A film by Helena
Aksentijevic, Hosted by Camden PSC at the P21 Theatre, London
The Zionist Equivalent
of Blackface - Glorifying in Palestinian Misery
Tony Greenstein an Ordinary
Rebel + Q&A
On Friday May 21at 6 pm at the P21 Theatre in Chalton Street in north
London, a short film (half an hour) produced and directed by Helena Aksentijevic,
was shown in which I was interviewed about my life’s work in and around the Palestine
solidarity movement.
The event itself was, much to my surprise, sold out. The film is very well
produced and interesting, not because I was interviewed (!) but because of how
Helena interspersed what I was saying with film clips and images. In particular
the part that shows the exterminationist mood in Israel today as highlighted in
a series of Tik Tok videos of Israeli young people glorifying in the death and
misery of the Palestinians in Gaza and a film of Israeli school children singing
about the annihilation of the Palestinians in Gaza.
Exterminationist Israel Glorifies in Palestinian Deaths
and Misery
The evening started off with the film itself and then there was a discussion
moderated by Luca Salice, who asked me a series of questions before opening it up
to the audience for a Q&A.
The whole thing is just over an hour but well worth watching.
I was unable to bring copies of my book Zionism During the holocaust because
I had run out of books and my order with my publisher hadn’t yet arrived.
They have now been delivered and if you want a copy (£12 inc p&p –
UK only) then please contact me at tonygreenstein104@gmail.com
Tony Greenstein