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A Glimpse at the Banality of Israelis Everyday Genocidal Racism

A Random Group of Israelis Talk Openly to Abby Martin About Their Racism
Pew Research Centre survey of the attitude of Israel's Jews to Israel's Arabs

This is a fascinating video of an interview by Abby Martin of a random group of Israelis in Jerusalem’s Zion Square.  ‘Who is the enemy’ she asks them, what do they think of the situation.  Sometimes they hide behind euphemisms.  

It gives the lie to the idea that Israel is just another western democracy stuck onto Asia minor.  The level of racism demonstrated in this random sample of young Israelis would not have been out of place in Nazi Germany.  It is clear that Israel is a deeply sick and racist society and those in Britain and the USA who try to pretend otherwise are parties to Israel's war crimes.

One American girl says it’s not any specific nation but people who are interested in being ‘politically correct.’  An Israeli who follows her is more precise:  ‘Islam is a very bad disease’  He says ‘We have to kick them away, it will be much better’ though not for those who are kicked away!  He clarifies ‘not to kill them, just to go back to Arab countries.’  Which was in fact the programme of the Nazi party – expulsion not extermination.

I think we have the right to hate them

Islam is a very bad disease
Another boy from the fascist Lehava group says that ‘Jews must not marry Arabs’ because Jews are a ‘special nation’.  Now where have we heard that before?  Umm circa 1935?  A certain central European country?

An Orthodox young Jew doesn’t beat around the bush:  ‘May their name and memory be obliterated’a traditional curse which means, let’s kill them all like the Amalekites.  Two girls laugh and giggle about killing Arabs and a more serious, intellectual type talks about Jews having ‘the right to hate them.  I wouldn’t trust any of them.’ 

Jews shouldn't marry Arabs
It might be worth casting our minds back to a Report brought out last year by the Pew Research Centre entitled Israel’s Religiously Divided Society.  In this Report we learnt that a plurality of Israelis, some 48% supported the physical expulsion of Israel’s own Arab citizens as compared to 46% who were opposed.  We aren’t even talking of Palestinians in the West Bank or Gaza but the supposedly equal citizens of Israel that the Labour Right and Jonathan Freedland of the Guardian lie about.
struggling to find the right word for expelling the Arabs

It was said by Daniel Goldhagen, a junk Zionist historian, that the Germans were an 'eliminationist' people - what would he want to say about ordinary Israeli Jews?

what is so shocking about these 2 girls is how normal they actually are - just ordinary teenagers who find the idea of 'killing Arabs' something that is funny and amusing
One religious gentleman summed up the Zionist lesson – god punished the Jews by first sending the Nazis and now he sends the Palestinians.  In other words the Palestinians are simply the new Nazis.   Another girl who is convinced that history provides the title deeds to the land to the Jews is convinced that the land was barren before the Jews came here, despite eye witness testimony at the time to the contrary.  We see here how history is written backwards, from present day racist assumptions.  Another boy tells us that it wasn’t the Romans or Persians who kicked the Jews out, in fact they were Hebrew tribes not Jews, but the Arabs.  Which sits uneasily with the fact that the Arab invasion of Palestine was in the 7thcentury whereas the expulsion of Jews was supposed to be 2000 years ago (which it wasn’t!).
there's no answer but 2 carpet bomb them
This is the real Israel, not the pretend Israel that Israel’s apologists would have people believe.  The racism you see here is a product of a Jewish settler colonial society.

Tony Greenstein

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