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 We said no to Peter Kyle, Dan Yates and all the other Zionists and racists who tried to silence their socialist critics

At last year’s Labour Party conference in Liverpool the film premiere of Jackie Walker’s Witchhunt was stopped by a bomb threat.

The Rialto defied the worst that the Zionists could do to become a Free Speech Centre at Labour Party Conference
In August three Brighton venues - Brighthelm, Holiday Inn and Friends Meeting House - cancelled a talk on Modern Monetary Theory by Chris Williamson MP because of abusive and violent threats by the Zionist lobby.
Today's Zionists are emulating Goebbel's Book Burners
The initiative was taken by Peter Kyle MP for Hove, who personally contacted Brighthelm, a right-wing church and community centre and we understand Holiday Inn too in order to get them to cancel the meetings.  Phone calls, abusive tweets and even, in the case of the Holiday Inn, two thugs who walked in threatening the staff were deployed to get the venues to cancel.
All the abusers alleged Chris Williamson was an anti-Semite.  Of course these supporters of the world’s only apartheid state provided no evidence.
Despite this we held the meeting at Regency Square. We told the racists and Zionists including Peter Kyleand local councillor Dan Yates, that freedom of speech would triumph regardless. 
Greg Hadfield introduces the Book Launch and explains why it is being held at the Rialto
We were told the local Jewish community was worried for its safety by the exercise of free speech! These are the same people who supported Charlie Hebdo's right to ridicule the prophet Mohammed. 

In the end the Zionists managed a demonstration of less than 20 people, half of whom came down from London! The President of the Board of Deputies herself, Marie van der Zyle came only to find over 150 people willing to brave the racists and the thugs.
Ken  Loach and Chris Williamson attended the book launch - it was standing room only!
Having triumphed recently we were determined to ensure that Jackie and Chris would speak at this year’s Labour Party conference in Brighton.
Brighton and Hove Labour Left Alliance, which grew out of the Jon Lansman controlled Brighton and Hove Momentum, put in place plans to ensure that there would be alternative venues for controversial events.  First we obtained an Events License from Brighton and Hove Council for Regency Square to put a marquee or, as it turned out a gazebo up.  In the end we only did this for the first 2 days.
Packed audience at LRC meeting on Monday
Secondly we hired a central Brighton venue, The Rialto Theatre for the Saturday and Monday of conference. Despite the usual abusive tweets, phone calls etc. the Rialto held firm.  Its owners were briefed on what would happen and pledged to stand up to the abusers and thugs.  They proved true to their word.
Over two days we showed Jackie Walker’s film Witchhunttwice to packed audiences. 

Chris Williamson addressing an impromptu crowd at Regency Square on Sunday
On the Saturday there was a packed out audience to hear a variety of speakers on freedom of speech  including Jackie Walker, Chris Williamson and Anne Mitchell, a suspended member of Hove Labour Party and Chair of Brighton PSC.
On the Monday there was a session on Culture, Arts, and Freedom with Jackie Walker and Professor David Miller of Bristol University.
Greg Hadfield introduces the talk by Professor Bill Mitchell and Chris Williamson MP on Modern Monetary Theory
There was a talk by Chris Williamson and Professor Bill Mitchell, a world renowned economist.
In the evening the Labour Representation Committee, whose President is John McDonnell, held a packed meeting with Jackie Walker, Chris Williamson, Ian Hodson, President of the Bakers Union and Adriana Alvarez from the United States.
At the same time a book launch at Brighton’s Waterstones for Bad News for Labourhad just been cancelled. This was a consequence of a barrage of abusive and racist emails and tweets from Zionists alleging that a book investigating the allegations of anti-Semitism against the Labour Party was ‘anti-Semitic’.
The Zionist ‘logic’ is that anyone who attempts to disprove that there is an ‘anti-Semitism’ crisis in the Labour Party is also anti-Semitic! It is the logic of Salem where denying you were a witch was evidence you were one!
Kerry-Ann Mendoza introduces Jackie Walker and Steve Tiller
In the wordsof Pluto’s managing director Veruschka Selbach
 This book is an academic study into one of the most contentious issues facing our society today. It is worrying that abuse and intimidation were used to close down free and open discussion of anti-semitism in the Labour party. We have run events at various Waterstones in Pluto’s 50-year history. “This is the first time they have cancelled an event, saying we were unprofessional.

Fortunately we were able to accommodate the book launch at the Rialto Theatre and instead of 50 people attending at Waterstones we had a packed audience of over 100 people. All five academics - Greg Philo, Mike Berry, Justin Schlosberg, Antony Lerman and David Miller — came along to launch their book.
The Zionist attempt to prevent the launch of a book debunking their lies about ‘anti-Semitism’ failed.  Big thanks in particular to Greg Hadfield, an ex-Fleet Street journalist and Labour Party activist who found the venue!  And thanks to the wonderful staff at the Rialto itself.

Jackie Walker speaks at the LRC Meeting with Chris Williamson
After the book launch Kerry Ann Mendoza, Editor of The Canary interviewed Jackie Walker and Steve Tiller.  And after that we had a party!!

With  a theatre accommodating 100 people upstairs and a bar downstairs, with a live feed, accommodating another 50 people, we ensured that Free Speech on Palestine triumphed at the Rialto.
Down the road was The World Transformed, an offshoot of Jon Lansman's Momentum.  Unfortunately transforming the world was the last thing they were concerned with. They have refused to touch the witchhunt or have any sessions on Palestine or Zionism.  The WTF is about accommodating to capitalism not challenging it.  It is a place for the comfortable left that doesn't believe in struggle - from Novara Media to the (Not so) Red Pepper.
Tony Greenstein
All the Zionist abusers above make one assumption - that the Rialto was hosting antisemitism - presumably a book about the false antisemitism smear campaign is by definition antisemitic or the LRC meeting...
Examples of the Zionist Abuse that led to Waterstone's Cancellation of a Book Launch
It would appear that some village has lost its idiot
Former Labour Councillor Julie Cattell encouraging a Boycott of the Rialto for Hosting a Range of Events this week - Cattle is a supporter of Sussex Friends of Israel which says it opposes boycotts - but only of Israel!
Julie Cattell openly encourages people to place false reviews on Trip Advisor and elsewhere to damage the Rialto commercially - these are the underhand and dishonest tactics of the Zionists
Two idiots find it 'unbelievable' that we resist their attempts to shut down free speech - Julie Cattell doesn't even seem to understand the term
Julie Cattell, former Labour councillor who was ousted in May, piling pressure on Waterstone's to cancel the book launch or face a boycott - these are the same people who throw their hands up in horror at a boycott of Apartheid Israel

The Zionist Board of Deputies and Sussex Jewish Representative Council (which is SFI in disguise) add their weight to the book burners

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