The Times, despite refusing initially, has printed a letter I sent them by way of reply to their article at the weekend. See Labour Party Witch-hunters Employ the Daily Torygraph to Pursue Bogus Allegations of Anti-Semitism
The letter I sent them was:
The letter I sent them was:
Friday, 08 April 2016
The Times
1 London Bridge Street,
SE1 9GF.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Zachary Spiro [Labour welcomes back blogger who compares Israel to Nazis, April 2nd] suggests that my opposition to Zionism and Israel’s virulent racism are anti-Semitic. I refute this entirely. It is no accident that Spiro ‘forgot’ to mention that I am Jewish.
When the Prime Minister of Israel goes on Facebook to complain that ‘Arabs are voting in droves’ then there is clearly something wrong in Israeli society.
Spiro finds it shocking that I have stated that the Israeli state does its best to prevent Jews and Arabs marrying or having relationships. What is shocking is that organisations such as the fascist Lehava are funded by the Israeli state in order to violently campaign against Jewish-Arab liasons. Lehava is led by a man, Benzi Gopstein, who openly justifies burning down mosques and churches.
Yes I posted an article ‘When Nuremberg Came to Israel’. Just 3 months ago Israel’s Ministry of Education removed from the high-school English syllabus a book ‘Borderlife’ which depicted relationships between Jewish and Arab teenagers because this threatened ‘national identity’. [see Israel Bans Novel on Arab-Jewish Romance From Schools for 'Threatening Jewish Identity' Ha’aretz, 31.12.15.] Preventing Jewish and non-Jewish relationships lay at the heart of the Nuremberg Laws.
Most western societies would find it shocking that a crowd of hundreds of people would hold a demonstration outside a marriage reception for a Jewish and Arab couple chanting ‘death to the Arabs’. In Israel this is normal.
The horrifying growth in racism in Israel is indeed comparable to anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany. According to opinion polls, over half of Israel’s population believe marriage to an Arab is ‘national treason’ and more Jews support the expulsion of Israel’s Arabs than oppose it. Instead of pillorying me you might like to report on the reality of life in Israel.
The reason that there is no civil marriage in Israel is in order to prevent the marriage of Jews and non-Jews. Hannah Arendt remarked, in Eichmann in Jerusalem over 50 years ago, the breathtaking hypocrisy involved in condemning the Nuremberg trials when Jews and Arabs are unable to marry in Israel. Perhaps the greatest Jewish political scientist in the last century, herself a refugee from Nazi Germany, was also anti-Semitic?
I have been refused all details of the allegations that led to my suspension. It was only when this information was leaked to you and the Daily Telegraph that I finally knew. That is the real story which you should be publicising.
Yours faithfully,
Tony Greenstein