We are all used to fighting in individual campaigns – whether it is for BDS and the Palestinians, or the NHS or against fascism or austerity in its many manifestations. But what is the string that ties all this together. What is it that makes this appalling system of imperialist robbery and exploitation tick? That one word is capitalism, a society based not on human need but on the making of profit. Of course by dividing us into separate campaigns and movements capitalism ensures its own survival. Divide and rule. Racism, is one of its primary weapons.
It is because Jeremy Corbyn is perceived as being anti-capitalist in his own small and muddled way, that he is treated as the enemy within. That is why all the bile is directed against him, not just by the mass media but by members of his own party too. Whether it is John Mann or Joan Ryan or Hilary Benn - Corbyn's real problem is his attachment, in a fleeting and hesitant, manner to the idea that there is an alternative to capitalism.
Of course many people will say that its the best system there is, but is it? When trillions of dollars are spent on weapons and yet perhaps half the planet is in perpetual hunger? When a handful of individuals can own as much as whole states put together? When an increasing proportion of the world’s wealth is concentrated in fewer and fewer hands what possible justification is there for a society which is based on the subjugation of other nations?
The dominant power today is the United States. The two main parties, Republican and Democrat are pro-capitalist. Both agree that the USA has a right to intervene in other states to enforce its will. The US has hundreds of bases around the world and they are not for ‘peacekeeping’.
Indeed the only virtue of Donald Trump is that he doesn’t hide behind niceties such as the ‘war for democracy’ or platitudes about defending human rights. As he has shown over the Khashoggi Affair, all he is concerned about are weapons sales to vile dictatorships.
As the planet is approaching the point of no return on climate change it is, or should be obvious that capitalism is responsible for our inability to mount any challenge to global warming. The interests of profit directly contradict the needs of humanity and yet the existing Green Parties, in Britain and internationally believe that they can Green capitalism.
This is what is most pathetic about our own Green Party and its desperate attempts to be seen as part of the Establishment rather than a threat to it. That was and is why Caroline Lucas has refused to come out in opposition to the IHRA definition of 'antisemitism'. The IHRA is an Establishment formulation and she, for all her day trips to the left, is part of that political establishment. The same is true of the 11 Green Councillors in Brighton, led by erstwhile Republican Liam McCafferty who also demonstrated that when Greens are in a position to make a difference buckled under and voted for the IHRA.
Capitalism is a system not only based on commodity production but the blind accumulation of capital. It is, in George Soros’s words, amoral. British oil companies think nothing of working with tyrannical governments in Nigeria and elsewhere to sustain death squads and armies that will act against any assertion of power by the indigenous peoples affected by the production of oil for example the Ogoni people.
American multinationals have always done this in Central and South America. Human Rights directly contradict the needs of capital but it is something that groups like Amnesty International refuse to recognise as they have backed the US war on Afghanistan..
Fracking in this country is another example of where the needs of capital supersede the interests of humanity. That is why anyone who is seriously opposed to the destruction of the environment or in fighting global warming and climate change must also be anti-capitalist.
Although the British Labour Party has elected a left-wing MP, Jeremy Corbyn it has met with fierce resistance by the Right whose main purpose, stripping aside all the nonsense about anti-Semitism, is making Labour safe for capitalism. That is what this is all about really. Israel is a symbol for all that is rotten and corrupt in world politics.
It is one of the major weaknesses of the pro-Corbyn campaign that many people see the task as being to reform capitalism whilst leaving the beast unchanged. In many ways that is the weakness of the whole strategy of Corbyn and McDonnell . They wish to tame the beast rather than challenge it.
The task of socialists is to use the present battles to radicalise people and create a genuine anti-capitalist movement inside and outside the Labour Party.
Tony Greenstein
Labor Are You Ready To Consider That Capitalism Is The Real Problem?
November 19, 2018 Jason Hickel and Martin Kirk
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Fifty-one percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 no longer support the system of capitalism. , Illustration: Kseniya_Milner/iStock |
In February, college sophomore Trevor Hill stood up during a televised town hall meeting in New York and posed a simple question to Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the Democrats in the House of Representatives. He cited a study by Harvard University showing that 51% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 no longer support the system of capitalism, and asked whether the Democrats could embrace this fast-changing reality and stake out a clearer contrast to right-wing economics.
Pelosi was visibly taken aback. “I thank you for your question,” she said, “but I’m sorry to say we’re capitalists, and that’s just the way it is.”
The footage went viral. It was powerful because of the clear contrast it set up. Trevor Hill is no hardened left-winger. He’s just your average millennial—bright, informed, curious about the world, and eager to imagine a better one. But Pelosi, a figurehead of establishment politics, refused to–or was just unable to–entertain his challenge to the status quo.
It’s not only young voters who feel this way. A YouGov poll in 2015 found that 64% of Britons believe that capitalism is unfair, that it makes inequality worse. Even in the U.S., it’s as high as 55%. In Germany, a solid 77% are skeptical of capitalism. Meanwhile, a full three-quarters of people in major capitalist economies believe that big businesses are basically corrupt.
Why do people feel this way? Probably not because they deny the abundant material benefits of modern life that many are able to enjoy. Or because they want to travel back in time and live in the U.S.S.R. It’s because they realize—either consciously or at some gut level—that there’s something fundamentally flawed about a system that has a prime directive to churn nature and humans into capital, and do it more and more each year, regardless of the costs to human well-being and to the environment we depend on.
Because let’s be clear: That’s what capitalism is, at its root. That is the sum total of the plan. We can see this embodied in the imperative to grow GDP, everywhere, year on year, at a compound rate, even though we know that GDP growth, on its own, does nothing to reduce poverty or to make people happier or healthier. Global GDP has grown 630% since 1980, and in that same time, by some measures, inequality, poverty, and hunger have all risen.
We also see this plan in the idea that corporations have a fiduciary duty to grow their stock value for the sake of shareholder returns, which prevents even well-meaning CEO’s from voluntarily doing anything good—like increasing wages or reducing pollution—that might compromise their bottom line.
Just look at the recent case involving American Airlines. Earlier this year, CEO Doug Parker tried to raise his employees salaries to correct for “years of incredibly difficult times” suffered by his employees, only to be slapped down by Wall Street. The day he announced the raise, the company’s shares fell 5.8%. This is not a case of an industry on the brink, fighting for survival, and needing to make hard decisions. On the contrary, airlines have been raking in profits. But the gains are seen as the natural property of the investor class. This is why JP Morgan criticized the wage increase as a “wealth transfer of nearly $1 billion” to workers. How dare they?
What becomes clear here is that ours is a system that is programmed to subordinate life to the imperative of profit.
For a startling example of this, consider the horrifying idea to breed brainless chickens and grow them in huge vertical farms, Matrix-style, attached to tubes and electrodes and stacked one on top of the other, all for the sake of extracting profit out of their bodies as efficiently as possible. Or take the Grenfell Tower disaster in London, where dozens of people were incinerated because the building company chose to use flammable panels in order to save a paltry £5,000 (around $6,500). Over and over again, profit trumps life.
It all proceeds from the same deep logic. It’s the same logic that sold lives for profit in the Atlantic slave trade, it’s the logic that gives us sweatshops and oil spills, and it’s the logic that is right now pushing us headlong toward ecological collapse and climate change.
Gains are seen as the natural property of the investor class.
Once we realize this, we can start connecting the dots between our different struggles. There are people in the U.S. fighting against the Keystone pipeline. There are people in Britain fighting against the privatization of the National Health Service. There are people in India fighting against corporate land grabs. There are people in Brazil fighting against the destruction of the Amazon rainforest. There are people in China fighting against poverty wages. These are all noble and important movements in their own right. But by focusing on all these symptoms we risk missing the underlying cause. And the cause is capitalism. It’s time to name the thing.
What’s so exciting about our present moment is that people are starting to do exactly that. And they are hungry for something different. For some, this means socialism. That YouGov poll showed that Americans under the age of 30 tend to have a more favorable view of socialism than they do of capitalism, which is surprising given the sheer scale of the propaganda out there designed to convince people that socialism is evil. But millennials aren’t bogged down by these dusty old binaries. For them the matter is simple: They can see that capitalism isn’t working for the majority of humanity, and they’re ready to invent something better.
What might a better world look like? There are a million ideas out there. We can start by changing how we understand and measure progress. As Robert Kennedy famously said, GDP “does not allow for the health of our children, the quality of their education, or the joy of their play . . . it measures everything, in short, except that which makes life worthwhile.”
We can change that. People want health care and education to be social goods, not market commodities, so we can choose to put public goods back in public hands. People want the fruits of production and the yields of our generous planet to benefit everyone, rather than being siphoned up by the super-rich, so we can change tax laws and introduce potentially transformative measures like a universal basic income. People want to live in balance with the environment on which we all depend for our survival; so we can adopt regenerative agricultural solutions and even choose, as Ecuador did in 2008, to recognize in law, at the level of the nation’s constitution, that nature has “the right to exist, persist, maintain, and regenerate its vital cycles.”
Measures like these could dethrone capitalism’s prime directive and replace it with a more balanced logic, that recognizes the many factors required for a healthy and thriving civilization. If done systematically enough, they could consign one-dimensional capitalism to the dustbin of history.
None of this is actually radical. Our leaders will tell us that these ideas are not feasible, but what is not feasible is the assumption that we can carry on with the status quo. If we keep pounding on the wedge of inequality and chewing through our living planet, the whole thing is going to implode. The choice is stark, and it seems people are waking up to it in large numbers: Either we evolve into a future beyond capitalism, or we won’t have a future at all.
[Dr. Jason Hickel is an anthropologist at the London School of Economics who works on international development and global political economy, with an ethnographic focus on southern Africa. He writes for the Guardian and Al Jazeera English. His most recent book, The Divide: A Brief History of Global Inequality and Its Solutions, is available now.
Martin Kirk is cofounder and director of strategy for The Rules, a global collective of writers, thinkers, and activists dedicated to challenging the root causes of global poverty and inequality. His work focuses on bringing insights from the cognitive and complexity sciences to bear on issues of public understanding of complex global challenge