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Ella Rose - from Union of Jewish Students Chair to Israeli Embassy operative and Director of the Jewish Labour Movement

Not so much a rose as a James Bond parody 

Asa Winstanley's deeply 'anti-Semitic' scoop provoked Ella Rose's wrath
Whatever else you can say about Ella Rose, she is certainly not a rose by any other name.  Indeed, to use her own, somewhat limited language, she is indeed pathetic.  Taking a series of screen prints of her cameo performance, emphasised the fact that she is almost a cardboard cut-out caricature of a living, breathing human being.  She is an excellent demonstration of the impact of Zionism on someone’s emotional intelligence.  It’s almost as if she takes pride in demonstrating her own limited intellect, with its restricted emotions and use of a sub-James Bond rhetoric. 
The clip begins when Ella was caught in tears by Al Jazeera’s undercover reporter crying and feeling sorry for herself: ‘its been a tough week’ because Electronic Intifada had blown her cover, as an ex-employee of the Israeli Embassy.  Now why, you might ask, should she cry over the exposure of this fact?  Clearly she and her employers wanted it to be kept a secret  because the last thing the Jewish Labour Movement wanted is for their close relationship with the Israeli Embassy to be held up to the light.  The JLM portrays itself as a genuinely independent Jewish section of the Labour Party whereas her appointment makes clear the nature of the relationship between the Embassy and the JLM.  Hence her tears.
Ella in her own way is an excellent representative of the Zionist mindset - might is right and strength and size is all
What the video also shows though is that not only has her appointment to the JLM deprived some village of their idiot but the entirely bogus nature of the ‘anti-Semitism’ accusation.  In reaction to the exposure of her role as a former (?) Israeli Embassy operative she let’ out a series of expletive driven accusations of anti-Semitism – ‘fuck you, fuck you, fucking anti-Semites the lot of them.’  Whereas in the past, anti-Semitism consisted of libels and untruths about Jews, conspiracies and wholesale fabrications such as the medieval blood libel, with the advent of Zionist ‘anti-Semitism’ the truth not only can be but often is anti-Semitic.  Telling the truth about Israel is a particularly heinous form of anti-Semitism.
Ella Rose has a subtle, almost Shakesperian turn of phrase
Even the most stupid and malevolent Zionist would have difficulty in explaining why telling the truth about someone’s former employment counts as anti-Semitism.  But when anti-Semitism means anything you want it to mean, then someone saying something that displeases you, including disclosing a secret that you would prefer to have remained hidden, is certainly an example of anti-Semitism.
Donald Trump is not the only one who believes that winning is everything
What this demonstrates, in all its clarity, is the Zionist cynicism and utter contempt for the suffering of Jews in the past.  To compare the disclosure of the identity of one’s last employment with for example the pogrom in Kishinev in 1903 is just sick.  At Kishinev women had their breasts torn off, their stomachs ripped open.  Jewish children had their heads broken with sticks, yet Ella Rose and not just her, dares to compare this with their own trivial concerns. 
During the Iron Guard’s attempted coup in January 1941 the atrocities against the Jews defies comprehension:
according to the JLM, the 'victim' should define their own oppression.  Clearly Ella has suffered an anti-Semitic trauma on a par with European Jewry in the 1930's 
Particularly gruesome was the murder of dozens of Jewish civilians in the Bucharest slaughterhouse. The perpetrators hung the Jews from meat hooks, then mutilated and killed them in a vicious parody of kosher slaughtering practices.[26][27] The American ambassador to Romania Franklin Mott Gunther who toured the meat-packing plant where the Jews were slaughtered with the placards reading "Kosher meat" on them reported back to Washington: "Sixty Jewish corpses were discovered on the hooks used for carcasses. They were all skinned....and the quantity of blood about was evidence that they had been skinned alive".[25] Gunther wrote he was especially shocked that one of the Jewish victims hanging on the meat hooks was a 5-year-old girl.[25] 

The range and depth of her language and emotional intelligence is quite remarkable.  Clearly she will be an asset to the JLM and its perjurer Chairperson Jeremy Newmark
Yet this immature and emotionally insecure, foul-mouthed girl,  dares to compare her experience of  being outed with the horrors of Jews in Romania and elsewhere in times gone by.  Of course it is not just Ella Rose who is guilty of this.  She is simply a rather inadequate specimen of a Zionist activist.  The whole Zionist movement engages in this wholesale parody and trivialisation of the experiences of Jews in the dark days of yesterday.
Our Ella demonstrating just what an intellectual catch she was for the JLM
Attention has focussed quite rightly on her threats to ‘take out’ Jackie Walker, whose dignified response stands in comparison to that of Ms Rose.  Despite all the vicious and undeserved accusations of ‘anti-Semitism’ that have been hurled at Jackie by these cheap political opportunists, for whom ‘anti-Semitism’ is merely a convenient weapon to defend their bastard state, she never once loses her composure.  Ella Rose, with her ‘die-in-a-hole’ comments to what she thought was one of her associates reveals not only her own lack of substance but that of the organisation she works for.
Jeremy Newmark, the JLM’s Chairperson is captured elsewhere boasting about what a catch Ella is.  Now unless there’s something we don’t know, then we can safely say that the JLM probably does deserve our Ella.  Every slight she experiences is explained away as ‘anti-Semitism’.  No doubt if she gets herself a boy friend, he had better be careful not to jilt her for fear that he’ll end up being accused of anti-Semitism.  Being Jewish certainly won’t help him as he’ll probably be accused of ‘self-hatred’ too.

The ability of Zionists to imagine that they, not the Palestinians, are the victims is infinite.  She expresses the Massada martyr complex admirably
It would be easy to laugh it off but what Ella demonstrates above all is the utter contempt she and her fellow Zionists have for what Jews experienced in the past.  This provides another, quite striking lesson.
Naturally - if a boyfriend jilts her it will be proof of his anti-Semitism
The whole basis of the Zionist claim to Palestine is the fact that Hebrew tribes wandered over the land 2,000+ years ago.  Of course this is patently ludicrous and if a present day Israeli caught site of one of the ancient Hebrews they would probably be immediately dispatched as a ‘terrorist’.  But what Ella demonstrates is that today’s Zionists don’t even have anything in common with the Jews who lived in Eastern Europe 80 years ago.  Instead they are but pale imitations of a Hollywood culture that can only express itself in the limited, macho style language that Ella feels so at home with.

Tony Greenstein

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