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GAZA – Israel murders over 50 unarmed Palestinians and injures over a thousand yet Labour Friends of Israel blames the victims


Either Emily Thornberry Resigns from Labour Friends of Israel or she must be sacked from the Shadow Cabinet

‘Modern Israel stands out as a beacon of freedom, equality and democracy’ – 
Emily Thornberry



The hypocrisy of Thornberry who praises Israel's 'democracy' - Israel's murderous actions were supported by the Israeli Labour Party

On the day of the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem, something that the United State’s arch bigot-in-chief Donald Trump had ordained, Israel’s rulers celebrated by murdering in cold blood 58 Palestinians (according to the latest count) and at least 1,200 maybe more unarmed Palestinians.

It is no surprise that Labour Friends of Israel could not bring themselves to condemn Israel’s outrageous murder of unarmed Palestinian demonstrators.  Instead they blamed the victims and in the normal conspiracy style of Israeli propaganda said it was all Hamas’s fault.  Apparently Hamas are able to make thousands of Palestinians risk their life just like that.  Because in the eyes of the Zionist rulers of Israel the Palestinians are no more than animals and sub-humans. See Rabbi Dahan - Israel's New Deputy Defence Minister - Jews have Higher Souls than Non-Jews
83% of Israeli Jews support the 'shoot to murder' policy - including 47% of the 'left-wing' Zionist Meretz
Murder accompanied the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem - according to Trump it heralded a new era of peace

The truth is of course that conditions in Gaza are appalling and unbearable which is why people are demonstrating at the border fence.  It is a lie to say that Hamas are making people risk their lives.  These demonstrations began against the wishes of Hamas.  To deny ordinary people agency is no different from the Jewish conspiracy theories that LFI purport to condemn.

 Israel didn’t just injure, according to some reports, over 2,000 people, children included.  They have crippled them for life because the bullets they are using are internationally outlawed dum dum bullets that crush the bones and have an exit wound the size of a fist.  Israel’s is Using Internationally Outlawed Explosive ‘Dum Dum’ Bullets Against Civilians in Gaza

What is outrageous is that Labour’s Shadow Foreign Secretary, who never fails to pay tribute to Israel’s Jewish ‘democracy’, is a paid up member of Labour Friends of Israel. 

The lie that the Zionists spread was that this was an ‘invasion’ of sovereign Israeli territory.  Israel is the occupier of Gaza.   Gaza is an open air prison which is virtually unliveable in, having been blockaded for 11 years by air, land and sea.  The water is undrinkable, food is in short supply, medical supplies are lacking, houses remain unbuilt from the last bombing campaign.  That is why Palestinians in Gaza want to return to the lands from which they were expelled 70 years ago, in Israel.

Israel welcomes any Jew who wants to immigrate but it cannot find room for Palestinians who were born there and their families. Why?  Because they are not Jewish.  If that is not racism what is?

Palestinians from Gaza are not welcome because they pose a threat to the demographic majority.  It is because of this threat to the racial purity of the ‘Jewish’ state of Israel that they were gunned down like animals.

And while the slaughter in Gaza continued, the Zionists were celebrating the move of the Israeli Embassy to occupied Jerusalem.  It is ironic that Baptist Pastor Robert Jeffress conducted the opening prayers at the ceremony.  Not only is he a racist bigot for whom Islam (& Mormonism) are heresies ‘from the pit of hell’ but according to him ‘you can’t be saved by being a Jew’ either. 

The American Jewish group If Not Now protesting Israel's mass murder in Gaza

It is entirely fitting that a racist bigot and anti-Semite was invited to conduct the opening ceremony of the US Embassy because anti-Semites have always been the strongest supporters of Israel.  If you don’t want Jews in the lands where they live where better to send them to than Israel?

Tony Greenstein

Israeli Brown-Shirts “Celebrate” Jerusalem Day

Jerusalem is one of the strangest cities in the world.  Let's leave aside all the tourist promotion about "Jerusalem of Gold" and "a city holy to three religions."  And the Israeli claim that it is "Israel's capital, eternal and undivided."  All that is window dressing for what Jerusalem really is.  A city which has been fought over for thousands of years by scores of armies fighting on behalf of scores of religions and nations.  It's possible that over time more blood has been shed over the city than any other in the history of the world.
Frankly, I'm not sure it's worth it.  In David's day it was a small city inhabited by Jebusites, who were eventually exterminated.
I question the ultimate point of all this suffering over this city as someone who's lived in Jerusalem, studied at its universities, worshiped at the Western Wall, shopped in its markets, walked its streets, davened at its shuls, spoken its language, celebrated its holidays.  Nevertheless, I come back to my oft-repeated response to this veneration of the Holy City.  Jews were never much for worshipping stones and ruins.  Jews, especially those in the Diaspora, were far more taken up with finding modes of survival outside Israel.
Yes, of course our Prophets mourned the destruction of Jerusalem and the prayer-book offered meditations on the eternal role of the city in the heart of every Jew.  But unlike Christians, until the early 20th century, there were no mass movements of return.  That is why I've decided that the 21st century version of Jerusalem worship is a form of Judean pagan idolatry.  This idol-worship divorces us as Jews from the values which enabled us to survive for so many centuries outside of Israel.
Judean idolators stage Nuremberg like rally

All of this is an introduction to the latest insanity griping Jerusalem.  In the course of a few days, Israel celebrated Jerusalem Day, a holiday in which thousands of settlers march like Brown Shirts through Palestinian neighborhoods in the city, bellowing provocative racist chants and waving thousands of Israeli flags.  It's something like what a bad dog owner would do to train a dog not to take a dump on the rug: you rub their nose in it, as if that will somehow teach them you're boss and must be obeyed.
T-shirt sold during Jerusalem Day pogroms: "Sometimes you've got to take off your cap."
Among the lyrics these pagans chant: "Avenge but one of my two eyes upon Palestine, may their name be wiped out."  I also feature a photo of a t-shirt sold to these marchers.  It features a few brave settler lads toppling the Dome of the Rock, with a caption: "Sometimes, you've got to take your kippah ['cap' or 'dome'] off."
Such provocation doesn't cow the Palestinians.  Just the reverse, it spurs the next suicide bomber or knife attacker.  The next time you hear of an Israeli soldier or settler killed or wounded, remember these videos, images and slogans.  They are precisely why the cycle of violence never ends.
American Jews reject the moving of the US Embassy
Adding the final insult to injury is the opening of the "new" U.S. embassy in Jerusalem.  The embassy isn't new and isn't really even an embassy at present.  It's the U.S. consulate and it's actually not even built within the Green Line.  It's built on disputed territory, what was considered No Man's Land after 1948.  It was conquered in 1967, when Israel ousted the Jordanians and took control of the city.  But Israel refuses to recognize a formal border between Israel and Palestine.  So, ironically, we've built our new embassy on territory that is at best disputed, and at 'worst' Palestinian land.  But that shouldn't surprise, because almost the entirety of the Israeli settler movement is based on such theft and usurpation of Palestine. One can even argue that Israel's founding in 1948 based, as it was on the expulsion of 1-million Palestinians and the destruction of 400 of their villages, is the original usurpation.  So why should the U.S. presence there be any different??
The opening prayer will be delivered on Monday by Dallas evangelical preacher, Robert Jeffress.  He was invited because, of course, he's a mainstay of FoxNews.  There he rails against every major religion except his own:
Labour Friends of Israel's Tweet Blaming the Palestinians for their own Murder
[Jeffress] has referred to both Islam and Mormonism as “a heresy from the pit of hell.” He believes Islam, Mormonism, Hinduism, and Buddhism are all cults, and that Catholicism represents the “genius of Satan.” Jews, he believes, are going to hell. “You can’t be saved by being a Jew,” he’s said. Islam, he said, “is a religion that promotes pedophelia, sex with children.” And in a statement sure to please the Israelis, he has compared the treatment of Christians in the United States to the Nazi’s treatment of Jews right before they launched the Final Solution program to exterminate them.
You can't make this up.  What's astonishing is that Israel is welcoming to its midst a Christian evangelical anti-Semite; and doing so with open arms.  If anyone questions the final morphing of Zionism into a movement that offers nothing but hate for Judaism, at least Diaspora Judaism, this should affirm the claim.
Israel has lit a powder keg of provocation and deliberately so.  No Israeli leader has any appreciation of one of Newton's laws: "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."  Palestinians certainly will respond.  Perhaps even Muslims around the world will respond.  They will be outraged.  They will hate Israel.  They will probably hate Jews, because these settler Brown Shirts are marching less as Israelis and more as Jews, who seek to conflate the two statuses.
Last year, there was a Knife Intifada in which over 200 Palestinians were killed, many murdered by Israeli vigilantes and police.  That commenced when Israel restricted Muslim worship at the Haram al Sharif.  What do you think will happen now?  That Palestinians will break out their picnic baskets and invite their Israeli friends to join them?  No, of course there will be mayhem.  There will be revenge.
An interesting side note regarding the [in]famous song, Jerusalem of Gold, by Israeli singer, Nomi Shemer.  It takes its name from lyrics which implicitly refer to the Dome of the Rock, which shines like gold in virtually every tourist photo of the city.  Ironically, this is the very gold dome which these heathen pogromists wish to destroy.  Oops, no more Jerusalem of Gold.  Instead, we'll have Black Jerusalem, a city draped in sackcloth and ashes for the devastation committed in the name of God and religion.  But that too, alas, is foretold in Biblical books like Lamentations.
The Preacher from Hell – Who is Better Suited than to Offer Prayers at the Opening of the US Embassy?
Dallas-based Baptist Pastor Robert Jeffress has called Islam ‘a heresy from the pit of hell,’ while also attacking Mormons and the ‘perversion’ of homosexuality
Ha’aretz Amir Tibon and Noa Landau (Washington) 14.05.2018

WASHINGTON - One of the speakers at Monday’s ceremony marking the relocation of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem will be a Christian leader with a history of hateful comments against Muslims, Mormons, gay people and Jews.
Dallas-based Robert Jeffress, a Baptist pastor with a large following in Texas, told Fox News that he would be leading a prayer during the ceremony. Jeffress serves as an informal advisor to Trump on faith-based issues of U.S. President Donald Trump, and is also known for his support for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.
As Mother Jones reported, during a 2010 lecture, Jeffress claimed, "God sends good people to Hell. Not only do religions like Mormonism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism--not only do they lead people away from from God, they lead people to an eternity of separation from God in Hell."
Robert Jeffress says “you can’t be saved by being a Jew,“ and “Mormonism is a heresy from the pit of hell.” He’s said the same about Islam. Such a religious bigot should not be giving the prayer that opens the United States Embassy in Jerusalem.
— Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) 2:42 AM - May 14, 2018
 Jeffress once said that “the dark dirty secret of Islam” is that “it is a religion that promotes pedophilia,” and that Islam is “a heresy from the pit of hell.”
Mitt Romney, a former Republican presidential candidate, called on Monday to remove Jeffress from his participation in the embassy opening ceremony. Romney, one of the most prominent Mormon politicians in the United States, said Jeffress was a "religious fanatic" and accused him of incitement against religious minorities. "Such a person should not lead the service at the opening of the embassy in Jerusalem," added Romney, who is currently running for an open Senate seat from Utah despite his clear identification with the Republican Party. He is considered one of President Trump's critics in the party.
At the same time, the Texas Baptist pastor hit back in response to criticism of his views on Muslims, Mormons, gay people and Jews.
Around 20 percent of Israeli citizens and around 40 percent of Jerusalem residents are Muslims, and the new embassy, according to U.S. officials, will also provide services to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.
Jeffress has also called homosexuality “a perversion,” saying gay people engage in “the most detestable acts you can imagine.”
The Mormons have also felt Jeffress’ wrath; he has called them a “cult” not truly part of Christianity. In one speech, after bashing Islam and Mormonism, Jeffress warned that all Jews will go to hell, saying that “you can’t be saved by being a Jew.”
In an interview on Fox News Monday morning, Jeffress both dismissed and defended his controversial remarks. "These were comments ripped out of context from years ago," he said. "Historic Christianity, for 2000 years, has taught that salvation is faith in Christ alone, and the fact that I, and millions of evangelical Christians still believe that, is not bigoted and not newsworthy." 
Jeffress has praised Trump for his decision last December to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, equating it with President Harry Truman’s decision in 1948 to recognize Israel as a state.
“Jerusalem has been the object of the affection of both Jews and Christians down through history and the touchstone of prophecy,” Jeffress said at the time, “but most importantly, God gave Jerusalem — and the rest of the Holy Land — to the Jewish people.”
As he put it, “President Trump is a modern-day profile in courage, accomplishing what no other president has been willing to do.”
Allison Sommer Kaplan contributed to this report.

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