Communist University 2016
I will be speaking, together with Moshe Machover, a founder member of Matzpen [Socialist Organisation in Israel] at the Communist University 2016 this Saturday August 6th. The subject, which is quite appropriate at the moment, is anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. Details are below:
Also the author of the Holocaust Industry and Abuse & Misuse of anti-Semitism, the Jewish anti-Zionist Norman Finkelstein will be speaking later in the week. Again details are posted below of Norman’s talk.
There are a number of other, very interesting sessions.
Wednesday August 10
10.00am: The current transitional period, decline and the laws of bothHillel Ticktin
2.00pm: The Chilcot report, Iraq and Syria
Yassamine Mather
4.45pm: After the Brexit vote
Mike Macnair
Thursday August 11
2.00pm: Revolution and counter-revolution in IrelandKevin Bean
4.45pm: The English Marx: A.D. Lindsay's Lost Interpretation of Capital?
Marc Mullholland