s got to be ready to become a party when the time is right.... Otherwise we fragment. People are leaving and we will fragment. At this critical moment when you have this mass of people just driven out of the party where are they going to go? If we miss this opportunity it is a very black outlook.’

What then were the arguments of opponents of the merger? LPM has always taken the position that there is nothing in between the Labour Party, a bourgeois workers party in their eyes, and a revolutionary Marxist Party. All or nothing and they get nothing.

The late Tony Mulhearn - one of the heroes of the Liverpool Council refusal to set a rate in the 1980s, who came under attack from Kinnock

The CPGB didn’t always take this position having participated first in the Socialist Alliance, Respect and Left Unity. The CPGB/LPM have never explained the change in their tactics from opposition to ‘autolabourism’ to a devotion to labourism! In 1997 they refusedto support a vote for Labour at the General Election. Now they damn anyone who even thinks of standing against Labour!

Ironically the first person to propose a merger wasn’t me but Tina Werkmann. I urged caution! At the LAW AMM on July 24 a motion ‘to explore the merging of LAW and LIEN’ was passed. Moved by Tina it read:

 This meeting believes that:

4.     Unity is strength. While there are obvious political differences in the history of both groups, the composition of both memberships and some campaigning priorities, we believe that both groups have enough in common politically to justify a possible merger.  

5.     Such a merger would send out a strong signal to many of those who are feeling disheartened and politically disoriented by the current trajectory of the Labour Party. 

6.     It might encourage more people and groups to join our merged organisation. 

This meeting therefore resolves to start exploring a merger process between both organisations...

A Zionist Without Qualification

At a joint LLA, LAW and LIEN members and supporters meeting on October 14 Paragraph 6 of a motion Bringing the Left togethermoved by Tina was identically worded to Para. 4 above! Para. 7 of the same motion was almost identically worded to Para. 5 above.

A number of other amendments moved by Roger Silverman, Diana Isserlis and myself made Tina’s motion even more explicit.

For reasons that are not clear, Tina reversed her position and put out a paper Why a merger between Labour Against the Witchhunt and Labour In Exile Network is a bad ideaTinawrote:

There are a number of reasons why I personally oppose a merger at this moment in time, despite the fact that I initially proposed ‘exploring a merger’ between the groups. Yes, unity is strength, but this unity has to have a serious political purpose if it is to be effective. I would be very much in favour of building a democratic and socialist movement based on the revolutionary politics of Marxism. But that is not what is being discussed here, far from it.

But Tina knew back in July and October that neither LIEN nor LAW were revolutionary Marxists. What changed? A clue can be found in the accusation that the LIEN Steering Committee lacked ‘political incoherence.’ This incoherence ‘reflects the fact that the organisation has no clear political programme.’ Well neither LIEN nor LAW has such a programme. The point is to develop a program of ideas. 4 months ago that wasn’t a problem. Why now?

I understand why LPM opposea a merger. They consider that they, all 30 or so of them, are that organisation. In a motionto the LAW Steering Committee of 9th November Stan Keable proposed:

to withdraw from the recent joint meetings with the steering committees of Labour in Exile Network and Labour Left Alliance, and to end LAW’s participation in joint all members and supporters meetings. 

The joint steering committee meetings, while nominally favouring continuing the struggle in the Labour Party, have in fact been dominated by proposals to orientate away from Labour, to give up on the struggle within Labour, and to attempt to create an alternative movement or party based on the failed politics of Corbynism, aiming to keep together the thousands of disillusioned comrades at all costs. ... we believe such a project will only add to the widespread demoralization and disorientation of the Labour left that already exists.

The LPM motionto the LAW All Members Meeting meeting of 27th November LPM stated that:

We reject the proposed merger of LAW with the Labour in Exile Network, which we believe would effectively liquidate LAW and add to the widespread demoralization and disorientation of the Labour left that already exists.

LPM have always had a consistent policy, at least since the election of Jeremy Corbyn, that they reject the formation of any broad socialist group outside the Labour Party. Especially with those who espouse ‘the failed politics of Corbynism.’

Instead I was belaboured with the fact that I was in a minority of 1 on the LAW Steering Committee in favouring a merger. However the meeting on Saturday wasn’t particularly impressed either by Tina’s change of heart or LPM’s implacable opposition to anything smacking of what they call a Labour Party Mark 2.

What I didn’t expect was the bad faith reaction of both LPM and Tina to reject a democratic decision of LAW members and simply resign and refuse to implement the decision. On the LAW Steering Committee Whatsapp group Tina posted:

This feels very much like a hostile takeover and the only outcome is that it will close down LAW. Pretty shitty outcome.

On the LAW Facebook page Tina declared that the proposal to merge was a ‘Hostile takeover, really. Not sure it serves any purpose apart from closing down LAW.’ To which I responded that:

‘The Steering Committee opposed the merger. The members voted for it. Yes the members have taken LAW over as they realise it was going nowhere fast. Labour Party Marxists wanted to preserve LAW in aspic as a trophy that does very little.

You remind me of Bertold Brecht's satirical poem "Die Lösung" (The Solution) in which he portrays the East German communists, after crushing the 1953 German Workers Uprising of wanting to abolish the people and start again

Leaving aside the fact that Tina herself was proposing what she now calls a ‘hostile takeover’ this is unbelievably arrogant. LAW’s Steering Committee was clearly unrepresentative of the membership. It is the members who have taken it over. This reaction is similar to the reaction of the Labour Right in 2015 to the ‘hostile takeover’ of the Labour Party by the Corbynistas!

This is the language of a Board of Directors of a company to a takeover bid by some venture capitalist. It demonstrates a contempt for democracy. Instead of asking why, repeatedly, I have been in a minority on the Steering Committee yet not at All Members Meetings, Tina blames the members! Bertold Brecht captured this brilliantly in his poem The Solution.

It is often said that whatever their political differences, Trotskyist and Stalinist groups often have a very similar attitude to democracy. One only has to look at the SWP with its self-perpetuating leadership.

The reality is that socialists and socialism are being driven out of the Labour Party by Starmer – all in the name of fighting anti-Semitism! The opponents of the merger, instead of accepting that they were defeated, are now trying to make the creation of a unified organisation that much more difficult. The only people to gain from their actions will be Starmer and co. I would therefore appeal to them to pull back.

The creation of a unified organisation is not the ‘liquidation’ nor the closing down of LAW. There is nothing LAW could have done that it can’t do in a merged organisation. LIEN is obviously committed to fighting the witchhunt and always has been.

LIEN already has a Witchhunt Analysis Group amongst 7 other groups. LIEN is already far more active over the witchhunt than LAW. There is obvious room for an 8th Anti-Witchhunt group.

At a time when Starmer has declared to the Labour Friends of Israel that the Israeli Military State is a rumbustious democracy, what is needed is a little more respect for democracy in our own ranks!

Tony Greenstein

Murder on the High Seas – 27 Refugees Were Deliberately Allowed to Drown in the Channel


Shocking survivor testimony of Deaths in the Channel Refugee drowning

Hat tip to Spotlight Newspaper

Most of the mainstream media and of course the BBC has ignored this story. The 27 refugees who drowned in The Channel last week (3 are still missing) could have been saved. They phoned both the British and French Police and told them of their plight and where they were but instead of organising a rescue, both sets of authorities told them they were in the others’ country. There were just 2 survivors.

For 12 hours the refugees were alive and freezing but the callous bastards on both sides of the Channel preferred them to drown rather than organise a rescue.  No doubt Priti Patel is very happy at the outcome as it means 32 less refugees in this country.

These refugees have a right to seek refuge in this country. As the late Ambalavaner Sivanandan saidWe are here because you were there. These and other refugees are the consequence of the wars we wage in the Middle East and elsewhere. It is the least we can do to welcome them here by way of recompense for what we have done in their countries.

Tony Greenstein

In an article French and British police ignored drowning migrants in Channel, says survivor The Telegraph reportedthat

A survivor of the Channel boat tragedy claimed on Sunday that migrants phoned both French and British police forces but their pleas for help were ignored - leaving them to drown.

Mr Zada, 21, who had a miraculous escape after being treated for hypothermia, said: “We called UK police, they didn’t help us. We called the French police and they said: ‘you are in UK territory’.”

“We were holding each other’s hands. We were almost fine until dawn. Then most of them gave up their lives. The whole night nobody died. Until dawn when many of them let go of the remaining bit of the boat and gave up their lives.”

21yr old Kurdish refugee, Mohammed Shekha Ahmad, described how, after the boat started to deflate and take on water, "Some people started to pump air while others were emptying water from the boat"but the boat continued to sink. Ahmad explains how they had actually managed to contact both the French and British police but the authorities were squabbling over who should be responsible for sending help…

We called the French police and asked them to help us.. The pump was defective. We sent our location to the French police, and they said, you are inside British water… So, we were inside the British water and called the British police for help, but they said call the French police.

Ahmad then described how the boat sank and they all tried to hold each other’s hands ‘in order not to sink or drown’but after a few hours in the freezing cold water ‘the people couldn't take it anymore… They all gave up on their lives’

Somalian refugee, Muhammad Isa Omar, then described how neither the British nor the French coastguard were responding to their cries for help..

We had jackets which included cell phones. We called France and Britain several times, but we mostly called Britain. 'Help us! Help us!' we said… They said, 'Send us the location.' But we did not have the chance [to send the coordinates] and all cell phones dropped into the water.

Omar said he was left partially paralysed after sustaining injuries from being left to swim in the water for 10 hours.

Vigil held for Channel deaths

He said both the British and French coastguard did not respond to their cries for help.

‘No one came,’he told Rudaw.

‘The boat was capsizing and people were dying. I swam for ten hours in the sea.’

He added: ‘We had jackets which included cell phones. We called France and Britain several times, but we mostly called Britain. 'Help us! Help us!’ we said.

He said 33 passengers climbed into the boat between 7pm and 8pm but that a faulty pump caused it to fill with water almost immediately.

Mr Amad gave a similar account, and said they managed to make contact with French and British police before the boat capsized but that authorities on either side disagreed about who should send help.

‘We called the French police and asked them to help us,’ he said.

Bodies were found floating in French waters, a few miles from the coast, more than 12 hours later - prompting a French fishermanto send out a mayday signal.

Mr Amad was treated for hypothermia in France. He explained the ‘only reason’he was trying to reach Britain was to earn money to pay for medical treatment for his sister in India.

When the boat had first started flooding, the passengers debated flagging down a ship they spotted in the Channel but decided not to as they wanted to reach Britain.

Mr Amad identified the Rzgar family, from an autonomous Kuridsh region of Iraq, as being on the boat with him to reporters.

Kazhal Rzgar, 46, her daughters Hadya, 22, and Hasta, seven, and sons Twana, 19, and Mubin, 16, are all thought to have drowned.

Baran Nouri Mohammedameen didn't tell her fiancé she was about to board a boat to make the crossing until the last minute

Just a week before the tragedy they had given a media interview in which they spoke of their dream of starting a new life in Britain.

Recent arrivals in France say they will continue their journey to the UK, despite the deaths of fellow Iraqi migrants on Wednesday.

Among the dead publicly identified are a pregnant woman, children and a 24-year-old Kurdish woman from northern Iraq trying to reunite with her fiancé.

A Home Office spokesperson said:

The French led a search and rescue operation for an incident that occurred in French Territorial waters on Wednesday 24 November, where 27 people tragically died.

As part of this operation, the French requested support from the UK, which was provided by HMG Coastguard as soon as it was requested.

Channel crossings: Victims 'held hands in order not to drown' after boat capsized on way to Britain

John Mann’s Attempt to Cancel The Canary and Skwawkbox Fails as Press Regulator Impress Clears Them of ‘Anti-Semitism’ Allegations


Joe Solo Gives Hate not Hope a Lesson in what Solidarity and Socialism Means

Interview with Joe Solo

Last Sunday at the Labour Grassroots meeting, Joe Solo was a guest. A few week’s ago HnH removed an award from Joe at the behest of the Zionists and their vile Director Ruth Smeeth. Trolls had dug up posts of Joe’s on Twitter supporting Chris Williamson.

Joe gave HnH and Nick Lowles an excellent lesson in what socialism means – solidarity with comrades when they come under attack by the ruling class and its McCarthite messenger boys and girls. It’s worth emphasising what Joe said:

‘I stood by a comrade in struggle

Which is what a socialist should do...

How can you condemn somebody for that?

You’re backdating allegations further down the line

Onto a photograph two years before

And then throwing me under the bus and allowing reputational damage

It’s a really really dangerous path to walk down

What this does is it makes you scared of demonstrating solidarity

So it essentially takes the one thing Socialists have

Which is standing by each other and it turns it against you

You can’t – otherwise you might be accused of this

You can’t stand with that person because they might go on to say something else

It is an attack on solidarity...

But I stand by the decision then

I stood by a comrade in struggle

I’d stand by a comrade in struggle tomorrow

And damn awards socialism is about us

And all I’m doing is reminding people of that...

That’s the message of We Shall Overcome

That should be the message to socialists everywhere

You can change it, you can fight back, you can build it


Sturmer's Dagger Was Well Hidden

It is now obvious to all but the politically blind that the ‘anti-Semitism’ campaign against Labour Party members was contrived, confected and orchestrated by Zionist groups, with the purpose of removing Corbyn as leader of the party.

It is unfortunate that Corbyn himself did not stand up to this malevolent campaign. Unfortunately he chose to appease his enemies and betray his friends. Not a good strategy although it should have been clear that if the right-wing was so concerned about ‘anti-Semitism’ then something must be wrong.

Not only were false allegations made against Chris Williamson, the only MP to stand up against the Zionists but Corbyn’s allies such as Jennie Formby and Jon Lansman joined in this despicable witchhunt

Stürmer was elected promising to ‘tear out anti-Semitism by the roots’. What this has meant is that Jewish anti-racists like the late Rive Joffe, who fought racism at the sharp end in South Africa, Mike Howard and Graham Bash, a member of the Labour Party for 53 years, have been expelled. This gives the lie to the idea that any of this was about anti-Semitism. If you are Jewish in the Labour Party you are 5 times more likely to be subject to expulsion & suspension than if you are non-Jewish. The only thing Stürmer excels at is lying.

John Mann lied and said Dr Glatt hadn't written the letter below

Today he goes cap in hand to the racist Labour Friends of Israel and pledges his undying loyalty to the Apartheid State that he callsa ‘rumbustious democracy.’

The false anti-Semitism campaign was always about defending Israel, Zionism and Britain’s strategic alliance with the United States’s racist Rottweiler in the Middle East.

One of the organisations which led this campaign was Hate not Hope. Ruth Smeeth, who makes being obnoxious into an art form, directed her bile at Marc Wadsworth. Today Smeeth is the CEOof Index for Censorship (well it has to be admitted that she does know quite a lot about censoring people!!)

When Joe Solo won a Heroes Award from HnH, after a vote by the public, it was inevitable once it was known that he had defended Chris that HnH would strip him of his award and the £5,000 prize.

Tony Booth

However HnH didn’t reckon with the backlash. Tony Booth, himself Jewish, started a Crowdfunder which within 4 days raised over twice the HnH prize.

HnH were so taken aback that in the end they crawled on their knees to Joe and begged him to take the cash! Joe to his credit told them where to go. They could keep their 30 pieces of silver.

John Mann Sets His Sight on the Alternative Media

John Mann, the Tories ‘anti-Semitism Czar’ was ennobled by the Tories with the job of weaponising ‘anti-Semitism’. He immediately set his sights on trying to close down the alternative media, The Canary and Skwawkbox. He therefore commissioned a Report‘Anti-Semitism and the alternative media’ by the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism’s academic prostitute Daniel Allington.

John Mann in all his glory

See my articleDaniel Allington is the Academic Fraud Behind the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism’s ‘Research’ into Anti-Semitism’.Allington, who is a hardline Zionist, set himself the task of ‘proving’ that the Left was more anti-Semitic than the Right. Quite a difficult task you may think since it’s not the Left which murdered millions of Jews or agitated against them. But Allington rose to the challenge.

Ruth Smeeth is the CEO for Index on Censorship - a subject that as a Zionist she knows a lot about

The problem was that even the CAA’s own surveys showed that the Right was more anti-Semitic than the left. They based this on a series of statements, some of them quite dubious, about Jews. For example ‘Jewish people consider themselves to be better than other British people’

This was highly inconvenient to the CAA, a far-right Zionist group who are close to Tommy Robinson’s fascist supporters. So they got Allington to come up with a series of statements about Israel that would prove that it was the left that was anti-Semitic!

So in their Anti-Semitism Barometer 2019 they could make the claim that Antisemitism on the far-left now exceeds antisemitism on the far-right.How did they manage this?

Simple. By drawing up series of 6 questions which were about people’s attitude to Israel! Of course you might say that Israel is not a Jew but to Zionists there is no difference.  Jews exist to support Israel (apart from us ‘self-haters’ of course).

Normally when scientists want to prove something they sample the evidence and then draw the appropriate conclusions. Allington, as a social scientist, has a slightly different method.  First he reaches his conclusions and then he sets about fixing the evidence! Clearly he has a bright career ahead of him. He could get a job with Exxon and ‘prove’ that there is no such thing as climate change. The possibilities are endless.

John Mann with advice on how to get rid of Travellers

That is why Allington is an academic fraud, a charlatan who if King’s College cares about its reputation should fire him.

Below are the 6 new questions that ‘prove’ the Left is now more anti-Semitic than the Right.

1.     Israel and its supporters are a bad influence on our democracy.”

2.     “Israel can get away with anything because its supporters control the media.”

3.     “Israel treats the Palestinians like the Nazis treated the Jews.”

4.     “I am comfortable spending time with people who openly support Israel.”

5.     “Israel makes a positive contribution to the world.”

6.     “Israel is right to defend itself against those who want to destroy it.”

What you might ask has any of the above to do with anti-Semitism? How is Question 1, asserting that Israel is bad for democracy anti-Semitic? Or Question 4? If you are not comfortable spending time with supporters of Israel you are anti-Semitic? Does this include not wishing to keep company with Christian Zionists?

What if people had problems keeping company with supporters of Nazi Germany does that make them anti-German?

Allington is an example of how many academics have willingly hired themselves to the highest bidder and prostituted their profession.

It was not surprising that John Mann would turn to a dishonest and fraudulent academic like Allington. Mann wanted proof that The Canary and Skwawkbox were anti-Semitic and Allington supplied it in the form of ‘Anti-Semitism and the ‘alternative media’.

Steve Walker from Skwawkbox

A complaint was then made to press regulator Impressand that’s where it went wrong. Because they cleared both news outlets of Allington and John Mann’s false allegations. But as Steve Topple said, this has caused immense stress amongst Canary’s journalists.

Interview with Steve Walker of Skwawkbox and Steve Topple of The Canary

I intend to make a formal complaint to King’s College against this fake and fraudulent academic. Can I ask that readers of this blog bombard King’s College with complaints about why they are employing someone who would be better employed collecting garbage, not least his own?

John Mann's racist handbook described Gypsies in terms of a social nuisance

As Steve Walker says, John Mann is himself a racist bigot. He produced a virulently anti-Gypsy Handbook which led to an interviewunder caution with the Police for suspected hate crimes. 

Dr Glatt's letter to John Mann

Five years ago John Mann alleged that a letter from a 90 year old Jewish Dr Glatt, who has since died, was a forgery. Dr Glatt had criticised how Mann had exploited ‘anti-Semitism’ for his own purposes. Mann alleged the letter had been penned by a supporter of Momentum who had then coerced Dr Glatt to sign it.

Dr Glatt was furious and penned an Open Letter to Mann in his own handwriting. See my blog post Open Letter to John Mann MP from a 90 Year Old Jewish Dr Glatt’. The letter was brilliant and as a result Mann took his false allegations of forgery off Facebook. See A Desperate John Mann MP Tries to Undermine 90 year old Jewish Doctor's Letter by Falsely Alleging It was a Forgery.

John Mann was one of the Labour MPs to attack Harriet Harman for having suspended Phil Woolas

Mann has a long history of racism. He supported the racist Labour MP Phil Woolas who fought campaign which was designed to ‘make the white folk angry.’. See John Mann MP – Zionist Scumbag and Apologist for Phil Woolas, New Labour Racist Kicked Out by an Electoral Court Just like the Russian Czars, John Mann is an incorrigible racist and anti-Semite!

Tony Greenstein

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