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Sign the Petition to Reinstate Marlene Ellis & Ruth Cashman


Sack Crooked McNicol

Marlene Ellis - Secretary of Momentum Black ConneXions - suspended for supporting Ken Livingstone

Ruth Cashman - Secretary of Lambeth UNISON and anti-cuts activist in Lambeth suspended for opposing the slash and burn Progress Lambeth Labour Council
As people will know, I was one of the first people to be suspended from the Labour Party?  My offence?  Like all those who have been suspended I was not told the reasons for my suspension.  However the Compliance Unit headed which is overseen by Iain McNicol, Labour Party General Secretary, promptly leaked the information to The Telegraph and Times. 
It would appear that I was being suspended for ‘anti-Semitism’, despite being a long-standing Jewish anti-racist and anti-fascist.  My real crime was being a socialist and in particular for having consistently opposed the racist, apartheid State of Israel.  In other words, in the Alice in Wonderland world that crooked McNicol and the other Labour Party bureaucrats live, I was guilty of ‘anti-Semitism’ for opposing racism.   The attack on anti-Zionists and opponents of the Israeli Labour Party has been  carried out at the behest of the British wing of the ethnic cleansers of the Israeli Labour Party, the Jewish Labour Movement. [see It’s time for Iain McNicol, Labour’s Crooked General Secretary, to depart]
Crooked Iain McNicol  - sees his job as undermining Jeremy Corbyn and preventing as many Labour Party members voting as possible
I am not the only person to be suspended.  Large numbers of Muslim councillors, Black activists and assorted socialists have also been suspended.  Below is a petition in support of two such activists. 
Marlene Ellis is a dedicated Black anti-racist and Secretary of Momentum Black ConneXions.  She is a fine socialist.  Marlene was suspended for supporting Ken Livingstone.  Like many Black people she recognises that Ken's suspension was a travesty of justice.  No one has been more supportive of anti-racism in London than Ken Livingstone.  His suspension at the behest of the racist Zionists of the Jewish Labour Party and John Mann MP is a travesty of justice.  Marlene's suspension for supporting Ken is in itself an act of gross racism as well as an attack on the most basic rights to free speech.

Ruth Cashman is a committed campaigner against the savage cuts to services which have been carried out by Progress councillors in the London Borough of Lambeth.  That is why she has been suspended.
Please sign the petition and share it on social media.
Tony Greenstein
A number of Labour Party activists won’t be able to vote in the upcoming leadership election because they have been suspended or expelled. In most cases, the reasons given for suspension are insufficient or non-existent.
Marlene Ellis, of Streatham CLP, was suspended by the Labour Party after writing an open letter to Jeremy Corbyn to reinstate Ken Livingstone on the Momentum Black Connexions blog. She subsequently received an email telling her she was suspended, with no reasons given apart from a link to that blog post. Marlene said the following about her suspension: 
The fact that I have not heard from the Compliance Unit since my suspension on the 3rd June 2016, makes it very clear that they do not care about the apparently offensive blog-post and that it is only intended to deny me a right to play a full part in the Labour Party. In particular, removing my right to vote feels like I am unjustifiably and undemocratically silenced. The Chakrabarti Report makes it clear that the Compliance Unit desperately needs to be reformed.
Ruth Cashman, who has been in the Labour Party for a number of years, was suspended a month or so before the last leadership election in September 2015. She was reinstated after that election but then expelled earlier this summer. See Ruth tell her story here.
Neither of these suspended members seek to undermine the party nor do they promote or represent any party other than Labour.
We believe that these members should have been afforded due process and given sufficient reasons for their suspensions. Until this happens we demand that they are reinstated to the Labour Party immediately. It should be their right, as long-standing, active members, to vote in September’s leadership election, to unqualified participation in all Labour party activities, and to have a say in the future of their party.
Valerie Coultas (Streatham CLP)
Linda Heiden (Streatham CLP)
Alexander Morris (Dulwich and West Norwood CLP)
This petition will be delivered to the General secretary of the Labour Party, Iain McNicol 

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