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It’s Time to Deselect Benn, Hodge and Kyle


Labour’s Progress MPs Should Be Helped to Join the Tory Party

It's time for Momentum to mobilise support for Corbyn and begin the process of delection of Progress MPs
The narrow victory of Brexit in the European referendum has split the Tories down the middle.  The Conservative Party is in the middle of an unprecedented political crisis as Cameron resigns and Boris Johnson is the favourite to assume the mantle of leadership.  Division over Europe has been the Tories Achilles heel.
Corbyn demonstrates his boredom at Benn's actions by sacking him!
Labour's Right come to the rescue of Johnson
Added to this there is a constitutional crisis as the SNP moves to call a new referendum over independence whilst seeking to preserve its place in the European Union.  The break up of the Great Britain is a distinct possibility as Scotland will almost certainly vote for independence in a new vote.
It is therefore no surprise that Labour’s Right has chosen this of all moments to challenge Jeremy Corbyn.  It is entirely possible that the Tories will have to call a General Election.  Their majority is less than 20.  What Progress fears more than a Tory election victory is a Labour victory under Corbyn.  As The Independent reported: ‘Tony Blair has said he would not want a left-wing Labour party to win a general election.  The former prime minister saidthat even if he thought a left-wing programme was the route to victory, he would not adopt one.’
Labour's far-right Tory MP Peter Kyle should be helped to reach his natural political home
Blair’s opinion represents the views of Progress.  They don’t want a radical change to the capitalist system.  They don’t want a radical programme which means the transfer of wealth from the super rich to the poor.  They want to preserve inequality whilst tinkering around at the edges.
David Lammy MP calls for Referendum to be ignored
It is now essential that Momentum, which  Jon Lansman has ensured remains a toothless guard dog, now springs into action to begin the process of deselection of Benn, the multi-millionairess tax dodger Margaret Hodge, Hove’s Peter Kyle and all the other Labour Tories.

Corbyn has made a good start by sacking Hilary Benn from the Shadow Cabinet.  He should now pre-empt any resignations by sacking Angela Eagle, who is equally disloyal, her sister Maria, Israel’s devoted supporter Fabian Hamilton and any other scab within the Shadow Cabinet.  Stephen Kinnock, son of the Labour traitor Neil Kinnock, who managed to lose 2 successive elections, Anne Coffey and the rest of them should go.

The disloyalty of Labour’s Right is unacceptable.  There needs to be a bloodbath and the deselection of at least 50 Progress MPs to encourage the others.
Farage ran a nakedly racist campaign
It is not necessary for the Shadow Cabinet to cover every equivalent position in the Cabinet.  A smaller and tighter Shadow Cabinet is better than a larger and more incoherent body.

The only question is whether Labour stands for anything radically different from the Tory Opposition.  It is time to clean the Augean Stables of the PLP.

Politically Labour needs to make it clear that the Referendum on Brexit is not the final say on the European Union.  There needs to be a political fight to win over the heartlands of Labour in the North and to defang UKIP.  It needs to drain the poison which says that immigration causes low wages and loss of jobs.  Immigration is a lightning conductor for fears over jobs, housing and prosperity.  The idea that immigration causes job losses is nonsense.

If it were true then any country with unemployment could expel a section of its population and solve the problem of unemployment!  In reality immigration creates jobs because it increases demand.  The deindustrialisation of the North and Midlands was a result of a deliberate policy of Thatcher to make Britain dependent on financial services and a candy floss economy of coffee shops and services.
There is no reason why the referendum on the EU should be final. It was won on lies and there is no reason for there not to be a second referendumSee

A socialist economic policy is the only thing that can win over the Northern working-class.  New Labour has no alternative.  When Blair won in 1996 anybody could have defeated the divided Tory party.  In every successive election Labour lost millions of votes.  Blair’s reign was not a success, quite the contrary.  Corbyn was elected Labour leader because of mass revulsion at the Tory’s victory and the half-hearted response of Ed Miliband.  Now is the time for courage.  Now is the time to wage waron Progress MPs.

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