Why does the Morning Star’s Communist Party of Britain harbour within its ranks an open racist & Zionist Mary Davis?
'Oh, Jeremy Corbyn - the
Big Lie'
A friend of mine sent me a copy
of the Communist Review(CR), journal of the Communist Party of Britain. In
it was an article‘The contested relationship
between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism’ (No 108, summer 2023) by Mary Davis.
I wrote to the Editor of CR,
twice, offering a reply but I had no response. I then wrote to Mary Davis
challenging her to a debate. Suffice to say the good Professor did not respond
either, which is no surprise since her article is indefensible.
I couldn’t find Davis’s article
on the Internet. I have therefore put it
on myself. It is as if the CPB didn’t want to wash their dirty linen in public!
What I did find was another article in the Morning Star The socialism
of fools: anti-semitism in the Labour Party?, by Mary Davis of July 27
2019. Davis’ article accepted the anti-Semitism smears of the Labour right and
the Zionists that led to the fatal undermining of Jeremy Corbyn and the left
leadership of the Labour Party.
For a party that calls itself
‘Communist’ this is shocking. Is the CPB unaware that the ascent of Corbyn to
the leadership was bound to set off a reaction in the British Establishment and
the form their narrative took was ‘anti-Semitism’?
Despite claiming to be a Marxist Davis
ran with the Zionist fable that anti-Semitism had been one unchanging
phenomenon for 2000 years. She didn’t attempt to analyse the different forms
anti-Semitism has taken historically, in particular the distinction between
feudal and racial anti-Semitism.
Briefly feudal or Christian
anti-Semitism was from below. For Marxists it represented the economic
antagonism between the peasants and the Jews as the agents of within an economy
based on use values. With the advent of imperialism in the late 19th
century anti-Semitism took on a racial form.
In 1879 Wilhelm Marr, who
popularised the term ‘anti-Semitism’,
formed the League
of Anti-Semites. To him and his successors once a Jew always a Jew. Whereas
the anti-Semitism of Martin Luther ended with conversion to Christianity to the
Nazis a Jew was always a Jew. Which is why the phenomenon of the Christian Jew
made an appearance under the Nazis. Christian by religion, Jewish by race. They
too had to wear a yellow star and they too were destined to be annihilated.
It is as if the CPB has never
read Abram Leon’s The Jewish
Question - A Marxist Interpretation. Davis is a relic
of Stalinism, which has its own history of anti-Semitism (the Doctor’s plot, Slansky trial
etc.). Trotsky was Jewish as were many of the old Bolsheviks who Stalin
It is not surprising that Davis
has no acquaintance with Leon’s book since Leon was a Trotskyist. In this
Marxist classic Leon wrote:
transposes modern anti-Semitism to all of history and saves itself the trouble
of studying the various forms of anti-Semitism and their evolution.
Davis and her co-author Phil Katz
subscribe to the Zionist idea of 2000 years of unchanging anti-Semitism. The
title of their article‘The
socialism of fools’’ was popularised by August Bebel, a
founder of the German Social Democratic Party in a speech to their 1893 Congress.
Davis’article is shocking in that
it accepts that anti-Semitism in the Labour Party was not an invention of the Zionist
Right but was actually true. She argued that there was no contradiction between
saying that anti-Semitism was weaponised and also saying that anti-Semitism was
a problem. This is a typical Stalinist sleight of hand which Orwell described
when he spoke of doublethink.
These fools never once asked
themselves why, if anti-Semitism was a problem in the Labour Party, it was the
Right in the form of Tom Watson and John Mann who were its most ardent
advocates. Why Gordon Brown, who used
the fascist slogan British Jobs for
British Workers, was so disturbed by ‘anti-Semitism’. Why the Daily Mail
etc. ran with this nonsense given their own racist record including campaigning
against the admission of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany. How it was that the
BBC produced a Panorama programme ‘Is
Labour Anti-Semitic’ by the racist Islamaphobe John Ware who is now writing
for the Zionist journal Fathom?
Today, with the advent of Keir
Starmer we can see exactly where the anti-Semitism witchhunt has led. If you
are Jewish in the Labour Party today you are five times more likely to be expelled than a non-Jew. Indeed if you are Jewish and a member of
a proscribed organisation you are 13 times more likely to be expelled. However this is no excuse for Davis’ reactionary
verbal gymnastics. Davis asked:
‘Is the charge of anti-semitism in the Labour
Party a fiction manufactured by a conspiratorial alliance between the Israeli
government and anti-socialist forces seeking to discredit Jeremy Corbyn,
thereby undermining the prospect of a left-led Labour government?
Davis even mimics the methodology of
the Right. She caricatures opposition to the fake anti-Semitism narrative by
portraying its critics as alleging that there was a ‘conspiratorial alliance’ between the Israeli government and the
Labour Right. But there is no need for a conspiracy when they already agree on
everything. There are very obvious contacts between the two in the form of
Labour Friends of Israel and the JLM.
As I show in my recent book Frumka Plotniczki, a Zionist resistance fighter was ordered to abandon the fight in the ghettos & escape to Palestine where the real fight, against the Arabs, was taking place
Davis sought to discredit opponents
of the anti-Semitism witchhunt on the grounds that Corbyn accepted that there
was a problem.
The fact is that the leadership of the Labour Party itself
has acknowledged that there is an anti-semitic element within its ranks.
Corbyn acknowledged that there was a
problem because he never understood the attack in the first place. Since his
strategy was to appease the right he was in the end forced to accept the
legitimacy of their fake narrative. I said at the time to every meeting I
addressed that Jackie Walker, Marc Wadwsorth, Ken Livingstone and myself were collateral
damage. It was Corbyn they were after. Unfortunately Corbyn preferred to throw
us under the bus but it didn’t help him because the Zionists main aim was to
remove him.
Davis cited John McDonnell to prove
her case but she must have known that McDonnell was the arch exponent of
appeasement. When Corbyn was called an anti-Semite by Margaret Hodge McDonnell
rushed to her defence saying
that this shyster, who the BNP had sent
a bouquet of flowers to for her Houses for Whites policy, had ‘a good heart’.
The Morning Star's Editor Ben Chako
Davis is ironically an inheritor of the Stalinist tradition of anti-Semitism on
the one hand and support for Zionism on the other. It is strange that the
Communist Party of Britain, which claims to support the Palestinians, should
carry an article repeating the hoary old Zionist smear that anti-Zionism leads
to anti-Semitism. After all Ben Chako, the Editor of the Morning Star, was the
guest speaker at the inaugural showing of Jeremy Corbyn –The Big Lie at Conway
Hall last February.
the witchhunt in the Labour Party the Morning Star had a generally good record
in defending the left. For example they carried a poem by the late and great
Kevin Higgins on my expulsion and an article‘Like the boy who cried wolf’ by me.
time has come for the CPB to make a choice between supporting the Palestinians,
including dropping its support for the apartheid two state solution and harbouring
a Zionist cuckoo. It cannot do both. It wouldn’t have given time of day to a
supporter of South Africa apartheid so why does it do so in the case of Israeli
The Elephant
in the Room is the Relationship Between Zionism and Anti-Semitism not
anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism
A Reply to Mary Davis
of the Communist Party of Britain
appears as Elephant in
the room in Weekly Worker
Davis’s ‘The Contested Relationship Between
Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism’ is an exercise in obfuscation and
dishonesty. As George Orwell observed
political language is
largely the defence of the
indefensible…. (which) can indeed be defended but only by arguments which are
too brutal for most people to face… Thus political language has to consist largely of euphemism,
question-begging and sheer cloudy vagueness…’
Was Zionism
just another form of nationalism?
reason why Zionism cannot be considered a national movement of the Jews was
that it was not seeking to liberate territory where Jews lived nor did it fight
anti-Semitism. Quite the opposite. The Zionist movement formed alliances with and
befriended anti-Semites, a fact Davis ignores.
was a racial nationalist movement that sought an alliance with imperialism. Ethno-nationalism
was common in Eastern Europe in the 30s/40s. There was the Iron Guard in
Romania, Arrow Cross in Hungary, Hlinka Guard in Slovakia and Croatia’s Ustashe,
all of which were vehemently anti-Semitic.
was supported by only a small minority of Jews before the Holocaust. If any
group could be considered a Jewish national movement it was the Bund, which
operated over an identifiable territory, the Pale of Settlement and which represented
Yiddish speaking Jews.
Pictures of the Nakba that Davis 'forgot' to mention
The History of
Zionist colonisation in Palestine.
paints, with a broad brush, the history of Zionist colonisation in Palestine but
amazingly fails to mention the Nakba, the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948.
We are given a saccharin version of history whereby the Yishuv (the Jewish
community)‘sometimes, although by no
means always, co-existed relatively peacefully with the indigenous Arab
population.’ That is it.
The aftermath of a massacre during the Nakba - to Davis this was an example of good relations
first Aliyah (wave of immigration) in 1882 was a traditional form of
colonisation in which Arabs were employed in the colonies whilst continuing to
live on the land. These were the colonies of Barons Edmond de Rothschild and, after
his death in 1896, Maurice de Hirsch’s Jewish Colonisation Agency, (ICA) later
the Palestinian JCA (PICA). They were not Zionist.
second Labour Zionist aliyah (1904-14), was the beginning of Zionist settlement.
The policy of Jewish Labour, (Boycott of Arab Labour), was at its heart. Jewish
Labour, David HaCohen, a leader of Mapai (Israeli Labor Party) and a member of
the Knesset for many years, explained that:
I had to fight my friends on the issue
of Jewish socialism, to defend the fact that I would not accept Arabs in my
trade union, the Histadrut; to defend preaching to housewives that they not buy
at Arab stores; to defend the fact that we stood guard at orchards to prevent
Arab workers from getting jobs there. ... To pour kerosene on Arab tomatoes; to
attack Jewish housewives in the markets and smash the Arab eggs they had
bought; … to throw the fellahin [peasants] off the land – to buy
dozens of dunams from an Arab is permitted, but to sell, God forbid,
one Jewish dunam to an Arab is prohibited; to take Rothschild, the
incarnation of capitalism, as a socialist and to name him the “benefactor” – to
do all that was not easy. (Ha'aretz 15.11.69)
best analysis of Zionist colonisation was contained in the 1930 Report of Sir John Hope-Simpson, set up
in the wake of the 1929 riots:
the result of the purchase of land in
Palestine by the Jewish National Fund has been that land has been
extraterritorialised. It ceases to be land from which the Arab can gain any
advantage either now or at any time in the future. Not only can he never hope
to lease or to cultivate it, but, by the stringent provisions of the lease of
the Jewish National Fund, [JNF] he is deprived for ever from employment on that
land. … The land is in mortmain and inalienable. It is for this reason that
Arabs discount the professions of friendship and good will on the part of the
Zionists in view of the policy which the Zionist Organisation [ZO] deliberately
only did the Labour Zionists follow a policy of economic apartheid they sought
to extend it to the PICA settlements.
The principle of the persistent and
deliberate boycott of Arab labour… [is] confined to the Zionist colonies, but
the General Federation of Jewish Labour [Histadrut] is using every effort to
ensure that it shall be extended to the colonies of the P.I.C.A., and this with
some considerable success. Great pressure is being brought to bear on the old
P.I.C.A. colonies in the Maritime Plain and its neighbourhood—pressure which in
one instance at least has compelled police intervention.
Report quoted from the terms of the lease that the JNF issued to its Jewish
" . . . . The lessee undertakes to
execute all works connected with the cultivation of the holding only with
Jewish labour. Failure to comply with this duty by the employment of nonJewish
labour shall render the lessee liable to the payment of a compensation of ten
Palestinian pounds for each default."
The lease also provides that the holding
shall never be held by any but a Jew. If the holder, being a Jew, dies, leaving
as his heir a nonJew, the Fund shall obtain the right of restitution.
criticises ‘the blanket identification of
Zionism with racism, apartheid, colonialism and worse.’ and lectures the
reader that ‘moral judgements… must not
be allowed to obscure an analysis of the Zionist movement’. Unfortunately
Davis is guilty of the very crime that she ascribes to others.
its inception at the end of the 19th century, Zionism saw itself as
a colonial movement. On 11 January 1902 Theodor Herzl, its founder, described a
letter he had written to Cecil Rhodes, the White supremacist leader in southern
How, then, do I happen to turn to you, since this is
an out-of-the way matter for you? How indeed? Because it is something colonial,
and because it presupposes understanding of a development which will take
twenty or thirty years. … But you, Mr. Rhodes, are a visionary politician or a
practical visionary. You have already demonstrated this. And what I want you to
do is … to put the stamp of your authority on the Zionist plan…’ [1]
when colonialism has gone out of fashion, the Zionist movement disavows its
colonial roots but when it was in fashion the ZO had a Colonization Department.
Ben Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister, regularly referred to the
settlements as ‘colonies’. For all her bluster Davis cannot deny the fact that
the Zionist movement saw itself as a settler-colonial movement. As we can see
from HaCohen and Hope-Simpson, racism was integral to Zionist colonisation.
relationship between Zionism and anti-Semitism.
is at pains to infer that anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism have much in common
and that the former leads to the latter. She tells us that anti-Zionism ‘‘per se’ is not anti-Semitic’ however ‘there is currently a strain of anti-Zionism…
which has normalized hostility to Israel as a Zionist entity founded by Jews.’
This apparently ‘can and often does lead
to anti-Semitism.’ Davis gives no examples and relies on pure assert ion.
the efforts of the Zionists to redefine anti-Semitism as hostility, not to Jews
but to Zionism and Israel, Davis does not once mention the IHRA.
does Davis argue that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitic? ‘because it singles out Israel for special treatment.’ and because
‘questioning the existence of the State
of Israel ignores the motivation for its foundation as a refuge for Jews…’.
argument about ‘singling out’ Israel for criticism echoes the complaints of supporters
of Apartheid in South Africa who were keen to point to the iniquities of
surrounding countries as if that was any kind of justification.
South Africa was founded as a refuge for the Afrikaaners and the USA was a
refuge for Christian dissenters. It is irrelevant why a state was founded. What
matters is what it does.
was Israel founded in order to save the victims of anti-Semitism from persecution.
Chaim Weizmann said in 1919 that ‘Alas,
Zionism can’t provide a solution for catastrophes.’ Palestine was closed to
thousands of survivors of the Ukrainian pogroms in the early 1920s. Gur Alroey described how Chaim Weizmann, Israel’s
first President
preferred productive immigrants over
needy refugees and thought the Land of Israel needed strong, healthy
immigrants, not refugees weak in body and spirit.
Abba Hillel-Silver, President of the Zionist Organisation of America asked:
Are we again, in moments of desperation
going to confuse Zionism with refugeeism which is likely to defeat Zionism?...
Zionism is not a refugee movement. It is not a product of the Second World War,
nor of the first. Were there no displaced Jews in Europe... Zionism would still
be an imperative necessity.[Robert
Silverberg, If I Forget Thee O Jerusalem,
p. 335, 1972]
Zionist movement opposed the rescue of Jews from the Nazis to any country bar
Palestine. After Kristallnacht in November 1938, Britain agreed to admit 10,000
Jewish children, the Kindertransport, to England. The Zionists were furious.
Ben Gurion told Mapai’s Central Committee on 9 December 1938 that
If I knew that it would be possible to save
all the children in Germany by bringing them over to England, and only half of
them by transporting them to Eretz Yisrael, then I would opt for the second
alternative. For we must weigh not only the life of these children, but also
the history of the People of Israel.[2]
A week later, on 17 December 1938 Ben Gurion wrote a memo to the Zionist Executive expressing
his fears that
If the Jews are faced with a choice between the
refugee problem and rescuing Jews from concentration camps on the one hand, and
aid for the national museum in Palestine on the other, the Jewish sense of pity
will prevail and our people's entire strength will be directed at aid for the
refugees in the various countries. Zionism will vanish from the agenda and
indeed not only world public opinion in England and America but also from
Jewish public opinion. We are risking Zionism's very existence if we allow the
refugee problem to be separated from the Palestine problem.
Jewish state was founded, not in order to rescue individual Jews but in order
to perpetuate the Jewish race. That was the basis of the cordial relationship
between the Nazis and the Zionists during the 1930s. How else to explain the
fact that the German Zionist Federation [ZVfD] pressurised the Gestapo not to
allow Jews to emigrate to countries other than Palestine? The Gestapo ‘did everything in those days to promote
emigration, particularly to Palestine.’[3]
Roosevelt called the Evian Conference to discuss the plight of Europe’s Jewish
refugees, the Zionists were appalled. A meeting of the Jewish Agency Executive [JAE]
on June 26 1938 decided to:
belittle the [Evian] Conference as far as possible and to cause it to
decide nothing…. We are particularly worried that it would move Jewish
organizations to collect large sums of money for aid to Jewish refugees, and
these collections could interfere with our collection efforts.[4]
Ben-Gurion at a meeting of the JAE of 26
June 1938. explained: ‘No
rationalizations can turn the conference from a harmful to a useful one. What
can and should be done is to limit the damage as far as possible.'[5]
Menachem Ussishkin at the same meeting said that
He hoped to hear in Evian that Eretz Israel remains the main venue for
Jewish emigration. All other emigration countries do not interest him… The
greatest danger is that attempts will be made to find other territories for
Jewish emigration.[6]
(my emphasis)
The Zionist leaders welcomed the rise of the Nazis to government.
It vindicated everything they had said about the impossibility of Jews living
amongst non Jews. Zionist leaders saw the Hitler regime as a golden opportunity
to prosper. Francis Nicosia spoke of the ‘illusory
assumption’ that Zionism ‘must have
been well served by a Nazi victory’. Hitler’s victory ‘could only bolster Zionist fortunes.’ Nicosia also spoke of the
tendency to ‘view Zionist interests as
distinct from those of the larger Jewish community in the Diaspora.’ [7]
So positive was its assessment of the situation that, as early as April
1933, the ZVfD announced its determination to take advantage of the crisis to
win over the traditionally assimilationist German Jewry to Zionism [8]
Berl Katznelson, Ben-Gurion’s effective deputy, saw the rise
of Hitler as ‘an opportunity to build and
flourish like none we have ever had or ever will have.’[9]
Ben-Gurion was even more optimistic. ‘The
Nazis’ victory would become “a fertile force for Zionism.”’[10]
Noah Lucas, a critical Zionist historian, wrote:
‘As the European holocaust
erupted, Ben-Gurion saw it as a decisive opportunity for Zionism... In
conditions of peace,… Zionism could not move the masses of world Jewry. The
forces unleashed by Hitler in all their horror must be harnessed to the
advantage of Zionism. ... By the end of 1942… the struggle for a Jewish state
became the primary concern of the movement.’ (Noah Lucas) [11]
began as a reaction to anti-Semitism, especially the pogroms that followed the
assassination of Czar Alexander II in 1881. Unlike all other Jewish groups
Zionism accepted the main premise of the anti-Semites, that Jews did not belong
in the countries where they lived. That was why anti-Semites endorsed the
Zionist movement as a way of being rid of their unwanted Jews.
believed that anti-Semitism could not be fought because it was inherent in
every non-Jew. In the midst of the Dreyfus Affair, when over half of France had
taken up the struggle for a Jewish officer, Herzl wrote that
In Paris... I achieved a freer attitude towards anti-Semitism, which I
now began to understand historically and to pardon. Above all, I recognise the
emptiness and futility of trying to 'combat' anti-Semitism. [Diaries, p.8]
The leader of the anti-Dreyfusards Edouard Drumont favourably
reviewed Herzl’s pamphlet The Jewish State, in ‘Solution de la Question Juive’ in La Libre Parole on 16
January 1897. Herzl expressed his delight in his Diary.[12]
viewed Zionism as a form of Jewish anti-Semitism. Davis mentions that the first
Zionist Congress was held in Basel, Switzerland in 1897. What she doesn’t
mention is that it was supposed to have been held in Munich but the Jewish
community there protested against it holding that the authorities were
condoning anti-Semitism. As Sir Samuel Montagu, a Liberal MP wrote:
Is it
not... a suspicious fact that those who have no love for the Jews, and those
who are pronounced anti-Semites, all seem to welcome the Zionist proposals and
Zionism was a
counter-revolutionary movement. After the Kishinev pogrom in April 1903 Herzl
journeyed to see Czarist Interior Minister von Plehve who had organised the
pogroms. Herzl asked Plehve: ‘Help me to reach land sooner and the revolt will end. And so will the
defection to the Socialists.’[13]
Plehve approved the publication of a Zionist daily, Der Fraind. Uniquely Zionism was a legal political movement in
Russia. Herzl promised that the revolutionaries would stop their struggle in
return for a charter for Palestine in 15 years. The Bund were outraged.[14]
Davies makes great play
of the ‘Marxist’ Zionist Poalei Zion [PZ] omitting to mention that its founder,
Ber Borochov, was expelled from the Russian Social Democrats in 1901 for
Zionism. Socialist Zionism only began because mainstream Zionism held no
attractions for Jewish workers.
In Poland Left PZ effectively
abandoned Zionism. In Palestine PZ moved to the right as the rhythms of
colonisation and conflict with the Arabs took over.
Davis argues that PZ ‘advocated a harmonious relationship between
Jew and Arab in Palestine.’ Either she knows nothing about Zionist
colonisation or she is lying. PZ and Ahdut Ha'avodah eschewed unity between
Jewish and Arab workers.
Does Zionism
have a Left and a Right?
Davis argues that Zionism
‘was never a monolithic movement with a
settled ideology.’ Rather it was ‘fractured
from its early days and remains so until the present time.’
Although it is true that
the Zionist movement was divided into different groups it is not true that
there wasn’t a common ideology. All wings agreed that Jews formed a nation worldwide
and there was also unanimity, with the exception of the tiny Brit Shalom, that their goal was the
establishment of a Jewish state.
Whereas the Revisionists sought
to achieve this goal at once, Ben Gurion realised that the Yishuv had to build
up its strength numerically before they could realistically achieve statehood.
There was an unspoken consensus among all wings that the achievement of a Jewish
state would involve the transfer of the Arabs.
The Revisionists wanted
to jettison Zionism’s imperialist partners, the British, before the Yishuv was
ready whereas Ben Gurion realised that until they reached a critical mass the
British presence was indispensible. The differences were not ones of principle
but tactics.
The Histadrut, the Zionist
trade union, which Golda Meir described
as a ‘great colonizing agency’, was
formed in 1920.The class struggle was seen as weakening the settler
enterprise. In April 1924 the Palestine Communist
Party adopted an anti-Zionist, anti-imperialist outlook. It was expelled from
The Labour Zionist slogan
was ‘From class to nation’. The class
struggle was to be waged, not against the employer but the Arabs. It was Labour
Zionism which built the State of Israel. The Nakba was carried out primarily by
the Labour Zionist militias, Haganah and Palmach, not the Revisionists.
is a ‘Jewish State’? Is such a state inherently racist?
does a Jewish State mean? Davis ignores this question. Being Jewish in such a
state is a national/racial not a religious category. In Israel you can be
registered as of no religion but Jewish in terms of nationality.
Nation State Law 2018, which Davis references, states
that in Israel only Jews have the right of national self-determination. Arabs
are guests, they are not part of the national collective. Israel is unique in
having no single nationality.
this day, Israel’s Palestinian citizens face having their villages demolished
in order to make way for Jewish towns. In July 2023 the residents of Ras Jrabah
in the Negev were given until March
2024 to destroy their homes and leave their village to make way for the
expansion of a nearby Israeli city. Half of all Israel’s Arab villages are
‘unrecognised’. They are on state land, which is a ‘Jewish’ state. Such
villages have no piped water, electricity or even ballot boxes in elections.
This is internal colonisation.
Netanyahu remarked,
“Israel is not a state of all its
citizens. … Israel is the nation state of the Jewish people – and only it.’
Ethno-religious states are a throwback to the days of feudalism. It was the
bourgeois revolution in France which established the idea that a nation
includes all the people living within its territory, not just those of a
particular religion.
sees opposition to a Jewish state as anti-Semitic. If so then it was also racist
to oppose the apartheid state in South Africa.
6. How
Anti-Semitism was Weaponised in order to Undermine Corbyn and the Labour Left
is astounding that someone who calls themselves a communist cannot see how anti-Semitism
was weaponised by the right to defeat the Corbyn project. Jeremy Corbyn has allowed vile anti-Semitism
to fester and growscreamed the Daily Express. The same paper that
campaigned against the admission of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany was to
the fore in opposing Labour ‘anti-Semitism’.
‘No-one is swallowing the asylum seeker lie anymore,
the game’s up’wrote Carole
Malone. We had the Sun and Mail, fresh from
employing neo-Nazi Katie Hopkins as a columnist, protesting their shock at Labour
‘anti-Semitism’. Is Mary Davis really unable to join the dots?
Watson and the Labour Right, who had made demonisation of Muslims and asylum
seekers into a fine art, protested their abhorrence at Labour ‘anti-Semitism’. Gordon
Brown, whose slogan‘British Jobs for British Workers’ was
coined by fascist groups such as the BNP and National Front, fulminated against the ‘stain’ of Labour
there was one thing that destroyed the Corbyn Project it was the inability of
the Labour left to fight back against false accusations of anti-Semitism. Yet
what conclusion does Davis draw?
It is an undoubted fact that the
conflation of anti-Zionism and antisemitism, has been and still is, a constant
theme of left discourse.
is as if Davis no longer recognises the meaning of words. The equation of anti-Zionism and
anti-Semitism is a Zionist not left theme. Mary Davis is the CPB’s Humpty Dumpty:
“When I
use a word,… it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
‘The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many
different things.’ ‘The question is,’
said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be
master — that’s all.”
Johnson, whose racist utterances are
notorious and whose 2004 book 72 Virgins was replete with racist and anti-Semitic
stereotypes, was also concerned about Labour anti-Semitism. Nor does Davis point
out the hypocrisy of Labour MPs who attacked Corbyn’s ‘anti-Semitism’ but supported Theresa May’s ‘hostile
environment’ Immigration Act 2014?
signals that there was no smoke without fire. She uses weasel words, talking
about ‘persistent allegations of
anti-Semitism in the Labour Party’. John Mann and Watson were certainly
persistent but they also backed the racist Labour MP Phil Woolas in 2010 when
the High Court removed him from Parliament. Woolas had fought an election campaign based on ‘making the White folk angry.’
treats the EHRC ‘investigation’ of Labour anti-semitism as if the EHRC was some
a human rights group rather than an instrument of the British state. The same
EHRC has refused to investigate Tory Islamaphobia and whose Board is stuffed
with right-wing appointees. The Commissioner who conducted the Inquiry,
Alisdair Henderson, was later found out to have been tweeting in support of fascist
philosopher Roger Scruton and making derogatory comments about feminism.
cannot bring herself to mention the expulsion of Jewish members of the party
such that Jews in the Labour Party face a five
times greater chance of being expelled than non-Jews.
Does Israel
have a vibrant left
says that ‘vibrant oppositional forces
exist in Israel’. What she doesn’t do is explain how today Labour Zionism
is an endangered species. Having formed every government from 1949 to 1977 the
Israeli Labour Party has not formed a government since 1999. Mapam/Meretz, who
were once the second largest party in the Knesset, has no elected members.
is a society where the phrase ‘leftist’ is a term of abuse, where racism
amongst the young is rampant and where a plurality of Jews support the
expulsion of Palestinian Israelis. On every count Israeli Palestinians are
discriminated against by the State. What remains of the left in Israel is
extremely weak.
the demonstrations over Netanyahu’s judicial reforms, the Anti Occupation Block
has been regularly attacked by other demonstrators. The demonstrations are primarily
a protest within the Jewish collective from which Palestinian Israelis are
absent. When it comes to the army’s attack on Palestinians in Jenin and
elsewhere there is Zionist unanimity.
mentions Israeli human rights organisation B’tselem but omits to mention that
last year it concluded that Israel
was an apartheid state and that a ‘regime of Jewish
supremacy’ extends ‘from the Jordan River to
the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid.’
we have the phenomenon of the Jewish neo-Nazi Otzmah Yehudit being part of the third largest block in the Knesset
yet Davies has nothing to say about this or the continuing ethnic cleansing of the
Palestinians in the West Bank. Of course in the protests some Israeli Jews will
become radicalised and begin to understand that you can’t maintain a military
dictatorship in the Occupied Territories and a Jewish democracy in Israel. In
South Africa repression of the Black population led to democracy for White
people being eroded. So too in Israel.
Two States is
an Apartheid Solution
harks back to 1947 and Stalin’s decision to support the establishment of Israel
as a ‘Jewish state’ which resulted in the expulsion of ¾ million Palestinians.
there is one thing that the past half century teaches us it is that Israel has
no intention to create a Palestinian state. The Oslo Accords replaced the faces
of Israeli soldiers with Palestinian faces. Palestinians now recognise that the
ONLY solution is the creation, like in South Africa, of a unitary state which
guarantees equal rights for all. Only racists and Zionists oppose such an
two state solution would leave an apartheid Israeli state in place together
with a repressive bantustan in the West Bank. The 700,000 settlers aren’t going
anywhere and there is no appetite or desire within Israel to remove them. The
Israeli Communist Party is wrong to cling to this ‘solution’ which would be an
invitation to Ben Gvir to expel Israeli Palestinians into such a state.
began her article by telling us how many times Zion occurs in the Bible as if
this proved anything. Zionism has always been a political not religious
movement. Yes Jews prayed for a return to the Holy Land but as Bernard Lazarre,
an early Zionist noted, what this prayer was really saying was that they wished
to be free.
2.5 million Russian Jews emigrated from Czarist Russia between the mid-19th
century and 1914, some 99% went to the USA and Britain. A mere trickle of
Zionist activists, most of whom returned, went to Palestine. Whenever Jews have
been given the chance, they have chosen to go anywhere but Palestine.
Davis article is one long apologia for Zionism. Its mistakes are too many to
count. It is tendentious and is based on an imperialist imposed, partition.
today reflects the anti-Semitism that Jews once experienced. Instead of ‘death to the Jews’ we have ‘death to the Arabs’ chantged. This is
the state Mary Davis wants to keep. Her article is the exact opposite of
international solidarity.
turns a blind eye to the fact that Zionism has always been supported by
anti-Semites, from Trump and Richard Spencer to Tommy
has excellent relations with anti-Semitic regimes in Eastern Europe from
Hungary’s Orban to Poland’s Morawiecki. At the end of August a meeting took place between Israel’s
Ambassador in Romania, Reuven Azar, with the holocaust denying Alliance for the
Union of Romanians leader George Simion. This is the Zionism that Mary Davis
[1] Complete
Diaries of Theodor Herzl, p. 1194, Ralph Patai (ed), 1960.
[2] Yoav
Gelber, ‘Zionist policy and the Fate of European Jewry,’ Yad Vashem Studies
(1939-42) p. 199; see also Tom Segev, The
Seventh Million, p. 28; Teveth p. 855; Gabriel Piterberg p. 99.
[3] Francis
Nicosia, The Third Reich and the
Palestine Question, p. 57.
[4] Boas Evron, Jewish State or Israeli Nation, fn 3, p. 260 quoting letter by
Georg Landauer to Stephen Wise, 13.2.38. This shocking letter was written at
the behest of Chaim Weizmann.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Nicosia,
The Yishuv and the Holocaust, p. 534.
[8] Nicosia,
ZANG, p.146.
[9] Ibid., p. 91. Segev, The Seventh Million, p. 18 attributes
this quote to a report by Moshé Beilinson, a cofounder of Davar, to
[10] Segev,
The Seventh Million, p. 18.
[11] Lucas,
pp. 187/8, A Modern History of Israel, Weidenfield & Nicholson, 1975.
[12] Stewart,
Herzl, p. 251.
[13] Herzl, Complete Diaries, p.
[14] Henry
Tobias, p. 252.
[15] Mario
Offenburg, Kommunismus in Palaestina Nation und Kalassein der
anti-Kolonialen RevolutionMeisenheim am Glan 1975 (PhD Thesis,
West Berlin, 1975) p.187. Khamsin No
7, pp. 4l-5l.