Those who believe that religious fundamentalism is confined to those of the Muslim religion should think again. First we had a bad, mad Evangelical preacher in Arizona, the state of John McCain, saying that those who went to see a group with the name Eagles of Death Metal were inviting Satan into their life and worshipping death. It was all the fault of the concert goers. Mind he did condemn the murderers.
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Mad Arizona Preacher |
Tony Greenstein
Nazi settler rabbi: Paris attacks are payback for the Holocaust
Jerusalem Post 15.11.15.
The quote from Dov Lior, the chief rabbi of the Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba, was first reported by the Walla! news agency.
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Rabbi Dov Lior. (photo credit:Courtesy) |
A religious Zionist cleric from a Jewish settlement on the West Bank told mourners on Saturday during the funeral of an Israeli father and son gunned down by Palestinian terrorists that the attacks in Paris were deserved due to what Europeans "did to our people 70 years ago."
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Neo-Nazi Rabbi Dov Lior |
The quote from Dov Lior, the chief rabbi of the Israeli settlement of Kiryat Arba, was first reported by the Walla! news agency.
"The wicked ones in blood-soaked Europe deserve it for what they did to our people 70 years ago,"Lior said.
The controversial rabbi once wrote an approbation for a book called The King’s Torah that was co-written in 2009 by radical settler figure Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, which permitted killing civilian non-Jews in times of war.
He was summoned by police for questioning on grounds of incitement to violence but refused to report for questioning, saying the Torah was not open to police investigation. He was subsequently arrested and brought for questioning but no charges were made. "The wicked ones in blood-soaked Europe deserve it for what they did to our people 70 years ago,"Lior said.
The controversial rabbi once wrote an approbation for a book called The King’s Torah that was co-written in 2009 by radical settler figure Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, which permitted killing civilian non-Jews in times of war.
Last year, Lior published a letter saying that Jewish law permits destroying the entire Gaza Strip to bring peace to the south of the country.
Lior said that he had received questions about whether Jewish law permits harming a civilian population not directly involved with the combatants.
He first cited the opinion of the Maharal of Prague, a renowned 16th-century rabbi, who wrote that a nation under attack can wage a fierce war against the assaulting nation, and that it is not obligated regarding the safety of people who are personally involved in hostilities.
“At a time of war, the nation under attack is allowed to punish the enemy population with measures it finds suitable, such as blocking supplies or electricity, as well as shelling the entire area according to the army minister’s judgment, and not to needlessly endanger soldiers but rather to take crushing deterring steps to exterminate the enemy,” Lior wrote.
Addressing the hostilities with Hamas, the rabbi continued to say that “in the case of Gaza, it would be permitted for the defense minister to even order the destruction of all of Gaza so that the South will no longer suffer and to prevent injury to our people, who have been suffering for so long from the enemies surrounding us.”
“Talk of humanitarianism and consideration are nothing when weighed against saving our brothers in the South and across the country and the restoration of quiet to our land,” he said.
Christian Pastor slams Paris victims: ‘If you attend a death metal concert, you deserve to get killed’
At a sermon over the weekend, Arizona Christian Pastor Steven Anderson harnessed the power of the Holy Spirit to deliver a sermon titled “The Sinful Nation of France.”
Anderson proclaimed that the attacks were a terrible tragedy “carried out by Muslims, who are followers of the murderous, reprobate false prophet Mohammed, who’s a pedophile.”
Anderson then moved on to the meat of his sermon — blaming the victims for going to rock concerts and being French.
Regarding the massacre at the Bataclan concert hall specifically, Anderson dispassionately read the terrifying account of gunmen shooting for 10-15 minutes straight and killing people execution-style. He is unemotional, almost business-like. When does he get emotional? When discussing the Eagles of Death Metal (the band who was playing at the Bataclan) and their drug use.
(He also takes issue with a band being called “Queens of the Stone Age” despite the group being made up of “men.” Does he know the singer Madonna is not actually the Virgin Mary?)
“When you go to a concert of death metal, somebody might get killed!” shouted Anderson, apparently linking the band’s name to the tragic events. It should be noted that Eagles of Death Metal isn’t death metal. They actually play “feel-good, bluesy boogie-rock.”
After a few more quotes from EODM’s frontman Jesse Hughes where Anderson scorned the concert-goers for paying to see a “drug-pushing hillbilly f*ggot,” Andrews gets into how evil France is.
“Did you know France is the only nation in the world where more than 50% of the world thinks adultery is fine?” What? Even if that’s true, does that make them evil somehow? Why are we talking about people’s marital statuses in the wake of an international tragedy?
“All of us over here in Tempe Arizona, on the other side of the world from this massacre, we’re supposed to be mourning today about these 120-something people who died in France, but we’re not supposed to give a rip about the 500 babies France aborted today.”
Well. That is certainly a lot to ponder. Thank you, Pastor Anderson.
The insanity really begins at about 5:40 of the video: